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international PRESS STATEMENTS

 International PRESS STATEMENT 
from the desk of 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
sole owner, and president of my company, as, executive director of a one person company @ studio vosse 

Chocolate Cylindrical Cigar
Cherry Curry Dark Chocolate 
CIGARETTE CAKE   love notes 
read , if you wish Gift August 17 th , 2022 

As the President of STUDIO VOSSE,  my work,  in one of the most difficult specialization, quite complex with a jeweled faceted international business within cultural arts, historical arts and museum monumental sculpture, industrial design, within a broaden higher movement in the arts of a cultural worth, and international business,  a glimpse in ie:brief view,  of projects which are internationally recognized in villages 
everywhere all over the world.        
Ingenuity of a Dream lecture my 2008 international speech        
very prestigious event, in the auditorium of the Sullivan Building, in Chicago Ilinois, live on the air, filmed, with every corporation in the USA, of all executive members in the audience, live via : international live on the air, in every country , as an honored society symposium with the European Society of Arts Colleges, Professors and the entire student classes, in all Universities, in all countries of Europe, and Canada and South American countries. As an honored well known dignitary of the anrts, Columbia College Chicago, was serious in the  International  Symposium  of views about primary and secondary educational , concerns in the USA. Very good of everyone to have, extended your travels to many of my inteldctually wild, exhibitions, with plenty of piazza , pizza and coke of course, Brazillian imported coffee, fine cakes, and with many finest foods from all over the USA and imported, internationally from many very lovely international guests. Even the president of Iran, in Europe, cooked, very finest middle eastern foods, outrageously delicious.  Many thank you’s to you everywhere. Cuba, and everywhere. 2014- 2017, magnificent . 

A press statement for the USA, of very good people, villages everywhere, is a very serious, kind reality, in my notations, of very extensive love to everyone, AMERICAN, USA, people, are with very riche cultural a country to be enamored with, experience, with intellectual prosperity ( love beyond all else ),  with kind capitalist humanities, of esteemed realities already a very large reality, of esteemed people, many from international countries, and most, born in the USA, with a cultural international love, of extraordinary efforts, adorned, in a whole international diversity of people, whom are from all countries, adorned too. 

special publication : ARTIST AND SCIENTIST , article about myself,
 princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett internationally exhibitions of brief  notations  [] [] [] [] 

More Professional Notes : princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT LINKED IN 

The press statement extra film prepared by the Beatles 
left to right:  Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr  
George Harrison  and John Lennon 
special film : from the Beatles , London England 

escussi’ , une momento ‘ ||| ||| ||| 
Ferrari Automobile Italy Messaged 
“ Ciao a tutti in italia, i ritardi che mi hanno causato sono molto sconvolgenti, la dc si mette nel petrolio. almeno non il magnifico olio d'oliva italiano. ho ricevuto le olive, italiane, un regalo davvero carino da parte tua, amore'

tra non molto sarò a ROMA, ITALIA, presto.” Commenddito’ amori’ to everyone in Italy. grotci ‘
 “ coipish ‘ love princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

GAZPROM messaged FROM RUSSIA, the international well respected corporation multinational conglomerate of the reality of stability for affordable cost fuel to RUSSIA, in love of automobiles and the enjoyment to just drive. Message .

excussi une monmento’ , ci, sou um’  messages , yes, THE PRESIDENT OF CHINA, and RUSSIA, 
sir Xi Jinping President of China, and President Sir Vladimir Putin of Russia, in the mess tent. 
Special Envoy Exposee’ photograph series

international PRESS STATEMENT, ci, yes, excussi’ uno ‘ momento’ MESSAGED FROM THE AUTOMOBILE, SPECIALIST, in fine luxury automobiles PORCHE’ grotci ‘ so good of you all, men and women, very good, thank you. Of course, i am late looking at that custom ICE BLUE PORCHE’ for my European Tour, and seeing you all, in Italy, soon, I want to enjoy some fine spumoni ‘ and of course, the pomadoro ‘ with the riche sauce, as alberto ‘s Antoine’ s. , the tomatoes are from a farm in the city of PARMA Italy and the fines roma’ freshly hand selected, whole case of roma’ tomatoes, are the finest for the lovely especial sauce, for the fine hand made pamadoro ‘ with red sauce. With the finely hand breaded, very special seasons prawn shrimp. With the hand made ITALIAN finest Italian boauble ( bow.bull. ) bread, creamy dairy butter, finest of Italy.  With a fine crisp Chianti ‘ , we can have a few hours so fine, again in Italy. So kind of you with the message. . Lovely. Amore’ , xo Gratci ,  Arivadarchi ‘ 

PORCHE message Italy 

The president of the country of CHINA, SIR XI JINPING is with a prestigious 
very important message from the ROYAL COUNTRY OF CHINA , from CHINA EUROPEAN FAR EAST , very important to my international press statement with extrodinary thank you to both 
sir Xi Jinping President of China, and Sir Vladimir Putin President of Russia, with greatest, honors to you both for extraordinary highest achievement in exceptional merits, world renowned, with devout humanities of prosperity in, ineffable efforts, of economic standards and thus, the extended efforts, of highest respects in political world peace. You’re both beautifully kind, to grace my international press statement exposee’  

with most respective love, to everyone in CHINA AND RUSSIA
and throughout Europe. 

The affair I realize within lenghty years and years of exhibitions and international business is always a very nurtured  projection toward a careful decision to a love toward humanity of a vaste , remarkable love which is indivisible ( non divided / solidly of standard in real humanities ethically )   of idealism in care of people all over the world, whom love exhibitions I nurture and other projects which I strived very hard to, experience my cultural expressions of  love , returned of such dignities of people, individuals kindly and fierce, a vested love towards cultivation in interest of intellectually broadened and inherently achieved , in tiny minutes of tiny sweet life, beginning with  the greatest , of beginning a world of people to hold sacred even in fierce sweet of no bitter, as juste’ to resound outward of the worth in qualitative efforts, a reality of privilege, in real esteemed effort, to adorn , be of a reality, a country of that to assure chances to wealth as a pure prosperity of worth .  in the 1980  ‘ working at 5:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday was a privilege, to be hired and establish an achieved effort for a fine employer whom, was an exceptional business women, and fine of an articulation towards her, establishment in a French Style Ristorante with dark mohagany wood, Tiffany glass leaded chandelier lamp, swagged over all the many window tables that are inside a magnificent architectural ancient building, with a dark wood cabnet phone booth to close a door with with a window opulent inside, and a finest bench seat, as to make a quiet phone call, by public pay phone with a quarter, and then in a busy risterante , a quiet opulent luxurious little phone to use, somewhat unique, finest foods of a particular menu she really enjoyed, that she could bring the little finest sandwiches and specialty curdita ‘ , the finest FRENCH ONION SOUP, served with imported Geyeye Cheese, think sliced broil melted, on top of a hand grilled butter seasoned large bowl sliced creuton, freshly hand made bagels delivered to grill and serve with freshly toasted and buttered creamed cheese, of choices, a favorite of all clients, with unusual pasteries, such as French Peitfoire’s finely with sugar flower topped, and a extravagant Custard Freshly filled NAPOLIAN special pastery, with pies, and fresh layered cakes, liked well,   to the kind wonderful love of people to enjoy every purchase.  Lovely women, she is. My inexpensive villa apartment , then was somewhat extrodinary at $75 . Per month, and large. Beautiful Parkey Dark Wood, inlaid fine floors, with a Mohegan’s Cherry Dark wood pannel wall and stair entry.    Within several years later I accepted an offered employment position working as an executive director before I was age 21, and earned quite well, over what most corporations executive’s in earn wages. Of course I bought an estate at age 21 years old, Extraordinarily Large Four Flat,  really four floors of very large house, with one rental I owned, and renovated myself, and invested some time and money in two secondary business types of work, after hours , 60 hours a week as an executive director , and busy,  as an executive director for a medium sized multinational, fine ristorante with an American Standard Faire,  in a large menu of Sandwiches and Fine hand made fresh made Soups, and catering Specialities, Salads, Zita, and Garlic Breads, Fine specialty German American Breads, Extra Large  , with extensive Catering, with revenue annually of over $2.5 million in my work as a director of 7 years, with an improved 15 percent revenue incrementally yearly in honored achieved stability for the company then in the  mid 1980’s . With my achieved licensing as a five star chef, with a specialized level in confectioneries too, and high achievements honors nationally from the Better Business Bureau, for honored business standards in a recognition of very busy work days. And finest clients from all over the world, with some major USA corporations and plenty of families, with a love for stopping to buy a great lunch or dinner. The multitude of catering was birthdays and graduations, holiday events, and BBQ events for the forestry department in Syracuse University, Carrier Dome Sports events and events at the Major off Broadway Theater,   Of course, special honors of achievement was from the University of Syracuse New York, USA, within improved business standards and excellence in broad High level the freshest in  highest quality foods, service and good low prices, and favored by extensive corporate client sales of catering , and people in the greater city, of over 2 million citizens. It was exiting to enjoy the clients well, and gain honored recognition in improved extraordinary quality standards. The owner, Sir Sniper, was achieved great business person,  well noted, and articulate. A fine man, and within years of my employment , we did become respective friends. Dinner at my home, was never a disappointment to enjoy the owner in for a formal dinner. Extended international business work, in my tiny home office desk,  were somewhat of my extra efforts, with broad complex reading at times. My tiny company began in 1979.   My very first work in design, was with an international merchant whom lived in the USA and traveled often to Italy. It was 1979. The sketch, I created, upon his request, sold at $350.00 and then was printed and was seen by many travelers and people of the city. Even in the country of Italy in Europe of course in the Mediterranean Sea,  The Cultural Arts company, then, was never limited in the broadened arts, and later estate of a rental that I owned as a apartment to see rentable and with all standards of course. Selling the estate , Paul  Mc Cartney, then renting , was a decision remarkable.

f course my busy work, always includes planting my flower garden with very special selections of even rare seed grown, Lavander Flower of BORAGE, which makes wonderful ice tea, and, amass of extra studies to read more text books .attain more in cultural work in my tiny home office desk, was never with time to actually learn more guitar , with only a dabbling as embarrassing , humility to really say, I can play a guitar ,  not to Paul Mc Cartney with his extreme practice time, after hours in such exceptional work, knowing cord changes, and the amazing standard of meaningful words, while realizing the finest in arrangement of music note to play guitar , as a compositional formation in higher professional  art form,  incredible. Paul Mc Cartney , John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison ,

we were so lovely, they threw me a birthday event with love songs to me in the 1979. And then, later too,  there will be more to read throughout February 2024 into March 2024 , if you wish to. Again, please, read more.   In 1989, the decisions were difficult, as I, kept my NEW YORK estate as an owner of two very large renovated rental flats, with enormous gardens, rose bushes that covered three fence walls, very opulent and fine double French Lilac Trees, ancient, and lived in the southern regions of the USA. It was savvy, to earn well, with work, in a fine French American , opulent bistro with Five  Star Chefs, and a quaint busy schedule.  While selling paintings, and design, and sculpture, at three international art market galleries. Secrets ? Yes, soon even more. 

Getting back to the review in the international PRESS STATEMENT , is with some degree of attention, of which, my busy desk , is with much more. Years of prepared projects, sometimes stacked in a pile of paper notes that are not exactly chronologically in order or complete,. What is in the nut shell, requires my schedule to never see, time as an obstacle. When there is a concern in the USA, of caused provocations
 ( provoking in deception of unethics very serious ) of a few and a few more, seperate or together, in a huddle , of deception of unethical types of contortion ( unethical in deception to people of standards , breaking very serious laws to deceive and use malicious intent )  ethics  to , viciously, attack the USA ethical humanities laws that are for the real sanctitude of the people in a reach toward attained ethically clear prosperity of achievement in worth, earnings, leisure , and of exemplary , of indivisible national USA consideration of concerns , of all villages, and such efforts to even some basic outstanding ethical real love, a country of people in all the USA were listening to many lectures I myself took time for even in a exhibition lectures and more , in my studios international peace project, 2014- 2018, with pure daily real exhibition , USA was included with my international Exhibitions too.     

Press Statement : decisions, friends, Colleagues, International Expressions, and messages from 
JOHN LENNON , sweet of many years in lovely personification of the lucious broadening in thoughtful intellectual introspective love, expounded out in sweet poetic music. 
LOVE FROM JOHN LENNON, rare film message, is a sweet som sonnet’ 
“Watching the Wheels Go By “ John Lennon Now. 
post update March 11 th 2024 before 

Perfectly Mad. John , baha, invites schedule in 2023 February , are still on the schedule books, and it’s going to be MAD Fine Times, as I am rather crazy about the ideals of the international and national details of the baha invites to everyone in villages all. Sweet ‘ sweet, as mike grove says. 

Impromtu conversation: with introspective genius of films that are theoretical intellectual -  Automobiles , or Horses ?  in FILM of course Johnny Carson, is lovely. Charming at Bentley Races to Mustard Last Stand. Western Movies of thee JOHN WAYNE are a very strait forward theoretical savvy personification in the great USA, to realize the love to a modernized civilized worth for the USA.  

JOHN WAYNE and JIMMY STEWART, in a special film, where JIMMY STEWART takes on the role character of THE PILGRIM , of not exactly earnest means.   In a JOHN WAYNE movie, as darling John Wayne filmed his legendary film statements : about the pilgrim, whom pilferage, in invading individual and headed to cover it up, in dc. JIMMY STEWART is political to see that film aspect into clear film work. Love Notes, is with some very lovely expressions. What a political film update everyone. Thank you all, and baha is looking promising. xo. 


February 19 th 2024 International Press Statements Begin  
international PRESS STATEMENTS
international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS          
international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS 

Une Momento ‘   

The nuke munious cause by the dc Oval Office, and separatist USA few cartel, is not at a full resolve, in the USA, while the few, involved, are starring down there own barrels of the excessive long list of, misfit unethics, which are appalling to the USA people, and all international people of all countries. There were vulnerable - lies aimed at citizens, very serious. The racketeer few, aimed at much more than my entry of the tiny villa, and leisure, while, on Christmas Day, 2023, the nuke misfits, aimed a nuclear pistoling long / short range, at me, in my tiny villa. Of course, I myself, addressed many issues in BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press. With extreme care to my GUITAR REVOLUTION 2022 and 2023 into even more.  

ah, yes, the unethical misfits cartels, formerly known as skin heads , and  hokies, Harvard Pop Shop Deviants, Spillers, Smooze Ragrot,  in the usa, of a very small few, used nuclear munition, at a rate of a 6.5 rictor, long range, aimed at me, and others. Even Rogue Millitary in the USA, and snot fist, known as police , all whom gripped into the USA Taxes , unethically, aiming to contorte standards.      Scam Street Walkers, in even small villages. Postal mail attackers, too.  The deviances circled my sweet little very quiet villa estate , with total unethical deviant real, aim, at my very expansive company, over 700 days.  one by one, or more.         MIGHTY MOUSE unethicals confidential exposee ‘  COMES TO MIND , fisted fork tung deviant unethical pistoled into msnbc wasn’t it. KNOWN MORE AS THE FLYING , fried zinwartz,  Deviant DC, racketters were Ripping out the opportunities to the USA people to assure their own air line tickets too, was a very serious issue.

The relationship to realizing the USA stabilization standards and stability, with reviews, as the populous of the people in all USA villages, are devoutly of reach to a very great country, in every village, and brilliantly of tiny well realized achievements. Since the guitar revolution the USA has been, busy, even in the earlier GUITAR REVOLUTION I began, in 2014, officially in my 6 year exhibitions of studios international peace project, as a global project., as rapidly in 2022, I extended GUITAR REVOLUTION invites, all over the world, the focus was simply, to see the thriving reality of the love in the world to arrive at a chance with good fortitude to achieve a gold standard, earned worth, and in good standards, of employment and broaden love for a finer realized self achievement, well enough, and submerge into the enormous broadening in such a great USA, and of all countries internationally, and the people of the USA did not once let me down, with wealth ( your financial earned worth in your own money and citizens benifits , your own, increased , with a solid tax gain ) individually everyone achieved, even Fat wages,
 ( chosen FAITE )  with lovely cares about the resounding ethical stability of the USA.  

Excussi ‘ une momento’ SIR GEORGE HARRISON , noted dignatary honored by the ROYAL ENGLISH GOVERNMENT of the country of ENGLAND, with a gold medal of international achievement in world peace, of highest recognition directly from the QUEEN of ENGLAND, her majesty, 
QUEEN ELIZABETH , GEORGE HARRISON is with a rare message

George ‘.  -  Peter Sellers, it’s  Saranac Lake everyone. 

Hawaii , USA, poolside with puppy 
and darling Vladimir. We were so refreshed. Puppy too. 
Peter Sellers, George Harrison, Bill Gates, let’s get through 
the international Press Statement. Before Brazil  
with Paul Newman, Rob Redford and everyone waiting.  

wine and sandwiches, and the ice bucket , yes. 
 it’s nearly time for champagne’                             Hawaii USA , REELS  
                                                                                photographed : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
class="separator" style="clear: both;">

after midnight , in from LONDON ENGLAND Sir Paul Mc Cartney FILM BRIEF Film Reel   
style="caret-color: rgb(230, 145, 56); color: #4c1130;">boaubles baguette ‘ fresh warm Italian Bread yes. 

ROMA TOMATOES, PAUL mc Cartney and everyone from PARMA ITALY.  Perfect if you’re in Italy. 

excucci’ uno momento’ gratci’ ,   Message from Jeff Bazos , ci’ thank you for the very gracious message, Jeff, with Hawaii again , as wakiki is very beautiful, with volcano drinks very especial Polynesian, finest with the poliniasian HAWAIIAN USA ,  Poi Poi Shishkabobs. Very lovely with several hundred people  too, more, in a walk to wakiki ocean jewel green blue beach, and enjoy. The ice bucket list, lovely. Gracious of you darling Jeff Bezos.

Message Film Reel JEFF BEZOS  

 Bob Dylan , after our 40 work week, Chicago Illinois, fun. 

in a political film , and what is it all about. Sir Bob Dylan, strolling through the solid stones of solidarity in an austere separated, love towards humanity. The rock of PLYMOUTH , in BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS,  USA , is a stone so small, as important to the world, my mother, drove me into see the small stone of PLYMOUTH, when I was just a tiny child. A 690 million year stone,  at least, never moved. Historically a tiny national natural monument. The unturned solid stone so small, is the shipping port stone, from the ocean which, every MAJOR SHIP SAILED FROM ENGLAND, six months sail, with shipments from EUROPE, on EXTREMELY LARGE SHIPS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ENGLAND, as each and every person tramped so far, by ocean voyages, at lengthy months at sea, and off the ship and walked in to actually see, the STONE OF PLYMOUTH ROCK. BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS, USA. 

 Bob arrived in Saranac Lake, New York USA, guitar ready, with sweet lovely reflections, of too few times, busy lives, and the 2022 guitar revolution project , as I was thrilled to enjoy a simple Chicken BBQ with biscuit again. Perfect really.   

Softly, the words of BOB DYLAN, not laughable in reviews, are of love of humanity to people sweetly. 
My mother, her sweet brilliant smile lite up the whole sky, with unspoken word, to say only: that is PLYMOUTH ROCK, ( solidly a tiny stone, of importance historical of no rolling stone)  and the quite few words, so elegant, filled the whole world in a minute, of many reflections even BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS , LOVE. 

2002, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, in the USA
 concerns updates ? The Green Heart Internationalist  Society , with international intercontinental flight and supper honor with continental after midnight breakfast ? no. just 


The Word on the street : USA dc and their cohorts , design and book heisters , museum aimed in other rackettering of stolen invites in email tampering to large worth was with damage to cultural public events - more racketeers in and out of nato and the racketeering few pressured museums even in the Smithsonian in Washington DC,  aimed munition , potting cash and fueling technochimping attacks , READ THE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW , let’s cover GAZA TOO, and more in some look at international perspectives too. Not just Johnson and Johnson Corporation and Stewart’s Fuel stop and Top Groceries in Saranac Lake with a wrong sign on it, caused by Rackettering scams, and then Price Chipper in Lake Placid New York seven miles from Saranac Lake New York USA with registered international flight fo pai ? and fine employment of people ‘ listening the the flight of hiester of known screeming demonds , foot trailing in a ugly paper trail in some real USA upsets , 


Glass Store Sugar Shacks Hackers >  , green card busses. auto pilot decisions 


]   [ read more are in the review upsets with read ready  details soon  even more throughout April and May 2024 While summer becomes everything it should be [ < —— <<< corn ? 
where is the pop corn teir tree and baha ? 


Imagine meeting with RUSSIAN MILLITARY, and specialist all throughout Europe, are with details too. 
Augustus Renoir, you say. Wonderful it is of “ Du Grande Jette’ “ to know even more soon. 

international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS          
international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS  international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS international PRESS STATEMENTS [] 

Publication Extra With More throughout February 2024 enjoy reading everything. 

Excuse me, at this time, it’s 4:22 pm FEBRUARY 7 th 2024 from my tiny villa in Saranac Lake, New York , USA , now. The international PRESS STATEMENT  from myself at Studio Vosse now will not exactly be about my extensive work, or the reality that I created when I derailed DC  of unethical issues aimed at the USA in very large upset, and with some others cartel unethical that also are unethical in unthinkable extreme wrong doing, that which mortified the USA with economic failure of the most brilliant of achieved of a greatest merit due, to a dignity, which , is of a grace in humanity. Of tiny details of very good a nation of people of the USA, never a country which was blind sided of ingenuity and of a lush brilliant culturally worth to broaden more, realize the efforts of a peril of a sacred ancient , importance . Of course, I will be at a supper meeting, and then assure a brief international PRESS STATEMENT, and a concerning aim at my person and company, in a futile of a few unethical dc, and racketeering cartel  all connected wrong as malicious, whom deliberated in mortifying unethical contempt of unethics and deviated to contort rules of ethics,  whom have reached a USA hork shoe. What is a Hork Shoe, .  It is not an entry to my villa estate  doors or yard, or exciting lovely life.  My honored very softly work structure are with a secret : I was honored with a highest Esteemed Royal Honor of a highest degree of Magne ‘ Comme ‘ Laude’  ‘  within the world most noted of Royal Governments in Honored Projects in Standard of Ethics. ie. : cultural , historical cultural, Natural Sciences, Arts , and Humanities , political theory political capitalist economics humanities of applied sciences, and international business. 
the nut shell details etc. 

Consequences Are Real. February 8 th 2024 2:21 am 
with an exposee ‘ of international press statements, until then , enjoy the important earlier 
statements within this international political sketch publication. 
href="" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
Political Sketch December 17th 2022 Duncey = dunce

Sketch Again: “ Duncsey “ ( of the unethical ) in window paine tint 
on standard typing paper in standard pencil 

Political Sketch 

What is it all about ? It’s about golden eggs really. Do you play ? Brisbane and Brazil ? Oh ?  On top of your head ?  Perhaps it’s  not a feathered friend. Why did you stick gum under your seat ? Why ? Think about it ? No one asked that you stick it on your nose, did they ? Did anyone ask you to stick gum on your nose after you stuck the gum to a seat- not even yours ? The Duncsey Hat with a small mg midget Duncsey Hat riding on your head to meet a golden egg which you did not receive an invitation ? What is what ? 

No bird ? Is that your guitar ? The whole world asked ? Where are all those guitar deliveries that people didn’t receive after they earn well, and purchased to be shipped direct, ? USA postal mail , gone ? 

Where are your marbles ?   More soon.  It’s a busy place in my tiny village home office and I dare say my schedule is important to me and my thread purchase is late - as I extended my time not to be  late even for my tour exhibition plans in Russian Christmas of fruited date torte ‘ waiting on hold of finest crème la crème waiting. Children all over the would without a bike ? Do you realize the extent of dismal concern in using a seat to just stick gum to the bottom of the chair and with no considerations for your future. What should be of you? excerpt, extra puzzle, from the tiny book : PINK SHEEP Today is December 17th 2022.  Soon you will know everything in Duncsey ‘ Exhibition Briefs. 2022. 

 Abbot and Costello From EUROPE FILM  

Second by Second again Abbot and Costello play marbles 

1960’s , Jimmy Stewart, as a professional in TELEVISION FILM STANDARDS MOVIES, is a take to the silver screen as the character GEORGE BAILEY in “ It’s a Wonderful Life” with marvelous many other people included in the fine film movie, in a amazing timeless, idealisms of such noted world movie television presentation. . Jimmy. Stewart , as character GEORGE BAILEY,  is a banker in the film - with a wife - and children right before Christmas Holiday 

and everything goes wrong due to his uncle.

Jimmy as character GEORGE BAILEY, meets an angel named Clarance -whom reminds George of the very fine achievement that George made in decisions as a young boy. George is ready to throw himself over the side of a bridge, upset, and not known if he would go back home, to face a very awful Christmas or leave his wife and children forever. What is GEORGE BAILEY’s decision ? Film worth noting. 

RUSSIAN Humanitarian Capitalism of Ideals in Individual Prosperity, in very realistic to mention in the extra publication as a recognition to the lovely country of RUSSIA, with high honors to emeritus former president of the royal country of RUSSIA , sir former president , Kremlin, MIKHAIL GORBACHOV 

Of course in the 1960’s Mikhail Gorbachov as a czar- former President of the country of Russia knows clarifications are important to solidly place what is of good humanities. Everyone has incredible love of the USSR in Royal Russia.

Then and now as a certainty, a  “ kind “ is a truest existance of Royal Russia. 

Emeritus former  president Mikhail Gorbachov is  extremely well known in such delightful ways of even American Children as a fine man of an adoration in good world cultural reality -impressionable to myself at even my age of 4 years old,  and also a person whom is well noted of sir Vladimir Putin’s great respective ways similar to mine - as love in Russian culture is with some exciting history in cultural broadly, in ways in a bit of a cloud at times to many that may not know a history of love.

Russian Maddness of REAL LOVE.  

Of course at my age of four and a half - there was a adoring song of love of Mikhail Gorbachov which in the little village I rode my bicycle with a fine banana seat - singing the love song USA Americans liked for sir Gorbachov across the far oceans extremely far from the USA of my city in Liverpool NY USA a tiny utopia.  Please listen to the wonderful song  : MY MIKHAIL 

spelling of Mikhail - pronounced MIKHAIL

in the USA Michelle of course a man’s or boys name in Russia listen 

Mighhaile’ - as pronounced say yes to love. 

Caring of a girl as myself 

in 1969 I hope you like the song I sang as a child as there are peoples in Russia starving as my great great great grandmother Pearl Edwards, would have said. Starving for truth in humanity of women and men and boys and girls, and have not heard the lovely song.  Enough. I my self sang often to my self in the little utopian village known as Liverpool NY in the USA of sir Gorbachov - so far away - across the ocean farther than imaginable for most. Russian peoples  whom have never ever listen to this lovely song about the delightful lovely Mikhail Gorbachov, not even sir Vladimir Putin has heard the song from 1969, as he will love the new update and a bit of history of love from me: 

 princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

Outlining a very genius capitalist humanitarian theory for one of the largest countries in the world is quiet and achievement, in highly recognized lengthy stabilization to devoutly, cultivate a solid government.     

Listen  again it’s the song of love to 

Sir Mihkail Gorbachev 

Listen again and again if you wish to even love the exiting lovely song from 1969 in the USA from my childhood of singing while in fast moves- fixing my own chains too- on my bike, with vigor,  on my bycicle at age 4 years old in the USA. 

from the composers as known as The Beatles 

just for me and Mikhail Gorbachov 

respectively to the world.  

Sir Gorbachov is politically noted historically as a  humanitarian within cares of  individual opportunity in humanity towards good studies with high cares in education in standard good basic good effort - as too a good placement to a capitalist humanitarian way of all peoples to be able to earning well a worth of work ethically and experience of a lovely cultural fortitude. Sir Vladimir Putin as president of the country of Russia was the prime minister in many extensive broadened efforts within many years of his devoted work as a diplomatic person in excellence, 

favored in Russia well and with a 

request of peoples to a hope to be a Russian president with respective love from peoples of Russia.

As Sir Gorbachov is an emeritus person of great honor now of course. 

Sir Mikhail Gorbachov sent my an UPDATE several days ago and posted in my note online on December 21st 2022: the film included is very interesting as the fine poles with points look to be extended electric poles with phone poles in Siberia regions where snow is can cover the pile and red stripes are visible - pointed to sink into the ground with ease -  in empty milk trucks - hulled out to assure the city of the extremely coolest region in Russia has electric and phones.  Cold wares ‘ wears ‘  in even extra wool for many people and  ovens and warm homes so lovely with real ancient RUSSIAN castles of ancient royal peoples.  

Sir Gorbachov message. . And very honored as also honored by sir Gorbachov in the 1990’s as well within cultural and international business honored projects I have developed. The Chicago Russian Tea Room is an ole’ falmilar favorite for guests in from international countries such as a quite travel in from Sir Gorbachov,. The former president of the country of Russia. President sir Vladimir Putin as such extended the rail lines into Siberia in public passenger travel in the last ten years bringing a extended wealth individually in opportunity for people throughout the region that includes the tiny city of Siberia within the country of Russia. With good success people achieved in many individual efforts- even with a chance to see the world international RUSSIAN ballets’ of the extraordinary ballete’ anciently lived all over the world. Ballete ‘ in Chicago with myself -  and sir Putin- in Chicago Russian Tea days- 1990’s.with George Solti -  Russian Tea? Never an abserdity. 

Sir Gorbachov send a photograph from Russia today as an extrodinary gift, as even more important than perhaps a Thousand Russian Words-

 a mindful of  a sweet minute waltz. 

Provocative Bold Artistic Russia

forever a message in a photograph . 

Outstanding Love Devoutly Solid in Perplexity - 

Emeritus - freedom - upheld in Russia’s Kremlin’s 

office in large a country - how. RUSSIA? 

While Sir Gorbachov stood in the face of all great countries mindful in individual knowledge in Political Dignity and a large reality of devotion to such a large country in sovereignty’s stability . With a perplexity of a greater larger world of whirligigs a whirling. 

Towards a devout considerable effort in belief of finite structure of a placement stern in a capitalist as a participle in humanities to a (good  banking assured within international ethical standards ) cultivation as real importance in the world to even children to save their pennies even purchase their first bike as I myself had at age four and a half. With hope.  with a banana seat. If available in sales merchandise from the real authentic designer . 

My father and mother gifted the tiny bicycle of mine as a holiday gift then - and the holiday cookies amazing which my mother made in her own sugar cookie recipe.  My father spent all night assembling my bike secretly before Christmas morning then in 1969.

When is a Fish is Not a Fish.  Ask ? Are you a Fish ? 

Sqibbles the  Fish Balloon Was Swooning the Banking With Flies in the USA 

Motor Debate ?  Theoretical? Or  Submarines ? No pop credits.  One Minute Sketch from the book : MODERN CAPITALISM 


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