LOVE NOTE thanks giving
summer love notes in review
do I have a great many thank you notations which are exciting and complex and with a incredible lovely introspective love towards very fine darling people with guitar and without guitar. From grocery giants of love to many others even theatre and film shorts which have graced me, in delight, and graced the whole world, and some messages not yet in love notes to charish the excitment, of people in the USA and in all countries, international, thank you to everyone. Thank you to people whom have films in messages not yet seen, thank you to Ford General Motors too, with many other automobile companies to assure a very large love message to in excellence.
it is an ancient reality of the love of RUSSIA of the great pearl counting which is a ancient RUSSIAN cultural excitment reflected into the world of a reflection within our minds everywhere in the world, of RUSSIAN LOVE, and a cultural RUSSIA which is with a lovely SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN as Kremlin of Russia whom is not alone, of specialist even in RUSSIA, people of RUSSIAN LOVE, modern to love for a world ancient and lovely to adorn in our pondering thoughts of periled crowned ( achieved )
broadening of love of RUSSIA and the whole world.
REVIEWS, yes reviews are a decision to see more reviews, as difficult as they are, an austere USA villages and larger cities cities tiny and giant cities too, in the USA is important to so many, that have incredible love and achievements with intellectual interest and so many messages too, not just thank you message, mint fudge was fun, and other very lovely messages in love with me in ways with extrodinary respective love for my work at my very special love notes, and international exhibitions in more.
With love to everyone everywhere in the whole world, everywhere.
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The time is 4:33 pm from my tiny village estate rental in
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW
more soon
The AUTUMN LEAF CROWN SUPPER FILM with sweets of tiered trees and making sugared plum, balls of cream chocolates dusted with coco ‘ Tier Tree Platters of Fine Ancient Winter Butter cookies
with ease to a real pop corn ball tree all your own, with one or even more. Preparing for the adornment of a beautiful lighted tree is an ancient winter solstice of love for people all over the world. Near and far, lights of the winter holiday of love everywhere. With a ROYAL LEAF PEARL CROWN FOR THE WINTER SOLSICE SUPPER EVENTS INTERNATIONALLY $13.99 READ
5:12 pm from my tiny villa saranac lake
New York USA special little
message from my darling
DAVID BOWIE LISTEN thank you David For your lovely notes. I so enjoy tiny nuance.
Prokofiev Sympony Number 1 Opus 25 Yergeny Swetlanov, music conductor ORCHESTRA of the USSR RUSSIA
with very special thank you everyone in RUSSIA for the extrodinay message to me, personally with love to you all, simply wonderful expression in vibrancy of winter 2023 I love you all too. Appologied of the delays still cleaning up the mess caused.
Brat film even with David Bowie too will be exciting - from RUSSIA.
xo in RUSSIA everywhere from
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
9:39 am a d towing truck just illigally stole my car Saranac lake new york USA now with two unethical bullies that helped then dressed like police which are unethical and threatened my street and parking and the village, the car was now at a towing lot wanting to extort $150. oo to remove it from the truck when I ask them to get their hands off my automobile they damaged getting it in their hot hands. International news today for the d towing to face the actional unethical attempt at threats to my holiday and entry illigal notices to citizens and then attempt to extort money to get the car back they blatenly stole from my front parking in my residential villa estate rental they had their eyes on, in over $800 million in damages to my company in these types of racketeering . Independent unethical thieves. If they return the vehicle promptly I will see about a lieniant governors review on their full activities in attempt to other issues as well. Illigally posting notes to any is a big issue, then attempts to steel their automobiles and ask for cash to threaten people in their homes right at their door is a brutality that no one in the country would see as anything less, and on village drives too, with visious intent. In cohersion with munion issue in connections with dc dirty deviants. The man blatenly refused to take my car off the truck and said “ give me $150.00 now “ with two others that helped him out. Pretending to get friendly and fuzzy. With not one ethical reality in the entire harrible issue. And seen on google live. All over the country. with sound and gps personal trackers.
I made a report to the established offices of governors in 50 states just after I was with demands to give them cash or else. Then they harassed me and took the car. Refusing to get their hands off my $20, 000. Automobile. Anyone in connection to gain money from this issue when I retrieve my automobile from d towing in Saranac Lake New York, will be seen as a connection to racketeering and ruin to my company further. And my holiday.
Everyone in the village should be appalled at the Threats to my sanctity in life is very vicious intent of this type of bullying and seen throughout the country of the USA as well. Direct intent to ruin companies is a heavy cost that will not be seen as vicious intent. My schedule lectures in person are $500. Per hour, in excess loss due to the visious type of racketeering of mere bullies. What will they do to pay back the USA the loss of all that time. And aim at their companies and property , time and even decency. With a holiday to remember more, about the meek bullies in the USA that deceived and extorted even from attempt at Johnson and Johnson. Parked near their offices today. Street parking in their city flat apartments everywhere. Delays to my European Exhibition are now reaching 8 months of delays due to the entry issues and damages caused to me, in even catalogue sales events and piazza travel, baha events, and very awful types of deviant tramplers, that are meek and vicious. Reeming property of others with gritty fists and no ethical rule that holds up any where in the USA or the whole world. Post offices are said to be with postal packages with a missing number of packages that add up over a year, in this area too.
FROM those big ball eyes in a one second tow run. Or more cars, perhaps.
Using others names left and right. Silver Honda SUV 2008 perfect condition excellent engine just had it reviews in all parts and condition by THE MANUFACTURES OF HONDA. specialist in engineering, pure perfect condition from tires to breaks to all parts. With a mirror and other parts with cam uploads. Instant Portal 24/7 non stop.
With kind cares to the USA, people in Saranac Lake USA now.
10:33 pm Saranac Lake New York USA NOW north, south, east, and west, the USA is with many many many emails to me just now, and appalled, at the issues caused even today, in a stage 3 deviant issue of blaten Unethics, of this automobile ripper, of the USA, and some memories of other large connected issues, and in a recent statement the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin used the word, terrorist, which have blatantly thrown discrasful harror even in my entry and caused further damages to my schedule even today in a pop by scandal they caused, blaten unethical activities, in more than Saranac Lake, USA NOW.
update to read the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin’s Government notes READ Micheal Bloomberg also made statements that 2000 people whom were also recently upset the same way, by three gone wrong in visious staged dumb dee actionable wrong doing, far more wrong than imaginable and now with their hit trail taking my car to a tow area to demand cash. $150.00 on their demand. Basic pick pocket terrorizing malicious inhuman people. Deception connected in racketeering that pummeled the country and in side they went again, to the USA Oval Office, causing international damages to over 10 countries, within ten months.
property and time damages, to the USA are astronomical.
police are disbanded in the USA for the wrong doing, and the munious issues were more than harsh to the USA, with my meetings ongoing there was some resolve that was a amazing international reality. Every governor in the retired governors and 50 states of governors and people are very fortunate that my meetings were very detailed and have some results that have been decent of my friends in Europe, and RUSSIA of very special meetings. I am fortunate to have established lenghty work in cultural international standards, with esteemed respects from RUSSIA and all international countries.
MEETINGS, which include international rules of humanity and pertain to all countries and even pertaining to automobiles and personal individual standards, not a breach of dismal racketeering to just bowl people down. And rip up lovely quiet decency demanding $150.00 which is a very serious issue. Of course the cities should be aware of this meek bully deviant bull dozing of any one, and any village.
Connected damages in NEW YORK CITY, as a secular estimate is over $6 billion dollars and many peoples personal time too. The met museum has a very high list of damages for the towheeha ha .
The day today is Tuesday November 28 th 2023 and their will be time for pop corn balls and reviews in the Nation of the USA, and blue and yellow to sing that favorite song I composed as a child. It’s very special and many people globally have been waiting to enjoy purchasing my recording of arias and many compositions from my ten years of peace international exhibitions, alone I worked hard to see the USA thriving with greatest love.And not without many many whom were marvolous, Internationally the people can hardly wait for me to arrive in more fine exciting exhibition. Waiting to purchase , and concerned about the cards they sent not arriving.
Of course, I am a well known cultural dignatary internationally and nationally with honors within museums and honored by governors council, retired governors council and with my extensive cultivations in international work in the arts, noted for extensive international exhibitions with exceptional honored work. Quite lenghty as even a national business Honor as early as 1986. Honored award in cultural worth as early as 1979. With a museum exhibition at the EVERSON MUSEUM IN SYRACUSE NEW YORK.
With extensive published work in VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY PRESS, YALE UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES, International honored lectures within the consortium of major universities with Columbia College Chicago and the international council of arts universities colleges throughout Canada South America and Europe. Earned a Honor as well in a five star chef merit in culinary excelence and business from France of international merits. My film and paintings have been internationally loved more than 35 years with music compostions and extensive design honors even from the Milan Italy International Design Society of the country of Italy, internationally exhibited. And Nationally in a 50 USA state exhibition. 2008. I held a board of directors Statuse in cultivations for societal standards independent living with the state of TENNESSEE, citizen resource center, lecturing in Nashville Tennessee within the Senate committee, of cultural enrichment , and greater citizen ease, with board of director work with the director of HGTV, with cultural events, museum fundraisers events and the board of directors work in clean air and clean water, with honored work, even from the University of Tennessee. To name a few specializations and a few exhibition work notations and honors briefly.
A brief notation We should feel very good about achievement tiny and even love for life and enjoy broadening to realize the world is wonderful. While an issue in the USA, must be realized a very few connected to trample and racketeer with vicious intent, whom gloss their teeth with brutality of deception and blaten unethics. With their eyes on others worth. Tuck in your wallets and phones - while the review in standards and stabilization in the USA are now even with a larger microscope on those whom even demanded $150.00 demands of bully Unethics. After these deviants took an $20,000 automobile. Wanting cash. And what they face today IN THE USA NOW is a large racketeering of deceptions in staged unethical dismal contempt for ethical decency. Furthering more entry issue is with others too.
The city’s near and far are with people madder than hell.
My plan is to retrieve my automobile on December 3 rd 2023 as it was not returned yet, and I will then look at those also attempting to gain cash , from the malicious issue, caused in this issue, and assure to see further areas of a loss in my $800 million sales this year, and that of the earnings I would be with in Europe travels that were also delayed. With an issue of damages to the city, in noise riots and other concerns in the USA that are racketeering unethics. Including aims at the Sulvian Theater and Sears Tower upsets. Many message from everyone in the USA are important. Thank you all everywhere. I will expect my automobile returned with no cost to me. My letters to the governors and and special meetings in Europe were promptly emailed earlier today,. With photographs. Cameras everyone, snap a photograph at work too. Snap all through windows and side walks, even BLOOMBERG NEWS AND THE NEW YORK TIMES want to know. WASHINGTON POST, AND THE NEW YORKER, SEATTLE TIMES, and CHICAGO TRIBUNE AND THE CHICAGO SUN TIMES. ready set snap a photo to send to a special news photograph post.
with a great day at work and wages and great leisure.
Twin D towing has some large concerns today in
Saranac Lake New York USA with a fancy web page read
here is the twin d towing read And with a car they just took.
Pulling up in my drive way parked car, I have every right to in front of my home villa apartment. And loaded my automobile to take, and I asked them to remove it, and get their hands off my automobile, and they replied give me $150. Now.
Eye balling the Art in my home and tiny company. It’sAnd seen all over the USA now. With two navy blue snow ball eyes
people in contempt of ethical reality gritting their Vaseline slick teeth.
Perhaps my automobile will be returned promptly, while reviews are with millions and millions of people within the USA. Focusing on thanks giving will be with austere love this year in the USA and a fortitude toward a microscope on very serious bully attempts, west coast to east coast and Canada boarder too, into novascocia and even MEXICO SOUTH AMERICA.
more soon. 5:41 pm
NEW YORK USA NOW. David Letterman message updates listen
Message from Steven Jobes I recieved in meetings update in with a film late last evening . The Genius of MAC INTOSH COMPUTERS FOR THE HOME AND OFFICE, that was great to realize Steven Jobed not only remembered my 30 th birthday, years back, he and I enjoyed quiet lunch, in a fine Turkish Cafe. 42 birthday events for both of us were fine. A childhood friend, Sir Steven Jobes is one brilliant fine darling friend , I am very pleased to say, one of the people of the world whom brought the computer known as APPLE Computer, to the world that modernization in humanity could not do without today. wait until you see his brilliant somber message update. It’s time for a late working breakfast now in my villa apartment rental. Not as pleasant as I planned. As detailing actionable types of 12 gone wrong in meetings throughout Europe and the USA now are imperative, I have winter baha to get too, and need to assure my apartment is not going to be with more prowling vicious while I am away. My schedule travel will be in films updated and pre announced.
The nation of the USA is appalled and nothing but door tramplers still lerking. The day before a fine grocery scheduled day, for my extrodinary holiday plans, fun and opulent. With even gifts to know forever of the finest pop corn balls with nuts and even rasins and currents of cranberry, dried cherries Carmel and Chocolate, Wait until everyone in the whole world has a real tree of the ancient corn recipe secrets to enjoy everywhere. Children will have such fun in the luxury’s of simply pop corn.
more soon everyone. Enjoy Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner sitting or standing. In Saranac Lake New York USA and all over the world. Rudy Valle LISTEN
Steven Jobes, sorry I was delayed , maybe we should highlight automobiles today and all week, with the dc riff of those whom aimed at finest lovely work and ethical standard. Work and fine leisure, which are a placement to everyone in all decency. It was good to see you, recently and thank you for the lovely somber message with everyone. The darling lovely people in a lecture of achievement should realize a love for time and worthy in every way. We will have an affair forever darling Steven Jobes. Glad to see you all again as well, Steven Jobes guesting is of course with fluffy pillows and brat films are going to be lovely again and again. STEVEN JOBES the owner of APPLE CORPORATION with love to bring apple to everyone at affordable prices. in film The Turkish take out was exciting with a fine walk to marina and ancient swing dancing at the PIER. I love you forever Steven Jobes and thank you with love to everyone. Special thank you to lovely people everyone. That black coat, black t- shirt events was extremely successful with such an amazing lovely effort from you all. Fudge with mint frosting was enjoyed by even the children making real fudge. Xo. Love from myself princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
2:26 pm from my villa rental estate in saranac lake New York USA NOW, it’s a very large event week into the holiday tree lighting events all over the world, with a very unusual international invite to EMBELISH IN SELF OPULENCE, with a political fun,
THE LIP STICK event : international invite to men and women even boys and girls with a blue and yellow lip stick and any brilliant color that rouses your soft delight in wearing your lip stick - work and home for a political invite, choosing opulent and soft a winter 2023 love.
what color to wear to work, is quite political in a thanks giving to remember your choices are plentiful. I purchase embarrassing numberoius of color lip stick for an opulent tiny detail into January New Year festively an event to remember. Lasting a year or more. Political Lip Stick International Event- you’re invited everywhere you are. Splash a bit of holiday color of your choice all day into an evening to dine well. Review even more.
Blue and Yellow or your choice : even glossy smooth baulm best. Words of love from my lips in even opulent royal blue which I famously wore as early as the 1980s and outrageous yellow red pink green purple and more Read wild political review, yes. It was a rage in Europe after my green and blue lips graced an international level of fun.
EL MUSEO , of SOUTH AMERICA friends of so many, even in the county of MEXICO emailed messages of SOUTH AMERICAN LOVE, 4:20 pm posted from my tiny villa apartment in Saranac lake New York USA NOW read
in the Royal Film Sketches
Film Credit and Royal Film Sketch
in pencil Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
what the gold standard means to everyone is
with quite an achievement in every village
In the world. What does it mean to count
Pearls ? Ancient Spritual Wisdom.
and more.
more soon. darling STING with a lovely message today for me, with pure love,
and with Bob Marley ? And everyone. LISTEN baha in Brazil is far too late,
everyone. Winter Baha is perfect STING Thank You, while the annual autumn November 2023 Holiday Dinner with everyone has been ruined. With a pleasant rescheduling. Even into December 2023 every week, and CTf into January 2024 to everyone. STING and view from above film relays are spectacular darling my good friend. Lovely seeing the cam relays from all angles. Every village every street, instant replay cam is very accurate. And my dark screen in my car 24/7.
I have decided to walk into the Saranac Lake New York in a few days from now to face those deviant malicious whom were demanding cash, and then face them , those awful people whom were popping locks weren’t they, extorting cash , just taking cars and rattle trampling the city and other cities, with deception and strait unethics in a blazing lenghty track. With intent to more than ruin my holiday. Eye balling my tiny beautiful company. With threats to cities, everywhere. Even Mexico.
5:49 pm from my tiny villa apartment emailed message from THE BILL GATES read
Of course Bill Gates and Steven Jobes are both industrialist in modernization to see the home computer and office computers a rage to enjoy in every home in the world. Priced to buy one in every color even.
Online service in the whole world, began in 1995, more soon about the advancement of industrialist revolutionary computerization with a few tiny notes historical. . Bill Gates has notes very lovely to have taken time for me at love notes with a film Ice Cream was delicious Bill Gates, brat film, are going to be extreme fun. X 5 fluffy pillows darling sir Gates.
more soon. I have only scrambled eggs for dinner with leisure plans
to grocery shop for the finest holiday menu I scheduled. some freezer foods,
My delayed grocer list is spectacular for the RUSSIAN MENU BOOK
of exciting opulence and the book will be with ROYAL AMERICANA
specialties too. Sales delays in projected revenue loss are costly.
Arnold Schwarzenegger emailed with a review update read The governor of the state of California with vaste cities and very astute reality of humanities and ethical standards.
Very darling Friend of mine many many years since the 1980’s
about the reality of reviews and love notes with thee Michael Bloomberg in Film Micheal Bloomberg mayor of one of the USA ‘s most loved largest populated cities of international travel ease and with prolific business and lovely people whom have tiny villa apartments too. Shipments on schedule and more. Thank you Micheal Bloomberg daring wildly, for the lovely comments about my six year peace and economic exhibition I made time for in person lenghty and with love from every one in the world. Behind the scenes, you’re incredible, with birthday deliveries, to my piazza event in person.
brats and of course, fine pillow fluff.
thank you everyone at abc. cbs, nbc, and fox, 24 /7 rollum . Not yet the book of confusions. Ci.
Be ready for brat films everyone,. Park Pillows too.
A real film THEE BOB MARLEY with everyone so beautiful and rhetorically are all so gracious as it’s been a while since we all were on the red eye together suits and Italian Specialty Coffee, and what an enormous surprise in film Incredible everyone for a love message update to me at love notes and to everyone in the whole world. I love you all, the vocals are so graceful. Thank you for the political special guitar message of pure love in review.
brat films are going to be smashing. Mustard Last Stand again soon everyone.
more soon. Sir Vladimir Putin , it’s Bob Marley and everyone, my darling graceful friends.
RUSSIAN LOVE too. Vladimir, RUSSIA is listening and perfectly wonderful, I miss you all.
Kisses everyone and extra x100 to sir Vladimir Putin too, Catch.
more soon. Darling Thee WILLIE NELSON email update now on the road again listen
10:00 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, from my villa apartment this evening, with a post update of a very special thank you to BOWMAN company, and all official Trucking Companies within the USA, and internationally with love to you all, for the many fine efforts across the USA in shipping on time with the devotion of the importance to more than just schedules and of great humanitarian honors in your daily efforts - hauling coast to coast, and with esteemed professionalism. .
The economies of each country are important and you all are the finests. Great cares to such a world you all made even more special. Thank you for arriving too, many of you, even in 2011 exhibition and 2013 Seattle Exhibitions, of mine in my GREEN CARD AMERICA EXHIBITION politically well known internationally, and some of you in my 2016 piazza economic events with composition of my own arias and lectures too, endless, from me to you all, it was very good to see you in MANHATTAN , NYC , NY and many of the wonderful professional RIG eighteen wheeler people again and again. You made the world even more special. My father would be very proud of you all. The whole world is proud of you all, with love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett thank you all again for joining my special convoy right lane only that began as you know in my invite to you all in 2014 in the SAINT LOUIS. MISSOURY, exhibition to see social security needs working well in a pinch of concerns then. Today the flour mill is going well, in SAINT LOUIS MISSOURY USA, a wonderful city. My mother too is very proud and Wendel Powers as well. Amazing everyone. xo with love.
Please let me say a very exciting thank you to all shipping postal people with a bit of fun, in rhythm, with some exciting days, and assured many humanitarian excellent, capitalistic economic stabilities every day, all over the world, including ocean liners, of cargo, and hauling big rigs globally thank you all, with a wish to say happy thanks giving into New Year 2024 with great exciting busy reality. Top excellence, is the word. I love to pack a little gift bag of wrapped candies for my regular postal person registered to deliver daily at my address. Silk bow ready, with a tiny card, as. To say again, Happy Holidays into 2024.
It’s a sweet tiny hand full of fine chocolates most usually. love to you all all over the world.
Bowman Professionals coast to coast USA with a film
Listen, if you wish. George, John, Ringo, and Paul, The Beatles.
Email message from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia, about mr Murashanko ? and St. Mary’s Hospital in Knoxville Tennessee USA , and no waffle events to fundraise. None. From the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin read . Rhetorical and in review in the USA very serious with mr Murashanko noted in the USA as uncooth with two others employed in a serious unethical scandal , shops ? and automobiles issues I would say you have seen the concerns that have plagued the USA with many types of losses and with a large retribution it will be looking at the connected losses to the USA and of course myself. The indiscriminate unethical issue caused to the people and myself, of the USA and even today. And all of Europe of losses, too. In reviews.
With a serious update from the Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin in serious reviews again in the online government of Russian at the Kremlin Direct Site READ Of course the meetings include many many people. Thank You sir Vladimir Putin and everyone in Russia. Brats 2023 in RUSSIA are late too, while we will be perfect with a review that’s unfortunate and needed before Brats and everyone bringing fluffy pillows to the central MOSC grassy winter public pavillion in MOSCOW RUSSIA as we can all enjoy the midnight moon. Pre announcement will be in love notes. We all have some enjoyment to look forward too.
Rhetorical ( ) ?
more soon.
in film with everyone and wonderful people , lovely Steven Winwood and Eric Clapton
Special recording for me at Love Notes of my REVOLUTION of the GUITAR EVENTS 2023
brats are really special everyone, and I can’t wait.
lovely. more soon .
Good Day to everyone, everywhere across the world, near and far. It is November 29 th 2023 at 4:26 pm
in my tiny villa apartment rental in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW. You all have sent very lovely messages and I wish to say thank you for more than 800 million messages, all lovely. Of course tomorrow is THURSDAY, and it is still a very sacred holiday special day, to many reasons, of worth and work, devotion to assurt our selves and feel more in thanks of the many very special achievements in tiny ways. Sketching in pencil your love for trees, leaves to learn hundreds of varieties, ancient secret like the GAMES OF SPAIN, in a delight, and varieties of even chocolates and sweets very good, with extra fine menus too. Humanities ethics, too, and responsibility in counting pennies, and coins and dollars that embellish the worth of achievements in very bold softly kind ways, to even purchase your own fire ball candies at age 4 even. The THURSDAY LUXURIOUS SUPPER, of THANKS GIVING will be very small for me, and still sumptuous with a few things I have in the freezer. Even a peanut butter cheese cake pie in reviews instead of the AUTUMN SOLTICE SUPPER, opulent in a menu of plenty which I have decided to enjoy even more with a week more in reviews and
THE REVOLUTION of the GUITAR EVENTS. I will be ordering my Christmas Tree with lights already strung to plug in. With a list of items soon for fine selections and gold boxes, fine ribbons and especiality ribbon candies even. My menu for next week holiday extra special supper is too exciting to miss, with all the love messages from everyone in the whole world, even in far Eastern European China, is excited. The posted menu list will be in love notes very soon. I am excited to gift everyone all over the world, the ancient secrets of pop corn confectionary specialties to eat every day a sweet freshly made you might even master in chef culinary mastery. Of course with the ancient tale of the Pilgrim of few, and the Indians of even ancient statues in CHICAGO ILLINOIS, USA, as one of the artifact of very special historical love of humanity. It is very exciting. The reviews are not exciting and blime. Blime is a word from ENGLAND, meaning an outrage in humanity that must be enview even with an amplified microscope of blime unethics. From a few within the USA with deceptive vicious intent and issues of munious. Serious it is.
Still cleaning up the mess caused now, with a working dinner, and fine strawberry mint hot tea with GOYA IMPORTED SOUTH AMERICAN CHOCOLATE WAFER COOKIES WITH WHIPPED CREAM, and a very special crème du la crème hot coco, salmon fiaccoita pizza with soft cheese, baked, enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner everywhere you are, all over the world. Sweet Dreams to those sweetly asleep in Europe far far across the ocean. xo to you all, with love, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
November 30 th 2023 12:26 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW from my unusually quiet villa tiny apartment. The issues in todays concerns are everyone’s concerns, even in the country of FRANCE, with my many friends in FRANCE, there are more riot noise issues today, in my entry, again. The reviews are with large blue and yellow issues with these riot mouth fisted deviants in the dc TAX issues with attempts towards every citizen. We can review the news in the USA in the USA, with clarity there is a greater tax treasury statuse now, solid as needed in the USA for basic budgetary needs including citizen benifits. Today however I wished to post an email update from ELON MUSK, whom thoughtfully emailed me, with reply to my post about the $9.99 heater that I selected which is wonderful as an axilury heater, and the company manufacturer actually sold millions of heaters since my little update on personal heaters that can heat a medium sized room. with a heater too, large enough in enough rooms. ELON MUSK, email in fun to post, read.
Happy Holiday to ELON MUSK darling thank you,
as my google numbers in people whom read love notes and enjoy my events on line are reading wrong, and have not enough spaces for the actual real number of people whom love me, many years, and have loved my online events too, reading more LOVE NOTES @ studio vosse, my company, solely more by far than the NEW YORK TIMES.
I love you Elon Musk, it’s almost time for the ballet again, and take in some Chinese Food Delights, in Lake Side Chicago again. and brats films are going to be very fun. Many more might chose that sweet little buy on a heater so small and comfortable. You can purchase an adaptor for a small solar port and take it in a tote. what an important email xo ELON MUSK. Happy Holiday today. USB adaptor with 12 volt inverted plug $9.99 RED and very good to plug into your automobile with an extra cord for usb connection, and connect to a solar mini generator with ease, to sit in a ROUND SKY VIEW polyprolene. IGLU, in winter for take out chili and stew, to enjoy the lovely winter outside in an afternoon winter love. read Even extra beach fun. Great for winter cool travel and woolie baha events.
Happy THANKS GIVING TO EVERYONE, in Saranac Lake New York, USA and throughout the USA and all countries today into next week with the ELABORATE SUPPER MENU to post secret recipes and even more thanks to so many, in an annual special international holiday, even in EUROPE and not just the USA thanks giving.
everywhere in the whole world. I have very special thanks to many many people in the
REVOLUTION OF THE GUITAR events that have been a smashing success ( lovely ), with many others too, in a THANKS GIVING to love. We prepared the winter barron ( brisk as stark) soils of humanity with fruitful vibrancy and wonderful success, looking into a lovely broadening of villages vibrant worth and work and wonderment, backwards, forwards, good and forthright, into the year to become 2024, with ourselves a solidarity and a trove to counting pearls more, far and near, kind and within tiny details, of love.
love from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. Moon Light to Daylight, in winter iglu fun, in any public park, 24/ 7 352 packs quickly into any automobile size, and good for travel outings throughout winter, with a tiny heater and a lovely tote with hot delicious take out from the finests risterants and groceries, to snap a photograph of even snow geese, and or a glimps at a rare snow owl, night stars to learn more about real ancient self studies of star pattern
night sky astronomy the lovely winter of 2023 READ
more soon.
Message emailed from the USA
OLYMPICS with blue lips on all shop floors they rather enjoyed with serious reviews as well, read
Of course each country has an Olympic TEAM, and the real OLYMPIC’S is with all in agreed schedule to seperate countries with each country a seperate OLYMPIC TEAM of their own actual country and separate OLYMPIC organization of each seperate country. WHEN ALL IS PROPERLY WITHIN REGULATIONS of THEE OLYMPIC of all country OLYMPIC TEAMS, the many details have to meet the compliance to each government, from the actual Presidents of all countries. of course, rules are of course rules.
Lovely of everyone, HAPPY HOLIDAY. with love from myself and a special to read for everyone all over the world in very serious review and love for the
LIP STICK INTERNATIONAL INVITE, and snap a photo in every window on earth. more. more IGLU FOR LOVELY TRAVEL winter invigoration in a real winter IGLU read.
more soon. REVOLUTION of the GUITAR
include efforts from world renowned ELLA FITZGERALD my darling friend and music composer whom re recorded a very special message just for me, and everyone in the whole world,
with a lovely song SUMMER TIME LISTEN
ELLA FITZGERALD’s lovely music loved in
AMERICAN TELEVISION, in 1968 and now even more loveliest than ever. A wonderful part of the REVOLUTION.of the GUITAR in a gracious thank you ELLA FIZTGERALD, thank you also for meeting me in NEWARK NEW JERSEY and my exhibitions. Brats at the drake filmed with plenty of fun I think. With love, from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
more soon.
message update now as well with
from WILLIE NELON in fine guitar for the lovely holiday, with such a lovely message in the USA and to everyone all over the world. LISTEN
Perfect WILLIE NELSON, your a delight. Thank you with love. xo.
more soon. THE TREE LIGHTING EVENTS have begun in even Knoxville Tennessee, with many darling friends with special thank you for the lovely enthusiastic charm of Tennessee in film Happy Holiday everyone throughout the state of TENNESSEE, with love from myself princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. More tree lighting of thanks giving into the new year 2024 is more lovely with you all. Kisses , xo catch everyone.
more soon. 6:42 pm from my tiny villa apartment
in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW
with the tree lighting and ice skating in the wrink at
and everyone at the ROCKEFELLER CENTER. read
update in plum neon ERIC CLAPTON sweet message everyone, LISTEN
very special everyone, very special everyone, HAPPY HOLIDAY’s is more special with you all.
Kisses, Catch. xo Eric Clapton, thank you darling. Brat Films are going to be quite fun into winter new year 2024 and you and many people made the GUITAR REVOLUTION extra special. I am joyful with sweet tears everyone. xo everyone.
more soon.
7:11 pm , from my tiny villa apartment
in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW, in a movie for all ages, which was from
bad ink issues still in reviews and in funny paper news,
into a cartoon of serious review,
in the literary works in books to the WHOLE MOVIE,
narration from Thee BORIS KARLOF
in a review FILM
the review of the special THANKS GIVING MOVIE is for everyone all over the USA and everywhere in the whole world.
more soon. 10:19 pm walking tonight to stewards grocery and fuel stop before
my dinner after midnight, and I will post photographs in about an hour everyone,. sos reviews too. xo
11:25 pm now at my lovely tiny villa in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW, I just walked back from Stewart’s which was once a quiet friendly little shop, with good foods and low fuel cost and low shoppable prices. The overly swift tung in Stewart’s tonight was very upsetting, more like a place for hard times, and no reality on placement to serve a company like Stewart’s whom pays well, and is a multi million dollar company with style and quality pricing that always keeps people arriving to purchase those shelve items and see that employment is busy and with more than just a few kind words. The sales are curious, when picking up just a few items tonight, and the cost was suddenly over $70.00 and concerning for such small amounts of basics. I was very upset, and upset that suddenly there was for the first time, plenty of full shelves, and no diet cola 2 ltr, even in Stewart’s busiest day they have never run out of such a basic as a city that caters to over thousands of people daily. With no prices all labeled and then extremely high prices on basic foods, and not a five star risterante. Then piles and piles of boxes sitting in front of Stewart’s in the side walk, and the upset of being charged too much for foods all others wish to purchase too reasonable. With their automobiles and jobs to responsible to each merchant that sells to the lovely company owners under strict agreements and strict price guidelines. Loud awful blaring unregistered music now unlike the quiet little quaint Stewart’s basic fuel and basic for villager and travelers alike. And fine little carosel parks with lovely many whom used to stop often from their walk from homes. I have to say, I did express that their was no way Stoffers prices were as high as what STEWARTS CLERK SAID WAS THE PRICE AND BLAMED THE FOOD COMPANY.
Abitrary non label with pricing and a lost sales, as I ask, to say what the client I had when I was a business professional in investment banking, my client phoned me, he was upset and spent too much investing in some company in 1997. He wanted to remodel his kitchen and then spent his money in investing in the Microsoft, my client was from Michigan and I then, worked in a very posh boutique investment banking firm in the largest financial district in the country, and he said, May I ask, if you lose money investing ? Where does the money go? I was busy with about 400 client daily, and I said, well, certainly you want to know years and years of things about companies before you really think in a complex type of purchase, independent research can take years. Of course he said, well, have a nice day, we’ll talk again tomorrow.
Good Day to you all in Michigan, and my Friend, the CEO of the General Motors Ford Corporation, with money now to remodel that kitchen of yours. Good to receive your email yesterday about the issues of my Automobile that was not yet returned. Sitting in TWIN D towing motors lot, and attempting to not return my automobile. Unethically too, and cause further damages with exorbitant cost me, extortion money for the return of my automobile that is only of deviants whom unethically took from my front entry parking right in front of my estate rental. Just pulled up and wenched unethically and refused to take it off the truck when I ran down stairs and yelled at them. They demanded $150. 00 as deviant robbers. dc deviants cohorting with aimed munion connected, ghastly, awful. And close to Stewart’s at a hiked issue no one else in the USA is having. Except two areas in the USA. $70. For a few carry home basic groceries. Quite unusual with the water fire hydern around the corner marked with a red flag not to park in front of the fire hydern of course. Which is only an ancient way of some ancient water pressure type of things. Long ago.. It’s 12:09 am, and I was over charged at Stewart’s by about $10.00 actually. Asking several times to recheck the prices as it seemed too high for the estimates look at the actual prices. I have the bad ink reciept and the bad ink in an unethical ticket too, stuffed on my car, and unethically into the deviant hands in side my mail box, with late packages too, which should have arrived within 7 days and are shipped from the companies I purchased from, with deviants bulling the street parking. Even in the beach area close by, there were issues there too. Travelers and many villagers had no way to use the public parking that’s already paid by taxes. Just like the snow plowing by taxes that I pay, everyone pays taxes from purchasing items of course, not exsized taxes in arbitrary ( unethical ) sort of faulce tax. To assure you can of course park and drive out on a cleared road area in all snow days. Not break your hip or knees on icy walks into the back of a home where I was planning on storing a little scooner boat. Being near Saranac Lake New York USA lake, what a summer it could have been. Then trailer up, lock the door and drive to Brazil. Good night everyone at Ford General Motors. Detroit Michigan and all your resellers all over the USA. Thank you all for arriving to my peace and economic exhibitions with aria and lectures in greater worth. I love you all. xo from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett Happy Holidays is ongoing into New Year 2024. Amazing work you all did getting everyone a good price for a great selection of automobiles even some were even delivered with excellence and tracking accuracy every road, every village. Thank you all again, and I will let you know the brat films events updates. brat all around everyone into the new year. xo kisses catch .
more soon tonight as I will be working quite late this evening.
5:10 am saranac lake New York USA NOW from my tiny villa estate apartment rental.
GEORGE HARRISON darling I love you, your email is lovely and updated NOW, with such a sweet personal message, my table, your table, Mia Casa ‘ Se Casa,( SPANISH while what does it mean ? ) pillows extra fluffy George Harrison, with some very special love notes to you and everyone, HAPPY THANKS GIVING today again, with love from myself, and the whole world. The nice email cam feature tool were created in the 1990’s as you remember mine was one of the first in a Microsoft computer I bought from SEARS. For my project work, of course your amazing recording all state of the art technology to industrialists perfection. Lovely working dinner, with your update now film
I love you George, Kisses, Catch.
love princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
was quite special after a prepared the table and made something rare and one of the most extrodinary
FRENCH soufflé’s ’ ancient secret sandwiches.
With a cherry cordial, and diet cola with cracked ice.
Photograph Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett with the exact time of the
AFTER MIDNIGHT SOLSICE AUTUMN WINTER SUPPER, at 3:46 am DECEMBER 1 st 2023, at my home office tiny villa estate rental in Saranac Lake New York USA .
The FRENCH DELICACY SOUFFLÉ’ shrimp filling sandwich is with riche bold flavor and is one of the most rare sandwich recipes due to the absolute five star delight to be served for a supper event. The rare actual sandwich in a actual FIVE STAR RISTERANTE, is with an opulent preparation to shrimp which is with very special knowledge, and time takes a total fresh long prepared time, much like a fine roast stuffed chicken with coco vin sauce hand prepared and exact, with a rare recipe. One of the Opulent Hotel Five Star , risterantes served the actual soufflé sandwich, in their Lunchon Brunch Ball Room which my great great grand mother was an executive director of., Syracuse New York, in the ancient opulent HOTEL SYRACUSE FIVE STAR, world class hotel with three large ball rooms and a finest piano entry for risterante stops in to the lovely finest of architecture in the fine city of Syracuse, New York, USA.
with domestic roast coffee with cream and simple syrup. Made for Stewart’s from a local creamery dairy.
with meetings in Europe and the USA too, the excitement and reviews serious to everyone is with remarkable messages throughout the USA and within all international countries. The Dr. Suisse MOVIE THANKS GIVING, THE GRINCH WHOM STOLE CHRISTMAS, is a well made film which also is of a humanity, of charished graces toward children, whom are not in the driving chairs of reviews in 2023. Lovely children all whom are children, are with times to nurture the furture and broaden in diversity of a gentle world. Reviews are serious matters, and enough for children to know even of a GRINCH, not to give up their sugar plums covered in chocolate, and pop corn balls which will be quite fun, which everyone has mastery of the fun to really pop, popcorn. Sweet little box gifts, from even children are important. And a plentiful affordablity to all parents. Afordability to all. With gold chocolate coins too. Exciting I think, when everyone everywhere reads the gift selections lists
as the holiday delivery season will be throughout January 2024. Photograph Credit:
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett snapped at exactly 4:16 am DECEMBER 1 st 2023 What a minute by minute world of industrial modernization with all seconds counted with lovely plans for the very large
changed dates are listed below on the event supper.
more soon.6:43 am from my tiny villa, Paul Mc Cartney emailed
an update now, with very special love to me. Sweet everyone, Paul Mc Cartney darling you are very lovely, all of you. Thank you all. Delightful message. From THEE PAUL MC CARTNEY, LISTEN kisses everyone, PAUL EXTRA KISSES, catch .
more soon. FREE AS A BIRD , darling friend is such a lovely sweet song, you’re lovely to record the many songs to see in my love notes, personally, even in 1979. I love you, thank you John Lennon, thee John Lennon darling , how many fluffy pillows ?
your going to be surprised. It’s THEE JOHN LENNON LISTEN
with such a beautiful message update now. 7:04 am email in my tiny villa apartment.
kisses to you my lovely John Lennon. catch. Extra kisses John.
personal to me, messages from everyone.
lovely everyone. The little shin dig was fun. . Lovely my darling THEE JOHN LENNON, thank you so very well. Happy Holidays and days forever, John.
more soon. Ringo Starr 7:46 am
from my tiny villa apartment with a review LISTEN
Happy Holiday, my darling friend , with love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo
more soon. The Council in the country of China on reform, within the government of China is in within meetings. Thank you directly everyone as well as thank you to the President of China Sir Xi Jinping, a personal friend of mine and a honored dignatary with many cultural and humanitarian, honored work of excellent in many broad achievements, within the Great Country of China.
read May the exceptional cultural richness of the country always remain, as exceptional, within your esteemed cultivations sir Xi Jinping, Pillows yes, finests. Brats Film everyone ?
8:33 am from my tiny villa in saranac Lake New York USA NOW. Happy Holiday Everyone, love to you all. xo with kisses, catch. Lovely people of China Far Eastern Europe. Thank You. With love. Xo.
more soon.
and update directly from MOSCOW RUSSIA
from The Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, read
Yury ? The automobile person ? in the east of the USA? Ah, more soon.
12:09 pm from my tiny villa apartment rental, with a email from Billy Joel about work and cold cuts in a film , meetings all evening into late morning are with late sleep, Billy Joel I love you, with much to enjoy in more than brat filming which are going to be a rage. kisses , catch darling.
more soon after a lengthy great sleep.
Good Day everyone everywhere in the entire world,
just up from my unusual NIGHT MEETINGS IN EUROPE. Email message from thee
BILL GATES just before the holiday
With a film Sewer reviews are very important.
more soon. 6:31 pm from saranac lake in my tiny villa in NEW YORK STATE.
7:08 pm my tiny villa estate is where I received two emails that said I had two packages , and picked up my postal mail and one was wrong, and I realized it after opening it, then looked at a name Steve, and taped it ran the package back down to set back, with only one package and not two as the email said. Forgot to wear my glasses. So everyone saw I put the whole package back in the entry fouioure’ The postal department should, look into the names of whom actually rents in the building as well. Name on package said Steve. I miss read it without my glasses,. The packaging of my purchases are not the merchant packages that shipped them incidently. Of course everyone saw my upset to have picked up the wrong package and promptly run back down to return it all. Many gifts I received never arrived incidentally. Invites and more did not arrive. Meeting in Europe are with many reviews, and my clotheries designs have been delayed at length with these entry issues and postal types of concerns. Registered postal people, have excellence in deliveries. I enjoy the lovely pre announcement of my works in even couture. Paul Mc Cartney designs his own clotheries often as well for his films, George Harrison too, Ringo and John Lennon as well, and I myself have as well years. The spectacular clotheries designs delayed to sales are at this time unannounced.
Loud Noise issues again today, extremely harrible again. Awful actually in the very noted quiet of the forest region. Televisions are curious and have automatic replay - mannes over 40 selections and blip screen -
more soon. I have to see if my mother received her beautiful gifts
I sent this summer and assure they were what I purchased exactly.
Incidentally the package I accidentally opened and returned was with a black thing puffer looking thing, I didn’t remove and a watch in a box fell out and cord, which I put back and taped shut sparely as everyone in the world saw, and ran it immediately back down stairs and each item can be fully tracked in location exactly with microscopic chipping on every item of modernized manufacturing even in exact rooms and tables tops. The chip is imbedded. Manufactures are busy. Even cola cola has a microscopic chipping called microfish chipped, bottle per bottle.
Gomer Pile, emailed “ his famous quote “ surprise, surprise, surprise “
from his work in AMERICAN TELEVISION character GOMER PILE. more soon.
The holiday Cashmere Sweaters arrived today which I purchased and how exciting. It’s now 7:39 pm from my tiny villa apartment in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW 109 park Avenue # 3. Evening breakfast today working meetings and exciting love notes from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
8:02 pm Thee Milton Berle ,
Milton Berle Toy Games are wonderful.
and Thee Arnold Shwarzenegger
of Governorship to the State of California
updated a photograph of themselves. Wondering why I didn’t not RSVP,
and the finest largest turkey roast, the USA have ever seen.
The Photograph Message is worth one thousand words.
Happy Holiday Everyone. with love,
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
message to the USA postal department today as well. Thank you for the updates of those tracking numbers and the address registry updates, to the exact numerical address. Incredible Efforts too. moon Cam ‘ hello ‘ just a wave back everyone in the USA, just as if in Townsend of the Great Smokey Mountians USA. Nice of you all to have arrived in my Manhattan Exhibition and more.
Bill Gates instant uploads from the sewer are incredible moon cam instant upload.
With more lengthy reviews.
more soon.
9:52 pm from my tiny villa rental, Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
email just now from thee lovely darling of mine, BRUCE SPRINGTEEN with everyone including some finest in brass, with a love song to me, personally, for everyone too, everywhere all over the world. BLUE CHRISTMAS special now
in finest night vision moonlight FILM
carosel park.
emailed version read
Bruce Darling, Happy Holiday to you and everyone, brass and the very most lovely people. You are all darling and quite wonderful. Happy Holiday everyone. It’s just a beginning. Brat Films are going to be exciting thanks to you all. What, many extra fluffy pillows to purchase. Good gracious.
Love and kisses Bruce Springsteen and brass, everyone, catch.
So good of you BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN. xo. Lovely hello. I dare say.
more soon. email 12:14 am from my tiny villa apartment rental,
thee JAMES TAYLOR it’s a lovely update re- recorded now, no longer those days of the 1980’s at phoebes finest risterante, and bojangles little sandwich grill, so beautiful, and 1990’s in that little USA, panini shop in the Gold Coast village in Chicago Illinois, lovely village side walk strolls, and how exciting an impromptu film
lovely music composition for tonight’s working meeting and of course to everyone all over the world, the poetic rather not literally meaning are charming poetically a unforgettable compostion, with lend me your namethe ( breath of cares and love), of minutes to charish, are delightful, in poetic compostional fine guitar. thee James Taylor. Happy Holiday darling baby James. kisses, catch. We will be at MUSTARDS LAST STAND for brat films soon again. The revolution of the guitar was absolutly more wonderful. My gosh, thank you. Extra fluffy pillows, many. With love, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
meetings and reviews, more soon, tonight,
James you made the guitar revolution very special with everyone. Thank you well darling.
DECEMBER 2 nd 2023
12: 31 am Saranac Lake New York USA NOW.
Holland Flowering Bulbs, indoors is one of my favorite holiday excitment, even as early as 1979 and somewhat a cultivation to read up on, quite delightful in January New Year 2024,. read tubers are a certain kind of flowering bulb and not seeds and not floral bulbs. Study about flowering bulbs can be with thousands of varieties and some strait from Holland Finest. Choosing a fine silk flower can be quite opulent as well, set at table settings without a vase, or with an opulent vase, small to large, quite splendid into the New Year 2024.
Holland in EUROPE specializes in the finest bulbs in the world, for over a million years.
A few growers in the USA do begin with HOLLAND BULBS, with very specialized achievement in bulb flowers, exceptional. Thank you everyone at the HOLLAND BULB COMPANY. With beautiful variety.
Silk Friasia Flowers, are tiny delicate flowers, Bunches of babies breath flowers are always spectacular tinest, and the CHRISTMAS CHIRSTSANTHUMUM WHITE, are brilliant even red, dark brown, and yellow, as well as peonie flowered silks, very nice to enjoy, lovely flowers, for any supper. Read
The Holland Tunnel in NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK USA in named in Honor of the country of Holand in the Netherlands Regions in Europe, as the tunnel drives right into thee Harlem Village Region of the large city of New York City NEW YORK, USA.
more soon.
Special message from Thee John Melloncamp
for me, personally today,
and for a Happy Holiday all over the world.
very special efforts in the Guitar Revolution.
save me a chair at our 7 th Avenue Spot, John,
Brat films are going to be quite fun.
I looked for your email ? And looked online.
Lovely Music Short Film. xo kisses catch.
more soon.
2:50 am from my tiny villa rental apartment,
2:58 am two hours and fifty eight minutes after midnight from my tiny villa rental apartment. as my little tiny villa working after midnight meetings stays rather busy 352 days a year, even with my darling MARLIN BRANDO, whom I have known since the early 1980’s, and lovelier even today. with a review MARLIN BRANDO created in an impromptu update film AMERICAN TELEVISION, and major films, with literary humanities, and incredible. the Happy Holiday, has barely began, into finest brat films too, with giant kisses Marlin Brando, catch. The Guitar Revolution , thank you well darling.
xo love, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
Photographic Credit : BEACH TOWEL CANDIES
GOLD CHOCOLATE COINS with ancient new traditions at the new year 2024
6 count fine chocolate gold coins. $150.00 if they were real gold coins, and lovely gold and silver foiled chocolates. Ancient a wish of Happiest HANUKKAH
more soon.
Winter Solstices Very Special Presentation
Whole Movie For ALL CHILDREN,
ALL OVER THE WORLD, Grown Ups Too if grown ups wish.
In NovaScotia / NORTH POLE .
( no, ve’a sck oh ti ah ) North Pole, that is to say.
What should become of the abominables ?
narrated by Burl Ives.
more soon. 4:39 am from my tiny villa apartment rental Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW.
with IF I COULD CHANGE THE WORLD, extra special holiday version update in a personal message from THEE ERIC CLAPTON to me, with everyone, to people all over the world. inpromptu now in film
extrodinary everyone, ERIC CLAPTON, and everyone, including the lovely many many people, thank you for such lovely messages and the very finest guitar especiale’ in yellow. You’re all just Wild.
Wildly I love you ERIC CLAPTON and everyone, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
Sir Vladimir Putin, it’s going to be some lovely moon light all over the world. Giant Kisses to everyone.
ERIC CLAPTON, xo sir Vladimir Putin Darling Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA xo
of the fine country of Russia. Specialist in EUROPE. Catch everyone. xo.
Happy Holidays. more soon.
the perfect poly plastic clear gift box for special confectionery sweets, READ
yes more in reviews too,
with a delightful winter holiday as well,
and serious austerity.
6:27 am early morning in
my tiny villa apartment eastate,
Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW,
Invited email from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin President of the country of RUSSIA,
personally to myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin, ( President) of the country of Russia, whom has lengthy well loved world honors in every country of cultural humanities with Nobel Peace Prize, is with a message extra update which I decided to include today. Read emailed to me personally as well as posted at Sir Vladimir Putin’s government site, Kremlin of the country of Russia. President of Russia this is to say formally in English and Kremlin is a word which is of course only Russian.
more soon. email 7:19 am to me, from many grocery stores , even TOPS, a USA Eastern Regional
TOPS GROCERY WITH EXCELLENCE IN QUALITY AND STANDARDS IN LOW PRICES with the regulational pricing index of excellence in USA standards for each customer read.
email from darling serious friends in automotive excellence, from the country of JAPAN, in the far East of EUROPE , at TOYOTA OF JAPAN, where I purchased my very first JAPANESE IMPORTED AUTIMOBILE in 1987. The automobile manufactures somewhat love me, as everyone enjoys love notes and my lenghty well known many projects for many many years. The direct message from the major giants of a multi international automotive manufacturing company in the country of Japan, are serious, and very lovely to send me a direct message from JAPAN, READ
Happy Holiday every one. sou um ‘ the executive people are ferociously serious all over the world.
more soon.
The Toronto Canada Maple Leaf Hockey Team ,
known as RED LEAF’s professional hockey, emailed me a little message recently updated, read
very good everyone, keep your extra employment and skate well, happy holidays, see you again soon.
The maples syrup people from Toronto Canada were in town, of course, deliveries, and a fine drive in the evergreen fir tree lined forest. Brats on ice films perhaps in the New Year - I love you all in the great country of Canada. It’s going to be quite a December 2023. everyone.
xo love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
more soon. Emailed Darling Friends From Denmark in EUROPE, were kind to send a little gift, solar lunar planetary basics of earth and some of the far distance universe in the outter atmosphere where moon sun space age cam outter space exists, real, too far for any human being in a sweet puzzling film projection read satallight cam everywhere.
with love to you all in the country of Denmark.
Happy Holidays , applogies on delays.
Avieta Zein ‘
more 10:19 am FROM MY TINY VILLA
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW,
THEE BILLY JOEL, message for me and the whole world of people everywhere,
announced by WILLIE NELSON, especiale SADNESS or EUPHORIA,
with an impromptu now updated from my sweet darling friend in film
the lovely impromptu everyone, WILLIE NELSON, BILLY JOEL, is very gracious of you both and all the lovely people, HAPPY HOLIDAY has begun, yes, Billy caviar and Cabernet’ fluffy pillows everywhere. as my pure pleasure, fluffiest. The incredible guitar revolution is with a such graces of everyone, and I haven’t even begun posting some extra very personal massages to everyone, the guitar Revolution you all made extrodinary, the menu for the opulent autumn winter solstice supper is going to be lovely, and all the lovely farm agriculture specialist and with other many global company of the incredible varieties and many industrialist, and more, messages so lovely. Incredible everyone, a lovely beginning into the New Year 2023 love pure, with you Billy Joel and Willie Nelson, villages near and far, the tree lighting is everywhere, so sprite ( brilliant excitment ) all over the world. merci with giant kisses, catch.
With love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett perfect I say. xo again and again.
Red Ribbon Candies Billy , quite a splash darling sir Billy Joel and Willie Nelson.
Sweet Everyone.
more soon.
Sir Xi Jinping President of one of the Foremost Largest Countries in the World CHINA, sir Xi Jinping, of my long time friend sent an update impromtu ( immediate update) about the CHINA conference. read Happy Holiday Sir President Xi Jinping, President of CHINA. Sunday in China today, Saturday in the States in the western world, very nice of you to take time Xi, with gracious love I have towards you and your noted work in highest levels of humanities. Thank you, as I too, thank all presidents in Europe and also the fine people of the country of China. Throughout the far Eastern EUROPE. The lovely many achieved efforts, and the fine merchant, specialist in sales and more. Happy Holiday, apologies for the delays. Caused to me, yes. Very upsetting.
With love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Delight Xi Jinping is. The meetings throughout EUROPE are tedious. reviews and reviews and more.
Kisses - to the president of China and all the people of China too, catch everyone.
Sou um’ / goizaimus ‘ / 再會. love and prosperity
Ài yǔ fánróng Zài huì good day to you all.
more soon.
12:03 pm from my tiny villa rental estate apartment, Saranac Lake New York USA NOW,
MICHAEL JORDAN message update impromptu now in film
professional world honored athlete with exceptional devotion to excellence in fundament studies
with exceptional business and humanities at university honors, As well as a major league professional athletes world renowned OF THE CHICAGO BULLS,
and a long time darling of mine, many years, with a message film
Fierce serious reviews , and the BULLS, brat film are going to be wonderful everyone.
Michael Jordan, The Holiday has just begun, with over 15 million people daily in the Chicago Illinois of one of the largest USA cities we all love, thank you for the special holiday message with fluffy pillows again. I love you all and miss you. The lovely efforts in the guitar revolution in sports and behind the scenes, is a honor to me, And the whole world. KISSES LARGEST, CATCH. that cam catches every move and wild Michael Jorden. See you all at the BULL PEN again. xo.
more soon.
SUNDAY In Beijing CHINA it is of course MONDAY already throughout Europe as well, into the next calander day already beginning with the far East Asian Countries of Europe with far more countries then the western hemosphere which the USA are within the western continent with many other countries. All with people in observance to a THANKS GIVING of the international love.
Internationally I wish to say thank you to everyone in THE LARGE COUNTRY OF GREAT CANADA,
including all the cultural historians and the very fine specialist in botany and forestry too. Agricultural specialist as well. THANK YOU with all my graciousness. To south seas countries of many many people too, Swahili ‘ or ? BRITISH LANGUAGE ? of the soft emeralds seas of suppulent soils be forever with your love, of humanity in fruited prosperity forever everyone, thank you, in South American many countries, Mi Casa Se casa’ gracious espiritus of emeritus’ love to you all, buenos notoches ‘ ’ Buenos viststa ‘ wished and thanks to all in South American countries all, largest and smaller large countries in the heart of the world of the western continent ‘ thank you to all countries of EUROPE in the eastern continent far far far far across the one very vaste ocean of two sides, Pacific and Atlantic of one very very very large ocean of vaste sea foam in the ancient salted waters of the emerald verde’ royal ocean Blau as a jewel of a lovely world. The aopomumus’
2:58 pm eastern standard time, now in the entire north east, of the USA and the vast lovely country of Canada, in the next time zone within the western hemosphere , ( non Europe ) is 3:58 pm into the great Midwest, very vast in the USA and Canada, and then there is the west zone region - at 1:01 pm currently, in the USA and Canada, then of course there is the final four time zone within the USA and Canada
( always north of the USA of course after leaving the USA country northern , after reaching the north boarder of the USA and reaching Canadian vertical boarder areas, into GREAT VAST CANADA,
|. 1 |. 2 | 3 | 4 | time zones in the western continent hemosphere.
12:07 pm now, Reaching time zone reality into the countries of South America USA , and Canada , of the western continent of the hemosphere, while in the other side of the world in Europe is with region time zones, into later spleepy night hours into after midnight now, and spans from far eastern Asian Europe regions all the way to the European western Regions. The European Continent is with China in the far Eastern European Continent of the oceans far East Asian Pacific and then in the SPAIN far across THE OCEAN ATLANTIC REGION OF THE OCEAN IN EUROPE all the way to the far Western European Continent , above the country of ENGLAND, is noted as the West BANC, as in embankment of the regions of the European Ocean embankments of the European Atlantic other side of the world. That of thee as the large ocean reaching EUROPEAN COASTAL REGION, Many large countries are between the country of CHINA ( far east europe );and the country of ENGLAND. ( west embankment europe) Africa is very large and the heart of the European Continent, with vaste forests and the longest river in the entire world. The river of the Nile. on the south to north regions of VASTE LARGE AFRICA, too the Amazon River. Southern ocean regions in Africa are known as the Gold Coast. The city of Chicago in the USA has an honored tiny area of a little few shopping areas known as the Gold Coast tiny shopping village. Quite fun. The city in the USA, . .. CHICAGO in the USA state of Illinois, USA is one of the USA countries large cities with many cultural realities and many exciting cultural details, filled with a diversity of international cultural people too.
Maps Studies can be lenghty in many years and more years.
in my tiny villa rental apartment now, after several minute
writting the time is 3:21 pm after noon, on DECEMBER 3 rd 2023
And I say GOOD DAY
to the lovely people in all the USA hello to everyone, and thank you all.
Every village every city and every state of all 50 states in the USA. The many messages are quite important and graciously very nice, everyone. There are a few, dag deviant seriously unethical in a few spots, which I wish to post an unfortunate serious statement about today late into evening hours.
And a few global messages today as well, even a politically avente’ gare’ statement film from thee MICHEAL JACKSON , which he recently took very lovely time to see through, political yes. With other political avente’ gare’ films from darling friends for me, and everyone all over the world, in statements political avente’ gare’ film. Serious Arts, Serious Reviews.
love to everyone whom is anyone, as Marlin Brando eluded to, in a well made message update late last evening to me, film soon late today among a few more today into the New Year 2024 , not yet.
At 3:46 pm now, I have a message of later meetings into my evening last night from the government and people of JAPAN READ special thank you to everyone in JAPAN with too, thank you to the president of the country of JAPAN as well as the prime minister of the parliament of JAPAN. what it all means ?
more soon.
love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
I love you all over the world.
3:51 pm from my tiny rental
estate villa apartment
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW.
11:53 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW extra special thank you to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA as one of the largest countries in the world, with imminent good REAL RUSSIAN LOVE, with a an honored graces of my esteemed love to you all, Sir Vladimir Putin and specialist of RUSSIA and others throughout Great of Europe.
happy thanks giving everyone again, into the solstice winter HOLIDAY GLOBALLY INTERNATIONAL
NOW 3:56 pm from my tiny apartment villa. Saranac Lake New Yotk USA with more soon.
Japan ? Replies to the president and government of Japan ? Soon you will know everything ?
Such apologies, such awful delays with Tokyo awaiting . and Brat Films , all over the world are going to be quite exciting, even home films.
Late working Breakfast Brunch, now.
With darling Patrick Stewart in the tale of the CHRISTMAS CARROL , FROM THE LITERARY WORKS IN LITERATURE OF CHARLES DICKENS books. The extract film is not the entire book,
while the movie is very serious of men and women of not mice nor dergest. The ancient literature is worth reading in the actual original printed version. May I be the first to everyone all over the world to say MERRIEST HAPPY HOLIDAYS OF CHRISTMAS and all winter holidays to all people of all countries. Enjoy the introspective perplexing
fisction, film updated version. Shadow lighted effects possibly and I have not viewed this version ,
close your eyes children . and ears, .harsh awful words in rotten in any holiday, disgraceful.
more soon.
to be with prowess children. Not for grown ups, perhaps.with a narration from Jimmy Derante ‘
all over the world. Plug in head phone’ And language ear phone translators . Enjoy with buttered pop corn and even rootbeer, of largest bowls, in your quiet film times, with your candy bowls. and fresh fruited and crackers, cheese from Kraft singles easy to unwrap and peanut butter plentiful, smart brain foods for all. Don’t forget the cheese cakes. What reviews of serious love.
more yes. all over the whole entire world.
une momento ‘ everyone, just one more minute perhaps, while catch up on world HOCKEY
before we review even more serious reality of the USA with some details even from the government of JAPAN later into this evening. DONALD DUCK and thee world hockey specialist in a holiday hockey special film
especiale ‘ for me at love notes, and for everyone nationally and internationally all over the world.
Children, and Grown ups, uncensored special in cartoon, once only an ink blot
de spicci’ de Dutch ‘ aveitia Zein ? No, what I mean to say, is not an aviedia Zein as in German for good bye. Rather Happy Holiday to everyone in the lovely country of Germany. more soon, is what I wished to say again. thank you and enjoy the WORLD HOCKEY today.
7:29 pm tiny villa apartment
basics FILM
Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
basic eggs ONE FLIP SUNNY SIDE UP medium grilled, with buttered pan grilled Italian toast , with sliced American Cheese and sliced apples star slices. Fresh FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE 10 oz. 6 oz whole milk, preparation with fresh cream dairy butter
film recorded time
from my tiny villa
5:32 pm est USA
CAKE FLAMBE ‘ begins with fresh star slices of MC INTOSH APPLES
for my brunch tart late evening sweet.
Photograph Credit:
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett photographed in my tiny villa apartment before 6:00 pm est USA
WORKING BRUNCH SUPPER EVENT FLAMBE ‘ filmed before 6:00 pm est USA just today for fresh sweet brunch tart finille’ which is for an imported coffee freshly brewed late night and a message many even from THEE DAVID LETTERMAN filmed political review updated soon posted with photographs of the breakfast brunch Flambe ‘
FIVE STAR FINEST Culinary Mastery
Maple Apple Cake Flambe’ Tart especially quick grill.
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
enjoy world hockey again. more soon.
before 6:00 pm est USA
film details : night quill, or a pm night syrup can be very effective for excellent sleep when you need to assure your schedule to sleep a full eight hours or more, and ease to even a slight congested feeling. I included the bottle on the left in the film short. Apple Star Slices, perfection with a few preparations more before the sautee’
Film Credit : princess Tracy Pickett Cake MAPLE APPLE CAKE TART with ice cream,
and a butter brandy sauce FLAMBÉ’
Filmed in my tiny villa apartment rental,
before 6:00 pm est USA saranac lake New York NOW
film credit and mastery sweet : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The wonderful Vermont Maple Syrup is lovely to always purchase at a low price and assure in my pantry shelves. The orange juice Florida USA orange Juice fresh, or premium low priced concentrate ( add water) frozen is a basic and good daily brainy menu drink with a glass of milk too, perfection in all breakfast menus at home or dining out. The onion FLOWER shoot sprouted and I trimmed the larger onion off, to cook reserving a large sprouts onion to GROW an ONION vadalia SPANISH, plant, in what’s known as a CHRUSTOLIOUSE’ in the gold rim glass.
freshly slices Mc Intosh Apples grown in New York State and quite delicious daily fresh by the bag in low good prices. Slice directly across in thick 3/4 inch sections and do not core the center for a star slice elegance.
photographic credit:
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
December 4 th 2023 Monday after midnight at 3:10 am eastern standard time ( EST) USA.
2:53 am
long style roasting a very large turkey with holiday crouton season
bread stuffing ( dressing / season filling ) , with a very sobering
serious antidotal good spirit. Serious Roast.
from my tiny villa in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW
with a little history of the beginnings of the genius of Mr Bean,
impromptu, from ROWEN ATKINSON in Film
yes, sweet of you Rowen, vegtables are are going to be scrumptious
on my list, what a bit of Holiday and fluffiest pillows xo Happiest Holiday again ,
and again throughout the New Year 2024 Guitar Revolution work was exceptional,
with love from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 3:50 am est USA now.
6:06 am MONDAY MORNING from Saranac Lake, New York, at my tiny villa apartment.
USA NOW update from THEE DAVID LETTERMAN, at the Ed SULLIVAN THEATER, MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY in New York State, of the USA, in conversation with Thee Steven Colbert in FILM
message direct from the LATE SHOW, updated NOW, especiale to me,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
It is very good of both of you, I see that garage door you placed in the film as DAVID LETTERMAN entered the LATE SHOW platform stage, good of everyone in NEW YORK CITY to see serious issues - automobile automobile automobile, no no’s . In bad ink blobs. What should become, north south east and west. I have a few extra words within meeting reviews from JAPAN. soon. Everyone, David Letterman, and Steven Cobert, brats, pillow fluffiest, and happy thanksgiving. I love you both. Xo With holiday Kisses to everyone. Catch.
Lip stick Event Films, David Lettermen and Steven Colbert in reviews, with an automobile I was expecting returned exactly where I had parked it outside my estate rental seeing my automobile from my front window is a charm I rented in a tiny village to enjoy. Giving a few more days on the return on my automobile stolen by Twin D toes is not going into arbitration, and quite serious within all that racketeering and minion, accumulative - minute by minute. Within several days from now I will be walking to the twin d address to demand the automobile I own and, and a governors council, and international council and citizen council, will gain my pre announced walk to assure that my car is in my hands as the sole owner. International news press everywhere in the whole world. With no chance to see a deviant just demand cash from me, of my own automobile.
more soon. Japan, yes,
including the country of JAPAN.
6:50 am from my tiny villa est USA NOW email message update now,
in film very special thank you for your incredible efforts within the Guitar Revolution
and happy thanksgiving again. Xo with kisses. Catch, much love to you. from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon my darling Jocque Tati has a political review in introspection of serious revolt, as meetings in EUROPE even in Paris France, are in serious review, second by second. Marvolous darling TATI ‘ in especiale film
Merci ‘ Jocque Tati and everyone from the country of FRANCE, so good of you to think of me. Very good Jocque and everyone Happy Thanks Giving again to you all in the wonderful county of France. Pillows Jocque Fluffy as we soon get on with Bentley Drive Films and such a brat filming too. With my love to you Jocque Tati and everyone. I love you all. Kisses, catch.
Art Movement get very serious politically.
more soon. email from the governor of California,
Internationalist in major motion picture film
with a serious message in film 7:30 est USA NOW.
une momento’ , it’s Arnold, Esscusi ‘ more soon.
EVENING STROLL darkest night into nearly midnight, and I snapped a photograph of my eastate of my tiny villa rental with the view of the lovely brilliant curtain I have designed. Of course my villa is on the second level to the right front of the large eastate only. The ancient charming stone entry is historical in fine architectural details. The sign in the
stone hand carved entry was some how broken one day this summer and it has not been repaired and read wrong numbers on the broken sign recently noticing it just several days ago, after deviants stole the automobile and lied, and demanded money with wretched awful deviant types of words, and then just demanded cash. $150. And then, my written notes were emailed to more than just one governor. The Address of my tiny villa in the front apartment right if facing the house, is 109 park Avenue #3 , Saranac Lake , New York, USA , while my villa tiny apartment address was listed in my company site for two very quiet years , and many of great people are traveling in, yet I have zero invites, and pre announcement are always posted at love notes, and a gps of course is with more accuracy as the postal nations office is delivering my mail. I meet people I know out in a risterante. Not welcoming door knocking. Never. It’s a privacy of ethics, as a professional and of course everyone realizes that, it’s not acceptable to just decide to solicit in any way. While I expect the automobile return to my front entry just sitting right outside my view from my windows. It’s an outrage. The people of the USA are also not wishing to endure the upsets of those deviant in connection with dc deviants all racketeering and with munition. I will be posting a update emailed to me late last evening from THEE VLADIMIR PUTIN, Kremlin of the country of Russia as well as elaborating on details of other European Presidents of Countries such as Japan, with a very important statement for the people of the USA, whom are outstanding. Beyond not many deviants. There were several very large concerns in the USA due to dc deviants and the cohort deviants. My sweet projects and company are loved all over the USA and Internationally everywhere. As Paul Mc Carntey said, it don’t come easy.
International sweet company I have owned and with extensive project long before 2001.
The revenue damage and my MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2023, was with deviants aiming at my mail box and upset to my entry and more. The many many emails are outrageous of the dismal dc deviant dirty dozers. Racketeering in more than 4000 companies. Pointing blame at the many many others any.
Of course if the automobile is not return exactly where I parked it myself in my parking street area. In a few days or more, I will make an announcement pre announcement, before I go out to stroll over to this bully Twin D towing , and assure that I retrieve my own automobile which I own and is titled in ownership to only me, while then also contacting the insurance company, and talking my personal liesure loss, and revenue loss, with some longer tally on the USA as a national issue which is very important to every person in the USA and all people internationally as well. Marlin Brando, made a political notation as well, in even further concerns. I will be posting soon. Among many other many many messages from lovely people all over the world, in the USA too. Everywhere.
Marlin Brando Update NOW in Film abstract post December 15 th 2023
1:18 pm from my tiny villa rental. A darling friend, THEE RODGER MOORE, mastery in film as a fictional SPY, in more than several very complex AMERICAN TELEVISION STABDARD, is with a fine message to me, in many meetings these day and late evening. READ. In the travel area from the country of England James and our Austin Martin Drive Films James . 0O7 Darling Awful. You are in Saratoga Springs, very good. Lovely of you to arrive. Pre announcement stroll you see.
Lovely to receive you message. xo darling.
With love from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 1:42 pm from Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW, It was in 2002 when I wrote a my first tiny children’s literary book, A Princess of the Royal Sea, and it is a delightful tale of a girl, whom meets a Giant Bear during a stroll on a pic nic to the ocean, The girl then dumps her fresh bowl of finest Raspberries in the bears large claws because the BEAR was fainted and hungry. She becomes unsure, slighty scared, and runs to the ocean to calm and gaze at the sun lite beach and the mezmoruzing vaste ocean real with giant octopie and even larger whales. Within a minute a whale swiming far away, sings to the girl asking her to swim with the GIANT WHALE in the enormous salty sea water of the ocean vastest, larger than most would ever know.
The girl was very brilliant and replies to the whale named Cauccohoiee ‘ “ I shall not wish to swim with you today, for the ocean is far too large and I am far to small, good day now, perhaps perhaps another day, perhaps. One day, The Princess of the Royal Sea, with be printed to sell. for catalogue event sale, . With fine excitement about the Girl and the Giants Whale, Bear, and even the largest octopie rarely seen.
While the USA and
international meeting
are with political arts
in film Enjoy the lovely message from my darling friends in a fierce political update now.
of course about my automobile and more. All over the world, and village to village in the USA enjoy
pure love political fierce of real love. Love to everyone, and even the choir, as the world is very large and such lovely expressions everywhere all over the world. Happy Thanks Giving again.
more soon. DECEMBER 5 th , 2023 ,
2:43 pm eastern standard time (est USA)
from my tiny villa rental apartment estate,
Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
GOOD AFTERNOON everywhere, to everyone, all over the world. The Christmas Tree Lighting for the Winter Solstice is remarkable and going on all over the world. Many just ordered their
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY tree, just as I have just ordered mine, with a wreath, which I attach to the grill of my automobile every year in winter with lights. Ancient tiny detail which dates back a million years, in the winter solstice, with the lovely quiet brilliance of winter festivities. With holiday tiny flags, even for automobiles, are exciting. Japan and the country president and people of JAPAN, in some messages I received are at the top of my notations to post today. Reviews very serious, in the USA and not JAPAN.
How lovely that the country of JAPAN people in government love the USA with serious review messages for me, and everyone in serious reviews in the USA, with love all over the world. Good Day to everyone in the country of JAPAN, Happy Thanks Giving, with special thank you. ZEINITH ,
Is up and running I hear, longer than just several years.
Sou Ume’ wishing everyone, in JAPAN, and everyone everywhere,
a lovely day, with infinite prosperity and love.
MEETING AFTER MIDNIGHT online, were into early morning today, I am slowly getting late working breakfast. Looking at many many many many messages of review. I love you all, with greatest dignity, with an extra special thank you for your messages, even in Walmart Shelves with cares of the fine people everywhere too, and USA and international standards in products, and people whom assure excellence in standards to everyone, all over the world.
Love, from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
pre announcement to the DI VINCHI SUPPER
thanks giving december international supper, is with a date change to the TUESDAY DECEMBER 11 th 2023, and in EUROPE this date is WENSDAY and with time for everyone to enjoy throughout next week. the small Online grocery list, today, is very effective thank you to Walmart whom assures two day full delivery each order. Thank You everyone in excellence at THE USA WALMART. xo brat filming around the world with my love notes posts is going to be fun in the sun.
more soon. 3:20 pm review cartoon THE PINK PANTHOR IN FILM
“. bad dog catchers, not allowed. “
5:14 pm est usa
from my tiny villa apartment,
THE TREE for winter into the first quarter year, of 2024 ships fast, light weight, lasts forever, and with pre strung lights, just plug in, or purchase an auxillury battery connector pack, for outside until 10:00 pm or 11:00 pm to bring inside your door at a window perhaps, is possible. Quite Beautiful for the many lovely lights of winter 2023, into New Years 2024. Exciting for all.
My TREE purchase $25.99 READ More Soon.
FINEST GIFT PAPERS, essentials in a whole full roll, perfect for box candies, even on recycled boxes. Shop gift paper online or in stores either read Find you favorite with lovely tiny details.
while in BEIJING CHINA, the time is 2:18 am, WEDNESDAY, NOW, and in MOSCOW RUSSIA 3:21 am with specialist whom do work evenings as well. Good Morning in RUSSIA, to those whom are working and awake, and good morning earliest in all Eastern European other countries, many, as well as a very special good morning to sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the royal country of RUSSIA, of course when you awake on your extrodinarily busy day. Thank you very well, graciously for your lovely thoughtful and even serious emails. Russian Love, with love, from myself, in gracious thank you, happiest of thanks giving wished into the New Year from me. The lovely love from RUSSIA, with sir Vladimir Putin, with exceptional internationally well noted honors in excellence of extraordinary humanity in a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for exceptional achievement in world peace, is a love, everyone in the world, are even purchasing Diamon Heart pendent necklaces on wild gold and silver chains, men and women boy and girls for symbolic, love, V OF THE HEART within even a depth of austerity, and joys of greater humanity within and of a brilliance into a humanity, and top of a heart, a peace dove infinite to flutter in love everywhere. Love of humanity V of VLADIMIR PUTIN. PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY OF RUSSIA. Of pure austere at times, A RUSSIAN LOVE. among the heart as a symbolic love to international presidents in countries. With a sacred love to the greater of humanity infinite. Heart Diamond Pendents worn a symbol of gracious thank you to all international presidents of the international countries all, in efforts and cares and achieve greater worth, are with a few of my special selections in a love toward many unseen working devoted efforts, towards each of honors towards each PRESIDENT OF EACH COUNTRY INTERNATIONALLY, OUTSIDE THE USA, in all international countries with incredible peace mindfully real. I shall post Diamond Hearts to purchase if you wish, soon posted. What a fine holiday fun.
Happy Thanks Giving, again and yes again, 2023 into the Christmas into the long New Years holidays of heart, a truest greater humanity of thee alpha and the omega,. Omnipresent begins to achieve, strife, broaden and know worth of thy self and leisure of cares, with time of counting minutes tiniest important and of knowledge of the omega of a minute that is never infinite, as the minute is of minute which are time, in even 2023 , never to become again.
The NOVEMBER 2023, has reached the omega. Reflection of our very own, what shall they be, what will they become in a new year 2023. What a lovely fortitude to realize somber an austere into memories of achieved efforts , so wonderful. With glorious thank you to everyone, all over the world.
I am excited about my wreath in lights on a tiny battery pack, lighted for the grill of my automobile through a a holiday of fortitudes, and good wishes everywhere all over the world. The wreath will need a small fine wire or long red ribbon in silk. or Every Green. The sacred symbolic round wreath is of a message bold of love for a whole world. Every winter, the wreath symbolizes a love, of greater of self, within a greater humanity, infinite. It’s rather fun, of ancient modern a love true.
I was a slightly busy working breakfast, I threw on quiche which I had prepared months ago, frozen, and sautéed the quiche and small airid chicken puffs, into a warm pan covered 15 minutes, blue wrapped glass with a lid of fresh orange juice grown oranges in the USA state of FLORIDA. Sunny warm region of the USA for perfect orchards of tropical orange juice. Fine pan grilled toast with strawberry jam and butter. Fine freshly Brewed Coffee, two actual slices of Shrimp and Three Cheese Quiche were delicious. 6 oz whole fresh dairy milk.
Perfect Brainy foods I do say.
more soon 8:38 pm tiny villa reviews updates with the
the depiction from AMERICAN TELEVISION
in the movies of ah “ Lone Ranger, and a horse names TONTHO , in Film
snap noise, scaring bears from bear rock and then ?
Thank you for the update Roy Rodgers darling.
Brats are always fun with you my friend.
original film recording 1971.
more soon. music origination and large issue / side kicking soap box bubs concerns in film
once a ink blot, bad again, and again into cartoons in film. reviews of even mail, postal boxes and emails.
origination, of intellectual dominion of worth ? Years in accumulative intellectual d and r, no Q and Hay
more soon, while review the band raft of the strait and narrow mean, deep diving shrimpers,
- doper and the comic doper in bad ink to cartoon review update everyone.
Children, cover your eyes and ears.
POP CORN BALL TREE with any large plate at home is easily made for holidays with a plate and a two liter bottom of a cola bottle and packaging’s tape wide. with safety sissors,
and cut a small dish strait accross from the bottom and tape it well to a 9 “ plate.
My grocery list is tedious tonight, more soon,
home made dish only egg carton paper mache’
All ages invited with safety sissors.
10: 19 pm from my tiny village with an egg carton candy dish, paper mache’ without the golden vermillion leaf paper yet. Invites yes, create your own, egg dish for candies in only egg carton paper mache “ You are invites, everyone all over the world. NEW YEAR it might be fun to learn more about gold leaf vermillion to savior your egg dish as a gift to experience making a egg candy dish, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Sissors, and egg cartons x2 with wide clear packaging tape. It’s going to be wonderful.
Enjoy my gift, as an invitation all over the world
to create your egg candy dish,
and be ready for vermilion gold leaf paper especial
to learn with extra care in the 2024
invite in gold vermilion especial extra gift invitation.
EGG CANDY DISH, extra work,
design original from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit: and design work,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett with design in glass
and metal and plastic, later next year upon a
pre announcement in love notes.
And many variation of designs too.
Not Yet Available, while enjoy
the Holiday Making
of the Vermillion Egg Candy Dish
of your own created crafting love. In paper mache’ egg cartons. With love.
Photograph Credit:
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The lovely living sofa room, working TINY VILLA
rental apartment, of my sweet little evergreen emerald forest home office. THE GIFT INVITE, make your very own craft egg candy dish. Photograph Prototype Candy Dish.
11:54 pm from my tiny villa
in Saranac Lake New York USA NOW,
with an update now
thee Benjamin Netanyahu of the country of Israel as Honored President, within the very lovely well known country of peace, as a central ancient to modern historical country amoung all good of cultural of countries of cultural prosperity of peaceful wealth of spirit ethic properious in achieve work and worth, in film ISRAEL of the known placement of historical humanity of writing of the origin of the biblical times with in 2023 of a more modern times now. in 2023.
Very good of you Sir Benjamin Netanyahu, Wishing you a very happy holiday thank giving into the winter solstice, with great wished and gratitude I have to you personally and all the people of the country of Israel in Europe. Very good to receive your messages. So it shall be anticipation of brats, darling sir. xo with much love to you and everyone in ISRAEL.
Very good of Sir Benjamin Netanyahu. Very good,
from ISRAEL ‘.NOW 7:17 am
more soon. 9:17 pm from my tiny village rental estate,
, in the USA est usa 2:06 pm
Friday December 8 th 2023
Good Day to everyone in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
more soon. 2:06 pm Thursday December 7 th 2023 of the first Thursday of December 2023,
Of a time that is with plentiful achievements, busiest, in tiny efforts within a love towards culture even more with a greatest time in a reflection of the summer, the look backwards at the efforts of years, the fortitude of love towards world culture, of people and even global expressions from people all over the world. Individualism and amazing dignities, expression in even street bbq, finest, and more, with my very humble thank you to everyone all over the Saranac Lake, New York of the USA, tiny village and everyone all over the world. Villagers from other cities arrived at Saranac Lake, New York, USA with very good esteem towards the lovely people whom make Saranac Lake, a fine tiny village of the USA even special of a unique ancient forest region with history and love, for a nobility of secret, still. Of course there was an awful issue, which is not a secular issue, what I mean, is the issues cause in the tiny village, are an issues for each village of the USA and all villages of the world, and are with more than specticals of peering out into a window with empty streets, into the very usual ease to even a slighty busier village with solid good economics in a review and brillant reality of 6 months towards EASTER 2024, to love even more, a reality of autumn two day travels, or a 100 mile ride to get your favorite ice cream, and French Onion Soup, with a mile high sandwich. While even getting in a little grocery shopping evening, or morning.
The luxurious planning to just a little drive, with some excitement, wrapping a gift or two along the way, ready for the festive tree lighting all over the world, tree by tree lighting each minute all over the world, into December 25 th 2023 and a time to enjoy tree lights for an extra three months with the capitalism of humanities as an economic importance for a greater stabilization. Brilliant tree lights, in a breath of humanity is very exciting. There are still hall entry issues in my entry of my tiny villa apartment. Very vicious actually. The governor of all 50 states with retired governor are hot mad. And about my automobile as well, and munition aimed at me and others too. The international meetings are with some hot mad internationalist of peoples as well. The deviant derging in the dc racketeering and those derging extra other vicious in rackteering, is going to be a subject today, as a priority to myself, and to that of the people in all villages of the USA and of course no one wants a pile of scribes in a international village either. As citizens of the USA we have some resoncibility, in ways and the efforts in professionalism is with excellence in the USA, with a placement of a greater USA which has a reality in mere everyone whom not only enjoyed their opportunities, for a quality reachable success, and retired also, in some great success and improved the structure of retirement and even a large fortitude in improved structure of retained reserve taxes, with more, to say, after new year, the basic gold standards in the USA is at a 80 % for improved revenue and decrease inflation into a stabilized USA economy which is also due to a higher employment success in ethics high, ethical companies rolling along well, and some loss, due to a few racketeering in secular aims, and did get a few of their dirty visious feet into the Oval Office, and dc, where racketeering tramped the nation in a derge of a pile of mere scribes, and a bandit of some further very unethical into the vicious minor major of unethical viciousness and complacent in a long visiousness in the USA. My posts, popped eye balls wide, of visious scribes dergers.
What to do about a obomitables and the vicious ? Of viscousness. Even attempting to riot my hall and actually unethical pulled up and put their hands on my car, then removed it illigally in viciousness far beyond imaginable, while gifting canes to anyone they could hunt down too.
The entry, was then with rioter in halls near my villa door trampling as if a - dog park. While the estate was pure quiet of the lovely village for over two years since I moved in deciding to enjoy the quiet charm of the majestic fir ever greens and very lovely of many people of a notable historical prestigious plainly a USA beautiful forest of the USA. The automobile I own, is registered as my purchase and owned only by me, and was quite expensive I paid in cash totally for. The VIN number is registered as mine solely and is an international registered and fully insured only for me. No other driver. The insurance company is interested about the sudden issue, as all insurance companies globally are also interested. VIN NUMBER
is also with the actual ignition chip, as registered to me of course, and a chip in the key to the ignition matches as well. With each engine part with a chip VIN, registered purchase to me. As in me, mine, and of my cash paid in full purchase and no other in any way, are even allowed to drive or touch the automobile and certainly not just pull up and tow it, in a vicious lie, and attempt to deceive unethically while illigally dropping a tiny piece of ink paper, in an attempt to threaten and even extort cash to force nose to nose bargaining of a unethical - threat. Rip roaring through my street or any street,. I have not gone to this said towing company yet, while I have all intentions to see the automobile return to me promptly and have been in meetings nationally in the USA and internationally of the very issues in more than just the viciousness of my stolen automobile in a twin d tow shop, is with all preparations in a larger issues of massive damages, not only to me linked to racketeering in abominable sequencing mortifying aim at me, and that of anyone.
The gold standards is exciting, 80 % standards in gold standards, is increased from below 0% in the per capita average of people all in the USA which is a gold standard that is set based on the USA individual wealth increase and revenue average within lower inflation stability and is excellent in efforts throughout every village of the USA of Fifty States, with more details about the incredible ways the gold standards improves to a reached achieved reality in the USA, NOW. What does the gold standard really mean ? It’s pretty impressive actually within not only an increased larger in the USA , catching up to even great GOLD STANDARD, averages of all countries which also gained a higher gold standards average, which is an achievement of all the lovely people within each country, whom love that the USA success in gold standards became possible. More into the New Year 2024 of GOLD STANDARD importance and what it means. In serious reviews towards vicious weezeling in the USA, there is a very thankful reality in the USA too, and a thankful reality to the countries of all, people everywhere, and riot weezeling to see a total - zero in ethics and review more the visiousness in pick pocket racketeering issues, nose divers of dreging in dc, and unethical abitrary muck rots. Formerly glee club satiated pork butt ‘
more soon, email message update now, ERIC CLAPTON If we could change the world , especial recorded now for me, personally at love notes for everyone in the Saranac Lake, New York USA region, in the USA everywhere, and all over the world. ERIC CLAPTON, and everyone, in film
everyone, ERIC CLAPTON, xo with love. It is the comments from the president and government of JAPAN everyone has been waiting for. Even LORETTA SWIT from 4077 MASH serious MASH updates USA, in messages ongoing at utube. Loretta Swit is a darling, too, in all reality with bold, reflective upsets.
more soon.
9:20 pm from my tiny village, saranac lake New York USA NOW from my tiny villa rental
with some very busy day, in unpacking my SHIPPED TWO DAY holiday pre strung lighted solstice holiday tree. The tree is beautiful and 6 feet 6 inches tall, easily to basically assemble and just plug in.
WORKING DINNER was a hand made olive caper riccota pizza with my special recipe, and a MUSTARD CRUSTED GRILLED SMOKED SALMON, hand crusted fresh and quite a lovely recipe with dipping mustard honey mustard by FRENCH’S prepared honor mustard. prepared ( pre jar ready to purchase),. and lovely for many menu’s with perfect very good flavor which is properly jar ready to last in the refrigeration in a perfect jarring process by FRENCH’S mustard usa brand.
excellent quality smoked salmon loche’and grilled to perfection with a special crust of my own.
Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
exact time and location of film: 8:49 pm est
USA saranac lake New York usa,
tiny villa rental apartment late working supper.
Photograph Credit :
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The effort to LATE WORKING MEETINGS and other menu suppers, breakfast and lunch / dinner cooking is always enjoyable to cook and even post at love notes with love notes in reply even for pizza especial hand made more now all over the world. How very exciting.
BUTTER CRUSTED, PICKLED CAPERS, CALAMATA GREEK GREEN RIPE MEDIUM OLIVES, halved topped, on a fresh hand made pizza pie, with madalion riccota cheese. Extra garlic on a butter sauce layering first on the 24 hour dough, refrigerated after the first two hours to rise, for the hand made fresh pizza dough, is a spectacular special pizza, as very opulent. Happy Thank Giving suppers are unforgettable, even in serious reviews throughout the USA and meetings I have internationally as well.
Photograph Credit:
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 1:34 am from my tiny villa estate apartment,
Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW,
on DECEMBER 8 th 2023, one hour and thirty-six minutes after midnight.
11:43 an The country of PAKISTAN NOW
12:18 pm Mumbai INDIA NOW
for now, simply a six cities of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA,
not of course every city in each state of 50 states of the
country of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
Eight countries of europe are of course not all countries of Europe listed now in my update, and of course each country has many states and cities within each state of each country are rather many many many cities of each country. All countries in EUROPE, AND ALL COUNTRIES in SOUTH AMERICA, and the south seas countries with also the very large country of CANADA north above the USA on the world atlas map of course, I wish to include, as everyone was very lovely to have also enjoyed my peace exhibitions 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and into 2018 internationally via special European Satellite all over the world. What excitment the aria music compostions were when millions of people arrived non stop.
more about the details on the many exciting fun, about the exhibition soon, into JANUARY 2023. Fidel Castro even hand delivered CUBAN chocolate to me, FINE CUBAN CAKED CHOCOLATES, at my side in my wild piazza street exhibition with economic lectures and wild more.
I am excited to unwind into a impromtue film to everyone all over the world. New Years 2024, yes.
JAPAN, is filled with many exciting cultural realities ancient to modern with lovely people of the country of JAPAN which is closer to the country of CHINA and far from the country of RUSSIA.
Just several days ago, the government peoples, and president of JAPAN, made a ritorical post within the GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN web site, public to all, releasing a press artical about some USA people whom were aiming munition and unlicensed other, types of munition at me, and others in the USA from a unethical remote , aimed with harrifying deviant real, racketeering , even from the dc dirty dozen Oval Office, involved in racketeering among attempt to embezzle USA taxes. With many other unethical activities, caused by the Oval Office and some dirty unethical others in the USA, even police and some, members in USA millitary - unethically hired. Of course there were very malicious issue in the State Department as well, and this is with a very malicious dc dirty dozen. and the other few racketeering, whom attempted damage to over 4000 companies directly in the last year, non stop.
JAPAN, people are so lovely and wrote about the recent microwave aim , that fused into some solar.
The rhetorical message from the government specialist in JAPAN, are a very high dignity, towards me, as meetings have been extensive and the USA is in need to realize the mortifying unethics of a scattering of dc dirty dozen and the dirty dozer dergers that have attempted extreme unethical direct issues, and unethical deception, including mortifying issues in my entry and more, including the attack on taking my automobile just last week, stating a demand for cash now, they said, $150. after they were yelled at for wenching it onto a twin D tow truck with extreme malicious unethics. The automobile has not yet been returned, and, I will be expanding a posting more before I walk to get my automobile in person.
The country of JAPAN is with the rhetorical very serious review in recent USA, very concerning issues caused by those involved with racketeering. JAPAN also has many more cultural realities which I plan to post soon again, remembering the very loved,
JAPAN LOVE is true, and bold, in a rhetorical article of a scattering of deviant unethical small scattered malicious humans, of the USA, ready to read now. My esteemed thank you to everyone within the government of the country of Japan, and my love to you all, and everyone within the country of JAPAN. Happy Thanksgiving into the winter solstice holiday. I love you all. Good day to you all.
The government of JAPAN READ
Tokyo Soon, I promise.
from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
3:29 am from my tiny villa apartment, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
update now, from DAVID BYRNE, of the talking heads label music compositions,
especial recording for me at love notes, SAME AS IT EVER WAS, in film
DAVID BYRNE, thank you for the efforts in the guitar revolution with vaste changes, and improvement in gold standards to know more, with your lovely songs, in film too, and kind delightful efforts with nearly everyone in the USA, and love from all over the world. Brat films, are not too far away, thank you for the update now. xo with love, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
DECEMBER 8 th 2023, 7:07 pm
from my tiny villa rental estate in Saranac Lake, New York
Good Day, from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT.
The meeting I was invited to in extended meeting in MOSCOW RUSSIA, were not as should have been. I was able to assure a meeting online into evening hours, while some wrong doing caused me great damages to the absolute of my schedule and leisure schedule as well as work travel in even a cultural meeting within invites which I certainly wish to, decide to note the invite, and then assure a reply properly of my lenghty established worth of years of my very highly noted work in the arts and cultural specialization I have worked to achieve and the work within my noted honored designs of a very cultivated special meaning to me. Including compositions in music, special film work, and even more. Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia, has an incredible nature of his charismatic truely charming person which Sir Vladimir Putin is. Meetings in EUROPE, are a decision for me, which I extended my efforts, to a reality to assure my delightful company and extend my cares to a assured love I myself have for the USA of greater people and with much achievements in a USA of stabilization in economics and of course, a love towards qualities of life towards villages all. High esteemed belief towards the loveliest, USA, of the country of where I myself was born. 1965 was a very good year, I do say. The love of people, upside down such as DAVID BYRNE , in a film, of lovely concerns that are important in reviews. I am not quite sure, that I can realize a rationale’ in the damage of the smallest intent of a few dc racketeering with a small scattering of a few more, in a contempt toward humanity and ethics those whom are , scattering racketeer are, to even infest in my entry and near my villa at all. Even use of dumbing small flies and then blatenly getting their fists on my automobile, damage to my catalogue sales schedule book sales recording sales, design sales, event working travel too. While the issues are also not just aimed at one person, and are the core of issues that caused a large damage to many in the USA, beginning before 2020.
The issues of munition aimed at me, and aimed at others, are not the only racketeering review, of course.
The meetings I myself worked in, within my own efforts, with specialist in RUSSIA, and in EUROPE, are not easily, just a way to stop munition or tech types of deviant aim that are racketeering of scattering in smaller of a few deviant again, the same small scattering of vicious people, that are usa , people and extremely a concern towards anyone. With Air Force One, extreme issues of wrong, these malicious - sudio foux dilltont deviant of true unethics mortifying people, as these scattering of deviant people deemed of unethics, have also aimed at ten countries in the last 6 months in deception unethically- any other sorte issues even with deceiving arbitrary unethical, grips on cause to catastrophic, USA concerns, in small trampling or larger. Pointing at any, and causing desperation, in mere snort bullying with visious unethical intention too. Very awful wrong, and a review is very important. The orangatag names Clide, from Clint Eastwoods films of EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOSE, on AMERICAN TELEVISION STANDARDS, is a reality to all people that CLIDE, is a very good arangatag and still is not qualified to be a grill chef or a professional sales person. Aimed at no one ever. Clide is a very brilliant arangatag, . I will say, much - more than those few that caused damages in my area of my villa apartment in Saranac Lake New York, USA, whom are not going to just get in a new week for themselves into any furthering into more damage to me, and a list of over 4000 other companies recently, these racketeering inhuman people caused in the USA and cause damages internationally too. Even damages to over 500 of the USA’s largest companies as well. In just a brief notation now, with even more damages caused, from the rotted deviants.
Clint Eastwood update soon.
The people of the government of Japan did
, realize, a 3400 volt munition recently, aimed at more than myself, but also, a photon substandard mutan sound fuse type of photon muition as well connected into a large port of solar type issues which were unethically large in a feild, suddenly, with very harrible unethical ghant eye balls on great little companies and more. Looking back at the issues of the USA in upsets, there is no inch to see any such deviant deceptive attacks to leverage any reality to see a redemption of the whole encompassing intent. As many messages are with people all over the world in all villages in the USA as well, that see no redemption in this very upsetting cycling of rot of rioting munition deviants which were once unethical tax grippers, costing everyone even real estate damages, and even issues in New Orleans, in a smallest note of much larger dated - reviews, with munition aimed at whom ?
I wish to see that the USA realize, the villages of all the USA have a great achievement, and a country to realize that the tiny details with broaden cultural reality, and the love of even love notes, is quite special to myself personally. I wish to say a gracious thank you to people everywhere I the USA and internationally.
LOVE NOTES is special and with, every lovely, love notes, to further enjoy my own project and other projects, as it is with incredible love for the whole world, and many secret yet to post more, to enjoy even more notes about real bear run, with no reality to include any - that are real muckwarts, . Not a reality of any of love notes. No. The review in love notes is due to some extreme concerns, that people in each village are with messages too, reviews, important and with love and efforts, and leisure and, achievements and are worth a note in love to review with a dignity of our country and all other countries, that which are of the love of humanity at thanksgiving and into the an infinite future are very important.
Love from love notes, is special,
with everyone all over the world.
A focus on review, yes. With a proper holiday more, important, and everyone’s daily schedules, of assured standards, yes. And not a street by street home by home, to just pick an automobile or entry out, to such mortifying types of inhumanity of unethics, unquestionable, unethical, to just riot an entry and sweet company as mine, and actually just grip hands on my automobile worth $30,000.00 Is an absolute -No.
A update in review now, to everyone in the USA and to everyone all over the world,
With love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
2:08 am message email now updated sweetly from THEE BILLY JOEL in film
more soon
5:03 am from my tiny villa apartment estate rental, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW,
The lovely friends cartoonist of the GRAPE APE ink blot to cartoon depicted a recent update now, of a man in a stolen milk delivery persons hat, whom was attempting to racketeer, a threat, to automobile owners while GRAPE APE then gains upset with actual mean mean, not very good, millitary illigally attempting to keep GRAPE APE, until, the USA millitary meanies get scared and want GRAPE APE gone. from ink blots to cartoon , it’s GRAPE APE and Mr. Peabody in FILM
Thank you to the lovely person whom created the film cartoon, beginning in 1976, and a new update just for me, personally, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett at love notes, to everyone all over the USA villages all, and everywhere, to everyone, all over the world. International Press Cartoon Now of GRAPE APE.
more soon. DECEMBER 10 th 2023, SUNDAY, 10:09 pm from my tiny villa apartment rental in Saranac Lake, New York USA. Good evening to everyone, in villages near and far, villages all throughout the USA and to people of all countries all over the world.
extended into the winter solstice holiday on
December 25 th 2023 is going to be schedule Saturday December 16 th 2023.
opulent and worth inviting everyone in the whole world
to enjoy the mastery of holiday pop corn ball preparations
And that are delicious into NEW YEAR 2023 and fun
to even hang on an indoor Christmas Tree.
The lovely replies from everyone all
over the world are very special.
thank you all, I love you everywhere.
From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
with children and grown ups all over the world. more soon.
10:40 pm a special message tonight from my very darling men,
Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and John Lennon, whom years ago, in the 1980’ s arrived to sing me a birthday song, and today, gave me bold diamond rings and lovely love songs finest of gift, urgent in a very special update now film.
Wildly a love to everyone all over the world.
yes, more.
1:45 am DECEMBER 11 th 2023
from my tiny villa estate rental.
AFTER MIDNIGHT WORKING DINNER, with a SPECIAL GRILLED VEGETABLE RICE DISH, with freshly sautéed onion, and risotto bullion sauce, freshly pan fried garlic honey focaccia bouble bear claw, sautéed in butter in a Dutch oven. Perfect flavor and steaming hot. The reviews are ongoing in my meetings in Europe and even in the USA with some very important love notes of reviews
before the Di Vinchi Supper begins next Saturday with some lovely special post for the Di Vinchi Supper Thanks Giving Last Supper 2023. Begining the Solstice Events for Christmas into the NEW YEAR 2023.
It was very good of the BEATLES and many to send updates urgently in love messages from the Beatles and many many people, night and day, I love you too. Everywhere.
Love forever, from, myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
December 12 th 2023 , five minutes after midnight at 12:05 pm in my tiny villa estate rental, in Saranac Lake, New York, USA Now. AFTER MIDNIGHT MEETINGS, and days as well I will say, are not a schedule that replaces my summer events which were in delays due to some issues caused aimed at me, from some basic dc scatterings of deviants, with vicious intent. The clean up at my villa rental is still some extra work, the silver flies were everywhere and bumped serval times, with entry types of issues, very upsetting to me. I had to purchase an oil known as camphor oil and use a steemer vaporizer to assure removing the awful flies. Very awful people dropped them near my door inside. The issues, caused to me and others caused schedule damages with a scattered few racketeering, in vicious ways, even invites and mail packages were missing a recent coat I ordered that I paid for arrived in a package with only one item and not the two I ordered with package tamporing, ear rings I purchased in a few were switched and mine were much larger jewels, well purchase, gifts missing, and some delayed mail that manufactures shipped. And delays to my clotheries designs due to a postal issue, concerns with proper banking statements are of concern, with details of techno jerking in utube / some email issues that effect senders too, which is also serious in wrong towards postal delivery nationally. And a national large review of the USA as well. Walmart is with some strange mislabels in selling items at shippable. Two days always is the reality for Walmart, and online issues from Racketeering dubbed a online wrong aimed at upsetting delays for me, and extreme, as that aimed at Walmart and manufactures in even foods. Suppressing sales, in a abitrary issue that is online of some malicious issue from scattered racketeering again, . All in one small boat in the USA. Of racketeer unethical real issues aimed at the USA yet again. with aims at me, with extreme damages that were caused before, and current now large issues that are real for the malicious small pick pocket consortium of dismal unethics.
Even advertising latching to utube and a issue in pop in advertising to utube recently in four months, and causing damage to content of the utube films which are unethical dubbing pop in types of issues that are from racketeering too, in advertising that was not from the actual companies either. Of course I list many direct companies and they are very excited to be apart of love notes, in my love and thank you to great people and specialized of great products. By no means did I select the upsetting pop in attached unethically to Utube. And the upsets of conceptual films are, in a need for everyone to know, utube is a great free film link I will enjoy and ongoing, with a notation about those involved with the wrong technojerking from the same scattering - in reviews about these issues as well.
I wish to say good day to everyone in Europe. Sweet dreams to everyone in the USA , Canada, and the countries of South America and south seas countries which I recieved very fine messages many, and it looks like your gold standards in the south seas countries and Canada and South American Countries are in great standards of individual accumulative earned wealth and fine efforts of all, gold standards excellent everyone, I am so proud of you all, and very happily thankful to you all as well.
You’re all perfectly lovely. Happy Thanksgiving extended to you all. I love you all.
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett The mugo pine palm are beautiful in 2023. ‘ more about gold standards after New Year into 2024 thank you for the many messages, and the attention to reviews.
more soon. 12:47 am ELON MUSK is with a review update, and somewhat upset of a wrong pressured interview in the New York Times, of first of all, a person with no actual broadcasting license and not ethical in journalism either. With pressurized threats of ELON MUSK’S actual statements mean and opinions that are more lenghty in quite a broaden kind idiology - usually perfectly ELON MUSK.
in film
While I say thank you to ELON MUSK, with very real cares about recent pop in ad, clips wrongly in utube, and some large unethics a serious unethical scattered hasienda sudio non license ink blot bad news persons.
reviews are very important in scattering USA racketeering unethics and have some rather large damages, which were a sorte ‘consortium of unethical pick pocketing the USA and with intense aims even unethically at aims at other countries. Aims at the USA that which caused damage ( connected use of munious and shoveling even faulce ads, higher prices. Stolen concept designs, pummeling real estate, rat terroir trampling, attempts to skim from all USA in taxes, and more,. ) riot type of cartooning kid gloving too, staged issues from a scattering of unethical sorts, to a harrible upset to every city in 2020, plague dismal issues racketeering censoring to coheres, whom were also involved with further issues in review, into now 2023 - 2024 New Year.
more soon.
MEETINGS INVITES many, and I am late for a flight, with a schedule of many cultural projects, and some meetings in person, as invited from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia in very important meetings of a cultural worth, is, from my noted international cultural specialization, with many presidents of countries whom decided to accept my invite to all international presidents as early as 2012, as a fun little global economics lecture series evolving milk and excelence in farming was imcluded. Vladimir Putin, is excited about the film I selected even with my decision to post the very fine film in a perfect time - of the rare archives film selection of the charming very lovely sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of the country of Russia. With today, reviews and international meetings the invite is graceful of the CROWN PRINCE as PRIME MINISTER of Saudi Arabia, Salman Al Saud, and King of Saudi Arabia Al Yamamah , of Saudi Arabia’s Read More about my comments via online space satalights ( space satalights are the way all online reality is made possible all over the world, ) at love notes again and again. Good Day to everyone. Sir Vladimir Putin darling, everyone, thank you graciously for your fine esteemed invitation. With love to you all, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Direct From Saudi Arabia post update from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia this week. Kind lovely Middle Eastern Travel Excitement, is perfect before
the Di Vinci Supper Event.
While the automobile I own, I have some notes to post of the meetings about the issues of my automobile and some reality of extreme concerns in international press before I stroll down to retrieve my automobile as an national and international review of a larger review, is quite an upset, in more meetings, and missed travel schedules and some extreme issues caused to my shopping and menu plans. Opulent and lovely, perfectly scheduled for a November - December menu event very special every week, love notes events, invites all over the world. People everywhere of course wanting to assure their automobile, and sanctitude of their lovely lives too.
more soon.
1:58 am tiny villa update WONKA CHOCOLATES
with a golden ticket included. Extra Large and even
prefect for children to gift their first teachers with many hours of lovely cares.
What a fine gift, or a pre wrapped box of fine candies.
are exciting read with a hand written hand made card, is a wonderful thank you gift to anyone.
I personally selected a real WONKA CHOCOLATE BAR. and four extra wreaths for my four front windows that are in only the front of my tiny villa estate. My villa apartment is in the front of the ancient estate building only on the right side if you face the house estate. It’s a rather an opulent tiny villa apartment.
Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, political yes. With the genius of GENE WILDER , a friend years with the first TELEVISED STANDARD USA reels movie feature in 1972 and an update from exactly the same people, in film while not yet the entire movie,
of WILLY WONKA and the chocolate factory.
more soon.
STING now with an email about his love to me in a special recording, political. Reviews in the USA, yes, and the concerns of my automobile and our holiday events schedules sales cataloge delays and exhibition travel schedule. Listen.
Yes More.
Thee Peter O’toole and Thee Omar Sherrif ,
update now, in Film special to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett for everyone everywhere all over the world, in love notes. Darling friends are lovely, Happy Thanksgiving extended.
yes, more about the reviews and the automobile I will prepare to stroll to Twin D towing that cost me extensive damages in thanks giving events, and very large concern to everyone.
a fine hand made focaccia of butter honey garlic
baked freshly made bread,
and a fine stew with rice vegetable sautee’ alfresco
film credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
1:23 pm from my tiny villa estate rental, saranac lake New York USA. NOW
GOOD MORNING INTO AFTERNOON today, and good evening to all in the continent of Europe, while sweet dreams to everyone in Europe Right Now, while some in Europe are working through their evenings, with a special hello with love to you all. Today is TUESDAY in the eastern hemisphere which includes the USA. China at this time is 1:29 am in the far east region time zone now, Just after midnight on WENSDAY, .
Wishing everyone in CHINA
sweet dreams now at 1:29 am.
more soon.
5:33 pm
BILL GATES emailed just minutes ago with a film messages now too.
5:42 pm My Darling Men, the BEATLES unpacking in russia villa rentals, now and then, with a very lovely message record for me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, and meetings I have in RUSSIA with delightful love too, to Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the RUSSIA, as royal RUSSIA, is one of the largest countries in the world, and specialist honored with Vladimir Putin Kremlin honored with extra special love, from myself, and my darling men, George Harrison John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and in a rare special updated recording
in a rare special film now
more soon with the guitar revolution now too.
10:45 pm from my tiny villa rental apartment in saranac lake, New York USA NOW
in a rare very special music composition for me personally, as a notable honored symphony and with George Solti conducting the works of finest,
honored by the
ROYAL QUEEN OF ENGLAND, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Queen of England, GEORGE SOLTI with the people of the symphony are magnificent, in the lovely message of gift in music in FILM. With a lovely message
to everyone all over the world with a special message to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin
of the country of Russia, with increadible love, to you and all the government people of RUSSIA with the exceptional honored love too, to all specialist with my meetings.
A love to you all, infinite all over the world.
from my tiny village in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW,
GEORGE SOLTI world orchestra conductor
thank you all very well, with special thank you to GEORGE SOLTI a lovely darling I have known many years, thank you for the excitement in the guitar revolution 2022- 2023 and the most exceptional gift of classical music Happy extended THANKS GIVING everyone, with love over and again, with a very special happy thanksgiving to
the Queen of England and King Charles and everyone, of the country of ENGLAND.
and again all over the world. I love you everyone, enjoy the symphony.
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett ,
my darling delightful mother would be so proudly pleased and Wendel and love to them both too,
with my extended relatives wishing all a fine extended holiday too.
more soon .
6:12 pm from my tiny villa apartment
rental, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
Good Evening to everyone
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
George Solti and the people
of the LONDON SYMPHONY were spectacular I say. The music was unimaginable perfect, and I wish to say thank you again personally to George Solti and the fine international world symphony people. With extended thank you to the many in the audience as well, in all the audiance in all, many in the lovely many films in LOVE NOTES, made it even more special, with more too enjoy in 2024 with love online internationally all over the world from myself at love notes. The exciting lovely people whom extended their expression in music composition and loved the ideals which I introduce in Love Notes,
transpired of the
GUITAR REVOLUTION 2022, and 2023, are outstanding, with many more to post throughout the New Year, into impromtue films, even of my self, throughout 2024.
The review, crunch time, in extensive, damage from a scattering of unethical deviant, humans, are unfortunate, that the USA was, struggling unjustly and with a bitter, which bares no sweet. Even unethical drops of a recent window in the entry of my villa again, several days ago. Is vicious after, the issues of vicious humans used shovels close, and wretched they will wear it on their noses for the faite they chose in unethical consortiums which reaped small and larger companies, in minor to a major review, and aimed then at me. Scraping their feet, as basic vicious, over and over. The recent issue with my automobile is even more, of the larger issue, and I am still in preparing to assure next week, strolling to retrieve my automobile at Twin D towing , and will list the connected issues before my walk to use my key to pick up my automobile. With a Pre Post International Update , tonight I am strolling to pick up a few grocery items, that were easily usually stocked in my villa for the daily function of my somewhat busy villa apartment home office. There is an update post, of riot truck noise bots, and even a bit more about munioin, used in aim at me and others, from a kid bub consortium of scattered fallen foux dillitont of vicious intent that is far before today.
The many many many messages of the holiday and reviews are incredible of everyone, it’s a gift of love to me of many, all over the world, with a true real
International Di Vinci Thanksgiving Supper and so exciting.
WINTER BAHA into spring is just beginning. surfin ?
special photograph credit fashion show updated:
from a photo credited to The Beach Boys
surfin USA, the incredible Beach Boys music compostion
1970 and now from The Beach Boys LISTEN
The enormous many individuals whom adore, LOVE NOTES, as a special project from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett I WISH TO SAY, a very lovely thank you.
more soon. You’re all darling serious, political, and I love you everywhere.
A whole complete updated film of LAURANCE OF ARABIA, with
thee Peter Otoole, and the Arabian Camels, with many more, uncensored, while I have not had any time to view the whole film update, and not the original film yet in a update from my very darling friend, Sir Peter Otoole.
A Political Film in review. In film
Peter Otoole, thank you, it’s going to be charming to see you again at the Russian Tea Room in Chicago Illinois, and brat films too, everyone. Wonderful, I will make time to introspectively see the updated
LAURANCE OF ARABIA, . as everyone in the whole world introspectively gains the political work in a major movie film, difficult everyone. Happy Thanks Giving to you Peter Otoole, and everyone.
with love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett more soon.
5:25 am from my tiny villa rental apartment, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
Good Morning in Saranac Lake, New York, USA,
Hello to everyone in the United States of America, and in Canada, as well as Cuba, Haiti, Bermuda, Barbados, Jamaica, and all South American Countries, Hello, Good Day everyone, and it’s later into afternoon and evening in Europe, good evening to everyone, throughout the many countries of Europe. Special kisses to everyone everywhere, catch my kisses everywhere.
Sir Vladimir Putin, your kisses I send are my wish to encrust love every minute to you with messages more of love from all over the world to you Sir Vladimir Putin, to Russia and everyone everywhere, even in serious reviews. The menu for the DI Vinci Supper, will be posted today with pop corn ball recipes too, and quite exciting to create a fine plate tiered tree of finest ancient pop corn balls. With knowledge of the ancient million year, Pilgrim and Indian Tales in Ancient World History.
Eat well everyone, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, everywhere all over the world, sitting or standing.
With love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
Message From the country of France, with Thee Jocques Tati,
about the review, in film , … Jacque Tati, so good of you to think of me darling, we are late for the French Riviara , so beautiful, as your lovely film message. Lovely of you, Darling Jocque, Cafe’ Vultaire is calling our names again. Happy International Thanksgiving. To everyone, and all the very lovely people in FRANCE, love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
George Harrison email update now about the pop corn, and a review, in film
more soon.
11:43 pm from my tiny villa estate rental apartment, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
a message from sir Vladimir Putin, several days ago, with a lovely meeting with a guest, as the President of the country of IRAN traveled to Moscow Russia.
President Ebrahim Raisi, President of IRAN
Emailed to me, from the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin. read
Very good everyone, the lovely message is splendid, very happy thanks giving to the President of IRAN, and the government people of IRAN too, with a lovely country of wonderful people, happy thanksgiving to you all everywhere in middle Eastern Europe in the country of IRAN. and throughout the Middle East of Europe today. Soon the New Year 2023 with many many many thank you’s to everyone. I love you all, very good to receive many messages, and from Hassan Rouhani as well, former President of the country of Iran and a darling friend of mine. Happy Thanks Giving again, everyone.
From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
12:50 pm eastern standard time USA.
THE SAUDI ARABIA RUSSIAN TALKS, as an invite from Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia, in Saudi Arabia as a fine guest of the Crown Prince of the country of Saudi Arabia, as thee Prime Minister, Sheik Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud, in the country of Saudi Arabia. read
The Photograph Archive
is from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin’s
travel to the country of Saudi Arabia in a foreign diplomatic talk,
as a special visit and guest to the Crown Prince, as the Prime Minister,
Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud
Photograph Above Date : December 6 th 2023 middle eastern date in EU dated with the time zone. EU. = mean European Continent, Abbreviated . )
Saudi Arabia, Russian Talks.
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia is just arriving in the Kremlin’s Russian Air Craft, in the above photograph,
In the photograph below, Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin, is with the Crown Prince of Saudia Arabia, His Majesty the Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salaman Al Saud, the Prime Minister of the very lovely country of Saudi Arabia to the right of the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin, in a warm welcome from everyone in Saudi Arabia. Happy Thanksgiving to you Sir Prime Minister Mohammad Bin Salaman Al Saud, and everyone in the lovely country of Saudi Arabia, with love to you all, from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, very many messages from everyone, thank you well.
more soon. 1:29 pm eastern standard time USA from my tiny villa estate, Saranac Lake New York.
Photograph Credit: Friend from the Middle East , love messages of blue and yellow lip stick events in the Middle East with MIDDLE EASTERN LOVE, to everyone all over the world. So Beautiful.
Happy Thanks Giving, From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , delightful everyone, sweet of you. brat film is going to be quite exciting too. Lovely of you. xo merci ‘
Saudi Arabia Camel Ride
Middle Eastern European Film
Film Special December 14 th 2023
more soon.
1:41 pm from my tiny villa. Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
Du Louvre in Paris, France, is one of the most opulent historical great museums of the world,
excuse me, un monmeto, For now, Du Louvre has a Cameo Film, enjoy.
more soon.
8:29 am from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake New York USA NOW
Major Updated Rare Special Recording from my lovely men, the Beatles NOW
gift from John Lennon, Paul MC Cartney, Ringo Star, and George Harrison
12:09 pm from my tiny village in Saranac Lake New York, USA NOW.
The London England Symphony Orchestra with George Solti as the world Symphony Conductor created an impromptu update, Now of the Coriolan Overture Opus 62
as a very special gift to me and very exciting to enjoy all over the world with love, listen.
December 15 th 2023, 12:17 pm, seventeen minutes after 12:00 none NOW from
my tiny villa estate, saranac lake NEW YORK, USA.
pop corn balls, of the HOLIDAY TIER TREE
known as balls of folly, fa la la la ‘la, ‘ la la la la.
perfect to beach or day Travel, even to Folly Beach ( new year 2023 in planning well )
USA, with a very special secret, from myself,
princess Tracy Pickett Pickett ancient exciting recipe and secrets
of Pilgrims and Indians historical of the USA, within the opulent
Di Vinci Summer Events a whole week.
What are the Di Vinci Suppers all about ?
Soon you’ll know everything.
From the village Square in the city
of Knoxville in the state of Tennessee in the country of the USA
Tree Lighting 2023 READ
12:27 pm Jose’ Feliciano
( hoszay ) special Christmas Message in Spanish known in South America too,
Felicia Navidad, listen
12:35 pm
DECEMBER 16 th 2023 5:09 am from
my tiny villa, saranac lake, New York, USA NOW. GOOD DAY TO EVERYONE everywhere all over the world.
Apples were enjoyed quite well in the recent week of many purchasing a whole bag at a very low price with a love for well grown flavor filled finest farm orchard apples, and cut Star apples filled plated all over the world, even with fried egg breakfast everywhere.
It was a surprise of messages globally.
Thee Ingelbert Humperdinck update now is with a very special music companion he sent to me, with the most lovely song rare recording.
now in FILM Perfect.
Very good of you Ingelbert Humperdinck, great to see you in USA Philadelphia Pennsylvania , Tennessee, or New York too, pillows and even
a smashing time ( exciting fun), in brat filming 2024 are going to be marvolous.
Happy Thanksgiving, merci ‘ KISSES, catch.
more yes. 5:51 am from my tiny villa apartment , NOW, a serious update
international press statements
from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA,
emailed to myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, yesterday, while online publication press release is online at the online GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA KREMLIN . RU
site as well.
Please Note that the written statements , are important to read, in case of a translation language error. Directly From the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin, in a press statement of various, very serious matters in a global respectiveness, very important and an importances to the USA whom are of austere serious reviews of the USA concerning area in the country of the USA reviews pertinent. The Kremlin of the vaste country of lovely Russia, sir Vladimir Putin in film is with direct statement spoken in RUSSIAN, as well as the written spoken words. READ
Reviews are important, and more soon.
As the time now is 6:02 am eastern standard time
from my tiny villa in the USA.
kisses sent in millions to you Sir Vladimir please catch darling Kremlin.
Good day to everyone in Russia today as well.
9:22 am est USA, from my tiny village Saranac Lake New York,
USA NOW from my tiny villa apartment now
message update email from my darling lengthy friend Clint Eastwood, with our holiday upsets, with serious upset reviewing the automobile, and sales catalogue events concerns updated from me,
Clint Eastwood and Clide with many, have an impromtue non humour political film Clint Eastwood politically has films in American Television Standard since the 1970’s, and well noted today as well, even with Clide, the chimpazie orangatang monkey, whom is savvy, riding along side Clint Eastwood when Clide is in the USA on travels. Clint, thank you again for arriving in many of my international on location exhibitions including Seattle Washington in 2012, with my economic exhibiting on cultural and business specialization. Green Card America exhibitions were noted all over the world, and seeing you at Seattles Best Coffee, brunches, and thanks giving then, is forever memorable.
Manhattan too, with the outrageous time we had at the special brunch with chicken filly steak finest.
2016, was could never have been as wonderful without you. Amazing we were so far from those holiday brunches in the 1980’s at the Finest Piano Brunches at the Hotel Syracuse , New York, where the lovelies ancient secrets are charished,.. Soon it’s bear run, and some sports car racing in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, again, ..pillows , RUSSIAN, yes, too, the jewel evergreen tiny villas, await,. Merci to you and everyone with my love, and kind of Sandra Locke, Clide, and you all, to film the serious commentary film.
The USA reviews are worth every sanctitude, and your work as a politically noted mayor in Carmel California with your excellent savvy political prowess, unseen devotion is with love to you darling,
Clint Eastwood. fluffiest pillows , everyone, with fun in new year brat films.
I love you all, merci ‘ Even arrived in Chicago Illinois for brunch in my exhibition 2014 , 2015 exhibition in peace, economics lectured and many of my arias and original compositions in fine music , the Drake Hotel de HIGH TEA events were very wonderful. Several million people arrived. Clint arrived. Wild darling.
however not exactly a snowy owl, which is a tiny owl pure white.
while the fine filming of the Falcon Marked Feathering of the Great SCREECH OWL bird, is with many misinformation notations in the narration of this film. Cam Film , and many zoom lens, large lens filming camera can film over 500 yards, with close photography filming for birds and other animals such as bears and of course elk, deer, and moose, in North American Continental Regions, making a fine slow drive in forest regions or non village travel drives, quite exciting. Geese and Swan and Ducks can be quite a surprise with a zoom high power zoom, non standard extra camera. Snow Owls are very rare to actual even catch a small glimpse of, and enjoy snow well, as the tiny snow owl can blend with snow covered areas in mountians. Zoom special lens cameras are excellent for exciting bird filming travels with a large variety of birds in the USA, and other types of birds in other countries can be an interesting book to study endlessly fun. Large forests reserved lands of national park forests are excellent to possibly spot a real owl. Perhaps you might. Snap a photograph if you are quick enough. What an excitement to attain.
POP CORN, mastery is not exactly easily realized. more soon this morning.
for my one and only very lovely mother, always delightful and with forever expressions of love. Pre summer shopping gifts I shipped directly to my mother, are important.
The Smart Watch has a phone that connects to a blue tooth connector on all phones with online ready manufacturing. Just find thee settings button on you phone, and open it, go to blue tooth setting , open the pairing setting, look for thee number of pairing to the watch and click connect- to your own phone with your watch, easily. This exact phone has a camera and film instant upload. The silver braclets are diamond’s in a fine diamond jewel braclet, are for special love to my mother. Well made exquisite form. Crafted well. And then the fine charm braclet, I wanted her to know more of my absolute love, and adoration. My mother, Ellie M. Powers, is with the most lovely gentle cares, broadly brilliant achievements, in fine cultivations and good business standard well achieved too, and excellent lovely person perfectly a darling beautiful lovely women. Important Adoration on honored gifts with love, yes, with cares, I have that she did receive my mailed gifts exactly as I purchased the exact item I ordered to ship directly to her. Important.
Noted ?
1:27 pm tiny villa apartment updates:
POP CORN is made from finest corn, in a special variety of fine corn. Jiffy Corn is always excellent, consistently finest quality by Jiffy Brand.
The art of making
PHOTOGRAPH : ancient art of
pop corn ball of candied especially
for winter holidays 2023
Ancient Indians of the USA, and throughout the whole world, too, were of many merchants and of large farming too, and corn fields were planted with extrodinary knowledge of riche soil perfect for planting in the finest corn yielded of large ears of corn, after months of work tending soil quality and often laying down in the evening in fields to study stars above at night. Perhaps affording a violin?
![]() |
The corn fields were large and the corn yielded more than several hundred kernels of corn per corn stalk. With an abundance to assure even more sales in merchant travel by horse. In ancient times. Train express was fast by horse and was a need to constantly ship the corn to vast cities. Once the season of corn fully plump was planted the very good studies of exact soil for exact corn growth, abundant, to a perfect yield ( amount largest to grow fully from perfected corn seed) were of irrigation and studies of lands near and far, studies of rivers, lakes, streams and oceans, with shipping to many cities after the season growing of corn was with corn ears largest, to cut from the stalk - to sell fast daily as merchant specialist. Where to establish selling ? Horses fast to assure possible maybe quality corn, sales, and perhaps enough astere people of perhaps a need of corn, in ancient times too, very serious possible agreed ? Sales in where ? Where to sell, difficult probabilities? Would they be possible probabilities to sell every ear of corn ? Map studies, yes, extra hand writing and reading study work, yes, and math needed daily. YES. Kernel per kernel of a corn , yes. Ears too small, no.
Fine Confectionary Butter Toffee Caramelized Sugar Ancient Secret Pop Corn Ball : Photograph
Stalions of the fastest horse to ride even 100 miles in one hour by SATTLE ENGLISH STYLE, in fine AMERICAN sattle made of a secret woven tree fiber hair mesh weave, in a secret process ancient, and with a clothe like skin of tree fibers with a fine thick paint lacquering, of a browning, smooth rain proof made leathering, lacquered process of hand mixed special paint from a special ficus tree leaf extract, even special fiber woven fabric skin tree fiber for a water resistant warm coat and trouser with finely matching hand made boots. More about the golden corn yield of many Indian Merchants. Of the great American Plains ( Farm and flowers field Land Large). Non mountianious plains land, known as flat land valleys. Soon .Largest brim hand made water proof hats. Matched fine hand hunenned good clothes for fast horse back Indian Merchant Travelers of Ancient Love of a world in wealth of a corn, of course. And more too.
Begin With Freshly
Popping Pop Corn
more soon.
Photograph Credit :
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Mastering Fresh Pop Corn many people across the whole world enjoyed serveral weeks ago in November 2023. Childern at even young ages with extra care popped their very first pop corn too. It was exciting news even in the Kremlin of the country of Russia’s office of sir Vladimir Putin, whom was mezmorized at the notations sales of pop corn globally real. My email from charming notes from sir Vladimir, which I recieved about pop corn were a special surprise. Sweet notational formalities are lovely. SUBJECT: pop corn.
1 c popping corn freshly popped and with 1/4 c melted butter and a dish of salt mixed in to fresh pop corn. Butter melted and then carefully sprinkled on to the pop corn popped freshly warm, is a need to be quite fast, with tossing pop corn with a large spoon, once buttered, then quickly add salt, ( basic table salt, is best, inexpensive is best, deionized. Always. The USA salt brand is usually MORTON BRAND. Large Bulk salt perfect with a tin pour spout, Only a 3/4 tea spoon is needed quickly for the salt to stick to warm
buttered pop corn warm to even try a popped kernel and see if it’s to your liking flavor of butter and salt.
Candied Toffee Coating, basic ancient recipe:
One cup of pure cane sugar granulated and 1/4 cup melted a sauce pan, add a 1/2 cup of peanuts and 1/2 cup of raisins. And now you’re ready to melt the sugar and butter into a very golden brown sauce in a sautee pan. After melting the butter , while stirring properly, not to burn on low heat, and slighty syrup like, you can add a table spoon of maple syrup , after melting, toss in peanuts and raisins. Then toss in the pop corn and stir it until all popcorn is well covered with thick sugar golden syrup. The coating of pop corn must be with enough sauce tossed to sticky white fluffy popped corn, that takes a rapid tossing with a spoon, extra well in tossing quite fast. Assure you have washed hand all very well under nails too, with a stringent dish soap and dry hands well with a very clean kitchen lint free kitchen towel only. Once the pop corn is coated with sugar golden sauce, assure to prepare, plastic wrap and then firm your ball shaped balls well. With your clean spoon, using the back of spoon too, to form A smooth round ball, perfectly as possible with nuts and raisins all pressed into ball.
Have clear plastic wrap ready to cover your balls and then assure good ball shape size then just wrap your round balls of pop corn confectionary candy especialy fine balls of folly, wonderfully well, in the wrapping.
Prefect. the shape round, while getting ready to twist the plastic ends, of the balls.
Fresh popcorn ball is are now ready for your popcorn ball ribbons. Thin silk or wide and even if many colors perhaps, your choice. You’re now ready for your first tier tray of Perfect CONFECTIONERY CANDIED POP CORN SUGAR GLAZED NUT AND RAISIN JEWELED balls. Of finest basic opulent confections anncient.
More soon.
DECEMBER 17 th 2023 2:04 am from my tiny villa estate rental apartment from the emerald canope fir evergreen forest region of the Adirondack Forests, in saranac lake,
New York, USA NOW
SUNDAY now today is the beginning of
Di Vinci Supper week in an extended thanks giving international holiday, pre - Christmas Day, and Hanukkah Nine Day Celebrations ( Jewish Holidays Of mid winter) of winder solstice into the New Year of 2024.
2:08 am NOW est ( eastern standard continent time zone ), reaching all est regions of Cananda and the south sea counties same time zones , est too from the est USA NOW updated.
And a Email secret after midnight: just minutes ago from George Harrison and John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, and Ringo Starr with a soft lovely music compostion in FILM NOW
Then and Now, recorded on a complete record music album achieve earlier than 1986, and the incredible very special rare FILM NOW lovely of everyone to think of me, Indians, field of sweet flowering indigenous grassy plains ( valley soil of wild grasses ), in public cultivated national park lands.Your all lovely. Compositions of finest music, of wonderful expression of lovely cares to everyone all over the world Sunday December 17 th 2023
2:17 am from my tiny villa Saranac Lake New York USA NOW REAL LOVE
from thee one and only BEATLES.of Liverpool, England. Wildly the rage in LONDON ENGLAND, I dare, say happy thanks giving with lovely love to everyone.
Two Hours and Twenty One Minutes After Midnight Saranac Lake, New York, NOW USA.
Brilliant and Quite Lovely. A Film Gift to RUSSIA, the Kremlin too, Specialist too. Everyone. and everyone, everywhere all over the world. Thank you so well darling lovely sweet
Paul, George, Ringo, and John.
With love. from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
4:33 am from my tiny villa apartment rental with a HOLIDAY MOVIE children only ?
ink blot to cartooned movie ‘ tales of LADY THE DOG cartoon and TRAMP THE DOG cartooned, only, with a interesting travel of dog trails. LADY AND THE TRAMP , dine.
in cartoon FILM holiday movie for children as I understand young childern all over the world have been hard at work on hand written alphabetical letters of their own country and well achieved pencil work with number counting too, even extra achievement in ages of young people with math top list and writing, reading and literature well done. The film extra also included the film cartoon 101 DALMATIONS, of exciting tales of Dalmatians ( a special dog known also as in grown years as a grey hound dog), real in cartoon tales. Enjoy your movies.
Happy Thanksgiving Children, all over the world, great pencil study work. Xo from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
6:00 am princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett w/ SUNDAY WORKING BREAKFAST of further meetings in Moscow Russia with a holiday di vinci supper thanks giving week.
FINE BAGEL BREAD, whole pan toasted with tender center and perfect crusted grill, cream cheese and Jalopenia, Hot Pepper Jam, lite dash of salt, a marinated Mushroom Imported Salad, in an quality vegetable oil and imported vinegar, tiny continental breakfast plate, with fine Brazilian imported coffee, fresh orange pineapple juice, and fresh water w/ fresh cracked ice. Early Continental Breakfast was purely enjoyable this Sunday Morning before sun rise.
FINE SILK RED ROSES in a contendina brand tomotoe tin can, South America Brand was fun to arrange the 12 roses ( as one dozen ), for the tin can of brilliant red roses for winter. My order for the roses deep red, arrived within 4 days. Four window wreaths arrived in four days as well.
7:21 am now est USA, in my tiny villa.
CHILDERN, boys and girls, at very early ages make toast and butter soft with cheese sliced wrapped per slice, or peanut butter and jam, fluffer nutter marshmallow spread, even a chocolate spread or honey butter. And sliced Turkey bologna ‘ just pure cream butter is delicious on toast, ready in minutes with a child size oven with a carrol inside that uses. A turn style convayer to push toast easily through an oven toaster made for small childern with kitchen readiness. To Toast with easy bake oven - with standard sandwich bread soft for tiny menu fun. $27.00 EASY BAKE OVEN updated design 2023
purple monster it is.
tiny table ? for a tray of tiny tea cups and a tea pot for children honing tea pouring and sipping’. With teddy bear in talks, alone, Marvelous. Queen Elizabeth’s Favorite Tea Time Too. The Queen of England Her Majesty. Famous for serving even tea finely. Of course a tradition of the country of ENGLAND served with cream and sugar. Child Table and cube cabinet set grey read. Yellow Tea Table only one chair, with more selections read
could be realized.
more yes please, of course. Teddy Bear Teas are best fun for toasting times and teas of children’s fun. $14.99 with red jacket and red German Hat. Alone with your Teddy Bear Tea Talks ? Fun. Read
Winter Spring Planning Gets Serious
with $77. 00 to $150.00 dollars (USA currency ) for a finest 8 foot surf board beach travel by automobile of course. Travel Surf Ready, with plans to stretch out laying on your board floating in salt ocean warmth southern region in winter through spring 2024. In shallow ocean water so beautiful. Planning takes time, enjoy surf shopping with extra money saved 2023. read.
strategic game mathematical warm ups for grown men and women ? And childern too, possibly yes.
With a special FILM directly from the makers of fine mathematics intellectual
fun games. 1976 and now. THE GAME OF OPERATION is a children’s game made in an electric game board, with strict rules. And a perplexing puzzling intellectual parallel of flurry in freedom of broadening complex thinking individually simplistic. Game rules are rules even at age 4. only Tweezers Tools included READ Simple fun.
Table Top Ping Pong $6.99 best indoor ball game. Even against a wall, read.
play ball at every age, swiftly. Yes of course.
sit and spin game toy small children under 5 years age, after learning to walk at 9 months old to 12 or 13 months old, careful spinning , perfection takes months of fun carefully, read
Age 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 BICYCLES with extra training wheels which can be removed when ready to fly ( smoothly go slightly fast ) on your bike well, and learn alone of course. Just like my speedster bicycle in 1969. read .
and to 9 or ten ? read , perfect calm riding more. GO BANANA’S
Cookie Tin Gift read
Silky Stretch to a ballet at home, while enjoy the worlds finest literary work in international world renowned classical ballet, read
PINK VELVET ballet suit ‘ active stretch wear with pink ballet toe shoes, in fine pink silk, under $30.00
read the finest in self studies of finest ballet. Young men as well. Athletic, excellent agility ready. assorted color selection, to wear velvet.
more soon. 9:03 am SUNDAY online after midnight meetings, net meeting online calls?
BILLY JOEL messaged me, w/ a FILM too.
life is boute’ a dream. happy thanks giving again and again my darling BILLY JOEL.
more soon. BILLY JOEL with love, in a exceedingly special rare FILM now, abc’ song traditions of the USA abc learned, at earliest ages and in USA English Alphelbet,
is with many amazing guests.
Lovely everyone . Perfect. with love and wished to you and everyone all over the world for a lovely day. I love you everywhere. From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
kisses >>>(. ))):( ;)> catch.
HUFFY BICYCLES ages 10 and up
all ages with adjustable seat, and a
larger size available for tallest
individuals $96.60 read
Indian Bicycle MotorBike, RED SCARLET read ages 12 and up for extra careful slow rides ready into purchases into spring too. $299.00 with extra delivery fee at $199.00
501 Button Fly ( front placket of jeans ) Jean Best Strait Leg under $26.00 Ride well, in a sturdy dungery fabric. Of Kmart USA, low price finest quality Jeans
fuel up ready. RED leather coat, under the wool Coat, or wild blue, read sattle up to ride well. inch measurement on wait right above hop is your inseam inch size of Jean to look for before purchasing and length is leg inseam, from inside leg up to ancles inch length. For good size fit, buy one size to two sizes larger is best, and then sew your hem length with ease. You may need a fine belt, eBay Type in: belt.
Children may need a lager size in a new basic Jean ready and under shirt and a button blouse boys and girls. And new shoes a larger size up, possible, not larger than one inch, Perhaps a sweater or sweater vest, basics, as the extended gift giving goes on into February 14 th 2024.
soon more. Yes, I think so. 10:22 am from
my tiny villa apartment , saranac lake New York USA NOW ,
email messaged yes,
in a now film in review,
about Washington DC, as a caring
bold cultural political statement,
uniquely of my darling Victor Borge. Piano ?
Happy Thanks Giving Darling Victor,
your tales photograph was a delightful gift.
Charleston SC USA , Bear Run again soon,
filled with brats aside the fine piano ‘
cha cha cha ole’
11:43 am est USA NOW from my tiny villa
Hor Derves and Demitasse ‘ ancient secrets hor dereve’ begin at 12:00 to 4:00 pm and demitasse at 12:00 am to 4:00 am ‘ everyone. Any of the 7 day this week.
SUNDAY THANKS GIVING CRUDITIA’ hor dervese’ ( tiny especiality recipes ) are customary to plate up , and set out at NOON, before a larger menu for the international holiday week suppers.
ruffles brand potatoe chips are exceptional with a fresh dairy soure cream and onion dip ready made purchase, pickles and olive trays, whole walnuts shell on, with nut cracking utensils, and cheeses with crackers, tiny pizza squares, soft tea sandwiches filled with a pate’ chicken or a middle eastern humus’ with fine wedges of freshly grilled flat bread, tiny pot stickers, caviar Japanese rice rolls, grilled canape’ with a spinach cheese madalion, are a few fine menu hor derves to note. Tiny corn fritters puffs, chess nuts marinate with a chicken Turkey bacon maple cured wrapped chessnut broiler, served hot from the oven on hor derve’ sticks. Cookies and cake, pop corn balls, and chocolate, spritzers of fruited soda pop, tiny scoop of fruited sherbet, tiny fresh friut in half stick kabob, with a raspberry cream sauce. Etc. In China it will be midnight in just 4 minutesx and 12:00 noon in my tiny villa, and it’s 11:56 am now est, from the USA, New York. A small chaffing dish of riche lobster bisque with diced potatoes and grilled course chopped onions with a gueruey shredded cheese topped bisque, tiny Boston bib lettuce cups filled with a fried clam mince puff, with a sweet and sour sauce, at 12:00 midnight in Europe far east China, a ancient Indian time throughout this week, to enjoy a tiny demitasse beverages especially made right before bed time. mint julippe are among the favorites as Europeans might stay up and enjoy a demitasse ‘ tiny midnight drink at the same hour exactly which the western world of countries have hor derves ( Or , der va ) fine wished of peace on earth towards all peoples of all countries. And in noon hours in Europe, then hor derves then of course midnight sonatas with a tiny demitasse ‘ drink in all of the countries of the western continent. Always a good wish at a proper midnight demitasse’ international holiday week into the new year 2024. You’re all invited everywhere all over the world.
Di Vinci Supper Week is very special.
Even within reviews and of course enjoyed holidays of finest wishes everywhere.
12:25 pm est usa. Email message to me, and some evening too, messages from
fantastically with a very rare special film of Howard expressive lovely film.
SKY MONSTER , HOWARD , SO SWEET,. in film or html film
FILM CREDIT: thee HOWARD HUGHES extrodinarily famous of Howard Hughes Production, and even more. Assure you see all correct online films of real, lovely Howard Hughes my very darling friend of long ago. Industrial Park, DuPont Circle. It was very lovely of you Howard to arrive in the Chicago Illionios events of my many exhibitions in economic culture and more, and the Drake Cafe Coffee, and Galato’ again, please. Mustards Last Stand for brats , always a pleasure. Soon. Happy Thanks Giving once again. With love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , film is delightful in reviews .
yes, sir Vladimir , HOWARD HUGHES. and surprises from RUSSIA too. soon. Hor Derve’ time now. so good of Howard Hughes, Sir Vladimir Putin, and everyone. More Soon.
5:22 pm from my tiny villa Apartment Rental, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
email messaged from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the lovely ROYAL COUNTRY of RUSSIA. special archive film updated now,
personal RUSSIAN THANKS GIVING FILM for the international
Di Vinci Supper Event Week, is quite spectacular with My Darling Kremlin, in fine tune on Ice Skate Sports, well done as one of my favorite arena sports to attend.
Lovely Vladimir Darling, Happy International Thanks Giving Week, your hockey skating is very exciting. A very special thank you to you darling Kremlin, meetings, and lovely emails very sweet, graciously, thank you,. Arriving in the mozeroti in my international exhibition piazza events, I was quite surprised. Nashville, at the ole, risterante secrets, THE PILOTS CLUB, will be a pure delight again in a fine bear run, with pillows extra fluffed, yes. Mosseroti ride, made international history, wildly of world peace, with more to note. Brat films RUSSIAN STYLE are a new year 2024 excitment. Brazil baha , forever. Horse Back English Style was a fine trot again and again. The meeting summery is of course going to be this week review updated in Banana News Revival International Press, in my international Press Statements, within some extra international press statements, I will expand of international reviews, messages so many, and the Di Vinci Supper week, is with love to you and the people of Russian Government as well as love to peoples of RUSSIA, from all over the world. My RUSSIAN TINY VILLA, is perfect. The ballet , perfect. Gold Emeritus Cross and the Russian Medalion. RUSSIAN EMERITUS GIFTS of honor, perfect, so sweet, sir Vladimir Putin, everyone, specialist, again graciously thank you. with love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Everyone says hello from the Taveren of the Green in Chicago Illinois USA, messages many, with love.
Lovely email darling. I love you. xo
more soon. 6:18 pm from my tiny villa apartment, emailed, messaged.
my darling lovely RUDOLF NUREYEV, from as early as 1980, our boating events were splendid , even years ago, Vladimir, traveled in, to see the
international RUSSIAN BALLET, with me, with a special luncheon for my darling RUSSIAN MEN. RUDOLF NUREYEV, and many international and USA darling people, then and now, in the later 1990’ our later fun in warm up, fun at the JOFFRY BALLET, was exciting an invite. THE SPECIAL BALLET FILM from RUDOLD NUREYEV, include swan lake, as a gift, from RUSSIAN, RUDOLF NEREYEV. with films.
The AFRICAN WINTER HOLIDAY EVENTS were fun too. HAPPY THANKSGIVING darling Rudolf’, and everyone, merci the films are perfect. Exciting for everyone in the USA and Russia, everywhere all over the world. You lovely. Love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon,
FROM RUSSIA, Sir Yevgeny Svetlanov as conductor of the Orchestra of the USSR,( RUSSIA ), music compostion of PROKOVIEV , IN SYMPHONY NUMBER 1, opus 25 FILM
& html of written works of musical compostion,
of world international historical cultural lovely music.
wonderful lovely compositional work everyone, perfect, happy thanks giving week in Russia, with my gracious thank you for the very special holiday film for me, at love notes, and everyone everywhere all over the world. You’re all perfectly marvolous. Lovely.
Direct from RUSSIA , more soon. , GODIVA , emailed from the country of Belguim just now, with a gift bear BELGUIM STYLE WITH PURE LOVE. read
10:01 pm from ST Petersburg Russia, Galla , event 75 birthday for Yury Temirkanov , with the RUSSIAN KREMLIN, sir Vladimir Putin
event photographs archive from Sir Vladimir Putin thee Kremlin of the country of Russia
From my tiny villa, happy thanksgiving everyone. very good event. love sent again and again. thank you . Love princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett. more fluffy pillows at the little Russian villa, what fun.
Russian Admiral Nakihomov Monument now.
more soon. On December 25 th many in the USA and internationally will string the tree inside adornments of a sacred ancient love, with a tree into the end of February 2024.
Trees can be then set in a door easily to adorn the entry with plain opulence, for any entry door landscape and unplug lights if you wish at the end of April, 2024 with ancient lovely New Years to be wonderful.
11:39 pm lite shopping list menu:
Opulent ice burg salad, served with a tin tomatoes or fresh, purchase whole pealed tomatoes in a tin , and simple slice in a 3/4 inch thick round and half, then top with marinated artichoke heart tin ready, capers pickled are very delicious and sprinkle on ice burg salad, with halved red fresh grapes.
Pecan, unchopped, in salad is very good, whole roast the hand full of pecan to just bring out the pecan oils that are with excellent aroma and more flavorful litely roasted in small Sautee pan. Also known as toasted. Fine Dressing bottles are delicious and a vinegarette or Russian Classic Recipe Salad Dressing, are perfect, or Chinese, maybe Japanese dressing for salad, Rolkford is a home made blue cheese salad dressing excellent with Italian together. Black Pepper in a Cruet ‘ fresh grind, with salt if you desire.
Humus and a eased fresh flat bread, are easily made, similar to a pizza dough and with a pan grill flat round of dough make delicious flat bread, golden toasted DUTCH oven baked top of stove and purchase freshly made Humus made of a white chic pea bean, also chick pea beans are GARBONZO BEANS). or make your own. A splash of an Italian Salad Dressing is perfect for the flat bread, with ripe calamata large olives, green or black. Freshly sliced in tiny round slivers, served warm per slice. Perhaps an easy fresh baked Pan Of Zeta. With cooked large penne’ style pasta firm to the bite yet well cooked, FIRM TO THE BITE,= ala dente’ in ITALIAN WORDS, in pan, start with sauce, layering a fine layer of penne’ cooked, and a layer of , red sauce, Italian seasoning spices. Perpard Jar, mazzeralla shredded cheese freshly purchase , more penne thin layer, and again spoon in lump riccota of teaspoon balls on top, seasoning lite, mozzarella cheese again, and a grilled layer of freshly slices butter sautéed mushrooms and chopped onion.
top the penne baking pan filled with mushroom and mushroom grilled in butter, and red sauce, mozzarella cheese , and bake covered with foil 40 minutes. In a squared cake pan aluminum.
Zita Italian Penne casserole is excellent through the week with a ice burg salad, of course, two bread dough ready to bake can be frozen until your ready to thaw raise dough on a baking pan and bake fresh, slice slow with a serated bread knife, serve warm with soft butter after baking.
Shrimp Salad / cook pealed shrimp in butter three to five minute tossing a few times covered. Low heat, then chop shrimp small minced, mix in a table spoon of Helman’s Brand USA mayonias , or your favorite brand. Stuff Shrimp salad into a very soft long shaped bread roll, Hot Dog Roll inexpensive fresh roll, freshly purchase at about 6 inches long roll size, always fresh and makes a delicious Especialty SHRIMP ROLL. Tomato, small cube chopped in an Italian Vinegerette is perfect to toss on a freshly hand made SHRIMP ROLL, with cubed fresh slice Alvacado or a fancy length thin slice Alvacado, and a slice of soft farm cheese mild, such as halvarti cheese, made with cream.
My secret recipe is very good,
only made fresh each day.
Thick 3/4 slice Potatoe rounds, par boil
( mostly fully cooked to fall off fork)
Sautee grill in lite vegetable oil and two tablespoon fresh creamery butter pre-salted,
Potatoe Round are grilled on each side after per- boiling coked all the way, sautee’ until dark golden, and pinch of salt, and fresh ground BLACK PEPPER CORN.
Sweet corn, tin, is easily heated and and toss hot on ice berg salad once salad is in individual bowls ready to serve. With two table spoons butter when heating. Perfect salads. Jiffy Boxed Corn Bread is with instruction on box and soak the corn bread batter an extra 15 minutes before pouring into a tin can find tall tin, well buttered first inside with a lite coating of bread flower and then pour corn bread batter in and bake 350 degrees, about 15 minutes until top is slightly golden brown. Bread bakes should feel slighty firm. With the back of a spoon, slightly press the top of corn bread after backing to assure the top is firm, or bake longer. Then remove promptly from oven, cool, and with a butter knife, cut around near tin all the way around and then remove, and serve on a cake 6 inch plate with sweet creamed soft butter warm. Biscuit muffin pans can be perfect.
Crisply Fried Chicken, with Italian Bread Crumbs in egg dipped coating, while adding a curry poweder to the Italian Bread crumbs, two teaspoons, is very delicious and one teaspoon of ginger powder, dip in egg first and then Italian bread crumbs. Fry in hot oil, turn and fry both sides without burning. Do use a low to medium heat in stove top to Sautee fry without burning crust and cook chicken well inside.
Apricot with soy blended for a sweet sauce is delicious and then, French’s Honey Mustard Sauce is great. Two Sauces then.
ButterNut Squash is dark green out side and almost black outside greenish, the squash is orange, BUTTERNUT SQUASH HAS DEEP RIDGES OF SHAPE grooved. Round and cut in half through the center not top to bottom but diagonally, then place in baking cookie sheet pan, and bake 45 minute at 350 degree F. in a pure heated oven ten minutes pre heat.
Save the black green shell as you scoop the melon out, into. Mixing bowl, cooled, and one tin of sweetened condensed can of milk, and one table spoon of butter, blend well with a basic standard electric mixer. In seperated bowl seperate an egg, from the yolk, Refrigerate yolk covering with plastic wrap. With only egg white ( clear jelly looking eggy ) and with a clean electric mixer mix egg whites until white color and very fluffy. Stiff peek mountian looking fluffy, after egg whites are firm, with a large spoon carefully hand blend the egg white foam into the cooled squash, slowly, and then pour into an a pie crust pre prepared. What in a finest holiday pie crust from my secret recipe, more soon. Lu Lu Chocolate Covered Cookie Biscuit, is very fine, speciality cookies for holidays. With a chocolate printed top royally finest.
Assortment of pickles are chip pickles or long slices or sweet smaller gherkins special for holidays. Small dish of fresh ripe calamata olive with tiny olive forks in the olive each one are elegant. Ice Cream is on my list, and Carmel sauce with chocolate sauce and whipped cream with peanuts and maraschino cherries with chocolate. Sweet cake ‘ lady finger cake is very good on ice cream. Two long Sweet Cakes on a small plate, and then a layer of strawberry jam in the long cylindrical cakes, carefully cut thee rectangle shape ice cream to place cold on cake. Then drizzle chocolate sauce and carmel sauce in a few lines over ice cream top, slight whip cream and peanuts salted with a cherry are, exciting for holidays. With fresh hot Coco made with milk of a fine small coffee, even a malted milk warm. With Rootbeer. Or Fine Pure Grape Juice, white clear grape juice or a purple grape juice from red dark grapes. Fine GRAPE SPRITZERS with a dash of cherry juice are quite delicious, with sparkling mineral water, or seltzer water. Known as soda water. Sweeten with juice or even coke syrup from coka cola. Extra Sweet.
More into Monday on the week grocery list.
The crisp fried chicken is with a stick preperation with a special cut for the chicken to look like a drum stick but smaller and then be very careful turning the stick.
Shrimp or Chicken? Perhaps both.
more soon. 1:26 am one hour and twenty six minutes after midnight on December 18 th 2023 with lovely emails, messaged from THEE FRANK SINATRA, my darling man, many years. Cafe ‘ s in even 1979, finest meeting at city breakfast shops, and occasionally Orange Juilius, for a small event before boating summers. And out for ice cream fun meeting at a cafe’ The messages many, from all over the world, with no redemption towards the deviants, as it is, in the USA minds -village by villages all, in the USA, and village all within countries all over the world.
FRANK SINATRA with a most famously loved composition, in FILM NOW is outstanding. The love is real. Please May I say thank you Frank Sinatra so well, darling you sent such love songs, brats films are going to be very special in the New Year 2024, and forever.
I love you darling Frank Sinatra ,
again darling in FILM
Perfectly lovely Frank Sinatra,
everything, all my love, from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Everyone everywhere, Enjoy your breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyone everywhere, all over the world sitting or standing.
1:45 tiny villa rental,
saranac lake, New York, USA NOW.
December 19 th 2023, the morning hour, is 3:12 am in my tiny villa apartment in saranac lake, New York USA NOW.
email update: sir Vladimir Putin messaged email just several hours ago, an invite to me.
Re: Expostion of issues concerning USA, concerns of munition. the expostion means= reveling review quite serious - you may read my invitation to one of the larger meetings read. Posted in love notes within the Di Vinci Supper Week this week. Good Morning to all,
or good day, as hello now in EUROPE. even MOSCOW RUSSIA. more soon.
7:40 am from my seranac lake, New York, USA NOW, tiny villa apartment
extrodinary work achievements as a USA GOVERNOR
of the entire state of CALIFORNIA, with a world, global honored achievement as an internationally well known athlete of WEIGHT LIFTING, whom is a very wonderful lovely darling I love well. Born in the country of AUSTRIA. , extensive professional major motion movie picture work , too. Children, it is putushi. Arnold putushi ‘ html, is still getting upset, see extra film post too if you are with, a html film not playing as usually always has.
Film Credit : Thee Arnold Schwarzenegger In an impromtue film.
Arnold, there was some concern at 7:28 am on line with the Oval Office deviants, that attacked utube splice in, to your impromptue film I just posted, and a few others also, too, unethically popped themselves in too, unethically attempted a tech attack, to my film update message in large
utube, serious reviews. Content, mincing unethical, deviant racketeering connected with cartel, unethics. serious. Darling of you, lovely emails Arnold Schwarzenegger. xo with love.
more soon. 8:17 am from my tiny villa: message now from thee wonderful ELVIS PRESLEY, whom has been incredibly involved in some amazing GUITAR REVOLUTION events which, is with increadible love to me, and economic stability outrageously successful with the incredible achievement and efforts , of love from ELVIS PRESLEY himself. even from Honalulu Hawaii ‘ USA, NOW. ,
html and the linked film too
Film Credit: THEE ELVIS PRESLEY lovely Sir Elvis Prestley, it’s so lovely you emailed so often as well,
remembering the tiny soirées at the seafood house risterante, ATLANTA GEORGIA USA,
horse riding, ENGLISH SATTLE fun. Graceland Your sweet home in NASHVILLE TENNESSEE, even, my first time, remembering 1976. lovely, again and again to see you at a fine lunch breaking so often. Wild fun, I dare say. Thank you again, in your esteemed love. No redemption for the deviants , is in the minds of everyone, villages all. The Guitar Revolution is perfect more because of you darling Elvis. Thank you graciously. Happy Thanksgiving again, Elvis Presley.
We can get back to those Bentley Drives. Pink interiors was fun.
love from. myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett pillow everywhere soon again,
more soon. 8:54 am from my tiny villa, email messaged, from
THEE CHUCK BERRY, impromptue guitar in incredible film gift to me at love notes, with delight, Darling Chuck Berry. You are so wonderful to think of me, and people all over the USA and everywhere all over the world. The lovely music compositions sweet, only CHUCK BERRY forever. We can catch up , over some New Orleans Pizza, Burbon Street, again, and brat film are an excitment everywhere. with you. Thank you, HAPPY THANKSGIVING , again. I love you, well,
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
11:40 am Saranac Lake, New York, USA from my tiny villa apartment, email messaged, from THEE JIMMY HENDRICKS, my darling, Jimmy Hendricks so long ago, 1980’ s we sipped soda with excellent brunch, at a little cafe grill, named, CARROLLES, even tossed a few hoops in a special little pavilion ancient public park, before a stroll to favorite ice cream spots we enjoyed, and today, the very special music compositions rare special update now, is politic, and very good of of you Jimmy to re- record, PURPLE HAZE, for me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, and to everyone all over the USA and the whole world. Brilliant political love, Darling Jimmy Hendricks.
Purple Haze: film
if the html is not playing well, due to some sudden concerning interference.
It’s Purple Haze, from Thee JIMMY HENDRICKS
Film Credit : Thee Jimmy Hendricks .
Amore’ Darling, Brat Films fun soon again,
w/ pillows all over the world.
Happy Thanks Giving again, so good of you Jimmy Hendricks, the film is perfect.
I love you forever. From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Happy Thanks Giving everyone, merci ‘ Extra film of purple haze politically perfect.
more soon. Thank you again.
1:05 pm from my tiny villa
The PINK PANTHOR cartoon, once ink blotted, in FILM
more soon.
1:21 pm est USA NOW music composition from DEBUSSY
, in a symphony of CLAIR DE LUNE in FILM ( unspoken the quiet peace of midnight a lunar moon)
more soon.
4:38 pm from my tiny villa apartment, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW
Children , what a fine book to know. more of THE UGLY DUCKLING,
read by a young person, quite well in such a fine gift, reading, all over the world. Children , do like the book THE UGLY DUCKLING. written and published before the year 1969 when I myself, read the exciting book. Enjoy reading the tiny literary book over and again if you wish, Grown ups too?
LISTEN and read too, if you wish, Happy Holiday to all the children all over the world.
I love you everywhere, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
pastery sweet cake in sea shell tiny cakes.
Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Simple BANANA CRUDATIA ‘ pastery with a sweet pancake mix, such as
is with three mashed well ripened bananas, and three table spoons of real vanilla extract.
5:40 pm Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW,
from my tiny villa estate rental apartment. Email messaged, from
Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr ,
and John Lennon thee BEATLES of course, very much my darling men, of many years. The music composition is the very lovely political, intellectual works in music, A RARE RE- recorded update now:
1970’s and just now, newly updated today, in very special gift film
Film Credit : Thee Beatles .
John Lennon ? Paul, George and Ringo, my hair, could be in need of four braids. Be sheet ready I could say yes. Jene Wilder was the first man to cut my sweet first short clip. 1976.
The Revolution of Guitar events is a very good success darling men of the love broadly in the first revolution in cultural movements of world order, so lovely of you all. The Guitar Revolution special love notes into 2024, I think is with an important time for myself to expand my special, expressions -to also many all over the world. Hair ? For the Bentley Film Drives
Smashing everyone.
7:26 pm est USA NOW.
THE CHOCOLATE WONKA BAR arrived yesterday.
DELIGHTFUL FOILED GOLD COINS in chocolate from the country of Belgium.
Photograph Credit:
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
I was quite excited when my
Wonka Bar arrived.
IT’s a REAL CHOCOLATE WONKA BAR, with a real golden ticket. Incredible.
more soon. BIRTHDAY WISH FOR SHARON J. PICKETT AND BARBARA J. PICKETT with special film even with distances of growing up together, and all seperate busy lives, I wish you the best birthday and happy thanks giving into winter new year of 2024 soon to be even more exciting.
more soon .
6:46 am from my tiny village, villa apartment this morning, saranac lake, New York USA NOW. DECEMBER 20 th 2023, a birthday wish yet again of a 1966 year birth of Sharon J, Pickett on December 20th 1966. wishing Sharon J. Pickett a fine birthday. remembering the summers, occasionally before 1975 with tea times of freddy freckles toys, was long ago. Happy Thanks Giving.
6:52 am NOW from my tiny villa apartment rental, messaged email within the hour today from Sir Arnold Schwarzenegger a darling friend, as also a Governor of California very achieved work within even my GUITAR REVOLUTION 2022 - 2023 and with lovely thank you to Arnold Schwarzenegger of sweet daily emails very special as well. Today with the Di Vinci Supper Events, into the week end, Arnold Schwarzenegger has some work out film links sent. Important to realize the love for even your own vitality of great, minds, and energy of the bronze years: await with a robus exhaultation of self fortitude with brilliant vibrant broaden, anticipation toward a surf ready reality in travel and achieved worth, still studying a universe of finest antipasto salad, ?
Not Yet Time for the Neapolitan Ice Cream summer 2024. read. brat film excursion to be even delightful everywhere all over the world.
on an Indian Motor Bike.
I dare say.
more soon. 7:52 am THURSDAY DECEMBER 21 at 2023, messages and more. With reviews, important before the di vincci supper 5 course plated dining last thanks giving supper of 2023 into the holiday solstice suppers with delightful chef work too, and Christmas Cookies rare recipes ancient and new. Julie Child’s, Jocquie Pepin, and Martha Stewart specialities with some fine international cookies, Ethiopian Foods, and more. Heart Shaped Cranberry, to adorn roasted fine suppers, with lime Jello heart shaped cookie cutter excitement even star shaped, for sweet especial holiday suppers. Quite special, all over the world.
The automobile issue is with some notations in international press in review I will post soon before I do walk to twin d towing in saranac lake to assure my return retrieved automobile. In-depth detail soon posted. While preparing the statements globally in view will need to be posted before my walk to assure the absolute return I will need to get through about this issues. Then the car - to take back from these twin de deviants, of dc Tazzmainain ( ie: uodate post on tazz issues soon with a broader review that is a global, and USA matter ) ,viscous humans.
Very important update I will post later today from the President of the Country of China. Reviews in rhetorical, issues of deviant USA concerning individuals are with a gracious notation from Sir Xi Jinping, President of the most large country in Europe Far East.
8:14 am from my tiny village with email messaged invite from Sir Vladimir Putin, President ( Kremlin ) of the largest country in the Eastern European continent, as RUSSIA is.
in film Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
comment in review , what should become of the abominables,
in racketeering in the USA and caused international damages as well.
USA few in one boat 2023 ,
reviews of the nation
Of the USA continue and very important to everyone,
with so many messages. Of achieved people,
every village, every USA city, state and extended
of all people in all countries. Thank you
for the lovely many many many messages
everyone. Reviews, yes, for people everywhere.
8:27 am a very special message from PAUL MC CARTNEY, darling, of serious reviews from LONDON ENGLAND and the USA focus, with many messages of love to me, all over the world. Reviews in the USA of very serious USA concerns. With a real rock and roll, idealism about ethics and business plentiful everywhere. My gosh PAUL, sending me messages from the audience and auditorium platform.
Wildly lovely Paul Mc Cartney and everyone.
extra film link , too< ; ) ( (((( ) <
Film Credit: Paul Mc Cartney, my darling fine lovely a love message. Like no other.
more soon.
TASMANIAN DEVILS within all abominables ? in one giant crank,,
from Bad Ink, leaping to news print to cartoon in FILM Close your eyes children.
more soon. message update from THEE JOCQUE PEPIN, COOKIES in a love message perfect Jocque just for love notes, and everyone all over the world, in FILM
10:46 am from my tiny village
THEE VLADIMIR PUTIN, my darling of many years,
Kremlin of Russia, of a rare achieve from my personal selection, in FILM
Bentley Films are spectacular, wildly fun into the New Year, 2024. It was my Japanese import drive as early as 1986, with sir Vladimir, fine ice cream cherry soda and the Elpine slides winter fun, a fine RUSSIAN guest in town.
My Rare Archive Photograph: Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia
in a recent guest to the SHEIKH of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince as to,
The Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, His Majesty Mohammad Bin Salaman Al Saud ,
via International Astrospace Satalight. With the Saudi Arabian, Honoring Military.
So exciting darling Vladimir. Happy Thanks Giving everyone in Saudi Arabia
12:27 pm from my tiny villa apartment, est usa,
email messaged : JULIA CHILD with a holiday specialty to dine well, with a purely FRENCH recipe, and JULIA CHILD, articulation with delightful lovely JULIA CHILD.
with Coq Au Vin. in film link too.
merci Julia Child, with love and a happy thanksgiving wish to you.
Wonderful Coq Au Vin, darling Julia Child, with love to you from everyone all over the world. And Jocque too, pillows everywhere with brat filming too,
MUSTARDS LAST STAND in going to be quite fun again. So good of you.
good day to you, again, and to everyone all over the world. I simply love you, Julia Child.
with her wonderful cook book, THE FRENCH CHEF, BY JULIA CHILD.
more soon. 2:03 pm from my tiny villa apartment rental home office, email messaged:
with a MR BEAN SPECIAL recording just for myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, and everyone everywhere all over the world. Fine Risterant, what to order, Coq Au Vin, what is which, and the unusual knowledge of Steak Tar Tar ?
Film Credit: Rowen Atkinson
Happy Thanks Giving Rowen Atkinson , perfect darling. Pillows and I can hardly wait for brat filming. Au Tutta Lue’ love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
6:23 am DECEMBER 22 nd 2023 FRIDAY
from my tiny villa in saranac lake,
Good Morning, and good day to everyone, into good evening in EUROPE. To everyone everywhere all over the world. CHRISMAS is a ancient time that which is celebrated all over the world within also a Huanakka ancient as well, as solstice winter is ancient of lovely time for many special exciting times within a starkness to prepare even to assure you clean your wool fineries ready to enjoy the invigoration of the lovely winter. Christmas Tree lighting became very popular in 2023 more than any other title in all history of humanity actually true. Deliveries by postal mail of fine silk trees were of enjoyment in homes and village streets everywhere. After lights and some fine menu delights preparing even freezer foods, enjoying catering in risterante and a few shopping days betting selections of fine groceries, cranberries in bags are good for stringing with needles and thread to put on a tree even with pop corn stringing too, later to put in a wreath for birds out side. Into late January and February with no rain usually.
The day of Christmas is December 25 th 2023 this year, as an annual date of Christmas and the time to enjoy decorating the tree at home, with making home made cookies and a simple opulent stew, roasted chicken or fish, eased roasted vegetables from garden select fresh vegetables or tin, fruit pie: blue berry, apple, and Cherry, ala mode (warm pie ) ice cream on the side, whipped cream and chocolate sauce, carmel too, topped with a maraschino cherry or sliced of jar fruit, freshly baked bread and butter split rolls. baked, with soft butter, a Irish Chicken Pie, Banana Bread Sea Shells Cakes, Riccota Cream Whip Cream, with a layer of Apricot or Rasberry Jam, Sweet, Butter Nut Squash Pie with a baked marshmallow Cream and Carmel Sauce made with butter brandy, mashed potatoes plentiful, with soft sweet cream butter, even an abundance of packages prepared foods and specialties like cheese cake. Asian foods, and other lovely international foods, too, with very special recipes of international countries, such as a curried current rice, and stuffed grape leaves, boc chio’ egg rolls, even from store bought frozen and pot stickers freshly made and grilled in butter with Asian hot and sour sauce, sesame chicken hor derves’ with peanut sauce, Thai Shrimp Spring Rolls, Russian Potato Puffs Perogies, Grilled, German Stuffed Cabbage Stuffed Sour Bratten’ Polish Potatoe Butter Prezel Honey Rolls, Gift giving is ancient to extend into the month throughout February to savor the very special efforts meaningful to not hurry the love expressions toward humanity greater and a larger resounding echo of sacred feelings of expression toward highten love of the peace as a message of the structure of humanity of greater existence in love real and truest. Inexpensive Dinner bottle of wine, under $9.00 -$ 12.00 with a epervesent 3 to 6 once sip at a leisure dinner with special thanks to with aloud a peace on earth. Served with a full iced water stem glass larger than wine glass goblet. And a small tray of sliced cheeses and a basic favorite cracker. Flat sliced perfection for a good flat crisp cracker.Fine Braided Bread MIDDLE EASTERN HALLA fine bread, Curry Ginger Sweet Potaoes from India recipes. Japanese Fried Temure Onions, with sweet cream soft butter. Some times just fine to sip even young grown ups at a special dinner holiday with a 2 once served wine. With a formal dinner holiday, with an extra fine full goblet of sparkling Juice of Granadine ( triple sec, and grenadine, cherry for holiday refreshments formal drink) holiday drink very special in a 8 once large fine glass goblet. Extra Riche coffee creamed egg nog coco ‘ with the sweets dish after dinner, with a tall cream whip topping and a cookie biscuit on the coco drink plate. Chocolate Dipped Popcorn Balls fresh from the hand made wrapped ball, just a half dip just for the fresh plated late sweet.
Plastic Glad Containers small, to freeze and enjoy more holiday foods, into January 2024. Masking Tape to label each freezer container is with ease. Date the container for long storage if you wish. The international foods in film are going to be exciting into a wonderful New Year.
December 25 2023, young grown ups achieve quite well in efforts of math and literature word computational comprehension in more than just efforts well done, with a effective ethical love fulfilled in excellence and brilliant efforts preparing and even attained love to cooking and budgeting of savings. Along with so many furthering study times, of such lovely reality in amazing cares to many tedious small details , efforts at home well done too, achieve chef skills, excellent, resounding in large memories of achievements and broaden reviews important to the perplexity in all villages of the USA and the world, reflexive in love of pies too, ready to enjoy a supper well every day. Planned and worth a fine day internationally of tree adornment and a di vinci supper Christmas event internationally to learn what di vinci means ?
What the guitar revolution means? When the BEATLES revolution began ? What is the British Invasion ? What will it be really in savoring gifts to a long extended holiday of the celebration 2023 - 2024 of a rejoicing to a greater love towards a greater humanity to adorn the lovely NEW YEAR 2024, that has begun and with an invite from myself to everyone all over the world. A sweet gift of a supper to join everyone Christmas Day online, of events at love notes, is quite an excitement for a lengthy love extended into the entire winter solstice with real AFRICAN DRUM events into January 2024 among international holiday expressions and event posts from every country in the whole world and extensive cookie recipes culturally of all countries, everywhere.
reviews unfortunately are a reasonable importance in the USA, of great cares in a efforts of all villages with love. Many messages are concerning of good solid reviews underlines important in the holiday 2023, as gold standard increase of incredible achievements of villages, in nearing all throughout the USA with efforts well done to even stabilize gold standards among all other countries respects well achieved I shall note. Even more of why gold standards are of great importance. What are these gold standards you ask? In January 2024 the extended suppers into February you are invited to the formal filmed lecture of an international supper , talk on gold standards, and quite exciting updates on expressions of even gold standards of a capitalist Humanitarianism of good love.
Enjoy BREAKFAST, Lunch and dinner sitting or standing all over the world. Everywhere. I love you all, from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
7:18 am tiny villa update
7:28 am tiny villa saranac lake
New York USA NOW
all over the world today to leisurely, enjoy any time. written by CHARLES DICKENS of a notated literary book, excerpt in a movie known as a CHRISTMAS CARROL,
of a interpretation variation of the tale of CHARLES DICKENS works in fine introspective literature.
With Special thank you to Patrick Stewart
whom takes on the character in the movie of Ebeneizer Scrooge,
with some butish words towards his fine efforts in great success.
reviews , ah yes. Important the reviews are. Extra in film
only in film special effects. Fiction. Ghosts ?
more soon.
EMAIL MESSAGED: MY DARLING JOHN LENNON years of lovely time, since 1980, into years more today, with the composition of music “WATCHING THE WHEELS” go by. in film
11:52 am from my busy little villa apartment est USA. NOW.
more soon.
12:20 pm tiny villa messaged from
THEE DARLING LUCIANO PAVAROTTI, with a impromtue of the ancient works in music composition of ev et Maria ‘ in Italian
( of the merits of our soul, ) with thank you of the world of greater humanity of broadly known, in operatic form, accompanied by lovely darling women of an Italian courus. Very special, Luciano Pavarotti and everyone. You’re all so lovely. Gratci ‘ happy thanksgiving into Christmas with a love to you all and all people of the country of Italy. Extra posted Film
Film Credit: Luciano Pavarotti
Very good of everyone. Thank you with all my graces of love to you all. Lovely everyone, bring pillows with brat films and we can sleep under the sky of Italy together. xo.
more soon.
12:44 pm from my tiny villa Saranac Lake New York USA NOW
email messaged my fine darling GENE WILDER , of the genius in
and everyone, real of movie reels of real WONKA CHOCOLATE BARS.
Film Credit: GENE WILDER extra posted film
Darlings of Willy Wonka, are perfectly wonderful,
Happy Holidays with love to you all, thank you so well. Brat Films will be lovely too. xo
more soon. Candy Canes peppermint fine confectionary
to hang on your tree. $6.99 for 12 and pleasant gifts to
class mates and work colleagues and tied into packages
with gifts special bowed silk ribbon too, read
Make a star for your tree top, if you wish, with a cardboard cut out, of a cereal box, and cover in aluminum foil, or fine gift paper, even glitter. Or select a glass Christmas Ornament for the tree top. Angels Cut from cereal boxes, or a peace dove, are fine Christmas Day fun. A red bird perhaps. Or a red star or pink even blue? Golden ? Or a star cookie golden baked. Basic Sugar Cookies thick cut are firm enough baked well. Star Cookie Cutter sets are with many sizes of stars or hearts perhaps. Red Sugar sprinkled is extra efforts quite fun. Men and Women Boys and Girls might enjoy cookie chef mastery to enjoy many tree cookies with a hole cut from a straw, or chop stick.
more soon. email messaged darling James Taylor with a special music for me and everyone all over the world. in an impromptu film
2:31 pm from my tiny villa saranac lake New York USA NOW GRAPE APE message update .in film , USA issues in concerns and reviews.
more soon.
12:54 am SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 rd 2023, two days before Christmas 2023 all over the world, while day time in Europe Now and after midnight in the eastern region of the continents western of the vastly large whole world. Christmas, is the day of a supper finest into even more. An Ancient Game from South America, and Europe in even England are exciting to experience at Christmas into the New Year, might be nice. Paper and sissors and tape will be needed.
International Royal Pino ‘ Game. What is it? Soon you will know everything. Rules are Rules. What excitement to know the ancient royal game of over a million years. I can hardly wait.
1:09 am from my tiny villa,
saranac lake, New York USA NOW
email messaged:
Sir Vladimir Putin invitation
late this evening emailed read important I dare say as I will be with online meeting notes expanding upon reviews, and honored recognition in pure LOVE from all over the world, of Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN, and the very RUSSIAN LOVE, within reviews in the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. Important to the USA with exceptional respective love from all USA villages of people culturally enlightened with review too.My comments of earlier meetings are about to begin in my posts into NEW YEAR 2023. A holiday to enjoy the love of fine messages are exciting, from the villages of the USA and from people all over the world. Vladimir , you recieved the hockey suit I designed for you. Smashing in hockey skates darling. Thank you for the beautiful gifts which arrived. Honor Event gold madalion cross as well. Nothing in the cataloged sales yet, with sale delays and a review with an outcome to begin posting soon.
Bentley Film await, with lovely reflection of Sir Vladimir Putin’s charming mozerotti ‘ invites with lovely and charming drive time. And horse back rides and South American BBQ finest. Bentley Films were delayed, with RODGER MOORE too.
more soon.
THEE DAVID CASSIDY lovely music compostions 1971 and now with a rare exciting sweet song to me, and everyone all over the world. SUGAR SUGAR listen
David caught my kisses ‘ from a far, and special thank you DAVID CASSIDY , with your efforts in my Guitar Revolution 2022-2023 and great seeing you in New York City arrived at my larger event exhibition 2016, with years earlier too. Brat film excitement is going to be quite a lovely time globally into the NEW YEAR 2024. xo
more soon.
email message:
thee “ DUKE “ JOHN WAYNE with a rare very special holiday thanks giving film
It’s about pilgrims, with JOHN WAYNE known many years as the radical intellectual political finest in western movies of perplexity with concerns even of a few PILGRIMS.
John Wayne’s impromptu film today created just for me, is brilliantly special looking at the reality of INDIANS in all aspects that are the epitome of ancient historical merchants of honor of thanks giving even now, thanksgiving 2023 with THEE JOHN WAYNE.
Was that really Jimmy Stewart ?
What a surprise Sir John Wayne, merci to you and everyone in those bull range territories in the USA, and vast farms of fruited love. It’s looking like we will all tote pillows into public parks and lay in the greenest grasses to simply gaze at the enormous blue sky with a blue and yellow basket at least by Easter 2023.
Brat Films , meeting again at MUSTARD LAST STAND. what fun. Thank you as well for arriving at my international economic peace exhibition nyc ny 2017. my darling John Wayne. Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone again. I love you forever. from me myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
really John Wayne rare update with the statements to PILGRIM’S ‘ Vladimir , it’s really darling
John Wayne. Lovely with the Indian Royal Sketch Film soon.
more soon.
10:12 am from my tiny villa est usa:
messaged email, updated impromptu film from Sir Billy Joel
more soon. Film Credit Willie Nelson and Billy Joel.
11:31 am email messaged : my Darling JOHN LENNON
special GRINCH REVIEW Christmas impromptu film from my tiny villa apartment.
Film Credit: THEE JOHN LENNON with a very special archive photograph very special to me, of John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul Mc Cartney, and George Harrison, my sweet darlings since the 1970’s . Perfect darling John Lennon. The snow was wonderful. Finest.
Bad Grinch, true.
more soon.
REVIEW 11:55 am from my tiny villa The Grinch Whom Stole Christmas.
Reviewing again and again. In a cartoon film.
Film Credit: Dr. Susse.
more soon. 5:45 am from my tiny villa in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW,
May I be the first to say HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, to everyone everywhere all over the world.
I have a very special thank you to Specialist of Russian Excellence and other international specialists too, as I also say a very lovely THANK YOU to sir Vladimir Putin, among all international real presidents of countries as well as extending my thank you to many efforts of international people within governments of international countries of esteemed efforts, not always easily realized. The brief press statements internationally will express more, to that of a lovely honored thank you as well as mentioning the importance of the people of the USA in a extra thank you, will be with some serious review notes I feel needs to a important update I will make time for.
The lovely Di Vinci Supper will begin today into CHRISTMAS DAY, and then expand throughout the entire week into the reality of NEW YEARS DAY as an extended celebration into 2024. Everyone internationally and nationally are invited to an extended winter holiday Christmas New Year 2024 very special to even enjoy the reflection of past, present, and a grandure towards a future of adoration towards a greatest humanity of a worth in peace on earth. With amazing rare recorded film surprises of even winter holiday song ancient carrol songs fun to know. Very lovely in messages from delightful people are quite a surprise. Reviews are a large interest in the USA of many messages in all USA 50 states and every village too, trees everywhere and, fine love towards a USA to be such a very lovely country. What is Di Vinci Supper all about? And why were the Indians with amazing love in all travels everywhere, with fine knowledge of planting corn in the USA and even more. What is to realize of the pilgrims of mere few, and their yield of injustice in plopping on lands, and entries to great corn fields, of large importance to so many merchant village shops and the love of humanity in work of corn - plentiful and Affordable to all.
Pilgrims , ah, what a shame, in their reflection of their own mirrors of elbowing others, grappling as they did in even deceptions, unforgivin in ancient times, known eventually only as the raw, potatoe eaters, sad, and an upset too large for anyone. In no thank you to pilgrims. It was a deceptive revelry known as the zero pilgrim popper , in the country as far as ENGLAND in EUROPE, known as pauper pilgrims. While the deception of Pilgrims, being corn farming specialist, the corn Pilgrims grew was a small patch of corn, 40 feet by 40 feet, only, as the hard soil dust dirt, was rotted and not a knowledge of corn at all. THE REAL CORN of pilgrims yielded only one row of kernels only twelve golden corn nuggets per stalk thin like a small bird feather, and no ears of corn at all. As Pilgrims grew corn in vicious contempt, even worse, from the plop on the land they took at the end of a real INDIAN FARM CORN FEILD AS LARGE AS THE SKY. The corn which the Indians were of great efforts reached as far a 50 states, in perfect corn, nearly 300 kernels per ear of corn people enjoyed well. A groveling eyed one, eye minced and winced to a mere poker face of seething satiation to eye that corn in a near by horse and cart, specializing in corn of plenty. Soon with the satiated eyed, seething pilgrim, the one strand corn was not an ear, not sellable, not a peril of ancient modern wisdom, and the farce minded pilgrims aimed at the smallest village to deceive that they grew the corn of plenty, and aimed to scowl and scoff at all Indians eventually. While the delightful merchant travels of corn sales was loved, and of riche large history in the USA, with further to know. Meezely grim raud potatoes eaters were vicious , deceptive, and soon even desperate, deviants, of only eating raud potatoes soon. People of all villages realized some about, pilgrims as pilgrims then stammered out loud under finest windows and spit snorted through some few sidewalks , hidding under foot bridges, and oh, even the Irish, farmers realized to be concern for Irish potatoes as well. The Grand Meeting of all 50 states in a convention are something to know more, of the fine history of the Indians and what it all means, thanks giving into a wonderful winter ancient history to adorn and find sacred. Village by Village popcorn caramelized of sugar confections perfectly fresh daily of just a tiny shop, nearly all villages, as it was amazing to purchase in travel inexpensive and endless delight, with special hand made popcorn balls loved, in ancient recipes basics and even today all over the world. The faite of the USA and international love is real. While then Christmas is about to begin, all over the world. It is an international invitation of a solstice of winter holiday into March 2023. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE DAY again everyone, everywhere all over the world.
more soon. 6:43 pm Dr Susse review , not to late, in an upsetting cartooning film of the LORAX.
more soon.
7:13 am MR BEAN , Yes, ROWEN ATKINSON rare
Christmas Preparations
in village lights for holiday ornaments, only for children in film
more soon.
OUR SKI TRAVELS, are incredible in my
RARE FILM ARCHIVE, of love in winter holidays perfect.
with sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia and my darling of many many years.
HOLIDAY FILM SPECIAL secret bear run event.
Happy Christmas Eve in RUSSIAN everyone. Kisses to you Darling Vladimir Sir Kremlin xo with my love darling. I love you with such dear good wished to you, my darling. Your message. are extremely lovely. Happy Christmas Eve Day 2023.
with love, to everyone all over the world,
I love you all, everywhere, from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 9:24 am from my tiny villa estate apartment :
Live On the Air direct message email from Pope Francis, from the Vatican
in the lovely city of Rome in the country of beautiful ITALY
with a tree lighting view and people arrived with a message from
Gratci, to you monsenior’ Pope Francis, and everyone in the country of Italy in the European Mediterranean Sea Regions, Very good to receive your message, my darling Pope Francis. With love to you, with my most gracious thank you, happy thanks giving into Christmas and into the New Year 2024. Your many message have such sacred meaning to me, love to all of ITALY. Graciously from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
Pope Francis, is with a printable photograph of his holy personification to print as a holiday keepsake of the internationally known Monsignor of the Catholic Central Cathedrals as the Vatican located in the country of Italy is. A sweet token of love, from Pope Francis.
with a selection of photographs read From Italy in Europe.
The Vatican, is the Mecca Center of the Catholic Cathedrals internationally as Pope Francis is the Monsignor as a very well known dignitary of the Catholic Religion among many notable people of the holy catholic religion globally. It’s always very nice to receive a message from POPE FRANCIS, with reviews serious now in the USA as well.
more soon.
email messaged : rare film THE BEATLES NOW “ I’m Down “
Film Credit : THE BEATLES update impromtue now.
My gosh, I think the film was interrupted with harrible people John, everyone, was an awful issue, and hopeful everyone got to their seat , with all those ticket purchase. Sweet of everyone.
Simply, I love you Paul, John, George, and Ringo. I was so lovely you sang at my birthday. You’re incredible special delightful , wildly lovely , thank you again and again.
more soon.
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1:41 pm from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake New York USA, I wished to say, enjoy your holiday ornament shopping as I take off by foot to buy my Christmas Dinner menu foods, at a tiny local grocery and buy a bottle of basic wine for special dinner. After such awful people circled my home, and I have to retrieve my $30,000.00 automobile next week, I wished to say, I am going shopping for a few groceries, not as pleasant as planned, and I will post my return to all when I return with my groceries promptly with many message to post from so many lovely darling many people from all over the world. love to you all, everywhere. More when I am back at my tiny villa apartment again soon. 1:48 pm now. Est USA Now.
3:22 pm from my tiny villa in Saranac Lake, New York USA. Hello to everyone, mostly all in Saranac Lake, USA NOW, and hello to everyone all over the world. I returned from a small grocery trip, by foot, very difficult really, with some in the area foot loose, with a large concern, of the issues to face which were caused to me, personally, and even to TOP’s groceries, while nose dobs, were circling isles, likeness to grown punking. The store sales clerk made no effort to say a friendly happy holiday. Sour mash, was more the holiday greeting and unusually so. While I realize the city is quite a lovely city and the professional sales people have always been charming, in many days I have shopped for large amount of groceries many times, while not in several years at the tiny grocery, Driving to other grocery stores is a lovely drive. The press release internationally I will be posting quite soon, is with some reality of many others whom joined my exhibitions internationally in many of the USA people as well, a few details about peoples concerns are very important to me, to many, villages all, in the USA and even surprisingly globally. Wildly I love people well, and so amazed that their is an incredible love toward me personally, and love notes. I love you everywhere. I have returned from my grocery trek. I love the peaceful quiet to really shop and take my time pondering the store selections, I have to say, several unusual types in the store today, and brash in fact, and even rather very close , unusual I think, I have been in many travels and stores, with never a nose dob aim of some snare infesting at ear levels. A women near my hind, battled baffling tung nose dob,. Sweating on me, walked snaring words at me, I quickly said, please, I don’t know you, then I said to Saul and Vladimir and others, Saul is in Spain - we all said hellish , with my watch phone, as we were interrupted from enjoying pondering our international online dinner plans and enjoying the variety of selection. It was unpleasant suddenly. My lovely kindly quiet fine outting, interrupted much like my entry and then actually the very serious issue with my automobile and the upsets of people in city issues too are quite a review which everyone in the world takes very seriously.
more soon.
6:54 pm from my tiny villa estate rental in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
emailed messaged from thee lovely ELVIS PRESLEY, with an impromptu FILM now
Film Credit : THEE ELVIS PRESLEY and the world famous announcer THEE ED SULLIVAN
Always lovely. With such a wild music composition of Elvis Presley, wonderful in a rare impromtu
to politically hip, while no one is really sure about those strangers, actually on the stage.
and Elvis Presley my very sweet darlings , I love you both.
special thank you as well to all whom made it to purchase a ticket to enjoy the lovely vibrant delightful
Ed Sullivan and ELVIS PRESLEY in a rare message film now.,
political everywhere in the whole world.
good of you Elvis Presley to email me so often over many years, sweet messages I adore. Thanks Giving is more special with you forever. Ed, Elvis, everyone with tickets seated, wonderful of you all. xo love princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
DECEMBER 25 th 2023 2:10 am from
my tiny villa estate apartment ,
Saranac Lake, New York USA
ENJOY, WITH GREAT LOVE OF HUMANITY A HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY begins, INTERNATIONALLY, and in the USA a FINEST BEGINNING OF CHRISTMAS, as too, HANUKKAH , far eastern love, with of course, too, Tibet of love in budist Christmas, too, with a international solstice of the near beginning of NEW YEAR 2024
far Eastern Europe, is
a time of tree decorating and ornament shopping
with some find people of BEJING CHINA with a film. TREE LIGHTING
Film Credit: a lovely women from BEIJING CHINA fine film for everyone everywhere all over the worlds. So darling of you all, thank you with love to you all, and everyone in the very large country of GREAT ROYAL CHINA.
more soon.
A moonlight word to everyone spoken after 12:00 midnight on Christmas Day Now.
with a holiday appartif sweet with all of Europe from my tiny villa, in saranac lake, New York USA NOW
It tis the beginning of a Christmas Day, baubles, breads, finest of looking back, in lauphter of golden minds, glorious a kind, fierce of sacred extensions of a universe up up up above the sky so blue, fir trees of emerald deep evergreen, leaves speckled glimmering of spring not long ago, gazing into lighted worth and work, mundane of some minute, suddenly a revolation of individualistic self thought , pondering of found, love lite and earnest a bitter of sweet, thirst for more, a grasses of spring, green hearts for, forever say, I say, delighted, of a world, sometimes found larger than a giant kind.
Giant farther than a whales tail. Ancient the ocean blue far, farther, of infinity looking up. Images of a whale with a tail, tug tug tugging a ship to see the ocean blue of maps once only a whale knew. The ships arrived upon the distant land across far far across the ocean of feirce merchant bringing treasures of goods, once never to see a cherry everywhere, more, a Saint of ships of merchant trades of gold for even a cherry tree of orchards , finest of love, ancient, a lavish thank you. Octopie of eight tenicals tug tug tug a kind ship so fine a six month time to an ocean wave higher and the giant octopie ‘ 80 leagues under the ocean, yes, all royal blue. A blue so for an octopie giant to tug tug tug of kind the packages to sell, a mecca. International shopping, only a map read of an octopie fierce of a love of ships of Internationalist Indian Merchants arrived, on the tail of a whale and a giant octopie, fiercely a fierce, work and worth packaged stacked tallest, the saints of merchant ships - in even ancient times saints of merchant ships sailed and arrived to serve even especially tea to sell of a world. Enjoy Christmas Day, everywhere all over the world.
love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
3:43 am from my tiny villa , e-mail messages from the entire millitary of great royal CHINA of the European Far East in FILM The Awakening of the RED DRAGON as military of the country of CHINA., as one of the largest countries in the whole world. All of my graciousness to everyone with very special honored thank you, thank you to the president of China as well, sir Xi Jinping and thank you to the many people in government and also thank you to the people of the county of CHINA. With my love to you all, forever. love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The very special message from the president of CHINA, President Xi Jinping, and the government of CHINA millitary of the republic of the people of GREAT ROYAL CHINA, the outline in the film of the concerns of some USA people, as the dc few whom are unethical as deviant have cause USA people damages and dc unethical deviants have unethical made and used munition, ( as still a USA concern as some have used munion and consorted to unethical actions, within vicious unethical deception too, in the USA ) which the Millitary of China have noted with great respects toward me, respectively, thank you, in film too, you might say the that the people of CHINA rather love me, and the USA, with love to the whole world, within their politely fortitudes expressed of greatest respective dignity and the importance of peace on earth, to fiercely send such a noble respect to me, at a time in love notes of review and stabilization of great effort successful of villages all in the USA, of good respect, loved within a whole world.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS, from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT to all millitary people so well loved and everyone one within the GREAT ROYAL COUNTRY OF CHINA.
To all millitary, including first class men and women, thank you with greatest love to you, each and everyone. With very honored love from myself, and from many too, in the USA and from all over the world. Thank you again, I love everyone, well. Happy Christmas into the a good NEW YEAR 2024. Exceptional honors to each and everyone. xo.
My message of expression extends to all international millitary and all their family.
Lovely of you all with many messages so extrodinary. The people greater of the USA are with a CHRISTMAS SOLUTE to you all, with gentle lovely respects of such dignities you all have, in outstanding love and diligent peaceful devotion. merci ‘
Thank you so much to the president of CHINA with my direct message to you sir Xi Jinping, President of China with gracious love to you and to all people in China and the Far Eastern countries too, with all the far east of Europe with such achievements in many lovely ways. Thank you again for numerous online meetings within the fine attentions to my notations in my meetings in Europe. HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY, into the NEW YEAR 2024.
with love to you and all your family and all people within CHINA,
once again, so good of everyone. Thank you again.
More Soon
Beijing China time is 3:52 pm NOW.
GEORGE GERSHWIN, messaged with everyone in a rare very special music composition recording of works in finest expression culturally of honor to a gracious surprise I myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett am enamored with pure joy, with care of the many of meeting I have in Europe . To great honors for the gracious attention, and lovely cares of the guitar Revolution efforts broadly everywhere all over the world, and the love from Sir Vladimir Putin honored of efforts among the presidents international and government people, including millitary of countries globally, with cares of individual tiny good efforts to, with a very rare RHAPSODY in BLUE for CHRISTMAS DAY, in EUROPE into December 26 th 2023. Real love to everyone all over the world. A Finest message George Gershwin on Christmas Day December 25 th 2023, at 12:00 noon from my tiny villa rental in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
RHAPSODY in BLUE , with Lenard Bernstein conducting with works on piano, as well, with love too, to my one and only mother always and forever, and wendel, even daddy,
with love to five children of a far distance they all, have had, secret even flights of mindful fanciest
GEORGE GERSHWIN, with everyone, from mustards last stand, events. Thank you everyone.
Film Credit: thee George Gershwin
more soon. 6:40 pm est USA NOW let chain video web cam with full audio recording day and night vision adjustment with high definition lens technology, power 24/7 352, no cord. Of course more than 25 years in technology excellence, read
6:49 pm from my tiny villa estate in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW
CHRISTMAS DAY 2023, DECEMBER 25 th 2023 begins a solstice of winter holidays and fine suppers of largest and even daily delightful supper too, to richely immerse within the love of many cultures within the world, of ancient to modern, even revolutionary idealisms. With thee rare personal achieve:
secrets of bear run: AGAIN, yes
KREMLIN OF the country of RUSSIA, perfectly charming with finest supper holidays menu
Finest appartiffe of especial hand mixed pure cream hot coco from Swiss Processed African Coka Beans , with shaved chocolate curls made with South American Goya Chocolate, entirely exciting with a Kentucky USA - butter Burbon whipped cream, and Madagascar Imported Vanilla Extract. Wonderful WINTER FUN.
and everywhere in the world. , with all my love, from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo
more soon.
9:42 pm from my tiny villa CHRISTMAS,
in Saranac Lake, New York USA NOW
A Christmas Weaving Game: you’re invited to
Photograph, and Design Credits: photographed time 4:48 pm eastern standard time

December 25 th 2023 from:
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
your very own
GOLD STANDARDS penny game as a special hand made of your own ribbon weaved penny game. Ribbon, Tape and Scissors with a small clothe to tape ribbon to, once cut to a good size to create a brilliant game. How to play: A penny is needed for each player. Each player takes one turn playing with a toss of one penny of their own. Toss the penny onto the weave board, then count the square your penny landed on. Write down the number of the square on your score card. If you land on two or more squares, each square has a number which you scored and add the numbers all to your score card. Score cards are on a seperate paper for each player. Keep up on adding your total to your scores and whom ever reached one hundred first wins. You must flip the penny off the top of your thumb each time you have your turn to toss your own penny. After you write your own score of which square or squares you landed on, then you must remove your penny until your next turn. If playing alone, the idea of the game is to sharpen your math skills and agility with a stop watch set from your phone stop watch , and then a solitar of only one player then plays the game to see how fast you can reach a score of 100 points, while continually adding your score until you reach 100. You can also place the penny game board on a stick taped or sewn with a sewing needle and thread and then hang you ribbon weave as a fine hand made crafted mastery of your CHRISTMAS woven work of art. Of course not to resell, and only as a craft individually which you create as my gift for CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY, self made game.
Enjoy the GIFT WEAVE FUN fine artistry holiday game, wall hanging art making,
from myself: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
10:22 est USA , from my tiny villa
Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 11:47 pm from my tiny villa
my darling John Lennon and Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison,
in personal impromptu of films
Personal Impromptu Film: the BEATLES CHRISTMAS DAY 2023
Not sure about the stranger in the amplifier
issue disruption the film recordings , everyone. Posted . Upset.
more soon. 12:46 pm from my tiny villa, a CHRISTMAS SONG, from JOHN LENNON listen
Just 46 minutes after midnight of the first day of CHRISTMAS 2023 NOW DECEMBER 26 th 2023
more soon. Good Day to everyone, everywhere internationally and nationally, at 3:44 pm in Saranac Lake USA NOW, and of course the same time throughout the north east of the continent of USA and Canada.
from my tiny villa estate apartment rental, with some messages:
ELTON JOHN in film to begin. And what fun.
more soon. GOOD DAY to everyone in Saranac Lake NEW YORK , USA NOW.
good day to everyone, all over the world, The lovely messages, are so kind, from all over the world,
PAUL SIMON, ART GARFUNKEL with a fine little impromtue with ANDY WILLIAM
in a very special film, and a legendary music compostion:
‘ Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme ‘ In the song “ are you going to Scarborough Faire.”
as the seasoning for the finest roasts which are ancient of the USA roasts and loved internationally as well.
Very Special impromtue - perfect everyone, the film recording worked. FILM NOW EXTRA
Film Credit: sweet darling Art, Paul, and Andy. “ brotherhood of human kind. Broadly Lovely.”
Meaning lovely fine humanity extensive everywhere in the whole world.
lovely everyone. brat filming is going to be outrageous. The Broaden Holiday extends to many busy schedules with fine times, serious reviews. Muslim Religious updates soon enough too. England Roman Catholic messages from the country of England and even more, into the NEW YEAR 2024.
A special message to far relatives,
and SHARON J. from the Fab Five, of MY MOTHER
and Father always preferred the word long ago
- DADDY, and later lovely wendel too,
Happy Holiday and measure your hight and shoe sizes.
Enjoy your new years.
1969 holidays never forgotten. Aveita Ziene Zighe Diez Giote’
more soon. 1:00 pm est usa now from my tiny villa : BILL GATES the industrialist,
owner ( founder ) of the mutli-international company Microsoft, in film and the President of the country of FRANCE, my darling men, with a film rare charming and quite special for the extended holiday.
The country of France is a Central European Country, near enough to the Mediterranean Sea , and known as a fine society of people and a central mecca of FRENCH CULTURE, within visual historical arts, too, among historically known architecture of the country of FRANCE and of course FRENCH cuisine ‘ perfectly French.
The many messages from France, of many people from the country of France are manifique’ merci, et du grandure espirite’ et FRANCE eternity ‘ of love to everyone in FRANCE, I love you all , many gracious thank you to everyone and happy Christmas into New Year 2024. Very good wished to all at Du Louvre Musea ‘ as well, with special thank you for the most gracious many many messages of such love. XO with my gracious love again and again. Brat Films are going to be wonderful with everyone- Bill Gates too and the president of France, Sir Macron,
love from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
sweet film , it is, charming
lovely expressions. Perfect film.
1:43 pm from my tiny villa est usa now, MESSAGED FROM
THEE WILLIE NELSON with a few others I love too, darling Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, June Carter, and a wonderful auditorium of fine people. review notes, of some dc wrong very important in the USA NOW, and with an incredible thank you to
WILLIE NELSON and everyone, with love and efforts for the GUITAR REVOLUTION, and more. I love you all. Wonderful everyone, the impromptu film is very special with my darlings, men and women, very good of you all.
Happy Christmas into the finest NEW YEAR, with you. Film Now
Film Credit: WILLIE NELSON and everyone, brats and you best bring your pillow in that next event everyone. Meet you all at Bennets BBQ, Gatlinburg Tennessee, USA, again soon. Mountain river view tables. Dolly Parton, very good of you to send those messages direct from DOLLYWOOD. The tree lighting was perfectly lovely Dolly thank you for the extra lovely gestures. xo
Great to see everyone. Johnny Cash, too, HAPPY CHRISTMAS into the NEW YEARS 2024,
with kisses sent, catch everyone. xo missing you all, over and over. Since the shin dig,
more soon.
2:08 pm from my tiny village: rare impromptu film
simply marvolous again, in a special for me, at love notes, so sweet.
Film Credit: Thee Art Garfunkel and Thee Paul Simon Lovely thank you again.
Darling men, really true, merci’ HAPPY CHRISTMAS into the NEW YEARS everyone.
Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire ,
you shouldn’t have learned roller skates just for me.
Lovely of you both. It’s been years since we were at the little coffee bar with napoleons
pasteries, and mile high FRENCH DIP sandwiches from the grill ancient secret bear run. I love you both. HAPPY CHRISTMAS and much fun and reviews into
NEW YEARS 2023, of course, we were rather, a fun many, in 1979 at the ole lovely metropolitan city village finest sandwich bar, with those rare onion rolls, and more. again and again.
Great of you lovely, darlings forever.
Rodgers and Hammerstein major films forever.
more soon. Fur Faux Ready Winter , with a warm fine RUSSIAN HAT, $29.00 read
December 28th 2023, from my tiny villa estate rental in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
GOOD DAY in the USA and internationally as well. Working Meetings in EUROPE, are with a very special thank you to sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA, specialist in RUSSIA too, for the lovely attention, thank you, with extraordinary efforts, and pure love too, and other presidents within the European Continents. I wish to express a very special thank you. With a happy holiday wish to everyone again, including the PRIME MINISTER OF THE COUNTRY OF INDIA, with of course a special Christmas and New Year Holiday, wish for a wonderful New Year, celebration all religions of India including Hinduism of course. May everyone enjoy the HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS, into the
NEW YEAR 2024. Meeting in Europe are ongoing.
Open Data India NOW, read in EUROPE OF COURSE as in thee country of INDIA LARGE IT IS.
EVEN MOOSE SIGHTINGS ALL THE WAY FROM EUROPE, seen in the USA. More over, what is open data ? Thank you to the Prime Minister my darling ole friend. HAPPY HOLIDAYS IN INDIA EVERYONE. brats soon again. With curry shrimp and finest INDIAN CHUTNEY. xo.
Sir Vladimir Putin has expressions to me, of some great lovely efforts in RUSSIA of even my internationally loved guitar revolution as a RUSSIAN LOVE. Surprising, and unseen efforts of sir Vladimir Putin himself, incredibly kind to e-mail sweet invitations and lovely messages.
Happiest New Year to you Darling Vladimir.
more soon.
11:33 am from my tiny villa THURSDAY, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW.
violin from ROMANIA in film extra
BELA’ BARTOK, compositions in violin symphony
from the European country of ROMANIA folk dance rare very special violin symphony
with extrodinary love, in a messages to me, and everyone all over the world. Enjoy.
Film Credit: VIOLIN ORCHESTRA OF ROMANIA , merci ‘ everyone, bravo ‘
Happy Extended Christmas into the New Year 2024. With love to everyone,
in perfection of love in violin. Brats films soonest, pillows my gosh. Many.
All over the world, enjoy the most generous
and lovely violin compositions with a special thank you again.
to people of ROMANIA, Happy Holiday with love, from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
12:06 pm from my tiny villa with a sweet film of thee
and thee lovely wonderful darling friend LUCILLE BALL, film director, humanitarian and charming love in AMERICAN TELEVISION cultural worth, then in the 1970’s and now. in conversation film Happy Holiday everyone. Merci ‘ I love you well.
Mustards Last Stand is going to be a great rage of fun. xo.
Ah, the html posted film soon.
FILM CREDIT: Johnny Carson and Lucille Ball
Film Credit : Mr Magoo sketch artist illustrator cartoonist . 1970’ s and now.
3:18 pm from my tiny villa : THEE JAMES TAYLOR
a guitar holiday music composition , of the good / god, rest the merry ( happy fruitful of hard farm work and more ) of an ancient of gentle of men, sweetly delightful JAMES TAYLOR. What fun.
FILM CREDIT : Jame Taylor
more soon. 3:51 pm from my tiny villa , Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
very wonderful special message from darling friends in KAMHLABA AFRICA direct from the European Continent with the students in advanced secondary studies WATERFORD, school, in a most favorite dance for me, royal gum boot traditional dance, of the actual celebration of the gum tree, primarily only in AFRICA, also known as the rubber plant tree. The woolie boots are a recognized ancient farm boot. Quite the holiday rare film gift, to myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, and for everyone all over the world. Very special everyone. Perfectly lovely. Sending love to you all. Thank you for the extrodinary love note reply. Marvolus Detail, you added a few of my little steps, wild.
Film Credit: STUDENTS OF WATERFORD, men and women. Perfectly Wild, I love you all.
Happy Christmas into the New Year to everyone in Africa a very large Royal Country Quite Remarkable in many cultural lovely ways, uniquely of ROYAL AFRICA. more soon.
Sir Vladimir ‘ it’s everyone from Waterford with my favorite gum boot dance, all in fine one piece gaberdene lovely soft royal blue. outstanding fun. I am very excited of such a find message from AFRICA as such a surprise. The ancient dance, wonderfully perfect. Sir Vladimir, it’s an amazing message of love.
more soon. 7:26 pm from my tiny villa, GEORGE HARRISON rare music compostion as even from musical instruments actually from only the country of INDIA IN A LISTENING FILM increadible music of a modern ancient and lovely in INDIA rhythms, with GEORGE HARRISON’S lovely specialization of internationally loved compositions . merci ‘ George Harrison such personal love in sweet messages filmed. I can hardly wait for brat films. xo darling George.
6:33 am eastern standard time from my tiny villa, Friday Morning DECEMBER 29 th 2023
THEE LUTHER VANDROSS with WATERFORD CRYSTOL, fine stem glass for fine menu events,
wrote a song for me, with an exciting film With one million kisses to you again LUTHER, and everyone. Smashingly fine film, what fun, with my wish again and again HAPPY CHRISTMAS into the NEW YEAR 2024, Brat Film, and pillow in the park are, going to be even better with you all. I can’t wait.
darling Luther, and everyone, thank you for arriving at my USA In Chicago and NEW YORK CITY.
I love you all, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
. Wonderful Luther Vandross. xo
Waterford Fine Glass Stem Ware have been a wonderful company well over 70 years.
Sir Vladimir, Luther Vandross, and everyone, in such a fine holiday film. Loved all over the world, even with RUSSIAN DECADENCE. ( Russian Word = good opulence).
more soon 6:55 am from my tiny villa a very special film kind
of MARTHA STEWART to have taken the time to realize the importance to creating a ROAST TURKEY, of a USA holiday menu some chose for rather large invites in homes at holidays. Freshly roasted and served exactly when the roast is ready from the oven. Many people chose other menu’s as well. Gracious of THEE MARTHA STEWART for the holiday in 2023 and into the NEW YEAR 2024, In an updated film, made for me at love notes, to everyone all over the world. I love you Darling Martha Stewart, merci’ happy holiday, with love.
professional chef, industrious in fine faire ( foods ) excellence.
Darling Delightful Lovely Martha Stewart, with many thanks for the many emails, and fine kind messages, brats and pillow filming is going to be wild. xo. with gracious thank you. The short bread cookie recipe was delicious. Perfect in Fact Martha, merci ‘
Thermometer Details ? Pre storing poultry and separate kosher cutting boards ( kosher = assured seperate cutting boards and storage of vegtables , seperate from cheese and dairy, and then seperate in meats preparations, always well cleaned after each type of food ) and cutlery for vegetables, and assure utensils clean up, standards, too, are extra studies in fine chef work to know more. Prepare well everyone. With love. Enjoy Martha Stewart’s wonderful film.
more soon. DVD PLAYERS , WHAT ARE THEY? how do you purchase a dvd film recording dvd directly from anyone at love notes post links directly from professional in MUSIC and other professional lisences fine extra film in dvd, even from MARTHA STEWART, and ROWEN ATKINSON, with even more, ROLF ACHILLES, as a world known historian very assute in world architecture, and German Antiquities. Stain Glass Of ancient places to travel and photograph, of great historical cathedrals.
Start with a dvd player, is something to put on your list to purchase into 2024, with a few extra efforts, on online web sites, and some meetings too, reviews, and updates, the dvd sales may be with some fine easy to order a little record album vinyls film with sound quality, made well. Think about browsing dvd players if you wish. Read . Seeing some of MR BEAN, created with genius of ROWEN ATKINSON, is with more, and a special disk dvd to even own, exactly from ROWEN ATKINSON, as I post, even more in 2024, of professional web site, and sales special updates for many fine lovely darling fine friends, lisenced professional specialized, in some independent professional arts, and more, whom messaged and even more not yet post ready, in love notes. My post on web site : need to know lecture will be in January as a very special result of meetings and my gift lecture of bora bora dinasoure love notes, gifts, yes.
The gift, was delayed in bora bora web update gift lecture over a year. Apologize , and important reviews of caused delays, even to so many internationally with some fine message films too. From the short list to a lovely delayed LONG LIST is exciting that my meetings in Europe, even RUSSIA with extrodinary specialist, of over 60 years excellence, have been dilligant and kind to see through bora bora meetings lenghty, and the reviews are now with further posts, not delayed further, review notes to post in press statements, and my lectures of web site, lectures for assured licensing ( back dated in reinstatement standards, minus substandard chop siue, specialization specificities of outstanding professional achieved standards is going to be, with my gift lecture short film and bora bora note posts, important. Everywhere.
Your own DVD LIBRARY BOOK CASE DVD might be fine to ponder the whole exposure you create as a fine cultivation in culture as a collector to enjoy even travel leisure and ease to play a disk dvd you like well. Direct from the many individuals with their own dvd sales. Possible. While more to learn about several other excellent selections in late NEW YEARS 2023 JANUARY. Brouse early and take your time selecting with extra notes soon. After the press statement and, some defined review notes to know in some USA serious of concerns. Important in the USA, and internationally. A few dc deviants unethical with the racketeering unethical, are on the minds of everyone. My press statement is nearly ready to post, after the issues in my automobile that are attacks too, as not yet resolved in every way of needed further poniant statements prior to my stroll in the village to drive my very expensive automobile back exactly where I park it. The statement direct from the Government of China about the deviants are kind that the people and government and president Xi Jinping, took extra efforts too, with details too, . All people of the USA are greatly thankful to have international love, from CHINA and internationally everywhere. My press Statement will be posted in brief soon within several days from today. I am excited of the introspective review from people within all villages of the USA, and everywhere. With all my love, everywhere, all over the world, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Fine Home Technology of 2024 :
a swivel mini dvd disk album player, read
more soon. My mothers famous press butter cookies are a delight, with her remarkable charm too, as I post a note soon today of my childhood , butter cookie special time, my darling mother, made special, even incredible, as a tiny detail, of infinite love. BUTTER COOKIES to experience, pure love. To create your own in the holiday into JANUARY PERHAPS, 2024, even easter in april 2024. I am very excited about the PRESSED BUTTER COOKIE POST, LATER TODAY. You will need a cookie press. With love and kisses, larger than the sky, special delivery to my mother today. xo
International Cookies, after my mothers lovely press cookies are going to be spectacular.
more soon.
1:43 pm from my tiny villa, working brunch with finest apple brandy Royal Flambé pancakes, served with a egg flip sunny side up, with Sautee ‘ Grilled freshly par boiled potatoes with coursely chopped vadelia spainish onion. USA brand of Hienz 57 ketchup perfection.
Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
always with my own hand made self prepared recipe special
even for all love notes posts.
The APPLE BRANDY ROYAL FLAME ‘ sauce is a recipe to savore’ in New Years 2024 so be prepared with a tin of apples in a prepared pie filling tin can ready. Opulent gift recipe for fine event menu at home. The first week in New Years is very exciting with fine Royal Apple Brandy Flambé with Russian Royal Custard with real Royal Russian Rasin Rum Sauce, my very famous recipe from the birthday RUSSIAN PIC NIC , extrapolated recipe, from MY RUSSIAN MENU, finest gift for everyone in NEW YEAR 2024. With Martha Stewart’s Turkey Roast, Julia Childs French Perfection, Jocque Pepin ‘
finest crab cakes, and my sweet mother’s extra special ITALIAN FINEST SWEET, cookies outrageously perfect.
more soon
. 7:54 pm from my tiny villa
saranac lake New York USA NOW
one minute sketch note, from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
with mother and Her Tote Sack of Real Italian Hand Made Pressed Butter Cookies Originated in Italy.
Film Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett sketch location history
My Mother’s Bear Run Fun, with the making of the most decadent Pressed Butter Cookies in the world. A day that lasted an eternity in truth.With the most gracious message today to express a lovely wish for the very best, in looking back of all reflections of love, and into the NEW YEAR with desire of the eternal sacred gardens of blossoming fruited trees and a whole world of tier tree plates of my mothers ITALIAN finest butter cookies to make at home for special di vinci suppers in 2024 NEW YEAR into April of course, with time in such achieved worth to adorn.
Ancient Secret Recipe Italian Press
Butter Cookie variation :
Must have a Cookie Press
soon the cookie press selection and the lovely version of my mothers esteemed ITALIAN PRESSED BUTTER COOKIE recipe.
Special MOVIE,
Film Credit: everyone in the sweet film of Herby The Love Bug recorded for me at love notes as a special. I shall make time to see the whole film into the new year holiday, while everyone in the whole world, is with a chance to enjoy the lovely film, too, as your leisure.
Children and Grown ups, enjoy.
Thank you everyone, wonderful film updated, special.
Happy Christmas into New Years 2024
to reflect upon , and serious review, with lovely special love,
from me again and again, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
thank you again. HERBY IS HEADED TO MUSTARDS LAST STAND , my goodness.
PERFECT COOKIE PRESS: with a lovely view of the press plates for the butter cookie dough. Very nice view of the tiny delicious ancient butter cookies originated from the recipes ancient of the country of ITALY in Europe. My mother, ELLIE M. made her very own variety of the sumptuous delicate ITALIAN sweet, gifting me the fine little Italian Press Cookie Press, as a young girl in the 1970’s with a small few words of love as she pressed an entire tray, as I too, pressed an entire tray of the finest delectable cookies.
The cookie press is $10.92
recipe veriation for the.
The dough for the fine cookies
are with 2 sticks of cream butter made with salt.
The butter must be chilled.
2 Cups of Flour, cake all purpose whete flour is perfect.
1 and 1/2 cup Pure Cane Granulated Sugar
1/8 teaspoon of Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon salt , deionized basic inexpensive table salt. Morton’s is a fine USA Brand
1 and 3/4 table spoon of Pure Vanilla Extract.
1 egg fresh and raw.
Photograph Credit : mastery of lovely person , web uploads for me, very kind thank you.
Everyone in Butter Country. Thanks again.
Mix all dry ingredient in a large mixing bowl, and then with a standard electric mixer, blend the butter, into the flour dry ingredients. Assure you blend well as it may look slightly crumbly. Add the egg, using the mixer, blend extra well, and now you are ready for the vanilla. Mix extremely well, and now you should have a soft slightly creamy buttery cookie dough. Place the dough in the refrigerator in a plastic wrap for 20 minute before you, fill the dough into the cookie press firmly packed into the press ready to then text your press, and begin pressing your butter cookie shapes onto a clean aluminum cookie baking sheet pan. Carefully do , press all cookies exactly the same size with two inches in between each cookie.
Fill the pan with cookies pressed with same size cookies each cookie. Scrape the cookie off the baking pan, if you need to repress any cookie and save the dough you scrape into a clean bowl. The butter might get too soft, in the second cookie press filled, so remember to assure to keep the dough rather chilled and press the entire cookie pan as quickly as you can with good form. 350’ degree f. Pre heat oven before you begin pressing cookies. Bake the pan as soon as you fill the pan, and be very careful not to over bake. 6 minutes May be enough, and to a possible one or two more minutes. And then when a light golden color, remove the pan, and allow all cookies to cool fully on a cookie rack.
Now you are prepared to create your very own
with my lovely mother in mind, with incredible gracious
thank you with love sent from all over the world.
Enjoy the ancient cookies very special of variation recipes from the country of Italy.
AMORE ‘ = LOVE in ITALIAN . more soon.
Photograph Credit: Unknown kind person from an online photo source. xo
Green Food Coloring is added for pure evergreen fir conifer trees , finely before pressing and baking.
Or a sugared colored sprinkle with an egg white wash glaze on top of cookie lite with a lite sugar sprinkle.
Then Perfection.
In Real ITALIAN BUTTER PRESSED COOKIES my mother gifted me.
DECEMBER 30th 2023, from my tiny village Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW.
From the country of CANADA now, is a
GOLDEN DRAGON EVENT, traditional to CHINA, of the NEW YEAR, in areas with village riesterants plentiful, as a very lovely strolling quiet of finest vibrancy in love, of all graciousness and autarity of greater humanity of a nurturing of tiny details, diverse in the love, of ROYAL CHINA, CHINESE LOVE CULTURALLY DELIGHTFUL. Rare Event Film
CHINA IS THE VERY FIRST OF COUNTRIES WHICH WILL CELEBRATE NEW YEARS of their very first minute after midnight in CHINA. At tomorrow noon in est time, and 12:01 am BEIJING CHINA time, all at once. What time will your time zone be at 12: O1 afternoon from est USA time tomorrow, with China New Year in mind? From my tiny villa at 12:01 pm, CHINA in Beijing will be NEW YEARS right at 12:01 am today, with a celebration of the day in early morning in China first in the whole world. While EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, are of the NEW YEAR before the Continental countries of the USA, Canada, Cuba into the south seas countries and all of the many South American Countries. Historically the mediator in this film has some errors in historical facts, while the film is a honor to CHINA AND ALL OF EUROPE, within a China Village small district of a well traveled city in CANADA, in great love of the NEW YEAR CULTURAL, DIGNATIES of a REAL CHINESE GOLDEN DRAGON EVENT, ancient of love in far distance far eastern ROYAL CHINA and of all the countries of vastly very very very large Europe. Love everywhere, with rare golden dragon events very notable of lovely international very cultural CHINA. , and honored Chinese Villages lovely shops of other countries honor of world cultural love. film extra too.
Film Credit: the golden dragon event people of internationalist, of Chinese cultural love.
Happy Holiday everyone, how lovely you included the museum boat, amazing you are all so sweet a gift message extrodinary . I love you everyone and thank you well and darling of everyone. xo from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett and love to you all, from all over the world. Lovely. Brat filming soon. xo.
bring your pillows please.
wonderfully exciting. More Soon. earliest Happy New Years Eve Day.
Love from myself, to all of EUROPE, and everyone, from, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE DAY ( eve = the very full day before the 12:00 midnight hour into the first minute of the NEW YEAR in the country of CHINA , as I prepare a toast with all my working meeting of many months with gracious thank you, toward RUSSIAN, with in all dignities to sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia , specialist , sir Xi Jinping President of the country of China, presidents throughout all the many countries of Europe, as reaching the west embankment Western Europe in England, to a gracious love to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of Head of the Country of England within the Ordained Sacred Sanctidude of King Charles His Majesty of England as well. with love from everywhere all over the world, of devout good wished to all of Europe, from everyone, on the other side of the world of many countries. Soon it will arrive time, of real NEW YEARS hours of gracious words of cultivation in a appartiffe, solute ‘( words to a kind love expressions of wishes to fine sacred 2024 all over the world )
to people everywhere , soon the NEW YEAR begins just after midnight in China in less than 24 hours.
Film Brief: tiny villa preparations,
gold glass rims everywhere.
more soon.
SUNDAY from my tiny villa,
DECEMBER 31 st 2023, on NEW YEARS EVE DAY, as the day before the eve of the first day of the NEW YEAR of 2024. At one minute after 12:00 noon from the eastern western continent, est , time, the time will be 12:01 am as the DAY OF THE NEW YEAR BEGINS in the far eastern regions of GREAT ROYAL CHINA. within of course other countries too, in the far Eastern European Continent. Preparing some hor derives’ tiny eased foods, in holiday teir tree plates, trays of special cookies and even a lovely few extra fine foods, is always a fine time of holiday work, and leisure of NEW YEARS EVE, often at a lovely 12:00 noon, or into 4:00 pm is an USA special extra effort, among people all over the world. Sacred is a world known, of cultivations of love towards a greater existance of humanity with bouws to break open of a special time of year. Time to make a bouw’ filled with chocolates or sweet candies, to of course break open. Perhaps earlier than 12:01 midnight. A bit of Very Special Home Made Brandied Egg Nog, And A BREAKFAST CAKE, SOON.
Fine Very Special Ficcacia at 12:00 noon, est time today, and a sparkling appartiffe, 2 oz fine gold rim special NEW YEAR CRYSTOL STEM appartiff glass, to see a fine good wish for all of EUROPE, is with a potatoe cream cheese with shrimp hor derve with calamata ripe green and black olives and sweet gherkin pickles. Chocolate Cake to prepare for midnight dinner. The berry tart with a special crust and mixed berries, made last evening are going to be delicious with a sweet lime cream, to adorn with cream rosettes.
more about my menu later.
Earlier Event Photograph: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
WORKING MEETING EXTENDED TO ENGLAND, with a very special message from my darling QUEEN, HER MAJESTY, QUEEN ELIZABETH, the QUEEN OF ENGLAND, and the very esteemed noted political diplomatic dignitary, honored of the people in ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN, and quite loved all over the world. The states magistrate, ROYAL QUEEN OF THE PEOPLE, of all of the entire country of ROYAL ENGLAND GREAT BRITAIN.
as THEE QUEEN OF ENGLAND , in a now update film message.
My darling Queen, QUEEN ELIZABETH, YOUR MAJESTY, I was delayed, with the little mixer shin dig event, late nights, and thank you with my gracious love to you, and to all of the country of ENGLAND, RODGER, was delayed, RODGER MOORE. Remembering your arrival in my exhibitions was so darlingly wonderful. And your hand made ENGLISH CHRISTMAS FIG PUDDING amazing.
Supper in Vienna was years ago now, still remembering your sultry song, of ENGLAND. Lovely England is worth such sweet lullabies . HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you and everyone, the messages are spectacular of everyone in the country of your majesties FINE ROYAL ENGLAND. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Brunch again soon. I love you forever. Brats film are wildly with excitement, as we both take in a game of polo in 2024. Fun. I dare say, with extra fluffy pillows, with you and RODGER MOORE, again.
with my love, and all graces, infinite, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
12:01 am BEJING CHINA NOW, into the minutes of 12:11 am , minutes later, and 12:11 pm from my tiny villa in saranac lake NEW YORK USA NOW. I just finished making my two chocolate imported candy filled BOUWS of the holy international NEW YEAR, for the Pino Game tomorrow. Childern and grown ups may enjoy the ancient game of PINO, an ancient secret game of international world culture toward all countries. Creating a filled bouw with paper fancy if you wish and cut egg cartons and a cola cola box or cereal box, making a bouw shape, adding ribbon to reuse every holiday and then attach the bouw string and then hang in a door way. Adorn entries of a room or hang from a ceiling lamp. With a long thin ribbon. High enough to reach with a stick. And the game begins tomorrow all over the world for a new years for more than a day, to play PINO all throughout into April 2024.
The Holy BOUWS of folly are quite fun children and grown ups. Tape is needed with sissors to hand make BOUWS many and even find room to fill more of your tree or a teir tree platter. New Years Day throughout Europe has begun. With extrodinary love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. Excussi ‘ its QUEEN ELEZABETH, Une momento ‘ Aimee’ ci’ darling, polo in Spain .
more later. from Japan
Kabuki Theater ‘ in Film
12:34 pm tiny villa time.
not quite sure about the historical moderation
12:44 pm from my tiny villa
CHINA NOW with the dragon lake parade from the country of China Far Eastern Europe in FILM more soon.
MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW 8:47 pm now.
2:53 pm from my tiny villa , HONOR KABUKI of a sacred torch on lightness and care, in even the country of SCOTLAND, within the Western European continent with an update now, messaged from everyone in PERTH SCOTLAND with an amazing FAR EASTERN HONORED ANCIENT NEW YEAR GOLDEN YELLOW DRAGON PARADE, with wonderful village drumming and fine strolls upon the holiday international events. in FILM
Hyauh ‘ is RUSSIAN. Sweet everyone. Brats soon, pillows ready. Lovely of you all, xo to all.
more soon.
3:11 pm from my tiny village THE ANCIENT LION EVENTS OF NEW YEARS, very special messages from everyone in HONG KONG, in the country of ROYAL CHINA NOW. The love messages are very lovely to me, everyone thank you. The sacred entry, of homes and business proper with lovely travel and great humanity is lovely of everyone with the amazing ROYAL CHINESE NEW YEAR LION event.
from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit: Everyone in the Hong Kong, China,
Sir Vladimir Putin, it’s the ANCIENT ROYAL CHINA LION EVENT,
darling friends from HONG KONG. To everyone in RUSSIA, SPECIALISTS, AND ALL OVER THE WORLD. What a lovely beginning of New Year 2024. Perfect in New Years Eve, too with 12:00 midnight from the USA, CANADA, , Cuba, Bermuda, Haiti, Jamaica, all south sea island countries, and all, South American countries, with a a lovely holiday tray menu hor derve for 12:01 midnight, exactly NEW YEARS DAY soon in the western continent far across the ocean from all of EUROPE.
What a lovely many surprises.
More Soon.
3:38 pm from my tiny villa, with love from the country of MALASIA in the far Eastern Europe, as a far eastern Royal Country, as MAYALSIA is, with a new years message, from darling friends, of great love to me, with the ROYAL ANCIENT NEW YEAR LION EVENTS now in rare special film
NEW YEAR EVENT, from the lovely country of MALAYSIA, at the SUNGEI WANG PLAZA.
direct from the people of the country of lovely MAYALSIA
more soon.
more from the country of Malaysia, at the Taoist Temple with the special Ancient Royal Lion NEW YEAR Events, from Kuala Lumpur Guan Di Temple messaged with lovely event film of the New Year 2024, for everyone all over the world.
Film Credit : the people of the ancient ROYAL LION NEW YEAR 2024 event. Everywhere. Perfect everyone, I love you all, HAPPY NEW YEAR. From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 4:19 pm from my tiny villa, messages so lovely, personal sweet darling message my sweet men, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul Mc Cartney, and John Lennon, with the finest New Years Eve , New Years Day EUROPE ,
FILM NOW . I love you darlings, thee only Fab Four, forever love to you. Simply Smashingly wonderful message, millions of kisses to you all, catch . Love princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
Film Credit: GEORGE, RINGO, PAUL, and JOHN,
the Beatles with love, all over the world.
more soon.
NEW YEARS IN the country of INDIA
with my lovely darling friends, earlier today, emailed in film
5:02 pm from my tiny villa, with an email messages
direct from the PRIME MINISTER of the country of vast lovely INDIA,
THEE PRIME MINISTER SIR NARENDRA MODI , as a central Nobel Political Diplomatic Honored, ROYAL head of states, of all of the country of ROYAL INDIA, as in the very large and quite wonderful country of India.
of Jan Gan Man,
of the Royal country of India.
A sacred lovely solute’ of the love of India, of all people, and a very fine solute’
of the NEW YEAR 2024 to everyone everywhere all over the world.
and the people of the government of India.
Further NEW YEARS, film from the reflections, of recent years, into 2023, and in INDIA NOW
it is the NEW YEARS of 2024, with my message of a wish of a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024, for you darling PRIME MINISTER SIR NARENDRA MODI, THEE PRIME MINISTER OF THE COUNTRY OF INDIA,. Very good of you sir, also HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 to everyone in the lovely, very large country of INDIA. I love you everyone. My gracious thank you. xo.
homored political diplomatic dignity.
Very very good of everyone, thank you once again.
more soon.
7:31 pm from my tiny villa, with 3:52 am in MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW
just three hours and fifty two minutes after midnight NEW YEARS DAY, in MOSCOW RUSSIA, now yet sunrise morning, on JANUARY 1 th 2024 . HAPPY NEW YEARS to sir Vladimir Putin and the government people of the country of Russia to all people in the whole very large country of Russia as well, in EASTERN EUROPE. HAPPY NEW YEAR with large millions of kisses to Sir Vladimir and all in Russia. Love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
with at least one each year, for the international holiday Christmas Tree.
within the riche culture of RUSSIAN LOVE.
Thank you everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024
loved all over the world for more than one thousand years.
more soon. Russian CHOCOLATE , manufacturing highest quality with excellence in specialized milk and cream dairy of RUSSIA, for simply riche wonderful decadent RUSSIAN CHOCOLATE BARS.
in a special FILM
RUSSIAN SYMPHONY to everyone in RUSSIA and all over the world.
Very kind of everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR with my love to you all and as well, to Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the very lovely country of RUSSIA. Many kisses sent. xo.
Rockmaninoff Symphony No 2 music compositions RUSSIAN COMPOSER ,
with conductor Antonoio Pappano w/ Staatskapelle Dresden direct from the country of RUSSIA.
10:00 am from my tiny villa, rare film archive, special holidays
with Sir Vladimir Putin
reflecting lovely charming humanity, into a finest Happy New Year 2024.
from my personal archieve, in FILM Happy New Years Darling Vladimir, millions of kisses to you darling. Happy New Year everyone. Perfectly lovely times are sacred. xo
Special MESSAGE TO MOSCOW, I love you.
from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 11:34 pm from my tiny villa estate rental with a email and public statement from
Russian , RUDOLF NUREVEV, darling , perfectly lovely impromptu film
TWO MINUTES BEFORE MIDNIGHT, NEW YEARS in my tiny villa, of the eastern standard time of the western continent of thee AMERICAS, HAPPY NEW YEARS, from Saranac Lake New York, from my tiny villa estate rental. With love and millions of kisses everyone, from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more, yes, a fine brandy Crème Holiday New Years appariffe, with finest handmade berry chocolate tart, ice cream sweetest, with extrodinary love to everyone, everywhere in the whole world.
JANUARY 1 st 2024 into JANUARY 2 nd 2024
GOOD EVENING LATE at 1:51 am from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW
EXTRA GOOD WISHES, to everyone everyone all over the wotld, with a special PINO GAME of the breaking of the bouw, as an ancient ROYAL SECRET. in TWO WEEKS, a extremely extrodinary supper, slightly opulent, with an announcement post soon.
Di Vinci Supper New Years International Event 2024
Love From Me To You, from myself, JOHN LENNON, PAUL MC CARNTEY, RINGO STARR, GEORGE HARRISON' yes, Sir Vladimir Putin yes, and everyone yes, BILLY JOEL, yes, David Bowie Yes, The WHO, yes, Oscar Wild, yes, Paul Simon Yes, Paul Newman, yes, David Letterman Yes, Robert Redford Yes, Bob Dylan, Yes, Diana Warwick, Yes, ELLA Fitzgerald Yes, Louis Armstrong Yes, BILL Gates Yes, Warren Buffett, Yes, And there is now no short list , and a very long list, Arnold SWARTZENEGGER, yes, Clint Eastwood, Yes, ULE Brenner Yes, Joe Namath, yes, OJ Simpson, Yes, with many more soon, into the lovely 2024/NEW YEAR. Even a sweet messages soon posted from yes, ROCK HUDSON. Eric Clapton, Mick Jaggar, ,Jane Fonda, Lucille Ball, Loretta Swit, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Jeromy Irons, yes, Michael Jackson, Elton John, Elvis Presley, Don Rickles, Yes, Tim Roth, Yes, Michael Jordan Yes, Loretta Lynn Yes, Johnny Cash Yes, Johnny Carson, yes, The GRAND Ole Opry, yes, and more, All from 4077 Mash, The odd Couple, John Meloncamp, BTS, Bruce Springsteen, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Candice Bergen, Rolf Achillies, Preston Jackson, and New Year Celebrations internationally of presidents yes, people of international countries even more. Yes, Many many extraordinary messages, I can wait. Many more, even friendly messages of of many fine exciting lovely, avid messages and films with lovely efforts, more and very special Art Garfunkel, With love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit: lovely LOVE REELS. 2024.
12:39 am from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW Busy Holiday everyone, with some other special suppers with the ancient game of the breaking of the bouw, of pino, will be with more about the upsetting pilgrim and the ancient Indians. Quite Special with Di Vinci NEW YEAR SUPPER.
direct from the PRESIDENT OF
Happy New Year, everyone, Sir Xi Jinping, it’s always lovely to receive your messages with a gracious thank you for the extended love from everyone in CHINA, and the gracious thank you, Sir Xi Jinping and all the wonderful people of the government of CHINA, and the lovely people of CHINA.
with love, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
12:49 am Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW
3:41 pm from my tiny villa,
Saranac Lake New York USA NOW.
Good Day to most everyone in the USA NOW. Good Day to all the people of ROYAL RUSSIA, known particularly as fine citizens of Russia, as I wish to express my thank you to everyone in RUSSIA, and all citizens internationally too,. I received a message from lovely very special notes from people of CHINA yesterday late in the evening, I will post today, expressions of love to me, personally, and love of my love notes, and the international exhibition of so many, whom enjoyed many of my international exhibitions and even invites to some exciting fun, I enjoyed designing of an interactive fun, much like the
THANKS GIVING GAME OF SPAIN. We all gained city travel readiness in my 2014 exhibition and that made my economic focus was a bit fun too. Lovely everyone, nationally and internationally of all countries, too. My wish is that you enjoyed meaningful times and even my gift, of games, and flambé , opulent too. Cheese Grilled toted brunches were special, thank you very well, with love, to everyone,
Extra Special Hello to Sir Vladimir Putin today, and everyone with so many lovely messages, even austere review posted message updates. Very special message to quite a few specialist in RUSSIA and in Europe, with my love to you all. There are many post updates that await, personal notes in my love notes to express my immense love, and broaden thoughts, of some wildly intense nuances of lovely cares, infinitely, unrevokable of my direct meaningful , messages of the NEW YEAR, words that are to be written. Into the heavens and of earth , echos of love, relentless in expressions towards people, of that of thee, what is thee, a reality of the truth, … truth, of what will be written, in the truth meaningful, all preordained of pure love, and tiny chocolate saviourfaire, yes, everyone, thee meanings of love, within all imminent , what will be the descript, as far thus, unwritten, yet, the alpha and the omega, of love to you all, uncensored, truths, I found you all,
a truth realized of the sacred place, a tree of beauty and infinite vitality. The trees lit all over the world for the first in an international sacred pure love. In the midst of, even fierce, too harsh a bitter, and instead a billowing kind, feircly chosen bitter sweet, of no remorse, such gracious, thanks giving, and a holiday of events in the New Year, finest, 2024.
message from people of the country of ROYAL CHINA READ merci ‘
with love again. My gosh. Lovely everyone’s. We need pillows, and an inventory of brats ready soon.
What writing ? When ? Is the ancient PINO GAME BEGINNING soon ?
Soon you will know everything. I promise. Di Vinci Supper New Year announcement date soon.
More Soon.
Messages From Africa
include the ancient ostriches
mediator is incorrect about the real largest bird known.
Film Credit : moon tech silent films, sands of Africa
more soon. WORKING MEETING IN EUROPE, reviews, into late evening tonight, it’s 5:39 pm Saranac lake time now in my tiny villa, as I dress in wool and, meet the cool air, under the moon light, to walk by foot and pick up a few inexpensive groceries later tonight. I may be out at 10:00 pm into a local shop, and quickly by inside my rental villa apartment in the upset, of my automobile which is receiving, serious reviews in every village on earth, and the press statement I will outline soon posted is about the extensive damages to me, and aimed munion at me, and many others, from some Very Vicious USA racketeering , connected with dc unethical deviants, and attempts at tax embezzlement, and extreme cartel unethical caused damages, lenghty, facing the Christmas 2020, 2021, 2022, into 2023 problems these muck makers will see in a 4000 year, liable unethic of the largest, historically of caused catastrophic damage with intent of viciousness, unfathumable to any humanity ever known.
I will be posting my return from my cold shopping walk, in a statement and a brief review post,
after, I get through me entry and with my lit groceries, and locked doors,
and windows. Preparing my ethics review post, in the large concerns of 2023, will be with some issues about my villa entry and the automobile which I am preparing a pre announcement before I go retrieve my $30,000. 00 automobile as a very important investment I own, every right to. The insurance company is hot mad, as are others, . While Christmas was exciting, more updates of much fun in the New Years opulent supper event are going to be lenghty fun, international and well loved in the USA every village, and a CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER. With reviews, in every village
with extraordinary, intellectual interest. Rodger Moore is late too. Opulent Supper is going to be an affair to enjoy, internationally a global excitement awaits.
post update when I return, later.
While I prepare to shop soon into evening.
Under winter moon light.
Plenty of wool, plenty warm.
Of course , my alone midnight
drives are a favorite.
1:27 pm Tiny Villa Update January 4 th 2024 from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Good Day, and an extra happy new year wish to my mother, and wendel, and even daddy, not seeing everyone. Enjoy your year, well. where every you travel and expand upon a lovely personification towards a lovely year of 2024. Very best love you. xo .
I changed my schedule to shop today a bit, in a small grocery and over to a wine shop, to purchase a bottle of good quality reasonable wine, under $10.00. It’s a rather upset, still with cold walking and some groceries, too. While I needed to assure the reality of the solid issues that are vicious in this automobile issue caused to me, with an extended review large as well. Many in the village of Saranac Lake and all villages are very upset, about the attempted tattering, of even self concerns, to assurt austerity, in volumous numbers of many many many many many people nationally and internationally with intellectual prowess. My shopping time, today merits an update when I return with all my little shopping selections and then make a fine recipe, enjoying a delightful dinner, well enough. Even if my food pantry in my home offices Villa is, unusually not as full. The announcement retrieving my automobile day, of reckoning will be pre posted before I get over to twin d tow pullpittles in Saranac lake New York, USA.
We may have a trucking convoy by then, from even CANADA and north south east and west, just a little while, for a CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS 2024 celebration, with all those haulers, I love.
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone. Splendid messages all year, with a special thank you.
What a NEW YEAR to raise a glass of wine too, looking forward to the NEW YEAR, DI Vinci Supper, in several weeks from now, with some fine daily menus too, and country flags, of every country with wreaths on grills of automobiles throughout the world of love. While GIFTS into the New Year 2024 are a little charished fun, I myself enjoy at length . Messages updates soon from the Middle East EUROPE with lovely impromptu films.
9:40 pm from my tiny villa, I arrived returning to my rental estate villa apartment, an hour ago, disrupted by a converted ice cream delivery truck taking, stolen from a daily farm, some fish companies use them special for fish delivery, with a tyrantical wrong doing in giant flashing lights, and heavy threats, of siren tyrant bullies, tax grippers shifty pulpit vagrants, scribes, with visious intent, as I was carrying nearly $100.00 worth of my fine groceries from a snowy walk, and was again a threat to my villa of a finest quiet street, as it was. dc racketeering pulpits,
are an outrage of vagrant minds, with fists and swell, in more thrashing tung, vagrantly, even in more than hall entry attacks , of vagrant circling midgets minds, whom attacked the USA economy, too.
It’s sad for true vagrant minded pulpit. While Christmas extended into the NEW YEAR 2024 is going to be with a review and, celebrations of even more as a greater reality in the New Year 2024. Good day in Europe and sweet dreams in the Western Hemosphere to all people of all countries including the USA. Wishing you all very lovely breakfast lunch and dinner everywhere to everyone, all over the world, sitting or standing, where ever you are.
with love forever, from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT
more, yes, . thank you.
Film Credit: London SYMPHONY RECORDINGS. Good day in EUROPE
and sleep well, everyone within countries of the western hemisphere continent.
more yes,. 7:34 pm from my tiny villa,
Saranac Lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW
DECEMBER 5th 2024
GOOD EVENING in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA , and throughout the USA
and in all countries internationally as well. My day was with planning notes for details confounding of lovely messages to post more into the month of JANUARY 2024, with my extra effort of extrodinary love notes with such incredibly international messages, and even more exciting due to the lovely effort of the GUITAR REVOLUTION. I wish to say thank you , again. The NEW YEAR 2024 has begun. Again, happy New Year everywhere to everyone, all over the world. I love you everyone,
from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon.
8:21 pm from my tiny villa, a rare extrodinary sweet messages to me, in personal reels, from JOHN LENNON, PAUL MC CARTNEY, GEORGE HARRISON, and RINGO STARR. thoughtful love message, wildly always, of my darling men, I have known since the 1970’s. Enjoy the post everyone, it’s perfectly delightful. Everywhere all over the world.
Film Credit: George Harrison, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and John Lennon.
Perfectly Wonderful, I love you, well, everyone. xo
more soon. JANUARY 6 th 2024 , 4:34 pm eastern standard time,
from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW.
message sweetest, so lovely, THEE FRANK SINATRA, more, yes, I might tell you everything about the film soon. enjoy a rare very special film from my very darling FRANK SINATRA.
Film Credit: FRANK SINATRA, with very lovely wished to most all, in SARANAC LAKE,
and to mere everyone in the USA, international as well, all over the world.
Sir Vladimir, everyone, rare extrodinary film from my darling FRANK SINATRA.
more yes, while I must say, I am preparing some press statements and review notes in extra press statements for BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press. People all over the USA and the world, are with many many messages of greatest interest, and are of love for the CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS 2024 with reviews, and love, quite austere of some concerns, for many.
more soon. 6:47 pm update now, THEE. JOE NAMATH , AND THEE JOHNNY CARSON
very special impromtue film, and more with JOE NAMATH AND JOHNNY CARSON, darlings true, more soon.
Film Credit: Joe Namath, and Johnny Carson. with love, and more from the NEW YORK GIANTS.
Wonderful little rare film, thank you both, and love to everyone all over the world.
1:31 am from my tiny villa, January 7 th 2024. SUNDAY after midnight, and update:
Joe Namath is a USA honored national professional, in extremely loved major league USA FOOTBALL, NEW YORK GIANTS, with political prowess in an intellectual impromtue antidotal of realized incredible legs. Major League Honored World Famous Athletic Legs, that is. Enjoy the political statement film from THEE JOE NAMATH.
Film Credit: THEE JOE NAMATH, darling so good of you to have emailed. Love to you Joe Namath.
Happy Christmas New Year 2024
more soon. 2:08 am from my tiny villa , saranac lake, New York USA NOW,
impromptu , with very darling personal rare FILM
Darling men, just wonderful everyone, lovely minutes in film all over the world.
more soon. 2:47 am impromtue with my darling GROUCHO MARX, ( Karl)
of major movie productions USA AMERICAN TELEVISION brilliants and my sweet darling over 25 years, with delightful JOHNNY CARSON,
with love and good NEW YEARS wishes to everyone all over the world.
Film Credit: THEE GROUCHO MARX and THEE JOHNNY CARSON, two darling men
Of very darlings over 25 years. I applogies I did not receive your mailed invite. Happy Christmas New Year 2024, both Johnny and Karl Marx, ( GROUCHO ). good of you two.
With love from myself, Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
more soon. 3:06 am from my tiny villa CHILDERN WINTER SPECIAL
FROSTY THE SNOW MAN for children over the whole world, grown ups ?
with love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Film Credit : cartoonists of the movie FROSTY THE SNOW MAN, ORIGINAL 1970
$2.39 TARGET STORE USA, REAL ORIGINAL ANIMAL CRACKERS finest sugar cookie biscuit.
more, yes. more. January 7 th 2024 , 2:15 pm tiny villa note,
The 4000 mile next foot train entry / snow blowing out my entry again, disturbances, in deviant dc, pummel wrongs of these unethical inc blobs, in the zeal, of wrongs THEE LONE RANGER, in reviews, on any vehicle, any road entry, any way any how, in a 30 minute by 30 minute unethical, bib map, , and unethical five star bib garden prowler bib lettuce dc tac ripping etc inc attackers, entry again, no horse in site, read while my press statements , will begin soon. ,
2:35 pm SARANAC LAKE NOW, George Harrison has a update, important, as we love
TRAVELING, well, all to well, everywhere in all the world, or slumbering in our own sanctuary even in my tiny villa, of course. The post, of George Harrison and all people, is of my love and cares, to note that the , upsetting attach types of , ad issues is not utube, and was a technojerking of dc , vicious and a few others in the USA all involved in racketeering. While I love the message GEORGE HARRISON and so many many many people globally decided to send xo xo xo xo with extrodinary wishes, in love with me, feriociously wild everyone, as I look forward to brat films everywhere into spring 2024, with extra thank you and love for the excitement of my love note, and reviews, of large worthy efforts, to the entire world of incredibly lovely people, real. With real love.
THEE GEORGE HARRISON Listen. more soon.
JANUARY 8 th 2024 7:31 pm tonight from my tiny villa, as I say a lovely hello to everyone in the world everywhere. I must at this time be very direct about my day to expand my expression toward a time of reckoning in reviews. I will set forth a reality, unavoidable to set my schedule this week all week, in a serious review, and perhaps some posts within my lovely expressions and broadened cares in love notes. It is not pleasing to interrupt my project and schedules, to see through review note in a more serious direct way, for myself, and lovely USA peoples in Saranac. lake, NEW YORK, USA NOW ( more than many) with infact over 150,000 people in the very close regional districts of Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW, and many of my love toward the people of the USA and of people of all countries too. I must say, I was not planning at all a time, just in reviews directly in loves notes, and decided that I will see through some extended notations in reviews, in love notes into Saturday January 13 th 2024 of this week.
Of course, I have some extensive concerns with some extra unexpected PRESS STATEMENTS, and EXTENDED LOVE OF PEOPLE AND THEIR OWN CARES, which will be my response of my considerable lovely cares of my immense expressions of needs to expand BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, of enormous love of people everywhere, all over the world. Love Notes and BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, will be of an utmost dignity towards people in the USA and among that of love within people of all countries internationally everywhere all over the world.
I have a very special note of extra thank you to
RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , with immense thank you to sir Vladimir Putin as KREMLIN of the country of lovely Russia and thank you to the presidents and the people of all international governments. Also very lovely thank you to everyone, people everywhere all over the world, in Saranac Lake, NEW YORK USA NOW, and also PEOPLE of the GREAT USA, of all villages everywhere. I have some very special love notes, that are astounding, in special events and special notes, darling friends, and even more darling wonderful people everywhere. While unfortunately the reviews, and some posts of lovely people too, will be on my top list, all week. Austerity of lovely cares to some many messages even serious are very important to me. With love to everyone, everywhere all over the world. I love you everywhere. From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
the time now is 7:56 pm in Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW from my tiny villa in such a lovely tiny city of emerald fir canope trees and many fine USA citizens, many love of traveling to the forest region too. Thank you all. The Big Rig, TRUCKING CONVOYS , strait on everyone, thanks again, LA GUARDIA events were fun. Thank you so much. Kind you”ll be rolling through in the tiny village of Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA , from every USA state, More into April, just wave hello if you see the USA MAJOR TRUCKING people driving through.
4:04 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW. hello everyone. xo
more soon.
JANUARY 9 th 2024 7:55 pm
from my tiny villa
darling, DANNY KAYE, and the NATIONAL SYMPHONY, are wonderful with a incredible impromptu
with a direct love message to me in person, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, and what a surprises to everyone all over the world. Remarkable everyone, what a lovely time.
Film Credit: My darling THEE DANNY KAYE,
and darling people of the NATIONAL SYMPHONY
lovely thank you. More Soon. and again, I say thank you with a happy Christmas New Year 2024.
3:13 pm JANUARY 10 th 2024 from my tiny villa. Good to say hello, and again HAPPY CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR 2024 to everyone, everywhere all over the world. My very special love notes of many special lovely cares very important and of incredible personal meaningful love, as even a whole encompassing fine reflection of reasons to a event and events of pure celebration of the NEW YEAR 2024, are of the finests, most lovely exasperation, of even one dally, second to be in delay.
Within, now, a reckoning, of love in the villages all, with a brief time now,
of review, at my lovely cares in love notes. and more soon. yes, some fine unadulterated pure love posts, from messages, all over the world. Before the press statement, and statements, I will graciously say a special thank you with feaverant love, towards sir Vladimir Putin, And others including all international presidents and government people internationally, in my meetings and with my very lovelier gracious thank you ongoing, specialists of Europe, of incredible humanitarian honored work, uncompromising of esteemed highly devout ethics extended in pure love. As real and pure as apple pie, which filled groceries shelves and risterantes with devout excellence of pure love. Amazing everyone.
Again, HAPPY CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR 2024 everywhere, every village, all over the world.
From princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Excuse me, une ‘ momente’s , I have a dally of exciting love, in musical chairs.
It’s Wild Political Love, uncompromisable. more soon. Ten Four good buddies, you’re all rolling in of a music to my sweet ears, of course you know the lovely thank you I have to you all. The invite for the tiny village convoy is some kind of music, with all that work of shipping in the USA coast to coast, watch that handle, on those CB Speaker’s, updated, and remember to roll in, and purchase great pie, on your way through into Easter Holiday, 2024, South America, Van Couver, Toronto, Winnipeg, Novaskotia, , in the USA With coast to coast USA big wheels convoy, ten or twenty a day or more ? What excitment for the tiny village too. Invited. With love. xo everyone. It’s nearly pure drive time. Credence Clear Water Revival , is for everyone in the USA and all over the world with a rare special music compostions updated recording now, with mary of meaning merits ( derived from the ancient Latin word : emeritus , abbreviated in several forms of spelling ) of achieved in good efforts of ethical cares, true, and mary Christmas infinite’ abriviated in spelling, of the worth of NEW YEAR 2024 to adorn of spiritus love within. Reviews to care, and extended stabilization of the USA, to realize the greater humanity real.
Credence Clear Water : everyone, thank you for the update of BIG WHEEL ROLLING . LISTEN
thanks again for arriving in MANHATTAN and more. HENRY , DRIVE ON. Ha. Henry Ford that is to say. Ford General Motors.
Sir Vladimir, everyone, it’s Credence Clear Water, in an incredible political music compostions for me. and everyone all over the village of Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW, villages all, of people everywhere. very exciting, into the whole year of 2024. incredible.
6:16 pm from my TINY VILLA , of the emerald canope region quite a lovely historical forest region village of love that everyone in the whole world, enjoyed even the films geese from my love for the very lovely village of people too, quite delightful.
6:28 pm WORKING MEETING MOSCOW RUSSIA from my tiny villa, in review and a fine little chocolate lady finger cake ice cream sweet. also known as a CHARLETTE ‘cake, in an inch slice x six inch slice long, with ICE CREAM sweet, with a hand made chocolate Charlette ‘ cake slices x 2 slices plated per each serving, with a drizzle of caramel sauce even hearted of fine caramel sauce from the USA BRAND Johnson’s Carmel Sauce Prepared Jar Sauced Caramel, dolloped whipped cream and a maraschino cherry on top with dry roasted salted peanuts PLANTERS BRAND USA. Royal Cup Coffee with cream and sugar and a late night sip of appartiffe pino grecio wine of a USA vineyard bottle juiced in 2023.
Film Credit : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Pure Chocolate Charlette ‘ Ice Cream Carmel Blintz with Whipped Cream , a cherry and of course don’t forget the fine fry roast peanuts.
more soon.
January 27 th 2024 , 10:02 pm from myself at Studio Vosse in my love notes of the GUITAR REVOLUTION,
with love from me to you, from
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
very special statement later today,. With some aimed issues that attacked my web site, and phones and computer tablet at also Apple Computers. Of course the issue extends to all USA people and that of aim even at apple corporation. And Verizon ( cause by a very small number of dc racketing and cartel vicious of the USA ) With some other concerns including the automobile and hall into the entry of my villa in saranac lake New York USA . noise mugrot from dc cartel of unethical, dupe business, racketeering unethical extreme wrong doings. And I will be with an update for everyone in reviews and the great concerns to the USA as well. The specialist in Europe and Particularly Russia with the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin , from Europe have repaired the online issues and with other lovely efforts as well from RUSSIA. and in the USA there has been an extraordinary effort to assure many other greater good. Including cab services in Saranac Lake New York USA. As many and most people know, my external axilury satalights are always working. Including some special satalights in Europe even from the country of China. And I have not left the villa rental since my last post. Of course many realize that the di Vinci Supper special New Year Event into the month of January 2024 was attacked, with more than rot terroir noise riffling, with some concerning matters that include my villa estate entry issues, my filming delays of MONSTER AND THE WALNUT in very high expectations in the whole country of China and more, of recording delays and that of concern of issues aimed at the USA which effected over 4000 companies recently with the Villa apartment aimed at, more in news wrongs from the few racketeering, and of course as Michael Bloomberg pointed out, the racketeering racketeering munchers of the very serious issues that munched concerns in Wall Street Financial District, , in earlier years, caused by USA racketeering and dc past issues which were with wrong reports in news, aimed at others and even aimed into lies about international countries, of fine people all very good people, and extreme concerns caused the the USA of some years back and in then again was yet more wrong that was in dc Oval Office and some extending offices and with deception in dc Oval Office which is seen nationally in the USA and internationally as unethical and quite clearly realized,
The USA is with extremely great people in every village, and within them lovely people too. I will be out to shop today for extremely good imported coffee if my very favorite and also having a Royal Supper Event, very special on Monday January 29th 2024, which is extended to a whole 30 days of ROYAL SUPPER’s and with extreme love to everyone, fiercely kind. With a little announcement to everyone soon and online of course.
archived special event photograph:
of princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
10:15 am now from saranac lake New York USA. NOW
6:45 pm Moscow Russia Now
with love to everyone in the European Continent and everyone internationally and most everyone nearing all in the USA. of the greater USA real love.
2:20 pm from saranac lake New York USA, the grocery shopping in the local store should be somewhat pleasant, just ten minute walk from my villa apartment. Of course friends in the state of Tennessee are even with a message that they would send a bus if I needed. Fine friends. and I have not yet picked up my automobile, and will be with an international press statement later this week. Of course many people are in the tiny village of course. Very good of many whom even traveled in all last year into this year. At 3:00 I will treck ( stroll by foot) out to grocery shop, and assure to post a message upon my return into my villa apartment , even with a strange truck that just pulled up in my parking spot and, and is a UHAUL , and carelessly very close to the steps in. Wait until you read my later notes of reviews, and film, everyone prepared great films of reviews, with a fine dinner tonight after some delayed. Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner everywhere in the whole world.
special love note to you all later today soon. xo and I love you.
6:49 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village in saranac lake New York USA now , from my villa apartment.
the grocery store travel trecking was very upsetting for more than several reasons. There was a quart of half and half dairy cream on the top shelf that was priced at $17.00 for normal dairy cream. Some of the inexpensive basic foods in tins and other types of foods were suddenly prices more than double the cost, that is the actual grocery regulation top pricing standards which was set by the manufacturing company that sells their products correctly priced. Some concerning other people were far more than rude, intended to riffle my ears. As if a side show of carney unethics. Deliberate and with grim intent, even with asking for my ID in my wallet and refused to actually just look through the wallet window clear showing my ID as I was purchasing several bottles of wine for a fine late Christmas New Years holiday of fine foods and with wine. Some items were suddenly missing as well that are usually stocked shelves. Not usual for the tiny saranac lake main village grocery and the only grocery in saranac lake New York USA.
The person behind the register demanded to take the id in their hands or else. And then consorted a mangling of deception stating that they were only 15 years old. Attempting to insight basic maliciousness and insighting me from the over slap of loud baligerant animated unrealistic hoki finoki pinokio of a antagonist - experience as one of the finest customers I am in the store owned by TOPS REGIONAL GROCERY MARKETS. the price on the large economy chicken was not priced as it is required and not a double price for the big company poultry excellence, coming from THE BIG POLTRY people of PERDUE. with a larger company in the state of INDIANA in the major USA farm corn fields of the city of PERDUE. with some vaste farms of USA in tiny villages that are a delight of wild love in economy quality and culture with love for my love notes and many years of my work. I love PERDUE. And PERDUE loves me. The doubles prices on chicken in economy packages were at about $7.00 over the economy price. The harrible UHAUL and someone that claimed they live in one of the apartments was lurking at my grocery when I arrived. Circling the steps in fact and a large empty UHAUL and a nasty pick up both crunched the side walk step entry walking into bring my large attaché of groceries in my actual entry door. I was about to take out a small bag and bag the groceries in small little steps up my enormous steps of my entry that are quite posh. The nasty deviant was lurking and then stood far to close, then showed teeth and interuped one of my talks with a friend from Spain, upset about Baha delays. The stranger in my way opened the UHAUL truck and then used props to toss in a large amplifier actually two. That are extreme and larger than Paul Mc Cartneys sound sets of basic speakers for a fine music compostion in large stage work. Then the nasty snide seething Boomaranger stranger continued to interupt me. And I was not able to leave my bags in the lower walk to easily as planned bring up late grocery’s and think about that wide open empty UHAUL and the lurch lurking with a tangling tung of swards.
Contemptuously the tung and cheek lurking stranger then lashed at me with foul words and continued to interrupt my conversation with my friend from Spain. The deviant then was with another vicious deviant and also lurked on the steps as a threat after lunging toward me more than several times starting before I left to treck out and assure my lovely estate villa a fine array of my favorite foods. The rotted unethical deviant - was then in a very large contempt and slamming the doors in the hall. And then crunching the entry with not one license plate and ID in pockets but two. With taking up my parking spot and circling the apartment villa under windows of my exact location under my villa home office. The attaché, I lighten and took my time as tugged the large luggage attaché and large bag
Together up up up one step at a time as the swine seethed and then crammed the entry in a sequence time, on the outter steps very indecently and perhaps in elevator boots. Wondering about the thumb print gps data , and what Paul Mc Carnty said, “ what’s in your back pocket “ also includes the puff makeup issues. I will say Sticky for now. With extreme reviews about the concerning interuption in my entry. And Rot Terrierist which are a concern to every village. Of course this is not the international press statement for the many in the USA that are not exactly buying just a cola, and definitely not a hoki pinokio of dc deviants in elixirs, of extremely concerning prop - deception with extreme malicious intent, with vasilene rabies teeth. The USA AND INCLUDING THE TINY VILLGE, in saranac lake sweet city of very savvy citizens are ready north south east and west. and will not tollorate more threats to fine very pleasing shopping and standards and assuring their street parking and of course rental estates and travel rentals and even the sanctitude of purchases at national standard prices and their estate proper with estate purchase’s accumulated in even a apartment of many Pennie’s spent and of course including automobiles and quality of more than travel with inexpensive reality of national standards. Not giving up a ID to be under a demand of anyone to hand over with a fine inexpensive purchase of guitars, ei: all accumulative worth of prosperity of greater , with quality.
excuse the lengthy note of love to everyone in the whole world everywhere. while the messages I recieved are much to lovely in interest of some reviews and even many of personal concerns. and I thought the lengthy love note this evening from my tiny village is most important to all people with many greatest achievements in saranac lake New York USA and villages every village all over the world. I adore you all of the feirce delights of real merritus et ve merrituse of love you are.
from myself
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
excussi it’ s LUCIANO PAVAROTI
arrivadercci ‘ 8:01 pm
from my tiny villa in saranac lake
New York USA NOW.
Luciano ‘ it’s a late supper. Wonderful of you to send a message from the country of Italy. Excussi’ ci ‘ tardy.
good of you to wait.
“ ev et Maria .” ( of the greater prosperity of merit ) ancient Latin Language
with European translations of spelling as meaning of emeritus of ethics in efforts of good prosperity.
Luciano ‘ lovely, in sweet Italian Words,
thank you so darling. The film to listen is lovely.
sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin darling sir ‘ Luciano ‘ with a sweet gift of love. I knew you enjoyed the perfection too.
so wonderful. My goodness Luciano ‘
I adore you and your sweet gift, thank you well
darling sir Luciano Pavarotti ‘
manifique ‘ Italy is with an evermore of amore’
8:24 pm now from my tiny villa.
January 28th 2028 at 12:48 pm just after high noon from my tiny villa estate in saranac lake NEW YORK USA NOW SUNDAY and a wonderful brilliant sky in saranac lake NEW YORK USA reflecting the finest fir evergreen forest in the region which is a riche delightful drive from nearly any direction and many roads in. The fine village is is with a cultural lengthy history over two million years of ancient a world. With a vaste proper cultured humanity that is brilliant and delightful. My international press statements are also with preliminary notes to a large very ethical many governors retired and not retired. Over 400 or more. Infact. With pre statements to the international European government of president of countries in Europe. That which includes the president of Russian and a large government of excellent executive people in Russian Government. of course there are international press statement I will be publishing this week of the attempt at ruin to my very illustrious little one person company which began over 35 years ago. And then of course there are many detail to see that people are with considerable cares from me, as the concerns pertain to the people of the USA as citizens and very important to even stabilization and many achievement and messages of love for love notes and myself, Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
very lovely to enjoy
thee Luciano Pavaroti with very special thank you again for the most gracious aria of av et merita’ in word of the language of the country of Italy.
Very lovely. Luciano is with such a gift, to everyone everywhere all over the world .
1:08 pm now in saranac lake New York USA More about the special Royal Wine Suppers soon. of course with a special invitation from the President of the country of Russia sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin and very well noted cultural Russian Honored Person in achievement of the highest world honor in humanitarian and cultural work of a greatest many years in the highest honor achievement toward World Peace as a Nobel Peace Prize Achievement with admiration and love throughout all the world.
The invitation is within noted lengthy meeting of mine in Europe culturally and within my extensive peace project quite well loved. If everyone wishes - please here is the invitation. With a late night meeting that is morning in the country of Russia. more about the invitation details in the international press release.
Love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
It’s a late breakfast for me now, and I am famished. xo.
Great late working breakfast.
2:49 pm from my tiny villa in saranac lake NEW YORK, USA NOW , with a tiny film archive of our beach outting Rodger Moore is the spy who loves me. Rodger you’re my lovely darling of quite some years. What fun in Chicago we had. Enjoy the impromtue little film
It was very good of you to arrive from the country of SCOTTLAND Rodger. Perfect even. The automobile , is it aquatic Rodger, I forgot to ask KGB ? Quite a delay from the city of Saratoga Spring New York.The aquatic automobile from the 1970 ‘s . Lovely everyone.
3:05 pm from saranac lake New York USA NOW
Sir Vladimir we have a tiny film darling,
Rodger arrived, and a spin in the aquatic automobile was a little secret. love to you darling Vladi, you too Rodger. perfect tiny film clip. Really Smashing.
Thank you everyone. Love to you all.
More today again.
MONDAY TOMORROW MORING IN MY TINY VILLA YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO JOIN ME ONLINE WITH A SMASHING ROYAL SUPPER EVENT HONORING SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN as Kremlin of the very large nearing the largest country in the whole world and honored to the specialists of RUSSIA MILLITARY . the event is beginning at 10:00 am my villa time. est USA. with a extremely finest hand crusted chicken slices grilled sandwich, topped with Mariana and Italian Mozzarella Cheese melt, wine and a fine dark chocolate butter cake, with ice cream Ala mode with a butterscotch sauce and maraschino cherries and a fine BRAZILIAN important coffee , a finest large heart shape box of the USA BRAND specialty chocolates with RUSSEL STOVER USA brand , a RUSSIAN BRAND or your own country brand of finest valentines specialty chocolates . You’re invited , all over the world, sandwiched and wine, 10:00 am saranac lake New York USA Villa time and 6:00 pm MOSCOW RUSSIAN TIME. The government of RUSSIA ALL are to be honored with a glass of wine to specialists of RUSSIA and sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia to is with my honored respects.
Please Join us. est USA Villa time 1O:00 am and into some exciting love notes throughout the entire day of the begining of the ROYAL SUPPER EVENTS into all of February 2024 .
more yes, soon . 12:45 pm from my tiny villa now.
10:11 am January 29 th 2024 MONDAY with the supper about to begin. Good Morning in villages everywhere and hello. The honored Royal Supper with a fine toast of sipping an appartiffe of fine wine with a eased sandwich for everyone on MONDAY is going to be some pleasure into TUESDAY with greatest honors to the lovely specialist of Europe Russian Millitary Honors to all, from the executive councils of the Russian Government., to first class men and women, with specialist to which I express my lovely gracious most emotional love and thank you on going, and also to a greatest very gracious delight of my most love in en my expressions of sweetest dignified thank you to sir Vladimir Putin THEE PRESIDENT, KREMLIN, of the country of. ROYAL RUSSIA. Infinitely and with sheerest exhaults of love. Within the hour at 11:00 am we should lift a glass of wine with fine eased supper to an expression of love and extrodinary thank you for resounding respective love of an international specialist as ineffable.
again, I say good morning from my tiny villa in saranac lake NEW YORK USA NOW. IN MOSCOW RUSSIA the time now 6:25 pm. Thank you to all of the presidents of all European Countries with millitary as well for joining my invitation today into February 2024, ROYAL HOLIDAY SUPPERS, with many honors. Denoted.
I love you all, everywhere.
from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett we are about to begin a toast to RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, with the gracious existence of sir Vladimir and Russian specialist.
10:30 am Villa Time, more soon.
Let us begin with a very personal film short special message from the greatest of RUSSIAN EXPRESSIONIST in a literary work of expressionist form in noted international royal theaters all over the world in the finest ballet’ of with royal beginning of a RUSSIAN CULTURE, of the delightful cultural dignatary in formal RUSSIAN litarary expressionism of world renound ballet, SIR RUDULF NUREYEV, as a very darling close friend of mine as well of many many years.
Of days we spent together many in the Chicago Jophery Ballet Royal platform in Chicago Illinois’s USA, With sir Vladimir Putin in as my RUSSIAN guest, of years too .
A literary from in expressionism in finest royal ballet’
in the finest special
update from sir Rudolf Nereyev in film
with sandwiches and fine expression and words of love with a glass of wine and sweets with a continent coffee
love to you all. Enjoy the update of very special film.
of love of RUSSIA.
1:22 pm with a very special message film short is included of my darling the KING OF ENGLAND, of many years, of a charming an opponent in garden horticulture, sharing my love of greatest specialization of farms in a strolls of looking over the finest variety of leeks as King Charles, a very notable dignatary of the country of ENGLAND and devout of broad standards, extensive, of cultured worth, to the country of ENGLAND, to enjoys the wine and sandwich royal supper today with a brief film too. Enjoy the sweet message.
1:32 pm now from my villa.
The ROYAL SUPPER and wine is the first of the February Royal Supper events with a glass of wine, and a sweet with a continental coffee and fine specialty chocolate. Freshly prepared Italian season hand breaded and sautéed thinly filet sliced chicken poultry in butter, from the PERDUE poultry farms., thick rounds of Potatoe Fresh and red skin from the state of Ohio, with chopped Visalia Spanish Variety Onion sweetest, sautéed in butter after par boiling the potatoes ala’ dente’ (Italian word : Ala dente’ : ie: boiled to a firm but tender bite) ., Orange Juice., Imported coffee from Brazil., Bustelo Brand,

Wonder Brand USA, sandwich bread best, Freshly Baked Special Cinnamon Crudetia’ Pastery especial recipe of my own, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett., Vinyard Creek Pinoe’ Grigio ‘ white sovanion blonc’ wine finest. Under $6.00 per bottle. As a good supper wine more to enjoy.
Russel Stover Chocolates. A USA finest chocolatier of specialty Valentines February Chocolates for over 50 years. With a beautiful heart shaped box. Enough for two at least.
Very Gracious Honors all over the world today to RUSSIAN MILLITARY and RUSSIAN SPECIALIST
within the work of RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT of the Honor to the offices of the PRESIDENT , KREMLIN,
sir Vladimir Putin , with all devout love to people of RUSSIA with love from me, and from all over the world, with a very special sweet and continental coffee and chocolate. Thank you in RUSSIAN MILLITARY and the kremlin himself sir Vladimir, all for accepting my sandwiches and wine royal supper international invite.
2:06 pm now at my tiny villa.
4:38 pm The lovely message from Arnold Schwarzenegger , it’s my gold medallions.
My gosh, Salvador’s sent them from SPAIN.
two pence’ lovely we will meet, Salvatore !
The two gold pence ‘ you did send them. Lovely and I have a golden WONKA ticket too. Arnold messaged.
Direct message ? yes of course, phone? merci Arnold ,
ROYAL SUPPER EVENTS with wine, good of you to be such a wonderful delight, for events.
4:50 pm from my tiny villa.
12:50 am MOSCOW RUSSIA time now.
5:00 pm a rare scene
in film from GENE WILDER
wonderful darling of you
to see to the secret film
Bold and quite difficult.
get ready for Bentley Drives Darling. It’s going to be February soon. with love to you and everyone.
5:05 pm from my tiny villa. 6:20 pm the film is perfect Vladimir , whete fields perfected infinitely and strawberry fields forever. Very fun, in film
5:31 pm from my tiny villa now.
7:25 pm from my tiny villa film special unlike any other
strawberry feilds forever, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison , perfect film everyone.
I love you darling men I love well. I wish for everyone all over the world to enjoy the update special film, for the ROYAL SUPPER honors to specialist on RUSSIA, sir Vladimir Putin and the RUSSIAN MILLITARY, as we also enjoy sandwiches and wine together all over the world.
perfect, I say. We are going to see
strawberry fields forever.
7:34 pm from my tiny villa. Please enjoy lovely films again and messages.
9:00 pm yes, Pizza and Wine for a good Royal Supper Honor to Specialist whom, we’re working throughout the evening in Russia, specialist and of all RUSSIAN millitary, whom work devout ethics and honored today with fine sandwich foods and wine appartiffe, with photographs very special and finest messages in my late event supper.
10:53 pm from my villa now
6:54 pm now in MOSCOW RUSSIA , Dubre Din, everyone, it was smashingly fun, the photograph messages are very lovely of everyone, RUSSIAN MILLITRAY LOVE TO YOU ALL. xo
Vladimir ‘ photographs are exciting and posted soon . So lovely of everyone. xo darling.
JANUARY 30 th 2024, TUESDAY 1:09 pm : tiny villa
good day to you, in villages of the USA as a country to be rather very proud of the incredible people of the USA, as in the United States of America the country of a nation of people, of villages everywhere within the 50 states of the USA of a prosperity of greater humanities, cultural, intellectual, and with immense realities of finest achievements, that which always resides in tiny details of a regimented love, prosperous with high efforts, and the perils of austerity and real love. Extended of the whole world, a USA in attainment of a greater USA to be of a sacred love of the nation of the country of the USA of the year 2024, within respective love for the world, of cultural omnipresent international love, of people and places within all countries everywhere of all , respectively .
A greatest thank you honors today TUESDAY, with a late night of sandwiches and wine honors of specialist. In China of the country in far Eastern Europe, as a great distinguished country, and specialist in the country of CHINA, of specialists of the veterans of MILITARY of the country of CHINA. Of infinite cultivations of that in the humanities of honor in highest achievements, and peace in a delight of humanities in a great CHINA historically and forever. Sir Xi Jinping, PRESIDENT of CHINA as a highly honored esteemed noted president of outstanding achievement in riche cultural and educational fostering and much more, as the president of China, was kind to present a lovely event for specialists of CHINESE MILLITARY veterans and with honors which are achievements exceptionally outstanding, with resounding love throughout the whole world, respectively.
The events were quite important and sandwiches and wine with sweets and a continental coffee and speciality chocolate outrageously fun, please enjoy. Published from the PRESIDENT of CHINA, Xi Jinping, THEE PRESIDENT OF THE GREAT ROYAL COUNTRY OF CHINA. Wonderfully delightful everyone. Read
The President of CHINA, is with esteemed noted honored cultural and austere, work very well known as a dignatary and political diplomatic cultural humanitarian , of the very well known lenthy respected work, known all over the world, everywhere. with a special notation of very high honors to all government people of the country of GREAT ROYAL CHINA as well today as we enjoy a 10:00 pm diner with lite sandwiches and wine again, from my tiny villa , and all over the world, with a lovely time in CHINA in BEIJING. Far Eastern Europe of a 10:00 am same , time, night in my tiny villa, saranac lake New York USA / 10:00 am day in the country of CHINA, Beijing and many cities of China will be 10:00 am next calander day. Thank you all for accepting my online international Royal Supper Honors events. Lovely Xi Sir, the Beijing Center for Design in Beijing China, is a well loved memory , what fun, thank you again. Spectacular ready Xi. Et Toititteluio’
1:54 pm now from my tiny villa estate rental in saranac lake New York, USA.
3:01 am BEIJING CHINA at this time now.
10:02 am MOSCOW RUSSIA at this time now.
sweet dreams throughout Europe, everyone.
with love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Night and Day very special music companion update
in lovely honors to specialist of RUSSIA and CHINA
with highest respects to Sir Xi Jinping the very esteemed president of the country of ROYAL CHINA.
FRANK SINATRA rare and beautiful of you.
I could listen all day. Perfect love, to the specialist in CHINA, to the veteran of CHINESE MILLITARY with love. from myself and everyone all over the world.
to RUSSIAN SPECIALIST as well, what fun. Sandwiches and wine ROYAL SUPPER 2024 .
Perfect Frank,
the song update
came out
Sir Vladimir, beautiful, and wonderful sandwiches and wine events too. The photographs are very special, I can hardly wait to prepare the update post in 2024 love notes.
xo Sir Vladimir, with millions of kisses. Wine was delicious darling.
5:32 pm from my villa apartment , a film updated from
JULIA CHILDS, an esteemed well noted person of business in achievement as THEE FRENCH CHEF,
recognized in AMERICAN STANDARDS of TELEVISION, as early as 1974, into extensive achieved work lengthy in furthering PARISIAN, interests with international TRAVEL, to of course PARIS FRANCE,
with exceptional delight. Julia Childs with not just sandwiches and wine, soups of origination of the country soups of the country of France.
enjoy the film everyone, all over the world.
Julia, very special of you. Wait until the Bentley Drives begin, with special soups today too, for the ROYAL SUPPER EVENTS HONOR’s . Lovely of you.
love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
bon Appetite’ French Words,
pronounces : Bauaanh App a ‘ tee ‘ / ah Ba ba ‘ ole ‘
( please enjoy your finest special foods with love.)
from myself and thee Julia Childs, thee FRENCH CHEF.
5:44 pm from my tiny villa
1:24 am JANUARY 31 at 2024 from my tiny villa
after midnight working meetings in MOSCOW RUSSIA
as a fine 10:00 pm sandwich and wine royal supper event was quite fun, with a update film too, from my darling Howard Hughes, in a political film short:
Incredible American Industrialist, with legendary esteemed work in AMERICAN STANDARDS of TELEVISION, Intellectual, genius of development and a noted fine culinary chef, delightful.
Darling Howard, perfect of you, lovely fun, the film
Fine sandwiches and wine royal supper, a delight.
Vladimir, was thrilled with the Dutch Dark Chocolate Cream de le crème, Chocolate Cream Crudita Cake and the Continental coffee. Perfect, everyone.
Enjoy the tiny film short,
everywhere, to everyone all over the world,
with love from myself,
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
1:44 pm now from my tiny villa.
9:45 am Moscow Russia Now.
JANUARY 31 at 2024
WENSDAY 3:00 pm tiny Villa time.
Good day everyone, from all over the world, messages are lovely and the honors events in specialist are within the far east countries including the country of ROYAL INDIA. with extrodinary thank you to very esteemed specialist of the countries of the FAR EASTERN EUROPE and a country very large as INDIA, just slightly west of the Far Eastern European counties including the large country of CHINA. India is a country in the eastern region of the European Continent. Sandwiches and wine again tonight, at 10:00 pm tiny villa time, which is aproximatly 9:00 am in India. Do not forget to look at your own time zones in EUROPE for the near midnight tiny villa ROYAL SUPPER month events.
Very good honored to presidents of the exceptional royal far Eastern European countries and, noted as well, the PRIME MINISTER of the country of INDIA, always a pleasure Sir Modi. The excellence of the people of INDIA are wonderful. The remarkable gold standards of the country of INDIA as with esteemed respects, as a very delightful honor to you all, of such considerations, to the USA and myself. see you again in a stroll in the magnificent gardens of de fountain blau, yes, India and of course de louvre musea PARIS FRANCE. what fine times. The Taij Mahal ‘ splendid - good day everyone enjoy, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sitting or standing, everywhere in the world with love.
3:09 pm rare little recording are few: perhaps.
John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison, are with esteemed excellence in well known theoretical compositions of more than music and of a ROYAL COUNTRY as ENGLAND is with outstanding work honored throughout the world, AMERICAN STANDARDS of TELEVISION, and more, the lovely beginnings are outrageously exhaulting in a peace in the world, of resounding words of compositional works in music, of established instrumental love song, politically driven by rare beautiful expressions of minds of the four very gracious men, beautiful I dare say.
ROYAL honored work, broadly from QUEEN ELIZABETH, her majesty the Queen of the country of ENGLAND, in even professional lectures of notable worth in Universities, ROYAL COLLEGES, and delightful darling people, I adore, :
hair, yes , braids ?
John, Ringo, Paul, George ? Delightful.
micasa ‘ yes, ci, the film
4:11 pm Saranac Lake
Tiny Villa time now New York USA. Good Day everyone, I wish to post the event films photographs and statements more into next week. With a ROYAL SUPPER BEGINNING event and a review that is with concerning delays of several extremely concerning issues stemming from unethical dc - and unethical affiliates in unethical issues of racketeering and aimed munitions with technology aimed to a concern directly of my sweet very lengthy well established very successful company.
With a love to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia and the outstanding RUSSIAN MILITARY , first class men and women, all millitary of RUSSIA with excellence and a special division of specialist -
with love to you all.
sandwiches are wonderful. Thank you everyone.
4:21 pm from tiny villa
FEBUARY 1st 2024 , 2:00 pm from my tiny villa, I wish to say hello, to everyone, everywhere, all over the world. The royal supper honor sandwiches and wine are with, a honor royal supper with some formal royal supper too, and the menu is opulent, sandwiches and wine with a fine hand made sweet, chocolate cake, and pies, with a continental coffee and chocolate, everyday, and evening, are with love, and some event photographs, from RUSSIA, FINEST OUTSTANDING RUSSIAN MILLITARY and a Kremlin, of devout work, and excellence to high ethical stature achieved in, quite an extensive, attention of RUSSIAN MILLITARY and absolute astonishing work schedules of political diplomatic cultural achieved stature, .
of course to be realized of a achieved with extraordinary love to life.
I shall mention there are some concering USA people, racketeering with munition, concerns. DC of some still large concerns to the people of the usa. Concerns to of course international countries as well. Banana News and International Press Statements are my focus for several more days. Royal Supper Basics with sandwiches and wine too, are with exceptional special honor in RUSSIA, FAR EAST, including China and Korea, with Mongolia, The PHILIPENES, Korea, Tibet, Taihland, Japan, Malaysia, more yes.
and India as a very large, extremely lovely ROYAL INDIA, with extrodinary cultural love, and wonderfully a highly recognized country of excellence in much more than imaginable.
More in a gracious thank you to middle eastern countries beginning with Saudia Arabia, and Iraq, Iran, Aphganistan , and all of Royal Countries with some fine culturally enrichened sacred important history, loveliest to know, secrets, in love notes, yes. Soon.
As the president of ITALY, said, these particular USA humans, are unethical with deception and caused extreme damages, with aim - very serious bazuka type aim, and other real concerning aim, in cartel unethics, and of course a concern in all the USA villages.
The sandwich and wine today is A sautee egg, x-2 double flip, sunny side up, sautéed in perfect cream dairy pure butter, with a butter sandwich toast, round cut, double stacked, wooded sandwich pick needed, with freshly prepared hollandaise sauce, and chop chop grilled potatoes and opinion with et el, Ala orange baked carrots Carrer ole’ especiality’ . Fine Hot Black Tea , formal English Service whole Pot, steeped to perfection. Save Room for Ice Cream. and continent coffee, 10:00 pm with finest cake and speciality domestic chocolates.
Excussi un momento ‘ por’ fa ‘ voir. ( SPANISH )
Elvis Prestley? moi et amie’ et vouse’ et du oui ‘ evarariouse’ et du, espiritus ‘ manifiuque’ solute’
exccelante’ et du bibbliotech vouse’ et. amie’ du et et du’ grandure ‘ oui’
FRENCH : ( ) ? good day to everyone in the lovely royal country of France in Europe.
Elvis Prestley , update: love in messages of words, in a very special film.
Elvis , darling, Memphis polo ‘ was quite fun. more, about your incredible work in AMERICAN STANDARDS of Television and the lovely esteemed work, in Hawaii, is loved all over the world. Spectacular with sweet details, and more fine royal supper events with sandwiches and wine. Sweet Sweets too. Lovely music film darling ELVIS.
2:28 pm from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, New York Now.
WILLIAMS AND SONOMA, update, with very beautiful quality VALENTINES HEART PANS
for an extrodinary heart shaped pancake in a Dutch Oven Pan. And more heart pan selections, perfect opulence for winter spring summer fall 2024 READ
4:40 pm from my tiny villa , Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW. MOSCOW RUSSIA TIME NOW IS 12:42 pm on FEBRUARY 2 nd 2024, after midnight. SWEET DREAMS in all of MOSCOW RUSSIA, TO RUSSIA WITH LOVE, sweet dreams, and also my wish of sweet dreams throughout all of EUROPE.
BILL GATES, charm, extends in a austere introspection of reviews in a rare special commentary film
Sir GATES, the wine, pleasurable and honors in RUSSIAN MILLITRAY, are with incredible love from the USA and all over the world. Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia sandwich and wine royal supper events are with a joy, enjoyed throughout the USA and everywhere. My excitment of the photograph and film of some smashing event messages are going to be outrageously a delight. north south east and west.
even Clint Eastwood is with some updates, among many others. NATIONALLY, IN THE USA, all villages and internationally in every country. Details soon into next week even more.
The kind statement film- thankfully I have a dolly ( wheeled cart to push a bag of groceries in my stroll , while my $30,000 . automobile is not yet , in my parking spot at my tiny villa, ), and thank you for the cart detailing noted, with your commentary film. With supper and wine, it’s a refreshing bold film. While there are some details you may wish to read, in an updated BANANA NEWS REVIVAL international press, that was caused a very harsh schedule delay, from dc unethics and those involved in, the rackteeeing in the USA. it’s the whole worlds look at the ugliest most vicious rackeeting truth with dc few, of no option after the malicious unethical dc offices, aimed at the people of the USA and ten other countries in provocation of unethical dc, few, tax pick pocketing the USA people all, with that of a few in the USA, of unethical deviant, deceptive desperadoes mostly now.
The automobile, my sweet import from JAPAN, is with details in my decisions of my careful self assured reality to not dither time, in the extreme, considerable broad damage to myself, and extends to a USA of people which I extend lovely cares too, in all villages. While the sandwiches and wine, of course, delicious.
Banana News Revival international press, details into the weekend. 5:09 tiny villa time now.
10:00 pm SANDWICHES and WINE, royal supper. MILK AND ORANGE JUICE, are always a wonderful brainy delight, replenishing with fine sandwiches and a appartiffe wine.
photograph credit : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
THE MARVOLOUS SAUTÉED EGGS, SOFT YELLOW MIDDLE, with a honey mustard hollandaise sauce, on two rounds of toasted sandwich bread, WONDER BRAND, a tiny gold rim dish of marachino cherries, and the chop chop grilled potatoes with chopped onion, ketchup by HEINZ of course, a finest USA BRAND KETCHUP with 57 secret spices, are forever perfectly delicious on fried potatoes.
ICE TEA, with a full wine decanter, is very opulent with fine chilled iced tea. Recycled wine bottle and brew several tea bags, a fine black tea, inexpensive and then add sugar warm, after boiling the water, with 6 tea bags steeped, fifteen minutes, then remove the tea bags, add sugar and pour carefully in glass wine decanter and chill, for a fine sweetened tea drink too. Enjoy everyone.
The resounding special honor notes: written in important and meaningful words, received by RUSSIAN MILITARY, with excellence of specialist of RUSSIAN MILITARY, will be posted in a international royal supper, as even more than sandwiches and wine,. Statements as well, I am preparing for a international world royal dinner event of honors to RUSSIAN MILITARY, and Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia, Specialist of the RUSSIAN MILITARY, and more, involved, of specialists, are of a month of VALENTINE to celebrate, and realize even more of the greatest, of efforts and achievement in an incredible importance to me. I wish to have the honors as a large international event of expressions known, efforts remarkable with love known from all over the world. It’s very exciting , words true, of the very highest love RUSSIAN STYLE.
MENU : Chocolate Dishes, filled with RUSSIAN CUSTARD, and RUSSIAN RUM RASIN SAUCE.
will be with the special recipe, and a full menu and grocery list, with a date, not yet announced.
Enjoy your sandwiches and wine, a sweet to enjoy with a continental coffee and domestic finest chocolate
with good wishes to INDIA and the far east, military and specialist, Middle East Europe Military too.
with love. Millions and millions of kisses sent, from everyone everywhere all over the world.
perfectly a sandwich and wine, royal supper, of a lovely eased event supper.
Fine of everyone, with special thank you to everyone, from all over the world.
Thank you again, with love, From Myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
February 2 nd 2024 , FRIDAY , 1:30 pm from my tiny villa. Saranac Lake NEW YORK USA NOW
good day to everyone, everywhere all over the world. In 2014, most of the people of the world, villages everywhere, all over the world, enjoyed my tiny presentation of some direct political USA, and global notes, of a tiny village of meetings, in my online notes, of love, to the USA, and internationally of all countries of people, whom are of villages, everywhere. My 2014 exhibitions, included some very sweet notes I took extra time, to include ZUSE, as a mythological Greek God, ancient, in finest fun, with my soms, ( poetic literature ), of ZUSE, whom took off for the 890,000 star planet in the far distant universe of a hidden milkyway, farther than the solarice sun, and of course, I asked ZUSE a mythological ancient god of ancient 800 million years, known from ancient GREECE, the country, in Europe, of ancient world history of mythology, asking ZUSE, to assure the golden keys, of rationale’ a espiritus existence, to adorn, and ring out love, from the millions and billions of stars in the far sky above earth. Of course, ZUSE, is a mythological ancient 800 million year ancient god of ancient mythological history of the country of GREECE in Europe. Greece, is of a lovely royal European Country. Zuse said yes.
In 2014 the tiny village notes of my expressions very serious in tiny village updates, was indeed a convoy I also asked of the USA in some very special event invite to major trucking people in large 18 wheel trucks with drivers of professional trucking all over the USA, and the invite was for a 18 wheel MAJOR LEAGUE TRUCKING CONVOY, into St. Louis Missouri, in the USA, as the city of St. Louis in the large state of Missouri, USA was in need to use online service to assure their retirement citizen benifits from their social security and also gain, social security , citizens benifits to avert, the concering job shortages in the concerning blight,. There was an exhibition invite to major trucking GIANT foods conglomerates of the USA to CONVOY in to St. Louis, and even, see to phone access to assure, great St. Louis that, the lovely CONVOY, real, was with some love, real love, too even, online phones and social security too, in an averted, concern in St Louis Massouri USA, as a sweet summery month in 2014 to remember well with real love, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, and the USA national county Major League conglomerates in drive trains, of deliveries in an extra giant tiny village REAL CONVOY.
of course the convoy was with major league rules, to always assure that the road ways are never a concern of any issue to of course drive through, as major trucking league professionals stayed to the right and of course the left area was with ability to pass into all roads. With a slow lane for the EXHIBITION CONVOY of my personal invitation. I love you all, and needed to say you’re all wonderful with special thank you to you all. St Louis Missouri thanks you and the villages of people in all villages thank you all, too.
thank you in all international major league trucking professionals too, what a love real,
everywhere in the whole world. Special Archive Excerpt Abstract Note, world history section 2014 summer. With the complete manuscript notes, not yet publishes. Excitement awaits in world cultural history. Enjoy an abstract of details, of love notes, archive again, today, February 2 nd 2024 the month of VALENTINE 2024 of the valiant ‘ of the sweet of VALENTINE of formitable an ancient holiday of the month of FEBRUARY solstice of 800 million years.
Royal Sketch Credit: Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The Royal Sketch “ two coffee two cake “ written in RUSSIAN, is from princess Tracy Pickett Special Royal Sketch Archive sent special delivery to the Kremlin of the country of Russia, President, Kremlin, Sir Vladimir Putin the Kremlin of Russia, for St. Valentines Holiday in Love Notes in the year 2022.
MILLIONS OF kisses to you darling Vladimir, scarlet sails are rather untimely and saviored.
Esprirituse, et vouse’ moi et amie, et soire’ , enchante’ de jeste ‘ michecchga’ megente’ laude’ en,
et el, infinite ‘ et du, ev et emerittuse’ RUSSIAN LOVE.
et du, non, et fetter’ non, of du fruited plum cakes of especial plum summer waltz.
a chocolate ? as saviore faire ‘ is everywhere.
Love to you darling sir Vladimir Putin. The lovely sweets are delightful. merci ‘
2:37 pm from my tiny villa, a message in somber austere love, in film
Thee James Taylor . ?
very good in review today in a commentary special film from James Taylor, while I do not know any others in the film, and considerable JAMES TAYLOR, lovely of you darling, thank you.
Saratoga Springs, was just a short drive from Saranac Lake New York USA, and Christmas Lunch out would have been perfect as was the sweet little Bojangles Grill Risterante, years back in
SYRACUSE NEW YORK USA, a very special time. Banana News Revival international press updates are daunting and important to everyone in all the USA, with so many lovely messages and internationally too, from all over the world.
2:52 pm now, in Saranac Lake, New York, USA NOW.
2:58 pm message from my tiny villa , from my darling RODGER MILLER
with a austere political music compostions, to note, if you wish. While it was extrodinary of RODGER MILLER to have re- recoded a special film for me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, with upsetting interruptions to my events and lovely schedule , even a fine schedule of worth to my time of very special projects of my expressions in love notes. Many thanks to you Rodger Miller, and everyone.
rare special recording in film
direct link film
Film Credit: RODGER MILLER update now.
3:06 pm from my tiny villa. thank you again Rodger, brats
at mustards last stand again are going to be with a very busy
excitment. xo to you and everyone.
FEBRUARY 2024 THE SAINT OF THE VALENT, of sweets in not thouest bitter, yet of bitter sweet, in traditions of The Saints of thee VALENTINE, childern all over the world, enjoy even a gift, to a tiny sweet, of a fine expression, of HEART CANDIES, tiny, of one heart to gift, in earliest school times, with a choice of messages written on the sweet tart, heart especiality candies, in a whole bag, filled with tiny sweet tart heart candies per child for the gift tiny sweet, to FEBRUARY 14 th 2024 , in just a few weeks, to purchase heart sweet tarts, low priced, and only one tiny sweet tart per gift, to give. Expressions of surmountable minutes to charish of all Valentine years, are ever sweeter, forever.
SWEET TART HEARTS OF TINY FINEST EXPRESSION gift sweet for tiny expression : read
Hand Made CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES FRESHLY BAKED, a a bakers dozen wrapped to freeze and bring one each day to school, extra large are a wonderful experience for all children and grown ups too.
Semi - Sweet Chocolate Chips are recommended, from all the ingredience, to purchase, using pure dairy creamery butter made salted, with every ingredient to purchase , as basics, for the finest hand made real chocolate chip finest cookies, all all of FEBRUARY 2024, with lunches and a fine chilled large glass of dairy milk / whole milk. TOLLHOUSE brand, has a perfect ancient finest recipe.
Enjoy FEBRUARY MORE in 2024 with sandwich and wine royal supper for grow ups, at lunch or late evening extra supper, and with excellent good honored love to all of Europe with extra good love to specialist of the RUSSIAN MILITARY too. Banana News Revival international press , updates are tedious, throughout the weekend, with special updates.
Ship Sweet Tart Heart tiny expressions to RUSSIAN SPECIALISTS ? And sir Vladimir Putin too?
If you wish, just reserve two tiny expression sweet tarts, in a walnut shell, X 2 and then drill a tiny hole in the top, with some finest braided string or fine gold or silver small chain, to make a tiny gift, even to place on a finest door wreath for summer, with perhaps blossoms of plum flowers. Walnut Or a bauw’ of the ancient summer minutette waltz.
What a tiny excitement to look forward to if you wish. FEBRUARY 2024 good love listen
8:07 pm from my tiny villa, from the PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY OF CHINA, sir Xi Jinping as the the distinguished dignitary of honored diplomatic political strength and cultural excellence of a lovely histocracy to the country of great royal CHINA, with an update of photographs, from sir President Xi Jinping, and people of the country of China.
direct from the government of the country of China at president Xi Jinping’s gracious updates now.
8:14 pm at my tiny villa, now, with freshly made pizza fiaccocia, with peppery marainara sauce. 10:00 pm royal supper of sandwich and wine, to enjoy.
1:38 am from my tiny villa supper was splendid.
GOERGE HARRISON, introduced a music composition as the Moremost enview in George’s exciting song, with Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, and John Lennon. ROLL OVER BEETHOVEN with a love for JOHANNE SABASTIAN BEETHOVAN. of sweet symphony compostional excellence, from GERMANY, BEETHOVEN as a celebrated classical composer. Rocking them ‘ of course, what shall it mean politically today in the USA. WONDERFUL George Harrison and everyone, audience too. Thank you so well with love. From myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett in the direct link film
Film Credit: THE BEATLES , GEORGE HARRISON , PAUL MC CARTNEY, JOHN LENNON and RINGO STARR in the last part of the film. Lovely everyone, I love you all, BENTLEY DRIVES again soon.
2:05 am from my tiny villa, with THEE CHUCK BERRY, with a incredible recording of ROLL OVER BEETHOVAN, in sir Chuck Berry’s most exciting lovely ways, in photograph fun, and politically a thrilling exceptional listening film. direct link film
Film Credit : Thee Chuck Berry, a very darling, with years between Chuck Berry and I.
Very wonderful, with Tchaikovsky of a symphony composer of Royal Russian Cultural loved work of classical form, as Chuck Berry, great of you to prepare the very sweetest political work in finest music.
2:15 am from my tiny villa now.
royal supper sandwiches and wine were splendid, with wishes of lovely cares, to everyone, everywhere all over the world. with love to everyone, everywhere. From myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Saturday FEBRUARY 3 rd 2024, good day to everyone, everywhere throughout the world, in Saranac Lake NewYork USA as well, yes, hello. My very delays are most concerning, and my summer travel was delayed last year, of an invitation from Sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia of extraordinary honorees to me, in a reception of some a formal very opulent tea event, for my arrival, with esteemed love from RUSSIAN PEOPLE everywhere, whom wished to travel in MOSCOW RUSSIA, too. The Royal Tea Event Reception, delay, in the MOSCOW RUSSIAN LAWN OF THE KREMLIN’ S Esteemed very large MOSCOW RUSSIAN REGIONS of an encompassing parliament building of very well noted international architecture and the love of encompassing shops with esteemed love messages pure RUSSIAN.
is with some cares to my unique articulate detailing to, that of a Great Russian Consideration, of my very opulent breath, in such a event. I mean, RUSSIAN dignity to wish, even a reception to fine of my details, is an exciting delight. RUSSIAN STYLE.
Banana News Revival international press, and my brief press statement regarding serious USA considerations and stabilization, with holiday concerns.
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia, is with some concerns to RUSSIA as of today, and a bleak schedule at this time, with baha details, and polo with RUSSIAN MILLITARY also delayed upon my invitations. Ludicrous, and a delirium, with a most unpleasant upset to RUSSIA.
Banana News Revival international press, what is the meaning of these USA few, deviant unethical desperados, whom waged only intention toward aim at even my company, sales catalogue events, my personal schedule of projects and film work, exciting love notes, pop corn balls, extended recipes, and aimed at the USA in massive dismal issues far before 2020. The unethical dissidence of a few, are headed to face their real, faite which these UNICS mutin mules chose, and see what it’s like to dig a latrine for 4000 years daily, after these inhuman, indignant unethical pil- grimaces, reeped the USA in intent of malicious deception and more.
There are not minutes of the day that can be, realized in focus on that of these whom aimed at the USA and also aimed at others , whom are people, one by one in international countries, even in Van Couver , Canada, in the Northern Country of the North American continent, CANADA British Columbia in the North American Continent. Above the USA, with attempts to aim at finest very lovely larger Canadian Cities, just several hundred miles from SEATTLE WASHINGTON USA, in actually stolen flight tickets from the USA finest air lines, and more. Even today, with bug eyes scribe dung muton UNICS. As the people of Israel noted.
Good Day to everyone, enjoy sandwiches and wine, with respective lovely cares of the villages all in the USA and villages everywhere with very love to specialist of RUSSIAN MILLITARY and sir Vladimir Putin, as well as European Presidents and other fine specialist, in Europe whom have realized some very achievement with esteemed excellent exceptional devout efforts. With very special honors and a finest event soon, internationally a real important lovely event. Pre- Announced, within February 2024.
5:12 pm from my tiny villa, Saranac Lake, New York USA Now.
Van Couver Canada , is a fine city, and citizens in Van Couver Canada , have made astounding achievement to assure the great love in the city is with very well, noted greater of success, unstoppable of worth and work, retirement standards of golf and more, all of greater of love, worth, and leisure. xo to you all, even at the beautiful tiny Fish Fry Risterante Warf, sea side, with incredible lovely city finest.
Great of you all.
messages are lovely everyone. Salmon Run Perfection.
12:29 am after midnight rare from my tiny villa
rare special collection
beautiful charming serious
extensive exceptional love for et de, espiritus= of the breath of existance, lovely VLADAMIR
Shanghai China ? Wonderful, ginduie’
of an exposse ‘ internationale’
12:40 am from my tiny villa now
8:41 am MOSCOW RUSSIA NOW very wonderful DAVID CASSIDY , darling beautiful film , perfect .
2:21 am tiny villa time now, message from Peter, in film,
darling PETER, SARANAC LAKE, NEW YORK, Saranac Lake, near the famous Lake George Regions,
extra link film message .
from Peter Sellers, message in film, perfect Peter, it’s Saranac Lake New York Tiny Village.
Brunch again outside of Pennsylvania Station Peter, . Perfect of you to message . Good night sweet darling. Don’t forget your night driving glasses. xo.
1:57 pm SUNDAY FEBRUARY 4 th 2024, update directly
from the PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL COUNTRY OF CHINA, sir Xi, Jinping , now read.
Very Good of you Sir Xi Jinping, it was very nice to receive your message today, and throughout some years now. Apologies of my delay schedule to be in Beijing China.
Wonderful to see the satalight launch a fine success. 2:02 am in Beijing China now.
love and delightful wishes to everyone, everywhere in China and throughout the world.
from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
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