The Dadaism Revolution 2023 Events will have a live cam at events to be there and say or wave hello globally at Manhattan to Moscow 12:00 midnight - live- on the air studio vosse television web cam in my Royal Indian Love Notes within the very special 12:00 midnight piazza - pizza and soda pop live events north and South African and India too with more countries listed later this month of May and dates of schedules to coordinate and even contact me in a special email - contact address for live cams ready all over the world- in event pizza outings at the exact same monument in time from Manhattan to Moscow Dadaism Revolution 2023 everywhere with on the air studio vosse television web cams live- actual time ready , from all over the world. I will have the international DADISM REVOLUTION EVENT schedule and details posted by the end of May 2023. DADAISM in a movement ( international lovely rage in the arts meaning playfully whole of the breath of every nuance of life - ) exhaultingly a lovely rage- yes, with croquet park events and baha events and of course my polo fun in the country of SPAIN, too. The first DADAISM REVOLUTION 2023 events are just the beginning of a wild outrageous love affair I have with the whole international and national USA world. Manhattan to Moscow - yes - everywhere throughout Russia and the whole world too.
Marc Chagall FRENCH -RUSSIA CITIZEN and painter whom was also a lawyer in all formality whom became Famous in International Fine Works of Art in Royal Museums as seen above in the dreamy beautiful cultural lovely work of art of great a wistful humanity of love.
King Charles as His Majesty
The King of the country of England
of Great Britain
With special photograph and film Archives with love from everywhere as peoples all over the world and within the country of England give lovely wishes reigning down with love of peoples in every country. The coronation day becomes the celebration within every village of every county all over the world.

WORKING Brunch- princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett

Ambrosia Apple Salad, with pecans, raisins , mandarin oranges, fresh coconut, fresh sliced bananas and with mammoth sliced marsmallows in a mayonnaise dressing, dollops of cream vanilla sugar free sweetened yogurt, topped with sugared coconut, served with a pan grilled onion garlic bagel sautéed in butter with seared salmon, sugar free rootbeer and a cherry spritzer served with crushed ice with a fine working late afternoon brunch. The photographs and film were taken on May 2nd 2023 from my tiny village estate rental in Saranac Lake, New York USA
WORKING BRUNCH photographs and film credits: princess lady TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT
President Emmanuel Macron of the presidency of the country of lovely France, and thee First Lady of the country of FRANCE as in Brigette Macron have a message from the lovely wonderful country of FRANCE to read at your leisure as a way to contact thee President of the country of FRANCE at the Presidents office to see to a process to preservedness of more of the French cultures with sir Macron whom had much to do with the G7 economic summits over many, many, years of success for the peoples of the country of France during even difficult times. READ
For citizens of FRANCE send a letter to President Emmanuel Macron anytime. READ
11:08 pm New York NOW. Reiterations of the great literary works in sketches of
Horton Hears a Who with a FILM

Sketch and Photograph Credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Sketch Announcement Notations: it’s about the catalogue sales and collaborations you see, and the DADAISM Revolution events 2023 for piazza- midnight Manhattan - pizzas in large crowds enjoying a time to walk past a web camera and say hello and good day to the whole world everywhere. Dadaism revolution events 2023 are going to be exciting and what to wear is outrageously a fun little - individualistic measure to a memory forever sacred.
The catalogue sales exhibition for my catalogued works are going to be outrageously fun with schedule times and dates soon - which will also be with rare films daily with some rare music compositions from myself princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett in rare music film - with late brunch minute music & lectures- within a month long event with Dadaism Revolution 2023 - Details soon.
It’s 11:22 pm New York USA NOW
6:22 pm in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW May 3rd 2023 in the country of RUSSIA.
more soon. 1:25 am New York USA NOW MAY 3rd 2023 Banana News Revival international press update with a very special BLOOMBERG FILM READ with THE ROYAL INDIAN SPRING REVIEW READ
I will be on a long market shopping travel trip on May 3rd 2023 most of the day with a great many updates from many massages and emails including Jamie Farr and Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as Hunts corporation and three USA public airlines too- and quite a few others - artist in cultural worthy efforts even in RUSSIA and Germany and the USA museum updates too. Good Day everyone.
1:31 am New York USA NOW 8:32 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 7:33 am PARIS FRANCE NOW
May 4th 2023 3:41 am eastern standard time
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA [[[]]] the update, It’s rather important in news at the lower half of
international press READ
More Later in the afternoon from my tiny village in New York USA as the time is 3:48 am NOW and in MOSCOW RUSSIA the time is 10:49 am NOW § May 4 th 2023 at 3:49 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA at this time. It was a long shopping day for me yesterday as I often shop for the month and then only need small shopping trips - throughout the month, with busy times in my home office estate rental that is nestled under a canope forest of extremely tall trees. The time I have to enjoy strolling and assure projects and my events and love notes are with no minutes to spare. Even plans for sending my mother flowers is so important in every minute to shop flowers and select just the right bouquet for Mother’s Day with a signed note card are very important to me. Mothers are so important and I have some merchant emails for sales too I will take time to update some extra merchant notes . Merchants Mother’s Day List: EBAY Old Navy GUCCI WALMART LINDT’S BULOVA OF RUSSIA RUSSEL STOVER NEUHAUS CHOCOLATES IN BELGIUM in Europe. REX BEADS of Africa CRABTREE AND EVEBLYN OF LONDON ENGLAND BURBERRY OF LONDON ENGLAND BOMBAY COMPANY OF BOMBAY INDIA DWR birds from the USA THEE FABERGE OF RUSSIA THE EXTRODINARILY UNUSUAL ICE CUBE CHOCOLATES FROM GERMAN UNDER $13.00 shipped from European GERMANY IMPORTED IN THE BEAUTIFUL GOLD FOIL WRAPPING READ SWATCH OF SWITZERLAND SWAROVSKI OF AUSTRIA JIMMY CHOO IN FAR EAST ASIA TIFFANY’s fifth ave ny USA JC PENNY USA SEARS USA for pearls internationally made REAL SILK SCARVES BEGINNING AT $5.00 READ internationally made imported aristocratic heirloom Brooches around $15. 00 READ Fine Bracelet wrist watch starting at just under $4.00 READ MIDDLE EASTERN PERSIAN CLASSIC RUGS - beautiful and luxurious stating at $35.00 READ JEWELED CRAFTED FINER EARRINGS TURKISH FROM THE COUNTRY OF TURKEY starting at $2.44 cents worth the purchase READ ENGLISH ENGLAND WEDGWOOD JEWELRY BOX under $7.00 finely crafted and GREEK HARPS perfect gifts READ Beautiful gift chocolates from a RUSSIAN/ Ukraine merchant read PURE LUXURY CANADIAN MAPLE SYRUP WITH EXTRODINARY FLAVOR READ BUSTELO COFFEE DELIVERED SOUTH AMERICAN ASSORTMENT OF THE FINEST SOUTH AMERICAN GOURMET COFFEE AND EXPRESSO READ From the European country of SPAIN A man made SPANISH LEATHER SHOES excellent for summer and inside all year SPAIN SHOES READ SUEDE SPAIN SHOE ALL YEAR READ Travel wallets under $15.00 read It’s a good merchant Mother’s Day gift list to begin with Mother’s Day May 14th 2023 with plenty of time to ship strait to mom. DON’T FORGET TOPO CHICO SELZER WATER SHIPPED from South America READ WILLIAMS AND SONOMA specials read DINGO BOOTS AND SHOES Australian READ
MAY 4th 2023 photograph credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett

Make it wonderful - enjoy shopping well. Most of the late afternoon today, I have devoted time to edit. And shop for Mother’s Day for my very special mom. Banana News Revival international press today - with more important updates as well. One which a major Television News DIRECTOR and WRITERS asked -what should peoples known of more, about - in petitioning a letter towards types of petitions in basic information in ethics of peoples petition letters ?
What needs to be known about the ethics process in USA congressional rules in the USA petition letters that which are underway of much interest in the USA peoples with a global interest within every citizen of all country - actually. There is greatest concerns of the peoples of the USA whom are having much upset with dc bum issues of the awful idiocy of the Oval Office
and other concerning issues about flubber.
A movie about Flubber later, now the original 1960’s Nutty Professor preview film
More soon after the edits.
4:17 pm New York USA NOW.
I had to include today the METROPOLITAN MUSEUM of Art worth a day at the museum in New York City, New York usa.
6:36 pm May 4th 2023 from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW. 1: 39am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW on May 5th 2023 in Moscow already.
May 6th 2023 6:03 am it’s the day of the Coronation in England for King Charles His Majesty The King of England - with people in every village all over the world very much waiting to be apart of watching the entire coronation . film update 2025 soon in the new year 2025
Good Day everyone. More Soon.
It is 6:07 from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA May 6th 2023 1:08 am right now in LONDON ENGLAND, just one hour and eight minutes after midnight into the next day of May 7th 2023.
I have a wish for the King of England His Majesty King of England and the Reigning Queen Camilla as well, for much happiness to everyone and a great prosperity to the Royal Family and the entire country of ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN.
Photograph Archive from May 6th 2023
of the King Of England His Majesty King Charles Thee King of the country of ENGLAND upon the day of the coronation of King Charles the Great King of England as His Majesty
Good wishes of peace and prosperity from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett as well - a wish again and again of peace and prosperity in good wishes from all peoples in all villages as from all countries from all over the world.
6:25 pm from my tiny village in New York USA NOW. More Soon.
The Day is Monday May 8th 2023 from my tiny village in the Pristine Regions of forest mountains in the Saranac Lake Region of the New York State northern cities. The time is 3:34 pm and yesterday was Sunday with beginnings of my filming for later this month to be announced of the date the sales begins for my catalogue exhibitions - while I was pleased to receive a message from Sotheby’s offering to handle some art sales and very pleasing offer at that. While the month long sales events will begin some where right before June 10th 2023 and the exhibition international sales event online will be the entire month June 2023 into July 2023 with many sorts of exciting films as well- unlike any other event - I am hoping for success of events and catalogue sales.
Today I have some exciting films - soon posted today.
5:32 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
12:34 pm Moscow Russia NOW
The photographic archive today from the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, in Moscow Russia today, is getting back to a fine feeling in the Kremlin’s office and excellent for the good country of Russia. The percentage of business last year in the country of RUSSIA was at an increase of 37 percent overall with the Kremlin’s breath of work daily with selflessness which evokes a feeling of great humanity and honor in the country, which is with a better stabilized wealth for all the country individually - with humanitarian social programs of many years which improved an at risk number of people helping them gain more stability in life with enjoyment in life and better prosperity. Much success was achieved in the Kremlin’s special interest projects - for a much improved society of betterment within the vast many cities and villages of the country of Russia, as one of the largest countries of the whole world. How fortunate for the peoples of the country of Russia with the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin with such hard efforts and excellence in cares with strategic worth that affects the nation of the country of Russia.

Good Cheers is ongoing for ENGLAND
as well today
with a lovely updates film of
PRINCE HARRY of England son of King Charles His Majesty King of all of wonderful ENGLAND.
With a lovely rare event in history of the entire world with film of thee quite
charming PRINCE HARRY. It’s so exciting.
More Soon later today. Summer in SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK -
what’s it like ? See the
8:03 pm from New York USA
A message from PRINCE WILLIAM
Prince of Wales, first son of the King of England,
King Charles His Majesty
8:10 pm New York USA
The Beatles are wonderful Britain- ENGLAND
music composers known as the FAB FOUR
Mick Jagger from England as well with a FILM and rare interview with Mick Jagger in
FILM from
Billy Joel with the flag of England - it’s a special event and also films from
Billy Joel at yankee stadium - LOVELY
RINGO STARR of the Fab Four men
known as the BEATLES
James Taylor You’ve Gotta Friend in a updated recording just wonderful
In Converstation with Ringo Starr
from the country of England in
MICK JAGGER with another great rare film “ satisfaction “ in film Mick Jagger Jumping Jack Flash to see
LISTEN with a lovely film from thee
Randy Travis whom emailed me a while back and I just love Randy Travis so it’s a song called FOREVER AND EVER AMEN
A music composition “Thank You “ from thee lovely
Jim Morison Light My Fire
Sting with a rare special update
listen sung just for me
and the whole world- long live the King of England with blessings from everywhere.
BTS in an update in a
A message from the London Symphony Orchestra
Giovanni Bottesini Concerto for Double Bass number 2 in b minor
ERIC CLAPTON with tears in heaven listen
ELTON JOHN good bye yellow brick road in a very special update - listen
Update from Lovely Areatha Franklin
with Say a little Prayer in a marvelous song composition
Update in conversation with thee
Bruce Springsteen with a special
film with a new update from Bruce Springsteen Do I Love You
Update from thee ROBERT REDFORD with a lovely talk
about the world worth it
with again and again Thee Mick Jagger LISTEN
10:28 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York NOW.
It has been a wonderful night and I wish to celebrate with the whole world good wishes to all of England as to, very good wishes from all over the world to King Charles, His Majesty King of England, and good wishes to Her Majesty, Queen Camilla today and forever. From all over the whole world with everyone - sitting or standing and love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
5:57 am MOSCOW RUSSIAN NOW May 9th 2023
3:3 am LONDON ENGLAND NOW May 9 th 2023
May 10th 2023 6:46 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York in the USA NOW and the time in MOSCOW RUSSIA is 12:50 am on May 11 th 2023 just 50 minutes after midnight. Good day into the evening to everyone as well as good morning in Europe. I have an extra busy month planning in filming and cataloguing and event planning details for the midnight pizza piazza travels with live on the air online television from me- at studio vosse and it’s going to be exciting with global live pizza piazza events - and the very important catalogue sale that all begin next month with updates soon on all the details to prepare well for everyone around the world everywhere- I hope for great piazza events with pizza and soda pop - good live film cams globally and a hopeful great two month catalogue sale from my home estate office - with very special film short segments - quite fun.

Archive Special Photograph
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of R
USSIA at the
Victory Day Parade in RED SQUARE within the wonderful and very prestigious city of
The Kremlin has very somber words for the very historical observance of the Victory Day Parade to
read if you would like to. With an extended archive photograph of the VERY PRESTIGIOUS VICTORY DAY PARADE in MOSCOW’S esteemed area of the lovely RED SQUARE with RUSSIAN BEST with fine military in their very finest for the peace and strength of humanity within the noted observance of the RUSSIAN HOLIDAY of honor to the historical love of humanity within the entire country of RUSSIA.
It’s a great Historical Event in the fine wonderful humanitarian country of RUSSIA with cares of peoples and great dignity and strength of humanity with the parade in the internationally loved city of MOSCOW RUSSIA within great RUSSIAN LOVE
In London England and in
Moscow Russia the highest level
of cultural arts is and the expressionist work within humanity
of peoples as a whole continuum of humanities and vivid expressionist is
preserved well even within architecture as I invite
you to a film by the
all the way from LONDON ENGLAND
The paintings of CEZANNE
7:02 pm New York USA NOW
Flubber the Preview in Film
more soon tonight
7:04 pm New York USA NOW
2:05 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW May 11th 2023
12:05 am LONDON ENGLAND NOW May 11th 2023
Architecture in RUSSIA of prestigious magnificent history of peoples in
MARC CHAGALL the artist whom
currently showing at SOTHEBY’S in
with an email update
Update yourself on a Sotheby’s GREAT MASTERS
a special email and some never before seen art
7:37 pm New York USA NOW
email update from my darling ERIC CLAPTON
with another special update from BILL MURRY at second city
in Willmette Illinois just north of the large city of CHICAGO Illinois USA.
READ a bit more about thee
wonderful BILL MURRY
Of course I wish to say now that I have taken time to update instructions to letter petitions in
BANANA NEWS which are very important for stabilization today in the USA in many ways.
Many people have already read the
Banana News Revival international press
update and I have posted it again here for everyone to gain a chance to read the updates at the lower area- I have many people even globally whom love
BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press - I hope you love it too.
Update Loews Theater
more soon tonight It’s 8:17 pm New York USA
Toronto Canada Maple Leaf National Hockey update
from Beautiful Toronto Canada with
FILM 9:21 pm from my tiny village in New York USA NOW
Update emailed several days ago
Jacques Tati Le Moncle the Film
Peter Seller is a wonderful person
and true comedic genius in the very political movie update
The Pink Panthor Strikes Again whole
FILM 1:43:25 = one hour and forty three minutes and twenty five seconds of a wonderful movie from the darling lovely Peter Sellers.
of course It’s time for the
PINK PANTHOR cartoon in construction in
London Symphony Orchestra with a
Music in conversation with Billy Joel and George Martin
10:26 pm tiny village Saranac Lake, New York USA Now
Last week when I posted HORTON HEARS A WHO- the fire department in Saranac Lake the men opened up a water hydern and made a silly minute as if we should take a bath like HORTON
the wonderful people fire department - was very human and very nice peoples.
I wish sir Vladimir Putin a very nice morning in Moscow Russia soon and I wish everyone all over the world a very lovely day as well, with a good breakfast, lunch and dinner sitting or sanding with love from me, to everyone - all over the world. I Love You all.
From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett good night and good morning everyone.
10:33 pm New York NOW
10:33 pm Toronto Canada NOW
3:34 am London England NOW
5:33 am Moscow Russia NOW
10: 35 am Beijing China NOW
11:17 pm from my tiny village a gift from Thee RINGO STARR and NPR with an html code that I could program into my pages from RINGO and NPR tonight - enjoy from everywhere all over the world with a delightful political music converstation on NPR national public radio USA
May 11th 2023 3:34 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA
I wish to say a lovely hello to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia today. It must have been a busy week in the Kremlin’s office last week with a Victory Day Parade Holiday much like our USA forth of July as very proud Independence Day in the USA is an observance to a strength of the nation of peoples since the year 1776 hundreds of years ago, of the commemoration of the USA constitution and the merits of the hope and dreams of the USA peoples of a busy thriving peaceful nation with strength in aliegences to all nations within a continuum of worth and worthy work and spiritual prosperity that is much worth fiercely seeing a reality of peace that must be with strengths of Nations that care much like RUSSIA in social programs and cares of fortitude for boardering countries as was the assured needs in many unseen ways with a love of high ethical peace and wishes of ethical prosperity of all countries - I have some special archive photographs of my days to bring flowers to a memorial of veterans on Veterans Day in the USA in past times of men and women shedding words of importance for the history of individuals whom were veterans and important unforgotten within all history of humanity with a time important of men and women - past, present, and future - much like the amazing event of Victory Day Parade of a very good fortitude in the country of RUSSIA as Sir Vladimir Putin whom adorn the lives of peoples to see through a national annual prestigious event of the solume solute of individuals sacred of loss and that of feaverant kind cares of honors in humanities and with remembrance in fierce vibrancy of what could have been much more a broadened love for a ferocious thirst in vibrancy of living - which are steps forward toward a wholeness of hopes in pure true larger peace on earth. Men and women in Knoxville Tennessee USA organize the blessings of important minutes to arrive at our best and listen together of a sacred human voice of a person whom speaks of a mournful sorrow to never forsaken - even in the city of Knoxville Tennessee USA. My photograph is important and I will see if I can get it posted soon - with also a post from the ole friends I have at the Television Station. WBIR TV People whom I really like well and love deeply as ole friends, as - I, myself, once appeared on as a guest speaker on the early morning news as well as lecturing internationally at, Columbia Collage, Yale and Vanderbilt University about my specialized project in cultural interactive lecture work that gained honors Nationally USA with a governors awarded honor in the State of TENNESSEE USA, and Internationally honored through the International European Arts College Society - too- with Those at WBIR television the very best in news that have a little
IMPORTANT FOREVER as well as VICTORY DAY PARADE which Americans welcome a heartfelt way all over the country with an embraced love from peoples of the USA and all over the world in every country of a great many peoples - in a care of embracing the somber sorrow of love for humanity from men and women of sacred cares all over the world. From the sacred minutes of words and time of much worthy work from Sir Vladimir Putin and a large caring country of peoples in Russia of a lovely military very sacred of lives forever as well. Words within a remembrance to the lovely reality of the breath of lives to exists and fiercely be worth love of sacred life to assure whole - more ease to fruitful existences which are hopefully never without the aliegence of great nations such as RUSSIA with sir Vladimir Putin’s lovely personifications of broad cares to ethical freedoms of international cares sacred to peoples with a voice, bold of words of honor and that towards peoples in every country all over the world.
6:29 pm New York USA from my tiny village.
Please enjoy. DANNY KAYE in the
very political movie INSPECTOR GENERAL
it’s a 1:41:48 minute movie as almost two hours long and quite perplexing in a untamed political unhumorous obscure work in the arts. Enjoy everyone, everywhere all over the world
in the exciting obscure and elaborate
6:37 pm from Saranac Lake New York in
my tiny village of my tiny estate rental home office NOW
1:38 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW on May 12 th 2023 with great wishes of a kind lovely dreamy sleep to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia and sweet dreams to all the peoples of the country of Russia and the Ukraine and peoples all over Europe with pleasant kind wishes for everyone in the USA - as well to all international peoples in countries everywhere.
Update now from the
president of the country of China, Sir Xi Jinping as thee president of the country of China, in a vaste needed
rice field in a bold highlight of an abundance towards assured rice proudly important, and of course a highlight to extraordinary work in assurances of businesses in a large variety of extraordinary quality foods in China as very important. The rice import in China is also very important to other countries.
6:56 pm New York USA NOW May 11th 2023
1:55 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW May 12th 2023
6:55 am Beijing China NOW May 12 th 2023
11:58 pm LONDON ENGLAND May 11 th 2023
More soon. With the King of England,
King Charles His Majesty appointed a commissioner - in - chief to the ROYAL CANANDIAN MOUNTED POLICE
7:56 pm New York USA NOW with an update from Paul Simon
in a New Album of the Seven Psalms
LISTEN with the famous album recordings from Paul Simon and
music composers from Africa with the world famous music composition
more soon with love everywhere in the whole world with exceptional emails and other wonderful messages from all over the world. It’s perfectly lovely everyone - thank you. I love you even more everywhere.
I love them all - from the Beatles today May 11 th 2023 from me in my tiny village from Saranac Lake, New York USA at 8:03 pm Now
I love you more.
11:07 pm from Saranac Lake New York USA
in my tiny village NOW no others should ever shadow
the crowning coronation of the King of England as the
whole world gains a special minute to see the
actual coronation of
King Charles His Majesty King of England
For Everyone everywhere in every
country all over the world.
With love from everyone everywhere.
1:03 am just one hour and three minutes after midnight into May 12 th 2023 with the
wonderful email update from everyone at the SFMOMA as in the
San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art in world class international events and museum exhibitions
1:16 am May 12th earliest morning 2023 from my tiny village NEW YORK USA
J. P. GETTY MUSEUM in Los Angeles In the sate of California emailed with a lovely update of ongoing amazing events
1:13 am from my tiny village in New York NOW
with a very special email and an amazing
More Soon
NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINES as Europe and the USA with international countries get ready for baha, and strait sailing, and body board baha too, with an email direct from Norwegian
emailed with my colour kitchen in mind
with a wonderful sale
2:10 am New York USA NOW
email in Architecture from my darling artist friend of Germany at the German Pavillion within the Venice Italy Biennale of largest events of the arts - with a quiet very compelling lovely thought provoking
sent via eflux special issue of German Artist and Architecture
2:20 am New York USA NOW

email direct from the MOMA
with great peoples and alluring master works arts in the lovely experience of a museum outing in NEW YORK CITY as the MOMA is known as one of the major museums of the art world as in the museum of modern art NEW YORK CITY NY USA and very exciting and welcoming to all
Good Day to everyone all over the world today. A special hello to sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin
( president ) of the country of Russia. I received a prompt email from Sir Vladimir about wishing to receive my paper invitations to the upcoming piazza pizza and soda pop event with live cam from Manhattan to Moscow - with a hopeful live cam on th air TV from me at studio vosse in a special project event - hopefully on the air live from there in Moscow too that is very exciting and hopeful. There is also a good response from peoples in the country of China so far and other countries that are interested such as Italy and England - and Canada and Peru - to mention just a few. Sir Vladimir Putin is a bit excited waiting for the date of the event to be announced - with many emails so far of interest and some planning to assure everything goes well.
The date today is May 12 th 2023 at 4:01 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York and I would like to say that I seem to have grown very close with so many friends over the past year and wonderful people all over the world with messages near and far that are amazing and lovely. I am thrilled with so much love from peoples and the lovely messages from the kremlins office directly from Sir Vladimir Putin very special messages - and other presidents too from all over the world. It is this wonderful new era of humanity that is so recognized and incredible for potential growth in even larger humanities and better global economic stability and excitment even with a live global piazza pizza event - as I have to say it again - thank you and I love you all so much.
Love and good wished from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
It’s 4:06 pm in New York USA NOW
11:07 pm Moscow Russia NOW
More soon.
5:48 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, in New York USA NOW
recently I received a email from Vanity Fair with a message that said:
In the New York Times, I received a message that was about seeing Air Force One grounded after I suggested that people write a letter of petition about the extreme amount of taxes that seem to be missing from the tax ethics expenditures appropriated ( with an ethics process in ethical agendas in the congress through peoples of the USA taking part in having a chance to see their opinion on ethical agendas and tax spending correctly ethically handled - and not a pressurized upset from dc Oval Office bum group that which pressurized great congressional peoples too of the USA. ). There is a few more updates in Banana News Revival international press that are making an impression nationally and internationally with outrageous love for my love letters publications - to THEE KREMLIN of RUSSIA sir Vladimir Putin and to the world - as someone has been trying to hold up our pizza and Gershwin date. Unthinkable really as in New York City is a place where I usually some how encompass quite a mod scene of peoples and imagine that sir Vladimir Putin might make time in his schedule at the beginning of July 2023 to an honor to everyone by arriving yet again- hopefully sir Vladimir might have time - to one of my outrageously crowded exciting events - with headphones on listening to Gershwin at midnight live on the air web cam television on line at my on location piazza pizza and soda pop - studio vosse international global event.
exciting and delightful -
a Russian in New York for a day.
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia
and the President of China ? unimaginable.
The sales catalogue work is going well, I have my online PayPal almost ready and almost working. Recordings of Lecture Blips and Music Shorts are going well with sketches and paintings - going well, even a digital download print will be available for tech art at a reasonable price. Some favorable emails in news press releases are hopeful to see a broadly large catalogue sale with other press releases in tv and radio media channels - and even a wild piazza event live - on the air fun largely a fine rage of fun I think - and the The Late Show did contact me a while back - imaginable - as I have to schedule in a time to properly reply- so it’s getting very exciting in my tiny estate rental home office in my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA. I am hopeful for a good revenue year 2023 as is everyone in the world. Such fun in a totally mundane somber time mixed - with a reality of an era gone bye now and a USA economy that is getting stronger and with a great reality more in economics is going well in international waters too - throughout Europe it is better than imaginable now, with a care about humanities very boldly large- The beginning sale day will be announced soon. The piazza pizza and soda pop live on the air TV online cam event date will also be soon announced.
email from
Eric Clapton today with a new recording from Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck we’re comforting in the whole message
6:17 pm New York USA NOW
1:17 am Moscow Russia NOW May 13th 2023
It’s time to get to a small grocery market- with more soon.
10:40 pm from my tiny village in New York NOW with a few groceries from a close grocery market drive. I was in the same little fine grocery last week- and the lovely employed person said: good night, I love you they said. I was smiling and it made me feel very happy. Recently Paul McCartney produced a song film called,
The Kiss of Venus III imagined -
it’s an exciting little work of art LISTEN
10:48 pm New York USA NOW. IT’s positively wild.
3:04 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
May 13 th 2023
Good Afternoon to everyone in the USA and Canada and South American Countries into the south seas countries too, good evening and good night to most everyone in Europe.
With a wonderful hello to sir Vladimir Putin in the country of very beautiful country of Russia - with a little wish for everyone in Europe and the country of RUSSIA to sleep very well with sweet dreams.
I have a busy day today with some of the work in paintings and film recordings - going on for weeks - with more notes I took time for in Banana News Revival international press - that’s well loved and making an impression in the USA and even well loved globally. The love letters to the world is with enormous amounts of lovely people sending many many messages and I am thrilled that not only the president of Russia enjoys my notes, the whole world seems to enjoy my love letters as it also helped to increase sales in fine goods and major foods with the many recipes I posted- surprisingly wonderful with perhaps a cook book for sale before Christmas. or a Royal Flambé’ digital book with more ways to serve flambé and the three traditional kinds of flambé . The economy for the USA and Canada and South American countries as well as the south seas has strengthened over the last few weeks even more - and I wish to say that the guitar revolution in 2022 as well as many of the public events in music helped stabilize more of the economy in fact with museums as well that gained better solid worth again going strong now- the small restaurants in every village were also a large standard in stabilizing a revenue in the USA and across the globe - recipes of bear claws helped - even in the country of Germany - and wonderfully so.
There is more soon. I am a bit busy today with announcement for the catalogue sales and piazza pizza and soda pop with live on the air cams that will be global and great fun- I can hardly wait to get the dates and announcements finalized. love, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
For now it’s
Victor Borge with literary punctuation in all humor
3:29 pm New York USA NOW
10:29 pm Moscow Russia NOW
7:52 pm New York USA
It’s a lecture of Peter Paul Rubens at
SOTHEBY’S with a
7:55 pm New York NOW
May 14 th 2023 Sunday at 3:03 pm eastern standard time
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW.
Good Day to everyone all over the world. Good day as well to Sir Vladimir Putin as well. I have dreams
sometimes to throw kisses to sir Vladimir from a far, and kisses to all Russian peoples too, with more kisses thrown to peoples all over the world.
There are many updates that will be later into May and even many planned in Kevin Bacon with a list long of many other messages from so many people- with lovely messages of love for even myself princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett and love for Sir Vladimir with amazing love to everyone all over the world - even from the country of Egypt and Africa and Turkey, Brazil, Peru, Canada, Cuba, Scotland, Germany, China, Korea, Thailand, Japan, Russia, Poland, and with other countries such as messages from even people in the city of Bombay in India - it’s going to be a very exciting summer with many updates. Updates will be slow through the end of May with the special filming I have going on in even MUSIC FILM SHORTS, special catalogue film events, and international global on the air live tv piazza events with pizza and soda pop with everyone wearing head phones listing to music by GERSHWIN from MANHATTAN NYC NY, to MOSCOW RUSSIA and everywhere all over the world.
at 3:07 pm New York USA
it is thee Joan Biaz with Bob Dylan LISTEN
3:15 pm NY NOW
with unbelievable excitment READ
3:20 NY NOW
The Metropolitan Museum of Art with a FILM
3:24 pm NY from my tiny village in
Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
a way to send a flower greeting from the
Smithsonian Museum of Art in Washington DC
yes - very beautiful floral cards - directly sent from the Smithsonian - enjoy.
More Soon it’s 3:28 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW.
10:29 pm in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW.
Good Day on May 15th 2023 at 12:01 pm
in the afternoon eastern standard time
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake,
New York USA.
photograph credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett red sauce ziti and shrimp & vegetables
7:00 am Eastern Standard Time May 16th 2023 Tuesday
Tomorrow’s Event Live from GUCCI
12:29 pm New York USA
tai chi becomes popular in the country of Italy
in a vibrant exceptional film not to miss.
Tia Chi is one of the President of Russia’s favorite get fit
sports active regiments - with a love for refreshing vibrant fun daily.
Many Eastern European peoples, and Europeans love the vibrant
nature of Sir Vladimir Putin and his modern love for far eastern
tai chi.
Special Archive Photograph to the right:
Sir Vladimir Putin,
President of the country of Russia.
12:41 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, NY USA NOW
BACK IN THE USSR as in RUSSIA from the Beatles
Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and John Lennon. LISTEN
Arrive with GUCCI
from the 7:00am
show this morning Tuesday May 18th 2023
7:00 pm In Seoul, South Korea at the Gyeongorkgung Palace which was a
wonderful live event from Korea — the film of the event at GUCCI is available for anytime everyone would like to enjoy GUCCI view the
it’s 8:00 am from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA everyone have a wonderful breakfast , lunch, or dinner with a great global feeling in your whole day and evening. It’s time for my second cup of coffee and fresh orange juice, I have a wonderful array of muffins for the review filming that was absolutely wonderful and LIVE FILMING from Seoul South Korea today.
I love you all, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
8:04 am New York USA
More Soon.
It was a special invitation from GUCCI in the country
of ITALY and wonderful. Thank you everyone -
again and again, I love you all very much.
9:42 am from my tiny village in New York USA
Email from the multi- international chocolatiers LINDT chocolates SWISS CHOCOLATIERS since 1845 with a wonderful
recipe of
Coconut Ice Pops READ
9:48 am eastern standard time now, from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York.
email update from
ANDY SPADE at Kate Spade Designs with a message about my fresh squeezed bright morning in Seoul South Korea with an update from the Kate Spade Company
10:48 am New York NOW
12:54 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
it’s always nice to receive an email from ERIC CLAPTON whom just
emails- with special care
more soon.
1: 02 pm New York NOW
May 17th 2023 11:47 am NOW
From my Tiny Village in Saranac Lake, in New York USA.
The catalogue sales work is getting exciting. Filming of some music short films too are going well. I received the email from Vanity Fair yesterday with many others including MSNBC, whom I will post later this month. Of course in the USA we had a problem with public airlines and other concerns in the USA as well, and to assure improvements in the country of the USA it’s very important to know that there is concerns that take - the wonderful effects of peoples - in airlines that changed the airlines and improved the public flight ease to all customers and increased the services to excellence as well as some airlines lowered fare prices in hopper flights to as low as $59.00 per hopper flight within the USA. I will post airlines updates soon- and note that the improvements and ease to all peoples nationally or internationally also increase the chance of better revenue and wages for airline peoples living in the USA. Great airlines in the USA also mean much better speedy revenue possibility for cities with more services into good villages everywhere and more revenue with hopeful steadier jobs and wages steadier.
Spike Lee was one of my visiting lecturer’s in my Royal Affiliate Colleges in the Arts and Design in the 1990’s and wonderful to see the email from Vanity Fair yesterday. Spike Lee is a fine internationally known film director and a fine wonderful giving human with great modern perspectives.
Enjoy the Spike Lee interview with Vanity Fair.
Spike Lee , Vanity Fair with a
12:09 pm New York USA NOW
More soon today.
2:14 pm from my tiny village in
Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
Williams and Sonoma with these amazing recipes,
as an extra email today from all the lovely peoples at
Williams and Sonoma
With Outrageously Delicious Recipes READ
2:21 pm New York USA NOW
more soon today.
4:38 pm eastern standard time Saranac Lake,
New York from my tiny village in the USA
understated, very elegant personalities from the fashion week in Moscow Russia with wishes for solid good economic within humanities greater respects and personal prosperity from lovely peoples in Moscow Russia 2020 special film archive.
More updates with Fashion Week Moscow NOW of more of Fashion Week in Moscow Russia -updates before June 1st 2023 - with my wishes of exceptional love to everyone in Moscow Russia and within the lovely country of Russia as well. With love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett to each person in every country and every village - large and small all over the world. MORE SOON TODAY.
8:31 pm from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA NOW
More soon
it’s 8:33 pm from my tiny village in
Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
on May 18th 2023 in Russia and still
May 17th 2023 in the USA
Exciting Updates into tomorrow - good day and good night everyone all over the world. With wished of everyone to enjoy a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sitting or standing. The announcements for the catalogue sales and the Dadism Revolution Piazza Pizza and Soda Pop Event on the air live globally will be posted with dates soon. I have many many messages that I can hardly wait to post too- online soon. I love you all with a special hello and good day to sir Vladimir Putin the lovely wonderful Kremlin of the country of Russia.
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
9:48 pm Saranac Lake New York NOW
1:48 pm eastern standard time on May 18th 2023.
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
In the studio, some priority of eating well, is very important. I love grilled shrimp with four cheese flat bread grilled finger sandwiches with a marinara sauce- perfectly perfect lunching -through messages and sketches and paintings -with a schedule of a few important events that are global to soon be announced.
WORKING LUNCH in the home office studio
photographic credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett May 2023
Today it’s a message from Harrison Ford
about Air Force one- noted in the New York Times quoting me
as being grounded. Harrison Ford is with an amazing major silver screen movie career
and makes a wonderful little message commentary - as too about his serious and amazing work and schedule and updates commentary that’s
exciting in the world too.
update 2:07 pm eastern standard time New York USA
Harrison Ford with a
2:09 pm New York USA NOW.
I am so excited about the announcement
by Monday-
With Thee Harrison Ford’s message update NOW.
May 19th 2023
11:40 pm NEW YORK NOW May 19th 2023
11:41 am SHANGHAI CHINA NOW May 20th 2023
6:43 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW May 19th 2023
An Italian Ballet Dancer was Influenced by the great Russian Traditional Culture in more than Ballet as a passionate wonderful country of Russian Peoples,
From Italy in a enriched Russian influence in dance in a life in China with a special dance performance
11:58 am from my tiny village in NEW YORK USA
The Bolshoi Fine Theater of Literary Performance
in MOSCOW RUSSIA is one of the worlds most loved classical theaters bringing
Petrushka Opera by Edgar Stravinsky - written for
Paris France of a
Russian Ancient Opera with the entire classical performance opera ballet
FILM enjoy the whole Petrushka
update from the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow Russia NOW
12:07 pm afternoon in Saranac Lake, New York NOW.
at 12:14 pm New York USA it is a wonderful update from NASHVILLE TENNESSEE
with the GRAND OLE OPRY whom emailed with
Clint Black, and Thee Dolly Parton, and Reba McIntire, with many more ole friends I have from
Nashville Tennessee USA. with world famous country western music- exciting and vibrantly loved.
11:19 am Nashville Tennessee USA TIME.
Back Stage at the Opry is with lovely friends READ even Steven Martin, whom arrived at my NYC exhibitions and brought me hot Brazilian Coffee and one of Manhattan’s 5 th Avenues famous Hand Made Pasteries.
GREAT to see thee Steve Martin at in Nashville Tennessee USA
Vince Gill as well- even with the new LIVE NASHVILLE RADIO which everyone at the Grand Ole Opry emailed me- to enjoy all over the world and well loved. Thank you to each and everyone of you at the Grand Ole Opry and DollyWood with Dolly Parton too- Ray Charles, Tonya Tucker, Garth Brooks, The memory of Loretta Lynn, and Thee Billy Holiday, of greatest love on heaven and earth too, thank you to the many peoples, throughout Graceland in Memphis Tennessee USA, including Priscilla Presley with a special thanks again for the Vogue interview, and thank you to everyone in Hollywood in the west coast in the state of California and all the country western singers too- Carry Underwood and Willy Nelson too.
LIVE RADIO everyone - from Nashville Tennessee USA
at the GRAND OLE OPRY - I love you all, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
LISTEN LIVE FROM THE GRAND OLE OPRY to everyone everywhere all over the world. It’s all so exciting. Directly from
myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett and emailed directly in love radio from the grand ole opry Nashville Tennessee USA. from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA.
24/7 - 352 days a year.
12:38 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New
More Soon Today
messages from Arnold Schwarzenegger are like heaven in busy mornings when I have a list of so many friends too- all over the world as well to post updates read sweet notes and updates important - enjoying personal notes and many invites that are important to me- even if I have a few delays in replies. A few days ago, Arnold emailed and invited me to his new movie premier and suggested it was time for a hot pot of black tea-
I was very happy to see his invite to a HOLLYWOOD premiere
and a thoughtful word he took time for suggesting it was time for a lovely hot pot of black tea- with cookie biscuits from GOYA BRAND imported from South America, and tuna sandwiches- quartered -with a lite salad of iceberg lettuce and freshly sliced tomatoes with perfectly seasoned ITALIAN salad dressing.
Perfect Arnold Schwarzenegger an even with a soothing FILM from thee Arnold Schwarzenegger.
photographic credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
FUBAR the world premier silver screen movie with an invite too - get a ticket for the May 22 nd 2023 event. emailed from my wonderful darling friend as the amazing Hollywood Movie Personality as former governor as well -of the state of California,
Austrian Born Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It was an early invite to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s
2:42 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York NOW
more soon today.
2:51 pm NEW YORK USA
now in my tiny village.
flew in from TORONTO CANADA
yesterday to sit by the beautiful lake. film credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
More Soon Today. The Announcements are almost ready.
Plenty of work to be done before the special announcements
are complete for the catalogue sales dates and invites globally
and the wonderful piazza pizza and soda pop events with live
on the air tv cams from me in NYC and interest in cams
globally for pizza and a fine hello from NYC live and
other parts of the world live at the exact same time.
It’s all getting very wild with all the great messages
from everywhere all over the world-
even Homburg, Germany
in Eastern Europe.
It’s Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin and the orchestra
3:02 pm NY USA NOW
9:03 pm Homburg, Germany NOW
6:24 pm New York USA NOW
U2 music composers are wonderful with an extrodinary sound.
Las Vegas with PI as the sphere - is an important U2 performance at the LAS VEGAS , NEVADA state in the USA. Thank you everyone in U2 for the impromptu lovely vibrant film. I love you.xo
6:45 pm New York from my tiny village NOW.
Eric Clapton emailed me Yesterday - tonight it’s a lovely song
from Eric Clapton “Change The World “
LISTEN as well as Eric Clapton emailed a personal note with an announcement from
Eric Clapton - email just yesterday
6:58 pm New York USA NOW
Thee John Mellencamp emailed several days ago- with a up and coming 60 minute lecture with Thee David Letterman at the NYC lower Manhattan World Famous
Tribeca Film Center.
7:04 pm New York USA NOW It was in the late 1990’s when I ventured off, moving to thee largest city in the USA merely knowing no one - to attend a fine cultural college that was within one of the finest in the country, located in the loop of everything in the city of Chicago Illinois USA- after a lengthy successful career in cultural arts and business - I needed —visceral, tactile, study in my own worthy work- and to build relationships that which expand into international levels within the cultural arts and business- after studies at Columbia College Chicago — I went on to study at an affiliated Royal College later. A recent film from one of my former university arts colleges caught my eye and is very worth reviewing the FILM again and again —within the world famous cultural city of love as Chicago Illinois’s is —-within the USA.
Please, take a minute, if you have time and view the
FILM From Columbia College Chicago IL, USA —enjoy.
7:14 pm New York USA NOW
Rob Redford is extremely versed in directing and acting in major motion pictures and is the founder of one of the most famous Film Institutes —with email update often —- and News on the Sundance Institute London Film Festival too. READ
It’s a great time to say good day to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia with wishes that he sleeps with all good dreams, good dreams to everyone in Russia and Europe and good dreams to everyone all over the world. Good dreams to the President of the country of Iran whom has a film message —and several films very interesting to update soon - and I am extremely happy to be able to post the very special films from the country of IRAN. Also a film brief from TOM CRUISE as well posted soon- with a little update from the peoples of the USA airlines soon too with BOEING INTERNATIONAL whom has kept me with very lovely updates in many emails from the president and peoples of the international multi conglomerate corporation - soon posted in some films. - even Malinda Gates is with a film update posted soon.
Enjoy your evening and day soon throughout all of Europe with great breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sitting or standing. Enjoy your minutes all over the world. I love you all forever.
From myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo xo xo xo
7:28 pm New York USA NOW
Dubre Din and Gudden Morgan— sou ume
Russian, Polish, German, and Chinese for Good Day
on May 20th 2023 at 12:57 pm fifty seven minutes after noon from my tiny village.
I love you - messages to Moscow Russia to the Kremlin’s office, Special Delivery from Saranac Lake, New York, USA. I love you - sos message to sir Vladimir Putin the President of all of the very vaste largest country of Russia. SOS AGAIN - I LOVE YOU. special delivery to sir Vladimir Putin President / Kremlin- Czar of the country of Russia. I wish for Sir Vladimir Putin to enjoy a fine dinner this evening and a lovely breath of comfort - before Tia - Chi excellence. Across from the Bolshoi Fine Theater - there is a very nice place to buy fine coffee and a hearty large handmade slice of decedent RUSSIAN chocolate cake. Fine little paninis hand grilled as well, with imported cheese. Darling Sir Vladimir - enjoy the moonlight stroll under the tree lined streets as I make a wish upon a star tonight to see you with worth of your lovely time in such great stability for Russia in a very special new era - of your large worth in Russian lives to enjoy decedent SPECIAL RUSSIAN chocolate cake too- and know love of even the BOLSHOI - with global internationally premieres of the RUSSIAN FINE CULTURAL OPERA . Everyone in the country of Russia can enjoy decedent RUSSIAN handmade chocolate cake and viewing internationally global world posts of famous Bolshoi Fine Theater.
PETRUSHKA and live radio from the grand ole opry in Nashville Tennessee USA.
with special love sent from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
1:13 pm eastern standard time New York USA NOW
more soon today.
American Airlines public flight services domestic USA airlines READ USA Delta Airlines READ Southwest USA Airlines READ jet blue domestic USA airlines READ
Sotheby’s Email Today on Saturday May 20th 2023 is with a lovely film just sent from
PICASSO’S grand daughter
Thee Diana Widmaier grand daughter of
PICASSO with a lovely expressive film talk -from
2:04 pm New York USA NOW
Message Update via Foxbusiness FORD General Motors CEO with a film in conversation with Jim Farley in this special film
Hunts Tomatoe Brand USA with recipes read
2:23 pm New York USA NOW NEW YORK yossi milo read
Arnold Palmer set the golf course with a special Tea, just for me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
It’s Jaques Tati with a FILM MON ONCLE EXTRAITE
ELON MUSK’S TESLA is with a FILM updated today in an email reminder for my busy Saturday Afternoon.
2:52 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA eastern standard time.
More Soon Today.
FILM NEW YORK CITY, MANHATTAN hand made bagels daily - extraordinary from Celietino Garcia sent to my in an email from the wonderful peoples at the New York Times, just an hour ago. In a wonderful film
produced by a lovely women named Priya Krishna.
SCRUMPTIOUSLY GOOD with good wishes to everyone
all over the world from everyone at the NEW YORK TIMES. again and again READ the recipes.
May 21st 2023 4:56 pm eastern standard time
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
Good Day into Early Evening from my tiny village tonight. I was awake very
early this SUNDAY MORNING and thought very much about everyone
all over the world. My surprise film yesterday with the Grand Daughter of the very famous painter PICASSO
was extremely fine that she wished to send me a film - of the cares to talk about the humanities of creating
fine works within an art form with functional elements- It was fantastic having
Thee Diana Widmaier create such a lovely little art talk - in film, just for me and fine lovely message for
everyone in the whole world too. SUNDAY today, it was a very busy afternoon of fun with final photographic work in arts of fine sketch and paintings - very good to be with the catalogue sales announcement on MONDAY tomorrow.
I received a message from the President of Japan, Kishida Fumio in the lovely Japan government last evening among many messages - I have a film sent to enjoy MONDAY which is interesting and cultural - sent from the President of Japan as well as a film from the President of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin softly sweet - and quite interesting as well.
Today — I really wished to simply say good day to each and everyone in all villages, within all cities and of all countries all over the world as I wish you the very best evening and in EUROPE a good sleep and good morning soon enough. The film in IRAN is soon to post as well.
Wishing Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia a great morning and to all, I wish for you a fine week this week.The exceptional messages are of love broadly in the world. I love you all -
from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The catalogue sate online site is nearly finished - announcements for the dates for sales and the piazza pizza soda pop events live on the air are nearly ready to announce formally online tomorrow - even apple corporation, paramount pictures, Sony Universal Music all want to know the dates - what love.
Good Day Everyone - Happy Sunday. xoxoxo with much gracious love all over the world.
6:33 pm Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
6:34 am Tokyo Japan NOW May 22 nd 2023 NOW
12:35 am MOSCOW RUSSIA May 22 2023 NOW
update SUNDAY from New York NOW 6:40 pm
I’m a Believer LISTEN
8:34 pm New York USA NOW
From the Vatican, televised from the
lovely city of Rome in the country of Italy
a message from Pope Francis
at the Vatican in St Peters Square
8:40 pm from my tiny village in New York USA NOW
from myself, princess lady, Tracy Suzanne Pickett in a very especial announcement
9:58 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW, the evening has been filled with catching up with lovely messages, many from all over the world. Tomorrow I have made time in my schedule to update a very message I have from
Banana News Revival international press.
The update should be complete in the late afternoon - New York eastern standard time, no later than 4:00 pm. tomorrow - (May 22 nd 2023 ) tomorrow.
I wish everyone many good wishes all over the world. It will be nice if every person in every village globally have a few minutes to read the very special update tomorrow in my news periodical
Banana News Revival international press. It will be worth reading.
The special announcements about catalogue sales events with very special international event films and cultural art sketched and paintings, rare cultural film shorts and music film shorts too - all announced with the piazza live on the air tv global event date announcement will be tomorrow as well. Please make time in your schedule this week to READ my Banana News Revival international news update -
love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xoxoxo. kisses sent everyone.
kisses sent to sir Vladimir Putin too- catch.
10:17 pm NEW YORK NOW
Good Day to everyone everywhere all over the world.
I am nearly an hour and a half late with my updates today and I do apologies -
it is Monday May 22nd 2023, and the Banana News Revival international press has an updates segment to it that I took time out to assure a current update. The lengthy segment to a few hours to write and it is my wish that everyone has time to read the lengthy segment update listed directly after the LIONS.
Look for the LIONS in
BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press now. read
Of course my posts usually gain a substantive digested read after about three days of posting and sometimes lingers for some. With international translations it takes a while longer- and everyone has a busy work week as well. It was exhilarating writing of some of my days long ago- with great details which I tried not to hurry.
Enjoy the update notes as I feel that taking some time to some brief expressions of times in Banana News Revival international press today are important - I hope everyone reading feels the importance in my statements as well.
Later tonight - I do have the announcements. More than just piazza pizza.
5:34 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York NOW.
12:34 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW. May 23 rd 2023
More soon with the announcement.
8:37 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA
It’s the announcement that has been with incredible interest and many many emails about
the catalogue event and the wonderful summer piazza pizza and soda pop event, even in Austin Texas USA, Athens Greece, Berlin Germany, London England, Rome Italy, Seoul South Korea, the Middle East and Africa, India and even in Rome Italy, among cities all over the world. Manhattan to Moscow is going to be Special and my wish is for the Catalogue Sales Events to be special and with hopeful success in financial ways - to even a better summer.
royal sketch, from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
sketch credit: princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
More soon.
6:44 pm NEW YORK USA. MAY 23rd 2023, HELLO NATIONALLY in the USA as well as INTERNATIONALLY, all over the world. There are some edits in Banana News Revival international press, with a brief notation note added. A RUSSIAN cinema production company sent me a film clip for commentary in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, I will post on Wensday or Thursday with many other updates - I do have a few edits in this love note too, soon. Right now, I had to send a message to Vladimir Putin - one more time SOS I LOVE YOU.
Tonight, I have over 300 royal sketches going into the the catalogue - I’m so excited - and Graceland, with Pricilla Prestley and others sent me an emailed link for a live cam from Memphis Tennessee.
also with a update special from Willie Nelson sent yesterday- it’s really special posted soon. With wishes of a Happy Birthday to Willie Nelson this month- I hope the BIG BBQ goes well,
sorry I missed the BBQ in 2022.
I love you. from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
6:57 pm from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW.
1:57 am Moscow Russia NOW.
May 25th, 2023 1:06 pm
from my tiny village. Saranac Lake, New York
Yesterday was a grocery day for me, and a great day to catch up on some messages. Good Day to everyone in the United States of America, and good day to everyone internationally as well, in every village everywhere in the world. It’s evening in Europe of course, and I wish to say hello to
Sir Vladimir Putin right now. Perhaps I will be the very first person to also say good morning to my darling sir Vladimir Putin. Rather exciting to be able to send this special message to MOSCOW RUSSIA.
when your eyes open darling and you read this message- catch my kisses sent, as I say a brilliant good morning to you darling, and good morning wishes too, from all over the world everywhere to you darling Sir Vladimir Putin sir Kremlin of the country you of Russia and my fine darling sir.
I have many messages to post- very exciting- hearing from Thee Paul Simon recently and Tom Cruise even, with Many other outstanding messages from all over the world. Today, I am with a very special photograph Schedule for the ROYAL FLAMBÉ’ book, for the two month catalogue sale- three ancient 14 century royal recipes for CLASSICALLY PREPARED ROYAL FLAME’ in an illustrious digital book.
It’s going to be an exciting afternoon - of hard work in my tiny estate rental.
Micheal Jordan - is with a very special film update into this weekend which I will post - with a bit more to post and catch up on after taking time to prepare my catalogue work - still in preparation stages.
Some edits are important - Banana News Revival international press is - with love notes returning to me from all over the world. It’s outragios. Even from peoples in the Ukraine - yesterday in some arts memos emailed to me- just wonderful. Yes, it’s exciting - an email with film from the CEO at Boeing International as well, very nice. It’s going to be a busy weekend around my tiny estate rental in Saranac Lake, New York, USA.
1:25 pm eastern standard time New York USA NOW.
Sharjah Architecture Read
More Soon.
SALT ARTIST with a message
in the country of
Turkey READ
It’s 2:02 pm just two hours and two minutes after high noon, and Willie Nelson emailed a day ago, with a HTML code gift recording that I could post the whole recording in love notes- a very special gift- from Thee Lovely Willie Nelson via NPR
with an extra Happy Birthday to Willie Nelson and - I hope your birthday bbq is wonderful Willie Nelson.
with love from, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
NPR - Willie Nelson
The work on the book went extremely well, and was a bit of hard work, with over 100 photographs of the ancient 14th century extrodinarily opulent sweet, of history in the making of ROYAL FLAMBÉ’ to know. It’s all fascinating - I think. Good Night across the USA, Canada, the South American Countries, Cuba and the south seas. good morning to everyone in Europe far west, to the far east of Europe - good morning to sir Vladimir Putin- eat well darling Sir Vladimir -
It’s going to be wonderful to post the Films from Japan, with the films from Sir Vladimir Putin’s personal archive too. Today though, is time to see the tiny details of the finalized version of
through August 5 th 2023. Soon ready to sell globally at AMAZON INTERNATIONAL online market.
Good Morning and Good Day to everyone in the whole world. It’s a very nice time as well, to say a very brilliant hello to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of lovely RUSSIA. Russia is a vaste country and quite a place never to miss in what many peoples from the USA call pilgrimages of a certain spiritual journey that is very loved by many in the USA. It can be one of the most exciting breath’s of life to experience the exhilaration of travels to Russia from the USA or from every country. A lush existence of learning a few extra RUSSIAN words to simply assure your Hotel bill paid correctly and going out to order a healthy lovely large breakfast of fresh Russian Farm Eggs, with real buttermilk pancakes Russian Style. What an excitement of life to journey so, a fine so sweet, and learn more of the Russian fine paintings of the historical world of even ancient Russia - in what is known in world art history - as the illuminated paintings - even in gold in some, and some in pearl embellishment - to even view yourself with your own eyes closely. Snapping a photograph such as that- in a few more photographs of a Russian sized plate of eggs and pancakes - is extraordinary an existence. Not simply enjoying the fine film of the bagels hand made in NEW YORK CITY Manhattan - with a need to go- buy a freshly made bagel - piled high with fresh American hearty cream cheese finest- snap a photograph before the bite - so worth a small mini holiday to Manhattan NYC NY USA. So, where was I - ah, yes,. Hello everyone in Russia and hello again and again to sir Vladimir Putin. I received your fine film in the archive - soon posted. With love Sir Vladimir Putin darling sir.
I had simply to say - good morning to everyone all over the world. The fine messages are many many and so lovely. Awaking to think - I have to say good morning - everywhere. Yes, even in Saranac Lake, New York USA where the village is even with a new guitar shop and some lovely business travelers that love the lake filled with Canadian Geese and small goslings everywhere - enjoying the fine public grassy park that sits upon a fine lake - with boat rentals available - and beautiful sunshine in a not to hot warm setting - forests every direction - and enormously beautiful the trees of the emerald canopies - perfect.
was with the lovely film of the very famous Japanese Tea Ceremony even in the museum of modern art / MOMA NEW YORK MANHATTAN in New York State in nyc USA - even, the JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY is very well known of Japan and loved throughout the whole world.
Everyone everywhere in the world, please please, enjoy the film from the Prime Minister of Japan.
starting at 11:00 am. today soon. good morning everyone. Louise Vuitton at 11:00 am today sharp. Eastern Standard Time NEW YORK USA soon. get a tray of coffee, juice, and pastries of sweet cookie biscuits. It’s almost 11:00 am NEW YORK time. 5:26 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW - good evening in Europe Everyone. It’s LOUIS VUITTON in less than one half hour. What an exciting SUNDAY EVENT.
11:00 from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York. USA NOW.
the whole world. Everywhere, in every village.
with the illustrious Karl Lagerfeld’s magnificent designs which fill the Metropolitan Museum in
7:52. pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York USA.
on NPR with gift HTML CODE that I was able to self program into my LOVE NOTES and enjoy the
update even more. How exciting -a film update for everyone, everywhere in the whole world.
what a special gift. I can hardly believe the film update. Merci to everyone, thank you again. xo.
May 29th 2023 Memorial Day in the USA. 4:37 pm from my tiny village
in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
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