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Banana New Revival 2023

cultural    dignatary.           artist      international     business       person,         chief    directing      editor      of               BANANA     NEWS     REVIVAL       publications     and posts.             Founder.    of   Studio vosse 



film reels : of extreme racketeering and a extreme damage in the USA caused by muttle organized cartel tactical aim when the minion is , nearing 100% capsized. 

HISTORY SEPARATES, in achieved height of work and worth , not always easy to enjoy travel and gardening so well, to realize the merits in a greater humanity of love real in finest tiny details . Toward a greater USA, included among the entire international world.  
more of my aristocracy in lovely work and worth , and 2011 honors as a crowned princess, in royal European honors . of extensive excellence in extended cultural and economic projects, among the royal lineage of my Royal French Famillie’ History, 13 century dating to the historical aristocracy of ROYAL FRANCE, of kings and queens. 

 rare publication print from especial collections archive 
in THE AFRICAN - RUSSIAN, BLACK SILK EVENT COUTURE DRESS,  Yes it’s a RUSSIAN FAUX MINK FUR, I myself designed the dress and wore it during rare aria exhibitions, of my own music compositions exhibition presented in RUSSIAN in an international exhibition from Manhattan to Moscow in exciting live in person International work. Simply a rare summer candid event photograph of myself, princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

  sole       owner    of         BANANA     NEWS        REVIVAL      international press  publication     at my     STUDIO   VOSSE     with extra Banana News   from my     tiny estate            home           office          tiny      village      international   company - —- at    STUDIO    VOSSE 

Brief Vitae' my rooted family aristocracy dates back to royal France of the interesting French Royal Aristocracy of later King Henry VIII of England. Of some of my family in ancient times, Work for the English Royal Government, with international merchant history, of travels that lead to my aristocracy of American History of my somewhat ancient families, members of my family whom continued as  international merchants over 600 years ago, sailing of ROYAL ENGLISH SHIPS as known in even the year 1352, into 1732 in historical documentation found in rare  history libraries in the USA. Even with an actual first coffee house, of the first BROWN STONE BRICK of the USA built on Nan Tucket Island, Tucket ( as in TOOCHET PRONOUNCES IN France ) for mastering language of comprehensive reading and writing and math - of savvy ancient aristocracy of my family history, of International World Assured Business of merchant sailing travelers, ) TOOCHET is often a business word for making good quality points of subjects in conversations of business .) with ship builders and brown stone brick makers, among merchants of at least finest grown coffee, tea, and of course Coffee House Sweets and Breakfast Foods. Broadly my aristocracy reached, the country of SPAIN, of historic merchants  in the far Eastern Europe into the country of Royal China. Global Agriculture and Goods of greatest important in a micro economic diplomatic foreign prowess, not just Macro Economic importance as such with international care of merchants. TOOCHET ‘ ah, with vigor of greatest importance, to all as cares of foreign relations and of course governments standards, is forever important. My aristocracy of family, were of the earliest ships known of, with actual documentation still preserved, that sailed in international merchant business across the ocean from Europe to American, with of course many side by side Knowing a higher belief in all amass of greater populations of peoples very good indeed. Several of my European family in the years of the 1700's were of the Edison. Electric Merger, and very tiny a company then, while extremely note worthy historically, of such amazing humanity, that people believed in as Edison Electric grew, and merged in a larger General Electric company. The, brown stone coffee house, was of importance that  involved a growth of my family relations that grew into Connecticut and emerged to nurture more the stability of Yale University in formidable America. Even with historical work, in the USA RAILROADS of the Pennsylvanian Railway. As one of my mothers Uncles was thee lead engineer of the Pensilvania Railroad Line. It was interesting to know some family took interest in great involvement of the great metropolis of the United States of America, even of formational board members of the Metropolitan  Museum of Art hundreds of years ago, with very noble European Merchant Worth. My very humble utopian life born in the USA in the 1960's was with nearly not knowing my grandfather from England and French aristocracy. Grandfather was a very busy engineer, working with General Electric and later a board member for the Carrier Corporation in a metropolitan city in New York State. Modestly a city of great importance in agriculture and fine business with museums, theatres and good cultural aspects, and nearly never meeting him, myself. My early childhood was indeed with busy schooling and a kind village of worth. I knew nearly nothing of my aristocracy until it unfolded in years of notes and transcendent tales and real historical documentation in rare history special libraries, of my simple details of details of my own aristocracy, in lengthy historical documents. 

I was fortunate to have such a good in my city growing up, with many delightful people, teachers many. Very brilliant and a slow lovely gentle care. Some exciting chances of honored efforts for me were perfectly lovely,  concert performance in songs, as a lead singer, and theater, even a museum exhibition at the Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse New York, in the 1970’s  as a very young women, with a national honored painting and of rare embossment printed art on cotton with a water print method, honored in the national blue ribbon honor and museum exhibit of my works of art then. The rare water embossment  print was non electric hand crank print. I put on my business suit early and even sold in galleries in southern and northern regions. Even some international sales. Of course, I wrote a book, of many details, while later, I was in executive management for over 15 years in culinary arts, at a very busy company, 7 years worth over 17 million dollars and revenue of more than $ 4 million a year in a rather small tiny company, with a great many giant corporate clients and the customers of over 500,000 populus of people that filled the city. I was honored 6 consecutive years in a row for the national achievement merits of savvy hard work in business excellence as an executive director by the year 1989. National honored awards with the USA national district office of the Better Business Association. Later employed with a very large international exclusive five star  resort in the southern regions of the USA. My work their as an executive director was among a small board of staff, for the International Five Star Resort, managing a corporation that generated over $47 million each year. Leaving the executive work, moving to work and develope more of my own projects, I moved to one of the largest cities in the world, within the USA and took work as an executive, in investment banking, while taking on extra studies at a ROYAL AFFILIATED MUSEUM COLLEGE UNIVERSITY to broaden my own projects in a tiny company, I also worked at often in evenings.of my own project equity in project development then.  I have years of extensive work in many years - later, with honored work in cultural specialized lecture work, with international and national noted honors. Exhibitions and published work with Vanderbilt University and Yale University, design awards from the Society of International Design in Milan Italy. International lecture presentations, on world culture and preservation and economic standards to even the UNITED NATIONS, presented in Denmark United Nation meeting in 2009. Yes, it is true, in 2005, was my very first published international written work with some of my sketches publishes with a Kennedy Center Arts Publication, Printed by Vanderbilt University Press. It was an exciting time with that publication. I was pleased. 

Holding four noted board of directors positions was rather busy during the extra work in my cultural specialized interactive lecture projects, amidst exhibition work, while the lectures were important and broadened in international lectures in cultural arts, that which was inclusive in broad cultural theatre, cultural specialized film, fine visual arts, music and more. My specialized  project in culture lectures quickly reached 37 counties by the year 2004. Including community building within cultural arts of classical methodology fundamentals and hands on fun, for all ages. The projects quickly effected over fifteen million people by 2005. Other extensive international exhibitions in arts and culture continued in my life, with positions of areas specialized in clean air and clean water, as a board of directors for one of the largest biosphere ( most diverse variety of trees and plants of largest forest regions known in the USA ) national forest regions of the USA. Reaching Five USA States within the forest of the great Smokey Mountains of many years, from my estate in TENNESSEE USA. Being apart of the board of directors of the clean air and water action team, within the national forest was with natural scientist of great measures and many very successful business owners as one women business person was a friend many years and the mayor of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. A WONDERFUL PERSON, she is. I held board positions in  TENNESSEE state advisory board on independent living standards upon special invitation as I accepted as a board of directors as well, as three other active board advisories I held board positions in Tennessee. As, invited as an Organizing board member, too, in cultural events for a city that hosts over two million people into a lovely center city square for cultural events, was with very well known success in real and exciting cultural annual events - and esteemed recognition in economic stability of business proper for more city travel exposure, as a larger result, as I always enjoyed the efforts respected, even from governors and good museum people as well as a keen jazz/ blues  society of well known jazz professionals extremely famous from Chicago IL USA and SOUTHERN REGIONS . and NEW YORK AS WELL AS CALIFORNIA JAZZ / blues people. The lovely people are outstanding and I simply love them all. International invitations and work broadened for me after 2004. I am extremely very happy that I was never forgotten by the loveliest wonderful many peoples that I have had the pleasure of knowing and even with messages so very delightful far and near that are remarkable in the world. My MUSEUM HONORS IN 2004- 2008 were with efforts I made towards greater museums for large populations with gold medal honors each year in a honors  achievement event of merits in humanities and culture honors I received, from a vast culture of the lovely people always in my thoughts. In 2003 I received a honor as a business professional in excellence within international five star standards with a gold medal honor from an international European Recognition notable of an established Society OF FIVE STAR CHEF licensing,  in the country of FRANCE,  in an honors event of thee international professional FIVE STAR FLEUR  DE LIS GOLD PINNING  of medal for standard in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ACHIEVEMENT. Of the highest merit in five star culinary business,. Years earlier, receiving recognized honors nationally in best practice of business standards at executive levels of employment as an executive director of noted worth of excellence in economics and better business standard, consecutively recognized seven years, in earlier achievement. BBB honored.  

ISEA international conferences was a honor for me, started in the 1990’s as a cultural symposium. ISEA in the worlds, foremost, International Symposium of European Excellence Merits of the Arts.  Even in the 1990’s international cultivations in cultural arts and international business were, ongoing in conferences even reaching symposium work, of Japan, Russia, Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Sweden, Norway, England, and China, Africa, Canada, South American Countries, to name a few of cultural extra cultivations I made time for, of  classical tactile broaden cultural  arts, business and design, with a divergence of many standards internationally to invitations of further cares, in other international conferences of cultural areas and international business. European Arts College Society invited me as an honored of the society of cultural speciality’s reaching all countries with updates and significant cares in further symposiums, even in person annually within the college arts association of the oldest known society of cultural historic arts in the world, of 120 years with an office in Manhattan NEW YORK, USA. A society member since 2004. 

While, my working life stays busy, as I have a rather extensive list of National USA exhibitions and company projects, as well as some very well noted international exhibitions - lengthy. Major Aria exhibitions with economic lectures mingled into a MANHATTAN, NEW YORK event, which was lengthy, reaching a large international population, even with some technology issues during 2014- 2017. With major event Exhibitions in Washington DC and Chicago Il, USA, which were an obscure avant- gaurte new revolution arts movement within  included original operatic aria works and rhythmic works of music composition that began in Seattle Washington as my GREEN CARD AMERICA exhibition regarding economics and diversity of employment with an international appreciation in countries of such greater stability. Elevating the importance of other countries of presidents  with noted humanitarian work, largely such as the remarkable work of the president of China, President Xi Jinping. and yes, many details of excellent real cares of greater standard in Russia of admiration of many details of the great work of sir Vladimir Putin as president of Russia are important. Also stating of the importance of  many international country presidents with outstanding efforts, underlined as very important within one of my major Seattle Washington USA, exhibitions as GREEN CARD AMERICA was. With more later on some updates about my projects which include music compositions and music exhibitions, interactive lectures, film production in cultural stride, as well as design, in even international design forums with the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM that which  reach global levels of populus of people within museums set in five countries as early as 2008. Interactive Exhibitions at the TATE MODERN in London England, and several exhibitions with JOHN LENNON- Manhattan 2003, and even Manchester England later years.  Of course I was honored in a chair design award and my chair design toured 50 states from Manhattan New York USA to Honolulu Hawaii of the USA, with prominent work in Los Angeles for the honored chair design, selected by a National Panel of Design Experts as to, the International Business Founder, Rob Forbes, whom founded Design Within Reach as a leading online retail company. Yes, it is true, I was selected to be apart of the International Society of Design in Milan Italy. I said, yes, graciously excited. It was fun. Of course my Exhibition Love Letters to Russia began in 2016 during  some other international projects - I had on my travel desk. More later on my cultural  POLITICAL ARTS worth, DESIGN, and world culture worth of rather  hard work, at times. 

The love and dignities of peoples nationally and globally are with my most humble graces to so many people with many cares of expressions of pure love. I am graciously thankful of the loveliest messages of people all, in my LOVE LETTERS online at STUDIO VOSSE, and BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press. from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

My first job was an amazing experience and I have always been forever grateful. to have had the finest opportunity to have been hired by very outstanding business people. Men and Women in large and small companies throughout the years. The worth of good solid work and earnings abundant are outrageously always good. My many extra after hours studies I took time for were always worth the efforts. The world is filled with enormously wonderful people - of amazing lovely efforts. Thank you.

[ more international press ]
FUEL STOP TAXGRIPPER , grinds business , with an instant location scam.And forcible insult to royal custoners , and others too,   THE COST OF WAGES IN A GREAT BUSINESS FORCAST OF HAPPY CUSTOMERS, one week wages important to assure best to all, is a cost of $280,000.00 a year with nine employed well, welcoming all, and extending back bending service to weary local villagers and travelers. 
More FAIRFIELD in INTERNATIONAL PRESS: 7:03 am August 6th 2024 RACKETTER behind the register : 7:00 am in the counter near the windows. FUEL STOP CUMBERLAND farm FUEL STOP FAIRFIELD CONNETICUIT USA, 
I went in to purchase coffee. And fill up hot water in a bottle I brought in . The nice man whom works there said of course we have free hot water, it’s paid by taxes, water is. The women in the register, began to pin ball a loose lip at me, while I was quietly preparing my coffee, at a small cup , cost $1.99. A bit expensive. Then the women after use of verbalized attempt to sling words at me as I prepared my coffee, sling as if she were griping into a slugging ping pong popping, words slinging verbalized , hard, intent, obvious , to a unspeakable upset to my standard in civil liberties , and she sat, in front of the register like a giant german black sheep dogging with rabid saitiation, of saliva, then she aimed more verbalized lies about the water hot and free, she was going to charge me for in a form of insults intended , and immoral degradation aimed through her thin tung like straw , directly connected to her loose quaking brain, rattling , the USA, economy. With vagrant lies, about water, and misrepresentation to the actual employment position and customer services and that of misrepresentation toward the actual fuel company, of friends of mine. And insults toward the great employment of fine outstanding professionals working as junior sales executives on floor level, direct , important customer relations , to please the customers, and assure the standards of travelers , to that of rules compliances to absolute free hot water. and cold tap water as well. Of course, whom would attempt to even begin to rattle ‘ slinging bittering of such a issue, with a extreme , lie. And use a harrier of use to types of copy cat - scams, to extremely upset at a one by one basis. And aimed directly at me, today after some other horrific types of aim munition at me, as of recent. OF COURES THE MULTI - international corporation of extreme over extended efforts to see fine villages, with greater fuel stops and a kind welcoming of customer relations , a bit perfect, as such, paying out wages to see the sales, of a real village fuel market approachable to all, and not a ping pong greeser, aim at the companies well staffed employment and an honored very prestigious guest , as a cultural dignitary in the Fairfield area, with invited people arrived in over 500,000 people driving in yesterday and even more today. The company staffs over three people per day into three shifts, at most, and the wage is at least $15.00 per hour, reaching $20.00 per hour, in some realistic measures to best employed longer,. The total the company extended to the wages , of important people, employed , work, as an sales junior exec , to a international multi corporations , with rules, about assured goid customer services, water in all shops free from tap and hooked up tap hottest, . As a international rule for the customer in any need.  After all citizens taxes pay for the municipal water ‘ in all areas. hot water is a reality of compliance to see, free, as it’s not considered to be a product. 
Yet in certain type of shops , it’s a municipality of a privilege toward the business district in licensing the business, of assurances to all people in to brouse or decide to purchase some product. Freeing welcome, as each person that decided to walk in to hunt into see what products are possible worth buying , all are considered customers, even at age three. 

July 27 th 2023 update breif, 3:58 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. 
Before we arrive further into a new era of reality in very good possibility at a faster, love, in USA stabilization, now. REVIEWING, some pertinent concerns are important. starting concerns with Rowen Atkinson 
with a brief Brilliant Comedic Classic Film of 
Rowen Atkinson 
in his lovely series of MR. BEAN 

With further conversational introspective on FREE SPEACH is something said from thee
Rowen Atkinson whom took time in a film short, important all over the world, to review again in a time for a magnificent more friutful summer 2023 review within the USA as to of cares internationally. Peoples of the USA, outside the Oval Office, are incredible. Efforts further of the people of the USA are of fast efforts of many to preserve the steps of moves in USA stabilization. 

alfelpha ‘ sings let me call you sweet heart, after eating soap instead of linberger cheese on a children’s holiday picnic lunch before the big ole school song. 

Film Credit : 1950’s our gang. 

Important, yes. Very important. now and into the future of the 
USA within greatest dignities of greater a humanity. 

LUCILLE BALL, an activist in film of real political matters are true. MR CARMICKALL  is a character as president of a savings and loan bank, in the USA, and LUCILLE is a bank executive,  in a good film for even children. I have updates of some USA peoples messages to improve USA standards in banking today in the USA and keep an eye of all Americans USA on pennies and realize the power of the peoples and excellent basic standards of banking.  NOW a film from thee LUCILLE BALL

ROBERT REDFORD and PAUL NEMAN, are with movies very worth, mindful thoughts in considerations of love in the USA towards a lush commonality and and concerning political wrongs, at a largest look in the eyes, of dc dirty dozen, tax grips, into today, as a message of citizens of the USA to know the powers of the great country of peoples, of love for more international bbq, more, and thirst to travel well among the many, village to village, city to city, state to state, and of intense cares to employment choices and excellent roaring economics - to lengthy lush lives reachable- of all villages of so lovely USA peoples. All the presidents men, as a movie of one serious, empowerment of reality during the USA Nixon Impeachment. “ all the presidents men” is a movie NOTABLE TO WATCH THE WHOLE TWO HOUR FILM. Of course the wonderful DUSTIN HOFFMAN is a very major part of the importance of the film movie. 

CLINT EASTWOOD has incredibly complex political movies, years of excellence in perplexing film of a contextual form, that people turn upside down to examine often enough, in intellectual ways, towards, a flexibility to think, before you attempt to catch a rattle snake with your bare hands, slithering towards your bare leg in the hottest sands. 
Of course, Clint Eastwood, has large intellectual charmed brilliance, kindly as well, and became a mayor of many years with attentiveness toward citizens needs, and toward a finest noted city in the USA country as the city of Carmel, in the USA state of California is. Clint Eastwood cares about all USA citizens, well. As do I, and a great number of people elbo to elbo near and even far, do love the USA and the whole world. READ MORE ABOUT THE CITY OF CARMEL, CALIFORNIA. Where Clint Eastwood served as an excellent mayor, many years with many rules in good shape. What  a great film, of care toward really good USA young and aged millitary in Clint Eastwood’s new 

COLLECTING INTERNATIONAL FLAGS  are gaining popularity to actually collect, and RUSSIAN FLAGS are keen, everywhere in the whole world, with an admiration quite large for sir Vladimir Putin, no less than the BEATLES
Flags Yes, $4.99 READ 

July 29th 2023, FOX NEWS, evening edition people took time and vested efforts,  with thee OLIVER STONE, a world class major movie director, and with time today to assure words of esteemed wisdom to the USA and within BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, OLIVER STONES words are very important all over the world. LISTEN 

THE GUARDIAN in London England in July 2023 is with a wonderful beach film, in the beautiful country of Argentine, of South America and  a reality of love. READ  With a few other news, recaps in word for word, news. 

When WHITE FLAGS  are that of a sign of peace, if even available, and decency towards, averting an issue in possible combat,  in needed times, almost rarely needed in the world. if in serious need in the Ukraine, the Kremlin of Russia has continued to assure in kind needed previsionary Russian Government cares, with a phone number and email 24/7 for needed types of in kind services, applicable to standards of RUSSIAN provisionary measures, and even information on rentals, emergency in need assistance, outlines of RUSSIAN provisional cares, personal concerns, transportation data updates, employment job fair information. Possible  TRANSPORTATION ANSWERS TOO.  alternate options which are available ei, etc. 

In the Ukraine in July, 29th  2023 there are small jesters of flags, waved in honor of RUSSIA REALIZED with a breath of freedom to assure the expressions of love toward RUSSIA, and towards all citizens of the Ukraine, and a fierce anguish towards that Zelensky, whom endangered lives in the world with dc dirty dozen, with very serious wrong, and attempts at even the Ukraine electric company pressuring Ukraine citizens, of large unaffordable harsh issues, even. Some very well caring people in the Ukraine were brave enough and caring enough with good savvy decency, pulled off their shirts, and instead of upset, they tied it to a corn stalk, some in hand, just waved the shirt as a flag of meaningful peace., dignity and love towards all of greater in the Ukraine towards very dignified cares of RUSSIAN BIG SHOULDERS. 
BUSSES TO PANCAKE BRUNCH BEACH TRAVEL, relief efforts low cost, were largely more popular than imaginable. My messages of archived photographs of busses and beach pancake brunch event in the Ukraine and boarders of Russia of anguish, began more than one month ago, and the photographs are simply marvolous. Flag waving in ZELLENSKYS eyes nose to nose, from Ukrainian people that were cornered in millitary issues, are with ribbons of peace, today. Most all. Waves and even worn in tiny peace ribbons. Some torn from their clothes - with cares and excellence of greater peace to know  now. 

OF COURSE, precautions of care, and needs to solid - messages “ no no show gun ally “ are very very important in the Ukraine. While the reality in the USA is with a USA message as well, in serious cares of all citizens with the message too, to no no show gun ally as a large effort, for larger troubles of the USA. Due to the dc dirty dozen at Oval Office levels too. 

July 28th 2023 , 
notes: what consequences there are to face the USA peoples eyes and intellectual prowess, of even school children.     “The DC OVAL OFFICE DIRTY DOZEN,
are appalling” , as mortifying to democrats and republicans all, whom all believe in humanity and a simple phrase “ United We, the people of the USA stand forth in, cares far and and nearest, at length of the caring in AMERICAN USA of the peoples, of all walks of life. Within the peoples in thousands of villages, side by side, of greater the peoples, villages all in the USA fill with self attainments, intellectual, with hopes and cares extended and dreams to become, in all ages of all people, forthright efforts, existant, and of successes and a fragile existance, of known needs never to see the likes of such dc Oval Office 2020 - 2023,  such a gust of only unscrupulous, indignant actionable unethics of, much more horrible than bad long winded words, empty of rules of compliance in a truth of a sad sad time for the small hill, of a mere bunker - to couwer in eyes on them of distane from bold people / curt and with freedoms to address a word or two- of disgrace on dc dirty dozen - consequences of the dc dirty dozen , remain. Whom would think to submerge themselves, in a mere dismal rotted mangling -of others fine tapestry to be seen in by the whole world, 
of too the greatest intellect of the people side by side everywhere, in every village all, within the USA at every inch, and every yard, every village, city, and state of the USA, in every coffee shop, every store and every risterante, step by step of the greater- people of no division in their contempt for the dc dirty dozen of the Oval Office 2023. This Zelensky is of only noses staring him down, in his contempt towards the citizens of the Ukraine whom were infact pressured by zelensky and these amomitable dc dirty dozen Oval Office idiotic indignant moronic minded degenerates. Dear gosh, people of the USA have responsibilities even to the concerns of decency to good millitary of all ages, not to be corners by Oval Office dirty dozen abominable hiddious of minds in pentagon nato, and Oval Office dirty dozen boulsphaits. Including this Anthony Blinker of the state department / whom were shutting the doors of needs of rules and regulatory reports that all the world have rights in ethical rulings to see: expenditure and activity reports and accountable structure within strict regulatory reports - public view is a start of even the questions of people of the USA a required ethical rule to gain answers to the questions people in the USA have. good journalists - have been ignored and turned away. And people all, are with even more strength to see the questions go to a formal lengthy questioning hearing process, tax recovered too, insistent of the peoples of the USA, and certainly not gifted to pressure other countries with dc Oval Office dirty dozen, in ignorance of regulation of the governmental structure of the USA of the people, for the people and by the people. Stability of the USA is a very large care of importance to all USA people, and in the new era, the love and brilliance of people in the new era is step by step, unstoppable toward a greater reality of structured standards in the USA. The impeachment of the NIXON era, is real, of a USA president, and not an easy task, while a real look at the USA large country of people with efforts and large intellect to know to require the standards of rules in compliance of real peoples representation within appropriation ethics and not a new shuffle of a mere card game.  Basically the people of the USA can place the deck of those flimsy cards into a box, and see through the realistic larger worth of the people. Boldly the congress are with steps forwards with the people broadly vaste in the USA in every inch by inch village by village - all over the country everywhere, nose to nose, in many ways, not long since facing food lines of some, idiocy in dc dirty dozen, liable muncherz, that was an unethically dc dirty dozen act true. To look around, assuring many real cares, of a greater humanity. many articles to read are busy reading , some can be missed, as 
I post CNN JULY 27 th 2023 for the whole world, everywhere to READ even the indignant despicable faces of dismal USA dc dirty dozen,  whom  are the cause of catastrophic damages in the USA, riding on gripping peoples taxes to aim at over 6 international countries in even threatening type of unethical pressure of this arm breaking nato aimed  at the level of general nato director Jen Stoltenberg of cause to pressurize and even aim at me, and my lovely life so culturally riche and well loved of even the 2022 guitar revolution. and many lovely years of my cultural and business excellence of many years, and arts of international worthy lengthy cultural lovely prowess, and years of focused cultural hard work.

And I can say, tech cares in standards of assured specialization are very important in the USA and not to be left in the hands of amomitable types of tax grippers of the last of the dirty dozen. As notable tech specialization standard of an international standard in tech giants are of mindful cares, in so many messages I receive of USA peoples in all villages all over the USA and all over the world. so let me reiterate the CNN update again, read

“NOT EVEN TECH GIANTS WISH TO GO INTO A BOXING WRINK WITH USA indignant dc dirty dozen of unethical misappropriation shoving tech catastrophes”  - from such a tiny hill that suddenly seems more like a unfortunate bunker under enormous numerous eyes and minds of good many many USA peoples questions. 

What loses exist are of great importance, in greatest cares of the USA peoples and all peoples globally. 

DIRTY DOZEN DC as in Biden, and nato General Jen Stoltenberg, and that of Anthony Blinker, with some pentogon officials, imfomously nortorius, mutant aggressor of harror as dc dirty dozen are, is not actually famous, or any fame, as the dc dirty dozen  are being stared down these days , nose to nose, and given Swarded solutes directly in serious - Swarded Political Solutes, unusually pointed, in countries larger and smallest, in many true news reports of their unethical thrust at countries,  even by food delivery catering professionals, and many USA news people, while the tiny pen knife from Swiss Pocket knives in a one inch tiny Sward used for opening hand written letters becomes popular for holding out to display as a folded red jewel like trinket bauble- kids love too, just for writing their names on tree trunks at the park. Cutting apples, to a tiny bite too, has always been a sign of sweet cultivation at times. The Swiss Knife Pen Knife is loved as a jewel like trinket by grown ups too, and is bright red, with a bold, plus sign on it in white as a perfect cross, as in China and the Far East, some other parts of Europe too, saying plus, sometimes is said, chplrus ‘ to note, a little world culture language note. The one inch pen knife by Swiss Knife company is a new outrageous love to - a savvy, child like freedom of speech, in just pealing a apple for school at a lowest cost, to actually bring apples to school more and more. Keep at home too, and an office pleasure. While there is not much more in delicious apples than a oatmeal lace apple crisp cup, made in a muffin tin, to use Swiss Knife - perfectly. I slice my chocolate bar too, with my little pen knife. 

SWISS, RED PEN KNIFE- gems as braclet charms, today are sporting to show. All over the world. As an international care of swords, up, as a regiment of often some governments, in political statements, and some times very pointed, as such, not unlike the ballet of the Nut Cracker.

Furthermore in my statements in Banana News Revival international press: 
counter suites : for raising unethical issues in courts are an important concern in the USA as the counter suite towards , a da, and such, is very serious when, facing facts, and a large country of peoples, in real standards and not willing to ascertain a type of witch hunt, doctoring court standards to wrong unethical outlines- and it concerns large caring people, villages and cities all, everywhere. 

The economy in the USA was moving along. Donald Trump will be seen with assured real transparency in standards of the assured views to the USA people in ethical appropriations standards, as outlined in the ammendment laws of large reality, clearly of freedom of speech ethics, and standards, to never forsaken in any way, as speech in the USA law ammendment, is not limited to speech but rather, human rights to free expressions within complexities of knowledge and that of natural laws of freedom to all expression, of course, with a USA peoples, that are savvy and wish to assure constitutional  standards.
  TWITTER BLIPS NOW.  not only for growing children.

WHAT IS GOING ON ? Trump was standing alone, is of merited success, trying his best in the world, and likes golfing with no likes for any long reach stun, ever cause by the dc dirty dozen USA finest of munchez  unsavvy.  And mortifying to the USA. Ancient Texans called - tax muncherz imfamous, boweevel, known to eat dollars made of special cotton. That’s News worthy. The USA is caring about slanted news, and pot shots ( that can be slander and with a liability, of a dc dirty dozen as extremely negligible with actionable legal hot water, from the people all, in the USA ) and should read with very discerning intellectual cares more, to see the bar, of ethics standards unslanted - more for a large nation of the country of the USA. Not to be barricading in any concerns, not to be pressured either. so, please read carefully, with a careful mind toward real ethical USA of good, intellectual discernment - as a former USA president stated, as president Lincoln said: there is nothing to fear, except fear itself. In modern times, no human being should fear, a side by side, assured dismissal of witch hunters. Large and even fragile and meek, fear has no placement in assuring a better standard for Trump that, is with a fearless forward care of good standards to even those close to Trump and of the love of even gentle a USA with no witch hunters, in dc gripping at  taxes of the people in a true giant shame on the dc dirty dozen. Of course articles that reveal the attempts to dismantle the earnest good efforts of people with dc dirty dozen aiming the witch hunt wrong at others, is revealing in Bidens dc dirty dozen even more. 

July, 30 th 2023 news in the WASHINGTON POST emailed to me, is journalism needed in stopping a witch hunt, with peoples of the USA everywhere whom are of congressional power of the peoples to assert a stop on dc dirty dozen witch hunting catastrophes caused by the Oval Office true dirtiest dozen in all history, for Donald Trump and all USA people, even thinking of cares to congress and of course, American school children. Not to mention our brilliant many of a vitality in golden perils. 

sneek peek, at the catastrophe caused by Biden, Harris, and the dirty dozen dc, caused as a film clip, in a political reality, of serious, issues, BIDEN HARRIS And the dirty dozen caused, just facing food lines, and dodging, a pentagons out of constitional real USA ethics, with nato, generals fleeing the USA, pressurizing any offices internationally. Warbling lies about some of the very finest people in highest levels of peace, economics, and humanities.   
 now, at length in the Washington Post. READ and keep um rolling - for the dissemination of eyes 
of the whole USA. And the eyes of the whole world.  Now it’s a running Tally 

FLEA CIRCUS, is the look of Biden Harris in the dc dirty dozen today, with zelensky traveling on stolen tax cash. In all reality, still not capable to face the bull fight of a tradition in SPAIN, more about reality of assuring standards and rules in passing the pre, college level exam in front of the world. It’s a simple bull in a simple formative ruled bull fight, to face and smart bull, of speed and wit and even wonder. While of course, opening up the real records of appropriation ethics and transparency regulations for all citizens to see, is not just an option, in USA government compliance rules are lengthy and ridged. Tax dollars and activity of government at Oval Office leveled is a reality for everyone in the world, to see visible in records of absolute compliance - to the eyes and minds of the peoples of the USA and the world, toward needs, and use of taxes. People are legally entitled to decide of the areas of concerning issues in misappropriation in taxes. In the pentagon and nato and all government offices and activities within ethics standards of the actual structured rules and regulations of government. With a recital of 20 pages of rules in freedom of expression - for the bull. 

The  catcher in the rye,  in the USA is build fast steps forward in momentum and a very real counter suite - for the unjust,  muck, and degradation of merely simply clearly freedom of free expression and that of intellectual property rights. USA people are caring about any such - decently. yes. DA and court to whom is a reasonable political question for the cities upon cities of people in the USA ? 

New Update: July 29th 2023, less than 12 hours from my notes on DONALD. ABC NEWS READ

Swiss Knife UPDATE READ for apple slices, at lunch, and carving your own name in your tree, as a child. It’s more than a wonderful love to be able to experience your own importance of your name too.

In my offices, finest boutique posh best offices in the world, actually, when someone tried to move my lengthy jotted records of mine and work notations daily, when I was moving to establish more of my own company, decided, I said: sonny boy, please don’t handle moving that set of stacked boxes, and just set them on the little brass carte, and when I am perfectly ready, we can walk them out, and set them in my back seat of my automobile. I will get those important notes into my home office to assure my memories and time are exactly where I need them in many book notes. Kindly, the young professional man, from the lovely affiliate Manhattan Office, whom flew in to say good bye and buy me a fat lunch and dinner all month, knowing I decided to leave my swank posh boutique office, after being in affiliate offices Chicago to Manhattan Wall Street, years, it was a fine lovely memorable day. Stockholm - yes. Easily in investment banking, internationally is somewhat an international noted professional affair. 

Then I sang him the sweet song, ole sonny boy as 
we all joyfully laughed sweetly, just the first bar, of the song was enough to see him smile all through an extravagant dinner of lovely cares from my professional delightful friends. Men and women, all simply lovely people. My European affiliates were so kind to phone all week with such fine little sweet messages. Incredible peoples all.  

International regulation standards for tech , and peoples services in standards are extremely important and not a place for the 1966 movie professor that created a substance known as FLUBBER, that caused rubber on shoes to bounce people far across foot ball fields in one step, and was in a rubber ball form no larger than a base ball, that suddenly began bouncing at lighting speed and broke all the windows of a building and crashed into cups and tea pots and car windows- while the movie of the 1966 era, preserved any human from a desperation of being blasted by flubber. Posting the 1966 film short abstract is with serious thought as a child to understand standards and not wrestle with professors of FLUBBER, or even never  trying to perfect a boomarang toss, that of course will only be a self game of one person only throwing a boomarang that will only result in flying back to hit your self in the self decision to throw a boomarang in perfection of tossing. 

FLUBBER FILM EXCERPT 1966 preserved , 
then and important now.  WHILE THE MOVIE CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST 1980’s 1990’s is a very good reason to assure standards structured in strict regulations. And not be ghosted. with a concern of any such shock wave in wrong hands and deregulated very dismal standard of great needs to improve in the USA with excellence and that of good solid foreign cares of admiration in a greater structure. Universal Standards are International Standard compliances - say yes. With peoples dignity toward the movement of TECH Excellence in standard to know of RUSSIAN LOVE. with Sir Vladimir Putin, very seriously involved of a nurtured care ongoing within Russian International Greatest Standards. not alone in the emphasis on the important subject that reaches all ages of even young scientist in cares. reaching for computer science excellence.
yes.  BULLISH, NO. 

children all, remember HOWDY DUTY, ( howdy means hello, duty, is a tax of the peoples of very real assurances of a actual ruled area of needs to the peoples of the country ) 
with importance of all children in the peanut gallery seats, with cares about the world. 
even a chance to enjoy schools in classrooms in session, and theatre events, easy sports, swimming. Low costs in basics, like HOWDY DUTY, FREE. no no shotgun alley jump ropes sidewalk outings too.


Biden and the dirty dozen dc, are with revealed unethical intensive illigal lies to the press, and the USA people as well, as lies to the world. The impeachment issue now is very important and is not reliant of a majority rule normally set in congress, yet the standards are based on wrongful use of taxes and that of strict regulations within, what’s known as ethical congressional appropriations within assurances of standards within government of strict ethics and assured constituional requirement to serve the USA peoples the regulated provisionary standards ( represented in structured laws, applicable not to see a Oval Office breaking the regulatory broad reality of assured services toward peoples of the country of the USA. Tax dollars - are a large USA area to concerning people all, in the USA. IMPEACHMENT THEN BECOMES A GRILLING QUESTIONING to all Biden Harris admin, and the dirty dozen, REALITY TO OPEN UP ALL OVAL OFFICE DEALINGS AND RECORDS IN PUBLIC VIEW. UPDATE IN BLOOMBERG NEWS and all USA news papers - are rolling along, with new possibilities for the USA. 

POSTED UPDATE: July 6th 2023, 8:30 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA. 
The Rules of STANDARD in the United States of America are of an Importance. John Adams, in 1776, proudly exclaimed, there will be no taxation without representation. What does it all mean? 
John Adams is with a very famous street in the USA named after him. Adams Street  in Chicago Illinois, USA is remarkable with the greatest history imaginable, yet to know of even more. Recently I received an email from the Kennedy Center. A lovely ole friend of mine there sent me a positively wonderful note. It was yesterday rather fast response , after I wrote about 1776 in love notes of Ink then in 1776 was not always easy to purchase. Some times the ink well, for quill style pens then, dried up. Leaving no ink. And words in hand written quill pens then, were short form as an actual business style, also saving time in writing that in ink can - take a long time. The age of computers in homes was hundreds of years later with Bill Gates, of good notable history of advancement on in home computerization technology and manufacturing. Steven Jobs too, are that of pioneers in home computer reach, in even affordability. In the 1990's actually more people were able to actually purchase a home computer. Quill pens, with ink wells were used sparingly in 1776 and modern pens were later available more in global history. The  business style writing was in ink, and not pencil, called short hand- business writing. Shortened words were very important - and well known then that shortened words mean more at times. Human was man. Meaning all people, men women and child. All. Other words too, were short hand- shortened words to assure faster time, and less consumption of ink. Short hand still exists in risterantes. Tom is tomatoes, on car emblem signs LX always meant Luxury Model automobile. 2 x am. chs. is two slices of American Cheese. Everyone at  the Kennedy Center sent me a 1776 message - they are very good, fine really great people. READ.   

As my dear lovely friends in Washington DC, USA. How marvelous of you all. Thank you. xo

More about the Kennedy Center soon. of course Washington DC are with enormous amounts of people far more than one tiny hill with a white state house capital of the people of the USA in it. Looming of concerning matters about properly real, actual realistic representational accountability in the elevated positions of the offices - to assure the peoples of greater reality, of a  compliance to rules and regulatory matters in extremely large lists of weights and measures, facts and figures. Peoples Questions about many issues and tax dollars penny per penny. RETIREMENT, IS VERY IMPORTANT AND THE WASTE IN time in dc, and dc wrongs, cost the people of the USA more than in vision. Taxes handled properly should have increased retirement for a darling population of citizens to enjoy more, and afford purchases of plentiful foods, healthy best. Considerable to even more ability to enjoy retirement and spend more, increasing business revenue in more companies faster with more company revenue  possible and an eased ability to low percent costs to lead to lower price points, with a standardized approach to increased incremental stabilization. What is moreover is removing the  dirt, in the house on the dc hill, and holding them accountable - solidly. 

Instead of people trying to protect their banks and double bolt their doors - from possible dc grit. Please put your - defense gear away. PLEASE STOP FROM A SHOT GUN ALLY in the USA. Tell others too, please, no shotgun ally, for a future that could be much better. Ford in Tennessee , says, no one walks, as they do everything to find a way for low financing to purchase an automobile and assure employment opportunities too,. Many in the USA worked very hard to assure, no one was going to be unethically again forced into a food line even in desperation of walking many distances too, that should not have been in the hands of dc oval stooges, mortifying humanity. There is a painting by a man named Winslow Homer , one of the worlds most important - at the museum of the Art Institute of Chicago in the state of Illinois e in the USA. Winslow Homer, yes, his painting - I will tell you much more about the painting in July. 2023, into the dates of July 7 th 2023, and July 8th 2023. of men and women with large bayoneted . I should be with evening times to expand upon more about the sacred painting of Winslow Homer. A United States of American Painting hopefully enough perhaps I will have time to write before July 9 th 2023, which will conclude the entire week of Forth of July 2023. With a dowel of honor as if a relay track race of so many side by side to have a time important to be gifted a sacred dowel of honor to race forward in a finishing of a relay race. The ancient relay, is for all, and never a compotition to finish, always a sacred time of all to gain stride and hand off the dowel of honor to each - all gain a time to race to a total finish with a gifted dowel of honor while not stopping on the running track and field sport - of Olympian’s too, and very exciting to even know a greater of a honored relay - of schooling work. What does Winslow Homers painting have in its secrets to note with large Bayonets carried by men and women ? Perhaps I might write well enough to convey the great importance of the famous historical work of art in fine linen canvas and extra fine oil paint mixed that were made by Winslow Homer to last a million years or more, in a lovely world of cares to a populous of peoples -within a message WINSLOW HOMER left to what he knew was a greater humanity he believed in. A time in the world all with opportunity   to travel alone or with others to enview the daunting importance that Winslow Homer decided in care of people carrying large Bayonets, of men and women. Wait until you find out more. About the sensitive gentle reality, of paint and canvas. 

Not it’s serious termites in dc to look at with a microscopic lens for finer details in a largest number of peoples, north, south, east and west, in all countries of enormous amounts of people. Many, even side by side in the tiny hill of Washington DC - as reports in major news are even more revealing of extreme concerning matters to all, in the USA of greater need of stopping the termites of dc on such pressured wrongs aimed even  internationally of more than 6 countries in less than 8 months of a few termite dc rodents. The peoples of the USA have important tasks to assure further stabilization of many issues. DC, Oval Office issues caused mortifying damages to the USA and in international waters and international soil, breaking ethics compliances in many ways. Even in unethical arbitrary illigal concerns of a - USA imposed deprivation of rules in sanctions - with attempts of deprivative unethical wrong towards better reality for all which a sanctioned area of needs is ethically a need of stabilization of peoples worth. THESE unwitty unethical attempts to destroy the ethical rules within laws of sanctioning a good toward humanity - is apprehensive and ludicrous - of dc small little hill of mere termites.  Also infesting utility companies in foreign countries to force foreign citizens to go broke and put up with a vicious unethical rotten diseased mind of Zelenskyy with a fisted tax grip gifts of dc termites.
of cornering News people too. Very upsetting in utilities and phone connections within looking at Zelenskyy - cash in fist activities scaring other countries too - with no efforts to assure citizens and forms of even an announcement of assurances. Zelenskyy gripped steak dinners with his teeth after he sharpened them, on his skills at cohering news media and leaping into a nose to nose - grip on other foreign nationalist in international business leaping in to forced meeting with even Japan. Scaring people in the small companies in Germany too. With hub bubbies in dc Oval Office dirty dealing with massive tax dollars missing and illigally used- to drop 1300 tanks Biden and his son, ordered with a few bad lunitics in dc even at pentagon levels and nato levels - trying to pressurize small and large countries - with threats likened to threats of broken arms - types of mortifying excuses of any humanity. Also placing millitary lives in harms way - in a very nasty attempt to pressurize a citizenship of a small country that was enjoying the big shoulders of Russia quite well, and worked around nasty hethenistic USA Oval Office idiots whom in dc unethically looking  only to move cash into a small foreign bank and hide it, with attempts to move illigal money in to a forien country utility company as well, while then raking the USA and international waters with threats to  the countries all, with a one armed flying purple people eater of distanced unethical mortifying harror. With unfathomable serious artrocity Biden and his tanking taxed gripping nasty pummelers caused.  

Of course, today Russia has a right to assure that humanity is with long extended  care to such issues in an effort to see assurances through the original annex aide in great improved boarders of economics strengthened in Russian overflow of business in import purchases of a great many Russian People of course, before the dc diseased activity began. Of course Russia even gaining new territory of responsibility due to people that welcome the absolute extended cares of Russia and are a diverse reality in Russia of diverse ethnicity in cultures that find great good of Russia. Years and years ago, Hawaii of the USA unified with people in a merger in the USA of great presidency then, long back. Some were not correct in Hawaii concerns and then, Hawaiian Polynesian citizens over turned bad government few, not of the many and merged with the USA gaining many USA benifits and better opportunities in wealth of business many years ago. Hawaii became a USA state. Number 50 state long ago. Hawaiian country then, worked around a bad few, to merge with the USA as tiny Hawaii became a state of the USA. Today several tiny areas much much smaller than Hawaii love  Russia within bordering areas . Love the business opportunity and people of Russia. And Russia did not turn their backs on citizens of a larger majority of wishing to hope for Russian Soil to become part of the cares of a much gentler country, rather than face terrible stooges - that whom take taxes and leave them without opportunities and good benefit and excelllence in standards for citizens - everyone waved flags to say yes - we love Russia well. Having to be under pressure to say it out loud and clear - is very awful to love RUSSIA SO WELL, finally  I myself have some very special photographs sent from new citizens in new areas of RUSSIA, tiny like my village of love for Russia. VERY HAPPY AND PROUD.  Even summer time beach outings and bus services eased, in the new areas of Russia, and job opportunities and good banking with no worried banking concerns. To be taken - no, they  shouted.   SOME WERE IN A UPSET THAT the news they received was with hope to be able to gain a chance to have Russian Big shoulders,  awful times in concerning matters. The millitary Council of Russia began to feel only tears - and in several issue sent the senior staff to get news to others after propaganda of misinformation - was a horrible issue to a few. While even misinformation to one is too many. The USA, dc Oval Office should hang their heads in shame, with some in the pentagon now too. The message of men and women needing employment and a bus to travel into Russia cried , in desperation when they knew Russia cared with struggles to get through a difficulty and gain VERY GOOD RUSSIAN OPTIONS, with kindness and good choices, even to commute if needed. Keeping their homes and all they own with more hope for Russian Business as well. COUNTING sheep jumping over fences at night - imagining them. Sheep - jumping over fences counting each one until the people could fall asleep each night. Governors in Russia looked at jobs available and made solid clarity of reports of plenty of jobs to foreign nationals wishing RUSSIAN WORK and in need food cards with some extra temporary types of help too. SO TODAY,  RUSSIA has a office in an area that was outside the Russian boarder in a reality of desires of peoples that live there in the outer boarder to even assure foods and access to  transition in better standards that were being, interfered With.  Of course business in Russia and all other boarders are with good wealth in other boarders with Russia that likes good standards and boardering countries of many nice people too, like good standards and buying imports too. What a delight of opportunity to all those boardering areas in many countries - Sweet bread sales and coffee sales in smaller shops are going to improve. While a job faire is with - extra efforts of  people in businesses and with Russian Assurances. 

RUSSIA is loved and with long historical good  cultural reality of boardering  countries and healthy proud economics - makes it nice for Russia and other countries as well, in what is usual in many years. DC Unwitty of a mortifying few in the actionalble wrongs of vicious aggression of blaten causing concerning issues is of a few tax gripping stooges not unlike the three stooges movies - a non funny idiocy of mutant lunacy. Of bad dc minds are at fault for. Extreme aggressive harm provocations of attacks. zelensky is getting starred down on in a repulsion to Zelenskyy as I saw photographs and messages of Ukraine people whom were cornered by zelensky - now can freely say they love Russia to have helped assure grain, milk and even clothing and other goods in ways - to look towards a humanitarian hope to extended efforts of standard to reintroduce in efforts that are heavily economic cares to know business is not just okay - for a while, here and there, but solidly a worth effort to feel reliable and with normalized standards, RUSSIA was of much care towards even under some mortifying difficulty. What  was possible with many unseen efforts assured. What was possible in a rolling economy unhindered of tax fleeing gripping steak wrenching tooth sharpening mutants, from dc rodents. Certainly the very awful danger made extreme of harsh concerns - caused by dc Oval Office of Biden whom mortified the world, even before 2020., needs a USA corking of the obomitable dirty dozen dc. To not see a stop to the mortifications caused by dc in the USA of such idiocy of such harm dc caused, is now a time to assure an effort to stop these types of mortifying pressured empty minded - USA tax grippers with no real true concerns of anyone. Vicious dc tax gripper and a one or so foreign basic pick pockets - that use fists at public banks in small villages, with a arm in arm wrong with a smallest hill in dc of shame on themselves - as it seems  globally with clarity even  that dc shrunk their own seats to meet the eye balls of all in a very large world of humanities. Eye balls in DC staring now at a tiny shrunken seat of dc dirty dozen. Of mortification to even a great many USA lives too. WITH - PLUTO Zelenskyy - harming citizens of his country. and with no ability to actually pass a college entry exam as a known pick pocket as he preferred in his revealing history - and no motions towards assurances to standards to a country of people in any formidable ethical statement of this zelensky. Of that in a truth, people want to crush him after his mortifying tax gripping attempts with cornering citizens  in the nightmare he caused in many ways.  And was wrongfully elected in 2019; later in the year as was Bidens wrong election - to very serious mortifying and extreme harm that was unleashed wrongly on peoples of the USA and now the world. Not much more than three dc stooges caused such damages so mortifying with vicious intent - and a few others in nato too, and the pentagon and the state department of this Anthony Blinken in line for being fired fast and audited by a secondary auditor council in the USA, revealing the transparency of his life under a microscope as rightfully seen by the whole world. What could be concerning in assuring all those records that are under rights of peoples all, all over the world to see.  When a sudden tax accountant is flying off to meet leaders of China in an unauthorized expense to the USA peoples taxes and needs to focus instead on taxes in budgets revealed to people - there is even a greater concern the USA people village by village need to see the type of Fly by night ignorance of reports of taxes and budgets seen and viewable to the citizens of the USA  as an issue of taxes and use of those taxes in what’s known as ethics of appropriations rules to abid ( assure) in legally in exact measurements of ethics rules and regulations and protocol within government ethical structure of job description clearly - ridged in government rules, and government regulations on job responsibility and ethical protocol. Shirley Temple was appointed a USA forien correspondence embasator for the USA not too many years ago. PEOLPE of the USA enjoyed that. She was not responsible for taxes in records of all spending reports that all peoples in the USA and outside the USA have the rights ethical to see for themselves.  Shirley Temple did not dive in and attempt to use  diversional unethics to ignore the responsibility of domestic solid ethical regulations of the USA peoples reality of rights to ethical taxes usages. And a fat Treasury reserve that increases more than just retirment with a fat reality of years of working in paying a tax. People of the USA with properly right work in details - focused in paying that tax.   The issues in the state department WITH A MAN NAMED ANTHONY BLINKER, can be fired for not coming up with the appropriation reports in daily compliances - asap and has no job that allows him the leisure of not answering news questions and attempting to use the country as a international interest for himself, while he is responsible for large concerning lies he told and is required to reveal all of his banking details and expenses - and daily compliance records of a huge state department  building staff - with many compliances of required ethical laws pertaining to the regulations of structure of government details to compile to and assure reqired legal fulfillment standards of responsibilities of his actual regulated job outlined in USA constitutional laws of ethics in the structure of government required compliances - 
While he’s not allowed to make up the rules himself while attempting to escalate an issue he lied about - averting the words everyone knows “ money trail “ and not  international vacation spots while reciting a definition to legal fulfillment in job productivity compliance reports of legal rules of laws in the USA government.while if only Anthony Blinken knew the Regulations of his own job ethics to recite, that would be something.  The state department job description are -within domestic USA areas one country one soil one office,  one banking full disclosure record - totally transparent news Reports - internationally seen Seated Lincoln in a Bronze Sculpture of the Lincoln Memorial of the USA is in one chair seated working only in USA soil. As a historian observation to such an important Bronze Sculpture in the USA and interestingly with African Roots as Abraham Lincoln is known as a USA president of greatest historical content. 

Within the  USA of major interest just looking at the Fortune 500 corporations and the employees , then the USA people in all villages in small and midsized companies that are interested - then their are the international countries in all people of interest and eyes on the regulatory compliances as a humanities care. About citizens of the USA, now even more interest of international looks at USA types of concerns. 

 Also  extremely concerning of ethics in job details under strict USA legal constitutional compliances regulations - that is required for office compliant activities minute by minute in the pentagon too, and a release of appropriations  compliances of the congressional approvals of all citizens everyone every villages city and state of regulations strict compliance and releases data of transparency to the order of ethics of compliance to the view of the people. Not escalation tactical attempts to pressurize anyone with an issue recently of an aggressive nuclear USA submarine out of their ocean USA water area and instead aimed at Korea in Korean and far eastern waters ? With excessive damages to people in the USA too. Where are the appropriations reports and now there is a right for citizens to leash the issue of excessively  negligible foreign  international policies that USA dc Biden dirty dozen are at vicious fault for.   Stop reading now if it’s getting difficult to see even more of a care of the USA in many concerns. What are the Answers  to the millions of people in the USA that were unethically forced out of work, with food lines to face instead of opportunity - and estate building and vacations with good schools in proper regulation standards, while dc oval stooges were grabbing taxes ,and attempting to stuff cash from private companies dc tried to nuzzle and arm wrestle out of cash and business,  and weakening the USA to undue extreme levels of stress in inhuman conditions faced with food lines that were hoped to not run out of food. YANKING the Oval Office out by their shirts -even now is a USA thought freely around all villages now in the USA and around the world. In the news internationally with a country of USA peoples over 9 million just in the city of Chicago Iliomois wishing to  peacefully make them give back the taxes and wages they took, is a start. With no dickering of any kind. Including Zelenskyy - whom can barely spell the word, perpendicular and actually recite a paragraph of the meaning of the word, while picking pockets of his country citizens is a zelensky whom is in a country where citizens  have a right to banking and their wages and their assets estates and earned worth in also assuring a new election while with Russian in a new ambassetorship role, of good humanitarian reality of a new era,  areas of people moreover retain their assets and more, to be able to do so. With many now thinking more about a possible Job faire - too. Set in motion by the Russian President too, is already in progress with offers of employment from Russian Business Leaders available to google search Russian employment with online phones. Special phone numbers and emails at the kremlins offices are also available about these subjects and very effective.  The Russian in the  embassetor role   area as needed in  real international protocol standards of the next efforts, is the rules of ethics, as  focuses are on stabilizing for even more Job Fairs in the Ukraine with more possible now - and the ability to gain enough online phones with assured phone services under a RUSSIAN GIANT WING OF LOVE, even with standards of schooling important of course always,  in great boarders to become assured of abilities to gain good standards and good wages-. IMPROVE STANDARDS TOO, WITH EFFORTS FROM THE PEOPLES TOO. OF COURSE.

DC Tomatoe Toss ? AI concerns in the USA hands of stooges more with unethical sonic booms ? No.  While I need to say, the concern is with a way to stop Snap Crackle and Pop, in the USA as myself, I myself have had some- pop snap issues of the matter, caused inside the pentagon - with no reciting going on there either, while placing these USA dirty dozen in a Birds Eye global view - of the dc Oval Office wrong in unethical sonic boom unethics and misappropriations of tax - issues are linked to this AI unethical matter of a dc dirty dozen.  The USA people have some concerns to fire a few dc dirty dealing dozen in even a sonic wave issue out of strict laws of regulatory compliance within humanities ethics USA law of the people of the USA constitutional standards do matter in large reality. Very important for peoples of the USA to know they can stop the dirty dozen. 

With very large ability citizens have in many ways. NOT JUST GET OUT A VOTE - area of the new era of knowledge in ease of online modern reality. Light speed - for even job opportunities.  DC job  termination is a reality to those involved and is not with any special consideration to a bad president tax fisted to the actions of peoples all in motions to even assure a dishonorable discharges asap. To a president and staff - yes. Of course that is ethical.  Looking closely at the responsibilities of an accountant in dc in charge of transparency to the people of reporting every taxes dollar in the budget and wages to fulfillment of business ethics laws ? What to know in the matter is detrimental in the country of the USA for the people- of the people and - by the people. MONSTER com Jobs ?  Budgets in taxes penny per penny hour per hour into years of - forward ongoing stabilization. First question is where are the facts and figures of each penny of taxes ? What are the expenditure approvals within ethical full appropriations of congress within full measured of USA domestic standards to improve the existance of the USA under ethical rules of accountability in each approval of only ethical protocol in congressional appropriations of a peoples majority approval within humanities constitutional laws of ethics of government structure in compliances of provisionary rules - and the increased measurements of actions in standards to the citizens of the USA. In the measurment of sanctioned rules, the sanctions must meet the requirement of standards to the citizens benifitificial standards of the actual sanctions , never to be used in a pressurized unethical international arbitrary outlandish way to make a decision in a bullying of any. Sanctions are set forth. to rules of a better standard to that of the country that has a sanctions of rule, and can not be used to break a sanctions in any way to disrupt  the betterment in agreed rules, as no breach of regulations of that set sanctions has been deemed inappropriate of ruled sanctions. Citizens of the country receiving a agreement of a sanction can not be deprived of the sanctions agreement by the their own government of the received beneficial agreement for the ruled sanction agreed to by another country whom made no changes at all and did not breach the sanctions agreement for the benifit of another country. The sanction stands in ethics rules as the same. Where are the legislators? Are legislators asleep on the nose of Mount Rushmore ? International laws of basic business are with the same rule, if suddenly an employee began to, cut off customers from quality of an agreement in goods or services, the unethics of the employee are with consequences of being fired. Possibly even more in accountability laws. 
Of course broadly in thinking, supply ? And demand ? Is always a considerable factor in purchasing an import product or domestic product. What is supply ? Well in supply meanings is when there is of course enough of the product to sell in a consideration of a purchase from larger clients to buy. WHAT CAN BE PRODUCED as in made of the actual possible product of need to purchase ? That is what the supply means. When a company can afford to make enough to assure an enough supply of a product - then a company selling the product then thinks about the need of how many buyers it can sell to. The demand means - how many customers can need the whole number of supplies made. Ten gallons of milk are a need of one grocery shelf refrigerator that will sell in one small store per day demand is ten that need the available ten to sell. And then assure a sold  ten gallons of milk. To assure not to - create a product with no demand of ability to sell. if a country has the import item and can sell , the need of certain products are agreed to stay at a selling price range to stay at the pricing that is affordable as long as their is enough product made ( supply of product, could be as an example ten gallons of milk ). 

Of course then some types of products are with higher demand ( need). 
Under some areas of consideration is a humanities concern of extra considerations too. Milk for a country is a very important example. Pondering just need for milk the need ( meaning demand and then hoped supply ). With real sales to assure not wasted milk production to concern farms in assuring their profits . Of course, sanctions in ways is a consideration in agreements at times to such areas of highest considerations when imports are involved for many reasons.   
Big business complexity - are with many variables in largest considerations  possible. Years of experience go into good dairy farming and quality milk of a large supply that will be sold in a calculation of all broadened defining ways to assure the demand ( need) . Assuring the humanities area of care to buy milk available too.  Important example to an equation in thinking about the word and meanings of sanctions is important to rationalize a wrong that sanctions is just ignored in ways just to sling at the world, with no real knowledge of rules and people should know how important it is to care about rules in sanctions that can be very complex - but not impossible to understand with a closer view of the issues to consider. 
a farm for milk is with only hope that it stays in business and then can assure the sales with only limited milk supply - in each farm. If you only produce ten gallons of milk, and already have a grocery that can buy and sell the milk - then the agreement to sell to that grocery is very good. Full supplies then can be sold and meet the demand of order to agreements to purchase each day.  The grocery can easily sell ten gallon to assure a profit too. So the agreement then becomes a good agreement for both the farm and the grocery that is very important. Of course milk is usually not an import need to purchase for each country. 

While coconut milk can be an import product . 

Sanctions are binding legal agreements. Using a sanctions to threaten citizens of the same country to receive the beneficial need of the sanctions agreement is not a choice to just throw the word around in unethical anarchy and force citizens to face no benefit of what the sanctions was for, then blame the good sanctions of another country - that did nothing wrong. And made no change to break an agreement of stabilization measures of the set purpose of the actual sanctions.  
The USA citizens do not wish to deal with dc dirty dozen in such disgrace of wrong doing in so many ways. 

The USA people of the USA country were made to cringe at unethical lunacy in the USA of misappropriations ( unethical use of taxes and missing taxes ) toward smashing rules in a set sanctions is an illegal  actionable issue cause to the peoples of the USA, by Biden in a shrunken smallest dc seat now, as Biden and his dirty dozen inflicted the country of people. Biden broke many  laws of sanctions rules internationally and destabilize yet more of the USA after extreme catastrophic extended damages to the country were unethically also implemented by mortifying minds of dc stooge types of tax gripping lunatics unfit to sweep the floor of the Oval Office, let alone gain entry.  Harvard is waiting in online classes for these dc lunatics with Zelenskyy to pass their scores on the college level requirement entry exam. Also know as a CLE. WHILE REFORM school for Biden Harris, Anthony Blinker and those few in nato and the pentagon , is not an option or a solution in this matter. 

The national and international exam for constitutional laws of ethics is also required to gain an online class acceptance to even begin taking classes at Harvard and it’s the same for all colleges and not junior colleges of a high school level. The Illinois College Constitutional Ethics Test is a standard basic requirement test score needed to even be accepted to a college - and the the test is the exact same exam from 1990. With laws requiring the exact unchangable standards of the ethics and in the actual exam. Some middle Schools cover the basics in 6 th 7 th and 8 th grade with four more years to independently study - to pass the   Basic standard test by the end of high school in the 12th year. For a high school level diploma. Usually very solid if youth get their studies completed and focus well alone on comprehension and applied knowledge areas among a broad curriculum including sports and even basic theater arts. Arts are important in basics of broadened exposure for all children. 

Monster. Com  ? In jobs need required testing scores.often the company hiring can assure a basic exam to assure standard in qualifications. KNOWING what you may not be qualified for is not bad news. And is a chance to review online tutorials to learn even more in self study - while some online classes are very good for other more ridged areas of knowledge that may need required degrees. Not bad to realize at all. 
Having interest in extra online degrees can be with careful planning and solid choices to make. So knowing your weak points is always good. 

 Maybe the tax department director responsible for actual penny by penny accountability in regulatory compliances to view reports is in need for a look at employment descriptions for accounts and then the cost of funding in government for a large staff, to see the ridged rules of facts and figures in weights and measures of the USA tax department regulator standards set forth before 1990. As the USA 
Executives  and a global many see how accountants work, and  comply in assurances in ethics employment fulfillment laws - views to laws rules and regulations in compliances of appropriations standards as an absolute right to all citizens to view and a right within USA constitutional laws of a right to international transparency in the USA while questioning a floating flying nune accountant off to see China for a few extra minutes of fine tea in a extra tax use in the matter. That is not the regulational need of rules in the actual job structured in laws full regulations.  

The  strict excellence in  compliances in China’s government set forth by their wonderful people of the government of China,  are   with an outstanding president. Sir Xi Jinping President of China of whom has extensive experience in humanities and economics of excellence for the great wealth of the country of China and low inflation, great citizens country benifits with healthy high, standards, high,  and great education standards -  not to mention exceedingly high standards in cultural cares of the country. Very low unemployment and much more,. 

The  director Yellen of the USA tax department was said to be sitting on her hands most of the time, while sitting in her office with concerns of records to regulatory compliances . SHE WAS SAID TO BE PRACTICING STAYING WARM. 
with concerns of lack of heat and fuel for automobiles that most people in the USA rely on to stay at a low enough cost, as an effort of humanity to get back and forth to employment for a larger populous of all citizens and with hopes to actually afford more travel to increase the economy stability even in retirement as a greater reality in years of worth, to look forward to, and others too in savings to spend and have assurances to lower cost and extra interest and rights ethically to know of in exactly where those taxes are- with every right of the whole world to know.  Of course I was concerned with Taxes and Knowing people whom might care about making statements for the standards to improvements  in every effort set forth of the USA director of USA taxation and finance department. Let me look in news reports for exact facts and figures from the tax reporting transparency compliance statements  if I can find them as publicly an eased post - in the USA, at nearly zero cost to see the online report, and reviews of the actual Yellen statements spoken to look again at a view of Yellen reported tax compliances and enview for the ethics peoples rulings of transparency. 

Tomatoe Toss ? What does it mean ?  

This is a first July Edition of Banana News Revival international press. July 7th 2023. 
with more soon, and a few more July 6 th and July 7 th 2023 Banana News notes below. 

   Cartoon update : THE WORLD FAMOUS PLUTO IS FROM the old cartoon of PYE PYE THE SAILOR MAN.   LESSONS OF only an art form of 
A SWEET character OF PLUTO in  FILM   in  1969 was DIRECT 

DC Oval Office concerning matters yes. Keep Reading there’s more. $200 billion missing, and a excessive issue in the Oval Office in Washington DC and the state department involved as well, NATO director and some in the Pentagon READ Seattle Times Journalistic  Reporting News updates July 2023. 

Thank you everyone from the Kennedy Center in Washington DC USA, thanks very well. Your perfect. Love from me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, to everyone at the wonderful Kennedy Center. 

1776, is important to the USA in large ways. 
Sir Adams of course, meant that people were with the absolute power of all people to assure decisions within legislation of informed rights of the peoples to reviews of the peoples, of uses to taxes and were bold to have a delegate in even 1776, known as a representative in each state of the USA to see to the decisions of the states majority of peoples decisions within the rules of constitutional rights to all people, to make choices upon the abided rules within the 1776 USA constitutional decree of amendments 1-13.   People all, are of the power of legislation. Always never to change. To be of strident rules, when a breach of those rules are not upheld by any in government from the first chair, of the presidency -of three houses - of the same compliance obedient of peoples constitutional rights,  to see consequences of such concerns to the people in even wrongful expense of tax.   Taxes are of the people. And a strong emphasis John Adams stated was of course a senate representative. Only holds sacred the moral majority of the peoples decisions on matters of state by state majority rules.   
You’re out of Here “ quote by Harry Carry 
very famous words that Harry Carry said historically in the small round park in Chicago Illinois where the Cubs Baseball Players fill the stadium not much larger than a rather small White House on a hill , inside the USA. THE BASE BALL TEAM, the cubs seats over 50,000 people that sit through the famous base ball game park to watch the players uphold rules in sports. All eyes on the game of American USA base ball, loved and a fine day if you ever get to see the CHICAGO CUBS PLAY BY PLAY -rules and regulations yes.   Indeed 
. And in person is fun if you have time in the world.  I DID TAKE THE TIME TO GET A SEAT AT THE STADIUM SEVERAL TIMES - perfect day. 
with meaning. Enview each minute by minute - and a count of customers and the sales revenue too. Business scores - risterantes get scores in healthy standards in a score. Important to America and the whole world. It should be a very good American USA international event for everyone in the whole world to at least see a whole Cubs Game. 

With Harry Carry remembered fiercely kind. 

Not to be confused with Arbitrary ruling which are not ethical in matters of legislation in even military decisions to keep an eye on every move made of the USA MILLITARY of a compliance to the peoples process. And an assurance to those people in the millitary very special to never see such - concerns of being pressured in a nato or pentagon - tax fisted issue. MORTIFYING to even begin to discern such - disgraces that were headed by Biden and the dirty dc dozen only in a really small White House today, . 
The Seattle Times note I made is for everyone in the USA to ponder such reality of concerning matters of yes, even the USA military as a responsibility in the USA of each and every person in all villages of all cities of all states within the USA to even take steps to assure, that USA citizens of all, including within the military are never cornered in the military of a arbitrary ruling ( unethical decisions and prosecutable in a peoples verse the government of the USA possible,  even as a citizen that is not a legislator of being a citizen action in motion  of USA ethics standards that must be followed and not an arbitrary decision ( unethical decision ) wrong doing inside the oval office or inside the state department, and millitary).much like  (the historical  brown verse the board of education ) or people verses the board of education is a reality when rules of the constitutional provisional founding ethics are - not within protocols of ridged compliances. READING the SEATTLE TIMES report might be important to know. Even if you are not a USA citizen.        

[.  About Kiev ?   ]  what  you   may   not   know. 

yes   [ many enlightening updates ] soon more. 

KEIV update note July 8 th 2023 posted date: In 2016 citizens of Russia were traveling as usual to keiv and were attacked. The complaints of course were Russian Citizens that notified the office of the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin and the government of Russia at the office of the Russian Kremlin.  The flight arrangements were made by the Announcement of the Kremlin , that citizens in any possible concerns further of the matter if needed would be with absolute travel flights to assure Russian citizens absolute travel back to the country of Russia. Then there were further reports of Kiev Citizens that were getting attacked in Kiev - of course this would be very serious - taken seriously by the Kremlin of Russia. WITH LOVE FROM A PRESIDENT AND GOVERNMENT  that assured a very serious stop. Not unwelcome in Keiv either. 
The concerning issues were not ignored by Russia and with a sovereignty as the Kremlin to the people and country of Russia. Kiev citizens were much happier that Russia even cared. 

Successes were ongoing in the matter 
of a small very serious matter.  High levels of excellence in efforts - were going much better.  

2016 reality. 

[ archived posts below before July 2023]  

Some how cash to fist elections in Keiv are with questionable issue of zelensky suddenly a president of the Ukraine in late 2019. CONCERNS OF banking in the Ukraine were then very serious -with Biden gripping at Ukraine’s Utility Electric Company - funds as Bidens son was reported as a sudden board of directors, and escalated mortifying issues in the Ukraine. the Bidens are at fault for mortifying catastrophic intent of the deliberate catastrophe.   

in the USA people all, have the rights to a focus of stabilization and highest level of structure ethical standards. Mike Bloomberg took the time in his life to assure school programs were back in schools and even made efforts for the extra summer school programs for children and youth to catch up on lost time in in school study work. And even more Mike Bloomberg made extra efforts for with great levels of standards to assure in ways that are very important to many standards. I read updates from Mike Bloomberg and I have invites too from. Mike Bloomberg. While I take interest in reading of many years of many areas Mike and I have some same cares. Vladimir Putin  and I also have interest in many of the same cares - so I read a great many peoples areas of worth on lengthy working notations -such as the former governor of the state of Tennessee Bill Haslum. 

Christine Haslum too, is with fine care to the world. 
Soon I wish to post a exciting lecture from former governor Bill Haslum 
Perhaps everyone will find Bill Haslum’s lecture update important too.  SOON UPDATED .  

Archive BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press BELOW 2022 - 2023 JUNE  

 as USA music composers whom     sang 

gained Songs on Radio in the 1970’s and were 
able to even purchase their own homes 
with secure money they made in the bank, 
assuring every penny in their banking accounts. 

Film Credit: The men from Credence Clear Water Revival 

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger update June 6th 2023 
posted June 7th 2023 5:45 am from my tiny village in NEW YORK, USA NOW 

Film Credit: Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 

temperatures rising and the summer is young July 2033 

July 9th 2023 8:01 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake,  New York USA NOW, 
I made some time today to post a bit more about the oil painting painted by an American Artist, named Winslow Homer. It was several years ago, I sat in the museum of the Art Institute of Chicago in the state of Illinois to ponder in deep thought, about Winslow Homers very famous American painting. The boat of several men and women nearly looking as if they were going to faint in hot sun, with not enough room in the boat that was clearly with water from a very large ocean too high on the sides of the very fragil boat with extremely thin fragile people inside.  the people were of a great humanity to needs, and with bayonetes in hand, and a extremely large shark near their boat.  A large ship was approaching close in the water with a storm looming. The perplexity of Winslow Homers painting was, will the fragile looking people desire to, wave for help from the very prestigious large ship? Who are they?  

will they ? Or will they get hungry and decide to fish with bayonets ? will the shark try to show them to go back to shore as the ocean may be too rough for the small boat ?   will there be a storm to harsh for the small boat to float out into a ocean so large?  the bayonets ? what will become of the lovely people that might know their way fine enough ? or - will they get on a large ship ? it’s all very perplexing as to think more about what Winslow Homer  might have meant by the painting at all. the center of the painting Winslow Homer so meticulously painted was of the fragility of very kind people in a very weak state of mind seemingly and a very weak boat to small for the large ocean. Concerns begin to arise in thinking more of a humanity toward the central perspective of fragility of people - in an ocean so large. Vast giant ocean and of course what to hope could emerge in the mind of anyone whom could care to sit long and simply care more of Winslow Homers detailed care within his daunting very concerning painting very famous. A painting in one of the worlds most famous museums in the USA. people fragile far in large water with thin bodies carrying bayonets, nearly about to faint and very weary. 
with a storm in the sky so frightening - not to think so much about the love towards people. As well as a respect to them and their boat and humanity. Their decisions and their future of decisions. What will Winslow Homers famous painting evoke.  In person looking at the use of Winslow Homers masterful oil paint, and his under sketch and angles and images, and colors and brush work, I wrote notes in my little note book in pencil and was somewhat fascinated in a care that Winslow Homer became important in a greater larger world. 

The painting really exists - and I stood up in front of the painting and took a photograph of my self in front of Winslow Homers painting, as I was there. I saw, the actual painting that Winslow Homer  became famous in his perplexing work of art. Of course there’s more. Soon you’ll know everything. 

[ Before June 30th 2023 Below ]

My Earlier Banana News posted before June 2023 might interest you to reread. I have left the post in the archive.notations below. Please enjoy the extra reading if you wish. Yes, there is extra notations about Sir Vladimir Putin, President of Russia below and quite special a person he is.  
 of an aristocracy of ENGLISH, FRENCH- SPAIN  -AMERICAN royal aristocracy that dates back to the country of FRANCE within the European Continent of French aristocracy in to as early as the years of the 12 th century France in Royal Aristocracy and American roots.  I myself am as,  Notable Honored Nationally and Internationally Honored of my  work in culture and international business as well as very noted honors in professional domestic USA employment for small companies and some multi- international corporations at head quarter executives work —— within a thankfully notable lovely lengthy professional achieved history. Sole Owner of Studio Vosse : and thee Indian Summer publications. The meaning of STUDIO VOSSE as the word vosse is meaning 
“ where the waters of lovely earth of humanity and love of an opulence of simplicity of peoples meet. 

“ where the waters meet” . STUDIO VOSSE sole owner — myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett photographed above in a rare event photograph wearing a royal deep plum silk gown in a shoulder sash textured taffeta of one of my design —— a brief biography of my aristocracy will be soon posted at the end of MAY 2023 in this press of Banana News Revival periodical — it’s Chief Directing Sole Editor at my sole owned tiny estate home office international company at STUDIO VOSSE. 
—————xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo 

“ to say the of words of love aloud is of the humanity of espiritus”                                                                                                       Photographed on the Left :Thee sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of lovely cultural RUSSIA.  I love you darling                 sir Vladimir. Endlessly I think of the G7 and the wonderful worthy work you made time and efforts to such large cultivations in economics and such better standards to many cultural realities and the lovely worth has such successes of individual lives within Russia with such friends of the work involved in all countries. Forever I love you my sweet darling Kremlin  sir Vladimir Putin darling sir.               

Love letters to Moscow publications are real and are from my tiny village estate tiny home office in Saranac Lake, New York, within the United States of America In Moscow Russia the time is just one minute after midnight April 16th 2023 My how I wish to send sir Vladimir Putin only sentiments of a soft lovely dreamy sleep of lovely dreams for my darling Kremlin of the country of Russia to enjoy a fruitful breakfast as toppling out of bed on Sunday morning soon to breath lovely thoughts of the kremlins own worthy lovely efforts, worth love. With expressive wildly bold love sent from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett with pure sentiments  of RUSSIAN LOVE FOREVER. with world global LOVE TO EVERYONE ALL OVER THE WORLD SENT WITH KISSES TO SHOWER ALL OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACES LIKE SOFT KIND SPRING RAIN DROPS xo 

catch all of them with bold lovely hands and hold them close in your closed eyes just a second to have within your lovely hearts all over the whole entire world. Today and forever. For lush memories to reflect upon in spring 2023. love again and again from me

A very important messages from thee George Harrison 

and lovely it is perfectly lovely GEORGE with a perfectly perfect FILM  wonderful Darling George. 

I could listen to the lovely film, again and again. I simply love you George. merci.

I am late with my replies more soon. It’s wonderful you are so sweet my Georgie. George Harrison.

 7:13 am April 16 th 2023

The INDIAN MOTORCYCLE goes along with a 

few surprises I have for ROYAL INDIAN SPRING and SUMMER 2023 



where did the time go xo savoir-faire is everywhere

photograph location: The Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago 
in Illinois USA on Michigan Avenue. Also the location of 
my royal affiliated museum college studies. 

section one, IMPORTANT UPDATE SOS MOSCOW RUSSIA special delivery to moscow and all over the world, as a special note, and very important note, to everyone, everywhere. 

at 2:22 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. 

You see, I have been mulling over some important details that are of the utmost importance - while I was also wishing to thank the many peoples involved in broadcasting -of which,  I got to know many, many peoples in broadcasting - even at NBC when I was in studies in a very well known broadcasting and cultural arts college in Chicago Illinois, USA. 

NBC television was just a few buildings away to eat with many NBC peoples in my affordable outings for lunch. Fox Television corporation then, in my first year of college with a great many years I had in business and cultural arts - they offered me- a special directors job. Fox Television - later NBC even made me an offer. 

I was looking at the price of round trip tickets to MOSCOW RUSSIA then, $375. 00 then round trip. And I had just been given an honorary gift - from Mikhail Gorbachev in cultural work I finished while in a top college in the cultural arts- and design. Also with  High levels of studies in media arts and broadcasting too were very good for my attention - focused -and with several professors of noted worth to mention in this article. Of course a professor in my monumental bronze sculpture studies - Carol Hammond Kennedy was a fine influence, and loved my work and fortitude -and wrote my recommendation letter to the Royal Affiliated College I attended just a year later. Carol Hammond Kennedy - invited me to dinners occasionally with her Husband and Children- John Jr. Kennedy whom owns a computer corporation in South America. Very lovely people - they are. They lived just ten minutes from my beach side English Style Brownstone Flat Estate Rental, then. The Train was only a 5 minute walk from my English Style Brownstone Flat. Of course, I was very fortunate to have met- senator Kennedy senior - at a lively BBQ event for the entire Kennedy Family then- it was so wonderful of everyone to even care about me- to invite me, for such fine family BBQ’s in North Chicago suburbs. Jack flew in from Nantucket Island, where some of my historical family was from. It was all such a focus on cultural work - I continued for many years- with good thoughts of everyone.

Meeting Former President Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the country of Russia, that is, and his most beautiful wife, at the little event at my royal affiliate college - with dignified honors, my college entertained a marvelous reception for the former President of the country of Russia and his very beautiful wife. Then we all walked across the fine park into the wide beautifully sun washed sidewalks - just a few minutes down famous Adams Street to the Russian Tea Room. The imported Russian foods were as good as some of the fine French Brie imported from France. Remembering the eloquent minutes inside the masterful Royal Affilated College I attended - in special cultural studies - the event for the Russian Presidential reception was unbelievably posh. Walking out to the lions sculpturally, was a feeling like none before it, then as the large group of us, began strolling past the sculptures of the large monumental Indians on Horses with full feather head dresses, the memory of the breath of my Russian Language became romantically quaint- and real. My breath became broadened in a smile so, I could not hide the joy of seemingly just minutes of several hours that became - actual eternity. 

Of course- in the cultural arts, historians -such as my internationally known professors - with amazing focus in global histories - and world historical love, was even with several professors with world renowned cultivations in cultural worth. Even an author of the encyclopedia Brittanica- was one of my most difficult studious professors - I worked very diligently to see through good clarity in world historical studies with a professor whom was an author to thee encyclopedia Britannia. 

Thee Sir Gorbachov, and his lovely wife, from Moscow Russia flying in- was enormously important for the city of Chicago Illinois USA. I was glad to be with a small Russian Made honors gift - that day from the hands of sir Gorbachev  himself. It was a small wooden sculpture - of a human being representing all humanity. Bold village coloring paint daubled on it. It was a sacred gift, that sat on my book shelve - years and years later while I created a broader life with love filling the existence of time.   

Of course, I wish to speak of the G7 today on May 22nd 2023 Monday -from my tiny village estate. The G7 is filled with over twenty years of excellence in planning, hopes, dreams, and excellence in humanities. Notable details filling pages and pages of notes of sir Vladimir Putin’s love for the world. 

Not simply love, but an exasperating amount of effort in ways that the G7 became the G7 as a fortitude of something more possible for Europe in large quantified humanities -with love for peoples and stern areas of ethics within countries and presidents in an idealism of even good strong social programs - for any concerning area that human beings might fall wayside to. The lovely idea that began the G7 was more than 20 years of worthy efforts - making an impact of the effects the G7 had, as a dream project specially created that sir Vladimir Putin as the esteemed very notable Humanitarian worked to not only see happen- but to believe it could even exist in the world long before the G7 summits became. In many many notes of planning - yes, even in pencil work -to a hope of economics towards individual accumulated wealth possible to all in a set standards in a large global reality - interwoven with an amazing number of others in the global governments as seeing the protocol of the G7 as an area for consideration of International Presidents and their government to look forward too- in a GIANT RUSSIAN LOVE for a greatest humanities - dreamers of RUSSIA -such as sir Vladimir Putin, as President saw to many notes that are with exemplary details of notes that could fill books by now, and made such an incredible impact of the resilience in European Countries - it is astounding. Not alone in the belief - and not just overnight - the steps towards further resilience of a large economic reality for even better global international individual wealth improved- more substantially -even allowing a better recovery for Europe and international countries to revive faster and stronger before 2020 and after than have ever been in countries - even after 2020. 

Of course, I would make my historian professors very proud - of me. Over many years, I was in tune with the G7 work in my extra time to assure greatest notes to read as much as I could about many types of details as including many details of more than 20 years of work to dreams of success in the G7. Detailed planning important of the success globally that became a resilience far greater than imagined in the G7, not to be overlooked or forsaken - utterly important to humanity in vast ways.  Since 2013 when the G7 work began and Sir Vladimir Putin was honored by a very stern group of peoples in highest ethical humanities - reviewed sir Vladimir Putin’s extrodinary efforts in Humanitarian Efforts - with un-tithered- affects that societies became stronger - improved, more resilient and even thirsty for larger dreams - that can be difficult efforts of stride in the world. Sir Vladimir Putin believes in the human dream to exist even more and larger. Resilient. A dream of the country president of one of the most individualized stabilized wealthy countries - RUSSIA is -with an outcome of a very large prosperity for other countries tiny. And a possibility for greater opportunities to gain solid business and better schools - and with much like Chicago Illinois in the USA in ways- known as the city of big shoulders - to a belief in dreams of higher fortitude possible - opportunities plentiful with efforts of worthy work. 

RUSSIA is indeed a country known as the country of Big Shoulders - indeed more that imaginable with a dreamer in such details - unrevealed at times. 

Difficult at times, with a dream of that travel to have seen sir Gorbachev again, in an international flight to MOSCOW RUSSIA- a well known city of human prosperity and love. Not so unlike the love of New York City and Chicago -the love of Los Angeles, the great love of other cities in the USA many and even most all, in ways, and other international cities as realistically the places where dreams are made from the tiniest cares of peoples in a diversity of ways. 

The tiny cities, with a over abundance of opportunity of individual independent wealth - is a reality of the outcome now - of twenty hard earned years of very detailed planning to even have began an idea that the G7 could actually exist. Not without such assute plans of so many details in many many years since the beginning of 2013 when meetings for the G7 began.  With strong social programs in a very realistic human way toward peoples gaining good starts - like assured breakfast, lunch, and dinner - and educational fundamental basics -never to delay or miss in classrooms of public schools of good basic educational fundamentals - assured ways to gain rental estates and chances at employment and assured online structure- with quality standards in telecommunication-healthy foods that can be reachable to afford. And of course there are needs for automobiles and affordable Fuels - MOSCOW was assuring affordable choices for such things ongoing - with sir Vladimir Putin’s work day filled with the responsibility of so many details he takes seriously and assurances to standards within so many cities of peoples of wealthy individually accumulate wealth standard of good ethics -and assurances of banking, education, in basic standards and culturally riche standards- affordable manufacturing and high regulations in many areas of government including shipping. 

Never to forsaken the worthy work and dreams of pure love in Humanitarian Ways - of belief in peoples. It’s a sacred area in standards to uphold in all those 20 years of notes of the plans and work of the G7 as much more than just words in print. 

In November 2022, I must tell everyone globally. I created a sketch for $1.50 ice cream - over the summer in the year 2022. It became a global event to lower ice cream prices and globally and the sales of $1.50 scoops of ice cream increased globally business in villages in an amazing incline - that also increased more sales that became - even better with peoples going out for ice cream and strolling more to shop a bit more. THE GUITAR REVOLUTION also set the standards in much improved economic increase in profits for village companies and became a global - love -in some further guitar events for more villages than ever before. 

In November 2022, the president of the country of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin, read my post and loved my post online globally at my tiny media company - about a hope for an increase in $5.00 raises for broad looks at what could improve- and not deteriorate with unsavvy - concerns- such as a person in the Ukraine as a said president - whom can’t pass a pre college exam in standards to see - even standards in banking laws for the country of the Ukraine - that which are incredibly important to peoples of the Ukraine and a human necessity. 

The concerns - yes. Soon I will post these concerns more in a separate memo - not to cloud the lovely realistic cares of real media people - long time friends in many - and the importance  of a lengthy very dreamy plan, carefully worked through in the G7 of over 20 years of humanitarian notes - thoughtful of peoples hopes and love, and dreams and further of opportunity in broadly grand scale. 

A $5.00 raise for a global level of worth would mean $20.00 per hour as I said in November 2022. 

The president, sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia sent me a email- inviting me to his new summit in not just the G7 he worked endlessly up at night hours for over 20 years to see the g7 exist and see success to the G7 as Sir Vladimir Putin proposed - a G20. In honor of my grand scale of dreams to hope economics globally could reach $20.00 per hour pay rates and lower inflation globally in my dream of my tiny media company of international seriousness in cultural worthy efforts. The first meetings for the G20 invite from sir Vladimir Putin, are in delay - however - we have both agreed to move forward with the very first actual G20 meetings into the summer of 2023. In Moscow Russia, or online communications as well. The round trip ticket to Moscow Russia is not $375.00 as it was years ago, while I was working diligently at my cultural studies in the great city of dreams as Chicago Illinois USA is. The lovely continuum of worth to a MOSCOW jont, ( travel),  is with air- flights at $699.00 round trip.  

With good sales in my summer catalogue events - the G 20 first meetings may gain even more strength in lovely possibilities with REAL RUSSIAN LOVE. 

from, an aristocrat: born in the USA with 
as myself, princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

royal sketch and photographic credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

It was in 1969 when I was a mere four year old. I was at a kindergarten class one day and walking home in my only finest dress, I took a short cut to climb a small grassy hill on a warm sunlit day. At the top of the small hill was a larger child, at the top that threw mud at me, when I got to the top and dirtied my fine dress my mother bought special. The larger kid then thorted towards me, I quickly ducked and ran around the larger kid and the kid fell all the way down the hill. I looked quickly down the hill to the very bottom and the kid was unhurt- I was a very small girl, and though I would walk faster as I was  nearly home. I OPENED THE DOOR to my kitchen and my father greeted me. I didn’t say a word and walked strait to my room to clean my dress before mother saw it. Thinking back- I had someone to tell at least even though I said absolutely nothing. People today should have someone to tell of the concerns of such a great world it really is- not to be missed as Sir Pope Francis just last week spoke to me - a lavish hope for existence in a brilliance of life and a dream to feel a great love of humanity. It is very important. 
More than a dream to see- people that have much than hope to assure dreams of all the many years of finest details. Piles and piles of paper work at times. Stacked on a book shelf or in a cabinet. 

Whom to see, about lowering the price of bread and milk- with quality of variety, low rent possibilities, and lower  heat, seeing to important in classroom schools. Walking home with meandering strolls  to gaze at a dreamy sky watching meandering butterflies too, float downward in a still. Cares about the 20 years in planning detail after detail so perfectly in order of being such a studious dreamer for the effects of such many years of the G7 to see dreamers exits more  of excellence un-tithered. Reality. Details of such cares in recordings of worth in work- much like school work details set in folders on shelves piled high year after year year. Offerings to employment opportunities in commuter flights to Russia- a breath of opportunity - yes. 

Remembering the years even in 1998 of a woman I met shoulder to shoulder on my commuter train from the loop of Chicago Illinois training home to  my English Style Brown Stone Estate Rental - she was extremely excited of a story she spoke of, a posh women she was- just talking away about her new office assistant she liked well- opportunity to grow in a corporation office and trying her best- a fine day to welcome in the new office assistant she said. The posh women kept talking- she was so pleased at the unusual day with business good and the new job  the company was doing well enough thankfully to hire. What a day. I made good friends that day with the posh looking women always talking to me on my short commuter train home. She said - I remember how exciting it was on my first day of work- the women assistant she said was so excited too- like I was many years ago. My excitement grew listening to the posh women stand shoulder to shoulder with me and speak so vibrantly. She was my friend. Then and even now. 

I am a bit thankful for such - humanity and vaste hopes boldened. Like her, and many others even on a commuter train standing often shoulder to shoulder, I had opportunities to work with and set fourth a solid standard side by side too- near and far. 

Royal Sketch and Photographic Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Sketch Credit princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Lovely Russia with Devout Good Peoples within a wonderfully exciting culture, expressive and kind with a Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, of efforts of humanity unsurpassed of great worth, important in the world. 

Of the alpha to the omega, as the entirety of such beginnings to cultivate a worth of much more, important of the tiny details and the larger existence, honored of a humility, to be known greater and large a heart true, of greatest endeavors, existent. 

Extra Note: 

the updates in USA news real time reports will continue in the lower area 

of BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press. 

Real Time Updates are with some National and International News Reports from Other Journalists to update now and then. 

My very fine ole’ media friends nationally in the USA and internationally everywhere in the whole world are important. Near and Far- and some have had a confounding job. Even pressurized in cases. 

The above update - was posted on May 22nd 2023 There will be USA additions to concerns in the USA that will be posted in the lower area of BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press. 

Update June 5th 2023 
 unethical dealing from dc bum [ dc unethics ] 
[ Details of Wrong in DC Bum of Biden Harris Blinker unethical dealings ]
Update June 5 th 2023 FBI testify that Joe Biden took a bribe - viciously breaking laws and attempting to harm the USA in many ways. NBC NEWS update. READ 
A quick FOX NEWS READ among many daunting unethical details in Anthony Blinken - activities, including a recent plan Anthony Blinken made to just invade offices in the Middle East - on a trip that’s not in Anthony Blinken’s ethics of job duties as a USA public servant- in the USA state department - with his Su level blime unethical unsuitable cridentials - of zero ethics and zero qualifications in USA government ethical detailed very strict rules in government positions as director of the State Department, in areas of concern about tax dollars missing, $35 billion dollars in USA peoples taxes missing in mid 2023, and further details in issues swarming grips past in taxes , through unethical pressurizing by Blinken, in the United States, State Department, in Anthony Blinken unethical swarthy slimy time, gripping at the throats of the peoples of the USA in substandard ( unethical ) ways as a reality solidly enview to the peoples of the USA. Anthony Blinken is not with leisure to not answer public questions under strict laws - of ethical regulations.  As a director of the State Department - the reality of accountability ethically is very strict, and actions public in every move Anthony Blinken makes, making it now possible to remove Blinken and hold him accountable for unlawful structure of ethics and procedures that the state department director is required in a full public view and disclosures of details of exactly the failings of the state department over the last years atleast since 2020 into even more hideous issues Anthony Blinken has created for himself today. With certainly no good he has to say he has achieved in the USA at all. more on Rules and Regulations of the State Department in issues for public assured knowledge posted soon. 

End of June 5 th 2023 update with more soon. 

[ taxes and appropriation rules USA laws of humanities ethics  soon ]  what to know? 

end of June 2023 Update > before June 2023 posts below. 

I will say that many government people in Europe are saying that the president of the Ukraine was attacking citizens - and was greedy like dc bum gripping taxes - running down standards and shoving banking fears for citizens - have been much too exorbitant in mortifying stress to look at such - times with no one to see a proper complaint to be resolved. Attempted from Biden Harris and a few others including Bidens Son and Zelenskyy were shifting to extort dollars from even APPLE corporation whom gave money in charity for the Ukraine citizens that -was misused to a mortification to citizens - extorted to corner citizens from a uncooth  president of the Ukraine whom harmed Ukrainian citizens - and recently in Japan- that awful  Zelenskyy fled in greed free flying -greedily gripped cash fleeing to Japan, and was faced with insults from some in Japan - Zelenskyy hurt the peoples of the Ukraine -Japanese people said to him in person. In a staged of  issues, paired with a few dc Oval Office bum, including Biden Harris and a report in Fox News stating involvements - even, that Bidens son, was funneling money through the Ukraine Utility Company,  as a self elected board member in Ukrainian Heat and Electric Company  - using money that was illegally obtained - in charity to aide the Ukraine, as a caused issues from Biden -Harris and Anthony Blinker in the state department -including the president of the Ukraine Zelenskyy whom  can not even pass an exam to the entry levels of education for college. Including Harris - in all, whom could also be noted as not able to pass exams for the rules known of the USA constitutional laws of the structure regulations of the USA government rules and regulations. Leaving peoples of theUkraine  with hopes to see Russia care about them.

The employment offered to people of the Ukraine from Russia -in commuting have been exemplary offers with excellent stability and wages, and many other humanitarian aide that was needed which Russia was solidly there for towards good efforts for Ukraine citizens. 

Even through the awful difficulties with a Biden family member tactually gripping  at Ukrainian heat and electric bills in attempts to extort from the country and use it to lie about other countries and individuals too, with attempts at enormous pressure to Ukrainians even in mortifying inflation and steeling their savings, as the leading director of NATO in the USA was also a person whom lied blatantly - about the situation with the Ukraine, as a publication in a recent email I received that was  from people concerned at NATO of a General Jen Stoltenberg behaviors and a few others involve in the bad dealings in the pentagon and lack of any real - truth, the email publications from NATO employed - stated that the General was with romantic interludes in the Ukraine forcing relationship to peoples of the Ukraine whom - were just gripping at pushing their way into government offices in the Ukraine and into their heat and electric company offices -to a better hope for citizens. Excessive concerning issues with an unqualified despicable president Zelenskyy of the Ukraine  was also gripping at USA tax dollars through even $35 billion missing through attempts at funneling the cash through the pentagon - in an unerhanded greed of Biden Harris Blinker Stonsburg and Zelenskyy -gripping USA taxes with their very few -dc bum group plopped into the Oval Office in seething propaganda lies fed to innocent journalist of  USA peoples and even the Moscow Times. On May 19th 2023 the Moscow Times made a pubic apology to the government of Russia and apologized to the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin and the Kremlins office of vaste great government people, and apologies to the Peoples - readers, and is making fast changes in some further recent apologies to the readers in the very serious faulse reports.  The truth was that Biden Harris dc bum groups - attacked the Heat  and Electric Companies in the Ukraine with help from Biden’s son, and a willing Zelenskyy involved in extortion from the peoples of the Ukraine as well,  as Biden’s son whom elected himself illegally to the board of the Ukrainian utility company -in attempts to extorted money Ukrainian citizens - in several ways - including from the USA taxes, and not alone, seeing concerning F1 issues and 1300 recent Tanks dropped suddenly - in a vicious attempt to lie and funnel cash through another countries into the Ukraine with vacancy of any humanity or ethics at all. Placing even lives of Young USA millitary in harm in a lie. Biden Harris and Zelenskyy were aggressive moving to drop unethically obtained cash into RUSSIAN BANKS, that were  stopped by  at Russian Bank levels as the Government of Russia was notified as well - nearly instantly in February 2023. 

The crying threats aimed at Russians is absurd and mortifying - as Anthony Blinker in the state department is with no ethics reports to his own - also attempted to harm and threaten People in South Africa with arbitrary unethical passport restrictions - in a threat to coheres peoples of South Africa - with no ethical way to see Blinker get away with it- as legal ethics committees in the USA even through congress would be required to place legal fault on Anthony Blinker in the state department of the USA for blatant threats concerning passports to international citizens in a mere threat in May 13 th week 2023.

The concerns of aggression in the Ukraine are aggression of Biden and Harris and a few others in dc bum - whom also caused extreme issues in the USA towards all citizens of all villages in 2022, into even long past 2023 January in the finely sifted details, and caused extreme attacks in unethical ways to USA business people, and no USA law that would holding up, on the stop on companies in any way for any reason in 2020 inside the USA laws of the USA legal doctrines of the constitution of the United State of America,  in any issues ever concerning the entire matter.  The extreme attempts in Biden Harris with their dc bum, in matters they caused in attempts to extort goods and services and money from USA businesses are outrageously negligent - including those strains places on Johnson and Johnson and Dole corporation to name just a few out of the many companies in the USA. Leaving companies to gift cash to peoples for lengthy very harmful excessively stressful times - causied by Biden Harris in catastrophic damages and in pure negligence and of a mortifying contempt of humanity from Biden - Blimker -Harris- and those such as General Jen Stolen and a few other dc bum involved. 

Then having to be hindered by mere dc pirating of the Ukraine and the idiocy in - such disgraces of the Bidens and Harris and DC  bum -negligence that were broadened even negligence  in the CDC as well,  is a time also to realize the president of the Ukraine is also not capable of even passing scores in a college entry level exam of standard competence- while not disregarding the unimaginable issues that Biden Harris and Zelenskyy continued -
The recent comments from Japan - even strait to the faces directly of this Biden Harris and a mortifying Zelenskyy person in political meetings they basically -barged into are incomprehensible in using looming threats of F1 threats in cornering peoples in small and large countries in over 10 seperate countries in the last ten months - of threats from Biden Harris and even this unsavvy palpitating sweltering Zelenskyy- Holding F1 threats -and gripping taxes - aimed to wreck even more. Wrecklessly causing mortifying issues with a blatancy that’s excessively negligible.  

 The  government people of the country of Japan -  upset -with knowledge to even feel as if contending - in the issues caused by Biden Harris Zelenskyy in the  Ukraine with the Zelenskyy president whom lied to the world- even attempts in funneling money from charities to extort the money in companies such as the electric company in the Ukraine - as bidens son was reported to be self elected on the board of the Ukraine country utility electric company- and harmed the Ukrainian people with even exploited inflation in contempt of humanity of real humanitarian reality. 

Where are the ethics reports to work of any cares in budgeting toward ethical cost for citizens in low costs for the reality of stabilizing -in truth of humanity based economic standards. Banking rules and regulations for greater standards for citizens. Where are the reports to all the regulation rules of basic standards within compliance regulation in the president Zelenskyy hands. Biden Harris budget numbers in ethics regulations compliance - where are the standards reports. 

THE RUSSIAN SHOULDER, aided in assured village life for many across the country of the Ukraine in a bigger belief in Russia and a continued working economy held up by a majority of the peoples for the country of the Ukraine with great cares of being in business with Russia. A land of opportunity and much more than hope with the Kremlins worthy reputation in good worth - in a great stabilized Russia. And a country of BIG SHOULDERS well known in all reality justly noted. 

Assuring  opportunity with good banking and safe standards for needed essentials of low mortgage banking standards for a reality of dignity to the peoples which the boardering countries all cared very much about- Russia being first in humanitarian decency in clarity and ongoing. 

 Zelenskyy and Biden and Harris and a few more in NATO that were not compliant to ethics and constitutional legal structure within the USA constitution caused - inhuman atrocity to even the peoples of the USA as they looked as if they were trying to pluck the Ukraine a concerning missing $35 billion in USA tax dollars of the peoples of the USA, as place to land to plop cash to stash in Ukraine electric company digging from the Bidens and his bum few, in causing dismal disaster to pressurize foreign banks - in the $35 billion, in taxes missing in the USA and the extorted money from USA companies - dismal issues caused by Biden Harris and the CDC and this mortifying Zelenskyy -character -  just ready to grip the cash too- free flying to other countries to intrude and not respect the minutes of others lives and quality of standards - and shove citizens in small spots in boarders - kicking bad cloud dust at presidents and government peoples even in Japan. 

The world is calling the Biden Harris Blinker, Gen Jen Stonsburg 
, and Zelenskyy  - three stooges and their dirty dozen, is their reality- with a few others involved in the larger issues - is an American concerns. 

Something much more solvent can be realized-  in truth of a solvency in the new era of the world now - within all laws of the USA constitution for the peoples of the USA, and the aliegence of the world which matters and assured stops on any of this Biden Harris issue to be at a total stop - is the very most important for the stability of the USA to be assured and continued with ease of the USA peoples more and more unstressed - into steps forward in a much greater stabilization effort -  realistically the truth. The new era has begun and the greatest possibilities of a much greater faster stabilization can be realized within the cares and ethical measures forthright of the peoples of the USA now- faster. Greater and more solidly stabilized with truth and aliegence to the world and the citizens of the USA within a standard that has not disappeared.  

Looking back at a former president of the Ukraine to assert some cares -the concerns  might be a possibility to even question further the ethical concerns in matters. Where are Zelenskyy college level and ethics transcripts? Where is he getting his wages from and how - exactly. Why is their Biden son on a board of directors for an electric company in the Ukraine and where are the electric companies compliance records for the international regulations of standards - filed. 
And where are the USA Oval Office ethics compliance record for Biden Harris desks in their required legal structure for compliances of their office details. 

Russia has extended an aliegence towards the peoples of the Ukraine - but not the president - whom was harming the peoples of the Ukraine. The country of peoples were happy to see the giant shoulders of Russia and not a concerning matter that had no government in a president of decency to resolve matters. 

Exasperation of small spots were - upset. Mortifying to exist anywhere. 

Portland Oragan in the USA has worse exasperation now-that has been going on since before 2020 and even much worse in 2020 and much larger a awful disaster for peoples in the USA where the citizens of the USA have a right to a soverienty toward domestic solutions - and ending to these capers of mortification to attack foreign soil and ignore the lives in USA millitary to see a time of study and growth and independence of a much greater nation of peoples. 

Biden gripped at wrong putting millitary at harms way - as indignantly brutal, and  harmed more even by Biden Harris - in the USA ignoring ethical structure of government laws in the USA and not even able to define the word sanctions in properly ethical standards of what rules are evolving of the word sanctions. Illigally misusing the word to cause dismal consorted issues - as a thorn in the USA reality of humanity. 

Biden and Harris and Zelenskyy cause atrociously mangling words - twisting reality - extorting from peoples time and efforts - seething of the respects of lengthy honored worth. Harmed economic stability and broke laws in real areas of solidly assuring a sanction of inflation capped prices that were with a very serious sanction and going well - in international laws of true pure sanctioned regulator ethics. 

The inflation issues caused by Biden Harris in the USA cost 50% of efforts to stabilization to a fainte lesser productive financial gain in National profits and USA wage stabilization. 

The earnings reports in USA companies in true standards of actual ethical political stability work - with sanction stability that was working well, could have been with at least 50% more stabilized effects in a outcome of 200% better job security with a rolling market standard in solid position in the USA and instead the USA has larger concerns of removal to a few in dc that caused very serious damages- looking at a recent film sent to me by my friend John Melloncamp about needs and difficulties in a human condition that needs a fresh approach and excellence in standards and yes food supplement country benifits too- in no further loss in tax stolen by Zelenskyy Biden Harris, known as the three  stooges headed for their  pal in the Ukraine - were gripping taxes, causing disease, heartbreaking substandards, causing desperation and disparages to retirements of human beings very important to clearly note, and caused catastrophic damages- with enormous amounts of exacerbated unethical lies in News as to even taint some very good news peoples, with spread of unethical propaganda News. 

With no standard ethics reports - reports that are legally required to be viewed ( disclosed ) to all peoples in daily reported ethics statements within the rules and regulatory reality of the structure in USA government laws standards requirements especially from the Oval Office and other top USA government offices with reports due in legal regulatory reports in all ethical compliances -  Where are the released budget standards in approvals and strict policies of peoples views of citizens rights to review the budgeting of every cent- and majority peoples opportunity to see their rightful legal statements of approvals in the constitutional USA laws of the peoples in true Majority Rule Compliances- no budget numbers in reports are in disclosed ( in view ) as needed in the compliances for the rights of the peoples to see all the budgets and every penny in a transparency of ethical compliance within constitutional laws  of the USA. 

Thee John Melloncamp with a very special song and film    2023.  THE EYES OF PORTLAND 

Piazza Pizza Event Summer 2023 soon. 

May 27th 2023 UPDATE Seattle News impeachment - is a powerful tool to the peoples of the USA within constitutional laws in a power to assure many things in the country of the USA. We are truly at a point of a new era and time is of the utmost importance - as a country filled with greater peoples of excellence in care and a need to have a working standard far more than before that is possible. Read today in the Seattle News as changes in the USA can be faster than imaginable in a way that truly serves a higher purpose of greater humanities and a better reality in greater standards for a country of all. 

April 2nd 2023 below posts - updates at the bottom ongoing. 

My ole friends in los angels in Hollywood just created an Indian Film - just for me. With special meaning and caring pure love. The brief FILM. Of course you must see the INDIA TOUR FILM   The Indian Motorcycle w/NEET TRAVEL for Women with a Film 

I continued on to write  Banana News Revival due to an enormous global interest in my many memo statements and the FURTHERMORE ARTICLE with my BUBBLE UP ARTICLE and LOVE NOTES. 

It is almost time to look at a small easy Vespa Motor Scooter or a small dirt bike Indian or Kawasaki and hunt for a fine picnic sattle bag for the back with a automobile cart - and drive into some real Bear Country for a stop in to a fine ristorante with plenty of food in my sattle bag totes too. Just me and my Indian with a great phone camera with video - to meet up with friends and snap a hundred photographs of a real bear hunt. Even bake up some  pastery whete BEAR CLAWS loaded with honey, nuts, raisins and  cherries - with a tiny village invite to sir Vladimir Putin my lovely very sweet darling Sir Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA. Waste no time - Indian Summer is about to begin. 

pencil sketch: from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Creedence Clear Water Revival, 

1970’s originally while it’s been re-recorded by 

Thee Creedence Clear Water Revival as I named BANANA NEWS REVIVAL after, with  a respect of the freedoms of constitutional structures in the ethics within humanities to the peoples of the USA and within international ethics too, BANANA NEWS REVIVAL is a revival of respect to the peoples all over the world of efforts tiny often that are larger of importance than imaginable. Never to lose sight of tiniest good details so much of love. True love is more in a love for humanities than imaginable. 

with my friends Creedence whom 

I love and adore with “HAVE YOU  EVER SEEN THE RAIN” 


Creedence Clear Water Revival: John Fogerty, Tom Fogerty; Doug Clifford, Stu Cook 

         edits      in       BANANA    NEWS     REVIVAL.     will     be      ongoing      from.      April 15th        

2023.   to       the dates of   April 28th 2023       and       then       just     updates    

after            that         will.      be       posted       for   a     USA      reflection   and global reflection towards better        fortitude   towards.    a     USA     stabilization     of       more a     garden       of       fortitudes internationally       of     garden     to      grow. 

3:00 am April 16th 2023 from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA 

It’s true, 


has been emailing me for a year or more and just a weeks ago the JOUNALISTS from the New York Times sent me a very special messages about my BANANA PANCAKES that was a idea that Sir Vladimir Putin reminded me of in a very charming email late last summer that he knew I love. 

sir Vladimir thee Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA 

made an effort to — more wonderful with real pure vanilla extract in the lovely butter milk batter once thoroughly mixed. Letting  the batter sit about 15 minutes is with fluffier BANANA PANCAKES with two table spoons of vanilla for 4 large pancakes is opulently RUSSIAN LOVE -with my ancient banana pancake recipe. sir Vladimir Putin loves my banana pancakes and more. His recipe variation was wonderfully delightful. The New York Times has more news I selected meticulously to  update my perspectives in a few messages and place well for international readers and USA readers too- in my special selections - while the New York Times peoples enjoyed sending me messages in emails about my foods and recipes too and much more - special messages and some difficult too.  What delightful peoples everyone is- merci, grotci, gracious, and thank you very much with nearly four New York Times messages daily for over a year. Of course the BANANA PANCAKES message was endearingly  extraordinarily special Happy  Royal Indian Spring with FLAMBÉ to everyone. 


April 20th 2023 publication beginning 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett / cultural dignatary, managing executive editor  sole owner of Studio Vosse 

Banana News Revival xo  Tax . Social Security . Love 

April 20th 2023 at 10:53 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village estate in New York USA 

photograph archive: Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin Five Star Chef 

of  the   Kremlin   of   Russia,   sir  Vladimir  Putin.   of    the 

country   of view of a Russian Royal  Flambé  Easter  2023  

the   flambé  was quite    delicious    as    rare    splendor. 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia invited International Lecturer as honor in environment and economic ethical standards and economic stabilization from former USA President of the United States of America, noted senior George Bush Senior - as Sir Vladimir Putin is a very well noted quite distinguished personality of real work in economic reform and established excellence in worthy efforts of fostering economic stability of economic standards for global level in  economic peace in humanitarian excellence - with May I say - proven factual theoretical developments of stabilization and hard earned proven highest ethics in worthy actualized humanities of ethics in economics stability of many many years of work in economic developments of world peace matters of very high importance of humanities for all peoples. 

the James Baker Institute in Chicago Illinois’s of the United Stares of America has been most honored to receive such a notable international RUSSIAN nationalist diplomatic political person such as the KREMLIN of RUSSIA sir Vladimir Putin. Of simply  outstanding impeccable achievements of highest humanities as sir Vladimir Putin has with finest details of achievements. As recognized of honor by former USA president Senior  - 
George Bush -Senior 
enjoy the FILM   

sir Vladimir Putin was the Prime Minister in Russia for many years and with work in executive direction of the Kremlin Government Bureau ( as in the KGB ) in very high success for the country of Russia in economic, cultural, and employment standards, and education, within highest ethics within humanities.  Good villages largest and tiny matter very much in importance of Russia. With strong robust bold solid economic standards in some results of sir Vladimir Putin’s wonderful fortitude. Honored all over the world in fact. The work on the G7 began a development stage as Vladimir Putin’s especial project in 2013 more of the development of the G7 became more prolific within an economic humanities summit that was about all peoples in Russia with good fortitude in global cares and respective to countries and their well honored noted Russian President 
Sir Vladimir, being  one of the fundamental persons in the development of the G7.  For Russia and for countries was a fine project that is with untold success of countries impacted within peoples and presidents with many efforts, that worked avidly and ferociously in peace of ethical fortitude step by step at a turtles pace and many restrictive international regulations to think through at length during each step of project developments and strict budgetary regulations within countries. The summit of the G7 successes didn’t happen over night and peoples in many business sectors were very interested - even many more jobs were cultivated successfully with success in revenue for companies that created solid profits. The work in the G7 was one of sir Vladimir Putin’s special projects with some extra caring in some annex projects too - with esteemed cares of some troubled areas small that gained favorable improved standards and was a great extra success in the extrodinarily large country of Russia. Very important to sir Vladimir Putin as an esteemed diplomatic lovely president of the country of Russia very in tune with such broad measures of needs within peoples with Russia very important as the Kremlin has an esteemed reputation modestly understated of a very good success in Russia. Quite modest I dare say within such vaste peoples efforts as well, within the very prestigious large country of Russia. Astonishing success of many many peoples was great news.  Of course volumes of books could be written of the important success of individuals in Russia that was with a platform of care in the Kremlins expense of time and work fortitude.  Volumes of books, of peoples successes, yes I did say volumes of books unwritten yet. 

In 2013 thee honored sir Vladimir Putin began structuring a plan as said an “annex project “ in 2013 a sortie’ of idealisms in “small fish tank sizes “ of a better improved environment, with many thoughtful considerations of education and culture and employment that gained fast success as there was a thirst for the kremlin’s veracious mindset to a fish tank - “ annex project “ kindly states as thee annex. 

The annex in fact was working so well, that the internationalists of other countries in noted theology in peace at the international Peace Organization loved the ideals and efforts and results resounding success of sir Vladimir Putin, whom then was honored in the very esteemed extremely prestigious highest WORLD NOBEL PEACE HONOR, known throughout all the world. A complexly difficult highest achievement - not unlike former president Jimmy Carter of the United States of America whom is  also a past Nobel Peace Prize honor. Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia is among the noted 
Nobel Peace Prize Honor of the same stature of thee very famously loved Albert Einstein being noted as a genius in humanity areas of humanitarian peace through higher theory in mathematical equations based in subjectivity of humanities in standards of importance of all peoples as a whole.  Sir Vladimir Putin worked very hard in studies to earn an international law and international business degree during his earlier years at the University of Leningrad in Russia. Located in beautiful Saint Petersburg Russia - sir Vladimir’s home city. Later working at exemplary worthy highest ethical Boldly fortuitous worth within many many years of humanitarian work with greatest impact on many millions of lives for many many years. 

The work on the G7 was damaged a bit later into 2020 - but the strength and years in worthy efforts larger of opportunities and humanities growth for peoples of Russia made capitalism in humanities within employment growth and stabilization, and cultural stability, as well as greater fundamental education and lowering inflation a good solitude in ethical peace resiliently absolute ( more solid ) for the peoples of Russia. With an eye on standards of living and good professional ethical reality- individualized wealth became more solid as a stabilization effort toward solid rooted stabilization gained a fast restabilization that was a gripping importantance - to sir Vladimir Putin and the peoples of Russia as a whole large very caring country. 

Such a triumphant truth should be known and with some care for such astounding achievements. Even for the strengthened structure of government was gained  a resounding effect as very important for the peoples of the country of Russia - too of a country government with that much care. The population of international travelers even grew in the country of Russia quite well after thee G7 summits began. While international travelers always found Russia a worldly cultural worthy travel. Wildly the G7 was lead by the Russian President sir Vladimir Putin in many ways unseen - as brilliant. The Nobel Peace Prize honor was solidly given generously and with serious decisions in an astonishing result to the worlds highest honor intellectually of the Nobel Peace Prize to honor Sir Vladimir Putin’s extremely worthy outstanding work and love for his country of lovely peoples in Russia and internationally as a global G7 as a noted Humanitarian project and outstanding of the President of Russia as sir Vladimir Putin is, has been, and always will be - even more impressive after the beginning success of the G7 beginnings 2013- 2014 into a new G20 project proposal on the KREMLIN’S noted hard working humanitarian desk. 
The invite to myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett to join sir Vladimir on the New Plans for the G20 project as an independent cultural artist dignatary would mean a few meetings in MOSCOW RUSSIA maybe with a few songs with my lovely very delightful many friends whom are awaiting some of my replies in sales of project plans and collaborations into a brilliantly lovely future as on location online love letters to sir Vladimir and many many friends and the love letters to the whole world continue. The outrageous number of messages is perfectly lovely and everyone simply loves Sir Vladimir Putin very well in fact. There is no stopping real pure true humanity. I love you all. 

Real World News it is - a small gift of my poetry recital internationally was my very honored cares to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia whom was awarded the highest prestigious global honor of Nobel WORLD PEACE Prize.  Recited by myself,  princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, to sir Vladimir Putin as the President of Russia. A mesmerizingly  ineffable bold lovely person. A true individual of such lovely worth and work - of a fortitude of love for a broadened life with vigor. Just a delight, 

 I dare say. 

Listen again to Robert Redford in conversation      in  a FILM       

with Amy Taubin 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox things can go wrong when bullwinkle dc bum is in the oval offices xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Is it ? “ SAME  AS  IT  EVER WAS “  listen

from thee David Byrne of the Talking Heads whom took time to create a hip totally political film recording with a sultry of a obscurity in a true genius worth of kindness as to re-recorded a perplexing obscene recording - just for me. princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

It’s a much different world in many good ways today -especially, than it has been in a very long time. While of course there is a large USA interested in some very serious problems inside the USA that need the attention of the peoples cares inside the USA for the peoples, and that of a new revolution inside the USA as a humanitarian peace reality. 

The Peoples of the USA have responsibilities of greatest reactions and choices within a stop to the issues of concerns of unethical use of tax money and look towards even further strengthening the constitutional peoples process within the congressional house of the senatorial peoples congress and the peoples taxes and country of conditional ethics of the peoples of the USA. 

More NOW than ever 

in the history of time. 

with   a.      further      message     from   me       as      I    really   love.      peoples      all.     over     the     whole world -     to     you         whom       ever      you       are            from         The       Beatles     

PS,    I.    LOVE.     YOU      LISTEN  

On going EDITS BELOW         .  But for now see a film clip of a great real political movie                              THE CANDIDATE that is perplexing and quite serious with the wonderful very honored notable friend of mine Robert Redford - with a FILM BREIF   Even a three minute trailer for THE CANDIDATE.  Purchase the whole movie on DVD if you wish for only $8.34 read.  Purchase a wonderful DVD player with a full screen to fold up and travel for only $29.99 read.  And wonderful to have with great ability to play mini album dvd disks of music and movies to collect and tote anywhere. of course as a president of Russia it is said sometimes father of the country and sir Vladimir Putin does not have any sons. Yet  is proudly sometimes called the father of the country of Russia as a proud Russia of sir Vladimir Putin’s statue as president of the lovely country of Russia. 

In 2013 I sat down at my studio home office desk one day in February 2013 - having a project proposal on my desk ready as a presentation  to  Herman Miller of 60 chairs and a book I just completed that needed marketing work exactly the way I see it, I just create a jewelry collection for Neiman Marcus, with an exhibition called Cracked Eggs with some very unusual aria music compositions and rather minimalist modern music compositions to - needing to get the recording dvd finished, I looked at the whole world of my enormous work efforts for  a few weeks. I had just completed a new wildly exciting peace and Mecca book about Jerusalem for children with music minstrels needed that I emailed Paul Simon about -   I then decided to devote  one hour a day to a new free project I developed called Studios International Peace Project - to see a whole world prosper in ethical peace more. What a world it could be. Prosperity  in culture, self education, and formal standards in formal education with good solid jobs as I thought -to myself -  maybe there is a chance - with ole international business acquaintance and museum and arts peoples, movie friends and - I thought it could be good. Being in with the right in-crowd can be exciting. 

april 23rd 2023 email from HERMAN MILLER with REAL HISTORY READ 


with  a FILM 

More soon of myself: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett BRIEF VITAE’ 

no update details yet  available of the vitae ‘ 

My Urgent 2022 Guitar Revolution JUNE 2022, was thankfully well loved and globally very successful- outrageously incredible success in fact - which lead more people to restart - as quickly as possible -the USA economy in many ways that were incredibly important. It was not without many many populations of greater people whom realized how important the economy and even in school education for primary schools really are. The economy in the USA now has drastically changed from May of 2022. 

There was a great deal of short travels more than any other year in history that made a differeance. Automobiles sales went up in the USA from my LOVE notes to sir Vladimir Putin, and close darling friends and more friends globally all over the world. My love notes were for everyone near and far and many many friends even from my international exhibitions that grew in numerous amounts of peoples from all over the world. My international on location exhibitions will resume’ again. In Moscow Russia too. Yes, I think so. The Moscow Times internationally has been good to me in a horrific upset caused by dc bum USA. Plain and simple - DC BUM. In Great Britian England - BUM means your bottom used as queezee brain of maliciousness. DC BUM did a large amount of harm in looking back to getting in to DC even in 2020 with such harm DC BUM caused. In the New York Times the News is just beginning to surface from illegal issues cause in DC of DC BUM.  Recently in Israel a reality of a solid democracy became important to peoples in Israel as an excitement that some issues in the USA were too daunting to not rally proudly that Israel in Europe is doing very well. Even a bit better than the USA, though in June 2022 the change in the USA was unstoppable in a very different USA than ever before in the whole history of humanity - and GUITAR REVOLUTION JUNE  2022 was with excellence and must have set forth with many peoples whom made a position village to village in all villages to join the Guitar Revolution June 2022 and stop Covid and was extrodinarily successful. The  realized importance to assure many things within constitutional ethical ways became an assured step toward finer ice cream summer outings into last autumn toting pic nic’s and long drives - even more travels near and far- cares about the structure of the peoples process in governmental rule and regulations and wage and good free solid greater education and Retirement, Taxes and social security that needs every budgetary penny to increase social security in ways of even better retirement and assure health regulations for all public buildings. A way to lower housing costs and easier savings to really enjoy money, work, and a accumulative savings of a wealth to rely on and feel good about budget plans and expenses and employment and extra spending. 

The Rockefeller Foundation resulted in even higher than expected of vaccinations for Covid 19 at 90% of the global population successful in part due to GUITAR REVOLUTION JUNE 2022 events in every village. The Gates Foundation too was instrumental in the extra efforts as was the multi- international conglomerate company, Johnson and Johnson and Russia at the Kremlin’s level too was quietly involved with the very first to assure the whole global world vaccines from hard work that sir Vladimir Putin was relentless in assuring. As first to see a whole world with the ability to assure vaccines and gathered assure investors to any excess costs - with outstanding speed and no stops on business within the country of Russia as a fortitude of sanctity not to over step business people and the business of employment and assured ability to of course earn money people have rights too.  The Guitar Revolution June 2022 also created more travers and better business profits and more success in job growth and stabilization of hope for solid employment with hope to wage increased as I stated in the FURTHRMORE publications of a way to $20.00 per hour and as a $5.00 per hour increase hope. Sir Vladimir Putin emailed me the very next day with wished to see a G20 summit with me next to him. Darling delight he is with such amazing optimizing and humanitarian cares so real. Tangible even. 

The Bubble Up publication I wrote was extremely successful. Internationally  as well as nationally. More on the updates in the news soon.  It’s 11:13 pm in NY USA now and 6:14 am in Moscow Russia on April 21 st 2023 already. I have a great many things to write about in Banana News Revival of  importance to the USA and very important internationally as well. 



emailed to me on April 23 rd 2023 posted in Banana News Revival 

On April 23 rd 2023 at 3:56 pm est usa   Updated Media and New York Times News you don’t wish to miss about reading wrong doing in the USA Oval Office and some dc Oval Office Bum - at the bottom of Banana News Updates - please please read the news below of very important areas to note in the USA and throughout the whole world. With politically charged cultural bold statements in cultural arts too. 

With  film and photograph from everywhere in the whole world non- stop. 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


politically  RACCOON EYES  

photographic credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett

date of photograph April 25th 2023 at 3:00 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village rental estate in the prestigious forest regions in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW. in the 20th century no one feared wearing the FRENCH look of Raccoon Eyes during political concerns with economics and business and education in real political statements high on their list. 


A recent update on April  26th from THE NEW YORK TIME as a respond to 

BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press as emailed to me after the statements above 


NBC NEW update April 24 th 2023  READ 


More Friend, yes, many many and some from 


emailed me today on April 23rd 2023 with free newsletters                                                                         and film updates from Warren Buffet as well-         CNBC NEWS READ 

Keep going - please read to the bottom the very important Banana News Revival 


Especial news of many great peoples at  ABC NEWS  READ 

April 24th 2023 

Elton John Posted April 21st 2023 

ELTON JOHN Rocket Man Especial      Listen 


BTS fab seven men with especial “ permission to dance “     listen 

Billy Joel

Thee Billy Joel 

river of dreams                                      listen 

DAVID BOWIE updates “space  oddity”       listen 

MICK JAGGER update “ under my thumb “ listen 
Photograph: Mick and Charley Watts 



Banana News Revivel Continues in an International Press 


My email was posted April 23 rd 2023 at 2:10 am :of the  April 22nd 2023 at 10:41 pm                       New York Times newspaper publication :                                              The U.S. Millitray Evaculated the American Embassy in Sudan due to fighting that arose. read Seattle Times U.S. Millitray Move Out of Sudan read 

NEW YORK TIMES newspapers read    NEW YORK TIMES newspaper read 

FOX NEW USA television read         Seattle times read   

CBS NEWS READ  April 24th 2023 

The NEW YORK TIME reported that Mr Biden was involved with trying to start a war in the Ukraine as there were released reports from someone at the Pentagon of a attempt that the USA Oval Office unethically worked to deceive the country of the USA and contemptuously was actively trying to start a war in the Ukraine and in other countries as well, such as Sudan and Germany and four other countries at least with a small hush hush platoon and a man whom headed the attempts on the Ukraine and five other countries in the last 6 months in the Pentagon and USA NATO names General Jen Stoltnberg as well as a sprinkling of others in Washington DC with someone unqualified in the State Department named Blinken whom blatenely lied to media and has no daily ethical reports to public view nor films of any alagations he lied about and infested media with harm to international news - pressurizing news personnel and unethical air time with tampering with news with a Pentagon official whom Paid and Hired Crackers age 21 to break in to online areas from the Pentagon. Other computerizes types of equipment such as Phones and ATM and banking and USA tax records among other types of business computer equipment was also targeted by the Pentagon Hired Crackers ( computer hackers) hired by the Pentagon Office and NATO General Jen Stoltenberg, The Bidens and Miss Harris. with tactical extortion of taxes funneled into the Pentagon and attempting air flight and moving unauthorized equipment as even sonic boomers that can Ding blasts and ding sound transmission as they also aimed at USA citizens. 

Joe Biden and the Oval Office were also reported at attempting to corner Youth to fight and the Oval Office is under an investigation for child abuse that is also dated back to some reports of children harmed in Mexico and cornered by the Biden Harris administration. The News of the tax extortion funneling  into the Pentagon and with NATO Jen Sloltnberg and the unqualified director of the USA State Department a man name Blankenship are very serious  and the USA thankfully is in much better positioning than it was last year and with a greater aleigence internationally too- to stop dc bum and really enjoy the future of much more a wonderful and ferociously exciting worthy work life and leisure with secure taxes and secure wages and savings as we work better towards better retirement now for peoples of the USA and see through lowering inflation too- for a closer look into tax dollars of the peoples rights in the USA under constitutional laws  structural government peoples ethics laws. Preserving the USA and needed tax dollars. 

We care and love the real peoples of the USA millitray and wish to see a friutful life for our lovely ,en and women as very lovely peoples not to be subjected to a mortifying circumstance from a unethical nasty ikkeee biden harris and their cantina correlers of corruption attacking the Ukraine to dump money into in attempt of money laundering and tax  extorting from the USA and attempting to break into banks and governments and real-estate globally in dismal disrespect for usa structure of government and international ethics. with attempts Biden and Harris of contempt at youth in abuse reports as well. 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.  oxoxo scenes from Rudolf the Red Nose Raindeer xoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox                              xoxoxoxo cornie cornucopia w/ elf’s  travels to the  Ukraine w/ bum hunting for  gold and depositor sights now xoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  with a FILM   

Raccoon Hats with Daniel Boone are very political and vivid in FILM 

April 23rd 2023 New York USA NOW. 

About the Constitution and the Peoples Process   In the USA ethics of structure of the United States Government -  is of Great Importance Now More than Ever. More than a question in Elections and concerns with over $34 billion dollars of USA Taxes that were extorted through the Pentagon from just a few at fault with Oval Office DC bum with attempts of Oval Office dc bum whom to try and grip on to USA tax dollars stealing as to funnel money within the PENTAGON and NATO from the unqualified General Jen whom even attempted to use USA government time to start a media letter - with proof all over the world in 500,000 mood based satalights, even attempting to cut music dvds and more with funneling tax cash within a  very small Oval Office dc bum gang steeling from the peoples of the USA at Oval Office levels again, as a concern for the peoples of the USA now more than ever after peoples in the USA made decisions much greater with great successes large than perhaps ever in history in ways of even rebeginning again or first beginnings too of  success since June 2022 with nearly a year of fine memories very important to everyone all over the whole world and with a new love for croquette and baha summers into hopes for warm  and ski winter vacations. 

There is a peoples concern everywhere in every village throughout the USA about $34 billion dollars in extortion tactics from dc bum now to see a reality of a stop on these very awful matters now. The peoples of the USA are in a pivotal position now to see through a much better reality and separate the dc bum from a very vaste number of peoples greater within every village with failures and everything. It’s an important time now in 2023 April end to ponder the power of the peoples larger and vaste of greater minds and dignities to a ethical constitutional USA resolve and not - resort in failed anything ever again. No, it is not the same as it ever was and the whole world is with greatest cares and affections of peoples of the USA. 

Banana News Revival Continues with myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

The week of April 16th 2023 the U.S.A. was with a long hush about Millitary whom were in SUDAN and infesting the Sudan Embassy for many travelers that are SUDAN - Americans. While Sudan grew mad - some people in Millitary saw the ethical solution and came home- possibly with some Millitary that may get a chance to just get regular employment. Possible. Some greater human in the Millitary in the USA evacuated all USA Millitary From Sudan as should  have been - as never to have happened. 

With a message from  

thee darling BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN              


                                          Born in the USA 


Of course Thee Bruce Springsteen was on tour in South America in 2017 - and later arrived in Manhattan New York City at my International peace and economic - cultural exhibitions with my aria and modern minimalists operatic music compositions with many many economic free lectures.    The economic lectures are with a project schedule to be on sale soon with a low $2.00 per lecture price that was planned to be online as early as October 2022 in reiterations of over 8 years of peace, economics and cultural lectures   Of international worth in past piazza exhibitions. It is true that I ran into some delays and concerns and moved the beginning entry level lectures to a date later in 2023. The lectures are for ages of all in pre- working ages to even basic brush ups for peoples with advanced executive worth - which might feel unusual and exhilarating unlike any other ever seen. 

 Bruce listened and bought me a fine lunch that day - and delivered it to my piazza street travel where I was napping on my oversized okra attaché’ travel sleeper in a giant okra designer royal blue - with many millions of people arriving daily by then. It was a lovely summer day in Manhattan New York USA. In many ways, very lovely. Sir Vladimir Putin - in a mozeroti with lunch -while I sang Gershwin’s I love New York in the  Spring  ? Top Secret with a matching extra large okra royal blue attaché we napped on the piazza together then. I create  quite the scene - in international piazza exhibitions with even more invites on- location again soon, with online streaming and online announcements again - in a new revolution royal Indian Summer events - again with some extra international satalight web cam internationally in over 500,000 satalights as usual. When live street cams are recording they record in over 500,000 satalights - moon data is bold and real - and google posts too with all web sites as well- even after erased and interrupted the timing and ipo gps data are fully recoverable are traced and a can be - replayed at the touch of something called google cache’


The WARREN BUFFET is in full gear with a brief - FILM 

John Denver arrived as well. Then in 2018 John Denver filmed more online works of finest music compositions again - even a message, one hour music record that John Denver sent recently.     Political John Denver Listen 

Please won’t you listen again - LISTEN again to a song by John Denver.                                            Take Me Home Country Road.  

I wish to say thank you to John Denver and Bruce Springsteen WARREN BUFFET NBC NEW YORK TIMES AND SEATTLE TIMES and CNBC AND MORE

many many many many friends.  

Merci ‘


Friend yes, many and some from 


emailed me today on April 23rd 2023 with free newsletters                                                                         and film updates from Warren Buffet as well-         CNBC NEWS READ 


Cabrini Green Demolition in a Annex LOCATION CHICAGO ILLINOIS USA PHOTO  

Where are the FILMS and PHOTOGRAPHS from the Oval Office and other dc bum in all daily reports and tax budgetary reports approvals in a peoples congressional process and travel receipts ? 



Of course - there were a few USA whom were Wrong and Attempted to USA illegally TAX money in the USA and unethical use of Millitary power to secretly attempt a small unethical USA cauoo Millitary that recently Invaded Germany without a senate peoples process unethically using the United States of American’s peoples tax dollars and extorting gripping cash - steeling in white call or crimes and attempts to cause the Ukraine war - and pressing matters within the USA of extorted over $ 35 billion dollars illegally funneled into the PENTAGON -as reported by a large majority  in the Pentagon upset and reporting the issue publicly with every responsibility ethically to do so. 

The USA dc bum are with a few in the extortion tactic inside  USA pentagon and USA - NATO and of Oval Office DC bum. - dc bum extorted $35 billion under the noses of United State of American citizens from the USA peoples paid TAX and with no legal ethical process within the whole country of people to access those TAXES.  Money that can be retrieved and used appropriately for excess retirement increases as should have been.  Furthermore with attempts to stop the USA dc bum within the USA of much greater vastly populated peoples of the country of vaste many peoples can stop dc bum in a dc bum Oval Office whom attempt to stop peoples from normal standards and even Millitary peoples from finest standards too with awful upsets - and dc bum attempted to stop normal and business that broke business ethics from DC bum attacks on USA citizens and dc bum attempted to consort damage to normal standard free education. - as dc Oval Office bum were contemptuous in mortifying  ways towards the peoples of the United States of America damaging the country in contempt of ethics and constitutional humanities laws in structure of government in a cover up at Oval Office levels of past dirty dealings and a possible faked election - aiming to take out 500.000 moon data satalights to extort more money and hunt real estate and net flix deals in other countries unethically - under force on USA people in a very serious heath crisis - trying to strike at international countries. There were even attempts to take the extorted stolen cash and shuffle it to international banks including a attempt online in a RUSSIAN BANK - as the bank would not accept the traced extortion of funds from these dc bum as the Russian government was immediately alerted. All after July 2022 and still very serious actions from the USA can stop these Born American USA dc bum.  With further attempts to hit the moon to mangle data that is verifiable to easily trace the activity and receipts and the misuse of Air Ports Air public flight and Air Force One, unethical office work in the Oval Office dc bum, whom attempted even investment scams into cartels ( illegally organized companies with stolen design stolen goods and stolen cash ) to mention just a few upsets caused by dc federal bum. 

                   On        April      24 th     2023.     I   give   you   a 

MEMO from MOSCOW at the Kremlin Office in MOSCOW RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin President ( Kremlin Czar )

of the lovely country of RUSSIA in an UPDATE from MOSCOW NOW READ 

There is importance of something said within a message that Robert Redford reiterates, above is very important to the USA and the world. Of course Robert Redford and Amy Taubin are not alone. THE PEOPLES OF THE USA are not alone and the billions of peoples in each country are not alone and important too. Each and everyone of you. The issues that are concerning in the USA that are a malicious aim from  dc bum aimed toward the peoples and have wreaked  havoc on all the peoples of the USA and the whole world in awful ways caused by dc bum. Issues even with rogue in top offices in dc with even NATO - infesting even museums with concerns of even the UNITED STATES of AMERICAN MUSEUM of the NATIONAL GALLERY - and other major museums as well as one that was just closed in Berlin, Germany of all places in the country of German and USA Millitary in a very small idiot group  were told to leave due to a USA Millitary small group that were breaking into the president of Germany’s phone messages. My home was with very awful weirdos near my home last summer -even some unsavvy phone concerns -  later after I was with emails in some news of greater success for me in needs to prepare work projects and reply in July 2023. Some  USA rogue Millitray were in my village - that were dc bum - in using Air Force One like a free flight hop in free service unethically and spitting lies of the world while contemptuously - and then some loud noises in the village and some internet slowed for a very unusual slowing in my internet and made it very difficult to post my normal work project notes including love letters to Russia. My travel plans were in some delays as well with a tour delay. I was concerned that someone was thinking people were seen only as raccoon hats with tails. 

People all over the world in the 20th century bought faux raccoon hats and wore them in business suites for political statements years back in a pretty hip crowd - when upset came towards any economic issue unethical that troubles economics and made humanity most venerable too. 

dc bum wrongs at the top offices in the Oval Office and NATO and the state department are a large USA peoples concern as too bad  rogue police too- seen trying to take peoples luggage in bathrooms on Fifth Avenue NYC Manhattan NY USA and cars and wallets - even pesky nasty actionable issues of wrong by police in airports - And NATO rogue with  Oval Office DC Bum in unethical agendas that actually attempted to funnel tax cash into a recent 2023 attempt on a Russian bank in January 2023 and the Russian government could not accept the stolen cash in any bank in Russia and was alerted immediately at government levels. 

The USA peoples in every village vastly large numbers of villages across the USA are with much better successes now and efforts are with a real care to look into the future of the soil and hard earned money of the peoples of the USA and wish to see tax dollars used ethically for the USA country to be well and good and retired people well and with proper tax retirement with proper increases that are deserved  and of lengthy work everyone spent years to retire well. There  is the time now- time is of the utmost importance  into next week and next year and in two years to many achievements and better leisure - with good efforts and with good memories looking back and looking into the future. Even planning to learn the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF LOVE and travel to Saint Petersburg Russia to see the quaint cathedral there one day sooner. Yes I say- the world and the USA are of greater possibilities than in many years now- though the USA peoples have choices to see through towards a much better dc sooner -  with no dc bum as the USA peoples have and even serious decisions now. Important they are and the decisions will take every human in the USA and a greater international world that really is of such lovely peoples everywhere. 

The peoples process of USA constitutional laws allows the people to have a full disclosure ( view) - of  a full ethics agenda report of transparency of ethics in every level of government. Usually normal to be able to look up the detailed reports daily -in the USA library of Congress.  Peoples of the USA should know that even Faked safe CRACKER ( small dc bum group that were tapping and mangling computer data ) data was tapped unethically in lies on police reports in the USA causing citizens damage to nice peoples  that were not wrong and harmed in cases by police. Peoples should know that even very esteemed mayors were chased by rogue rat police.  Also, the New York Times years back reported that Obama was with an illegal birth record really found in misinformation on his passport before he was elected and then after he was elected he rammed the USA with more harsh circumstance. After some other very daunting concerns took place in the unjust Oval Office matters, before.  That which could have been avoided and averted in easily realistic ways. see the message from HERMAN MILLAR EMAILED TODAY April 23rd 2023. 


Taxes in each penny are extremely important in many areas of the USA government in many laws that are with a congressional ethics reality of agendas and real ethical budgets and a clear peoples process within congressional peoples process of ethical constitutional reality even with Millitary rules and budgets and ethics for the benefit of Millitary and as citizens too.

More soon - while the international ethics committee is very important if an issue begins individually to peoples in the USA and very important. I want to have time for savings to buy my Indian Motorcycle this year in 2023 like my ole friend Anthony Hopkins in the Hollywood film he sent me for Banana News Revivial for my International Press. 

More about the word safe CRACKER soon too, as well.  What is a safe CRACKER group? Not yet. The New York Times has some very important news that is just surfacing in April 2023 on the 13th day of the month into April 16th 2023 and throughout the week with Emails I have been receiving and people need to realize more as even some journalist that may have missed some news as well. 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxox xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

GO ASK ALICE with thee Jefferson Star Ship 

in a especial recording just for me      LISTEN 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Earlier news - reiterated below. 

The New York Times newspaper published articles recently last week April 17th 2023  that a person inside the pentagon was extorting money with the Biden and Harris and Blinker with a few other former Oval Office dc bum and hiring CRACKERS ( people with  attempt break ins to computerized technology trying to stop internet even - and other digital discombobulating in harmful disgraceful unethical in harm to business and more, in malicious intent with   types of computerize machines ) - crackers as early as 21 years old hires by Some people at the Pentagon somehow - and much older crackers too of harm to companies - atms in the USA and international government web sites, emails and phones and even banking - attempts at google too, in the USA from some dc Oval Office and other dc bum, involved in grip tax money hand over fist to bath in museum cultural even international museums - attempts at international real estate too unethically with fists - among some attempts on many companies that were harshly harmed by unethical Oval Office bumbling directly in 2020 and very serious as seen as malicious intent. Yes. And in earlier years as early as 2010 - the oval bum tried to invite others into museums to just take over - unethically throwing parties inside museums with unethical plans and misuse of the position of the Oval Office. Some of the largest most prestigious museums with extrodinary historians in world cultural arts were drasitically effected in upsetting ways that cause some deterioration -that took a great deal of repairing and time with lost revenue and such great  historians are excellent and many are and some colleagues and friends of mine.  

Where are the minute  by minute legally require reported work in the offices of the Oval Office and dc top offices of government in DC ? and their legally required expense reports to be seen by all people under regulations of the structure of government in the USA previsionary in United States of American constitutional laws of structured ethics in government for all peoples to see and read in all history of all government years. Each day each report publically disclosed in a transparency to the Nation of peoples in the USA as citizens and even readily available to all international citizens for public records of greatest ethical reality. 

The  concerning reality of very  large issues of broken structural ethics of government standards - are very serious for the USA right now in the dc Oval Office and a few in NATO and the Pentagon and the STATE DEPARTMENT - with no ethics reports for disclosure to the peoples of the United States of America - need for peoples all to see an eyeful watch on the next step of many important things including the admonishment to dc bum with no ability to mangle the country or taxes ever again or ruin retirement and cause such awful damages to humanity in minute by minute day by day month by month into years of damages. Never again I say. 


CNBC USA investment reports read  


Subject to expand upon NASA and outer space. It is true - in 2019 sir Putin as the noble  Kremlin of the country of Russia, properly and within all ethics voiced his opinion about protecting Russian Satalights unliked by the dc bum —in doing so to sir Vladimir Putin’s finest efforts in voicing ethical standards about the importances of not sending any public to the moon as stated or compromising any air space of the satalight locations of Russian outterpace areas - never to become fragile of any attempts of any compromise - sir Vladimir Putin is spoken on the subject with many international ethics laws with great importances to Russia and In ways very important to the whole world.  With very good reason and some of the statements could be soon released again. The health and goodness of great air flight publicly and inexpensively public flight is a noted priority for sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the great country of Russia. For many years now and sir Putin as Kremlin work to see RUSSIA with a best in regulational standards as possible and even lowest possible inflation standards as truth is important and the sanctitude of a vibrant economy is a area of humanities in greatest humanitarian outcome which keeps RUSSIANS with the ability of greater possible individual chance of earning an accumulative individual wealth with importance of stabilized realistic great banking as well as good solid education standards and a extension of cares of world peace through even extra efforts in the very modestly successes of the G7 summits.  

Areoflot Airlines have been a notable success to Russian Public flight in eased hopper flights - that make economic standards better with affordable flight cost low fuel cost- quality in services to all public with ease and cares of customer services and created more business city to city for breezy travel on time and perfect air crafts and well paid and well trained staff and flight piloted for zippy super jets.  


First a movie by my friends at COLUMBIA PICTURES 

12 to the MOON about extraterrestrials. A TWO HOUR FILM 

About taxes from dc Oval Office bum in extortion of said detailing concerns in stimulus that was illegally allocated and caused damage to funds for health care -and increased damages in social security with a harm to reduction in social security increased betterment and caused inflation and rent and mortgages -  what really happened . More soon even about very harmful acts of horror caused by the CDC in the USA. Whom publicly posted a harmful memo about Dole and was a liable issue of misrepresentation to the Dole Corporation  whom was illegally blamed for the director of the CDC- to have cause further health issues and the CDC directly lied and harmed the USA with illegal protocols of the issues in Covid and the CDC endangered employment and large economics in stabilizing the country and only broke laws that harmed companies and jobs in massive levels of harm towards the USA peoples as the CDC were as liable as the Biden Harris dc oval bums in the maiming towards the peoples all in the USA in every village. Left with no help. 

The wrong by the Oval Office in dc USA in 2020 into current days as they in oval bumming dc, precipitated further attacks to the peoples of the USA from the Oval Office into the lives of the horror towards all  USA peoples caused by the Oval Office and —  should be on the minds of all USA peoples right now with an attempt from dc bum attempting to grip $35 billion dollars - while the USA peoples are in much better shape now into a much better care of each and every individual life in the USA including those retired —- and still , with large needs for their government earned retirement and what should have been an increase in the retirement for many peoples in the USA to live better, eat healthier, have lower inflation and travel as much as others which increases tax - percentile increases and then adds to a better country and better retirement stabilization of furthering retirement better country values and improves the capability of government benefits with a country of improved solid employment and not have dc bum again unethically attempted to extort goods and services and money from even Dole Corporation or millions of small businesses whom had to pay out extra earning to employ more people after the caused unethical issues the dc bum caused reeking horror on the nation of the United States of America. 

The  companies of wealth are doing a bit better now and not due to dc bum attempts at the peoples of the USA and attempts of dc bum harm to any country they tended to breath on. The dc bum used only money and people gripping — wrongly — unethically in contempt to humanity coming from dc Oval Office bum. 

Idiot —- dc bum that was stopping business unethically with no work for such a hope to what would have been great possibility of good wages and what is a country of ethical real lawful structure to all in a privilege to great work opportunities to highest ethic - 

Idiot types as dc bum then aimed at international friends of many many USA peoples friends in oval bumble dc bum with some crawling into other very important offices as well- unethically wrecking a nightmare on the world. They are being called USA  Bowinkles and bumbles by school children now - with corni and some elf’s whom mortified everyone. Mortified life everywhere to even just enjoy risterantes STOOGES with a film. 

The dc bum in the Oval Office in WASHINGTON DC are all headed for a sad life for themselves into Spring 2023 and trying to Disperse gripped cash the stole into where next ? 

Sonic blasts and sonic sound blasts ( dinger  ) some dingers - very harmful - have been traced coming from the pentagon and even information confirming the sonic blasts were information released even from some in the Pentagon in the USA released in April 2023 and can be restored in google cashe restored data online about the release from some statements made from more in the Pentagon in the USA that sonics were hitting USA citizens from the few that dispersed into DC Oval Office as a small group. Sonic Blast that can be traced into wrecking roof tops in storms from even years back in WALMART REPORTS - and concerning shipping with stress in some quality designers with no way to see USA business with top notch quality assured shipping and some other little gripping details of squander in tax issues squandered in DC oval offices. Serving lunch on tax dollars to  illegally used to lunch new journalists and harm older very good journalists with infesting lies that maime and are pure dedication and not News but harmful propaganda - and dc bum  even ignore the issues of Television breaches in USA Federal Communications laws ( USA FCC compliances in rules and regulations ) and no film of photographs for their unjust unethical illegal spread of international words they used to corner the people of the USA and ignore dc bum ignored their responsibilities  to constitutional structure of ethical work in government. 

Free flying in a air force one is what the dc bum romped on - threatening peoples while dc bum are  of a small group causing a plain type of infest into the United Nations in espionage to run tanks through Germany to attempt to actually try and deposit stolen tax dollars in Russian banks several months ago in March 2023 with shoves to Air Force one and some in the Pentagon  to get those dc oval bum romping on more of humanity with a secondary group they wanted to point at - 

The Oval Office and those inside the USA involved are not with the work data reports of any compliances in ethics of structure of actual real government in compliances of ethics rules of transparency and regulatory standards in all compliances of the United States of American constitutional laws that the peoples of the country require and have a right to within laws of humanities for all peoples of the USA and are written into international areas of provisionary international laws as well.  

I am asking Millitary in the USA as too the pentagon to keep a stiff upper lip and study again the ethical protocols within the USA constitutional law regulations of the rules in structure of government within national and international ethics of higher laws of rules and regulations -and responsibility of government service millitary persons with a real review of humanities laws in ethics which applies to Millitray protocol and personnel and that of regulated government ethics structures -  to that of any activity in the Millitary that must comply with a full disclosure of a peoples process in a choice of the peoples of any such activity through a peoples constitutional ethical process within an actual ethical senatorial real peoples rule. Justified in such constitutional United States of America for over 400 years and inalienable ( unchangeable rules of ethics compliances - not to be broken ) for the choices of peoples all in every village the dc bum used - taking tax cash from the USA people and intending to cause damages with intent to do so—- dc bum did.  Every  home throughout the United States of America should know— before I get into Free flights to Mexico that were not supposed to be free - dc bum with unethical agendas too in Mexico too is concerning to all peoples in the USA and a matter of concern all over the world. And not to be a tax expenditure in any government rule. Emailed paid receipts are applicable at Oval Office levels to reveal with legal properties of any type of wage that was  earned through the Peoples of the USA taxes - questionable ?  How is the Indian word for hello as to remember How as Hello. In the greater mindset of successes even to a merit of issues in humanitarian rescue during Covid 19 during the most detrimental mortification with malicious dc bum intent causing worse issues of times in the USA.  

Intermission international press break with a film update with Spidy. 

spidy wears red and blue with no white for no paper reports of ethical constitutional work in government budgetary economics in paper work daily. 

More about - not hunting raccoon faux hats of real people sometimes seen wearing business suites-        fox glove hunts perhaps preferred as a silly political cultural surprise - soon.   

more soon. April 23rd 2023 5:50 pm NY USA. Not HUNT  RABBIT FILM 

6:24 pm NY USA NOW 

It is often each year,  that I look at my equity of my years of work in cultural and politically creative ways and designs in my sketch notes of sweat equity in my little sketches and literary flat files, and I think about a ten year plan as to where I began and where ten years will have meaning and importance in structure. In budgeting money it is a smart idea too-to look into the future of budgeting and the countries stabilization in the United States of America, as a civically minded responsibility to care of-  and with my international worth and publications I think that in the USA, it is very good to express to the whole world my belief in the USA peoples and ethics of a large reality of a peoples process that is very important to each and ever citizen - even in mis-shaped upsets at time. Because the political landscape has changed drastically in the USA since May 2022, with a peoples process and more of peoples awareness of choices not to be cornered and have a hopeful chance at a place of employment and more with a good life that is a challenging worthy struggle at times - just wishing for more business and busy days to really know wage increases might get better and with that taxes better and important and finest travel - even carting on your automobile - an actual Indian motorcycle to ride a bit - as we might have hidden concerns with the USA, concerns which will take each and every persons some hope to serious time to look forward to ten years of finest fun - exciting bear run delight, a look at finest events, blue oceans to gaze upon at least once in our lives, in many lives soon to know more ristorante hot spots from short and long drives globally, and surfing with a body board in warmest waters at least once in your life - which are crystal blue green like a Jen, are worth a fortitude of a ten your look into the real love of the hopes for better budgeting and better dc Oval Office worth of good peoples and not these creeping types of dc bum - to the USA people as very important considerations within every village and know more about the senatorial betterment towards the peoples constitutional process - that which are apart of the structure of ethics in government choice of the peoples within legal ethics of legal ethical government of actual focus on a quality of standards for the USA people - within a greater larger world of greater delightful caring peoples every where all over the world - whom make a difference in peace and prosperity too of love for the whole world inside the USA and everywhere. Where has the time gone  - saviore’ faire is everywhere. 

More soon. 

April 25th 2023 late after midnight at 12:51 am eastern standard time from my NY USA Tiny village. 

Email From Apple and Michael J.Fox a world famous silver screen major movie personality 


More Soon. 

Email response on April 26th 2023 





National Governors Association of                                                       All 50 States of each governor for the United States of America 

with contact information for your city - in USA citizenship - and which state your in to contact your governor in the USA. As international people are welcome to also contact the USA governors on USA about issues due to the large amount of international Travelers International Business - constitutional humanities laws of the peoples constitutional humanities laws and with many lovely cares and love for RUSSIA AND SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN KINDLY real.  

Very upsetting update on April 28 th 2023 

Mortifying minds in the Oval Office and any part of Millitray in the USA are not acceptable and peoples of the USA can assure change fast and with a care and love to the USA and international countries all. 

More on How Soon while please take time if you have a minute to read the updates. $35 billion dollars was stolen from the taxes in the USA in the last six months between JULY 2022 and into April 2023 with attempts from these dc bums to have attempted to illegally funnel the $35 billion through the actual military and possibly even more taxes too, and carelessly dc bum turned their backs against the USA peoples yet again and attempted to harm Russia and over six other countries flagrantly posting the information in a NATO email that looks more like attempts to sell a slick magazine with tax dollars used in extortion from the peoples taxes in the United States of America. 

Among the countries are LUXEMBOURG , ROMANIA,  BOLIVIA, SOUTH KOREA, ITALY and SUDAN - all whom kicked the USA Millitray out. A General from NATO in the division of the USA army has been grossly negligent of the humanities concerns and ethics as well, and is liable for the $35 billion issues of grossly negligible tax dispersement that has been used to funnel the tax extortion tactics of dc bum in the Oval Office and take food from USA Veterans as well as place lived into negligent harm. 

April 28th 2023  Update on Ikkiee Biden Harris whom yesterday sent 1300 tanks to the Ukraine against the Constitutional Ethics of the United States laws of the people. The lunge at the actions to harm the dignities of the Ukraine and disturbed what was a larger amount of better business in the Ukraine with the assurances of stronger  business from the Large Country of Russia was a mortifying issue that merits an action of the peoples of the USA to leash Biden Harris whom drove down economic standards in not just the USA but in attempts at more than 6 countries in the last 6 months.  Of course The Government of Russia was very fast to evacuate the area where ikkiee Biden Harris and a president of the Ukraine attempted harm towards Ukrainian people somewhat cornered viciously not unlike the issues caused by Biden- Harris ikiees with other few dc bum attempted  toward every village in the USA in in issues in 2020 with harm to schools and employment and jobs and harm to health of citizens more. 

The president of the Ukraine is unqualified to any type of government position and is with a fake name as well as no cridentials in government at all. It is also the same with ikkiee Biden Harris whom are worse than simply unqualified as they are vicious not unlike the current president of the Ukraine - cornering citizens and with no real name-

The people of the USA have a responsibility to stop the attempts BIDEN HARRIS in tax theaft and romping on citizens rights and Biden and Harris broke lawful ethics - clearly. 

Some USA born ikkiee people as some are infested into advisors of USA nato that look more like they are attempting to pocket money and use goods and services belonging to the USA peoples within government that should not have these issues at all- in extorted taxes and harm humanity and the harm to the sanctitude of the real ethics in congressional peoples process of the ethical laws of the structure of government within the USA Constitutional Ethics laws of the United States of America. 

Updated is NBC News Read 

LIST OF GOVERNORS IN ALL 50 STATES OF THE USA with contact information: 


It is April 28th 2023 at 3:20pm from my tiny village in the USA in Saranac Lake, New York USA 

and tomorrow I myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett will list the process of petitioning ( letter writing in a official ethical structure called petitioning ) to stop these issues and seek a secondary measure to assure the taxes and humanity and stabilizations of the country of the United States of America. 

Instructions on the global letter from all peoples all over the world including all USA citizens in petition letters and sample letters are going to be listed below before Mike Bloomberg’s FILM GIFT. 

photograph of Robert Redford above with a wonderful impromptu conversation about politics and love. 

April 28th 2023 at 3:31 pm THEE ROBERT REDFORD 

in conversation about political movements of the peoples of the USA with a FILM 

Also BTS the fab seven music composers in the photograph below: 

South Korea with thee lovely darling friends I have BTS seven men 

with a political clout in works of art in Music Composition with a FILM 

5:00 pm New York USA New York Times                                                                                              Update about Sudan emailed to                                                                                                                    me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett                                                                                                      just within the hour.  



Buses carrying about 300 Americans left the war-torn capital of Sudan, in the first organized U.S. effort to evacuate citizens from the country.

Friday, April 28, 2023 4:31 PM ET

As the U.S. evacuation effort ramps up, those of other countries, such as Britain, are already winding down.

Read more

5:24 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW 

The NEW YORKER MAGAZINE has been romancing me for a year or more with several lovely emails daily. It might be because they all actually love sir Vladimir Putin and his wildly lovely country filled with vibrancy and above all else REAL RUSSIAN LOVE. The peoples at the NEW YORKER MAGAZINE also love me- I think well - as their lovely emailed are veracious of culture, love, and politics with art. Yes. 

Today is a fine day to mention that 


is with sentiments that can’t be overlooked. I love them all and wished for the whole world to enjoy a chance to love the delicate softly sweet minds of The NEW YORKERS writers- peoples whom belief in truth, liberty, and the thriving economies of peoples nationally within the USA and everywhere in the whole world. 



April 29th 2023 3:10 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NY USA NOW. 

In Fox News on April 28th 2023 

Fox News Fact Checkers Call ickiee Biden and ikiee Harris and some other dc bum even from some top advisers in USA Millitary 

Fox News calls BIDEN  Pinocchio - direct from 

FOX NEWS while Biden was caught on film with lies and ignorance as he turning his back on lives of the USA peoples welbeing in the USA and attacked the Ukraine in a small area with stolen tax money that he boasts about - as information from the pentagon continues to seep out of the dc distorted lies and tax extortion as well as extortion of goods and peoples time and services - wasting the time of lives with callousness and with attempt to rave he gripped more cash from the tax department unethically - boasting lies - in large ignorance to care about the lives of people and prudent tax budgets within ethical Constitutional structure of regulations within the USA government of the peoples within ethics of humanities. 


The whole ABBY ROAD, Yes with 

the Beatles LISTEN 

3:46 pm NY USA NOW 

Michael J. Fox on CBS with a FILM   

“ WHO DO I TELL” is a very good question. 

[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]. [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]].  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]. for peoples of the USA 

MAY 1st 2022 7:45 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village 

in Saranac Lake, New York USA 



for retirement you pay for and any type of emergency or disability too. 

Easily contact        The USA Social Security

Government Department > READ 

On April 30th 2023 I received even more emails about the relief in the USA 

about sir Kevin Mc Carthy, whom is the house speaker in the legislative branch of government known as the house of Congressional Order, ( order meaning that the peoples constitition in government structure stays within ethical order as the ethical real constitutional process of the structure of government - and sir Kevin Mc Carthy is the senate speaker as in leader of the organizational structure in ethical government of the peoples congressional rules in ethical agendas to see through ethics and rules of very very important regulatory ethics within the USA constitutional laws within the standards of all ethics of the original constitition structure of government which is unchangable ever-  at all. The reviews of an amended review in ethics is simply a strengthened realistic care of ethics- not changed. 

Kevin Mc Carthy recently stayed up extra late into the hours of 3:30 am working extremely hard on a assured stop on any more of these unethical tax gripping from ikkiee Biden Harris and blinker from the state department and any government of Millitray that were involved in theaft of $34 billion dollars recently trying to funnel stolen cash through the pentagon. 

Also causing disasters with intent to cause damage to others in other countries in an attempt to harm business and dump money illigally into other countries banks and steal offices time and money from peoples of other countries - then lie in news ( with stressful news media jounalists pressurized ). As lies in news became destructing to very noteworthy honored peoples and even destructive in economics - lies again  in all statements from ikkee Biden Harris blinker and nato with a few other advisers inside  of Military whom - have no reports of ethical records of constitutional ethics reports required to verify daily work completed for the American peoples as for peoples to legally be able to see all over the world the daily records of these rogue dc bum.  With also detailed reports of all the expenses individually and banking statements totally in the public view with all ethically requirements that the public have ethical rights to see every penny earned and spent - even if just for a gumball of IKIEE Harris 

, and ikkiee Biden and ikiee blinker and ikkiee General Jen Stoltenberg a ikkiee in NATO as a adviser with no film or photo backing up his reports - as  any USA government personal are required to have  full earnings and expenses disclosure ( revealed ) to all peoples all over the world. EVERY PENNY. The missing money would have to be frozen and repaid back into USA taxes - upon peoples process in a constitutional  hearing and each citizen in the USA and all over the world can contact the senatorial congress and all 50 USA governors with a letter of request ( Known as a letter of petition ) to even have them removed from offices too. Again said : The letter like that known as an individual petition letter - and the senates would have to comply with the majority of the peoples requests and see through a process of a congressional hearing to see the issues are solved in an unethical bunch of dc bum. This process would allow a greater possible faster stabilization for the country and a solid tax base and better faster employment and educational stabilization for the USA country of many fine peoples throughout every village with excellence in ethics and large cares about individual accumulative wealth with greater taxes in a better USA with better services and better banking - and more pleasurable affordable traveling - of four seasons - with a much easier faster stabilization in the USA with even additional better chances of much better sales in companies with better chance for better employment wages increase and a much better chance at better health of the peoples too- even a chance of influences in greater worth in a International globalized rational. 

The Continental 

would grow fast in popularity - 

unforgotten LISTEN 

with Frank Sinatra 

update MAY 1st 2023 with special love to RUSSIA 

with further songs from 


Special Recording - my guitar gently Weeps LISTEN 




The above two very special music compostions written by my very especial friends - The Beatles - John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and thee George Harrison   8:16 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW Listen again with the very special true Beatles music composition 

BACK IN THE USSR updated Listen 


Soon - I promise to the USA peoples and globally people all internationally within all peoples of national USA countries and peoples all of all international countries the LIST of members of the whole entire USA congress and whole entire LIST of USA governors - soon from all fifty USA states in the country of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ( U.S.A.). Soon. Soon online at 

Banana News Revival international press here. 

Because of the damages done to other countries cause by dc bum of unethical in not one congressional ethical agenda the many instances -in other countries peoples all peoples, have a right to be apart of the petitioning process against dc ikkiee biden and their dc bum of ikkiee unethical contempt for countries and contempt to break ethics and rip into grab cash not belonging to them with illigally harm that Biden HARRIS AND DC BUM OTHERS DID and harmed peoples lives in the USA in even  jobs and companies and villages - even with vicious lies about the Dole Pinapple company while Dole Corporation was trying to side step the Oval Office to actually gift salads to hungry starving people that was cause by Biden and Harris and Jen Stoltenberg  (NATO / Pentagon general unqualified and unethical ) (possible unqualified others in the Supreme Court as well) and a man named blinker unqualified and with vicious unethical verbal spew - non substantiated with any real truth - ripping tax cash from the USA with no ethical daily reports of his ethics process of ethics reports daily and personal and professional budgetary reports in recorded that can be requested legally by congress and citizens of the USA in a review and a petition letter to see him come up with his ethics daily work reports and budget in personal banking records and all money and investments of his personal records in ethical legal structure outlined facts of the ethical structure of governmental USA laws rules and regulations of USA government standards of constitutional  USA lawful regulations ) and some others in the same boat of wrongs - with attempts to viciously harm USA people and with Oval Office attempt to extort goods and services and money from USA peoples companies - with illegal unethical  protocol in the dc oval offices breach of ethical government structured laws - rules you know - all that have to be within legal regulations of course - as they caused extreme harm to the whole country of peoples in more than economic ways - 

The news yesterday was with fox on April 30th 2023 - there are rights that peoples of the USA have to see all banking records of all peoples that work in anyway for the USA government in every penny spent and earned- and petition in separate letters can be written by all peoples in the USA and from all over the world in requests about ethical real laws and that of individual earnings in  banking records and detailed expenditures of all purchases even a purchased ball of bubble gum. 

I hope you are with more emails of pure love for 

Banana News Revival international press 

as I am very greatful, thankful,  very much for the many emails nationally and internationally and I wish to say good day again to everyone in the whole world and - I love you.  I have received pure love in many emails from all over the world and every village in the USA as people even began putting pie charts on their business walls made out of coffee tin lids - in some city village shops hung on Tibetan prayer beads and catholic rosaries - again I love you all. From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Tibetan Prayer Beads for sale under $10.00 read and Rosary Prayer Beads read 

If you’re interested in seeing a prayer pie chart for your business in prosperity health good wishes and peace on earth. 

May 3rd 2023 11:39 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake,  New York in the United States of America (USA), It is already May 4 th 2023 in Moscow Russia at 6:42 am early morning Moscow Russia. I have a post below that was earlier on May 2nd 2023 and this post is not in chronological order but fits with the placement of time - you see, it’s a rather strange post- I received an email from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia at 2:00 in the afternoon - there was some upset in RUSSIA more than should be. In fact it’s all more than should be to such a remarkable country of the Kremlin’s RUSSIA as Sir Vladimir Putin has nurtured the country which is of a non - monarchy of a Royal Democracy in Russia and with great untold successes in many ways. There is so much to say that is very exciting about sir Vladimir Putin’s worthy hard work in his many years as Kremlin and his devotion to highest level of peace and economics and cultural worth as well as highest standards in education which is driven by equality of individualism - as Russia is just wildly beautiful. The Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin recently set forth opportunities for peoples whom were somewhat being dithered by a unacceptable USA president known by Fox News as Pinocchio the lier - and a NATO issues that was with over $35 billion taken from the USA taxes of the citizens of the USA that could have helped USA citizens with higher retirement as should have been and secured USA government veterans retirement more effectively for great futures and working towards lower inflation areas - instead attempted to get to the moon and moon data in international satalights - to try entering through contempt for other success in other countries and frankly ikkiee biden and ikkiee harris and the other few dc bums are in contempt of USA structured ethics in government and contemptuous of humanity in general - and even cause damage suddenly to the Ukraine - peoples and upset some of their villages - peoples lives and homes and even when Ukrainians people were feeling good about gaining flight commuter to Russian work and Russia peoples as tourist too- wealthy enough for great business more and more. 

NATO ? And dc bum trying to upset banks internationally and homes - upsets to peoples lives as individuals - dc bum are awful - I wish to say Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia offered an ongoing opportunity for any Ukrainian even Ukraine military to work for Russia instead with excellent environment and excellent garenteed pay wages very good - with one year to gain a Russia citizenship stature and see even more country benefits of retirement and social security well paid - with Ukraine- Russian citizenship offered- peoples with opportunities   to work for RUSSIAN COUNTRY services for one year and receive RUSSIAN duel citizenship - which means that in one year from a real job opportunity in Russian service - the RUSSIAN  country then gives a really good government benefit and RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT RETIREMENT - just a year of a real job opportunity in Russia with very good wages far beyond $15. Per hour. With the ability to receive extra housing while being able to afford paying for homes already owned by Ukrainian peoples to keep their homes -  and wages to hold on to their businesses in upkeep with a great wage and some possible arrangements to commute a year. It’s a wonderful reality with such a large country of individual wealth accumulation for citizens of RUSSIA and a real lovely way to assure citizens have choices and kindly a great chance in accumulation of individual weath faster - much faster of the lovely peoples from the Ukraine. Many are taking a chance on Russia and looking forward to the duel citizenship to a fast track in becoming a wealthy well paid Ukraine - Russian with an even better retirement than imaginable- IN RUSSIA THE STANDARDS OF RETIREMENT ARE DOUBLE THAT OF EVEN THE USA and that’s quite an opportunity that the Kremlin sir VLADIMIR PUTIN ROLLED UP HIS SLEAVES TO PENCIL IN THE HUMANITIES WITH GREAT BUDGETING OF WORTH FOR INDIVIDUALS THAT TAKE SEVICE JOBS WELL PAID FOR A YEAR - gain on citizenship and great country benifits - worth the effort Ukrainians are saying. 

Real Ukrainian Military too going to work for RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT SERVICES LIKE A GREAT DREAM of great pay and a real future too-even buying cameras I heard to enjoy a future chance to leisure travel taking photographs of the real landscape of the world, not unlike the famous artist Marc Chagall whom was FRENCH - RUSSIAN. And how exciting. Recently the Bolshoi theater in MOSCOW RUSSIA - the very famous internationally loved theatre as the Bolshoi is - in MOSCOW RUSSIA presented some artist with honored achievement merits in theater works that were from Ukraine - new RUSSIAN AREAS - some Ukrainians like to say with joy, loving RUSSIA AND good banking and government of RUSSIA are with a very luxurious event of new RUSSIA honored at the BOLSHOI THEATER and new RUSSIA artist in theatre ‘ HONORS UKRAINIAN new Russians that are now quite successful peoples suddenly - the awful cloud of upset is gone from the LOVE of RUSSIA and the love and worth of the kremlins hard lengthy work too- and the love of peoples from all over the world.  


OR APPLE read 

There was some - quirky issues on May 3 rd 2023 concerning to everyone and concerning to sir Vladimir Putin and concerning to myself.  READ 

of course Russia has the actual filmed issues and can see through legal actions in the very visions negligible concern fully- and do have the data of whom caused the issues and their connecting data of those negligent- in KGB data quite real. 

While it’s at the end of an awful time and some few are real awful dc bum and with quirky pesky - activities and very seriously $35 billion missing from USA taxes in dc in the USA with attempts to funnel money through the pentagon and use USA executive government offices like a toilet - and grip cash illegally that belongs to the peoples and that of a reality to many things in the USA is with some few - very few that are still trying to balderdash through others lives with contempt and into international villages too in a large world unethically from the dc bum in the USA leaping at governments with unscheduled free Air Force one flights from USA dc bum whom extorted even services  of flights from air force one with no ethical process - just took the equipment like a new phone - unpaid for - jerking the USA and international countries of esteemed work and important meetings - barging in - in unethical use of government offices position jobs to rip into international land to grip moon data in other countries too causing damages to citizens everywhere - from Biden Harris blinker Stoltenberg and a few other USA dc bum - whom do not have any friends in any village anywhere in the world now whom know - —- that all peoples have a greater many many peoples in every village whom can require reports in ethical compliances that were broken in ethics in the USA dc government dc bum to answer the questions of a large number of peoples in the USA and abroad internationally - about missing USA taxes and how it was used and extorted - and where are the ethical daily reports about this  issue and how to gain back the USA peoples taxes in $35 billion missing in USA TAX from GRIPPING wrong FROM WRONG IN THE OVAL OFFICE AND STATE DEPARTMENT, with a nato director advisor involved and a few others - is with quirks dismal mortifications aimed at peoples - in the time now - which  is beyond a bad era of reality for anything more of the same within the USA with accountability in view for peoples and required consequences of the wrong doing. 

It is beyond a bad era in the USA and all over the world with a need to begin petitioning letters of the vaste number of peoples within ethics really solid and needed to be solid for the USA to have current incline on stabilizing now and into the future at a much faster pace sternly a reality- to see the money and assets of the peoples government of the USA to be returned and for the jobs to seek a temporary replacement with limits in any replament in government issues that need peoples attentions -  for a better USA carefully put back together in government like the Oval Office and state department and the nato without dc bum - and any further concerns in rogue wrong Military of -  fast moves to grip into faked reports recently May 4 th 2023 of bank failure in the USA gripping news and scaring USA citizens - too coming to more than an end. 

May 4th 2023 11:04 pm - yes it’s true I have some exciting global events this month and next month and into the summer too- enjoyable for all as well with the whole world invited. 

In the next few days from now - I will highlight the ethics of letter petitions which all peoples are asked to participate - from all peoples in the USA and globally in every country  with the actual real rules and regulations- I will take time to outline a letter in direct need of the actual peoples petition needed - as I outline the actual full process ethically of the regulations of the petition letters and what needs to be said and done in the USA in a fast reaction of the citizens of the USA and that of international areas involving business internationally and how that gives international peoples rights to petition in these recent USA matters- 

These petitions would greatly support the lovely working congress that snapped into political action within congress - in the USA with high ethics and pure heartfelt cares as congressional members as recently noted in May 2023 of Kevin Mc Carthy house lead speaker in USA congressional work for the USA government for all peoples.  I have some time to see these little details very important to all peoples through. I will make a sample letter and give everyone instructions to copy the letter and paste it into your emails to send to USA congress and USA governors in great importance to the USA right now to nail down a reality towards a decency and ethics of stability for a greatest future of the great country of the United States of America- 

Within my notes - I will include the list of congressional members with emails and a list of governors of all of the USA fifty states and that will include all villages of all cities and all states in the USA- Children are allowed as well to write their own petition letter for a fast action in a greater reality in the USA with a move towards a much greater stabilization needed and have been upset with quirky very awful unethical harm coming from Oval Office dc bum grippers ripping cash of USA taxes left and right and USA pentagon hackers and their use of even more unethical issues in use of sonic combustion dinging sound as well. All very serious - aiming to aid whom? How ? with a close review of these matters as well within such domestic issues that have done greater unimaginable harm- aiding tax grippers . 

Lower Post Instruction posted on May 6 th 2023 at 9:27 pm with films after the updated post. 

[[[[[]]]]]. [[[[[]]]]]]. [[[[[[]]]]]].                            [[[[[[]]]]]]]. [[[[]]]]]     INSTRUCTION.                            

TO WRITE YOUR LETTERS PETITIONS                                           

Petition to USA Congress and USA Governors both with a letter to everyone is best.

Or chose only your state and write a letter to the governor and the congress person senatorial representative of your state if within the USA. 

May 4 th 2023 the house lead speaker of congressional representative’s turned down the presidents request to take more taxes - and Kevin Mc Carthy was right saying that their was not an ethical agenda to review any such request from him in any congressional way through any process that could be seen as ethical for the house of congress in a attempt Biden Harris made to simply pressurize congress and attempt to unethical tax grips with aimed pressured destored lies aimed at harm to the USA peoples and aim at congress in the USA. 

While requesting reports in ethical details of Oval Office dc bum is easily done. This includes such things as interfacing communication with the pentagon detailed reports to be seen as a transparency for the USA people and reviewed to meetings abroad and any action of millitary that has to meet ethics agenda of congressional process with the USA citizens that must have part of the process in congress as ethics stands clear in congress that are with a peoples of the USA ethics clause of a majority rule of the peoples - in an ethical agenda set fourth and concerning to the well-being ethically of the peoples in many broadened ways - including a stop to Millitray not approved in active issues abroad and in issues in side the USA such as harm in damages in New York City and concerning airline issues damages in shipping and other lengthy non approved areas non ethical in a total overhaul of real compliances within higher more validated ethical humanities rules within the USA legal structure and standard of the laws of provisionary standards of the peoples of the USA within ethics constitutional standards amendment of THEE CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA 

amendments one through thirteen - 

These previsionary rules of ethics include the reality of Millitray service employed peoples for the USA government in assured ethics and a worthy live of productivity in a assure standard to know of in constitutional previsionary USA laws of humanities ethics of peace.   

letters of ethical petitions : samples 

I wish to see reviews of personal reports to that of BIDEN AND Harris and others involved with scams in unethically gained goods service and assets - in dc that caused damages to the USA that were lead by BIDEN - HARRIS AND NATO and the wrong doing in the state department at the directors level with missing data from the tax department and also the reporting compliances for the Pentagon whom released data in April 2023 that there were illigal sonic booming pointed at USA citizens and others as well as reported hacking and forced dealings with companies such as NETFLIX - not to exclude the mortifying pressure placed on the many USA companies- in my letter I request reviews that are to see the reports to daily ledgers about the personal finance transparent data and the daily activity reports of accountability in work for the USA government of the peoples for the purpose of actual data that regard all compliances and issues that were disregarded such as 2020 - to current on compliances and ethics to rights to run business and expect the government to send out stringent reality to damage control of clean environments and not block the livelyhood of peoples rights to earn money daily if chosen see government working as needs in ethics apply and not attempt to divert the country in a lie of contempt to scams of mere idiots that caused country peoples loss and fears- including the harm towards what dc Biden and Harris did to lie about peoples not of the USA as well in secondary threats and pressurizing the USA citizens further with immoral contempt in the ethical structure of the USA laws of the humanities realities in constitutional ethics in the decisions that are within structure USA process of laws known as Do process. 

I am asking for a full compliance review of daily compliances in dc bum. Including reviews of tax standards and personal gain in wages and assets. Derivatives of possible stolen taxes. My letter of petition is to a request for a congressional review.   And a hope to replace the Biden - HARRIS administration and their faulty others involved with illigal agendas and illigally obtained assets and gained earnings - non applicable to the unjust work wrongly done and with unethical large negligent actions. 

[[[[[[[]]]]]]. [[[[[[]]]]]]. Sample letter petition above can be outlined with your computer outline tool then press copy - then open your email and hold down your button wait for a word “paste’ after you outlines only your letter part - then paste into your email- you can then copy and paste the email address to your congress person for your USA state and the state Governor as well, or just from outside the country email Kevin Mc Carthy directly. 

Then you are done with your very first USA letter of a very important letter petition in order for the USA country to stabilize much faster and no lag time as we get into summer 2023 step by step in REAL WASHINGTON DC USA. grounding air force one- 

[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] letter petition notes above completed on May 6 th 2023 at 10:11 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA. 

CONGRESSIONAL UNITED STATES of AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVES of the House of Congress List  of All Representatives 

List of all 50 states of USA GOVERNORS 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxo 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxo 

Brief Film Blip with 

thee Karl Marx in the movie preview of 

A DAY AT THE RACES with a film 

Please - you’re invited to see the film that MIKE BLOOMBERG GIFTED me. Mike Bloomberg was very good as an honored mayor in New York City as a mayor of one of the great world metropolises - Mike Bloomberg is also a very successful business person great in humanities and finance in banking regulations matters as well as a truely grea honored fellow as a humanitarian and philanthropist well noted throughout the whole world- the film gift is lovely. Enjoy several films with Mike Bloombergs Gift at the end. 

 the FILM GIFT by MIKE BLOOMBERG at BLOOMBERG NEWS below with even more soon in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press.   Good Day everyone everywhere all over the world and a kind lovely good day too- to the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin as with sweetest cares of good days and more lovely messages soon - beyond quirky upsetting few people. with my most gracious affections to sir Vladimir Putin as too- a greatest love from the whole world of peoples from all countries with messages many many. 

Love. Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Please Review an 



May 3rd 2023 ABC News Report - related article read 

May 3rd 2023 CBS News REPORT - related article read 


While we all want to get ole ‘ and have a better economy - love, kindness, wild care, and travel even more later in what’s going to be a great better USA and all over the world- wildly greater and what a life to be. NOW. 


3:47 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW May 2 nd 2023 

9:48 am Seoul South Korea NOW May 2nd 2023 

8:49 am Beijing China NOW May 2 2023 

1:50 am London England NOW May 2 nd 2023

May 7th 2023 6:20 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in New York in the city of Saranac Lake - it’s an update as Sir Vladimir Putin was honored today in South Africa in High Respects and a luxurious wonderful exciting guest dignitary in South Africa today welcomed by the President of South Africa , the noted president Cyril Ramaphosar, The President of the country of South Africa - with a delightful honored luxurious visit. 


I also posted the United Nations with honors to the work in humanitarian efforts - never ending at the United Nations read 

6:55 pm May 7 th 2023 email update from Kevin McCartney 


May 9th 2023 in past years - particularly 2014 in some cases - official employed peoples at the USA tax department have reported missing tax records - and Janet Yellen did nothing about it- nor holds a updated budget for any allocations in needs and treasury holdings ( money ) that is required for budgetary need backing up any allegations of her recent May 2023 statements. With missing records her assets would be reasonably questioned by the peoples of the USA and peoples of the world- including a possibility of a area of ethics the United Nations could in fact look into - for the rights of peoples in the USA for that of concerns in even taxes and that of the concerns in a ban on types of contempt from the NATO and rogue millitary directors and state department director with no reports to daily ethics compliances for a report in government required transparency for the peoples - and others in the USA with contempt of humanity using tax money - pentagon hackers in contempt of fcc regulations and attempts at hacking companies and emails - and using sonics blasts reported by some at the Pentagon soft blasting and hard blasts to a cyber kenetic harm too -at anyone including citizens of the USA. Not to mention an ignorance in the Oval Office Biden Harris - in gun control within the USA- expected of dc bum to solve and ignored need to fundamental rights to education in public schools - and care about basic structure of rights to peoples outlines in standards of government that were and have been ignored - with even intent at mortifying depersonalization tactics in harm to international countries as well- among - the rights to free trade areas ( as choice to employment and running a business are laws for people to enjoy as legal rights to all peoples of working age) that were breached (broken of regulatory rules - by the Oval Office Biden Harris dc bum and their small disconnects of bandits - from church plate collectors pressuring people -out of their own earnings -and taxes -  to a immoral harm towards all peoples. With statements past from the  NEW YORK TIMES read    

MAY 11th 2023 read more with NBC NEWS about Biden Harris DC bum Turing their backs on people wanting to make a safe life and worth earning a living in this country and contributing to better taxes faster in the country-  when some issues of wrong doing longstanding in the state department attempted to shove people out of work in Mexico as was reported in 2019 issues of some harm in Mexico and certainly not any help in the bordering country so close to the USA with plausible concerns further of any type of serious harm done from any USA dc Oval Office plundering again and again interntationally in a total mortification and ignorance to the USA peoples expectations as Mexican real estate went under harsh times in spots - in the country of Mexico in South America that left harm to Mexico in some citizens and even harmed the lovely work opportunities made by the multinational conglomerate USA company General Electric that has been a great employer in Mexico as well as Dole Pineapple corporation and other well known USA companies. The USA companies were Illegally restricted by Biden Harris and dc state department bum and involved nato with a few pentagon peoples involved in illegal Plundering the American Rights and scuffling off to Banks and real estate in anywhere they aimed more wrong - such a lovely country of Mexico in 2020 into harror even for any that were forced to migrate.  Read

Furthermore there was underhanded ruthless involvement in the issues caused by Biden Harris and the other dc bum that plagued an attack on Russia and from even attempts at over 6 other countries as well - in the recent last 6 months - with attempts to infest countries at government levels using the USA Oval Office - pentagon and state department as a cartel that were attacking meeting of governments in International countries - with no ethical government structure in the USA that allows such flagrant brutal types of cohersion of  harrored  pressure just popping in to other governments like a jack in the box - in any government to be concerned of a sudden USA invasion - as the son of Biden attempted to gain a board member position in the electric company of the Ukraine long before the Biden attempt on the Ukraine - misusing the USA government in unethical ways - and causing life threats - not only to international countries such as the Ukraine that unethically pressurized Russia - while Biden Harris and these few others attempted to turn their backs on the USA people and made no effort in ethical structure of government even inventing a 14 th amendment that is actually deemed unethical in standards of the laws of the USA constitution in amendments 1-13 of the standards rule regulations and structures of laws of ethics in all humanities laws of the United States of American government. Even Jill Biden that infested the King of Englands coronation  as she bobbed people in the face table hopping and uninvited - just as those invading other governments events of importance in achievements and normal government meetings. Very stressful for governments in international countries to feel calm about their standard meetings and daily very important work for the country with each government of so many peoples needs to see through in such compliances of ethical standards. Of course more of the issues are coming to the light of the actual intended harm plotted from Biden Harris ikiee s with a few other dc bum of mere wrenching tax grippers - in a two bite plate to pass viciously for more. 

May 9th 2023      with      NEWT GINGRICH 



Recent May 2023 update  about the blaten lies from the uncouth unqualified tax gripping  director of the State Department and further connection in the issues of mortifying harm done at USA Oval Office levels of Biden Harris and NATO General Stoltenberg that used taxes to grip into electric company funds in the Ukraine and lie about the involvement of escalation to their gripping attacks that were mortifying to Russia and Biden Harris and the dc bum attempted mere extortion of international worth. 

READ Fox News 

The reality of the Kremlin’s work efforts in charity toward a tired community within the small annex areas was very successful and working with excellence - into much earlier than 2020 and a heathen within. The dc bum of Harris and Biden and even that of the director of the state department - blinker I think his name is and that of the few infesting USA millitary such as NATO General Jen Stoltenberg- are gritty types of plate passers in bad types of unwanted fakes religion and also attempted to swoon the USA into gripping more charity in hand over fist cash through wrenching lies and harror for some small areas in the Ukraine that were getting only a hope from Russia and treated very well by RUSSIAN citizens in a realized truth of such pressure caused to even the Kremlin in a need to assure Russian citizens nothing would be so bad in Russian soil and with only extended cares to any area of the Ukraine with such upset. Due to the Kremlin of RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin and the parlement and millitary and hard working government very large of employees of excellence - the villages of the Ukraine were with ease to assure business and shopping trying to move on with a larger shoulder that the country of Russia from the top and of all RUSSIAN peoples was a comforting big shoulder of Russian love unlike any other- leaving a larger stabilized Ukraine - beyond a possible Ukraine president that was non qualified and a lunatic creating catastrophes globally making tax gripping cartel type deals standing alone in reality. it’s a sad day for dc bum today and a much better day for the USA in ways that are of a economic success beyond Biden Harris bum attempts to leave the nation broke - and broken. The USA peoples prevail through difficulties that could have been avoided and care very much about President. Vladimir Putin. And wonderful Russia with a great economic standard to also feel very good about. And an u hindered economy for those in the Ukraine to assure with Russian assistance undithered in dc bum lunacy . 

CBS NEWS WITH EVIDENCE OF BIDEN HARRIS in contempt of ethics and with actual evidence of money laundering at Oval Office levels with cartel business wrongs involved directly in the Oval Office with further lengthy investigations ongoing - in washshinton dc bad dc bum. 

May 14th 2023 an Update in ABC NEW as the congressional court has the power to assure contempt charges from Blinken whom is in contempt of laws at state department levels - as congressional people can assure a full court in congress with full ethics powers to do so. read 


MAY 16th 2023 There was a USA dc issue caused in Kiev today when USA Patriot Air Defense Missiles were aimed and fired at Kiev and the Russian Millitary stop the attempts. There have been emails from the Moscow Times I received of some misinformation that the Moscow Times has reported and exasperated some deeper concerns - TASS NEWS is also with some news to read. Not always accurate- the state department director named Blinker - attempted to restrict some African passports and cause further pressure in peace - towards Russia and food supplies shipped in Africa.

Here is a message from TASS NEWS AGENCY READ    The USA has over $35 billion dollars in missing taxes in secret millitary issues resulting in contempt from the Biden Harris dc bum that began attacking even more in the areas of Kiev and were with no approvals in congress of the use of the money or the decisions that all USA people have a choice in through congressional process. In fact, the issues in the Ukraine could stop - today if those involved inside the NATO and pentagon and state department and the dc Oval Office were stopped from more attempts in harm to USA taxes and unethical attempts the bidens placed on USA business with further loss of tax revenue and a catastrophe to human care and lives - caused by the Biden Harris Oval Office bum- 

Read again the lower cultural notes: 

11:38 pm May 11 th 2023 

What is moving on to know more of international Russian influence within the small circles of USA cultural higher arts of a RUSSIAN- PARISIAN LOVE. The Enormous Stain Glass Windows so loved by so many USA Americans and International travelers that enjoy a museum Jont to the museum of the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois USA is of the lovely devoutly cultural humanitarian artistry of thee Marc Chagall a Russian - French Artist very loved in the USA and famous through the world. A lawyer that later in life began painting the love of ancient architecture in Russia and France with villages that enjoyed and had dreams, hopes and desires that were played out in the world with a vivid life and even 

remembrance within Marc Chagall paintings. 

The museum of the Art Institute  of Chicago in the state of Illinois is worth a drive or fine international travel with world class hotels , dinning , and many grande greatest major museums read 

Moving to read again an email update on May 11 th 2023 

from the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin is directly to me - 

In a daily archive of updates public to read for the whole world and some private emails as well. 

Some of the resounding work in the Kremlin of RUSSIA’s office sir Vladimir Putin are not without steady work in stabilized employment with strong effects for the manufacturing sector with strong worth in fundamental humanities within the individualized reality of accumulative wealth prevalent in the whole in the country of Russia with very robust social programs which Sir Vladimir Putin took many years of efforts to see a continuum to a greater future and current and past structure for the whole country of vaste populations of cities upon cities and so. many vibrant of villages all.


As noted above the current email to me from sir Vladimir Putin in a special  update in 

Banana News Revival international  press  at 10:51 pm May 11 th 2023   


the time is 5:52 am 

May 12 th 2023 

Love from sir Vladimir Putin is broadly noted of his cares with a special note to me on May 12 th 2023 re: catalogue - wildly a Russian Czar ( president ) , of concerns of my need to see through further notations about a clarity toward some knowledge of concerns I have not had time to write yet of sanctions - the importance for peoples in the USA to care about some areas of assured cares toward Russia and more informed in sanctions will be important updates from me. Soon. 

The Kremlin acknowledges my very serious notes soon to be posted - with a message today from the Kremlin of Russia - sir Vladimir Putin President of the large vaste wonderful country of RUSSIA  

4:07 pm May 11th 2023 

May 11th 2023 from Russia in Moscow TASS UPDATE 

May 12 th 2023 11:00 pm New York USA NOW. 

late in the evening from Russia in Moscow sir Vladimir Putin emailed a very important update to a furtherment to economic g7 and Vladimir Putin’s very own g20 summit is continued thankfully for everyone - with such good solid work in excellence of the cares of economic individual wealth accumulation and humanities with special social projects that exceeded expectations in Russian cares  and standards of ethics - the whole world is with great cares of the matters - with a new update personally emailed to me- summit news Russia- African relations READ 

With important earlier posts below as well. 

May 2nd 2023 7:07 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, in New York State, New York 

from the UNITED STATES of America - thee MIKE BLOOMBERG sent me a film gift with actual html code that 

I could place right into my media programming I do myself - in my Media and Cultural working company. 

It’s a lovely film and I hope you have a few extra minutes to see the film especial in honor of sir Vladimir Putin and RUSSIA with extreme love of the USA peoples as well. 



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