lists largest, yes, press international kind delights with everyone all over the world, you might be ready to post a reel too, BBQ, OR BRUNCH PROPER, LUNCH IN THE PARK, with F
AT GRILLED CHEESE , soft cheeses, with sliced summer tomatoes , vine ripe roma, or perhaps swiss, winter tomatoes from the vines, and finest avacado, with extra mayo, lettuce's with ice berg included. shrimp, sliced black olive, grilled sauteed mushrooms and vidalia spanish onions. even a olive oil grilled sliced garlic potatoe , and a sunny side up egg, of course. buttered bread, with a hot mild pepper chili' rinochttia sauce, as a coilis.
with the loved media online and on the air LOVE NOTES
HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP , on your toes men.
waits for no-one, and we are with bad news, with your reality, ready, and agile. We have a RUSSIAN CLOTHERIES SHOW, with fine basics in the little estate purchases and SHOWS CLOTHERIES , summer, shorties, hot pants, and wool, up to the ears. Mongolian too, CHINA, is hopping. hop. North. South. East. and West. Your late, and DRIVE READY RUSSIA, for the BENTLEY CONVOYS . RUSSIAN. HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP, and lets get on with real toe to heel, moves, 35,000 (fantastic tap dance ) the RUSSIAN ROYAL NAVY surprised me with toe to heel. Ajile reality with more than a hop. Great everyone. Film updated soon. You have never experienced in the world, as it's rather, in my work, a world unknown, in the love of a hop. today, larger, yes. High TEA, in MOSCOW LATE? 007 martini . Are Never Late. Shaken, Not Stirred.
12:49 pm : message 007
sir Vladimir Putin, message: martini's darling, shaken not stirred. Are you ready to serve the tobasco again. The word, men, are in ready, to hop hop hop, with the new era, toe to heel, rare, reality, of opportunity in the unknown universe of
as myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT. Yes, rare form everyone. and a gift?
RODGER MOORE a martini's shaken not stirred. Sean Connery? Peirce Bronsnad ? Everyone?
007 specialist , ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRAY? real orbit notes, martini? shaken not stirred.
We might have fun. RUSSIAN ROYAL NAVY ?
FLY ME TO THE MOON yes, martini' with a shake FRANK, thanks,
"TALLY ME BANANA" thanks Harry. Martini' you know the rest.
1:30 hop hop hop. cuban style,
with Desi Arnes Junior Of CUBA hop. JULY 2024 AUGUST 2024 READ
SPECIAL FILMS , DESI ARNES yes very special .
message LUCILLE BALL with VIVIAN VANCE FILM REEL MESSAGE , from the film producion executive LUCILLE BALL , in a fine message, impromtu, about the wine . FILM REEL EXTRA
1:49 pm DOBIE GREY
message with everyone, you are lovely,.
hop hop hop with me, thanks.
"IN WITH THE IN CROWD" hop well.
sweet of you all, for me, lovely.
DOBIE GREY and everyone. impromtue hop.
for me at love notes.
AUTOMOBILE NOTE; still waiting, more soon. Concerto Notes, and a ROYAL SKETCH SALE , online. Maybe a few, directly from me, in a announcment. and the concerto time and place announced soon. Architecture Books, my note today : copy your photographs into your ONE NOTE NOTE PAGE. ONE PAGE only, then add your writing notations, and you own book credit and title with the date and year. Add street names and exact places if you have noted the address easily. With only your name as the author. Take your time, and next will be the publishing notations eased. At Amazon. WITH SPECIAL THANK YOU TO Jeff Bezo and everyone at AMAZON.
NOTE LECTURE BREIF: advance business, for all, and shoppe sales people, in foods or products, remember your work, and wages, be professional, and stick gum in your ears, if needed, be careful, to not be fooled into a wind mill, of a few hot footed broke, zinwatterszittles. And look forward to your memories realized, and great fortitudes of your own seperated worth. The USA is rather large. and I told couie, the whale, I said: I am rather small, to swim too far into a giant ocean, unknown in the distance.
Do not be shoved out of your worthy efforts, and delightful professional worth, with a bad wind mill, and not one millar of the real millar chappel. Shaken, not stirred everyone. Martini's are going to be splendid. Every day needed. All over the world.
I love you. from myself,
007, shaken not stirred everyone. film reels
2:17 pm message impromptu
yes martini's shaken not stirred, George. I may have a sale ine FAIRFEILD CONNECTICUT,
to pay for my automobile . sale announcment with conccerto not announced yet.
NOTE LECTURE BREIF: advance business, for all, and shoppe sales people, in foods or products, remember your work, and wages, be professional, and stick gum in your ears, if needed, be careful, to not be fooled into a wind mill, of a few hot footed broke, zinwatterszittles. The LOVELY PEOPLE, ALL, ARE worth good efforts to all. And professional good shopping with careful articulation in excellence in good customer services. Your career is your every important, minute of worth, . And look forward to your memories realized, and great fortitudes of your own seperated worth. The USA is rather large. and I told cocouie, the whale, I said: I am rather small, to swim too far into a giant ocean, unknown in the distance. To actually swim in far into an unknown ocean, real, vaste, and torrential into the 80 leagues under the sea, even in the ocean FAR EASTERN ASIAN PACIFIC , where the most opulent GIANT OCOPUS lives under the sea in the gental octopus' garden far beneath the ocean sea. My little book, written in 2001, of CACUOI the whale, whom sings to me, from far in the ocean, swimming not to close, as too large a whale , of over 100 feet. Authoring the book; CACOUIE and the PRINCESS, is rather opulent sketches and a film too. With tales of a whale to know in the tiny literary fine book..
Do not be shoved out of your worthy efforts, and delightful professional worth, with a bad wind mill, and not one millar of the real millar chappel. Shaken, not stirred everyone. Martini's are going to be splendid. Every day I love you and need you with splender in messages many. All over the world.
I love you. from myself,
007, shaken not stirred everyone. film reels
small heel affair., I carry my fine shoes, in a little attache, if your in town for the sale and conccerto. or online, not announced time and day yet. love notes, with martini's shaken not stirred.
007 are you ready: 007, shaken not stirred everyone. film reels
message 4:21 pm
007 ENGLAND, in,
just now, martini's everyone
shaken , of course, not stirred.
with 007 Daniel Craig.
QUEEN ELIZABETH, special message in film.
POPE FRANCIS , meeting,
sent the message, yes, to martini's shaken ,
not stirred.reel foto special message from the country of ITALY in EUROPE.
in great upset, scenes from sundance kid.messages, yes, was the word, from
WMAN AND ROBERT REDFORD, martini's shaken of course , not stirred. 007, gold events. need you. with everyone at
sundance Utah, Los Angeles, New York , office, and london england. thank you everyone. Darling PAUL, and ROBERT, I love you all.
Robert Redford Paul Newman and everyone.
ROBERT REDFORD, and PAUL NEWMAN, martini's all around. Dry Vermouth , of course,
Vodka, Jin. yes two jigs, and a dash of, lime soda, of CANANA DRY GINGERALE,
with a green olive on a swizzle stick.
message from
in the white room, yes.
1969 everyone, when I was 4 years old. And well, the lobsters. Soon. reel films
martini's shaken, not stirred, events. RUSSIAN HOP HOP HOP. my LITTLE BLACK BOOK of the LISTS, of giant, with you all, everywhere, in FAIRFIELD CONNETICUIT USA and all over the world.
automobile note: still not ready to roll. 5:42 pm THE ROYAL SKETCH, online september 6th 2024
[ royal sketch reel international press ]
with the conccerto details.
DAVID BOWIE messages
now again and again . Lovely .
5:53 pm yes david . martini perfect. JEROMY IRONS, too, yes. darling martinis shaken of course, not stirred. Ah, we need grenidene juice. absolutely .
6:07 pm, Hello Everyone, Everywhere, All over the world, Hello, to you all, and thank you, thank you very very much, for the lovely lovely, traffic so great to see you all, as you may have thought, i didn't see you, and i really did, you made it extra special, very good of you, and my gift, to you will be posted at love notes, soon. THE ROYAL GIFT: FAIRFEILD, to you all. With an important time soon. within three days, the conccerto, and on the air all over the world. Excitment, I think with martini's shaken of coures, not stirred. Young martini's are with grenidene (cherry juice as a subsititute ) Gingerale, and Lime Cola, with a green olive , cocktail olive size, smaller stuffed with red pimento, on a swizzle stick.
[ROYAL SKETCH ] posted international press in love notes soon.
Nice Night for a Lite Dinner, and I wish you all, everywhere, a very nice dinner, don't forget to stop at a grocery and have plenty of foods in you automobile town and country drives, and flights, cabs, everywhere. SKETCH NIGHTS . with love to you all, all over the world, enjoy breakfast , lunch, and dinner sitting or standing, with kisses showering your very lovely sweet persona's gentle and delightful, all over the world. FAIRFEILD CONNETICUIT , USA is said to be with quite the good efforts with so many in town, at about 50 cities, that booked solid in hotels and rentals in and near. over one hundred million people, ran with me,. to Conetticuit, not exactly at STAR BUCKS. Though a charming many young grown ups. were boldly excited . And polite with love.
AA AIR LINES AND USA AIR public flight are starting up some cheep round trip flights. Usually Week- End East travel hop flights.
more soon.
romantically intellectual, wildly of russian charm
007 secret films.
PIANO for a PRINCESS, as a gift so beautiful
especial to me,
6:45 pm messages yes, millions , and martini shaken not stirred, with YO YO MA, my darling from my ROYAL COBSERVATORY , and one of the most lovely in CHELLO , known all over the world.
9:55 pm UPDATE REVIEWS , yes wattbar ? No green ticket , shuuu shuuu , 00 zuse note .
007 zuse note : is no secret .
10:04 PM and meeting supper
sandwiches and cola was wonderful.
10:53 pm MICK JAGGER , message impromptu now. with everyone in the
" START ME UP" with my work out. We all enjoyed from my villa. 2023, sweet darling MICK , message from THEE MICK JAGGER , now. in Film. 007 martini shaken of course and not stirred. wild . Of you all. Thank you. With love.
11:31 pm breif from MOSCOW RUSSIA MEETINGS, sir Vladimir Putin. 00 zuse note extra . in FILM breif directly from the CZAR. HOP HOP HOP. PEACE is th a word.
SEPTEMBER 6th 2024 9:02 pm good morning, everyone in FAIRFIEL, CONNECTICUT, USA,
Good morning all over the world, Good Evening in CHINA, right now and throughout europe, as well.
STAR BUCKS, has a very good person at the register, with such pleasant, professionalism, and I wanted to mention professionalism, in great customer, experience, and that of a welcome open business, at STAR BUCKS, too. which wishes to reetain, very professional people, with interest in the individual.
It can be difficult, in business, best foot forward is always easiest, and best, in professionalism,
( business tushay words help) , of course customer services is with the order, and then the receipt paid, and then the person whom is the sales clerk, responsible to assure the order, even if they have a staff. Don't take wooden nickles. In other words, miffing, wrong news. Emailing you company president owner, is the right thing to do, and it may take three emails to the same person. The owner , president. online at the correct site. When you are working to save money, (did you get a very good raise of money, and need to assure you are aware of the eanrings increase, ) (assure your reality, be your self in professional reality, (ah, ATM are down the street, we will hold your purchase, until you return) then prepare it freshly when you get your money). Enjoy looking at the menu, welcome. Of course, the secret, is the revenue is important, and earnings are not worth losing in a fratternization , ever. My friend, he said, POU POU on you in his little cafe job, when someone gave him a fake sign and didn't work for the company as then worth the broader love, right out side, for a vacation 12 times a year, to pay for a exclusive travel by air flight, and see the USA, more. Of course , flight deals for week end round trip ( to your selected city, you chose, and then a return flight) under $100. 00 in some week end flight hops. All year. Many cities with deals are larger, and larger air ports, with more hotels, at no more than, $90.00 for a three star to five star, which can be at a 5 star, $150.00 as I myself traveled quite often, in the 1980's when I began work at my age of 16 years old. Already traveling internationally, enough. While I enjoyed many USA travels , which was something, we also loved as children. Historical cities were fun. LookOut Mountain in CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, is a fine drive in. While the air flight, is not in the city. It's rather a small historical city.
more, yes. MARTINI's shaken not stirred , with a hop hop hop, is with many messages. Even quite a few, in RUSSIA, with a HOP HOP HOP, and BENTLEY DRIVE , CONVOY, which will not match the largest convoy in the history of time, in my travel in, to FAIRFEILD, CONNECTICUT, USA.
The GIANTS , in large rig trucks across the USA arrived on my roads left and right, right and left, it the lovely reality, we enjoy. With many larger lettering with special message from the giant corporations, in many darling real notes. USA LOVE, from the president's of corporations, men and women, to the millions of fine professionals whom work, to perfect the brands and services of their company, reality, too. I have a film of the CONVOY to post later in a very special love notes.
message ; 9:26 am LENARD BERNSTEIN ,
very special of you all, RHAPSODY IN BLUE, just now,
in FILM REEL now, Lenard and everyone, it rather a most lovely surprise this morning. You are all very beautiful, in the very most gracious largest grace. I adore you all. The composition of GEORGE GERSHWIN are . Wonderful across the USA and the world, everywhere, every village, every country, live from NEW YORK CITY , NEW YORK, now.
messages all night with the kremlin, sir VLADIMIR PUTIN ,
sleepy and awake at 4:00 am MOSCOW RUSSIA TIME.
Loved in the special piano film. Loved, all over the world.
More, martini 's shaken not stirred updates. soon.
message : 9:59 pm DICK CAVET 10:01pm, telephones yes my online phone is finally again working. I received 890,786 messages last evening in one minute, while DICK CAVET, star bucks . ? martini's shaken not stirred darling, fun, exists.
message : 10:19 pm mike bloomberg, Root Beer Floats,
and my special cigarette cakes, you made extra special reminder to martini's shaken not stirred. Hopping in NEW YORK CITY soon. MIKE BLOOMBERG, thanks, your messages are very important and charming. NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, at least everyone, hop hop hop. with me, and the finest martini's shaken not stirred.
THE CARD GAME : the introspective brilliant , MR FLANNERY IN THE CARD GAME with
men, darlings, also include ROBERT REDFORD, and PAUL NEWMAN, with others, in the new scene updates, from commentary film, of the STING. , about a horse race, banking, and undertow, in water skying with total agility. If you have the time to learn real water skying, as I, 1978.
of FLANNERY'S FURNATURE . perfect, meet you all at a proper brunch, then, martini's shaken, as you replied, not stirred. Gentlemen. HOP HOP HOP, then. you see. 11:10 pm HOP HOP , HOP,
MICHAEL JACKSON, your so charming, with messages , many, as we are darling friends since childhood, even 1974, new york, summers. FILM yes. 11:13 pm HOP HOP HOP with the BEE GEE's
staying alive. FILM yes. notes yes, more, lovely notes. Hop, with me. message HOP HOP HOP. JOGN TRAVOLTA , staying alive . disco, updates 1980. and now in FILM statement STY STALONE FILM
when professionalism and economics are very important. HOP HOP HOP ,? martini's shaken , STY, not stirred. HOP HOP HOP , CETAIT TOI, BILLY JOEL, it's my uphoria, you wanted when you wrote my FRENCH SONG, with a toy zilaphone, you wrote for me, in 2014, your perfectly charming . listen. 11:34 pm now live from MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK USA. hop hop hop, is the RUSSIAN WORD, on the street, with me, and cute messages from SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, emails , more than the messages from ROBERT FORBES , seems impossible, over 2000, yesterday . with the word on the street, hop hop hop, ROBERTO FORBES. somba ? with the KREMLIN, Sir Vladimir Putin, somba, sir putin, it's going to be a work out and you are a magnificent agile reality .
I don't know why? in FILM scenes, RUSSIANS LANDED , in central park with ice cream , with me, in 2015. 007 sweets. HOP HOP HOP , in FRANCE , in the lovely city of PARIS , FRANCE, EUROPE, at Du Louvre Museum. READ HISTIORE' within the cultural study, of just a glance at the paintings and world notes , cultural antiquities of artifacts , manifique' FRANCE. with an outting of breakfast , lunch or dinner when you are fully prepared and somewhat with map and flight studies, under your individual bone up, study on you own. Skip the tour bus and group types of stuff. Drive well. in FRANCE alone. more soon, I have to see about my automobile not ready yet. Strange interferance with a upsetting call, from a possible wrong call, not my brother, and still, unresolved , in repairs at honda which quoted me, $600. and said it would be three hours, then phoned and said the charge was $2200.
and not what was quoted. Then when calling HONDA the clerk, said it was ready, and set to go, and then the other office said, it is not even started. With a extreme high quote, over $2000. 00 when the Quote was a firm, $600. 00 while i travel with only a lite budget. The specialist are analyzing the data and the issues caused, in RUSSIA, 007 zip line portals . and the concerns are a RU, HOP HOP HOP, in the matters , of specificity. with several larger areas. with the new era. and not the repete, of a issue, in my invited and revenue , ever again. hop hop hop, is real. RUSSIA, hop, is real, whether general h, likes it or not. Hop hop hop. The issue is very serious.
[ROYAL SKETCH ] of my works of sketch and design, expanded into broad art forms, known throughout the european continent , and the americas. is a nervous moment, with a global press announcement soon. with the sketch unveiled in a sketch note. Today.
uncencored. we don't know who the other bloke is
, while robert is fantastic, with swards.
SEPTEMBER 6TH 2024 , the prime minister of Russia within the GOVER MENT of RUSSIA , word on the street in RUSSIA , HOP HOP HOP .
with a martini shaken not stirred.
with me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
READ 2:20 pm now from fairfeild on conneticuit usa. 2:49 pm automobile update : my wonderful brother , OLDEST, paid the HONDA dealership, still upsetting , very serious upset, and the HONDA DEALERSHIP , has been repairing my 2007 HONDA, crv. as my brother is waiting for the repair fully completed, and I am waiting for my brother to text when HONDA OF WESTPORT , is finished with the breaks. At a cost of over $2000.00 Is what I have been quoted, that my brother paid totally. The whole bill. Knowing the smaller travel budget I travel with. Automobile note. With frank zappa : not a hop ' " somewhat a upset comment in song, " vale ah. ee ah, vale geirl. Bad wind.
[ post sketch : not yet thee royal sketch ]
one hour sketch tof the post modernist pencil work on paper. I thought e everyone might wish to enjoy, pre: [THEE ROYAL SKETCH ]
more impromtu sketches yes.
yes. Et Ev Meritus . I sang within the hour, for everyone. All over the world. 5:20 pm
5:26 pm THEE JERRY LOUIS with a customer scenes " the real sales executive" in film. childern take notations , JERRY LOUIS is the very most charming . Secrets vladimir, A TZAR, while the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin , sends an important message, read only.
SELECTIVLY , written by the BBC . head lines from the Kremlin. with secrets 007 love .
6:00 PM Paul Newman political, yes. The porches, I remember.
now westport : in Film
6:09 pm FRANK SINATRA , fly me to the moon.
messages , forever,
you surprised me. Martini's everyone ,
WILLIE NELSON, shaken, willie,
you always shake a martini' not stirred.
your sweet song you wrote. It's lovely.
WILLIE NELSON FILMS . exciting willie nelson, while you realize that I will be flight ready in the USA, and of course EUROPE. Your darling.
SEPTEMBER 7th 2024 good morning everyone. In FAIRFEILD of WESTPORT village, is hopping, with over 7000 automobiles in, every hour, getting late SATURDAY BREAKFAST, and LUNCH, with perhaps photographs, of the people too, in drives and risterants to ask to have your photograph snapped while your in town, for a very special invite. Architecture Concertos and the arts and culture to be, a loved reality, with you all. Amazing, and no parking JAM, at CUBBY'S STADIUM. Thank you for the lovely messages, so many, we can hope to see, a few films, from those in FAIRFEILD , architecture fun. Perhaps you prepared a film, and free upload of utube , and there are no fee's or revenue , gained in utube, there were USA technochimping , so just ignore it, and post your utube. some Utubes were actually uploaded and technochimped with a switched film that was preloaded and tampored in the conception and big eye technochimping , with giant famous love notes people I posted, and some regular too, utube fine film even great basic film, plainly perfect. The Extra uploads in several uploads are important to view your own film, and still their are some that were with non company , attachments that are not attaching the film. Do review your film and make several copies. copy 1 copy 2 copy 3 copy 4 , should be good, as some issues were aimed at others too. The specialist are looking through the switch and splice of dc tecxhnochimping repairs and we need to get smart, to realize not to be fooled as the WHO WRITES in the very well loved song, the WHO realized to love me, and get out the guitars with real love from the WHO. working hard in the recovery of the USA that needs tender love, and awarness, of special reality for furthering economic stabilization. And be careful what you my read, as even AMAZON , job lists EMAILING YOU, and no one at amazon actually knows whom you are, with no resume that you actually sent. "GET SMART " with maxwell smart, in the show? GET SMART . Spoof comedy, not very humorous in todays world. While Maxwell, makes a mean martini' shaken not stirred , in real life. Upload the same film three times, careful of your typing, some issues still, dc technochimping , not fully resolved yet, utube id a very fine free service at the GOGGLE url, which is a public free url, known as a search engine for the world wide web, and and is for everyone, everywhere with international federal communication, (IFCC) standards , that are important to know in what is a IFCC, which is with international rules, into all countries. Google, is not a company, and is a url for the love of the world wide web. (www). surfing everywhere , online. be ware. Most people select in their own choice of limited selections, truthfully. While please, know you can surf and terf, ...( surf, means look at the reality of all www, online sites, you wish, and turf means lobster or sea food dinning. ). HOP HOP HOP, with martini's shaken not stirred. Of course, children must have a parent, and in cases teachers that are not setting the limits on any way, in any surf reality, while parents and teachers make favorite area and with strident areas to be carefull. Preview content , like the CARTOON : of the BULLWINKLE. Of course, with children, I stick to TALES of PETER RABIT, and very special selections, non political. Even the TALE of the EMPOROR HAS A NEW SUIT, as a very special literary ROYAL CHILD'S book, that is important to learn self study and read learned alone. Often children in the ages of KINDERGARDEN, learn only writing the alphabet, and sounds of the letters, A is for APPLE,. A a. and then soon, there is how to read, alone. "AT" T is for TRACY. "HAT " H h is for happy "h". Soon it is with a whole list of one letter words, and two letter words, then three letter words, alone, learned and learned again, many 9 whole months in school 4 hours a day by the age of 4.5 to 5 years old in kindergarten, with a tiny library for kindergarden only , in schools, and a piano, with teachers that learned a simple happy child song. Like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 9 whole months, one special song before a dish of ice cream. with of course learning to write numbers up to ten, and all alone. A little student desk, not bothered by teachers and other students. Pencils busy. Minds beautiful, very special in the world, we realize the type of reality of standards in schools from start to graduation at 16 usually. Some advance in to some GENERAL INDEPENDENT STUDIES . ELVIS PRESTLY studied well, working to fill fuel in a full service fuel stop, and sat out side often to play guitar , in between customers, on a little tree stump. With many that loved to listen that drove in, while ELVIS PRESTLY hopped then and now quite charming, even serving martini's shaken not stirred.
BOB DYLAN, messages, are illustrious with some of my work, in presentations, I get very elaborate, and BOB DYLAN, loved reminding me, of the elaborated films I create in my own presentations many many years. Alleys and more, with flip cards to read, everything, charming, with BOB DYLAN, THEE BOB DYLAN ( ROBERTO ) at my side, and my work in film, gets rather illustrious and quite different.
ROBERTO DYLAN message updates we love. Everywhere, all over the world. It's sweet, even in Japan and China, and Peru, and Germany, RUSSIA, Africa, Scotland, England, Mexico, and everywhere, Canada, the USA, the online messages of everyone , lovely wildly in the know.
and I , serving martini's shaken not stirred ,
in film, of course not, too wild.
BOB DYLAN FILM with myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, at love notes.
FILMS , YES, INCREDIBLE , wildly loved all over the world.
10:46 pm real love: real gift, not yet the sale concerto and royal sketch, Et Et Emeritus , of the cries of the angles, arrive as you are of a emeritus of your own graces, for you all. Every where all over the world. not yet thee concerto, wishing you all peace with gentle lovely prosperity, globally and in the USA,
from myself,
princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT last evening I did arrange in a classical music composition, to you everywhere last evening after 9:00 pm. Ready to dance with FRANK SINATRA and ROBERTO DYLAN, always BOB DYLAN, that is. And ELVIS PRESTLY . of course.
ROYAL SKETCH PRINTS : may be possible. the detailed announcement are not posted yet.
BEAR POACHERS , a miniscule skermish, chicken pecking of dc small pock's are a concern. some slide into counters , and some aimed poaching real-estate or other, looking at poplars , rather than the larger reality of the hop hop hop in even a smash, the wrong way in my travel, based on just the break damage repair that was from a fisted mouth filled with atomic sludge, and dc , technochimpers, mingling with the finest in professional great customer service, in spots as larger as a 60 SECOND, RELAY techno belt, rather than real, chatter in the lovely filled star bucks this morning with incredible love . fun festive normal chatter with lovely busy sweet , kind ambiance with you all. Sweet thank you , in the MAJOR LEAGUE, of a love in the USA , in FAIRFIELD , WEST PORT village area, CONETICUIT USA.
CHICKEN PECKING with bagged feed in film
CHARLIE WINSON has a look at poachers charlie you shouldn't have sweet darling .
with love from me, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT
NOW LISTEN AGAIN again, NATE KING COLE with a very rare very special update, now direct from my very dear darling NATE KING COLE, in FILM & EXTRA FILMS
11:34 pm THEE ELTON JOHN, from the country of ENGLAND , in lovely lite plum, jeweled beaded lovely messages, of my plum tea event RUSSIA. Late, and with lovely RUSSIA, of finest RUSSIAN LOVE , everywhere, all over ROYAL RUSSIA, the eastern european country, never alone, always with my love , everywhere. I love you everywhere. from myself
special messanger : 007 GUILD MUSEUM SOCIETY people, CAROL as board president, lovely of you, and football, so important in the UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE, I love well. LADIES and GENTALMEN, we have enjoyed many fine museum special events together, great of you to send lovely messages. I love ya'll. Finest you are. It's going to be some chi' et jig, A little minute for the KNOXVILLE MUSEUM of ART, is my pleasure, everyone, men and women, boys and girls of the city of KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, so lovely with free admission to the museum every day all day, with fundraising we worked well on, years, thank you for the work even more, into years of important museum cultural reality free. Highway 75 is with travelers that love KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE well, and do not forget a drive into great foods in the KNOXVILLE SQUARE, and the old city area little village, with many great ristorantes, with fine perfect love in welcome, in great business, cheep supper, breakfast and lunch, too. THEE REAL on the air now PAYTON MANNING , real on the air now. More than a coach in foot ball, eased conversation. PAYTON MANNING , now. FILM Unique in excellence in professional football, and extraordinary, in higher education, with amazing business achieved reality. From the UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE. now.
Kingston Pike breakfast, at 8:00 pm more. Earlie Breakfast Special STARTING at 5:00 am
$2.99 plus a $1.25 coffee. I enjoy extra stack of 6 large german style pancakes .
stretch and hop hop hop everyone . you're so special. with a black tie event announced, martini's shaken , you see, not stirred. with 007 in play. from the UNIVESITY of TENNESSEE. on the air now. love notes extra.
who serves a mean martini too,
shaken of course, not stirred.
CLINT EATWOOD with SANDRA LOCK, in every which way but lose .
presentation for my father, as he wishes at my age of 4 , my daddy , my father said.
Then on his busy coast to coast, professional 18 wheel, shipments to the USA .
Year's and years go by, I love you daddy. And everyone ,
FILM, too. The CONVOY yes, everywhere in the USA,
is KING OF THE ROAD , mike bloomberg, likes king of the road, too.
Sanrda Lock, your beautiful,
standard american television,
and love notes especials
RODGER MILLER KING OF THE ROAD now on the air at love notes. RODGER , darling your sweet in a real hop , with real martini's shaken Rodger not stirred. At the chi' et jig poissie fumia (wine standards France) americana ristorante, everyone.
some people went to HONDA for some repairs too. While just a $15.00 oil change is a larger order, for a city with 1.5 million people, or 35,000 in a reputable revenue in just low prices in all oil changes like Jiffy Lube Knoxville Tennessee. Even a few women mechanics have changed my oil at Jiffy Lube.
with sale prices : $13.99. worth ease, and great revenue in a larger average yearly worth. of course.
Of course there is a PUBLIC USA memorial park named PICKETT'S PARK, with histories of the greatest USA, post modernist revolution, with my famille in the USA GENERAL PICKETT, in 1776, of the GREAT AMERICAN REVOLUTION. histoire to know more, soon, with a ROYAL HISTOIRE of that in large EUROPE , even FRANCE , with KING LOUIS the VIII of that of the KING OF FRANCE fammille . lovely in histioure' to know more, soon. Histoire' starts with alphabet pencil work, and math: example : 1 plus 1 = 2.
My mother, yes with an extensive education, with even piano too, alumni of Syracuse University, with love Wendel A Powers , as my fostorian father, of years, Wendel is of a Riche Gernan- English of a Royal Histiore ' of the Royal Country of Germany, with larger emeritus work in the usaas an American , and speaks fluent French and Fluent German, as an American of the USA. Alumni from Harvard University .
message from SAIC. THE SCHOOL OF THE ART INSITUTE OF CHICAGO, as a ROYAL CONSERVATORY in special conservatory work, at the MUSEUM OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, my alumi of the USA, in CHICAGO ILLINOIS, USA. THEE SCHOOL you all saw cousin it. hop? Bad news for cousin it, I will say. Hello, and I love you all. Hop Hop Hop with me always, everyone, messages are perfect, thank you sincerely . princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT
Preston Jackson . thank you for the very special film updates , Ralph Achilles, Brent Gerron, John Atkinson, Dean Rose Gorden at (CCC of U) Fred Nelson, designer of the FORD MUSTANG, and interm professor, Professor Carol Hammond - KENNEDY, in architecture and industrial design standards, President, Deans, The original direction editor of encyclopedia Britannica ( former world art history professor) Professors SAIC and Columbia College Chicago in chicago, IL, USA. With 37 colleges in the LOOP, staff, and a hop in the city, with great love from me personally. Carol Hunt , winettka fine villagers , the winetka gazzet .Highland Patk ,Illinois, Gazzet, Mount Plesant Illinios at Lake Cook College, The light house at the Evanston Art Centre , the Arts Circle of Colleges at North Westetn University, The sales team at TOM THUMB hobby and craft supply ,Honers Risterate, many of the loved many regional risterates in Chicago Regions, Dominic's Grocery, Treasure Island Grocery, Harry Carry, with the Chicago Cubs, Those at the Rivinia Festival in Highland Park. And caterers at FOOD STUFF, and thise in counter sales, Sears and Robuck. Howard Park AREA VILLAGE. villagers. And there are more as enlarge the list.
1:14 pm THE ZOMBIES message, we are sometimes , total zombies too.
Hop Hop Hop
messages with " a time of the season for loving " for my mother too.
Martini's shaken not stirred , with tiny unbrellas , one cocktail olive per swizzle stick, short.
Children, unbrellas ? Smart ZOMBIE EARS . $1.25 unbrellas cocktail drink cup unbrellas .
YUL BRENNER film on the air now , darling you are lovely.
YUL BRENNER FILM now gitti up horse man, i love, thank you everyone, in south america, with me and THEE YUL BRENNER now.
GROWN UPS , CHILDERN, special film, child fun. Politically Fun.
1:36 pm now Fairfield Connecticut time .
ELVIS PRESTLY now on the air, really, with a little diddy film, darling you shouldn't have.
Gosh I miss you ELVIS PRESLEY, lovely of you. in FILM REEL on the air now. especially for me, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT
ELVIS PRESLEY , our fun, posted at love notes, now of course .
007 secret JAPAN STATE OF THE ART reels . messages from Elvis , lovely fun.
What a Hop Hop Hop, darling sir Elvis Presley. lovely of you.
QUEEN ELIZABETH now rare royal message now.
HOP HOP HOP with martini's shaken not stirred, London ENGLAND and throughout all of great Britain. with myself,
word on the street GREAT BRITTIAN ENGLAND , from LONDON Hop Hop Hop well, now.
urgent. yes.
POST MODERIST sketch notations , pre sale , with the unveiling of the ROYAL SKETCH with a opening in a CONCERTO . from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT in a usual simplicity and opulent fine fun with real love. with a opulent fun. with a hop hop hop, of a rare fun, with the martini's shaken, not stirred, all over the world. extra extra: children some , were chatter bugs finest. and a song, I did sing, within the hour; ALL GOOD CHILDREN LEARN TO ROLLER SKATE . written in 2011.
POST MODERNIST SKETCH : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett real love gets political.
messages yes, martini 's with a hop ,
with me and the BEATLES too,
messages from thee darling BEATLES " HELP " , and you're perfectly wild men.
THE ONE AND ONLY BEATLES as men i adore well in a special feature film.
more, yes, of course. while my battery in the car, needs to be recharged , now, and I have a late meeting with the kremlin,
Dr de de de de de de de de de de Sir Vladimir Putin, and the general assembly notes to present, within the councils of the countries of european presidents of the countries and their councils, as well, with some extra special thank you's in russia, and slight bad wind , RU, briefly, with a very special thank you now to CHINA , in the space center, specialist, and more as well as the RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE , with a a larger gracious thank you to the kremlin , sir vladimir putin , as well as those in the circle of Presidents of Countries , in Europe in special international councils within their own government , secularly, also in south America, and Canada . The great USA, of course, will have a read only , reality, too, due to, special measures I assured to assure my company development of my large projects and the equity involved of my many years of large efforts, in piled high projects, of my work, rather, yet, not on my work desk, with delays ,
and as warren buffet, reminds me of my lengthy design equity. BUDDY HACKET, AND JOHNNY CARSON, NOW talk real names listen on the air now love notes.
JEFF BEZO , the founder of the market place on line AMAZON.COM
FILM on the air now at love notes, with BLUE ORIGIN, and a fine time, complex
with ease JEFF BEZO, created at online book publishing with a downloadable ease. and it's going to be with a brief intro lesson SUNDAY to everyone all over the world.
From myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT special largest thank you to JEFF BEZO, whom created the ease to a slightly complex upload in you special book, architecture notes , by you. Whom ever you are, invited to all, everyone, all over the world. As Ralph Achilies as a professor at SAIC, in preservation of architecture and antiquities, sais, yes, he said: it could be one photograph that fills the whole page with 500 words more or less, or a whole filled many photographs in your book. Your's.
for sale : amazon, if you work at the upload process, and don't give up. The little train who could : is a locamotion. Hop Hop Hop, martini's shaken not stirred, and alien ears , cotton candy, the locamotion .
3:17 STAN GETZ on bass chello, the girl from ipanema listen spanish language with everyone. South American presidential councils too, in the formal late my time meetings. With love everyone. yes canada too.
Directly the reality is to RUSSIAN space center and RUSSIAN SPECIALIST, and RUSSIAN MILLITRAY with RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , russian plum high tea, details are complex in RED SQUARE . iMOSCOW RUSSIA , royal tea, throughout all of RUSSIA, isn't that real love men.
women , ladies and gentlmen .
Sir Vladimir Putin. darling. truest. Supper shoppes , now ,
with refreshing plenty. and ice creams.
3:24 pm WESTPORT village
FAIR FEILD time now. message from SYRACUSE , New York , USA, at the University of Syracuse, with special reels sent, read . Of course I am of the larger alumi network and honored in the University of Syracuse in Syracuse New York , USA. with great college sports of high educational achieveme pre : college throughout college too. sweet photograph message everyone, ove to you all. I miss you all, our russian hill pic nics - to adorn the lovely years well.
with a hop hop hop of Los Angeles and California excitment , messages yes,
MICHAEL JACKSON, " don't stop "
Black Suits , men's and women's I have a great selection great price, and some other fine
BLACK TIE any age, clotheries . or simply great basics, your choice. MARTINI ' shaken not stirred updates on attire. Extra special, hop . MAGIC IN PHOTO , every where, instant mini print strait from the camera, with poloriod camera only, directly at martini time, shaken not stirred , ready, read
6:24 pm message from PIEDMONT UNIVERSITY,. in southern california, is my within my society of alumni . a college of UCLA. in Los Angeles California. read . HOP HOP HOP. with love from the state of California.
message on the air now
sir Xi Jinping , thee President of the Country of ROYAL CHINA directly from CHINA , in the far east now listen
6:35 pm darling Gorden as in THEE STING .
and no other STING I sent out a 007 sos, STING wrote with a music compostion very special , and I wish to say to STING , and everyone in guitar , thank you well, everyone. Hard Work, the guitar revolution with, you love expanded the entire universe, I love you STING, and everyone, my gosh, you wrote me such a sweet lovely song, . my very graces to you sting. And everyone. Your all perfectly wonderful gentleman. My darling men STING , and everyone. On the air in FILM
7:00 pm message
007 & 007
DAVID LETTERMAN, with important conversation on the air now with secret 007 jet park ready . listen NEW YORK CITY ,. word 3on the street hop hop hop with me, and love with martini's shaken not stirred. very special thank you to Sean and David, with exceptional hard work in the guitar revolution. with a black tie event , fun and serious , royal sketches wi6h a fine concerto SUNDAY unveiling .
7:50 pm now on the air at love notes , more with a message from
THEE ELTON JOHN , with a special gift film reel
7:11 pm fairfeild WestPort village area Conneticuit USA , now. more soon.
9:00 pm DANNY KAYE , message , everyone THE BALLET " in a film reel unforgettable . yes to more HOP HOP HOP, martini's shaken not stirred. A cultural royal sketch unveiled, SUNDAY .
and now the film by thee DANNY KAYE
9:16 pm
as the bugugels. DANISH , in a film , not yet ready, soon, please enjoy the serious music of a classical study : listen More in histosioure' of a political nature. Important '
excucci cii ' yes. Sir Abe Shinzu , of JAPAN , yes.
esxcussi, more soon. 9:25 pm now Fairfield Conetticuit USA in WEST PORT village.
9:39 pm FRANCE ; message, Darling Joqcue Tati, you shouldn't have, is a fine hop hop hop, with excitment I see, in all of the Royal Country of France, Monsinour POPE Fransic, expression are with word on the street everywhere in Europe, hop hop hop, with a royal sketch ,, concerto , love notes, darling friends everywhere getting martini ready, shaken not stirred, as 007 protocsl. Martini ' hour.
the FILM IS MAGNIFICENT my very gracious thank you , it such love of modernist expressione ' in film . Lovely Darling, see you at cafe' Voltaire Paris France, unless you fly in.
everyone, martini shaken not stirred , is going to be remarkable with little alien children's sweet ears . Hop hop hop. xo to you whom ever you are, all over yhe world. May my kindest kisses shower doen upon your sweet zombie sleepy slumber. Catch, darlings, all over the world. Love from myself,,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
10:37 am SEPTEMBER 8 TH 2024 , GOOD DAY
to everyone, I have to say, last evening I was slightly startled in a lovely human that was very close to my automobile and slightly startled me, after some sludge was hand slung on my breaks, and still, the great love of expression to kind effort and long drives to express care, and effectual love, of quiet sweet statement , several feet away, from the automobile, in a remote spot, until I straiten the interior packed well. And recharge the battery that Honda said they had already completed. It was fine to relax my mind more, and see the extrodinary love of a kind extra love, even sitting near earlier today in a fine lovely person, wiyh opulent love to see, they drove in, with expression, to park close, not unlike we all were enjoying in the grocery parking all night, with love to you all, largely lovely,
more: gum in ears, and hop hop hop, with a reality of invites to the hop wiyh martini shaken , not stirred, and enjoyment in a fine cafe day yesterday in nearing, exaltation and great professionalism in the , slight difficult flip , upside down, to a fast right side up, individually , work is with great reality to assure every second, nothing to be, less than the finest you, are, and realize the importance of your work. Too.
Thank You to star buck, finest. It was rather busy and pleasant yesterday and great comments on fine travel, stop to talk about all over the country, I wrote a song in 2014: while renting a upper Manhattan New York travel villa rental by the month, GET IT, GET IT, GET IT RIGHT, wiyh love, every second in a busy welcoming reality. And ask: remember: the ATM are just minutes to save a order for someone whom seemed to lose their wallet, and the soup kitchen is a free open reality. And snap supplement cards for food needs are given out at social security social services office.
of course, you can pitch in, to gift a PBJ ( peanut butter and JAM, ), sandwich of ten or more made at under $10.00 while no one wished to pay the compant they work for, a company for a loss in food damages,. Not sold and lacking in revenue for wage increase hoped, or a sudden gift , of ? From whom ?
Sweet Childern, and a dad figure were in the stop and shop fuel stop earlier today, one and a half years old, and excited , about the song all good chidern learn to roller skate, and such pleasant sweet childern, wanting to say hello. Darlings, I sang a sweet to them, whole I should have said good morning too. Sweetest Realities , for a long drive. Thank you childern and a dad, figure quite nice, we will be with alien ears soon, in martini ' s shaken not stirred. With tiny unbrellas , just like I liked at age 3 with special times. Love to you. xo.
Sweet hello, politely affectionate to everyone, with a love to me so rather special , of kind expression in 007 maneuvers. we have 007 young grown ups and more, wonderfully loved well. Thank you with my special love to you all. And hello, and hello again. your lovely gentle expression are lovely, 007 sweet.
please please me, GET IT , GET IT RIGHT, let's hop,... hop hop. Martini ? a somba ? you will never regret. with a great love you are . please , i perfer my martini shaken, not stirred., shaken , not stirred. yes thank you very much
007 James Bond, peirce brosnad , of course your message is, very bold. at a magion and dice spinning wheel , no game, . thanks peirce , for your serious gambling film reel .
Invite to the real martini events , soon darling shaken, if your serving martini not stirred, it would be wonderful, as Sean Connery is practicing martini preparation now.
Amazing 007 men kaftan: with a Jean or trouser and coat , with a match of two to cut a long neck silk over coat tie. Belted of a white classic spainish blouse. Men or women, and some kaftan selection and great price right three peice suites. I myself purchase and excelent quality, soon posted under $35.00
KAFTAN shiek with blazer and trouser READ
women martini ready read
other selection , of course NIPON . suits too.
yes, a message from the BEATLES , first thing this morning , John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison.
just now 11:01 am :
11:45 pm
[ THEE ROYAL SKETCH. ] announced soon with details of the concerto.
many interest in a personal purchase , as I was so surprised. messages many. sweet of you all.
Mash 4077 , soon today with a very special film
so lovely. 007 secrets . 4:00 AM . with a very special morning message. film soon sent special messanger, RUSSIAN DOVE 007 zuse 888.000.
message :
11:54 am
in a MOVIE
message from THEE JERRY LOUIS.
full complete film updated now
with thee JERRY LOUIS.
movie opulent travel everywhere, I ENJOY fine film traveling. Even on a shuttle in liesure after working hours. IPAD TABLES with online ready ports are as low as $59. 00 I will post soon. With a travel srand from Japan. Amazon Book Publishing Notes thanks to Jeff Bezo , soon posted tonight and a on the air : love notes open lens in my state of the art media micro size lens : in my announced detail schedule Updates. Are going to be fun. into autumn. On the air? Where and when ? Wildly a open len to smile at the love notes open len. no details posted yet.
subject : open lens : love notes and you.
Rules ? a few.
12:40 pm
3:58 pm OPEN LENS ,
is exciting with a love notes published film, very special, I can hardly wait. I wish, YES, WELL, the invite is free, traveling : yes, and assure you are not mistaken. I sang , of course an aria while in west port village, in Fairfield Connecticut, USA, Free , and wifi settings in all shops are free, in case you need wifi, all shop and risterant wifi are free,
with you own equipment , and your online connection love notes and all published notes in studio vosse , my company , alone, are free to browse always. when announcement of sale notes : are published in studio vosse, there will be my sale prices , and a standard PayPal, button , option if you decide to purchase, online,. Very important to note, no other, shop are others, are with extra , cost, to my work, as I have no agreements. So, if actually purchasing a actual sketch , from me, I will post exact times and details, direct only from myself alone. Of course, a fine reality in risterantes , are with a eased excess sale with such travelers, in even offering a $1.25 coffee, at a 12 Oz cup, and happy people enjoy the low price, to return affordable with talk, in great affordable travels, and a eased $2,000.00 in revenue per hour, in such a graceful reality, to love to run with me, with extra little sales at shops busier, even in California and Florida, and Indiana , and we'll, the little drive travels in south America, Canada, south seas, and all of EUROPE, are with extra drive time too, sales with good priced, are a opportunity of even $200,000.00 extra in revenu in even ten days, in a real hop . as today 900,000,000
( million ) people are in and near in over 50 cities whom traveled in, just to be near, and enjoy architecture, cathedrals, charming drives and flight fun. Hotels, and rental cars, many drove. With extreme enjoyment, of a special hop with me .
Shop, low reasonable cost, and affordable: run with me more, in martini invites to near or far.
Martini events not yet posted in details.
9:41 pm , [ THE ROYAL SKETCH. ]
of course , is an excitment all over the world, as THE MUSEUM DU LOUVRE, in PARIS FRANCE, send me a message yesterday of KING LOUIS , famous paining of himself as the King of France, the very first whom design taller heel shoes of the first, men's taller heel. Du Louvre, was so much enjoying the shoe details, of the post modernist, pre ROYAL SKETCHES , I was so pleased they loved the tiny detailing to view so with extra time and love.
will be MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 9 TH 2024
the sale note will be posted; and then the concerto, will be in detail with a formal announcement, to note which will be posted tomorrow evening, while in Fairfield Connecticut, HONDA of Westport village area.
book publishing notes too. Everything, to love, as you're lovely, of messages everywhere.
All over the world.
Love from myself to you. Whom ever you are, all over the world. From me,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
SEPTEMBER 9 TH 2024 , good day to everyone , everyone in the whole state of conneticuit. Rather LARGE, with very special thank you to those in efforts , of the busy great travelers wiyh quite a large reality which, has been with extrodiary sales counter services that I hear are going well. People are with nice photograph architectural collection of fine interests. And enjoyment in the great details, in photographic fine fun. Very good of everyone, just starting jobs too, and be your very best, with wished of a properity in work and your liesure too.
Motor Car Note: well, the automobile , mine, is finished and the drive is still slightly, nervous after the breaks , we're aimed at with very corrosive sludge that was not rust looking at first and then changed to a strange bumby rust, from a invisible type clear type sludge, .
The motor car, my Japanese Import Honda , a $30,000 . 00 vehicle , is with a extra care by HONDA of WESTPORT. IN FAIRFEILD CONNETICUIT, USA. as I just actually started the motor car, and I can say I am nervous, and slow to just straiten my automobile interiors, sketch , and then get to a fuel stop later this evening . Hotels are filled. . Thank you also , for the very delightful motor car , convoy in as I was so happy to see many in the motor car convoy, and lovely of you , everywhere, thank you with my gracious sincerity.
it was a great feeling, seeing many faces in the invite travel with a motor car convoy , veey sweet even earlier this morning at about 8:30 am. Sweet everyone.
Kevin Bacon ? sweet to see you. And Rob Forbes , with also Sean Connery , with others , Diana Ross, and many others, somewhere,
Many , yes.
3:25 pm lessons : amazon self publishing :
of course. , if you used your i phone or smart phone , then downloading your selection of a free software known as ONENOTE, is a great typing pad in your little phone for storing many type of notes. Grocery and Lundry Schedules , Thursdays Cleaning Day Before the week end, and many more notes , even songs with the composers of knowledgeable, real loved songs. Etc. Places you wish to travel or have traveled, summer fun memories : etc .,
in you book, select one page only and then add your photographs all , and then with your writing tool, take time to write in your own special notes, dates and exact places if you desire or abstract with just FAIRFEILD. OR THE CITY YOU photographed, as you wish. In the front top of your page write: the title of your book. And then, date you are publishing it . And you as the author of the book . With your own special thesis paragraph note opening to the book note, just as you wish.
look over you long page as one contiued page only, then you are read, except you must select one photo of your own special choice to be ready to use from your photo area . To upload as your book cover.
At the very lasy page , you are with a very last area to your closing foot note at the bottom of your long list of your one page in a book that will upload into pages in the self publishing area at amazon. and now , aftet all that large difficult type setting efforts and spaced photographs slightly , the book when you are ready to upload with fill many pages instantly after your upload. And you totally complete the self publishing fully with your cover photo ready too. And you are near finished .
The self publishing is : not extremely easy and will require not to give up. Go ahead and assure you keep trying if you lose your , spot to finish and begin and begin , if you need to until the book is actually published. Then it will appear on the Amazon Shoppe Market Place Web Site.
THE ARCHITECTURAL TRAVEL BOOK : FAIRFIELD CONNETICUIT USA. authored by ___________^^^__________you. 2024.
Amazon : self publishing : Kindle Direct Publishing right directly to the upload into Amazon Shoppe Market Place, is with a download ready real book. Self Publish NOW.
of course you will be the author, then of your very own book as a published author. Assure you are of your own word. Written, careful of not plagiarizing. Ever. Write as you might say exactly something plainly said: as important and a great form of written literature of an art form. Of course you are then to decide what your own book price will be. And then the tax will be added and any amazon. Read after signing up. Free. Never a fee, in publishing at all in amazing direct self publishing, and please be alerted to assure not being fooled if suddenly there is a banner that popped in. And then ignore it and contiue publishing . Even if it takes several times to assure your self published book. Be careful of email sling back email that may ask you for money. Ignor slung back email and assure that amazon is a veey careful read in any email from Amazon Self Publishing. No fee's no cost ever. Free . Wishing you the best with your self publishing to love. My mothers royally lovely photographs : Are Loved, and maybe a BOOK. PERFECTLY PERFECTED.
Remember to write down the Phone Number in the self publishing amazon web site.
Just in case. Amazon: NOTE DATE of published self authored book. with love from myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
love from Thee Jeff Bezo too. Yes.
more soon, how Jeff Bezo save me from the highest dive in the world. , in Hawwii.
on the Norwegian Princess Cruise : Hawaii.
REMEMBER : sales people, as professionals, always check your prices listed with the email to the actual owner, and that of corporation presidents , assure every sales professional known, the actual prices in the real need to veey goid standards in prices. Feel enriches in effort, to assure sales are hopping . Hop hop hop well. And enjoy good business to professionally., Emails : assure your emails are with the right email. And no slung backs in emails. All employee must know , whom employed them. Whom is the owner and president of the company you work for. If you do not know be veey naticulous in the right information, not always easy online. directly to your company web site helps you find the right answer.
4:03 pm. The CONCERTO . martini dress ? what to wear . selections
with the unveiling of
Albert Nipon : fine martini ready $29. read
with even more martini event shaken not stirred. The martini dress, is the AFRICAN BLACK SILK, design , of my rare self photo. With a design not yet for sale at my studio studio shoppe only on line , here, at my company, studio vosse.
yellow ? royal far east silk dress? black tux ? with a billowing black silk. silver ?
[ the ROYAL SKETCH ] unveiling excitment
with just a slight concession time : for extra sweets and mash 4077 tonight yes.
Allen Alda : the famous martini's extra special from my darling Allan Alda, and more film short reels of everyone at MASH 4077.
Alan , Alaska, cruise was fun. your marvelous Alan and every one wiyh the special update imprompue : MASH 4077. Ah, the FILM REELS
messages more: THEE KARL MARX
the extra consession film excerpt reels
5:35 pm
of ABBY ROAD , complete lovely night,
message from the John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney , Ringo Starr, and George Harrison THE BEATLES ,
of course , updated THEE ABBY ROAD
6:14 pm thee RALPH ACHILIES, professor of art histories' curator of the Smith Stain Glass Museum , author of preservation books, of art and architecture . with a conversation in film
more soon. Now
6:18 pm Fairfield Connecticut near the HONDA of WESTPORT .
6:22 pm : mr hackenbush ?
with thee Karl Marx in film
As a very special extra consession from
Karl Marx in person. message just now.
sweet Karl, thank you . Perfect of you. xo.
6:44 ZZTOP LISTEN. mom , it's zztop.
6: 37 pm we, yes,
sir Vladimir Putin , message updates in photograph reels
enjoy consessions everyone.
9:45 direct from RUSSIA
Rochmoninov Now
in a Philharmonic Symphony , Of the Royal Country of Russia of thee RUSSIAN SYMPHONY
perfectly lovely everyone.
love to you all, from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
12:07 AM. FAIRFEILD CONNETICUIT usa after midnight , September 10th 2024 , a very special solute with HIS MAJESTY, THE KING OF ROYAL EMGLAND , KING CHARLES, and the exceptional honor to the ROYAL MILLITARY OF ENGLAND, very special supper meeting , everyone surprised me, you're all exceptionally lovely.
direct from THE ROYAL COUNTRY OF ENGLAND , at BALMORAL CASTLE, everything about the lovely solute soon. Enjoy the Royal film.
September 10th 2024 ,
good late afternoon 4:16 pm, still a intermission , with some notes more soon about the King Of ENGLAND ,film reel, His Magesty King Charles, the King of all of England. Exciting notes , you may enjoy.
while I assure, my automobile is truly ready to drive well, with just a few, extra efforts on my check list. Traveling in your automobile is with serious : extra jumper cables , with two large copper clamps, on two sides of a large cable, just incase you leave your lights on, and your battery stops, then four copper clamps = 2 on one battery then a car that has a engine to clamp on, a top battery Type nob, then connect , negative to negative, then positive to positive, and start one engine, and turn on the other to restart your battery and engine. Asking a driver, to assist. In a extra need, many don't mind the extra five minutes, to help,.
Buying extra cables= stored in your car is important, to avoid more aaa extra calls for a extra fee,. Also buying a tire gauge to check tire pressure now and then is a good idea. Learning to check you oil in your oil cap in the front hood, engine, is a great reality just every few months, and before driving a long distance, excess water in car, a good idea. Even to splash on a hot engine if needed. Or to drink in case you are in a need. Gas cans, plastic red usually, are about $9.99 for one gallon, if you run out of fuel, and need a ride, in and back to bring a gallon back and fill up, to a 25 mile run to get fuel fully filled at the first fuel stop you can, if you run out of fuel. Most fuel shoppes do sell a fuel can with a nozel that turns in to can and has a neat design cap. Do not store extra fuel in car, pour it in your automobile,.
home depot usa sells jumper cables at $19.99
more soon. 4:34 pm NOW
the consession MOVIE NOW.
THE THREE MUSKETEERS , from Shakespeare, into a mishap, of delema. By foot and horse, the three musketeers set out to upset a small little few, in a real concern. To think, they would trick the real wealthe of minds, and seek all their gold, calling it a charity of hope, faith, and trouble rosy russeted , a muck gaustly for those musketeers, whom face, that of very strict, doom. With not one horse to carry their CONTORTED AIM , AT THE EARNED WORTH OF HUMANITY. in FILM the musketeers left to duel.
6:13 PM message from
THEE PAUL MC CARTNEY ' in a special recording: "imagine she's a pretty nice girl"
just recored for everyone, all throughout the usa and all over the world. LISTEN
of course I always sing " pretty nice man "
with love' too everyone.
7:15 pm message : thee Bob Dylan , short reel.
now with a lovely literary poetic, som, ( poetic song) , in a film reel just now 7:18 pm on the air. it' about the number 10 cans of crushed tomatoes and sweet travels, even as zombies sweet Roberto = BOB Dylan, thank you, hop hop hop into some fine ROYAL SKETCHES, royal notes, and thee final list of the repitiore of the conccerto , soon posted.
the introspective notes : England, more about the film soon.
film brief BOB DYLAN
SHAKSPERE : on the three musketeers
update now: BOB DYLAN
more, yes. with my love to everyone, and a wonderful thank you for being here. near and far, I love you. From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , promise , consessions tonight and more. xo
message 9:13 pm from CHAMPION , a favorite I myself , enjoy purchases from, quality since the 1980's with a delightful charming message: CHAMPION read
thank you for great coffee. And pleasant customer services, in the HONDA OF WESTPORT, little village , fairfeild.
9: 25 pm ,
my darling friend,
of thee ORIGINAL STAR TRACK, with brillant theoretical outter space, fiction ( non fact ) standard american television shows, with introspective love for a sacred humanity on earth. In FILM
9:34 pm BEEM US UP, SCOTTY ,
star track ,
messages, from the people of thee star track.
even in red shorties , your all lovely.
Scotty , your perfectly wonderful.
Perfectly wonderful everyone.
I love you all. much thank you xo
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
business notes: it's true, radical, yes, modernist antidote: the invite to wild idealisms , work, blow, sure, blow a bubble with bubble gum, from bazzuka bubble gum, while at busy customer service, junior sales executive , blow, sure, why not, bubbles, and get through a lite stress, all day, if you need,. outrageously you must be a radical, successfully, invited : started a bubble gum rage: just blow. go ahead.
Enjoy your friendly polite real self assurances and love the world, more. your beautiful . Remember: your successes. Your choice.
Thee BAZUKA BUBBLE GUM , Topps with the extra real fact base ball card and photograph base ball world champoin inside each flat card pack. read,
9:44 pm , thee JOE NAMATH, extrodinary professional world champion quarterback , athlete, for the NEW YORK JETS of thee NFL in conversation like no other, listen .
1:29 pm message : GENE WILDER, in conversation perfectly charming , thee
Gene Wilder, my darling lovely friend, years,
now on the air 1:32 pm reel to reel
Gene, It's kind of you to think HOP HOP HOP , AS SWEET, with a martini ' good good, Gene darling , and everyone , shaken of course, not, stirred.
1:54 pm BOB DYLAN , message again and again,
in reel to reel Thee Bob Dylan ,
my charming darling, Bob Dylan .
2:12 am september 11 th 2024 two hours and twelve minutes after midnight, message darling David Bowie, it' s thee David Bowie, message from mars listen sweetest of you.
Sweet, David Bowie
2:28 am MICK JAGGER, messages excerpt, you're are perfectly wonderful, lovely Mack Jagger, HOPPED in with love , all over the world. A REEL with MICK JAGGER after 2:00 am messages and messages and messages all over the world,
4:01 am. messages , JOHN LENNON, PAUL MC CARTNEY, RINGO STARR, AND GEORGE HARRISON, excerpt, of love in conversation
listen . again and again, wonderful cheep sunglasses. FAIRFIELD CONNETICUIT, HONDA OF WEST PORT , IN THE VILLAGE.
lovely everyone.
4:20 am VLADIMIR PUTIN , Kremlin of Russia,
with ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRY, as the russians landed, with lovely messages , not yet again, to hop hop hop with martini' s shaken , not stirred, secrets , soon.
12:50 AM good afternoon, everyone everywhere. Messages are many , even dog walkers , with very keen doggies, too, sweet.
More soon, even exciting, notes, to know, and a message excerpt, from a filmed reel,
Arnold Schwarzenegger THIS MINITE.
cola break for me now, while it- is diet cola, from the international usa multinational company coke' and a message to from
Pepsi ' cola. too.
1:35 pm CHINA , now, read with Thee President of China and many citizens and government, from CHINA, a bit excited about my
[well, the Men and Women in BLUE ' are with realized preliminary sketch notes, as my models so darling from really, europe far east ROYAL CHINA, the lovely country. Your perfect everyone. Wild Love From China. ] I love you all, thank you. xo .
[;royal sketch. ], of love w/ the concceto schedule, with a consession too, as I work on the formal. [ ROYAL SKETCH. ] unveiling schedule, soon , with a lovely many in the city, of FairFeild now even more. The city even in t he village of HONDA OF WESTPORT , is with amazing numerous traveler , whom are still arriving, among BENJIMIN NETANYAH, the Prine Minister and President of ISRARL, this morning of a great nice arrival, dignitaries of other countries, also ERIC CLAPTON. the beatles, Mick Jagger, the CROWN PRINCE as Prine Minister, Central figure of the Country of Saudi Arabia, Steven Jobes, Bruce Springstein, wi6h Berny Sandanders and other USA senators, Mike Bloomberg, Peter Sellers. Dianna Ross, PRNNY , of the University of Tennesse, the Pro league of thr Yankees, of New York State, and more , with very large younger grown ups and of yhe great ages, with Fararri ' PORCHE' owners, and a film list of many owners of great people, car savvy. Ah, some of you all got through the book publishing ' very nice, nice nice as they say in the middle east in europe. .
Extra Special Post : soon. 1:49 now.
Peter Sellers : as the pink panther, strikes again? introduction film short.
PETER' OTOOLE, How lovely of you and everyone, Omar t oo, with a complete consessions film of the entire impromtu of the movie LAURANCE OF ARABIA . Sweet of you PETE OTOOLE, DARLING. ah yes, the FILM
Thank you ,we'll, everyone, Peter Otoole , lovely, with a hop hop hop to remember, with of course, martini , shaken not stirred. Please please me please, darling so sweet of you .
more soon. TWO TO FOUR DAYS : SHIPPED, EVEN TO A REGISTERED FED EX PICK UP, WITH YOUR EMAIL RECIPT , confirmationnumber, and ship to the exact fed ex office to pick up, call the right office first, and then order you three peice suite , extremely well made selection of colours, and only $29.91
Measure your waist and shoulder, pant lenght , sleeve lenght, go larger if needed. What is the neck inch size comfortable , measure the neck too. When purchasing a white OR OTHER DRESS BUTTON DOWN SHIRT. Think ? Egyptian cotton, or Italian? Or African Silk, or Japan ? RUSSIAN, wool, knit, or USA sear finest, even inexpensive , under $20. dress shirts, jc penny stores by in person , Sam's club, or online and shipped. Sequined mens or women's vest? Or an argyle wool vest, with a gold or peril trinket neck chain.
sheik or simple with a t- shirt. Men ,
or women. Fine suits . Priced well priced .
2:13 pm message now, Mr Bean ,?
the chair
Rowen Atkinson, good you to be near, far and near, with a update ' political, film
3:53 pm message, thee Bill Gates, somewhere, near , always, somehow, even when far, with special thank you, and a reminder of loved Horton , childern do really enjoy, again and again, sweet consseion note: with love to you Bill Gates, martini ' shaken of course, of course you knew, not stirred, . Charming of you.
after school , for school days, childern?
Grown ups ? Horton Hears a Who, film from the DR. SEUSS literary book. Bill Gates, lovely message, Horton is perfect timing with children in the usa back to school after good summer fun,
as the second week in September, most are with their first day back to school, some began kindergarden. congratulations childern, wishing you all, a great school week and into the school you, . Horton is a treat, I hope you enjoy.
Laurance of Arabia too.
love feircly. xo.
message 4:20 pm ROB FORBES , with a sweet update photographs and filmed in the san Francisco California USA , bike studio. of Rob Forbes Public Bike Company, also founder of DWR, read Design Within Reach, company of fine furnishings modern , excentric, is nice. And successful in the USA and internationally too.
Since 1999. Roberto , Sir Rob Forbes , I love you. Thank you. You arrived. Lovely.
more soon.
7:12 pm message,
again, the film , with an impromptu update ,
with THEE ERIC CLAPTON , cross roads , in film
Eric lovely you are near, sweet of you.
martini's, are getting exciting. 1
7:52 pm message, thee Denis Rodman , thee, Denis Robman, professional league , USA basketball NBA, excellence, extremely high educational achieveme, pre- pro league ,
USA world famous athlete, top, in great ball, for the CHICAGO BULLS , and my very darling NBA , ole friend, 1995, with MICHAEL JORDEN,
CHICAGO BULLS. reel to reel. Tatu tummy ?
8:02 pm thee MIKHAIL BERISHNEKOV , my darling, a RUSSIAN, FINEST IN LITERARY WORKS of expressionism of ROYAL RUSSIAN BALLET, as well as AMERICAN STANDARD ROYAL THEATRE, lovely of you my Mishka Mikhail Barishnekov. you were good to be at coffee ' thank you for arriving.
September 12 th 2024 HELLO EVERYONE,
ah, you all messaged, thank you, as you heard a little song, my country tiss of thee. ( tiss, = it ' is ) of thee, as in you and that of me, and thee of greatest in humanities, of a largest , of countries all.
The King of England, His Majest , King Charles, celebration meeting with the ROYAL ENGLAND millitary, whom performed in a marching band, the begining of " my country tiss of thee"
thank you so , lovely of you to be in WESTPORT, FAIRFEILD , CONNECTICUT, USA and 50 states of travelers , enjoying architecture travel photo, drives with a invite to book publishing , THE ARCHITECTURE BOOK. YOURS.
Internationally , THE ARCHITECTURE BOOK, invite has a real reality in all cities. All countries all villages. With real love in publishing a architecture book, everywhere. Easily of an online reality reachable with very special thank you to Jeff Bezo , founder of AMAZON online shoppe market place, with also everyone at AMAZON too.
What you do not know: announced soon within meeting events from the ROYAL COUNTRY OF ENGLAND, and more. Wait until you find out, my secret. Martini shaken not stirred are in order.
wonderful exciting personal note: special.
The kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin , is in a difficult postion today with a real butter churning dirty small uwful office rather to near in moscow. Which was a ancient broom closet in the viaduc of RUSSIA. seen, . And the space centre' alarmed ' drastic news. 90,000 space centre specialist, wrote the kremlin, in anguish, of the concerns , of a issue, in my orbit, of the utmost , largest project in world history , of some , extreme concerns, to my expected realized urgent priority. With extreme cost, in my standards of my schedule.
AS I said to sir Vlad, and the Government of Russia, the continuity of my schedule is the reason I am with a russian orbit, mine. With advancement of great reality that, have been upset. The advancements, are infact, a broadened reality of affects of betterment to people , as the orbit achievements effect a large broaden humanity. Real. And of large achievenent , and focus in the standards of my orbit, and a high real standard of my realostic assured orbit, to get it right, realizingbthe concern of needed illivated , non obstructed solid outcome. Rather not a tread milling. Space Cosmonotic Specialist , are at large in agreement, and stated the the large noted , firm reality , in a special 007 shark 888 viewer to be clearly a note the reality of clear , 90,000 space centre specialist , firm, status. Of priorety. Certainly not a cartel , and racketter , idiocy.
more soon everyone. Lobster Service ?
yes, and a fine list greater of even senators and goverors councils , with truck convoys and more, Of course Reba , Lucille, Martha. Lucky Lindy , Diana Ross, Arethra Franklin, Mini Peril, Ella Fitzgerald, Julia Childs, Joanne Woodward, Loretta Lynne, June Carter,
Rosalyn Carter , Lena Horn, more yes. Dally Parton, Charlynn Maxwell Porter , Carol Overbey , Shirley Brown, Cristina P. , Carol Hunt, Roz Martin, Dean Rose Gorden ( ccc. ).
Jane Fonda, the yodaler singer 1969. from Austrai, on the Laurnce Welk Show, the Women and Men from the KMA , museum, Emily Walker, of Walker Academy, Kathy ( assistant to thr principle , at PHILADELPHIA ELEMENTARY, school, Sax Owners, Chrissy Haslam the first lady governor ' wife, Tennessee, Lady Vol's of Tennessee, Joan Croford ( MGM studios) Fay Dunaway ( MGM STUDIO ) , more yes soon.
message from THEE STEVEN SPIELBERG, genuis of major motion pictures and a very darling lovely friend. Thenk you Steven for arriving and in SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK TOO, several weeks back. Sweet Steven about the fiction ( non fact ) film, dinosaurs .
whole film utube ready from
in exceptional film honor.
September 13 th 2024 ,
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett ,
A Special Hello to everyone this morning, thank you again, you arrived , you really arrived. Thank you . I was watching over 7000 people in automobiles be here in an hour , and then more, it so lovely, I have tears , of joy to see you all.
I was watching all the drivers, with new automobile , and cheep sun glasses, so lovely with bold gentle delight, women with sweet feirce best, men too. I am very humbled , on delight to be here with you.
with all my love to you all, in our fairfeild Connecticut , village of HONDA OF WEST PORT and international little travel trip.
You're a delight. Everyone thank you with all of me. love to you everyone. Enjoy your breakfast with great affections. In Fairfield and all over the usa and all over the world.
9:15 am sos to Moscow: specialist , working to assure my online full tooling , as I am wi6h some very upset in html select ease standard, and hyperlink standars in utube , with some extreme aim at my film and message film and photo achieved as too fill link assurance in Google, and thus email type of concerning aim issues. And will also realize : axillary european specialist in China, within Xi Jinping's council as president of the country of China, to see to a axillary effort, in the online concerns , whole RUSSIAN SPECIALIST, success are very real, and are repairing in light speed. To assure a stability , of standard in eased function now at excessive work. On the matter, pertaining to orbit successes. hello , to specialist , space centre russia and sultin specialist, thank you to you in the extra large busy efforts. xo x 888
kisses sent, catch. everyone, please I wish to extended a special extra moment of sheer gracious love to you all. Love from myself. princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
I just sent sir Vladimir in MOSCOW RUSSIA
a note on the updated status orbit.
ORBIT NOTE RUSSIA. princess 007 ussr.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: several days ago, I recieved a message from the international committee of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, of the highest prestigious honor in the world, of a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, ( honor ), with a message from the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE , committee members , of well established remarkable people, as I am noted as a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE
nobel honor, at the 2024, NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, commitee of veey esteemed well known internatiobalist , whom were able to send me the message . Honored, I am, wiyh thee NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2024 international world NOBEL PEACE MEDAL.
more soon. I am remarkably ecstatic. Sir Putin sent the very first message to me, in great affection to me of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE message to me. Then the King of England , His Majesty KING CHARLES, too, sent messages with a marching royal millitray event. from the country of ENGLAND, from BALMORAL CASTLE , in LONDON ENGLAND. more, yes. Extatic , I say.
to you. Whom ever you are.
sitting or standing .
enjoy breakfast, lunch. and dinner.
extatic love from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
September 14 th 2024. 8: 50 pm now Fairfield Conneticuit , USA, good day. Of course good evening as well. I can hardly wait to give you all, a twirl of the dance known as the continental, and the special feel, when i myself do really dance, unlike the little beautiful song, of political music composition from FRANK SINATRA, known as " I CAN'T DANCE" " DON' T ASK ME." Politically of course the realoty of thinking, even speaking out loud, I can't dance, is a meaningful realoty of a political strength of never being willing to strut for a unethical wrong, and thus realizing the meaning: I Can't Dancd, Don't ask me. In a reality, even a nice way to think, in parallel meaning to even say, get lost , your cramping my style , as FRANK SINATRA , spoke in a movie of AMERICAN STANDARD TELEVISION, WHICH was always a free television in the usa of a real realoty, the usa is very proud to be of a wealthy tax realized country of a reserve in the tax treasury , important to the people of the USA of a assure realize level of being a great part of the rules in standstandard of government use to any tax and all accountability of the citizenss whom are the tax payers. All.
Knowing the many humanities levels of tax regulation of standards of the people taxes, as too the tax of the people also of the good retirement benefit all citizens and working residence have, and at age 65, are wiyh that usa country benefit retirement of a whole life of the extra tax of retirement wealth to all. The tax means really very important tax to see people all very realized in a tax. of care to tax wealth usa. So, the time to dance is going to be very special, in thee dance , knoen as the
continental . You will know everything then.
Perhaps fine fun. You may enjoy.
of. Course I shall love to say many specific thank you's in a later love note to quiteva few people with incredible thank you.
The HONOR of being realized.
a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE winner, honored . Is with an amazing feeling, and I am
rather thrilled, it was quite a surprise to me. I would like to extend a small few prepared words , and wish to , at this tine, say a very extra ordinary thank you to my mother , ELLIE M. POWERS. and WENDEL A. POWERS , a man whom is my foustrian dad, of many years. The waffle breakfast. They were important to me, on some Sundays , I was able to be a guest, and then special times. Even in just a few minutes, have a reality of the meaning in an extrodinsry reality of an alpha to that of thee omega, which is an amazing gracious colossal eternity . Even in just one minute which expanded my universe . Mom, and Wendel, so darlings , thank you with especial love from me.
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Of course, my father Ronald A Pickett , even if many years were of a busy non stop, never a dinner enough of travel to guest with you, the reality of your lovely time to me is always a treasure hunt of my lovey words , you never held back to express. At age 5. And the words so, as an importance , of course, always : your 4 year old, darling girl. Ready to show you majic , in roller skates the finest , and a quarter never disappears in my ear, for less than 60 seconds before I assure to return you're coin. The majic quarter , in your hands, seen just large enough to hold me in your hand fully when I was actually born in if course 1965. ,What a lovely message of words , never held back. I with to say thank you daddy. I love you well. Everyone , I love you with many veey special thank you of years .. missed in seeing you more.
where is Mary. Nice women.
9: 23 pm html and hyper link is with specialities working from the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT RIGHT NOW IN a repair , and the space station of the country of CHINA , are also analyzing the issue in axillary repair , with a special thank you , with urgent upset .
of course it's now 9: 32 pm : THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON , movie 1969 special film from Ah let me see if I can assure the director name listed for love notes. BLACK LAGOON , is a swamp of crude black oil in a swam pond , of a slight mess, of the lagging
beach California Los Angeles, movie 1969.
Bella Lagossi thee director. Brilliant antidote.
HERBY THE LOVE BUG , great of everyone to have really updated the film . Very special. About automobiles , one named HERBY. sweet of you everyone. Thank you all again.
please just open the whole film at utube. And with my special very good thank you to everyone. Exciting tonight in a concession of a fine hop hop hop in a Martine ready time , soon shaken, not stirred. Shaken , I say, not stirred .
Sean Connery, and Peirce Brosnad , and of coure Rodger Moore, with Daniel Craig, as 007 , 007 - delighted to serve the queen .
Of a veey special honor, everyone said yes.
07 , 007. 007, men , leap to serve a great martini , true, shaken , of coures, yes of coures, not stirred .
martibi ' s childern? With tiny unbrellas , say yes please, very good thank you with a cherry on top. ? perhaps yes ? fresh juice and soda spritzer '
Queen Elizabeth , 007 , 007 , 007, 007 v, have prepared a special film, in honor of the martini service to HER MAJESTY , QUEEN ELIZABETH, the queen of the extrodibary royal country of ENGLAND , with incredible devotion to the people of ENGLAND , 007 , 007 , 007. And 007, are at your serves. Queen Elizebeth , in case you decide to pilot in. more soon on martini ' s with the queen of england, not in our little Nashville Sorte ' Proper late lunchons. Secret hide out,Nashville, not in marti n i realoty in , fairfeild Connecticut, USA.. 007 , 007 , 007 007,
film special extras not yet ready. soon.
George Harrison : film reel : any road . utube " any road" a very special sacred music compostion now .
Very very good you everyone to be here, and I realize even more arrived . In a reality of over one billion people whom arrived with even more arriving, near Fairfield Conetticuit and driving in and also in hotel in close enough and road side, reality, fun in busy cities , I can hardly believe it, and the wonderful fun, and lovely affection, thank you all. Everyone , thank you with a sacred time , times and I love you all.
10:08 pm rotal sketch notes and conccerto details are getting very exciting , thr president of FRANCE, my darling friend SIR EMMANUAL MACRON , arrived and more to say soon.
FRANCE , so sweet of everyone, everywhere.
my goodness, lovely , special thank you very well again. Enjoy the concession.
beautiful automobiles , and the lovely men and woman, you all look rather beautiful, everyone. Lovely.
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
10: 13 pm . Ringo Star . The President of North Korea , I can hardly wait to list everyone and drive films of everyone. Wild.
SUNDAY IN THE PARK , of a notable painting, by GEORGE SURRATTE ' is a opulent work of art, as seen in person at the museum of the art institute of Chicago, in Illinois, USA which offers free tours daily in the great royal USA museum .
good day, I say , . to everyone, every where all of the would. Hello in fairfeild , in HONDA OF WESTPORT village, as I sit a while longer in the little village, assuring my breaks are fully ready to open up the throdel on all needs on the expressway motor way areas with a good comfort , aftet the large repair well done at HONDA OF WESTPORT, Fairfield Connecticut. USA. perhaps a day more of consseions , with my royal sketches, nearing the actual exhibition unveiling , in the love notes exhibition online, as well as see to a printed Amroyal sketch , of a possible on location sale, and online fibe sales exhibition. And a exhibition of A Royal CONCERTO , martini event, shaken , not stirred .
while I spend my afternoon in sketch finish work. with a late lunch. the concession films:
Louis Armstrong is with
Ella Fizgerald : update rare wonderful reels:
SUMMER TIME. musical compostion ,
ART GARFUNKLE and PAUL SIMON : music compostion loved well :
HELLO MRS, ROBINSON , one of my favorites.
George Solti : conducts the rite of spring , with the Philharmonic of VIENNA AUSTRIA, in a lovely musical symphony written by
Bella Bartok
Glen Gould : piano 21 variation written by Johnnase Sabastian Bach.
Mick Jagger and thee Rolling Stones :
Get Off of my Cloud
Elton John : message ROCKET MAN
to begin. utube , now , while my html and hyper links are still in a repair, due to racketter knoen as usa dc ubethical mut huff, aimed at my media work and online company
The CARTOON: THE PINK PANTHOR , has rare cartoon updates too. Utube until repair are set and rolling, not expected to be too long. I will use my larger equipment too, which is actually working. And not exactly unpacked .
Lovely of you everyone, enjoy great photgraphs and fine good people in top professionalism and great foods refreshing. Dr extra ice water on travels , is the best to stay extra refreshed.
MOBIL Fuel stop , some sell ice at under $3.00 a bag. And shop and stop groceries have a large assortment of fried chicken buckets. Sandwiches , sushi, pizza freshly baked at the deli counter, great prices, and fresh fruit even Bing cherries.
ROYAL SKETCH , notes , conccerto details and unveiling will be posted in the morning, Monday tomorrow, from Fairfield , Connecticut, USA, wi t h a few early sweet som in song too. Before the conccerto .
thank you so well. Everywhere all over the world. The Fairfield Drives are an international real invitation of excurment, some bought black suites. Egyptian Cotten Dress Shirts. And more.
3:37 pm now Fairfield
Honda of Westport Village. Vladimir , Hello, your extra film is sweet, and so special. Posted soon . kisses to you and everyone, sweet if everyone to send the extra film messages.
I love you all. xo.
September 17th 2024 7:57 pm ,
DAVID BOWIE NOW in film reel
excuse me for a while, there was an attack on my prestigious company online , of over 24 hours, with some other aim, too. The online types of aim are still being heavily analyzed and with effective larger stability in effort of repairs to my internationtional Studio Vosse, with love notes , loved across the world , everywhere.
of course one of four royal sketches are on my off line , star satalight 007 notes today , viewed and visible, in all precaution, and I wish to say, I want to say hello to each even everyone in the drive in , and near, witb we'll over 100 cities near of quite the travelers whom are here, arrived with great experiences , by far. more soon on other travel areas too, about the exciting convoy invited. please let me say, thank you for being here, near and far. Russian updates from the people of RUSSIA , soon with some WHAT'S UP, notes, even China, and India ,and Africa. as quite the larger of countries in Europe , all with many WHAT ' S UP messages.
ROYAL SKETCHES , and a lovely unveiling exhibition are near post times. With the conccerto after event martini invites internationally, for you , all everywhere. All over the world . Lovely of everyone.
more soon . xo ,
with love from myself
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
To my mother, I love you, . And Emanuael Macron , president of France, arrived , excuse me, more soon.
8:17 pm now Fairfeild , Conetticuit, USA .
in the village of HONDA OF WESTPORT.
IGGY POP, cute IGGY POP. you're outrageous, thank you for the film , it' s looking like we have some very fine, intelectual usa young grown ups. Buying their real self purchased automobiles , and lovely professional efforts and prepared studies. I must say.
I must say, Kisses, to you, please catch.
thank you Iggy. the guitar efforts were wonderful with special thank you.
more soon.
September 18 th 2024
7:10 am GOOD DAY , everywhere. And also in Fairfield Connecticut USA. With my esteemed affection to everyone. The european countries across a rather large realitybof many countries in the continent imkf EUROPE. are untune with WHAT'S UP, measures which citizens in European countries realize is a strident effort in great interest of ethical self assurances , as a fortitude to assert , individualistic solidarity , too , in a respective love well, in a discernment of , great self assurance . Certainly not simply pertaining to, overlook the extensive effort of work in royal Russian millitary, and the realoty of honored event toward the Royal millitary of Russia, well deserved , as too the office which the kremlin creates a realoty of devouted work toward many broad realities of standards improved in tbe government , already excellent in the country of RUSSIA. wiyh citizens of effectual efforts. Many efforts of of an esteemed reality broaden in russian efforts and large ingenuity.
Placing an emphasis of important , in a culturally riche russian reality, is an honor to me, to be of a ability to note, a thank you to people, people everywhere. Not limited to a culturally riche , russia. And the reality of a esteemed culturally brillant world. A world that is of a lovely culture of the usa,. Riche of soils finest in a incredible usa as well.
Several days : I experienced ained attackers in the closer area. Which ained at my online services and other concerning realized issues that the USA, takes quite seriously, with perhaps real end , in sight of some few, dress
in James Deans Suites too. As the American song, was , a recognized unacceptable note: in the song : bye bye Mrs american pie written and recored by Jim Crocy .
Russian Space cosmonotic engineers in rare specialization with a sos team, are working right now to assure my repair on thrvonline issue and with immense thank you, the stability of any conflix caused in side close range in the usa could be derailed PERMANENTLY.
more about the great space centre in RUSSIAN meeting via 007 888,890 ,000. Ru. of the REAL USSR RUSSIA , soon.
I will be freshening up, in the road side convoy , this morning, with a reality of , still several racketters , with serious issue, after being snubbed in over 60 cities in the usa and not really of a reality of a privilege in my reality either.
of course we are sailing through, to a achieved non shaken excellence , in all villages in the usa. Even if Ginger Rodgers , was inclined to sing an extra rare updated recording of music compostion : pick your self up. brush your self off, and start all over again.
Of course as we look north , south, east , and west. The reality is more amazing and less in a , REALALITY , to be tolerant of dc dust, in mere ripped tallons from noble largest birds, the truely grotesque of inhumanity whom leaped to embellish themselves with an aimed grip. Into the usa dreams of a sacred world, trampling upon the realities of a great country of people, never to endure, a relentless of mere idiots whom aimed at the reality of all in the usa, while gripping into extrodibary , brilliant times, and greater humanity , while peering out of a small vat. Eye balling the beautiful and ained in wrenching as mere dirt bag pick pockets . Of theives. And of nothing , grabbing the coats of even royalty.
I was enjoying the lovely brilliance of so many in a love fra greater, in the drive. Invite, brillant , obscene, beauty of a intelectual lovely vast humanity , real love , truest true , in the usa.
perfectly lovely: looking through a sloght tarnish , as to love the extrodinay , we did not forsaken .
Lovely day. Wipe off
your cheep sunglasses . I say. While I tell you about the USA polo games. Well done everyone.
The ROYAL LOBSTER SERVICE , notes are near ready, great after steem clam specials.
love from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
With more soon. 7:58 pm .
11:09 pm good evening , from FAIRFIELD. of the same Westport Region. Not far from Stop and Shop , with a little concession more with a message from Steven Spielberg in conversation with Steven Cobert. good of you both and thank you so well for arriving in Fairfield Connecticut , USA, great of you both right before the concerto and unveiling of the Royal Sketches , which are nearing love notes exhibition time. You’ re both wonderful thank you darling friend , martini time soon again , shaken , please , not stirred. .
In conversation STEVEN SPIELBERG
with the truely charming,
11:30 pm PETER O’TOOLE . and OMAR SHERRIF , you shouldn’t have, it’s wonderful THEE LAURANCE OF ARABIA ,
the whole movie . Very serious everyone. the concession film is simply perfect .
11:59 pm messages from LITTLE RICHARD
sweet to send such a beautiful update to me, Little Richard , I love you . Sweet Sweet.
you’re all wonderful, thank you Little Richard
a darling friend for many years
12:13 am September 19 th 2024 message , in a special music composition
THEE ERIC CLAPTON rare film reel concession sweetest at love notes ,
with love to everyone ,
from myself princess Tracee Suzanne Pickett
love from thee ERIC CLAPTON TOO.
12:41 am sweetest sweet message after midnight from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of course of Russia and Kim Jong, a long time darling friend and President of North Korea
lovely of you both , and totally beautiful men
FILM REEL wonderful of you both.
12:45 am NOW Fairfield Connecticut, USA.
September 19 th 2024 10:21 am graciously I have to say good morning to you everywhere. “hello again, it’s me. “ [ music composition from THEE CHARLIE WINSTON. ] with a special note to all those at love notes which I have been very graced, with films and sweets, soms, of poetic love, to everyone , everywhere , all over the world . Rowen Atkinson : I promised to post a tutorial message for BLOGGER , as a professional site to create your own web site, and just sing up free to BLOGGER, and assure your licensed company name on your site for those whom are of a professional license to your film needs , then their are upload to film and more, after you sign up into your own online site, and can chose to add film, and your own content and updates directly , with use of iTunes if you wish as an ease to some messages as well, even both in iTunes uploads and direct site uploads , as well as JEFF BAZO at Amazon has made it a rather simply ease also to sell from THEE ANAZOB SHOPPE MARKET PLACE, with JEFF BEZO ‘s wonderful efforts toward cultural film sales , which are direct profit to those whom are the film makers. With rather a very eased process, which can be linked in highlight to a BLOGGER site. Darlung friends loved at love notes, in very unique brilliant lovely devotion to me, are with a immence devout , exciting love to me,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , for a love returned , as very sacred , special, and I might be with tears of joy, at the emotional lovely love real, from darlings of love notes , within my online company STUDIO VOSSE , .
ROWEN ATKINSON: I did not forget . BLOGGER, free web site building. Others are free to use a blogger site free as well, while the professional production of many sales and extra notes in many , of giants in cultural arts. Are with a great deal of work in a profession blogger site to work in the updated directly. A gift note to darlings of LOVE NOTES. With a special thank you of many kisses to shower down upon one very sweet lil of your imebce kind savvy expressions brilliant .
10:17 am
10:56 am first before I begin the ROYAL LOBSTER service , soon today while filming the royal sketch work this afternoon with lovely REAL ROYAL SKETCHES, of some exitement to really realize the unveiling , in a finest formality of an exhibition of an international event, from FAIRFIELD , CONNECTICUT, USA in a drive invite of exciting reality too, to note. Even His Majesty King Charles , the King of England , among others have arrived too. Architecture books at the Royal Palace Of ROYAL ENGLAND , is outlandishly wild, even on all of ENGLAND.
While Sir Putin , thee Kremlin of Russia , is with rather his noble shoulder to me, directly in a tizzy of some serious , yes, serious , well, I pointed out a few things , after listening to the concerns in some small butter churn dirty pith of a marble tiny spot, in Moscow Russia. Just a few minutes I will be right back, for now , read if you wish and have time, to several of the charming sir kremlin’s post direct from Moscow Russia now .
Sir Vladimir Putin , charming and lavishly extrodinary, with a royal design . My gold room office [ no more than [$ 200.00 per month , final offer. ] off the small villa estate,. Sweet. We will need sofas of course in the gold and extrodinary silk , pink to begin , tuffetted. the larger colour reality of my designs are outragiously bold, not unveiled yet. Of course . Where is Vermeer ?
direct from Moscow Russia to read only
September 26th 2024, 12:27 pm Mc Donalds FAIRFIELD , HONDA WESTPORT REGION CONNETICUITE , USA , great people, great service with each reason you might stop, in. Extra care about clean enviornment, extra care in excellent customer service , every time, and worth a AVENGER HONOR , in real great people. Nice Nice, just to stop for a powder room even, though try you best to leave everything clean too. Please. Please, people are very dilligent in the professional work , everywhere. I love Mc Donalds , and the great international corporation is one of the largest , in a real professional excellence, every time. Coast to Coast USA, for fast food ease, and excellent low price menu selections every day. With GIANT COROPORATION good proper associate sales executives whom specialize in fine fast foods, well achieved daily. HIGH WAY DRIVES , and CITY fine fast foods , extra extra, beyond a few extra fish and chips ( THICK ROUND CUT POTATOES LARGEST , PAR BOILED AND FRIED IN A SAUTEE PAN griller) = (CHIP).
MC DONNALD'S GIANT COMPANY : CORPOTATION , not bad , with such an effort in low prices and the extra employment the board of director and owner saw as important , when the USA was ready
to hope employment existed, and the used gained capital revenue reserve , CASH PROFIT, to reinvest in pay to employ people and hope to have real business, and the fine reality of the LOW PRICE, finest fast foods menu selections in the world. As global honored in USA fine professionals , whom love MC DONALDS with the rest of the world. I like to keep a sweet reality in mind for the honor to fast food finest food, GIANTS . The slim fries of the finest FRENCH FRIES, were once in the 20th century a reality of only the posh finest five star topper , of fine grilled five star grilled Sautee gourmet, rare dinner outtings. The FRENCH FRIES , then were hand cut in a slime type non electric hand held FRENCH SLICING MANDOLIN , that is very difficult to master as a real chef, and is very sharp with slicing blades , only a FIVE STAR risterantes with five star chef's in difficult , non prep chef work. Only the chef, cut the FRENCH REAL POTATOE FRIES .
Mc DONALDS , enjoy the same in their very first solo tiny shop, with no seat inside in the 1960's.
EXTRA FRENCH FINE FOODS, cheep, loved even by children.
While the music in some shops ? UGG. WE ARE A PLUGGED IN USA AMERICANA , head phones, blue tooth IN - RADIO ? in shops ? Volume controls , rock and roll? Could be the future.
central and love for real quality international standard in our home purchase toys , techno genius's we are. One plug in , Wild Americans . With REAL AMERICAN CHARM, sometimes zombies on travels well, women and men, in a wild drive , USA. Never, a wait to one great real USA, in wild love, even to drive. So, I say, DRIVE ON, HENRY FORD, with USA LOVE LARGER THAN THE ROCK OF GERBRALTER 2024. Historical in the USA whom , made a unique history real, in real love .
Mc DONALDS. 12:58 pm FAIRFIELD CONNETICUIT USA NOW. HELLO HELLO HELLO, hi, very good to see you all, even if I am not singing the song, smile though your heart is breaking . I was off line too many minutes with a issue, and some USA , whom are still in a range in aims , in online type of issues, and munition, even a cornering pin point in the back of my seat , now with a larger over slapping incidently known as spot. Rioter spot, with spot pointed at me ear in back of my seat , loud. Interjectives in a larger line of the aim at my legs and face and car and equipment and lectures and recording time, and concerto and the royal sketch exhibitions. And aim at RIOTING GIANTS , too.
Never before , in any of my 2400 full 24 /7 days of my extremely high level prestigiously presented , exhibtions world renowned and of 500,000,000 million people whom arrived the very first day , in 2014 and with me, side walks everywhere, with even more daily into every day more , my gosh everyone , the obsene number of lovely people was outragiously wonderful, so lovely , a sweet quiet , more than amazing , into 2018 on the very last day of the extended project exhibition solo , me and you. Closer , love, well done. STUDIO'S INTERNATIONAL PEACE PROJECT , as my solo exhibition, the piaza side walks events , back to back , non stop, is obscene wild love returned. Lights , i remember , the most lovely lights, everywhere in the outside snow on the ground and falling softly from the sky over manhattan to moscow NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA , I experienced the beautiful lights , of the head lamps of the most populated automobile drive on the BRIDGE of THE EIZENHOWER HISTORICAL BRIDGE , never in the world so filled with a lengthy love of a incredible HUMANITY of the love you all lite the sky with , of more than a four months, the head lamps of extremly populated drives historical over the bridge into MANHATTAN , I was graced by day and night, never stopped . I asked everyone to put on lights , day and night. I was so excited . Free lectures , and free conncertos , and free aria , and more, I sent you, gift after gift , of my love for you all. Globally . The lovely wonderful, LOVE IN THE USA , rang out in the incredible quiet of the hearts of people, everywhere.
the lovely utopia of my sweetest affections to you all. Imagine , the hearts of the USA, historical.
Everywhere, all over the world. 2014-2018 with me, of the exhibition notations of my project of my solo reality of the very unique special piazza events non stop in over 2400 days , to peace and economics , seen: princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , SLEEPING in the SNOW and RAIN ,
of a special project of my own, STUDIO's INTERNATIONAL PEACE PROJECT of my solo company of one as in myself, owner and president of STUDIO VOSSE, solo, with the fine memories of my PIAZZA ATTACHE TRAVELS , exhibition. not one bottle of snake oil sold.
excussee' everyone, I am still in meetings with the KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin , and preparing for my sales, too, delayed and aimed at as my battery of my car was aimed at over several days , in a issue in a spool, that does have a issue of a RUSSIAN matter as well, and the concerns were slightly complex, with very esteemed people finest and with extreme devotion to me, whom were with a concern, and a needed clarification, and a review in classification. Stemming from a lower , oil slick of mutin ru. midget minded elphins. Tall Boy , and little women , elphins , in RUSSIA.
The DUKE WAS IN, to say hello, to me, THEE JOHN WAYNE , whom is a very good genuis in television theory , and famous in only fiction film for saying : WELL PILGAM, what are you going to do now. As JOHN WAYNE has been known to put on a ten gallon pot of grewel. Also famous for saying PUTTER THERE COWBOY , aiming at the water bucket to fill a hot bath to wash the horse with a brillo pad. To give them a .50 cent piece . Known as a two bit. as in two silver coins after the work is satifactory. Stuck in the wild west , or east ? PUTTER CHAR ' no. THEE JOHN WAYNE , arrived in FAIRFEILD CONNEICUITE , seen with me, yes. Preston Jackson , of the dean of the fine arts and sceinces foundry design and master studies at the royal concervatory of the MUSEUM OF THE ART INSTITUTE , advances concervatory extended , to specialize studies, was in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUTE , USA , arrived and we dined wine and FRENCH PREPERATIONS of gourdon blau, with boston bibbed green salad , and other secrets sweetest , even bitter sweet cookies with imported spanish coffee, from the country of SPAIN. Wild ; The said words of PRESTON JACKSON ; occasionally in lenghty conversions of political , subject: TWO WORDS : two sylables : RITE CHARRIE . The political mid west , is not handing out $.5. 00 for that statement.
Preston Jackson, is a renowned person in the cultural arts , whom sells , sculpture, advanced in a well lengthy achievement in education of honored emeritus reality, and is important , on work as an educator professor too, at SAIC. Preston Jackson , and everyone , your wonderful , and I love you all.
more soon: I have quite a list , to see through , in travelers , among us, in and near FAIRFEILD Connecticut USA, that love being here, in a real "in with the hip croud". your all outragious .
With notitions of my event travel drive time, all over the world. REAL LOVE , REAL ECONOMY STANDARDS , important , ah, well, yes, and the drive time events and announcement and concession which are not due to, pauper's , is a sweet little lovely reality , I love , due to the drive in movie , fun I began in a larger parking lot , nights with full parking in shopping lots , and an american dream for business, in more groceries , of course, as we tucked in at night in larger lots of my sweetst consessions in finest great fun, introspection and some tech issues of extreme attacks , and not a malfunction of any technology , as IPHONE and SMART PHONES , are in need to wrap in a dry paper , in the USA, to prevent a possible unknown dart frock with sticky spit.
And a list that should have been eased in a reality of ease to me, absolutly of a note already ready in 2023 banana news ease short note, list , that was a mass issue in RU, of a extreme concerns , that has no leverage in the orbit , for sporting aide to pin heads . There were issues that, increased in RUSSIA , also serious , and are in a HOOK UP, sling, now and a urgent issue of ORBIT , in a LARGER HIEGHT on the real focus and real priorety of the specialized work, I myself put forth, in a princess- russian project , with high advance specialized effort, damaged in a pit bull race , aim at the fortitude of the RUSSIAN SANCTIONED PROJECT, of my extensive work and esteemed prestigious efforts , of my worth, of a reality to myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT. of course the very most notes professionals in europe in space sciences , leaped at the opportunity in RUSSIAN SANCTIONED realized worth, to me. as a number one priorety and not a chance for rackettering pauper pin heads , to gain a leap to spit at humanity , while they danced on the civil of humans that made it possible to get out of the viaduck and get a real job with a reality of ethical reality , or go to hell where they were born and spread to bomb and pop and stuff, the work, not theirs.
The insular type of child bad wine child phycologic , misfitted contempt , is a malicious tactic , even children, say pupu on you. about, smart children all, while dogs might bite , they are that smart, and devout too, little doggies, Horses wildly know,. the fence run, to leap as high as can be, in a aim at the sweet finest TENNESSEE STEPPER, perfection, great real environment of horse country , to not even a buck, rather a extreme run with smart horses, saying sure get on up ,in the height, and then aim to run into a leap, ready and prepared , to a larger , gate leap,. ready. We have horse trained in real polo , they said yes.
Trigger , the horse ? soon. with Roy Rodgers messages waiting. AFTER TODAY , the ru- reality of concerns should rather go quick, at the notes to real space science center rocket scientist .
RUN DOWNS : RU: 9 days of extreme aimed munion aimed into extreme harm to me, occuring more in earlier morning and later in evening when preparing in length of extra work, and then esteemed success, then a issue in logistial ru, superseeded by oil slicking midgets , tall boy, muck girl, zeigeizer with a issue in aim to my breaking system on my car , of the last few days, allowance non clearance ,issues , still, with a report to me, emailed from the KREMLIN of russia, and in high public notes at the KREMLINS office notations, of a known pre - reality, and then a issue of a ru, not in the orbit of any one not exactly orbit material of special appointed work, of a greater reality of the KREMLINS , sanctioned project of a real option in RUSSIA , a extremely charmed grace to a princess, myself, that is, in a savvy reality, those ROMANTIC RUSSIAN ROYAL MILLITRAY, with specialized reality, sweet brillant women too admired, not to denigh romantic russia, dare I say the KREMLIN, is more than brilliant, as of coures encoragable in lovely russia, with a firmly real, personification of sir Vladimir Putin, a stonch poniant wildly lovely russian, of a shoulder to shoulder with the reality of RUSSIA, never a lesser, of RUSSIAN LOVE. Over 1.3 million ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRARY , with a, letter to the kremlin, in a extreme clarification to expression notes in many seen the , streeking of just a few saited gesus crists , in the zeigeits ,
Unethiclly ? In Italy in late 2023, there was a issue with a very large issue caused be some usa, whom are definitly bad eggs , that claimed they were the new president of ITALY , and aimed into the government offices. Also aimed at the news , in lies which is a unethical issue that racketters in the USA , made into a hell. The Italian Millitary liften swards , in a very firm way when the issue in ITALY was aimed into breaking into the presidents office. The government did get the photographs and films, of the issue. and extreme aim , even in a reality of a aim at the BEATLES , in a issue of their hotel room. Of course , I was able to place the ITALIAN issue in a larger press statement than other press updates , and the issue was a relief to listen the the elequant president of ITALY , speak to the people of ITALY in italian , of course. with a calm that was very soothing , and in love notes , which was kind of the PRESIDENT of ITALY of a noble talk about the ITALIAN culture to be very proud of. Wild love in ITALY , for love notes, as my project at my company studio vosse. Of course, is greater , pure love , yes. alright . yes.
princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, yes, i say, yes , amore ' please, send me more star satalight kisses. I shall catch them by the millions too. Fun everyone , from Italy , too, yes. good good.
Well, there issues involving the concerns with nato ,as unethical, is of the very serious issue that, well, I will place the reality in press in love notes today, with a man , very brilliant and with great humanities and many responsibilities which he takes very seriously and yet the gentle reality of people and humanities are always a reality of, considerable , gentle people, sometimes in a fierce effort to preserve a hope , in a reality that the world is worth the kind reality to look outwards and inwards , even if needing to grip on to a firm, placement, of even a political movement , of a hope that the new era , may not be crushed, and utterly revoked or worse, to an upset to much, too long, and then a 2020, of a contention in the USA , of many and only realized in a pittance of only 2000 racketters , not to bend over backwards to, ever. In fact to have a political reality that the solvant , of a seperated reality, even exist in divorce in the world, everywhere, as a ethical reality, never to be a lie in contort of idiot , type of unethical lunacy.
Excuse me, the aim at my post was just deleted , and very serious , and was aimed at a issue that was underminding in a RU ISSUE, statements that the kremlin was kind enough to send me a update, of a serious issue , impeded in the orbit and of a extreme issue in the oil slick midget with a tall boy and girl, known as qupee 's .
excussee . need to refresh a few minute and buy lunch , RUSSIAN INTERNATIONAL PRESS in LOVE NOTES , I made time for sir Vladimir , emails and more, Not Just Xi Jinping and Henry Ford. Not Just 1.3 million RUSSIAN ROYAL MILLITRAY emails , and great communication scientist.
6:41 pm Hello, Hello, everyone, all over the world. I have some updates that are rather important to me, as I have seen some unusual, dally, in a concern to me. As the ROYAL RUSSIAN space center said to me in a message of only a day or so ago. The diamons , rings , many, from everyone, infact , while then , the fun, was realizing in the space centre, how much effort, rolls smoothly , to me, and important to specialist with extended unavoidable, and perhaps unusual, in the focus needs not only from the whole ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY , when I pointed out early last year that their really was a USA , wrong in wrong waters , of a very serious unethical issue , aimed at south korea. The turn around on that submarine issue in deep hell, they would face in the USA, wrong, was a real, effort, i did what I realize might be very important , and well, I sent sharks , and whales , to tow them back in to USA port, and docked them with big , ajility of the general assembly in the usa and reasonably senate and governors , well, also sending LEE MAJORS , whom emailed me, to say he would handle it, an did, with a small water plan , behind the whales, and mass sharks , send by Joque Coustoe ,,
SEPTEMBER 27TH 2024 12:27 PM GOOD DAY IN RUSSIA, good day to the kremlin, sir vladimir putin, darling. It appears that you were very realized in a kind word or many that you outlined that there was a concerning issue , in the orbit, as a interferance in the priorety, and the attained reality, of the reason of the appointed, and then there was , aim hard at me , last evening , in my car and munion issue with hard aim in the morning too, followered with a effort in the russian orbit to dismatle , again and again, which has been very successful, while the pluckers , are racketters that aim, swarming into insult type of swazi active slime, that uses pecking into slinging aim ito a type of desensitiuzed wrenching, the reality of civility, with intent to rip out the grandure of the invites and decency in all reality of the greater, of largest , humanity that arrived, see, a fouth of july 2024 , in a placement of which is similar to a wrestling move , of what is know as a NELSON HEAD LOCK.
Of course wrestling , is more or less a business termanology , rather not a wresling wrink, at all, and then, of course in my royal studies , as 9 year old, i realized only the fomal example of the NELSON HEAD LOCK, manuver , in a wrestling match, with an oponent , of not mine . yet the example of the people on the blue , royal deep aquae blue, large thickest two feet mat, and of course first they , the two oponents must first stand up, on the two foot think foam rubber , covered in thick manufactured royal deep blue aqua, and they wear helmets half size , of course, the only view is the side of their 45 degree anfle face , posturing to win, and they bend their back low with their half mass helmets in a chin strap, under the thin pointed chin, with their big black and white gloves , with no shirt, and long backet ball style shorts , in nylon, drip dry, while then nearly not moving left or right , and going at the face with swinging arms , to then get to the head and grip at the elbo over the head , bent in with a bend , very large bend, in, with a larger reach over to the oposition, into a sissy swinging in to the arms , over the head, they aim over and over , into hope to gain a over thrown , postion fumbling through aim at the head , and the other head , then the win stops when their is one THROWN OVER THE SHOULDERS , IF A NELSON HEAD LOCK, is possible not to escape. Of course once the NELSON HEAD LOCK manuver is actually realized , everyone seeing the 45 posion in the outter view, all seeing the two half mass helmet postions in a lenghty larger bend in to reach out under as serving a tray, yet then aimed in close , to grip the neck and hit the head into a elbo grip , to over throw, the opostion. Of course in the example, of our reality, we were absolutle not going to see a actual wresling match, and simply the realistic brilliant style of our royal studies , to realize the postion of the short breif display in the opostion of the wrestling as a understood , theory, gone wrong, in a reality , of knowledge, it is very hard to stand up, on that thick two foot tall phome rubber , in a larger thick fabric of shined coated plastic , of royal deep blue aqua . Of coures the NEALSON HEAD LOCK , is really a theory of mental ajility , and the larger humanity , in the outter close range and then of course the much larger in the gym and outter gym, and thus , even , extended to the reality of studies , and more literature to get back to. The NELSON HEAD LOCK, in business theory gets complex in that idealistic kind non touch total demonstration , in a physical form, yet we of course have no wrestling ever. Just an image in our mind , of the stuctural reality of postion form, to then at 9 years old, hope never to actuully wrestle at all ever. In a more important reality of a greater civility in the real world, no subjected to a blitz mind that are the same , whom caused the hindenberg disaster. When breaking in to others lives and fortitude of efforts and worth, even extended into more than just schooled well.
In a small extra note : I will say, I had wished to be nearer to you , all the arrived lovely beautiful humanity that we are, we are that, in the deepest dim coldest winter, unexpected , uncalled for, and never apart of our fortitude , or relentless self love in an reach outward to breath the spring air together , and enjoy the sky , and worth, of a travel, a broadened dinner event we all never missed, with sweets , and menus of every country, together, even creating out favorite , with more we could feel is a reach, in more than just reaching to substance, yet a formality , of a sacred periling , never without a work , the efforts, the upsets , the achievement of even realizing sweets to the puppy and a time to read in expanding out mind of sensitivity, without a hard spot, of which , no one forgot , their periled achieved time , and time again , a love , realized . A sorrow , not forgotten, a worth , very real in a feirce reality, worth , the minutes, peace in the USA, of an investment of time, to stand for the reality of ethical constitutional , real, and tangible , and important .
Of course not meant to be a difficulty, ever, and when a real concern , in every village , the drive , was never meant to meet a futherment to those realisticaly futile, and with a excurciating , aim , into what was never theirs, and seperatly of the sanctitude of the very nature of the heavy talks of solidarity, for each individual, as a responcibility, the reality of the solidarity , has become a riche and richer enlightnment , of sometimes sorrows , not enough perfect , of our selves .
DRIVES: well, i scheduled a photographic quiet introspection in my study photographs , and was to see you, there in person , with open arms , and some quiet sweetest photographs time, nearer , again , much like we enjoyed in many many many many of my street walk piazza exhibitions, ,
3400 days back to back , you surprised me, and so many arrived . We had not the TEETH ROT, to swear away our heads , and hold our postions with doors locked and even, shoes of concernq not to have ruined , ears to prevent , a gush of atomic sludge , with a pipe whisle bashing the sweetest sensitivity of a more delightful gentle , bold wild, reality, vibrant , to compose out selves , and see your hand , close enough , to say hi. shurgging out shoulders , in a excitment of exticy , and pure quite humility, that is a freedom to express : hi , hello. hi, hello, waving a sweet delight in a feeling of even cheer. so kind . I watched t many automobiles you all purchased and i love your hair styles and kind polite expression to see you shake you hair , in cheep sun glasses , and miles and miles of love ,
everyone , even in all of europe , photographs and sweet train travels are with over 57 million just in china , whom also joined me in travel ready , fun, and serious enough to pat attention to everything with a care , and realty to a broader , eased , time to modernism of the international invite from myself,. princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT
SERIOUS : WHEN SERIOUS DOESN'T FLY , the reality , is that there are some in the usa that will be left in the dust, of what they aimed to contemptuouly wreck, and shred to rip out away in a contempt of mass abomination which is there mirror and that of the futility of all the nasty issue they caused , to me and any. even small children . and the world has no such tollerate the brutality of a unethical pence aimed at me, no. the orbit , was aimed at, and then, the reality , was bullets , aimed into me. and ruin , aimed into a nasty close plop, in on over and aimed , invisable munion , aimed destuction of my projects and intensive designs , with extre publication , and a extreme , unethical futility of rightiousness , with a pile of unethical trailing , into other areas, with no reality of a proper stop, in one real enviornment in any stop in fairfeild so far, in a loosened trail of basher, in slung threats to my own reality to a messy travel of pure zombies .
It is a pitty, where will the sharp shooting mouth go? Of course to the next door, to say hi. Nice to see you. Is the reality , in a close chance to circle and aim into the damage in groceries and shops , to hide it all, adter the snort ripping , into the USA over three extra years , after the attacking that TEETH ROTS , caused , in a twenty year , pop by pop aim , into the finest of the USA, whom stand every day to offer the best, of them selves professionally, in a desk, a automobile drive invite , and in owners of companies Pilot Fuel Corporation . and many others . I today, I have a meeting of more time , in dismatling the aim minuion , and the attack on my online services and repair the damage imidiatly to my sales and exhibtions . and YES , ASSURE DRIVE TIME , event , invites that are a marvolous larger statement , in the usa, to me , yea, wild wildly , unbelievable .
RUSSIAN , and more , with european drive time, and red eye train time, in a great reality everyone, the reality , is that south america has joined me, yes me, and south seas and canada , in a love , real, and all over the USA, in the FAIRFEILD connicuite USA region, over 6 billion people have arrived regionally , as flight travel even offereed cheep round trip rates and budget renal car, stayed at $15, per day in most every case , i believe . The voice of the USA, was not slow to run with me, in a largest expression, and the invite , THE DRIVE EXPADITION , of my invite at LOVE NOTES , has been planned a long while, and loved , well, even in a brierpatch thicket, while I have taken a bit of time , in the last three days , and four , after some extreme aimed upsets. aimed orginated in the USA, and with a trailer of a bad vine in RUSSIA. More contained , in the reality of the ROYAL RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, with the reality of the president of RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, and the special appointed sos specialist , with the ROYAL NAVY, and the ROYAL SPACE CENTRE , extremely highly specialized specialist, which maintained a very larger reality upon even my orbit needs , of my own cares extensive special work, even some , briar patch thinket , the space specailst , sailed through, rouphly , too, even in their life . The orbit is not complex , in a strait reality of ethical reality, i mean repectfully , of their work, respectively. My notes are with, a smashing attack on them last night , and many are missing , including a whole folder of off line notes known as no love notes , when the attacking occured harder and the opostion wrestlers , jerked everyone , with verbal swatting and seen rattling knees. and companies and wallets , taling in to a triatholon of ta cash rippers , with hot mouths worth , .50 cents , self proclaimed , in each howel. Louis Muaw , said : YES , WORKIN IT.
AH , WORKIN IT , ZAMBOLI WORKIN IT, and racing for the cure to a parttaaay WORKIN IT.
BIMBOZOLIEES . CHUMP MEAT . Is that what Louis Mauw said ? Or it was the famous historical words , ah, yes , my darling DON RICKLES , on the little jet ride we took: I said 1976 QUOTE ;
BIT A BING BIT A BANG BIT A BOOM , is what the nasty slime of the birther bozelor are , in rackettering slime. and are nasty rot that caused even a aim at my entire breaking system of my automobile and than ran at me in nasty circling to thow ass for lips and sludge after these suck wads , of the USA aimed at everyone , and aimed to more rip time for the sneering slimy escargot suckers , ready to be broiled , by their mommies , or pawpawers , yet they have not seen a exhibtiion of my invite they pipped in to speak peepee qupee, all for the rip at me and russia , and the success in the USA realized larger than all history of time , in the USA. Increadible , and kicked by a piple breath that interntionally spread , meezekls in licker lips , stuckos , muck rackers , slime asses , on two sides . with fast fat lip suckers , eating escargow worms .
Aimed to spit in anger of their small ass brains they backed into people after the note to send food in the tuinnel they cramed others into ass tghe bend down to crawl backwards smashing into all those dark spaces , sending sipholus lips for asses in the air in a air born reach to steel cash bomb other to get a tshirt , and lauph , while poppinf snot from their tung slime meezel disentary at any they could reep, for a slip, .
While needing the elevator boots looking like small pecker heads in plasic rubbers on their feet, while covering theor legs to bomb in slick coat chem weapons, while they have been more flat broke for over a year, zero, and less. in fact. Aimed to stow away in anything , and tried to rip out ina russian , swip nose , with a swipo nose of facing grewel, due to the aim of racketters at me, and break orbit , structure with a dive in to 400 of my projects , these two bobbulets with a few others , gained to alien themselves with 6 oe more other HOOK UPS birther in the USA, of tax ripping cracked tooth cement fillers , in a hand off, to my project and included , a maliciousness , in aim at the space centre , with a invader , in some of the space centre, whom aimed to blend, to aim at the orbit , in a
reflection of accidently sleeping with joe ho ho ho, in drag , is what was said , BASICALLY , RENAMED RITA . , AND POPPED , INTO A LARGER ISSUE IN THANKSGIVING 2023, AND RECENTLY IN 6 DAYS FURTHER AIMED TO CUT OFF THE KREMLINS , EMAILS IN MY BOX AND USE MY MISSING EMAILS AND OTHER PEOPLE WORK , TO SWITCH AND BAIT , OF A LARGER MISCROSCOPE , OF LARGER WRONG , THAT THE KREMLIN AND GOVERNMENT A ALL IN RUSSIA, ARE now straring into the vat pot they aimed at me and others in russia, including the projects and work of the esteemed government and tswamhe kremlin ,
Sir Vladimir Putin his majesty , himself. Of course , I am one of the most happy persons in the world , and with a very great reality of my own structure in a kind effort, in my unique reality, loved well, in many invites and never accousted , in a ear jam, with attacking my time , as a reem streem of frocking frolicking frucking baiters , that used a rackettering swampinh and jiz on shoving ear jam, and shoving , in nothing in any of my events and liesures in many many many millions of people more like a eric clapton WHITE ROOM FILM, that was non stop 4 whole years in my free, past , peace iniciative of a exhibtion , and not expected in any concerns in a lovely DRIVE EVENT . of course , I wish to express, the reality , that i myself , was exposed to, in mostlt sluggers verbally that shoot snot at me , in every shop and store in a thought of their humour in a pin ball game as a time to cut off others , from trhe normal lovely reality , i myself realize of more than 6 billion people . And a few racketters sliding in to some aim at me, even a recoding time, with extreme aim at my face with a chemical slugger , issue and hit my legs and my equimpment and car have repairs , to assurt the reality of some larger , levers in russia , that were impeded , in a unethical scurry , that was unseen , in the lower scoweling office , of and spoke of everyone , in extreme lies , in every way, from a lower office that is not actually determines as in the government , and instead were as mike bloomberg said , living in the viaduck to run at whom they aimed at , and there are a few in the entery of one small office in the space centre whom was seen aimed into switch things on euipment . and some actual munion drones that were a USA attack in smuggling them in to the St Petersberg Russian area , after there was a breach in the Kremlins schedule with a reeker USA whom spit at the Kremlin after breaking in to a museum , and spread, chem aimed type of balistic diarea . to those prepared to meet the Kremlin on a very important love notes presentation everyone prepared so well for , in a international love note excitment about the lovely russian cultural riche reality i love .
OUT of the BAG: somewhat . while excusse me, i was not my prolific self in the description , of pure MUCK , aimed at me, and well, MIKE BLOOMBERG made a statment that decribed a women as a rot tooth , that can not really achieve a fraction work book at the age level of 8 years old. And was spitting nasty slugging words at him as a professional quite pleasant , charming and genreous , in ways that are broad in achievement and employment opt, too, with much more acheived, and the women was not called a garrille less than the mind of a meezel , and took advantage of the employment , in a issue of rackettering two years ago , with such a reasonable , reality, and those whom escolate , and steel from humanity , should find a hole and dig there.
I will , not tollorate a women in mc donalds with a child slinging lous verbal batting , in a aim into my time and the sweet childs that could be in a schooled , programs , and not aimed such at a larger yelling slam into a far far run into pin point a aim at me ,. and those days are near gone for the slum sliding suck wads , that aim into the reality of a imence decent USA, and brought the slugging verbaly aimed into a eclips in my company and event , while taking singing lessons and aimed to smash cars .
DRIVE EXPADITIONS , are at a real start, and well, we had zero to do with the extremist terrorist, terrorizing any, and me , in such a larger reality of the very real LOVE NOTES and sweet me, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, darlings everywhere. and more than thank you everyone .
MARTINI invites and sales of ROYAL SKETCHES , unveiling will be in FAIRFIELD CONNETICUIT , USA , with a concerto to love our memories of our real greater of humanity and as the music recording compostions of LOUIS ARMSTRONG ,
has in writting : I AIN'T GOT NO BODY updated at utube , political yes, drive freedom and cheep hopper flights round trip,
from LOVE NOTES , note, thank you to my fly teams , in the USA, your all lovely, glad your wages and professional work enviorment is better,. I say thank you with a solute to you all , professionals in the air flight to serve AMERICA . USA WELL, with your liesure and work enviorment too, important . HOTEL PEOPLE , great work, feel extra proud, teams that clean in the powder room, grocery people and delivery people, postal people , and of you, thank you with honor and a solute with a free song a few perhaps , thank you all, great drivers , lovely too, i love you .
3:46 pm : it's coffee time , and a liile extra meeting with the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , and the circle of presidents , across EUROPE and SOUTH AMERICA, SOUTH SEAS , and CANADA . within also the goverors council.
With the ROYAL LOBSTER SILVER SERVICES , thank you KING CHARLES , breakfast was perfection . good of you darling , i am warming up to martinis and shaken , yes, wildly , you know that , not stirred , please . THE ROYAL LOBSTER SILVER SEVICE , is perfect you arrived. Of course Queen Elizebeth , sweet of you to have arrived too, earlier this week.
WHAT IS THE ROYAL LOBSTER SILVER SERVISE . soon you will know everything. Let's get past the awful briar patch , faster. NOT the ROAD RUNNER AND CAYOTE hours . no david letterman . your right , and are you practicing martini shaken , not stirred . sweet darling david letterman. yes, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , sir DAVID LETTERMEN. xo,
with the ROYAL LOBSTER SILVER SERVICE , a russian orbit improved with impecable ROYAL RUSSIAN REALITY of the appoinment of the princess orbit of the eussian kremlin . notes soon.
SOS and SPACE CENTRE RUSSIA, CHINA , NOUTH KOREA , SOUTH KOREA. THIWAN , JAPAN , GERMANY , SWEDEN POLAND ( warsaw your in as consults ), SUDIA ARABIA , IRAN , where isd amini , IROQ, ENGLAND , MEN NAVY READY , and well, secrets 007 reality. DALI LAMA ? TIBET . SPAIN , sir Salvator Dali, ROCKY TOP, are you busy TENNESSEE? consuls .
exciting , even super jets . fleets , , 007 , 007 007 and 007 ? preparing for martini services ? now .
FRANK SINATRA its a hop,
ah the list realized at LOVE NOTES
soon everyone , I love you everywhere.
excitment w/ a solute to you all everywhere, at 6:30 pm from me personally .
SEPTMBER 28 th 2024 9:34 pm hello everyone, hello, all over the world. hello, I am glad to say hello, and thank you for traveling , in my drive time, that has over 6 billion people whom traveled in to the cities near fairfield connectiuctte USA, with some concerns, aimed at me, and a many really gare ood nice people in a great reality, that, wished to say more, welcome , I think this was the shoppe reality, with some extra words, for a very good thank you too, for care to Fairfield Connecticut USA. Many people in the regions in the north east, think that is wild, and want to make a good impression, with slight upset too, of a few racketters, whom, were snubbed in 60 cities just lastt month. While the kind dignified shoppes of professionals, some just starting out, are please to say, welcome and thank you for shopping too. I believe the messages are very nice , with a love of feirce kind, and firm , professionalism, with a menu or effort to fill shelves of groceries and see clean means clean for all, and ice water, is free, with your own glass. What an expectation for everyone, all, shopping and traveling when off time, arrives. Fun fine clothes, and fine hair, after work, to dine out, too. Wildly the many villages all over the USA, feel great after hard work, filling orders , always busy, every order great, and then receipts , added up after the days work, and success, to assure pay is pay. pwho,rincess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT invites are wildly loved usually , and it is a time for FAIRFEILD , and other smaller cities, to realize, that the WHO, they are right, do not be fooled again. I was not exactly in a very good nice welcome in a few, of the racketters , some look like sailors , some like the dc nasties, as a issue in the USA, whom are unethical racketters , and some whom are not fashion designers and doctors and writters and literary agents , or moms, and dads, even, or lawyers , or or or or or . Take a deep breath , and look smart, kind and disengage , you know, the recipt ? yes, payment for the work in product sales , yes. No breaks for employed , no. Pay is pay, and do realize you are with a responcibility , to your self, to pay your bills and enjoy the world .
SERVICE EVENT . now . is with a RUSSIAN ORBIT sos specialist and sos space centre , rocket science, and the kremlin with the russian country and the entire world. Soon you will know everything, russian and all over the world, with a real ROYAL LOBSTER SILVER SERVICE to be a lovely message , from me.
SOS MOSCOW : is the subject of in the closing few days of a REVOLT , event , in the FAIRFEILD, CONETTICUITE USA area, and of a issue with some basic bandits, whom are from in and out pizza , of a police wrong , and ambulance wrong, and fire engines wrongs, whom aimed at my travel.
THE SALE , and aria concerto was ruined , in a issue aimed , of racketters , and an escape they shifted out of the truth , they were disliked in over 40,0000 cities, TOO BAD .
THE KREMLIN of RUSSIA , sir VLADIMIR PUTIN , and I meet daily often and last evening , again my email and equipment was aimed at in an attack due to a issue in RUSSIA , in fact , and that issue was a caused issue in extremeist racketters , that were never to make it to any travel I will have , ever .
There was a issue in RUSSIA, and everyone globally is reading, the kremlin noted the issues.
Aimed at me. In truth , and real, while also aimed at the orbit , in a real aim, too in to a space centre , in ROYAL RUSSIA , and then , the sos specialist and the sos communications people , were rather with a reality , that, the issue in RU , was a issue in a person , internal affairs , that was claiming to be the liason of the orbit , and gained a access to even faulcify reports , of the actual orbit , claiming the design work , of the orbit , and with plans to take the orbit , in a larger issues and also direct aim not only at my notes and my conceptual designs of the orbit , WHOLE ORCHESTRATE TEAMS OF SPECIAL WORK , IN DISARMERMENT , AND DETERRANT OF RACKETTERS , RANGE TOWARD ME ,
THE FAULCE REPORTS , WERE SEEN ALL OVER EUROPE . AND THE KREMLIN MADE THEM PUBLIC too, in the government and government sites ,. There were issues that leaped in Thanksgiving 2023, in RUSSIA , and racketters were to be derailed , while there was a issue of lies, then a aim again, with a lies in a fake report , about other things and halls , that gained a upset knowing the truth . While about 6 racketters should not have been in RUSSIA , as MIKE BLOOMBERG , said , these slimy types , all racketters are , aimed into sludge aim at others , and smuggled, two drones aimed into the kremlins area , and bridge . A lie of some security team , was inside russia , and were aiming to invade meeting, said to be their meetings, with a issue that was then invading the space centre in one small area , with some aim into a wrong , in russia with someone internal in a higher rank , that aided enemies , and gripped into wrong reports in orbit , and then stalled in time , as well, in a issue that was a attack in the spread of, whom was respocible , for the issues in the concerns of orbit , which was impeccably well orchestrated and with absolute expected ,distance in rackettering whom all were those responible in aim nuke type of munion which was long range , inside the USA , and not pleasant .
, Aimed at me . over a year . what is derailing , and then a issue that popped , into a slight worry , of a issue in a large issue , the lies were spread and aimed at the very top space centre , people , and outter looped too in lies in moscow russia, of even more aide under the wind , in a escolation issue aimed at me, and slime slugging racketters 6 hit the streets in a 100 mile dogging , with deaf dumb and blind acts of orphans , that had no tungs . and when noticed , no tung , the racketters got nastier . while aided in a shuck of some dizzy higher rank idiot , that gained a lower office idiot , and were caught in big dipper star satalights , actually meeting a joe ho mo in in drag , running at them to smack with kisses , when the joe jill, ran into Germany boarders , and used lied name, KEGA , SKIZIT , to meet , more rank puffed , and that low office already , ready to bend after aim , at me, and my many projects . The space centre , rocket specialist , kept their seats , in extra work, and even endures some missed meeting from me in some needed updates on the orbit , while just in the last few weeks , I asked the sos specialist , to see to some larger arial look at the area in RUSSIA , for some extra work , in analisys , and see to some extra efforts , in maticulous efforts , of some type of issues in loose drift electricity , or fume issues , to check all melecular types of air quality and medalurgic type of data . or other , and the KREMLIN recieved the update very fast, with a email to me and public notes too, the Kremlin made imidiatly . and there was a larger very serious MUNION DRONE , in st petersberg russia , after the higher and low office internal ru, in the scandel , shifted to a issue t, scams with the racketters that aimed at the KREMLINS , meetings in st peterberg russia in a larger new museum, as lies were told in the several people internally , were aimed at the 400 projects they stole with racketters 6 and aimed to force agreements of others that were very wealthy in st pererberg ,. while the kremlin , a director of the KGB . of a great number of years whom worked side by side with Boris Yelson and of course was also with the assured worth in the very esteemed cares of Mikhail Gorbachov , both very esteemed former RUSSIAN PRESIDENTS ., sir Vladimir Putin , is very well loved in his lenghty work for RUSSIA , of a esteemed and very well noted work as a majistrate of the KGB. and among many whom are respecfully of a great esteemed work too. among the best in government efforts of a RUSSIA to be very proud of. Sending the few , in where ? The st petersberg russian area , of why ?
KGB , not the wealthy citizens , oh, buyers ? what . signed into a what ? pushed forced hard pressured what ? 20 of my projects , were stolen and were aims of several in low brow , beeffatte of a higher rank and a few hen and peckers , that swallowed , the hook, you might say. Still these last two weeks, the notes in seeing the international press from love notes , was still with some that may not have realized the total issues and aim in lies about what they saw , or did not see. in a issue of a duel streem at a space centre , that can be complex , as the issue of a mix up, in a council, not with the total updates from me, were expecting the derailment of racketters as were the space centre , rocket sciences people in a progression as of last christmas, they waited to see this day , and realized , it was as DAVID BURNS of the music of the TALKING HEADS , wrote recently for me, THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME . imagine the world world , thinking that too.
While there were some top ranks , to sooth , in my notations , to even the ADMIRAL of the NAVY. THE ROYAL REAL RUSSIAN NAVY , whom dropped more missles which were for of course TELEVISION statalights dropped into the ocean, much like the first trans continental satalights long ago before flight or space flight, when trans -continental radio was hip, in and wild, long before television was possible , missel submarine launches , in closer ocean areas .
GIANT OCTOPIE cave area , off limits . WHALES too.
Sweet whale tugged a few down to the ocean floor ,
sweet, and said: watch out for those harpoons in BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS USA .
September 29th 2024 10:44 pm THE DAY IS AMAZING , everyone, you are so great, a lovely grand hello with drivers today, walking over to Mc Donalds, to get breakfast and plug in , due to the issues attacking , still, a few issues, and of course you all are included in the reality, to see, the real, USA in a real, serious REVOLT for everyone in the USA. I wished never to see the notes escape the BANANA NEWS , and some press exposed in those involved, in the BULLWINKLE SCAMS , basicly all
USA , birthed in such a horror to me today and you, in other cities, and aimed in a harror list of 75,000,000 , (75 million ), USA others , in aimed lied and attempt to fool, some like all, in the show GILLIGANS Island, the awful show from the 1970's when the issues of the small poxs began. with rubbellia . and polio, and that of issues with chicken pox , and meezels, with missing postal mail in even larger haulers of the 18 wheeler giant professionals, in a few pecks at them, whom relentlessly never let go othe their employment to serve the USA, with excellence in dependability and honor to assure, big wheels keep on rolling, as Credence Clear Water Revival sang then, and sing again for the Trucking Giants, in the USA, and today in love notes, all over the world.
USA , birthed in such a horror to me today and you, in other cities, and aimed in a harror list of 75,000,000 , (75 million ), USA others , in aimed lied and attempt to fool, some like all, in the show GILLIGANS Island, the awful show from the 1970's when the issues of the small poxs began. with rubbellia . and polio, and that of issues with chicken pox , and meezels, with missing postal mail in even larger haulers of the 18 wheeler giant professionals, in a few pecks at them, whom relentlessly never let go othe their employment to serve the USA, with excellence in dependability and honor to assure, big wheels keep on rolling, as Credence Clear Water Revival sang then, and sing again for the Trucking Giants, in the USA, and today in love notes, all over the world.
THE BADGERS : HOOK UP, alone, one and then one, while they ran from DC, with their tails, between their legs, and a curly , q, on their back, slinging it, with a ready HEY HEY , or who aaaih
smitten grit, Oh , well, women , whom make a living , well, and men, ready to assure the best , ready to meet the redgiment of the very most success, and feel great in every minute of good well achieved , professionals , giants , begin at the begining to get to the end , and in the end, you must, get back to your own begining , well done to get to the end, to ah ha, get to the begining , well done.
Great work, in the avengers , rouph landing with some terbulence , and we will have to gain a good posture , in the efforts , to circumsize if needed. and straiten the reality, yours , well, I don't know, while the reality is a great rule, best is best, . and there are avengers, whom love me, and love notes too. Turbulence, put your lips together , and blow . Even gift a bubble gum and say would you like one ? Just chew and then put your lips together and blow . Nice Nice .
I would say , thanks . I love bubble gum, and BAZZUKA is my very favorite brand. With a real flute bazzuka, real tiny toy for the NEW YEARS , events . sweet little toy flutes. I will post a few choices soon, as I myself get ready to see through the very first martini event with the exhibition unvailing of the ROYAL SKETCHES first exhibtion and sale invite exhibition. with the unvieling arrived a concerto , extra special, with a few new music compostion of my very own , again. Thank you for the lovely comments of the, later song last evening , DUCKY , . which is an ENGLISH EXPRESSION , from my fammile histioure in the ROYAL COUNTRY OF ENGLAND.
DUCKY last evening was loved all over the world, with CHILDERN IN THE FAR EAST OF EUROPE, just about to eat lunch. MIDDLE EASTERN CHILDERN , awake with EASTERN EUOPEAN CHILDERN , even in RUSSIA , still sleepy, even up in the evening with me in meetings after dark in EUROPE at time in my day. Sweet Dreams to you all. In the AFRICAN EUROPE , it was still very sleepy , excpt for some agriculural specialist, postal delivery people , trucking haulers, travelers in flight, some hotels main counters , and air ports , cars , 24/7 busses, and cabs , rental cars counters, in international and national air ports , with the 24/7 shops with refresh area powder fresh, and good fine fast foods and of course drink drink , and with a great economy , smartly intelegent in the ROYAL COUNTRY of AFRICA , in day and night , TUNISIA , african - french hops to extremly fine tandori stick fast eats , to fine cuisine. ( excelent recipe pre- and finished fine foods ). Mc Donalds , french fries , began the same way.
Mango Milk Shakes , fresh , at 2:00 am. in AFRICA , in TANSINIA , after TUNISIA , hop hop hop, to NIGERIA , then KENYA . yes. While let's get back, to the many counties not yet mentions , west to east east to west europe , far far far across the ocean from THEE AMERICA'S. with quite the achievement , in all countries . In the USA, known as the BULL. and SPAIN in EUROPE , is the ROYAL BULL FIGHT. a sweet tradition of a riche cultural expression of the culture of SPAIN with meaning to some day know more . While enjoying the BULL FIGHTERS of SPAIN , and the BULLS very fine nature of pride , it is remarkable , to love everything of SPAIN in a larger cultural expression to the whole world , everywhere. Standing alone .
Sir Vladimir Putin , as KREMLIN of RUSSIA , was poiniant to a message of a disgrace in RUSSIA, with a a depiction of mincers , in the picture, of those involved in the issues of the nasty fraud SECUTITY COUNCIL , whom faked others identities , in a few issues , in RUSSIA, ad came up with zero films they claimed in meetings , which the KREMLIN , was reading the reports and in aim at me, and orbit , and the sos specialist and the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE centre, in even a issue that a racketter, landed in CHINA , several weeks ago, aimed to steel the passports of the PRIME MINISTER of RUSSIA, and are true USA, idiots , and very serious, when they got a ticket back to the USA, on a tug boat in the ocean . after aimed to pick pocket the street risterantes in CHINA. Aimed slugging in to faces of chemical weapons , and attemted to smuggling munion . and drones . with a failure , and tried to shuffle even my books , and designs , holding a big rubber buscuit on a stick , like a hammer on the BEIJING DESIGN CENTER , travelers to the CHINA EXPOSEE' in design, as the fraudes , sporting RUSSIAN COATS .
Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN yes, THE KREMLIN ON MY TOP LIST , among the sos specialist , whom all surprized, me a while back, while, the events , and planning took time, READ
ROYAL LOBSTER SILBER SERVICE starts with buying the fresh caught maine net caught lobster. Usually a light pink tan color, when not yet prepared as a steemer. The lobster . Of course, My mother and her FRENCH ENGLISH EUROPEAN ROYAL LOBSTER SEVICE , was never forgotten,
FRESH MAINE LIVE LOBSTER , sold in the corner lot of a grocer parking lot, just a day, and then never again , until the possibility of the next ROYAL LOBSTER net caught, actual lobsters. My mother: as I was a girl then, and had just been honored in a museum international scholarship honor , with a crowning moment of two works of art, and noted well achieved , work in a poetry book, then 1970's , with a fine , reality to a summer program w/ a short experience in a into to a manufacturing publishing company , that was a year away, to wait for, and of course, already purchasing my own carmel corn in a city bus ride myself in, giving the egg man a one dollar bill, on the bus for a hard boiled breakfast egg, at age nine . THE ROYAL LOBSTER SERVICE , mother , brought out the best , and then said, I bought four lobsters , for dinner tonight. I was curious but very shy, quiet, and she said, well, the LOBSTERS are live from maine ( the state of maine ocean shell fish catch, by net ) . The LOBSTERS , must stay in water, until they are steemed , my mother said, and I was in the bath looking at them after , to just peek in, and worried . In the bath, I was thinking . Then mom said, The LOBSTERS , need bands on their claws , until they are ready to steem. I closed my eyes. Very worried . My mother is a noted french english , american , spainish , enough chef, well achienced culturally, and ROYAL TRADITIONS are ROYAL TRADITIONS , with the lobsters ? I still had my eyes closed , and it's her kitchen, so, not my time to be in the kitchen exactly , so, she was finally ready and I offered the plates out and silver , with the claw and shelling crackers plyer wrech looking with fine silver jewel details , KING HENREY would be proud, as of my FRENCH FAMILLE .
I was in the kitchen , not paying any attention , as usual. Not to any detailing of cooking , my mother has , as her experience , not mine. I finished the plates , and silver and martini and water and milk, ready. Five of us for dinner, while my small tiny child brother, was not old enough for the actual LOBSTER ROYAL SERVICE , grilled cheese, with tomatoes , were his favorite . Suddenly my sweet mother, went to the bath, with a larger white cooler, and piled four larger MAINE LOBSTER in toO cooler and carried it into the 80 gollon pot , of pure boiling bubbling rolling boil hot hot hot water. She lifted all of the FADED PINK FADED TAN , LOBSTERS in to the pot fast, and my eye sort of looked , and the LOBSTERS were gripping , and swerved , then switled, drop, in, with a sudden , well, I closed my eyes , and heard the screem squirt , less then a half second . and then I was cringing , and she was not smiling , either. Then mother sat them on the table on each plate , we were sitting together , all unusual, we had a busy year , and THE ROYAL LOBSTER SERVICE was rare , very , rare, even a myth, most likely , and then not at all a myth. I was ready for dinner and had changed into a dress trouser , and a solid blouse and combed my hair pinning it up. Then when my mother brought the STEEMED LOBSTER TO THE ROYAL LOBSTER RARE , very rare , LOBSTER dinner ?
SHE SAID NOTHING , and well, the lobsters steemed were bright bright red , after the boil, and then the eyes like bullets , staired at me, faced to face with the eyes of the whole large red , bright bright , murcury red , lobster . We looked a minute at the LOBSTERS , all facing us, I closed my eyes, and said: even very shy and very quiet, I said, Mom , You all enjoy the LOBSTER , and there is extra , please, I will be studying in my room a while and then walk down to the Italian Risterante to get pizza and a cola , I think. later. I saved $5.00 to spend . Enjoy the STEEMED LOBSTER. Thank you mom.
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Please everyone, enjoy the ROYAL LOBSTER SILVER SERVICE , in FAIRFEILD CONNETTICUITE USA, and think of the employers whom increased wages , in two years to those lenghty in devout good customer services and hope in great busy worth, to assure paying out the net profit of wages , where the revenue profit , is then in a net , actual profit , as the cost to the many needs get paid each day from sales with special good services to all, and customers , are pleased to a reality, to a greater enjoy purchase point , and more, with the net pay, wages paid, in a astronomical, genuis to assure the many wages , and many extra efforts of pure genuis , of a USA that of course is with darling unmistakable bright efforts , in rather a smaller , detailing at some jobs and then, MORE , OFTEN , unseen , reality of achieved efforts wildly brilliant. Heavy achieved , too, with love , to you all, all over the world. While KIRK , is scotty with the hot bagels perfectly toasted and with piled high soft cream cheese and butter on the toasted bagel too, perfectly , fresh split , in the german instant bagel slicer for that real bagel stampede of every day sales: Scotty ? Kirk ? Spock ? Did Scotty Beem Down the Bagels to serve everyone ? Scotty , BEEM ME UP. RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE need the right well made bagels , perfectly hot and perfectly butter toated with pile high cream cheese, and lite chive chopped fresh, with a larger glass of orange juice , and fresh coffee perfect , with the extra work I asked of them , even said, On Your Toes , Men. Sos , hopped ready too.
Vladimir , I didn't tell Sir Vladimir Putin , we open the larger viewers , and Vladimir was smiling when everyone , hopped , and didn't , and I can say, all the men , dimonds ,. your all simply marvolous ,. lets get to the martinis , shaken , of course , not stirred . You know, a jig , 1/2 onze dry vermouth, to 1/3 onze vodka Stolies, 2 parts jin. Shaken . of course . everyone . SCOTTY and KIRK are waiting . more soon , enjoy you proviencial stew, I ordered for you, as the KREMLIN , took care of the whole order . wealthy RUSSIAN PRESIDENT . sir VLADIMIR PUTIN , saved well. smart.
5:28 pm now THE ROYAL SKETCHES, are with a pre- SKETCH EXHIBION, everyone. before the unvailing of the ROYAL SKETCHES , of my sweetest , love to you all, on a formal exhibtion in a fine sale , even if we are in MANHATTAN or NEWARK NEW JERSEY for the actual in person sale time later after the online exhibition sale. With a concerto, which I have prepared , in a exhibition event , not yet , with a announcement , time or date, just yet.
THE NO SALE SKETCH exhibtion first, please please, tomorrow fast.
and then free SKETCH POLITICAL exposee' in the international press at love notes, first. FREE REVIEW POLITIAL SKETCHES , not pretty, I will warn you. as a ENGLISH TRADION , after the clam steemers , and the ROYAL LOBSTER STEEMERS , BEET RED LOBSTERS , after the boil.
Scotty, everyone , shortie Sekie Musui? ah, yes, ecxcussee ' une monmento '
5:39 pm now princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT NOTE
THE INTRO ( trundicated ( ) reading )
THE VITEA , of a princess.
NEXT , scotty OF COURSE.
october 1ST 2024, 9:36 pm good morning in FAIRFEILD , with over 25,000 people in drives near me, as quite a welcome in the USA , in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUITE USA. You are all very beautiful, my camera filming, needed a port, and I was so happy, to see you all. Thank you, everyday, is not bad, is it? The kind service in MC DONALDS today is top notch, even if I was a BERRACUDA inside a few minutes, with my own sense of calming, after, serious, concerns with a reality to assurt the concerns, of a REVOLT , short time which was not of course, ever expected. The USA, deserves to realize the seriousness, in what effects, AS PRESTON JACKSON, said to me once: " what effects the world, effects us all. " ROB LOWE, said: well, let me see through the film from ROB LOWE, and BILL MURRY, JERRY LOUISE, TIM ROTH , HUGH GRANT, NEIL GAIMON, DEBBIE RENALDS, PHILIS DILLER, TOM CRUISE, JANE FONDA. LILY TOMLIN, TINY TIM, MINNY PEARL, DUDDLEY MOORE,
[ enlarged list: give me a few minutes , with a RUSSIAN CONFLICT ] [ 007 russia , delay on the martini services, KGB in, with a specialist in KGB, needed , 007 KGB, your needed , the KGB , messaged , you know , 007 KGB, 1998 ]
[ message from the Prime Minister's of RUSSIA, riche cultural reality better, and tax looking smart, with indivital gold standards highest in history , citizens of RUSSIA proud and with international expressinism exhibition in my, love notes, a world event of loved RUSSIAN PEOPLE , kisses to you all, catch] [ KGB 007 1998 , the conflick , your's darling Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, with my recomendations soon darling, I have to get a fine lunch today, and get my automobile roaring ]
and more, soon. The consessions of last night were enjoyed, I did get a late message, from mogles, mostly, and the love for the number of real people that listened to KOJACK, in RADIO ONLINE , was extremely high, with a message to me : about AMERICAN JOURNOLIST , work, more likely to be converted cares of smaller risterantes and more of JESSICA LANGS, and JACK NICLSON in the risterante cares in humanity of the charm , and bold reality of a man, not affraid to get through a failing city, looking for work somewhere, and proving he could become in the world, in the mist of his own inginuity, even with near nothing of any to offer, with proud efforts to work, well, loved, among the most revealing , in the eye's of humanity,
Thank you everyone in the many extra updates which people have and are taking seriously, and enjoying a breath, of introspections' in a modern new era , of the USA, and Internationally too, with me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, with my very special love notes, as you all, everywhere make life special. Everyone, everywhere. My notes, are a lenght , of brilliant love , and fine literary notes, to hear, (read) , recording as I perfer in FILM, I have created since 2001, with a dvd book, known for excellent positive thinking , with cultural arts, to submerge a short while, and create a fine craft of your artistry , in my DVD BOOK, audible and readable both, with my own filming of myself in fun talks as a unusual lecture. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THROUGHT through the ARTS. DVD BOOK, sold then for $5.00 each. The IN PERSON FORMAL LECTURES , of many were always well recieved by people everywhere. Can't refuse real love. everywhere as the work became loved internationally too, even then. There are some international list, people , whom are not forgotten in SOUTH AMERICA, CANADA , and SOUTH SEAS, and ALL OF EUROPE too, with GUITAR REVOLUTION WORK EFFORTS , and some fine cultural extra's with cultural cafe' efforts, of many efforts , street foods, and more. OCTOBER 2024 is going to be quite wonderful in my love notes. As I get back to BANANA NEWS too, updates, with plenty of notes of the DRIVE EXPADITION, of the SUMMER OF THE 2024 , into very fine notes of the SEPTEMBER 2024, with amazing reflections, with ZOMBIE , times and some extreme briar patch , to trim. Raspberry Stickers, thorns , serious, yes. While the intentions of the invites and the amazing USA, and internationally , are far to lovely, to let go, of the reality, of the brilliant , world, in DRIVE EXPADITIONS, in FAIRFIELD CONETTICUITE USA and well, I will say more soon, perhaps, of messages to me, from all over the world.
KGB NOTATIONS ? 10:36 pm now, good morning again and again. KGB notes , excussee' une momento , serious , yes. excussee' more soon.
2:18 pm messages , updated from several days ago, with messages from the Sir CHARLES, HIS MAJESTY KING OF ENGLAND , address to SCOTTLAND in EUROPE , where SCOTTY is from, on STAR TRACK, with KIRK , and SPOCK, as well as the beautiful, SEKI' TUNIZ,
serious statements , IN FILM with very special love to my darling KING CHARLES, the truffles , of morels roasted , with the sauce , over BEEF STEAK TOMOTOE, of a TURKEY PATE' of the TRADIONAL ENGLISH WELCH SCOTTISH, WELLINGTON PASTERY CRUDETIA PATE' proper ENGLISH SUPPER , after midnight, with fine english port of fine vinyard wine , was very good of you Sir Charles, His Majesty. You looked remarkably sporting as always . Our polo game is rather late, as I have a few, details, of a orbit matter, with the KREMLIN, Sir Vladimir Putin, and sos specialist, space science rocket scientist , and some specialized technology specialist , to see, exactly where the ru issue actually is, in a extreme rush, in the length, of a utter rubbish , that all of RUSSIA needs in international press, as VLADIMIR, and space specialist and sos specialist , and technology specialist , are with a very real clarity , of remarkable work, and then, a terrible IVAN, in the pot, to have aimed a extreme , garish , aim at the orbit , and other projects in the RUSSIAN country , from a butter churn dirty , spectical, in a exreme opostion to the KREMLIN'S extrodinary royal country of RUSSIA , with over 2 million millitray of the vaste country , with brilliant messages and minds, men and women, soft cares , well paid, of very proud RUSSIA, tax wealthy, and individually wealthy , of great reality, and devout of some fine work of Sir Vladimir Putin, as Kremlin . I sent a jet , too. I said , my jet, is in RUSSIA , darling. Of course RUSSIAN PEOPLE can afford a KREMLIN FLEET, and the KREMLIN , saw to more than flight public ready FLEETS , to all, RUSSIAN AIR PUBLIC FLIGHT , inexpensive city hoppers , liked well. With larger improved economics , hotels and more, hopping .
Sir Charles, you forgot your trouser coat, Charles. King of the country of England .
Good of You, love and effections ,
with millions of kisses to shower your good dreams ,
2:42 pm FAIRFEILD , from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett with a sales note: my reality, today, is with a few finishing notes on my vitea with a few links , as well, in a fine fun. THE REVOLT EXHIBTION is well noted on my 007 off line statlights , 980,000 europe star statlights RUSSIA USSR , and EUROPEAN , 8800. I will be taking in a shrimp platter , from stop and shop, and sandwich , goodies , best fine rolls, tiny mayo, etc, small martini juices, with some extra work, in a ru international press statement, within a realistic responcibility , towards my sole proprietry company, travels, and of course international extended devoution , of my esteemed broadened, international lengthy cultivated , company of specialized work. With a noted prepared ease, prepared , while RUSSIAN MILLITRAY BRACE themselves , in a firm update of clarification in brief, soon. As a response which the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , wishes to see, with those in the space centre, the sos specialist, the technology communication scientist , the technology scomputer science specialist, and that of the specialist in the consult in europe and south america, as well, as that of addressing the responce expected from the circle of presidents of the countries of EUROPE, and internationally , with a statement to that of many , internationally and in the USA, as a very high esteemed importance to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, as my gracious, expressions , to everyone, all over the world, are very important , as love notes, means , more, with everyone all over the world, and I could not leave you all out of the loop. I love you, well, and many many prepared years are from me, in my extended efforts , in love notes. excussee' BILL MURRY, GEORGE CLOONEY, CHARLIE WINSTON, BRUCE SPRINGSTIEN, MICK JAGGER, LENA HORN, JOHN MELONCAMP, GEORGE STEPONOPHOLUS, MARK Ah, i see, ABC ny, nice of you, with CAROL HUNT , sweet , messages, JOGNNY CASH , WILLIE NELSON, WHALING JENNINGS, THE WHO, THE BEACH BOYS, THE BOX TOPS , DAVID CASIDY, MR GREEN JEANS , yes, hello, you all arrived , nice nice , the PRESIDENT OF FRANCE : SIR EMANUEL MACRON, SIR CYRIL, PRESIDENT OF AFRICA, messages , are going to be lengthy post exposee ' everyone, risky . you realize that. David Letterman , will say what ever David Letterman sais .
more , I think yes.
Thank you all for waiting, all over the world, you are all wild ZOMBIES .
I LOVE WELL. kisses and hugs , with a purchase of THEE PADDINTON BEAR . BEAR HUNT , yes, exhibitions ROYAL SKETCH , yes soon.
SERIOUS : YES with steven reik IT'S GONNA RAIN LISTEN with many other darlings too. RAINING KGB , ROCKET SCIENTIST FROM RUSSIA, and SOS SPECIALIST of ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRAY ORBIT , and a real falling star punitive planet zepher , with a issue in the planet rummple dremmel of steil skiens .
A RUSSIAN CONFLICT . a USA, sand sinker :and very large lists and lists, with drive films of everyone , everywhere all over the world, with international BBQ again and again; more soon.
THE NO SALE POLITICAL SKETCH exhibition real and international press in an expossee real, and soon everyone. concessions now are with PETER O'TOOL, and OMARE SHERRIF , LAURANCE OF ARABIA , with updates from the CROWN PRINCE , PRIME MINISTER of SAUDI ARABIA , CROWN PRINCESS , HIS MAJESTY MOHAMAD BIN SALAMAN, in now. Darling Sir Salaman , good of you to have arrived for the song YANKEE DOODLE , thank you
for the sweet roses. good of you. As well as the PRIME MINISTER of INDIA His MAJESTY PRIME MINISTER MODI.
very special film, with
of the royal country of INDIA
FILM REEL : SIR MOHAMMAD BIN SALAMAN , with everyone. FILM UPDATE DIRECT FROM THE KREMLIN IN RUSSIA , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , within an economic forum lecture, missing, with meeting notes from the russia supper. the LOVE NOTES invites into the New Year in breif, RUSSIAN CONFLICT issue, is with fine extra films from Sir Vladimir Putin, in the archieves, which were temporarily aimed in a USA issues, of a series of attacks, While Cousin it from the Adams Family was in a a drag net. "Cousin It. " while lurch arrived in Fairfield, without it, of course, everyone arrived without it, in drive time with me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Wild ZOMBIES are real.
4:01 pm now , with love, in fairfield conetticuite north south east and west.
OCTOBER 2 nd 2024 , 4:05 pm, brief update ; THE CONCCERTO, and sale are in a issue of some dally in RUSSIA, in a international press statement today from myself at STUDIO VOSSE, in the LOVE NOTES , note, of a RUSSIAN , reality, in the attack inside russia from racketters and a few in the internal offices that aimed to dismantle the KREMLIN , in esteemed extrodinary achieved brilliant work, and that of a issue that was aimed at the sos specialist and the actual space station rocket science esteemed work and thus a streem line , on a derailing to the racketters , deemed in a ethical reality to the orbit , as a reality, of THE ORBIT PROJECT , of RUSSIA, to me personally, as not in a range for those racketters, ever , all and now, as early as thanksgiving , 2023, as the KREMLIN , stated clearly as did the racket scientist, and sos specialist, the word , was and is, sanctioned in reality. NON RANGE , of even the split lipped aimed cartel whom were aiming at the ROCKFELLER CENTER, and then BLOOMBERG offices too, even 500 of the larger USA corporations of some offices close to each other, were invaded in the accounting offices and the racketters aimed to split up the board and employment in ground level sales , in one by one spit , and munion use aimed from the slime of racketter issue in the USA. Some HOMOGENERAL , in RUSSIA, was, said to be gelouse of the design of the orbit that was actually even in the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE to be of my reality of design, and a invention design of actualized mechanical genuis in the hands of a great reality of time and money toward the reality of my princess 007 russian orbit, to assurt the speed in my life work, prime time, reality. The real achieved effects , were realized in my efforts , extended, while a RU, claimed to be the designer , and proclaimed to even more of my designs wearing a tiara , and the noble peace medal , recently, with a self proclaimed gold , monitary claim to a million dollar honor of a prize to the esteemed noel peace prize, which was a nominated secret to the peace delegation of the prize, and then , was a nomination from the presidents of all countries in EUROPE . in fact.
The KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , was the actual person whom outlined the reality many times in a largest way at the KREMLIN'S site. Often. While the issues remains in a extreme , of needed press statements , from me, personally , to the ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRAY , in a reality of a publication, of some certainty , which was with some of my excess work, even internationally and not exactly under pleasant reality, that was eased , by me in RUSSIA, as there were several issue on the outter areas outter loop, into a small speca de dutch' issue so small, and yet, aimed in a leverage in a twisted , idiocy of the ORBIT , in some incredulous , swindling , and aimed into Sir Vladimir Putin's actual meetings , in a outter lop, of, futility, in the reality of being stopped, and used a one button shot at the few types of detractors , in space stations in RUSSIA , that in scrabbled the clear view images of the active work in excellents in the space centre, real realized and actuated , with a GENERAL of some discrepincy, in a claim that the work was his, with my 400 project from my company which add up to well over 12,000 projects of my very real self achieved work. sos specialist , are in fact, with newer advance type of work, clearly readable in the efforts I myself made to see a reality toward , the honored space station of RUSSIA the ROYAL COUNTRY, of lovely RUSSIANS , too. The specialist of my reach in a larger reality of my consults in sos specialized work, were with clear reality, in a view readable to assurt no racketter that was in germany in a unethical aim into germany, last year into this year, of a USA nato bumb , whom gripped $47 billion in USA taxes with a few others, aimed to land tanks in germany and then money launder, act of unethical aim at more than two countries as GERMANY AND THE USA, in a failed , stability in the USA, which was of course, in my efforts to assurt a stop, and not gain the cash tax , as some internationalist, stopped the digital aim, which was a high light i RUSSIA , as the KREMLIN , sir Vladimir Putin, and other international presidents of countries , did not allow the issues in a dump of unethical type ascamming dirt bags , of the USA to TAX HARROR ,and then, a issue to international countries and the USA.
The REALITY, of the space centre's internationally are very esteemed and ROYAL RUSSIA , is at the top, and have been of many lengthy historically prestine years, of high advancements in the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE ROCKET SCIENCES , of the lovely gods' realized many years , I know, realized , and then, there was a aim into a small space centre office and tamporing did occure , recently , when the sos specialist recieved my notes to then see through some extra arial analists and then see through a advancement that was to assure , non interfreances , in any RUSSIAN , telenetwork lines and of course satalight stars all, in RUSSIA, and even if a hare length, it is very important to a clear reality. As well as a clear reality that the space centre , take my pop quize , of a easy math quanification , to assurt that infact there was no extra chairs , in side any space centre of ROYAL RUSSIAN ROCKET scienntist , of the ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITARY, In fact, the pop quiz revealed several inner looped, not whom they claimed or with work. Except a few in a issue in a questionable millitray office , that aided a enemy, and traded it for stolen shoe designs , mostly racketters , in drag , in most cases . whome smuggled in LARGEST MUNION , and several were seen aimed at bridge in MOSCOW RUSSIA then a extremely larger on, was then zipped in like a flying tornato, that aimed interptions and a escolated , issue of unethical faked passed reports, even emails .
I expect, there may be , a FIRM REALITY , in the orbit , with those whom are actually of the ROYAL ASSIGNMENTS to me, in RUSSIA, with the orbit , and yes, no racketters , in any 1000 mile range to me is expected . pronto, with just a few, there was an aim into my breaking system of the port on my automobile and a issue of repetitive sludge atomic aimed into melting my breaks , in a recent upset within 15 days and a very visious aim at my techology, and head and back, and legs , with a recent extreme aim to my online work, and then , the green ticket was aimed at in a issue of some idiot , of , a wrong , GENERAL, not exactly qualified, sliding, in a wrong door, gripping at the top, with a aim to some serious, intent , toward sir VLADIMIR PUTIN , and then the orbit of a anti proliferation and a larger , assured reality to my worth, and a large reality to efforts, I myself lead the designs in specialized efforts, perhaps only I have in a unique reality of my work, achievements and worth. Still the thanksgiving 2023, reality in speed of success to orbit was attempted to sweep over , in a larger ru, upset , of unusual twining,. There are urgent reasponsibilities in RUSSIAN orbit, that are not to be obstructed , in my worth, with a international reality, perhaps that, is a once in a life time oportutity as DAVID BYRNES sings for me recently. While the reality that uncorked the issues of aim in minioun at the USA, in a long range issue , in the racketters scams as dirt bags , with iliteracy of meaning , in all ethical retiterations , reviews , the lovely outter loop I asked of spacialist, were a relieve in many realities even light bulb and water pipe clean up, with special , carbon extractors from EUROPE, and no, it was not in the USA or from big bad JONUS. heshes.
While the close range , of racketters , ran from the spots they only had two cities, in a aimed larger wrong again three years to this date, and aimed to point at over 3000 people just in 30 days, in racketters JAW JUICERS , and actually aimed for a number of 75,000 ,000 in the USA, when the snub snopped the racketters . While a ru, issue was a RIP, at the threads of the RUSSIAN country, even in aim at the realized honored work, in the right place , and not a misnomer oxiproximoron mutin homofeces , that was never of a merit and more over a parrot is smarter .
Of course : i have something to say of a malicious aim into my travels and work to maliciouly bash , in a nasty rotted snot nose type of rackettering of wanna be criminal that shove in, with a wave mack truck , they were driving after pushing humans out, in even HAITI, aims, in fact. Recently, aimed at billion dollar business, in the totality of unethical contempt and vagrent aimed shredding of a reality, pin pointed running at humanity, in slimmy , nose grilling , while gripping non remourse at the whole country, hiding in a giant skirt, of foodies. and a ZERO payment to even fuel stops and food shops, with the TYPE OF MALICIOUS , as picasso painted . of a two nose ant eater spraying a drizzling disply of nose scum in any thing they can reach to recite the ABC's more.
my time , means everything to me, and the reality of many great years, and never a issue with those whom smelled their way through towards mostly MIKE BLOOMBERGS , grants in the arts, that were stolen a few times, before some of the USA in a zip in, rather than a celebration of my zip drive invite to enjoy the schedule I plan, and realized to my own enjoyments, naturally , as has been on even much larger more populated years and years of my invites, which were never slung at, and attacked in one minute we all sat in more risterantes together , in a kind peace, even known love to my busy work, never a pop in the face of homoboisers, and homo girillas. Climing the empire state building to what was aimed at to destroy once noted as a live radio , reader , and with teletransmission . WORLD RADIO. at the needle top.
Yes , darlings , of the USA with many in , internationally , yes, i could have said: DRIVE ON HENRY, and then, never said, nothing, nothing , and then, travel on, while I wish to say thank you internationally in RUSSIA and across europe , into far far across the ocean in the USA, whom, were with over 500,000 automobiles today in my very kind view of real drive times, of you all, and many more, we are going into the martini invites announcments soon. hope you decided on your clothes selections too, I have . With a slight, breath today, and total enjoyment to see your drive time , and love to me. princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
My father was in shortly after many years, and we could not enjoy even a inexpensive breakfast together at mc donalds , in a realized grandure to the most important larger celebration , we looked to plan well, a long time. What a joy it would have been, to have out larger pancake house tables filled with fine unadulterated svelt times, in our ole jeans and t-shirts wiuth cheep sun glasses, While I saw the pretty faces , you all, cheep sun glasses everywhere. silky hair, washed in the drive times, finest,
so, you're west, east , north , and south, and we are preparing , with a jumper cable lesson, just in case, i need a jump on the battery. or you too, we got it covered . With some extra , RUSSIAN ROYAL MILLITRAY , and sos specialist , and euopean updates with all sultins , you know, sultins are genuis' in real flying carpets . So, lets get to it, jumper cables and the clamps , which goes where . and two sets of two copper clamps , and two engines. One on and the other needing a small little start to a small start, known as a celenoid , tiny like a quarter size, that is the alrenator start point that then starts the battery and then the engine repowers the whole battery of the car, and then if there are lights not shut off, or some radio, or a power of something with the engine off. then the battery runs down fast due to a very tiny battery port of a celeniod of a quarter size , which is only a watch size battery , really, then it powers the portal to the larger battery connector, and then zip driver, central. So, I have my own jumper cables , not the box type, no. the excellent standard cables with four copper clamps , two on one side then a hose type long cable and two copper clamps on the other side, Utube LESSONS , watch ten utube, just to assure, negative to negative positron to positron. then one engine on, then the turn of the key to the secind engine . - roar to zip drive . with thanks to all automotive manufactures globally . DRIVE ON HENRY FORD . with thank you to everyone in the USA ford motor corporation . and CRYSTLER FORD, GENERAL MOTORS FORD ,. . thank you,
with the space center in CHINA, and very ewsteemed thank you to the KREMLIN, sir VLADIMIR PUTIN, and the PRESIDENT OF CHINA sir XI JINPING ,
with a larger list, of the specialist and the reality of the presidents of all EUROPEAN COUNTIES, all with the PRESIDENTS CIRCLE , as I am an honored member, as a specialized honored invited , dignatary in the cultutal arts and sciences and of the international honored in international business.
Noted never to be attacked by punking , of a minion aimed rackettering drift with never a malicious aim in a eclipe to me or my company, in nasty dirt bagging . with malicious slime paid by stolen cash , and aimed into use of malisious action , pin pointing aim exact to the intent of maliciousness. AND A AIM INTO the USA as such, everywhere. and in a connceted issue aimed internationally over three years aimed internatiuonally . IN THE BIG BOYS AND GIRLS scamming toward grip on youth. or a likeness of dirt bagging pin pointed aim. with rioter riffer and contempt in my work and travel , malicious, and motrifying aim at my head one way or another the slime claim. WWITH AMERICAN , not worth open mouths , of the insight issues of wreckers , and any pin point , aim , too. SLIMY BUTTER CUPS . NOW in a next slam , in to the nasty riot these sluim makers aimed to slam pin point idiot more scam, in my time , these crushers slugged any. THE REALITY HIT THE BIG TIME .
international press in my love notes: to be a victory day of the realized ethical reality of the achieved in the ethical constituional reality ot the summer events of the forth of JULY international reality, and those not privileged, yet standing out side those delivery trucks in SHIPPING , in dreams worked acheived and realized.
OCTOBER 3rd 2024 , 2024 good evening, I just placed a sketch written on my dash automobile to show you a few little sessions which were important in a day before the actual sale of the ROYAL SKETCHES, and there is quite the events I have planned, in a larger 12 billion that traveled in and near, and coka cola corportation sent , a real many messages of a real large automobile expadition of love note, invited to see me, in a lovely more exciting , reality, and the delays, are with a attack on me, in nasty individuals that bark into my existance , with issues, and shoving others , into a particular, considerable upset , and a issue in orbit, with the aim, in a larger , issue, with a recent police scammer whom was aimed into circling and threatening my reality, in a real idiot type , of reality, that is unquestionably the disban on the lied reality, that are with a USA, and no police, with the ethical reality of no ethic to stop circle and question any , ever, with a tracker of those police a connect into all organized crime, with nasty barking slime , pecker heading , a area pin pointed at me since my brrakes were repaired days back, WITH A RUSSIAN , IN THE GOODS , OF MY COMPANY , IN RUSSIA, AND IN FACT, THE KREMLIN CONFIRMED TWO IN THE TOP, in russia , and several in clairical areas, questionable of employment at all in russian government , with a connect into act of obstruction to the orbit and aim at the KREMLINS , skedule , and the sos specialist and space centre , aim in a recent issue of the top, g, RU 2, in a issue letting in a larger racketter into the space centre office in one of the small offices, which was not the KREMLIN's objectives , or a way that the reality, had already been with a larger revealed issue as of 2023, into a larger issue , that the top, 2 gq's of RUSSIA, made a infest towards aim to obstuct the KREMLIN, Sir Vladimir Putin, with even claims to the project that VLADIMIR PUTIN , achieved and made a LARGER EFFORT , IN MANY COUNCILS TO SEE THROUGH , IN MANY GREAT REALITIES , russia , IS VERY KNOWLEDGABLE OF, WITH GREAT LOVE TO THE KREMLIN , AND THE SPACE CENTRE REAL ROCKET SCIENTIST, AND MY EFFORTS , WITH THAT OF GENUIS OF SUCCESS, OF SOS SPECIALIST , WHICH WAS IN A VERY LARGER, aim at by only two GENERAL types in a RU , issue whom made faulce reports that were handed to the KREMLIN, in an obstruction that was a extreme danger to me, is, and is again, delaying my schedule, and obstructing the reality of the RUSSIAN sanctions orbit to prevent aim at all, in to any thing of my life or work, or schedule in a high level of ethical protocal, in and within all sanctioned international levels real, within the docterines of the NERINBERG sanctions reality, long known in broad realized levels, even the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE centre ROCKET SCIENCES EXCELLENCE of people long known in advancement of larger humanities and anti prolifieration , plus plus , of a REAL NOTE of the HISTORIE ' RUSSIAN.
SO WELL KNOWN , that some american' movies are made of the real love of the humanities of russia, since the 1960, with sir RODGER MOORE, actually an ENGLISH man, and prolifically brilliant in a known REAL HUMAMITIES , of RUSSIAN CULTURAL. 007 RODGER MOORE, is in fact my darling friend, with notes, secrets, except for the KGB, of the noted stelthy director , brilliant , economic even , well noted nobel peace prize honor of Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN , kremlin , in 1999, thankful, RUSSIA is, and before the work of KGB , is very well known many years in RUSSIAN worth, of citizen everywhere , Sir Vladimir Putin , is with lenghty honored work as they magisterate of the ROYAL RUSSIAN KGB. loved then and now well, not giving up the great people side by side in many government ROYAL RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT . and the space centre specialist , were great to be with updates every minute of need to the wrong in the reports that were faulcified in the two postions of some lean mean general sa ve ' with passing out my projects in jmy company , into a vicious underminding to the KREMLIN and the WHOLE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , in a recent issue of the, several involved , whom attempted to over throw the government and devised a new illigal aimed election of the GOVERNMENT office , aimed directly after the NEW LARGER ELECTION of sir Vladimir Putin , whom , is outragiously loved , in all of RUSSIA and throughout the whole world. The Nobel Peace Prize, Sir Vladimir Putin is honored with in 2014, witrh my international poem recital to the KREMLIN, was OF MY LOVE TO VLADIMIR PUTIN , a gift to say I LOVE YOU. as a reply from VLADIMIR'S larger publication sent to me, a love letter in 2013, as known as MODERN MARRIAGE , named after one of my major exhibition, MODERN MARRIAGE, AN INTERNATIONAL EVENT , 2009 2000 FINE WORLD RENOWNED SPECIAL RARE PHOTOGRAPHS in the MODERN WING , of the MUSEUM OF CHICAGO ART INSTITUTE and actualy published in a publication , of the RUTLEDGE PRESS , in ENGLAND.
STUDY BOOK, in advanced college text books all over the world incidently . true.
TODAY : loss , schedule obstuction, from a RU, that faulcified , reports in a hand to hand issue direct the the KREMLIN , sir Vladimir Putin, and a report on others were also faulce , and handed to the KREMLIN, in a larger , realized , issue with the GENERALS , and the lamp shades , you know, the secret 007 , camera, on the little insignia in the light bulbs , of course , in a micro script chip, by chips, and then the aim and consorting of the obstruction , not just to the orbit , of my need, in a totality of a revoking of racketter reach , of nothing less than 2000 miles. AND A REAL REALITY TO MY VERY WELL LOVED INTERNATIONAL LOVELY SOLE PROPRIETRY COMPANY , OF ONLY ME, THAT IS JUST ME. the obstruction to the orbit, posed a issue of the advancement in the ROYAL MILLITRAY RUSSIAN ORBIT , of my worth, to me, as a project which I myself iniciated , upon a welcome of assured reality , of the whole government and the gerneral assembly of RUSSIA, meeting the saction all, in a lovely benifit , of the advancement of a RUSSIAN defence , of notable real success, which was a convergence of lucky men, in ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITARY, which is no secret, while the reports of the entire millitray began larger in the recent months , due to a the several in the issue of the RUSSIAN CONFLIX, of two generals, one or two, with some others , in a butter churn , currier and ives , itch, towards a real insobordination and acts of consorting with dc , racketters , in a extreme aim at me, and then were also within a breach in RUSSIA , aimed into the UNITITY COMPANY , and aim at the PRwith PRIME MINISTER, and the FORMER PRIME MINISTER, whom was aimed at with pressured slander in a outter loop, of a butter churn dirty clarical , snide , insubordination , with a obstruction aimed in the reality of the KREMLIN of the ROYAL COUNTRY OF RUSSIA. in outstanding projects , and obstruction, even emails to me, photographs archieved to me, extreme aim at the LOVELY WELL ESTEEMED ROCKET SCIENTIST , in the PROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE STATION. with several inside one of the space stations offices , that attacked , in a issue that was a large obstruction of a smuggler , of dc USA, whom had malicious intent , to me and all of RUSSIA, as noted in 2020 into a lenght, that were the same , of those in DC that aimed at the COUNTRY OF THE UKRAINE , and the USA people too. The kremlin , statement, were stelth , in a concern to a recent issue in 2023, in GERMANY in a close boarder of RUSSIA, with a balistic missle , that was dismatled , faster with my efforts and the sos specialist , whom converged , in a unusual ones in a life time opportunity , of unusual science stuff, that sos specialist , and rocket scientist, and my self, created as the space centre , states, a new invention , built for me, personally , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. The advancement to anti, prolifieration , was realized in less than 6 months last year , by actually CHRISTMAS DAY 2023. While there was a leaped under tow , of a general one and two, and those, with their hands on my books , papers, and projects , were never involved with orbit , and these people , RU, one and two, aimed to, insobordination , in a breach wrong as wrong can be, invading the orbit project and the orchestation projected to be speedy , with extreme success, and a GG , one and two, insobordinate in obliteration tactics , of rather , mortifying , obstructions, and pointing at the space centre and claiming the specialist , were failure, while aiming malicious lied aimed to stop them , in numerous faulcified reports from the generals and the racketters, with a few clarical low office issue, opening the doors , even on a flight of the KREMLINS, to VIENTAM , with a JET reports , I said : Vladimir Darling , just take my private JET, and the men will, crank the engine , parked in the ROYAL AIRFORCE , of RUSSIA, darling , just skip the stress, and we can get the whole issue of the upset in the VIENAM PEACE TALKS and singing , to enjoy , and well, RUSSIANS , seeing the issues emailed and said : SOMETHING MUST BE DONE . sweet of everyone. The ISSUE OF THE KREMLINS JET , was stolen , and flown in to VIETNAM , after Sir Vladimir Putin ARRIVED , at the ROYAL VIETNAMESE welcome , and a late second flight , was in the runway in a larger issue. The RACKETTERS , are to be shuffled , ( shuttle perhaps , the USA can arrange , easily ) to BUFFALO. with barrels of GERMAN WATER, no, GERMAN SHEEP DOG. JUST THE 6 oz barrel strapped under the RACKETTERS CHINS .
Of course the issue in the matter, are expected to be assured in the straitening of the ORBIT , distance ratio, of reality, as the details are very hard to see, in the space centre, even amazed, in some recent efforts , I myself made to see, they are with their own reality of real honored extremly difficult stress, thinking of any anarchy aimed at any , in the real ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE, whom does not sit to wait for a GQ GENERAL, that has not the math scores to see, the damage they cost , my recent events and schedule and the year revenue , of my FLAMBE' BOOKS and FILMS, LECTURE FILM and MUSIC conccerto recordings in live on the air, length in my well achieved ease to me, as my company , of very special projects , not a answer to the GG 1 and 2 of RUSSIA, or anywhere in the world. My significant time , I made attributed to a international significate wealth to all citizens , in something , I may have lectured , and my NOBEL PEACE PRIZE was to be celebrated several weeks ago, among other NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS , in the world. THE USA PRESIDENT, JIMMY CARTER , my darling friend, is a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER , among , sir VLADIMIR PUTIN in ROYAL RUSSIA of his personal interest efforts as a president, and of course ALBERT EIGHNSTEIN as a GERMAN astro PHYSICAL ENGENEER , AND SIR ISSSACK NEWTON,. listing a few. Mom , Daddy, and Wendel, I am a nobel peace prize winner. not table talk, though.
The serious reality: THE SPACE CENTRE , is with a rare opportunity , and regimented , updated responsibility , that merits , a ridged , and agressive, firm , postion , unfailing , of a certainty , that is in concern to recent aimed issue at my time, and thus, aimed at with chemical weapons from little women , and seven brides for seven brothels , with a reality of the wreching of the issues toward the USA and over 8 other countries in the past 6 months ,. the USA worked stratigicaly to break, and rip up the aimed racketter, with only one option, and real. WATTBAR , in fact, is the sand strip , sea side ice berg , sand bar , with at least , decent housing and a , grocery shipped , dropped in a helicoper port, just like that of MOUNT LE CONT.
TOO BAD , the usa said in NOVEMBER , 2023, with JOE Kibble and Jill, included , in the unspeakable aimed attacking to anyone . AND then the issues that were undertowing the USA in the fruadulent , lies in the USA OVAL OFFICE , in DC in the DC scam of 9/11 issue internal USA , of a large back date of the clarity , and that of a great many missing taxes and extreme harsh issue aimed from those racketters to aim into the USA , citizend and youth , that were never to be fooled in a rogue enlistment , and now have greater jobs and achieved in a good life.
Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin , Sir DARLING , you see, I was reading and listening , well, and I was thinking, I am privoledged to see the notes from thee ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE , and specialist, and love that you enjoy the NEW SHARK 890,000 invention viewer , of a responce from all the MILLITRAY in your viewers , now a as a design of mine the men put together fast, with viewers of the actual strait lines of the real work in the space centre, whom were holding on to their seat, and with large pressure, when it is of my orbit, and a gift , to them , a chance of a life time, in my cultivated , reality, and the streem , lines unscrambbled of a introjected aim into a muddy view, and we as a specialized invention , sos specialist, seperated the streems , of all, with as I knew , injected gliders , caused a viewer anomoly view , we made advancement to see all the aimed elements , of the RU CONFLICT , of GG GQ 1 and 2, of those issues in the dirty butter churn, issues, not small, in a few, and such aim at orbit , which could have prevented , a hard issue, for me, and for the convoluters of the insubordination , of obstruction , to me and to RUSSIA . .
I also asked the EUROPEAN , specialist , sos sultins to see the strait viewers with the light seperations in high views , to real RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE excellence and thus, everywhere , to in a interest of of course my martini invites , shaken , darling Kremlin , not stirred , darling . You see, I am privoledged , of graces in a thank you to the space centre, at length, and of course sos specialist, and sultin specialist , Including Queen Elizebeth , Her Magesty, savvy .
Special thank you sir Vladimir Putin kremlin of the country of RUSSIA , darling , as I will need a ROYAL NAVAL update , and say hello to the lovely ADMIRAL of the ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY .
reply: from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , to sir Vlad, MOSCOW RUSSIA. Men, get the JET CLEANED UP. please please , please me.
8:38 pm STATUS : need a sos specialist effort manned in all aspects of even more , with some treatury in some overlaping aim, at me, and with circling types , that are extremely , vicious , in a extreme aim at my schedule and natural great reality, that is with spacific aim into my projects , as the KREMLIN , stated in a aimed sabatoge , of my usual great larger events in exhibitions and sales exhibitions on line sales, and only my online announcement to the in person exhibtions of any suggested price or any type of detail to, any that sometimes , feel to see $350. for conccerto that I list, as the women said: after my ITALIAN ARIA , she said, I pay this to the LYRIC OPRHA season tickets , and she said, you are beautiful, and I love you, please, it is the whole season ticket price . $350. and thank you with my graces . With some at $20. when the anouncement is posted , the concerto , of formal exhibtion listed pre schedule in real online love notes: there will be a online shoppe cart , while enjoy either way if you wish, as many can hardly wait for the real concerto and ROYAL SKETCH exhibition and sales unvailing . Of course , there have been some RUSSIAN , work, that must be realized , and unmistaken , in nothing delayed . As I will post the MESSAGES directly from the ROYAL SPACE CENTRE ROCKET SCIENCE TEAMS , and the SOS SPECIALIST , with some SULTIN in SOS that span the whole world internationally , and then there will be a message , from Sir Vladimir Putin as the KREMLIN of RUSSIA , and a very charming nobel peace prize winner. my darling Vladimir, has some film staements in a busy time right now in RUSSIA. Also more about the orbit sanction in CHINA , as well, as other countries , of notes soon. Middle Eastern , too, with many loved darling friends in the middle east, including, Sir Mohamad Bin Salaman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia , whom arrived , and Sir Hassan Rouhani emeritus president of IRAN whom is somewhere , and the President of FRANCE , Sir Emanuel Macron , as well as the former President of ROYAL FRANCE of course, Sir Hollande , and the President of Italy, Israel , and thank you, with more on the list.
My equipment is a issue with many types of function in google that were aimed at, while BILL GATES and STEVEN JOBES, the lovely gracious darlings , I love , of years and years, left their coats , and wine, tea cakes and the shrimp roll grilled with fine fresh eggs, excellent, Mr Flanagan, too, Paul Newman , Robert Redford, Rob Forbes, xoxoxoxo was very nice , thank you, while there are some IPHONE issues and some utube types of corrosion aimed at me, and some wreching in my time of online needs that have even caused deleted battery aim , and a streem of a heated zapping issue sonic type , still in the sos adjustment with serious , over bite , due to the obstruction of the protocal of the orbit , and a elbo in my back , of RU GQ C one and two , dot dot dot RUSSIAN CONFLIX aimed at the KREMLIN , in insobordination and obstruction to my orbit as a direct function of a 2000 mile distance of all racketters , into a wats bar, they can wave AIM from their SPITTING MIRROR IMAGE OF THEIR WRONG , aimed at over 75 million on the type of chart they have recently , concocked , as it is all they have left in the GREAT USA is a concocked unethical pecking. No ducce.
Sir Vladimir Putin , a RUSSIAN RESPONCE , from myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
lovely vladimir , your films are going to be of international press updates , soon before the ROYAL SKETCH unvailing and sale with the conccerto soon after . Not long now, as the increase in travelers yesterday reached 55% more than the 6 billion people whom arrived
to my invite in the NORTH EAST. WILD DARLINGS , my world, usually , a more sweet fine minute to see your faces all, with thank you everywhere, everyone. I love you , everywhere. Mom, daddy, and wendel , I love you well, too, every darling , mine , I love you well. too, Sweet Sweet.
love from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. special thank you to, Sir Harrold Washington and Preston Jackson, Rose Gorden DEAN at CCC, with C. KENNEDY , and Rolph Achilies , too, more over , I love you.
OCTOBER 4 th 2024, 9:43 am,
Update , yes, just a few more, in the unfortunate revolt, and some unusual issues still, such as a police aimed to corner me and others, in racketter scamming, that link the rackettering in copy cat type of issues, that date back to 9/11 scam issue in rackettering, in the USA, which prevaded the USA, inside the oval office of rackettering scam dirt bagging , aim into the USA, and that of the extreme issues of the lies about others, and a illigal scam in aim at youth, in a illigal rogue type of aim at the USA, at pentagon levels. A half mass for the USA, in a serious reality, with those in a international reality, our USA peoples, lovely internationalist, people that are the breath of the cultural, breath, of the USA aligences , much earler that 1776. Of course, then, GEORGE W. BUSH, messages yesterday to me, with LAURA BUSH, too, were relieved, in seeing the reality, in love notes from me, in person. A good man, GEORGE W.BUSH is, with lovely LAURA BUSH, of good interest in schools and more about the right increases in the USA social security , citizen benifits, increased correctly during his oval office, presidency. Of course, the issues of aim racketters aimed at were more, even in aim at tax retirements , and more, with blame , into the USA, and internationally, with a concern to the world, of the other issues , of the RACKETTER , of the 2000, count , so far, today, and their idiot scamming, with a vicious brutality, and slung chemical weapons that, caused type of issues. The RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE, is rather fortunate, I am a specialist, in many natural sciences, and with a HONOR in 1986 for a reality of devouted work, as an executive director, in my somewhat, maticulous standards in assured greater services in the company, I was employed then for, increased standard in the health regulations, recognized across the country, due to the amount of purchurches , of some of the largest USA conglomerates, in FOODS, large, internationally too, with a reality, that when COKE delivered the tin cans. in 200 cases a week, I insisted that each cola be washed off in the COOLER before the day was ready to open the doors. Each TIN CAN, each stacked on another, polishes in a fine clean dry can, with no dust. Many other maticulous updates , then, were a reality that stopped , even a spread of flu, in other risterantes, that were taking notes, when the people began to talk about it. The great, foods, lowest possible prices, and the good service , professionals, I trained two weeks, before letting SCOTT, lose to say , may I help you, to all those clients , every one every where. SCOTT, did well, at his first JOB, staying devout to, me, and the owner, and the customer service , well done .
Even a good reality of others employed, with efforts, to earn their worth, in a fine opportunity that is always a privoledge to see their is always responcibility. THE OWNER SAID: KEN SNIPER: my 11 year old risterante, sells home made soups, made fresh daily with fresh grown, freshly cut, everything, with the largest $6.00 sandwiches in the world, on the rare finest authentic german fresh baked bread daily fresh delivered. And the prices are the same , now. There is no redemption church in 2024.
You may all, realize, I have recently received the worste service in even over priced coffee. And I am not willing to see racketter scam, see this type of public or private aim at me or the USA , children, and many others, of a reality of a honor event on love notes, that was aimed at even in a issue that LEAPED in RUSSIA, with a top lower of rank, in the internal issues, that obstructed my company, in a aim to obstruct, those in the space centre, and the sos specialist. Even claimed the QG rank GENERAL sa ve' (FRENCH PHRASE for OKAY , alright, I GUESS) , claimed: the work involved with the orchestration designs, I myself worked with sos specialist in a speed, to remove racketter in range , as of THANKS GIVING , 2023, with my computer ports that were then with missing folders suddenly after many years of no issues, except the earlier FLAMBE' book, that came up missing from my written work four days last spring, that I had just shot, photographs of with 4000, and I have the ROYAL SKETCHES , saved , and the extre book , i do have a copy in my china desk top computer, relay. While the HOME COMPUTER , copy was missing four days each new written finished book, was attacked, by some issue, under the wind, (REAL POLITICAL REALITY of WORK, in EXCELLENCE).
Of course the sos specialist are wonderful as are the RUSSIAN SPACE ROCKET , specialist, and I will write the historie ' of the immence work involved over many years in RUSSIAN SPACE SCIENCES. While there were opportuities I saw that the reality, could be a new reality, faster. Of course, the GREEN TICKET , opt, of the REALITY TO RAC KETTERS, was ready and the USA ready , too, of the opt, only to that which were racketter end , in a chance even to work , in only one store, that is known as the MIRROR HOUSE, of THE MOUSES EAR. and none other, with a very large non review, of the USA PEOPLE , and the international presidential circles.
As the USA people are very savvy of the three YEAR RIP, of the USA, in two smallest areas, and none other. With a MASS DAMAGE IN MORE THAN MONEY, to others, even aim at those wealthy of the achieved , and a maliciousness, of unknown , to any, in the extremist , of the nasty dirt bagging, slinging hash , at humanity. While the damage was LARGER , thinking about the graves with flowers on them. The RUSSIAN MILLITRAY too, reminded me, as I reminded them, of the efforts of their lovely spirits and ethical humanity of a utter, harror, to deal with, in every nobel reality , that knowns no different in the love for the RUSSIAN PEOPLE , the KREMLIN and the GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA , with extrodinary honor to the world, in the LOVE OF PROPERITY and world order.
Not the slime in the back of me KICKING SLIME IN LOUD OVER SLAP, without their bombings , and cash paid to tamporing and then aim at counter sales, in a rip, on the sales at the Mc DONALDS, in a vagrent display of tactical rackettering SPLAYING, . not in NEW JERSEY , where the dirt bags were attacking shipping and humanity , in the POT , with other HOOK UP, RACKETTERING , threatening humanity. SPLAYING (rip snorting , infesting slinger of basic SLING SHOT INTERJECTED VICIOUS MASS ATTACKING , linked , HOOK UP as New Jersey boys , call it cow tung, they slice, as the words on the streets. ).
Of course I have quite many darlings from NEW JERSEY, in NEWARK AND ALL OF new jersey, MANY MANY YEARS , SINCE 1985. OR EARLIER.
multi LEVEL , CURES, IN THE REALITY OF THE DISMATLING TO THE 8 A- BOMBS IN THE USA, were pot cash paid , into a rackettering HOOK UP, in deceptions in aim at every USA citizen, aimed at me, a bomb, was read in CHINA VIEWERS right after CHRISTMAS EVE, 2023 at a rictor aim which read 6.9 in a scale of high impact at 10. and the sos specialist , were with the reality to snuff it, in the issues that were a type of, mutation , of aim at telenetworks. THE KREMLIN, for the first time, did not have to send, 8800 KGB, to rip out teath , one by one, around me.
While there were 2 million RUSSIAN MILLITRAY , that wished to take leave, and see me, in pure silk, as usual. With sweet song, men and women, both, suffered , in a real large practice of larger swards , and the red glove , boxing warm ups. Women sent messages , many, Ready to box , if needed when the boxes for my birthday were stolen from delivery shipped . from all over the world.
Mom didn't know, not even a birthday card arrived. Yet sent. While everyone loved sending me ebay rings, very lovely and finest, we all loved the extravagant , time gifts , spoiled well.
4,000 rings all finest jewels.
The KREMLINS gift in RUSSIA did not arrive in his office, two years. While we have gifts, with MR JOHNSON , in 007 CHINA. Thank you mr , Johnson, for the personal delivery to moscow russia, 2014, to even now. I sent the wines, and Vladimir Took care of the catering I sent the space station in RUSSIA and sos specialist , we all enjoyed meetings and film and photos very special to me, and everyone .
Globally, just as important to my love notes, and everyone , too. Even in LOUISEVILLE KENTUCKY USA, with those in love notes films , in putt putt golf, sent a film, and Kick ball, in schools, ballet ' fist toe shoes, BBQ internationalist, Japan KABOKI and orchestras, Sting , in love notes, in fun films, with my darlings , friends , loved forever, and forever, the PERDUE POLTRY FARM , people in the love notes, with THEE JIM PERDUE. CITY of PERDUE , where PERDUE is not just a famouse university in the state of INDIANA, USA.
With the LOVELY WOMEN in NYC in a great event special dance singular, and sweetest. Children in MANHATTAN, flip flopping ZOMBIES with me, waking up, and expresions in FILM at love notes, all morning ZOMBIES, minute film THE ZOMBIES.
RUSSIAN CHILDREN too, RUSSIAN ZOMBIES, children and grown ups everywhere.
I will post the lovely minutes in love notes, over several years. With my love. While what we missed, in love notes was attacked , in schedule times and threats, and a issue that leaped in to RUSSIA, and a very large aim, at me, and the facts of the orbit, with attack on the schedule exact times of the times to banana news, in a ease to see the FINIALE , of GREEN TICKET, opt, which is now cancelled , and the COUNTRY of the USA, all, minuse racketters are willing to realize sanza bar , instead, with a floating island TURTLE BAY, with actual ancor legs.
GERMANY now is ready with the FIRST , MADE BE THE EXTRIDINARY GERMAN STEIL CORPRATION , of the finest in develpoment , of a full houses island fine proper turtle , island , anckoring in walking feet, into a sanza bar, legged ancoring , shipped fridged foods , and a real lobster house , with waffels, plenty.
GERMANY, stands alone, in the first development of the sanza bar. while if you are not a racketters, you can swim back. CAUCUIE the whale will see to a raft , outter loop back in.
Of course, racketters aimed the most rediculous , while aiming to decived in clusters , liken to pangwin parrodies, of malicious intent, and a gross negligence, mortifying , in the recent claim , to have repaired the OUTAGE OF LIGHT BULBS , in a small section of NEW YORK late last year, after CHRISTMAS, with a MUTTERER , racketter, in a 100 mile run daily, circling the city, and used sling shots to slug others and hit light bulbs , with a clear magnetic mutation sludge , that was not only dismatled from the many extremes, also the extra work , I realized, incidently asking for outer efforts in some powerful new , types of sos specialist, extraction, in a enviormental , great improvement , of my knowledge in a concept design, the deflect extractor of a new reality, cleared the the metalerolgy, issues of the compound mutation from the sky in spot issues and light bulb connection was stripped clean of the mutation of static atomic magnetic muck. Like a magnet on the refrigerator , or a metal pulls , the newer sos ROYAL RUSSIAN AND SPACE ROCKET SCIENCE specialist, with a fortunate ,specialized level of my knowledge intelect , the success was larger than even they had time to realize, and with massive viewers , the issue was an obstruction aimed at me, in even the banana news, updates eased usually , and suddenly there was a very serious abstruction in RU, that was serious, aimed well, simoltniously , in a small looking issue, in RUSSIA. There is never a small looking issue that is in the bastille of any business or that of countries, certaianly not small matter in RUSSIA, in a long reflection of the KREMLINS , large public notations and other stelth , work, as I suppose the KREMLIN of RUSSIA , rather loved me. Our meeting diners , are quite amazing , sos specialist, and rocket scientist in ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE, a convergance , of myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, didn't begin yesterday. In fact, it was 2002 when the arts science in person BRUNCH confernce was in the USA, we all attended.
ASTROPHYSICS , and me, I was the only non rocket scientist, among the genuis of Vladimir Putin , whom has a broadened , knowledge, while ROCKET SCIENCE specialization in ROYAL RUSSIA , are with over 90,000 of the world most brilliant and devouted specialist, in a extrodinary length of history real , in real knowledge, of quantified , world knowledge among global specialist in the feild of space sciences. I was not saying that the STAR area was not the right color and the star pattern visable was gone . Yes, yes, confirmed and cleaned up, thank you with extrodinary love to everyone in space rocket sciences specialization.
GEORGE HW BUSH, a former honored USA president, and a darling friend of mine, emailed me last night, along with BARBARA BUSH, the former FIRST LADY, of the USA in the 1990's as GEORGE HW BUSH was a USA notable president of the USA and on a emeritus council in the USA, which is not inclusive of GEORGE W, BUSH, in this matter, due to the considerable issue in a deceptive low viaduck scam in the OVAL OFFICE in 2002 with the real USA racketter of the RACKETTER AIM at the USA finacial WORLD TRADE FINACIAL BANKS , as known as 9/11. This means that GEORGE W. BUSH, incurred obstructed , types of issues, and a extreme aim at the television media of the USA, of a concern. While george w, and laura as good folks.
The REALITY of the STATEMENT of GEORGE HW BUSH , was it was best , to see a firm racketter insular , aim, in insulting aim at me, and others, be left to a tennis bench jont , rather than jondis and aimed destruction at me or any, hit or miss, types of sling shot wide mouth bass, in scopping up the ideals of the greater USA, while spot picking their nose , to grown while slugging others in insular , verbalized ah , HOTCHA CHA, mentality , known in the tiny simple cartoon of the USA , FROSTY THE SNOW MAN, while the insular HOT CHA CHA , ah , oh, slingers, speca feces, aimed into a verbal trambling in using humanity as a trampoline . Gripping the USA tiniest flag of goodies.
Of course, the RU, of a rus , not exactly RU, as in RUSSIA, the rus, verses the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT AND ALL RUSSIAN PEOPLE, and the WHOLE WORLD, get their wish, in the HOSENBLAT LARGEST LENS in the WORLD, to be seen.
as these few claimed to, derail , RUSSIAN EXCELENTS , and aimed to obstruct the orchestration of the orbit in actionable fraudulent reports, even in a leverage aimed at me, and my work, and larger of media companies , solo, to then claim, they were relieving the many whom were slugged in the issue of sling shot sludge of a invisable fume type, which I myself with specialist, saw to a type of anti proliferation , reality, realized. Of course, the space centre, have comments.
Even with a giant , upset, they face, in some further obstruction issues, aimed at me. Today. As there was a few, in some way that may have gained , a seat they were not in assingments too, and are of a serious menise , I will say this. ROB REDFORD , has several reports :
Before ROBERT REDFORD , my international press statement of my publication of banana news , is the revolt notes , today, with the reality, that I could very well, have towed my automobile and garaged it, to train in to MANHATTAN , NEW YORK USA, with a larger piazza event eased. And I was about to actually photograph many buildings in FAIRFEILD CONETTICUITE , USA which would have stabilized the little city for a few years, with a larger many in great perfect professionalism, worriers, now, instead , and no ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDY BOOK made, to a kindness to even see others in even the photgraphs I aways created on all travels , many globally publishes many years, in even the WALL STREET JOUNAL USA, online, 2009, well seen, loved, and city travel in CHICAGO ILINOISE USA became non stop. Wishing to say, as usual for me, I am perfectly perfect , as it is my life, to see the issues, aimed in a rot of ruz issues, and that of the extremist of those whom attacked RUSSIANS, in the USA, racketters HOOK UP, in a issue to straiten imidiatly, in my company , of a loss in over a $400 million dollar revenue, of a issue of a FROG LEGG SALES SHOW , bike ready whom hit russia, with a slick fraudulent report, handed directly to the KREMLIN , waiting , in a reality of much greater, that FROG LEGG SANDWICHES , for the RUSSIAN HONORED EVENTS at love notes, of highly achieved RUSSIANS , and space centre real specialist, and the sos specialist and that of OUTSTANDING ROYAL NAVY secret work , and the ENTIRE 2 million ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRAY, of real achieved reality.
Of course, everyone, realizes the importance in the USA, of the drive invite, and I will thank you more and again, as we have a wild CHRISTMAS , if you wish to read, more , as I am not a tollorant , person , in my excellent own work, and that of excellent reality of my efforts in even catering years, business office work years, and then great work in my office since my first tiny desk, as the space centre reminded me, my first sale was at age 14. in 1979. To Poveroti, in ITALY . Broadly seen in risterantes throughout the city of Syracuse New York, USA, and then ITALY , with many internationalist , whom travels to my sweet city in NEW YORK, USA.
What I mean to say, WAITING OF RUSSIA, or RUSSIA WAITING ON ME, is with the whole country, whom, wished my personal exhibition on the LARGSET STAGE , in the WORLD, THE GRANDURE OF RUSSIA, is waiting, 90,000 SPACE STATION SPECIALIST , ARE WAITING.
seats for the 2 day symposium with a fine early supper, and refreshments served at the event, with a note book and pencil for everyone is $1000.00 plus plus $4.00 for the note book and pencil, and a cost that is for cheep refreshments , and a extra cost sign up, option to a early supper event cost, in each individual that pays for their own supper , too. I did not ask anyone to purchase my gold violin STRADAVERIUS GERMAN SPECIAL custom made .
MARTINI invites: wait MACK LIPS , no.
WITH SPECIAL SERVICES IN MC DONALDS, for a GOOD TIME ON THE BACKS of the USA work and honored invited , a pish , in the invular sucktash, of midget brain scammers, in the insular, idiocy to slucker up HOOK UP , nearer .
With a fast food dump of slum making, chop chop, travelers. Nice time of realistic expected , reality, and not a snot center, for a reep to the country that is a total recently of over $400,000.00 per day in spot by spot sales to the owners, after the millionsd spent on the reality to at least hire as many as expected to see through fine responsibility eased , at $600. full time pasy per employee a week , 40 hours each in 8 hours day schedules.,
And a SPIT on my work, in 30 days more, scamming , slur suckatash suckers. small minced potatoe and HAM. pate ' smashed, salted and grilled. in small bites.
My very sweet reality, is of course, with a certainty of expectations, when in a five star RISTERANTE, you expect, excellent FLAMBE ' TABLE SIDE CEASOR SALAD MADE IN EVERY INGREDIANCE IN FRONT OF THE SUPPER TABLE , all the real ceasor real freshly ingredience , from anchovies whole, to lemon fresh sliced and raw egg, of course secrcets even moree of perfection, and hand chopped fresh washed dried , romaine lettuce.
a 2 foot GROUND BLACK PEPPER MILL, hand served, and cheese hard regianto phand grated . is a real bold reality to that 5 star excellent minute , to realized, 50 extra other tables exactly the best too, in a FINE DINNING SERVISES , and resonable pricing eased.
COFFEE basic $1.75 cents. with services of many cups filled one price only, no extra at the bottomless extra cup. $1.75 order, rolling pot of coffee. at one price only. 5 star excelence , priced reality in knowledge of excellence . DISPICABLE , seeing a nasty GRATIS , of loud interjected, bag services , to the slucking , with slickers HONCH MUNCHERS , in mc DONALDS , HOOK UP, in coordinated , spinning , of twisters, and ice in hand and lip fluffering . We are going to the store, to by the FLUFFER NUTTER, and look at real fluff, that was not available in the realized product to most of the USA, of a issues, in the LARGER MAD MAXIMUM SCAM, of ROACHES.
CLAIMED BENDER CULTURE, in the STALLS. of aim for the giant horse race. WITH SLIME ON THEIR FACES KID SCAMMERS , NOT CHILDREN , and like the ATTACKER IN THE GROCERY, in earlier 2024, in the CASH REGISTER, and with a price issue aimed at many of $37.00 priced pint cream with a nasty harrasing issue at the REGISTER, and YELLING 6 foot tall idiot in a wig, saying loud , give it to me, I am new and only 15 years old. Before the idiot, hit the street, and then the stage of STINGs. GRIPPING AIM AT ANY, in a short show down too.
It will be a great reality to see the photographs and no BENT RACKETTER GROTIS, as should have been realized in the aim at my face in chemical sludged close range hitting my exaust manafold at my car, over 7 days in a row , and a aim right after I repiared the break, AND RATHER DAMAGE AIMED INTO MY LEGS AND FACE AND BACK. rus , general ONE AND TWO, AIMED AT THE KREMLIN AND SOS SPECIALIST, , AND MY ORBIT , AND AIMED TO WRECH THE SPACE STATION ROCKET SPECIALIST, WITH A ALTERANTE , GLIDING AIM, AT ME, AND REPORTED LIES THAT STATED , THE STATUS, OF MY SAID , UPDATED TO SPECIALIST , WE SUCCESS. the OBSTRUCTION , WAS ESCOLATED IN A LARGE AIM TO DESTROY THE RESULT OF SOS SPECIALIST , AND A RACKETTERS mickey mouse party , AIMED AT ME, WITH MORE ATOMIC SLUDGE AND INSULAR INSULTING VERBALIZED , ISSUE TRHAN IMAGINABLE. AS THOSE FEW , in the dirty butter churn, in the viaducks , under ground, runners, were gripping designes into belrouse, and some that were stowaway in shipping flights even from a walmart, in the USA, then aimed to build a balistic missle in belrouse in the boarder of russia,.
AS A RESULT of the aim at the structure , obstructed in orbit, to rip out the teath of racketters , and chop the worm they slithered in nasty intent to spit at my company, and did, due to a wider lie in MOSCOW STREETS , of the HONOR THESE FROG LEG farmicologist fraudes , rus verses THE GOVERNMENT , said was their excellent work and the whole RUSSIAN MILLITARY DREW SWARDS . and then finally eased viewer design shark viewer to see, the messages from all MILLITRARY , of RUSSIA, of the upsets, and a few mixed viewers, with not one empty space center seat, and sos specialist , in over lapped 4 shifts , of work, to my totality in the new design, the issue of the streem line zip line , of the finialle of rackettering , was obstructed , in the most powerful aim spot and timed, to leap into a LARGER WHITE ELEPHANT SALE IN RUSSIA, MOSCOW, while the blip screens in RUSSIA AND ALL EUROPE are always on. INDIA , government , pointed out several RACKETTER of the USA, that ended with a larger FORK, to pull out the weeds beweeen side walks , to gain pay to get their ticket home, in larger public building area, with a brief humanities hire postion , ready, while HINDU language , is real, in INDIA , beyond proper BRITISH LANGUAGE realized over one thousand years and more, with GREAT EXCONOMIC in INTERNATIONAL TRADED SALES, as this is what TRADE in REALITY is, as money for the products, in every reality, as good commerce is good economic business.
I am proud of you all, everywhere. Auitomobile drives with breath the breath of prosperity and love real, forever and ever, while I love you well, even in a lovely time of over 500 million people that arrived in the 2015 spring exhibtion of a larger lovely closer, fun, and incredible real silence then elbo to elbo, my eyes open, in the air port, after the first songs of my music expression , alone, the next morning it was a wild ocean of people suddenly, wildest, times, and more ev et meritus , to you all.
Incredible experience , you are wild lovely people. Waiting. Yes, serious Cultural Reality is all about ethical reality in cultural arts , larger. The LOVE NOTES, are extremely important and the attacks in the last 15 days reached the most dispicable , and incredulous, with a reason to, assurt the reality, that bastereds face , as in no MATTER as in AMALMATTER , and no FARTHER, in the issues in my work, and a trickling out of the work of the USA with a issue that RUSSIA faces. in sos specialist and the space centre, and perhaps the KREMLIN, and citizens , when , the sos spacialist , and the space centre real rocket scientist , are with a solid enlarges status, they wished me to express their once in a life time chance , they really love, have ethical clout , and that of every international ethical standard , in play, more or less, skipping amnesty international, fist fights. The REALITY, is in days we can all meet in SHANG HI, confrence exhibions, formal, as a result, the issue, well, if their are a loosen nut , in the type of concerns , of the obstruction to the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT and the RUSSIAN MILLITRAY and the PEOPLE OF RUSSIA, and sos specialist , are working to perfect the orbit orchestation . with the assigned space centre , treams and communication specialist , whom gets the outcast rus zippeee skipping ? and with recent types of the issues, the in two or three of the largest drones , and lip stick tube chemical types of sluggers , that face , a circle of presidents , listed extremist , aim at me, and the other insular insuborinations aimes into not only RUSSIA, but well, even a HOOK UP, in a flight zone , from a recent , issue internal in RUSSIA, with a flight , to VIENAM, and a loose racketters in aim really in a leap at CHINA, in BEJING snouting nose , into the manufacturing and shipping , of course they were offered rice feild rafts into the ocean voyages , or work to use a EXTA LARGER TWO PRONG FORK to pull weeds in a two feet side walk, in the rice patty pond. to get the cash to pay there own way back. No RESCUE,.
THE CITIZENS TOOK DOWN THE USA words in the BEIJING AIR PORT, and all chinese. in BEJING INTERNATIONAL AIR PORT., in FAR EASTERN EUROPE, in BEJIGN CHINA,. and then a rus , in RUSSIA, is now looking at MIG TIG and GIG in RUSSIA, in such a imbarresing , futility of the ros, and not rostec. with well, LOVE FROM RUSSIANS , ready and of course, international press important to, the KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin, competing for a sofa seat after dinner formalities, with , well, Xi Jinping , and Emanuel Macron. and Crown Prince of Suadi Arabia, as a darling lovely ole driend of many years back, as far back as 1980. Fine events as children in formal christmas suppers at the larger hotel finest events. THE FOUNAIN BLAU, springs , swimming from the row boats, in GREEN LAKES REGIONS, and more.
The very lovely excitments, in a reality to all, opulent and shorties, with cheep sun glasses, yes, ZOMBIES , yes. PINAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE , finial, zip line, to get it right , hop, in some new concerttos, yes. I think so, as many expected a reality, of solid love , for me, and increased the arrivals in a double of what was just three days ago, as many are returing and hopping on hopper flights, thanks to cheeper flights and BOEING INTERNATIONAL, back on the schedule and quality mark, of the fine reality of extradentary years devout to public flight always real, to all,
in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. 6 billion traveling in , and near, are with many many many more and more notes, in LOVE NOTES, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
12 billion , traveled in, as of yesterday with international flights as well. My automobile needs my attention, now, with good news , soon. and still extremist , and more than slashers in their skill level to sling shot, in massive extremeist , aim to wreck and rip snorting into any child or grown up, just as the small women in that soho elevator in 2011, dressed like HIGH END, LADY' S TEA LUNCH READY, then attacked in elevator shorter half minute issues near the armoni shop in soho, NEW YORK CITY,, ripping bags and in a fast leap, close, then ran out and popped into somone elces lunch meeting , speaking in split tungs, claimed to be the director other FRENCH EMBASSY, cutting off the METROPOLITAIN MUSEUM OF ART AND OPERA HOUSE, then NASHVILLE , GRAND OLE OPRE , of recent in the blood thrirsty silent sluggers , with biggie gifts packs of everyones guitars and chirstmas trees, recently , seen streeking through 60,000 cities , cock eyes only as what is left, after their pecking , in the CLAM STEEMER, and then some worked in to segmenting in brutatity, to get the HASNBLAD lens , of their mousing , humanity.
ROS, is IN DEEP SWAMPS in RUSSIA , at this time, with over $4,billion aimed into a issue in my company , in that RUS, verses RUSSIA. and the offer from the space station specialist , and the KREMLIN , of a $200 million , square offer, after the economic , project, was very well, a success.
and rus general one and two, with a low office , are with a issue aimed into me, still,. and the strait reality, is far too slow, after the extreme issue was not cleared up, in minutes, as a reality in the ethical orbit standards. as the sos specialist, are in inidated , excess, and the reality, of damages , enormous , with some in the space centre specialist, concerned with atomic sludge of smuggled , leaps as was the case, 30 days in a exponentical issue, that compounded in a extreme aim at me.
Those whiom REPLICATED , many designs . even cookies, with HAMMERING SLINGING BRUTATITY into ROCKAFEELER CENTER LAST YEAR, are with no provilege to be sniffing humanity , and interjecting slime aimed at others, in the largest and smallest, of reality, are a no can do, reality in RUSSIA as a assured strait forward, instant , protocol, non , option to a risk to, my work and schedule as this is what the orbit , i devouted my time for in speed is, as the speed in RUSSIA in specialzation is not a differing reality, as the obstruction , aimed in a escotation , issue in a leveling inside of russia, is the larger reality which the KREMLIN himself has already pointed overt comments and some extreme realized outlined words, that which point out the extreme aim at the russian honored events and larger events to other honored worthy cultural realities that are time consuming and give not gift to my schedule in a obstruction of speed , to avert the racketters all, and derail the minds of the dismal stench, birthed in the USA which ABC , recitals and VOX TOX MOX , attacks in faulcifying covid , aimed at the USA.
THE ROYAL RUSSIA ROCKET SPACE CENTRE, updates , soon, with rostec sos specialist too, and VALERIES team, in exceptional notes, with my USA 007 notations of honors , too, with some international sultins , more, fouth of July International notes 2024 Important before the MARTINI events, announcements all on love notes. shaken not stirred, with a hop hop hop too.
INTERNATIONALLY CULTURALLY RICHE, 4th of JULY 2024 INTERNATIONAL usa holiday notations are very impressive, everyone. Sir Vladimir , lets hop on it, as you say, let's get to work.
I will deliver the GERMAN PASTERIES . BOXED WELL, freshly made daily. wonderful, I think,.
2:48 pm love from myself , and everyone whom sent the most gracious messages , film, music compostions . and wild success notes updated , with love in every minute, very good of you all.
consessions is on the RSS: FORMAT for a FEW MINUTES , in some online lists of the extreme damage updates , to a special message online to RUSSIA and in the INTERNATIONAL PRESS STATEMENT , including a electrolisis pop in the face more than imaginable , due to the RUS , issues , and a slight. extended issue , getting the enlarged lens in a very larger GOVERNMENT AND ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRAY TO FEEL REALIZED, in the WHOLE WORLD, too, the ROYAL NAVY, with the launch recently and in previos years of special satalights , star statlights , in over 6000 lunched this year, under the ocean floor.
NOTES , of course many second by second, of missing schedule time, and dinner times with my lovely beautiful mother, too. missing dates and time, not a gift , to see such harror. and meezing slime.
With invasions to every company in the USA, when some small spots , were such a joke to slum mastives WITH BOINK BETWEEN THEIR HEADS , and cock eyes , is all that left to meet and greet , the cock eyes , CHIMP CHUMPS , they are .
BANITS and lobster band meiul worms .
Everyone , automobile time , now, consession note soon. RSS perhaps off line RSS. just a few terbulent minutes , and hop in russia. BEFORE THEY GET MEIUL WORMS, provoking great humanity and that of a extremist brutality, of racketters in srimp tones. WHILE TOMMY AND THE TWO TONES , is a reality of the WHO in music excelents, with MOT THE WHOPLULL, of the WHO , with TOMMY TWO TONE, ripping into RUSSIA MOSCOW AND BOARDERS , with a GENERAL 1 and 2 now clearly known as JESUS CHRIST .
kremlin SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , films very special yes, and a possible one hours lecture film, in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE , not obstructed in the UTUBE FILM, full film over an hour I believe, recent update yesterday which I took time to see the messsages read, and many. Former President GEORGE HW BUSH, BARARA BUSH, and MIKE BLOOMBERG, STEVEN JOBES , BILL GATES,
BOEING INTERNATIONAL , COKE CORPOTATION , and actuaaly millions, music specialist and more. xo, FAIRFEILD CONETTICUITE USA 3:10 pm now .
BOEING INTERNATIONAL , COKE CORPOTATION , and actuaaly millions, music specialist and more. xo, FAIRFEILD CONETTICUITE USA 3:10 pm now .
ah, UTUBE : if you chose THE CHIP MONKS , recording ,
from the issues in the 1970's fuel scams USA.
more ; soon. OCTOBER 6 th 2014, good morning, 9:24 pm
Hello Everyone, Yes, I was cleaning my automobile yesterday, and wished to update everyone about the automobile note update, let me begin with last evening, with several types of attackers, that leaped to aim massive speed cars, at me automobile at a larger empty parking area, that was with many in the area. as these inhumans were swerving into a close , range in munion or elce , with a extreme minuion aimed into my head two days in a row, and in a serious 15 days, the same, with some need to release the press statement, internationally, as I let you know, I myself care very well, about my lectures, in professionalism , and gold standards, in a USA and internationally which I myself as you all loved, I let go, and gave you great secrets of what are in some of my book, of more than success, yet only a real humanity, of esteemed ethics, you are worth, the little secrets, and the recording lectures, you are waiting for, at a $6.00 three our fine art, cultural, lecture of segments, rare specials, fine fun, are delayed yet, again, often making the recording on streets, and road side drives, flower feilds, forest tall fir trees, under neath, city cafes, as in the FINE FILM in my SEATTLE WASHINGTON, INTERNATIONAL FILM, of GREEN CARD AMERICA, was then seen in every country in the world, at all universities, every country, as the FINE SKETCH, larger than the empire state building, I SCHEDULE PRE SCHEDULE and FILMED WELL, with a full cafe, in STARBUCKS, and in THE SEATTLES BEST coffee houses, on forth street in seattle washington , while we all, ate out door, THANKS GIVING DINNER TOGATHER, there with my SKETCHES and ARIA , too, as the many lectures were an ease to me in film, and have been obstructed, with racketters , in even MC DONALDS, with some insulting customer services, that even slurred slimy words at me, referring to me as HONEY and LOVE , in a insult, and with notes that the humans then pandered to those racketters , slugging slur incoherent word slinging , in to my back side, in a LOUD NO NO NO NO , NO, and worse, in the types of insular , types of unethical pop services, that aimed to transform , the dignaties of others, around them , to pop them in the nose, in insular, aim, at the insular, to pummel the country, with aim , too, in a sudden table services, to the fast food risterante, and then, a over slapping , even pointed at the customers, whom were just in for fast food, and not the pin pointed nose to shuffel a preferance insular, scrappling, on the reality, aimed to delinate others, in a pin head nose of, realative, possible no hires of reality, in cases, inside MC DONALDS, that are with finer employes, well and pleasent , in this MC DONALDS, and possible some others, leaped to see, a decency , toward even others, of some possible EVENGERS , that may gain a offer from MC DONALDS, when they may have just cleaned up, in a upset, possibly.
Of course, petty, issues, are what RACKETTERS , ripped up the USA with, in aimed minuion, leading into other aimed issues, such as great people in great waged ease, in great achieved work, that, are excellent people, in the USA, with a petty, or else, type of real, aim at them and their jobs , and the city, in a insular unethical swamping , that was also, aimed into the lower cafes of buildings in a SWAPM, aimed at the presidents of corporations and employed , that may be effected, and were.
OF course, I am the PRESIDENT OF MY COMPANY , with extreme special work, with certain expectations in the USA, as of course, I would expect, never to be swarmed in the USA with these pin point attackers , in a said : COMMON TALK, with a insular, slime, ans the run out of the reality of the many, realized in the arrived reality, of enjoyment and a calm chatter, in the loveley filled resterantes , often, and more than anyone on earth, actually, during my 6 year nearly back to back, days, non stop, on piazza travel exhibtion touring , in my international PEACE EXHIBITION, and never an issues with a nasty few, suddenly ripping a snort, into the reality of every thing , I do, in a nasty harror, of the USA, and a NASTY IUNSULAR , issue that parked to pop, into pin heads , perching in a cluster , of RACKETTERS , that also were circling my automobile 15 days, and aimed into closer range attacking and gaining close skimming leaps , in to TURKEY GOBBLING TUNGS, with only BEEKS , as minds, in a dummy up malicious, and a harrible exposure, to the nasty , harror too aimed into my work, time, VERY HAPPY SELF WORTH, MY CELEBRATIONS, IN EVEN THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, HONOR GLOBALLY , A INTERNATIONAL HIGHEST EMERITUS REALITY, to me, and nasty RACKETTER real, in a lie to the tiny village, these inhumans ran into to dribble , into smashing humanity, pin point aimed at me, and then skipped off to thank their friends, and find more with a GIANT HALO CHURCH QUIRE , song and dance , in to lies about the city, the people they meet, and a deceptive slur of their reality, they made for them selves, before they relied more of minioun packing mama's and pops, in the big army and pentogon, issues and more insuues, while the lame little minded slimy , rot dirt bags, were also, aimed at the young , to pat , down , and gain more in a aid to some serious , issues in a letter better, opt, to seek and find , rogue millitart malicious , cornered , pressurizes, once they couldn't get to the GM , automotive manufacturing of stolen shipment, to gain a lie about gm ford, aine once to restrict their sales, and extreme damages , in the USA, went into a exponential larger , issues , and those aimed in a destruction to my time and schedule and equipment and head , and automobile and a $70 billion equity and estate worth, in my company , alone , solo, non corporations, as one person only, with zero employees, ever, really. With a extreme aim at my FILMS and BOOKS , and time, in a nasty swaming of filthy nasty , unethical pigging, is a upset to every citizen in the WORLD, today, and in FAIRFEILD, too, as the FINAL DAYS , of the RACKETTERS , were basiclly finalized before thanksgiving , and then, there was an obstruction , aimed into me , personally and my company , due to a issue in ru, that aimed into a small few that aimed to OVER TURN THE GOVERNMENT , and claim the orbit , in a larger infraction of ruled ethical reality, and faulcified larger documents , to lied reports that were handed to the KREMLIN, and damage in to a small unethical pop up, school of scamming , RACKETTERS and some in RUSSIA , in a HIGH GENERALS OFFICE , whom , aimed aid to enemy, and was involved with threats to me, and my INTERNATIONALLY PRESTIGIOUS REALITY, of honored international cultured work, and that of the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT honored to me, with the space centre, and sos specialist , with the honor in many realities, expecting my to have arrived earler this summer in many invited directly from the rocket scientist, and sos specialist. In many years we have met in conferences , of cultural humanities in arts and sciences, in some obscure , conferences , in higher sciences areas, which I have written books in and am noted in the feild of natural sciences, and advanced conceptural design development work, in EUROPE. STEVEN JOBES, and I met, with my design concept to the IPAD and IPHONE , in a design concept that was aimed at in a issues years back. The KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, AND THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT , ARE VERY SHOCKED, THAT THE ISSUES TO DERAILING RACKETTERS , OF NO RANGE TO SIT EVEN NEAR, IN A LARGE COSTUME OF ANY, BIG MAMA , AND POP, SLINGING LIBRARY SLUR IN MY BREAKFAST THIS MORNING , WITH PIGS, THAT GRIPPED THE MILK OF SCHOOLS, IN THE usa ONCE, TO GIVE THE BIG LIBRARIEN SCAMMERS, A BIG TURKEY DINNER, MORE, WHEN THE COUNTRY WAS LOOKING TO SEE THE REALITY TO A GREATER , REACH, WORK DECENT, AND MUCH MORE , IN THE LAST HOLIDAYS BEGINNING WITH THANKS GIVING .
The slimmy pushed stagers in the pin point aim, like old hommies, homosaipians , rather than human beings, still reading those ABC , library books, with recently even aim at tiny childern, with a grandma and grandpa , act of actionable scamming . pin point slap in language of popping me, and a visius pop, it is, . Never before, have I seen the reality of a issues in mallions of people I invite often, and the times over 20 years, very very fun, serious, intelectual , gracious , and a delight to you all.
My automobile was swarmed ealier today with police thugs, that are in all, all robbers , and theives, threatening the USA, and me, with a very serious issue they face and faced , pin pointing into me work and lovely invites to over 12 billion whom arrived, and are all over the cities and city, nearest. diving in by the numbers of over one million in view of my eys yestersday with the reality scheduled to such a lovely , photograph times , in a little stop more at the beautiful cathderals with everyone , out and photgraphing too, we could have seen more of the largest field of humanity, all of us, photographic ZOMBIES , again , focusing on the lovelt little stops, and fine fun of many in the photographs, of what fun , to see everyone , and then aimed at, and harrorized, and then the swamp of insulting insular slurred cock eyes racketter, one , is too many, and the 15 days aimed into such a harror. The KREMLIN , Sir Vladimir Putin , stated that there were several reports to him from two generals , and a said secuity team ( never in the russian government and a fraud scam), the report stated , that I was great.
Of course there is a issue internally , that also hired a recruitment of non , ROCKET SCIENTIST , in the space centre, whom were aimed to hit , and obstructed the orbit orchestration, and caused aimed into business, in RUSSIA , with a larger folder of my projects in my company. And STROLLED AROUND LOWER PARTS of MOSCOW , and claimed they were the sos specialist and claimed the scientific work while smuggling in munuon larger pop up seperated parts , in small flour bags, while hunting rats to sel as chicken, in the racketters of a mere 6 of the, with black greese in their teeth,.
The message last night in meetings in MOSCOW was from the rocket scientist , whom said, 890,000 people were, relieved in my efforts , in sos orbit , in moscow recently. With the RUSSIAN ROYAL NAVY and the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE STATION SPECIALIST, and that of the many government people of RUSSIA whom, with the kremlin made that possible . Sir Vladimir Putin , sent me a message , many and more every day, as we have been very darling friends since childhood, and noted each others broadened worth, in the world of many years, seperate , as always, people are. I was very charmed in knowning when Sir Vladimir Putin , began legal studies in international ethical degrees, many years back as when Sir PUTIN , was a charming lovely russian, then too.
Knowing that VLADIMIR, was interested in my broad love of my work, and larger , risks in my work in cultural studies , of risks, to tell John Lennon , I couldn't get out for a cab ride, to JAZZ EVENTS , was a risk, when, I was dilligant with study work to reading to assure my worth, in scollarships and merits , that I knew , I was ready to see through the larger responcibility to myself, in a lenth to assure a certain largest standards and international structure well, developed to my company .
John Lennon, of the INTERNATIONAL WELL KNOWN BEATLES , waited , a week, before seeing that I might have time for that cab ride, in a time we took out spicy THIA , finest foods, in take out food boxes, and drove through corn feilds for a week end. in a long cab ride, with a RUSSIAN CAB DRIVER, well paid as the point. John and I said, we did say that. The cab driver made so much money, we were never without a cab ready, with that notion of corn fields notes, outside the largest of cities in CHICAGO ILLINIOSE , years back.
Today, there are some very harrible homosapians , those you know, with a reality in the usa, that racketters are : I will spell it out, I will say, that the insular kid act, in MC DONALDS , today and over a span of 15 days, of swamings , into a nasty seeping of a issue pin pointed aim , spit in my eyes and ears , and standards of reality, never before any issues in customer services and that of largest real people of a reasion they arrive to run with me, not a pin point 500 mile run at me, in a few slimy popping minuion and act of HOOK UP brutes or the soft , slugging in my work , such as the MILLION DOLLAR MAN PRIZES, the insular verbal slam , at the register, lack of speedy normal fast food services or any reality of customer services, the slur , aimed pin pointed to hit my face in close slugging words , these slime popped out of the BLACK LAGOON, to slug or party with others, is with a data analisis at many finertips today, in light speed, as to the ususal words , and then a swaming of slime aimed in a instant , type of malicious pin point pivital , known agitations to aim a eclipes toward a bulls eye targeting , in a issue RACKETTERS , bobbled to topple , individuals , of most success, and that includes those in the MC DONALDS , shops too, successful in a reality of earned work of a equal wages , as a three year pay , each making wages that are aproximatly $100,000. 00 each in 40 hour constant reliable work weeks , 52 weeks each year, with a great reality of interested sucess to each MC DONALDS , and of course this includes the LARGER LENS , in a eased stop for myself , and everyone, of course. Whom would expect anything less.
While, i have to be, very gracious to my own reality of intellectual worth, and a little note to mention that Sir Vladimir Putin , mentioned, in recent, in a issue in RUSSIA, that aimed also at his recent travel to VEITNAM, in a JET SETTING , issue, RU CONFLICT, with a very larger aim at me, in a issues that was never meant to happen in the orbit, as a orchestration of a absolute derailing in any range of some racketter scam, in no furthering any type of insular, aim, ever, and derailing with the orbit , in a reality of the ethical realized level of the structure, of the international orbit , as such, expected in a ease as of thanksgiving 2023. Reports going into a issue with a ru, with hands on my company worth and folders and an eye on my empty gold chair in MOSCOW RUSSIA, which the KREMLIN , SIR PUTIN made a reality to photgraph, to be seen in a larger reported issues known, and still, a issue that may have been aimed to retailiate - at the greater even sos specialist and the ROYAL RUSSIAN EXCELLENCE in the real science space centre of true rocket sciencist. The issues, in a leap into china ? or other ? and well, in international press statements, THE DISIPLINARY REALITY, of the RESPONCIBILITY of the GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA in the councils with the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, include the disaplinary measures of the extened few , that are MUTTLEYS , 6 or so, of the USA born, included , and an international responcibility of the real standards of the orchestration of the entire orbit, and not as such , to dodge , minion and that of aim into that of swamping clusters of, aimed threats in civility , and all worth to my own company, in larger projects, as I do not usually release the larger emeritus , well known , works, in arts, design, cultural realities, and finest honored works of A REAL MODERNISM , with compostional aria , concertoes , and film, photographes with no unvailed, clotheries , of hundreds of works of my sketch and work in needle and thread dating back to my childhood. Design WORLD ONE, was a small company project online forum I publishes , in work exclusive to the design site, years back, exposures to broaders idealisms and hosties real, not a stolen splicing in a lie, in infractions in the online aimes of racketters , that bulleted their way , into even gross neglegence in a rip off , these turkey stuffers , caused stuffing their faces , in all the GOOD DECENCY of the USA, in FILM, in even the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM of ART in NEW YORK CITY, MANHATTAN NEW YORK USA, with stolen quazzi ideas , and scam, in stolen emails , and stolen cash, even ripped off from MIKE BLOOMBERGS , little office that was the mail room, I say, in a rip snort, nose pushing tooth show in to rip off, grants not for them.
THE GUGGENHEIM , fruadulent film in stolen ideas , are very serious , and aimed at the real MUSEUM DIRECTORS, and that of real employed people in every aspect of what was to be, and was a scam deception, aimed , and aimed again, in the worlds most notes in designs , and ideal with the hard towed line on the emence ethical standard , not to be a pummeling of basic scrub nose snot bags dirty feicies , of sand papered noses, spitting bubbling tung over slime at others, in a mezmorizing real idiot few of sluggers that push their tung, BOLDLY , into a aim at humanity, wearing the SIDES of BIG MUNION AND LARGER FINGERS , in circling slim puddling threat, in the GIANT BALLONING POP, that even MACY'S of NEW YORK, USA, was in a wrecking of, over 20 years , in a near zero profit many of those years, in fact , zero revenue, and a BULLS EYE , for the slimy POP NOSE IDIOTS , in a oil can so small, and every world culture , and USA many , with a reality of the decent, to GRIP THEIR FIST , if so needed , simply holding a tight grip on their wallets, and keys, homes, travel reality, without being bothers , by a pis pot , of those not even with a INSURANCE AUTO PAYMENT, that those nasty police POPPER , even have, of the SLIMY , that pop people pin pointing to a RIPPING 500 miles to shove the USA, after being seen in scams in 60,000 other cities, aimed in a BULLZ EYE , issue enlarged, larger than life. SMALLER than a penny.
Of course, the HAINUS , lauphs lapping up their slime, in the MC DONALDS of SLAPPERS , never FLAPPERS, with a DAPPER TRUTH , in KIND EXISTANCE , reality, realized , of real love , in such invites , and a TRUTH OF ROT STENCH, as my 4th grade instructor once said to me, at age 9. she said: I saw the bodies of sweet humanity, it was awful, the ROT TOOTH, set the fire , as BILLY WROTE, WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE, the RUTHLESS, she said, two then one, she said, the flesh was hard to wrap, in hurt, and it was very painful, and then those, they were wearing the special SKETCHES , not theirs, and pushing humans, never to see their birthday cards. In a oil can once small. Smallest. In the USA we realize the responcibility we have in an ease, and a structure that is a ethical reality, and to untwine . as emerituse et el ev et meritus , et entwinette, of spain , is important to the usa as was a GRANDURE , of histories , of more , many and realy all, a histories' minus the few hainus , and in their scull, it only reads , 000.
While , yes, well, there is a russo: verses RUSSIA. Obstructed the orchestration of the orbit, with no gift ticket to the russo general or a low bot, clarical , said error, in the HOTELS in RUSSIA, TRAIN SIGNS in RUSSIA, the COMPANIES , in RUSSIA, while the few vagrent russo mucks , swiveled , a nose more in the last 6 months, in something that looked more like 30 weather vaines twirling in streets with stolen tiara, and sailor suites , as of the recent that aimed to ATTACK THE ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY in view , in a ENLARGED ISSUE of the pittly vagrednt runt minded of the russo general, that was never with the assingments of the orbit, or the space centre, whom were reporting the issues real, and then, a look into 600 troups shoveling rocks , was not pleasing , or a wrong in a aimed insoborintion , which was not the 600, and was not the proper reality of how the russo general , got his stripes, in a larger vaste ocean of over 2 million RUSSIAN ROYAL MILLITARY of a extrodinary reality and highest honors , realized , with even an extended effort i myself made in a analis , of the concerns to a scrambling of , clarity, in all EUROPE, with the russo, verses RUSSIA, in the RUSSIAN REAL ROYAL MILLITRAY , of a high place in the histories, and no one to take their metals they earned , as some took even the AMAZING GOLD CROSS , ESTEEMED IN THE EUROPEAN , CIRCLE OF PRESIDENTS , TOO.
i mean , to think , I was going to, not assure the reality of the matter, in the slight crunch in a serious russian matter, of my orbit , as a central focus, not to see anything close range in those ROT TEETH, that world AIM A BULLs EYE in silent monk like wine makers, not ITALIAN , or SPAINISH , in fact, plain ROT TOOTH BIBBLELO REEPERS , of ABC, recitals, in brutal, COCK EYES , in a aim at the closer range , even in wallmart, where ROT TOOTH , popped in to shove faulcified designs on a one by one rack, and stick their name on even those in ebay sales in cases, and stole to pin point even the LARGEST MOST FAMOUS in music compostion, pop up HOOK UP sand paper noses, that ripped into the USA spots, of more people pushing their way into ticket seat theift, and others , with not one penny returned , when their tickets were attacked, and the musicious did not know. CASHED IN RETURNED , two hundres seats. in the reseved rows , never reaching the email, due to a JAM ROT TOOTH , that also aimed at APPLE CORPORATION , and popped , in perching into lovely people. SWAMPED with a mockery, in ROT TOOTHED COCK EYES , that slicked up, to contempt in a random aim attack in a look at the design , of even my under garmest I have not unvailed and no clotheries unvailed, with BOBBLY BOP, gripped ROT TOOTH , zero cash, prowlers , that stuff, noses mostly , with serious issues to the ROT TOOTHED , usa, idiots, making a harrible sluff, of non pettty, that the MC DONALDS, realized people and the slight population of the MC DONALDS evengers , of such ROT SLIMERS , in aim rioting, verbal rifflings, and a anarchiey , toward the greater employes achieved, the MANY BEGAN YELLING LOUDER, at times and some very close to think , a comfort toward breath, to see the MC DONALDS village of efforts, a nearness, to love me, in , and upset to yell, at the cock eyes in the SLIDE IN HOOK UP, of concerns behind the counter, eating THE WAGES , of the most successful, with slugging vagrency, and swizzling threats, to even childern and customers of the very most gentle ands savvy , in a horror.
THE QUIET RIOT, yes, funners of minuion and a close . bet on a HORSE RACE, using a seat in a push in the reality tto others, and scamming the tables, in pin point, chizzeling ROT TOOTH< as the slime ran to submerge in a deception more, after their shiens were emptied. LOOKING TO GRIP WALLETS, and a NEW COAT< OR KEYS , or HAT, and swindle , with a POP OF SPILLING CHEMISL WEAPONS , and puffed faces , with a ICE CIOLD ICE CREAM , AND CHEEKY TEETH SMOG .
PUFFING THE INVITED AND WITH ONE THING ON THE ROT STINKING RACKETTERS , dc slime , connect after they crawled out of a swamp, and then aimed , in to CRAP on ethics . in the little leagues , and SOCCERING POP MAMA;s and POPS ,.
with a line a minute , that never really addes up, to the REALITY , of the kind invite and my gentel natural reality, never before , of such a ugly , ROT STINKER , TWINLIng burnt TWINKEYS ,
with a issues , in not one twinkey sale in over 10 years in most of the reality, a loss in the USA that was an attack on the USA. More, well, I have no time for the articulation as I chose in a time that was due in BANANA NEWS , in NOVEMBER 2023 , in the FINAL of the RACKETTERS , that took a aim into my halls and entry, which caused a damage in RUSSIA with , a aim into CHINA , with russo, GENERAL PETERMINCER , and a clarical office and some rogue millitarts that were breaking into some tin ccan office , reported to the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , as the PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, of a wrong space centre , pop up training office that was not russian, suddenly, close range in MOSCOW RUSSIA whom aimed small sudden smuggled drones in peices , and molded , even into bug like things, larger aimed at the KREMLIN"s home, in MOSCOW around CHRISTMAS , and then on the MOSCOW BRIDGE , the size of a PELICAN .
And a REALITY TODAY: of the urgent reality of the ORBIT, in a zip line closure in the matter of a USA of RACKETTERS , whom never gained a privoledge to any such time near any where I will decide to travel and invite the trillions of my darling friends , to arrive and enjoy when I arrive in far international and USA cities , as a very real excitment that I am quite happy, with lovely excitment always as we have real properly lovely wild fun, not a dive into the sanctitudes of our own, respective sanctitudes of solidarity. SEveral Mc Donald's best, were pleasant and true to every effort to a great professionalism, all, to all, in a fast food GIANT MULTI INTERNATIONAL FAST FOOD GIANT , CONGLOMERATION CORPORTATION COMPANY . STARTING OUT IN THE 1960's with only one person, only. and one soda window with a small round table unbrella out side. Fries , everyone loved, hand cut then daily. On a FRENCH SLICE TYPE MANOLINE HAND CHOPPER.
JEFF BEZO, too started in one home office , and has a utube about it, and then BILL GATES and STEVEN JOBES, and BULOVA of RUSSIA too. Of course, the sweet pros , of MC DONALDS, walked near, and needed a breath, needed my quiet reality, kindly in quite a huff, what ever, that was pre - my minute to just get my breakfast and plug in. and get the online notes in my working breakfast up, and the exhibition notes and certainly not meezel breathed idiots that reeped the USA of business left and right , with a cock eye on the BOOKS THE FRENCH ROYAL FLAMBE special book. PENCIL POPPING MAMA and POPS , seperated racketters HOOKED UP, in a WRECHING connect, OF RUTHLESS , AND STILL, THE FACTS; a RUSSO GENERAL , WHOM WAS MAKING BACK DOOR DEALS WITH RACKETTERS AND OTHER LOW COCK EYES CLARICALS , IN THE SILK HOSE AND SHOES, IN THEIFT OF THE GOOD TRENDS , NOT YET UNVIELED IN MY LOVE NOTES, WERE FAULCIFYING REPORTS , IN A ZEROX COPY ROOM EVEN THE RECENT ROYAL SKETCHES , WERE LIFTED .,
IN DIGITAL COPY ZEROX , AND A MEDIA , IDIOT SCAM OPT, KNOWN AS TASS NEWS, WHOM REPORTED THE FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF RUSSIA, in a soiled upset on his esteemed real true work, as a exceptional honored very devoutred brillant charming prime minister known in russian work in government of many years.
the rosso, VERSES RUSSIA, is a reality to quickly see a removal in the noted reality of RUSSIA, as the LARGER STATEMENT , of the GOVERNMENT AND THE KREMLIN, SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , certainly of course , wished to assure the reality directly of the notable ewxcellent work, of very esteemed , sos specialist, and those not mistaken, of a shrub snouted russo in the silk stocking missing from the MOSCOW RUSSIAN DRUG STORE SHELVES at a low RUBBLE PRICE not more than $2.99 to $4.99 in fact, drug store , reality. With instead , the LARGER ISSUES OF a PRICE issues in MOSCOW RUSSIA that suddenly popped , when the actual aim into obstruction to me, in close threatening horror , was even larger, in JANUARY, into a very large upset. russo, and those involved, have no reality of a steering on the ORBIT , and as such, there is a imidiate need in a disaplinary measure , of some WIDER LOBSER BANDS , in RUSSIA as a few, with perhaps , a few other realities to assurt the restriction , of of course the GOVERNMENT and thus cars and homes in all reality. With some that may, pop into , reality, of a straiter posture, most likely get a broom to either sweep their esates or use it as a flight plane alone.
The STREERING ON THE ORBIT , is not for others first, and was spacifically designed to assure no racketters in any way in range of me. In other words, the sos specialist, and space rocket specialist, have been busy, and in a few issues there were some awful issues, with a diarea issue aimed at several of the top rocket specialist, due to a breach in the russo generals ripping reaches, still not able to complete a 6 th grade fraction mathmatics book, required in graduation in high school and middle school and even higher standard in RUSSIA, AND AIMED TO , SEETH OVER THE SPERATE REALITY, IN A BASIC NON , MILLITRAY , ORBIT OF THE DESIGNATION TO MY EFFORTS AND MY UNAVIODABLE SOS SPECTAILIST, WHICH VLADIMIR AND THE PRESIDENT OF CHINA , AND NORTH KOREA, AND IN ENGLAND , WITH QUEEN ELIZEBETH, WITH NOTED SPECIALIST IN A RUSSIAN NEW REALITY, DUE TO MY INICIAL STATEMENTS, TO EVERYONE IN MEETINGS, a year ealier. The Reality, is that the space station rocket science engineers are apart of the reality, inseperable in many realities, even if slightly inandated , in large quanified , areas, and as of December 2024, the RUSSIAN MILLITARY, were never needing to send out a manned dismatling in the world, or in RUSSIA, boarders due to the MALICIOUS MOST INCREDULOUS in a REALIZED USA , birth of 2000 or a few more, involved in CHIMP CHUMP BRAINS . swazzi moto moronic mutation of act of actions in act of unethical extremist.
no one in the USA doesnt realize the outcome for real SMUCKER MUCKING , and are out drom under the awful pointed snouts of the ROT TOOTH PIGGIES , with COCK EYES , and that of aimed shedding of USA BLOOD and that of international aim from the piss pot, of the pittley rot.
THE CIRCLE OF PRESIDENTS , meetings with VLADIMIR PUTIN , and government councils that are seeing a LARGER UPSET, of the GENERAL ASSEMLY of RUSSIA as the people and ROYAL MILLITRAY , messages , of a SHARK VIEWER of LARGER MESSAGS SEEN , all. in the issuse, and I feel it is important to the love of RUSSIA, and the space centre rocket scientist and the sos spacialist, millitray , navy , and those in the cities, and villages of beautiful lovely people, RUSSIANS. with a minute or two to eleborate in an international press statement : the ease to see the reports and see the shark viewers we, in sos specialization , created speedy, upon my requested design, I insisted , as a steering reality , of mine , in a unaviodable necessity ,in a EXTREMELY NOTABLE HONOR TO THE INCREDIBLY WELL KNOWN SPACE CENTRE ROCKET SCIENTIST , the first class men and women , the many of more in over 2 million millitray and that of the reality of the recorded reality of the remarkable worth, of reality in a HIGHEST HISTOSIOURE ' of extremely honored very real ethical work, and a LARGEST LENS INTO THE SHARK VIEWS OF SEPERATE , in the actuations of the very few in massive wrong doing , in a way that may not be, a a gold metal to show off, in everyone , work to be realized now, in a look at the , little place I love, in a risterante , known as the ELBO ROOM. Enjoying a breath of your assured esteemed , lovely , serious cultural retainments too, and that of the LARGEST LOVE, from me at love notes, I love you all, in RUSSIA, and the reality of RUSSIAN LOVE is very real. The Reality of the LOVE in the USA is real. The issues in the banana news that were scheduled for 2023, with a seperated reality, to of course, my work, and worth, to assure the reality of my lovely work , of never a delay. It is untollerable to even think, and the work in RUSSIA orbit, was prestigiouly speedy, up onto a very serious, issue: as I assure the KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, the reality of the assurances in the sos speciality of the orbit, of 890,000 specialist.
SPACE ROCKET SCIENTIST , are incredible people, with a few women, as my ROYAL CONSERVATORY COMPUTER SCIENCE PROFESSOR , is , and worked in a short assignment in RUSSIA , in RUSSIAN MILLITRAY , before accepting the work as a professor, in the ROYAL CONCERVATORY , as my professor, i enjoyed well. Inviting her to coffee and sweets at my little international beach villa english style estate, in one of the largest cities in the USA.
Nearly never time then, while a one hour invite to coffee and a breakfast roll, was kind she too, made time. Ah, the russo general and a few others involved , were involved with further damage to the orbit , in the last 15 days , and caused further injury , to me, with, with a LARGER PUFF, and the reality is that there was aim into my invited and sales , and larger design prospecuses , which span the globe , and, the lovely work, so important to me, was gripped into the russo general and the clerical others involved , as several jetted into VIETNAM, after CHINA, looking to FREE FLY into ITALY again , and FRANCE , again, and GERMANY again , and were gritty rippers in the BOARDER of RUSSIA AND THE UKRAINE , with a faulce said president , that was named , of a questionable name : not the real president , nasty rot zelinski, and similar to the name selinsky , whom was in a USA scam in the oval office in the USA in 1994. With never great reality that occured more for the USA, after such issues, and aims at GREAT HONORED CITIZENS , in lies in the news , then as well, dating the scam issues into a larger time frame, with more in the USA, happy in many ways, that the lest in the USA ever in history are only 2000 ish, and then, the remarkable reality of the people of the USA, outragiously wild in ethical reality in repose with real wealth, truth in worth, and a invite drive, that will live into history as a reality, histories' of the world, realized of the great USA people too, culturally respecive in all the world. And Loved, in my love notes in an international reality , in every village and every city and every country all over the WORLD, realized. Truest love , is wildly forever. Histories ' everyone, you, are of a world histories ' in the real USA and all over the world. You, have made you placement in world histories ' and avengers , truest too, world histoeies ' no matter whom you are, your ethical reality, is a amazing histories ' of the many countries of all the world.
ANYONE , for a fast train to gerogia , and the lovely drive of your beautiful achieved , real reality, in a automobile drive invite. To look back at speedy of more. The KREMLIN , has asked for my opinions and my strait forward , reply, and as an advisory, council, in many board society members, the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL of BUSINESS COUNCIL societies, with the presidents circle, I will have to expand upon more , in the personified reality, of the particular russo matter , to see an imidiate disaplinary measure, of the rackettering , in a international orbit , reality, of a seperated , and assured devisionary , measurment , and thus the recomendation to the KREMLIN OF THE COUNTRY OF RUSSIA , as part of the basic ethical structure in the orbit , delicate project, I stated the the issuse in a obstruction to me, and my company , with atomic aimed micro bomb type of electrolisus and that of a aimed and launched a bomb, after the dismatling to some other munion aimed at me, I was shocked and the russo, and those in the russo verses the RUSSIAN CONFLIC in RUSSIA that HOOKED UP AND USED A pop shop smuggling issue a very serious, obstruction occured directy at chirstmas , and that of my note that stated then: I can not sustain the issues in the infasted aim in my travel into the plan I have to spend the holiday winter weeks at the SOUTH CAROLINA BEACH, and get to my favorite FISH HOUSE RISTERANTES , HIEMANS ,. SEAFOOD. in CHARLESTON SC USA.
The crawing , of the russo increased in a insuborintion of the direct obstruction to the KREMLIN , the LARGER GOVERNMENT , of expected reality, the space centre rocket specialist inadated , and busy, with extreme numerous real reports , daily as seen in the KREMLINS notes, and then sos specialist , and the expectations of the GENERAL ASSEMBLE, with a russo general whom aimed to gain my projects , and then obststruct even the space centre, and their was a issue of a sudden missle pointed into CHINA, from a USA nato in extreme hot oil. And Then the a bomb was in the sos orbit , as a reality of a largest historical dislocation in totality . and I was the designer of the project , incidently, and the space rocket science specialist of ROYAL RUSSIA , and sos specialist with some other sultins , in a opintion and analisis of viewer, it was fortunate of my international work at all.. while the existing worth of the real designes were then set into all functional motion by the ROYAL RUSSIAN sos specialist , and a reality of excellence of the ROYAL RUSSIA SPACE ROCKET SCIENCE TEAMS really of special assignment . With a larger streering in my desk and night and day totaly non interrupted , rss, too.
Communication RUSSIAN TEAMS , are excellent. Diamonds , yes, as I said, RED BRIGHT STONES , cut faceted , royal blue , of course, I walked into the RUSSIAN special event and then , my gosh it was all tables for one, with all sitting there after our years at times after a larger lenghty, work and more cultivations, it as not the USA RUSSIAN TEA ROOM, while the sweets were on each table men , SOME WOMEN SCIENTIST , TOO, WITH A SWEET TO REMEMBER,
MORE soon.
2:35 PM lunch time, and i have urgent sos notes and harrible, with equipment repairs and upset in some harror in swamping harror of unsavy homosapians , and some very serious injury , I had a automobile battery issue and some assured looking into my break that was hit with 6 days of a truck that blew chemocal weapons into my exahst manifold dash of my car, and the clean up that vallery in russia had from the RUSSIAN NATIONAL SPACE CENTRE, was obstructed in a russo, still not at the lobster plate yet, with a note to the kremlin , of my responce, in my reply, of the matter, of the extreme aim and swamping aim into a hard visious destruction , and a 6 day repeted clean up, valery teams worked on, usually only moon star satalight cleaning and systemes analistis of even a movement of a small needle. And Valeries team and sos and racket specialist , are very mad, as is the ROYAL NAVY, with a sutofed cickle cell anemian , that is not going to be looked at as russian today with data open.
SHARKS , viewers open in 890,000 russia , with a note to the KREMLIN , Sir Vladimir Putin, and of course open in the international circle of presidents, as my fullest attention to the request of my opinion as Sir Vladimir Putin , and the circle of presidents wished. Sir Xi Jinping , was one of the presidents that underlined the very real importance of the project, with my respective nature in all strait replies.
2;49 pm LUNCH and a AUTOMOBILE DRIVE SOON. ROYAL SKETCHES , yes and a CONCERTO exhibtion real, announced from my company at STUDIO VOSSE, at LOVE NOTES.
EQUIPMENT , URGENT sos needs stability , and a a racketter ,
wide band , urgent now. details later,.
OF COURSE THE RESPONCIBILITY BY THE ETHICAL NATURAL REALITY OF THE ORCHESTRATION OF THE ORBIT BUBBLE AND ORBIT , 890,000 zuse russian ussr new era project, are of the issue of attacks on my company and projects , to assure a seperation of the racketters whom once ripped up , washington dc , and aimed into destruction of even GAZA, and more, and the list of the 000 whom are racketters , are whom, set off the cash potting of long range munion into the villa of my estate , over a year, before the orbit project began with me, and some science in quantified reality, and then of course, there is a reality, to assure no farther within my international realized sanctined worth, to asssure , me. and the reality in full of my company, and not a dismal attack on my travel or any part of my worth, time esteemed work, and noted love of invites that are never upset, in 6 years of me larger invited beyond 500 million easily in most and many , in my travel desk and near my travel rental villas, with no such, in a a harror with any such minuion. The russo VERSES RUSSIA , is a menic to me and an obstruction , which has ripped up my time and schedule with a maliciousness, in a a obstructed issue that aimed inside of RUSSIA. While I will expect the reality to be adjusted imidiatly in a reality of highest ethical reality in a firm protocale of the orchestration , of excellence in RUSSIA and in the reality of the USA, whom will only benifit within the proper reality of seperates , of those in 2000 ish, that are vicious malicia in missy piggy tu tu , in a extreme rip on civil liberties and a threat , of a malicious didsplay of splaying society , and pin pointing where . and how , which was not the issues of the their three year prior , in a data of every country like a malisious bug map.
the issues are of a set reality in a derailing the rosso in RUSSIA , as was the reality, and the obstruction in the matter in russian CONFLIX verse rosso general one and two, and the lower clarical women , running scams , under ground in RUSSIA muckets, giving out commendations and space centre entry invites in a type of unethical issue in a hire to a space cowboy bull ride , aimed at the space centre rocket sciences, and me, and of course all of the KREMLINS work, and RUSSIA and the seriousness of concern aimed into RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, are with a reality that the sos specialist are in fact, of the standard to ethical international reality, in the stability of the entire orbit, within 90,000 space rocket science specialist, as well as my consults in CHINA as well as throughout europe, with some consulting specialist, in other international countries. NEW YORK and everywhere I travel my broad expended worth length, is a reality lengthy nationaly and internationaly, and is a first priorety, for me, and not a bad reality to the advancement opportunity of a russia of a few whom aimed to aide a enemy of RUSSIA, with a reality of the work of the orbit of my own efforts, or the set rolling reality, to either clobber , racketters in one big reality, or see the governors ideals and the honored senators and such in the USA, to the opt , of the reality, of the TRURTLE ISLAND , set in stone . Complete with the BIGGIE LENS , in the USA, and a tennis court, with decency , of a home provision, yet the sos specialist , and space centre teams and technology teams are not of the orbit 890,000 to assurt , aide to those in 2000 ish , or russo generals one and two, in a aided issue to the linked clarical under ground runner with a larger stolen project reality, seen in many RUSSIAN UPDATES TO THE KREMLINS OFFICE , , in a plot , scam rolling , of a larger recent 5 strait years , in rackettering harror. Lifting their harror in a obstruction of the ethical reality in insubordination of the actual real appointed specialist all, to see the sweetest company as mine is prestigious and delicate , with a rush of slugger due to the obstruction to the orchestration of the realty of the orbit project ..
Alright Valery, in space rocket specialization, you don't get a better reality in, your own worth, than my time, a very busy desk at my love notes , upheld , darlings, lets get the shark viewers 890.000 ROYAL princess fr, king louise viii in play with the councils updates in reply in the KREMLIN SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN ,ease with pertinent councils, and open up the international shark viewers to assure the whole shark viewer for the KREMLIN , and GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA , into the PRESIDENTAL CIRCLE OF GOVERNMENT PRESIDENTS , and a area for the consulting specialist of the presidents to view , into a shark with a orbit reiteration, as the orbit protocal is urgent or it's FAIR FEILD , and more in KUNG FU, speed lessons, and we can all get on to our SHANG HI, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett invites in SHANG HI. CHINA ,
SPACE CENTRE ROYAL RUSSIA, and valeries team, the clean up, in the dusting of the automobile is very realizes, as clean as a star satalight, everyone, and still we have a repair on the technology, PHONE IPHONE IS NOT SHUTTING OFF, and there is an attack repeting on the IPHONE with a over sized screen too large to use, and the buttons are not viable of the screen to large, and unable to shut off and reboot, the HTML , is not in the phone screens and is a aim into blocking on the desk travel phones, the PHOTOGRAPH on my face is with a ISSUE IN SOME RENDERING TYPE OF ATTACK ON THE FILM AND PHOTOGRAPHS , of particularly FACES AND BODY WITH A COLAR CHANGE IN image tamporing, and very serious, with a LATCH INTO ON ALL FACES FILMED AND PHOTOGRAPHED, even some key types of photograpohic special detailing , kicked, and a issue with vocal switches in the recoring aimed into voice , and a delay in the switch at times, even in the typing, that has a delay type tamporing , causing type o and whole word changes , even a few delay, with no spell check that is constantly with JIVE typing words, and a large issue attack in FILM LENTH UPLOAD BLOCKING , and UTUBE SPLICING and then a attachment issue, and then rolling into pop up, in break in film not selected and scrolling, hidden type of whole chioce in a non list pre set, to chose or not only the one film and a breach of the ONLINE world wide web, that was attackes in a slide in of blocking a choice with a flashing issue of a missing tool or moved tool, to a TECH , NEED UPDATING , in tool , that are being repaired , far too often more recently and a larger stability, needed , urgent www tool, internal web tooling stability, repair in sudden missing folder recently in a connsessions note , that was a alternate no love note i consessions of my working desk in my folders missing several days ago, desk top, attacks, with swiveling on a wrench in to desk top functional stability, and urgent , assistive update in a banking area to assure the transfer , in a my second account, due to the aim ATTACK IN MY ONLINE BANKING , AREA , SEVERAL TIMES, noble historical extreme larger ajility, while that relys on , of course the top orbit protocal, as this is not a brothel. you realize your smart move with diamond rings, the kremlin , said there is even more.
Largest , diamonds . For my christmas tree. Plum Tea is going to be russian style, .
speed , zamboi zing . not injury darlings, we are pencil realized with alL, those sweet russian and americans , and , updates from SPACE TEAM CHINA , and more, into the next weeks,
The rotted , issues, I could have left, the area, faster, and flown out, quickly.
9:32 pm SPAIN ,
and the MADADORE,
with the finest swards in the world.
you're charming, I was with time to watch.
PETER SELLER : LOVELY FILM, excuse me PETER SELLERS, a women and there enterrip are sitting close to harrash me while I am working on my love notes, with under breath slurring aim at me directly in racketter scamming, much liken to the bully depiction aimed into ROBIN WILLIAMS character in the FISHER KING MOVIE, except in a pin point into a seat away, in my invite in to many largest in love of people, that were not really interested, in the repeted, issue of the last three to six years , of the harror , these BIGGIES , of the USA are willing to stress others , in at the drop of a dime , or fifty cents, the louses , of racketters , eclipsing aim, in a mass futility of rage to see no remourse, as there HOT DAM , sludged my tires with atomic bomb of a issue disolving the break , pads . and aimed a munion into the port pannels, right before I was about to get on the express way. WHILE THEIR BIGGIE FRIENDS , all get that invite to the GIANT TEXAS free dinner , in the FIVE COURSE FREE TICKET MEAL, the only in the USA, center field TEXAS, and then a CRUISE , paid, by DISNEY. TEXAS, the big ticket , DINNER CENTER FEILD , with the DALLAS COW BOYS AND GIRLS ready.
WHAT A EVENT , THE ONLY FREE DINNER, party, in TUXEDO SATIN , REAL DINNER in the USA. BIG BIG , and BIG . wait une monmento, darling . sweet PETER SELLERS, thank you for the earler wine and the hor derves with russian baluga caviar , my goodness, perfect . I love you , thank you, Bill HASLUM was in with SHRIMP PLATTERS , from TENNESSEE. more , LUCILLE
BALL, brought sweets . Vivian too.
DON RICKLES, you are sweet,
my little cross eye statement , made thee REAL JOHNNY CARSON SHOW
with everyone, and I am so thrilled .
THE JOHNNY CARSON SHOW. sweet of you all, ands yes, there are RACKETTERS
BILLY JOEL , you're wild, you purchased a gardina , from the state of louisiana .USA, as in my song just yesterday of the BANJO of LOUISIANA , music compostion I wrote yesterday and the lovely summer sunny bronze look, I was so bronze looking in so many summers growing up . darlings you sweet, and you were all watching the films , PETER SELLERS , created , DR STRANGE LOVE.
Thank you for the lovely FUR , PURSE, from JAPAN travels . xo
FREDDY MERCURY with everyone : QUEEN , music compostion,
SOMEBODY TO LOVE . very nice , it has been a while , since we were at the trout pond on the pic nic lake front, everyone. Thank you all so well. Glad you made it , in. With a day more, I believe in a few extra , minute to prepare , the refreshments for the actual schedule , and certainly see the larger lovely reality, in the midst , of a somewhat, USA sorte' in a very serious, USA, interest , in the reality of the magnificent achievements , of a REAL AMERICAN USA LOVE AFFAIR , to real love in the USA, drive invites of the FOUTH OF JULY international , reality , 2024, never to forsake.
LOVE NOTES : is very special. THE RUSSIAN COUNTRY IS WITH HONORED REAL EXTRODINARY WORK, to assure the reality, to find sacred the reality of the incredible real honored worth, even the people of the culture of ROYAL RUSSIA, and that of the lovely cultures of all countries and the immence, work in the international governments not easily just easy. Well done worth everyone, wild press notes , and meetings , in my working travels are messages and meeting , many.
FREDDY MERCURY , TITLE music ensomble: QUEEN , somebody to love .
LOVELY EVERYONE . DAVID BOWIE : wild SMOKER , WITH ROSE COLOR GLASSES . at ten, some of us really smoked , one puff, but liked roasting marshmellow more, in special times..
11:02 pm now , sleepy .
1:25 pm message from the emeritus
as well as the emeritus MRS. YELTSIN, of the devout
in of the ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA , in FILM a russian dream .
OCTOBER 7th 2024 12:45 pm now GOOD MORNING, GOOD MORNING , into JUST
AFTER NOON, at 12:47 pm, THE MESSAGE JUST NOW FROM THE PRESIDENT OF the COUNTRY OF ROYAL CHINA, a darling, friend of mine, of ancient historie' with a RICHE CULTURAL, reality, that I grew up with in the USA. While it was always a very large respect to meet people in my childhood, as some special christmas , suppers, in sunday afternoon, before christmas holidays, at a extremely fine hotel five star, basic egg breakfast, cafe ' risterante, in a rather, experience my great grand mother, planned, for children of only a certain age group, and it was the gift, lesson, of my royal childhood, with international guest, even from royal CHINA.
AFTER NOON, at 12:47 pm, THE MESSAGE JUST NOW FROM THE PRESIDENT OF the COUNTRY OF ROYAL CHINA, a darling, friend of mine, of ancient historie' with a RICHE CULTURAL, reality, that I grew up with in the USA. While it was always a very large respect to meet people in my childhood, as some special christmas , suppers, in sunday afternoon, before christmas holidays, at a extremely fine hotel five star, basic egg breakfast, cafe ' risterante, in a rather, experience my great grand mother, planned, for children of only a certain age group, and it was the gift, lesson, of my royal childhood, with international guest, even from royal CHINA.
Sir Xi Jinping Thee President of CHINA, messaged, as it has been a few weeks, since the ROYAL PRESIDENT OF CHINA, was in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUITE USA in the westport, village of HONDA at the MC DONALDS, while we met all, of us, in a tiny MIDDLE EASTERN, soda grill bar, and all had a little minute, with some urgent reality. The lovely minutes were, fun a minute, as an honor to my, NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, yet the event lite photograph times with invites to everyone, were upset, with a glass manageriy of crushed , sweet more, evermore, unfortunate, such a brutish reality, for those involved, to seek their own demize. LIKEN TO VENUS DE MAREERLI ' and the noted actual ancient greek real statue of the chalk, fabricated, zimelwat, of the POINTED POLITICAL STANDARD of GREEK CULTURE, ready to place the NIKE ' figure statute, (of a ethical limit to unethical, of a grave wrong and grave wrongs toward the esprituse achieved to arrive of the mindful, in an achieved to be feirce, in even a lauph, that is not a humour , rather a reaction, antidote, in all measure to see a real self stop, to see through more dignaty, of responcibility held tightly gripped, with the establishment of those sacred in the world as important , more of the reality, of the greater world). NIKE' as a sculptural figurine , a statute, in then stone of ALABASTER, then was GREEK , in the ancient era of over one million years ago, as a symbol, of the smashing , to be feirce in upholding the ethical reality, and place the statute as a reality, of wrong, when NIKE' is made with no head, and the most heavy wings, which are apendaged to hold nike on the ground heavy, never to fly, real, in spirit or of a breath in ethical reality, with nothing higher, NIKE , was never NIKE' and then the stature, of a chalk, became , the JOKE , of the peace in the ancient GREEK PARTHONON , of the ancient ethical cultured of a love to peace and ethical retainment, in the REAL ANCIENT GARDEN of the GRANDURE OF THE ANCIENT GREEK PARTHONON. NIKIE , was never of real NIKE ' of a achieved , kind as the ANCIENT ROMAN GREEK statuary , enjoys among all, of a humanity real, greater of reachable reality reposed in a film lush garden , with a pity , on the NIKIE. OF a LARGEST WHITE chalk made thing. with no head which prevades the ideals that in ancient times, was never to be in the GRANDURE of the achieved. The GARDEN , was a place loved, and everyone saw a certain respomcibility and realized the enjoyment and care of not just the garden of the GREEK ROMAN ANCIENT , COLLSUME , of the PARTHANON , in ancient times of the country of GREECE.. over one million years a humanity, of larger peace and ethical love, in a wild very kind , feirce work and worth, wages , gold, and not such a FISH left at the end of the days, never to purchase in wealth, of course, finest. If their were fish left. THE STATUE OF NIKIE, is forever placed out side a far distant view of the GARDEN in a MECCA of the PARTHONON and the village in ancient ROMAN GREEK, ancient ethical structure of the world, whom travels to the ISLAND LARGER COUNTRY OF GREECE, even MIORKA , GREECE. forever . as in all world order civilized in a inner properous, reality, of a firm importance in enlightenment , toward a world, a cultural real breath, and a humanity always greater, even in a large days of no fish. And conciderable in a earth as it is in heavens realized, of the properity to worth , responcibilites to assure and of course wealth to reach the hope and fears , internanal to care to oppotunity, not always a choice. The FISH, never arrived , and nothing no eat, no fish, were in the nets of the neptune fishers, and then, no room to work was real, unless the ship was larger larger to gain a ocean voyage , and fish into a water, of some vat , to assure, no ice , no such thing as refrigeration, and then, two fish ? today, how many will sell? three. Oh the fish sandwiches everywhere ? to sell, none ? No fish scalers either, to chop off the heads of fish, and of course scale the fish, fresh caught,. The school of ATHENS , the fishers could not pay , even for a FINE VIOLINSIST , softly sweet in the outter pavilions to usually gain a little close stroll, in a lunch with a RUSSIAN VIOLINST , whom wanted a MIORKA FISH sandwich, arrived a long way, .
NIKIE , headless, AWFUL WINGS to the GROUND never to come off NIKIE ARMS ,
never to be.
with never really, of the REAL NIKE' whom worked , and made breads , every day, with a cultivation reading by wax candles at night, and fine tunning the reality of real olympians ' with even mastery of the ple vulting hop, one day you may be fortunate , to read, alone to your self in a secret hideway on the sweetest peace on earth. Children , close their eyes tightly , and then , when the warm bath, all dry, freshly cotton , clothes ready, sweet to hide way in a book, to think and read. one day.
If the OCEAN VOYAGERS , were too, seen as important in the reagions of all, neptune exists, important , everywhere. pity, nikie . never NIKE. NEVER NEPTUNE .
CHILDERN of CHINA . the anchient GREEK ROMAN STORY , more later, with all childern in the world, and a movie , and more, with MONSTER and THE WALNUT , which will not be cheep, you realize this, count your pennies and nickles, dimes, quarters , and all yen. Rubbles too, and Marx and English pounds, Paco and dinaro frankz . money . see if you will be able to afford, a larger many movies , you might decide you wish to purchase.
Expensive . I will say. Announcement later, with a book included to read in your own languages, all countries, alright , childern,. will the grown up's get a chance to purchase ?
Perhaps ? Ah, une monment. Excussee, Sir Xi JINPING , of CHINA , the president with a message from CHINA. SUBJECT: GOLDEN and a end of the GOLDEN WEEK in China. READ
excusse; golden week, ends read
DARLING PAUL MC CARTNEY , message update, my darling PAUL Mc CARTNEY
with a RARE NOW FILM, to me as a soft gift, of expression, seriously real.
PAUL Mc CARTNEY, darling , I see you were with a sludge , in your sweet face too.
I will speak to VALERY, in the specialized space orbit , project , as sos specialist are adjusting the bubbling , and reducing a magnetic and fume extractor impact, and sifting through, dust in element mutation matter and anti matter, type of issues in non natural mineral , issues, aimed in the USA, from sand bucket chem mutin sludge parfumed sludger in radio active atomic issues higher than stacked ceilings of the empire state building, you know hallow, partiers of the 2000 zemmelwatters kasmkazzoo usa, bullwinklers, rumple stell skiens prior, ria boom boom reekers.
The extractors , as of yet, stopped the NEW DEAL, ideals of former HISTORICAL PRESIDENT, FRANKLYN DELENOIRE ROSAVELT
perswasions , in the brutal aimed and fork darted racketters in todays grip into the USA, of shrimp forking. Headed into HIDES HOT DOG SHOPPES, with that kind little village in view...
with the little league base ball park, stone walled. and a LARGER USA, in no drive end of any movie of course franklynn was in a wheel chair , in office at the oval office in the PRESIDENCY in the USA in the 1940's as I read in my history studies in 5th grade in standard USA schooling, of course.
PAUL MC CARTNEY , such a nice message. The card game, and no house of card, imagine.
I love you, and well, you and you and you. and you. and you, and you. and well, you , and everyone all over the world,. WHO are you ready .
more soon. yes, meetings with the kremlin , and space centre and sos specialist , today are urgent, with space centre people high on my schedule, right now, and and still, a under the wind in the viaduck in moscow , in stall, FACING THE GENERAL russo, and the klink, issues, head on.
2:41 pm : my camera was aimed at last evening with my head and back and ears , and larex, and the battery in my larger business computer was delleated , or a aim kicked it , and would not open the screen that was online from my automobile , ready to film everyone at length in a distance in the automobile invites, and more, the sweet song everyone, was for you all, I WANT TO BREATH IN AMERICA, and it is my wish that you enjoy the music compostion, of course not the concerto , as the anouncment will be prepared later today, after 5:00 pm, with my supper, from a local grocery, with a few sweets, and some budgetary banking , I have on my travel schedule today. The consession movie :
101 dalmations from WALT DISNEY in person. On a TECHNOVISION , PRODUCION in cartoon film. by thee WALT DISNEY. With a CARTOON, of MICKEY MOUSE, known as the storm with the symphony of WILLIAM TELL, as a music compostion, usually performed by the CHICAGO ILLINIOSE SYMPHONY orchestra at the CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA HALL , on south MICHICHIGAN AVENUE, in the loop, of my ROYAL CONSERVATORY , circle in the royal arts and sciences.
The MICKEY MOUSE FILM, WILLIAM TELL, with the storm and DONALD DUCK, is somewhat political non humour. THE FILM of the BAND , MICKEY MOUSE CONDUCTS , is also a cartoon by THEE WALTER DISNEY , . updated by WALT DISNEY .
consessions also, with the WHO, in WHO ARE YOU, to listen, if you wish. concession resulting revolt film: MAY WEST films, and the DOCTOR JECKLE AND MR HIDE, not a very pleaseant issues, and then of course the JETSONS , with THEE GERORGE JETSON and the JETSON FAMILY, with a cartoon , anti - political of any excellence. GEORGE JETSON GETS A HAIR CUT AND SHAVE . and BATH from ROSIE the ROBOT MAID. scary. and the conssion of the revolt , the MC DONALDS , gets ROSIE the ROBOT, and GEORGE AND FAMINE , with DOGS AND ELROY AND THE MUFFY MRS, with a robotic mri, and no fish after the receipts don't add up. and schedules employed , look for work, somewhere. Someone , YELLED NEXT?
The concessions , then, CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST, cartoon from 1976. and no 1776.
Created in a DIGITAL TECHNOVISION , only, and perfectly realized state of the art, televsions, from ZENITH , and RCA, with the largest console ever built, in the USA. Of course far eastern technology , was love from the far EAST in the largest console ever built.
I believe, I will be ready to FILM EARLIER in the MORNING , everyone driving , for a while, in the morning, and of course, purchase olives, with the hop hop hop , list update tomorrow, all day, and film reels, from MOSCOW RUSSIA , and many many other countries, and the USA in the INTERNAIONAL drive exhibtion, with announcement of the actual real ROYAL SKETCH UNVAILING and sales, times and places in person, dates too, with the concerto update in a whole exhibition of martini announcement , online anouncements , details all, each martini concerto , places and times and fine martini times into of course, new years, 2025. Shaken Not Stirred .
of course. Now the time is 3:12 pm, clearing the dust, with a few details, and then the repairing list on line, fully, are important , as I design the updates, wild, international press notes, and the love notes media publications , with a birthday royal press publication media exhibitions, and a list of love notes very lovely darling sweetest , friends, in my LITTLE BLACK BOOK. Vladimir is worried , it's LARGER , than I MENTIONED , KGB , know nothing yet. CHARMING ILLUSTRIOUS SIR VLADIMIR didn't tell them. 007 secrets . do exist.
GENE WILDER , MURRI THE CAT , my sweet kitty, a super star, is with PAUL, and SALVADORE received the gold debloom, coins, I sent, and may be traveling too. FILMS ARE READY, in SPAIN and everywhere. It's going to be painstakingly fun. I do say.
You are fun, I love you darling , GENE WILDER , sir . Ginger Rodgers , and FRED ASTAIRE , may have an update just for love notes, soon as well, bo jangles dance , drumming , perhaps, and SAMMY DAVIS JUNIOR , in the update exactly as was, of the candy man as a very fine favorite of mine.
with YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, and awfully bad politically charged , upset even in the heavens with the ancient NIKE, of ROYAL GREECE , the country. REAL PARTHONON , GREEK ROMAN garden of the parthenon over one million years old. goodness. BILLY JOEL WILD LISTEN
and , the WHO ? who. jimmy hendrix PURPLE HAZE , LISTEN ELVIS , you are encouragable listen sweet you arrived. xo my that is a real brass banjo , amazing, from our louisian strolling . pretty.
THEE ELVIS PRESTLEY , sweet darling ELVIS , thank you , thank you all.
STING, messages , what's up, real, and sting, what, a helicopter, who , darling who?
listen, THEE STING, in a love song and film to me, personally, with who? I loved the what's up messages everyone, with THEE STING . lovely, thank you, I sweetly love you. Who?
who? LURCH , messages , in reels . and who? TATTOO in REELS , at age 60, updated , with thee tattoo at his larger hotel villa resort , island resort. skip the scrolling MUTTERERS, please, Is mot the WHOPLE READY . ? and TOMMY AND THE TWO TONES , in the serious political WHO. as in we won't get fooled again political reality statements with the wonderful real music composers known as THEE WHO. yes. the WHO. listen . messages ; THE RUSSIAN STATE MOSCOW SYMPHONY PHILHARMONIC GRAND MASTER WORLD SYMPHONY , number 5 , TCHAIKOVSKI , Sir Vladimir Putin's very favorite, as one of my favorite symphony compostions, with a rare update from my darling friends in moscow of many many years. listen did you all say who ? oh, did you see the ravel, mess in moscow russia, with upsets, and the people should know, in russia, patushka horror.
many messages, yes, more in a rss. it;s dinner now. xo meetings with SIR Gorbechov messages to return, of course urgent. space centre messages and sos specialist , yes, ten hours ? who is this russo and the kinks . who ?
EAST VILLAGE MOSCOW RUSSO BANG BANG GEN GEN DOPERS verses RUSSIA and the whole world. and the who? CLOSE soon. the painter. chuck close 30 feet x 30 feet in reels chuck close self portraits , very famous, and incredible to see in person, where? secrets 007 moscow ?
mojo rising, with thee JIM MORRISON and the DOORS , very political recorded update now a brass banjo, like we were in louisianna state in USA. sweet message , in that poltical serious statement update now from THEE JIM MORRISON , of the earlier the 1970's ops. now LARGER STATEMENTS in LOVE NOTES UPDATES FROM THEE JIM MORRISON. that was out there. wild, radical political reel, in master, loud , poltical serious reels .
THEE SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , of a political photograph from the KREMLIN of the issues and extremist, of the issues that aimed at RUSSIA, in the 2000 rot tooth, dc dirty dismal, in the usa. with the political updates of the recent, russo verse RUSSIAN and the ORBIT , recent in RUSSIA what's up, exhibition in the streets of RUSSIA, into MOSCOW of the ROYAL KREMLINS OFFICES, and what's up exhibtions of politial expressionism of the revolt, consessions. Darling Kind of you, sweet vladimir, I wish to post message more from MOSCOW RUSSIA.
the KREMLIN POST , in brief , NOTATIONS of a ABSTRACT POLITICAL NOTE not yet the fine film from Sir Vladimir Putin, direct from MOSCOW RUSSIA .
the extrodinary reality, his majestic love now THEE JERRY LEE LOUISE , now real.
October 9 th 2024 : 12:36am . Hello , hello again , and again, as I wished just to say good night abd sleep well in the fair feikd city in conetticuite usa, and throighout the many whom arrived in tbe near region, as ,the five dsy week, was a actual population in travelers in a extra numerois in, were nearly 800 million people and then over 1 billion are alrrady arrived. I WISH TO SAY THAN YOU EVEEYONE. EVEEYWHERE, YOUR VERY SPECIAL. . I LOV3 YOU , EVERRUWHERE,.
1:01 pm hello , everyone, their is just several more notes that i will release in the international press statements : in a large importance to the USA, of the lovely country i cultivated my work , in love in many freinds , amd more along the way. Of course, no one one shoikd feel the aimed issue of a exposure to those whom , aimed at the lovely ttavel i have planned and well planned to a absolute enjoyment, just as lovely , as all the oportunities i myself accepted to see through a busy world of humanity in the greatest of people in the usa, daily years, serving the veey best . Too even perfection to each bagel toasted buttered hot cream cheese piled soft hot served, and with reponcibiloties of excellenct customer servised and my self, and excellent business , among you well, always, you may never have known. Every thing, i give you everything , perfect love to you.
My first employment : more than perfect bageks and good revenue, for the lovely women that hired me, 5:00 am monday threw friday. What fun, . What a lovely reality for my company projects to be less that love to you .
The lovely world, of people in all countries, we missed our photgraphs days together architecture stops. To see eventful with peopke everywhere. Photgraphs of ugs and a kiss from my hands to send to you, on a flying majic carpet , special delivery in the fun to become quite the glorious , fun, a catherdal out side to adorn sweet photgtaph sessions together
I AM UNIMAGINABLY WILD , and outlandish , sweeyly childish, to say o love you.
The Kremlin : message , darling the fabric , you silly, it was my gown fabric, how lovely you are. You and the fine president of Belrous, in my larger library desk area, with a gift the presidebt of Belrouse is showing me, pointed political lovely men, thank you.
Perfect Message: READ . MY NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ARRIVED , sweet that you both lovely.
i have a upset with munion hit me, last eve. And the desk top and on line tools have a issue in speed and some lever , cranking , and then the banking was on a issue of some dally caused in a russo general of a large catering of some aide tp clerks. In a very serioud aim , in rathet a imsular insobordibation of the higher government of the general assembly as within thr kremlins work, in aim to the , orbit , protocal, and aimed in ade tracketter with clarical clerks . In several aim of a destruction to me, in a issue of a signed deal, in cohersive aim , at my company , in russia very long well known since childhood. 20 aimed projects aimed in a issue of invasion to wrech the space station in russia with a secondary , issue aimed at a rogue , invasion to one of the space station smaller buildings, and passing faulce reports, underminding the space station in russia and sos specialist with no assignment to the orbit project and as such not guided by the genaral or in fact the admiral of the navy, in the work. With a kind hello to the ADMRIAL OF RMTHE ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY and everyone , thank you for your extra efforts in many other supprtive analsis and fine RUSSIAN MILLITRAY NAVY REGIMENT , AND THE HONOR FILM. NOT YEY IN LOVE NOTES. IT IS MY WISH THAT YOU ENJOYED MY SOLUTE'
love from myself
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
some people, made fine efforts . And should recognize that i somewhat close my eyes, in some that were with a tanler , that may hsve been tangling to seperate the veey finest of my lovely nature, wiyh others in a good nature that were upset, and delighted, you arrived, . in the very most soiled clothes even. Of course, the mock minded in rackettering , of a mime , and slugging cash to tampor with many others , and parroting , harror, was not expacted to be reached, with racketters steering their reflection of extreme issue, they attscked in unethical action of futility, aimed in wreching bittering, was to be stopped in December 2023 in a orbit project, and benches out side in the oval office park, until their green ticket was realized after the three strait years of extreme aimed harmful attacking peopkes worth.
More later today.
lovely everyone. those martini's are going to be marvolous. finest, shaken of course, not stirred.
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