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international press exhibited photograph 2005, into                                                                                                                   2011 FROM MY ROYAL PHOTOGRAPH SERIES 

princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT. royal crowned princess, CHINA EVENT 2013, as well as RUSSIA, ENGLAND , GERMANY , POLAND, SPAIN, IRELAND, SCOTTLAND, ANGOLIA , TURKEY, HUNGARIA. INDIA ,  NORWAY, AFRICA, DENMARK, ITALY, FRANCE, SWEDEN, SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES , and WEST BANK COUNTRIES , into the MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES and FAR EASTERN EUROPE COUNTRIES, SAUDI ARABIA, IRAN IROQ, SUDAN , and more, the recognized in NORTH AMERICANS CONTINENTS , including CANADA and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA with the TRIPLE CROWN of the CROWN of TRINITY NATIONALLY and INTERNATIONALLY ,  then and now, of HONORED NOBEL PEACE PRIZE OF GLOBAL PRESTIGIOUS IMPORTANCE TO THE WORLD. of the honored emeritus of majesty of cum lauden with prestigious acheived emeritus of formative highest in education and extensive work in humanities . Extending to, villages throughout the word. cultural cultivations anchient to modernism, re-established preservation, enviornmental work and invention of divinity in design , design merits in international design honored work, since the late 1970's and now, business excelence , social justice honors also lecturing at the University of YALE, in NEW HAVEN CONNETICUITE , 2008 in the college of social justice, with honored work in all the arts , including merits from the international Olympics, with honored work in economics and many forms of arts which i always bring to my work, and recently Vladimir Putin stated that I completely , achieved the emeritus honors of modernism structures and reimplimented standards of the entire international , and usa democracy of humanity .    


IMPERIAL CROWNED , NOBEL  PEACE PRIZE HONOR GLOBALLY  the highest prestigious peace honor in the world, of honored work, with noted loved achievement, in a well, earning a crown in ENGLAND and FRANCE ,  RUSSIA, GERMANY, CHINA, JAPAN ,  and across EUROPE, 2013, earlier, in esteemed honor of the many projects, 

I worked years in developing and with implementation of very special projects, I have earned esteemed dignitary honors , in many formal classical structured self design,  platforms, in personal,  in person sold , small boutique settings, with fine ,  extra social after events of a formality and eased enjoyment, mostly for myself,  and those whom have enjoyed every minute,  of  very special lecture interactive exhibitions. Auditorium Lectures Interactive Exhibitions:  1995, were extended , into many professional, auditorium ,  sign ups , personally with only me, in my desk office and of course personal attention. The International Symposium Lecture, from CHICAGO ILLINIOSE, USA was spectacular , in a event which took place in the printer row village with the sulivan auditorium which invited me to speak in a special lecture , I prepared , and the ROYAL CONSERVATORY , agreed to my request , to streem the lecture, internationally in to all ROYAL CONSERVATORIES and FINE ARTS AND SCIENCES colleged in advanced colleges , of phd programs, for the professors , actually.  MY LECTURES , alone streemed into the audiance of CHICAGO ILLINOISE , USA, giants , of the presidents of the largest corportations in the world, of the United States of America, giants , they are, and organized the actual event in CHICAGO ILLINIOSE, USA,  LIVE FROM MY SULTRY SOUTHERN STUDIO DESK OFFICE IN MY EXTREMLY LARGE SILVER SCREEN ,  as we all met,  in my online television special invite, I accepted graciously , with the largest of love , in even missing everyone,  whom also love the work, I myself created in the CHICAGO ILLINIOS USA city,  when I was living in the sweet little village in my ENGLISH DESIGN ,  villa beach side estate , near the tiny village of EVANSTON ILLINIOS USA,  near the ARTS CIRCLE, NWU,  1995, 2000.  princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett born in the USA in the year 1965.  

True, an  OLMPIC GOLD MEDALIST , with many other medals, and the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE in 2024 as well as a CUM  LAUDEN ,  in 2023 honor in a highest ,  humanities medal and PHD HONOR HIGHEST in all countries, of broad noted, achievement from IVE LEAGUE UNIVERSITIES around the world, including Harvard and Yale UNIVERSITY, STANDFORD, AND UCLA, BERKLY, WITH MANY MORE IN THE USA, INCLUDING THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, PERDU, SYRACUSE, AND VANDERBILT, IN NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, AMONG OTHERS, AND THROUGHOUT THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD. 

VANDERBILT UNIVERITY : YALE UNIVERITY :  BERKLEY UNIVERISTY:  SOUTHERN URBANA UNIVERSITY : PERDUE UNIVERSITY :  THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE: THE UNIVERSITY OF HARVARD : THE UNIVESITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: THE UNIVERSITY OF SYRACUSE NEW YORK,  RODCHESTER, BIRMINGHAM, and FLORIDA STATE , PEN STATE , well, there are the USA UNIVERSITIES ,  even BLOOMINGTON in a small college in INDIANNA in the city of BLOOMINGTON of INDIANA USA,  are the USA,  universities .  the list ,  rather larger, and then also extendeds to CANADA , into even the MANATOBA CENTER OF ARTS and DESIGN , and SOUTH AMERICAN colleges of ROYAL CONSERVATORIES. Some that are with many interest of COLUMBIA COFFEE FARMERS, GOYA , and even GENERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATION , in the south american country of MEXICO, which expanded to the country of MEXICO , from my little city I grew up in a NEW YORK ,  neopolotian city in the USA. GENERAL ELECTRIC USA, expanded to making toasters in MEXICO in 1989.  With love that there were coffee pot sales too, as a employment ,   expanded ,  with a meeting of coffee growers and more.  Technology giants in toaster and coffee pots ,  leaped to establish the techology excellence needed , to bring to a expanded work , in great efforts , FINE ENGINEERS of MEXICO,  loved more opt. 

THE ORBIT :  the conceptual invention of design, I told the space centre and spacifically sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia ,  that I was with some complex data on a few type of sciences ,  that could be advanced,  if the international EUROPEAN SPECIALIST , felt that way as well. After all, the existing work involved in the actual invention stability, is of their own efforts and include the immense work in the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE , of ROCKET SCIENCES ,  in many of the unique and incredible advancement , in quite remarkable space science achievement which are infact globally very well known,  historically . I know the work of Mikhail Gorbachov ,  of the USSR RUSSIA , years and years , with outstanding credulous excellent love in humanities , of a non prolifieration in any way, in reality of even esteemed efforts , in earliest eduction programs in RUSSIA,   reading writting and arithmetic's with public royal schools,  which influences the USA schools in public schools in a eaqualibruim of not just a USA or RUSSIA,  to see a realized care for,   even in  the differences in cultural secularity of countries ,   a love of the foundational structure of a greater society,  with formative educational start, into a realy option in the world, a busy world, of a love in achievement and wealth of oppotunity , into earning a worth, that is sustainable , and the nice time savored ,   too, in many busy and some slumbering zombi times.  I can hardly be happier, that my very unique and quite unusual international peace exhibition ,   were of worth , busy, and zombie statuse ,  that I invited the world to realized ,   even far and still wildly ,   spaciously toward me, so gentle together. 


and THE NATIONAL GALLERY PUBLISHED WORK, with many numerous society publications of the affiliate organization of the NEW YORK FOUNDATION of the ART, and the COLLEGE ARTS ASSOCIATION in MANHATTAN since 2001. The international sciences with arts , in the international professional journals of advancement in natural sciences , within collegues in advance sciences and space sciences,  astrophysic, and advanced engineering of environmental sciences.  As well as the 5 year lecture of a symposium of wealth and education in the USA,  with extensive exposure  of the advance studies lectucture films persentation from 

the INTERNATIONAL CHICAGO ILLINIOS USA lecture in printers row , live streem meeting symposium ,   into a formitable public exposure of the advance study lecture presentation to all the world, in my own online television platform,  which I realized in my own design efforts and no teck , team, building the whole platform alone ,   with my advance multi - media work, advancement. Daily extra efforts , and the development of what I designed exactly ,   television on line , first , began in my state of the art needs in 1995. With excellence in the sciences of computer of a difficult study with my return to a conservatory and a professor of computer sciences ,  whom was also a women , whom worked in extra area for some short assignment in RUSSIA , for small lectures , presented , before her return to the USA in 1995.   Thankfully I earned the highest advancement in my work in the studies , while working in professional director emploment , full time employed with several companies , as first , BEIRD and WARNER ,   

Years earlier,  my work,  was with 4 consecutive years ,  of honored work as a director in the 1980's for a rather busy company in SYRACUSE NEW YORK, USA,   with a noted great team of people and finest employer , with a earned hard worth, in 15% increase in revenue for the company yearly more and more,   with recognized award from the NATIONAL BETTER BUSINESS BEURUOE . 

Emeritus honored work,  recognized in SYRACUSE UNIVERITY ,  school of medicine and school of business, in the achievement that stopped a spread of a type of disentary,  in 1985,  which was a extra effort, as a director of a small neopolotian company , fresh prepared daily every thing on the menu,  with catering which reached sales revenue of over 3.5 million dollars a year , and with sale specialized effort, which attributed to a greater realized , experience to all, including the hand catering specialized ,  catering seperate division offered to all, with many corporation clients , I personally assured,  all catering services of excellents from the company , as a executive director ,   employed by the owner whom at times , we worked side by side in busy busy lunch sales days and days .   

Establishing a greater worth to the company working to assurt the rock bottom prices ,   for customers as purchase orders with my 37 distributors kept them hopping in assurting the actual lowest prices and increase sales to even pruchase regulary and sometimes more. As my extra effort in established price quality,  dazeled the 37 food distribution sales people brokering the GIANT CORPORATION FOODS ,  even as far as south america and canada and even some international european companies too, with brand savvy sales , and occasional sales people from GERMANY , CHINA, JAPAN , and even the MIDDLE EAST, ENGLAND and RUSSIA,  as a few to mention ,  they even traveled in to meet me.  surprisingly an occasional update of a smart,   meeting of sharper knives that never fail cutting a tomatoe ,  slicing equpment from HOBART ,  and even GERMAN MACHINED ,  that peal 80 gallons of potatoes in ten minutes.  

In the 1980's at the age of 21 years old,  my small desk company in my office at home ,  was well realized too, with many hours extra beyond the 60 hours I often worked over 40, on a salary well paid , of a assured extra effort, sometimes washing dishes , in a evening of staff that were suddenly extremly busy in sales night that included 4000 customers in several hours ,   running out of breads , was a call to me,  and I drove to the great sepecialty german bakers ,   whom baked a very special bread for THE OWNER and of course , three employed at night ,   were happy to see me, in a few minute I brough the bread , and sweets , with a few dishes to see someone cared .  Ten minute and off to my outting ,  dinner.  in the BROWN BAGGER ,   risterante perhaps , or home which I purchased in a extremely largest with some rentals in my larger estate .  I purchased at age 21, with three automobiles , that year, and the revenue in my extra larger efforts,  was with advanced training , self reliences and the ease to achieve ,  and earning in raise, the owner decides of course.   busy and well paid , with a flock in front of me,   and no postions to hire,   really, no one wished to leave , actually.  While I left in 1989. Into the sultry south ,  and gained employment with an INTERNATIONAL GERMAN CORPOTRAION ,   as a board of directors of, one of 6 board of directors with our own specialized ,   resort ,   teams of resort ,  specilized professional work,  in the extremely prestious center jewel international largest resort,  with my own risterants and three grand ball rooms with extensive larger numerous national and international travelers daily ,  non stop,   and a revenue of over 48,000 million a year I sales , I achieved with the other 5 directors in extra long days into evenings and spit hour in afternoons to get in a nap,  when going to my villa after 11:00 pm and in at 7:00 am meeting people and assuring the waffle grill chefs were not needing assistance or anything . Of course emeritus , as a five star chef earlier in years, with extreme achieved work,  it was a asset to the INTERNATIONAL GERMAN RESORT.  with booked ball room events formals and large dinners , even with shriners ,  driving tiny cars through our resort halls,  when their events were events.  Serving the Shriner's on the ball room stages , was exciting . among the many affording even a cheep weekend with nearing no savings ,  it is a welcome reality.  

Bear Events : in the swvelt sultry sothern pavillian,  in the prestigious flower filled forests , in the resort mountian brunches , formal with a lush forest ,  filled with tallest trees and a fine pavillion grill canope of seatings in linnen tables with bear cubs and a bear ,   that never crossed the babbling brooks of river stone rock small streem rivers, with bear cubs that clime trees to not get to close to people ,   as warned by the larger bear,   with cares ,   of the forest , and larger travels of real bears in the TENNESSEE SMOKEY MOUNTIANS in GATLINBERG TENNESSEE USA of the largest national usa biospherer reseves forest public park, and parking , everywhere.  hotel at $35. if you fine one available  planning earliest . Of course ,   my print in painings and invited from many music profesionals , never stopped, including DOLLY PARTON and EDDIE RABBIT, LORETTA LYNN, JOGHNNY CASH,  and more.  Meeting Steven Speilberg again , in those fine days. With a few visits to the GATLINGBERG SCHOOL OF CRAFTS ,  at ARROMOUNT ,  as I sold in their museum gallery, paintings ,  that were loved all over the world, with international and national travelers and fine villages . 

THE AMERICAN SHOW CASE GALLERY ,  as a peron of the arts, I created lectures then , and other lectures earlier in business consulting ,  for some larger companies , and extra special event work, independent alone ,  for the council of tourism whom invited me to lecture then in 1991. In east TENNESSEE.  and a small project of LARGEST EVENTS for the governor of TENNESSEE in a larger special event that hosted USA governors then.  fine for the USA in 1992.  My work with the USA NATIONAL FORESTRY DEPARTMENT ,  in the national prervation of forestry of clean air and clean water,  in the USA which is internationally with a larger society of clean air and clean water.

Eventually invited to the board of the GATEWAY BUSINESS COUNCIL of environmental work , in a formation of lectures in broad councils of business and clean air clean water,  efforts and excellence within the specialist of the NATIONAL USA FORESTRY DEPARTMENT ,   within the council of the southern alliance of clean energy.   in 1992 the SCIENCE CENTER , of FORESTY PEOPLE invited me to sell works of art, with their public open nature exploration welcome center. Whom  invited me later on to be a board member for the clean air and clean water , business  associated GATEWAY meetings interwoven with the FORESTRY SCIENCES people on the board as well, in specialized knowledge too.  

Off to Chicago Illiniose 1995.   The ORBIT. The THE IMPERIAL CROWN , in my crowning in EUROPE ,  and achieved honors further . soon. yes, how I met, MICK JAGGER ,  and the PRIME MINISTER of INDIA . maybe more, BOB DYLAN,  and LUCILLE BALL,  and of course CHARLYNNE MAXWELL PORTER,  savvy women.  

More: OCTOBER 2024, ACHIEVEMENT at an early age of 14, were with international honors in museum honored,  NATIONALLY EXHIBITED museum quality works of art, on paper with two honored medals with ribbons, with my two works of art, exhibited in the EVERSON MUSEUM in 1979. Within the year in 1980, I had made agreements with the neopolotian city HIGH END MUSEUM ART GALLERY, on salina street, in SYRACUSE NEW YORK, USA. Very close to where I arrived at work, monday through friday at no later than 5:00 am taking the bus daily just ten minutes from my international tiny villa flat, I rented, with a prestigious entry stair with double dark wood vestabule doors , in beveled heavt glass, up in a fine extremely fine dark woord stair entry up, into a modest,  parkay floor wood , fine pattern, to a plain kitchen and larger front bright boudiore ' . 

Steps away from the three BLUE BRASS , DOME CATHEDRALS , in the tiny village area, seen from my view out of the villa flat. With a larger piazza that was near , not as large as the GRANDURE OF THE CATHEDRALS OF ROME ITALY, where ST PETERS CATHEDRAL in very well traveled and loved,.  With Pope Francis , Monsinoure ,  his grace. Good Morning Pope Francis, kind of you to arrive. 

Amore '  Cappieche ' Amore' Amore ' 

A svelt , southern,  reality for me, in 1989, was a lovely experience and in hard work, for the INTERNATIONAL GERMAN CORPORATION then,  even a few part time jobs, at times, working for LINEBERGERS SEA FOOD,  also GERMAN. in the USA.  with extensive further many details, before leaving the south, in 1995, to then assure a lovely reality for myself , in very difficult efforts , professionally full time ,  with then full time studies mostly evenings, after leveing my exceutive office , at 4:00 pm in a 20 mile drive into COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO, in ILLINOISE , as one of the largest cities in the world, in a business region largest, known as the LOOP. Named after the LOOP train, only in Chicago,  of a elevated train subway,  in a inner loop of some of the worlds largest buildings.  THE LOOP train is wonderful for travelers and those trying to get to lunch or shop, in the city too, fine and not easy to ride unless you read the map, then get on, and learn the loop stops ,  and where to get a elevator for suit cases to bring down to walking level. 

Returning to the south ,  was stark , at first, even in the gentle lush green regions , and an abundance of humanity too, there, well like Chicago, too, yet the drives were longer, to create more of my company.

Recieving emeritus honors from the MUSEUM,  there after two years, was with several medals, small gold pins,  and a honor lunchon,  then even four years of my extra work, in a guild board society, with some extra fundraising to the KMA in Knoxville Tennessee,  was with extreme civic extra off time, work,  and the efforts , to assure the museum quality, and free to all, in all, museum events. 

THE ROYAL CONSERVATORY ENTRY : I myself daily traveled into, during my royal advanced conservatory , extra time, with a amazing portfolio, and prestigious work, in the arts, already, dived into, with furtherment to my international exposure in broadening my portfolio, as I was recomended for a scollarship, of an international development of study, in THE ROYAL SCHOOL , conservatory,  work, I was of extreme prolific,  extra  work, from my home office, of many years, and prolific work and achievements in arts sciences and international esteemed honored business, in degree honored work at length, and the SCHOOL OF THE ART INTITUTE and COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO, royal studies were after a 40 hour higher level of licened professional work, employed for some of the most successful, of companies in the world. The first 2 years with BAIRED and WARNER. 

PHOTGRAPH; THE ROYAL MUSEUM, of the ART INSTITUTE of CHICAGO ILLINOIS, in side the doors ,  there was a large walk to the school entry ,   in the building ,  every day and even weekend in prolifice work in many studies, with over 300 sketches of my own,  in a weekly sketch high intendity conservatory worth, to those very well noted and faster , pace in thinking with prolific broadening to a faster,  lenghty,  difficult work, in figuative studies. Of course my own prolific work, was established in much earlier, with my first sold work in the arts,  much earlier, age 14. To LUCIANO POVEROTI' and then the gallery sculptures sold in 1979. With only tiny schulptues then, while in 1977, the fine work in my sketches, were a love to a man named ORSEN WELLS, the very famous,  film,  specialist in a realized profession of TELEVISION AND RADIO,  and music, whom has enjoyed my lovely school televised theatre of the 6 year old,  fun, of a sweet invite , to a extra curricular event. With extre music events, in television. within a school, extra curriculm. AIRED INTERNATIONALLY ,  then in the larger , stone castle of very important architecture and standard television. The Vanderbilt Building. Photographes: perhaps in a sweet book of architecture and fun with my utopian real history, that i worked hard to assure, even at age 6 years old. I realized the importance of the lovely reality, of even mom, being so prolific in her busy work, as a executive senior sales person and a buyer for a fine apparel shoppe, which was made of ITALIAN IMPORTED MARBLE ALABASTER and of a GERMAN engineering of strutural work. With even more cultural diversity in our city, whom , were the reason utopia ,  exists among  that of a culture riche peace , in the USA too.    

The extended work, with the MUSEUM,  is with over 12 000 society members of men and women,  all too,  with darling, efforts, and a museum of humanity whom,  honored my efforts, with more than medals , each year,  in those 4 hours to see the museum welcoming to all,  with the AFRICAN KOOMBA EVENTS,  teaching african drum, to childern, even to get a chance to play african drum, for a rather too short, event. The BUDIST MONKS, arrived from TIBET, the country, one of the smallest countries in the far east, nearest to CHINA which is extremely larger,  and a wealth to TIBET,  in truth, and TIBET a wealth of unique culture enriching to those in all of CHINA. THE MONKS arrived in the MUSEUM EVENTS,  they are devils, to have known, I would enjoy the day they arrived, and made time to schedule , my efforts,  just welcoming people,  hundreds , arrived, with the TIBETAN MONKS ,  making the ancient sand mondola . It was wonderful, as the TIBEN MONKS told me , they wished to take the sand and sprinkle it in the RIVER, the FRENCH BROAD RIVER,  that runs through the city of KNOWVILLE TENNESSEE, and to bless the city, the TIBETAN MONKS DID.  SAND ,  of all the colors of time ,  from TIBET are in the USA TENNESSEE, FRENCH BROAD RIVER. 

My efforts, were with excitment that I was able to assure the museum event,  welcoming more like a wall flower, with THE TIBETAN RELIGIOUS MONKS ,  whom were just there a short time, and then returned to the far east, to the country of TIBET, 2003. I was there . 

THE DALI LAMA ' yes, his grace, the DALI LAMA , is from TIBET.  

THE FACADE STEPS : inside the museum, my memories of my own foot steps of a riggerous daily reality ,  in my concervatory work,  very meaningful ,  as I think, each day is meaningful. Of course I realized the conservatory, would always remain a lovely ,  broadened home of my worth, of many, too, a ROYAL MUSEUM,  in the USA, to assure a sanctitude of a USA histiore' in even my own,  real histiore of dreams ,   which never come true, with a ideal of a NEW YORK MINUTE,   and rather a length of worth, and accumulative,   larger dicisions ,   even difficult in cultural reality in complex arts sciences in years of earlier formative ,   excellence . Should I say, humanity is worth saying excellence .  

THE MUSEUM OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO of ILLINOIS, of the ROYAL CONSERVATORY , of some short advanced work, for the reality of my own work and expanding broader international worth, 1997- 1998 at the CONSERVATORY ,  with larger professional  expanded work,  after 1998. What a delight to look again , and enjoy ,  my own sweet, memories, and note the museum is open daily free for everyone to view the notes of the finished works of paintings and sculpture , architecture and designs within the paintings. Some are athenticaded in real historical antiquites , of the USA, such as the FACADE STEPS.  CHICAGO ILLINOIS, ADAMS STREET AND MICHICGAN AVENUE ,  just a ten minute walk to the gold coast, village area, names after the SOUTH AFRICAN gold coast , of JOHANSIBERG SOUTH AFRICA. HIP. with a gold coast, in other counties in tiny villages in only certain international cities. RUSSIAN too. 

SWEET NOTE : extra of my life ,  in the USA ,  in photographs. 

2003, my merits of honors were with the MAYORS OFFICE , with a special exhibition in a special painting of mine, as a presention which is important, as my PROJECTS of MY OWN DEVELOPMENT in very special lecture interatives were gaining a real popularity , which always includes,  creating art, in unique crafted form, with a larger exposure to experiential learning with the smART lecture interactives.  MAYOR HASLUM, became governor eventually, while in 2005, I was honored with a GOVERNORS reception brunch,  due to the work in culture and business. Invited to the KNOWXVILLE BUSINESS SOCIETY,  and the president circle of the UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE. with a several of my exhibtions in the KNOWXVILLE MUSEUM of ART, in major film work, which was about to see, more online exposure, as I built a new platfom, of online TELEVISION for my company even more solidly prominent, than was structured in my design focus before in ealier 1995 when I finally purchased ,  real state of the art,  multi media microsoft computer, home office for the office home desk.  And Global Connect, for the many internationalist, many friends. Even Miehkail Gorbachov , was a distant friend, esteemed , in very lovely USA events,  in my ROYAL concervatory ,  after hours, invites ,  into the MUSEUM  to ponder freely the cultural avenues of high art, and high tea at the drake, into the RUSSIAN TEA ROOM, and of course BERGOFF'S risterante german american tradition,  before the symphony warm up, in a secret practis session afternoon,  in our saterday jeans , and t shirts ,  into listen to GEORGE SOLTI, and the mastery of the real,  philhamonic of the USA. 

More :  yes, Early Honored Designs, in 1974-1975,  earlier, designs in industrial  IID, international interior design society , merits ,  within my schools industrial revolution wood shop, work, with my spec drawings and a whole wood shop, ready to use, dad would have been proud, living all the way across the country of the USA, with no talk at dinner,  as a yound person,  nearly too busy.  While Mr HACKET,  the safety instructor,  for the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION wood shop,  stayed in his desk seat, as usual, and did cast my very first , sculpture, in molten aluminum sand casting of 7000 degree melt of hot a liminum, of my perfect sculture ,  of a DUCTCH HOUND , pure silver aluminum solid hand sand casting metal pour. I was then the person that cleaned the sand off and it was smooth and perfect, just as I had taken weeks to sketch the sculpture, plan the size of needed phome and then maticulously then use joinery, to a perfection of smooth silk finish. Fortunate to be schooled in a STEIL MANUFACTURING near city, of not just stainless steil, but the GERMAN ,  process which changed the history of cities to become with steil beems tallest ,  for a hardened gerter ,  which was the basic of the first TALLEST BUILDING IN THE WHOLE WORLD,  as the NEW YORK CITY ,  EMPIRE STATE BUILDING is.  

employment achivevments      erducation ,    exhibitions   publications and publication notes , furthering notes of fine exhibitions ,  and company overview,  w/ the architecture book project, and the reality of the real success in love notes , and the drive expaditions,  with more honored notations, read only . 

WORLD FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHY : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 



"A USA BROKEN BRANCH" 2009, earlier photographic travel publication from LAIHAINA HAWAII with many international friends, some INTERNATIONAL EUROPEAN PRESIDENTS and USA MOGELS,  such as JEFF BESO,  and a few others.  With later travel too, in my RETURN TO  HAWAII,  which I enjoyed more than I imagined in many ways, nearing perfect. In fact, on my 747 jet return flight, I wrote a small book, then  "MY HAWAII" in a sweet little literary fine tale, of an adventure that reflects more,  in HAWAII as even the cacooi nut tree brunching ocean side, with magic secrets of REAL JELLY FISH,   swimming in the moon light, secrets to know, in the book, MY HAWAII ,  to love HAWAII special travels and a USA polonesian asian - american culture of the country of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,  special ISLAND STATE as a real jewel, and lovely HAWAII, USA culture.  Promoting a fine rolling business and respective ,   gentle humanities, HAWAIAN , and all of the USA and everywhere,  of the 2009 little literary jem. Due to the upsets , the books have been delayed , in the sales notes. 10.1,2024, reather an urgent sos,  in liesure and business. With two phones in my direct work, in some extreme repair , in the last several days current to 10.1.2024 sos specialist in russia are looking at the issues, and serious urgency. As a USA conflict, and AMERICANS ,  are interested , serious , and near in a wild arrival of over 6 billion whom love the invite and drive, which will be a real pleasant ,   100%   real, reality, soon.   

soon , a brief of the vitea ' in print,  will be international press news . Japanese Times, will be pleased,   

HAWAII WAKIKI BEACH, HONOLULU HAWAII  , photograph by princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

REAL HAWAII REAL SURFS UP,   SWIM in totally shallow calm warm beautiful ocean everywhere. 8 hour flight after reaching los angeless, in a larger jet only 747,  with a fine dinner included , in an over 8 hour flight strait from the west coast ocean of the USA, direct west as in JUST FOLLOW THE SUN,  in only ocean only, no land visable a entire nearing 9 hours to the actual state of HAWAII, of seven islands largest, with many cities,  and regular busses and cabs and car rentals, hotal shuttles and air port shuttles free.  Plan earlier , 6 months , pre plan , and gain hotel resevations to look into calling HAWAII hotels directly , and assure all reservations several times, as the hotels are not many, and beach sleeps are with sharks.  Busy,  and Return flights are not as easy as a return train. Also the CRUISE SHIPS ARE LARGER than most extremely larger city building with 100,000 passangers , and are a nice nice really fine experience ,   and hop to at least four islands with travel shuttles and special boat dingy's into some cities from the largest outboard ships, scooning into KONA ,  where the producers of HAWAIAN COFFEE as KONA coffee,  do sell small bags of KONA coffee,  not a recomended swim area ever, while very exciting. Bring your best , summer , sporty stuff. and Cheep Sun Glasses. 

JAPANESE TIMES, and the NEW YORK TIMES, BLOOMBERG NEWS, MOSCOW TIMES, THE FRENCH NATIONAL TIMES, THE INDIAN TIMES, THE ENGLAND JOURNAL, and even the TATE MODERN MUSEUM OF ART, LONDON ENGLAND,  emailed everyday for three years. International Press Statements, yes to you all.   with a very large extra extra email from many more, very fine many, individuals of esteemed efforts, as even FORD GENERAL MOTORS.  

more soon, in a brief vitea '  international press statement for you,  whom ever you are, everywhere all over in the world. 


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