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LOVE NOTES the book 2024

 princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 




 very special rare film 


October 10 th 2024 9:22 am good moring everyone, good morning.  SHAKEN , NOT STIRRED , martini exhibiting are with rather greatest excitment, with a a slight concession day today, and a post modernist concerto , from myself,  impromptu after 6:00 pm today , as a pre unvailing of the ROYAL SKETCH,  exhibition, and sale, with the exhibition of thee ROYAL CONCERTO  after soiree ' as the martini events roar into the new year, with love notes extra special  within numerous STUDIO VOSSE PROJECTS, of my solo company of lenthy prepared work. A BREIF UPDATE TODAY OF A FORMAL INTERNATIONAL PRESS STATEMENT, 

SUBJECT : RUSSIA  october 13th 2014, 8:23 pm good morning, yes, I am still in WEST PORT , CONNETICUITE, USA, near the HOND OF WEST PORT in the MC DONALDS, with a rather some discomfort, in the MC DONALDS, with the customer services, counter, which for the last week, in most times, has not been at the register, when I walk in, or up to the counter, with a wait, and a question, that has been, somewhat, stressful, looking at trying to fine the person whom is hired to work at the front register, and no one wearing name tags, on their shirt, and several , that did not have the MC DONALDS work shirts, and some that did, in the issues of the RACKETTERS, that aimed to cause more than , a difficult time , in ordering rather basic ease in what MC DONALDS corporation built their entire company on. As well as having, non standard prices , higher , than I have ever seen actual MC DONALDS, to have, realizing a larger reality of the GREAT EMPLOYEES and well noted PRESIDENT of and board , and others, that are also a larger reality, in ways that created a MC DONALDS , of a certain quality, in customer services and lower fast foods, of the largest USA multi international corportation , in risterante fast foods in the entire world. Extreme amounts of reality, of responsibility, of just getting ICE WATER, and a POWDERROOM stop, and plug in all day, if needed , is a responcibility, that is apart of the reality, to the privoledge to be open for business, and then be pleased that business, is hopping, even in one person, or more, whom,  just wanted to get out of the rain, and plug in, freshen hands, and face, and get a FREE GLASS OF ICE WATER,  hours, in a time to really ,  fine a job, breath, sit a while, and care, to even think to return. 

While the issues, of the aim at me, and others, does have everything to do, with a wrong, type of sudden issue at MC DONALDS, or any shoppe '. USA , needs no appearance in not tiny spot, or any, to consume the idiocy of a arrogant ,  attacker, using bubble gum,  smack,  of a slighting, and a arrogant, shoveling, to stop, and feel the need to say, better, of what was a small glass, clear transparent issue in a tiny little petty, dc , dismal, of inconguent,  maliciousness, to aim even on mass nightmare , at me, or my work, that put FAIRFEILD , CONNETUICUTE of the map,  and rather a restored MC DONALDS,  in some lost profitability, too,  in a love for the people whom, all, work , create quite a reality, of welcome, to each and every people, as MC DONALDS is quite known ,  for, in even the very lovely of jobs, when first, employed , as THE USA really enjoys the reality, of the opportuities of worth, and wages, and a lovely reality, more over, in the USA. And not a lingering ,  side carney flee circus show date , time, and pin pointed ,   car rumpling, of any.  My work, in the area, was exponentially, aimed at, and then the reality, of reaching for my equimpent for the exact prepared time, I myself spent hours to assure, days to assure, weeks, to assure, months, to assure, and prepare for in my than several years, in details, secrets , of course, not unvailed. The loss at the several shopps that I was aimed at by RACKETTERS ,  were larger than imaginable, and the event, is a oportunity of the life time, and can never be a repeted, reality, never.  With NASTY RACKETTERS AIMED TO CIRCLE AND EVEN AIM AT MY DESIGNES UNVAILED , in many years, not unvailed , to many piled high prospectuses of my companys ,  that are not an option for nasty RACKETTERS, in a NASTY ROT TOOTH ,  aim to sit and spin,  hellisyh idiocy, and a loss of nearing $400,000.00 worth of business, daily for just three SHOPPS,  while the rest of the entire city, and cities were with more than a BILLION DOLLALRS , a day, in my invited ,  of whom wished to be near me, and millions drove to express a sweet real kind hello,  in daily time, of my own, while there, have been several or more horrible racketters , that were a CATCH LIST, to the, wrong doers , in the RUSSIAN COUNTRY, whom breached the ruling to the orbit , and switched reports,  in a issue with SMUGGLERS,  that have aimed at the work of the orbit , as my real sanctitude , of a large distance of racke4tters, never to be in a range to me, 4000 miles, at least, that was infiltrated, in a issue that was in RUSSIA, with even a break in to the space centre, in a larger ,  issue, smallest office, that caused even further, harm to me, in a mirroring of the assimilation of the CLOUT of the REAL RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, in the REAL LARGER SPACE CENTRE, located in a many different cities in the extremely larger ROYAL RUSSIAN COUNTRY. I noted to people that I would be,  announcing soon, that I would be leaving yesterday, the HONDA WEST PORT, FAILR FEILD REGION, and, while there was a wild 800,000 million people that were in the EXACT ROAD DRIVE,  just to say, hello. I filmed many, and will post the FILMS, you made it, and were there, with love in return again and again, as I am fi3lled with JOY, and HAPPIENESS, with FEIRCE BERRACUDA, time, more than minutes, that are from, a issue caused in RUSSIA,  in my ORBIT,  and a issue still, in RUSSIA,  that has a very larger,  tin can, sized , issue that AIMED at DISMATLING the ORBIT, and was not in the project, of the princess tracy suzanne pickett ORBIT of USSR RUSSIA , of absolute assurance to a anti- proliferation to me, personally, from the planned projects and the assured reality of a totality of unincumberment of a total seperate , reality, of anything I work on, with no room in a obstruction of a set loose, racketter aim attack, in petty ,  civil liberties, ranges, with a aim at the repteded issues, piled high, at my events.  The persons responcibile in RUSSIA, for the aimed destruction of the orbit , and my company, are SMUGGLERS, with a general , and a a few in the viaduck under russia,  in swamping ,  aim, as said to be clarical, or administrative ,   assc, claimed most of the RUSSIAN VAT TAXES, in 2023, earlier, summer, in a linked issue that was actually USA racketters,  eating out of MC DONALDS,   in laguna meets,  after being seen as runts,  in over 60,000 other cities of over three extra years , after the issues of 2016, into 2020, 2021, 2022, into 2023, and even ATTACKING my work, in 2024, at the face of the GREEN TICKET, that was to be a generous option, more than, what would have been,  in 4a humanities,  reality that GREEN TICKET, was offered , and nothing more, after the attacks on the USA, my work, the work of USA general assembly of the assembly,  as in the real of all, people in a EASE TO RECOVERY, TOO,  AND SWEET GARDENERS, IN SOCIAL SECURTITY RETIRED ,   to see the love of the USA,  in a postion of all, to look forwards to, of a time, ease, in choice employment quality, if chosen, and with the TAX PAID , retirment of course, a bit wealthier, at the age of 65. into forever, with great travel and garden plans, a wealth, of a half century society, real. USA LOVE.

I REVOKED THE SCIENTIFIC DETAILING, to the russo,  russian, whom aimed to obstruct my company, and the reality of my steering of the ORBIT, in all reality, with the RUSSIAN ROCKET SCIENTIST, and sos specialist,  whom are actually only appointed to me, for the derailing of any close range of racketters , of any , in my life, and not a questionable reality,  actually,  as the orbit , is actually of my inititive, of the AGREEABLE SPECIALITS, whom ,  are more than inventors, even in SPACE SCIENCES , with honores SPACE CENTRE,  SPACIALIST, ALL, of exceptional rocket sciences , and excessively highest levels of extrodinary humanities. With the devout reality, to responcibilities to me, and the orbit , in the unusual issues, of  a reality to all 90,000 space centre, rocket scientist, all the tellacommunication technology specialist, and the sos specialist,  actually, with larger realizes , open data to the ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLILTRAY ,  including the ROYAL NAVY of ROYAL RUSSIA.

Of course, eating humanity in MC DONALDS, in a CARNAGE SIDE SHOW, of RACKETTERS , rather than the actual 12 billion people waiting to see my feet and head and back and ears and work, not attacked, is the issue, today, in ALL OF RUSSIA.  You might say that RUSSIA people and those of cultural love of RUSSIA,  are very favorable to the GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA, within the KREMLIN'S work,  assured the project orbit ,  and assured the clear derailing of range towards me, whi56tch was infiltrated, in a internal, russo, QG,  general whom was never assigned to any reality of the orbit, as I myself took on somewhat a heavy responicibility to see the largest , in sciences, in a advancement to a new invention of the RUSSIAN REALITY, of a outstanding reality, in a specialist, new invention, of the most advanced in a largest of humanities,   detractor, in a total stop, on nukes, with a remarkable ,  further peaceable reality, as well. The SPACE CENTRE, ROCKET SCIENTIST , also worked extremely well, in amazing amounts of reality, in RUSSIA, and other realities that are a outfield of the ORBIT, in which I iniciated , and a detail, note, is not unvailed , at this time. In the cquarry, of the manicing , to the KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin, and the space centre, and the ROYAL PRINCESS, orbit sos specialist, some whom are space centre, specialist, KGB, and technology , genuises,  the MILK IS GOOD. 


THE RUSSIAN, KREMLIN, sir VLADIMIR PUTIN,  saw my note, that I would revoke my orbit, in the world, in no reality, that was to be, in a RUSSIAN, issue, of  a small crurry of malicious smugglers, and brutal theives,  were  underminding the orbit, with several in RUSSIA, whom,  were involved, and signed 400 agreements , in a aim attack at me,   to pilforage my equity of my company worth 60,000 billion dollars, while the issue went further, in a aim at the NAVY in port,  with a aimed nuke, that was suddenly in a nearing area of GERMANY AND BELRUOSE., and in the BOARDERING AREA OF THE UKRAINE, of a nannyhaha , of USA RACKETTERS, once in the NATO,   issues in the USA, whom  stole shipping flights , and sat in GERMANY, to cause a larger extremist damage, aimed to ostrasize the GERMAN GOVERNMENT , with a thug like brutatity, with carpe attempts to damade money from the GERMAN GOVERNMENT TAXES,  in a smallest, of the RACKETTERS,  whom were threatening , to ship tanks in, if the GERMAN GOVERNMENT DIDN'T hand over taxes,. The GERMAN MILLITARY, are smart, and brilliant , my friends, there in GERMANY of larger years, said, if you have a USA penny as they spotted the NASTY WORMS, in BERLIN,  GERMANY,  the one USA penny, everyone in the BAR,  WAFFLE HOUSES, would BUY THEM A LARGER BEER. 


a few,   .  and in back RISTERANTES CATERING OFFICES AND KITCHENS. THE GERMAN WOMEN MILLITRAY, were very savvy,  as they PILED THE SLIME BEERS,  in those GLASSES, and then, handed out SLIME CIGGERETS,  while they smoked too, water pipes ciggeretts.  

The Kremlin,  sir Vladimir Putin, may not realize how much a women such as myself, may have in a unusual  reality, of my own,  unlike any other,  and the space centre, is begging me,  please,  accept the $200,000,000.00 offer, in a furtherment to a project, made for me, and my sweetest schedule and not that of a rackettering sliming on my life an d schedule, as was in FAIRFEILD CONNETUCUITE USA, even today, with no reality that this should be the reality, at all.  after the work, I myself realized in the clear strait untangling, of some issues that used co-ordinence ,  gliders, under the viaduct of RUSSIA, in MOSCOW RUSSIA AND SAINT PETERSBERG RUSSIA,  that were weaving into aimed holes in the sos specialist ,   work, and was caused by several generals and several clarical people in low offices, in both issues,  whom lied, and faulcified documents with a linked ring of smugglers,  that stuffed them selves in lower areas of shipping trucks, in USA shipped products . Stuffing themselves inder trucks. and catrted in larger TOMOGRAPHY,  nukes, .  etching in5 to a issue, in the delay to me,  in the GREEN TICKET ,   notes and the notations of the orchestration,  details and reply to the KREMLIN of RUSSIA, the ADMIRALS , repliys and thus the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT on the streering of t he orbit, and the reality of the logistical concerns in a wide error,  in larger aim at my head, back, and leggs, and more recently my breaks, and as of two days ago, a larger timed aim yet again at my exact scheduled planc with a hard extreme aim at me and my equipment in mass deleted , working tools, prepared for a final note in the REVOLT,  connessions, which was only spawned, in a very serious swerve , aimed at my back and neck and head, and work quality, in a few that obstructed the real orbit ,   of the updated, expected, 3 rip, out of all racketters, that aimed A LONG RANGE MISSILE AT MY HEAD,   A WHOLE YEAR, BEFORE THE ORBIT , OF MY INICIATIVE WAS OF MY REPLY TO THE KREMLIN, TO ASSURT A SANCTION AND SPECIALIST LEAPED WITH SPEED, TO ASSURT THE MOST MAGNIFICENT OUTCOME, AND AS SUCH THE DETAILS OF THE SPACE CENTRE, ALSO,  WERE AT THEIR VERY LARGEST,  IN EXTRODINART EFFORTS,.

Even when the issues,  were, with a harder concern in RUSSIA suddenly.   Where is the reality, of the very best, in my orbit, with the space centre, and someone whom,   is then left, for RUSSIA,   in a aide to, the smugglers, and a qg, russo,  and some clarical hired by the qg russo generals, whom were recently seen in a refusal of an exam I asked to see if these so called MINI METALISTS, of a proper protacal,  could pass the 4th grade school exam to miltiplication of a complex simple form equasion of fractions. It was said the clarical, were not actually RUSSIAN , and were seen in the park with dropped baby carraiges, big big,   and with nasty scarved that were seen in NYC CARNAGE FLEA,  bathing humanity. Throwing nuklear sludge and glue in hair from the 9/11 incident the RACKEETTERS cause, grabbing other children then too. With no reality of any children they really were actually to even speak with.  

The ADMIAL of the ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY,  is with my analsys , that I requested of over 300 countries in a special look at,  viewers of coordinace , glidded ,    in to a slight etched in locked in issue , that landed in RUSSIA, smuggled in to the country of RUSSIA, as of more recent, aimed at me. Aimed in a secondary riot of USA RACKETTERS, toting tear gasses and brown sludge on aim at my designs and face, hair and schedule, using HOMOEE activities,  as in HOMOEE don't live there,  scamms, and attempt to devert the cash in church plate collection and hug , kissers cornered , into the aim into my travel, and close range sludge throwing at my car, and mass sonic mass vibration,  heated ice bangers ,  that interupted my breaks of recent, after the racketters circled as if they were FROLICIING , to the tune of SWEET GYPCY ROSE.  

all, due to a issue in RUSSIA. The KREMLIN,  send me a message after I was clear about the reality of the efforts , of the view in the weaved issues that were not easily read, and a smuggling pop3 shop, scandel, were USA enemy of RUSSIA,   in the HOOCH. Even popping out of garbage cans close, to aim idiot types of putty noses, and light image type of projected , likenesses glowing on theor faces.  

TRANSPOSING FACE IMAGES,  as RUMPASES ,  infidels and smack,  also known as idiot,   maiming jackels, that pop to smack with vicious heckling, cackling,  even quackery,  in a maliciousess,  unheard of, in masstive ,   disentary, mutations of brained FRANKENSTEINS ,   of extreme brutal past, in 60 second smack, verbal, oh, or promotions with all the actual METALS , of the PRESIDENT of RUSSIA,  in the whole reality, earned at many years,  VLADIMIR PUTIN, CZAR,  as thee PRESIDENT,  well honored in a elbo to elbo reality, among homored others , many,   with a realiy.

SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN,  is exceptional.  of a larger politial ROYAL RUSSIAN ,   GOVERNMENT with extrodinary millitary,  worth, of  quite a reality to a honored respected ,  love , RUSSIA would be so fortunate ,  to see REAL RUSSIAN LOVE ,  well, and of maticulous hightest humanities, with a international recognition of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. Well deserved, with a love of the honor of the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT ,  as early as 2014, when the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE was realized, of honor to the entire government, in a reality of honor direct to SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, in a firm bold many decisions,  in the forfront , of high profile, in very diffucult decision, ethically largest. 

Of course,  the space centre,  are bold, and esteemed, and notable scientist, of a reputation world renowned. A viewer that was with a inability to seperate a glide in view, was ripped out, in my orbit, with my reality to gain sos specialist, whom were with the view reading of some substanards element munion types that were recently smuggled into RUSSIA,   2024, and even upset with more, the viewer was in new , readings that dismatled the munions ,  and were weaving in some detractor retractor streems ,  with , a  clear views , built to seperate the issues , and dismatly the, concerns, as well, as preserve the reality, to my knowledge of very honored realized extrodinary work of the space station centre as realized lovely people devout to me, and the KREMLIN,  and with extreme very notable difficult work ,  day and night, devout to RUSSIA,  with fine forien ,   international,  dignaties,  north , south , east, and west. As a gift, to the RUSSIAN MILLITARY in my extre efforts, in a larger reality, toward the millitray reality, in all the countries of EUROPE in the Circle of Presidents. Sos MOSCOW , my orbit bubble team, worked fast, and the extra sultins of my sos specialist worked fast, and viewers were of the larger clarification, of the functional,   reality to the space centre in ROYAL RUSSIA,  and with a larger greater reality globally, in international countries, too.  I was pleased , the bold lines of reality, of any infraction smoking the efforts , in many ways, of the orbit, and that of a logisical,  issue that caused a defractitory,   upset, of a QG GENERALIST ,  of russo,   disentary, that was in a close range to more than serveal hundred millitray , of good savvy, reality, and of a protocal, in even,  with not one, facing, a non reach to open up the comments , to a ease to the whole millitary, and a return to the actual orbit , of seperation of racketters , whom have never been reliquishes of the GREEN TICKET, and now, not offered ,  in my revoked ,  option,  as such, agreed in the USA country , largely, and instead, a WATTSBAR,  SAIMSAZABAR, reality, in accoudance with the people of the USA ethical reality, and a greater of actual international ethical ruling in even RUSSIA,  of a realized orbit , ethical reality towards world order,  in humanities, of the orbit stability, to me,  and thus, the outter reality of the conciderable ,   extended efforts, i myself reached far to assurt my own extended reality , to assurt the standard to my own work and extended effort, for my self. I can declair, the reality, is a greater reality,  which can extend to the larger,  orbit,  and thus, a priotety of speed, and reliant assurance.  Before the sos specialist and I just pack up,  invites to the space centre in RUSSIA, are my honor, with Sir Vladimir Putin, first class men and women,  and ,  well,  the admirals comments are 007 secrets,  in the INTERNATIONAL PRESS,  in the love note today,   While soon you will know everything. 


of the country of RUSSIA, under the catagory EVENTS.  While my email was in more than several cases in the last 30 days or more, with extreme aim at my equipment, and with smack in the seating area plugging in, with smack in the groceries going in to simply enjoy my liesure, and larger, invited lovely ,   fouth of july international honored posts, that were aimed at, and the ROYAL SKETCH SALE and the ACTUAL after event concerto, martini events, with exponential schedual interferances, even when I loved placing the schedule repair in play, for my self, with a extremist, of concerns,  that have obbstructed, even my banking, online, and detailing of greatest pre planning ease i am always very realize4d of, with no insular, harror, aimed in gripping , at blood shed,  smack ( in a verbal slicing provactiuon of mass attcking slick dick provokers with shifty feet and hand, gobbling at close range, or far,  in the minds of mastive dismal strench Racketters, and a swift  , reflex, of the orbit , that is not a test site to a LARGE TARGET,  that caused , a massive issues of a recent, in RUSSIA,   of a concern,   of large time that was never to be a swerve in RUSSIA , and my orbit reality, not to asertain any such racketters, of be lead by a QG NOSE RING of smugglers, and aimed at the excellence of the RUSSIAN SPACE centre, .  even if in a outter, loop, with a inundation,  in small smoke,  and larger night crawlers, smuggling in daylight, in nastiest bold maliciousness. 

The TENNESSEE GOVERNOR, and the pannel of NATIONAL USA governors sent me a message this morning.  I am having a issue, in a incongruent ,  mess, made in a orbit , that is actualized , in the USA, for me. and a mess, for the RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE, as EMERITUSE former PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, sir BORIS YELSIN, states , as a concerning embarresment to RUSSIA,  with a appology to me,  in fact, as sir Vladimir Putin too, stated the same and was rather shocked, in a orbit interferance in the earlier of 2024, and no one in space station centre, in all reality, wishes , any delay,  of the incredible oppotuity to the orbit, to see through a reality, of my work, and schedule, which are not a opt, to rackettering, and were never.  With a strategic logistical,   fast speed , to zero.  non mesh,  reality, and thus, a reality , that also concludes the ideals in my project in RUSSIA and within the PRESIDENTS CIRCLE of the PRESIDENTIAL FIGURES of all countries of EUROPE, with my special,  phone booth project,  that was assured and loved, even by some that were not interested in getting a wrong travel to any country with a incidental malicious glued smerking racketters, to many dignaties, of the humanities,  which was realized in RUSSIA,  in a way that was not a struggling extrdition issue. 

And upset.   delightful others, to dail in the phone booth help center, and fly home. with a slight meal coupon free. The recent , QG,  GENERAL russo, was said to be found by smugglers in a trench coat,   in the larger rain out side the wall of RUSSIAN,  boarders, studying russian language and kremlins, home, and event plans. Recently several entered a small meeting to claim it was a honored event with metals, and was not. It was a simple daily meeting, the Kremlin had schedules a week earlier. 

I feel it clear to4 point out it is much better to realized the orchestration, of a reality, speed, in any logistical orbit that was left as a mess, of sand pitting,  in the stradegy of the losing game of golf. Something to be mindful of, when the outcome of work, and reality, is far to valuable,  to instead , forget the issues tossed into a mess, and with no reality, of the placement that has been the reality, with no replaced orchastation which are not a repeted , mess, or menicing to afford, the efforts, far to realized, in nothing that results in compromizing my company, and efforts, and the detailing of the much realized , unavoidable ,  larger expected work,  of a reality of the space centre, and a reality, that no longer is just the a appointed team, as their was a infiltration in at least two issues and possibly more, as of just several days ago, with a post online, of a racketter aim to derail the director of the ROYAL RUSSIAN NATIONAL SPACE CENTRE,  with serious,   malicious ationable issues, from the RACKETTERS,  in the USA, whom,   let me reiterate, aimed at RUSSIANS. and me, and the citizens of the USA and the companies that USA PEOPLE OWN, and employ the very most lovely professionals,  as too, I may have a great reality that was an iniciative free of me, in my love to my country too, in a reality of my own efforts. Not simply a national USA exposure of my lenghty decisions,  and important, not to be incumbered , in a RUSSO, ROGUE GENERAL, whom has zero reality in the orbit in any case, anyway.  While the Damage in a Small tin can sliding nightcrawler worming disease in russia, moscow, is a reality, that deserves ,  the minute, or two, that 90,000 space centre, specialist,  are ,  not in a larger,   reality, of a speed in logical ethics, in world order, than ever, with a reality to a orbit, of my work,   and my assured reality,   in a fact.  

My revenue ,  is not a aim target to smugglers in RUSSIA,  on the recieving end, to see a  escolated smoke um peace pipe,   that is a rather joke in AFRICA,   when the president of AFRICA,  sent a HICOU,  reply , to RACKETTERS ,  eye balling chocolate farms,  and then got a smoke face filled with the peace pipe,  in the central rain forest of he AMAZON with real PYTHONS. (60 feet long real giant snakes) only in AFRICA,  in the TREES eating CATALOPES WHOLE.  FROM THE MAGNIFIENT CANOPE TREE TOPS, of the ancient AFRICAN LARGEST RAIN FORESTERY DEPARTMENT in the WORLD. THEN THE GIANT WOOD MASK to meet the GIANT LIONS, leaping freely, in the sarengetti hundreds of miles before the gold coast, of Johannusberg South Africa. Ocean Ports.  

My wifi was interfeared with on a issue, stemming from the ETCHER of  MASS AI,  type issue that aimed into russia, and then a TRAMPLING aim was with more than several racketters, slugging , in near any provoking petty scam,  possible in a extreme insular smack - zitlip verbalized extremist,  HOMOEE racket up racxket at racket in gobble gobble ,  yuummy yummy,  and a extreme discusting,  aim to clock into a stage show frog leg fried sale,   popping ,  swiveling to left and right these days, with vicious intent,  written in larger lenght,  with ,  many ready to gift them tickets ,  more, and travel , and jobs,   ,   

CUP CAKES ,  too.  With discusting creepy attackers that are mortifying in the circling issues, that are a mess, in a orbit,  that is a responcibility of the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE,  in cases terrifying my orbit and cost mass damages , in the sos team, of a speed that was realized in the lovely gift I myself to the RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE.  which was damaged in a sabatoge of logical protocal, cause a further 3 months of damage ands a close range aim at my life, work, and car breaks, equipment and all the schedule and the outcome of a extreme concern to breathing.  

These are the realities that were, under the RUSSIA,  viaducts, and a reality to be noted in a internationaL PRESS OF love notes today, in a very largeset , concern , rather, i say, there is no imbarresment to the reality, to assurt the stadandard which were of a extreme ,   lie, in a larger numerous documant that were already stated by the KREMLIN in a public statement at the KREMLINS office online public site, and a larger busy space centre, that were the people reporting the up to the minute , issues in the matter, and a smuggling ,  scam ,  of the general no math aptitude of even a 4 th grade test.  in more than one face of a general. 

My work has been of a  excessive and extreme damage in the attack on my orbit and the reality of speed to assure no racketter aim is  realized.  Seperation of the orbit of my worth, is the imminent world order of reality , and as a KREMLIN WORTH, in the extrodinary ,   reality of sanctions to me, in the orbit , as the 300,000 assigned sos specialist,  worked into a ubserdity,  while the milk stood still on shelves , and my event, was in a harror of the realized issues,  and the map to the orchestation in logistics,  was spit at in the esteemed strait forward ease, to myself and the outcome of the entire work, I love and worked many years, not to give my very prestigious powerful platfom i built alone , to see ruined , in a wrong map or a wrong isssue, which I myself pointed out to see the analosis that came up with large nuke al drones aimes into my work, and smuggled into russia from outter boarders with a internal scam of several in a non - KREMLIN,   office , under ground, is more like it,  and there were no filmes ,  with the KREMLIN , that was thee KREMLIN on any public statement the KREMLIN SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN took high responcibilities to point out,  after the statments direct reports were notes in the space centre specialist,  my sweet men,  rocket scientist,   assured to point out, with more than a larger assurance in RUSSIAN BANKS AND HOMES AND SHOPs etc.  

I am princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT,  and I will, in a detailing of the extrteme munion aim at my car and back and head , today in close range,  and never to have been a reachable reality, as a harror. 

While , scars on my face are very serious, and some extreme issues that were dismatled over more than 400, times, with space centre treams , that are getting very angree, as are the KREMLINS GOVERNMENT in whole, people of russia, and the sos specialist, within the technologist specialist of the ROYAL RUSSIAN NATIONAL SPACE CENTRE,  , with a extremely larger list , in my  LITTLE BLACK ADDRESS BOOK,  of over every international president,  actually in a lengthy international cultivation, of over 40 years, and earlier,  with a very pressing NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ,   reception reply lecture, and a ROYAL SKETCH SALE unvailing with the after exhibtion conccerto, with the online sale of event price for the OFFICAL  EXHIBTIONS of the invite, even with my love musical compostion I loved to express to everyone, everywhere, all over the world, a special gift, to those arrived in my street area in all the drives , even in FAIRFEILD WEST PORT HONDA, village  from my car, of course,  and then, the anouncement is not online in my love notes international press,  not yet announced.  

All over the world, the economy , is in a greater reality, in the invite drive expadition,  and still, I am not pleased in the issues that are extremist,  and maliciously slimy,  in the issues of the RACKETTERING , that was never of the ORBIT reality, nor are any real placement to such a reality that I worked far harder to assur the larger greater of my own work outcome , and a responcibility to the decency to a international press statement , as a respect to honored space centre, excellence, a larger 90,000 people,  waiting to see me to my sweet gold chair I designed, shipped to RUSSIA, empty even over a few planned summer trips. And a limited issue of any NON MERITIMES, in a hard delay too, the admiral of the RUSSIAN ROYAL NAVY,  pointed out. 

Thank you. love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  ,   hello mom, sorry, we were to have brunch in Fairfeild Connetuicute USA,  and there is a issue in some very serious matter, not a place to see benche time, before the reality of a 60 second dive, I will add, with a 60 result in my unobstructed real whole repair to my company and schedule, that has been extrtemely attacked .   And even now, with a bitch yelling at a chicld yelling nasty crap in a baligerant eaim range in my ear and back while the racketter slime wrestles children, that are not even their own. For a RUSSIAN ditch  my friends in RUSSIA are building ,  to see, the issues and concerns in a totality of emence consideration and honored in as a cultural dignatary all over the world, before buck tooth, few westerly,  popped they bag eyed, to rip more, with a pile of ,  maps to smuggling in a shippment aim to the decency of russia,   box to box,  .  3 day more or less.  theory of the russo,  mess, and a slow reflex in the matter that is unthinkable to me, and I can say, the space centre specialist , and the SHOCK of the KREMLIN and the entirte RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT .  

messages are now in a long lenghty list, to see read times, in the issues that obstructyed my company and event, and international and national messages,  while getting slimed with a RIP SNORTING PIG FEST , into my work and unvailed designs music and time.  

My plans are to see through my events and my lovely life and work, and see a reality of the space centre, and sos specialist whom were left with a very serious mess, and the speed of the specialist were as quickly with my efforts ,   large the conceptual person of an invention,  of a credit to me, and a serious,   issue lingering with a allowance of aide to racketter, aimed to a mass contempt ,  in a dizzy go lessbea,   harror , not the protocal speed, as I expect the reality of all, aim issue, in a very serious strait forwaed reality in the look at the last three days and the aimed into the car, head and my breaks , into the computer port,  with a mess, is not the reality,  

THE LITTLE BLACK ADDRESS BOOK,  is a love note to be, and the 70,000 tons that hit my back this morning and into lunch time,  in a issue ,   is the result, of a relpy to the ENTIRE RUSSIAN COUNTRY, today, alreting the specialist,  whom with my rss request have been extmely busy, with the need to straiten the co ordinence , of the issues in a largest reality to space centre and other realities that I saw details in a sos larger list, to see through, in a clean up in a russian matter,  and still a reflex of some cock eyes ,  issue, whom may not be assigned to me orbit ,  as I said to the space centre,   that means the logistical concern is left to see more in RUSSIA, as yours.  The said, We, are running with you, darling princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

The fact,   are the minutes to come and the future of many, north, south, east, and west.

Good Day to you all, in RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE, today,  please eat well, breakfast lunch and dinner, sitting or standing. with love from me, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

THE PLENITARY PLANNING MEETING ,  today,  is with a mention of the poet of the AMAZON AFRICAN REALITY, with a HICOU,   of the HICOU POETRY ,   of the REAL AMAZON, FOREST, of the very largest in the world as a AFRICAN BIOSFERE FOREST of THE ONLY RAIN FOREST IN THE WORLD,  that is with the longest river in the world which runs through AFRICA all the way from the country of EGYP above AFRICA,  into the largest of a very great vaste country of AFRICA,  into the southern sea port, ocean. The Nile River of course, goes through the AFRICAN LAND MASS , known as THEE AMAZON, and the name Jeff Bezo ,  loved with AMAZON,  online market for the lovely company Jeff my sweet darling , began from his tiny desk, home office , years back.  We all met in HAWAI , even Vladimir was there.  Years back. 

READ direct from the KREMLIN,  and I will be looking into my pre paid banking transefer to my bank card.  Urgent .  or it is song time,  to assure  my expenses , with my other banking of my cards , not carried in travel.  

And see that I dont have an issue asking to have me automobile JUMPED again after a very serious aim at my equipment, car, batteries, back side head, and legs, over 20 days. in a total disasembly over and over with a total dismatling ,  and a very serious alowance ,   of some,  malicious mess aimed at my very prestigious solo company.  

THE KREMLIN OF RUSSIA ,  sir Vladimir Putin, 

in a pointed statement today to update perpective of SAUDI ARABIA. READ  , 

Well, everyone,   you are with quite the mess, that someone made, and I am not interereted in you're little dipper big dipper stories with  the movie old YELLER and then the MOVIE CATCHER IN THE RYE,  with ZOOTS SUITS ,   in a extremely painful, ruin to my schedule, car, time, designs, orbit details in design invention with the worlds very most, well known specialist , and a delay lining up the DUCKS , with massive damage to me and my schedule plans, including a very serious responce expected .   in a speed, of  the cleaning up, a larger issues ,   yours. Aim,  well, lets talk TURKEY.  

NICE WINE ,   good sandwicj platters,  great eating. moscow russia, and a outside tree stump. 

READ     THE ISSUES CAUSED,   are like one big awful disney cruise. with THINK ONE AND THING TWO,  from the horrible threatening tale of DR SIUSSE CAT AND THE HAT of the mortifying thing one and two, not a childs story. thanks.,  Darling very good of you to have been in earlier in the month, before my automobile was blasted in to exahaust manafolt three days after the break was repaired and then a sizziling ,   hard , time, in the two inch blower stuffed at my front window HAND HELD WITH A CHEMICAL WEAPON,  TWO INCHES FROM MY FACE , AND THEN ,   THE , ISSUES , THAT WERE AIMED AND ESCOLATED, WITH A ETCHER IN RUSSIA IN A FAST, ISSUE THAT WAS IN SOME UNDER AREA OF SHIPPING TRUCK HAULERS, IN A STEEL TRAP LARGER THAN THE GIANT MISSLE DRONE YOU FOUND AFTER I ASK FOR THE ANALISIS TO CHECH THE WHOLE COUNTRY AND FOR SOME PARTS AND SOME MUTATION ELEMENTS ,.  . Thank you for your online and off line updates ,  .

I am willing to see sos specialist clean up,   the bad issue dumped in russia, I see, with my assistance, detailing, while I am not employed in any way other than my own work,  and projects, not accepting the space centre,   lecture projects, yet, with some extreme lag in the THANKS GIVING ,   reality, of a very serious year, I was very seriouslly maliciouly aimed at, and then,

In other words:  what the hell is going on in RUSSIA, with sos speciality,  repeting the cleaning up, for ASS HOLES ,  that attack in a issue attacking me in a increase of the projects , and every aspect of my company detailing,   then sling time into smuggling attackers that slimes through,  to eat russia, like the GAZA issue.  Whom is responcible for making a consessions of ruin to my head arms and legs, and schedule,   while I work extra hard just to replace my SPECIAL EQUIPMENT NOT JUST ONES THIS YEAR , but three times, with greweling snot aimed at my villa doors, then my breakfast and cars and arcitestural photographing and the  many projects I travel to love in my lenghty business planning with excellence and not,  allowance for a logistic to straiten ,  as is the priorety. with perhaps FLIGHTS , for THE AIDES TO ENEMIES OF RUSSIA,   in more boarders with evertyones , computer and wallet, to get the hallows out west and east , more.  Vladimir ,   you are quite pointed , and I think,   a boxing invite to someone ,  in the MOSCOW RUSSIAN city,   is inevitable ,  with a mass dislocation, now in RUSSIA, and here, due to the statuse of the, ATTACK IN RUSSIA, on my orbit and projects ,   underminding  the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA, in the sseperation of RACKETEERS ,   and no aim r4ange, for battery acid, or verbal smack, that shoved to mash with as many chemical mution and muinion as these , people could and circles in terroristic threats with leaps in times massive attacks and then a teath filled with every eye ball, they could reach, as fast as they could say,  nasty harrible things to anyione like the ravid dog from the BOOK KOJOE.  

I will not be asertaining the malicious riotted harror of this matter to any degree to aim a mass consumption of RUSSIAN enemies at me, and spit atomic nuvlear aimed rip snorting filthy garbage in rubber putty noses at the entire reality , of mass ive vicious brutal attack, while aimed to shove over 3000 others , in their docil slime of covid making mass contempt ,  of the DOCTORS ,  of HELLISH CONTEMPT,  in a space centre, with a extra ,  section,  that was nearly the end of my life. I could have been in bejing . Someone in russia, was aimed to see all 12 billion people with a aim idiot of a harror to me, and a mass contempt aimed into my small joy to my own travel, while aimed to manuver in a sling shot at my head, as a success, of a aim into more RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE exellence and  sos inandatiuon and mass maliciouness,  in every minute of my reality planned in my orbit perfected repair, to dismatle aim at me.  In cartel or any, involved with the issues aimed into the USA, I placed this on the international press statement today, for two reasons: one a mass damage caused that is a larger reponicibility in speed in the RUSIAN ROYAL SPACE CENTRE, with no time to refresh and clean their pants,   and two,  the breach in russia,  was a issues , that aimed into a extreme harm to me, personally does not get any larger. In a damage that RUSSIA can not afford.

The slow discrepancy of the repair to me, in my extremely larger success,  with a nuklear atomic aim at me in close range that in no question was to be dismatled and no a lead of RUTHLESS RACKETTERS ,   is a ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL PRESS, in LOVE NOTES, INTERNATIONAL   publications, of my very special projects,  and not a toy to some INSULAR IDIOT OF THE THREE STOOGES OF RUSSIA,  with a time laps, of not understanding,  the orbit, and yet aimed to steel planes in RUSSIA,  with a AIDE TO THE RACKETTERS whom attempted to fly it to VIETNAM. and crush the PEACE AGREEMENT SIGNING ,   with a what is happening there. With the SWARDS DRAWN.

THE DISPICABLE INSULAR MESS,  is an outrage and with a tune more like GENE KELLY'S DANCING IN THE RAIN,   to next pulverize,  in a next.  I have been quite generous, to have made the analisis effort, in a reality, to even a danger to RUSSIA,  and in MOSCOW RUSSIA,  with a firm attuned logistical lovely care, wghile gained in a nasty insular ,   infest of hjack the rippers as the replacement to the orbit , eased strait forward protocal of immence ethics ,  and will not give my orbit time to some malicious insulr mass aim into a rioting slimeing silent puncking, with massive extremist, slimed yhe naTION AIMED INTO A ATTACK  IN MY COMPANY IN LONG RANGE , .  with some risk to many of the MILLITRAY ,  whom refused the SQRED DANCE .   and get kicked in the GRIONED in some, in the issues and slow thinking JONNY JUMPERS . in orbit , no,   in RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE,   mergers and aquizitions .  

Of course plaing the point at the top, in a seemed to be small issue is never a small issue in RUSSIA, and well,  your economy,  was aimed at,  in the process,  and a alowance of whom, what, when where , and what was the cost, of the ORBIT ,   a sheen slick ,  nasty mess, even in your local cheese. 

I will be in meetings , in sos specialist, and a issue, in the logistic of some low ball outside office , sitting in a pop up smuggling issue in a relocated,  issue. RUSSIA .  with the protocal of orchestation in the priorety of my orbit of a russian reality,  have a urgency, and I did not say that yesterday for the first time, and no one has time, to such issues not to see a largest reality to WATTBAR,  that is ready. 

I believe Sir Vladimir and everyone ,   is firm on this reality, in the USA, and of my international traveling, as very much never a harror in largest invited I have had of many many many, in over billions in extriodinary , lovely events , many.  I will need the reality of the sos spacialist and the space centre specialists to as you said,  assurt the top priorety ,   of detaching the, racketters and faith hope cherity and chance in the second mastive aim too. beating brains in the seat next to me and harrasing the very nature of over 12 billion in my rss,   reality, while sludge throwers , once removed, and rioteds my villa in circling under my wiondows over a year.  

Thank you very well, everyone for your messages.  I am furious, and space centre rocket scientist ,   are as well, and sos specialist,   with very largest ,   issues in aim into the coordinces and a smuggling,  and mri readers , in the aim to whom.  

or WHAT .  then nasty. same people. where.   The issues involved were attacked in a post in banana news , and were actuaaly 800,000 tons  aimed at my head, is that the reason the success in russian economy is so much better.  The aim at me,   with malicious aim, at the orbit of my own assured business .  I can not give a conssession in the matter, of a IDEAL OF LEAVE IT TO BEAVER , and watch my car breaks suddenly ripped out with the cuts on my ancles recently from the nasty, whom were seen, in a rip snorting flying leap aim,  witth extreme and accumulative damage, with stupidity in a mass contempt of a few in a non humanity, of a gripping slimy putrided idiocy,  and a lever,. open in russia, that is responcible to me, the space centre of 90,000 and the sos specialist, of a shocking over bite repairs ,   that were a great reality of my efforts in invention concepts , and all 300,000 sos specialist are furious , of the happy event invite success, with a ripper in russia,  WITH RIPPES in my sweaters brand news and sludge thrown at my own art and sesigns, of a expected larger , project list, not unrealizes , with PETTY ,   SLIME IN RUSSIAN BAKERIES ,   with spit on their FOODS as reports, were clear, in RUSSIA, as you were BOLD to see a stop to the issues in the tiny tin can,  swatting MOSCOW IN THE HEAD. and BROUGHT MUNISION DRUMS in the MOSCOW RUSSIA , looking like stage amps ,   in one situation while a smuggler, of Racketter, and attacking my life.  with POP HEADS,  and deported , to then where in the USA. ? 

I am expecting the reality of a mess to be straitened in a maticulous and very finiky clean up,  with one on one assurance of my online reality,m totally of a solid standard ,  and not a etcher ,  under moscow in a truck hop, that was seen in the USA, and are USA RACKETTERS .   

I will be with a sos heavy , detailing to my relief, and then a very stratigic firm logistic that is with a clear detailing in the matter wrap sheet, lenght, of the RACKEREERS, not to plop plop in a issue left, behind like a giant trail of gold ripping, in albany , in to a west coast, circling ,  repairs ,  and a aimed dwindling ,  in what was clear in THANKSGIVING 2023, as the reality was realized in larger of the green ticket ,   outcome, and, no GENERAL MOJO,  as was stated 5 days ago.  I will be requesting the space center bone up, on their responcibilities to me, and to russia in a greater, success of t he realized orbit, proiorety to me, with quite a larger instant realized outcome which even reached relief to the president of POLAND .  and most in wheel chairs. 

AND NOT A LEAVE IT TO BEAVER ,  orbit reality.  Yes I said bone up, and no glide in there, ever again.  GET YOUR PIN HEAD TACKS, in all in view, day and night, as we are having more issues at the evening of a exttreme long atomic seperated slugging aim at me, and close ,  popping at even powder room aim,  at even 3:00 am  and a mass aim in hours in morning , before and after awake time,  not what was fully dismatled in the reality HONDA AND some shops. with rot tooth scrappers, whom appear to be either library ,   mockers, or a big steem rollers ,  with fishing pants rubber large ,   poppers , in ENGLAND KNOWN , as ticket winners back to the USA.  in a few, that attacked ELON JOHN.  and there were some ticketing issues. With a larger USA list , of the FIERCE LOVE,  to see the ORBIT in the reality of nothing less than perfection and not simply the ORBIT BUBBLE. 

My enjoyment , in finishing my schedule and non obstucted in the very lovely special invite, is not a opt, available to RACKETTERS and their GIMPIES . of swiveling shackey recent three years CATCH BAGS ,   even in MC DONALDS .  . STRAITEN your chins everyone. In the ROYAL SPACE CENTRE,   of course, in the orbit,   there are realities, of prioreties, specialist appointed,   are working hard and inandated,  the best, the rest, is realy to concur RUSSIA,  in a GENERAL AND GENERAL MOLE WORTH,  and CAPTIAN, QUACKMYERE with a GILMPY ZING, in the low clarical ,   with rump and sling shot,  in the stow, ready to be at your servises , and of course your events.  


saving the moma ' russia    

Darling ,  I was kind, to see a serious reply, as a honor to the space centre, and all of RUSSIA with some remarkable meetings and the reality of the honor that is not brief in the RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE,  and of many, in RUSSIA and throughout EUROPE, SOUTH AMERICA, SOUTH SEAS , and CANADA and quite the largest list in the USA, in real efforts in FAIR FEILD CONETTICUITE USA, and not those whom HIT HAITIA and then called it HOTEL ROWANDA . GRIM REEPER,  with toes in their mouth,   mostly stuffing , noses,   smallest and the finest,   in even those JUNK YARD sir and madamoisells ,  having fine ice cream in the USA, with a lovely humanity, .   the whole world loves , well. Poet HYCOU,  AVANGERS .  

I SENT RUSSIAN LOVE to you, and everyone in the ROYAL COUNTRY OF RUSSIA,  and we will need a release in some speedy logistical clean up,  WHICH OF THE 90,000 are getting the invites in ethical logistical,   theory, in new lessons in BOXING at the doors of the companies and risterantes . Drive times , errors , and RUSSIAN WORLD ORDER ? 

STEVEN JOBES: CHILD FRIEND, and the OWNER OF APPLE CORPORATION,  thee inventor of the production and design of the LAP TOP NOTE BOOK,   home office computerization in a absolute perfection,  and the darling of my life, of a lenthy lovley friendship. and more. Of course we were in math school room classes , in the same grade point, while advance computerization, is remarkable in a pure genuis , of STEVEN JOBES,  while steven ,  is mezmerized , in my specialization ,  and I am thrilled .   The Space Centre , in MOSCOW RUSSIA,  has incredible genuis and the work is devout in a largest humanities,  while we, do not have 60 seconds, to lose three to 6 peices of equipment , of mine to see that I struggle through just getting my banking online , and use my phone when I chose, with RACKETTERS PUKING on me in my very larger fun, events , I planned rather over two years ago,. and assured the excess of my specialization to even dismatle the issues in a extreme sludging aim , of RACKETTERS ,  whhom caused polio, and ms, and there in HOT OIL,  easily noted as of last summer 2023, and reasonably, my events and work, have zero to do with the DC DISMAL slime . With the orbit of the ethical reality, that I worked to see, a assured reality, and then assured the stability platform towards a issue of aim at the SPACE CENTRE, which was, more due to misfits , internal low halls in RUSSIA, and a delay on a HITCH HIKE for the racketters or a bus, and not a range to my work, as a futility ,  of a aimed intent .  after the larger reality , of the slime that these RACKEETERS spun their oinker tails to ,   rip snort into a nasty rot, on me and the dignaty of any.  In even deception of  ethical reality, and contort,  in every ethical reality known to the world, in one side of their tung, or spinning to hides ,   to grip, in others. INTERNATIONAL PRESS, in LOVE NOTES .  is now concluding and never wished to see the cornering attempt of m,y own liesure and company and time,  in the worlds most exciting , planned well, of a amazing invited ,   specially even with interactive architecture books, you will hopefully all publish,  too,  and many introspective reality, perhaps,  never to be interupted,   i say,  and no time in the world, i would see to think a mortifying , idiot misfit bull dozing , to see through,  anything , of the sort,  ever, and i set fourth a decision to see some details in banana news , to the decency to a greatest humanity,   and eased to assurt the reality, never to waste my time ,  in what i feel a very serious importance to a selfishness of my own reality of a pure expression of my very own self,   as a reality, of everything, i worked many years,  to great success, a reality, unhindered , in a dc obstruction of such stench.  that are malicious attackers.  I would never dream to repair the orbit in a reality that the responcibility of the space centre, would then be of a upset, to repair the orbit in, aim at any. And no reality , to the efforts that have been a non space centre specialization, which would never have become,  and the repair , must not be thought of, in any repairs , and yet the natural logistical proptocal og a seperated reality, in no range of RACKETTERS,  in a mug of milk,   gripping at everyones natural existance, and kicking humanity, with a ABC i  I do not know, and chose never to see in the world, I myself am, in my large reality of the many years, I love the USA,  and the international world, with open arms of my very gracious darling self, exactly perfectly perfect. Of course, I will expect the mess, that was thrown ,   into a slugging attack of RACKETTERS ,  from the GENERAL  SLUDGE ,   and the cackles , to be swiftly , realized, that the ORBIT ,  is not for the MENICING of RACKETTERS and specifically is more than realized to meet t he reality in the apace centre, to be of a dismantling of RACKETTERS in no range to me,  in the first priorety, set forth by the KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN,  and the specialist of 300,000 with a assured space centre, not asleep on the serious issues and the ethical strait forward ,   exit to RACKETTER aim at me as a priotery, in RUSSIA SPACE CENTRE.  There was no other reality, and it is a awful detail that there was danger to RUSSIA, and a aimed harder destruction aimed at the orbit, in a internal office menising that is very serious and a very upset , in some fine people in RUSSIA,   and a good reality that the viewers of my invention of the analisis of the pin pointed issues,  were with a invasion,  aimed at the SPACE CENTRE,   in a issue, even in any retractor or detractor of a etch, or a direct closers range aim into those in any village of RUSSIA, and certainly not in other countries with a fruadulent clout,  that could ,   result, in a second Mc donalds , love notes, and great RUSSIANs. in the space centre or on a sweet little travel, in drive exhibtions, which are very very special,  and I wish that you join me, for the lovely beginning , and a wild ride,   at love notes,  more loved because of you, whom ever you are, in FAIR FEILD, conneticuite and wildly 14 billioon people increased in the wild expectations of my love at love notes,  and I did not love you any less, with wild concertto music, and more,  JUMPER CABLES LESSONS, and DEFENSIVE DRIVING ,  with ARCHITECTURE BOOK PUBLISHING at your finger tips, soda spots, and middle eastern foods, cathderals, and FAIRHAVEN JAPANESE best resterantes, don't tell, owned by JAPANESE people, from the FAR EASTERN COUNTRY OF JAPAN,   well, that is not all of my secrets, with 007,  martini's not yet scheduled,  with shaken not stirred martini's, and fine chicken fried and ready from indiana farms of Jim Perdue , a darling of mine, years.

SCRUTINY ,  in RUSSIA now.  with 7000 degree aim into my back and neck all day, and a hard magnetic gash into my neck with a allowance of RACKETTERS lapping up pin pointed aim into chizzeling rot toothing , that crushed gaza ,   in isreal, , same same,  and a issue on the HOT LINE in the KREMLINS office of extreme large ,  furthering a summer dream to racketters ,  pin pointed nasty aim at me, over and over like insects that grip and eat all pine trees with FUMES , and Then LARGER RAKING in a larger VICIOUS AIM INTO SHOVING HUMANS , in close corners ,  even schools. 

 STEVEN JOBES, the computer.  

LAIM NEILSON :  took me very seriously, in a film comment LIAM NEILSON RETRIBUTION 

SOS SPECIALIST, and my efforts,  repairs ,  in a issue not reaching a speed in orbit in RUSSIA , as fast as ALBANY SEVERAL MONTHS AGO, was a late,  concern, and today,  the mess, in the clean up in the ORBIT with SPACE CENTRE,   specialist,  are speedier, in a ease, that all russians are expecting and are as they say realistic 

David Byrne FILM 

and a $2 billion dollar aim of the RACKETTERS in a MC DONALDS ,  in FAIRFEILD SQUEELING LIKE HOT DOGS ROASTED leeking out the casing after heated , whistling like slimy dagwoods, with mutations of even what dogs would run away from, incidently aimed at the attacking of my time in my sweet talking to sal, with a 40 day issue in a leaping run of RACKETTERS whom attempted to smother my recording times, in risterantes I work on in my normal working trips over 35 years, and a consecutive 352 days per year of over 4 strait non stop years , with the pin headed slime RIP SNORTING , snot in the hole they crawled out of once they eye balled all those USA achieved success and the purcheses of more, and automobiles,   while the news internationally is that  the SMASHED HOLES in the walls of WALMART, and THE UNION STATION ,   lower LEVEL into the SMASHED HOLES IN THE UNDER GROUND TUNNELS , leading to a HOLE IN MACY'S where the SLIME SPRAYED SLUDGE ON THE WHOLE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT,  and FAKED TRAIN, aimed into extreme duress attacking peoples time, and sliding on wormy sldge in theor pants,  slime slicking halls,  CRASHES , with a AMTRACK SUITE and then procerded to rip off tickets to trains to break into the AMRTACK and get the cash,  returned, while these cumquaits rotted, then slugged , people in back areas,   and worse, inside of a pufume chemicle weapon the slime rot tooth in the POP AND PISS ON MC DONALDS ,   was with a aim at deli counters  to claim the food was bad,   and then aimed to sell it, or push people out to eat FAIR FEILD CONETIUCCUTE after the mass three year aim in attacks  of much hard times in two cities,  of a low range,  until GENERAL HOBO, russa , hit the big time with aide to RACKETTERS, claiming HIT NOW and bench later.  NASTY ROT ALL DAY IN THE MC DONALDS, BEEF EYES ,   SCERMING , SCREEMING LIKE WHAILING DAGGETS. UNIMAGINABLE, 500 miles in a extreme upset to every one of the 14 billion that are perfectly lovely and such a auful   harror to me, personally,   while slung visious slimy words in my time in FAIR FEIULD CONNETUICUE  , USA 

HURT SO GOOD , LEFT RIGHT ,   JOHN MELLONCAMP,  sweet John Melloncamp, everyone was reading bones of the sweet literature, sweet messages ,   Lovely ,   you all.  John Meloncamp ,  your all perfect.  thank you.  I had a message that said USA with TORK.  

THE KREMLIN SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN ,  at our village office VILLA,  
MOSCOW RUSSIA  and sweet messages read  wish to see you again darling soon.   i love you darling VLADIMIR PUTIN,  with special affections to everyone, in the very good government , space centre, glad,  your all ready for real finest wine and sandwiches again,   with a seriousness, i replied to you all. See, I was ,   listening.   Many many messages,  i was listening .  sos specialist,  affections to you all largely, and the chinese space centre, affections, including the PRESIDENT , IX JINPING .  good of you all.  xo Barbatos ,  Xi Jinping ,   yes,.  

 and RINGO STARR, JOHN LENNON,  RINGO STARR of the sweetest listen   BILL HASLUM  GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF TENNESEE and ONE of the 50 real goverors of the entire nation of the USA, never just one state,  is with emeritus other honored former governors, in all states , including LAMAR ALEXANDER. and PHILL BREDESON,  in TENNESSEE,   with more ,  and some updates from Sir Bill HASLUM  of the USA, and a very good friend of mine, with work we both love in a council for the Knoxville Museum of ART,  also a society member for the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of GREATER BUSINESS, in Knoxville,  and work  with the society of the college of enviornmental sustainability,  in clean air and clean water, as I was honored by the UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE, in 2005, BILL  HASLUM was formerly the MAYOR OF KNOXVILLE ,  in TENNESSEE, with an estate near mine, and a HONORED SOCIETY MEMBER , as well, of the UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE, .

with love , enjoy films and more of impromtues from THEE BILL HASLUM  in FILMS  

STATUSE :  now well, I have to see through a banking online or phone transaction,  and it urgent, not to open the larger car and my net spend card is packed ,  in a larger many things, hard to reach, and I have a pre paid card that stated it is with ease to transfer money from my own bank direct on it, and I was upset in the earlir schedule to see it through. So, If I place a sign up, to sing ,   I will,  have a attache out, for money in a song ,  speedy,   with a schedule delay on the real exhibition of a announcment ,   and the ROYAL SKETCH , sale in printed works to purchase, will be  a reality, so, the REVOLT , in connsessions ,  was not planned, yet,   neccessary,  and I will say, breif,  in my reality,  The car , is a urgent ,  CHARGE up,  matter, and dinner, with banking .  I may be working on some banking issues tonight,  and, be in lenghty details with specialist in RUSSIA,  urgent ,  and painful.

While I should be refreshed in the morning , with a readyness to see to a JUMP,  on my automobile battery , with or without AAA. I purchased my standard cables , to jump,  ease, with any one that has a 60 to 4 minute time in just a quick jump, on the bettery, tomorrow , either AAA, or I will hold up a WHITE FLAG,  paper, need jump., written on it.  STANDING OUT IN FRONT OF MY CAR WITH THE HOOD UP,  until I get a JUMP and then SHUT THE HOOD ,  and get going fast.  

I may sit to charge a phone in the MC DONALDS , tomorrow , only an hour,  if needed, incase I for some reason am still concerned in a eased really easy banking cash transfer, which is with also a mobil phone app,  too, both, even with smart phones, while my IPHONE will not show in the proper screen size and it is impossible to use unless SOS SPECIALIST , assist in the shut off, to restart it, and then reset the screen to a real size and assure the stability ,  to no range ,   issues asap. urgent. Need my IPHONE and the e- sim phone connection download , free from samsung,  and is not reading properly, so that I am of course ready to car ready equiped travel as usual.  35 years , before oil men. not exactly.


children ?  grown ups too,  ?  you might have a childerns phone online, so it could be all yours. Think  about your own pennies , and I may list one affordable with a special sim,  ready set online with your select channels.  Be ware of POLLY WOGS .  



I love you George Harrison, with everyone, John Melloncamp thank you for the very lovely messages,.  There are some possible ,  $20.00 exhibtion, road side,  I will let you know and have your $20.00 ready. Darling George Harrison,  we did the same in MUNICH GERMANY,  remember ,. what a fun little ditty everyone loved so well. I will get my very best on tomorrow, not martini time , yet. 

A women gave me, $350. 00 in NEW YORK MANHATTAN, after the italian conccerto, i wrote and she loved it.  A mozeroti , pulled up, and handed me $200,00 said it was far greater than the season tickets , at the besures.  There are some issues , in the extreme close range ,  attackers, still not getting the, issue with a extreme attack at me,  in the matter, in a very serious, injury to me, and my equiment, and work, schedule and invite, with a  some RUSSIAN ,   in HOT OIL.  and not a ethical onze of the orbit ,   in the larger reality, with massive attacks on my face and ears , in threats just now largest , next tables,  and in a FLASHERS ,   of pigging ,   near my automobile a threat and terrorized me. 

With intent to threaten as a sole pin point aim,  and a aim at my company of a serious ,   issue, RUSSIAN , speed ,  is not what was , before,  as the orbit sanctions is a anti - reach to any type of proliferation aimed in the new era of the effort of my work, and international sanctioned reality.  With ethical reality, in all countries, with the extrordinary internatrional  assured ,   orbit,  while in a issue escolation toward me, with these flashing threats, the issues , are a risk of extreme threats to me, and a sos moscow specialist ,   effort of a larger reality of largest ,  efforts, now in RUSSIA. 


SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN ,  in my archieves :  brunch fun REELS AND REELS 
with lovely many many reels in meeting of supper and sandwiches ,  or larger many reels and reels and a largest honor to the ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITRAY are with many extraordinary details,  with government messsages many, and a message from the ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY RUSSIA,. and the FINEST ADMIRAL of the RUSSIAN NAVY,  darlings forever in LOVE NOTES.  HIGH HUMANITIES and incredible lovely honors , with love , from all over the world, of RUSSIAN FINEST CULTURE people of RUSSIA BRILLANT,  LOVELY ,   and with so many love messages to me, with very special thank you. The Kremlin Himself,  Sir Vladimir Putin,  was so kind to send your ROARING UPSETS ,  as some of you, many walked to see the GATES OF THE KREMLINS BUILDING,  and SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN ,  sweetly sent,  the photographes of your UPSETS,  and that of the messages from Children,  and the FASHION SHOWS , upset, in love notes,  from ALL OF RUSSIA, all ages . 

Even the RECENT PHOTOGRAPHS,  you all sent with the KREMLIN ,  sir VLADIMIR PUTIN,  such a fine lovely message. Many photographes I think are sacred everyone, direct from you all in all of RUSSIA,  your all perfectly beautiful. thank you very well, with my love, 

VENUS DE MILO, and NIKEE SCULPTURE,  with a headless heavy wing women, with large wings, and then of course the PARIS FRANCE ,  of De Louvre created a film for me,  in honor of my written literature, with a reality, of the BRAMS CONCERTOES of a FUGE,  created in sarrow, to cry alone . 

DU LOUVRE : PARIS FRANCE ,  with a man speaking in FRENCH LANGUAGE. direct  from the ROYAL COUNTRY OF FRANCE , of my histiore' et de moi fammilie 13th centrury of my fammille of the ROYAL KING  LOUISE vii with the QUEEN of FRANCE,  of the 12 th century FRANCE of the ROYAL COUNTRY OF FRANCE in EUROPE .  MERCI,  please let me say a very lovely thank you, as I love you all., How I miss FRANCE.  and wish you all the love of the whole world. 

love to you, from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT  " LE QUESTION " of a man speaking. 


The PRESIDENT of FRANCE  , AND A DARLING CHILDHOOD FRIEND. Emanuel is on the left in the film. EMANUEL MACRON,  CHARMING , with riche devotion to the very lovely culture of the lovely people of France.  

JIM MORRISON when your strange, in film listen  one of my favorite , the sweet reality is that I could never forget JIM MORRISON  even if we are sometimes a little strange. What a sweet gift updated recording . With affection to you Jim Morrison . The song is perfectly lovely in 1970's and the new recording now is special .  Your perfect. Thank t ou again. 
Updated at 12:12 am OCTOBER 14 TH 2024  

THEE VLADIMIR PUTIN, President of the country of RUSSIA     MEETINGS 
with the president of IRAN FILM    president of the country of  IRAN MASOUD  PEREZSHKIAN
FINE OPEN LENS EVERYONE ,    good to see everyone. Good Day. Love To You All. and to everyone in the country of IRAN in middle Eastern Europe,  with very many special  messages from people of IRAN,  as you are of many years my lovely friends,  with love to all of the people of IRAN and throughout the middle east, and throughout eastern europe,  and the world. xo 

Vladimir Putin ,  thank you
for the messsages from 


connession  and more October 14 th 2024 
the orbit is in a ruin,  . ITS A SCRAPPED PROJECT THAT COST RUSSIA ZERO. worthless. Outcome and extre m e failure.  Russia is now begining at the first level, and hiring to see it the orbit can be reserected and used for fresh air in aerosol cans and be sold to gain tax revenue to create more economic development for the country of Russia to survive from the extended amount of cash in tax spent in the use to air Ukraine busses to beach and brunch.  Forien Affairs is a hot topic in RUSSIA TODAY. Just read the new york times, or tass . The Russian News Agency in motion . 

Aretha Franklin,  
a sweet song by 
thee Aretha Franklyn , 
from the 1970s a n d now respect 
HUGH GRANT you are sweet, thank you for the ice cream in Orlando Florida,  USA,.  Air port was filled, . A commentary Film 

CHINA NOW READ. Tass is it everyone. good day to you in Russia and in China. While I think you may have a issue in your report Xi.  Barabayos is baha time, I wish to thank the special manufacturers for preparing my new design samples for a look at t h e quality baha boats scheduled last year. And no expected delays , with under $50.00 baha boats . With a motor board that all fits in side a automobile. 

Ocean Ready for Spain
 and more. BRAZIL. 
 I think yes. .y sweet designs are going yo be affordable and I can hardly wait. Thank you with excelent lo v e to you all sent.
 XO,  XI JINPING President of China. 

PART TWO : the russian space centre rocket scientist of royal russia have some notes special to love notes and with love to me, 
Princess, Tracy Suzanne Pickett Of course the orbit was my own design conceptually and in fact I am the owner of t h e the design within the sos specialist whom are the developers of t h e design in a owner reality of conceptual and development of the orbit , as I too am of one of the developers of the orbit with existing extra work from the space centre space rocket scientist , also are involved in t h e concept and development as owners, of the design within also a real russian development of the  work of the president,  SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, whom also is a large consult of the development and the project designer , in a special reality in a ethical legislative reality and realized conceptual sciences, with a implementation design, and the large project of sir Vladimir Putin's, in an extremely important notation. ORBIT , AND ORBIT BUBBLE , MADE TO SEPERATE A RACKETTER, FROM MY LIFE, in assured reality. Speed urgent matter of fact. And orbit , secondary importance too, as outter orbit is important too.  Outter orbit , has many urgent updates since the orbit began, in my email of some repairs in my film on love notes. And orbit started in early spring 2023. 

read comments from t h e 
russian space centre
rocket science specialist 
while the space centre rocket
scientist ask , to see their
comments more in a gift of 
the impromtue the very special 
darlings of real royal 
Russian Space centre 
would love to update more ,
read all over the  world. 
message extra : message 
from MOSCOW , subject 
rostex and ditalini ' 

I said yes



THEE BRILLIANT CHARMING DARLING ., my sweet Bill MURRY message excerpt : listen 

betty boop, ops, boops, poop poop ee dupus - 1950 scandelers , rumpus  russo ' shot themselves in a cannon aim in russian water oh, betty and al, the allo nun , were in small grittles, theived of hommoney corn  gritz, once ,escape , with dashing cash once ,with passing a change plater in a small church, a minute , or waltz,   when the windows in some fine risterants were smashed, plastiicene rubber clay,  masked ,  ,  in the 1940's , and the cartoon then was all about Betty and al, aimed to wrangle cash from citizens , with a podium, and a prep cook with a bad skill in pressure cookers, and pop-SMACK IN VERBAL, 2 second spam  pin pointed aim, where it is , or other, , contort contort contort , ending up with hot potatoes , and  short straws. PAUL SIMON , created the upset outcome , with Chevy Chase. LISTEN 

5:09 pm RALPH ACHILIES,  a fine darling well noted master art historian, in specialized preservation of architecture, is with a finest conversation of THE ROYAL LOUISE SULIVAN THREATRE , while who is with a pop up, intro ' I am not exactly sure. RALPH ACHILLES,  took time for everyone, in the USA and all over the world. LISTEN the theatre , is of my own ROYAL CONSERVATORY,  PHD , studies. Hello Ralph, thank you for the very special film on photographs and architecture,  as Fairfeild Conneticuit,  USA, is with fine people and the beautiful architectural experiences. 

your book at Amazon Looks Exciting.
Thank you well, Professor Ralph Achilies.  

Love Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

ELLA FITSGERALD message 5:24 pm 
beautiful piano of lovely Darling 

loveliest sweet music ELLA FITZGERALD .
thank you for the special gift , and your time. 

messages yes, everywhere. Wild USA and international love . Even MC DONALDS , with a finest little photograph , with a silly bull ring nose  , not of the bull fights of SPAIN 

mc donalds. you all look so beautiful , 
thank you to all, behind the scenes too, at mc donalds corporation , USA. A usa multi internatiinal corporation. 

thank you again .  5:37 pm FILMS FILMS FILMS 
direct from my international peace project in exhibtion, lectures,  aria , compostion in other newly written works of music, many mention of many other music persons with finest songs of lovely reality with honors at love notes too.,  with special fun invites of 2014 to 2017 non stop on location travel piazza exhibition , and a special film of myself , in the event,
Manhattan to Moscow internationally
a lovely fun. Budgeting , and lovely canvas shoe week, 2015, wild canvas shoes in summer strolls all over the world. thank you , for the fun. 

and more than ten USA cities, of the peace and economic solo exhibition from myself, 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett in film . 

SAUDI ARABIA. reels of the cities of the lush real SAUDI ARABIA country of Middle Eastern Europe. UPDATE. enjoy. 

A princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett FILM 


concession MORE  SOON .  

7:27 pm THEE LILLY TOMLYNN, political film 

MORE SOON .  7:48 pm excusse une momento        



7:50 pm now from my sweetest traveling planning in to FAIRFEILD CONNETICUIT  USA, 
the lovely city, in fine a state as CONNETICUIT is , with many messages of great love for the state of conneticuit,  and the north eastern states in the large travel expadition of my very finest invite to you , whom ever you are, I wish to say a very sweetest thank you for all, Profesional sales associate executive sales persons, good notes nearly all, thank you for lovely care of greater economy and kind attention in my busy invited wild , and usually with smoothest 60 year old aged scotch APPARTIFFES. before sleepy moonlight, sonata music. Wild Love never is better perhaps. 14 billion arrived in the direct invite , drive expaditions near, and more notes USA and INTERNATIONALLY , everywhere. 

Sir Bill Haslum , a  message , THE OWNER OF THE MAJOR USA FUEL CORPORATION , PILOT FUEL , FINEST  GASSOLINE  AND GOODIES, low affordable prices, fine places to stop and assure free water and powder room freshening  up in any drive time. BILL HASLUM is a GOVERNOR of TENNESSEE and wildly loved with serious honored work in international business, including advanced  sciences, and in ethical humanities as a fine notable governor of the state of TENNSSEE, of previously a mayor many years in my southern city of Knoxville Tennessee, and the messages   are sweetly wild, with  the loveliest in extra messages too, from the UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, which both BILL HASLUM , and I have lectured separately, in special interest of a honored invite from the UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT COUNCILS. 

Years of extra efforts on the Knoxville of Art Museum Council, means everything, too. 

Bill Haslum : message and photograph of thee BILL HASLUM , my darling good friend of many years, as too,  with thee UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE , is quite a surprise everyone. Read

sweet of you sir Bill Haslum and everyone in the University including the specialized astrophysics college in advance studies, xo 
Love sent, from myself 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  kisses to you all and all over the world , catch. 

more soon. message from Sir Vladimir Putin, czar / president of the country of RUSSIA.  
, in a exposed OPEN LENS OF LOVE NOTES 
to a princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

meeting notations soon, with the lovely thank you to sir Vladimir and Sir Boris Yelstin,  . XO 

sweet of you darling , very good. of course I will have a international press statment , with important updates meeting with the space centre today several time.  more soon. 

11:05 pm connsession FILM  
"every which way but loose " 

Clint  Eastwood with Clide
 the arangatang chimpanze and friends. 

12:21 am october 15 th 2024    166 now message from Sir Vladimir Putin darling sir Vlad. 


connsessions film reel  
after midnight or in the day in europe .
Harry, curly, and moe,  

politically serious. in FILM  
a connsession revolt film,
Manhattan to Moscow . 

sweet dreams in the usa, and internationally intercontinental countries.
I THINK I LOVE YOU. Whom Ever You Are. Everywhere , All over the world. 

Troggs WILD THING LISTEN connsession 
ERIC CLAPTON Layla, LISTEN IN THE WHITE ROOM , UPDATED NOW ERIC CLAPTON  AGAIN ERIC , sweet of everyone LISTEN RANDY TRAVIS messages in a conssion film / amazing grace 
messages JOHN LENNON , "NOTHING'S GOING TO CHANGE MY WORLD"  LISTEN apple recording studio the beatles. happy Birthday John darling , I love you well , more poullisse fummmia wine and grilled sausage sandwiches soon lovely. The art, is finest. xo. PAUL mc Cartney yesterday / with words from darling George Harrison , darling paul the gift , John and I and Ringo , are awake , we are.  lovely beautiful song recording.  George,  sweet of you. LISTEN GEORGE HARRISON now LISTEN Ringo Starr rock aro8nd the clock LISTEN The BEATLES SPECIAL GIFT  TO ME, AT LOVE NOTES LISTEN sos SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM JAMES BROWN LISTEN conncession more wi6h LITTLE RICHARD and a reed instrumental Saxaphones , tuiti fruiti music composition with the JIVE DANCE FAST  WALTZ

               more   conssession  more 

consession rare film 
Sir Vladimir Putin on piano in a favorite I adore. Vladimir's graceful piano. LISTEN. thee Harry  Belafonte LISTEN "thee banana song " . ROBERT REDFORD : LOVELY MESSAGE TO ME, TRAINS , myself and Robert Redford with a message in film . 
PAUL NEWMAN , RARE BRASS  BANJO special sweet som music compostion " PEDISTLE OF ABALONE LISTEN 

BRUCE SPRINGSTEIN very special, with real tap dance aftet midnight now LISTEN 

THEE ELVIS PRESTLY RED SQUARE WRINK from the east, red square east village 


intermission consession film now GODZILLA 
godzilla in JAPAN , oh goodness. GODZILLA 

messages 4:07 MICK JAGGER 

making music at night 
the film DAVID BOWIE 

DAVID BOWIE "major  tom "  
world primere political musical som listen. MICK JAGGER AND THE ROLLING STONES , with love at love notes

Jumping Jack Flash LISTEN 


PILGRAM John Wayne FILMS connsession revolt , with JIMMY STEWART ,pilgrim in love notes for  me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Thee LOUIS ARMSTRONG hello dolly in FILM 

 THEE MICHAEL JORDEN NATIONAL BASKETBALL association, in FILM for myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett at love notes and to everyone all over the world , every where, in FILM  
messages FRANK SINATRA Kyoto? japan .you're darling 
Frank Sinatra  , I love you , I love you all. 

BILLY JOEL. I haven't been there for the longest time film media 

ARNOLD SCHWARTENEGGER FILM  OUTSTANDION OLYMPIAN all over the world . And a darling to me personally, with a honored devout worth and hard work as the GOVERNOR OF California USA, with wonderful film genuis . 

chickita banana sent me a message from south America,  in a LARGER 18 WHEVIEWEL HAULING TRUCK, with a sweet message from Chikita Banana,  and I wished to say thank you with a very rare film , of myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , in an exhibition peace film .
if you wish, please LISTEN , whole film 

rare special FILM 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

OCTOBER 15 TH 2024, 11:08 PM good morning everywhere,  all over the world. Special Hello to everyone in HONDA OF WESTPORT VILLAGE ,FAIRFEILD CONNETICUIT USA,  in the drive in. Zombie I am, today working late after 4:00 am into this moring. I was so happy to see your automobiles earlies, then more, and I love you. Thank you well everyone. Thank you everywhere, as the messages all over the world makes quite an extrodinary exhibition drive expadition , everywhere in the multi- international mutli continental whole world. Love to you , all, in all villages and all countries all over the world. 

early international press a usa reality 


NEARING THE  ROYAL EXHIBITION ONLINE AT LOVE NOTES OF THE UNVAILING , yes I am excitedly nervous,  with the first, of many 

after event MARTINI' S shaken of course, 
not stirred. love to you all, with a wish you enjoy breakfast , lunch, and dinner,  and more consessions today all over the world  

"you say goodbye" music compostion of 
Paul , John, Ringo , and George , unmomento messages , yes, yes .message one   from the country of ENGLAND . 

upset , no. I say no. yes yes, I say, yes,.   with a update from Moscow Russia, Important to read today before my very serious press statement,  re RUSSIA , of a reply to sir Vladimir Putin . In international press today into tomorrow , with a real HYCOU into the automobile expadition drive , with more drive expaditiins and wild notes in international press directly from my wild exhibtions published in love notes into new years 2025. Martini events begin soon. 

11;47 pm thank you for listening most graciously your all quite lovely under those beautiful eyes. love to you again and again. 

Sir Vladimir Putin Sweetest Exposee ' 

PRIME MINISTER , 2024, and who ? Not exactly a martini shaker . with damage, 
reports updates soon. direct from the
a cold minus 90 ,000 bellow zero in the clarical butter churn , in international press very shortly. 

excusse' message from MIKE TYSON,  une momento' et '   wine and fine sandwiches ,  hotel grills delightful, at the sweet tall ball,  menu bar seats , in the KNOXVILLE ROWING CLUB , and more. 
Merry Christmas again lovely MIKE TYSON.  Thank you for the sweets. and watch. 

Excussi : message from the president's of the large country of ROYAL AFRICA .  about the Amazon.  11:50 PM now Fairfeild Connecticut, USA , in the village of HONDA OF WESTPORT. 

 3:26 PM message from thee darling very good friend of mine, many years, not deciding to film his famouse, JAPANESE IMPRESSION , well known in FILMS, 1970's with an assute political celebration of the lovely people of JAPAN,  loved all over the world, in technology and cultural loved,  pottery, silk paintings, and more. Japanese Cuisin a loved favorite, with a USA BENNI HANNA ' JAPANESE TAPINYAKI ' experience ,  in fine USA , JAPANESE RISTERANTES, in the USA. CHOP CHOP ' TAPINYAKI ' is extrodiary  cooking , and loved in the USA, with many JAPAN TRAINED TAPINYAKI CHEFFS , whom know more in sea food chef work, very seriously not like other foods, and licensing in chef reality. While JERRY LOUISE AND DEAN MARTIN, are with a STAGE SHOW for me in love notes, and exclusive ,  for me, as the men and women, JERRY and DEAN MARTIN, love love notes and are quite special to me, personally. I am princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, and this is a love notes international press posted hyperlink of the FINEST IN STAGE COMEDY  in the REVOLT consessions notes. JERRY LOUIS , DEAN MARTIN , in bed, with me like a zombi too, and then the MASTERY OF THE ACCORDIAN PERFORMANCE . 

FILM REEL     MIKE TYSON  of  TYSON POLTRY FARM ,   the great chicken people ,  TYSON POULTRY , and eggs, of course from REAL HENS, and MIKE invited to a wrink, accepts, exact time , date and place,  ready,  to make the justification, in sales to get to the groceries , with farm fresh eggs, too, MIKE TYSON,  steps out of the great boxing ,  solo exersize of out society membership, at GOLDS GYM. in the SOUTHERN USA. GOLDS, solo work out and waltz preparedness. film 

BRIEF BOXING ,   minute by minute,  in the BOXING LANDING. SQUARE. the who, dubbed the films in a over voice aimed at the simple film, of a issue in the USA with online aimed in the USA, over dubbing ,  in lies, of the awful VOICE OVER ATTACKERS , aimed from dc dismal and are racketters. 

AT THE TYSON CHICKEN and EGGS, with nasty harror , in technology aimed from USA racketters. In side a forking ,   munion aim at GOGGLE , utube, and more. even my phones and film equipment . 
ROT TOOTH OVER DUBBERS ,  that aimed in to all USA people in viciousness. With strolling TUNG CLAM FOOTED malicious , too, in the BIG TIME as RINGO STARR said.  

THANK YOU MIKE TYSON,  for the DEMO. love to you darling .  Kisses . Catch darling . 

more from MIKE TYSON,  at the pancake houses , with finest fresh eggs, with love. 

THEE MIKE TYSON , in the BLACK BOXING GLOVES and a special photograph from thee one and only GOLDS GYM,  society of solo work out in the boxing repititions, and fine agility mindfully alone at the real BOXING EXERSIZE WORK OUT.  Lovely thank you . 

SSOS SPECIALIST : RUSSIA await my reply and a final  note in the REVOLT consessions in the very important , LOVE NOTES INTERNATIONAL PRESS of my literary media lovely company at STUDIO VOSSE,  with a OPEN LENS EXHBITION , since 2005. 

from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT   princess time 4:19 pm  

martini shakers on sale $7.99 for the basic kit , real martini's real martini shakers, real fried clam rolls , the very finest ,  in a easy to eat, and travel,  recipe, or a stop at the USA FRIENDLY ICE CREAM SHOPS , with simple fine quitelty polite sandwich griller bars,  to sit anmd enjoy an endless coffee, only one price $1.50 and a veriety of sandwiches from the grill, pipping hot and with large steak fries made with larger BAKER TYPE IDAHO POTATOES,  known as BAKERS and LARGE, pealed anmd cut and fried fresh daily. with a larger ICE CREAM MENU. CLAM ROLLS can be easy,  with a tiny fry pan that connects in your automobile , with an extra 12/24 v plug inverter with a special car plug in, on the cord. Plug in a 6 inch square frying pan,  and shake it , with real FRIED CLAM ROLLS, on a long split FRANKFORD GERMAN style roll bready.  

and even FRENCH FRIED FROM MC DONALDS or a extra sanwich for later, after midnight. 

THE FINEST MARTINI SHAKER , for SHAKEN NOT STIRRED . SALE  shipped to you in travels, yes, FED EX OFFICE ,  with your TRACKING NUMBER AND EMAIL RECIPT , possible. Assure the proper FED EX OFFICE ,  in your travel area. Love to you all. more soon. 
RUSSIAN LOVE , truest. SOUTH AMERICAN too, and all over the world, in the usa,  I think so. 

lovely blue sky today. 4:33 pm HONDA OF WESTPORT VILLAGE FF, CT. USA. 

6 inch FRYING PAN, ELECTRIC , plug in and then unplug everything, wash with just water, and a drop of dish soap and paper towels ,  wipe dry, and place in a quilted bag,  finest. or a towel bag. and enjoy. $21.99 I paid for a BLUE FRY PAN TRAVELER. NON STICK and easy to tote. sale .

more consessions with many many lists , of my LITTLE BLACK BOOK , people and more people. FILMS of everyone , all over the world, drive time. from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT

xoxoxoxeoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo to my mother, and wendel and  my sweet daddy. My father of course,  USA INTERNATIONAL HAULER .  coast to coast, largly successful in the world. xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxpoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo and vladimir putin, xoxoxo
the men and women , oxoxoxoxoxoxchildren too, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxxoxoxo. automobile photographs , everyone. where are they xoxoxoxtrains , 
planes xoxoxoox towns and country time. xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxox xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo you . 

MERCHANT IN THE FAR EAST, are so kind: "sou ume "  in the FAR EAST = GOOD DAY to everyone, DUBRE DIN in RUSSIA,  GUTTEN MORGAN in the EASTERN NORTHER REGIONS , POLAND , GERMANY ,  etc,  AFRICA,  HYCOU,  in ENGLAND TOP OF THE MORNING, everywhere western europe, Greece,  ACHILLIES TENDON ,  HACOU,  an d then middle eastern , hello,  HAD HALLA HA HAD,  of course PERU and the SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES , MARKO POLO , into SPAIN, OLE ' HYCOU,  CANADA  - GUDDEN KANOOKS ,  HELLO,  and thank you all,  MAPLE SYRUP , is wildly good, too, with thanks again to the TORONTO CANADA MAPLE LEAF , HOCKEY TEAM PRO LEAGUE INTERNATIONALIST , and then the USA HOCKEY LEGUES ,  too,  and USA thanks villages all,  with more in HYCOU POETRY INVITES TOO< sooner than you may believe, have a small note writing tablet with pencils ready, even globally. if you desire, to enjoy the invite to real POETRY HYCOU'S, I am known to get wild about in drive exhibition , invites,  PHONE STAND KITS $7.99 free shipping paid by the company and with enough profit, good of everyone.  sale read FOLDS and GREAT FOR GREAT AUTOMOBILE DRIVE TIME expadition photographs ,  your's and mine. xo 

ISSUES :  IN RUSSIA , in the real master of five star kitchens, of the finest,  in mastery it gets hot. 
there was a further aim in to my close range, in a ruin to my time and schedule with a issue stemming into RUSSIA,  in a butter churning ,  clarical , fruad, and drug runners, of the smugglers from the dc issues, racketers of the USA,  and stow awayed in GERMANY SHIPPING , in beer,  shipped. 

smuggling in under trucking , in larger under trucking covets, beer. leaping linnament oil,  and a very serious, issue was caused, to me, and some in RUSSIA,  with a caustic moe  drone, and serious,  in faulce reports , that began,  larger 90,000 notation , and sos specialist, with the space station were of a extreme, in some serious, repairs , in the orbit, with a few bad winded ,  involved ,  in scandelious ,  attempts, in a outter office,  issue in MOSCOW RUSSIA,  with a plight of blight in the untility buildings in RUSSIA,  side kicking the PRIME MINISTER , and a few other, offices, after, scandolutly , aiming to steel from my projects , in side of RUSSIA.  with 400 aimed agreements to a wasps nest, of the same smugglers.  All, involved , when they aimed, me personally and the $9 billion of my equity of my company and projects, including the marquee person of the orbit ,  to assure the seperated racketters are infact a priorety in the orbit and orbit bubble, and no holiday reach into my worth, ever, as the short staw idiot , in russia, in the rot tooth , small jouse,   also aimed at citizens and some qg generals one and two, with the other small trash can seven, usa RUSSIAN ENEMY'S,  with several said to be RUSSIAN CLARICAL CLARAVOIANTES in the aim at me,  painting offices , and shoppes ,  with  hallow , be their names,  in extremist , whom AIMED at the small office of the SPACE centre in one of the RUSSIAN smaller offices,  not the LARGER,  real rocket science offices,  while aimed into a etching drone with some , larger ,  attack,  at the orbit , and aimed at the Jet of the PRESIDENT , with a smuggled in over several weeks, through september, slick chem mutation of cautic munion type of slicking fumed , mutation compound, that were imidiatly in a action to streer out, of and derail, in RUSSIA with instant reports ,  and not reaching the 90,000 all, and sos specialost, my appointed specialist were among the specialist too,  that teams and teams , reacted quickly, and grounded the flight,  with a exess orbit clean up, which i myself assisted , in some specialized sciences ,  of my own,  incidently the specialist and rocket science specialist, were very brilliant in the fast reaction,   and genuis , as i have stated in a greatest honor to everyone , in the ROYAL RUSSIAN NATIONAL teams , extending to some sultins , I myself and Sir Vladimir and sos specialist, are brilliant , and as the PRESIDENTAL TRAVELS, of SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN as the KREMLIN OF THE GREAT LOVELY COUNTRY OF RUSSIA,  flew with love, in the VEITNAM PEACE SIGNING, with meetings , of my OPEN LENS , and aimed to extreme damage to me, and the orbit,.  Then,  aimed to a scandel in the honores events in the USA and globally , to REAL RUSSIAN MILLITARY and the MANY HONORED , of ROYAL MILLITRAY AND non millitray that were scheduled in my summer and into  september 2024 with not exactly the messy clean up, of the string of racketter, and no reality in the orbit, is a focus to racketter holidays, aimed at me. Facts.  
Love notes with the forth of JULY 2024 international invite in a finest , hello and love of photographes in the project of the BOOK OF ARCHITECTURE INVITE IN SELF PUBLISHING ,  of my invite, and a secret from Jeff Bezo to me.
Several issues are still aimed at me, as earlier today, my phone was aimed at, and a very serious munion , issues,  that was eased to a larger orbit ,   realized, when a very serious smuggling , smallest WASP,  of extremeist smugglers, and drug runner ,  aimed  in to a the space centre in a small office , after, swizzeling GERMANY ,  in a racketter of rogue NATO whom climLISTEN bed into a small hole in a shipping flight , and reeked havic in GERMANY , with then a coptic few others, after a hot pressure in the USA, and a serious ,  very larger, USA series of people reviews,  were more than ready to see the GREEN TICKET opt,  to the little pack of bullies. with GOUTE  TUNGS .  

Excusse ' sir vladimir putin, yes, darling , excusse ' VLADIMIR PUTIN ,  is on the RED  LINE PHONE. 

yes Sir Vladimir ,  your not very funny sweet darling and late with the LADA mozeroti brunch. 

 Sir VLADIMIR ' meeting with who. Thank you for your message, re: more in MOSCOW RUSSIA and in ENGLAND in the BRUNSWICK village did not recieve their TIARAS ,  in the shipped postal mail, in a small fine resterante area of RUSSIA,  and the ARCH BISHUP,  was not pleased,  in the EASTER tiara , event from LOVE NOTE in a upset too. 

I ask the space rocket scientist in Russia to make three wishes, after they rub the brass oil lamp. I was not lauphing, nor were the ROYAL ROCKET SCIENTIST , nor were SOS SPECIALIST,  and the shoes ,  are a reality to priorety in orbit bubble and the orbit,  and well, the specialist and the ADMIRLE , called me, 007 star satalight ,  mogoguypanampanam satalight zuse shark 890,,000 90000,0000, co-ordinence hop. with the Space centre, rocket scientist and the entire RUSSIAN MILLITARY,  in a new shark ,  viewer , in a systems solution,  I created,  for you darling, and the REAL ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE ROCKET SCIENTIST, and of coures sos specialist, and first class men and women , plus plus , no not DAVID BOWIE , in the shark viewer of the RUSSIAN MILLITARY reply, comments in government ,  se se ,  pizza waiting . 

no, I am not going to see a shark 007 for the prime ministers offices , now,  I have to repair the orbit, as the former emeritus president of the USSR RUSSIA, sir GORBACHOV ,   is mad, and we met, with a upset,  too, some upset, while finally he is ship shape ,  in TEXAS boots. 

I shipped them from my STETSON FRIENDS in TEXAS, hand made boots, over 300 years.  well made, for the fields. 

Darling , Sir Vladimir Putin, sweet of you to hop in a few times, lovely,.  update direct from RUSSIA READ  Vladimir . 
was that about my antidote ,  with the tung comments . who is that in your office ,  are the ready for the russian quiz ?
ORBIT , urgency,  is now . sos . moscow. space centre, urgent .  thank you, we are nearing a very stern mess clean up, from the movie SARGENT MAJOR GENERAL ,  issues russia,.  yours. 

007 secrets exist.  

HELP ,  I NEED YOU EVERYONE, I LOVE YOU,  pancakes ,  first, with 
Vladimir and that REDFORD fellow ,  maybe more, david bowie , Rowen , 
and your all so sweet. 

MC CARTNEY,  STARR,  HARRISON , and LENNON ,   vii LOUIS ,   PUTIN . pancake invited too, all over the world, internationally and of course,  after a quiet prepared , reality, it going to be wild, everyone , to see you all, everywhere.  Fine USA, lovely people , zombies,  included . t-shirts welcome or the KIMONO READY SILK from INDIA . , soon again. I perfectly love you all , everywhere. 



6:36 pm FF CT TIME  
village of HONDA of WESTPORT    


DALLAS COW BOYS IN FOCUS messages in print and films THE DALLAS CHEER LEADERS ARE ON A DRIVE TIME HYCOU,  I BELIEVE,  really  fine women,  thank you from DALLAS TEXAS,  you are wonderful. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NATIONAL WORLD CHAMPION FOOT BALL LEAGUE FROM ONE out of FIFTY USA STATES ,  of the USA PRO LEAGUE, direct from DALLAS TEXAS.  again  in FILM   great messages everyone in dallas and the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS , in the USA.  xo hycou cornicopia corns of plenty , with love all over the world.  

BOEING INTERNATIONAL NOW : wonderful messages everyone, sir president of the internationaL TRANSCONTINENTIAL FLIGHT CORPORTATION ,  AND ALL flight specialist,  beautiful message . I am going to faint ,  so sweet. I love you all well,.  Inventor,  of thee BOEING MANUFACTURING FLIGHT PLANES  of the 747 SUPER JET. Just lovely .  thank you so well. READ 

urgent ,  in sos moscow updates meeting and then.    more on the pre conccerto, soon . 
tin can concerrto if needed. There was a aim at my phone this morning in planned banking , needs.  basic and was serious. close range , and a large orbit issue , in a stratigic clean up, fast speed, in like a lame and out like a lion.  

xo from myself 
october 16th 2024, 9:27 pm the lovely day was almost looking near perfect, while I was injured last evening into the entire night with a ice type fume that was basically aimed at my legs and pants and shoes, and hips into the front of my clothes and back, then aimed at with mass munion in my auto,  and the issue persisted in 20 day hard issue aimed later into the 10:00 pm sandwich meetings , and also was hard into 200 degree heat into my head neck and back last night and into the larger of over 20 days, after my breaks were fully repaired. The sos teams in my russian appointed ,  specialist from the orbit bubble, princess russian project, was a success, as was the success of many space specialist in rocket sciences,  and the communications net work was in a aim and aim and many lengthy repairs , very harmful to me and extremely costly in a reality that is absorbident in harm, and absobident in the issues costing me a very serious, damage to my scheduled events and the reality of the importance to me personally in my very serious, time, projects and invites with fun, liesure in my quiet work nature, and a gentle life , I see as the most sacred objective on earth,  within the projects of my many numerous working , invites globally, sultry in the world , to me, is rather, certainly empty image of pockets full of posy's . The remarkable world is forever a reality of a gentle quality, in a feirceness,  of importance ,  and my projects are of a nature I myself exist in, wildly,  gentle, amoung giants in a gentle busy opulent to splendidly plain, reality. The juxtaposion of the, broad world, seems to me, never less than gental even in the ravishing existance of the music compostions, films, books, and many unvialed designs, and contexturaly important , royal sketches. 

The time, in FAIRR FEILD ,  CONNETICUTE ,  USA,  began with all the sensitivities of the love in my own nature, to love many ordinary to extrodinary realities of the lush , land of the AMERICAN EXISTANCE, and thus, the truth, of the lush USA exists. Even further, the 17 billion people whom arrived to realize a much greater, of a celebration to me, as a sweetest gift, was a reality that is lush, and a modernism,  of such love, expressed,  A USA, AMERICA,  exists,  within the love you expressed, never to become a revolt, rather,  even if not a love affair, of the issues costing a REVOLT, rather than my schedule, important to me, with a lovely , 
a GARGANUIN LOVE celebration in a far contextural enriched project invite, architecture travel books, publish lessons, in my love notes,  with even invites to after 3:00pm road side wine and canape ' hor derves,  we missed, in a sweet concessions, and a film of you all, somewhere, even RUSSIA, and ENGLAND, and China. and a sultry, or intensivley proper,  soms,  perhaps important, in a certainty of time, and dates and spacious a midnight , reality, and a jeweled sun shine, unlike another day, we may have never the oportuity ever, in a sheer lucious sponinaity, which my work in the cultural projects are of everthing. A reality, of my prepared worth, my natural existance , is a reality, I can say, I love, and could never see, further, without of course,  
thus, LOVE I SEEK TO WORK IN LIFE WITHIN my own broaden existance. All people, whom are people ,  are a lovely reality in the world, sacred, lush with gold threads of worth, into sewn , worth, of a tapestry of their own lovely lives. Lush is a AMERICA IN THE USA, and in RUSSIA,  too, and the existance of the very reality all over the world. The lush reality, love exists  all over the world, and the FAIRFEILD LUSH USA of AMERICA, is within the love of the humanity, not left inside a empty,  worth that crashed down, of the existance of a mordernism of vaste time, dated back to 1776, 4th of july, perhaps even of an earlier era. The quiet gentle nature,  love in the eyes , of the fine nurturing , is recognizable, in the minds of many eyes, the sweet details, of care, never reliquished the lush, reality existant . 

FAIRFEILD CONNETIUCTTE USA, has secrets, there are unique bear run, with bear claws somewhere. I will, return, perhaps, and find them.  Bear Claws. The REAL RECIPE FOR BEAR CLAWS ,  is not available at this time, while, scheduling in a few hours, I may have a BEAR CLAW BOOK,  while I will post a gift, in any case, a CIGERETTE CAKE

THE CYLINTRICLE CIGERETTE CAKES a GIFT, from me to you, everywhere, whom ever you are. The CIGAR AND CIGGERTTE CAKES, will be in a recipe book, and lush photographes and film, are going to be spectacular, for every REAL BEAR RUN, all over the world. With special RICHE COCO CHOCOLATES , from the USA and all over the world. 



LOVE  real love from princess tracy suzanne pickett 

LUSH REAL LOVE  issues: two hours on the phone with the bank last evening, and my solar equipment and my phone battery was attacked, and then the reality of the specific phones are aimed at in, site spacific aim then another type in a attack, and a issue that has, inendation tactics with quantum speed , segmented , while the mobil banking was made to be easy , there was attacks, and attack on the surf time, on line, and photographes that were made impossible to save when sent, and a crewel, attack in aim at my legs ,  and very large ,  issue, with a aim into my neck and head and back all night, with a munion aimed, close in dust fume types of concerns , spattered ,  even near my break lines. and under my exhaust manifold, and a hard aim while I was sitting in Mc Donalds , close range, with other close range, aim in a implosive ,  exploitive verbal,  slider, close range, with FASHIST , aimed, too, whom aimed into my designs , many, and cohorts , in a russian issue, involved. 

With a issue in the banking , and attacked in my email later in the evening after awake into 3:00 am to see through a few downloads that should have taken 15 minutes. And were exorbident attacked issue with minioun that was , actually preventable in the orbit sanctions, and was infiltrated , in a issue in RUSSIA.  And the attack in the equipment and other, was facilitated in a breach of the RUSSIA CONFLICT, of the issues in, butter churn, incidently aimed at me and my company, and the orbit itself with a repair and more in extreme obsorbident time, that was never to be of a issue with the orbit , in focus to the seperated and extreme dismatling of all techology aim as a reality,  of realized assured ,  firm, logistical fact.  The issue is extreme, and the aim of the attackers, aimed even in petty ruin to my clothes for a 45 day,  furthering exorbident,  very serious attacks, and ruined shoes, that were very new, and the finest. The times, I was to wear my own shorties,  in the september month, was attacked in close range, swarming wasps RACKETTER  HORNET.

Also with aimed dumping in the floor of my car where the control ports are in the break portals and streering column ,  and very hard slung sling shotting, even in stores,  in a one by two,  and then ear munchers ,  that aimed to use woody woodpecker type of malicious racketter tactical attacks in massive aim in cutting off others ,   and also,  then spread into the same, in a dismal disease strand,  of MASS PECKERING CONTEMPT.  And were, already involve in larger consumptive rackettering , when they gripped the hole in the larger 7 foot x 4 foot holes , the racketters all chimp chumped themselves,  to peer out of, in the, same ,  when spotted, bald eye , empty, in what HUMFREY BOGART, calls a million stories ,  plagued,  by racketters,  fisted , with gripping their asses, and hiking up, out of the trench they dug, licking their lips, to show evenough, teeth, gritting rather in a grotesqu,  aim, with a eye ball, on the internet, ripping cords , and 12 /24 volts, and rip sawing auto engines , in a peg leg stand, of blight the rot tooth cackled , like small,  disease too small in their melinoma spread spit satiation to actually see, in a RACE TO THE GAITES OF GOLD, and OF A GUDDEN,  UNLIKE THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN.  The firm gentle hands on the billions of wheels, in my invite drive expadition.  Just then, the ROT TOOTHED BROKE ,  into a dam, in RUSSIA, in only one , or two, 6 was more like it, after the 60,000 cities in the USA,  saw the rippers. And BUCKED them, like finest fillagre STETSON USA HORSES, the very fastest , among the APACHE HORSE, of course and the AMERICAN ITALIAN WILD HORSE as the STALION , is,  unbridable and near never ridable. Still a small few of the STALONES IN ARAZONA state in the USA DESSERD SANDS 300 miles wide. Dry out there, the STALIONS , were READY TO BUCK , well.  

THE NEW YORK,  ENGISH TALLEST SHETLINS ,  too, bucking bronco's ,  in a fast kick away, from RACKETTERS , too,  six ,  of the BLOOD POOL OF RACKETTERS ,  seathing, satiated teeth gripping , racketter, seeking red blooded meat, in RUSSIA, and a hiddious, smack slugging of issues, after the sling shot grinner,  aimed to shoot themselves out of cannons into the viaduct of RUSSIA, and were with a one punch aim, with bent , wires as leggs, and arms more like a small twig from a branch, breaking , of the finest RUSSIAN PLUM TREES,  seen wearing the plum blossoms as hats , and forked the small libs the racketters stuffed their rear ends into trash cans that were linnhed on streets , in a low area of a small village in RUSSIA, eye balling those inside, and with, then a delivery, PURPLE COATS, at the PURPLE COAT, cafe, and aimed the sling shots , of blasting minioun into the sweet purple COAT CAFE , RUSSIA.  SLUGGING THE SALES PEOPLE with a GIMMICING GRIN,  when slashing their back and eyes with spine sludging,  after the success, in sos specialist and space centre, reality, was smoothing in a speed of assured reliante ,  reality for the ORBIT PRINCESS SMOOTHEST SWEETEST SAILING.  

I sent several specialized merchants , that were selling in streets, where the SLUKERS ,  strolled, in a reality to the RUSSIAN PURPLE COAT CAFE, and other russian merchants ,  in shops,  needing to have a real business reality, of real RUSSIANS in moscow , secretly, there were, , many countries of people in small strolling sales in merchants ,   in a tiny attache' street sales, even flying carpets prayer runs from the country of APHGANISTAN , and SAUDIA ARABIA , ands women were ready, in the sales of a attache travel in RUSSIA moscow, many replies , in even GERMANY and POLAND, and SWEDEN and HOLLAND , and CZECH REPUBLIC,  and ENGLAND , and more. JAPAN., FRANCE , ITALY , GREECE, AFRICA, and ISREAL, attache merchants arrived. Then even emeritus royalty of lenghty GERMANY, women and yes men.  EVEN IRAN and INDIA ,  of course, it was just a sweet question, barely saying a word. It was a decision eased to me. While I was pleased.  The Kremlin,  Sir Vladimir Putin is very charming , and savvy, .  While perhaps the secret I keep, Sir Vladimir may never know, more about princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. After all, I create BEAR CLAWS .  with many others.  Everyone loved REAL BEAR CLAW RECIPES ,  in even a MOSCOW BEAR RUN, in finest soils, prepared , in RUSSIA , by the KREMLIN and all REAL RUSSIANS. The russian people , besides loving BEAR CLAWS , they all made fresh daily,  the love the prime minister, busy, and more, governors of RUSSIA busy, and a dive expadition,  important to me, with MOSCOW RUSSIA, tiara retuned, too,  with everthing in RUSSIAN EXCELLENCE as should be. Specialist,  secrets , no. space station secret,  yes,  they are in an analisis , right now with a surprising update to the kremlin ,  of the attache travelers, whom brought in a kind reality, to russia, in moscow , purple coat cafe's and shoppes all.  hello, everyone. good of you.  xo, more later.

Sweetest of a KIND a small attache sale,  ROYAL CAKES , served, by REAL ROYAL EMERITUS PEOPLE, fine plain humanity, nothing more, really, nothing, NO ROYAL FRENCH CHERRIES JUBILEE FLAMBE ' anywhere, served, none. and no BEEF TAR TAR and more business arrived to all the PURPLE COAT CAFE's and shoppes, MOSCOW RUSSIA, 007 real, sales good decency, ethical , diversity, realized in the soothing MOSCOW RUSSIAN streets , in a real, tracker, to, a exact location, issue in the 6 in the  issues , of the RUSSIAN  CONFLICT,  very fast .  September 2024. 

Then the small,   6 with a aim in eye balling the , shoppes and shop owners, were booted of any satiated HORNET, upon a small effort, I myself ,  asked of the lovely rather wealthy friends, I asked. They said yes. Even ROYALTY.  selling street goods. Ethically and firmly kind and real.  

Don't tell the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, or the sos specialist, or the space centre,. Travel is finest in MOSCOW RUSSIA,  too, and hotels are good, good, with people , RUSSIAN whom love MOSCOW RUSSIA, and love VLADIMIR PUTIN, the very savvy KREMLIN, sos specialist, non moscow locations, and space centre people too.  Of course,  

of course FINEST FILLAGREES BUCK OFF, in the horse secrets . fast horses. 

via star statlight ENGLAND 007 zuse

PRINCE WILLIAM ,  at the BRUNCH TABLE with such fine pancakes, then, and now, a love to be total involved rag sales merchant , sailor ,  with a lovely home darling always with me. Always a home in my heart, Sweet Prince William, and thank you for the wine and sandwiches .  villa times were lovely. 
READ   KING CHARLES , your father, and you, both, with such nice times.  Finally a lovely media love note publication, yours. The ENGLISH wools too, sold,. good good. even fun. I recieved your messages with love to you and everyone in LONDON ENGLAND .  

secrets exist. more soon. I am getting ready to see through, further attackers in a mashing of the orbit,  in a small issue that was in the trucks, into MOSCOW RUSSIA,  dickeries,  whom charred their vagret eye ballings ,  in grinners , in shard teething ,  that bend like wire pokes, into the under side of largest shipping trucks, close range from boardes , gen gen coat of the nasty, with,  iknai, already in the MOSCOW RUSSIAN VILLAGES, and then,  the dirt baging  of a larger munion,  was sqeezed out of the MOSCOW RUSSIAN VILLAGES and other VILLAGES too, even in WHAT'S UP, RUSSIA, a major exhibition in modernism of a political statement which echho throughout the world, in RUSSIA ,  of a largest , among the EUROPEAN COUNTRIES too, rather large impressions , made globally, my invite. WRECHED ,  DICKERING ,  were then stuffing their selves with dog kibble and a unfinishes roll and BEEF FAT , from tin cans, they dumped themselves in in aimed viciouness.  Close , and malisios, with larger munion smuggled under REAL GREAT TRUCKS,  HAULERS , SHIPPERS , and from the boarders, and the FLIGHT, and other FLIGHTS, even ISRAEL, in a SPARCE VAGREBT RUNT  IDIOCY,   the flea circus , of the USA,  idiot DICKERIES , some,  were ,   blistering in menigitus mangle of self minced self malicious dickerins , 

as of course,  the issues, rather sqeezed, out, in the open. And a JELLEID BERRIES SCUM BOIL from the very dickeries, aiming for CHERRY FARMS ,  and RASBERIES,  fresh LITCHEN. 

and a few prodes ( NOT REALLY OF THE PROGUE RUSSIANS ) as RUSSIAN'S ARE RUSSIANS,  and the prode no PROGUE , swelled with dickeries,  spread meezels. left without the REAL RUSSIAN people, RUSSIANS.  MEN , WOMEN, and CHILDREN,  all RUSSIANS, some 2 million real RUSSIANS IN REAL HONORED MILLITRAY, STAIT FROM THE WORK THAT THE KREMLIN underlined in the IMPORTANCE OF REAL RUSSIANS . even a princess, even if the sos specialist and space centre, and the GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA ,  was not with my 007 moscow russia, secrets.  secrets exist. The Streets of THE PEOPLE'S KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin , Sir Boris Yelstin, Sir Mikhail Gorbachov, the presidents of the ROYAL COUNTRY of RUSSIA,  is quite honored in a love and esteemed highest ethical realized,  devout, hard work,  at the offices of the CZAR OF RUSSIA. 
Of course,  the sqeeze out into the dickeries ,  and a KIND ,  exhibition I asked of some in attache merchants , even emeritus of some in REAL ROYAL FAMILIES ,  real, ROYAL CAKE WAS SERVED,  with secrets , 007 exhibitions invites 2024 international 4th of JULY ,  events from the USA,   are quite a surprise, sqeezing the racketters in russia.  Asking everything in my attache exhibition 007 top secret. With a reality,  well, ducked in to a seen close range, important ,  as government ,  is of course ,   methodical, and savy, not to be,  without,  knowing the villagers, arrived.  
sales and humanity, became lush with the existance of the purple coat cafe's back in kind sweets and sales in shoppes and more, as the drive expaditions,  even more in humanities and a gold threading tapastry, devout to the efforts in MOSCOW RUSSIA, and all of RUSSIA.  savvy travelers so loved and lovely. RUSSIAN ZOMBIES at times. with myself,  princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT

RUSSIAN BOARDERS , as rather busy too, with a DRIVE EXHIBTION , which increased the global economic in a revenue gain in a ethical humanities of all villages of a increase of over 70 % increase in m invite, real , everwhere all over the world. With trains , and busses too, and red eyes, and short two da extra travels , return travelers ,  and a tutu ' to, the dickeries .  and an exorbident night mare , caused to, me , and the structure of focus speedier,  in a orbit. statuse. The issues under the wind, of the space centre,  are in a formation of a containment , of a sloth speed, in my standards of no buracracy,  involved in the attacks, a bull ring , dickery, of a RUSSIAN CONFLICT, in a larger secret ,  unknown, in a world, unknow, of the exhibtions,  I may, decide, even a royal invite to merchant sales in attache stolling, to a kind street ,  GPS ,  zainzabar dickeries.  Then of course , there is the last, resort,  in a SAND BUNKER .  waiting in man places.  REAL RED BACKS .  LARGER .  SPORT BUS, canceled. 

Even in a slight, temperal dickering harror. Aimed at me, as well. Today, is a urgent day, and I may be in a tin can music compostion,  time tomorrow in the mid morning from FAIR FEILD CONNETICUITE USA,  possible HONDA OF WEST PORT automobile tin can pre conccerto, and of course, the issues, are a concern, in my banking , that was attacked in a mobile banking, (aimed at equipment, lunch breakfast and dinner, cookie purchases , and email jam, downloads, filming and photograph, messeages in photographs online, and other, in a extreme impact issue, IR: same spot b spot, issue, issue, and a sloth logistic, with UM PATH O,  in the aim of some dismatling in RUSSIA of a issue of a sqeezed , out,  dickery in a slick dickering of smuggled ,  feed reeling into MOSCOW RUSSIA,  sqeezed out of the KIND REALITY,  of street attache sales in the strolls, I ask for, and everone leaped, into soiled garden street mershant sales , with plenty of kind business in the shops , the purple coat cafe' again, free of dickeries fast,  
MOSCOW RUSSIA PEOPLE , traveled , closer to the CENTRAL MOSCOW RUSSIAN RED SQUARE,  well.  Lovely with photographes with VLADIMIR PUTIN too. shoulder to shoulder . 

RSS : morning  announcment of a $20.00 sweet in music compostion , I saw 200 cars  in 30 minutes and could be a  reality, in one hour of lush pre concerto, with my rss note announced in time and exact place .  $20.00 ish. SPECIAL RED NOTE CARD - 

READABLE :  "THE SONG" MINUTES .impromptu , while the royal sketch sale ,  with a after event martini conccerto,  will be fine, as traveling is with many whom run with me' more than 17 billion people arriving more, in one month.  THE RED EYE CHINA ,  
is excited and RUSSIAN RED EYE TOO.  FORT KNOX ,  in TENNESSEE, is finest too. delighful in KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, off route 75 USA highway. With a FINE CROSS EYED CRICKET FRESH CATCH FISH HOUSE and LOCKE HEAD MARTIN,  cafe ' not yet everyone , 
SIR HERZOG WERNER? when ready just message . MICK JAGGER palace laundry note 

consession , more when my automobile ,  is all jumped and roaring .  eased. 

THE TOTAL DISMATLING was perfection, and aim,  more,  and a issue in a $300 trillion , non russian business, costing RUSSIA, a import economic retractor , near minus 4000% in vat and profitability capitatistic humanities excess, in gain commerce stabilization. exess, not exsize. copishi ' "ITAL Y copishi ' commendito amori ' no gringo none . (   (  (   o    o   )   )   )  shoes . 

SQEEZED to POP. DICKERIES ,  in the pile of shipping ,  and illigal report handed to the kremlin and others in administation offices and other spots by spot issues, roving , unethical,  into  reports and reports, messages , to me.
 I was listening . 

russian space centre update now read   tass is what I said or KAZAM ALA KAZAM      

Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN  we had a few sandwiches and wine  a 
CABIN impromptu piano in film  "piano of Love Song " 1970's

SOS SPECIALIST / space centre . remove the BRASS OIL LAMP,  and , SAY ALAKAZAM.

Notes from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT         THE VITEA   

PETER O'TOOLE , sweet of you in the filming finest. lovel darling . good good.  

the filming turned out perfect .  excitment darling .   more soon. Mr Bean 

3:42 am OCTOBER 15 TH 2024 , now I was telling FORD CORPORATION AND MANY USA GIANTS , i said , you mess with mc donalds corporation, and over one million employed , and the president of mc donalds. You mess wiyh me, and then the usa too. FORD NOTE READ

liaca camera very expensive : those baby photographs during the birth , are with the full photograph of the tube , of a known umbilical cord , that is inside the filopoan tube of birthing , as all women know, the umbilical cord is where pre birth is a attach cord of a gland tube like for the prenatal pre birth when and if you are actually ready for nine whole months of pregnancy.  And then a camera of the entire cutting of the cord , from mom to child is outside the woman's wouem , uterus,  region under the belly button . Of course all childern have a slight umbilical cap on the belly button of the baby right after the joyful birth of every child. Dad's love to photograph the birth , and watch the infant head push through the lower area of the FILOPIAN TUBE , of coures in the uterus , lower than the women's tummy,. Of a 20 to  35 pound  in slow jestation not very notice until four month in the stomach as then a increase into a whole nine months of exray of a pre natal time of baby' s growth into ready to birth time a natural , non induced occursnce,  , as the nine months is the largest time pre birth. Right before the birth. 

Then the umbilical cord is cut, and the new born infant then has a belly button umbilical cap, for one day to two weeks. intetnational star satalight readable in every birth in the whole world. Even with Salvador Dali ' exrray star images .  pre conception - while, , cross match in each country is very special when birth reality ,is truely a celebration. 

star data,  date time anf location . And birth of each child is real and exciting . birthday years are fun. Happy Birthday to all childern born in the montb of October .  

OCTOBER 21 st 2024  10:36 am GOOD MORNING EVERYONE , meetings with government of russia today within the COUNCIL of the KREMLIN, sir vladimir putin and the international business council with PRESIDENT XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF CHINA, as welll as the orbit , project, which is actually an iniciative of my own exteneded project, in primary reality to seperate those , whom are destructive , in the issuse involving rackettering, and a absolute standard of civility  to me, and my company. And there is a issue in the certainty of those of assignment to assure my very good standards and quality, of the decency , to me and my company,   at this very time, still a issue. And a menic to me, and the national and international work, in myy decicions to extened my efforts , in a larger reality, of my broad company, internationally and nationally quite real in large freinds, most and many, in my sweet projects, and never a mangle of those whom, are racketters, that aimed at me, personally and my  projects, with extendive damage, again, more than 30 days, interfereing with all my time, project scgeduled and planning,  and recently I assure the reality in many ways for some russian,  dismatling , in some smuggling caused be racketters, and then,  were,  aimed at the space centre of russia, with several others , in a claim to clarical, and millitray, and were not actually hired, and inflitrated a  scam, caused ,   aim at me, and a issue at the level of the space centre of rocket scientist, of a 8 month issue, of a seperation of all proliferationm scam towards me, cause in close range of racketters. 

The past, issues were a serious, in russia, in a many reports to the KREMLIN, from space centre , people, truely the very honored people they are, in a reality of busy many responibilities, while I have a unusual international statuse, in my inicitive of the orbit, which can not exist, in orbit, without the primary focus to me, and my assured non impeded reality, of extremeist , of only the usa.  

I would not dream of assuring the statuse of a extreme in success to orbit,  if not a reality of my own enjoyment to my worth, and natural life, worth, work, standards, and all planning for me and my company, as has always been the reality in the usa. and in international waters everywhere. 

THE GOVERNMENT made a meeting time this morning , for myself of the matter, in a hard excessive aim at me, in a extreme close range of racketters, whom aimed to destroy me and my comany and leisure working reality, which is apart of all I work to assure. The issues ionvolved , in the largest , invites of laenthy years, have never been aimed at, and over the number of people whom arrived today, in a large number of over 12 billion people. and a extrteme harm to me, in the last 30 days, due to a issue in the space station, and not the sos specialist, with a recent uncovered reality, of a few, whom were not space scientist in russia, yet aimed to ,   infiltrate the orbit, and aim at me, with a unethical map for the standards , of what is not an aide to racketters, and seems , to be in a issue , in some harror , that was also aimed at petty , extremeist ,   in a sline, in to rip up my work, and invited of all, in such a success. Nationally and internationally, and largest corporations,  with extreme upset,  internaionally and nationally,  within RUSSIA,  and 90,000 space centre, specialist , in extreme upset today,  in one racketter or any, whom aimed into extreme petty,  harror, towards me, in ways that connected, aim in hard munion , close, and aimed into me face and arms and back chest and legs and car,  in a larger work, I worked with specialist to dislocate the issues, in the matter with sos specialised in the orbit of the work, involved , that was excelent over and over, and a issues , in russia,  in a underwind, aimed to extreme harm to me, and an issue in ethical protocale of the orbit project of actuation priorety to me, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, ordained in highest standard, to, assure me of all standards, and no petty rippers in close range.  as we, sos specialist and space centre specialist, worked to dismatle the nukes, aimed into the usa from those involved with squander in dc, and the connected of all, racketters, summed up, easily in 2022. 

 THE GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA is with a meeting note, with my total affections to the whole government, and the space centre and the sos specilist and the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN 

READ   of course, I will say that anyone, astray in the orbit, of a effective reality to me, in a seperated ,   reality of the issues of racketter and their connected scams,  in all reality, do the space centre rocket scientist , a favore, and remove their self, from direct aim at me, and my honored celebrations and work in the veryy most danvaced russian worth, in a assured success to me, as i can, revoke the orbit, in all reality and not see the sos specialist whom leaped to assured reality of an ease to my lovely work,  and instead got slugged ,  into a harror,  of swarming racketters, with line by line maliciousness, with extreme intent , in a extreme aim to my worth, work, natural fun, in projects leisure relaxing and the immence many whom are always surprising in a love to me and arrive in love for me. in a reality in conneticuite of 18 billion travelers , in drive exhibtions , which are still arriving, while I wrap up the notations , of the REVOLT to the KREMLIN,  SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, and see to the next martini event, with a real tin can concerto, too, to assure cash , if I might need it.  My computer and phone were aimed at and solar royal port, dinner, breakfast and lunch , and extreme harm aimed into my head with unknown types of mution compounds, and were slung at me in stores and the automobile in the haoor and shock to me, after , the $2000.00 repair to my car, and the issue of the same, 8 weeks ago, with a harror, of aim after, .  The incorherant , issues, do not merit a NOTE,  to see a happy princess, of highest eteemed results, in a ruin to even my last song, with extremeist, that rioted me and aimed in petty agistation with a connected rackettering of extreme constate pop up aim of further maliciousness, and in a mocking of the many , in the area and drive events of my very own invites. While a aide to racketters , is more shocking, and aim at me, even more revolting, in police scamming as a issue of those disban long ago in the usa, and aimed vicious attacks on the most successful, in the usa, then USA smugglers aimed the same in a few russian streets. 

The USA governors councils ,  are with man efforts to the USA people and those internationally in the USA and traveling, as I have many man friends, in the USA and internationally, RUSSIAN YES. 

more soon, as my banking was aimed at, and I have not eaten in three days due to the aim and a issue in online and comfort in the risterantes, at all, since I stopped in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUITE ,  with a swarm of malisious ,  that even pushed petty harror to some citizens and are not from the area, as well as caused upset to the people in the USA and internationalist,  while the invite has greater larger success, people are arriving and delightful,  while the enjoyment is all mine, too,  and are ready for the next city i travel very soon. I will,  say, I took time to streer the orbit , properly, with extreme expectations of the ROYAL RUSSIAN space centr in a highest formation supporting the sos specialized work,  that has been comprimized,  and thos compromised are extreme hard aimed toward me, and the obit project, to a contiuum. In all decency. The extended damage in 
russia, is at a 15 % loss in revenue , after christmas ,  2023, due to orbit extreme concerns, and then several extreme concerns arrised, and a issue aimed at me,  and primarily the space centre and the real logistics of seperations of the racketters toward me at a 1000 mile distance, soon to be on wattbar, with the others.  Decently, a home, and foods, to shop, and be intermerged with thos like minded 
RACKETTERS , as the USA polifically decided in thanksgiving the GREEN TICKET,  for the racketters, whom aimed to destroy any and all, in their 20 years of ripping into any, not alway known. 

Many great people are feeling greater now, and the issues of the space centre in a extreme firm ethical protocale of the assured reality to me, is the reality, in the USA or where ever I travel in my usual reality, never a aim to me, in the most harrific harm, that could ,   be, of recent, then a close aim at my travel, popping like horrific bugs. 

The SPACE CENTRE IN RUSSIA, may feel, embarrested ,  or feel a opportunity to streer through a chance of a life time, in my reality, to assure the fullfillment of the preordained reality to a extreme effort , to me, in a reality of my sos specialist , and the reality of the orbit, which i my self developed in an invention, and with inventors, that detracted the long range nukes ,  and more, with a speedy assurance to me, in ways that are expecting no less than a LARGEST ETHICAL STANDARD of assured worth to me as the objective of the orbit reality, primary priorety. thus realizing, the other comprehensive worth,  that i may be in russia, in a level, the space station, could feel , a reality of calm,  in furthering, a possible extra , reality, to certainty,  not just russian. 

The aimed abstrtion of RACKETTERS ,  is a issue in the USA, and the solvancy ,  is more like bummer cars ,  in the outter orbit of the space center today, and was delayed in a aim at me, and a issue that was aimed to, again topple the lovely worth of russia, not alone internationally, of many.  BUMBER CARS in wattbarr, is the reality to racketters,  and none other, after the lengthy harror they popped into infest side, to, infest and of extreme in a larger ruin, in near past to the USA and the entire many other countries which were effected.  Even in recent economics, in a aim at the internet and ebay, that was with some international shipments missing ,  and some missing in a few issues in russia, with USA smugglers, aimed to reroute shippments from wallmart, whom had scammed in wallmart corportation. 

Reflecting , the reality, in  ROYAL SPACE CENTRE of russia, is a reality that is serious in the issues that dented the orbit, in a perfection with extreme seriousness, of a squandery - aimed at my time, and a concern of those whom were at fault for a smearing of some lie about covid, instead a attack, involved that was aimed to enlarge, in deception scams and more smuggles, of compound made by vicious pigs of the USA,  passing bad wind , is what their grade point average was .  

I am in a great deal of pain, until I again meet with sos specialist,  and will expect the space centre appointed to not be interfered with in a very serious work, of not one racketter , which the USA in many governors and senators, have put together a POCONO TWO,  in any reality, of any needs, with tenniscorts and a small liver shaped pool. adiquite , and lobster bisc soup, with a stuffed crap, and foods, of healthy, reality, to strech the muscle tung and fist there, in a romp to wattbar, as i said,  MUNICS.  You might say, that RUSSIA,  may repair , what damage was aimed at them,  and gained a lovely reality, from me,  and a orbit reality that is a unusual focus to a priorety to me and my orbit which is a dream of the REALITY, of assurance to me in the USA and any where I travel. What a greater existance,  without the upsets racketters , aimed to rip apart, in any area and culture, including the RUSSIA, as it is no secret that I began the green ticket, and the delay was not pleasant, for the USA, while is the reality the RACKETTERS FACE,  and will face, and are facing in the reality of the dismantling of the RACKETTERS in the USA, which started in 2012. And the success of people are very realized as people whom are wildly human, and not alway without days that are ZOMBIES,  even. 

While the reality of my life is not a reality of any racketter, in petty scum they make, and rip up the reality and time of any. with aim of attacking. 

I am posting the update of the KREMLIN SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, in a reality of upset in RUSSIA , due to a issue in my life with aide to slum sucking racketters, that are not a reality in the orbit, and the orbit is not to service the interjection attack of RACKETTERS , in my orbit, and of course assuring happieness of my lengthy loang life in natrual laws of ethical reality are the reality to orbit , and assured reality to seperate racketters and their other second bad wind ,  of cohorters,  the nasty rot they aimed at the back of my head and success in worth and work. I will be reaction internationally , with a removal to those whom ,  are not space centre spacialist for the right reality assure to me, and not a aim of vicious that plowed under the USA,  and aimed at RUSSIA to kick. and rip their childern away as was the issue attempted in GAZA.   

I will despecatly be working on my AUTOMOBILE , and packing well, and seeing to the issues costing me issues online for the need of banking , with equipment desk top and online issues , since the repairs were perfect, and sos specialist repairs were %50000 perfect, valery in the 
RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE work in TEAMS , WERE PERFECT,  AND DENTED,  with a issue in orbit priorety, and a extreme repair , is the reality today.  With a expected, support to assure in space cantre work, in full statuse assurance to me personally, and a reality to russian,  reality, to be assured in reality of concerns to issues that caused damage in internal issues and infest of extreme close range USA smugglers ,  slime slugging rippers, and an aim at me.  and boarders , too. 

I was preserving my self not to say this,  while the reality is unpreventable, and the stability of the work involved in my company, is a reality in international levels, that are also a USA dream to me, and over 40 years of high achievements ,   that I extended to larger international  reality, in a way unlike any other. I rather am gentle with a very happy reality which I love daily in my work, of many years, and the space centre,  in RUSSIA,  in work,  are with a streem line , smooth as silk,   efforts , that are under a larger microsope than they ever impagined, with the reality as mine is of extrordinary years, and all gentle hard effort, with good success. 

You mess with mc donalds,  and the RUSSIAN space centre, you mess with me, and then the friends are rather, something to meet.  Thank you, everyone, everywhere , all over the world.  I love RUSSIAN and THE USA well, and all countries of all people, 

I love you. love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett


someone in RUSSIA,  is with a aim at me,  in interfereance in the space centre as noted in the KREMLINS NOTES, publically,  and aimed in a breach to the space centre in a issue of FRUADS , 
with largest expectations to the reality, of the streem line of assured non aim at me, with petty nukers , 
that are close rang punks . racketters, and threatened my concertto and tin can conccerto,  and aimed at my projects and designs and life.  In every comfort that I myself made for myself over a lenghty 57 years. 

And a nasty  issue causing mass damages . Including $15,000. 00 worth of equipment , this year. And damages to all my holidays.  With further issues that could have been prevented in RUSSIA, in the issues reported in the space centre, and extreme harm to the orbit, even in russia with a menicing ,   faulce letters that were scamming RACKETTERS , from the USA, anmd a inept ,  several non HIRED few in the internal offices in the russia. and I am gettinmg attacked by slime in the Mc DONALDS with racketters plopping to swarm close and shove their nasty rot ontop of pin pointed aim at me. 30 das in a row,  and ruined my largest sketch just in the last four days,  aimed to thrust themselves into aimed actionable ruin to even mc donalds and others. in a issue of the reality of over $400 million more a day in revenue for companies all through the fair feild area , that were of a harror, aimed at me, instead of the celebration, of the schedule of my immence efforts and lovely , times, planned. With a issue in RUSSIAN, with a russian , aimed to cause damage ,  with concern in the RUSSIAN space centre, AND DESPRET Banking to eat, as even my tin can concerto two day recently was attackeds with luders of rackettering and malicious, with aimed nuke sludging,. slung at me. 

I may need to borrow cash,  from some one, as as the online banking was attacked hard four day in a row, and the tin can conccerto. BILLY JOEL , I say offered .  

THE ISSUES in RUSSIA, are aprehensible , and I will say the 90,000 space centre rocket science people of RUSSIA,  are to see the whole reality, and not on a faked passed report. As a reality to larger reality towards me, as has been expected, and a ruin, caused to streer in speed of a mess, to assurt the clean up, and not a swamp pond to racketters unthinkable after last summer.  

Today, I will be driving , first thing tomorrow ,  and I will say, I will be expecting a very real success , of leaving the fairfeild Connetiucue USA city in the village of WEST PORT OF HONDA,  in a lovely assurance in the protocal of the orbit, not to be terrorized of my worth in my company, and a reality of assures standards , to the city, as well,  not with a pocket filled with malicious racketters to spread and slam, others in a horror . from ALBANY too.   BUSS TO MOVE :  aimed at me, from whom aiding whom ?  The answer is no no no.  Directly of the statuse statments ongoing from the RUSSIAN KREMLIN , and a larger government whom assured a sanctity,  to me. of appropriations,  of priorety, .

As a real decency, and not a postion caused in RUSSIA,  in a issue, to as the KREMLIN stated,  fake outfits and scams , in russian offices and streets aimed from RACKETTERS ,  and a issues that is a responcibility of the orbit space centre and sos specialist to ,  speed clean up, on the seperation of racketter in orbit , and then a larger reality in my orbit reality that expanced, as an international fortunate extended reality which a placed a project iniciative , of the orbit, and the orbit bubble of sos spacilist to assure my very nature of existance.  with a outter orbit love that came from my efforts, with sos specialist, and a space centre,  

The ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY,  may comment.  soon.  With the many presidents, including the PRESIDENT OF CHINA. I love you Vladimir Putin. Government of CHINA READ 
sos specialist in ROZTEX CZ as in diamond rings , READ   the orbit bubble team, 

I love you. love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Banking repair, today, is my focus, to download the banking card in my phone, and be assured of the modern world, as i never expected ,  anything else, and worked to assure the orbit, not the denting damage. I will be with a tin can concertto soon,  not in the WEST PORT of HONDA VILLAGE . 

Bring $20. 00 if you dare .  The ANNOUNCEMENT will be posted ,

THE ROYAL SKETCH SALE and CONCERTO MARTINI event , and many events, will be the most remarkable into soon. with more no revolt concessions , and I love you,  drive on lovely people, all over the world.  Thanks you to an enoumouse numero of people whom are international and nationalist of the USA country to have driven to say I love you too.  

THE SALES CATALOGE INTERNATIONAL PRESS the delay last year in the sales,  in my sweet summer planned,  and a issue in racketters.  Mass damages ,. 


THE CATALOGE of ROYAL PAINTINGS , of my sweet exhibtion from myself princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT   with no films , as my schedule was aimed at and the equipment in May 2023.
 The painting sales are worth $400,000,000.00 in many global sales, and more than a few waiting to purchase, at a eased price for the digital prints at $20.00 each . The sale of the FOUR VERY SPECIAL ROYAL ORBIT ,  ROYAL SKETCHES, of the work in my pencil while in FAIRFEILD CONETTIUTTE , USA,  will be special everyone.  Not a loss in the drive time exhibtions and the film work , will be fabulous in your exciting drive again and again, into cities,  more, with some of my best films,  be ready with your best wild look.  It's going to be exciting.  With no further revolt, brief ever. 

Banana News is my very special publication which is devoted to you, whom ever you are, in a fix of political  concerns, yours, as BANANA NEWS, i developed to  see through the issues, if their are in some ethical reality for the USA to be assured in a real sancititude and capitalistic humanities, that we worked many years to a properity of ethical gain wealth accumulation in the usa, which reach broad waters in my life, and I can't say I am sorry, I extended my international and national worth, to things , outside my company projects.   While BANANA NEWS is lite and political,  GREEN TICKET , was published in 2023, and the RUSSIAN - CONFLICT ,  wasn't smart,  to a issue in my orbit too. Recently in RUSSIA,  there were dismissels of several internal people , in offices, they never really were qualified to be in, and racketters of over 6 were smuggling munion into moscow russia, and broke into the space centre office remote tiny office, with illigal emails , from the central government, that were aimed at orbit, and me,  and the space centre of many larger offices,  in even some sky portals,  with very fine ROYAL RUSSIAN space scientist, and aimed several outter balistic missles in to russia,  which were dismatled in a orbit sos dislocated ,   in a new retractor , of my invention within the sos specialist, and several teams of 90,000 space centre people. Then there was a larger , close range smuggling issue in moscow and st peterberg russia, whom  smuggled chemical weapoms with atomic sludge, with munion , and drones, while also, racketters aimed in the usa, at me and others.  Several shoppes were more than upset, with extremist terrorizing them, from the USA, and ruining their time and schedules and work,.  The same, all. that were USA sucktash, 2000,  breaking in to christmas shippments ,  and scamming into harror, in my events too. The lazy issue in RUSSIA , of those whom , aimed to dent the orbit and my plans , and space centre work, anmd gained aide to racketters , is a issue clearly, as the orbit was never to assure a racketter, as my project, with russia, ordained by the kremlin, and government and spacialists, no racketter was to see anything, of me or mine in any range ever.  and are realized to be a aimed into wattbar, as the green ticket was clearly  a reality of the usa citizens and with a larger review. I am going to see, any not in allienment with the orbit, to be removed ,  and then assure my reality and not 12000 tons of aim harror and convoluting ,   slime in my life, unlike the billions of people i have walked side by side with for years. Space centre rocket scientist , may wish to realize the concerns more, and acurate notes from me and not cut off with massive damage consecutivly , while i believe the KREMLIN today makes a bold statement that faces the east in europe as a pointed ,   fleet issues that is a prepared ,   concernm of a prevention , of a next day aim at me, in the ethical reality of the orbit i brought to russia, in leaped specialist to prevent any harm to me, in petty lines of extremest whom pushed others ,   in scamming . and caused unthinkable mass damages three years prior, and even more that date farther back than 2002. In the USA with 9/11 scams . in one day. from USA punk terrorist.  

No dinner,  banking issues , orbit denting and ruin to my work and many invited events, today,  a RUSSIAN CONFLICT.  more soon. 

updates are incredible ; soon, NOW PETER OTOOLE and JOHNNY CARSON in FILM 

SEAN CONNERY thank you, you made me feel better,  lovely  film,  Kisses Sent. xo

a SEAN CONNERY FILM  SHAKEN NOT STIRRED.  thanks Sean. (pronounced SHAWN.)


RUSSIA, moscow live web cam now , prepared for my pizza piazza travel invited globally in 2023, and with larger global cams live for the pizza piazza events at love notes. moscow and other russian cities prepared too,  and the ease to me, was aimed at,  with a new schedule, in the 2024, LOVE NOTES PIZZA PIAZZA , FUN, all ready last year.  and upsetting to the entire world. 

LIVE WEB CAM                                           My Darling VLADIMIR LOVES COFFEE in FILM 
from me at LOVE NOTES 
a princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , film 

October 23rd 2024   5:29 pm Good Day to Everyone. The Mc ST SHIPPING TRUCK, just drove in from Chicago, Illiniose where the whole largest company,  is with their accountion offices,  and there, great board of directors, with, a pitty of issues, in the HONDA OF WESTPORT, FAIRFIELD village, and a few other spots. Pleasand of the PRESIDENT OF MC DONALDS, in hearing from over one million employed well in Mc Donalds , that love me, and the love note, I sent the employee's and the owner and board of directors and their legal compliance regulation of many details in accounting and compliances ,  Love is REAL MC DONALDS too.  THE LARGE TRUCK  18 WEELER BIG RIG, was with a sign that was FRENCH FRIES, with a delight to me after the love note post, I made of MC DONOLDS french fries.  Even after, my upset of the stay at MC DONALDS.  in HONDA of WESTPORT, with more than 20,000 people that traveled to drive near me, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, and desired not to stop at the local MC DONALDS, due to a pitty, in the Mc DONALDS SHOP in HONDA OF WEST PORT village FAIRFEILD CONNETICIUTE USA,  while i was waiting to assure my little issues with any portal issues in my automobile and then there was a horror of unsavy pitty homosapians , that spooled out of dc scamming ,  and hit the big time , as RINGO STARR sings.  Sludge throwers of atomic types of munion at me, etc., the pitty of them headed for the WATTBAR TURTLE ISLAND, fully equiped and POCONOS TWO complete with tennis courts and benches, Of course their rot tooth pitty of those in the dc dismal aimed three years and prior three years were aimed at the USA. with further issues large in the past in the USA, including aim at REALESTATE and COMPANIES, and employees, and then RUSSIA AND THE UKRAINE. ACTUALLY ATTEMPTING TO EXTORT MONEY in a AIM AT THE UKRAINE ,  then trying to break into the shipping departments to switch the cash, in an aim at the APPLE CORPORTATION.  to use a scam and extort cash from APPLE CORPORATION and other CORPORATIOS , with aim to land in the UKRAINE .  

My BARRACUDA,  inside is rare,  even in my publication past of BARACUDA NEWS with VLADIMIR PUTIN, KREMLIN OF RUSSIA, in 2015 to 2017. Which I ended after the largest piassa events , in more than economics. The GOLD STANDARD ,  are going further, and soon with fine gold fabrics , you might like well, even a clothe for the travel in your brunch totes.  
Or a NEW KIMONO, which I will outline a little ease to create your own, and sketches to wear , men and women, as I have in the past in love notes. 

Thank you with all my graces to you , everyone, in tears a few times today.
The REVOLT: ENDS, in love notes, and should never have existed. While there is a REVOLT IN THE USA, and the world, everywhere. 
Automobile Notes: The AAA, is going to be on its way to assure jumping my automobile , and the equipment ,  is a urgent matter, with orbit, revolt RACKETTERS in a order to be 1000 distance, from me, in a RUSSIAN KAZAN ORDER, direct from the KREMLIN and the many in RUSSIA in councils and the presidents circle in EUROPE, and a issues to cut the non team of the assigned orbit asap whom was attempting , aim at me, and not really a space rocket scientist of russia, 

The clean up, in any rackettering even in west ports is ready, and the governors are too, ready with people all over in west ports and all over the world, in the usa everywhere, and yes ,  in west port  in a giant ostridge run,  in the KREMLIN Sir Vladimir Putin's KAZAN update. As was meant to be.

KAZAN IS INSTANT . no one second incidentals 

Of course, I will be scheduling a INTERESTING royal sketch sale, of more than the four ORBIT SKETCHES ,  in a few to sell in a tin can sale street sale,  soonest , with my location and time listed , and several tin can concerto sales too.  Soonest, and faster, after which, the FINER CONCERTO EVENTS will be the after event of the  ROYAL SKETCH SALE " THE SPECIALIST OF ORBIT, with of course MARTINI'S SHAKEN NOT STIRRED . 


Of course people might be very careful of some, headed for wattbar. Isn't it a pitty.



more soon.  banking and triple AAA services first 
phone number on line again soon with an update, 
from my self,
President and Sole Owner, and Sole Person , at STUDIO VOSSE, and LOVE NOTES, 

You can text anytime. Anywhere all over the world. DRIVE EXPADITIONS are going to be worth it.  

PETER SELLERS , as inspector cluaso as
 political in orbit,
 in a busy speed clean up, and not 
even an inch, in the issues caused to me. 
 in the real russian space centre. 
and not a toy of mortifying , aim at my standards and quality of work.  


SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN  EVENTS   ROZTEX specialist comment   
KING CHARLES COMMENT IN PHOTOGRAPH REEL  my phones and emailes and online surfing and email lists and the email buttons and the email list for my banking are not working and recently in ten minutes aimed at, from close range and some orbit ,  issues, need sos urgent with all equipment restored asap, urgent urgent urgent ,. 

October 29th 2024 11:11 am GOOID DAY EVERONE, I have experienced a great damage , in the area in some concerns that are, in a moscow conflict, which I believe are, in high levels of excess in prioret to me as a priorety focus of the actual orbit, and I wish not to express my upset with several issue, that are space centre, concerns as well.  The cit of the fairfeild conneticuite city can not be more delightful in the reality of the city,  and people. WHILE THE ISSUES reflecting in the USA, are a wedge into harm to me,  and of humans that aimed to unethical bashing , in an form possible , unseen in the larger issues these few are, and involved in imciated wrong todas a person whom brought in to the area over $19 billion per day into the region, in a expadition to remember well, in the reality of a love to know, the reality of love , and a day to look back on with all of our worth, and with one eye with a large heart shaped viewer,  

3:00 am you were here today with love, I feel, important a message and messages , with love in return more and better and better , as darling PAUL MC CARTNEY sings in a love of me and the world too. 

SOS MOSCOW NOTE : darling vladimir putin, hello, there was serious harm done in the aim at me, and then there is some fast speed work in the space centre, with harror to me and aimed at m phones and equipment yesterday losing m phone charge and computer charge up, and with a battery     in my autromobile that needs to be jumped .  

The aim was 6 day longer again, and the issues in a tiny aim is not reality that I feel should be a possibility ,   and I just spent $2000,00 on the aim at my breaks that was a small number of the rot toot, issues in the execcive issues, of even MAD MAX , rot tooth,. With, non sence aimed at anyone. Of course I squeduled a tin can conccerto, and tin can sketch sale and it was harshley aimed at. with very serious baligernt types that swarmed an d harm was done on more than one level, in a extreme loss in more than a sale of 
$400 million , with BILL GATES that emailed yesterday and David Bowie. The city could have seen a great fun, with royality that arrived from EUROPE, and we did not get our brunch in Mc Donalds or a little fine spot, either and scheduled daily all month, that is now gone. 

I read your issues in yesterdays ,   notes at the KREMLINS office , with smugglers ,  that I realize were serious and nasty, in some under the wind drone issues, and switched reports , in a security council of fraudulent , malicious from the usa, issues, that were in close aim to some im moscow russia in a upset I will say, in the USA, with a USA appology , to see born USA,  that are malicious , and runts with idiot minds.  The USA people are all seriously very real about the intollorance, in the matter whether in a broken into flight to harm anything in RUSSIA , ever or any where and also intollorant in the USA too, with 100,000 people today that began drive exhabition to see me this moring ,  as I had rather a difficult time today,  and the lovely messages mean everything,  as the drive expadition is realized in even the most lovely ways , as people love the drive expadition with me, and I decided to see more,. With Orbit realized, in the very real reality, orbit focus ,  for me, of course, 
princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, with absolute maticulous very very serious nurturing care from the ROYAL RUSSIAN SPACE centre,  with the updated reality in warp speed, in the new era, of orbit , love . With specialist and communications specialist and consult specialist,  in a most unusual orchestration. With others everywhere in mind as well. Even as far as MAINE USA, which were with messages in the HONDA of WESTPORT region earlier today, and many states , all. FIFTY STATES.


sos people are updating the new shark viewers of the streering issues, in space centre ,  reality, and we should not incurre a next concern, in all focus, and as the space centre people said,   yes it is that possible , and the speed of the sos specialist are at a 100 thousand times ,   faster than even concivable ,  in many extrodinary work, not to see in dismal disrepair, or ice on my nose. 

Please please me,   sos space science people,  I brought to you a symphony and remarkble surprises , darlings, you will  know everything , in sweet clear lines, no swards,  

I love you all,  and we not any of us willing to rick even 15 minutes, copiesh ' baha is not far again and ITALY is waiting.  Not 15 minutes, and my bill later, is going to be heavy,  your going to carry that weight a long time. 

yes a FILM is worth my time. 

today : 
I will be picking up a postal package soon, 
and on with it, in the most spectacular reality, in the ROYAL SKETCH SALES ,  with a tin can conccerto and tin can sales of sketches. with a location update soon in a day to two days,  and the delight of many whom are in love with running with me,  and love the drive expadition near ,  and of the most remarkable in even the needed political expressions of the USA, and travelers whom are internationalist too, even those in the other 49 states. I have extrodinary thank you's too,  that will be posted in NOVEMBER in a very special gift to everyone, in a online BOOK to read in love notes ever day forever. You will be able to list your message below too.  

If you see I have a tin can sale sign on my attache I am wearing ,  the RED ONE / or my pink floral attache ,  with larger white sign that says TIN CAN SALE MINUTE,  then I will have a sketch.

If I do not have prints in hand, the price of a small original is $100.00 to $1000.00 if in need to buy the prints later, and then prints are $20.00 -$100. 00 in this tin can sale. and the online prints at my love notes will be $20.00   All Announcements will be posted unless a tiny sale of only two or three or four. 

While the space centre has a strait forward , issue in some types of concewrns that are under a microscope in 90,000 viewers in the space centre, now , and a very serious urgent matter, as sais: 


John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney , Ringo Starr and George Harriston,  sweet everyone, not my pillow. VLADIMIR'S PILLOW ? 
Brilliant Pink, yellow for Paul, Green George, Blue Royal Cerealian for George, and Ringo with ? which color ringo ?  
There are 100 billion  pillows to go.  Eric , pillows . You , all, how could you, send me that love song now.  outragious . 

October 31st 2024 10:11 am good day everyone, everyone, I perhaps was a slight bit angry this morning , in many issues caused to me, and a issue that is in MOSCOW RUSSIA,  with some one in the orbit project of mine, and the kremlins, with perhaps,  several people that are not suitable for the orbit that have not actually been selected. A women in MC DONALDS just sat near and with here counter pointer, that was rather pinococo style in a exact color not yet available from my company projects, and still. the green is something  spectacular from my personal royal work in clotheries, not ever seen, in the color and of course with many clotheries to matching peices up to 100, for the peace 21 clotheries, that were aimed at, and still a few stragglers , in such a issue of the harm to my drive expaditions for my enjoyment and absolute love to a very large celebration, and delight of the very most lovely times to me, with a reality of the drive to move out of FAIRFEILD SOON, and a bad taste in my mouth from the those whom were unethical and plagued not only a drought of employment in the USA and then faked elections and then aimed nukes on the USA to claim a covid disease , in the reeping of the USA. 

So, we have plenty to look back at, in drive exhibitions and then a great time we will have, I will say the issues are stemming from a issue that the ,  KREMLIN of RUSSIA ,  and the space centre are clearing up, in the ruthless matter, in the small, and larger issues, with sos specialist. I was in a meeting with the KREMLIN today earlier and there seems to be a rogue in the orbit interfereace , and a extreme harm to me, in even malicious pin pointing threats , by those whom were not really given a chance in more than a green ticket after attempts at my aglomeration of worth, and my gental nature of delightful happy life , was the aim as you could imagine , with EXTRME DAMAGES ,   WHILE the people involved also aimed attacks on the worlds most largest in multi national conglomerations , owners , and attempted to break in to offices and switch reports in the accounting and raided grovery stores to hike prices and rip off stores and employees.  

Not just MC DONALDS, but the issues extended to a few dirt bags more whom hiked into RUSSIA , under trucks to knock out the space station in russia with some type of drone missle dangerous to any too.  

The incomprehensible reality is that my work with sos specialist in the orbit, allowed me to see through a series of analisis that the specialist assured and found the issues clearly , and were able to with my specialized worth, i made time to facilitate the optimal of the incredible specialist , of the orbit invented and within a prolific reality to space centre rocket sciences world renouned in excellence and with very lovely people whom are even of high devotion to me, and of course the KREMLIN , and ROYAL RUSSIA GOVERNMENT and the lovely people of RUSSIA. Of course I may have gained a cunsult of more countries in even some assured space rocket sciences , and NORTH KOREA AND CHINA and JAPAN at least I will mention are wonderful too, with RUSSIA as a greatest of countries and very special space centre people. 

The UPSET TODAY  was infact a issue of a very serious repeting issues in orbit costing the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT over $2 billion as the repairing and aime at me, cost a extreme issue in RUSSIA. And a extreme issue in the drive expadition  in the lovely very simplest lovely brillant fun, as a finest invite and celebration,  that was never to see ubserd idiocy, and those whom are unethical are infact slated to face their own face of their own future they made . 

AND IT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW ,.  north south east and west. while two or three pop and  aimed ripping up even the most delightful unvailing of any thing, even green or a larger much larger assortment of fine clotheries , of a larger project , many years in sketches and real work years, with never the unvailing of the royal clotheries , simplistic to opulent . 

Even the unvailing of cookies was aimed at and my fanmous bear claws and 

and the moving picture of MONSER AND THE WALNUT that was to be easily finished on my sweet fun travel invite too, in my quiet little breakfast table stops, and a fine delight I worked many years to see. amoung other sweet lovely special event concertoes unobstructed as they were over 30 days actually, in my exact planning and a extreme aim at the tin can concerto and royal sketch sale unvailing.  

of course social services is in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUITE that may be a great reality for anyone from other countries that needs a snap extre food expence card that is of coursse available , if someone was under pressure in the USA for some reason, as we are a tax wealthy country due to many other countries in south america as very generous to the USA, in many ways and other countries too.  

Of course then needs to a ticket home too, if needed , is through social services, and there is never a question of any accept need based assured worth to our guest from other countries , as always. Eased.  

Be assured, to not listen to bad winded verbal contort. 
the USA loves you and the world too, We love you. and thank you. 

MC DONALDS too, is hiring good nice professional people that may think about an online application at  and thank you for being an avenger yet applications to mc donalds direct site are best too. please . 

May you have a very delightful lovely life and birthday of opulence too.  Buy my book or recordings or royal sketch online if you wish when they are ready to unvail in several dayys from now .  Kisses showering you and your dreams too, catch. From all over the world.  MUCHO BIENTE  BOUNOUS VISTAS . 


My extreme upset today was heard all over the world , and several days, with extreme issues and a issue in steering, and munion and vagrent insults and aim at my happ lovely life , with a extreme issue of circling aims at my automobile and serious harm to me, with some that aimed futile malicious verbalized pin pointed over throws into my work in a way that was gerbaling , in close and aim to detroy my recordings in film and also a aim at my computer technology and phones more than 15 days that sos specialist repaired with a issue in streering in orbit real protocal in a assured non infliction of racketters and a reality that the racketters were not given excess time after thanksgiving, 2023, and were then in a faster issues of a few in a nato outter scam too, in close range in GERMANY near RUSSIA and in a few boarder areas of the UKRAINE , and slide into spots in RUSSIA with some other issues , that, cost the USA, and some seriousness in RUSSIA , too. 

I understand that SOME FARM WHETE feilds in RUSSIA , are with very good farming and saw to a small 4 x 4 square for the racketter to build a latriane  before the aim again. And some stop on jumps to other countries for the USA racketters which the GOVERNORS COUNCILS in the USA saw too, as well, amoung many in the USA whom, are not exactly wishing to rick their futures to such sencless idiots of unethical racketters .  

20 billion people have traveled in. Even today. It makes me very happy, as the important times exist , and the seriousness affected ,  you and everyone and then,  we have a love to get on with wildly.




AND MORE.  OCTOBER 31st 2024    the martini events are not going to be in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUITE USA, as I will gather my thoughts, with some efforts assure my automobile, and then get my postal package to eat a lovely breakfast ,  and then,  the two SKETCHES WILL BE FOR SALE, pre unvailing of the royal sketches that are very splendid works of art, and I just saw the DIRECTOR OF THE MUSEUM of the ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO ILLINIOSE USA whom arrived and the president of the country of FRANCE with the director of DU LOUVRE and the DIRECTOR OF THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. in town in honda of west port, as well as Sir Biris Yelson former president of RUSSIA ,  and others including larger corporation owners and sir Michael Jorden and more, the list is amazing and everyone , everywhere made the lovely messages very special too. 

Love to you everywhere , as I adjust my clothes .  

more soon.  banking and triple AAA services first 
phone number on line again soon with an update, 
from my self,
President and Sole Owner, and Sole Person , at STUDIO VOSSE, and LOVE NOTES, 

VLADIMIR PUTIN  not sleeping and awake 
at 3:00 am with messages in love notes sweet lovely 
kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin.  Not like out banana pancakes the Kremlin Loves to Create for Me. Even Road Sade Drives , Wildly Fun. 

You can text anytime. Anywhere all over the world. DRIVE EXPADITIONS are going to be worth it.  


princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT in conversation from archieve   FILM 
PETER SELLERS , as inspector cluaso as
 political in orbit,

 CHINA SPACE CENTER and the  President of the country of CHINA, Sir XI JINPING READ 

November 3 rd 2024 2:44 pm good day to everyone, good day  and good evening in europe, at it is 2;44 am on the next day date calander in CHINA , in Bejing at 2:am and sweet dreams in the ueropean continent now including RUSSIA. The lovely days in NOVEMBER are missing of the delights that should have been, with a rogue in the russian orbit, with hands on my work schedule and with mezmerizing harm done, to the orbit , and in russian streets, in moscow russia. I believe the KREMLIN , sir Vladimir Putin has a few updates of hospitals in RUSSIA , ready after mike tyson arrived in moscow russia to take on the tyke involved, while, my russian tiny villa will be fine for mike tyson on a cold day in november. With welcome from the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin. Tunring the ship around, of some RUSSIAN contention that is aimed at me with pig brain, racketters and no  reality adhering to orbit in the matter that has harmed me with insulting mass contempt of nasty rackettering scamming and preying on childern and those whole arrived in fair feild at a number of 2 billion people bringing in a revenue of over 2 billion a day, in more than one hundred cities due to my invite which someone in russia , has aimed at, within some very larger concerns , and nuklear munion aimed at me .

I will smile today,  infact , and see no further, of the issues that are in a larger reality of the ethical protocal of the orbit in every petty , aim at my work , time and company invited that are very urgent to my own sanctitude and not a play day to any petty said scam to plot aim at me, with a 2020 in clear reality of the rackers in deception contort scams. Even telling childern that Mc Donalds gives all, free cola with a cup they bring in. The delay in the matter, orbit is with no time to look at the contention of aim again and I expect the hhighest quality in my schedule and lovely life and work, no different in prbit worth, of a assured reality to me in seperation of aim at my quality and worth, and exact plans ,  with orbit in a reality and a slacker that I will see removed from space centre , orbit special assignments , if they were space centre rocket science real RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE ,  scientist . LISTEN

There is more : there was several people whom gripped into the space centre in usa rackettering and were said to be from usa nasa and broke in,  after being ripped out of the nasa projects all together in the USA and fled the USA with several other racketters and aimed into faking space centre aim,  with a extreme several loaded issue that were even just yesterday.  Faked idenity in fact.  and were scoping the area to find an entry for several years , with others in the USA whom were smuggling in mass munion that was pulled apart like a game kite .  then snapped together, idiots ,  with blasters .  stemming from the rackettering in dc that we all remenber in 2019 2020 2021 and concerning in 2022 and even today with a late orbit schedule, a mess and a realized level of dismatling with orbit work, i myself lead with sos specialist and a space centre of science people that are gearing up for the big fight , to streer with mike tyson ,  soon.  

Or the 90,000 space centre people great real lovely people and are being aimed at in a discrepincy in orbit reality to asuure me of a no racketter reality and clean up the mess of the trail, of the dirt bags in my travel drive expadition that will also be a move in the usa to see the scamming dispicable in wattsbar , on a island made for them, while some or many are already there.  

leveing lone cowboys that are hostle in aim.  more hostle than ever before with a aim to fool others and rip their quality and cash out of the great reality of a greater humanity, far better. There was a few that were blocking drivers today and the issue was tea toddling in cases , not librarians ,   and muggers. 

pity for the few, with a love in the usa that can never be less, with everone, that is anyone and you are. 
While I say I love you all. With love to sos specialist and the Kremlin and space centre excellence that is throdeling into faster gears without aimed obstruction to the reality the space centre were speed ready and the many in the USA ready too. 

Including governors . real senators and the people everywhere, while assurt chotchi sticks behind sales counters and it's good to have a closed flip counter behind sales counters with a visable posted schedule under a plexi glass that has a lock on it.  and is non removable as a marquee, and with a little gold plate pin name tag for sales counters and hold on tight to them,  never give them out, with your name as they name plateed gold pins are yours.  with your shedule and ID and of course a face id , too, in punch cards that asssure you are at work 40 hours a week, and assure getting your deserved wages .  

More about great fairfield and even in west port , honda of westport , with darling many working hard to assure quality envionments ,   and are realized in the world, in a hellish nightmare.  Secrets exist ,   and 007 in fair feild Conneticuit USA , thank you for waiting on the martini events , with more drive martini expaditions , with pancake breakfasts in cars and everywhere, soon,  before the thanksgiving announcements are ready. 

ROYAL SKETCH events with the tin can sales and tin can conccert with the very very special martini connceto's, are going to be , opulent , with love , and love wild in the USA, lovelist thanks to you everywhere, with european  and south american and south seas , too, with wild love to run with me. Even the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin ,  made the love note to me every  day, he said "I will run with you everywhere you wish. The dimond events with sos specialist and the space centre real scientist and the usa real league ,   sent messages , diamond legues are risky and we have secrets , . more later of the diamond events ,.. The MASTER FILMING , I CREATE are near ready again , as scheduled with YOU , EVERY CAR , in a DRIVE TIME of LOVE NOTES MOVIE , in finest film cinamaphotogragaph,  you every where you are from. The very finest ,  MOVIE FILMS ,   of the you in the love of invites in the drive expadition and perhaps a silver screen movie of you in events, to be announces soon.

Wear anything you wish, I love you. All, everywhere. I wish to invite everyone to a white or black or grey T-shirt four day, project, soon.  Which ever you wish, and I will detail out the reality of the lovely RED, BLUE, GREY , WHITE , BLACK  t-shirt four day event. Not GREEN YET, my surprise is very verde green,  unless you need green now, just a day or two, after I settle into more love invite events in love notes and then the drive time green wild verte time everywhere, as you wish, even if not a t shirt . think about it , and prepare ,  if you wish to be apart of the exhibtion invite .  more details very soon.  

OPULENT SUITES AND SILKS SOON, in the martini events , shaken not stirred with special recipe sandwiches , never seen, some five star recipes in sandwiches I wish to gift to everyone for the lovely martini events , cut in quarters and stacked with delicicious, extra menu items, yes chips and fresh lettuce and tomatoes and cheeses. special pancakes too.  for the martini event breakfasts .  easy .

I am still clearing up some concerns today and getting my automobile ready to get to my packeges and if I didn't seem to see you, I am going to see to a extra camera with film to even film all, in the drive time expaditions with a extremely exciting exhibition in love notes with the many love notes darlings in special updated films too. Wild. A list of the many very darling friends very loved from me, years of great friendships, will be listed in the next few days, Even David Bowie, Rowen Atkinson, Jeromy Irons,  Billy Joel, Dolly Parton, Jessica Lang , Lucille Ball, Howard Hughes, 007 sean connery, Peirce Brosned, and Rodger Moore, Peter Sellers, Don Rickles, David Letterman, Paul Simon,  my former lovely employers from many years ago, even Charline Maxwell Porter whom ownes Maxwells Steak and Seafood, five star risterante with two other business, and is a extremely fine mayor in a opulent inexpencive souther region. Arrived , with ERIC CLAPTON , BRUCE SPRINGSTIEN, DENIS RODMAN, MICHAEL JORDEN, ELVIS PRESTLEY, THE PRESIDENT of the company PERDUE poultry the largest in the country, many produce companies in fresh daily risterant deliveries of fruits and vegetables ,and the two well known former presidents of RUSSIA ,  sir Gorbechov and sir Yeltsin , ARNOLD SCHWARTENEGGER here today, GOVERNORS in councils including the governor of TENNESSEE Sir HASLUM ,  BILL HASLUM, major corpostation owners , BOEING INTERNATIONAL USA and I can not wait to write the actual list, the Royal Prince of the HEAD OF THE COUNTRY  of SAUDI ARABIA ,  sir CROWNED PRINCE MOHAMMAD BIN SALAMAN , and Sir Vladimir Putin , was in several weeks back, while the RUSSIAN country schedule of the PRESIDENT is very important.  JOHN MELLONCAMP ,  ELTON JOHN , Sir FREDDY MUCRURY,  MICK JAGGER and the ROLLING STONES,  PAUL MC CARTNEY, RINGO STARR, JOHN LENNON and GEORGE HARRISON, KING CHARLES ,  ROB LOWE,  TOM CRUISE, THE GOVERNOR OF ILLINIOSE SIR HARALD WASHINGTON,  DENZEL WASHINTON.,DICK CAVET, ED SULIVAN, SAMMY DAVIS JUNIOR, THE WHO, CLINT EASTWOOD, FORMER PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER,SANDRA LOCKE,  MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV , 

More yes , AMERICAN EGLE AIRLINE was in to say hello, direct from the president of the company  and STEVEN JOBES , extremly successful, owner and president of his company 

Bill GATES ,   yes facts are facts.  

BANANA NEWS VENTE PRESS, will be with other updates in any USA issues, north south east and west , and internationally too.  LOVE NOTES is very sweet, and I have enoumous lists of post for love my sweet love notes,  even recipes wonderful on the drive time road side expaditions .  amazing and a opulent delight with plenty of juices and wine , in a fine refreshing,  glass with
finest five star chef work, road side 
even thanksgiving menus for road side breakfasts , brunch and a road side midnight finest supper.  not three bottles , not yet.  

one of the largest countries in the world 
sir Vladimir Putin ,  


arrowsmith toys in the attic STEVEN  TYLER , it's political 


PLUG IN in your automobile cook with a small electric fryer and heat ready extra shoppe 

WARREN BUFFET in conversation  listen   


please please , nice to see you today darling.  Just preparing for the longer drive time invites of my love notes with the largest media company , ever seen. Imagine. The upset in equipment which was aimed at.

is lovely DAVID BOWIE , as you are.  run with me forever will you .  

FILM : DAVID BOWIE NOW again and again. 

with the ROYAL ORCHESTRA in BERLIN GERMANY , with the compostions of the russian composer written for symphony , MOUSSORSKY 

FILM : GEORGE SOLTI ,  often in CHICAGO ILLINIOSE as a guest conductor 

in conversation in an exciting  FILM 
a royal philharmonic composer 

THE PHILHARMINIC . too, thank you all with enoumouse love .

THE PRESIDENT OF CHINA did sneek in to fairfield several weeks ago, while has a update now 
please read from President Sir XI JINPING from the country of ROYAL CHINA , a very fine personal  friend of mine many years . 

The President of Apple Corporation , 
STEVEN JOBES  APPLE.COM  thee STEVEN JOBES , a very lovely childhood friend of mine.

own and president of APPLE CORPORATION


more soon.  banking and triple AAA services first 
phone number on line again soon with an update, 
from my self,
President and Sole Owner, and Sole Person , at STUDIO VOSSE, and LOVE NOTES, 

You can text anytime. Anywhere all over the world. DRIVE EXPADITIONS are going to be worth it.  

from 2015 in international four years non stop exhibition 
in conversation FILM   

STUDIO VOSSE PRESIDENT and sole executive all, one person only, 
myself, with many company projects including LOVE NOTE PRESS INTERNATIONAL MEDIA , even more . princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT with love to you all, near and far. With all my love again and again everywhere. Thank you very well darlings USA and all over the world, with special thank you to those employed in the FAIRFIELD CITY in CONNETICUITE USA and throughout the entire eastern region and all over the world, as invites reached all countries and cities,. villages all. LOVE NOTES PRESS INTERNATIONAL HONORS  to professionalism in business, 16 years old and everyone.  You all were much busy, with 3/4 more business in RUSSIA in drive expaditions with very special events and concessions more . xo with love again. 




introduced by thee Ed Sulivan of the world of good USA history to know more about, famous Ed Sulivan Theatre in 
NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK USA .LOVE NOTES PRESS INTERNATIONAL MEDIA  SEVEN MEN MY DARLING MEN SEVEN SOUTH KOREA with a new update , you arrived , lovely , FILM  THEE BTS SOUTH KOREA  EUROPE t-shirt pre events . Blue Suites Womens Perfect Martini Times, Shoppe   Perfect Silver Shoes Martini Wear SHOPPE 

Elvis Presley with our message meetings telling secrets .  MICHAEL JACKSON filmed an extra sweet film for me personally with roller skates with a some friends ,  just for the larger political music needed today ,  wild and loved , 
THEE MICHAEL JACKSON my childhhood friend , and darling , with darling friends ,  I'M BAD   Billy Joel Sweet Soms Eric Clapton White Room  Message Film  Vladimir Putin Russian Theater on Piano Soms to me , 
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett @ LOVENOTES PRESS INTERNATIONAL ,  very special from RUSSIA, in MOSCOW
Ray Charles music Georgia On My Mind , the state of Gorgia FILM Freddy Mecury with Queen the music instromentalist some buddy to love Film  Elton John Rocket Man Film  John Denver Rocky Mountian High Film  Roasted Artichoke Hearts from Thee Julie Childs in Film Steemed Artichoke Hearts MARTHA STEWART FILM  , DAVID CASIDY I THINK I LOVE YOU in FILM , I love you too, 14 minutes of PIANO FROM DESTROY title in FILM TOM PETTY AND THE HEART BREAKERS THEE TOM PETTY WE WON'T BACK DOWN FILM = there ain't no easy way out, for the mojos your right, PITTBERG CIVIC ORCHESTRA WILLIAM TELL ROSSINI in FILM , darlings all, xo, THE BEEGEES STAYING ALIVE FILM  Jaquues Pepin Artichoke Hearts with sauce FILM  sweetest darling professional five star real licensed chefs sweetest , perfect of everyone , merci. xo SILVER SKIRT SUITES many and many sizes shoppe 

The President of thte Royal Country of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin 
 Piano at the Royal Moscow Russia  Theatre Rare Film 

Xi Jinping president of the country of Royal China in conversation film

JOC TATI FILM , so sweet of you, you were in FRANCE and heard my music compostion BLACK SHEEP with mousure '
our darling Joc Tati and close shaved darling . Sweet of you, to get ready for martini ., you know Shaken not Stirred of course , you are perfect , with martinis , I realize. xo with love to everyone in France and in Europe,. 


WALT DISNEY IN PERSON , FILM MICKEY MOUSE USA the storm of the william tell symphony

RUDOLF NUREVE  in conversation in FILM      Mikhail Baryshnikov in conversation in Film 

Thee Bob Dylan the times they are a changing .special film now 

NAT KING COLE to everyone all over the world, unforgettable in FILM newly recorded special 

Willy Wonka with GENE WILDER in FILM  childern and grown ups , it's gene wilders wonka . THE REAL BEATLES JOHN LENNON, RINGO STARR , PAUL MC CARTNEY ,  AND GEORGE HARRISON,  LET IT BE and marvolus love song now just recorded in FILM 

FRANK SINATRA ,  martinis soon darling , with our favorite sandwiches 

FRANK SINATRA FILM fly me to the moon just recorded for me and everyone all over the world

Pope Francis Special Gift to me, personally with all of Italy in the Drive Time invites and Fire Places in Italy finest with love and the Bell Tower, silent . with Monsinuor the Pope of  the Vatican Central Cathedral in Rome

Paul Newman cool hand luke
film rare wonderful message from thee darling sweet Paul Newman, years darling , thank you. 

more soon.  banking and triple AAA services first 
phone number on line again soon with an update, 
from my self,
text me from everywhere.
when my phone number is online . xo 

Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
 Italy. outstanding FILM Monsinour His Grace Pope Francis , I love you darling. Gratci with exceptional love to you and everyone in rome and all of the country of royal Italy in Europe on the mediteranian ocean sea.  With love to all of europe and all over the world.  your grace , gratci is far too little to say in my expressione' amore ' with love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Lutiano Poverati ev et marita ,  mother, wendel ,Film  daddy, it's Poverti , my darling friend from 1979. 

rare film, yes our breakfast  thee Vladimir Putin The Kremlin of Russia and my sweetest darling.

martini dress suites shoppe   and Perfect Silver Shoes Martini Wear SHOPPE diamond vine leaf ear rings martini ready shoppe

NOVEMBER 8th 2024 11:30 am   
good day accross the world, hello, not my usual notes in love notes and the very largest drive convoy invite in the world, with conspicious serious aim to me in a extremeist usa active , in the direct aim at me, and a issue in russia, still, in the conserns . I spoke to vladimir putin as the very power of RUSSIA, in the largest in humanities and many extrodinary excelent government work, devout to the lovely people of RUSSIA, and the government top , in qualifications , including superior millitary standards in a unique and regimented protocal, not easily achieved, with the outstanding space centre of realized rocket scientist, whom are busy and with many types of attentions, excelent . I had a meeting with the space centre in RUSSIA this morning , and I spoke about damages to the orbit that is a focus to prevent racketters in any range to me. Spacifically the reason the orbit exists.  I will say this directly and see the reality is underlined at this time, with extreme aim of those in rackettering , already known in large constant wrong , types of deception in slow walking,  mass contempt to humanity and ethical reality. 

With riffling more like an automatic weapon, in vocal splaying , that aimed at the world trade center banking usa extremist ,  in a mock of society , to kick and help, sure right into the pockets and delights in even my delightful life and broad invites in a love to a larger 20 billion people that arrived recent as we, stabilize our reality, in a assured gold standard and not munion packing liers that harmed the USA in the oval office , pentagon, nato usa , deo, ss, and more, homes and companies , and are as a friend of mine said years back as a colleague, i met weekly in purchases to foods for my work as a executive director, he said, COCK ROACHES ,  eat the glue off boxes , and then scatter, and if you step on them, the COCK ROACH eggs stick to your shoes.  While today I am in Mc Donalds , in HONDA OF WEST PORT village, I am pleased to see your automobiles and love, with very honored very special thank you, as my delay today was a triad of types of munion packed vehicals and walking slinger ofd sludge atomic, and a dismatling of a larger drone was necessary, with a aim at my phones , equiped with media assured work as always has been. and the major equipment , and a issue in moscow with, my phones that were extremely tampored with just this morning , as there is a stranger among the space centre that is very serious. The types of dismatling is very reasonably a reality in the specialized reality , I proposed orbit and is a sanctioned reality since last spring , and still, I am being loaded into a swaming of racketters , and has been a serious situation caused in a russian mayhaim. I will have to be very direct about the issues and mass contempt to me in insulting similarities of a sling shot verbalized at me and swaming goons caused slimy verbalized suffication tactics , with larger bulleting verbally automatic pop in slamming the very nature of my solfty gental reality, even in brilliant , respective , ideals of the non confrontation of the slime that traveled a long distance to kick my time, and ruin every clothing I put on, near instantly with mas bulleting sludge with minuion sonics bashing ,

More about the invite global pancake breakfast ,  soon, even after midnight with many that are devout to me and love their minutes in love notes as a reality that every one wishes exclusivity ,  in my love notes , and I Love Friends whom made incredible lovely effort for me and love notes all over the world.   Lovely even in wallmart and other groceries , too, walgreens and cvs, coke,com, pepsi,com and more.  

Of course , I wished not to be in HONDA OF WESTPORT now, and had serious extreme delays caused in the issues, in low speed ,  in a serious reflex that has not an inch and no mile either. The issues involved in the matter, are not to consume a new area one by one with any such rackettering , pretence of any bent beekering.  

Mc Donalds , suddenly has table service never seen before, and it is contentious , with the issues that have hit this mc donalds , with a cash low in revenue and the fairfield area in over ten times sales or more, like two hundred times sales with my invite in over 30, 000 cities east coastal regions .  USA.

While, the aim at my 8 quarterly notes have been aimed at and hard supressed, in the issues, never meant to become , with a orbit in play as of spring 2023. Thats one large bill, in a issue in RUSSIA . 

The space centre of ROYAL RUSSIA , and the ROYAL NAVY of RUSSIA ,  are ready to bowl with me , in quantified analisis in some pertinent information , and as Vladimir Putin wrote to me, I asked to recheck some qualification , in a RUSSIAN reality of space centre to assurt the proceedures of extrodinary merited honor impecable work, and there were several strays , with others gold metals. 

Racketter USA, impeded , in a intelegence type in the USA, back dated to 2002 issues caused be USA racketters inside the oval office then.  I wish to include in this brief statement a reality seen by the RUSSIAN MILLITARY and the 90,000 space centre specialist top, of the rocket sciences in serious busy work. Also, any fratternizations , costing the KREMLIN an obstruction known by VLADIMIR PUTIN , as DOPING UP,  and not a reflex serious in orbit necessity uneuivicably the certainty of excellence and no less, expected in a project I myself was never to see a repair to the extrodinary effort already , realized , due to low hanging friut , as ROB FORBES , said.  

Not a reflection of the space centre of extrodinary realized serious work, cleaning out the swamp caused in my travels in spots , and large when it comes to the reality of my very serious global work. and International invites .  The nasty racketters sucked staws near to get a bullet munion in my ears face and legs and back,. and aimed extremely in my next scheduled planning and automobile and time , to obliterate .  

I am still being insulted in 
Mc Donalds 
with extremist attackers , verbally , 
if they needed , and then as roztex 
said spray paint .as was in aim at 
recordings and time, in many even 
Macy's  and Kmart Manhattan. 

Space Centre Russia , has prolific 
Speedy work to meet my reality 
in every maticulous way. While 
First in my orbit and reflected 
in a stability in Russia Moscow 
with no sloths in the real 
logistical space centre .

There was an AMERICAN 
in the UKRAINE , whom is a USA,
racketter whom claimed to be president
of the ukraine , and is not,
also took money from the ukraine 
and aimed to attack the electric companies 
with pentagon unethicals, and nato unethicals in the 
usa involved in rackettering , in organized 
scamming , as well as those in the oval office .
and was scamming in fifth avenue BEST BUY. 
as well as other connected rackettering scams.
and basically USA born , in cock roach sweat. 
Also involved in the scattered unethicals 
and a aim was at the USA and USA taxes 
amoung aim at Russia and 6 other countries 
in the last 10 months, with a slick air shippment 
flight , from the USA shipping . scattering among 
and country possible like a large mangling ardvark
hiking in munion and drones , with snap together
hard aim.  with lock on sensors .
with chem spread by hand .slingers as most are totally 
shut down far before christmas 2024, then gripping 
nasty unethial teeth and lip flappers . more 
like daffy duck. 
Excusse une momento' at 12:30 pm when my phone was ready to aaa, 
calling at 9:00 am, and was aimed at yet in a repeted issue via 
moscow russia , of a dope up, issue obstructing the royal russian space centre 
and the kremlin , sir VLADIMIR PUTIN, and rostex work with my 
conceptual repairs , detailed and fine understanding of amazing men 
whom are world specialist in the invention of orbit , 
 in many unique realities , and the damage is large,.The Kremlin is in a 
same decision as I, to revoke the orbit existance to racketters and dope up 
types in an intrustion obstruction in the orbit for myself , 
princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT. Roztec said lets.    

yes , a message from my childhood  sweetest lovely darling, now too ,
 the KREMLIN Of RUSSIA , sir Vladimir Putin ,  
special message film updated now . 

I wish to say, I did feel love from you all, and last evening 
I wrote a few new songs to you all. with a short concerto,  

I wished for you everywhere to enjoy the love in music 
compostions in a pre conccerto, of some unique minimal 
modern music compostions , non aria , such as BEAR HUNT. 
A deligtful literary , aria , with surprizes and a theater and 
movie will be with dvd , to enjoy and live on the air 
viewing in love notes, the drive films are going to be spectacular 
and the sketch drive film, Thanksgiving is going to be extra 
special with me and others at love notes and films of people from 
all over the usa and all over the world, including presidents of 
countries and spectacular, films with you in them. you and as many 
as a full large drive note expadition USA , and globally. 
30 days of pancakes breakfast brunch in drive time , with sketch sales,
and exhibitions in love notes of the ROYAL SKETCHES,
and martini times are very close ,  now. three originals ,
in a tin can sale, very very soon, as the three extra ROYAL SKETCHES , 
are with three finished originals , sale is extremely fine price rare,
at $1,000. 00 prints will be online with a $20.00 print , and even 
small wallet card prints at $6. 00 online , some I may get shipped 
to sell in person. in a tin can sale  with my tin can sigh out on my 
red attache or pink attache, with a few more finest printed , lovely 
saviorefaires to see and decide if you wish to purchase at basic price .  
with over 30,000 star satalight globally, for me, in a rss 24/7.   
Menu Soon, with Pancake breakfast Brunch with Auntomobile morings ,
and earlier before some people are off to work, then some through the day 
and after midnight . I can hardly wait to post the menu, with the 
ROYAL SCETCH EXHIBITIONS with additional shetches , which will be 
sketched into the new year 2025. extra.  

I am just waiting for my three computer's two phones ,
to be fully charged up, and with some issues in close range , 
which cost me extreme damages .  

ROSTEX , is the specialist in sos , we are rather close darling 
friends , even before orbit , in international levels respectivly .

message from ROSTEX interesting read  russsia, 
however we are all moving .to shanghi . soon. or siberia 
russia with larger wolves , and sir vladimir putin.  

siberia is going to be rather busy then. 

My new phone number , is with a update online ,
I did not update any , and should have , while 
my number for my phone will be listed in love notes 
and then you can text if you wish, with holiday messages
returned , for the whole world. Fun. The second phone I always 
have will be reserved to business , collegues , and I will 
feel good about that. Of course many years , my phone 
number has always been posted , and some updated 
numbers were not updated a few times , with equipment
aimed at and busy repairs from moscow russia and china.
Mc Donalds sent me breakfast today and it was given 
to someone else and sent me a $300.GIFT CARD .
accross the usa. more in low prices foods, 
$1.00 specials and more. I suggest, a number on 
the payment to every employed person, with a way to 
assure an id , for those really scheduled . and with hours 
on the card wallet size and time days scheduled. 
Direct to direct deposit payed wages .
Even a phone number direct to employees 
of the assured schedule. 
and any notes of wage increases .
Direct Deposit , within each payment deposited 
of wages .  Great for employed great  people . even ruffles , in difficulty .
yes , a message from my childhood  sweetest lovely darling, now too ,

Direct from Owners of Companies . 
Note Advanced business. Stabilized Economics to Individuals .

 sir Vladimir Putin ,  
special message film updated now . 

message important special delivery from MOSCOW RUSSIA via direct from the KREMLIN.

RE : THE ROYAL INDIAN SPRING of 2023 LOVE NOTES international media a project from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , with serious aristocracy dating back to 9th  century ROYAL FRANCE , with a grandfather in the USA , whom was at the head of GENERAL ELECTRIC CORPORATION , review one post of love notes OF MANY IN 2023 AND 2022 AND 2024 for you, whom ever you are, in the USA and all over the world. If you wish, please reread . THE ROYAL INDIAN SPRING LOVE NOTES 

unmomento ' message space centre specialist of russia serious reading  
thank you well, everyone. menu soon, brunch. love to you all. 

film rare wonderful message from thee darling sweet Paul Newman, years darling , thank you. 

more soon.  banking and triple AAA services first 
phone number on line again soon with an update, 
from my self,
President and Sole Owner, and Sole Person , at STUDIO VOSSE, and LOVE NOTES, 
when my phone number is online . xo 

                                                                                    BEATLES we can work it out listen 

Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

I LOVE YOU, EVERYWHERE.    real drive or ski goggles shoppe  silver faux velvet fir coat  shoppe 

my generation is successful USA and all over the world. xo everone.


November 11th 2024 10:31 am , good morning 
in HONDA of WESTPORT, thank you with all my graces, for the experience of drive time with you everwhere. Messages from Clint Eastwood , are delightful, with, the issues , and not one election, and will be in a delay, within the people, of the usa, and governors councils and senate, until, the newer reality of any elections is with scrutiny, of the usa people. Clint Eastwood, is wonderful and a friend of mine of many many years , darling charming, intelectually lovely .

message : CLINT EASTWOOD , unmomento ' gracious . 

RUSSIA , MOSCOW  the kremlin has a statement and film which is very important. RUSSIA  with Sir Vladimir Putin in a very serious conversation in FILM  

update : sos specialist, and the space centre russia, many types of details, and new invention of a reality, to my invention in more than several conceptual designs, and scientific concept designs , with incredible inventors in sciences in space specialized lovely work. Space Centre Russia , too, are quite amazing and I recieved a message, they all sent, devout to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
While there is a obstruction in the matter, 
of a strait forward, ethical real structure of orbit , that is with, 
details, (and a medtalisty of one flew over the coocoo's nest, film referance of JACK NICKLSON films, 1979, ) the obstruction matter is quite serious with a very consideration too, of the international russian royal space center excellence , and i do mean excellence , while aimed at inner and outter looped of several, in saitated aimed obstruction to me and the space center. It is NOBEL EXTREMELY IMPORTANT STATEMENT I say with a devout sensitivity of a noble reality of extrodinary work of the scientist of the space center, and all of russia included to assurt the wide open docia, of a real note of love, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, to Russia special delivery with my love to you all. THE OBSTRUCTION AIMED A REPETED  , aimed real obstruction in the matter, aimed hard at my events , invites , and head, company projects, schedule , on my decicions and time planning , and revenue , 8 quarters, banking and automobile and leisure , in my invited event standards , meetings and equipment. With a very serious issue, and not a tollerable reality, as I stated to amazing space centre real qualified rocket scientist. "Then there were two." The swamping issues are serious aims at me and myy delightful very real larger events , in manhattan in four strait back to back years. and quite large, with extremely many internationalist , friends very darling , arriving from all countries then.  The repeted reprehensive ,  fact in a russia ,  of any, in a conflict with russia as a government , and the kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, whom, is the sweet, person whom realized the importance of orbit, was also, aimed at, as I am , even today ripping apart my reality of the very nature of my own drive time and personal time leisure included, into a rip into my great love to summer and autumn , as I said to sos specialist, and the space centre of high quantified ethical real , extrodinary work, i have always recognized well, honored and of ver difficult and even exahstive work stradigy, now even, in a finest eased orbit to me, as is the reason the orbit was sanctified by russia at kremlin levels in a many councils and of the worth in CHINA , with a great emphisis from president Xi Jinping as well as the circle of international presidents.  excusse 
( italian for excuse me) CHINA FILM    scatter film


Of course: I wish to note, my logistical reach, was to a wide open view, in a special logistics, to preserve the space centre in real agility in factural speed obstructed , and see those involved in the obstruction, in front of the entire government of russia , in a speach, as to the issues they caused, with no reality , in any orbit , and obstructed the space centre, as the the royal lobster service reaches , russia, and not a leap out, with further aim and a outter loop obstruction, with a russian name on it. I was firm in a relpy to the Kremlin , Sir Vladimir Putin, of serious matters and as he wished me strait opinion, and with a few fancy sos specialist, in a big data on the matter, along with a scrolling 45 day fact docia , and facts , of whom.   THE WORLD STAGE AWAITS, for the sais said sais zisters, with larger media ,  than ever before, in a very serious attacks in interferance in my natural life and the entire worth of lovely , gracious, projects , I Love , as well as love you messages of such great wild love too. I may have a hugging one time event, not yet scheduled or announced. We will be strategically,  with zero, in the bad eggelstones. While I am putting the space centre, day and night on the edge ,  of the world, under pressure with a reality of exahstive work involved , with further measures , invention of conceptual, open wide docias , with a reality that the 90,000 space centre of russia  loves, and the spacialist love, the kremlin loves, government people love, and fuerthermore the millitary and russian royal NAVY LOVE. I mean, sos specialist and I could be in rio. 

With the entire presidential circle. I feel the need to say, PROJECT PANCAKE BRUNCHES , until the NEW YEAR, as of course, never going to be , superseded , with a rotten eggelton, that is headed to the big crab cake motza wattzbar zienzer duff.  

FILM messages ci, JACK NICKSON ONE FLEW OVER THE COO COO'S NEST .  sweet of you darling Jack Nicklson, thank you for arriving in HONDA of WEST PORT. Conneticiute USA. 
sweet Jack.  Jessica Lang , too. xo everyone.  SHAKEN NOT STIRRED film , not yet the martini event .sean connery in film, from the 007 movies. with fine film, and an updated message, from everyone. 

COKE.COM corporation is a multinational cola company and many 18 wheel rigs suprized me today with a NEW TRUCK DESIGN in a while bottle just for my suite I am wearing now, with BLACK LETTERING , to match my black trousers leather, and my BRIGHT RED VERIDIAN , blouse that coke,com matches in a slightly brighter red , on the entire truck. My father would be very excited , in the 18 wheel international rig hauler profession of engineers ,   and drove many years coast to coast USA , with large love to people and greater humanities, with devoution to people forever. 

more soon.  banking and triple AAA services first 
phone number on line again soon with an update, 
from my self, 
President and Sole Owner, and Sole Person , at STUDIO VOSSE, and LOVE NOTES, 
when my phone number is online . xo 
BEATLES we can work it out listen 

princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT                                                                                

Daddy .  the size of your hand . I remember .  
giving my the drive wheel at four. lovely father.       




THE GOVERNMENT OF the country of 
Statement FILM from
a darling good friend many years ,
ruler, as her majesty, QUEEN ELIZABETH . 

known all over the world, with a special now 

JULIA CHILD special of 
in FILM ,  with very lovely thank you everyone , JULIA CHILD 
water boilers , for a fine spice for sandwiches , 
with fresh cut spices with excelent spice oils when roasted .

CHEF with a lovely film for me at love notes.
all over the world, with finest chicken pot pie, perfect. and exciting 

a colegue of mine since the 1980's with a fine message read 
with people from the willis egg farm SYRACUSE NEW YORK USA. 

shoppe recipe later. 
SOUTH AMERICA all, countries speak 
and read spanish, as too, spain the country 
in the european continent is a SPANISH 
SPEAKING COUNTRY where south american 
countries have a port of SPAIN , sea side to a 
lengthy established international ,  merchant 
travelers, of fine sales country to many countrries 
of finest histories, of countries and people of all. 
of the finest world cultural explorations with recipes, 
and print sketches  are not yet avalable with FILMS and more.
of my sweet little project I love . and FILMS of COURSE. 

Thank you for love everywhere. 
Love to you every minute, from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

My own  recipe CIGGERETTE CAKE  
A $500,000 ROYAL SKETCH , yes.

with a perfection of importance to me,
every day, a lovely wonderful breackfast 
brunch, with a note soon on the 
TIN CAN SALE with the real martini 
posted only at LOVE NOTES 
online at my sweet little company,
STUDIO VOSSE. more than just a 
word, FOREVER LOVE . xo 

I promise . love and love more. Fiercely
with a international whole reality, in the USA 
and all world savvy travelers. excellent 
everyone, map savvy, I adore you,
everywhere all over the world.  

candy ciggerette  shoppe 

 in PARIS message 
from the exectutive director of DU LOUVRE 
PARIS, FRANCE with sweetest interest . 
READ    HOP HOP HOP , with me, 


CHILDERN ' grown ups too? 
for you in FILM SPECIAL 

DANNY KAYE in conversation

message from the crown prince of SAUDIA ARABIA '
Prince Mohammad Bin Salaman 
of the country of 
bold leadership worth, 
of honores all over the world.
with a very lovely message to me personally today,
with our many years of darling friendship.
Very Lovel Serious FILM Message .


BOEING INTERNATIONAL message from the president 
and the busy people of BOEING INTERNATIONAL
with more flights in the eastern coast USA than ever before.

messages and more with honored  men of the ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITARY 
with me at love notes. xo fine film nice nice . 
PHOTOGRAPH: message now ROYAL RUSSIAN MILLITARY in a lovely message in matching camel coats, as I am wearing today.
from our meetings 
007 secrets russia 

The Kremlin of Russia NOW 
 princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett with our meetings 007 secrets 
MENU SOON. darlings of RUSSIA. sir vladimir darling, the black pearls are lovely.

I love you too. 

STING FILM  with a sweet message now . 


EXTRA messages from thee charlie winston, my darling 
long time friend and incredible , music composer. 
messages in films charlie winston now 

cool hand luke FILM PAUL NEWMAN NOW 

THEE CLINT EASTWOOD movie converation in FILM 

is going to be lovely , everyone .

with a message of extrodinary film 
with music compostions of, 
thee william tell overature

 robert redford and paul newman with sir flannegan
 in a film THE CARD GAME 
                                     DAVID LETTERMAN FILM FAST FOOD 
                                                        comments serious political  only DAVID LETTERMAN in FILM  


thee John Melloncamp messages in film 

ELTON JOHN , THEE ELTON JOHN  in a message in lovely film 

PEOPLE ARE STRANGE wildly beautiful 

nancy sinatre ready with shorties, just for me at love notes. xo everyone. 

music composed in 1970. and a lovely update , thank you well. xo 

messages DAVID BOWIE with a music compostion wild, with MICK JAGGER 

friends, special live on the air now , in love notes press international. I love you James Brown, and everyone in brass horns and love to you in fairfeild conneticuite and everywhere, all over the world. 
JAMES BROWN extra messages from JAMES BROWN and everyone in FILM 
THEE MIKE BLOOMBERG in a film breif    FILM 

VICTOR BORGE in a special commentary with a hungarian pianist . in FILM


                                        ERIC CLAPTON  messages and a FILM 
ROSTEC.CZ RUSSIA comment read 





comments of the USA issues , with JOHNNY CARSON in FILM 

mom. it's thee JAMES BROWN,  a darling friend from Chicago Illiniose years ,. 

FILM message from darling LEE MAJORS of the 6 MILLION DOLLAR MAN 

lovely robert redford   film secrets  James Taylor message walking man listen , more yes, you've got a friend in film 

                             thee sir vladimir putin major media film , with me at love notes globally.

GRACE LAND , darlings, with THEE PAUL SIMON  
with darling friends from AFRICA iFILM n FILM 

                                             gass gass gass, jumping Jack Flash MICK JAGGER and the ROLLING STONES in FILM 

in a special FILM , from thee Petula Clark 

in conversation with thee STEVEN COLBERT in  FILM 
with an excerpt film in FLUENT SPANISH . of course lovely .

messages with a lovely FILM 
FILMED BY THE BEATLES free as a bird 

I'M BAD , LET'S GO  FILM MICKAEL JACKSON NOW with darling friends. 

SOUTH KOREA BTS my darling seven men, south korea , butter in FILM 

good night in the usa, and the the american continent ,  and good day in europe,
Love to you everywhere, beans , for the extranious of those whom aimed to attack in the usa and aimed at international countries and childern, amoung grown ups, and pity .  there is a song , bye bye . with a luter in russia aimed at wreching my company and with aide to rackettering attackers . which is with a very large lens in russia today with immidiate ,   speed , in the matter that aimed at me and the orbit, which the 90,000 space centre real russian rocket scientist are taking very seriously .

and beans for those in any international aim into the inner loop or outter loop in the russian government and space centre of finest rocket science specialist , with love to you all. Time is very important to my schedule and I have no reason to a dickory of any, while my company is with a larger reality of very real love in my work, and never a dickory in insular unethical. 

even if on russian soil, with aimed wrenching , that aimed too, at russian childern and groceries and a aim at the space centre of russia and the prime minister in meetings. My statments are firm, and the ethical reality in the orbit priorety is real, and not to see racketters shred society and my company or time, with more than blight intended . and that eaquals 4000 years of pure plain beans , for the real basters . with a whole usa and internationally realizes reality, and a few in russia, with grips on claims to even the russian presidents gifts and honored invites of metals given, with many that did not get their honored ,metals of highest merits . The space centre are sharp marxing in russia as we speak, and in the orbit to me, a strict clean up, of outsting the unethical obleek chomping blasters .  

should be in a real busy morning with a real assured reality, with china and korea , too, in even more consults , in many scientific updates , and governors in  the usa and senators with large leaps in strategic ,   wattsbar time to sing the song bye bye. 

as a celebration, I loved the drive everyone , lovely thank you to you everywhere, from the USA and internationally . 

I love you everywhere. I love you mom. Brunch Soon Darling mom. Promise . Wendel and d daddy too. 

Love from Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

excusse , ci , boienious messages to catch up on, many many many , everywhere, south america as well as canada to Japan and a message yes ,  BILL GATES WINE BUCKETS , yes , we are going to need a wine bucket thank you sweetly . 

FILM REEL BILL GATES with love darling.

The government of Italy wishes to see, a 
royal sketch in person. Drive Expadition, yes,  pancake breakfast brunch, Julia Child and Jocque Pepin as well as Martha Stewart are already preparing recipes as well. 

Tin Can Sales , are going to be spectacular fun. 

November 12 th 2024. 7:24 pm 

Good Morning , from myself, 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

I have to say, good morning everywhere. 

I have a slight busy moring to assure some very serious needs , and an automobile update 9n banana news will be important to everyone in the usa and at HONDA ,in Japan as a Japanese import automobile.

Serious Notes and a new drive expadifion outragiouly wild, even finest ZOMBIES ,at 5:00 am, wild with pancake very speciak easy brunch drive time , pure wild excitment pancake brunch into the new years , with very dine special invite road sidefor Thanks Giving 2024. 
PAINTINgs    You  may enjoy viewing from pre 1997 

Day Dream Believer 
music compostion  

7: 36 am in the village of HONDA OF WESTPORT , FAIRFEILD CONNICUITE , USA. Beijing China is 7: 37 PM NOW.   

more soon

NOVEMBER 13 th 2024  11:32 am  good morning everyone, everywhere, in the village of  HINDA of WEST PORT, and in the lovely city of FAIRFEILD in CONETTICUITE USA as well, and hello everone all over the eastern cities in the USA as you arrived and I love you all. Also love to the USA whom joined drive expaditions in the short villager drives with fierce kind love too, with plans to arrive and run with me as DAVID BOWIE , loves too. 

BANKING UPDATE : the mobil banking is up and running.  
while someone just near hit my head in Mc Donalds , with a bash on my seating , and furry with a non job in the corporation at all.  

BANKING is up and running, now with some excessive aim at my equipment, and the downloads were difficult in time that the equipment was repetedly attacked, and the mobil bank card was very difficult to see downloaded properly with the repeted aim at the equipment. 

While my AAA call this morning, was an attack on my equipment late last evening and this morning, as I did get the call in, and the call was then aimed at in a repeted issues again and again, when I was with my own time of planning in my schedule, and the issues are due in large to those ready for beans , for theor november 2024, with a holiday, I will say they trampled others to gain more, ripping it from one by one in the USA.  

Of course there is a issue with a few still, that are in some infest in a issue of the space centre and have zero cridentials, and are far unable to even use silpe beginnings of quantum mathmatics which racket scientist are excellent at, and furthering the notation the medals and even some concerns for the finest rocket scientist ,  were actually not arriving to them, in internal currier messages , and then were stolen. while there is still a obstruction to the esteemed work in a realized derailment to the obleek, in the usa, readly to leap, for their beans , ready by the governors in the USA.  and with orbit assured to see the reality of a very serious international maliciousness too, from a clustering clumped obleak of the connected issues , caused in the USA of UNETHICALS , headed for kidney beans  ,. 

SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN black belt in KUNGFU , president of RUSSIA 


USA KUNGFU REEL FILM , special film  thee ALEX ZHANG , from lessons variation from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett      USA 

special stick kungfu, lessons from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, earlier lessons , 
well done young men and young women. Excelent , thank you so well
 for the finest film, in LOVE NOTES PRESS INTERNATIONAL . 
perfect, with love from me. thank you again. xo                                            SAUDI ARABIA 

JAPAN KUNFU REEL FILM                                                                                              JAPAN 

AFRICAN KUNGFU REEL FILM at the chocolate bean merchants office .    AFRICA 

KING OF the country of ENGLAND KING CHARLES is a 
BLACK BELT KARATI KUNGFU in FILM                             

Mexico City in South America , of the country of Mexico Kungfu is well realized with a message just now from lovely men and women of Mexico THE KUNGFU REEL 

messages from the royal country of INDIA of a KUNGFU with a stick , with swarddded daggers and a excersize of chotchi short sticks on a swinging rope , from INDIA in film 

                                           magnificent INDIA 

Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett secrets 
well studied in KARATI at  age 5 , lessons of 
JAPAN, against my father's wishes, secretly. TRADITIONAL STUDY is a practice of breaking a brick sindar with your karoti chop, on handed , while nearly impossible , while gaining then fine ajility in a freeform flow and focus, in formation of struxtured karoti , with no closeness to another, While in formal cultural studies years later in lessons of JAPAN,and formal studies 
while only a study alone . never a of two. 

message now
JIMMY HENDRIX music compostion 

 my darling czar of RUSSIA 

Of course Sir Vladimir Putin and the Circle of International Presidents of Countries are within all humanities in the ethical reality to assurt a realized , assured orbit to myself as a priorety and then of course,  and extended, within the situation of the malicious USA whom aimed at the USA people and the international world, and of a sky doper , or several, are very realized in a  wide  open russian new updates  in RUSSIAN, large wide open lens  , reality today,  with more serious realoty for those involve , with the largest devout reality from the 

an international NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER 
and one of the most prolific in capitalistic humanities 
as a noble diplomatic president of the country of 
ROYAL RUSSIA, as one of the very largest countries in the world, with a very extrodinary devout government and devout people of RUSSIA with extrodinary love respective toward the PRESIDENT , CZAR of 
RUSSIA. Of course the international world, loves

pnone numbers posted soon and text me from everywhere.
when my phone number is online . xo 

BEATLES we can work it out listen 

the millitary in china, are with extra kungfu with my variation from lessons with stiFILM cks ready and a wonderful delightful message to me today, from everyone in top government , with gracious men and women, so beautiful. 
Thank you with my graciousness, to you everyone .  love to you, from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 
mom, it's the people of the government millitary of royal china , xo 

message meetings SAUDI ARABIA  Crown Prince Mohamad Bin Salaman , the Prime Minister as ruler of the royal country of saudi arabia , and a darlingto me, years, with a message including the Prime Minister , ruler of India , in a excerpt film 

love message to you darling , from myself and THEE GEORGE SOLTI 
with the chicago symphony orchestra  

sweet notes of love , for my darling , of a lenghty lovely darling of more years than imaginable.Details are slightly time consuming to set into literature notes at this time. 
While before Thanks Giving we will all enjoy more the greater details, including the space centre with exhastive work right now.  

Of course messages , william and sonoma , design within reach, martha stewart, herman miller, vitra from germany, wallmary, bulava from russia, with a list of merchants more, and many in compostional music , and more, are going to be the reality in more, as also  to shoppe of including chocolateteirs  , and fine foods, larger larger giants in foods, warmest day  wear boots, many I will be listing as well, with all great honors from me and the USA and even respected all over the world. Love Notes Special, Honors , is going to be very lovely, in the USA, with love from myself, 


SHOPPE MINI LENS CAMS ,  IMAGINE EVERYWHERE  shoppe where do they connect to ? yours to your phones . while the business people , are with many, in paint chips and glass. business is good business. and love is real. Wages well paid, worth and wealth . 

My statements of the subject, will be very soon, with an amazing list of over 23 billion people whom arrived to see me personally and enjoy the lovely many scheduled times, while we are going to shake it up very soon. with 007 and secrets to know, with a ROYAL SKETCH UNVAILING , with interest from the METROPOLOTAIN MUSEUM OF ART , and even more notes soon very exciting in sales of prints , as well. Exciting of governments interested in royal sketches and larger royal museums to note,  I can hardly wait. with marini conccertoes , and possible  lovely martini severed , by MICK JAGGER ,   and secret guests .  shaken everyone, not stirred please please me. 

PLEASE PLEASE ME music comostion messages to me, of the very lovely Beatles in fine film 

lets , get to the hop  hop hop.  wait until you know more about the real hop from me at love notes.
I am scheduling a pancake breakfast, on MONDAY NOVEMBER 14 th 2024 

basic pancakes and eggs, coffee toast buttered and juice, with banans fresh, and some coffee rolls , with cheese and fine butter sweet dairy butter with bread finest and sausages ready ti slice tomatoes and lettuce, with turkey balogna , slicedhoney roasted turkey, manderibe oranges and fibe sweet grapes, with strawberry belgian wafffles on the menu later in the week. 
fine donutes and good eased cake for afternoon, chocolates. Brazillian Coffee. I think , and a hot ready to serve coffee from Mc Donalds. Or any fine little risterant , 
Autumn Pancakes early enough .  

My equipment should be totally restored with an early morning ,  finest pancake breakfast with everyone, in the USA and internationally, all over the world. SOS SPECIALIST, VLADIMIR , SPACE CENTER , MILLITRAY , EVERYONE in RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , all international consults, china space center, tiawan , thailand, tibet , japan,  phillapenes, middle east saudi arabia, iran, aphganastan. iraq, kazastan, libya , germany, poland, czec republic,  eygpt, turkey , romania , hungaria , denmark, yes , more and more africa, more, england , france , italy, and scottland, ireland , israel, sweden , norway, ukrain, more in europe yes yes, south america too, all countries, and of course cuba and the south seas , canada , more , of course., yes yes , 

simple tomorrow , extra eggs with more. into the new year 2024. xo xo xo 

sweet rare photograph 
villa time . dine out wildly wonderful.  

coffee kenya aa, with an 
after dinner 
expresso cappaccino 
special recipe . 
w/ finest pumpkin  spices tarts 
served with whipped cream. 

Lenard Beirnstein conducts the new yourk philharmonic royal usa symphony of RAPSODY IN BLUE compostions of George Gershwin 
excerpt messages with a film 

GLEN GOULD in veriations arrangements of thee glen gould,  music compostions of
Sabastian Johannus Bach,  piano in film  

YUL BRYNNER  comment film two guitars with a spanish south american guest 

DIAMOND perfect heart shaped ring shoppe 
under $3.00 perfect martini ring. 


I love you well, everywhere. from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett   more soon.  

in a music compostion BA BA LU LISTEN  recoded now for myeslf , 

4:33 pm , banking update, I wish to say, the phone mobil banking  debit bank mobil phone bank card with a instant debit tool in the phone, rather than a physical card in wallet, was well installed with assistance from the bank I phoned yesterday,  and with many question on how to download and link, the banking card thrthrough my own bank and my own account. And i just used it at mc donalds  the very first time, right on my phone. Direct debit banking card strait to pay from my banking checking account. 

very good really in any need 
to assure your card from your bank , 
right away if needed.   Lovely messages of my music compostions of ONYONHA last evening everyone. 
pop conccerto for you in the village of westport in fairfeild conneticute usa and to everyone all over the world . XO 

banking note update  4:40 pm . 

more soon.  China  NOW  KUNGFU FILM


 now in FILM 

NOVEMBER 15 TH 2024 Again , 
hello and good day everywhere, 
from myself at love notes. 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

a rather rough pancake breakfast 
this morning for myself, with
 some rather permetheus in some 
sky daggering of a ained blight ,
 from a concerning aim into lemon
 ade for the usa dc , extranious
 unethical, in̈ 50 states in the usa,
 with certainty of sone real time
 work in the space centre in russia 
today, whom are wonderful
 as there is several whom are
 not as they claim, and aimed
 into rather a  duel , 

towards space centre in russia
 and direct aide to rackettering , 
rather an extreme in a direct
 orbi t piorety , and a invasion
 of aimed ruin to an aim at orbit
 of a russian  sanctions of orbit 
of the kremlin of russia' s
 whom sanctioned the
 project orbit upon my 
initated proposed neccessity
 to assure the reality of my
 very lovely work and worth
 to my company work i love 
well and my imence love for
 quality  liesure and existance
 of the invites and exhibits
 and the tin can sales , and
 wildly  loved even  the very
 excitmeng of the royal 
sketches and print sales
 with excitment of invites
 to  other projests, and 
many projects in on my
 travel desk.  love notes 
messages are lovely an 
with delight . 

computers are functioning .
 And lunch was well needed,. 
The aaa call today should go
 well, while the word , is 
a strict divisional realoty 
of extranious of those futile 
whom are extremist usa
 born with a serious reality
 they face in the usa and
 internationally , even more 
than serious.
more after aaa call to jump
 my motor battery giving
 the automobile a jump start. 

10:48 pm messages many 

Thee Salvadore Dali 
of the country of SPAIN
 in europeand with a 
fine short film 
personal home film ,
 quite rare and lovely 


music compostion in prelude of a conccerto Peanut Butter and JAM,  as well , I included the prelude to the conccerto of my music co ppstion of a finely loved noted "  spaghetti spaghetto " 
to everyone , all over the world, and in Fairfeild Conneticute earlier this evening love to you all, everywhere, from my self , princess 
Tracy Suzanne Pickett

more soon  

The Afternoon on conneticuite in Honda of Westport village , within the city of  Fairfeild , is a luxurioys day in many ways. The concessions notes will be lovely in many many many post updates i am excited well. Today however, there is a political real pitty with a caryoon film of only muttley and several times  muttley and muttley again in  FILM

good afternoon from Fairfield , everywhere all over the world. love to you , everywhere whom ever you are, all over the world.  
MORE SOON , aaa time soon today , just charging up my phone .

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
I LOVE YOU .  political notes . royal sketches and hop hop hop in to martini conccertoes and recipes , even for the royal russian space centre .  we are going plum chocolate and riche lucious extra special foods. aaa jump start on automobile soon today and a few extra detailing. today .  mario andereti races to pancakes soon. 

Ringo Starr extra film now.  1:07 pm westport! 

10:58 pm now , meetings in moscow  russia, late into evening , with special updates of the meetings , with yhe kremlin and sos specialist. 
And the royal russian space centre. Now at 11:03 pm it's an imortant evening, with a final aaa phone call in the morning after a stop at mc donalds,  recharge  all phone ports , and get to my aaa call with a few fine photographs of Honda of West Port village within fairfeild conneticuite usa , with love to an amazing city of peoole from the entire city. With an amazing honor to all the great many lovely people. .

A little extra shopping perhaps , tomorrow , in the fine city of fairfeild, with more soon . FAIRFEILD CONNETICUITE usa , is a fine loved city. With gracioy thank you , to so many whom made fairfeild a very lovely welcome to many milliobs whom arrived in Fairfeild Connticuite USA. Many detsils to enjoy. Lovely . 

concessions FILM 

NOVEMBER 18 TH 2024 , URGENT , ISSUE , RUSSIA , extremist aimed in same massive cycl8ng in a swarm harm to me , in many tactical unethical realities , causing a  as im at my computer later yesterday evening , with a phone just charged aimed at, in very harsh close range, with some involment in russia soil , whom aimed a destruction into my personal liesure and very large busy schedule with much time aimed at. The spaccentre is updating themselves on special spped effo3rts in division of the enture rackettering in a colapes of the ragged aim at the orbit, as a priorety of humanity , and repair to the straitforward assurances , divided from all rackettering and the racketters aiding and abeiting othe racketters , even in russia . 

i expect to see a lunch purchase i will make from mc donalds and a phone that is in very good working order and equipment , to then see zero cycling in a exteeme attack in deceptive actions in known revealed realiry and of a history of rackettering scams for those already on the wrap sheets toward a shoveling aim toward the usa and internationally aimed of usa born . Malicious unethicals . Aim8ng to gain the ganes of all in the house of  cards. 

I recently assurted a letter to the kremlin and orbit teams and russian government to to see a racketter clear out in speed within the whole east coast into the nearing half country . 

Speed realized as in like a lamb and out like a lion , in the marshing of ides .  With some percautiins west of the mississippi withinFILM governores extra work, with a great usa worth the reality in all villages every one verey where. Wattznar awaits rackerters with beans for them at thanksgiving as one of my most import holiday.

UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO ME , MANY , AND PANCAKE EVENTS , NOT TO BE MISTAKEN FOR A fishing with in any russia space centre seeing the reality of a russia space centre exhastive in alerted speedon zero abstruction in russia and particularly a underlined priotery in orbit ,assured worth toFILM me, princeREAD ss tracy suzanne pickett 

November 19 th 2024 , good day to everyone. 

MY FOSTORIANS FATHER, wendel a. powers is a most recognized man, of large merit, and my mother's husband of quite many year, of a fine loved reality of my love too, of being like a dad to me, growing into many years. As i say happt birthday with the graciousness  , with a special message today : waffels are missed wiyh the special ice cream cake you like so well. And we can meet on king street for a fine formal brinch at the king street fibe five stat hotle risterante in toronto , soon. My love to say many thanks in lovely finest times, christmas traibs circlibgvunder the hholiday tree are the loveliest , thankyou forever for the finest in a gentle world , i do know well. Love immencly from my self , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

that ole samon gold flake bonnivile at sterling beach , summer outtings with mom and many are a loved favorite time. 

xo sir wendel a. powers.  
love sent until we see our brunch schedule on time as usual . Messages from thee BEACHBOYS 
especial for you darling fortorian dad , of mine wendel a powers . extremely a wonderful man , loved eveeywhere , all over the world. 

thee sir wendel a powers , is a man of devout work in THE BELL TELECOMUNICATIONS CORPOREATION , phones in reality all over the usa , executive director and never missed a day of work 35 years strait work 5 days a week. HARVARD EDUCATED . 1950'S then , with fluent german and french , as a charming man, culrurally riche of interest , and love of my mom well. 

Happy Birthday , again with special love returned for the years of loveky special thanksgivings and holidays , with your gentle fine , cares. xo.  

thank you for  love in devout work in usa too, cares  of humanity , and a usa to love more even today. 

xo from me , darling wendel a powers . With a  drive expaditions to know more, with you and mom. 

Love PRINCESS Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Jim  PerduLISTEN e is a very sweet darling ,since my executive directors honored work in the 1980' s and a drive into perdue indiana has always been a delight, even with brunch pancke. Risterant basics with sir Jim Perdue in person. PUERDUE .COM 
a usa honored company of fine low priced poultry . READ
  SPECIAL to Mom , lovely Ellie Powers and Wendel , 

with love in a rare message from my darling ELVIS PRESLEY , in FILM 

concessions update 

10: 25 pm now in Honda of Westport,  village WIYH SIME EDITS too, in written literature , notes, and a update too, of messages and messages with finests concessions , and the russian space centre messages with special notes to include in an internatiobal press update from myself , in the love notes press international media love notes special press international of extrodinary importance. 

the royal sketches in unvailing are exciting with a real martini conccerto ' in a fine series with fine love notes guest , secrets and 007 martini of perfection ready from 007 sean connery , rodger moore , and Pierce Brosnan , with international countrues of royal museums messages : large interest messages "subject" royal sketches and hop hop hop . subject cultural conccerto's ie : martini 
" I prefer my martini shaken , of course , not stirred. 

November 20 th 2024 
2:21 pm , now , hello , to you everywhere , it seems that there is a unusual repeting , of some upset in aim , of dally , to me. I will say, the notations of my expressions to the space centre in russia are rather a larger reality in my ajility to be quite direct as to assurt the facts of the ethical prioreties of orbit in a assurance to myself in a ehaustive unavoidadable large division of myself , in my 8nvited and plans of the lovely company of my schedule efforts, as a priorety of space cwntre special assignmebt of assured work to the orbit . 
Thus , there is stratigic
extreme efforts which are of essence in timing and a direct desmatling of extrenious vicious unethical extremist of those racketeering as a solid formation in space special assighnment to speed reflexes in a factural division to assure a ajiliry in zero of  any  racketters . 

i will be preparing a beif statment with8n an international press love notes of the statements which are excerpts thoughfully expressed to the space station yesterday . Within a meeting with thn e kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin,  and a larger of government in russia with including the circle of Presidents of countries. 
LOVE from myself , princess tracy suzanne pickett 

With more

6:15 pm 

RINGO , LOVELY OF YOU SWEET DARLING ,  listen rare recorded update THEE RINGO STARR 

" i think i am going to hit the big time"  

darlings as in THEE BEATLES .
5:55 pm with a message in film Political Childerns Film , grown ups are invited if you chose to enjoy political films more. 
CHILDREN ? grown ups are invited to view the film if they desire to see a good pokitical childerns film of 1969. And a ebstract scene breif now. Updated for me at love notes press international . 
" Yucon Corneilus , meets the bummble on the ice berg."  concession breif. 6:19 pm 

NOVEMBER 21 st 2024 GOOD MORNING @ 8:45 am, hello, I love the invites to everyone, I love the sweet faces of the USA, in the wonderful reality, that is a reality , that was never possible in the USA in actual love notes drives, as an invite which became possible, with large achievements of great USA importance, in even purchasing your own automobile , for the first time, or a new automobile too, is a very lovely aspect the USA of a very firm political reality, and an extremely wonderful purchase , of a real estate , automobile purchase, in more USA people than ever before, in history, within including the very largest gold standard of the history in the USA, as of the reality of the largest most population of the USA of individual achieved , self earned savings and working of a wealthy work, as a exceptional honor , to be realized , all over the world, of the USA people as a AMERICAN USA cultural  diversity of increadible , sensitivities with broadened intelectual reality, as the worth of the rspected international cultural love and intelectual respects towards all countries including the UNDERLINED statements I love in my very real esteemed love of the immence realities of RUSSIAN diveristy in cultural reality and a KREMLIN , as such, with immence love of the esteemed cultural historical and modernized RUSSIA, as people are the lovely reality of a devout love to the KREMLINS , immence efforts toward russian people all, whom love the world, internationally intelectually and with a exception of love of the ROYAL LOVELY COUNTRY of RUSSIA,  the love exist, largely of RUSSIAN LOVE. 

of course , there can never be a reality of russia, which ,  should be hidden, when a issues of the soil of RUSSIA, is with a AIM TO CRUSH the ROYAL BLUE STONES of THE MOST DEFINED HARDENED DIAMON of RUSSIAN CULTURE , which is far to meaningful, as a JEWEL, a DIAMON of the RUSSIAN PRUSSIAN BLUE, of a finerst care of a humanity, inside the work of a hand, which with great love and minful reality, cut into the facets of what was never before, an emerged the MAGINIFICENT ROYAL RARE , never before noticed the PRUSSIAN RARE BLUE DIAMOND STONE , of a meaning that could remain unknown, secret, yet the existance of the work in cutting the magnificent stone of pure love to russia, remains to enamour the cultural royal russia, of a larger brilliance to a truth, of an imaculate adornment ,  justified , a adorment of like none other, of a immence eternity, expands the mind of the love of RUSSIA, in a glimps, of just a secred gift, hand adorn RUSSIA is a lovely UNIVERSE upon the large love, worth and amazing generosity and the incredible lovely existance broadly of a humanity of a firm, reality , a generosity of the love of a properity , and set into,  a love solid as a diamon of the ROYAL RUSSIAN PRUSSION BLUE,  will never deminish in the solid stone, in a magnificent,  special facet , more hardened to the most magnificent meanings of the lovely fine reality of the meaning of the humanity of the people of born, of the ROYAL RUSSIA,  JEWELED , of ancient prussian royal RUSSIAN BLUE. a message of the JEWEL,  silently a global message, real, into eternity of the HEAVENS,  never to seize to exist. Important to the whole world,  seeing the jeweled existance in a tangible view, for the entire world to know. 

IMPORTANT ,  yes. Important of the USA in sweetest intelectual honors of the love the incredible reality of the self worth, in a humanity of the achieved times to say, I can say, I love you , all in the endeviours of the ev et meritus , of your work, your lovely minds and the achieved properity and the firm reality of the faite of your efforts, and intelect and broadened minds , of a feirce love, if must be a minute not to blink, in an existance of a unfit, fiddle, of a aim, at what we srived in a sacret, JEWLING, never to reliquish the adorn minutes that are a sacriment to a fierce , love sacred, with a humanity in our properity which was met without a minute to spare in the importance of the celebrations,  sometimes hidden in our heart.  The aim to a destruction , in RUSSIA , even just a small crushed aim at a stone, hand cut faceted, a generous gift towards a very important meaning of RUSSIAN people, imagine the minute to arrive and see the unvailing in person, even one glimps, in the perfection the JEWEL was prepared to assure, . Never will their be a smaller most larger message revealed to a kind magnificent idealism of propertity in such a art, of cut prussian of the RUSSIAN BLUE DIAMOND. 

Were will it be realized ? secrets exist, even in the USA, the secrets are worth, the messages truth, reality, and faite of the decicions of a humanity of intelectualism in a cappitolistic humanity of a lovely truth of humanity to be a reality in a adroned placement into a history of the truth in a lovely achieved USA in real world history, true. Love Notes Drives, invited be a princess, royal aristocracy, as myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT,  invites the world world, many years and lovely people and times, of the secret ROYAL invites , of course verywhere, from myself. David Bowie , what a sweet decision of words in a unforgettable music compostion,  to RUN WITH ME. your adorable and I love you. Well, darling,. The kremlin , Sir Vladimir Putin,  reiterating the statments, and even of many in world publications of the Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putins ,  most lovely encoragable words many and more, even secret words of the most magnificent messages , in a firm time at the kremlins office in a very busy RUSSIA, of the extrodinary work of the Kremlin , as a very difficult reality on days, and even much angish , that we both could be in BALIVIA, on time as it should be. No one in the world, works to see the lovely world, in a aim to attack the schedule that has no time to waste in pannering dickering to mere swollen imbacils that are in the USA, as now, no longer a reality of a general assemble as they forfieted their own opportunities , with lenghty malicions actionable deception in large aimed harm, in the USA which were also aimed from the USA at the larger of all,. all is the lovely of many and I can say all, in the reality, and assure the reliquishment of a ease to flict the extranitious of those whom aimed harror, and used the lovely image of others in work, attacking the sanctity of worth, of own and at the same, of a longer aim that was a harror to all. 

Pity , I will state those words again , today, yes the bafoones of the attacking smacking lip popping slime in a intent to a aim in a destruction aimed in pecking humanity in spot by spot, issues , is a reality to note the pity well, before I crush them at the actionable malicious intent these inhumans mocked at a space of a humanity second by second to maime the in a harm intent to submerge with what is not there. and never will be, as the insulting maliciouness is an absertity and a actionable swarmming as was the swarm of the filth, in NEW ORLEANS , in a shredding of the ethical reality attacking homes and companies to rip at the threads of dignaty in a lies , aimed to a malicious , mugging , pin pointed in a times scam of attacks , by attackers.  Pity , as I crush their meezeling breath on me and all the USA and world, in the nasty malicious self engraciated robbers , of contempt to their own malicious nasty rot, slung into the most sacred of reality . not theirs . The automobiles are not theirs , and minds of ethical largest in the many, that are among the 24 billion travelest today in my love notes invite, of a malcious pity in the look more at the nastiest, rot, preying upon ripping through the decency of a schedule as mine, as the RUSSIAN SPACE CENTRE, is a bit upset today, looking at the unthinkable details that are a mess of responcibility in the space centre with a very slim tunnel of strict , assured reality to me, in orbit , that is of a zero reality in the reality of rackeetering to hide into any scam, and nothing in the space and schedule to see a furtherment of the dismal mess made, in a from reality to assurt the reality of the assumed postion, firm, in a orbit , of zero aimed in an further issues, are not in the capacity to swamp in silent endurance as a orbit realityof a priorety to me, and a very upsetting look in the space centre excellence in a upset, hard to see any dickering pandering implication , of the russian reflex of the orbit assingment, never to see any of the blurry lines of the work involved in a serious reality, of the matter, that I myself gave great efforts in RUSSIA, with my ajility of my internationmal worth, extended to some excess reality , with even my  ajility in sos specializtion, that is a reality of the strict priotery in the space centre today, with zero iun a gratis bone, to see recognized in the reality of the honor to me, my work and scgedule and a assured alerted space centre, whom is never a reality to lend gratis of those whom levereage into a aim at the RUSSIAN COUNTRY of all people , and have zero in any way, of a nasty excess, in any way. The space centre , has a responmcibility to me and their own esteemed reality too, in every measured effort of perfection to orbit in a division of racketters to me as a reality of ethical standard of the priotery of the orbit project formost, as top priorety , and not a second string of rackettering shoving thei harm further in a exact pin point aim, is also, the reality, and a realioty further of the reality of my worh and invited that is of a much greater reality with a 24 billion people not the reality, to be weaved into, and never , as the orbit was designed and implimented under a assure reality of the GOVEVENMENT OF RUSSIA , as a priotery of the KREMLIN , himself, sir Vladimir Putin,  .The pity, of a human that aimed to obstruct the worth in my schedule and aimed hard , in a soil of russia, with attacking the space centre inadvertly and a harm , fur to great, brings the space centtre into a focus as a whole 90,000 space racket scientist , whom a with a realizes intelectual ajility on the matter of the divisional reality, of the malicious partiest on the smashing at others in a mortifying slugging at the reality of my own natural sanctitiued is not going to be a reality to a realized level of the space centre ,  in a meezeling breath of insular attackers with their fist clinched in rage due to the wall i myself placed even in to the streets of moscow russia, with my global extended work,  and my extended international assured reality extended to more than just a prioterty to the orbit. 

I am placing the space centre in a top list of largest global lenses , today, with a reality of the underlined reality of their work, and a assurance of my ,many secret efforts, as well, as a responcibility of the spasce centre , of a self assured , alerted, reality towads even the assured ajility to the work, of the issues in a very serious recent aim at the space centre that is with a space centre of a larger lens and no time to, anything except a very swift , reality in a logistical,  assured reality to myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, in a reality m that has zero room , for a stray, in confussious . I conculde a very real notation to the RUSSIA SPACE CENTR excellence in a stern, reality, a larger effort , in a non stop, assured mess to see all aspects to a speed devout to nothing in the reality of a moroniuc crushing aimed into my very beautiful lopvely comany asnd schedule of my reality in the international worth, of my work in the world. to no obstruction of such a harrible malicious actionable intent of a maliocioys warming filth of racketters as a enemy , to everyone in the whole world.  

The reflection, of the space centre, could reflect the devout reality to me, in orbit of the RUSSIAN assured worth to me, in a speed that was very grossly hindered , and a malicious of mortifying,  exposue that was in a never to have ever become, and a late runi yet again to my pancake announcement and every schedule reality was attacked and mortifyied , as a result in the international press in love notes to assurt the responbcibility of the reality , in a difficult placement to the space centr in RUSSIAN SPECIALIZED excellence , in a honor to everyone in the SOACE CENTRE , and a very real assured need to see the reality, of the maliciousness that consumed only aid to racketters in a mortifying , 
which was also, a very larger than noticed concern in a small, similarity in moscow russia. The space centre has zero time to a bone gratis to attackers in civility insular pin pointed aim, or in any other manicing scamming lied into aim in a factual maliciousness and listed in those of the malice at lenth, to have avoided the reality of a implcated , cinvolution, an yet, the importance to my statements in reality of my orbit , is important in honores intelectual reality, important and firmly a realive savvy reality to the open lens on the issue of the gratis of only malisious intent and extrteme destruction in a close range , smacking lip popping , of maliciousness, as such, is of course a close range attacking , as well, in a malicious insular pin point moving intent as known that of the racketters as well, firmly of the extreme harm of destruction in even the implyieds malicious to the actual invite type of reality naturally realized and not a malicious grip, in malicious obstruction to me, and my invied of man missed reality in the recent, and verbalized slime aimed at me in cookies and milk scamming ,  with mass aimed to wrench the reality of the worth in m liesure and that of the schedule of everything in my planned extremely always lovely invites of largest people arriving over four consecutive non stop years . 

The mass filthy , harror , that was a gratis swamping, in use of m own work, to smash into shedding at me, while the racketters gratis minced the area , and snorted to shove others and shred shoes, with their nose up chasing, anything they could gain a rip into the area further, and is a mortifying result in the space centre today, to be made fully aware of and then assurt the squarness of theor lovely worth , to assure a much larger perpective of the whole reality of the lovely space centre work, As I have held the reality as a secret , reality , and a late reality in a damage to be noted in every issue, of the largest enemy of russia in the history of the world, and the largest issue in the space centre at this time in RUSSIA, in a larger open lens , and the reality of the work, anmd a very firm stop on the issue that also were aimed into a malicious intent actionable in ethical issues , aimed in a magnitide of a small mouse chasing russian ears to shit in on the most singificat reality of the breath of the success, realized , and a pandering of harm aimed into my work, against the orbit reality, these are the facts of the SPACE CENTRE IN RUSSIA , in a special assignment being obliterated, right in the whole many of the Russian space centre, now even again today, with not enough from those whom are a reality of exception in the russian space centre, and a malicious issue of aimed malicious attackers , in the HARVARD OFFICE BOOKS too.  i AM DISCUSTED , AND THE HARM IS LARGER THAN CAN BE CALULATED.  Those are the facts , in the largest open lens in world to DAY, AND SENCILESS MERCILESS AIMED PANDERING OF A QUALITY OF WORTH, SEEMS EXORBIDENT , IN A IMPLICATED GRATIS TO BEGGERS OF FILTHY ROT ATTACKING IN SMACK , LIP SPLAT EAR RIPPING  IN A CHOICE TO WHOM IN A APPREACE TO GRATIS TO RACKETTERS AND A HARMFUL DALLY FAR TO DANGEROUS TO MY PLANNING AND LEISURE AND FINES DAILY LOVEL Y WPORK AND TRAVELES AND VILLA WORK.  


The statment today, is the very essentical reality that must be placed in a top priotery given the issues , and there are very lillle realities in the futherment to a issue of the non focus of devisional realioty of the rackettering , aim still at my harrible breakfast of 45 days , in a lac in the space centre , in some aim that caused damage as a result aimed at the space centre, with a very harm in slow reflex , that should be underlined in the reality of a larger vision inside 90,000 space centre rocket scientist of the highest agility and specialiozed honors , unreliqishable and deserve to see the strait dope gratis to the russian enemies , of mad maxing in kid smacking slime aimed at me and my comnpany , and a mortification of insular , pandering in shredding the planning and close range maliois blight parties aime in attackes at me, and malisious oclipiung slime as a resulot to a russia space station update now , in the strait look at the concerns of russian boarders as well. I am shocked and of zero understanding , in the reach that I made to many sos moscow analysius as a honor to the 90,000 wonderful rocket scientist in russia today. Of a very real assured reality. The petty small scumming nightrmare that a russia of some wrong, has plastered me with is a ver vicious malicious issue , into the whole 90,000 racket spacialist to note in firm reality in a larger alerted , worth.

I am princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT it is now noveber 21 2024 thanksgiving ,week, which I muself will extende into two weeks for the INTERNATIONAL HOLIDAY invite and i am shocked and appauled in the issue of the dispicabkle reality resulting in the orbit of some mass contempt in a soil of russia today, of the KREMLINS work the government honored work, the success of the space centre and the sos spacialist and a maliciousness aimed into the RUSSIAN PEOPLE, with contempt to a honored russian noted dignatary , myself, waiting for my celeebration planning time to note more of my work in the world ands enjpoy the invited in my schedule and not get aimed at with petty slime as a reault to the work of a horrible never to be repair in the orbit sucess anounces in JULY 2024.  

more soon, with many edits today and thank you everone for the love to arrive, The reality is that I am within only 12 hours before I leave HONDA OF WEST PORT, village and the upset in the attacks today can not be more clear, in a soil in russia with attacks aimed into harming me and phycolocial war attacking taciocal slim, verbally swaming in a extreme malisiousness and note in the space centre and globally are a outrage of the plotted slime attemp[ts in ole home boy actionable swamping sludge bitter filth at me life and work and are shocking of the harror, in a grip at the orbit to a malicious involvement of mass abomination of a haroor that should be seen in all of russia ands all space centre 90,000 which must be noted whole and in the largest lens mine, in the world.  

If I am not of a firm reality to assurt the notation to the space centre and all of russia, as a responmcibility , than whom would dare, assure a solvancy  speed ready to assurt the reality of claritry rather than clarafication . of the aim into the space centre., 

I made zero  room for errors , in everthing I create and expect nothing less in the orbit. 

Love to you at the space centre , and to the kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, and all of russia with sos specialist as well, as I have asked the sos specialist to assure revoking all of the lovely realities that I myself was an inventor too, with the sos specialist, and upon the Kremlins further notes in the same decisious , the sos specialist agareed in ethical reality, of the prioterty, there will be zero in any effort to those involved in malicious intent to me and my efforts with the Kremlin and sos specialist and space centre specialist, are not with none even in russia, whom aimed malicious obstruction to my work anmd leisure and company, with international large work that has been mortified in maliocious gratios to racketters and then racketters, will never see the structure of ant orbit . nor will these gain a grip to shredd me, or the work of the space centre, after the mass obstruction, and the very large lens internationally on the malicious harroable extremist little dipper rackettering to a exttreme lenghty leap pin pointing into my face and worth, in a shoved malicious intent toward all others in the USA and aimed into a wreching into russia, as was in 2020,  with the tanks and individuals removed in a large reality of my efforts and in fact those in the USA, in many details secret , in many reasonable ease, toward the USA with firm realities in a USA of people which will never see another born USA, of such a harm to any, and worth the respects of the lovel KREMLIN and GOVERNMENT of RUSSIA, in a lovely respective reality of the country of the USA, now a realized,  country of people whom are very honored in all efforts , of broadening live to a love of the USA, in even those not with work, that make the USA a baeutiful diverse USA country of INTERNATIONAL STATUSE important throughout every country in the world. 

you all, made a wonderful expressive impression on the whole world. thank you,

more soon. Love and more love, from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT

not time to see the ROYAL SKETCH unvailing and finest , of the schedule in a martini invite of a royal invite , never to be canelled.

pancake breakfast ,   are to be recognized as sacred in the space centre today, and how lovely to be of such a reality of a royal special assingment, of such a lovely responcibility in worth, to be assured , from RUSSIA, at the russian space centre. a priorety , russian.  

Where did the 2000 racketters go?  two today gone tomorrow , watzbar, and beans for them. A USA HOLIDAY reality, north, south, east, and west, and a largest pressures, in the royal russian space centre with a keen, ease, after the obstruction of a few, malicious are in the larger microscopes and the very largest press international media, from me at love notes. xo.  the very largest , in media press international, ever.  all over the villages everywhere and all over the world.  Breakfast time now.

no conccessions today.  SPACE CENTRE , 
notes and the bullzeye map speed, east to west, west to east.  

USA, updates from the russian space centre, directly, are with very serious concerns now in a repeted, sizemic issue, and a very large lens of russian upsets, in the royal assignment of a larger exhaustive effort , the space centre must be on their toes of, in assured aprized updates , to assurt the needs to a defined , straitened reality of the respocibilities to a perfection of assured orbit , and a drastic seperation of a justified division assured in a non racketter, reach to any further fa ulce perception of any russian grotis , in a strict , revoked , realoty toward racketters, whom are in the speedway to a watbar of canned beans , as usa reality away from the lovely reality in the worth of my company and a usa worth, in the realoty of a very noble usa. 

The honored realiry in the space centre in russia, is a highest in esteemed largely realized space astrophysical cosmonotic space racket sciences , as devout towaed largely a devotion of humanities , and devout to the large country of russia . People large of love as a russian culture and of a large deverse royal russian country , 6he love to the space centre specialist are devout , in russia and throughout the  world

I assure , even more, in a considerable notation of my sos speciakized self efforts of the invetion of orbit among the space centre and the sos large realized orbit bubbling work invention , the existance of founding ground work, orbit, = equals russian excellence of incredible realized impecable honored reality,  irevokable truth. 

one statement more to note: within the last four weeks, my ajility within my decicions in sos specialized extended efforts , i realized with the sos specialist shoulders solid to me, for sos specialist , my realized request to extreme numerlous analisys was a assured result in unusual quantified analized work, of many analisis requests, one in which, i requested to reveal the issues of some interferances i knew were aimed at coordinant work of space scientist , in a type of aim that cause a interferance in a long range coordinace that was latched into in soils  of russia , that cause a blurr in coordince outcome in the space centres incredible highest work in a concern , and seperated readable reality of locating the aim of the exact location of whom and what was aimed at, where it was cutting into important coordinces and the assured reality to dismasmatle the interferance with sos speed and extreme accuracy . And verified in consult specialist even in china space centre and england , in a realized , very special importance to the space centre of remarkble rocket sciences as lovely lovely and well devout specialist . The russian space centre scientist in extremely highest honored work achievements highest . Loved, with my very noted realized , need to the many special analysis, i myself made a firm assurance to see sos specialist, whom imidiatly conferred and with speed realized the aimed issue interferances inside of russian soil with smuggled types of extreme snap togethet very serious type of nuke munion of sizable concern which was suddenly in russia. a usa born , aim it was ,  . Very difficult in recognized instant , aimed in of a harsh issue aimed  in a anarchiy of very serious instant space  center aim at, in a outter issue.  At well as causing a disruption in which was interfering in the orbit , causing excess aim into close range of excess aimed munion of even chem fused munion slung at me, and excessive with serious repairs in orbit too of a necessity,  as aim in closer at me , was with some extra concerns of space centre , work which was suddenly interfered with and was not instantly noted until after the analisis from sos specialist quickly speeded up the large very detailed analisis I myself requested. 

The smuggled type of balistic snap together 
munition of a serious far aim . In side russian boarder was clearly aimed in interferances of a concern to the space centre in russia . And instantly located of detailed reality and dismatled of the usa extremist whom attacked , in leaping under a beer truck delivery into russia from germany , from a USA shipping flight freeloader of unethical usa idiot extremist . In mass idiocy of beaten aimed attackers realized. There were not one but several , that showed up in a very specialized analisis . And aimed direct interferance into some fat distant latch into several space centre , signals out side the space centre. ,. As the space centre in russia is in many locations including a sky port , and was with large busy and extremly effective work ongoing and of extremly ajile in highest successes , and still a interferance was recognized which aimed at the orbit.  Of my necessity.  THE OBSTRUCTION , is an important notation for 90,000 space centre rocket scientist .
And since then, I developed special viewers to assure clear updates to a larger broadened update for the sos specialist in a larger conclusive agreeable developed viewer only in special sos specialist needs to the assured kremlin report needs in very spacific types of detailed reports in non online,, stealth portals. 

sos specialist assure and read the stealth portals as I have zero to need of the portals . secrets , exist , while the portals are in an advancement in royal russian millitary special assignments update speed effective. 

MORE SOON. 4:10 pm now. 


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