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“ four calling birds “  

Cote De Arim 
yes we welcome of the grandure of espirituse

in business and

Indian Summer 
2022 into 2023 with love notes invites events - love wildly lovely and mundanely -proposteriously kind ,  amazingly cultural from all over the world yes -a special confounding reality unlike any other
 w/ love to sir vladimir putin wildly - yes. 
Love messages to me- yes. yes good good. merci . 

a REVOLUTION NOW unlike any other before. 

it ‘s  Indian Summer 2022 
while  I have to say that first,  it is a Birthday Event for 
sir  Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia 
“Happy Birthday Darling”  “sir Vladimir the russian czar”

Darling Vladimir Putin Sir, It is sir George Solti conducting the wonderful  symphony of 
The World Symphony of Peace with the compositional music titled “ WilliamTell Overature” with simply marvoulus people within the symphony with 
Sir George Solti as the exuberantly delightful conductor. 

With Thank You to everyone. 
Simply an exciting short film minuette. xo with love to sir Vladimir Putin and also to the symphony peoples and as well a lovely thank you to sir George Solti with love from myself and love from all over the world. 

special message: 
from my tiny village to Moscow Russia 
from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

The photograph and birdy film minutte are works of art 
by Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett Sketched, Filmed and Photographed 
on October 8th, 2022 at 6: 32 pm eastern standard time. 
Title of works of art: 

“ happy birthday to sir Vladimir” 2022 

More soon as the date is October 8th, 2022 
at 7:32 pm eastern standard time USA NY 

November 29th, 2022 
it’s exciting what is what with everyone all over the world and in the USA is exciting in many ways. As there are many people with messages that are from all over the world including the USA country.

Indian Summer Winter 2022 begins today and the time in my tiny village is 6:20 pm with the day in The country of China just beginning on December 1st 2O22 at current time of now 7:22 am and a bright good morning to everyone in the country of CHINA 
as well as all over the EUROPEAN FAR EAST with many larger and smaller countries in the far eastern european countries. 

it’s still young ( earlier in the very early morning )  in RUSSIA 
while in Moscow Russia and the RUSSIAN country the day is December 1st 2022 and a fine day to assure Indian Summer Winter 
begins on time.  December 1st 2022, as keeping ahead of the modern 
day -  with EUROPE INDIAN SUMMER NOW.  Moscow Russia 
date and time December 1st 2022 at 2:33 am.  A beautiful hello from me to the sleepy sir Vladimir Putin and all of RUSSIA and all countries in EUROPE. It’s a very good morning to everyone all- 
even - the KGB of the lovely RUSSIAN kremlin’s government in
the country of RUSSIA and not in the USA country. It is with lovely affection to KGB as well as a wonderful love message to sir Vladimir Putin most respectively.

The night in the USA is young. Now 6:40 pm in my tiny village in New York USA with all 50 states of the USA with many massages and excitment of INDIAN SUMMER WINTER of the 

REVOLUTION NOW 2022 into 2023   Begins at the Beginning.
cherry ice photograph  October 6th, 2022  
at 6:58 pm from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Filmed of November 29th 2022 from my tiny village flat in the city of Saranac  Lake in the state of  New York State, 
USA at 5:41 pm 

more soon 8:29 pm eastern standard time 
film with John Melloncamp whom worked feavorantly to the summer 2022 joining happily my june revolution which was a global success all over the world in summer 2022.

John Melloncamp FILM in summer 2022 
simply smashing good people and a very proud lovely international world. 

it was incredibly kind of Thee John Melloncamp to have emailed me so often in 2022 and even years earlier. Thank you well w/ love to you John Melloncamp. It was so kind you. I love you bunches John xc xo lovely of you xcxcc baha xcx everywhere in the world sooner to planning well xcxccc 

more soon 

RACHMANINOV of  a RUSSIAN composer of 
music well noted in a selection of quite lovely peoples of the very lovely philharmonic from Vienna Austria at 1:10 am ( moonlight ) from my tiny village in 
NEW YORK USA on November 30th 2022 
of the delightful ladies and gentlemen  in 
Vienna Austria within the EUROPEAN CONTINENT.  splendid of everyone - thank you with gracious love. 


Excuse me ‘ unmomento’ 
it is a message for me from 

 unmomento ‘ escuusi ‘

more soon   

Good Day to everyone in the world. 

November 30th, 2022 

Good day to sir Vladimir Putin President of Russia, darling sir, with a small - recap film
 ( updated recording ) I created today on November 30th 2022 at 5:34 pm eastern standard time NY USA. with a ancient traditional little song of a very respectable Swedish Yodellaiheihoi - of the country of SWEDEN - in my own composition of music arrangements - recorded today on November 30th 2022. The ancient yodel of the country of Sweden in Europe - is of one of the celebrations in the highest in the world of mapping actual altitudes of within cooler northern regions of Europe sometimes snowy of mountian  - for the delights of softly notable flowers throughout the whole year and an abundance in fruits and vegetables and more-even milk and cheeses and even wool too,  and the Swedish Yodel has not been sung since 1969.

As an avelanche  in delights to the love of Russia and you my darling Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin - 
As even you may not have known of the Yodel in ancient historical Austrian Culture and not a KGB of 
any notes of the ancient reality of what can be abundance in espirituse of emeritus prosperity if fully 
of knowledge of finest a glimmer in love to world culture. One day I may express more - artistry history 
to enjoy.  While the lengthy and quite extrodinary diplomatic political worth - excellence if you do not mind my noted minute to expand my knowledge of your cultivations a bit mustered in such a fine of 
ease -  mustare - rather then that of the finest in even mustard-  as complexly a lengthy process, unless just looking at the finished jar and jars of finest mustards so luscious- as to  realize more of the history of your care in cultivated  years worthy in G7 project standards ethically broadened - beginning in 2013. 

Of my personally prepared 2013 invitation of mine - so brief of quality milk to care so of a far circa - larger invited of all international presidents then. 

I am relentlessly with rare quantifiably 
broaden love.  Shocking noted artistry 
to care of milk only would be preposterous. 

for the G7 political platform - it’s quite a cultivation. 

Russia is a very large country and much larger than the USA. The reality of structure in solidarity of the great country of Russia is of my amorous delight - and kindly dignafied lovely cares. 

Sweden is with such a lovely ancient Yodel of an avalanche so fine and delightful of espiritus : (Latin :  word: “ of the breath in the love of a human” ).
(French: espirite’ ). 

Avolanche ‘ Film in expressions of love for you sir and the whole world, into all and every village everywhere.   The song is not been known in the world since 1969 as I learned when I was 4 years old directly from the country of Sweden. An ancient song of over a 100,000 million years or more with my tiny veriation for REAL INDIAN SUMMER of winter 2022

more soon, even a recipe for my almond oat tart. 

November 2nd 2023 at 4:37 am it’s a late night with 
an email from Sir Vladimir Putin as the most adorable 
darling lovely broadly expressive -  in lenghty years with rare large bags filled with ripened sweet middle eastern dates of 13 bags at a time, rare trips in to my exhibitions lenghty driving mozeroti’s to some exhaultation to ducking unbrellas like no other while the rain washed the soft ground of the USA in a dash- of sweet clover flower mountian tops,  more. Rare deliveries of piled high minutes of mere ” take two” bellowing -  of ole’ days reminiscent in my Sunday breath from a secret place known as no exit to fortitude echo. While selling me a hat - sir vladimir ? Never.  
READ. it’s a secret baha message with more in baha 

Radical Russian Dressing on a crisp ice berg lettuce salad with carrot teffiettie in grilled of India: curry  ginger especiale’ sautee , rasins and sweet onion braised, sweeten pineapple in a think meaty slice, roasted slivered almond with half cherry slices and sliced ripe banana perfectly perfect, seafood stew served with a froth of cream crab bisque with a gyreye cheese graded into the finely made crab bisque. A fine baggette of French hand made freshly baked sweetened bread hot from the oven, served with sliced soft butter and an extremely delicious oat almond finest whete flour tart toppled with a excellent fruit glaze candied of braised cherry half’s of a finish in de la crème du la cream. Recipes soon.  
With love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

a moonlight sonata from
London England of fine lovely friends 

 Movement of compositional expression noumber one 
symphonic recording update in film.  With fine details of such lovely music more everywhere-  yet to be. 

Late Night Johnny  Carson update now with the lovely 
Dean Martin as both good gentleman are somewhat noted in fine television as early as the 1970’s.  

Johnny  Carson it’s a pleasure to me to see you again-  living closer near each other’s estates years ago- and with a special thank you to both Johnny Carson and Dean Martin.  Kisses ! Catch ! 

December 2nd 2022 at 10:23 pm 
eastern standard time New York USA.  

Minuette Short Film from my very kind brilliant ole’ friend from long ago with meeting Sir Little Richard near a grocery shop in a stroll from my brown stone city flat beach house - in one of the largest cities in the world in Chicago Illinois’s USA  -  with fine lunch sandwiches and out door dining -   LISTEN  with extremely lovely music compositional form of lovely brass sax and Little Richard in piano -  marvelous in a song from the 1960’s. Updated now with love everyone -  kisses to everyone with special thank you - catch !

more soon :  it is a large busy grocery market day for me with some greater plenitude to catch everyone up with a exciting  

with an unforgettable 
Indian Summer of Winter of 
Invites all over the world. 

December 7th 2022  more with De Ludge included. 

emailed with incredible love from delightful friends 

SWEDEN and warm ups  in Russia 
and all over the world with Indian Summer Excellence 

December 20th 2022 in my tiny village at 11:16pm eastern standard time New York USA and now in Moscow RUSSiA the time is 7:17am on December 21st 2022 with a lovely wish of a fine day to sir vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia. 

It is The Late Beginning of REAL INDIAN SUMMER WINTER 

The winter event of Christmas All over the world is very special to me. Unlike some people, I prefer to not be incumbered by just one day and see through a much longer holiday, of somewhat more a charished time to enjoy a Christmas dinner with a reflective month - in a holiday eve or morning of the celebration of “winter solstice”
of a word of mere big farm love, with the cares to that of humanity in a introspection of experiences -  extending even a love, even if math and periotical tables with extended efforts in relishing practice of   FRACTIONS. not fractorials, as shattered diamond in a tiara. 

SCHWINN IS REAL while there is time before spring to think more about dollars and cents. This SCHWINN is the most historical bicycle in the world. In mint sea foam green as SCHWINN sent me love message as wild as those bicycle people are. Serious love- as a message all over the whole world. Saving a bit of extra money even for summer 2023 is with a bicycle that - has ancient love and light weight to toss into a automobile as a fine parent and tote to a mote even summer 2023. 

the tiny extra wheels on the back of the tiny children’s bicycle has excellent engineering training wheels just as my shwinn did when I was 4 years old. No need to teach bicycle ready set go- as ease for all childern to say -  I will drive my own. The price of schwinn may get lower into spring 2023. While today I am thinking about some Ice Skates Double Blade Ease into even creating your own ice skate circle -  with fun after January 2023. Huffy bikes are sold at Kmart usually about $110.00 as well. Sear Stores USA might also have a low priced real quality SCHWINN, under $140.00 at least. In person bike shopping can be fun. 
While of course bicycles can be shipped in standard postal mail anywhere in the world as all shipping is always everywhere in the world. Walmart USA has been extremely lovely to me all over the country - of the USA in Walmart USA with special in store message in a way of love brilliantly wonderful. Bikes at Walmart are below $140.00 as well as some sweet other good gifts for a sweet holiday to some lovely wrapped gift for Christmas week of day until a week into New Years 2023 read more in Walmart with incredible delightful people I love forever - USA excellence. and a selection of a some table flowers as well as holiday gift ribbons in fine clothe fine gift paper for a gift special  prepared  in minutes  meaningful of love. Small gift card box’s are a extra special -  hand written love note. Holiday saviorfaire of words meaningful are extremely memorable as Walmart made many efforts even for me with large love echos through the world. 


. oh, happy birthday to my sister 
Sharon whom I have not seen since I was 4.with  world traveling parents seperate - it’s a wish of a happiest birthday to you in 2022. 
I hope you recieved  the many extrodinay gifts I sent from all over the world each year.go - Age 4 was long ago. Gosh. 

December 21st, 2022
9:09 pm eastern standard time New York USA saranac lake New York, USA : it is an upsetting day with some, that are not like most in the whole world, while the winter holiday of Cheistmas has always been extremely special to me, I have to say, I created an idealism in winter holiday much earlier internationally in 2007 in a online little world loved project-  with a large understanding dare I say if a holiday with excellent care in humanities and economics within a wealth of cultural my extensive reality - important. To me, yes. 

What did that mean in 2007 internationally online in my little publication globally recognized : it meant that a large dash for any gift was perhaps not an economic greater reality toward a spiritual holiday that is of esteemed love all over the world.  Often, I extend my winter holiday in a eased approach to more rather than less, of minutes important in several months. 

What does it all mean? 

It means that into late January 2023 is going to be extrodinary among mundane cultivations perhaps in a way - loved. Risky to say. LOVE. Or better to realize that REAL LOVE exists and not in a nut shell. 

INDIAN SUMMER WINTER 2022 Christmas as a simply winter holiday all over the world into

 January 30th 2023  

I have some very exciting love notes with 
apologies for being late as the bath soak - 
a daily steamy luxury I find blissful. 

Indulgent: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Steamy Hot  

film dated October 8th 2022 2:40 pm in the afternoon so peacefully lovely in a bath rage that was amazingly successful in ways that are confounding in theoretical perplexity. After thinking up folding baths - some of my friends in the country of CHINA sent me the folding bath and well loved into all countries with outstanding international sales.  Then increase sales in ice cream liesure even more as well as more enjoyment in even the smallest and larger homes with a extra bath.  

Sir Vladimir Putin in my steam bath this summer? Film unavailable at this time.

Outrageous steam trunking?

With the  Kremlin ? 

while many estate rentals are without baths -  fresh menu’s  plentiful juice spritzers and ice cream rootbeer   floats and - more - though fold up steamy  hot bath soaks accross the world - are with an excellent summer more than any in history. 

With soothing relax non-disrupted love to relax as preferred bliss  and enjoy any daily worth even in -day travel - as some extra far and near outings tote ready make a splash in love for even short travel. 

The global economy began to roar -  in steam love. Work days for many were with love at any end of the day before and after love of a lite delightful little choice menu. Steam savvy- and no less during winter Indian Summer Winter love.  Even in a moonlight view to a quite unknown “justly “ gaze at the mystery of real winter solstice midnight blue sky of brilliant light in a spacious room proper out a window - snow falling as soft magic from as far as the moon, prehaps beyond the stars of mystery - above so far as liken to diamonds in the sky. Unknown of why. 

Yes. Of course moonlight is exciting forever. 

The USA company Johnson and Johnson had record sales in October in simply baby powder that is an extreme high quality with a qualitative consistency and low prices basic luxury for over 60 years. Sales of Johnson and Johnson baby powder reached the global market for the first time ever in the history of time. Scented to love the real owner ancient of sales in baby powder.  One of my very essential favorites forever and a day. 

Greater Sales of grocery goods became a steady plentiful all over the world - as well a like for going 
out locally to risterante a bit more and refreshing. 
The European Hotel travels increased in fine historical ancient hotels as well-  reviving a ole world delight in finest historical world enriched travel -  revived. In folding baths -  in beautiful hotels that were too important to smash walls in a dismal mismatch - 
in ease to folding baths - and not a mangle of updated brass sashing gleem. The elegance in extremely historical ancient hotels -  were with more business even in the Mediterranean Sea - and the six other seas in Europe with tiny bear run secrets yet to know-  villages politely earning good wages well.  

photograph of myself : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
of RED vermillion of couture clotheries of my own dating back to earlier design 1978 - 2012
Rare Read : book from me, 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, (Tracee ) - distinctive.
A gift for an international  holiday. from  my 2011 publications 

book available in recycled printed plastic . Not yet. 
2023 with unimaginable modern philharmonic theater opera are unavailable today 

Paul Mc Cartney. Message 
update no baha event invites unannounced today.

Listen  It’s not a fox trot yet -dance of a fancy 

Tiara Events Schedule will be in February 2023 with extremely fine tiara selections for men women boys and girls too. Selections soon. 
wait until everyone reads the schedule event invite as 
it is increadibly exciting into Easter Holiday 2023. 

George Solti is my very delightful ole’ Friend whom I met years ago during my extra studies in a 
Royal Conservatory, and with invited many in some music philharmonic aria works of my own music compositions in even Vienna Austria, Chicago Il USA, London Symphony in the country of England, Berlin Symphony in Germany, Tokyo Japan Philharmonic, Philharmonic in Berma India, Beijing China and Countries in South America and The philharmonic Theater in South Africa, South Korea, Saigon, Vienam, Warsaw Poland, Dublin Ireland, Jeruselum in Israel, Istanbul In the country of Turkey- atleast - Of course Moscow Russia has been waiting with an invite many times.  

The lovely George Solti with the London Symphony 
arrived for my  silk pajama after events with Finest 
Cream De Mint Coco served with love.  For a special 
Holiday Christmas all over the world. 

December 22nd 2022 Revolution Now 2022 

Elvis Prestley Wildly Sweet / Strumming Guitar 
With even music compositions from as early as 1960’s 
only Elvis knows. It’s a rage of love all over the USA and the whole world. What a coco crème de la cream with a crème mint whip crème. Moonlight fun. 
All the way from the city of Memphis in the state of  Tennessee within the country of the   USA. 

STEAMED in my orange melange’ 
from melange’
2003 circa 

photographed  on location of a leisure dinner 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

Listen   it’s the lovely Elvis Prestley

December 23rd 2022 2:30 pm eastern standard time ny USA from my tiny village. My Men in Spain Grew Loveling Concerns. With Moscow Russia of a engrossed melodic kind love too - of men and women 
whom are among that of brilliant intellect radically
at minutes many - secretly a RUSSIA in a truth of certainty a language of LOVE. Et Du : graces of such
awaited arrivals in love and lust -desirable crème pie 
to thee, thouest, thy, adorn a holiday with my
men of men, 

en ‘  gaurte’  the  DASHING SWARDS to all of Spain 

film minutte film short birthday baha of excellence in 
preparedness the enjoyment  to all of RUSSIAN as a 
in good humor of faites chosen, of a delight devoutly of FUN in all the world. North, South, East, and West.

Bath or No Bath, this is the question. Fore the answer lies in the faites of all, a humanity of divestitures in of deliberate a deliberation - even delicacies of a noble 
as to a finest espirituse - before the bolden a experience 
of merituse braided of even golden whete perfection.

sleep well my darling men - it will be daylight soon. 

3:21 pm Eastern Standard Time NY USA 
Traveling to Europe in Germany Was Exciting 

Film Short film short   of love of so many men and women across the whole world.
Say the word love.

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett :  dressed. 
The Berracuuda Clotheries Designs 1 of 400 pure barracuda of 
my pure couture works dated circa  1992 beginnings of berracuda designs  and now as worn in my many cultural business and economics exhibition internationally. 

7:08 pm eastern standard time New York USA 
from my  tiny village with Victor Borge 
in my Revolution Now - updated film minuette’

film minuette   enormously a delight always. 

7:22 pm Lovely Men, and delightfully cultured 
fine peoples - I love well over many many years.

John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison, 
and on the philharmonic excellence of brass snare drums music composition of lovely work 
 is Ringo Starr -  silk pajamas and coco soon  ? 

George Solti, the world famous symphony conductor and I have a history of stirring things up in smallest circles of the arts- as not alone in many ways of a greater of humanity with incredible honored efforts and lovely personifications of pure love for enjoyable minuetes whole heartedly well loved too. 

In ancient Ghent of the Royal Cathedral within a tiny village quite well known in the country of Germany in the lower regions of Eastern Europe, near the country of Russia quite large in comparison to Germany is of course a good symphony of good measure- of course with a notable lengthy history, of ancient music- echoes’ of even a reflective lightness in humanity of Russia too. The tiny German Royal village of Ghent, 
is with an ancient painting of Ghent, as a perplexity 
and a bit ugly - yet, a tradition and a thank you toward a preperatory of minutes and counting of pennies, savioirfaire of cares of humanity, time and wools, 
even a lesson of how - to see a heirloom of wool. 

Of Royal Ghent Cathedral is a tiny library of a door open all the time in the rectorium library - the lesson of Ghent is a mystery of some perplexity of men and women and boys and girls, with devoutly no words and a glimps -  in only a smalles cramped -  ambiguous door. Blink and gone - as a strange painting of Ghent ?

The actual painting of Ghent is missing. Unknown now 
except in some of - a hope to know more of Ghent 
one day. 

While chose to listen - to Anouther symphony 
not yet the dusty room in the tiny village of 
Royal Ghent before Christmas Day. 

the time is now 8:01 pm eastern standard time in the USA on Decenmber 23 rd 2022 and in Moscow Russia the time is 4:03 am on December 24th 2022  as the eve early morning before Christmas Day known across the entire European Continent. With a delightful love message to Sir Vladimir Putin, darling sir, and to the Russian Millitary, and Kremlins government too, with a lovely good day to all of the great country of Russia and to that a kind echo of excessive love sternly kind love to all,  to enjoy your holiday near and far - all throughout Europe of west to east all the way to the Far East in even Beijing China too. With love and cares of the USA millitary and the lovely peoples greater of the USA in employment to that of serious efforts ethical wealth individually good, going better -  and the extrodinary love - ethical repose in outstanding efforts -  too. A brilliant belief of not a -  blind faith - not.  Earned worthy efforts large and small in just a fine week of greatest humanity everywhere in the whole world. South American peoples with messages to me waiting - even presidents of Brazil and Peru, Venezuela, and Mexico, Portugal, and Columbia, 
With many more peoples messages from South America, and Canada as larger and even slightly wealthier in espirituse’ and even pennies in tins too- children with pennies up to $50.00 each in some exemplary brilliant saving in less than 6 months, and some choices to some purchase into 2023 of Indian Summer Winter Events - 

Secret exist -  choices to think over and jot your own notes on paper with pencils - important with 
Periodical Tables for Math Games - home made ?

perhaps - yes.   blue violins finely real. 

Dinner around the world on December 25th 2022 is with a wish from me to many fine people to enjoy the cultural country of your country and enjoy well the day to listen to fine music- home made cookies alone finely within a large cultural world of many different countries too. with a hope to see more film short minuette of a cultural holiday food from you , perhaps
whom ever you are from a holiday around the world.  

a home made ice wrink and a travel sand iglu bubble with rick tote anywhere ? 

ice skates and sled for snow moting with winter totes of home made stew and royal bear claws ? And roller skates to quake through a stroll in 
orange grove villages - only orange
 grove village with seeds for a milk carton strawberry 
patch at any home ? Preposterous. 

Tin can farm foods of a  label Lame ‘ for heirlooms hand made ? In a gold fine wall hanging. Yes. 
Ludicrously devout,  Indian Summer Rage. 

Say yes - please please with a cherry on top !

exciting, reflective of fine memories and greatest experiences with even political cultural arts -  and the sweetest of political arts all ablaze of brilliance -


Are the Christmas Ribbon Candies in fine boxed 
packages yet with fine clothe ribbon as a keepsake for the music  key swirl- key Russian Ballete Jewelry Boxes Yet for men and women and boys and girls ?

and the jeweled juice finest RUSSIAN sweet golden wrapped confectionary sugar plum candies ? 
Silver wrapped German Chocolate Minuette GERMAN CHOCOLATE candy confectionary specialty chocolate ice cubes only made in winter for Indian Summer Winter - all shipped 
everywhere in the world. 

Gene Wilder /  film title Sir Willie Wonka 


Photographed : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
yes, my clothier works of art not yet available. 
“ Royal Crème  Bow Blousen “ 

Some enchanting evening. 
magic of only Perry Como 

happy Christmas evening (eve ) in all of Europe
with exceptional love from me and the whole world. 

December 23rd 2022 eastern standard time 
from my tiny village in NY USA 

a world audience to my very ole’ lovely darling 
Danny Kaye in a 

minuette film known as 

With zubin Meta and many 
fine ole’ European Darling Friends, yes.
Crème de la Crème Crème de Mint with crème de coco vinyette ‘ especial cafe’ de Coco w/ even more silk pajamas of duel birthday extended holiday  all through January 2023- pure lucious love is real. 

Zubin Meta - was so kind to be at my dally of my Birthday  Celebration -luxurious and lovely. Zubin Meta is outrageously glorious in notes to listen  as sweetly my very  Ole ‘ good friend from many years ago from Vienna Austria. As early as the 1970’s -

A rage of exasperating exhilaration of breath. 

 What fun. 

Mikhail Note 

12:35 am eastern standard time NY USA 
December 23rd 2022 in the eve before
Christmas Eve 

Yul Brenner  my extrodinary
lovely ole’ darling - I Love You. Arrived with a few extra guests - and blue silk pajama gift from Saigon- perfect. The crème almond malt milk steamed I served in Asian Silver Service Carafe’ The fine guitar outstanding. 

Yasser emailed : Listen 
My great great great grandmother Rice loves you. It was upsetting to many in Palestine Illinois’s in the USA and not the Middle East, Of many farming - with USA news -  junketing -  in the USA with unethical standards with intent to -dally in audacious ignorance, as a concern to USA in greater peoples humanities dignafied in every city, state and all villages, and with international love. friend I have near Wisconsin in big farm and butter farming are thankful, brilliant and enjoy your persona Yasser. 
So close to the large city of Chicago Il, USA and with plans to create -  bread. (Halla’). 

Halla’ fine middle eastern bread wrapped with love in finest muslin cheese clothe linnen. My purchase was from my middle eastern travels. Lunch was very good. 
Looks as if you gained an imposter at - a sign of your decency Yasser Arafat. With serious USA concerns - sad pity really. 
It was a Somba.   Soon . Silk pajamas in blue ? 

Happy holiday Month to everyone in the Middle East and with lovely thank you and excessive love from the greater peoples of the USA and from people all over the world. 

Happy Christmas everywhere in the world as Far East Asia is with a winter solstice Holiday of what many people know as Christmas all over the world. The very best is within the espirituse of graces in individuals adorn the inner beauty of humanity with  love. 

With exceptional love to sir darling Vladimir Putin-  I recieved the lovely honored gift -  jeweled radiance 
Of resounding respective love -  merci -  of enchante’ et ev vouse.’ As brilliant an aviary - loveliest.  

Russian Tiara - seven. 

more soon darling Kremlin - you received my lights. 
and an exhibition of highest political meetings too.

enjoy- emailed update direct from 
the Kremlin of the country 
of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin 

on December 24th Christmas Eve 2022 RUSSIA

so glad to see the Prime Minister of  Russia in 
fiancé again of tax wealthy Russia. good good. 

merry Christmas to all in Moscow Russia and the extremely lovely country of large numerous peoples everywhere in Russia.  With kind decent love to you in all small and larger cities throughout Russia. 

It’s going to be a real sugar plum NEW YEAR into 2023 Indian Summer Winter Extended Holiday in tiny minutes more lovely - and Halla Braided Breads to begin soon. And Royal Bear Claws -  forever. 

Merry ( happiest best ) Christmas - (of the lightful good merit of individuals in lust of thy spirit of love in kind worth)  everywhere to all peoples of all villages and all homes and all countries. 

I love you all. 

December 24th 2022 Christmas Eve Night in my tiny village at 10:11 pm now, from saranac lake New York USA: the city was very snowy and even a passing automobile nicely to some others on the road village areas, slowly and some with brilliant lights on their automobiles lined up through to a bright humanity of lovely people.  the mg midget slicked in and plowed an ice sickle hit my head, as then I walked into purchase some lite groceries in a pleasant grocery fuel stop and a tumble of a new bagel bag out of my hands spilling on the ground. just purchased freshly. A very nice pleasant village of strollers -  in to shop and the kind women and men in a evening employment were professionally excited and kindly helpful - the bag of bagels spilled after I paid for them, as the stacks of pies on shelves will be a delight to many traveling in-  packing forks and even a fine plastic washable plate- fine designs of bright red flowers in plates to tote are a simple pleasure.  Pie in the automobile all toasty can be fun watching snow just softly as a blanketing brilliant in love of life.  My bagel was on the shop floor as I bent to pick it up-  softly a person wished to to say merry Christmas - a muss, the fresh bagel -  spilled -  I was a barracuda a split second,  the person said : ravishing. I smiled a minute upset and left a bit  brash. 

merry Christmas to all in saranac lake -  in even the many fine details of extremely good caring excellence and a time to even look to that of individual achievement and a city loved well-  of such dignaty. 

the Kremlin : emailed late tonight -  nervous.
Shall I say, the Pope in the Central Cathedral of Rome 
Italy as known as THE VATACAN, in one of the world most enjoyed travels to one of the great Cathedrals of a lovely -  delight in much more than religion. Sent me a message from Rome Italy in Europe. 

Pope Francis is Famously the actual archbishop of all the Roman Cathedrals and sent me a message of love 
in a FILM. The secret place of the grande  piazza and that of many cathedrals such as St. Peter’s Basilica Cathedral among several other well known very elaborate cathedrals and that of the many historical well loved artifacts of sculpture known throughout the world as some even millions of years known. 

Sir Pope Francis, and to everyone in lovely Italy, 

merry ( a wish to say of the good joy ethically be greater ) Christmas ( a love of ethical light inside your lovely person) and may we all ice skate with wool finest forever.  with extreme love to you and all, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett bellicimouse’ 

a message directly from Pope Francis 
of the Vatican of Rome in Italy 

Real Bear Claws      it’s a secret 

              please yes  my gift to all   

          merry christmas 

Jerry Lee Louis for Christmas Day - 
December 25th 2022 - is incredible. a sweet love. 
Great Balls of Fire, Listen   

Tis Jaquie’ Tati’ French Film.  Le Moncle   
December 26tb 2022 in a Short French Film 
par excellence ‘    sweet of you sir Tati ‘

The Westminster Cathedral of London England 
with fine messages as even from the rectorium 
cathedral library Read. December 26th 2022 

What a holiday into 2023 it is. 

December 27th 2022 in my tiny village at 6:24 pm eastern standard time Saranac Lake NY. Good day to everyone all over the world. Especial hello to Sir Vladimir Putin as the very well respective Kremlin of 
the country of Russia. It is very BOLD as a statement at the Russian Kremlin’s site online today - within a large contextual lovely and extremely loving ethical worth in many ways with extreme notable ethical dignaty of great success - as many years of Sir Vladimir Putin’s exemplary extremely ethical devout realities even in a large risk with hopes for European countries in over ten years of considerable very well worth G7 - details that are with - other presidents of other countries internationally - achieved in great real efforts as well. Belief in me, and peoples caring hopes. Immence in some lovely wonderful fortitude as well. Pure love to me even - I dare say. 

Indian Summer Winter is with respective cares to a numerous Russian Millitary and even Numerous Government peoples in Russia in many mundane ethical efforts at small details of some times small desk work daily 5- days per week and paid fine enough, as well. Also the extremely lovely peoples in all villages throughout Russia with some upset in 2022 January too.  Even if just for conserns in the USA in January 2022. It is acceptionally very lovely for a summer 2022 like none before - so filled with even baulm cherry cake for the very first time in all history before - none before cherry baulm cake ever,  and delicious villages all, homes brilliant even alone, one by one of a whole world. So many peoples all over the world too 
agree -  very notable with love for RUSSIA as a great cultural love - in all - all countries extremely high of ethical kind cares.The Russian Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin has devout ethics highest and an amazing country of love to sir Vladimir Putin respectively - as a large devout of millitary and government busy in many ways -  with details so many of working life and not always noted how love exists -  xoxo baha ready too xoxo even with me in person soon xoxo unimaginable really 

all of Russia everywhere xo baha ready with me, 
a princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett of the USA, with European famille’ historically noted, from a lenghty honor xoxo in the USA as well. xo Very graciously with exceeding graces - returned everywhere. 

unimaginable.    xoxo baha xo with millitary in 

Russia xo xo x.  o a princess as myself xo posh xo

I would say xoxo posh to just listen to my songs too and read all the many many many messages of even January 2022. Posh to know - peoples many north south east and west so many -  all over the world. 

the tiny village last year - baked small sweet potatoe pies and stood out on the street in winter month in a gift coat to some - 2021 and snow fell, into a cool evening moonlight as they tried to sell pie simply sweet potatoe pie. - with graces to pay for hope -  a bit longer to buy some groceries - $ $6.00 yes.  On the street -  burrr. Ten people pulled over in their car -  on the side of the street very cold -  yes. $6.00 x 10. $60.00 thankful yes.  Two loaves of bread - peanut butter and jelly - milk - juice - spaghetti -  and.  Sweet Potatoes with eggs and cream condenced milk - sugar - vanilla - pie crust - for two weeks - get spaghetti sauce and cheese best.  gladly. 
Two nights later in 2021 snowy evening - 10 pies and $6.00 each. Thankful to have some in the city - yes. 

$120.00 for the month ! And hope.  Burrrrrr. No wool yet either and shipping ? What about shipping ? $120. In wool ? 2021 well -  it was a thought. Then ? 2021 
pies worked - childern happy enough - thankful lectures in the tiny minutes somewhere - selling a pie at least. 

My tiny crystal little bear was hand delivered from some people in the village sweetly last year in 2021 before thanksgiving - I didn’t forget.  Merci everyone in saranac lake NY USA.  Wonderful village of a proper to love far and in a tiny minute to get an egg roll on a bench out side even in snowy midnight quiet - gazing upon the stars and a swift hop trotting home in warm coats and wool worth tucking in a savioired shelf - forever. Merci and merry Christmas everyone. Hello Hello Hello and Hello again - hello again.  Fine snow this year.  Merry Christmas again. 

The baha events are extremely special with no details yet and a very exhaultion of surprises soon even from 
sir Vladimir Putin President (Kremlin ) of the country of Large Lovely Russia - posh in love notes in an unusual message in a film minutte with bold cultural love from the Kremlin of Russia -  soon you will know everything in RUSSIAN PURE LOVE

A Minutte Film -  Of Sir Vladimir Putin,  yes. 

soon. It’s a secret. 

Instead before the New Year Now is a message not in special emails from the sweet notes of 
sir Vladimir Putin whom is a Russian President of the country of Russia,  as a very bold politically in strict politics of dignatary political measures - BOLD , 
of a large country the president of Russia whom makes no 
- revelry ( Wrong in Joy ) of concerns toward upset in Russia Today. Contention grew in Russia. 

Second message from Bold Brief Statements More. 

The Sweet Delighful Gentle Secret Film from 
Darling sir Vladimir Putin, in an artistry of work with My Love in a film to post soon, of my sweets, exciting to myself,  princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett with the excitment within a rage of delight - soon with Russian Millitary and even Russian Government and Russian  Peoples of love RUSSIAN LOVE real -good good - with me. 


December 27th 2022 now 
Arnold Schwarzenegger, with 
a film emailed yesterday.

Arnold are you in California USA or Austria in Europe? I will email you -  Merry Christmas . and always enjoy your emails to me you took time for me. 
Lovely of you darling. 

Merry Christmas David ken Letterman 
I love you darling - Rhode Island Style Politicals

Five Star 5 Course of Elegance in Preperations of my recipes were delicious. Christmas Dinner at my home on Christmas Day December 25th 2022 with a Film from myself, Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Seven Shrimp Sautee’ egg battered dry, with sweet carrots, broccoli and caulifower, with heart shaped ketchup from Hienz 57 ketchup spiced with 57 international real secret spices - perfectly 
complimented the egg batter fry sautee’ in butter. 

Served with a French Sweet Egg Suffliette’ Begelle’ 
Soaked in a special egg batter, and butter fried golden brown with butter rasin sauce and Canadian pure maple syrup -  perfectly always a delight. Served with cream ala creme’  A store purchased Cheese Danish from Stewards Fuel Stop - always pleasant. And well low prices too. Diet Cola in gold Pilsner German Fine Flute Glass - crushed ice, Cran Mango Purée Spritzer with fine South American Imported Sparling Mineral water best.  Fizzy.  

Fourth Menu Course Mint Ice Cream with pure chocolate chips bitter sweet from swiss processed coco chocolate of coco beans from The farm wealthe ‘ of Great Africa in Europe -  excellences in coca bean perfection-  USA creamery in dairy riche ice cream - real mint extract -  perfection and a hot coco cafe - in fine bone color clay fired service , served on a 6 “ plate gold rim with matching antique cup - made in the country of England in Europe - far west ( known as the West Bank of  Rock Wall in Ocean Water -  not a beach. 

West Bank Ocean Rock Wall -  for dry good soil riche of humus soils - of course- of the country of Englamd of Austere great lovely peoples. Far West Europe. 

not to think West Bank is the actual BANK OF THE COUNTRY OF ENGLAND in that of finance monitary standards for the common wealth of the banking standards of England, international standards for all peoples in England and travelers to assure of course spending money- silly. 

David Letterman and Arnold Schwarzenegger  - missed diner and even after events. Hopefully not January 1st into the begining of 2023 with Amazing Indian Summer Events into after Easter 2023.  

DVD - sales list soon - with dvd lecture on new technology for dvd’s professional 1,2,3’s and a list for dvd mini players like a tiny transited radio size - to tote with a mini projector screen to tote -   home theater mini fun - midnight dvd movies or love note special messages saved in a dvd purchased- and perhaps in minutette - or even some - photo dvds too traveling even closest sor farther. Exciting - I believe. 

My tour on location films daily -
 I might have a minute or two, with more later. 

I love you all over the world. 
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

My birthday month in January continues. Merci - 
as a extremely special thank you everywhere in all the world. 

8:24 pm eastetn standard time in my tiny village in saranac lake NY USA  December 27th 2022 

Bill Evans, my ole ‘ well noted compadre ‘ in compositional form on piano - evening moonlight from the USA for villages all over the world - music 

in piano.  “ TAKE TWO”  minute more 

TAKE TWO   with minutes of  bliss from  Bill Evan 

sir vladimir ‘ it’s Bill Evans, my lovely sir Vladimir Putin. I am also excited about our little film soon -  outrageous love. 

Darling - Vladimir Thank you for the incredible notes daily in many for many more than 8 years - in kind, extended lovely messages - with - no feathering’s  of a mere assumption of the madji’ of course an ancient painting in oil of a million year old - saturated linen - 
Of  a mere LARGE GROSSBEEK titmouse heavies in real feather wing bird like covering meek muscled arms. -  grunting  a pose ‘  vicious 
intent towards the visions of true Russian Sugar Plums and sweets to know from all countries I have notably lectured in of cultural lovely ways even songs and more with land esteemed ethics for years also throughout the USA, Canada, South Seas, South American Countries. And even kindly in all of Europe, in villages all. years cultivated.   

Many of the peoples all over the world would be glorified to purchase a REAL RUSSIAN SUGAR PLUM if even only specially made of sweetest confectionary soft speciality finest fruited gold wrapped candies of a holiday delight my great great great grandmother and great great great grand father used to assure a shipped bag every winter holiday. They would be so pleased.  

I included your message for the holiday before New Years darling sir Vladimir Putin.  

The ancient history of Mythological Gods are of a history to know - more of the mythological gods. 
Of course it would be very good to have a travel trip to Chicago Illinois’s to see the most gregorious nightmares of painted works of art in oil- to ponder the hellish of some -  unsuitable dismal distain in disaster intended of a wrong - larger than imaginable in the tiny little hall of an ancient building in a corner of a great museum. The assumption of the madji ‘ is not of a constitional ethical humanity - as such not a favored reality- and often to the brilliance of all of humanity not a hidden - reality in unfathumable an existence -  winged heving in a peer into only an elaborate joke in pose’ and not hidden at all- feathers from pens and pencils lined the enormous - titmousing wings with no more ink wells -  of wells street of esteemed standards -  in some extraordinary real utopia once and perhaps again. Perhaps.  not well studied -  the painted muss with nearly not a reality in some lugie ‘ not fine.

gasping - I myself, brashly caring in mortification of -carelessly only stolen work. With no carbon print known as my very good colleuge  pointed out from the country of Belgium in Europe. 

The cost to such - in a melange of the city I love well is confounding of so many feather pens inked of paper ledgers - of a humanity very noble and of great importance to my lengthy love. 

Penny Lane is a special song. 4:18 am eastern standard time in NY USA on December 28th 2022, 

 from the Beatles  Penny Lane 

Updates into 2023 

December 29th 2022  from me, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, 4:39 eastern standard time saranac lake NY USA.  in Moscow Russia the time is 12:40 am on December 30th 2022 and in Moscow Russia tomorrow at this time is New Years Evening - The day before the New Year with extreme excitment to NEW YEAR’s day stew and fine home made breads and cheeses with olive trays and pickles with other special foods and sugar plum sweets of all fruited lovely types of 
RUSSIAN CONFECTIONARIES. decedent - with even more finest sweets too secret recipes all over the world.  Film messages are waiting with amazing love and good wishes too - all over the world into 2023. 

Indian Summer Winter - of the Revolution Now into 2023 with New Years early messages forever. 

today with Victor Borge love: 

The great love of Victor Borge, is outstanding in a wonderful complex sense of political prowess from Sir Victor Borge,  in even something known as cultural diplomatic royal - love in every way. 

Serious Love from Victor Borge I know is real love. 

 Update on December 29th 2022 
from thee  Victor Borge . Listen 

Sir Vladimir Putin darling -  it’s my delightful ole’ friend Sir Victor Borge.  Simply lovely. 

Good day to everyone all over the world.  New Years 
day is January 1st 2023 as the very first minute of the first day of the year 2023. All over the world is New Years of the first minute after December 21st 2022 the one second after 12:00 midnight. With some extremely special surprises and very good messages from all over the world. Even sir Vladimir Putin and I have a very special film project for the NEW YEAR as very darling cares for our riche long love respectively a far and sometimes even at my exhibitions . Don’t tell, it’s a secret.  Good day to everyone every where.  

A holiday wildly into the Revolution Now into farther than just new years day 2023 - Indian Summer Winter Events might be a time to think about real elegance with dripless  tapored dinner candles - with extra special design wicks- cotton standard wick -  some even say vwicked (vicked) keen especially with Jim Morrison and Victor Borge.  Read with choices to your finest 2023 into 2024 with a few more elegant menus - candle lit with extreme care just after your fresh iced coolest water glass is poured for a menu to remember. With a exciting candle glow. Tapor out the candle fast with a snifter brass handle cap - before leaving your dining table seated. As should be in any lit candle on any event dinning table. Table is all filled of special menu food and seated - of all guest - then lite the candle and assure to cap the candle before getting up from your special dining table always -  rules are rules. 

properly enjoy menus forever. Set pots of coffee and water iced and a fine spritzer ready for the rules of fine proper menus always -  Golden Rules. 

10:02 pm eastern standard time saranac lake NY USA 
December 29th 2022 

Read   Red Fine Tapored Candles - delightful night too.

Thee Jim Morrison with wicked ideas at my Birthday Events - Keenly Wicked Excitment.

extrodinary fun. 

Diamond Glass Star Shapes 5 point Candle Holder for a elegant menu perfectly a delight- Also known as depression glass in a fast pace way of pressing a relief sculpted glass pressed into a mold made with pewter  zink metal alloy - and low priced too- with a world of candles in a real fine estate purchase as a depression relief pressed glass star candle holder for tapored candles, standard sized bottom base wax fit into a star -  with love from the USA greater of so many peoples  in all USA villages with even, pennies , saved, banking and many details to think to assure ethics highest a USA country to be very proud of , achievement remarkable all over the world,even in Kindergarden and public schools always free school  to basic school into 1-12th grades, with childern whom use pencils well in   work in elementary levels schooling with kick ball and more,  ,  with graces of thankful a greater world within each country and the USA going better too, and well, to of increadible love towards all Russian peoples and too, Sir Vladimir Putin, too loved, Russia loved, the whole world loved too- the whole world. 

10:28 pm December 29th 2022 ny tiny village USA eastern standard time , The lovely elegance in Denmark of  Eastern Europe with many lovely people and Thee Victor Borge - With such a Birthday Surprise.
in Eastern Eastern  EUROPE of many countries more very different - central Eastern Europe in Moscow Russia is 6:48 am on December 30th 2022 as most of Central Eastern European Countries are - within morning early on December 30th 2022 at this time. Good morning everyone in all of Europe. Danes included ( men) with a Danish Langush as Dutch - in Denmark. Danes’ 

Very special flight fancy - everyone with  extremely lovely fun. Love to you all again- The plum sweaters 
Gifts - shipped well too with lovely white too. Marvolously fun pajamas fun- coco forever. 

Love to everyone. From myself,
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

December 30th 2022 at 8:28 pm eastern standard time Saranac Lake New York USA is with 

James Taylor in a email today
Minuette Film Short A Flag  Of Muslin Clothe of the Middle East - James with a one cannon solute to me at such a lovely gift to me Darling James 
Merry Christmas and with the very best Indian Summer Winter Events in the 2023 Revolution Now 
as New Years Eve Day has begun throughout all of Europe today- With a exhaltingly loveliest wish from me, and all of the USA and South America countries as well as Canada and the south seas countries including The country of Cuba with love - peace- ethics - and extra lovely days forever- work and leisure to peoples all over the world -  to Europe with Love And Russian love too - with sir vladimir putin as the Kremlin - and an exciting 2022- new year, into a wonderful 2023 


myself,  Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Photographic Credits: 
Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, in artistic formalized works on paper with pencil and layered of international finest clothe. From Princess Tracy as myself, of my own being and love- a sketch, for you 
whom ever you are of peoples in villages, all. 

 “MAI’ DONA  and CHILD “ 

 It was the year 1100 over one thousand and twenty one years ago, paintings of mai’ dona and child became somewhat of a love in travel to see, in Rome Italy of 
many to scurry some day to know of the love of the ancient - in a fine small cathedral - beyond a solid gold door, of 12 panels - and simply a chair to sit and ponder the meanings alone. Mai Dona’ and Child donning upon the crown of the head a gold discus of a halo of great admiration. A gift from Africa even in a travel.

Albriet Duirer of Germany fine self sketch to
ponder  a pencil sketch of fun. with Braids into the 
new year. Read 

Another self sketch - Girl with Pearl Ear Rings 
In silk thread fun of your beautiful faces so many it could be a time to treasure your lovely minutes. 

Of course many countries of peoples began to purchase a book printed in Germany, England, China and all countries, for the artist whom painted 
the arche’ angelical ( achieved ethics and some traveling with cares, carefully) a 400 year period of time went by, extremely many many years as to a tradition throughout Europe to several more Mai, Dona 
painting were than purchased . One remained in Rome
Italy for even reading of in books- while some set a way to even pencil in a little water color of some fun
in a type of different self sketch alone.  With Paint 
of Prang from  the country of Japan - and rare blue paint from only China in a certain blue very noble of ROYAL  blue, in a finest colour unlike any seen in paint before- extrodinary manufacturers in paint smallest only,  some - used needles to sew by hand in fine Silk Thread Known to create a face likeness to even themselves from a tiny mirror- Even needle and thread from RUSSIA in a hand stitched face of themselves in fine middle Eastern European muslin clothe also known as cheese clothe.

Finest Muslin for a very lovely golden framed trinket 
of memorable time at home with a violin to pluck
a bit slow - known as pittessecattei’ ’ with out a bowing strum. Finely a pissicatto ‘ violin night under the moon
and such a memory of minutes enjoyable in a 
self made trinket upon a wall of a love to be. 

Blue Violins ? Soon.  Of the finest evening 
moonlight sonata and a pisicatta’ to enjoy violin
prehaps guitar-  and more soon. Fine Silk
threads for needle point too. It could be true. 

Santana can not wait even ready for baha 
with much work and liesure to care more.

It’s Jerry Garcia in South America of real Spanish 
bellicimami’ to everyone with a wish of Happy New Year to all, in the USA and all over the world. 

Gentlemen   of humanity of ancient writing sometimes was only a short word of - gentlemen and not man or women ,  as in some words - were  short for all humanity as gentle peoples all. Hand writing was difficult in so many hand written books/ Sometimes words were shortened - known as shorthand - in literary artistry formalities - Spirit - is espiritus, as the ancient written whole word. esprit - is a French word as similar in meaning. 

It is 12:35 am from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA eastern standard time just after midnight on December 31st after 12:00 midnight - and in Moscow Russia it is December 31st 2022 as well while much into 8:36 am morning begining to the wonderful holiday of the evening before 

the NEW YEAR’s  DAY 
on January 1st 2023 

Victor Borge is with a special email message 
- not the moonlight Sonata ‘ yet the 
Hungarian Rhaphsody number 2. 
a very well loved music composition on piano written 
by a composer of sheet music from the country of HUNGARIA in Europe - hello everyone in the country of HUNGARIA -as well as a lovely hello to sir vladimir putin president of Russia, hello to all of Russia and presidents all over the world as well and a fine hello to people of every country -  merci and happy new year - kisses for everyone, catch well with your hand to catch my kisses sent to you to hold over your very darling sweet lovely hearts,  well.  -
love to the USA and greater love from the greater PEOPLES of the USA too- 

with Extra love  darling  Victor Borge - finely done. 

Strange Guest ? Yes. Strange. 

More about the most elegant mint chocolate chip 
ice creme de le, creme soon. 

soon 2023 

2:26 am 
it’s really the eve of new years now, with a love song from my ole darling Frank Sinatra. With love to the whole world. Shoobee   dew. LISTEN 

Frank Sinatra again - I love you darling LISTEN 

4:38 am from my tiny estate rental 
flat in saranac lake New York USA
 with an email from 
Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin 
of the country of RUSSIA 
with meeting notes (par) with 
the president of the 
brilliant Royal Country of China. 
With President Xi Jinping - 
with a special happy NEW YEAR’S
eve day again of good wishes
 into 2023 with great excitment. 
Thank you both in Russia 
and China with love and 
exceptional respective - wishes
 of a prosperous very lovely 2023. 

I simply love you. 
From Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Very good everyone. Good day. 

Harry Belefanti’ in from South Seas Countries after after a few songs in the country of Brazil in South America ,with Haitian Chocolates from the south seas country of Haiti, with bananas. Street film excitment in saranac lake NY USA even in film.. In for coco mint 
Ice Cream with hot extra riche heavy 
cafe au du egg creme’ Bombay India Rum. Shipped 
India is very large as the country of India in Europe has rum too. 
from Bombay in the country of India in Central Eastern Europe. 
Just look at the time. More egg creme rum soon with a recipe. 
Film Minuette 

message from the Beatles - 7:38 am 
New Years Morning in New York tiny village USA. 

John Lennon,  Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison saranade ‘ with more  Birthday Events in January 2023 Short Minuute Film 

lovely my darling sweet men. Shuu bea dew again.

8:22 am message from Elvis in Hawaii 

December 31st 2022,  at 7:14 eastern standard time 
from my tiny village in NY USA 

good day to Sir Vladimir Putin President of Russia 
happy New Years Day to you my sweet darling. 

as a lovely man, sir Vladimir Putin you are, I wish to graciously say I love  you -sweetly, as too with kind dignaty to note that the loveliest little honors Jeweled gifts arrived. Even the delightful ROYAL RUSSIAN plum Diamond Jems - honor broached pin of great jeweled respects honored to me - sweetly very lovely and extravagant, and more as well,  from the whole world. And five golden rings for the 5th day into the 

New Year Holiday 
January 5th 2023 of 
RUSSIAN LOVE not to forsaken of the greatest within humanities of peoples everywhere. It is a wonderful honor from all of RUSSIA and from you, as President 
of the very lovely large country of ROYAL RUSSIA.
and the lovely honors of my  Jem- jeweled Broche, jewelry pins  and tiaras too, from all over the world are extremely special to me. Tiara events are going to be spectacular and even more tiara selections too - for choices to see soon to purchase all over the world - 

some with finest  real jewels of achievement tiaras at only $6.95 and very lovely. Men and Women , boys and girls. With plenty of time to chose a tiara or head dress before Easter 2023. 

2022 -2023 it is with

with secrets not yet known, not announced yet.

what a new year all over the world. 

Meet Lurch:   details later . 

brass candle snifter ‘ as an elegant dinner - snuff 
to put out the candle - at the end of dinning, 
adding a special candles - Yes.
immediately- never leave the dining table without snuffing out your dinner candle. For all to please remember. Details stay enjoyable- as extra special. 

Real Diamond Glass Lamps are also extrodinary little lights too for elegant dinning - read  some lamps to purchase have batteries lasting years. 

Lurch and I enjoyed the night. Smashingly well. 
Good Good Even, and  finally quiet. 

risterante’s too, even a hotel lamp - Diamond Love. 

Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
New Years Dinner on January 1st 2023 filmed at 
1:06 am, just after midnight. From my tiny village in 
Saranac Lake New York USA. It was a pleasant night, 
I trotted to a little fuel and grocery, people were out strolling a bit near by, pleasant. The grocery was pleasant and some happy travelers that could purchase some good variety of - even some elegant food from a fuel and grocery in my village- New Years working - I met very nice people from all over the world- 

Holidays - to remember. Then surfing in winter months can be fine to look forward too. Folly Beach is one fine little beach to travel in the USA South Carolina, the hotel there is with a large indoor heated pool - looking out into the REAL ocean. Extremely beautiful with a full beach carrocci ‘ hamdica’ to the knee, men and women - boys and girls too, toting a beautiful brunch tote. Heat containers are easy to plug in with USB cords into a automobile plug in-  stew, golden bread and soft butter with soft cheese, and some fine cake slices, with a tin of peaches and or a fruit tart cake, and whipped creme de la creme, and a hot container with fine African specialty coffee, wonderful gazing at the ocean all night pool side - of course laying on the ground,  with a air pillow, dreaming at only the moon so far up.  The city of Charleston in the state of  South Catalina is near city of Folly Beach, a little extra ride by automobile from Charleston South Catalina into Folly Beach, fa la la Folly Beach where you might find a snail sea shell perhaps in earliest morning beach stroll soothing, Map studies are helpful to drive all the way to Charleston South Catalina if in the USA, it may not be close.   Heiman’s Seafood risterante in Charleston South Carolina, USA is one fine beach to enjoy. Tote extra foods - that are travel well. Enjoy more of your wonderful Liesure in the USA or as for internationally enjoy the lovely villages all, in work, tiny cares and leisure too - I hope everyone enjoyed a fine holiday dinner or lunch or fine breakfast sitting or standing. Everywhere in the whole world.  

Snow ready too - on skates or ice skates both. With even more fun in the cooler regions too all over the world. With a little help - with just a lovely song too. 

with extra care and love. Special Rare Re-recored 
from the from the Beatles  on a place called High Street in the city of LONDON ENGLAND where penny candy is confectionary delights at even the tiniest age- and saved pennies, even English pennies make a great difference. 

High Street - yes. With the Beatles. Rare Film 

Where is that film? 

Paul Mc Cartney instead with a different film

It’s 5:59 am NEW YEARS DAY 
January 1st 2023 NY USA eastern standard time. 

7:17 am eastern standard time Saranac Lake NY USA 

Fidel Castro my darling compadre ‘ is very well and good good,  with a Minuette FIlm - 
while the narrator ( a wrong person speaking over the real words ) -( dubbed ), in the film -/“)(((()”    ? 

My sweet friend, comrade compadre, honored well,
 sir Fidel Castro former well respected, Honored President of the lovely fine and incredible country of Cuba - not able to hear what you said darling 
sir Fidel Castro - Carefully with all my attention, 
it’s a wonderful film. The government of Cuba just 
sent me a message - reminding me, I was out of Salsa.
Fine fun. Very sweet of everyone in Cuba. 

The Cuban Chocolate gift was extremely very gracious and quite luxurious. The sugar - sky rocket in sales  steady enough for a reality in economic good standards.
all over the world, it is known that, Cuba is with very polite fierce efforts and finest people too -
 so good of you to send such a
Minuette Film Short - and candles for the new year in a lovely large many peoples to say 
happy new year to me- I love you all- everyone. 

from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett -
broviccimia’ ( of the love of the world be forever ethically beautiful of inner being in good choices of care well.) happy new year everyone in the 
beautiful country of Cuba- Thank you 
sir Fidel Castro-  the city of Havana in the country of Cuba awaits. Kisses to everyone. With love xoxoxo 

9:09 the sketch of  carravaggio seen in person ? Some day perhaps ? perhaps just a lovely little reflection in minutes to enjoy a little embellished 
tiny painting at home of good memories in love of minutes many. Read   and sketch
again and again a sketch from a tiny 
mirror of your own.  pewter mirror for men or women and even special for boys and girls both. 

Havana knee  shorts proper and a fine clothe silk shirt - to sit poolside  with ocean breaze - and baha with pennies to spare - 2023 ? Float in  a mote more  . read.

The First Day of the New Year is with a gift 
of an Actual (bird known as a Partridge) 
As the ancient “Partridge in a Pear Tree”.

one minute sketch in pencil on print paper:
of the gift of the very first day of the extended 
Christmas of a Greater Holiday - to all with true love.

Of the first day of New Years Christmas I of thee, myself a true love I gift to you - as everyone. 
of an ancient song, A partridge in a pear tree. 
verse ( words )  one of a holiday song of a gift 2023. 

from my pencil sketch from myself : princess 
lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett

a true ancient symbol of a gift of prosperity to know more. Merry Christmas again of the 1st day of the 
New Year 2023 to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of
the country of Russia and to guitar peoples 
everywhere in the world, and increadible music composers symphony- soapy and excellent,  peoples men and women all, everywhere, and piano peoples lovely and extremely wonderful, harpsecord piano such as Mick Jagger my darling  friend, those with film shorts - into 2023 too,  people in desk offices work pencils with ethics and cares  to many in many good fine details too, including agriculture farm specialists 
and grocer people stocking shelves and postal people globally - wonderful, museums, and risterante specialists, grocer specialists and also many in many government work in all seperate governments internationally and too many greater USA people in tiny details well done too, Snow plow specialists and fine cares to sweep side walks tree and window lights and washing - amazing love -  real. Specialist at registers all over the world in over 300 countries -  villages outstanding everywhere-  with high achievements and extreme greater excellence- wage savvy counting pennies and waiting for pennie candy too. school teachers everywhere - Fidel Castro too, thankfully. and my mother and father and wendel powers too. All over the world- it’s a partridge in
a pear tree - as a gift January 1st 2023 really. 

Fidel Castero sent me a film short minuette for new year 2023 and my new Revolution Now 2023 Indian Summer Winter as Fidel Castro is an emeritus  president of Cuba. When I was 4 years old the news in the USA said - Sir honored Fidel Castro cut off a finger - at 4 years old- I was curious - while I realized he was possibly a man whom believed in Humanity of a Assured Humanitaian chance - to some missing sardene tins -  I suppose -  true.  Pointed no finger - the Minuette Film Short - surprised -  such noble Fidel and many men and women too with a announcer of pish on good posh - I dare say. 

Fidel Castro Film with Love. Gifts of finest Cuban Chocolates boxed with a fine silk ribbon were extrodinary. Hand delivered by sir Fidel Castro. And others. I lectured about the decency of Sir Fidel Castro in 2016 with operatic aria - Fidel and many people of Cuba travel to my international on location exhibition a Rage of Excitment in the lovely brilliant country of Cuba is real. 

Film Short Minutte          CUBA 

The President of Cuba update me a reminder that I have to put salsa on my grocery list. Fun in Cuba awaiting my schedule stop in Havana Cuba at least. 

I am extremely excited. My darling Fidel, we shall have a full lunch sea side with love to everyone in Cuba so sweet. Lovely Cuba.  Perfect. The Cuba women arrived with a cake on my birthday 2016. Fifty cupcakes with hearts. So well proper.  Lovely Cuba. xo
happy new year everyone. 

Happy New Year 2023 everyone. Everyone all over the world. David Bowie too- I love you. 

Wonderful everyone- 10:31 am ny USA 

Moscow Russia time now is 6:32 pm New Years Day
Vladimir darling - I love you as I am excited about the little film so well and a few details about the g7 and your increadible efforts. it’s an exciting secret. 
Very nice darling sir. 

Havana Cuba now is 10:34 am New Years Day 
eastern standard time 
of the country near the USA in ocean seas south of the USA in the Tropic of Cancer ocean - not Europe. 

11:26 am eastern standard time Saranac Lake NY USA 

Minuette Film Short    from Elvis Presley 

January 1st 2023 6:44 pm eastern standard 
time from my tiny village in saranac lake NY USA 

it is 6:46 am in Beijing China on January 2nd 2022
with a meeting in China of the President of China’s office as Bear Run is rather loved in the very large country of China, and throughout all Far East Countries. Even Japan - with some peoples of the country of China have a birthday film for me. 

direct gift film from President Xi Jinping, the president of the increadibly large and very beautiful 

from lovely people everywhere of ROYAL CHINA 

it’s the Giant Panda Bear - home again in China. 

Soue’ ume’ = Good Day 

I love you all- wish to say many gracious thank you to all  for your lovely kind delighful kind dignaties and very gracious love and kisses sent. xo baha ready. 

Studying in China within my ROYAL College times were in 1990’s With ethical excellence and peace, prosperity and delight. Children and peoples everywhere are studying Chinese Words 

from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett with extra special cares and gracious thank you. to all sitting or standing breakfast, lunch, dinner, day and night, 
to the peoples of China and the whole world. 

Christmas New Yeats in Europe Now 
on the 2nd day of January 2nd 2023 

NY USA is New Years Day January 1st 2023. 

Bears in China - really quite special I believe.

Lime Green Hearts Evergreen works in Clotheries 1990’s Sketch’s as  one of my own silk designs 
worn not yet available in 400 variations 
Self Photographed ROYAL BOW SILK 
Deep Sea Lime Evergreen Fir Emerald Canope 
Green Hearts Forever blousen, I am wearing, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Title of International Photograph: 

“ rare somber love of espirituse et de aviary 
in song of the twelve days of NEW YEAR HOLIDAY”

With more Indian Summer Winter Real Love, 
Even in song recordings too, from myself ? 

Maybe so. Ci, Yes, Wei, soon. 

LOVE again and again 2023

Say The Word Love  even more, with ethical kind 
great cares 2023 with a  New  Revolution Now. 

photograph in Post is   Left to Right ci’ 

West.      to      East     <. :).  ( : >  
George Harrison, John Lennon, Ringo Starr 
and Paul Mc Cartney, updated photograph in their original record recording in music composition from the 1960’s. As the Beatles music albums - the songs of Love throughout the whole world too. 
With lovely cares of peoples, all over the world,

7:45 pm eastern standard time in  NY USA 

NEW YEAR 2023 from my darling many friends in Brazil and Liezbien Germans - Italy too, Esquisi,  Por Fore Vor, undulla undulla, buenious espirituse - gracious muchos gracious ‘ 

Merci -  my darling men and women -
what a birthday gift,   Manifique’ 

My Darling Men  too, good good. 

The 106 peoples in the symphony of  philharmonic  are outstanding -  what a gift as increadibly beautiful. 
merci - glacious - gratci - thank you so much everyone.

12:00am midnight Eastern standard time 
January 2nd 2023 in the USA Earliest  of the night until 4:00 am morning  arrives, 

 Thee John Denver my ole darling in song famously loved as a Saranade ‘’ (saranade’is a song to thee of love) which couldn’t be more ROYAL of the strawberry pie rose color of the USA state of WEST VIRGINIA in the glorious mountian . 
Perfectly lovely. Listen 

lovely thank you to all peoples in West Virginia 
sweetest of thee  John Denver. xo xoxoxo 

in Saranac Lake NY USA. It’s 8:45 am in 
Moscow Russia in December 2nd 2023

photograph credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
photographic date January 2nd 2023  4:10 am eastern standard time NY USA from my tiny village. 

Creme primavera’ lasagne’with an imported parmasian cruste’ topping baked, STOFFER’S USA is in grocery freezer and quality lasagne’ 50 or more years, served with a butter sautee’ shrimp and rippled potato's french fried to a crisp bake at 400• f. oven temperature for extra crisp potatoe fries, cranberry mango purée spritzer with imported South American sparkling soda water,, let me check the brand name -soon online with an extra note, bottled in fine glass and extra fizzee’ ice cool diet coka, cola. Soft bread and butter served warm from oven, with an ice water, and coco de coco coffee apartiffe’ mint fried ice cream later with creme de le creme russian style, with a cherry vanilla chocolate cigar ciggerrette cake , with mint chocolate sauce- served with powdered coco sugared and marachino cheeries. 

5:27 am Elton John with love on piano with a song composition Elton John himself wrote and first recored himself in the 1970’s honors from me in person  listen 

The  time is 5:35 am and Moscow Time is 1:35 pm just after 12:00 noon lunch. 

Morning Sweets soon for the January New Year 2023 

8:30 am 

Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

January 2nd 2022 of Christmas NEW YEAR 
solstice to adorne the table with turtle dove chocolates 
on a teared tree. Finest even. Even a tea teared with tiny triangle sandwiches and a layer on top of more chocolate turtle doves filled with a peanut butter cheese cake, perfectly perfect. daubbled with dark chocolate and sweet little details such as carmel creme layer at the bottom of the fine confectionary turtle dove. 

my variations of Recipes soon: before Febuary 2023. 

 TURTLE DOVES in a teared fine glass tree. 

next verse of the song 12 days of new year christmas 
of course - say yes. 

On the second day of Christmas as a true love I gift to you everywhere, whom ever you are, and as well to a gift to sir  Vladimir Putin, Two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. 

Turtle Doves are also sweet little pigeon doves too. 

With great thank you to everyone all over the world and with exceptional lovely love. From me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, whom ever you are. 

8:51 am please read about again and again. Note the additional film short minuette from 
Sir Fidel Castro 
emeritus president of the country of Cuba with a very special film- take time to read sir Fidel’s notes as well.

if you have a few extra minutes. 

8:54 am  Darling friends in NY USA 
Willy Nelson and Paul Simon - with a lovely special song. 

9:05 am eastern standard time saranac Lake NY USA 

In Moscow Russia the time is 5:06 pm  
on January 2nd 2023,  the email from Sir Vladimir Putin my darling sir, was December 31st 2022 
while just posting the 

President of Russia’s New Years Annual Speach 
Known as an Address toward the people of Russia every years - to adderess ( talk of conserns, of good humanity, in noteable ethical standards and of course disciplinarian remediation of some dis fictional component of the - reality of what is now of a greater Russian government responsibility) concerns and improved realities towards hope, prosperity of good ethical humanities and a country of dignaty - cares and that of a broadly kind good country of Russia reflective in notable ethical standards, and desires of - thirst in life of noble decisions, and that of a idealism within a history of preservations towards what is most human, of exhalations towards even echoes toward vibrancy and vital - wildly excited lust in existences of smallest breath of achievement - even of a creation to a fine minute of wildly fruited attainment to enjoying 12 extra days of the Christmas into New Years in pleasure - to every minutes decisions. The self adornments - are so many, as a pleasure towards even finest cream in coffee as a very proud reality of a greater Russia. Larger even in a bold brilliant village in little Moscow within the Great Royal - non - Royal Monarchy, as ENGLAND is.

The Kremlin. is of a devout person, noble and with ten years more towards such a love towards even my love towards life, vibrant of increadible love. 

My very notable collegue :  in highest levels of historical arts -spoke to me- I will tell you soon his lovely funny humanity filled brilliance. 

With the later film special from Sir Vladimir Putin and myself secret, lusciously austere in brilliant radiance of expression for lust and love of a notable - respective experience reflecting notable humility toward my influence to the Kremlin and Brilliantly Lush Lavish Decedent RUSSIA of peoples of the noted romance in languages of RUSSIAN LOVE. even KGB. 

my collegue: what was it he said. Let me think more. 

Brilliant Avant Garte’ Sir Vladimir Putin- reliant in hope on whete golden of best RUSSIAN soil and honoring so many lovely peoples -  
with RUSSIAN LOVE.  Brilliant - Perplexing, Devoutly Greater of a large humanity- of a sacred extensive lovely brilliant history- lovely humanity very charming - I can hardly wait to speak to Sir Vladimir Putin of my collegue’s tale of the fountian of love in a tiny garden in front of RUSSIA’s Kremlins office.

it is a tree of love for all a finest photograph in a extremely exciting travel in all villages of so many peoples of the country of RUSSIA. tree of a fountian of humanity forever. How my mother would have loved too the five minutes to such a complexity of a large travel. A tale of Belgium later. 

in Eastern Europe which 
is of humanity toward smallest countries near enough to Russia with good dignaty and fine experience in work and leisure toward a world from the country of


small countries are very lovely and important - savvy and with remarkably brilliant peoples as is Russia. Albert Eisenstein is a noted mathmatition in astrophysics and a world famous baker of bagels, whom was born in the country of Germany, 
which boarded Russia, . 

Villages All are wonderful and special all over the world. 

Sir Vladimir Putin 
and the Russian Millitary 

are preparing 
notes to great baha 

Emailed for public post I approved: Not the exasperatingly fun film of Sir Vladimir Putin and Myself for January 2023 Indian Summer Winter, 

address of the Russian country only. 

more on concerning issues in RUSSIA 
from sir Vladimir Putin READ

Russia In Russian Written  Language READ

January 3rd 2023 eastern standard time, Saranac Lake 
NY USA with a little trinket selection Silver Like 
No Other in compact POCKET Mirrors for the outings to sketch your own pretty face - aglow well- even soiled of a garden day in a strawberry patch. 

Peacock Bird Silver 
Bauble Mirror - all feathers of a bird to be boldly beautiful of a brilliance with other brilliant reflection baubles too. READ   pennies and pennies worth the minutes to sketch anywhere. with math and other personal flower and every green fir notes. 

3:31 am Turkey Leg Sticks - tiny stuffing pate’ baked, recipes soon, tote well to work home garden strawberry patch or short grocery days and travel leisure, in a chop stick Chinese China Bisque Clay Finest Bowl with chop sticks- and stew bowl for dipping- a variety of especial recipe oven  roasted 
in big mid west trots to fine country drives, city villages too, strolling trot to fine - skating, 
West  Coast to EAST COAST USA, South American Turkey leg drum stick pate ‘ and stew with fine bread and soft butter with lofty creamy cheese. Calamata olives slivered of a fine sprinkle, pungent lovely flavore of Middle East, Far East EUROPE, India - TEA FROM ENGLAND PERHAPS, even in the country of TURKEY - when TURKEY is a fine travel and not a Turkey Bird. Instead a lovely variety of recipes await, as with rather calm - yet nervously I wish all the world to enjoy my roast turkey leg chop stick drum stick travel recipe with sweet remorse. 

primavera too & Cream de la creme seafood  bisque. with a EUROPEAN FAR EAST 
BOWL FROM CHINA                            read 

It is January  3rd day of Christmas New Year into the 12 days of Christmas 2023 and as a true love, I bring to all the world, an ancient word of love and prosperity - 

What shall it be? A partridge in a pear tree, Two turtle doves. three ? 

It’s December 3rd 2023 into the 3rd day of Christmas New Year 
as a true love I gift to thee, Sir Vladimir Putin a sweet of words, and extended to everyone all over the world - lovely friends guitars and symphonies and piano excellence song and seeet of many ways, Kaboki Theater and teaches with Kick Balls and children saving pennies too so well, with fine Christmas Dinner into January 2023, and lovely, 

of the 3rd day of January 2023 of Christmas New Year three French Hens. Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge  in a pear tree. 

“ Three French Hens “

Photographic Credits: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

in a hand hune sketch in pencil on plain paper.
title of work: “Three French Hens”  


“on the 12 days of Christmas Winter Holiday
as a true love I gift to thee. Sir Vladimir Putin too, a sweet of a different sweeter than chocolates under a 2:00 am moonlight. 

Photographed promptly at January 3rd 2023 12 :57 am 
From my tiny village in saranac lake NY USA. 

with a film short minuette from myself; 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett

“Three French Hens” 
what is the ancient song about ? A basket of eggs really.

Good Day in Russia and to all of the entire European Continent of All countries as too, all South American Countries of so many countries of many many peoples, peoples of the Country of Canada and into all USA peoples and all the south sea countries in the Tropic of Cancer. Not to forget the country of Greece and the country of Australia as well of so many lovely people. 

Jacque Cousteau is a very well noted sea oceanographer with many television films of wonderfil sea excursions in a small tiny ship compared to a Naval Ship. Jacque has a special personification of inland ocean love. Special of only Jocque Cousteau: the film today is not Jocqua narration talks in film, of the St Laurence Sea way which is not ocean and a bit unusual in any kind of film Jocque is noted for. The St Laurence sea way is north of New York State USA into the country of Much larger Canada. 

it is a very tiny tiny glimps of extremely large Canada 
it may take some extra minutes to see if I can find Jocque Cousteau and his wonderful noted films of oceans inland closer to land. With love to 
Jocque Cousteau and a wish for baha and 
a happiest new year 2023. xo darling Jocque Cousteau 

12:29 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village saranac lake USA, 

STING   the last ship  LISTEN 

3:00 pm eastern standard time Saranac Lake NY USA 
Arnold Schwarzenegger with my birthday message:

From the country of Japan - Japanese Saurbiete’ 
sourbeite’ most often is served with tiny melon balls on a 6” plate .An Hor’ Dorve (holiday foods for 6” plates only ) ( pronounced: or derv)  holiday Menu afternoon might be Turkey Leg Drum Sticks in a fine chicken bauble pate’ and then a 6” inch plate of Jellied Jam Candy friuts, cut into flower pedals ,MAI in some countries, with small spoon like shapes of a shaped pedal frozen SWEET STRAWBERRY ICE sourbiete’

Red Flower spoon shapes of sweetest strawberries - no sugar added are splendid when grown extra well in best soil. A light sprinkle of powdered sugar right before serving at your table - extra special from Japan

Holiday Film Short Minutte. 

12:57 am eastern standard time in 
saranac lake NY USA. With a message from MOSCOW RUSSIA 

BIRTHDAY SONG to me, how lovely -of my darling Sir Vladimir Putin as the  Kremlin of Russia - darling sir, how wonderful you are. Jim Croce, re- recorded an update for “ my birthday” with several - filmed. 

Secret pittcicatta’ in SPANISH GUITAR with American English words written in music composition splendor,  from my darling ole’ 
sweet friend THEE JIM CROCE. 
( pronounced ceroshee) 

simply lovely 

a special Birthday Wish from Jim Croce - 
sent with special love note from Sir Vladimir Putin 
the president of the country of Russia today.  

pure  royal Russia Love 
via sweetest love too from thee Jim Croce’ of extremely 

merci’ grotci mucho’ grocious very special thank you

January 4th 2023, good morning 
to everyone in the whole world. It is the 4th day of Christmas NewYear and a bit exciting. Good day to all people of all countries in all of Europe which is many many people in many many countries. Villages all, all over the world - every village is with such a fine good brilliance of so many people. Wonderful cultures in all countries with such love of the whole world. 
It’s rather exciting. 

Film and Photographic and one minute sketch,
 Date: January 4th 2023
Sketch in pencil on plain paper: 
from myself,  princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
at 8:44 am eastern standard time saranac lake NY USA

film and photographic credits:
 Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

“ four calling birds “  

Cote De Arim 

yes we welcome the grandure of espirituse 
in business and leisure. 

Birds, sweet calling birds. 

I wish everyone a wonderful 4 th 
day in January 2023,  of Christmas New Year 
all over the world. 

January  4 th 2023 

five minute sketch: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett  

12:05 pm  eastern standard time from
 my tiny village in NY USA 

Paul Simon is with a very special music composition: 
what a delightful honor for my birthday and the fourth day of Christmas New Year. “by the light” 

12:28 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village USA

BB King very darling if you Sir BB King, 
the special message for me today with great love from so many people too. BB KING listen  Very lovely everyone. lovely of you darling BB KING. 

update at 12:36 pm ROYAL LOVE 

the time in the city of MOSCOW RUSSIA is 
8:40 pm in Central Eastern Europe. 

The time in Beijing China 
is 1:41 am on January 5th 2023 

four lovely calling birds, within 
Stan Getz with  Four wonderful men in Music Compositions for Christmas
 New New Year 12 days of 
Christmas and a very lovely Birthday Note to me. 
Extrodinary Love from my very darling men. 
Pure love - listen 

2:23 pm eastern standard time saranac lake ny USA. 
It’s a fine day for an update from my lovely quite wonderful four men - the Beatles

4:22 pm in my tiny village in NY USA 

in the country of Thailand of European Far East 
holiday menus can be very elaborate with some lite seafood, and extrodinary curry richly grown spice with a loam soil near only Ocean of Europe in the Far East of the country of Thailand. Thailand is also where the actual tallest building in the world is located - with a extensive excellence in architectural building engineering of a highest license in architectural design. The missle top tower deign on the tallest building in the world is a spectacular building - unique to only the country of Thailand. Missle top tower is similar to a steeple of a small cathedral, which is reminiscent of Christmas tree glass balls to set atop the lovely tree out side homes that were a fun beautiful rage in the USA and all over the world, shipped from several countries in Europe as honor to sacred ethical peace on earth with prosperity.  

I have a favorite recipe which is from Thailand known as a special shrimp roll, rice noodle wrapped boiled shrimp, match stick cucumber slices, bamboo shoots -vegetable in the Far East Europe - and Tailand tahini ( sesame seed purée peanut sauce. Wonderfully flavorful and fresh in Tailand in all the many cities and most villages-  with extremely lovely people from Thailand. 

The lovely people in one finest risterante ocean side have a extremely important birthday message to me.

Minuette Short Film   Ounz is onze = as in 8 oz. = 1 full measuring cup. anz oz. = once. Merry Christmas in all of Thailand. 

4:52 pm Vietnam is a country finely wealthy of incredible Vietnam spices and good high quality tea. Some teas are made with extra speciality rice and lite flavored tea. Red Clay pottery Bowles from Russia and Budipest, even Czechoslovakia, and Poland, are lovely to purchase for extra special dishes in Vietnam of poque’ nut with only Vienam preparations - perfect.

it’s a birthday film from peoples in Vietnam with a special wish to a merry 12 days of Christmas New Year 
from Peoples of Vietnam to everyone all over the world.

it is wonderful rot see everyone with such a holiday. Lovely - thank you. I love you all. xcxc and Turkey Leg 
pate’ soon. 

BTS men of more than four lovely peoples filled with great humanities in music composition sent me a updated birthday political love note.
From South Korea, as the seven men are my absolute darling friends - pure love. Listen 

January 5th 2023 5:11am eastern standard time in my tiny village in saranac lake NY USA. 

Good morning to everyone in the country of Russia today, at currently, 1:13 pm in Russia in central Eastern Europe. With a good morning as well to the very lovely president of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin. Also as a very ole’ friend of mine, as Sir Vladimir Putin is quite a remarkable person and very noted in even avante garte 
political serious direct ways as a the president of Russia . 

Russia has a large country of course not always 
with simply one tiny village of peoples - notable 
efforts of achievements - and excellent lovely personalities as too the dignafied individualism of 
RUSSIAN LOVE, in tiny ways. Very esteemed beginnings, in Siberia Russia so sweet a Christmas New Year 2023 in a love to all of Russia and cares for Sir Vladimir Putin and RED SQUARE too, in MOSCOW RUSSIA. and more of love noted in villages many and so large of many people of Royal Russian Culture. Of course ROYAL countries are not always like a Royal Monarchy country such as ENGLAND. Germany is noted too in history of some ancient times, of ROYAL  notability. Not exactly a monarchy of, just a word. The word and even political standards of ethics is very important and certainly not a 
name card on a event table. 

cultural achievements within individualism are exciting. Children, messaged me recently from some area in the USA in a city I lectured of some exciting cultural worth in person 2001, in Philadelphia Tennessee USA in a tiny little village- as some children purchased a tiara already and are waiting with excitment for my Easter 2023 Tiara Events in the month of April 2023 from maybe Moscow Russia.  
in Europe -  and exasperatingly kindly filled with excitment in preparing with gentle cares-  and math work in pencils and ABC studies in schools- everywhere soon report cards for children are with hopes to golden stars stickers on their papers that are with good math and abc work - with geometry and more. 1-5 golden stickers matter on their pencil work very much- saved in their own little area in their own homes. Theirs to keep forever. Remembering reading they took seriously and I’ve cream summer 2022 as well.  Love all over the world too- somehow. 

Tiara choices. Yes. Some of the mens Tiara are ancient and womens too.  It’s all rather exciting. 

Sir Vladimir Putin worked many years with global remarkable esteemed work- and the g7 is very important to all European presidents with some, whom did some damage intended in g7 worth - as it is a 
project that is of great importance of many years. 

My darling lovely man, a delightful brilliant sir Vladimir Putin, found, a barrel to catch water and bob for apples out of it, that sunk outside the esteemed doors of the Grandure of the Royal Russian Kremlins
very esteemed offices to the lovely large Russian country. Mince Meat Pie -is in Jeopardy in all of the minutes to the great dignaty of Russia now. 

Unimaginable.  How did this happen ? Realizing that Russian Peoples were very happy of even ice cream summer too, and at only $1.50 each that increased some very nice love in Russia too, and increased a bit of fun in proper business and a bit more travel too near and a bit farther- was very exciting.  of course the money in Russia is in Russian “rubble”. not bauble. Of the lovely missle top Russian glass balls for Christmas Trees often in RED and silver with flecks of white, for the love towards a tall - radio tower - to some fine music for all the world, even enjoying Russian Guitar well and with lovely ethics too. Unimaginable to -  attempt imposters to the United Nations and even a bit of tarnish toward the very important g7 of esteemed efforts in that small desk of the Kremlin of Russia. Even perplexing - and extremely notable of lovely broadly notable ethics. 

pennies are very important - and minutes many. 

The Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin 
sent me a message late last evening: While today a larger issue concerning my work and leisure with no delay has been with some international concerns - noting that the lovely photograph of one of my own music dvd books was tampored with just in normal image selections - in tact, yet in storage folders online that were of 4000 photographed of my own- all just with a blank cover and dates - making it suddenly difficult in use of my own technological quality in extreme harm to my minutes. with a extreme issue - while I was also with a lovely photograph of sailing with Sir Vladimir Putin- and eager beavers with sacks as a concerning mortification internationally in Russia. 
There is some one involved in attempts to - use - a long handle wrench, as if a tiny brass hammer - has attempted to break the love of Christmas missle top red glass tree top balls and that of even NEW YEARS 12 days of Christmas of my events 2023 with only the Moscow Times close ups for meek - sqwandry on Russian Kremlin’s excellent work and large government and larger military at a mean disposition to see through that of Russian Culture of all of many Russians in all villages very keen. Kindly of pennies in place counted and of great decency of Sir Vladimir Putin well -  sweetly and savvy too. Lovely Russia I love so well. Perfectly perfect. 

There were some concerns in Russia of strangers.
forth of July 2022. As photographed by the President of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin. With excellence in ethical cares. With further large concerns in USA flight zones at least. Looking back on an unusual 
photograph noted by the Kremlin in Russia is a introspective reflection in obscure - well shaped personified bold dignaty of sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin of Russia. Czar is the Russian word for President / Kremlin - a lovely man whom recently sent me the most beautiful emerald jewels.  Rare and stunningly bold with a extra honored note of pure dignaty. 


On the 1st day of Christmas New Year - the emeralds are very beautiful - the shipments in some are not on time in ethical international shipping yet- one of my purchases from India in the USA were with two items missing.  My new travel shoes 
- purchased 8 weeks ago 
still not arrived, Minutes tattered in a issue of some concern to feable -gold foiled- bad chocolate lead cording. Still German Chocolate confection specialties 
not available as usual for winter sales.  Costing 
even German employment standards to a large hope of future success stability.  Unthinkable. 

While it is the 5th day of Christmas New Year, 2023
as incredibly important - all days are. While on the 5th day of January ( French as Jainereve’, early ancient Latin: Jaihgiereve’. Of The short hand writing Ja.ilse.) 

of the budgetary standards good good, and a travel by automobile to a breath of lovely two days to - ilse of love -  bear run to sink into a lush of 12 days of Christmas New Year infinitely, yes. Do you have a 
sweet ? And a game of marshes yet ? 

Unthinkable a game of marches. Not marzipan. 

Not today.    Mince Meat Pie. I only hope there is enough apples this year for real scrumptios mince meat rasin pie tart tort especial with carmel rum sauce and finest creme de creme, one full 6 oz. Round of Ice Cream, with marches of billowing whipped cream de creme, American English Spainish Asian French German Italian Irish Isrealian, India - Bombay Rum, of middle eastern, and Swedish, African, Russian Style with Canadian, South America- Bosenova music soon. 
gosh Ireland, Astrailia, Astria, Denmark Sweden Holland, Turkey, Hingaria, Iceland, the Netherlands, and more- All countries with dreams to mince meat pie is only a hope that all people might enjoy real mince meat pie specials. out in risterantes ? Abserd. Wildly outrageous. 

7:05 am    e. s.  t.  ny.  USA.   
Moscow Russia time now is 3:07 pm afternoon. Of the 
Christmas New Years 12 days of Christmas New Year 
Of the 5 th day of January 2023.  

what could the song really be about ? 

first this : 

7:24 am eastern standard time city of saranac lake state of NY in the country of the USA. 

It’s Michael Jackson 
with a birthday message to me. 

<<<<. > : six month ugly  leaping jainuereve crickets ? 
minute by minute looking back in news 

Sad day for some in the USA and even a non- exhaunerated issue in Russia for one or maybe two.

excuse me, it’s MOSCOW about my birthday and mince meat pie planning time - and that of some fun preperations in total bliss of the 5th day of Christmas New Year 2023 before Europe is in the next xalander day.  in January 2023. - Albert Einstein is with a fine lock on his home now in Germany and with fun in groceries to shop on his own - travels too. Going well so far. Bear Run is exciting for 2023 all over the world. 

Good day everyone.xcxcx baha love xcx in russia too.
love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Caravaggio - is worth viewing in Italy if you know the works in artistic oil paintings of real Caravaggio. wile sketches in self reflections are a love these days- and extremely very unique - breath in to ponder a bit in a playful love of even Caravaggio. Sketch Note Read

Sketch Note Read   gold and silver wall mount frames and an adhesive wall hanger with no holes needed in walls -  soon I think yes- shipped yes. Seperate office postal box too ? 

11:33 am eastern standard time NY USA 

it’s a minute in time frozen of some Baolettes’ ( bottles of wine known as boulettes’) of vines to note, the indignity of some - even in flight to europes fine vines- it is a tiny trove, while words of giants of pure decent golden minds of love were trothed of bitter in a small mind of pea hens that parroted - once denoting pure decency in history. Raisin too, plucked and curplunketed. Unreasonable - lime. Pea hens -  not a peacock - no. Of the indignity of - USA flights issues.  

parroted in flight ? Perhaps troved ? Where ? Is a good question. Where fore art thouest ? Shakensperes ? Perhaps. Yes. 

Enjoy the Political Sketch internationally everywhere in the whole world- -toes up in laying under the great vines of earthen soil to mere vinegar - with boulettes - popping of a cork. Flutes flaggeling swell, in gifts grapples and not the dignafied reality of the 5th day of winter Christmas Holiday New Years all over the world in all countries including those many of all villages in the USA - with extreme efforts in repose well.  In celebrating the 5th day of Christmas New Year in Russia and all smaller countries and large such as Russia, a minute or more to look at large efforts everywhere and some -  political sketches and music, cultural statements in large bold prowess - of presidents internationally - even wildly obscure of some, formalizes creative austere - reality- the little minute sketch of Cartoon swellers in the vine was a fun simplified, humorous, gauntlet, in sour grapes. Needing excise tax definitions, in international languages, new id’s and new passports, real brute grips on more homes and assured penny worthy - soft lip baulm - with Johnson and Johnson baby powder to assure their shipments arrive -  while cruising Italian, and Spains vineyards more. With a goose egging in the Rhyne River in German cares. Reflecting in Humor in a review of notes and one marquee poli-political demarcation cartooning sketch note can be a international antidotal of stern humor with the whole world - lauphing well kindly into January 2023 the entire month with a good solid greater perspective of worth - and a bit of extra efforts in the reality of a USA repose - positioned well and solidly - not alone in ways. KGB are with my lovely efforts too with incredible love towards  sir Vladimir Putin. With excitment of our secret film short minuette not yet of readiness to note all of the lovely work involved with a special film short minuette  - minutes in a fine day travel to west virgina strawberry pie. And more. 
What excitment of minutes - then and again. 

Film soon. 

Ponder travel to Italy and purchase wine shipped. 
Anywhere in the world. German wine perhaps. Fine wine in a sip is lovely with a winter menu celebration very special. 4 oz to 6 oz. good glasses for wine and water and a fine spritzer plentiful of good juices and great sparling water. always serving a ripened cheese platter with some water soda crackers or a tiny tray of wedge finder sandwiches cut into triangles without crust as to trim off crust with a serrated bread knife. Perfect for a pate’ tiny sandwich, an hour before a lager event menu. Cracked ice. At Easter ? Perhaps. Decisions are important - and reflection in the USA are important looking at 2023 of achieved outstanding efforts - internationally achieved outstanding efforts as well too as I realize how important June 2022 is with so many people all over the world with cares and amazing efforts with great success in many ways. 

first before - any further notes - Lucille Ball is a fine noted well, incredible person with humour genius  not so funny - funny, as a lovely delightful person and humanitarian of savvy comedic genius - beginning in the  early 1970’s. The updates in VAT  are not difficult to understand the comedic political genius with Vivian Vance as well, and VAT -not a joke. it’s Really Lucy in the VATTLES VAT with weapons of fisted calamity 
of soured grapes. Updated - not humorous 

When humour becomes ripe poli- political provoking discernments in sketch - cultural arts can be stridently prudent -penny wise. With all minutes important too. 

Stern - difficult interjection of internationally famous works of art are not always easy and can be uncomfortable to some perplexity to ponder well. 
Dignified and keenly meaner that hell distinctions of a sweet in a sweeter real global perspective. Notably difficult in world art formality and crushing bold mindful prowess - underestimated of larger meaning perhaps. 

Getting back to assured math and minutes well worth work and leisure even a relief to Russia and the lovely Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin with care for sir Vladimir Putins G7 extensive lenghty esteemed efforts within economic standards for Russia and noted KGB and fine Russian government - with a difficult 2020-2022 June. 

Sweden emailed and peoples were concerned not to looking forward to a real avolanche. No. 

Antidotal poli- political sketch 
is to enjoy globally.everywhere  all over the world. 
Before the next song verse ( written words in sheet music of lyrical words readable in song notes )  to the 
5th day of 

Christmas New Year of January 5th 2023. 

The 5th day of Christmas New Years Holiday of a true love I give to thee- with sir Vladimir Putin As Kremlin of Russia with the noble honors to 5 golden rings. 

Five golden apple pies from me in the USA of great cares in so many fine effort of G7 economical worth. Presidents internationally too, with a large world of peoples within all countries. 

On the 5th day of Christmas New Year 2023 

Apple pie forever. With the most tart green apples and much preparation of pastery crust to know more. 

Comstock Apples in a tin are a great USA tin of apple pie filling - good. Other international brands of apple pie filling in tins are also very good. Mince meat is with Rasins and brown sugar ( dark) with added cherry pie filling in a tin as well, then carefully spooned into a crust of whete flour pastery either store purchased ready to use pastery in the grocery refrigerator section 
(  PILLSBURY Brand USA is fine- or create your own with some gram crackers and butter. Fruit pies must be baked. Not easily just to toss in oven - details soon. Crushing the gram crackers and blending in softened butter - pressing into a pie tin or tart pan or 9 “ round cake pan. 

With some extra efforts create a crumbly crunch to the lovely pie round or add a Latice pie fancy weave to your very own lovely chopped mince apple pie with added prepared winter fruits. 

More about the very most lovely 5 th day of Christmas New Years Soon. with greatest care to everyone in the USA and internationally in all countries all over the world, sitting or standing with five golden rings of apple mince meat pie and assorted fruit pies this month into Easter for your own freezer - as breakfast sweet slices with scrambled eggs and toast with butter and orange juice- milk and yogurt with granola. ice cream too. What a fine breakfast for lovely mornings or afternoons into evening. Recipes with cinnamon butter crunch topping soon. fruit filling ready made pie filling filled with fruit in a tin - are extremely delicious and easy to bake. Detailed Recipes -  yes for fine bear run times too. recipes soon. 

love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

3:06 pm my esteemed ole darling love Perrier Boules in international philharmonic ( symphony internationally known) has a lovely work in music composition austere in violin - of Belle’  Bartok -composition. Outstanding people with lovely broadly worthy love. 

4:36 pm  It has been a sobering austere day in the world for most people even many in the USA. Perrier Boulez is someone I have known many years from his work in Chicago Ilinoise in the USA just north.of the Indianapolis Indiana about three hours drive. 
USA. It is wonderful that Perrier Boulez had time for somber musical worth today in the reality of an assured economic budgetary 2023 review in ways that I myself work on in January individually as many also look close at individual worth economically  and assure good strident worth and worthy leisure with hopes of quality work as well. Budgetary notes and ledgers for companies everywhere in the USA are with pencils to wear out well in reviews of worthy business - internationally as well.

6:02 pm eastern standard time NY USA 
special film and photograph update from
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia in love of strawberry pie and west virgina USA Read  

Moscow Russian Time is 2:11 am on January 6th 2023
Sleep well darling Sit Vladimir Putin. Dinner was lovely and my birthday - the little gifts - gerbralter emerald jewels are lavishly beautiful like you are, 
Darling Vladimir, lovely  sweet friend I love so, 
The cherry mincemeat apple pie with rum carmel sauce and ice cream with whipped cream was for you, darling sweet Vladimir Putin. the strawberry pie too was excellent. Filming in China was fun too.  I love you with extrodinary kind exuberance.  Merci -  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxo xo xoxoxo 

Sleep extra well - darling Vladimir.

6:27 pm eastern standard time NY USA 
Paul Simon my very dear friend - and so many lovely peoples in the USA as Paul Simon plays guitar 
with love “ the sound of silence” So nice of you Paul and everyone - I miss you all, with my lovely friend Paul Simon. 

10:38 am eastern standard time in my tiny village on the day of January 6th 2023 

Elton John worked in elaborate ways in 2022 in ways that are of notable humanitarian efforts within his brilliant lovely compositional songs and extrodinary piano work, anciently modern with love and belief in the 2023, and is  with a New Years 2023 film update. 

7:00 pm eastern standard time Saranac lake New York USA. January 6th 2023. Elton John was so lovely this morning. Pond Lake ready for the 6 days of Christmas New Year 2023. 

It is 3:01 am Moscow RUSSIA january 7th past midnight and Beijing China is 8:03 am with the brilliant early morning. 

on the 6th day of Christmas New Year 2023 as a true love my gift to thee, (you as you are everywhere all over the world), six (6) swans of swimming, Five golden rings, four calling birds, three FRENCH, hens, 
two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. 

The 6th Day of Christmas New Year Day 2023 

“SIX (6)” 


film and pencil sketch six minute sketch credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

7:13 pm eastern standard time Saranac Lake NY USA.


“SWAN LAKE “  listen 

it’s one of many of Sir Vladimir Putin’s 
most favorite works of artistry of a 
RUSSIAN PHILHARMONIC music composition  

January 7th 2023 eastern standard time NEW YORK USA in saranac lake of my tiny village. It is currently 10:01 pm e.  s.  t.  USA. 

Good Day to everyone in Europe as well as a lovely hello to the Kremlin of Russia  sir Vladimir Putin. 
I received the lovely silk fabric from the country of India and two of the silk fabric sauws were missing. 
The lovely Merchant in the country of India near the city of Bombay within the country of India was so excited about the wonderful pleased silks to ship. Then two of the souws of the finest fabrics were not in the shipping package and then - the shipping package was not the address of the merchant at all that was sent.  

several other shipments too were strangely packed with no address of the merchant either. A fine shoe in gold is delayed as well- months.  With a unusual mix up in a new recent purchase -  not the merchant whom shipped it from the country of China. Unusual and a bit awful with $5.00 regular bags of potatoe chips too in the fuel stop grocery near my tiny estate rental.  I realize that a concern in Russia with news of inflation was a bit stressing on the 2023 holiday January Breath of Fresh Lovely Air. With some greater reality - in a fine month for mince meet and apple pie - with also blue berry pie and cherry pie - as quite special.  Comstock in the USA has been in great business for pie filling over 60 years. I made my very first pie at age 8 with ready made pie filling and extremely delicious with ice cream and whipped cream de le, creme. 

Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie , yes please.
thank you - with a cherry? on top ? let me- pour 
the tea service - cream and sugar English style ?
or with Russian Style with one eight oz. Rum From Bombay two tsp. Sugar and creme de Le cream? 
with a freshly baked Soda bread RUSSIAN scone? 

shaved chocolate - swiss processed. especially 
for the 7 th day of Christmas New Year 2023 

on the 7 th day of Christmas New Year as a true love 
I gift the real entire world - throughout lovely 
Russia into the halls of the Russian Government 
and at the side of Russian Finest Millitary and the 
wonderful Darling Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin of great love and extensive work in g7 efforts - with love to all mall over the world in the USA too of where the ancient song of 12 days to a love of utopia everywhere began. On the 7 th day of Christmas New Years I gift 
seven (7) geese a laying. Six swans a swimming, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pair tree. 

it is now 10:32 pm eastern standard time 
Saranac Lake NY USA and in Moscow Russia 
it is 6:33 am on The 8th day January 2023 

Good Morning in all of Russia, it’s a lovely day. 
Evening in New York now. The lovely messages are 
increadible from everyone in Russia of all villages 
so lovely and kindly a delight - 
 love to sir Vladimir Putin too. 

The chocolate sugar plums of RUSSIAN LOVE 
are decedently a extrodinary delight - merci ‘ 

Love to all in Europe - England all the way to the Far East of Europe - of GREAT ROYAL LOVE 
to all of Europe and all over the world. 

from Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

In 2003 Muddy Waters and I enjoyed NEW YEARS 
side by side, with museum events that were involving and exciting because MUDDY WATER arrived. even today with incredible Guitar and a ethical delightful intricate lovely humanitarian with love. 

Egyptian GEESE FILM 

from the lovely  country of EGYPT which is a country that is located about the extremely large country of AFRICA which is of the longest river in the world known as the NILE RIVER that flows from the EGYPT all the way through AFRICA into South Africa into the ocean -in EUROPE The Nile River is far north to far south in Europe and spectacular of over one thousand miles. sun shine rise - is east and then sets downward in the direction of west. Not much day light at all in the longest river of the entire world. The small Rhyne River is quite shorter and much different in the city areas and some unusual mountainous areas in the lovely country of Germany. 

it’s a secret message to me of love real too 
for more Christmas Holiday New Years on the 7 th day of January 2023 and in Europe now January 8th 2023 

Men, Women , Boys and Girls all over the world, 
even in all villages in all of RUSSIA 

It is the most gracious gift -  merci ‘ 


with music of an ancient RUSSIAN composer of the symphony of the’ nuite cracker sweet’  written by 
of Tchaikovsky from a world famous ballet.’ A gift from my sweet friends in ballet I knew many years 
some - of travel to the good city of Chicago IL when I lived in the good city of Chicago years ago. 

wonderful Christmas New Year 2023 for a special 
gift from RUSSIA of many lovely friends..


Sir Vladimir Putin sent a somber 
holiday message on the 7th of 
January 2023 for people in 
the country of RUSSIA. posted here on 
January 8th 2023 at 1:28 pm :: time in 
Moscow Russia is 9:33 am 
January 8th 2023 Merci - darling. 
I was shceduled to sing in Moscow Russia 
With very keen kind - Russian cares - 
the symphony and some friends of the 
Russian Ballet were sweet to 
record a film. with all my graces 
of love to you Vladimir, with extended
good graces to all of the people of Russia. 
It was a fine message of all millitary wishes 
to baha in Russia with me and you too. 
what fun that shall be.  

from MOSCOW RUSSIA read 

Caucooi’s ocean baha update. RUSSIA 

Cauccooi the Whale   Under the Sea baha 

January 8th 2023 

The day was a bit lovely in large ways. It is the 8th day of Christmas New Year and soon you will know everything about such a delightful holiday of the entire 12 days of Christmas new year holidays ancient 

with a new reality of my message to everyone all over the world. Russia is even with extreme excitment. 

sir Vladimir Putin is also very adorning of the event with some extrodinary secret messages. 

it’s late in the USA now at 5:58 pm eastern standard time. My tiny village in saranac lake has had some success and many lovely travelers too, extrodinary people in the village that found exciting busy working life rather busier -  with much efforts and great cares of many that traveled with toting grilled cheese brunches - to a fine mote. Many in the village enjoyed a bit of driving too - ice cream stops new village fun -  and many notes to more. Where is bear run ? Really.
“ Do you know “

Typo edits ? With  memo details, Next week. 

My Birthday notes soon. yes. 

with the Eight (8) Days of Christmas New Year 2023 
                   Eight (8) Day 
    of Christmas New Year 

on the eight day of Christmas New Year 
as a true love I gift to you, eight lords of leaping. , seven geese a laying, six swans of swimming, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. 

lord is the shorten name for “magnuis ceim lautien “
to a good math beginning with 8

In the Revolution Now, 2023 the love to assure periotical tables are a rage all over the world 
with Albert Einstein 
in Germany too 


sir Vladimir Putin in love with ideals of actual   periotical table fun. 

my lovely men - John,  Paul, Ringo and George, in the USA from England again, and again, in lovely messages - 8 days a week   
I love you all too. Thank you for a large USA message of friends everywhere, and more in The many large countries of 
South America. 

Merry Christmas everyone - all over the world. Kisses to all. 

Secret especial 
works in 
music tonight 
from South America 
from my darling friend

Placido Domingo 
arena di Verona 

January 9th 2023 it is 3:31 pm 
eastern standard time in 
saranac lake NEW YORK in the 
United States of America 

Good Day to everyone in saranac lake and in the great country of the USA as well as in RUSSIA today and all over the world. It is the 9th day of Christmas Holiday NEW YEARS.   Good Day to sir Vladimir Putin very well today as also, I wish to say a loveliest thank you- for many things that is of sir Vladimir Putin and Russian Government and Russian Millitary and the wonderful People of Great Russia  with many many lovely dignaties of love RUSSIAN style sent in messages to me. The ballet was extremely special to me. People all over the world simply love RUSSIA so well- and Sir Vladimir Putin’s brilliant work in over 12 years of what is known as the g7 economic humanities - work. Complex and within actual presidents of countries. Beginning with a perplexing invite I myself made in 2013 - was a surprise of the love of Presidents of countries to work extensively in the g7 of which Vladimir Putin himself, 
began and with a lenghty effort - for European Presidents too- fruitfully realize in hopes of cares, in a highest ethical reality of - chances at perseverance and a kind dignaty toward devout -cultivations - of ridged areas of many details of presidential work.  

Today is the 9th day, of January 2023 and I was so fortunate to enjoy Queen Elisabeth’s respects - even in my peace and economic exhibitions when she arrived - 

quietly she was with a sweet gift of hand made specialty from her fine chef skills, and purely unique recipe of a very special pudding from ENGLAND.

a lovely recipe - at Christmas a few years back. 

It was so kind of Queen Elizabeth to have taken time for me at all with a whole country of many peoples whom have keen respects and great love for Queen Elizabeth’s noble work worth, even in the g7 and liesure - to a high level of many ethical details in such a lovely country. 

with all my love to Queen Elizabeth in her austere note I have included. Reviewing a lovely 2022 into 2023 is very important - I do say. 

message update : 

from Queen Elizabeth, 
Her Majesty the Queen of England 
all of England. 

9:49 pm good day again. I wish to Say a gracious thank you to Queen Elizabeth my darling lovely friend 
for taking the time to a reflection of words so very important to the world. With love to Queen Elizebeth and great respective wishes of such notable worthy political work - sternly notable among the cultural love too of esteemed respect globally. With a lovely word more of the many friends I have in England and a love to all of England as well. 

on the ninth day of Christmas New Years 2023 as a true love I gift to everyone all over the world,
as a sketch of love to dip your toes in a lovely water near or far, of a word laddy as a fine person (an Irish word meaning often men) to a love  in England as well, 

nine (9) laddy’s dancing,
eight (8) lords of leaping , seven (7) geese a laying, six (6)  swans a swimming, five (5) golden rings, four (4) calling birds, three (3) French Hens, Two (2) doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.  

Merry Christmas New Year 2023 sir vladimir putin darling, the little dance practice with you and I and other with Queen Elizabeth are exciting for my aria , Pre Baha fun too and a time for quality polo - I found my polo hat finally.  love to everyone from myself,  xoxoxo xoto baha love to kgb Russian Millitary too gearing up for details on real baha 2023 and Russian Government fine peoples with quite lovely cares, people of Russia too,  even in snow. 

 princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Frank Sinatra  darling, with love  Luck be a Lady 
tossing the dice - snake eyes my darling Frank Sinatra forever - even in a periotical table details soon. 
Snake eyes dice tossing is two= .>><<<<<<< •. • 

Tennessee USA With Al Jolson from many years in fine literary theater in NYC broadway and internationally in song of the great Swanny  River is very special. I hope you like the very special update by Thee Al Jolsen my ole darling friend. 

my darling Eric Clapton after 
midnight with coco di vine 

China Winter fun is going well with the Indian Summer Wintet Holiday in my Revolution Now on January 9th 2023 with secret bear run fun, and People  of China in such a large country are enjoying Pan sautéed pastery bear claws with real honey and delicious nuts with a jam assortment. Wonderful with eggs and a garlic buttered bagel. juice and milk too- excellent for great energy. Pool side or a fun baha snow trot throughout winter might be worth a recipe to tote stew into late February 2023 with Turkey legs too. 

the city of Chanbai tiny village in 
the very lovely large country of China 

Fun winter summer events with film 
from the president of China, 
sir XI Jinping 

good morning in all of Europe, in Beijing China it is January 10th 2023 at 1:45 pm afternoon , Just after midnight in my tiny village in saranac lake USA. 
In Moscow Russia now the time is 8:47 am January 10th as well. In England now the time is 5:48 am in the city of London. 

Piano with Thalonious Monk is pure love. 

in a very special piano film short minuette  xo 
with a merry Christmas New Year to everyone. 

in LONDON In the country of ENGLAND 
read more of the Abby Road Cam    shuuu it’s a secret 
abby road cam      yes of course please. everywhere. 

TINY SNOW secret  children need snow warmth. 

SNOW pant tobogganing ready set go warm $19.99 

eight days a week with a message for my Birthday and The Eighth Day of Christmas New Year Holiday 2023 with all the lovely friends  and a very special song update from my good men 

the Beatles   8 days a week

the time in my tiny village is 4:51am January 10th 2023 eastern standard time Saranac Lake New York USA 

6:45 am eastern standard time saranac lake NY USA 
January 10th 2023 

self photograph: 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
for January 10th 2023 Christmas New Year Holiday 
and my birthday celebrations all month of January 
merry Christmas to everyone all over the world. 
I love you with all my heart and being xoxoxo xo 

 Snow Ready Bobsleds - undubiously outragious 

Read   Snow Rage- impossible ? 

 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo. Baha Snow Days with xo Love 
and my teli - Birthday Dinner with BTS seven of the most lovely men I love from the European Far East country of 

South Korea in PURE 


film recording   Of Real Love  

with a fine late evening birthday teli - with A fine birthday saranade ‘ of great friend all over South Korea 
and BTS extrodinary love. 

wonderful bear Hunting of bear run in the lovely city of Siberia in the large country of  Russia with darling friends everywhere and dog sledding in the coldest city on earth as Siberia is coldest - with delight and a faux fur BEAR real  - perfectly fun  - FAUX  like nylon made fur is Savvy FAUX Fur or great sporty Russian Winter Coats made of Space Age Ski Fabrics of a finely crafted ski snow coat light weight alll ages and sizes and extra warm - and good business sense everywhere - briskly lovely fun 

with Real Siberian Wolf Hund BobSledding Brilliance

Siberian Jinsing Tea Freshly brewed is great before a bit of cool travel near or far with a great scone or mincemeat apple pie. With Russian Love. 

it’s 8:18 am eastern standard time in saranac lake New York USA in my tiny village. 

In Moscow Russia it is now 4:20 pm and in Siberia Russia the time now currently is 5:25 pm or is it 8:25 pm as not as close to Moscow Russia in the country of Russia . Siberia in Russia is with a notably lovely village. Quite wonderful too. Merry Christmas - with my love and kisses - catch. with love to sir Vladimir Putin the lovely Kremlin of the country of Russia with the very best in hot coco best again and again in very good wishes on a cool day in Moscow Russia. 
xo xo xo xo darling xo xo xo xo snow baha is exciting. 

10:43 am 

January 10th 2024 eastern standard time NY uSA 

Ricardo  Montalban ‘ is with a lovely message for me,
unusual and political even- Ricardo is a lovely man - and a delightful ole friend really from television - 
With a remarkable political  film   in a long drive all the way from the country of Mexico in the South American continent. It is a long travel by automobile and take extra map study and extremely good planning. 

more about maps and distance travel to note sooner in 2023 in USA and internationally too. 

Tenth Day of Christmas New Years 2023 is exciting all over the world. On the tenth (10th ) day ?


the tenth (10th ) day of Christmas New Year my true love I give to sir vladimir putin and the entire world a gift of a fine lovely ten drummers drumming, 

nine (9) laddy’s dancing,
eight (8) lords of leaping , seven (7) geese a laying, six (6)  swans a swimming, five (5) golden rings, four (4) calling birds, three (3) French Hens, Two (2) doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. 

Film Sketch, and photographic credits: 10 days of Christmas New Year 2023 : with five films above: 
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

With thee lovely darling great ole very good friend
Jerry Louis in a very Special Film 
and a second brilliant Jerry Louis of the 
Film Short Minuette from Jerry Louis 


                                : TYPERWRITER 

my lovely very good  men as very darling friends, internationally known and loved are with a special film:: as left to right on stage: < >  Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, and 
Ringo Starr on the drums,  
with a very exciting film  

I love you all  and everyone whom made the filming event and success in many ways all over the world exciting even more -Merry Christmas New Years on the 10th day of January 2023 in a new revolution for winter Indian summer too. 

Wildly fun. 

Desi Arnes Wonderful Desi had time with Jerry Louis and the lovely wonderful Beatles -  your all very lovely methanol you. merci . 

Desi Arnez   merry christmas, I love you all so much/ 
From princess lady Tracy  Suzanne Pickett 

email Memo from sir Vladimir Putin President of Russia,  with concerns - in such a large government of outstanding very well noted people. With their very brilliance and efforts and even the nature of their mindful lovely liesure and worth in a kind RUSSIA of a notable cultural dignity, riche in history to know much greater a note of two I care of extensively.  

with such - mingle in so many of 8800 kgb, or 300 extras in water barrels out side the red square - where is the red  Indian Bear Hunt to bear run in Russia  ? 

The Green and Red indian is a love to the large - very large wealthy royal country of Africa - to meet leo, a real lion in the sands of time in the Serengeti ‘ with miles of River of the Nile to fishing the abundance to 

rice mutton and yam sweet potatoes, good friuts and vegetables -  a bowl of milk maybe-  biscuit kibble in secret - running miles and miles freely accross the sands of enormous sand regions in lower Southern Africa. 

the bicycle known as ancient “the  Indian “ are magnificent. red and green and black and yellow and white stripes -  in the sub-Sahara sand in Africa are exciting. sun Sahara is a southern area nearer to the warm southern ocean in miles and miles and miles of sand. The larger sand region is with a sacred star pattern looking up in the midnight sky-  to a patter known as leo the lion - named after the lovely big cat -  lion. Fierce without milk and fruits and vegetables - fish plentiful too

oh, the email, yes,  on the 10th day of Christmas New Year 2023 at 10:44 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village in NY USA and at 6:45 am In the European Continent of Russia in Moscow now in January 11th 2023 the early morning email today from Sir Vladimir Putin is urrgent - under a microscope in Russia I suppose with concerns to 8800 kgb even or more. 

darling -  the little baha under the sea was so remarkable that my little design is working well- thanking the President of the country of Iran as well for some efforts  - he left his poetry book at my tiny estate rental again. I can see if a minute to ship it - or just stow it in my whale orcka  attaché - a call caccoohi- named after a little whale I wrote a story book about for the aria -  2002. Caucooi is a famous little tale loved in Europe and the little aria fun is nearly fully ready in IRAN too awaiting.  Queen Elizabeth was kind to look over the engineering specs on my design - with her remarkable brilliance in such increadible knowledge of her devout lengthy discerning brilliance, Sir Xi Jinping too as president of China too liked my little design- so glad some ole Russian science engineers like the little fun aquatic design too. baha under the sea was just a little test closer in to beach area -  shallow as it gets for such knee high to a grass hopper excitment. watching sea snails in 3 ‘ ( one  yards = 36 inches ) Leagues one league in water terminology - is a League. snails and conch shell swaying in infinite ocean waves - counted only in moon date -  how many waves in the ocean in any point on earth - every millisecond -  up to the minute knowledge -  is outstanding and mere 60 or more years of real data -  in complex science astrophysics teli - type worth. Shells in seas counted perfectly so small and delicate -  counting sea shells in my sea shell collection at age 4 at the ocean was fun then in 1969. singing while I walked the lovely beaches and even floated on a inflated air surf board in exciting 12 “water near the beach fry land of automus by the sea of course.  Dally on I dare say, while not with French Ecsargo ‘ delicacy wrong ‘ escargot’ is unusual a dish of food of snail broiled snail ‘ no sail. Broiled in pewter nickle sized pans - in 1/2 teaspoon butter - salt and pepper -  wine - water fluted, is not usual -  and wrongly the recipe -  on some bizarre table tops - et eh de la creme de le creme et  
ci  ghia’ with finest leak onion soup is formitably a finest of event menu delicacy riche of ancient sea side tradion from West Bank Sea Ocean to Far East and sea to lovely seas in oceans of all countries to know well-  in Real Indian Summer winter events 2023 into Easter of a glorious love of even Leo The Lion. And the love to the country of Isreal located about large lovely wonderful country of Africa.  merry christmas everyone in my lovely cares of great Israel and  Africa and I love the wonderful messages to include in 2023 many. 

one minute early email update : 
5:00 am Moscow Russia ? 
memo urgent - from sir Vladimir Putin, read

Moscow Times is reading ? 

merry Christmas darling - it is nearing the 11 th day love notes of Christmas New Year with secret surprises. 
I love you sir Vladimir - I have the little film almost ready and the POLITICAL PHOTOGRAPH soon. 
without the mozzeroti this year.  Carmine Gia ‘ 

12:11 am on January 11th after midnight in my tiny village estate rental with exciting events ongoing and some friends in honored song echoes - warm up in a fine event dress too, of a Christmas New Year 2023 honoring of a bit of fun -  with brilliant song, echoes of love all over the world  tiny film short minutette -  before the international sail of provacative simplistic  exuberant haha event snow to fine sea to sea -  await

Listen   Lovely film with extrodinay coco mint mornings -with very good mint chocolate chip ICE CREAM - just splendid. we’ will work on octaves more too -  bold -  octaves -  while perfectly perfect. 

“ broviccimia’“. Italian for graciously beautiful in expressions of honor of love. Greater of humanity.
Italian “ amore’

with drums of Christmas New Year Holiday all over the world sitting or standing,  breakfast, lunch, And dinner with a hum - and good budgeting too. While periotical tables begin in math love. 

1:01 am after midnight with childern awake in the Christmas New Years 2023 in love with such events 
and a film short minutte extrodinary all over the world 
after event Nat King Cole saranade of such a  song  

Chessnut Pie was wonderful with our coco mint creme de la creme, sautee’ dry roasted large walnuts with molasses and a burn amber brown sugar finest quality made from wonderful cane sugar - excellence and rum specially prepared to a chef confectionary secret recipe with lucious mellowed creme de creme. it’s outrageously good. Even more brilliant deligh of Christmas New Year 12 days of Christmas
 all over the world.  

perfectly lovely. at 1:14 am childern too. 

Rudolf Neyeve -Merry Christmas in Russia - the special ballet film is suddenly missing that we made.  

It might take extra minutes - The remarkable work is extrodinary in the simplest elegant ROYAL standards. 

the childern and the whole world will be disappointed -  in the further delay to such sweet care in your lovely birthday film so especial - thank you for arriving in my NYC exhibitions too- it was very good to see you among so many enjoying travels and efforts of worthy riche wages too - so well.   Internationally wild. I love you  graciously - with extra dignaties darling Sir Nery-  very good you’re  enjoying RUSSIA again with love darling Rudolf Neyreve with Film

merry Christmas all. 

The tokens wonderful music composers with a four person ensemble- with great octaves and even snare drums in the international known song titled 

listen    Marvolous Birthday events too. Merci ‘xo. 

men and women so lovely with such a 
Christmas New Year 2023 all over the world. Love from Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.  

It is after midnight dinner for me. xo  

2:10 am eastern standard time from my tiny village NEW YORK USA. Moscow Russian time is 
10: 12 am in Eastern Central Europe Moscow Russia. 

with REAL RUSSIAN LOVE messages many. Cannons in Russia too. Camseras . Yes. 

3:57 am  euro-asia is an imported automobile company located in Knoxville Tennessee - Bus in or arrive in a taxi- cab even and look over the great imported lot of automobiles in a small selection - at Euro Asia 

top notch repairs too. USA. 

Snail Pan ? For a real fine recipe of a bit size sea food especially with more than simply a 1/2 teaspoon of 

butter to broiling - chef work at even home. 

The tiny snail hor derve needs a fine broiling pan - before chopping abalone’ clam. Once a year as a refined elegance with formalities of a five star cuisine

to fetter a while, enjoy even roasted Chessnut tradionanal of the FAR EAST and even RUSSIA, France The middle EAST, ENGLAND AND ALL OVER THE WORLD. sometimes known as water chestnuts -  wrapped in some maple cure thin Japanese sea kelp with a special grill process and served hot on at least one silver vermillion tray at a table seating dinner.-  water Chessnut are in need of a soak in refrigerator over night submerged in finest soy sauce and then with a tiny fork grilled - perfectly.. 

Canada too enjoyed Esarte’ Gote’ and water chestnuts roasted perfectly- the country of Greece South Seas countries such as the country of CUBA and Haiti and Jamaica as well as Poland in Europe Denmark, Germany and Italy of course - even the country of Astrialia and Austria and Czechoslovakia, Libya, India too and many many other counties - Spain Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, with many more countries -of lovely messages to include into 2023. 

.  pan escarte’ gore’ recipe exact preperation soon. January 28 the 2023 into February 2023 with tiny tins of some other wspecialitys to savior ‘ in love notes forever - please please - of the merriest christmas.  

ah the pan yes ci read   Brussel sprouts ? 
Yes. Extra butter recipe - sooner. 

4:51 am filmed minutette film short 
Thee Glen Miller Orchestra with moonlight saranade 
in a lovely birthday event - everyone is smashingly lovely as well -  with the wonderful music compositions internationally known. 

minutette film short     With lovely brilliant people. 
Film turned out wonderful. I just adore you all. 
outstanding everyone - merry Christmas too. xo 

perfectly sweet. Merci ‘ many thank you’s to everyone.

7:16 am Hang Your Sketch on any wall in your home with adhesive wall mounted secure hang hooks 
Inexpensive and no holes ever - with lights for even a closet need as well. 

ROYAL BLUE gold rim frames for your very own sketch in pencil and plain paper - adorning a memory worth the 52 weeks in a year to reflect your darling memories of your own sweet faces - ages and ages of
luxurious messy fun sketches savoiired even just a tired brunch day- past - presently today and your future 

with more golden frames too. Read   2023 to look back in history well and good. Simply lovely. 

good good memories - please please me. Yes. 

with a hope for listening more to please please me too. purely outrageous  from thee Beatles. 1970’s and now loved more and more. 

8:00 am 

Laurence Welk - forever with sending everyone some coats and some of my pink designs. Waiting for 5 th Avenue Peoples to detail a quarter or two for the year end to see if the USA on 
5 th NYC Manhattan USA was showing details in the pure ethical gold euro monitary ( finacial ) wage worthy -  standards back dated. 

Laurence and everyone even brought a harpsichord  piano. wonderful lovely people - I love you all. 

Film Short Minuette - before in a - glimps of my secret wild pink exhibitions  2023  honored. My design of a especial Pink Fur skirts - wild silk in pink after Easter ? Yes. the country of Sweden in person - in my love  notes too wild reality - yes. where Laurence is from, exhibition begins respectfully. Sweden is wonderful. I am with increadibly gracious of enourmous thank you of everyone in the country of Sweden. With incredible love - endless. thank you darling Laurence Welk again and all the lovely men and simply darling friend of lovely women from Sweden.
merry christmas. 

silver star stickers $2.00 for 77 with  free shipping. Read 
math periotical tables in good basic schools 
usually begin with a star in silver to enjoy 
knowing - when childern gain good grades 
they might end up with one star on their 
school paper - in math basics and 
writing their alphelbiet  of the language 
of their country. while the periotical tables 
are going to be a bit more fun - 
I can hardly wait - In a tiny city today
of Philadelphia in the state of Tennessee USA 
the tiny school - Some of my personal 2001 lectures of cultural fun were international too, 
while childern are  excited today and thankful of pennies saved - and more, better USA and 
better all over the world -  is good, excitment about tiara Easter Month - tiara all ages, daring fun 2023 forever and a day.  January 2023 

With children  all over the world -even with snow and  silver star’s perhaps  on good math and writing to think alone -  take your time -  enjoy self achievement - with kick ball with a good merry christmas too all children all over the world. xo 
with kisses to catch ..
it might be a good 2023 summer for mini toy automobiles room size tiny,  to save pennies counted well. 
toy automobiles - unimaginable ideas. What a rage of fun to look forward to.  

1:43 pm eastern standard time Saranac Lake NY USA, The Moscow Times update with a real bear run cave ? looking for Wagner ( Volghner in the pronounciation in Polish and German ). Thank you for your many emails from the Moscow Times in Moscow Russia in all of 2022 - your welcome for the extra lights - everyone. As well as some fine cherry cakes - and more. Soon baha 
xoxoxo and merry Christmas my darlings in a bear cave waiting for Volghner ( Wagner ), and all you nice darling people at the Moscow Times.
I love you and merry Christmas New Year on the 11th day of Christmas 2023. From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett be baha ready with Wagner - since you emailed. 
and - yes, I received my new lamp today in the postal mail- as you all noted from cam central. 

Sweet you all are. Darling Moscow Times with real bear caves. Outrageous Love never ends. 

love from me again and again.  
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

2:01 pm eastern standard time saranac lake NY USA 

WAGNER ( also spoken as VOLGHNER) music composition with the lovely Berliner Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra in Europe with a wonderful expressive brass ensemble which includes the unique music of the copper kettle drum - event for the Christmas New Year event in a especial film. 

Minuette Film Short   from Eastern Europe 

for the very especial peoples in the Moscow Times and Russian People with bear run love RUSSIAN STYLE. 

Very lovely everyone.  

2:21 pm “ it’s been a hard days night “ of a rare very special music composition from my very lovely men 
Paul, George, John Lennon and Ringo on drums somewhere < > The Beatles. 

with all darling lovely peoples everywhere - you’re  extrodinary. I love you forever. xoxoxo xo xo xo xo 

outrageously wild men -  I love well. 

January 11th 2023 at 3:37 pm eastern standard time, saranac lake New York USA, with a lovely hello to sir Vladimir Putin with exceptional love. 

On the eleventh (11) day of Christmas New Year as a true love I gift to sir vladimir and the whole world, the gift of 11 pied pipers piping of a love to the world  in learning a  music compositional flute to floute ‘ in the celebration of a lovely holiday new year, love of humanity greater and worthy work and leisure of a notable stride of learning a bit of real flute sweetly to tote together any mote of a 2023 to fine sacred the breath of espirituse’ in expression of fettering a time to floute , ten (10) drummers drumming, nine (9) lords of leaping, eight (8) laddies dancing, seven (7) geese a laying, six (6) swans of swimming, five (5) golden rings, four (4) calling birds, three (3) French Hens, two (2) turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. 

15 minute sketch and film credit:
 princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Art Gerfunkel and Paul Simon 
are wonderful in such large ways - of music that ignites  

the wooden flute - music composition of 
Simon and Garfunkel - in a arranged music recording 
from an person of South America. with a variation of Wooden Flute of the mountians of the South American Pura Andies Mountians of a simplicity to stroll on an outting with the lovely practice of a wooden flute. 

the esprite’ ( humanity of peoples) with exuberance. 
their lovely  music dates back into television in the USA as early as the 1970’s with love from around the world. 

with very especial Christmas New Years film 
with thee lovely gracious Art Garfunkel on the left < and on the right  > thee most darling Paul Simon 

the  sound of silence   Special Film 

Jonny Cash is with a lovely song from Nashville Tennessee USA, with outstanding love to Jonny Cash and to everyone in Nashville and the state of Tennessee in the USA. A political film by thee Jonny Cash. 

the twelth (12) day of Christmas NEW YEAR As a true 
love, I give to thee, you of course, all over the world of peoples in all countries, a gift upon the 12th day of Christmas New Year January 12th 2023, gift of a 
excellent year with ethical humanities to care within even a film of beginnings of 2o23 the year of remarkable efforts throughout worthy work and fine simplicity in leisure of ordinary to that of extrodinary of details, efforts, and espirited cares of a smallest lovely broaden love for the tiny urphoria phelothora, at even kind of respective sorrow at times, a brilliance of kind in eithics of love-  more a pearled mindful dignaty far distant and sometimes very submerged in a extension within a greater humanity. Many far and near 
of a grace within inner inurtia of belonging, being, enjoying memories in a step forward, as to - a pleasant pearled year of excitment, mundane a minute more to watch a patch of seeded strawberries blossom and fruit, 
a introspection of serious - a caring good fortitude - love and even a honor to the golden love of 12 delights of a time to become- golden fine plates of the remarkable chef work in corn cream de la creme pudding custard, flan ( in s the country of Spain) 
in also South America of all countries in South America ) FLAN corn punning custard served on a blue plate finely elegant perhaps blue, with a excellent carefully made rum carmel sauce with ICE CREAM dished to a small melon ball scoop dabbles with a powdering of Mexican coco, freshly shaved finely.
with an Easter Recipe Gift soon. 

sketch and film credits: 
princess  lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Title of Film 12 Spanish Flan  
the gift of 12 days of Christmas New Year 
as a true love - I 
gift to thee sir vladimir putin 
and everyone in the whole world villages all, 12 spainish  flan, 11 Pipers piping, 10 drummers 
drumming, 9 lords a leaping, 8 laddies dancing, 
7 geese a laying, 6 swans a swimming, 5 golden rings, four calling birds, 3 French hens, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree. 

merry Christmas everyone with the very best new year 2023 everywhere in the world, sitting or standing. 

merry Christmas to many many delighful friends near and in all countries and a merry Christmas to my mother , my father, and wendel powers, and sir vladimir putin as well with 12 flan, and merry Christmas to millitary all over the world, postal employed peoples too with extra efforts at a holiday plentiful, to Russian people in all villages merry Christmas and speciall merry Christmas to all the very many in the Revolution of gitars and more, with a merry Christmas to people with extrodinary special efforts for prosperity and worth work and in a steady very good standard professionally in a care for villages large and tiny. with many extra special good wishes to such very special men and men and men and women of such grace of love and such wonderful messages - even yet to post more and more. 

With extrodinary love from me, 
Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

11:07 pmEastern standard time 
saranac lake tiny village NY USA 

periotical table fun- secrets to know. with a very lovely messages more today importantIn the USA and all over the world. merriest holiday again I say for 2023 and forever. 

it’s is wonderful everyone- Christmas. 
a real message from 
Lenard Bernstein , 
Glen Gould and the amazing real NEW YORK philharmonic 
Symphony Orchestra 

in a very special Christmas NEW YEAR 

Shostakovich  Symphony Music Composition Number Nine (9) symphony - with sheet music readable. 

Shasta Root Beer is a USA company in business again well in fine sales - other specialty root beers in other countries too are with even more lovely business as Rootbeer Became a favorite drink with and without ice cream root beer soda pop floats in ever country all over the world - with some further excitment in tiny villages everywhere in the world. 2022  with love. 

Shasta 60 or more years with love from me, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
I love you all. xo 

1:07 am eastern standard time, January 14th now 2023 in the USA in my tiny village of the city of saranac lake New York USA. 

I was fast asleep so well - and then a late midnight breakfast with a French souffette’ ( sooofley) bagel bread and grilled in rasin, and maple syrup sauce, A chopped spinach and cheese egg grilled with a butter bagel wedge bread crust bottom extra butter. Extremely fully baked in a DUTCH OVER pan - deliciously grilled on the stove top.  orange juice spritzer with cranberry juice and a South American imported sparkling mineral water. Epiervecent” and delicioso’ 

1:18 am 

not yet a film - blue finest hand made silk pajamas of my clothier designs saviore’ faire’  with 
pure royal blue wool tuffette ‘ for finest sleep, outragious. with creme de mint 21 layer pure mint coco 
missle top steemy cream mint coco - perfection. 

served in tallest gold rim fine drinking glasses. Yes. 

Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of 
Russian as thee president of the country of RUSSIA 
within a political photograph archieve: 

STEEM reels  real 

January 15th 2023 at 2:52 pm eastern standard time in the city of saranac lake New York USA. Today is Sunday in my tiny village in the USA. 

It has been a somewhat wonderful day with a real message from Sainte Francis from the Central Cathedral of the Vatican in the city of Rome in the country of Italy. 

The film in the Vatican site over to the right of the linked site of the Vatican from St Francis whom is known as the POPE of the center of Roman Italian Religion formalized - today is a surprise of an honor to me for more than my birthday with extrodinary lovely song from seven women with Italian words outstanding for Christmas New Year. It is such a magnificent delight to listen at lenght to the wonderful words of the central minister and the lovely delightful Italian song of seven women to a respectful care towards Sir Vladimir Putin as well with a devout respective - caring message of Sir Vladimir Putin’s work - of the G7 and some damage that has occurred in looking a bit backwards of 2022. The caring world is as sounding and the brilliantly lite message today from the Vatican in 

Central Rome within the country of Italy is with my infinite love to everyone with such a incredibly lovely honoring message - in song from the country of Italy in Europe. 

January 18th 2023 11:00 eastern standard time New York State in the city of saranac lake tiny village USA 

what a lovely day. It is nearly time for the ancient song of the 12 days of Christmas New Year 2023 with some extra excitment of gift rings of honor to me and some tiara honors too from all over the world. while some lists of finest tiara selections and honor rings selections for the Easter Tiara events all over the world will be my pleasure in posting purchasable priced well selections to enjoy a slow - pondering in lovely fine estate trinkets. for Indian Summer winter Easter May Tiara events everywhere all over the world. North South East and west- in every country. Even the USA. 

Prince Charles of the country of England in Europe as notes of British Language sometimes known as the Great Britain of the country of ENGLAND of course - phoned me with a text of a political film message with the lovely honored guest known as sir Dalai Lama of the country of Tibet, nearest the large country of CHINA within european Far East -within the actual region of the Great Wall of China, as the   film minutette is quite bold a statement filmed with both finely noteable men, as Sir Prince Charles is, as too, Dalai Lama is, in other ways as a dignatary of esteemed religion in Tibetian Far East European love. His majesty the Prince of England of Great Britain sir Prince Charles is a very well noted political diplomatic exhaustingly vibrantly strident of known ethically esteemed  dignaty within the structure of a Fine Government in England 

within Queen Elizabeth’s Country of England, as the preordained eminent country president known as Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth, of the country of Queen of the country of England of Great Britain. 

it is my greatest pleasure to express the exalting phone message BOLD of PRINCE CHARLES “within a lovely stroll with sir Dalai Lama internationally known well too, walking on the in a European West Bank Stone Ocean wall left <  of Prince Charles on the right”  > in a surprise to me as a stroll to look at a real pear fruit tree - while no partridge is visible in the lovely real pear tree, so kindly of noted love for my 

12 Days of Christmas New Year Holiday 2023 


The breakfast was a delight.  

Oscar Meyer Weiner is a world famous Company known for Bologna sliced cold cuts ready for even the smallest child to make their way to the lower part of a refrigerator shelf and enjoy a slice of Oscar Meyer Bologna ( Turkey Bologna too) while some peoples may not realize that the multi national international conglomerate USA company ownes several mascot automobiles that at times - takes a slow ride in some main streets of Chicago IL USA as a significant love for USA ethical business as capitalism in humanitarian ethical love is of a good mind set to good employment and good wages - pennies of importance to save and math in even excitment of my periotical tables to see the whole periotical excitment rage explosion of fun all over the world.  It’s exciting. with added lime light on the Oscar Meyer Mascot Automobile too - maybe on Michigan Ave -  slow rides in a time to get your camera ready if in Chicago Il USA Michigan Ave even for ten minutes -  to snap your photograph of the historical mascot of the good little Oscar Meyer company automobile - perhaps. Forever Oscar Meyer Mascots 

message from a kind fellow at CBS Chicago in a less than one minute blip -I myself did catch a view of the slowly specialized licensed automobile mascot - of Oscar Meyer company years back in my estate beach flat in Chicago Il in 1997. More on Oscar Meyer Mascot automobile notes soon. 

Message 1:42 pm from the lovely Harry Kerry as a very lovely friend and a broadcast specialist with exceptional lovely kind historical genius 

with an incredibly exciting hello to me and the whole world really from the great baseball park field in
the city of Chicago IL USA Kosinski Park ball field
in the increadible hello from many ole friends 

minutte short film now at 1:45 pm 

Everyone is so good -  merry Christmas New Year
2023 with enormous love to every one -  hello again as yes so sweet -  Merci ‘Thank you very much.  I adore you all and Harry Kerry I adore well too. xo. 

January 18th 2023 2:28 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village now from my estate rental home office in Saranac Lake New York USA with a personal

 recent updated archieve: 


title:  RUSSIAN LOVE with Sir Vladimir Putin 

with delight and darling men with an international 
solute of honor to me, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 
with good fun too with darling lovely,
 sir  Vladimir Putin, thee Kremlin, 
of the lovely large country of RUSSIA 

merry Christmas New Year again everyone. 
simply smashing time in 2023, with more soon. 

January 21st 2023 at 6:30 pm in saranac lake 
New York USA. In Moscow Russia now 2:31 am 
on January 22 on Monday in Moscow Russia at this time very early in the sleepy morning for most people 
throughout Russia as a wonderful darling country 
filled with very vibrant lovely peoples. 
Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia is with 
even more messages - emails of sweet charming 
care as some even serious austere love in a world of 
his tender great mind of humanities. Baha., visions 
of sweets too within boxes and boxes of pure Russian 
chocolate sugar plums real. 

It is somewhat of a busy time in ways to review budget 
ledgers to see - a clear reality of penny per penny expenditures and look at a resoundingly special time 
of 2022 with a care of certainty in budgetary resoncibility looking more at purchasing even a whole bag of fire ball candies to savior all year one by one in candy sensibility - and wonderful cinnamon firey hot candy coated spiced sugary fire balls - a favorite from a time when I was only 4 years old and walked a short distance to a tiny village shop and purchased five fire ball candies - with five pennies- tax included and my little savings then. Before it was time for lunch as my mother brilliant to even stock plenty of choice in the lower refrigerator and loved making alphelbiet soup from Campell’soup selections in tins ready to warm and enjoy. Saltine crackers too- peanut butter cheese sliced singles from Kraft USA prewrapped seperately and easy to enjoy with 3/4 c. Of real whole dairy milk in each slice - very good for everyone - and apples - or apple pie. other foods as well. While lunch was easy growing into becoming age 5 years old. 

Fire Balls please. Yes. The man at the shop then was so kind and a delight in my little utopia in the USA. 

five cents : 

In Beijing China now the time is 7:53 am on Monday January 22 nd 2023 with a good morning to everyone in The whole country of China quite a bit more larger than simply wonderful Beijing China and hello and good day, to everyone in the European Far East just getting in a view of the morning sunshine now, with a large hello to all in Europe everywhere. I wish you all excellent sleep with lovely cares from me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.  
in England at this time in the city of London, it is now 12:00 midnight on Monday not yet daylight at all in England at this time, while Russia will be with morning sunlight first on Monday Morning in Europe at this time. 

There are incredible exciting surprises soon to jot down in my Winter Indian Summer Events as also Christmas New Years 2023 is not yet with all the messages just yet-  even a few from the country of Isreal that are pressing as important too, among other messages in the USA and internationally. With a bit of serious fun as well. 

Today I wish to update so many people in the world everywhere imaginable- of Turkey Legs and Stew recipes that I should have a extra minute to note soon. 

while if you wish to create your own - prepare to look at actual sticks you might need to purchase if you wish. 

Turkey Legs need a chop stick especial to roast your Turkey legs special pate ‘ recipes - properly well done. 

Chef Ready Note, for Turkey Leg Sticks are with a wonderful variety of chop sticks in metal bake ready 
Special Sticks from the country of China and some varieties from other Europe Far East Countries too. 

enjoy your Turkey Leg 
Chop Stick Hunt shopping

$1.25 Chop Sticks with Silk Fine Chop Stick Tote 

Real Japanese Chop Sticks with Five Sets of Chop Sticks per box in a selection of Japanese Classical Style 
wooden Set of Five Sets $6.25 each box set of five. 

Oven Roast best for Roasting Turkey Legs - set of five chop sticks to charish forever easily cleaned $8.99 
per Five in a set of two each. Read 

the turkey leg chop stick hunt is an inevitable reality 
with delicious results of a Winter Indian Summer Holiday January Events 2023 of some 
kinda love Read 

Wilt Chamberlian is a world international Atholete in extremely excellent basket ball, and a darling friend of mine even arriving in my NYC on location exhibitions in 2014 events. The amazing education of wilts incredible standard in many ways is with also a love in excellence ruled basketball that is wonderful to gain more knowledge in the full professional game of basketball noted even in the 1960’s on free USA television with Wlit Chamberlian forever kindly worth 
exciting professional ball game rules. 

HOP with a new toy from the 1960’s 
called a pogo stick into summer 2023 atleast while gaining a bit of ruled basket ball knowledge in with some more of Wilt Chamberlian and other  USA ball pro league online notes. Keep a pogo stick forever into a real new experience too into Turkey leg summer events 2023. 

fire balls - atomic slightly spiced slightly hot sweetest flavored with cinnimon. Read    .11 cents each at 240 count (ct) . At just under $27.00 

hop hop with pogo sticks - just as I enjoyed pogo hopping too, at age 4 years old with great summer fun

Russian Missle Top has very special meaning in the USA country and throughout the entire world within a lenghty lovely history of people to know historical RUSSIAN LOVE and a world that loves RUSSIAN people - as well. missle top christmas new year trinkets 
are anciently modern too. Read 

Architecture in Russia is with a most charming missle top adornment much reminiscent of the later missle top trinkets unique to the riche lush lovely cultural espirituse of the wonderful people of the
country of Russia. In the city of St. Petersburg within the country of RUSSIA is not that of St. Petersburg in Florida USA which is little caring love the USA has historically of St Petersburg RUSSIA which is a much larger and quite different architectural culture in RUSSIA unique to RUSSIA. Enjoy missle top trinkets with more real history of lovely RUSSIA. Read 

Just a minute of more ROYAL LOVE with Frank Sinatra films and a bit of political birthday excitment simply lovely. 

good day and good night to everyone all over the whole world. The time in my tiny village now is 9: 36 pm eastern standard time NY USA from saranac lake ny. 

12:07 pm 
eastern standard time NY USA now. : good day from my tiny village in NY USA on January 22nd 2023, with a late night last evening in my estate rental with a early message from the President of China 
Sir Xi Jinping directly with such a great many messages from many peoples of the country of China too. Remarkably so lovely to enjoy a sweet Christmas New Years message directly from thee President of the very large Royal country of China.

Directly from the online Government site of the 
Country of China: in the section known as white papers 
from a little name of an film i made named white papers - in 2013. Loved well in China as somewhat a favored political short film. Kind of everyone in China 
early morning in China as it was later in the evening last night to read the good message - and my shipped attache’ suite cases too - there in China. Merci’ everyone. Thank you very kindly sir Xi Jinping as President of such a very lovely country of China. 

Sir Xi Jinping President of the country of China 

it is my budgetary review day today of the whole year of 2022 as I say, I love you all and with many good wishes too. January review in budgetary measures are inevitable. have a wonderful breakfast, lunch and dinner all over the world everywhere , sitting or standing. Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Update at 2:57 pm eastern standard time New York State saranac lake ny in the country of the United state of America - email from my lovely darling Thee DAVID LETTERMAN 
and lovely DARLING ,

 REGIS FILMAN too, merry Christmas New Years David and Regis. xo xo with love 
and kisses sent. 

what could the political  film be about  ? 

3:20 pm Frank Sinatra with a very special updated now music composition in a 

January 23rd 2023 at 11:53 am eastetn standard time from my tiny village in saranac lake ny USA. 
with a great breakfast earlier today. Wished to everyone that your holiday extended into January 2023 is with great breakfast all over the world too. Lunch and dinner as well. Love from me, 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

email from James Taylor 
political review in a song  

First recorded in the 1970’s only in an record non - film style recording as today James Taylor surprised me in an austere solitude of reflection in 2022 and recorded “walk on by a country road” in a strong political jersturing - of pleasant guitar composition and lovely 
pondering in sorrow of 2022.

Breakfast Photograph Credit : 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, January 23rd 2023 at 
10:30 am eastern standard time saranac lake NY USA precisely the exact date and time of the photograph. 

Winter Indian Summer Cake 2022 freezer finest of pure saviore” faire”
 ( French Word = exciting exuberant fine qualitative planning achieved in discerning of effort within equality efforts in of purchase choices in sales of ethical fortuitous delight) .

Savioure ‘ Faire’ a French Word.  Dirivitive word = savor:  to await in a thought of enjoyment soon to ponder enjoyment in even reflection of memories. 

Chocolate Cherry Rasin Cigerette Cigar Cake served 
on a delicious dusting of fine SWISS processed coco from 
a USA coco “swiss miss “ with breakfast yogart most economical purchase yogart selection with fine thawed blueberries toppled with real marachino cherries of excellent consistent finest quality. Tea freshly brewed with honey, and a cranberry juice orange sparling water spritzer with finest important sparkling South American Mineral Water - “fizzy.” 

with a very special film short 
 Saviore ‘Faire is Everywhere    12:34 pm est ny usa 

January 31st 2023 3:12 pm eastern standard time New York USA in my tiny village in saranac lake New York near the very close boarder to the country of Canada, north of the USA and quite a very large country as Canada is. East to west Canada is strait north of all USA states, and a lateral line of the country is easily seen in a map of countries. Road maps of countries are much different than maps that are for studies in some geology maps of mapped Mountains or a map of such things as science maps in such regions of uranium rock formations and scientific natural rock water ways and soil studies in totally natural science facts about giant trees and that of an importance to preserving trees and soil quality and assured standard for non erosion in waters such as the five large Great Lakes of the USA that also are lakes - Thee Five Great Lakes - of the also Canada too on the north side of those lakes- that can not be seen on the other side in a land view. The Great Lakes are much to large and seem as they could be slightly mistaken for seas or an ocean. The Great Lakes are very small actually in comparison to the real ocean. 

The ocean is actually only one ocean and has a mapping name for two sides of the ocean - Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Atlantic is East in the USA and Pacific is west in the USA as Hawaii is in the region of the Pacific Ocean or some people say ocean pacific “OP” while in EUROPEAN FAR EAST IN ASIA - the pacific asian ocean region is on the other side of the very vaste large world of many notches in ocean water very very large - and then in the European Continent the ocean is Pacific Ocean in the Far East side and Atlantic Ocean in the West Bank side - split totally in half on map regulations for reading maps of the enormous ocean very well in studies that are not fast and easy.  Ocean maps and simply mineral maps in maps only for Urainum and needed for excellent soil and lom even in RUSSIA for bouswioure’ lom finest for farm riche quality in dairy and whete friuts and vegetables and nut types of leaguems- walnuts and such are extremely important - and take years and years of studies which can start with even sketching leaf types of leaf on trees plenty in sketch travel fun. 

Urainium rich soil maps are not country maps or road maps with country boarders. More about some ways to explore types of maps to enjoy even mountian flowers that are indigenous ( millions of years rooted and grow with great importance ) and have lovely flowers and even rock classifications of certain types of rock layers beneath soil that need never to be moved or even chipped. Under the water of lakes , rivers, and streams and oceans as well -  do not disturbed the natural millions of years of good water and rock mineral and great farm soil with amazing country drives and more in forests and cities and villages and the entire ocean.  

Please Please me. Urainium rock of gerbralter is a very important rock mineral - to study forever. 
With Royal Love -  in every country in the world. 


3:44 pm it’s a message from my ole darling
thee Michael Caine - noted quite well in some movies such as Dr Doolittle 1972. a great television movie then. and a bit obscure in a political not so funny film.

While Micheal read me a lovely poem titled “ if” 
written by Rubert Kipling and gifted to me long ago from a very decent kindness to me of an extrodinary darling person.  

Micheal Caine is lovely to actually read from 
the book of RUBERT KIPLING with 
extreme love. 

Minuette Film Short  - especial poem 

January 31st 2023 while extending the 12 days of Christmas New Years 2023 into a bit of Febuary too I thought might be extremely exciting with Indian Summer Winter with some very illustrious  surprises.

In Europe Now it is already 
Feburary 1st 2023 and 3:58 am in Beijing China. 

In Moscow Russia the time is 11:59 pm  one minute before midnight into February 1st 2023 in one minute as the earlier sleepy am hours begin in RUSSIA. 

It’s been a long cold winter of past -as a fine Real 
Christmas NEW YEAR 2023 is worth my extensions 
of PURE ROYAL LOVE - more and with so many messages for a worthy love. 

the  Christmas New Year of Feviere’ 2023 wildly is 
outrageously even filled of love and lucious sweets 
As well as finest messages too. Film and more. As my birthday celebration too - is keenly pure love messages infinitely forever. It’s a New Revolution Rage. 

Micheal Caine reading - 
from Rubert Kipling Poem, 
is lovely A message for 
January 31 at 2023

How wonderful really - lovely. 

Love from princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo 
update soon of sir vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia 
very special birthday messages many. 
Top Secret. xo 

Working Late Breakfast  
princess lady Tracy Suzanne PIckett 
photograph exclusive: in January 31st 2023 
January 31st 2023 Extra crisp potatoe French Fries / one egg over hard/ Two bagelle’ halves with soft sweet cream dairy butter finest, and USA best cream cheese ( from my stocked freezer ), one thin wedge slice of a Turkey burger - trimmed in thin slice, coffee - including a pot of fine USA Louisiana Tea from Lipton at an extra low price. plum heart ketchup 
embellishment atop fries. 

listen   It’s my darling men the Beatle’s with 
a lovely update recorded music composition
 “ here comes the sun”

xo the time is 4:50 pm January 31st 2023 as Russia 
sleeps with my love and delight - at 12:51 am 51 minutes into the New Day earliest am hours after midnight February 1st 2023 - lovely sir Vladimir Putin sweet dreams darling -  earliest good moring wishes too. Enjoy breakfast sitting or standanding everyone - everywhere in the whole world.  

message update 527 pm from my tiny village in saranac lake NEW YORK in eastern standard time. I am warming up to a ole stretch soon- with fine fresh tap drinking water plentiful, and a increadible one foot ring dance to film for an important day in febuary 2023 about lovely Indian Summer Winter weather - 

with darling Bill Gates is with a political 
Film Short Minuette  in January 31st 2023 and a darling of even 1969 too. 

A geopolitical map update on the rock of geopolitical 
Rock of gerbralter more with math periotical tables more before Feburary 14th 2023. 

with goepolitical baha xoxoxo all over the world. 

6.07 pm Jim Morrison with a lovely music ensembles of lovely people in brass and string orchestra. Simply delightful. Jim Morrison  

what fine updates for a January 31st 2023 wish to everyone of a lovely  merry Christmas New Year.  
With my gracious thank you too, to all, all over the world. 

February 2nd 2o23, into after midnight now actually on
February 3rd at 3:07 am earliest morning in saranac lake New York USA with a message from 
the entire government of the extremely lovely country 
of IRAN with such wonderful expressions of love and 
darling dearness - as the president just sent me a message from Iran in the europe, Middle Eastern Europe as the country of IRAN. Merry Christmas New Year to you sir Hassan Rouhani of the president in the government of IRAN with incredible emeritus humanities as I say a Merry Christmas New Year 2023 to all the lovely very wonderful peoples of the country of IRAN in all government of the country as well as all peoples. I extend also a Merry  Christmas New Year 2023 to all countries of the regions of the European 
Middle East as, to, I shall post more of each country sooner than you may imagine. 

Message from the entire government of 
the country of IRAN  

the time in saranac lake NY USA is now 3:2O eastern standard time and currently in The country of IRAN 
in the city of Tehran, IRAN the time now is 11:52 am right before 12:00 in the afternoon - where dining for lunch can be a bit extravagant and lovely in a tote to a fine mote in IRAN too, today in IRAN and all of Europe.  It is a lovely very beautiful honor to me with the very especial message from all the people in the government of IRAN and the people of  as well. wishing to include a especial gracious Merci ,too sir Hassan Rouhani as a darling lovely person with such a delightful message emailed too.  

3:28am in my tiny village now in saranac lake New York USA, with a wish to the whole world as well- Febuary 3rd 2023 

the increadible Symphony Philharmonic of Paris, in the European country of FRANCE is with an increadible delightful birthday wish and sweetest of a honored music composition of a Russian Piano and symphony 
composition of Rochmonanov 
( written of a Russian Symphony of a composer of music from Russia as is “ Rochaninov “ ) music arrangement in the country of FRANCE, of the symphony of France of lovely a message and outstanding lovely sweet 
of LOVE in FRANCE to me,  Merci 
as to everyone so lovely and serious of the grandure of intensity of brilliant love in vibrant somber jesture -  Merci again and again to you all,with great love to everyone - even all within the country of FRANCE . With love from me, with great excitment - 
merry christmas new year 2023 

a most exciting a piano symphony of such brilliance
in esprit ‘ of FRANCE Listen   

( Russian Symphony composer of music ) with works by The lovely love from peoples of the esteemed  philharmonic of the country of FRANCE with 
Danill Trifonov -  in works of piano.  bravicioma’ 

merci once again - to all, I love you all.
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
wonderfully exciting to the country of FRANCE in Europe- and the whole world.  

From the country of Germany in Eastern Europe, there is a especial birthday message to me, from thee Berlin Philharminic of the city of Berlin in the country of Germany internationally known in illutriuous cultural symphonic brilliance. Very special for a extended Christmas New Year gift to the whole world

With the most gracious thank you for the rare lovely birthday gift to include in my Christmas New Year winter holiday messages. Feburary 5th 2023 of an extrodinay gift it is.  with an excerpt within the musical composition from the peoples of the internationally esteemed philharmonic of Berlin Germany as a polo except of a tiny segment of “ the William Tell, polo symphonies except” historically noted- and a lucious birthday gift I adore you all.  Love and kisses far to all people of the country of Germany with many village and cities of a notable Royal History and my fine friends too.  xo xo xo xo 

Sir Vladimir will be so excited and all of Russia too. 
All over the world - South America, Canada, USA and China Far East Asia with Japan, And India and middle eastern countries with Africa Sweden Poland and Denmark Egypt the country of course Italy and France and of course Ireland and Scotland , Czecelsolvaki, Hungaria , Turkey the country, Bulgaria, Isreal, England and Greece, Spain, Of course even more countries accross Europe including England and 

nearer whole not close to the  USA is south seas countries -  including Cuba and Haiti, Bermuda and the country of  Jamaica too, in the ocean countries in the Tropic of Cancer region of the world.  

Australia of the European continental regions and of course Austria  of near to the Swiss alps mountians as the highest mountians in the world located in Eastern Europe in Northern Europe -  with many other countries too all with wonderful rare lovely messages from Germany this evening posted from my tiny village in saranac lake NY USA at 9:21 pm. 

Gooden’ Nuite ‘ with love ( good night , sweet dreams too) all over the world.  

love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

10:47 message update and a fun reminder emailed from the darling sir vladimir putin to me just a few minutes ago. sweet that sir vladimir look to see the message I was about to look for of one of Sir Vladimir Putin’s more enjoyable travels invited to my favorite of USA German Style Ristorantes located in the marquee of the city of Chicago Illinois’s - from my invite in 1996 before the stroll to the symphony in Chicago Ilionoise where German Philhatmonic Sympnony -  is loved amoung other music well noted too. Enjoying the Berlin Germany Minuette Short Film is with many even awake at night all over the world. Great excitment in Berghoff Resitetante now. With Real German Food from Chicago Il, USA in business over 125 years. 

 Read  exciting and Vladimir is awake 
in Moscow Russia early. 

updated as well is the memo   
Please reread if wish. Good night and good morning to sir Vladimir Putin whom just traveled to the country of Germany invited in a event - and with a top secret film in the memo.  with love to sir Vladimir and wished of a great breakfast, lunch and dinner to everyone all over the world, sitting ot standing. xo 

12:38 pm after midnight update : 

real bear run  notes with an email from the real people of the world intetnational Olympics to post this week with world champion Olympics message for a global reality of Olympic excitment.  

Of course Bear Run, bear claws in a half dozen (6) freshly pan baked real Bear Claws - to travel with a real ( synthetic machine spun  manufactured thread fiber ) = (faux ) of fa ‘ la la ‘ = Faux Bear Fur Coat affordable to wish to purchase if you decide your ready for the wild fur bear run preparedness of even summer bear run, beginning in June sumner 2023 read  

Woolie Lamb Faux Fur Coat Read 

Men in mink fur faux -  yes Women as well read

1:33 am eastern standard time 
Saranac Lake NY USA 
February 7th 2023 
One hour and thirty three 
minutes     after    midnight 

ROYAL LOVE update on my  birthday events 
with BTS my sweet men friends of South Korea 
merry Christmas New Year again everyone. 

Breakfast Update film short with wonderful flavor fruit loops cereal of a USA brand cereal of more than 60 years in quality fruit loops. colorful as well. 

fine for a dry little bite or breakfast cereal with whole milk dairy mills finest, served in my film with a lovely slice of pumkin suffelette’  cheese cake freshly prepared especial recipe I created and  baked freshly with enough for a week of breakfast with a tall  glass 100% pure orange juice, and coffee. 

Film and photographic credit: 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Filmed on February 3rd 2023 at precisely 2:50 pm eastetn standard time from my tiny village estate home office in New York State USA near the boarder of the country of Canada just an hour and a half drive north of the country of the USA in the north eastern 
USA of New York State. 

the photograph as well as film of  my working breakfast was quite a delicious experience from Fruit Loops. posted 
on February 7th 2023 

German Sled Snow Indian Summer Winter 2023 with a very nice thank you for the lovely film short minute Film 

Sled Ready set 123 abc snow run 

what is a bumper car, you asked ? one of the worlds most ancient automobile ride at ages 4 too, as I first drove nervously slow in a fine first try not to bump- 
message from real bumper car peoples of all ages.  
secret - no bump 

3:01 am Febuary 7th 2023 now.

Catch up on a real Canadian country Hockey Game on Ice Skates in the city of Toronto in the Country of Canada Film Minuette Short   a bit rough - remember 
Mohammad Ali famous word “ float like a butterfly and sting like a bea “ no foul rules “ sting = score in the net- with my love to everyone in Canada and a merry Christmas New Year 2023 shake rattle and roll.xo from princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

thee lovely Bill Haley and the Comets special recording now in a new revolution and music compositions from the 1950’s and now again- with a merry Christmas New year to you Bill and the men - just perfect of you all. 

Flip with Julia Childs now in 2023 film short perfection

Five star French Merited Honored Chef of the USA in television as early as the 1970 and now film perfection
with a lovely wish of Merry Christmas New Year too Julia from all over the world . xo darling Julia Childs. Merci ‘ 

it’s now 4:08 am in my tiny village in my USA and the time in Moscow Russia is 12.10 pm February 7 th 2023 
with a lovely wish of a very fine good afternoon to all in Europe and Russia everywhere as well as a loving  good day to sir Vladimir Putin - delightful lovely person. Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

a missle top Christmas New Years 2023 noted of darling lovely people at the Moscow Times just two days ago - a missle top rage fueriouly exciting read 

4:28 am saranac lake NY USA in my tiny village estate rental xoxoxo more soon. 

February 7th 2023 1:27 pm eastern 
standard time in my tiny village in 
saranac lake New York USA 

messages from thee 
Jimmy Stewart and 
thee Johnny Carson, 
my two darling men, with an impromptu’ talk 
with a personal lovely message to me as well. Exceptional real lovely messages as 
. Jimmy Stewart of course, in a movie 
“ it’s a wonderful life” 1970’s with some money that gets taken by his “said “ assumablev’ uncle whom at a Job where Jimmy is in in only a movie as the banker,,. And all the money suddenly is gone. With a lovely women in his loves and four childern small and  fine, the whole world is upside down suddenly one day of Jimmy’s whole worth in lenghty good perfect banking work-It is never actually clear that Jimmy has an Uncle in the banking business or a Uncle that was there at all.  Jimmy is just faced with a lot of missing money from many fine people - and very upset, then leaves the bank to throw himself off a bridge, and alone of the bridge , he thinks a long while, a man named Clarence is in his way to expose the whole mess, trying to buy Jimmy a drink of alcohol. Jimmy decides to sit in a little while in a risterante and think more about the bridge to throw himself over into very cold snowy water deep. 
Jimmy orders a milk and sits to decide if he will run away fast. Jimmy thinks talking to himself -  about the bridge and never facing the awful upsets and loss, and Christmas for his children - Jimmy thinks maybe never to return home or to his long lenghty good job.  the “said “ ? Uncle then has to give all the money back. People all over find out. Jimmy returned upset to face the ruin with his children so tiny and sweet in Jimmy’s love and decency. It’s a surprise ending. 

The whole entire movie is two hours and a lovely movie it is. in the Revolution Now, Johnny Carson, and Jimmy Stewart suprised me, with a real minuette film short for Christmas New Years into February 2023 with such a busy budget time for business end of the year monitary budget reports to assure all pennies into dollars and goods and wages are up to date. Counting every item sold and all money expenses for a tally of year end 2022 in the business budget and % daily 352 days in 2022 as a whole year is 352 days.

Jimmy Stewart and 
Johnny Carson

4:20 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village, 

a merry Christmas New Years 2023 message from China with Children preparing in even my pink not yet announced : for lovely Indian Summer Winter Events, 
the pink explosion events are going to be outrageously wild, and as my silk pajama  rage is even celebrated all over the world for my birthday -  so graciously wonderful. Lovely fun everyone.  Wild Christmas
New Years fun.  Love from me, 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

CHINA NOW    From President Xi Jinping, president of the country of China news site. A note from people of China in a - Cultural Political Photograph -no mask 
Now Needed -  show off - beautiful faces every face  is quite beautiful - yes. . 

Excuse me, moi ‘ et mi ‘ sieville’ eplette ‘ equsuzi’ 
Une momomento’ 12:47 am eastern standard time in my tiny village in NY USA, February 8th 2023, 

Moscow Russia emailed from the Kremlin 
sir Vladimir Putin,, invite to me. Emailed on February 7th 2023 
in a date sent from Moscow Russia a day dated one day later Febuary 8th 2023. At exactly the same real minute on earth - sent at light speed just like a telephone or light works- no delay of any ratio of milliseconds at all. Fast - READ

Moscow Russia now the time is 9:34 am 
on February 8th 2023 with a little puzzle math equation tabulation perplexity = if you could measure time and distance to the moon with only a pencil and the larger quantified knowledge of the whole in knowning the actual compound elements of the outter space., what would be the most effective way to determine the precise actual size of the metric measurement of the ratio circomfrance actual measurement of the actual real moon ( known also as the lunar planet in outter space and the actual distance measurement of the far other planets in size measured in the outter universe of planets that seem tiny as called stars - while actually simply too far and not tiny at all - in the early precluding theoretical theory from Elbert Eignstien in his historically published notes to science study to only read - in his theory of light speed and distance ratio. Given the fact that their is no breathable air ( oxegen ) 
and the light personification is much different in ways looking up up up and realizing that the oxegen is then in higher altitudes far up up up - gradiently a cuspic of something outter space that would radically change a direct measurement ratio = calculation much like suddenly seeing into water rather than air.  In a looking glassen - and incrimental pencil length - the measurement would be much different in outcome while looking at studied outer natural molecule compound elements = fun to ponder a lengthy way to think at the measurement seemingly simplistic - even with a real brass looking glassen for years of strolling under the midnight stars looking up up up. 

Pondering a fun little equation endless in study complexity.

Magnifine Looking Glassen read 

Fine Looking Glassen in Detailed Brass perfectly lovely as a charished estate purchase keepsake 
memorable read   

Paul Mc Cartney is with a lovely film - of a solo composition of Paul’s quiet poetic with black bird as a 
sweet in such beautiful string - A raven is a large black beautiful bird of large flight and magnificent wing span 
as loved in the dead of night ( the total calm after midnight. Black Bird also was a very special air plane in history of such breathful worth -  as a love as well in design and inventiveness Beidietiette’ is a spelling of the word as well ( beinghdie. ) long form of ancient spelling of European Latin ) as The flower of sweetness in a sweet dreamy good night )
sounding as ( . bd deye t ).  

Paul Mc Cartney’s  “ Black Bird “ re-recorded from the 1960’s as a wonderful gift to me and a merry Christmas new year to the world everywhere. Strings. 

2:42 am update from my tiny village estate in saranac lake NY USA just 8 miles from A tiny quaint village city of Lake Placid New York USA. 

Hermit Crab beach side 
film short minuette, noting to wear best walking shoes in sand of course. I prefer strolling with an extra pair of finer sandel shoes toted in a smallest tote. Flat Shoe Finely elegant for men or women are luxurious in crocodille’ faux leather, with a fine dinner outting just slip on a fine shoe before risterante time. 

A love of whole luxurious simplicity. Measure your foot length from toe to heal of back of foot and then add half an inch - then look for the size on a little size chart of your country language for proper size selection of women -  then a seperate size chart to read as same for men, while boys and girls have a seperate size chart for childern sizes of boys size and a chart seperate for girl sizes. if just purchasing a same type of sandel basic beach type - or canvas shoe, the size measurement is read in both men and women size in a conversion to the 
correct size compared to the other size = 

men wearing a size 8 is not a size 8 women shoe size 
that is smaller in an 8 womens size. So a mens canvas shoe size 8 is more like a conversion size womens 10. So women purchasing a man’s canvas shoe for themselves would be with a smaller size in mens as a 8 mens would be a 6 mens size for a equal conversion of a womens size chart mesument of womens shoes made sized correctly as a 8 as a conversional size. The shoe size chart usually has a convesion size to read and know womens to a mens convesion equivalent size - if needed, for good standard online purchases perfect. 

crockadille’ sandel shoe read 

Styx in a fine music composition as one music commotion I enjoyed in the 1970’s as my darling men re-recored the little vignette ‘ for my birthday - Strings and Piano as a fine Christmas New Year 2023 Message 

photographed by princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
with a lovely sweet for a late working evening in my tiny village. hood brand dairy milk is “the hood” as a milk and ice cream made of quite good quality milk for over 70 years in NEW YORK USA : ICE CREAM SANDWICH with a fine cake crusted chocolate in best vanilla ice cream, ruffles brand potote chips and whipped dairy % cream de la creme with real marachino cherries from a small jar, I keep fully stocked in my estate rental. A FINE DIET ROOTBEER and an extra gold rimmed glass of malted milk with whole milk and ovaltine - shaken in a ice cream milk shake, then rattle the extra swizzle fuzzy  soda water with a real enjoyment to even a late night drive rolling a while under lovely nigh air so wonderful to even take some evening photographs too. xo love from 
Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

February 8th 2023, 1:16 pm eastern standard time 
New York USA within my tiny village in saranac lake known as the name of my city of course. The riche lush trees in the forest regions within and surrounding the village for miles and miles are quite exceptional in the little village proper. I have to say, the snow this year is quite beautiful and also say thank you to many in the snow regions in winter for the extrodinary efforts to assure the roads are clear of snow. Earliest morning I myself do hear the snow plow road engineers strategically, very caring of a real love to villages and travelers , with needs of all peoples in some way - as delightful responsible details of such efforts is thought of to those of such devout cares and large responsibility in small details. Trucking deliveries arrived, busses arrived too, and mail postal trucks were eased. Listening to the driver drive so quiet in the evening earlier morning - is with thank you for the efforts of a detail well cared for and makes a large difference -  loved by all. Thankfully road snow mainitamce engineers are with a wage well enough from a tax allocation very set in a strict budgetary way-  to that of a USA that has some tax in the reality of government tax treasury in what’s known as a very important tax reserve of importance in a paid tax of sales in a purchase -  of the Tax- paid in peoples needs of a properly assured Federal Tax Reserve - USA  of all USA peoples in 50 whole states of the USA and all villages and cities in the USA., in the reality of the USA a tax -  that is with enough. Thankfully so. The tax of the USA in purchases with the tax too, it is important for people of the USA to realize that their reality is even better -  in knowing tax savvy areas of compliance rules in Government Tax. people all, pay a tax, more on some tax data too soon.

Thank you all over the world as well to those people whom were devout in snow road ways internationally for good love - of great worth in cares in all snowy roads internationally and fine economic lovely better village proper -  going well.  The snow today outside my estate rental is extrodinay a view.  

there are some extending concerns - 

unfortunately it is of a Russian Concern as well in the Kremlin’s office and throughout the country of Russia as a very real RUSSIAN LOVE of certainty. 
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia has emailed. 

Simplistically I shall jot a few of my comments in the memo note soon. Some delays have been an unrealistic 
concerning - detail to note further soon. 

With a reply soon  to the Kremlin - and love in a lengthy very especial reality. And extensive love and good wishes to everyone in Russia today, and a lovely wish of great care to everyone all over the world, from my tiny village in saranac lake and the whole USA too.  


Love and good day to everyone, with 
a kind delight of your very own minutes -
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

2:03 pm excuse me, it ‘s a Christmas New Years message emailed to me, from 
Michael Bloomberg 
with many details in NYC and took time for me in a wonderfully delightful message of 
“Merry Christmas New Year  Wish “
very  good and kindly notable , 
of a delightful 2023, Posted soon.  

11:20 pm 

The excellence of pototoe fries, are underestimated in the extremely rare fries -perfectly delicious, prepared with some extra notes- My Chef Note is to sautee’ 
the potatoe fries in hot oil- of plain vegetable oil - USA brand WESSON oil is vegetable oil - in large bottles and a great very low prices - many years of low prices WESSON BRAND for Hot Oil in just a few table spoons of oil in a non - stick aluminum pan small sautée’ pan , for one or two guests, x2 plates in your menu brunch - then use a large laddel spoon - to dip into the potatoes ready prepared from a ready made frozen freezer bag of prepared fries of puffs, 
and sautee ‘ fry your fries French Style  cut or small puffs - With the USA quality brand of Oreida Potatoes with a especial pototoe message for Christmas New Year 2023. In the USA most of the potatoes are grown in the state of Idaho with many cities in Idaho and in the state of Oregon with many cities while a few other USA farms for potatoes are in other USA states for potatoe agricultural farming of finest potatoes. 

February 11th 2023  at 9:44 pm from my tiny village NEW YORK USA in saranac lake, with a good day to sir vladimir putin as Kremlin of Russia and a very lovely hello and good wish for everyone in the country of Russia today as well. I must also please say, good day to all of the peoples in all countries of Europe with great love to you all. I have a very especial 12 days of Christmas New Years music composition nearly ready and still, I have experienced an un-nessacary delay - of a - concern of some Midget MG in  small thicket in Europe soiled Russia actually one inch by one inch in - oil slicking in some concerning upset to my company - and schedule - unfathumable - with details in a large historical snailing shell size I will be noting in the memo on February 14th 2023 soon. Even an upset of some of my birthday schedule as well. There are some wishes of great love I have to say awaiting an international And USA expression of pure ethical lovely delight of - Christmas New Year 2023, and summer 2022 finest success, and one of the loveliest realities is of the darling adoration from Sir Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia. The secret film we have is exciting and secret - top secret even, and a few notes updated of sir Vladimir’s birthday messages expressively of love too of me- quite luxurious expressions, to post soon of extraordinary special lovely gift messages lovely of his exuberant lovely delightful charming sweetness -  loveliest fine gifts so delightful to me, and some honored gifts of a international emeritus gift too,   While I have to mention to, that Russia is a very especial country as all countries are very uniquely special too. The large very brilliant kind delightful country of Royal Russia is with extrodinary history of culture of such - aristocracy of cultivations of a simplistic extrodinary lovely existence of humanity of a robust love of a RUSSIAN LOVE of delightful graces of wealth inside peoples dignaty of humanity. Gentle of kind.  And some upset to reflect a large success of a great respective goodness of delightful - worth in a greatest humanities, pure,  stern and kind and of such esteem. The country of Russia is so very large and still some travel only a short distance at times of great and all villages of better a village by village more known to adorn and love.  

From the larger cities in Russia to even the smallest, the street signs are with a large country map all to read the whole country of Russia in one book of the maps of the country of Russia in Russian Words and Russian Streets spelled in Russian as Russian, and with road names and more. 

In a tiny gate door- in some area - was there a wrong name of a house with a pile of strangers with attempts to troth a way in to the giants home sitting on top of a fluffy beautiful cloud of such a fine grassy hill just high enough to see the cows swaying well. A sway of the tall tall hickory with such a lightness of sunshine, yellows and blues and red and green reflections of a sweet stone pond, a sweet of a lovely worth -  such a lovely worth, a minute and many a fine golden dally of a road side by side of thick fields  of whete - thankful a giant of a tiniest even, house atop a grassy hill, more and many in the low land of grasses greenest too, never to be, a small water berrel on the base of any hill of a gargoyle clumpet tuffettes ‘. fethers a troth of a midget sized oil slick  in their feather worn in their  nose.  And attempted to hang a sign named field mite  mouses - less of a smallest box, why ? Even a box. To much to risk even a box. 

Tucked inside a water berrel was snake eyes x 4. Sinking in a sand pin hole sized ? 

it is something to concider in reflection of some very large upset to Russia -a strange while- I myself wish to express, my words to say, I wish to say, it is of my heartful love in a way of apologies in a way from the sarrow of upset too, as a way to apologies from me of what was an upset that the peoples greater of the USA had more cares and lovely respects, with angish of such upset to Russia of January 2022 even, and a lovely care of humility from the peoples in the USA with love for all of Russia very good. Well and with a happy merry Christmas New Year of the greatest affections of all of the love from the Kremlin’s expressions as well, I know well, and to all of the very lovely delightful peoples of the country of Russia.  Merriest Christmas New Years to be in 2023. 

merci - with love from me, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett with wish to everyone for a fine February 2023 well and of a kind delight. 

February 12th 2023 6:04 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in saranac lake NY USA. 

Oscar Peterson ( Thalonius Monk ) with lovely conversation and especial piano performance - obscurely extrodinary. Brilliant somber of kind love. 
With serious words careful in poetic - love. 

It’s an extrodinary message from Thelonius Monk. 

Merry Christmas New Year 2023 with a time to include the day of st Vanentine as a fine day to wistflully cook something of fine chocolate- the week of a Christmas New Year of Finest February 2023. After February 14th 2023 - of a time of an extra fine menu at your home. 

Chocolate Hearts in a tiny egg cup needs simple chocolate chips. Soon a fine recipe, and fresh tomotoes as at least one freshly grown tomotoe whole from a tin or vine ripe and sold fresh. With tomotoe hearts stuffed with a fine fin tuna. Recipe especial soon as real love exists. true. With lovely wishes to everyone in Europe of all countries and too, of all peoples of all countries in the north and South American countries within the entire western continent and including Islands of the USA state of Hawaii and the countries of the south seas Islands and Cuba as well. Good Morning and good night, at 6:34 pm from me, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett from my tiny village estate rental in saranac lake NY USA. 

just lovely Thelonius.   

February 13th 2023 at 3:24 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village in saranac lake NEW YORK USA 

it is precisely 11:25 pm in the lovely city
 of MOSCOW in the country of RUSSIA now. 

It’s a lovely day to see through an extremely sweet special delivery to Sir Vladimir Putin as my long dignafied extrodinay lovely delight as my sweet darling Sir Vladimir Putin - charming and exuberantly ineffable. As the Kremlin of Russia, austere stern ethical humanitarian is much larger a responsibility in a country so very large.    And high tea - and baha with certainty of a love for life is certainly a cultivated caring aspect to enjoy the fruited pleathora of a little lovely effort made of anyone - The exuberant gifts for my birthday were extrodinary from Sir Vladimir Putin adorably - reflective of baha invites and excitment with an exceptional love of life’s daily achievements - set - 
ready - and race together in an expection of a certainty of a basic lovely day to see through details of details and even axhaltly - austere at times- broadly at times - not unlike the astarity of what the greater peoples of the USA are in to a look at some better certainty in a care and careful attention to importance of even the smallest in a decision in the ethical narrow tiny details too.  The USA peoples of greater are with large quantifications of an ethical repose and a great love even for me- and a care of the somber notes - care of a RUSSIA and the Kremlin’s assounding admirable - stern kindness ethically of broadened aspects in a large country of good Royal Cultural Reality - and a unknown  look at a whole world at times in villages large and even tiny villages too. Map studies are a rage in villages now in the country of Russia too, and have been a perplexing interest more and more throughout the world. Every country - peoples are traveling more near and some times chose a little longer travel to prepare to even travel 100 miles or 400 miles in an over night short travel. It’s very exciting.  

It is almost February 14th in Europe now, not yet morning in Russia, while it is morning in the FAR EAST of EUROPE in even Beijing China and Saigon, Vietnam too. Fine high noon tea is a cultural love in the FAR EAST IN Europe as in many countries in Europe as well. Africa too has high tea as well as somewhat of a eased formality. 

It’s my wish of love to everyone on February 14th 2023 
as tomorrow will be in the USA on Saint Valentines Day. with a menu note : and a week long time to prepare for a finest dinner outting or at home. 

Chocolate Hearts - made at home can be made with chocolate chips and melted in a tin can inside of a sautee pan- butter inside of half egg shells, reserved (saved) after a few sautéed eggs for breakfast. butter carefully in side a half egg shell- and then use a coco powder of hot coco mix to powder the inside of the shell again over the softened butter at room temperature. Then with melted chocolate and a small spoon fill the egg shell with melted chocolate chips melted, not cooled, with an egg carton under the egg shell halves, as soon as you fill the egg shell, use a small knife and put a score through the chocolate softly warm, in the center by pointing  the tip of the knife at one side and through the center dragging the knife - to the other side to form a point at the plum heart chocolate - and then finish the chocolates in each egg cup - filling all the egg shells, after the warm chocolates are filled - you will have  all plum heart shaped - then place the egg carton carefully in a flat space in the refrigerator freezer and set your timer on your phone for 30 minutes to possibly one hour to chill the entire egg shell plum chocolate hearts. Remind your self to - warm the chocolate in a constant warm while working carefully to fill the egg shells and create your very own plum chocolate hearts.  Do not burn the chocolate and set in a thin layer of hot water in the sautee’ pan under the tin of melted chocolate  to assure warm chocolate or turn the oven off between small amounts of chocolate chips in a melt. Not to burn the chocolate in any way. Just melted stirring the chips constantly until just melted. Before setting in the freezer to chill. Cut enough marachino cherries in half and then trim them carefully into hearts if you wish a more pointed heart, and set on the top of the egg shelled fill or place them at the bottom of the egg shells before filling with chocolate, as you flip the cherry half’s flat side up and snug into the egg shell cup before adding the melted  chocolate and keep the coco powder  under the cherry half buttered- for a more round Plum red heart and you might have to reheat it over again to soften the melt of the chocolate to finish your plum hearts. Cooled Chocolate in the shell are slightly difficult to remove if you have not buttered the inside cleaned shells well and used a heavy dusting of  coco powedering too. Filling the chocolates is possible with a candy carmel - square and wrapped small carmels - just cut the carmel to a 1/4 th size- that four times in one piece of carmel - 1/ 4 is one slice of four cut peices from only one carmel at a time. Then place a tiny cut of carmel in the chocolate as you fill the egg. 

Of course tiny chocolate plum hearts are lovely on any table in a fine tiered dish ( known as a tree platter for small  especially sweets or tea sandwiches.  

To create red powder on the chocolate coating - in the cake section of the grocery - there are small containers of red sugar for decoration cookies and cakes- easily used for a chocolate as well. While I recommend that you crush the red sugar in a bag at home and use a tin can to pound the red sugar to a dusty type of sugar and enjoy using with the coco mixed. Or create a somewhat bold sugar red coco dusting as a choice. 
grocery purchased tube sugar icing -  frosting the chocolate is easily just a tube of vanilla frosting from the grocery and some tubes come with a star tip that created a fancy ruffle poof of sugar frosting. With a little square of wax paper, you can place each chocolate out of the shell pealed off while frozen chilled - and set of a little sugar vanilla frosting flower poof - and have a fine wax paper under each one on a small square - and set them on a fine plate ready to serve for your menu Brunch. The red Cherry will show on top with fine chocolate around the red cherry and a white creamy beautiful layer of a cloud frosting ( known as icing). 

Of course slices rose plums from tomotoes are easily prepared as well, and lovely for a fine stuffed seafood inside a plum rose sliced tomotoe. Cut the whole tomotoe as a scoop shapes inverted cone in the center of the tomatoe and trim two opposite sides of the tomatoe top into a v shaped like a plum heart in beautiful red tomotoe -  a small sharp  paring knife to core the center out to puff the tomotoe filling of a crab salad or tuna salad. The tin tomotoes are delicious in a whole canned tomotoe already pealed, or a fresh vine ripe tomotoe, either. A tin of tuna lite packed in water is very good for the Plum heart stuffed tomatoe, or a tiny tin of crab lump crabmeat is small and perfect for one or two  people. With a larger fine dinner of Shrimp of a stick like a Turkey leg stick - with a spicy cucumber sauce - or a favorite curry sauce - even a bottled Asian selected sauce. Fine Russian Sauce made with a perfect ketchup and some mayonnaise and sweet pickle relish., or Indian Chutney - maybe. English or Scottish chutney is very good too. Or a Swedish cream pepper sauce,  A standard USA bbq sauce, Coctail sauce too is delicious with just Ketchup and a lite spoon mixed in with horseradish sauce from a very tiny jar- very strong flavor. African sauce is spicy with a few drops of tobacco sauce in a mainiase dejion mustard, Ice Berg green salad chopped is always very delicious with sweet canned corn on top and some chopped thin sliced red bell peppers, with a cucumber pealed and sliced freshly purchased. or a hand made cabbage salad - recipe soon. Round grilled cheese hor derve’ ( or derv. ) crusted grilled white bread basics with your favorit cheese grilled golden brown on both sides pan sautee’ grilled with a fine Gouda cheese either smoked or non - smoked Gouda cheese. Very lite mayoniase and tiny mustard bittered both side of bread before grilling. Cut bread freshly ready with a Tina tin cleaned and ready.  Served hot are also a bit fun, or create a flat bread middle eastern  pizza in small round sizes. Top with mozzarella cheese and a tomato picane’ with fresh sliced alvacado and lite rind slices of ripe black olives- are pan grilled delicious after covering the top to melt the cheese and oven top bake the flat bread -with delicious fresh delights. Serve with some hot potato fried or puffed.  Mayoniase is needed for the tuna salad and the crab lump meat salad. Pineapple in heavy syrup - is in a small tin and is sweetly heavy sugar syrup. 
Whipped cream and also coconut flakes and Rasins with almond slice will be for the Cabbage Salad with manderine orange sliced in a tin - already peaked and in a syrup of sweet sugar and always delicious. Cabbage salvage freshly made is with one head of cabbage needed. 

Fruit  Pie with Ice Cream around the world? 


Pumkin Cheese Cakes perhaps with a whole week into next week to prepare a finest memo of a bright enjoyment for the Saint of Valentine ( Valor ) ( of a fine achievement of the espirtit of humanity in an ethical love of life breathful in a true - existence strength in worth of broadened love). With a love to everyone on the day of real ancient historical Valentine all over the world. 

A real Saint Day of Valentines week in the Merriest Christmas New Year 2023. 

4:44 pm with a message from 
Michael Bloomberg 
Messages many while this was in late January 
2023 with very lovely cares. 


photographic archive of my 2023 pre- recordings of an album of music compositions and an international exhibition with a book of sketches known as 
the CRACKED EGG SERIES 2013, as a photographic work of my artistic covering of my recording DVD later schedule for recording in my 
Moscow Russia estate rental flat - not yet for sale. 
Photographic Credits Internationally 2013 from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
photographed in my USA southern estate rental home office 2013 from my personal archieves - 



The International music compositions of many of my own works in music are internationally very welll known and many were a largely loved in honors Nationally in the USA and Internationally all over the world. The peace and economic cultural exhibitions of my own sweet work and mind of dignaty are with my arias and modern original form in developments in music of 3000  arias I sang, and so many massages of pure love- I am with exceptional excitment of graces of everyone with a very special Thank You and the love of everyone - with exuberant excitement that I charish forever.  

love again and again from 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

excuse me, it’s a love message from some very ole’ wildly famous friends of mine- they are devilishly delightful and quite mezmerizing in a serious perplexity with very well noted political work of years in more than just major motion films for television - 

The love of my darling men -with 
a Secret Bear Run 

film of Robert Redford
(< left) and Paul Newman (right > ) 

film   perplexity of a serious political nature. 

Paul Newman, 
in a special message updated now with some ole friends from years back. In the minutette especial glimps of the refilming of the movie : THE STING 

7:42 pm sir BORIS YELTSIN is an emeritus retired political president of the country 
of RUSSIA and sent me a message  especial delivery from 
the country of RUSSIA. It was so good of Sir Boris  Yeltsin to have said that I have made quite and impression on RUSSIA as sir Yeltsin 
wished to say a Very BOLD EXPRESSIVE creative political statement. With the message from sir Boris Yeltsin also is  good wishes to the whole world and especially to the lovely PEOPLES of Russia. 

Again today it is a saint of the day of Valentine’s Christmas New Years 2023 all week. Merci ‘ with love from me, princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

film credit : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
a finest porcilin bisque gold trimmed tree tier plate platter - for tiny sweets into summer 2023. 
With a carved sculptured “ CHUERB “ of a fine ancient sculpture of European History of a playful dream of feelings of our childhood of wishes to love inside your self forever- softly to behold a brilliance and natural self ethical stride, at all ages even with an ancient guitar. 

a Valentine’s  Of February to be. 

Not Plum Chocolate Hearts Yet - instead my morning working breakfast of an extra fine tray of sour cream fry cake freshly made donuts with a lite glaze. Soft and delicious from a small grocery fuel stop - named 
Stewart’s Fuel and grocery in saranac lake NY USA. 
five minutes from my estate rental and easy to stroll and pick up a few extra market store items. Fry cakes are delicious by the box half dozen at $4.99 as a speciality cake. 

With Frank Sinatra at 8:45 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village on February  13th 2923 
eastern standard time New York USA 

In Moscow Russia the precise 
time is 4:47 am on February 14th 2o23. 

9:01 late message from Mikhail Baryshnikov 

How lovely of you darling Mikhail, to have gifted me our first practice of my childhood dance - of a sweet solo, with a finest head band feathered just as mine was of my circle dance first of age 9, in my childhood solo dance and loved well as so fun. Of course Mikhail is a world well noted in fine literary theatre -of Finest Ballet of Standards in a cultural  of finest theatre’ even political ethical of jounre’ of humanity in perplexity of culturally riche of love. 

sir Mikhail Baryshnekov 
is from Russia and performing in city of Leningrad within the fine country of Germany in Eastern Europe, as what secret fun before the full ballet’ announcements. 

10:05 pm Feather your first Head Band 
for a practice of the Easter Dance as a 
Circle Solo Dance of your own - 
at all ages, as well as the unannounced 
brilliantly very special tiara dance. 
Practice of the celebrate ms 
feather flight of dance in fine work 
to be ready and honor self 
achievement in a very fine 
event in Easter’s spring with 
lush excitement of even bold decisions in 
your own pencil work of 
in math and more. 

Faux  Feathers (not real are machine made in special manufacturing of a company especially ) 
and even make a little bird doll. Or attach to your
Braids if you were braids. Even a fess feather tucked in your hat band pinned in. 

Foam Ball to craft your special bird of feathers with a yarn head and brass wire feet to enjoy at Easter on the center of your table or a book shelve. 


Strait Pins 

Jewel  beaded birds of a feather - With your finest details of a flight  of extra table dining artistry for Easter Especial Events Perhaps. Even a fine desk bird. 
read  Strait Pins with a large head - for beading is needed and Elmers Liquid Non- toxic glue is a good product for all ages ready to create a Easter Bird Early

fine head band is a choice, I myself selected a variety of gold tassel ancient brocade sting woven ribbon for a bangy fluffy expressionist - fine circle dance head band. Or a diamond  tassel Read 

10:47 pm with a simple good night, 
and good day in Europe. enjoy planning details for a valentine week- of plum chocolate hearts and red plum tomotoe stuffed with seafood salad- even inside of a layered green ice burg lettuce cup on a fine plate- delicious. 

11:11 pm in my tiny village with an especial message from Pope Francis of Italy in the city of Rome in Europe whom visited Africa and children are excited in preparing for the tiara events and grown ups are preparing a fine practice of solo dance as well from Africa in Europe as a very very large country of delightfully brilliant peoples I love very well too.  

from the arch bishop as the 
Pope, from Rome Italy in Europe,
 Monsenior Saint  Francis sir. with very special thank you 
to everyone and good night. 
Love from Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

March 25th 2023 

photographic credit : princess Tracy Suzanne PIckett  
“birthday jewels “ gifts. 
photographed on 
March 25th 2023 

12:34 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village 
in saranac lake New York USA. Moscow Russia is 7:35 pm now. 

Tchaikovsky  Ballet Swan Lake with the Royal  Ballet of the country 
Of RUSSIA is outstanding, as is the French Royal philharmonic. With piano of ROCHMANINOV of Russia, from Paris France. 

working BRUNCH late today 
after 2:00 pm 
eastern standard time in my tiny village. 
Of course that is after 10:00 pm in MOSCOW RUSSIA. 

is there life on mars  with a special music compositing recorded in an update recently updated from David Bowie 
is rare and in a glazen lovely 
brilliance only 
David Bowie can set. 

Political Films, Conversations and Expressions  2023 

film link not yet available. Soon next month I will be posting a new email contect for friends and collegians interested in my work - and a new phone number as well. I missed a great many emails last year and have great love for my friends as well as my colegies and peoples in the world. Take notes that my new contect will be up next month as well as history of my royal American - European which I wish for everyone to hopefully find interesting and enjoyable. 

Late brunch was delicious. a late message from Micheal Bloomberg at Christmas film  

March 26th 2923. 
Mikhail Baryshnikov a RUSSIAN literary theatre’ ballet personality is with a wonderful ballet today. 


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