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Vladimir ? 

Would you say that we were most charming and delightful as childhood sweet hearts ? 

serious filmed commentary: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Royal Sketch : VALENTINE 2024 

portraiture photograph of Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett                                                                            sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the royal country of Russia, loved photographing  me. I was thrilled. 



of the di vinci supper royal supper honors

 had nearly begun. 2.4.2024 FEBRUARY   


wildly beautiful. yes, I can say so. 

A SPECIAL DRIVE FILM what great fun, VLADIMIR                                   and I have secret the  enjoyment of love of  a racy drive, my secret race track is special.                                                                               Sweet of everyone, at my ole track,  to be apart of the fine film. 

10:12 pm tiny villa message from updates in  James Bond, dc, aimed at everyone, and Sean Connery sent the outlook scene, what was dc aiming at exactly ? Short Film ? My  Tiny Villa office is with years of marvolous friends all over the world, and I have very special cares of sweet RUSSIAN people, and adore Vladimir, of sweet charming love of mine, many many sweetest years. To RUSSIA with LOVE, FROM ME, PERSONALLY, and Sean Connery, and many of real love from all over the world. 

10:14 pm from my tiny villa, SEAN CONNERY is a very darling to me with years Sean, and I have, and more, forever, efforts of  reality of my sweet little villa, and a JAMES BOND real major statement   film

Everyone, thank you very well, I think you’re all marvolous, I love you all. Sean, sweet of you darling.      I am ready for somba ‘ perfect.  Hawaii is with love. Thank You Darling, xo Sean, Kisses Sent. 

FEBRUARY 5 th 2024   1:09 pm in my tiny villa   very special message from ELTON JOHN : FILM 

SEAN CONNERY , again, thank you very well darling sir. 
Garage my little red and lime yellow whirligig flier ?  Wonderful  of you. Somba dress is not yet detailed. Vladimir and everyone are excited. Even Queen Elizabeth, her majesty  and King Charles too,  in ENGLAND are preparing for the international rare event minutes to enjoy of real somba.


Special Message Filmed SEAN CONNERS,    and a film message from Paul Mc Cartney , John Lennon Ringo Starr, and George Harrison. Love again and again. 

two of us, Vladimir and I, what a splendid time, racy and revouness.My little secret for track  race automobile drives, once a week at times for just a fine fast spin, a bear run in west virgina USA, where strawberry pie and coco coffee with cream are a splendid stop after,  Vladimir Putin, enjoyed the fun too.
 rare FILM SPECIAL , enjoy everyone. Wine and sandwiches are going well. The RUSSIAN MILITARY PHOTOGRAPH EXPOSEE, is going to be exciting, . Wait until the posts of the events globally. I can hardly wait. 

 message film : Peter Sellers 

1:59 am FEBRUARY 6 th 2024 PETER SELLERS? I left you a very sweet message,. 
I SARANAC LAKE .  NEW YORK USA , Peter darling, Sandwiches and Wine again, I will purchase more wine darling, extra special sandwiches. xo good night darling Peter Sellers , sweet dreams.  

PETER SELLERS, sandwiches ?   

FEBRUARY 6 th 2024 TUESDAY , good day to everyone , the emeritus of ev et merits in du et juste 
A VALENTINE to be of the poetic dignities of a lush humanity in all the world. 

of the bluest, a sweet royal to thee a bitter sweet of confectionary delight and deliberations of a love sacred in somber and solace of sugared plums of sweets in non a remorse, of a momentous finest, 
juste’ in even the finest counting  of peril and purchased well to achieved austerity of devouring of course all your golden foiled chocolate coins. Savioure of a faire’ in sweets of reasoning a measurement of looking forward and even backward to a love of thy self, and the world some times standing on your head, in a grassy green of the greenest lime emeralds of a pavilion park of the people to be embellished with a kindest breath, of sky blue a royal delight. Of the feathered caps, a fanciful fancy in dare I say, summersaltz, symphonies, rock and roll meanings of love broadly a note more then simply an ebony and ivory key, in words of brilliance of the umbers orchard, goose of many geese too, of even a formation of feathered banded crowned minds, of a delight, formality of the expressions of a ancient love. True. 

Honor sandwiches and wine with sweets and a. Continental Coffee with domestic specialty chocolates is with invites internationally and in all the USA, and eased of minutes to really enjoy. 

3:57 pm the priesudent of CHINA XI JINPING, was kind to update a review message. It was over 35 years ago Xi and myself were with some cultural events and even enjoyed fine CHINESE foods in the USA  for delightful CHINESE / AMERICAN FOOD,  in some of my very most favorite risterante which are still open for greater business even more today. Lovely I say, everyone. You have all remarkable exciting efforts well of pure love. 

read    Sir President Xi Jinping , so good of you. Sandwiches and wine are perfect. xo 

4:06 pm lovely film event JOHN DENVER , my ole sweet darling 
with an honor message to me, film ready , and quite lovely with the love of WEST VIRGINIA in the USA as one fine WEST VIRGINA it is, strawberry pie whipped cream , STUCKY’s risterante finest, on that lovely top mountain drive. lovely of you John Denver . love to you and everyone, all those great people, thank you sir John Denver and you all. xo love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

4:12 pm tiny villa time now.  farm aide ? What ever could it mean in 2024 Valentines February in FILM
Aide ? Messages from DAVID BOWIE and John Denver and Willie Nelson and Billy Joel , with lovely beautiful people, of sweet brilliance , DAVID BOWIE, SWEET of YOU and everyone, you all, are a wonderful delight, in film, and honor love notes special all over the world. 

darling David Bowie, Billy Joel, Willie Nelson and John Denver, Peter Sellers, Sean Connery, Vladimir Putin , Xi Jinping , everyone , your all astounding. Lovely, perfectly lovely. 

2:43 am from my tiny villa 
Sir Vladimir Putin, and I both love a fine game of hockey 

MOSCOW RUSSIA a favorite film , loved, all over the world. 

FEBRUARY 7 th 2024 , 2:00 pm from my tiny villa 
Sky Tram : Galtminberg Tennessee, thank you all, what a lovely sky tram ride up to ice skate
 in the Ober Gatlinberg  Smokey Mountians USA . What fun, and risterantes at the top of the great Smokey Mountians are so kind and wonderful. The southern regional USA national forests of the largest biosphere reserve greater forests are spectacular from the sky tram. You’re all sweet, thank you and see you at the big resort park vista event breakfasts again sooner. 

Sky Tram : is one of only two of the excellence  in modernized industrial engineered trans of this extremely well approved tram, exclusively only one in the USA, and only one in Europe in the Swiss Alps of the actually highest mountain in the whole world. of course the tiny village of the one European Tram is with a thirty minute ride by tram to the top, in a very cultural expedition of the top of the highest mountains in the whole world.  The lovely engineer of the extremely prestigious architectural excellence of the magnificent very solid design of the industrialist modern world, of esteemed precision and of extensive lenghty development in sketched spec drawings was a lengthy realized industrial revolutionary modernization design of many years before reaching a approved international design approval to a specified location only. The German Designer in the whole realized modernized design revolutionary to a historical tram ride, is a lovely cultural realized love, as many travelers enjoy the tiny little minutes of prestine quiet riding up to the top of the mountian in a luxurious view . Miles and miles and miles with enormous surrounding states of people and the imence importances of the ancient preserved fine forests. 

a remarkable cultural reflection of greater people whom are with extrodinary articulation of time and importance in cultural preserved realized humanities of important toward ancient , modern love. 

special message film envoy map ready, drive stampede , dixi style. lovely everyone. I love you all with extraordinary wishes to a wonderful sandwich and wine valentine time 2024. 

good day to the wonderful USA forestry specialist too, 
at the tiny village science botany center office,.  Bear Claw Pasteries and Fried Peach Pie are always a delight, thank you tremendously for the many many messages and the incredible lovely finest efforts. 
GERMAN VILLAGE in the USA is smashing with opulent success 2023  into 2024 , with BENNETS RISTSERANTE fine chicken bbq, river side seating very nice among the many other all great risterantes. Brass Lantern is a hot spot serving hot cakes all day, as a very special secretly quite elegant fun,
 not to miss. xo everyone with millions of kisses from everywhere all over the world. .  
love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Ice hockey was great fun. 

2:38 pm from my tiny village. 
James Bond ? , Sean Connery, your magnificent darling,  Did you garage my little flight Coupe De Ville .
Sandwiches again please, and pick up a several bottles of French Imported  Pouiette Pusse’ Gricio ‘ 
please Sean ? My automobile , schedule to pick it up , not yet scheduled due to details in press statements that should be internationally in full view I say  , I will pay for the extra bottles, 6 should be enough. xo 

my dresses, I left my attache trunkette’ Sean , in the Bungalow Villa ?
we can meet again in Philadelphia Pensilvania again Sir Sean  Connery, perfect, I think.  
Royal Blue Orca Luggage, difficult to miss. 

wonderful little film premier reviews . / not yet the finest from the archives and unbelievablely 
political intellectual statement films, not yet posted. 2024 is really exciting. 

3:05 pm from my tiny villa NOW 

  RUDOLF NUREVE , rare somber,  a message in film,  extra film link 

Rudolf Nureve, of such lovely expression in the formalities of Russian lovely 
notes of love, in Film,. It seems not long ago, your sweet film sent, and the times, not a minute to wait,
as we enjoyed some lovely miles and miles of even the simplicity of opulent plain dishes ice cream finest in summer 2023. A revolution of such expressions of a love , unknown - to entice more 2024. 

with love darling Rudolf Nureyev , . somber expression Vitele’ excusse ‘ darling, sir Vladimir, is of course sweet, we were going to practice , The  Boy Blue Russian “ aria ballet ‘ exhibition, I wrote, Vladimir was fine to see his extra efforts in great excitement , of VALENTINE , remember those fine aria stage practices Vladimir and Rudolf , and Mikhail, and everyone, at the Joephry Ballet, practice platfom , Jeromy Iron and Bill Gates , so good to join us. Michael Jorden was so surprized, and Howard Hughes, a charm, with a fine arrival from Arnold Schwarzenegger , and Marlin Brando lived close then, 1995, sneeking off to the stage, pre reserved for months, of planning for some days off, thankfully, of course John Lennon and George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul Mc Cartney, Bruce Springsteen, John Melloncamp , Dolly in flew in from Tennessee, Tanya Tucker,  Joanna Woodward, Peter O’ toole, Sir Modi,  Prime Minister of the country of India, and Xi , made it in a smooth flight, Elton flew in, wildly loved the small audience red velvet ancient seats,  everyone, symphony secrets, with Lenard Bernstein and Perrier Boulez, and George Solti’ years of fine times even much earlier years too,  at the Russian Pic Nic, in Syracuse . The Hotel  Syracuse , breakfasts. it was quite lovely in 1978. 1995 mentioning a event of my invites for the aria ballet, and  dinning at the most  famous  GERMAN risterante ,BERGOFFS on Adam Street,  in the USA in a fine walk from the Joffrey Ballet House. Lucille , Desi, and Gordon Mathew’s, of the sting lable films, Eric Clapton flew in too to see me, charming reality, and Aretha Franklin, Louise Armstrong, Rob Redford, Paul Newman,    David Bowie, Billy, Steven Jobes,  flew in too, Mick Jagger, Keith Richard’s, Chuck Berry, Jamie Farr, Loretta Switt, Rose Gorden , was somewhere, fine women,  Kathrine Rodgers, of Rodgers and Hammerstein Films a darling, of many years, was at the continental breakfast, after event, arriving late,    Allen Alda, Gery Bergoff was very good to bring  the finest sweet German Chocolate Cake , extraordinary  five layers that Valentine Event Fun. With German authentic Sour Brotten, and a fine cabbage onion and potato stew with a riche beefstake Tomatoe bougoinione. German Butter Rolls, perfect lovely menu.  What a fine list of people I was so excited to invite, filling seats, Vladimir wonderful of you, again with some practice, we shall have great success with the honor presentation. Royal , secrets, Queen Elisabeth in great form. King Charles as well, darling charming Sir Charles is, even in his most austere minutes.  The tiny event was, difficult with everyone busy in full time extra work, and gracious in a small audience of honored caring generous of spirit ole close darlings again . Bill Haslum nice too, he flew in. wild darling fellow, Gene Wilder was thrilled with a box of chocolates he brought to the sweet after event. Very formal beach cafe’ continental  breakfast include fine Italian Imported Coffee in a fine grind,  for a great weekend into some fun morning we all enjoyed watching the solitude of pure sunshine together, perfectly planned, lovely sweet it was, on the opulent greatest Lake Michigan. Detail notes, astonishing with Louis Armstrong - pure brass. The afternoon event aria was a blaze ( gazing brilliant kind people of love quietly submerged in an aria practice akward and of my own writing of my literary secret with lovely Vladimir , charming of cultural dance , so pleasing saying yes). Of others in dance, a bit opulent. The event list, large, and so nice to see everyone again . Of course we, extended several whole days of some shopping in the SOUTHERN , Chicago Ilinoise, USA of the CHINA TOWN VILLAGE, of very tiny square , of spectacular shopping and authentic best risterante of real menu foods CHINA would be pleased with as impressive to the president of the country of China , traveling in as Sir Xi Jinping President of the country of CHINA arrived as it  was so charming of Xi to fly in from the country of CHINA, of an event week, I made efforts quite spectacular.  
RUSSIAN OF THE BOY BLUE of sugar and spice the girl of blue too  , aria exciting ballet , 
practice is in session, even if not in February and Instead , April 2024 after the RUSSIAN SUPPER. 

The Rhyne wine was extremely good, as a classic leifbremmel mulch. ‘ wine , which is strait from the Royal  German country of the Rhyne River of course and delighted . of many friends I have known in the Rhyne regions since childhood the mention of Germany of boldly fine wines is true. International Aria Event , from my villa in Russia ?  Late . from my literary work, of the entire symphonic aria in ballet, of course, prepare years, “ THE ROYAL BLUE OF THE COMMONS ROYAL “  

3:22 pm from my tiny villa. 11:40 pm ERIC CLAPTON , message directly is marvolous, wonderful again Eric Clapton , with CHUCK BERRY and KEITH RICHARDS. perfect of you all. lovely extended little fun. xo Fun at FIZOLI’s is a USA risterante , very good sandwiches and good prices quickly perfect lasagne, and you will need to bring your wine and then take it home and enjoy. Fizoli’ s in Chicago Ilinoise, USA,   always good, and Coke is always a great soft drink favorite. 1997 summer well prepared Italian foods, everyone in my office then, I bought everyone lunch then , from Fizoli’s and perfect. 12:08 am meeting FEBRUARY 8 th 2024 getting ready for the banjienghia, film message. 

BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press review      2:15 am from my tiny villa 

3:58 am meetings direct  DAVID BOWIE and a smashing  film 

DAVID , darling, the film changes are a sweet gift, sandwiches were delicious. 

good night, sir Vladimir,  and sir David , remarkable film . hockey again sooner everyone. 

4:14 am PETER SELLERS , darling, did you ride in a circle ? The mountain roads are difficult like that, I will have sandwiches and wine again all month, Saranac Lake , New York State , Peter , ice for your hand darling and soapy extra bubbly, . Thankfully I received your message. With love , good night, everyone, it’s Peter Sellers, with love everyone, all over the world. xo Vladimir , darling good day in MOSCOW RUSSIA , with love and a million kisses, xo 

FEBRUARY 8 th 2024 11:13 am from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, New York, USA, 
Good Day to everyone everywhere, with extrodinary love to you all, everywhere, 
My Breakfast is with a late brunch today, and a busy update in my international press statement which are very important to the Saranac Lake Region, as thus, important to the villages all in all USA cities of all 50 states too. As well as of great importance all over the world, too. It is my wish today to everyone, to enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner, with love and austere resounding no remourse of the worth in love, true love, in a resounding realized brilliant USA including , people all over the world. Exciting, waiting for my international press statements, and gifts of good graces, with a achieved, eteseemed, incredible efforts,
of the guitar revolution , 2022, into 2023, and with a effort of the very most lovely people whom , were with very important tiny details that all made an amazing guitar revolution a enormous historical reality, in world history, astounding. Wonderfully astounding everywhere. Please, allow me to say thank you, thank you again to everyone, all over the world. I love you everywhere. 

xo, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

11: 29 am tiny villa , a direct message from ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER , Sweetest, I love you this much, too, in a message photograph so lovely Arnold , and, the message too, from Vlsdimir Putin, I say I love you this much, reply, from me, at my tiny villa, 

special delivery, reply, from myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

I love you this much, and more. 


 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, in a direct message .     

7:06 pm from my tiny villa , Sir Xi Jinping , President of the Royal country of CHINA, it is quite wonderful, the photographs are perfect, as I thank you again. The communist event was with my very good cares. A calm in an event of economic prosperity is astonishing, of a solitude of that which many people are with great recognition of effort, so wonderful as CHINA is. A fine cultural love, I say. 

I included the photograph exposee’  sandwich and wine , meetings are loved day and night, as CHINA is with morning hours, while it’s evening in the Saranac Lake New York , USA , tiny villa time. 

with love to you and everyone in the European Far East, including ROYAL CHINA. xo everyone. 

11:53 pm from my tiny villa , direct messages from VICTOR BORG ,
 of perfection to the sandwiches and wine events. 

it’s Saranac Lake New York, USA , just 6 hours drive time, from Manhattan NY, NY, 
Victor, not as large as the ole villa estate, aria. ballet , practices , were fun. xo 

please ,CHOPIN , the minute waltz, again Victor before we perform chop sticks, as if yesterday. 

11:57 pm from my tiny villa now 
12:59 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW   February 9 th 2024 1:24 pm from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, New York, good day to everyone in Saranac Lake NEW YORK, and in the USA and internationally, good day in MOSCOW RUSSIA , to everyone in special efforts, and to the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN as well.  The invitation from you Vladimir Putin, as president of RUSSIA, to meet you in person, of course within a formal government meeting, in MOSCOW RUSSIA, was very savvy of you. My schedule fee for formal lecture work, I have over twenty years of very prominent , internationally honored lecture exhibition , are of course , an honor to realize that RUSSIA , has such high esteem towards my extensive well known, specialization,  of quite lengthy numerous projects within my company , STUDIO VOSSE, 
which have been under some, unusual delay caused to me. Of course the educational project in cultural broadening of economic worth, and of world history in historical preservation globally, began in 2000, with my work of the theoretical written ideology in my written work as early as 1993, presentation lectures I presented internationally in 1996. I was fortunate to have work so diligently to broaden the incredible extensive cultural project, more, in 2000- intensively throughout independent lecture exhibition formally in Audiences, live into 2011, before the extensive , economic and cultural projects in intensive international work, I was very happy were quite loved,    With my work in international online Television in my company, of international work, as early as 1995, online, it’s was a fine gracious invite of people at  WBIR TENNESSEE, early morning television into 15 years back,  looking back we’re pleases to see my national appearance live from KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, as a  special appearance I agreed to,  on a. CULTURAL VALENTINES DAY, early morning national USA spot. 

Everyone was thrilled I decided to,  highlight TENNESSEE. 

The cultural online art lectures, with my television platform I built alone, 2005 beginning online, was, an envy of NBC, CHICAGO , Illinois , and the lovely directors of all USA televising , invited me to a special luncheon honor to me, in hopes I would , grace them with even one lecture, 2009. 

I of course was, with plans to be in MOSCOW RUSSIA, firmly in April 2023, with your respective invites and very esteemed interest, on the extended G 20 project, of my developed theoretical project, to have seen a much earlier , focus success from MOSCOW RUSSIA, as planned over a year. 
Of course, the on location live piazza exhibitions, wildly loved, are not strictly analytical , lectures I have extensive project development honored worth in,  with a great many senators and governors whom have enjoyed my , lectures , even in live in person formal exhibition, many years. 

I wished to see that you did my formal international press statement to see all over the world, of my reply to you Sir Vladimir Putin, as Kremlin of the very lovely country of RUSSIA, regarding your email invitation , in print with great excitement , of the whole executive councils of government too, of esteemed respect , to the serious analytical , complex lectures which everyone, realized could be , 
included , in person, thrilled everyone is, with honored respect of my larger project work and the development of my G20 project, sweet of you Sir Vladimir Putin, to be so savvy. Imagine, the upset in my delays, with such an important project, as I created, important to me, as the G20 of course is an international project extended from my , studios international peace project, of extreme success in my very wild piassa exhibition with many arias, and lectures, etc. 2011-2018 ,

the G20, is special, to everyone all over the world, of a love I have to see a reality of more than stabilization in economic standards and gold standards, as a unusual lecture series to see individual of a meirtus gold standard , that has achieved  articulation merits thus far, and miles more in , yes, not $15.00 per hour, yet a possibility that could be with a real capability for villages of small business , to have a gold standard which is a plethora of , being well earned and capable of a retaining great people to attain, more , at increased $20.00 per hour, in a realistic , possibility when, the , upside down ,  concerns , might be right side up, in my extended lectures, which were upset in 2022, and 2023. 
Lecture fees, in in some specialized areas, of micros economics and macro economics stability and advancement in theoretical ideology of capitalism in individual wealth of  stabilized , within classical standards of ethical prosperity, of standard for all, with a aria, , exhibtion , with, formalized presentation work , live auditorium can be $1000. oo per chair at three hours lecture of a three day lecture event, grande auditorium , 1000 seats, is, $1,000,000.00 opulent with a fine Formal BRUNCH TEA after event. Of course then an online film lecture is with a $10. 00 film event , special, online live - on the air, pre announced in a special love notes just for formal, exhibition lectures events. Delays are daunting, as so prepared in the finest, excitement. analytical political culturally riche - intellectual exhibition lectures , on location, on the air live, are exciting , people all over the world, are very interested. It’s wonderfully so amazing.  My project exhibitions, and arts cultural specialization with design , and arias international business theoretical and, and catalogue films , etc, art, is extensive , . 

The government meeting in MOSCOW RUSSIA invites are very important to me, of some years,.Everyone from MOSCOW RUSSIA, were so respectively kind to arrive at my piazza events, 
2011- 2018 events were an exhalting rage. 


I am about in tears today, with gracious love to everyone.  
The INTERNATIONAL Press Statement,  are on my mind. 
love to you , sir Vladimir, and everyone, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
The meeting ,was with specialist in RUSSIAN MILITARY, and on a special envoy with special thank you to specialists, and sir Vladimir Putin , as KREMLIN of RUSSIA with very high honor esteemed respects to, and more from the executive government people of the country of Russia.  We shall all perhaps enjoy a fine special luncheon in MOSCOW RUSSIA, when I arrive with some extra planning , of direct  to the Kremlin of Russia of course, sir Vladimir Putin, an extraordinary very noble president of Russia, and a man, whom loved the my very nature in a friendship very charming since childhood. 
of course , Vladimir Putin, accepted a guest invite to my established little Italian Style Villa apartment then, a whole summer, in the 1980’s, with fine events planned , after work hours, at 2:30 pm , with my employment days, a 5:00 am employment then, with week ends off. Drives to some of my very favorite Polynesian Risterantes, in Quabec Canada, we all enjoyed Poi poi platters shishkabobs and fine real volcano drinks with one drink , per two straws or the largest volcano drink with 8 straws , wait until you see the recipe, soon, and then. in Connecticut , a lengthy drive from, the metropolitan city work, in the amazing city square, Syracuse New York,. The fine villa Italian style apartment was posh classical , with beautiful finest parkey inlaid floors, and very lovely cherry wood finest stair entry with extrodinary  posh beveled glass windows and large rooms, guest room freshened, with a perfect view of a lush opulent park grassy pavilion , and near the central cathedrals of a grandure Italian, roman style Domed Cathedral of the triptical, arch of three Cathedrals with a large roman piassa walk way, architecture with royal blue domes ceilings, just five minutes walk. Several years since the boat house, event then.     

Our travel week end, was Quite Properly planned well, at the King Hotel in Toronto, Canada was smashing with my photographic expedition on our long day of bicycles we toted from my New York , Syracuse Italian Style , Villa apartment , to Canada , about three hours ride with a regimented 5:00 am drive ready to enjoy a fine weekend, and spend my extra travel money I , set aside to enjoy the immense photographic travel, and thousands of my photograph work. The science museum was one of the many stops, on a very lovely travel week end that year,. Vladimir , brought his fine German Made, Violin. The inexpensive Villa then, $60. A month, car rental , $40. Per week. The KING HOTEL on KING STREET in Toronto Canada was only $ 40. Per room. I was able to afford a second drive again into the lovely city. Mick Jagger, met us, for some strolls then. He actually sang the compositional song, Mick Jagger then, wrote, the music composition of  WILD HORSES in the little piazza of a Merchandise  Market: EATON CENTER. one of the largest fine shopping piazza stops known, a fine piazza for a little fold out bistro canvas chair to enjoy the brunch gathering as we filled bags of food totes from amazing many food shops during our extraordinary strolling afternoons. Paul Mc Cartney  and everyone in from London England  , was so fun.  Amazing, always so busy, as never thinking of brideling, never , while sattling up even on the very tallest horse brideling sattle of fine week end horse trots, are a fine hour event at times. Vladimir Putin , keenly, the bridal up, sattle rides was his only bridel’ too. 
a fine little bridle  up horse ride, TENNESEE USA, (  leather seated harness to ride English Sattle ) 
( sattle = briddel ) Horse Ride Film  

2:39 pm from Saranac Lake, New York USA 

9:58 pm from my tiny villa, messaged, from my darling, thee GREGORY PECK, six bottles of perfect wine, Imported Italian Poilffuise ‘ six bottles with delightful freshly grilled and chopped  chicken  salad sandwiches , with plum rum raisin special preparation grilled, into the chicken salad,  and a classic Helmans USA Brand perfect mayonnaise , 

film , ready with Johnny Carson,  

Gregory, fine wine. sweet of you.  Philadelphia again, is in sight. 

11:22 pm from my tiny villa 

10:32 pm from my tiny villa.    FEBRUARY 11 th 2024 10:32 pm 

sandwiches and wine suppers, 
perfectly lovely, the film is perfect of everyone. 
 extra film link 

saviourfaire : the short FILM is apart of the 

Peter Sellers, is bringing some wine from SWEDEN. Howard, Vladimir, everyone, spruce goose, is flying. 

10:45 pm tiny villa time now. 

everyone is so pleased with the sandwiches and wine 
suppers with a continental coffee, with domestic 
chocolates loved by everyone all over the world. 
Russel Stovers Chocolates , lowest prices, are Worth 
a second box, extra large heart in the red box.  

a USA Brand of domestic USA chocolate 
is wonderful special in 2024. 

Monday FEBRUARY 12 th 2024 , 2:20 pm from my tiny villa, 
Howard Hughes , made a splash in the tiny film, with extrodinary loved films, the sweet messages of the whole world, are with enjoyment to, the sandwiches and wine suppers and honors to the RUSSIAN  MILITARY, and that of the RUSSIAN KREMLIN, sir Vladimir’s Putin’s very well known, austere extensive work as a political dignitary and the very esteemed president of RUSSIA. 

of course, children are enjoying love for honored supper events daily, sandwiches and juice spritzers finests with ice cream root beer float soda pops, and a tiny coco with milk, and the speciality chocolate too. Sweet Tarts , for a tiny gift, is getting to be exciting, in schools, as children, are with a whole bag of small tiny candy, to give just one to every child in the, main class room, at early arrival time, with enjoyed sweets as a tiny gift, all over the world. What an exciting time. Of course, all childern will enjoy the fine DAY OF THE SAINT OF  VALENTINE, of bold a sweet. With great lecture efforts , I have special lectures for many years in very cultural project lectured ages 6-12 , among other projects and many more, university lecture exhibitions and projects I developed in international business and cultural, arts, within a large vitae’ of my lengthy honored projects, @ studio vosse, and all very successful fun. Busy as I am, not time to think about, considering, a birth of a child, of my choices. I say, I have not even one cupid ,as sir Vladimir, not a child , none, as many of my very darling fine lovely friends, are of none children, busy , and not a cupid ever. Many children have enjoyed many of my special project lectures, as early as 2001. The very lovely children all over the world, are very excited about sweet gifts tiny, to give in public schools all over the world. On February 14 th 2024. 

VALENTINES DAY, is in two days, February 14 th 2024

What excitement. Elton John, message, as the sandwiches and wine suppers, are going well, 
lovely message update from THEE ELTON JOHN 
ready for BENTLY FILM, with even Rodger Moore. 

and sir Vladimir Putin, as I can not wait to, post THEE BENTLEY FILMS. 
DWR , sofa specials, ROB FORBES, owner of design within reach, loves my sofa interior design I took extra time to plan the perfect design in the tiny villa of my Saranac Lake, New York COMMONS PROPER, villa estate well, the naugahide leather, became very favored, with villa film posts, 
and ROB FORBES, loves sandwiches and wine, too.  DIRECT FROM DESIGN WITHIN REACH read 

2:38 pm Saranac Lake New York ,USA 

extra message above, to read , if you wish, about the GHERKINS IN FILM  
Who’s Your Daddy ? , is not a question I answer, while my father, loved telling me :”  I am your daddy “ he said at my very young ages of 3 and 4 years old, as he always said : I am your daddy, and I love you darling,. Daddy, I love you too. Then my father said: when you were born, sweetly tiny, at birth and I love you, he said, your daddy will always love you, my father said. He said, I just loved gazing  at you holding you in my one hand and you were not much bigger than my whole hand, daddy said so sweetly.  It’s been many years, and the 1960 travel to look out mountain is forever lovely to reflect upon. while I wanted to update the lovely listening film from thee ZOMBIES . with beginning of music composition   from 1969.  Gift  film updated , went well, and sandwiches with wine. Please, everyone enjoy the film,

 “ it’s a time for the season “ who’s your daddy “ . 

Fine everyone, the film is perfect. 
The whole recording is going to be wild,.
in my love notes at my sweet company, STUDIO VOSSE, 
enjoy, who’s your daddy. 

Message to Daddy, Sir Ronald A. Pickett, an honored engineer in major 18 wheel major league trucking,
with special merits from BOWMEN INTERNATIONAL, and even more, I love you  well darling daddy. 
Even if it’s been some years. Sitting at the little soda pop shop enjoying frozen custard. And Aurthor Treatures Fish and Chips. Fine times, sacred, . I dare say, .

11:46 pm From my Tiny Villa. 

2:43 am after midnight, from my tiny villa , now on. FEBRUARY  13 th 2024 , as the press statement of international press publication from myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, are nearly ready to publish, and with wonderful sandwiches and wine,  CHICKEN SALAD FRESHLY GRILLED CHICKEN, on a cherry bouble bread, of fresh baked I myself created, with an unusual spiced butter potatoes grilled,  with Italian Spices and with garlic flakes and butter, which was, delicious. 

Bill Gates, was charming, the sweet film update, I wish everyone in the whole world to enjoy, with many fun fine, perfect sandwiches and wine, suppers, with the very special HONOR SUPPER to look forward to, with a rare sweet BILL GATES, lovely charm, in  film 

Unimaginable political film, sandwiches and wine, perfect. 

2:56 pm from my tiny villa now 

11:20 am from my tiny villa ,  good morning everyone, everywhere from all over the world, international press statement, are very important, thank you all for your lovely, notes and extrodinay efforts of love and enjoyment of the sandwiched and wine special honors Valentines Supper excitement. Your devout fierce austerity,   
FEBRUARY 13 th 2024 , thank you all for the very lovely messages, from everywhere. as today I wish to say, the international press release, will be with even the arrival of the BEATLES, . arriving from the Royal country of ENGLAND. , GREAT BRITAIN,  in the western embankment of the European Continent, 
PAN AM direct from London England to MANHATTAN , New York, New York USA 



                           AND PAUL MC CARTNEY 

please enjoy the international press film brief 
I love you all, everywhere, Lovely people from every country, all over the world. 
Love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

11:30 now from my tiny villa 

11:45 pm from the country of CHINA YELLOW DRAGON FESTIVAL SPECIAL 
Direct from the Government of the country of CHINA 
with very special thank you to the President of China, President Xi Jinping, and the thank you to the millitary of the country of China as well as people within the government , thank you to all people of the country of China as well. The Yellow ROYAL CHINA dragon festival is going with a film , special, posted soon. 

The Royal country of China, is the country on the European Continent of  the Europe Far East.

everyone looks smashingly lovely. good day, and sweet dreams in China just two minutes after midnight, now,   to you all everyone, everywhere. 

12:50 pm From my Tiny Villa 
message from ROB FORBES owner / founder of PUBLIC BIKES for a gentle spring 2024 READ  

11:39 pm tiny Villa Time Now , sandwiches and wine, nearly perfect. working meeting MOSCOW RUSSIA. Sir Vladimir Putin, charming YELLOW DRAGON FESTIVAL from the Royal country of CHINA, as Xi Jinping was so sweet to let me know about the very special YELLOW DRAGON FESTIVAL, incredibly a exciting political international statement event, with enormous efforts and extraordinary  messages of love to me. And specialist honors suppers of sandwiches and wine and sir Vladimir, respectfully to you very honored and loved well. The Yellow Dragon Festival for VALENTINES 2024 from the lovely people of royal CHINA. is a special very loved gift in film to people in every country of the world. Everyone loved my yellow , statements and now with a YELLOW DRAGON. Perfectly wild. With love you everyone in the beautiful country of royal CHINA. merci ‘ 

Photograph: today, sandwiches and wine, with sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of royal RUSSIA, 
supper event sandwiches and wine, Continental Coffee with a finest domestic chocolate. Charming, Vladimir darling, we have a bit more fun with a very sweet 

FILM yellow dragon festival, 
rare special from China Now. 

12:31 am villa time with a 10:00 pm sandwiches and wine, events, with a working meeting, MOSCOW RUSSIA, and even, SPAIN. The country of ROYAL SPAIN in the Western European continent , is richly a  country of prestigious cultural love, and an ancient , modern event of the BULL FIGHT, of a madadore’ 
in remarkable architecture of a ancient COLISEUM in SPAIN , seats for all, whom arrive. 

Valentines Honors , to the KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin, thee president of one of the largest countries in the world, royal RUSSIA, with lush delightful culture and special honored specialist, including all MILLITARY of the country of RUSSIA. 

Enjoy an ancient tradition of the country of european royal SPAIN in FILM 
with some film excerpts from the Port of Spain, in the country of Mexico in the continent far across the ocean from the country of SPAIN, in the european continent , Mexico South America, . Bouneos’ Deaize ‘ 
Escussee’ undullee’ areiba’ I miss you all. Gratcious ‘ beuneos sangria ‘ the bull fight is manifique’ ole’ 

12:49 am tiny villa time now FEBRUARY 14 th 2024 

12:59 pm tiny villa , real love from the country of royal SPAIN with a political BULL FIGHT 
in a very lovely film for me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett in my pink and yellow designs , 
not yet unveiled, everyone, I love you, so many people with love in all of ROYAL SPAIN, 
manifique’ buenos vistas ‘ infinite’ ole, with love to everyone, from myself ,
 princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett   I Love You, gracious ‘ to everyone in SPAIN. 

Very  rare film, gift, from the MATADOR, and all of SPAIN. xo happy valentines 2024  to you all. 
So wonderful for everyone all over the world in all of Europe and all of the continent of thee western continent: ie: usa, canada, South American all the many countries including the countries of the south seas. What a lovely day for gifts of VALENTINES DAY in finest films. 

7:12 am in MADRID SPAIN NOW 
1:12 am Tiny Villa Time Now
12:14 am ACAPULCO MEXICO , south america now. 

CHUCK BERRY with bruce Springsteen, very special love in film now.   Johny Be Good. 
perfect darling men, you are, CHUCK, and BRUCE, and the e street band, 
sandwich and wine suppers FEBRUARY 2024 are more special all over the world with you all, and the lovely many many darling people. wonderful of you. I love you . xo. 

1:46 am from my tiny villa now 

1:56 am villa time now, sting, it’s lovely , the race tracks , perfect, rare very special. 
Gordon the afternoon midnight messages, very good,  I love you, sandwiches and wine everywhere. 

Rare gift, STING , MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE. And love all over the world, honor special suppers. 
1985, sting, route 101 drives unforgettable on the coastal ocean Atlantic , RHODE  ISLAND USA 
ocean drives, and quaint lovely villages, perfect even now. 

unforgettable.,              even more in VALENTINES 2024   

FEBRUARY 15 th 2024, ten minutes until midnight, 11:50 pm with meetings in Europe 
and some throughout the western continent, in the USA , Canada, all South American Countries, and of course the south seas countries, and after midnight it will be FEBRUARY 16 th, 2024. 

It was a somber day,  an international PRESS STATEMENT awaits, which will ring out, internationally and all over the world. Every village, every city, every country, people everywhere are reviewing, and considerate in grandure of love, to realize, the incredible importance of the fortitude of humanity, of a belonging of,  even efforts toward, earned worth, in remarkable achieves, and gold standards which, are individually important to all. Everyone, all over the world, saved money, for their own lovely life. Childern saved, there coins and with astonishing, savings in coin jars, with some that childern made their choice to spend a few coins. Foil Golden Chocolate Coins were quite favored. I am purchasing a second Valentines Box, Russel Stovers created amazing filled creamed chocolate , USA brand, 

Thank you all for the very lovely messages from all villages, many fierce  sweetened love notes, well thought of, sweetly fierce, in all reviews. If course, charishing the whole world, in the far , and of near, never to walk the plank, swim of the ocean deep away from shallow brilliant shores of sea foam green  blue, of the cares of the giant whale of the belly red red, the vaste ocean, giant whales exists, to no mistake, a kind whale. Fierce. You all, are, as fierce in a kind care of gentle, of villages and strolling, delight, as I. . All, wildly beautiful. 

I love you.  from myself, Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Chamber Ensemble , now,  and everyone, the film, 
austere and brilliant, of quite rare film special recording 
for today, to everyone all over the world, 
in a film now, to reflect upon.  the music composition : DERIVE ‘   

The film is very lovely of you Pierre Boules, and 1995, such a fine year we had, in a sweet,
 eased dinner, at the RUSSIAN TEA ROOM, in CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, with delicious sandwiches and wine. Just around the corner from the CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA HALL AUDITORIUM,
what brilliant moon light strolling with everyone then. The new film performance is rather very good of you , Pierre, and everyone. I love you well, darling Pierre Boulez, and everyone. Perfect film. 

12:35 am from my tiny villa now 

Good Day, and good evening in the European Continent , all, many, West Embankment, of ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN  COUNTRIES, to a European Continent which include more than several of the worlds largest countries, which of course, include the many counties of the  European far east, including the CHINA, known as one of the world largest country. of course, with a robust, economy which is of a great fortitude to all the countries of the far east and that of great, dignities toward prosperity to all the world. Every country in the world, is of , a great effort towards ethical realized, good prosperity. 
Small countries, are not very small at all, very many large cities in all, and devout to village proper of a very brilliance of all, cultural love, and that to realize the love of the whole world.  

Pierre Boulez , excussi, we were both expected to be in Vienna Austria, and it was charming that the austere , film, is very brisk in, a compositional music , of expression in love, of an austere fierce, fiery expression today. VALENTINES 2024 , of the most, opulent of austerity, of the expression Vitale’ 

3:07 pm from my tiny villa now

February 17 th 2024, from my tiny villa Saranac Lake New York USA. 2:10 pm villa time now 

WORKING MEETINGS, MOSCOW RUSSIA, with very special honor to the KREMLIN of RUSSIA 
and specialist, and RUSSIAN MILITARY, are with remarkable love, from me, and a RUSSIAN, reality of the finest, exceptional government excellence,  

SANDWICHES AND WINE, juice, and special tea, served hot. 


photograph credit: myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Good  day in the USA within every village, and all villages throughout the whole world. 
Today, is a very somber rationale ‘ of reviews, as the reviews are of course, a concern in the USA of 
what, is to, make notations of, if you desire, of a great nation, as the USA is, filled with brilliant people everywhere, with some unethical , of a small, racketeer , cartel, of a, dismal type of , unethical that stemmed from dc Oval Office, into very aim, at citizens and my Banana News, aimed at, as was I. 

The remaining , aim, has lingered. My international press statements, I can say, are certainly a loved realized, care, of people within all villages, everywhere, as the misfit unethical, aimed at the very lovely very meaningful supper events of Thanks Giving, 2023 and into February 2024 .

What I suggested in meetings in Europe , is fiercely kind, of a realized, gentle world, as a world very worth, the most periled times, in a sacred, supper, and suppers, all over the world. The love of even ice cream outings, and root beer floats, math, fun, notes of love, and the broader love to realize that the world is infinite of, ingenuity of a world of love for, yes, I dare say, more to note in cultural, history and of a modern ancient, civility. It is a fierce kind, a bold, rationale’ which encompasses, ethical a fruited world, filled even with a motor car, attainable in affordable cost, of outstanding efforts, from fine automobile, register manufacturers. Thinking about an economical prosperity to all. In the USA GENERAL MOTORS FORD, made extraordinary efforts, among international automobile excellence. It was not long ago, everyone, achieved enough, savings and earnings to purchase a motor car, which, is of space age, modern long lasting , manufacturing excellence, even 100 or more years. 

I have to realize, Russia Specialist and other European Specialist, may have some, remarkable efforts in, European shipping, to say the least. The brief, first statement in my international press release, will be published in love notes from, my own company, only me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett @ studio vosse.

spelled: s.t.u.d.i.o. v.o.s.s.e.     Thank you everywhere. 

FEBRUARY 18 th , 2024    4:37 pm 
from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW 

good afternoon everyone,
 into almost supper time, with great love to you all.
from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

sandwiched and wine suppers, are internationally 
very well loved, in the villages everywhere. 


Royal One Minute Sketch: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

BEGIN SOON.   Enjoy the entire white album from the BEATLES IN FILM 

Happy Valentines February 2024, with a special invite to sandwiches and wine, honors to sir Vladimir Putin, 
and the RUSSIAN MILITARY , with a 10:00 pm tiny villa international PRESS STATEMENT EXPOSEE’ 

JIMMY HENDRIX , rare acoustics guitar with red russia love FILM       rare recordings for FEBRUARY 2024  

4:57 pm tiny villa time now 
12:58 MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW                Eric Clapton Now THE WHITE ROOM FILM 

8:23 pm ELLA FITZGERALD NOW summer time film         FRED AND GINGER in FILM 

7:51 pm Jimmy Hendrix Now PURPLE HAZE FILM    7:58 pm Billy Joel YOU MAY BE RIGHT FILM 

9:04 pm DIANA ROSS now summertime FILM 

PETER O’ TOOLE NOW rare film , with extrodinary love, of the film 
 Laurance of Arabia, with OMAR SHERRIF , and everyone, perfect of you all. 

Sir Vladimir Putin darling sir,  KREMLIN OF ROYAL RUSSIA,
one of the largest countries in the world with an exposee’ of meetings and events, very exciting.  Lovely charming guests, internationally.  rare reels  

extra . HARD DAYS NIGHT. rare excerpts , 


RUSSIAN MILITARY  meeting photograph one ; sandwiches and wine events, imported continental coffee, with domestic chocolate and extrodinary humanitarian  honor.  RUSSIA . Thank you everyone. xo 

series one; Russian Events, Royal Russian Military, February 2024 I love you all, very well, everyone. 
graciously , I say thank you. From princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

8:12 pm   from my tiny villa now. 
4:13 pm MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW     11:00 pm Peter Sellers , messaged . Saranac Lake New York PETER . 


Louis Armstrong , WONDERFUL EVERYONE. perfectly lovely, very gracious xo 

FEBRUARY 20 th 2024 , 7:22 pm eastern standard time, New York USA NOW , in Saranac Lake, from my tiny villa within the quietest regions of the forest lime emerald every green canopies, northern New York State, tiny village, very close to the Ontario Canadian Boarder into the international North American Continent, of the LARGE COUNTRY of Canada. With a finest hello to everyone in all countries and in the USA in all 50 states, of many cities with villages ,
of tiny villages and into largest cities, of the United State of America as a country of lovely people. 

eccusse’ une monmento ‘   I have an important message. Une Momento ‘ Gracious ‘ 

Lovely Howard Hughes, I , say, the investment you and others made, in some structural needs, to some expanded inexpensive, homes, to rent, and even option of purchase, at a low, monthly cost for people of the USA, is outstanding. Wildly, a great realized success in individual choices, and even the employment opportunities, of course, is an investment time and ridged standards toward all qualities, and of course, meeting broadened rules, is love, towards all villages of people,  of greatest industrialist. I dare say, Kraft, Quaker Oats, General Mills, Heinz, Nabisco, Gold Medal Flour, Tollhouse Chocolate Chips, Ruffles Potatoe Chips, Vlasik and more, Dole Pineapple, Birds Eye, Idaho Potatoes Farming Specialist, Louisiana Tea, Coka Cola, and I have not finished the honors , just yet. , 

Very special investment notes.  
 Darling Howard Hughes, what fun, 
with sandwiches and wine, perfect. 
Wonderful, fun, HOWARD HUGHES,
sweet on location, rare personal photographic 
lovely fun HOWARD HUGHES.

wonderful , darling. The pino’ blonc’ was perfect with the lobster sandwiches, French preparation variation, of mine, royal sandwich soufflés. With fresh RUFFLES potatoe chips, always perfect. Inexpensive perfection, is very good. Grilled Curry Carrot, with season salt, .. very good. 

years , in the 1980’, gracing me, at my busy home giant garden foirure front lawn brunches, 
with lemon ade and a bucket of finest fried chicken, hand made bread, sweet butter, and those antipasto salads. Our Unforgettable Croquet games are historical, pre polo. 

HOWARD HUGHES, I love you darling. merci. 


Paul MC CARTNEY , of the internationally world renowned BEATLES, messaged,
with an impromtue just alone with his acoustic guitar, and loved, in sweet times, of lovely people 
in GRAND CENTRAL STATION, lower level train platform. Paul, darling, 

your pure  acoustics and aquapello  are vibrantly lovely.  merci ‘ xo kisses sent. 

not sure about, the giddy up dudes.                           

film reel impromptu from THEE PAUL MC CARTNEY 

While what a wonderful few minutes,
film messages from Paul and lovely people in MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, USA. 

with continental coffee, and domestic chocolates , VALENTINES 2024 all over the world. 

Meetings have been busy, wine is very good. I love all of you, as it’s a very gracious time to say thank you again to you all. Russian Millitary and more, with a very good thank you to specialist in Russian Millitray
and specialist throughout Europe. Of course our meetings in MOSCOW RUSSIA, are extended in a large European Continent of many countries with outstanding honored presidents, event specialist too, and more. 

Lovely everyone. Millions of kisses from everyone all over the world.  


Lovely Film, as one of the most beautiful music compositions of pure love 

“ I’ve Got You Under My Skin “ 

VALENTINES HONOR RARE FILM for sandwiches and wine suppers, with very special honors to RUSSIAN government, the specialist, RUSSIAN MILITARY AND sir Vladimir Putin my darling sir. 

incredibly special thank you with love, to everyone, and to FRANK SINATRA too. 

9:30 pm my TINY VILLA NOW 

sandwiched and wine suppers,
 10:00 pm VALENTINES 2024  

Sir Vladimir Putin, I love you more. 

John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney , Ringo Starr,  and George Harrison   

Film reels,  are nearly ready.  EXPOSEE’  ONE’  international PRESS RELEASE soon. 

12:06 am FEBRUARY 21 st 2024    BRIEF PRELIMINARY international notations now 

6:26 pm from my tiny villa, good evening everyone, everywhere all over the world. International Press Statements are quite important to all people in every village. Enjoy the sandwiches and wine, and read everything, if you wish, in more international press statements into EASTER HOLIDAY 2023 

LOVE NOTES , is refreshingly more wonderful with your very sweet love in so many love notes to me too, with my delight, I will say, I love you everywhere. from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

6:40 pm from my tiny villa now 
2:41 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW  Just a day ago, my invite from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, President of the country of Russia, the invite is with Kremlin sir Vladimir  Putin’s, national address statements to the people of the country of RUSSIA. It’s a very exciting invite. 

5:35 am from my tiny villa FEBRUARY 23 rd 2025 
honors events, of sandwiches and wine with continental coffee and domestic chocolates have been, of great loved ease in the USA and internationally, with delightful honor to sir Vladimir Putin and Russian Specialist, Russian Millitary, as well as European Specialist, and Presidents of countries throughout Europe, within some details of the exceptional work involved in rather important notes, I will graciously expand upon, even within some some upsets in the USA. 

Lovely of sir Vladimir Putin, with a sweet message from extrodinary difficult meetings in, February 2024., even reminding me of our lovely tram rides together, upon invitation to guest with me, even again in 2003. Smokey Mountains then, with horse back riding just a hop from my estate in the USA southern regions then in the USA state of TENNESSEE. While the reel is 2024 , of my darling sir Kremlin., Vladimir Putin. The Robust Cabernet Souvinion wines were very good, French, import. 


6:04 am SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK , from my tiny villa. NOW 

Beautiful Red Carnation Double Wreaths. 
9:29 pm from my tiny villa, with a very esteemed event in MOSCOW RUSSIA. 
very special event, of extraordinary somber aristocracy of formality, 
from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia 
and the Military of the country of Russia, with special thank you to sir Vladimir Putin, as well as the wonderful people of ROYAL RUSSIAN MILITARY in the email

9:35 pm From my Tiny Villa. 

SATURDAY FEBRURAY 24 th 2024  12:47 pm from my tiny villa Saranac Lake, New York USA Now,
The Kremlin , yesterday was very good to have assured a ceramony to people of Millitray in ROYAL RUSSIA of a very large event that I felt was important, even to the large many citizens of the USA, of even youngest children to those of maturity and thus, that of grown ups, all the many whom realize the reviews of the USA are incredibly important to the USA, even children realize that a ceremony in the delightful country royal RUSSIA, with importance to people of all countries, of a kind dignified rationale in a kind fierceness of love of humanity, and self sanctitude which are of a reality, to a resounding basis of civility, thus a humanity of a deliberatation of the earnest toward, a sacred  existence. The RUSSIAN MILITARY, FIRST CLASS MEN AND WOMEN, were bold to include a sacred message to me, with the Kremlin , sir Vladimir Putin, too, personifying that of a work of art, that is of course, a sacred special message of the sanctitude of the catalogue sale, which was aimed at, by dc, indignat deviants and inter polled cartel , separatist all in one barrel of the unworthy contorted USA deviants, which are, on USA soil, and USA born, without a country of the citizens of the USA willing to, offer, redemption at all, toward. Deviant Misfits, of lude maliciousness. 

The Valentines month in 2024 is a perfect time, in the review of even more exposee’ and with a very special thank you again, to the first class men and women of the RUSSIAN MILITARY, and all Russian Military, whom with sir Vladimir Putin formally actualized the formality of the important ceremony of the WREATH CEREMONY.  With very special love written in the ancient stars of the infinite sky’s above, to everyone in the USA and across the very large country of RUSSIA and in all countries to all people all over the world. 

It is a brilliant and lovely VALENTINES 2024, to be admired worth and deliberations even of the lovely minds of all childern, now with all a few dollars in coin saved too, deciding upon their own, what to buy, and when, people all, of the fiercely very kindly the reviews. All over the USA and the whole world.      

1:20 pm LENARD BERNSTEIN of the greater world symphonies, conducts a very special concert of Beethoven’s symphony number 9, written in ancient classism in sheet music, by Beethoven of the country of Germany, in a very ancient structure for world symphonic expressionism of a exultation of humanity to submerge in and enjoy. Very special thank you to Sir Lenard Bernstein and all the very exceptional people of greatest work, in world symphony philharmonic expressions of such a lovely experience in every country today. With a very special honor to The Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin and specialist , with RUSSIAN MILITARY, and European , presidents of countries with fine government and military as well.  

Very good, Lenard, and everyone, I will be pleased to see you all again, at Carnegie Hall, MANHATTAN NYC NY, 7 th Avenue near 48 street close to CENTRAL PARK, USA, and for a large many at lunch on 4 th street again and again, MANHATTAN NYC NY. lovely of you all. 

Concerto with THEE LENARD BERNSTEIN  , a great AMERICAN MUSIC , AND LITERARY THEATER INTERNATIONAL FINEST, DELIGHT, an ole darling from Chicago Ilinoise USA, as well, with delight, many thank you’s and pure love from all over the world today.  

1:40 pm. really it’s DAVID BOWIE with a lovely sweet, sonnet , in music compostions,
and a rare very special concerto REBEL REBEL. 

David,  you’re gracious to such a sweet sonnet , and thank you darling David. 
We all need more, chocolates and a whole continental breakfast, again, together. 

with love, in the USA and internationally to all of RUSSIA , and all over the world, 
including thee David Bowie. 

1:56 pm my lovely darling, THEE ELVIS PRESTLEY with greatest love, 
reaching farther than  HAWAII USA, and a sweet sonnet “  I DID IT MY WAY” 
lovely darling, and by the way, happy birthday again and again. It’s a VALENTINE 2024 that I can’t seem to be of course without you and everyone. THANK YOU with all good graces, to you and RUSSIA, and the USA People with the whole world. The Bentley Drives are near, darling Elvis. xo  

Film : Elvis Prestley 

2:09 pm soft sonnets saranade graced by Billy Joel, to RUSSIA
and the people of the USA and all over the world. 

2:21 pm from my tiny villa My Darlings, the BEATLES , 
sweet humanity of love songs in a music compostion sonnet NO WHERE MAN concerto  
with love to everyone, everywhere. From a rare reel, 
film reel: the Beatles. ce: 2024 February 24 th 2024 , the soft concerto is lovely. xo 
Thank you graciously. 

59 th street and 7 th soon ever yone. or New York Finest Pizza? 

2:43 pm a rare and very important film reel from THEE HOWARD HUGHES, 
sweetly darling Howard Hughes, is fiercely kind, in very important within very special 
VALENTINES 2024 SPRUCE GOOSE REELS, just lovely darling. 

Film Reel : HOWARD HUGHES, in a very special message of love to RUSSIA 
and everywhere all over the world. Lobster Sandwiches , again, I say, too. 

One of my rare event sandwiches  Secrets recipes 

4:42 pm from my tiny villa. MESSAGE FOR THOSE WITH DOGGIES , nom nom delivers and nutritious foods, for dogs, are very pleasing, even a warmed milk bowl daily is great to add. Purina is also an excellent USA Dog Food Brand, which can be ordered online from several stores USA purina. 
sweet treats for dogs, yes, and with my special recipe dog biscotti ‘ soon . nom nom doggie dinners ?  

4:59 pm ELTON JOHN, with a soft sonnet especiale ‘ note from the country
 of BRAZIL in the city of São Paulo,  BRAZIL, of the South America countries of the western continent. Sweetly, a beautiful hello from everyone, and ELTON JOHN, DARLING true, Sir Elton, and perfectly lovely. Elton John “ SKYLINE PIGION “ concerto ‘ ole ‘ 
Very gracious sonnet in music compostions, and  the love of people in BRAZIL, thank you very much,
graciously, I say: bouinos daisez’ hello with my love to Elton and everyone in São Paulo and all of Brazil and all in the lovely countries of South America, gracious’ from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 
film reel : THEE SIR ELTON JOHN , with everyone , 
with very graces to RUSSIA, and everyone all over the world. 

Very beautiful HELLO.  HELLO , with kisses sent to you all. 

  , rare reel, Spanish Guitar softly, with a concerto, of two darling men, 
sweetly a sonnet of lovely music, with love to RUSSIA, and everyone all over the world.
Love all over the USA, of the very lovely delightful people, too, sweetly, 
muchos gracious. ( spainish : with greatest sincere thank you ) 

film reel: Frank Sinatra and Antonio Carlos , turned out perfect. 

VALENTINES 2024, with reviews to remember. 

10:50 pm from my tiny villa THE JETSONS , all CHILDREN  INVITED, 
everywhere, with a cartoon , that’s not fact, but fiction, and an earlier type
 of 20 th century made, film reels.For Sunday Morning, mind boggling , 
intellectual,  children’s films only ? FILM REELS 
My darling friends , used a type of ancient puppetry, in the voices of the films, 
fine people from Chicago Illinois. USA, all over the world, please enjoy 
the JETSONS , cartoons, everyone is invited everywhere. 
Very special thank you to everyone, from the 1970’s and today. 
xo with love to everyone, everywhere, all over the world. 

I love you everywhere, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

6:02 pm FEBRUARY 25 th 2025 from my tiny villa, 

THEE ROBERT REDFORD inpromtue in review film reel.  With more soon. 
film reel : from thee Robert Redford, with incredible noted honored AMERICAN FILM. 
and the founder of SUNDANCE INSTITUTE FILM CENTER with independent international film 
work, of Sundance Film Festivals in an annual independent Film Festival of independent, film spanning from THE USA from a small village in state of UTAH , in Salt Lake City, mountain region, which reaches a small village event in Europe, far across the Atlantic Ocean, in a tiny section of the large city of London in the country of ENGLAND, in one event of a few selected independent films per year.  As a favor to Robert Redford, I myself created a tiny ten minute film, for the international film event 2009. So pleased, everyone enjoyed my one person short film, in all of ENGLAND and the USA, with then was exhibited in my international events globally. 

 special rare travel photograph   ‘ Robert Redford now. 


of course ROBERT REDFORD is with extensive literary excellence within intellectual thoughtful AMERICAN FILM, well respected, notable, in ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, and  THE CANIDATE 
among many wonderful others, including DUSTIN HOFFMAN, in ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, all receiving, honored notable  achievements of STANDARDS IN AMERICAN FILM MOVIES.  
Enjoy more ROBERT REDFORD FILM with introspective review too. 

MONDAY FEBRUARY 26th 2024 , 1:06 pm from my tiny villa. 
So good of ROBERT REDFORD, as a very darling, he is. In the 1980’ s ROBERT and I met, at a tiny napolian pastry shop, with a fine, rather opulent mahogany  breakfast bar counter, with ten seats, always a bit of fun to enjoy finest Saturday Strawberry Crepe Pancakes, with a very special FRENCH CREAM, and sunny side up over medium egg and soft grilled toast buttered and perfect orange juice, with  Coffee, imported special roast beans from the country of SPAIN, ROYAL BRAND, and the finests American - FRENCH napolian specialty pasteries. ‘ amazing again, when ROBERT REDFORD, and I both lived near each other in Chicago Illinois. Busy we were. While making time for very special pancakes, atleast.  

Please, let me say a finest good day to everyone. , 
love to you all, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
international PRESS STATEMENTS are certainly 
not just about automobiles and entries or are they?  

1:25 pm from Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW 

Credence Clear Water Revival , now, wonderful darling friends, thank you so well. 
film : perfect, credence Clear Water Revival with exceptional honors 

To my darling SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN as KREMLIN of the Royal Country of Russia,  and the RUSSIAN MILITARY , as well as presidents and government people throughout European countries, and specialist of Russian Military , and other specialist in the European continent. Love from me, and love from everyone from all over the world. 

1:46 pm PETER SELLERS, sandwiches and wine, darling, coffee, just the way you enjoy coffee, 
HERSHEY CHOCOLATES ‘ assorted choices, I will get the projector too,. Ah, yes, Darling, 
we need fresh bauble ‘ be ready, ripe  Camembert ‘  cheese with cream dairy butter, creamed French onion soup, and Regis Chevis appartiffe ‘ even grasshopper green peppermint schnapps , creamed, special recipe. Sweet Cherry Mint Chocolate tea cakes ‘ pettifoires ‘ 

I love you, Peter  Sellers. Shakespeare ‘ with the Beatles: 
 quoted “ IT’S BEEN A HARD DAYS NIGHT “ , funny, I feel the same way. 

messages from GEORGE HARRISON ,yes, with more sandwiches and wine, into the extended month of MARCH 2024. My  Darling GEORGE HARRISON, was so sweet to put together a premier film. 
Somewhat , about books, missing sales, USA, the upset of the economy, and then, popcorn 
all, with very serious, automobile, ( ( > rov police are mugrot, racketeering cartel , unethical, dc tax grippers unethical exposee ‘ confidential toby muggers, in the large, etc,  rov and rov, )) < reviews, are extremely as serious as the delays on my pop corn balls tiered tree, and the real truth of INDIANS and then, a few pilgrims, whom plagiarize and pillage far many times, in the USA. With upsets, in international waters, ( all countries ),  reviews are serious. 
film premier: production by George Harrison. 
Very Special FILM, “ upsetting political commentary about POPCORN “ 
A secret love letter, yes, quizzically ? about the history of INDIANS . 
I think yes, more GEORGE, and the great American and International Farming Love. 

4:59 pm rare photograph special now 


uno momento’ excussi’ ci, MICK JAGGER and The Rolling Stones, with Ed Sullivan.
ah, yes, lovely, MICK, you’re  daring. Of course, the music compostions “ IT’S  ALL OVER NOW “ the words, knocking at my door, are poetic literary meaning, of course to agree in a proper phone call with a sweet agreement to meet in the park, of course, or a soda pop shop with seating, maybe pancakes at a fine sandwich bar seating finest. Triple rsvp ‘ formal dinner perhaps.  

Mick Jaggar , The sandwiched and wine, with more, of course, I think, wonderful darling. 
the vineyard in Shiraz , Middle Eastern Europe, imported, is reasonably very good,
from the country of Iran, of the middle Eastern European Continent, Shiraz Sauvignon 
Cabernet ‘ especially good with a beefstate Tomatoe Stew. Fine Hand Made Bread, 
and some Spicy Double Crusted Chicken Shishkabobs ‘ with a spice sauce from the 
Country of India, of the Eastern European Continent. 
Lite Minced Hot Red Pepper Peanut Tahini Freshly Prepared. 
Cucumber Coulies of course with dill sour cream. Julie Child’s might like well too, 
India we may need 13 bottles more. Lucille Ball, and Vivian Vance, Shirghaz ? I am nearing ready to pick up my automobile after some press statements really roll, Shirghaz ‘ souvinoun cabernet . 
What a very special Film. Perfectly wild everyone. Everyone sweet of you all. 
Film Now, and what a 1964 it was, in Alabama USA. The year before I was born.  

Vladimir, what a film, honor to RUSSIA, specialist and love from all over the world. 
I just purchased even more chocolates. international press statements are serious. 

millions of kisses to you darling. Vladimir Putin sweet sir, and sir Mick, too, with The Rolling Stones, 
Ed Sullivan and everyone all over the world. The RUSSIAN ADDRESS TO THE CITIZENS OF RUSSIA event, is on February 29th 2024 from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, live on the air from MOSCOW RUSSIA. In my tiny villa, time, it will be, the late night before, February 28 th 2024 about midnight to 4 am. The RUSSIAN NATIONALIST , all citizens of RUSSIA are excited.

THIS MAY BE THE LAST TIME”  , …. “  NO NO NO “ impromptu sweet sonnets concerto 
directly from LONDON ENGLAND 
sweet film reel special.                   

Merci ‘ with my love. 

6:09 pm tiny villa time now. 

February 28 th 2024, 1:31 pm from my tiny villa estate, Saranac Lake New York, USA
good day to sir Vladimir Putin today, with my gracious love, and good wishes upon the work involved in RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, with a a fruitful message to listen to for the address to the people of Russia which will be  in film into tomorrow. The immense work of the Kremlin, is with exception a large detailing exceptional achievement honored throughout the world, and among a large government of people, as even a large military all of excellence , and love in a grandure of cultural royal Russia, and it’s a day to be excited about in the USA, whom have love, respective cultural broaden worth, of a greater existence with international dignity towards all countries of people, among too, honor of royal RUSSIA, and the eminent attentions of the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, whom has graced me, with lovely many messages, and extended invitations savored. 

My international Press Statements . from RUSSIA ? Perhaps. 

Tiny Villa 10:00 pm 
supper meetings 

  meeting 10:00 pm sandwiches and wine suppers, of minutes many.

FEBRUARY 29 th 2024 11:34 pm from my tiny villa, and yes, still aimed issues, linger, in even my estate entry, and disrupted even sandwiches and wine simplicity toward such a lovely FEBRUARY 2024. Sandwiches and wine are ongoing throughout MARCH 2024, which begins tomorrow. 

Meeting Photograph Via World Wide Web: 
The Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, in the photograph 
with Sir Benjamin Netanyahu, the President of the country of Israel wearing the royal light blue tie. 

SPAIN in the northern regions of Western Europe

is a wonderful country filled with riche cultural excitment, with a LIVE WEB CAM, from the country of SPAIN , in a small ocean village, very lovely in an up to the minute live in the air cam to enjoy even a glimps into other regions minute by minute life real time updates. EUROPE.  

Saranac Lake New York USA live cam  with night vision. 352 / 24/7 space launch cam direct. 




which took place earlier into after midnight, in my tiny villa, from the country of RUSSIA, 
where many people gathered to listen to very important words prepared from the
President of Russia, Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, of the intricate details of a summery for the people of RUSSIA as a large vast country, of wonderful people of all the numerous cities largest and medium sized and small, of lovely villages vibrant of kind and austerely fierce in a kind greater RUSSIA, with many citizens achieved and a love from around the world. The people of the USA are wonderful excited of the honors of sandwiches and wine. 



The RUSSIAN MILITARY, in sandwich and wine suppers throughout FEBRUARY 2024 
With an International VALENTINES 2024 , of the honor to the President , sir Vladimir Putin and RUSSIAN MILITARY, rare very special meeting photographs of international historical honors. Of course, not alone among many countries of honored worth in international presidents, government people and international military honors, 
with  more in MARCH 2024. 


with a rare special recoded concerto of darling thee, FREDDY MERCURY , in a sweetest compostion in music softly a sonnet ‘ poetically very lovely, FREDDY and everyone. 

film : special recording, from FREDDY MURCURY , ready for BENTLEY DRIVES. 

12:53 pm villa time now. Excussi’ 1:12 pm villa time, 
message from WILLIE NELSON now. 
Rare Wonderfully Filmed , WILLIE and everyone, merci ‘ with love. 

1:24 am MARCH 1 st 2024 meetings after midnight, and live on the air web cam 
In the country of Thailand, the costal area is very beautiful and of course it’s now currently day time in THAILAND just about 1:24 pm. 
It’s exciting to see every street in the country of the 
USA with real live web cams. My grocery delivery is in the mid morning to afternoon, and I should get my live web cam in review. 

2:57 am tiny villa meeting , 
Johnny Carson and David Letterman 
with Clint Eastwood, with impromptu 
lovely conversation , perfect of everyone. The historical February VALENTINES 2024 honors suppers of sandwiches and wine are a lovely. Again I say ,  to RUSSIA with love from all over the world. Sandwiches and wine suppers are exciting throughout March 2024 with a few extra fine recipes to include too. With sweet lovely impromptu important to the very good people everywhere. Bentley Drive Films are going to be wildly loved in RUSSIA. 

merci xo ( language of the country of ROYAL FRANCE = merci / phonetic pronounced maar sea / meaning of merci “ = with gracious love I say thank you. )

I love you everywhere. from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

3:39 pm from my tiny villa, with a brightly lovely hello to everyone all over the world. The aimed, harsh issues in my entry, are with whom I shall say, are more viciously inclined than, that of enormous many others in places everywhere. Robert Forbes ‘ the 21 st century industrialist in a revolution of his own, began a small company known as DESIGN WITHIN REACH, which brought vitality to the small manufacturing of a small amount of quality designs to the USA, and became quite a darling friend to me, of notable years. The idea that online business in small realized efforts, that was obscure, was a lovely,
I am reminded, reflecting on ROBERT FORBE’S unique kind lovely messages, the world is rather a fine opulent, opportunistic, hard work, in even a supper, opulent, of even sandwiches and wine, with fine coffee, creams and sugars and unimaginably delicious domestic chocolate reasonably sold , recently by the billions of boxes for numerous chocolatier confectionary specialist, globally , of many years of excellence of extrodinary little bon bon chocolate sweets. FEBRUARY 2024 , all heart boxes, sold with honors to ethical qualities to chocolatiers of EUROPEAN SPECIALIST, RUSSIAN MILITARY specialist are with heart boxed chocolate domestic Russian Chocolate bon bond, and  European Governments and Presidents of all European Countries, Red Heart Boxes and boxes of sweets, very opulent with extraordinary fine piled high sandwiches , so delicious, honors into MARCH 2024 are a bit exciting, even more. 

Among the RUSSIAN MILITARY, and sir Vladimir Putin, as the Kremlin of Russia , of some unusual exception of notable extra work, extended, into a fine reality for RUSSIAN citizens and with remarkable, idealistic qualities toward a deliberation of extraordinary efforts in globalized peace. The echos of a resounding ineffable, extraordinary, standard to arrive of thee ever important counting of perils
, is with a cherished reflection. A reflection in fruited love, undivided in the minds of all of a humanity.  
Honored is the realized achieved of all, in efforts of even postal deliveries, of professionals in top notch honored work specialized, and maticulously on time. The efforts, to tiny seemingly simple work, well paid, and of signs across  the USA and the world, which are not simply a sign that says open for business 8 days a week. 

I can say, Banana News, is that important to people everywhere, globally. More businesses than in all history are with more sales and a realized success. And no time to wait to see a finer review of the exciting achieved worth and leisure to see, no bitters of pith. Sweets of fine home made Chocolate Chip Cookies extra large or extra small, on tiered finest serving trays, made with perfected chips of bitter sweet chocolate of only the lowest economical value, is a real sweet, to wrap one by one and ready to stroll into a lovely MARCH 2024. MARCH, is the month of a bitter sweet, of love, in reviews to say, in 2024 of people, in like a LION and out like a LAMB. Reviews, bare not a risk, of endurance of that in whom, caused intent to bitter aimed. Aimed from a few, dare we say, swarthy unethical, we shall not endure. 

Reflections in our minds, ? What shall exist, in a slim review, as the lake of Saranac Lake Sweet Tiny Village, was with possies, ( unethical and of extreme viciousness , posing to contort ethics)  a few, two by two, shredding grasses of the greenest sweet of love, in a contempt, swarthy gaustly few, mouths open, and forked tungs aimed, in a vision of eye balled idiocy, with gripped claw like hands ; of those golden of eggs giants, coins and coins, with ethical details of greatest. 

Swarthy Unethical possies are, of mass contempt ,  joe.kers. pillagers. 

Reflection of the people peering to a lake, abundant to baha an hour or two, four, even and - none the gaustly whom took , ripped , and swined,  in dismal unethics, … 

As the kind decency, the generosity of dignity and that of the greater efforts, of the whole nation, was more than there, in many ideals of kind fierce upheld a vast achieved reality.  In no baha that was in such a fine sweet city as Saranac Lake, New York, USA, . Unthinkable, I say. Halls in a cycle of vicious, gauntlets unethical  - reeping the USA far before, in swine breath of contorted unethically as they are mere deviant Blime idiots. 

Of course it is MARCH 1 st, 2024 
4:29 pm from my tiny estate villa apartment. 
James Taylor, whom I have known since the 1970’s actually, in a sweet time we enjoyed ice cream sundae, now and then, in the ice cream soda shoppe’ such a sweet, even to think to re- record a rare film reel, perfect.

Walk on By a Country Road, with a changed lyric of what James Taylor originally recorded, in very well known music composition concertos. Of course, ( *) “lend me your name “, James Taylor writes, means, poetically of a sonnet ( of literary poetic words) softly, lend me ( of your self ) a glimps of broaden ideals, to even think to baha and travel by automobile to the ocean of South Carolina, and  of many ocean public beaches, or mountians cities and town times,  to enjoy summer,  winter,  spring,  and autumn, with capitalism’s of humanities in economics individual important, of breathfull excitement, of a peril ( achievement of broadening existance ethically including civility ) of work and leisure exceptional. Lend , not a plagerism, yet a love of adornment of gently sacred , gracing of known in achievement of prosperity realized, a fierce kind love to exist achieved., and loved in a periled larger great world. James Taylor and everyone, it was sweet of you all late last evening. Hop on one foot, then the other, is a political hop. Unimaginable strength of bold reality. 

Wait until my Indian Film is ready everyone. The film James Taylor is very special, Thank you very well.

SOS  : James Taylor rare film reel messages for me, personally at love notes. 

James , and everyone, excellent guitar and lovely people for the little impromtu’ 
What lovely rare film reels, everyone, sweet lovely darling people everywhere, from everywhere. 
The entry was aimed at again, into the hall, even, as the vagrants just barreling, around the city, ruined the baha we all were planning in Saranac lake New York, last summer, and with of course people from Saranac Lake, all invited, and low priced car ready baha mini motor boats, are waiting , created by my friend in manufacturing specialized, from the Far East, China, so lovely and the baha small luxury packable motor boats, waiting since summer 2024. Affordable to all.  Wine James ‘ do you prefer the Pouili’ Fumaie’  Grigio or the fine Italian Chianti’ vino wine ‘ sushi futomaki “ with saki ‘ Japanese Style Wine imported ? With a fine cucumber tea sandwich ? 
secrets James Taylor ‘ not yet the steam roller sandwiches ‘ pouilis fume ‘ or Shirahz ‘ middle eastern with babaguanush’ and fruite date raspberry  tart ‘  biegiongh sweets. Such a MARCH 2024 of excitment around every corner.  Spectacular rare recording everyone. With love, thank you again. 

I suppose when a few=  50 to 100 swampwarts  aimed at all those  American People, and pointed at others in pure lies, close range and long handled swompwarting , concerning range, of course, these unethical gauntlets sewer rot   hands, did not like Banana  News. International Press Statements are going to be lovely, exciting, provocatively cultural and ? Fierce in the importance to gold standards and achievement honors remarkable. 

FEBRUARY 2024, is historical in importance and MARCH 2024 is going to be remarkable, 
lovely and with important international historical revelry. Where is Gary Bergoff ? 

5:21 pm JAPAN in the country of such royal sweet messages, the cities of very largest to tiny cities, are with lovely messages, of greatest success in sales of sandwiches, EUROPEAN JAPAN , TRADITIONS and even exciting hotel outings of over night travels and even week long vacation holidays - with JAPANESE wine and sandwiches , even the largest of cities such as , Tokyo , ( TOKYO ) in the country of Japan in the far Eastern European Continent , are of an  enjoyment of many days of sipping soki’ ( word for wine in Japanese language, pronounced : soaha kee ). Meetings upon Meetings, thank you all. The city of Tokyo in the country of Japan, were with please people, fine honors and fine soki, futamacchi, geuoza’  ( Vegetables Rice Rolled Sushi , = Futimachi,  pan fried dumpling of sausages , served with hot and sweet sour sauce.= A Geuoza ) 

Of course and grilled fried clam and shrimp sandwiches, even tempura’ fried with Japanese especial preparation of Select fish, , wide variety of cabbage pickles, and a fine tempura vegetable fried specialty.  With remarkable honors to a very fine effort, and love messages from the people of the government of the country of Japan in the European Far East, of the European Continent ‘ with prosperity of great economics important and brilliant throughout FEBRUARY 2024, as one of the historical most difficult economic months in small companies. I love you all in Japan as a royal country of lovely people all. Wonderful message.   Sou Um ‘ hai ya. Aszghzo’ for never good bye. 

Hello Everyone, in New York City, I have your message, in the orange of colour of my studio vosse company , on the air online years, with so special a ORANGE DRAGON FESTIVAL to send me a giant message of love. Just days ago, and perfectly brillant of everyone in NEW YORK USA, with enormous love sent, kisses of millions of minutes too, sent. For you all. Ineffiable lovely message, with love to you all graciously. XO. The news of the New York Orange Dragon Festival for me, personally was in the video news in the country of China. Perfect of you all, everywhere. Thank you again. Broadway lower Manhattan West Village area, is magnificent. Pizza and Sandwiches again soon.  Small film direct from the video film moon satalight China , in a New York City Festival, is very sweet with some children’s event fun, respectively. And some notes, in New York, of some misinformation in who’s who. Re: Mayors ? Or not, Not  that reflecting in the News Filming in news from China. about Festivals in Manhattan , “:in film and photo , enquotes “, tan kaki ‘ you all knew, I just bought my tan Kaki’s , you surprised me, thank you,  and great stretch preparations with drumming savvy, great everyone. Thank you. With love eight days a week? means , you have an extra love, seven day a week, of course , fun. 

5:50 pm FESTIVAL RARE PHOTOGRAPHS direct from the European Far Eastern 
country of Royal China, with YELLOW DRAGON FESTIVAL which is with excitement in the USA and all over the world. Within Xinhua / Chen Sihan city, of the country of China is more YELLOW DRAGON FESTIVAL EVENTS . with excitement  everywhere. 
Finest political holiday event everyone. love to you 8 days a week, forever. 

6:44 pm from my tiny villa 
Impromptu sweet rare films my darling Sir PAUL Mc CARTNEY ,is with a special message now. 
Manchester England, events were wild. Piazza Exhibitions  and more.

MARCH 2 nd 2024 , 8:36 pm from my tiny villa 
eight days a week, lovely music composition of THEE BEATLES , a rare film reel excerpt, now, in LOVE NOTES, eight days a week, everywhere. 

John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and Paul Mc Cartney, 
sweetest thank you to my darling men, I rather love well. 

Film Reel: Thee  Beatles, and the lovely messages to everyone everywhere all over the world. 
THEE BEATLES, as in John, Ringo, George, and Paul, are with exceptional honors of emeritus achievement in world peace of a gold medal of England, within noted political  culturally poignant expression within extended work, with include compositional music with extensive worth, of many years, honored, of THE ROYAL QUEEN OF THE COUNTRY OF ENGLAND, her majesty, Queen Elisabeth, the Royal Head of the Country of England Great Britain, 

Always very fine, with sandwiches and wine honors to Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the country of Russia and Russian Military, with exceptional specialist and many throughout all European Governments of the many many countries all, in the continent of EUROPE. Honored including Her Majesty, Queen Elisabeth, Thee Queen of the country of England, Great Britain of a great excitement to everyone all. Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth , is extremely well noted for quite many specialized achievements, including that of Heading, a very strong Military, with extraordinary emeritus complex esteemed work. Among many millitary people with highest ethical specialized achieved work. Along with Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth’s notable excellence in work endlessly in Parliamentary, excellence to assurances to the people of England, with Queen Elisabeth’s brilliant vibrancy of cultural broad expansive achieved emeritus efforts. I myself am very thankful to express my immense dignaties
of honor at length to Her Majesty, Queen Elisabeth, the Queen of the lovely royal country of England, as a country of a ROYAL MONARCHY,  in honor to Queen Elizabeth’s extensive devotion to the people of the country of England , Great Britain. Special honors as well, to the King of England, His majesty the King of England, Great Britain King Charles, whom has extensive notable very honored government work of many years, as well. Well loved, all over the world, and special extra messages of love, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett The fines tea and tea sandwich with wine, and imported coffee, with domestic chocolates of an adornment in fine red heart shaped boxes, of busy 10:00 pm meeting in Europe.  The events, are in reviews and and at times austerity of a fiercely serious review, civility proper, too, always a kind lovely reflection to enjoy more honor notes into March 2024. 

 Thank you to King Charles and Queen Elizabeth , the of the highest of government in England of the European Continent , thank you for a fine gift, and English Hand Made English Traditional  Christmas Tart Egg Custard , pudding you all kindly brought me, hand delivered in my piazza exhibitions. I was so excited to see everyone again, . Your recipe is outrageously delightfully  smashing.  What a nice surprise, . 
The royal tiara , is quite a sacred gift everyone. xo Nearly time to get in some ENGLISH POLO, again. 

love and kisses , from me and from everyone all over the world. 

MARCH 3th 2024, 11:28 am, good day everyone, everywhere, and I must say,  Louis Armstrong has a very special way of expressions in many ways. I wish to post a music sonnet from Louis Armstrong, soon,  while I want to say to Louis Armstrong, a very special thank you for bringing his tuba, and even with sweet reflection of the music of himself, in my exhibition piazza invite, Louis arrived, with big brass in hand. It was exciting to see Louis Armstrong again. We had tea together at the Drake Hotel Tea Room, not long before, in Chicago Illinois USA,  after we took off our ski suites , with some winder snow fall. We both shoveled a bit of snow from around our tires , with a sweet little design compact lite weight snow shovel. Sweetly street parking could never get better on a fine winder day of wonderful brisk cool winter January in the northern regions of the USA. My hotel room was so charming on Michagan Avenue.  

The tea sandwiches were delicious. 

SKI FILM REELS, are a brilliant time, minutes and excellent planning, for perfection in RUSSIAN POLARTEC SNOW SUITS ‘ the warmest in snow suits, pant and coat, perfection, w/ polartec boots and gloves, RUSSIAN WOOL. hats of finest warm fun. 
BRISKLY BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE. Unlike any other. Even the prime minister, and every Russian Military ‘ of course,  RUSSIAN LOVE is real.  
With Sir Vladimir Putin 
rare film reels.

Imprompu  film reels  

The Chateau Sandwich’ and Wine ? Special Ski  Recipe ? The Russian menu ? 
To RUSSIA WITH LOVE, yes, recipe posted soon. 

12:02 pm from my tiny villa  message from OBER GATLINBERG mountian in the state of Tennessee, USA, in the forests of black bear’s and fine lowest priced hotels at low as $35. per night, and some are can be $49. to $68. Average Prices. With standard rates that keep a busy vibrant city of lush revenue,. Risterante ? ( $6.00 average for a sandwich with chips or fries ) Brunch serves daily at Park Vista fine Luxury Resort Hotel with a fine Breakfast / Lunch/ and Dinner selection all day. .too, with an Olympic Scale Ice Skating Wrink 24/7 open to all in a public ice wrink. The Smokey Mountain’s Gatlinberg, Tennessee, USA. Drive to the top of the mountains or take the unique finest engineered tram, 24/7 352 days a year. Always open.  A lovely quiet busy fun, at 

Well, Michael ‘ The Smokey Mountians quiet villages are really rock and rolling in 2023-2024 , as delightfully busy. Even Aunt Mahalia Candies , fine confectionary including real American Butter Fudge Freshly Made is with impressive sales. Lineberger Sea food, The Brass Lantern Pancake House, Mc Donald’s, and Dixie Stampede, Sage Brush Inn, Bennett BBQ, and Dollywood/ from Dolly Parton, the Christmas Village Toy Train Shoppe, With love to you all. The German Style USA village shoppes, The Johnson Ice Cream Shoppe, Quick Stop Fuel Stops even with fried GEORGIA PEACH pies southern style, 
The tea room sandwich shoppes, even more to note. 

Charlin , the owner will enjoy that you arrived, 
and don’t forget to say a fine hello. Tell everyone,
 I wrote you an extra love note. 

3:04 pm tiny villa now DAVID BOWIE , now 
LET’S DANCE , FILM REEL UNFORGETTABLE. excusse’ un momento ‘ yes, hello, David , 
ah, yes , .. David Bowie, yes. love notes, and press statements, before 10:00 pm ? 

The other film David, I will look through my folders for it.    3:13 pm Tiny Villa Time NOW 

6:08 pm from my tiny villa , SPECIAL FILM REEL 

JOC TATI ‘ you are wildly political and lovely of you. Sandwiches in the country of FRANCE 
are delicious too, and the wine, is of a respected specialization of the lovely grower of opulent very love grape vineyard, loved well, everywhere in the whole world. Many smaller quite spectacular grape rows and rows of fine grapes of good makers of very good wine. Lovely film reel. 

Joc Tati ‘ films 

Friends in Sweden emailed , Hello yes, thank you, Hello with love in return. 
Swedish citizens in Europe, are in love, with Love Notes, and asked ? 
Is there a films too, of love notes, Joc Tati ‘ brilliance everyone. 

David , yes, excussi ‘.  6:17 pm from my tiny villa , Saranac Lake New York USA. 
2:20 am Moscow Russia, ah, sir Vladimir messages too, excussi’ 

MARCH 4 th 2024 10:08 pm from my tiny villa,
 Saranac Lake, New York, USA now 

Rachmaninov , a world famous composer, written works, of greatest sultry, auster love in a arrangement of a special symphony of OSLO SWEDEN , PHILHARMONIC, of the European Country of SWEDEN of the city of OSLO, with the wonderful people of world symphonies, and the kind, very lovely symphony conductor VASILY PETRENKO, in the honored Russian composer of RACHMANINOV symphony number 2. 

film Reel. Oslo Sweden, extremely political concerto sent from Europe in an extrodinary message of love. 

11:16 pm from my tiny village now. 

5:25 am. MARCH 6 th 2024 
Alma Coffin Powers 
with love from myself ,
 princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

MESSAGE to MOM With  Love from all over the world. 

2:42 pm MARCH 8 th 2024, Good Day everyone. 
Hello, to everyone, all over the world. There was more aimed issues at my door today, and unpleasant . Even just getting my postal mail was interrupted, and awful pounding idiot dc racketeer , aimed again, I was outraged. One nasty human yelled they were my brother. Of course my brothers are at work, and have seperate very good decency, and far, away, we do not get a chance to plan time much in many years. Of course, my brothers should know about, types of harrible idiot, rotwhilers.  in of dismal dc, pork rinding in cartel scams, aimed at the whole USA. What a harrible awful disruption to going to my lovely joyful minute to get a coffee break and then get out to look at the lovely trees in my beautiful entry, and enjoy getting my postal mail. Just a fun break for me usually, with many type of raw supplies for my extensive design projects in industrial design projects and well noted many fine catalogue sales, project work. The country is upset in the USA, with these unsavory , idiot humans, not the people of the greater, of such a great USA. My packages arrived, and my email was with updates of delivered purchase, and they are such fun to get a bit of a run down to the entry, usually a favorite time each day. I receive a great many, raw supplies, for extensive projects. Bill Gates, in 2014 noted me as one of the most prolific in project design concept and industrial noted work, in a honor. 
Was sweet words, from my  darling Bill Gates.  Lunch at the after event, on my tiny outside terrace in the southern region, was with a swim in my pool we all got in and had a splash. The tiny villa chatue in my southern tiny estate, is beautiful. Flights in are fast. Of course in 2012, in February I rented a small ocean side villa home, very inexpensive and 200 miles from the city of Seattle Washington, where Bill Gates corporation is located. My ocean rental, home office, was for quiet in ways to work on some projects delayed in specifically design, and with international exhibition in the cultural higher arts, of noted worth in museums. Every country, was so please in museums to receive my exhibition. They waited, and I replied. Wait until you read the arts colleges museums exhibition international honored. 
The international; company HERMAN MILLER, in 2022, wished to enjoy an offer to me for much earlier art sales, prints, and of course it an exclusive very lucrative offer, worth in a low projection of projected revenue of at least $35,000,000. oo in just beginning sales. I have not yet met with the president in a lunch event, in the real mortifying entry issues in my tiny villa. The business tea brunch meeting would be normal, and of still decisions of mine, to accept or not. Of course, everyone all over the USA and Canada and in all of South American Countries and all European Countries realized in 2013, in February that my prints in strait sketch one minute ink work in political sketch comments of the dc Oval Office and in some issues wrong in Washington DC, my cock roach dc strait political detail, sketch in one minute sketches, were with free prints I gave to all people free, on my project of STUDIOS INTERNATIONAL PEACE PROJECT , firmly online daily, and the whole world promises to print only one, and not sell it, due to not having copy or sales agreements. Everyone globally and in all USA village did print some very ugly sketch strait political comments of the harrible  dc dim, unethical, deviants, of what resulted in an impeachment in the Oval Office wrong dealing , in highly unethical type of issues which were negligent, in the USA government oval offices. The news nationally was, suddenly aimed at, and brushed that news in a whirling attempt to, missing reports, and issue were swilling with cock roache’ , Air Force one, swillers, After the PROM DC , ended, in my austere , exhibition, the exposused  in  ‘ sketched strait ink one minute doodles. Not my books of the lovely opulent work of very loved cultural exhibition of lengthy years. The earlier exhibitions of course are lengthy in European Exhibitions and of course in the USA, Canada and South America.  
slightly a few more 
upset delay, with postal ,mail raw supplies interrupter horribly. Even shipped grocery delays.
notably unusual .shipped in wrong boxes even from Walmart

catalogue , with lecture film upset , 
my quiet tiny villa. CATALOGUE SALE 
ready May 2023, sales event upsets , unthinkable upsets, pure unthinkable . Boxing to my postal mail box and hall entry steps and parking space of my tiny rental. ? My esteemed international honored work, well loved, has never been in delay. 

My project then , beyond Designs , is notable of my international success of my 
GREEN CARD AMERICA EXHIBITION. Astounding, messages globally were such an excitement for me.  Everyone really enjoyed the works of exhition  art, the out door events, arias, and films, and more. Governors were invites too, and the thanks giving was with a very lovely moonlight dinner. Of course, the alumni association in many alumni in the USA, were with invited and arrived , from Columbia College Chicago my alumni , in special honored international lecture and exhibition, Nashville’s VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, of honored in my lecture exhibitions internationally affiliated of arts colleges, and international business, Syracuse University Lectures Honored, Purdue University, as well,  with, Brown College of Canada internationally of my honored Lecture exhibtions, The Carr Musuem School honors : IE Vancouver Canada ,   and De Paul, and Yale, Harvard , Berkeley The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, my alumni , in honored international PHD advanced MASTERS ARTS AND DESIGN COLLEGE of royal honored work, I achieved. and more, some internationalist too. U of Florida , affiliated society honors, Manatobia Center for the Arts , the Beijing Center for the Arts, The FAMOUS DESIGN CENTER OF KOREA, The center for design in Milan Italy,  to name a few, in my breif paragraph, Honors in the country of Canada, The Moscow Russia College in Exhibition and lecture presentation,  The London England Royal Academy of England in the city of London, The Green Card America  Films on fourth street square in the village were exceptional and well, the lovely cafe sales and food specialist were outrageously excited, when I arrived, as they served me sweets, in gifts, and fine they are, with real events I worked on internationally in filming lectures right from my window seat cafe chair on location on the air events SEATLE in the large state of WASHINGTON.  In the northern west coast, large in many mountians of the great USA YELLOW STONE national forest region MOUNTAINS. David Letterman, flew in just to bring me breakfast, sweet man. Of course the universities are not in the complete list, of course, . 

Free aria exhibition, among many free project fun from myself at my company STUDIO VOSSE, including everyone in SEATLE WASHINGTON , close to the far west coast of the west coast of the country of CANADA large above the USA. Many Project in specifically in Piazza International Exhibitions in far more than invites of village walks, the arias 2012, SEATTLE WASHINGTON piazza 
GREEN CARD AMERICA exhibitions my compositional arias , became  an envy of the Seattle Symphony. Before the  to Vienna Austria events in Europe. 

Wildly I am unpredictable in fine event exhibitions, with enormous messages
 of increadible love, all over the world. We were enjoying the invitational together finest fun, with you all. 
My invited internationally I emailed to a large many, filled Seattle Washington with love.    

Finest cafe sales junior executives were exceptional. The plated gift sweets were so lovely everyone. Thank you for making time for me, in special gracious personal expressions, in plated sweets. Even chocolates, and WILLIAMS AND SONOMA too, fine little plates crudite’ fun. 

The earlier exhibition were lengthy in Soho New York City, yet, not the GREEN CARD AMERICA EXHIBITIONS , of the 2012 events in real SEATTLE WASHINGTON, USA. 

Of course, exhibition note lectures of my SNOW BIRD , exhibition, lengthy, in lower Manhattan West village are remarkably historical with many interested in even the brief filmed lectures, and Tiny Cataloge Booksm publications too. Aria with Culture Book dvds, I began creating in 2001, outrageously, I am surprised everyone is waiting to even purchase. I can say, gosh, really kindly, thank you with love to you that rings out everywhere all over the world and into the universe farther than the Omni Present orions. Love from myself Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

It’s a late breakfast for me today, WORKING MEETING IN MOSCOW RUSSIA WERE INTO EARLY MORNING  HOURS FOR ME. special envoy meeting too, and updates of the envoy soon. Offers from the Kremlin in very high esteem of my noted projects, are refreshing, and Vladimir Putin, of delightful charm in his very esteemed humanities and cultural humanities cultivations, is a embellishment to of course, again, earlier in years and now, find emotionally thrilling, . Even of great interest from all RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, whom created an opulent office for me in my on-location travels as a great kind dignity to me. Empty with design work to see perfect on my arrival in Moscow Russia again. The tiny rental is fine too.  

Russian Specialist , are with some finest historical details, as honors in MARCH 2024, are also including my mother in extended messages to her, for birthday wishes from international and national films. 

3:35 pm Tiny Villa Now Saranac Lake New York USA 

1:51 pm tiny villa MARCH 9 th 2024 

BIRTHDAY event for mom, with more films and love from all over the world to you mother and everyone everywhere of the lovelies of people and good wishes

in the international birthday 

1:55 pm from my apartment in my upset tiny villa now.
with press statement to expand upon the fork tungs vicious ,  concerning issues of the aim at me, and my prestigious sweet very loved work and company, banana News Love Notes, and the awful few, that aim my tiny estate, and automobile and my catalogue sales events on line, MONSTER FILM, book sales. And esteemed cultivated lenthy international work, with more about the history of the USA few whom aimed at the mortgages and tax dollars, grocery stores, fuel stops, etc etc etc, of the citizens of the USA all.  Internationally , people are savvy and love the USA of villages all, with good wishes and love, from all over the world. 

THE FEW GOOD BAD AND UGLY , depicted in a film by Clint Eastwood whom graciously made time to emphasize, some of the awful , few , and the short excerpted - bleak reel

my sweet friends : BTS from SOUTH KOREA , 
arrived , and with astere serious love. 

Rare Photograph  : message from BTS 

1:55 pm tiny villa now 

6:00 pm tiny villa now with some very special sandwich and wine supper meetings 
directly from MOSCOW RUSSIA with the PRESIDENT KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin, whom 
included extra special meeting within FEBRUARY 2024 and MARCH 2024, of military efforts in first class men and women as well as those in lengthy achievements as well. Enjoy the 10:00 pm meeting updates direct from MOSCOW RUSSIA. In special KREMLIN NOW UPDATES

6:10 pm, messages and more soon, while I wished to post a message from my very darling friends, and whom honored me, largely, in some complex projects of my sole owned company, as well as much of my civic cultivations in board of directors work, in museum cultural work, with even my very keen interest of clean air and water as a regional board of directors I devoted time in for the council in greater awareness of good standards in businesses cares of clean air and clean water, honored at the University of Tennessee , in the college of Environment Sustainability , of my beginning in 1991. Bill Haslum and three other governors of the state of Tennessee, with lovely work achieved, solute the RUSSIAN PRESIDENT sir Vladimir Putin , Kremlin of Russia and RUSSIAN SPECIALIST and RUSSIAN MILITARY in events and updates , of course sandwiches and wine too. The very special efforts of Governors and Emeritus Governor’s panels in the USA are wonderful. READ , and I must say, thank you all well, in NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL, exposee’ loved everywhere. More golf dates at fox den country club are going to be as special as they always were , with my thank you for the very kind honored many years to reflect upon. Film Talks soon everyone, I promise.  The symphony events are very special, your all so sweet, 

Sir Haslum , if you have time, set out a bag of walnuts 
for my little squirl monster. Not too far from your estate. What fun, coffee meeting were lovely, walnuts, on your way to Knoxville Tennessee Crutch Park everyone. Sting was traveling, walnuts . Toss . 
The Atwood Court Tiny Garden Estate, Pool Side, for monster, phone number , not working at all, on the link post, to read. Polo ? at fox den ? Wild everyone. xo with love.
 The Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger now message

7:28 pm, MICK JAGGER and everyone in the concerto of the international lovely ROLLING STONES. 
of course, MICK , the police were disbanded , several years back, nationally and then used idiot scams, 
that were part of a racketeering scam, at the dc, Oval Office, whom were using idiot scamming in 
cartel ( unethical types of stolen design to bad business, in impoverishing others, too. ). 

The political BOLD SWEET SONNET, in music is a historical time, of love.
 Lovely Everyone, thank you as well 
to Ed Sullivan for arriving to Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA.
 sandwiches and wine through March Supper Honored 
Events are smashingly something great to reflect upon , 
in the USA, ENGLAND , and all over the world. 
Wonderful everyone, just lovely. MICK JAGGER FILMS. 

7:55 pm secret OO7 moon USSR star satalight- EURO -FAR EAST , FILM , everyone ,
wonderful re- recorded music compostion, with amazing sound quality , even tiny villa excerpt organically of your gold music recording albums , 1970’s of the fine little sweet sonnet 

LADY MADONA from the works of mastery in ancient painting of Italy Cultural Works of Art, oil on canvas of love to desire more in life worth great efforts. John Lennon , Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison , perfect , I say it’s perfect. xo Mom will love the gift with the IPhone Gold Watch I purchased to give her. Wild, and lovely darling of the BEATLES. 

Film 007 USSR euro- far east star Statalight via princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett film Beatles , 

10:49 pm tiny villa love note 
Of one exciting favorite  event, with some difficult skating excellence with SIR VLADIMIR 
in excellent form on ice, I shall say, in  film again, before EASTER 2024   

3:15 am villa time now,

3:32 pm tiny villa time now : 
message from LONDON ENGLAND, 
from Mick Jagger with a serious message now. 
with everyone, many hello’s and nice to see you all. 
perfect, everyone , thank you, from all over the USA 
and ENGLAND, and all over the world. with love,
 and kisses sent to you sir mick jagger and everyone. 

3:55 am message from thee Bob Dylan , in a rare photograph, near my brown stone English Style, beach park villa in Chicago Illinois , USA years back, our little photo fun, with a sweet music sonnet ‘ message , yes, from thee Bob Dylan. Perfectly I think. 

film  yes. Really Bob, it’s delightful. miles of kisses. xo. 

the music : reviews in international work, gets serious in political bold, statements my darling friends,
BOB DYLAN , boldly uncompromising in strong statement , with an update now. 

Sweet you are, my darling Jimmy Hendrix , reviews in the USA are as bold as you darling with the music of broad political of a pure cultural diplomatic exhaultation, Even Bob Dylan and Russian Military love. The film is lovely of you in review expression, with your fine, guitar . Kisses to you. xo.

Thee Jimmy Hendrix Films, from Jimmy Hendrix 

5:02 pm from my tiny villa now. 

2:03 pm from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. good day to you all, everywhere all over the world, with my love to you everywhere. The reviews in meetings in Europe with sandwiches and wine are very lovely, with extrodinary efforts, and even the stability of the globalized economy improved with extra sandwiches piled on a platter for home, even in the USA at 10:00 pm meeting times of special supper honors for RUSSIA, AT THE KREMLIN LEVEL, AND RUSSIAN MILITARY,

Sandwiched and Wine extra suppers, have had an amazing effect, in excellence of some unusual reality when FEBRUARY in past history, has been noted financially in higher business of concerning sales, in small and larger company’s, historically, the worste sales month, and some times employment is with some concerns. People all realize the business in great efforts, can be with some concerns, and in FEBRUARY 2024, the event suppers were successful and of great meaning to the USA people with RUSSIA HONORED , sir Vladimir Putin of courses is with exceptional extended efforts in his large encompassing esteemed effort, in RUSSIA, with every remarkable care, of the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin, with extensive broadened remarkable affluence of passionate austere honored, schedules the Kremlin himself, put forth time for. Internationally every country in the whole world, gained a solid realized increase sales historically the very best, financial revenue, sales in villages all, in reality, the gold standards became historical in the highest ever in all history of FEBRUARY 2024, and employment solidly was more comforted in, cares of employment more. Incredible sandwiches and wine, and coffee with sweets, honors, with even serious meetings and reviews in the concerns in the USA, we’re with unusual global success, to note today. It has been some years, since the mid 1980’s when I was working as an executive director with over 30 people employed, and of course my extra business worth, was with great awareness of concerns of people, employed and of a reason to see a great ongoing wage increase yearly for such brillant devoted efforts. Beyond just my extra purchases of birthday cakes finest for each person , then, and some platters of extridinary sweets and coffees during busy days, even more. Gold Standards in revenue all over the world, historically is the largest in 2024. HAPPY VALENTINES FEBRUARY 2024 to everyone again, all over the world, everywhere. Thank you all, with my extrodinary love to you, sent, love notes: special messenger. QEW STAR 007 satalight , USSR 007 ,star satalight, FAR EAST OO7 STAR SATALIGHT , etc, yes, KOREA, OO7 star satalight. KOREA , modestly more. 
THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN, . I love you everywhere. Thank you for respective honors to my supper honors events. MARCH suppers are with honors press statements and Europe Meeting Rare Special Post , and international birthday events. 2024. 

Perfectly amazing everyone, everywhere. Historical you are all, with true love. 

re: the review GENE WILDER, I have my batton ready. 

2:39 pm, message : GENE WILDER, now, WILLY WONKA, where is that MADALINE KAHN  , 
A lovey professional genius, and as the genius film short excerpt with darling GENE WILDER, a very darling to of many others, is a sweet reality about civility, and respective in, shall I say of course, your sanctitude of your estates and businesses,  of course even assured Civility in top secret recipes, even chocolate of refines luxury of speciality confectioneries , and ideology of artistry.  Brisk , concerns, Willy Wonka has. Thank you with love to Gene Wilder, and everyone. Madeline Kahn  , too. Brats and Bentleys are not to be missed, everyone. Mustards Last Stand is again and again extra fun to enjoy.  
GENE WILDER and I are not giving up our Wisconsin Ice Crème Custard top secret , shoppe’ yet. 

film short: GENE WILDER and the wonderful darling of the film WILLY WONKA. 

I myself have my GOLDEN TICKET.   

9:38 pm from my tiny villa VLADIMIR PUTIN , in the most lovely photographs with RUSSIA LOVE and very lovely honors to lovely culture of RUSSIA, the whole world is excited about sandwiches and wine events and even a bit of HOCKEY, with the RUSSIAN MILITARY warming up for my arrival to get on my hockey skates and play a sweet game: HOCKEY myself, with Vladimir and RUSSIAN MILITARY. The HOCKEY event, everyone love the idea. The RUSSIAN PRIME MINISTER , darling friend too, is enjoying the audience view, with excitement. 

We are all prepared well. RARE HOCKEY FILMS  

10:02 pm VERY SPECIAL FILM , message, HAMPTONS NEW YORK CITY, USA, BRASS ENSEMBLE CONCERTO with smashingly successful: the  brass BATTON EVENT, with outstanding honors to RUSSIAN MILITARY, and Sir Vladimir Putin, president of Europe and even quite a surprise for my lovely mother’s birthday too. You are all darling as wonderful with an exciting film surprise and a wish to everyone all over the world of love. What excitement for special suppers.  
HAMTON FRIENDS , you’re all prefect. With love and gracious thank you everyone. 

12:36 pm from my tiny villa MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY , with everyone in the lovely city of TORONTO in the country of CANADA just an hour or so North of Saranac Lake New York in the country of the USA ,
message from the PRO HOCKEY LEAGUE OF CANADA , 

Kind of you all, seeing you drive through was kind too, Hot Coco and Pancakes again soon. 
Great Game everyone. 

12:41 pm tiny villa now, Saranac Lake, New York USA Now. 

2:57 pm EAST COAST USA E.S.T. eastern standard time, from my estate villa apartment rental, 
flat #3 in 109 PARK AVENUE , Saranac Lake New York USA, ( the numbers on the large stone wall entry steps were broken by riot dc , cartel, last summer, and of course as usual everyone, the invite, to drive on by, is of course in even millions of people extremely of quiet entry respect to my busy work, and we all meet at the park side grill. Not door to door soliciting buefaite, . In my southern estates my drive invites were with millions of people whom loved the town and country drive, and risterates fun with business and finest people. It can be quietly remarkable. Amazing, even with 500 million at the LA GARDIA arias , so peaceful and fine, so many arrived. My aria , it was exciting with us, in miles of seats together. Sweet everyone. 

Even the Prime Minister of Japan 
arrived from the European country of JAPAN and prominently found a seat somewhere. 

soon, while I have a one minute sketch  political review film , ah, postmodern: of THE BREACH OF ETHICS IN THOSE OF THE DIRTY FORK TUNG, prevocational actionable consecutive provoking - in muscle munition  clam  munic. 

MASTERS AND JOHNSON >  ( publication periodical of a large advance college, study theory text book for natural healthy reality published over 60 years  ) REVIEWS TOO . With some introspective messages from all over the USA. and internationally , savvy reviews. A recent review from the peoples of the country of VIETNAM were delightful in a real love for BANANA NEWS, among many all over the world. Soue ‘ Um’ in Vietnam today everyone, hello again, good evening to you all.  Thank you all for the Rice Tea, and messages.

Enjoy the film. Message from PURINA PUPPY CHOW FILM , so sweet  
in a review or basic great budgeting into a FEBRUARY INTO NEXT YEAR, at least, with great home desk supplies. READ  , under $3.00 Green Lime , lips glow in the dark. Lip Color , $6.00 , political work fun, to Fine Bold Expressionism , all over the world. READ 

6:54 pm tiny villa now : message direct at MIKE BLOOMBERG’S personal online site, with a many messages about time and perfect planning , as we all like to enjoy leisure and working worth of gold standard to individual achieve accumulative earned wealth, as a penny are very important globally - even if one cent in international countries are a different name. In China money is known as the word YEN . of course yes. Italy money is known as DINERO. FRANCE , is FRANK, SPAIN is Deblum, and then there is the LERIA. More countries, are with a language of word meaning money to know when internationally traveling with a money from your own country which can be gained in a equal dollar amount at an ATM , read in international words. TEN YEN = how many USA dollars ? Is important to prepare on a travel trip to thee European fat east country of  CHINA with more state providence than the USA of over 70 % larger. 

YEN ? Yes. Of course when we purchase from international merchant companies that ship, then of course the dollar is then calculated to that of yen and then the money is then in an what’s known as an exchange rate-exact equal  money ( of course a penny is always worth a penny and important pennies are, ) ( what is a penny value of the same, in a YEN ? )(  Chinese language of course, is in CHINA , YEN)  paying the merchant directly of course in a USA DOLLAR of a rate of what is exactly an even amount of money. Of course international merchants think about a USA dollar amount to provide ease to assure the exact clarity in USA DOLLARS , in online merchant shopping such as eBay.  While there are international rules of prices that are a requirement to only the shipping cost that is under a rule of international pricing standard only. And are with international rules of very important standard of postal shipping cost. Within the USA of course all USA people are with expectations to see the international regulations standard of compliances be realized to postal shipping which is with a direct unopened shipment from the merchant to the purchaser of the authenticated shipping address of the purchaser of whom actually ordered the shipment of course. Basics in Business are easily understandable. FEBRUARY 2024 was with very good sales of more than sandwiches and wine, as the honors suppers brought people out more, picking up sandwiches more with busy great work days, and up at 10:00 pm suppers too, even in more reading of love notes again and again. Late night 2:30 am posts , amazing people awoke and were listening to David Letterman and more, with very lovely messages to me, and reading everything. 
Sweet enormous thank you. Everywhere. 

BTS in South Korea awake in my afternoon post often and sent messages from Europe Far East South Korea often. Wild Darling Seven Sweet Men, with their busy schedules , friend to love more too. 

MIKE BLOOMBERG , has a great message and very astute honored work. With a few extra expressions I have in the press statement in section one soon. 
Thee Mike Bloomberg
mayor of NEW YORK CITY , New York USA. Message
Port Wine , and sandwiches piled high on a large finest platter chilled ‘ and open faces tuna melts ‘ special on pan grilled toasted German Rye, no seeds , back in our ole little stop too, Mike Bloomberg. I will order more English Port shipped darling Michael Bloomberg . 

7:27 pm BTS soki ( wine ) , and KOREAN BBQ sliced Chicken, cabbage Bok Choi ‘ fried shrimp  rolls and Peanut Sesame Sauce ‘ with ruffles potatoes chips and sour cream and chive chip dip. Again we can create the Bok CHOI ROLLS in some fine cooking fun. xo with love everyone. Press Statements opening statements begin.

10:00 pm sandwich and wine suppers as well. 
10:00 pm event press statement soon.  

NOW 7:35 pm at my tiny villa 

MARCH 12 th 2024 from my tiny villa , 6:17 pm tiny villa time , I have tape that is missing in my mail delivery that was with an email that stated it was delivered. It was not delivered and from Europe in a special type of fiberglass tape reinforced for a special project, in a awful delay and the tapioca mix was not delivered from Walmart at all, in the two day expedited shipping garentee which is with my $300. 00 order and was to arrive in the expedited shipping Walmart has used for many years. Always arrived in exactly two days just as garentees . Of course Walmart board of directors and the large employment of people, should be very upset. With very large reviews in even the people in the USA  whom shop too, at Walmart or any store, when it comes to these pestulent misfit dc, derger unethics. 

11:14 pm tiny villa now
 rare  film PENNY LANE , of a very special film of my darlings , of a great many years,  
John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison , quite special the film turned out very well, rare film the sandwich platter and  wine , wait until you see the whole menu. With a love notes , inside fun. With notes and notes of my menu book in dvd with film and compostions in music yet to experience, of extrodinary sandwiches and wine, soup and potatoes gratin , secrets of course yes. 

11:33 pm from my tiny villa : 
FOR MY MOTHER ‘ extended 
the lovely woman of the red RUSSIAN STAR in a very beautiful photograph from RUSSIA to mom with love to you my mother darling. and extra exciting  top secret after midnight messages. 

March 13 th 2024 9:31 pm from my tiny villa , HELLO everyone, everywhere, the late meeting were extraordinarily late, into early morning hours in my tiny villa : Europe Meeting and more. I wish to say thank you to everyone. Clint Eastwood and others, as well in some very special meetings. With an updated film message from Clint Eastwood and Henry Kissenger , both, whom are seriously political. Thank you to Clint Eastwood and Henry Kissenger both for also arriving at my international exhibition in MANHATTAN NYC NY USA AND IN NEWARK NEW JERSEY, for more than a sweet dance.  
Posted Film updates from CLINT EASTWOOD and HENRY KISSENGER soon. Elon Musk is included in some fine message films now, as well. Soon. 

Finest MOVIE FILM, now of ORSEN WELLS and many others in CHICAGO ILLINOIS, in the world famous movie of political perplexities THE STRANGER , in CITIZEN KANE,. MOVIE POST in within the my mothers international BIRTHDAY EVENT with more rare meeting photographs and very exciting world renowned messages in film, incredible. Real Love to everyone all over the world. 

rare and very special women’s RUSSIAN MILITARY meeting honors event photgraph organize by women in RUSSIAN MILLITRAY SPECIAL HONORS supper events, 10:00 pm from my villa via star satalight 007 USSR RUSSIA, in MOSCOW RUSSIA ,  with very special thank you for your esteemed lovely meeting messages, even over several years, via LOVE NOTES several years of posts and email messages. Esteemed, RUSSIAN MILITRAY WOMEN SPECIAL BERGADE FINEST. all , with a very large lovely thank you, from me and RUSSIAN PEOPLE, with love from all over the world. 


xo I LOVE YOU ALL, darlings of the royal country of RUSSIA. 
9:59 pm my tiny villa message email
Of an invite directly to me, yet more, to the a meeting of the government meetings in MOSCOW RUSSIA. of esteemed an invite directly from the KREMLIN. READ EASTERN EUROPE in the country of royal RUSSIA as one of the largest countries in all the world. With incredible, noted efforts of citizens  everywhere in RUSSIA with incredible lovely achievements of the tiniest to more,  and worthy cultural love.  Sandwiches and Wine , or cola, have been very loved and with great efforts of quality business too. 

Thank you to sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin of Russia for the, extra marque invite as well. 

Rare Meeting Photograph : Sir Vladimir Putin Thee Kremlin of the country of Russia is within a government council and with a gesture of respects to the country of JAPAN, in the hand gesture of palms together, Ancient to Japan , as Japanese to express ASIIOOU’ as a gracious meaning respect of a message “ good day “ also as hello. And as it shall be so,.  Ancient expression at the end of a meeting. 

FEBRUARY 2024 was filled more rare photographs of 10:00 pm meeting from my tiny villa via star starlight 007 USSR RUSSIA, Star starlights, with remarkable sandwiches and wine honors to RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, among RUSSIAN MILITARY, SPECIALIST and presidents of all countries in EUROPE, and extended government people in EUROPE, as well as European militaries of countries in EUROPE and a noted special RUSSIAN envoy within the extended effort of the PRESIDENT of  RUSSIA KREMLIN, SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN.  within the government of RUSSIA.

message of COMMENT  direct from the Kremlin of RUSSIA, Sir Vladimir Putin,  directly from the online site of the Kremlin with the government of RUSSIA, as an updated in love notes extra , from myself at love notes for an extra note in notations from Moscow Russia to read if you wish. 
or read from the direct online site, at : Russian Government Kremlin RU. 

ENSEMBLE of great formality politically.   with love to you all with my very special thank you again. 
with the ancient zilaphone of Ancient Rome, with expressions of sweetest lovely Russian Culture. 

RARE RUSSIAN MILITARY photograph exposee’ to me in love notes, of great honor from myself and love from all over the world. 
I love you all, from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

in very special FILM  and Photograph REELS 

FEBRUARY 2024 and MARCH 2024 
international supper , everywhere all over the world, 
rare event photographs from MILITARY OF RUSSIA with the KREMLIN sir Vladimir Putin of esteemed international diplomatic honors noted throughout the world. continental supper international finest sandwiches and wine.
event honored of RUSSIAN MILITARY 

Thank you, evermore is simply never complete as individually we strive in an evermore of minutes, to expressions even beyond words in a perpetual love towards times sacred in efforts of all, even unique of individualism and of intellectual deliberations of a world order within eminence, in a humanity of rules, ethical in a pleathora existant , of no minute to exists without regiment of more, in the minds of attainment toward a world, minute to embellish the fortitudes of our own chosen faite, side by side among the graces, ourselves, north , south , east, and west, sea to sea of countries, countries of people sacred in our selves, a love true, in the rules of our efforts, achievement, a sweet, reflection of none the bitter, a broad achieved of focus unfocused,   as the expressions of your very darling esteemed efforts toward  of GREAT RUSSIAN MILITARY infinite of even lust and of a romance in love strife and of the world, an existence honored in steps culturally, RUSSIAN to charish, achievement into leisure , expressions exhaulting to express, and of love to me, with thank you return love, astonishing , you all are, as an incredible pearl of minute, reflection which expanded the universe, of adornment to emerituse respective love, forever within humanity , of that, in a extrodinary existance of what is a humanity of greatest of all peril in that of greatest past, presence in times now, and a sweetest faceted som, sonnet of  jewels in sweet expressions we swashed through at times akward, of love into the furture, even larger in perils to be counted of minutes pasted many, of futures to echos an espiritus emeritus of what is a sacred human kind, ASTERE, in  RUSSIAN and of that a love throughout the whole world, everywhere,  of the alpha into all time existant of which will be a infinite omega , sweetest efforts a success, always to be,  of times, in astere delight toward all, a humanity. 

5:14 am from my tiny villa in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW 
supper honors JAPAN with 10:00 pm tiny villa meeting in EUROPE, and in JAPAN the morning hours in VALENTINES 2024 into MARCH 2024 are with incredible times and remarkable esteemed honors.

The first LOVE NOTES photograph of the honored military of the government of JAPAN 

So good of you all, with my love and very special thank you. 
Expressions of outstanding honors to you all, from everywhere, all over the world. Kisses sent to you all, and to everyone in the country of JAPAN with real love, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

the press statements, and the GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN in the far Eastern European continent, with a rare beautiful photograph and film special from Japan, and beautiful austere photographs of the PRIME MINISTER of THE GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN sir SHINZO ABE, the honored political dignitary as the presiding PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN, with extensively well loved honored work, well honored all over the world. Sandwiches and Wine Suppers JAPAN , of honor to Sir Shinzo Abe and specialist of Japan and government and lovely in honors to all millitary of the country of Japan, as you are with an  exceptional honor throughout all the world, and in the Japan exposee’ 

the exposee ‘ JAPAN   w/ sir Shinzo Abe 

statement photograph of thee Prime Minister of Japan Sir Shinzo Abe , from the 10:00 pm supper event VALENTINES 2024 

5:22 am Villa Time NOW 

TOM JONES , an ole darling friend of years, even 1979, of events at the city theatre, on Salina Street, Syracuse New York, USA. and the EVERSON Museum events, where I was first formally honored in a international art and cultural award, 1978,  at the auditorium lecture hall, message from Thee Tom Jones, with love to everyone all over the world. 

Thee Tom Jones: an amazing message today March 14 th 2024 
It’s been years Tom since we were standing in line at Hied’s Coney Grill , in Liverpool New York USA. 
Thank you graciously for your strictly political message. Very good of you. Bentley Films are going to be smashing, with Ginger in her little Royle Royce. 

8:12 am from my tiny villa in a message in film PETER SELLERS, DARLING , 
“ it’s a hard days night” 
from the Beatles , is wonderful , I think so too.  Marvelous the film, it turned out fine. 
Sandwiches were delicious too. lovely darling Peter Sellers. 
Peter, good morning, darling , the coco was perfect. Just a little thank you again. 

5:06 pm from my tiny villa with a breif message from WILLIE NELSON read .

BIRTHDAY SPECIAL more to my mother EXCITMENT in USA HISTORICALLY RICHE ARTIFACTS in USA monuments of ancient bronze sculpture ‘ automobile parades on fine cars of highest excellence and architecture to note in even more travel day trips too.

Rowing  Societies : and Secrets and Finest Birthday Wishes 


Sir Vladimir Putin, The Kremlin of Russia, is among the men and women of the RUSSIAN MILITARY, in an honor supper 10:00 pm villa time meeting with sandwiches and wine, and colas, continental coffee and cakes with domestic Russian Chocolate special confectionary sweets of ROYAL RUSSIA. The minutes were sweet of everyone, to have decided to express in a photograph of the honor to my great cultural love to RUSSIA, and that of RUSSIAN MILITARY, and government executive council people in RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. The Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, is outrageously of such honoring,  esteemed towards Russian Military, as Vladimir Putin is in the photograph, shoulder to shoulder with everyone. 

The formal Military Fine Wool of the Royal Coats of Royal Russian Military, are saviored in all regiment of the great protocol of the Russian Government of Millitary honored by Russian people and the whole world of people everywhere.   Serious Political Rare INTERNATIONAL  Statements of Military specialist in a women’s Bergade of RUSSIAN BEST, a savvy expression of worthy noted messages to me, for love notes. Second lower photograph. 

JAPAN MEETINGS EUROPE:  Women of Royal JAPAN MILITARY of far Eastern Europe : in an honor event of extrodinary work, and notable political dignitary regiment 
with humanities honored specializations and notable humility. Japan photographs are  directly above in photographs one and two. 

A more formal event supper, beyond the extrodinary photographs of expression in a world international honors event supper globally honored with love from all over the world. Expressions are with exception in an austerity of solidarity and firm bold political statements. 

JAPAN honored in international suppers in specialization and excellence of humanities of the solidarity statement from the people of the royal 
as a cultural individual statements in solidarity and secular government within a great sovereignty ,  in an expression of PEACE, historical of expressions of real love, in all sanctions of ethical prosperity. 

4:52 pm from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake New York USA Now, 
The message from a specialty company in RUSSIA, missle top , hand made hand blown finest, glass Christmas Tree Top ornaments of love , in the ancient ornament to collect in a purchase of a REAL HAND MADE RUSSIAN ORNAMENT,  ancient of lovely cultural traditions in great excitement all over the world. With a impromtue film of the finest in lovely artistry of real RUSSIAN MISSLE TOP named after an actual red Berry of Thorne Missle  Toft vines which only grow in the RUSSIAN BLACK FOREST , in the very top of the fine tall ancient million years old, evergreen fir pine tree forested regions. The RED and WHITISH  BERRY VINE TREE TOPS, are a delicious fruit for small forest chip monks, birds in many varieties, and other small furry cute forest animals. Russian forest migration of birds, are forever with the tart luscious red berry fruit of winter vines throughout the very coldest winters. Even in Siberia Russia known to be the coldest of cities in January Months. Siberian Jinsing Tea from a Siberian Tea, variety is a tea that is a special tea leaf, which only grows in Siberia of the variety of Siberian Jinsing, and can be a good tea, a winter  warmer refreshment, .
Even the birds can enjoy, with an abundance, of Siberian Wild Jinsing in the forest large Beautiful Black Forest Emerald Evergreen Fir Pine Forest. 

Perfect film everyone, Dubre Din . 
ornaments are extraordinary.  

film special: CHRISTMAS GLASS , specialty of finest world holiday glass bulbs. 

7:01 am tiny villa time now  message from THEE ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER ,  born in the European Country of AUSTRIA , Olympian World Athlete, With an amazing regiment, of standards and education worth, with achievement in world athletics, and. Excellence in business with achieve HIGHER Business Education, regimented, in highest standards , as a hard working busy Governor Of the State of California , of the United States of America, ( U.S.A.) , in excellent standard and achievement and words spoken in an impromtue  film now.  

12:16 am  Tiny Villa Time Now, MARCH 16 th 2024 with a sweet and serious hello. With very kind love to you all, in the countries everywhere , all over the world. In the USA as well, kind hello to everyone, with gracious love to you all, and a wish to you that your sandwiches and wine suppers are with piles of sandwiches in, serious reviews. It is my wish , that everyone is enjoying the international birthday events to my very esteemed mother,  and of course, then the international very prestigious honors to sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the country of Russia and honored suppers of esteemed RUSSIAN MILITARY, among international European Military, with very esteemed specialist and European Presidents and of course government people within a secularity of each government within all countries of Europe of sovereign  national seperate countries. Achievements, and notable lovely worth of humanity in highest standards are very honored throughout the entire world. Before I expand upon the press statement in focus as well, I have many messages from automobile multi conglomeration companies, and this particular message is from ACURA , with love. Made to perform, last, and ride, well into the future, even under pressure. Which Craft ?  read   Film Press Statements have begun.  

 beyond supper with 007 RUSSIAN USSR star satalight film 

1:59 am tiny villa  Surprise Message more, 
for my darling lovely Mother’s Birthday 
lecture film , from sir Charles, King of the Royal country of
With more about the cultural movement with the  British Invasion 

MICK JAGGER 6:19 pm from my tiny villa time now 
fantastically BRITISH , from the country of England , with remarkable work in compositional music honored , in cultural work, with political gentle love. Noted honor from the Queen of England , Her majesty Queen Elizabeth , and of a love of people all over the world, everywhere. My darling, the honors in suppers of sandwiches and wine, are even more perfect with you. Spectacular of you to enjoy simple perfect tuna salad sandwiches, and crisp Italian Chianti ‘ I love you Mick Jagger, the film message is absolulty wonderful. With love to the everyone, including love to the many lovely people in the filmed auditorium. In love notes, VALENTINE , with MICK JAGGER , loved everywhere. 

FILM w/ Mick Jagger 

wild horse MICK JAGGER and Keith Richard’s in the concerto of the ROLLING STONES. 

Honor Supper Valentines 2024 Africa - Russia 
European Meetings Specialist in AFRICA esteemed military and the esteemed President of Africa, Sir Ceril Raymos 

rare event supper photograph : Valentine 2024 FEBRUARY , MARCH 2024. More about the sandwich menu soon. 

2:25 am message, darling Sweet Note   
 Russian Love, thank you everyone.       
Encouragable  , such a Sweet Note sir Vladimir Putin Lovely 
message as the   Kremlin of Russia. 

March 16 th 2024, 10:01 pm , hello, everywhere, please let me say, I am slightly pressed for time with a press statement first series press publication, soon posted in love notes and with a 10:00 pm supper meeting with many lovely details to post too, after the actual first series international press statement film brief made, for all ages, soon posted. 

With an especial international birthday to my beautiful mother, with extra sweet wishes of love, even from DAVID LETTERMAN and CHARLTON  HESTON, with more historical notes into March 2024. a very special international HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVENT  

10:09 pm from my tiny villa now 
5:09 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW, excussi’ Dubre ‘ Din, Sir Vladimir ‘ 
Lovely Sir Vladimir,   Yes. Ah. MOSCOW RUSSIA RUSSIAN LOVE 

1:23 am from my tiny villa MARCH 17 th 2024 , ST. PATRICK’s day, in the USA , of the love for many throughout a cultural Mecca, of Europe with many countries and that of many languages to realize in a very large and quite prosperous lovely lengthy history, with the love of humanity of a ever prosperous, existence.  The fortitude of graces toward achievement of regiment in a lust of love and leisure, achievement, of an emeritus regiment in an espiritus, monolithic humanity, of importance of an omnipresent reflection of real humankind. In a step toward fierce structure in ethics of a greater belief in something of greater to adorn. Achievement of minute and that of a periled exhalation, which crowns out periled minds. Luciano Povaroti ‘ of a kind gracious music composer and of delightful broadened cultural expressions in song, of love everywhere. Av Et Meritus ‘ the aria, is a very special rare recording for St Partick’s day.  What does St Patrick have to do with HOLLAND , and AFRICA, and IRELAND , SCOTLAND, ITALY , SPAIN, ENGLAND, FRANCE, GREECE, into all countries of the EUROPEAN CONTINENT , from far Western Europe all the way to the Far East . Iran , Iraq , Poland, Denmark, Sweden , Israel, Turkey, Hungarian, , , Holland, Germany, Saudi’s Arabia, Aphganistan, Quait, Austria, , excussi ‘ there is a very long list. The international press statements are just beginning. Soon , more countries and even many more honors , RUSSIAN and surprisingly even many more.     

Luciano Pavarotti ‘ it’s a beginning I think. Secrets exist, and soon, you shall know everything. 
Darling Luciano , it’s so kind of you. Thank you with very kind graceful love to you my darling of 
such years. Your secret film ? Soon. The honors sandwiches and wine, with you is such a delight that is lovely of you. Thank you. With all of my love, from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

5:07 pm from my villa : March 17 th 2024 
Thee sir AL Green in music compostion politically bold with Sir Al Green , in the sweet green green grasses of freedom of humanity and a st Patrick’s Day of historical review and an abundance of finest expressions. Political , excussi ‘ Sir Allen Green ‘ ah the excerpt , only ? Lovely Sir Allen Green,
“ RIDE SALLY RIDE” in film   Sandwiched and Wine , Allen, were splendid, good of you to re- record your song about a new political ride. 

Lovely ALLEN, in the finest green grasses in political expression in film. 

The lovely green grasses, ALLEN, it’s nearly spring 2024 , and then back to the Bentley in our town and country drive films. Very good of you darling, thank you for the lovely rare music film. xo . 
HAPPY ST PATRICK ‘S Day everywhere, all over the world. 

The city of NEW YORK CITY, of NEW YORK STATE, USA, is with several fine choirs events in the extremely well loved MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY , ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL on Fifth Avenue in NYC NY USA, in the mid MANHATTAN , village region of the large city of NEW YORK CITY, in NEW YORK, USA, with a one of the most well known cathedral of the USA, and with a very noted religious society within the VATICAN , of POPE FRANCIS, of ROME ITALY, whom is the central religious figure, to the ARCH. ST PATRICK’s cathedral with a very vaste European History, in IRELAND, in the Catholicism of the well visited cathedral in New York City, as St Patrick Cathderal is located, and always with a welcome open door to all, people everywhere, in the quite of the central hall of seats ever present to all, to enjoy a quiet repite, on travels, of many people in the USA and internationally. 
more history of the cathedral , perhaps soon. Such as the tradition of the HARLUM BOYS CHOIR , with extraordinary historical EUROPEAN SWEET, aristocracy in charming beautiful history ancient to the modern Industrial Revolution. My book publications are, top secret.  

SYRACUSE HOCKEY is in season in ice skates well done, SYRACUSE HOCKEY and a great fun in 
ST PATRICK’S EVENTS, in the great love to cultural IRELAND as a country in EUROPE , in the western region. Of course ST PATRICK , is of the ancient work of paticery, of fine confection and soda breads. 

Not all particularly Irish Soda Bread . The love of plain scone of the soda bread, is then bejewels with lucious fruited extraordinary varieties that arrived of merchants internationally, with amazing farm fruited selection, and nuts, with love for the variety of even AFRICAN TROPICAL excellence in tropical fruit  orchards . And finest nuts and large COFFEE FARMS , KENYA AFRICA is with exception. A Sweet Som in Song, everyone, 
in the English -alphabet ABC ‘s USA, for even the youngest childern with soft lovely expressions from BILLY JOEL , for the sweetest tiny lovely minds ABC ‘S in film

Very nice of you darling Billy Joel. HAPPY ST PATRICK’S Day , 
on March 17 th 2024 USA COUNTRY HOLIDAY. 

 9:02 pm JOCQUES PEPIN ‘ of the country of Royal France in the Mediterranean Region of Europe, it is lovely to enjoy your film , perfection with great thank you for the IRISH SODA BREAD , film .Quite charming of you darling . Finest.  Everywhere all over the whole world. 

Jocque Pepin Film Production by Sir Jocque Pepin . Everyone in Ireland of the GAYLIC = ( Ancient Irish Language Studies ), are going to enjoy the lovely IRISH SODA BREAD RECIPE, well loved everywhere. 

Jocque, perfect, with fine cheese and sweet crisp flavore Sparling Wine, I must say. 
Thank you again.  

STATEMENT MESSAGE from my darling Paul Mc Cartney , 
with an very large upset towards my catalogue sales , and a LARGE BOOK, in mastery of love in the world and love for PAUL MC CARTNEY , whom is prolifically bold in honored political international achievements. The Christmas card invite from Paul Mc Cartney never arrived. 
STATEMENT FILM by thee Paul Mc Carntey my darling lovely Paul. 


The people all over in the country of IRELAND in WESTERN EUROPE , 
will enjoy the art of hand made IRISH SODA BREAD, with everyone everywhere, all over the world. 
The fine international variety of imported cheeses, with Irish Soda Bread and a fine English Port bottle of wine is quite delicious with a Good Chicken Sausage Thin Sliced Cured Brisket Grilled Sandwich , in Buttered Toasted Texas Toast Bread, with an Irish Crème Sauce, and fine Two Inch Thick Manoline Hand Slices Fried Season Salt Potatoes. 

11:04 pm from my tiny villa now , is a surprise for all ages.  HORTON HEARS A WHO. 

Horton Hears a Who, by dr. SEUSS , first in books and then, films. with love. 

11:15 pm from my tiny villa message from MILAN ITALY , $14.08 BOLD TRINKET BOTTLED, 
with a VALENTINE PARFUME  for the love of a VALENTINE 2024 to reflect the honor supper with a scented splurge in a sweet scent purchase as VALENTINE 2024 trinket from the finest makers in exclusive scent Et Du Parfume MEN AND WOMEN , et du toiletries parfumes, perfection. Black Valentines Bottle , under $14.00 free shipping 


2:54 am from my tiny villa apartment in the large estate, apartment house. Before I begin, international press statement , within the MARCH 2024, and get into the issues caused in the region of shippments of Christmas Trees , in the USA which were shipped internationally as as low as $20.00 for lovely inexpensive well lighted pre ready finest fir evergreens.  Which was with some dc unethical racketters, and cartel in massive unethics , in one cauldron, and did break into the postal shipping in the USA, to a derge of linked deviants , in attempt to tech attacking and outright break ins, whom rerouted the shipping and took the actual trees, as a intent in disodents of unethics , in a USA main line shipping air port in the USA. With a very serious , many other issues these inhuman dillatonnes shoved , in unfathumable unethical actionable intent. Not exactly pleasant , as not included in the actual international  press statement. While the international press statement is with a LINK [ USA concerns ] , series one 1-99  and series two - zero , 1 - 8 cartooning in international lime light. Perhaps a series three cartooning perhaps perhaps. 

At 3:10 am now in Saranac Lake USA. from my tiny villa , ah, excussi’ yes, Sir Jim Perdue, good of you darling, it’s near time for the BENTLEY FILMS again, and that lovely PERDUE SUMMER, estate lake house pavillion, boudiou mushroom brown sauce  chicken shishkabob w/ fresh vegetable shishkabob roast, never escapes my wonderful look back, as the professional international chef conferences in 1986 into more conferences, excellents in foods a conversation of our drives , with my little Mitsubishi Automobile then, to even our ole pancake and fried chicken breakfast in Perdue Indiana ,of   always your darling charm. The excerpt post from directly at PERDUE, company, is a delightful expression of great meaning to me. PERDUE , finest in poultry in a humble lovely expression .
The Puoilis Fusci’ wine, was perfect, I think. xo thank you again. 

Meet me, in Dresden Cafe again. What fun. 
The TEIRED TREE, of pop corn balls was, upset in the aim at my sweet company. Christmas is going to be an important review to charish, looking at the update post of POP CORN BALLS, on a tiered tree, even in April, with finests pumkin pie, and more , with incredible honors too, to everyone of PERDUE, and throughout state of Indiana , Ohio, Illinois , Iowa , Minnasoda, Kentucky , Idaho, Wisconsin, Michigan , Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia , Mississippi , Louisiana , South Dakota, and North Dakota , and New Mexico , Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, Colorado , Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Arkansa , Vermont , Connticuit , Washington State, Maryland, Virginia , West Virginia , Oklahoma , Delaware, Pensilvania , New York State, , New Hampshire, New Jersey , California, Rhode Island, Maine, New England, Massachusetts, .  More, Alaska , Hawaii, Georgia, .    more. Ah, une momento’ .46 ? 4 more USA states , ah, yes. Excussi’ 

Nebraska , Wyoming , Oregon , Montana . 

USA MAP , outline of states and a few of the larger cities such as Chicago in the state of Illinois. 
Of course the map outline is not the WORLD ATLAS , of separate countries of an Atlas Road Map which is of each country and seperate pages of maps per each state and lists all cities of all states, and the USA is with 50 states. Of course. Of course the vaste country of CANADA , is at the upper area of the map which is north on a strait horizonal line west all the way east, as upper areas are the country of Canada. 

6:33 am tiny villa now  : SIR ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER MESSAGE.   THEE REAL GOVERNOR OF THE ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, as one of the 50 states of the United States of America (USA). California, is with many cities and even more villages, which some villages are of many in some of the larger cities, and tiny cities are often with only a few village corners in tiny villages. 
Of course California is with several very large cities, one which is the city of Los Angeles California. West coastline of the USA is of the Pacific Ocean coastline and it is of course of a region in California which has, a large coastal road that is quite beautiful. The drive, is with many town villages, in a quiet lovely ocean drive view. Something to make a notation about if traveling in the USA.  

8:57 am tiny Villa Now message 
from everyone at VOLVO of the country of SWEDEN 
in EUROPE. read the statement if you wish. 

8:59 am tiny villa time now 

11: 18 pm from my tiny villa now : message from Sir ROLF ACHILLES, whom is one of the worlds most notable historians, specializing in cultural preservation , with a focus in historical museum artifacts of noted very significant antiquities of cultural humanities, of international standards of preservation and on global levels. As a darling, colleague , and sweet friend, and my personal former professor in world cultural in significant international mastery in cultural artifacts, at both , COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO, and the royal master advance school of the arts, of the MUSEUM OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO , IL, USA , of affiliate to ROYAL MUSEUMS in Europe ,  and internationally. I wished to include Sir Rolf Achilles film. Even unfinished. “ The Auditorium “ series one statement from sir Rolf Achilles , PROFESSOR in advanced studies in International  Cultural Preservation. Specializing in decorative arts. 

While the email at the end of Sir Rolf  Achilles film , was not, actually in the film , and a slight upset.  

Darling Rolf , it was a pleasure popping in to the Drake Lower Level Coffee Shoppe, with great Italian Style Sherbet ‘ My mother is going to enjoy the pre- lecture about the Auditorium. Thank you for the lovely sandwiches and wine events throughout Chicago Ilinoise , as I realize the FEBRUARY 2024 business was with comfort to the USA in extra review and honor events with piles of platters of sandwiches and wine, milk shakes, root beer floats with ice cream, coco and cola too. With a sweet message from RUSSEL STOVERS , with extra heart shape red, boxes of chocolates on sale, I am going to see an extra purchase, too. xo with love to you and everyone. love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

11:13 am from the tiny villa
THE OPEN STATEMENTS HAVE JUST BEGAN , in a pre international press statement, which will include the actual area of excessive aim at me and my international company which was aimed at by a dc , leaping unethical misfits , racketeering in riot scamming, connected in cartels , and rogue military, at top pentagon levels which include a misfit group of unethical brutal nato racketeering , in deception of standards in within the USA government , breaking ethics of standards, and aided cartel with aim at over ten countries in, breaches of international and USA national ethical compliances. The aim at my catalogue sales in the May Schedule of 2023, of my international exhibition and sales of my very well loved and highly honored sketches and painting , with compositions in loved well music, including the 60 sketched of High Design of my Well Known book published in 2009, THE CHAIR BOOK , in dvd form with my vinette of fine obscure minimalist music compostions in perfomance in an Ancient my performance of a Rome Carbon - Steel Harp  , of literature of honor to Greater Farms and Economic standards with the opulence of fine chairs in numerous 60 of my chairs of industrialist design extensive work. Notes in the  International Architecture Interior Society and the Society of International Design of Milan Italy. The royal  flambé book and the movie MONSTER and the WALNUT in development has been noted to be of a projected sales of worth to my company revenue of over $46 billion, and a recent update projected earning gain in revenue on the catalogue sales, from a specialist in Bejing China , the sales equity worth was $58.5 billion,  in equity earned gains. The work in the catalogue sales and Royal Flambé Book Sales and the Royal Russian Menu Book of course was fully completed by May 2023, while the aim at my company was unfathumable , as the envoy in MOSCOW RUSSIA , about the tech issues that were cause from dc misfits and racketters / cartel cause yet more unfathomable delays to me. Unthinkable. Just getting to my post box as I usually joyfully do, was with dc misfit attacker, whom actual stole more than several of my imported raw materials, which I purchased for my special designs, with an office printer I purchased which was stolen,  after it was delivered from Walmart in two days expedighted shipping just as I purchased the printer, in 2022 late summer,  as the pestilence , aimed to troth and troll inside the estate entry halls outside my villa apartment door, as  unethical prowlers,  and swarmed my mail box, even with unregistered, odd letters. With a particular letter that was extremely mortifying when the riot misfit began putting letters on my car, as they circled the area, and aimed to riot my street parking , and very opulent quiet villa home office.  The special envoy , in Moscow Russia , is with some of my specialization in international business in areas , in analytic standard , and cultural expansions, and have been, honored  in MOSCOW RUSSIA , within the executive RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, as a savvy considerable worth in my unusual specialization, if I accept the offer of, independent specialized work I may extend some exhibition lectures more, within a RUSSIAN ENVOY, with quite a professional fee, offered from the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin.  Auditorium Lecture exhibitions in Moscow Russia, are with a series of wild cultural events, and with some excitement from MOSCOW RUSSIA. All of RUSSIA is with excitment ,  with very special thank you. 

EUROPE MEETINGS , reviews are tough. 

The Green Ticket / GLASS STORE PROJECT is gaining USA attention, with reviews and solutions. 
What is Green Ticket / GLASS STORE PROJECT ? important it is, yes. After the wine delivery arrives , and I write my theoretical ideals about my automobile in the late walk to put my key in my automobile and then drive it, as I divulge the reality, of the insurance and detail underlined ownership, and provisional areas for all whom own their automobile , and more, yet, with my very special RUSSEL STOVERS CHOCOLATE, Diet Coke , Rum , Root beer,  AND EXTRA SELECTIONS OF my  two day grocery order shipment , we can all get through the international press statement , and discuss the reality of GREEN TICKET / GLASS STORE PROJECT  one option. 

12:28 pm from my tiny villa in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW 

10:53 pm from my TINY VILLA , RUSSIA  the country of great royal aristocracy , in celebrating 
is also celebrating the good love of the people of RUSSIA and love from people in all of the European countries and from all countries of the world. Of course, there is a wild feaverant ( hip ) dance in RUSSIAN of a modern ballet reign dance reminiscent of the ancient reign ( of a love czar , Kremlin of a excellence in regiment of ethical greater effort to a country )  “ INDIAN REIGN “ dons de dance’ 
preparing in great effection to myself , of the notations of success of Indians, of all countries, of greatest standards of being merchants , as traders in products in of course to gain revenue and wages of good stability. Everyone, what a surprise you were in great step, with my fun. Lovely celebration event  from MOSCOW RUSSIA. With love to you darling Vladimir Putin , I love you, sweetly my darling and Kremlin of Russia. What esteemed expressions of such great people . Lovely 007 star satalight RUSSIA   USSR. SATALIGHTS.  With my most gracious affections  of love and honored expressions , of miles and miles all, a prosperous road, to be, of your. 

ROYAL RUSSIA, a lovely existance  of prosperity in infinite RUSSIAN LOVE. 

FILM :  from THE PEOPLE OF ROYAL RUSSIA and sir Vladimir Putin, within all sweet delightful govrrnment people of the government of the country of RUSSIA, with great RUSSIAN MILITARY, among very successful MILITARY SPECIALIST OF THE GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA ,   in a lovely nobility of love of the people of RUSSIA , as a long reign as Kremlin of Russia 

special notation about the , type over, false announcer , which was an USA , issue that unethically attached  wrong words , no one knows the pho- hose. Even pho- hose, aimed in to the USA, in phone issues too, , 

With  the real celebration directly from MOSCOW RUSSIA , Sir Vladimir Putin, we’re excited and quite wonderful People in Russia and the Ukraine, Germany, Poland , Holland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Israel, Aphganistan, Iran, Turkey, Kasastan,  and more Western Europe to Eastern Europe. very lovely everyone. 

and the honor to ALL RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , 
and lovely citizens of the vast country of RUSSIA 

11:13 pm from my tiny villa now 

9:57 am from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake New York USA, Good Morning to everyone, in the western continent, in the USA and all in South American Countries and south seas countries as well as a fine hello to everyone in the country of Canada, of the country of sweet children too, simply sweet CANOOKS ‘ of lovely citizens of the country of Canada, all fine children of Canada, finest Canooks’ as I was thinking of everyone, and wish you all well in your serious school studies, and great breakfast , lunch, and dinners, and the fine fun of learning to actually play Hockey as a child carefully with gentle skate practice, as I myself practices often at the age of 8 years old when first playing real Hockey , so I wished to say hello, and carefully practice well, as you must have ice skates that lace up the foot special over the ankles nearly 1/3 high on your legs, with extra tight shoe strings that must be tighten from the toes, and tighten the shoe strings as you go higher extra well, taunt (  very tight on your foot and all the way up your legs. Then double bow. With extra knot, and of course very good snow pants and coat, gloves. Thick scarf, and ear muffs with an extra warm hat. With a few gallons of water, coolish, you pour the water out into a flat area in colder weather, then a small ice skate area in your front or back yard can be extra winter fun. with kind lovely wishes for you all to skate well. I myself learned to ice skate well, on a double bladed ice skate special to ease ice time. Double Blades on each ice skate, and then sometimes you have to keep them waxed on the blades with a fine hard milled bar of soap. Great waxed ready to skate blades. xo to you all, and xo to all children internationally.  

good evening to everyone in all the many countries of EUROPE.  
WINE AND SANDWICHES , YES, I think so, suppers with EUROPEAN HONORS , will be finest into 

April 2024 .  WINE buy a selection of 12 standard sized BULLETTE ‘ 
( bottles ) , at under $50. 00 total price with free shipping. I just placed my purchase for 12 assorted bottles of very good selections of wine. I will be looking for the entire case in my postal mail box and excited of the selection and good price, from GRUPON 

5:40 am sos from thee    GORDEN MATHEWS ,  STING
A BIRTHDAY MESSAGE TO MY MOTHER, with love that expands beyond heaven and earth. 
special delivery 007 RUSSIAN STAR SATALIGHT USSR rover duel universal Europe Standards, et el, Saudi Arabia 007 SASR star starlight rover, ie: hie de et el de et el de cow jump ober de moon.   special message , via England 007 QEW , one, QEW two star satalight rover, via Beijing China 007 star satalight ie: rover I LOVE YOU ,  to my mother, from all over the world. 

6:09 am message from DARLING GINGER RODGER’s a very lovely person I have known, since  1979 , 
even at, a few sandwich bar seats , elbo to elbo, out for four layer chocolate cake, and coffee, fun. Ginger Rodgers, finest, in AMERICAN STANDARD TELEVISION, as a Director and Producer in Broadway Film and Stage, of Ginger Rodger exciting work, RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN , rodgers 
that is. Of course, yes, Fred Astaire , can dance. The rare very good film, is remarkable Ginger Rodgers 
in an extrodinary lovely music compostions. You shouldn’t have. Perfectly perfect.    

sandwich and wine honors are the sweetest with you. A real special rare recording,

Of “ PICK YOUR SELF UP”.   from thee 
GINGER RODGERS , . thank you with kisses sent, from me and everyone, all over the world. Kisses sent to Fred Astaire too. 

Vladimir Putin Darling, it’s Ginger Rodgers , Fred too. 
 oh, please listen if you can break away for a minute. ? 

12:24 am everyone, from my tiny villa MARCH 22 nd 2024 
are with the word on the street : GARGANTUAN 

yes, one word GARGANTUAN  

THE ST LOUIS CARDINALS are gracious with a great baseball game in great major league ball rules. 
10:00 pm is now with after midnight suppers, exciting honors to countries and Millitary in Europe, are a reality I look forward to, even since I sent out formal INVITATIONS  TO MY EXHIBITION  on THE QUALTY OF WHOLE MILK , as an affordable real love, with broad focus on  affordable foods, and a pleathora more,  and cap on inflationary indiscretions, love to people , even at the great candy company of chocolate candy delight “ PAY DAY “ candy with caramel, chocolate and fresh roasted spainish peanuts , mostly from peanut farms in the USA in the state of Georgia whom employed an entire tiny city of USA people paid well, employed in excellence quality work environment , and love to the greater farming specialization with Real Invitations to all 
European Presidents FRESH WHOLE MILK , 
of my invite exhibitions project w/ lectures 2013 , IMPORTANT TO EUROPEAN MILITARY , in all countries, is with my honor to everyone, governments , presidents too, Her Majesty the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth quite an esteemed political savvy diplomatic well loved Queen of England, of Great Emeritus Achieved Work, loved devoutly.  
Honored  highly of very lovely esteem to THEE SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN as the KREMLIN of the royal government of RUSSIA,  as a very important extremely special notation , again I will reiterate, lovely greater well achieved, as my expressions of admirations are very  important. Delightful Political Dignitary. With love sent to everyone. With gracious thank you.   

expressions , from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

1:05 am from my tiny villa now. 

4:42 am from my tiny villa,
Saranac Lake New York USA
MARCH 22 nd 2024 

GREATEST EXPRESSIONS to everyone in the Middle East , of many countries, and that of the country of ROYAL  EGYPT.  

The Islamic Religion 
 exciting for the whole world to realize the lovely Islamic Religion well loved throughout the world. 
in a rare photograph, the  lovely people of the country of EGYPT and everyone will enjoy all over the world. There are very special celebrations during the Holiday of Ramadan , and with the sandwich and wine suppers 10:00 pm from my villa honors events. The EGYPTIAN MILLITARY   with the PRESIDENT OF ROYAL EGYPT, surprised me, via 007 E E SR star satalight , direct from EGYPT. 
The rare series of ROYAL MILLITARY , EGYPT , AFRICA, IRAN , IROQ, APHGANISTAN , LYBIA, BERUIT, LEBANON, TURKEY, KUWAIT, and even many more meeting honor supper events soon .

The President Sir ABDEL FATTAN EL SISI of the ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF EGYPT in EUROPE , is of the fourth generation of ROYAL PRESIDENTS OF THE WONDERFUL COUNTRY OF EGYPT. rare  exclusive supper meeting photograph reel, as it is night in 10:00 pm meetings from NEW YORK , from my tiny villa, and day time, in meetings with a lovely sandwiches and wine, or cola, with imported coffee from KENYA , AFRICA, loved in the riche agricultural farming of finest coffee. As well as unusual fruits and vegetables , such as a YAKA, fruit , and a fruit known as a plantain - similar to a banana though larger and with flavor more liken to a Potatoe grillled well. KENYA coffee is one of my favorite coffee roasts, among many imported coffee,. The coca bean is the bean which CHOCOLATE is made, with large specialize agriculture specialist of AFRICA which is where the worlds many raw coca beans are grown, in perfection. In Sweden , a fine hot coco process for hot coco mix, is of the finest , and loved everywhere, among the love to people of AFRICA and EGYPT too. Coca processed into a fine coco powder and then add the crushed powder Caine Sugar, is known as coca. W/ .Caine powder. Finest in powder for Hot Coco with extra crème added, can be very special. THE LARGE COUNTRY OF AFRICA in Europe, is of the extremely large warmer  sand regions of the largest dessert of the SERENGETI DESSERD , region is, in a land vaste for the amazing animals of ROYAL AFRICA , are with freedom to enjoy a unencumbered region of the lovely country of AFRICA. Adored, in the lavish lovely culture of the ROYAL COUNTRY OF AFRICA . The Nile River is at the southern ocean region which is very large and runs directly north, very very larger, and the worlds largest river. The agricultural specialist of AFRICA, are among the finest, and AFRICA , has a esteemed specialist which are the finests in advance engineering with excelent history of the celebration of the International Industrialist Finest Achievement in the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION . 

among all the VERY ESTEEMED HONORED MILLITARY OF ROYAL EGYPT government. There are many specialist in honored lovely achievement in ROYAL EGYPT. Of course EGYPT is north of VASTLY LARGE ROYAL AFRICA as EGYPT is at the very top of the NILE RIVER 


at the sandwiches and wine honor suppers FEBRUARY 2024 and MARCH 2024 
HIGHEST HONOR IN ROYAL AFRICA, among everyone, and a MILLITARY HONOR SUPPER EVENT formation in EGYPT in a royal supper  meeting in the. rare exposee’ in the dress uniforms adorned with gold yellow sash, and in quite an exciting supper honor meeting event. 

Very Good Everyone, happy Islamic Ramadan holiday in the European Country of Egypt , 

Russel Stover USA chocolate sale 

10:31 am SATURDAY 
MARCH 23 rd 2024 
good day everyone, the press statements are expanding, with so many messages from people all over the world. messages, yes. 
Elvis Presley and everyone in MEMPHIS TENNESSEE, at GRACE LAND , read

special film, Thee ELVIS PRESTLEY made for the honor suppers of sandwiches and wines, or cola, and imported continental  coffee with domestic chocolates, meetings and specialist,  with a special envoy , and reviews, honors to SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, as the Kremlin of ROYAL RUSSIA, 
and RUSSIAN MILITARY, and presidents of all countries in all of Europe , 
with all military of all countries. EVERYONE, invited, 
enjoy the rare and quite special GI BLUES. With love from THEE ELVIS PRESLEY  

GI BLUES FILM , created by ELVIS PRESLEY , for very special VALENTINES 2024, honor supper in EUROPE , and all over the world. FEBRUARY 2024 , MARCH 2024 , and more fine honors suppers in APRIL 2024 , with the wonderful. ELVIS PRESLEY  film production: 2024 . 
Excuse’ please let me say thank you. You have my grand mothers name honored too, in the perfect film Elvis and everyone. Lovely Film. Sweet of you all. Love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

11:17 am from my tiny villa now , Saranac Lake New York USA .  

 THEE LUCILLE BALL  supper event 2024 

11:54 am from my tiny villa.
 LUCILLE BALL and VIVIAN VANCE , rare and very wonderful.
HONORS SUPPER are even more lovely with you all, so fine in the 2024 film, 


 VIVIAN VANCE NOW 2024 honors supper events.  
beginning in the mid 1970, with exceptional success. and the RARE EVENT 2024 sandwiched CHOCOLATES FOREVER , with a splendid film special. 

OF COURSE WITH THEE VIVIAN VANCE . everyone, very good of you. 
Please let me say , Thank you to HERSEY’S CHOCOLATES as well in the city of HERSHY in the state of PENNSYLVANIA of one out of 50 USA STATE. lovely sandwich and wine.
 Bentley Films are more perfect with you all, and everyone at HERSHEY’S . xo 

12:43 am Tiny Village, VILLA TIME. MARCH 24 th 2024 :  from CHICAGO IL USA 
darling STEVEN HART, bass chello violin, whom is often noted for fine jazz instrumentals for the RIVER BOAT , HARRAH’S dinner boat fun , with a very lovely enjoyable unplugged quiet REAL JAZZ, 
message update , from thee STEVEN HART listen .Of course the MARQUEE PHOTOGRAPH is MOHAMMAD ALI, the world honored boxer. Chicago CENTER FEILD, SINCE STEVEN AND I, WERE DELAYED in getting out to a fine early dinner at DAVIS STREET SEA FOOD, on DAVIS STREET in the northern city of chicago, city of EVANSTON ILLINOIS USA, enjoying the finest clam chowder at the cute little seafood shoppe since 1979 on a tiny travel , in my short travel, then later in 1995 I moved my estate , to rent a villa beach side, in Chicago Illinois , in my extended studies advance work, in special PHD colleges, as too, keeping full time work Monday through Friday . Meeting . STEVEN HART and THE CHICAGO JAZZ SOCIETY, in CHICAGO ILLINOIS,  USA is now on Plymouth Avenue, with love to you STEVEN , and everyone. 

Lovely Steven Hart, finest river boat dinner jazz in the world darling. xo with love to you. 
from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

lovely, from the dinner JAZZ SCENE in CHICAGO ILLINOIS USA NOW. 

updates with BILLY JOEL  and ELVIS PRESLEY 
some exciting USA SPORTS. 
with a meeting film 10:00 pm honor supper events message from SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN 

working meeting, with the lovely company that creates a canned turkey cold cut, SPAM BRAND whole canned turkey and Chicken Sausage Pate’,  with lovely hand made bread, with fine prepared mustard, gherkins sweet pickles, a fine corn chip, with cured calamota GREEK , ripe olives, in a mix of dark and green. Fine Chocolate Tea Cakes with a peanut butter filling, and wonderful canned pineapple juice from DOLE BRAND COMPANY. I have not yet opened up the lovely can of asparagus , for my very special finest recipe of risotto cream of asparagus soup. My recipe , of course, which I enjoy in the spring, while the USA CORPORATION MULTI INTERNATIONAL USA,  CONGLOMERATE , GREEN GIANT , have asparagus very finest in a can and ready to cook with. Even perfect on top of salads. 

is wonderful and still ready to enjoy more of the honors suppers across EUROPE , and all over the world.
Since my last photograph of my living room in my tiny villa in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA, there is a very large liking for my leather choice in design. People all over, really liked the leather sitting area. 
And the egg carton candy dishes. HERMAN MILLER sent me an update message everyone might enjoy. 


4:06 pm from my tiny villa : message from THEE DOLE PINEAPPLE PEOPLE READ 
4:16 pm message from, Paul Mc Cartney, John Lennon,  Ringo Star,  and George Harrison LISTEN 

message in film, in LEATHER NUTBUCKLE CHAIR 


4:49 pm from my tiny villa message ROB FORBES 
thee founder owner of Design Within Reach impromtue a political commentary 
Film : Thee ROB FORBES , with love to you darling Robert . 

6:16 pm from my tiny villa message from ERIC CLAPTON 
Film : THEE Sir ERIC CLAPTON , lovely of you darling ERIC. Sandwiches and wine were 
perfect. Perfect of you to think of me with these review notes , and more international press statements this week. Lovely for everyone, all over the world. The Honor Specialist and Sir Vladimir Putin, with all the military honors and presidents and government people in Europe are going to be quite exciting. 
kisses to you Darling Eric Clapton , with my love to you, xo. 

Darling Vladimir, ERIC CLAPTON , is with such splendor, with love you you, in MOSCOW RUSSIA, kisses send to shower your lovely sweet dreams , darling Sir Vladimir, sweet sir. 


Laurance Of Arabia , 
with lovely darling PETER O’TOOLE, 
and darling OMAR SHERRIF ‘ with a political film kisses everyone, marvelous of you all. 

reviews , political. and INTERNATIONAL PRESS STATEMENTS, more soon.

March 25 th 2024 10:31 am from my tiny villa in SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA 
GOOD DAY TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. I wish to express to you my very good thank you, many messages, many lovely individual expressions and love. Sandwiches and Wine with of course, finest colas, root beer floats, with finests dairy crème ice creams, and whipped cream toppings with a candy stick of triple cherry opulent root beer drink is fine. Of course, salads, and potatoe casseroles, casseroles, soups, and a imported fine coffee, and hot teas, iced teas, plentiful, juices, milk steamed with a few drops of almond or coco extract. Domestic Chocolate, fine cereals for great breakfast, fresh fruits , tin fruits, fruit pies, and then lovely crackers  and cheeses, chips and dip, such as a fine artichoke dip, spinach dip, sour cream and onion dip. Olive and Pickles, for extra fine sandwiches, . All with great fun, and love, in honor to sir Vladimir Putin and Russian Military of women and men, whom are not without the many in government, in many remarkable efforts, and an esteemed effort towards austere decisions , within other honored government Presidents and Millitary. Thank you all, all over the world. The meeting exposee ‘ in rare notations of meetings in film and photographs are with very lovely message too. The event photographs are making a splash of love, with more into APRIL 2024 . Outrageously wild. 

Messages coming in from all over the world. 
10:50 am now with FRANK SINATRA
the Film , is remarkable my darling Frank Sinatra , your perfectly splendid. 
The chicken sausage pate’, brussel sprouts in butter crème sauce w/ grilled spainish  onion 
and the four bottles of dom parionione’ , lovely.  I have two in reserve . 

Um pardon ( French word: just a minute more please , excuse me, the review is still not in the full press statement ,  ) , excussi’  FRANK  SINATRA , and I have reviews. Sir Vladimir , Sir Hassan Rouhani of Iran , Mick Jagger, Steven Jobes, Diana Ross, BTS, Paul Mc Cartney, John Lennon , Ringo Starr, George Harrison , Roy Rodgers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rodger Moore, The first class men and women of Russian Millitray ,  message, Sir Xi Jinping , Sir Modi, Sir Abe Shinzo , Queen Elizabeth , 
and King Charles, … ,  and, even more. Pope Francis , Italy , and ,  sandwiches, yes. Presidents of Europe, 007 USSR 400,000 star starlight . Meeting Notations Soon. With love from me to everyone, everywhere all over the world.  

un momento’ Peter Sellers, is there more Pino Grigio at the local market ? The USA MAJOR 
Convoy Rigs may be heading to Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA. Sean Connery, we may need extra wine in Philadelphia Events. ?  

exposee ‘ in rare photograph reels , in events VALENTINE 2024 , MARCH 2024 into APRIL soon, with sandwiches and wine 10:00 pm meeting, RUSSIAN MILLITARY first class men and women , in a formation solute   in great austerity and serious individual expressions in the international love notes events, strict political photographic expressions political , 
in a rare meeting photograph, in a fine honor event, celebrated with love from all over the world. 

very lovely thank you for , the fine event meetings, with greatest honor to you all, 
and ALL  of RUSSIA WITH LOVE. xo everyone. 

11:31 am new recording , now THE BEATLES, now .
Fine of everyone. merci ‘ 

BIRTHDAY WISHES , are for mom and extended for even more BIRTHDAYS NOW 

Event Honors To the special women and men in Russian Millitary 10:00 am event supper and meeting are with a fine high solute to me, Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett as myself, with charismatic and noble fine women’s Battalion Millitary of Royal Russian finest. Wearing the white dress  millitary best, and out of the fatigues. With love to you all, all throughout RUSSIA . merci ‘ high solute to you all again.  



The 007 star satalight royal russia government ussr ( 007 star satalight is with clear photograph reels for the meetings with, some frozen reels = [. ]. from film reel = low  est. [ 400,000 ]  too, and wonderful of everyone. Thank you for your lovely delightful political love, in unique individual expressions. All the 10:00 pm sandwiches and wine / soda suppers across Europe, with all the governments and the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , ALL, mean so much to me. More than just a solute. 
special thank you everyone, with Sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin of Russia. 

with greatest affections, love and kisses sent to everyone, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Bentley Films are going to be quite nice, including the RUSSIAN SUV , kolometer. 

1:48 pm from my tiny villa message from      

READ   secrets from my extensive work, was side by side with MAINZE PAPER AND FOODS people whom are brokers in the delivery service of risterante foods, with # 10 cans of extra very large can foods for creating 80 gallon pots of soups and multiplied by 6 pot daily. = 480 gallons of soup daily made fresh. 
With many other fine preparations  of foods, too, I myself with my chef, PHILIP , as a HEAD CHEF, in work making quite the delicious soups, working side by side with me, when I began as an executive director for a small to midsized company in the 1980’s . The national USA people of MAINZE , never failed to present a national conference food faire for professional executives of fine chef specialized high volume sales that even Myself and, PHILIP and the owner of the little company enjoyed. Meeting all the major food owners in the USA for all the many USA national brands, many, as the food conference faire, was lovely to enjoy the conference faire which I myself made many decisions in quality purchasing, in person. Many standards in very difficult responsibility, is never ending. The major league , in food manufacturing, where people get serious , is with great honor to me, in the 1980’s and never ended in great love to everyone, nationally and even the international merchants, whom know MAINZE PAPER AND FOOD, with  incredible people, and with food, of course perishable, ( foods that can spoil fast, and need very diligent excellence in fresh quality, very demanding of time and attention, = parishable ) and of urgent need in replenishing and sales , time is very important, with some efforts at times in over night shipping. And of a special currier license , with very special levels of, regulations as license food brokers ,
( major league food distributors USA  ) MAINZE . 

The very special statement political from everyone at MAINZE USA, 
in the sale section in MAINZE READ , section of one , in the subsection link , titled : SALES. * 

* ( * < astrice = defining the area of special interest to define the meaning of the implied word denoted in the above astrice ie. (*) , to then bring to the end of the thesis to reach the meaning of SALES. ) MAINZE NATIONAL FOOD PEOPLE, were noting some clear concerns in shops, groceries , and handling card and half and half prices, $36.99 for a half gallons at the local grocery recently , and the online Walmart price in some of my item were listed as high as $699.00 for 6 small 12 oz. colas. and many other blatened malicious aim in ipo > wrong prices, said to “not for delivery “ in technomalicious of the Mighty Mouse racketeering of these vicious USA, horrible people. 

Ah, excuse me, thank you everyone at MAINZE, I am waiting for my DIET COLA from my Walmart order and several other items too, which was not delivered at all in my purchase which was a two day delivery agreement and over $80.00 in payment just for the delivery that was listed as free two day delivery. With many special raw product ( in my desk supplies , raw types of balsa wood, etc,)  that have been late and a few more missing.  With many of my reorder items which I purchase online , suddenly the attack is an unethical layered bannor listed that says” this item we  do not deliver “ even a usual item I purchase online delivered always. And then I have 12 bottles of wine too, late, and several strange delivery truck , that I did photographed today, out side my window with wrong delivery times, on that schedule route for the actual delivery of a registers license delivery regular postal actual route, under high microscopes. And some, very concerning pilgrims, crashing through my halls and front entry. Muffeting malicious. 

MAINZE ,  the message is sweet of you all.  STEVEN JOBES TOO. 
More about the international press statement soon. 

ah, the day was with messages, even RAY CROCK, of Mc Donald’s Corporation, BILLY JOEL, JIM MORRISON, JAMES TAYLOR, ELTON JOHN, Sir XI JINPING, LUCILLE BALL, LITTLE RICHARD, FRANK SINATRA, STING, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, JOHN MELONCAMP, STEVEN TYLOR, ROB LOWE,  ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, 4077 mash ,  ERIC CLAPTON, MICK JAGGER, PAUL SIMON, JOHNNY CARSON W/ GROUCHO MARX, DAVID LETTERMAN, DESI ARNES , FIDEL CASTRO emeritus president of CUBA , LIBBY COMPANY professionals, BEACH BOYS, HOWARD HUGHES, ROB REDFORD, and PAUL NEWMAN, JOHN WAYNE, CLINT EASTWOOD, GENE WILDER, ELLA FITZGERALD, PRIME MINISTER MODI, BTS, SEAN CONNERY AND RODGER MOORE,  MOHAMMAD ALI, SYLVESTER STALONE, DOLLY PARTON, WILLIE NELSON, STEVE MARTIN , JUNE CARTER, JOHNNY CASH, LORETTA LYNN, JOAN WOODWARD, JOHN DENVER,   YOYO MA, GENE KELLY, PEIRCE BRONSON,  THE SWEET PEOPLE AT KOHLER in WISCONSIN USA, , perhaps more, we are about to get into the long list messages, more European messages, crème soups with special rice and asparagus, real authentic o’ Grotin potatoes hand made,  and more, with great excitement in lovely many wonderful people in the USA and internationally in every country , with a very rare update now     as everyone may enjoy purchasing a few extra little trinkets which I will post soon finest even I purchases a few, and extended CHRISTMAS 2023  , into EASTER 2024 , in case your tree didn’t arrive, not forgotten, including a very fun, mini projector for online viewing , a wall project for a in home Theater From Your Own Sofa Library Home  Living Room, and some very fancy inexpensive leather fold away sofa ‘ prepare your self.  

excerpt soon, as the review international press statements, updates are important  to everyone. 

JOHN LENNON, PAUL MC CARTNEY , RINGO STARR, and GOERGE HARRISON, with notes about my bird? Larry Byrd’s ? or my sweet blue fronted Amazon African Parrot , whom I taught to sing in the wild parrot whistling fun, you all remembered, 1980’s .

Listen if you desire. Please enjoy. 

10:07 pm from my tiny villa. 
from 007 star starlight ru ussr 400,000 MOSCOW RUSSIA INVITATION MEETING read .

MARCH 26 th 2024 
4:00 pm tiny villa time now 

rare special exposee ‘ 
in my pure white designs, even my little motor craft, we were circling grasses  in.   



AMERICAS TOO ? Say yes? Brazil South America ? Baha too? Even all tiny villages ?  

MY INTERNATIONAL BOOK GIFT : for everyone, all over the world, in a review of those whom have loved the sweet book before, I myself gifted online, free, right before the large international exhibition I began, in many invites too, for my STUDIOS INTERNATIONAL PEACE PROJECT EXHIBITIONS, economics , arias, cultural enriching broaden love, and more, and my narration of my BOOK GIFT TO LISTEN , even the awkward recording that was a part of the work day then 2013,  and now. Directly From Myself,  princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. My gift to everyone, everywhere, free, just press the button to listen, of one of my books written in February 2013, THE MAGIC OF THE OSTRAKECCI BIRD , of the ancient tale of traveling to the Mecca Of Jeruselum in Europe , to sell a rare basket of eggs.  The narration version is a fast raw free gift, and not yet the print book, or the fine theater exhibition ballet of a finests sweet som, in sonnet expanded of great political expression important to the greatest humanities and respects to the QUEEN OF ENGLAND . Ah , yes, the GIFT BOOK NARRATION IN RAW FORM. LISTEN 

direct from CHINA in       a         FILM    ROYAL CHINA 
with the ROYAL MILLITARY OF CHINA HONORS EVENT SUPPERS Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, 
Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, Political Expressions, 

Political Expressions, Political Expressions,
Political Expressions, ROYAL CHINA 

Sandwiches and Wine Honors Events are Loved All Over the World.

4:00 pm from my tiny villa now 

MARCH 28th 2024 5:56 
pm from my tiny villa apartment in my rental estate,
 in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW. 

Good Day to everyone, everywhere, all over the world. Hello to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia and hello to all Presidents of Countries throughout EUROPE, and the military people as well as all specialist of RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, and others throughout EUROPE. Good day and Hello to the wonderful PRESIDENTS OF COUNTRIES IN SOUTH AMERICA AND THE MILITARY OF ALL THE COUNTRIES IN SOUTH AMERICA, Presidents of south seas countries and the south seas millitary as well as the country of Canada and the Canadian National Millitary, Hello. And this includes a fine hello to the many, many, many people whom are within government, in executive councils and that of extended government branches of the government of your own country, as all the very austere many countries everywhere in the world , outside of the country of the USA , which is known international countries. The reviews are with some international press concerns in the interest of many and nearly all people within the USA in all, national USA citizens and that of anyone living in the USA, as a duel citizen , born in another country.  Arnold Schwarzenegger is a lovely person born in AUSTRIA in the EUROPEAN Continent. 

I wish to say hello to everyone everywhere. Also with many many people in the USA whom are with some austere reviews, and thank you for your notes of such love, and messages on line many, with quite a few, I wish to post in love notes. Carry Underwood whom has achieved some music compostions in Nashville, sent me a fine message today. Carry Underwood, is with some extra work, and efforts in the Guitar Revolution that was marvelous, and continued to see through a few stage performances in Nashville with others accross the USA whom took the guitar revolution very seriously and with very good success, towards villages all, in the USA. I was so please to see Carry Underwood’s email, and many many others too. In the USA and all over the world. The excitement of many details and a fine year are going to be quite surprising when you read the financials in some USA achievements in all villages. Along side the achievements , in other countries , in all villages. There is a reason to enjoy the honors suppers towards presidents of countries  in EUROPE, within their exceptionally difficult work, and that of the militaries as well. It’s going to be very exciting to update you, where every everyone is all over the world in even more exposee’ rare and very honored people with efforts quite notable. The international press statements are with updates that are pressing to me, and notes scattered on my desk, home office in my tiny villa. The statements are extremely important to me and everyone all over the USA and all over the world,. Thank you everywhere for your lovely efforts, kind messages, love of me, and love notes and so many fine people with lovely culturally riche expressions. Honors sandwiches and wine or colas, will be with a extended honor exposee to PRESIDENTS IN SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES WITH each country of a secular sovereign MILITARY , Canada and the south seas countries too, are of course respectively within love notes expossee ‘ honors sandwiches and wine suppers. 

“ KUNG FU FIGHTING  “ as a music compostions from CARL DOUGLAS is loved. 

FILM : CARL DOUGLAS , written original in the 1970 and just re- recorded now for me, and everyone in the USA and all over the world. Carl Douglas, is a wonderful darling person. Enjoy the fine political message and I wish to say, your all invited to enjoy a 10:00 pm tiny villa time, supper with a post at 10:00 pm tonight, via 007 star starlight RUSSIA USSR , from meeting in MOSCOW RUSSIA, extended into all of EUROPE. Let’s get through these press statements and reviews in USA concerns too. xo 

with love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 


8:10 pm tiny villa time now 

with a series of impromptu  political concerning updates into the evening. 
in FILM 

10:00 pm , soon, with a Supper Film 

Film : THE PINK PANTHOR in pink ink political 
enjoy the cartoon update films. with kisses sent, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

MARCH 29 th 2024 7:11 am from my tiny villa , 

Good Morning to everyone, in the Saranac Lake region, which expands to the city nearest in Lake Placid, and then of course then there are three or more roads that will bring you into the Saranac Lake Village in New York, USA. Four hours drive from the city of Albany, on Expressway Motor Way Route   [.     ] , 
or from several hundred villages in a very close area, all very nice villages, fiercely even kind. Savvy reality in the USA. Every village. With a great realizes achievement in fine efforts, and earned worth. Wait until my gold standards reviews and lists of incredible achievement , every village, except Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA, in ways, and still gained a standard of revenue.  And ice cream suppers, with a great many appreciations to me, as love notes has been a love, and foods in my simple recipes made quite an impression in the region. The grocery in Lake Placid , stocked up on even some of my favorite foods.
Lovely people of the company of registered grocery people of Price Chopper, is a regional grocery, I shopped at even in SYRACUSE NEW YORK , USA where the head quarter office is as well. Thank you everyone. You made sandwiches and wine extra special in more than several hundred cities within NEW YORK STATE, USA. Of course, I will mention some pricing issues , in Lake Placid , and in Saranac Lake USA, and not just in the grocery stores. It’s sad, that there was some, mag pies in the sticker , ticker, and blaylocks , of fly by night barrels. Niagara Falls , in Canada , is with very low reasonable travel prices, and of course, and have exceeded the actual revenue that each company expected with higher sales than any other time in all history, and wage increase for fine professionals, might be a bit easier for company owners to afford, and are worth a fine afternoon drive in to, if your ready for the bear run list. With fine pastery continent specials in the country of Canada , in the city of Niagara Falls. Two hours drive from Saranac Lake in the country of the USA in NEW YORK STATE.   Of course the region area is quite large. North, South, East, and West.  

Good Day to everyone in the USA in all 50 states, with so many villages of cities so fine. Internationally , in all countries , all, please let me say a lovely hello. I have to mention that I posted the actual cartoons and had no time to preview them, uncensored. With some upsetting line drives, I think. Serious cartoon commentary perhaps. Not like the CAPTAIN CRUNCH , cereal commercial 1970’s and the Keebler’s cookies commercial 1970’s or the LUCKY CHARMS cereal commercial 1970’s, and still fine cereal today with a sweet nutrition of extra fortified quality, and I still enjoy a box even today. With fresh whole milk and toast butter, jam, peanut butter, eggs, and extra toast and orange  juice. Fruit Cocktail From the tin, even real CLING PEACHES, HALFED, in a tin. TOPPED with real whipped crème. 

Great for breakfast. Children may enjoy more. Easy to get ready for school with a lunch to pack, with added sweet cakes ready made, by DOLLY MADISON. Individually wrapped to bring to school. 

I wish to say, glad everyone is enjoying the extra quiet time in schools for reading math, and more. It’s looking like gold stars are for every student in schools these days. Even a five point star, in ink, is impressive and very glad children and those getting into grown up ages, are pencil savvy. With extra math, and more. Thank you for the sweet notes from all over the world. Wonderful everyone.  

The reviews are, with some extra notations brief. In the section two , article two update, as my front street was with some further upsets. The road was even with, aim racketeers harrible that dumped even sand, and more, and the cola I ordered from Walmart was never delivered. 35 cans. And other concerning missing packages and details. In the review , you will be able to note, the European PRESIDENTIAL Councils  , is with even more notations as well.  The Prime Minister of India Sir Modi has placed an area online to even write your own statements too. For everyone. The actual details of the breach, in these USA racketters >< cartel ><dc dergers, are in breach of international Ethics. The real ethical levels then are of an international level of EUROPE, PRESIDENTS AND THEIR COUNCILS , EUROPE , are with complex data reviews. My meetings in Europe, are demanding , I could be seen as poignant  ‘ or a real Barracuda. The citizens of the USA villages of all, are bold, daring, vibrant, serious, and lovely with austere times to reflect in a review. The structure of concerns that gain an international envoy, is loved in the USA. Soon we will be under unfortunate reviews , more, and a recent concern of some M16 , issues caused by the same rackeers in the USA, with foot plummelers, looking for book deals and more. It’s sad for everyone to be so dithered in a time for winter baha plans.  And now nearly Spring 2024. The revenue, ah, yes, USA, pressured in a risk pool,. Everyone in the USA said: no no no no. 

8:23 am Tiny Villa Time Now.    excussi ‘ ah, yes, MESSAGE FROM SALVADORE DALI’ Ah, Sal, your baha boat I sent arrived. We have some fun today, sandwiches at 10:00 pm sharp, with the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, and the RUSSIAN MILITARY , ABOUT HOCKEY GAMES, and the presidents in Europe, military , yes, I say, finest, all, and oh, gosh, the KREMLINS CHEF. finest .  Sandwiches, CHICKEN SALAD , TEA SANDWICHES, SWEET POTATOES SWEET MARSHMALLOW TOPPING, BAKED, AND, I was thinking, hand made flat cracker, salted, ASPARAGUS SALAD WITH RUSSIAN HAND MADE DRESSING WITH RELISH.   

The wine order never arrived.   Well, the update in EUROPE, is even larger in those international, shipments and does include, the recent issues , all one cauldron , vat vin vip oil . Too. Sanctions , details are to read about, the barrel of pestulist. And of course, I will expound upon the subject that MIKE BLOOMBERG, mayor of NEW YORK USA , stated , recently , the actual concern to the USA, all, is with the fact that the USA presidential preliminaries of the later election, in the year Mike Bloomberg was willing to see a vote or two, was somewhat , dumped, some how, and MIKE BLOOMBERG IS VERY WELL QUALIFIED to reach the level of the preliminaries of the pre - qualifications . And that is , to say, of course are we glad that Mike Bloomberg was willing to see some extra efforts through in the USA, as a very noted business person and humanitarian in lovely esteemed cultured efforts as well. And Mike Bloomberg , among others, such as Governor HASLUM , of the state of Tennessee , is also with savvy good honored effort, and was considering , the cultivations needed to see very firm eyes on the DC, in some , well, I will quote a women whom I was employed for in the 1980’s, she said “ when the hypocrisy is so blatened in those throned in actional unethics breaches of the peoples realities, infringement in ethical reach and worth, and contorted ethics, aimed at any, KATHRINE SAID “ it’s time to clean house then. And all those racketeering cartel, stuck - in contort into all breaches of international laws, non negotiable, now.   SALVADORE , I read your book, Very lovely Works of Art, and will put your film message you updated in love notes . Thank you darling Sal. 
Wine ? shipped . Of course. 
While I have some ROOTBEER BRANDIED SWEET JEWLEPE’ with cracked ice. 

excusse ‘ messages are busy today, 
even with John Lennon , Paul McCartney , George Harrison , And Ringo Starr.  


Briefly , Largely , lovely film : the Beatles Now. 

9:12 am from my tiny villa USA. 

message :  GEORGE HARRISON , with a political reel, and an extra happy birthday to my brother JEFFREY TODD PICKETT, BORN IN BEFORE 1965. The lovely gift, of dignity from my brother’s finest hospitality was pure love. Brian Ronald Pickett too, happy birthday again. Also born before 1965. message : thee very prestigious HASSELBLAD, company , with that love they have for some of my rare international photographs, with outragous love for my sweet, sometimes unusual world famous photographs, sketches, and even designs , and film. Snow Birds, Vladimir and I, at times, in my sweet winter hats, even the sheik of Saudi Arabia , Mohammad Bin Salaman loved my hats, dating back to my self portraits I sketched, in 1971. Queen Elizebeth in my white designs in photographs with thee finests lenses zoom zoom, for manual cameras , with an autonomous FSTOP , option, and of course perfect engineered design in shutter speed  manual realized excellence. FORTUNATE , I AM, TO have photographs published in a college study book, for advance study  in arts, industrial  design,  and sciences, published by RUTLEDGE PRESS , OF THE COUNTRY OF ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN. Photographs not yet unveiled for the exciting snow bird event. Not Yet. Wildly beautiful. Of course my China White Painted Face, in 1986, with green matalic hair, became a revolution in Eastern Europe. Salvadore Dali’ exray eye glasses , and HASSELBLAD ZOOM LENS, at 40,OOO MILES ? Or less than four feet. Outrageously in over 40 years of lens excellence, . Thank you everyone in  the country of SWEDEN , in EUROPE at . Where  is the ambilical cord,
 ( baby’s birth cord attached to the filoppia embryonic gland of women  ) from in 80 leagues under the sea photograph ? My white shimmer glossen causmetic stick, finally arrived in the post box,. It’s a rare special experience to, see, and experience shimmer opulence , bronze too. Easter Day is perfect for a pearl shimmer at supper fun. xo 

Introduction : for everyone, in an invitation to you all, everywhere. 
Usually ,  SALVADORE ‘ DALI ‘ books are printed in the language of the country of SPAIN . 
with 007 SPAIN Star Satalight Europe. 

LISTEN       GEORGE HARRISON , sweet of you. 


Imported Swedish Candies and Wonka Bottle Caps 
enjoy fizzy pops read   12:57 pm tiny villa time now 

SALVADORE ‘ in his rare film , with a gentle soft narration of individualism in expressions of the world famous SALVADORE DALI ‘ my long time darling of the country of SPAIN. Sal, even filmed the gift baha boat I sent.  The ocean small cuspus is beautiful. Daring even. Finests messages of love SALVADORE’ ole ‘ 

Film : productions from thee SALVADORE’ DALI’ perfect sal, with love to you sent, kisses too. xo 


8:10 pm tiny villa time MARCH 30 th 2024 ,  messages from GEORGE THOROGOOD
excussue’ I wish first to say good morning to everyone,. And let me see, just a minute, I was looking for GEORGE’ S song about his mosseroti ‘ automobile. Saved money a long while in the 1980’s and one of my JEFFREY TODD PICKETT’S favorite songs. exscusse ‘ one minute or more today. George Thorogood , is hard work in the GUITAR REVOLUTION , with some political expressions to post, today. George Throughgood , thank you and everyone in the villages for such a robust reality in experiences in a pub event, along side that of many JAMES TAYLOR , events which are always an excitment  to experience within business proper, and culturally, a pleasure in political messages of music composition and fine strumming , of those sweet saviors strings to really feel apart of the 
GUITAR REVOLUTION . 2022-2023, and into 2024 perhaps. 

Film : GEORGE THOROGOOD , of original work, 1980’s 
and with new recordings now. Even for love notes, and myself, 
and everyone throughout the whole world. 

Burbon Chocolate are very special. Scotch  Cakes Delicious, 
And Beer Battered Fish Fry, unforgettable.  Lovely George, wine ? English Port Wine, finests ?
What a summer concerto 2024 it is going to be. xo with love to you George , and everyone. 
We will need a ENGLISH STYLE , silver tea service, before the Forth of July 2024 , George , and everyone? Thank you darling George Thorogood.  

My EASTER is delayed. Serious reviews. 

8:43 pm tiny villa time now   simply PAUL SIMON with love. 
Film : THEE PAUL SIMON , good of you my  darling Paul. Everyone. thank you. 

8:49 am tiny villa now : gracious’ amore’ grande’ grotci ‘ ci’ to everyone in ITALY ,
and the finest people whom work very well at fine hand made automobiles with excellence in every detail of engineering and proprietary respects in design , mastery. of MASEROTI 
perfect of you all, in the design of simply MASERATI 2024. Perfected from as early as the 1980’s.
With quality which in infinitely perfect, to enjoy an estate purchase in budgeting to enjoy forever. 
Everyone at MASEROTI ‘ is wonderful , from engineers of specially built automobile to the extraordinary sales executives, women and men, in finest ITALIAN fine automobiles. Just as a beach car even , 
day tripper. Sunday Ticket , to the drive in theater ‘ love notes films ? In drive in theater preposterous . 

xo with love from myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  AMORE ‘ SHOWERED IN KISSES SENT. 

8:08 am from my tiny villa in Saranac Lake New York USA,. MARCH 30 th 2024 

GOOD MORNING EVERYWHERE, YES, THERE HAS BEEN SOME FEABLE HUMANS IN SARANAC LAKE, and connected with cartel and racketeering, and in connection of the dc issues of unethical dc Oval Office / and a few of the cartel in the pentagon, and nato, and the state department. 
in the USA, and these pestilents, are aiming munition type of unethical, mass contraptions, in the pestulents acts in actionable unethics , with massive breaches of international laws,. The damages are astonomical caused by pestulist. The meetings in Europe , were a larger than a few reviews and love for my own company. Of course, with lovely cultural fun, and a very busy lovely worth, not to be aimed at, and then cause of upset to my tiny villa and every leisure and event of my exhibitions an sales and other large project work, I love and have always enjoyed. 

The EASTER HOLIDAY , is quite special and today, I will be actually, delayed, with my festive very opulent holiday events. Enjoy your EASTER SUNDAY, with love, and you’re invited to an EASTER EVENT in online international love from me, and many others, next SUNDAY, APRIL 7 th 2024.   TEA SERVICES OF SERVING TRAYS , FINE CRAFTED 

SILVER SERVICE TEA from culturally known in finest silver tray tea sets in ENGLAND , can be quite fun. Of course the many cultural OPULENT TEA SETS ARE WITH CULTURAL DETAILING IN ALL COUNTRIES , of lovely details, of even gold tea service sets, very unique to each different country of very special ancient deigns, quite interesting, even of course to purchase a real tea service , sugar bowl, cream pitcher, tea service pot, and tray, silver or gold, from many European Countries , including RUSSIA, and also the fine tea services , to a sweet daily lunch or evening tea, finests, In the USA , Syracuse New York, USA is known to adore tables with ONEIDA SILVER . NO EASTER BRUNCH EVERYONE, in Syracuse New York, USA, the postal mail shippments, suddenly weren’t in my mail box, with accurate delivery time, and my shipment of wine, did not arrive. And there are pestilential which heist, in reviews of my many meetings in EUROPE. ACCURA  AUTOMOBILE is with a message several days ago, read. Wait until you see the Automobile Messages from manufactures , TIAWAN, JAPAN, CHINA, FRANCE, RUSSIA, and USA manufactures too. VOLVO , of course too, of SWEDEN. 


BURL IVES good morning , with a special film impromptu   rare photograph 
with a guitar manolin extrodinary really. 

good morning 
with a very famously loves music compostion 

APRIL 1 st 2024 MONDAY at 6:35 am 
From  Saranac Lake New York USA, Good Morning to you all, everywhere in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA, those of you whom are of the greater NEW YORK STATE REGION. The real NEW YORK STATE regions are filled with many agriculture specialist and many villages of a plentiful lovely travel in a day trip, of several hours to even enjoy a drive to the Niagara Falls region just a hop across the bridge to the Canadian Country which is on Route 81 expressway from SYRACUSE NEW YORK , USA. 
My sweet mother and I traveled to CANADA at NIAGRA FALLS, before I was 10 years old. I was wearing a rare color then, in a brilliant orange simple jersey cotton blouse. Brownish Golden Hair Short Crop Cut, ..easy wash and wear hair cut. Summer traveling was finest, as we actually drove in to Canada from our home then in LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, USA, just an hour from SYRACUSE NEW YORK, USA, . We had a luxurious time in the MAID OF THE MIST, boat ride. And fine shopping and lunch. The drive from SYRACUSE NEW YORK , to THE CITY OF NIAGRA FALLS, in the country of CANADA , is perhaps three hours drive to arrive, and getting and early start is with fine times to go to breakfast and really make a day of it. Of course there are many cities in the STATE OF NEW YORK, USA. 

Tiny roads are much slower and can be confusing, so map all your travel roads on your sketch books before you decide to drive in a leisure town and country drive in the USA. And of course every country has more roads to learn all very different from the USA, and into CANADA the large CANADIAN, COUNTRY IS MUCH LARGER THAN THE USA.  Good Day to everyone across the 50 states of the USA , and a hello to all people internationally. I wish everyone well for the EASTER WEEK.  

excussi ‘ une momento ‘ Vladimir Putin , calling from MOSCOW RUSSIA via 007 RU.LX.USSR . Star Statlight , ah. Yes. Sean Connery ‘ ah, yes. ,,  King Charles ‘ yes, and Xi Jinping ? Ah, yes, of course , meetings, and sandwiches . Easter . 

Bill MURRY ? sweet.     

DAY TRIPPER , from an updated rare special recording from JOHN LENNON , PAUL MC CARTNEY , RINGO STARR , AND GEORGE HARRISON , which was in a earlier music album record, by the adorable men, my darling men in the recording title of their own BEATLES  music composition’s , mid 1970’s with wild fame, and adored with honored music of world renowned excellence. 

FOR APRIL 1 st 2024 for me, at love notes. 

7:25 am now from my tiny villa now 

8:59 am tun villa now : messages with uncensored love THEE PAUL MC CARTNEY 
very special gift recordings exclusive rare sweet music now. 


A POLITICAL FILM with opening statements , and decisions made .  reviews are very serious,
and green ticket consequences read well. 
With many more reviews from the peoples statements in the USA, in a APRIL 2024 update ongoing . Love is Real, and efforts across the USA are savvy and honored with people throughout every village achieved and a stability of the USA to seriously review with kind fierceness to see your truest extensions of love become forever. 

Consequences , and a fine dance, soon.    

TUESDAY APRIL 1 st 2024 7:31 am from my tiny villa with love to everyone. Everywhere all over the world. My wish is that everyone enjoy the posts of FEBRUARY 2024 and MARCH 2024 with more to reflect upon the very most sacred honors events 10:00 pm sandwiches and wine suppers. The sweet honors are with even more people in noted EUROPEAN COUNTRIES IN MILITARIES OF GREAT COUNTRIES , all , internationally there is very special love in expressions which are very enriching culturally in esteemed respects to PRESIDENTS, SPECIALIST OF MILLITARY , of seperate government and all military with even more, government people in EUROPE , of all EUROPEAN COUNTRIES as well. While there are serious reviews in the USA for everyone, and then even remarkable notes about honored work, extremely notable in the people of the USA, And of course many mentioned millitary and presidents in South America and excellence of presidents and government people. Canada and SOUTH AMERICA and south seas countries too, with amazing delightful people everywhere.  

 a finest darling I love, of many years from days in Chicago Ilinoise USA with a lunch at the BERGOFF RISTERATE AUTHENTIC GERMAN MENU , USA, on Adams Street in Chicago Illinois USA , is with fine PHILHARMONIC, events too, then, while GEORGE SOLTI , is often is in EUROPE, and is fine to see a internationally loved , by everyone all over the world, a music compostions of    SHOTSAKOVICH , in symphony number 5 , with the mastery of the philharmonic world famous people in the lovely orchestration of a wonderful SHOSTAKOVICH Symphony Number 5,   rare event now. GEORGE SOLTI conducting , with extrodinary thank you to everyone. Perfectly good of you all. 

Film : rare special , from GEORGE SOLTI AND EVERYONE WITHIN THE WORLD FAMOUS PHILHARMONIC , all darling I say, I do miss you all. Kisses of millions to catch from everyone everywhere. And from myself too, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , much love to you all. 

9:55 pm tiny villa time now 


of course , neet political statements are serious, and with concerns of peoples baha, which is mean
 ( sweet fun ) = tough politically about gold standards and the stability of the USA capitalist humanities standards as a USA political movement , gets serious about the efforts and achieved standards in the USA, about a think called love.
The mean 1964 ford , really great automobile, even the 1960’ s mustang ‘ the 1972 sunbird by poniac ‘
todays gold standard in the USA are so well earned that the automobile investment is with most everyone whom afforded a automobile of working age. Excellence in proper customer service as a junior sales excecutive, risterates and more. Wait until you read the gold standard achieve throughout all villages .
Incredible with kind lovely work and efforts in outing more and more. I can hardly wait to express the reality of gold standard and then the review.       tough about  gold standards.  Get toothy w/  teeth 

 “. [.                                 ] properly tough 

April 3 rd 2024 from the tiny villa in saranac lake new youk, USA, hello globally from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , my tablet computer yesterday was aimed at by these harrible USA people , and I am trading to repair the damage today, and my phone also was aimed at. The issue is very serious , with my grocery delivery that was also aimed at, and those involved aim munition too, I am in meeting in Moscow Russia and with European Mettings, with a travel planned soon, to Europe. I will announce my travel dates in love notes and also have plans before the week end to walk through the village of saranac lake and pick up my automobile which governors in the USA are very assured that I shall just not speak to anyone to just get my keys and pick it up. Of course the incident in aim at my automobile , is in details in my meeting in International Councils and in Moscow Russia , in a special envoy about the issues, which are apprehensible. 

My rent is paid up in my tiny villa until the end of may 2024 and in light of the damage caused to me in saranac lake tiny village , I will be perhaps, making plans to see much better in a new Villa estate rental before end of May 2024. Of course posted with the exact address known everywhere all over the world in my love notes later post update. My delays caused to me, are reprehensible , as I was schedule in 2023, to be in my villa rental modest estate in Moscow Russia before end of summer last year, for several months. The special envoy in Russia , is with some sweet offer from the president of RUSSIA,  , and President Xi Jinping president of China. And some other International Noted honored news , in some international press statements , soon posted, even if I am traveling , minute by minute travel notes to everyone with real love. 

I will post everything,  minute by minute, picking up my car and even the missing mayonias in my purchase recently from Walmart , I needed, with serious concerns ,

The damages to my company are estimated to be over several billion dollars , from aims at me, entry , automobile , computer equipment, holiday delight , leisure, grocery shopping issues and grocery deliveries , postal mail types of extreme issues. The USA concerns too, to more than the issues caused in the NYSE , as Mike Bloomberg Stated. My repair on my company computer equipment in my tiny villa will take several days o think. 

more detail today everyone. with all my love. 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

1:33 pm tiny villa now ; crazy little thing called love  

April 10th 2024 : 3:22 pm GOOD DAY to everyone in the tiny village of saranac lake , in New York State , USA , and over 500 near villages at least within New York State in just a very close drive actually , and then hello again and again to the many people of the cities of even larger New York State , including people I love well in SYRACUSE, UTICA , Ithaca Lake Sterling, Lake George, Cartland, Rodchester, Binghamton, Liverpool , Fairmount Faire Area, Cross Lake region, Rome New York, Oswego, Itaska , Albany , Onieta , The blue ridge Mountain regions, Onieona , Batavia , Moravia , Casinovia, Colbalskill, and the Catskills Mountian regions of course New York City , Malone of course and there are even more cities in medium and large and small villages in the New York State region of course, too, including the village close in Lake Placid tiny village , with a seven mile ride in my aitomobile to a fine little grocery as price chopper it, and fresh seafoods in freezers ready to purchase, for those in the over night rentals now of a great little ride in, hello , to the many across the USA in many cities with numerous villages and 50 whole rather large states , 50 states of the country of the USA and villages with all successes in some extrodinary efforts everyone. Excuse my , late post of the gold standards and very important post notes I have in finest achieventes in villages of incredible notations in gold standards which may be of interest to you, as your history in the USA is realized , and with remarkable notes to know soon. I wish to say a very special hello as well to specialist in RUSSIAN MILLITARY PARTICULARLY , and other European specialist as well including Sir Vladimir Putin and a numerous many presidents of the countries of Europe , with a very achieved level of real specialized areas to divest into such considerable, knowledge and ruled respective achieved efforts. More about the specialized efforts soon. With a gracious thank you from myself right now today. Millions of sweetest kisses to you. all with a gentle toss of my kisses thrown into the blue sky for ever to you all. Please catch them all when you close your eyes to sweetest dreams always. 

From everyone everywhere I dare say.  There are more lovely wishes to you all everywhere again and again. Thank you everywhere for your messages over days that my Villa office online equipment was in concerning uncomprimizable , damages , aimed at me from the few in and out of saeanac Lake New York USA , and I will post some details soon,. My phone online computer is working and still some repairs are needed .  Getting to the point of my statements at this time , are with a short minute to ponder saying the green ticket , consequences are with a reply from FORD CORPORATION today whom is one of the largest manufacturers of top quality that never ends , in the largest manufacturing of excellence automobiles of historical revolutionary esteemed companies multi international work -over 110 years. Made to last forever. 

FORD , as in Henry Ford , even with a candy bar named after THEE HENRY FORD ,  named OH HENRY .  

Of course FORD is GENERAL MOTORS FORD. of course , many years ole friends of outstanding fine people. Serious about humanity and motor cars. 

great American Chocolate Candy Bar Speciality , and then FORD REPLY. today now read 

FORD REPLY , and not ELON MUSK, only, in a statement of the USA concerns that are with a USA of the people whom are very astrere of a green ticket consequence, in serious reviews. Read again the review notes now again, which were aimed at with even more . 
Of course Saranac Lake, New York USA may be with some incredulous individuals - Even perhaps mere mimes I think. Personally it is a time to buy horse blinders , and even a new pair of glasses , not to even extend a hand shake, while in the country of Japan it is a acient tradition to place both palms of hands flat together and then place in front of mouth - in saying : as sou ‘ and of course JAPANESE , word for good bye : si own na are ah ‘ 

 Much Like GROUCHO MARX : glasses read 

5:14 pm now saranac lake New York Tiny Villa , now again, as there was a very concerning aim at me and my tiny villa, even in concerns of more than my Walmart grocery delivery and other details , as my computer standards are with some damages too, and still in a period of repair. My phone IPHONE online travel phone basic essentials is actually working at this time. With some concerns. The kremlin of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin and myself have a 007 ru RUSSIA STAR SATALIGHT 890,000 zuse , in moon solstice, meetings not as easy. I said to the specialist in RUSSIA , whom worked over time to gain the over seas remote repairs , I said : is Vladimir Putin bringing the gallons of neopolitain classics American European Ice Cream by horse or Aquadic Russian Automobile’ Fararri ?   Wait until you see the post noted reply from the RUSSIAN MILITARY . 

The discraces of the idiot unethical malicious rioters - have a ride waiting now. Ford Made Ford Tough .With love from FORD AND ALL THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TOO AT FORD MOTOR CORPORATION multi indernational USA conglomeration company.  

The BEACH BOYS : know about many qualities in life including sanctitudes of an estates largest and tiny , in. a realized ethical civility , delightful and more, with a realized known idealizes that the THUNDER BIRD , known as a automobile by Chrysler Ford plant of manufacturing is a car that is somewhat special too, with love of an achieved real automobile excellence with a small pocket change monthly payment to afford even buying your very own THUNDER BIRD , known as the T. BIRD , in the BEACH BOYS LOVED  reviews notwexactly fun, serious to all. Fun Fun Fun, “ funny papers of concerns in review now.  Listen Now and do not lend out your car keys now yet.

5:54. pm MESSAGE ALSO NOW. FROM DARLING PAIL MC CARTNEY , RINGO STARR , GEORGE HARRISON , and JOHN LENNON , in a gentle sweet lovely FILM.  LADY MADONA ‘ is a sweet classical painting of a woman , in ITALY the painting is noted as sacred ‘ currently can be viewed online in the MUSEUM DU LOUVRE in PARIS FRANCE , and of a FRENCH LOVE TO ITALY , as both countries of Central European Mediterranean Sea basin , are both with a a few beautiful sea side  cities on the Mediterranean Sea, known as one of seven actual real seas , while not exactly ocean. The seven seas are only within the European continent . 

What Do The Beatles Men I love so , mean? “ SEE HOW THEY RUN ‘ I AM CRYING “ written and produced in the politically loved song LADY MADONA , from JOHN ,PAUL , RINGO , and GEORGE ‘ in a recent message now. 

April 13 th 2024 : tiny villa now , 7:18 pm in the evening in New York Saranac Lake NY USA , and hello to everyone everywhere. It is simply a brief post now with some love notes more. The lovely sandwiches and wine meeting notes will be a very lovely subject in the posts into the month of APRIL 2024, perhaps into JULY 2024 .

Turkey Pate ‘ tiny sandwiches cut with a cookie cutter are delicious on pure softest white bread , heart shaped and more. And the pate ‘ pronounced Pa ‘ TAY ‘  in a FRENCH word as to mean , ground Turkey Finest like pepper ground , in a food processor blender , or hand crank grinder , and then add a spoon at a time of a egg style mayonias , HELMANS BRAND a USA BRAND , pure original mayonias is always good. Add a Teaspoon level spoon filled white fine ground pepper ‘ to the Turkey pate ‘ then blend well before preparing sandwiched to stack on a tiered tray and cover well with a food quality clear plasic wrap. Serve with a Skishkabob of broiled vegtables or a great sautéed vegtables with larger chopped vegtables. Cheeses in thick hand sliced domino marque cut and a cracker and chips with sour cream and chive sauce , thick and delicious , iced tea with a cinnamon nutmeg spice ‘ chopped ice and more. Larges baker potatoes Idaho Baker Potatoes washed and frayed to bake , slice the Potatoe from the outter Potatoe skins and mash with cream and sour cream and soft melted butter to fill the Potatoe thick Potatoe skins then just keep in a warmer oven pan to enjoy with chopped grilled butter sautéed onions . Of course wine and juices and spritzers root beer and cola ‘ ready. Enjoy the Turkey pate ‘ and I will post press statement very soon. 

Cover your phone and iPads with a Heavier clothe cover and even tube the outter cords with plasic and assure your cords and your usb inverted plug areas are covered , as there have been recent close aim - with pungent types of racketeering rioter , that hand shake. And stampede . With vicious unethics . The gold teeth are pretty loved everywhere in all villages , all over the world. Some people used a chocolate candy foil with a fine whole golden toothy smile. What fun , in some review concerns in the USA and a very serious international press statement too. With automotive manufactures of real and serious messages from USA and all international manufactures to all over the world. Statement are very tough and serious with some messages from people in Beijing too , inside the Journal Publication from the ROYAL CHINA GOVERNMENT SITE DIRECTLY. 

and of course serious harsh aims at me and others , as banana news , was sternly a astere very important effort loved in the USA everywhere and all over the world. Minus some few racketeer usa , breeds. Rot bitter terriers I would say . . 

message update now from my very sweet darling friends known as CREDENCE CLEAR WATER REVIVAL in a music compostion legendary

 “ looking out my back door “  in Film 


a very special message direct from MICK JAGGER to me yesterday, within the ROLLING STONES and JOHN LENNON , in the audience and even RINGO STARR , with others , many are going to be very special to properly post prominently in love notes with more RUSSIAN MILLITARY and well, something about the BRITISH INVASION ‘ wildly a music concherto series , with vibrancy to experience - RUSSIA INVASION too ‘ yes. in concerto’s to note. 

special 10:00 pm sandwiches and wine meeting , via 007 star satalight ussr russia : in a updated photograph of the Kremlin of the Royal Country of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin , from my  personal rare archive 
SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , May dare to grace everyone in his charming and unique piano sonnet ‘ of more than the just our Vienna Fun. It would be extraordinary. Fine on the RUSSIAN BRASS banjo as well.  Simply charming , I must say. 

and even more. THE CHINA INVASION in music concerto’s, and JAPAN with even more countries in the far east in Europe and middle Eastern Europe as well as Eastern Europe and of course Mediterranean Europe as well as of course Western Europe including scottland and Ireland , Spain Greece , of course ERIC CLAPTON , too, ELVIS PRESLEY of course,  the VIENNA INVASION , in Austria, the AFRICAN , INVASION , the MEDITERRANEAN INVASION , including of course the Country of Italy and the country of France, the GERMAN INVASION . Of course with LUDWIG VON BEETHOVEN, as well as the POLISH INVASION, directly from Warsaw Poland in eastern europe. The Royal country of Turkey , Israel ,  Sweden, Holland, Denmark, Norway, of course IRAN INVASION , Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Aphganistan, INDIA INVASION , of course the incredible NASHVILLE and MEMPHIS TENNESSEE INVASION , riche with fine understated music concertos, with the JAZZ society USA among of course many AMERICAN incredible standards too,   Including South American and Cuban . Canadian , and even more , outragoius finest lovely culturally riche. 

Orange Bowl Pro League Foot Ball - in instant replay impromtue film updates are special with very special thank you to the USA professional sports leagues in all 50 states of the USA, not to forget the country of the Canadian Pro HOCKEY LEAGUE. thank you everyone. 

special note : 8:57 pm at this time, a cover in any breaze into a home door way ‘ is recommended, with a clear shower curtian covering the whole door with no breaze in. Air conditioner are great in fresh air , and then a small 6 inch wide cut leather vinyl fabric is excellent for a breeze cover around all the door eased and even fine design taped well is recommended. Or fine inexpensive appolstry fine brass tacks,   Some rioters were dumping some fumes and other unapproved types of compound elements dusts. Soapy bubbling up more, with covering your dishes and foods in closed cabinet , with a anti static type soap / and a gentle dish liquid , use a 1/16 cup of bleach to clean with mixed soap, on floors and even in your dishes, with a strait bleach on stained counters and even a tiny cap of bleach and soap mixed , sponged in a dabbed on your skin if a worry of some dark spot or light spot that was from a dust type issue ,  or itch, ache . with a great antibiotic ointment too. BACITRACIN is a great antibiotic ointment. MILK is great too, pickles, can be good with extra citrus juices, and fine hot tea, . Ointment cream  To assure the bleach will not dry your skin. Even an unusual blah spot , you thought was a vericose vein or skinned knee. Even a strange bruise washed off perhaps. Wash off all with liquid soap and bleach , even just a quarter size right away, and use color safe bleach only. Wipe down walls too, doors and even door handles and your bath tub and all powder room areas with also windows in mind.  

Enjoy the Turkey pate ‘ 

Of course soak pans and even dishes with liquid dish soap with two caps of bleach a few minutes and then rince well . Dry dished upside down and fully with a large towel clean cover. Silver ware is fine in a closed,  drawer while check all your dishes and silver ware before chopping cooking and of course serving your foods. Simply use a small cap of bleach with dish soap mildest , and then rince in hot water and then cold water and dry before using if needed. Use clean towels each time and then a fine laundry soap with your soiled laundry with color safe bleach . Of course eating out, wiping the tables and chairs with mild soapy water with some bleach in the soap , at 1/16 c. Per spray bottle is needed of course. Excellent , in proper business always. Dome Lid plated ‘ can be effective. GOLDEN FINE MENU PLATE LID DOMES ARE UNDER $22.00 each and worth purchasing , for any menu . read . Of course standard door sash rubber closures to prevent a breeze in are easy to install. Known as door sweeps. 

Finest Clear Plasic Durable Shower Liners at a low cost and with two curtains not one, under $8.00 shipped in less than 7 days with standard shipping . Mine shipped and arrived in 2 days. I do have mail in my lower post box entry at this time. And was cleaning up, before I go to my mail box in my estate entry to enjoy my postal packages well. Piled high waiting at my post box on my Foirier outter entry, as it will be like a Christmas to step down the estate main stairs to of course check my mail box deliveries piled high. 

3:01 am April 14 th 2024 , message , ah, yes, BILL MURRY ‘ lovely man. Post the excerpt message , from Bill Murry ? , I think so, after the statement of review in section one, article two. In continued press statements and that of the concerns USA in reviews. With people internationally everywhere too, of great interest . 

Jeremy Irons , Bill Murry , yes, Peter Sellers , ah, thankfully my messages , yes,  exccusi, everyone , more messages and updated soon. Paul Newman , Robert Redford , Yes ah Sir Vladimir ‘s messages , wonderful, simply lovely. 

3:11 am RUSSIA ,


9:22 pm GENE WILDER and everyone now : THE WILLY WONKA SECRET GUM ‘ not yet ready ‘ 
sweet darling VIOLET in the famous scene 
from Willy Wonka ‘ now is with a golden ticket in film 

what fun, everyone. My  Sweet Kisses sent to you all.
Love From Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , sweet dreams. 

8:20 am TINY VILLA NOW APRIL 15 th 2024 


from myself Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , in saranac lake New York USA , with more about clean up in some , concerning issues caused , to me, and in saranac lake, New York USA. Also pointing out that my number on my estate sign last year was deliberately broken by rotbitter terriers, that I mentioned , whom even aimed in a rackettering scam, even beyond Christmas Day, and today , the issue is a extreme contention , I dare say. Of course my estate is PARK AVENUE , 109 , # 3 apt villa tiny rental saranac lake New York USA. 7 miles from lake placid and about 40 minutes from TUPPER LAKE . , village on route 3 small local expressway. The 109 looks like a backward c in the center number . 

Of course , many travel in the PARK AVENUE ROAD, in a sweet quite drive by my little villa, of a level 2 right side front apartment when looking at the estate house. 
My sweet Villa Tangerine, and gold yellow  Curtian are remarkably unmistakable , in only the right four windows facing the estate front of finest stone cobble , in a large ancient tall 7 foot wall of a high grass upper entry with several unique gargoyle style gothic Roman crown  pillars on each side of the large thick slate stone steps. My tiny villa apartment is with only one entry and only the one stair way. With a large very well made terrace with a French Encased large Window enclosure , out side the main entry double doors. All private even at the side walk steps.  Often , a cafe ‘ meeting place is quite suitable. The cafe about one hour away is pleasant. Atrocious rotbitter terriers have a serious real concurrent issue in such large damage aimed at me and others. Even Johnson and Johnson was aimed at. 

In past years , in the southern regions, of course, the drive near my estate was always quite and even millions drove into town , not entering the estate, and with sweetness, the risterante in my southern region garden villa  were busy. The governor in Tennessee whom lived a few houses away , he was terribly upset when -  out for our, fish sandwich gathering at a tiny fish fry shoppe, took 30 minutes instead of 5 minutes . With room to sit outside, we enjoyed lovely daily outings more. I enjoyed my very sweet late lunch out with a 5 minute bicycle ride into the village  proper near my  garden villa often.  Even wearing my silk best brown Rocco Gold Pink skirt and blouse with of course a kick pleated perfectly in the front. The matching silk wide brimmed hat sash , not unusual in my own designs. 

Governor BILL HASLUM , is an honored fine business person in the big oil fuel industry, coast to coast, with notable humanities achieved lengthy work and is, as busy as I.  The councils of people in the the EAST TENNESSEE BUSINESS  council of East Tennessee and the, councils of the University  of Tennessee are very nice, the crowd can get busy at lunch after 2:00 pm.   My post impromtue from sir Bill Haslum as GOVERNOR OF TENNESSEE , in film is going to be smashing . Intellectual, with fine humility and hard work, in a notable interest in people and things .

The international press statements , are with a large audience of an international and USA culture of many. In all villages and all countries and of an excitment in a notable astere somber reality. Dealing with varmits in the USA, is the last thing anyone everywhere, are not in favore of. 

What to note now : a quick note , double chain your wallets , and use a pin hole in your bank card in a clear corner with care , and use some thin double chain or a few solid strings to then attach to your wallet. Zip your phones, well. With a very careful real need to not set the phone out of your zip case.  Cover the cords with a plastic , and the actual Port Plug in area too.  Plastic wrap is fine and then change the wrap often. Cleanest. Use a small bleach on hands with, cotton balls , tiny bottle should be fine, for fingers ,  that can be carried with gentle soap . Or packets of rubbing alcohol all pre packed in tiny packets , lemon scented . Rub a small bleach on the phone and a computer iPad , with a anti static laundry soap , just a pearl size and then soft cloth with a good polish all surfaces then rince with school water in a lite sprinkle on top of phone or iPad then dry with very clean towel . And turn on. 

The whole world of darling really lovely people are waiting for the international press statements in the second article updates , now. With a very astere message I recieved personally today updated impromtue film from the REAL RUSSIAN MILLITARY in ocean operatives heading into RUSSIAN PACIFIC OCEAN . EUROPE PACIFIC OCEAN. with pungent , statements. 


With the ORANGE BOWL in  in the USA state of Florida 
we all were having time in extra meetings , via 007 Korea star satalight meeting via , friends in the orange bowl of FLORIDA USA where the USA is graced with the very finest orange groves of fine inexpensive orange juice for breakfast every day. In pure FLORIDA LOVE.  

read    THE ORANGE BOWL , football game is great. 

April 16 th 2024 2:08 pm tiny villa saranac lake New York USA , NOW  

Good Day Everyone, everywhere, I recieved messages from all USA world champion Sports Professionals in World Honor Leagues yesterday whom only play within the USA 50 states of the United State of America only. As a very fine statement politically a great many years, in the 50 states of many cities. 50 states and then 50 places in each state to get a ticket for a real America Sporting event is very exciting. More messages in excerpt film and photographs soon. PGA included with Arnold Palmer , in quite a message. 

Being very reserved of the excitement of sandwiches and wine, and some extremely great news , about the USA in gold standard and quite a large achieved reality of the Nation of the USA, as well as quite the gold standard in other countries and of international respects, the update now is simply about a great American company of the USA in DOLLY MADISON cakes ready to purchase with no need to refrigerate , and individually cellophane bags sealed to stay fresh and pack on a tote to lunch cakes you will not be disappointed in, a box worth in shipped purchases if you wish. read Amazon List of Zingers , and the unique flavor of DOLLY MADISON CHOCOLATE CREME FILLED CUP CAKES , which last in a cellophane special plastic individually wrapped to one lunch sweet more like a 8 oz candie cake. The price ? Where to shop around ? It’s a serious review in the USA 
of course. More soon . A lovely good morning to you every where , as some serious concerns are in the international press statement soon. 

My estate in the tiny village is proposterious , and the endured upset is in all reality - a the aim at me, from incredulous daunting , dithers is a concern in the USA everywhere. 

The USA trucking major league hauler, are interested in a real saranac lake CONVOY , with details in maps and dining soon. 

with love everywhere 
from Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

perhaps seven mighty mow more - with aim are involved with a serious consequences further , in the tiny village now. Everyone has put on a diamond pinky ring , sharp just in case,  they are carrying their own real cash earning to get lunch.  International Press reviews section one article two :  BLYME NEWS SOON. 

2:42 pm Saranac Lake Now 
10:43 pm estimated time in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 

some of my office estate villa equipment for my honored company globally has been aimed at and some damage occured. My link HTML post are not repaired and hyper link post are not fully repaired and my email was just repaired this morning, with some damages issue in telephones and the main computers I use in my office over 30 years in great standard are not fully repaired yet. 

While there is great news to note and gold standards are very important too. Millions of Kisses to Vladimir Putin , RUSSIAN millitray and everyone. George Harrison is with a great update song : isn’t it a pitty. 

From the 007 SAUDIA ARABIAN STAR SATALIGHT , messages , thank you to the Crown Prince, my ole darling friend His majesty Crown Prince,  MOHAMMAD  BIN SALAMAN , as the prime minister of Saudi Arabia, sweetly I have known many years, and the PRESIDENT OF IRAN . With the thank to HASSIAN ROUHANI , former emeritus president of IRAN in the middle Eastern Europe with special honor and thank you as to include the MILLITARY of countries in the Middle East as well. Photographs of meeting in Europe with be a fine fun honors too. 

2:54 pm TINY VILLA TIME SARANAC LAKE USA , April 17 th 2024 , good day to everyone , everywhere, all over the whole world. With a special message to a few extra cities of finest very lovely people whom live in NEW YORK STATE , whom sent my recent village messages ,many in the last few days. Cities , of very good people in many whom arrived at many of my piazza exhibitions of a peace and economy important in international and USA reality. Thank you for the sweet many messages , Casanova , UTICA , OSWEGO , Onondaga regions, Keen, Batavia , Canastoda , Balwinsville, LIVERPOOL, Binghamton , ALBANY , Rodchester , Sterling Lake, Canastoda , Malone , Buffalo , Canandagwa , Watkins Glen , The blue Ridge Mountian Regions , The Brooklynn Pickle , Genoese Street and Burnett Ave Syracuse , of course. The industrial circle area of CORPORATIONS, in SYRACUSE ,  NEW YORK , in the carrier circle, of course ,  Corning New York ,  

many more tiny and even metropolitan sized cities , of NEW YORK STATE, of great lovely darling people lovely. Even many more cities than I have mentioned in Just New York State,  of the great real 50 states in the USA. Thank you all with my love to everyone. 

Even Geanelli ‘ and vitaglianio ‘ and Willis Egg Fatms, Byrne Dairy, and Crowley ‘ Grandma Browns Baked Beans , MANNIES CHEESE CAKES, BECKS PICKLES , Dr Brown Soda’s   while even more Brryers Ice Cream , Hudson Valley Tiny Villages , SIBLEYS , Snow Flake Bakery , Solvey Bakery , ,  I could go on for days and days in just a city or too.  Thank you again. Brats are going to be with some fine films from everyone , and even a very special international brat ‘ invite of an international BRAT MONTH OF EVENTS 2024 .

The time now is 3:18 pm and the update green ticket reviews are with a great many everywhere with a love to me and love notes, and my banana news, with bubble up too as a publication of mine in an ease to even republish my original notes direct from my archive online at my company STUDIO VOSSE. of many projects and love to read more if you wish. Today, it is a time to say, the upset recently is an unthinkable - real concern , in a review that is serious. Food covers for plates are easy to use, and are clear for ease to, simply assure your grill chef work in risterante and not be concerned ‘ while fully double wrapping any utensils for foods . In the saranac lake finest of chef work is important. The CONVOY OF MAJOR 18 wheeler trucking engineers drivers , may surprise everyone , even long ride coast to coast - could be coming you way, as JAMES TAYLOR wrote . What fun. 

3:31 pm tiny Villa time now . 

10: 28 pm from my tiny villa in saranac lake NEW YORK USA , NOW 

a very special RUSSIAN EVENT, with a wonderful reality all RUSSIAN, with a sweet surprise exposee soon.
10:00 pm SANDWICHES AND WINE / specialty tea hand blended, meeting directly in MOSCOW RUSSIA 

of love from the people of all of RUSSIA , sweetly real love very true. With Sir Vladimir Putin , thee KREMLIN OF RUSSIA . In a celebration with expressions of love in every village of RUSSIA . 

Darling Vladimir Putin my love , sweetly it is quite exciting, in such glorious people of the beautiful royal country of your delightful RUSSIA. 007 USSR RU 890,000 star satalight meetings are to say more, soon with the perfection f expressions of the people of RUSSIA , before the concerns in the USA review update are soon posted within my International Press Statements , with love in immense grandure to you all , in sweet cares of a a world within a grace of you all and everyone all over the world. Top Secret Notations of the SUPPER MEETINGS and your grandure of expressions from MOSCOW RUSSIA , in details at love notes soon . 

I love you more darling Sir Vladimir Putin and love to all in all of Russia , government people , Russian Military and every one , of all , in RUSSIA everywhere. 

merci ‘ love from me, princessTracy Suzanne Pickett 
kisses, millions of kisses sent , from all over the world.

10:52 pm tiny villa now 
 Saranac Lake New York USA NOW  

3:06 pm APRIL 18th 2024 , now from my tiny villa a message from even more : THEE FRANK SINATRA 
from MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY , in NEW YORK STATE, with a lovely many enjoying the statements and love of FRANK  SINATRA  now. 

Lovely FRANK AND EVERYONE , a impromtue of film 
and love expressions to you all, and lovely of FRANK SINATRA , at love notes , to everyone all over the world 

in FILM  a new recorded film , up to the minute . 

With love , from myself Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

5:37  pm the illustrious darling my long time very sweet GEORGE HARRISON , is quite political with an elegant intellectual , seriousness , with a review notation now, while GEORGE HARRISON , darling ,  sweetly , thank you. Everyone , the update impromtue political film is outstanding with great expressions of love , when astere tough political statement are a necessity .  You all are remarkable . George Harrison , Kisses  to you , millions. 

from myself and everyone all over the world. 

FILM ,    

 Special Note :to  sir George Harrison  , I saved a birthday cake special recipe for you and everyone. Your favorite darling. Riches chocolate and Kremlin ROYAL BRANDY , for the French Influenced Royal Flambé’ Cherries Jubilee Sauce . Of course, the fresh ROYAL peach sauce with a extrodinary PEACH MEILBIA flambé ‘ too, Creme De La Creme Ice Cream and the FINEST FRESHEST REAL ROYAL FROSTING , layered is of course your favorite of my recipes ‘via 007 star satalight ru 890, 000 zuse ussr, x 40.000 relay star satalights , plus plus LITHUANIA 007 star satalight 44 , 66 , 02.  

Russia Hill Pic Nic 1977 , early Russia Rasin Rum Sauce , of course , Vladimir Loved the sauce then too. What fun. 

unforgotten . 

11:37 pm APRIL 19 th 2024 , good evening everyone everywhere. The serious review is not yet posted in an update in BREIF, with some extra notations to include the ideals of that which were words written when the lovely country of FRANCE government gifted the STATUE OF LIBERTY in a sacred message to the people of the USA in great honor as a USA COUNTRY ARTIFACT , for all to experience a planned travel to see in person if wished to. There has been many many great achievents in the USA that took time and extremely efforts well worth the astounding and exciting post of what you might find remarkable and in all ways a incredible detail that is historical in real world history. Of esteemed effort and a secret you all will soon, read. Gold Standard Updates , are so important as I can hardly wait to say more of the noted details , which include every village in the USA and throught the whole world in all villages. With BENTLEY films too, feaverantly , the excitements are quite special. 

Thank you to everyone all , everywhere, you all took time to, stop sandwiches and wine out for several days in all villages in the USA and all over the world , when I posted the aim at my tiny villa, anf equipment too, I am still replacing some important equipment office computer tools , more updated on the replacement soon.  Steven Jobes , as my ole friend since the 1970’s is waiting too on sandwiches and wine ,  too, with Peter Sellers and sir Vladimir Putin , Bill Gates , Lucy of course , everyone . Sweetly I say again thank you everywhere.

love from myself , forever , from Myself ,
princessTracy Suzanne Pickett 

Sweet Dreams in the USA and international in inter continental countries and good day to everyone within all of vaste , EUROPE , of all countries with my very gracious thank you everywhere again and again.  

Sweetest kisses sent to Sir Vladimir Putin , and MILLITARY OF RUSSIA , including millitary specialist and all government people of RUSSIA with too, the to all people of RUSSIA , and many more too, everywhere . 

many notes more soon. 

April 20th 2024 from saranac lake New York Tiny Villa Now ,  in a brief hello to everyone all over the world. 

The Week End , could have been filled with more in love notes with vibrant bold love, Baha Too, awaiting for preparing your own Baha summer and filming fun. 

REVIEWS ARE, tough ,BAHA 2024 is going to be amazing in the USA and all over the world.  

Boot and Hats Touph ‘ for the reviews. 

April 21 2024 SUNDAY IN THE USA from my villa in saranac lake which is the exact same tiny villa and very concerning, of any enduring minutes into more than days since Christmas of mortifying blyme, basic tidadel vagrant aiming idiots , which aimed at me and my company after the, mortifying harror these few dillitonmice mutons, aimed into all USA , aimed to damage anyone’s delight to even ice cream outings.  

I rather have not the time to even think to stare daily ata menicing of garbage piled bags - aimed to large discomforting in a fine clean estate hall, as the issues are of a unquestionable deliberate -  aim at a estate rental that is worth over One Million Dollars of years in some lower reasonable rent prices for a villa tiny which was not exactly of a , large estate which is of a lesser actual cost monthly to me, to have instead purchased. True, I have packages delivered which I purchased waiting at my mail box many days. I will run down soon and hope to enjoy the breathful stroll in my loweroutside foiror soon , as I once did. Gear up,  and don’t smile in saranac lake NEW YORK USA yet, at even concerns with dart frog issues, strait spit from frog spilt tung - m180 pith aimed. I was not sure what that meant - then heard several times there was close aim dart frogs.  Of course most fine garden people know that a frog is round plate of thick glass with holes in it , to set tall flower stems into a vase , or bowl . Silver Perhaps , darted at if a close aim .   

My sweet wreath , and tree were not as I intended with solid planning , and ease well planned. Even lovely travel packing and the wreath lit on my door down in the ancient. steps of my estate entry , not a sign of vagrant secretion of dc unethics in a cohort hassle huddle, with the faite of their own reflection of large lists of squander unethics,  even unethical more consecutive connect horker .  While I must take awhile today to post section two articale two :  HECKLE AND JECKEL mag pies go to town.  HAND AND HAND WITH , those in dc. which are connected in unethical high level Oval Office wrong doing - nato too, and some pentagon too, aimed and were reeping the USA of even pint sized milk fresh purchased for young school children ,  with no milk , no idea, milk by the pint is of course large realized school milk assurance , in subsidized good low prices to school milk national program . With extraordinary lovely efforts from dairy specialist too.  Interuptions were aimed at my sandwiches and wine events, honors of even more RUSSIAN MILLITRAY and Vladimir ,  and many other honors in EUROPE, even women in GERMAN MILLITRAY ,  men too.  Not just a few millitray and specialist I will say. Of course I was thinking ,  EUROPE, 

I can not deploy SPECIALIST. THE. SPECIALIST , are with Sunday CHAMPAGNE ‘ of week long special brunches in MOSCOW throughout RUSSIA, from even the country of ENGLAND including the many many countries all the way throughout. EUROPE into  the far EAST into CHINA.  

Champagne’ events are not a break ‘ and a time now to see the finest. GERMAN liefbrelmulsh ‘ basic vine wines of a good celebration of a large MOSCOW MEETING .
and extraordinary efforts with great success.   

Today in the USA is time for,  rash reality with boots and hats,  to thoughtful reviews and stern austerity with champagne and fine sandwiches more. We , are all preparing for the giant international event of
BAHA 2024 , saranac lake New York too, is going to be with fine fun, of many lovely kind astere people, convoy fun.  Reviews are essential .   

My sweet tree lighting event before Christmas was with most harrible aim at more than my entry. The USA in all villages are important to me and everyone all over the world. Love from myself and too, from everyone all over the world . SPECIALIST of RUSSIA too.  

7:51 pm Tiny Villa Now in Saranac Lake NEW YORK 
3:51 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW approximate time.

some of my office equipment is still not proficient and some repaired were aimed at further after the repairs were complete with extraordinary efforts quite successful from RUSSIA with a special envoy effort with highest esteem in lovely specialized work. Even my efforts in the envoy were with some special - efforts.   The post in love notes is brief due to some excess damage caused and some equipment repair further.  10:31 pm tiny villa saranac lake New York NOW , update , ah, well, the damages are more than imaginable to me, and I did not realize the excess consideration in a concern of even my next business month , to of course assure the absolute standards which I myself require and can say, I am maticulous in details , that are somewhat enjoyed in my extended publications, and of course over ten years of my lectures in person in many specialized cultural , events of my personal projects. Among international arts and cultural exhibitions  of my own broadened independent work, arias of course are very important to me as well in project worth in ways which,  have greater minutes for my own reality of exposed expressions , which softem a deeper worth towards humanity for me.  Selfishly I love people well of the diverse lovely individualism - sweet . I think my ole darling Mike Grove would say.. Tonight, another rioter actually began defaimitory exploitive , and ran near into my entry and door , after I was a bit upset , irate ,  as should be , with looking at the reviews in the USA emails messages to me of over two years in details , gosh , the Presidents of countries , messages, and my expectations , are impossible , with some serious work , in economic and extra notations , in banana news, I will not possibly even begin to think that a , Champagne Simple Supper is to be ruined by racketeers whom ran into my estate lower entry again, . Tonight , with aim at , interrupting even my very loud call to sal in Spain . Loud , or soft , not an invite to any of my darling plans daily and time.  

There are approximately 604 racketeer cartel , and well, of course , that is not even enough to stand in an isle in Walgreens together . Recently someone said that it was more like stuffing themselves in a cannon and then shooting themselves at others , with a flying trapeze gripped in their teeth , while  trying to grip more of everyone’s cash and time.  

Of course,  the serious nuclear projectiles the racketeers aimed at my tiny villa on Christmas Day were with advanced millitray RUSSIAN SPECIALIST , whom worked in a very special envoy over meetings in Moscow with Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of a special appointed specialist , and the envoy work and from RUSSIA , there was a disarmament , of the aim issue at me, in a specialist of great humanitarian excellence , and even some specialist, with some excellence in conclusive success in China and throughout Europe . Sir Vladimir Putin , darling sweet charming and vibrantly successful brilliant lovely darling, RUSSIA is  with my sweet attentions and thank you for the message. We certainly can not have a 
furtherment of,  such unethical USA racketeers in foot range at scams more like THE BULLWINKLE SHOW , 
cartoon ,  originally funny ink blots of unethical racketeers . Then with lies about being CANADIAN , 


or again aiming at the BANK OF ENGLAND either. 
With an attempt that dates back several years of scam issue in a USA morgage scandal of HSBC , which was racketter type running to ENGLAND , in pop up bank scandals of a repeted HSBC scandal after the few racketeers, aimed to , well , I will say , 
more in the review. 

Tonight : grape ape , bullwinkle show with rocky and bullwinkle , and the pink panther cartoon , with the cartoon : the flea circus , and the cartoon : mag pies of HECKEL AND JECKEL , those in ruin to real estate and Wall Street Past ,issues USA born bourissekibblerz. 

and a review tonight of 
THE GRINCH WHOM STOLE CHRISTMAS . with a much different consequence in a great USA. 

April 22 nd 2024 , 2:18 pm saranac lake New York USA NOW , from my tiny villa , REVIEWS ARE HARD AND EVEN TOUPH, so Touph that I was just provoked by a nasty unethical rioter out side scraping a shovel sound in my foiror lower entry that these punks circled into today, a little nasty vioce yelling far in a block was also circling in a aimed to my books and art that was also with aim to cause my sales in the catalogues, aimed in technochimping racketteer idiocy , and real punks , involved I must say. The damage of over $57 billion of my sales in more than several of my lengthy projects was aimed at in these issues of a USA idiot scam of goobers , 

Not renters , as the Florida Professional Foot Ball Team of the major Leagues said. More like low brow cock roaches sweat , of unethical bad eggels .With everyone’s flutes these Belly Up types could aim at. My honored gifted glasses from Germany with the finest golden blue trimming Rims were smashed from the racketeers with Dart Typesof Munion  aimed into my kitchen Sink , recent m180s too,  people are secretly calling them fire cracker bottoms with a green ticket scoot ‘ with no scooter they own in a very serious issue in very viciously issues as the racketeers took advantage of the very esteemed realized opportunity of earnest real work and wages. 

Punking in stolen idiocy , and imaged in cases looking like great John Wayne , with a Stilt in their boot and De Chomp Teeth Chomping public toilets and dollars . The city per capita ‘ of earning in saranac Lake New York were with travelers and 300,000 people in with some upsets .  2000 honored traveling in were attacked in a pin point aim , to a harror in the USA of these blaten Wigworming Racketeers , and eyeing their Car and wallets .  Lunches and emails too. 

My equipment , has some damage and I was appalled about just seeing assuring my Soft gentle  quite natural quite postal mail time that is of an unthinkable , and absolutely uncompromising reality not to endure a idiot grappling of what Mick Jagger called Misfits and Sleeze Prop Posies ,  CHEERY CHEEKING MAD MAX Racketeering some grey wiggos ‘ with eye. Googling Browing ‘

Of course Dressed for Church Rectoruims causing others to Churn Butter if these uncooth unethical even plageriest  of aim to book heisting and other noted ideas of my company, And other Plagerist Heists before , of Beatrix Potter books and a list of Wall Street Types Actionable Racketeer of plageristic area , banking  concerns,  hall entry concerns , and more, , after the unethical prices of a pound of butter was labeled unethical at $6.50 and the statement of real clarity is that the price issues of extreme attempted aim in extortion - in some racketteer the pot of racketters whom aimed to distort the decrease in inflation nationally after my posts on economic stability- were aimed at with unethical swallow tailing of stickers that unethically aimed to Cause damage in two cities . With Rackettering to grip others in lips sweezing - the word was filmed in Leaping Lunge and Lu Lugie ,  no real de Ludge Sweden Excellence. The Racketters of dismal distain and attacking others of great ethics , good love, life worth a Hard Work Day Five Day Week into great pay, with fine wages and a brewing stability in economics ,  vicious rioter Racketters even aimed to Walking into the stairs street level to in a entry hall, use stink bomb with minion fume types of concerning issues , elevators and more.massive aim to damage time and circle humans in extreme aimed even of damage in Blocking elevators and asking for cash at $500. To get to a pizza and cola lunch up the elevator in favorite risterantes  ,  Prowling in streets in aimed address area to lie to many ‘ David Bowie ‘ had some concerns and said : he would LEAVE too, after being so upset,  The gift he sent never arrived. JAMES Taylor too. 

I will be Traveling in announce updated announced pre announcement in  posts and also post when I walk to actually recover my automobile , while the delay caused was not pleasant in rioters swimming in dry roads. Wear your hat and boots ‘ 



in the international PRESS STATMENT updated .
IMPORTANT updated USA concerns and green ticket solutions are real,  in the Pink And Green Highlight at the REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW 
as listed in the love notes above or go directly to my company STUDIO VOSSE , with love notes too,  and look for my extra publication posted of international press statements within my online 
Today in reviews area extra time when the men and women of the USA see  that the importance of the efforts in all broadly worth a USA of people many all loved and lovely , in a esteemed Achieved Newer Reality and broad achieved worth and work and leisure   to realize the incredible many, people villages of the USA all, and note tough decisions , astere , in the face of dismal blaten unethics are a time to carry within a merits even more a more assured stability and even realize more the. RESPONCIBILITIES  of greater men and women , in a times of even concern of aim at a further , blight toward real AMERICA USA , , with absolute care of international countries in very introspective humanities intellectually .  What concerns ,  of such idiocy aimed from a few into such garish concerns in the lovely International worth , striving, broadening and with love for the whole world too.

Green Ticket 604 , USA , is a sad day ,
looking back at all the opportunities 
and worthy efforts.

With love  to you all, everywhere, 
from Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett      

1:08. am from my tiny villa , meeting in Moscow Russia ‘ APRIL 23 rd 2024 update to everyone everywhere now , 

a sweet women I have not much seen since early childhood , my sister was born in the early 1070 ‘s with a BIRTHDAY TODAY , and my wish is to say happy birthday Barbara Joanne Pickett darling women ‘ enjoy the something sweet ‘ butter cream frosted cake ‘ with a fine supper ‘ with love to you and millions of kisses sent , from everyone everywhere. I love you darling blue eyes .  

my equipment is not yet fully ready in all replacement and repairs ‘ at this times in many Utubes sent are with some paste link hyperlink tool issue aimed at from USA racketter in connected technochimping . And the HTML gift message link are not paste tooling repairs quite yet. 

More in REVIEWS at mid morning time from my tiny villa in New York USA , with many many messages to post into my later notes. A brief list: the president of BOWING INTERNATIONAL , in person emailed me, MIKE BLOOMBERG emailed several times, The New York Times Director , emails, The Modern Museum of Art Executive Director emailed, Steven Spielberg emailed . The Executives at CNBC , emailed , the governor of California Arnold Swarzenegger emailed , Columbia College Alumni and student body with all faculty emailed, Herman Miller Company Owner Emailed , EBAY owner emailed , BILL GATES and Microsoft Employed all emailed me,  Sir Vladimir Putin sent a very very special film update archive, very important , the King of England Sir Charles King of the Royal country of England sent a extremely special film with the MILLITARY OF ENGLAND in quite the message , Her Majesty The Queen of England  Queen Elizabeth sent a update film , Sean Connery Sent a update film , linked in Affiliated sent a very sweet message update email. Michael Jorden sent a message of the professional Major League Basket Ball Team - as thee CHICAGO BULLS  

in the State of Illinois, Robert Redford emailed with a very good lenthy introspective film message , David Bowie sent a film message , Cathrine Hepburn, Spencer Tracey , Sidney Portia , Paul Newman ., Ethel Merman , Lucile Ball , Desi Arnez from the country of Cuba , and Allen Alda , with everyone from Mash 4077 in films sent messages , Loretta Swit , and Gary Bergoff , Jammie Farr,  and Sir Farrel of the show 4077 MASH , 
  Kernel Potter , in character at 4077 Mash , and a few more of the lovely, savvy kind intellectuals of the show Mash 4077 , with messages, thank you for the extra film updates everyone, sweet of you all. The president of China Xi Jinping and the Prime Minister of the country of Germany too with messages, more than imaginable in the emailed responses and films ,  with my lovely affections and thank you for the many emails, San Francisco, too, with business doing well, and more about the SERIOUS REVIEWS  in very large love in USA messages for a serious USA of many of serious in reviews - International European President of countries are with reviews serious and messages , even into the week, 
with Africa , president Ramos , and The Prime Minister of India sir Modi , of course , the Prime Minister of Israel , Sir Benjamin Netanyahu sent a very lovely message earlier this morning ,Elton John , Ella Fitzgerald , Diana Ross , STING , BRUCE Springsteen , John Melloncamp , Billy Joel , Mick Jagger , Jim Morrison , Jim Perdue, Jimmy Hendrix , THE WHO, GENE WILDER AND everyone from WILLY WONKA golden ticket Extra films , David Letterman , Johnny Carson, Milton Berle , Many Museum Executives , JOHN LENNON , PAUL MC CARTNEY , RINGO STARR,  GEORGE HARRISON , Darling lovely delightful BEATLES , Very special everyone,  and the Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salaman , is the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia and a darling of years , sent a film message as well from the middle Eastern EUROPEAN ROYAL CONTRY OF Saudi Arabia , and even more I shall post in more review notes into afternoon hours April 23 rd 2024 , special hello with love to my mother , Wendel , and a my Father even if years are apart , for Ponderosa Days Remembered .The Prime MINISTER OF THE COUNTRY OF JAPAN Sir ABE Shinzo,  a very good friend of many years, thank you sir Prime Minister ,  Sir Solti and all in the internationally Major World  Philharmonic Symphonies, Paul Simon and Chevy , with Bill Murry ,and Steve Martin   , Jerry Steinfeld , Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sir Rudolf NEREYEV, my gosh , Of course there are quite many more - emeritus former President Mikhail Gorbechov and Empresses Gorbechov  of so many lovely people to include more message emailed and message films too many  . soon posted . 

Some extra Bubble Up News Will Be Posted and if you are seemingly a bit warm unusually for a few hours , a very quick ICED bath , then a warm bath is real perfect self nurturing, with a neuosprin ointment , lite on skin , and dry well, a Cap of color Safe Bleach And Soap mild mixed to wash skin well, scrub ears and all, if some warm or too cool issue , Neosporin Ointment to assure soft skin ,dry well,  Extra whole Dairy Cow Milk , is also perfect to replenish best, with great sandwiches and even wine or cola and Juice too, Favorite foods of the very best,   with bubble up notes to  know. 

international press statements , will include film messages as well from so many all over the USA and internationally in all countries into May 2024 . 

a FILM tonight ‘ 
ah  with my HTML ,
 tooling upsets I 
will still recommend 

with brilliance everyone ‘ 
and everyone Thank You again.   


with an honored intellectual powerful political humanities Film Loved And Revered with my darling Robert Redford and sweet DUSTIN HOFFMAN 

and Paul Newman With Sir Flannery 
Films Short Segments of the Card Games . 

 2:21 am from my tiny villa now 
approximate time in MOSCOW now 

ah thank you to the Moscow Times email the Japanese Times email , many many many more as well, and very special thank you to the Kremlin of the country of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin and the. MILITARY of the Royal  Country of Russia , with all specialist , very special thank you graciously . dubre din ‘  kisses everywhere to you all, and throughout all of Europe. 

Love Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

April 23 rd 2024 9:00 pm Hello around the world this evening from saranac lake NEW YORK USA in my tiny villa .Please , make time for extra efforts in carefully reading over and over the international press statements which have begun. Thank you to the student, alumni and faculty , deans included at COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO , and at THE SCHOOL OF THE ART INSTITUTE MUSEUM of a royal college in Chicago Illinois’s , as my lovely Universities, of my PHD advancement extra work in broadening , as an alumni .
Together with you all, with alumni   of every USA state and international countries too,  , I was reading your messages and saw you’re  all ready with a slim tall batton unbrella , and travel ready . Sweet of you all, each and everyone . I love you with special Thank You again.  Amazing efforts too. Xo. 
Love to everyone , 

from myself Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 


with more noted messages of great cares of the new era of reviews and a great USA 

read reread and read again now with some extra movies and films to note into the week

Enjoy the entire white album from the BEATLES IN FILM 

VLADIMIR PUTIN exclusive rare FILM   
THE KREMLIN OF THE COUNTRY OF ROYAL RUSSIA  in Eastern Europe. sweet personal archive with sweet darling of my adorations of many close very lovely years. Good Morning in Moscow Russia , and throughout all of RUSSIA and all over the world ,

from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , 
April 26 th 2024, 10:04 pm 

GREEN TICKET consequences are with a total green light in the USA in all villages , with a reality of BUS GREEN , MEANER THAN HELL , GREEN TICKET consequences,  as my father once said years ago when I was a child of age 4.  DADDY said ‘ I was, in fact meaner than hell. Sweetly as his lovely voice is, softly a message kind in an adoring message of love. It was just after I ask him , if I could show him a magic trick , and he agreed .  Asking him if he had a quarter , he did. Then I made the quarter disappear right in front of his eyes. Not in my sleeves , not in my hands, and then I asked him to tap on my palms ,  both hands, and of course I then reached in my ear and then in front of his eyes, returned his silver USA quarter.  

Days said : that was sweetest mean ever.  

Reread Green Ticket reviews again, my desk in the tiny villa was again aimed at, and at the exact location of my mail box area , and even closer as a atomic fume was aimed at my tiny villa and the tree lights in the sweet lit tree were hit by minion ,  I expect to update a green ticket conclusion , tomorrow and with the USA general assembly of all people in all villages in a yes - to the green ticket consequence. Yes Yes Yes Yes North , South, East , and West , within the international protocol of an International Ruling of Large Levels if Humanities Rules, internationally. Every Giant USA multi international company is also on board. What the legislation looks like.? Europe Presidents and millions of people in councils in seperate countries ,  and the ATTORNEY GENERAL emeritus of the former DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE , in the USA of  a great darling friend , since before I was age 24 , in the 1980’s  during my work as a executive director for a multi million dollar little fast paced company. Very lovely message soon from THEE HENRY KISSENGER . with some real green ticket review updates and resounding results in motion.

APRIL 27 th 2024 

good day everyone , still a aim at me from dc derges and the racketing of those whom have rioted my hall , and entry and aimed minion as well , our a ways while circling my mail box and attempted to park in my spot and and even blocked the entry sweet stair in the lower street level, and are those involved in cash to hand in aimes at others as well, including aim at my desk computers and phone/ with aimed types of some fume , with a large strange dirty sand like large issue in my street parking spot , with green ticket in progress , actually and some legislation internationally that was a great reality in large all citizen assembly of efforts and a yes on green ticket consequences , and of course the matter is all in international levels only . In Europe and Moscow Russia was very kind, and serious within many councils and of all European Presidents and many councils and citizens of government in Europe . Of course the racketeers are actually staring down their own barrel of the reality in the aim which they took on over ten countries in Europe including Italy , Sweden, Norway, England , Germany, Japan, Ukraine regions, Russia, Africa , Israel , Iraq, Aphganistan , and even Korea and France , as well as Turkey the country in Europe too, and the extent of cartel and seperate rackettering in a large connection in dc degre of the Impeached Biden wrong election include illigal election and a attempt of extortion of the USA taxes into a aimed attempt in extortion of citizen actual all , people’s social security and that including retirement and including extortion of health benifit in even frauds in contortion law in ethics of. Gain Standard in a large humanities ethical rules in government , and that of the aim at international business shipment , in aim to deceived in extreme fraud in international laws, in attacks on the international companies and all major corporation with aim at art nd design, largely known - in aimed large damage , with intent aimed at the USA major museums and more.

Attacks to real estate in small and large issues are a big toll that were aimed directly even more at American USA culture ‘ and there is more. 

The meeting in Europe are with an envoy which has been slightly difficult and of course the repair of more then my standard office home office computer equipment and some online  Studio Vosse Repairs , yes Moscow specialist are great as is Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin and some extra efforts from RUSSIA were somewhat difficult . Vladimir Putin of course is  very well noted sweet very lovely love I myself was excited to see , traveling in often when I was in my advanced PHD specialization in my extra broaden work in many international business brush ups and extended cultural work achievement .our beach side brunches are a fine little fun to tell you of the Russian , Invasion Symphonies with Lenard Bernstein , and Yo-yo Ma, and George Solti and Perrie Boulez , my sweet darling including the Beatles in large very submerged ways . The update tonight include BENGAY , as a product for ligaments in an ointment that is great on any sore muscle and needs a generous amount in even scalp ‘ if some how there was a Upset fume tossed at you. From bad eggs on their SPEED WAY with ELON MUSK , and GENERAL MOTOR FORD zoom zoom , automation , GREEN TICKET ready ,harness hands - might even touch their nose alone and in a really stick - as the nuclear Munion these quagmires in raachetung unethal and unethical rioting -etc pooled cash to aim at everyone ‘ eyeing even the local many pizza shops ,  and took pay from companies with good opportunities, and began to embezzle from other , and the complies , while and are all involved with the munion aimed, even in some soft shoe ‘ deception at Yale Univesity which was with sudden unethical pop up pop and stuff shoppe and concerns too,. Not alone. 

BENGAY : hulk hogan loved the product in sore muscles.
My grocery Walmart order , is not yet order with a few mangeeey ‘munion  dart blower , starring at the Green Ticket reality and we’re seen over two years in unethical malicious actionable intent , and EYE BALL popping to dare to aim at my lovely wonderful sweet life.

Beyond the hut ready in the green ticket conclusion , and a dog run mile for racketeers , green ticket consequences are a international meeting update reality , with love from EUROPE, besides BOOTS AND HATS , the NUDE DRINKS , for those Heckle  Jeckle asses , walking as no Baha Temple Veil Dome Mind , in no for them in Baha or the beautiful BAHA TEMPLE IN THE MAGNIFICENT architecture of the true VEIL ceiling on Lindon Avenue in the norther suberbian city north of Chicago ILLINOIS, as a great travel lake side in one of the world largest Great Lakes, as instead these Jeckling Asses walk nude in empty unethics , nude in all to realize everywhere their unethical distain  of the harror the HECKLE JECKLE ASSES CAUSED. some will cause to be alerted into the larger posted review into a consequence of green ticket in a new era of the USA , and the entire international world.  

BENGAY : if you ache ‘ a medicated ointment to sooth muscles and ligaments in a with a warm towel wrap , and in head and scalp to clean out any impurities .
BENGAY is fine USA brand , good for skin that is sore in muscles and everything. 

12:26 am April 28 th 2024  MEETINGS IN MOSCOW are continued with very special notations soon. ERIC CLAPTON , was kind enough update a great MUSIC VENUE note with a concerto music ticket of finest concert with ERIC CLAPTON in his most lovely works of artistry in world famous lovely songs and some political statement of really lovely event ticket schedules to prepare your schedule well, no delays.
ERIC CLAPTON notation   assure you do take an extra effort in purchasing any ticket in any way , with an email directly to Eric Clapton and that of the actual location of where the event is, in a box office receipt as well, and then purchase , as to assure a real concert ticket and plan the schedule to travel in a great event created by ERIC CLAPTON as well as other fine events. Worth the extra effort. 

April 28 th 2024 2:31 pm Hello to everyone everywhere . 

All over the world. Of course there are many people emailing me and even the Prime Minister of India , with a area to all, of needed in a direct concern of review , too, w with special thank you to Prime Minister Modi. And government specialist all. Men and women professionals of government in the Country of India , we have sandwiches and wine updates very soon , with Russian Millitary ,as well as other government and the militaries ,  in some meeting photographs more throught all countries of Europe . Even a few from Harvard Univesity and Vanderbilt University, University of Tennessee , Univerity of Perdue, Green Bay of Wisconsin, Tampa Bay  Univesity of Florida , University of Alabama in the city of Bermingham, Univerity of Northern Texas in Denton, University of Notre Dame , Syracuse University , North Western Univesity of Illinois in Evanston , and not the whole list , not yet the international list , also mentioning, ST PETERBERG UNIVERITY in Russia in Europe ,   the list goes on. Love Notes Honors events are very important ,  with birthdays too , with Bentley Films that are going to be amazing. I am with no actual words, at this post of the transgressions - I mean not exactly transgressions actually fully rotted unethical of a few, 604 , actually in rackettering scamming to aim at others in even rioting with munition, of the most unethical intent in a large catastrophic damage those few ( 604 )  are facing as they intended unethical harrowing of many more years than than 4 years.

I am looking forward to King Charles His Majesty KING OF THE COUNTRY OF ENGLAND,  with a love message from Queen Elizabeth , both have some very exciting films to me personally and to everyone all over the world. English Millitary of Great Britain of the country of England are sweet, of serious austerity in political film meeting messages - soon. 

There are green ticket consequence in motion ‘ in saranac lake New York USA ,  Boots and Hats and gloves ‘ 
Rince your phones and wash with some lite dab of bleach and cool water , And cords ‘ soap and a cap full of bleach in a spot on skin is good, and hair may need a little cap of color safe bleach and extra wash with mild shampoo and a lite hair conditioner .Wash three times in mild baby shampoo , too, after the lite bleach wash. Tooth paste on your phone washed too is also helpful in sudden issue, with teeth , if a bit dark , 1/2 teaspoon bleach with soap and be careful to spit all out and rince mouth with some salt and water to spit out too,.  There was a large dumped sandy stuff on my street in an extreme dumping caused by rioter And DC , cartel all rolling in scams , involved in the racketeering . again. Anthony Blinker and more ‘ are basically a vicious harror in the reality of extreme negligence aimed at the USA and in with malicious sim at government in Europe as well. With films included with Anthony Blinker in malicious words of intended unethical deceptions and contort ‘ in clarity of standards of ethical precipitous  reality.  

in Moscow Russia the time is aproximatly .
 10:49 pm , Tiny Villa Time  Now  2:49 pm 

8:37 pm JOHN LENNON , PAUL MC CARTNEY , RINGO STARR , and GEORGE HARRISON ,   Recorded a very special music compostion for me, 

on the Design Sketch Horse as known ‘ with a unbrella 

 of the presentation impromtue film HELP 
a perfectly lovely recording and a upset to us in the sandwiched and wine sweetest spring time 2024 .
flights meeting  Vladimir Putin,, are in the schedule.
Our secret meeting place soon everyone ‘ in film soon. 

More of BOWING EMAIL TO ME, at BOWING INTERNATIONAL as a statement from the President of Bowing Internatiinal , in favore of the green ticket reproach in a consequence of rackettering and all the largest in the USA companies too are in favor of yes to the green ticket consequences of unethical separatist in a rolled up malicious , lenthy .Companies and everyone of employed and retired and some that are setting down a great rooted love of life , are a yes to green ticket consequences as a 4,000 year dog run green ticket destination  for those USA of such mortifying malice . 

8:59 pm Tiny Village Time Now 
4:56 am Moscow Russia Now 

April 29 th 2024
2:00 pm saranac lake New York USA time 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, from my tiny villa rental apartment as the same , tiny very tiny villa nestled in only a mountian region of the greater Adirondack Mountains. 

The ancient stacked stone entry of my second floor front apartment on only the right front of the actual ancient stone slate thick steps into the outter terrace style foirure,is narrow in many steps up, beyond the solid ancient tall stacked stone wall on each side of the narrow thick slate stairs up, . The detailing stone stacked wall, of over a thousand years, possible , in a ten foot high stone detailing wall to the side walk is with several perch style pillars designed into the ten foot stone stacked maticulous walls on each side of the estate of some tiny opulent , estate houses ( as apartment ) , of a history of absolute splendor in historical hide always ‘ in lenthy travelers even of sir Napoleon, historically of more than a hundred years ago, whom travel by ship and then a carriage of horses from the ship toted with Sir Napolian, of a refined merchant trader of international business as a dignatary from the Country of France. With some established work too in Quebec Canada in a norther country of the western world in the continent known as thee America’s as of many other countries and of course the USA in a center of major other countries which are vastly larger and with love of the sweet lands of the 50 states larger than perhaps some realize  in the Great Country of the United of 50 state of America, ( U. S. A. ), repeating the Great country again , the United States of America . Not the continent of thee America’s of the extraordinary lush beautiful countries of larger even vaste countries of the western continent of thee America’s , of course a country is a country and Canada is the country of Canada , and in the South American regions there are vastly larger major countries as well, south of the country boarder of the USA and in north of the USA is Canada of course , not to leave out the lovely very savvy kind sub tropical countries in the south seas too. western hemisphere as the eastern hemisphere is in Europe as a eastern continent , of course then the eastern ocean hemisphere. Atlantic and Pacific of Europe and not of the Western Continent in divisional maps of oceans and a look at simply a world map,. Not exactly a detailing of large country maps with then atlas maps with each seperate in each country known as road maps of course . The USA world map is only the USA and then ? 

The reality of a tiny village in the USA is of great efforts in all villages in the USA and the whole world. Of course the great Adirondack Mountians are a love for all to enjoy travels and realize the jewel of the sweet quiet existence of what is a very special cultural region with many many many villages and detailing in efforts in the Guitar Revolution earned more than worthy wages as well, in quite the efforts I know. guitar unplugged in some fine seats indoor venues and a meandering of a greater realized USA culture and fine town and country drive with the radio or a listening phone online : loud music turned up, with air conditioning on windows up, is a fun slow drive seeing a USA of such reality : amazing to reflect upon and well. With A swift Review Now of that in the reality of the indigent in a mortifying few 603 ? 624 ? Racketeering with unethical dc, of deliberate malice , in appearece of a church style Starch Collar ‘ in extreme unethical aim at others in a contort of malicious swiveling in mass contempt of ethical fortitude of structure in real USA humanities and thus, instead were plagerist and tax embezzlers and cartel malicious, with a lenthy unethical extreme ., in massive aim at damage to USA companies , 

and the list is larger in accumulated issue ‘ and then several in some other offices in the government , such as the state department , with extreme negligence, and attacked Africa last year with unethical aim at the statuse of Passports , and attempted to aim threats , in news to then try and Pressure Africa , in aimed travel in and with contempt of ethics in a, concern , and connected in wrong unethical issue in using cash to aim Munion and fund cartel harror , with even embezzled tax gripping . 
Ah the Stacked Stone Wall ten feet tall with Sweet pedistal ancient were a place of stone gargoyles ‘ as a love of actual giant Hawks and Giant Egles Even Egrets and that of Mongoose ‘ with a real Whipperwillow . 
And of course a Real Giant Raven Bird ‘ all in lovely quiet nestles of a world of the most lovely forest among forest in Giant Northern area of a country of Canada .

What a shame ‘ the green ticket ‘ consequences are of such a kind reality that took too long ‘. 

While I can say : Children in the USA , began extra math and reading studies , in my project lectures and self studies in the earlier part of 2015 in my piazza international peace exhibitions and the lecture presentation I made time for nationally and internationally was liked well by childern and high school ages and grown ups polishing up a bit of their sweet minds. 

During 2015 in my piazza events for peace walks all over the world with the whole month of Canvas Shoe Weeks , 
mid summer fun everywhere , with globe trotter trouser shorts too. Bermuda Trouset Shorts as well. Frank Sinatra of course made the trend a favorite in more ways than just out for a soda pop. 

 more soon, with love from myself everywhere, love and giant kisses , millions of them , catch . 

message from the desk of princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

2:57 pm tiny Villa Time Now 
10:57 pm Moscow Russia Now aproximate time in Moscow Russia ,   

MA BELL of NEW YORK , of a very large greater history including a man I Love Well as My Fostorian Father , a lovely honored man whom served as a director in a large many excellent year for the USA telecommunication excellence and a keen meaner then hell executive in top levels of honored work over 40 years ,with humble lovely charm , Wendel Powers , is, MA , is a  abrivation for MASSACHUSETTS, state in a Bell ‘ ringing of phones everywhere of those before Travel Phones , of a 1990’ into. More Popular in 2000 ‘ into today which was a development project origination of the inventer industrialist ALEXANDER GRAMBELL.

as a USA history note with a sweet reminder today from Sir Henry Kissinger ‘ former emeritus Secretary General in the USA office as Director of the USA millitary . With the 20th century and a noted Honored Political Dignaray and even accepted my invite in some great exhibition fun , in cultural broad ways and that of Extrodinary Economic efforts too, details from Newark Exhibition 2016 are quite the notes ‘ and were upset . 

Henry Kissinger is in the photograph in the lower mezenine ‘. And We don’t known whom the rioters bullies are in the top area photograph of actual interest except in a realized fierce swiftly a consequencnial review.  Thank you Sir Kissinger , kisses darling .

read .NYSE NOW .is with established large realized earning in the large and into the smallest companies , with high revenue, many updated posts were with love from everyone , with revenue locally finer than years before with people whom mostly ate in as travers filling the rentals well, and not simply this villa which is not offered nightly. And registered as a residential rental of an agreeable lease at length and let’s get to the MA BELL concerns ,   WITH BELL , and I recommended films.Why NYSE ? Serious Green Ticket consequences are happening ‘ With Boots and Hats and Glove and Tucked Wallets ‘ while I see if my fiorestry Friends from IAMS NATURE CONSERVANCY roll out the Giant Hawks today , and Bea Keepers ? we may need a few thousand Giant Bubble Beas ‘ as an Entry  
Reality , in a rioter of some even today ‘ attempting to riot my office and Villa and block my stairs . 

April 29th 2024 8:49 pm 

press statement   now 

with SECTION TWO article three 
within the 
International  press publication within Studio Vosse , a company with everything under the sun , provocative , fruitful, even delicious . Reread  Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Resd nearing finiale review and more reviews review review review review review review review review review Read the Update within my Company Studio Vosse online which includes LOVE NOTES and Banana News with past LOVE NOTES  with everyone on earth . 

With Love From Me To You all over the world , everywhere and love from the finest lovely people whom adore me, and graciously I say thank you, as love notesis even more exciting and special of everyone in the lovely incredible world everywhere. Graciously I say thank you again .  kisses and more love 

from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
 9:36 pm tiny Villa time 
aproximate time as my replacement equipment is not yet ordered , after the extensive damage caused , and a rioter issue at my entry and postal box too, with fume types of issues and serious damage, even today .  the racketeers cash potted to pay unethically for minioun and techochimping aime to damage , adhesive types of air Granada’s tossing fume dust , piled sand types of dumping bad sand., and illegitimate aims at realestate and companies . ,Aimed at National and Intrrnational Shipments and even great shippers,  The shipment order for my replaced equipment , and some repairs , now , I will be preparing for early Baha Travel upon my announcement , which I will post as I post more in my purchase of some extra groceries from an online order , as some foods and order in groceries were also aimed at in extensive damages. I made a fettaccini Parmesan today with A bowl of cherries and a fine Corn Bread French  bouble’, spice Tea and coffee ‘ no cream Wear Thick causmetics with a extra coat of a cream stick blend and glasses large . Wash hands with lite bleach dabbed into a clean clothe and soapy or a container of antibacterial wipes with clorox . Wash any hair issue with a Vegtable oil and shampoo 1 tsp oil , then several times if needed , with a nice clean extra shampoo wash ‘ and a cool water rince is great for shiny soft hair. 

My rent is paid up, until End of May 2024 and I certainly could have built an estate house in Europe  The beach ocean house in Camino Island out side of Seattle Washington Ocean View is even less expensive . Lovely city I spent quiet summer in.  Upper Manhattan city style villa apartment on 175 street , charming . And on reserve .

Glen Camble and Eric Clapton both were so darling to send me a update yesterday with a hand built Villa too, 

As large as the Villa rental King Charles , did send my films of. Vladimir ? my gosh , not yet posted. 

MICK JAGGER ,” Sympathy For the Devil “ is now in a utube online with a special messages from MICK JAGGER , waiting on a lovely lunch at Calabashes in Pasadena California , at least again . or Mourse Chop Seuwy , Secret Take Out Only . 

Then Home James . 

While Deep Purple sent me a special update now 
as darling friends , and one of my Brothers Favorite in the Compostions of Extremely fine music , 1974 beginings and even charming, and provocative everyone, 
 Brian R. Pickett born in earlier 1960 Loves music from  Thee DEEP PURPLE as does King Charles , Queen Elizabeth and Vladimir Putin , I love you all everyone in DEEP PURPLE thank you very much, Mick Jagger too, sweet of you all, and all the messages,, update I wish to include tonight at 10:26 pm tiny Villa time . 

April 39 th 2024 , just into midnight into May 1st 2024 
at now 1:31 pm , with a very special hello to everyone , all over the world , and special messages to many people with updates and film messages, as I wish to see the messages in love notes of many, easily actually, usually , with some measured now impromtue, as Johnny Carson has a few online now at utube type in Johnny Carson , ARNOLD SWARZENEGGER , GOVERNOR BILL HASLUM , Clint Eastwood, the governors council messages from all 50 USA states of all villages , including emeritus Governors , and of course Jimmy Carter and several other noted people in some fine honored work in the notations in International press statements . and many more soon in love notes All, with love and astere reviews too.  The little press notes internationally of very special notations of many whom wished to read even more, as the Japan Times wished to read everything,.  Thank you very much everyone .The notations in messages from the USA in all villages are very loved and important to me, and those around the world.  Meeting in Europe with messages of a  sweet friends iin the  astrophysics in millitray , in the specialization of millitray of CHINA , men and women, with a sweet little message , from a special excerpt from the President of China sir Xi Jinping  THE PRESIDENT of the lovely country of Royal China in Europes Far East , Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia 
is not a cab driver yet . A Mozeroti Cab , from Russia , proposterious ? 

SWEET TRAVEL IN HAWAI , not long ago with everyone from the real astronomical space program of the country of Royal China , and great to receive a lovely message from you all, from CHINA .  Very good of everyone , men and women darlings all.  Kisses ‘ with a rerun solute to you all. Thank you sweetly.   


Enjoy Breakfast , lunch and dinner all over the world,  with my very sweetest love to you all, everywhere with millions of kisses sent from stat satalight 007 Russia , 007 China , 007 Taiwan , 007 Korea , 007 India , 007 ah wait there are more.  good day in Europe . Sweet Dreams in all the Western Continent 

From myself 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

12:41 pm tiny villa now May 1 st 2024 , 
hello with the wish of a finest good day to everyone. Everywhere all over the world .

good afternoon , in the USA and Canada and South Seas Countries , South American Countries too, Fidel Castro , sir Emeritus President of the country of Cuba , good afternoon , everyone of the country of Cuba , hello, and sweet love to you all. 
Sweet Dreams in Europe Now . 

Very Special Thank you brief to specialist in Europe , RUSSIAN . the notes are of sweet details and ongoing into 2030 with details soon , day and night ‘ millions of kisses ‘ to you all, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoyxoxixixo
good evening to everyone.
Sir Vladimir Putin ,
Good Evening 
with special thank you for the sweet early messages , 
sweet dreams darling Kremlin ,
and Presidents with all the governments , people each of countries all, of Europe lovely meetings thank you all. 

with good love, from myself 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more serious International press statements soon. 

aproximate time in Moscow Russia noted . 

“good love “ in music composition wishes from me, and the RASCULES  
special film now THE RASCALS, “ good love “ 

of course it’s online somewhere , I hope it’s the message in film I chose ‘ with repairs still not complete .  And still rioter  of concern to me and the villages everywhere. 


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