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sketched line pencil. works of art : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  


press statement authored by                    IMPERIAL CROWED princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

art :: historical  subject "sos moscow" 

open lens:: royal sketch pencil on paper                                rare especial works of , historical works of  art                        of my own princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 



January 5 th 2025 11:19pm  good morning on January 6 th 2025 and thank you. nate king cole is simply lovely, darling nate king cole, i love well, sent his well known. Christmas song.  JOHN LENNON in rare candid photographs : in reels 

.more soon

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett Political Sketch " ancient china childern playing games " depicated from a 400 million year old preserved painting sketch from imperial CHINA of the quaun dynasty , pre dating the ming dynasty of CHINA . The pencil sketch , is an original study of pencil applied work in sketch of 30 minutes reflecting children playing ball. 

CHILDERN PLAYING miles of  SILK of the historical  QUAUN DYNASTY CHINA , applied study sketch concept percwption of reflection  of  a painted 7 millio years of IMPERIAL CHINA

direct from ENGLAND 

THEE BEATLES LISTEN first recorded on a music gold  album in the  1970's John Lennon , Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison. a very special rare update new year 2025 gift recording special to myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett   sir vladimir putin's notes : tczar is of the kgb well known  international, secrets , the kremlin of russia posted about me, in the kremlin's government notations online  noted in.           2014 January . 

messages excussee ' in the white room rare gift message to me,  ERIC CLAPTON , perfect of you . Your lovely perdectly lovely messages sweetly in wild films 

merry christmas with a happy new year again , today again and more. xo 

john lennon , paul mc cartney , ringo starr , and george harrison extra special messages pure love from the BEATLES " HELP " LISTEN


rare photographic portrait: princess tracy suzanne pickett princess tracy suzanne pickett 
princess tracy suzanne pickett princess tracy suzanne pickett princess tracy suzanne pickett

princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT  of the noble aristocracy of birth in histories of fammiles : dated farther in ancient cultual world order of preordained standard of indistrialism , of the worth of spiritual properity to work hard and prosper of devout a sacred imperial natural order in  internationalism . Devout , in constitutional worth. King Louie Vìii . ( viii =8th , in the ancient symble ) .
(, letter of  rome numerals ). 

as a princesd of direct royal decendence 9f my birth of my  fammmille , is THE KING OF FRANCE, HIS MAJESTY OF THE 13 TH CENTURY OF EUROPEAN country of GREAT ROYAL FRANCE , is quite a reality of my love to realize even more. The great FRENCH MERCHANT SAILOR   sir Nepolian Bonaparte traveled in the region of new york in the usa . More fammille , within a histoire of the my grandfather  named ROYAL COFFIN ( of spain , as the COFFIN = SOVRIEN ), A CENTRAL inventor in the  employment THE USA multi- conglomerate of GENERAL ELECTRIC , corporation , of histories of earlier formation of a company owned in of Royal Albert Coffin , owership of THE EDISON ELECTRIC company . with a grande mother of generations in earlier histories whom treavel by ship ocean shipliner as traveling merchant from  ENGLAND , as known as MADAMOISELLE ROYCE, of a confectionary five starr chef, whom traveled by ocean ship, to expande work with endearment to rather a indistrious usa, of the earlier years of 1776. With a fammlie of PRINCE EDWARD of canada of my aristocracy of fammile of prince EDWARD ISLAND , of the  canada of the of the CANADIAN NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT. of thee AMERICAS  In recent years , into now at the year of 2025 historically i realized that the aristocracy  of my usa linniage dates in t o  the fammille of my own, whom were of a direct convergency of the very first presidentcy of the united states of america, usa. 
GEORGE WASHINGTON , as the first president of the united states of america ,( usa ) , with his wife Martha Washington , were of direct convergency of the formation of the proclamation of independence o the year f 1776. Of a known brigadere brigate of the first battalion of the usa of an esteemed secratary general pickett in 1776. whom was well honored by GEORGE WASHINGTON during the signing of the constitutional decloration of independence of the forth of July of the year 1776. The year known as 1776 the great birth of a nation of the united states of america . The year of the united states of america's constitution ammendments were signed as the usa's first celebration of the united states of america . 

messages and messages 
and messages with more soon . 

Magesty,                    King Charles ,                    the King of England , messages LISTEN   darling king charles , thank you for the lovely trinkets, with the great honor from you and her majesty Queen Elizabeth   in England, the lovely film messages i included , how wondeefully veey gold of you sir king charles , hos majesty.

Message Political message updated live and on the air in lemon notes international press multi- international media : THEE JOHN LENNON with studio extra music instrumentalist . 

slipping and a sliding : listen 

listen a minute or more to the most generousity of spain , within a sweet song known as the girl from epinamama ( of the oponimous ). Eltruda   LISTEN of love direct from south america of a brazilian "spain" of spainyards PERFECTLY SPAINISH , history of latin america countries of south america and SPAIN in europe of richely a histiory to known more of the love , of everything under the sun. I find it exciting to travel writting my rathet enlarged ART AND CULTURAL  CHAT  BOOK SERIES WITH ARCHITECTURE FILM , PHOTOGRAPH 

january 12 th 2025 , 7:13 am good morning and hello to everyone , everywhere. Hello to sir vladimir putin as the kremlin of RUSSIA , as well as the former president of russia , sir boris yeltin , and the early president , of russia also whom was president many years and retired as sir mikhail gorbachov, is a highly recocognized honored president , of notable largely loved work as czar , prrsidesident of russia. I wish to say hello to evenyone at the space centre in moscow russia whom has been of a great many years and years of success with my own very high love for the space centte , recently of more in my involment of the project beyond cultire . 

CHINA NOTES OBSCURE POLITICAL NOTE             January 14 th 2025 LEMON NOTRS 8:31 P.M


princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

JANUARY 17 TH 2025 2:52 pm light speed lies hit the moscow space centre' with a wrong identity and a reflection of the men and women of millitary on the boarder of russia , with a calmed reality now , of a concern harsh , as there is a fraudulent issue of stolen falcified reports costing an extreme aim at me, princesd Tracy Suzanne Pickett ,  in an aimed wreching of the russian space centre and orbit work rostec and myself repaired in a  harsh extreme harror. Read  the repair was lenghty , and extreme in a aim of excessive munon , which also was a aim at my wheel strearinh column on the expressway with a hyper sonic bomb lockedcinba streem wave which hit my tire ripping the tire from the automobile throwing it into the express highway  lanes of the expressway on november 13 th 2024 with a extreme effort of the space center and the sos rostec specialist as well as my axillury space team consults i updated. 

 The presidential meetings. My streering was to the right fully all the way with slow hazzard lights  on evening when the tire was totally ripped from the front drive side and the rim steel tire rim and hub cap were ripped out of the shaft drive frame , the tire flew- thrown off  a gashing  of explosion as i grasp hard on to the wheel and moved the car rolling quickly to the right to park in off road , and stopped to call a tow truck to tow me to the nearest good year tire shop

I SLEPT IN MY CAR in the patking lot of goodyear where i was calmed  with excelent custoner service  and used my spare tire as a replacement with a repair on the wheel shaft cuplet wheel well , and replsced lug nits . . There were cartel of the trump's involved in the issues of a timed aim built of hyoer spnic subatpmic nuklear streem lock on blasts , them they were involved with cartel rackettering as well , and stole personal  trend to theive for a issue of resale types of incubator csrtel ( stuffibg a copy of ideas from theift to wait until the designer is gone),  and design theift, and shipments , replication of 9tgers work and trend . The  usa was  wrongly decieved in a election which in several elections there was no preliminary election of a qualification . That was lird aboit and switched in all news and real choice. All racketters of course are brutal in the world in the usa and acturally fugitives fleas of th3 flea circus . Until the rest of the last racketter meet the navy bean stew bench seats.  Racketters are of antiquated blay3m disreguard of human existwnce in legal ethical reflection , of   unethical sorte . RackettersI iligally switched the prelimonary qualification 

B began - and  before  vot wars . 

JANUARY  25 TH 2025 1;53 PM preliminary statements of lemon notes international press statements :

it's not very easy with impeachments of three presidents in the usa and a international issue of resolve in a very hard usa concern in a usa impeachments three, and a forth which dismatles the  BREACH OF a high level of unethical issue of the direct oval office.  of political statements .and a actionqable disaplinary reality of the issues of a usa matter with a circle of presidential world leaders as heads of their countries states , and a international conflict inside the usa as a civil war in the oval office to have levied provoking aim at countries and their worth, in cultural properity and cultural properious wealth in of excellent in all international countries. 

Love Notes rrs now today at 3:33 pm


triple crowned imperial princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 2025  


princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett                                                                                                                      international        industrialist   international business person     artist honored of every city in the world  with project development designs undone and not yet unvailes of many years in a development flat filed in my many project archieve notes not yet unvailed at studio vosse   cultural dignatary world     honor of a nobel peace          endoctorination honor           magma cum lauden                  imperial triple crowned of a royal honored princess      publications and furtherther notes to boast and toast of in love notes rss spepecial updates :  

notes to some very special people important to me in love notes of recent upsets important :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE POLITICAL NEW ERA NOW     

                                                                                                             the published cronical of the meetings                                                                                                   within the circle of presidents                                                                                                                   and the specialist of sos moscow                                                                                                                   special consults, rostec russia ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

      the kremlin of the country of russia , sir vladimir putin                                                                                                                               

of course many friends , darlings privi too. 

Good day everyone, sos moscow is a urgent matter in the reality of today. I am under a extreme aim from munion issues that were scheduled to be cleared up several months ago, and instead there is a person and persons in russia whom is not the team in the space centre and has interfered with my work, and super seeded an insubordination toward the team in the space centre in moscow russia, and breached the international sanction of the orbit priorety with a issue of extensive aim particularly aimed at the maliciousness of destruiction toward all posts and all of my projects , and equipment and company . expecially my loved worth and ajility , as the space center becomes very aware within the royal russian millitary as well, and my specialized communications teams, which include the specialization of rostec as my orbit team, and not without sir vladimir putin.  as the kremlin of russia and the lovely person whom is included in the extreme success and develpoment of the princess orbit 700 zuse 890,000 .

I will say that , i am very proud of the space centre, and very proud of the communication specialist , with the unusual historical project developed of my interest in the invention development in a urggent reality of the decent lovely life of my own and that of a submergence in the project which is of assured realist to the nessecities of thr advancement to the , roal russian citizens and thus the government , and the royal russian millitary with the kremlins assured reality of the work most difficult in the teams of my 500,000 personel of the russian government which are very busy and with extensive work today to be assured in being aprized to be of a real extended harder effort toward the under suport of success which was with a russian oposition in destruction in ways unthinkable and of a hardest attack on me personally and all scheduled reality that have been of a axorbident aim attacking non stop at me even harder that began right before christmas 2025. 

The Prime Minister of Russia has made a statement today :  russia prime minister

above with details THE POLITICAL NEW ERA NOW 


6:47 pm.                  january 16 th 2025 

More Lemon Notes GIANT MEDIA , MULTI - INTERNAYIONAL GIANT 8NTERNATIONAL PRESS STATEMENTS ,                                                  from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett         president / sole owner of STUDIO VOSSE, one company , one person , one travel desk of my my onternational travel and bold provocat8ve , finest in good fun, serious intelectual , radical in cultural percipitation , mastery of political antidotal tangible love. Studio Vosse is my work, my brrath, extentions of my develompment of design, composition in music, viseral cultivated works of art of royal sketch , museum quality of cotextual iNEW n serious impractical wild pleathora of polical himanities , development at studio vosse are world noted with plenitudes of whim im fun replies of extrodinary expressions globally of love returned real love. Thirst never lacking in shameless wonderful humanity evem recognized in my love motes devout of more than chocolate gifta to you , whom ever you arr, of cilindrical cigar chocolate baked ciggerete cake recipes of my true royal gift to you, whwre ever you are, . 

Have you ever made a cigar ciggerette chocolate baked cilindrical ciggerette  cake . 

decide gor your self , if you will boldly bake a finest gif6 royal recipe, of my own five star cake , with love . Spin your golden  strings  of sugar

one day , secrets , to be gifts of real expression  as true, q royal gift from whom is rather important , in real royal humiloty. Are you prepared to accept the great noel  . rrcieved of your self merits honored ev et emeritus . 

gifts gifts gifts gifts gifts , thank you for ypur imence arroval  to fairfeild conneticuite isa and a extrodibsry reception tp my invitation of a astounding love from drive expaditions all over the world . I must say a few words now, i was with notes sent , some of the usa people were very upset , and 8n sev ersl issues due to a perpwtuation of extremist of a  FAULICY of h7mqnities causing their ACTIONS OF  EZTREME UBWTHUCAL aim , 8n unjustifieable lenghty illigal actiobable 6 strait years consecutively of recent and that of the same 8n years earlier- of a nature of contortion of rules , lies of malicioys intent - used to aim end of a repose of fortitude towards a faire reachable loved undivisable real humqniti3s of ethical rules to play out, grip onto and feircely of kindness reletlessly never give up  humanity of enlarge belief , in the large reality of self fortitude ' you gained a chance man ' take yout privoledge of q chooce and enshrine eveey minute you have , make it, own your m8nutes to seek 8bside your self and think ' a privoledge chanxe women and men , boys and girls , looking outward into enshrinibg your minutes of privoledge placement of self endeviors ' wear your first penny earned ' ebshrined in a rist bracelet ' time adorned ' a privoledge to worth ' 

are the sidewalks you meet ' worth a cultivation  privoledge of efforts devout ' rixhe sracked dacked of each penny sacret made in feircely qn ethical  kind . 

5:04 pm 

january 16 th 2025 

addressing the usa whpm i feel a very lovely sensibility of very high honor to and esteened devout devotion and include the lovely many people in countries all, all over the world. 

4:03 PM 

january 16 th 2025 

The royal russian space center were under distress just as i was, more in time to a largest global celebration of my historical world renown events ' to see the most finest of royal invit3d drive exhibition invited of my modt favorite times and exciting planned schedule of events loved globally. I say, the spsce centre in russia , may not have realized the extensive notes on the development of the orbit , which was actually more of a support to the space centre and the communications computet science specialist than known. While the reality of my tooling of prolific very well known calmest self fortitude in a specificity of tooled equipt processes , after March 2024 was not getting the space centre ' logistical reflex needed to assure absolutly zero in a forfieture to negociate a compromize of time which is absolutly out of the question of a personality of a illogical ideal to hammer a dent in my time , as to a pattern of , aimed steering of my company schedule of a obliteration of nothing i personally could logically , asertain , a outcome unthinkable. 

Rostec , sos specialist are i can say, rather unusual in a unique specialization whom leaped to work with me, and realized the specialization of the orbit in a pre -ordained rationale to preperatory of the readyiness to invent in building my orbit , within many regulations of russian governnment pf the truth in a grandure of inquizition of sir vladimir putin, savvy to my presented worth on my studied invention outcome possibility. 

The space centre in russia , took a second seat in the orchestraction and there was very little time to streer through a needed larger responcibility on writing to outline and underline the absolute in a strategic formstion urgent. Devout to the outline , myself towards a reality to russia , was a thorn in the issues suddenly in january 2024 into some very real needs to see a dismatling of any racketter near my travels or especially then home and worth of a great many achirvements i extended myself into the world submerged of my pwn projects to develope inusually my rather selfish , own worth, not as usual as other companies . 

The communication scientist in russia did not filly realize t heir incredible work in success in 2024 after several fast repairs , as then i assured rostec develope a meathod to support dismatling some extrene issues of a fume type mutation of a usa hard dot matrix invisable microscopic diode type baka clear coat. Invisable . And i have rather an esteemed unusual specialzation on natural and media sciences , among other specialized levels of masters wotk. Rostec did not wait to say steer , when i ask rostec to be on their toes for exhaustive efforts with far too much in success to lean bsck on any success untill the extreme aim was disarmed and of a derailment to any plot aomed in individual plots or racketter sceme of idiot deceptive inethicwl extremis6 scams. 

Reports From the Royal Space Centre in RUSSIA in very high advanced levels of specialization ,  Astrophysic Cosmonotic Space Centre of Millitary of extrodinary advanced specialized  National Space Centre of Royal Russia , were seriously busy with many concerns. The reports toward my orbit ( thee princess orbit 007 zuse 890,000 ) = ( a significant invention which began in May of 2023 of which the invention was iniciated of conceptual and scientific development  design , which i brought to inyetest to russia in a advsnced stop on any aiming destriction of unethical pencity ). ( I was absolute that russia was ready to inderstand that of course i would be prolific in assured nessecity to see the project of the orbit and excess assured stop pf any aim attack , in a set realoty to recalculate the invention new , in a total stop on anything of a long range which might cause a mistaken assimilstion of a claim to a disease when not a disease and caused by racketters in the usa , whom would , viciously pot unethical action toward aim further of extreme  contort and a hard one dimetional aim to deception in a aim to cohort malicious unethical type of staged timed , even personal phycolpgical threats toward any sanctitude of worth in himanity . The belruse issues began in 2023 from a walmart in Malone New York usa wiyh a cash pot from about 200 racketters working hired to companies and cash in hand throwing money at 2800 in aim scam types of exttemes with over 6 years strait in malicious actionable intent to aom wrecking at usa people , individuals and over 40,000 companies usa have been even recentely effected.  

Stolen cash racketters gained  from walmart , of a few im magnetic grippers in6o missing cash , and upsets to goid emplpyed people, even circling some sometimes in a form of  presenting them selves in lies of misconception in rumour frauds , with direct malicipus intent  of fraud,  was alsoo with wages to some racketters whom fled to belrouse near boarders and  aimed to tech attacking in aom at walmart of russia , while racketters aimed into walmart onlone orders, with aim to smuggling in goods and using a large balostic missle suddenly snapped together after entering rackettering , from only the usa , were inviltrated inside of russia with random atacks racketter  usa rackettets caused , whom began idiot scams inside russia , and were faulcifying their names and even faked rank and order on previous ukrainian and german boarders , evrn claimrd tp be hired by russia in a lie in infiltrating  aim at the russian government ,  with an aim at, spots of russia , still idiot scams with no rral wprldly at harboring themselves as basic fugitives with unethical intent of extremist in hard aim of a extreme of random aim of missles and munion amd chemical atomic radio active nukelear type of mution chem of a malicious biochemical aim into the usa at length. In a idiot type of tac6tical extreme , hiding behind buffett skirted tables in infesting non invie yo events and spteading largest odiot scamming lies of buligerance of direct intended malice with thrushing futile extremeism and aim of disecting humanoties achievement - bull dozing in in gross malicious acted upon consequential consecutive intent , blistering attacking , rwcketterinh a apendage in cartel scamming of aim to personal maliciois action of excessive  intent to clustet in one  cases of aim at the next grip on the usa oval office. Even if their were 3000 racketters , headed into russia , the concerns are no different here or there in serious concerns of any whom would claim aim , at mu company and over 40,000 of the usa companies too whom were all aimed at in a concern of a simpleton idiot type of grocery store aimed attacks at two smallest cities as of 2022 after my guitar revolution brought an unusual reaction from people from all usa villages and all over the world , in a great effort to stabilozed economic reality and assurt high efforts to a large fast 30 day eased total stop on covid. 2022 in the guitar revoloution globally , my $1.50 ice cream ideals and a toted brunching to a mote with finest in summer grilled cheese. The larger menu listed effected a larger love in the world. Covid vacination stopped covid in less than 30 days globally. Ending a faulce perception of covid all over the world in 2022 may. 

The invite to the kremlins meeting with the president of central AFRICA , is with very large upsets , as the reports of certainty , came up under the viaduc in relotive passed folders , in russia , there was a serious aim at me, and the space centre were of whole ratiobale that faked reports claimed i was perfecly fine , after i requested extra efforts in space teams for extra percautiinary manned postion REQUIRED  space centre beems.

I was then hard gashed , and harder in two extra days with aimed more, while scurry of only several circling  racketters were seen poppingbout of garbage sites in pre- plotted spots limited , faked identities of generals of russia. There was severel drones snapped together instantly to aom into a beem coordinate beems were interupted slightly with a type of catatonic nuke magnatronic riffling from a racketter whom flead the usa as a sliding into germany and stuffing themselves in dirty bags under large beer trucks after aim to snap the munion etching into peace beems unseen , whole simultaniously switching folders in outter currier mail of non russian mail and swiping the christmas gifts which were sent to yhe kremlin sir vladimir putin , as well as swiped gifts of others too.  The space centre of russia did not realize their were some etcher aim locked into the space centre peace beem to me, and unseen in a far location in side of the moscow russian and st petersberg russian areas and aims at german boarders . I myself was hard hit in the head . I myself required the rostec specialist to build an analisys seperator on readable looks at anu interferances aimed at the beem of peace of russian space centre and urgent with extreme hard aim, as my brraks were aimed at and then my steering column too from , and some cl e ar reality i knew was correct was the space centre was with a extreme concern , and a excess of anarchy of a exorbident risk in russia of a urgency of concerns to myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. The etching type o f CATATOMIC NUKE bombs of a  balistic lazer and balistic blasting of deceptive types of unethical made munion and drone  rofflibg in excess and sonic boom tyoes never ethical and of no other country even thought to be such a extremist of malange of vicious in thrratening extremeism of born usa racketters . THE COMPILED NUMEROUS STOCK PILED MUNION LARGE . IN SMALL FEW PF A CONTEMPT TO SOCIETY AND ETH8CAL REALIRY IN A USA REPOSE VERY IMPORTANT TO ALL CITIZENZ .  UNETHICAL MAGNOTRONIC - BAZUKA aimed into a 22 slide into russian spots into  LOCK INTO of the usa racketters whom were aimed to even sludge the spots of moscow russia into a stretch in a small boarder road from germany. Previosly the racketters were chase away from others in over 60,000 usa cities time and time again , while racketters aimed extreme constant malicious deception of mortifying unethical extremism and small mangling of any which ripped into rioting malicious jackling heckling aim into the ears jaws of a rare barracuda as vlad kindly l said once about me., when i was very upset about the serios matter in banking of the usa of a hard discovery in my very suprise of a extreme banking situation of a usa matter i contended with in the usa in 2014. 


 PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT of course the orbit when properly in a priorety and all success in reality assures a great many people the orbit , worth in a fully realized worth to the russian government and thus a reality of historical importance to the usa and other countries in a reality towards world peace . 

of course within my company , i design with prolofic work stacked of equity projects of a worth to  me at my own projects in a financial projection of over $150 billion of working projects asci am not only a honkred designer of the Milan Italy Society of Design , the Beijing center for Design , the Center for Design in Sioule Norhh Korea , the Center Misea of Desgn in Paris , France , at  Musea du Pomidor' the Inyernational Design Forum and Exhibit of Design in New Yo t k , Manhattan at the Guggenheim New York , New York USA, within shory list og extrodinary well notet international exhibition of works of art in every country of the world. Scientific design include a water energ y hub of non sale , ubreleased design, airospace flyinh motor car. a earliet design in  1974 of my spy telelens optical viewer that sees around corners , with the very firsy plexi clear sheving design 1973. a attache case fold out mobil flat fokd home, with intetnationsl design ho n ore ' the 2008 and 2009 champgnue chair designs honored at DESIGN WITHIN REACH the internatiobsl online shoppes reaching custoners in Getmany Denmatl , Sweden , Francr , Italy , Copenhagen Denmark , Russia , Norway , Japan , Middle Eastetn Countries , Africa , Poland , Israel , France , Irland , Scottland ,  England . And furthering the  a long list and the focus of the chair book .

with anbincredib l e exhibition acress the usa of all 59 states usa with a exhibtion of the CHAIR .of one of my design at DWR. 


january 10 th 2025 11:30 pm The usa is

just attained a g essages : 5:55 pm january 9 th 2025  direct from MOSCOW RUSSIA words: where ? Unmomento ' 

9th of January 2025 Of course, one of the most difficult of the worlds , issues of the 21 sr centuy as a responcibilities , in the aftetmath, of horrific aim at the usa from those whom were on in 

Side the oval office , in an incredulouse wrong of grave unethical extremist, 9n the oval offiice of several elections, wrongly and highly unnethical , as an  underscored in a helter- shelling caus ed deliberatly of born usa homoserectus malicious in a reaity which is known as terrororistic pinokeo's aimed into racketterkng of extremis t  futile of of a doc6or jeckle and mr hide deception into mass8ve extreme contort of all ethical realilty . With midget minded extreme of randon attacks of w 

 of only 3000 homosapians of inhuman action which, swerved to deceive others, and aim to attack those whom moved on to reachable efforts simpler and of a devout of attainment LARGEST, gasping at self structure , dusting off the indecency of a aim at the villages of lovely humanity of what i know factually is a greater wall of all. Facts : properity of ethical in a truimphant dance de dance of my utopia is the existance of the noble brilliant reserection of the magnificent beauty inside peoples intelectual self decicious of greater humanities is within the, grandure , of assertainment toward assuring the tiny details toward, busy days of perserveranes , in what love of life requires , far before gold standards , gifted, the esequential existsnce of a near to far assured country all, thirsty of utopia , i may find too many secrets to reveal . The secrets , one perhaps for christmas , ? Or perhaps the world instead decide to rather , of no mappe ' real in real love unpbstructed , then , rather " go ask alice " WHITE RAƁIT OF THEE JEFFERSON  STAR SHIP 1970'S AND NOW LISTEN  would be, perhaps a failing , fallen result, with zero resolve to the largest in a gold standard of success of self made worth, hard work in a daily self amazment forward , onward and up ward in up up up , mornings , devout of a humanity towards worth , enshrining our own perling minds of attainment also, not simply gold for gold in just a coin phraze of a coin toss, reluctance of  whom bartering our independant real self love of the struggle oasserting the real ENLARGED IMPORTANCE , the higher ground of the estblished rigerous nessecities of work , extending out an attainmen- trinity of the attainment of the largest humanities , a chance within the real world order ( the ethical repose / constitutional broadening gripped into never to forsaken ). There racketters whom aimed to cause atrocities of which are ruthless as a issue of 3000 people whom are usa born . 

Facts are   Facts    

JANUARY 9 th 2025 ?¿ Good day to everyone , everywhere, all over the world. Let me begin today with saying that random aim from a racketter has reached , a futile disodence of those whom aim in a deal for racketters' and those whom, might stray into a ignorance, in a possible secondary largest , affirmerermant, of incidious blaten wrong, as a deal on the blood of worth   , myself as my own pure delughful utopian self woeth, as well too, of  a usa of people as a country and thus, a obleek in a racketterinh secondary intent of even one racketter in deep dire ignorant disodence in oblee, diliberate tactical, skid  in to a extreme aim of extremist whom harbor  illcontent in a summation of aide toward largest of injustice , wiping their feet off on the largest of success, and thus swarting a claim to ease, rather instead  swarting unethically of tactics of deception furthering blaten extremist mortifying splaying ( shredding verbal and physical aim intent in target),  radomly aimed to extreme in a larger whole tactical of malcious intent of a consecutive 6 strait years . Recently MORE LIKE MIGHTY MOUSE , RIDING OF THE BACKS OF DEER, AND SEARCHING LEAPS INTO EARS OF ELEPHANTS. JANUARY   ¿   ? 8 TH 2025 

RECENTLY , URGENTLY , THERE WAS A VERY LARGE CONCERN AT THE RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE , with an urgent natural expectation from my team at the space centre,   SENOIR ASTROPHYSIC COSMONOTICAL  REAL SPACE SCIENCE. ROCKET SCIENTISTS. anarchey was a enlarged concern , as the very nature of the orbit  reached am enoimois hieght of succes as of thanksgiving 2023. Of course, outside of the space rocket scientist " ROSTEC " is a extreme specialization of senior scientist, whom realized my prolific broaden knowledge of extreme concerns of a issue which is is still detrimental to assurt the large efforts in a conserns .

What was a usa issue doing   EUROPE and as pg 2023 thanksgiving into 2024 just after christmas 2o24, the extreme issue of a usa racketter issue , a realized usa of , actiobable unethical very firmly extremist of wrong doing of excessive largest unethical, vagrent of ethical reform of a large restructured usa scrammbled to assuet the highest in ethical reached high ethical , reachable tepps3 . gabl we 


Hello everyone in fairfeild connetticute USA , with a large hello again to everyone across the usa, in canada , all internatiobal countries of south america, south seas, 

and hello to everyone, all the many of my sweet friends of each European within each country EURO P E. 

Opening Statement : 

SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN with a extremely noted charm of a direct political diplomatic avente' garte' exposure of difficult and sensitve subjects of government within RUSSIA , into prolific notable achieved worth of forien extended humaitary, worth towards the international cultivated larger ethics of noted achievement  respected globally meriting  the imencly prestigious NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. 

obsure obleek wide open presentation :  revealed issues posted by the kremlin of russia 

of noted dignataries of a political justification , are with sir vladimir putin, of a diplomatic political, cultural , political president of russia , among the imminent circle of country heads of stately nations = countries . PRESIDENS Of COUNTRIES INTETNATIONALLY ALL.          = CIRCLE OF PRESIDENTS     

LEMON NOTES Multi- International                    Giant Media of STUDIO VOSSE 


orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit. Orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit orbit oĺ

style="font-size: x-large;">

DECEMBER  26 th 2024 after midnight meetings 12:50 pm now  December 27 th 2024 

Good Day across the usa of a truly recognized country of people, as lovely as the utopia which i worked quite devout in a project of my own noted by quite a few as important, in the usa. My radical approach , was unthinkble within the conservative modernistic work, usual to a gaustalte' of my extensive exhibtion , extended international business of merchentile , project and product development with a most unusual approach, most unique , owned in development of my larger eqiuty project, not readily off my shelves of piled high ptoject design .  

GAUSTALTE'  Decadente' MODERNIST' UNIQUE ' projects of Studio Vosse 

in the year 2011, included Studio's International Peace Project as a very workable interest of my very own identity of existance ' which, for most people would not be a possibility to streer there time and even, risk time for simply , unfettered work, important to establish a broaden reach of a sucess, if gained broaden opportunistic serendipitious, small choices of work, with  a roll up your sleaves outcome. My utopia was always that: a roll up your sleaves oppprtunity to a minute by minute reality of time, fortuituse to set a pace , and think, what would the world be like, if i did nothing in rolling up my sleaves to times, regimented in lenghty devou t ion to such lovely business people of owned self made business  , companies , love for seeing their work florish and build oportunity and quality, all utopian in villages more, many , most, and all. Perhaps , nothing to over look. 

Studio's International Peace Project : free in 2014 daily into 2018 daily , on tour , was a very risky decision on my desk of large extended work , with a reality i myself spent many years , procuring development working projects of sales, with exhibition of a freedom in pondering actual exhibtion , " exposure " non subjective 

( choices to decide to experience a exhibtion made of a specific reality to freely find reachable of exposure in ponyification of a respective self responceability , if an exhabition is available ). = NON SUBJECTIVE = NOT CORNERED TO PROVOKED OR UPSET IN WRONG PLAGERISTIC , provocations swaming actual civility in applied specification exact tine of civil libertied. Why would a deception of a few attempt to look as if tbey are ignorant of a civil liberties respective boundriy , and instead plagerist aim yo use a assimilated deception tactic of others in aim to deception that is aim to decieve others , as if others were ignorant of situational  respecive character, as if most are simply a stoodg e to the deceptore of mortifying plagerist in mulyiple linked aim at any person on earth. Why should i address a minute more and more t o note what is jot on my 

sche d ule , of my placement of my lenghtu happy lovely life and royal invite globally of drive expadition . Freedom of my pure expresions and exyensive schedule and furyhrring a saviourefair of all minutes of my time savioured , with many business projects i work on often alone in travel , with a expadi t ion invite most often and well, we all have a reality of regiment in enjoying the travel and even what was to be a most gracious hello.  

It's very exciting for myself, i must confess, to my very enjoyment of many people whom are wornderful : the rss star statlight is not for aim disodent in balisyic futile proliferation toward my sensiyive gentle nature of extreme self nurturing with nurturing of graces of importance t o me , then a grace t o a project i decide to assure a outcome of my reality in my strait business sencibility ,   in direct ways with love in excitment to purchase a sketch or arrive to a near or far time inanticipation of the martini conccerto ' 

What harror to see : a midget aimed to fight me, and then the juxtaposition in terrorism , can dress upwearing cherries on their cheeks , eating lolli pops , and with sugar plummeting caps as hats stuck on their head with allthe worlds sugar of the finest perling to make magnificent sugar plums of the finesy christmas holiday. 

agenda of usa terrori s t lollipop aim, is  t o shread reality of the larger grater options to all

Please allow me, to state ( say said sais  or written publica t ion note written = say / state or stated )., I wish to say: in a statement to the space centre and specialist of sciences of commputeruzation of technology tellnetwork of the royal country of russia, and those in the astrospace industrial work of government of internatiinal countries, and on behalph of sir vladimir putin , as the kremlin of the country of russia, on behalf of the immence respects of the government and millitray of russia, and on the behalf of the ROSTEC specialists and all sos specialist , communication , defence, space defence , space centre special teams , china, sir xi jinping as president of china , and the government of china on behalf of the other governments which include all in europe and all in the AMERICA'S CONTINENT , includung south amerucan  countries , south seas countries as very small island counties plentiful of tropical fruits, the usa relies on, and to include on the behalf of canada a large rather lovely country, north of the usa ,and on the behalf of a most gracuous usa of intelectual ver lovely people , of extreme and extrodinary interest in a real love in the world of a high fortitude of ccapitalistic himanitues of a ethical spiritual highest propertity toward the common wealth, individualism , solidarity - and dreams  : achieved peace worth feirce kind intekectual revolations to regimented preordianed rights toward world order. Ordained  : Important and not impoverashed of a sacreligious , of mere JOKERS , in  aim to self prothesize - aim in empathetical faulicy of destructive inadiquite unethical : staged hype aimed in wrenching the decency of sucess , in illreasoning . Escolated in staging a enlargement aimed to plague disconnected veils of vermillion to unethical usa wattbuttlers. Awaiting the silk bustles and gold of time , sacredly of finest plans of assured self relized love. 

breif direct international giant media press notation: there is a breach inside the russian offices. The space centre of russia and the communication specialist  , musat be recognized as the reports were in vladimir 's hands , as the president of russia , the reports from space teams are very important. The rather small infest of  malicious usa wattbuttlers in extreme largest unethical aimed to , viciously decieve in meek sheepish dopy , slinging , and after a series of removed wattbuttlers , there was recently three more in aim at hyjacking a hualing truck from germany a beer company and dropping chem tyoes of nuklear sludge amd aimed micronano murnion amped drone point boron lazer drill  with hyper sonic extre mm e p8n pointing aim only in close range and mortifing . 

keg stuffers : inside the wattbuttler greesed themselves in thick creasoate oil   , plunging themselves through viaduck , a few too many in russia , and recent aim at a presidential plane . 

There was a malicious issue that misalience the priorety in the orbit : a reality instead is to say that the reality is that the space center was impeded upon in a extridinary statuse of strategy and high st levels of success with the ajile of assurting a stratigic unaviodable relentless , logistical strenght , into a justification towards dc racketters of a usa , anf horror of the clustering few, as a concern on anyone's back yard bbq.  

The rostec russisn specialist of were perplexed as I asked all sos specialist to see through a enlarged analisis for me, on a upsetting whim, requesting a extrodinary new seperation of scanning to look at a issue [ was  sure was impossible to realize and was there- as  an  interferance etching aim with a drone of several types in a  complex munion in the country of Russia that caused and gliding to clip into the defence of peace safe lazers  and simultaneously,  hand delivered 

FRUADULENT lies aim at russian clerks and aimed even harder at  400 of my projects of my worth , with aim at the work of the orbit 007 princess in a fast speed resolve of an extreme urgent high  speed prevention of all known close range aims from any type of rackettering or malicious lone ranger 


The interferance aimed at russia space centre on high levels of Specialist Considerable Speedy Historical Extremly Excelent Success with me, and a aim of an anarchy of considerable concern in side of russia which, leaped in January 2024 into a tactical issue further aimed at Russian space centre  in an idiot maliciousness of " DEVERT AND SERVE TACTICAL deviant ( futile vagrent malicious aim attacking aimed in sidecrussian attacked by wattlbuttlers ), dopy sleezy and sleepy types rotted idiot attackers which hide under shipping trucks in germany flights , aftrr attacking the shipp9ng pprts and stole christmad tree shipments in two small usa cities and aimed malicious munion in the air frieght shipping , the dc wattelbuttler dc devianct also aimed to attacking grocery stores and fuel stop shopp9ng aftrr a 2023 of a loved year of very lovely busibdss fleeing from the cities then attacked shipping deparyments in the usa running from  all villages as the usa was generous with opportunity wattlbuttlers shreeked in a harm instead of ethics  fugatives breaking into german beer shipping into boarders of russia, even swerving boaders and hi ho into moscow russia in , fist filked with munion and chemical hand slugging of dangerous maliciius nuke types  of mutation of extreme ato n ic sludge. And a scam of just a few usa wattbutts ,( unexpected in a hard aim t o any person , compsny of extreme maticuloud details, of the scamming filth wattlebuttker dc attacked in then gripped in chopping vasiline teethed , ( the expression vasilline teath , means that the wattlebuttlers are virtually with  no moldings of real imprinted achievement the wattlebuts claimed attscks rather instead . 

Such as the extreme issue claim to be a director of cdc and had virtuly no credentials and as aimed instead at dole pineapple whom owned quite a larger.  

DOLE PINAPPLE , Hawaii.           Into south America, is a very large major food corporation with finest quality pineapple of the usa with a Easter Pinapple upside down cake to assure at near all eastetn tables in the usa loved

 In russia .wattlebuttles and a possible abeiter then  switched documents of urgent matters in pre - plotted aim to  faulcify into the focus of orbi as in aim at me directly ,  and simultaniously wattlebuttlers dc  aim at the co ordinence of space centre russian peace tooling , also there was a aim to extremist whom aimed to cut off my advancement of  notes in logistical preparedness of a larger january 2024 nessecity for the updated notes the space cebtre russian needed in many stern steering as a intetnatiobal nessecity important.  Important to me, my orbit of the kremlins sanctions , and success to russian wotk of historical extreme worth . 

The space centre must maticulously underline their logical worth, and see the reality of a hard aim which shoild never have been , realied more the truest of the russian barron  straitroute as a sacred symbol of assured internatiobal speed to derail  wattlbutts dc, cutting loosen issues of pure lenght in viciounesds of a reality which a wattbuttle dc in extreme 7nethical constant 4 strait years and the extreme intent of a grave unethical issue stdates back to the 1990's of the. Racketter wattbuttle dc in non stop extremidy aim intent to mass gross neglect of ethical larger broken linked in to every broken international and national ruled humanities ethical pre ordained reality.  ust realize the readable seperation of any malicious intent to swerve the orbit protocal as assured and set into ethical priorety  repaired over and  focus  on an exhaystive clean up pronto . What has been comprimized is unthinkable and with zero capasity with zero comprimizing a company such as mine as of course this is the entire reason the orbit of my invention in urgent self worth extended to any advantagi ous reality of an origin to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.

immediate urgent sos unaviodable. 

ROSTEC :  WORK   : RUSSIA:  and a aim to mass damage to orbit are prolifically important now : invenentiiory note now  , with a new world understsnding : realienment of is unoperable to not asure. SPACE CENTRE RUSSIA  , wihh extra notation to the communicstions specialist after the a lunch sweet with coffee this afternoon at 12:49 pm now.   thank you for your very asteemed time, with extreme axhaustive attention into the full spin , in a reality to assurt the finest in orbit protocal of an intetnstional royal assignment important to myself , 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.  " URGENT " 

sos returned : special delivery : there were faulicified reports from a faulcified statuse operative of a espionage issue of a switched rostec update and a roving mole in russian millitray discus , implimenting wrong. stolem ce of my work was aimed at in russia due to usa infested issues caused of a rackettering hyjacking whom are usa born anf involved with the wrong doing of nato , and several viaduck runners said to be russian , taling heads and of no credence of ethical notrd credentials and switched in other reported switched honored merits , Unsubstantistantiated in zero qualifications and basic , of actual aim at thr rusian government and spacifically aim at the space centre and my company, serching for rostec entries door yet did not find the rostec russian offices whom went unsupported by the space centre in the delicate speedy assured work to me on the royal assignment to me, with thank you to the kremlin himself , sir Vladimir putin as a notable world historical noble dignatary in a charm of the beauty sir Vladimir putin hold within himself , secular in a solidarity of his own in a reality of the greatest sovereignty of achievements toward the people within the truly grandure of the meanings within the lives of the many characters of such a lovely russia.  The years not so long ago we're difficult with a ease in the country of russia with the asounding silliaquie of sir vladimir putin, of outstanding effort toward a juste and achieved cultural russia , with work to be done,. The country in russia is prolifically realized of a goodness more of a reach for the . . Reality which was once unreachable into a business of microeconomics and microeconomics quite wealthy an achieved russia of citizens efforts individually a wealthy prosperity of attainment and attunement in high intelectual love, russian of a russian king true .  The royal of the royal commons of blue in devout esteemed love to Vladimir was and is a European world of countries which sent Vladimir Putin four pure gold royal crosses and an honor in a extremly high emeritus reality true of sir vladimir putin. A king , sir Vladimir putin his majesty is realized everywhere, all over the world. 


princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

The peace agreements to Vietnam  and North Korea are such a great reality , with all countries interested in a signing of a peace agreements and I believe the work is very urgentbĥ. Peace begins with a open forum. 

5:32 pm the extended work you finished in European ǰwas amazingly succeful with lo cc e to people everywhere and the efgorrs smong the many pei I le are gracedcly ÿwith more siliaqueeźevqee 

more above uodated in lemon notes internationsl gisnt multi- international media urgent of studio vosse. 

Studios International Peace Project 

PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT magma cum lauden honored achievement of royal nobel maji of royal highest educational merit honor. Decree of maji ,crown imperial princess, of historie de fammilli , of the king's courte' of louis the viii his majesty of yhe royal king of the country of FRANCE , in the 12 century of france in europe. Du, et et du her majesty queen of FRANCE , moimgha ' du et moi royal fammillie ' ¹2 century France.

[ earliest ages, my lovely utopia was filled with the sky. Never ending as infinit in loveliest usa society , and roller skating at age 3 and 1/2 with dynamic exvitment.  My earliest studies of mastery studies of arts within cultural worth, became important ro md as early as the age of 3.5 ( three and a half). In 1969, i created three dimentional cardboard farms. In sculputral papers thick. IN AMERICA, USA, of my royal histoiure ' my grandmother greater great , was an merchant of finest confectionary , from the country of England , Grande Mother Ryce , with a usa family of histoire , of the coffin family , inventors and essential LARGE HISTORUCAL INDUSTRIALIST , of owners in the Edison Electric , with in a partenering of the formation od usa indoor electticity invention expantion of the 1718 era of the usa and the world, of  350 years ago, with famille ' and SPAIN fammille ' included of coffee bean farners , of SPAIN, in pre - 16 century years. A convergence of fammile in my aristocracy included later grand pa' pa'  his grace sir Royal Coffin ' of a remarkable engineer, in the 1900's era  , whom was of  a postion of GENERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATION . Of members whom were of a founders in stabilized education of the highest merits to YALE UNIVERSITY as well as fore laudis on the society of board members of the METROPOLOTIAN MUSEUM OF ART, of the royal masters museum in NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK MANHATTAN   USA. , moniousselle grande ma' ma' edwardz achieved as MERCHANT BUSINESS PERSON , of risteranture five star excellence, with remarkable independent natural of vibrant beauty. 

merits : earlier special industrial revolutionary creating my famous sculpture of aluminum sand hand casted aluminum. Of my maticulous sculpture work, as my DPXHOUND. SCHULPURE, as well as several other items I created , were merited, allowing me to gain a credited classwork of sciences in natural elemental sciences read only studies  with invited to present my own invention demwax¼onstrating my theory to bend water within a equastiobal theory to reflect in air. My fascination for natural sciences and literature too, of  extrodibary interest to me. Designs even , I began , with my first appearance of music on, international television of a performances in music compstion of a childerns  chior. With fancy theater litetary plays of THE GREAT OZARK . at international standard americ television  at the age of 6 years omd, in a school theater rare special. More in film, yes soon. in the 1980' s i was prolifically suçessful as as an artist , in a neopolotian city set in new york state, of a gallery museum of syracuse new york usa, as two years earler my two largest works of art on paper, wit¹h museum honired internatiobsl scollar merits and a musem exhibitions at  t,he EVERSON MUSEUM OF ART 

of the great sculptors in interiors table top works in porcelain and fibe china dish, ware.  of yhe usa finest known as STUBEN GLASS OF VOSES , MC COY WARE CLAY POTS ,earlier historical corning wares , with Syracuse China's dishwares , to name a few. Prominebtly i sas noted as a culturally honored artist in mastery at age 14 years

, with industrial design,  Confectionary Pre chef , studies crafting the finest of artistry in fine confesci?e 8 years old. Movies in moving pictures of two special feature rare fglassilns  one of the moving picture films of through the looking with the literary political science of the tale of humpty dumpty. Earning honored merits throughout furthering self studies outside of  formilized classrooms,   within extentions of merits in Olympics , with special love for high diving with a in double flip strait fitm dives. 

Olympic Gymnatics merits , were extra curricular scolar within extra high marks of excelent grades merited in all school efforts . With basic fundimental of formative science of natural survey studies broadly. Merited with two certificates of honor in basic hone economic first aide at age 9. With a completrd meric certificatr of honor in first aide and safely of natiral scirnces certificstion  age 12. Gaining special merits in literary sciences within my seventh grade english literary studies. Age 12 with my extra merits of my n first writings of my own writing in poetry. Invenyive in creating tap dance on side walks with tin cans of cola cans clipped to my shoe crushed on the heals of my tiny feet age 4.5 , sumner outside of our family ,suburbian home in bayberry circle. 

roy royal studies began after the age of 29. In 1995. Merited and  hononed years earlier largely in excellrnce as an executive director of years highly recognized for setting higher standards in risterabture catering and customer servisce breaking well, producing more adv as ncement in heathly business enviornmrntal worth. With a honored achirvment prize from the university of Syracuse New York usa . Establishing more developments in sales of sculptural cultural. Works of art. EXTENDING to painting of landscapes and floral botanicals in a extra study. Extended in botaty. And land scape architectural design worth employment as a crrstive executuve architectural landscape designer. Sales of print of works of art prior to roysl a studies was x with three major intrenational gallerys of wotks of art, creating wotks of finest fabric sewn , art. Landscapes of tiny. Cathedral. steeples  white of  fine  flora and fauna  mountisn riche landscspes . as well as achieved larger worth internationally in a executive directors profession for a GER MAN OWNED INTERNATIONAL MULTI- INTERNATIOBAL GERMAN /usa grande resort of a responcibility which i assurt e d measures of gsined revenue for thr small memver of yhr intrrnational GERMAN CORPORATIOn set in GATLINBERG TEBNESSEE USA. with rrvebueof over $ 45 mullion on net reveue gained annually each year. 

Briefly : thr chair book. Of 60 entire chsir designs are published info


,Aucation , and culture of Craft and Arts, Culinary Chef Work, and Economics, Sports and thee EXPOSURE of kind cultural internationalism with love for America USA. 

Excusse ' while I underline,  my work in design of industrialism , WITH A BREIF OF MY EXTRA STUDIES AND MERITS OF HONOR . 

interferance in 2024 more soon as I  take a lunch break with notation today which will take writing into the afternoon and evening today and significantly important READ to the many people of the usa of 50 states all. with significant important to people and government of russia as well as prolifically an importance to the global world. The gracious charming work of the usa people , respectivly  with international humanitarian worth   of many internationally  of all countries are of many extrodinary messages direct to me are the loveliest real love.

I indulge the russian government now and then , when, I was recently sent a message to read, the prime minister of royal russia sent a curious message ., i replied   :the photograph was not real. I realized the meeting. of the photograph was aimed in to an attack in the Kremlins Office,  was a attack tampering with the russian government web site. The upsets in russia are very important,  to me, and as important as the knowledge in serious aim at me , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 




princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

my internationalist industrialist cultured cultivated broad international artistry  exhibition , international business forien relation of my many company development of years with 1978 of noted humility never lost, and of 2023, russia, roztec .ru . and myself , in breif , wild perplexity : complex . 

  photograph : rostec .ru "plum cake invite "                            ▪︎

 An event to celebrate. "Royal Plum Cake Invite.

LEMON NOTES GIANT INTERNATIONAL PRESS as a publication press statement of


love notes international global giant media - a multi media giant globally. one person , one pen , one typing tooling of state of the art equipment in, industrialism mutli - media internationally since 1996, one giant love to you, from myself, as  president of my one person company STUDIO VOSSE 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  Honor Degree of Royal Emeritus   Magent Cum Lauden ,as well as  Honored Emeritus of the Nobel Peace Prize international global highest honor of global merited efforts in world peace achievement 2023, and 2024, among design honored achieved international of many works of art, composition honored works, media honors, internationalist industrist business achievment honored , recognized globally, food re: five star chef  in devout honor toward customer serves in a devout executive directors position in company of revenue gain of a 3.5 million annual revenue gains , with a five star cullinary chef licensing  and cultural achieved hononer degree achieved from the country of FRANCE . In the 1990' s my employment with a United States Company of a extremely opulent fine five star resort, with rather elite employment of an executive directors postition as a board of directors for a multi - international of the country of GERMANY .   During my achievement of of my directors work in the internationally GERMAN owned corporation of course among six boards of directors , our resort hotel work, gained earning revenue for the hotel opulent resort of over $47 million in annual sales per year.  

THE MILAN ITALY SOCIETY OF DESIGN ARTS AND CULTURE HONORED since  2007. International honor furnature. interiour architecture international honored w/ 50 usa state tour manhattan to honalulu hawii. Governors Honored in special merit of cultural international enrichment lecture series projects 10 years studio lecture interactive - activity in making art basics, and economic stabilization of smART Lecture Series of my work 2002 - 2009. International simposium lectures of international  arts and sciences colleges of europe, 2008- 2011. Invite Lecturer COLOMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO , within a lecture in the stages of the printers row village , with over 5000 of the worlds largest multi - international largest USA corporarion owners , boards of director along side invited employed professional of all levels of employment     

It was 1974 when I designed my very own plexiglass shelves in my industrial design class in school,  from a junior professor, whom is an industrialist . My designs , were all mine, spec drawings , to the fabrication bending of my shelves in bent plexiglass and very beautiful wood sides. of course I hand made everything. Also creating a  sculpture I carved that year,  from a soft foam to a hard casted aluminum solid sculptural casted sculpture of a small dog, doxhound. At the age of 5 years old, i loved sitting in the back grassy hill, and digging in red clay soil , sculpting mushrooms then, and let them dry in the sunshine outside my back door upon on the top of the hill side of the grassy hill. 

1979 in my  own little utopia ,public schools, as in good standard high quaility schools , were exciting. born in 1965 in  the  united states of america , in the sultry southern usa, then with a move back to LIVERPOOL NEW YORK , USA, where I lived on my mother's and daddy's little horse ranch , before starting kindergarden, age 4 earlier than most childern. Oportunity of care with time of very important in meaningful worth , and studies focused at lenth, liesure snow skying at times, and selected for the olympic. Gymnast A Team , with a notable double flip , of my own leisure on the high dive, Olympic pool indoors before I was 6 years old.  I had earned many honors in achievents by 1979, learning in some business college , survey in basic business classes. Summers , 1974, I designed the worlds first optic telescope which could see all the way around corners , with several, angles in a cardboard tube, as well as creating an actual milk  carton photographic camera out of a half pint milk carton, and it all really created photographs , and my optic  tellecopic spy lens worked well. Of course at age three and a half, I created tin can phones for myself and my sister . WITH LARGER CANOPE FORTS under the dinning room table with large sheet bed linens.  And large boxes from appliances ( dish washers box ) , making a toy house largest . Folding the news paper into the most sporting paper hats . Before turning age 4 years old.

december 18 th 2024 11:26 pm update : I was interrupted posting in my updates several times all afternoon into this evening , thrn ained at earlier today with a bombof chemical type of mutin nuklear atomic fussion , mass aim pf a issue that is very serious issue of THE PRINCESS 007 ORBIT ZUSE 890,000 with a large maliciousness involved , even in recent issues of, what rostec .ru said is a attempt to lie in a unethical act of fraudulent, and bruraly excesive aim directly my head , neck, throat and back amd chest . The inciduousness in a issue in russia costing m6 extreme damage. Fat more harsh , than imagined . The space center, 

december 15 th 2024  

THE SPACE CENTRE RUSSIA : and meetings. with the kremlin in moscow russia as well as 

Rostec ♤ Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett ♤ VLADIMIR PUTIN , RUSSIA 

Valery in the space center team : is with excelent extrodinsry efforts and is included in the orbit excellence . 

The space centre in russian communication of computer scientist are with esteemed work and a larger level of excelence which I wish to express my thank you for. Thank you for the illustrious time and extensive effort of the largest in a constant repair which , I am am excessively of all graces you all,. With special thank you to 90,000 space scientist rocket science,  with esteemed respects of honor and a greater of affection in world honor to you, as I say , there was aimed chipping drone types aimed into your peace  safety beems. .   

PEACE SAFTEY BEEM : AND A VERY SERIOUS UPDATE OF SOME TELLACOMUNICATIONS NETWORK NOTATIONS will be my subject in a short lecture breif update to the space center 90,000 rocket scientist in the royal russian space centre , as well as the communication specialist,  which include all consult, royal or of royal commons, ,wi t h extra notes to the kremlin and the circle of presidents of all international countries . Also, I wish to include even more notations in a common language of meaningful expression to all , citizens of countries and thus, all whom arrived in royal drive expadition in many messages of love to me, I received from all over the. world. With drive fun everywhere , every village of love all over the world, ,you all arrived , everywhere too, thank you , and invites into the new year from 2024 , yes yes to 2025 new year  spring , summer,  are with extrodinary efforts and love real.   

DECEMBER 17 TH 2024 : SCHEDULE , REFRESH MY CLOTHERIES , EAT WITH PASSION , DINE MORE, SEND THE RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE A MESSAGE SPECIAL DELIVERY TODAY , with 007 secret to all people read only , at lemon notes everywhere , all over the world , and send very special lovely messages to mom, and wendel and daddy,  and love to special darling very good friends.  Important.    Listed published update in above section soon , and then please feel to reread all of lemon notes over and over. 

Don't panick if you were told something that was possibly not true about you. Be mindful to assurt all your very best. with love from me, to you. ♡ princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  

There is a very serious oversight in a space center russia , of a continued wrong doing and a contiued presidential kremlin statement to the people assigned to my royal appointment to prevent an infraction aimed at my company standards and integrity of the sweet natured very love in my work , which I worked in planning exactly in all details and prolific fast busy pace in more than 6 project I usually work on daily in my large desk. Today I have , a malicious russian whom gained access in some,  aim to ignore the ethical standards of orbit and all that it was created for, while opened a beem and racketters entered - due to a copper mouth in some rov into the space centre quality moto MOJO whom , was spotted with others . Not ruasian and entered into streets in russia recently and slung chemical Nukelear  weapons in streets , in moscow russia. The persons involved have been ained to lever retractor grips and , are indignation provoking of threats paired into a wrong again .   90,000 SPACE CENTERE RUSSIA , HAS A FIRM RESPONSIBLE TO HEAD OFF ALL the possible aim at me from any country  . Orbit was very damage and repairs in russia   are inside side the space center where there was a larger breach,  and a larger racketter.We'll, i developed ,the orbit with rostec .ru with a largest expected. Non close range with assurfrst and foremost, I wish extend a nobel thank you to sir Vladimir Putin as a very darling person,  nobel in every exceedingly glorious difficult effort , missing a more splendid dining invite , more, with a sweet bike ride to the water front,  and architecture meet to a finest of the late summer of the green green grasses of a time to at least a one minute waltz.  How extrodinary a year 2024 , to know a love so much of invites , as a fairfeild conneticuite usa summer autumn meant to be a evermore of love messages with splendor. Du Grande Jette ' (  the splendor of the afternoon boating party ). MADE PARIS FRANCE , a lovely world travel forever,  with the larger arrival of royal invites of extended to all.  

DUE TO THE URGENT NATURE OF MY TIME : of significant importance , i wish to begin in some recent details of extreme types of concernes which involve the space centre in russia, with the whole reality to assurt a complex underlining of the work of tremendous excessive excellence in the extrodinary work and larger very large focus of thr space centre in remarkable efforts and a remarkable intelectual digestion of a massive numerous extensive work in space center many developed working successes. I was rather upset today , with a rattling snake , in moscow russia , whom is in a clutch of largest misalienmemt of an opposition to the 90,000 people true cosmonotic space rocket senior science specialist, of a largest , in ethical himsnities of quiet russian gisnts remarksble . While there is a largest issue now in russian space center : with a very unusual responsibility to myself, I mean I love my own self nurturing and vibrant broade

My message . Sleeping until moring , good night , 

 The reflex of speed to assurt all precaution of non racketters .is unaviodabke in a judgement.  racketter all ,it what the orbit is, and there is a large issue in the space centre perfomsce is with large discrepincoes .  The massive aim damage to me and my whole schedule with a some inside of the space centre has aimed causd excessive harm to me and exorbidebtĥx̌ tome loss on my ridged schedule, my emails have been with self assurance to see a judgement remove the person whom were never orbit to assurt all is without a spsce cebtre to incure furthe  damage , and i have gotten costly harm with aimed racketter and a issue worth a space centre whom is causing me mass damages and larger time repackng orbit with a reason i created the orbit, to asdure seperation pfqqQ racketters as was scheduled in november 2023 , with a fraud of clutches which ained in to harm me and were repirted in aim to steel 400 of my projrcts of my company  worth. Of course seperation to the racketters in real in a judgmeny real already. While i was realized in assurance in my space sos team as and rostec and in stesd i have nearing zero day without extreme injury that had to be with specialozed rd care from rostec. 


and the repai r orbit

By miĝĥjre soon. 

 The time in my life doesnt wait. And my invite to the. Eoyal  drive adadin , my drive work and leisure don't wait. ago , there was pillforage in moscow russia and then very serious issuse arrives in a aim into a very hard terror :from an infest of several racketters whom broke into the shipping in the usa and comaccausied shop's in russia in moscow russia and are rogue ( fakes )  random attackers whom were in usa nato . And dc racketters whom all are of a copy cat type of linked in a huttling to assimilste a lie in a deception tactical aim of war aimed , at any. 

Recently , there have been several breaches in russia , of a aim at orbit  in a recent largest repsir of uncertainty with a RIFFLING of aim at me, of a issue in the space centre of  RUSSIAN , aimed in aided to rackettering and mortifying , with a report, in space centre of royal russia whom are in several tiny breaches of LARGER MALICIOUNESS IN FAULCE SWITCHED REPORTS .Affecting the orbit in a extreme aim of rackettering attacks with mimion amc nuklear chem mutiin ( unethical substandard, unethical sludge un two inch issues) . In russia in the space centre, their are extrodinsry excess in savvy succes and sill there was a breach in the continuity of larger ♤♤♤♤ nessecity of my assurted extreme  repairs of only levels of the space centre of royal russia , of a harrible aimed harm to me, as if maneuvering against all . 

♤♤♤♤ Nessecity , yes, the " orbit bubble "  has a  entire orbit.  The orbit bubble is with the orbit sphere and then s outter orbit and outfield  orbit are then utilized in an instant dismstling when my princess 007 orbit zuse 890,000 is of all functions in highest extreme levels in all reality oncluding any derailing of all rackeeter snf including plotting aim of rackeettèr in a detour of route into the blue ridge treck , into the next phaze of racketter outcome of a navy bean soup free meal in mass contempt of ethical world order of royal russia. spudnic , i proclaim to vladimir putin: kremlin of russia , was not recently aware of the devout reality , in a consistiency of a much larger intelecual , devout, realized work and devotion , yes while the breach inside moscow russia is a largest very aeriousmmmmmmƙ

the kremlin sir Vladimir Putin , flight 

never unthinkable,  while I briefly say that sir Vladimir Putin , made firm belief in my preposterous initiative invention proposal :  orbit , and graciously ethically made outstanding efforts in person within a leaping of sos rostec specialist whom believed I could be realized with the rostec sos moscoe specialist,  whom dared to quantify the reality in amazing excessive very difficult largest devout reality of 6 month in success in a disarmorment long ranges of all proliferation aimed rackettering ballistic projectiles by christmas 2023. And a reality of a large disassembly of close range disarmorement of nearing a 100% success via beem new advanced invention beem type of cosmonotical outter space mechanical process orchestration sea to sea . With only my specialized advanced equity of larger natural scientific knowledge of rather generous steering rostex graciously welcomed , my extremly larger inventive design of eased devout focus in  helping assure natural science of my set orchestration designed for rostec , while under significant , concern aimed at me, whole rostec worked fast. 

Vladimir Putin , was significant in detailing some level of steering with a larger significance in a broadened lateral level of excellence of devout focus team structured regimented serious efforts and successes, . 

of course i created films in sketches , poetry honors in liteary sciences, and my very first science presentation of natural science, a as a projecg in 1976 ti demonte how light and natural elemen t in made, in the year 1979 two of my gold medals for twp works of art. With my very first museum in my new york  state region , within Syracuse NewYork. .

 More soon on the many merits within my vitea. Including my bike and scooter society of 45 and older.  Of course childern and young grown ups. 45 plus scooter society,  an earlier publication MY PUBLISHED FORUM MODERN. more soon of my vita while please enjoy the brief notes . The JAPANESE TIMES in the country of Japan asked me for a largest update of my vitae ' and I rarely tell mom about the details with humility and love in talk about gardening more. 

6:00  Kremlin sent me the message. Of course the actual  photograph, the photograph was aimed at with the typing pop ATTACK of malicious usa racketters  in errors , not actually an error , yet extreme aim attacking .  Communication specialist of computer sciences in the work of communications technologies have not had time to assurt more updated known solid of the orbit development of strong advancement yet with orbit , extra beneficial work to be completed in ease to me. I say ease yo me, due to some of the rather difficult reality of worth in my efforts of some natural science of my articulation which provided the communications people of russian millitary to be with a axillury of orbit outter efforts to be with extra assured types of advancements never before possible. Specialist of rostec .ru

 ( rostec russia, of the special project to me, of the kremlin's assured efforts . In a tine sensitive orbit to be realized with speed in a direct impossibility of any cohersive aim of any racketter , to assurt zero range of proliferation of anything ,  in an absolute focus of my  reality of zero aim into, an extreme of a Proliferation of Mass Contempt of abliteration  tactics - aimed attacks in threats aimed into tactical monopolies of ruthless wasted time with rackettering whom attacked in aim  of mere  idiot of extreme aim attacking in the largest of embarrassment toward themselves of TRUTH , of non- remorse of lenthy and cinsecutive action of deliberate and pre - deliberated intented unethical blaten disregarded, with void  of humanity ,people , prosperity , love , attainment of worth and intelectual savvy politically caring, fragility of a sacred in assured government citizens benefits, of ages , to sweet broaden self worth ages savvy.  A reality exists in the russian space centre of a new era, which is not simply easier in the space centre of the royal country of Russia. Of quite the remarkable work in a esteemed reality , of the very devout of peoples varied broaden worth and work, to see even more intensily the reasons of such greater succeses of others many and more in looking at each minute to reflect upon the accumulation of brilliant worth broadened, a finest in the deepest of the most delightful cities and cities villages all, in russia of work and worth of achieved plenty. The space  centre specialist are of exorbitant responsibilities known , devout known of thyne self , love, exist. Greenest finest softest brilliant of the green green grasses of eden are, will be, became in a largest of worth, of worthy the space centre of royal russia are not of any failing. The larger responsibilities of real rocket scientist of royal russia gained the strength of HERCULESE , of one of the ancient gods whom love largely the cultivation toward a riche existence of strength to grasp the responsibilities of a joy and a decision as well as a responcibility HERCULESE , holding the entire world upon his shoulders.  With prepared precautions assured readiness to a fierce kind assurance , please please, me,   in any type of concern as a larger percaution, in russian space centre is of solid ratiole of the, reality, of orbit 007 princess zuse 890,000 will never be for a usa born  malicia or a swaud of a  . PIONTEDLY , i will say, the anti - proliferation , in an orbit of outter orbit and outfeikd orbit , is with a dismatling invention of a extractor important to note, as the usa borge 3000 ,of absolute malicious with extreme consecutive mass trecking of extreme vagrent , unethical , there were muntation of atomic nuklear hand slung ained sludge from snooted nose to side walks , smoldering in deciet whom aimed a lazer fume , on even banking key machine, and surfaces of computer in slung spots, even spotted clothers , to point even laser boron mass nano atomic streem needling blast , aimed in the hands . With seething chicklet gum liken vynal teath. What : communication in computet science areas in russia , may not have realized is that the specialist updated advancements   which becamd a nessecity 

international press statement.                                  from MOSCOW RUSSIA  statement of the KREMLIN, sir VLADIMIR PUTIN , a very important speach from THR KREMLIN ,               sir vladimir putin. A POLITICAL DIPLOMATIC DIGNATARY , world leader as president of one of the largest most successful countries in the world, as ROYAL RUSSIA is, of greater a country and of delightful lovely people with a effort of esteemed worth, reachable of a lovely broadened RUSSIAN LOVE. A immence love for the delightfully austeer , of a attainment toward a solid ethical assured unfaultering RUSSIA. 

DECEMBER 18 TH 2024 AFTER MIDNIGHT 12:58 pm message from sir ix Jinping , with a comment politically : MODERN ABSTRACT of a POLITICAL SERIOUS GLOBAL NATURE .


PRESENTSTIIĶÙ ROSTEC .RU RUSSIA ♤                   Sir Vladimir Putin ♤ Princess 007 Orbit ZUSE  890,000 890,000 

LEMON NOTES INTERNATIONAL GIANT MEDIA with CHINA LOVE from ix jinping the president of the royal country of 

Vladimir Putin in FILM 



December 12 th 2024 , 12:53 am meeting in Moscow Russia,  coffee and cake after midnight. 8:54 am in Moscow Russia sir vladimir putin ,kremlin of the country of russia. TALKS OF THE ORBIT , WITH A MORTIFYING EXCESSIVE  MISALIENMENT, WHICH ORBIT was never to be comprimized in assurted new era international imminant dominion of the  orbit princess 007 zuse 890,000.                FILM 

As I replied, it is a very realistic notation of the importance of aimed attack aimed , even in smallest aim in to a corrosion of harror in time and contorted attack on ideology ( self personified inurtia ) in contectual deliberate meening of what is real and of a meaning far greater , in concerning aim at the true expression. ) at anyone with aimed malicious unethical misrepresentation ,  ( fraudulent, lie and attempt of unethical aim at myself and India and Russia. IDIOT MALICIOUS of dc unethical linked of dc swaller, of an unfortunate harror of a dc, in break in to proper canidates that had switched election issues in the usa which was aim of unethical random attackers of the usa in vicious  birthed disodent . Online attackers too. READ 

《■ more soon 

further OPENING STATEMENT FROM  THE PRESIDENT of the country of CHINA ,                     sir Xi Jinping with rather direct political diplomatic, Avente' Garte ' in humanities with high ethical ajility of devoution of the grest nation of CHINA , and of many cultivated realities of time devoutedog copatolistic humanities extended largely for care to the global world , of many individual people, in a focus , furthering ethical wealth of a attainment of larger greater weathly opportunistic of  prosperity of a reachable attainment . 

direct from CHINA READ   more commentary of nobel messages include a film from.                ELTON JOHN , from the country of ENGLAND , an honored royal KNIGHT , of nobility honored in the country by HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH , and the government of ENGLAND , with a arrival in the avente ' garte' political serious messagss of KING CHARLES, his majesty, very lovely darling men of messages to me, for a most unusual international press LEMON NOTES. The king of the royal country of ENGLAND  , Sir Charles, His Majesty , messages just for myself, assured statement to include in LEMON NOTE within FILM   


 as ELTON JOHN with  SIR KING CHARLES , crowned royal KING of the country of ENGLAND  

message of SOUTH AFRICA of the school of Waterford in opening film THE GUMBOOT DANCE of HONOR , as a rare favorite , at waterford , AFRICA . re: love messages of my 4 th of July 2024 Yanky Doodle Solute to all European millitary and intetnatiobally with my solute to all internationsl presidents . Gum is a unusual gum, which means rubber , of the rubber tree plant. The boot , a gumboot is a farming boot as a very lenghty eased traditional boot of good serious agricultural specialist.  

AFRICA of the largest in countries of the world, among.  RUSSIA and CHINA , INDIA , mentioning a several larger countries at this time, presented again in a new update today internationally now from AFRICA THE GUMBOOT DANCE in    FINE POLITICAL FILM of expression in OPENIBG STATEMENTS the giant leagues " waterford "men and women of Waterford Kamhlaba Africa . I solute you all and everyone of the majestic royal country of Africa . ♤♤♤♤ 

message OPENING STATEMENT                     QUEEN ELIZABETH , her majesty queen of the royal country of ENGLAND , a 007 sultin,  and darling charming  brilliant beauriful darling friend many year. FILM "007 SPORT "

( mom named one of her boarder collie dogs SPORT ). special note of love from Her  Majesty the Queen of England to my sweet mother , Wendel and Daddy.


I wish now to underline the reality of the orbit first and foremost,  of the utmost importance, of THE LEMON NOTES INTERNATIONAL PRESS STATRMENTS . to include my decisions to include rather more OPENING STATEMENTS of international government presidents as well as individual FILM PRESENTATION of a modernist form of expression of a political matter , as vitally important to me, important to the world.  Films , might be of Chef Work at Home , to state your very love of your worth, cherished. 

underlining orbit underlining orbit.    underlining orbit underlining orbit underlining orbit underlining orbit underlining orbit   ▪︎       THE PRIORETY OF THE ORBIT 007 PRINCESS ZUSE  890,000 HAS ALWAYS, since the work on the orbit bubbling began, a rapid speed toward all efforts to steer extremely well, into a zero of any known proliferation,  of known , of whom would unconcionable aim in a random attack and rather aimed at myself,

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

As the conceptual inventer of the orbit with ROSTEC . RU., the convergence of mastery in design within conceptual form, of work in an extremely rare science of cosmonotical engeneering of a extremely new optimization , is quite an historical monumental reality in world history. of course invented the hard physical core, with extreme precicion with a remarkable speed and prolific work in invention and large broad enumerated multiplex of consistancy in astrophysical cosmonotical perfect mechanical quantum work, with rare specialized prolific excess of work, nearing astounding devotion.  What is the orbit bubble as a design, is rathet a savvy question. Anti - able aim in any proliferation. Nukelear Disarmorment , is one realized level of understanding orbit bubble. Realized from RUSSIA, and from my specialization maticulous KNOWKEDGE , THE ORBIT , I SAID " THE ORBIT CAN BE REALIZED " including my larger statment to rostec specialist within my  summery of anlysis within presenting my largest rationle ' of scattered details of rather a box of mixed up puzzle peices. When EVERYONE AT ROSTEC RUSSIA SAID the word "possible ". I replied FACT.  More to know , I can say true. 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett


In  FILM filmed during 2016 of my studios international peace project, peace project exhibition of the piazza conccerto peace talk , peace walks travels intetnationally alone. Non stop daily four strait years daily. economic talks a free iniciative project while bringing all my travel desk work along , . 

Let me begin with recent issues of very serious largest of a POLITICAL MATTER , of a usa, whom has an opportunity unlike any other, which reaches all people of the usa in an incredibly largest  success of our country AMERICA of thee beautiful the USA. Alright , yes yes there are 3000 of born usa whom were in DC and of linked in, into connected , excessive of dc with rackettering which exceeds , malicious intent includes  all racketters whom have broken the ceiling of all ethical lawful reality, with flagrant righteousness of vagrent deliberate and brutal intent of bonified  disregard of human beings and humanity.  With an attack of recent into russia of a linked few, and attacked with aided individuals,  whom are without a country of RUSSIA , even if recently there was a security breach , on RUSSIAN SOIL , whom aimed to attack me, and aimed to furthering aim at the royal russian space centre specialist,  with further aim of attacks aimed in the kremlins Office. Well, what I mean to say , is that , those involved aimed direct attack on my person and company and the orbit princess 007 zuse 890,000 and directly aimed on attacking the government of russia. The connected link of the vagrent 3000 usa whom are extremely malicious and unethical of the all international and usa constitutional usa ethical laws of humanities . Imagine : the reality of orbit and recently.  In russia : there was a very serious , misalienment aimed to largest extensive damages lingering in  attacks aimed aimed at me, direct attacks on the kremlin in schedules , attack were harsh aimed in at sos specialist in rostec and  space centre worth and work time light speed deliberance,  and attack on the prime minister of russia . More .yes. Soon.    

more updates: please reread ç in lemon notes international press , orbit princess 007 zuse 890,ooo. soon more updares above.


while earlier as I sais, there are 3000 racketters of malicious unprecedented individuals born in USA as citizens , as the usa of a greater nation of the united states citizens , have always recognized the reality well of tax of the people many most and near all ,yes, well, all, in villages all, minus the racketters 3000 individuals whom face new era of justification , in a new reality of justifucation as zero in adjuducation fir the 3000 rackettering linked connected action of conseccutive 6 years long of breach toward humanities of ethical retainment and brutal unethical continual  vagrency of lenthy  link unethical connect  in a malicious  randon tactical aim in atracking  in. perpetual action of assumed deceptive blaten disobediance of even the most basic civil liberties ethical constitutitional usa rules of lawful ethucal reach of 5he omnipresent ethical standards within humanitues of underline of rights of freedoms just in liberties of structured ethics, of equalisties to all the people, as such all qualities toward liberties there of,  of the usa including the people of the usa . Rackettering of 3000 individuals,  recently furthered their legal enlarged breach of all known ethical standards in a brutal concurrent consecutive repeted grossly negligent unethical action of ill content of brash ignorance toward adherence to ethical reality,  in attempt toward deception tactical extremes in breaking lawful repose of the usa in acextrem lenthy continuation of a strait forward repeted assimilated tactical provocation of unethical aim of brutal excess of cohesive action in aimed attacking of a large griss neglec of ethical usa constitutional ethical humanities lawful rules, and aimed to deprivation attacks in a concurrent unethical in a rackettering consortium of large unethical propagation with exact pre meditated relentless intent in deliberate malicious aim acts of rackettering. The vagrent large list of rackettering agendas of unethical coherasive attacks , also date into all international attempt aimed into aim in unethical intent which underline breaching,  unethical extremist aim attacks toward more than ten countries , with unethical idiot tactical acts of unethical contort in threats toward international people and threats towards international countries countries of direct aim into actual internatiobal governments. Withmalicioys vagrency of all undereline in every known pre ordained ethical  legal rules of world order of international constituional regulations with ignorance of deliberet malliciousness in intent to deception of extreme malicious provatations of random attack and gross neglegent intent of idiot tactical provoking racketter agenda of idiot attacks of vagrent  acts , which rackeertters vagrently acted in intent to, larget listof unethical  connected in scam operaration, open in data dating back a solid 6 strait years, and same individuals of 3000 dating back of deliberate cohersive numerous unethical actionalble - vagrent calused non remourse ,,in concurrent of 6 years recent and opened up into larger years as dated back atleast to 2002 9/11 caused by intent to deception in of attacks to usa , attacked by born racketters of uss born 3000 idiot scamer in linked breach of ethics  Including unethical breach in 5he oval office then , and of larger in later racketter scams.   Further more : aimed in unethical blame towards all usa citizens and internationalist with racketters of extrene aim of contort 

( UNETHICAL LIES OF type of regulation ethics) .( aimed to trick people out of best of opportunity worthy). 

Contort of real ethics , ie : upsetting quality and standards . Contortion of facts . 

( distruction and deceotion of ethical adherance with  cohersive consortium ) . 

of recent : the racketters aimed to unethical aim to, attack a number of spacific citizens in a document seen on data in sky satalight, of all countries. All   3000 racketter aim at 75,000,000 people - in 2024 summer , with aim at over 3000 in the eastern region of the usa. IDIOT RACKETTERS, were stopped in 4 days in a racketter bus of 200 hard aimed dismal dc attacker known of 60,000 other cities by 2022 and 2023 into 2024 as racketter idiot unethical 3000. While MOST DID NOT REACH THE EASTERN REGION AT  ALL. 

recently : there was a very large historical invention known at the princess orbit 007 zuse 890,000, and more about  orbit press soon, while in 2023 christmas, the princess orbit was  ready , the most historical of global emeritus achieved in 21st century, space sciences cosmonotical invention mastry of advanced optimization of peace beem techological advancement of rostec of russian, specialized project , sanctioned by the KREMLIN , sir Vladimir Putin , as the presideny of russia, under the larger of 6he Kremlin's direct executive staff, and a loved approval of appropriation , of an approved orbit sanction, of thee   invention of a convergence of myself : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett president of STUDIO VOSSE  ♤ rostec .ru ♤  the kremlin , sir vladimir putin , with a sanction to the orbit  from  the government of russia. Rostec . Ru work is in russia of course. All rostec of sos moscow are inside thee country of RUSSIA. DISMANTLING of the aimed , long range type mutin nuklear typed munion directly at me, and numerous others , and was 6 months and then the work of  with me, disarment  the nuke mutin munion of usa racketters , totally dismatled on christmas day 2023. The a bomb as well,  which was aimed at me, and disarmorment dismatling 

( snipped ) , in 2023 christmas. More about CONTINENTAL KENETIC CLIPS. WITH SERIOUS CORPORTSTION OF USA and governors in the usa well , seriously busy   , and long handle polo , soon. 

yes, RUSSIA was  with some serious , manuvering in January 2024 and a very larger of, alerted urgent , rash unvoidable, nessecity in speed to see an iron curtian, of the idiot plague of a slight infest of rackering which was with some , seen as russian , slinging atomic sludge in streets, and there were racketter fakes , fraudes,  Idiot espionage attackers, fanny doubled in aimed fraude of faked russian personel in a few government offices, ( even the prime minister was suddenly leaped, in close,  at just and on several government officed in moscow russia aim to dip   into 400 of  my company project, not yet on my desk office estate villa, which  had not placed pn my desk . 

URGENT IN RUSSIA : yes there is some one claimed to steel from rostex and  myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett .

MESSAGE FROM 150 000 SPECIA L IST  , my darling men at rostec .ru 


404 error in rostec has a meaning to me . I need to say, my request of a analysis of orbit  zuse 890,000, asked , of an issue. Are there ç peace beems derailing rackettering as is of assured, anti - proliferation to my sensitivities of my natural lovely culrivstion of my work in arts , industrialism , cultural well known amazing lectures , international extended invites and international events, conccertos and of course my studio vosse shoppes of clotheries , esstials, books , films, interior architexture designs, and extensive honored worth in lenthy develompent of multi- international years in my own projects globally with many of studio vosse self realized pre developments, piled, of my office , barrister book storage cases, of large developments. Of course , the  orbit orchestration, was never realized, to sustain and disconnect of brutal unconscionable , extremist blaten, caulus in a non remourse of the mortifying aimed danages of - usa and a pitchfork actionable, as orbit is created     with myvgʻz in 0-90 seconds s more over in russia, while there is urgent, with a rov in russia, whom aimed at 400 of my LENGHTY PROJECTS WITH OVER $15 BILLION PRORTFOLIO   , WITH in working equity. There were some aim at the space centre involved .  Not directly with so many royal russian space  science .  Of course the reports at the kremlin's office are with clear statements from sir Vladimir Putin , of a vagrent aim at the orbit , as aimed at me, and the space centre and sos specialist as rostec .ru and many consults, realized the extreme , of racketters whom , caused aim in side , russia with some frauds whom stole and switched reports , lying about being assigned to my orbit , while then aimed extremely , against the sanction orbit ethical protical , and were switching more reports , and aimed at my monster and the walnut film and piazza sales, and then aimed harder in 2024 , into thr drive, and tin can conccerto and aim at my royal sketch sales, more than , this, aimed to destroy orbit , and were aiding racketters , even as we speak. At 3:35 am in my royal drive expaditions. Shoving , aim into Space Center and with mass fraudulent lies of the orbit and actuall zero assignment on what is actually made for me. Currently I am of of  types of threats  caused in a fraudulent , non-assignment of several in russia , aimed into fraudulent, aim to very serious extreme harm aimed into my loviest , work in invited global royally invites, of my extended  drive exhabitions. There are a serious fruadulent of aim from several very serious random racketter a whom hyjacked a usa shipping flight into germany and then hyjacked several trucks from beer truck, and snapped drones aimed in to moscow russia , and also were 

more : meeting with moscow 007 secrets . Soon. 

from the travel desk of princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett ♤


END ♤ 

 2024 RA ARCHIEVE 2024 ▪︎ 》

USA Fourth of July 2024 of the  Aristocracy of 1776 of course with my mother’s aristocracy too. 


EVENT 2024 REEL more about greater history soon. And missle satalights to the moon for the 007 star satalights. With RUSSIAN specialization world renown. 

Ringo Star Impromptu minutes ago in reels  

RINGO STARR rare photograph                  from my travel archieves . 

Vietnam Millitray SPECIAL HONOR EVENT MEETING PHOTOGRAPH of extreme honored worth, and more soon. 

I am so excited about the MAJOR FILMS FROM THE ROYAL COUNTRY OF VIETNAM , with sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of RUSSIA , with North Korea and Vietnam , a reality of excitement for the USA. 

Clint Eastwood Film Impromptu is, worth everything in detail by detail, within the USA MEETING Conferences, street wise convoy reels and details. Stroll with the candy man ? 

what does it all mean ? 

Thee Sammy Davis Junior may grace me , at love notes again with an answer ? Thee Dolly Parton rare special film for me at love notes: NINE TO FIVE LISTEN 

LOVE NOTES july 2024 AGAIN AND AGAIN, READ  enjoy the wonderful July 4 th 2024 LOVE NOTES 


Thee  Steven Miller Band. LISTEN  


with the USA concerns and a multinationals solutions. What Are The Updates Going to Improve Rapidly ? READ  in progressions of rapid speed ongoing throughout August 2024  ,

please read more as the month of August 2024 unfolds into the USA with multinationals peace ideals loved throughout the USA and the whole world.  



THE KREMLIN OF RUSSIA , himself , a RUSSIAN CZAR of a honored devout work, as sir Vladimir Putin is among all, of common ground with a RUSSIA to be very loved, all over the world. LISTEN 

August 4 th 2024 GOOD MORNING all over the world. Bear Hunts ,with  villa updates 24/7 with friends near and far, are exciting. The special people in the shops as sales executives, are very pleasant, making the world a better place. I will list my shopping areas you might enjoy too, if near. And even special people whom are with respective honored efforts, and emeritus ‘ realities ‘ of a love to people everywhere. All over the world. 

My stop into a


Conglomeration : 

fuel stop. Was sweet this morning ‘ freshly a well nurtured ‘ for worthy notes of love. 

12:46 pm Fairfield Connecticut USA , stop and shop with perfect services in kind decent customer services, and many fine architectural areas to enjoy. My shopping spot is revealed in the Black Rock region exit near KING STREET that is actually north street as you drive further, with incredible water front areas drivable views, beautiful people everywhere, with cultural internationalist USA business best, cultural love, and foreign nationalist whom love the USA well. Stop and Shop VIEWS   special detailing on locations soon. 

Many have been in and near, already. Love to you all, as the drive is only an hour and a half from NYC MANHATTAN USA 

in New York State. 

message invite : to everyone, to fly, drive or train in, and get a cab, or rental car, or hotel shopping shuttle, shop, and photograph architecture too, if you wish, while I am in town on my bear hunt travels to search for a new northeastern villa. I should be in town today, into perhaps three days. LIVE CAM SHOPPING REEL 

The great expedition Road Side TRAVELS EUROPEAN trendy, in my PIAZZA EXHIBITION STYLE OF COURSE.  

INVIEW with more details soon today.  

FAIRFIELD  CONNECTICUT  USA especial message to mom, wishing you a great day, with love and wwishes for you to feel best soon. Expecting your every message. I love you my darling sweet lovely mom.

message impromptu from 

Thee Steven Jobes

My darling, Steven,  

the owner and founder of 


Thee APPLE CORPORATION, which began with the  Macintosh Computer known as the APPLE, named after the Macintosh Apples which grown in Cortland New York USA . With wonderful computerizations of state of the art home technology, for homes, and offices. Which began sales in home computers in the 1990’s primarily.  Before the IPad, and the little gadget that was pre- iPhone. 

Steven Jobes, as early as 1976 liked talking about gardening. My darling Steven of course, arrived at the famously popular pic nic on my birthday ‘ in the 1980’s with many invited guest for the RUSSIAN HILL PIC NIC, so lovely with many that arrived and covered the lovely grassy hillside with fine times, after we all unpacked our pic nic baskets, on lavish RUSSIAN weaved travel rugs, known as the ancient modern prayer rug,with all of us with our silk sari luxuriously wild covering from the country of India , silk sari ‘ wrapped around our Bermuda over sized long knee shorts, and our supper Italian linen plaid basics summer lite clothes,  very special made with brilliant jewel colors. Kisses again and again Steven Jobes, catch darling, you were so sweet 

 to arrive for soda pop and middle eastern foods. 

Steven Jobes impromptu reel 

John Lennon message real love in inconversation and a song, for men I love. Men of all countries in Millitary , of all internatiobalist and Vladimir Putin , John  Lennon, Steven Jobes. LISTEN  my brothers I love so well, and lovely friends, even David Catrone ‘ I was in the 3 rd grade with, as we played games like hot potatoe, and the lovely math and agility game of Marbles. JOHN LENNON the film turned out sweetly perfect. Steven Jobes too, with messages lovely for the entire world. Perfect in celebration of peace agreements on RUSSIA ¥ NORTH KOREA ¥ VIETNAM 

with an extended 

USA Fourth of July - AUGUST 2024 


8:47 pm FAIRFIELD Connecticut USA now. 

RUSSIA time now 3:48 pm 

9:46 pm 

THEE PINK PANTHOR , cartoon with special segments ‘ sleep in the word. 


7:09 am meetings in Moscow Russia, and urgent,. 

the issues in repair, are a concern.

I stopped at a little fuel stop, and so used to top notch service even from Henry Kissinger , whom worked as a store clerk in a fuel stop, on my project for peace and cultural economic worth, while in Newark New Jersey for nearly several months. While Henry Kissinger decided he wanted to see a tough project of mine, a success MORE. I was so surprise to see Henry Kissinger Arrive at my side, to serve up the very best in the world, of foods, soda pop, and more, in the Hudson News Store. I sometime have earliest hours in travel days, 5:00 am and my darling Henry Kissinger , with top notch professionalism and high honor to me, to realize Henry Kissinger was keeping a prized of my exhibitions and daring lovely aria songs in NEWARK NEW JERSY , 2016 as shops open one by one and then many with excellence in business even from the very youthful and fragile of those whom prepared for employment with success in mind and large excitement I arrived yet several times in Newark New Jersey New York., USA. Hello everyone, and Henry Kissinger whom took professional humanities seriously ‘ making never alone in the world, of posh professional of village of all cities properly perfect. Bold , of you all, and your all perfectly perfect, with such success in Newark New Jersey . With love,

 from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  

Henry Kissinger is the former very well prepared honored in peace efforts, as the United States of America’s Former General Secretary of Millitary,. In a time when the USA was of a larger utopia of greater reality in USA government ethical standards. With highest merits of the USA constitutional compliance regulations that each government member is responsible to comply with, to serve the rules of the USA constitution of the humanities standard reachable to the people as  known as the general assembly. It was lovely of sir Henry Kissinger to have taken up work in Newark while I was there on my second on the air exhibition .   Henry Kissinger worked in the cabinet of executive government before the 1999. I wish to say a very large thank you to sir Herbert Kissinger and others, in lovely cares of the USA of an esteemed reality to be recognized of one greater nation, with all village proper to assure. Everywhere. 

I received over 500 million messages that people were planning even more travel to Daitfiekd Connecticut ‘ and wish to express to you all, to travel with extra tucked wallets and thus, and your lovely self worth,  kindly .

 Just as we were in Chicago’s events. As the beginning in economic change in the USA 2014. Perfectly prepared for a fine proper putting , in Fairfield Sumner 2024 and everywhere. Lovely to see some of you already with excitement and chatty delightful people. Thank you. With love. Ah, the clerk at my shop today called me , a name, not proper at all, as a bit bittering,  and it was so unusual as even in all whom scrambled to be in work in Newark New Jersey while I arrived to enjoy your delightful interesting worthy lovely personified efforts, you made it special, all, with extraordinary lovely care, even nervous, and boldly proper, making Newark New Jersey loved all over the world. While of course, loose lips ( loose slang, I think the clerk refereed to saying ) ( what up pussy cat ), in the beautiful minute of my lovely expectations to highlight such a fine shop of progressional , top notch, then ( what’s up pussy cat ? ) appalling. 

loose lips and sink  ships . Ships such as , Joque’s an ocean voyager expedition whom whom, was vaulted in gold, and lost, all the Spanish Gomd Dablum Coins, in one word, mispronounce : por four voice  ?   

Rather the Spanish Revolt ‘ in the foi pas ‘ (errors ) , while Tom Jones, my darling, Really TOM JONES, messaged with a WHATS UP PUSSY CAT . urgently , 

 just now. LISTEN

I remember , NEWARK NEW JERSY in the USA , with the most extreme bold proper kind love. It was outstanding, all very nervous and generously the work efforts among HENRY KISSENGER , too, whom arrived,  the desperation of such an empty major train area of 2015. was with extremely fast leaps to success, in every persons work effort. And leisure loveliness. The earliest morning and latest nights , with me. Love to you all. Your all of Purlpe Mountains Majesty to of seas to sea. 

Moscow Russia, under pressure with the Former Prime Minister , such a Bentley Fan, good cars, the Bentley which is made in the country of ENGLAND, and sweat rolling off the former prime ministers brow, after all that excellent work, within the economic of RUSSIA , and the actual gains realized on the sales of POLORTEX RUSSIAN COATS, everyone loves all over the world. The former prime minister of the Royal Country of Russia , of the extrodiany work as the executive as THE ROYAL PRIME MINISTER TO THE RUSSIAN PARLIAMENT, said : the polartex coat post. Increases the Russian Economy to a tax base of historical largest ever seen in ROYAL RUSSIA. Retirement was increased , by double in country benefit to RUSSIAN PEOPLE, which included foreign internationalist, whom moved to work in RUSSIA, and gain an effort toward work, and establish even higher taxes too, in the country of RUSSIA. of course, work , work, of course,  make families in RUSSIA as a multinational great country. the employment listing for  multicultural internationalist, eased in a pure welcome, and the extra employment needs to greatest wages and proper professionalism ,  made even more taxes in sales of largest orders of political coats , boots, mittens, wool caps , and more of finest ROYAL RUSSIAN , love.   The former Prime Minister , is a fine friend. And with his eye on the success of the parliament of Royal Russia, in quantum pencil work. The Kremlin ‘ sir Vladimir Putin, held the previous PRIME MINISTERS office before interest in assuring RUSSIAN KREMLIN efforts, favorably loved and elected, with incredible honor in ROYAL RUSSIA. lovely people of RUSSIA, recognize highest worth, toward for the people of RUSSIA.  PRESSURE IN RUSSIA, with the former prime minister sweating. Is rather important at love notes. International press, is rather interesting , in my schedule. While before the MEETING TODAY IN MOSCOW RUSSIA with the Kremlin His Magesty , Czar ( of the Russian language meaning Royal Selected of the People of RUSSIA , a CZAR ,  Honored in acceptance and oath, to fulfill the highest ethical stature of government, to be the presidential king / Czar / of Russia) .  

LISTEN Billy Joel meeting update. 

Pancakes, and extra fresh extra large farm eggs, again soon darlings.  with David Bowie , in the lovely recording PRESSURE, in a missing composition his total worth ‘ of many extraordinary compositions ‘ not compromised. I will post the unfestered  pure reel soon. with many David Bowie sent to me, which were aimed at, in my issue of my office productivity technology equipment very very expensive for me to replace, with missing continuity of my creative work standards.  

David Bowie sent sweet lovely messages , yet to be posted in love notes with the contextual whole enriches notations of David Bowie avant garte ‘ hard work in the world. To be enriched , cherished, of minutes , lovelier . of meanings and nuances to realize the visceral tangible reality, of extraordinary efforts, of extraordinary a reality true. 

George Harrison 8:13 am meeting

Fairfield Connecticut,  message film reel produced for myself personally , with  love from Thee George Harrison . more about our meetings , soon . While enjoy the film work created by THEE GEORGE HARRISON. 


LUCY , as in Thee Lucille Ball,

 message just now, scenes updated from Lucille Ball’s 1970 ‘s AMERICAN TELEVISION STANDARD , as a producer of film, films, then and now. meetings USA, as I adore Lucille Ball’s total serious work, and lovely humanity . FILM REEL update from thee Lucille Ball , ( html error sos Moscow extreme urgent sos - interference in USA . sos Moscow, prepare your self for the meeting in Moscow ), ( droopy ? Or no droopy )?

12:46 pm Fairfield Connecticut USA, now with lite shopping on Jennings Rd, not far from stop and shop, with a few thrift purchases, with love and math savy professional Junior Sales Executives that are extremely kind, and made a difference. Imagining a future with economics means efforts of people, that gained honored worth. Esteemed beginnings and fruitful of more a moral evermore. People arrived in the city of Fairfield today, and will enjoy the decency of village proper in a good humanity loved. What will stand out in thinking of the good experiences ? In my travels , I remember such a large lovely humanity, everywhere. 

MIDDLE EASTERN ON IRANISTAN STREET is worth a stop, just off STATE STREE for real Iranian Persian Middle Eastern Kabobs and Safron Rice, with fine Flat Bread, in a little well worn stop, fine the very best, in Fairfield Connecticut, in the USA , A real silk sari  to wear summer silks, in lavish Sari Silk from the country of India , in the international little village with EUROPEAN MIDDLE EASTERN REAL KABOBS ,. worth the long drive. A little fuel stop at  6 blocks away on Jennings is with great low priced , under $5.00 chicken salad sandwiches ‘ and very good coffee’ plus plus plus, more, and fine professionals , even making fresh foods, and extra clean too. Some very nice gentleman there helped me with filling up hot water, to make my own instant coffee, though I did decide to purchase the fresh brewed coffee, very freshly made.  There are many lovely architectural detailing in the Fairfield Connecticut city, with historical aristocracy, of prominent USA HISTORICAL ANTIQUITIES Of HIGH MEANINGFUL ARCHITECTURE ,   worth even a small side walk jont to photograph a few architecturally riche streets with unique homes set back away from just a fast few side walk from the car photographs , to  distantly respectful in a fast snapped photo, driving to a cathedral or magnificent park publicly realized as a land mark of preserved land, for public enjoyment. And remarkable historical details of ship or barge ports, that existed and almost lost in details, to realize a few fine opulent architectural historical photographic journaling notations, maybe European and USA history ‘ could have been of your own aristocracy too. 

Fine to experience a village proper, of architectural historical important , of a greater USA. Including Fairfield Connecticut USA. Dinners are quite nice, excellent foods, lower pricing and the great care of village proper ‘ professionalism ‘ real. 

Cathedrals ‘ dating back more than 1000 years, are fascinating ‘ with my list soon. Enjoy your travel in everyone. We can see if anyone posted a film too. What excitement . While I am busy with MOSCOW MEETINGS and a few more lite shopping purchases, and a chicken salads sandwich lunch. Hold the wine, until the hotel stop to sleep with a midnight, coco expresso night cap. After a fine middle eastern saffron rice and kabob dish, with fine flat bread known as unleavened halla bread in the Middle East, flat bread ‘ in the USA.  Haghd Hallahg ha haghd’ means have a most enjoyable day as I wish you good day, in middle eastern language of IRAN. 

Message from the government of KAZAKHSTAN and RUSSIA, with very special military of honors with devout esteem. 

1:21 pm earlier meeting : sir Vladimir Putin , before the later meeting I myself scheduled with polite delightful dignity of the Kremlin , and the general assembly of Russia within all government councils of course directly of the Kremlins ‘ austere ,

  notations, and time sensitive work of my own, as well as specialist ,  darling Sir  Vladimir is romantically wildly of RUSSIAN expression of a wonderful lovely bold natural vitality of a remarkable broad love. Of ROYAL RUSSIAN lovely viseral ‘ humanity. My upset was more than ‘ important in all of RUSSIA. 

The parliament of RUSSIA . is with details of importance in the work of the former prime minister . Whom cares of RUSSIA. And years in details of a love to RUSSIA. The meeting earlier with sir Vladimir was with all military of the country of Russia, as the first class men and women, created an expression in photographic journalism,  for sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the lovely country , of greatest work efforts, and a bit of devotion to me, admirable unstoppable with Russian Bold Avant Garte’ lovely freedom of expression . 

JOHN LENNON , my darling , with Paul Ringo and George rewrote me a love song today really the most beautiful expressions of my darling men. LISTEN 

Vladimir ‘ wild Russian Bear Hunt Messages are not yet posted. A Russian Villa with bears. 

SILK SARI ‘ from the country of INDIA Travel With Lavish Silk , to wrap your Bermuda Shorts and Polo well, with slipping into a flat imported Fine Shoe’ Jeweled or unjeweled, to dine well, and travel well. READ 

Chandra Cotton Sari India Finest READ 

4:19 pm MICK JAGGER , reminding me, his messages of love are quite real. And the ROLLING STONES , with MICK JAGGER. Thank you everyone for the sweetest wines. I love you all. 

xo you’re  perfectly lovely. 

Never Stop LISTEN 

sari is a word from the country of India in Europe and is one of the largest of several larger countries with extraordinary economic prosperities  known, as sari is pronounced SORRY in American English. 

antidotal mad RUSSIANS. SWARDS ‘ BAYONETTES ‘ are to cut grapes off vines for wine. and


RUSSIAN ROYAL HAND WOVEN PRAYER RUGS, often hung upon an east wall, in your home. for the adoration of the blissful morning sun rise. The prayer rug , hand woven has been a preserved tradition of modernized rug manufacturing which everyone could reach the wealth to afford a first prayer rug, as a special rug to take on a expedition and adorn your mind of prosperity of a good world. Hand tinted rugs of sheered wool, then washed and spun into silk like string, colored with special tint, then woven, to afford, a first expense of real wealth, attainments in a special design of thee rug weavers , men and women of fine prayer rugs, is a wonderful good love to cherish humanities hand work in efforts largest and tiniest details, where prosperity begins. 

4:52 pm A JOCQUES COUSTEAU , film reel 

5:04 pm meetings EUROPE , RUSSIA : pre meetings 
in MOSCOW RUSSIA. with specialist . 
the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin , and the general assembly 
parliament ,  and the government ,
 of the ROYAL 

EUROPE NOW 5:07 pm 
the emeritus former president of the 
as a guest at my royal college 
conservatory studies , Sir Gorbachev 
was kind to have carried a gift , 
smallest sculpted Brass -Vermillion 
opulent figurine ‘tiny salt boat’ with 
enamel painted finishing very vibrant with 
RUSSIAN meanings, by hand
to embrace me, in person, at a special 
event, of cultural recognition
to RUSSIA , with very special 
times, and lengthy meaningful 
words, with such a fun we all 
had arriving for tea just 
across the street from our 
International Event, 
a Risterante in Chicago
 Illinois USA, respectively 
Loved over 350 years. 

Political Impromptu Film Reel
from one of the most honored 
presidentl of the world, of a 
ethical height of great political 
 work in the more lovely because 
of Sir Mikhail Gorbachev  .

Nagasaki , Colossal Meeting Breif.   7:30 pm RALPH ACHILLES’ world renowned historian , and wonderful cultural historical preservationist , darling of mine, years. With a lovely impromptu film reel .  America USA. With very special thank you with affections Ralph , and everyone. 
The Fairfield invites are with quite many whom are arriving all over the city, with some hotel stays. Some Road Side Sleepers to park and nap, and more traveler interested in FAIRFEILD Connecticut travel invites into several more days. And are delighted and talking about the pleasant travel trip. Your all perfectly sweet, thank you to quite a many in large traveling expedition . I may schedule a classical formal aria ‘ to bring further prosperity to the entire eastern , fine travel region. 

Sir Gorbachev , was very good to be politically direct of the few in the USA, whom have caused, such , extremist racketeering concerns, with important reality of the USA as a real country of people, large and beautiful of worth, prosperity and greater humanities. As we have come a long way baby. As they say in the Virginia Slims Commericals . A women. She said yesterday , “ we “ are all realized more. we she said. We, the people , a very important USA, of finest lovely’s broadening in life. Efforts so sweet and ethically heighten of important economic success. We , stabilized standards  in the USA. Lovely women she is. “ We” . 

The meeting MOSCOW RUSSIA , is nearly about to begin in two hours . 

8:24 pm antidotal PETER SELLERS. FILM REEL 
with COLOSSAL political impromptu ,

9:37 pm. meeting USA 
LENARD BERNSTEIN  of years my darling Lenard Bernstein , and I were enthralled together strolling through the love of the gardens in Chicago , Illinois , of course, where my royal conservatory studies , began, and of course, mingled into the GREAT CHICAGO SYMPHONY , OPERA HALL, just across the street, with the Sweet Little Russian Tea Room just minutes away from our little breaks from the extreme hard work in cultural, foi graise’ of course RICHARD DALEY , was fine to small lectures with international guest dignartaties , in to lecture at times. Lenard Bernstein , impromptu of incredible symphony works . FILM REELS , for the lovely Monday Night, in FAIRFIELD CONNECTICUT, USA and all over the world, to everyone with my love , from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett . and Lenard Bernstein , with the entire New York Philharmonic from the metropolitan opera house. In Manhattan New York City, New York USA and those in the CSO. CHICAGO ILLINOIS .

9:50 pm Fairfield Connecticut USA.
Diana With a Kiss To Me, —Caught.  

MOHAGANY film brief

10:33 pm FREDDY MERCURY, with everyone, QUEEN , 
“ we are the champions “   Politically Wonderful FILM 

BORIS  YELSTIN  meeting : 
10: 59 pm from Fairfield Connecticut USA , 
with a POLITICrAL FILM Emeritus Former President 
Of the country of ROYAL RUSSUA . 
With love to the world,. Thank You 

And Madamoiselle Yelstin  for  the fine wine, and boxed 
Russian Polortex , kisses to you both. 
with all my affections to you both.  Saffron Rice and Kabobs again soon . 

Love from Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

meeting Moscow Russia Begins 11:32 pm from FairField Connecticut USA. 
VIA 007 star starlight ussr , russia red rover 1-890,000 zuse ru. 

 the people of Russia 
Gather for my meeting  ‘
 VLADIMIR PUTIN , Sir Kremlin  
of the Royal Russian Country 
presented a message 
Unlike any other  in the world.
Expressions of the men and women , 
of an empty piazza , never to hear 
, of a world unknown , the words which I 
myself saviored to expression
of my love in affections to 
people, government people.
the kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, 
of a sweet opera 
PEACE , and the 
RUSSIAN BLUE of the commons 
royal. Written : for RUSSIA to begin 
with a ballet of “MY RUSSIAN KING

Imagining a world, which seemed that peace 
was never going to exists , and suddenly 
everything, began , everything 
exists in peace, 
of a reality to see through, 
sometimes difficult work.   

of the people’s 
with the President of the Country 
of Russia sir Vladimir Putin,
 Czar of Russia thee, KREMLIN 
Himself. Darling Vladimir 
 ‘ within the FILM REEL. 

Thank you everyone,
 Du et du madamoise’s Misure’s 
Ladies  and Gentlemen, your 
many messages  and even people whom 
travels to my exhibitions are wonderful. 
My Clotheies Shows, in Eastern Europe , 
Siberia, Moscow, Moldova, Progue ‘ cities 
on boarders of Russia ‘ were aimed 
at last summer. It was difficult, 
then Christmas , not as it should have been. 

Let me be very brief now, 
with sir Vladimir Putin lecturing
 as well from Moscow Russia. 
Talks of the State of the Russian Nation. 

After sumner, into thanksgiving , 
I decided to assert every effort toward
 specialist to assure my very most prized 
attention to specility. And felt that 
we could see a slight needed development 
to speed up the orbit . Excuse me, I must get a 
small coffee. And will finish up a brief , shortly, 
as I have decided that I will extend my notations 
for this meeting in Moscow Russia , at the level of the
 Kremlin himself , Sir Vladimir Putin 

Expand the orbit and thus the reflex in Russia 
to assurt every excellent measure to me. 
I knew that the orbit specialist would 
need some specialized unusual prolific 
outlines to pull through 
into a spinning orbit 

the orbit 007 zuse project? what is it all about? 
Why is there an urgent meeting now? 

Starting at alpha . une momento’ everyone. 
excuszzi’ just a few minutes maybe
 15 minutes then I will return 
time now 12:22 am 
August 6 th 2024

12:49 am Mr SHAW and the Card Game 
: message update gambling 
PAUL NEWMAN and everyone. 

Roberto Forbes : 12:51 pm USA 
americas  -  europe   
founder of design within reach 

founder of 
with a meeting notation 
and film read 

1:11 am KARL MARX ,
 and everyone. 

CURLY, MOE,  AND  HARRY ( three stooges ) 

Karl Marx , is with a predecessor , on your film , 
darling Karl , you are incomparable with your 
work, uncomprimisibg , in fact,  my 
lovely former employer in my very first
 summer employment said: we will
No one shall ever be expendable. 
Your political sensibility of  humor 
is darling of you , with a back office 
in Siberia . 
 turkey sausage best. from my darling 
friends since 1985. read 

BP corporation now read meeting notations . 

APEC Cooperation Message 2:48 am READ

“ coffee” Sletch 
film Sketch xo 

COFFEE 15 minute , while I say hello and begin in the morning after sleep. GOOD NIGHT 

3:25 am the kremlin
 sir Vladimir Putin,
 with the government
 of people of RUSSIA  with the

with a morning solute to me, princess  Tracy Suzanne  Pickett within a very rare and very lovely FILM  
Excuse me, everyone, I have special words , to many of you all, and sir Vladimir Putin, of a large affectionate solute, with sweetest tears , of your lovely extended affections too. 

At 8:12 am August 6 th 2024 , I spent an hour in notes on my international press of BANANA NEWS. and not the hour I am focused on to see through my very busy schedule and enjoyment of a sacred realized world, instead a a string of bad DNA, mostly sausage linked, in a concern to all companies and a reality toward a large USA of all shops and risterantes ‘ and aim at me, my time, my schedule, my lovely experiences, and normal reality, instead cartel that raked the USA, and dig into even more harror - even line of ear puking, as a aim attack in absule bittering dismal destructive extremeist ,  rioting ‘ with a lie of the incidental area they cruised the USA to shake knees and use rioting tactic’s aimed,  in the rising cost of even butter, under unethical racketeering staged threats, to anyone. CHEEKY ‘ smermers ‘ innuendoes liken to cow lick others. More liken to hot lips loose , prowlers, of phone fishing scams, going into arbitrage of furthering, extremeist chance quibbling for giblets’ as the reality is that racketeers are riding on extreme loss of cash in hand. And sunken minus zero money in banks, riding on fuming the USA, and riding on magic brooms. With Witch STICKS, to point in circles broken from tiny branches. Spin skirts pointing out, to get a real weather report. While the fear of aim at my work, and time, with even one chemical spit , from their tung, stuffed with tip cut off of condom plackets ‘ moving their JAWING ,  teeth to rip open a spit , in profolactic , casterated lip herpes to spread, and well, popping at humans. With minion filled rubber duck salvation . 
BANANA NEWS International Press READ  
“ Fear not what you can do for your selves , though what you can do for a country as one greater nation . “
former honored president of the USA, and a friends , in the world 
since I was a small child. Having a special event with the family in the 1970’s 
after a honor I myself had as a school child eating merits in fine design, and 
extra studies of the Industrial Revolution . 
Lady Jaqueline Kennedy invited
 me to a lunch event. Later John Junior 
the son of JOHN  F. KENNEDY , and First Lady Jaqueline Kennedy 
was a swim friend now and then. 

BULL HORNS ‘ come to mind today , with a realized need, preservation of employment and stability of a large country of invested time toward great villages and greatest economic importance. Leisure to play hard, work hard,  and prosper, in a level of bending over backward to real humanities, within business sensibility . Good Good from coast to coast, the USA must assert the efforts, worth the wage. In an ease , perhaps, And not an ease at all. When the day is done, and the week is a reality of real gold certificates ( meaning cash. ) Dollars are printed with a mix of Gold, and silver coins  and copper penny’s   too , are far more than a token ‘ , yet a divine invention of humanity in a tangible tactile merit of worth, and wealth, reachable , earned and worth the kind feeling to even love the world more around you is larger, even vaste.
 Is the USA under pressure ? 

INTERNATIONAl PRESS: Banana News update extra
“ SUBJECT , MUTTLE extremist -  two gone wroung and a large company that was aimed at. 
with a risk of worth, at a realized wage extended at over $280,000.00 per year for nine professional sales junior starting employed . Offering well, and are with an exceptional welcome to employment of people whom really assure best customer service and a reality of greater efforts . 

Time Clocks and Tine Cards , 
for every employee with a 
schedule time report notation 
weekly can be very helpful in 
public view. With a name etched 
into a gold pin ‘ with 
a serial number
 and microchip on back. 
Full Details, if all registers 
and required detail work ? 
listed. READ  eased pay check 
copy direct in your phone download 
app from your bank. I mean, the payment 
of your money in wages, 
has your name on it, your worth, your 
place of employment, right on your online 
006 online starlight viewer. And your first 
pay check deposit too, reachable 
in every week  employed .  
Gold and Silver vermillion 
pin with your name . Fully. Wild, Your
  name matters in a fobs read 

Time  Clocks Best Non Digital 


9: 29 am now , please if you would, I ask that you take time to read the 
BANANA NEWS INTERNATIONAL PRESS, in a few minutes you may have. Important to the USA. And everyone everywhere, all over the world.  While today ‘ it’s BBQ ‘ internationally and in Fairfield Connecticut USA. 

MIDDLE  EASTERN , Eastern European bbq , German Sourbratten BBQ , NORTH AND SOUTH KOREAN BBQ, BBQ FROM Sweden, Austria, Denmark . Norway, Spain , France , Russia, AFRICANA BBQ, including Tunisian BBQ ‘ of a French African Tradition. OF COURSE HOLLAND BBQ, of finest African Holland especialty,. South American regional country by country BBQ, with some road side bbq notes, people from South America all know the stops to BBQ , with street names and mapping ease in sketch road trip fun. 

VIETNAM FILM important today, with wild lovely many travelers in FAIRFIELD CONNECTICUT USA now into a possible week, while enjoying every minute to return again ? 
Brace your selves for busy bend backward efforts , 
and extra efforts, to step up to the diamond plate, to assure best to all, . at the end of real busy days, nervous love, of scary earned worth, is worth the greatest, hard worth efforts,  4o coffees or 5000 ? 

Are you known as fog horn ? Or Fog Hat ?
 Or Chicken Licken and HENNY PENELOPE’ 
formerly 101 Dalmatian Riders. 

9:55 am meeting with Moscow Russia, updated into some 
expansive details just in the last hour. More details of the pressure in RUSSIA, 
and real exposee’ of my schedule today: you really wished to know. Rob Forbes 
sent me a film ,  he wants to know too. Film posted soon. 

A real state Faire in the state of Indiana today. You may wish to travel in, if a day trip. 
BBQ best, in Indian  includes  a sweet little shop 
 in the city of Perdue , and Bloomington , also notes as one of the top ten in formal colleges 
of classical studies historically in music in the USA, with a fine large opulent opera house. 
I myself love well, with five events, and amazing architecture in the small city college town. 

Drive further to Northern Chicago Illinois , to GREENBAY ROAD, for Heckey’s BBQ chicken . Strait from Hecky , a noted business person, and BBQ chef. in Evanston Illinois , several hours from BLOOMINGTON INDIANA USA, toward Lake Michigan of the five only Great Lakes in the whole world. four hours. 

Words, noses pressed up against bus windows with dreams, to realize, if just a pressed word, could help. THE WORDS BABY  CAN I DRIVE YOUR CAR , doesn’t seem the right word. Looking at the savings account, earning one million dollars , is it impossible if you do not have the word love right.  

A ROOSTER ? Easy enough for a four year old political study I say.  Every customer?  yes. My first job, calling an executive manager from the street store, staring at my junior executive time, “ darting at me, I yelled loud, it’s Rick the cock roach ,get out the raid bug spray please, if you see what his shop handy work looks like. My gosh, that derailed Rick the cockroach , spread in to opulent work, of mine.  Of course. Suddenly arrived FRANK SINATRA,  and well, Joseph Brown the Pro Football Player.  , and the women with love for quiche and sliced Mellon freshly made. 6000 bankers a day, and a man , napping at the breakfast counter after working in a sulfure salt shop , bottling smelling salts all day, tiny pink capped jars , hand packed , very pungent fellow. Napping rather pungent ‘ ripe blue Cheesecscebt, with h stalking sulfite salt, more like anchovies, as if sleeping heavenly.  Refilled coffee, and ice water of course. And a mile high slice of apple pie with extra whipped cream as the dishes of foods and drinks.  With clean linens freshly folded napkins . And a hot water finger  towel with freshen hands, as a European tradition,  waiting  next to his dusty clothes and favorite worn out shoes. Of course packed jars sales , astronomical through the ceiling best.  Year by year. Bermuda, Aruba , Cincinnati USA , St. Louis , next. 


SCHEDULE EXPOSEE ‘ JOHN , PAUL , RINGO  , and GEORGE, your outrageous :

Are you at the hotel : where is your rental car , 

You can drive my car darlings my men. listen 

1:00 pm DIE CASTING , is a basic type of Industrial Revolution type of work, detailing in metal work. I myself won design awards for some sculpture I created in 1974 with a die cast aluminum hand carved , spec sketched fine art, work in casted aluminum sculpture. My sculptures, took sketched spec drawings and large cubed styrophome, and extra hard compressed phomes, with extremely well made electric buzz saws. And some hand saws. Weeks of excellent hand work. And then the aluminum melt casting in a sand casted sculpture of a veinerhound doxhound. 

My very first opulent villa city flat, was with German Friends, among others. Whom were directly from GERMANY , traveling in to New York , in Syracuse. And told me more about GERMAN, as a very highest level of importance in INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION standards and secondary free education of your scored grade on SAT , is of your well studied earnest work. Die Casting , schooling at length in long time periods to practice die casting over and over ,  before advance architectural engineering aptitude to hope that you qualify for a specialization college, prepared. 

Franz Shulmach John Jangle Jingenheimet Smit, is a fine GERMAN , friend and a craftsmen in automotive die casting specialization - all the way from GERMANY to meet me, for pizza in my little international estate region years ago. 1980. Purchased a work of my art , then before moving back to GERMANY after a summer he lived close , enough. To enjoy talk of the country of German and pizza nightly.  

die casting film  

John Lennon, and John Jangle Jingernheimet Smit, and Vladimir Putin, with others, many, including graciously lovely USA American People, enjoyed the Russian Hill pic nic of 1980 which some finest people in my city of Syracuse New York USA, made the pic nic extra special. Welcoming internationalist to our city, from everywhere. I myself enjoyed after pic nic events, where I catered to loved friends. With opulent Foods I prepared, and with invites  to stay at my rather large estate, over night. At a few late into the evening events. 

Germany the country is riche with lovely cultural realities, and die casting is one of the the prerequisites for a year or more. Needed to study die casting , first, before the auditorium study lectures and extensive applied focuses of many quantifiable engineering class detailing in pencil work, never stopping , Grinding Metal , in practice a year, is very important to skilled excellent engineers of greatest architecture of REAL GERMAN ENGINEERING . Die Casting , is well known word in GERMAN , and not often used in the USA. Of course, it is possible that USA historians , in a few remedial early schooled classes, may not have known what that word die casting meant. Also die pigmentation for very fine glazed glass like coloring.  Die zel ? 

It has always been most lovely to enjoy the love of a rather large international life. European and American . 

JOHN LENNON , messages I love. Listen 

5:40 film POLITICAL SKETCH in FILM from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

“ CUTTING THE LINK “ political west 


with sir Vladimir Putin via star satellite 007 Film , scene one and two with earlier morning 5:00 am Fairfield Connecticut , to russia moscow , villa and formal office am meetings

high definition USSR 1- 890,000 zuse ru. Star.Russian Satalights  

impromptu excerpt film reel  darling Vladimir was pleased to show off the particularly white marble like brick, not as the brown stone brick , which was brought from ENGLAND in to the Nantucket Island Ship Port, and smaller Ships Scooned the Shippments from the Largest Ship  of  England , known as the The sainte’ Mayflower Sainte’ . Tia  was a ship from SPAIN , as too the Sante’  et el merite’ ( e at the end is pronounced a as in ah ) .  Spain pronunciations. Saints’ anneha, , eastern port ships. 

JERRY LOUIS , with all the ladies library  auxiliary board members ‘ and progressional sales women , north, south, east,  and west ,from  and an executive sales top. Executives, message just now : 


thank you sweetly , for your lovely message . 

The Fairfield Connecticut city, has had over 1 ooo , ooo  travelers  in one day,  into the second invite day, too, now,  and some as far as CHICAGO ILLINOIS.  

 Loretta Swit ‘ messages with honor for the exciting work you created in MASH updates while also, pitched in with sales employment , when the country needed the best , sales. in seasoned  executive  counters , your wonderful character of Hot Lips Hoola Hain ‘ are filled with greater dreams and. Hopes of most success in humanity. The extra mash note updates , were made a savvy impact of fine people of Korea . Youth savvy. Korea with everyone all over the world, xo with kisses , darling Loretta Swit., with a film impromptu 

Mustards  Last Stand soon again darling. 

Vladimir , darling, STUDIO VOSSE . as my company has been love since I open my first tiny desk to professional work in arts, business and cultural projects,  with in culture since the 1980’ with many in a metropolis city and everywhere, fortunate, if my extra studies out side of school , good efforts in formal education and many employment efforts largest corporations and some tiny companies . 

PEOPLE, are charming , gracious, and of lovely individualism . With love to me, as I am forever very graced by people , always and everywhere, even with true lovely expressions written to me, for love notes, of the kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin , and pure LOVE TO RUSSIA too, , within an expression of real love to you, Sir Vladimir Putin, darling, in a brief message. Positively Hip   film reel .

Vladimir , I love you darling Vladi. xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo , that piazza is all ready for polo again darling, your sweet to polish the gold zeinveitzein . you polished it by hand ,  beautiful . You’re  beautiful lovely one. 

DARLING GREEK TOWN FRIENDS , from CHICAGO ILLINOIS, USA , sweet everyone. That was a tranquilizer dart , for a wild loose tiger wanting to get back to AFRICA , enjoying the lush large African tiger reserve and incredible fruits fish and vegetable with mutton rice from the forestry people  in Africa . Mustard Last Stand, or Pegasus Fanous Ristorante with outdoor roof top dancing , traditional Greek String in person of musical ensemble . ?

8:04 pm a brief exhibition film from my archieve, and some concerns with eased filming that was unexpected ‘ with a rather rough warm up in song. However, the film is a sacred time, and important LISTEN    

PRESTON JACKSON : as in the PRESTON JACKSON ,  whom is a major historian artist, with monumental sculpture , and a prestigious reality, as a Professor of Fine Arts and Design , for one of the USA’s most opulent colleges within associated Royal Museum Collages, of European and American Affiliation. Prestigiously Preston Jackson is the head of the historical Sculptural Studies College as SAIC. Edu. Chicago Illinois’s and is one of my former conservatory adversaries as professors go, darling friend, in town in Fairfield today , driving from Chicago Illinois right away, and fun. Of course 

sir Jackson , in of an aristocracy of AMERICA USA, of one of the most historically honored presidents of the earliest documented USA , presidents as in Andrew Jackson, As history is , with slightly messy hand written words, non typed.  Stave was of the word also as known as STAFF . stave is a medicin pouch in a cotton pouch to press into infections ‘ if needed, also known as a tea, or a dry berry pouch , small traveling sized. Pocket Sized . 

Staff ‘ stave , staves , sales. And wages highest. Slavic ‘ is a regional name in EASTERN EUROPE , for the people whom are from Slavonia , and arrived in the USA and spoke slovic ‘ and were of the beginnings of the company names Slavonia as in Light bulbs. 

with a lake in the USA named Silvan Beach Lake. Small lake in New York USA, in the city of Silvan Lake.. You’re all now with more notes from my book, in sketching and History Excitement. While , Preston Jackson FILM REELS are exceptional . . FILM REELS

9:42 Pm 


you arrived darling ? Funny, I just saw your later message darling ‘ rented a car, thank you for the sweetest perphetioires from englands best finest pastries. Lovely. 

any road will take you there. in Film Reels 

Lovely turn out for the bear hunt villa expaditiibs , there are already people with real travel films ‘ and amazing graces . 

Love again. Darling.

19:12 pm 

CHICAGO ILLINOIS ARCHITECTURE TOUR  very enjoyable impromptu  listen 

10:23 pm meetings USA darling

thee DOLLY PARTON , loved well noted international business person, and incredible guitar player , music compositions numerous and loved ,  impromptu FILM REEL now perfectly good of you all. Thank you DOLLY PARTON , miss you all. Mustards Last Stand is going to be quite fun. xo darlings all. 

10:54 pm from MOSCOW RUSSIA , invite officially from Sir Vladimir Putin thee Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA . as we continue with meetings. READ 

4:59 am AUGUST 7 th 2024   Good morning everyone, everywhere, all over the world. The lovely numerous people are simply enjoying the travels to FAIRFIELD, with serious travel elsewhere in the world as well. BEIJING CHINA also enjoying travels with an exciting three hour bike tour, in the sweltering heat, not unusual to my travels either. The message to me was very charming today from across the world in FAR EAST EUOPEAN CHINA. READ . , unfortunately , am experiencing some serious delays and meeting with MOSCOW are urgent. The extreme delays , are a concern, to the future of love notes and that of the many projects from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , never before with such concerns.. and a lovely numerous many prolific projects of greater scheduling to assurt much to assure in all the project planning at my company , STUDIO VOSSE. In fact, yesterday my schedule consisted of a special new recorded aria to FAIRFEILD CONNECTICUT, USA , for everyone all over the world, with a $1.00 concerto ‘ of love, in my global event invite. Sales of ROYAL SKETCHES ‘ are in a delay’ as well. In fact an extra 8 day delay. Someone in Moscow Russia, has  been enjoying a song from the 1970’s I wish to post in LOVE NOTES , with a Monte Python Scene , yet not the one about, the concerning , clerks office, with Baha plans, for ROBERT , the clerk thought to be unemployable after, ruining risterante s with a fast pace paco ‘ peculiar gland operations. LIMBO STICK AJILITY, sifted from a small spec map, in a rather large universe, an option for dining everywhere, with CICIL BEA DEMILLE ‘ . CEICIL na ‘ 

posted : a political song update, from the 1970’s in steer toward national catatonic pressures internationally, with one key. 
if you wish, painfully I say of course listen
if you wish .of course, roller skates were just a new invention of a skate that fits with an adjustable skate for smaller to larger shoe all, with one key to open the skate and adjust the size. Then use the actual key to secure the skate that slides over your gymnastics shoe. While not the extremely very securely eased professional standard skates. Which tie in a laced up over the anckles very secure , safely never risking a turn of the soft tender ancles or a leg, of course to gentle nurture your very expressionist best, in free form on real roller skates finest. once you really fly on real skates it’s like riding a bike.  My fancy skate work at age 4 is somewhat well noted. Tender lovely , care in every move, even then, very important in a nurtured lovely expantion of lovely life. In 1996, I purchased a skate board, at age 31 years old, and began my industrial design , on an extremely exciting industrialist design, of a motor foot scooter, the first, and foldable in a trainable or cab pack, traveler, eased size and weight Baka lite , reality. Putting the design sketch designs accumulative in equity wealth expansions for my rather well noted prolific busy international company , the royal college work, was imparative, in 1996. as well as extending myself to employment 40 hours a week, as one of the foremost executive assistants for a highly esteemed real estate mogul, in height of high ethics of sales, of the residential multi million dollar homes, rare, with designs even from the world renown LOUIS TIFFANY SULLIVAN ,
 pre dating Frank Lloyd Wright. My specialized work for a nationally esteemed executive for BEIRD and WARNER , was a delight working directly with the owner of the esteemed real estate properties sales teams, with quite a architectural plethora and very rare actual sales. Nearing , just television specials , noting savvy ethics , lecturer for the nation , in realized most savvy purchases when preparing to scout homes at lowest prices and best , monthly expenditures , of mortgage expense in excellent budgeting.  

ROBERT , the name dropper , second name HEBRY , while not thee HENRY THE VIII . 
Robert , ah, yes. Robert cared nothing about the actual white linens , and was hired to wash and dry and press linens, while ROBERT ‘s brow was pointing in a rotation in the most opulent of rather expansive minds of ajility in a rather, once opulent building .as it was the actual building of the daily work of the grand daughter of HENRY the VlII . ROBERT , chased the, idea of trying out, a meathod of posturing his brow, with a posse’ once known as a nose gaye of finest botanical flowers worn on a sweet tiny arrangement on the wrist at Easter Sunday , even in 1965. With a flower known as an orchid freesia , one of the most highly scented of finest soil specialization of botany. Then on a tiny wrist , the nose Gaye corsage , was of gaitetty in the annual gold foiled Easter egg hunt.  Waiting all year, to purchase a real finest scented freesia nose gaye’ ghgaye’ spelled in EUROPE. while the posse ‘ was Roberts theoretical meathod to escape from the detailing of real finest employment responsibility , while taking a fancy to the chaise lounge ‘ a REAL FRENCH annotiquiti ‘ the chaise lounge, yes, as soon as ROBERT NOTICED THE way to be seen.,while among the RESL FRENCH ANTIQUITIES ‘ of a study to place importance on the stroll style too, brow practice , again ROBERT thought, ah, and important, thinking no, and no and ah , running to his pocket change fattly , with the cash from the linen work,  then eye into work at hustlers cake shop a while , after the calamity of the lost sales of the five star reiterate , ROBERT , decided, to challenge the five star table side chef’ and took all of her plates ‘ 2000 cold plates , of the finest foods, even impressive in the country of FRANCE. where the table side chef gained honored licensing specialized , in prepared work, of 7 years in large plank brace encrobed merits of excelence in business operation . A COUNTRY PRIZE HONOR. SEVEN BRASS PLAYED PLANKS. wall mounted of course. historical for the city. 
Chaise lounge , ROBERT’S brow ‘ pointed like a German Shepard Dog, upwards , in a tiny mirror Robert quickly took out of his pocket full of cash piled.  THINKING , brow looks like it needs a fine toothed comb brow manicure , grooming his brow in the fine round circulate golden plated mirror compact, with a fancy button locket , and a little note ROBERT placed into the inside of the Gold compact mirror.  He put a gold chain on and snappy , into ROBERTS year of cafe work at hustlers . 
a whole year, of posturing in brow manicures and thinking about his new bag of tricks, with a whistle, taming the mirror and his well, his address written in the mirror upper case gold tiny locket .  while, HEBRY the. Vlll , is with a famous painting historically , with the first in a healed taller shoe for the King. well , Robert Henry ? could be with a SPANISH CHAISE LOUNGE , rather Roberts Fat Pocket and memory of the gold doors he served 2000 trays of cold food, taking out of the hands of the table side exquisite chef,  his lavish belly, bloated in a fine fat it seemed ,  staring more in a readiness in practice more expansive of the keen ajility of his brow, pointed up or more risky, down, with a mustache’ perhaps flavored , spiced ‘ with oh , SALVADORE Dali ‘ ci oh, 
Robert , made cash,  after let go ( fired ) from even the hustler cafe, ruined hot water and then burnt coffee’ while TUFFETING MORE OFTEN ENTHROLLED WITH TOPPLING THE CHAISE LOUNGE, ROBERT , told everyone ‘. He said :  yes, it’s been in the hustler cafe bistro ( meaning , in FRENCH LITERATURE , to actually mean coffee lunch in open for breakfast freshly made daily to order - fresh cooking each plate by plate).

pusse fu Mai , leaning into the customers with like a breather, getting closer, then said pusse fu mai ‘ pahs foo may. Wine pouring it as shambles largest in a bistro of limited means financially . All the thirty employed , their eyes suddenly plastered upward in expressions and then they looked from left to right, thinking about their estates they purchased , and not CECILE  BEA, demille ‘ powder scene in extra large format camera , larger than 
a Photo Booth.  toppling atop the cloud soft, butter leather chaise lounge, Robert H. Thought about the little wiggling of his is toes, on the chaise lounge, then gained a ruthyme ‘ toe to brow, at least eased to see the moving of his toe, topping the chaise lounge, thinking pencil mustache , SPAIN FLARES was asertainsble with Robert’s cash piled. While the thirty employed were furious. THE pusse fu mai wine cellar that had been meticulously stocked with a wine, of only a small rare vineyard in FRANCE , specially made, only 8800 thousand bottles per year, in a vinyard of requisite meticulous excellence. The bistro hustler cafe , relied on the particular stocked wine each autumn , to purchase all, for the whole planned year, bringing customers in every year, and everything to do with the superb nature of the company Hustler Cate Bistro , with not one dish cleaned well that Robert H. was hired for. Stacked Glass like the house of cards.  And chipped in many when ROBERT H, was finally noticed , serving the last bottle of pusse’ fu mai’ on the chaise lounge.  Yes yes, talking , auniuty pointing , shuddering ‘ then combing his right brow with large bushy brow folliments up pointed , saying the worlds, repeating in the entire employ’s minds: as they looked more like escaped monch painting ( thee scream). Robert said : ah yes, the pusse posse ‘ is FRENCH ,zereasearosticoch ‘ leers leare I think, of course,  Robert begged ,  sit sit, have more wine, ,. The chaise lounge is a PERIOD FRENCH ANTIQUITY , fine gold leaf detailing , and try it, just plop ‘ onto the extravagant buffeting and extrodinary, extra specialized pointuioure fluff, like marshmallow fluff , French  you know,  please have a bottle sample , French , and just then Robert answered a call from MRS. BOUTIUEBOIUTEREING BOUQUET, atlas, the Baha boats , as Robert Loosen at the opulent large reality of the fine wine and pouncing up and down on the Louis the VIII FRNCH LOUIS TIFFANY SULIVAN , tuffetiitte French CHAISE LOUNGE. 

once seen in the painting in France of a depiction of the painting, the melting of the SALTS , sellers .    

Monte Python ? Henry the VIII , am not I am not , HENRY THE viii I am not. Was the  in the basement theatre of the morning , afternoon , eve , of cafe bistro HUSTLER , Monte Python in person in the basement stage with auditorium seating opulesent  in gold chairs cast in iron  ,  and crushed velvet red scarlet seats , while in French language the r at the end of word, is rolled as the word is sounds like huslerroiure ‘ o moi.  Not enough ‘ the bistro ruined in quality which was a secret of meathodology  in the finest establishment of cafe business in the world, with all customers cancelling their travel in for the year, with no bottles left of pusse fu mai wine, and extreme loss for the bistro. ROBERT WAS SEEN SITTING ON THE CHAISE LOUNGE in its original setting , in the front fooiore for customers . ROBERT , hopped and bounced like a giant jack rabbit ,  leaping gluts and filled with plenitude , handling all those bottles and sitting plump as a plum , on the buttery finest crafted leathers of the chaise lounge.  Soon the employe me personal served Robert a shot of a pickle juice chaser , and a raw egg, beaten .  And told Robert ,  his job postion expired .  then handed him the bill to pay for the chipped gold rimmed dishes . And the wine sellers missing wine. ROBERT , suffered with numb lips , and then twinkled his toes ‘ looking down , he said: aaahw shucks, I can see your point, staying the words , oh sole mio ‘ , then gripping at his pocket pule tiny gold locket  mirror quickly worried of composite , and cleaner shoes, ROBERT SAID : the song , written and sung by Caruso ‘ from you get the idea , ITALY. Suddenly ROBERT gripped his wallet  piled up with cash, and thought ITALY, perhaps. Wrenching at him, was more fluffy beds. . JUST Then Mrs bouquette called again, with tickets Free for ROBERT ‘  with pita in my in mind she said . 
ROBERT , started crying when his toe was suddenly numb , counting his cash pile, then looking at the damage cost ROBERT SAID, THE PHONE .  ah Russian , hello , Ah , you have an option ? Is it marginal , Mrs boutique , began to speak : ENGLAND ? Robert said :hello  :  extra film yes. FILM REELS   


 meeting notes 8:09 pm now 
beginning at 5:05 am 
Fairfield Connecticut’s USA ,
 meeting Moscow Russia. 

ROBERT., and Mrs Bouquete ‘
 ( aloes as Mrs buckets )
envisioning the next MONTE PYTHON ? 

5:06 pm in BEIJING CHINA NOW .
5:05 am in Fairfield Connecticut now,   A

8:22 pm from Fairfield Connecticut now , while I wish to say a very good good morning , to everyone in FAIRFIELD, and throughout the USA, Charleston South Carolina has been busy, and then drives through many smaller cities was again busy as well, with Denver  Colorado ‘ somewhat staying busy, Los Angeles and San Francisco, good business too, and villages all are rather gaining a solid sales in an  impressive efforts , from everyone of love to a greater USA, and made efforts, which improved gold standards on large quantified historical reality. CITIES AND PEOPLE , of the USA are of many. Today I will be photographing people in cars and trucks wonderful.  

There is as finest state fair in the state Indianan ,  well enjoyed as are travels to Fairfield Connecticut with quite a little drive in theater type fun parking at stop and shop last evening , with extrodinary number of cars all parked to straiten out spare clothes enjoying sandwiches and sweets, cola and coffees and chocolates, I love you well everyone, thank you again, in a day trip, and over night travel, we all sat to experience a unique historical travel. Where ever you are in the world’ we rather made something more special together. Thank you every one , all over the world ,  with love.
From myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

of course , with my exhibitions , of course Moscow Russia Specialist are incredible with extrodinsry love to me, and a year we have placed extrodinary efforts toward a unusual orbit oo7 project. Excess Efforts , from Finest Specialist, are with my upset. Again last evening. Everyone , I mean to say that the specialist , watched the cartoon of  DROOPY . Thoughtful  needed to express the excellence of the orbit, were never to see compromise and there was , a “quirken” issue, typo, negative, in the pistons spark plugs,  of which orbit project of royal RUSSIAN work, my work, too, was subjected to obstructed speed and that of a direct a-z in an extreme speedy worth ,and a totality of relief , from any lingering racketeer whom, are very few people, not actually enough to fill a Walgreens of a whole isle really. As they are extremely malicious.  we all made extreme efforts  and devouted  peaceful realities, with realized gained successes and affections , expanded the universe .  lovely Specialist . And  people of RUSSIA . government  grace me, with the recent Moscow meetings and efforts, of an extrodinary lovely larger decedent 

POLITICAL SKETCHED REEL from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of ROYAL RUSSIA . 8:30 am via 007 ussr star starlight russia red scarlet red , 
from Moscow Russia . 

from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  

‘ notes of the piazano’ awe of the pita Italy 

9:19 am DU CHOMP soon in a cultural note. 

10:35 pm meeting USA Memphis Tennessee, and Nashville Tenbesssee 
ELVIS PRESLEY , in rare photographs , even one of my real first sofa in my little villa international village apartment in Syracuse New York ,USA when Elvis traveled from Memphis Tennessee. invited. read with a film impromptu 10:46 am the finest darling friends MASH 4077 commentary political expression in film . xo to you and those of very special merits in the veterans of ethical provisional standards with peace and prosperity . I adore THEE ANGELA MERCEL  of the country of GERMANY, as a greater humanitarian and savvy of good efforts ethics and math with language in education foundational realities very high on Angela List. The President of Germany , as she is, known as the grand royal German Chancellor, with pencil work worn out, to a devout reality of many governmental structures to assert the very height , as a leading royal role , of beautiful stability to the country 
 meeting Germany 11:05 am Eastern Europe , 
ANGELA MERCEL with lovely real vibrant tangible photographs, as too, one on my wall of all, with people I meet everywhere. brief film reel exposee ‘ GERMANY in EASTERN EUROPE , bordering ROYAL RUSSIA , darling Angela ‘ thank you for your many lovely messages , emailed . Even updates of GERMANY , and lovely people of ROYAL GERMANY . Too, thank you of many messages sent and love returned to you all.  German Mustard , with Real German Brats, on the Ryhne River ‘ on our way to the famous GUTTENBERG CASTLE , again . I think. I will make time. 

xo x 8 avietzeine’   11:29 am 
message meeting notations from myself, 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , strictly political : a man business person I was employed for of over six years in the 1980’s as an executive director of a multimillion dollar company. With excellence in assured good customer relations. As a roll up my sleeves approach daily. He and I were out together leisurely one invite I made. To enjoy dinner and live piano ‘ at Tommy Nevis’ s fine risterante in Evenston, a city sectored on the north region of the city of Chicago Illinois . And we traveled to a professional conference of major  food companies , with offers in lower price in bulk purchase agreement ,/ with the food conference held at MC CORMICK center .- center of the city USA . Of course , Ken did not negotiate prices , as he was very realistic pleased with my negotiations in pricing cap of lower cost , higher sales volume ideals.  I myself sometimes intellectually used a wrangling approach of purchase from over 37 merchant distributers. So, my little hotel I paid to arrive in a flight , I paid for. Was two blocks from Ken’s. We sat in TOMMY NIVENS , my grandmother had told me about . 
Ken : what do you think about the ideals behind  the phrase : “ yes we have no bananas today “. ? Well, I said. :” I am glad you did not ask me about bad politics,- bad religion, and bad interpersonal foi graise ‘ “ . Ken said : “ yes we have no banana’s today , singing the lyric to me, he said further, … it was a broadway play many years ago. I said: “ it’s rather beautiful . Thinking about no banana’s later in the day at a shop ‘ sold out at rock  bottom pricing, and revenue that crashes the gold standard ceiling to a hight of higher earning per multiples of shipped units . Of course , the lovely song is sweet. 

What was that , smile though your heart is breaking . What do you mean by that  exposqure exactly. And the event , with a limbo stick dance, your outrageous. Limbo stick .  Very good then . 

What was I saying , exactly today, of course this was my lovely reality in the 1980’ the Moscow Meeting , are with a string cutting on the grande Stradivarius Violin ‘ piazza reality , I myself usually have, as perfect . Why should I think I should created a reality of my perfection and see less than perfection in my plans and that of schedule . My schedule is with a farfin , dwarfer vincker minor. While, the specialist are with an appointment of the orbit , of the kremlins ‘ extraordinary lovely encompassing love, within humanities of internationally sanctioned in preordained ethical reality. of the orbit, as a ROYAL RUSSIAN DESIGN . somewhat , of a extraordinary, specialization of my wildly loved unusual knowledge as I decided to see speed in a orbit need. The grid specs on the orbit project were agreeable with specialist , and I said to them. , facts are facts, and your realized efforts , are with capable lovely real worth, then I said : we need faster results. First the orbit orchestation tooling as a palet tooling , then the entire reality with some pulled chicken sandwiches in the extra real freshly pulled chicken ,  daily. Henpeck Books ,
 what, what are you saying , . My books are fine French Flambé , Chairs with minimalist fine classical modern music compositions on rare steel hand harps from the Eastern Europe period of the MESOBOTAIMIBAN- PERSION EMPIRE. THE BOOK, the PINK EXPLOSION OF Advance economics and culture, THE ROYAL COMMONS of Blau -in exhibition films and recording in DVD .  
Henpeck Fisovio Quazie Foi Graise ‘ ala ala ala ala seize motsa ball. Unacceptable, uninhabitable theory, whom’s I mean whimmerwhipples , long horn whinnerwhiplles.  Has ROBERT , been drinking beer in MOSCOW, stowed himself into a Large Bass Alto Violin Bass Cello ‘ 

hold on.  1,000,000,000 specialist, and I, are ready to say a bit more. No no not the spark plugs, of course , not. Spark plugs . Just Dust them off, as the milk truck has an extra three drivers and need to deliver.  

Unless there is a bus stop at the rotary 
( DuPont circle ) ? THE USA  Gold Standards , finally in the game, again waiting to enjoy real swim lessons, dive time, free with the taxes that citizens paid for the freedom of realized community parks with free community indoor heated pools, with of course full one piece standard swim suites, the mallotry ,  suits caps and rules of the swim time at the pools, with Section ropes lap sectioned , for eased lessons.  just as it was, in the 1960’s , or of course the hot wheels , garage . Equips with fast slot card vender food, pre packages . hot wheels garage , goes up. Watch . While without a ceiling altogether. 

Meeting in Russia Now 24 hour urgent reality in international press as is very usual for me. International Press , on exhibition in cultural events of my work, began with the limbo stick dance ,1989. SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN and the Russia Government Cabinet of Councils 
impromptu FILM is with more to, see orbit, not a red ball project that is simply a large ball made of rubber that obstructs , the lovely walks and traveling with an camelian like aim, to be an agitated lure with real hooks . And like the cameilian blends into the color rock it sits on. 

THE LOVELY PRESIDENT of RUSSIA . of course the increadible efforts and successes of the country of ROYAL RUSSIA are excellent, while when I was not seeing the zubin mata results of even my consulting lecture efforts. as the reality of which they were. The specialist worked effortlessly to assurt the absolute of an orbit project. Even nurtured my existance .  

VLADIMIR , was so kind to look over my theories , years. ENAMOURED , Vladimir reminds me, often, with a som ( soumme’) ( poetic meaningful expression ) of some lovely notations of ,  such a compliments, Bold, with his hips low as they go, shimmying throughout the real limbo stick of a rather modern sweet excitment.   HARRY BELEFONTE , messages listen . Salle ‘ saile small boat , barges . From big ships. SAINTE’ anne’ was SPAINISH SHIP, There is really only one person in all of RUSSIA whom disliked the Kremlin . Important to realized well. I place an emphasis on RUSSIAN CULTURE and that of friendly boarders for RUSSIA , important to people of every country , even if there was a piggiogette in a near region. And broke into the near boarder of RUSSIA . of course , the election in RUSSIA , was overwhelming in love to Vladimir Putin, and with respective worth and willing to see RUSSIA with the love of excellent government.  Of course I was offered $200 million, offered in my lectures , with special star starlight Russian opera house   theaters . Wildly a few weeks in Russia , to even begin an extended project of technology safety, telecommunication , watches , camera, etc. sanctified the qualities and meaning and price points are a largest in humanities to assert seriousness. Incidently my media network has been more advance in state of the art technology advanced over all four major TELEVISION networks since 1996. My sweet MULTI MEDIA royal college studies that years were difficult . My professor at the royal college was a consultant in RUSSIA . Hired in an exilury of the Russian Government . Her computer science curriculum, was very 
difficult study work. My grade was A plus. 
In computer science foundational studies.  

REPLY : in notations soon.

10:46 pm meeting
 MICHAEL JORDEN . with a political excerpt  film reel.  

Hold on : schedule interrupted again , 
purple haze sooner, catching a painted pony . 
Be right back .   SPINNING WHEELS 
Meeting with Inglbert Humberdinc FILM

8:11 pm meeting notes : STING  WITH SOME AWWWT NOTES, sent, I never received, Darling , STING, lovely you know , my regret of not receiving some messages, and the phone numbers were with real dc quirking. “ issues , BILLY SENT HIS PHONE NUMBER , it was deleted, Paul Mc Cartney text were also selected. John Lennon , sent 400 hand written cards , sent by mail, returned in tampering in post box mailed messages and some gifts, with awful note stamping harrible message stamped , . AwfuI recieved your ring and the four hindered jewel rings from everyone , beautiful.  . SPECIAL FILM REEL 

8:36 pm special meeting note, with a welcome from The President of China, of course a ROYAL COUNTRY , of one of the largest and with sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia, with a in person RUSSIAN- CHINA meeting. 

Hold on : some issue ate , and freight with eyes on Russian Television  Bemis and Bremel Debate with Quincy a character of Jack Clugman , no longer at this time from the odd couple . About Theory Factual Successes and the Debate in Film Now 

11:96 pm STAN AND ALI ‘ meeting , with  BENTLY , no DRIVE, With most remarkable  darling friend , pointed and ullurung antidotes 
political FILM REEL  you should’t have everyone, your so good to me. 

12:59 pm one minute before midnight 
DAVID BOWIE, meeting, darling, David, I saw you had an except FILM prepared . And I also saw that you had another film which, was a racketeer  on some of the stages. . of course there were reports . the carte and can be even involved with pressurizing museums , and circling with ambulance and more 

DAVID  BOWIE film reel 

August 8 th 2o24 8:59 am : good morning in the Fairfield Connecticut region, thank you very well for arriving in, and even over night, well and good, many are interested in flights , in as well, while there is a long red eye train as well, that is near the large water front, parks. Hotel reservations are recommended and BNB Rentals may be available, though I had some concerns with BNB once with no returned money on my rental and no rental . With an issue of a request to give BNB my passport , copy. Which is not really ethical to ask for. 

some BNB. rentals were perfectly fine, though, suddenly had an extra guest that insisted they owned the house I rented and then slept in the second bed room, after I thought it was email whole house rental. Of course, please be aware of exact information of assured fully real, legitimate rentals , even if hotels. Calling a hotel after making a reservation online with the service of KAYAK , EXPEDIA, or or another online hosting site, you my gain a rate of as low as $35.00 per night even in five star listed hotels whom wish to see their rooms filled as full , as possible and offer an extra low choose at times. Not unusual at $49. 00 for five star hotels, whom are smart about keeping full hotel capacity. While many can be at a high $89.00 per night, you may find lower rates and more budget money to travel more. and hotels only benefit in higher annual profits. In low fare ( cost) pricing choices. There are some rather posh historical five star hotels , that sometimes offer amenities such as breakfast , that is sumptuous and could be a bit more than $ 89.00 and only a few can be possibly over prices, at $250.00 per night. Only in MANHATTAN , in a few hotels , have I noted such exorbitant prices , in just two locations .  While the standards in the USA hotels are more savvy in conservative lower prices. With higher annual revenue , accumulating a year to assure price points are known and hotels have the savvy opportunity to book at lower known prices and then gain more business over establishing a year of assured low price point standards. 

please be advised to tuck your walkers well when traveling and purchase a visa pre paid card for extra cash, in case loss of a wallet , to place card in shoe. Extra . Cash too, is options in low cash , while traveling to prevent dropping anything.  Fuel stop to refresh hands and face are of course,  always the thing , along with a risterant or grocery, equipt. 

MESSAGE 9:22 pm from Stan Gets , and people from South America in a song : the girl from icaganoma is lovely and loved. listen .   

Schedule Updates , for my travel in Fairfield Connecticut USA will be posted after 2:00 pm today. I should be in the city at least three more days. My camera sessions with photographing the beautiful city and people, as I have, in major events, are, with some excitment. With a FAIRFIELD. book ,
 cathedrals, people, and economy.   Meetings in Moscow began at 5:00 am and throughout the evening too, last night. The specialist and the Kremlin , sir Vladimir Putin , are wonderful, and the meeting notes will be in the international press  notes , directly in love notes after 5:00 pm today. 

mouiresse code : no remorse : dot dot dash dash dot dot bleed bleed bleek dash dash dot dot dot dash dash bleek bleek bleek 
is with a small concession break: today : while the KREMLIN sir Vladimir Putin , and Royal Russian SPECIALIST  and other specialist in Europe , straiten the, royal coats . as the international press updates , urgent, can be a filigree in meaningful outcome. 9:42 am now, with a lovely song to my mom , from THEOLOIIUS MONK   LISTEN  

9:50 am update THE FLEA CIRCUS , of cartel midgets with issue in the USA , and use of minion and mutin chem - aimed at me and others. FLEA CIRCUS THE YEP  no. no ,
.Moscow  meetings, will continue while we conclude swift turn on ,no  furtherment toward , skipping atomic minion sludge throwers. 

Mick Jagger Special Photograph Reel .

MICK JAGGER 12:14 pm meeting, with some updates directly from thee Mick Jagger. READ  

12::52 pm Paul McCartney meetings ‘
LISTEN , and note that JOHN LENNON is apart of meetings too. 

invited SIR VLADIMIR OUTIN AND THE CIRCKE OF EUROPEAN PRESIDENTS. Plus Plus:  lectures real : SUBJECT BENTLEY : the whom : SPECIALIST of ROYAL RUSSIA , and the European senior scientist of the ASTROPHYSICS AND SPIRIT SING. soon beginning while everyone enjoy a fine lunch in the USA and in FAIRFIELD . And in the Americas, and Night Caps , in EUROPE with sweet dreams throughout EUROPE NOW. Xo 

PAUL MC CARTNEY , over for dinner, roast chicken stuffed with an English - Chinese Oyster Bread Seasoned Dressing, Fingerling Potatoes. Asparagus Butters and Steemed, a crisp fresh chop chop iceberg salad, with garden fresh potatoes, and of course a fresh hand made bread, French Beggette’ soft buttered, and a orange berry cream , ice cream cake tart, with chocolate gram cracker crust, and of course , hot hor derves’ puff Pastery filled cream artichoke ‘ chestnut ‘ preparation with a turkey presuuccutoi ‘ broiled , and tiny caviar , cucumber Dauloheia’ on a fresh crust flat baked round ‘ tiny crustatato’ , crab rolls, with a French Russian cream de la crème sauce. Shrimp Cocktails to begin , so elegant in 1984 : and everyone had fun, with a saranate’ to me, outragius : listen vlad in for summer brunch ‘ on Russian Hill in Syracuse New York, USA.  So sweet , vladi made time, that summer. 

5:12 pm Sir Governor Bill Haslum , meeting with lenghty film from the very well noted governor, sir Bill Haslam, whom has extremely devouted work , in great governorship with employment and education high on the list, among diversity in culture enriched efforts in care toward free to all, museums of art,. Tennessee is so fortunate to, realize Bill Haslam’s efforts and care about all people. Meetings : with Film reels, of Bill Haslum’s statements, as a USA governor of the USA governors council of all 50 states and emeritus council members whom are  noted honored former governors. film reel 

 6:02 pm shopping with a song I love to assure in piazza travels . A nasty man started screeming and walked fast behind me, screeming in my ear, with vicious mocking futile , malicious act of actionable unethical civil liberties ,  ethics, then I ignored him, finally feeling I could just practice my aria , and then the man ran to follow me at my car, running at me, shoveling some cars in my face aggressively , in futility ,  and I had to tell him to stay the hell away from me and my car.  Three times.  These racketeers , did this in 2017 when I sang after gaining invites to present aria and fine cultural lecturer interactive in Carnegie Hall, and Madison Square Garden , and a small few of these harrible people began breaking my umbrellas large very expensive brand, and then attempted to steel my luggage, with many hand cut designs in it.  This concerns of this type of aim, is mortifying,. Walgreens , too, today, the harror of the attempt to chizzling word threats , secondary ., over spilling , brutally yelling , in an aim at my ears, with this nasty side stepping - baligerant blow horn - threats. Some were from NATO , whom was grounded , finally with no access to Air Force One and Sonic Boobing extremism ,. Our country of greater citizens, are far more savvy, and have the right to realize that the racketeering cartel , few whom uses fume air granades , real, are in contempt of ethical reality, and are non compliant with every ethical reality known. 

6:24 pm THEE DENIS RODMAN , a world champion , within the MAJOR LEAGUE of the UNITED STATE IF AMERICA (u.s.a.) BASKET BALL NATIONAL MAJOR LEAGUE . with incredible colleagues , and friends , including MICHAEL JORDAN, both of the GREAT PLAYERS , OF THE CHICAGO BULLS. and sweet to enjoy a fine cola and pizza with at CHICAGO’S famous ITALIAN village risterante ‘. across from DALY PLAZA, in the LOOP, also known as just simply”  thee L “, named for the unique elevated train that loops inside the large down town buildings . Denis Rodman , has meeting time, and game time. in FILM REEL . 

RUSSIAN report 
6:54 pm posted 5:30 am Moscow Russia Update : concerns in a meeting as a USA , concern. with

In the USA , it is a very good practice in business to assure you have time cards of each person working in your company with a wall that you hang the cards in a time card slot , so everyone can see the names. Each time card each week gets your name as you punch the card to stamp it. With the time you arrive, time you break and stamp returning from your offical break time, then when you leave, time stamping your exact hours and leaving the time card in the wall slots. Then a schedule with your name and time schedule each week within everyone else whom you work with. Clip boards have plastic covers and you can purchase brass frames marque boxes that lock and you can hang them on the wall, glass covered. read

7:18 pm 
AMAZING GRACE , meeting with thee wonderful ANDY TRAVIS 
with and except film reel music arrangement of the rare recorded “ amazing grace” 
ANDY TRAVIS  , sent me , in person from a honors concerto at the GRAND OLE OPRY .Nashville Tennessee. USA. 
Lovely Darling Andy Travis . Thank you with my affectionate love forever. To you and everyone in Nashville, and at the GRAND OLE OPRY, and in the state of Tennessee . 

11:15 pm Alpha, Alpha , 


AUGUST 8TH 2024 
9:31 am 

HELLO , AND GOOD MORNING IN FAIRFIELD CONNERICUIT , with very special thank you to a very large population of people in FAIRFIELD , whom are under  pressure , which can be exciting with all going well , in excellent real customer services' important to everyone, in FAIRFEILD and those many traveling in a numerous many, of over 1.5 million people in the recent few days' invited with love' as invites are still a reality' as some are even flying in, to the lovely city, with robust, delicate people, with some fine lovely serious respective professionalism, best and no less,.  love the world, with finest, efforts, and good vibrations of good love, professionalism too all, with bend over backward , free ice , and free hot water, clean bath rooms and counters, clean hands, and sweet clean faces, making a real living in the world,. Of course, FAIRFEILD CONNERIUCUT and all villages of all metropolis cities are always welcoming , in high lovely cares. ah. Did you wish to purchase more pancakes? Sir. Madameoisetlle ? There was a box of pancakes mix, HUNGRY JACK , BRAND , IN isle 66 , at stop and shop, it may be open' try there, unless you would like to pay for our luxury deluxe pancake special , called the 352.5 stack, extra large extra fluffy' with cream buttered pancakes' 8 " diameter.  of course they are pure best buttermilk pancakes, two farm fresh eggs over medium sautéed in butter with a toastpoint, butterd and a dish of fresh apple crisp petitte tart, whipped cream topped , carmel drizzle, sausage links four turkey stule maple cured and of course a selection of four syrups, maple, cherry sauce, blueberry, and suacy strawberry, with coffee and free refill, water iced and if course the luxury lavish special comes with ' an after breakfast appartif of AUSTRIAN - RUSSIAN ,  appartiffe' two onze size , royal grand chivis ginger beer spritzer ' or a appartif of two onze wine' domestic ' sweet boons farm ? All at $6.99 

No pickle chaser ,. 

isle 99 . more on isle 99 soon. While I wish that everyone enjoy their increadible time traveling in Fairfeild Conneticuit invites while I am in the ci t y too, with incredible love to you all, and to the wonderful people in 

FAIRFIELD CONNERICUIT TOO.  look your best everyone. Services ' Are SERIOS FUN. and kind stern realized high view, and a USA to be even great from your tiny details, elequant , even of forien nationalist, whom love the USA well, and have important professional work.  Limbo Stick Dance later perhaps ' as a USA tradition in a year of excellent business. Everyone , should experience the EVENT OF JONQILE and the limbo stick dances, . 

under pressure best.  With love from me to you princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

with a message to everyone , from FREDDY MURCURY , with Fredriche ' people of music excellence in a serious political film with "  queen " . 

David Bowie and Myself are sleeping in. Before the announcement invites of the photographic fun scheduled. Moscow updates in meetings today are pressing , in internatiobal press statements,

 with a message from sir Vladimir Putin , as the RUSSIAN CZAR, in the royal aristocratic country of government people whom specialist and many more and near all go
vernment people replied 
to my question ; 


SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN emailed last evening and stated that over 1 million and 352 millitary specialist in Russia voted DROOPY, yes. 

we are off subject , on a few subjects, and off schedule in some serious concerns , while prolifically , stopping to assurt , some serious efforts to larger greater, respects toward honored worth, of a greatest humanities , is with, my " BOLD LOVE " and sacred expressions of feeling towards the people, whom are everywhere and sent me messages upon messages of incredible , most graceful vibrant love, within a reflection, and reviews serious,. 


we can prepare " the evermore " appartif drink before I leave Fairfield Connecticut and bring a song of a incredible belisimo ' to everyone. 

The midnight breakfast invite will be posted tomorrow. while sir Vladimir, just emailed and requested kindly, asking could I repost droopy . 

Yes darling vlad. 
I love you and your fine questions. 

DROOPY  film 

As a reply specialist of RUSSIA.
Robert and the Baristers ' in RUSSIA , swirled at serving the finest neopolitan ice cream themselves. Disliking Sir Vladimir Putins ,  charming and honored work, and achievements with extreme love of Vladimir in political savvy RUSSIA . THE POLO GAME,  was nearly canceled on my schedule. polo is very meticulous, difficult to master,.  Press Statments, of meetings in Moscow Soon. 

At 10:55 pm now, in FAIRFIELD CONNERICUITE , I invite everyone in the travels and within the city to photograph more of  FAIRFIELD CONNERIUCUT ' with a fine trinket film reel book to enjoy making , your own, with mine too, in the next few days , of piazza road side travel excitment , and , yes, publish your own book of architecture too, in an easy AMAZON publishing ale project fun.  sales at 
CHRISTMAS at a $6.00 book christmas sale FAIRFIELD CONNETIUTE HISTORUCAL , INVITR FUN. , in your city, could be the peril of love this year 2024.  From my invite , from me, personally to you, whom ever you are, and soon the next city too. 

More Soon.  

11:08 am MR MACCARONI and the E117 symphony hour, with big ear MICKEY MOUSE 

VERY SPECIAL PRESENTATION short film of cartoon ink sketched, by Walter Disney within a intetnatiobal film debut film reel at love n
otes, from myself, 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett Love Notes is a sweet on the air world wide web television press media project , of many projects of my work, within my company STUDIO VOSSE. 

see you later , alagator . gone fishing ,
press statment soon. Enjoy your photograph and film expedition and self fortitude in " seen and heard"  professionalism best. 

" reports"  from RUSSIA now in a message from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, darling Sir Vlad. thee Czar of Russia. in an email update just now from sir vlad, in Moscow R
ussia today at 11:34 am.  

1:23 pm A Special USA 

1:31 pm meet RUSSIA  NOW furtherupdates , in film reels 

2:20 pm a women was in the parking area and was with some dust on her car when my car was with some mud on it' and, and I offered her $500. To clean it as a nice offer, she began yelling and refused to give me her name and address to send her a check for a slight bit of dust , and she refused to accept my offer, she would not give me her name, or contact email and began a raising her hands and yelling to even cause embassesment in a vagrant riffing type of upset to me. And she began getting rude, and I pleasantly asked again to send her a $500. Check while I photographed the car she had dust on that wiped away either my finger , and still offered her $500, or I would I stead call my council of attorneys and the governors council when she refused to give me her contactbinfornationbto pay her more than it cost to simply clean the dust, that was thrown from my car after some awful people racketters dumped the dust on my wheels, and I took a photograph of the dust too, on her car. when she refused to exchange emails to see a check sent to her, to just dust the car, at a cost to me of $500. I instead told her I would have to contact my automotive mechanic and my council of attorney and and then assure a statement to the governors in of the USA, about a possible extremeist staged , scam.  In a dust drifted off my car, and my offer to simply pay for the cleaning and then assure to tell .my insurance company as well , to see if I can be reimbursed,  

The kgb stated that the issue was RACKETTERS , WHOM plotted to embarrassing me and ruin my travel plans , and damage my wheels.,, whom refused to give me their contact info, to generously pay a fee to clean the small amount of dust on the very small corner nervous of the car. There is also some concerns in of a particular issue in Russia, among a person a n d several people whom are some how , not suitable for the orbit project whom have low brow shill sets , and have, whom were MENICING the specialist, efforts toward a serious orbit project, of a focus to me, in extreme efforts in RUSSIA , for a very large ease to me that which i myself took on a effort extra in work , of some specialized lecture aquity of my worth in expert natural science areas, in a convergency of a orbit project . That was an extra effort for me. And with advance with specialists of the RUSSIAN ROYAL MILLITARY , with their  own esteemed merits  to assert a greater, assured . Worth  TO my company and extreme efforts  in the specialist desk to clear up the many issues that racketters aimed , even extremist raxketters in grocery hop in shop to aim threats in ear worming rioter attempt to circle aimed bittering, once the slap is then reductive intent to pin point into over slap ,  satiated cohesive verbalized ,  pin pointed roto rot. Aimed in futility, contorting it as a lie about why the aim, locational futility,  of sizmic aimed to drown out my leisure with stamping. Star7ng at those arrived in numbers of over 4 million in Fairfield all lovely wonderful people taking photographs and with wonderful gentle lovely aspects of a greater invite fun. RACKETTERS POPPED  , with intent to eclips aim of a act of actiobsble swarm  brutatily  , and of course, my esteemed schedule to be with serious realized , means of quality in aspects OF total realized levels of  all measured to avert an ambushing of any , in the light of the short scrolled 1600 RACKETTERS as cartel whom attacked the USA , with threats to over 75 million USA people over a period of a short leap. Into even the new york times.  wrong doing in election, ,and then racketeering and cartel in born USA vicious, cause aim at Russia, the Ukraine and seven other countries recently and in a past that the Great USA people of all. Should note. RACKETTERS IN THE PENTAGON .  WOED HAVIC IN young men. And women. Of pressured extreme. And with mostly exposure to true dirt bag mentality, with stiff extra starch served over taxed ties and shirts. with very good conconcerns the USA people are savvy not to see the failing economic with such  harrible quackmering malicious .  Never to see the country fail ever again.  with ruthless USE OF baligerant' vagret issue that were loading up sonic aimed blasts at me and others from SOME IN Nato and other outside racketters ,,  digging into the usa greater stabilization. of course , the women was not with any ID.  And refused to give me her name. And was a cartel racketter. Then she circled my car after I drove off. Then cirucled the shop I was near and parked and she and another cartel fluky were circling the shop in the back of the shops drove to. After some aim
ed minion hit my breaks , 

8;06 pm MEETING  CHINA directly just now with sir Xi Jinping , the Royal China; with generous words to say in an excerpt film reel at our neeting. 

8:51 pm THE PRESIDENT of the 
ROYAL country of RUSSIA, 
a very urgent meeting  early this morning in RUSSIA , as the concerns of aim at my travels are a concern to the kremlin himself and many in RUSSIA gathered into a meeting set by the Kremlin , sir Vladimir Putin . in Film 

Good morning everyone , all over the world, it's late in the day at 4:26 pm with some awful experiences in a time of what should not be staged scamming, aimed louder , and when the failing of the reflection of some racketeers bashed the coffee shop. And more. Poor , and broke ,with skids in their  pants ' dumped a scam of preferential treats ,  appearing not with one receipt,  in their reflected , aim, venomous acts of futility, in some parties on, others,  aimed ,  at more escargot gripping for the groupering ( halabit ? Fish eye only on one side of their heads ) grotesque gropers. Bad eggs. With aimed preferential gift bagging   from nets, while my sweet INDIA friends, some royal with actual princesses in the royal country of India, were with some serious statement of the red tiny dot between the racketeers nose bridge of racketters ,invisible to them,  with only vision of numbers and moose tracks. while in the north american ( of british columbia ) country of Canada the all canooks , as said at times of Canadian people, think of racketters of the USA as more likened to vicious rot nets type of rocket beavers .  Whom often are seen patting the mud and small broken branch three limbs,  mush sludge mud,  type bridge with only a furry flat tail.  

BLOOMBERG NEWS. USA EMAILED photo from INDIA to the USA as my email was missing your message in full.  PUT TOGETHER A KIND REFRESHING  STATENENT FROM women from the country of India  READThank you everyone. You all like the green design I was ready to place on sale in INDIA . With undone details , as I realize the schedule delays., MINE ARE HARSH,  and your kind messages, that are serious and I love you. Dunking Donutes were  THE BASHER TOO  IN THE RUN TO THE GROCERY TOO.  PITY . ALL THOSE EMPLOYMENT OPTIONS FROM MY GREAT DARLING FRIENDS ,  were not an open door to smash , any . In a lie about contorting a new bag for po' as said in Germany and Poland.  

PO po s zz got a brand new bag James Darling you are good to re- record this JAMES BROWN, who's bag James .  LISTEN. ZZ TOP , is with love to sleep well, as in that zz top important reality is great sleep. with my brother and his wife in mind , Thee ZZ top has a message now at 6: 30 pm FAIRFEILD  while I am still in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUITE ' USA.  impromptu film 

In German and Poland the O sounds like an A . While it's not an A. Donna , is Dana or DAO. NO. 

6: 50 PM From RUSSIA  WITH A HOCKEY update from sir Vladimir Putin , in FORM , admirable . 
Charming many messages from my  darling Vladimir Putin ,  with some nearing all in RUSSIA pleased that RUSSIA was with a choice in the honored notable elections of the next many years of devout care of the work in RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , directly of esteemed attention to RUSSIAN POLITICAL LOVE. 

film impromptu THEE RUSSIAN KREMLIN 
darling Vladimir thank you for the meetings and very serious upset specialist notes too.  The flights , are smooth, with some extra statements from meeting I shall see in press statements, as specialist adjust the , pinyata ' efforts to preserve the soft fragility of a fibe made  pinyata of course. 

A very special Message from Thee Prime Minister of the very noted holy country of Royalty in Israel , of some very loved world history for religion notations of great historical facts of a mecca of the market in important historical relevance of Gold Standards and properties and love of espritus.. ethical retained enlightenment.   Israel is a mecca to read maps more of the farming . From ISRAEL . as SIR Benjamin Netanyah presented a difficult and important a speech impromptu. Fortunate that Sir Benjamin Netanyah was of fierce kind thoughts of the reviews in the USA which are not pleasing to reflect upon the status  of racketters whom caused atrocities.   USA people are of greater and more in a worth in attainment of enlightment of prosperity,  and wealth of efforts many as a youth of July 2024 in a time of RUSSIAN , VIETNAM AND NORTH KOREAN peace agreements.  Not alone in the efforts of the nation in the USA as a whole fairly kind wonderful country . Important in efforts to the world. Important to reflect the statement of difficult real, concerns of the breed in a few.  Not many .  In the USA of a gashtly real . Few they are.  swimming in a fish gold  bowl of vagrant futility . listen if you wish to sir Benjamin Netanyah, in a bolu stated important lecture toward intellectuals of the Real Americans in the USA.  Very kind thank you to sir Benjimin Netanyah., for the difficult talk with love to all the USA and world and of course Israel is loved well all over the world .  Kiss sent to the Prime Minister to shower the face . Of sweet bold love in words from the Israeli head of the country of a presidential status . Sir Benjamin Netanyah.   

lecture in a very special
 very important grant film My love to everyone in Israel . With incredible thank you to you all and your sweet very lovely royal country in greater wished to you all in peace forever. 

Love from myself.  
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Cecil B. De Mille : movie night; SUNSET BULEVARD ( written of the sunset bulavard in Los Angeles IN THE STATE OF California USA)  the movie . refilled from a standard American USA television fine film with a wonderful update now in an impromptu film

Yes , well , the BEATLES are with very large notable albums and the incredible music is with many messages,  while only a sample exist in many recording re- recored for me personally at love notes,  as a incredible honor from the four men I love .  The Beatles .  PAUL Mc Cartney , John Lennon , Ringo Starr , And thee George Harrison .  While it may be time., I feel to pontificate , self worth. And note that I adore you all, all over the world.  With a very special thank you to the people whom are wonderful of the guitar revolution including some in theatre and film . Television Standards. And shops . and offices of production in quanifidd difficult efforts in standards toward banking and more. Convoy traveling films soon . I promise.  As I ride with the major league on the roads . All my life. With a very special film soon posted with CLINT Eastwood . Whom was around somewhere in the convoy .and of course , I have serious, stop the music right now, to post an important statement re; meetings ; RUSSIA: and my schedule : with special messages to my mother , whom I wish , very good energy and happiest healthy beautiful naturally.   Mom.  

mom, my mother . One and only, is with my special love to assure she is feeling best. Love to mom  in my lovely life. Well with incredible love from allover the world, in a sweet sweet soft little prayer , from everyone . Including everyone from the Vatican in Italy and in Isreal . With to. ENGLAND at the Abby. CHINA IN THE TEMPLE . IN Beijing central temple. Even of course RUSSIA from Moscow  central cathedral. For all a whole month To my mom.
 ALMA M. POWERS  . With my affectionate apologies as I wished  very much in plans to see you at Thanksgiving  2024 .  I love thanksgiving with you always forever mom. Very sorry we missed an important time in the world together at Thanksgiving.  I wished you to known how I feel in words always important even in our very quiet lovely ways . Mom. 

8:42 pm DIANA WARWICK . for mom all over t he world, say a little prayer for  my beautiful I l darling intellectually lovely mother. Listen and sing a song for my lovely mother , please please me? 

11:40 PM ARNOLD SCHWARTZENNEGER , JUST NOW in great messages , to see very fine results:  Listen to the message if you wish. 

12:04 pm : message from the lovely charming Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva , the president of Brazil , WITH A SWEET MESSAGE , AND AMAZING IN LOVE IN BRAZIL For my designs in more than clotheries , green is the select choice everyone from the Royal Country of BRAZIL . in south America,  . Everyone has been awaiting my travel and the aria recording , and of course Verde ' Coutoure clotheries of a natural art form of my real natural expressive words in the art form.  Delays . RE : DELAYS .  RE : DELAYS .  

and awful . thank you for the lovely gifts everyone.  Your so kind to I send a message late thus evening.  sir Vladimir sweet vlad. Love Brazil wi6h baha film. Re delays .  

Love to you all in BRAZIL EVERYONE. 
from my myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

VERDE = green as spring grasses : while yellow is with brilliance , in the wild and quite rare recorded I recording for my company , from thee Beatles,  IN the Yellow Submerine : 

LISTEN , with a film for THE ADMIRAL IN MOSCOW RUSSIA tonight.   the solute from the Navy to me, in some extra care if my imperial crowning event .  REAL RUSSIAN L OVE ., with some extraordinary messages from many many and most millitary in the royal Russian milkitary of excellent reality. are with some extreme notes , with a large lovely Russian thank you and awaiting with my air flight ready v minute by minute. ALWAYS. the admiral sent n message, that I was so lovely to have doused a few, concerns and sentvme quite the film honor directly to me. Also thinking about the gokd medaks pins crosses very elaborate sent directcfrom the RUSSIAN ROTAL MILLITARY . of tge admiraks kind lovely expressiobs with the entire millitary. then extrene - * suckatash .* in the stern . in debate . of the orbit was a surprise to everyone,  in The government. of some pish pish suckatash , in Moscow Russia. kicking  the real standard of the Russian orbit project success. Jocking  , suckatash debate. Kicking the orbit success .as Robert flew in to shake hands .  and pump that debate more too. the polo gaone ruubed by an amature ,suffering  suchtash .petty one and two : wearing my crossbones pins. Everywhere. .The imperial honor of my October Magma com Lauden High honor metals from four , oceans of blue . re : the kremlin of course is realized as elected well. And very good of the election for the cc reality of the people ofvtge country of RUSSI5A . with a jockey to , concern . Of .  suckatash . Loose moose Moscow? ready to settle up those polo ponies . metals  in hand. Smiling Reemer rimmel. in that orbit project not qualified even for polo.  That was a hop to get on and rise um cow boy. far after my polo. EVENT . was suddenly with the a long street undermining the real whole spexiskts and the government objective unavoidable largest expectations within the actual KREMLINS ORDERS. Bingo? And abbot and Castelo mentality.   Gripping the big cow. 
as my Fostorian Autruan Getman dad said : in serious water . It only takes one .  Before the bow is left to breaking in the bouw . And then aimed into the stren.  H I w could anyone smile in such a matter.  Post update soon if the admirals updates . 

Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett ,
 August 11th  2024 NANI NANI PUPU " IS THE NAME of the loco mocker " muttles . In tall and small form, edging sofftist of crushing a small , reality. The indecent, enviotment , cuastic. While dudly doorught. Fakes IQ with a two bite, crows peek tuffetted upon the heshi malicious brass , tiny shrapmole bead.of lessons from Arican Reality to the rights of broadening in a cultural plethora not yet,  in the USA museums adjusted in real historical historians of INTERNATIONAL and NATIONAL preserved wealth in a deliverance thoughts of real museum exploration to only your own thought and assured non bull horn nose pulling . Ring in nose, pulling bull malarkey.  And the revoked reality of events proper of a invited realistic honor even of my invitation as a international super star , lenghty in kind comments, and esteemed working efforts even as early as age 16 with highest merits , even if then, I named a close company colleague as a cock roach , with need to buy raid .  While the manager was not , a close friend,  and still close proximity was with a verbal reality. Calling a roach locked eyed a cock roach. With my prestige work at risk of a menicing , of second rate cockroaching.  People should be direct at times.  Assuring separate professional wisdom ofvtheir esteemed beginnings and merit see , as perhaps only one chance to that real seen lovely persona ,  of calmed self worth. Yours . Not Rick the cock roach. Or the dinty moffit at the corner bank that was not appropriately suitable . Menicing the math. And not able to keep pace with a finest breakfast lunch risterante fine times excellence with respect of internationalist quality in excellent client relations to each and every wearing the function of wages busy important math top.  And fine larger exposed Profesional form.  No back closet baby sophtoric pupu on business , as shirts are shirts. While faking an iq is , obsolete in savvy reality and kind gentle professionalism expected by customers all over the world.  Highest view on the matter, can be a lost windows of opportunity, then a dog ate you school paper. When the math is even failed.  With over slap .  Slapping humanity . And gained only a pistle of crude unpaid oil leaking .  

Men , and women. That are racketters . Should be all my working calculations cut from the string of a beginning foot on the pro league ,  of basket ball and more. First string ? 

Moscow " is facing a pupu " artuim in the farms again.  if not the Ukraine farms. With grain sales from the Ukraine sold to Africa with a bit of diplomacy from a super star signatory as I am. In large quantified working of my projects lengthy.  Unspoken and of course internationally, establishing work choices larger in the USA at a response by myself to a reality if over 7 trillion jobs. Stabilized not yet in full 5 year reality. And served intended cockeyes borthworts of warts in the general recent stops in an infest into my day. Days time and sanctitude of real established lovely reality in my invited events,  not malicious menza failure , in only smack .  Known as bad slang for cash grippers aimes .  Smack .  The aim to a quest in the dismantling of real civil liberties and the GARISH HAINUS lies to edge. In to moral destruction on q . Whole enjoyed getting out of the Moffitt tunnel to quite that was created by many , as a real USA.  With irmdwaks and real love. Not mumbo jumbo threats with Joc strapping friggedear fakes in hot pants and extreme trouble,  fearless to squat and never leaning the royal schooled standardvof the royal work out to Olympic Team Excelence inbpreoares earlier schooled squat thrust - in a simple 12 repetion . And smack unethical bashing brains , with act of unethical lies about sweltering their cash .  And dashing to attack my event and time with a non remorse and arrogant filth in their small self squeezed brains . Not suitable for any decent real world I am quite well reached  ,  in even.  BIG DADE ' 

smothering wretched handed aim ready to swill their tung meet up , into slung smack of brutality.  

time in any worth.  while the imagination USA office is always never in anyone's door and has no right to call you or no right to stop drop and roll asking others to stop their time . Either.   The ethical reality is FREEDOM TO ALL passages ( road home and life of happiness  ). 

Imagination. Is a service extra to all forien people to provide extra great services .  You call them. If need to improve English.  And free college pre class's room language studies .  Mostly this. learning extra type of service available for assist to listing of phone number refusal to employment offices services and even list to benefit for hud and snap , the USA is that great .  you call I'd you wish. No they never even call you back. Never. Call if you wish . 

lies about imagination are a internatiobal issue legal - truth. Power in knowledge , sure sure.  

legal troubles internationally within the USA for cuddly and muttly are serious. And every one in the USA know.  

ha ha    100 mile range speak easier.  Fuui. 

My mother would say. FUUI . Singing the song shu fly don't you bother me, in a soft work voice . Could be savvy .  While attending properly professional details important to yourself.  


PREASURE IN RUSSIA MOUNTS.  today.  Swatters .  In the orbit project , looking for the authentic golden royal historical fabrege ' real royal sifted egg to RUSSIAN ROYALTY to the Czar  Of ROYAL RUSSIA   . 

the egg bares risks . In historical cultivated interiors of that meticulous marvelous very specific extremely rare gift inside and out of the work of a sensitive arts dignity once a very large importance of Russia and culturally revealing of the delicate society cultivated work of highest esteemed ROYAL RUSSIAN , interior efforts. Sifted to the czar inside carved meticulously exact precision of emotional expressive elequace . As a darling finest crowning peril of REAL RUSSIA. loved. 

Moffitt in the orbit ? Pushing bad water atca princess , and a wrestling quagmire of IQ , challenges.   from an unknown brow. Laying on finest brows headed to Chang hia with me. In fact.  As we are somewhat not interested in QUAGMERE . in the hull of the $600:million dollar orbit project .  Which was approved by the citizens of Russia in the general assembly and with the Kremlins Lovely sensitive high esteemed intetnatiobal graces .  Of an offer in jest. to even my own expert reality of some, speedy real area of assured speed.  No snow dog run̈ING beside the sled . With only the ideal of CORNELUS , the gold digger of expedition in YUCON POTATOES . and bratwurst with of course Beem light " back light ARCHED TAPE ON SHOES ' WITH THE WRITTEN WORDS . 

" Jesus Criste " '    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------‐Super RUSSIA . Se. 

A FLASHING MENISE .  With extreme loss to the contectual gold egg .interiour and tge orbit', crushed. In a brow of envy .  in fact moffits of russia gained not one imprial gold cross or imprtial crown. And are a quagmers . With weak knees and were traveling on the ride of the ancient foi pa , of the majic carpt .  Of some large well made tapistry . Of a artist dignatary of generous sucess. Swamped ? 

Wuth slugde and balled mouth of sludge .  

The prime minister called again yesterday and sent a message of great shaken upset .  To asurt a high respective realized level of insensitive zeimbeldremmels operators.  Stiffed lip. Slide in when all that work that the past president , and Sir Vladimir and many made eased .  And a wink and a hop . CAVIAR TALKER . 

it's a fine rich beluga caviar. Have you realize the level of exelence , fine protocol s ' whom to call ? PEABODY . MADE IT THRIUGH THE TESTS .  

INTO FIND THE FABREGE EGG INTERIOR . NEVER REALLY FINDING IT.  THEN ah.  Putting a large dent in the map .  Andwe'll.  The report. What is in the Kremlin report.  the quagmire and geshi brass brink. Couldn't find the interiors.   Egg.  While my fine Dimond shoes were never delivered.  Mm inchers in the orbit of the order of a imperial princess , with RUSSIAN PERFECTION ,  causing a dow ci doe . 

the prime minister  Russia very good friend of mine, shuttered at my upset. The kremlins upset. The government upset . The youth upset . The citizen upset .  The prime minister was studying with fist clinched .  And staring at my note about Germany.  And hogan heros with a human named ? What is heshi name I asked ? 

KLINK ? GOES TO THE BRINK ? what ? KLINK with my golden orbit.  And a halo of a sainte . ? 

the statement of the former primebminister is as is. With prestigious known work in RUSSIA. hand in hand in lecture idealistic worth from my esteemed intetnatiobal exhibition in economic and peace and aris design cultural.  

Inducmstrialism yes.  

Of course our ice cream in central park conference in personlectures. Of coures the prime minister carried my blue travel bags . Heavy . Gave me his  coat after the . Rain cooled. On our way to shop in Manhattan all together at JACKS on 34 street. 

RUSSIA NOW is the prime ministers note today 
as a clarification Jesus criste"  
"  -------------------------- 

Princess  Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
super star since 1969. 007 SECRET . 

Ah. Yes. The statement of the prime ministers urgent message to me late last evening . While the klink and Shulzee ' wrenching the orbit with generosity of borrowed worth.
vine reel orbit with smack .  

READ THE NEWS. klink- and cufflinks heshi are not suitable for my orbit with Russian specialist and  have repeatedly lead to a harror wuth extreme issues and a kick to russia . And specialist. LETTING LOOSE SMACKERS ruining my traveks with rackettericoroisiusing and aim smack in word indigant clipping reality they are broke poor and viciously attackers with slime forked brains in large international act of unethical wrong. 

 what a hay day to look at Russia, with a large empty chair . Not born in RUSSIA .as an internationaist . Of a esteemed waited welcome again and again. Mortifying head slamming smack filled my coffee time.  In a keeping run to shovel in a new clam shelling issue. Large . Aimed at Mr and the USA and all. In reality. Klink can drink crude oil . Issues more in EUSSIAN LONG HANDLE POLO .  WITH A PAINTED PONY. 

.EETING Ruasia everywhere millitray . With Solutes and my honor events .  Russian cultural events with extremely well noted honored millitary of over 1, million 352 hundred thousand men. I love you all darling MEN. 

lovely delightful elegant bold. Realized in great honor in RUSSIA . in esteemed humanities royal Russian millitary of ROYAL EFFORTS UNMATCHED , loved from me personally.  With extra special thank youvfor your sensitive messages and the updates of excessive intellectual men of a expression of regiment ethical height.  upon a pedestal loved .  Thank you for the secret 007 1-99 star satalight relay and the navy of royal Russian newest star starlight launch of over 100,000 star satlights imprial princess 007 events.  

LOVELY EVERYONE. you may realize as you messaged. A election of the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin is quite the realized success of ROYAL RUSSIA. with concern of klink heshi quite a CONCERN OF MINE in internatiinal worth. I myself know is very important.  

you are very kind. A few millirtay first class women are noted too. Fine and some technology specialist.  Thank you with kisses sent and heighten respects of honor.  super star time Isuppose. astere .  Solute to you all. 

photographs many of many ib a greatet love in my love notes RUSSIA ROYAL MILLITARY expossee reels.   Love from myself . 
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Ah. Yes well. of course. First. I wish to say thank you to King Charles , Whom flew in in a sweetest secret royal jet from the country of ENGLAND. AND BROUGHT . ENGLISH cream fry cakes. Specialty of the country of ENGLAND. 

we stayed a while sipping ruttabeçiomo tea tmsteeped English style before the dawn of sunrise broke into a lovely light of sunshine in the Fairfeild Conneticuit Sky. 

MORE, ah.klink and shultzee in the brink .  Watched in 100,000 More than imagined star beem satalights . Princess 007:t ru. 8800. 

while some nato . Was booted from dropping 67 million dollars in some tanks in Germany within the last 6 months. And sti NATO . UNETHICAL AIMED TO CLIP USA WINGS . 

in a rip snort fly by the seat of their unethical as l pants with some unethical pentagon in use sonic and stolen silk design. Hoofing it. On unethical use of the usa govetnment .  Office .as a line despeeato waitung to feed a possee, cartel in german brats.  And a few . Hand shaking. on RUSSIAN BOARDERS that a year ago. I myself stopped in intetnational affilated cultual reality of extensive humanities . Efforts ease. For Germany enough. While bold care to never be fooled with two bite marcks. of buck shot. 

klink and shotlzee ' bright sleepy slumbet streches to clime the bean stolk after the solution . To gain a golden egg. And with it a gaint goose.  With a apendectomy moose in. 

COLD WAR. ah. Well. When the swish of muck 
of a orbit . Work was seen as . A reach into eggs laege and pure gold. Glar. Brow.  Sunk. seen . In russia . Eating hoho the merry oh.  

Secret spread on streets. Saying .  Pui. 

week enders in germany santimonois hogo eaters spudnic . BRAND Kremlin Russian orderes  issues antibiotics  .   " SPUDNICS " 

in replacement for real spudnic pptaoes in russuan , only to make rwal vodka.  While only a cold war .  Of oh . Sole aimo , singing tuut tuut .
SKIPP8NG GLOATED 'AFTER PEERING THROUGH A GOLDEN RIMMED GOBLET WITH GIBLETS LOADED.  INTO MY former prestiguos offices in the opulent prestige of my peruils counted in miles and miles of extreme time and effective lovely ge n tal theory and internstinslly affilated work. Of course i shopuld mention that. I dont often say. Except . Soecialist today .need my whole applied egocentric super star . Arrogant UNAVIODABLE 

words. specialist .  yes. While we are with arrogant realities , when we are face to a klink .  brow pusher .  Of golden eggs seen on the bean stolk in the sky examining the goose wuth the golden eggs. and the giant sibging harp .  Up9n a cloud . Facing a real giant ? VLADIMIR was right, suddenly a cold warrior . flooded moscoe russian streets recently .  Wuth kind pgotographs sent . Street travel meeting moscow. vladimir wanted me to know as well a n d sent the cold warriors in stuyle bold Bold RUSSIAN LOVE.  
.colder in savvy russia too. The iterior egg . Gold . many looked and weeded .  is that in. Or out. ?

.pointed intelectuals. no longer with with upset of BIG GIFT HELMET SHIELD, from a issue . kind drives Beach and essentials were a love to everyone in Russia and the Ukraine ah ha ha ha everyone said a sweet quite polite royal wave to say friendly distant ci. Hello. 


Let loose by klink .  Envy . On my company realized success with even incredible specialist .

as BETTY BOOP is with OIL aim in kl ink with shulziee once a neo liberateain USA conformed rackettet gone Ghent triptixal muse . Utn historcial thirsting bold germany .  Ah secret beer festering wrong culrual reality to Germany in realuzed lengthy royal history very lovely. - aim order roll over russia. the dog ? Ate your what ? Paper for math ext ra advance study. SELF STUDY. Not many Germans.  Are unprepared in math studies .  And keen prestigious historical work of a well known science engineering specialist.   In well known advancement in architectural engine invention 
 WELL KNOWN IN EAST TENNESSEE USA. OF COURSE.  more .  well. I am looking to see the removal of dirt bag bombing.   Rioter .  Sperms whalers racketters . I think that there is a time when the work of much sucess is with a look further into a dally of spinning someone else's project . Projects . And largest of concerns .  Into a very speedy swish . whales tail .  Sperm Whale .are only USA whales . beluga are the giant whales . worth their lovely swish .  

not a  Moby ( Toby Moby ) do your study on what is a TOBY MUG. ,.. Dickery. Bardering to sanctitude of your own plentitude naturally realized in a finest of success and love . OF COURSE SUPER STAR . ah.  Yes. love is that real, to extende pur genrosity of savy reality. Never to place a ungracios magitude in a blight pointed RACKETTER PUNKING SOCIETY EVERY   BALUGERANT . AND ROTTER IN THE MASTIVE SMACKER TUNG THEY PIN POINTER PUSGED SLIMY ASS INTO TO BLIGHT EVENTS , AND QUIET OF DECENCY SO GENTLE . AS MERE COCK FIGHTER . BASIC DIRT BAGS. racketteer are. Dirt rot bagers.  Hides . From the awful study doctor Jackles and egor with mrs SLICK DICK hider sliding by tbe skin on their hind rearing .  Of punking clhilden and grabbing their achool grade to rip in . real names . Smackers wafflinh flayling hand then tungs.  Speedy goone alieus .  

the largest russian cpld war began.  at the movie theater . A year ago.  Warriers of RUSSIA grew very noble stern and even intetested savvy rusian intelectual in royal sqwat thrust of the real royal studies not unlike my own childhood royal studies schooling at public school .  the mighty wind ( lenghty coincils of realuzed political diplomatic lenthy words of long lenthy of miles and miles of ethicsl pobtificstion and formstive . Poiniant spoken wind of etgical real effort worded in a fomal meeting ). Art is in bold reality. Filles the world in lenghty, rare time to known . More.  THE ENGLISH PARLEMENT with the Queen . Sent me a email in 2014 asked . A POLICAL ROUND TABLE OF ENGLAND. 2013 ACTUALLY . SECRETS EXIST. 

in 1969. The reality of JESUS CRISTE . 

AT THE LOCAL PLAY HOUSE. THEATET SMALL STAGES. WAS USA royal accolade decision . Wuth a littlr statement in theater. Boldest. A fine 45 minimutes only. it was a muse of a show statement perfomace. Sitting at four quitly taking in the song and thrn a brief two bite minutes , it was JESUS CRISTE . running off the stage in thrn off to the left. Nude . Totally naked a man ran fast. fully exposed and was named JESUS CRISTE .  

the minute two were more less than 30 seconds than the show contiued even morr intetested of the final act.  WITHVA SONG KNOWN AS " the dawing of the age of aquarius " listen again. 

no pickle chaser .  Ever. And suddenly the song arrived known as they called it the streek .  
OF COURSE Jesus Criste echoed yelling of the reality.  Really aimed to .  PERHAPS HIDE IN CROACIA .  PERHAPS NOT.  NOR WAS THERE A DEPOSIT OF THE USA NATIOBAL TREASURY actually deposited in a GERMAN bank barrel .  Of the Sweet fine Germany sheep doggy. WEARING A WATER BARREL in a collar under the sweetest giant doggy fluffy clean chin. 

Ready to of course deliver water to the farm fields.  lovely giant sheep doggy. One of my favorite breeded giant puppies.  some were said to grap the strap to pull out some caught in a water Gulley trench . Heavy rain if you fell in. 

We are born alone . We achieve alone. Decide and make choices.  Insubordinate . Oh. Cold.  
WARS .  warrior .  In MOSCOW and throughout RUSSIA found decisions and expression of careful worth importance as yellow pi charts went onto windows everywhere throRussia. russia.  PI . Math % in pennies saved and worth of intelectual savy difficul t austerity.  All over russia the quiet shop village shown in yellow round pi chart t
Fobs in windows . Reading the words 
russian love.  What a fine convergence of peace statements .  Seen before the kremlin pointed out a cold warrior walk more than several weeks ago. The klink ran to the side of the kremlin hippatee hop.  Knees in straits . 

HOGAN HERO solution for klink and SHULTZEEE , assumptive of the family of the madgi . Known as ZEPHER . the mythological painted pony. GREAT MASTER POLITICAL BOLD ART arena in shoe enough master international historical painting well known in poli science cultual absure studies historical   Hard to see.  

in the painting of a masters 
KNOWN AS Zepher .  whole I will fact check with my internationalist of museum royal historical requiem lecturing book studies historical people from study symposuims in the small of the retorium cathedral study rooms aĺ over the world. .  AN INTERNATIONAL SECRET SOCIETY. maybe . .Zepher. the painting of the political bad wind.  Is a archaic archainia of swiling twertet whom  hide . In deception skirts in the air . With a chast scar from believing in breaking branches of shape y. To twirl more in tired . Steak skirt. Known of butt of cow. While aiming t he small y broken branch. To point ruthlessly at others. To meet ZEPHER made of only bad smoke of hazing royal blue. Whom n enlarges ZEPHER in the sky floating only as billowing smoke with white edges and royal blue haze. all deep inbrhe woods of rath ruude together.  of course graiser of piquette are seen as idiots .  Of hokes and destitute in real literacy of humanities . As void and mirrors as known idiots. Everywhere . The USA birth of the painting ZEPHER and the  three graisers was painted of the salum sea port . With rip von winkle whom entered mount Vernon of the sight of the sculpture of the four heads of the very first  president of t h e USA. Ri fell asleep v on the long nose of the stature relief monument of the head of real and honored presidents.  Mm

Vladimir secret 007 KGB stealth savvy intelectual lovely . Charming VERY BRILLANT . 
klink was with KLONDYKE ? and with shultzee ? Hogan hero illogical WISE " German wise beer . Served rolled with ice cold bottle and chilled glass with a sliced lime . Of course Germany and Eastern European speciality . With finest bbq. Best . And getnan potatoe salad and german black bread .specialty rye . Then a few days to see the car ready to repacking shopping and sale online concherto special to those USA honored everywhere - archietecure book in two days . Darling . Before heading to a villa city flat estate. Refreshed . With some extra work i have responcibily to over 1.3 million european specailist . We sent you a few open eyes of real time  ,  star satalight . Europe south America.  Of course . Canada .  never sleeping .  

Darling svelt you are charming 
 sweetest  vladimir.  

zip line next. 

WILD FREINDS Afrian America finest in too, traveling within many today over 4 million in fairfeild over four days . And many more,  with 
More as well.  we are going to publish our own each alisten lone commerative architecture books and sales all in Amazon thank to Jeff Bezo apple too with Steven  Jobes and MicrosoftCo. With bill gates and a few other brands like .
Samsung JapanCo.  Originated With more like zenith .  

BEATLES paul .  Nice to nap on a sweet sunny bench darling lunch best. with rare update " come together listen .

giants , USA convoy games yard lines and number stat scores with basket ball rare number boxer specials.   And men women rare opportu real foot ball . Mom was right foot ball is hip basket ball base ball pro leaguer usa siin for the play offs. Wuth air lines flying in looking smart everyone in USA air flight professional service publuc flights to purchase if you wish. Public flight. Bua car rental train or .  Moped ready. HIP NEVER GOT BETTER. IN FAIRFEILD AND THE USA AND ALL OVER THE WORLD.not bnag bang shrill.  Hip is savy and sometimes homly . TO REFRESH in yiur traveles all overvthe world. Ice water always free in the real utopia .  Everywhere.  horns . Yes texas style  hookum horns .  well of course . 

Meeting in Moscow Russia at the KREMLIN' S generous efforts. sir Vladimir Putin Czar and lovely humanitarian with love for RUSSIA and the whole world. Esteemed efforts in peace agreements has that are sweeping the European Continent , has an excerpt of a very special announcement; re: subject orbit ; re : 

sir Vladimir Putin thee commanding czar of ROYAL RUSSIA as president. directly an  impromptu statement in film  Sir Vladimir Putin the kremlin , honored in ordinary loved work in the world. Esteemed and brilliantly of lenghty ethical astere worldy international merits as a Magma cum lauden ( heighten honor in broaden excelence in foundation of royal standard of worth high acheive ethical prosperity in education, and achievements of extra curricular worthy extended effort merited worth. )  with an international degree in ethical international honored as RUSSIAN POLITICAL ESTEEMED president  OF THE RUSSIA, as sir vlad is devout to RUSSIA . 
internationalist as an honored attorney with major merited internatiinal standard of improved business  within ethical prosperity of structure in capitalistic humanities of a RUSSIAN IMPORTANCE , of greater wealth of individual worth in accumulated cultivated achievents .  more . Yes. Presidents within the European continent all, are with large efforts in peace talking in person with a steady greater reality of good humanity in Europe is becoming a wild rage well loved in people everywhere all over Europe. 

8:03 pm meeting 
my darling with a very special 
very special UPDATE 

PURPLE  HAZE in film reel 

AUGUST 12 TH , 2024 , good afternoon , Fairfield , issues today. stage  scam of racketter threats to decent coffee out , and over slap type of swarm.  Issue with shoving natural larger many out of the way to shake hands . With them . Ruining my cuttings just quiet coffees.  PECKER TYPES. BIG ISSUES. LARGE INFRACTION OF ROTTEN SAID , no to real decent, USA.  Aimed at my totality of minutes and project invites .  ECLIPS 

even my own little lecture yesterday and today from a coffee shop that was filling up with plenty of business of proper reality fun. 

And refusal to serve ice water free.from tap even in my own cup. 


with rude awful dear you additives not properly saying sir or ms.  Dear you. 

WAS A CONSISTANT DIG. FORVTHE DIRTY get alone . Little dags.  And with no real , decency of the environment of normal real ideals that I have never seen before unstabdard . In any dialect or language .  Pig slime. Is more like it. 

KGB SAID : dirt bags moved fast to fist their way behind d a counter and circled my car. After several nights ago. A pleasant parking lot of over 1000 cars with people in the car parked near all of us. I told historical finest times. As we bought grocery travelerfoods. And enjoyed a lovely night of drive in movie from love notes in my posts from Fairfeild conetticuit .  

USA, is hot mad . We are about to have a bikin day . In the ocean edge . Of a beach fun. No beach . Before I repair my auto. With a repair look over on my break tomorrow . and then the architecture photograph begin with ease to
ALL OF US . REALLY those of honor toward the reality of my invite, and not swarming dirty fly insect of civil madedisease. Aim. 

FACTS ARE FACTS, andwe are all thinking short skorts . And of course golf lessons . On t h e green . With even modest bikin with a modest warm . Ease . Mine : designs non available yet. While see if you wish a clam digger pant . And a bolero size cousettei ' cou. 

With smart sweater best button or pull over lenghty .  Smartest .  

shoe offs.  All of you are.
 let's get hip where it began . remember moumou, dresses from JAPAN . AMAnd sleek plete plaid summer brilliant . Polo and patent leather loafers white. With gold buckles . Like my father's in 1969. stern statements of real wealthy worth, .. 

Beach ready summer and the fresh caught clam roast steemer . best. salt potatoes butter soaked and green large fresh garden salad always included at an inexpensive dinner lunch price, UNDER $6.99.  WITH FRESH BREAD OF COURSE ICE WATER. 


ANNOUNCEMENT SOON. BEACH BEST INVITE WILDLY HIP . YOU ALL. WITH A HOPEFUL invite again to the real earlier Dallas Cow Girls . In the fluff palm . Ready . Too. Leading in short shorts.  Men invited . the beach truckettes invite very soon before fairfeild times are with a time to impress the nation to enjoy more. 

Queen Elizabeth is a very lovely quite beautiful women and prestigiously a honored president of ENGLAND as said : QUEEN OF ENGLAND her Majesty thee prestine Incredibly extremely respected . ruler of the country of England GREAT BRITTIAN , as a cultural articulate loved intelectual of royal birth and work honored when actually crowned a QUEEN of ROYAL ENGLAND of incredible years for the people of ENGLAND , .My darling Queen Elizabeth is charming and so brilliant , even when we go shopping together takingbin a tea lunch at the brown inn in LONDON ENGLAND, and of course queen Elizabeth is of a monarchy of royal lengthy aristocracy with extreme articulation of country matters and stern of ethical repose.  while darling my Majesty Queen Elizabeth , you are wild. In your cultivated expression.  You are my BRITTISH 007. 

darling her Majesty Queen Elizabeth . You are such a lovely 007, with our 007 secret. 

Thank you for your email today and your time to update your articulate fun. I say. 

MY POLO Sport 007 invite : you are darling 
I LOVE YOU. my queen Elizabeth Her Magesty thee reality of articulation political from ENGLAND GREAT BRITTIAN . for myself princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , 

in a impromptu film production from the QUEEN OF ENGLAND , 

darling ,.Elizabeth. the beach invite let's shake it up a bit more. We always make a splash everywhere. your choice on the clam roast or fried clam rolls we used to get when you were in Syracuse.  English rarebit Roasted stew? 

 update soon in the everglades.  

4:57 PM extra political film of the tradion to rather intelectual savvy youth and grown ups is the majic of GOLD FISH . events farmers believe are rather a great political reality of theoretical wisdom at the youngest age. The rare purchase of winning a gold fish .is a political past time. Paying one dime to throw a tiny ping pong ball onto a small round stack of fish bowls. All with mirroring gold fish. Not really gold gold is with a time to gain sport savvy ping pong excellence.  

to pay only a dime to toss threeballs. Amd win id one land in the top of a bowl.  

Never a day, to think. taking care of flake fish food follows at $.60 cents a box and a few flake foods a day then clean the bowl daily. Then run to school for the busy swim lessons math scorestudies. History best. And kiterature. Geograogy .triganomity. biology and more. Even geomitry and economic of home budgets . Basic cooking . Inductrial revolution study books. 

And map studies. Yes even more. To graduate or pass the needed graduation exam sat.

In a college class register in person in the sat cmat . Exams. traceling to real registerd sat real exams. 

fish ,  bowls politically usa . Film watch 

is before the gold fish swallowing contest that more peopke dont like. And no fishing permit allows actually. while the watch is on. in 

excuse me. a search just said olie . replaced  for welcome open for great proper business off I call hired at dunkindonuts. 

Lets check Mc Donalds in SARABAC LAKE . for their special uodate report notations unforgotten kind nice people. Taking care of real good business to every human on earth. Great nice regular people neverStop. .

. .Taking care of business : FILM 

mick and I and vlad. Paul . TOO. An all slept in. 
MICK , 5:25 am . ah. Yes 6:00 pm The last time posted wonderfully everyone. Your all so fine. Boy Freiends forever. in Film 

MAJOR projects : China
 : read 6:35 pm now 

finishing up in Paris France ,
 in excellent Olympic 
Team Work China READ.  

Thank you everyone with good wishes of honor to you all, CHINESE and FRENCH . in world champion excelence in every way. You so fine all to update me just now with lovely image reels , thank you again. From myself and everyone, from all over the world. LOVE to you all, from myself , 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

9:26 pm Fairfeild Conetticuit, USA , 
Email Note Direct from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin , RE: CURRENT ISSUES READ

9:36 pm meeting update direct from the Kremlin of  RUSSIA , sir Vladimir Putin , with a very special message meaningful to me and everyone all over the world . BEACH FUN VLADIMIR wad loved by your incredible efforts for the bus events in the Ukrane boarder regions for plenty of free beach travels , in excitment , and welcoming lovely times for RUSSUAN PEOPLE WITH UKRAINIAN PEOPLE , all enjoying the beach outing together and business propered well. WITH EXTRADINARY KIND PROPER , love. Of cultures more  I recieved many messages from Ukraine people and Russian people so delighted when you arranged my idea of free bus beach and brunch outings as a relief into fine peace in Eastern Europe boarders RUSSIAN being extremely large and then the Ukrainian so happy again too. Everyone enjoyed new essentialas well. l.
NATIONAL territory,...  , sweet lovely Vladimir Putin , puppy is swim ready. WITH extrodinsry love . 8800  X one more.

impromptu Film Now direct SIR VLAD 

11:31 pm email from sir Vladimir Putin with a lovely invite, subject Gaza,  Israel , Palestine .
With plenty of my love to everyone , in Gaza , and Israrl , and Palistine . meeting notes tomorrow. I love you all thank you all for the gracious notes. xo meeting notes I will post tomorrow. .Very gracious of you darling Vladi

August 13 th 2024 , GOOD MORNING , 8:46 AM FAIRFEILD CT, USA. dunkin donutes near stop and shop off north street. And the lovely people from the south American country of the established major foods corporation, GOYA , drove all this way to say a lovely thank you to me, and hello. Bill Causby : onces savvy in his alone beginning of stories about Tis GREEN HORNET, issue of a tiny tree, of malicious, green hornet words might be at utube, or mash 4077, perhaps with an update of dunkin doinuts scurvy. While some good coffee and some nice people are in dunking donuts, with even more in town , to a mean square dance, in the sqare eyes of reviews. 


churchy. Churners . Mixing to sift gold, big and tall gold shoppers choppers and broke. 

HOOFIN IT, AS THEY SAY , OR IN CHICAGO' s real top echelones of buisness , the work admired of most major leagues top professional international business standards best: think pounding the pacement to hunt for a job, is admirable reality. In those far traveled and nearest. In a job market which is with excess job availability to those hard at work ,  looking to ethical repose.  

Not unlike the people whom gained better more jobs for people in need in the Ukraine boarders of Russia, not only to sell their village shop and farm fresh great products. In a large near, into welcoming Russia so large with a ethic of humanitarian love from the Russian Kremlin , extended efforts and the Russian royal millitary seeing safely the jobs were with great trains cars and busses to get to a eased well paid option of a standard .of Russia realuzed. But also the merchants of THE UKRAINE preserves jobs and expanded job options to so many even with free beach brunches, extended with the Kremlins live for my project Russian initiatives sir Vladimir Putin , requested my thoughts. 

Win Win. with Ukrainian Love. With some aim at my fashion events last year in the villa. wuth a USA, concerning mess, to attain attention of. TIS green hornet issues, with extremeist of vagrant, unethical contort in brutal act of actionable, contempt with futile faulucy of ethical civility.  Even the swam ponding enroute . 

with BILL GATES , message just now, and many in the local shops with ear plugs, and white sunglasses, to refrain from shaking , into a frenzy of alure on only a tiny miniature thorn room waiting after the pond view only to see the congenial cap flowing of a JACK AND THE PULL PIT, assimilated of the wrong JACK , as a JACK in the puel piph. 

jack is a botanical abrivation for JONQUIL , in the puel ( thoughtful poetic kind ethical words) , with greatest solitudes and extent of ease dignaty, piph.  Is nit a picalo yet is a apipheny 

as the after thought to a broad look at a greater of self attainment, in enjoyment tof all smallest ponds and all smallest drinks of water, needs of sanctitude of the ethical solid feeling of self achievents we achieved.  

saving slice and dice for finest freshest chop chop potatoes and onions Spanish Vadelia of course from my chop chop Chopin potatoes grilled in risterants all over the world now and not as just home fried potatoes more now as somehow the world moves with me at love notes, as I even recieved messages that say: we have changed.  Love you. 

Bill Gates. And Goya People with Sir Veldes in south America, with many today close in travels , seem to realize the importance of USA concerns and my orbit project with my Russian boy friends, all royal Russian millitary from the admiral of the Royal Russian Navy, to the Kremlin, as I get around in my worldly broad cultual work and worldly travels with my mother whom never left those important very early child times to expand upon a quite travel of even peach farms in the USA state of Georgia , and Strawberry pie travel in west virginal at the top of the mountain steeple. in the USA purple clover top mountains of grace as a love extended as is in a  royal of USA graciotsness . 

Bill Gates thank you for brunch, great mushroom caps , baked with a crab breading seasoned perfections.  with this mornings gift of one note free download for the phones .  With a whole complete office suite of the program software I use often for my complete office in a travel phone.  I was so pleased , on a cloud base.

Sweet of you darling , we are a bit late for the missle red white and blue ice pops , of summer forth of July 2024 , Just as when we werechildren. The rare expeience for the great fun. Real ice pops three flavors red white and blue, with the shape of appolo 13. 

darling , thank you for the photgraphs of your real political statements, as vladimir, is with a respect toward my effort , in speedy expeditious worth, and some details, that can not fit into my powder puff suger confectionary love in my very honored projects, and the tedious on a detaling unscrupulous type of issues, must be a usa , known . Reality. 

SHUFFLERS. SHELL SHUCKERS of extremist and baby builion, fraudes . so, of course my orbit russian project with royal russian millirary are, with swift assured sanction in ethical internatinal realiry and no exposee' yet large vaste exposure large. How or how large , is rather not a perplexity. 

photgraph reels political BILL GATES 
updated today just now : REELS POLITICAL 
abd quite real. no, embryonic symbiosis . 

Pinto Beans , . are pinto beans ,. 
BILLY JOEL , pinto beans . RECIPES SOON . 
you may enjoy the real pinto horse trot in Columbia with sir Valdez. My very good friend.  
Pinto are not polo horses , .. yet if your a fast rider , weLloyd broken to solid kind horse knowledge pinto trotting may be fine in OCTOBER 2024 in Bolivia.  Again. 

more on the political photographs from my darling boy friend bill gates, since we were four. 

10:04 am FINE LOVE NOTE to thee lib Meyer, 
darling friend , with a usual dinner on Monday, of our outing in the 1990' s with a 1.5 hour time we could break away for some fine Japanese Food and kire' libs fave, unagi - 

we were both working 40 hoyes at high end Profesional separate employment , and studies extra and lenghty serious to separated,  schooling and lib graduate event recital I help with and a masters painting gift to my sweet lib Meyer, now in Houten , Michigan . At the Suzuki Violin school as a junior professor for beginning Violin for young children in exploration broadening fun. 

lib phoned my office in the top echolon of the world in selective investment specialize finance banking . my boutique posh office set at the foot entry of the incredibly finest offices, just steps from the Chicago stocks offices. La salle' street. 

Photo soon. Lib frantic .with a recital to be on stage in a nwu autorium , I said , ah, hello . You need a dress. We can call taun and Laurence,. They have a great silk linen coco expresso brown finest you size. I gave lib the number to call right away. She looked so  beautiful at lib's viola bass chelo recital alone on such a romantic event of just libMeyer, in chelo ' perfomance of music compostion. It was such a honor to be invited. 

of course , i was invted to simposiuns at the school college of music and the arts circle at nwu, even some extra curricular work study at the evanstin school if mastet painters at the light house college society. And lib didnt know , but i was an honored invited board member begining in 1995 for the development planning for the civic symphony in evanston within the professional professors of the univestivy of north western college of music affilate projects for the city of evenston illiniose as a direct suburbe of rhe largest usa city of chicago illinios where, where my advaced royal museum conservatory broadened specialiZation , STUDY EXTENTION . were across the street from CSO. with the sulivan auditoruim and the goodman theater was of my college conservatory , actual school. 


good hello to les, resnik. Literary professional and always extra efforts fine fresh produce grocery specialist . Best. xo everyone, glad you bought your honor achievement gold rings.i love you . Good day then.  

10:28 am Dean dembrowski ? ja Yim, amon'

more soon . xo from fairfeild and thank you for your attentions and very special contiued invited years and years darlings. Your thefinest. Always. Secretary nwu hello  . Thank you . Thank you again. .

10:46 am JOHN LENNON , and I with some internatiinalist , vlad . And boris Yelson and Mrs Yelson . Paul and George, Ringo , the president of Africa, cabbed out , to De Paul Univesity auditorium and the great Harald Washington Library Auditorium , for jazz at times meeting others . in fine times . Invited . from my state of the art,  world wide web. Media  Room. 

with free international media cam ,.calls.  everywhere in the world in 1995. 

cabs and John Lennon  . 
In the city we're nice again and again. At my VILLA ENGLISH STYE PROPER CITY BEACH ESTATE.two blocks from village lovely dude and red eye trains .even tennis courts and the grassy sunflower hedge garde.n lining the beach view steos out side daily. 

LISTEN. our Sunday Afternoon Tea at the Drake Hotel Tea Room are legendary . Rare with time important and busy lives. 

11:14 am meetings with invites from the drsling real charming president of RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, in peace talks and reviewing the international amendments , of savvy love in ISREAL the holy lands of many historical mecca market history of the world. Sir Benjimin Netanyah,  loved the opportunity to see my political photographs of expressions from sir Benjimin Netanyah.  Prime Minister as a presidential head of the country of Israel a royal country with special , royal structure . 

and the expression of efforts needed to be stated of the issues caused by racketters of a USA ugly breed . of unscrupulous . And ruthlessly deceptive in their  meek small mockery grabbing of the usa gracious esteemed large. Reality unless in pre ordained humanities of a repose - excellence . 

meeting photos from Isreal ; To Me, expression of Israel : BE NJIMIN NETANYAH REELS 

recent : many people from Israel , are enamored with notes from my work in world culture , not yet available,  with mock pie, crowing , rather than the gentle usual of my lunch and breakfast and cabs with colleges in my rather, expressive  , good nurtured reakized self nurtured love of my life and love notes, made extreme loved. 11:29 am. 

MOSCOW RUSSIA , Prussian Derwent ? MORE SOON. with special notes more. And serious orbit political importance in swift ocean navy royal Russian  culture of the Royal commons of Russian royal blue , solidreality. Relentless,  just Russian ?. I dare say not just Russian. I dare say. 

11:48 am meetings in RUSSIA MOSCOW , with the President of the Country of Palistine in Europe  not to be confused with a marque honor city tiny on the northern region butter Chicago names honors to PALISTINE .of a historucal holy region too, inEurope. the Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin meets with the president of Palistine, sir Mohammad Abbas. OF ROYAL PALISTINE . well loved all over the world. so good of you darling vlad to have sweetest honor invites to such important meetings of importance all over the world . Largely in the USA with culturally hip  and savvy cultivated USA. From good children to a lenghty historical reality of a usa greater . 

with my welcome invited 007 star stataligh via 007 meetings, read more while we, swish the tale of the whales: BALUGA RUSSIAN SWEET WHALES. too. .

12:02 pm sophmoric falicy . failed the usa from the soil of the usa, and as the who intellectually worked endlessly also to write in worthy music savvy even of young ages, we won't be fooled again by born speeches twice a conacauze of deception. more like at some Roothless buzzy. Of better in lily Tomlinson: Ruth buzzy. Skids. 

the who, brilliant in the 1974 rise of their greater efforts of success and the noble leap to my project invite of the guitar revolution. Of need to see the who with such grace of my thank you. the USA thank you. with more to say about the guitar revolution and the many other notable honored notes yet to begin , notes of Vietnam Finest in More than BBQ NORTH KOREA , too. the film  of sir Vladimir Putin , is a pressured colidiscope of brilliance and astere focus for a greater Russia driven by the people of Russia and the savvy opportunities of some greater realized nobility of the kremlin truth known broadly in Russian waters . And not unknown anywhere all over the world . 

how embarrassing to see a spohmoric spec . 
in roulette. of the hope to the glass spinning roulette round circular door, so wrong. I thought to preserve the brilliant film . Of great film. And include bumbow of mumbo jumbo and the flying trapeze- phorettitour peitifoire eaters in a spec jewelers examination glass . 

Usually used to inspect  
cracked diamond to discard . whipping willow erst whallow, Russian Rival  . and the opportunity of a KREMIN OVERWELMING VOTE ,. THE PEOPLE ARE SO PLEASED IN RUSSIA for the kremlin with more than millions of emails saying thank you sit kremlin, congratulations. 

even savvy watching the film introsoecivly with fine intelectual content of known worth. 
Fine Realities of Russia , are admirable of efforts in the people of Russia , and improved many televised greater ,in general assembly meetings all throughout Russia. Love to everyone amd thank you for the millions of kisses sent in love returned.  from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett . you rush to the kremlins Office was so sweet in that mad mad mad time of minutes I was sent the film from the Kremlin himself. Sir Vladimir Putin . Delightful charm 'and a wild mad political rush to the kremlin in person . kisses covering all your faces to dream and sleep with lovely love and cares from person. 

children only ? do you think so darling children , of Raffi BALUGA PREMERE for children. only? 
12:39PM. BABY BALUGA , from Raffi ' darling raffi dates , to 1993 with lovely songs special to especial little canooks at least. LISTEN 

real whales of the RUSSIAN ocean waters large. 

3:49pm  meetings , many including THEE JIM MORRISON, groing up near . . A family summer house. JIM AND THEE DOORS. omited mojo rising music compostions and sing come on baby light my fire, with poetic fire being the love of romance , JIM MORRISON , bold comment music compostion of some pplitical care, is pointed , within Jim Morrison and the doors loved standards in the unique repitioure 


poiniant comment Jim Morrison , 
and the Doors. With my brief note at 4:26 pm now in fair field conetticut USA, before moving on in a breif of square don ' ce' . 

what could be political of a square in the eye , square Don ' ce' .   First , Russian Under Pressure , with a ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY UPDATE, and typo edits many, after aim again in my web site and minion aimed at me in my travel. There is an off focus , concern in  which is an orbit issues of coures. The orbit is a RUSSIAN , focus toward my assured sanctitudes  and with specialization which took on extreme successful efforts. And became meniced, as some ained to mince , a pressurized struxture of an outstanding orbit of even my specialized design work. Surpising the specialist offered and begged me to see a board council positing in a fine posh , postion when our success in a orbit , of a delicate lovely life as my own was with russian , defence at my side. After the issues of those racketters were given a fast ticket from europe and fired from attempt to infiltrate again the top use companies. 

Racketters will be left in the USA with  pinto bean , .and a pot, and no pinto, ' to use extremist deceptive lies, and a maliciousness of unknown , extremes aimed,  into any. 

subsequently,  there is Robert and the yaya-z In some concerns in top orbit advancement of anti proliferation and ajile assureddetergent, to infiltration of mulipokar ibdustrialist as myself, in my extensive work. To assurt no damage reachable of course. Robert & and yayaz , swirled in the golden royal halls of russia leary .and ubsiutable for orbit  ,aimed  spread ,INSUBORDIBATION, at the extreme failure , in some issues, ready to rotate the ever clear roulette spinning worth,  doorscof Russian excellents , into a swabsery, at a bent tilted hat , toward the Kremkins work , and slathered in success of my opulent project lecture worth. The kremlin was with extreme largest popularity in votes in the recent election  and a Russia to be culturally quite proud of, with extreme lovely effection for sir Vladimir Putin , 

LOVE in Russian millitary grew, as success and a new era , graced the minds of royal Russian military and government, whom took an eased , serious  orbit , of quite the clarity of efforts , quite large as aim at me was imminent serious upset. And with an time sensitive expected focus, we in the whole orbit worth realized , quite clearly of expediamt amazing and admiral achieved worth emanated in a convergence of and unusual formulation of my own and exceptional outstanding specialist. 

The focus  , would of course be a pure natural unobstructed reality to me, naturally  a focus of the work in the orbit, is a nessecity, even with wonderfully millions of people whom have a natural enjoyment to arrive when I have travel and fun, even invites andexhibitions, so much a lenthy part of my worth as usual. always  pleasant usually. Minus this ubserd racket  ruchus . The word insubordinate comes to mind in something that stuck in the victory parade of the Russian Kremlins events. created especially by not only the Russian Kremlin , sir Vladimir Putin , but also the channels of vaste government people and the outstanding royal millitary of RUSSIA . 

Mrs  Yeltsin and Boris Yeltsin , 
in an impromptu film 

Whom would challenge, the outstanding nessecity of ¹ the focus of orbit , in Russia, may have, not seen the pre- eminent brilliance of the work in Russia as serious. The story of  Rapunzel comes to mind, on this pressured day in RUSSIA,  . Rapunzel, is a political theoretical tale of children books . As Rapunzel.  Must be tale as to address Russian pressures today with opulence that the very lovely kremlin , and government and royal millitray with specialist worthy efforts deserve. More soon . 


10:25 pm Hello everyone, everywhere, all over the world. You may be ready to read a breif on repunsul . Of course Repunsul is a Woman whom has enshrined her importance in mostly the ideas of reflecting upon her lenghty hair, and a idea to rather decive humanity to trick them, or gain a punitive favor, while using a viage to clime into a tallest large church tower, then look out to yell out above all to see that she is with everyone's attention while up in the tower looking down upon everyone. YELLING to ask others to bring a ladder and help her get down to the ground  , by insisting that anyone whom helps her, climb up. And carry herdown. REPUNZEL yells out. And asked each person yelling out i need you to get the ladder .and clime up to me, will you carry me doen oh please oh please , repumzel ( name meaning redundent  dunce ), she recieved no reply . People decide they wish not to clime the ladder for repunzel to carry repunzel to save her and carry her to gokd soil. Repunzel keeps yelling , at each person and asked each time for someone to please get the ladder and clime up to carry her doen to the clean good soil.

The man arrived that was a stranger in town traveling , and she asked him. Please stop .she asked. She said I need you to bring the ladder and clime up to carry my down to the ground please, ,.he replied to say., I have no ladder that I can bring to clime up and could not carry you down with out a ladder, ,. Repunzel said , I wI'll swing my long long hair in a braid roped and thrn you can grab on and hold on climbing up my hair and then you can use a rope to loop and let me doen with your string arms . Please , repunzel said, please as repunzel braided her hair and threw it like a rope over the tall tower doen to as far as she could. The man tried to clime the braid of repunzel and could not hold on finding it to short and not thick enough. 

Soon repunzel said,dont go , I will rip up the sheets and make a longer rope   and then tie the rope to the cathedral pillar,  And soon everyone in town was watching out in a croud,. Repunzel that no one e wished to clime the ladder for was shredding sheets . Of the bed in the tower and making a rope to seek the stranger whom would go up ...up up up up up and get in to the tower . To carry repunzel to good soil. 

Everyone was talking about the shredded  sheets and then how repunzel got in to the tower, soon more people arrived and began to talk while wondering how repunzel got into the tower and then began shredding the sheets in t h e bed of the tower.  the loud  crowd became even larger. Wondering why the man agreed to go up up up into the tower. To carry repunzel to good soil.  The man was then only half way up. And then the rope broke . As the man fell down and broke his leg.  not able to get up the rope or walk even to leave. Soon repunzel was bring starred at by all the villager near and cc travelers near, with everyone looking in and talking about how repunzel got in. And why the stranger agree to clime the  tower to carry repunzel instead of repunzel just making a rope after shredding the  bed sheets in the tower and then climbing alone to just leave. 

the village became unusually curious and circled around the tower for days while the man was jot able to move because of his fall as he broke his leg. And refused to stand and hop. 

soon . They were lifted a cornicopia of food in a large cone filled with fruit and vegetable even stuck for days and days. Spectacles known as strangers of kno a n village isiots as the story is only that of the breif history of repunzel whom cries and yells . I am repunzel repunzel i woll let my hair down. End if the tale of the fable breifvof repunzel .  the redundant dunce known as the h e village idiots . Only left with an empty cornucopia to fill with water from rain and where the cornucopia as a hat.  habitual dunce hat. As the tale ends. 

11;20 pm meeting in MOSCOW FILM update . 

DIRECT from Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the country of Russian. with excellent television in Russia ,CATCH SCAN SCREEN , 007  with lovely extrodinary lovely messages. 

11:47 pm never a  meeting with Cornelius,  with Rudolf the red nose rain deer . Clip Reel. 

11:03 PM MEETING WIYH VLADIMIR and thr maritime board . Moscow Russia READ 

August 14 th 2024 , 7:33 am , good morning everyone all over the world . I had very serious meeting with the kremlin of Russia , about attempts to sabotage my extrodinary event invited, that was with serious damage to me
The lovely nature of my events are very lavish , and usual extridibary with millions of people whom are always a delight. With great efforts made by , lovely people. 

So important to enjoy time, in work and liesure, and realize the concerns which must have aof further aim at subjecting , my reality in a swarmed hand full of usa , deceptive contort dc harrors , whom aim in sabatoging my lovely travel  , work of quite the many loved global projects ,with a loose lip rattling extremely malicious extremeist of those whom terrorized the usa nation of people of these born usa indignate degenerate whom aim faimin into the great nation of the usa ,. 

When the music stops. An eauqal and opposite reaction ,of pre imminent retained , assured quality of. entitlement, becomes , a pre ordained imidiate matter, 
With extrodinary heighten success of effort many of many people in the usa become a imminent , hieghten importance to stabilizeation of fruitful real worldly worth. Internatinally important to me as very much  of my efforts in numerous projects.  

special honored specilist with vladimir putin are extremly important ,  wuth details today including RUSSIAN ROYAL NAVY  AND THE MANY IN THE RUSSIAN ROYAL MILLITARY whom is amung the ranks of honor in all the euopean millitaries of many  european countries. more about honored USA people , some surising noted in millitary . Even from the jimmy carter era in the oval office. With special notes of canada and south american milliary of honores too. Even south seas island counties. While today is a day to baton the hatches , and assurt the reality of thr greater existance in asserting a reality  of super star tork . IN URGENT matters. to contiue with our fine  travel wuth over 5 million whom traveled to fairfeild upon my invite and archietecture fun with a few surprizes .

first is first : we have a large redundant issue in Russia, and I was reading the extremely urgent email from the current prime minister of Russia, about some redundent issues that are concerning in the focus logistical reality of the immense work and omence success of the actualized work in orbit project ie: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 007 ussr obit project Russia secret code; gold egg interior crusted jewel project, secret 007 stuff. the remarkable detailing of the princess gold egg interior avietazein suddenly Morgan rhyne eastern Europe.   There is also quite some increadible other specialist as well. In royal Russian millitary and throughout Europe in specialconsult. Sultans of swing. Mostly. 

real far east euppean sultans . All the way west eaurope to many countries of special consult sultans of swing even in the countru of England with great thank you to the rotal sultan consul as 007 Queen Elizaeth .has specialations  in her generous jesturevof consul in a sultan of swing 007 orbit . of greatest honor to russian royal millitary and the kremlin sir putin with the love to russian people from her majesty the queen.  while i have barly made any reasonsble .. spacious time. Unobstructed .  To expound writting the short very ilaborate finer said . Literary Finest in the Literary work i am jonored in with large internatiinal merits of litarary finest in my historical projects . 


spreading meezels mumps moffette lies. Contor and aimed to use menicing aimed dismal disrespect more like mincing rousterd and hen peckers mu brothers as childern names: pecker spitters. In school yards steeling time. 

today, these vagret mumps. Are an intended rachetert blob, in and around the big event to spit pecking hen coogling with fluff like the puppet oli and the set of puppets known in the USA asGoogle. 

plotted attempt to pin point and aim cheeks blow fish mostly . at my step by step event invited with nuke sludge in their eye of cash intent spending rachetter buckaroo bamb bucketers .  

terrorizing my lovely times in fact, and aimed in use of connect in minion and unethical paint. Offices if needed the racketters did and knoe the snacking routes to big ducks.  

the report from china is very serious in a aim to dismatly the standards of my invites and more in sabatoge aim to me and my company naturally brillant standards of a reasonable reality often in over 8 years daily in exhibition work of my alobe persobal work alone.  As i oen my company alone. One and thats it. With no extra agent ever. And no ticket punking lies.  And no charity punk operation dor slime makers to rip throygh and distort . Their reality slugde throwers of nuke pistling and tossesrs of sludge that cause - extreme mumping while the racketters hump more. On tennis courts shaker on the tea off.  And are vertaily dismal stench 

WITH EVERYONES LOOK. cornicopia of mirroring . Other with scotching charm and love and caracter . While israel and egypt called them known munics 

fish bowl traps minic that rip flesh , bitter intent futility in a broken , seen cash trailex slydge toward slugging the usa .  In secular hide spots . with CHEEK TIME IN THEIR PUFFED CHEEKY CHIP MONK TEETH .  looking for as ringo said the big time.  snorting through peopke park planed smorgusborg with a whole nation shoving the crowd if they could. Into lie of seperated contorte unethical  puffin beaked . 

double rippers. 

small poor dismale stench seieas pool.  Spainish meaning toilet IDIOTS .  whom aimed once evwn in PERU AND BOLIVIA AND MEXICO. AND BRAZIL AND ARGENTINA .  riding on the usa gold eggs . HOPPING BEAKED ONE EGG BY ONE UNTIL THE BIG TIME , occured to the urgent ripping mucus .  
while as richard , my darling lenthy collegue said: whom was the top accountant in manhattan new york usa for paul newman and the rochfellers our ole friends, richard and i lunched at out hour off work, togethet at by the tracks bistro often some many years.while sweetly richard tried to tell me,,  some in the idiot zones ,  beek orhers in a short pop then back to merry making more like the gruff bulky goaters . Of v the very knoen famous literary tale of the well read book inly for read alone to childern kindergarden ages .  In a soft lul. For sweet child time in a soft world to e
be themself prepared to a ethically good civility in wild yernings broadening alone in life as normal to independence ammendment of that just a larger celebration in 1776 and larger today.even in the mortifying harror of these punks pummeling dremel tungs slime licking their chops after dispucable hainus filthy rot these gripping tiggering of winny the poo aim at ripping up society. And malicioysly aimed to demasulate with threats of mucus chested thick femaldahide stuffed .  Rot.  

mortifying and actionable in ynethical civitity laws in discores and fultility intent pin pinted with a real chip . In volved locational attact as Bookie deviant organized criminal not yet at the end of their ropes.shifting to shovel more. Into a large usa travling and local. 

the mass destruction, is not acceptable to my project and a pin point ponte peramid type snam , once in the aim landed tunkers in germany as well. CHINA president and government people used the large image of a tin dog enlarged snooy with several in side trampling others with nukesaimed while they can even swim .  In reality of a realized ethic. Lude . Is not exactly the descripion.  With saranac lake issues prior . Even in a totality of cashless broken slime racketters. they used fakeing a hasianda of portuloca finest .  In mucking cultual reality and blight intent in a jepg minute to whip their large blabbering butts in their lip jelling bold stern cock eyes ass .  My father stated :  a once years back,  the swindlers blighter pop minick of racketter testical and troller extremeist of viscios could not fight their way out of a pay per bag.  Daddy would have that right .  Never realizing that a blight was once moved into the rio grand .  Bean pinto pile in only a tiny mole hill. Today its that small again. Whilr the slimy sucktash swillers swooned the big time suching in a straw filledcwith covidvand sludge slinging payments in also fermalihide stuffed lips flapping no flapper air sprcialized finer speedy greater while the blight busum fermalihide puffes swelled filler of giant hot dogging , in thier piss puddling deception scam.  Big big bigger swelker like the real peta ' of the hindenberg engineers and cuplets xuplings slingers of beek lips .  On one end and beek test tubers on the other. While the tulip planting of historucal cultured usa shipped from holland in honoe of historical genius from africa are a crushed delay. Mostly dilly . Not the dill brunch sumner lunchon project planned, then planned again and again after a long cold winter of 14 years maybe 16 .  Of a extremist aimed blight , in a born breaded usa . Most good mannored at others tables and graces all good. Racketters perked withbno cash .  Scrapping sides for a scam not to look like pick pockets in the bull pen ,  infest .and aimed pennied from heaven , or rust. 

to rov the usa in glazed donut eyes circling like sweeting pigs in a blanket.grape leaves baked in saysages stuffed looking to extort even a cultual irish drag .

riper and sure no neopolitain oce cream boxed at the large dairy yet.  Fleese leaped on rain deer back to bite . And cause wrenching infected big top tents mostly. Graizer in to digging spudnic potatoes .knoen .  Yucon Potatoes Butteywhile the ripe hunters aim to dig good soil and see a sitting on top to pin piont a big dig hand slung wrencherd . One potatate wash by one pototoes .  Dirt with gripoing hands and petri dish beeked punitive prayers - oh oh. With homos . In the oposite vorner plyering a hooker bit map .  Reading the next hopper rip off. EDVARD HOPPER actually. 

wax waining cake. For the usa,whiped grine furile act of actiobavle rot of unethical pin pointed to gain even a grip sqeeze to queezy blue bird egg beeking .  Too. 

OF COURSE RUSSIA, and the homor to many very lovely largest obit realities is still unrealesse secret . Or delays with a extreme concern of the dignartary reality of my years and many established hard worthy projects that are in the reality of devil and the deep blue sea . As a song written by my darling political dignary GEORGE HARRISON . 

whom was the JESUS CRISTS , in the blue golden Honored seat. A misfit, misfits . Seething at the joy of russia .  To wear four golden large crosses only pinned to their nose. In russia .  Now self placed in a willing hoped ready and .  Deaf. 

waiting ready to soak up the esteem.near a .  Love notes honor in russia.  HIDY HOW, saif as hi ho .  

crosses stacked in a board fermadihide chest .  sunken treasures .  Misfit . delivery special currier . Before the flight planes that were concerns were with a usa reality to rip out that lead in to anu firther og the mouse ka ka tears .flee leapshins par tied . Pupu plates .  

mostly the bow peep canes leading a tiny school boy girl knoen as tatoo. As denis rodman sports in one of the most historical photograpic jerolist honored statements empiriled in my love notes soon today. 

whole before the historical political photo message honored in a rare day at love notes : 

from the world cgamopion cultural sports political and educational dignatrsy Denis Rodman 

First a fish tale before the gold fish finale 
WITH A NOTE; t" the rain . Yes ce. hobinaro chili peppers.  Ce. Rain rolled down from the tampering in a sky of creliaan royal spainish blue, Verde boionois vistasalways. Seas of salt. Strait finest of the salt city of only one. Uno. 

prema ' liche' golden of the cow to tend the maza ' of latin spainish a mayan golden clock fine of the anchent modern true step of softly a somba of a sombraro proudest. Ce. .  

Of the rain in only one yard greenest crde ' manifique, sweet maza and whete . Mango and papaya  of GOYA . a man once only before the giants began bold strern work ? Ce. A work of GOYA  one man always. And now GIANTS . of the love to hombre'  sugars of spainish recipes of crisp flan delughts finest pilrd highest whipped cream . Atop a crunch of delucate pastery puff eased . Cut in to s dish cup with peulayye papaya spices coilis. Adoren with GOYA chocolate expresso sepciality rare.  

THE mocking beek . Swerved .  Sat upon the teradectole set ready at the verde sea side mingo spainish aristocary of a order of ethical from myself a princess.the teradeslcile sitting loe tide, red tides . Too. And fleese streched lump humpers .  And tiny tatues leaped to the back of the rare hides of teridectile backs.  Not saying a word.  

RAIN ON THE GREENS . worms ripped into the smallest patch of good soil and sqirmed . They squrmed slick with satiated slime slicking and diving bomb diving and mud dives while in one day , the wormes were seen dried up. Crunched 

sitting like pork rind only smoles stuck on the lower end. Seperated .and spacious skys .  COVOY NOTES soon . honored bbq is upset and delays very serious.   Russian bbq delay except for oh ho the dairy oh del Rio.  ( SHORT FOR DIVORSE. ). FROM THE RUSSIAN MILLITARY FINEST ,  while there was a HOTNLIPS HOOLA hand in the Siberia with an order to the sled dogs wolves Siberia to lead the slay .  Ordered from the Kremlin and three former presidential images of Russian royalty. Two prime ministers and a royal hard working brilkant Russian Government and millirary . Emailed me. I was honorable to reply to the kremlin as he ask for my reply. Thoughts : I said YA YA. no whip. Sweet wild wolves came in from the reserved and sat to be royal in a sled lead rußian style royal wolves RUSSIAN SIBERIAN ,. tundra ready. Sweet jewel gold nurtured collor leads . 


everywhere. JUST a ringe of grizeled pork fat waitung for ENGISH SQUASH . 

in quabec ? oh.  Not one worm sqirmed to a greater sky to slime the soil .when they all could grip the decenvy only bringing a dry pork rinde image not even .a ringe corn ceisp poi dlavor rind.

Vladimir , Mick .Elvis. and Xi. With Clint . David Letterman , Rob Forbes. Martha Stewert . Sent use back packs for strolling . WithArnold. JOGHNNY . paul. george . ringo . the who . DICK CAVET. abe shizo prime minister , king Charles ,  
laurn baccal ?

preston . And raph achiloes . Columbia college student trips. Sweet darlings. 

got to go and look through the invite ti the billyard specialist of ENGLAND . AND Scotland , Poland and czech republic and then the oh swened denmark with everyone frim society . ucla .  Which devison ? Barishnekov and Rudolph Neryeve, ce.  SpeedOscar ship to ups with a code emailed . Be ready. Modest brief speedo update. Men swimmers .  

columbia south ameruca and EGLISH SWASH . SPORTS FOOTBALL SQWASH TEAMS . invites 

more rudolf .

the rain. Ah 
. Dried crunchy breath worm stuck 
AND READY. .FOR THE TERADACTILE BACK AGAIN AND THEN again .  Russian are heading to red square and millitray hour breaking to email the kremlin and stroll . in honor.  Not just the love of others repairing the great wall that honored China ' s great wall too. 

more soon.  As we look at .the Russian Honor and concerns . Russian Pressure . With greatest honor toward the Kremlin noted love inbmore than devout great effect for Russian cultual incredible worth. jack and the bean stolk .is curious .when someone enters the giants lofted castle atop a cloud and sees the achieved real egg of gold . from a fait of goose well .  Unfettered nurtured lovely life. What becomes of the bean stolk of gullet tungs. ? Soon you will knoe everything , 

11:14 pm AUGUST 16 TH 2024. good day to you alleverywhere ,. Thank you to all the very good lovely people for arriving in Fairfield Connetiuct , and into the dunking donuts I am in now at 11:16 pm . With hen pecking of a issue of .ass aim alliteration toward me and my real assured realized many over millions usually to me in most invites of even a lovely villa bear hunt that is exciting with photographic historical event and architecture fun. MIDDLE EASTERN AND FAR EAST FOODS. in Fairfield CT. USA have been notable to enjoyed food to return and tell everyone the lovely services and experiences , peeking through the meek land of funny walks, of few holy roller racketeeringmalicious, used usa as a garbage pit. And waited for the chance to be released of the tunnel of laoth, racker cock eyes to then rip into the cash pot ideas of any, planting them selves like a pinto bean ingest of diabolical ease to locat and kick me and take more charry cake recipes ideas and book materials . ie: muse ready to entertain the masses, with hides of gold painted thin veiled chopper. Of fakes and fraudes , aimed pointed and arrived to shake knees.  

with refreshed great flags in red white and blue waving . real golf pots. planting pinto beans or by one ready to leap for the finest pinto horse as a USA indigenous horse, racer in Arizona wild west gold rush movie from the 1970's extremesist of the national crisis of a internal domestic issue capped fast of the very harrible oil embargo scam.  

with somes slime act of intent in cornering me with insulting pettifoiric night mares of the lovely kind pleasant reality of all my many events and invites .  And a scamming plot to aim in sepeation of the grand ( $$$) big top scamming of the flying trapeze act of unethical cock coa eyes actionable extremist.  In submerged googling of gold battalion. 

AND INHUMAN INDIGNATE PLAHUES OF DISMAL COVID ' cocking at the usa , one dart at a time corking of the bulls eyes dart boards. 

The racketters swatted to line in and spit at in dismal tackle and bait stench.  Wwll known tactical crap shooters in foot ball pro league. 

using a mini and micky mousing deprivation swaming scam . Flying on the seat of their pants in name dropping everyone reality of excitmrnt while the ponte minion cash grippers skip like fleas in the next flea circus scams.  And extreme in clustering brutality word sliming over shooting in ear range over slap.  Knoen in the USA as slap stick vaudville skids. 

I wish to be totally clear of the peita'scamners of saviors knon now as Jesus criste. 

insular towards the invited and decency , while scamming swatters to locate shove and circke the reality of super stars.  Mostly with the speeds 

MENTALITY ; or aimed minion paid ? In gift stolen foods from racking it up near a prestigious time invite with some muccacho fraud in an edvard monch painting knoen in getman expressionism as the famous painting a usa painting " the screem". A tactic after over slap and crushed shellings. From the beemis tikes.  

( TIKE ) is a tree wheeled motor trike tiped with fuzzy fab, long rutty neon shage often seen with a rider that dones a blow up doll as a partener to be seen riding on the mighty trike up in the rumble high chair seat. 


of course i mean blow up baloon shaped full dolly. Unlike the baloon blow up bozo the clown boxing bag .manufactured in the 1970's while duddly Moore of the country of England, may show off his fine expression of martini with a gazing ball sparkling fine romance of his polyfill latex ballon dolly antidotal film . HISTORICALLY , in secular scenes only Duddly Moore brilliance worth the email from Duddly Moore whom graciously flew in from England for his quiet lovely gracious arrival to sweetly blow me kisses in his fine sensibility with such a fun we all were with millions I was fortunate to see in Newark New Jersy arrived just lovely everyone. Everywhere.  While stating some love in all gracious words as some are unavoidable .and in a stern grasioysness .  being forthright when racketters aim to ruin and sabatoge my bear hunt and lovely gentle projects. And mense opulent projects. With red cross sand bag lies and slam swatting pecking . Aimed with minion and extremist fraudes. It is a time to be gracious of the honored worth and times to note the indigant slime names as they exist.  with malicious actions. In their golf - green gone and flagrant butts snagging a bent cockbeye . Pin pointed aimed .  In stagnation.  Of mass racketer resignations .  nesting pecking of hainMoore. 

As in Haincock (fabricstion giants ). English 

duck cotten.  

while I wish to say: my automobile tire was aimed at, and I do have a repair to get through far from my hotel.  I have project schedules many to see in proper schedules and my calender is never delayed in a wait from weight gashing sticky tuned rackettes and a late envy of a general Robert h.  of a math paper of calculations with calculated risk .  Using my card deck . In an orbit that has no sifted cards of any to a cock eyed parle' idiot type of gambling choked up hurrah . Of indigant failed graces. 

cheeta lined the street with bright teeth in Russia with a great victory parade . On the kremlins and the real work of the Royal Russian government and millitary with a issue. And no real reality of the peril honor in full .  As a center foigias foi pa. While I myself sent the catered royal menu of my own project in my opulent fine detailing to honored specialist . And a geo bend , swerved . To stand in front of the many presented kremlins entry in a great expectation carried out to some important planning of mine.  the honored . Specialist got the menu , sitting days and nights.  And never even a tea break or coffee break.   And the thrust .of a nut hatch barreled toward the entry of the kremlins door.  With a doci dow.  

Bowing with cheeky gouling. Where is the princess Tracy Suzanne Picketts gold design chairs go? the teeth of the nut cracker sweet shon. Specialist didn't have time and sky box unbelievable in inandatio. Far more than Russia had .  names de chomp " theory in the modern museum of art depictions poly. In Paris France museum du pomidue . The modern museum grand sologhn museum of France world e
Renowned waiting on my work in person after our Manhattan meetings years now.  Dilly dally delphine rudabichia. 

General whom .  With doctor who ? 

are you really a Russian aristocratic as I am with Russian aristocracy dating before  ,my histories of fammille' of before 13 century.   

Did the dog eat your paper.  Or not.  get up on your hunched and use your pencil work for the new ear debate team- lined up behind you. 

planting pinto beans in my project - due to my speedy success.  Never measuring your thrust to send live turkeys to dump over russsia for thanks. Givings.  measure years of smoke stacks pointed in fire hyrend for tank shops ? Orbit , project invited. No. Hogan clink and clank  

SERVING MY ROYAL MENU LUNCHON Swiss lingerie twisty sour poxi sticks .  Stick out your tung , as also stated by Albert eighnestian . My close lovely friend.  sir Albert emailed : stick out your tung . With wringing out my time .  Not orbit project reality. Not a plan .  A issue and my cards involved with extreme issues of this matter with extreme issues in the bag egg envious of a issue of large largest . Russian royal honors of a extreme success .  And a pond pull pit. Of some lame pittance earned of merit to see a smile of 2021 moscow Russia.   

and extreme honor realuzed . With a Mish mosh . No. when the gold ingots are counted with Russian perils the tevelvion screen second catch screen new views , russia street wise news there was a shuffling scorn .  Frumbled .  

and the vote and offer to be in the postion of kremlin was intact honored and realuzed of sir Vladimir Putins efforts and he could be fishing instead .   honored work in the millitray of recent solute to my efforts and a fist .  In the interiors with a wrestling proper invite. with a few turbine women .  As a Russian.  Upset looking at a general doctet who? 

The large Russian Country of great citizens even some that were accidently swatters with white wall tire paint in a few times unpleasant , Lined street to work and have a greatet eye into the smallest entry banks and shops and table tops chairs chair by chair the people in Russia stopped, unpleased then said ; to a small big time few that leaped to rightchair . ( hand shakers , in the language of native American cherriki) highchair.   Hand shakers saying putter their pal. As the Duke of cow boy fighters John Wayne said in famous political films



Brilliant Russian and Ukrainian were no longer wearing spring eye balled glasses popped.  

And PLEASE THE VOTE WAS IN THE REAL DIAMOND LEAGUE GLOBALLY . while the idea in general whom , andvthe pinto bean plants . we pish poshed . And even canceled the Russian, cheese line for linberger and no no to cheese lines in Russia, from a princess . Everyone said we'll yes . Also of course grandure of real Russia.  In love notes remembered as too are increadible government worth.  ROYAL MILLITARY EXCELENT realized .  

the people of Russia: all said : who go there ? with greater cultural and delayed thanks giving . 

waving orange blue and white flags in hand . In that imperial majestic statement in reels .  A gut trench of empty envied shirts stuffed silently slapped their knee like papa and mama .  Claus. 

Orange flags you didn't ' for my company at love notes of my sweet company larger than Texas rummpus . No rubble seat royal school lessons in some important foi pa gaituiis years. 

you all are sweet . Youth in gold standards and great math and extra curriculsr busy studies and your messages of love Russian style.  It's shaken not  stirred martinis everyone. Childern non alcohol Grenadines and dry ginger ale ginger beer soda too . Non alcoholic lovely drink special martini for our clam roast steemer.  ORANGE FOR MY COMPANY , WITH HONORED notes more as Russian royal millitary and the kremlin sir Vladimir Putin and KGB. are assured of every peril worth. 
minute by .minutes more a moral love to you all. While I see my orbit  with excellence in the 007 star starlight- with a rip on the toll of bitter rye.  

thank you with love, ah Indian Foods fairfeild are delicious and it's nearing bikini time in fairfeild with a few of my extremely serious comments and mortifying details in consideration breif standard to my closure on rot. Facing the usa green ticket results and a hot wheels track rotary session .  No music and no reach to rip my worth as minutes and no concessions in the matter.  There are serous comments and a extreme in financial and personal attacking .  That are to be in plain view .  The aim at CPA in the USA was with stuffed shorts and stolen vino ' stolen minutes and I myself will not see a second rate pupu autumn cainm . Swerving the Russian orbit as seen just tipping a scale . Scaling Russian building . 

When I recieved my gold flyer de Lia metal of honor from the country of France. The tall slender large mass of mental beutiful nature of the women whom stood to present a speach of honor said : with the graces of the gold metal flyer de Lia.  Honor . She said: opulently ., you are within the worth of France as a honor rare toward a specialized worthy lovely effort special toward the very brilliant graces you extended of the very best of your esteemed efforts as the very glorius brilliance we adorn with our own self aconolgey inteneltual graces to you.  With honor. As she graciously raised a flute of glasses finest in champagne cold chilled ducce. ( pronounce duck). With my gold metal on my lapel to wear everywhere. 

what excitment and very nervous to gentle express my very happy tears of great humanity largest broadly of beginnings humble . Work hard . And leisure of reached grandure.  Never a minute to waste. Looking at the laege graces of all the worth. Never to forsake.  

With a concern today far reaching is a opulent reality toward a dissemination which reaches Italy with st Francis as my friend and the pope of the Royal Italian Vatican.  to reveal a negative ogar eye cock ca aimed at me and the Kremlin 
with a boomerang to a arangatang lighting in a excuse the dog ate their paper in math . 

THE RUSIAN SPECIALIST ,. AND ROYAL MILLITRAY IN all . I DID SAY ALL SILKENED THEIR LIPS IN plum opulents awaiting the plum waltz high royal tea event ib Russian red sqare of an event invite to everyone and Russian specialist and the royal Russian millitary . While early this morning in one of many meetings I called a attention to a pop quiz in all pencil and paper work for a 4 :00 am quiz in the morning of August 16th 2024 . While the emails flooded my box with some Russian millirary opinions to love notes as one was : a large green suited attention of a platoon specialized in , communications specialist engineers whom gathered to hold up a large flag with Jesus criste' pointed at general whom wuth doctor who 

AND THE DANGALAING PINTOS . once German cousins once removed into usa army aimed as doper co- op farm ropers .  Bean pinto ready.  most headed forvthe fort Knox ingot banks in the jazz club opulent hang out for wealthy . Knoen as the MOUSES EAR. 

into oak ridge and the gatlin boides. Spudnik. 


ornl owels . 

off subject : 1:40 pm or not .  we will be with no concessions of beeker theory in the look at tomorrow .  as the time is not an expense to a large gift card . and some success in laege merits . Are of greatest importance for myself in my interupted sabatoged aimed intended concerns and as I always reason well. A time to see a larger greater ., fortitude as not to absorb that of nothing of my work worth efforts honored work at large . To see a such . Pish  posh scattered like sour tomatoes in a futile renosancy horse pole volt fight of the falls hood of royal knights of the real round table. One pole attackeer on a largest horse a midget .  Ramming into terrible Ivan on a bigger horse right.  In a large set of tailored silver metal sites horse trotted jouewst envy poles . Knocking a pole in in a small swamp.  Hidden behind the large metal knight suites . With buffoonery and no audience.  Of the empty trot fencing horse poled volt jab of the pole javiles jovilee off their horse in slow trattoria with a bow. 

TOMATOES IN WINDOWS in russian shops on streetsred glorious bowls finest .are opulent jewel scorn in moscow Russia today that line the moscow expressions saved from sour pixi sticks with no chocolates . Of course the reflections of the Easter Chocolates lavish . Worthy loved. All over the world. 

SOS: in the late day today will be refreshing . 
and details of the results are very important in a honored respect to myself my nurtuded well worthy gentle lovely extensive work and loved liesure of my utopia . While the general whom is seen with my stocking and my gold chair and shoes. Silk dresses and royal menu running bend over backwards to deliver my boxes of opulent special recipes my own prepared by Russian tge kremlin' s ROYAL CHEF and prep chefs then the general Oscar Meyer ran combing his pampered coffiere cut hair peace from a French import merchant.  Plopped on to the generals head . While it was a big day in rbe history of specialist and russian aronotical engineers whom are not thee specialist stidies merits real. , the sultins of swing. Secret addresses in my worldy books exist.  

blue sky sultons  ' have secrets . True. Though today ., some doctor who and general delph. Afe busy .  unprepared . Shuffling , a sifting shrouding an apitite for a gold platter ready for interception . For the big minutes of tbe kremlins arriveal to bring in the gift catering rotal menu, as the general said .i know. And severed the gold platters myself . qith a brass lamp on each plate setting as a favoiure' to thrn rub and make three wishes . Reqested from general whom. Scaulphing kremlin , sit vladimir Putins veey estemed minute important to the fines realized noble kremlin was asonished . The gold plater . You knew. Served thee gold platter many the general attained he did. Yes.  I knew. Thee three thousand gold platters of royal event specialies from princss Tracy Suzanne Pickett .whom emailed exreme honored event detailes devulged in to my orders to see the thanksgiving menu perfect as a honor event toward the histocal acheiced princess and specialist and blue sky sultins of swing .communication asrto . Repaired redundant .  And . Yes the generals eyes pointedly looked at himself smiling . Then pulled out a small gold locket mirror straiting his hair peice tupee' .  

GENERAL WHO . Said . delicios flambe ' and the kremlins walked through with everyone looking at their monolith .

the brass lamp ? On tbe gold tray .ah.  wished one specialist said : how many jelly beans in a dish? 

thanks giving day .general whom with doctor who. Formerly doctor who .from the bleek broken show of a second street car.undesirable working it. Assumptiong asprin ex phone operator .asprin sales formerly a car cab chaser with pickle juices shots . Who .doctor who . To you mermered the side cast in a small entry waiting for gold . Stalls. Out on street wise news russia.  General who .mmmm took the next delivery seriously too.  

news in international press statement were obstructed. time and minutes obstructed . And the general peered . Into scrub  pat of butter off his shirt tails.  one speciais said : hey man get off of my cloud. 

russian meeting notes : today., are urgent and many upsets in a concern as i said, with a card i sent to the kremlin .and the card was missing . 

The general said : i didn' t know. Four hundered thousand silk dress orders in the small note of the card.darling kremlin could you pick them up at the post office with my moscow shipped design computer business special countour clotheries from fine china merchants that have been ready to ship three years.   

my email is not working suddenly , my online tools are in a repair again, my car was recently hit with atomic slung hand thriwn close range sludge. My typo errors are attacks in switched flip letters aftet readi ng the proofing. My photos are being obsrurcted slusge slung at my face and clothes . My essential were aimed at. Some one used my card to specualist , as a lamp shade in russia darling and swirled the historical orbit success waving it to use as a turkey fan tail dan, ce. 

with indigant, mutterinb masa masa . 

the specialist and blue sky specialust . Savedvtheir brass lamps .  Tucking in their shirt tales even flight jet teams with royal millitary are preparing the royal jet againbin caring clean up . To line Mthe staire with red carpet and set out tbe russian sultin brass lamps on all steps up. In the royal jet princess one. To rub and make three wishes for the general new mack french open to with tine to think over book otions eat more cherry cake flambe ' freshest and of  course gain the royal treatments in full view of all. Everywhere all over the world.  With two more wishes . 

pinto salle ready .   while the oscar merer traditiobal hot mobile is ready to great the general whom with opulent flare hip,.

Russian , thankfully were with the savvy vote. And lovely lovely messages to me, with specialist all over the world realizinf the incredivle honored reality to russian royal appointed specialist and the navy of royal russian updates of extreme concern of each issue with my shoes aimed at and counting . 

Perils. My upset seeing my menu gift , of such angish in the greater schedule of the kremlin my darling to have such enjoyment serving our planned scheduld gift. To enjoy schedules and the orbit has been menised - in 1,300 million desks. with a swift swish of the greatet reality of focus in factual theory realized.  Of my own worth. Outlining the extrodinary work in real efforts of royal russian millitary , are remarkable ,. While as lovely wendel powers said: it sonetimes only takes one, hatching a seat on all that focus .  

the tale of twittly dee and twittly dumb . Is from my rotal childerns books before i began kindergarden .  twittleee dee? Whom . Twittlee dumb who.  

certainly i can not justify the issues in a perfected orbit orcgastrated sucess of the focus importance . Of a , envy of whom to menice any of my time AND  over look the imence importance of my efforts to be far extactly as successful in a absolute plentitude I myself achieved .   The urgent issues is extreme in a exrodinary reality.  Menicing of whom go there ? As told boldly in the childern political theorist quizical tales of the fable of JACK AND THE BEAN STOLK . of course the giant magic beans , sold , to climb into the giants golden cavets of extrdinary worth, to upset the love and slumber cultivated life of a real giant . oh the upsetting torrent of seeing the roast beef carvers with hoisting the golden shoes designs of the giant and the giant magnificent goose whom lays the golden giant magnificent eggs.caught hiding in a water can , rain barrel . When landing upon the cloud giant of the giant themselves .  Upside down in the water barrel the roast beef eaters grappled in fine pinky tea times. Not once thinking of the finest . Of families.  And minutes of what giant golden eggs mean.  The feet of those beef eaters heard the giants large soft firm upsetvoice. Shattering with golden singing harp in their hands .and the giant goose giant eggs . The beef eaters rumbled names each other rumble still skins . Skeins ( extrodinsry hand cut fabric designs ). While fainting back wards in a bend twirling a aw, tumbling into weeds in a water bog.of Lillie's whitest of the big valley . Shattering shuttered at the real majestic voise of a real giant . Hide with your fingers on the giant keys rumble dee dumb dee 

HANDS in to the flip of the back in white Lillie's bog barrels . Water rain barrels .the small meety legs frog like upside doen in the barrel caught . And grappling with apples lidded mergers ideals.rumble stile' ( sketch pencil or pen inked ready quill : French word stile" ink pen for sketching evermore ). A tall barrel giant .quickly fold the legs get the apple barrel lib fast. THE GIANT is awake from a needed slumber of earnest peace. A DREAM ONCE. Fai fi foe fumb .there is a blood . Important of an Englishmon.  Upset the giant closed the door far above the size of most any. Seeing nothing unusual yet.locked the door so large in the kitchen entry , with a large granite of Italian black ebony marble square .the giant moved the square block carving marble, to the barrel to move from the counter. Placing the gental largest square abalone black Italian imported expensive marble on the bog apple lid rain barrel of purest whitest bog Lillie's of the valley in beautiful clumps .  It was so peaceful and thrn lunch with a giant finest sandwich grilled specialty crap Rangoon.  

FLOPPSY AND MOPPSY , AND RUDIBECHIA . AND THEN RUBBMLER OF THE STILE' SCHEIN KIRENE' all rump up with legs bent like leaping frogs ,  bull frogs .  long leaped liepschiens  brungels RUMBLERS .SNAKE HANDLERS. CLAIM TO need money to buy a cow to drink best milk and assure their mothers better. . 

wiggling in silence at the top of the barrel with wet rumpuses .and shivering chill from the leap backwards into the bog water barrels rain water barreled hidden , covered in scented whitest Lillie's of the valley the mere merry goaters rumbus roast beef eaters . Did not move .arms around the large golden singing harp and then hugging the golden eggs giants from a tugging at the goose to squeeze. Hoping the goose was quiet. pull pittedand soaked . Curious of how to escape their own faite self made. Never looks so upsetting . Torrtial tears. With the abalone black marble largest Italian block of grainpginite marble.  Not room to shake a knee, and the apple lid wouldn't pop .

Feet of feat with their ears pressed against the sides of the barrel they leapebackwards in. Listening as the giant left the giant kitchen much much larger then the meek smallest puny lashed tiny beady eyes , of the rumbpulled stile scheins cadre of a wrong .  The giant began looking for the singing harp giant golden singing harp and got sleepy. Decided to slumber.  

the quiet was the most quiet ever. THE GIANT thought .unusual.  

8:25 am meeting insight in Russian Pressures with extreme sabatoge noted . directly from the Kremlin in a finest analysis from my request of fine extridinary specialist . SOME SKY SULTINS OF SWING . other internatiobal analysis of consult in sutlins royal yes. Of swing. 

read : the kremlins notated update,  whole jot my meeting at all. I set a formal meeting tomorrow originally at 4: 00 am to a pop quiz specialist enjoy .  While my meeting time schedule is changed to 2:00 pm and it is a orbit pop quiz for all orbit russian royal millitary specialist with all consult of the sultins of swing invited to pop quiz required to specialist in Russian orbit project agreeable loved by specialists . And excessively urgent in a deterant of savatoge . and I will open my note books to everyone as to why . There are such imidiate realities of the turn of t h e tides , of extreme in a considerable internatiobal level of international press - setting the realized achievents ,honored work and strident focus into the extrodibary gold jewel setting prawn repairs of a gracious periling importance of thee princess Russian orbit project. Rather important to known exactly more.  After my 2:00 formalized meeting tomorrow , with pertinent notes in the international press of love notes directly , my efforts tomorrow will be with a press statement of some , expossee of the kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin's very generous and extrodinarily important poiniant statements in respec t s towards the lovely greater importance of the usa forth of July 2024 holidays  within the highlights of exceptional extrodinsry work of the kremlin himself in a cultured achieved reality of peace agreements in person events invited from north Korea and Vietnam of extrodinary historical importance to RUSSIA , Europe,  South America and Canada and the  south seas , with realized importance to the USA with serious , times  towards evoking aimed extremist of large gross negligence.  Menicing racketeering of malicious fiber with distorted lies aimed at greater decent people. With a new era of lovely worth in achievement very realized in transcripts that are of merit eaqualing achievement now for so many of a two year earned work credit of college level associates college degrees . With transcript records of effort high . Great real efforts . real. Even unemployed in life credits two year college level achieved in associates level degree of a merit of college achieved . With India  records offices . And jot released yet. Honored usa people you are. Internationally too well done Everyone.  Apologies for the delay in further gold standards notations important.  

All over the world.  You made it. Congratulations to every one in all the lovely RETIRED TOO. LIFE  efforts well done . Bravo '


AUGUST 16TH 2024 , 3:15 PM , 
Hello everyone. Of course thank you for being in fairfield Connecticut USA and all whom have had Faire events in other states of the usa in cities of more than can be imagined looking at a map , in just the usa, thank youfor your kind messages of extreme in so many. Thank you. i created a large royal sketch today to look well at some furthering royal sketch work, concerning in moscow russia, actuallu of course, we all need to realize that terrible veiner shnizel , can occure, and a ophelia , of the ancient writtings of noble literature in shake spere : can at times be realized of a repunzel and opheilya can be a issue when it has russian crosses gold in honor thar were shipped to the president . Czar of russia and not a ophielia . Oph for the abriviated spelling in BRITTISH ENGLISH LITERARY  SCIENCES .

or ophan . or , a issue in orbit, aimed at RUSSIAN of extrodinary honor of remarkable real worth in even my orbit reality, that is a .enicing of ophers. From a gutter ripped to no math high enough, a father and mother esteemed,,  ophers , seen and with cauloflower ears deaf.  picking the delphinium which will never regrow and trillium that never replants in any othet space, to flower every spring through all seasons , evrn prime rose picked into over depleted and non abundant to ship to the usa from england real prim  roses grown with a intensive natural growth , now is a bashmet . And the russian ophs were .  Sorrowful pity. Defiant of some periling real, all in the largest success, adoring my efforts too. 

the large pho. Oph. Griller shreiked . sets of square downs .in red square, buckled knees . SCATTERED .AROUND a oil barrel to flame up and warm their hands ,before russian blue sky kidders .got to the strait .  A-z and not zztop exactky to grip the original  meaning of deep purple , and Jim Morrisons song long ago Smoke on the Water .usa .1974. Originally and nieve russian were with splender in a ahip shape stern, not changed today either.  All aboard ,. To sternly boot a ophannany nanny gigger in the russian entry to navy excelence  and a ground of incredibke esteemed reality of incredible work. Captian crunch ophilia .  With a issue aimed at my schedule and not really orbit focus. Is a big sorry day in russian serious government that is rather stern importance in all of russia of potatoe ears .   AND SOME POTATOES ,

they are, with Russian Largerst graces , and a scrimish small mig. tig.  more tigger of the classic take book reading of classic winny the poo. Except the reality of ophilia and oprphanny caption Jesus criste , is the word putter putter,with a colidascope in the sky. Tooting swill at. The sight of the golden eggs of giants ,some even super stars, made to carry gargoyles,  and lears.  OPHIS GOT TO BE SEEN MORE , from the shore and even the yellow submarines of my love notes and that lovely song from my darlings the Beatles.  Boy friends many arriving in our 007 SECRET, in the music compostions YELLOW SUBMARINE.  Paul,  John. Ringo and George, created together  in a special convergenc. my meeting in Moscow are riggerous , as is Vladimir Putin's  , with a turnakit REAL IN EVERY WAY ,IN RUSSIA TODAY .  as a reality of a burst artery issue and the navy is moving on a clipper decisions fast to assure specialist and thee real blue sky kid teams. 

North South East and west ,  under my recommendartion and the reality of a assurance in my orbit to of course clip .  A ophilia yum yums. And assure the reality to clip a wide mouth bass slippery gripper . Of rackettering in a aimed issur george harrison wrote several music compostions and produced films about. One was thr devil and the deep blue sea.  with a dismal open mouth bass tent crush bashmetter palmetto ' Paper of stripped leaves of again and again the beautiful palmeto leaves adorned with the lush incredible spainush mosses. OF COURSE , at the smaller entry the  Charleston South Carolina beach public , open all l24 7 352 to all , all year forever usa .In your way to hunt for real folly fa la
  beach where fort muoltry is a finest history which includes chocolates . The real history from only my book.   

There is an issue in .my orbit Russian project rather as important as my breath of  all my worth of my real larger incredible loved worth in my work,. Lectures honored projects schedules in no obstructed smash up gash issues before in millions of whom arrive just for my birthdays as far back as the Russian Hill Syracuse new york pic nics with the beatles too and Vladimir Putin whom flew in. With many others. 

we shake it up. 
While no one in slimy bass , widened mouth bass issues never aimed blight at any thing i schedule and enjoy my perfect worth. There is a issue and the gaite agrigated in russia open a wide mouth bass,  ship wreck .  Wobbling knees.  

strait , in the regions of the love of russia of the royal prussuan royal commons of blue  waters of the deepest in whales in,  balugas to love filmed strait from the swiftest water prussuan strait that is.  culture russian with love from me, princess tracy suzanne pickett 

my online work was under a four day attack and knocked a kick in my sale literatre post yesterday , no clipper in. streey wise in russia and then   gam, bles . With an sos in specialist of royal russia , ie; consult in the sultins of swing, : defining needs imidiate in clipper . OF THE REAL LUNAR MOON  

not seven suns .  CLIPPER in.  Ternaquites everyone .   waves of the tale of the baluga . ? 

AUGUST 17 th 2024 , 1:49 pm 
HELLO to my mother whom I have not seen a text message from with her sweet prompt usual reply as mine is a prompt reply usually as well. How ever, some emails were missing and I read the update from sir Vladimir Putin on the matter and some were with missing text in address and phone and text updates. Even with the many extra extrodinary messages in utube reels and other in person type of messages and grocery meets, etc, with mark  from the usa mews show even arriving to an area to give me flowers with a spe ial message,  . There are some pertinent areas of subject matter to cover while millions of traveled arrive in fairfeild today, even south american billionAires. Friends of mine.  I have a slight slow down with some extra work in a meeting in many Moscow meetings. The kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin sent me a email late last eve before our meeting in morning subjects, like banana pancakes , with some email secrets , public on the kremlins world wide web site, in austentagious written kremlin antidote , not humorous at all, of a issue in the russ, not exactly russian of a few whom were , menising aim to meningitis,  tackling boxers,  dicer '  with a reciever of even the kremlins four gold honors cross metals of the magna cum laude' honors, of Royalty metals . with the upset of orbit , the reality brow down towards very esteemed millitary dignitaries were a considerable realized need to important clarity even in international press notes at love notes.   While incredulous , others in a veey small sqwandry , russ, not russian exactly, as preened a mock, advantagious saved by russians from a orphanage sea bound, dingy.  Today of course, the consern of such a entry to orbit , is with extreme noted russian noted revelry : exposed en large : like the painted opulencent work of artist master painter, in france , as spainish piccaso , took a pencil and painted six finger sa. lia, of a one handed ghent triptical school of non more than nude conflixion , aimed this time now , rather at plucking orbit , in  squandery , interfering in specialist and other specualist pushing possees,  

In a issue in st petersberg russia , at a museum on a small goose pond, 20 aimed agreements were signed under the , scope , of scopes seen ,  viewable . Were aimed replicated ,  takes of my company , in my own work alone , many years,  while twirling in and around small ,  fish bowl spots in moscow and st petersberg wiyh public free operatiobal second screens to all of russia.

The russian finest millitray and the kremlin , museum was a more like loading the deck , in a pre fab large opulencet museum , up in 8 hours, and then recent , shaking hands , in a few bad , that gained , a generals , aime to menicing .

As the admiral of the navy said: envy , of success of the specialist and finest very noted millitary of a large all.  Evy , too in my historical success with specialist, with the kremlin, has been, softly i will chose to say,  turbulent,  .

The wide mouth bass, in usa racketeering aimed to rip , snort, and of course we knew, aimed conciderable intent to damage any. While diving for the arrow darts to a aim , in my villa and travel, and the russian news they tampored with aiming again in a , idiot quackery attack toward me, and the russian honored and the celebrathions of the fouth of july 2024 usa and russia peace events invited from nouth korea and vietnam , with more than europe countries excited of a ammended peace tiding from the kremlin and russians , of extrodinary efforts from Vladimir Putin , as a political diplomatic aristicratic , devouted success with all russian people of a very important reality of efforts reached making extrodinary successes in the royal fine country of russia.  

No zz top in russia today. 

5:42 pm hello everyone, thank you to many I have never met in person, for arriving and even in a bullish donkey pull, with extra lovely cares,  of a usa and thank you from myself, men and women , in turbulent  of best , times , I think I love you. My international press published notations in love notes directly may need an edit in some paragraphs, as there has been some extreme aim. And my upload to my. Sketches and photos and my personal photo archive wiyh film uploads are in a harrible aim and are so far in an extreme four day , urgent sos watch in specilits in Russian, which also include swift difficult attention in repair to a film and photo upload html issues and hyperlink program html repairs wiyh lenghtfilm. Uploads repairs and the surfining time was aimed at incrimebtally more today and yesterday and a extreme aim over five days , with some issues accesing my full emails to read, from everyone, and a issue with utube film issues with a splice in break up issue , recently in fine film and some concerns in a aim at my time , and a massive damage in my schedule amd contiuity of my lovely standard contectual specual form in my sweet company , and the speciaist are extending many extra efforts from royal russia. Sultin consults are very important at this very urgent upset , to my rare large media intetnatiobal work in the world.  

With further aim at my automobile and some concerning further minion issues primary at night more. My evening , has been somewhat a real pressure in some excelent efforts top notch real on extrodinary success , as the kremlin and the rotal of navy of russia, with large royal millitary are with a large notation of sabatoge , in the red square aimed at my work and esteemed time within specialist and one million three hundered royal russian millitary ground , European soil russia, whom are excessively incredible in every honor of devout ethical hard earned worth devout to russia well realized in esteemed success.  With several Toby prize victory parade weiners whom aimed to top all and rival any.  

The Russian Invite : From princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, myself, is with a t- shirt painting event for the a fast flip, in orbit , and even aasurance to the former prime minister of the royal russian parlement with extreme honors work, devout and high tax gain efforts to a wealthier russia, along side the kremlin sir Vladimir Putin.when we were caught .  Drinking a great glass of water, and some stiff noses , were , concerning , and believed there was no star board view. 

OF COURSE aftet they swung left. And disolved into a dingy ready with a huge number of bloe up baloon dalls .  , to sqire dan ce' in the dingy  with looking crowded, blow up dalls.  Pooph pooph poogj, they sang into the dingy singing jeramia was a bull frog , and faded out to the big blue sea.  In a dingy. 

We then opened the case of french dom parionon pussiasies fu mai.
WINE ,  and chilled well.extra ice water and the Russian brunch for Sundays in the royal progue park luxurious park publicly tables with a lovely permanent stone carved chess board tables and chairs chess ready . 

Invite: paint a red white and blue t shirt ,close fit or lose.  Russian , with a dart boards center black outter circle a orchards cadmium yellow ." security pho"  no zz oh top . siberian wolves are ready for the tundra run.  

tallest platform shoes ? And your fine jeans and a twill tweed ready for autumn with a matched wool new cardigan sweater. Go true russian .

invite : russian event. Even for littlest canooks. 
yes, everyone is invited all over the world.

mad russian love. 

please select a acrylic non toxic fast dry fabric paint set under $6.00 on ebay.  Japanese brand , or golden paint, Chinese brand or any you wish.

more soon . Sale update was in a extreme bitter aimed issue again yesterday and the kremlin is selecting the wolfs to lead the sled , in the last meeting message siberian tundra out back in hit hitching up the great russian wolf teams. .

Wild Thing , listen

7:33 pm update: studio studio at my very special studio vosse, is with my African Event Dress , from my photograph event in the exhibition from Manhattan of myself. 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

@ my very own  studio studio shoppe only online at studio vosse,  in quite a delay on my manufacturing of many designs and the African special event African Black Silk Dress for every size with opulent finest , day or evening .

everyone , all over the world , is invited to enjoy over 20 love notes , since 2022 Febuary into today from me exclusively  

 only me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

in my many love notes and more at my internationally honored , loved all over the world at my sole one person 

company STUDIO VOSSE. of over 20 years in extrodinary many world internationally loved projects,  directly all of me.  Wishing my sweet mom a very good evening with extridinary love and highest honored esteem. I love you very well my sweet mom. Wishes to you to spa days of healthy wealth in your beautiful spirit I adore. xoxo 

8:21 PM For my mother ' Ellie  M. Powers. A Graceful brilliant loveliest women. MA' MA' Triesse Via en aih souire'

with a finest Lull a bye in a piano conccerto ' of 21 variation of Bach, of piano arrangements of thee Glen Gould , MA ' Ma' Madamoiselle Ellie. 

9:44 pm scotti sky doggie , r no ru is costing mass issue from slonky's easy ride Russia,  invved with some issues in my surfing work and more in a lift off session section 8 Russia sky hawking .  
Wench reels , and a extreme issue which lines the streets in all of Russia with meetings recently in my invites with vladimir and all russian governors as well as others I have met in Russian largest manufacturing small business specialist , children groups,  youth groups, special literacy architecture groups. And more, with a issue of green envy in a sky spotty . That has sabatoges Russian specialist in extreme success and sabatoged specialist in the extrodibary communications world wide web repairs, of extrodinary succes, sky spotty one zz and the two zzz. , with cool and the vankas 

Yanka vankas . have a large open co ordinacy data bank, in my work review in over 250 European countries,  waiting for the big bang bang shrimp .,  and more purple hearts. 

The navy film of the Royal navy millitary of the lovely veey noble country of Russia,  film special at love notes planned yesterday to such a exciting invite in the love of my company and the amazing 150,000,000 people whom arrived in Fairfield upon my lovely veey graced invite , was ,was a dally in a spotty inRussia, in mingling and jingling , with severeal other insobordinats whom gave favore , sabatoging my company and that of a aimed in extreme aimed issues in russia, with a agreement of furthering a extre.e risk ,  aimed at my russian project orbit and aimed at over 150,000 of the worlds exclusive specialist of a divinity in actual newly advanced invention for the advanced real royal russian militray of a deterant , of usa unethical  extremist range. 

the sky dogging spotty, aimed to agreements signed in 20 of my designs seen by all russian millitray everywhere in reports and also agreements signed in a aim at a derailing to the people of Russia,  as those general h and spotty sky dogs sparing a room  in astrofeilds . RUSSIAN , in excelence if extensive many years.. 

As a issue re: aimed to rumple 20 or more of my designs and media moral projects I began in 2002, and slowly with love developed all details. With sky dogs spottties ' with general h, made a bea line to cause malicioysness towards governors in russia,Russia, abd aimed to dismatle the kremlins Office with a fake scuttle butting of a gobernatorial lie of a contest . While sabatoging my travels and the 1.3 million royal millitray work.  The navy film was aimed at in also my online work , in a conspired issue ,that was the russ. Sky dog , shotci  g. H issue is with a Russian Revolt, rather largest in the extreme link aim at my worth and lovely success along side russian specialist wiyh a rotal russian navy filmed honor to me in a meeting via real russia. 

There was more interference tonight, aimed at my filmed messages phone text online services auto and a gaite was lifted open to widest mouth bass in extremist of excessive unethical racketters in the usa. 

The flip side in the specialist success in Russia of the whole orbit reality was actually broken into as well. WITH INVITED , suckatash parties whom were stowaway whom entered the Ukraine in a unethical leap onto a usa shipping freight flight, then bolder dusted in faked polish house keepers in bremile sashes as milk maids in the big time.  With hands ready to aim bremil. Dremils .

slugging and sipping in Toby Mugs.  The issues I have are not gaining the expediant, resolve I must see to with extreme imidiacy .

With extrodinary nurturing from nearly 1.3 million royal Russian Millitray , with all my notations extended in honored and realized esteemed respect, as the kremlin sir Vladimir Putin is with an extended emailed note that the families of bold very honorably delightful,   lovely Darling blue sky teams AND others gave a assured realized , decent realiry for their families  important with a patent leather red go go boot order. To assured the orbit , in a swift swing of t he whales tale to see everything perfect in my lovely very darling schedule ASAP.

Let's Dance ,  David Bowie , Vlad, Xi , Abe Shinzo John ,George ,Ringo , and Paul , Mick, billy , Elvis, soon you will know everyone whom arrived. 

Listen it's darling David Bowie again so sweet in a personal message to me.. David message again.

we are all terribly sleepy . traveling .

George Harrison message 11:05 pm film  
books , and general h , ru general h. SPOTTY . 
books , hum .  More,  yes, there is a real wrestling match in RUSSIA. and a few tally ho teas , at the naval review gavlin. In 250  country reviews, 

August 18 th 2024, 12:00 pm USA,  fairfeild, and the very tears in my sweet eyes will not flow, a river of tears,  tears for the many national and international people for which , I love and adore the extensive lovely humility achieved , and that of brilliant enlightened , omni present refreshen breath, to know, I always believe in.

I can hardly wait to tell you the many .messages and kind delights extended of a reality of that in noble royal love, of a royal commons brilliantly kind and fierce in the face of devout honor toward me and a scrimmage of any whom would shatter the grounds in such sweet success and extrodinsry preparing of a good soil of rache americas , and usa to assure to reflect the forever gold standards worth tdiligent, exciting efforts in a grace of responcibility of ethics and retained reality of broadening into a infinit brilliant world, never too small for love, all over the world.  

the scrimmage: a russle of Wright,  not exactly right. While life breathable ginger soft lovely worth is not a foot ball game Crimage play.  

Not at all.  Organized crime racketters are malicious and some think the reality of lepprds and of course linx , which belond the reality of the sled run siberian wolf tunda ready run to the outback siberian ghost town .  Similar to the old conneticuit ster bridge village one mile route, in Hartford of a lesson in making hand made iron hand pointed either watting pan and screw drivers.  drillers and gold dust sifters , larger black one or two kettels to heavy to move, pounders , as an early child hood royal event lesson I was traveling invited to take in the obscure failing of a malicious Boiser, unethical embarrassment,  of torrent bad wind, traitors in the USA selling sand of time aimed to replace their incredulous hucking cork pullings. The fur snow cat lion known as the linx lives to clime the highest mountians in the european continent of the swiss elps. Linx are knoqn as the most ajile in speed and lenthy hundered of miles travel. Sweet little lions , i love seeing in europe at the highest peek mounitan in the whole world. Furry sweet lion rathet tiny. Faster than the russian siberirian wolf, rather introspective of vast tundra in more need of careful maping . Whilr sweet siberian wolfs even knew the summer weather was greater warm cool, with time to gain more swet blue breey trails and dug a larger winter den, with fet h er down fethers more shed naturally in the warmer brilliant summet. Warmed fether den with wool in winter for happier vibrant wild siberian wolf. Ready to sattle up for the sled out back to a wildcteraibe excursion to steer the bob sled. Sweet darling fine wolves, some i have seen in the usa mountains making a path to fush in the french broad river crossing my roaf often peeking out to say hi. With an ear perked and kind eye of sweet furry focus , taller than any dog. 

The invites today: i am glad everyone is here and tsking in such splender in architchture some very large marques of history large and some small arifacts of many tiny colonial homes extremly historical too.  from buildings that look rather like crab shacks , to clam ssteemed fresh with excelrnt licened sea food  chefs , with grrat fish fried sandwiches largest in freshly daily fresh baked long soft rolls.  And dollop plentifyl tartar sauces. And ketchip with plentu of french fries. Hand cut on a cheff slice slide wide cut mandolines french .in chef french fries. 

my urgent meetings today will see a closure on a few issues that are concerning to the wholr world, as today: of course the RUSSIAN KREMLIN , is expecting a honored minute of my time in all gracious hopes.  With the Royal Navy and Many Millitray ,of extrodinary messages and brilliant lovely minds . Not nieve in the serious concerns that were , a very real lenghty consideration to fierce reflex.  Non stop in a regiment known in a large knowledge toward serios speed on a solvent,  assurance in their very honored efforts realize in love notes and throughout the world. Certainly not hand held shoveling pototoe diggers in the royal millitray of russia . 

my plan today, in a swill of racketters harming my travels and invites and car, even one in a back bit pickle juices rot vinager bitter fultility of those involved with aimed minuion cash ppts broken in a large piss pool they chomped at with widen oprn mouths of stinky rotted bass, small fish . Mostly sardene tinned with a trench bitter worm wood spit at others, chaffed from over used vasillin on fauce. tooth paper of any or anyone .  Serving dumpling gumming.

of course I will be with a large fi n ial presentation on the closure of my extrodibary worth , even in my worthy cultural success in closure of a Russian conflict,  because I am princess tracy suzanne pickett and I took time with my oen decisions and I can.  

LOVELY EVERYONE , super stars you are , all over the world . And never alone in fine ethical real love pure and proper.  

more soon wildThing, your loved.  All over the world sitting in even one place to mathmatics better and better akways better. ,

1:17 pm 

THE MAJIC OF THE AUSTRUKECCI BIRD for you , everywhere, whom ever you are. A  very darling book gift to listen if you wish,  today at love notes written in

 2013 author:

 princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Soon before my travel bear hunt is rolling out, with some fun, I will be scheduling a very special concerto' and royal sketches for sale only from me in person , at a price of $20.00 to $200. 00 for the print museum quality antiquity estate art purchase , on a sliding scale price. AND A RULED  PROPER TIME, for the event .  the date of the exhibition live on the air is not announced yet, with a few loose ends in the russian blue sky kid royal millitary as the kremlin himself and russians and government and royal millitray quickly spin the Russian roulette table, re: orbit princess project ie: very serious concerns of the imperial crowning small events russia. It's 1:26 pm now fairfeild conetticutUSA. OF COURSE MY royal offical crowning event was offically internationally all through europe in January though June 2013.with a small event unannounced years earlier. delays have caused a hard time constraints harsh in royal notes of my extensive royal aristocracy of great history.  Secrets exist. Message to mom, pick up the territory cray paper . IF YOU HAVE TIME. 

and a  box. ? 
August,  18 th 2024  5: 57 pm, my presentation is a long process today , as I was with concerns in my sleep late last eve. Due to a o o co- ordinance sinker in a ru of ru the currier , ru ? with a concern in ru coordinant orbit of which a special selection of assured appointed envoy specilist are , with aimed convoluted misalignment in a reality of the imence work and devout specialist , of a extreme excelence in a very important reality toward a extrodinsry devotion to myself and my extrodibary attributes to the development of the orbit made in a specification for my company and liesure work and worth to see assurance in a non inflicted altercation of a aim to me, from any racketter , and today there are very upset millitary in royal russia, with a honor of global reality toward an amazing reality , loved all over the world with a imence love of true real royal millitary excellence which was obstructed intent of a small sqire firing line . That plotted a lift of leftist , mange , which is with my firm diligence to see dismantled of the orbit and envoy of my Russian,  specialist , worth, of the orbit which in pure unobstructed,  non - malicious , assured logistic as assured to be, justice of a poetic reality in world order, the responcibility ,. Of course is a statement from me at this time firmly toward a rectification of the actual statuse pro quo ' new era , of which I myself assured a assurance of reachable quality of lovelier life in worthy efforts , beyond the most mortifying caused usa contort in a extremist cadre of act of rackettering in unethical dizzy  malicious usa fiber of communications show balling involved among other larger list of extremist merry makers, which quaked , more than gm , noted in a film ferienheit 9/11 . 

The responcibility of specialist and the Kremlin of course is with more than the entire government which are at the helm of the approval of my royal orbit of a broad assured , larger reality of my very broadly cultivated life, cercertainly not furthering an obstruction of my lovely schedule in, menicing catatonic complacecent , lead slay , slaying my work, in a limbo , rather than a lovely festive realized meaning  of  the fruitful ever more of worth of rather the event dance of greater gold stabdard achieved of dance to the limbo stick at a end of the 4 quarters in each year. Today, a small questionable cadre , ss i i e 117b, pile count 400 loomis , love potion #9 

Lu lu beer, back liner berliners sea foid and eat it,  TOPPLER brassier steak um. superseeding the krenlin ,  AND MY INVENTION, work with specialist,  of a senior level of extridiaray quanified success, brilliant , working with my very stern  reality of speed toward, sensitive time as my breath of all my ŵorth , i said on your toes  in a rolling steem reality towadd a solution, to exteem aim in just a harror of a heckling circling jeckler  with total realized millions often in my invites arriving , never a sqwandry aimed .  The attempt , in rackettering pile 400 Loomis issye as of t oday are with a two prong electric tester , of a low brow ,  with loomis beemizer skill sets, and led a bull wash, wiyh conspiquious tax issues that have a connected exsize tax dollar track, in russian , pop servers, interfering wiyh specialist and millitray with specialist actually of quite many tyoes, being , tixed, with a might mow. 

insobordination , in times spot by spot , issue with a prang , run, in russia , is with a pressure of largest concern , urgent in the kremlins direct orders at lenth , and some missing report details , that were seen in .y earliet launched srar satalight princess 890,000 russia. Navy 007 .

hot dam , ru ,  a russian is the word on the street in all of russia today .  with large numerical russian alphelbetic formula math long form ,  written in words. Is a pi favorite, wall chart, while so are the tax transparency paod out in expenditures from the super cheif copitulator ' Of russuan tally ho cash and dash ,  of the whos who ,  in the extreme russian project of my orbit ,  of a great historical russian invention of extrene importance in all peace , advancement of a russian reality,.  Inyetnatiobal ethical soverienties in forien internatiinal cultrual dignataries as i am. are natural in advantagious woild russian and globsl love.  

wong  gone   ?   more. Not the proper schedule ,  the royal russian milliary men said they are plum lipped ready to enjoy all their sweet honored realities too, as a darling message to me personally, important at a time in Russia which was sabatoged in an internal affair issue, which may have serious concern to the large royal millitary of russia in a excellent esteemed honor true, and a concern of merit in a peck at the kremlin of russian, and those largest of extreme success and intelectual brilliance, of mere all royal Russian millitray and those of grandest royal government  efforts devout to the orbit sucess and that of people of the Royal Country of russia with historical honored importance, with esteemed love to eveeyone   among the presidential circle of presidents in all of europe, with all rotal european millitray of all cou n tries , esteemed and among everyone important.  wiyh more honor notations after the rather large issue in some orbit matter is with expediant resolve. RUSSIA must hold on to there hats until the whales tail is fully international open air. 

while for a small squiming cock eyes puff roustering securitysuckatash ru aldrin barrels  russian  ussr ,  i say:  every body loved me baby. Whats a matter with you. And get off of my cloud. Now.  

5:07 pm good day everyone , everywhere, there are still some pendulum is issues re: soil origin russia. online and off. tooles in my web site and extensively, a wratcheting grinder et crank , and serve orbit extreme hard issues, and resolve to a mince in a butt skuttli n g in russua aimed to wrech my beautiful company wuth favor aimes to fame , and interfering with orbit and the protocol focus of esteemed efforts in successes. 

more , yes, low brow currier and vinca mina .
aimed to undermind the russian kremlin, seeking comfort in illicit of favor= aimed to spin time, harsh in schedule, and specialist communication specialist  ie: larget  list , and slide into more home plates to aim grewel for me, and russian and the esteemed government and also aimed at the kremlin in insubordination . 

SWITCHED LETTERS SPELLED WELL. IN MY PUBLISHED LOVE NOTES WERE ALSO TAMPORED WITH IN THE USA with a ru go cat go , ru 1 and ru 2 banana boat intent. With rub a dub . Tales too.    The kremlin himself put up an avant garte post on his site at the government of russia kremlin with a pointed extreme messages of a zz top swinging with bad egg cartel .

THE KREMLIN VLADIMIR PUTIN , IS FISUVIOUS . xo sweet lovely vladimir putin darling. Not the golden racco chairs i see. xo. I will be finishing a formal statement in press internarional notes to a large expediant totality of resolve in all protocal of orbit with extensive orbit details for the russian general assembly of all russian citizens today before scheduling a finest in person concerto in fairfield cinneticuit out door on location with full details announced in a day or two. many daring men are in town , george harrison begged to accompany me in a soft acapelo , in guitar with ule brenner in too, list of everyone whom arrived and more soon. 

August 19th 2024, 7:57 pm wish I could say a chipper hello today, while I was slighted in inch by inch insulting service at the local d&d, with a nasty chip , of direct sinked speed , speedo wide mouth bass, slippery rather that decently earnest, with a hurrah aimed at intentional bad service using my sir and madamoise’s dicer with a gratis to a fast aim to not finish my simply order and redirect blight in my face and with blight aimed at my experience of shopping at travel with normal standards and a nasty slam of cartel ripping snot muts with a vicious wide mouth bass gaining slippery grease on that hook of the usa green ticket scammed jamming election in a extreme aim wide mouth bass cause under the sea.  With a twister aim at those in the repose excellent of finest people with emeritus reality in the efforts hard earned in excellent efforts to all in the USA pertaining to sales and customer services focus on quality to all , and not real-estate  hobble in short sale pressure , and grinding humanity with a aim at me and my travel and finest bear hunt to exceptional invited fairfeild surprise architecture photo travel and some further intense fun , unobstructed by those whom made it to the shipping ports ,for more than theift in trees they needed to fill their mouths with more usa , golf coats and paid , empty seats . Once. 

Seats , yes, risterantes and more, while I wished to be clear of the riveting frog act of unconsciounable ,dim dillers chasers at the shot of pickle juicing the usa at every achieved worth.  

Love American Style always begins with submerged love and then, risk to sanctuaries and very lovely devout messages from everyone , is a time to note that you all arrived. More then 500 million traveled in. Since my invite, to fairfeild conetticuit usa for finest photographs and case by case good services most all stops unless frog leg fries are leaping, with a banger mouth hitting at my emotion in all my dreamy real nature shoved in impacted like a hammer head sharpie in the stop by stop- aimed to cut in to my very greater reality always as all have been to over 1200 of my consecutive daily extrodinary exhibition of a large international and national peace economic cultural exhibitions , of my project free , known as studios international peace project.  

Of course I have a film to you all in my archieve films , that is rather unusual from my film to so many in the USA and internationally while on location at the studio's international peace project events,daily 2014 - 2018. With preliminary events starting in 2011. 

let my see if i can find the little messages film of thank you to a noted amount of women globally for a gentle way you all flew in to manhattan in 2015 for my interactive calked no make up new york, with men many many were also instumental in a real no make up new york event interactive , with efforts of a greater peace, with very high attention towards women and men in a greater usa.  

today, there was five days interferance in online issues scrolling a fork in ,in a russian scorpion chizzler, whom was not selected to the orbit , was invited to masapeekwa with scooped ice cream specially wrapped in gold foil for $1.50 in russia wuth a thumb self pride , prides . wobbling to the polo horses in riccorediccio, before the whole russian millitary ,and signs sayung kick me stuck to every russian, with such princess , gratci the cookle and ali, then cursised and lifted the tiara from the ships. And ruined my schedules and arrival plans,  after leaps wuth generak h, and the nasty racketter grotic ,in the low end boiler hot rooms,  wuth a hasheeze suite into moscow and the orbit , projects with a tick and grind on my online services with a menicing, and not hired for orbit selection at all in rusdian millitary special appointment , of selected best , in royal Russian specialized very successful work quite better in all success with mu extra specialized knowlege vwry unique,  and a harror aimed in a ru purple people eater. Wide mouth greese trap. 

SPUDNIC FRYER. IN RU , with tin teeth. and a issue of a giant 6x12 trench bear trap covered in bamboo in a aim at my events liesure travel and villa hunt. While we in navy royal Russian excess clean up with specialist, and 1.3 million royal Russian Millitray, are, as wendel powers , my mother's husband , top uaa millitraybefore 1972, with extreme civilian honores in large higher executive work services to usa and internatiinalust and a engi eer honored in study work in Harvard,  and special studFrance, paris france, and Berlin Germany, .. he stated years back in his lovely soft gentle nature to me, breif statementurgent.  " DONT FORGET ' GET ALL YOUR DUCK PINS IN A ROW." 

Of course , then we enjoyed his home made waffles on our special event breakfast on sundays when i took a sabatical month when i was employed and own my little company home office with piled high lovely projects with high achieved honored work,  with my posh little finest top office in exectutive top investment banking specialised then before 1999. With my very beautiful English style brown stone villa with tree lines views and a back yard beach trains two Blick walk and lovely lovely cobble stone village near the arts circle colleges of nwu while studying in advance royal conservatory colleges in specialized royal arts and sciences museum college work.  

Of course, I stated important breif statement to specialist and royal millitary in Russia at a reply to quite many messages even direct to the as royal millitray navy of the country of Russia at the admirals andvthe kremlings request ,  to my wish to se the admiral in comments.  Right away the kremlin , in two hours was with a in-person meeting with me via 007 special 007 star 49. - 1099 satalight  ussr , deep divers.  

while I have a list of orbit strait forward alignments now in warp speed ,responses of a strait reality in a large issues in usa soil and well. .,I should wish notvto be crude in my serious large investment of time , with a wongJong, ru ru ru ru issues russian, i said to sir vladimir and the admiral yours. 

My invested time cost are running into ovrr $200 million by far just in a few russian theater events with large lecures some many special top unusual science specialized in my knowledge ,  not well known of my actual event and larger very loved as sweet company, no bitters and specialist , 150,000 the finest top senioor scientis in astrophysical casmanotic building inventors engineeds of einstiens stature in honored peace worth in large humanities gental giants , well,they ask,  $1000.  Please per the formal lecture asap. We need you now.  

$1000. X 150, 000. 

i said , not with harry carry . Out of of proper base ball games announcement in the cub feilds. CHICAGO ILLINIOS. USA. 
crudely I said to 1.3million royal russian millitary, there is a green jeep in the large transcontinental giant cargo shipp8ng flights,  with labels " sell gigawaat stowaway with ru emblems in a new open  box ,  READY TO MERRYMAKERS ,in plum jiusers to arrive ready at a fee , for racket whimblton for .50 cents. 

with empty tin cabs ties to the hot wheels car after the hot car sakes, signs just married for the orbit menicers ,  ru ,

Sweet men and women in the royal millitray first class mien , then with all included ,  set a honor to me, in a royal navy millitary very special film. With sir Vladimir Putin , in attendance . With very special love from each and everyone .  Messages from all of russia began even larger to me. with some wire cutter in russia gopstoppering plot. 

Aim at the sabatoge to me and my very loved company and aim at specialist of a brilliant orbit,  the brides and groomes ready in russia to leap in the giant cargo flight box empty waiting to fly travel see the whole world ,on the backs of the shirt tails of royal russians , were enabled to leap into the boxes waiting in time , and with brides and grooms signs all over them in a sale travel of arrivals to the new bull island sea side beach at a sale price of tagged stowaway cost to buy at .50 per box rides. 

SIBERIA , SLED WOLVES , REFUSE TO SLED THE RU RUTTIES NOT YET RUNTS , still with reels. And a large missing email list and missing archives which was aimed at in rackettering with a ru lift off. 

CRUDE IS WITH A DIGNATY of my large worth, and extreme realized level of my position and devout extended work and worth. And historical important of real honor in a giant responcibility to myself and many ,. Including the kremlin in some notes he emailed and 1.3 millitray of extridinay largest success in great worth , of a crude need to know. Reality of my love of alenghty extended love notes of a russian royal culture in literature of mine, since 1996. Published in the Demo magazine of a royal conservatory reaching over 80,000 alumni of the world's most noted cultual people with extensive work achieved even in itch markets all over the world.  RUSSIAN :2013 litarary efforts are of my very kind interest of a russian capitalism in humanities of greater prosperity,  never stopped . Crude decisions in love notes from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 


as the who sings , we won't be fooled again.nor will we tolerate a tollstory. Rather then the Russian Litarature of honored love in reading in standard usa collage litararure of TOLSTOY.

Enjoy your day in the arrivals in as many are arriving and a street sign issue may have been tampored with in actual drive time.  

Even with the ease to view.  So be aware of the cleaver aimed in attacking in verbal aim at me, and a cadre of slime swirling with a lolli pop kid like ho hoho aim slappers . No flapper for the duck pinnokios. Waiting for the sale boxes to make .50 in a maluciiys flea shower. 

today my degree of standards are not unlike any of many many largest arrival to my many years in such invites and never a clam shuck with such graceful usa in all great soil . Dusty or not. 

and my intentions are with far more people always more than a mick Jagger large concert even in Japan,  while mick Jagger has the finest in large people of great respects too,in his political worth lenghty of a hip reality mindful politically and esteemed as too, a cultural dignatary a bit stonch, astere respectable gental honored . With my love and kisses for ever. While a slime of nasty filth in racketering over slapper of futil anger of unacceptable habitual spread - disease bassing .was seen as a real reason to ignor tge slippery suchers most escargo slugs. 

FEIRVERNT VERMITS ,futile fist with arbles aim from cheek jaw all in the usa already put their boots on for to scrape varmuts off them with a leg upformally a lenthy pre spacious measured kick ,  liken to barishnekov well studied in a ballet stabdard of the solo move.ents of ballet as studied swing of a tiositteTia. .we all practiced for the minute waltz ,  before the most opulent yearly update event details to the royal plum high tea brunch invutes not yet detailed in my international and usa after fouth of july event invites to all. 

MEETINGS OF A URGENT REALITY IN RUSSIA AND THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD,will be of a brief , reality , with russia of a serious matter facing sufferingsuckatsh - due to a ru spudnic cadre kicking my orbit with a holster aim giant y. Childen even some of the youngest in russia today are sporting a container of 12 eggs to smash in the foot steps of aim at the idiot ru spunic cadre hot breathers if needed.  

While wearing there hand self painted shirts ,  secruity sucktash varmits with a dart target painted in russian noble astere royal russian country flag colors , and have keen jackets and sweaters with best wool and jeans worn well. Hippsters with the large giants of ages 21 and more hipper people wildly lovely in even dress office shirts and dresses. Too. Farm soiled or other, . Love to everyone, kisses catch 

From princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

SPECIAL EVENT FILM , from my free lenghty 2014 everyday daily to 2018 solo exhibition international of my very special lovely project :

achieved self filmed of studio vosse media online television of my lenghty platform media development of my state of the art desk office worth , of my media work media desk 1996. Beginnings center of the world in my  Chicago
Solo study work desk home office. 

FILM  , yes me, in a slightly
 unusual film make up, for sweet honor to everyone in the no make up new york invites to my special lenghty exhibitions interactive invites solo your choice to experience , online events and russian - kremlin meeting online events , invited by me,
to enjoy lectures and arias plus plus, so many activities of over 600 ,and presidents all invited internationally,  ready and loved the great efforts in international star satalights for more to internarionaist everywhere. xo everyone, have the very most lovely day. Steemers grilled and sauces seared in butter clam fry. In. 

watch out for the Austrail, dingo dog, GWATTONIMO BAY bait and tackle gered silent and wear your dingo boots well. with hieina slay drivers aimed and rackettering peita .

3:01 peveryone, I recieved a sweet email from sir Vladimir Putin , with honored notes to me for my specialized standards in honored educational platform highest in a honor I recieved in royal England at as a Magma cum lauden ' honor 2009, and recent honor extended to a imperial crown princess and then the honor special crowning I recieved in a small formal event crowned princess honored in all of europe in 2014 when I recived my actual crown.  With a note today just now from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, with a message loved the recent talk from me, today with a standard earned worth achievement merit , notation for royal curriculum in primary standards of educational foundational earned work to earn merit to extra curricular earned , credits ,in standard formality of class studies with only breif time in those important formative years to be fully realized in prepared real merit honors earned in many study days.

The kremlin suddenly was alerted to a twister in a mad dash to scold snort in a extreme speed of a underling spudnic , in nearest  the kremlins gaite ,  wailing in a direct pish posh on math pi earned study work . Shifting in Fingerling Irishe spudnic timed ,  kicks to me in Moscow Russian love to my lenght of extremely noble honors in multitudes of generous well loves project specialized of a love with extensive notable world honors - messages endless respected and love sweetest in my life. With a scoff snort at the kremlin in a Moscow Russian Tuffietti just seen by the Kremlin and every Moscow and russian citizen . With 1.3 million millitary too, with honors and serious moscow russian larger scoptics. Read .

of course ,  the Russian people with my love deserve to know. Also noting the sabatoge aimed in ru. ru. ru. With a rare singer of sa saw song by lyle lovet : known as : big ones. 

The kremlin my darling , said,  we have great views of the sketch I just created for the closure in ru pressures , with vladimir whom loved greate political equality when wongs gone wong.   As sir Vladimir ask me to feel free to post the sketch when a loose cog in ru hit my orbit in a issue with 1.3 million royal Russian millitary and an extra 150 000 high level orbit specialist .  With a extreme obstruction of a ru breach feeding usa  racket - fuel. When my internat online great success began getting a impossible interferance in a large speciakised excelent russian extridinary work repaired in high quality and large devout orbit success efforts with our orbit devout people appointed in my orbit by the Kremlin in person. The resolutions , and unobstructed I in an imidiate override , in a dip , dent to the orbit people whom really are thee specialist .  

not the hindenberg , bull frog as in the song geramia was a bull frog.  With terror of a real hindenberg in a russian manhole. Of course , not exactly the event plans today and the ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY is with quite the intricate notes on wongs gone wongs.  Russian theirs.  

Thank you darling Sir Vladimir Putin , darling charming sweet face. Jerald Purdue sent me a message saying 95% . PERDUE. of the Purdue University Perdue. THE USA GIANT IN POLTRY . 

it's going to be some clam steemer grilled seared buttered clam shin dig . xo everyone .  THE PRESENTATION ORBIT IS NEARING A BRIEF further update to important  strait focus in a russian gripping in a real success to assurt large strides. 

12:54 pm August 19 th 2024 , 
The open report from the 
Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin , re: subject outline on wong one, moo, gi, gy, pain. As the kremlin outline the extreme pressure in a russian aim into sabatoging the russian millitray project orbit and used stick sitfting to aim at ruin to me

international press from the banana news greweling of aimed slugging racketters sifting dicer and slick dicking, my spot by spot schedu l e leisure fine extra opulent travel.  Read from russia my email which was blocked last eve, in aserious issue russian star bird bound. 

Now. read , plain clothes examples in a kremlins avant garte ' political note of reality in russia , concern.  with extreme ru aimed at the specialist and primarily my extrodinary world international work,. Dare I say media exhibitionist mogel. 

See the meeting notes of the kremlins notes and no meeting and no film, just reel to reel hell in russia today urgent in a review and imidiate strait forward green ticket results. 
STANDARD IN ORBIT REALITY IN MY INTERNATIONAL REALITY .  please note I incurred exponential damage in financial projected quarterly gain revenue , pin pointed in excess damage of rackettering sludge tunneling rotten smothering over slap aimed into my specific location with a foot print in russia sabatoge aim at me, and the kremlins success, . Underling Ling wong one interfered in a largest historucal project in russian specialist and aimes at millitray and run for the boat tails of royal russisn navy entry to the boats. In shore,. 
Newark New Jersy : sos hogi c.ow tung sliced roaster clam steemer in, invites hogi heros specialties usa all invites. Details yes. Very  large , reality as the lovely yong, people of newark worked with honored worth ,with a derailment of aim attacking from racketter smear smothering mob, types ripping snorting like steeling pig strutting to slop into the big pond. 


MORE IN HONORS  ITS LATE , and going to be remarkable in gold standards and sweets,  soon as I clear , up a clog in russia. At devotion to royal millitrayand a extreme large country with devout love and assured attentions real in russian honor and love.  more yes, one two three,  toothy roll message now, Comercial Message 1974. Tootsy Roll tootsy pop, a usa chocolate to love..  
.ask the wise owel from toosy roll tootsy pop. International press russian news banana news up date with a test from the kremlin sir Vladimir Putin. 

Far from my very lovely travel and extreme in horrified upset to every minute of my event schedule and aim at my online network of my investment of all equimpment abd standards of over $300,000.00 with a ru r and r lever wentch and facing the extreme serious russian government largely with a extridinary capability to swift reality even in a USA , racketter claimed to be jack in the box tops. With a stow away issue and extremist lies of names and countries of birth. Polish maid ? In the general h offices not polish never a professiinal rug cleaner polish  finest linnen and wool , wiggers with bugger burgling and a dip.  SIz  MOO. Saizeasases, 

I apologize for the extreme harsh upsets too, as the issues is mortifying in obstruction to me personally and my lovely liesure and excursions  time, and invited with my whole reality  of noted internationally well loved great exhibition and invites to interactive arckitectual fun,which a race to the 600 00.000 traveled in sqirmed to meet and rate in a beating of my experince trade sluggers, .whom were notrd in deviant scrimages involve in aim at my company . And the nation of the usa, now looking at the reflection of the usa people,  of wealth and love, to me, of  leaping dart bull frogs . cleaverung racketeer tiny spot by spot circles with a very small  oil vat and auto Vin number in mind,  to make a dime at a time, and broke , stoking it, smug smugglers one pot roast of dislike to the bean pots these slugger sifted the usa to eat. 

The outrage in the verbal aimed attack are of extreme aimed vicious intent in breachbof civil liberties in spite types of pin point attacking in verbel aim to seperate those of kind decent invited travel to rip snort and deception tactic of smashing my company travel desk time with extreme intent pin pount running far ripping vicious.  EXACT ON TIME AIM JUST AS IN THE USA issues of others even in a usa caused 9/11 lie. 

Slight intermission : " sweets pop corn and cola breaks fine risterant foods and some brief day or two maybe three slight intermission before the clam steemer recipes in foil bag steemers and a real in traveler lighter ' roast clam steemers, of a perfect travel, secret and opulent .

With the lovely risterant and grocery extras. INTERMISSIONS : KNOWN SWEET BREAKS. xo
yes. more in a concluding ru issue with my orbit specialist from europe in a very honored russia appointed special princess orbit royal russian project of the czar , kremlin of Russia of a very high honor in rhe initiation of his project appointed of sir Vladimir Putin , and my outlines in conceptual historical design of a urgent time sensitive reality fact.  I WILL BE ANOUNCING MY SCHEDULE TO FINEEST ARIA OPRETIC RYTHUM A D EVEN BLUES , BEST INVITE with details in paet later today before 10:00 pm european internatiinal meetings cola and sandwiches invite, while my desk top notes are in a transparent open read only forum. As well. In a safety request since 2012. 

Sorry about thr awful harror in a menicinrot from russia . In a scruball harror and very large upset to me. Harrible . And unthinkable issues caused. Mortifying.  Nasty harm harrible ru. Anf more notes on the clone sheep head dup in russia with cloned sheep of birthed double heads in the wrong offices, abd a death threat to me qne my company work in historical orbit development of graces to my time of a certainty

with a " head in ass" "  cots"   idiot cloning , harrisy. Aimed into the very finest government established work, directed into blight the kremlin in honored love notes and esteemed extrodinary " with a general h  not privy to orbit protocal which was maliciously off set, with a delay time spinning, to pop russian furtherment in delays of the orbit protocle standard logic, with a splice of a small cadre of non russians , in most, that spliced in aimed to deviate the real orbit specialist , and real millitray of the orbit, and real honor yo the royal millitray exceptional events with the whole world were also a secondary aim, and the plot to derail the kremlin sir vladimir putin and the peoples real love for the clarity of  truth of the orbit protocal and focus outcomr and speed sensitivity , ready with specialist and my work as early as christmas 2023 with a grrat effort of sir vladimir putin in many efforts and many direct orders, with orbut success as a extremely urgent worth to russia and focus of thee prima of success focus , in orbit of my efforts decisions and immence specialization in a large development conceptual design of my work and a amazing realoty of russian appointed by the kremlin in very large success work,     worth of russia and the millitray and the peace ageeement events with meeting dinner at 10:00 pm ained at hard and outragious  slack lines in russian cheese,.aimed to harm me primarily and then point at whos who. 

WE SHOULD HAVE ORBIT IN ALL SHAPE OF FORMATION IN the extra work in logistical efforts expediant , repairs of many damages are of a urgent reality, and details to meet with everyon  in russia are of a detailing need from me with a focus on the removal of those invoved in harboring , a failure of futile , which has been aimed at me, the kremlin does have updated avent garte 007 stelth notations for reasons of sensitive subjects. With a closer issue and millitray and government sensitivitues the concerns of course were with stowaways in russia and racketter cartel whom were in germany after being asked to leave in 2013 after usa millitray broke in to streets of berlin germany and aimed a break inbto the government presidents telephone and then changed clothes and did it again, in illigal issues in museums that were swindled by usa  toby's, ssincro n izing swamping the president of germanies government meetings wi6h faulce misrepresetation deception and spreac of contort in a small gaite in, of lied whos who. Breaking in,   in a unethical pummel of a born  usa rackettet  type, now more of a  lone ranger and tonto aim from unethical born usa said to be nato.  And then saidcyo be spidet man and bat man and robin . In some stokers . 

With serious damages and some neftis leftist in that were in low browing offices at the foot of all rusdian succeses , betting aid to cartel with extreme futile aimed swindling russian government .  MU N ION was a concern , . While an invalid escolation of ( zepher and the three graces polirical wrong master painting), zepher , etc, rogue usa extremist in the 747, zepher blown giant smoke in political greater winds in a deviant , splicing of focus to my orbit is an errgent thrush in russia as was, .  With russia of a large realoty of the very concern specialist focus of such extensive devoution to me and orbit assured totality of success.  We, are wi6h straitforward reality of , new era , orbit - and a peril counting in russia that is with a vaste fast reflex of russian focus project as orbit is and that of rashe crude high measures of noble soil, in the wong one winstoncup not Winston Churchhill. Of course.   cartel in side the low quades of russia . 

AUGUST 22 2024 , GOOD DAY EVERYONE , THANK YOU WELL, AS there are some concerns further aimed into russian buildings  , halls of lenghty worth of finest realized pillars of esteemed love and lovely graces of royal russia and russian people, in a street or several  , with slathers of a obstruction in orbit protocal , and immence orchestration , of very special peace  reality of historical honored specialist work with myself as the orchestration in speciakised design concept of imence orbit importance to me, princess tracy suzanne pickett .

While i say : there is some tommy two tones in the counters aimed with split parroting , in a few and other what were they everyone sitters in the rye perched like the dr seusse cat in the hat of thing one and thing two.Of course not expected amoung so many in 600 million whom snapped architecture with fine foods , while i will be taking one extra day to detail my concerto pre date detail to allow everyone planning times ,  samsung listed a accurate map at samsung japan and sells great samsung phones for extra phone with free internet . I carry three phones in travels. My firm press statment breif will be posted in a new love note updated tomorrow. Ve ry important wuth honored lovely guatar honored major league in beyond guitar and even some in small sakes clerk work high efforts every minute with professional proper business best to all. 

Perdue Farms and the big giant multi international conglomerations hon ors many traveks in to note.  i love you all well.  Russia and eveey where every country all over the world. . Sir vladimir ,890,0000 kisses plus 7 trillion more sweet fellow. more soon. Its a fine cultural sketch daywith soon sketches announced pre aake minutes before in my hands only . KISSES TO YOU MY MOTHER . MANY fine gracius notes messages to send love to you from cathedrals filled with people all over the world.  My ma ' ma' madamouessel .
ELLIE M.Powers my lady. Et emeritus.  
finnergeliee aimed. and Moscow there is an issue, and we need a bit more on the time and distance relay run track and field agility , and a fast analisys on the tails of hummpty drumpty , and twiddly de and twiddly dumb.  Classic Litarature of the lectures we worked to arrive at,- in excellence largest1 humanities reality.  with Love to you all ,
 from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett    


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