At, exactly 2:08 pm, Sunday June 18 th 2023 eastern standard time, USA time, in my tiny village, in Saranac Lake, New York, USA, the online issues- was repaired and later with again an issue, of the JUNE 2023 LOVE LETER unreadable, after I posted the most prestigious economic forum update in the world in St. Petersburg Russia with lecture key note speaker, Sir Vladimir Putin, esteemed - in humanities and economic as the lecturer - joined by millions, with an honored FILMED LECTURE, suddenly unreadable - in my june post, with a gift HTML, from Sir Vladimir Putin, and then my SOS to RUSSIA, I should mention that only the posts from June were effected in unreadable concerns, as very important to the USA, in ways and loved in the June LOVE NOTES issue, loved very well, in the USA everywhere and loved throughout the world. Very important posts they are. Loved globally. The online issue occurred, June 16 th 2023, just after midnight. Hooray, online reading is in repair forever, now is working intermittently - in June pages, enjoy the many other readable areas, with ease, now. My SOS to RUSSIA continues.
3:44 am update June 17th 2023 From My Tiny Village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
SOS to RUSSIA, SENT BY SPECIAL DELIVERY - in the international news. USA news interference caused by the Oval Office, State Depertment Director, and the a few in Pentagon and NATO of a few, very unsavvy characters, bleeped, some of my love notes in online issues on June 16 th 2023, with many posts on my love notes that suddenly became unreadable. I am sure, the issue will resolve soon. Studio Vosse, my company, that is, is with a very important international catalogue sale coming up. more soon, while I duplicated, love notes and added june 16 th 2023 and june 17 th 2023 to the top. There will be a seven day delay of my catalogue event, originally scheduled on June 19th 2023. The new date for the catalogue sale event will be June 26 th 2023. More on the event later in the week.
ROBERT REDFORD, the major movie personality, and large screen movie producer, world renowned, had a similar issue with his BOX OFFICE, in Sundance International Cinema Events, in Salt Lake, City Utah, USA a while back, with the world premier independent film festival, in the SUNDANCE international film festival, online box office, with millions flocking to Salt Lake City, Utah in person, for the international famous film events. The sos, he wrote, was reached to the moon and back, with a tiny sos message, and then, the event - was unstoppable. Brilliant on line international sos, success. Knowing and belief, in the dignity of international aliegences - was more than savvy. Soon, my love notes, at my tiny, but well loved and quite well respected international company, will be solidly unstoppable, with more love notes, at my little company Studio Vosse. Banana News posts and other posted notes, were not effected. Many people, reread, love notes and Banana News, with enormous amounts of lovely and important messages to me, daily. It is assured to be
worth my SOS to RUSSIAN and everywhere, internationally.
with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY everywhere in the whole world. Enjoy making a pancake recipe from the NEW YORK TIMES, for and extra special FATHER’S DAY. READ
Posted SUNDAY JUNE 18 th 2023 for Father’s and families all over the world, at 6:53 pm, with the USA open golfing world league PGA Tournament, of professional Golf, EXCELLENCE with FILM my father and, Wendel Powers would have enjoyed the golfing films, perhaps everyone all over the world will too.
It is with my pleasure to say- again, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY everywhere, all over the world.
with love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Update email 9:05 pm Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW, from the NEW YORK TIMES summer recipes read
June 18th 2023, 9:06 pm NEW YORK USA NOW 7:04 am SOS MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 19 th 2023
earlier - before Sunday Morning USA,
email just minutes ago, 2:04 am June 18th 2023, DWRREAD
email to me, posted 2:40 am in NEW YORK USA NOW
Sir Vladimir Putin, Humanitarian, International Diplomate, and President of Russia
and an email, yesterday from Moscow Russia, sir Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, at the most Prestigious International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
film from the Kremlin of RUSSIA, Sir Vladimir Putin President of Russia.
Lecture Film Credit: The Office of the Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA , Sir Vladimir Putin.
Special Film Recording of the BEATLES, LISTEN
Film Credit: the Beatles.
My NEW ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK will be on sale soon, from a 14 th century recipe, exciting, vibrant 14 th century ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, is quite fun. The whole world needs to know- LOVE LETTERS was interfered with online inside the USA. I duplicated the current love letter., and, then added, some of the most up to date posts at the top, under my photograph portrait. Of course the equity of time within my company has grown in worth, possibly worth more than, twitter, in todays vested interests.
June 16th 2023
4:03 pm from my TINY VILLAGE, in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, NOW.
Good day to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia. Showering you with kisses all over your face, sent. As you sleep, May you dream of them, my kisses. Catch them with your sweet hands and mind. Delivering a devotion to so many peoples with lovely, understated endless details, is quite lovely. I shall, highlight again, more vividly, such RUSSIAN LOVE. The telephone companies in Russia, of course can be with ease to smart phone technology phones, in boardering countries, as the efforts of many months for telecommunications networks - to the details of the Russian Kremlin, improved to assure- not just everyone to have assured phones, but improved the future of strengthing the very best, telecommunications networks - for phone and online services in excellence. With international calling of course. A standard need - needless to say. Sweet sir Vladimir Putin, you’re adorable. I enjoyed a late breakfast today. Working quite late last evening, to finish the details of the 14 th century FLAMBÉ BOOK. THE BOOK cover, will be complete today. It’s rather exciting with all that hard work. My working breakfast was a home made, raisin cream vanilla custard pie with whipped cream.
Perfect in a busy week.
Good day to peoples of RUSSIA, good day, in the Ukraine to everyone as well. The films, sent, from some Ukrainian people, were with many messages of relief in ways, of RUSSIA with very good cares. Thank you for the messages of cares to Russia and love to everyone in the whole world. The relief efforts, from the OFFICE of the KREMLIN in RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, with the prestigious executive government, and many government offices, are with excellent efforts, and plentiful jobs and even fine rental estates, with extra - relief efforts as well. Even if made, difficult, RUSSIAN LOVE, is more than imaginable, in such difficulty. More, very soon, in Banana News, beyond the email and phone numbers directly - for need based services from the OFFICE of the KREMLIN, of the government of the country of RUSSIA.
With a few extra minutes, I have taken the time, to again,
post the Phone and Email, Directly from the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, thee, President of the country of RUSSIA, for ease to any flood relief, in special needs, to Ukraine citizens.
And good day, to everyone, everywhere in the world, as well.
The very prestigious and extremely successful
Saint Petersburg Economic Forum
which takes place in Saint Petersburg Russia,
are of great lengthy efforts, excellence in success, for a strong kind, noble worth to RUSSIA.
The Kremlin’s understated - worthy efforts expanded are of a prosperous improved economy over many years internationally as well. The stabilized solid small and very large companies in Russia, have been a strength to taxes for a good RUSSIAN cultural standard. With excellence in citizens benifits, with solid standards educationaly. Taxes - of course, did not replace the daily hard work of the Kremlin, to even improve standards in the justice departments of Russia, with excellence in equality to forgiveness needs, and strengthened social programs, with a very kind cultural savvy, RUSSIA. READ
more soon. 5:40 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA
soon more
from a personal photographic archive
I’M IN LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME, very special music from the BEATLES. NOW
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison
film credit: James Taylor, emailed in a very special message today.
more soon. 6:22 pm ART, ANTIQUITIES, CULTURE, fun film updates from an email of SOTHEBY’S
6:28 pm eighteen chicken salad recipes, by MARTHA STEWART, email update, READ 6:31 pm NY USA NOW yesterday email, from Oprah Winfrey in a special from the city of Detroit, Mishima USA with an exciting FILM , from thee, OPRHA WINFREY. more soon.
for the right lane only, $1499.00 free shipping. READ.
update email,
with a very special film.
film credit: John Melloncamp with a special thank you kindly,
xo with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 9:12 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
email from Thee Steven Spielberg, whom is a very wonderful,
Major Movie Director, with tremendously creative, very successful loved film movies, very well known.
Enjoy the update: Steven Spielberg in conversation
with Stephen Colbert
more soon. merci everyone xo. Splendid.
4:18 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW June 17th 2023
Special HAPPY BIRTHDAY, yesterday, into a BIRTHDAY WEEK,
to sir Xi Jinping, President of the country of CHINA.
with a famous opera from MARIA CALLAS
more soon.
1:48 am in my tiny village, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW
june 17 th 2023, one hour and forty eight minutes after midnight. 8:51 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW.
yes, I received a very special email from Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin
as in thee President of the vast country of lovely RUSSIA.
A gift html, FILM of the very prestigious globally recognized,
ECONOMIC FORUM, quite, a lovely lecture of great importance to the world.
The prestigious audience of so many fine people, filled the large RUSSIAN auditorium, in one of the world most important economic lectures, from the Nobel Peace Honor, in outstanding efforts of economics of a greatest humanities, devoted to worth of people. The delightful people in city of
Saint Petersberg, Russia, filled the good city, considerably well, of thee city the Kremlin was born, and worked in serious studies, in growing up, and later, his post secondary education, in well noted honored, of a degree in International Law, with a degree in International Business, within humanities studies.
an outstanding international political lecture
in FILM withSir Vladimir Putin
film credit: direct from the OFFICE of the KREMLIN, sir, VLADIMIR PUTIN,
of the Government of the country of RUSSIA.
merci, darling sir Vladimir Putin, it was generous of you to send the html FILM. Very Gracious of You.
with respects of love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
June 17th 2023 NEW YORK, USA NOW posted at 3:30 am above after USA interference from Anarchey in the Oval Office, and State Department, NATO, and the Pentagon of the United States of America, with MAJOR NEWS of extremely difficult issues of the USA with missing taxes, and my BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, updates- of catastrophic damages caused by the Oval Office of the United States of America. With all eyes of the people, side by side, near and far, ready willing and able for changes, within a congressional constitutional peoples majority ruling USA constitutional law,
ethics process. Yes, with powers of rights, to the peoples, when misconduct to taxes and misuse of taxes are very important, for the whole world, in a new era. 2023.
Royal Indian Summer. Love Letters. Has Begun and is with. a Royal Russian Pearl Counting Book sacred to all of the large country of Russia to know throughout all the world.
The Canadian Geese from Toronto are still meandering in waddling stroll gracious in New York.
It is —- time for Pearl Counting.
The ROYAL INDIAN SUMMER RUSSIAN PEARL counting events has begun. The tradition has been one of the greatest influences of RUSSIA, that which
is a RUSSIAN tradition that is loved in every village of every country in the world.
Perils of the mind are a sacred reality to hold very close inside ourselves to
charish often our own sacred humanity. Counting pearls could be an influence of Russian wiles kept a secret of a feaverant sacred lovely mind - of thy self be known.
The photograph is from the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK of a finest in culinary artistry of the 14th century to modern times. The new BOOK will be available for purchase by the middle of June 2023, and includes three, not one, of the three traditional flambés which originated in the 14 th century. A traditional method of an open grill flambé for opulent outdoor events will be included in the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, written by princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. As myself, that is with very special details of pure love.
The night of my very large photography sessions scheduled, I received a late email from the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin, whom decorated his lovely board room office formal Kremlin Office in ribbons to celebrate my book photograph sessions - and send me a very special gift photograph that I find exceptionally special - as well, as I am extremely glad to see the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, within his most lovely gold formal office in the center of MOSCOW RUSSIA.
The special archive of the Kremlin of the country of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin.
Within the public notes online of the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, the public Kremlin’s daily notes reflect a very good percent figure of Revenue for Russian Citizens increased to, 87 percent in the update in economic trade last year into the year now 2023. The effects of the prudency involved in Russia from some notes I received, have even effected the USA in an upswing of travel and better excellence in matters proper, even in increased travel recently to the country of Spain. Unusually interesting is that the care of Russian influence not to be over run, by some in the USA very uncooth, more than unsavvy, we as a country worked far beyond the difficulties even within all citizens and governors and senate- in ways that the National Parks have received over 300 million visitors in the USA in almost a year, and the averages of revenue for most companies has held at a steady percent in good positive growth- and my tiny village recently has improved some shops with steady growth in the average company revenue for many.
There has been great effects that sir Vladimir Putin, as Kremlin of the country of Russia, has effected in greater ways than imaginable throughout Europe in exceptional ways with countries that have experiences job growth, with Sir Vladimir’s specialization in humanitarian capitalism of economics and cultural humanities even with very strong bold social programs and over double the financial amount of government tax based money benefits - citizens have- much more than double of the USA. A reality of what is possible in even much greater retirement, is very important for any country. Very important to the country of Russia and Russian citizens, as well, important to all surrounding countries that are in fact, much smaller. The abundance of Russian humanitarian worth in Sir Vladimir Putin’s efforts is with grain sold low priced to even the country of Africa that is excellent for the large country of Africa and awful wonderful that Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin has taken his specialized worth to extend such cares in assurances of lowest cost grain excess to the Great country of Africa whom can afford the purchases for Russian Farm Wealth, exceedingly important in humanitarian
reality in any county.
Top secret news today on May 30th 2023, about beach excursions for the annex project that the Kremlin of Russia was hopeful to see as a reality. In the USA there was a similar project detail, to improve the lives of peoples, with a real, $1.00 bus across the country in a fine luxurious travel trip- and saved money to eat out in an opulent risterante at least once during a real summer mini holiday- even into NEW YORK CITY by BUS. Even from boardering countries such as from the city of TORONTO CANADA. In the country of Great Very Large Canada into some lovely event mini holidays for just $1.00 per bus ride.
The KREMLIN of RUSSIA is with smashing ideals - even in imagining a beach side holiday of city travel for so many in bordering countries, realistically small countries all, with great opportunities to take an inexpensive holiday - Ukrainian people find such advantageous choices quite advantageous in becoming a bit worldly in finest travel to realize more. The special busses this year for a BAHA BRUNCH CITY STROLL outing to pack up a little fine French Note Book, with a field box paint kit- and cozy loafers - Privo Brand are very comfortable travel shoes- for men and women- camera phones ready with film to capture a holiday memory in real film you can play back at home on a movie projector small enough for phones. For years, I have had an Autumn Event with many fine travel films for my guests to watch - like a giant film on my wall, large projector style, that my dinner guests love- with a BBQ CHICKEN on a stick a late autumn pumpkin pie with extra spice, fine Fresh Crisp Salad, with real flambé’ - Brunch Beachside or city strolls are with hot pack cases to pack hot lunch bags-and buy hot foods very delicious for outdoor splendor - hot packs good for travel, especially for BAHA PANCKE BRUNCH when buying a fine pancake brunch with sausage and fresh large grilled farm eggs sautéed in butter, for a truly wonderful mini travel holiday. I hope the entire reality in the boardering annex areas the Kremlin gained hope for- is going to enjoy the hopes of $1.00 bus excursions. It was awful, the swerved awful reporting - that was not with any reports accurate in much of the news - in the Ukraine. Some Ukrainian people did not get a chance to say, they all mostly felt very lucky to have the larger cares of Russia. The hope that the Ukraine gain a way to see a new president - is a reality broadening of more than hope. The thoughts of BAHA PANCAKE BRUNCH CITY STROLL MINI HOLIDAYS on special $1.00 busses to really feel the love of breathful real international culture in Europe - is dreamy of the Kremlin, -and a wish in Ukraine villages all. With a little tin coffee can drum - event, even make some extra money in summer 2023 could be a going rage for the Ukraine to afford even a beach outing - much like some do in NEW YORK CITY MANHATTAN USA, with is a metropolis of love - strumming on a tin coffee can - or singing acapello- like Bill Joel reached lengths to achieve in New York City early in his career. Recently selling a new dvd at a $300 million dollar sales for Billy Joel’s later sales - years after his lovely first album.
Unsavvy USA journalist - May need to substantiate their reports with actual films of - whom is giving them some swarthy sweltering information - and holding up possible busses to many beach side hopes, while -instead a much faster transition could be, to what was supposed to become - unfettered in USA blither stemming from very large missing tax dollars in the USA - more details on some emails noteworthy -posted soon, in assured ways to stop dc Oval Office grabs in tax grippers fully. Yes. Questions need answers in USA taxes, with the compliance reports made public as ethics laws in the USA require, and reporting of process and ethical protocol in activities in the pentagon, not in compliances with the Peoples Process in a Peoples Majority Rule of even activities of Millitary of Course that the citizens of the USA have to see repairs to stabilize the USA economy - all citizens work hard at.
What is what, with so many messages, i May have some extra time in
Banana News Revival international press.
There will be — June 2023 Updates in Banana News Revival international press, with Arnold Schwarzenegger paying to repair pot holes - in Los Angeles - The new era of much greater in the USA is a possibility more now than in all history of time. There are many desires of citizens in large efforts, in the USA with all the many villages of peoples whom more than care. Even emails to post from , Tom Hanks with updates and further Harvard updates- and Yale too, Standford and other good Universities that have emailed, and yes, Tom Cruise and more in Banana News Revival international press - which has leaped in astounding love peoples have all over the world, in a most unexpected love across the USA and absolute loved everywhere in the whole world with many messages daily about the incredible love all over the world for LOVE LETTERS to the Russian Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, and a greatest love to the world. People everywhere have a devoted love to BANANA NEWS as well.
Many people, far more than ever before, traveled to the country of Spain recently after my posts about Baha in Spain and some polo, and even got in some early beach BAHA, more BAHA with city strolls are in sight, on a fine summer $1.00 bus special project that’s incredible, that makes mini holidays extra special, even in Europe, as some cities are even with free train projects as well, that the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin as president of Russia began some years back. The efforts have increased business and ability to gain jobs in other countries - and easily in other cities which is going well. The country of Russia was largely with an increase in profits to companies in Russia as a strong ratio profit of 87 percent profitability steady in solid standards and economic stability throughout a whole year and solidly doing well, to date. Important for the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin to see fruits of his efforts and watchful eye on the assurances toward the large country of peoples of the country of Russia. Find more updates soon, from peoples all over the world, as I will make extra time for throughout June 2023 in Banana News Revival international press too.
Sir Vladimir Putin, has amazing projects - details top secret, in the planning stages, not unlike some of my projects and event planning - with little talk, until the finalized plans, and a great announcement of course, and worth proper news reality.
BAHA BOAT packs in automobile well, inflatable and under $160.00 Ready to Travel READ Full BAHA swim wear for women under $20.00 read Men’s Swim Trunks $9.99 read
BRUNCH WARMER with usb plug in $18.92 free shipping read
For excellent beach side or city strolling brunch with two eggs, with potatoe fries, sausage and pancake ready for the beach or a bus ride and city stroll all summer in times to broaden the lovely perils of the mind and memories in film and photographs.
Connect your BRUNCH WARMER to a solar power pack - with usb ready plug in $12.95 read
Italian Men’s Polos as low as $19.99 read Women Summer Cashmere under $16.00 read
Linen Summer Strolling Dress $13.96 read USA mega bus offers many tickets cross country at $1.00
7:13 pm Eastern Standard Time, from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA.
LOUIS VUITTON FASHION SHOW, replayed with a lite brunch was worth adding. How exciting it is to feel the effects of exploration through our clothieries collection. Invigorating with the efforts of
7:14 pm from my tiny village NEW YORK USA with an updated fashion show from MOSCOW RUSSIA and another fine fashion show from the Ukraine - updated, with news from GUCCI an EVENT from Beijing, China and Sweden and South Korea and North Korea. I can hardly wait to finish the posts - updates. My wish is that everyone everywhere in the world is having a lovely evening or morning in Europe with finest breakfast, lunch or dinner, sitting or standing, and all over the world, within the USA too. Lovely kisses sent to everyone- and extra kisses to shower darling sir Vladimir Putin with - from me, and everywhere all over the world. Oh, a message from Julian Lennon emailed today, Larry Ellison, and Bill Gates, too- Yoko Ono may have an update with all hopes.
with love to everyone everywhere, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The PIAZZA PIZZA and SODA POP EVENT are with many, many,
messages of interest with countries listed soon with exact locations
and a true international event. LIVE ON- THE-AIR ONLINE TV STUDIO VOSSE EVENT.
4:36 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW may 31st 2023
May 31st 2023, 8:28 am eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. Good Day to everyone all over the world. Everywhere, I wish to say hello. Hello to the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, as well. Wishing you the loveliest day, as the birds are with a song, even in the Vatican in Rome Italy. I wish to express my love for Vermeer, a painter in historical works of art, as one of my favorites is the painting, THE GIRL WITH THE PEARL EARRINGS. It’s a loved painting, that many travel to see, in person in Eastern Europe. I have a good supply store for Field Boxes of Paint and good papers- such as Canson Brand watercolor paper from the USA, and French Imported Paper - fine heavy weight sketch papers or cotton watercolor papers. Fabriano Brand is Italian import, also very good. Field Boxes of Paint mean- travel box paint to take to fields and parks for tree paintings or with a reflective compact mirror- sketches of self with pearl earrings or a fine golden cross on the neck, maybe an Italian gold chain.
Jerry’s Art Supply Store FEILD BOX READ pencil feild set start at under $3.00
Johanne Vermeer, was a DUTCH painter from the Netherlands in HAGUE, in Eastern Europe. The painting THE GIRL WITH THE PEARL EARRINGS is famously loved all over the world. Travelers make special trips to enjoy the remarkably alluring painting, painted with a rare blue paint, in ancient times, only found made from a rare blue flower that only grows atop, one mountian region in the far eastern country of China.
before the year 1675 hundreds of years ago.
8:58 am A RARE WINE AUCTION. and PEARLS and NBA ? Yes.
Thee Michael Jordan is with incredible archives at the NBA to enjoy well, and study Micheal Jordan’s scores, not just in basketball but also in incredible college achievements which made it possible for the lovely Michael Jordan to have earned a magnificent career, world renowned in Basketball - noted as a world champion. With archive photographs and film
emailedyesterdaywas really entertaining in a fun little film at 6:00 am with coffee, in my tiny village estate rental. The coffee, yesterday was RUSSIAN, in a special import purchase I made at winter holiday. JFG roast coffee, is very good, South American beans in a southern TENNESSEE USA roast from KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, USA. Excellent quality, very low price- for everyday coffee in the USA is a fine choice, and there are many choices. I’m not sure the secret to the RUSSIAN roast import, though it’s bold, smooth and excellent for special morning films that can be a bit luxurious- with Porsche and Sotheby’s.
More Soon.
12:39 pm NEW YORK USA NOW email from the GETTY MUSEUM with a book,
Bill Gates email with a FILM 1:25 pm from my tiny village NY USA NOW
yesterdays email from ENGLAND, of the ROYAL FAMILY,
Princess Kate and Prince William via Vanity Fair READ
YOKO ONO with a gift HTML to me, that means a great bit of things to me. YOKO ONO is a renowned artist in meanings of WORLD PEACE with expressions reflective and important to the world, forever.
thank you so well, YOKO ONO for your expressions.
With love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
1:40 pm eastern standard time, from Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
Thee Julian Lennon, son of YOKO ONO and JOHN LENNON emailed me early yesterday morning with a very fine update of recording of, songs produced by Thee Julian Lennon. LISTEN
More Soon.
June 1th 2023 1:25 pm from my tiny village.
Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
“seeking serenity, of geese and goslings”
The film is a quiet minute in Saranac Lake, New York USA just two days ago- before the Canadian Geese and Canadian Goslings, fly into the northern regions of Toronto Canada Again. The Canadian Geese and Canadian Goslings were in my tiny village, lake side all of Indian Spring, and a pleasurable sight for everyone that meandered in for a little jont ( travel ) in the village. Boaters docking boats were with amazing numbers of boats which also filled the local hotels and outstanding, risterantes. The peoples living in Saranac Lake, New York, were pleased with the village life, strolling with their dogs, boating as well, and enjoying the amazing visit from real Canadian Geese, and Canadian Gosling.
More Soon.
10:07 pm eastern standard time, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.
More Soon Tonight.
12:44 am already after midnight May 2nd and so many surprises - even from GUCCI and Universal Music as well as a email from the very well made sports shoe NIKE, and the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin with some lovely news- the GETTY update is worth it too. More Museum Updates soon and some really nice surprises.
soon I can post a bit more for a great weekend all over the world. Everywhere.
filmed June 1st 2023 in my tiny village in Saranac Lake,
NEW YORK, USA after noon.
of the tiny village lake.
1:05 am NEW YORK USA NOW May 2 nd 2023
8:07 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW May 2nd 2023
May 2 nd 2023 at 3:12 pm from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW.
Working into the evening last night, I spent some time today, relaxing with a fine home made shrimp quiche served with peaches and cream, and some chop chop, fried potatoes- served with Hienz Ketchup. I am waiting on the shipment of a new column style super air cooler, soon to arrive, and lower electric energy - technology - worth buying at $79.00 on wheels. Worth the purchase.
I wish to say a most lovely hello to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia, hello to all peoples of Russia, hello to everyone in all countries, with excitement over some very important - posts throughout the late day, into evening.
The ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK is nearly ready for my catalogue.
I am thrilled- to be able to complete the catalogue and begin a two month event.
in the USA now of a far greater era of importance to a
USA that could reach resounding results of solid stability
important to hold sacred in the USA and of course important
for the world.
The GOP = senate in the USA. Very important headline. It is.
3:27 pm NEW YORK USA. More Soon.
email from the NEW YORKER MAGAZINE yesterday, with important work in the senate, whom adjusted some spending in assured representation of social program spending, edged in by the Governor of Oregon, of concerns of even PORTLAND. Exceeding cares of citizens of the USA, sparked even more from thee John Melloncamp in my Banana News. READ
Photograph Archive from GUCCI, perfectly wonderful to underline the lovely essence of being, from AFRICA and everywhere in the whole world. Further reading and photograph archives at
the GETTY MUSEUM in Los Angeles California USA in
update email just yesterday, say yes again. and READ MORE if you wish.
Several days ago, I received a very special email from sir Vladimir Putin, several emails in fact.
In some public statements that were.already online at the Kremlin’s online publicly read statements, as the message from the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, meetings he worked on of recent, took lengthy time and cultivations, care, and structure, with some countries in the Middle East, are going to be with extra trains, assured in ways with the Kremlin, for improved employment in the Middle East, even more, and improved trade, with eased travel to peoples, individuals in the Middle East, for better sales to smaller village companies- and improved larger company structure, possible of more well paying jobs, more. It was, not unlike the work that sir Vladimir Putin specializes in in far more within humanities than economic structure for RUSSIA, within the country of Russia, a very large country with enormous amounts of citizens that are with 87 percent improved revenue over the whole year within individual business, with excellence in Tax programs for the peoples of the vast - very very large country of Russia of a care to individual wealth, to be able to have opportunity for. The love of the humanities projects in a capitalism of economic cultural humanities, is a great reality for sir Vladimir Putin to extend his expertise to the Middle East recently, with a great solid change, not to be missed, a larger reality of 2023, NOW.
The country of Russia, is with over 190 peoples of ethnicity of a greatest diversity in Russia with cultural liberal modernized reality for Russia, within the quaint cultural cares of diversity- and preservation of ancient worth, very lovely of riche tax reality in an excellence of the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin’s efforts and the vast many peoples aligned in government worth, many peoples of great considerations.
Update directly fromthe Kremlin of the country of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin,is with a love even for my catalogue events - seen in bold yellow - with such cares in an emailed copy. READ How lovely of the wonderful government peoples of the country of RUSSIA as well, with amazing cultivations to love even more globally, everywhere in the world. New areas boarding Russia, in a few areas that the Kremlin ( President) Sir Vladimir Putin has mentioned in his public statements online at the Kremlin’s office MOSCOW RUSSIA - which I have posted a link in this paragraph, is with full coverage of Russia’s social security and all, very good government benefits - extended and in benefit’s a wealth of a RUSSIAN tax reality, with good opportunities for fine choices of employment and full good retirement. Somewhat outstanding and the Kremlin has an email address listed on his site to answer questions to new openings of employment lists, or applications to need based programs as well as a solid Russia social security which sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin as outlined within his most lovely efforts of time, and within his great cares. of course, it’s with an extremely large government of peoples and citizens that realize the work importance, with an involved country that has been large efforts directly from the Kremlin’s office, beyond, good strong social programs, that which expand into increased employment as well as great standards in health, also with high educational standards, and a culture within the country which is 190 different ethnicities with fine public education, and much more, that keeps Russia a solid and very caring country of staying exactly that. Noble, solid, boldly honored, and of a delightful vibrant RUSSIAN LOVE.
The TOM HANKS presents a commencement speech at
HARVRD UNIVERSITY, with some other very noteworthy speakers as well, with a global commencement today for everyone at HARVARD UNIVERSITY seen everywhere in the whole world. with a lovely, lovely FILM Congratulations Everyone,
thank you Tom Hanks
8:31pm NEW YORK USA NOW with a lovely email today from Mike Bloomberg, a very notable philanthropist in many areas, arts, social programs, culture, and more, also a great mayor of NEW YORK CITY formerly, and a prestigious personality greatly achieved in business finance - sent a marvelous message to graduates all over the world in a FILM
Stanford University with an Island Ready BAHA EXCURSION READ
It’s my pleasure to say a greatest thank you to Mike Bloomberg for many messages and many reasons to say thank you of his wonderful efforts in humanitarian success and further efforts he makes everyday.
With love respectively from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
8:46 pm NEW YORK USA
Archive photograph was sent from the MOSCOW TIMES as well as receiving a very special email from Thee Arnold Schwarzenegger -an incredibly special emails I received yesterday.
The well known international large production movie actor -
Arnold Schwarzenegger With pancakes was a surprise.
The BUS is in the RUSSIAN CITY of Belgorod - of a boarder city, of a great love about hopeful BAHA PANCAKE BRUNCH, with a sign in the city that they are happy of the care of the Kremlin and large RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT of so many peoples in good efforts - humanitarian.
thee, Arnold Schwarzenegger with many lovely words,
and a real pancake brunch note emailed yesterday,…
Whether you love the kitchen or are new to it, this has no fancy ingredients and can be ready in as little as 20 minutes. And remember, even if your brain thinks this isn’t healthy, it is perfectly fine to dig in and enjoy!
Note: This recipe will make 6 fairly large pancakes (a serving is 2 pancakes)
4 slices uncured, nitrate-free turkey bacon
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 scoop whey or plant protein powder (this is optional, but bumps up the protein!)
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 eggs
3/4 cup of milk of your choice
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 tablespoons butter
5 dates, pitted and finely chopped (optional, but goes great with the bacon)
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1. In a small sauté pan on medium-high heat, cook the turkey bacon until crispy, three to four minutes per side. Remove from the pan, crumble into small bits, and set aside.
2. Combine the oats, baking powder, protein powder, and cinnamon in a blender or food processor. Pulse until the oats are the texture of flour. Set aside.
3. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, and vanilla. Slowly mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until just combined, taking care not to over mix.
4. Add 1 teaspoon of the butter to the pan and melt it over medium-high heat. Pour in 1/4 cup of the pancake batter. Sprinkle with one-sixth of the chopped dates and sprinkle one-sixth of the crumbled bacon on top. When the top of the pancake begins to bubble, about three minutes, it’s ready to flip. Repeat to cook the other side for two or three minutes, then plate the pancake.
5. Repeat with the remaining batter to make five more pancakes, using a bit more butter as needed.
9:48 pm NEW YORK USA NOW email from Udiscover Music with a sale of a fine recordings
from thee Willy Nelson READ Universal Music with fine self photographic portraits READ
Billy Joel sent me a message with a gift html
that I programmed in- with excitement.
Strait from NEW YORK CITY, the lovely Billy Joel with a very special FILM recording. It is with love returned to you Billy Joel, with many lovely reflections.
From, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
A GIFT recording HTML from the BEATLES, with special thank you everyone.
I love you all, and am very thankful. With more to say soon about the lovely Beatles. merci xo
More Soon.
June 3rd 2023 9:13 am, it is within the graces of my being
that I extend a solum prayer of my angish, to the lost lives in India
and even since 2020.
Tiny Film: in my tiny village June 1st 2023
9:23 am AMAZING GRACE of sorrow, a song
within a greater humanity which I truly reach to nurture
a peace on earth more and forever. Please take a minute
June 4th 2023, 11:36 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. It’s Sunday today with a very special time to wish everyone a wonderful afternoon, and very good week. The finishing literary notes are going into my ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK this week, and quietly exciting. The Film Segments for the unusual film MONSTER and the WALNUT will be- worth working on into next SUNDAY into an extended week after, for a smashingly exciting
11:43 am from my tiny village posting, is a message
in a FILM 8:47 am in Waikiki Beach, Hawaii USA, NOW
direct website, for the Governor of Hawaii too, READ More Soon.
12:17 pm NEW YORK from my tiny village NOW.
Update from the most Fabulous JANE FONDA, whom graciously sent me a gift HTML code to program into LOVE NOTES, with great excitement, as JANE FONDA’s message is perfectly wonderful, as wonderful as her major silver screen movies internationally well known, such as
BARE FOOT in the PARK whom worked then with
Robert Redford, in a Neil Simon movie production, and then the lovely major movie,
On Golden Pond, and many others. Thank you extremely well,
I love you Jane Fonda, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett,
merci, thank you so very much xo
12:30 pm NEW YORK NOW
More soon today.
12:39 pm from my tiny village in New York USA NOW yesterday
With a gift html, and an incredible FILM. The expressions of a real spirited creative process-
from Bruce Springsteen in wild and imaginable lovely ways.
12:44 NEW YORK USA NOW more soon.
Yes, ELTON JOHN, emailed yesterday. What Excitement. with a lovely
Gift HTML code for the whole concert song film. It’s incredibly wonderful.
Thank you very much, ELTON JOHN, I love you plenty darling Elton John.
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
1:13 pm from
my tiny village
in Saranac Lake,
New York, USA NOW
Duke Harry and Duchess Megan
as the DUKE and DUCHESS
of SUSSEX, of the country of
iswith a wonderful update message in LOVE NOTES this SUNDAY
with memories in photographs, to charish forever. READ
ABC NEWS today was with news on a large dash of peoples to see the VERMEER painting GIRL with the PEARL EARRINGS, exhibited at the world famous museum in AMSTERDAM in the country of Denmark in Eastern Europe.
intellectually great. With lovely large chocolate bars for Father’s Day, in June 2023
Thank you to everyone at Hershey Chocolate in Hershey Pensilvania USA.
a multi- international USA conglomeration company. I love you all.
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
YO YO MA is a world renowned music composer whom is with a message of soothing photographs from his world travels and extremely wonderful to have received his lovely message. READ
concerto of Bach, German composition music,
suite number 1,
prelude of YO YO MA in performance.
8:45 pm from my tiny village.
update email from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan,
New York City , New York state, USA, five hours drive from me, with their June Events in the famous gardens at the MET with field sketch books and camera video phones to keep memories in pictures forever.
California, USA READ -with a little drive to Malibu Beach, or Santa Barbara, for an ocean view drive, and the finest clam rolls for lunch.
FRIST MUSEUM Nashville Tennessee USA read wonderful lovely experience to drive into Nashville where the Grand Ole Opry is as well, take in some sites by foot, stay at a fine hotel and enjoy the Frist Museum and a southern BBQ lunch- very popular and truly delicious.
The Salvatore Dali Museum in St. Petersburg Florida USA, is an extremely fun place to travel, as celebrated a city noted in history well St. Petersburg as St. Petersburg Florida USA, was named in historical honors of St Petersburg Russia, where sir Vladimir Putin was born and attended one of the finest universities in the world, in St Petersburg Russia, an ancient very beautiful city, of the great cities historically. Beach side in the USA, the Salvatore Dali Museum is noted well too. READ
Preston Jackson, a sculptor and professor as Director of the Department of Sculpture
at the school of the Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago is fine to extend his time -in conversation LISTEN Chicago Illinois USA
updated 9:23 pm Malinda Gates
of an enormous broaden life with incredible details,
and is with a lovely film important evermore
in the world. I loved the message within the film
of greatest thoughts of Malinda Gates time,
and hope everyone everywhere in the world takes
a few minutes too to enjoy the
FILM. xo and merci, with love to you Malinda Gates.
Thee Bob Dylan sent me a gift html, with an extraordinary film.
It is everso wonderful to simple enjoy your song Bob Dylan as the whole world too, enjoys your impromptu way of such lovely music work, not exactly easy. Merci, and with love darling Bob Dylan.
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
Bob Dylan’s music composition is known as Tamborine Man.
Wishing sir Vladimir Putin, a sweetest day, and a good day wished to all of Europe, a good evening to everyone in the USA and countries closer internationally. Enjoy a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner sitting or standing, where ever you are in the world. I love you all. with happiest wishes to all,
June 5 th 2023 at 4:25 pm eastern standard time, from
my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK NOW
The morning for me was filled with planning notes. Breakfast was a freshly made summer quiche, with three mild Mexican Cheeses and sautéed Shrimp, Fried Potatoes, and Hienz 57 Ketchup USA Brand, with57 spices. At the end of this week is a long drive to a market for a full pantry of groceries that keeps finely stocked groceries for the month, and smooth scheduling for myself, in my home office that gets very busy.
There are some further unforgettable MUSEUMS such as
the WHITNEY MUSEUM of AMERICAN ART, in NEW YORK CITY, NY, NY. USA. The GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM, NEW YORK CITY, MANHATTAN, too, then, The MUSEUM of MODERN of ART - NEW YORK is in the MOMA, of course I will take some extra efforts to post updated links - and post more links of global international outstanding museums known and loved very well. The country of ENGLAND, is with many to list, such as the TATE and the TATE MODERN whom within one years time, serves more than 15 million cups of tea- ENGLISH STYLE, at the TATE MODERN, throughout a one year period of time= 352 days.
Beijing China has a very esteemed museum, and Korea has world renowned museums to travel to, among many many others internationally outside the USA that I shall update quite a few this month of June 2023, Eastern Europe, South America, south seas countries, Africa, Middle Eastern, Scottish, too, and more. Bus Baha pancake travel is going to be a bit exciting I think.
4:45 pm BTS my darling seven men friends from Korea sent me an update in a very exciting BANGTANTV from KOREA
with music from the lovely wonderful seven men known music composers
fashion shows from Europe and some from the USA Canada and South American countries will be
in June into later summer months 2023, with Indian Summer love.
It’s really going to be exciting in the world, with historical presence of
the vibrancy of being in some fine Sunday Best.
Early today, I received an update from the Kremlin, as of course thee President of the vaste Country of RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, also posted at Sir Vladimir Putin’s public web site of his Office of the Kremlin of the country Russia, - the email last evening from the Kremlin of the country, Sir Vladimir Putin, whom met with experts in Russia, on excellence in good trains, and transportation for all areas of Russia, also excellence in the work involved in trains for the new boardering areas of RUSSIA to assure great realities for citizens all, and assured reality to countries that might rely on Russian supplies, milk and dairy to name just a few, is a wonderful feeling of care from the Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin’sassute rapid attentions, furthering Russian assurance to citizens of great levels in efforts with large assured many details, with a reality for new areas a better summer of opportunities as arts and BAHA pancake brunch travels - gain an eye from the lovely Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, with importance of even cultural realities of citizens and the global travelers whom adore RUSSIA. of thee Russian, President, I say thank you very well, for the update and fine standard to note throughout Europe and the global world.
train cares of the President of the Country of Russia - very important READ
Yes, an email update , from the Kremlin of Russia,
sir Vladimir Putin’s in a recent invitational, to the ZOTOV CENTRE’
of a wonderful in person PRESIDENTIAL reception to say hello, in a fine event greeting with remarkable
6:18 pm NEW YORK USA NOW update from Mikhail Baryshnikov The wonderfully lovely Mikhail Baryshnikov, whom is from RUSSIA, of literary theater artistry world famous, in RUSSIAN BALLET, has a school of the arts in NEW YORK CITY, MANHATTAN, NY USA, and sent a perfect film gift html
to say gracious thank you for. It’s a perfect surprise and glorious message in a FILM.
Thank you again, Merci Mikhail Baryshnikov, with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
Mikhail Baryshnikov’s memories in film and photo
are extrodinary. merci Darling Friend. xo
gifts of thee Mikhail Baryshnikov
born in the country of RUSSIA
In Russia. The date is now june 6th 2023
an hour and forty seven minutes after midnight.
More Soon.
what a wonderful, and lovely message,
in a movie film short no doubt,
to me and everyone, everywhere, all over the world.
is a marvelous director and actor as is
thee, loveliest JANE FONDA and the film short
you sent couldn’t be more important.
a gift html film movie trailer update, from Robert Redford and Jane Fonda.
7:24 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
I Love You Both, thank you so very much.
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The Prince of Wales,
Prince William and The Princess of Wales
Princess Kate of the Country of England
are with an update and the most lovely photographs,
remarkable memories and a love of all the world everywhere.
From the Royal Family Archives with fine delicate details
and first son of the King of England, his majesty,
King Charles, King of England
gift More Royal Archives from
the Royal Family of the Country of England in Europe are with delightful and very serious photographic archive which are an immense part of history of world matters.
8:01 pm from my tiny village in New York USA NOW, Father’s Day is June 18th 2023 and of course a special gift sent is easily a message of love. I have a few notes more about a list of gifts - to love more of Father’s Day. posted later this week.
even, everywhere in the world, is going to be real fun.
including more of BILL EVANS
and learning real swing dance barefoot
in the living room.
PIANO yes pleas.
BILL EVANS on piano tonight
with wishes for everyone to enjoy
their morning in Europe and of course
evening from my tiny village now
at 8:32 pm eastern standard time
8:23 pm NEW YORK USA. NOW.
June 6 th 2023 2:50 pm in a post from my very tiny village in
Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW. My tiny village estate rental home office is a bit cozy, the huge, extremely tall, emerald canopy pine trees line the walk on the side of my estate rental, tallest, filled with trees looking out my second floor window. In the early morning, I can sit from my kitchen filled with hardwood floors, and gaze out into the fine thicket of trees, omnipresent, filled with tiny birds in flights, and warmth of the pine fir. I usually have daily handfuls of walnuts- dropped down outside the window to see a squirrel, even a chipmunk - whom lives near.
Berkeley University, in San Fransisco California, sent me a message. I was very interested in a film from a women at the the University of Berkeley in Northern California USA, San Fransisco.
I shall not miss the chance to listen again to the Professor at Berkeley- in an introspective film, as I decided to post it later today.
Eric Clapton, he emailed some messages. His schedule for the UK, and IRELAND are soon to arrive. The UK of course is the country of England in Europe. Ireland the country is a big travel from England, though both countries are set upon the far WEST BANKS ( where land meets ocean ) = WEST BANKS, as known throughout history. London England is a city directly on the WEST BANK ( embankment ), of Europe. Far from the FAR EASTERN Europe. The flight crash, yesterday is of awful loss, is a sorrowful reality.
Yes, there are times, we miss, even those yet, unmet, yet. There is a young women, she works in the village of Maggie Vally in Tennessee, a young man, working in a fuel station in Sweetwater Tennessee, and I met them, often long ago driving through, as they both made my travels somewhat extrodinary, in kind services - welcoming and pleasant. In an area in southern Chicago a man, even carried my bags to my car - at a fuel / food shop. It was a memory to enjoy meeting them. Never forgotten of their sweet, decent,
assute, personality and very good sensibility in professional worth. I think back on years of memories well. Perhaps one day I will see each person again. It’s several thousand miles - and worth the very pleasant drive through city and forest regions - lakes, and oceans. Always unforgotten of people yet to meet and even love in ways from a distance.
Eric Clapton’s message in an email to me today, means more than just an email, more than a schedule to post later this week, and is with love, to me, and everyone all over the world, I wished to see, noted in the world especially today. Minutes and days and days, Eric and many others took time out too. For everyone in the whole world. Everywhere. I shall say it, I love you all, everywhere. Merci to Eric Clapton, with love, again and again, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
3:33 am BEIJING CHINA NOW june 7 th 2023 in China now.
a film from Berkeley soon. Again, much love to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia and Eric Clapton too, of many emails, kindly, with my extended message of my love to everyone all over the world. from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
5:33 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
John Melloncamp emailed a while ago, and with lovely notes, and a very special film.
With love to the whole wide world.
Paul McCartney emailed earlier today, born in England, in a city of Liverpool, England. I grew up, in Liverpool, NEW YORK. With Beatles Albums, and lovely they are of the Beatles with Paul McCartney.
The updates from the email, I will post this week, of the NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY in the city of LONDON, ENGLAND.
The film today. Yes. Merci, with kisses sent xo
7:42 pm NEW YORK USA NOW Jerry’s Art Store sent me an email - of,
8:21 pm NEW YORK USA NOW. I received a lovely email of Harvard Graduates of the school of design with lovely photograph portraits - faces many and lovely. read
more lovely faces from the University of Berkeley, California, with the Berkeley colors very good. read
8:31 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village.
The Chancellor of the University of Berkeley,
in Northern California,
San Fransisco
Chancellor Christ of the university in Conversation
8:41 pm Kosmo Museum RUSSIA of tiny details of even hand written Field Notes with French Note Books, and pencil boxes ready to travel for memories of a good life to know forever. read.
lovely students from the UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE with a FILM
9:28 pm Good Night and Good Morning to everyone
everywhere around the world. With an early Good morning to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia, may I shower you again and again with kisses sent. xo darling.
I simply love you all, everywhere.
June 7 th 2023 12:15 pm just 15 minutes after high noon in my tiny village. I have some very exciting surprises from Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the wonderful country of RUSSIA, later today.I am so excited. The defense minister in Russia, made some astounding efforts in Russia, very sensitive and noble efforts, details soon in Banana News in June 2023 within the Kremlin’s office,
and has been even excited about some of the Eastern European Fashion Shows, and even global fashion events, even in RUSSIAN boardering areas - very exciting for peoples, that even sir Vladimir Putin’s chef is extremely enthusiastic about. BULOVA of RUSSIA sent me an email three days ago, with some extraordinary film, and special messages. Everyone in BULOVA of RUSSIA are modernly, modestly- peacefully wildly radical in all the most lovely ways. I am very excited about Sir Vladimir surprise - later today, to post with fine detail - what lovely excitement —- existant. REAL. TANGIBLE. INEFFABLE.
When I was 18 years old, in my utopian New York village, my wonderful city of citizens very worldly, had an event for RUSSIAN citizens whom flew in of course, to a
grande’ summer holiday weekend pic nic, and the RUSSIAN BALLET. performed in the grande’ city theatre that I grew up in in NEW YORK. Having even then, many friends from RUSSIA in for TEA and STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE , from my mom’s ancient recipe. Ballet, literary peoples and more, mostly of RUSSIA. I purchased a fine BULOVA watch, extremely well crafted, before the event, at the local, JCPenny’s department store - to proudly wear to the grande. jette, in the park of the elegant, International Russian Lavender Hill Pic Nic of my fine city, villagers, worldly in my little Utopian City of Liverpool, NEW YORK. Memories forever, of the finely served Southern- style North American Secret Recipe mouth watering country fried chicken, German Fresh Baked Black Bread cold cut sandwiches on a tier tray- elegantly a presented sandwich especiality, with home made real egg, potatoe salad, pineapple yogurt-maonaise cabbage salad with raisins and pecans, a fine watermelon fruit salad, made in a watermelon bowl, piled high with scooped balls of watermelon, unforgettable, with fresh grilled, Fire Roasted French Bread topped with slices of summer homegrown tomato and slices of freshly imported slices mozerella cheese, piled high of fire grilled slices French Bread served with an Italian Vinigarette. Unforgettable Strawberry Short Cake- cola spritzers. In the Russian Lavender Hill Grande Jette’ of our Opulent Lake Park- in my unforgettable utopian city- of lovely peoples all, everywhere.
More Soon.
update from RINGO STARR NOW
1:25 pm NEW YORK
more soon.
2:45 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW
update from Thee Warren Buffett, as one of the worlds most successful business people as well as a successful invested USA philanthropist. VERY NICE SURPRISE
WARREN BUFFETT with a wonderful FILM
everywhere in the whole world.
Soon later today. A very special Russian post,
from the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin.
update email 2:56 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, the email was several days ago, and a bit pressing really, even with the busy two weeks, in finishing some catalogue event, details, I did not forget about
Dennis Quade and Carrie Underwood and so many of my other friends at the GRAND OLE OPRY READmore of events and more
Updates again from REBA MC INTIRE and Dolly Parton, Clint Black, and Pricilla Presley with emails unforgotten, in my busy June 2023 for the catalogue two month events beginning on June 19 th 2023.
The ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK is nearly complete.
Of course I had to include, yet again, the email update with
3:29 pm NEW YORK USA NOW in a very special email early today from
thee ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER with a very special FILM sent, expressly to me.
And everyone, everywhere all over the world, even at the Kremlin’s office in RUSSIA.
more soon today.
9:00 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.
sketch, with photograph and film credit:
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The surprise, yes. It’s a wonderfully delightful surprise
from Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the Country
of RUSSIA, with an enormously important cultural exhibition of ancient paintings
that which are of ancient RUSSIA, in enormous importance to RUSSIAN CULTURE and rudimentary to importance towards world history of an enlightenment era of ancient humanity, now open to the public to all of course everyone, everywhere in the whole world. Paintings from the hands and minds of a sort of heaven. Visitors near and far, can ponder the greatest - of idealisms in humanity through a close view of works of art, in ancient paintings that took great pilgrimages even to use a purest of the BLUES and GOLDEN paints that at times were only from Far Travels. Even Travels to Africa in Ancient times was where certain gold was just exactly of a certain soil, and a faite self chosen to gain an achieved worldly - breath of life- towards worldly travel. As an espiritus of self attainment, and sometimes difficult mastery of maps, time, and good budgeting. Lifted to heights of existance to harness -become reachable in a vibrancy of humanity. Short distances and even far- to sport a field box of hand mixed paints and fist full of pencils - then was a glorious rage of excitement - vibrant and long before cameras or film or media existed. NOW on display at the Central Cathedral in Moscow Russia.The Kremlin of RUSSIA, and the executive of government at the Kremlin’s office, with the cares and large interest from the Archbishop in Moscow Russia at the very prestigious RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH in MOSCOW RUSSIA have TRUE RUSSIAN LOVE for all to envision / view -in paintings more easily available for even peoples of RUSSIA to enjoy online too, and the millions of international travelers, many, from the USA, whom adore the amazingly vibrant and truly beautiful RUSSIAN culture. It is wonderful to see the idealisms of humanity important from the hands and minds in ancient times of peoples of ancient history, great humanity to be emboldened in illumination in the finest ancient paintings forever in the
Russian Orthodox Church. Internationally as well, seen in all of the vast cultural of so many peoples in RUSSIA and seen by everyone everywhere all over the world in my tiny post. The golden and blue brown sienna umbers in colors in perfect daubles of paint from a lengthy worth of humanity seen NOW everywhere as a TRUE RUSSIAN LOVE. Surprise gift, to see, in person from the lovely ineffable Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin, and the government executive staff,
at the OFFICE of the KREMLIN.
Magnificent Really.
Historically there is many volumes of books written in some fine details about the magnificent paintings of such a lovely lengthy history of greatest humanities. The photographs are with thank you direct to -the Moscow Times. Some of the colors used in the painting in paint were not possible to purchase, and were made in this case in blue of a rare blue flower found in only one mountian platue in the far East within the country of the Great Empire of the country of CHINA. The actual history of the blue paint, was also very famous, used as early as the MING DYNASTY in MING pottery which gained popularity in sales, in international shipments by ocean ships, crossing oceans in vast seas. The wealth of China grew even faster and more popular with the remarkable Blue Glazed pottery from the period of the Ming Dynasty in China with begin in the year 1368 for the MING DYNASTY PERIOD ( years of the time period ). Even from CHINA’S seaport and Russian sea-ships large in seaports too, to of course many other seaports in a large traveling ship of international shipping to many countries, even the city of Boston Massachusetts seaport is very famous historically in the USA. The USA is and was, often called, in common conversation - THE STATES. Of course the lovely RUSSIAN PAINTING known as the three graces- or the paintings of the RUSSIAN TRINITY, possibly have colors of paint from Sienna blended paint from pigment color found in FRANCE, ITALY, SWEDEN, AUSTRIA, and GERMANY, possibly too, as well as darker umber and ochra yellow undertone -coloring found in Africa, possible orchard gold from the MIDDLE EAST and India as well as England even. With fascinating details when pondering more to the painting. Symbolistically the painting is a vibrant trinity of greatest humanity in a inner inurtia of being within a humanity of a greater world. Of peoples of a culture well cultivated of whom gain importance in a portrait style, of faces a symbol of humanity of worth of central existence. A good nurturing, of humanity nearest and of the farther in the world are vibrantly revealing within the soft, delicate worth of the very lovely ancient painting of the culture and country of a great RUSSIA. Simply Extraordinary.
Of course, there is much to ponder of the periled mind enlightened in the painting of a brilliance in a golden halo of the mind as a importance to cultivate and nurture a worth of existance and accumulative wealth to be reachable. Travels even delightful.
Truly a glimps at the magnificent paintings even from a far. Incredible.
5:47 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 8 th 2023
From St. John’s Bassilica
in Rome Italy with an
extra message from the Vatican
in Film 11:34 pm
posted from my tiny village
11:46 pm new york USA NOW to sir Vladimir Putin, I love you,
with all of me. love forever, infinite, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
a Beatles Message Film and quite real darling sir. sent to you in MOSCOW RUSSIA.
more soon , morning time in NEW YORK, with love to everyone everywhere, in the whole world.
June 8 th 2023, 4:07 pm from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
yes, I have to say, first, good day to everyone.
Everywhere. All over the world. and yes, Good Day to sir Vladimir Putin,
darling Kremlin of RUSSIA. Update from MOSCOW RUSSIA.
Russia has improved even more, the telecommunications to reach all citizens with absolute availability to online fast - networks, with actual improved, access to social security access, for all citizens easily online and from every area of Russia and the new regions of RUSSIA, with ease to assure a more instant access to the citizen benifits and more- within the RUSSIAN government, from the remarkable ease of a phone and online services- absolute and with much progress on online improved access outstanding, not leaving anyone at all, behind- in citizen benifits and education, job access, transportation eased, and of course highest standards in rental estates, as well as estate purchase options with solidly good standards with greatest standards and access of banking well done for all. The update is public - online at the OFFICE of THE KREMLIN of the government of RUSSIA. I will post the link later today.
It’s been somewhat of an exciting week for me, broadening the exciting details which are going into the pages of my new book: THE ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK. The actual 14 century details are extremely - wild, in a REAL ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK.
update from thee Jimmy Carter as a very well honored former USA president and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter. sir Jimmy Carter has written several wonderful books as well as been honored as a Nobel Peace Prize Internationally Known Quite well. Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter has been with exception of honored noted work in cultural worth, and many social projects too.
Very wonderful update FILM
More Soon.
5:34 pm NEW YORK USA NOW update email Mikhail Baryshnikov
email 5:56 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village
from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
enview DIEGO RIVERA of South America in fine cultural arts - at the SFMOMA READ
1:01 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 9th 2023
6:01 am BEJING CHINA NOW june 9th 2023 good
morning everyone - everywhere in the FAR EASTERN EUROPE.
have a wonderful day everywhere. From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett good morning and good evening to everyone all over the world. Hello and Good Day.
6:05 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, update THE COUNTRY OF CHINA expands imports read
More Soon.
6:18 pm San Francisco USA NOW
for the whole world, Thee Tony Bennett in FILM merci Tony xo
love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
6:26 pm NEW YORK USA NOW. update
from thee Sylvester Stellone with sketchbook news to everyone all over the world.
of course Sir Sylvester Stallone wrote and directed his very first major movie as he became extremely famous in his bold major film ROCKY. MERCI with love xo
6:37 pm from my tiny village Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
email update and from ABC NEWS, a very introspective word or two,
in conversation with George Stephonopoulos
More Soon.
6:57 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
email update yesterday - adding to the Indian Summer 2023, fantastically.
A lovely message, everywhere, to everyone all over the world.
More Soon. Many blue messages, The Getty Museum with blue art, and a festival schedule soon, and even many more messages of love for Sir Vladimir Putin,.. Russian Art, Russia and the whole world. Even from the country of Belgium today with messages BLUE RUSSIAN LOVE.
The fine shops at Columbus Circle in Manhattan NYC, NEW YORK too in blue with great places in the shops at Columbus Circle for extraordinary foods if you’re in NEW YORK CITY. read
June 9th 2023 4:28 pm in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW from my tiny village today.
I wish to say a polite pleasant hello, to peoples in every country all over the world. A kind good, hello to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia too. With good cares, enjoy a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner everywhere, in the USA, and all over the world. It is a big market day for me tomorrow- shopping for groceries are a big day for me, and a very beautiful long drive through USA national forest regions- it’s often, I spot a wild goose or giant elk, coming from the boardering country of Canada. Always very exciting on a one and a half hour drive in meandering hills, fields of corn, forest trees and many small - exquisite lakes.
The update from the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, in the very vast beautiful country of Russia, with over four times the villages and peoples of the USA, was made public news from sir Vladimir Putin’s very concerned efforts at his office in MOSCOW RUSSIA. Updates include: fast response to those flooded, with extra efforts in MOSCOW RUSSIA, to see, availability to a home, food assurances with government programs, temporary shelter, and many needs of assurance by the Kremlin, in a very fast response to any Ukrainian person in need. The outreach of the Kremlin’s very large exceptionally noble office and exceedingly large government - was immediately assuring rafts to people and assured standards of living, assuring lives ongoing. RUSSIA in a very large country and exceptionally busy with many citizens and a foods reachable too, a bit of a task made for RUSSIA, but moving along, much larger government of peoples working in humanitarian ways daily, of so many gracious peoples- much larger than twice the size in efforts of peoples than the population of the USA, whom are with the Kremlin’s honored work devotion to RUSSIA of a great reality, in increase improves individualized wealth for citizens within good standards and excellence in cultural worth- with a riche tax base, of RUSSIAN LOVE, strait from the Kremlin’s office, in MOSCOW RUSSIA.
Free bus and trains - as peoples might need to say, they can pay again another day, in emergencies outside of RUSSIA. Of course, free transportation - busses and more are ready - food cards for groceries and prepared food, with even more needs bases reality- and good job opportunities- waiting with excellent pay. Ways to preserve homes too, are with considerable cares at the Kremlin’s Office.
The Phone and Email Numbers for anyone to call or email in inquiry of any special needs due to the flood or further need based assistance is an immediate care of the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, and the large government of very assute good people.
Banana News Revival international press will be with later updates, next week, very important. If you have any extra time next week to read more in Banana News Revival international press. Paramount Pictures, the large USA movie producers - are waiting to read even more in Banana News, and Love Notes. Concerns are for everyone, everywhere in the world -are exceedingly important.
Of course, it’s nice to read - where and how to get a free bus, and foods if needed, that may take special arrangements - thoughtfully realized at the country of Russia at the Office of the Kremlin,
sir Vladimir Putin, and the large lovely caring staff of peoples directly at the Kremlin’s Office, just an email or phone call away.
I, myself, can hardly wait to tell you, of the extra extraordinary efforts made at length and ongoing event into early last week of the Executive Ministry of the Russian Millitary , in exemplary effort in humanitarian efforts broadly and made complex, in indeed. The Executive Ministry of the Millitary of course are with extra effort to citizens of the country of RUSSIA and are very important to the Executive Ministry of the Russian Military, and all Russian Millitary and of course the vaste government, and for the citizens of RUSSIA, with outstanding care about all boardering areas, even in much good the Russian Millitary have had in assuring constant realities of all trade sales of needs of shipments for milk and grains, and meats, cheeses, clothing and shoes, and much more- and many essentials for business proper to be sustained and extremely important with amazing understated efforts from the Kremlin’s office which have been constant and ongoing -in outrageously greater details - outlined into next week, in
my Banana News Revival international press.
with love, to you, everywhere, whom ever you are.
From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
5:17 pm NEW YORK USA NOW More Soon.
12:18 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 10 th 2023
5:19 pm in TORONTO CANADA NOW june 9 th 2023
6:20 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village
email from LOVELY WILLIE NELSON with universal music emails too, with an
incredible message with visions of Willy Nelson’s lovely sister, in memories of love
from losses in the pandemic and WILLIE NELSON
accompanied in a somber song of a women so lovely too. In FILM and LOVE.
More Soon.
6:34 pm NEW YORK USA NOW email update
REAL MUSEUM ART sacred the country of Italy
of the European Continent with a real land map read
6:53 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK NOW
email from the NEW YORK TIME food editor is with a lovely recipe of summer fresh PESTO.
Traditionally an Italian Classic Recipe, made with fresh basil herb, execelent on lingini, freshly cooked,
or crunchy breaded Chicken Sautéed in a hot oil, breaded with Italian Bread Crumbs after a coating dip of egg batter, small Crunchy Breaded Fried delightful chicken tossed with fresh pesto - and summer slices tomatoes. Pesto Sauce is also excellent on Freshly Made Cheese Tortalini - or a fresh cooked well made ravioli - add, the freshly graded Parmasian Cheese, even Fine Shredded Italian Mozzerella Cheese.
email yes, from thee ERIC CLAPTON with some lovely updates in film too, with extra an extra message of REAL LOVE everywhere in the whole world. It was so nice to see the update from Eric Clapton today. Just perfect Eric, with love from me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
7:44 pm early today I received an email from JAMES TAYLOR
with a very special gift song for the whole world.
Everywhere. up on the roof. I love you James Taylor,
Merci, yes, thank you again for all the many emails as well,
xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
it’s a film from The JAMES TAYLOR
email - direct from Willie Nelson today with a movie announcement READ.
10:34 pm NEW YORK USA
The new era, it is a reality in a reach for the USA to be of fundamentals of culturally riche a world, unforsaken of a larger greater history everso, important, stepping forward in a reflection of even the pandemic, and that of an international world, vastly with troves and vibrancy of life to know, be known of, and feel a reality to even seek out times of remembrance - on rooftops as I was at the age of eight, many years ago, with my oldest brother whom showed me star patterns in the sky in the evening - under the moonlight- with a real telescope and astounding to learn and listen to his excitement to tell of of stars and universes in real sciences. Rememberance of great lives of love and difficult efforts, is thankful a reality and thankfully with a song by
WILLIE NELSON and unforgettable
10:52 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village
5:52 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 10 th 2023
More Soon. Good night and good morning in all the world. Wishing you a very nice breakfast, lunch and dinner whom ever, and where ever you are, all over the world. I Love You All, everywhere.
from, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
June 10th 2023, 12:27 pm from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA NOW
It is SATURDAY today. Good Day to everyone everywhere, all over the world. It was just
Michael J. Fox birthday, and I personally wished to say hello. I missed going to the big event earlier this year, with Michael J. Fox, and wish Tracy Fox and Michael J. Fox, a wonderful June 2023 with finest times at their summer BBQ’s and BAHA PANCAKE BRUNCH outings. I hope to see them in the
LIVE ON- THE- AIR EVENT, even if just in a film, in July on the 21st 2023, in NEW YORK.
More soon about the July Pizza Piazza Event.
Happy Birthday Michael J. Fox. With care and love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
1:05 pm Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
Sketch and Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
A very good hello to everyone in the far Eastern European Regions with hello to sir Xi Jinping, President of China. Good day as well, to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia. With an handmade paper special invitation for sir Vladimir Putin, to a piazza pizza global LIVE ON - THE - AIR event in July- with updates announcement on the event later this month. It’s a market grocery day for me. With a hello, and wish for a good day everywhere all over the world. Much love to you - everyone, everywhere, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
More About the Royal Sketch Soon with facts and figures which are important to economy and all of humanity. What BAHA BRUNCH excitement can bring in memories for a whole beautiful life.
Sketch Books Ready.
1:26 pm NEW YORK USA NOW. TATE SHOTS are photographic shots and video camera shots in pictures of lovely films about many artists from many parts of the world. Enjoy the films of TATE SHOTS of the TATE MODERN MUSEUM
more later today, with more on a very important message from
John Melloncamp
filming in Portland Oregon, USA, with concerning needs
as a concern to everyone in the USA, preserving all dignities, and even moreover,
a real look at taxes in the USA for many many peoples of the USA. Peoples in the USA all peoples should know that the Oval Office can not just do as it wants, and must abide by the laws of the peoples within the USA constitution of humanities laws within the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, as the Oval Office is not fully capable legally to use tax as they wish. Budgetary reality is with a transparency to the peoples rights to assure ethical appropriations in all tax allocations, as the Oval Office can be blocked from access to funds - in plans of misappropriations- and attempts from the Oval Office to bully and pressurize peoples with congress that has a responsibility to stop unethical use of taxes not deemed within ethics from a large vaste majority of the peoples in the appropriations peoples congressional process- and a recent $2 billion more Biden, Harris, Blinker, recently extorted through- taking cash from the USA taxes recently, with deceitful clumsy mortifying moves, through taking more taxes from the peoples of the USA -soon the headlines will say in all news - not peoples verse the board of education, the headline news will say -“the peoples of the USA verse Biden, Harris, Blinker, and the pentagon / nato” , in unethical appropriations of taxes and destruction to the USA peoples in many ways, in unethical real misappropriation with attempts to unethically dump the money into pentagon - with Biden, Harris, Blinker, trying to plant money and place even the USA peoples under extreme pressure. Of course congress can restrict the funds under misappropriation laws of the constitutional rules, in a reverted American USA standard within the actual original unchangable USA constitutional ethics laws of humanities of provisional rights to the USA peoples all. update FOX NEW extortion and bribes Biden taken- smiling and waving at the world the oval bums attempted to ruin. FOX NEW film update June 9 th 2023
John Melloncamp has an important and very special film.
I hope everyone has a minute or two.
updates yes. soon.
2:50 TORONTO CANADA NOW The city Michael J. Fox was born.
3:55 pm NEW YORK NOW
A special complete Album of Songs is a Gift to the whole world from
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr,
as my darling BEATLES
with love, I love you all even more each day, merci xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. with a recipe update from Thee Arnold Schwarzenegger, and News from GUCCI
and ROWEN ATKINS and BOB DYLAN too, as I also hope to complete my ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK this weekend with rare exquisite sketches, unusual of the 14 th century and photographs with film shoots and the amazing 14 th century history of the ROYAL FLAMBÉ.
Some exciting film in Eastern European Fashion Begins soon.
6:56 pm NEW YORK USA from my tiny village.
Paul Mc Cartney updates with a wonderfully lovely concert film short, from France in Frome’ of a place well known of fine cheese, milk and grain as Paul McCartney himself notes at his site at and the film short is truly a lovely vibrant little FILM clip, and of course
a message of warm vitality of expression.
email from GUCCI
for Father’s Day with GUCCI
READ Mentioning that in 2022 the Father’s Day Lunch and Brunch outings increased sales everywhere in the whole world within a globalized economy- and set the trend for more risterante stops more often. The standards in global business - improved and have a potential now, for a stronger economy solidly more and more, than in all of history everywhere. While I have to also say, a great many detailed from many years of sir Vladimir Putin’s economic standards - was par excellences for a large reality solidly throughout Europe- within meetings over many many years with presidents in formalized pre planned meetings set months in advance with a great many other peoples of excellence as well.
Photograph Credit GUCCI
9:34 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village. Yes, it’s an update
thee ROWEN ATKINSONwhom I used to ride the
RED EYE TRAIN with to my full time work and my college studies in the city of Chicago Illinois USA. ROWEN, of course, to travel with is quite a muse I might say, calm nice fellow, and exceptional even more with his lovely film short series of
film credits: ROWEN ATKINSON
email update, from thee world famous Austrian Born, major movie personality and great humanitarian, former governor of California USA, as well as world champion weight lifter. with a recipe and pod cast.
Lemon Pepper Chicken and Sweet Potatoes
8-ounce organic, boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 tablespoon safflower or olive oil
2 teaspoons lemon pepper seasoning
6 ounces (170 g) of Japanese yams or sweet potatoes
Dash sea salt & black pepper
Optional: Marinate the chicken in olive oil, vinegar, sea salt & pepper.
Cut potatoes into even, 1/2-inch fries and toss with oil, sea salt, and pepper
Place in air fryer basket & cook 20 minutes, shaking the basket half way
Heat skillet or pan on medium-high heat. (If you want, you can put a little oil in the skillet)
Add 1 teaspoon lemon pepper to each side of the chicken.
Place chicken on the grill pan, or on a regular skillet. You can also cook in an air fryer for the same length of time. Cook 6 minutes per side, until a meat thermometer inserted at the thickest part reads 160F/71C or the juices run clear, or no longer pink at the center
Serve the chicken with 6 ounces of sweet potato or yam fries and enjoy!
6:08 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW, june 11 th 2023 with a lovely big hello to sir Vladimir today, morning in RUSSIA. Showering him with kisses sent everyday from my tiny village in Saranac Lake,
NEW YORK USA. Enjoy your Sunday in Moscow Russia.
11:11 pm NEW YORK USA NOW update BOB DYLAN
READ TULSA OKLAHOMA in the United States of America / U.S.A.
11:18 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA
Ukraine Fashion Week 2020 was a wild craze for the young peoples and all ages of a essence of lovely being of the Ukraine, within working hard, assuring their best, and even job seeking, with lovely personas, vision and passionate of the whole world everywhere and their own worth. I hope to see a update film soon, love from me to everyone, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
with a FILM
film credit: fashion week organizers Ukraine
and in the 2021 FILM as we give to the world our very best.
Film Credit: organizers of fashion week in Russia.
june 11 th 2023 after midnight eastern standard time ,
excellent for Sunday Morning with a tray of pasteries, fresh juices, a freshly made, cream custard ENGLISH classic rice pudding topped with a dusting of sugared cinnamon, extremely good coffee with fresh cream, and sweetener. Maybe Brazillian Coffee, African Kenya Coffee, Turkish or Greek, perhaps RUSSIAN, or an American USA roast. Hot Pancakes Served with real butter, and pure Canadian Maple Syrup - a fine glass piture of ice water, too.
then FILM TIME with Et Du Le Mans
film update emailed from SOTHEBY’S of NEW YORK USA
Good Morning in all of EUROPE, and good night internationally in the western continent and the USA.
Enjoy Sunday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to all, everywhere. Sitting or Standing. With love from me everywhere to everyone. From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Good Day to everyone, everywhere in the whole world. The Date today is June 11th 2023,
SUNDAY at 11:47 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA.
My very special ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, is pressing. I will be working the next few days on the finalized ancient 14 th century book, with a great excitment to assure the elaborate fine details. The sale date is getting closer. More announcements on the sale date, before next Sunday. I wish to extend my upset about the fires in Canada. I wish a fast relief for everyone as soon as possible. Oliver Stone, a large movie personality in Los Angeles California is with an update I will soon have in my special feature of Banana News before next week. His message today was somewhat pressing and with great cares- in the USA and internationally too.
It’s a message, yesterday - soon posted from Thee Julian Lennon. Son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono Lennon. Julian Lennon emailed me yesterday. There are many people, emailing and with messages in unique ways at times, many peoples are still pondering the fine exhibition of Art of the RUSSIAN TRINITY and re-reading some earlier posts in my love notes.
More soon. With love, from Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
film credit: Julian Lennon
11:46 pm NEW. YORK USA NOW
World Famous Specialist in Antiquities and Specialist in World Art Restoration,
Professor at the School of the Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois USA
Enjoy the Film, Rolf Achilles in Conversation
credits: Rolf Achilles
1:28 pm NEW YORK USA from my tiny village
The country of BELRUS
Special Archive Fashion Week Photograph,
of the lovely country of BELRUS
in Eastern Europe NOW
photographic credit: organizers of fashion week in the country of Belarus Eastern Europe
in the country of BELARUS a year ago in 2022
special archive FILM FASHION WEEK with Special care, and love, and a cultural statement very important to the world, with love extended as well, to the Kremlin of Russia and the government of Russia, with love everywhere in the world. Sensitive Audio 2022 in the international exhibition
film credit: organizers of BELARUS FASHION WEEK.
more soon. 1:52 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
Andy Spade update
the creative man behind Kate Spade in a unique meaningful FILM of LOVE
film credit: archives of Andy Spade
1:56 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village.
More Soon. 2:05 pm NEW YORK USA NOW email update just a minute ago, from the deans and
everyone at Stanford University. I haven’t gotten through all the reading in the update, maybe everyone globally would enjoy some thoughtful pondering. READ More soon.
9:58 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.
message from Thee Jerry Seinfeld, a wonderful comedian, with notable work in Major Television
and an awful nice person, humor , charm, and an obscure FILM -only Jerry Seinfeld can create such an impromptu, for everyone, everywhere in the whole world. merci to you Jerry Seinfeld,
and Eddy Murphy with love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Jerry Seinfeld and Eddy Murphy
film credit: archive of Jerry Seinfeld
The ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK is near finished. Sweet Dreams
and Good Morning everywhere, yes, everywhere in the whole world. Excuse me this evening, I just received an important email message from MOSCOW. Sir Vladimir. More Soon.
5:03 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 12 th 2023. Pertinent Statement from the Kremlin of Russia is just a reiteration, as in a message already public from the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, the region of Orel, is with needs in some many jobs due to greater increased economy measures by the region, reported from the region governor. The statement of assuring all measures of needs in the flood, are very worth my extra minutes to post again, just in case - some may have not had online access. The Kremlins office is with ease to phone or email in anyone whom needs extra assistance due to flood concerns or other needs. Extra measures have been put into play for the greater humanities toward everyone to be of reach. Posted from my tiny village at 12:33 am june 12 th 2023 NOW , and IN MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW the time is 7:34 pm
June 12th 2023, 3:25 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.
Good Day to everyone, everywhere in the world. Everywhere. I have not forgotten about updates to archive for many other Millitary, globally, in their millitary dress suit best. I do have quite a few updates, ongoing. The international fashion shows, will continue, with a few in the USA as well.
message from Thee RINGO STARR, one of the loveliest four men, THE BEATLES
internationally well known, even in some smashingly successful movies as early the 1970,s into today.
I am fortunate to be able to post RINGO STARR’s very special update with everyone.
RINGO STARR and everyone. with a FILM
I send love to you all. Merci xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
film credit RINGO STARR
More Soon.
June 13 th 2023, 10:25 am from my tiny village, Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW
The final touches go into my book today, THE ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, from an ancient recipe of the 14 th century, over 600 years old. The quaint brief history of international cities in such a vibrant humanity, with pleasures of ROYAL FLAMBÉ, are quite exciting, learning about, then rare cherry orchards, and the cultivation of cherry orchards, and international imports that became even more refined, opulent, and a great thirst - of humanitarian dreams - in an enlighten time historically. I am excited about the final touches in the beautiful small, extraordinary ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, unlike any other.
The digital book is liken to a jewel to carry on a modern digital electronic note pad.
smart phone, iPad, computer, etc,… European, AMERICAS- wildly beautiful importance of the era of rococo period of time within history to savior - even tiny estates of worth in a breath of life.
10:36 am from my tiny village NEW YORK USA NOW
THE GETTY, MUSEUM of ART in, Los Angeles, California, USA, extraordinary experience, in the center of a historical major movie industry city, is with cultural films in an update email today, from the GETTY in FILM of troves and travels.
Email Update, from thee lovely MARTHA STEWART, a chef, and incredible international business person, editor of interiors and exterior estates too. READ
special thank you to MARTHA STEWART, for many emails throughout 2022-2023. merci, with love to you MARTHA STEWART. from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Thee Arnold Schwarzenegger, is getting excited
about the finishing touches on my new book. emailed today, with a beautiful photograph update,
of himself, with great paint tools, and a busy office, as former Governor of the state of California in the USA and work in major movies, even recent with FUBAR. with a extra message in the email with thee Cindy Crawford, sporting a dress made for the ancient pilgrimage to Rome Italy, With classical opulence and love for the whole world -
The wonderful Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austrian Born, USA former Governor of the entire state of California in the USA, also emailed a cdc special map of the United States of America, ( U.S.A. ) ,
with all fifty states and special zoom-in features.
London England Now, the time is 4:29 pm in Europe, across vaste ocean, from the USA.
The special email today, is from THE ROYAL ACADEMY of ART London, England. The prestigious academy, is with an email update to thoroughly READ
Thee ROB FORBES, founder of the design retail company internationally known, with over 50 USA shops, known as DWR, ( DESIGN WITHIN REACH ), also an international worth in business start ups with PUBLIC BIKES, manufactured in the country of TIAWAN, luxury biking for the USA and all over the world, as too, popular in Amsterdam Denmark,
ROB FORBES, at STUDIO FORBES emailed, with literature from always exciting to READ
more soon.
email just a few minutes ago,
from Thee Paul McCartney
getting excited about my ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK
and PAUL’s new very significant book as well. READ
merci to you with love. xo
12:57 pm NEW YORK USA NOW email update
and forever great, from ELTON JOHN and other’s even Versace in Italy.
film credit: Elton John
more soon.
Carnegie Hall, is with very special events, with many thank your to everyone at Carnegie Hall, for many messages far before 2022, and today an email with one free event, at Carnegie Hall, in a large historical reality in the USA. More yes, READ
I love you all, again and again. Very kind thank you to everyone at Carnage Hall today.
Love forever, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon, It’s 1:08 pm from my tiny
village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW.
a very special message from the Kremlin of Russia, soon.
as well as some very serious somber notes as well, later today.
2:20 pm NEW YORK USA NOW just a few minutes ago, email update,
BILL GATES at gatesnotes. read read carefully again, if you have extra reading time,
6:45 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, today was a very busy afternoon for me. I have many posts as well, soon, I wish to assure a few extra minutes for. Employment opportunities for, even New Peoples flying in to Russia, have been on my mind. Jobs, are often with option, even when, you may not be a literary expert, that can take 8 years of studies and even more in years of experience. While some great literary people, did not school formally in any college. Of course, being an apprentice chef, is with apprentice training paid in full, on the job hired. Recently, Russia, is with a good variety of employment with no need to seek out extra college and provide extra training ( apprenticeship ), and excellent for employers to find devoted peoples willing to learn. It’s always a bit - tense on first weeks of new job training, but after a whole month, it become comforting when training for employment is worth the pay wages. In New York City in NY, as in NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA, delivery peoples employed to deliver foods in NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, now are with a minimum pay wage of $18. 00 per hour, to all food delivery jobs, to start. In a year or less, employers pay even an increase too, worth the reality for devoted peoples employed in any company. Not yet, $$800.00 for a 40 hour work week, but almost. At $720.00 per full time work week. I have a friend that retired from taxi driving in New York City, New York, and she earned over a million saved in her 30s and bought her own estate in a luxurious southern region with amazing Mountain View’s - and loves that she first- took work more than ten years - beginning at not much more than $10.00 per hour.
Donald Trump, spoke with a responsibility to tell the public everything I suppose, under a law in the constitution of the United States of America, to disclose ( assure all information to the public while in office for the actual rights in laws towards transparency to all people). It a law within the USA constitution.
Two libraries of two former presidents of the USA are with their own rights to their own papers for a library of their own. Of course the George W. Bush, Presidential Library, is with all of George w. Bush’s notes and records in duplicates - The George W. Bush Library is in the USA in the very large USA state of TEXAS. Open to all public.
The Well Known Honor of the incredibly prestigious Nobel Peace Awarded Homored President Jimmy Carter and is with the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in the fairly large state in the USA of GEORGIA.
With many cities large and small. Open to the public. It is very difficult in this world to spend so many years and years - then be selected to be fully recognized in the highest honored of world peace by thee NOBEL PEACE PRIZE INTERNATIONAL panel of very esteemed international peoples within the Nobel Peace Committee seriously of their extremely careful honors as Jimmy Carter is incredible and has, the most prestigious honored Peace Prize in world peace, as a historical important notation. Albert Einstein also was homored, as too was thee sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia. Many, many years of humanitarian greater efforts - often are understated, and the details outstanding.
Within a very real and somewhat different new era, the USA peoples have a more opportunity in a different reality of solid stability to improve in some realistic different reality that will happen within a success of the peoples process within constitutional USA laws that are - even more powerful of USA peoples than ever before in the history of time, which has possibilities of a solid stabilization of worth and efforts of the USA peoples not to let go of the gracious efforts, and not harder efforts as gripping the worth - people in the USA want to preserve, even more of a riche advantageous cultural prowess.
Peoples transparency ethics within the United States of America are very clear, and do revert back to the original 1-13 amendments of laws All, HUMANITY DRIVEN, of actual imperical spiritual areas of laws in a greater existance for a humanity within international rules too. The whole structure of all, laws within the USA constitutional laws, including and not limited to the actual rules of structure of rules of government roles. The 1-13 USA laws known as the constitutional amendments are inalienable rights
( unchangeable under strict laws ) of all in the United State of America.
More in details in Banana News Revival international press later this week. Peoples of the USA have an era that can be of power to the peoples - in an esteemed political peaceful effort. Within constitutional laws, which revert to the original decree of ethics even within many historically important details - to know of. I plan on writing a bit of the pertinent details soon in Banana News - updates soon.
7:32 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village. I have several more hours of writing and editing to complete for the book, the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK. with a real, ROYAL FRENCH, spring jubilee and much to know about cherry blossoms - which country imported the cherries from vaste orchards of cherries ?
More Soon. My updates planned for today will be late. With love to Pope Francis at the Vatican in Rome Italy today and forever, Pope Francis. Hello to all. Everywhere, expressly too, as well, Sir Vladimir Putin and all of Russia. Love, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
I will be searching for a job listing online for RUSSIA to post, for ease to employment in needs in RUSSIA too, posted soon. Also, I will be posting a USA ONLINE job list to a full list of options to devoted types of people starting at $15. 00 per hour, and some companies may be offering more.
40 hours per week - 52 weeks each year, It’s important to know more about gaining employment - sometimes deciding to take a job- in another city can be with more ease to some extra details to be aware of for a smoother, better, life experience. More on details about far distance - travel - that can be exciting.
Ah, special note: please do not forget to drink extra water in the summer months, especially if going on an outing. Extra drinking water is very important in warm weather. Juices too, and milk. Lemon or Lime ade soda is a fine drink, I prefer two SWEET AND LOW, with lime juice and imported sparkling soda water, with fresh cracked ice. Drinking water, in the summer is very important - especially in hot weather. People have fainted - in hot weather when not nourished with good food, plentiful and drinking extra water- I like it icy cold. Please do, drink plenty of water. Summer only gets better. Lemon Juice and Lime Juice can be purchased in bottles at most groceries.
7:51 pm NEW YORK USA NOW email update minutes ago,
from international critics in culture and critical expressions from all over the world.
Again with more Read More from eFlux again soon, with national USA and international contributors.
8:08 pm NEW YORK USA NOW message from MICK JAGGAR
In FILM with the ROLLING STONES music composers.
merci xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit: Mick Jagger
10:56 pm NEW YORK USA NOW There are a few edits I made in todays notes.
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett - the updates I had wished today are with slight schedule delay due to exciting final details on
THE ROYAL FLAMBÉ’ BOOK, with sketches that are a bit opulent, really exciting actually. VOGUE MAGAZINE was so kind to add a few 14 century designs too. Just for me. I was so surprised. Anna Wintour is perfectly wonderful. The 14 th century is even more exciting with real ROYAL FLAMBÉ’ .Good morning in Europe and good night to everyone in the USA and abroad within the western continental countries internationally. Wishing you the very best, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sitting or standing. With love to Sir Vladimir Putin, and everyone everywhere. xo.
Film with Jimmy Carter, former United States of America President,
with former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, updated Film
George Harrison “ Any Road Will Take You There “ Listen
12:02 pm From my tiny village, in Saranac Lake, New York, in the USA NOW. The time in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW is 7:04 pm. It is my wish to say hello and sleep well, to sir Vladimir Putin, The Kremlin of the Country of Russia. Sleep well to the many many millions of Russian Peoples too. Sweet dreams to everyone in all of Europe, and it is wish a hello to everyone too, and good day, I wish to all in the USA and the many very beautiful countries of South America and the lovely south seas countries, including Cuba, and then north, in the North American Continent - in the very large good country of Canada, good day everyone, everywhere. Whom ever you are. I have fine good friends, and I am incredibly thankful for the lovely global messages, with absolute love to me, thankfully yes, How nice, and great love towards sir Vladimir Putin, with his, esteemed cares, concerns, and even unseen efforts, with a healthy economy that sir Vladimir, darling sweet Vladimir Putin, never stopped working on, to assure the abundance in life for a large good, fine greater humanity of peoples. The grains, produced an astounding production, milks, cheese and more, even the RUSSIAN electric automobile, did well, and international and national sales for business owners and wealthy, employed peoples did well. 87 percent better in a steady solid year even. The need for more employment in companies larger with wealth enough, grew. I was reading the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin’s daily online public post, as I often do. I read many international and national posts - sometimes large conglomeration companies. Years and years, I keep up with friends, near and far, in cultural cares. VOGUE MAGAZINE too. While I was living in the city of Chicago Illinois, years ago, working in a very high profile posh boutique investment banking postition, studied at a Royal College University, in cultural worth, broading my own cultural work in my many stacks of note books, and sketch books, finished work, too, many years of finishes work, selling important sketches and paintings internationally- my ENGLISH STYLE BROWNSTONE estate rental, was beach side, with parking, and a near by grocery, village proper, train, tennis courts risterantes and giant sunflower garden, with over nine million people in the near area within an hours drive. Thankfully, there was always good employment -
even a few shops, that gave away, used business clothes. Needing to purchase a fine suite for a job, can be expensive. So, paying less than $8.00 for a suite was good to be able to have several suites for work. Of course there was one shop, with some free suites, at least a professional shirt and trousers, not always easy to find, just what you really, prefer. Today, there is an ease to online shopping, for nearly everyone. Fine Oxford Style Shirts, are designed after the finest clothes, that were worn at OXFORD UNIVERSITY, in standard basics. Even today, it’s very nice to be able to wear pure Oxford style to work, with classic pearls, and fine pearl stud posted ear rings. Or a fine tie, even for women of course. Maybe a tissue weight long silk scarf tie - with soft flowers, for women, ascots? Are a preference for men and women too. The sheer delight, of feeling prepared- can be easy. While starting a new job, is always stressful for a month, will learning as much as you can, and even more, sometimes, just about the village of fine peoples.
Meeting people - trying to look your best. Worn shoes- acceptable. My first pair of work shoes, were $4.00 at Kmart, canvas white walking shoe. The more expensive shoes came later for work. It was exciting to select something more fancy for work. My first dress shoe, at my first job, was a fine red linen silk heeled shoe, made in the country of Spain. And a good, leather faux boot, with sporty sandals too.
I took a few minutes to look up a listing for employment in Russia. READ There are quite a few online job sites for RUSSIA’S large country. Plentiful employment options and good pay, and quality work enviornment, good on the job training, as well as apprenticeships in higher skill level employment are available - too.
The Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, noted several weeks ago, publicly, that, RUSSIA has- a fast process for citizenship with a year, of service working for Russian government service jobs. With full government benifits, to adventurous new citizens. Of course, it’s an option available. With extra options to assure emergency services - in some extreme pressured - issues, regarding the flood, which, I might add, that citizens of the Ukraine, turned to get to Russia, for work, and even think to commute - more. Many peoples in the Ukraine, wish to see the Ukraine president , under scrutiny of even a college level exam, while, worse, trying to damage the tiny country, of even very noble cares from the Kremlin’s Office of the large very assute country of RUSSIA, with many great peoples. Such a wealth for all surrounding countries in the economic international trade sales worth, of lengthy work, from the Kremlin, himself, sir Vladimir Putin, with businesspeople and employed - in mind. Very important to everyone.
Important indeed. Shirts - yes. And Trousers. Yes. I wished to post, a listing for shirts OXFORD STYLE, great for risterantes and office or registers - and preserves good finer clothes. Very good prices too.
More in just a minute.
OXFORD SHORT SLEAVE and SUMMER LINEN - some very small to xx - X-Large sizes at about
$12.99 READ EXRTA FINE CORDUROYTROUSER - summer lite clothe,
drawstring, and easily cut, for proper leg length with a fine look for summer. read
SUMMER SCARVES, MEN OR WOMEN, warm, in evenings, perfect to toss into a satchel, and get to work. Especially nice to wear into a cool air conditioned ristorante, and get a leisure dinner - after a long day of work. Smart Warmth, and Eastern European Savvy READ
A silk tie, worn as an ascot, is a choice to enjoy, even a low tie knot on the front of a shirt, with a pearl of jewelry pin, for women, tie pin for men, knot at neck is neat and serious possible. read Go with a tie or without. Either. Fine Wallets, under $8.00 with zip for phones, men and women, and exceptional quality, many fine colors. read Daily Travel Satchel, men or women, good crafted travel sack, for everyday - under $14.00 read. Best Canvas Shoe Under $15.00 read Light Weight Nylon Sachel Travel Case on Wheels, under $ 23.00 read silk satin Summer Camisole Fine Quality Under $9.00 in eleven assorted silk satin colours read jeans as low as $14.99 read It’s a wild idea, smart, to tuck a Twill Fine Apron in your Satchel, for any job, and preserve your day wear. Under $14.00 Ready for the busy work day, perfect. read
Under Garmets, small to 3x read Upper undergarment the best read Men fruit of the loom read
apron ready in assorted colors read even nice to have for BBQ brunch, and at home.
Kaki stretch and Summer Shorts more, some under $15.00 read.
fresh wipes $4.74 three pack traveler antibacterial read
when in the sun, spf sun protection for the skin, is important. SPF 17-30 works well. Some fine stores sell a sun protection make up for both men and women, and excellent for healthy care of skin. Made in Paris France Read spf 30 sun lotion for sunny outings is also a good reality, for a sun kissed healthy lovely face. don’t forget your spf - make up for men and women. just a few seconds to softly dauple on skin, and- your skin smart. Afordable excellent lip stick, for summer tint lip, almay is very good, read I myself, use LIP ICE, FROM MENTHOLATUM COMPANY, made in New Jersey USA, for under lip stick, for totally healthy lips. Men / WOMEN PUFFER VEST under $11.00 READ Nylon Wind Breaker Coat with Hood, read.
Smart Cotton Pencil Skirt small to extra large, summer comfort, nice with boot,
canvas shoe, or finer sandal, under $13.00 , many colors read
SNACKING FOODS, nuts, dry fruit, romen noodle soups, crackers, and peanut butter, jellies and jams, soup in cans, tins of Chicken and Tuna with Mayonaise for a tune salad on Crackers, tin baked beans, dry powder milk, quality baby food in a jar ready to eat, and coco, tea, instant coffee, packs of sweetener, powder sweet ice tea mix with lemon, and more, ships from Walmart USA and more at Amazon, even chocolate covered raisins and delicious carmel corn -cheese pop corn already popped, Pringles Potato Chips, tins of fruit mixes, or sliced fruit, while preparing for traveling summer outings, job searches, or just your average work day, be prepared, and know that people care, everywhere in the world. Getting beyond, economic disaster, and more, you’re not alone. You can get your shipment in a post office anywhere in the world. Check with any personnel at any post office, and write down the exact post office address, then have your needed foods and items shipped in needed things, sent to “YOUR GENERAL MAIL BOX” at the post office, shipped in your own name and write general mail box next to your name then the post office address, with an email recipe from the post office, and then pick up your shipment - as needed. It’s nice to know when traveling, that you can rely on getting to a post office - for a special need. Of course, if you travel to China, you need to learn to translate language - of course. Google on line does have GOOGLE TRANSLATE. If searching for a job in RUSSIA : “ online job search RUSSIA” is what to type into google or bing, and if in the USA or another country, type in to google or bing, online job search, and then which country, which city, which village ? With online maps to study roads. Bus and transportation areas, cabs, too. Which road ? Which city, which village? Very important to note, at the Office of the Kremlin, in Russia, sir Vladimir Putin has an email, to contact in further information on needs, jobs, and more. Absolute.
The Best, Sylish Travel Eye Glasses, Hard Fine Design Travel Case, For Reading, on or off line.
Using a strong 2.75 for ease in reading, to carry everywhere, yes. under $12.00 READ
Bookish Smart Eye Glasses Four Pack, under $8.00 READ silk scarf $4.95 read Excellent Packable Sun Hat read
Perfect Eye Liner in a Finest Clinique Eye Pencil,
Perfect coffee brown for summer best. READ Perfect Nail Clipper Set, UNDER $6.00 READ
RED SPORTY , TRAVEL HOT CUP, with a usb plug in to your
solar pack for hot water everywhere. $34.99 read very best, bandalino women’s brand shoe, as low as $19.99 just find your style and size in bandalino - read
more, yes, I have decided to continue with LOVE NOTES at Studio Vosse as well as Banana News.
love from myself, to everyone, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
2:12 pm NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village.
8:22 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, email from the President of Boeing International,
and everyone at Boeing. Simple marvelous of everyone, to send the important update. READ
merci, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo everyone. thank you once again.
HONG KONG, CHINA museum email
from everyone in HONG KONG, in the country of China. READ 11:12 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
WITH DESIGN WITHIN REACH in an email update, of a great international Scandinavia Designer, with wonderful sculptural designs at DESIGN WITHIN REACH as in DWR
Rob Forbes, is adventurous and later opened a international store for biking, Inspired by love for biking even in Amsterdam Denmark within the European Continent,
PUBLIC BIKES is luxurious -Headquartered in San Fransisco, California, manufactured in the far Eastern Europe in the country of Taiwan. As a USA based company the sales are in all 50 states within the USA, and a luxury of sales, internationally as well. and emailed with a update, READ
Special READING of Dr. Seuss, famous book,
GREEN EGGS and HAM. for everyone near and far, all over the world.
The famous children’s literary work in the book, is
for everyone to listen to the exciting puzzling literary honored book,
with a FILM
film credit: from a dad wonderfully spoken.
Many, updates soon, even in the long awaited Banana News Revival international press, which I hope you have a minute or two to read globally for everyone. Soon updates, that are vital to know. The day was busy into the next few days, with finalized book details, with the Obscure Film Moving Pictures Movie in my catalogue sales, of MONSTER and the WALNUT. THE ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK is exciting in the reality of the 14 th century, of Flambé real, in a ROYAL FLAMBÉ - a royal delivery of cherries delivered by a international merchant sailor, by hand and foot, from international ocean ships of a country far, imports of a realized mecca. Outrageously true. I can hardly wait.
Thee ROBERT REDFORD sent me a message updated -
is internationally well known for his historically important political film.
Merci, xo, Banana pancakes with everyone soon. Love to everyone, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
HERMAN MILLER, internationally well known, everywhere in the world.
With such a nice message today. READSaul Steinberg update read
11:39 pm NEW YORK USA from my tiny village NOW
3:18 pm NEW YORK, USA NOW from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK
Good Afternoon, in the USA and throughout the country of Canada, South Americans many countries, and south seas countries, including the vibrant country of Cuba. Good night in Europe now, sweet dreams, everywhere. Sweet Dreams to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the beautiful country of RUSSIA. Delays in some posts, are, exciting in the reality, of so many extrodinary messages, and I am with expressions of great love to everyone. The kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, is with my love, as, I can’t wait much longer to post, updates from the office of the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, within the government of RUSSIA.
updates as well, from other global presidents, directly, including the lovely wonderful President of the country of beautiful CHINA. Even the President of Honduras - with a slight delay, on the greater lengthy importance that take extra minutes for thee- details of great importance, in the USA and with international interest all over the world. Banana News Revival international news, has ROBERT REDFORD excited too, and late banana pancakes, at that fine pancake house, in village of kennel-worth, Illinois, USA that serves, giant pancakes that are with a fine ancient German recipe, and the best cup of ROYAL coffee.
Fresh Farm Eggs, sautéed in pure farm fresh butter. Not far from the city of Chicago, if flying or driving in. Of course, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, there is a lovely colonial, village risterante pancake house, perfect. And always makes me feel at home. About 1000 miles from Chicago Illinois USA strait south. Lovely drive, about two days, or a hour by plane. Lovely drive through beautiful Smokey Mountians, in the USA. Known as the largest, biosphere forest reserve in the country of the United States of America. With more diverse variety of plants, and trees, flora and Fauna, with many wild flowers streams, and rivers, and fine hotels - in the bear run regions, real Black Bears as well., and wild red wolf, even rare Luna Moth, butterflies.
his comment, quoted from his email yesterday in a very sweet note.
getting to his earlier email, several days ago, is with an important note, that many, Ukraine People, joined the Russian Service, for duel international citizenship, weeks ago, and ongoing, as then, full citizen benifits in Russia- was with a faster, one year to earn RUSSIAN CITIZENSHIP, with ease immediately to employment and commuting. More in Banana News, before Sunday this week.
The former governor of California, Major Movie Personality, born Austrian European Citizen, with duel international citizenship, World Champion Weightlifter, is busy, and made time for me, in a Netflix political statement film clip - serious.
4:09 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, several days ago, the the United States of America FEDS, as in the United States of America, Federal Bureau of Investigators, stopped a unethical interest rate hike, in the USA that is with the ability more and again, to stopped the Oval Office from more attempts at extorting taxes, skimming even from the attempt to hike interest rates, unethically. The eyes of people all, in the USA village by village, side by side, with needs for much greater, are with the eyes of the world. With ethical rights, to assure the USA peoples of many ideals of standards. The Federal Investigators can, place stops on grips to taxes, illigally dumped into NATO, the state department, and the pentagon. Within the appropriation constitutional rights of the peoples, which span into rights of international business peoples and travelers, whom wish to invest their time, in a cultured fruitful lovely USA, a good for people all. READ
2:23 pm Honduras, in South America NOW
4:24 am BEIJING, CHINA NOW AFTER MIDNIGHT june 16 th 2023
more soon. ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, near ready.
June 16th 2023
4:03 pm from my TINY VILLAGE, in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, NOW.
Good day to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia. Showering you with kisses all over your face, sent. As you sleep, May you dream of them, my kisses. Catch them with your sweet hands and mind. Delivering a devotion to so many peoples with lovely, understated endless details, is quite lovely. I shall, highlight again, more vividly, such RUSSIAN LOVE. The telephone companies in Russia, of course can be with ease to smart phone technology phones, in boardering countries, as the efforts of many months for telecommunications networks - to the details of the Russian Kremlin, improved to assure- not just everyone to have assured phones, but improved the future of strengthing the very best, telecommunications networks - for phone and online services in excellence. With international calling of course. A standard need - needless to say. Sweet sir Vladimir Putin, you’re adorable. I enjoyed a late breakfast today. Working quite late last evening, to finish the details of the 14 th century FLAMBÉ BOOK. THE BOOK cover, will be complete today. It’s rather exciting with all that hard work. My working breakfast was a home made, raisin cream vanilla custard pie with whipped cream.
Perfect in a busy week.
Good day to peoples of RUSSIA, good day, in the Ukraine to everyone as well. The films, sent, from some Ukrainian people, were with many messages of relief in ways, of RUSSIA with very good cares. Thank you for the messages of cares to Russia and love to everyone in the whole world. The relief efforts, from the OFFICE of the KREMLIN in RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, with the prestigious executive government, and many government offices, are with excellent efforts, and plentiful jobs and even fine rental estates, with extra - relief efforts as well. Even if made, difficult, RUSSIAN LOVE, is more than imaginable, in such difficulty. More, very soon, in Banana News, beyond the email and phone numbers directly - for need based services from the OFFICE of the KREMLIN, of the government of the country of RUSSIA.
With a few extra minutes, I have taken the time, to again,
post the Phone and Email, Directly from the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, thee, President of the country of RUSSIA, for ease to any flood relief, in special needs, to Ukraine citizens.
And good day, to everyone, everywhere in the world, as well.
The very prestigious and extremely successful
Saint Petersburg Economic Forum
which takes place in Saint Petersburg Russia,
are of great lengthy efforts, excellence in success, for a strong kind, noble worth to RUSSIA.
The Kremlin’s understated - worthy efforts expanded are of a prosperous improved economy over many years internationally as well. The stabilized solid small and very large companies in Russia, have been a strength to taxes for a good RUSSIAN cultural standard. With excellence in citizens benifits, with solid standards educationaly. Taxes - of course, did not replace the daily hard work of the Kremlin, to even improve standards in the justice departments of Russia, with excellence in equality to forgiveness needs, and strengthened social programs, with a very kind cultural savvy, RUSSIA. READ
Email updated, was quite prompt from sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia, several days ago, with NEW MOTORWAYS already in progress, in AKSAI, ROSTOV, and KRASNODAR regions, with the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin’s rather, assute attentions, as too, of an esteemed government of REAL RUSSIAN LOVE, of the Kremlin’s focus, in humanitarian, assute attention. The notation from the Kremlin, President of Russia was public at the Kremlin’s site,
OFFICE of the KREMLIN, GOVERNMENT of the country of RUSSIA.
film credit: James Taylor, emailed in a very special message today.
more soon. 6:22 pm ART, ANTIQUITIES, CULTURE, fun film updates from an email of SOTHEBY’S
6:28 pm eighteen chicken salad recipes, by MARTHA STEWART, email update, READ 6:31 pm NY USA NOW yesterday email, from Oprah Winfrey in a special from the city of Detroit, Mishima USA with an exciting FILM , from thee, OPRHA WINFREY. more soon.
for the right lane only, $1499.00 free shipping. READ.
update email,
with a very special film.
film credit: John Melloncamp with a special thank you kindly,
xo with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 9:12 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
email from Thee Steven Spielberg, whom is a very wonderful,
Major Movie Director, with tremendously creative, very successful loved film movies, very well known.
Enjoy the update: Steven Spielberg in conversation
with Stephen Colbert
more soon. merci everyone xo. Splendid.
4:18 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW June 17th 2023
Special HAPPY BIRTHDAY, yesterday, into a BIRTHDAY WEEK,
to sir Xi Jinping, President of the country of CHINA.
with a famous opera from MARIA CALLAS
more soon.
1:48 am in my tiny village, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW
june 17 th 2023, one hour and forty eight minutes after midnight. 8:51 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW.
yes, I received a very special email from Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin
as in thee President of the vast country of lovely RUSSIA.
A gift html, FILM of the very prestigious globally recognized,
ECONOMIC FORUM, quite, a lovely lecture of great importance to the world.
The prestigious audience of so many fine people, filled the large RUSSIAN auditorium, in one of the world most important economic lectures, from the Nobel Peace Honor, in outstanding efforts of economics of a greatest humanities, devoted to worth of people. The delightful people in city of
Saint Petersberg, Russia, filled the good city, considerably well, of thee city the Kremlin was born, and worked in serious studies, in growing up, and later, his post secondary education, in well noted honored, of a degree in International Law, with a degree in International Business, within humanities studies.
an outstanding international political lecture
in FILM withSir Vladimir Putin
film credit: direct from the OFFICE of the KREMLIN, sir, VLADIMIR PUTIN,
of the Government of the country of RUSSIA.
merci, darling sir Vladimir Putin, it was generous of you to send the html FILM. Very Gracious of You.
with respects of love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Vladimir ? Would you say that we were most charming and delightful as childhood sweet hearts ? serious filmed commentary: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett Royal Sketch : VALENTINE 2024 portraiture photograph of Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the royal country of Russia, loved photographing me. I was thrilled. MOSCOW RUSSIA A ROYAL RUSSIAN MENU of the di vinci supper royal supper honors had nearly begun. 2.4.2024 FEBRUARY THE KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, wildly beautiful. yes, I can say so. A SPECIAL DRIVE FILM what great fun, VLADIMIR ...
LITTLE BLACK BOOK lists largest, yes, press international kind delights with everyone all over the world, you might be ready to post a reel too, BBQ, OR BRUNCH PROPER, LUNCH IN THE PARK, with F AT GRILLED CHEESE , soft cheeses, with sliced summer tomatoes , vine ripe roma , or perhaps swiss, winter tomatoes from the vines, and finest avacado, with extra mayo, lettuce's with ice berg included. shrimp, sliced black olive, grilled sauteed mushrooms and vidalia spanish onions. even a olive oil grilled sliced garlic potatoe , and a sunny side up egg, of course. buttered bread, with a hot mild pepper chili' rinochttia sauce, as a coilis. princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT @ STUDIO VOSSE with the loved media online and on the air LOVE NOTES photographic note: THE RUSSIAN EVENTS in my RUSSIAN FUR:,THEE PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP , on your toes men. The NEW ERA, waits for no-one, and we are with bad news, with yo...
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