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MAY DAY 2024 love notes

MAY 1st 2024 is actually known as 
May Day

Ah, a day, it is, when noted in historical poetic romance as the finest  day when “ WOMEN “ actually , bring a brunch to a sweetheart of a lovely charming man.   An ancient tradition, which is a soft and kind reality of a extremely lovely expression of an earned of worth women , think to gift a savior faire ‘ of a tisket and tasket ‘ of the may, month to a charm of thyn self, charishing the ROYAL BLUE and a orchard yellow basket of fine orchard yellow gold whete ‘ of fresh breads ‘ and a seasonal pate of chicken in a seived soft spreadable salad with egg style mayonias ‘ with soft sliceable farm butter like cheese . Perhaps ‘ crusted sugars topped marange ‘ of baked lemon curd ‘ Spanish Baked Stew Green or Red Bell Pepper ‘ Stuffed with a CUP inside of Stewed Spainish Rice With a Chicken Broth ‘ tomotoes’ Carrots Chopped in Thick Chip madalion ‘ Dice Chunk Potoate ‘ With Diced Green Pepper , Grilled Chop Onion ‘ and special seasoning ‘ topped with a 4 oz Lump Crab ‘ with like cream geyeirette fine sauce ‘ dolloped ‘ or Shrimp 15 / per pound count, at four large prawn , grilled in butter , with a sweet of fine small boxed cookies , may wine or a glass bottles specialty cola , perhaps black cherry root beer. 

of a MODERN ANCIENT ‘ finer expression of love.
The Magnificent Ancient Painting ‘ of the may pole fountain’ is an obsure painting of refined detailing ‘ of the 12 th century , of 13 centuries of the days of May ‘ celebrating may day far before the 13 th century in all the world. Whete Orchard of Finest Golden Whete of riche importance with berries of blue ‘ in preserve jam , jarred with a white milk glass tin of clotted creamery sweet whipped cream butter cream ‘ topping ‘ none better,  with the fall picked blue berries from the vines of bushes plenty ‘ a celebration of love internationally ‘ 

Of Course Men everywhere ‘ not one century ever missed the enjoyment of the same as a sweet of charm to express too in excitment of the may day’ with toted secrets to a pleasure of making fresh ‘ breads ‘ and stew stuffed in a baked spainish green pepper’ sodas and wines’ crackers cheese and bread ‘ quite a may to know more. 

The Great La Salle , as a street ‘ top banking standard ‘ the charm of bringing such baskets to the office ‘ I say of men and women ‘ fine a May to be in 2024 .Quite a serious time MAY DAY is . 

international press statement , yes.   

5:47 pm tiny Villa Time Now 

day and night may day champagne, brunch : sent : 
from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
to all specialist , and Sir Vladimir Putin, within meeting with a president circle in all of Europe true, with an extra 150,000 men . with may day baskets of brunch ‘ 

Queen Elizabeth ‘ enjoy the inexpensive champagne at under $9.50 per bottle in a sparkling cold press ‘ grape of a delicate vine of muscadine, cultivated in winter growing ‘ sweet ‘ with a cold press ducce ‘ known as cold ducce’

springs finest ‘  

April 2024   LOVE NOTES 


press statements 

6:09 pm now Tiny Villa Time Now Saranac Lake.  
2:09 pm Moscow Russia Now 
6:11 am Beijing China Now 

8:28 pm tiny villa time now 

love messages from thee   LUCIANO PAVAROTTI 
now from the concerto ‘ in the country of Italy in Europe 
in the lovely language of ITALIAN ‘ in a magnificent 

FILM Luciano Pavarotti with the Italian Philharmonic in a compostion of “  Nessus Dorma from TURANDOR. ,” now the lovely message of charming Luciano Pavarotti, in the English Translation is a darling very good message from everyone whom gathered in an impromptu, message , specially scheduled in ROME, within the country of Royal Italy in the Italian Central Opera House , very famous : English : “ nobody sleeps “ with a graceful orchestra and of many people in Italy of love and extraordinary charming delight. 
amore ‘ tu et ‘ mu et belicimio ‘ gratci ‘ 

from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett amore ‘ 

more about Luciano’s lovely  note to me of 1994 ‘ soon . 

MAY 3 rd 2024 11:10 am tiny villa now 
Hello to everyone , all over the world, everywhere. 
Thank you all , everywhere , the many messages are very gracious of you, thank you again. Yesterday , for me, was a day of meetings, serious, in a new era. The new era could not have existed without the guitar revolution, in such a world of many counties, the details are of many people, with busy tiny details, extrodinary of every cup of coffee and tea served ‘ in the tea house risterante ‘ the grill chef fresh eggs and pancakes by the hindereds ‘ the small road side cabana bestro ‘ fuel stop sweet shoppe ‘ 
with grocery shoppe ‘ of the highest in speed to assure the customer of excellent products with an rather ‘ way of pure love, in details finest. Expressions ‘ more soon, as today , the pressing cares of all great nations, countries all, are with a USA as a great country among all great countries , outstanding with achievement many. 

The lovely GUITAR REVOLUTION , is not without the exceptional honors to the militaries of international countries and presidents in Europe. with unspoken statements yet to be realized about governments of South America and South Seas, and Canada . 

Words, yet unspoken, to be charished within the new era of industrialist, of kind fierce realities ‘ pouring coffee and tea and grilling eggs of over 1 million in saranac lake New York USA , in 2023  into 2024.  15 million cups of tea served inside of the MUSEUM of ART in a the fine city of London England, in Europe at the TATE MODERN MUSEUM of ART , with reserved professional city propper ‘ style, busy  in the absolute fulfilling each order of every detail tiniest , sacred times to reflect into a greater of plenty ‘ in good. business ‘ establishing a idealism of worth the sacred work loved.

David Lettermen ‘ interested in tea house risterante and coffee house risterante employment, is plausible .  

The New Era ‘ in the USA , is with significant importance to all the people of the USA. All countries of the international world too, are of great significant realities , with International press statement, quite well loved. Enjoyed ‘ with all my graces ‘ with thank you for sweet notes many. Everywhere. The New Era: yes, the new era is largely more than imaginable in a time of a greatest historical times of the people, periled of crowned espiritus , with a contention in the new era, of reviews. Within the reflections of people throughout all villages , everywhere.

Enjoy your Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner , everywhere , sitting or standing , with a sweet International press statement update soon. I love you everywhere. 

from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

May 4 th 2024 11:15 pm tiny villa time SARANAC LAKE NEW YORK USA , with a brief hello , to everyone throughout the North Americas , CANADA is just north of the entire country of the USA which are both of course on the same continent , of NORTH AMERICA and SOUTH AMERICA as one continent with many countries including the south seas. messages , from the NORTN AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE , are wonderful , taking a large interest in a very important HOCKEY GAME LATER THIS YEAR with myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett and All the Millitary of Russia ‘ they all said yes to my invite of a hockey brunch event.  In Russia . 

with Sir Vladimir Putin , whom is a extremely charming hockey player ‘ with more than admirable fancy skating agility. We are all very excited to see the messages from many in the NORTH AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE 
with so many messages from everyone in their dress best , in the entire Canadian Country and USA players too.
WWW.  , with more International press statement soon. . Very good of you all, lovely if you , sweet kisses , millions of them, from myself and everyone all over the world. 

Birthday Bronze to Mom And Many Others , read from the top post, with an impromptu FILM from RUSSIA from thee  VALERY  GERGIEV , whom is a Russian Philharmonic Music Conductor , not unfamiliar with Chicago’s Symphony Orchestra , in the United Stated of America , on Michigan Avenue ‘ and Adams Street with much involvement with my Conservatory College ‘ a hop across the street from my Royal Affiliate Colleges.   Of course the SYMPHONY HALL Auditorium is quite amazing Finest Architecture, rather a luxurious worldly , experience purchasing a ticket to travel in and enjoy the Chicago Symphony , with some internationalist ‘ as guest conductors too. The work of Yo-yo Ma, and Lenard Bernstein are quite spectacular ‘ George Solti , is most enjoyed as a guest conductor , with Perrier Boulez , and Lenard Slatkin ‘ with extremely wonderful people of the Philharmonic of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (  CSO ). 

Meetings in China and Moscow extend to Even More in Europe , and I can hardly wait, Delightful, Yes, Many Delightful Messages, while the reviews are in a progression ‘ now’ . Important, with many messages, and my considerable largest love to everyone with extrodinary care about the USA people , vastly lovely everywhere , of impressionable expressions ‘ within a international world of too, people lovely and feircly kind, stern austerity ‘ in these reviews . More soon. 

Abbot and Costello messages with a film impromtue 
NOW season 1  ( Loafing ) . with my repaired desk equipment not fully repaired yet, I wished to mention the film , message , with of course sending a live message to everyone , my replacement desk equipment and repairers are nearly up and on my “ on the air “ LIVE , love notes 
media post, and many projects of my company Studio Vosse , I love you all,  near of far,   and Love Williams and Sonoma , whom sent me a reminder of Mother’s Day. Sweet messages from All Countries in Europe Direct from all Military of all countries of Europe , with more special films and real love notes more soon.  

love , to you all,  many darling fine friends. 
from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett    

MAY 5 th 2024 A Message of pure love, from Myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , 12:43 pm  tiny villa time 

good day everyone , everywhere. On a strait forward notation , now, aim of ruthless inhuman few , in that dc , racket, of cartel contentions , are still, attempting to distort, contort, and dishevel others estate life , and work, and other forms of Notorius Deviant Idiot Scams of the vacant poor mutants . Dumpdees of DC wrong. Twiddle’s  In saranac lake , a few may be , concerning right now, with a green ticket consequences , review and statements in Artical Two Sectiin 4 , soon , aimed at with vagrant rioters racketter nasties, sludge rotterdams,  that is very realized in a large love in saranac lake and all villages, that are savvy and even very firm of the ethical reach in assured humanities , incredibly. In Italy the country of Europe in a quiet of the sea of the Mediterranean Sea , it’s seems very kind, is, kind, with feirce love of the sweetness of a greater existence and that of austerity, never alone, 
in a humanities of good reach to see a greater, firm love of the tiniest villages of a business proper. What a time in the world of strength in incredible love , feirce of a sweet in of the forest of a jewels emerald canope of such splendor . meetings are with efforts and good surprises too, a film from THE CROWN PRINCE of Saudi Arabia , Prince Mohammad Bin Salaman ‘ Prime Minister of the Middle Eastern Country of Saudi Arabia , whom is a darling lovely person I have known since the 1908’s , the beautiful royal country in Eastern Europe , and a special film from the King His Majesty King Charles of the royal country of England , Great Britain. A Film from Royal Canada with surprises , Henry Kissinger , too, and Peter Sellors ‘ somewhere ? 
Peter ‘ we still have some lunch foods, Bring a case of Royal Cold Ducce ‘ Champagne ? Imported from Germany ? Two Cases ? 

statements ‘ ah, yes, statement there are. 

 8:42 pm TINY VILLA time ? Movie ? I don’t Think Peter Sellers, ? The Pink Panther Collection ? 1976 ? Peter Sellers, The whole movie ? Good of you all ready in utube always free and Well The DVD sales are waiting to buy all Pink Panther movies of yours Peter Sellers ,  Directly From You of course, and some extra impromtues’ are perfect to purchase in a total luxury of fine short film impromtu of fine film. glad to receive your messages ‘ thank you for the very serious political message online at utube ‘ Sean Connery was with a sweet ride in my little ice mint blue Volvo ‘ I garaged in the southern estate, my Volvo Mechanic ‘ sweet man, didn’t ask for a penny. The Automobile , yes, we, can enjoy Champagne ‘ After the review darling Peter Sellers’ Dust off the automobile with Soft Scrub ‘ . And Drive Darling. 

8:48 pm tiny Villa time now , with a special hello and sweet dreams wished to my mother , and everyone , with memories of the High Dive ‘ in Bayberry Region Pool ‘ 1969 ‘ finest fun. in Liverpool New York USA . Not Far From the Big A Market , and Arthur Treatchers .  In the southern drive quite a distance from Heids Original Shoppe ‘ around the corner from the ancient drive in movie theater. With Kisses to you sweet mother I love. gear up to be savvy in Swimming ‘ ready for the 3 ft pool swim test,  Ready for the ocean with pool side seating. 
4:51 Moscow Russia Now 

MAY 6 th 2024 
10:24 pm , hello to the people born in the United States of America , as Darling Bruce Springsteen wrote in his well loved song ‘ born in the USA , which I enjoyed my ticket with messinine 8th second level balcony sky  box  special seating invited by Thee Bruce Springsteen .

Hello in Europe as well, good day to you all. Sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin of the Royal Country of Russia , sent  a formal invite , with 007 star starlight meeting, and some Russian millitary honors event. invite . Very important , invite while my travel was upset , in 
recent concerns . The International press statements and the USA contentions press statement is with a little preliminary updates first, even aim at my phone. I have remarkable honors events of Russian Millitary, sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin is included in some very special notes : Exciting and Very Charming too, within specialist in Russia and throughout Europe ‘ charming delightful people , with Presidents all, in Europe with all great government people with military in surprising event meetings photographs and film too. 

I wish to say an extra birthday wish to my brothers , of a long while ago since we ate a fine supper at the PONDEROSA steak and seafood risterante ‘ in bayberry .

Just three childern then in the back seat of a fine automobile , driving to Gouvernie’ of the Tiny Estate of the First President of the United States of America ‘ as George Washington will always be. The refinement of a cherry wooden desk and chair ‘ tiny. With the original portrait of George Washington . The minutes we had then to ponder the view of the ancient cherry line of trees out side, and a museum rope of red velvet ‘ to enjoy just the oil painting of the fine 350 aged portrait, and a tiny cherry wood desk and matching chair. Even the pen of George’s many many days at the quiet desk, reviewing. A budget of taxes and many regulation standards and the daily ledger of his daily work in a compliance toward assured standard  in motion , working, serving the reality of the absolute structural laws of government in his responsibility toward the USA general assembly known as all USA people. 

we sat in the large automobile as I started to sing a song called ROW ROW ROW YOIR BOAT , and my two brothers sang with love in three part harmony . 

A hole hour , Brian Ronald Pickett 1962 March 28 th birth of a Viking ‘ and Jeffrey Todd Pickett 1963 March 26 th ,  both Vikings ‘ even at the game of  foozball. 

1969 The risterante ‘ was Country Fried Steak ‘ and mine was red wine mushroom braised ‘ with finest steak cut fried potatoes at age 4. Not one cinnamon fireball extra hot candy ball this year. Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Eric John Powers ‘ sweet tiny brother ‘ the snow slide we built , not this year. A sweet darling friend Freddy Murcury , from a Title music compostion “QUEEN “
sent me a very special  message, 

music from QUEEN , “we are the champions “

Freddy Mercury : the piano is exquisite’ in a sweet darling gift of music to me and even sweet eric ‘ other and the whole world of lovely people , everywhere. 

Darling of you Freddy Mercury my lovely friend. 

Enjoy, listening, at utube , with repair in some equipment my HTML film is still in repair , and the hyperlink import type face of utubes and other link repairs, with new equipment, in extra measure , too, with meetings in Europe Very Important.  Peter Sellers and Paul Newman washed there cars with tooth paste and a spot of bleach ‘ on a Raglin Cotton Linnen towel , batter connectors and spray the gasket clamp with a utomotive WD 40 and  deicer fluid. And rinse well. water wash when hot ‘ engine and rince hot then let dry after a long wash no soaps ‘ use regular fuel ‘non detergent fuel cleans the pipes ‘ and PETER SELLERS , sandwiches with European Presidents again soon. ? Vladimir’s gift arrived shipped from China in car travels beach ready Baha boat with a portable motor board ‘ shallow water ocean beach ready . Salvador’s gift arrived shipped from China ‘darling John Lennon and George Harrison , Ringo Starr , Paul Mc Cartney , Mick Jagger, Elvis Presley , Frank Sinatra , Eric Clapton , Sir Xi Jinping , and Rob Redford , with Bruce Springsteen, John Melloncamp , Lucy and Desi Vivian and Jackie Gleeson , David Letterman , Paul Simon , nd Elton John , Vivian’s fine feller ‘ and Mikhail Baryshnikov, Mike Bloomberg , Bill Gates, The who ‘ Micheal Jackson , Michael Jordan ‘ Denis Rodman ‘ 

Clint Eastwood . Jim Morison , Jimmy Hendricks , the world philharmonic , Japan Germany Austria , China Sweden Russian, Cuba , Saudi Arabia, Iran , Iraq’ London England , Chicago USA Peru South America ‘ Lenard Bernstein , Ginger Rodgers, Peter Sellers, Johnny Carson , Dick Cavet , Gene Wilder, Gene Kelly, Danny Kay, Boris Karloff, Joanne Woodward , Ava Gardener , Willie Nelson , Reba Mc Intire,  The President of Bowing International , Rudolf Nereyev, Jeremy Irons , Howard Hughes, Jimmy Carter , Roslyn Carter , June Carter , 
Deep Purple, The Political Fashion Show European Fine Events ‘ John Denver , Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton , Tom Criuse ‘ Luciano Pavarotti’ Santana ‘ 

People of the Major Foods Corporations in the USA , and more. including my very darling friend of finest years Jim Perdue ‘ Joe Willis ‘ 
Billy Joel , Steven Jobes , Larry Ellison , Ella Fitzgerald ,  
Little Richard, Jocque Papin, Martha Stewart , Julia Childs , Margret Thatcher ,. Baha boats tote packs , ocean beach  seafoam supper summer brunch’s  more many many more. soon including USA governors panels . 
short list now. 

Bull Fights from Spain film messages are serious . 

excussi ‘ ci ? yes yes, sir Charles His Majesty . 
Darling sir Charles ‘ ENGLISH PORT WINE ? perfect ,

excerpt message from the sir Charles the king of the country of England Great Britain ‘ soon,.  sweet dreams everyone, everywhere.   sir Charles , sweets arrived , very good. 

Everywhere , I love you all.  From princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

7:42 pm May 9 th 2024 Villa Time  now 
good day to everyone everywhere, 
 from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett ,
There was a aim of serious munion at me and my phone and equipment for my company yesterday and into today with some fuming sonic types of aimed, which also caused damages  in love notes post and a direct aim at the international press statements and damage to extendsive posts updated , as many of my friends await, love notes more all over the world. 

The repair in my phone is not yet fully running with a battery usb port which may Russian Specialist , and I have notes extensively in press statements while I was expected in a meeting in Russia in person, the Russian Millitary specials and I with sir Vladimir Putin have some envoy updates on repairs, with international statements very soon.  

The fume types of emulsified were dropped into my estate halls ,and in dumped sand , sound munion and other munion with 53 women in rackettering sim whom were in the st lawrance region - with 3400 high volt aimed ,and rioter mentality , of 604 all in USA unethical Rackettering and scammed in Oval Office elections more than once, and the actual special clean up was speedy with Russian Specialist and European Specialists in a quantum speed via 007 star satalight ussr in a very special serious of European 007 star satalight.with a large European Review. In Europe : there are certainly internationally realized consequences, with the USA in  a European state of mind. 

more soon , with love to everyone all over the world.
Love princess Tracy SuzannePickett 

May 16 th 2024 11:58 pm tiny villa now updates , from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , hello everyone, my phones were aimed at in hall rioters recently and of great concern , even actually ripped in with cars and parked in my spot where my car has not been picket up and returned yet, with some other racketeers whom then attempted to block my mail box , dropping some fume types of stuff even near my actual apartment door , more or less mousing ‘ in unethics ‘ even lude yelling pointed at my villa apartment ,  and much awful aim in to a ruin in any calm office environment, which the city has been known for.  There said to have, racketeers that fleed other areas ‘ after cartel and high levels of malicious , in numerous ways, even aim at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan New York City, New York , and the list goes on with their eye balls on the tax dollar that were in a attempt from rackettes at $48 billion dollars last year , and attempted to techno jerk it and attempted to move the cash illegally into a actual aim at the whole real issue to even attempt to technojerking in a try at depositing into a Russian bank ,.-as the Kremlins Government Beauro ‘ of course, listed the issue attempt, and can see a fast real international ,  consequence . alkracketters were involved in the cash pooling in even illigal types of credit cards ,  with cash pooling in scam attempt in all the cash ‘ 

while in October of 2023 ,the entire racketeers including the outter connected , all went broke . As these taupes were aiming at switched reports in some large corporations too, in the USA major companies , and attempted to corner , some and aimed at cutting off accounting reports and used hammerhead tactics aimed at cutting off the board members and the presidents of the corporations , and were in view in more than ten actual large office in over ten states in the USA , and with large numerous offices each , of 60 ,000 people or more of just one state and many companies were aimed at by racketeers . As well as concert tickets , in even aim to bumb other from the seats and attempted to return the ticket others bought , in front rows ,as racketeers ,  numbed them stole seats and entered back stages with no actual ethic to do so. Adding the racketeers also took the cash from some ticked and making it difficult to get the return .  And aimed Munion in some cases at the concert stages  of very fine special lovely people.  

In California , there were racketeers whom aimed to ruin property and then used rioting , and also claimed they had chest cancers , unethically and aime miniun at others they knew opening an illigal unethical treatment office aiming to embedded money from those aimed at, and a insurance fraud scam, in health insurance at $35,000. oo in direct unethical fraudulent letters to some in LA California , last October 2024 .  As then the citizens all found out, it was a scam from gritty. Grifters Cherry Tooth Yoki  , Racketters in unethical doctor suites . 

My phone was not fully working and office equipment not test replaced ‘ the repair from specialist via 007 star satalights in Russia and specialists other efforts from Europe , are with , great repairs , and  a few more gritty aimed issues at my entry and in the village,  two by two mostly and the village of lovely people are ready with sharp pinky rings if needed and large pointed umbrellas is needs.  The many lovely travelers are of a great love to the travels in to saranac lake Region with a great many effort well respected , and kindly a city which does not like a Aim at the city of any city , with some that attempted to bumb others from their job schedules even .  Lied in extreme unethics and attempted to extort money from citizens and more. The updates will be very soon ,  in an international press statement with many many statement from many people in the USA and all over the world .  I will be walking to a local Wi-Fi area of more difficulty with my computers and phones.  My foods were aimed at as well.  And the issues in the Green Ticket consequences are a large realized consensus of the citizens of the USA with no ticket , and self drive automobile ‘ to the rio grand. There isa no international legal ethics process ,and the European presidents are preparing the Panthonon in ancient GREECE ,  in frint of the lions ‘ as a European option . The Lovely Messages , everyone , everywhere , please let me say thank you and I have to say I Love you all, everywhere. The specialist today made a remarkable repair ‘ I said vie 007 satalight I work with 24/7 in meetings ,, I said I always loved you all. Vladimir Putin is at the lovely very center of my love as well.  The king Of England Sir Charles , has a very special film as di such lovely many other specially wonderful people ,  whom are much more than darling , thank you all.  

My Online work, in Love Notes and special projects will be with some eased repairs within two days . And new equipment in extra needs as a media back up, will be a reality. The moving pictures move MONSTER AND THE WALNUT , and catalogue sales were also aimed at, and the fume issues are in the notes in review in Russia and in other European Presidents notations , in the larger ethical councils , due to my international  business and lengthy international exhibitions and many years of international lectures and business established cultural business , even beyond media.  

ABOTT AND COSTELLO ‘ finest tonight online . 
Who’s On First in an updated wonderful impromtue film. 

gerasick park ‘ is a great Steven Spielberg film updated by thee Steven Spielberg ‘ and it was kind of Steven to have emailed so often in sweet notations ‘. as a friend from years back in my southern region .  

thank you Steven Spielberg and everyone in the. large corporations of theUSA, as many emailed including the President of Bowing Internatiobal whom is manufacturers of flight planes for public passenger flights. 

with thank you to the people in employment from small to large companies in villages everywhere , including small and large business owners.

Sweet Dreams everyone everywhere , love to you and with a special song from the Beatles
  “ Here Cones the Sun “    

Real Love From Myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  

May 13 th 2024, 3:27 pm , Hello to everyone everywhere , good day to sir Vladimir Putin, and Billy Joel ,  Arnold  Schwarzenegger, John Lennon, Paul McCartney , Ringo Starr, George Harrison , BTS men from Korea, Jerry Louise, Johnny Carson ,Eric Clapton ,John Meloncamp , Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Ralph Accilies, Preston Jackson,

Rowen Atkinson , Bill Murry , Rob Redford, Michael Jackson , Howard Hughes, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rudolf Nereyev, Sean Connery , Rob Loew, Pearce Bronson,

Brice Springsteen ,  Mick Jagger , and Little Richard, Louis Armstrong , Fred Astaire , and Ginger Rodgers, Paul Neman ,  Dustin Hoffman , Lenard Beinstien ,  
Yo yo ma, Jeremy Irons,  David Brenner , The Who, The Raskles,  The Beach Boys , And there is more,. Soon .

Xi Jinping president of China Hello , with some updated everyone , very soon at a Wi-Fi area and store walk tomorrow , and. Still rioter of a possible quiet type rioterin a few gone bad, with a Hello to Clint Eastwood,

too for a special film soon, a real love message to me. King Charles meetings too in film , are soon with a very wild message from the Kingof the country of England, and notations from Sir Vladimir Putin’s message in a degre of the Victory Parade in Russia,   in a upset, 

And a large Solute to me. Of a very special note more.

Elon John , Williams And Sonoma ,  Steven Jobes, Jimmy Hendrix , Bob Dylan , the Grand Ole Opry ,  Paul Simon ,

George Theougood, Major and small companies , international people all, the Prime Minister of  India and Japan , my former employers , of years ago, John Jr Kennedy an ole school friend, Those from Mash 4077 ,Rob Forbes, Those from the I love Lucy Show , and The Lucille Ball Show , with Duck Cavet, and. Art Garfunkel , Tom Jones, Rita Hayward , Joanna Woodward, Joan Pickens Crawford, John Wayne, Jimmy Steward and those from It’a wonderful life,  Kathrine. Hepburn and Spencer Tracy , with Sidney Poitier ‘,  and Diana Ross, Deion Warwick , Ella Fitzgerald , Ethal Merman ,

Dean Martin and Mike Bloomberg , The men of Major Leaugue Sports, yes I say Oj Simpson ,Michael Jordan , 

And Joe Namath, Mean Joe Green
 with Wisconsin Green Bay Packers ,
 as in postal packing ‘ 

Dallas cowboys in Dallas Texas, The governors special Emeritus panel , Executive of the Fortune 5000 corporations in the USA and many other Internationally 

june 19th 2024 ,  updates in love notes continues : 


MAY DAY 2024 : INTO  JUNE 19th 2024  
GOOD DAY TO EVERYONE, everywhere. All over the world. 

MAY DAY 2024 was real, and unpleasant. While I am very well, and even hunting for a small modest estate to purchase for the new tiny villa for my pleasure and travel in assuring more lovely and more fullfilling work, in love notes and other numerous projects within my company.  

The updates at LOVE NOTES now June 19th 2024 at 3:10 pm eastern standard time New York USA, will be exciting, with MIKE BLOOMBERG: mayor of new york city, NEW YORK USA, and the FINANCIAL GENIUS of BLOOMBERG EXECUTIVE INVESTMANT BANKING, as well as owner , founder to BLOOMBERG NEWS,  Of course there is CLINT EASTWOOD,  whom has worked in exeutive government as a mayor in CALIFORNIA USA and in some brisk and heartfelt films,  over 25 years, ARNOLD SCWARTZENEGER, thee goveror of the entire state of CALIFORNIA and a movie genuis in prolific work in large production movies, as well as a world champion, from the REAL COUNTRY of ROYAL  AUTRIA,  now in honored government work in the USA, then BILL HASLUM, a collegue as a board member in musums culture in KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE, where BILL HASLUM is the prestigious business owner, of PILOT FUEL STOP AND SHOPPES, with a great many fuel stops across the USA. Then of course BILL is a noted honored , very dilligent and successful, GOVERNOR for the whole STATE OF TENNESSEE, in the USA, as in the USA there are  others whom are very qualified in GOVERNMENT in the USA. We need great government from the top, to be prolific as a great country with stability in a reality towards a UNITED STATES of AMERICA which can maintain the stabilization as a real AMERICA with a REAL LOVE IDEAL, and a reach towards a stabilized global economy. MAY DAY 2024, in a way that some USA, cartel, whom are extremist, aimed at my postal mail, and my TINY VILLA DOOR, cartel extremist from the USA aimed at my office equipment and my repairs were being realized in EUROPE and fully repaired, VIA 007 USSR STAR STATLIGHTS , and going well, then the euipment was aimed at, again and again, with a issue and aim at ROYAL  birthday celebrations, for my mother, in 2024 and birthday wishes even to SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, thee KREMLIN OF the country of ROYAL RUSSIA,. The extremist, aimed at the MILLITRAY EVENTS HONORS in EUROPE and even DAVID BOWIES,  BIRTHDAY too, with others whom hae generously sent my films at LOVE NOTES.  PEOPLE love me, and I am so fortunatate in ways that the PEACE WALKS and PEACE EXHIBITIONS became loved, well, with quite a population globally of people evenywhere, whom love the world, love me, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, love my company STUDIO VOSSE, and BANANA PANCAKES with RUSSIAN LOVE, from real banana pancakes in a real ROYAL RUSSIAN RECIPE, from THEE SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, THEE KREMLIN of RUSSIA in his very busy life whom is a darling man, with good love, RUSSIAN STYLE. and a great ROYAL RUSSIA, with incredible RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , and very delightful RUSSIAN culture of people larger than nearly every country in the world.  



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 LITTLE BLACK BOOK  lists largest, yes, press international kind delights with everyone all over the world, you might be ready to post a reel too, BBQ, OR BRUNCH PROPER, LUNCH IN THE PARK, with F AT GRILLED CHEESE , soft cheeses, with sliced summer tomatoes , vine ripe roma , or perhaps swiss, winter tomatoes from the vines, and finest avacado, with extra mayo, lettuce's with ice berg included. shrimp, sliced black olive, grilled sauteed mushrooms and vidalia spanish onions. even a olive oil grilled sliced garlic potatoe , and a sunny side up egg, of course. buttered bread, with a hot mild pepper chili' rinochttia sauce, as a coilis.  princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT    @ STUDIO VOSSE   with the loved media online and on the air LOVE NOTES  photographic note: THE RUSSIAN EVENTS in my RUSSIAN FUR:,THEE PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT HOP HOP HOP HOP HOP , on your toes men.  The NEW ERA,  waits for no-one, and we are with bad news,  with yo...