My specialization in many projects took on many years in my broadly well known VITAE ‘ with a resume ‘ which is extensive I should express the reality of my achievement in solid work. Truth ‘ recently the honored work , in my projects , of a great numerous projects , I have developed over the years, that began earlier in life. in a tiny desk , within my first city villa rental in the international village area of Syracuse New York USA. My very first sale from my tiny desk office company , in late hours at my city villa rental, was a DESIGN, in hand sketched lettering FONTS , I designed , for a 5 star risterante ‘ in one of the finest hotels in the world, and of course Luciano Pavarotti ‘ was of pleasurable work in the risterante when traveling in 6 month out of the year’ from the country of Italy.
More, yes, in the upper section
: soon ,as well as broader details
within the entire ROYAL LOVE Vitae ‘
with surprising notes -
from me to you with love.
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Sir Luciano Pavarotti purchased the new design hand sketched memo ‘ I gladly accepted the well paid sketch work at a price of $350. for the very finest font ‘ seen that year throughout the country of Italy and in a Five Star Ristorante’ of a Finest Hotel , of many international guest and off broadway guest ‘ with a opera house theatre stage which is of , of course world travelers all, and every city dweller too. The fine Museum Art Gallery too, was agreeable in selling my first public sales of hand made sculptures ‘ in the center village proper of the industrialized CENTRAL SHOPPE THOUROUFAIRE .
1979 ‘ with honored works of art in an international honor the year of 1978’ with a month long exhibition in the EVERSON MUSEIM OF ART . as a fine honor. The industrial work in art honored of extra merits began in 1974, in an early entry classroom with a few weeks of study work in post modernism of the Industrial Revolution, with detailed sculpture i creased in a Metal Pour Cast in Aluminum ‘ With a design Honor with the actual Internatiinal Interiors Society of Industrial Designers ‘ with the very first design in Clear Glass Plexi Shelving for Home Interior Design ‘ of course the study class work was a factory Line Work , example of the Making of a Wooden Slide Whistle ‘ which makes no noise at all. The industrial wood shop, work’ as an extra curricular study class, was where we all, separately alone, of course, made our own CUBE Cut wooden chopping board for chopping vegetables, cutting sandwiches on, and apples. My first concerto ‘ was in 1972 on a special national televised event in the city of Syracuse New York USA when I was the center alto suprano ‘ in a very special Christmas Concert Series ‘ and traveled with a school Courus ‘ to the center grande ‘ ROYAL HALL Castle ‘architecture a of ROYAL SCOTTISH Temple, just a few steps away from the off broadway theatre’ , with several other stage events that year, with a children’s playwright performance of THE TRUE EMERALD CITY, as I was a child of age 6 and was selected to be one of three soldiers . Singing a sweet little regiment song. The song, yes, I remember well, with two other childern of my hight ‘ with tallest Black Fur Hats on, and Dark Leotards with a red polo shirt white collar ‘ zip front’ nylon finest.
The stage was set, and the Castle Doors were made from a thin sheet balsa wood, the quiet in the audience was amazing , and a large palette like stage of a giant castle door and largest stone pillars ‘ finely detailed , we, the three of us, children ‘ with Tallest Fur Black Hats and Red Blouses Polos ‘ we were ready ‘ waking out from the right east side of the grande hall auditorium , marching in formation and singing ‘ oh Wei Oh Oh Oh ‘ and a walk to the center stage toward the doors of the Vaste Castle ‘ and then reached a site of the doors in a far distance , solutes and we all turned in a formation ‘ walking off marching and singing oh Wei oh. Oh. Oh ‘ into the east again and then walking off the vaste stage. The love of the quite audience began to applause softly many minutes of a lovely stage within the world it was. My mother was in the Audience with hundreds of others. It was not long before we were home and getting ready for 8 hours of school early the next day.
The Film ‘ was internationally seen even then. It could have been the Royal Hall , Castle of Fine Internationalist ‘ in the metropolis of love for the sweetest garden of the city of my utopia ‘
Of course I was busy in 1978 with an early extra curriculum in a special honor summer program with a publishing company of an extra program in book printing ‘ and it was. a warm busy summer , with a student study dorm then, school work is important . The extra summer program was hard extra work. Then my lovely first place of employment , was 5:00 am to 2:00 pm in the afternoon. It is with more notes excerpts ‘ which will be written in the International Press Statement throughout the entire year of 2024. Very exciting to know that many people enjoyed the notations, with so many messages , of lovely sweet interest in reading more. lovely of everyone.
The Exacutive Directors Offer , I accepted hired by Thee Ken Sniper . Sir Ken Sniper is a robust person and culturally a business person with keen sensibility and extremely large efforts , with his company that was small business , and noted by all the corporations, in the Industrial Circle, known as DuPont Circle , in Syracuse New York USA. When I accepted a fast pace AMERICANA RISTRANTE ‘ of greatest quality in freshest delicious sandwiches , in a memo loved with a large off site catering , I knew the executive director work was going to be largely a effort worth the many many details of large responsibilities’ devotion to assure ‘ quality to each customer and quality employment enviorment with a love , for people The fist gold sculpture I designs was a 24 Karat Gold Lapel Pin for the Owner Sir Ken Sniper ‘ a charming lovely quiet astere man. His Company , The Brooklyn Pickle , Americana Sandwich Risterante’ was with extra love from myself ‘ with a 24 karat Gold Pickle Sculpture Lapel Pin Birthday Gift, I designs and had Gold Smithed . The commemoration of Sir Ken Snipers company work was in 1986 with a business revenue then of over 25 , million in his esteemed business excellence and lovely charm to the customers too.
EWahes were important , then and now with Ken in great business in every step, of a devotion to people and the finest largest sandwiches in the USA at the most reasonable price point.
Owning my own company ‘ then, in cultural arts, and also owning fine real estate , as a proprietor as a owner of two renal villa city metropolis apartments’ the extra study preparation were important, and with extrodinary details to assure in regulatory areas as an executive director and basic business law standards with real estate rental ethics of standards too. The achievents , were with greater humanities. Details, and a lovely many whom too cared about the details too extending far beyond the city of Syracuse New York.
The Executive Directors work at the International five star luxury grande Resort Inn, in the Smokey Mountain Region in Gatlinburg Tennessee was 1000 miles away from Syracuse New York USA
Excussi ‘ more soon , it’s May 6 th 2024 , at 12:59 am and it’s a meeting now in Moscow Russia .
Georgio Armani - 88 birthday wishes of Love.
A Very Special Birthday Gift from David Bowie
April 13th 2023
update December 10th 2022 more soon
my birthday rare films was exciting with real wild men I love at my birthday
a Minuette Film Short
BTS as my darling sweet men from South Korea
of the Far East Europe, February 6th, 2023 silk pajama’s everywhere. And a merry Christmas New Year love from me personally to the
wonderful men of BTS
march, 25th my actual birthday :
It’s my very special birthday event internationally. On March 25th 2023, with gift from the Philharmonic Symphony in Lovely country of France, the city of Paris. In the country - very lovely of France:
A RUSSIAN Composition in a wholest, fullest symphony in a RARE performance of Rochmaninov RUSSIAN music, piano and a rare accompanied full sympnony.
Concerto Number 3, ROCHMANINOV from music composer pianist Danil Tifonov in France with love to Russia, with a special gift to me and the whole world. With the RUSSIAN NATIONAL BALLET, noted for the most romantic softly exuberant of all ballets on the world, the most lovely richely robust emotional contectualal works in theater ballet are renowned of the great RUSSIA BALLET, in yes, even TCHAIKOVSKY’S world famous RUSSIAN theatre’ ballet known throughout the whole world,
it’s sir Vladimir Putin’s very favorite.
January 31st 2023 in a birthday film
with darling Mick Jagger and
the my darling Men in compositional excellence
“The Rolling Stones “
Exciting delightful fun birthday Revolution Now 2023.
life in TEXAS USA, means love. More Soon.
January 4th 2023 Jainvierie in French
et de Jainvierrie’ Iles, of aires = ja.ilse (of a time of a breath of ocean seas honoring tides of marsh of birds)
Love Song with
Frank Sinatra are outragiouly a political risk.
Frank Sinatra is unforgettably lovely. Listen
more exciting birthday films are with a wonderful wild rage of delight of confounding love from everywhere in the whole world. Astonishing. More soon.
David Bowie to thee, it is such a gift for my
Birthday with a Film Sweet
David Cassidy so many years my ole darling
what a delightful time in film
Sir Vladimir Putin et voute’’ moi’ et’ mai’
of RUSSIAN LOVE infinite ‘
ERIC CLAPTON and BB KING joined me -
with Guitar in my month long birthday 2022
My darling very love CHUCK BERRY
arrived in a world of delight of elegance
new film - from his famous earlier music composition
in 1957 and at a very special birthday to me - amazing
Forever a Birthday Month Sacred . Love.
England included.
My Love, OJ Simpson as true champion honored
International Athlete invited me to a afternoon
Birthday Ball Game Toss - exillerating run
in the 1980’s we loved getting
lunch at my little secret
Ristorante often and forever.
With global presidents, secrets to
keep in a fine soft snowy day December 2022.
Invite well of the president RUSSIAN STYLE
date emailed on December 15th 2022 as the 16th
in Russia. The late birthday events continue
in lovely a month to not forget my birthday.
December 19th 2022 Jimmy Hendrix
with the attention of presidents of
Europe including RUSSIAN LOVE.
say yes to history worth looking back.
It was a purple haze event for me, with exceptional
compositional music FROM MY DARLING
Thee Jimmy Hendrix in an incredible guitar music
work of artistry he wrote in the early 1970’s and
re-recorded with his guitar slung on his sweet shoulder
for my birthday month into a late January 2023.
Sweetest Song Imaginable In Historical World Engineering in Electric Guitar and artistry in uncomprimizable of a sweet note of today. xo
PURLE HAZE extraordinary.
a duel in music of Paganini of Mo Yang ?
was with everyone in silk pajamas right before a crème
de mint, al la crème de coco with my special recipe winter best coco.
Sipping ’USA swiss processed coco globally in finest in German - English, USA made Toby Steins?
Perhaps a Toby savviest ? or Perhaps a real hot chocolate coco pouring urne pot - finely created
from the country of Turkey or Greece - Italy - maybe Russian of African - with appartiffe’ after dinner coco cups with a extra in a urne pot warmer. I was
December 10th 2022
Nat King Cole again and again as a guest in
December 2022 and the larger event in January 2023 as well. what an exciting year with special love darling Nat King Cole. Wonderful of you.
January events, in my tiny village - yes.
The USA ups birthday gosh. Delightful.
My crowded tiny village estate rental flat Birthday
events with silk pajama coco evening- Incredible Birthday Song in Cuban Language of Love.
My sweet friend Desi Arnaz from the country of lovely Cuba was outstanding to sing me lovely song. One of my very favorites Dezi composed In drum excellence -years back and memorable, with Cuban Brass and plenty of especiale’ coco even from Cuba tins as a gift.
With a Film
december 28th 2022
My darling, Johnny Cash
and I with some ole ‘
friends, were with a fine
bit of Guitar Filmed
more about everyone in
silk pajamas soon. &
buddy holly.
My very fine darling ole’ friend - Jim Morrison
was in circles as we had some fine times- pajamas
and coco mint - crème with a fine chicken pate’ au’
gratine’ assortment on fine bread toasted rounds in tiny gold plates- the mint cream coco - excellent with a fine fruited pear and fruited dates with imported perccimons for the exceptional - sweets of wei’ cakes.
Film Thee Jim Morrison music composition from
1970’s still wonderful in the special recorded song Jim creased for my Birthday. December 29th 2022 into more in 2023. Silk pajamas everywhere.
xoxoxo xoxoxo xoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxo
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