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Pearl counting continues in RUSSIAN LOVE in ways of  modern and thus ancient love, of a humanity of love, north, south, east, and west, within a whole world of eminent love outrageously wildly good good, indeed. children all over xthe world, again and again, are with their pencils in writing books counting pearls too. one by one, the pearls exist, as perils of the mind, of all, of an individual nurturing of perils is of great importance in RUSSIA and the whole entire world. 


with an important summit FILM RUSSIAN AFRICAN  SUMMIT from the OFFICE OF THE KREMIN of government of RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin , Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA. July 28 th 2023 , as a day of one of the largest summits of the international world, with more guests, than in all history of heads of states whom traveled to the summit in RUSSIA, ST. PETERSBURG, of greatest attendance, as arrive from the very large very gracious vaste continent  of AFRICA. 

Enjoy galoto Italian African ice cream, in the city of ERITREA with a FILM 


Luciano Pavarotti of the country Italy in composition of PUCCINI LISTEN 

July 30th 2023 
12:40 am from my tiny village

July 29th 2023 2:31 pm WORKING BREAKFAST 
with a very brief hello to everyone all over the world. With good wishes to darling sir Vladimir Putin, today, and all the travelers in the RUSSIAN AFRICAN SUMMIT. wishing everyone a finest summit and a great breath of love in RUSSIA today. Love to everyone all over the world. I am slightly excited, of some updated posts, yet to be. While mentioning that I am finishing some notes of importance in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press which many people all over the world, too, are excited about. Among many love notes. 

BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press announcement notes in print, took some extra time, delays, unplanned, and soon, I will be somewhat with my schedule planning on time. please read everything in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, if you haven’t already, updated notations even today. 

IN PRINT with film 


une momento, a message from BTS, ci, yes, excussi’ it’s BTS 
my darling fabulous seven men of BTS 
sent, from the country of SOUTH KOREA 
Film Credit: BTS 

12:25 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 30th 2023 
6:23 am SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA NOW July 30th 2023 

email from everyone at DESIGN WITHIN REACH, a lovely great company that believes in great design globally, as an international company since 1999.with my lovely friend and thee founder of DWR, ROB FORBES. READ 

“ small town” with John Melloncamp 

more soon 11:36 am from myself, princess lady, TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. I have a somewhat important message this Sunday Morning, as my phone was interfered with late last evening at about 3:00 am into today. Of course, a few years ago, the former Chansolor of Germany, thee very lovely ANGELA MERKEL, had similar issues, caused by the USA army then, whom were of a small troupe, in GERMANY, and were responsible for the phone issue, as Lady Angela Merkel, head of the government of Germany, publically asked the USA millitary to leave GERMANY. Of course, that then, was quite embarrassing for a few in DC, USA. Of course personal travel to the country was never restricted for those with real, updated passports on personal travel. People love GERMANY, and I have many very ole friends in GERMANY, from years ago. The Ukraine is filled with wonderful people and of course, they should have a government whom is with a proper president, as to even assure the online ability, too, and strong foreign relation of a greater fortitude within, lengthy list, of exactly what has been good, of care, for the people of the Ukraine. The lovely Ukraine citizens, deserve, to independently extend their graces towards a best, Ukraine. With abilities to seek a much better assurance of very necessary things to the peoples of the country. Much more than a reliance of a foreign office of in kind cares, to see great efforts, of boardering countries. RUSSIAN LOVE, was not easy seeing through many unseen, efforts. The concern of a Ukraine government of one, terrible Ivan, blocking good business proper, in fortitude of love towards such, cares from RUSSIA, has citizens of the Ukraine, whom chose love for RUSSIA of a Ukraine of very savvy good citizens. In the USA, unfortunately we have a dc dirty dozen, that which can not even recite the rules and regulatory standards for telecommunication and have failed to even begin to answer the questions of a very large USA of people everywhere in all villages and all cities of the USA 50 states, that are ready for a new era, and reality to impeach the whole administration in dc, that aimed even at my tiny little sweet international love notes within my esteemed tiny company.  What is to become, if there is a USA Godzilla on the move. Canada is tightening a few cares of boarders, too, and say no no to USA types of Godzilla technopunking in dc dirty dozen wrongs. I can say, on line recently, a threat in a USA army site, referred to, army as game, and not that of what the USA people expect in standards, with good structure of care to, remain focused on peace, in a USA soil of their actual realm. And not a radio flyer sport. Very large resoncibility of the peoples everywhere in the USA is of very good care toward a greater, reality for millitary limitations and not a blindsides dc dirty dozen, which have shon themselves to be notoriously unscrupulous. Thus, mortifying for the USA people, in and out of millitary. 

Angela Merkel, of Germany, was able to arrange an exit flight, for the USA army, that attempted security issues of her phone. Immediately, she made it solidly public news internationally. There is not room for the green room for lime light, in such disgraces, in USA misguided army structure of a large limitation in many ethical ways, limits are important as USA soil is USA soil, and even of rights to civility, and no room for the USA people of the country to just a loss taxes in the USA for a $9 billion dollar tax discrepancy of misappropriations recently in July 2023 in taxes - of the peoples to be illicitly unethical approved to funnel even more cash in a flying flea circus gripped with peoples taxes cash at Oval Office levels, and of an excessive issue for the people of the USA, to loss a very needed increase in the retirement and secular government social programs of peoples taxes, to see to good standards of the country of the USA, of the peoples rules, within the compliances of the USA constitution. HOWDY DUTY, is a children’s show, and the peanut gallery, is important. The children are asked if they have some question, and it is fully televise/ uncut/ no option to opinion columns and pure strait film. Of course the people of citizenship in the USA and many large numbers of foreign business people, men and women, have every right ethically to assure the new era, and ethical origination of the constitutional peoples ruling within the structure of humanities ethics. People have a right to speak of misappropriation in government within the millitary or other offices as a regulational ethical right of laws of freedom of speach,  and responsibility toward the people of the United State of America as well as a responsibility to all foreign people, everywhere, whom may care to travel to the USA of wonderful holidays and delightful people, and cultivations of many many citizens, good bbq, good services and great ice cream in summers too. 

The absolute right in all open door excellence in business, getting to summer time beach holidays that even the Ukraine and boardering areas of RUSSIA are enjoying, with some concerning, misinformation in the news. Cub reporters, are not senior licensed international journalist. The darling cub reporter have questions in the USA, and with savvy cares, intellectuals and important. Nice people, not getting the rose garden, questions answered is quite a concern in ethical looks at accountability of reports to the people of the USA as a large number of people, traveling of millions elbo to elbo every day in the USA.
Communication Giants are very mad, today, at dc Frankenstein sciences. Concerning Godzilla, unscrupulous idiotic minds of dc dirty dozen, are as mortifying to a success of stabilization for the USA in a very large savvy ocean of humanity in people of all villages every road, every state, in the USA, of greatest efforts, of success well done, in a true new era. An era of fierce deliberations of a lovely kind decent USA. In sir Vladimir Putin’s notes at times, sir Vladimir, has words, softly gently stated, of west, meaning dc dirty dozen. And of care and love towards the people of the USA of much greater a tapestry of beginnings, expanding their dreams, responsibilities in broadening,  and fruitful minds, very real. of course the Kremlin is of dignified diplomatic cares which are of lengthy respective honors. People in the USA are underlining directly of the dc dirty dozen, of abominable in the west too, now. , The graciousness of sir Vladimir as the Kremlin of Russia, are keen of  a very important a political strength to assure, mindful deliberations of cares, and responsibility of greatest devotion to RUSSIA, 75 million peoples in a firm assurance. It was not many years ago, that the artist PICASSO, and other painters,  too, firmly of expressions to not fear the steps, of bountiful peace in fierce ethical structure of love of the world, of people everywhere all over the world. 

How dare, a few dc dirty dozen attempt lie about the very good people, and attempt  to dither even time in the lives of people of the USA. And, attempt even more cash gripping in taxes. $9 billion dollars. Of recent issues, USA people want the pentagon, nato, and army, grounded, and an full exposure of the USA tax budget review with a peoples transparency of this tax matter, clearly a fierce care within powers of the peoples of the USA. 

Happy SUNDAY EVERYONE. in the USA and all over the world. 

more later today. WORKING SUNDAY BREAKFAST,  and a modest sos to international specialist. I am sure the phone issue will be cleared up within 24 hours. Thank you to the international astrophysics friends, of many years, throughout Europe into friends of the darling far east, Middle East, West Bank in Europe, England, Scotland, and many more countries in the West Bank regions of Europe, as high as Switzerland, and as low as Gold Coast Africa, Egypt, and more, Cuba and countries of South America, and the wonderful USSR of RUSSIA. ORNL, ole friends in the USA of darling people too, and UT, USA, at least, and more of the USA, farther including  Texas big country, with love, kisses sent darling people. Catch my kiss, and place it over your darling hearts. Apologies, as beach schedules are late, and well, beach winter holidays even in September, into October and Christmas 2023  can be exciting. In the 1980’s with wages great, savings good, winter beach holidays were always  quite lovely,  and in 2023, all should enjoy one beach holiday a year, at least.

12:40 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 

BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press 
with international surprises today and film within notes inBanana News. 

6:37 pm from my tiny village. Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW

message from STING and the others known as the POLICE 
MUSICIANS in a special political film short

Film Credit: STING 

more soon. even from my darling BEATLES
with a very very special message yesterday and today, into 
forever a tomorrow, never to forsaken people everywhere. 
Film Credit: the Beatles

6:54 pm from my tiny village in the forests of NEW YORK NOW. 
ole friends, in a USA forest region, own a USA INTERNATIONAL resort
with a film  xo to everyone, with love from princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

more soon. email from OLIVER STONE, a major movie motion picture honored film producer. 
12:14 am my online apple phone is up and working perfectly. Merci ‘ xo. avedazien ‘ Dubre din ‘

1:40 am NEW YORK USA NOW July 31 st 2023 
8:40 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 31th 2023 

1:26 pm July 31st 2023 from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW 

email from THE WASHINGTON POST read
more soon, my working breakfast is eventful into the afternoon. While I wish to say a late Good Morning to everyone all over the world today. with love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo, with kisses everywhere. 

2:30 pm special archive photograph from a special collecting of photographs 


working breakfast is running late into late afternoon. more soon. 

6:07 pm from my tiny village, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW 
the lovely messages are outrageously wonderful, from everyone all over the world. Updates even from ANGELA MERKEL of the country of GERMANY, of an exceptional country PRESIDENT, CHANCELLOR of the country of GERMANY, with lengthy successes. Wait until you read the updates. I can hardly wait to post everything. 

soon I promise to post, 
many many many messages for 
everyone to enjoy all over the world. 

what exciting international events in RUSSIA 

 and many globally are enjoying even a glimps 

of the events in RUSSIA on SUNDAY July 30 th 2023 from 
St. PETERSBURG RUSSIA. updates in even emails from the KREMLIN SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, in an abstracted email and a public online event  message are with excitment to read the loveliest message directly 
from the Kremlin of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin

 READmore soon today. 

9:08 pm July 31 st 2023 from my tiny village. update yesterday from ELON MUSK owner of the multi - international company, realized all over the world, TESLA. with a special message FILM 

4:13 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW august 1st 2023 

seventy seven, LAST CHANCE in a political film

Film Credit: seventy seven 

more soon. universal music email 11:11pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEWYORK, USA NOW. everyone knows, the Malone post, is where I go shopping at the large market.
 lovely of you all. READ 

merci everyone, thank you for more than a year of lovely emails so many times every week. I love you all. I was with lite groceries this evening and out at the market. Working Breakfast ran late and was fruitful. it’s outrageous the many lovely messages today. Everyone enjoyed the EVENTS FROM RUSSIA sir Vladimir Putin emailed earlier yesterday. merci to everyone in RUSSIA with love everywhere in the whole world. Xo sir Vladimir Putin, darling kremlin of Russia. 

the new era is exciting.
with very lovely GEESE in film 

Film Credit:
saranac lake, New York, Lake Front, USA 

now 11:38 pm from my tiny village. good night and good morning and afternoon in all of EUROPE and all over the world. Good wishes to everyone for good breakfast, lunch and dinner, sitting or standing.  Love Love me.

LISTEN my darling Beatles


AUGUST 1st 2023 9:19 am from my tiny village, saranac lake, new york, usa now 
Good Morning All Over the World, Everywhere. Good afternoon in MOSCOW RUSSIA and to sir Vladimir Putin, today, again and again, hello to everyone in RUSSIA and all over Europe. Hello and good morning in the USA in all villages, and Canada and South American countries, with hello to all south seas countries too. north, south east and west. Dubre’ Din. ( RUSSIAN words meaning have a very good day, as a fine hello to the whole world again and again. ) In England, just say GOOD DAY, and hello, in parts of the far east, SOU’ UM ‘ means good day. of course there are many other languages too. Africa, sometimes is with just a flag and busy villages of bbq, and kicking up dust, to enjoy a fine expression of incredible world expression of such an excitment culturally. Within the great large continental regions of AFRICA. QUITE LARGE with the longest major very wide river within the CONGO as the NILE RIVER is the worlds largest longest river, with incredible detailed cultural cares.

in messages of love, all over the world. And great love for FRANCE and President Macron in fine details.

Before I get into subjects very complex in historical world culture, such 
as the painting known as the LAST SUPPER, ( supper is traditionally a finer event dinner known as supper), as a reality of knowledge, the PAINTING of LEONARDO DI VINCI, of the city of DI VINCI, in the country of  ITALY, is with rarely known knowledge of the painting, which was, first painted as a fine fresco painting, quite large in the center of the CITY of DI VINCI ITALY. LEONARDO painted it and created the fresco incorrectly, and within one hundred years, the fresco of LEONARDO DI VINCI’ very famous LAST SUPPER, fresco painting, fell apart, with an incorrect mix of plaster. For one hundred years, LEONARDO DI VINCI made a very fine reality for ITALY with travelers from all over the world traveling to see the painting in person, with good traveling and greater prosperity for ITALY, even in business of international wealth of cultivated efforts and simply of kind world respects to all the world, never alone of the masses of lovely people of ITALY, and many global travelers. The serendipitous love of LEONARDO DI VINCI and of a large love within a large world, was with a kind care, LENONARDO DI VINCI continued one hundred years later, with only LEONARDO DI VINCI of great cares, to again, create yet the new era, of the actual same painting of the FRESCO PAINTING, LEONARDO himself painted and created from top to bottom side to side completely alone of his beautify FRESCO PAINTING, known as THE LAST SUPPER. Again, with the love of the whole world, a mass of goodness. With villages of business proper plentiful and LEONARDO DI VINCI, whom painted even more, at a length of a pure, lovely very vibrant care of the world. 

Topiary Gardening, is forever difficult and takes a difficult constant attention daily,
 With rare close attention to extremely fine details of leaf variety in tiny cares most 
people find  a exciting tiny love , of nurturing a real, topiary garden in a colonch to
work at an absolutely master, if you learn enough of tiny plants and natural sciences 
in a nut shell of fun, every day. A terrarium is a rare art form.
While usually quite exceptional in tiny daily opulence for all ages. Men and Women, and children 
have mastered fine terrariums for years. While BUTTERFLY gardens are very large, 
and difficult to find on maps, where the best butterfly gardens exist. CALLAWAY GARDEN
in Chicago Illinois is one of the fine BUTTERFLY GARDENS and of greatest a travel.

Film Credit: message from people of  the Nature Conservancy 

AFRICAN LOVE special photograph sent with very delightful 
freedom of expression in a world of cultural serious love.AFRICA has one of the worlds most diverse forests and largest desserts with the most abundant of varieties for lovely diverse wild life. More than ZEBRAS AND GIRAFF. within a richly  cultural natural reserve lands miles and miles as of giants, such as ELEPHANTS and many other wild life variety, of course LIONS AND TIGARS TOO,  
in grandure of spacious sky’s. Quite a life for the sweet, refugees for wild life. Simply lovely.

photographic credit: lovely friends of AFRICA

more soon. not pancakes, not ice cream, not the electric grill, today. 
Charcole Brick Style, two hour BEER BRAT BBQ BACK YARD EVENT 

Film Credit: charcole brick, bbq yard chef 

more soon.

3:29 pm from my tiny village, saranac lake, New York, USA NOW. it’s true, I received a message from PARAMOUNT PICTURES in Los Angeles earlier this morning. I have to say, due to a few extra concerns I have had of delays, in even phone issues, with even minor issues from the USA snap crackle pop, even today, MONSTER and the WALNUT, and the CATALOGUE EXHIBITION EVENT OF MY TWO MONTH SALE, is also delayed. and the in the pink events too, are in a delay. The many emails and messages from so many people in the USA are exceptional, and even many messages from all over the world. I am very excited that so many messages so lovely are of love for even MONSTER and the WALNUT movie, in motion pictures film. The ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK to is nearly ready for the actual sale as are many catalogue sales works of fine cultural paintings of my lengthy work in cultural broadened arts and business, with some lecture short film talks, too. The delays are slightly unusual for me, and I expect to be with a lovely and quite busy tiny estate home office of great excitement and even more exciting projects yet to be. 

I wish to graciously say thank you to each and every person whom has sent me the most lovely messages of PURE LOVE for me, and my ongoing project work at my company. Studio Vosse with LOVE NOTES and BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, with my many international and USA projects are even more special, of lovely people in the USA in every city, and all over the world. Vladimir Putin, a darling person and Kremlin of Russia, is of the most lovely messages as well, presidents from international countries too, have been very kind, to post many messages, thank you everyone, all over the world. With all of my good graces. merci’ with love, princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett ( TRACEE ) as my trade name. xo everyone. 

4:00 pm NEW YORK USA NOW. Friends From Many Years of Cultivations are wonderful, even new.

with ROB REDFORD at SUNDANCE, has been a great friend, and a person I have good admirations for in ways, that reflect Sir ROBERT REDFORD within his lengthy work in movies. MOVIES such as ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, about the impeachment of a real USA president whom, was causing damage to the USA and other countries. The powerful movie was worth seeing a reality of humanity in bold caring principlistic deliberations of intellectual chosen faite. The importance of the SUNDANCE INSTITUTE, which ROBERT REDFORD began as the founder of SUNDANCE INSTITUTE for independent films. Of exploration to film of worth, in freedoms of rights to expression of a formality and rights to freedom of speach, to speak in transparency of ruled ethical assurance towards the civility of dignation in a broaden vaste humanity.  ROBERT REDFORD at SUNDANCE INSTITUTE is with expanded films of international festival work, in CALIFORNIA, NEW YORK MANHATTAN, UTAH, in SALT LAKE CITY, and within all film venues in each city all over the USA and throughout the world of highly notable contextual worth, among many others. And with a emailed update to me today. 
direct from  SUNDANCE READ  
more with ROB REDFORD at SUNDANCE in films 

4:46 pm from my tiny village NEW YORK USA NOW 

4:55 pm from my tiny village, with statements and honored work of 

email update, archive from the ROYAL FAMILY in the country of ENGLAND, via messages of VANITY FAIR, today. read 

5:17 pm saranac lake, New York USA NOW 

message email 2:30 am last evening, PRIME MINISTER OF THE COUNTRY OF INDIA emailed with an update directly from Sir NARENDRA MODI, PRIME MINISTER of the government of the lovely very large 
country of INDIA  read 

from the lovely country of INDIA in film         very good of you sir, merci xo 

more soon. 

MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, special invite with an email abstracted in part, to read with media people of NETFLIX whom to watch. the entire email is quite exciting, thank you everyone at BLOOMBERG and NETFLIX. with a special thank you to MICHAEL BLOOMBERG. 

DESIGN WITHIN REACH email update just for fun read 

email from ole friends of CARNEGIE HALL 
and the NDLOVU YOURH CHOIR, outstanding. read

Photographic Credits: CARNEGIE HALL 

more soon. 

GRACELAND / LONDON invite email  

a lovely update from ole friends in DALLAS TEXAS USA, to me, and great love to RUSSIA and everyone all over the world. TEXAS STYLE LOVE. xo and merci ‘ with love everyone.

SMITHSONIAN MUSEUM Washington DC ART independent and of culture wildly diverse. email update from many friends in Washington DC over 30 years in culture and business, read about EBONY’s KITCHEN read 


email from the HIRSHORN ARTIST art, museum people of great peoples  and great experience in travel to the museum located in Washington DC EAST with a film 

PARIS FRANCE  ART ON THE FAMOUS SEINE RIVER  from the email of the museum of the art institute of chicago with a film 

KOHLER MUSEUM in the state of WISCONSIN IS EXCITING with many enjoyable places to dine, and even photograph the great Midwest. message update to note and plan well. read 

more soon eflux book excerpt read 

George Harrison  if you don’t know where your going 

more soon.
modest notation, in an international press notation brief, the dc dirty dozen, attempted to interrupt my tiny company today with some interruptions on my phone which was repaired of the damage very quickly with thanks to many in Europe. The upset, of even minor delays are apprehensible. As is types of Godzilla types of USA, unethical Frankenstein Scienes, in the USA. Of course, every person in the world, has a perfectly ethical right to assure a rightful election, in every process, and is certainly not wrong to work at, forever if someone wished. The people of the USA, including a former president, has a freedom to petition a wrongful election, and today an impeachment of the Biden Harris so called presidency. Every person in the USA has the right assure an impeachment and that of a as well as being counter seud by the former USA president, in an attempt to clarification of a wrongful election. of course those, that would attempt to stop that, are unethical and could be prosecuted by the people of the USA for attempting to block due process of the clear election results in a full reality of justice in the USA Facing very savvy USA that believe in, the clarity of a peoples process of ethical reality in clarity of rules within the USA constitution. 
Weather your in a small town, or large city, a small office, or a cafe’ job, the country of the USA are of a bold and kindly savvy peoples that are of a very large number of people in thousands of villages cities and states, with no one that would be tolerant of the Biden Harris Administration in such mortifying issues they have caused. The country of the USA is of many, in a reality of real assurances to the USA peoples and not an unethical deversion tactic with cash dumping to a wicki cadet reporter or pentagon. 

I, have to apologies for some delays, and felt the very importance to see through my international press statement, with upset about my rasin rum post not yet online, or in jars, with WILLIAMS AND SOMOMA, of such delights about my FLAMBÉ BOOK 14 century sweet opulence of the finest wild exciting story. MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV, might enjoy the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK TALE, as a theatre ballet, of quite some fun before 2023 winter holiday. It’s all so very exciting. I am very happy to see through all the catch up on my very busy schedule. Wishes to everyone, of wonderful breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sitting or standing. Love to sir Vladimir in a very special message tonight, and to all. I love you everywhere. from princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

tonight, a very special email that the KREMLIN SENT ME, is very important, for countries of presidents and their government to think about, with all international millitary about boarders, as of course CANANA too, is with extra efforts in boarder checks, saying no no to USA, dc dirty dozen, with Godzilla moronic, awful, technocurm goddzilling, and all boarders of international countries, outside the USA are assuring extra strict boarder checks - even the Kremlin of RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin  made that top priority read  I wished to note the extra efforts other countries really care about outside the USA and important. And dc dirty dozen are looking at curmudgeon, as a word in CHINA far Eastern Europe, meaning - giant flax back at the dirty dozen dc. 

Vivaldi from the London Symphony Orchestra for everyone, all, all 
over the USA everywhere and all over the world. With special wishes to love to you everywhere. 

Film Credit: London Symphony Orchestra 
secret message to Sir Vladimir Putin, of VIVALDI.  To  Everyone. xo merci’ 

more soon. 

10: 56 pm from my tiny village just a few miles drive to white face mountian.
one of the USA’s international loved winter SKIING RESORTS with a winter film.

good night everyone. 

11:00 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 

August 2 nd 2023 11:04 am from my tiny village 

Warren Buffett important update 

more soon. Warren Buffett and I - and  all, late for morning polo events for all the Fortune 500 picnic’s 
even burlap three legged sack races, and world class bbq. With a Dart Board Pavillion Tent, Milk Can Ball Pitch Pavillion, And Wiffle Ball Nets Pavillion. Maryland  USA Crab Cakes, Tiny Salt Potatoes in creamy fresh butter, crisp iceberg salad and summer fresh tomotoes in an antipasto salad with cheeses and turkey salami summer sausages, ancient recipe long bake- American Bacon Brown Sugar and Mustard Baked Beans, hot Baked Zita with Soft Italian Cheeses and Tomotoe Chunky Zesty Sauce, Riccota whole cream cheese canoli’, Ice Cream Strawberry Shortcake with Chocolate Sauce, with a  BLUE BERRY PANCAKE  Saturday Brunch Lake side too.

If you can make it, for professionals and individuals too, whom are not Fortune 500 people,  and all,  BYB brunch ( bring your brunch ) in traveling far and near, and of course, arriving at the lakes, inflatable boats pack well in any size automobile, and comes with an air pump to inflate your boat, early and bungee’ it to the top of your car, with a slow ride. Ease to arrive early at the lake, is with a fun little inflatable boat, $99.00 read  Noting some extremely large lakes are with inlets ( safe to a calm water, nearest shore lines. ), rivers are not recommended for inflatable boats, only smaller calm lake regions. With excellence summer fun, and beach fun too. Saranac Lake has perfect docking areas for small inflatables and large boats as well. 

brunch dates yet to be announced. 

More  about the lovely professionals of the Fortune 500, from  the executive 
boards rooms to the very savvy professionals at entry top standards. Boat Motor for inflatable rack, are at $299.00 , with of course ease to rowing excellence. read 

Silk from the Far East, in Faux Silk, are a fine little purchase at under $12.00 per yard. 
ANCIENT KIMONO sewing, is a finest fun, with needle and strong nylon thread, extra strong, for after the beach, for a little cafe’ cake and coffee, in fine little sandwich cafes’ with fine cake. KIMONO BEACH AND LAKE SIDE, with a sporty shoe, and chinos ‘ are even more fun. CREATE YOUR KIMONO easily, then even a gift kimono ‘ read   for all boys, girls, and grown ups. 

FINE JAPANESE FAR EAST KIMONO ROBE STREET WEAR, of far reaching popularity in even 
West Bankside regions of countries, such as the lovely country of ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN. 
throughout EUROPE, west to European far east, KIMONO street wear is loved. A sport snug walking shoe is best for beach and lake and village walking. kimono sewing can be under $20.00 read 
two full yards of fabric are recommended and a tiny pocket sized sewing kit. 

FILM and PHOTOGRAPH of the royal sketches   
by princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

pocket size traveler case

11:16 am DESIGN WITHIN REACH update in marvolous marbles read 

1:08 pm from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK, USA NOW with an update from specialists of grilled sausage - turkey sausage finest NEW YORK GIANT in finest quality foods, GIANELLI, friends over 30 years, with more in excellence of finest foods of the USA MAJOR QUALITY FINEST, coast to coast, of my darling friends over 30 years, then, now and into the future. with a NEW YORK FILM 

simply good business with love of people everywhere. 


le mon oncle from JACQUE  TATI  with  a political film 
un moment par foir voir’ the link MON ONCLE with puppies 

Film Credit: Jacque  Tati 

more soon. still quirks, in viewing my film posts, aimed at my tiny company  from dc. Godzillas.

Thee internationally famous JACQUE PEPIN, with world class excellence in
Southern Style USA crab cakes, and a look at white fish- crab too. 

CRAB CAKES FINEST. extra film 

more soon. 3:13 pm in my tiny village of saranac lake new york 

WORKING LATE BRUNCH with more messages to love to me and the whole world, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett , and with love to sir Vladimir Putin and everyone in Russia too, love messages many many many and more, from increadible people all over the USA and internationally too. schedule catch up, with sautéed eggs, over medium, fine garlic rosemary bioli’ extra fine chocolate crunch, cheese cake with gram granola crumb bottom and sweet fine jellied cherries - USA, standards. half x2 slice whole orange of manderin, sweet gerkin pickles, and a diamond cake biscuit of chocolate chip pan cookie, with maple syrup, freshly baked. 

friut juice cran berry watermelon from Ocean Spray USA BRAND 
Bustello Brazillian Coffee, and a hand blended lime home made soda 

more soon. Automobiles under $99. Per month shipped read 

more soon. xo everyone. Love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

The NOTABLE PINK PANTHOR, is a somewhat brilliant political humour. 
Yes, PETER arrived at the mote, and the bell for the door was covered in rasberry vines. 
my love for the work and love of PETER SELLERS  is forever. 

more soon.   earth to ole city   in Knoxville Tennessee USA Special Secret Place for Real Jazz & cake.
email update, Williams and Sonoma Finest Provençal Painted Table Top Ware. read 

Thee DENIS QUADE in conversation 
Film Credit: Denis Quade   xo and merci’ 
love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. email update. 6:46 pm NEW YORK USA NOW   

great weekend flight in, or train, for a fine experience of museum art and culture. 

 A crowd of people stand outside the Whitney Museum of American Art holding signs protesting Whitney boardmember Warren...

email this afternoon MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV update read 

more soon. 

( EAST ) emailed of many many great friends, excellent museum archives to view 

7:02 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village in saranac lake. 
2:03 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW august 3 rd 2023 

good day everyone, everywhere within the USA and all over the world internationally. The date today is August 3 rd, 2023 and the current precise time is 3:17 pm in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.  I wish to say a very fine hello to Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the lovely country of RUSSIA. Soon with a very special film, from sir Vladimir Putin of such a lovely delightful person, of very lovely wit of kind good cares. It is a very exciting film which I can hardly wait to post. A few more photographic NAVY EVENT PHOTOGRAPHS from ST. PETERSBURG RUSSIA directly as well. 

Today is a market shopping day for me, as I hope to film a close up of a 
real CANADIAN GOOSE in my lake public area grassy pavillion walking area with a docking area for boating and even rowing boat rentals. Three hundred CANADIAN GEESE have filled the grassy public pavillion lake area all summer. Just a ten minute walk from my tiny home office estate rental. Quite exciting. Canada is just an hour from my estate in a lovely slow beautiful drive, and with many that travel in to the lovely village and mountian region. Even the geese. The Canadian National Museum of Art is in Winapeg Canada and a lovely drive, that’s not far for me to make a day travel into the great boarder of Canada of extremely large a country. Much larger than the USA with love to everyone in Canada. Canadian maple syrup sales are very good now. Road maps of seperate ROAD ATLAS JUST FOR CANADA is very important to have if extensively traveling in Canada. Map studies are very important too, to plan well before traveling to any of the many lovely cities and regions of the wonderful country of Canada. with real MOOSE. 


more soon today, late, with some 
very wonderful email posts. 
email early today- 
Washington Post Read no one shall be debugged freedom of free speech and freedom of expression and assured ways to notable standards to a resolve. While, those of false aim at others can be held responsible in decimation of freedoms of rights preserved to all. Well organized friends, emailed me, friendships of over 35 years in many clean air and clean water types of concerns and many standards to assure in matters of more than envionment of clean air and water, with my many years too, involved at board levels for yes, clean air clean water and important standards broadly noted - with good stride of freedom petitions for all,  too - read 
The president of Bowing International emailed and soon, an updated post, to note, as a leading flight manufacturer and multi international company of USA flight planes,  the Southern Alliance, deeply involved and well established in the entire southern USA of very long established great people, friends in years of established great standards and worth. 
It’s been many years since we talked water and air quality at HAWKEYES grill cafe’ over pizza and cola. In fine conversations. With everyone at the SOUTHERN ALLIANCE FOR CLEAN ENERGY site.
secrets - yes, I am a noted society member of the professionals of the caa. COLLEGE ARTS ASSOCIATION, of over 25 years of many finest colleges of the USA affiliations and arts historical areas, including international connected established colleges globally with renowned cultural artists and stern historians, recognized with worthy cultural work globally and within the USA, from all walks of life. 

Robert Redford emailed, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, and more. 


messages all over the USA VILLAGES ALL, and internationally are with the most lovely peoples. updates soon again. xo from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

CEO President of BOEING INTERNATIONAL USA aviation email update today read BOEING INTERNATIONAL is a multi- international company, with headquarters in SEATTLE WASHINGTON of WASHINGTON STATE on the north western coast of the country of the USA, as not the tiny dc hill, located in the city of Washington DC, in Maryland USA, just a hop over to Virginia State. Of course affiliate of professionals in great cares of 
BOEING INTERNATIONAL, are in every aviation port, within every airport of the USA, and quite professional in every way, with serious hard work, that has made exceptional quality flights more affordable and with more travelers, and better revenue to really care more of real work, and real wages to assert a excellence in quality services with top standards. 

with great cares of the people of the USA and globally international people from every country. And a very special thank you, with love, from myself and the whole world of people, everywhere. 
xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

PERFECT ROAST CHICKEN from the excellence in chef work,
at home in his kitchen JACQUES PEPIN of the very finest of foods. 
Film Credit: JACQUES PEPIN. 

more soon. 

11:08 pm NEW YORK USA NOW email earlier this morning 
from ROBERT REDFORD founder 
of Sundance Film Festival Update READ 

Robert Redford in conversation   

Film Credit: Robert Redford 

11:27 pm from my tiny village
with a very special good night to everyone in the USA and everywhere internationally all over the world. Wishes for everyone to have enjoyed great breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sitting or standing. Good morning to all the people of all countries in Europe and to each and everyone, I love you. 
May kisses I send to cover sir Vladimir Putin’s sweet charming person, be with my wished of very lovely day, and many more into forever. Kisses to everyone too, catch. 
xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 6:34 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 

AUGUST 4 th 2023 10:59 pm from my tiny village 
good morning everyone across the USA and the whole world. 
71 degrees F. in saranac lake New York today. 

GEESE upon the grassy lake pavilion 
Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Film Location Saranac Lake, New York USA
filmed August 3rd 2023, 6:23 pm on my slow drive 

DWR email new collection,
the  egg collective 
with  designers STEPHANIE BEAMER,

more soon   11:38 am NEW YORK USA NOW 

ITALY, with drive time film update soon, from my friends 
in the country of ITALY at LAMBORGHINI 

11:43 am NEW YORK  USA NOW 

more soon. 

with a fine cup of tea any room  READ

KIMONO STREET DRESS with a daily stroll with your puppy might be just the thing with fine fabric choices as even ENGLISH WAVERLY, or RUSSIAN SILK. lovely summer project for all ages. 
THE STREET KIMONO  of the Royal Sketches 
in film: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon.  via VANITY FAIR email update 
from Prince Harry of ENGLAND and  Megan 
involved with the RUSSIAN TECH SAFETY PROJECT with a return LOVE NOTE yesterday to me, personally read 


with gram cracker granola crumb crusted jellied cherry chocolate cheese cakes TART 
3/4 stick of butter salted, 1 package cram crackers, 1/2 cup granola, crush with blender in a large bowl and mix well. Press into tart baking pan. 1 - 8 oz cream cheese with 3/4 c. Powdered sugar, and blend well, adding 1/8 cup of milk. Whip with electric blender. Best cherry pie cherries 1 tin. Chocolate chips 1 cup semi sweet finest quality chocolate chips. 

After CRUST is pressed well into tart pan, Sprinkle Chocolate Chips on CRUST, then add sweetened cream cheese , top with cherries, and bake at 350 F. For 30 minute in a pre- heated oven. 

from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

essential basics in PEARLS to assure forever. red quartz, agate green, tigers eye beads, read 
statements of love, in fine pearls, as heirloom treasures forever, of the summer of 2023. 
Table Lamp Best $ 53.24 with GOAT CHAIR read MARBLE ROUND X2 nesting tables $74.50 read 
Black Finest Folding Bed Basic $118.00 read 

PERSONAL HOME COMPUTERS - soft pastel colors $89.00 READ 



PAUL MC CARTNEY in conversation 
in a Film  NOW 

7:14 pm from my tiny village NEW YORK USA   2:15 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 
STUDIO VOSSEE in LOVE NOTES and BANANA NEWS are still experiencing some technical typesetting issues, and some film - areas, have been aimed at by nato dc Oval Office and a few at the pentagon - with Godzilla Types of things on their hands. Stationed in USA soil, and with some concerning matters of rank to lovely people of the USA. FILM should be working very smoothly again soon. Many people all over the world, are taking time to play the films and love STUDIO VOSSE. I am extremely excited about everyone’s messages of PURE LOVE. 

The BEATLES NOW 1.5 hour 
 special gift from the darling English Men. 

Film Credit : THE BEATLES of the greatest friends. 
11:19 pm from my tiny village SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA
GUCCI emailed with essential attache’ travel luguage sweetest friends, from the city of FIRENZE’ in the FIRENZA in the country of ITALY. READ 
August 5th 2023, 12:51 pm eastern standard time, from mu tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW. It‘s a sunny beautiful day in my village. I wish to say good day to everyone all over the world. DUBRE DIN, as said throughout the country of RUSSIA. Of course in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE of LOVE, hello as said in ENGLISH- is hello, and in RUSSIA, hello is the word, BREVDIT. So, hello to everyone with my thanks that there are language translators to read my LOVE NOTES and BANANA NEWS all over the world. With finest cares, i wish to say thank you to 

everyone everywhere, …everywhere, all over the world. Its quite lovely of so many people. Everywhere. With a great thank you to Sit Vladimir Putin as well, with lovely messages many. more soon. 
8:45 pm NEW YORK USA NOW  3:46 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW august 6 th 2023 in MOSCOW RUSSIA now, as I wish everyone SWEET DREAMS, in RUSSIA and and most of Europe, with a fine good morning in the FAR EAST at 8:50 am right now SUNDAY MORNING in BEIJING CHINA. It was a fine saturday afternoon at the pavillion lake with a little BAHA boating and a film from my afternoon at the docking area for boat launch. please assure you scroll down all the way, until my normal typesetting is repaired. The time in Rome Italy is 2:55 am early SUNDAY MORNING. London England, the time is, 1:56 am, 56 minutes after midnight. Enjoy the SATURDAY at the LAKE FILM. with all of my love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
       more soon.                                                            Film Credit princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT                                                                             
August 6 th 2023 3:49 pm from my tiny village. SUNDAY with a great many posts later into the evening today. with a brief hello to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA. Hello to many very ole and new friends in the USA and all over the world. Hello, to everyone everywhere. I am still having a few concerns on my studio vosse, love notes, in tools within my programing that have been aimed from dc dirty dozen at my very well established Online work. Typesetting is taking much longer than usual, and some films are being slowed, while everyone is contiueing to re- read the entire love notes over and over now, and are able to enjoy the films, assured not to miss any film. Some films have looked as if not even there and a very serious Upset to me, even once, caused by the dc dirty dozen aiming at me and my tiny lovely LOVE NOTES. What to do of the USA DC dirty dozen godzillas now is a reality that everyone in the country of the USA are focusing on, and with great people all over the world, whom love the people of the USA and have very good cares in such matters too. Everyone loves travel to the USA whom are with excellence in all kind professional ways, with lovely character. More soon.                                                                                                                                                                 SUNDAY WORKING BRUNCH late afternoon, with special banana cherry pancakes, with a extra fine recipe from princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT and sir VLADIMIR PUTIN via messages from Manhattan to Moscow. Brunch served with grilled potatoes in sweet cream butter, with HIENZ 57 ketchup, two eggs grilled in butter over medium, two sliced pan grilled toast in butter, two links turkey sausage JOHNSONVILLE, one whole manderin orange fresh, orange cranberry- watermelon sprizer with imported south american selzer, 12 oz milk always whole milk for excellent healthy Brain savvy milk fat needed for excellent health, black tea english style, one brazillian speciality coffee, 16 oz iced water. 
photograph credit and film :                                                                                                                            princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett scroll down for breakfact film. 
more soon. August7 th 2023   A PLANNING DAY, in online meetings with friends in EUROPE and in the USA. With a lovely short drive to see the CANADIAN GEESE, in saranac lake pavillion as ONE HUNDERED GEESE STOPPED TRAFFIC to CROSS THE LITTLE ROAD.
Film Credit:                                                princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett  posted August 8 th 2023 1:01 am with a great planning day on Monday and now its time to say good night and even good morning to everyone in EUROPE. In the FAR EAST, its already past lunch time at 1:03 pm August 8 th 2023 in BEIJING CHINA. 

more soon.  Still with some dc dirty dozen concerns : in only the love notes is experiencing concerning issues as usually there is with my web typing tool a greater ease. With lovely many many messages to enjoy more and more posts and of great excitment love and respective increadible vibrance from many in the usa and all over the world. I took time today for some extra planning in my schedual with a very lovely list of incredible furthering posts in love notes and some fine extra special films too, from sir vladimir putin, and many many others as i can hardly wait to assure announcements and a list of posts rather no longer a short list- broadly diverse culturally with even extra love, like no other before of a new era. The film update from an email today on August 8 th 2023 is at the lower post. As the great INTERNATIONAL PHILHARMONIC SYMPHONY CONDUCTOR says, keep going into the post again and again, even with good love for looking back into the present times and of love for the future of very lovely people whom fill each village in each city and each country everywhere of greatest love.   Time Now in Saranac Lake, New York USA is 10:24 pm 10:25 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW  . Tonight is a brief post with a wish for everyone in the whole world to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner sitting or standing. Love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett                                                                        
Arnold Schwartenegger in conversation w/ Ronny
more soon. xo everyone. 

Gift Film from JEFF BEZO highlights within thee WASHINGTON POST 

Film Credit :  Jeff Bezo merci ‘ very good of everyone Jeff,
 thank you very well again. lovely, with love to everyone 
and Jeff Bezo, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

AUGUST 9 th 2023 
WORKING BREAKFAST late, with a very busy planning time in a wonderful enjoyable summer schedule. Good Day to sir Vladimir Putin and all in Russia and around the world. Yesterday I was detailing some notes of little details to review, to see full smooth online love notes work even better as I send even more details to my friends in EUROPE about online tool difficulties. So far, the adjustments are looking better, and even better more into the future. 

Film Credit:
 princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
from my estate home office in my tiny village of 
Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA 6:12 pm NOW


August 10th 2023 6:57 am from my tiny village 
Good Morning, all over the entire world today. With a very special kind of love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett The morning in my tiny village is very beautiful, the geese were all over the lake pavillion about dinner time last evening. There was a small concert in the pavillion ampatheatre with several hundred people on the green grassy lake front lawn with their folding chairs enjoying some fine music composers playing a bit of guitar. The tiny concert was free to the public out on the pavillion lake grassy landing overlooking the lake of just a stones throw, underneath the canopies of truely giant trees, of a very beautiful forest region in my tiny village with fine hotels and inns, and chalet rooms rentable for even just an over night day trip. Reservations for overnight stay are recommended as it’s about an hour to a larger city in drive time. There are regular luxury busses from MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY DAILY, and even a tiny trolly to enjoy hopping to shops if taking a travel bus in and back to MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK STATE USA. 

Of course, international flights from NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK USA, are with ease to even travel into my tiny village from the country of Japan in the far East of Europe, or any country with ease travel. LENGTHY FLIGHT TIME of course flying from EUROPE to the USA. Or the USA to countries in EUROPE. Good morning to sir VLADIMIR PUTIN KREMLIN of RUSSIA this morning. Afternoon now in the lovely country of RUSSIA. So, darling sir Vladimir. Hello again and again. You wouldn’t believe the messages I have in photographs from so many people in EUROPE and so many internationally within the USA as well. Perfectly lovely messages with photographs which I wish to post more and more. 

I am still reviewing some concerning matters of online, issues, and assuring a detailed care of my concerns to then assure my little company online worth at STUDIO VOSSE, LOVE NOTES and all aspects of my company at STUDIO VOSSE on line. And of course live on the air events into the future with well planned worth, and assured enjoyable events in my project schedule, online or in person in any of my announced special events. 

WORKING BREAKFAST in length of further announcements to be. 
it’s very exciting to be with so many emails and messages to assure a greater post of truely wonderful people. MICK JAGGAR even, in his pink suite working on my pink exhibition with very good cares from friends, is wonderful everyone, with MICK JAGGAR’s tiny exciting film short soon, extraordinary love. 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 


PAUL SIMON and friends with a special recording of  “ grace land “ 

Film Credit: PAUL SIMON 

more soon. Have a nice morning, afternoon or evening all over the world. 
love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Good Morning everywhere all over the world, in every country, good afternoon and evening as well, it is August 11th 2023 and 6:18 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA. Good day to all in Moscow Russia as well, including everyone in Russia, and sir Vladimir Putin - hello darling sir Vladimir. 
Have a wonderful lunch darling sir. The little risterante around the corner from the MOSCOW RUSSIA’S world famous BOLSHOI literary performance theatre is a welcoming fine lunch cafe’ with ancient panini Russian Sandwiches affordable to any budget, extrodinary people there with finest freshest coffee, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Roast, Kenyan A A, excellent, fine Turkish blend with a roast from GREECE. Chocolate Decedent Cake with a mocha chocolate butter cream frosting and made with chocolate mocha coffee  buttercream soft confectionary mocha cafe’ flowers atop the lucious butter cream chocolate cake frosting. The cake is inexpensive per large slice at under $8.00 per large tall slice.
The butter cream chocolate frosting recipe is a Royal Chocolate Russian Butter Cream frosting and quite exceptional. Enjoying every minute to slowly sit a while just enjoying cake is a fine little luxury of life - in RUSSIA and enjoyed all over the world with cultural specialty cakes everywhere. worth a little travel to the cafe’ I thought to mention.

Enjoy darling’ say hello to everyone in the cafe’ busy with finest confectioneries and wonderful customers too. Enjoyable.

6:35 am note, a few extra hours today with more planning, and rum raisin recipes, with a few other recipes too, preparing the posts, with extrodinary automobile films in a driving films event, soon, preparing real easy fast chocolate butter fudge recipe to even post- made easy to create at any age. 

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER included an update today, among many other emailed messages later. email update from the former governor of the state of California USA and a major movie person, world champion athlete from the lovely European country of Austria, is exciting, READ , with more beach films soon. 
I can hardly wait for the extensive posts, even emails from THEE MALINDA GATES. among many many many many all over the world. The tiny area in my online issues are resolving well, with very good love. With details to extra fine notations and assure greater cake times with some surprises in a few more ancient recipes, expressly for summer 2023. Bill Gates update email yesterday is with a film soon in BANANA NEWS and interesting. 



perfect stroll with phone camera filming 
GEESE flew in from the country of lovely CANADA in film within the
saranac lake New York USA grassy pavilion 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. WORKING BREAKFAST preparations are awaiting. Enjoy your day everyone, everywhere. 

August 12 th 2023 GOOD MORNING to everyone everywhere all over the world, good morning to my lovely friends everywhere and in RUSSIA, and in the large lovely city of MOSCOW RUSSIA, and a kind good hello to sir Vladimir Putin, in MOSCOW RUSSIA this morning SATURDAY, morning at 5:59 am from myself, at my tiny village, in the fine lush forest region of NEW YORK, USA in Saranac Lake NY, as in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW it is 1:00 pm in the afternoon SATURDAY, in RUSSIA as well, now.

The DECADENT RUSSIAN CHOCOLATE MOCHA CAKE in MOSCOW RUSSIA increased yesterday with a tremendous increase in sales of baking chocolate, Swiss Processed and grown in Africa with the worlds most finest luxurious chocolate beans known as the COKA bean. The butter riche cake was a real success and increase butter dairy sales and whete sales with greater profit percentile yield earnings and less cost per pound to people buying and utilizing the raw product to make greater cakes everywhere. Increased chocolate cake even made in homes became a interest to wish a purchase in all ingredients in hopes to buy at a low price and keep the pantry filled - in finest quality and rolling sales for cake of course. And Panini RUSSIAN STYLE with pure RUSSIAN LOVE. Sir Vladimir Putin, bought a small personal brunch and amazing sales were a smashing success. Very good cake sales - WITH DECADENT RUSSIAN LOVE, for cake brunch, largest. Affordable for everyone. The Chocolate Fudge Recipe is very important to realize that the easy recipe is amazing, as the original recipe long form, is very difficult to create due to the chocolate delicate cooking process. I am excited about the recipe easy process anyone can make at all ages. And finest chocolate fudge with remarkable decadent chocolate fudge that can be perfectly cubed in fine cut fudge squares and then boxed as even special gifts- even winter holiday gifts, with beautiful silk ribbon boxes and never forgotten of love. At an extrodinary gift, made at home in all ages. Soon to note everyone. MICK JAGGER May see chocolate fudge boxed for his honor gift for the finest messages and a special film posted soon, with a special film from many others too, including a film from Sir Vladimir Putin’s very personal archive not yet posted.

Choosing the box ribbons are not easily done. Ribbons are a special touch and the silk ribbons in red are lovely, with a royal blue even, in a French silk ribbon as one of my favorite choices. I do have a planning day WORKING BREAKFAST that’s a lovely brunch like breakfast with fluffy buttermilk pancakes stacked high, and a Canadian Maple Syrup, from the country of CANADA, which is just a two hour drive from my front door. A lovely very beautiful drive it really is as well. Even with real moose crossing the road at times. A bear at times is spotted and over 8 feet tall, with cub bears at times. Far in a safe distance. 


Slow driving is very special to enjoy the landscape of finest scenic forest emerald canope drives, with amazing lakes and trees over one hundred feet tall in my tiny village, with even larger forest regions within the very large lovely country of CANADA. Strait NORTH of the USA. 

FILMS, Chocolate Fudge, in conversation, rum raisin sauce, blue berry sauce, cream custard breakfast tart, and a few other surprise soon. With important updates in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, too, and more essential notes with kimono fabrics that are fun, exciting and wort keeping forever.
Even some announcement updates, somewhat exciting for summer 2023, and math , updates too. 

Childern are jump roping too the song, no no show gun alley - and wild about important rhythmic sound.


darling friends in SOUTH  KOREA sent me a wonderful message yesterday. 
MUSIC COMPOSER V from BTS was so sweet to send such a lovely international film. 
thank you V, so well, baha is going to be even more exciting with your lovely efforts too. 
merci xo love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Film Credit: V  from BTS , sweet of you V, very nice of you. 

more soon. THOMAS THE TRAIN narrated by RINGO STARR in films 

8:55 am from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW 

August 13 th 2023, good evening at 4:40 pm now from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA NOW. 

Sunday Afternoon was filled with sorting, budgeting into the year, planning, and reviews, mostly reviews, with a lovely WORKING BREAKFAST, fresh orange juice, important in summer and winter, fresh dairy milk with breakfast, ice water, plenty to hydrate body, even in cooler temperatures, some lime home made soda, sugar free, and fine toast, pan grilled in butter, perfectly crunchy and tender soft grill, with some fine freshly baked cinnamon rolls with sugar icing on top. The online issues are being repaired better and quickly, with my review and email sessions in details. I have some fine notes and messages that are truely so lovely, diverse and important too, and even more in love notes to sir Vladimir and everyone everywhere in the whole world, and I care about each second I spend towards love notes exactly the way I write love notes, and no dally, as usually very eased, true of many many years of work in online events, cultural work, and some catalogue worthy efforts too. 

Planning notes and enormous amounts of messages are going to be with exceptional fun, seriousness and with a care of political savvy, stability of even economic areas toward good love, lovely of summer 2023 into the autumn times of 2023 and winter preparations of exciting fun - to read in love notes more.

It’s a market grocery drive for me today, and a lovely view of the pavillion on my way with geese to hope stay in the area through autumn and even winter. Possibly with St. PETER’S  ideals, soon to note more about Saint Peter, of RUSSIA. In the city of St. PETERSBURG. what you missed? Soon you will know everything. ha. 

with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

GOOD LOVE, from the RASCALS listen  

12:17 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW August 14th 2023 

August 14 th, 2023, GOOD MORNING, at a latest 3:03 pm, as I somewhat gain humor in saying good morning when I need to sleep late, and sometimes, extra sleep is not only very important, but also, very luxurious to experience after a hard days night, of pure exilleration in work and worth, with great employment, wages, and even thinking about purchasing a estate home, or rental estate, improvements, like adding a gate to the door, that is very fancy, and yet plain and simple. I myself, purchased my very own estate at age, 21 when I saved, and earned well, with great customer service and assured many standards in my employment, of five real years of experience and professionalism. My estate then, was with my first, rental estate too, then, with two French lilac trees, and an enormous rose garden, giant rooms and a fine little purchase, that I worked hard to afford. Renovating everything alone, and then interviewing renters then, with compliances that I had to assure in all humanities fair rental areas and many complex maintenance and privacy regulations standards. Never changing from those ruled ethics derived from the actual USA constitutional, origination of the ethics of amendments of 1-13 laws, of USA constition, always Omni present, always unalienable in never a change, of origination of structured laws of the USA rules and rights and regulatory standards. Serious when becoming a proprietor owner in rental estate business, and maintaining my esteemed employment - with love, in ethics, quality, professionalism, and efforts of many things, busy. Some times sleepy on my  two days off. If not traveling many week ends often on beach travel and more. or pruning the garden. Washing the two car garage, and assuring a full refrigerator and full pantry of basics. With lovely friends then and now. of course, you made it to the tiny village RUSSIAN PICNIC, in my city, on RUSSIAN HILL in my little utopia of the great city I grew up in, and with ESTEEMED, international guests from RUSSIA, everywhere arriving at the very lovely event, and in to my home for a fine late supper. No one in the world, missed that then, buzzing the RUSSIAN HILL, pavillion pic- nic with the boys from Syracuse and all their family. fire flies everywhere under the late evening walk upon the beautiful resavoiur water hill walk. 

The RUSSIAN BALLET, performed with Rudolf Nureyev, 
( my great great grandmother, whom was an incredible business entrepreneur savviest, loved Nureyev, and would have loved to know, he was a guest in my estate ) into the afternoon events, and then, RUSSIA on ICE, was spectacular skating with wonderful ice skating events. we all joined in after the fine delightful RUSSIAN ICE SKATE OLYMPIC event, preliminaries was a splendor to be in the ole wooden charming tiny ice rink. Of course, I grew up on ice skate, and it was enormously exciting. Then the skate of all, after the ice show, RUSSIAN STYLE with great RUSSIAN LOVE, in the REAL USA, love, too, American Style. Simply fantastic. Were there internationalist from RUSSIA sleeping in my estate, everywhere for a fine late breakfast into the week? The international event, was with people from each country. It was fun. NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST, even in from Toronto Canada, with very good friend everywhere. Weavers of wool, and great friends from CANADA too.

PLENTY OF BELGUIM WAFFLES, yes. and an ancient decedent RUSSIAN chocolate ice box cake, I made time for, in e utopia real.
of course, the pic nic menu was amazing. with middle eastern bbq kabobs, and curry sauce from ancient INDIA. Chinese jinduie, and much more. USA apple pie, perfectly sweet with green American tart apples, ancient prepared bake. Like no other. Korean pickles. 

What was on the menu?  International Russian Hill Pic Nic MENU BOOK, sooner perhaps, with lavish details of guests and ballet events and more. It’s going to be truely exciting., BARYSHNIKOV yes. Fine lovely man. More.  Riding in our automobiles. CHUCK BERRY update listen 

Quiet hall, entry, yes, never having anyone stand under a window of a estate, over spilling, as ( surprising this afternoon in my tiny village) and moving on, ever of course, 5 days a week employment was with 8 hours a day, with plenty of enjoyment after the work days was incredible, employed for very good business people that recognized very good kind savvy business professionals, were with care of eutopia too.  That year, I purchase a JAPANESE IMPORT, automobile, and a Korean import automobile, and then, a ford, antique automobile for a Sunday Car. Ford, USA Automobile 26 years old, and a perfect original part, classic car, very luxurious for SUNDAY. at a $25. Payment each month. It took a while to pay it off, though, sometime the best way, rather, if the % interest is extremely low, and then not a stress of budgeting expenditures. I sold the estate, 15 years later, living too far away, later. Enjoying renting, In fine little inexpensive estates, with more time, and no maintains of buildings, and extra expenses. more time to study horticulture books, with many botanical painting, and well, more soon. I have a message somewhere from the boys from SYRACUSE. whom embroidered my name in a real boys from SYRACUSE flight hat, years ago, in a city lovely. Then, now, and forever to be. 

more soon. 3:50 pm LATE WORKING BUNCH now and more planning details to see through today, while I am preparing for a very special August 2023, into posting updates amazing soon, with messages piles and piles, from people in the USA and internationally all over the world.

 all of Russia, is waiting. 

on fine fudge recipe ease. every age. 

CHINA too. 

3:54 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, 
3:56 am BEIJING CHINA NOW.  august 15 th 2023 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY  a few days back, from WALES ENGLAND, of the ROYAL FAMILY of ENGLAND, married to prince Harry, son of the King of England, HIS MAJESTY, KING CHARLES, KING OF GREAT BRITAN ENGLAND. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY as well a few days back, to TOM CRUISE, a boy once growing up in SYRACUSE NEW YORK, USA. and a wonderful person with a very established career in MAJOR USA MOTION PICTURES, and with some film and photograph updates, I promise. 

more soon.  ecussie’ ah, mio amore’ It’s VLADIMIR PUTIN the Kremlin of RUSSIA, ah yes yes, ci. The film is going to be wonderful, exciting. I dare say, Michael Grove said, “Sweet” .  Fine lovely yes, Une momento’ Elon Musk, update, ci. Yes. Amigo. soon. Bill Gate emailed today, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Bloomberg, owners ole friends southwest, ci, 40 years. Gray Gallery NEW YORK / CHICAGO too, Harry and Richard Grey, ci, 35 years friendships are great, more list soon, it’s time for a bear hunt. 

HARD DAYS NIGHT, in film. Sweet darling lovely friends. 

Film Credit: the BEATLES 

August 15 th 2023 at 4:47 pm, eastern standard time, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA NOW.
GOOD DAY to everyone all over the world, good day in RUSSIA, to all in RUSSIA today, and a very fine hello to sir Vladimir Putin the Kremlin of such lovely a RUSSIA. With a fine country of people that are of great cares to all, in all boardering countries, of cares culturally toward a whole world. The lovely expressions from people of RUSSIA, are incredibly lovely. With wonderful photographs as I love the messages with photographs, and wish to say thank you to everyone. Everyone all over the world, messages to post, and assure a proper place for so many, as it’s going to be rather exciting into thee big winter holiday, celebrated all over the world, everywhere. Today, I am still in my planning schedule that I extended a day or two. Summer is yet to be even more in 2023. St. Peter, was a great human being, with a keenness, that was unique and of a leading role in Europe which, was quite honored in the USA and throughout international countries all. St. Peter , of the great city of ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA of a city which sir VLADIMIR PUTIN, was later born, and worked in his first employment work, schooled and focused on studies in a University in ST. PETERSBERG, with very earned worthy honors,  with a very prestigious INTERNATIONAL LAW DEGREE, with honored excellence within lengthy recognized work of a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, as the highest most esteemed recognition in worthy lengthy work, in PEACE for a greater cultural attribution noted among scholarly honored peoples all over the world, with a cultural broadened effort of studies in quantified excellence of broaden curriculum and broader studies in applied honors, in ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, named many years earlier after ST. PETER the GREAT. 

What Peter the Great achieved was quite wonderful, in humanities love, of a high standard in individual accumulative wealth, of great economics, for all of the earlier histories for GREAT RUSSIA. with people everywhere that realized the importance of broadened humanities in economics for all. Loved, and strife of standards, of the great noble empire of RUSSIA. St Peter was so well loved, that the USA named a small, very beautiful city after St. PETER, known in the USA as ST. PETERSBURG FLORIDA USA. 
with highest thoughtfulness to capitalism humanitarianism. While today, in the USA some people know, His Russian Majesty St. PETER THE GREAT, as a person whom feeds the birds, with lush fountains of water sculpture in cities, and a accumulative wealth, ideology within all sanctitude of imperical standards ( of highest standards of structure within a freedom of humanity within ethics of the peoples attainment )  high, that everyone could afford to own, even a water fountian, and Berry Fruit gardens birds and people like well, for their homes if they chose, and always more in the food pantry at home, affordable, with cares of the peoples, to an abundance of foods at home, to feed the birds, and always enjoy a time to invite people to a brunch, always with enough. Each home, and a worth of  devotion from  PETER THE GREAT of RUSSIA. a world traveler Peter was, by ship, and efforts of shipping, not easy,  with earning and worth of High Standards in work. What love all throughout RUSSIA of the people of RUSSIA, with efforts to realize, and of worthy worth, in even mathematics and reading, high on the list. 

and more about PETER THE GREAT, another day. 
12:21 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW august 15 th 2023 
10:38 pm LONDON ENGLAND NOW august 14 th 2023 currently in ENGLAND 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY in  , the country of ENGLANDis the of HIS MAJESTY, KING CHARLES, KING OF all GREAT BRITAIN, ENGLAND. with an email update artical message , via VANITY FAIR .

The ROYAL POLO is quite fun with a special archieve photograph, real polo. 

Royal Photographic Archieve: ROYAL POLO, 
as also appeared in VANITY FAIR, sent, special messenger. 

more soon. SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, KREMLIN, knew I love a great game of event hockey, sitting in my best WOOL PLAIDS in an audience, as Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of RUSSIA  plays RUSSIAN STYLE are talk in ROLLING STONES MAGAZINE, update, film, while not THEE FILM YET. READ 

6:23 pm from my tiny village, NEW YORK, USA NOW.

RHYSODY IN BLUE, of music compositions by GERSHWIN
in PIANO by Vestard Shimkus for PRINCESS ANNE, of ENGLAND and 
with a BIRTHDAY WISH OF GOOD TIDINGS., in memories, and now and forever. 
Happy Birthday 2023 from everywhere of all, all over the world. 

more soon. IT’S A SCENE QUESTIONS in review and no fast moves in film uncut, the future now, four minute sketch, and everyone is asking questions with phone recorders and direct real open archives - for the people. 


Special Four Minute Sketch in Film
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett     MICROPHONE / phone ready record pro $14.00 READ 

3:05 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW august 16th 2023 , 

so yes, an aunt from Brooklyn, and traveling in, yeah, soz, I saiz to this guy, why is there a USA Building Crane, with an oak brook crane company, and a old, building in NYC gotz muck on it, and in the news, Washington Post, NYC, and tv, the picture ya knowz is from a building well known tooz, in the USA. It’s a cultural knowledge, yea knowz, and architecture fillz, um, books of that, architecture. SOZ, I saidz to the feller, it is not in RUSSIA and sayz it is. Spotted digitization ink- blots. Then, a very noted horticultural specialist, as a doctor of horticulture saiz, well, she saw the LAHAINA HAWWIAN TREE, and no ash content ? with a word of her direct feelings very frankly saidz, further more, the city has no interviews with those people - and whom were they and where did they go to school, and work. Family in film, and their address to send a food basket, properly, letting them know peoples care, and of course meeting press, to such love of family, then, on film uncut, with dc. She saiz, I really want to know. I care about people, they both saidz, I say, the lists of each person of their birth with their special history name, of aristocracy is very important, and  a proper list of all relatives, and work places, in assuring proper respect, where to send flowers, assuring a burial plot in helping, and a proper service televised of course, with such cares, where all can arrive as people do care to be there, a stone with their names, of course decently, and are  extremely important to the USA people everywhere. International film ?

Orsen Wells, made a radio movie film preview and was asked by the radio station manager to send it over, My friend Orsen Wells, did. The announcer in the radio, never reviewed the whole reality of the film, or history, no direct statements from THEE VERY FAMOUS MOVIE DIRECTOR , major film fame, ORSEN WELLS, you know. Darling Orsen Wells, listened to the radio announcement of his movie clip- cannon balls and fire works, labeled in a new film “war of the whirled baton” and the announcer announced that the fire works were - a cannon ball, attack in all over the USA. Three days and the whole world was very upset- then, my gosh, one announcer - denounced forever - in most job options - facing Russian wolves - then, in only Siberia to be with maybe a chance at a job offer feeding Siberian Sled  wolves at least.  Of course DC DIRTY DOZEN were not in pictures and films recently of any care to the USA anywhere. At all. Batons now, are the thing in DC. and songs at the foot of the dc dirty dozen of only four letter words. Freedom of speech, are not limited, with a word or two, openly of election wrongs - is a great AMERICAN USA ethical right of each and every person on earth- next are Films - and no quote, ghost writers. no Tax dollars ? Where are the budget reports , the reports of ethical appropriations of actual detailed strict restricted job details ? And why was there a Godzilla in NATO and the pentagon -Far range too, spraying at people in and out of the USA - and never to have those Godzilla buttons in their hands. Never. DC dirty dozen are looking for THE GREAT USA  BATTON FILM, ready to hover out. As seen in the tiny, political four minute sketch- what they did? and not qualified in any election ever again. Each and every child in the USA are ask to sometimes memorize alone reading, recite the abc and more, and childern of course answer those study questions with swift accuracy. Question anyone ? 

saiz . no more dirty dc dozen. 

Before we roll along more this summer 2023,  there are large numbers of messages, serious political, some what of a giant whole savvy population - waiting to see receipts and detailed productivity reviews - accountability standards, and Love for the movie CASABLANCA, original tv version. 
and a very large interest in saiz notations- with a rolling economy of esteemed work village and village and all villages elbo to elbo. 

recorder with play back ? 

ARETHA FRANKLIN, is an aristocrat in the world and a famous composer from the 1960’s in national USA tv in every city, in a song composition for everyone all, in the world., everywhere, in bold greater American history long lived within her greatest work too, furthering an aristocracy in a simple great well loved song that reflected inward the souls of people all, listen wonderful then, and now, stated boldly, introspectively and with quizzical questions ? 

more soon. 2:24 am EARTH CAM ACTIVE up to the minute, 
24/7 352 days per year every years, every minute. Add your HAWAII CAM and cam active 24/7 from everywhere all over the world. Click the Link, and connect you active 25/7 cam in your streets . 
Web Cam, with a door bell, and intercom system for outside, and then connect to earth cam all over the world. $13.99 READ USA postal people are ready well paid and devoted to your deliveries - with excellence in a great big world out there. Add your name to your cam, and stick it to your bike or car for some extra film readiness. 

easily, send BLOOMBERG NEWS a cam ready site, with your name, and exact location of a request, especial event, possibility. While people all over the world, get a view of your street, risterante and more, just looking at a street cam, ABBY ROAD, ENGLAND, up to the minute 24/7 352. 
with extra features to play back your recordings online too. 

with credence clear water revival 

Film Credit: Credence Clear Water Revival 

more soon. 4:33 am with BILL GATES 
unconfuse me in conversation with radio mics  
Film Credit : BILL GATES in an update. 

more soon. 

August 16th 2023, 5:42 pm from my tiny village, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA
hello everyone everywhere, all over the world, in every city of every state of every country all over the world internationally, and all people in the USA as well, within villages all, cities all, states all, into a UNITED STATES of AMERICA that has come a long way baby, as is said when you are in the state of VIRGINA, with it’s many cities and villages, and increadible wonderful VIRGINAINS, whom make VIRGINA a place to love as one of the 50 states of the USA, one state as important in all cities and villages as each state of the USA, that I my self have traveled too, all, 50 states even, by motor car automobile, at least once in my worldly travels. With each travel, people that I remember whom made it rather a fine travel, in a diversity of people as lovely, and diverse, yet with ethical cares of USA LOVE. REAL. 
just buying a soda pop, with plain good service is a fine memory in many fuel up stops, and even kind to offer carrying my bags from a my rather large purchase - in this tiny little dusty ole fuel stop one day, in southern Chicago IL USA on route 55, was so pleasant, I remembered the very finest of love, so a proper, to stay. In New Jersey, there is a deli, with people waiting for me to just drive in again, enjoy the fine foods, and say hello. Again. 

BUSINESS proper is rolling, in the USA, in some places, cola, can be said, soda, soda pop, cola, coke, coka cola, pop, soft drink, carbonated drink, or by the brand name, even GRAPE AND ORANGE NIHI, 
a childhood favorite. And vibrant flavor, just right at times. 

is reserved for very special suppers, and the TOP SECRET RECIPE, for the VOLCANO SODA POP, planned a month ago,
is soon going to be - in my SUMMER 2023, tote brunch supper at the pavillion with real CANADIAN GEESE everywhere, and a time to bring a corn biscuit  treat the geese will love to dive into with a fine film in my international film short film. With even more films from people in the 50 states and among international films all over the world, everywhere. 

RUSSIA sweets in a crumble biscuit to tote in a fine brunch 
supper too, and even more national and international 
fashion shows from more and more countries too, 
into autumn months 2023. 

11:12 MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW with a lovely hello to sir VLADIMIR PUTIN, Kremlin of RUSSIA with a congratulations on the great hockey event, with a ROLLING STONES MAGAZINE note published film. 
very nice, nice nice, as said, TENNESSEE STYLE. while not yet the especial FILM, THEE FILM film short, from thee KREMLIN of RUSSIA, SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN. a delight. I dare say.

6:17 pm NEW YORK USA NOW   with more than four hundred times the messages since yesterdays many messages and still a need to some further planning in my schedules and post lists that is very good everyone. Thank you with all my love. from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 
I love you all. Apologies, in delays. 

NOW, an important cultural exhibition from a dignatary in 
the arts, and with international works of cultural monumental
 art, in bronze known all over the world. With outstanding 
cares of cultural expression in the arts, as an internationally
 renowned professor at the college within the 
 as well as a mean, guitar player, unplugged of course cafe style, that loves a bit of NASHVILLE 
cafe fun, in Sunday RARE AFTERNOON JAM SESSIONS, in 
cafe guitar events. Chicago ILLINOIS to NASHVILLE TENNESSEE 
week end day trips are a bit exciting with

 my ole FRIEND 
in conversation


more soon. MIDNIGHT PLANNING SUPPER TONIGHT.  with love to everyone, wishing everyone in the whole world, everyone everywhere, a fine breakfast lunch and dinner sitting or standing. 

known as HAWAII TIME from my friends in HAWAII.

more soon. 

Children enjoy SIT AND SPIN, ages are about 1.5 years old with close watch to children for assurance to great cares at such early childhood years, and into ages 2 reaching good steady turning, 3 very exciting, and then a turn style spinner at age four and up. not yet in film. enjoy. 
credit: avid dad film with fine attention to toy quality for children. 
1960’s design sit and spin, reality. 

more soon. 

August 17th 2023 at 6:19 pm in my tiny village SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA NOW. Good morning everyone everywhere all over the world. Good morning to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA and a very lovely, lovely darling man. I sent a very special message from NEW YORK USA to MOSCOW RUSSIA, with delight of excitement of RUSSIAN CUSTARD, to post soon in my reality of schedule - still reviewing a few little details for my little tiny studio vosse, and that of great love to Sir Vladimir Putin and everyone, so lovely the many many messages all over the world. It’s going to be quite good. Russian Custard Crème Tart, with raisins cinnamon spooned over with RUSSIAN RAISIN RUM SAUCE, quite a tart for early morning breakfast. Baking two at a time, with a second tart freezer ready wrapped by the slice. CUSTARD tart is excellent for great brain foods, with a glass of milk and a lovely glass of orange juice or a citrus juice. Even with morning cereal favorites fast refreshing and energetic. The very special  rum raisin sauce, is on my mind today to post soon, there are so many messages- it’s wildly lovely and caring of everyone globally. and SATURDAY, in two days from now, should be with my announcement ready for updates on important posts, messages many of ongoing posts, special automobile drive time posts, RUSSIAN NAVY SPECIAL EVENT POSTS, and CHINA NAVY special archive posts, with even more. A film especial direct from MOSCOW RUSSIA, special archive. soon.

PRESTON JACKSON was kind enough to update recently: in conversation 
in FILM 

dated films, may have been, 
accidentally dated incorrectly in a few. While updates are current in many and most and nearly all. Unless historical films of original origin filming. Remasters historical films and music, are very kind of everyone in MAJOR PRODUCTION, and all film updates, or original origin films too and the recordings efforts in uncut film are perfectly lovely,  thank you. You’re all, delightful. 
with love from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soonEnjoy your morning, noon or evening where ever you are, to everyone in the whole world. Sir Vladimir, it’s very special RUSSIAN RUM RAISIN with crème du la creame real RUSSIAN CUSTARD TART. I can hardly wait. 


good day and late after midnight evening to everyone. The meetings on line are going rather well, in areas of need for LOVE NOTES to see, repairs in ASSURED STANDARDS in online areas too, very important online too. Of course in EUROPE at this time is morning and afternoon in many countries of EUROPE. VITRA  is a company in the country of GERMANY and always meet online at after midnight hours invites, of design forums - developed over many years, since 2007 VITRA online meeting in design forum invites, then and now have busy work preparation. With a board of director position invite to me within GERMAN cultural forums, online forums to me, are work, difficult at times- starting international exhibitions even in 2002. 

Thank you to so many then and now internationally in all countries for enjoying cherries jubilee with me, and everyone within the USA and all over the world. You’re the very best. I love you, everywhere.

Today I wish to include, a fine memory of the CORPORATION LAWYERS, I used to set sail with, in the Great Lakes of the USA sailing in lake MICHIGAN. One, of the five GREAT LAKES of the world. THE ONLY GREAT LAKES there are. Not the five finger lakes tiny lakes of the NORTH EAST, that I realize well in travels too, very early, driving alone. Photographing many travel experiences my weekender travels- The LAWYERS, all of us, side by side, mornings at 7:00 am red eye trains into our scheduled working 5 days a week, daily, polishing our shoes and sharpening our pencils, on the run, with an attaché and hopeful perfect travel cup of fine coffee, MY COFFEE DAILY WAS A FINE ITALIAN BREW SOME DAYS, RUSSIAN, AFRICAN KENYAN AA , some FINE SMOOTH SOUTH AMERICAN too, fortunate to enjoy the choices and lowest price affordability. BREAKFAST, at home often at 6:00 am. Red Eye Train ready to jet home on that train, at 4:15 pm with a wonderful sail set by 6:00 pm with pizza and salad, a milk shake, colas, and fine friends side by side, shoulder to shoulder sailing too, every THURSDAY. Plenty of time to  busy studies more and pressing clothes each business day. 

The CLE, is the preliminary level of pre college requirements for a CLE SCORE, that must meet the requirement to assure that all people wanting to attend college need a CLE passing score to be ready for advanced studies in their education attainments in studies as important to gain a COLLEGE LEVEL EXAM ( CLE ), score of passing grade score. Before the approvals to any college classes are approved to attend. Not scoring well, means more extra independent studies to assure you have the preliminary efforts in dissemination well studied. Free test of the CLE can be taken over and over until you score high enough. Then the college work - begins and can be 12 years depending on the subject of study and levels of degree- and of course thats a reality for individual efforts to be working at extra types of formalities in achieved degree college. In classes daily. Many work full time too. 

of course, important to be able to pass a legal exam at every level - if becoming even a real lawyer. CLE is also with a constitutional requires grade score too, and a separate score that is within a highschool transcript of CLE learned and then just an a free CLE TEST.

I didn’t forget about corporate lawyers - sailing or not, from the red eye train, suites lined up busy daily, ready to assure many many very tedious standards- Cherries Jubilee was delicious and thank you all, with love, and even extra efforts at the CHICAGO LAWYERS ASSOCIATION too.

everyone can call LAKE COOK REGION in Mount Pleasant ILLINOIS USA at COOK College 
, to see when the next CLE exam is scheduled and make an appointment to go ahead and take the free CLE that is a 16 hour exam over two days, pure exam and bring lunch a drink and snacks, it’s a long day and early again for a long next day to a very lengthy in person exact,  if you are taking your exam CLE with a grilling quiet full - pencil / ink pen only exam in person. With a standard constitutional test that is of the original 1994 exam standards and of the original real USA standards of the CLE exam pre college - not the 6-8 year law exam. of course - independent studies is always a great attribute in even just employed and assuring broadening your own lovely lives.

Late Night Love Note of cares from CHICAGO ILLINOIS USA with legal service to read if you wish. 

3:04 am from my tiny village 

update 3:12 meeting messages with the LOVELIES RUSSIAN FRIENDS of all ages VIBRANTLY with an outstanding festival of MOSCOW RUSSIA in the TAVRIDA ART FESTIVAL, expressions in cultural form of youth art festivals for all, and all ages of  welcome with RUSSIAN LOVE, wildly delightful in MOSCOWx RUSSIA NOW.
READ  sweet lovely RUSSIAN LOVE 
to enjoy reading all over the world,. Thank you everyone all throughout RUSSIA as well as MOSCOW RUSSIA. What a delightful surprise. I love you all, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Perfectly delightful. xo to you everywhere. 

more soon. 3:37 am from my tiny village 

2:22 am from my tiny village SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA NOW. 
AUGUST 19th 2023, two hours and twenty four minutes after midnight. 

Good Morning everyone, good day to all, and sweetest dreams to those, many asleep right now in the USA and international countries of the western hemosphere all countries. South American Countries of many in the regions of very large South America, and the south seas countries, as well as Cuba, and Canada. 
it’s night and early morning - sweet dreams to all. In BEIJING CHINA, it is 2:29 pm now , FAR EASTERN EUROPE time that is. AUGUST 19 th 2023 in the far east now too. 

update from MOSCOW RUSSIA with is thee central capital city of the COUNTRY OF RUSSIA, is a honor ceremony in RUSSIA at the OFFICE of the KREMLIN, Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN, KREMLIN of the country of RUSSIA. THE HONOR TO THE SUPREME COURT PRESIDENT of JUSTICE OF PEACEABLE court to serve the people.
 Vyacheslov Lebedev well esteemed and an . EXCELLENT UPDATE READ  

August 19 th 2023, 5:13 pm from my tiny village SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK, USA NOW.

Good Morning, to everyone, all over the world, good day everywhere. Hello sir Vladimir Putin, as Kremlin of the country of very lovely RUSSIA. Hello to all in RUSSIA as with incredible numerous cities and villages very large, to smaller and even tiny village cities too. Most people in RUSSIA’s vast largest country are sleeping now. Sweet dreams to you all. Sweet dreams in Europe everywhere, with a very early good morning in European Far East at 5:20 am now in BEIJING CHINA. 

Good day and evening to everyone across the 50 states of the USA, and vastly larger than the USA too in the country of CANADA, and SOUTH AMERICA, and the south seas large island countries, including all my lovely friends, people all in CUBA.  When I was just a girl, at age 4 years old, I loved listening to the big music brass compostions of LOUIS ARMSTRONG. A world famous music composer and very loved for his songs and his brass music ensemble orchestra, with solo tuba and trumpet horns, unlike any other. 
World Traveler, LOUIS ARMSTRONG, keenly was incredible person, with a USA all AMERICAN LOVE, which was of excellence in music achievements, with wages made from his recordings. A step up in earnings from his donuts shop sales ? Maybe so. Though the lovely LOUIS ARMSTRONG brought himself to the height of beautiful music that everyone in the whole world loved, then and now, and into the future. Even with dress shoes on, and full skirts - velvet dress coat dancing. Alone, or two paces apart, with just a softly beautiful gesture of merely touching just tips of fingers. Perhaps. So many of my lovely friends, do meet me half way in a classic modern box step dance, none more remarkable without
 LOUIS ARMSTRONG. The whole world a existance of a bold box step, with a very notable famous song. In FILM.

Film Credit: LOUIS ARMSTRONG earlier than 1969 televised free tv USA, 
and now in LOVE NOTES, post, with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

excussie’ une monmento’ ci. yes, TOM CRUISE ? Ci. more soon. drive time, ci. une momento’ one moment. Baha, ah. yes, with pancake brunch menu in pure wool. Thee FILM, THEE, FILM from darling Sir Vladimir Putin, is not posted yet. You know, Thee Film. I can hardly wait. 
5:43 pm NEW YORK USA NOW. 

Message in introspective political film from WORLD FAMOUS major movie personality, and my darling ole friend, 
JACK NICKELSONas I am, delayed from annual brunch at CALABASH risterante events in PASADENA CALIFORNIA, USA, while the increadible message, is very good. 
Thank you JACK NICKELSON, everyone. 

with love, and the update message from THEE JACK NICKELSON , and simply darling everyone in major movies in FILM 

merci xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

AMORE’ (love in the Italian Language ) 
from my darling BEATLES, “all you need is love” 


more soon. 8:53 pm  NEW YORK USA NOW. It was a day of a rather busy planning day with a WORKING LUNCH, which ran rather late. The absolute finest SAUTEE’ ITALIAN MOZZERELLA cheese griller, on perfect fresh Italian Slices of Bread, grilled in plenty of butter, topped with a sautéed egg, over medium with a slice of garden vine ripe fresh tomotoe and slices of sandwich dill, pickle, lite smattering of mayonise. 

update from sir Vladimir Putin KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, in a email yesterday also noted at the online government office, RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin’s office as well, 
with a bit of exciting notations directly from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin. READ 

more about the Chicago ILLINOIS USA   - to Wisconsin 
Filmed in my tiny village estate home office in SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK, USA 
at precisely 7:48 pm august 19th 2023 
eastern standard time. USA, with no flare lighting, no strobe lighting, no purple lighting, no electric strobe heater fire side electric fire place lighting, no smoker coils to lite as standard insect repellent at all pic nic outings. Coil smokers, for Mexican Bean Pots / known as fine dish ware for excellent BBQ. the coil is a 6 “ cake size flat incent coil scented, and smokes all day- for events outside. Of course standard American BBQ for an insect free long afternoon summer autumn even. Clap pot dish ready to smoke.  

Simply great natural light was used to assure my little film. Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

10:50 pm from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA NOW with an update from THE KING AND QUEEN of the country of ENGLAND, of GREAT BRITAIN, HER MAJESTY QUEEN CAMILLA, Dutchess of Cornwall, and HIS MAJESTY KING CHARLES, as KING CHARLES, his Royal Majesty, and the ROYAL GOVERNMENT are with a direct message READ 

Thank you everyone EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH, as too the ROYAL FAMILY of ENGLAND and all of ENGLAND too, everywhere all countries, for joining me for ROYAL CHERRIES, jubilee flambé’ merci’ ( of gracious thank you everyone. ) 

with love from myself, princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Thank you all, again. 

more soon. 1960 design international patent, Ah, yes, smoker coil 6 “ ( inches diameter ) = ( cake plate size), insect smoke coils for every out door event READ with no mosquitoes throughout a full 8 hour coil use. Strobe fun, indoor sciences light bulbs ? 60 or more years- strobe and purple light, described by a man named, Mike Johnson, in conversation in FILM merci” everyone, Mike Johnson is from the USA. While not of JOHNSON AND JOHNSON. I added the hover craft - retrofit Cyclopes, not the REAL HOVER CRAFT, from the TORONTO CANADA public museum basic science exploratory museum, mostly math and reading realities types of fun, for all ages. Young Street, TORONTO, CANADA, if thee specialist of thee HOVER CRAFT is lecturing. Indoor presentation only for the real hover craft, once mistaken for a space craft with possible people from mars and the moon, by two or three people - never seeing a hover craft before, built in mid 20 th century. While not for human passengers - due to weakened power and no safety ability to approve the hover craft for any human travel.

thankfully for finest jets that world has ever seen, very comfortable flight time, and total luxury’s in highest international approval standards in safety in flight. I myself, enjoy a small flight jet, 50 seats, or the giant 747 that flies regularly to even Hawaii just like shipping flights too. Two trips a year to the great summer or winter holiday beach side soothing lovely jewel to enjoy a week to ten days at KAWANAKAWHO ‘ of the islands of the state of HAWAII. luxury’s hotel travels of the finest. the retrofit Frankenstein idiot bad muckscience, hover craft film - is a no no in flight and water crafts. READ  the real hover craft, is not even as large as a pup tent, and can only lift a dinner box for a dozen. Dome like with a platter under it, and no handles. Just a tripod legs that are hinged and unfold when the hover craft lands. Strict rules and regulations of the hover craft that is with a lecture inside in the public museum observatory and then roped to see everyone just stand to face the hover craft lecture while learning all about the hover craft flying saucer. Nearly 50 or 60 years ole. 

Very exciting to see inside the magnificent museum in person. 
It’s a simple public all invited museum as all museums are. Pure fun.

Pizza in Toronto, Canada is excellent as well. Or surf and salad with pasta- under $14.00 Assure you make reservations before you fly out on a few days travel. Of course after a regulatory breach in the USA, with dc dirty dozen on the run, taxes are even more important to assure eyes on the dc dirty dozen, serious wrong doing, and then comments from RADAR ORIELY, in photographs everywhere. READ 

12:35 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 

excussi’ it’s a ole friend, MICHAEL. Nearly time to as MICHAEL says “ rock and roll” as he means, 15 million customers will be gearing up to little travels, through the week and weekends, with a chance to order a real five star ROYAL FLAMBÉ perhaps, with excellence in five star chef accreditations, a finest simple five star standard menu, is within a few risterantes throughout the USA. While enjoying perhaps a three layer specialty chocolate cake on an extra large platter, and fine freshly brewed coffee, perhaps true ceaser salad, in a picturesque view of the duck pond with ducks and possible strolling wild stallions in a large field flowery view from the little five star risterante. Though some risterante like a rose at the garden entrance or a fine bench seat outside. Hyman’s Risterante is with a wonderful seafood window display when customers line up at Hyman’s Seafood in Charleston South Carolina USA. Ocean Village city, spectacular. A wonderful JAPANESE risterante I like well, always busy, has an incredible window view of a patch of bamboo trees in a fine little contained garden and with 10 feet bamboo trees so beautiful to see through a very large window. While the coi fish pond entry to the finest Polynesian Risterante is with extremely excellent foods, located in Connecticut USA, NEW HARTFORD. Perhaps Fine Fried Fish and Chips ( chunk pototoe fries, with season salt and ketchup), with over 1000 orders every hour, in the smaller risterantes with fine take out bag brunch foods, corn fritters sweet and freshly fried with powder sugar dusting. Or the HAWAII top secret volcano soda pop for all ages. Soon, for summer 2023. Easy FUDGE, all over the world, made at all ages. With ribbons to select for your own box gifts for any holiday. Extra layer of iced mint frosting - of the finest special secret in my own top secret recipe - for easy fudge - to enjoy or gift. With extra special mint layer. Soon posted. And perhaps BUTTER OLE FASHION FUDGE with a fine delightful fudge Riche reality. Aunt Mahalias Candies Shop make fudge daily- and 15 million people a year travel in to enjoy a small inexpensive box ready to gift or devour it of the finest quality confectionary excellence in five star confectionary chef honored candies. Not an easy honor to achieve. Excellent wages and finest profits - low prices affordable to rock and roll- with affordable real travel- and plenty of customers - daily, weekly, and all year, with top earnings for great wages - in employment stability. Paid vacation pay is a fine thing to offer in assured standards in employment. Usually after the first whole year - employers , many pay a whole week wage for a week vacation time off. In the third year - standard vacation pay is two whole weeks with full week paid vacation time off. What a nice reality for employers to be able to assure in a low price point and - top notch quality. 

more soon. As now it’s 12:53 am August 20 th 2023, from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USANOW.

In 2009 my honored photographs of HAWAII with honored nationally by 
PBS independent lens in the CHICAGO CULTURAL CENTER in CHICAGO ILLINOIS, USA  with over 1200 photographs a day on my ten day summer travel to HAWAII USA.  It was travel to five of the seven islands by flight from LAX airport, in Los Angeles California USA and a few hotel days at WAKIKI BEACH, on the MAIN ISLAND,  and then by 
special photograph archive Nationally and Internationally Honored, 
photograph credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett READ  

TRUTH, international love to the USA and all countries is amazing and all over the world. 
Enjoy Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner everyone, everywhere to everyone all over the world. MICHAEL is looking to earn well into summer 2024. as he likes to say busy means ROCK AND ROLL. 

196O’s  and today.


4:46 pm update from the internationally honored and with excellence SHRINERS HOSPITAL medical teams, for BURN ISSUES that are extensive, With a wonderful film from everyone located in SPRINGFIELD CONNECTICUT USA, and BOSTON SHRINERS HOSPITAL, in BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS USA, with a very large SHRINER SOCIETY that raises money to assure free service for any person or child in need of any extensive burn care for excellent medical doctors, with great professional kind darling medical staff. Travel and Lodging are included with assurance from THEE SHRINERS HOSPITAL, and include all family to travel with - not alone. No over night stays in most serious issues of needs to anyone with medical needs from a serious burn. Dental issues for teeth are without need as teeth are not effected by any burn as the gum if burned issue, SHRINERS ARE THE RECONSTRUCTION people of the USA with honored expertise in medical doctor of over 60 and more years experience. 
with a FILM  

THE SHRINERS SOCIETY, IS ALSO KNOWN AS THE KERBELAS’ merci ‘ everyone. Thank you for the film and lengthy services well over 60 years. With love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
To all the Kerbela’s and their families, how it was a nice Kerbela national conference years ago, in the southern regions of the USA when my estate was south. The two day retreat was something, meeting everyone in no other than the PARK VISTA HOTEL. In the tiny village of GATLINGBERG TENNESSEE. USA, A resort to remember. Thank you again for the film. 

more soon. update, 10:51 pm from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA via email of the Yekaterinburg Sports Festival Event 

more soon. 

Pro Boxing Sport Ready Set Clothes $24.99 READ with more on my membership
 to GOLDS GYM, many years, and film History of World Champion Boxing. Special from MIKE TYSON and more. Of course, my GOLDS GYM days were just lite rhythum on a one lite feather weight spring leather soft pillow tear drop red bag. The GYM was made famous by athletes that can float on their feet with speed, and agility. While a boxing match, is out of the question. Even for MIKE TYSON these days. Rather, I myself did purchase my very own tear drop soft leather pillow bag and practiced kick boxing rhythum, for some warm ups to my own rhythum of modern jazz ballet. Film unavailable at this time. Hand eye coordination is important in ability work out. Much more fun than my average 50 sit ups, before sleep hours. 

more soon. 1:20 am in my tiny village and a late night WORKING DINNER for me.
The details of meeting in EUROPE have been a bit lengthy. I created two pizza’ s today, earlier With an ancient Italian recipe and with a red sauce that is AMERICAN ITALIAN, that has been in jars on grocery shelves to purchase for well over 50 years. Excellent sauce, lowest Economical Price Point. My late night dinner was with freshly baked piping hot pizza and a special recipe FRIED CHICKEN sautee, and a crisp green salad with ripe perfect summer tomotoes. 

are slightly minty and a favorite from my childhood. 
Perfectly lovely to offer after pizza at my tiny estate home office. 

Silver Boxed too. with a box for guests to enjoy gifts more of little splenderious confectioneries in gift silver boxes, for a fine memory of lovely times with lovely people. 
Thank you everyone within the YEKATERINBURG SPORTS FESTIVAL, for your fine messages.
with love to everyone, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo 
Dubre Din ‘ with RUSSIAN LOVE. 

more soon. 

AUGUST 21 st 2023, 12:16 pm just after noon. GOOD DAY to everyone everywhere in every country of the entire world. I have some comprehensive work days ahead of me, with some details with my friends in EUROPE, about the film and online concerns still with a few more fine thorough details. It was not very long ago, that I received an email from ROB REDFORD, at SUNDANCE INSTITUTE, several years back then when ROBERT REDFORD had a concerning web issue, caused in the USA as well, and delayed box office ticket sales for ROBERT REDFORD’S INTERNATIONAL SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL for INDEPENDENT FILMS.  

LOVE NOTES at my tiny company studio vosse, is with my love, and a few delays on announcements, and very important posts. Recipes for easy fudge with iced mint layering, is important MANHATTAN to MOSCOW with the whole world are waiting. 

GOOD DAY to sir Vladimir Putin, in the country of RUSSIA, hello darling sir Vladimir. I am nearly ready to post the fine film from your personal archive films. With love and kisses sent to you to shower your face with all good wishes. Sweet dreams to everyone in Russia and throughout all of EUROPE. 

12:36 pm from my tiny village 

more soon today. MONDAY from my tiny village. 

Good Day Sunshine , forum the minds of my darling friends, 
THE BEATLES. enjoy the love in the lovely song in FILM 

Film Credit: THE BEATLES 

12:52 pm from my tiny village NOW.
NEW YORK email earliest this morning from ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER READ  
thank you Arnold Schwarzenegger, merci xo, see you for sport Baha water motor scooner, with geese - love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett ps. Pizza Bakes at 400 degrees f. ten minutes, cheese melts at 180 degrees F, in a stove top Dutch Oven Frying Skillet. For extra special pizza at home for the ANCIENT ITALIAN  SECRET RECIPE. enjoy darling. 

more soon. 5:09 pm from my tiny village NEW YORK USA NOW 
Jane Fonda and Robert Redford with the whole film 

12:55 am from my tiny village NEW YORK USA, NOW saranac lake. THE SUMMER 2023 is with many small risterants that were with good steady business. Some smaller very good risterants, have over 2000 customers a day, even double that in some of the smallest risterants. In HAWAII just a jont ( walk ) from WAKIKI BEACH, is a fine very simple pancake house that opens at 5:00 am with a 
special pancake price for all at 5:00 am to 8:00 am at $2.99 and of course 500 people daily enjoy pancakes before 8:00 am which brings in $631,840.00 in annual profit % of just pancake sales before 8:00 am daily, and then even more customers and more orders that are enough to pay a great wage and offer even stability in employment with increased wages anuualy. While pointing out that just a $1.00 gratuity to 
Professional People Employed there , is $500.00 per just 5:00 am 8:00 am hours. Adding up to $176,000. 00 in extra wages in gratitiy, in good sales, 352 days per year. What a great reality for stability of employment as a resturanture specialist catering to special risterants with often differnt types of menus. EUROASIA YOUTH ECONOMIC FORUM in estern europe throughout european asia are 
with a message update via of Iniciatives from THE KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, Sir Vladimir Putin‘s RUSSIAN MAJOR ECONOMIC FORUM, with a forum for youth in conversation read more soon. 
AUGUST 22nd 2023 11:29 am from my tiny village in saranac lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW  GOOD DAY to everyone, everywhere, all over the world, a very good day to many friends, throughout the USA, some KERBELA‘S whom by the way are actually vetran retired in a very special group of people, even within all those men, as in the BOYS FROM SYRACUE. as a great group of flight 
experts and were famous for the air show every year, flying the planes that are almost 100 years old, in a very small HISTORICAL FLIGHT exhibition, in full formation of tiny planes Twin engines and not large enough for transcontinental flight. With fuel tanks not large enough to fly too far. The flight show was a bit astere in just a Grassy Pavillilion filled with folding out door chairs and our sprit 
plaid trusers and polo shirts, to enjoy the excellents of historical early air planes and excellent flight people - that began with the very basics in knowing a great history of the excellence in the absolute sport of flight. Even historically with EMILIA, as a women engineer in flight more than one hundred years ago. with a flight formation that began expantion in flight engineering and expanded 
air ports for public travel passanger flight- from many years of comprehensive preliminary work that took years- before the 747 was actuaully made- for more than just two people In the twin engine. Those BOYS FROM SYRACUSE NEW YORK, usa are very nice, to have honored me with a navy hat embrodered with my name on it. I myself recieved my first flight pin with gold wings 
when I was 6 years old, in a flight alone, traveling from NEW YORK to ALABAMA usa to see good close family- and I had a flight specialist in a special assingment then to assure my flight was perfect and with my father whom met myself and the special flight assistant at the air port in the state of ALABAMA USA. My golden wing special flight pin was really something. 

UPDATE MESSAGE FROM MOSCOW RUSSIA, With a personal business invite from the KREMLIN sir VLADIMIR PUTIN, within a RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT INICIATIVE very important in the world today, within the outstanding government people of the country of RUSSIA as well as the excellence within the work at the KREMLIN’S office dirctly of attentions from Sir Vladimir Putin, of extensive and successful honored very well esteemed work, with also the excellence of the EXECUTIVE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT with the RUSSIAN PARLIMENT included. 
The exteded invitation in an email last evening from sir Vladimir Putin, is very exciting within the esteemed honored cultual riche humanitarian excellence world renowned of THE KREMLIN and of the country of RUSSIA. read  wonderfully exciting really. 
with gracious thank you to the executive government of the country of RUSSIA and the extended government of RUSSIA and a very lovely direct thank you to the Kremlin of the great countru of RUSSIA sir Vladimir Putin. 
I LOVE YOU, message from new york tiny village to MOSCOE RUSSIA to thee 
sir Vladimir Putin. 
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
more soon. 1:11 pm new york usa now with a message from PAUL NEWMAN whom I have had a chance to work with in sauce making years back and a fine time we had, with his apperance in arriving at my SOHO international exhibition in 2011 and SWEET PAUL NEWMAN brought me a birthday cake which was extrodinary. The notations in the Film Short post today might have been an of error ? notations in word type print are incorrect in the notations - while the film short is thee PAUL NEWMAN, my darling friend, and international major person in large production film political, mostly political. with a FILM
Paul Newman arrived to my intrrnational SOHO MANHATTAN EXHIBITION in 2011 with a notation that the typing word set on thr link i posted may have written word errors on it. While PAUL NEWMAN and I, have enjoyed even making Italian Tomotoe Sauce together side by side. One of his most famous political deserato films is “THE STING” made for free television with ROBERT REDFORD and others of great prowess in political - non- antidotal theoretical works in major movies of the USA. 

1:29 pm NEW YORK USA NOW                  8:30 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 

I will be posting a very important announcement later today before 11:00 pm from my tiny village in saranac lake new york usa. with increadible love and many unnoted in efforts yet, and lovely worth too, in the USA and and intetnationally all over the world. I am graciously resoundingly with my most dearest thank tou for every minute of LOVE for me and love notes and banana news revival international press at my very tiny, 
STUDIO VOSSE of love to you whom ever you are everywhere in the world. I love you all. from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

1:43 pm NEW YORK USA NOW  friend from Knoxville Guild at the Museum of the Knoxville Museum of Art, and other civic organizations, I have been of a unique society member of, even the SOUTHREN ALLIANCE FOR CLEAN ENERGY, with STEVEN SMITH as director and friend over 35 years, Crissy and  BILL HASLUM are also hard working with honored very esteemed usa GOVERNOR work, OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE within the USA GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION of all 50 states with a long standing business reputation of a national company and invested hard work as a business owner and a great governor. BILL HASLUM in conversation  LISTEN       more soon.                   Vanity Fair special update with love, via email with a very rare photograph of HIS MAJESTY KING CHARLES ,KING of ENGLAND GREAT BRITIAN READ august 22 nd 2023 edition of Vanity Fair updated email, now seen by People all over the world. 

    The WORLD FAMOUS MOVIE “ THE STING“ political   important   and for all age FILM CREDIT : Robert Redford and Paul Newman 

 MIKE TYSON is a world champion boxer in the pro- league of boxing. Some boxing events world renowned include match’s at MADISON SQUARE GARDEN in the 1960’s during the impeachment (removal of RICHARD NIXON ) a removed dishonored unethical president of the USA, after Nixon endangered lives of millitary and boarders and other countries, illigally calling shots with enormous illigal use of taxes in the USA which, took a while for the USA, to assure the allocated increase to all - citizens benefit’s including the normal % figure increase for retirement of those over 64 years old, with a desire to enjoy more in travels and count greater stability and estate assurances, rental or owned purchase,  Enjoy the great lovely choices in life more.Today, there is a violin / guitar revolution in the USA with many toting guitars / violins and making a point in Washington DC, of sweet music uncoordinated with others, and of a USA NOISE, 
of individualism - solidarity ( singular thinkers and doers) Mike Tyson accepts boxing matches with a formality and an invite that is his choice to accept and then it’s all public in full disclosure seen and heard. While excuse the four letter words in the film, as MIKE TYSON CARES, AND THINKS FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION - word for word news in his own film. 

more soon.  Cover Your Ears Childern, Francise Reed sings a ballet for everyone in the excellent offices of the USA government, non Oval Office ,non pentagon and non nato, ( known as Bidens Harris dc dirty dozen) that are facing tough music now. Aiming sonic pops at me and anyone - and aim at my studio vosse online, and even blaming USA citizens in ricashe pop Sonics stun issues, while the dc dirty dozen dip, and more while dipping in to the taxes in the USA treasury of the citizens of the USA with large reality of international company owners that are vested in love of the USA and of many foreign citizens whom assure even goods that are a greater reality to sales in the USA and of course attribute to USA taxes with sales of products. Oh boy, internationalist in international countries are shoulder to shoulder with excellent work efforts and are with care about governments and standards of assuring stabilization - within exemplary standards with LOVE. Reciting work in standards daily and now with an open ear to LISTEN MORE of reciting standards all over the world, and great guitar and violin, more. drums marching bands and violins and piano to are gearing up into the new love notes revolution. Some with four letter words- even in song, to stand in even dc now. while a few bad news people - face the USA people mad as hell and four letter word freedom of speach - assuring there worth and not squandering  real news work, and email contacts within their artical and executive managing editors to list publicly just in case of issues of ethics breach and legal conserns - a citizen action legal empowered ethics action might see need to furthering. Of course citizens will need the ruled legal address and phone number and desk office number to those coved into the very large official news agencies - tv or News Print as a rule. Registered official news media - has a registry list as well. Citizens are very excited to know who’s who.

August 22 nd 2023 
Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA LISTEN 

more soon. 9:40 pm FROM MY TINY VILLAGE IN NEW YORK USA                                                  4:40 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett owner of Studio Vosse, contact information for my catalogue event delays are with my online email read The pizza event is with a delay as well. With incredible replies from friends all over the USA and all over the world. My Exhibition events contact updated emails with my business phone number and ability to text me, will be posted before Monday of next week, with further event notes. International and within the USA with the whole world invited. It’s going to be smashingly wonderful. I will be, in delays in LOVE NOTES AND AT STUDIO VOSSE, with some updates very important to my sweet company with more to assure plans have no further delays. The projects of my work, are very loved all over the world, and with great cultivations in the USA coast to coast, north, south, east, and west, with love and great respects for a world of friends everywhere, whom ROCK AND ROLLED, IN ECONOMIC, serious efforts, very notable achievements fast and furious, with also the guitar revolution even with STEVIE NICKS, TOO, among a great many people nationally and internationally of guitar revolutions and an enormous effort in more than just a few economic cares and attributes, actually PURE LOVE, true. I have many gracious thanks. while words are never enough, I throw kisses to you all everywhere with extrodinary a love forever. 

THE ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK is exquisite and soon a glimps of the moving pictures international film 
MONSTER AND THE WALNUT with  rare special film accreditations. 

THE DATE, ah, yes, with ELON MUSK, BILL GATES, MAYBE, BILLY JOEL, JAMES TAYLOR, STEVEN TYLOR,  STING, ELTON JOHN, THE BEATLES WHOLE 12 earliest albums, ERIC CLAPTON, WILLY NELSON, REBA MC INTIRE, SPIKE LEE, DOLLY PARTON, TOM CRUISE, MALINDA GATES, WARREN BUFFETT, DAVID BURN of the Talking Heads, BRUCE SPRINGTEEN, MICK JAGGER, CLINT EASTWOOD, AND CLIDE, WORLD COMPOSERS, AND SYMPONIES OF SPECIAL WORKS IN THE ARTS SUCH AS PERRIE BOLEZ, STEVEN REICH, BOB DYLAN, DAVID LETTERMAN, OPRAH, MALINDA GATES, JOHN CAGE, GLEN GOULD, DIANA ROSS, PRESTON JACKSON, SIR ACHILLIES, Mike Bloomberg, Jeff Bezo, Robert Stern of Yale University, direct films in foreign languages from real international presidents of all international countries, even ISRAEL, of. course, and well,  ORNL, SOCIAL SECURITY AND THE USA POSTAL SERVICES, yes. we have not even begun to cover the short list. Famous News in conversation people such as DAN AKRON, internationalists, AND MANY MORE IN EVENTS BEGINNING AGAIN IN SEPTEMBER on the 10th 2023 The list is incredible. Remembered and loved. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rob Redford, Jane Fonda, The RUSSIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION MOVIE PEOPLE, internationalist in even more surprises,  cnbc, more lawyers association news directly from a national association of lawyers, and banking registered association standards updates direct from registered license bankers in the USA. CARAVGIO, MADAME MOSES, BOCK, and Bach, Stravinsky, Ansel Adams, MALCOME GLADWELL, ROB FORBES, SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, Jeromy Irons, The CEO of BOWING INTERNATIONAL, Museums nationally and internationally with emails very special. Personal too, and with great love for me and the world. The people at the Kentucky Derby, Nashville Grand ole OPRY with GRACE LAND, PAUL SIMON, RINGO STARR, PAUL MC CARTNEY, John Lennon, Richard Harrison, YOKO ONO, JULIAN LENNON, MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV, ROWEN ATKINSON, Jerry Steinfeld,  Norm ABREMS, VICTORY GARDEN PEOPLE, Those within the Sundance international independent films, CANNE ‘ Sony Pictures, there’s more, tomorrow. Promise.  Paramount, and Oliver Stone. Steven Spielberg, and Kate, Michael J. Fox, Tracy Fox too. President Xi Jinping my darling friend and of course president of the country of China a wonderful person. Too. Still just the beginning of the short list. Harry and Megan, Kate and William, KING CHARLES AND QUEEN CAMILLA of ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN, Steven Palin, of course. ANNE WINTOUR and VOGUE too. 

essential even with love from GUCCI and LOUIS VUITTON. Even MARTHA STEWART, MICHAEL JORDEN,NBA, NFL, NBL,  and even more. 

sweet dreams, and good day in Europe too, with love, from
myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. xo with kisses, catch. 

August 23rd 2023 8:01 pm from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA, hello everyone and a brief message, hello to darling Vladimir Putin as well with appologies of a late film that’s not posted yet. It’s very exciting while some detailing of planning to assure more from LOVE NOTES, is with a few weeks of a thourough clean up on any extraneous concerns for STUDIO VOSSE to be forever exactly as I plan. LOVE NOTES,  and BANANA NEWS will be exciting in finest form again September 10 th 2023, as daily notes until then will be with a few updates only.

THE PRESIDENT OF CHINA, sir XI JINPING is with an exciting meeting with the PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICA, President Cyril Ramaphosa  in an opulent fine welcome lavishly of the graces of CHINA, and political talk in person. READ with very exciting details to catch up on of the very good country of CHINA with excellence in highest standards for the people of lovely the very large country of CHINA. One of the largest countries in fact, notably as large as RUSSIA and AFRICA, made up of NORTH AFRICA and SOUTH AFRICA. 

more soon.

with the forever outstanding DAVID LETTERMAN 
film credit: David Letterman, Art Garfunkel, and Paul Simon.

with five of the largest other countries read DIRECTLY from 
of the culturally lovely COUNTRY of RUSSIA. Events of Honor in RUSSIA of greatest importance read 

emailed and the little film is charming and a delight in conversation 
Film Credit: Paul MC CARTNEY 

more soon. August 24th 2023 good evening and good day to everyone throughout the world. Everywhere. I have a little email update yestrday from the KREMLIN of RUSSIA sir Vladimir Putin, of the great very honored loved well government of lovely RUSSIA. 

With a note of congratulations to the Prime Minister of INDIA and the wonderful country of INDIA as the government of INDIA within lengthy preparatory standards, launched a SPACE MISSLE to the moon. and of course with cares that everyone in the whole world have about separate air space for all countries and very important as well. While of course simply standard Public Flight in international travel is of course a great and important reality to note that the air space regions within countries then have of course there own responsibilities to international standards of public flight, and then of course restrict other country millitary - in any way. Not to be using public flight regulations and public commercial ( commercial means in this instance of word usage, commerce sales of a public made for all civilian public ticket sales for flight passes to travel, good commerce sales for the airline)  made for only all access to civilian flight- with only millitary on vacation only and must have a passport approvals in international regulations standards, and pay their own ticket prices for their vacation in public sector commercial air lines made only for public sales to all, ) with their international approved passports that are not a USA office decision for passports- ( international passports do not have renewal needs ) which must meet international standards in all USA passport regulations that are not an arbitrary area for any USA person to - try and just hire themselves to change international standards - of approvals in all countries to gain a passport. COMMERCIAL ( long form word derivative / commerce )  flight are for all people in personal travel. Whether your traveling to a business meeting or a working trip, maybe just travel- of course. 

Statement from the KREMLIN of RUSSIA about INDIA new moon launch. With my congratulations to the Prime Minister Modi in INDIA today as well. Thank you again as well for your lovely email directly from the Prime Minister of INDIA as well as the government people and the specialized space program astrophsic specialized in over 60 years in moon specialized launch senior science people with love to all. I have an enormous number of friends from INDIA in larger cities and I grew up with the greatest in children of all cultures. One special child hood friend from INDIA as his mom was a engineer in the USA.

8:39 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW 
3:48 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW august 25 th 2023 
6:11 am NEW DELI, INDIA NOW august 25 th 2023 

If you are reading the online circulation of STUDIO VOSSE, there was a google error and the publication of my online company is very well read and loved in the USA and internationally everywhere. Something in google issues USA of a wrong number count listed online at google. Some email issues are with- incomplete messages that I may not have seen. I have detail notations within my meetings in EUROPE to assure my own company at studio vosse is thorough in assuring messages and updates and of course contact information sent, films and photographs - invites that may have been jumbled somehow- I noted some concerns. While my new phone number for my estate home office is not yet posted. A email contact address updated will be with a few email addresses updates  too, for some special needs to assure emails and replies correctly, and ease, especial to studio vosse needs and special love notes too will be posted too, before September 10th 2023. Currently the old email will not ever be changed. The little review for studio vosse, I have to assure, is very important before the many many fine love notes - gets back to ROCK AND ROLL status posts of delightful diverse fun. With serious political love. With friends of the USA whom are incredible and friends everywhere all over the world too, in every country, many, new and ole’ 

more and more soon. 


It’s a new curtain at studio vosse tiny village estate rental home office. SILK 14 th CENTURY MODERN of my own personally created design with fabrics from INDIA and CHINA of the highest luxury opulence in  and ancient modern curtain, paired with fine leather chairs and sofa. The textured patterned blue rug is from the country of TURKEY on a little shopping travel there. Finest wool carpet and very low price. Durable wool poly nylon blend, ease to clean stain repellent fabric, and fire retardant, like Teflon poly fiberglass on frying pans, and stoneware high quality bean pots for a fire pizza over or high temperature oven, of the most luxurious standards. The table is, a gift from my mother, and from a USA small production company in business for over 100 years at STICKLEY fine furnishings. Manlius NEW YORK USA. Just a suburban city from SYRACUSE NEW YORK USA. FINEST CHERRY FINISH. The encyclopedic books were a gift from my oldest brother. Tungston lighting is the very best in modern lighting for larger spaces as not a desk lamp by design, and an extra long lasting double bulb with small compact lamp lights and extra bright close to natural tint in lamp light. Stickley made furniture for LOUIS SULLIVAN and even TIFFANY LAMP COMPANY, of the finest in stained glass lamps often imported for colored glass specialist. 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett NEW CURTAINS 14 th CENTURY MODERN . Summer fun 2023. Stacks and Stacks of boxes and boxes of my little mint powder confectionary candy cigarettes on my table. Childhood fun even for my dinner guests. 

more soon. TIM ROTH is the ledgend of 1900 in a movie THE LEDGEND OF 1900 and with others too, like JELLY ROLL MORTON, with great character role by CLARANCE WILLIAMS on piano, in a legendary scene in the movie,   whom is a fine character whom plays RAGGLIN TIME JAZZ. RAGGLIN is FINE LINEN, formality. Two MEN whom both, arrived at some of my Manhattan Event Exhibitions in cultural arts and economic lecture with my compositions in my music aria music. 
THE LEDGEND OF 1900 takes place on a steam ship fueled with only coal in boiler tanks that powered ships of passengers all, at a ticket price affordable to all, not unlike ship travel today. Pure luxury. With excellent professionals. Of course no one ever wants to use coal. While the great boiler rooms that powered steam ships with charcoal fire vats, much like steam from boiling spaghetti - the great ship - fires up ( meaning that motor is working non stop / fire up the engine means to start an engine ) across ocean travel six months across the ocean or just a few short island leasure travels today for passenger cruise ships now, with a fuel up and arrive. No more steamers. Electric power low super fuels with much less impact on envionment and high utilization of low fuel consumption are with faster engines - while ENJOY THE EXCERPT of my friends great little lovely movie. CHILDREN COVER YOUR EARS . In a few spots. Please take a minute to scroll down all the way to the message board at the very bottom of LOVE NOTES, as the dirty dc dozen , are aiming at my love notes and have caused the USA and myself and international countries concerns and more. With some serious types of concerns which the people of the USA are with eyes open on the upsets caused to the people of the USA. More in BANANA  NEWS REVIVAL  international press, after SEPTEMBER 10th 2023. 
The tools in my online company are still with type set issues, films are seemingly running though not as fast as they should be. Carefully take time to enjoy everything in LOVE NOTES. top to bottom with submersive intellectual introspections. Enjoy. 

Thank you everyone for enjoying the CHERRY JUBILLEE FLAMBÉ and updating the scenes in 
THE LEDGEND OF 1900 made for love notes for me, personally, with my very special thank you to all. 

August 26 th 2023 after midnight from my tiny village SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW. 
Today was a slightly busy day. Details and more details, with more meetings online in EUROPE. While i wished to say a fine hello to everyone in the USA and INTERNATIONALLY too, everywhere. Thank you to everyone for the emails in many messagss, even from BTS, in KOREA, JAMES TAYLOR, too, with LORETTA SWIT, among many, mentioning ROBERT LOEW, and many international messages as well. I am savoring all the messages, with a few updates more within my detailed meetings. 
Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner, everyone well, with extra self care, sitting or standing. more soon. 

INVITING Lovely messages even from ANNA WINTOUR at VOGUE MAGAZINE. 
THE SON OF MUSSDY WATER, is an ole friend of mine, from some little museum events at the wonderful KNOXVILLE MUSEUM OF ART, in KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, where i met 
MUD MORGANFEILD, a great person, with incredible music. In conversation in film.
more soon. 


August 26th 2023 

Hello around the world today, good day to sir Vladimir Putin in EUROPE, of Eastern Europe as the extraordinarily large country of RUSSIA is. My apologies at this time, for the delay in my posting the very lovely very rare personal film from special archives of THEE SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, kremlin of the country of RUSSIA, president of vaste RUSSIA, that is, with remarkable devotion of the Kremlin and of RUSSIAN people whom are with remarkable efforts and success too. The delay in my film post of the rare film, is an exciting anticipation towards a lovely care of September 10th 2023. With all the love notes well prepared for very special love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.

I wished to savior the drive event films and more with some others in special films, even today which I fit into my schedule. 

ROB LOEW in conversation with a fine news person message doesn’t reflect the work ROB LOEW achieved within many years on TELEVISION.
while the film is a brief little excerpt with lovely fine people in film 

thank you ROB, xo darlings with all of my love. From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett the email arrived late, everyone. With greatest thanks to everyone in the city of Chicago Illinois USA and those in the silver circle honored NBC in the city of MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN, of esteemed work, in local news and that of beginning the MILWAUKEE MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN art, too, with the worlds finest Wisconsin Crème Du La Crème Frozen Ice Cream Custard, forever to enjoy a drive for a jigger of the very finest ice cream custard. It’s been a while since I took a town and country drive that way with my ole cannon camera. GOOD DAY to everyone. with love.
The great USA Midwest is Large and of many many cities within many states, missing you all too, of Delightful People. XO 

more soon. 

August 27th 2023 

It’s the actual boxing match pro boxing 
with an audience news worthy, message film from
American - Polish USA only SORSKY being American Polish, in the match of a century. 
Wearing the everyready gloves of pro- champ boxer gloves. 
Film Credit: GEORGE FORMAN and ROCKY SORSKY, with a message in film 
filled gallery areana to see it everywhere in film all over the world, everyone. 
Thank you George and Rocky, with love everyone, all the people too for the real film and messages.
love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. GEORGE JETSON cartoon known as the funnies, not so funny and not humorous, better known as the funny papers comic strip cartoon, from the 1970’s was animation digitized for USA Saturday morning tv watched by millions of children into grown up ages. Of course, with wrong and dangerous use of the actual hover craft, thought to be a space ship from mars, and then illigally manufactured later, with no international approvals. And absolutely no safety - approved reality. The JETSONS, were not about living with robotic nightmares, made of quantum mechanics of heavy machines. Such as cranes and limited mechanics like dump trucks. Of course with a specialized engineers license for equipment in a 8 year extra college level engineering degree, to sit in that big rig in the driver seat is real. With international compliance standards. Difficult studies. Simple thinking in hypothesis for even children could see, old standards in safety international standards are very important. The JETSONS have a whole six months of film from the 1970’s online. Ow, watch those teeth and legs.
film credit : 1970 cartoon comic strips conversion film animation  funny papers press giants. Film Clip in Audio Visual Archive 1970’s made only for free television USA known as the USA TV four. 

4:41 pm a earlier archive today, I have included too, is a personal archive from the Kremlin of Russia as my choice of a large selection I myself was with archive gifts to chose, for today, from SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN in RUSSIA, as the president / KREMLIN of RUSSIA. It’s not the fine excitement of the film for THE BENTLEY EVENTS of SEPTEMBER, soon to be posted, with catalogue events a bit delayed too, with incredibly special books, film messages, and moving picture movies, from me, and all over the world of USA people and more. 
Good solid foreign diplomacy and cares - is customary to enview- with GEORGE W. BUSH and Sir Vladimir Putin’s fine diplomatic polite photo and film 

Sir Vladimir Putin has increadible cares in excellence of foreign diplomacy as a pure natural love of humanity in greater cultivations extremely well known throughout the whole world over 40 years. What a wonderful - selection of gift film and photographs from Sir Vladimir Putin, I have been savoring to even more posts with utter excitement. Very special thank you to the Kremlin of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin, with enormous expressions of love and kisses - catch darling Vladimir. I’m reserving the song, “ shall we dance” from archives of ULE BRENNER’s and VIVIAN LEE, sent to me, all for you. with BENTLEYS and 14 century fun, through many historical studies of years and years. Posh fun. 

more soon. WILLIAMS AND SOMOMA update email with many thanks to everyone at the international retailer globally of a USA company with lovely messages to me personally and the enamel classic pan, made many years with a durable non stick washable surface grill pan which can be placed in the oven, over 70 years at least in a great product, enameling fire resistant and of the same enamel of paint manufactured especially for indoor out door house paint well over 70 years of perfection in a bit of enameling specialized increadible formulation standards. see the grill pan now read. film and photographs from the fine people of WILLIAMS AND SONOMA.

more soon. 7:01 pm from saranac lake New York USA in my tiny village with the very lovely fine darling of mine, thee DAVID BOWIE 
now listen 

more soon. today I am preparing for a real day of events in person known as Ali Ali Oxe en friesiaia’ of the most opulent aromatic flowers that encompass an event of 5O and more of  arts and humanities toward love to that of great peoples everywhere, in the USA, in populations of people village by village and internationally all over the world, villages and cities all, within all countries all over the world. My wish is that everyone join me, with some details later in the month of September 2023. As pizza events begin soon, with announcements of the live on the air events too, into the amazing Ali Ali Oxe en frieseahia, with everyone’s wool riches wearable, of ole favorites and a fine frieshien fried fish event beyond pizza with my own special top secret recipes with great cultual history to know. 

good night DAVID BOWIE and very good friends and families too, very good peoples in HAWAII, Ukraine, Detroit USA, Saranac Lake NEW YORK, all everywhere all over the world, elbo to elbo in the USA and internationally, RUSSIA yes, too, with kind lovely kisses to sir Vladimir Putin as my darling too, and thee KREMLIN of RUSSIA, with a beautiful lovely RUSSIA and of wonderful peoples everywhere in RUSSIA of many more villages and cities than most other countries, one of the very largest with an abundance of love from all countries and of even the smallest countries with brilliant cultual very esteemed country culture broadly brilliant of humanity and work towards economic worth education basic string standard and pure international love.

I simply love you all. Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, fish fry updates on SEPTEMBER 10th 2023 with many announcements then. xo everyone. 

Tom Cruise emailed and it never arrived in my email box, so I sifted through some online messages and wanted TOM CRUISE to know that I have him on my event list- invites, and love growing up in the same little utopia with finest schooling study work as children very important and with routine calastenics I remember well, and still maintain more often than not, running the relay race with everyone and many more school classes of increadible education as work to assure in that 8 hour day and many schedule to meet, creating a utopian childhood somewhat perfect in being prepared 
for REAL WORKING responsibility’s and more travel with cultural prowess and much more. TOM CRUISE, I love you. Thank you for the film clips. I was offered work with FOX, as early as 1987 and turned down the offer, also was honored by THE FORD MODELING AGENCY in a international honor, and decided not to move to MILAN ITALY, in 1986 and worked avidly at an executive directors worth at a fine company, then with great wages and a love for life and people, travels and extra independent studies. 
with lovely employment options, as later NBC CHICAGO, the HEADQUARTERS NBC called me. The meetings to the executive usa television people were with extrodinary efforts. 

TOM CRUISE in the major movie work in the USA is really with some incredible humanities of worth. The event of Ali Ali Oxe en frieseasi is going to be increadible. Worth the planning.

late update from FRIDAY in MOSCOW RUSSIA with a lovely map of my sweet little saranac lake on sir Vladimir Putin’s lovely desk read 
excuse me, an error in the date was Thursday and the MEETING of sir Vladimir Putin in RUSSIA was FRIDAY, of course USSR BUSINESS at the kremlins busy office is with a update from FRIDAY READ

9:23 pm from saranac lake NEW YORK USA with an email update from sir Vladimir Putin from the KREMLIN’s notes online at the THE KREMLIN’s OFFICE as well, about CHARCOAL READ with greatest cultual USA traditions in great stride for coal too, made by. KINGSTON and FAIREKING, in the USA, with great WEBBER BBQ COOKING even with chili cooking festivals too, something of great fun on that ole WEBBER GRILL, and even marshmallows that can be golden cooked on coal fire to a perfect golden out and pure mallow soft inside, as a total pleasure of GREAT AMERICA TOO, with some that use coal stoves, when you get to stir bridge village of the one mile drive, of FAMOUS, drive through, a log cabin district, coal ready, located in HARTFORD in the state of CONNECTICUT , USA. for a glimps of historical a coal mile at STIR BRIDGE VILLAGE. while of course, LORETTA LYNN 
became very famous in the USA and a spectacular person, with her wonderful song,
I was born a coal minors daughter. Wonderfully televised in the USA as early as 1969. One of my favorite. LISTEN
Then and Now, NASHVILLE to NEW YORK, and everywhere all over the world. Enjoy y’all , a  beautiful song from my darling friend, Loretta Lynn. 

10:58 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 
message updates from my seeet friends whom were very keen to create USA tv films about USA millitary personnel in war time, causing a mess of life aiming at others with bad breath and a sorry life of aim, relentless failing concerns, and 4077 as in MASH 4077 army medical - issues, 40 is the highest college scores 77 is the year that sudden fuel signs in California reached $5.00 per gallon and, left some out of the ability to buy reasonable fuel prices at a normal cost effective price to get back and forth to work, drive children or car pool with others to shop and work,  to school and enjoy beach outings with of course extra bbq for a week and hot grill outdoor pancakes like I always have on beach outings on the grill I tote in my automobile. Of course the issue of an unethical fuel increase in calaforia then was imidiatly repaired with a statement in the news as well, yet did damage opportunities for some then, desperate. And the price of fuel then returned to the price per gallon of $1.75 cents and was great for the fuel company and of course great for people all, with ease to drive far for work opportunity and more travel options affordable that increased the sales of more villages with more driving through to buy a lunch and drink and snacks, a trinket too and fuel up, with many clean powder rooms always clean and respectively assured for just a need for a powder room. Powered Room signs are very important for fine standards in best business work. Mash 4077 has many films and even updates to enjoy with Loretta Swit and other many extrodinary people in film. In 1977 in the USA many industrial manufacturing wages were reaching a $77,000.on salary wage for devoted efforts over ten years. The starting pay wages for Industrial manufacturing and retail was $15.00 per hour full time 40 hours a week with extra efforts in comprehensive training. Incredible quality standards forever important. And low inflation with great ease to save your money. As the extra savings was with luxury choices to some spending leisure and with profits sky rocketing all over the country buying at a lower price more. Applying for your first passport is with a international approval and then no expiration date is of any validity in any way. As the international ethical rules are never changeable and of course not just a spite of a Mighty Mouse decision-no no, to Mighty Mouse,  and of course there are enormous amounts of people whom are of very large cares to assure all cares to anyone’s travel passport, and never to just hand to anyone. There is a special registry number with a micro chip in you passport that can be as easy as identifiable like a phone signal to your phone - that goes into moon data in every millisecond of every minute of every day into years of passport data. The micro sized chip is invisible due to a miscoscopic size in specialized toothy paper special international passport regulation standard. Might mouse may have tried to fool a few. And misprinted expirations which are just an error. Your passport is yours. Like a birth record certificate and your drivers license. Which is a permanent USA ID with achieving your licensing. A non drivers licensed ID can be a social security card. And a permenent ID as well,. Official Country is ID cards and passports do not expire. International countries have very good solid rules and are international standards that USA are a rule for USA office for issuing passports are to see international standards - and no negotiation to hand your passport to anyone. Travel ticket offices for flight passes are as simple as using your passport number online when purchasing your flight ticket much like using your own personal banking card too. Emailed flight passes can be printed with all your personal ID with your verification passport number and address all a match with your drivers license number. simple. Then very easy if you accidentally lose your passport, still with a full number in your email folders under your travel reservations. I myself have a travel folder for those emails for extra ease. 

Ah, yes, it’s not very normal in SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA to take a nice stroll to the lovely grassy pavilion and boat dock, to see moon pie, bathers, strolling too, with only moon pie - beazik. With no beach, Of course some nice people offered a basket of t- shirts extra large. And a sack of donuts as a kind gesture for the moon pie cropdusters. The tiny marina dock was filled with motor scooners and filled boats, proper non slip boat shoes, even plaid burmuta shorts much like frank sinotra and even water ski suits, stylish halter blouses t- shirts and jeans, wool sweaters out on the water that a bit cooler usually and careful to learn about fresh water fish, some that are called stergens and are lake fish only with a size of a motor boat and even far larger than a canoe boat with ores to paddle about and must realize that fresh water lake stergen fish can grow to be larger than small six person boats and seem slow while they can be fast. while usually low swimming fish. Under water Binoculars can be quite exciting to purchase if going boating on medium to smaller sized lakes. Techno Jog Sporty Styles, wild sneakers, hot pants, with Yoko Ono too.

You may have missed my major international exhibition in exciting cultural fun. with many special music compositions. more soon.

message update with the five star Little Star Risterante Pin, BILLY JOEL 
is sporting on his coat, with PAUL MC CARTNEY on the piano with a lovely BEATLES MUSIC COMPOSITION quite beautiful “LET IT BE.” with the wonderful many guests filling the auditorium with such graces and love, in NEW YORK USA, wonderfully lovely everyone, perfect PAUL AND BILLY with everyone. for a lovely good day, and good night in the USA and all over the world. 


I think Mike Bloomberg was in the audience . Sally and Eddy , Bruce Hornsby and Eva Gabor? 
Mick Jagger, and a list of new and ole friends just perfect. Lovely everyone. I love you, xo merci .

more soon. 

August 29th 2023 2:29 am SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA NOW, as I say good day to everyone in EUROPE NOW, with the time in MOSCOW RUSSIA 9:30 am now. my meetings in europe are with after midnight hours for me this week, from my tiny village home office estate rental. Sleep well everyone on the USA and CANADA, all South America too, and south seas countries, sweet dreams to each and every person. Love Notes is with a few updates sometime after 9:00 am SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK TIME USA, from Eastern Europe. And quite exciting. The post is going to be very special. 

of course my WORKING MIDNIGHT BREAKFAST went well, secret recipe scrambled eggs, with butter milk pancakes and Canadian Maple Syrup with a grilled ficocia mozerella cheese boule ‘.bread with a hint of rosemary. with a film.

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
film on August 28 th 2023 at precisely 9:54 pm 
from my micro camera phone.
top secret scrabble eggs recipe, ah, yes, add a little milk 1/3 c. Milk, to two farm fresh eggs, scramble with a fork, then slice cream cheese with several cube chunks, melt your butter in a large sautee pan, and pour in the eggs and toss in the cream cheese, with a 1/2 c. shredded mozerella cheese, and then grill with a few turns to the eggs on very low heat. Then serve with a fine toast buttered with soft butter, and a prepared pancake if you wish, with a beautiful jam preserve too, is always smartly opulent. Fresh juice or juice spritzer with sparkling mineral water, and a hot pot of freshly brewed coffee with cream and sweetener, English Style black tea, or Spanish style tea, India style perhaps, or AFRICAN. and even some fine fresh fruits with whipped cream, as manderine oranges with a cherry sauce and whipped cream are delicious, and of course ice water, and perhaps a summer sausage of a turkey or chicken summer sausage is always a choice. Or a lettuce cup of freshly made shrimp salad, even very delicious served in a tomotoe cup. 

with love everyone, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

Film Credit THE MONKEYS 

August 29 th 2023 at 9:34 pm SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA NOW. Good Morning and afternoon in EUROPE, and good evening to everyone in the USA, Canada, all the lovely tropical South American countries as well, into tropical south seas countries too. 

For years my regimented work schedule was to arrive at 8:00 am sharp, and plan extra time to assure I was on time and with a great feeling of self assurance, in my accomplishment to assuring schedule preparedness- it’s invigorating at that first minute at work, and throughout my 8 hour a day schedule, then putting on a after work, lip color and checking my expenses in every purchase, every expense,  in my daily expense ledger. Several years, my working schedule began Monday through Friday at 5:00 am for two years working in a large very beautiful building in a fine shop, within a city walking area of over 500,000 people in their busy offices too, shops and more, at least by 9:00 am. Then my late afternoon was filled with good afternoon time off each day. That lovely building I worked in before I was 18 years old, was filled with over 60,000 offices, small, and of greatest people very busy in the world too. I can still remember the beautiful TIFFANY lamps hanging over each table in the breakfast bar area and the woman I was employed for whom was savvy and busy with seven risterante and an incredibly large bread bakery business. Lovely friends everywhere forever and worthy work, great wages, with excellent quality envionment to enjoy busy difficult daily efforts of my own. With years of incredible memories and wages to love the little European style rental estate I rented facing the beautiful cathedral domes in my cities golden domes blue embellished piazza area. Lovely to spend extra money in the risterante they often and even plan travel and fine extra books I totes everywhere. International horticulture gardening mostly. And more. 

My city bus was less than ten minutes walk and only . 50 cents forever. With a wide bus contention to hop a bus to get nearly everywhere under $1.00 and was good for shops everywhere too.

while today, is a message update from THE KREMLIN of RUSSIA sir Vladimir Putin, as president and of course with a busy schedule filled with many extended areas of honored work, within the large government of RUSSIA.
message detail directly from the office of the KREMLIN read  

more soon. It’s a LATE NIGHT WORKING BREAKFAST tonight for me, extra cooking as well with a whole week of freshly cooked foods I love to enjoy, take an extra effort in fine cooking to fill the freezer and prepare more for my very busy schedule and high love for leisure enjoyment too- with a book near my bed side of THE ANTHOLOGY OF POETRY.
one of ROBERT REDFORD’s favorite and with very complex language dissemination. 
with poetry the creative word usage is not always direct expression - figurative writings and with lucidity of pondering. Difficult in definitions - and yet translate a love to day dream more ponder even. As Shakespeare wrote: to be, or not to be, that is the question” Quote excerpt from SHAKESPERE. while a self quizzical inquisition of self rational, to ponder alone, what will be, as perhaps, now my four boules ‘ of fine rosemary pizza ficaicia’ breads in the freezer to enjoy the splendor of fine luxurious foods more. In a pure top secret recipe of finest bread. To be, I say SHAKESPERE, with a fine planning schedule and all those reviews, sweaters cleaned, and shirts pressed, grocery market lists, recipe notes, casseroles bakes and ready, expense to adore a little risterante stop, fuel cost, monthly budgets, dusting off the front entry for AUTUMN, and a possible tall heater lamp made for fine outdoor seating. new pencils and note books, photo books with printed photos in gold new frames- and more. 
updates in my mothers baby book too. 

more soon, it’s boules’ time. 

September 1 st 2023, was filled with planning work, budgeting and coordinating my schedule with details and amazing lists of many fine messages from the USA and around the world. While of course the whole world is getting ready for the first day of school work, too for Childern - into later ages in the fine assured educational programs within all countries. In the USA school class room times after summer, begin the first Monday of the second week of September - even in 2023, and a standard reality of assured schooling to all Childern into the ages of the 12 th grade levels of high school with junior advanced literature, math, and much more. With many at age 16 years old that might have a job as well, and a nervous time, with responsibility that is limited in some ways in many jobs. It’s gets complex and still high levels of responsibility are always good to assure quality service to customers at every level, even for presidents of corporations too. School time now is extremely important to assure your ready for your school day, with sharp pencils and a full spiral note book with lines to assure all your study areas of notes, and a book bag is helpful with room for your lunch, packed your self, and ready to enjoy your daily lunch with milk sold low cost at schools, needed daily. Unless you prefer ice cream sandwiches everyday instead, like I did in my mid/ high school days, most often. Apples by the bag are low cost, easy to bring to school and excellent smart foods, with cookies, cupcakes, sandwiches like turkey balone and cheese or peanut butter and jam, with extra butter, gram crackers, small bags of chips, pizza wrapped to eat later, granola bars, thermos of soups, and casseroles, to tote, with snack cakes - canned fruits, and pudding, in a small plastic reusable container. Enjoy preparing the pantry of great foods, school ready and take a weekly or monthly inventory - with a love note to your parents that handle the shop time, too. 

after a big day at the grocery store, it’s a fine time for fresh donuts or going out for a hot fudge Sunday after a great dinner. Enjoy the September week to prepare for a back to school reality. With love, and extra cares to everything you. I send good wishes to you all, in happy memories of the summer 2023 to make notes about, to love the world even more. Children and young grown ups are with love from the whole world, Dr. everywhere, as there is a very special world, in the USA and everywhere. Good luck on your school preparations everyone. Catching up on studies went well, and the messages from young people are wonderful. I do have some posted messages soon. Don’t forget to purchase plenty of breakfast cereal and whole milk for daily breakfast at home. instant oats are great too, milk is a essential need for very good health daily, milk, and waffles that go in the toaster are very fine breakfast foods as well, milk and orange juice are very important daily too. I use a refrigerator note to list foods needed from the grocery - eased to assure not to forget to purchase well, all the essentials for a great September and forever. 
Your messages are incredible, Russian and USA and more, it’s quite exciting. 

kisses from me, to shower all your faces with my love.
Catch them all, each one, just for you, everyone, everywhere.
 Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Love is in the WORLD,  with am message from BILLY JOEL in conversation.

Film Credit: BILLY JOEL 

more soon. The President of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin, took time to say how important language studies are within your own country as a very lovely care about the extra studies it takes for good language comprehensions and the excitement of reading and enjoying literary arts, such as THE ANTHOLOGY OF POETRY. that ROBERT REDFORD loves. Brief message now from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the fine country of RUSSIA

September 2 nd 2023 from my tiny village after midnight, 1:27 am NEW YORK USA NOW 

September 3 rd 2023 3:50 am from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA NOW
It’s a very early morning, and the meetings are going well, while somewhat difficult in later night meetings. Vitra the company from the country of Germany was kind enough to email, and are wonderful people in design of home interior furnishings. Lambergini sent me drive films very special from the nice people in the country of Italy at LAMBERGINI. And many other updates, from the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Korea, and many other countries of emailed messages with some excitment in posts to enjoy into SEPTEMBER 10 th 2023 and what will be an even greater Autumn and Winter  2023.

It’s very exciting the details of SEPTEMBER 2023. While this is a very busy week too, in preparations for school basics. I have a few essentials that might be worth reading about which I will take time to post at least by MONDAY in just two days. Essentials for school, can be very basic, and with readiness for a great year of school time. Wool riche is worth a look at, if the price point is holding steady at a low affordable price for very high quality basics. Very nice to enjoy over and over, like 501 button fly jeans with a loose strait cut, and very soft. Wrangler jeans with a farmer jean style or regular are also very long lasting and a bit loose is with room to grow into for younger children, and older too, still growing a bit taller. I took time to price jeans and found high quality good low affordable prices. If newer clothes are needed. One new set of looser clothes and plenty of school pencils and pens, and one 5 section spiral note book, is a great start to school, and then a tote.  And a seperate lunch case that fits inside a tote, is a great start. Of course, I should give everyone some easy recipes casseroles for a great SEPTEMBER 2023.

Top Secret recipes too, great fun, and with extra special love, from me, all ages - love. 

from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. to everyone everywhere all over the world. 
I love you. Many lovely, lovely messages, even RUSSIAN messages. Wishes to everyone to enjoy a good breakfast, lunch and dinner, sitting or standing, everywhere all, all over the world. Love to all, again, and great love to sir Vladimir Putin and darling friends everywhere. 


PASTA vermacheli, with Finest Red Sauce, with dash of Parmesan Cheese,  Fried Chicken, and Tomatoe Rosette Stuffed with Cream Cheese, topped with a slice of black ripe olive. 
Film Credit: Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett filmed in my 
saranac lake estate home office, in NEW YORK USA.


September 3 rd 2023 11:47 pm from my tiny village SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA NOW.
Good Evening in late night hours, in the USA, still 7:19 pm in Western Coastal Regions of the USA, and Canada, and in South American West Coastal regions. Good Morning in Europe everywhere, while in Beijing China it is 11:19 afternoon into the next calander day. Good Afternoon in the European Far East. 

School season is very busy and jeans are always great for school days, with a selection of blouses, and a large selection of great full fitting undergarment at all ages. With plenty of fresh clean daily undergarments and selection of socks, that can get wild. JEANS IN A WIDE SELECTION READ   SELECT BEST POLO SHIRTS $10.99 READ    SPORT SUIT MADE GYM OR SWIM, BUYING 2 larger size up, special sale read CHILD DRESS FOR GIRLS READ KAKI TROUSERS assorted selection older sizes read saddle shoes assorted selection read Sneekers / Tennis Shoes Childerns Sizes READ Youth Sweats in assorted colors read basic Oxford Dress button down basics read 
ARGYLE SWEATER BEST, A FAVORITE OF MINE in assorted choice read FARMER JEAN SELECTION FOR CHILDREN READ   CASHMERE SOFT TURTLE NECK, ASSORTED COLOR READ    Children’s Leggings Assorted Read THERMAL LUNCH TOTE WITH HOT / cold storage thermos soups and drinks and casserole foods matching read pencils with no sharpen push up pencil lead and with erasers $3.96 read 
SILK TIE , dressy or loose read hair bands read  

TORTIOUS TURTLE HAIR BAND READ     Fine Hat Cap Great Gadsby read 
IPHONE WATCH $11.00 free shipping, connects to a iPhone or smart phone with blue tooth and has a walkie talkie and a constant camera film feature built in, cam upload ready to film class days in a online web cam, for extra special recording for school, special days to remember. read BUTTER FLY PINS HIPO PINS AND MORE FOR SWEATERS OR EVEN A TIE READ so there’s plenty of time to select a few items and assure pencils and a pen, with loose typing paper and a good inexpensive folder for each class. And set your morning times, after a bath at night hours usually. Wash behind ears, brush teeth well with good tooth paste, and assure washing hands with soap and warm water, well, more often and before meals, or before making your lunch and breakfast, of course powder room, wash rules - very important, scrub face too, .. bath evening and school ease.

School Ready and Time for CHOCOLATE COCO with milk,
 and WILLY WONKA and the 
FILM CREDIT : everyone in the film with lovely GENE WILDER

more soon.


September 4 th 2023 

study note standards $3.50 
with free shipping read update just for school readiness.
6:39 pm from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA. more soon. 

Owning a pair of eye glasses with optical microscopic lenses are always good to have in school studies instead of a magnifine glass, and can possibly be a need children have, with need to try on a lens size at stores and then read finest small print on a ingredience package, then even shop for the lower price eye glasses known as reader eye glasses to then know what strength magnification you need. read 
WHAT IS YOUR GOGGLE SIZE ?  Take notes on your foot sizes and how tall you are, with waist sizes and shirt shoulder sizes and write them down with emailed questions to eBay merchants to assure the sizes are going to fit. Very important when shopping. more soon. 

whom famously dance to a song music composition from GINGER RODGERS, of 
“ brush your self off, pick your self up, and start all over again. “ in non lyric music for the dance film.
Rogers as in GINGER RODGERS is of RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN, motion movie productions off broadway theater stage production from good beginnings. 
Film movies for television as early as 1969 and wonderful then, and now. 

more soon.  September 4 th 2023  WORKING DINNER, With Fried Chicken from my freezer preparations, cooked carrots with brown sugar glaze, fried potatoes, after boiling and sliced for the refrigerator/ carrots pre- boiled as well, in a larger amount for the week or freezer. Vermachili Pasta with fine red sauce. Butter for Grilling the pototoes and carrots ( firm hard vegetable are longer lasting in the refrigerator )  in a sautee’ pan, with economical shopping of larger bags low prices to keep an eye on. With a great full pantry of refrigerator too and quality great foods. Shop well. 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyone, everywhere, all over the world. Sitting or standing. With love. xo to all. 

more soon.  I made time for a brief emailed film from THEE ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER whom is with major movie work, and a world famous athlete, as well as GOVERNOR of CALIFORNIA USA born in AUSTRIA, honored all over the world.
In conversation in film.  XO ARNOLD, with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 


update from the country of VIETNAM in the far Eastern European Continent. Prime Minister Sir Pham Minh, is with special photographs, at the government of VIETNAM on line. The country is with spectacular unusual flowers only seen in VIETNAM. The wild flowers are all year that look often like an ochid wild in the automobile drives in Vietnam. Street signs are all written in the language of Vietnamese. While Vietnam has large production of rices and nuts, spices, and teas, which are imported to even the USA, mostly specialty types of foods. Reading the words in Vietnam languages is not very easily a study. While important to know. Do you speak VIETNAMESE ? Preparing for anywhere international travel takes extra studies.  read more at the government of Vietnam online read.  I love the many messages from VIETNAM and even recently more. see a glimpse.

thank you to everyone in the country of VIETNAM. Thank you again to the 
graciously with love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. .99 cent hair ribbon selection read 

8:46 am VIETNAM NOW September 5 th 2023 
4:47 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW September 5 th 2023 

September 6 th 2023 2:35 am and meetings in EUROPE  are with many friends throughout the world with many many lovely messages. Massages as well throughout the USA and Canada and into South American Countries and South Seas countries. I have a few important updates that I will take some extra time for sometime after 9:00 am in my USA morning. Also a little online note to my very fine physics friends, and many in the USA that are extrodinary to send me sweet lovely messages. Even ORNL. Thank you very much everyone in the higher science specializations in the USA as well. Including all y’all, in DENTON TEXAS at the Northern TEXAS univeristy of arts and sciences. Many gracious lovely wishes to you all, with thank you, including love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. I have not been your way, in quite a while, and miss you all. xo I love you all. Even Texas Style, with my many TEXAS friends. 
There are an extreme many incredible messages from everyone in the USA in all 50 states, and village by village elbo to elbo, the posts are going to be exciting. Thank you everyone, everywhere. I will say it again. I love you all. 

from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. The USA stadiums are incredible, and I have special thank you to so many in the business of filled stadiums with many very good quality events, and a great USA attribute to a good summer 2023. Best shopping to you, everywhere. School days, or business proper. 

More soon. 

2:54 am NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village 
1:56 am NORTH DENTON TEXAS USA NOW , in the city of Northern Texas University 

movie by thee DR. SUISSE 

Film Credit: DR. SUISSE, a doctor of honor of children and grown up, literary sciences in words with honored books and films internationally known. 

enjoy. Wait until you view the special film John Lennon and George Harrison gifted me. We had some fun. Thank you darling friends. Thank you again. xo xo xo xo xo xo Ali Ali oxen Freisias’ with love. 

September 7 th 2023 1:08 am from my tiny village in New York in the city of Saranac Lake USA,. Incidently my tiny estate rental is on PARK AVENUE SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA. 
If you’re in town, for invites to events, of course, I will be ready for RSVP replies, and applogies, about the delays in replies and events. Of course, RSVP card reply by postal mail, is event worthy. Even if for a pavillion event invite. RSVP information is not yet posted. I have had some concerning issues. One of the issues has been with editing tools on my online company at my little STUDIO VOSSE. Films were effected, and button play was taking far tool long, and not unusual in over 35 years of my online work. The issues aimed from dc dirty dozen, have included some email concerns, if I missed an invite or phone contact information with a few little post updates in September there should be more ease to see a reply too, as also, I wish to mention that the dc dirty dozen have caused even other types of concerns aimed at types of Cyclpotic Godzilla popping, at people, and myself, that I am looking at a larger real stop on the matter to hide and pop others in a longer pop type of issue that has caused blame in the USA as a basic wrong, aimed at people in some ways. Perhaps even at dinner with friends very nice. With some dc - dirty dozen pop, in a secondary area, which was outsources from even pops caused by pentagons wrongs and nato wrongs with a few, involved.  Still shaken hands. The song, THEY ROCKED IN THE TREE TOP” from the 1960’s was about the OVAL OFFICE in Washington and - outsource wrong people and only a few, that intended very serious real catastrophic issues. Within the pop issues now  caused by the Oval Office - and strep du causus extrened wrong others, their is a real cares I have for citizens that did not aim buckeye pops at anyone. Did not.  Shook the woo? Maybe. Which is a dance of finest fun. 

known to be an international great favorite with a song origination compostion by no other than Nat King Cole my darling friend, as I learned a bit of shook dance as a four year old in 1969. 
Nat King Cole is with a lovely song “ TOO DARN HOT” richly a fun reality to learn again from NAT KING COLE now into the future. with a song from ELVIS PRESTLEY “ I’m all shook up. “ I might show everyone how to SHOOK the WU. DANCE AGAIN, WITH ME SOON. you are on my invitation list, all over the world, everyone, everywhere in every city. While meetings are going well and still there is a concern that people in the USA must find concerning and discern that a pop snap and crackle as known as dc dirty dozen - are not good for anyone in any village on earth. And have used fisted pop to reak havoc in every which direction. pop - issues from a few dc dirties is very bad for all of the USA and all efforts to stabilized reality for a economy to be more solid and for all cities to be assure at a reachable thriving great humanity to solidly be. Standards of many types of realities is of the utmost importance and employment stability too, with eyes on dc dirty dozen - and their outsource poupers. Noting that tiny flies do not have teeth. It’s a sad day. With a message to all USA citizens of concerns with a mechanical contraption - Cyclopes - Godzilla, pop snap and crackling - ow. not, ORNL, sas Texas in Denton Texas too, double check your calculators more as well. Each minute. Long math, why ask why ? Is there a direct statement film uncut in recent USA media news - anywhere ? Specialist in long distance sun lamp chop shop runts ? 

Getting to a word or two, is important, pop stops? soonest with dc out of the ball park, so to speak in that little hill, that is the USA hill of the citizens of the USA with a large great international care, too, as in the USA of course there is an aliegence toward the flags of all, people all over the world. Internationally a very good care towards all USA villages and all countries of international peoples. I myself am hanging the USA flag this year in 2023 for a symbol of love towards a greater real love toward greatest efforts of many peoples, villages all, all over the world, Lecture film from SITTING BULL CDC credential’s with an updated CLE on the air filmed ? Did DC DIRTY DOZEN PAY THEIR RENT with unmarked bills ( no atm account receipt or banking personal dollar = or cam film in cash payment for a song and dance of course, or a sofa resold, authentic cash sales too . Possible repayment of loan personal, $500. Art street sales, etc, type thing,       A Godzilla ?  More About Godzilla aim pop soon, never to have been techno jerked. Ever, and very upsetting USA issue caused by Dc dirty dozen,   Oh. Ow. Money from - where are the budget increase reports in dc from ss ? All dollars are with microchip threads. And and and, $90. Per barrel in crude oil, is only ten dollars more now, than in 1986., which was $80. Per crude oil barrel and low as you can go, fuel prices with plenty of sales more, with fuel cost assure stability of $2.39 per gallon.  And a necessity of low cost % ratio earning in a more solid company stabilization, that which also assured stabilized price qualities, lower, to other companies, and is very important in the USA. What a day to see prices listed in the window ( hand written ) of fuel stops with extra cares, showing more of the greater RED WHITE AND BLUE, in lowest pricing possibilities. next to a USA FLAG, bright brillant and a beautiful utopia of real great people more every village. And real love and earring that make a difference in standard wage increase assured.  adding to a city that with more in customers to possibly chose spending more. With cares about the wages and quality and profit of other village companies enview, more, steady sales,  and not $350. A nite rental lodge prices for better business quality cost effective smart decency - my brother was unfairly asked to pay $350. Small mediocre Quality Room- one night stay Saranac lake visit in town.   important to me on soil of my country as born in, in the 1960’ . wildly untopian a USA love true. And concerning .  I have a fine RUSSIAN flag saviored  with love and a small collection of flag pins from all countries too. 

Please note, we can work it out. 

Darling Lovely BEATLES thank you for the lovely films. xo everyone.


Brief update today. 
with the PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY OF TURKEY  brief special read 


September 8 th 2023 10:08 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA now. Brief update of impact importance in a USA matter in USA soil, and some aimed disperion cyclops contraption USA made, with dc dirty dozen and a few outsourcer in USA wrong, in just a few dirty dozen whom used - techno jerking, and dirsperion aimed popping in side the USA, and further - a matter very serious matters of budget reports in tax allocations of USA budgetary areas, and social security citizens benefits have had troubling concerns due to the dc dirty dozen. Even a massive discrepancy in allocations of Food Subsidies ( snap) were suddenly, with an unethical budgetary cut. With very serious concerns too, in that of properly allocated % increase in social security.  Reports, of budgetary transparency ? where are the reports ?  Where are the filmed process in the senate word for word, as required. and clear film - statements are very important. Senators are under strict oath to transparency and regulational ethics standards provisionary to that of actual Standards of USA ethics- deserving an absolute reality to be in length of filming towards the work, to assure with eyes on dc. Update NEWS POST FROM THE BBC is with some blip concerns - of the USA army, in wrong - whole technojerking outsource in USA is a concerning matters, and is a wrong as well, with bbc and old press. Not long ago. BBC  where are the compliance ethics reports in the Oval Office and state department and finance and taxation directors department ? it’s a good question that each and every USA  citizen are asking today more, and internationalist of citizens all over the world alway have a vested interest too, with clear reality of ethical areas. Of course. 

Not exactly the little update I had in mind, while if their is serious blame in a rickshay issue techno jerking and through walls, as of course wireless printers even work through walls and sometimes a bit far,  it’s very important for the USA to know how dirty the dc dirty dozen - are. Ow. is my note for now. With a little sweet update very soon.

September 10 th 2023 SUNDAY, very early morning in NEW YORK USA NOW,
 from my small village in Saranac Lake. Good Day to everyone, everywhere within all countries. 
Good Morning in RUSSIA today to sir Vladimir Putin, as the Kremlin of Russia and my very darling. Whom is quite versed in many cultural worth, with lovely emails recently of archived in the most ancient city within the country of Russia. There are some surprises that will be posted soon, this SUNDAY, later in the day, as I was in late night meetings yet again in EUROPE, and I do have some groceries to shop for later this morning SUNDAY. 
I apologize to everyone for the delays. Many many people from all over the world within the USA and internationally have prepared many messages and the LOVE NOTES are just beginning again. There are of course important areas to consider of my delays with some missing contact notes in some received emails and emails that may not have arrived in a proper reality. Still with my efforts to see the amazing lovely messages are incredible everyone. People everyone all over the world, even began to put signs in window shops about my publication within my online media cultural LOVE NOTES areas updated, and Walmart in the USA was extremely lovely with even some special in store types of messages all over the USA FOR ME.

There will be several message updates in LOVE NOTES from the KREMLIN of RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin which are very important in RUSSIA, and to read and experience all over the world, a political advantageous excellence in, RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. DIRECTLY from the KREMLIN OF RUSSIA , president that is, Sir Vladimir Putin. With also archieves personal from THEE VLADIMIR PUTIN. Updates which I am a bit excited to be finally posting soon. With many many others in exciting and very expressions of love to me, personally with greatest love for Sir Vladimir Putin, and RUSSIAN peoples too, with cultural love toward peoples of all countries and , … cultural updates more. 
A very lovely hello to executive government peoples of RUSSIA, men and women, all. As well as a very special hello to the extended government people within the Russian Country as well, which is of a great many people that are of many many cities. Very glad everything is going well, I love you all. The peoples messages from RUSSIA are outstanding and some I will be posting and quite exciting to be able to enjoy the lovely messages, extended of love to all countries all over the world. Glorious I dare say. with great love everyone. 

4:57 am now, NEW YORK USA NOW 

My wish is that you all, everywhere have counted your pantry foods in your home, and fridge and made excellent lists of basics to assure greater ease to great grocery shopping, and shop economically ( quality faire =  foods, good low enough prices) in large selections of great and plentiful basic foods, with time set to even make a few casserole foods, internationally savvy with freezer ready foods for great healthy enjoyable and lovely at home dinning very special, and tote ready, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. DON’T forget plenty of whole milk with great excelence for very healthy brain smart nessecary foods, daily. With orange juice or a citrus juice daily too. Washing out shelves and the refrigerator too, with no spoiled foods, is very important, to assure and note that most jar types of sauces and ketchup and mustards with jams and such, do not spoil. A box of baking soda in refrigerator opened keeps a fridge even more fresh, and is of course fine for that purpose. Wipe all fridge areas dry after washing and some times the freezer needs some extra cleaning too. Many caseroles do only stay fresher frozen for two to three months when home made for the very freshest flavor unless extra wrapped. Sitting or standing. With the absulute greatest LOVE from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

more soon. 

September 11 th 2023 3:27 am from my tiny village 
in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW 

Good morning everyone everywhere, all over the world. Good day, and good evening in some places, and sleep well, too, as many USA people are still asleep. South American Countries too, and Canada as well as the south seas countries as well. Sweet dreams to those asleep. Good morning in MOSCOW RUSSIA, to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia. Thank you for the lovely emails as well, with notes at the online Kremlin Office of the government of Russia. Very exciting messages, making the week even more extrodinary. My day SUNDAY, was a bit busy, with extra pantry foods, and a many groceries that I shopped for SUNDAY. My evening ran late, into even further meetings in EUROPE and important to my tiny estate home office and my company online. Meetings will continue in solid improvements and online love notes is again with my good attention more. Announcements too, of wonderful international events, and the catalogue sale - moving picture movies extrodinary, with a SHOOK THE WU FILM DANCE in September 2023 , with a song called TOO DARN HOT, by thee wonderful lovely NATE KING COLE. 
HOT, in the song, means wildly exciting. I can hardly wait to DANCE IN A SHOOK THE WU with everyone all over the world. Hot is right. 

MONDAY, yes, and in Saranac Lake, New York, USA people are traveling in, throughout winter even, and it’s very enjoyed in a lovely drive throughout autumn and winter too. Many people with time off, make a weekend or week day travel in, or else where. And it’s going to be wonderful in the USA and throughout the whole world, in day trips or a few extra over night travels, is wonderful to experience so much of the world. With many lovely places and people. Even a fine lovely man, tonight at my grocery made it extra special asking if I needed anything. I was a bit uprupt and thought about what a wonderful store it was with people such as he, that made my shopping travel a bit special. I didn’t get a chance to say thank you to him, at the lake placid price chopper, fine people. Thank you all. xo with love.


Film Credit: the MAMA’S and the PAPA’S 

4:03 am  NEW YORK USA NOW 

Thee Warren Buffett and Thee Charlie Munger in conversation now 
Film Credit : Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 

Enjoy 60 minutes with an update 
THEE JIMMY BUFFETT a music composer in conversation.
in FILM 

more soon. 

thee PAUL MC CARTNEY special 
very special music film black bird 
singing in the dead of night ( rare bird known as a raven as well, and in the middle of night), 
an amazing song with a luxurious update. With very special thank you. xo everyone. 


September 11 th 2023 TUESDAY 5:07 pm eastern standard time, from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW. 

Good Day to everyone everywhere, all over the world, and good evening as well as good morning. In MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW, the time is 12:12 pm, just after noon lunch. 5:13 am BEIJING CHINA, NOW and in LONDON ENGLAND the time is 10:14 pm just One hour and 46 minutes before midnight. In Beijing and in Moscow the date is September 13 th 2023 NOW.  I wish to include an update of the RUSSIAN ECONOMIC FORUM, which was with international guests within a very full auditorium in MOSCOW RUSSIA today. With a email update from sir Vladimir Putin, of many special messages, I included only the online site of global public posts Direct from the GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA, from the OFFICE OF THE KREMLIN, Sir Vladimir Putin, THEE KREMLIN ( czar in meaning THEE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA.) READ 

Wonderful in a very serious area of continued assured focus in economic standards and strengthen reiterations of cares from sir Vladimir Putin, The Kremlin of Russia with excellence in focuses in a humanities of economic capitalism of worth, wages, quality, and cares of cultural realities, leisure cultural broadening, and with great standards of fundamental importance in standards of basic structure solid in fine elementary excellence of education standards and structure. Very exciting to be able to, post the government site directly. So sorry I was not able to attend the invited in person event in RUSSIA. The delays for me have been somewhat greweling, with unusual usa issues which caused some delays, even on my sweet movie MONSTER AND THE WALNUT

thank you personally to sir Vladimir Putin as my darling, of very good love, in lovely messages and of course the KREMLIN of RUSSIA, too, as busy as I dare say, I am, in work worth, and leisure too. 
with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. My summer estate in Russia, a small little inexpensive space, was left empty all summer. Setting in not the plan, of scarlet sailing yet. Excitement awaits with top secret not yet announced plans to assure. Today, I am still in a slight delay in LOVE NOTES, ONLINE. with a little apology. MONDAY was to be much to talk about and still meetings in EUROPE were slightly pressing. Even with VITRA in the country of GERMANY, of many years, in cultivated friendships too, with other countries as well. My first major international presentation lecture of cultural exhibition  was 2002. Formatively. 

more soon. 

NATE KING COLE with love to sir Vladimir Putin, and many of my sweet darling friends, near and far, everywhere, all over the world. this song is for you, from the incredible NATE KING COLE.

Film Credit: NATE KING COLE 

more soon. September 14 th 2023 7:34 am from my tiny village, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW 
Good Day to everyone everywhere in actually every village all over the world. For some people right this minute it is earlier, and others later and even evening time.
  In Moscow Russia
the time precisely is, 2:41 pm NOW.

I would like to send a very special message of pure love to the Kremlin of RUSSIA Sir Vladimir Putin, as he’s been very darling to even, get excited about his up and coming FILM archieve I did select to post soon. With love to everyone in RUSSIA. Thank you for your extrodinary messages and love sent. 

good afternoon, and good evening as well, to everyone everywhere. My guest in from out of town today is my lovely sweet mother, whom will be arriving later today for an autumn jont, with me, in Saranac Lake, New York, USA. My USA flag is purchased and shipped, standard postal shipping and I am very excited about putting up the USA flag out side my door. Of course, I have a very special menu plan for my mother, guesting with me several days, and I am creating a real ROYAL FLAMBÉ’ with several other speciality foods. Before the actual ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK is finally available to purchase. Fudge easy recipe, is going to be outrageously fun, and I am nearly fully ready to schedule the day of making fudge, with photographs of the entire process, much like the ROYAL FLAMBÉ. with delight in easy fudge, everyone all over the world, will be very ready to create too. Soon there will be easy excellent fudge, and history of butter fudge as well. With my own recipe for home made ROYAL MINT FROSTING
Extra shopping just yesterday was with some fine young people that were so excited to see I was shopping where they shopped, and wanted to show off their new jeans loose and a strait leg style for school back in classes with serious efforts. Even great button down shirts, sweaters and fine hats. It was kind of everyone to be extremely polite and still stroll near. What fun. Serious studies are going to be great. 

more soon. 8:07 am NEW YORK USA NOW

Davids Letterman in conversation 
Film Credit: DAVID LETTERMAN, Paul Mc Cartney and Ringo Starr 
Ed SULLIVAN THEATER talk, was very kind of you all, with special thank you. xo with love from Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett lovely everyone, David and Paul, and Ringo thank you again.

I love ED SULLIVAN and everyone. Perfectly great everyone.

more soon. 8:20 am NEW YORK USA NOW, ROLF ACHILLES, WORLD famous specialist in historical restoration preservation is a very ole friend of mine and very good of him to take time, to put a few note worthy lectures togethecr, that are somewhat out of the box, and not exactly the introspective lectures Sir Rolf Achille presents in Advances Cultural Studies as a well notes preservation specialist with keen humorous delightful broadened perspectives. Architecture world historical art and culture. 
What a lovely segment of film lectures from thee very famous ROLF ACHILLES, my darling very fine friend. LISTEN 

8:41 am NEW YORK USA NOW JONNY CARSON put together an update, even dated incorrectly, and is in conversation with BILL CLINTON former USA president of the country BILL CLINTON whom was also a very good long standing governor for the state of ARKANSA before actually winning the electoral preliminary vote to even be qualified of a run for the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TO THEN, again a favor of the USA in all 50 states in the USA and worked very hard to maintain many rules of his own responsibilities in a notable PRESIDENT job of and for the USA peoples 50 states of the whole country of the USA. With great efforts in dilligant difficult USA Oval Office responsibility well and very good.   Great budgetary reports too, all online daily with proper updated budget USA government reports then. Reading in my spare time quite a few.

special sax music compostion as well. Thank you both, for the very special film, in historical love to the people of the USA and love to the entire world. 

 as well as Ed Mc Mahon and the mini orchestra for JONNY CARSON 

thank you Jonny Carson, it’s been a while since I strolled down the street of my former estate in the southern regions close to your home too, same street, fine bbq, and the horse ranch was fun, with a cute little colt, and I will post my little film of that sweet little horse range near our sweet little street then. 

Missed everyone in BURBANK California when I flew in, 
and drives to MALABU BEACH always great. merci xo with love again and again. 
Gosh, Bill Clinton, thank you. Darling of you all. 
5:09 am in BURBANK CALIFORNIA, burr named after the 
French common word for BUTTER. 

more soon. 

THEE JULIA CHILD as a lovely darling person 
of great work in television with the 
updated from thee JULIA CHILD now, with 
wonderful extrodinary basics in opulent chef excellence. 1974 then, and now. 
Film Credit: JULIA CHILD 

more soon. 9:32 am NEW YORK USA NOW 

updated and in conversation 
Film Credit: WARREN BUFFETT and CHARLIE MUNGER thank you both, and the lovely
audience as well, with love everywhere all over the world. 
xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

not the entire song, just yet. 
Though it’s exciting.

September 16 th 2023 in my tiny village at 8:10 am Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW The day yesterday was wonderful with my mother whom arrived as a guest, in my home, in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. We both enjoyed earliest breakfast in, with special rasin cinnmon ENGLISH MUFFINS, toasted and soft butter, with fresh farm peaches, and apples in cream with cherries and whipped cream, Brazillian Imported Coffee, freshly brewed by the cup, and some other choices, in eggs, and even BELGUIM WAFFLES. Getting to the waffles to create a blinz strawberry whip cream de la cream waffle earliest tomorrow for a lovely guest holiday breakfast SUNDAY, sausages of chicken brat, special, and grilled eggs. Juices Ice Water and Coffee, is going to be spectacular with my sweet mother in town a few rare days. The Late LUNCH outing yesterday was perfect, with a town and country drive, into historical Malone, NEW YORK, USA, as a tiny city with opulent architecture to photograph, in a very beautiful drive from SARANAC LAKE to MALONE, in New York, around meandering very lush beautiful mountian lakes. Even moose at times are ready to photograph in roads just crossing at times, from another country close by in the boarder of the USA in NEW YORK, and Canada as in the COUNTRY of CANADA. Ellie / Alma ( my mother) and I enjoyed driving back again into LAKE PLACID NEW YORK, set on a small very picturesque deep lake, motor scooner ready, and not exactly too small, with our lovely lunch at a fine little fisterante named LUNA, with fine people and excellent food, worth the price, with a fine village street stroll, filled with many travelers. 

8:25 am email from JOHN MELONCAMP, may have been with some unusual missed link, and still I think JOHN MELONCAMP is with darling cares and charm, delightful and somewhat perplexing in his 
recent little message I had to include with JOHN MELONCAMP’S bold, approach, sole of THEE JOHN MELLONCAMP in a unusual film

more soon. 8:32 am with a stroll today in lovely September Brisk warmth after slight morning coolish wool weather. I have several updates today, yet some of the other exciting posts are still a bit in delays with a delight to savior the entire reality of  some important preliminary posts too. Enjoy breakfast and the lovely SATURDAY today and throughout the whole world. 

8:36 am from my tiny village, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA NOW

message update, 
SATURDAY NIGHTS ALRIGHT slight misprint on the link name on utube regrettably
 for the lovely enjoyable extrodinarily powerful music composition of a perfect 
song by ELTON JOHN of years and years more only from THEE ELTON JOHN. 

Film Credit: ELTON JOHN, still awaiting a little gathering to go back to our favorite tortalini spot in UPPER MANHATTAN. perfectly great for any SATURDAY NIGHT. 

more soon. 

September 17 th 2023 from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW 

Good Day to each and everyone, all over the world, everywhere. It’s lovely to enjoy the many messages, even in village shop windows of love for me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, and my little LOVE NOTES, with some outstanding people with village signs in windows within nearing every village in the world. From red ribbons to country flags more and more, and an absolute love for Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the great country of RUSSIA. Lovely messages of extensive incredible love for love notes posts and culturally riche broad world cares. It’s quite special of so very many peoples to even think of me, and love notes so well, and I wish to say graciously thank you. With all my love to everyone, everywhere. All over the world.

from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Today is SUNDAY. A holiday for me, with my sweet mother whom is a guest this week in town, and SUNDAY BREAKFAST, is extra special with my love for my mother, more than she may sometimes realize. More about our special breakfast, sometime after Monday. 

ALL MY LOVIN   from myself and the fabulous lovely fine friends “ the Beatles” and so many friends all over the world, RUSSIA., everywhere, from my tiny village in NEW YORK  USA  NOW 6:57 am 


BILLY JOEL created an extra special message update that I found very important today in a national USA care extended to subjects of my interest that I would enjoy expanding upon briefly later this week, sometime after MONDAY, September 18 th 2023 so, without further adue’ BILLY JOEL in conversation 

xo merci ‘ with love again and again. 
more soon. 

September 18 th 2023, 
from my tiny village in the city of Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. 12:12 pm 

Good Day to everyone, all over the world, everywhere. Good day to everyone in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, just 7 miles from LAKE PLACID, NEW YORK, and just an hours slower drive to PLATTSBERG NEW YORK. or coming from NEW YORK CITY, a 4 to 6 hour drive, you would take 86 expressway in to an connecting small highway, into Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA. while there are other surrounding cities even very close in drive time, from Canada. North of the USA. 

Thank you to everyone in Saranac Lake and Lake Placid for great outting, we had the very best time of  events with my mom in town. It was truely enjoyed. I have reviewed many types of concerns recently, I have been in meetings in EUROPE about, with a very special thank you to over 200,000 people directly, and even more than seen. Thank you as well, directly to sir Vladimir Putin, as a very lovely person, and that of a very esteemed worthy honored Nobel Peace Honored President, Kremlin that is of a vastly large country of RUSSIA. Much larger than the USA and actually one  of the worlds largest countries. I must say, I have a gracious thank you to thee Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin. with my love to Sir Vladimir Putin, in Eastern European RUSSIA in MOSCOW today. David Bowie is with massages that are outstanding soon, to be posted. With my very special thank you to darling David Bowie, and Sir Vladimir Putin Darling delightful people, with a specific special post from VLADIMIR PUTIN, Kremlin too, somewhat top list, this week, both, and yet, a slightly longer delay, in schedule excitment of wildest BENTLEY FILMS, surprising other real love posts of good delightful fun, and  easy fudge. Ready to box and adorn with fine ribboned gifts. Dare say, good ease to finest home made box gifts, will be of smashingly ( opulent goodness) good love. BTS, David Letterman, Arnold Shwartzenagger, Jonny Carson, Loretta Swit, Diana Ross, Ella Fitzgerald, Yoko Ono, Candice Bergen, Clint Eastwood, Rob Redford, Jane Fonda, Michael J. Fox, Bruce Springsteen, Ray Charles, and more, in just the short list, to catch everyone up into international posts as well, from even presidents of countries, even more, with a few updated from the president of China and the head of the country of ENGLAND, great Britian. I did not forget the Netherlands, Mongolia, Switzerland, Lybia, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Hungarian, and even more, into a amazingly wonderful September 2023 into 2024. Outragiously unimaginable excitment everywhere within the whole world. 

Reviews are Important, and then, 
eased in fine and rather wildly expansive continuum. 
Just say the word.        
                                                 LOVE    LISTEN 

The review is taking just a few more days than expected. And still, I have some exciting updates in film messages knowledge savvy personal budgeting and savings, finance savvy, that are with great insight soon with a little posted update to enjoy in a few special films. Soon you will know everything. 

Billy Joel’s conversation film, is with my interest to expand a bit on his lovely in conversations film. And why it matters in a time to review thoroughly, with good savvy, kind, assured greater 2023 into winter holidays. 

GOOD DAY SUNSHINE LISTEN warm daylight in this region 
for several all into november 2023 cool mornings. 


love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, thank you everyone, I love you everywhere, all over the world. 
more soon. 

September 19 th 2023 from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA 5:53 am NOW.

Good Morning, good afternoon, and Good evening, in the world, everywhere. It’s 12:55 pm in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW, and in SOUTH KOREA, of the far eastern continent of EUROPE, far east, the time 6:58 pm in Seoul South Korea NOW. SCOTLAND the time is 11:01 am, of a country closest to ENGLAND WESTERN EMBANKMENT, of a lovely ENGLAND located on the far western region of the continent of EUROPE, that’s set in a close proximity to vaste ocean, of the Atlantic Side of the very very large great far and very wide ocean. Of course the ocean is of two sides, and one is the Atlantic Side, and the other is the pacific side, west to east, Atlantic, then Pacific, is of the western side of the earth, and extremely vaste large ocean, is with extreme size that takes months to actual sail from USA or a SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRY or a south seas country or Canada , all the way far across the actual ocean to EUROPE of many many many many many many, countries. Maps of Star Sky Patterns and sun and moon direction are good to study, as of course the sun always rises in the east, and always sets down, sun down, is toward the west, always east to west, sun and moon circling above earth and vast ocean. While of course, only GIANT SHIPS that have excellent licensing in top ocean travel, are prepared and licensed to set sail in ocean voyages. Ships that cruise in HAWAII and ALASKA, can be as large as an actual small city, and higher than many tall buildings, that only dock, in deep water. Very special types of docking for a giant ship cruise liner boat, extremely giant.  More soon, for important detailing on a real cruise ship liner. And updates on extrodinary prices too, to, take a planned holiday, sea side, in fine fun, affordable enough, with saved income and good solid savvy  planning and a fine experience in even winter holiday fun. Budget and savings are top list, first. MODERN SWANK HOTEL CABIN  Sea Side Ocean View, and free inland special ship cruise liner shuttling for HAWAII is exciting, and with a modern swank, cabin hotel room on ship, is excellent and with more availability then a hotel on land, in HAWAII, with excellent travel very exciting. 

WARREN BUFFETT, AND CHARLIE MUNGER, talk, finance and are both humbly delightful and savvy, in retaining savings and are notable in fine business standards too, savvy - yes. Fast company, no. With a film updated  in conversation 


6:29 am  NEW YORK USA NOW 

more soon. 7:17 am NEW YORK USA NOW, ARNOLD SWARZENEGGER  updated email with sweet Sir Swarzenegger with care too, of the USA FLAG, and my USA flag arrived in postal mail on time too. LISTEN Arnold Swarzenegger is of an Olympic World Champion as Honored in Sports Athletics Excellence, with exceptional studies in honored achievement of Liberal Educational Excellence too, Major USA films, and a EXCELLENT GOVERNOR IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA USA born in the European country of AUSTRIA. Sir Arnold Schwarzenegger is of rare AN OLYMPIC UNIVERSE HONORED CHAMPION, with such exceptional lovely cares, and humor, with a film I had to go to a leavy to retrieve, as I did not receive the link in film that was missing from my email from sir Schwarzenegger, a very ole friend. So, I went to a leavy to see the film was included sir Arnold Swarzenegger with much love to you personally, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
more pancakes and hot coco with tiny marshmallows with of course whole milk and a dash of vanilla flavor extract, curls of dark milk chocolate shaved atop, whip cream, of course for you. The apple Tart Especial brandy sauce pastry recipe with rum raisin sauce, RUSSIAN / AUSTRIAN / AMERICAN reality with royal love. Sautee sea bass, lime aioli sauce French, ala carte’ with Potatoe Wedge Special Seasoned - to, darling world Olympian. 

more soon. 8:29 am NEW YORK USA NOW, message updated DAVID BYRNE, SAME AS IT EVER WAS, music composition, is it ?
LISTEN   Finest Largest casserole Lasagne ‘ too, with some invitation work to prepare well, for the annual Autumn Event Afternoon. Postal RSVP and a secondary RSVP match x one more fully matched RSVP, to see planned, and enough food. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, NASHVILLE, SAN FRANCISCO, RUSSIA, at least. LA ca. USA, KNOXVILLE, SALT LAKE CITY, Wyoming, Vermont,  and even plenty  more. 

more soon.  GIANT OCTOPIE ‘ are ancient and often never seen, living far beneath the ocean sea level, farther than 90 leagues under the sea level of the ocean, JAPAN far east reality in the ROBUST TRUELY GIANT ANCIENT OCTOPIE, with eight long giant legs known as tenicales with suction sticky feet everywhere under the entire length of  octopie, tenicals and stick on the ocean floor bottom of more than thousands of years. The sea shelf ocean floor is where giant octopie move about with very sticky suction on all tenicals. Giving off an ink like cloud, when anyone tried to approach an octopie. While with swift speed octopie mostly will swim away to even octopie caverns very important for the assured lovely giant octopie to enjoy octopie ocean life, just as the GIANT OCTOPIE have for hundreds of thousands of years. 

Film Credit: One Minute Royal Sketch of a scene in a movie known as the posiden venture, USA directed with special fabrication, and directly reeled, in national tv, right at the time, the USA president and colliez were impeached and removed from the USA Oval Office and fully removed from all government offices in the USA of course too, with duplicity efforts in adits of the national USA budget, under national and international crutiny by the people, of the USA and internationalists too.

Jeopardizing lives, and extreme caused loss of business and more, tax misalocations and unethical allocations in unethical types of process- and not regulation ethics standards of the USA original contstituional peoples humanities regulations standards for people, of long standards of ethics structure in government office processes- not to be mangled and with unethical breach, ( broken laws). No. Aims at citizens too. And jeporty caused to standard good military too. And with same rights in all ethics to see exposure to unethical- towards humanity in a wrong position, and subverting tax appropriation as mere - grappling to rip tax rules up. 

Enjoy the One Minute Sketch, as the finished sketches of the ANCIENT GIANT OCTOPIE are exciting in film that’s nearing completion of MONSTER and the WALNUT. wonderfully exciting in a long moving motion film, within the soon to be available royal sketch film presentations. Simply marvolous. I hope you love it, with great anticipations. Everywhere in the whole world. Unimaginable lovely. 

more soon. 9:46 am NEW YORK USA NOW.

2:11 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW with an update graciously from Thee David Bowie,  LISTEN  as a music composition which is with the clarity of PURE DAVID BOWIE, with simply his illustrious guitar, music sweetly his own, and the music mindfully of David Bowie, dare I say, is an antidotal expressive delight after a working day, simplistic wildly a time to refresh and dance all the way into the beautiful moonlight. merci David, darling. xo 
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
not the second string lutientant yet. 

and I have some fun surprizes in FILM, and wild importance of even music Shook the wu, not yet in film, and not exactly yet, as I have been a unusually upset, as to some concerns still in my list of reviewing the standards for sanctitude in imminent diminion - (work love and estate with liesure ) of my sacred lovely life and special company I own, project events expanded are increadible, of an intellectual ethical property of my developments, towards the love of people all over the world, culturally riche, in USA soil too, what excitement you may know in greater of cultural prowess of villages of people. I have much to say more soon. It’s all, very exciting. David Bowie, uninterrupted too, pure DAVID BOWIE, in his lovely lengthy worthy fine poetic mind of cares, and clarity of just pure DAVID BOWIE, impromtue, noteable, from thee David Bowie. What should be next, while the BENTLEY FILMS are near ready to be announced. I have to expand upon a few subjects now, Giants ?, there is a time to see through difficult concerns, I feel a great self assurance in clarity about the impeachment order that is really at a manditory area and a responsibility for senate to see through after many unethical dc breaches ( Oval Office levels broke USA laws ), and ruled regulations in aim at even my tiny little sweet lovely company and citizens of the USA and intetnationally caused extreme harm, intentionally unethical reality- and a good solid consensus from people filling each and every village in the USA and those intetnationally of greatest respects toward our USA people, and good natured culture too, with hard work, in a success of the people- villages and all villages with exceptional cares, worthy cultivations and esteemed efforts. Billy Joel in conversation makes a prominent point of some concerning media persons - whom want to be - in pictures. And they may get their wish, in a few bad media in breach of journalist ethics of stern standards, and no sources of actual information at all. And very serious lies. Warren Buffett said that some names were even the same suddenly as others ? So, they want to be in pictures. Million dollar donuts commercial with the dc dirty dozen ? in dc silver dinners using the Oval Office of the capital of the people of the USA as a hotel ‘ 

and taxes ? so the responsibility is to serve the impeachment order and that is with the vp and administration too, and some further actionable broken ethics that are of some directors such as the state department - with piled up unethical actions sprawling in length, of years. No time left, to see a senate squirming in job accountability responsibility of those giant areas for big boys and girls, of an assurance to the people of the USA. Now, hell yes. 

The budgetary allocation are with assured responses of needed budget and of course, Bill Clinton has a, reserve statuse with some cares. Budget standards, are in a state of review for the whole country of allocations of eaqual measurements for standards within ethical allocation appropriations - what is what ? GDP reports are a start ? 

the country in the USA was with employment and many extra spending in low price points and a solid tax reserve of greater accumulative tax was stable due to a economy of efforts large and small. Retired people whom spent more and lowered mortgages too, were outstanding in a accumulative tax % of reserved tax in assurances too, of a tax wealthier USA to be very very proud of, in great efforts even of youth, saved money, spent  some too. Excellent, and there is much more I have to say in my update of banana News revival international press. Before the end of September 2023 even about David Bowie guitars. At least. Aim from dc dirty dozen include a very serious issue, in USA soil, and a ricashay that was blaming great citizens and even blamed for silly crushed aspirin ‘ 

outragious ‘ of course soothing in a head ache ‘ and a topical rub’ ancient remedy. 

Pentagon and Nato are big trouble’ From Japan, German, Italy, and more. Now too, a USA concern in all eyes on the concerns of such aim of a munition and they wished to too, be in pictures. Wishin and hoping and dreamin, en how ?

Trolling issues in police ? Breaches < —- 
letter lead beater / Rita meter maids ? 

Mike Bloomberg is very interested in some duel notations issues and piled high.

Apple word corrector recently switched a finished word to say wrongly - what was never in the actual typed note. Extreme concern ? 

yes. In every direction. Honor Achieved Scholarship, is note matters of harsh times.

You may ask again like David Byrne and Billy Joel in conversation, directly, did Peter Piper Pick a Peck of Pickled Peppers ? Billy Joel made excellent example of that old saying about massive losses due to interpretations and standard deviations / how wrong / listen again to David Byrne song “ same as it ever was” I can say that David Byrne might be surprised to experience an effort of needed changes in the USA with his efforts too, that made a difference too. With Billy Joel too, Viennersnitzel ? puile’ fu’ siesse’ what does it mean ? Aszhio ‘ Is Japanese for thank you very kindly and good bye for now. See you another day soon. Thanks again. With this, I must post the update I found incredibly important from sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the lovely country of Russia, in a care to the Ukraine whom voted out the president recently in the good of the Ukraine peoples with much good in expression of greater lovely respects to sir Vladimir Putin and the peoples of Russia and Russian millitary too, with excellent love sent to me personally many many many months too, and very good in a savvy kind delightful people of the Ukraine. Lovely thank you from everyone in the Ukraine with global love to everyone.

First before I post Sir Kremlin Vladimir Putin’s direct message from the Russian Government of the office of the Kremlin, I must say, in a formality of political words, it is very kind of Sir Vladimir Putin to see sensitivity toward the USA people well respectfully in words of sir Vladimir ‘s as wrongs of a few west / referring to Political West dc dirty 30 or so, and meaning the Oval Office of course and a needed statement in clarification towards a greater needed effort in the USA of all USA people to note they have much more than a vote to see what is exactly what. 

and, now I am prepared for the post update from THEE KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the good vaste (of a largest )
country of RUSSIA. READ 

Of course the statement is extremely important to note on an international level in love notes, within my very lovely cares towards the USA people and of the large international world, everywhere. I also wish to express the issues of an aim at me or others caused by dc 30 bambuzzlers, with my need to say more to the lovely peoples in tech excellence and even of ORNL and Northern Texas university professionals too. Asap attention to a stop on these minitions and Tax racketeering scams looking to land on mars soon, must be a highest priority in USA efforts of all good darling giants - everywhere. ASAP,  is the 

idealism. ow, ow and ow and ow, and utube splicing too, is a breach of break ins in utube recently and some concerning shuffling aims in breached issue of  aiming caused by dc shufflers ( very concerning , with some aim at yahoo ) all perfectly created too and run fine, ( aimed at distance dc caused popping ) at standards of GOOGLE which is an international system of very strict international standards pertaining to global standards at a Google platform. Still a few issues online in tools to edit and use my time with proper time expectations to never dally. 


Film Credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Within the oceans of more than the eight largest countries of Europe are 
GIANT OCTOPIE as I wish everyone enjoy the royal one minute sketch and all the updates too, assure your self a very good breakfast, lunch, and dinner where every you are, all over the world, sitting or standing. 

Royal One Minute Sketch Credit: of the glimps of the GIANT OCTOPIE 
and the posiden venture excerpt again in pictures. 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

September 20 th 2023 from my tiny village 6:48 pm SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW, 
good evening now in NEW YORK, USA, and hello, to everyone everywhere all over the world. It was international meetings more of the day today still with reviewing the assurances in an ease to see proper times to schedules and events online and in person. With an exciting list of many LOVE NOTES that are going to be outstanding. Films of many many many lovely messages updated and not to miss one minute into 2023. Expressions to so many lovely people are quite real in my thank you and extended love, sent, and yet, not enough, as I am with further excitment to see the messages of love well, good, and for the entire world, everywhere. Very special, I feel it is indeed very very special. Darlings, I love you all. 

Grocery Shopping  in a short travel went well, and Chicken Stew, made with bullion, Fresh Carrots chopped, Fresh Potatoes, Chopped, Fresh grilled Onion chopped, butter, and a few seasonings, with wide fettachini noodles freshly dried, and roasted dredged floured. thin slice chipped chicken, sautéed riche golden grill, in butter, is extrodinary, and I place enough in the freezer as well, for later this weekend with some amazing home made easy fudge that I will have posted in LOVE NOTES this week end with a selection of GOLD BOXES or fine white or brown  and fine French Silk Ribbons with love,                                              wishin of 1964 love  LISTEN 
 from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 


September 21 st 2023 3:23 pm from my tiny village Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
busy meetings all morning, and with some very good review cares, with great EUROPEAN involvement for my tiny company and very good for easy fudge posts, and much more. I have about three more days of delays in some extrodinary very special posts for LOVE NOTES, and BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, and the catalogue announcements that were with upsetting delays throughout the summer into September 2023. With exciting film impromtues, special aria compostions in music and cultural works of art on exhibition and even sales, the royal flame book announcement, MONSTER AND THE WALNUT, with outrageous numbers of updated messages of love, for love notes and everyone everywhere all over the world. Outragiously wild, serious as well. World messages many. Delayed even the piazza pizza events. So everyone is very excited about the update announcements of all that was delayed, in some reviews and a few other schedule needs in planning. I will have an update on web site types of things for those licensed professionals in cultural media for you web sites as a information of web site, savvy, updates that I will take time to post within the next month in 2023 October by the latest. Rowen Atkinson might wish to sell his own MR BEAN mini films all ROWEN’S incredible work in film, people might wish to collect in their purchases from Rowen in his own web site. Savvy people, do purchase. 

was there extra efforts, sprucing up, my entry, as I say, indeed, there is, and the house painter is with a awful mess, in the view of the entry of the rental, of course a busy fellow, while a ladder was left on an upper area outside my estate window, yellow tape, mess in the fine rental that does have a quite a revenue, and my rental entry of course is very important to me, and of course the owners whom rent the little estate tiny. Entry areas, I swept and with guest to see, a mess, hung coats at the front, and perfect people all renting too. In the residential tiny village, pleasant nice people. Very good. The view out this whole summer was not as expected in the fine stone stacked entry of a very tiny usually well manicured little entry and of my rental estate. Of course, events even with my mom , are with every care to details in an enjoyment for very special event proper- important to all. everywhere. My southern estate was with such meticulous details, special. wonderful feeling of a fine lovely love. Sprucing up, and enjoying the entry, is usually quite simple. I am wreath shopping for a special wreath this year, for the entry, and the USA FLAG. with love to the people of the USA in every village near and far. Still , looking for everyone’s name on the mail boxes as it’s good in postal cares too. 

with CHICKEN STEW recipes for some excellent ease in fine foods to enjoy fine dinner more at home.
The recipe I created yesterday is one of my own best, and a favorite in guests, even THE BEATLES, BILLY JOEL, STING, AND SIR VLADIMIR WITH ONLY 200,000 more for dinner, and ERIC CLAPTON, AND JONNY CARSON, WITH THE ROLLING STONES LOVE. Dolly and Reba too. Atleast even more, AND MANY ON THE EVENT LISTS. And soon the address too, will be online fully with eased rsvp assured at the PARK AVENUE estate rental address, in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA, maps. MALONE NEW YORK is a one hour drive, and TUPPER LAKE, is less than 1/2 hour drive. Lake Placid New York, USA is about ten minutes drive from Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA, easily if coming from MANHATTAN, into ALBANY and then, on to expressway 87 north, then find the drive about several hours before getting into connecting roads and slower through mostly river and country side areas, then Lake Placid NEW YORK is on a medium sized lake with many risterantes and some fine little shops, very village proper all the way into then Saranac Lake NEW YORK. more soon on the map, in. Hotels and PLATTSBERG hotels too, with an airport and more hotels. 

The man, in also renting at the building of the same building within the same floor of my estate rental - on the same floor, in my estate building, might enjoy a whole sauce pan of chicken stew that takes about one hour, in the online recipe, as I rarely even see him, almost never, and the recipe is enough for four or five days, freezing a few containers means easy fine foods, in my dinner plans. Light bulbs with web cams for online cam are very nice to have, and are priced under $6.00 for all lights and then instant online cam views everywhere. Some light bulbs are equipt with sound microphones and in special bulbs selections can be with a 35 miles sound capability to actually hear that far, in every direction. The basic equipt upload bulb is instant upload cam capable, even in street cams. Once online. Halls and homes, entry and even businesses too. Street cars named desire, cam equipt too. Not the tree cam? Online. Of course. Liscensplates wildly are easily seen interestingly enough, with Trains even, tunnels, stair cases, a special scoptic lens, smaller than sand actually.  Tree to tree wild update. Toy bear cam ? Of course even as early as 1995. Even dog collars and some sticky ear dog / cat ear tag cams. Wonderful everywhere. 

Chicken Stew, and more of those other special recipes soon.  Everywhere all over the world. With regional variations perhaps, with a few ways to serve the Chicken Stew as well, with a fine hand cut fresh baked ease mix and bake biscuit, that I will post a complete update of a complete recipe menu, for REAL CHICKEN STEW, OF THE VERY MOST DELICIOUS. Moscow Russia at the Kremlin’s level loves the stew recipe. Incidentally. True. 

savvy for everyone’s schedules too. 

Mick Jagger update GET OFF OF MY CLOUD.
the forever cloud lofty of worth and fortitude. 

Film Credit: THEE MICK JAGGER and the music people with MICK JAGGER

more soon. 

Friday September 22 nd 2023, 5:12 pm eastern standard time from 
my tiny village in Saranac Lake, 
New York USA NOW. 

GOOD EVENING to my many friends of many years, and it’s a rather long list, I am thankful. Even without piled high winter holiday cards at times.  There are new and ole friends, more throughout the whole world, and some emailed of graciousness from everyone throughout the USA villages all, and throughout the world, villages all, are with delightful very good, gracious people too. Thank you everywhere. The store window messages too, in villages and even 
sir Vladimir Putin, made a window message for me, personally in 
MOSCOW RUSSIA, recently. Posting, his sweet photograph message soon is a charming delight, with other very lovely messages too. I wish to express my yellow tape, that toilet papers the estate I rent, very lucrative income on this building, and I realize the owners my wish to see the estate, in a reality of perfection, and not be dallied with a lie, about some troll of poles, either. Garbage was tossed at the estate grass stone stacked wall entry the day my mom arrived, ( I had just finished sprucing up )  with a dirty back pack, slung at the very lovely green grasses. Dirt on the entry too, was with unusual dropped tools and garbage too. Still, no names on the postal mail boxes in most, and maybe an over sight due to the fact they were newly painted and the update of painting was very very nice, even if much too much time in finishing and still a bit of garbage in the stone fine estate walk ways. Rentals are not exactly cheep, and are a place to assure home quality of course, I am sure the owners of the rentals would agree, and are very nice people. Taking pictures of license plates in renter parking is always a great idea, as the street parking is of course residential and all year, of course, unlike business districts, as an ordinance of residential areas. There may be a troll issue, that should be really noted, everywhere, I feel. The tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA and everywhere, are with esteemed efforts in good business and a very important aspects, not to meet Rita ( retor ) meter maid ever running down anyone or any business in the USA. with graffiti or other, in a mishap. Just in ? To exactly what?  Exactly  .? People left and right north south east and west, want to know? Is there a ghant triptical balloon quagmire quaging - what. In my review, I will have to assure a great estate rental, of course, and respectfully I am very pleased to rent from good solid nice rental owners too, whom would not want a sublet concern either. Even rumored in any way, with people very nice too, that also have additional luxury off street parking to feel great choices. In my estate rental, having spacious duplicity and a high bar in reviews of bar exams, and of course dominion of sacred homes rented estates or owned. My lovely Friends whom own a small estate, themselves, and are with some parking that is limited, use a sign for guests that drive in which say guest visitor when the parking is limited. It’s a wonderful idea, I think. Even with an address number on it and apartment number too. Retain one little / printed guest parking placates, is a good idea. Not fooling around, with trolls with paper fliers touching your car, no.  or entry, no. is a good idea. I had a windshield wiper broken, with a flyer troll, once. Then dumped soil in my entry setting out troll fliers too. Recently. And motor puttering trolls, electronic gonging .  in my beautiful stone estate rental walking path, where I usually spend a minute giving a chipmonk a pecan daily. Just to place in the automobile guest window while parked to guest at even lunch, or dinner.. Everyone loves that in many areas with limited parking street side residential zones. That are all year, everywhere.  I have extra off street parking too. 352 days a year, resident reality. Even business in villages, too. I did put out a fine entry outdoor finest chair which my brother gave me, and placed a label on it with my name and address. It looks smart, in the front entry. Still looking for a perfect wreath. Of course, no one needs prowlers in troll midnight beemer blue ? Pink . threads even near there automobiles and have every right to see the concerns opened to note, village by village all. 

5:55 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, updated email from JAMES TAYLOR TODAY, I wished to post, even with limited time today, as meetings in EUROPE now are still quite busy until MONDAY September 22 nd 2023 and I think JAMES TAYLOR is a darling wild lovely person, 
to email even more with his incredible updated recordings now just for me. xo James. With love darling.
Link and Film 

Film Credit: JAMES TAYLOR 

more soon. 


WILLY NELSON messages today in email, were not with a link message film, unusual for 
my darling friend, THEE WILLY  NELSON, and well, I enjoyed choosing a film from 
WILLY NELSON, with a lovely music compostion and finest guitar musical arrangements in music 
strumming that is outragiously wonderful, for LOVE NOTES, to everyone everywhere,
 all over the world. Burbon CHOCOLATE CAKE, very secret recipe of mine, is extremely especial with a whiskey cordial sized ( 1 oz of Burbon and 1 oz of Special Juiced Syrup Home Made, Dash of Soda Water ) spritzer made perfectly perfect, for a fine event winter holiday to remember. With a perfect spainish demitasse coffee, fine ground brew, too. 


in the USA. Link And Film 

Film Credit: WILLY NELSON 

Utube has had some attach / issues ( commercials ? ) , en how, matter, with some wrong typing bannors lettering words and dates popping up - please note more to know in an later update in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press. Some films are still with adjustments in reviewing the issues at my studio vosse which, are important to note, the I will take time for everyone in extra efforts for links and film html as well, both, in a assurance to see the posts important in lovely messages not to miss, as well, as through this review time, to assure the absolute greater work in LOVE NOTES and at STUDIO VOSSE, as lovely as the wonderful messages from everyone, from all over the world. BUTTER FUDGE Special Recipe  easy box holiday gift fudge, with extra fine royal mint diamond frosting, is wonderful and ready for an excellent post on SATURDAY. Assure, you all, everywhere, all over the world, have a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner, everywhere, sitting, or standing. Utube is free, always free, and is a program made for free online areas for everyone in the whole world. Be careful about overtypes word bannor layered. Danne Kaye has a lovely film he created called the shell game, and it’s with a tricky little missing ball, and three empty clam shells, that keep losing the ball. Where did the ball go ? perhaps Danne Kaye will make a film update in 2023 and everyone in the whole world, can know where the hand sized ball went. 

Love from myself, princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

GET OFF OF MY CLOUD , link with a very special 
recording update just for me, and wonderful, now listen 
merci ‘ everyone, EVERYONE, thank you again. To everyone all over the world. 

8:15 pm from my tiny village 

September 23 rd 2023 2:08 pm in NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE., it’s going to be real chicken stew soon, with finest biscuits with incredible fine cut biscuits that are worth the extra effort, baked freshly for each daily menu. With BUTTER FUDGE made easy, for even gold boxed gifts, with real silk ribbons. Or just to enjoy on a fine afternoon week, piece by piece with a busy autumn season into winter holiday. Stew Cost Effective Cooking is very important and I am going to post my tally ( costs totals ) on my stew, with extra love to everyone. 

I will have a shopping list posted today, for the easy basic butter fudge for all ages to create at home. With a wonderful pot of REAL CHICKEN STEW, and delectable hand cut biscuits, worth even Dutch Oven Baked Love, of your own finest home chef work. With a few extra recipes more this week, for an ease to a variety of great finest dinner foods, with best budgeting as an importance with excellence in absolute sumptuous menus, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

4:55 New York USA NOW 
. Chop Chop, is the word. While you need a list, and we will start with what’s known as marshmallow butter fudge. With a recipe for the ROYAL MINT ICING ( frosting ) Top sweet creamy soft sugary layer OF THE FUDGE LAYERED IN A THIN MINT FROSTING, you will be great at creating within a recipe easy fine culinary confectionary art of fine easy fudge. For the fudge recipe, please note to purchase, one bag of semi sweet small chocolate chips, and the oz on the bag is 8 oz sided. I purchase the most economical standard chocolate chips, with prices low as very important for many reasons, as others too, all afford and save money needed to save and with many fine sweaters to purchase too. Of course you will need one bag of small marshmallows ( standard marshmallow are fine, though take longer to melt in a sauce pan. ), small marshmallow are in a 12 oz net weight size, and then butter , pure dairy cream butter salted, in the most economical low cost, possible, with great freshness too, as it sells faster, and freshly delivered from the dairy, made from whole milk cream. And slight salt, actually essential in greater healthy menu foods, and even several oz per day is great smart brain food, to assure. Be butter smart. 

Once you have purchased all your essential ingredience, then, in a medium sized sauce pan, on lowest heat, melt, one tsp, of butter, and then pour in the the chocolate chips, adding also 1/4 stick of butter. And watch the pan very carefully with stirring constantly so the chocolate does not burn, and add 1/ 2 bag of marshmallows and then, the hard part, to stir and stir quickly with a large non stick plastic cooking spoon. 

Pre - prepare a sheet pan, or even shallow cake pan, butter the pan well, and then dust the pan with powder sugar special purchase and just a little covers the butter on the pan, that the melted fudge is then quickly poured into the buttered sheet pan, and all is melted well in marshmallows fully melted into the chocolate with mixed in butter too, fully well blended. What is next ? flatten the fudge fast, while melty and then do not worry about the edges as just a good thick fudge that must then cool. In the refrigerator an hour, then sit the fudge layer, on the work counter to then carefully cut the fudge into diamon cubes. 

A lite sprinkle of powder sugar on top is with care, not to actually touch the fudge with your hands at all, ever. Now you are ready to plate up the perfection of a butter confectionary finest fudge and then, layer plastic between each layer stacking of fudge of a lovely plate of finest butter marshmallow fudge of your culinary art confection of PURE FUDGE, as a gift finest for the very best occasions. Wrap the fudge well in an air tight container to that lasts more than a month, if extra plastic wrap is tightly well wrapped. 

 the ROYAL MINT FROSTING, YES. later in the week. After Monday September 25 th 2023 

more soon. Ah, yes, everyone should know about buzz word key chains, and not exactly popular either, with out knowing more, or a sudden pop in a phone, download , suddenly, is something to be aware of. Of course phones have settings at volume sound control, and ear phones. Of course, there have been musical greeting cards too, over 40 years. It’s nice to be aware of wrong buzz dropped?  Some dog types of buttons too, have push button word sounds, recordable too. Hopefully with nice words, I think. Do you hear anything ? I didn’t hear anything ? 400 butter milk pancakes ? special potatoes 400, and 2 chicken sausage links ? Ah, yes, of course that’s an order, and that will take thirty minutes and is $4.00 total per each order pancake special , and the cost, total is, hold on, $1600.00 and then tax is 8.24 % , and your total is $1732. 00, of course, help your self to ice water while you wait. Unless there will be anything else, and here is your recipe. Orders ready, 30 minutes, sorry for the wait time, enjoy, have a very nice day. NEXT ? What a day of 8 hour work, to then off time, lip stick, good shoes and fine dinner, too, daily, exillerating with a eight hours of great sales, never thought possible. Villages are rolling. And quite lovely efforts through slow times into good business proper and wonderful. 

Busy day buckwhete buttermilk pancakes took a while to gain such sales, but should be good through winter and spring. It’s the busiest time to love work more. Fresh off the grittle. 
Of course the daily revenue on 400 pancakes per hour in a 5:00 am to 10 :00 pm lovely pancake pastery shop, with great steady business, is very good, and in a whole year of revenue, wages are even worth the entire experience of all those lovely efforts that bring a very good cultural kind care more into a broad lovely world. Wages, to even afford a ten day holiday winter in tropical or ski resorts, flights to even special concerts - even in Australia. With savings to count each penny earned more and forever, with esteemed achievements to feel great about the village you live. 

JOHN DENVER thank you for arriving in my exhibitions years back, and hello to everyone too. The lovely song country boy, is always exciting, and I adore you with a special update today, with very good thanks again. THEE JOHN DENVER LISTEN 
for everyone in the USA and all over the world. 
Really thee JOHN DENVER, for me. And everyone everywhere. Lovely everyone. 

more soon. 

September 24 th 2023 3:48 am Saranac Lake, 
NEW YORK, USA NOW. Good morning today on SUNDAY, early morning before sunrise, as I am up very early in further meetings that are not limited to EUROPE by all means, and within the USA I have great cares toward everyone in villages everywhere. The USA is a very good country, and should not be run down, and out of leisure enjoyments and fine business by types that try and block roads, and are an unethical issues caused by a few of the dc dirty dozen, what 
JOHN WAYNE, CALLS “possi’ , as my lovely ole esteemed friend, was traveling in, recently and missed his world performance scheduled concert in the most opulent of invites in the USA, and being a world renowned concern classical cellist, quite well known, he ended up, trying to pay for his fuel, and lunch to get home. 

Not in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA, and then( cover your eyes and ears children ) >  bowinkle bullies, cartooning even TAGAMEAN  AMBULENCES /with troubling legal issue, as  former ice cream trucks, in hot persuit, and unethics breaches coast to coast, dirty dialers, funny unethical papers,  we’re in view all over the world, and even in the country of India in Europe, with cams, backdated,  on the government site in India, as I received a message of course, satalights on the moon are constant and as my friend Ingilbert Humperdinck sings, what goes up, must come down. Even those little microchip mile markers, up, yes, . While if I run out of fuel, I call a cab, or walk and absolutely return to my car, over and over as an ethical right, to get fuel everywhere.  Nap even road side, if needed unquestionably the need, if sleepy.  Even the many large numbers of fine people in the government of course realize that. Star satlights too, and good. 

YO YO MA did get his replacement cards, needed and earned some cash, with ease to assure himself, getting home, fueled up, and on his way. I wanted to assure that my very esteemed darling YOYO MA, whom I have known since the 1990’s knows that I think YOYO MA is lovely a person and with esteemed kind dignity with even his little message film, of pure love. Of course, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, would have enjoyed a minute to see YOYO MA in the grassy pavilion at a fine brunch outting with his cello, to adorn SARANAC LAKES REAL the riche culture history of the village even more, with fine and extrodinary history, not well known very well. Upsets, are high, in pancake sales, in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW. The lovely leisure drive ? To face bullwinkling cartooning issues. Eminent Domainion ethics are unquestionably being reviewed in the entire USA right now, in rights of passage - notation very well known, and unquestionably and inalienable ethical solid unchangeable standard. Of course, CHICAGO ILLIONOS is one of the largest cities in the world, and with ethics areas of nine million people, right now flipping through ethics books with pens in hand, and many internationally savvy in lengthy ethics too, for USA country standards of reality of humanities ethics. Non comprimizable.  I spoke with a few governors yesterday, ethics counsels of 50 states, and my gosh, dc dirty dozen few in big troubles. With dc dirty dozer assoc what, in an issue of losses in Village Business of over $500,000 . 00 or more per revenue in per each of so many little fine shops, and the large national grassy lake pavilion with such pleasant boat areas. What people should know. Whom is going to pay the loss in leisure lovely life, and absolute sales, that were a large marginal loss, with the same fine exemplary efforts. With people whom wish to drive into SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, just to stop at a fine brownie shop, with extremely fresh made extra chocolate riche moist perfect brownies. In lake Zurich Illinois city in the USA Midwest, region north east of Chicago Ilinoise nearer to Palestine Illionios and a city named PERTH, very lovely drive into a tiny more tiny than SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA, and in Lake Zuirich, IL, there is a few small shops, and one very noted for the very finest apple bread sweet roll loafs, and the travel is outragiously exciting in buying more than one loaf of the freshly daily made apple bread, with enormous business in the city, filled daily in travelers as well, and earn revenue is far greater than $2 million annually, paying quite well, wages, excellent people kind, very proud of apple bread, delightful. Wages high. Which brings even more sales well into other small tiny companies.  YOYO MA, did miss a few schedules in prestigious invites of his noted well known esteemed excellence in much more than simply knowing how to play a cello. And did not arrive in the great brunch for the grassy pavilion cello fun we had in mind. Internationally such a gift for everyone in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA, NOW. maybe a different village instead. Excuse me, I must close the damper, . It’s an urgent time when the damper needs to be closed. Unquestionably a great city to think about a town and country drive anytime in your schedules in the USA. Mustards Last Stand, Brat Shop, is worth noting more, soon in my posts, bratworste ( specialty German Sausages ) known as a brat.( br -  Ot ) as in German and Poland actually, the “a “ in words is often mostly pronounced like a ( o ) oa ‘ sound, so brat is brot ‘ if you really speak GERMAN OR POLISH of the Eastern European smaller well noted countries that are well known for Fine Brat. MUSTARDS LAST STAND, in very small, a tiny building in fact, and quite well known for BRAT, and right now, they are with telescopes pointed up,  looking for hovering crafts that are in the hide to land, and not in ethical registered crafts, gliding perhaps ? hopefully not in to the cubs games. My company STUDIO VOSSE, is with an international and national USA esteem of many devout honored work, of known reality over 35 years. More in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press about my tiny little sweet studio vosse, with some extra notes. International and nations project worthy have been very good, many many years. I love you, everywhere. From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. MUSTARDS LAST STAND, REVENUE annually is estimated at a projected sales of $4 million annually and have been in business for over 35 years, with not many changes in people employed well. World travelers even. The environmental stabilized working atmosphere of daily work schedule is often a refreshing environment to work in, and enjoy that brats are a success in ways that, are enjoyed more wages good, brats selling well. Again into 2023 all year, and even throughout autumn and winter, 2023 into a great reality for 2024. the sales climate for brats is looking good at MUSTARDS LAST STAND. Trout Farm is waiting, in a busy secret Knoxville, Tennessee, risterante with an actual trout lake farming trout, and freshly scaled, and filleted daily, served with potatoes, mashed perfectly, and carrot in orange sauce, with fresh made to order in each fried trout platter, fried corn bread fritters, under $8.00. Worth studying the map, and driving in perfect leisure out to the trout lake, with the fine little trout risterante in business over 30 years. Free foot paddle boats while you wait to gain a seat, right on the trout lake. Great fun. Unquestionably extrodinary for fine plain leisure anytime.  Hopefully the climate of business sales continues well in villages all in the USA in lovely cares about town and country leisure drives and world travel to prepare well, and see a great schedule reality. Pennies counted.  With pure reality, I have not really been in the village risterantes in Saranac Lake at all, with all my recipes, I enjoy, and  the tiny village is with good food, as though, I made an exception  when my mother was in just last week for three days. Lake Placid was our destination outting. No baha here at all. True. Yes. 


more soon. 6:29 am  Update with sir Vladimir Putin. Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA with sir Vladimir’s somewhat humble approach in his avonte gar’ esteemed time. READ What does sir Vladimir mean ? 

Of course, snewz in the USA is with people everywhere with some efforts, in reviews of snewz,  and looking further at unethics, in some lies, in snewz, with dc dirties. Today is SUNDAY, earlier now at 6:32 am morning time, and my reviews of notes in meetings in EUROPE are BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press note worthy, and I have decided to see the whole week through with a focus on USA and International schedules and updates too, beyond the BENTLEY DRIVE in fun unquestionable great leisure films, with catalogue sales announcements of events and sales in all those delays this summer 2023 and the pizza piazza events canceled too, in a delay due to some very concerns in the USA causing a pile. While Jim Neibors might suggest the Hunch Back  of Norte Dame.  With the efforts in my cares of enormous amounts of emails and guitar revolutions and a even further LOVE NOTE REVOLUTION, I decided to make updated in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press even more, in good love towards everyone’s increadible many many many emails and global messages. 

Tomorrow in my tiny village is MONDAY, and I will be with a new curtain,  in love notes revolution  to extended more love notes than ever before. With some professional updates in professional areas of online web sites. Why not buy Rowen Atkinson films direct from Rowen Atkinson in his increadible MR. BEAN. With good selections all in your own personal library of purchase worth your choice. My update on the professional web reality was delayed as well, planned even in 2022 and this week, I have some time to put that all together. I am quite thankful for all the messages of just beautiful pure love. and some long list in a world of LOVE true. appologies about the delays everyone. Reviews are important as well, and loveliest friends, I love you with very special thank you, graciously. In the USA everywhere and all over the world. Even the Prime Minister of the country of INDIA as well as a gracious lovely thank you to sir Vladimir Putin personally. With wild extra film specials on Monday of this week and into 2023 with love. 

more soon. It’s now 

DAVID BOWIE sent me a photograph update, and I can not find the phone number David, sent, as my mother was in, and the upset of invites when, my gosh, the geese are no longer in the grassy pavillion now. Automobile photograph ? Or TREE cam, Thank you for truely very bold political statement in a photograph about missed summer events, and none of the planned geese filming event. You missed everything David Bowie, and Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA grassy pavilion really missed you fine acoustic guitar  unplugged of course out side of course, of the saranade you planned with love. Darling DAVID BOWIE, a MOSCOW RUSSIA EVENT PERHAPS, and I have an aria just for you. 

Film Credit : THEE DAVID BOWIE updated now. 
David , I have a film of my mother, in with her dog, updated soon. 
with love to you, merci ‘ ( of a gracious thank you in the language of the country known as FRANCE) 
on the Mediterranean Sea in Europe. David Bowie, I have a gift for you of a very rare book, out of print, of ERNEST HEMINGWAY literature written of and about the preservation on the GOLOPOCUS.
and that of the preservation in the forests regions as certainty of state preserved Forests of millions of years, so important in all real pure forests biospheric natural environment preserves largely of interest in the USA and throughout the world.  Ah, DAVID BOWIE, I wished to say, the root vegetables are excellent this year, corn sweet, carrots as a root vegetable grown all over the country in the USA sweet, and plentiful, with tomotoes too, everywhere, in villages all, and with great quality as well, in those vegtables that are used in CHICKEN STEW, onions as a root vegetable as well, are very good, as always, and of course pointing out that tomotoes are actually classified in natural sciences farming as fruits. Many people might not realize that tomotoes are fruits. The water platue is optimal and quality high across the USA as tomotoes sell well, Vine tomoatoes are  everywhere and grow on a four foot vine often four or three feet, and of course if you pick earlier than full ripe tomotoes, I have excellent recipe for finest grilled bake tomotoe in a extrodinary seasoning that is very special and quite delicious with a slight tartness to the tomotoe and a firm ,  very firm tomotoe once fried well, in a very exclusive seasoning recipe basic. 
Posted today with CHICKEN STEW.  


more soon.  
10:37 am, surprises from. THEE  FAY DUNAWAY, my darling ole friends, updated soon today. 
Was that, Burt Landcaster ?   I think maybe. 

11:09 am NEW YORK USA NOW, update from the great fine company in the USA state of KENTUCKY known as WILD TURKEY of the long standing makers of finest BURBON, and the very most special ingredient in my BURBON CHOCOLATE CAKE, soon announced, and a few MISSISSIPPI BURBON MUD PIE, in the USA state of MISSISSIPPI if you are a savvy USA traveler yet. THE WILD TURKEY COMPANY message is readable. READ 

11:48 am THEE FAY DUNNAWAY  and everyone was kind enough to update the original movie extract of NETWORK, in a very special gift to me, for LOVE NOTES even with rather careful adjustment in one of the most bold movie which originally was made in the 1970’s. While the update from FAY DUNAWAY and all those people, are fantastic to have made such an extridinary effort, today. For everyone, all over the world. in FILM 
perfect everyone, with exceptional love from myself,
 princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett your all the very best. I love you. 

more soon. 

A minute of thee DAVID BRINKLEY, is solidly candid in kind dignity as an honored broadcaster, of as early as 1970’s and today special update of  historical AMERICAN TELEVISION BROADCASTING
with incredible journalism historically in the USA.  Now again, with a long awaited update today from DAVID BRINKLEY 
in FILM 

12:21 pm from my tiny village, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, NOW, updates from 
THEE BILL GATES, for a tennis match, is always quite special. in FILM with thee BILL GATES, for me, at love notes, and for everyone all over the world. 

FILM   it’s a message from BILL GATES. 

more soon. 

5:47 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, 

easy recipe 

Two Chicken Breast / diagonal slices and then toss in a bowl of 1/2 cup whete bleached all purpose flour.

In a sautee pan, add two to four tablespoons of butter, and sautee chicken on low heat, for 15 minute on each side, eaqualing 30 minutes for a fully cooked , flour dredged chicken. 

Reserve the cooked chicken in a plate clean using clean forks to remove from pan. 

4 Potatoes / slice in cubes bite sized but chunky.
3/4 Onion / yellow or Spanish variety, diced small 
6 carrots , washed, scraped well, very clean, and rinse again with cool water, then chop bite sized
Sautee onion in large sauce pan, with 4 tablespoons butter 
Cook onion until translucent in its whitish color, somewhat glossy.

In a large two cup measuring cup or glass jar large enough, boil water and then pour into cup about two cups of boiling water, and add, two cubes of chicken bullion cube, and one cube of beef bullion cube, from a store bought jar of cube bullion. It’s wrapped by the cube in foil paper, and fully remove the foil fully. Dissolve the cube bullion in boiling water and be careful of the hot water, as then you must stir the bullion until it’s completely devolved and then let sit 5 minute in the boiling water, for best flavor bullion, and then repete exactly the same process again with two more cups of boiling water and two chicken bullion cubes and one beef bullion cube. Again fully desolve in water, and then, let sit in boiling water five minutes before pouring the broth bullion into the sauce pan with the onion already sautéed. Add your potatoes and carrots as well, and then add enough water to the sauce pan, to cover the vegtables in the  sauce pan, before boiling the vegetable broth- stock of stew. 

Cook on medium heat until your vegtables are tender enough to fall off your fork. Now you have made your first stew. And add the chicken in each stew bowl as you heat the stew for serving and pour enough to store in freezer and with chicken frozen seperatly. Seperate chicken per each stew container and when you’re ready to thaw and heat, just remove a chicken container and a stew container and you’re ready to heat your lovely basic stew. You can cook extra wide noodles, or rice, and add if you wish. Texas toast is perfect with this BASIC EASY CHICKEN STEW, or think about Buscuite of corn muffins, even a fine blueberry muffin with fresh soft sweet cream butter, is excellent with CHICKEN STEW. easy with great cube bullion. 

Enjoy your very easy basic CHICKEN STEW, and note that the beef bullion flavor is made from beef steak tomotoes and the bullion is pure vegetable. Bisquick Brand is the very best for easy biscuits. More about cut biscuits soon. A fine grilled cheese sandwich can be great with CHICKEN STEW,  and excellent for toting to lunch or dinner in a soup thermos wide mouth made for soup and stew, and stays hot for 4 hours to 5 hours. for great winter or autumn lunch. work and school, perfection. 

6:44 pm from my tiny village in 
Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW. 

EASY BUTTER FUDGE, without ROYAL MINT FROSTING, and layered on a plastic wrap layer and then wrapped by layering in pan with plastic between each FUDGE STACKED. 
Dusted with pure powder sugar, known as cane sugar, from a cane sugar plant, that in full grown cane, it looks somewhat as similar to a corn plant. While cane sugar is from a tall cane, like plant. The FUDGE is delicious at room temperature and best to assure that is in a plastic wrap well wrapped. There are many ways to dust, the fudge right after it cools, and powder cane sugar in fine confectionary powder is for dusting a fine coating on top. ROYAL MINT ICING ( frosting sweetly) , can be daubled, on later, or even a white coco powder if you can find it, imported possibly, or white chocolate bars, then crumble, and top the extra frosting while a bit sticky. The white coco is from a small part of the coka, bean, while most of the bean is dark chocolate. Then, dark chocolate coco for baking is not sweet, raw chocolate from the bean, is not at all sweet, and if using baking dark coco, and not a drink coco powder, sugar is needed. 
White Coco too, sugar is needed. Unless it’s a sweetened coco, and not just the raw ingredient of fine baking professionals in specialized confectionery chef perfection. Sometimes it is a bit too lengthy in time and easy fudge with butter, is also quite exceptional. I myself used about 5 oz. of smaller marshmallows in my HOME MADE BUTTER FUDGE. White Chocolate is easy in melted white chocolates and then use very carefully, as not a usual ingredient even in frosting. My Easter Chocolate Bunny 2023 was white chocolate. And a second BUNNY was Dark Milk Chocolate, and made a very special detail to my EASTER TABLE HOLIDAY 2023. 
Dusted in powder confectionary sugar, known as simply Powder Sugar. 

Photograph Credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 



THE BEATLES  help  is just perfect help listing to the BEATLES LOVELY MUSIC COMPOSTION written and composed  by the FOUR men, JOHN LENNON, PAUL MC CARTNEY, RINGO STARR, and GEORGE HARRISON, my darling ole sweet friends, in their own original music album before 1977. With a very special updated recording for me, now today annd for sir Vladimir annd RUSSIA TOO, the USA , ENGLAND where the Beatles were born, and the whole world again now. LISTEN again is finest help of love in very special music. 


September 25 th 2023 3:11 pm from my tiny village 
in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW 

GOOD AFTERNOON, and good evening as well as good morning, to people of the USA and to people in every international country all over the world. My morning today on this MONDAY was rather busy, and still the details to LOVE NOTES in a rather interesting good fortitude, are looking well. I have to mention that, the many many many countries in the far East in EUROPE, are with a very serious interested in my moving picture film, 
MONSTER and the WALNUT, and can hardly wait on the announcements of sales for my little film project. I have received many messages, even upset about the delays, with excitment of great anticipations. Thank you all, for the fine cares and sweet messages, not limited to the far east.  Of course the film is includes Secrets of the USA,  the BLACK FOREST, and which is in EASTERN EUROPE, of course, other world regions, very exciting, with a little detailed announcement more soon, of 

Meeting in MOSCOW RUSSIA, and other meetings have been busy. Germany, too, and Warsaw Poland, aviedazien, glockenspiel ? Dwetzil Dwarfen Wetzel road. Best Blintz ( custard cream filled ) Belguim Waffles, thank you all. . si, Back to 7:00 am mornings mostly, I think, unless I make an appearance with BILLY JOEL, and a few others, beyond Willy Nelson’s BBQ birthday which I missed out on, due to schedules, over the summer. I wish for everyone to be in great shape for the wool weather, and of course busy with all school work, to focus well, with pencils and paper in good efforts, at every age, and each grade, kindergarten ( 4 hour class at 5 days ) into first grade and all through twelth grade, ( full 8 hours, 5 days per week ), with good solid focused efforts. It’s been a better summer, and with many exciting times, in Autumn into Winter months, with in school times of good efforts.

And, easy BUTTER FUNDGE soon, 
with ROYAL MINT FROSTING to savior creating at home, everywhere in the USA and all over the world.  You will need to purchase a bottle of PURE MINT EXTRACT, that comes in a box, and a small bottle. MC CORMICKS, BRAND is a USA BRAND, there are other brands too, often in other countries are with their own language and lettering too, such as China, and other countries, not very easy at times, and expect to pay no more than $6.50 for, a 2 oz bottle , net weight. Powder Sugar will be needed as well, and pure cream dairy butter salted as a salt process pure cream dairy butter, ready to purchase in the  store. If you wish to have green mint frosting, a small bottle boxed with four food coloring extracts are sold in cake decoration areas in grocery stores. GREEN, RED, YELLOW, AND BLUE. the bottles are very very small, and I will post, exactly how to use the tiny food colors, and yes, they are purely edible. And can stain clothes and your tung. MINT GREEN ? post soon. 

Served hot enough, extra special vegtables, and finest pinto lite or darker, pinto beans, TOMATOE PACKED, STEW CHILI, with hand cut home made freshly baked biscuits too, to prepare your great selections in fine dinner and excellent lunch, with prices all great, fine budget work. Say yes, with easy fine stew chili too.Freezer Eased finest.  This week. With sour cream and shredded cheddar mild cheese melt top, over perfect rice. As one of my special favorite for wool season. I wish that everyone likes the entire recipe, start to finish. 

It’s 3:46 NEW YORK USA NOW, and I have a few edits above, 
some small clarifications in edits. Some spelling edits, too. Before, I begin, the 


with the BEATLES, my sweet friends very darling mindful lovely people they are, wrote a song in the 1970’s and recorded the music compostion on real full size music album then, which was after their USA   show on the ED SULLIVAN SHOW, with early work, famously,  in LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, and LONDON ENGLAND, with even the song REVOLUTION, famously loved, and today a update from John Lennon, Paul MC Cartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison. Lovely everyone., VIENNA AGAIN SOON. with the finest gold boxed ROYAL MINT ICED BUTTER FUDGE, real French silk ribbons too. You knew. Simply a favorite forever. 


Broyhill Bedroom Cabnet ? READ , 
perfect for books, clothes and toy bear ready, games, music selections, for all ages. 
Note books. Pencils, Trinkets. Late night snacks. Phones and watches. Sports Ball, Etc. 
Well priced. $299. 

update from, 1970’s and now, THE WHO 
my generation LISTEN 

more soon. 

10:02 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 

The world renowned HISTORIAN, OF THE ARTS, and a one of my ole compadre, whom is richly known for extensive lectures in cultural history of architecture, and historical well known, and obscure stained glass, of notable churches and cathedrals throughout the USA and internationally,
ROLF ACHILLES, gives an impromptu talk, about CHICAGO IL USA architectural importance in a brief in conversation with RICH REGAN

in FILM 

10:11 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 

6:18 am from my tiny village, SEPTEMBER 26 th 2023, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW 
Good Morning to everyone in the USA and to everyone all over the world, good day to you all as well. I wish to also say good day to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the very lovely country of Russia, with the fortune of love in the world, that is not always wrapped as a gift, in a golden chocolate butter fudge box, to always realize that love exists. Details of worth and work, in the world, is filled with a graciousness of love, in ways, not always realized, and yet, the country of RUSSIA, is with astounding RUSSIAN LOVE, sometimes within details that are most important, in even, assured government structured humanities, and of many with tedious important mundane details at times, with the KREMLIN, OF RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, of the utmost in much more than diplomacy of diplomatic standards honored very noted throughout the world, quite well, and RUSSIA LOVE exist within a broaden realized love from the world, very important, in countries and that of esteemed devout well noted length standards, efforts, time, and of course a placement to broadly realize our own worth. I love my darling sir Vladimir Putin, KREMLIN OF RUSSIA. Broadly cultural lovely man, with greatest Nobel Efforts, and devout RUSSIAN LOVE, with extensive love too, for the whole world, everywhere. Of course, lovely to love the world, all of us, everywhere. I love you darling Kremlin. It was very nice of the central RUSSIAN fine cultural auditorium theater to invite me to, a planning meeting, how exciting, in MOSCOW RUSSIA, thank you everyone. Still a issue with emails, and some emails were contacts are a bit shuffled, and I am with extra work on my desk, to compile a list, in pencil too.  from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Rolf Achillies, in the film posted, above, is enjoyable to me, listening at length to a world cultural historian, of esteemed somewhat famous work, in historical preservation, globally, it’s been a long while since I sat in the auditorium, of Rolf Achillies important influential lovely lengthy lectures in cultural world historical preservations. What a delight, to listen now, to the impromptu talk, about my very famous auditorium where many of my studies in some aspects of world culture, are always to be forever a love, and too, for Sir Rolf Achillies, with stern devotions in the world. What a generous lovely talk in an extrodinary message from A WORLD FAMOUS WORLD HISTORIAN, I keep up with, With kind love, I wish to say thank you to Sir Rolf Achilles for taking the time, in a conversation film. Thank you to everyone too, xo to you, darling sir Professor Rolf Achilles, merci to you and everyone. Just lovely, Rolf, thank you again. As well, as a greatest thank you to that of the international affiliation of world historians within every country, of finest notations of Rolf Achilles notable international and national worth at length, with finest humilities. I miss you all, everywhere nationally and internationally as well. Again, very good thank you to Sir Rolf Achillies for talking time for in conversation filming.  I may have the wrong email, and very lovely filmed messages. What a delight. 


10:07 am, NEW YORK USA NOW, with a few morning details to tend to today,
 MONSTER AND THE WALNUT, work is gong to be on schedule and in an announcement soon. The greatest philharmonic symphony’s of the world, not very many known as actual world symphonies, globally realized, for far more than just performances that are with so many efforts, including formative music composers too, that might specialize in simple guitar, and extra studies culturally, with more, than what is a gift in ways very special, in music compostions, the classical works in music are stern in some perplexing ridged structure standards, and of course higher elevations of standards are very important to even authenticity and development. While all greatest ancient and even modern music is with what’s known as a specialized word   when.    reading.     specialized.      music.          notational.      standards.     THE WORD REST ,

is of just a short brevity, and then, in classical music foremost, the audience become submerged in a anticipation of excitment silently waiting, and not knowing, what will be of the very fine minutes within the entire next hour, following the hour before, and a fine exhilaration in the audience to see the conductor then, speak to a finiale ‘ in remarkable honor of thank you, of each person of the finest symphony two hour ending, in the end of the lovely evening. Exactly as many composers well known are keenly of considerable work, in a finiale of the end of the evening to devoutly remember being of a keen lovely audience. 

After many meetings recently in EUROPE, and some in the USA, too, I am with a     
Compositional, Specialized Brevity of     “ Rest “  which means to ease in love with good breath of love of course, much like an extra care of a standard in compostion formality in writing and composing  music. 

more soon. now it is 10:30 am NEW YORK USA NOW. Frank Sinatra , and I go back many years, and it’s wonderful to see, Sammy Davis Jr., and Dean Martin, with Johnny Carson, whom lived on the same street as I, years, in my lovely southern estate, of many years. Of course, The fine friends are quoted, in history as being BRAT, PACT, in enjoying a fine simple outting for a grilled Brat German Style, even at MUSTARDS LAST STAND, of a very very tiny little grill shop, with some seating outside mostly. My darling friends, made incredible movies about north by north west, and of characters of movies about army, too, while, DEAN MARTIN in movies is OLE POLITICAL NOT, a FOI PAS’ INTELLECTUAL HUMOROUS, all ages, somewhat antidotal in kind perplexing, even swank, dry humourious, film, plays, and SAMMY DAVIS JR. in national television in the 1960’s and now in film updates, has a dance 1969 of the ole soft shoe, every child in the USA might find intriguing from Sir Sammy Davis Jr., Jonny Carson, and everyone, whom  put a VERY STRONG POLITICAL   not like them, foi pas’=  . Error  = foi pas’ not like the stages of these darling men, ever. Such lovely music compostions to the world of women too, quite special. 

BOLD POLITICAL serious film  while mentioning that, the issues of the dc oval dirt, 30, were with wireless prode that are in some farther distance munition  prode, ( snap cracker, pop USA issues ) and of course very serious, was not someone in your kitchen, or walking by. Sammy, Frank, Dean, and Jonny, are bold to even care about a very serious POLITICAL STATEMENT, outside the extremely fine work they are all very famous for. Wait until the update of the ole soft shoe dance, with everyone all over the world, with love waiting as well. Children are waiting, for the real dance film updates for SAMMY DAVIS JR., ole soft shoe, from the 1960’ famous television show and now soon, before winter holiday. perhaps. It was very nice to see everyone in my exhibitions in MANHATTAN NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA, several years ago. Political Statements Foi Pas / not easily said. Thank you darling friends , with symphony orchestra people as well. I am thrilled to see non FOI PAS’ updates everyone. xo with love.  

more soon. 2:55 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, update from a tremendous number of people from TVA, as in the TENNESSEE VALLY ATHORITY OF ELECTRIC LOWEST COST ENERGY, utility people specialize of very low utility costs, far reaching as a USA MUNICIPLE statuse company, under stern regulatory areas of lowest effective costs, under USA municiple regulation rule standards, . that are of all 50 state of regulatory compliances of the Great USA. Hyroelectric EXCELENCE. 
update TVA NOW. Rudy Valle 4:02 pm from my tiny village SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK USA NOW with RUDY VALLEE’s song, , 
LISTEN YOU AUGHT TO BE IN PICTURES, with the whole song with the dance of RUDY’ VALLEE famous recording in film, 1932 , soon. 

4:58 pm saranac lake NEW YORK USA 
Alma , my mother is a very achieved person,  and was a delight as my guest and our day at the small Saranac Lake, smaller lake, even than Lake Placid, which is a medium small, and was a bit fun. In Film, yes, with her dog, Emmy, as my mother was born in 1942, and is  with incredible knowledge for so many little details, and even good memory of traveling in the USA. Knowing many little areas, road map savvy. Well studied my mother is. Excellent in mathematics too, fraction well done. As a wonderful career savvy women she is. 

Of course some people know my mother Alma, as Ellie as a brevity of ease. while our great great great grandmother was of the last name Royce. Great, Great, Great, Grand mother, a noted woman , fine business woman, and of European Roots in the country of England, with some history too, of earlier history of my family  into the country of France. 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett , 
fine lovely day, it was, last week. Not seeing my 
mother for well over a year, it was 
very good she traveled in. 

All MODERN CAMS since the 1980’s at least, HAVE NIGHT VISION, DAY DIRECT SUN VISION AND LOW LIGHT VISION more soon. Swivel Cam with wireless connector with automatic sensor of people - with instant turn camera film instant upload recorded READ Teddy Cam MODERN AND 1970’s READ TREE AND OUTSIDE CAM, SOLAR CHARGE NO WIRES, AND NIGHT VISION INSTANT UPLOAD, CAM INSTANT RECORDING READ  WRIST WATCH CAM READY 24/7 instant upload read   HUMP BACK WHALES WITH TALES? more on hump back whales soon. With Scribes in a sand hole sinker, ? You may be asking what is a scribe ? I can hardly wait, with a real scribe film soon. From Astrailia. Pendent Necklace Cam instant upload with voice recorder and blue tooth read  Ah, powder room cam, is somewhat head up, I think, as of course powderooms were very difficult in some fifth ave stores, and pen station, as well as some even in Seattle Washington, in the USA atleast, that were with bandaide attackers, in jelly cheeking, rosy botches,  and were driving out customers, as well as with, stolen designs in some cases. Breaking the rules of freedom of passage ( absolute assure, non stop, no questions asked, place to place, public space travel and of course shopping everywhere, as a rule that is for all people to shop all,  in every shop). Ethics rules, in this matter, are absolute, rules of freedom of passage, travel and shopping, and of course then is of some extensive broad assurances to the people of the USA and all travers internationally, and unchangable due to extensive rules of humanities within ethical USA laws of the country and are international rules as well. Cam stickers  and micro chip lens , dos spec en de Dutch.?  Clear Flex, Cam, clear solar plex1970’s ? 

SEPTEMBER 27 th 2023, 9:25 am, from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA NOW. 
There was a goose loose with a moose, in the PARK AVE, SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA REGION, and what a mess, as unbearable to see the estate rental entry a expensive entry too, in all respects to the very good estate owners. Fine people too. With good revenue for them, as well. Good enough, at least. Seeing a greater revenue for the tiny village shops, are important, in the future of people, beyond just, wages that must see stabilized business, at least, with such a illustrious forest region that so many enjoy drives to, in even day travel. Or a relaxing over night, in hotel reservations, that are to assure, some standard in price ranges, that are with a regulation, standard , not just a SIGN THAT SAYS 5 star. 

TROLLS ? Liable for losses in revenue at length and wage losses too ? 
Under large reviews village by village now. Wildly a great many villages, even in Cleveland Ohio USA NOW. 

more soon. BOOK ORIGINAL cat in the hat, thing one and thing two. soon, as I see about the exact film, and book, of an interest to everyone in the USA now. While not a reading book, for children, and I have some fine titles of GOOD CHILDREN’s basic books in learning to read with self focus ease alone, at any quiet childerns desk. Pencil writing paper is awful fun, when it becomes an ease after abc, special school work, is with serious self focus. And plenty of time writing acb and learning sounds of ease letter a- z in the USA reading beginnings. With an Apple a day readiness. 


PAPERBACK WRITTER, Paul McCartney update now with such a history of Paperback WRITTER, the song, of course,  to know more, with a unique recording updated now with darling PAUL , MC CARTNEY and a wildly great audience too. 

10:55 am just arrived to my home estate rental, with a two bottles diet cola, from Stewart’s, and a pint of coffee cream, only, and a high cost, in the margin % that was high priced, marginally. Of course, reviewing a profit % per store per item, when of more than one shop, is very important in margin profits and exceedingly important to each employee wages, and standards of quality work environments to see a great 352 winter 2023, in tiny city life, and larger cities as well. Cost effective margin prices are very important in small and large cities. And important to real very astute employed people. Important economic lecture exhibitions, excerpts ( abstract short form ) are not the whole lecture in continued efforts, and sensible real, ways to see, through difficulty at what’s known as solid floor level standards. Often larger companies have a central readable reciept tally, item per item, and delivery purchases too, with some incredible tech savvy batch readers. With absolute cares about people employed and customers that enjoy the fine shopping of any shop. Standard basic best. The prices in fuel are at a low in companies throughout the USA, in some at less than $3.00 sales per gallon, and made enormous effect of revenue to other companies as well, from grocery to risterantes and hotels and personal luxury lovely special purchases. With children and grown ups all ages, with affordable basics, in the lower prices that increased the fuel company profits. Help your self hot dogs and low priced help your self colas, we’re a fine success, while Stewart’s in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA was an od ball out, at around $4. 06 or more with an unusual, sign in the window “ help needed. “  all very good customer services as well. In only a few purchases I made this year inside the STEWARTS lovely shop. Economic Lectures, with event exhibtion film, maybe a full three hour usual in the future. in Love Notes. 

more soon. at 11:19 am now. What is a batch reader ? What  was my total price cost to a fine BASIC CHICKEN STEW? Important pizza costs for home cooked hand made pizza, yes, and a lowest price best chili stew for the freezer, of course, very important to everyone, everywhere, with low priced egg rolls in the tiny village and excellent Chinese Risterates too, the smaller risterantes too, are worth ordering fine foods of authentic CHINESE TAKE OUT, with always a low cost, egg roll, and reasonable priced full order menu specialties. Though, I have not been in, the foods are finest. AMERICAN - authentic Chinese Finests. NO. 1 Chinese Risterante is worth  ordering. The small cafe foods are also very good, and a small wait time, is worth the weight. Great little village it is, with very fine people, too. 

more soon. 11:56 am NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village, with a very thoughtful update from
WARREN BUFFETT, for me, personally at LOVE NOTES, to everyone, everywhere, in the USA and the whole world. Thank you Sir WARREN BUFFETT, really great in conversation film

Just perfect WARREN BUFFETT, merci with love, from princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
I am with some review details, this week, and with lovely inpromtue films, from many people this week, and even some easy, economical luxury home eased recipes, with cost effective, fast freezer to sautee’ pan, and with dollars saved, for wool season winter 2023, even tropical / ski  Tram holidays affordable. Mud Pie, maybe in MISSISSIPPI, especialties. Ci’. 

more soon. 12:42 pm update NEW YORK USA NOW, BILLY JOEL, sent me a fine little message, in a unusual BEATLES song, as a special message to me, personally with the entire audience in messages to me as well, with a very special moment and not BILLY JOELS usual selection in his lovely large music composition that are quite well known and loved. Rare messages from the BEATLES and BILLY JOEL with the large many wonderful people are to me, and extraordinary gift. Unusually expressed  LISTEN 

With love to you BILLY JOEL, and everyone, in the lovely audience, xo, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

titled: SCRIBES, or SCARUBS, either. Sometimes Found in AUSTRALIAN, sand, occasionally in a sand hole the size of a penny. Astrailian Aborheus, made even little chocolates that resemble SCRIBES, and sell the chocolates by the scooping of the chocolate sugared dark coco covered SCRIBES, into a clear translucent wax bag, making CHOCOLATE SUGARED COCO COVERED CHOCOLATE in white chocolate and dark chocolate SCRIBES very popular to eat, in cities beyond just SIDNEY AUSTRALIA. Of many well known beaches, with very easy street names to know when you travel. Mindful of scribes in sand holes. One shop sells chocolate molded  scribes on a stick in a scoop bag clear translucent wax bag. Of course. Scribe Insect classification is commonly, simply known as a scribe or scarub, roach, with also planning to be with knowledge before planning any winter tropical holiday sand or soil. 

SCRIBES, are sometimes found in rose gardens as well, commonly known as June Bugs. Scribes are harsh on trees and can rapidly deteriorate pine tress fast, with dung scratch, as a result,   Scribes are not very good for any vine rose or cutting garden rose bush, at all, with a small amount of a lime bitter pith powder on fine rose gardens, the bitter pith of lime repels the scribe. Shells of molting scribes were ancient to mold with little specialized presses etching as used in some ancient art in the country of EGYPT.  Dry for a scribe, in looking towards good soil with sticky cillica like legs and feet. Before the puba, and larva, and then  filliments of scribes, there is a pre filament.. Enjoy the tiny film from my tiny village. SCRIBE  SHELLS OF CAMIOS ‘  perhaps in chocolate. Before winter holiday with a extrodinary process in a special hard dark chocolate with jeweled details too. 


Film Credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 5:48 pm update with ELON MUSK , in an interesting film, as I didn’t receive the other film messages directly from ELON MUSK, and then not the RUSSIAN BALLET, from years back, of some notable importance in a fine ballet it was, on time, Chinese Food excellent, years back, so ELON MUSK film was from a pop online film, when I looked to see more after the message in email from ELON MUSK, Tesla,  a while back, missed the contact number, so, ELON MUSK at twitter is with a film to update, kindly. Very apologetic about the delays in returning messages.

What a fine person you are ELON MUSK.
xo and merci ‘ 

more soon. Are there electric cars that are good for lengthy travel? I think a farm car, also known as a city day car, can be somewhat limited, and yet, fun, out on a golf course road. While of course, fuel of many years now is with technological advantageous genius, in ways that are of a production manufacturing that has focile production ( limits ) in reality of sales and that of a large quantity of storage needs after the advatagious fuel is with an estimation of need to the actual usage that is sold each year. The advantageous fuel, is of low need to that of more modern 1980’s automobiles into time now modern too, and more fuel efficient than ever with higher mileage per gallon, and no impact on air quality actually in the modern fuel manufacturing that properly with pump and cap reality with the modern manufacturing of the best people in the fuel business that are detail oriented and of extreme articulate standards with love for the fine reality to people. Some Hair products can be more a culprit in the environment with much higher issues that go down a drain. While modernization is with some very large real assured about- not ever as in never using fuel in a drain in water type of ways, and important to note in the modernization. Of fuels which have been modernized for over the  last 40 years. Also, motor car and truck standards and even trollies and busses with limit travel in a good round travel of routine use, shorter, travel round trip to, are very well used in standards today even in shipping departments too, which reduced the reliability on extra cost to many companies which effected an ability to assure even  lower prices as well, to customers all, and with that low price a good standard with some better wages possible as a company saved shipping fuel cost, and truck loading cost, manufacturing cost, too, and very much a stabilization to a revenue profit % of stability in hopes to see sales continue in real stabilization. Of course then the fuel for individual travel was even much better, in abundance by far, and even with modernized low fuel efficient engines in automobiles. With drastic cut in company fuel use, globally, fuel then was more readily available in ease to automobile drives, more to all individuals if they bought a car. Or truck. 

more soon. It’s time for my late dinner, of Freshly Made Chili Stew and a fine grilled cheese with extra butter and lite horseradish mustard imported finest. 

7:10 pm from my tiny village in saranac lake New York USA NOW. Evening in NEW YORK can be somewhat spectacular after a warm sunny autumn day, and I have a very special update, with my darlings of the I love Lucy Show, 

LUCILLE BALL, and VIVIAN VANCE with a special guest, in world finest of humor in a CHOCOLATE PRODUCTION COMPANY originally from filmed in the 1970’s, and of exactly the same Lovely PEOPLE LUCILLE AND EVERYONE today whom surprised  me with a re- recorded film SPECIAL now, to everyone all over the world, The VERY FINEST IN USA FILM  PERFECTLY LOVELY. My very special thank you to everyone, for the incredible most delightful humourios film in history of chocolates, xo my darling friends, with love from 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon.  GOOD DAY, from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, 
New York, USA NOW, I was with a message email late last evening update with a little meeting note to read in LOVE NOTES, when fuel costs are important to the whole world. A Barrel Price at crude oil, $82 per barrel, near the same price over 30 years and absolute excellence in standards
. From Sir Vladimir Putin at the site public of the GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA, KREMLIN OFFICE, READ   LOVELY NOTE, with thank you to everyone in RUSSIA, as well as the global oil people too. With many many thanks on the statuse updated. and sir Vladimir Putin, with love darling. 

more soon. 

September 29th 2023, 11:01 am from my tiny village, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW.

Good Day to everyone in the USA as in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, known as the country of AMERICA, sometimes said that way, while most people say proper form, UNITED STATES of AMERICA ( U.S.A. ).
South America is of not a country, and rather many large countries and some not as large. Of a warmer region of the world, closest to the equator, line of an ocean map. Some South American countries are actually known as TROPICAL, of a good warm ocean breath of reality, as tropical fruits grow in the tropical regions of countries. Only in tropical regions do tropical fruits grow well. Excellent tempred ocean air just exactly in those regions is of great importance to tropical fruits, with a sea foam that is important. Specialist in banana growers are amazing with fine excellence of some complex types of details season by season for great banana produced and thankfully selling well. Banana is a tropical fruit. With a lovely man I worked many years employed well, as an executive director in a small company averaging about $ 4 million in revenue long ago. What did he sing to me one day while I was at work, suprized me. He sang: “ yes, we have no bananas today”, and then he said, word for word actually, ken said, It’s an ole broadway song from a theater performance in New York City, New York. In to his very drab tiny office he went that day, long ago, and was busy with budget reviews and looking over daily sales, and looking at the wages to assure in quite a notable very esteemed little company he created as he started the company with saved earned money. And after several years, he did well enough, and then better in most years, with revenue saved, of course he was able to assure full employed wages, and with cares about good steady business all year, and many years. Yes, we have no bananas today? Yes that’s right, sold, and with a tropical travel ? Hopefully not to get more. Maybe a low priced banana at the grocery, is always great to be so, of admiration to banana growers whom know bananas and great business too. 

The country of Canada is very large, not as large as RUSSIA, or CHINA, and even AFRICA, with some other large countries too in EUROPE, while on the world atlas LARGE GEOGRAPHICAL MAP, the country of CANADA is actually noted of a NORTH AMERICAN country , as the MAP EASE to read the WHILE LOOK AT GEORGAPHICAL STUDIES, only. While the country of CANADA is always the country of CANADA and never said to be America, no. As country MAPS OF A WORLD ATLAS country by country. Always. easy and complex. 

more on formal word for map studies another day with more of the importance in differences of road maps and land maps and geological maps and even other kinds of maps- of great fun into winter and even on longer travel holidays too, in my LOVE NOTES. 2023. with more math calculations. Why how far is it to the great Smokey Mountians to arrive at the tiny little German Village USA of great German Chocolate Cake made fresh daily and selling well, with AUNT MAHALIAS PURE BUTTER SOFT FUDGE ancient speciality. Miles and miles are math to know even more. 

11:38 am update with my ole compdre PRESTON JACKSON in rare conversation
Preston Jackson is a world renowned monumental sculpture and a well known professional specialist as a professor in a greater ADVANCED MUSEUM STUDIES of fine cultural arts, at THE MUSEUM OF THE ART INSTITUTE of CHICAGO. in ILLINOISE, USA. What a lovely  impromtue film 

special thank you to sir Preston Jackson, xo to you, and everyone. What a wonderful surprise. 

more soon. 3:01 pm 
Film very special update from JULIA CHILDS 
opulent finest of FRENCH ancient standard of 
COQ AU VIN , in conversation with excellence in preparation of one of the world most opulent recipes.

Julie Child’s original films are of honor in AMERICAN TELEVISION, FILMED in Heid Park region in New York USA in 1973-1974 and a special film now with JULIE CHILDS in person special film.

“ Yes I Remember It Well,”  and a history soon posted 3:44 pm saranac lake New York from my tiny estate rental home office now Listen  

more soon. September 30 th 2023 10:36 am and good day to everyone everywhere, villages all, all over the world. Good day to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia as well, and thank you darling sir Vladimir Putin for the thoughtful update yesterday online at the GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA, KREMLIN, post of your lovely sweet cares, of my South American notes yesterday. I shall post your link into today sometime. As planning and reviews are still slightly behind schedule to some very fine October posts in LOVE NOTES which will begin on MONDAY, of OCTOBER 2 nd 2023. Outstanding really, and with messages from people in the USA everywhere and all over the world too. At this time, it’s a fine lovely drive to a sweet little grocery, for a short list, of needs. Price Chopper is with great sticker prices everywhere, with a few unusual high prices on unusually low priced very standard basics. The update at this time is about the NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT and that of the South American continent of a large many countries actually, Canada as a quite large country within the North American Continent, and of course the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, ( U. S. A. ), is with 50 states and within each state are many cities and in cities are with many villages unless a very small city with only one or maybe two villages. While even a small city of 5,000 people is within an area of larger greater numbers of people than can easily be millions of people and a very nice reality for large and small villages and people. North South East and West, of lovely drives in town and country drives are with great success and enjoyment of  people more. With excerp notations from my many exhibtion lectures on economic areas, and of course leisure quality near and far, even CHINA peoples loved the exhibition lectures as early as 2014 of travels near and far. I am astounded of the lovely message very well from people in the country of CHINA and all over the world, as I wish to say thank you with all my good graces of love to you all. 
Sticker of Gold and Silver Stars are fun at school everyone, for good efforts in all paper and pencil study work at school. Each paper gets a star usually . I hope everyone has stickers. Enjoy  your weekend, including outstanding professional lovely people credentialed at the chalk boards, daily, working, with baskets of papers filled with fine efforts all. With royal mint  frosting soon.

Good Day Sunshine of the lovely daylight which is usually slightly warm into mid NOVEMBER during late morning hours into late dinner hours easily, very enjoyable with a sweater needed after September even in some warmer regions due to the adjustment of a slight coolish, warmer temperature that people naturally notice is just a bit less warm, as not cool mostly,  in farther southern areas of the world. While hopefully they are not at the equater line of any map, far far far months into ocean water. Gosh. Math and ocean maps to enjoy this winter are going to be exciting. Good Day Sunshine LISTEN again. If you desire to and enjoy the lovely BEATLES as in thee Beatles. 

more soon. 10:57 am from my tiny 
little estate rental home office in 
Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. 

12:58 pm Grocery Market Drive today to Price Chopper in Lake Placid, New York USA, was enjoyable and the village is very busy today with great people driving in, some even stopping to get a little stroll in to enjoy the lake and river areas, which adorn the tiny village risterates and shops. Of course parking can be limited, and still the day travel is lovely to see, as many villages are also with risterates and fine little shops. Tote extra foods, bean dips and corn chips, crackers and cheese, summer sausages,  a tin of tuna with small jar of mayonnaise and breads, cookies you favor well,  are a must with a few replenish-able types of foods, in even a travel oat meal instant oats, can be with a lite bite before finding a risterate over night traveling,  in all travel reality. Very nice people make a difference when even the times of  tethered. With good effort, perhaps worth more than realized of the right successes, smoothly a good reality. 

Some risterates offer curb side serves and are smart to assure less than 2 minute to bring a paid order to you in your automobile with a recipe of course which has your name in the credit card payment reciept, customer copy for risterante sales. OR RUN IN and pay, and wait.  Some risterates do offer this type of service and are quite happy for the extra sales. Of course there is a parking lot in Saranac Lake free, near the little Chineses Risterate, anccross the street from the grassy pavillion, on the main village road, with walking distance to the cute little Chinese Risterante,  always free to assure excellent for all business to see through steady business. Parking lots are free, for all villages, needing parking for the licensed businesses, and it’s known as public parking. Garage Public Parking can be free, while set low in prices most often at extreme low costs per day if more than one level. With no blocking in and out. As a need, in case anyone dropped their wallet accidentally. Small prices pay enough, in a busy parking garage that has greater revenue busy, even if they, make concessions, and busy is with wages very good.  Automobiles can not be blocked in any public garage parking lot. Often, good for the owner of a public offered parking garage in more than one level up, at even fifty cents only. What great revenue for the investment, and a busy reality to businesses too. More. Lovely realities. Folding quality standard in a charming bench, made for easy cleaning outdoors that folds, is great for traveling to enjoy. BENCH SAVVY toted in any automobile for a grassy pavilion might be fun READ 

Ah, Yes, I have not been into the JADE RISTERANTE in over a year or more, though the food is very good, with very small seating and mostly orders to take to a pavillion area or enjoy in a automobile at a lake area, perhaps a stop at a standard road area, or your hotel of rental or home,  that are just perfect to park and enjoy. The risterate is excellent at great bagging, well, that keeps the excellent food freshly made to order, well heated a while, for perfect take out, orders. Other risterates are too, conscientious, and love Saranac Lake NEW YORK well.

more soon, with a great thank you to all in fine excelence of sales and customer services, everywhere in the USA villages all, and internationally I realize is going extrodinarily well too. Thank you to everyone at PRICE CHOPPER grocery too. October 2023 is an important year in the USA villages all, cities large and small.  Thank you to everyone. With love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

2:13 pm WITH A VERY SPECIAL message update from PAUL MC CARTNEY whom is one of my darling ole friends and of course a fine music composers which is within fine music compostions of all four darling men with their BEATLES recordings in albums many, even earlier than 1976. Incredible Music Recordings I myself listen to on my tiny pink album record player. Reading the album insert material in print and art in every album. Simply lovely, with re-recorded updates as well, and this incredible film to listen to Paul McCartney pontificate track recording stuff, in sound recordings, while all the earlier albums were in one room 
( Known As A Sound Room) together singing. 

Paul MC Cartney message LISTEN 

Still  trying to see the update phone number Paul , I do apologies, even text of  - soire’ issue. reviewing more through the weekend now. Lovely film, with very special thank you. xo from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Monday is going to be somewhat exciting with lovely more a love. To be. 
more soon.  

5:08 pm EXTRA COMPUTER INSTANT UPLOAD CAM,  READ for some cam computers, are sporty and can be essential in your own personal computer. 
or out your window and easily is instant in a online cam world site such as abbey road world cam site, with your 1,2,3,4, cam if you wish. Wide Lens / Car Interior READ sticker and even a few other little cam micros chip fully upload active. GPS math distance mile locale  / advanced fiber optics, full cam, anmazing, update soon. If you recieved a message from a text, that was loud, you can turn the volume down on your phone. Remember that it is important. Setting on phones have a volume setting very easy. 

5:41 pm from my tiny village with a little message from ELTON JOHN whom sends a sweet lovely film about the country of GERMANY , and not the tiny little few shops in the SMOKEY MOUNTIANS of the USA which has a little walk area known as the GERMAN VILLAGE with a fine few risterates of good basic fine GERMAN FOODS. Quite special too, German Chocolate Cocanut Cake. Knowing all those lovely GERMAN roads and hotel to even fine risterants is fun, in GERMANY as well. 

Elton John in film

light exhibition dates back to actually an earlier time, than noted on the film, while the earlier work in exhibition dates back to the films of James Torrell exhibition in light in the WHITNEY MUSEUM, far before 1998. Enjoy the Film light exhibition which is in the GUGGENHEIM, New York City, New York, USA.

more soon. 
11:35 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, from my tiny village with an update from Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA, 
with the South American / Spain, Russian, economic talks, READ 

more soon. 

MORE TODAY RUSSIAN LOVE in a late email message from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of RUSSIA in a sweet update of RUSSIA in a fine message to the country of CHINA  READ 

SUNDAY today,
 OCTOBER 1st 2023 
9:51 am from my tiny village, 

Good Morning and good day, ( fine hello to you, known as a way to say HELLO, mostly and sometime means good bye if getting to your next schedule of work, worth, or liesure politely said  in ENGLAND in formal ways) in the country of ENGLAND. 

Good Day ladies and gentlemen, hello on SUNDAY MORNING from my tiny estate home office this finest morning. Good evening in Europe actually in some countries in EUROPE it is later in evening now in the far east actually, as in BEIJING CHINA now it’s 9:58 pm and in Saranac Lake New York, USA it’s 9:58 am now. While in the western regions far west embankment that faces the ocean, also known as austerely said some times, west banc, the country of ENGLAND far Western Europe, EUROPE. at a time now that is not far east times, . 3:10 pm LONDON, ENGLAND NOW. of course that’s the west banc, of a very well traveled city in the country of ENGLAND , in EUROPE. Cities of ENGLAND gain a certain amount of prosperity in love for travels to LONDON ENGLAND, from the thousands and thousands of ENGLANDS other cities, all lovely, with extrodinary architecture much different, in all those street addresses while perhaps in a town and country drive, in ENGLAND. Just in quaint houses with street addresses of little roads are an excitement to photograph while driving on a little or large road city by city. Of course, photograph from a distance if on a little drive, in to the city of LONDON ENGLAND, by automobile of course. And never a horse. Of course. Even too far at times for an INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE, that has a very very small fuel tank and is only used for a large grassy home type of fun. The Indian motor bike, does not fuel up, too far at all. And in villages and side walks, it’s a walking of the little INDIAN MOTORIZED BIKE. Dirt Trails only if you have your own. home with that much grass. MORE ABOUT  the ancient INDIAN MOTOR BIKE, actually dating back in a very riche history from even the modern very astute lovely country of INDIA. India is a notable country that is with people in highest cares of great basic fundamental education standards, as well as notable men and women, people of INDIA in good cares of even the earlier historical motorization in much more than ancient historical motor bike fun. And childern of course in a fine Saturday and Sunday learning to even ride a bike, of course not motorized. 

Tiny three wheel bikes are great starts for ages earlier than 4 years old. And what fun, much finer than a radio flyer wagon for sweet childern all. Slow with extra care. Inside carpet to start for earlier three wheel bikes to toddler ages. READ light weight plastic for ease outside and large seat, with ease on carpets too. 
Undet $40.  and when dollars and cents matter even to all children and love from parents everywhere. Affordable, with space age plastic excellence. 

extra note, STEWARTS FUEL STOP was with a giant crate blocking the beautiful window just yesterday. Power tool Prowlers perhaps. Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW with fine nice business and everyone in the country of the USA with very good cares about the sweet little company, too. In Wisconsin, too. Not exactly a soire’ . MOURICE chop suie Chinese risterante in Chicago IL has not yet tallied their loss in revenue and are a tiny company of annual revenue of more than $6 million a year, and quite delicious and very fast, for great Chinese Food to pick up, pay and then carry the great plentiful excellent foods home. Warm days or slightly cooler in winter months. Mourse ‘ on Mourse Avenue. 

10:39 update message from my darling ole friend BILLY JOEL LISTEN 

more soon. 

11:17 am from my tiny village, with a few updates today again, with an ancient recipe for ROYAL BUTTER MINT ICING, for perfect easy fudge. Nearly time to announce the Ali Ali Ox En Freisia ‘ event details, among other fine events that were delayed due to review, and review and review , in summer 2023 

with an enormously sweet update from my darling EDDY RABBIT, updated special music compostion for me, at LOVE NOTES, 
for everyone to enjoy all over the world. 
Was that you darling behind those goggles ? 
Darling Eddy Rabbit LISTEN 

Lovely EDWARD. merci darling. xo catch. 

more.  Ah, no dry Vermeer, true. Not in the USA, and no dry vermouth, for the royal mint icing frosting, either, while cherry grenadine ROYAL ICING FROSTING IS VERY SPECIAL, with details on the cherry iced east fudge not today. Yes soon. 


2:03 pm reviews need movie minutes I think, 
so I chose a movie today as a fine enough 
SUNDAY Theater Movie of 

of course thee Karl Marx, is of the character name DR. QUAGMIRE, and well, he’s a veterinarian. In the wrong professional work. Harvard Failing Professional. Enjoy the film. I do hope to see this today myself. My dvd home dvd purchase is from an early year gifted by 
KARL MARX of course, 2005. what a gift after Karl was with earlier films on Clark Street in Chicago IL, 1994 and some filming in 1995, 1996, even, too, when we both were in the little French / Turkish Risterate area, not far from 
Nuts on Clark little finest peanut shop. 

vudu is from a French word, and pronounced much differently in the country of FRANCE, with a d that is unspoken, and a “u “ which sounds more like an “a “ sound, and also from a very well known song in the USA from a richly well known man, in music composition excellence NAT KING COLE. and it’s so lovely, as I post the recorded update from SIR NAT KING COLE, in OCTOBER 2023. This month of course, with a shook of a Wu film too. With Lovely fun in October 2023, very important. All over the world. Water ? 

more soon. PEN and INK little secrets that are not new inventions.  and some fun READ of course with my many ink sketches of years it’s is a fun detail. Some with duraflex and can be very plain and ordinary. Even pencils too.  

more soon. Jocque Cousteau ‘ of a foremost of excellence in Sea Oceanography in Ocean Marine film and with sea and ocean films of importance of many to know, of some aspects of the diverse ocean and sea of ocean science known as Oceanography Excellence in Joqcue Cousteau ‘a fine many films. Of course the studies of years and years before ocean travel of your own sail ship, is with great reality, and that of realizing more about GIANT WHALES and where they somewhat migrate. Special Types of optics are lengthy years, of real standards in whale studies in notes of many ocean regions much larger than all the land of soil on earth. Hump Back whales are of a pattern under their tale and all very individual with global oceanographers that even named the small humpback in motion in historical work of good studies and excellent preparedness far before ocean sailing. Migration of humpbacks are known,.even in undermarkings of under the tails.  Quazar and Zenith, ocean ready whale, ? What does it all mean?
Whales of larger can be over one hundred feet large, and are assured their natural large ocean happily to giant whales, not to jump in deep ocean water, in which they love.  Whales may not be able to see people in water.  Jocque Cousteau in film is not yet the historical amazing other films we might be able to enjoy. please enjoy the film.

“ Nihi “ >said “ Knee High “ soda in grape and orange Knee High soda pop may be available soon, and I can hardly wait. As one of my very favorite fizzy fruit flavored drinks. Perfect for autumn with extra vitamin c for excellent great energy and savvy brain drink for any age. 

more soon. 
Art Garfunkel is a very special music composer and has made historical recordings with Paul Simon and are very much apart of my lengthy years of my own Utopia even in a very special update now in film 
To art and Paul, thank you both, and the accompany pianoist, to sir Vladimir Putin and Russia and to everyone all over the world. merci xo most graciously. Love from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 5:57 pm in my tiny village, with so many bells and electronic going out side tonight, it’s certainly difficult in seeing dinner guest as planned, in a lovely time, usually far more than annually, ( one time a year), as most villagers are saying it’s a riviting racket, bell hop siren, that caused some extended damages in the tiny city, in revenue and dignity toward all the great efforts in the villages and that of great travelers with a keen, kind dignity too, not really interested in grapple, instead of finest apple pies, in the NEW YORK and eastern USA states, where many apple farms are, and fresh apple pie ala mode, ( ice cream) is a fine sweet to have out any time. Are the grapplers going to make it, to give back the revenue losses in the city ? As all ages of people, enjoy good village times to excellent work schedules, and earn of course even some extra wages, at any age. After really turning 16 years old. With some actual limits of some types of work, which requires an age of 18 with some extra years of sometimes similarly good details too, heavy machine work, is with strict licensing. Of specialization.  OCTOBER 2023 is a very special time in the world, and of course I have some music recording to create this month which will be in announcements fairly soon. 

A friend of mine, he emailed recently, and asked, what’s in your recordings so far, and another old friend in the major film production said, roll um. I said on my contact lens cam? or did you mean watch cams ? 

Marlin Brando is a very special person, with an update from thee MARLIN BRANDO, but not yet. 

Tonight at 6:23 pm in the early ( young ) evening, is a CHILI STEW, of the finests in a USA CHILI STEW, that was popularized from a special TEXAS RECIPE, and is, not a standard South American Chili. 
Mc Cormicks Brand, CHILI SEASONING is excellent and very easy to use, with direction on the little envelope packet of chili seasoning, that I have like well every time, of consistent quality. I enjoy the mild CHILI and there is MEDIUM OR HOT, season of chili pre mixed in MC CORMICK packets sold in most USA GROCERIES. MILD, MEDIUM, OR HOT ., on the CHILI PACKET. Two Standard Tins of whole tomotoes 
, open the tin, and chop tomotoes in 1/2 and two tins of kidney beans ( lite red, or dark red) are both good. I sautee’ onion (1/2), large in a larger sauce pan, chopped, with two table spoons of butter. One tin of sweet corn, as well, and either shredded carrot or small dice carrot with a chop that’s known as Japanese Chop, that has to cook in the large pot with two more table spoons of butter, and then add the chili packet of seasonings, then of course add all the rest of the tins, corn, tomotoe whole of tomotoes and, then the kidney beans. I prefer the lite kidney bean. Stir very well, assure you really mix in the seasoning very well, and on a lowest heat, cover the pot and cook twenty minutes. Stir many times and assure to watch the pot well, as you don’t wish to burn the chili and stirring more is needed. Cover the pot when not stirring and within less than 30 minute, your CHILI STEW should be perfectly ready to even add chopped chicken, pre grilled in breaded slices. When making the CHILI STEW, KEEP THE FRIED CHICKEN SEPARATE, and heat in a small sauce pan, then just add on top per bowl. I sometimes use UNCLE BENS rice that cooks fluffy in 5 minutes, with extra butter. Just follow the rice preparation with ease. In a beautiful gold rim bowl very wide, or your favorite bowl, spoon a layer of hot freshly cooked rice, top with lovely CHILI STEW, THEN THE FRIED BREADED CHICKEN chopped, and of course, fine shredded mild cheddar cheese, or a Mexican Blends three cheese, with a heaping spoon of freshly purchased freshly made, sour cream. I sometimes even add a pre- grilled potatoe, or sweet potato pre grilled, and best to first boil the potatoes in water, then grill in butter, then warm with the sliced chicken sautee’ pan with a warmed pre cooked pre grilled potatoe. Even at times, sliced sautee’ of freshly grown mushroom sliced and sautéed in butter, then tossed on to the CHILI BOWL of stew. Salt and pepper are placed on the dining table just in case you need it. If  you like a dash of good hot sauce, just purchase some TOBASCO, WITH A VERY SMALL DROP AND MIX into your 

CORN BREAD from JIFFY BRAND, is a slight sweet corn bread great with chili. Or TEXAS TOAST with Chili Stew is very delicious. The corn bread is a fast preparation yet, letting the batter sit ten minute and do not over bake, one minute under bake time can be moist and very good to enjoy several days. Your CHILI STEW is very easy to freeze and then in smaller containers per bowl for ease. With some tea water heated the bottom of the container of frozen chili soaked in warm water for a few minute should pop right out of a GLAD PLASTIC AIR TIGHT container, WITH CHILI STEW in a little pan per bowl, then 20 minute on low to heat and serve wonderful finest CHILI STEW. 

Possible 6 bowls to 8 bowls of CHILI STEW 
from one pot, cooking with rice and chicken. 

Please enjoy the CHILI STEW recipe with MC CORMICKS 
excellence secrets to love cooking. CHICKEN STEW , CHILI STEW, CORN BREAD, and easy fudge. 
Perfectly perfect, with more soon. 

10:59 pm New York USA NOW 

at even midnight to enjoy is a rare sweet, and deserves a delightful way of serving your moonlight little wafe. easy marshmallow butter fudge is with the easy ROYAL MINT ICING 

Film Credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

1 and 1/2 c. Whipped Crème 
1/4 stick of pure crème butter salted
3/4 c. Granulated Sugar 
2 full table spoons of pure MINT EXTRACT / Mc Cormicks Brand is a USA BRAND and high quality and of course other countries have other brands. 

Toss All Ingredients in a Good Medium Sized Mixing Bowl and Use an Electric hand style mixer with standard two whisk beaters / standard electric mixer. 

After your perfect Fudge is cut and set on your little plate, dollop the whipped ROYAL MINT ICING on top and sprinkle just 1/16 teaspoon of hot chocolate coco on the poof, of crème ROYAL MINT ICING, and dust it with just a tilted shake over a cutting board and just top with a larger sized maraschino cherry. With a coco milk expresso coffee, with a tall finer gold rim drinking glass of ice water, you will make a special splash of excitement with your sweet too.

Enjoy Well and Jar the crème ROYAL MINT ICING seperate and freshly made as a gift of pure luxury with your GOLD GIFT BOX of home made EASY BUTTER FINE FUDGE. 

Glen Gould took a little break and still 
sent a lovely FILM  xo with thanks and I wish everyone a good night and good day now throughout EUROPE on OCTOBER 2 nd now in all the many countries of EUROPE. with my love to you all everywhere. with perfect fudge, sitting or standing. Merck ? Sharp ? And dum, are they still selling those  aspirin, ? I buy Beyer Aspirin as a quality brand, and of course  concerns with substandard sales of such a very low priced retailer market, may loom in the minds of USA people and excellent cares of each tax dollar per dollar and cents in a fractional margin are very important direct from Beyer, the aspirin people of the USA. 

11:35 pm from my tiny home office estate rental in my tiny sweet village of Saranac Lake New York, USA October 1st 2023, NOW 


October 2 nd 2023 11:33 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA, NOW, with a lovely LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, autumn winter, with even upsets about reviews and the delays in the summer 2023. Banana News Revival international press will be some extra fun, and serious, in the world, very loved by the people of the USA villages all. I was about to give the birds and chipmonk some seed today, of course squirls and chipmonk love seed and easy to eat for the sweet furry ones. Seed is very important in proper bird seed mix and usually, with no shell left, as birds and tiny chipmunks eat the shell, crushed. Good day to everyone again, in a lovely later post today, of the beginning of autumn fun and serious reviews. 

Shoots and Ladders game board origination, made in the 1970, is a sweet board game, for childern, which is a SHOOT ( garden seed planted and shooting up out of fine soil) in lovely flowers, fruits and vegtables, which some even place in containers that I myself have always done. Very rare, not to have a three foot cutting garden of beautiful container flowers such as zinnias which are easy seeds. While none this year, with some pupu platterspus issues, in review. Ladders is an ancient ENGLISH word, for late, as in the ladder of the day will be fruitfully exciting. From the word, Lanuage Book, of the country of ENGLAND. And not the ENGLISH, American word definition. Languages are somewhat complex, shoot, in some peoples meanings means, ( well isn’t that sweet , darn. ),
The little board game of shoots and ladders is awkward, and to make a decision in the board game, as village side walks are, so good to sit in the sun, and even learn that in the moon light, there are some petunias known commonly as moon flowers, and bloom only in moonlight and then shrivel in day light, then bloom again in the very same flower, they fold eventually , well seen in satalights, as many in a few vines clime park fences, of villages at times, one moon bloom usually per vine,. when in full light, very difficult to see which is a petunia moon flower leaf pattern, mistaken at times for important differentiation of even ivy. Decisions can be akward, and when ladders , are letter, in a wrong, and with a wrong name sent from where? it can be very serious, and not some thing you wish to be seen in dropping in mail boxes, or usining yellow tyvac tape on home rentals telling lies in several directions, while dropping barrels in roads, all under rules of passage to enjoy a drive, any where. Printing that stated lies about lead - and not just a fine painted home, assured update as intended from fine owners of rentals. All paint has lead, and ink, too. While some ruin to my sweet summer, seeing typvec tape, from lies, ruin my entry, in simple dinning and enjoying my entry to my rental estate, is quite upsetting. Even to the fine owners of the little tiny  rental, while I list the budget basic soon, penny per penny. / with extra cares in MARYLAND LARGE SOCIAL SECURITY / not a pop up office. 

SHOOTS AND LADDERS / the board game read  / ZINNIAS ( finest cutting flowers )  of course shoot from the seed in a gestation time of a few days, and into ladder of several weeks, before full three month blooms at over 3 ft growth in height for the variety I always purchase at only seed fun, in beautiful summer flowers in finests Clay or stone pots, sometimes hand made. Of my own design. See Special shops like Oaks Nursery Flower Shop does get quite a beautiful variety of container pots. Very important for outside seeds, that take nurturing daily. 

ZINNIAS would have been nice in 2023, as I have not had zinnia pots out since 2011.
 Southern region,  area estate very nice flower fun. Ended in zinnias for me. Not a cultivated flower to good growth in moon flower petunia. Do you have a park that has a vine of a moon flower growing on your fence, and is not the vine you thought, blending in with a vine, not at all, a moon flower. 

Horticulturist and good gardeners often look at, rose bushes and a indigenous tree and shrub, if not already with assure trees and find long aged small shrub , that can be over one hundred years old or more. With kind ancient cares and specialized horticulture worthy love. 

Enjoy your seeds. Winter bulbs sell fast, and indoor tulips from HOLLAND are always spectacular in a window bloom and takes more than several months from bulb to fine bloom. Exciting for all ages. Special notes on indoor blooming for tulips are very articulate details very important. 
Soon Perhaps I might post more on indoor tulip for the HOLIDAY WINTER BLOOMS. HOLLAND PLANS EARLY, several years, even. 

more soon. Color Camera hand held Filters, are fun in camera hand held READ
With some care, that filters can even sometimes ruin a photograph, not looking exactly like you, or someone you asked to be in the photo, of course, also with darken or too bright color in a little detail, might not be realistic, in fine details, of natural light. Fade out spots too. Where are shadows of a tree. At each minute of a day, is quite interesting minute by minute. Drawing a tree, can be somewhat complex and yet simple. All trees have very different bark, and every tree is unique, in growth patterns, even in classification in horticulture of a pin oak, verse a Japanese Red Maple Tree, also commonly a magnolia saucer magnolia flower tree. Viburnum bushes ( many in southern regions yet not tropical, ) vibernum bush do grow in cooler seasons, enough knowledge of horticulture studies,  are somewhat with extreme knowledge in planning of any planting, with numerous other flower and foliage , and conifers too. Lengthy studies may take years. While enjoying trees of over hundreds of years old, planted too, in perfection even tiny tress can be much older than one hundred years old. What exciting reality to realize in travels and villages all. Sound Seperation with a calibration to each instrument / electric or acoustical are not JACK BENNY’s best in a synthizised recording such as this one, READ  Simple visual is not seen in the complex types of sound seperation scales, that PAUL MC CARNTEY was speaking in brief of, minute per minute. JACK BENNY has a special update I will post in October 2023. 
With much anticipation of excitment. 

more soon. Do pupu platters stay fresh in delivery of finest pupu Polynesian FINE PUPU ON A STICK, of course this will be the recipe for the volcano special ancient soda drink in my posts of OCTOBER 2023, while in the review, were there registered deliveries of actual pupu in a strolling great time, any where else? Waiting in furthering some viburnum details. Nut shell Boning up? I think not. It’s 2:57 pm from my usual daily estate rental home office, tiny, too, in the tiny village of SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW. 

when the clock ticks ?  Which hand was the sweet little watch on.. With some finest luxury in watches jewels and more, known in zanzarbar to cinnabar. and ford,  Fine year. Yes. 

more soon ,  reviews in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press soon, right now there is an movie pro, in old Yeller out side, just singing. 

over the year in my estate rental tiny home office in SARANAC LAKE, which is in of course NEW YORK STATE, which has enormous numerous cities. I am getting very excited about the LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, NOT YET, in the new October 2023, updates yet. Lingering a bit, I might say, a few love notes perhaps are with a few reviews, more, are ever so important, for a fine really well project schedule preparation, pre announcements and I have to say, BILL CLINTON, is even a bit nervous about being invited to yet, a new post update BILL CLINTON might think more about. 

As love notes is very special to me, and well loved everywhere in the village of Saranac Lake, USA and all over the world. I have to really say thank you to everyone for extrodinary messages with incredible love that you all, everywhere are the finest. Kisses to shower all of you in good darling lovely days more and forever. Please catch - press the kiss in your hands to hold a minute at least. As an unusual antidote filled with pure love. To you, from myself, 
princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

merci xo with love. 

4:44 pm New York USA NOW

Salvador Dali’ is quite a remarkable bold person, whom was noted in fascination for special types of eye lens, that SALVADORE DALI’ even designed, some said to be of extra optical vision. Double lens, in a serious way that SALVADORE DALI’ sometimes worked. Hours and hours, days into even years, and Salvadore Dali’s paintings also became well known, and only a few noted museums are with purchases of course, directly from Sir Salvador Dali’, a fine person, born in SPAIN, in EUROPE, of course, far western in the EUROPEAN CONTINENT, of the country of SPAIN, as a less large country as some are in EUROPE, with of course very noted bold good lovely serious political savvy greater of love to peoples, loved well. 

A film conversation from an ole friend in the southern regions many, many, years , a world traveler, some at least, in some notes about SALVADORE DALI’ in paint that can be “ perplexing freedom to think “ alone, and in any direction of pondering, with a choice to listen to the FILM or just  enjoy the painting to ponder more in years and more years in perplexity perhaps. LISTEN 

One of my most treasured gift was a SPECIAL painting of the Te Tra’ of HONOR, in innogural to the museum honor, of much more than a fine birthday gift, to some of my special cultivations, earlier work in more than paintings, and design, of the fine art MUSEE’ in the country of SPAIN, for my birthday celebration, and unfortunately was ruined by a gardener working in a glass replacement shop,. whom got a call, to sit with the painting. And was given a missing key. And then the painting was missing. And not very well seen in any museum. SALVADORE’ of course is historical in use of his middle name, Dali’ and I so enamored in pure enjoyment of the lovely gift in 1995, for many years. 

more soon. 5:20 pm from my tiny village. special note, from SYSCO FOODS, and I will not forget VITAGLIO, , jay, it’s been a while, last milk shake day , in the north east, really, for me was as you know, 1989, SMALLER food delivery registered in very specialized business specialized licensing , and of course IJ  FOOD, specialized in delivering refrigeration types of foods, and number 10,  tin, very very lager tin, foods, 80 gallon soup pot cooking of specialization chefs, and say, that of course I can wait to see you all again at MC CORMICK CENTER, events, what a delight, of you all, all over the USA, thank you, and all those giants like Birds Eye, and GREEN GIANT, AND OF COURSE GEISHA, AND QUAKER, and a larger list of so many, from floor to the executive small offices, of many, whom realize so many aspects to even think to see a, risterante type of need, in some risterantes that can chose lower prices grocery store purchases and sometimes, miss the possibility of assuring bananas foster as a specialty sweet that is most opulent and needs freshest quality, daily. Of course, then, no banana muffins either, in some risterates trying to assure quality price cost low enough, and assure standard of quality client friendly to all, and a low enough price, that assured enough profit of a daily sale, into 352 days a year.with years of vibrant business and wages worth it, With fine environment to great busy work days. Absolutely Refrigerated, well. Perfectly worth it, right off the vine, chilled, not stirred, assuring, yes, and yes. Of course SYSCO foods, do not handle fresh fruits and vegtables. Frozen ? Unquestionably en how.  Nut shell note. 

While Sysco was very kind to even note the rows and rows of excellent in TOMOTOES, farm photograph excellence specialization in agriculture farming of tomotoes, in a finest message too. Risterante licensing and owner decisions are stern at times, bold, and well cared about, strife and standards. Enjoy reading a bit in a nut shell, size in the SYSCO update recent read . 

BULLION BASE STEW? easy home recipe .  While Quality Real Fine and Dandy. Of course the ROYAL MINT BUTTER WHIPPED CRÈME ICING NEEDS TO BE REFRIGERATED, in an absolute air tight container, as great real love. freshly a fine home made special opulent gift.  The Other Recipe of ROYAL MINT ICING takes longer and is a pure confectionary delight that can be iced onto the EASY ROYAL BUTTER FUDGE, and then, boxed after a day, and is slightly crisp. With jewel like sprinkles it might get a bit decorative and festive fun. 

soon. update, solar plex , duel lens dot matrix, plastics , micro sized cam . Solar port, moon active, Nike air flex,  savvy, some smaller, instant feed, upload day night shadow light, wow. READ  Holland Tulip are spectacular and I wish to post the very special opulent selections that is a very lovely charm of the fine country of HOLLAND of specialist that are the finest in tulip bulb flowers to enjoy. Moon light / solar meteroligy beemer , gosh, wordy, while of course Tulips, are a bit difficult in tropical and sub tropical regions. Some warm climates in countries might enjoy instead beautiful orchids that have opulent flowers. Winter holiday flowers might be nice. While I am still shopping for a good solid wreath, and chose plexi plastic in a silk ( micro weave ) fine quality to enjoy. 
All year. THE SMALL WREATH ON MY DOOR, is perfect  and excellent for bayberry light, on a table all year, and a larger wreath out side at the entry will be perfect with silk ribbon plex weaves, some foil  gold stickers centers, and a banner autumn and winter  planned. Even perfect in a small wreath for lovely gift ribbon wrapping on Giant Gift Boxes. 

Sweet, Michael Grove said it first. Berliners Grill, in a fine southern region mountian forest area, is known for specializing in pure fried, fine fish and sea foods, very small easy to chose menu, quite well, and a good tiny company I will write more about soon.


2:29 am October 3 rd 2023 just several hours after midnight, with a few updates from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA, NOW 
CHICKEN STEW, is a low cost, lovely stew to enjoy in cool weather evening perfectly perfect, with ease to remove a little stew from the freezer and just warm the bowl in a larger bowl of warm water, from an electric tea pot, easily fast, within one minute, and then pour a frozen stew into a non stick sauce pan, with very low heat, and in about 20 minutes you have perfect delicious CHICKEN STEW, and if you enjoy rice, the five minute box rice from UNCLE BENS, can be added as the CHICKEN STEW THAWS, in about 1/4 cup measuring cup, which is 2 oz. dry rice, in a real standard measuring dry cup measure. or just use a tin tuna can to measure. Easily your know after the first rice preparation, if you prefer less or more rice. Do not forget the Chicken frozen seperate in small amounts. The bowl of CHICKEN STEW, with grocery purchased low cost, in larger bags of carrot and potatoe, if low priced enough, cost, is $ 1.50 per small bowl, and about $2.50 if larger bowl. This cost, is without the rice price that’s rather low, if buying a five minute rice economical low cost. Risterante CHICKEN STEW is very fun at a cost to a bit higher, possibly $6.00 for a fine bowl of great stew. with Crackers.  A good risterante price low enough is a reality to sell more soup or stew.  Some STEW CAN BE SLIGHTY HIGHER at a risterante such as lobster bisque or a shrimp seafood stew. With warm bread and soft butter. Seafood can be slightly more cost, even than basic fine Menus. Of course a shredded parmasian cheese is nice on the table spooned over CHICKEN STEW, with standard table salt, ground, and black pepper freshly ground. A fine fresh baked TEXAS TOAST, with garlic butter on the toast grilled or baked, is a perfect lunch or dinner, with ice water filled to the brim of a fine glass, and perhaps a fine apple grape special sparkling drink, with a fine stir of sparkling water, very refreshing with easy CHICKEN STEW. of course even served with a chicken salad sandwich is quite special. Then it is all about 


3:05 AM NEW YORK USA NOW update from darling BILLY JOEL, with a sweet message for me, and in love notes, with an outstanding piano composition lovely and ancient. In conversation in FILM    

in BEIJING CHINA NOW THE TIME IS 3:09 pm in afternoon, and MOSCOW RUSSIA the time is 10:09 am NOW, LONDON ENGLAND, the time is 8:10 am NOW, in ACAPULCO MEXICO  in South America, the time is 1:12 am, and in TORONTO CANADA NOW the time is NOW 3:12 am 

Sweet Dreams, to everyone in the USA and with love to all, internationally too. 
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. Good Afternoon, to everyone all over the world, DIAGO Velazquez , masterful painting in oil, is significant to note today, so enjoy, the enlightening work of VELAZQUES READ 
whom are they all, looking at? Is good to realize in pondering the fine detailed room painted. 

VELAZUEZ was said to have had ancient  spec paintings of a midget, run by foot, across a dessert to deliver ice cream, to a fine ancient emperor and then emporess. quoted words of a world historian, of paint,  and glass, of ancient America. not one noted year, of the goustung on horses then began with hands on 12 feet pole jouste in full speed, of midgets and marble masons of gargantuan bitter  faites. Oh, the tearony in world history seen in paint and marble.


  see the film 

Have a good breakfast, lunch and dinner, sitting or standing.  
more soon. 

5:02 pm   New York,
my darling friend, 
with a a schedule message READ 

6:02 pm Reviews and some fine dinner, are rather very pleasing, as I wish to express again the many gracious thank you to so many, in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA, and of people in all villages and all countries. Love Notes is very special to me. With very exciting planning at length, even to take a few extra minutes, and find just the right, ribbon candy that my great grandmother, always purchased at autumn and winter. In her sweet little wool riche clothes so smart, and with special planned events internationally online, and pre announcement when I am perfectly with my schedule details, as I plan, the delay in the summer 2023, were upsetting, as a few more reviews, that are of many cares of people everywhere and people all over the world, my lovely messages of so many are, important, and important to exciting fun, fine TRUE LOVE, OF MYSELF, to post well, with love. The fun, has just about begun, and schools are in autumn months into winter with best cares, too. Pennies, are important and CHICKEN STEW easy recipe with CHILI STEW are well loved with fudge too, at lunch or dinner, or at 8:00 pm even after midnight at times.  BENTLY FILM, and special films even sir Vladimir Putin’s Very fine films, Sir Putin gifted me a selection of choice, within his personal archives, are going to be posted soon, and film messages from children of RUSSIA, too, and people everywhere. I can hardly wait, real RUSSIAN CHILDERN’S  SONGS, with perfect love sent in sweet songs, soon.  Quite special for me, and to everyone everywhere all over the world. Apologies about some delays. 

While  my update post now at 6:20 pm, TUESDAY OCTOBER 3 rd 2023 are of the fabulous SHRINERS, off track, circulars in a bit of fun. Very good everyone, mini automobiles , and a loop off road loop, ride, what fun, in film

more soon. 9:13 pm TUESDAY EVENING FROM MY TINY VILLAGE, in Saranac Lake,
NEW YORK, USA NOW, and an update from MICK JAGGER, with a special recording and very special guitars, in a FILM, with a first recording in the 1970 ‘ and now,  of 

LISTEN   what was it about, then, and NOW?  Perhaps MICK might create an impromtue in conversation. NOTED AS POLITICAL LOVE.   of the earlier grown ages, girl “ or boy “, lad or laddy, man or women, it’s a lovely song recording directly from thee 

Smart Guitars and exceptional film everyone. Thank you so very much, 
love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

9:51 pm people traveling in automobiles from Dade Florida,( or Deghdt, ) DON RICKLES , as you and Johnny Carson are fine today to send me the exciting conversation in film Flight Ready again soon everyone. Email mess in detail meeting, and the flights were right on time. Love to you all, and from everyone in the whole world, darling friends. It’s thee Don Rickles and Johnny Carson , darling sir Vladimir Putin, everyone. NOW, and forever lovely. 

more soon. October 4 th 2023,  12:37 am Just 37 minutes after midnight and a very special message from THEE PATULIA CLARK, in an original composition in music of a very notable favorite, everywhere, 1970’s and now, only 
( village tiny or large), LISTEN 

lovely as ever, you are darling PATULIA CLARK
perfect of you. With love from myself, 
and everyone everywhere, all over the world. xo 
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett ,
 my gosh simply perfect, what a surprise. 

more soon. 
WENSDAY, OCTOBER 4 th 2023 12:58 pm just after high noon. High noon, is always 12:00 o’clock in daylight, when the sun is always directly up in the sky, and then of course the sun, as known as the solar moon, rather than the lunar moon, then moves around towards the direction of west and not north or south or east. While of course this means that in NEW YORK, it’s 1:02 pm now, and in CALIFORNIA USA now, it’s four hours time difference, at 10:02 am, at that same exact minute.
In VANCOUVER, Canada it is also the same time as it is in CALIFORNIA of a USA state which is filled with farm of many fruits, and more, and the time in SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES, are the same as the all the Pacific Ocean regions. 

High noon, is always constantly heading west, as you just follow the sun. The de sole of solar  moon planet, that is, and then night is the lunar moon. 

The moon is in Europe now, and in the FAR EASTERN COUNTRIES, it is night, right now. So Sweet Dreams everyone in the far east, as RUSSIA is not yet, midnight. Nor is it midnight yet, in the country of ENGLAND. with many countries in EUROPE, of evening later hours into past midnight, now. Sweet Dream everyone in EUROPE. Reviews, and posted messages more in LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, not yet begun. 

Excuse me, une monmento’ it’s a message from the prime minister of the country of INDIA, about, indian motor bikes?

more soon. More Old Yeller movie storm pop, driller of oil, mailishee perhaps, front out side my window, today, my gosh, how are the banana sales, across the USA. With lovely tropical banana growers that really assured low pricing to grocery stores everywhere. Very nice of the fine people in specialization standards of bananas, and building standards and business excellence, wanting to assure that the next banana shipment is on time, and selling at low prices points, too. Always fine to enjoy banana with cereal in milk, every day. When time, and money really matter. Did your electric bill, arrive with your name spelled correctly on your address ? It’s a fine day, when it’s even emails too. Reviews a bit more in OCTOBER BUDGETING, are detail work that’s quite important in assuring budgeting excellence. Phone paid receipts too, with your address, of course noted. As important as visable chip banking. Of course more on that in the BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press / simply a publication of extra love. All over the world,
 so well loved, it’s lovely, everyone, thank you again. If your soaking up autumn sunshine today, without sunscreen and a hat, you may possibly gain a sun tan, and get black, ( childern say ) 1970’ and 1980’ , tan, in some that tan better, with certain natural oils, and of course we all enjoyed a bronze sun kiss day, many years, before SPF, and of course, African bronzer sun kiss is bronzer even. Sun oil is with special lotion oil, in some very good, made in the country of FRANCE. Even in autumn winter, with possible tropical travel for winter holiday, I may see if I can post more about great oil lotion for that sun kiss bronze for anyone. 

What a brightly sunny day outside my little estate rental, a bit upset, of even a fine stroll, in mighty finest weather in autumn as one of my favorite outting seasons. Into fine winter strolls, too, 2023. 

2:05 pm SARANAC LAKE , NEW YORK USA NOW, Robin Williams is a lovely ole friend of mine, with even a some fun, at the GOFREY ballet, in CHICAGO, IL, USA, years, and has an update, of an improptue, cover your ears children, ROBIN WILLIAMS, has some of broadway expressive genius, no less, and I love you, ROBIN WILLIAMS,  
for the off the cuff, ( literary terminology for  brilliant words, from the right charroits )  in conversation film

The San Fransisco event at the Hallowveins, again soon.  Not the big film yet, sir Robin Williams, and as Danial, always says, new news, did you hear and news? Robin Williams great film impromtue, today. 
Thank you again, and appologies for delays with your Gershwin Films. Robin Williams, there are screw bolderdashers,  in the area, and review, in the USA village by village everywhere are are hot. Pole to pole coast to coast. Pipin hot pizza soon again. Wattzbare. 

more soon. 

3:02 pm Sir Otis Redding is a spectacular music composer, as early as 1970’s and today, with lovely songs, well known all over the nation ( country )of the USA, and even all over the world today, with a very special re- recorded update. LISTEN 

one minute ? Not the sketch I planned, not very good in my quality sketches well noted.  

at UNCLE BENS MARGIN PRICES, keeping UNCLE BEN rice people selling rice more and the state of LOUISIANA USA pleased as pie. Every person every where with UNCLE BENS, 5 minute rice specialized since as early as 1970. REVIEWS, can be very important in tiny details. Esteemed great worthy delightful people too. Very important to realize. Great customer services are incredibly important of course for all company’s and wage worthy standards which are with a reality of stabilization and, concerns of giant clothe covered frier bietz . Of a few bad eggs ? from the tale of  the Looky  Goit. , on a ludge lengthy pitter, tales from notes in even ENGLAND. Of the book literary works of art. Print in 1973. At least. One day, the original rare fine literary work in only print books. Perhaps not this autumn 2023. 

What is marginal price index ? 

more soon. 

A sweet man Saole, is not always humouriors and, The thinker is a very famous sculpture and created by RODIN,  with much esteem, soale, to with much esteem,  WHAT DOES THE PHOTOGRAPH mean. I dare say, you’re the most lovely, to care, Soul of der Blau, royal Blau of Love Soale. 

I thought a long while before posting the message, as Soale has so many very lovely messages many, even from a great tiny drab office, busy with wages to increase hopefully. Spain too. Thank you darling Soale for your cares in many messages. 

my email should be with the proper email soon, and my list in some many email addresses , to clarify. 

more soon, with Soales message that are for the LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION. reviews, yes. 


6:18 pm from my tiny village, with an update from a tiny company known as FOOD STUFF, in Wilmet IL, USA. It’s a fine well structured tiny grocery, with some prepared foods daily, chef specials, in a good year, FOOD STUFF, has made good revenue with low prices and very enjoyable, quiet shopping. There are two locations, as the second shop is in OAK BROOK, IL, and delightful as well. 
Perfect coolers glass, and good glass tempered hinge doors to cool well, and then sales, are with many locally that wish to have a prepared diner, after a long day at work, all daily fresh, and late in the day, foods like basic casserole sell out, made fresh daily for the grocery store. when business in the city and villages are good, FOOD STUFF to is very happy, with wages worth the fine little work days. I was employed in only a one day a week Saturday wage worthy, time for only the summer of 1996. With a full time job as well in executive work, and full studies in graduate advanced cultural, subjects, and wanted to save even a few more dollars, and have a worthy Saturday of good worth. And I was fortunate that the company even considered me, to hire, one day a week, for just a 2  months. Both locations, eaqual 4/4 so my one Saturday a week for two months then, years ago, was an extra $700. Beyond my full time employment, and flying to SPAIN was affordable in Winter HOLIDAYS. and I met the most lovely people all over the villages arriving for a little bakery cookie or a casserole and perfectly lovely to get your messages too, thank you all. FOOD STUFF   LOVELY LITTLE LUNCH TABLES THE FINEST, OUT SIDE DAILY AT MY SATURDAY LUNCH BREAK. was extrodinary. Morning hours to start at FOOD STUFF, are early, at 6:00 am leaving my ENGLISH STYLE FLAT, near the beach and tennis course with a beautiful garden and parking. Lovely walking daily near the GIANT LAKE MICHIGAN. In the USA, 

Busy yes., always busy. 

Of course, many of the finest risterates, usually do not run out with proper knowledge of expected daily business, and villages near villages and travelers are always great. While owners are realistic about hiring full time only, and some part time positions are still rare to find, in places like FOOD STUFF, as I was thankful and let them know, I was only available for two months of work, saving some money for the budgeting year into the next year. Often, love for a certain job, is not usually something people just give up. And that’s a very good reality in good standards too, I think. Not always easy.  Thank you everyone in the lovely state of ILLINOISE, butter country perfection and delightful WISCONSIN fresh string farm cheese. Absolutely crème of perfection every time. Any news, Daniel ? 

Daniel Levetidites has no news yet. MORE SOON. 

The GEORGE HARRISON of the well known darling BEATLES, was super to travel to see me, in CHICAGO IL, now and then, for sweet afternoon tea, at a little hide away lovely, on the lake then. Fine little tea. For a few minutes, everyone busy. Sting in the book store in the 600 Michigan Avenue area, with a saranade guitar favorite, outside in the water tower piazza, fine days, where finest coffee, is exciting. at least a few days in MICHIGAN AVENUE, world  class, pizza, too, $1.99 
giant slices. A recent update from 

 Sweet message updated from George Harrison. 

Merci darling George Harrison, thank you so well.
 Love Princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

Update, 7:48 pm, from my tiny village, Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW, with a delightful message to the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin, a boy once in a rare travel to see sailing so fun, unlike today, I might clearly say, has not been as planned, in brutish, types of small and not small querk quilling, in even some entry concerns, with tyvex yellow tape, menising the entry planned very well, to properly enjoy walking out of a rather tiny rental, not exactly inexpensive. DC dirty dozers, with substandard munition aimed and with not one ethic, in reality to any such, type of aim. Ow. ow, and ow. Details are very important the lies hit RUSSIA, and then concerns in USA were, what, compromise, reality of pandering in a unjust USA due to a very few, and then, leave it all up to EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE. with CLIDE the chimpanzee to drive, the ford, General Motors company perhaps that worked days long hours into evening to see as my friend at ford says “ drive, and assures no one need walk away without an ability to purchase a automobile that has a reputation that lasts over 100 years per car. 1903 that roadster car was made, by FORD. Wendel Powers, my sweet, dignified fostorian man, of moms life, told me so many sweet stories, and we drove the ford, model A roadster too, 1970’ one  afternoon. in a one hour drive. As he a noted society person with ole cars weekly publications. Lovely human I love. where ever he may be.    MAIN , OR SALINA ? 

While I did not post the movie, ANNE GET YOUR GUN, and I do like Debbie Renalds quite well, really, with thank you to DEBBIE RENALDS, for not getting out that ole stallion with horse trigonometry in the sand desserd of Arizona USA and NEW MEXICO, into more sand and sometimes a bit warmer in the summer of 110’ pool side, if your driving through,  that’s a special holiday that could be nice.  

Of course I have not been in those regions much at all, and only a few travels to California, with cultural international conferences only. Lovely to fly into Burbank ( burre is for butter) , of course it is the west embankment of ocean regions for the California, far south USA to the RIM of the PACIFIC OCEAN. Farther south is SOUTH AMERCAN, regions of many many many countries. 

What should become of dc Dirty dozers fleeting to sleet, and skeet munition , five eye balls known more as pop rocket jovlin fire ball, cinibon like, reddish and pure tin magazines of skeet shots ,  trolls inside. 

RUSSIA, is an amazing country with sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin and fine government in a time that was complex and still, RUSSIAN PEOPLE were so lovely and Vladimir Putin too, with a greater assured government of outstanding people as well, in complex work, and reasons to savior all great worth and even leisure, too, with love, and I say, more than just a LOVE NOTE to RUSSIA, filled with finest of people, with culture, of RUSSIA,  solid in a government of THE KREMLIN, VLADIMIR PUTIN, with largely many resounding people too, of great work, in RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. 

Not unlike the details in the USA of villages of people in finest tiny details, and a munition dozer ? 

In flight to where ? Don’t say , tin Buke tu.   MSNBC, one ,  might have a comment ? Perhaps dc dozer didn’t announce their dinners on tax dollars with REMEDIA, . in such an effort of the USA that’s worth much more, and villages by villages of many people are with exceptional lovely efforts in success of budgeting and more. Taxes are important and ethics of use in taxes are seeing reviews, with other companies reviews too. 

RUSSIAN LOVE, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett is very important. And my love to the world, in many projects that are very well known and cultural world lectures are a project I began inceptions to, before 1995. while the many more than 1200 world cultural lectures I wrote and lectured in my own projects sole of just me, internationally began in 2001. After all, I am a sole one person company at Studio Vosse, always.  Not yet, in online sales of my planned lectures, in world art and culture. Honor in cultural international universities for my little sole project, true, as  LOVE NOTES TO RUSSIA and the world of countries everywhere, for me, began in 2012.

 Meetings in EUROPE continue. I wish everyone to enjoy the posts in details.
 Marginal Index ? 

“ VIENNA “  

more soon. sir Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin of Russia just emailed, kindly a tough job with a Purple Heart Teachers Competions ?, as I was slightly busy myself today, never really heard of a competitive sport award for any TEACHER,  merits competitions. Lists of Names are important in sports and Purple Heart, certificates are given,    READ 

Not yet the extremely fine film of my choices that Sir Vladimir Putin emails from his person archived and quite delightful, really very lovely Vladimir Putin Darling, the delay choice I made of a few days was difficult to make,  a review decision until Monday 
October 8 th 2o23, when LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, BENTLEY FILMS begin. 
And wonderful pre announcements. 

Bill Gates, will be surprised too. 
ethel, alma, thelm, Big A Market ?
notes 1968. What does it mean? 
with an Indian MOTOR BIKES, 
and Roller Skates. What was 
missed this summer 2023 was 

more soon. Vladimir Putin, Kremlin, with such delight, and an invite, I shall see online, of course,
and as Frank Sinatra, in movies in the 1960’s in television in earlier 1970’s said, Frank Sinatra a Millitary top brass, then, in a two hour movie, word, WELL, STAND UP SARGENT, your dismissed. 
North By North West, was quite the film. Even for all ages. I have to say, FRANK SINATRA is rather very much a literary lovely man. Not just any man. . Whom like inexpensive Fried   Clam Rolls too. 
Secret recipe. 

more soon. READ the email note if you wish From 
of the county of RUSSIA 

11:51 Am OCTOBER 5 th 2023, GOOD DAY everyone, everywhere across the world, the seemingly nice man that’s finishing painting my house, is working to paint the house today, 7000 people recieved calls today that were messages, of phone unethic that said your answering mechine and email, are not with an immidiate reply, and then, how about your dior, and lied about others, with interruptions to even work. Email and as YOKO ONO SAID, if I am in my studio, I might have time to return your call, make a request instead, in a letter and I may rsvp, and ethically do not just arrive. We can meet in the cafe’. if we both agree,  A few governors and retired governors even, were not wishing to just have a scam call either. Then a trolling lie that people are worried about your goat, and did not send a card, sorry your goat is not feeling well. Stamp the card, write in your return address, check your wallet, for the receipt of the stamp, or inked blot dot chip, dobler chipped spec, drop it in a postal box and then wait to see if you get a thank you. Emailed or text or from letter back. 

Thank you for the card, caring about my goat . Good day. I have a bottle of wine. Cost was $9.00. I didn’t invite you.  

Rents paid, phone paid, still working on paying my credit card, and can’t find the online area to pay, while some money was missing. Still I have to pay the credit payment, and it said it was paid. I did not pay it. I did not pay my brother yet either, and he said wait as long as you wish.  I graciously said thank you. Still not paid. 
The utility payment is not paid, will pay utility even though it’s looking like it is double what it should be.
My automobile insurance is paid,  

The goat ? Card by mail, if you wish. 

I am not pleased with people trying to pick up my mail, and i am not pleased with anyone using lies to knock on my door, and say they were trolling the way to get to my goat. My mail box has the address and my name on it that is with a rental agreement, then the postal people deliver to that box. Not the hands of any other. 

Are you a registered licensed postal employee that’s with a set registration route to assure the delivery ?

That is not your mail box or your mail with your address and on it.  Where is  the fur coat I ordered and paid for. This is an outrage. $2000. Worth of my purchases where are they? Sales of my art in sketches have sold at $700.00 a painting even in 1980,  and sometimes more.   Budget day is busy. 

The LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION  are  on my schedule for Monday. 
Delightful at the grocery price chopper this moring and I bought bustellos coffee I favore from BRAZIL and slightly a bit more in price as a specialty roast. I am going to lavish in a bath today and sip coffee.  My travel to SPAIN IS DELAYED. Enjoy your afternoon and evening. Watch out for that man that tries to  take travel passes at flights, with unethical nose to nose boxing  of your tickets purchase for your great long awaited well planned travel.  international too. 

more soon. 

JOHNY CARSON in conversation. With Art Carney  is a remarkable reality after ART CARNEY  is in TV as a show character stage performance made for television, named ROLF CRAMDEN, on a show in the 1970 known as the HONEYMOONERS. With a man named JACKEY GLEESON, and fine others, in a 20 minute television show quite well known. JACKEY GLEESON, lived near my old southern estate over 20 years. Everyone update  some films of the HONEYMOONERS. A rather carefully wordy not exactly so humourious 20 minute show, with truely genius film on stage skits made for television. strait free television which  has 32 channels always a reality. While on line is a totally neet online surf 24/7 352 as well, beach side, road side, and of course, more, everywhere. 

Just a minute, 

Ah, I found the lovely film from 
JOHNNY CARSON and ART conversation.  With love to you both. thank you mr Art Carney and Sir Johnny Carson

It’s really THEE ART CARNEY and Johnny CARSON, just wonderful everyone. 
prisum ( crystal glass with some  beveling and some not in  windows for absolute sparkling of light, in reflection of a delight ). Like crystal chandakeres, made in ancient Germany, in the castle of GUDDENBERG, too, and first made only for actual candle shaped  lights much like a Christmas Tree light, , with of the GERMAN STONE CASTLE, upon a mountian tiny city in the country of GERMANY, of AGUSTAVA STAINT GUDDEN, of the first illuminated manuscripts. In lovely GERMANY. A fine jewels lens can be known as a prism. 

more about GUDDEN. soon. 

FRANK SINATRA, with a sweet message today, while we look for a great fried clam roll
risterante with a lovely table. message update. Soon. Wonderful message too.

With a lovely FILM from my darling CHARLEY WINSTON, in a film he actually mere- recorded for LOVE NOTES, LISTEN  very political with thank you for the film in 2008 of the first recording, with an update now. Charle Winston, your sweet little red Motor Ped, from JAPAN, long ago, it was perfect Charlie Winston. I have a film of the very good TOYOTA Motor Traveler, of a favorite,  simply incredible I looked at importance in 1986, a great buy. Updated soon. I purchased a a Toyota that year, before you bought your MOTORPED, in RED. Very pleased. 

Bangladesh India ancient recipe for INDIA BBQ, roast, with over 57 spices all from the lovely country of India in EUROPE, which is eastern EUROPE, while not the FAR EAST EUROPEAN regions of countries, and of course, INDIA is very large as a country with many many cities very large, and even tiny with a world map Altas, very large, and then all streets and procimaties of all villages, in the ( mother tung j as a known phaze for the language of your own country, as in HINUE language is of the country of INDIA while many people do fluently speak, proper BRITISH ENGLISH, with reason of many business types of cares, with excelence in INTERNATIONAL exports business too, which is very good in INDIA and the prices of realists are more stabile and low costs, with more saved money in a very stabilized economics, and not many realists actually are sold. Prices for rental estates stay very very low. With modernization many many years, of excelence in even everyone whom can afford an ITALIAN MOTOR, or INDIA MOTOR BIKE, RUSSIAN TOO,  larger with excellent in manufacturing standards, and slow speeds, for a ride in a short afternoon to a street drive, to buy a real ancient recipes in INIAN BBQ.  The BBQ roast in each recipe of risterantes are different. And saffron spices in much less expensive and quite easy to purchase in INDIA. Very few risterants in the USA have even all the spoces for ancient recipes of INDIA. 

Devon Avenue in CHICAGO USA, IS WITH A VERY SMALL STREET THATS, WITH ONE OR TWO good risterants of food of INDIA. All the spice, perfectly delicious, if you know where Devon Avenue is. 

From my lectures in exhibition of course in the USA of standards of ethics in real estate, no one can rent an apartment from someone whom does not own the property, and does set a low good quality price within all good standards, of course, and due to the purchase of a certain price, the rent can be lower, in a proper mortgage that is lower in monthly payments.  Some can be with extra costs, possibly, which my beautiful Chicago IL flat, was $500. Per month, and has not increased much in years, with property that was with no wish to resell. And lose money actually in long gain, % . With rent ethics, you can not rent an estate and then try to rent it and make money on rent from someone whom already owned and has a decent set rent. 
Sublease have to be with an application approved from the actual owner of the estate rental. And very rare anyone really wishes to see sub lease at all. While then the owner loses rent monthly and can upset budget of owner that are with ethics, and decency. ESTATE RENTAL renting has large amount of ethics rules that owners must maintain, Retaining a great reality of people that do enjoy renting. I mean, you can purchase a home, under $700. Per month. Renting is with ability to not maintain painting or. Lawn Care, drive way areas clean, and quite a bit of dignity to people whom wish to rent a lovely enough rental estate, even if it needs a few extra Turkish Rugs. While renters can not just rip up any of the details and even paint over the eased walls, that were freshly painted before moving in, in most cases owners, do not wish to repair wall paint that may cause spots to repaint and difficult to paint over.  I did have a fine very lovely rental in the southern region, with a lovely swimming pool, and walking distance and a lovely garden, and the owner did include it was fine to repaint blue if I wished, written in the rental agreement. I did not repaint and wall blue, however, and my roses bush entry was spectacular. With a garden terrace to eat out side on my fine tables every morning. And splendid. Turkish lush rugs, too. 

My the ten cent events went well in 2016. all over the world. Hand made plastic bottle side walk drum, what fun. Guitar Revolution Even Better.  

more soon. 

Breakfast With A Guest, was delicious and with perfect Belgium Waffles, and I set out the  best silk saarhji’ Fabric purchased in the county of INDIA, several years ago. The sienna raw umber color was  perfect for my special guest breakfast. The rare etches of silk design was savoired for a perfect special occasion. 

Film Credit: from my tiny rental estate table top silk saarhji waffle Belgium, hold ( no)  the fresh simple sauced strawberry and cream, . princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

THE SHANDERELLE’s ,was that the correct title, of your 
lovely quartet music compostions 1957 , even in 1969 
the song gained love more, 
and now re- recorded, 
with exactly those nice music people, 
in a song titled : GET A JOB LISTEN 
All ACAPELLA , and I missed  you. Thank you. xo. Merci ‘ Ci. 
Philadelphia ‘ was exciting. I nearly forgot I was with a few economic 
lectures in exhibition of a great week in PHILI, PENNSYLVANIA, USA 
and a lovely city, to sing aria of ET EL, of EMERITUS so well loved
, I was pleased.  What lovely people and foods very good. 

with love, in a great employment 
standard minute by minute, 
in 8 hours a day and 5 days a week 352, with a 
fine autumn and a real luxury winter holiday even to go to the fully registered real, low 
ELPINE SLIDE.When in winter months of little snow at times,
 Somewhere, as it was in 1974,  great reality in 2023.  

more soon. 5:46 pm NEW YORK, USA, with BILL GATES in conversation in FILM 
It’s been a long time, since Bill Gates and myself, we’re at a outdoor bbq roast, with just frozen FRUITY Icy ITALIAN ICE, on a stick,  very very special actually made in the actual shape of a space satalight only   up up up only, rocket, not a passenger train, no, no, and the sweet italian ice on a stick was 

7:27 pm, NEW YORK, USA NOW, invited, I did not attend, 
 From the KREMLIN, SIR Vladimir Putin President  of RUSSIA .READ 
in a update in a prepared and batten film, READ.  

Sir Vladimir Putin, thank you very much, as the vavaldi films,
 are of 2012 in my international exhibitions were seen everywhere in the world, of course, most all did see my film, as you loved too, and updates are not ready in my Vivaldi film updates,. I love you darling, please enjoy your evening with sweet dreams to you and feavorent kisses. Catch, sweet Vladimir. Yes I bought the colossal scallops today, and the little sweet messages, are quite nice darling. Dreadful day for you I see. 

National ( of the USA only, ) , assessment ( exam test ), treaties ( nurinberg studies at length from pencil and paper written exam and self studies individually  ) , Opertive ( non negotiable, if qualified in merit pins, of Valour,  in studied work A  non travel asseccment ,( oral test , 16 hours a day strait for 6 month)  in USA soil, in assured assessment of reasonable lenhty studies to , correctly achieve  or fail, before the oral one month operative ( chose to finish yes or no, ) exam in front of the large National Assembly of the people of the USA ( the citizens all, of the USA everywhere in every village , and every village in the world, and that of a view filmed for the reel to reel, and world cam, to see transparent assecments of either pass or fail,  to view to all. Failing does not let you try again. Of the national accessment for USA army,  passing is With no advancement at all. And no travel either of job related nothing. = nato, and even more.then it’s elemental math details 30 years more,. = years, review. 

Later in banana news revival international press, Vladimir Putin, 
with the wrong shade of pancake sun screen SPF, I shipped. It was bronze sun kissed Sir Vladimir Putin my lovely darling wonderful man. Did you receive the ITALIAN DISCUS I SENT. MADE IN ITALY. 
Lovely darling, you are glorious. Pancake SPF , .it was the compact in deep brown gold. 
Sealed with a bronze plate. Preston Jackson is neet that way. Fine man .escusse’ I have a message from my long time friend, STEVEN JOBES. More Soon. Message from USA Senior Winces is with utube films very updates, not the 1970’s films yet. 


October 6 th 2023 2:27 pm from my tiny village, USA, Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA NOW. 

review updates are difficult and  of course, nato, is under grave reviews with USA people that may not realize, that at Oracle, the demographics were somewhat scrambles, as to exactly what NATO, required exams are, and people wish to know more, with pennies that matter too, in the USA. Once a nato, not a nato, pre exam grade score, at all, realized, is a serious issue in the USA, when security means, your actual security increase possible of your wages, and retirement standards, good taxes properly exactly ethically within standards in the USA, concerns in munioin and pop up  shops, and not a vienierhound, as said in the fine country of GERMANY on historical facts, more GERMAN language in LOVE NOTES soon. dieseldwarf could be interesting in actually knowing the language of the beautiful riche lovely culture of  the county of GERMANY. With friends from long ago and many today, too. Incredible cultural lush history more about the European country of GERMANY in LOVE NOTES, of an expose’ soon, into the. LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION. 

today, I say, GOOD DAY TO EVERYONE, and I have a music compostion fron the 1960’s into the 1970’s that’s not exactly what I wished for today,  and I don’t know the music very well, in reviews however of a very serious area of concerns in the USA, I thought perhaps this song, is in a few issues of the USA something. What, is not about men and women, boys and girls,  and not about herashio listen 

more soon.xo I have to assure I known my mothers license plate number. I was in san diago years back on Vacation and rented a automobile and was at sea sceltzers, with over 40 grey automobiles parked when I had to find exactly the right automobile. said to be in Ohio, some where, I hope I can find the address, at least, with more than the iPhone watch I sent my mother, and the two beautiful Diamond and charm braclets, recently. . In case I misplace my phone. After not seeing my mother in nearly two years, I wish to assure she received my gifts.  1969 Libby Glasses , in a inexpensive set, for kindergarten instructors,  are always acceptable, while special gifts, are something shop early, or enjoy the time, making home made fudge boxed and with silk ribbon, from anywhere in the world. In Cultural fun. 
I gave my mother a beautiful tiara from Austria, and think such lovely cares to my sweet mother. Darling, Aramis to have the best day, to my mother and everyone, everywhere all over the world. Reviews, and more. Ray Charles in too. with message updates. 

more soon. Tony Bennet, I am apologetic about the delay with reviews on time stamped dates on utube that were not in cromilogical order in utube in the little letter in dates written, I love your update now, increadible. I did not receive your email at all, new email is not yet listed on line, yet in post updates in these love notes now. Of course I wish to post even more in LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION,  as I assure a pre announcement for LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, too, as important all over the world, and excitment 
is fun. Thank you darling , it’s TONY BENNET listen

more soon. 5:22 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, not too far a drive from Albany NEW YORK, which is known as the capital city of the state of NEW YORK, as everyone realizes that the USA is with 50 states, with one capital city in EACH STATE, of course, and then the CAPITAL OF THE COUNTRY, in WASHINGTON DC, is with a great many questions to be answered I would say, of many more than just those sweet little capital cities and good to see in the country large road atlas, for the USA. Very important in drives for a day, off, or two day travel, and even winter holidays that are not always a vacation week, and can be actually through January into sometimes april for good planning and great time off in even a ten day vacation, possible with most all, with worthy wages and more. 

While in TENNESSEE, on Cumberland Avenue, it’s sorghum time, in autumn months, and then perhaps a special butter crumb cake with rasberry and even pumpkin or sweet butternut and cream, and sorghum pecan roasted crunch preline glaze. In my special recipes with a finest Polynesian Variation on a pupu platter, from a sweet little pupu platter risterante to know, more about in city of QUEBEC of the country of  CANADA, with a soda pop volcano drink, in a variation, rootbeer soda pop, fine for all ages. Secret of the greatest autumn ROYAL, events. In  - menu for OCTOBER 2023 with a sweet little sugar cane sorghum cake freezes to savior into NOVEMBER 2023. Sorghum.

10:16 pm update : emailed from 
sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia. En view. 
Pre- Mongolia Project.
Darling, I am still with pop snapper, ow, ow, ow, and ow, with still tech reviews, for details in Banana News Revival international press, with very serious tech issues today, and my missing head board designs, for my tiny villa,  curious detail, as I see, you found, and I was with ruthless delay, about ezbezien amora arias, in RUSSIA, .

I shall read your details at length again. POSTED in detail, 

with Johnson and Johnson too.  Zip wallets $11.00 read  with extra room for phones in side homes and out, in work and travel with a small brass lock recommend for offices and even school and that of homes when not using, with assured cards with your name on them, and a email access on your phone and tablet that is with a direct email area that with an off line, on the face of your phone , area in direct facing of your phone, as yours, with of course your address linked even in your emails to phone bills and such. And of course micro chipped. Too, while switched phones can be an issue, even in RUSSIA. of course I had 6 phones missing in my New York exhibitions and is not ver nice replacing a phone. Absolutly your and an absolute need, to zip and even attach inside your clothed at even work, and assure never to carry your cards, outside of a zipped wallet. I have an extra card as well, I carry in my wallet, car, and travel bags. Alway zip phone in any small or large trip, and powder room at home too. It’s a bear run secret. Not Beare road, yet. Risterates and more. What to know about micro chip plastic, soon posted. 

Darling Vladimir Putin in a difficult day as well.  
 more soon. 

2:38 am OCTOBER 7 th 2023  sketch  issues sos unresolved , in dark crimson is a num owi , 
and in pink is a num buzzard owi not very nice, caused by dc dirty dozen, aimed at me. 
Tech issue with emailing the photo sketch to Europe in meetings, 
phone camera was with error aim bannor all day. And then the tablet suddenly was taking over two hours to send the little sketch in my meeting notes of the USA dc  Spidy’ies . 

nearing full resolve, from European specialist .meeting note to the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin and the Parlement people of Russia as well, as we had some strange interfearance, then my birth gifts never arrived.  of course the KREMLIN, OF RUSSIA was with a exhibition of some political cultural issue with all my designs in the pink exhibition with the fine gold finishes I designed quite a while back, and notated the planning for all of the PINK EXHIBITION. of course, I see the actual designs are not exactly mine, and what an awful think to have sketches stolen, and time. 

Kind of Darling Vladimir Putin Bold Statements , of the KREMLIN, and the government of RUSSIA with a European meeting very important in reviews to see the clarity of darling Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin, and many many many people that are waiting so delightfully for the piazza pizza events and much more in my schedules with LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION too, and a sweet little pre announcment, each event, publication and all the fine messages included many, and events, and more. I appologies for such lovely messages to post and enjoy well, lovely really, with extrodinary thank you within every village in the whole world. 

People of RUSSIA are mad, 
and many others, too, 
that my aria in late spring 2023 
travel event in RUSSIA, 
in person was delayed. 
A lovely finest event, 

more soon. 12:02 pm eastern standard time in Saranac lake New York, USA Now, It’s a bit dreary today, really with DC dirty dozen that aimed at such people as my self, and others, I Al still having concerns and hope to have the matters mostly eased by Monday. I may not have had the actual guest in that I though,j for breakfast, and I realize that it’s important to know, as my friend Rob Forbes also had the same concern after my chair book, in my sketches came up missing. Rob Forbes own DWR. And sells chairs and fine modern furnishings. I shall say good day to everyone, and THE CHAIR BOOK, by TRACEE PICKETT, as my spelling for my designs, TRACEE, is just a business name, for some designs, of mine and registered in my company, smArt Art, lectures, is one of my cultural projects,  I am rather upset about, the delays of the summer, strange awful tiny estate with a mess on my front entry all summer, into autumn and the broken sign on the front entry too, 109 park Avenue Saranac Lake New York USA, as I was curious not to have even seen, anyone for my actual birthday in March 2023. The cam in my home, then was internationally seen, with awful people in this tiny village,. Frequent fliers I was told, the city in the village was suddenly with no fine gardening excellence and street lamp that are sore thump designs, and holes in sidewalks with torn up curbs that were ancient, and an awful band stand, with some questionable concerns, loud loud music at the little Mexican Risterante. Which I myself have rarely even seen, not actually going to stroll in the village at all, except three years ago several times, as I have many busy days in my tiny estate rental, just wishing for a quiet, in a few little trees I look at out my window in the tiny kitchen, that are over 100 feet tall. 
It’s was hopeful to lunch with even my mother more before a travel 
exhibition and I miss wendel powers too. The call from Albany hospital was over a year ago, and I have missed wendel. It’s been several years. The dc dirty dozers are a concerns in the USA in all villages and many messages I have seen, too, upsets. How to enjoy my little company in the USA for myself, and assure my invite schedule rather extensive. RAY CHARLES, is a lovely man whom is famous for music compostion in piano with televising as early as 1970’ and a fine human, whom does not have eye vision,  and not good eye vision,  invited to an esteemed event for fine piano, and here is RAY CHARLES update message, in a mixed up invite, That is very serious, and. Is also famous for a coke soda commercial, after many years Ray Charles was very famous in fine piano and cola from coke soda pop became even more popular and with even more employed well, 1970’ first films, and 

the film.    concerns about details,  

Ray Charles, the piano was not with the open strings as usual Ray, NOT THE FILM, sent,  May not have realized, that his very beautiful songs were subjected to, circus tenors. in whos chairs, not the film post for Ray Charles excellence in a lengthy fine very esteemed career, which began earlier than the 1970’s. In the review I thought I would, assure a well noted review, for everyone village by villages, for people all over the USA, and a ruin, to my very lovely silver dress designs, and that of  lengthy projects and schedules and RAY CHARLES, in his finest worth of love too. 

Good Day to the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of RUSSIA,  with very bold , cares too, made quite difficult in what was to be the finest summer, and still not the fine films of such a LOVE, in the world, with very good efforts, in LOVE NOTES. The lovely people of Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, are very delightful, and of fine city village reality that is with many extrodinary people, as I realize with such great effort, and excellence too. Good Day to everyone in Saranac Lake, New York USA, with wishes for your outting to be enjoyable in the lovely village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA NOW. 
My messages are all, in love notes, to you all, of course. Have a lovely Autumn 2023, and perhaps you might wish to chose your own selections of flowers in you store window boxes as owners individually do. 
Flowers are always brilliant too, cultivate a a lush village proper and comfortably neet. With all good cares. Historical ARCHTECHTURE  of even ancient village streets over 400 years old, is something to enjoy a lovely drive of town and country far and near travels, and finest decency of everyone,. With love, from myself, princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT. The village looks so beautiful, and every traveler enjoyed the lovely experience to such a riche cultural village in Saranac Lake New York, USA and LAKE PLACID, New York too, globally  famous now, more than ever. Still searching for a fine large wreath for the estate front entry. With concerns about the back step area near my parking space in rear. Large potbelly mouses, somewhere. And no baha yet.  

update 1:54 pm , with an unusual post, of CRISTY BRINKLEY born before 1964, in a make up commercial that was not well known, and with little one time pay, and personally, do not know, and have never met, while it is important seeing the upsets in some TV, or VHS, cares, CRISTY BRINKLEY, and I did see the TV 1978, at Christie’s age of 25 at least then, while I did not watch the update film, read if you wish.  I did not see the film. 

more soon. 

2:07 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. and it’s a late breakfast. Enjoy Breakfast Lunch and Dinner everywhere in the world, with exceptional care, and excellent great foods too. 

2:42 pm, I have a film from utube today that usually is not in any way with a attack of a commercial at all, as the UTUBE is a seperate film area, with no attachment over twenty years and even today, with some tech issue that is speeelibg spit, at utube and a breach of Tech wrong, not from utube actually, while I like Kraft, I will post from KRAFT as I have, directly online at KRAFT, and the tech wrong in utube began several months ago, and are not registered advertising of a business license to note great companies such as KRAFT, and many more, even internationally direct from the actual company. Of course this is a tech concern, and are very upsetting in a substandard breach, that consorted to, attach to utube films, and then even distort some utube films with tech issues, coming from dirty dc, and concerning to even taxes and standards, while I assure utube in a great program, to assure film of the most lovely messages and that of a  awful just in, while plenty of plain utube film messages are direct, and great that people were so lovely to even love my utube selections with people from the USA and all over the world. 

While some film, attached, may not have been those in the film, that had a similar lip stick shade. 

RAY CHARLES again, in a song GEORGIA, which  is a larger state of the USA with many cities and notable fine villages too, where peach farms are in good sales this year, tin can peaches in winter and summer are delicious and if you travel to Atlanta please, find merrietta village if you dare , to enjoy the little violin shop known as PICKIN AND GRINNIN as a fine shop for hand made violins and more. And with care you can strum  a minute and then stop again in a decision to buy perhaps, in a small shop in the village of MERRIETTA just a hop from Atlanta Georgia , and enjoy a week end travel with love.. GEORIA STYLE. 

first famous 
recording and now, 1970, or earlier. THANK YOU EVERYONE
 FROM THE LOVELY STATE OF GEORGIA, xo and have a lovely day. 

more soon. Automotive vehicle registration is one time, to only register your vehicle of course and then get your plates, ? Reviews in the USA about some concerns, of where the DMV taxes are being allocated are with many in all villages looking at USA DMV on line, and some with missing license plates they paid for, buying their automobiles. Even the first Automobile purchase too. And with many in reviews. Taxes PENNY PER PENNY PAID are a very large USA review to never being over taxed. With a breach of misuse in tax reality. With care about the tax and possible some misinformation. Looking at the USA taxes in just RUFFLES BRAND POTATOE CHIP in a whole year, it’s an interesting tax that is quite good, in sales tax, and then, of course, the concerns in marginal index prices are, of a good reality in tax dollars, and still no online budget to see from anyone in DC at the state department, cdc, and then the TAX DIRECTOR either,  people in all villages are  interested in assuring Interest in review and not a payroll for wrong doing, to push others,  such opportunity in great real standards too. Automobile registration fees, are for the automobile and assure your one set of plates costs, and then, I will have to see the full review in the matter before I think to just pay a possible wrong billing issue, and I retain my insurance in the arbitration process to assure that the tax is not a breach in unethical issue, and of course these would be very serious attempts at wrong fees, unethical to, pressurize me, and all the people in the USA too, is a serious matter. Unquestionably, wrong. With wrong types of concerns in inspection sticker issue and wrong, too, as the concerns of party tax theaft is very large concerns to everyone in the USA and international people with interest too. So, the arbitration of the matter, with reviews, would, be a ethics rule that has a large length of time, to even see the DC, tax reports that are, of the full rules to be seen as to these allocation to taxes and not wrong fee accumulations, in unethical tax issue from DMV USA of all 50 states. Within one country. and taxes are penny per penny, issues to review for all in the USA and those internationally too, with great aspects that international business people as employed and owners of a business internationally that improved the USA economy, with very good efforts in many ways, that are not always noticed. 

Arbitrary Rules are not a replacement for rules ethical of standards  in issue which  are not ethical standard. With very good care about these real economical interest to people, and of course possible unpaid tax in delay possible for some great companies whom work to even pay wages to employ more in the USA, that is of course with a year of time to see if they can afford to stay in business and can email the USA INTERNAL REVENUE department themselves, and not be harassed ever, in possible wrong calls or letters not ethical either from a whom, in unethical what. 
The tax process in companies do not work that way, . Tax receipts for companies do show the tax reality to tax amounts to assure eased to owners payments, and the process of owners that pay tax is, within the owners decisions and budgeting too. Some times complex with no harassing village idiot. 
Claims to what ? 

Reviews are very serious in fine great details more. / everyone more film soon.  

I have a concern with a DMV, letter, you did not send, and wireless printed what, to review, everyone is noticing, there are not a new registration reep on the same purchase of your automobile. Many many years of excellence in standards, and tax of a country of cares to see the USA DC BUDGETARY real standards, and concerns of lies in elections in the USA are very much in concerns of all the people in the USA and internationally with very good interest, with a moon   / solar sun cam, ?   Efforts and great real success in many ways in the USA were with great efforts villages all.  and not see concern with any dc tax rippers in a pickle juicing chaser. Too. No. 

More soon.  Michael Bloomberg, is a fine human, and I wished to know the standard cost on the New York Subway that is in New York, New York, now, as a very lovely reality for the details of travel, for people to be assured. Good, in the municiple token standards, actually, as I was reading a price that was $600. 00 in a little issue in one machine vending in NEWARK NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, in a $1.80 ticket that caused a delay, a few years back. Several business friends from Japan, in Europe said, they two had similar issues. And delayed  several years back, 2016. 

with notable reviews. With absolute care for all traveling, 
even just a short travel or long holiday. 

of course, these are very important, with blink and zink  
in DC.and the union Station somewhat a mess. 

Onion Perfume ? Substandard unethical rasberry hume, reviews. Swift - light fast, aroma ? 
Spitters, substandard ( unethical)  aromatic what. Oiy obo .

many perfumes are perfect, with a light spritz on 
wrists and sweaters,  
often imported and one of my favorites is OPIUM
from european imported fine parfumes, 
while I have not seen OPIUM  parfume since 1989. 

more soon. 6:58 pm Saranac Lake New York USA,  my phone would not open several times, and was a new phone with a registration that links to my address, and gps, and gps never stops on phones and cams can run on small solar, recharge in day or night, dark screen tech, reality, for cam instant upload. and gps data is 352 all year, and live cam, 24/7. while the issue in the USA is tech wrong, that block a password today on my phone, which I have not listed the number to yet, online, and changed phones and service to verison in about MARCH 2023. with a new phone number listed soon. The grace period on a late payment is a standard rule is a late one month payment for good standards in humanities eased, and never a late fee. While my bill was said to be lower than what I saw in billing. and my payment last month was something like $144.00 while the agreement was much lower. And in review as well. As phones services  in the USA must meet the municiple standards . And complex regulations of standard. With USA PEOPLE, in great standards assured, in ethics even in billing and standard quality of every detail . And very important to all. 

of course I forgot to update my phone number new online phone number in my company notes STUDIO VOSSE,  as was delayed in sales catalogue events still not announced yet, and awful delay. While I can post the web site for the catalogue soon. 

Pre Announcement as the exhibtion online I prepared and published before June 2023. 
And details of the fine catalogue event very exciting, and still without my filming with the tool tech issues fully resolved, and a review before the sales catalogue event. of course my recent painted spring catalogue in water color painting are somewhat political and worth more than $1, million, at least, and actually offers even from BILL GATES, very interested in being of the first to select the painting himself, and quite exciting, even in a upset delay caused to me. Of course, others are with wishes to buy a painting too, Tom Cruise and no longer the short list, of people interested to buy a tiny painting. With no agreements in prints at all, and the printed paintings I own are with a much higher worth. With a chance for everyone to purchase a print of my paintings I designed just before June 2023 and not yet with the catalogue sale announcement for the original paintings and the prints, In my tiny estate rental in Saranac Lake New York, USA.  So the month is very exciting, everyone waiting for the pre announcement in LOVE NOTES, always just myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett    

All the world, excited for me. It’s lovely of everyone, everywhere. 

serious too. All, with delightful cultural broad cares. too,  RUSSIAN LOVE. 

more soon. HORTON HEARS A WHO, 
is a good little antidote of written literature for all ages, 
and of course with a word or two more to notes
WORDS ARE IMPORTANT with in a time of a year in reviews, 

1970’s sweet little USA television film from Dr. SUISSE, in 
a doctoral litarary honor of children’s stories written for all ages. 

More soon. 9:10 pm Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW,  with a issue on tools that I was experiencing today, and perfect technology, actually, just paying my phone bill as well, at $152.00 with three online pieces of computer technology as a tablet computer and Apple Watch, and my iPhone as well, and normally no interruptions, ever, with my online computer since 1996.  Which was one of the first to have web cam technology built in, cam ready, gps equip. Even if I had to replace the computer, right away, then, while I have a update from ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, a lovely man, with a devotion in his work as a governor of the state of CALIFORNIA, and a citizen born in Austria with a bold political prowess, major USA films , and a book announcement too. READ 
Wonderful little book, with a great announcement for the whole world, everywhere. 

more soon. 

10:19 pm NEW YORK,  USA NOW 

11:38 pm New York USA NOW Morise Javailia, in a second event, 
with a lovely woman, I wish to say I knew, yet, I don’t know, in the song 

“ yes I remember it well.” 
      not from the original movie.

of course the song is from a movie in 
television in the USA, I myself did see the entire film when I was 6 years old,
only 2 hours, and in 1972.  in a very small number of people actually in the movie original film.
What was the nature of the original television film. ? 

more soon. 12:19 pm from my tiny village Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, with a little update from
PAUL MC CARTNEY, in a can meeting, film. As my sweet friends from years and years, I am thrilled to updated now, message in a USA concern.

POLITICALLY BOLD, in converstation in a FILM 
which chromozone ? 

more soon. October 8 th 2023 12:30 pm good day everyone, everywhere in the whole world, good day to the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin, with an extra special hello today. Today, I would like to say an extra lovely thank you for all the extraordinary messages, and many many efforts, in cares of economic efforts for the USA, and that of thank you to many in Saranac Lake too, for the care of decency in the little village, even with the concerns, and some , upset to my catalogue sales, and love for the love notes, with autumn 2023 to look forward too. 

I have not met most who live in the city, as I stay rather busy, though the lovely village is with kind lovely many villages within a country of citizens that love Saranac Lake New York and Lake Placid, 
New York too. 

Thank you all very much again, for the love of me, and love notes.
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

What to see, of those involved in names and address on a postal box when in a rental that has more than one rental and one entry, are a requirement in in standards to assure your name and address are written on your postal box. Of course, these are standards, of assured address, standards. with also, standards in employment with a name of each employee, usually written on a schedule for everyone to see. It’s been years since I have, concerned my self with ethics, of employer employees standards of ethics, as I have never, had need at studio vosse to hire anyone employed for me. Employment ethics are very important for the cares to quality towards anyone employeed, with good quality standards for  employee / employer both,. Of course the incredible efforts in the reality of great efforts with great success after awful upsets of 2022, the reality has changed do to excellence of cares and incredible worth, with efforts exceptional, and delightful decency, with a cares about even more in stabilization towards something more with time worthy of work and leisure, with a USA to be very proud of. 

be savvy about your wallet at home, in not living alone. And that of travels, as I often sleep with my wallet under the mattress, as a little rule, and even have a tiny brass lock that I can lock my wallet and phone plugged in when I store my wallet in a guest travel, as I live alone, and don’t have to think about those details, that others might. Be savvy, as your wallet, is important. Short and other fine travels are with  extra cares, even if on your way to your place of employment. You may have missed my travel savvy exhibition lectures in 2014 in CHICAGO IL, at thanksgiving, 2014 when I was with an exhibition STUDIOS INTERNATIONAL PEACE PROJECT.   With arias and cares of peoples good travels as more than 6 million people traveled in, then. 

minuition, and registered addresses you actually rent, for a quality of living. 
When an entry has more than one apartment. In review. In Banana News Revival international press, I might have some time to highlight the cares of quality lovely life, and some details of the upset to my summer 2023. With extrodinary a tiny village of many lovely people, everywhere.  Lock your upstairs windows, and lower windows too. Bears, and Bob cats were spotted, in the USA. more soon. My mother was said to have bought a new car, and very curious. more soon. When I sold my other car, I took lots of photographs, and then my other car that was with a smashed wind shield, two days after buying it, I photographed too, and then bought a new car, yet, again. Of course it has a registration number inside the little door area and I need to photograph that too. I simply forgot. The vw, never made it even out of a drive way. With a cost to me in great losses. And a faulty mechanic costing me, $2000.00 in loss for a great little car,  and a total loss of over $16,000. in need of a $15.00 little unique spark plug set. Specially engineer in GERMANY. 

more soon. 2:23 pm SUNDAY update from ROWEN ATKINSON 
as his character MR BEAN, in FILM Rowen Atkinson has a serious political film, of thanksgiving about the TURKEY, yet, I  have little time today to select which is the original 1993 film about MR BEANS, TURKEY THANKSGIVING. only ROWEN ATKINSON, would marvelously even think of, in a political foi pas. 

more soon.THE GEORGE HARRISON with a fine music compostion ANY ROAD 
with love to everyone, everywhere, all over the world. 

more soon. were there unethics in some trouper that hustled others, in villages all, said to be, of harsh concerns to even Mercedes Benz automobile company, trying to get to your wallet, . Reviewing the realty of these matters are serious. What are the damages they have costed the villages of the USA, and flight time, and cost. People all over the world, are in reviews, of mange’  trouper, issues. Cash and dasher - atm ? Or where next. 

in review. I would like to say hello to my lovely friends in PHILADELPHIA a tiny city in TENNESSEE 
on the way to sweet water, where I enjoyed a little fuel stop there each week, with some very good customer services, every week, on my way to my little project  lectures I wrote and design, in culture. Two times a week, and nearly 140 miles each lecture day, in person then, was loved. several years was busy, in cultural lectures. Have a great SUNDAY, everyone. 2003 was a fine year. It’s an ancient road named, LAMAR ALAXANDAR road, after miles of pigeon river,  then left, to the two hour drive twice a week, and with great time to drive in to Knoxville then most of the afternoon, into a late dinner hour, often. The cultural lectures online, at STUDIO VOSSE are in delay. Pre announcement have been ready for over two years. Online, and quite exciting, even in just 1 three hour  lectures with arts fun included. 

madame meize, too, at least. MORE SOON OF HEDVARD MONCH and a rarely known artist known as HERONUMUS BOTCH. A painting I usually do not list, and have no lectures of, while in review in my schedule, I found some importance in an unusual late non modern painting, bleak, and unkind in a 
pish painting known as the garden of heronomus  botch. Realitivity of knowledge historically of lake HURRION of the USA. 

more soon. CBS NEWS : where is the film Mike Bloomberg sent? Who is Mo Rocco, at the World Trade Center in NYC, NY ? Letting Michael Bloomberg know, I was not able to meet in the London England invite, to listen to speakers, I am not familiar with, as the invite, I wished for MIKE BLOOMBERG, to receive an update, from me. Of course my formal contact email and phone number will be listed before the catalogue sale MIKE BLOOMBERG.  Thank you again. I found the CBS NEWS , BLINK. 

I have never been to the World Trade Center, Towers, ever, and not sure of even what address they are. 
Strickly for the stock exchange of a certain type of very complex monitory types of, stock market details. Not trading apples for oranges gosh. No. And not standard banking either. 

more soon. Darling Jeromy Irons, was kind to say, never to seek avengers and better to greater quality lovely life, as I knew we both feel that way, years back, and thank you, sir Jeromy Irons, in a political unhumour is somewhat, bold of the investigation of chromozones under a microscope, in unhumouriius serious conversation film in the rising cost of Skirt Steak / beef, rather than beef stake tomotoe wine sauce, braized, and  fine golden mushroom  Braized, Chicken Marcella ‘ with fine wine sauce in Risterates. So reasonable to enjoy a fine risterante menu more, at times. With an incredible film update further that thee  Sir Jeromy Iron sent me months ago, and, I am quite excited about the film updates all, with many others, which are incredible,. Many many messages from all over the world. Reviews are loved everywhere too. 

more soon. 7:44 pm saranac lake New York, USA, update from KATZ city bus in Knoxville Tennessee with a price list = “fare “ is the English American word, READ 

more 8:59 pm SUNDAY EVENING FROM MY TINY VILLAGE IN SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK, as over the summer 2023 I desided to decorate a bit more, as many realized, with a tiny estate rental, that needed some fine details, I had delayed. With desisions not to cover the floor with a larger rug, though I did purchase a small TURKISH RUG, several years ago, at a very low price and after my KASASTAN rug I had never actually even used, came up missing years back, in 2015, and of course cost, extra to replace. I am thrilled, with the sweet little sitting room, with my curtain design planned at length.The chairs arrived late and highest quality, and the sofa I bought several years ago, finally finishing my curtain design as well, and the little gold fringe bench dining chairs I purchased several years ago as well. 
and I finally finished the entire curtain design in my one bedroom estate rental, with a tiny moderate sized kitchen, I wished to unveil the whole design. 
in Film

Film Credit : 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 
9:35 pm from my tiny village in 

sweet message  update from BILLY JOEL, political bold, exillerating. LISTEN 
merci ‘ with love Sir Billy Joel, xo, as my sweet mother wrote, in my very first Winter Holiday Card, when I was reading for the first time, in the 1960’s 
before kindergarten years. xo 

to you, and everyone, in NEW YORK, and throughout the USA, and all over the world.

more soon. 

10:30 pm Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW, message update from STING, 
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE, LISTEN , while I have no idea whom the others are,
STING recorded the SONG, in a solo recording in the 1980’s and appeared 
on television in the 1990’s alone, with outrageous success. 
with love for the great music compostion loved well in the USA and throughout the world. I did not receive the letter, in the mail, Sting. I am preparing to learn a few specialty food words in RUSSIAN. Of course it makes it easier to enjoy risterantes, without asking the cab driver. Of course, then there are words in RUSSIAN, such as even the names of shades of lip color too. Of course Blonc in France is white wine. In RUSSIA, SELECTION OF WINE, are not as easy to find a great lifbrenmulsh. I rarely even think to say the few words I know which are RUSSIAN. Never. 

My contact phone number will be posted soon. xo STING .
Your email reply looked unlike anything you would have written.
I can post it, you can read it., soon.

LIBBEY GLASSES USA, are selling well, as my mother, always bought LIBBEY Glasses, and extraordinarily strong tempered drinking glasses. High Ball, and Low Ball, are perfect to enjoy extra for holidays, and everyday.  Very good prices. READ 

12: 09 pm in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW, on OCTOBER 9 th just after midnight, and in RUSSIAN in MOSCOW at this time, it is OCTOBER of course the next day, at 7:12 am  MOSCOW RUSSIA, which is purely with all RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, and of course all proper RUSSIAN spelling, too, even hand written RUSSIAN of course, while the of the country of RUSSIA GOVERNMENT web site is in RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH, READ   

1:09 am from my tiny village in NEW YORK, SARANAC LAKE, USA NOW,
with a recent message from.MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV

in a brief FILM , and no lovely two hour wonderful performance in finest ballet, 
with appologies , I did get, some very strange an invite to only pay $500. 00 to eat a soy cause hamburger, and missed your actual invite, darling, and you made such a lovely event so many years ago, for my birthday, I wished to have you of course listen to another aria of mine, as you wished, my dance, exhibitions and economic lectures and the arias, enticed you, so pleased, in NEW YORK,  MANHATTAN,  thankfully, in such lovely ballet you flew in to my birthday, years ago, then, it was so special with everyone. Thank you for the message update. The whole world is disappointed. And we shall see perhaps the BALLET ‘we planned soon. 

thank you again Mikhail Baryshnikov. xo darling. Love from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.  Sleep well, everywhere, everyone. 

more soon. 

11:36 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, MONDAY October 9 th 2023, 
from my tiny village, Hello everyone, everywhere all over the world, Good Day to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia as well,  and thank you for the lovely selections of Film, yet, I am still not prepared to post the LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION 
today, as I hoped I would be, without the concerns of munition even hitting me, 
from a dc wrong. and cause of serious upset to others in the USA. Are very serious. 

a runt, photograph from the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, in pictures today, not russian, as a serious concern in the USA, is kind of Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia, not in that photograph at all, READ is an important statement in pictures. looking at reviews for the government benifits again in USA snap, is very important, when the USA reviews, 
retirement too. And that of appropriation in assured retirement, and other extended social security citizen benifits. I will upload the letters I received.  Assured wages of real increase too, if owners are all with good revenue, enough,  for everyone is very important to realize, directly too from the actual owners of the companies. It may be a fine autumn for companies whom with revenue enough to pay even $2. oo more per hour, and assure full year long standards of employment that eaqual $4160. Extra dollars in wages a year, at full time employment. Beyond $15.00 per hour, which is $31,200. oo in full time employment for a full time job with a full 52 weeks of great employment. I realize the increadible efforts made of very lovely people in all villages, and of course, even when revenue is good one season, there is a need for people to enjoy there full year of employment with such earnings,. One employer owner of a small company, did give out only, TEN CENT, per hour more to an employee. Who was making fun of others, a times. After a whole year of efforts so well, I wish everyone even a fine autumn and winter 2023 too. 

I wish to say a lovely hello to everyone in RUSSIA and all over the world, as I have fine cares towards,
the people everywhere, with absolute love for my self and the LOVE NOTES, of fine lovely messages, from everywhere all over the world. While summer in Saranac Lake, New York, USA, was not with the little comfort, as I had planned. And delays are unusual for me, with such excitment for the very nature of my love notes, and other projects. LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, is very special to me. I wish to say 
thank you everyone all over the world, for making it extra special to you as well. 

Today it is with a few more reviews before the LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, 
pre announcement begin. 

Enjoy your afternoon in the USA and in Canada and all South American Countries, and into south seas countries, good evening to everyone, in all of Europe today. I have a very messy rental estate today, with a grocery list to assure, as well as a proper email list with a review of the email addresses, to assure, the replies. As I have sent, no replies, with noticeably many incorrect email address. More Soon, from myself,
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. With great real love, to the greater of almost everyone everywhere, all over the world. 

12:05 NEW YORK, USA, NOW. 

Epcot .  MUSCADINE ?  / is not Russian, No, thanks. 

1:17 pm from Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, With a very special message today of the many people within the College of Arts, at the University of Columbia College Chicago Ilinoise USA, 
on 600 Michigan Avenue South, Michigan, in Chicago Illinois USA, with wonderful lovely messages, from you all, since  1996, as emails of love, as attending the classes in Columbia College Chicago, in person are of course a requirement, and I remember all the wonderful people, well. Getting through my evening classes 5 days a week, and living alone in Chicago Illinois was some busy lovely gracious experience, as I wished to mention the very difficult graduate studies, full time executive assistant  40 hour a week days, near Tower Beach, a few years, work in a Boutique Firm, for investment banking, a few years, and sometimes weekend part time work, even in interior architecture of botanical design, and did design a run way show for VERSACE, with my tiny job, in RAVENSWOOD, area, earning extra money on weekends, and busy conservatory work,  were with memories to love, at 6:00 am running to full time work, and evening classes 5 night a week, and not home until near 10:00 pm week nights. 

Hello again, and thank you for all the lovely messages. I LOVE YOU,  xo. 


more soon. 3:57 pm, from Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, NOW

tiny stop to STEWARTS FUEL STOP, in Saranac Lake, New York, USA today was with fine customer service, with just a tiny purchase today, while I was quickly with my purchase, while I review my budget carefully. Very excited about the, Pre Announcement for my LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION, with first a few more reviews. 

special thank you to all the Columbia College Chicago people, even the ALUMNI people whom, have moved to other parts of the USA as well, it was lovely to be noted Alumni in the lovely Columbia College Chicago publications with honors several years in a row. Very good everyone, thank you again.  

more soon.

8:44 pm   update from the president of the country of CHINA, 
with President Sir Xi Jinping 
Directly of the country of CHINA READ 

more soon. 

Audrey Meadows and Art Carney with Jackie Gleason created a stage performance
 “ THE HONEY MOONERS “  in USA American Television, with ideas about difficulties in becoming 
a HONEYMOONER, and the success of the Television Perfomance in a Twenty Minute Film 
was loved in the 1960’s , and 1970’s and even today. Jackie, lived about 15 minutes drive near me, in my southern estate, one of my grade school instructors was Ms. Gleason, schooling in New York, in a tiny city, incidently, when I was 10 years old. Audrey Meadows and Jackie Gleason and Art Carney Off stage,  Pretty soft spoken  people. 

update in FILM 
Thank you everyone for the lovely film, wonderful. 
With love to you all. From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 11:37 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA, with a update about more in fine travel, in the USA state of North Carolina, in the city of Asheville, in a drive through the Great Smokey Mountians, which is set among 5 actual USA states, with many many cities, so, please study your USA road atlas map, before great planning, and reservations at a small hotel, or the Biltmore Estate Hotel, with opulence, READ , and the hotel is slightly more than the DOUBLE TREE, in Atlanta Georgia. Many of the hotels are $45.00 to $90.00 per night. 

With many whom travel to ASHVILLE North Carolina just to photograph the BILTMORE ESTATE and enjoy lunch, in the city quiet lush grassy pavilion park, with risterates usually quite busy all year, every year. In a few hours you could be on your way to CHARLESTON SOUTH CAROLINA BEACH, with a hope to stay at the MAXWELL HOTEL, with a beautiful ocean stroll. 

I was lucky enough to have gained a reservation to the BILTMORE ESTATE  INN, in 2008, with reservations for dinner on the beautiful large castle terrace second level, overlooking the lovely NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS. then, it was an easy drive from my once southern estate. If in ASHVILLE, there is a lovely gallery in the village, THE BLUE SPIRAL GALLERY. enjoy, travels sometimes take extra effort to prepare vacations or day travel, so enjoy 

more soon. “ 

more soon. 

12:34 pm email from MOSCOW RUSSIA, from SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, KREMLIN, as he realizes I have many friends in IRAQ, with good cultural love, READ. Lovely country, with beautiful cultural museums and a lovely country it is. 

more soon. 9:19 am October 10 th 2023 , good day everyone, everywhere, all over the world. Of course, I love the culture of IRAQ, very well, I certainly do no not have a meeting with anyone in IRAQ, and today, I see that sir Vladimir Putin, is with no further, update with any announcement of, any meeting in IRAQ.

My meetings in EUROPE are to resolve the concerns with my LOVE NOTES in assuring my online company and of course lovely events and catalogue sales go well, with out any concerns for the sales within my catalogs as I have had some interference on my little company at my studio vosse.  Rob Forbes noted in a lecture that his company didn’t realize that there was some issue with his online sales, and then his company realized. After the web concerns I myself had in 2011, I feel, a care to assure, a very good year with a care about assuring my sales, will go well.  In Rob Forbes first year in online sales, his company made over several million in his first year. After realizing the some online issue. It’s alway good to receive your actual email, and invites, and assure that the direct email is going to the actual person with the actual messages. 

The lovely messages from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia are poniant, and of course there have been dc wrong in the USA which effected every citizen of the USA and all of the very lovely international travelers which are in more ways than one, simply delightful to, further care about, a very good care toward the USA as a country which is culturally of the fortitude of a greater, dignity and savvy of a love toward cultural worth.  

Mikhail Barishnekov, was is with great love, RUSSIAN LOVE, and it would be very nice to see an a fine RUSSIAN ballet once again, in the USA, and not be concerns of a missing invitation. , and of course be assured that emails are working to assure receiving the email that is actually sent, as properly assured, in the USA, with, some concerns of dc wrong, and the USA people must be savvy, in even a few that, have caused some damages. The USA stabilization for much more than just the economy is individually very important. The lovely culture of the country of IRAQ, are with lovely cares to the world. 

The lovely cultural LOVE NOTES REVIVAL, not yet posted or pre announced, is with excitement in the many cultural expressions from, IRAQ and countries all over the world, and within the USA as well. I do not have a receipt from a rootbeer cola in the country of IRAQ, and would not be able to read the label of all those fine foods, as not written in ENGLISH. What studies in language of Arabic would be in delightful time to enjoy. My summer in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA has been upset and there, are some upsets that delayed my company, and some upsetting people as now, and the quiet of the tiny rental here has been very awful. And munious aimed at me. The entrance of my little rental, was a nightmare to me all summer, and I will have to fold up the nice summer lounge chair my brother gave me and find the entry, not as should be. Of course two years here were very quiet.  I realize many in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA were with good wishes to me.  The delay on my catalogue sales and events has been an outrage. I will be beginning the LOVELY FOCUS of LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION within several days, as I have no interest in, strangers roaming near my windows, the entry was very quiet two whole years, and my book THE ROYAL FLAMBÉ is near ready to announce for finally a sale of the sweet little book, with great enjoyment in my lovely time in the world. Of course I had three of the book writing which would not open properly in the finished book, and delayed the sales,  and still I am finishing the whole book, with a few edits, with a real, international sale, and I can hardly wait to announce the sale of book. I enjoy all the fine details pencil to online sales, myself.  I wish everyone a very good lunch today. with all my love, from myself princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

more soon. So, I was just at my entry, as I live on the second level in the front apartment with orange curtains, that are on the front of  park ave side. I drove my garbage to the back of the estate today.  There are apartment, and there are no name on the mail boxes at my apartment,  of whom lives in the building, except mine, on my mail box, so I brought my large green lawn chair in, today. It is Tuesday and I think I will take several months to perhaps see if there is, a different tiny rental some other place and might take several months to possibly find something I prefer. The summer was not very pleasant and not quiet as planned. I will post more soon. 

Have a wonderful breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to everyone, 
everywhere all over the world, and in Saranac Lake New York USA 
as well, with wonderfully very finest people in the city, 
and a wonderful lake with a fine tiny village in one of the USA, 
most beautiful forest regions. 
Be careful of, your “securities” is a same word for  known in 
standards of assuring  
( banking savings and checking in all your money in the bank,) 
every penny, nickel , dime, and dollars of your saved money matters.
Assuring the absolute email and phone number too, matter.  
In side your phone is a area in what’s known as Settings that looks 
like a grey cookie, and then Look for “ about phone. “ and assure 
that your Phone number is exact. 
And then of course it matches your address and phone billing 
as well. As I said, there were Bears,  and Bob cats in the area. 

more soon. I have budgetary  cares to assure my bills are paid and my savings in my checking and savings account are with every dollar, quarter, dime, nickel , and penny, that I do not spend, and have saved, is exact. With, delayed sales now from the summer 2023. Reviewing my budget is very important, and of course, the people that have owned the sweet rental and rented to me, are wonderful people too. With groceries on my list of important reality to assure my little tiny rental and assure the very best for LOVE NOTES, Extremely delightful, with great care in fine enough quality rental, that has lovely trees,  even before it was painted this summer. I was not expecting any painting of the sides out side the house, and rather rustic tiny rental  quite fine, at a reasonable price.  The quaint little rental was perfect when I moved in, in September 2021.  I wish to note how delightful the owners of the rental are, in the few times I have actually seen them. With great care about, people and Saranac Lake, New York, USA. 

My email address has always been listed  : 

if I did not receive your messages, 
please email again. tracee and company,
 was my email publicly since 2012. 

more soon.  

2:17 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA NOW

It is with love, I send to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA, and good wishes to everyone in the country of RUSSIA. Many years ago, I was with great enjoyment to have gone to the fine risterante on Adam Street known as BERGOFFS, of a good GERMAN RISTERANTE, in CHICAGO, IL, not far from COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO, as well as a tiny tea room, known as the RUSSIAN TEA ROOM, very lovely for cake and coffee, after enjoying a symphony concern at SYMPHONY HALL, in CHICAGO ILLINOIS, on MICHIGAN AVENUE, just a few steps from Columbia College Chicago, 600 MICHIGAN AVENUE. Chicago Iliniose. with good risterantes, of many others, I enjoyed as well. 

Love Notes, is very important to me, many people too, are important to me, and events this summer I had to cancel in delays, with care to people, and I wish to assure I myself enjoy the very good messages from everyone, from all over the world. I was talking to my friend years back in a little company I worked for, and mentioned sending a sweet gift to my mother and her husband, it was so important. My friend, thought it was a sweet gift. While, I have not sent any messages, emailed as of yet, and wish to assure LOVE NOTES, and STUDIO VOSSE, are without further concerns of any kind, It’s very lovely to receive the extremely wonderful messages of love, from villages all, with extraordinary people everywhere. I think children are with great expectations for solidly good experience in school, and very glad, while I myself have never had children, and have no plans for children, with my busy schedule, many many years. 

It was a wonderful travel to San Fransisco in 2009, as a friend was with me, suggesting we stay just friends and  at the same ancient hotel, that he stayed years before, I took a photograph of the little carved detailed flower inside the hotel, when we arrived. Walking up the hill just a few minutes, we ate cream of mushroom soup home made which was served with fine bread, and an unusually delicious olive oil, and then we walked back to the hotel, and it was after a long flight, and a train ride to the hotel, then walking up a hill, soaked out feet in a warm hotel tub after a flight and train, in, then the next day it was a fine travel  in san Fransisco to sight see, into China Town, and the Modern Museum of Art in san Fransisco and the gift shop was open, and museum closed that day, while we had also extended plans in HAWAII, for ten days. meeting up with some of my friends extended family. I don’t have all the thousands of photographs I did photograph on my travels, while, missing, photographs are upsetting, with my honored work in photography and I was published in a university text book, on specialized photography in a book  with RUTLEDGE PRESS, publishers in London England.  It was a very large honor for me, with recognized honored international photography. And film, in cultural arts, that were noted in museums. While, the San Fransisco holiday was very lovely. I have never said much less than that.,And assured I brought enough extra money as well, I did lose my bank card on one of my exhibitions and had to phone a person I knew for $35. 00 and unusual, while I waited on the bank to mail the card.  While then a friend asked me to repair his sink erator and I never asked for a penny. That was a costly repair, and I simply was kind, even thinking to say I knew how to repair the sink erator.  Then he could afford the travel to San Fransisco is always a lovely travel to plan well for. While I do have many photograph online achieves, even of my photographs in HAWAII actually it was the 2008 winter holiday travel. READ  
My hair was slightly dark then, it’s lighter in summer, as seen on the photograph with an ole friend I have been in touch with in over eleven years, on my two week holiday to San Fransisco and Hawaii. 
Enjoy the special archive photograph. 

Film   when ROB REDFORD email and said he was
 hungery for a tiny film from me, 
for SUNDANCE INTERNATIONAL FILM / New York / London England 
It was tiny, and well loved internationally, years ago.
with the same cares of good standards in 
economic in the world, 
with all ages. 

Within a few day from today,  LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION 
should be ready to announce. 

more soon.

3:10 pm OCTOBER 11 th 2023, from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW,
GOOD DAY EVERYONE, in Saranac Lake and all over the world, first of all, I would like to say hello to my mother, Alma, there were some mixed up messages and I haven’t really phoned in over a year. 

What a breakfast, it will be again. Minus the tiny jars of cream chip beef. With love and pearl popcorn  knit sweaters hats that, I am making by hand for Easter, 2024, with my phone number on line soon, and, I hope I don’t get a wrong text, I have been quite busy with LOVE NOTES, I was so busy, and applogies, with my gracious cares. Perhaps I missed a few invites, and with delays this summer, in events and project work, and repairs to some other project work, I stay pretty busy. Several years ago, I was at my brothers, for a few days, and the paintings on the wall, were said to be mine, and not mine at all, with one or two that I sent, which were missing. 

Reviews are very important as I have never made collaborations. Lenghty standards in wordy proposals, to enjoy my work with exclusivity, of my own projects are with six months of work to see through in my tiny  little rental, and there have been delays this summer, with aimed types of munion at me, from a distance, caused in dc with some whom have been rakers,  whom reeked havoc on the USA. 

Of course this is a few, of the many many many whom in villages all whom enjoy, my lovely work in cultural arts, for over 40 years, with excellence in business. With exceptional delight for LOVE NOTES. 
with great thank you all over the world. 

It’s been many years since I was in Fountian City, Tennessee, 2007 in fact, and missing my little white hat, it would be so nice to travel to LITTLONS BURGERS again in a summer outting with always a delightful time. Perfectly lovely every time at LITTONS BURGERS, I wish everyone there a fine autumn and winter. Gosh, can’t believe it’s been years, even to my one time Irish dinner, in TAZZWELL  PIKE. with lovely people there and all over the world. Good day to everyone, in the tiny village of Fountain City, and in each city of TENNESSEE, as well as hello to all people in the USA and internationally. Riechenback, was a little art paint shop, in Homberg Plaza, in 1991, with a very special birthday gift, then, I liked shopping there, with many botanical flowers, honored at the national watercolor society, before my graduate studies in Chicago Iliniose. USA. Later the shop for art paints was JERRYS in that little store. 
Alibaba deli on Kingston Pike, in 1994 was with fine sandwiches, after a day of work for oaks botanical designs in mostly finest landscape work, remembering long days there quite well. It was a busy year in a small little architecture landscape design company. Good day everyone. 
Pumpkin Bread in my tin can recipe is quite fun with the easy recipe and a few frozen bananas blended to bake the sweet tin can breads, at home with ease. A recipe I created in the 1980’s for winter gifts wrapped in plain wax paper and a fine French Silk Ribbon, or your choice. You might decide to just freeze them, and enjoy a months worth of PUMKIN BREAD, tin can rounds. 

Good day to you all.  

The day is with more reviews. While the Love Notes Revolution is almost ready to begin. 
with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

4:31 pm update from 
JANUARY 2023 from my archieves 
online at my tiny little STUDIO VOSSE
LOVE NOTES to you all, everywhere in the whole world. 

Today is WENSDAY OCTOBER 11 th 2023
 at 4:35 pm from my tiny village in 

The country of CHINA is with a written in English Video News 
From the government of CHINA in the online web site from the web site of the 
country of CHINA, not all about CHINA. 
READ   with reviews too. 
What to ponder in a review in film. 
Is on the minds of many people 
in the lovely country of China Today. 
With great thank you to the people of 
China as well as thank you to President Xi Jinping, 
President of the country of China.

more soon. 7:42 pm reviews and with a post from STUDIO FORBES, originally with fine photographs of travel, of Rob Forbes, whom is the founder of DESIGN WITHIN REACH, with an unusual photograph.
from Rob Forbes on line archieve at STUDIO FOBRES. READ , Was that a stranger in PARIS KENTUCKY or the PARIS HOTEL IN NASHVILLE TENNESSEE, maybe the PARIS CREPE SHOP, IN KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, on Gaye street, perhaps other PARIS STYLE CREPE SHOPS, or PARIS FRANCE. Very curious, Rob Forbes, many other photographs are enjoyable to view. At DWR, which I myself have never been inside any of the DWR STORES. or office. 

more soon. It was nice to announce my CHAIR BOOK of 60 wild chairs I designs in my Columbia College Chicago, alumni notes, in 2009, I was incredibly excited. What an exciting project that’s in need of my repairs to the original sketches, and dvd damages,  even international design honors in the sweet little book, about chairs and culture and celebration of fine farms, and even includes one of my minimalist recording I created in fine tin harp, as a celebration of love. 

9:16 pm from my tiny village Saranac Lake New York USA Now with a 2006 lecture from ROB FORBES LISTEN 

more soon. 12:25 pm on OCTOBER 12 th 2023 
just 25 minutes  after midnight, 
with a update from 
BILL GATES, owner of MICROSOFT corporation 
at GATES NOTES, with a few 
interesting films. 


popcorn sweets. 

more soon, in review. MENTHOLATUM is less the $3.00 at Walmart. READ perfect scalp rub with extra ointment on scalp, shampoo with Johnson’s Baby Shampoo, and low priced as well, soak in a warm tub with MENTHOLATUM rub on back, stomach and  legs, everywhere, front of whole body, and get steamy, with a towel wrap for the soak and feel fresh, which may have gotten a skin toxin,. Of course I use MENTHOLATUM with some areas of skin that needs the liniment ointment occasionally  to absorb drinking daily whole dairy milk and excellent nutrients even more, which you might find a bit soothing. Just for grown ups, and not for children, with a product that has been perfect for over 60 years. Then Johnson’s baby powder is fresh with a little fluffy puff, to be powder fresh. Avon Skin So Soft, oil for bath and soft skin, is also excellent to repel mosquitoes and all insects, which I used often for sports  hiking, at Mount Le Cont, years back. READ of course Avon has been in business for over 50 years. A purchase I myself made in the 1980’s with a small bottle that lasts a long time. Soft very mild pretty scent for men and woman and children, in legs is all you need, and just a few drops of the Avon Oil is enough. 

more soon.  

AFTER MIDNIGHT FINEST SUPPER, with Japanese Roll Cut Carrots, not the match stick carrots, my sweet friend PHILIP prefers, years back, I might add, not seeing PHILIP, since the 1980’s, I wished to express the lovely texture of the JAPANESE ROLL CUT, carrot, with a beautiful mango mustard brown sugar butter glaze sauce, par boiled carrots are best, with some crispness in the par boiled carrot. Excellent for a fine glaze even with a marshmallow melt top,  which takes extra time, a fine vermicelli with an herb butter garlic lemon sauce is perfect this evening late romantic night, working dinner, alone, and with sautéed sea scallops perfectly fried into the finely cooked vermicelli, and sauté. 


Film Credit : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett photographs in my tiny kitchen in Saranac Lake New York USA just a few minutes before 2:19 am. With working meetings still needed for some web issues and a few concerns with anti issues of the actual aim from other types of dc, with the troll wrongs. 
I am almost finished cooking the vermachelli ‘ it’s going to be delicious and worth the effort. 

more soon. 


Sea Scallops sautéed with vermachelli and a garlic lemon butter aioli sauce, with just a sprig of marjoram rosemary and perfectly, wonderful for a quiet after midnight supper with garden fresh Japanese Roll Cut, CARROTS, large in the most economical pack, as a wonderful flavorful root vegetable. Dry Garlic Mc Cormicks Brand USA, is in the spice section of groceries in the USA and extremely flavorful if prepared properly. 
Excellent for fine menus. 

perfect for a late evening after midnight, alone. 3:00 am, more soon. 

Good Evening to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia, good day to you. Good day in all of Russian and throughout all of Europe. 

12:02 pm, just after noon, in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW.

Good afternoon, in the USA and within all international countries too, Good afternoon and Good Evening as well, into 12:02 am in Beijing China. Sweet dreams everyone, in the far east European countries, too.
In Seattle Washington it is 8:09 am now on the west coast of the USA which also is west coastal regions of  the country of Canada and into South American Regions. Of course the state of Hawaii, are island states which are far west beyond the coast, as large Islands that are are several hours flight from Los Angeles California USA. The  Beautiful State of Hawaii is quite a flight to fly and with extra planning, as the large cruise ships are a fine experience, with great studies of rental car locations, and cab fare, hotels in planned reservations. Aloha, to all in the state of HAWAII, USA too, today. 

Good day to you all, early this morning in HAWAII. 

Have a lovely day.     more soon.     
12:21 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. 

2:25 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA NOW

I am preparing today for a very special thank you to everyone in the world, whom was apart of The Guitar Revolution 2022, and with lovely ICE CREAM outings and more, with toted grilled cheese, and fine efforts at employment too, across the USA and all over the world. The dignities of many fine musicians whom are quite well known, and some that picked up a guitar for the first time and learned to play, are simply wonderful, with lovely events, and within a project I myself began in 2012, with love for a great many people that are noted in years of excellence and delightful, to have made the efforts, in a greater cultural way with their own special flare. The economy in the USA, was with outstanding work from, many fine music people, and a delight to the world of great business professionals as well, that love having cultural venues to enjoy. From the sales in customer services to the small business office people under stress of many areas, to, I wish to say a great thank you for many efforts, great consideration in humanities toward people everywhere, to do more than servive and truely thrive in villages everywhere across the USA and lovely wonderful efforts all over the world too. Appologies for delays this summer, into October with catalogue sales and events, not yet scheduled for the piazza events and pizza with live global on the air online television, in love notes to be even more exciting with winter holidays even more special. 

I still have just a few more delays, today with greater reality. With a fine stop today at the little Stewart’s Fuel stop, with always kind service, and just a tiny purchase today. Wonderful efforts, are always remembered. 

The guitar revolution was a wonderful success, with people involved everywhere, for a greater standard in economics too, and worked with incredible endless dignity with cities that were fine to see a prosperous love for cultural arts in a wild delight of finest music and conversation films, serious political cares, lovely movie films statements, museum too, from very notable delightful people that are delightful, with serious dignity and wonderful cares of humanities in lovely wild greatest love. 

Thank you for all the wonderful messages and worthy efforts, with a great whole world to love, even more. With all the messages from all over the world, the winter of 
is going to be simply a smashing  
success of delight with love, all over the world. 

I am so excited. love to you all, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

Update from DAVID BRENNER,  conversation in FILM 
My gosh, I haven’t seen you since 1995 at MUSTARD LAST STAND, of course driving you to the airport was lovely seeing you again, and thankful for the extra money for fuel, it was not out of my way, and good of you to think of me, David Brenner, thank you so much for the update, I have to say, I saw the message from a person that somewhat looked similar like you  slightly, and realized that it was not you. It was so nice to receive your message. Ringo Starr was on his way to MANHATTAN NEW YORK, NEW YORK, a few years back, and mistakenly the flight was wrong, and he was in a small village that was named MANHATTAN village and in KANSAS and not in MANHATTAN NEW YORK as all, and then a village shop in the USA was named MOSCOW and slightly concerning due to a bus tour that was not MOSCOW in the country of RUSSIA. And a strange issue with some wrong locations of the Moscow Times, not actually RUSSIAN. Not even aware of any RUSSIAN streets and are not from RUSSIA.  With the road that is in NEW YORK TO CANADA into the city of TORONTO that’s not RUSSIA either. Of course LONDON TOWN, is in the USA and not in LONDON ENGLAND in EUROPE on the other side of the world. While LONDON TOWN is just a tiny few shops of USA honor to LONDON ENGLAND with a few imported soaps and gift items. Some people said they were told wrongly. And well, could have been very upsetting to everyone in the world. Of course the little GERMAN street known as the GERMAN VILLAGE, in Gatlingberg Tennessee, is with a map that says GATLINGBERG TENNESSEE. of course driving is all USA mapped roads. The RUSSIAN TEA ROOM, is not a tea room Risterate in RUSSIA that’s of course very famous in CHICAGO ILINIOSE and a little honor to the love of RUSSIA, as no people can just change villages around, and street signs as an ethical reality, to assure many things. MGM in California is a movie area,  lenghty license for movies with only a small area. Of course difficult rules and regulations in all that movie set stuff. Not villages and cities ever, and business as usual, in all the many travelers. Of course not. The USA country has very high ethics to assure, to people whom are not with a concern in missing road signs. International road regulations are with serious ethics. That is unethical to do. The country would be very upset, in any matters of anything like that. Ringo Starr was delayed for a very special event, a few years back.  So glad to get your message David Brenner. Have a lovely autumn 2023. Always great to take a town and country drive for a little mini holiday. And we can head over to Davis Street Sea Food for fine Clam Chowder, and excellent fried fish. We both used to live so close to that cute little risterante,. The village in Saranac Lake is usually so easily ordinary among the extrodinary forest of the USA. A tiny kindly lovely little village with perhaps a wreath or two, for the fine little preservation of the villages could be lovely any time of year. A friend of mine, she prefers simply a tiny rose bush, on her lovely kitchen table, and has a small hat shop with hours that she enjoys selling hats all knit. No wreath, while her daily hours are open, to assure great business standards that are a reality to assure, open to all. of course. Hours , yes on her window exactly the lovely shop she has always had many years. Selling thirty to fifty knit hats a month sometimes, and more other months, then sometimes 400. And averages enough to assure her inventory of more knit hats and pay her bills. While she sold 1000 knit hats in the last months and even more last year. What fine a message, with good revenue for her, and hours to assure she’s open. Have a great autumn and winter 2023 of those fun knit hats. Perfectly lovely. I say. Good to receive a message. With love xo. 

more soon. 

update from CALHOUNS on the river, at NELAND DRIVE, in Knoxville Tennessee, is a lovely fine risterante with hearty food, and a delightful river side upper level risterante, which I myself enjoyed going alone quite often. My first risterante dinner  in the lovely river risterante was in 2001. A few of my friends even from Persia, as Iran in the middle Eastern Europe, love CALHOUNS, very pleased with the sweet upper deck, river view, that is always a special dining experience. With wonderful professional great people always, with plentiful business filled every night. It is a little secret I enjoy. Of course Knoxville Tennessee is filled with many great places to enjoy dining out, morning, afternoons and a fine relaxing evening out. READ CALHOUNS, has a few risterantes, one in La Fallet, and all very delicious with great kind people employed and wages great. On my birthday in 2008 it was a marvolous exciting dinner on the river at CALHOUNS  where the rowing club is, and it was my first outside river diner event that’s of perfect outdoor seating. posh, with an ole friend from Michigan. Always a notable birthday. My 40 th birthdaya was with over 2000  people at one of the finest museum events with many lovely friends. My 40 th birthday event was outragiously special at the museum. Thank you all with love.  The largest birthday cake I had ever seen. With music and a few dances. Thank you for all the marvolous times and messages when I left for New York City New York  and then exhibitions in Seattle Washington, too, with many others, and exciting, too in 2011 for my cultural  exhibitions, and lovely messages even today. I love you all. xo everyone. Happy autumn 2023. 

more soon. Good Afternoon, 12:21 pm October 12 th 2023, with a brief note right now about possible wrong news and even wrong language not as it says it is, with some realavant concerns of some flight errors I have heard of, it’s important to know, we’re you in Denmark Epcot ? USA. And not the country of Denmark. Sweden ? Serious update. And something was not exactly right ? Looking at ntv in review, Is it a language ? it’s important to everyone in the USA and all over the world. Were you in Epcot ? Epcot where. 

About FOOD, the FRENCH DIP, is a an old sandwich, of sometimes chicken with what’s known as 
an Au Jus served on the side to dip the sandwich when you are enjoying the fine FRENCH AMERICAN prepared lunch, Au Jus, is the broth which is from a flavored bullion cube, often made from a non meat flavoring and usually very delicious if made well. Basically vegetarian. Au jus, from beef bullion to chicken bullion and even a fish bullion, and simply means a flavor sauce that’s broth like. If made properly, A Chicken FRENCH DIP sandwich is quite perfect, and very delicious on a day when you’re really in need of a hearty meal. The FRENCH DIP with au jus, on the side, as traditionally served, it with something called steak fries, which are a thick thick cut potatoe that’s long like a French fried potatoe but much thicker, and very delicious cooked in a frier to a golden perfection. With ketchup as I prefer usually HEINZ ketchup, is perfectly seasoned to enjoy a FRENCH DIP PLATTER, sandwich, at a cost of about $8.95 on the average. It’s a fine lunch or dinner experience to dine in a risterante and enjoy a real FRENCH DIP platter. The chicken is about 5oz with thin slices and extra cheese, in a soft farm Mozzerella fully melted on a toasted buttered FRENCH ROLL, made fresh daily, And simple Steak Fried Potatoe and Au Jus. ( clear broth bullion flavored to perfection with over 100 years of great bullion made with extrodinary seasoning blend). Au Jus. ( awaa juuu). Bullion cube broth, prepared with perfection with some extra special vegtables that are then strained out, and used often for soup. 

The FRENCH DIP is a platter might bring people back daily to buy a lovely FRENCH DIP PLATTER. 
and with many daily lunch customers, into dinner hours, the sales can be quite good. Open for business, with customers that wait in line for great food, is usually with great business. While not the chicken or Turkey French Dip in my link post, you get the idea. 400 FRENCH DIPS, sure. $3580.00 plus tax, let me get your tax figure for your total, and then, pay your bill, and just sit in the folding bench, and it should be about 30 to 40 minutes. What an autumn 2023. 

READ   A great steady business in fine village risterantes, in slow times, can be with easily $25,000.00 seven days a week, in sales, on a very slow week, in small risterantes, and good customer service is also with possibly assuring a pre payment for the order of food, then the 400 daily FRENCH DIP PLATTERS,
could turn into more. After a year, at 52 weeks in the year, FRENCH DIP PLATTER SALES, at 400 daily customers, is $1,303,120.00 total sales. What is your profit % when all the wages and costs are paid.  With cares owners have to be able to assure a fine wage, 52 weeks a year. Of course 400 PLATTERS a day is a low sales week. What an autumn and winter 2023 it will be.

Before love notes Revolution begins, there are some USA concerns. Munition and Cone Heads,  replicas unethical, and in the Oval Office, and serious damages and very serious concerns are with messages from many, in the USA and of course cares of sacred sanctitude of all tiny villages are important not to be steam rolled, bull dozed, and interrupted. By cone head replicas rivets. Trenton New Jersey, what happened. 2016. When a cone head, replica, tried to stand in front of a fine pizza shop, selling over 1000 slices a day in fine Stromboli. ?   David Letterman might have an updated message soon. The messages from all over the USA are important. Even owners pay for their lunch and breakfast and dinner, in their own risterantes even. As a great measure of setting good standards with a fine work in knowning their sales, not a barter  ( unethical not to pay in monetary standards),  agreement. Counting all those sales per each FRENCH DIP PLATTER, NO ONE WANTS a few missing. Never. With a receipt for every FRENCH DIP PLATTER, every sold item, is looking good in Great Business in autumn and winter 2023. 

Breakfast sales are cracking eggs of course, counting each egg. So USA let’s get crackin. Eggs of course. 
WILLIS POLTRY FARM, may have a message. soon. 

more soon. 3:02 pm update with summer 2023, as my email online was with a strange bannor issue that was concerning that occurred on October 3 rd 2023, and I was not able to scroll down on an unusual yahoo issue, never before, and I could not sign in due to tech harm, that blocked the sign in, while I was with my outlook same email sign in, same email. Very serious issue in some USA technopunking, which occurred. The issue was not resolved without European Cares. My email of many many years, is very important as I never use a plain email, and not cam to cam, talk. Tea cams are very rare for me. Not a face time person either. Perhaps after emails are reviewed, While the traceeandcompany@yahoo has been registered to me for over 15 years. Open cam ? Reviews. 

I will be taking some time in reviewing the basics to, about email knowledge and then it might be helpful to more people with a knowledge of the email reviews, moon and sun satalight that are with built in web cam types of great lengthy cam stuff. 

Thank you from all over the world, with kind cares about my delays and reviews and a few important posts about state trolls, too, caused issues and people were harassed, with missing stuff and missing cash, with a few in dc nasty munion that is unethical and very seriously wrong. Minuion has caused even me damages and upset. 

more soon. email updates are with extrodinary messages
and just minutes ago one from RINGO STARR, of the internationally well known BEATLES. 
with a love for love notes, and a darling delightful person, I have known many years. posted soon before the pre announcement for LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION. It’s 3:46 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW. 10:47 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 

MOSCOW RUSSIA, is difficult to drive in if you are not with the city map of roads, with all addresses of course and KILOMETERS, are road markers in EUROPE, similar to mile markers in USA ROADS 
kilometer is in all of Europe. Driving from one side of the city of Chicago ILLINOISE  USA, to the other side south to north, is well over 40 miles. With many libraries that have been public libraries many years. How many public libraries are in the city of Chicago Illinois ? Russian Public Libraries are not with one word that’s not RUSSIAN, incidently. True.  How many public libraries of Moscow Russia are there, in the large city of Moscow Russia. All written in RUSSIAN of course. Fine question to think about as too in all over RUSSIA is with all RUSSIAN Language. With more soon. I don’t read RUSSIAN. Do you. ? I don’t know  many words in GERMAN either. Never actually speaking an international language. Akward saying the wrong word,. Taxi ‘ Cab ‘ Otel’ what does it all mean. 

Or AUSTRIAN. shintzel, a dry noodle .  Do you?  Enjoy au Jus, FRENCH DIP PLATTERS in OCTOBER 2023  Even SHRIMP FRENCH DIP with great steak fries, 
and HEINZ 57 ketchup, 
are extremely delicious. 

5:10 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. 

Milk Baths , are rarely needed while powder milk or 1/4 cup of canned condensed milk,  in just a cup in your bath, is sometime excellent for a sun burn, and can sooth skin, it’s rare to need, a milk bath soother, while I often use a Mineral Oil Ointment VASELINE STANDARDS, always economical low as you can go,  to soak in the bath, to sooth skin, occasionally and is very important at times to nurture skin, in the dermis and capillaries, with skin surfaces, and enjoy very good care for the skin that absorbers nutrients better with a mineral oil ointment head to toes. And with plenty of whole milk to drink daily, with great breakfast, lunch and dinner, Savvy for great self nurturing. Plenty of vitamin c, and extra ice water, 10 oz glass of whole milk, sometimes steeped with almond paste blended, to drink, into warm and cool months is essential as well. My ancient secrets. 

More soon. After a steemy soak in a powder milk bath. 
And update on a message from  RINGO STARR whom send ? Well, I will post the email directly but first the update of an unusual photograph from RINGO STARR that is with strangers whom I do not know, 
and perhaps a blurry image of RINGO STARR,  as Ringo Starr has legs that are quite a schedule to play tennis with definitely, Incredible. I can hardly wait to post the actual email I received from RINGO STARR, before a late dinner, with reviews all over Saranac Lake New York, USA and everywhere in the USA and internationally too, everywhere. Even many messages from the incredibly large country of CANADA as well, in an interest posted soon. Bath time, I have to soak and wash my hair. 

more soon. 6:30 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA, NOW tiny update for fine hair soft and very curly,
With a finest detail to assure slighty damp, washed, well combed hair with short, or  lenghty curls, and soft rollers easy to sleep on, and with perfect curls smooth soft, and easy for early mornings perhaps with bath time in evenings. Curl can be elegant for a few days off, and dining out.  With a setting lotion, like dippity dew, the sponge curlers rinse clean. Mess it up, and never loan your comb or mascara and curlers and little toiletry bag. One of my secret since the 1970’s for for every day curl, best, read  under $6.00 Best to use a few hair pins, gently pin the curls back, is good  in busy work days. Unpin, after your work day, and curled well,.Especially serving up 400 FRENCH DIP PLATTERS. 

more soon. 

It’s a top secret LOVE NOTE update in busy 5:00 am ready for work, or later. Now I have to look again at RINGO STARR’s email, and see exactly what was sent. Posted after my shrimp pobov roll sandwich with a maionaise sauce, pickle relish, on white toast sandwich bread, with butter, and  fine vegtables fry with a teriyaki ginger apricot  sauce, and the  email message exact. RINGO STARR update soon. 
Guitar Revolution Memories too. 

Enjoy breakfast in the Far East Countries of Europe now, everyone. lunch,  and dinner too, where every you are, all over the world, and sweet dreams in middle eastern and Eastern Europe and the western countries of the European continent too. xo with love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

SHRIMP ROLL is very easy and delicious. 
Broccoli Vegetable Stir Fry, TERIAKI APRICOT GINGER ROOT, Dill Quarter Whole Sour Pickle,
sauce, minus the pan toasted sesame seed. Freshly made for my late 7:48 pm New York Dinner. 

Working Dinner Catch Up, photograph, photograph credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
more soon, everything you need to know about
 poybev grilled easy ocean shrimp of course, 
open face sliced. 

8:04 pm email on October 12 th 2023 to me, 
from an email that’s not RINGO STARR ‘s actual email personally, with RINGO STARR 
on the email fully and unusual electric synthesized sound not usually RINGO STARR’ s 
recording style. Read of course RINGO STARR is this the message you sent?

Review the email link and I will look at the actual address in the email. Reviews reviews reviews and reviews are with a busy weekend for everyone. more soon. RINGO STARR twitter with a great update today is wonderful while reviews are rolling in email messages even more. 
RINGO STARR in a brief update in a conversation film 

1:39 pm Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, October 14 th 2023 after midnight, one hour and thirty nine minutes, and it’s nice to enjoy an inexpensive sleep aid, when you wish to sleep better in evenings or mornings what ever your schedule is, and recently I purchase a sleep aid, very low price, at PRICE CHOPPER grocery store, “ TOP CARE” in assuring great sleep, day or night, Walgreens USA has a same product, very good, for a need when you wish to assure good sleep, and a full eight hours is best, every day. READ and under $5.00 with a very mild calming ingredient made for savvy great brainy assured sleep. Schedules busy are sometimes in need of a mild analgesic for excellence sleep and great lovely cares to self nurture, perfectly TRUE LOVE. Quality sleep is extremely important, with excellent, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, too, with love to everyone all over the world this late evening. Sweet Dreams to everyone in the country of the USA, in the country of CANADA and all the lovely countries of South America too, and the lovely south seas countries, sweet dreams everyone, good morning to all in all countries of Europe. 

I LOVE YOU ALL, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett   

more soon. It’s a Guitar Revolution memories, with some very special messages and reviews through the week ends too. Emails were outragiously in a large lovely list today, so many exciting emails wildly love. 

OCTOBER 14 th 2023 2:30 pm Saranac Lake New York, USA Now, with a few very serious updates today and a lovely music composition from FRANK SINATRA, in a song that was very lovely and quite loved in 1969 televised with love, and today the update, in a romance of love. Vibrancy and poetic expressions, while not really flying to the moon. Of course. 

The lovely time Frank Sinatra worked on his updated recording for me, is wonderful. LISTEN 

Head phones are essential in apartments, 
with love everyone. It’s a Saturday to review more. 
Thankful electronic drums are with 
Head Phone Ready Reality. 
Someone might want a quiet SATURDAY. 
While all my music recording are very delayed. 
more soon. 

3:15 pm Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW,  there has been some type of munion issue in the USA and the concerns have caused me some ow, and more ow, harshly USA issues. With some technopunking issue caused in dc dirty dozers with only a few that have cause more than just myself upset, and even concerning, horrible yellow tyvec tape ruined the entry this summer, even my little Russian flag was stolen from the entry, folded, possible wrong messages,  to even attempts on my phone camera recently, and an issue with photographic work, that was with, some type of wrong rendering, in image quality, as I myself do not render any film,. The meeting in my European emailed effort are with some reality to assure the repairs in fine equipment that I is working very well, while some USA technojerks attempted to damage my summer. It’s important that people, realize the concerns, and the village of sarance lake and all villages too, in the USA and all over the world, are with love for me and love notes with great dignity and expressions of pure love. 

Meetings I have in Europe are with unusual great efforts, in esteemed love. Love Notes Revolution is nearing a pre announcement and a few little message updates are with unusual delays to the greater LOVE NOTES revolution. more soon. 

4:19 pm let me say again thank you, to so many lovely people and also the incredible messages even made difficult in ways, the little update I have now is from a radio show, 1975 at 10:00 pm, and the lovely update just for today is KOSHACK, with more on KOSHACK soon. with a recording and film  LISTEN 

5:19 pm Update from my tiny village, with love to say when I was a little girl, I learned to ride my bike and learned hand signals to assure my bike training wheels too, carefully and when I turned I raised my left hand for left turn and right hand for right turns just the same as I always have. Always walking a bike across the road. Then removing the training wheels myself. at age 4 and a half, still exactly the same as today, while I have not my bike at all, since 2011 really. Left hand up when turning left, right hand up when turning right. What a fun experience to never forget, how to really ride a bike. With love from home. 

With never even a brace on my teeth, ever. Brushing teeth well, is very important with a tooth paste I always prefer as COLGATE white paste is excellent and a fine basic brush. I may have a photograph somewhere of my threat teeth, not a perfect row. With excellence to my sweet perily teeth, with a big toothy smile on occasion. COLGATE BRAND TOOTH PASTE, has always been a great standard product that I have never wished to change. And never have. Rare to see me very toothy in photographs, actually. 

Biking is great fun. Enjoy your autumn bike ride before the winter. Thankfully Ringo Starr, is with his own special peace sign, and a rare sculpture as well, while I did see a large hand sculpture years ago, in Toronto Canada in a bay big print  exhibtion, which was disappointing, which was the last time I was actually in Canada myself in 2005.  Seeing a bay sculptor hand  type exhibition in TORONTO CANADA was my last travel there in 2005, april. Still missing photographs from that travel excursion with my missing IPAD with more missing items. SALVADORE Dali, is upset too, with the little fine art he sent. 

Not exactly like RINIGO STARR in twitter update. Lovely week end to think about preparing for your very own bike ride. I personally have not even had a bike since 2013. on a very short travel. Reviewing all the details of bike needs to ride carefully is with knowing to stop get off your bike, and walk your bike in any crossing you may need to do, in automobile areas, is very important, of course pedestrian, ( people walking ) pedestrians, are a word for people walking, are always with caring about all the bike rules even as a 4 year old, to assure care not on sidewalks for riding where pedestrian walks are,  as of course learned at the age 4 , when I was enjoying my very first very special bike. 

more soon. MASH 4077 , was a perplexity from the 1980’s with a character names CLINGER whom is usually seen in a dress, and was from Arminian and Toledo Ohio, as many people realize, of course TOLIDO OHIO has been noted for some of the largest scales in the world, weight measuring scales, flour, sugar, etc, noted  in the Army, USA as a twenty minute old tv show, tv history, and well, JAMIE FAR, ALAN ALDA, and LORETTA SWIT, and everyone, and others updated a few films about some USA ARMY ISSUES. Clinger delivering mail and no postal box. What else was in MASH 4077 issues everyone,  I can not bare to watch more of mash 4077 updates, JAMIE FAR, while I posted this one mash 4077 just for you darling Jamie Farr, and I did not see yet the film. Everyone is very good to have cares about my upset and review, everywhere in the world. I see you posted even more MASH 4077 too. At Utube. Reviews are reviews. Thank you all. With love everyone, xo  Nice seeing everyone in Vancouver Canada so long ago. Mynate library near MYNATE PARK, is not far, while risterants are all extremely very good. Brass Lantern for breakfast is crackin a whole lotta eggs, again. Thanks for the lovely messages. Roll up your sleaves, and enjoy the blooms. 

more soon. Smokey Mountians Mountian Region are with a wonderful drive into, some of the USA ‘ s historical corn mills that were build much earlier than the years of the 1800, in the 19 th century of time in the world. More than two hundred years ago, and wonderful to enjoy the corn grit, coursely ground corn kernel that’s rare to buy, sold in small fine bags, in the Cades Cove Smokey Mountian Region, not far from GATLINBERG TENNESSEE. I will see if there is a film, of the corn mill at work, for over 15 million travelers that enjoy at least a little day or more in GATLINBERG TENNESEE. READ Stone Ground corn, is with some fine special recipes and all quite delicious in special regional preparations extra special. Do be kind very caring of your little dogs and assure a comfortable walking leash, and soft side carrier if you travel a distance with a enough  little snacks your little dog might enjoy and soft toys they might like. 

It’s been years, since I have seen the lovely time to drive and photograph the corn mill and cades cove. 2001. Perhaps. The abundant wild mountian azelias grow into the maintains naturally and are lovely in full bloom, while drive slow, due to wolves that can trot through at rare times, with their heads low just trying to get across  a mountain road, day and evening and have berries and with fruits  and vegetable too, some fine corns and vegtables way into the Mountians which sometimes exciting to at least spot a red wolf. Rare. While never get too close, if you see a wolf, just trying to get to a high mountain top for blue berries and and nuts mostly.   They avoid people, and people should not ever get close to a real wolf. Canadian wolves are sometimes seen in regions near Saranac Lake New York USA. Enjoy the photographs of the Corn Mill in Cades Cove, as a the Smokey Mountians xo  the  USA. 

more soon. I wish to say a very good thank you to everyone whom took extra time for the mash 4077 updates as not the actual films of the tiny show of course in the 1980’s 197o and with very good reality to reviews I think in some concerns of USA and marines.  Everyone, you’re the very best. Stretch too. You’re incredible, everyone. Love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. xo Sweetest lovely hello to sir Vladimir Putin, too, in a special message of great wishes for your lovely SUNDAY in MOSCOW RUSSIA, with all affections from me, darling Vladimir Putin. Pumpkin Banana bread in a special tin can bakes round, soon, with your very special archieved film and Bentley Drive film, with pre announcements of course. I love you every day forever. 

more soon. good night everyone and sleep well. Sweet Dreams, and good morning in Europe. 1:41 am Saranac Lake New York USA Now , 8:41 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 

2:00 am OCTOBER 15 th 2023 , Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, with a little lovely song from the 1802  and one song I learned at age 4 years old in the 1960’s  still a sweet favorite today, newly recorded, from the classical paper sheet music readings by wild musician in Film.

SUNDAY 11:22 pm Saranac lake New York, USA NOW, From  my sweet little tiny beautiful village in the regions of the Adirondack Mountians, with excellent prestigious small lakes and very beautiful drives through Forest Regions with good risterantes of finests foods, and very delightful people. The snow geese are not in the lake pavilion grasses every day now, and I am not sure the CANADIAN GEESE, haven’t flown into warmer regions. The beautiful sunny days can stay rather warm for sweater weather into November months and the village is with cool weather charm, as is Lake Placid which has a very good risterantes and extremely beautiful mountian views. The lovely villages are a fine travel for any winter day. 

Be prepare to travel with a warm stew to tote with cheeses and fine breads, even a pumkin pie with whipped cream of course. What a lovely time to enjoy the very prestigious golden leaves and sparce unleafed hard wood trees. Simply magnificent to photograph. The grocery stores are also filled with very good prepared sandwiches and sweets as are the fuel stops in this region with some fine little foods to buy in a drive in to the tiny village autumn winter 2023. 

With lovely wishes to everyone, with fine photographs to remember all your lovely travels. 

I wish to say good afternoon as well, to everyone, as it’s 11:37 am, now at my tiny little apartment rental estate. The day is still early, and it’s evening in RUSSIA, with a finest hello to sir Vladimir Putin and all of RUSSIA in lovely villages as well, and hello to everyone in all international countries with unique very fine villages all. With good love to you everywhere. 

more soon. 

12:10 pm just 10 minute after noon, BLACK BEARS
in natural forest within the USA SMOKEY MOUNTAINS 
forest in CADES COVE, which is just a short drive from 
in film  

2:34 pm update that’s a film from THEE DAVID BOWIE 
AND THEE MICK JAGGER, which was a very loved favorite that I posted from the darling men, I adore, earlier in LOVE NOTES, and I wished to post the same FILM AGAIN. It’s not yet, the lovely films from 
Sir Vladimir Putin’s special archieve, and it is not yet the amazing BENTLEY DRIVE FILMS, or a pre announcement yet, 

with everyone all over the world, LOVE NOTES is with wild love, and in review today, in many all over the world, reviews, are of great interest, and a Lovely Really Special Film from David Bowie and Mick Jagger are wildly fun. in Film 

more soon. 

SWIM the butterfly stroke, like I did at age 4 and love swim sports well, I myself have always been an avid swimmer once a week, in my former estate rentals, and was very much a high diver in double flips at a very early age, after I learned the butterfly stroke really well. South Carolina has a great hotel on the ocean with a fully heated pool, at FOLLY BEACH, just a short drive from Charleston South Carolina and not exactly easy to find FOLLY BEACH, yet worth a lovely drive, and reservations with a heated indoor pool. The only way to really enjoy swim sports. Unless you make your way to a a tiny place called the sinx in bear run secret places, while I prefer the lovely times at FOLLY BEACHES LOVELY HOTEL with a perfect pool with a view of the entire ocean beach front. SWIM folly la la la, la la la la. FOLLY BEACH at least once in your life in the USA. 

4:54 pm IRAQUOUIS , is a very known as the experienced, pipe people, in the USA, with a great history, that I might post one day, while the unusual reality is that, their is great history with IRAQ and other middle eastern countries as even IRAN, with an update today from the
  government of IRAN 

READ THE MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES ARE WITH LOVELY CULTURE which has been enriching towards the USA country of great history and I have many many middle eastern friends since childhood even. The Middle Eastern Bakery in CHICAGO ILLINIOSE IS ONE OF MY VERY FAVORITE SHOPS,
from years ago, on Clark Street, as too there is a fine little middle eastern grocery shop in my ole southern estate region too, as I post a recipe soon, middle eastern which is a opulent lovely menu food to enjoy middle eastern foods freshly wonderful at home. The most fun in middle eastern holidays is the halla bread beautifully braided in a wreath, and children that love the fine fresh breads with cheeses and plenty of creamy butter and parents tell the small children , do not make camels out of your bread. Such fun at middle eastern holidays. As of course the Middle East of   Countries in middle eastern EUROPE, does have many  camels. And of course are very well known for finest cashmere wool, and often from the city in the country of IRAN known as KASHMERE., IRAN. 

Ah, excuse me, I have to get my camel hair coat out for cool seasons. 

more soon. Halla Braided Bread, has been a favorite of mine since I was a child. In fact one of the first places of my employment in the 1980’s was with MIDDLE EASTERN WREATH HALLA BREAD MADE WITH EASTER EGGS BAKED IN, egg bagels made daily, neploean sweets, and more, and colours hard shell eggs before baking. Perfection for the finest holiday table, from wonderful people whom owned a bakery and risterante, busy baked lovely rolls unlike any other, with secret to onions rolls best. Of course, HALLA BREAD, WAS ONE OF MY VERY SPECIAL BREADS I MYSELF bought every week, during later years in the City of Chicago Illionise with an extra drive down to a middle eastern style market grocery where I purchase the very finest USA halla each week, for my freshly sliced cold cut turkey sandwiches, all week at home, with pure fresh soft slices farm cheese Wisconsin Style, Farm Cheese. With perfect HELMANS MAYONISE, Devon Avenue alone driving on my Saturday off, was very special, with even finest risterantes of marvolous food purely authentic of the country of India. While in Chicago Illinois USA. The lovely young women from the middle eastern love, put up a marvolous few photographs of making camels in the HALLA  bread, and quite lovely to think of me, with a lovely recipe of ancient recipe for real Middle  Eastern European Halla Bread, to enjoy again and again, as I always have since I was just a tiny child. HALLA BRAIDED, EXCELLENCE RECIPE thank you for the beautiful photograph with camels in your HALLA, what fun. 
love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo thank you again. The photograph is perfect. 

I brushed off my camel hair coat, and with a light spritz of Lysol, in the neck line, spring fresh Lysol is pleasantly scented, and perfect for autumn and winter months. With some fine Italian Middle Eastern Cashmere Sweaters, freshened too. Woolie Warm is an Ease in A bit of Cool Weather. With HALLA SPECIAL OF THE EUROPEAN MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES. PERFECTLY PERFECT. 

more soon. 

8:20 pm  from my tiny village in 
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, 
DOWN EASTEN ALEXA , music compostion 
recorded a few years ago, and updated now again  from 
my darling lovely man., in LOVE NOTES REVIEW 

Film Credit: BILLY JOEL 

MONDAY OCTOBER 16 th 2023, 
12: 45 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. 

Good Day Everyone, it’s a fine day today, with a very nice hello to everyone everywhere, all over the world. I have a few updates from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia, which I would like to include in LOVE NOTES AUTUMN 2023 later today. Of course, nurturing a cultivation of love for RUSSIA, is important, in many ways, and poiant political notations from VLADIMIR PUTIN, AS THE PRESIDENT ( Kremlin ), of the lovely very large RUSSIAN COUNTRY, political areas are very well of interests. Soon.

The lovely messages many, many, many, await, to myself, and everyone in the whole world. Of every village in the USA, too, with incredible efforts and amazing love. Resulting in some fine pumkin bread recipes as well, very soon. I have some time to assure a grocery list of finest ease to pumkin bread bakes in tin cans and exactly how to assure perfection, in pumkin bread rounds. Perfectly Perfect. 

12:58 pm email update from 
whom emailed early this morning and has been lovely to email me everyday, with LOVE
THE USA of AMERICA, and a governor of the USA state of California, too, with a Olympic Honor in Weight lifting known as the honored athlete world honored globally,
born in EUROPE in the country AUSTRIA. I am thrilled. The email, ah, yes, READ

more soon. A message from the Kremlin of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin, is which is not difficult, in complex with absolute rules and regulations within ethical humanities laws for the all people, that are national to every country as each country is actually a nation of each country, a nation is a country, and international laws pertain to all countries, as also within international laws that assure humanity ethics in all countries are an international rule, never to block roads, or see anyone stopped, as assured ethics to all rights of people in what’s known as rights of passage, in all roads of course, with very lengthy regulations that, are easily simplified. While sir Vladimir Putin, took the time to address the issue, too, with such busy schedules to see. Complex regulations for construction work, are with more rules and regulation of complex ethical reality too. Read if you wish. More Soon. While not yet the BENTLEY FILMS. 
Of course all shops are with required rules to assure the sign open and with standard business hours.
Basic standards in business are always good. Getting to my 5:00 am employment work, in 1979, 1980, the city bus was exact and I was there at 5:00 am,. It was a fine little shop. With great menus and good business. 

4:20 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW

11:21 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW almost after midnight in MOSCOW and throughout the large country of RUSSIA, as just after midnight, it will be OCTOBER 17 th 2023 in all of the country of RUSSIA. and in the far Eastern Europe countries it’s nearing morning hours the next day calander date, currently as BEIJING CHINA TIME NOW IS 4:25 am 

6:22 pm concerning non humorous email why ? My brothers know that the game monkey 
in the middle 1968, is not humorous. Not ever. They might remember, a fast, rule book, they said no too. Reviews are with quite a few emails before the reality of LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION. while I have some exciting notes to soon post about more swimming love, with some very special swim sports. How long in minutes does it take to swim a real Olympic sized pool? Do you know the answer ? 

more soon. Sir Vladimir Putin, darling, is with a giant silver screen, on the web site from RUSSIA, READ 
my silver screen was missing, in 2008. Purchased at the UT auction, then. It may take several more day in review this week, I dare say, with extensive cares about the Love Notes Autumn 2023, to thank so many many many people with more efforts that are incredible in the 2022 guitar revolution. Of a little project I began in 2013 , with love to everyone in a vast love for great economics world cultural excitement, Love with incredible people everywhere. Bentley Films are going to be wonderful. 

With all my love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. Sir Vladimir Putin, KREMLIN OF RUSSIA was with a birthday notation, and I have to appologiez that I have not sent his little birthday gifts, yet, after I was upset at the post office shipping a fine gift. The tea cup is very special and was purchased as his gift, in 2021 still not sent to RUSSIA. with a few gifts even to my some relatives that, did not get their gifts, and postal issues, as arrive to let them know I love them, while from my exhibition time, in Manhattan New York New York, several years ago. Very fine gifts I took much time to put fine ribbons on and select. So darling, it’s an ancient cup made in ENGLAND, and gold rimmed, and I would be upset to read your RUSSIAN hard writing, and not be able to read it properly,  on that giant empty box of roses I received , with no card and no roses. While I did get the heart shapes roses in my chicago Illinois exhibitions 2014 thanksgiving, and memorable, showered with flowers actually then, and the extra long stems light brilliant red were so lavishly beautiful. Incredible they were delivered. It’s been a long while since I have seen relatives on my birthday. Rare.
Happy Birthday sir Vladimir Putin. Sweet darling. 

Photograph Credit : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett   Photographed 
Just within the hour before 8:13 pm from myself, in my tiny rental apartment estate apartment.
 Saranac Lake New York USA. 

THICK GOLD INNER RIMMED TEA CUP WITH SAUCER photographed on EXTRODINARY SILK FROM INDIA special selection. Perfectly fabricated. Unfinished, purchase in 2016. from the lovely country of INDIA. While the pink exhibition has not even been announced, nor the ink book with incredible exciting ink and economic details for every age. 

more soon. gosh, I have those red ear phones too, not yet sent, and the sweets tray for candies. 
Made in Japan. With dress designs late in sales as well. Delays are very upsetting. The green and blue cashmere fur hat is wild, with reversible cashmere very special design, details are quite exciting. 

more soon. 

the frozen stew minus the chicken was perfect, added rice , 5 minute rice on low heat, after thawing on low heat and then added salmon filet to the stew and finished with 5 minute instant rice. Extremely delicious. With my favorite saltines cracker, in the economy package and always plenty in the dry food cubord. 
 Perfect this evening LATE NIGHT SUPPER,
 in meetings, emails, messages, and a world in review. 

12:39 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW, there seems to be some unregulation issues in the areas, as some jack hammer types of people have suddenly ripped up a entry to the little home that’s right neck door and incidently ten steps from my kitchen window. I highly dought that the blue print have had any national approvals in the forest region. Possibly no actual planned, changes on such a pretty entry in that tiny pretty home. The whole side area has been ruin. And foundation entry wrecked. With loud careless jokers, with jack hammers. The citizens should be quite aware of the upsets caused to me and others. The tree line walk is with loud strangers partying and breaking open ground cement. Possibly with no actual architectural blue print in any type of ruled regulation in the matter. And extremely loud in my little work kitchen home office, after late work, in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW. After delays and concerns in my entry and side walk way which I rent as part of the fee I pay, in an enjoyable quiet little perfect tiny apartment. Upset even today, loud jack hammers, not even used for cement refinishing in walks and especially near and residential or walk areas. 


Loud banging and vicious types, carelessly having a knee slapping good time. 

Please forgive the delays today. Of course the people in the USA national registery of historical architecture and such are very concerns. Rackertteering noice blobs, infesters. Even a chance of excess damage to electrical lines, perfection in lead pipe, my gosh. Gosh, the excellence of the noted esteemed, millions of people with  archietechural planning and all those processes for such ethical rules and standards of a regulation ethic standards. Of course with many lenghty reviews as they know. With such historical beauty of the forest region as a very lovely place, in the very quiet little area, of Saranac Lake, New York, USA. I will be preparing my LATE BREAKFAST with the utmost cares of some nurturing today in a busy week into the weekend and pre announcement next week, as I avert strangers in my side very beautiful tree line area with a over head light that works day and night lit of not. Solar little tiny cams are so inexpensive. Cloud base tiny chip that’s always active. I have to take out my tiny recyclables and happily get my mail in the front entry that was quite a little enjoyment for me, to stretch my gaite of legs, and enjoy the very quiet of lush trees, preserves over hundreds of years. Rip saws too, and an awful outrage today. How awful. Said to be unethical sign droppers, name dropper, foi pas,  perhaps, with tissue issues of many trees. All named billing and billings cause es. The issue is with some threatening signs that were taped in entry that also claimed to charge people money up to $3500. 00 for cleaning up a vadiler mess, with plastic unethical yellow tape, and partical board that ruined entry comfort of spruced very lovely historical areas. The upset is notes in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, as early as when the little carousel park, was ripped apart, without any historical national ethical blue print standards either that take a year just to get a architectural blue print to see all standards even before a lenghty review process, of many standards, and a while back. The entire pretty little step side entry, my gosh, I can hardly believe, the damage. Mc Donald’s has a update today from Oakbrook, Illiniose USA. And my front entry was vandalized as well. With a rip saw and garbage. While I brought in my own lawn chair as the only thing I actual put on the entry , besides a little fir pine adornment. And someone tore my little fine bough every green  fir arrangement from the taped area to a spruced entry. Not with any nails ever.  It’s been absolutly an outrage to such awful bullish issues since summer, and caused delays, wrong messages, yuck. My sweet little tiny forest quiet estate rental has been utterly upset. Cone head mistaken creeps. I have not called the owners of my rental. Except about a $31.00 increase in my rent, to assure a payment in an increase that I was said to have received. Adding that to my payment next month. In a rental tiny tiny apartment for three years. The summer plans, delayed and not very pleasant. Two very quiet years. 109 park ave, and the sign was recently broken. 109, sting said my Birthday Card, was sent. It never arrived. as Reviews are in villages all, north south east and west, in the USA and internationally with enormous messages to post more. It is important to note, I have some edits to assure today, a few that are slightly time consuming. Bull Terriers, circle, when lose with a moose. While they sometimes travel up to 200 miles alone as , get home bases with pupu., platterpus ocean fetch. Special film soon, of ocean and garden slug and snails, with platterpus fish. Modern  film updates soon. Of course there will be some updates on the concerns in my LOVE NOTES, in edit tool I use myself, many years, and the film issues, and other infesting circling terriers, . too. With lovely cares everywhere. 

Before the LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION pre announcements. 

Late BREAKFAST, finest soak in a steemy tub, very luxurious, budget reviews, 
and even some very good surprises later today. The estate entry is quite beautiful I might say, with a large stone wall stair entry with unique slate stone stairs. Quite easily with an opulent entry in just a large wreath. Finest silk wreath are quite inexpensive. Taped and of course not nail or holes in any rental. No. Of course there are adhesive hooks. Easily. Nice even if you own your own home. Something I always take great cares about. Preserving the actual architecture is very exciting and quite a love in some cultural architecture enriching love, and finest of cultural preservation. Walking on ancient side walks, is with some great historical interest and finest cultural preservation of love. 

International , upsets of such a lovely tiny village too. My gosh. 

Splendid Lovely Pumpkin Recipes FINEST  PUMKIN PANCAKE CRÈME PUFFS with chocolate sauce and Carmel Pouilis Sauce, too. soon.

more soon. The tiny chipmonk was frightened, with no walnuts today. 

3: 58 pm from NEW YORK USA , and a unusual film of the 
tales of actual SLUGS AND SNAILS, 
while of course there are many details more, why you might wish not to have them in your garden,
not exactly sea side either, some spotted even without their shells, are concerns to hermit crab fully fine shell crab. enjoy the film 

4:16 pm New York USA, with an unusual post, in review, and no actual words, in some weird type of thing called instagram, and bubblers which are a drink that’s with large tapioca lumps in the finish, I myself don’t enjoy, not even large gulf ball sized tapioca, and an unusual issue with names and people. 
My notes of the darling delight of BILL GATES, is quite special, and words are so important. 
BILL GATES, darling, the delays are awful, unusual film not the one you emailed. 
BUBBLERS., were served at the ROCKEFELLER event honor too, and the elevator was unusually blocked by a bus ticket dauwnsarotte with $500.00 quest for cash. The lovely pizza risterante was with lost revenue and the upper terrace seating, were with harsh upset on the wages that were lost.  A few, Design blisters bubblers. 

STUDIO FORBES again, read             my gosh the time, it’s getting late and 

the  Lovely LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION excitement
with BILL GATES too, are very exciting. And reviews are important. 

more soon. Budget busy afternoon. Still quite a late breakfast. CRÈME FLUFFY EGG Grilled soufflé with soft cheese melted, with buttered white toast, and a glass of whole milk, ice water, and juice spritzer. 
while I clean off my ole white boots, I purchased nearly two years ago. Still have too many delays to even properly wear, my summer white designs not yet for sale. The pink boots, two pairs missing. Very fine favorites. Delays, with reviews, yes,  all over the country and internationally too. Ow, and ow,  from dc dirt dozers of munion too, and some European specialist, of good efforts of some meeting emails. So, I sent my mother the one and only mother I have and always love, whom pinned my name and phone number inside my sweater at my age of 4 years old and walked me to my school bus, on the very first day, long ago, Finest gifts I sent,  a few very fine gifts, and wish to know if they arrived as very special. So matching messages and phone numbers is somewhat and an unusual detail to post, unusual. Perhaps important. With bull terrier tales even from others in messages, I did read. 

more soon. Even more exciting films today, very special with message updates
 from ABBOT and COSTELLO. The film ABBOTT AND COSTELLO , Joanha and swallowed by a whale, a giant whale, and then, joanha is seen inside the belly of the giant whale sitting on a stool selling apples for a nickle. ABBOTT AND COSTELLO have years of routines in film, funny paper films political notes, and I will see if I can find the exact ABBOTT AND COSTELLO FILM, not exactly humour, while more about the known films of ABBOTT AND COSTELLO, soon. I wished to mention again, the very serious concern with bull dog terriers, and the upset this morning with cigarette butts dropped inside the entry stair case,. In my rental estate of a tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA, with rumple cause this morning right out side the very lovely tree lined window where I feed the little chipmonk from my upstairs window. The concerns eccho in the tiny village, and villages all over the USA, villages all over the world,  and that of slammed doors too, many times, over and over, in the entry as of recent, and I of course do not know other renters. At all. In fact, I have nearly not even gone for even a walk, away from many busy days, enjoying LOVE NOTES and even more, the FINE ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, is nearly ready to pre announce the wild opening event for, then the announcement of the BOOK SALE AND CATALOGUE  EVENTS. then the sales begin. 

reviews are tedious and very important, due to incomprehensible delays caused to me. 

more soon. 

8:48 pm from my tiny village 
Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW 

Unforgettable, ole compadre 
FILM, of an international exhibtion BRONZVILLE TO HARLUM has very special memories for me,
with a post card,  PRESTON JACKSON, himself gave me that I charished, of his first bronzville to Harlum exhibtion before 1997,  I was very excited. Listening to THEE PRESTON JACKSON, is much more than just about bronze sculpture, and wonderful that PRESTON JACKSON decided to make time for even more people to enjoy BRONZEVILLE TO HARLUM more, and  truely very special to listen to the fine presentation again in film

Film Credit : is a presentation from PRESTON JACKSON my lovely ole compadre. 
PRESTON JACKSON is a well known professor in the arts in cultural studies 
at the school of the Art institute of Chicago, of only one university college in world historical studies of advancement of historical arts and culture. If the USA in Chicago  Ilinoise USA. 

more soon. From My Tiny Village, 
Message Update 11:08 pm 
and some people I don’t know. with 
a fine message from the country 
of ASTRAILIA , merci ‘  xo. Your Text Phone Number was accidentally deleted.
and I applogies that I missed some of your text messages Paul Mc Cartney. Enjoy you travel time. 
Film Credit: Paul Mc Cartney so I missed your messages and lovely invites. 
Thank you very much for the lovely updates. 
I will have my phone number listed soon. 
Brazil Baha might be nice. Billy Joel, was with an email phone number to me, quite a while back,
it was with some issues with finding the email, and my large address book was missing 
from luggage after a travel event, the little camera stand I film with during events, 
was also missing and an unusual cab driver. Thank you for the 
lovely and quite charming updates. 

more soon. October 18 th 2023, good day to everyone today, as the time now is 4:01 pm from my tiny village and I have some updates in a while to post. It’s the reality of the good, bad and the ugly. Not actually better said, with only really a few bad, in all reality of fine villages all, in the USA and all over the world. Bull terriers, are pesky also known as rattatuie, rattlers, and were said to have been, seen circling banks in earlier times, in the USA, in some well known university areas, I believe that was the tale of bull terriers, while other very important posts, supersede the tales of bull terriors even seen on flights. 

Teeth clinched with envelopes. I dare say. 

It’s a late breakfast for me, and meetings in Europe Ran into the early morning hours, with sketches and emails, not exactly what was in my schedule and reviews are still important in budgets and functional online tools, and excelent recording tool, with film work, to enjoy, well in some smashing events that will pre announcement and excitement. more soon. Update soon from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia, is quite interesting in my email last evening. I can hardly wait to post it, with great love and incredible notes too, exciting. 


Before the history of the song, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, a sweet candy, sometimes called JAW BREAKERS, hard sugar cinnamon spice candies quarter round, named fire balls, SWEETS and only a five cent candy, I bought as a child. more on that soon, with an updated song,
 from the original composer. Exciting. 

Ah, ole Yeller out side my window again, yelling and attempts to ruin my company. Perfectly quiet out in that non public tree lines walk way, to the back of my little rental. Hand to mouth ice cream servers, too, circling rat terriers, today, rattlers, from penny yeen, detail more within painting of Horonomus Botch again. Seen in snout  of books. 

What’s the batch figures in  Mc Donald’s ? Percentile of great worth, is of an interest to many today, with some concerns. While   my extra parking space in in the tiny sweetly tree lined walking path of the rental property, and not a public side walk, or a place for warword rattlers, and what a fine little park, five minutes walk. The time is very important in review, my lovely view of the sweetly tree area with road parking of course all rentals have. I did not say pot belly rats. Now 4:29 pm all summer too. Again today and vandalism in the front entry too. Rat terriers. Ruffling incoherent roustering and rude. 

While we can get into sneakers today, and many cam equipt kid sized, of quite a few years. Shoe sizes are easily a measurment too, and some other little notes, like a giant project ruler on your walls, of course with your very own, growth chart for your height all childern love. Pumkin Banana Bread in tin can rounds, too, easily made, with a few extra details, and of course. Canned pumkin will be a great sale for many many great farm specialist in pumkin sales, for autumn and of course the low prices are a great reality for good sale, in the fractional penny profits in fine revenue to so many companies, in economic standards rolling along. 

ROB LOWE, AND ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, ole darling friends, have a message film.  
It’s great that Arnold has a large property with much land, and not tiny village residential, property, in village proper areas, sprawling fine country side, villa, in conversation with ROB LOWE, two darling men I adore, . in Film 

7:32 pm from my tiny village, with some unusual bomb like drum electric pounders in the estate pounding and laughing away, under my desk area, with such an awful, disgrace in the time, reviews, more like crude oil can pounding in some fuel oil crude large barrel, and no name on their mail box with such a hard grind, cause into today, a usual perfect evening to enjoy catch up work, into evening as I have had some concerning, rat terrier reviews, swammpers, and my lovely recording late, with my kind notation to the owner of the estate rental, about my week day recording to sing some internationally love songs, my own many are quite familiar with. We in the village proper, are not quite sure where swamppers clattered from, while I will say, I wish to note, BILL HASLUM in a lovely announcement for a very good book he wrote, and as a owner to a rather large fuel company, an ole friend, and a governor of the entire state of TENNESSEE, kindly a avid arts and culture person in many cultural ways, everyone might enjoy 
the lovely, quite enlightening book Sir Bill Haslum has in his announcement. READ 
Of course I have many years, 2000, - 2006, and still busy, with my tiny company even then, I was with quite the honor  in the museum in TENNESSEE, many lengthy years, always with a event of wonderful live music from some just getting started and quite well known people in blues and jazz, and of course the even more, with fine early 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Friday night events and was glad to assure raising money for the museum, along side over 500,000 people many years,  as a long noted honored chair  person too. While we have an update from the Carnegie Hall chair people and Nashville Grand ole opry, as well as the Hollywood Bowl, and the Clear water Florida Pavillion, as well as the noted Sullivan Chicago Theatre and quite a list, very exciting, and then internationally as well. 
Nashville State Office updates soon, too. Winton Marcellus ‘ might have an update too. 

Bill Haslum always enjoys the fine museum too, and the museum in Knoxville Tennessee is always free, to enjoy the arts, and $7.00 ticket price for wonderful Friday 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm night live music. Thank you everyone in TENNESSEE, platinum club cola was always perfect too. Thank you all, I love you all. Thank you all for arriving in my busy MANHATTAN exhibition several years ago. Appologies about the live cam piazza events in my ONLINE TELEVISION love notes. Pre announcement will be fun. 
Horrible Pounding even tonight, and nasty rude envelope specialist no dought. 

JEZBENZ issues. 

8:42 pm New York from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW, hello everyone, 
how are you all, everywhere all over the world, it is with great love I have a post update now again from my darling friend, JAMES TAYLOR in piano listen two keys James Taylor said. 
Thank you lovely James Taylor. 

more soon. Posting An Update from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia is with delight that the President of the country of China, Sir Xi Jinping President of the Country of China, which is extrodinarily large, and with many large state regions. All Chinese writing of course. I myself was with a few extra cultural cultivation of actual writing with a brush in Chinese language letter word, known as characters. 
It was so exciting, with a cultural professors from CHINA in great cultural conferences I of China in 1996. 
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia was with, meeting, with the President of China sir Xi Jinping was a SPECIAL GUEST in RUSSIA READ   of course, it is not possible to travel by automobile from RUSSIA to CHINA due to many reasons, as well as the barron strait, among other water ways. Quite far, in flight even, with a large time different. Europe is much wider and very far west countries to far eastern countries and many in between quite larger rather, and more to know. 

Motor Belts, in Europe in Russia, are of course just a word for a bypass, that is usually not a direct motor way into a large city, but goes slightly around the city, to prevent a delivery trucks from delay, and eases rush hours in traffic with travelers too, which makes great ease to driving daily in a large city. Never much change in any motor belt, like the DANNRYAN EXPRESSWAY, and the local slower inner road belt that’s in very lager cities with millions of people. Drives into Chicago Illinois , can be with special local lanes slower , motorway roads. I drive route 55 in, into lake shore drive, that is very nice in getting 
to Michigan Avenue.The bypass in the Smoky Mountians of Tennessee are slighty unusual and splendid if you have time, . I myself, have not driven on the Smokey Mountian bypass since 1992. While it is very beautiful. 

Tiny little Mynat Park, is just outside the village proper of GATLINBERG TENNESSEE. there is a tiny library that’s with room, to enjoy a book or two, in a quiet little library among some of the USA Of the largest forest region, where I devoted some time to clear air and clean water conservation, with business owners in GATLINBERG TENNESSEE. 

Hello, to you all, love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
 Jim Renfro,  Everyone. Let me know how those million year ole tree tops are, these day. 

Good day to you all. More soon. 

The CHINESE BUFFEE’ looks splendid in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA, as everyone finally reopen and serve on their menu American Chinese perfection and sushi made freshly, while I have not been in at all, it quite lovely, and drives in, it’s a ease to enjoy a ready made buffee’ to eat in or even take out, a great box of plenty of delicious food. The red Chinese lanterns on the lake side risterante are very pretty. I will post the exact location, soon. 

3:49 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. OCTOBER 19 th 2023
GOOD AFTERNOON, in this late day hour, before dinner time, in the USA NOW. The sunshine in the eastern USA in perfectly glorious, with sweaters and even some fine windbreaker coats, in any coolish temperatures which are in a usual 50 degrees at night, through autumn months. I have a few jacket selections that some might enjoy in a post today, which are perfect for over a sweater, and an unusual low price. Even in pink. While have my pink exhibition plans from 2017 planning  notes, on my desk, in some  detailing for spring 2023. I will be working on a few important edits most of today. And a few more exciting posts, with possible pumkin bread grocery list, by possibly tomorrow, for fine pumpkin bread rounds, plenty easy into enjoying throughout the rest of the month, and into November 2023. 

With the pupu platter specialties that are POLYNISIAN, ancient recipes, with vegetable roasted sauce squewers - on a half stick. With potatoes au’ gratin ancient recipe, and my broccoli cheddar stuffing casserole,. And soon, the whole recipe for the VOLCANO SODA POP. pure love, from myself to everyone, in the USA and to all, in all countries, all international. ci’ 

more soon.  
BILLY JOEL is with a message, and not exactly a usual message from BILLY JOEL READ and worth the notes in review. I can hardly wait to post BILLY JOELS other wonderful messages and truely incredible piano compositions so lovely, to everyone in the whole world. Also mentioning the concerns of rat bull terriers again. Jessica Lang is with some updated messages today, with lovely thank you to Jessica Lang,  and messages from Wallace Shawn more soon.

Ah a film from BILLY JOEL was incorrectly playing, here it the actual film direct from Billy Joel’s  at his online site in FILM posted yesterday. I was missing emails BILLY SENT. 

more soon. 

The WONDERFUL SEAFOOD SPECIALIST, IN the price chopper grocery ordered sea scallops and very well priced, for OCTOBER HOLIDAY, and the autumn season for a few fine scallop recipes. I was extremely pleased with the quality of frozen scallops. 

8:14 pm DINNER and ongoing review tonight, with a lovely, non butter fettuccini and grilled vegetable dish with a chicken bullion sauce with sautéed sea scallops. The onion rings were perfectly crunchy, with extrodinary SWEET SPANISH VIDELIA ONION, sautéed in just a small amount of vegetable oil, extra hot, before carefully placing the onion rings in to a small sautee pan, and then letting them turn dark golden, turning the onion rings twice and then removing from the grill pan, quickly and placing gently of a bread crust, end of a package of standard sandwich bread, to really crisp the beautiful frozen ready to fry, onion rings after thawing and perfecting a fried grill onion ring, with a few great frozen USA ready to purchase groceries brands. 

Photographic Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Purely Delicious. The Riesling Wine, is with only a few oz,. In a tall glass, with mango purée, cherry grenadine, or maraschino cherry juice, and one packet of sweet and low, with some sparkling water. Not often used for my spritzer of juices and fine import South American Bottled Mineral Water. While I have not opened an actual bottle of Riesling Domestic ( non internationally import) or imported for almost 40 years. This particular bottle will be excellent saved for a few of my wine sauce.   The sparkling fruited Riesling  Spritzer is fine with hearty sauces. Just an oz to 2 oz in the spritzer is plenty for a finer delightful menu of Late Supper as a appartif tall, for a grown up, fine supper. 

recipes are going to be quite fun, and I am nearly prepared to post the lovely recipes, with love to everyone, everywhere, and a gift for you to enjoy the October Holiday with prepared elegance too. 

from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett    more soon. 

9:28 pm from my tiny village Saranac Lake, New York, USA with an update
from TENNESSEE VALLY ATHORITY known as TVA, with low quality electric utilities for a large USA region, with a fine message READ Hyroelectric yes. Made from something known in an ancient word as an aquafire, which for many years is from one of the USA dams in a hydroelectric low cost, in USA standards all over the USA. with a delightful hello to the the Darkrashoni’s , in Farragut. Happy October 2023, to everyone in Tennessee and in all 50 USA states and all over the world. 

more soon. 

Update reviews in a message from STING LISTEN 

silly puddy, since before 1969 and less than $2.00 free shipping from USA STAPLES. 

11:32 pm new york USA with ear peas that are not visable in the ear, while you may need silly puddy to stick them in to not lose them while wearing, with sleek power up case, READ , even a little micro chip cam in some instant upload, cam online cloud connected. Sting I bought you a pair, over the summer, with lovely dinner in mind at the ole risterante, BELMONT and CLARK, chicken Italian brat, while emails were missing. I saw the post at your online site , where is the lovely film. what upset for everyone, all over the world. Read 

reviews are important, before Thanksgiving. I love you Sting,
 xo from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. I have to, look in my folders for the very special recorded messages from you STING, LOVELY I THINK. thank you darling sir STING. 

more soon. 

MR MCGOO Cartoon, has been a favorite for over 50 years to enjoy a intellectual simplicity in complex cartoon made for USA television and with an update, just for a review in OCTOBER LOVE NOTES, for myself, and everyone in the whole world. 

Film Credit : thee original artist for Mr MCGOO, first in film 1974. whom ? more later. 

more soon. 

OCTOBER 20 th 2023, 2:40 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW.
I have to mention a few concerning issues in my tiny village, through the weekend, and of course, I was planning on no actual delays this summer 2023 into my favorite time of year in OCTOBER and NOVEMBER 2023. I usually enjoy feeding a chipmonk out on my tiny narrow stone tree lined walk into the off street parking area, very narrow, and of course, it’s part of the estate rental entry, in extra parking, off street, as a tiny little extra parking convenience to me. Before, I review, the concerning upsets, that are very important to the tiny village of many lovely people, and all villages, I wish to first post, the actual prefabrication steps, sold at Walmart, under $80.00 free delivery. With just a wrench and screws, while there are many prefabrication steps, if you own your home. Paying for a architect firm to assure licensed professionals can take many months, in blue print approved types of standards to assure you, proper pitch, even into other close property, pitch, ( rain water, run off for large areas ) not roof pitch, or pitch fork, and excellence in looking at no water damages with liability to any pit crew. While rip saws were flying, in the tiny narrow non public stone walk by my beautiful tree view, bull horning too, liabilities in blow horning, all those homes and companies, some lost projected revenue, Bull Whistling, all morning. Again, and ring dinging, sifen happy, blats , .. Before details, enjoy prefab stairs in assortments that are wrench and screw ready, in less than an hour, if you own the home, actually. READ 

One disruption in a whole summer into autumn is a few hours, and not the whole summer, I have to say. And I should point out a few other Seattle Washington,USA  pibbles and even a few in New York City, NEW YORK, USA,  at as well. Why, I will speak of MR. MA’ bgooooouooo, again, with absolute care, you might enjoy knowing, more, soon. I took a little ride up to the tiny shop STEWARTS FUEL STOP, with a busy review weekend everyone in the world wishes to also read, in love notes. The very decent people whom work there, are always stocked in shelf foods very well, and are pleasant, today as well, and sales professionals, are to assure, careful pricing standards, with each item, in even register errors, which can upset even the finest sales people, with lovely cares. And great love for Love Notes, with extra thank you for fine kind pleasant customer service every time I shop at STEWART’S FUEL STOP. Thank you again. 

more soon. It’s a day for home made pizza ficcachia, for a filled freezer and lists of exciting pumkin sweets for recipes soon on line for the finest OCTOBER, NOVEMBER 2023. Everywhere in the whole world. 

more soon. 

3:21 pm from my tiny village in Saranac, Lake New York, USA NOW, 
with a update from the government of China World News, READ 

4:27 pm from Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW 
CULTURE FOI PAS, with Jan Von Ek were never so convoluted in complexities of the earlier, triptickle paintings of GHENT, said to be of GERMANY, where the original paintings do exist. I have so extremely important internationally known lectures of the lovely works of art in GERMANY, with places to know more about. 

Among the many GERMAN EXPRESSIONIST , are with Agustava Saint Gudden, whom is a very important sculptor, whom is quite well known in the USA in ancient historical honored works, of monumentally vital art, of the USA. More about AGUSTAVIA SAINT GUDDEN, into next week, with exciting incredible surprised for THANKS GIVING to enjoy cultural USA more. While Jan Von Ek, is a notable artist historically, of the GHENT triad, the unknown works as a foi pas, French Word for no understanding, is a possible fake, 
as seen in the deminutive sallow 
flat pannel , abominable to GERMANY THE 

partical board digital foi pas,  

Foi Pas ‘ known in the historical 
arts as denounciations and concerns. 
notice the glued tiara of chizzeled 
 chip crystol.

more soon, of HEDVARD MONCH, IN A unusual painting known as 
the scream, often printed in paper to place over a computer monitor as a slight serious statement, of humor, as a serious political joke. The paintings history, in digital print, is with a spark of interest and known to be GERMAN POST MODERN  EXPRESSIONIST, while the work of a few daubles in paint, is rarely seen, and of a USA, monitor paper print for monitors, of computer screens, and computer monitors, not well noted. obleak. while a most interesting detail, of covers in computer monitors, of even noteworthy, et el, the. foi pas questionable colleges misnomers.  
Pre requisites. Most often. 

12:00 midnight pm from my tiny village, 
Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW, OCTOBER 21th 2023 
right after midnight. 

Lingini with BULLION sauce and vegtables, 
MIDNIGHT WORKING SUPPER, with finest pizza cheese ficattcia 
and two cheeses, a fine ITALIAN, riccata and mozzarella, with extremely soft pizza fresh out of the oven, and plenty to freeze per slices easily grilled for breakfast with cereal or a fine egg.

or yogart granola and a tin of mixed fruit. Even Peaches from a tin, are perfect.

more soon. update from ROWEN ATKINSON, 
with enlightenment of the beginning of MR BEAN in film
It’s been years since ROWEN and I sat side by side on a RED EYE TRAIN, 
much too long ROWEN ATKINSON. 

more soon. 

RAY CHARLES IS, in a fine well known music compostion 
since years ago, on AMERICAN TELEVISION
in 1969 with love for RAY CHARLES 
all those years, and a incredible special update for me, and GEORGIA, 
now. In Film. LISTEN 

more soon. I love you Ray Charles , thank you so very much, all of your brass too, perfectly lovely everyone. xo with love from myself and everyone all over the world. 

1:03 am Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. 

2:44 pm OCTOBER 21 st 2023, from my tiny village, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
Good Day everyone, it’s a beautiful day outside in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK with lovely trees in oranges and yellow, while suddenly there is harsh, rat terriers again, in my entry, barking hard, and loud, with careless teeth, rambling doors, 2:30 pm today, slight a discomfort today in my sweet little quiet, and a Autumn SATURDAY LEISURE, in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA now, and such a busy catch up in time, for me. I will see if I can photograph the lovely trees today, and it’s a wonderful time for a lovely drive, even in the two states of the Carolinas, as many of the fifty states have very lovely foliage in trees changing color of the hard wood, varieties. It’s a short time each year when the perfect vivid colour is a loveliest time to enjoy the beautiful bronze golden yellows in fine foiliages. 

It’s a warm soak in a steemy tub for me, and a late Breakfast. Relaxing on SATURDAY, before all the THANKS GIVING menu recipes are posted later today, is going to be fun, everyone in the world, incidently is excited about pumpkin bread. Tins of pumkin may sell well. The Guitar Revolution 2022 memories and thank you all over the world, are important, into the weekend. With love, from myself, Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 


PIZZA FIACCOCIA two cheese, riccoto, mozzarella perfection. 
with a slightly different texture and flavor than the long recipe, and was ten minutes to bake, and ten to 15 minutes to mix, with one hour rise time, once in the pan, fully stretched, salted, lite pepper corn course ground pepper corn, and with cheese topping on while rising to a bubbly fine luscious dough. 
recipe : for a soft moist dough is delicious, 

and posted soon with other great fine recipes for the weeks before during and after
more soon. 

5:13 pm Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW, 
Ravid rough yeller in entry, Zion Pole Climbers,? Perhaps,  and the city is of whom enter the front hall entry again, then landed in back, yellers, hosey late sudden loud, in such a quiet large estate building. 7:33 pm, hitting the big rit, .

JERRY LOUISE movies, one special movie from the 1970’ s is a favorite known as the CADDYPerhaps I will post the updated Jerry Louise Movie soon. For a fine quiet movie weekend SUNDAY. Ear cam ranges can be 35 miles or more. North, South, East, and West. Save your receipts everyone, as a standard in good budgeting in review. Keeping receipts even seven years is a cultivation every professional finds important, in details. Penny per penny. 

more soon.

Updates from the government of India soon. 
with Paul Simon. 

7:22 pm Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW 
update from the government of China
President Xi Jinping 
with a message, READ 

7:48 pm from me, as always in my tiny village rental apartment tiny, and an update 
from ROB LOWE, while normally I am not of interest in Netflix unstable relationships once - perfectly as a wild delightful man, ROBERT LOWE has a update in reviews in film. Kind of Rob Lowe to place a review in film, and not ROB LOWES actual well noted television work. I can hardly wait to post the great films for LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION. 

more soon. Yesterday Sir Vladimir Putin, 
Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA 
sent me an unusual post, in reviews, and I thought his poiniant statement was interesting. read 
Sir Vladimir Putin, My ole darling friend sir Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, 
this one? read . The Carnegie Hall, has no endowment. Of course everyone realizes this detail, in review. 
Fine Point in review. Thank you darling. I read there was a wrong note in that word, spousal issues as well. Strange wrong news of President Xi Jinping, and not even from the Country of China. Bill Gates has some interesting films about similar review concerns. Let me see if I can find the email from his many years of his emails, in my email folders. 
Rosalin Martin said KMA has no endowment either. Years ago. Still the same regulations standards. foi pas? 

I have everyone, he has sent many years. I will review my emails. Yes, museum emails too. 

more soon, From my archives. YES, it’s a very big reality to send a birthday greeting to Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA, and I delayed saying 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, with years Vladimir Putin, and I have secret birthday messages friends many years. I thought, I would repost the year before message again, in my online Studio Vosse, love notes in 2022. with perfect love true, to THEE VLADIMIR PUTIN, KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, and of course lovely wished to everyone at the office of the Kremlin President of all of RUSSIAN. in RUSSIA of course. Delays I know, with more birthday wishes in October 2023 to sir Vladimir Putin, expressly from me with love from myself princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

LOVE NOTES BIRTHDAY WISHES 2022 and today into next week in love notes revolution with more announcements read

more soon. The Ethsel is some car, nearly one hundred years old and American made, with what’s known as suicide doors, due to the push and crank type of engines built in some automobiles in the 1903 era and with a tiny running side board to step up and push the car, at times to get it running well. Opening the door to leap in was where the suicide doors gained a slight bit of popularity in an early American automobile very rare to see an automobile from 1903 in person. Of course a long drive way was needed to get that old engine running in 1901 and 1902. Perhaps only one hundred were made then and with in rereading incredibly large fuel tanks then, and somewhat crude fuel archaic then. Of course I myself have been to the antique car shows earlier in the 1980’s when I purchased an antique automobile myself from my mothers husband whom owned several then. Fine man, and an engineer. My antique automobile purchase was a third automobile as a Sunday car, FORD FALCON, 1963 model. With beautiful blue plaid seats and a 4 d air conditioner. In review. All Original parts, of course. Trailers are made to tote your finer antique cars. If you are a car savvy engineer and collector, in some pricy cars these day, if any are ever sold. 

more soon. 

update two days ago email from 
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia with a unusual photograph that does not actually reflect the charming sweet face Vladimir Putin Kemlin of Russia, has, 
as a statement art, with boxers,
and what should it be about: read .  Update soon, from my ole friend MIKE TYSON

It was several days ago, a stranger was in the entry of my beautiful stone stairs, I had to ask to move out of blocking the door, just to get to my automobile, a stranger, weird, into the lovely front entry, very unusual, and very upsetting. more soon, in review. reviews reviews reviews. From Wacker Drive and even the Wrigley Building. What reviews they are. 

more soon. 


Photograph Credit: myself, of course, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
photographed yesterday from my tiny estate rental villa
in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, while I will begin recipes with a pumkin banana bread in a round tin, to wrap in wax paper specialty papered with fine silk ribbon. Pumpkin CRISP GLAZED, soft cream puffs, and a granola pumpkin cheese cake with a layer of carmel, and chocolate, and a granola cherry chocolate breakfast tart, Broccoli Stuffing Cheddar Caserole especially, Scallop Lingini with a bullion sauce and spring vegtables, Carrot ala orange mango brown sugar sauce, marshmallow atop, golden broiled, and a small stuffed roasted chicken French preparation of Cordon Blau, variation, from the tradition French Cordon  Blau. Served with a lite cream sauce, and traditional crème mashed potatoes. Apple pie ala mode, and of course traditional cranberry sauce, for the finest THANKS GIVING. 

Ginger Crisp Oat Dishes, all pure oat, laced oat butter cookies, with a custard RUSSIAN STYLE, WITH RUSSIAN RUM RASIN SAUCE. and a breakfast butter  cake with cream for breakfast, with finest coffee, and orange juice strait up, with cranberry juice too strait up, with fine ENGLISH / AFRICAN HOT BREW TEA, proper. I can hardly wait. Ah, Peter Sellers sent a film reminding me, I forgot the very special MINCE PIE, with crème of course, A very lagre favorite of the country of ENGLAND too. 

more soon. SUNDAY OCTOBER 22 nd 2023 5:05 pm tiny village review and updates. GOOD DAY TO EVERYONE everywhere all over the world. Fine autumn quiet days can be most relaxing. 

4:57 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA 
with a missing birthday film email, from ROWEN ATKINSON, 
I wish to post a holiday MR BEAN, Rowen Atkinson himself is somewhat an intellectual genius, creating even when the film on television in the late 1980’ s was obscure with a fine lite humour, gaining popularity, and political prowess. update today, in review is ROWEN ATKINSON with a person, I am not actually familiar with in conversation with Rachel Ray in Film
Merci ‘ with thank you to everyone. xo. 

more soon. 6:10 pm from my tiny village estate rental villa, in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA NOW,
with more on HECKEL AND JECKEL indeed, in film and film history details soon.

12:21 pm From my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW, 
good afternoon and good evening to everyone all over the world. Good evening to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia and a very darling friend of mine. The lovely emails are quite delightful I and I receive the most opulent gift. Thank you sir Vladimir Putin. The review emails you sent, are with some of my considerations of cares. Today, I was with desires to begin the
  BENTLEY FILMS, while a few more reviews are everso important. The EXTRODINARY film I selected from sir Vladimir Putin’s archives selections are with a special post soon. 

Of course, today is a recipe list time, as preparing for a THANKS GIVING to truely celebrate the autumn of 2023 and a time of importance into NOVEMBER 2023 with fine foods ready in the freezer for the lovely woolie months. The guitar revolution 2022 is to remember for many reasons, with efforts within every village, and a USA too, to find quite wonderful. at 12:33 pm it’s an email from 
DWR, a company that ROB FORBES began, over twenty years ago. READ 

more soon. Thank you for enjoying LOVE NOTES in the long haul, 
to the pre announcement of the LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION 2023-2024. 
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

4:44 pm Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW, possible Pulitzer Winners racketing the hall entry again today, and a review email from the PULITZER arts  statements emailed updated with many more emails to review. read  racketing and issues of a few whom are cause to dirty dc aiming USA munition and racketings, in the USA are very concerning, with everyone in the USA villages are of people everywhere in a very serious review. With recipes SOON, of a great lovely THANKS GIVING into an even better winter 2023 holiday, into January 2024. 

more soon. 

Do you speak RUSSIAN, and can actually read the trains in the red eye trains in RUSSIA, saving every red eye train pass you ever purchases as you traveled to real ancient RUSSIAN CATHEDRALS. Remembering of course the address of those you took photographs of even from the outside. Especially the very largest and well known, with many whom absolutely love the long lenghty histories of cathedrals and of course, The registery of historical events of the love from arch bishops of the cathrdal as a world of incredible historical events, many love to keep notes of, of annual schedules. Villages of people everywhere love the excitment of the reality to arrive at a world known cathedral and even enjoy sitting a while in the prestigious cathedral open to all people in a finest of a silent time, and even quietly photograph a glimpse inside. The lovely reality of such times, is a great reality for cities. Economy of even a lunch or breakfast or dinner, in a risterante or toted brunch at a public grassy pavilion and even favorite grocery stores and fuel stops when renting an automobile with all RUSSIAN RECIPTS. 

What red eye in RUSSIA do you have a travel pass you bought, and kept. Reading everything in RUSSIAN is very difficult when you were not from RUSSIA. Of course cathedrals of RUSSIA often have a tiny registry of people whom might have visited, even just once. The registery for a tiny hotel, in the USA, on a very historical city, even has the name of NAPOLIAN, in a registery day, whom was a merchant trader business person over several hundred years ago. With travels to the USA in the regions of NEW YORK, USA. 

All, very exciting, and the ride through RUSSIAN VILLAGES too with names of business in photographs are a treasure when you travel anywhere. Was it a RUSSIAN shop in RUSSIA, from a red eye train? 

Russian recipts  in RUSSIAN of course, 
with an address printed on each receipt.
What a fine memory to keep your recipts. 

PETER SELLERS is the world famous 
PINK PANTHOR in 1970’s and fabulously today, forever, whom even charmed me, arriving to my lenghty Manhattan New York USA international events of the peace and economic exhibitions. In reviews, there are words from an update with PETER SELLERS, on the far right, in film, with two others, I am not farmliar with in lively review updates. Yes, PETER SELLERS, I will assure mince pie as always. Thank you so well for the lovely message, to you and everyone. PETER SELLERS , conversation in film 

 xo with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.

Recipes soon. 

7:43 pm NEW YORK USA NOW update with my lovely friends, 
with someone I don’t know and find a bit strange to the left, 
While Thank you JONNY AND RICHARD 
in conversation in film 

Mince Pie update soon. 

8:24 pm from my tiny village Saranac Lake New York USA now in reviews, looking for those emails from BILL GATES to post, I missed a few invites, I believe, as I review emails more before replies are on my schedule, in all decency, of course, even to BILL GATES, whom I admire very well. While I do not know the person BILL GATES was invited to say a few words, with even my missing chair designs in the film, my gosh, with my darling ole friend too in the review, I wished to include 
THEE BILL GATES, whom, I personally can hardly wait to see at the delayed piazza pizza exhibition live on the air television online event, which Bill Gates took a great interest in. While, my replies are delayed as well. Darling BILL GATES, where are you, you have an egg on your sweet beautiful head, darling. Asprin dissolved in water on a clothe compact, chalky,  should sooth. My goodness, warm bath darling, helps, with a luke warm steamed milk with almond marzipan whipped in. In a home made egg nog, always soothing, even in conversation with excellence in leaping through a melounge of feildings, fledgling. Of course Bill Gates is a wonderful business person and with incredible world achievements in much more than, humanitarian statements in some incredible world achievements. 
with even more to say about efforts Sir Bill Gates has achieved over many extrodinary years of work and worth, in ways not always realized. 
fleiding, fledglings? 

not of BILL GATES in reviews. Listen 

October 24 th 2023 in RUSSIA NOW. 

I have such great things to include more about the very lovely BILL GATES a technology giant, and of some noted incredible worthy AMERICAN LOVE in the world. Including Richard Prior and lovely as well, and Jonny Carson. Love Notes Revolution is with excitment all over the world. As well as PETER SELLERS, thank you all. 

more soon. LOOKING AT LOVE NOTES 2022 into JANUARY 2023 
WITH BIRTHDAY MESSAGES FROM AROUND THE WORLD too, for sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia, and the love for my tiny film short for VLADIMIR PUTIN, within a sweet card message, I wished to look again LOVE NOTES from my online archive READ 
your invited to reviews and more. xo with love again and again. With love again and again from around the world. 

more soon. 

12:32 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW OCTOBER 24 th 2023 
Good Day to everyone in Saranac Lake, and to everyone all over the world, there are rat badgers in the side area blowing off sound and pounding stones, convientently for badgers rat terriers today. I will mention these details unfortunately to that of the disturbances to my lovely quiet home rental and the LOVE NOTES I enjoy, and with enormous messages from lovely people everywhere. beaver dam, in the area, dc wood peckers , I would say, in a heho of causing a nightmare, for the whole country. With an updated message from Arnold Schwarzenegger today with a 
very kind thank you to me, for posting some fine notes of Arnold Swarteneggers new book, which brought him very fine success in book sales. Exciting news in LOVE NOTES today. READ 

a fine day in review I would say, with the recipes nearly ready to post today. I am quite excited. As well as very excited to note in LOVE NOTES now, that the city of Saranac Lake NEW YORK, despite beaver rat terriers going for dams, the village was with over a million travelers in the quiet city that enjoyed the beautiful city, into some other cities of tiny villages and LAKE PLACID was also favored well, all, with a love of the area and forest drives, with extra foods toted and risterante stops with grocery stores busy and filled well, greater business and still some issues were concerns, for business people employed and owners too. while the companies were quite liked, for the lovely kind wonderful decency in such city propers, and in the wonderful lush reality of a quiet tiny village. Despite the intruders in some pop in beavering rat terrier bangers. With people more that wish to enjoy the very lush quiet winter drives too, into 
Saranac Lake, New York’s tiny finest village and all the villages to even fine a few nice shopping hours. 
Quietly lush forest and so loves. Amazing people everywhere. Beaver rat terriers are looking to sing peas portage cold with large interest in the potgleed rot. Of course delays were caused to me all summer. Banger today, careless sorts. With lost revenue actually in business revenue in the tiny village district too, which should have seen much better in revenue and easily could have. The grassy pavilion was slightly difficult for travelers to sit on the embankment and enjoy the geese with some sweeter delights of Saranac Lakes true vibrancy and lovely quiet nestled sweet village it really is
The igloo tent travel project is almost ready to some winter excitment in the broadly lovely grassy pavilion in cool winter months, and a tote tent iglu to even pack a tiny solar heater and more about an hour iglu under the winter slumber sky in tiny village fun, and lovely people everywhere, all over the world whom adore Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA regions, far and near. Properly perfect. 

With pounding hammers in close privately rented estate villa walks. 

12: 38 am from my tiny village Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW 
in my tiny villa rental estate rental
past midnight on OCTOBER 25 th 2023 
Slighty busy today, with many message. I wish everyone a 
lovely breakfast and lunch and dinner every day with a lovely
 good menu of a great variety of foods, 
priced low. Lovely preparations too, and fine 
chef work at home, as a home chef, even just beginning. My spaghetti 
and red sauce was lovely this evening with real home made 
pizza ficcaccia and very lovely cheeses. 
With a small slice of freshly made shrimp quiche,
 I prepared last month and froze. It was very good 
with a three cheese Mexican Cheese Blend. 
I have an email message today from many many many 
people all over the world, and a special message from 
the King of England King Charles His Majesty,
in Europe.  More about the message soon. It’s rather exciting. 
I can hardly wait to post the message, and so many 
other quite wonderful messages from all over the world.
 The President of Brazil, in South America, 
The President of Turkey in the continent of Europe, and many others. 
The recipe list is large and luxurious and I wish it to be a 
gift of pure excitment for everyone, everywhere all over the world. 
Of course, not without tiny wall projectors to see a 
holiday October Picture Show 2023. It’s a very special 
time, with a chef experience and a real affordable mini projector 
to see such good photographs and love of every village. 
All over the world. With some special many thank you’s 
specially prepared guitar revolution 2022-2023 
 thank you soon. 

My invite  email from sir Vladimir Putin in a tiny message surprise to me. read 

In Beijing China it is 12:46 pm NOW 
In Moscow Russia the time is 7:46 am NOW 

more soon. 

GOOD DAY INTO EVENING from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
From my tiny village rental estate villa, in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW,
it is 5:41 pm NEW YORK, USA NOW in the entire north east, and in of course Saranac Lake,
NEW YORK USA NOW. MOSCOW RUSSIA TIME NOW is 12:47 pm NOW. IN LONDON ENGLAND THE TIME IS 10:47 pm and in BEIJING CHINA, 5:48 am morning is NOW. Of course EUROPE IS NOW INTO OCTOBER 26 th 2023 NOW. nearing all countries throughout Europe and into Eastern Europe. 

we have more serious reviews, before the very exciting LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION actually is pre announced, and with messages to reviews and many fine messages for LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION 2023. My wish is that everyone is prepared for PUMKIN RECIPES and even a few autumn tiara special suppers, with even more recipes. children tiara suppers are autumn excitment for those whom are with children, and pumkin pie supper, with a special event paper mache’ pumpkin to create as well, for special supper autumn 2023 as a fine luxury of  ancient tradition from a cultural RICHE SPANISH secret in traditions. PUMKIN PAPER MACHE, with richley lavish varieties of tiny chocolates and assorted sweets, to fill the pumpkin paper mache hand made, and then adorn the empty pumpkin later as a hanging lamp cover. In a peachy lush vibrant color favored in the country of SPAIN and South American countries too, into south sea countries as well. Autumn gets exciting in 2023. With a fine traditional spainish game after supper, quite delightful with selections of a variety of world speciality wrapped inexpensive sweets. 

A fine RUSSIAN film too. soon, as recipes are a tiny effort to post. Guitar Revolution Message Updates are very lovely messages and very important to everyone in the whole world, and exciting as well. I have an updated film soon posted with scribe stages of puba, larva, and scribe sticky feet, very squatty, short sticky  leg scribes six legs. Very soon posted. Foaming mouth scribes too, Dam infesters. Scribe ozez,. 

Chocolate Molded Scribes are going to be very exciting and crunchy. Pure Sugar and finest Chocolate for all of JANUARY 2024 with very lovely jewel embellished finest sugar dipped crusted pure delight. 
Finest boxes, to open all JANUARY and crunch with delight of scribe films. Notes more on scribe tiny history as well, might be  worth your love to crunch on your very own molded hand made sugar jeweled scribe chocolates  white,  dark, and milk chocolate delights, with a note now in reviews too. 

more soon. 

7:40 pm from Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, in review. 
A darling ole friend of mine, Andy Williams, is with rare film, unusual statements political, serious concerns and made time for reviews, to his own concerns, so, in the film, 
ANDY WILLIAMS  is in the center and then left, while I did not see the entire film, savored for later, and thought everyone might enjoy ANDY WILLIAMS, in fine AMERICAN television in the 1969 era and now a update review. from THEE ANDY WILLIAMS, in film

10:09 pm from my tiny village Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW, with an update review film special from THEE GENE WILDER, a padre darling I love, of many years, meeting GENE WILDER many year ago, myself, as I am surprised of the review film special brief, is not his original WILLY WONKA, exactly first created with the brilliance of only 
GENE WILDER, before 1975, is now with same people updated in a review in serious updates 
by my lovely darling GENE WILDER, in film 

very good everyone, in film, with the original chocolate river 
gondala tunnel , inside the chocolate factory, 
perfectly wild, very good, thank you again everyone, xo merci. 

more soon. 11:46 pm from mysel in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett with a very special update of OCTOBER 2023 finest tiara for OCTOBER 2023 into NOVEMBER 2023 with a finest supper time, over and over with charished special tiara for men, and women, and boys and girls OPULENT SUPPER TIARA FOR ALL, with lovely celebration leaves after a summer of tree sketching and the lovely time of year in foliage for extra delightful special fun, into NOVEMBER 2023 and with quite a menu of foods in the recipes to freeze and enjoy ease. You might like the tiara I chose, or another with wonderful finest leaf details and real jewels.

For all ages and proper finest supper.   the autumn leaf tiara read 

more soon. I did not get to any online meeting with 
Sir Vladimir Putin at all, while sir Vladimir Putin,
 did extend a message of some concerns and no video 
film at all from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin President 
of the very lovely country of RUSSIA.

the message, very political I see. 
While I will be posting a very special 
message photograph archieve  
sir Vladimir Putin very soon. 
Not yet the film I selected. 

more soon. OCTOBER 26 th 2023 

2:50 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW,
 a sweet lovely message update from the lovely darling sweet friend of mine, 
special of the BEATLES,  my lovely four men, 
John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison 

PLEASE PLEASE ME, special, in a film 

more soon. 

6:09 pm in review on OCTOBER 26 th 2023, the stranger rat terriers were pounding on stone outside again today hours and returned with a ladder  against my rental estate that is close to my windows and into the roof, and banged on rock outside all day, right outside my office desk area estate rental  villa window at about 12 steps from my beautiful tree lined stone walking path which is a private stone walk way to the back extra parking, in case I buy a boat, I have a spare area in front street and back, which I pay for monthly. And the entry fir arrangement evergreen with large silk hand cut ribbon was shuffled, with ruin to the fir bouw I hung by the entry, the small table was with vandal in the entry,  and a roaster at Stewart’s incidently when I was just there for a small few items. The professionals at STEWARTS are always very kind and helpful in purchase. I wish to say thank you. Of course, it’s concerning with issues of concerns to all renters and property owners to note see concerns with trampling people in yards, entries, unlicensed type of painters, concerns with unethical installed fencing, not with license in registered insurance to even to touch house paint. With no registered business. And printer ink in hot water with theys, noses. Painter vandals.  Very large concerns, and a frequent yeller, some missing mail in this last year. And unregistered mail solicitation  with no business standard in registered postal number for any bulk mail. And with a postal marking Postal stamped. Missing.  And missing personal mail. Two bit vandals and light blight, with motors in mouths using skeet shoot mouthing  in some local stores., wrong shoes sizes. Ready to line up into a roll with the dc dirty dozen, with a very hard harror to the USA. Then use of munion has been aimed  at me and others, with upset and very large concerns of delay to my sweet lovely very well known company.  Caused in delay mortifying entry issues for months. Detailing even more which are a concern to every USA citizen, from the skeet zagnut into also dc dirty dozers, which I will take time for in Banana News Revival international press. 
The reviews are with a few more posts, before the pre announcement for 
autumn winter 2023, into 2024 

MASH 4077, is with some wonderful intellectual darling people with a very serious comment film in review that they kindly created of extreme concerns, and thank you everyone.
With a Film  More about the film and misfit unethical type o, of USA army navy marines issues,
in Banana  News

more soon. 

delightful quartered dill pickles, a fine stew -with shrimp, wide egg noodles and a American Asian vegetable meddly, in a chicken / beef vegetarian bullion broth, with home made fresh pizza faiccochi with two riche soft Italian cheeses. My hand blended lime cherry soda, and diet cola with an extra glass of ice water. 

Photographic Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 12:40 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, 
USA NOW, OCTOBER 27 th 2023, with a very good product which you may possibly use if there is a possible fuel spill in your automobile, or a strange scent in your home, or office, OZIUM in a tiny can, spray only just a tiny spritz is needed to effectively dionize any type of fuel or fuel like scent, read 
Some fuel stations sell OZIUM and is a fine product to know about if you need it. In any type of toxin in your home, a baby powder proofed into the air all over the rooms of your home, very high poof in air, is also very effective to dionize a strange moisture cloud of a possible Fourth of July with possible unlicensed sparklers uses, residue of any sparklers or sparkle dust, and assure to wipe off the baby powder after a few days of poof in air to just clean up baby powder that nurtilized any toxin moisture than may have ploomed inside during summer months. Baking soda also in a thick paste and warm soapy water is also very good, to wipe refrigerator surfaces and even fine furnishings floors and rugs, and then dry with a dry clothe. Windows as well. Antibacterial wipes, will effectively clean any baby power surfaces and warm soapy water with a sponge works well too. 

More Soon. 1:03 am New York USA NOW, TIN PUMKIN ready for finest pumpkin breads and cookies and pie, are best to assure you have your tin of pumpkin and perhaps you may wish to purchase several tins. PUMKIN PIES READY TO PURCHASE FRESH ARE WORTH BUYING for a fine autumn October 31 st dinner, with some extra fun in paper mache pumpkins with a illustrious chocolate and sweet assortment to be thankful of all the inexpensive selections, into the finest of November 2023 pumpkin menus. The paper mache pumpkin fun, details will be online tomorrow with an October 2023 game, everyone loves as a secret tradition in of ancient international secrets for this October 2023. 

Traditions to begin, and love forever. With ancient international secrets. Soon. 

5:32 am from my Saranac Lake rental estate villa, 
with an updated email message from Billy Joel, with a many young people very in love with the idea to enjoy a October 2023 special time in with paper mache and filled of assorted sweets to savor, like grown ups everywhere as well, and a very special SPANISH ancient secret tradition in a secret game from the country of SPAIN after a fine menu and pumpkin  pie. With an assortment of pie with finest menus into the entire week of NOVEMBER 2023 with tiara suppers of opulent recipes NOVEMBER 2023. 
BILLY JOEL update email

more soon. 5:55 am with an update from New York, in Saranac Lake USA NOW, 
with a preview of the 1970’s WOODY WOODPECKER SHOW in film 

more WOODY WOODPECKER at utube free. with updated films. 

more soon.   8:10 pm GAGIA 

1:53 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, good day to everyone, ELTON JOHN sent me an email several days ago, and of course I wished to clarify with ELTON JOHN which email he sent, and well, ELTON JOHN, was it this one, it didn’t look like you. your messages are always so vibrant, so I wished to clarify. reviewing emails is very important, for everyone, read 

DEAF DUMB AND BLIND KID SURE PLAYS A MEAN PINBALL, is one of ELTON JOHN’S very loved songs even earlier than 1976, and well loved today, from thee ELTON JOHN NOW.

2:08 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, JAMES TAYLOR sent an email update, with an updated recording I AM GOING TO CAROLINA in my mind. I have to apologies for my delay in my film songs, JAMES TAYLOR, I realize your sweet poetic lovely music compostions  are with a very lovely large many people and even more, all over the world. LISTEN 

there seem to be some concerning issues again today, harrows of dr Suisse, 
thing one and thing two, with very harsh damaging issues caused. Reviewing thing one and thing two ( currently today, with loud pointed sound amplified kicking sound, pounding in rat terroir activities, head banging others quiet, and starter earlier, tromping, as if a dribble of dr. Suisse are with extreme concerns of my time, in my very lovely sweet rental apostate villa and upsets of  People of the USA. Including on la Sallie street, busy again,  financial districts, and myself. Some Dirty Birding, Heckle and Jeckle stunt punt,, in a circling and retched howelings. What type of howeling ? Where and when ? Second per second,  I think of Aretha Franklin, and her very personally individual political song, WHAT YOU SAY. 

3:54 update with more vadalizing in yellow tape on the building entry with illicide painters, with a entire summer these hobo’ s ruined the entry and even attempted to handle envelopes not belonging in their hand. Blocked postal boxed and wrecked the entry doors, while trapping the area close, even in side the entry hall. Caused delays in many ways, in extensive issue. Including dirties the stair inside. And half painted the entry with a second chance to rip roar more. With the numbers on the house broken as well several weeks ago. If you throw a quarter at blat head, it might bounce, everyone. The country of . Of course the paint is with very large concern. Bubbler issues. Mexico in South America, not to be confused with the USA STATE of NEW MEXICO, in the USA as a state only and not a country of GREAT as the country MEXICO, Is with quite a few messages too. While New Mexico in the USA with many cities of the USA with south western villages in the USA have messages too, in review. It’s going to be a review weekend. 

Looking at ELTON JOHN’s email, recently, it is a review of great importance more than ever in the minds of American People everywhere. International people as well. Just receiving a email in prestigious arts and culture standards, from many in the city of Toronto within the country of Canada, I have an interest in the reviews to post, a important poniant review in Canada as well. I will post the email today after a rather late breakfast mid afternoon for me, in my usually very quiet rental estate villa. Where I love to enjoy my recording times usually and busy schedule of projects, while enjoying lovely sunshine too. And usually quiet walk ways, with a very nice tiny village, that are of many whom accomplished great wages, and high cares to professionalism , and not as much in revenue as could have easily been, with such love for Saranac Lake and Lake Placid , gearing up for more travelers and quiet lovely times, all,  with an upset howeling concern. Reviewing the  political wrongs in films like dr. Suisse and the tale in the famous book known as the howling from an obscure author known in Chicago Illinoise its a fine question today to inquire about whose hat is it? And whose home was the cat in the hat in ? 

4:46 pm eastern standard time, un the USA, with a blizzar email, that is with type face of BLOOMBERG news ? , and very concerning exposee ‘ with strangers, as not the senator, not a registered license house painter, and with dipintheria snipits, unethical, 
while I realize MIKE BLOOMBERG, is a very busy professional with a great achieved reality, and I wished MIKE BLOOMBERG to see yet another concerning USA issue in review in every village in the USA 50 states of the wonderful country of the United States of America, 
( U. S. A. ).  read . Zeenews ?   What did everyone read? Speka ? In review and the eyes on pied piper
 ( woodworm flountcists  ) too. 

more soon. 

6:09 pm eastern standard time 
in the USA NOW. 
Bud Abbot and Lue Costello are somewhat with unusual reviews read more about Bud Abbot and Lue Costello, in reviews as a strait poker face man and Funny Papers man, man ? presentation on stage look in more reviews. thank you everyone. 

1972  and updated, again. 

more soon. 7:10 pm eastern standard time USA NOW,  it’s a great shoe in sports shoe, with a basic canvas in a assortment of colors for basic basket ball style, in a men’s size conversion chart needed,  in women’s sized at men size listed, 3.5 size grown up to 15 size, of a basic shoe, sport type, basketball stylish. READ  while not the classic converse low and ancle lace sport classic canvas shoe, for beginning basket ball players, just shootin hoops, ( toss) eased wand light weight, again-  ( toss alone to improve basket ball throw known as shootin, hoops. ) of course basket ball is with an indoor hoop and ball nerf soft, with a door hang hoop, many favored by young girls and boys and quiet soft nerf ball from nerf is always long lasting quality and extremely soft and quiet, to shoot hoops in doors, inside even a closet, ready to toss alone and really focus on aerodynamic sport warm ups. Pre Olympian focus fun. 
Ked Canvas Shoes are with assorted colors as well, and separate child sizes. 

more soon. 

10:17 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW is a message update from 
my very darling lovely RINGO STARR, whom is with extrodinary humanities of notable honor within music composition as well as with very notable Television Work , with 
THOMAS THE TRAIN, short series wonderful lovely, and a specialist in percussion, with fine drumming standards with some excellence, of the honored respects of classical philharmonic world symphonies as well, and a message in review today, LISTEN  
Ringo Starr’s  review film is very important. And what excitment with percussions, lyrics and of course extrodinary vocal broad compostions with quiet, the knowledge of track recording and more. 
Wild Ringo Starr. Folly Beach has a public beach that large. Wildly wonderful. Most everyone swims in- doors in the hotel room reservation with an extrodinary very quiet heated pool over looking the ocean. If you know the drive from Charleston SC, to FOLLY BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA USA. Falla la la la. Folly Beach. 

the updated recording is with an electronic drum key board with of course standards in head phones, while the acoustic percussions are sensitive with love for actual  buffered wall resonance in perfection of recordings which in the Beatles first recording were not easily achieved. While love for the Beatles is far larger than simply music compostions and are loved of music compostions all over the world from RINGO STARR and the four lovely darling men of the Beatles. John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison, From the very  beginning  and now and forever. 

more soon, about some issue RINGO STARR outlined in review in commentary film updated. 

Pepto Bismal is very good if you may have had a slight toxin from rare hammer snout  fish scales flakes, and excellent for alergy reduction, with a sip of the chalky remedy over and over gargling with it for a half hour sip by sip and the store bought inexpensive remedy can sooth throat, with a salt water rinse in basic table salt, 1 tsp in cold faucet water, mix until fully desolved and then gargle  again, and possibly a scope mouth wash. A fine ginger ale cola with cherry juice and lime blended in or even for grown ups a glass of a lite sweet wine, with two sweet and low, stirred, can be wonderful if you had an allergine or a slight concern with the asophogus. Also pepto bismal is good for a tummy upset. Dionizer spray can be helpful, in fabric as well yet not around foods or cooking areas, and a mild soap wash after spray sets thirty minutes is effective to deionize a possible toxin of even a rare hammer snouted silver fish sun burn. 
a large dish of ice cream with whipped cream, and extra milk and orange juice then is excellent to replenish and feel vitality. Whole milk and even a dish of ice cream is alway a great choice to essential daily nurtition excelence with other varieties of good menu foods.  

update 1:33 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW,
special NOVEMBER HOLIDAY earrings 

2:03 am OCTOBER 28 th 2023, With a message from some very nice people in GATLINBERG TENNESSEE AUNT MAHALIAS CANDIES within quaint quiet mountian villages of the 
GREAT SMOKEY MOUNTIANS with wonderful hand made chocolates fudges
 and luxurious candies priced ready to sell. And quite busy in those regions of the 
AMERICAN BLACK BEAR, and one of the USA’s largest biosphere diversity in plant forestation of USA forest regions which is set among five of the 50 USA countries states of many cities within all 50 states. 

travelers of the USA Smokey Mountians in Aunt Mahalia Candies in film 

4:34 am Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW 

4:44 am Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW 
Men’s Parfume Et Du, toiletries by VERSACE 
Under $10.00 free shipping in a FAVORITE RICHE 
Thank You, merci ‘ again everyone, beautiful. xo with love from myself,
 princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

5:50 pm from my tiny luxuriously quiet village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW, 
OCTOBER 28 th 2023,  perhaps a place to wear your fine linen skirt, and trouser, even a Irish Wool, finely made knit sweater, and enjoy the pristine lush love, in remakable forestry of the tiny village, of a very quiet, long ancient history, in an evermore. With every ancient detail, and lovely a village of very fine people, dispite, a few, of what my relatives, tiny boys once as my brothers 1969 at about age 6 and 7 saying at time, which were seldom of upset, of garish, meenies, expanding  their upset at times in words clearly, with vabrato, 
PECKER HEADS, of course, more times, very properly spoken, 
in finest cares, those boys. Not always reserved to say PECKER HEAD in an indiscriminate reality. Of boys and girls, bad mannered. Today, a dirty birding was again, in a very close issue, and I have a film I selected of the distain of the village and villages far and near, and all over the world as well, internationally, with some very serious dismal activities very harsh, of pecker heads, while I do not recommend the film for children, it is certainly viewable, of in thoughts of the damaged lives of children that were so pleased to be all of a privileged to be in a proper public education class room, with bright minds all, and love for great opportunity to always free to all children into youth ages, in fine public schools, in those very important years kindergarten through 12 th grade,  to expand within their levels of education in kind structures of many efforts. Never to be without the very assurances to assure pencils sharp, and with piles of their own abc and 123 work, in school classes with fine a USA. With dignities village to village tiny and large, and a film to the USA I have not yet seen, and did look at the beginning : 

after the dirty birdies, popping,  again today, and reviews, it’s an uncensored film of 
WOODY WOODPECKER in film now. Over an hour. Not yet pounding pavement the right way. Pounding pavement is an old term of words, in a statement brief, which means that it’s a time to really hunt for a job, and with many that have fine employed people and are not hiring. Then it’s by foot, to pound pavement into a drastic desperation far a reality, many with no room on a full time schedule with great professionals.  Not yet in book, while originally in Sunday Illuminated Inked Funny Papers, 
with ink spots. Ode the seriousness. Rip roaring of ode, in ody, dweeblies Des, and Dweeblee, dumb.

Not a very lovely quiet of a roaring economic stabilization, as a very concern, and even more concerns depicted in the WOODY WOODPECKER SHOW, while reviews get serious. Cultural Love,
is important to everyone in the whole world as a loved idealism in 
preservations of many, far and near. A  humming roaring economy 
of all, in greatest love, is not always easy. 

more soon. 

You Know It Don’t Come Easy 
written in the 1970’s  
RINGO STARR LISTEN  of course poetically paying you dues means great economic in real effort to a reality of assured standards in companies and fine not bad wage increases. 
In a grind at times, in any real, authentic employment opportunity. Then budgeting for your financial gain, well, is due dilligant effort in monthly and year planning of your own budgets. Buying low in basics is always great for many reasons. Not paying a pippler dribbling brimming druples arcadia zagnuitgh. 

more soon. 

12:12 am from my tiny village in 
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW 
OCTOBER 29 th 2023 just after midnight. 

emailed earlier this week, from SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN 
thee Kremlin of the lovely country of  vaste very large wonderful country of RUSSIA READ 

12:19 pm Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW
7:20 am MOSCOW RUSSIA and October 29 th in all of RUSSIA morning hours now throughout the RUSSIAN TIME ZONES in Eastern Europe. good morning to everyone in Eastern Europe. Enjoy your breakfast well, and happy SUNDAY all throughout all of Europe NOW.  sweet dreams throughout the western continents of the USA and, CANADA, South American Countries, many and all, as well as Cuba, and all south seas countries, in the tropics. 

more soon. 

Billy Joel, update after midnight, with some others, with dairy cattle bergades, facing a foot ball field. read 
and more woody peckers in my outer inside entry had a Roman Hollowsday. Tramping the entry 1:30 am.  Stage porvets,. 
Even after those banana trucks. 

5:26 pm from my tiny village, Saranac Lake 
NEW YORK USA NOW, TOPS GROCERY with big eye ball cookie recipes, sometimes called evil eyes, while the groceries in the USA are selling pumpkin pies, very delicious and the pumkin recipes are going to be absolutely a favorite all over the world throughout some finest suppers throughout November 2023. With an extra special reality this autumn unlike any other. 

SPAINISH secrets for the very last day into the week of October 2023 is with a fine very special menu some what simplistic with a few little games, and some fine bowls to create on your own, with a few recycled types of containers. Even a tiny hand made head adornment, before the extra luxuries suppers of wonderful NOVEMBER 2023 with excellent holiday finest into an all November 2023 and enough into ease of December 2023. 

The Holiday Menu for the last day of OCTOBER 2023, is with a very special fried chicken menu 
Butter Milk Hand Rolled Hand Cut biscuit baked extra fresh and hot out of the oven, with soft cream butter. Learning to actually roll and cut biscuits is for every age, and exciting. A rootbeer cola is a good choice with extra ice cream, and grocery store pumkin pie or a selection of a favorite pie, is something to enjoy and even freeze a few slices for later, in the week. Mashed potatoes with cream milk and pure dairy fresh butter, are excellent if prepared with inexpensive fresh uncooked garden potatoes. 
A spare can of cranberry jelly, might be a flavor you acquire in enjoyment. Sweet potatoes in a can can be prepared well too, and a lovely fresh bay of uncooked larger whole unpeeled garden carrots are essential in OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 2023 with my special recipe carrot Ala orange with brown sugar marshmallow topping. Pop corn, in a fine inexpensive bag, is a great little fun to learn basic pop on corn even at an earlier age, within your own parents at home. JIFFY POP POP CORN is ready to pop in its own pan very low priced, and easy for first time pop beginning pop corn chefs. 

and of course, chocolates and sweets that are very inexpensive in a few larger bags, and with a fine very special sampling in a special bowl that is to savor all winter perhaps. Your own, very own special sweets pre wrapped for outstanding quality freshness. 

menu:   recipe list,   
Uncooked  Chicken or FRIED CHICKEN FROM BANQUET’ freezer area in grocery, ready to bake.
Uncooked Chicken , bread crumbs seasons Italian style, one egg, and cooking vegetable oil
large economical bag of potatoes very hard firm potatoes 
large bag of Fresh Garden Carrots whole unpealed
butter whole milk / several bags of assorted sweets, chocoles varieties and candies specialties.
Biscuit Mix Butter Milk, in a box, I prefer Bisquick for the chicken and biscuits, while several other brands are fine, and inexpensive is important with a large box of biscuit mix. 
Frenches Mustard USA Brand, FRENCH’S  and a small , dejion vu mustard import from France, or domestic USA with a stone ground horseradish mustard, with horseradish grown in primarily the State of Louisiana USA, for all USA brands, with other brands internationally. Many fine mustards in the country of ENGLAND and GERMANY not sold in imports can be special traveling in EUROPE. 

A tin of cranberry jelly, and a tin of sweet potato yams. pop corn, one bag. Brown Sugar and Marshmallows, Carmel sauce, whipped cream and a pumpkin pie. Or your choice of pie, two pies are always good, and keep in the refrigerator well. Chocolate Cake freezer cake, by PEPRIDGE FARMS, 
is always delicious too. Don’t forget some candy corn, bright orange sugar sweets. Orange Juices is always an essential and a spritzer or orange juice with cherry juice, from maraschino cherries is very good with ginger ale or with mineral water that is sparkling. Apple Cranberry juice is always a great juice to enjoy the finest sprizer too. I like to buy a mango purée as well. It is sold in Quart size cartons. Goya brand is always very good, from a South American country. Even with a shot of orange juice, stirred in. An extra whole bag of marshmallows might be needed. You may wish to purchase two bags of marshmallows. Large and small are fine. A jar of mincemeat. And a Jar of molasses, you will need. Into the November Month, with cinnamon , nutmeg whole nut spice, and ginger. All in small tins or small finest glass spice bottles. Mc Cormick, is the USA Brand. 

special very delicious pop corn balls, to really make at home, are a very special secret recipe. Later into the first week of NOVEMBER 2023. Peanuts dry roasted in a jar, lowest price is a fine extra to have on hand. Excellent to mix into pop corn balls. 

 You may wish to purchase a whole bag of pop corn, and not microwave pop corn. 

A secret game from ancient SPAIN, is exciting. You will need a few sheets of paper and a pencil. And some scotch tape, or a small roll of any kind of wide inexpensive tape. If you are prepared to get a bit elaborate, a piece of plain clothe and a marker with Velcro Stickers  can be purchase into the NOVEMBER MONTH, for the ancient game of the secret GAME of the country of SPAIN. Inexpensive silky clothe, after a paper game made first , is always a great fun. You will need a blind fold, eye patch, for both eyes, clothe or a double pirate patch made from paper and tape is somewhat creative too. Milk cartons for a whole gallon of milk empty if you have one, is for the hand made crown, or use a two liter cola bottle, or cereal box. And I will take time to post the full recipes and the finest in ancient secrets of the country of SPAIN for the first autumn beginning supper usually the last day in OCTOBER, OR within the first few days of NOVEMBER internationally. Orange and red and yellow, hand made lamp covers for table top center pieces can be quite exciting. Jelly Candied in Fruit sugared wedges are delicious too. 

The first menu list is posted, recipes begin soon. more soon. 
The secret game of ancient SPAIN, I can hardly wait. 

7:26 pm with some unusual message email update from RUSSIA of the government of RUSSIA, at the Kremlin’s concerning most lovely concerns as a concerning issue, of the USA, and possible wrongful names in very serious concerns. Such as the name Alma. And not my mother Alma. Not Jimmy Stewart’s mother either. And others. Like Jimmy Stewart, for instance. Of course a wrong name such as same as the middle eastern president? in the USA stew, would be even more a concern in the tiny village of Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW and very serious for every village in the USA as well, meekis is even anouther concerning work name, meekis, or was it meekus. That is one small shoulder in that photograph. Looking more at the NYFA, people all over the world and villages all in the USA inch by inch, are with very serious concerns, why, everyone gives a dam, and reading the very wrong picture pages, some photograph not exactly right, seriously, read 

MORE IN MIDDLE EASTERN political OCTOBER 2023 holiday notes, perhaps, while my very darling friend of many years, at least as early as the 1980’s JEFF BRIDGES, is with a serious prices in food message at Jeff Bridges twitter site, read in reviews, JEFF BRIDGES cares about too. In the USA. 
Of course ancient holiday fun in all middle Eastern European Countries are with love for a secret HOLIDAY GAME, children all over the world will love and grown ups too, with vigar. 

merci ‘ to you Jeff Bridges with love darling. 
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. The daisies were very beautiful. xo. 

9:02 pm from my tiny estate rental villa, CROCKADILE ROCK 
in the 1970 ‘ compostion of music and an update today from thee composer ELTON JOHN
in film HTML or link to go ahead and LISTEN 

Film Credit : ELTON JOHN updated just for me, with everyone in the audience thank you to Elton John and everyone, in love notes to love all over the world. xo with love. 

9:23 pm in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, with a update from 
JAMES TAYLOR, in a special serious  recording of conversation, and a hell on the other side of some, gosh James Taylor, thank you, darling Sweet James Taylor, with updates on 
and very important times of buying your very own first automobile alone. 

more soon. 

MUSTARD is with so many exceptional brands and flavors of pure mustard and in a tiny MIDDLETON wall of photographs of mustards nationally and knowledge of a few internationally 
WISCONSIN MUSEUM OF MUSTARD they have a whole wall filled with photographed mustards including FRENCH’S brand, by Mc Cormicks USA spice excellences company, including dry mustard for well over 50 or more years. What brand of mustard did you enjoy at age 4 years old, and where was your very favorite coney shop? Have you enjoyed a fine German American Mustard ? Or authentically Japanese in Japan ? A difficult Japanese ingredience label in Japanese. And many international mustards all different in brand and flavors. Printed in international words. What memories of fine mustards, then and now.

After 11:00 ? Minute of PYE PYE .  Reviews are serious in all villages. 
PYE PYE , 1970s into Sunday Funny Papers and then basic film, not exactly for children, in a perplexity 
and still fine for children in a few minutes brief update, uncensored and with more PYE PYE , ? in film 

1:39 am an hour and thirty nine minutes after midnight OCTOBER 30 th 2023 
from my tiny estate rental villa in late working supper

2:05 am eastern standard time USA now, 
very nice of everyone, at the Museum Of Mustard, updated post read 
finest appartiffe coffee expresso with whipped cream and riche coco, with ice cream, perfect in 2023. 
CHICKEN BEAN STEW WITH WIDE EGG NOODLES, IN A VERY RICHE BULLION BROTH. wonderful grilled in just a little butter, the hot pizza fiacctia dipped in stew was extremely delicious. Fine lime cherry hand made special recipe soda is always perfect.

photographic credit : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. Grocery Update for ancient THE SPAIN GAME 
list is with a few extra things, you will need a pair of safety scissors. Very important detail. A few tins of corn sweet corn, and if you enjoy sweet finest corn bread, a jiffy mix of corn bread mix always low prices by JIFFY BRAND CORN BREAD MIX, USA BRAND JIFFY, with my extra special preparations for finest beginning supper with pumpkin and more. Oat meal, biscuits extra for your puppy is good warm out of the oven too, with cats too, small kibble size., tin of tuna is always a favorite with a small dish of milk. 

more soon.

5:38 am from my Saranac Lake New York, tiny estate rental villa NOW . 

Royal Film “ tiny chocolates “ from myself: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

and the TWIG TIARA for the first autumn supper with a few end twig clippings and clear tape, even some colorful chocolate wrapper, folded and taped, could be exciting with a fine special recipe basic mastery of real fried chicken, and biscuits, with creamy mashed potatoes made easily with plenty of soft butter. A tiara hand made crown, for the first autumn special supper could be made from cut cereal boxes across diagonally in a loop wide enough to create your own brilliant tiara, even a milk carton will make a silky creamy tiara crown, with careful cuts and a focus all your own. 

Royal Film “ tiny chocolates “ from myself: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

and the TWIG TIARA for the first autumn supper

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

Autumn 2023 first supper royal film 

more soon. 

I am splendidly intoxicated of BOB DYLAN, whom I have known far before the year 1990 on my first drive alone in my own self purchased as every penny  paid in full, for my  JAPANESE IMPORT AUTOMOBILE I purchases brand new 1986 direct from JAPAN, driving wildly,  in a bear run region,  6 to 7 hour drive to CHARLESTON SOUTH CAROLINA, guest reservation at the finest hotel THE MAXWELL, with a luxurious terrace upper level heated pool, with fine French African restaurants walking distance from the HOTEL MAXWELL, and loved the delights of seeing darling BOB DYLAN, whom lived in the same little southern tiny regions, then. A fine drive to a southern USA ocean, for a few days was more often, and luxurious. Sweet darling lovely Bob Dylan, lovely sir Dylan.  The very special update  About England, yes. from Bob Dylan, in an exciting press statement is such a wonderful surprise just for me, thank you so well,  in a very special time for love notes, to everyone everywhere all over the world. 
a press statement of thee BOB DYLAN now. LISTEN 

Perfect of you Darling Bob Dylan, love and kisses from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo, and muchos gratcious “ 

more soon. 

The First Autumn Supper 2023 
Easily you can purchase a finer box in the grocery freezer of finest fried chicken from BANQUET CHICKEN and then bake the chicken using the instructions on the box. The raw uncooked chicken I purchase is breast meat chicken, and sometimes drum stick chicken for a fine breaded chicken with extra bbq sauce. The breast meat chicken is easily sliced in your preparation, buying the economy pack, lower prices and wrap each piece of chicken your not going to cook imidiatly in plastic wrap and then freeze the chicken right away the same day you purchase for freezer fresh frozen , and then assure to cook the thawed chicken once sliced in madalions, within two days from freshly purchasing. The raw sliced madalion chicken once cut, must be on a flexi cutting surface, and in two bowls add egg beaten in one, and bread crumbs Italian style in the other, then dip all chicken madalion in egg first then bread crumbs well, then carefully put on a clean dry plate, as you then dip again very carefully and egg again, and Italian  bread crumbs again. Set on your plate very carefully. While then , in a very large sautee’ pan, add vegetable oil with about an inch of oil in the pan, as you turn the stove top on, and heat the oil. Low and well heated, five minute, then your ready to cook chicken breaded in the large sautee ‘ pan. You must watch the chicken very carefully to cook a dark golden color and then with two forks or a slotted spoon, or tong, flip the chicken to assure a dark golden brown on both sides. Place a end of a bread slice crust on the fresh new clean dry plate, and then when chicken is golden dark enough, remove the chicken breaded Italian season madalions on to the bread slices and the oil is absorbed and a crisper chicken is perfected. 

Do not cover the fried chicken. 

The potatoes are very easily cooked after slicing into thick slices on a very clean washed with dish detergent well, and rinsed and dry, wash each potatoe, cut, toss into a large pot of water, two potatoes per person, and then boil until the potatoe slides off the fork easily when you fork the potatoes,
Then drain put back in large pot, add a little cup of cream whole milk just a little at a time and a half or more stick of butter,. Then mash by hand or an electric old style hand mixer. Cover the pot fast, to keep extra warm and add more milk little by little for creamier potatoes. Assure you have a stick of room temperature butter, for even more butter topped potatoes when ready to enjoy at your plate. A whole stick of butter on the small plate with a butter knife, for each plate for each person, is an elegant setting. 

Buscuits must be mixed with all instruction on the biscuit mix. After, you may then toss the dough once mixed on a flour board ready and very clean and dry. Measure a cup of flour white bleached all purpose whete baking flour, and pour a 1/4 of the cup onto the flour board, then toss the dough of the biscuit on flour, after add flour to the top of dough and with a flat glass  roll out the dough, and then cut circles into the thick flat dough. With a flour on you clean dry hands, then lift the round buscuits onto a backing aluminum pan, and pre heat the oven for 350’ degree s to bake your fresh biscuits . What next ? Bake and assure not to burn, 6-9 minute or until golden brown. Butter your lovely buscuits at the table when ready to enjoy your menu. A can of cranberry Jelly sliced is very good with the chicken and biscuits and freshly made fluffy delicious mashed potatoes. A fine jar of BBQ sauce can be easily heated and wonderful for your fine menu.  Or a honey mustard from a jar. Or pure fried chicken. 

Rootbeer, or ginger ale with lime cherry is excellent with ice water as well. Plenty of chicken and potatoes with biscuits for a second plate, before sweets of pie pumpkin perhaps apple and even cherry, maybe. And pure fine dairy ice cream, with whipped cream, chocolate fudge sauce, and Carmel sauce, maraschino cherries and crushed peanuts too, is a fine beginning 
first autumn Tiara Supper into even more in 
NOVEMBER 2023. with coco or fine imported coffee specialty. enjoy the recipes well. 

more soon. 

9:03 am Saranac Lake NEW YORK NOW 

Turkey with MR BEAN, and a dinner guest, from an update now, in a updated presentation from 
ROWEN ATKINSON of MR BEAN in review a special in film

9:19 pm from my tiny estate rental villa, Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW.

from the country of SPAIN, is a few ancient secrets for an autumn of the first event supper, and some fine paper mache’ in SPANISH ROYAL GOLD PAPER MACHE’ of an ancient artistry of an autumn to savior and find sacred the times, with even fun, filled bowl with lush riche, many kinds of sweets in wrapped chocolates and sugary perfected wrapped confections as even mint candies too. The Royal Gold  Paper Mache’ of bowls can be made with, some gords, if you can buy a dry gord, or a finely hand made plastic modern bowl, from two liter cola bottles is quite luxurious a paper mache’ for the ancient autumn sweets. 
More about the ROYAL SPAIN ancient secret paper mache’ soon. 

The GAME OF SPAIN in ancient and with a finest blind fold, and a home made drawing in pencil on paper the autumn 2023 is a very vibrant game of a DONKEY with a tail, to pin on the DONKEY. 
Carefully draw in pencil your EVENT DONKEY, and cover the DONKEY with sheer plastic tape on the tail of The DONKEY and all areas, wide packaging tape works well. Then with a shred of fabric cut a tail and fasten a wire twist tie on it at the top of the tail with good posterior  closure. Carefully tape the DONKEY DRAWING to the wall during your special first autumn event supper. After supper when all dished are ship shape clean, relax with coco and pie, and perhaps then some Spanish Guitar with your blindfold ready, cover your eyes? Can you see through that blind fold ? Please. Then with a sticky piece of tape rolled, then attach it to the tail of the DONKEY and secure your blind  fold while you spin around with love and good graces, promise, and now, the tail, ah yes, pin the tail on the DONKEY. And grown ups and all ages of childern too, young grown ups, even might enjoy TWIG TIERAS, and hot coco with whole milk. chocolates  assorted to excite the senses of fine work in many ways, even assortments  low priced sweets, and think about more mashed potatoes, and even a root beer float, with a love to even dance to Spanish Guitar and more, will you be good at pin the tail on the DONKEY ?  

Even a grown up 4 oz sip of SANGRIA ‘ or more, or your favorite bottle of an inexpensive wine. Or coco with cream de coco. Mint Milk Shake Ice Cream Float, And even more music compostions from me at love notes to enjoy the first autumn supper 2023 with many special messages of love from everyone everywhere all over the world. With special love to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia too, wishes of even more kisses sent, to shower VLADIMIR PUTIN’s fine love of the whole world, with lovely wishes to everyone in RUSSIA, wishes finest all over the world. 

10:17 am Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, A DAY AT THE RACES update,
 with darling brilliant Karl Marx and with two other very good everyone, in review film stage updates. Review Excerpts of a two hour movie major motion picture silver screen film 
Thank you very well, everyone. And lovely Karl Marx, I love you all, xo ci. 

more soon. 

8:33 pm eastern standard time, with a serious update from a serious review, in rubber issues and very awful rat terriers of extreme serious reviews in the USA, With issues concerning munition - in unethical aim, foot ready rat terrier pu, and not that of a fine polanisian Hawaiian PUPUVOY PLATTER in a finest ancient tradition to be an invite to everyone in the whole world, and no delays, in finest lovely plans, travels, and finest of people everywhere, with greater a people everywhere in every village all over the USA and villages all over the world. I have to say, with great vigar, where is the grocery stores in Israel ? 
You know, in EUROPE. ISRAEL, where are all the public libraries in ISRAEL ? Cab to which grocery and with which mustard brand? Perhaps more serious in ways, to attempt such a concern in a few dc dirty dozers that have caused extreme damages and even a very large discontent in international countries as also in large Canada as well, and I should say, DI spicable in USA villages in a distain, and a greater fortitude of even greater experiences of worth, leisure and work in a very large accumulative fine excellence, of looking forward to exillerating loveliest, in what is mundane in a sallow of barren, the hard wood trees in a soft sweetness, into all of winter, with very good a world. North South East and West, even right in your tiny village too. Rat terriers tales , no.

the few, in attempts at even more than minions - blaming others with a two inch pop, or even much farther, are dirty bastards, close your ears childern, cover them, please a minute, and bastards are a few, with a description of today, in no matter of an almamatter of any achievement true, and no farther. Properly said, 
the word is BASTARDS, dirty dc dozer, lapping up with spur and swaggling- pretty much a gloss of the finer mangeriers, and the villages in some areas are putting sinker boots in the window in a few shops, for a peaceful message, of a swap rat terrier footed and fisted, doc heiler ‘s of the bitter to even Hellen Keller. 


Very serious sinker boots I would say, quite serious, and then the thought of an issue of some concerns in tax standards too, and even that of DR. FRANKENSTIEN mastectomy of unethics too. 
Sinker boots are in all sizes, and in forest green. Hung with a pole. And a tackle box, owners of a window store front, might be interested in a statement message in peace that is that serious. And of course yards and yards of red tape wide silk nylon ribbon to into winter holiday 2023. Red Tape rules and regulations of standards and pohvez , RUSSIAN, poyvez, word, in the USA poyboi as in finest shrimp sandwiches grilled and delicious specialty. USA  MEDTECK ? anyone. Tiara making is very well loved all over the world. And it’s nearly time to make the pop corn. soon. with real pop corn stringing with a few dried fruits chopped too, with pop corn balls. Extrodinary chocolate fudge pop corn balls as well. Not as big as a torontosourus egg. or Mr Beans Turkey.  After being served sleepy mistletoes that a dinner guest never asked to even hang. It’s the very bad, tiny leaves of a fugal plant, that grows in tree tops, that can, gain only, monoverimit bowevel. Book rat terriers too. 

In serious review. Taxes of appropriation in budgetary taxes are very very important, with a finest holiday in autumn of the first autumn supper, with ancient games from the country of SPAIN and other 
countries too internationally and in the USA, too, are very exciting. With incredible people villages all, 
all over the of lovely messages to me, and love for love notes - serious love. Incredible everyone. 

more soon. 9:59 pm eastern standard time in the USA NOW from my tiny village with an extrodinary message review from darling HARRISON FORD, in a very forthright review in film 
the message from HARRISON FORD, directly is a serious review. Even concerns in careless few, rat , tatteres dc dirty dozers, rat terroir munion large USA  issues, darling HARRISON FORD, included. While the manuscript from 
TENNESSEE WILLIAMS mailed was missing ? 

merci ‘ darling HARRISON FORD, with love. From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Soon again, it’s going to be time for RON’S bbq in the loop of Chicago Illinoise as a lovely very good BBQ risterante forever. What excitment, and very reasonable at $6.50 for a lovely dinner it was and will be. Busy. Pencils and Paper drawing tonight all over the world, Harrison Ford, with a fine swirling spin, SPANISH  guitar too, and more, and a pirate eye patch, perhaps, with neck ties, and scarves, finest, close other eye,  donkey tails, HARRISON FORD. Cracking the whip, very nice, hand mashed whipping potatoes, filled with creamy whole milk and extra butter, perfection, yes, crack the whip,
 HARRION FORD. For the most opulent whipped potatoes more all winter freshly made. 


the secret ancient game 
of greatest lovely, the country of SPAIN one minute royal sketch 
from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett for the excitment of the first autumn event supper 2023 
in the USA and all over the world. Every age invited, everywhere. 

PHOTOGRAPH CREDIT / sketch credit, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

SPECIAL UPDATE FROM THEE YUL BRENNER whom created a recording in very special spainish guitar duel, extremely special just for me, and love notes, to everyone all over the world. Yul Brenner dueling soft Spanish Guitar especiale’ ole lai’ in film 
grotcious’ darling ole padre’’ everyone, xo with love, and gracious thank you. 
Very lovely. So pleasingly beautiful. Thank you again. 

more soon. 3:19 am from my tiny 
village rental estate villa,
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW,

 Introspective Review Film 
in conversation 
speaking with Conan O’ Brian 
in an inpromtue lovely gentle brilliant delight, for me, 
in messages of love, post for love notes to everyone all over the whole world. 

sweet , everyone, darling of you both, very much, 
thank you both with love from myself,
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
perfectly lovely. thank you again. 

Clint Eastwood, brief update from TWITTER, READ 

5:17 pm from my tiny rental estate villa, in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, 
good day to everyone in Saranac Lake NEW YORK as I wish you all a finest first autumn event supper, simply with perhaps pumpkin pie, or another lovely choice of delicious pie

Good Day to everyone everywhere across the USA and internationally everywhere all over the world. 
it is with my very best wishes to each and every person on earth, to enjoy a very fine, lovely first autumn event supper, with fun, and serious reviews. I realize so many people all over the world, are with a sweet little DONKEY GAME, hand made for after supper with the delights of ice cream and freshly baked pie, with whipped cream, and import after dinner coffee, and hot coco made with steamed milk as well, with a dollop of whipped cream for hot coco of course. The SPANISH GUITAR post in a special message from sir Yul Brenner and his guest is very special. Please listen again and again. SPAINISH, sixce means ? 
I had better brush up on my SPANISH. In the country of SPAIN, in EUROPE of course, everyone speaks of course SPANISH, as well as in South American Countries. 

It’s a special delivery message to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia now and again, with love to you sir Vladimir darling, as I wish you the very most lovely supper with a very special walnut chocolate pie, in a layer of pumpkin cheese cake, in that little Black Forest shop in Moscow Russia, to assure at least one pie, to purchase and enjoy special supper menus too, throughout NOVEMBER 2023.

love to you darling Sir Vladimir Putin
Love to everyone in RUSSIA, people of RUSSIAN 
government people too, with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

PAUL MC CARTNEY emailed an update, today for review, and a very special message from PAUL MC CARTNEY and JOHN LENNON, RINGO STARR, and GEORGE HARRISON, thee Beatles.
for love notes today. LISTEN 

5:52 pm New York USA NOW 
12:54 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW NOVEMBER 1 th 2023 sweet dreams everyone in Russia. 5:56 am in Beijing China NOW, too, November 1 st 2023. Good Morning in the far east of European Asia 
enjoy your day everyone. Thank you all for the wonderfully lovely messages from around the whole world, including all people of Israel, Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Scotland, all Middle Eastern European countries, including Iraq and Iran, of course. Africa, thank you very well everyone. Of very large AFRICA, Egypt, and Austria, Greece, Australia,  the country of Turkey, Libya, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and even many more countries of very fine people in EUROPE, with ENGLAND of course. The Beatles are all from the country of England. What a first supper of autumn 2023. 

very good wishes to my relatives,. too.  

more soon. I HAVE CRUNCHY FRIED CHICKEN details to prepare now. 
a message from my ole darling friend, Ann Bancroft. I am excited to receive her lovely messages, and serious reviews too, 
posted soon. 

7:52 pm New York USA NOW, with a very nice special gear fishing weigher sinker pant boot, not often used in any type of river actually, only used for shallow boot deep, paronha streems, with possible large trout, or pike fish, with scoop with a fishing net. 
small very shallow streems only, read  a few real owners of some village shops have put up weighted sinker fishing boot rubberized waterproof pants in their stores, and a few in store front expensive village style glass windows. Very lovely to even be employed in, too. Fine ancient villages, are with great efforts and some incredible worthy achievements as well, in every village across the USA. Incredible everyone. I have to say to the whole world, thank you so, finest you all are in each tiny detail. 

Enjoy your SPAIN GAME, as my gift of an  ancient secret. 

more soon. review update from STING with light issues inside ? And where is your lovely Spanish Guitar I sent you darling Sting. My gosh, thank you for the updated review. In film In person darling is such very graces of love, with your sweet soft Spanish Guitar. More Sting, I think, I need you. 

merci darling STING. love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

9:00 pm from my sweet tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, 
USA NOW,  a movie, and dinner, and a gift of a SPAIN GAME, 
within and ancient secret game of pin the tail on the DONKEY. 

MY DINNER WITH ANDRE in full movie film 
with WALLACE SHAWN , directed by 
LOUISE MALLE ancient darling friends of mine in an intellectual uncensored all ages, perplexing work from lovely geniuses, I love well.

what a surprise everyone, updated film now for me at love notes. Perfectly lovely. Grotcious ‘ 

3:47 am from my tiny rental estate villa, in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW 
the first day of NOVEMBER, NOVEMBER  1 st 2023  with SPAIN GAME SUPPER details. 

pumpkin cheese cake pie 
& a cherry pie w/ chocolate 
gram cracker oat crust 

Photograph Credit : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

with crisp onion rings 

Photograph Credit: Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Plated Fried Chicken, Crusted Broccoli Fricasee ‘ with excellence crisp onion rings and a fine orange cherry juiced spritzer, freshly chilled brewed ice tea, sweetened, 
and a Diet Coke chilled.  Served with a quarter slice of whole sour dill pickle. And French’s Brand, honey mustard, which the Multi National Company sent me as a fun little gift. 

Photographic Credit: Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

ONE MINUTE ROYAL SKETCH  an ancient secret GAME OF SPAIN, for the very first autumn pumpkin supper events 2023 With everyone everywhere all over the world, 


ONE MINUTE ROYAL SKETCH: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Everyone all over the world loves the fine supper, with extra foods into the weekend too. 
The SPAIN GAME was well loved. 

more soon. 6:35 am from my tiny village Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW

update special from THE PAUL SIMON and CHEVY CHASE, in reviews, of THEE PAUL SIMON’s 
very well loved music compostion 
PAUL SIMON wrote in very serious reality, and made very famous a song in the 1980’s, 
CHEVY CHASE, humous and serious, movies, yes, and upsetting ?
 Where is PAUL SIMONS GUITAR, and PIANO ? My gosh everyone, you updated the 2014 FILM 
Paul Simon, how did you get my red drum, I purchase in St LOUIS ?
Nice my darling friends, yes, it was my bones song I composed  at age 4 years old. 1969. 
Them bones, dry bones. Of course bone is the spine of a basic text book. And Bone Pottery Tea Cups. Short for bonnapite ( FRENCH = most enjoyable wishes to you ). Turkish risterante Clark Steet , ci. 
Sweet of both of you darling men, in the updated reviews in film. Leoni’s. Bring my violin. 
Are you wearing powder, ? 

more soon. from my tiny rental estate villa, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, 

My DARLING  MEN, ARE OUTRAGIOUSLY WONDERFUL, ORANGE JUILUS, RISTERANTE so long ago, is as  vivid as you all, while mustards last stand awaits yet again, FRANK SINATRA, BING CROSBY , and my other sweet heart, 
DEAN MARTIN, go to jell, sauce buliabase jell from a tin, never. Everyone in Newark New Jersey, with Henry Miller, use cube bullion, we will be perfect, I promise. The work within the stabilization of the USA economy continues, with your exciting, incredible surprise message today, perfectly sweet, my very darling men, daring, friends you all are, you’re absolutely perfect. Brats all around, again.
  xo with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. What a lovely surprise everyone. 
Thank you with kisses and love. 

in FILM 

more soon. review special update 8:36 am NEW YORK USA, from
with a review now what more, about 1970’s ? in conversation film 
Thank you everyone, taking time in over an hour monologue for me. Simply Smashing. 
xo with kisses, catch. I love you all. Wildly. 

The lovely late 
the FIRST 2023 AUTUMN SPAIN GAME SUPPER  with the most wonderful 
PUMPKIN CHEESE CAKE pie, with gram cracker oat, crust, carmel sauce, and confetti candy vanilla ice cream, whipped cream was splendid and a recipe of my own. I have not yet, sliced the lush cherry pie.

Photograph Credit : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 9:47 am update from NERF BASKET BALL
IN DOOR HOOP, to really get in some practice to toss. Aerodynamic SPORTS, takes practice in all hoop shooting with a NERF soft basket ball with a soft NERF HOOP BACKBOARD, for aerodynamic indoor 
sports everywhere alone. $12.99 free shipping and one for each closet door, of your own. Children, as boys and girls all ages, with men and women, all ages, relax and toss. read 

more soon.  10:54 pm est TRAVEL TOILETTRIES, for you automobile might be very savvy, in short and long travel, if driving late at night, or long non stop travel. Just in case the city is tiny, and then shops close at 11:00 in some tiny villages. Assuring reservation and a late night drive to arrive earlier in the moring, might be with a greater two day travel holiday, toiletry bag and all,  fresh. read 

6:39 am from my tiny rental estate villa, NOVEMBER 2 nd 2023 

update review, very important with my very darling ole friend, MARLON BRANDO, in major silver screen motion picture movies, for AMERICAN TELEVISION, and the major movies.
The LOVE for MARLON BRANDO is outrageous with important political film, even in the 1970’s. So wonderful, living very close to me, years ago, the serious update from MARLON BRANDO, is a keen interest everywhere in the world in film 
The love you as you’re always splendid, darling Marlon Brando, remembering 
our pizza fiestas beach side at LEONA is charished. Thank you again, and it going to 
be a pure thrill for me, to post your special LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION update.
I love you forever. xo darling. 

more soon. 

4:25 pm Saranac lake New York USA NOW, good day to everyone, in Saranac Lake and in all USA villages and all over the world. There were vandals again, and ruined my entry very badly, with unethical frightening vandel yellow tape everywhere, unethical painter, with harrible paint cans left, and a destruction to the front door, with unethical taped signs on the windows of the door, and one of the main entry doors nailed shut, that should never have been even touched. Unethical sound buzzers in the village, ruining business and abstracting quiet, of the village and pristine region and the buzz saw, tin can stooges that have been vandalizing the area. Trampling my entry halls, as well, and have, damaged even more. Trampling the sides of my private rental and even attempted to stop others that always drive into this area street, quite as one of the quietest cities in the USA usually.  With a dc steem roller from dirty dc oval dozers, and  their fang faimin , rat terrier pittlers. 
The look back at the damage to the country of fine people and of a reality in 
work and worth with leisure. and even caused difficulties more, no. 

The reviews, in an issue aim in munition are also, 
concerning of these boweevel dirty dozen ash can  sgheven 
It’s an outrage to everyone in the village and all villages, 
and international villages all. Villages, with other village in damages, 
from pot shot terrier rats are Lone  Spurs  - making a run, 
News is reeling in all villages everywhere. 

more soon.  BLOOMBERG email yesterday, reports are with very few hiring. People are with achievement well and good, and the impeccable professionals in shops and risterates and stores are with excellence in so many efforts with wages well. 

In a few - were possible not with a proper phone call in possible concerns, and possibly with wage increases and assure you did not get a wrong call, or wrong News, from a lookiiee like bull dozer. 

more soon. the update email from BILL GATES is a close concerning review. read 

11:02 pm email update from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia.
It was very nice to be invited, darling sir, I was going to hang my wreath, before travel 
good day to everyone, thank you for the email. read 

more soon. 

is with a message update from the 

Thank you Luciano Pavarotti , it was so long ago, 
you and I sang by the piano. The song is lovely and I adore you all.
 Amore’ from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon.  


1:02 pm Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW winter and summer, 
$61. 00 fire place, electric low energy wonderfully made with excellent heat, just plug in, and even works with a solar generator too. For every home perfectly warm, even beach side, or San Francisco ocean area villages. read Many styles are made for actual brick fireplace, inserts as well, for a wonderful no wood chop fire side warmth to enjoy winter even more. 

1:59 pm est USA , now, the not for children loony tune may not actually be for anyone at all, while a review of DAFFY DUCK AND THE TASMAINIAN DEVIL is a serious concern as a cartoon, that was once funny paper in limited color ink, in a four section tiny comic inked serious segment in Sunday Papers, and in News Print, 1970 into now at a malicious concern, of a few dirty dozers,  in a two part dastardly puweei ‘ later only film reviews, a concerning review, in a unfettered ink spot film uncensored blip, dismal in a formative reality, not humorous at all, and I myself have not watched the entire loony tunee’ mini cart- ooon film of course the mini film of the funny paper stages are 
really in a shorten segmentation of shifty scribe, review are very important before

LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION pre announcement beginning. Not yet. 

more soon 

2:59 pm from my tiny village rental estate villa today, was a delicious late night finest dinner with my home made freshly cut biscuits and a fried scallop supper, over LINGINI  sautéed in a dairy fresh butter sauce with mozerella cheese, and cherry lime home made soda. 
The biscuit’s baked freshly prepared only about 6 to 8 minutes with a rather small biscuit.  

Photograph Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

3:53 pm from my tiny estate rental villa apartment 
and an email review from 

emailed among many many messages as well, while JAMES TAYLOR is with such lovely updated now recording SWEET BABY JAMES first recorded in the 1970’s from only JAMES TAYLOR, and updated recording of love, and  loved all over the world. LISTEN  James Taylor, darling sir, thank you very well, you’re splendid to think of me forever JAMES TAYLOR. The little Jem Dinner, years ago, was splendid too, and sweet little PHOBES risterante ‘ while I believe pizza & brats are in favore. xo to you and everyone gathering so lovely everyone, with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 7:59 pm from my rental estate villa tiny apartment in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW,
and email from thee BEACH BOYS, ole padres from many years, my darlings, in a special message in music compostion of the 1960 into world loved forever incredible love today,
only of THE BEACH BOYS , with rigs set out just for me, and the national trucking industry of the USA as well, and my father would be very proud, too, Wendel and my mother too, of such love in the email today from 

                                           I GET AROUND 

engineers in big rig trucking specialization , thank you for the real constant non stop convoy one lane reality in finest hauling coast to coast USA to assure shipping on time. Big Rig’ s all over the world thank you too. Amazing. with a very lovely thank you to THE BEACH BOYS, LOVELY EVERYONE. the world lovely people of the USA, thank you as well, I love you all. xo, and we’ll take in some MARYLAND crab cakes again everyone, sterling beach again one day at least. 

Love to you all, and from everyone all over the world 
with love from people in RUSSIA in messages too.

from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Simply wonderful everyone. 

Sir Vladimir Putin, it’s the BEACH BOYS. What a surprise. 

more soon. and email from the WHO in a special music composition with studied love in more than music and exciting listening with TEEN AGE WASTELAND , of a time, in review, of even achievements and opportunities standards and your very first automobile to even afford,  Saving every penny with good wages in working life at ages 16 even, not a waste, even difficult starting a first job,  in young grown ups at excellent efforts and love for the world. The review in the email from the WHO, 1974 premiere perfomance and loved today very well, politically special. 
With incredible efforts in my 
2022 - 2023 GUITAR REVOLUTION everyone. Nationally in the USA and internationally all over the world. Thank you very well, I adore you all. The WHO. 

Sir Vladimir Putin, email from the WHO. wildly wonderful, I dare say. 

more soon. 

November 6 th 2023 at 12:31 am just 31 minutes after midnight from my tiny village in 
Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW. from my tiny rental estate villa apartment. My mothers mechanic of many years is from EUROPE, YURI,. 

while I wish everyone to enjoy 
of the updates symphony of composition in 
with a compositional work in music , Philip Glass. I believe it is of PHILIP GLASS compositional works for philharmonic symphony. In GERMANY , Philip Glass , and in Poland the a in GLASS, is “o” as pronounced in Eastern Europe Gloss. In the USA “a “ is of course true. 

more soon. 

 2:44 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, 

Shower With Free Standing Ready Function
just connect a hose to a sink. And a drain hose for the sink. $3622.00 
READ  any extra room, made easily into a fine shower room. 

more soon. 

5:27 am POP CORN BALLS, made from very special recipe and penutes with rasins, in a peanut butter brown sugar carmel ball, to enjoy creating a whole pot, of freshly old style pop pop corn, and creating world ancient favorite pop corn balls wrapper and ribbon to take with you for an extra sweet during winter months. 

More soon on my special recipe. 

photograph credit : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett    POP CORN BALLS
Good Evening everyone. It’s just after midnight. 

NOVEMBER 7 th 2023 at 12:05 am in my tiny village. Excuse me a minute or two. More soon. creating a pop corn ball tree, in the winter 2023 is going to be very delicious with all the many saviored chocolate and confectionary  assortments of the ancient autumn winter NOVEMBER 2023 GAME OF SPAIN secrets. 
POP CORN BALLS with fine ribbons and carefully wrapped in a fine tree dish, might be with making your very own tree dish. Paper Mache Bowls as well are with a variety of decisions on papers to use 

more soon. 

1:07 am from my estate tiny rental villa apartment apartment number 3 second floor left apartment when facing the front of the estate. Saranac lake , park Avenue. 109. with no invite schedule yet. Detail review all over the world are with a great many many many messages from villages everywhere even in Israel. 
Several Recipes for pop corn balls are exceedingly special, Plain basic inexpensive popping corn is a real item to purchase, while I will prepare a list of choice  cereal too. Opulent menus this month are going to be lovely with more reviews. With fine wreath selection and some with beautiful white and color light bulbs and pure star light bulbs too, with a battery that lasts years. What an exciting winter holiday into February 2023. Lushly color wreaths in a bright winter and beautiful red ribbons black. gold, silver, green and yellow and white, with cream ivory, peach and pink and royal blue, with more secret games from all over the world in  2023 - 2024 

red crested black frocked rooster 
with a film  the  Farm Rooster whom has a cwauw at usually
 5 :00 am just a minute or two. Sweet sound so soft, rarely heard inside. 

more soon. 

1:51 pm from my tiny rental apartment in my estate villa, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW. 
with my very darling padre’ PETER SELLER, 
in a review message of a update excerpt from his politically well loved work, in the original film, 
THE PINK PANTHOR again now in PETER SELLERS special message update in film AMERICAN TELEVISION, 1972 and now. Peter Sellers, wonderful of you, in review.
merci darling, don’t forget the noon tea at the drake, again, just a hop to the special brat favorite. 60 year ole hop scotch. Prepare your Scottish green  plaid, The finest. 

More Soon. sir Vladimir Putin, the film, PETER SELLERS ,
prepared wildly sweet in a such  pristine lovely quiet village film, is outrageous. Rum ? Yes RUSSIAN RUM RASIN SAUCE, soon. 

November 8th 2023 2:25 am saranac lake New York USA from saranac lake NEW YORK USA NOW , from my tiny estate rental village villa apartment. 
working breakfast meetings in Europe and a film.
more soon. 

Film Credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
breakfast late after midnight, was needed. And extrodinary with hand cut fresh biscuits and toast freshly pan grilled and buttered. I chopped some sweet Spanish Vadalia Onion, Sliced Thin Vienna Sausages, and Fried French Fries, all together in a sautee pan, grilled in butter and chopped the potatoe fries, into a hash, of chopped sausage and onion and potatoes. Delicious with two eggs fresh extra large sunny side up, medium grilled, with lovely coffee, cream and sweet and low. Apricot and Strawberry jam with buttered split biscuits fresh from the sautee’ pan slightly golden. 

8:53 am from my rental estate in my tiny village villa apartment, Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. 
The reviews are with many messages, and even Herve ‘ Villechainze as a person very famous in AMERICAN TELEVISION over 40 years. Darling Herve’ put together a very important film for me, 
for later today. It’s rather exciting the very good efforts in reviews.

Billy Joel is with yet a second review film.

more yes, more reviews. And Pop Corn Ball Recipes. Easiest. SEATTLE TIMES in SEATTLE WASHINGTON very far north western region of the country of the USA, emailed their love to vote for pop corn balls just several minutes ago. 9:45 am post read 
Of course there has been an impeachment of the Oval Office 
and the Oval Office administration all. 

The process now for the USA country is a lenghty review, and the standard budgetary measures of the USA are infact going very well. The work in the many offices does continue, always. The reality of the success of the people of the USA were extremely very good in all villages within a whole look at the stabilization of the country in an extrodinary effect BANANA NEWS and bubble up love messages made in an extrodinary effect of great effection for me, in the USA, as well as love for the villages of people, in the USA and all over the world. The GUITAR REVOLUTION of mine was very well loved and the extrodinary efforts reach beyond the United States of America, and extrodinary within the United States of America too. Of course, the review after an impeachment in the USA, is with time for the USA people all citizens to, be thoughtful and thorough in a review and not lie in the news about an election. No. The Standard of budgetary work is going along fine, and the tax reserves of the country are with the USA now a country of wealthy taxes, for the standards to the peoples tax allocated budget strict, in coherence’s of the regulations standards. The impeachment review will take a ethical process for citizens of the USA to assure themself as thee people , citizens whom are what’s known as the lovely citizens of the country of the USA, some times known as the National Assembly of the USA as a word in the USA CONSTITUTION, and a word, of the reality of all people. All people of the citizens are the PEOPLE, CITIZENS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, in all people of the USA. whom are with even a year, to make reviews more in any further reality of the GREATER cares for the nation of the USA . 
Governors and retired governors, have realized achievements of rules and regulations as well. 
Fine many details as well. A few DC dirty Dozen , 
and a few mascots are looking down their own barrels. Tung oil in some. 
with reviews more in films of updates from everyone, my darling ole padre of 
MASH 4077. I have selected several to post soon. 

I will see you all, in NASHVILLE AGAIN with great thank you. with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, every one is counting missing gifts and some look back at past winter holidays at least since 2020. In 2011, and 2012 into 2013, I myself rented an estate home office for designs and projects work,  on the quit ocean not far from SEATTLE WASHINGTON, USA, west coast northern region, very lovely for a quiet ocean home office estate ocean view, very inexpensive with a long effort to find just the right ocean view home. Camino Island was a two hours drive from SEATTLE WASHINGTON. The project work was so pleasing with the quiet so lovely and a raven bird always flying over the ocean close to my sweet little home office. Meeting the president then from Bowing International made cafe outings quite a conversational fine outting while we both grocery shopped too. Did I design a flight design, ? Perhaps you will know everything soon. 

more soon. International Ballet yes. 11:01 am TOE SHOES OF THE FINEST 
IN BALLET SHOES for all, FOR MEN  AND WOMEN whom wish to sway to ballet at home, after a fine early supper, and have sizes for younger grown people too. READ 

RUDOLF NUREYEV a darling of mine, as many years as in the 1980s lovely Nureyev created a sweet ballet event for my birthday, so we had such fun. The world famous of RUSSIA , RUDOLF NUREYEV sweet little message today updated a special in film 
Darling, we will dances more again if you wish at the JOFFREY  BALLET 
in Chicago Illinois USA, or again in RUSSIA after a fine supper. I love you, with great thank you. From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. How wonderful of you Rudolf Nureyev. xo 
50/50 darling yes, brats too. 

more soon. 

12:09 pm Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW 

12:35 pm New York, Saranac lake update, there is still a vicious issue of some rat terrior dc & mascots that places vandalizing notes on the door entry of my villa entry, and left brooms dirty jerm filled on the front entry right in front of my mail box, ole yeller in the entry hall, rattling doors, and inside the entry lower facade, with stuffing their hands in my mail box, which is highly unethical. The postal delivery person whom is nationally registered to deliver is the registered delivery person.  Hand stuffed tamper in postal mail. Not theirs . Nasty funny paper printed, with timed scurry in the stairs.  Also with fists stuffing paper into my car door, with not one ethic to touch others automobiles. Ruining my entry and leaving junk they wormed in four months to totally ruin the entry all summer. Mortifying the sweet village of Saranac Lake New York, in more than imaginable. Rio Grande,  is going to give them a job, glass store project work r and d. With HR puff and stuff in line first. The list in the governors offices and retired governors, is very serious of effort to 50 states, with the decency of quality to citizens. Standards and not car chasers. There are more pertinent reviews about Mighty Mouse issues, caused by police infesters bandits. Racketeering, dc tax grippers, and  use of munition and flights. Flying Screemin Demmons. Lock your windows across the USA and sleep with your wallet and keys under your mattress when sleeping. Do not lend your automobile to others. 

BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, 
will be north south east and west, IN THE USA well loved, loved all over the world. 

more soon. Good Morning to everyone in Saranac Lake this morning, in the very pristine forests regions within the state of New York, in the USA. I wish to say a polite thank you for the very good realities of the stabilities of the tiny village with many whom love to enjoy a sweet winter ride in, and even over night to rent a tiny abode and enjoy the kind delightful village of worldly wonderful cares of people so charming in diverse ways. The forest trees are so lovely and the lovely very well known prestige of the mountain region village and of many villages near and far, are a forever sacred travel jont. It’s always very lovely to enjoy the city plentiful of love to such a beautiful village and village all, throughout very special times of all, in a personal travel in a finest way to even enjoy ridding just for a special apple pie sliced Ala Mode ( pie warmed with a scoop of ice cream and whipped cream )  just perfect with a bowl of good chili or speciality stew and a slice of warmed bread and soft butter. Delightful I have to say. For everyone, in travels exciting in winter months. Assure you have a small car shovel in the snow regions of course in your car, in case you are parking, in snow days. And drive slowest in snow. Always best. Tucking an extra coat in your automobile is really a very smart ideal with one extra pair of warm inexpensive gloves. And scarf with wool hat. And cover your ears too. With a scarf above your nose in cold you should stay very warm. There are extra heaters that plug in to automobiles very small to cause in your automobile that is extra warm and quite comfortable with instant heat when plugged in. From Your door to street parking into a warm ready to enjoy car after a shoveling if needed in snow is very eased in any cold day. 

HEATER POST UPDATES SOON. I have time later today. 
Warm boots - too, just for warmest feet in snow. 

Good Day in MOSCOW RUSSIA to all people of RUSSIA as well as very pleasing lovely kisses sent to the Kremlin of RUSSIA, SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN. good day to you darling. The Russian Custard And Russian Rum Sauce is nearly ready to post the actual 
RUSSIAN ROYAL CRÈME DU LA CRÈME CUSTARD AND ROYAL RUSSIAN RASIN RUM SAUCE. I am very excited about the fine recipe with magnificent trees of pop corn balls. Chocolate pop corn balls as well with a special caramelized marbling. 

Good Day to everyone across the world within every country and thank you very much for the incredible messages from all over the world, in review and even of mint iced fudge, which I understand many enjoyed the green coloring as well. Quite beautiful with a little inch long candy cane on top for gift box or a fine box through winter months to enjoy. 

7:20 am from my tiny rental estate villa in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. 

JOHN LENNON sent me a message years back, in 1977. It was pleasing to enjoy a delightful friendship into even some fun birthdays of summer times, into years. Sweet of THEE JOHN LENNON to have sent me a message review in an upright piano apartment style, and with some lovely softness, in darling lovely JOHN LENNON’S 
impromtue piano in beautiful music compostions of expressions in film now and then.

What a lovely time we all had, at “ no exit” risterante  sandwich bistro. 
Even more brats too. 
 I love you even more John Lennon. 
With a beautiful film message today. Thank you darling. 
Columbia College Photography Gallery is calling our name. 
xo from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Chicken Vienna Sausages, hashed potato chop chop, John Lennon. 

more soon everyone. 

update from BILLY JOEL in some concerning reviews and a raw candid seriousness of a song from 
PAUL MC CARNTEY, live and let die, meaning to assure your love and self fortitude in the world. Caring for the qualitative decision of your self deliberations.  And broken strings to replace in a specialization ? 

It was very good of you BILL JOEL, to have sent a message now, in the vivid,  of winter, in your wild love of life and of people in all humanity of great love, too. in Film  

I don’t know the other person. Hopped in  ?  Good of you BILLY JOEL Perfectly perfect thank you. love to you. Chop Chop Vienna Sausage smoked Hash Potatoes . with minced Spanish Vadelia Onions 
eggs toast biscuit and lettuce tomatoes and mayo, special. 
 Ci. and our ole brat special. Highland Park, ROOTBEER  Fountian Soda, 
with Wisconsin Frozen Custard again if there’s time.  Afternoon to  midnight $1.00 pizza lower Manhattan on broadway near spring street, “let’s.”  I love you every, everywhere.  
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 10:39 am NEW YORK USA NOW, Saranac Lake, New York, from my villa apartment. 

SMALL POWERFUL HEATER, PLUGS INTO WALL, or a power generator, solar pack, and also plugs into a car adaptor too, while your automobile is with the engine on, the heater tiny optimized heat, is easily plugged into a car usb adaptor or cigarette lighter car adaptor. And even a small mini portable purse pack generator power power rechargeable with storage batter, in a medium size extra power port,  With your mini heater very good for just a bit more warmth easily, read 

more soon. 

Warm your pockets or steamed 
whole milk coco read 
Get Steamed. 

11:29 am Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW 

Herve’ and Ricardo, both have work in AMERICAN TELEVISION, 1970’s HERVE’ brilliantly with incredible achievement, always remains youthful, as RICARDOis quite a breath of love as well, in an update now, with a review in a very special film Especially for the review in love notes as I say to you both, with love, thank you. Lovely.  thank you both again and again. I am savoring some of your update film for the 

Very good of you all. 
Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. 

12:04 pm just four minutes afternoon, with THEE LAURAL AND HEARTY whom created a very especial film for me, with exceeding love, and love to everyone all over the world, in 
STAN AND ALI, special production film AMERICAN TELEVISION as earlie as 1960’s with incredibly famous work, in again now a very exciting special, film short, they both created with film special type of process, in honor of my own film work process, in lovely worth. Thank you both very well, with love everyone, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Perfect darling ole padres ‘ lunch at by the tracks bistro ‘ and brats to’ xo. How exciting. 

more soon.   3:26 pm Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW 

WEEBLES TOY COMMERCIAL for reel weebles. read 
more soon. 

9:30 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW, sir VLADIMIR PUTIN KREMLIN OF RUSSIA with a update in Kasastan, with the president of Kasastan, Tokayev Kassym Jomart .
READ I was invited,mandarin thank you everyone. Thank you graciously Sir Vladimir Putin, and for your message. Enjoy your day everyone. I love you, all. Good day to everyone in Kasastan, in the eastern ueropen Middle East, and throughout all of Europe. 

more soon.    Of course Russian Brats with Eastern European Parogie sautee ‘ in butter and chopped onions. Middle Eastern Baked Potatoe Onion Crisp Pies as well. At least. xo everyone. 

9:49 pm from my tiny village rental estate villa apartment in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW, 
a fine message from THEE ARLO GUNTHRIE 
with a exceptional special recording of Arlo’s 1970’s music compostion 
GOOD MORING AMERICA HOW ARE YOU, LISTEN   very good of you Arlo Gunthrie and it’s lovely to listen to you in such a film.
Thank you and everyone very much. Treasure Island Grocery still sells that fine grilled club sandwich.
I love you all, very much, thank you again. Very Special. 


more soon.

Jacque  Tati  in. a FILM updated in review. 

more soon. Kasastan Rug, imported finest rug Persian Carpet, READ 

1:03 am from my tiny estate rental villa apartment and there were bad hustler types in the hall late with stage three renal to cause more disturbances, in my lovely quite entry hall again, and I realize many in the USA and the Saranac lake village were seeing the auful lies of hustlers, with some munion aimed too, ow, and wish to place this into a review too, in plain view everywhere all over the world. Entering and tracking in hustler actionable deceptive wrong. As my friend George Harrison sings; it in’t it a pity, for the strangers whom are vicious hustlers. Tally on attempts to drive property valued into no renters - is already reaching  $1 million just from the onset of the beginning of the issue.  Book and painting and movie sales delayed. Some village shops with lost projected revenue and enjoyment. Having excellent client renting low, messy and love for a quiet home to get messy in, inside that apartment door rented by  the renters in an agreement with the actual renter,  is always a great reality in revenue for a modest charming estate with more than one apartment. Even neat, or sometimes not neat in your own love for life renting or owning in your home. Making a home. Your own, renting with an actual agreement with the agreement of the actual owner. 

Reviews are busy, every village. Entries are a summer to remember your lovely flower pots and sketching the flowers daily if you wished, and many and most enjoyed fine sketches and even more greater lovely times. Royal CHERRY JUBILEE FLAMBÉ’ in spring is a loved memory everywhere all over the world. 
Saranac Lake enjoyment  the fine special recipe gift from me as well, and waiting for the sketched ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, in lovely messages many. Thank you everywhere, all over the world.
Catalogue Sales events will be pre announced with the very best fortitudes.  

Novaschotia Strait Up, far north is preparing ice fishing, And Glass shelter on ice. for the mighty fishery excellent into the country of Canada. A long drive it is. My post recently from a larger many people of CANADA is not yet posted. I wish to say thank you to everyone in the lovely country of Canada , I love you all. I will get the post in my published updates soon, I promise. Thank you to everyone again, even from all over the world. Thank you as well to the Canadian countries forestery department whom I have somewhat known over 40 years in the giant country of Canada. Summer Chicken BBQ annual events. With the USA country of forestry specialist too. I didn’t forget the lovely vaste forests of Great Canada. xo. I love you all. xo xo xo xo north south east and west.  From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Save me a room at the KINGS INN, ON KING STREET TORONTO CANADA ,when I phone for a reservation. If you have rum. As Peter Sellers sais. 

STONEY BROOK FARMS creates a New York yogurt regionally and is one of the best yogurts in the world. The online site is STONEY FEILD FARMS I think the online site is corrects read 
Enjoy excellence in yogurt  more.

more soon. 2:31 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW, in my tiny rental estate villa apartment. I am still a bit ruffled to be of conserns with my entry and out side walkways that are luxurious beautiful stacked stone, ancient and usually perfect to in a lovely even opulent home office. Quiet in a lovely tree line very close, over one hundred foot trees. My revenue projection was over $9 million in projects that gained equity of years. The online TV PROJECT at my rather modest company STUDIO VOSSE began 2006. I was offered a large job at NBC major offices in my own project and had to turn down the lovely offer. I created an online Television life at STUDIO VOSSE. More about myself, yes. Thank you all, everywhere all over the world. 

2:42 am, from my tiny villa, with a very fast message from BILL GATES. Working Meetings after midnight supper and DARLING, FRIEND, BILL GATES FILM 

more soon. 

BISHKEK krygerstan READ 

November 10 th 2923 9:07 am from my apartment villa,  this morning in Saransc Lake New York, USA now, with even more hall tramplers loud voice in hall, again just about 8:30 am, so unusual for the city of such quiet. My leaf tiara arrived yesterday, Royal Blue Russian Jem Stone, for the special November 2023 holiday suppers into December with a lesson post for ballet and Morten waltz basics.

Vitra the furnishing company from the country of Germany emailed this morning promptly, among many other messages in reviews of and enjoyable massages waiting with excitement of Pop Corn Ball easy recipes, and tree dishes, Vitra New York in a review message read 

more soon. Bear hunt time. 

November 11 th 2023, 11:50 am from my tiny village rental apartment  estate villa, with a tiny travel today to STEWART FUEL STOP, with a busy day, and over prices diet cola, for some strange unusual issue, very unusual for coka cola standard price median index. While the Stewart’s Fuel stop is a five minute grocery basic store, with many lovely people employed there. What is it about pricing ? 
En how ? Is a good question, with many people in the village whom enjoy a little stop to buy something delicious in the fine little fuel stop with very nice employed people. Quite caring of economic reviews too. Even buying a reasonable price lunch for themselves with plenty of cola and other drink items, is very important to all employed people in shops or offices. Or home offices. Even in just a day of golf, or tennis. 

Of course. Right now, I have an update of the 1970’s funny paper cartoon, of the little 20 minute inked story’s of MR PEABODY, whom is a beagle dog, and not exactly humorous or anything anyone might wish to actually, entertain. the short segments of MR PEABODY tethered  out in film 

more soon. I have a review from THEE MIKE BLOOMBERG. posted soon. 

12:50 pm from my villa rental apartment in Saranac Lake New York, USA. It was a speedy stop to pick up a few grocery items today, and concerning extremely high fuel prices in the tiny village today, as most of the USA is experiencing low pricing of assured standard fuel low price and needs to assure a cost effective reality to cap on inflation, of unusual questionable spike prices. While Stewart’s People all might be thankful to even know as too, a reality of cares in employed professional as well. And some one in foot range places junk piled in the entry of my estate today, dirtied the hall entry steps with filthy dirty types of spill, and left a pile out in the left side of the fine outdoor foioire that was charming in deciding to rent in the tiny village. Even unethically stuffing things in my automobile door, gripping hands on my actual property of my automobile yet again. With very bold grip on others automobiles in clear reviews second by second. 

What will become of the Tasmanian Devits  now ? 

not actually brothers as a label for the music 
compositions from the 1970 with a update now,

Thank you everyone, 
darling of you.
with love, from myself
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 


Canada , yes, a few messages to post. 3:44 pm now in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, with many messages from the very large country of Canada, as I selected a review in one message titled imposter read and another which wrote a word, that someone was actually dead, nor did they have children or a marriage, whom is definitely not actually that, and I have an update further on the CANADIAN notation from many of my very many friends from Canada. Reviewing more. 

With real pop corn ball recipes to delight and savor. And some opulent menu surprises. 

more soon.  NEW YEAR  WINTER HOLIDAY TREES, 6.5 feet, at $27.99 
                     perfect for outside and inside. Some with lights and color lights too,
                     with brightness at your entry early. Purely spectacular of the whole 
                     winter season with love. 

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12 th 2023 at 2:09 pm from my tiny village tiny rental estate villa apartment, in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW. As I was reviewing my love notes, in this recent published note with some concerning delays caused to me, I noted a few errors in some of my notes in ENGLAND. I was with some wrong emailed notations, and in perplexing very large review, I would have to say, THE KING OF ENGLAND, has no films available of any events which are of films in central cathedrals of LONDON ENGLAND. The greatest respects to the King of England and exceeding love to the QUEEN OF ENGLAND, QUEEN ELIZABETH, are with my most gracious expressions of honor and highest esteem. With lenghty lovely cares of the QUEEN OF ENGLAND, HER MAJESTY, QUEEN ELIZABETH, Queen. Of England, and KING  CHARLES, WHOM will forever be a PRINCE of the ROYAL MERITS of ENGLAND, of excellence in emeritus love to the country of ENGLAND.  May the country of ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN, FOREVER find sacred the ROYAL GOVERNMENT MANY EFFORTS a imminent love towards a greatest in humanities, and a incredible strength to individualism of worth and work, in a wish toward prosperity. 

with love from myself to all of ENGLAND, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 
It’s will be quite lovely again to enjoy filming the streets of LONDON ENGLAND with the historical very detailed well known architecture of the cathedrals and streets and shops so well known in lovely a country of ENGLAND with LONDON ENGLAND of great international cathedrals so large and famous to film and see every nuance with fine memories. And the speciality shops with foods only of ENGLAND. 
With finests especialies. 

My great great grandmother was from the country of ENGLAND. 

Of course there has been some wrong news in the USA, and even perhaps MICHEAL BLOOMBERG received even wrong news, and the USA too, received atrocious news. I received invites from MICHEAL BLOOMBERG, even to be at a LONDON ENGLAND event, earlier this year, while I may not have received the complete message. Recently MICHEAL BLOOMBERG was invited to a EARTH SHOT event, and no one from ENGLAND ARRIVED.  With apologies to MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, of my highest esteem to you darling MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, I was having some rather upsetting delays. With my NYC piazza event for pizza, live online international on location global event, catalogue sales too, and filming delays, delayed and upset in even my entry. 

Were there  weddings, not royal at all ? 
Even other weddings too. Not weddings at all ? 
In USA news. Reviews yes. 

Eric Clapton arrived. Right before he gave me sweet pink blush roses, 
a woman ran in to deliver a 40 pound box of muffins  in a half round balloon box.
 500 balloons attached. Ask for his autograph. 500 ink prints  of signatures. 
Stacked photographs. Even  more ? Said her name was Petty  umpa Pupa Rita Meta Maid. 

more soon.
DARLING, THEE PAUL MC CARTNEY lovely ? Rita listen 

more soon. 

was rather special. meetings in London England with rather lengthy friendships of people delightful. 
And more meetings in EUROPE. Taking a look at purchasing a holiday tree, for the front entry. 
My menu last evening was sea bass, sautee’ in a crisp coated slightly sweet buttermilk  batter, golden friccase ‘ lime aioli sauce, 

French fries, and corn baked biscuit with sweet corn baked in, to a perfect corn bread, served with sweet corn light butter from a tin of fine sweet corn, rather delicious. 

Lucious Cherry Lime Hand Blended Home 
Made Soda Pop, and diet cola with ice, 
as well as a fine dish of mint ice cream, and an after supper late night imported coffee. 

more soon. 

Late meeting, yes. Darling George Harrison updated a message in review listen 

4:18 pm from my apartment rental villa in Saranac Lake 
New York USA NOW 
NOVEMBER 13 th 2023 in Moscow Russia Now.

are with times to sink into a movie.
in a two hour film 

the ancient film update everyone, everywhere in the whole world,
is my selection in a review in the USA and throughout the world. 

Within the next few days, I will be ready to enjoy the 2022 - 2023 REVOLUTION IN GUITAR, with extremely lovely exciting and very thoughtful messages with the whole world waiting. With a very special love note of many thank you’s and with incredibly humble messages in ways extrodinary, with more about special supper through the month of November 2023 into finests winter solstice holidays into the new year which is very special in even just lovely menus. And some young violinists women and men, in unimaginable fun with reviews too. Thank you all, in Saranac Lake New York, and all tiny villages near and far with 50 states accross the USA with thank you to such lovely efforts and delightful people beginning, with great lenghty broadening, as well as all villages in Canada and all villages in countries all, in SOUTH AMERICAN, and the south seas countries, and within all countries throughout EUROPE, including GREECE, AND AUSTRALIA, and the far Eastern European PHILIPPINES islands.  

with many many messages of love from all over the world everyone.
 I love you all, with gracious thank you. 
From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

How to pop the very best pop corn for the most luxurious pop corn ball tree 
of sweets to enjoy savioring ? Soon you’ll know everything. 

more soon. PAUL MC CARNTEY, RINGO STARR, AND GEORGE HARRISON, now, updated an obscure political music composition film in reviewed late last evening from everyone, written especially for the review, in the USA and for people in the USA and internationally all over the world. Important to people in every village everywhere. Lovely, my darling men. 

Of course thee darling JOHN LENNON does have an update too,. Soon. 

STING filmed an update now review, which are quite political on individual concerns, 
and with relevance for everyone in the USA and important all over the world. 

soon even more. 

 NOVEMBER 13 th 2023 9:34 am 
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW 
from my tiny rental estate villa apartment. 

GOOD DAY accross the USA of 50 states and with thousands of villages in each state, large cities of course with many villages and smaller cities too with many villages and tiny cities like Saranac Lake NEW YORK, with only one village proper, of fine people. It’s a quiet village and sometimes the lovely ideals of realizing that the village is known to be a real bear run, love, to even pasteries known as bear claws, can be with a run ( extremely large sales of fines confectionary freshly made bear claws opulent pastery ), is very worth double parking for a few minutes to stand in lines and assure a very delicious world famous pastry, bear claw especiality. while assuring not to block any road at all of course. Two lanes and more. of course. Parking somewhere and finding that special shop, even for a favorite minute to even explore more in the shelves to go back for. Fine freshly made over medium eggs x 2 flip sunny side up is a crazy fun minute with a extremely fresh large full butter coisantte with fine cheese and lettuce ( ice berge ) and fresh sliced Tomatoe, With a fine freshly grilled potatoe online butter grilled chop chop potatoe golden brown. And a fine slice of freshly made pumkin bread, with soft creamy real dairy butter. 
It’s not unusual to enjoy standing in a line to gain your order and then wait for a finished hot order to get back to your automobile and enjoy even eating with strolling. Some shops often have, 30 people in line, and happily hungery for delicious freshly made especialies. What an invigoration in fine winter travel and great fun in a lovely busy village as prestine in winter especially very delightful in snow drives and even some finding a spot to park getting out with your best wool, and fine knits. With a shovel in travel in your car, in all snow regions just in case you park a whole week, and enjoy the village of lovely forestry of millions of year old forest fir trees as an opulent experience of lovely USA love. 

What fun to be busy. Coffee brewing by the pot every half hour all day, and with fresh perfection and esteemed efforts too. With SARANAC LAKE LOVE, I dare say, beyond a concerning few, in very vicious wrong doing. And how wrong is a concern to even NEW YORK CITY, of 35 million people whom do live in NEW YORK CITY, New York USA. Even tiny villages everywhere are considerably, with a city proper to assure, and not tweedlee de and deddily dumb, of malicious intent. and cohosting a use in munion. Too.

 Yip and yeller ? Should run like the dickens is mostly what villages of people are really of expressions of in a ruin of my entry and hall out side my door. With a Foiror I rent in entry of my estate villa, and certainly have expectations to a finely proper in the very cute little villa entry. And hang a holiday wreath of my choice purchase. Of course, not a rip into my summer in some rip towards my schedules and  circling my home and mail box. 

The issues is larger stemming from unethics 
in dc dirty dozen, and cohorts affiliates .
 and very vicious  aim at the citizens 
of the USA in even 
stage two renul  disendent of a few. 
And I do mean staged two. 
While I must say,
I am rather very shocked. At the non 
remourse caused to a whole nation of people of the USA 
and even into international countries - 
With very harrible disruptions. 

Of course, I have delightful and very exciting projects 
and love notes is very important to me too.
Not to focus on a dither of a people whom staged deception 
in malicious switched invites too. Gift and cards, missing too.
Even my shipped  gifts to others. Missing. 
My clotheries designs rather delayed. Too.
It gets rather busy in my Studio Vosse Project 
Schedules with time for people too.
Summer 2023 of such lengthy planning too.

Billy Joel sent me a message LISTEN 
Reviews of the circling in a review important for everyone in the USA and all over the world. 
With amplified munious, in  shoe size news.  Count your pennies and greater leisure everyone.
with real love for villages all.  A few more days in the hard review are somewhat important. 
Chest Head, Ears,  Shoulders, Knees, and and all the way to your toes, are important too. 
Assure your phones are tucked in your wallet and tucked in you 
clothes and sleep with your phone under your mattress, now, is a good idea, with turning leaf and bogel concerns, or with a tiny brass lock too, when in a home of more then yourself. 
Just to be sure. As important as your wallet too,. I didn’t have time to watch the updates on 
Originally movie 1969 and with thee Peter Laurie. Fine fellow. 
It’s time for a good BREAKFAST, . Enjoy your breakfast, lunch 
and dinner everywhere all over the world. 
and thank you for realizing cares to a review at length. 

more soon. 

11:38 am update from RADAR ORIELY, in  a name, from scenes of 4077 MASH with new now up to the minute scenes reflection of USA military wrong. The wonderful darling, stages of RADAR ORIELY, is a radar whom rips through everyone’s mail unethically, with no ethic to even deliver mail, and apple cheeked too, in pushing a idea to know, not much of anything. Actually fork tung, wrong, under an issue of some malicious in the USA in review, swirled letters, and bad news. with no shame or consciousness in humanity, pushing enveloped belonging to others. Personal too. Like those circling in my area yet again several times today, and aimed early, much like the tale of rumple steil ( sharp fork tung ) skeins ( fine belongings ) , and awful terrorizing tale. Wrong named and taking time, money and lovely worth, to rumple and stomp on, bullies, mere vicious.  Tramplers intended to exactly what other damages. Apple cheeking’ rippers. In a quandary of a tug of war, provoking with malicious intent and over $100 million in already done damages in even just summer, and dating how far in reflection of 2020, and 2021. ? staged in a huddling of malicious saiciators lingering in 4077 reviews in film 4077 , is a 40 pound Turkey Trot  next, x 77 more. Trot where you ask ?  Stiff lips 
( serious ethics in some very upset in losses, as business proper of citizens reflect in reviews  )
 of austere USA CITIZENS all, is the reality. 

Thank you everyone at the updates in issues of the unethical in more than just a few, Millitary and denounced ( nothin’s and nobodies ‘ ) non tax in hand -  police all whom are unethical, no allocation either, nul  ( unquantifiable unethics real  ) in a close look at attempt to extort cash! Goods and time, of so many ruined, and shuffle humanity, at reviews, MASH 4077 in updated at utube even more. Liability of very high extremes. Looking north, south, east, and west, in a real love for the people of all villages everywhere in the USA and all villages of all international countries all. With love from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

12:20 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 

update from CHARLIE DANIALS, darling friend frommy many years in my southern estate. As early as 1990 in the buenu verde  and Mynatte Park  region. 
Chatoue Brieaoine ‘ 2023 especial is roasted braised chicken variation braised  riche bullion wine sauce ‘ borerlaise and bearniase sauce both, with roasted braised vegtables tiny onions potatoes carrot and mushroom,  table side chef prepared especilties again, French Fresh Bakes Warm Bread and Butter with  Salad of course. 

Well loved Music Compositions
 globally LISTEN Brimming 
in shade of yellow. 
With passions of incredible love. merci Charlie Daniels’s darling, thank you everyone. 
Wonderful violin, just perfect. xo everyone, I love you all. Horse back trot soon again everyone. 

more soon. Sting with an important film update with some amplifier talk about 170 watts of sound in reviews from Sir STINGyears and years my sweet darling, earlier than 1995 in CHICAGO IL. 
Paul Mc Carntey is quite accurate of a very small standard quality amplifier he has used in recording and play back sound quality, STING, made very clear in concerns in someone pointing iron sub standard amplifies booms at me and others. With high treble and bass no volume - with non standards in electric ? 
good review noted of whom would do this, film while then it is the concern in agreement to actual rental and STING, at war? Over my VILLA GUEST ROOM in MOSCOW RUSSIA I noted in sweet lovely messages. Yes darling I will make time for you in person as planned earlier this summer, in our fun. Obtained to rent where ? OBTAINED agreement  HOW ? Entry and quiet is a solitude to even record my lectures and music and of course my movie 
MONSTER AND THE WALNUT, and tramplers ? suddenly this summer ? now ? 

no.   and with intent of some in munious and slithering split tung rumple steil skien blaten rotterdams, 
aimed everywhere in the USA. no. Liability of ruin time from tech rippers - tramplering nomadss. 
Egyptians prepare  to implement Unics liabilities soon, I dare say. 

Get your black charcoal eye  pencil out everyone. Egyptian Eyes. 
And a nice bright yellow silk or cotton lovely yellow. 

more soon.   3:01 pm  Saranac Lake  New York USA NOW,

 now it’s WARREN BUFFETT in a review update with BILL GATES 
in a review update now of an impromtue obscure commentary visual media thought provoking film from the two darling men of some incredible efforts which are far greater in humanities than sometimes known.
I can’t say I know others in the film, and wish to say a very nice thank you to WARREN BUFFETT and BILL GATES, whom I have enjoyed fine friendships with at length. Ever so good of you both, 
with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. MIKE BLOOMBERG , emailed me, recently to say such lovely things about the results of my peace walks on my MANHATTAN New York exhibitions that were very lenghty for me, 2015 every day into 2016, and extended into 2017, from my exhibitions of my STUDIOS INTERNATIONAL PEACE PROJECT, letting me know that the amazing Wall Street business was transformed in lovely ways after my many arias lectures and of fine international activities such as strolling more in other villages and in your own village to enjoy travel near and far, and hope to even spend a tiny amount on a soda pop or many to even afford more, later again. The empty Wall Street, became vibrant , and with more business thriving all throughout the USA of villages gaining more economic strength, which was also a resilience to more good in economic later, fast reactions of great USA people from shops to the many in other areas too even in pineapples in a tin, counted selling, with great efforts globally into international countries too. And international presidents busy with pencil work. And assured humanities with incredible efforts and results and great people internationally too. The especial films on the excitment in the exhibitions is quite detailed, with many interest in purchasing the three hour film talk, with a few brief excerpt film shorts to enview at love notes which were planned in my schedule summer 2023, with ease to record, and a film talk expanded in January 2024. Many interest and many lovely fun excitment people are anticipating with so much love, it’s so nice of everyone, all over the world. Very good of Mike Bloomberg as well, and some how his film message was accidentally emailed to BLOOMBERG NEWS. and he wanted to assure the very lovely message from thee MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, USA 
as one city of seven burrow ( sections ) due to the size and train to easy map reading in the large well known international metropolitan city. Special yes, in unique ways, of the lovely country of the USA.
Mike Bloomberg and I met, years ago, enjoying many cultural lovely places and foods, the tiny French African Chicken Fricisse’ of HARLUM, and yes darling Michael Bloomberg, brats are in view. 

more soon. I have very good notes recently emailed to me, about the excitment of efforts in the USA in respects to gold standard and economic greater reality. Soon you will know everything about the euro. What many of you have achieved in ways, are quite outstanding. Thanks Giving gold standard notes might interest everyone, everywhere all over the world, with a special note about the United State of America, minus a large flout of a few. 

more soon. It’s nearly time for me to gain some relaxation more in a Find Steem Bath, pink head to toe soaking dress finests, not yet in my design area STUDIO STUDIO at studio vosse, . with love notes at studio vosse of course. 
Very special lite knit quick dry imported fibers. Colors many. 

more soon. 4:00 pm from my rental tiny estate villa in Saranac Lake NEW YORK 

Freddy Mercury darling, even of greatest love, 1970’s and now, remembering summer bbq and a great many lovely people in the love for listening in person to FREDDY MERCURY.  
CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE is a brilliantly wild vibrant love message from everyone, to me, and to everyone in the USA and all over the world. LISTEN   lovely Freddy, very very lovely, good of everyone on set, and in the kind care of the audience people too. xo with love to each of you, with very special love sent Freddy darling.
Harlum french bistro again soon. Brats of course too. 

for everyone all over the world. FREDDY MERCURY 

more soon. 

message from email at the kremlins level internationally in of the government of RUSSIA
From Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin ( President ), of the lovely very large country of GREAT RUSSIA
with the incredible love from the PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, and extended love from all government peoples of the country of RUSSIA, within messages. And some late night meetings. RUSSIA is one of the very largest countries in the world, in fact. 
the email message late last evening was of a birthday wish to VLADIMIR DALH. As you like, if you wish to read the further seperate online area I found on Vladimir Dalh with concerns of the online web site of an unfarmilar site, fact or fiction, however posted it, read   

Certainly I can not assure the actual literature while included it for the photographic print. 

I have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY 
to thee sir WENDEL POWERS, 
and of miss information about his birthday, in a phone call I received.
 I wished to express, and with great love to sir Wendel Powers 
of such years with rosy and nannie and abby. And My Lovely 
Mother whom is refreshing and vibrant and waffle breakfast of 
delightful. Times, Riding down Salina Street for the tiny automobile antique model 
a 1901 rumble seat convoy. 1978. What a fine day. 
With love darling sir wendel powers. Cherry Blossoms  and  
Spinning Wheels forever. 

Boston Cream Pie, best, ice cream favorite memories 8 million miles. 

more soon. 

November 14 th 2023 11:11 am from my rental apartment estate 
 tiny villa in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW 

Good day everyone everywhere all over the world. Good day to everyone in the village of Saranac Lake New York USA as well, and a finest hello to my mother today. There were concerning wrong messages, and and an entire banana cream pie pudding with a crunchy spoon bread layer, real whole nutmeg nut, grated of course, saviors to the summer 2023 and not one bite. What did the message say? I boxed the creamery perfection in real banana pudding and wrapped it with clear plastic wrap well, freezing it for savoring perfectly with my mother. Whom might enjoy the banana pudding again. I purchase a gold yellow Spainish Scottish fabric for a dress buttoned up to my ears, and skirted with green red yellow blue stripped wool Scottish plaid kick pleated . Of course a Scottish wool scissor trouser layered in a fine finish of my designs, yellow gold narrow tie. Tree photograph saviorfaire ‘ Ready, not available sales yet. 
Spring green , perhaps, Summer too. Perhaps. In summer plaids. Savoring reflection too. A attache ‘ purse from Rossetti too. While I purchased an opulent Austrian Tiara for both mom and wendel I have not yet gifted and purchased over a year ago, What excitment for a fox trot, with mint julip, croquette games on green lawn grasses again 2024 . Treasuring the effort of my beautiful breath of my mom in such graces of orchard of pears are with finest delight of love. A loveliness so soft, and even tin half pears to celebrate the crusted sweet pear halves of  crusted pastery pear baked viellanitoinus’, dolloped with whipped cream.
With all greater heart of love, mom, get your tennis swing in shape, you’re so much a darling sports minded lovely person at. Fine plaid Bermuda Shorts are forever good accent of your fine tennis swing. 
with love to you,  xo. Tuck your phone well my sweet mother. Pear orchards brilliance of  my mom.
The written book of poetry “ the grapes of wrath “ still unbroken boning and dusty I dare say. I did not crack that poetry book even once. 

Perfectly perfect. 

a lovely music compostion of an esteemed announcement from THEE ED SULLIVAN 
of graces to THEE TOM JONES, of a finest film now, not the 1970’ s when the lovely song from Tom Jones was first televised of AMERICAN  TELEVISION STANDARDS.  
in updated special film now mom is going to enjoy the film with everyone all over the world too. How darling of both of you with my special thank you in every way. xo everyone, TOM JONES and ED SULLIVAN. it’s been some years since we all had Irish Pie at SULLIVANS. BRATS ARE IN. 

GOOD VIBRATION in your lovely hearted mindful love in the world in everso important expression in tiny details second by second, even more lovely with the BEACH BOYS expressions of love within music compostions 1970’s and new update now. Enjoying a fine day with everyone at the golden gate reflection of a a French Renoir ‘ fashioned garden gazing pool. In the dairy building events, sales of nepoloand sweets well and very prosperous too, work all day was exciting with my dark mint green apron. In SOLVAY New York 1979, on my lunch break, Vladimir too made the day outstanding everyone arrived. and updated today  GOOD VIBRATIONS LISTEN 

wonderfully exciting. Thank you darling beach boys again and again. xo. 

8:17 am Saranac Lake New York USA NOW from my tiny rental estate villa 
in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW with some gold and yellow ribbon fabric to cut your own opulent ribbon for sweet confectionary pop corn balls, and gold or brown gift boxes, red , white and royal blue, too. If you wish, even white in special confectionary boxes with a wax coating. Perfected for confectionary sweets. The fruited jewel fruit pop corn balls begins with reading how to pop great pop corn, specially made for popping. Today is a day I will make time to introduce you to fine reading on popping the finest pop corn with excellence in every tiny detail you might wish to read, and be prepared to create pop corn freshly right before creating the entire pop corn ball all in one hour or so, with details to a fine ancient pop corn ball of extrodinary sweet luxury. And very opulent basic for a sweet to enjoy throughout winter ending of 2023 into January if any are left in the New Year of 2024. 

recipes yes. With a very exciting busy season of winter 2023 to enjoy finest tiny details, with very kind thank you to everyone in the love of the villages and efforts of even pop corn balls finest. The excitment is outrageous in so many interested in pop corn ball chef work at homes everywhere all over the world. 

What fun. Good Morning throughout all villages in the 50 states of 
the United States of America ( U.S.A. ).
hello to everyone all over the world as well, 
Special hello to darlings in RUSSIA too, even specialists in ways, and hello to the very darling charming Kremlin of Russia, President of the country of RUSSIA sir Vladimir Putin, with extrodinary love to you darling sir Kremlin everyday. What an extrodinary day today I must say with 
RUSSIAN LOVE, again and again in delightful messages about variety of sweets wrapped and wrapper variety in chocolates many are enjoying, and the ancient game of SPAIN, so well loved. With exciting massages of love for the lovely supper excitment and waiting on pop corn ball confectionary chef mastery to enjoy. Wonderful messages in even yellow and royal blue too. Green of the forests evergreen fir trees and red ribbons in bows everywhere of preparations of fine lovely times of a good grace towards the whole world. With thankful cares and even 

Serious reviews are a bit strident as well, and austere stern fortitudes, with fine details important are a love throughout the USA in even village proper of economics stability in cherished reality, and love towards a thriving flourishing standard of daring great fine people of many very lovely kindly so. 

The gold standard notations of economic is of great importance and exciting. Savoired for a Lenghty Detail more throughout December too, 2023. 
the November 28 th SUPPER MENU, internationally, 
all over the world, and in the USA of good details a secret, of what is the gold standard of importance. 
Soon to note in all budgeting personal pencil notes. Copper, silver, Nickel, coin minted coins, add up. 
For children too whom saved and even decided to spend some coins of their saved in their own 
coin jar in 2023 . 

more soon. Enjoy your breakfast in the USA if you have not had your breakfast yet.
 Lunch and dinner as well, internationally too, all over the world, sitting or standing. 
My schedule in my tiny rental villa is with several months of busy work in my schedule to stay in more and assure, and a perfect tiny villa is is, very quiet usually, fine owner, and no need to concern myself with any calls to the owner, and certainly no mishaps in any wrong type of mixed messages. I have not any messages to the owner, or staff, zero. No calls, as I would email, and have no emails either I sent. With of course my concerns in a concerns of missing art, or broken fine sculptural work, missing designs, paper, of course are a strange thought, after seeing a ladder near my upstairs windows. Mike Bloomberg, patty who. I will post your film update Sir Michael Bloomberg. The United Nations film. It’s obscure, non cultural I think, in your reviews. I have a tiny grocery stop to get some little items before mc Donald notations I made, and Warren Buffett noted his interest in my brief budgetary notations several days ago. 

Irek ? Whom ? sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of  RUSSIA 
is with a pointed post update from the country of Russia today. read and such recent intrusion in my estate entry into the stairs, with some very large notations in a USA governors and retired governor of the USA, with some careful review, en view. Everywhere.  Not simply google map. Google In focus Up to the minute map cam. When I have delays in my aria and many project scheduled, even in the Russian Arias in the ROYAL RUSSIAN CATHEDRAL, and on the ten feet in front of the steps of the entire huge buildings and streets of the RUSSIAN PARLAMENT, the Kremlin gains interest too, not simply parlement or all people in RUSSIA.The list is very long and not the short list at all. All over the world, USA too. Even Nashville invites are delayed. Elvis Prestley just emailed. Excuse me. Un momento’ por foir voir, 

the China Jade Risterante in Saranac Lake New York USA might be with rice bowls nine days old, in needs of any one, in a tall kitchen size garbage bag, or paper News print, possibly curb side. Next to the lamp post on the side walks for misfits and sluggish in a merry spirit. With a chop stick box. A few, perhaps. For the hunger pains. Anyone faintish. Peas Porage  is some times nine days old and boxed to bag at curb too. Not a shin dig but thoughtful for fainted walkahmakas. It’s a tradition, to count the non sold foods, and losses further too, with not much to set in a bag at all, rice only, I think possible a few. Next to a dog bowl of water  outside away from doors on side walks for doggies sometimes a nice kind care. 

more soon. 

10:52 am from Saranac Lake New York USA, receiving a message from 
is with serious austere non humor in a serious very concerning review with an abscure message update directly in film. ENGLAND is in EUROPE of course, where the sun rises from the direction of CHINA hours and hours many after rising in CHINA very far from ENGLAND. Looking to the ocean is where the sun goes down last in EUROPE, and east is sun rise. West to East. East to West vast EUROPE on the other side of the world of course from the USA. Wales is a city in the country of ENGLAND. 
Darling review. xo Queen Elisabeth, from myself and everyone all over the world. 

Very good of you Your Majesty, Queen Elisabeth. 
Thank you for the very special ROYAL plum pudding. 
Each pudding a specious winter holiday saviors.  with all my love, QUEEN ELIZABETH. 
Great thank you darling Her Majesty. xo. 

CHINA, yes.   Arnold Schartenegger , appetizers’ of course for the special menu suppers. 

more soon. 

Minute Maid special message update 
most always a low price even fresh and or frozen. 
Best and of specialist licensed product in juice. 

more soon, I have many exciting messages very lovely everyone. Small Drive to Stewart’s for soda pop and a few extra basics. And a busy day in pop corn literature for everyone, posted soon. 

Stewart’s now post update soon. 12:58 pm in my villa apartment just minutes from Stewart’s 
in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW. And yes, I have returned to my usually very sweet little very lovely tiny estate villa apartment. Stewart’s is well loved in the region with many types of foods prepared and with a usual busy number of people that travel in, street park, or park in one of their parking lots, even seen live in google map live, with some fun to go to the public CAROSEL, for a free ride quite the nice rare experience. The public park was with bandit vandals steem rolling, and has not been filled as it was. Charming experience which everyone everywhere might like, with a fine village public park swing at any age, and fine to play kick ball in, or nerf ball, to enjoy eating under the lovely blue sky. 

The professional people served a whole lot of ice cream since 
last year with the great ice cream sales all over the world, 
including Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA. 

Several of the Fuel Stops in this region are very special and 
assure many freshly made foods that are quite delicious.

Rita meter wrongs, again, and trying to stuff threatening notes into my automobile again, and told lies as well about some folk. Leapshien Unethics  ? Claimed to what, is under serious reviews. 
More 4077 Mash updates soon. Or at Utube 4077 Mash. Munion issues are also in reviews and are with many meetings in Europe as well, and still  aimed at me as well as some that were pointed at when a munious popped snapped and crackled. Chest riviting , reviews to note. Quite serious. With a distance of individualism and a line to not bend a rule of respective consideration, professionally or individual decisions in lovely humanity. Whom was married ? Were their children ? Whose children ? Named tatoo ? 
Children are required to be in school and no field trips. Same desk every day, same childern. Same public school . Kindergarten through 12 th grade. Not to have anyone hover at their desk. And a front desk long for real teachers with real qualifications. Quality education standards are very important for all childern. In  high school some young grown up ages at 16 sometimes decide to chose full time work ( in basic standard shop sales day hours, no alcoholic types of employment in ages of under 21., instead and this is a choice of course as many complete more studies earlier and learn in advanced extra study.  

1:27 pm emailed RINGO STARR LISTEN 


more soon. NOW WONDER BREAD, the very best and lowest prices in plain sandwich bread enriched nurtition bleached whole whete flour, and soft bread, always delicious. 
Childern and grown ups love wonder bread USA multi national bread company. read 

New York USA NOW 1:45 pm 
Moscow Russia NOW 9:45 pm 

more soon. 2:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, 
update from my darling STING, whom is never at an endeavor of war, just as  RUSSIA is never in an endeavor of war either.  STING took the time in the world to compose a lovely meaningful message with  a bass violinist, of very softly a love song, of greatest cares to myself, RUSSIA and the whole world. LISTEN serious reviews and message compostion of LOVE FROM STING and others is exceptional. xo with love to you STING, and everyone. Guest Room, fluffy pillows best.

more soon. 

3:24 pm from my rental estate tiny villa 
apartment in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW 
reviews with a message from my darling lovely JEREMY IRONS, 
even in the 1970 ‘ s darling and now, 
in an impromptu in  conversation film 
croquette green grass games, of fine summers, lovely to savior. 
xo with love to you, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. Our Brat outings are going to be fine in Love Notes  in film. With brat films from all over the world from many many many people with love,  in special brat films, not yet announced. 

8:55 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW, from my rental estate tiny villa apartment with a message in film from ROBERT REDFORD, in a POLITICAL REFLECTION, in vibrant candid personification with ROBERT REDFORD’s soft charming dignity, 
in conversation film. 

Robert Redford, thank you very well, darling, kindly, I will say, the pancake house many years is forever  delightful, GIANT GERMAN STYLE, and perfect sailing. Brats film soon I think. xo with love. from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett , thank you again. 

more soon. 
Working Supper around 6:00 pm yesterday was refreshing, it’s November 16 th 2034 at 4:32 am from my tiny rental estate villa apartment. I had a email yesterday that my ivory soap was delivered to my post box mail box area and it’s was not there. A suit I ordered seemed wrong and was delivered with a missing record on eBay of some issue from dc dirty dozers and affiliates minion dirty dc rattlers,  other items I ordered should be with arrivals within 3 to seven days in all standard shipping rules. Not a month or more, with shipment going being shipped on time   After purchases , big concern in all seaAnd a sign vandalism on my front entry door, ruining the beautiful foirer entry I pay rent to see quite special and a issue again wiyh dropped items and dirty brooms on the lushly romantic garden outdoor elevated terracing of the very charming estate. Oximoxi vandalizers and dozers at that. Harm to the nation day tripper.  With automobile fisty attackers - in print ink , and sign walkers, with prior issues in wrongs plus plus. And some concerns in penny trimming wrongly of some in great wages which included wage increases I understand ,. in a year that was with sales nd efforts of exceptional professional achievements simply plain great, North of the Mississippi too. 

Batter Fried Fish, filet of sea bass golden pan fried with crisp French fries and freshly cut and baked biscuits were served with lime aioli sauce basic not hand blended mayonnaise French classics perpetration..of course Hienz 57 ketchup USA BRAND. Excellent on French fries crinkle cut with 57 seasonings blended perfectly for perfection on ketchup. 

Good Morning everyone everywhere all over the USA and internationally as well, everywhere all over the world. 4:58 am now Saranac Lake New York USA NOW. wishing all of you a great day and excellent breakfast, lunch as well as dinner, sitting or standing. I am about to order a few things from Walmart online and some items are not correctly listed in proper delivery listed, two day delivery recently even took 14 days in some cares to Walmart that shops in two days - and has always been on time. In review it’s very important to the USA everywhere and to Walmart people too,  with such issues in my entry I wanted to place the concerns in a strait forward review. Important to everyone and even internationally with my specialized German Paper imported professional paint canvas papers, for lovely catalogue sales that were very upset, concerns everywhere. 

more soon.    Michu’ RUSSIAN for my lovely darling friend I love, pronounced in RUSSIA ME -SHUKA, in the USA sometimes Micheha 
with a very special update music compostion this morning from my tiny village villa apartment nestled among the ancient opulent forest of ancient trees in a village proper - 
from my darling John Lennon and the men of the Beatles in instrument work extremely wonderful in the 1960 s 1970 s and updated now. John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. 
“ Micheihal “ ‘ LISTEN  

lovely I dare say. 

American Standandard in Avantgarte’ USA Radio, 1979 first session in a special from ENGLAND was exciting then and now at love notes in direct message, to everyone all over the world. 

5:40 am now saranac lake New York USA NOW Today  Bella Lagossi messages are with films and Sundance Films and Jonny Carson Film with Don Rickles and David Letterman  as with Jerry Louis film updates and Bella Lagossi special feature of the Ink Blob known as the Blob in a tiny glimps of Thee Bella Lagossi 20 th century modern film update in the 21 st century and somewhat edgy with literary genius in creative fluidity that’s with austere deliberation of love. 

The ink BLOB 
in a world premiere excerpt et el ‘ ole ‘ 
updated soon from thee Bella Lagossi 

pop corn and pumpkin breads are very important and I will make time to see through the exciting post update today from my tiny estate villa rental apartment in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW, and look for my ten bars of ivory soap delivery, and then having to dodging., with Salvatore Dali’ in his 1960 designs  of rare exray vision goggles, meta metroplex film, the entry of my villa, In reviews everywhere in the village of saranac lake and villages all over the world. Prete ‘ updates from MANHATTAN NEW YORK USA too. A gripping person again, throned ethics, and wrongly approached my automobile with ink blob moffetting ‘ and has cause a very awful issue further in my tiny estate quiet of  my very lovely life, with a meter maid issue of contorting the standards of the reality of ethics in funny papering ink blob grips on others property in plain view. Circling the city,  with damages to even all those street parking in every home estate in the city and country of all villages. And that of parking of all village business to love business from each any every person, parking reality to all. Of course the junk yard in Chicago Iliniose near the state of Indiana May have a broaden personification of a wrong in such blaten issue with a tally of damage to circle others automobiles in a breach of any ethics in all, those reviews. What is a accumulative tally, on a large many people in very serious review. Let’s begin with busses, and big rigs, attempt to contorted ethics in the USA. Tally, a BRITISH WORD, to total numerical summation in an equation fully a whole realize connected to a ethical exact Tally ( summation ). What are the Tally damages. Of a racketeering few, dirty dozers. Mc Donald’s time and worth, are with considerable extended damages. 
My entry issue is absurd and of very serious damages. Unthinkable. The sacred villa rental so sweet is an outrage to think anyone should contend, in such ventricle aim, and serious munion aimed at me and others. dc dirty dozer issues are in big reviews- of course drive slow everyone, and if you are with a dent in your car or scratch for any reason, you need only to phone your insurance automobile company and assure the writing down the license plate of a vehicle that was thumbing around. The insurance in automobile is your auto only. Mirror surround video are with concerns of prowlers in all villages to be kindly careful. Police Wrong  with Prowling Tailing they caused, are issues  and lies about many are in reviews.  Prete in MANHATTAN NEW YORK USA , PENNSILVANIA STATION , updates too. Damages back date and astronomical loss. Fine professional nice little company too, with lovely cares and good menus. In a revenue profit this year of 2023. Thank you all at Prete for several years in email messages everyone. xo with love. 

Johnson and Johnson has quite a 
loss in revenue over all too. As well as a recent 4000 
other large companies including General Electric. 

6:02 am almost time for imported coffee Ecuadorian Beans, and pancakes with apricot preserves and a marzacoponie crème du la crème soft sweet cheese. with a lime cherry 
Sparkling Mineral Water Imported from Brazil.

A HEATER NOTE: the Blue Light Gadget at $9.99 notation from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett,  at my studio vosse love notes today is wonderful in a very finest heater which is optimized in standards of quality heater with optimized heating that’s warm and tiny, plugging into a 12 volt two prong plug in, in either a generator or standard home wall plate plug in and fine for automobiles too. I set the heater on a seperate stand. IPad Computer Tablet Stand. And it’s added extra heater and not for a whole house of course. Perfect warmth and excellent flow of standard in real international quality in every way. The heat coils are non flame standard, perfectly made in China Excellent Engineering with love in all standards of strict compliance regulation for manufacturing heaters of course.

The finest in modern tiny gadgets. 



more soon, it’s a lovely Time  
for early morning coffee. 
Good Morning in the state of Maine today, in the USA. Thank you for the lovely messages updates. xo with love. hello Bar Harbor people of the fine tiny city of Bar Harbor Maine, USA NOWin the USA of a region known as New England USA 
of cities many. Very fine ocean views and a 
few hotels in more quite ocean cities of the USA. Of course not the very greater country of 
ENGLAND in Europe very very large. 
far across the extremely large ocean. 

Route 101 is a pretty drive in the north east. 

more soon. Message from darling GARRISON KEILOR, in the state of MINNESOTA USA NOW, as Garrison arrived on my birthday to the southern region with a very fine introspective compositional literary event, within AMERICAN RADIO STANDARDS, many years, some risky statements in literary reflections of even GARRISON KEILOR, books in notes from his very well loved radio literary talks, today internationally for everyone all over the world, in love notes from lovely MINNESOTA, with fine ole daring friends, many, even in my days in the 1990’ s of my employment in investment banking. Tales from LAKE WOBEGONE. special film 
Daniel Levitusmus. , symphonies perfections too, with  news Danial, from MINNESOTA, with THEE GARRISON  KEILOR, 
with outrageous risky literary  love.  
Mustards Last Stand  again GARRISON KEILOR, xo and I love you very well all, 
in the incredible state of MINNESOTA. 
thank you again. 

on RADIO online LISTEN 

Exhibitions were so lovely everyone, 2014, and more. Lovely. xo xo xo xo xo 
Many in Europe and South America are with eased tiny ear plug translation in listening to love notes. 

more soon.  The crisp drive into Syracuse New York, is always pleasant while I left the city to enjoy my southern estate in 1989. Living in a villa at a lake view area, kept me busy, in a resort reality of 15 million travelers yearly, while if in The Brooklyn Pickle, in Syracuse, chose east or west village dining, with the finest in opulent deli sandwiches with real GERMAN BREAD, made from American - German bakers, even in the larger bakery in the city of SOLVAY, baking 24/7 or the Dark  German Rye, seedless in the little tiny bakery of the Italian German hand made arugula too, in an area of Syracuse New York, speciality bread, and 8 oz giant sandwiched finest, always plentiful quality and perfection. $6.95 to $8.95 half pound great foods, with $. 40 cent chips, in excellence in business since 1970. Marion , were you piling those sandwiches even higher again. 8 oz Marion. Famous you are. Not 6 oz on the half sandwich, 4 oz, making everyone look, like they were serving only one hor Devores’ French ( olive,  cream cheese crackers  on a stick ) , I didn’t say Clackers ,  Marion. 1986 . love to everyone. The Sniper Honored  well loved historical  Monument, is still in the tiny village park. With good cheer everyone.

Hats off to you all. To Ken as well. 

A bakers dozen ?  1989 . 

12:18 pm New York USA from my tiny estate , villa apartment, an 
email from James Taylor today in review was not effective to post, and may need James Taylor’s simple email again, to clarify the film update actually, and never to mingle lovely James Taylor’ s incredible lovely cultivations of excellence in music compostions, to be less than his own pure lovely expressions. My email is and just assure you look at your address email when sending the email. The film may have been incorrect James Taylor and seems to look, spliced. The utube is with some recent splices attached , harrible issues, and unusual vassilene gleam, farce ‘ teethed  subjective of upset  marsol du chomp depictions. Marcel in France is very upset. I might dare to say. 

I can hardly wait to enjoy the 
you sent, not yet posted James Taylor.  
and we can get back to 1979 Phoebe Bistro Risterante Too,
Brat events too in films. 

Bo Jangles - James. 

5:51 pm saranac lake New York from my estate villa apartment, excuse me, more hall issue in the entry again. New Jersey is no longer with a wooden nickel in Woolworth, and jell canned sauces are forever not well liked. 

I was in meetings in EUROPE MOST OF THE DAY. Specialist are making efforts and RUSSIAN Government are lovely as meetings have been lengthy and reviews as well. Sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin of Russia is outrageously awaiting the LOVE NOTES REVOLUTION with bold reality of notable austerity among people everywhere in the world. The kind dignities of peoples are worth a reality reviews. With love more in a charishing of an each minute, all times to find sacred in achieved work and anticipation of each well planned supper at least. A time to assure an autumn and winter 2023 with a sanctitude of your own sanctuary in the world is very dignified and of love. 

Even a charming lovely tiny villa of a sweet of a nut cracker finest to think of walnut crunch Black Forest Pie. A favorite of my mother’s quite well. I have a recipe of my version for New Year  2023 and roasted chess nuts to savior. 




film credit : 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

It’s the silk curtian is my newer design 
I created in summer 2023. With fine European Imported Silk From the country of China.
Well known for the worlds finest silk. 
Then Baha ? 

more soon. 

10:54 pm from my estate rental tiny villa apartment saranac lake New York USA NOW 

messages from THEE 
ELVIS PRESLEY with a cape reminiscent of CAPE COD in RHODE ISLAND New England region beach side with a few hotels and pure ocean quarry inlet reef, of the Beaches of CAPE in Providence Town RHODE ISLAND, quite and breautiful on the east coastal regions of the USA,. As well as ELVIS PRESLEY put on his bell bottoms waiting for Bella Lagossi movie excerpt and I am quite excited as ELVIS is in HAWAII USA far west coast of the Islands in the state of HAWAII USA. LISTEN  I love you too, xo merci to you, and everyone. Brats, yes.  And Memphis BBQ best again. thank you again.

more soon 

11:36 pm saranac lake New York USA, NOW 
Thee Bela Lagosi in Film 
more about thee darling Bela Lagosi soon. 

GOOD MORNING IN CALIFORNIA, USA as in the entire state of sweet California, the state of the USA of abundance in pistachios and many fruits, fine cheeses, avocados and more. In California now in the USA, the time is 9:53 am and in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW it’s 12:54 pm on NOVEMBER 18 th 2023. California State  OREGON STATE, Washington State, Utah, and more on the USA WEST COAST, of the USA good morning. Olive trees in the south west of the USA are producing fine olives this year. I bought some beautiful jars of olives. Perfect. Pistachio ice cream in the new year might be a delight with Carmel Sauce with a layer of riche freshly crisp crusted one layer chocolate cake. Whipped Cream, peanut prelienne and cherrys from marachino prepared jars. 
pineapples too. Even Calamata olives. Florida state, everyone Hello, and thank you everyone, and people in great FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE. wonderful,. 
I realize around the USA the price point was lowest and important to all citizens. While a few were, stamping issues within mad max updated magazine noted throughout the USA. 

Hawaii too, everyone, hello. aloha. 

Thank you everyone in the west coast, of the USA and everyone in all 50 states of the United States of America ( U.S.A. ). with more very good love sent to the NORTH WEST COAST of the Country of Canada, yes, Vancouver, sock eye salmon excellence too, and the fine CARR museum, thank you. Of course Canada is rather large, and I wished to say good day to everyone in the country of Canada with good thank you throughout all of Canada into Nova Scotian regions. And the fine south seas in souther areas of below the USA ocean south seas regions. The president of China, Sir Xi Jinping, reminded me recently of love for the south seas countries, BARBADOS too, South America countries as well. I will list all those lovely countries in November 2023 in the western hemosphere and far from EUROPE.  
again and again, thank you. 

thank you very well, the many messages are pure love everyone. Very thoughtful of you all.

I love you more too, 
and have to see messages 
of everyone posted in 
love notes Revolution I think. 

message of love now and again the Beatles LISTEN  , thank you George Harrison 
for the sweet message of Bela Lagosi, as I can hardly wait until pop corn freshly made perfectly perfect. The pop corn balls I made earlier are outrageously delicious. With more to enjoy making and the recipe posted before Monday, Imagine having chocolate pop corn balls all the way through Valentines 2023. Fluffiest Pillows George. 

1:39 pm from my tiny 
village estate villa rental apartment, Saranac Lake 

good day darling Sir Vladimir Putin, plum cake was splendid. kisses sent, catch darling. 

more soon. David Bowie and Mick Jagger 
update review again dancing in the street listen 
of course lovely tiny ear phones make 
it even more extravagant fun.                              I bought you both green ear phones. 
Loved everywhere in the world.

Marion Berman ? of the most memorable sandwiches in the world. 1986. merci ‘ Merion. 

reviews from rowen Atkinson  Mr Bean, and the luncheonette  scenes      

more soon it’s 3:03 pm ny USA, now it’s 6:15 pm in the north east USA, from my tiny village.

POP CORN BALLS, with extra efforts are going to be marvolous for a small tiered tree, with exciting time in efforts to enjoy a batch of the fine freshly made confectioneries mastery in small pots, and a tiny tiered tree filled through November into December 2023 and even in to NEW YEARS in JANUARY 2024

 and even FEBRUARY 2024 with four variation of a perfect confectionary real pop corn ball. 


Begin with an extra clean medium sized sauce pop. Non stick surface is best, and one basic plain inexpensive bag of popping corn. Not microwave corn. Perfectly lovely to always have a plentiful bag of popping corn which lasts over even a year or longer when tightly bagged with a twist tie tightly closed on the plastic bag which you purchase it in. When making your very first pop corn, it can get hot. Realize that you will use corn oil or a vegetable oil and not very much, is needed in the bottom of your sauce pan. In a very small popping, 1/2 of a cup of pop corn is enough to try popping corn your self. Prepare your counter with 1/2 cup of pop corn, and an oven pop holder, with a vegetable oil, inexpensive as usual, for vegetable or corn oil. 1/2 stick of butter which is 4 table spoons, and be ready to melt butter in a small pan. Also be ready with a teaspoon of salt. Regular inexpensive table salt, USA brand is MORTONS. 

A clear kitchen towel on your counter away from any oven with your pot holder is a very good habit to assure cooking on any stove or bunt burners. Even chaffing dishes too. Now you’re ready to pop your very first pop corn freshly made roasted on the oven top burners. ? The first pop corn experience in a real roast corn popping is very special. Place the oil in the medium sauce pan, about 1 table spoon only for the whole bottom of the pan. What is next? On a low heat, covered pan, heat the oil well, and hot, 4 or 5 minutes and cover the pan, do not open the lid. Then, this is the difficult part, taking every second of your attention to a hot pan, and your ability to not burn the corn kernels. Pop them without burning is the secret to excellent fresh pop corn. Pour the pop corn into the hot oil. And cover pot without opening while the corn is popping. Now your entire experience depends on hot corn to pop without burning one corn kernel. Shake the handle on the pot with out opening the lid. Shake on the burner close and not too much. While you continue a shake just a little and then when Corn Pops you will hear the popping corn get to be even more popping corn until more pop and pop until the pop slows down, and you must shake just a little while Corn Pops. This is when you must be ready to stop popping before any corn burns. Many popped corns are enough, then remove from heat, turn off stove completely and add butter tossing the corn and then salt sprinkle over the beautiful pop corn freshly  popped and buttered. Enjoy your first pop corn warm with a mini film or a music film or even some film you enjoyed at love notes. Before we begin the next popping of corn freshly made for the pop corn balls of holiday sweet of the nut crackers,  to enjoy daily everywhere in the whole world. 

8:10 pm from my villa apartment estate rental 
Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW 

with DON WRICKLES in conversation 
specially sent for the review. Political, could get even more serious. Darling DON WRICKLES and Darling DAVID LETTERMAN and I all, so enjoy standards in flight on time as always has been. And a lovely photographic afternoon, even in MANHATTAN NYC NY USA, with a glimps of the World Trade Center. Risky uncensored in candid film  
Brat films are going to be extra special.   xo everyone, with love, 
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

darling TONY RANDEL has a review in film 
while just too within the fine humorous genius work of 
with delightful brilliant Jack Clugman, and 
occasionally even darling genius  Penny Marshal. 
fine little song TONY, EVERYONE,
brat films, say yes everyone, 

xo darlings. merci’ 

9:27 pm New York USA NOW 
The review updates messages : The Johnny  Carson and The Bob Newhart in conversation in film 

more soon. 
AND LENARD NEMOY with Andy Willams, all darlings known for many years, are with an impromptu film with AMERICAN TELEVISION, of good history in even the Andy Williams Show as well as genius sifi fiction tales, in THEE STAR TRACK, of a well loved favorite, even now everywhere in the whole world, the original updated STAR TRACK. Thank you very much everyone for the lovely conversational film. I adore you all, Mustards Last Stand for Brats Films fun, 
soon everyone. What a fine fun for January 2024. xo thanks again. 

November 19 th 2023 4:45 am 
from my rental estate tiny villa apartment. 
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW. 

5:03 am NEW YORK USA NOW with a message update from ERIC CLAPTON with a lovely music compostion and delightful guitar with everyone of pure blues. Outragiously wonderful. Fully pillows ci, everyone and then even more excitment with Bentley Automobile films and yes of course brat films too, ERIC CLAPTON my darling lovely man, perfectly fine composition. Thank you, and thanks everyone. I simply love you all, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. xo 
Pink Ear Phone Eric ? 

more soon. 
5:32 am NEW YORK USA , Saranac lake from my tiny villa now. HINHUA “ review today of the concerns in the USA from the president of the Vastly Large country of China, Sir Xi Jinping, of the lovely country of CHINA in  far Eastern Europe. in HINHUA ‘ Dingdong NEWS  with lovely thank you to my darling friend, President Xi Jinping and the fine lovely people in the government of the county of China as well as the finest of people all in China. The President of China, Sir Xi Jinping, in further notes read.

Message update now 
with review and introspective lovely expression in 
conversational impromtue in film very good of you 
George and everyone, thank you for the very sweet 
messages. Brat Film are going to be wild. xo. 

6:33 am in my tiny villa Saranac lake New York USA NOW 
SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA THEE KREMLIN, of the entire country of lovely Russia. Five extra fluffy pillows darling, what ever you need darling Kremlin. I love you Vladimir Putin. Save me a seat, I shan’t be too long for the RUSSIAN ARIA I planned. Kisses - catch. 
the emailed update, read. All over the world. 

FILM : banana boat tyrants, by ratan raft 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
The film and sketch date in a one minute 
review political comment is 11/19/2023 

more soon. 

Ralph Achilles, is a world renowned historian, with noted lectured within antiquities in global historical reality modern art as well, with notable achieved extraordinary historical  lectures well known within greatest world museums and extensive noted universities as well, a very lengthy friendship we have enjoyed, years, notes of Belguim even, and a recent review in message in film   

Invited by MACY’S, PEDWAY

and PEDIFIORES ‘ confectioneries too. 

7:57 am from my tiny villa 
JULIE CHILDS French Onion Soup Gratinee ‘ in update reviews. in Film 
perfect , with brats again Julie thank you as your loved everywhere all over the world. French Chef Basics are with great love for you. How wonderful of you darling. xo. 

more soon. Brief converstation with Omar Sherriff ‘
pronounced O mare, Shareee ‘ with silent f. 
Lovely of you Omar Sherriff
such a talk about the film Laurance of Arabia
LISTEN   merci ‘ see you again for Seafood Stew at the soho grocery. brats too. 
Glad the film I posted nearly a year ago, was loved in the academy too. Marvelous. 


2:49 pm from my tiny village estate villa apartment, in such a pristine tiny village, in historical many years nestled among the giants, of preserved forests of the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. 

POP CORN is a ancient love that the USA country is with a history of once not being able to cultivate the actual agricultural excellence of CORN, as well as can be grown, and has been grown in the USA for thousands and thousands of years. POP CORN, is a plentiful delight in the USA with ancient secret to even string pop corn for a fine event of the solstice holiday that annually is the entire week of the last 12 days of the year into the NEW YEAR on JANUARY 1 st 2024 in this solstice holiday. The 12 days of Christmas extend to beyond the NEW YEAR, with even plentiful pop corn balls if efforts of secrets so fine are with a greatest experience if you dare, try a ancient mastery of the corn of plenty. Solstice in a winter holiday which includes the whole world, of different schedules, and dates in EUROPE, different all a day earlier of the same exact time of solstice ( the sun and moon up into heavens of the vaste universe far larger than even possible to imagine) , Touroe Beach in the east coast of the USA, on the ocean view, there is a clear view of the TOURUS, stars in the extrodinary sky, which brightly reflect star light brightest in solstice winter, night sky, and millions of years, and more, the stars of the universe are far, and beautiful and brillant. What excitment to adorn the time with love alone in a world of  triumph and even a thriving to mastery in making pop corn balls with a world international event. Masa is corn. The experience to grow corn alone in a tiny patch is not easily achieved. The farm specialist in corn, are with thank you, within all agriculture of such finest specialization. South America in all countries are very fine with corn and more very lushly grown well, and the USA has great esteemed love of the specialty of cares to mastery in corn of plenty, while peoples specialties and love of the world, are never alone. Hello in the tiny village of HIANAS PORT, and FOUL MOUTH, ocean Atlantic. The sea bass fried was delicious. xo. East Coast USA, we all love you of the beautiful route road 101 USA. Lovely day to you all. 

Walmart USA does have pop corn by the bag, under $3.00 which can last even a year with plenty of pop corn to enjoy a plentiful full bag of plain popping corn. Many great breakfast cereals are made with corn, and delicious they are. KELLOGG  BRAND  Frosted Corn Flakes, are a childhood favorite in the USA. Corn oil, are well enjoyed and inexpensive due to the high yield in corn plentiful. 

Of course holiday menus as well as daily menu varieties are not simply corn. While pop corn balls are a secret if you dare to cultivate mastery in fine confectionary of a daily delight throughout the winter 2023. If you dare.  A secret ancient basic of the balls a corn of plenty. 

Of course the  tiny
corn fritter cakes  of South  America 
are a tiny delight. 

more soon. it is a late breakfast for me today, with meetings in Europe Last Evening. review notations in brief my be very important, and an review for everyone in the world, quite savvy everyone, with love too in reviews. 

more soon.
 Saranac Lake New York USA NOW 

EUROPEAN COUNTRY OF SPAIN, were so sweet to send me a direct message even with whispers of love from all South American Countries, with SPAINISH language throughout all of SOUTH AMERICA 
with slight differences in slight language, of spoken words. Masa ‘ in may saha’ ole. 

 is rare and everyone, 
sent me a very lovely November 2023 
message update now with even more 
of the Bull fight of SPAIN FILMS INTO 2024. 

in FILM 

of course in South America of all 
the countries even large countries of South America 
lovely honor thank you.
message rings out throughout the whole world today. 
Gracious, Bouienos ‘ Gracious, Compadre ‘Espiritus ‘ 
Nava da’ I love you all, with 
good graces of thank you again.
como ‘ sta ‘ ci. Gracious Love to all 
in the country of great lovely Royal Spain
and rejoice of a lovely message I say 
of all the countries of South America. 

TINY CORN FRITTER TINY CAKE an American Standard Secret 

Film Credit : 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
baked in a tin, was delightful with a fast removed cake from a tin baking experience, that is with a round tall cake made with corn grit flour and canned sweet corn baked within a moist fine tiny cake. Opulent Corn, can be sliced carefully with two layers of stacked cakes, and a specially prepared cream. Quite nice in a November Supper 2023 into December 2023 

recipes are especial. 

6:19 pm SUNDAY EVENING in the north eastern hemisphere of the world, USA, Canada, and in the lower Atlantic South regions. In Europe it is NOW 6:21 am morning in Beijing China. SPAIN in Barcelona, 12:24 am NOW November 20th 2023

Jacques Pepin update of the finest Quality French Onion Soup Gratinee ‘ 
in FILM  merci ‘ with special thank you to you. Brat Film in the New Year ? mai oui ? 

wonderful Jacques Pepin, everyone loves French Onion Soup. xo 

Martha Stewart is creating her special FRENCH ONOIN SOUP as well. unmomento’ Martha Stewart, 
post update soon. xo ’ thank you for so many lovely messages too.  

more soon. 
9:46 pm from my tiny village estate villa apartment
 Saranac Lake New York USA NOW 

Martha Stewart 
created a special film in a preparatory delight 
which is so lovely, for me at LOVE NOTES, 
which with delight the whole world. 
in FILM 

thank you well, MARTHA STEWART 
brats films, with love ? And thank you
for the gracious many year of 
emails in lovely messages.

xo I love you darling Martha Stewart. 

more soon.   1:57 pm from my estate rental tiny villa.
 Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW 
PURDUE PEOPLE are the very best, and emailed, with deliberation in reviews, 
from PURDUE CHICKEN darling friends for many years. The state of INDIANA in the USA is PURDUE COUNTRY, of the USA as a fine little drive I love every now and then. With a message with love for me, in the entire state of Indians, with love. read xo to everyone. With love and thank you to everyone at PURDUE, and all in the entire state of INDIANA. xo. The largest of company for chicken finest in excellence, and long time ancient friends. I love you all, and the state of Indian, brat films are going to be perfectly fun. With love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

what a fine drive we all had under 
the big blue lovely sky. thank you again everyone. It was quite the clean up. xo 

more soon. Purdue Boiler Maker Sports from the state of PURDUE REVIEW USA READ 

more soon. Good morning, yesterday was Monday November 20 st 2023, and my only post was PURDUE , the company whom brings quality poultry to the USA by far, more than imaginable. The small city tiny village of Purdue Indiana in the USA is a quiet lovely tiny village, with a fine little fuel stop as well, and more than just poultry, is from PURDUE. It was a fine time to stop in Purdue often for me, as I sometimes drove for TENNESSEE to Chicago Illiniose, once a year, at time. Welcomed by everyone from Purdue has always been somewhat charished for me. From those in groceries and fuel stops to even the local pancake house risterate. Always fine. Thank you all in Purdue again, for the fine messages, often, and all in Indiana of many many many cities, of the USA in the state of Indiana. So good of you all to have arrived at my international lectures in 2009 and the exhibtion too later in Chicago Ilinoise and more 2013 into 2018 for the exhibition, of my studios international peace project with aria and economic rational, with finest people as in Indiana, and Purdue, and throughout the country of the USA people villages all, all over the world everyone. With such great love. Thank you very well. 

The hour now is 9:35 am TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21 st  2023, now, and the thanks giving holiday is usually the last Thursday in November and I myself will be with my holiday dinner internationally on the last Thursday of November with a time to even enjoy my holiday tree in the entry of my tiny estate villa, with tiny lights everywhere. Villages in the shopping areas are even putting a tree lighted out side their door which can be easily moved inside after closing and lighting window villages all over the world. 

Of course I have serious notations that are a very serious concern to the USA which are to be within my updates within the day and several days, as the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin President of one of the largest countries in the world, put together some serious notations of his own, in lue of some of the Russian Governments too, of very serious in the Kremlins esteemed very poniant time sir Vladimir Putin , assured publicly some serious cares. Of course, Sir Vladimir Putin, of RUSSIAN REAL LOVE, is with extrodinary cares to great humanity, with cultural love and extrodinary cultural cultivated esteem, quite good. The RUSSIAN FILM , SPECIAL ARCHIEVE, not yet, in my decision to post, are with serious review in Sir Vladimir Putin’s notations I consider very seriously. And reviews yes, for the USA in assuring many deliberations in very serious upset of, dc dirty dozers and dismal deviant affiliate. 

Of course, the reality of, many people are important to everyone, even PURDUE. Thanking PURDUE for the fine little chicken breaded in the freezer groceries is also with a ease to my week, with some that are only a few, in malicious intent whom caused damage, to me and others in the USA at large concerns and tip toed through tulip even in malicious intent. Tulips for special times, special gardening, special planning special estate entries, shop entries, and tulip for auditorium of large and even the most tiny. For others everywhere. New Orleans Louisiana, May have serious reviews even now too. 

Within a few days, I have
 a REVOLUTION OF GUITAR EVENTS in such love I have for so many incredible people efforts large and of the most tiny in details of the whole world, which began in 2013. Not just Guitars and even efforts in films of BBQ and ice cream served to over 7 billion people in the summer of 2022 into even more exciting notes, films and lovely people everywhere within the villages all in the USA and villages all over the world. I have also to expound upon ( note a few words) , about the some comments from the President of China and the government people of China with people of the country of China, of darling lovely Chinese Culture, modernly ancient of love, CHINESE LOVE. 

With some films from the Real President of the country of Italy, and more. Messages from Presidents of countries in SOUTH AMERICA government in Canada too. With car attackers in receipt printers a the fly with attempt to coheres and embezzle from people, in shops, strolls, or entries. With their dirty knees in racketeering, with ruffling- en hoew. An Indian word, ancient for hell- oh. Connected in issues of munious,. Damages to others, even PURDUE. The review notations at MC DONALDS a billion dollar projected in loss, is an interest to everyone in the USA. 

More Soon. I have to get Breakfast, and assure slight clean up in my tiny villa apartment due to some walking vicious dirt caused, in the entry and with flie like static, that was malicious and with a few that have a wide foot trail, with large deck and wreck issue, accumulative. 

xo with love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
sweet messages from everyone, exciting. with greatest love, thank you. It’s going to be quite fun in more posts too, in review, in the REVOLUTION OF GUITAR SPECIAL soon, and into the LOVE NOTES REVOLOUTION into JAINLIENUREVE 2024  , French for JANUARY 2024 .  

Betty Rubble and Barney ? No RUSSIAN ROUBLE No Russian Bouble, No Russian Boubles. No Yen. No English Pence, Or gold madalion, no Swedish Gold Euro, No Czeck Diamon either. No Leira ‘ No Crude Barrel, No African Bitter Sweets with confetti African Fruits, No Mondala from India, No South American Spainish Indian Ink, and no Canada holiday ancient song lovely of the tree of sacred love. 
no Iraq coin ‘ No German Paper, No Egyptian Royal Wine. No French Franc or Savionion Blonc. No pure real authentic dingo boot from Australia, No Greek Harp from the country of Greece, with no photographs of fine little flutters of birds called puffins which stay in Europe in Greece mostly in the Galopogous. 
USA in the funny paper? not funny, at all, in bad ink,  and then car tuners ? in film 

Political wrong Founey e’   

with a Bella Lagosi movie in whole film of the BLOB, ( the embodiment of giant wrong ink blob ? ). 
not yet posted.  While Review CHEVY CHASE ? and PAUL SIMON ? Betty and Al again read 

Excuse me, my late Breakfast Awaits. 2:00 pm from my tiny estate villa apartment, with some concerning imposter activities more, in the trampling of the my lovely day, under the outdoor windows out side in a private walk way. With joy in their eyes, to stroll , eat Manhattan sea again,  and take in the breathtaking lovely forest region, in their vicious misfit activities which wrenched the city village, of a very luxurious lovely summer. And lovely exciting breathful stroll of their own. Mine too. Many employed well, were without a lake baha too. Concerns in the village proper of Saranac Lake, New York, USA are with a time of reviews and a village of kind very savvy many people of the love of the USA and certainly no mighty mousing the season of most busy times, even more than summer months. Impersonating rat terriers are to be seen in wrong, and wrong again. Perrier Boules, comes to mind. Perrier Boulez, is a world famous Symphony Conductor Known Internationally as well as in the Grande Symphonies of the USA. What is what ? You might wish to know more about PEIRRE BOULEZ infinite exciting reviews. What an exciting time before all the trees arrive by mail. Registered postal people are going to be busy. And excited that the lovely country of the USA is going to be covered with fine silk Quality Trees with lights of winter 2023 everywhere in the world. Wrapped candies even in a string on even trees with a tiny bit of tape, pop corn strings and ribbon and glass Bouws to find secret of the keepsake each year. 

more soon. 

November 22 nd 2023 1:14 pm from my tiny villa estate rental in the Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA 
of the very prestigious giant fir trees in a kind charm of villages plenty, of the lovely mountains in NEW YORK, northern regions. Good day everyone in of the greater, in Saranac Lake New York tiny village. 
Good day throughout the many thousands of village in the state of New York USA, including in tiny Cortland  of Cortland Apple Orchards, it’s been with perfect apples, and many illustrious pies. Hello to you all, and to the many of fruits in orchard so delightful, thank you for the lovely selections and low prices of such large worth, to everyone in the USA. Hello to the country of peoples of all villages of large and small villages. Big cities too, with a good day to everyone internationally as well. A Kiss sent today to sir Vladimir Putin and all international presidents as well,. catch everyone, with a sacred wish to Sir Vladimir Putin and international presidents of such efforts in humanities. Wishing you all a lovely day and  with a future of prosperity of your lovely lives and very austere love in reviews. 

 A very special kiss to Sir Vladimir Putin today again just as in Vienna Austria, as thank you for all the sweet many sweets. And Austerity Sir Vladimir Putin which is lateral in reviews. In Russia and all over the world. While we were looking forward to a lovely baha and Hockey too. With special archieved films far before November 2023.  Meeting have been with specialist are with extrodinary thank you to Sir Vladimir  Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia as well as thank you ongoing too, to many specialists. 

Update on serious reviews soon. Gold Standards awaits in exciting saviors notations of the USA in the value of the euro gold standard to such a incredible thank giving, to know more, the efforts of the USA people in tiny details to ponder a real THANKS GIVING 2023. Near of Far, north south east and west. 

Serious reviews, yes. Before a real holiday internationally 
and nationally in the USA next week, on my holiday schedule. 
Important, everyone in the whole world thinks so. 
With love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.      

5:08 pm update from my tiny villa, someone unethically dropped off windows in the hall entry and no approved anything to see the sealed casing of windows to be replaced as a issue towards attempt further in structural damage to the ancient estate, in perfect shape, and a malicious interruption to me, in a very serious concern in my time, and a sale of more than a book, of my usually very quiet sweet estate, while slinger lies were hopping into pop in even real estate  offices,    And Carnegie Hall, ticketing box office, amount issues in the entry of my estate even today, with a very special undergarment purchase that was with an email which said it was delivered and it was not delivered, and the ten bars of ivory soap were not delivered, and the silver fly, issue was malicious dropped in the entry upper hall out side my door. Among other concerning issues in the village over a year,  with rat terriers that cause further damages in mail and the foirer terrace entry, and had malicious intent further griping their rotten hand on my automobile again with a ink trail, blob that is very large in national damage, and dc dirty dozen and affiliated , deviant of direct maliciousness. The nation of all citizens are savvy of the intentional intent to sorie’ unethics in such blatened types of rat circling harror, and with late designs I have, in finest project reality, which I take very seriously in delays and reviews. Reviews of time, baha travel, and more. Outragous, in even a slight issue appalling to a attempt more in the ticking towards provaction towards minor infractions that were staged in malicious and an attack on all postal mail, as well. Guitars ? Phone Watches ? Birthday Cards ? I have cares that those whom ordered them and paid the nice low price did receive them, with a time in selections and anticipation of the packages to arrive with a large pleasure of such a USA, never to see such deviant of even one more second, not to enjoy the pure fruited love towards an America USA love of proper of all village proper. My clotheries of very special design are worth very special efforts in clotheries not yet available with some conspisious dc dirges. With Rat Rot Mascots, we’re they wearing everyone else’s ascots? Of course, I have a few packages that are paid for and will be looking to enjoy each purchase. Switched labeling ? AND NO PACKAGE ? How about no. When and where are a large concern to international and national companies all over the world, and and the intent to a damage of fortitude in my company too, is a compounding large review, in the USA, reaching where? An attempt to deviate of ethical standards and even aim at great postal registered employed people in lenghty excellence is ubserd and dismal in a mortifying reality in a few under a miscoscope and viscious. The damages cause are astonomical from a few, very nasty dc dirges. Tales of the humpback Wail ? Or the Tales of Hump dee dump dee, could be antidotal in a slight variation, with quite a few messages in the USA in all villages even BILL GATES emailed, Rob Loew, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jane Fonda, Martha Stewart, Julia Childs, Jonny Carson, Louise Malle’ and let me see if I can get to not only the short list, but the long list. From all over the world. Reviewing a few areas of Sir Vladimir Putin’s email, and Vladimir Putin’s incredible adoration of cultural excitment at Love Notes, I will also review the reality pointed out from the President of China, Sir Xi Jinping and place a yellow highlight in LOVE NOTES, before the week end. Of course messages from presidents in every international country are very exciting and austere in reflection of an austere love serious from the people of the USA and people in every country under a very serious review update. 

exciting to note, pop corn balls and preparations of more Event Supper with serious introspection of a real intellectual large effort of LOVE in the USA and internationally culturally riche with savvy efforts everywhere. Splendid really, I dare say. 

more soon.  GOOD Afternoon everyone, in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW, of many many many, even lovely travelers whom perhaps arrived to enjoy the fine opulence of a simplicity of GIANT FOREST, green heart fir, and even of love to myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, with so many lovely cares of such a wonderful kindness austere too, notably dignified in more than efforts, savvy with some unique vast intellectual cares. The villages all in near and far, villages effort worth and work, with leisure not bad, with many achievents to be quite wealthier, in love of the world, incredible thank you to each and everyone, messages so sweet. Details well done. Smallest and larger, with Pumpkin Pie well before November Began, all together in the USA village by village, and villages all in every country in the world all enjoyed Pumkin Pie and the wonderful Game of ROYAL SPAIN. Even a proper message from the actual European Country of SPAIN, of the ancient bull fight. Very very special of 
LOVE FROM PEOPLE OF THE COUNTRY OF SPAIN in Europe. Kabuki from Japan, China with the merrionettes pupet theater, India of the wild lovely TEA PROPER EXCITEMENT with Ice Cream enjoyed all over the world in Root Beer Ice Cream Soda Pop, and more. England museums, Germany and Austria Sweden Poland, Africa Mongolia Greece and France and Italy, Iran, Iraq, Aphganistan, Israel, Libya , Egypt, and more of my love to all countries before the weekend. Australia yes, Australia with wallaby’s too. 

Notations in review are complex lists and many many many reviews. My brief comments from my meeting notes, in Europe, and in the USA are with some extra time, I decided to update reviews more. The president of China sir Xi Jinping, President of a very large country has underlined a few details, I will expound my comments as too, the President of Africa and India with even other presidents of countries all darlings very well, including Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA. Deserving of my comments with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

more soon everyone, it’s been a rather busy 
morning and afternoon for me, with clean up of mite of mighty mousing. My evening is with European Meetings and a lite dinner with working meetings, Very special Shrimp French Recipe, variation from the grandure of the opulent Hotel Syracuse in New York USA, ancient recipe favorite. In one of their three risterantes 1979.  Not the French Crab Grill Yet. Quite opulent secrets are exciting. 

It’s where I met even Pavarotti. And many other Darling friends.    

Glen Gould , the incredible lovely darling friend of many many years, put together a film of twenty one variations of JS Bach, concertos ‘ in wonderful piano world renowned in a somber austere arrangement of the composition in piano with serious umber tone of the usually very light breath of Glen Gould’s known extrodinary softly light piano as a very special accentuation of reviews in a serious love in the USA and all over the world, reviews austere , with love. In film  perfect Glen Gould, xo 

More Yes, enjoy your dinner and everyone nearing 
Breakfast and lunch all over the world, sitting or standing. xo 

NOVEMBER 25 th 2023 , 9:37 am from my estate, rental of my tiny villa this morning from Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. It was so unusual yesterday,, my emails were actually 280,000 emails and what fun, I have in Love Notes, that was needlessly delays, for some of the extremely larger exciting introspective lovely posts, I have planned. My villa estate was somewhat, a clean up all day yesterday, due to dc dirty deviant humans and their few, deviant others in merely a small number of deviant . From Ink blotters and fists on automobiles and even switched letters, gifts and, a attempt at HUD, founey letters and the nations citizen credit to SNAP , supliments food benifits, for those in need of their earlier citizen benifit to assure if any reality of concerns, to assure buying some foods. Some of the wealthiest in the USA in some upset had emergency need when dropped a wallet, and had to gain their country benifit from taxes they are with rights to see a small snap benefit, to assure they were not stuck in Dallas Texas, after some upsets. Glad to know, the assured reality in a tax very important to everyone in the USA and for many realities complex, and yet, the standards of even wages and healthy America USA has been in love with my many love notes. I wish to say thank you, and might say it in large ways, even with secret recipes of OPULENT FLAMBÉ’ ROYAL PLUM is still not available yet. Perfect Gift await to everyone in the USA And throughout every village within the whole world. There are some concerns that I have to address ( speak I about in my post now ) concerns which over month of meetings with specialist in EUROPE quite large of people whom are more than specialist, and many whom have enjoyed my professional work in even cultural specialization for many years. With RUSSIAN LOVE and the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, of my great cares, to make a decision as I have to note a comment now in love notes to a very poniant USA concern, of a type of deviant dc dergers , much more than simply digressive, even not degenerates of some perplexing revolution upside down at times in a mindful thinking to make greater decisions. The President of Russia sir Vladimir Putin, took extra time in his life to be forthright in a deviant of racketeering of a few in the USA with their foot in to even Canada and perhaps south of the boarder of the USA, with wrenching Unethics, in the village of Saranac Lake New York USA, too, deviant  unethical and bull noses, wrong, blaten unethical discourse, even use of artillery aimed at me and others. 

The President and the government in RUSSIA and CHINA and INDIA and AFRICA, and IRAN, and all other governments have pointiant notations of deviant malicious few in the USA and it was dc to Manhattan for their harrow towards decency and proper ethics of the USA people, of very harsh concerns for people to realize, austerity in the USA is sacred, broadly a kind caring lovely USA, efforts which took such intellectual, tiny cares with tiny details of more, and a flourishing of more, in such structure and cares of stabilization to all USA people whom saved money, spent money, with great cares, even over budget at times. The Largest Companies in the USA went over budget in 2021 and 2022, to even employ more people and see an increase in business to see a revenue of greatest importance to people whom are all customers and assure wages that go beyond a summer of ice cream, and into a winter of fine sweet winter travel and fine roasted stuffed chicken more through a NOVEMBER 2023, fine wine and sea food stew on Soltic winter holiday with 12 days into the New Year, with corn plentiful and good menu plans, in a fat America, into a care for one more year, fat America USA, prosperous of humanity and good cultural caress, international love, returned love of all countries, and a USA whom within all villages made efforts toward a prosperity for themselves, and a finer standard of the villages in even revenue of fully realized capability of a thriving USA kind yes. Wildly lovely, I say so, and with extrodinary messages to me. 

Thank you again and again. I shall not forget the OPULENT ROYAL PLUM FLAMBÉ NEW YEAR gift  to wish you all near and far a plum lovely prosperity of spirited austere at times infinite lovely future. 

Lessons To be Learned, perhaps in the book known as the tale of the looking glass.
 To name one book of perplexity and certainly not to be more than non fiction. 

With my greatest dignities towards Sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin of RUSSIA, with some deviant humans in the USA whom riveted chest with munition and even attempted to funnel cash payments in some heath care pop up offices, THE DOC HOLIDAYS are doomed today. Also using a ARTILLERY, in attempt of destorting fact, with visious malicious intent are also, in with attempt to extort directly and even use a incubators of unethical investing ( racketeering in attempt to pummel companies large and small), the artilllery from bad cocky dc derges are with recent use of photon artillery with aim even at me. 
Issues in funneling money into design theift, is only one issue, of many. Attempts to consort in some lies about pacer racers, aiming at the securities ( money in your account in standard banking ) are something  assure that their money ( securities ) , is of course is yours. Looking at your banking statement of your wages , your company is listed in the direct deposit you earned, all yours. Is there an unethical amplified noise thrower in Saranac Lake New York too? Where were they before ? Where will they pound the pavement too ? North South East of West? North by North West is waiting. What a day to realize that scoundrels are not actually in the area to assist in things like circling again in a further lie to anyone, and concerns about the actual agreement obtained in full standards too. And not a new bog to a day like today, 
Attempting a new way to deceived. And circle again in any way. More about prowlers in your building soon. 2 billion dollar issues. Let’s review Walmart and Johnson and Johnson, and Mc Donald’s losses. With my book and events of quite a few delays that were suddenly unavoidable with lost revenue very high as well. With deviant dc and their dither wattles.  We can also review wrong letter inked up, in actual USA pentagon concerns this November 2023 and those concerns to the vitality of those in esteemed worth, and further strengthening of standards and stabilization in economics and more with kind respects of self worth, and a country of the USA of the greater in much more than fusers dc derger deviant and void of ethics in humanities pace per pace. Even faulce type of, DEVIANTS that attempted to look like more than just International Presidents and with claims of children and family too, not accurate. Lies of younger people that don’t have children, in some concerns, even. With excellent cares of love for a greater world. 

Claiming to be GIANTS, with the meekis in a trail of unthinkable unethics. Of course the USA people are very upset, with the minor issues of a piling into those connected issues. THE PRESIDENT of CHINA was very good to over extend his comments toward the dismal deviant dirty derges, aimed to point at others even in a square dance, even in stolen birthday event invites. I did unfortunately get many massages of some of the  issues not just my own concern and with very notable very esteemed efforts village all. 

The meetings in EUROPE, of mine are not secular to EUROPE in great cares of the USA, and are with some measures too in the governors meetings with retired governors of lenghty standards of more than just 50 governors, and people within all USA villages very caring intellectually savvy, kindly with village proper and not willing to be over exerted by a siren and rummble truck pitted from foils of Ghent and Meekis types of bull dozers, with no remourse.  Noise riots are included in the racketeering of the most disambigious of absurdity in vicious  blaten unethics which are unimaginable to me and most everyone. 
Some message emailed are going to be seriously a very large reality of austere love serious to everyone in the USA and all over the world. The REVOLUTION OF GUITAR EVENTS will begin on MONDAY NOVEMBER 27 th 2023 

Mortifying deviants / posed to mere filth to the USA, are parading, and with buck shot tungs for their teeth and feet, wrenching humanity in step per step, in even entries of beautiful tiny villa estate rentals, in blime dispicable lenghty issues. Recently even claimed they were Mighty Mouse that stopped the riviting on the USA whom had some issues caused to them as the meetings I myself assured in my cultural lengthy international worth, were also recognized even more in a great respect to me, from specialist in EUROPE  and Sir Vladimir Putin’s esteemed love for me, and my lenghty well known work. I will outline a summery of a my lengthy honored business and arts design and cultural  work, before December 25 th 2023. With a breif note, which will be in my STUDIO VOSSE PRESS RELEASE.  

It’s a sad sad day, is a music compostion by JAMES BROWN 

with a movie abstraction Butch Cassidy, 
in an update from THEE PAUL NEMAN, and 

THE WHOLE MOVIE THE STING perhaps it is time,
 in a rational movie political. How political ?
 Is Important, with darling people I love well. 

more soon. Still Cleaning Up a mess caused to me. With A grocery list to prepare for the event holiday with lovely tiered tree of delicious pop corn balls quite ease to enjoy in a tote daily, with alluring opulent holiday tiered tree filled with love.  

8:30 am Sunday Morning, the very most quiet cultivated city of Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW 
have a giant racket outside my very calm luxurious street in the total luxury of fir trees so lush and quiet, after a whole year of the nasty noise rioting racketeers were causing damages in the USA and locally in issues I have clearly mentioned about even missing mail, and some very large entry issues. Munition issues, which were from racketeer pointing to even blame others. The absurdity of a loud street echo of such goashe, noise riots, are with blaten dismal deviant individuals that did similar things over a year. With a city that’s not tolerant of the racket ( noise ) causing even lost time in my quiet home estate office villa which, caused my leisure time quite the upset. And working at my sweet business upset too. 
Looking at the lenghty issues dated back into other concerns of the citizens of the USA, Saranac Lake New York USA is with a large many in the USA of a reality of dignity in savvy reality, of a review.

Unfortunately, two or four gone wrong so long, is unfortunate for the little miezers. Several other cities too, were with some concerns in a few others in the dc derge of dismal deviant wrong humans. Little miezers, could have made better decisions. There is a glass store retribution in the future. 

my SUNDAY MORNING has again been disrupted with malicious individuals. The respective decency of the quiet tiny villages is a joy to everyone, everywhere in all villages in love for even a lovely quiet slumber in the well known region of Saranac Lake New York, USA. Unimaginable to the villagers of such worth to business a quite so sweet.  It’s a hopping busy very lush tiny village city, with a lovely little lake extrodinary. And  beautiful drives close and far. PLATTSBERG is just one hour drive very beautiful with a lovely air port too. Rental Cars, Hotels, and good risterates.  

While I say good morning with love 
to the greater people of Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. 
November 26 th 2023 

9:24 am NEW YORK USA NOW sad sad day JAMES BROWN 

LISTEN updates now from thee James Brown
thank you Darling James Brown. I love you. xo. 
From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon. Still a bit of clean up. 
Wishing everyone a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sitting or standing. 



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