Photographic Self Portrait Archive:
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
ANNOUNCEMENT: delay on the catalogue event
Which means, the international short film of MONSTER and the WALNUT in moving pictures of the major short film production is in production delay, as well. Soon, the whole world will be with a glimpse film short, of MONSTER and the WALNUT, before the exciting complete film will be available. The exciting, enchanting, charming movie, of MONSTER’S travels through the RUSSIAN BLACK FOREST, as MONSTER, travels wistfully, to gift a real princess a real black walnut, far across the ocean, from an 800 million year old, RUSSIAN BLACK FOREST walnut tree.
watercolour paint, on imported French Specialty Cotton Paper: PRUSSIAN BLUE 2023
The special cotton paper imported from the country of France, is created to last hundreds of years or more with proper care.
Good Day or Evening to everyone, everywhere, all over the world, on MONDAY
June 19th 2023 at 8:39 pm from my tiny tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. Within the last few days, many very good things have happened, even with a few delays of the July 3 rd Catalogue Events, and thus, the movie delay as well, of MONSTER and the WALNUT. Though Father’s Day is important, as a lovely group of students created a special message for FATHER’S DAY 2023, from the USA university of BOSTON, at MIT as a unique surprise - with gracious love and extra efforts of care, for the whole world.
Soon posted as I thought it is quite special.
The ancient painting from RUSSIA, known as the ancient RUSSIAN painting of the TRINITY, which sir Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA, preserved in a permanent exhibition in MOSCOW RUSSIA, at the central RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL, in MOSCOW, will be posted again in LOVE NOTES, at my STUDIO VOSSE, in the late summer 2023. The ancient RUSSIAN TRINITY painting is a special gift for the world of humanities to enjoy for all, as for everyone in the world to see, and think more - a possibility to one day even see the ancient RUSSIAN painting, of over 600 years old, with excitement to think even, of travel to ponder with our own eyes of greater humanity, in an ancient message for the whole world. To experience - a rare cultural exploration, is a joy in life, for such a gift of ancient humanity. My Father , and Wendel Powers, would have really enjoyed such, RUSSIAN LOVE. A man named Jed, very kind, with RUSSIAN aristocracy and a family friend too Jed is, might enjoy even the late summer post in my LOVE NOTES, of the very opulent of humanities importance, the RUSSIAN TRINITY PAINTING, is. If not in person. My sweet mother too, would enjoy the spectacular viewing again of the RUSSIAN TRINITY. The painting is a rare, reality to the ancient culture of a greatest humanity in world development and an ancient gift for all, even to see one day in person with excellence in map studies for affordable travel.
An Abundance of Delight. Imagine - what a fine travel to MOSCOW RUSSIA., as to know there are troves of greatest humanity in the world, more to note for more good travels. Of best cares, to know much more. I must say thank you to the Kremlin of RUSSIA,
Sir Vladimir Putin, for the preservation of such a chance for all, to really see the ancient RUSSIAN, PAINTING, with rare unique history of the greatest humanity. Simply fantastic.
Paint Daubles of rarest Blue from travels of blue paint from a rare blue flower only found atop a mountain in ancient China over 600 years ago, with the symbol of gold toned paint from possible France, Africa, Italy, even England. Yellow orchard paint, hand made, of even umber bronze in the Middle East, and a red soil, of Canada, Astrialia, Greece, and even , of special colors of places, 600 years ago, as too, South America known of Indian Ink, and the states of the USA with some secrets of ancient history, even are quite a possibility to know more. Prussian Blue too, of only RUSSIA, made by hand only with the blue flower from the far travel to China, of mixed hand made color, from blended types of flower from RUSSIA, creating pure PRUSSIAN BLUE, a rare color 600 years ago, is worth more of the finest rarest to glimps again at the RUSSIAN TRINITY PAINTING, Noble of RUSSIAN, it brought a certainty more, into history into world culture properly enview today. Of a worth to the mind of humanity of prosperity individually to all, as important a reach, from real hand made paint of hands and minds of a sacred ancient preserved of a modern RUSSIAN LOVE.
Ah, yes, I did not forget about FATHER’S DAY, and the great students studying hard at university school, of the college of MIT in BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS, USA, did not forget either. What a lovely presentation in a poetic lovely FILM merci to everyone in Boston Massachusetts, MIT USA and villagers - all. xo. I am very glad to see MIT up and running with good spirits. Lovely.
Film Credit: lovely students of MIT USA.
12:18 am NEW YORK USA NOW june 20th 2023
7:19 am MOSCOW RUSSIA june 20th 2023 morning.
June 20th 2023, 11:30 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA.
Brief post update, with some changes in dates for the Announcement of the Catalogue Event. If everyone globally has a minute, please fully read the UPDATE again. The piazza pizza event schedule with
LIVE ON - THE - AIR international studio vosse tv, in person global world cam events has a slight delay as well. Steven Spielberg emailed after seeing my new announcement, with a rational to a wonderful project event - that sometimes needs decisions of important delay in scheduled project work. also, The Kremlin of Russia,
sir Vladimir Putin, emailed me an update from a public note he worked through, from his Kremlin Office in Moscow Russia, important and with a great modern - precipitation of PURE RUSSIAN LOVE, read
special edition update too, read
12:05 pm NEW YORK USA NOW june 21 st 2033 Father’s Day Surprises. Yes.
film credit: Boston Pops.
more soon.
special archive photograph, just for Father’s Day, extended, that translates
the existence of expressions to SERIOUS LOVE, to Father’s everywhere,
serious love to the whole world too.
Photographic Credit: Fashion Organizers Gift Message June 2023
More Fashion Shows from Countries All, will be ongoing in my love notes throughout the summer into Autumn Months. With special recipes for vanilla custard tarts with rum raisin sauce, for early morning or late night international special roast coffees and films. Even film short, updates on wild, import cars.
emailed 1:35 pm NEW YORK, USA NOW
MOZART composition with conductor JORDI SAVALL
zine kliene nachtmusik JORDI SAVALL, and le concert, des nations
Film Credit: Carnegie Hall Peoples special film for Father’s Day.
more soon. 2:21 am NEW YORK USA NOW
email update HERMAN MILLER with a wonderful very special FILM
June 21st 2023 3:08 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA.
Good Day, and good evening to everyone all over the world. Also, plenty of Kisses Sent
to Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia, special delivery with love to you darling sir,
in MOSCOW RUSSIA. There were over 100 Canadian Geese,
at the village lake park yesterday. If they are still there tomorrow, I plan to take a short break from my tiny estate home office, and film the geese so majestic in the green grasses, with the beautiful waterfront.
3:15 pm NEW YORK NOW
PHOTOGRAPHY LECTURE early email today, with a
special lecture film, on more to know about preserving archival photographs.from ARCHIVAL METHODS, with a wonderful update about archiving.
more than major movies is with an update.
in conversation with Robert Redford’s Grandson READ
THEE PAUL SIMON in converstation
filmed in the country of Canada
Special Extra from PAUL SIMON diamonds of the souls of her shoes listen
more soon. 4:18 pm NEW YORK NOW
update from thee JOFFREY BALLET, in Chicago Illinois USA,
as one of the finest American International Ballet Companies in the world. READ
held in SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA. the city where sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia was born, with a international law degree, and a secondary degree of international business, within advanced specialization work in economic stabilization of highest international standards, from the University of St. PETERSBURG. Known as one of the worlds most prestigious universities as well. Sir Vladimir Putin, in lectures, at length in FILM
Film Credit:Saint Petersburg Economic Forum, in conjunction with the Office of the Kremlin of the Government of Russia, President sir Vladimir Putin, MOSCOW RUSSIA Contact the Kremlin’s Office for needs questions , job listings, travel arrangements in concerning needs, further questions of need programs and citizen conserns, forgiveness social programs information, and further assistance - all, in flood relief. direct from the Office of the Kremlin. of the country of Russia. Official Contact Information READ
more soon.
email June 21 st 2023, from thee MICHAEL BLOOMBERG, former MAYOR of one of the worlds most metropolitan city’s, international business person - and global philanthropic founder, with a film.
film credit: Michael Bloomberg
not yet in the film, while the study of international automobiles is a bit exciting. READ
emailed from Sotheby’s - New York and London England
more soon.
5:26 pm from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA NOW
late afternoon working brunch, I made real hand made pizza, with whete flour, yeast, secrets. Freshly baked early this morning, of tiny rounds filled with fresh whole mozzarella cheese, and sliced marinated mushrooms, with the finest oregano basil tomatoe sauce. iced sugar-free cola, working into evening, with imported coffee,
and fine confectionary coco dusted chocolate brownies.
Enjoy De La SARTHE SERIES OF CAR in films.
special import RUSSIAN roast and a strong two once of BRAZILIAN roast imported coffee.
cream and sweet and low. While, I enjoy adding a freshly made ice cold, imported mineral water- hand shaken lime soda too.
Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Special Pizza Recipe Soon.
more soon.
6:25 pm posted June 21 st 2023, from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA, NOW, with an update in USA NBC NEWS of DC Oval Office IMPEACHMENTS. The NBC NEWS was posted at NBC online, June 20th 2023 with other news reports - to know much more in case you missed some NEW updates. Important emails to USA congress are important - As simple as Yes to impeachment of the USA Oval Office emailed to the USA congress are constitutionally powerful in real USA cares. ASAP is best. BANANA NEWS May have an update soon. Why it is important to call or email the USA congressional representatives- to say yes, impeach dc Oval Office and remove admin. READ Banana News updates will be very important to the USA, and a great importance internationally. People from all over the world, can email the congress of the USA, on in an international movement - and citizens of the USA too - of course. In the new era, of much greater possibilities, with stabilization for the USA as USA priority, for all, in outrageously a future of greatest possibilities.
More Important News Updated Email, From Michael Bloomberg. READ
1:38 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 22 nd 2023
chicago Illinois, USA, with a selection of FILMS
in arts and culture. Thank you everyone, everywhere, Merci, xo
with love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
of the CHICAGO BULLS, MBL highlights now.
Film Credit:Michael Jordan with the National Basketball Major League. ( NBL ).
1:53 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 22 nd 2023
Good Evening from my tiny village 7:22 pm in. Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
June June 22nd 2023, and the summer has just begun. I have been working extra late evenings, and received many emails from such an international and USA national world of lovely peoples. While tonight into the late evening tonight and for a few extra days, I will be finishing up - exciting projects for the catalogue events that continue through the summer. The energetic fun, in the work in the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK and the moving picture movie about Monster and the Walnut, is wildly hard work- exciting public news, too. Even the NEW YORKER MAGAZINE emailed about Monster and the Walnut.
Sweet Dreams to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia, and sweet dreams to all of the peoples of RUSSIA with great messages of love from me, and everyone in the whole world. Sweet Dreams to Eastern Europeans and all of Europe. The time in New York USA now is 7:29 pm and in Beijing China it is 7:30 am on June 23 nd 2023 at the same exact minute, Moscow Russia now the time is 2:31 am June 23 rd 2023 as well. London England on the west embankment of the entire European Continent, in the country of England, the time is 12:33 am, just after midnight, June 23 rd 2023. When you awake- I wish to say good morning. With all my love, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
email updates again soon.
With messages from very good fine people everywhere,
all over the world.
with farm fresh sautéed eggs. with a message more CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE
Photgraphic Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
starts with a fine recipe for pizza dough.
Whete Flour, Yeast, Salt, and Water.
2 c. bleached whete flour
2 1/2 teaspoons yeast
1 1/8 teaspoon Granulated Table Salt
1 to 1 1/2 cups tepid warm water
Add the yeast and salt mixing into a large bowl with 1/2 cup warm water and mix well until the yeast and salt are well mixed and dissolved, then let sit, 5 minutes before adding 1/2 cup more warm water, Add flour, mix well, then adding more water, just enough to create a fine dough ball. Now, remove the dough ball from the bowl, and press dough folding it with your heel of your hand, ( kneeding the dough just a little) flouring hands well so they do not stick to the dough. Assure to flour your cutting board before you place the dough on the cutting board from the bowl. After kneeding the dough, return it to the bowl, and let sit in the bowl in a warm dry counter or table with a very clean, lint free kitchen towel, covering the top of the dough bowl. After three hours, remove the dough from the bowl by scraping the sides of the bowl with a table spoon, punch down the puffy dough, and make a smooth dough ball again, placing it back. into the bowl 3 more hours. Now remove the dough, smoothly roll it into a long form, cut the dough into even pieces - now, roll them into smaller balls, flatten on a well floured aluminum pan, cover with jar pizza sauce, lite dry basil,
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese, Sliced Mushrooms, Marinated, Tiny Sliced Ripe Black Olives,- a few strips of Marinated Roasted Red Pepper, and Bake in a pre- hearted Oven, 400 degrees, about 8- 12 minutes until crust is just golden crust. I have tiny pizza’s all week, just mushroom, with the very finest Italian Pizza Dough Recipe in the whole world. 6 HOUR RISE TIME, makes a scrumptious summer. Enjoy the very special real Italian Recipe for your Late SUMMER BRUNCH.
3:26 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW more soon.
June 23 rd 2023, 5:14 pm from my tiny village,
in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW.
Further Impeachment Notations to say Yes, Impeach ( remove ) the USA dc oval bum - just contact a USA senator by phone or email, and say Yes- to Impeachment. Now. USA Senate Contact READ
Nearly evening now, at 5:16 pm in my tiny estate rental office.
My midnight working dinner last evening was, Special Salmon Burgers, a secret recipe I created years ago, at age, 17 years old. A whole oven tray filled with Salmon Burgers, then bake and wrap separately and freeze, then just heat on low, with fried potatoes and salad. I served my midnight diner salmon burgers with broccoli in butter sauce, with a freshly made, REAL ITALIAN fresh made pizza.
The Catalogue Event, with the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, of a 14 th century ROYAL FLAMBÉ recipe, gets a bit exciting in an unusual book, like a jewel to enjoy. The cover ROYAL SKETCH, on the book cover, is nearly finished. As MONSTER and the WALNUT, are with my devoted minutes of excitment - in a finest little incredible film. Moving Pictures Major Production Short Film, of MONSTER and the WALNUT is a delight, soon with a stratifying glimps. With love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Hello, to Sir Vladimir Putin, with love, and a wish of love to everyone all over the world, everywhere. I love you, well. The amazing global messages, from everywhere, every country, peoples everywhere are perfectly lovely. Merci xo xo xo xo
SIR PAUL Mc CARTNEY of the BEATLES, has a very important exhibition event now at the ROYAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, in LONDON, ENGLAND. Princess Kate, and Paul McCartney, have an update about the opening, soon, posted. I promise.
in the city of LONDON, ENGLAND
more soon. With the Beatles Album, Sargent Pepper LISTEN
1:15 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 24 th 2023
BOB DYLAN and ERIC CLAPTON rare concert film short
more soon. update 6:14 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, my Catalogue Sale Summer Events are with rare art, in many Sketches, among the of sweet projects from my schedule - All, in some extra fine film events as well, before Piazza Pizza LIVE - ON - THE - AIR global international online TV cams with locations list pre- schedule updates soon, of events from myself at my company, studio vosse, with love, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Many peoples globally are rereading the posts, with greatest enjoyment -
with a REAL ITALIAN PIZZA RECIPE. more soon.
4:17 pm June 24 th 2023,
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake,
GOOD DAY to everyone, everywhere- all over the world. Sweet Dreams to all, in Europe now.
In the USA at this time, the new era, is with a much different platue of responsibilities of the peoples of the USA. It is a time, that I will say, my birth country, is filled with energetic brilliant, fiercely kind peoples of a greater USA. Michael Bloomberg emailed me, he has even began a project to assure best, study programs for children, to assure a catch up, of strong educational basics, to sink into at children, with vigor and among others, not without learning a social properness - and greater feeling of humanity - among many others. That is a special time for children, and it doesn’t stop as you grow up.
In the USA, we have political work to see through as citizens, with lingering dc issues of great concerns, in an unstoppable stabilization to the USA, with many whom have thwarted through to assure, a large excellence in standards, and greater opportunity in employment. Even more, beyond extremely concerning matters in the Oval Office, that which flared larger very mortifying issues internationally in more than 6 countries over the last 8 months. I wish to expand upon some details - in Banana News soon. It’s a busy exciting schedule in my estate home office now with delightful details of events, and love notes to the RUSSIAN KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin, including love notes to the whole world. My friends are outrageously important to me in love notes new and ole friends all. All over the world. People in the USA have dreams that matter- and a whole world they love. The new era- is real.
French Vanilla Rasin Custard Tart Pie recipe soon.
and whipped crème de la crème.
from the curators of the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM of ART
with a wonderful Vincent Van Gogh FILM and more.
directly from the METROPOLITAN
film credits: The Curators of the MET
email from sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia, was also made public at
the OFFICE of the KREMLIN, in MOSCOW RUSSIA. I love the message- finding it important to children and young peoples all over the world. As the President of the large country of RUSSIA, it is very important for the children and younger peoples of RUSSIA directly from Sir Vladimir Putin, whom, cares of good solid dreams and education standards in the country of RUSSIA, with love.
with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed is very special. Perhaps everyone
everywhere in the world, has a few minutes, for a movie this Indian Summer Week- End.
major movie film credit.
email GRAND OLE OPRY with Dolly Parton and Reba McIntire read
12:21 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW june 25 th 2023 a real email from Graceland Soon.
June 26th 2023 9:48 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA.
Good Morning and Good Evening, as it is 9:48 pm evening time in the far Eastern European Regions of the country of China. I have guest coming in from out of town, with freshly made brunch. It is wonderful to enjoy guest - arriving. Yesterday, I even made a quick shopping trip to a close by market for a few extra sweets, and drinks. Key Lime Pie, is on the Brunch Menu. As well as some fresh cinnamon Italian Bread Knots, Made Fresh yesterday. Perfectly glazed with a home made cinnamon icing.
Hand Blended Lime Soda too, is on my special menu. It’s a favorite recipe home made Soda, made with imported mineral sparkling water, from South America.
Cherry ROYAL FLAMBÉ sauce which I froze, is going to be perfect over a butter cake, with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.
I wish to say a special good morning to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the very beautiful country of Russia, with pleasant lovely cares. And love from myself and everyone, everywhere in the whole world. From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
more soon.
June 27th 2023 9:29 am Eastern Standard Time
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW
Brunch with Guests in Town 2023, is with an ease in Saranac Lake NEW YORK weather. The large lush mountian regions near the country of Canada, in NEW YORK, are breathable in a cooler temperature. Today there is a pleasant cool breeze of fresh air, with a few windows open. The country of the USA, in some areas is very hot. 113 degrees. People must stay out of the heat in hot temperatures like that, as much as possible. Drinking extra water and citrus juices too, are very important in extremely hot temperatures. Lowering coffee drinks and cola drinks- Stay refreshed and hydrated with citrus minerals and plenty of ice cold water to drink. Eat well, too. My day is filled with Guests at Brunch, and Finishing the final ROYAL SKETCHES of works of art for the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK. MONSTER and the WALNUT in moving pictures major movie films too, are on my project schedule. What you don’t know about the 800 million year old, Russian Black Forest is with some excitment of to secrets to unfold.
Sir Vladimir, darling -and everyone, have an enjoyable day. I’ll catch everyone up soon with email messages, and Brunch Notes, even emails from Martin Scorsese yesterday. Banana News updates are nearly ready to post. I love you all, everywhere in the world. Everywhere. From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
centre du pompidou with FILM
Paris, France NOW 4:03 pm
June 28th 2023, 8:07 pm eastern standard time
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
The SUMMER EVENT for Special Guests from out of town went very well. I even made hand knotted
CINNAMON, FRENCH SWEET BREAD with friends in, enjoyed a very special Italian Penne Pasta Summer Salad, Freshly Made Pizza, Assorted Pickles,
Mostly fine conversation inside near the windows overlooking the giant fir trees very close and somewhat majestic. Over 50 feet tall. Recipe for Cinnamon SWEET FRENCH BREAD KNOTS, yes. soon the recipe, with crème custard pie with rum rasin sauce.
Rootbeer was a favorite.
The day was truely wonderful. As today, into the evening I will be catching up on finishing touches to my 14 th century ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK. Banana News is soon.
more soon.
Good Day to everyone, everywhere, all over the world. It is June 30 th 2023 at 7:08 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK NOW. The time in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW is 2:09 am June 31st 2023, not quite morning sunrise. I wish to say good morning to sir Vladimir Putin, upon his morning to see to a fine breakfast and coffee, with a breath of lovely summer in Moscow Russia.
The country of Russia is with many wonderful noted details of finest cultural cares, with good strong economics and more, even an ancient city, that is with one of the worlds oldest ancient mosques. And the cares of the Russian Kremlin, of a gentle culture vibrantly of great known RUSSIAN LOVE.
Good Morning to all in Russia, too. Thank you all for the many messages throughout Russia. Lovely messages continue in all countries too, I wish to enjoy posting such beautiful culture of peoples in countries all. What a lovely world in many, many ways.
Yesterday GUCCI of the country of Italy sent me an email, reminding me to focus on completing my ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, as GUCCI loves the recipe.
Mick Jaggar too, sent me a BOOK NOTE. As did the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin. As the day was filled with busy finishing work on the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, and more love in messages from simply lovely people, as I was very thankful - and a delight. Even messages from the ROYAL FAMILY of the Country of ENGLAND and the president of China, even the president of Iran, among many others were of pure love to realize the cares of my
ROYAL SERIOUSNESS in fine FLAMBÉ that make life more extrodinary - as do the perfect messages everyone took time for. MERCI ‘ with love from myself,
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
What a lovely day of many, many messages of my book.
Simply extraordinary everyone. Thank you again.
Direct from GUCCI
We all wore plum For the finishing touches of the book , even sir Vladimir Putin, wore a fine silk plum tie. Simply perfect for my final book notations - What a fine day in my estate home office at my studio.
Merci xo xo xo xo with more soon.
I can hardly wait to catch everyone up on simply wonderful messages
of love and great cares to the Kremlin too, sir Vladimir Putin, from all over the world.
July 1 st 2023 8:05 pm from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA.
In MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW the time is, 3:07 am July 2nd 2023. Soon in RUSSIA, it will be time for very special BANANA PANCAKES for special Sunday Morning. The new motor boat, commuter project in RUSSIA, is going well. The motor boats are the most advanced in technology, in renewable energy, electric. The incredible economic improvements for many boardering countries are gaining more revenue for their country with a great RUSSIAN interest in seeing economic stability everywhere. Of course the amazing vaste country of Russia has an incredibly large population of peoples, that purchase imported goods, and afford the reality of luxury to buy regionally and internationally. Some boardering countries of Russia are projected to see a 12 % increase in sales revenue just in the next month, while the economic wealth of RUSSIAN peoples, has been a solid ongoing area of work and great worth, in the lengthy years, the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, has focused on the important stabilization strength of RUSSIA. Of course the great people of government too, made vested time and efforts to assure a greater assurance of standards to the people of the country of Russia, as well. Of course, boardering countries have a large opportunity towards - better economic wealth, within good standards and assured good standards of humanities areas, in gaining a reachable vitality in business and with options to be employed with good standards in wages. The president, sir Vladimir Putin, and the government people have esteemed efforts in humanities for the country of RUSSIA, with emphasis on many quality standards. Many efforts toward greater economic areas in an importance to - peoples, individual, one by one. Yes, the very large country of Russia by MAP Is more than four times larger than the USA as well. a glimps of a few cities in RUSSIA in photographs
The ancient city in Russia, is with many interested all over the world. Imagine, actually seeing the finest details of lengthy historical architecture details - RUSSIAN. And very exciting in the world.
More soon about the ancient city in RUSSIA, as one of the most ancient established cities.
The details of the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, are nearly complete. Mick Jaggar reminded me of a few extra important notes to jot into the amazing charming - delightful story of 14 century culture of the FRENCH ROYAL FLAMBÉ.
My notes to the people of FRANCE today, are expressions of only angish and wishes that all people seek perserverance, of love towards the greater many peoples with a large greater love in the world. With a strength of needs of peoples to fill villages with a love much greater, to assure the standards of the villages all, never diminish of a standard of a much greater reality. And a much greater world, filled with the lovely graces of peoples many. I know that many have received flood relief from the Kremlin’s Office of the PRESIDENT oF RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, with greatest efforts by the government people of Russia are well, even made difficult the humanitarian efforts from Russia, are with many
unseen needs met. The email and phone contacts of the government of Russia at the Kremlin’s Office, are with in kind services of need based assistance.
My love goes out to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia with soft kisses sent to shower his sweet face, and further wish him a good Sunday Breakfast. I wish everyone a great breakfast, lunch and dinner, everywhere in all countries to all peoples. Sitting or Standing. Many people in the USA are preparing for the Fourth of July 2023 holiday. BBQ is a special delight on the Fourth of July, and I will post a fine menu with recipes soon. The meaning of the Fourth of July 2023 is even more important this year than ever before within the new era - and a solid reality of the USA constitution of ethics in USA laws within humanities - with much for each and every USA American person to review over and over.
What is RUSSIAN BBQ ? On a USA Fourth of July ? Yes RUSSIAN BBQ is favored in the USA. True.
What does it all mean ? Important to know, and review as well. The constitution is even with some words, such as sanctions that I find important to realize more of the ridged rules of the word sanctions and why it might be extremely important to the future of the USA. A word of legal ethics, as sanctions is, is not ever to be used as a word to simply throw at very impressionable studious journalist, even journalist that walk in the same doors at times of those slinging words - in a unethical way. Not very nice. Made to face an archaic, empty mind of unethical anarchy. The USA country is much greater and with kind dignified solid standards in care - not to compromise in unleavened upheaval of Neanderthal Shoves to weaken the fate of the USA. Unimaginable that the Ukraine peoples were left to deal with, a faite a bad president in the Ukraine, with USA DC Neanderthals - Looking back at the lines of USA citizens out of work in 2020, and concerning economics to owners of companies whom - have all rights never to be stopped from opening their doors in all legal rights - there are details to see revealed more in Banana News international press.
Why is Fourth of July 2023 important ? Perhaps you will have a minute to read my Banana News announcement, extras and some fine films and lectures too.
With my special Fourth of July 2023 BBQ menu-
With love to everyone in the USA and all over the world.
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit: The Beatles
9:39 From my tiny village in NEW YORK NOW
4:40 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 2 nd 2023
Hello, and good day to everyone in the USA and everywhere internationally. A special hello to
Sir Vladimir Putin, Thee Kremlin of the country of Russia. with SPECIAL LOVE TO YOU. GOOD WISHES TO EVERYONE IN RUSSIA AS WELL I wish you a fine Sunday evening in Moscow Russia, with messages of love darling sir Vladimir Putin, from all over the world. It is Sunday afternoon at 1:49 pm in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK NOW. July 2 nd 2023 and 8:50 pm in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW. The writting on
my ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, is very exciting, with some expanded extra sketches
of charm of the 14 th Century, within international cultural divinity. The lovely messages,
even from the wonderful President, Sir Mohmoud Abbas, of the country Palestine are extraordinary.
The USA, has a city in state of Illinois, named in Honor of the country of Palestine. Good day to all in the lovely cultural country of Palestine of Europe. Extra book notations were needed. May all peoples across Europe and of Russia and everywhere internationally and within the USA, count perils, with love, even of an influence of RUSSIAN LOVE. With extraordinary cares of the humanities of people individually - of perils of love. With messages of love to you sir Vladimir Putin, darling Kremlin of Russia.
Of a RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT of NOBILITY with the doors of humanity and rooftops all, of RUSSIA SACRED.
message from Thee Michael Jordan, World Champion USA National Basketball Association with highest Honors in University Education in a, excellence in Business Administration, and Ethics, with extraordinary philanthropic work in the world. Michael Jordan, worked in philanthropy for highlighting fundamental standards in education, and rudimentary importance of vitality in economic standards and opportunities to employment for peoples, in Chicago Illionios, underlining importance to the whole world.
Sunday Basketball Professional League NBA update with Michael Jordan
Film Credit: Michael Jordan
more soon. BBQ recipes for the USA Fourth of July 2023, with countries of Peoples All, celebrating summer too, with a fine BBQ. I have a few, very special USA and international recipe basics. With a favorite RUSSIAN BBQ, UNFORGETTABLE. Middle Eastern BBQ, Chinese BBQ, Korean BBQ, Polynesian BBQ, Mongolian BBQ, European West Bank London Style BBQ- ENGLAND that is, USA Midwest BBQ, Canadian BBQ, South American BBQ, USA Southern BBQ, German BBQ,Turkish BBQ, Irish BBQ, Greek BBQ, African Tunisian Style BBQ. Later Today, with BBQ basics - to enjoy forever, as my Fourth of July Indian Summer Gift of Pure Love, to everyone, everywhere, all over the worldAh, yes, Cuban BBQ too.
Excuse me, I have an important call, it’s an important
message from Billy Joel, excerpt only film.
une moments’
Forth of July 2023 in the USA, is worth learning more about International Cuisine’ as a cultural love that the USA and the whole world have enjoyed over more than thousands of years. Not simply bratwurst and mustard. While, I do enjoy a chicken bratwurst and German Horsradish Mustard quite well. Luxurious foods on the Forth of July 2023, are worth the effort. Even into the week, making excellent extra foods, a more pleasurable summer. I traveled to see my brother in the state of Kentucky USA, last year, and him and his wife served me the most lovely gracious BBQ as I thought, they both might love a variety of BBQ, even lavish in the traditions of worth, as everyone spends extra time catering to, cultivations of international love with finest preparations of fine foods for early summer 2023. Forth of July in the USA couldn’t be more beautifully bold, to exhalt in alligences of all nations - of honor in even international foods. My brother devoted 20 years of his life to the USA Army, and then took work devoted to USA postal shipping. His love for culture is veracious and BBQ too. I could not have had a better time in my travels to his lovely home in the state of Kentucky USA. It was very good seeing my three brothers and two sisters. One of my brothers loves world literature very well. My youngest brother, is a fine fellow, with a mechanics mind, and too loves BBQ. My two sisters always lived far, though always especially kind inviting interesting people. We all, enjoy BBQ.
For the BBQ, I sometime enjoy, shrimp, or chicken, with all my recipes. Large Cap Mushrooms and Chunky Slices Fresh Garden Vegtables too, can fill a BBQ kabob - perfectly. Mushroom Stuffing Balls are with a riche flavored excelence in serving with BBQ sauce as well. Prawns can be exceptional with ancient BBQ recipes. The Forth of July 2023 week, is exciting with BBQ from all over the world.
It is my wish that everyone, everywhere have a chance to enjoy, my very special BBQ summer holiday post - cooking in, or finding just the perfect BBQ to travel out for.
Film Credit: A BBQ specialty BBQ Chef in the country of RUSSIA
Menu for Forth of July USA Observance Holiday
for the All People to Review the meanings and Signing of
the United States of American Declaration of Independence of the
Sacred Assurance of the 1776 Constitutional Decree of Ethics in Humanities of USA Rules of Ethics. Signed on July the 4 th in the year of 1776. Powers of the Peoples legislation. With a celebration of assured, Inalienable ( unchangable -Doctrines of All Peoples Rights )
Written in the first through the thirteenth Ammendment of Unchangable Laws -provisionary rights of all peoples. Welcome to all peoples of one great Country as One Nation of the USA.
Of course International Foods even lavish in the year 1776 too are important
for the USA Celebration of the Nation of the Peoples of the United States of America.
Rememberance too, of all, internationally of aliegence to all peoples of all countries - of even years of fortitudes more than just, Weinershnitzel as even much greater care of a fuels, to kind love of comforts and joys in an abundance of faite within imperical love of humanity. Unforgotten of years in worth. Individualism. Belief of humanity near and far - remarkable of a sacred worth, fiercely worth rights that are sacred.
Menu Extra: BBQ Kabobs, Freshly Baked French or Italian Bread, Russian Black Bread, German Rolls, Seasoned Rice - with international seasoning selections. BBQ baked beans with brown sugar maple cured crunchy bacon topped slow roasted bean bake dish, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, made with French Mayonnaise and French Mustard possible - or fine Japanese Mayoniase. Chinese Pickles, Finest Freshly Rolled and Fried Egg Roll with sweet and sour sauce, Cabbage Rolls from Poland, stuffed with creamed potatoes and onions in a creamy pepper sauce, Curry Current Spiced Dolma Rolls, from India, or Turkish, or Middle Eastern, From fine crisp garden fresh grape leaves marinated and stuffed with aromatic extra fine regional seasoning and currents with Chutney. English Lemon Curd Pudding with freshly made lemon sauce. Cuban Cured Waffer thin Chicken Roasted on a Stick, Seaseme BBQ Chicken Pu Pu Polynesian plater style on a stick. Greek Potatoe onion mushroom Puff pastery Pie with feta’ Cheese Sauce. Key Lime Pie, Austrian Crème Cake, Crisp Fresh Butter Peppered Fried Green Beans Whole unsnapped with schnitzel, and Fresh Strawberries with an American Sweet Biscuite Short. Cake served with real whipped cream. Bavarian and Belgium Waffles - Fruited Whole Berry Sauces with cool whipped Cream. Scottish Short Bread and clotted sweet cream Scottish Style, Irish Soda Bread Jeweled fruit Scones. Middle Eastern and Greek Baklava with Carmel rum sauce and a layer of cream cheese and sweet butter icing. Freshly Made Candied Fruit jeweled top.
more soon.
James Cagney
Special Film from Early Movies
Born of the 4 th of July
Early Hollywood Film Credit
more soon. 6:47 pm from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA NOW
Russian Shrimp BBQ Kibob
Film Credit: Special Chef Feature
BBQ International Short List FROM the country of CHINA READ
BBQ from the country of Japan READ BBQ from London England Special BBC Recipe READ from the country of Austrian Shnizel READ Braided Sweet Bread from the country of GERMANY READ Chicken Kabob Huro’ from the country of INDIA READ
Chicken Kabob from the country of POLAND READ finest confectionary BELGIUM waffles from the country of BELGUIM READ
more soon .
9:09 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW BBQ BASICS
1 c. Hienz 57 Ketchup made with 57 spices.
1/3 cup Dark Brown Sugar
2 tablespoons of Garlic Flakes Dried -
from Bottled Spice Section of Grocery Market
Horseradish Mustard from a Jar 1/2 table spoon
Mix well, and cover well, Keep in Refrigerator over night.
Prepare an Aluminum Pan with an arrangement of chopped bite sized chicken on Baking Skewers - or skewered Prawn Shrimp - then seperate the Tangy BBQ glaze into half - using two BBQ sauce dishes. One BBQ sauce dish is a reserved dish of BBQ SAUCE, for dipping after the chicken or shrimp is oven baked of set on a real fire bbq grill. Before grilling - use a BBQ brush made only for foods and brush or spoon the sauce onto the chicken or shrimp. If grilling on a charcole grill, carefully keep turning the skewers. Until fully cooked. Add more BBQ sauce right before serving. Baked BBQ must be turned once with a brushing of BBQ sauce on both sides until fully well cooked.
Oven temperature 400 f.
Iceberg Lettuce - makes a lovely layer on a platter of BBQ SKEWERS, and perfect under the beautiful riche red BBQ SAUCED SKEWERS. Never use the Dipping BBQ sauce as the glaze as you never mix them. Any USED glaze BBQ sauce, can not be used after glazing is done. Brush of BBQ sauce glazing can not be used after cooking - The dipping BBQ sauce properly should be in a squeeze on mustard bottle with nozzle or in tiny seperate sufflet dishes - two onze sized- or a individual dipping bowl - for each person separately, as a choice for extra sauce - that has not been used ever for the glazing chef work. Chicken and Shrimp glaze is baked - with no concerning uncooked issues - with good kitchen chef work. The last glaze is best baked on for at least ten minutes while BBQing.
TOMATOE ROSETTES : If you have extra time, carefully peal tomatoes whole skin in one piece, carefully with an extra sharp knife. Then, shape the beautiful red tomato skins into rosettes’ of tomotoes rose shapes. Perfect for Lettuce Leaf Salad BBQ tray. With small Dry Spice Whole Bay Leaf under the roses makes a very special BBQ.
Two sets of utensils ( spoons, knives, forks, tongs ) must be seperate, for use of BBQ preparation - one set before cooking, one set after cooking, and after cooking do not use the dish of BBQ sauce again. Just wash the used BBQ dish thoroughly. The reserved BBQ dish sauce separated - is then only for pouring into seperate dipping tiny individual dishes for BBQ brunch plates. Though best to buy a ketchup style squeeze bottle - to keep from any possible unwanted germs from hands or utensils - Make more sauce fresh if needed and easily store in a ketchup style container for the reserved dipping sauce BBQ sauce. No dipping - just squeeze the quality fresh best basic BBQ sauce loved by everyone. Enjoy making your own variation too, with your special extra spice - if you wish. It’s recommended to only add spice to smallest amounts to test your flavors when creating new unique blends sauce. Most people, enjoy the basic sauce well. While having two blends of sauce makes for a fine fun to home BBQ.
Use an antibacterial good basic dish soap liquids to clean brush and any counters and baking trays extra well. Always use a seperate cutting board for Non meats - seperate and clean extra well all dishes and counters and cutting boards and sink. A cap of Clorox Bleach, in water in risterantes must be used to rinse dishes after washing in a three basic sink, then fully rinsed again with warm clean water - unless the risterante has an industrial dish washer - with proper instructions. Chicken and Shrimp must be refrigerated well, until ready to cook, and must not be stored with other foods. Raw chicken is best used within 24 hours after thawing. Assure storing in the refrigerator until ready to prepare. Shrimp is best if thawed within 2 hours from cooking time, stored inside the refrigerator. Now you’re ready for BBQ.
Enjoy the Basics For BBQ, from myself to you,
to everyone all over the world.
Love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
German Wienersnizel can be a
favorite on July 4 th 2023
While GERMAN Bratworst is very fine
and well enjoyed in the USA too.
with a FILM
Film Credit : The Home Chef of Brats
Also a favorite name, my father favored of meaning sweet child, as a BRAT in kind of a sweet life with cherished memories of many realities that included cultivations of good interest in knowledge of national and international culture. Even understanding my fathers sweet meaning of Brat. A week of International BBQ films will be exciting, of fine International Love towards world culture.
5:28 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW july 3 rd 2023
The Caddy 1952 full movie MOVIE
with Jerry Louis and Dean Martin
Enrico Caruso of Italy Ol Sole Mio First Recording 1902 LISTEN more soon.
July 3rd 2023 12:50 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
Tomatoe Rosettes ‘ for your BBQ platter can bring an opulent - summer beauty to your
July 4 th 2023 week, of a finest memorable holiday, with pure love in every detail.
Cream Cheese can be used too, with your Tomatoe Rossetts ‘ in cream cheese stars, with a hand full of blue berries too, making your platter a fresh summer red, white, and blue of luscious summer excitment.
Enjoy the Butter Cream Flowers
and Cream Cheese Stars ?
of Finest Summer Fresh Foods
with a Film
Film Credit: The Confectionary Chef
more soon. from South America and Canada too. 2:20 pm NY USA NOW PGA Golfing
The country of Vienna Austria Street Sausages
are an American Favorite for USA July 4 th 2023
Arnold Schwarzenegger was Born in the country of Austria
from work in NEW YORK CITY,
Film Credit Yoko Ono Lennon and John John Lennon
more soon.
ROYALSKETCH update in a one minute sketch
Pen and Ink Sketch on Paper : from international artist dignatary, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
More about the ROYAL SKETCH soon.
12:46 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW. July 4 th 2023
email from the NEW YORK TIMES
John F. Kennedy recites the entire Speech of the Constitution of the United States of America signed in Philadelphia Pensilvania of the Endocrine of Ethics in the USA in 1776 that created the country of the USA of the People and by the People. Men was hand written short form word for Human Beings in 1776, very commonly known then, used in the documentation of the USA constitutional ethics means of all people as men women and children, from a far country or born of the United States of America. The celebrations of the signing of the Declaration of Independence ( freedom of all rights of the USA constituion ) was a large celebration all over the country, from the Government Lecture Hall, in the city of Philadelphia and important to each and ever USA citizen and of great importance to the international world.
Elton John made Philadelphia Freedom of the USA Declaration of Independence ( freedom of rights 1776) globally known even more in the 1980’s and even today in the year 2023 with a devotion of humanities in internationally famous music compositions - with a special 2023 recording of Philadelphia Freedom in FILM
Film Credit: Elton John
more soon. Excuse Me, it’s a message from Steve Martin. Back, at 7:32 pm
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
on a historical Ed Sullivan Show.
Film Credit: Mick Jaggar
Messages from The Royal Family,
2:37 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW with a special message of great love to sir Vladimir Putin.
Sir Vladimir, it’s a message from MANHATTAN TO MOSCOW from Carnegie Hall, in Manhattan, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK,
peoples sent me a very special message email. It’s the United States of American
National Youth Orchestra in an extremely special presentation for International Symphony
for everyone to hear, all over the world. I am thrilled and the composition is perfect.
The National Youth Symphony of the USA in the
compositional symphony AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL
of international friendship from sea to sea.
Film Credit: people of Carnegie Hall
Everyone is in illuminated royal blue,
Exactly of the Ancient Russian Painting
on Permanent Exhibition in Moscow Russia,
of the Russian Sacred Trinity.
What a surprise for July 4 th 2023 of love from America
in wonderful ancient music compositing with the
National Youth Symphony
of the USA at Carnegie Hall.
Perfectly exciting. Merci ‘
with love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
Very Special Gift Film from the BEATLES
with the composition It’s Been a Hard Days Night
with special thank you to Paul Mc Cartney and Ringo Starr,
for the very special efforts with John Lennon and George Harrison
Film Credit: the Beatles
more BBQ yes, soon.
message from
and CHARLIE MUNGER in conversation
Western Continent far across the OCEAN
from the EUROPEAN CONTINENT known as the Eastern Continental Hemosphere
WEST / the western world America USA,
South American Countries and Canada British Columbia
as well as a few island Countries in the
south seas of the western continent.
Hello and Happy Summer
Again and Again.
with love from myself,
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Hello to all of Europe as well.
Thank you for joining the
International Summer BBQ
with USA July 4 th 2023 week.
Merci ( French Language = Thank you)
to everyone everywhere.
the country of Israel in Europe
with excellent summer BBQ READ
Atlas Road Map -
One Atlas Per Each Country / Exact Roads read
Map enview of Canada READ
the country of Canada is much larger than the USA and the map is not a road map but a geological map and easy to see, the country of Canada British Columbia is NORTH above the country of the USA.
Maps of The USA
and South American Countries, Which Are Rather Large
and Sometimes South America is Known as Latin America READ
The country of MEXICO BBQ Mexican Style READ The country of COLUMBIA BBQ read PUERTO RICO country style sweet flan cake with FILM the country of PERU Summer soup read the country of BRAZIL Brazillian Skewer Chicken read
Lime Chicken BBQ Kabobs from the country of CHILE READ BBQ from the country of BOLIVIA read the country of PARAGUAY with bbq of 196 flavors read
the country of ARGENTINA bbq excelence read The country of URAGUAY bbq read the country of GUATAMALA bbq read the country of Nicaragua BBQ read the country of Jamaica BBQ pineapple shrimp read the country of CUBA BBQ read
more BBQ and Finest Foods
this week, not forgotten of course.
11:50 pm NEW YORK USA NOW message from ROWEN ATKINSON une momento’ esquzie’ Except message ? Si. ROWEN ‘s FILM yes. Merci ‘ ROWEN ATKINSON
What a Holiday Observance in the USA
Very Important Holiday of the 4th of July 2023. 6:14 pm from my TINY VILLAGE.
Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.
imperial love - say yes. ah, yes, imperical love ? more soon on the love of all humanity of high regards in sacred of espiritus ( ancient latin word meaning broad spirit of the sacred breath of humanity of greater care) of Early Latin Language found in Russian Language Ancient Studies, and a word well known throughout Europe in Ancient times, later shortened in the USA as spirit. From French Merchant Travelers. In France the word shortened to ESPIRIT. By then, Merchant Travelers from all of Europe Realized a common word of Spirit as a welcoming kindness of abundant Noble Care of Fine Friendship.
From sea to sea.
Of Sir, RUSSIAN LOVE, EXISTENT A NOBLE. CARE. with greatest thank you to sir Vladimir to care of so many details of greatest humility of the assurances to a large wonderful great RUSSIA. Very important to the whole world.
Twenty Minute ROYAL SKETCH,
by princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
with FILM
of greatest noble love, and lovely a person so fine.
Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
LAMBOGHINI my Friends from Italy emailed from the city of Bologna, of the fine country of Italy with an extrodinary message in FILM
7:00 pm from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA with an email from
from the country of SWEDEN. Finest chocolates and an amazing new version of a s’mores chocolate brownie - recipe. Not too late for 4 th of July 2023 week.
DARLING MARTHA STEWART, emailed, with important updates on how to properly store cookie dough, excelent recipes and fine FOOD LOVE from thee, MARTHA STEWART, as a wonderful international business person. How lovely of MARTHA STEWART to take the time to email such great important chef notes. READ
Excuse Me, it’ MICK JAGGAR, with an excerpt FILM. Une Momento’
Film Credit: MICK JAGGAR
more soon.
9:24 pm Cinnamon
Ancient Italian
Sweet Bread Bioli’ and Butter Garlic Bioli’ hand made and freshly baked.
Film Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Flat Fresh Bioli’ Bake in less than 12 minutes. The Knotted Bioli can easily be in perfect form with a large cutting board well floured. I made a rather flat Bioli of two kinds. The sweet bread buttered Cinnamon and then a Rosemary Garlic Butter Finest Italian Bread Bioli’ at an excellent cost, that I wrap in plastic wrap separately and then freeze - freshly frozen. Excellent to enjoy all through the month of July 2023. .Forth of July 2023 Potatoe Salad is a fine cool summer food.
Salad, made with an extra special apple cider vinegar salad vinigerette is always well enjoyed at events. Secret: apple cider vinegar, vegetable corn oil, sugar, salt and garlic powder to your own preference of flavor after mixing well. Freshly Ground Black Pepper for salads - on each seperate salad plate. As a personal preference. Freshly Sliced Summer Tomatoes are a treat with, peanuts and mandarin oranges, sunflower seeds, and shredded carrot with raisins. Marinated Artichoke Hearts, Topped with freshly breaded fried crisp CHICKEN with drizzled Asian Sesame bbq sauce. Ice Cream Bars covered in riche crunchy chocolate- are most delicious and easily a food sweet to purchase for the freezer. Sweet Corn on the Cob, with soft sweet cream butter - always pleasurable on the Forth of July. I wish everyone great BBQ and a fine holiday for everyone everywhere in the well as a good summer BBQ everywhere in the world.
The Holiday for me, on the 4 th of July included sailing, even many many years ago. My Utopian Life growing up in Liverpool, New York, USA was culturally riche with travel too, sometimes even to Chatanuga Tennessee to see the historical monuments of look out mountain with a real ride, on the Chattenuga Chuchu (small train up hill). The While sailing was a particular interest to me, traveling up towards the country of Canada, into the Saint Lawrence Seaway, crossing the seaway even by a small motorized powerful scooner boat. The only actual way to get to the summer 4 th of July cottage home with a boat house we all enjoyed was by a motor scooner boat. Cooking a brunch at the remote summer cottage ( with no way to drive to the cottage and only entry by a boat house, ) with groceries only by boat. Then off in the boat up to the seaway where we went water skiing all day, and watched fireworks on the float barge dock in the center of enormous water- it was exciting watching fire works just at dawn in all water, surrounded by only lovely cottage guests in thirty or more boats. Enjoying a boating scooner brunch with that many peoples was quite remarkable, remembering the simplest of enjoyment as a large many people together in some ways. What excitement for all, and a wonderful feeling of others, then and now. Sailing in large crews later in life on the largest lakes in the world was incredible. I was fortunate to have sailed with the Great Macinaw Sailing Race Crewmen - it was back in my days I worked in Investment banking in a fine boutique firm late 1990’s when banking was excelent in the USA, as I was employed in one of the worlds top financial districts. I was also working on extra studied at an affilate ROYAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, in International business, applied focus of cultural arts and industrial design and media arts. Monumental Sculpture in Major Bronze Foundery work in Bronze is with importance to me within world culture. One of my college papers I chose to write about was the monumental bronze sculpture of Abraham Lincoln known as seated Lincoln, with a ruled book, solidly seated with discerning nobility of the care to the country of the USA within all diminutive respects. My Specialized Major World Museum Royal College, focus was busy work, with full time investment banking employment. While occasional time out to sail was amazing world class honored Crewmen was with good friendships, very lovely. The invite was a feeling so pleasant being in giant waters among a wonderful friendly city of millions of peoples too, in the loop of Chicago Il, USA, really with a crew, sailing among many. Remarkable memories. The study of real sailing takes many years - Forth of July Sailing Brunches are quite a special memory for me.
Sailing Oceans ? with a REMARKABLE FILM
Film Credit: Sir Johnson
more soon.
11:42 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW

international news READ
Saranac Lake Geese
4:51 am Great Britian England NOW July 5 th 2023 11:52 am Beijing China NOW July 5 th 2023 5:52 am Rome Italy NOW July 5th 2023 6:53 am Moscow Russia NOW July 5 th 2023
July 6 th 2023 From My Tiny Village
in Saranac Lake, New York, USA
Good Day to everyone in the USA and everywhere all over the world. in a brief love note today, with a special wish of sweet dreams to sir Vladimir Putin and all the fine peoples in Moscow Russia and all of Russia. Princess Cathrine, Princess of Wales, married to the Prince of Wales, as son to the King of England, His Majesty the King of England, King Charles. And too, Queen Camilla as Reigning Queen of England. As Princess Cathrine, Princess of Wales, England, recently curated an international exhibition of photographs and portraits in the NATIONAL GALLERY of PORTRAIT in London, England. Paul McCartney was joined by Princess Cathrine, ( Kate), at his extremely exciting exhibition highlighting his historical lovely life, in beautiful candid photographs of perfect pictures of his life from years of important times historically in the world. Honored by the Royal Family as a Knight of England, Great Britian, Paul McCartney has special lengthy work in compositions of music which - cure the world in ways as a artistic movement of devout love in humanities.
The many photographs of Sir Paul McCartney's life were of a time through even just starting out in the world, and even highlight the more ordinary to opulent times. The portraits are sacred to all, too, to envision the very important moments of great worth within our own lives. Perfectly wonderful. I had wish to say, how important the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery of London England really is to the world, with difficult and exciting effort of Paul Mc Cartney bringing the event into view. Of course Princess Cathrine of Wales, made the event even more special in highlighting such a wonderful occasion for London England, and what was a global exhibition seen all over the world. I also wish to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Prince William, Prince of Wales in England Great Britian, the first son of the King of England. I am late with my message - very important to me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Prince William -
I hope your event was simply smashingly good.
just emailed. EXCUSE ME,
what, it’s Ringo Starr, ci’ une momento’ IT’s RINGO STARR,
about July 7 th 2023 12:00 NOON GLOBALLY - very exciting for everyone.
film credit: Ringo Starr
Film Credit: RINGO STARR
8:21 pm NEW YORK USA NOW , I have a little late night need to a quick market stop, for a few extra groceries this evening. The Canadian Geese are still near the village lake park, where I can see them from my road travel. It’s very exciting to enjoy 100 Canadian Geese that flew in to my tiny village with tiny goslings everywhere. Most spectacular. Ringo STARR’s message too, is spectacular. perfectly lovely.
1:26 am LONDON ENGLAND NOW July 7th 2023 , Ringo is from England.
3:27 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 7 th 2023
8:28 pm NEW YORK USA NOW July 6 th 2023
more soon.
July 6th 2023 1:53 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, USA NOW
today. Brunch Custard Breakfast Tart - a bit luxurious with cream and summer berry fruit sauce. Brazilian Coffee, cream and sugar. Crisp Chicken thin Fillet atop a green iceberg lettuce and tomatoe, salad. Fine bottled Balsomic Vinegette ‘ Tall Iced Sugar Free Cola. Extra Iced Water with Lime.
Good day, everywhere to everyone all over the world, Good Day to sir Vladimir Putin too, with a special hello, and a message of good love, and thank you for the special messages.
The ancient city in Russia is exceptionally exciting as I will post the special archive photographs soon. Also, Harvard online is something to note. more soon on HARVARD in a brief update. Some brief updates of Banana News Revival International Press - should be ready late today. Wishing everyone a good, breakfast, lunch, and dinner where ever you are, everywhere in the world.
ah, a message 2:19 pm NEW YORK USA NOW Diana Ross SUMMER TIME LISTEN
more soon 5:11 pm NEW YORK USA NOW message from PAUL MCCARTNEY READ
Ringo Starr is with a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION in a global peace and love event, often in past years with millions of people from everywhere all over the world. I am thrilled of the invite message update for a perfect Birthday Global Event for sir Ringo Starr. As a world honored international music composer - with powerful politics of cultural worth, in many years of lovely cares. I have to look at the exact time, RINGO will be live on the air with his amazing Birthday Event.
more soon. 11:10 pm NEW YORK USA NOW, in LONDON ENGLAND it’s NOW 4:02 am July 7 th 2024 NOW in MOSCOW RUSSIA 6:03 am July 7 th 2023. in BEIJING CHINA NOW the time is 11:05 am
Happy Birthday Ringo Starr
from me and everyone all over the world.
It’s still July 6 th 2023 in my tiny village in NEW YORK,
Have the very best day. xo with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit: RINGO STARR
message email too, from my friends at the ROYAL ACADEMY OF ART,
school of the arts, LONDON ENGLAND with a spectacular film
email , many famous nice friends from the Grand Ole Opry are very good people to update me, even with a OPRY RADIO to listen 352 days a year, 24/7 LISTEN
11:38 pm from my tiny village NEW YORK USA NOW
unfinished BANANA NEWS update. read
more soon. July 8 th 2023 1:33 am quick note update. special hello to sir Vladimir Putin. Lavish kisses sent to Sit Vladimir Putin in Moscow Russia. XO with love. Also with wishes for everyone, everywhere to have a chance to read Banana News Revival international press. many emails came in last night after my first post of Banana News, with at least six times more emails than usual. INTERNATIONAL AND USA press is with incredible love and enormous numbers of lovely messages from people in all countries everywhere. With love to you all. Everywhere. xo love from me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon
7:28 am Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW July 8th 2023
from my tiny village , good morning and good day, to everyone, everywhere in the whole world.
Thank you very well for the News Updates from my ole friends in Media USA news people, while of course there are legal issues Biden is staining eye to eye with of Extreme numbers of people in this country - as a power to the people that are with majority Ruling Rights in decisions in the USA, and unstoppable in process to see better in the USA - of a boot out in government wrongs. Sub senates ? let me call my friends that meet in Nashville too, center field in the country of the USA easy commuter flight from all 50 states, or maybe a PHILADELPHIA SUB SENTATE MEETINGS, in Pensilvania of historic relevance to the work of Benjamin Franklin, and extremely important to read about in all to know - the rights of real USA. not exactly Paul Reaver. No. known as a town messenger of misconception - Why is a great interesting question. More soon about Philadelphia Freedom in rights to all citizens of the USA in legislation rights too. And with a stop on some extreme concerns in the USA, possible, with no approvals in any of the USA to a citizens to feel they can not stop the damages dc caused and are wrong. in the senate a reality to stop the funding of attempts in cornering people in international soil is imperative. The right to prevent funding which sets wrong doing - caused by dc rotted dirty dozen, is with- stops to any pentagon - looking more like a strong man slinging a case - wrongly at large USA of savvy people. Cubs ? is a note I made in Banana News with a perplexing history of the cubs - named after cub reporters - ancient exciting worthy news to know more in the historical notes of Harry Carry and the Cubs At the New York Times countering sheep in all countries is preferred after they read more in my Banana News update with lovely replies,. Moscow Times too emailed, and the love notes about Sir Vladimir Putin’s recipe for banana pancakes we together created, is remembered well with love in messages from all over the world. The pancake post increased breakfast business globally actually, inspired by Sir Vladimir’s lovely banana pancake recipe - in special messages to me, while Russian Pancakes are extra fluffy and extra large, and enjoyed of a large RUSSIA of very lovely structure in cities of RUSSIA as a country more than four times the size of the USA. Russia likes the ideas of counting sheep before bedtime for sweetest dreams - too, of great love to the President of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin, savvy of great RUSSIA a country of extraordinary cares never unforsaken of standards - affectionate of standards from the Office of the Kremlin. in the best of times, and worst of times. What a reality to enjoy a life in cities of a sweet more.
ecscussi’ une momento’
Billy Joel ‘ ah, ci, yes. Excerpt film ‘ ci grotci ‘
Film Credit: BILLY JOEL
more soon.
July 9 th 2023, 1:43 am after midnight in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.
I made a few edits to some words above, just a minute ago. The pondering of WINSLOW HOMER’ s famous oil painting I wrote about in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, is with unfinished incredible notations about the finest oil painting of an AMERICAN painter as WINSLOW HOMER became. The painting is very famous and in the museum of the Art Institute of Chicago in the state of Illinois, and it’s a perplexity. Somewhat intellectual in an obscurity. I have an update about the painting of greatest AMERICAN IMPORTANCE. soon updated in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press.
it’s true, also, that I am expecting a shipment of my new air conditioner. I can hardly wait for the shipment on Wednesday, as my schedule is slower until the super air conditioner arrives.
It is also true,
I enjoyed the very finest MIDNIGHT WORKING DINNER.
Freshly Chopped Iceberg Lettuce with Sliced Garden Ripe Beefsteak Tomotoes are refreshing and delightful. Last evening I fried extra crisp AMERICAN southern style season breaded chicken and sliced it to use cold on my summer salad. HONEY ROASTED SALTED PEANUTS and RASINS, atop the salad with a fine Italian Balsamic Vinaigrette were absolutely perfect. My home made pizza with a Mexican Three Cheese Pizza Melt was easy strait from my freezer, and thaw, and a perfect crunchy Chocolate Chip Sugar Glazed Muffin Crumbled in slightly served with whipped cream, and ice water, with ice tea freshly brewed and lemon over ice, as well as a sugar free iced cola. I needed the self indulgence midnight dinner through my late night Saturday Dinner as special, and was happy I had minute to take time for in finest detail basics , too. Summer is special in 2023 as there is not another 2023 summer ever again. Fine Details Were Eased with Home Made Goodies in my Freezer.
THE FRESHLY FRIED SEASONED BREADED CHICKEN was truly delicious. worth the efforts to enjoy a better and better. More Fresh summer salad to be. The apple cider vinaigrette salad dressing in my notes above is a very good favored dressing served on iceberg lettuce - of event SALADS that people always enjoy a second plated more, of the serious ancient salad dressing recipe. Pure American Love.
more soon. 2:24 am NEW YORK USA NOW 9:25 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW
11:55 pm VANCOUVER CANANA NOW July 8 th 2023 currently
update from His Majesty, King Charles,
the King of England Great Britain and the Government of Scotland as well as the Government of Canada, simply exciting READ
merci to everyone in The Royal Family and of the country of England, Scotland and all of Canada as well.
xo with love.
Email from WILLIAMS AND SONOMA extra special cake in prussian blue especial to sir Vladimir Putin in MOSCOW RUSSIA, and lovely. What a gift of love from the many fine men and women from the very large multi - international great company read
Simply Perfect - thank you with love too. xo
update message from THEE MOST FAMOUS
RACE CAR DRIVER in the whole world with a message to me,
finding out about my love for automobile films of luxury with finest coffee.
Kenya Coffee Extra Fine, is one very favorite coffee’s I do enjoy. special English Short Bread Recipe too, perfect with whipped cream.
photograph credit: MARIO ANDRETTI
LINDT emailed with excellence in blueberry covered chocolate read
more soon. Corn Pudding Street Food Style might be worth trying, with Jiffy Brand Corn Muffin Fritters that which I enjoy well. Street Food Corn Pudding Recipe NEW YORK TIMES NEWS
enjoy. more soon. Banana News Revival international press update: Winslow Homer Oil Painting
more soon.
message from , une momento’ ah, yes, excerpt in a film. Pancakes were great.
9:28 am from my tiny village in New York USA NOW SUNDAY
July 10 th 2023 11:18 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
Coffee and Early Morning Breakfast Cake served with Royal Flambé of Cherries Jubilee’ Sauce. Strawberries and Whipped Cream. Automobile film viewing early. It’s a fascinating Film. enjoy. The Indianapolis 500 with Mario Andretti in the driver seat. In FILM
.more soon.
July 11th 2023 4:50 am
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake,
email from my friends at LAMBORGHINI, with a wonderful podcast
LAMBORGHINI in the lovely country of ITALY in conversation
more soon. and good morning and good afternoon to everyone everywhere in the whole world,. xo with thank you to everyone at Lamborghini in the country of Italy. Hello with love to all in Italy as well.
love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
July 12 th 2023, 10:16 pm eastern standard time
in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
Good evening and good morning to everyone everywhere in the whole world. With a very good hello to sir Vladimir Putin as a Kremlin of the country of Russia and a very darling friend I love as well. The mozeroti ride was outrageously exciting. THE MORROCAN DRIVE in the Carmengia even more fun.
The outrageous brunch was of the merits of gods while enjoying a ocean breeze of the jeweled like waters such a easy soothing delight, wearing my own designs of clothier couture in one of my brilliant summer plaid proper sun dresses with matching Morocco Sandals. While driving the favorite Bentley was with room for so many, as to. Enjoy and experience unlike any other with a brunch of extrodinary foods, and a fresh air of sea foam scent of a glorious enchante. as said in France of a day to important to forsaken. A melody of violin strumming whistling out the windows - yes the breath of love in. such a memory of friends exists. Three standing innthe Bentley - slowest drive per ring eyes at the ocean of an emerald green blue, verde ‘ shimmer - standing in the moon roof singing a minute the soft opera of words to silent night.
The minute worth a million years. With a simple grace. And then a brunch each of us to finish. Foods BBQ on a stick with canapé foods by automobile was a delight. Every detail of food - perfection a holiday with friends near and far it was, is and will be. Planning again for the finest revival in a breath of spring- all my darling friends as a breath of love. LARGE RUSSIAN LOVE, even, with wishes. of more BENTLY holidays. Remembering all of our brilliance in summer attire. My new clotheries couture in fine silk summer wild plaid are not yet - for purchase. Jewel like for summer really.
email update: from Sir Vladimir Putin, with an invite. It’s a reply too, I sent secret messages to the Kremlin sir Vladimir of the country of Russia. The great love of even my basic computer science is how my love notes - are love notes. I mean programming my own online notations is with basic computer sciences of course. With outstanding messages of incredible love to me and the Kremlin and the many extrodinary friends of a diverse message too, to the world, everywhere. Extraordinary world of people everywhere too with many many messages so lovely. Some side by side many in messages I have with photographers of such love in messages - I am outrageously happy of the kind friends savvy everywhere. Tech invite - is a subject with full love from the Kremlin in Russia and Russian citizens. Interest globally too. Boldly assured to care of meeting of always furthering standards in even basic technology - read. And assuring a solid placement to real standards - extremely important.
buying six Apple Watches in six colors - I wish to keep forever. My tiny Sony 1980’s tv four inches by four inches on a necklace to unplug and wear works well and quite a converstation piece in Jewelry- to even wear for a technology invite in Russia. Maybe instead, wore like a large braclet with it noticeably in my hand to watch real basic tv - is a showy luxurious way to attend the event, even from my posh tiny estate desk sette’ holding the tiny tv for extra fun, as if examining a jewel - enview on the air online forum for the lovely invite in MOSCOW RUSSIA. Very exciting an invite today emailed from the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin of pure
My former computer science professor would be excited too,
Brunch notes for a summer invite is special. As is an announcement I will see to, soon about
THE ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, which is incredible with some amazing historical photographs included in a neoploitical 14 th century publication. my air conditioner arrives Thursday - tomorrow with cool ease in my tiny estate home office to see that the announcement - of the work of art is realized and on sale.
even with rare archived photographs that sir Vladimir Putin sent, in honor of me, making the sweetly exciting 14 th century book. Presidents in Europe And South American became emerssed in the love for the ROYAL FLAMBÉ BOOK, even more special, EVEN VOGUE MAGAZINE emailed messages. surprising messages from the Royal Family in England too. secret details soon await. Bob Dylan and Mick Jaggar and others sent me book photos in comment photography even from Paul Mc Cartney and PAUL’s lovely daughter Mary Mc Cartney. Steven Spielberg emailed too, among a bit of a list of such fine friends - positively perfect.
more soon. snap crackle and pop - in the USA pentagon causing even me damages and nato causing excess damages to me, too, with a snap crackle pop - jondice with tax gripped cash those nato and pentagon are swinging at the USA and me personally with their furthering snap crackle pop aimed at me, and the USA and international countries that nato used USA taxes to pop in, while also dc dirty dozen, including some in NATO and the pentagon were shoving junior officers sling taxes and breaking USA appropriation rules and regulations- blatenly with caluse - flagrency are now peering at the eyes of the USA now with Issues dc pop in fresh - nato pentagon - Sargent major generals have been into that have caused even snap crackle pop aimed at me- with Biden in the lead at a nose to nose ignorance, in and outside the USA, recently even popping in to England chasing the Royal Famliy - even, and not the USA established fully televised diplomatic foreign savvy, talk , always seen in full by every USA citizen in each word, by noble decent past presidents of the USA with an accountability to peoples rules of real peoples to assure the majority rules made by the people of the people and for the people are, never just blattenly ignored in breaking government rules - while pop snap crackling has been caused by de Oval Office and the dc dirty dozen. I myself - had concerns of dc snap crackle pop - in the tax dollars of the USA- taken from Medicaid recently -and a food supplement fund for assured needs and best healthy real American, cares of laws that exist to prevent a heathenistic Biden - in a process to boot him out with these pentagon and nato tax grippers - updated in banana News soon on a few more notations about the concerns of medicade - stolen by Biden and the dc dirty dozen. People all over the country side by side are very upset as are all international people of the concerning USA snap crackle pop of dc dirty dozen. Of course peoples in the USA and all over the world should know, that attempts that took Medicaid money and stole it and just tried to change rules is not supported my the peoples majority rule of the people to have that tax money for very serious needs and not to be infringed upon in a unethical ( infrigment of breaking rules of the right for people to have medicade under the action of indoctorines under 1965 laws of rights and provisions within humanities laws of the USA constitution preordained in a very important set of laws solidly outlined in regulations of the USA structure of government in1965. A large population of citizens are with fixed incomes and must afford even the rights to proper increase in retirement and the regulation benifits they paid years of taxes to assure in absolute Medicaid - for an outstanding retirement of a greater vitality to a great care and love in broadened humanity - not to be concerned with such issues of even taxes gripped right from their established provisions of rights to their citizen benifits - village by village state by state peoples by peoples the USA is a large country with eyes on the few involved at the very most important times of a new era and the cares of a whole nation filled with greater of the people - with concerning matters of all.
groceries today was a fine shopping trip early, and pizza with bioli’ perfection with a special rosemary garlic butter flat knot roll bioli ‘ to freeze, three large bioli baubles came out perfect.
MARTHA STEWART sent me an amazing recipe list for extrodinary short bread, perfectly wonderful. Tiny diamond shapes cookies are extraordinary which I created. Arnold Schwarzenegger is waiting on fine coffee and mozeroti films with bently personal archieve film too- in the viewing media room.
3:10 am message from STING
with a beautiful photograph gallery and a special update in
pure love. LISTEN
sting put up a number of music recording with kind lovely - Pure Australian Love. Globally everywhere in the whole world. Every where. ume monmento’ escusi , mucho gracious - it’s Sting.
pizza and salad perfection ?
more soon.
6:22 am From my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
banana pancakes were wonderful, in a little finance note from the very savvy men I enjoy.
Bustelo’s Import Coffee from Brazil, served with fresh cream and sweet and low with emailed film messages at early morning hours - is pleasant. Thank you Warren and Charly. xo BENTLY Drive soon.
Excerpt message from thee WARREN. BUFFETT
more soon it’s the great music composition in
a special recording for me, from Sting in the song of the band called police.
Film Credit: Sting
emailed from LONDON ENGLAND
6:47 am NEW YORK USA NOW more soon.
Washington DC flea circus flying flea bites
Of dc dirty dozen popping in to countries looking for gold
coins with a chance they can bite the foreign and USA gold coins
in a cartoon under a miscroscope in FILM
more soon.
Awake at 5:00 am July 14 th 2023 FRIDAY, though the time now is 6:22 am with work on fresh bioli sweetly glazed with sugar cinnamon butter glaze. The dough sat all night, covered with a clean dry kitchen towel, in a bowl to age the yeast in a riche flavored bioli worth a freezer filled with bioli baked and ready to enjoy the lovely SUMMER EASE in small bioli sweets. The bioli then is in a pan for three more hours before the cinnamon glazing and then 9 minutes of bake time before wrapping seperatly each bioli’ to then place carefully in freezer. Small bioli thaws fast to enjoy anytime. Excellent with a cream cheese or plain. Very delicious with butter and jam.
Film Credit: Gasprom xo everyone, thank you very much. Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
the copy and paste and select edit tools are not working as they should be either. Minutes and more minutes to see even more time that is usually easy and very fast for me. Thank you. xoxoxoxo
ERIC CLAPTON in conversation
excussi, ah, ci, Eric, yes, I loved your email message yesterday. A bit slow returning message.
the lovely film of the drive with the Benson, ci. It is wonderful, brunch, yes too. Usually more than 1000 people. The cross roads recording is soothing you have lovely words to the whole world everywhere, and I wish to say thank you. love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, BENTLEY FILM UPDATES soon, bring your violin again. xo.
10:42 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
MOVIE 1:51:44 the whole film
Andre Gregory and Wallace Shawn with rare presentation style in an obscure somewhat radical film.
Film Credit: Wallace Shawn
10:49 pm NEW YORK NOW
5:50 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW. edit note, as the name is Gasprom and not rozprom and my edit tools to select the word error to change is still not functioning as unusual is eased. The highlighter in editing tools to select a word is still not functioning properly. My apologies.
11:14 pm NEW YORK from my tiny village in Saranac Lake in the USA NOW
Film Credit:
MICK JAGGAR message in a rare film
more soon. with the PINK PANTHOR
Film Credit: the pink panthor
6:27 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 16th 2023
July 16th 2023
10:28 am eastern standard time,
Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
from my tiny village.
good morning to the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin of the country of Russia. Good evening actually in Russia just about time for a wonderful supper. I also wish to say good morning to everyone in the USA and Canada and of South American many countries as well as the lovely island south seas countries including Cuba of course. Also good evening hours across European countries into far east Europe that is actually late night now in the far Eastern Europe countries so lovely in all of Europe into the Congo of Europe of greatest Africa. My love for everyone, everywhere is with lovely summer wishes of great breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have some messages, many to post, even a bit late. Many messages and not forgotten. I experienced some unusual delays and then my delivery for my air conditioner was late. Slowing me in some scheduled projects and extra lovely very special messages from many all over the world. Some countries such as Turkey and Poland and other Eastern Europe countries are on my list, and with a fine look at country bbq more in very fine cultural details of fine countries of Europe even more. Other very special surprises I have to post are with more extrodinary millitary archive photographs of delightful people all over the world, whom love leisure sailing and many cultural kind great cares. With some just of enjoyment in watching soft sails of lake boating so majestic in large lake waters. More about sails soon.
Archive photographs of others too,. are going to be quite fun to post, thank you very much for the emailed photographs far and near.
The special announcement of the Kremlin of Russia are wonderful and I should have time to catch up with posting the announcements sir Vladimir Putin took time to email me. And I simply love the announcements with a very special important post update soon.
Today I have family guest in town, and I made an ancient Italian pizza recipe that takes 7 hours fully to prepare and ten minutes bake time. With a crisp freshly chopped iceberg salad with fine garden fresh sliced tomatoes, walnuts, rasins and mandarin oranges, finest balsamic salad dressing, with crunchy chinese noodles, and custard pie, with ice cream and fresh strawberries. Pure Freshly Brewed Iced Tea Sweeted and Lemon too. Very important for summer hydration of plenty of vitamin c and of course ice water daily in warm summer - important.
more soon. Williams And Sonoma with ice cream read
8:42 pm Important Note, Some USA news, have not real statements of direct interviews of statements, ?
2:55 am from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW July 17 th 2023
there was recent propaganda ( unethical reports that can be with cub reporters in deep trouble ) in the news in the USA, with some news cubs, that have made no effort for real journalism - and did not gain direct statements from very important needs to assure accurate film statements that are not, altered. Or with misleading types of, chatter, rather than direct actual statements. and the USA army had some very concerning, threatening statements that which do not promote peaceable cares, and endanger the lives of the USA millitary personnel in blaten disregard and have caused damages nationally and in other international countries, in ignorance of the solid reality of peaceable rules and regulations. while no rule in the job rules and regulations allows a ethic, in the Oval Office to use a spokesperson for the reality of a job in presidency of the Oval Office - negligence in the Oval Office is extreme, and regulations of the rules of detailed job structure of the Oval Office have been ignored - in breach of regulations in USA laws within the USA constitution. The result is with power of the people of the country to do more than simply assure asking questions direct to the president in the USA at Oval Office levels as the law requires peoples questions answered directly from this president so called, Biden. The Senate committee has a responsibility to the people of the USA to assure strict rules limiting AI as soon as possible, and cub reporters are in need of assuring rules and regulations required to many laws of strict compliances within Journalism, that which are USA national laws to assure, and international laws- too that might bite them in some concerning propaganda News, ( propaganda news is not legal ), and USA legal regulations are important applicable in journalism, in that lime light of the USA. and even international waters everywhere. , email transmittles are very easily direct, film statements too, easily not spliced and full comprehensive contents is very important. Ukrainians wish to get to a job faire, buy essentials and new sun dresses for their summer left, and assure to pay their ways to new Nike’ sports shoes, with some great summer memories, photographs of themselves to even email, after being made to wear fatigues even, photograph savvy - and of course beach busses have been popular in the Ukraine and new parts of Russia that needed some extra types of cares and citizens benifits, solidly from a RUSSIA that has lent a delightful extra care, that was interfered with and with serious propaganda, and difficulty that should never happened. And very bad dc Oval Office rot. That which has - ignored the people of the USA in every ways, mere dc flea circus of such mortifying dc office pogwash. As well as some unethical further issue of a lie about an international said court that is a fabricated lie, of a court, that has not country. As in a court that is not a court, and a mere loose lip piece of propaganda News, that is negligible in the world, and aided nothing but attempts in anarchy in ripping the threads of ethics and humanity.
It’s the middle of the night, and I am working late this evening with some many messages to post, catch up in my schedule of projects is with my extraordinary cares to fine detail. Sweet bread in the Ukraine is selling again, more, and a very low cost to create Ukrainian sweet bread, and a lower priced coffee, eggs, pancakes, and a few other specialities with profits to care well about good standards in banking. Shipped RUSSIAN types of foods, are getting through the flea circus, and profits in smallest kind enough villages shops are of over 46 % profit revenue in some shops making steady revenue and good profits too. Thankful to RUSSIA for many types of assurances. Basketball in the Ukraine is gaining popularity these days in a solid stand for good boarders as the Ukrainians - basketball is the answer. Shotgun alley - no no. Boys and Girls. Infact the peoples of the USA in the larger viewer are all with a large effort to say it more too, more than the Ukraine - as a love of humanity, shotgun alley no no boys and girls. The jump roping song in fast footed rhythm is shimmy shimmy shotgun alley - hey now, no no pu pu, no. Boys and Girls. The new wave of an exciting end of summer is with wild - love in the jump rope song, with Nike’ and pure basketball of pure great rules.
more soon.
Aretha Franklin then and now, shame the fool.
Film Credit: Aretha Franklin of thee Franklin as in Benjamin Franklin
Extra Note: the unusual twist, was the importance of hand writing and words to assure comprehension of the USA of over one thousand years and much longer. Stave, was from many shipments of seeds and herbs of flowers and plants even from Africa and England, India and China to name just a few countries. Stave is an ancient word for tea. Herbal medicine in a stave type of clothe bag, to even directly place on a sore that anyone had. Much like a mud pack on a face, with grounded powder herbs. Staves were a product often from merchants and sold in large wooden boxes at times like big tea shippments. White color stave of plants like the yuca was of early sun screen for all people and some creamy causmetics were worn to assure no sun burn or any skin damages with a great skin health of all skin shades. Much like nose Kote sailing professionals wear even today to prevent skin from blistering in sun sail days of long hours. Many health herb stave creams came from Africa and other parts of Europe. Alo of the Arizona cactus were only used after a burn or blister and was never used in manufacturing for hundreds of years. Zink oxide of a imported plant was much more effective. Import products have an extremely lengthy history that is very riche in cultural lengthy humanity and fun to study even more. Flavors too, in stave bags. Crushes for flavor like Vanilla from several countries - like Madagascar and Africa and India. Very high bids to sell and do well when shipping sailing merchants very wealthy sailed and with great wages to employed. Stave is a specialized word, used mainly in advanced studies of botany and horticulture. Difficult to read with the old ink pens of ancient historical papers. Benjamin Franklin would be very proud of the extreme fame of Aretha Franklin of his aristocracy- and with a much to study in great and exciting history. REAL CUB REPORTERS, what book is the word stave found in and which library, in how many countries is the word translates of, meaning tea. And other types of staves. with whom is the author of the advanced botany, of books with over 350 varieties of just clover. With millions of other botany details. More on Sailing Soon. There will be a BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press update over the next few days, even if I have yet a slight delay further in my very exciting projects that are with fine fun delightful details and of outstanding wild, vibrant love.
with love everyday, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
updated direct contact of the Office of the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin, Direct Contact Update
with direct statements of the Kremlin and further efforts to even assure, milk cheese, and needs of good standards in a business, sales important and job fairs on the rise of popularity more.
Direct Kremlin Statements Read more soon on the very special emails from sir Vladimir Putin with direct Film of important tech cares, direct in a international forum on absolute standards, and broad cares of best in humanities, economics standards, with Russian Business greater for all bordering countries important to countries and Russia of good solid humanities of greater a RUSSIAN LOVE.
Taking time to post a essentials list for any needs in the essential of the Ukraine and for even the city of Portland Organ, with social security needs in enough to think more about the assurances of food supplemented cards too, to assure USA taxes are as important, with other USA cities too, of needs to list, needs and easy essentials to enjoy a worth of improving the experience of life, is with good essentials - very important to everyone. Even inexpensive dirt bike scooters too, that are electric and can be used with bike rules, like a bike. Great fun, and under $400.00
Thee Bike to Note Motorized ELECTRIC 450 w motor scooter ready read Bus and train capable. $39. Per month of 12 months and paid. With a grocery tote basket. Clinique Blush in Fancy Flower Cakes are a essential to enjoy, men or women, in a sun kissed effect, in the riches of a summer of beginnings to luxurious opulence read
HIGHEST QUALITY FACE CAUSMETIC, with a excellent skin serum and sun screen SPF 17 important in summer and winter that protects skin on face much like a lip baulm protects lips. MEN AND WOMEN, all gain a very good care of extra skin healthy efforts, with just a lite dab on full face. while milk daily in atleast an 8 oz glass of important nutrition whole dairy milk, is more than good for healthiest skin and great brain food. Visible difference causmetic also repairs damage skin over a short period of time true. READ men and women, no more YUKA in the 21 century. Essential basics beginnings. Over and over. The rosy notes of Crimson and Clover, yes, LISTEN
Soap Best Basic Bar, to travel or soak well Ivory Soap Ten Bars $5.99 read essential basic for a germ free heathy love of life, with washing hands more, face too, freshly keen. Assure the best essentials. Fine linen cooling summer REAL MEN / women street kaftan savvy under $20.00 read over jeans sheik. as in sheik, even a gift to the Kremlin.
With morrocan sandals. From Morocco, of course.
FANCY TOTE full suit to swim, say yes in the modern world, new era. READ
Trail Mix from TARGET STORES, important for a daily traveler to go. READ
Water Bottles read GATOR AIDE SPORT DRINK in a mix economic powder
for replenishing c vitamins minerals in summer hot days read
4:05 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW
complete film
Film Credit: Dr. Seuss
more soon.
with ease in carrying the ball. Simply Great Sports.
update soon on finest Russian Boarder Countries Finest Cultural Eastern European BBQ
and The Kremlin’s Russian International Tech Forum, with broadened cares in a better and better world.
With lovely special thank you to sir Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, for a broadened care of important areas about tech cares, and real love in humanities. Just lovely cares, in a better movement of care. Good good.
7:33 am NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village
ROWEN ATKINSON in conversation
With a great thank you to Rowen Atkinson and a reply to Rowen about a ROWEN ATKINSON site to even purchase a downloadable of Rowen Atkinson, with my love to enjoy all mr bean films of my own collection. A update of websites and film shopping ready PayPal areas, can be easy. MESSAGES from friends gain a love from everyone, all over the world. xo Sir Rowen Atkinson - love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, thank you once again. Short Film is more loved than ever before.
7:44 am NEW YORK USA NOW. more soon. Study more, if you wish, in even the rare daring works of art painted by Pablo Picasso of the post modern expressionist of German post modernism that sir Picasso, of the country of Spain, and with broadened historical studies in world art history in Paris France, very well noted, arrived boldly in his thoughts to paint a German Post Modernist work, of the love of a villager with a guitar within a fraile care, Picasso goes on in the world and becomes very well loved globally and travels even within theatre work, painting the backdrops for very famous performances in even German and the USA in Chicago Illinois USA. And took time to think more of a German Post Modernist work of art, within the expressionistic movement historically. Boldly and alone in the world. Of love, and well studied with even more dreams that re- emerged into even more work and worth, relative in structure love for all humanity with bold solid cares of expression within a painted canvas, not to fear. What became of the international perspective of the German Expressionistic Exhibition globally was certainly with firm belief in a larger more studied - detail within a self disciples of distancing anarchy and preserving a greater existence within a greater humanities. Read
9:21 am from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake,
very unique and important international forum
organized by the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin
Directly from the Office of the Kremlin Russia
with a rare glimps at a special photograph achieve , of sir Vladimir Putin in the center with a model flight plane. joined by excellent flight specialist, globally realized. with specialization of many years of work, of a higher standard of solid good measures. opening up real global dialogue in a forum is realistically with care about the standards of technology with assurances in cares of sovereignty, of greater measures to Russia’s 75 million people with over four times more great cities then even the largest of countries in a fine care of all of RUSSIA . The country of CHINA to is vastly large.
9:47 am NEW YORK USA NOW in my tiny village
GUCCI emailed a surprise read
Design Within Reach email at 11:56 am as one of the most loved online retail company for modern design. With Rob Forbes as the founder of Design Within Reach, whom cares about quality business and individuals, and good modern design. READ
more about
a FILM in conversation
NYT email news 3:42 pm NEW YORK USA NOW , with my sorrows.
Bill Gates important thought
Bill Gates to time for at GATESNOTES READ
4:40 am from my tiny village in
Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
message from the government of the lovely country of SPAIN and wonderful councils. READ
very good to see a message from everyone in the country of SPAIN this morning. I wish to say thank you and with many friends of the country of SPAIN of many years, while my Spanish Classic Stuffed Spanish Pepper Recipe so well loved, is soon. With a Spainish shrimp recipe, and my very favorite Spanish Rice.
with love from all over the world. I wish everyone enjoyment of Eastern European BBQ recipes from such wonderful peoples in Eastern Europe’s of much admiration and love in the world. BBQ continues later today. with love to all the wonderful and charming people of Spain, as well as everyone in the whole world, from myself, princesss lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett. xo everyone. I simply love you all.
more soon. Update 5:14 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
Germany Government statements are for the whole world to read. Of course many people may note know, that I was on an Independent Modern Art Cultural Council in Germany, by special invitation years back beginning in 2008, as a board member to a BERLIN, GERMANY, within an independent arts cultural council. Also, invited to speak at the Berlin Germany International Design Forum in cultural humanities from the Berlin Germany GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM of ART. more about great people of Germany and lovely cultural cares, with a little glimps at the GERMAN GOVERNMENT for the whole world to read. Love to everyone everywhere in Germany, I positively love you all. The many messages are very lovely in cultural arts of even the tiniest arts center and large lovely museums. Vitra too, of Germany sends me lovely invites and messages. more posted soon from German’s in lovely Germany.
Film Credit: A lovely Spanish Chef
Film Credit: A wonderfully lovely German Chef
in TAIPEI email update READ
summer fresh fun be pearled read
Special update from the famous wonderful Russian Born, the very delightful, Mikhail Baryshnikov of theater ballet excellence post update later today.
enjoy your morning noon or night,
love, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
8:38 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake NEW YORK NOW
Frank Sinatra in Film
with a lovely song today that remains important to reach
for the stars of love in your heart, forever.
Film Credit: Frank Sinatra
more soon.
BILLY JOEL in a film short with an into to an entire concert
Film Credit: BILLY JOEL
Extra FULL FILM gifts from Thee BILLY JOEL with love xo
more soon.
more soon.
3:11 pm from my tiny village
Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
The QUEEN of the country of ENGLAND,
of ENGLAND with a 41 gun solute in ENGLAND TODAY.
with photograph special archives from the ROYAL FAMILY
Opera Yes, for a Special Birthday Performance For the
work written by the Italian Composer PUCCINI of song by ERONELA JAHO,
singing MADAMA BUTTERFLY as a tale of a foreign political dignatary whom is out to sea,and by ship, travels to marry MADAMA BUTTERFLY whom awaits his arrival.
Film Credit: unknown
3:43 am BEIJING CHINA NOW July 18 th 2023 in far east europe, in the country of China
enjoy a truly wonderful BIRTHDAY WEEK QUEEN CAMILLA,
from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett and from love of everyone everywhere all over the world. We love you. xo
5:59 pm New York USA NOW - email early today,
Arnold Schwarzenegger
in conversation with Vic Downs
Film Credit: Arnold Schwarzenegger
with extrodinary crossroad
guitar especially all over the world.
more soon.
DIZZY GILLESPIE as I promised Dan Aykroyd Jazz
in some of the worlds finest music composition
more soon. 6:31 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
Eastern Europe KASAKHSTAN, street kabob film FINLAND- finest layer strawberry european short cake film , SWEDEN,Swedish cinnomon pastery film, NORWAY, Norway with English Wellington Film HELSINKI, with Helsinki Korean style- Helsinki BBQ film IRAN - perfect yogart BBQ film TURKEY- excellence in grape leaf dolma Turkish Tradition in Film AFGHANISTAN- outstanding BBQ afghan finest in film UZBEKASTAN- fine saffron BBQ with flat bread excellence in chef work in Film
many boardering countries to RUSSIA
more of the lovely Eastern Europe Countries Soon.
very special 5 star fine chef excellence worth traveling for
Film Credit: far east Japanese Tappanyaki Chef
Surprise Film from a lovely event of Mikhail Baryshnikov
With special archieve photographs read
8:02 pm from my tiny village
3:04 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 19th 2023
more soon. Essentials update bamboo Toothbrushes for everyday travel totes read
FANCY BRUSH, perfect teeth, in a modern traveler. Say yes, a modern tooth happy lunch.
5:39 am July 19th 2023, from my tiny village in NEW YORK NOW, in the city of saranac lake.
PRET email update, with pink milkshakes and other delicious foods at PRET, with employment positions available. PRET is one of my favorite cafe’ stops in MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, USA while PRET is owned by proprietors in ENGLAND. Always a fun cafe’ stop in MANHATTAN too. read the email if you wish, and enjoy PRET, on your very lovely travels.
more soon. now 7:18 am NEW YORK USA NOW
email, yesterday from
my lovely friends and esteemed colleagues at
with an introspective in conversation film
of the famous 1960’s exciting automobile photographs of thee Kwane Brathwaite
of a photo titled: THINGS WELL. WORTH WAITING FOR with curator
Grace Deveney speaking with the son of the photographer, as in Kwane Braithwaite Jr.
Film Lecture Credit: The Museum Professionals
of the Art Institute of Chicago
Other Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago
Engaging Updates are Exciting READ
southeast asian museum in the country of Singapore emailed with great love read
7:56 am NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village
3:04 am in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 20th 2023
1:04 pm LONDON ENGLAND NOW more soon
8:19 am NEW YORK from my tiny village, good morning, noon or evening with a bright message of love to the Russian Kremlin today, Sir Vladimir Putin, with wishes of sweetest dreams and showerings of KISSES sent to Sir Vladimir. That reign down of wishes in good lovely sweet days and sweet sleepy good evenings. KISSES from myself, princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, sent to very sweet darling friends, and everyone everywhere across the whole world. Imagine the stars as my message of sweet kisses to you all, everywhere, every day. I have a message from the people of PRADA of the country of ITALY statements of cares, and fierce love exhibition from everyone at PRADA in FILM catch my KISSES today everyone, everywhere. hold them sacred at your lovely hearts. xo and merci to everyone everywhere, and those delightful expressive people of PRADA in Italy. Grotci ‘ of thank you to expression of Italian Language. arivadarchi ‘ for now.
more soon.
email with the perfect yellow surprise at HERMAN MILLER READ
more soon
Email message from JAMES TAYLOR, esscuzzi, et, ci,
wonderful James Taylor and Stephen Colbert’ driving in the Bentley ci’
with brunch soon.
Film Credit: James Taylor and Stephen Colbert’
Head Phones ready for a gift from thee JAMES TAYLOR LISTEN
$108.00 per month 24 months
Motor Up Two Seat Scooter Read DESIGN WITHIN REACH Scandinavian Design email note
July 20th 2023 9:09 am from my tiny village
Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
early morning email,
merci, of many thanks, as special emails many, I adore you all. with love,
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. It has been a fine friendship with everyone for more than 20 years since I exhibited works of art in your Royal College Annual Exhibition. I love you all. kisses sent. catch them all, even from everyone all over the world. good day in all of England.
Good Morning to each and every person all over the world, Good Afternoon and good night in some countries right now, such as in the far East Asian European countries. It’s 9:13 pm evening in China currently right now. I wish to say good evening to the PRESIDENT of CHINA and good evening too, to PRESIDENT XI JINPINGS family too, as in Lady Jinping as well. I have many reasons to say thank you to sir President Jinping as President of the vaste country of very lovely China. My Apple Watch, sir Jinping is, an extrodinary purchase, you were so kind to say that it’s worth buying. I spoke to my oldest brother ( retired from the USA army after 20 years, then devoted his time to work in the USA postal shipping and then retired ) this morning on the APPLE WATCH PHONE, and it was wonderful to really enjoy technology so fun. We had walkie talkies- when I was 4 years old in 1969, in bright yellow that were greatest fun. Also, with flying remote control helicopters too, extra exciting in out little modest family living room. The year before I started my first half day kindergarten schooling. Mom walked me to my first bus on my first day of kindergarten. She pinned my address name and home phone number inside my pink sweater and then just a half block away from our home, where I made coolade to sell that summer at $ ten cents a cup alone at the end of my drive way at nearly 3 and a half, for the summer before school started- there mom was, making sure my pink sweater was perfect for school and just smiling to say good by to me, so lovely as I was 4 and a half, with many responsibilities to assure my kindergarten days.
The lovely imported shoes from the country of China were finest patten leather. With my winter plaid green white and red and pink Scottish English dress. Gold yellow button down silky satin full blouse with a large collar. What an exciting year. Pencil in hand at my desk, practicing ABC - Z in large form and small form letters. and more. Sir Jinping, and everyone, wait until I tell you about show and tell then every day at my kindergarten in 1969. With milk and cookies and piano every day. Soon you will know everything. I promise.
Liverpool New York was a very good village to school in.
Finest of villagers and truely a utopian of love.
Good Day to sir Vladimir Putin as well today, with a special message about the fun of the APPLE WATCH, and a walkie talkie feature, quite fun. Even amazing, just like sir President Xi Jinping, President of China told me several months ago. Outstanding just as sir Xi Jinping, President of China said. Wonderful and of course, I will need a translator built in to the watch when traveling in China. I have a very old friend from college that is from China. We were very good friends when she lived in Chicago Illinois studying at a top university program earning her MBA in advanced engineering. Living right next door, we had dinner at my home at times when we both had time. Over tea served at my home, she and I loved taking about our cultural lives. I was very very busy then, with studies at an internationally famous specialized university museum program and was an executive in the leading investment banking boutique firm full time. Training on the red eye then, was a bit exciting.
My lovely friend from RUSSIA, she lived near the train stop, just learning English better, in studies of international business. I suppose I made many international friends then always important among the many friends from the USA sweet lovely delightful friends, and I barely had time to stop for even coffee then. While dropping off gifts to friends on birthdays or a special box of home made brownies was with my pleasure to see love extended in my little gift. The train engineer was so delightful to even open my door to the little train gate daily. I gave him a large home made box of brownies. With my hands carrying my large sketch design portfolio then, my anttache case, and a travel coffee tumbler - he was delightful. What an excitement of the days then made extra special everywhere, during such a vivid lovely time for me then alone in the city of Chicago Illinois USA. Nine million people on the 7:00 am red eye train was an unusual breath of love, every day, with a distance run.
ABC, 123, and the walkie talkie 1969 ? May develop into more, even in the BENTLEY FILMS.
Sir Vladimir Putin, was very astute again and again, recently of great impressionable an invite to a TECH FORUM of areas, to a greatest care of the assurances of highest standards in ways to see RUSSIA with assurances of greater fierce cares of RUSSIA within good solid humanity of all tech areas toward assurances of individuals, thus which advances the idealisms in a global way, to set forth a idealism of individuals in other countries to assure cares fiercely in standards of greatest importances. I wish my APPLE WATCHES in 5 colors to be a tiny fun investment that is of my little estate - to keep and use forever. or Gift too. Perhaps. Of course companies such as APPLE MULTINATIONAL CONGLOMERATE, and companies smallest and large care, of greatest cares on every corner of every country in the world.
Sir Vladimir Putin, as KREMLIN of the lovely country of Russia, is in the excellence to see a GLOBAL TOP FORUM, that is outstanding of real RUSSIAN LOVE. MOST LOVELY infact, even if made utterly complex. The FORUM is an important initiative of greater reality within the greatest mindfulness in a LARGE LOVE within humanities which reaches individual cares of peoples all over the world. Quite a FORUM of sir Vladimir Putin’s to care fiercely about the President of Russia’s realized efforts within his esteemed cares. Certainly with enormous, populations of people, among the citizenship of RUSSIAN people that are over 75 million people that sir Vladimir Putin devotes his soverenty to, as responsibility of sir Vladimir Putin’s efforts of the Office of being Thee Kremlin. With greatest admirations as well, in RUSSIA and globally.
With importances, I can say true. more soon on the TECH FORUM, and my lovely invitation from sir Vladimir Putin, even with my lovely cares of watches from companies that love good business and wish to assure the reputation of their pure lovely efforts of quality in a great product to talk about and buy ten watches. Or a bakers dozen - which is a count of, not 12, but 13 in such fine quality to want even more, and purchase more, not less, with only a step towards an improved economy of even more in jobs and choices of jobs. Lowering prices with improved quality and quantity sales - percentile figures of profits higher yield in ratio earnings. And a humanitarian movement of excellence in cares to individuals all.
The Kremlin’s RUSSIAN FORUM ON TECHNOLOGY is very important for RUSSIA and the whole world, as I was incredibly pleased to receive an invite. Merci’ xo and with AMERICAN LOVE to the Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin and RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. Assuring opening up dialogue in a QUANTUM TECH FORUM is incredibly important. Again, I myself, say thank you with all my
good graces.
love, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
email from Sweden,
recipe for the
fresh raspberry season is a wonderful time of year. summer 2023.
4:33 NEW YORK USA NOW July 20th 2023
Update email: special recordings of July 7 th 2023 from Los Angles California USA
of the global event BIRTHDAY of THEE RINGO STARR,
of the world famous BEATLES whom recorded amazing albums that are of a greatest
peace and love movement unlike any other.
with a FILM
more soon. just now, email from my friends at SOTHEBY’S, of international sales everywhere
today with a sweet message just for me, in pink read for the Kremlin of Russia too, and everyone everywhere in every country of the world. Pink, especial messages from sweetest peoples at Sothebys.
email from ELTON JOHN very special July 2023 FILM
READ more updates
about photographs to keep forever. read 5:49 pm NEW YORK USA NOW
and I nearly forgot that thee RICHARD BRANSON emailed me, with many little notes, and love for my paintings too, daubles even, with some news of FINE HOTELS to post an update. read RICHARD BRANSON started one of the most luxurious airlines in the world, and is simply a wonderful person. very good RICHARD. MERCI XO to you and everyone at Virgin Companies. Great to hear from you. Thank you again.
Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Virgin Atlantic Air Line READ
email update from UNIVERSAL MUSIC and thee JON BATISTE in a fine music compositing with a message that is of pure love for summer 2023 around the world. merci everyone xo with love. Thank you again JON BATISTE, love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit: JON BASTILE
more soon.
OF COURSE, BULOVA as a FINE RUSSIAN COMPANY, South American Countries of peoples are now enjoying the RUSSIAN COMPANY of WATCH MAKERS even more. my very first purchase of a fine gold watch was a BULOVA I afforded, working in the 1980’s at my first place of employment.
merci to MARK ANTHONY and everyone at BULOVA and all in South America too. xo kisses catch with your hands and hold over your darling hearts to remember forever. I love you everywhere.
more soon.
precision update BULOVA READ
GRAND OLE OPRY email update with an unbelievable schedule and
very worth the travels to NASHVILE TENNESSEE USA. READ
THEE LAINEY WILSON email from the grand ole opry
with a FILM. merci to everyone at the opry, with great love. xo and thank you again.
love, over and over, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. UNIVERSAL MUSIC email update, READ eszcussi , et ah, ci, new music artist and lovely world famous composers yes. grotci. thank you very much for the extrodinary email messages for more than a year, Very good of everyone at Universal Music. ci, a formality of emails, yes, my schedule is a bit delayed. Love and Kisses Sent. MERCI XO
from my tiny village update from THEE MICK JAGGAR
Film Credit: Mick Jaggar
more soon.
in conversation
Film Credit: Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger xo and merci. It was very good
of you both, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger with many investors too,
to take the time. Greatly appreciated all over the world in every country.
The updates are wonderful kind.
Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
3:03 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 21st 2023 now in Moscow Russia.
BILLY JOEL especial yankee stadium update again and again in FILM
Film Credit: BILLY JOEL
email update from MICHAEL J. FOX , of major films,
with outstanding success. Always lovely with Michael J. Fox in converstation.
Film Credit: Michael J. Fox
Back to the Future update in Film Brief
CROME NOTE BOOK LAPTOP COMPUTER finest colors under $70.00 READ
from my tiny village, saranac lake.
JERRY LOUISE movie full film 1966, with comedic brilliance
more soon.
July 21 th 2023 12:26 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW
DETROIT INSTITUTE of the ARTS message. with the wonderful director Salvador Salort-Pons.with an exciting invigorating update within outrageously wonderful exhibitions at the museum set within the city of Detroit Michigan. USA Wonderful drive in, with fine hotels and great fun.
READ even a prominently lovely message in photographic excellence of fine silver print, classic photography. with BULOVA as a RUSSIAN company enshrouded with love from the USA and culturally riche contextual form of LOVE AMERICAN STYLE. Thank you to everyone at the Detroit Museum of Art, and hello to all people in the city of Detroit today, of loveliest cultural melange, in a good 2023 summer.
xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
good day to everyone everywhere in the whole world.
Kisses sent with kindest cares to sir Vladimir Putin too,
with love. Catch. more soon.
email from everyone at the GETTY MUSEUM OF ART, with a spectacular experience if your online or in person while in LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA USA. I have a very special experience to post about while on my first visit to the wonderful GETTY in 2001. Many GETTY FRIENDS over 35 years, with good lovely cares. more posts soon of my good fun at the GETTY in person. Driving Coast to Coast several times and easy flights into the airports known as LAX or Burbank. READ sweet everyone. good hello to all in Los Angeles and the whole west coast, with love, all over the world. merci xo.
more soon. early morning email from friends at GRACELAND, with
THEE LEE MAJORS READ Lee Majors is the 6 million dollar man, in a television show the was about bionic - metamorphic, early considerable cares of sciences, and pure lovely natural existance. With television movies recent, and with cares to email of many friends from GRACELAND. with DARLENE LOVE, JAY OSMOND, DENNIS QUAID,and PAM TILLIS.
Graceland holds special memories for me from years ago, when I was a young girl, and my mother drove us on a fine travel trip from LIVERPOOL New York USA to MEMPHIS TENNESSEE USA to GRACELAND, when we met, ELVIS PRESTLEY at the gate of GRACELAND with his FATHER. where ELVIS PRESTLEY started with a job at a fuel store pumping fuel, and played his guitar when not busy, composing songs, then began selling records and bought a home named GRACELAND. Traveling and with international fame. Graceland is a world class favored place important to the whole world, and the exciting little stops even for fried peach pies is charming, and a delight, even at the most simple stops.
It was a wonderful lovely travel, later meeting many many friends, in the circles of fine music throughout the USA and in MEMPHIS TENNESSEE and NASHVILLE TENNESSEE, as well as KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, where blues, was a real treat, in many fine blues and jazz people from CHICAGO ILLIONIOS, and all over the world. Wynton Marsalis was no stranger to find lovely cares in the KNOXVILLE jazz and blues scene among many, I have met. Meeting so many friends over the many years, my estate home office was in TENNESSEE. finishing up university work in Chicago Illinois, was with many exhibitions in Chicago Illionios with many many friends and international exhibition projects. In MANHATTAN as well as other cities, flights were central to eased travel, in the USA. friends, north, south, east and west, are with all of my love. Thank you again, everyone at Graceland, including Prescilla Prestley whom I wish to say a gracious thank you to, for all your emails with such lovely messages. I love you darling Priscilla.
wonderful broadly loved GRACELAND RADIO
wonderful huge hello to everyone in MEMPHIS TENNESSEE.
and a lovely fine hello to everyone everywhere all over the world. Thank you again everyone.
ELVIS PRESTLEY in a rare special recording Film
Film Credit: ERIC CLAPTON and friends
BACK IN THE USSR with the lovely music composition of the BEATLES
from Liverpool England, as four most darling men, in a VERY FAMOUS LOVE to the USSR as known only as the country of RUSSIA. in a very special FILM
Film Credit: THE BEATLES
THE TURTLES so happy together in a very special recorded FILM
Film Credit: THE TURTLES
update from Paris France: visible lift, L’Oréal from Paris France, coverage for face skin spf 17 and light to deflect sun, translucent with a special cream make up, that revitalizes and repairs damages in sun. With proper whole milk drinks daily, as very important for skin, strong teeth and bones and healthy brain- food. $6.95 sale for L’Oréal for men and women. read
more soon. Essentials for every estate tiny or very large, can be exciting with even TURKISHl BOWLS, vibrantly painted in fine glazed color traditional modern imported of a cultural care of crafting perfecty from the COUNTRY of TURKEY
2:41 pm from my tiny village
ecsuzzi moi et mai ‘ ci, une momento’
a message - yes, ci, from MICK JAGGAR yes, ah brunch.
ci, excussi,
more soon. 3:28 pm from my tiny village
Saturday Surprise MOVIE FILM EVENT
and really CARY GRANT with a very good movie of a sweet humour very serious too, in lovely contextual formalities, to really enjoy any day.
BRINGING UP BABY 1:42:07 under 2 hours.
Film Credit: KATHERINE HEPBURN ( born in tiny city of Corning NY USA)
short film update soon. Excuzzi, et ci, une momento - ELON MUSK ? ci. excussi, it’s Elon Musk.
more soon. 10:49 pm ISTANBUL, TURKEY NOW with a late message to the president of Turkey, sir Recep Tayyip Erdogan, of greatest importance, of congratulations towards the success in presidency in the very lovely country of Turkey from me, and with love from all over the world.
3:42 pm NEW YORK USA
ci, yes, une momento ‘ quissie ‘ cou’ ses’ ( What did you say please ) - French, and some Spanish.
with a message rare excerpt FILM ci, the Beatles
Film Credit: Paul Mc Cartney with Bentley Brunch sooner in Film,
delays are completely unwitting. Ci, violins needed.
Tony Bennett of a greatest of human beings showed the world greatest of love. With my deepest cares to his spirit to hold up as a love too, with love extended to all Tony Bennett friends and family.
more soon. Williams and Sonoma update email from everyone. Pancakes and More READ
Jams, Honey and Syrups worth purchasing for extrodinary flavors READ
Tony Bennett a life of only pure love all over the world.
Film: of cares to Tony Bennett
July 23 rd 2023 6:42 am from my tiny village
special rare personal archive photograph
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia
pre- Bentley Brunch Events Filming
Good Morning to everyone in the United States of America (U.S.A.), and throughout Canada and all the lovely South American Countries, and South Seas Countries all in HAWAII of the USA which is all islands of the Pacific Ocean, located west of the west coast of California USA, all ocean for about eight hours flight from lax airport in Los Angles, strait over the ocean west in flight, to HONOLULU HAWAII.
Good Afternoon and late evening in All of Europe from the far east countries all the way to West Bank of the country of ENGLAND, which is of many countries and much farther across than in the USA, as much much larger in land and include the actual seven seas, in Europe. Hello everyone everywhere. Sir Vladimir Putin today is on a travel to the country of Belarus this SUNDAY, with good cares and a fine reception breakfast from the President of Belarus, of the the delightful President of Belarus, President sir Alessandr Lukashenko. BELA - in Italian means beautiful and rus - in French, means of the finest colour eternal, of the ancient rose vine with the finest in shades of pink and rus of shades of reds of meanings of cultivation and love of breath of humanity. Good day to sir Vladimir Putin the Kremlin of the lovely country of Russia. Good day, sir Lukashenko in Belarus. Enjoy your lovely time this Sunday on July 23rd, 2023.
with love to everyone in Belarus and Russia and all the lovely very kind good countries on RUSSIAN boarders in Eastern Europe. May your days be with love and greatest of your delightful cares of humanity.
xo and merci ‘ as thank you for the finest messages from Russians and Belarus,
love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
more about the POLKA WALTZ, dancing basics soon.
ci, practice practice practice. not the somba, not the twist, not the box step. ci. waltz.
Film Credit: sir Yul Brenner and Madam, Deborah Kerr
song composition by Gurtrude Laurance for the famous theater literary works of greatest literature for stage and later Film of “ THE KING AND I “ remarkable loved in ancient to modern theater works.
Eastern European BBQ of the finest
of chefs in street foods
Film Credit: CHEF from Minsk Belarus in Eastern Europe
more soon. working for greater business people, means to realize many business rules, yourself of course, and often a company with great owners, have good standards and can even afford wages that could be with good increased wages over several years devoted to quality standards of the very smallest details in simple needs. More about savvy employment and even beginnings in good business, while CNBC emailed me with good films to enjoy - more in hopes to stabilization of a success with individuals with films Being employed with a greater look at companies starting out, is always savvy. I myself, have not seen all the films, while interesting to see more films into 2023. Savvy employment choices are always great to explore more about small business -so enjoy the films from CNBC. And thank you everyone at CNBC for the emails for over a whole year.
love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
7:58 am from my tiny village
9:43 am NEW YORK USA NOW email from my museum friends in
SAN FRANCISCO MUSEUM OF MODERN ART with specialized museum shopping read
SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA is the city of the SFMOMA as in the
SAN FRANSISCO MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, in northern CALIFORNIA USA and very worth traveling into, with many fine risterantes , real sour dough bread in ancient recipes, and a lovely city of the famous electric city trollies, with a wonderful section of lovely famous CHINA TOWN VILLAGE within the city, and thee Golden Gate Bridge of spectacular engineering to snap a photograph in front of, and upload free to your own photo site free from google, in FLICKR. Map studies are needed driving coast to coast. Enjoy the online exhibition news at the SFMOMA READ
Willy Nelson and Keith Richards
with friends excerpt film, ci.
Film Credit: Willy Nelson and Keith Richards
more soon. 11:33 am NEW YORK USA NOW
in the 1960’s FILM with great movie history to know. THE AMERICAN HOLLYWOOD MOVIE
is with the full FILM
enjoy, it’s 11:37 am, NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny village in Saranac Lake. I’m enjoying a very late breakfast this Sunday.
more soon. 1:58 pm NEW YORK USA NOW Don Chadwick READ
in a message emailed today from HERMAN MILLER. xo everyone.
more soon.
7:48 pm from my tiny village
enjoy the compositions of Edgar Stravinsky RITE OF SPRING, of works in musical
international excellence from the LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA
12:54 am LONDON ENGLAND NOW July 24 th 2023
2:55 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW July 24 th 2023.
11:40 am from my tiny village
July 24 th 2023 MONDAY MONDAY
Good Morning everywhere all over the world. Late breakfast again for myself. I also wish to say, good evening as well in Europe now as well. I enjoyed the BBQ in Belarus on Sunday and much more. Good day to darling lovely sir Vladimir Putin too, Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA. I have so many messages to post updates from everywhere, even the country of TIAWAN. And and across the USA of many many many friends and new friends too. Very lovely to care so well, with even a Prussian Blue Heart Sign on the door of my tiny village local news paper office in the village of Saranac Lake, New York, USA. Fine people. Pat Boone of Nashville music compositions is with messages in songs too. I will post many messages into the week, and wish to say thank you for the immense messages so lovely and diversely individual for each and every message. I will say, I love you all, all over the world. from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo xo xo xo
Inflation Concerns in Banana News Revival international press soon of very large USA concerns posted soon, yes. With Artistry in Exceptional International Philharmonic Events Past from Pierre Boulez to experience in the broadened lovely world. Absolutely, with many others too, of international culturally noted of greatest love in professional reaches of arts and culture. Important.
The MAMA’S and the PAPA’S 1966 televised film then and special remastered film today. of course, employment was very good in many choices then for a largest population of people and the earnings for all, were very good at starting wages and other raised earnings, mothers and fathers in cities everywhere we’re enjoying wages and wealth, as many jobs were Monday - Friday 9:00 to 5:00 with MONDAY enjoyable to put your professional business savvy self, to a first day of work each week after a fine travel holiday or a fine risterante outing / with more than ski weekends and playing the game of twister in the ease of your living room. Our family board games were many, and quite fun. USA Living cost were low savings reachable.
Film Credit: MAMMA’S and the PAPPA’S
with love again and again, more soon. Mellisa Clark NYT food writer with BBQ and more read
good evening across the whole world tonight at 6:40 pm from my tiny village, in SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK, USA NOW. it is 6:40 am in BEIJING CHINA right now.
in MOSCOW RUSSIA THE TIME IS 1:43 am, both countries are already in the day of July 25 th 2023.
LONDON ENGLAND TIME NOW IS 11:44 pm on July 24 th 2023, just 16 minutes before midnight.
In Taiwan now, of the city of Taipei, the exact time now is 6:46 am July 25th 2023 as in the far Eastern Europe. In Africa in the region of Tunisia, the time is 11:49 pm July 24 th 2023.
announcement of the AFRICAN , RUSSIAN SUMMIT
emailed from the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin, a lovely darling, with broadly greatest humanities and an in-depth article which, sir Vladimir Putin, took the time to note, with informative great efforts. READ as very important in love notes within a greater stabilization to never forsaken as a love of humanity and absolutely very special within a USA care towards greater humanities as well.
more of the importance of the AFRICAN , RUSSIAN SUMMIT, will be within my updates in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, of a greatest care of sanctions and that which pertains to even much more stabilization in the USA as an AMERICAN USA, devout effort by increadible many peoples, village by village, large and tiny, side by side of all 50 states of many many cities. I am thrilled of the email from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, of great esteemed cares and efforts so important as rules, respectfully of humanities greatest of sanctions and more.
very good, darling sir, thank you so very much. xo from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
Tunisian Africana BBQ with a FILM
more in African foods READ
more soon.
more soon. peaceful cares in Isreal of greater a world with a crowd not unlike many in largest populations of people that gathered in Chicago Ilinoise USA for a summer 4 th of July, years of populations of peoples like in Israel , with greatest cares. Twitter Independent FILM from the lovely city of Tel Aviv, in the country of Israel in Europe.
more soon.
good morning, July 25 th 2023, with a fine hello to everyone all over the world. I wish everyone all over the world, a great breakfast, lunch, and dinner, everywhere, sitting or standing. Everyone. Good day to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia as well today. it’s 8:14 am from my tiny village in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, within the USA and in MOSCOW RUSSIA, the time is 3:15 pm just before supper. I wish Sir Vladimir the very most pleasant supper in MOSCOW RUSSIA, perhaps at one of the street food stops, I always find a bit exciting. Wishing Benjamin Netanyahu today well, as perhaps many have in a new look at the love of peoples with foreign language not always easy to realize the greater love of people - broadly. Chicago Illinois has over 20 million people that are in the city daily, and of course small cities don’t always see the kinds of busy cares of many that travel in to even a small area to enjoy, a larger crowd.
Advantageously a city can be more pleased with an abundance of love in good economics and assured polite reality to be welcoming and of course - helpful. Very important when people wish to travel and enjoy such humanity in a greatest large number of people, not running into a panicked pauper - in a cap, that should have been prepared to put up bathroom signs and see that drinking water free was plentiful in thoughtful ways. Important to note when economic greater signs in a new era is going well, better and street food sales people can improve business. Among other merchants - interpretations ?
ABC 7 chicago is with a small sweet film, if you are not from an international city, with many whom do travel, elbo to elbo more often, on trains, as I remember with people in largest crowds, wonderfully careful and of a careful respect, with an upswing in economics - greater travelers.
Friends at ABC 7 ready for greater economics and people
that return to enjoy cities large and small.
whom wouldn’t love best events, with many people
traveling more and more for a finer standard in greater economic prosperity.
Film Credit: abc 7 chicago busy.
Thank you everyone xo love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
with great memories in very busy chicago daily. TASTE OF CHICAGO, gets people traveling daily with fine excellence with enormous populations of people international travelers, regional travelers and local travelers. A wonderful, grace of humanity is always exciting.
more soon. with Harry Carry, in song TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME.
Film Credit: in memory of thee famous and loved HARRY CARRY
more soon. BENJAMIN NETANYAHU in conversation short film now
DESIGN WITHIN REACH email update now read ah, an excerpt film with
MICK JAGGAR. excussi ‘ et vous’ ci, latest breakfast. et tuttlue’ more soon.
10:62 am THURSDAY
July 27th 2023, Good Day Everyone All Over the World. Hello and how are you all. Fine I wish everyone is fine, and very good. Yesterday, I was with an extraordinary amount of emails and messages. Lovely messages of love to sir Vladimir Putin, in many ways of important cares from extraordinary people all over the world. With a good many personal lovely messages to me, and wild love for even my LOVE NOTES, and BANANA NEWS notes. There are very serious messages, of considerable interest in even banana news revival international press that I have, a few updates to see to. announcements and very exciting messages - soon.
excussi ' ci, ah, ci, yes. It's Mick Jaggar., very good, ci, excussi' une momento' ci. yes, Sir Vladimir ? ah, yes. wonderful. yes, BENTLEY EVENT FILMS.
excussi'. Arnold Schwarzenegger. ci. CICI winston ? and Charlie, ah, hold on. Reba, Diana Ross, ah. good good. Dolly Parton. Yoko Ono. etre' vienne a siore' more, et vous' mia amore' Elon Musk, ah. Micheal Bloomberg, and, Ringo, Bill Haslum and Crissy Haslum. Bentley's fun. Northern Southern Style with international love. excussi'
The prime minister of Russia, une monmento' . fine morning.
Chocolate Cake, to start. Cherries Yes. secrets.
MICHKA - russian word for lovely good friend, my belle
( silent last e' sometimes meaning BEAUTIFUL ),
PAUL MCCARTNEY message. ah, yes. Bentley Films ci. not yet.
William Gates? ah. yes. chocolate.
excussi' une monmento' ci. late working breakfast. merci ' with great love everyone,
all over the world. drink plenty of juices and milk and water' more soon.
PAUL Mc CARTNEY update rare film excerpts now LISTEN
with VERY RARE BEATLES FILMS in a message
from darling PAUL MC CARTNEY today. excussi' its the president of Brazil. ci.
merci darling, xo with love to you. from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
PAUL MC CARTNEY very good, in conversation excerpt message now.
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York.
8:40 pm from my tiny village, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, USA NOW.
Film update message from Paul Mc Cartney, rare and very special, kind of
Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mick Jaggar today, with an early morning message email from Mick Jaggar, I will post into the weekend with great surprises and some summer good fun 2023. I made time to update more in Banana News Revival international press. My updates are in working progression, and I will announce the update when completed. My film posts are experiencing some dc dirty dozen issues. Even snap crack pops, when none should exist.
MY friend said everyone refer to the dirty dc dozen as dc flack, to be polite, as I am with sos now to see my LOVE NOTES films html code gifts are perfect. FILM LINKS are working and everything else is working with special international and USA national cares - everywhere, all over the world. Such great darling friends have messages - very exciting, after banana News updates are complete, wildly lovely excitment in my tiny estate, daily, and posts too, even if I am slightly late, posting. Worth the wait, even new automobile drive films, quite exceptional. No no show gun alley, is a song, exciting new era, film soon, as children all over the world, hop scotch to no no show gun alley and love shimmy shimmy coco pop with intense pure love. I am slightly late with some very important international announcements that should be on schedule and posted by no later than Monday with MONSTER and the WALNUT movie moving pictures news, and catalogue announcement news updates. with more about the ROYAL FLAMBÉ’ BOOK of a 14 century tale with outrageously opulent details, of great interest globally.
The air conditioner was finally delivered. My estate home office is up and running more smoothly again, and my schedule delays and replies to lovely gracious friends near and far, even quite new are in a slight delay. Far more than expected, with apologies, getting to calls on my new watch phone is quite exciting.
more soon.
July 28th 2023, 7:13 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
Earlier today, I made fresh good imported BRAZILIAN coffee, with a fine fresh coffee pastery, and a creamy breakfast custard with FRENCH Vanilla, and RUSSIAN Rum Rasin Sauce, a tall orange juice, very important for summer warmth, as I posted a little emailed messages from Paul Mc Cartney whom sent me a lovely message, of greatest importance to me. Unfortunately, some concerning issues are in the USA that hindered some of my posts in my little tiny office of my international company, from dc issues and concerns of where those missing taxes penny per penny are. At my studio vosse, online,
I expect to have film visible and the issues resolved soon even if I have to sos Korea and China, and England, Sweden, France, Italy, Norway, India, Africa, and more, and yes sos RUSSIA, just to assure my film length, timing and total quality of my work in my little estate home office of my little company, known as studio vosse.
Most of the web site, and films are working properly, I have a few films just in the last two days quirky.
Most unusual at a time when IMPEACHMENT IN DC is the word not to be unseen. Not to be shuffled in any way. Not to be forgotten of people in the USA that have dreams of lovely existance at a ages dignity in a most graced world to love, the age dreamy energetic cares, of such wonderful people all ages and working towards new dreams even if just cultivation of finest rose gardening. I myself have a love for lush rose gardens perhaps circling around benches around a large fountain. Benches curved around the largest water fountain, and roses clipped perfectly behind the lovely carved stone curved sections of four benches.
Brilliant Bright Red. Roses Everywhere Surrounding A Fine Water Fountian, perhaps as grand as the fountain of Buckingham gifted to the USA from the country of ENGLAND. I loved walking past BUCKINGHAM FOUNTAIN, every day while studying and professionally working full time within the city of Chicago Iliniose. It is a place, of many, where dreams are made. I wish to say, thank you to Paul Mc Cartney for the email and very special films. I wish to say, I have deep sorrow for Tony Bennett, and Sinead o’ Connor, with a film she left in the world, powerful of thoughts myself of my mother and our opportunities we have had of time together. Sinead O’ Conner song, evoked love in kind ways of my very delightful sweet mom.
In lovely thought for Sinead O’ Conner listen
I wrote today more in Banana News as well,
with concerns of USA peoples. International love.
Love to the people of the USA everywhere.
My BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press might be ready to update an announcement of the press by later today. Hello to my mom too, as we have had little time farther away now than some years. Wishing mom a great breakfast, lunch and dinner with all of my love sent. It’s an odd statement said years back from one of my deans of the Royal Affiliate College Univeristy I worked hard in studies at, and my professor as dean, said, simply, make your parents proud.
My mom, is so lovely, she is will enjoy the Film Short,
emailed from PAUL MC CARTNEY
With a special email message READ
more soon. USA dirty dozen movie? Is real, and no mistake to say it. Coordinating with another USA movie of the past, is an outstanding film with Jack Nicolson and Jessica Lang, THE POST MAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE. realizing the concerns of assuring never to see desperation cause to any small risterante of business and large companies too, with an ability in the USA to always be able to find employment, even if you need to travel, and look to sleep in the back of a risterante kitchen, and wash dishes, cooking perfect eggs for a while, to save money, with good solid pay. Not much different than the way ELVIS PRESTLEY began, while taking breaks at his fuel stop store to sit and play his guitar and compose very beautiful loved songs. Of course, the reality today of inflation is very concerning, and savings is of the utmost importance in the USA for each and every individual. Accumulative wealth, means that all citizens of the USA are even more interested in the matter concerning USA taxes, banking, postal services, good basic standards and yes, that of lowering inflation, and saving to eased accumulative wealth standards, strong solid wages, and longevity of companies and employment, of care in quality serves, quality products, and environment standards. Egg grill chefs can earn, $42,000. In the first year. And the assured savings is very important. Retired medical doctors in early retirement very early, enjoy more a job with often risterantes, even more than a daily grind at a hospital or doctors office. While egg grill chefs in top form, in busy risterantes even tiny, earn close to a physicians wage, at a few devoted years of assuring excellence and great professionalism. With more travel time, and enjoyable work environments. Unfortunately, I must finish my Banana News Revival international press, before I can get to fun excitment of many many many many messages in LOVE NOTES, of extrodinary love. Real all over the world, with the USA people everywhere too, of incredible delightful vibrancy, culturally savvy, and quite kind. In love with the international and USA updates.
I should be caught up, after the air conditioner installation now is set, and my tiny estate home office is returning to a greatest cool calm. Schedules on my desk are a bit late, and catching up will be invigorating and a delight with messages of REAL LOVE from everywhere all over the world. Even RUSSIAN LOVE, which has been incredible to receive quite often. with love to everyone, everywhere, all over the world. xo from princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT
email 11:59 pm from sir Vladimir Putin, excussi, et vous’ amore’ yes, une monmento’ ci, not yet, ah, yes, very soon, Yes, the royal family of the country of ENGLAND are making blue berry pancakes, ci, soon, yes, The BENTLEY FILMS, and an update on the
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