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 THEE     PINK FUR SKIRT  DEEP PURPLE. as in finest pure  wild deep  plum blousen 
of off the shoulder,  one of many
peace 21 designs
directly from myself 

Prolifically, STUDIO VOSSE is  broadly a reality which developed as early as when I was age 3 , in the 1960's when I created tiny little cakes as my mother purchased a tiny real oven child size for me, with all the mixing tools, and tiny boxes filled with cake mix, as I baked my very own cakes in a very well designed safety oven, I used when my mother set it out for a fine afternoon. What love gifting mom a fresh baked tiny cake from my sweet tiny hands and mind, utopia exists. 
Cut outs then of ginger bread men cookies and even my own paper dolls were quite fun,  hand made in my busy self occupied afternoons. My first invention at age 3 and a half was tin can telephones,  and large doll houses made of boxes from largest. AND WHITE SHEETS , to create indoor French Forts with the dinning room chairs . Covered in perfect white linens. Age 4 , tin can shoes , covered my feet out side with fine tin tap coriography of my secrets strolling.  

STUDIO VOSSE 2024 with large project,  as an industrialist, with developments, industrial designs even as early as 1974, more developments yes. , interior designs prolifically,  with 60 chairs , all wonderful unique and quite opulent even in many finest select imported fabrics, sketched perfection
 " THE CHAIR BOOK"  , with music recording of minimulist middlr eastern tin string harp of compostions of music titled : MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE , architectual sketches and fine painting with small sculptural finest works of art, integnstional loved, fine design, are not limited with extensive projects with all lectures in person of 1200 interactive special cultural advance lectures of honored implemented  cultural  en4richment extra curricular developments,  a few of my company , real flight flying Advancement in compact flight automobile designs wild unabailable in small model prototypes at this time,  travel bungalo MINI FOLD AND GO  which folds into a attache' automobile travel ready with heat and cooling , as a quick fold out cabana , ready to nap under the giant forest canopy fir trees or ocean ready, litest sleekest ( honored in musem design at the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM in manhattan in New York City , New York usa, , train ready travel foot scooters with axilury power- with a small finely crafted attache 'leather  shoulder satchel,  largest widest soft strap train satchel - with roomy largest grocery sack made in the most luxurious fine fabric with beautiful reversible two sided fine fabric imported, over sides attache ' - traveler with wheels that convert to a tiny travel sofa attache ' with a unbrelled pop up cover to nap anywhere in travel, 

foot ready cab savvy lite weight and compact,  

works stacked upon my desk, are of numerous designs. extra publication : the intetnational senior science journal of intetnational neurological sciences advancement: subject: cultural arts , and the recovery of agile  brain savvy worth, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY PRESS publications  honored literary works of cultural literary poetic writings, royal ink print art titled "SEA TO TEA" literary honored literature sponcered publication from the KENNEDY CENTER in WASHINGTON DC, USA, the cultural council of the country of  GERMAN honored within exhibits as early as 2002 ,INTERNATIONAL  EXHIBITION  in MANHATTAN  of NEW YORK CITY , NEW YORK , USA 2002 - 2004 - 2006 into larger international lectured and exhibition into 2024. Intetnational design forum invited speaker in the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM INTERNATIONAL DESIGN FORUM from Manhattan NYC , NY, usa , 2008 2009 2010 , MODERN MARRIAGE PHOTGRAPHIC EXHIBITION INTERNATIONAL of a rare exhibition of 2000 photographs in a major international exhibition , Published Rare Photography College Text Book Study Book, internationally with the LONDON ENGLAND publishing company of RUTLEDGE PRESS, of the country of ENGLAND 2009, WITH A VERY FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPH TITLED " PHOTOGRAPH ONE " with other international  photographic exhibtions in the intetnationsl independent lens within the international cultural center of Chicago illinios usa. International arts symposium of of a enviornmental sustainability of clean air and clean water with internationally published literature : INTERNATIONAL  SOCIETY OF THE ENVIORNMENTAL FORUM . society of enviornmental sustainability of the university of Tennessee, Knoxville Tennessee usa. HONORED SOCIETY PERSON of the enviornmental sciences department of the university of Tennessee,  society honored person of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DESIGN IN MILAN ITALY, honored society person for the international JAZZ SOCIETY. MEMBER SOCIETY HONORED of the center for advanced design of BEJING of  ROYAL  CHINA.
THE AMERICA GREEN CARD Exhibitions in the city of Seattle in the state of Washington of the usa in the northern west coast inside the usa , the exhibition of THE AMERICA GREEN CARD EXHIBITION took place over several months in Seattle,  in 2012, over several months with largest scale works of art in sketch and of rare finest conccerto original of operatic aria compostion in music with many tiny daily exhibitional political events with the largest of internationally known film exhibits largely globally  in fine film reached every international and usa national arts college museums and class rooms in 2012, including Exhibition of the FILM of THE AMERICA GREEN CARD EXHIBITION exhibited within every global museum within every country all over the world in 2012. Exhibitions : IN FILM at the TATE MONDERN MUSEUM OF ART in LONDON, ENGLAND  within the European Continent . 2007 FILM INVITE EXHIBITION with special thank you to ROBERT REDFORD , for the lovely invite in person to create a rare LARGE EXHIBITION FINE FILM for the SUNDANCE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - SALT LAKE CITY UTAH, NEW YORK CITY MANHATTAN , in NEW YORK, Los Angeles California , and the extended intetnational special festival film festival as well in LONDON ENGLAND in EUROPE." MY COFFEE WITH MURRI "  Exhibtion 2012 MANCHESTER ENGLAND in Europe, THE USA PEPSI international Exhibition 2008. very special  arts cherity exhibtion in WASHINGTON DC of the state of Meryland ,USA, COLUMBIA COLLEGE INTETNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM : SUBJECT : WEALTH AND EDUCATION in the USA 2008, INTERNATIONAL Forum in THE NEW ERA of sustainability of now to year  2099 - exception presentation lecture to the circle of international country presidential leaders  political presentation. new era of sustainability of 100 years into beyond  2099.  
Invited Guest Lecturer 2009 YALE UNIVERSITY , presenting a  literary exhibtion in the subject of enviornment of spacial architecture of civil liberties ethics in economic individual stabilization. Society of Associated Colleges 8n advancement tof world historical  arts studies and world historical arts preservation. 
Extensive Lectire breif , aria compostional expression of works in musical compostional form, with introduction lectures of formative advance basics in good standards of business , within a 2014 throughout 2018 , extrodinary opulent publicly free inititive exhibition globally within star satalights all over the world,  of peace solidarity with individualism in a broadening of independence in v reachable wealth of individual capitalism of ethical retained properity atonement.  = known as the intetnatiobal attache ' piazza peace exhibitions of 2014 - 2018 solo exhibtion from myeslf princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett,  PRESIDENT as founder a solo working owner of STUDIO VOSSE . internationally global of projects , a giant in media everywhere , all over the world. 

2003 art and cultural presentation interactive as a board of directors to the states in the state of Tennessee  invited by the independent living centre resource offices . 

Self Photographed : 
from princess 

PRESS INTERNATIONAL IN THE LARGEST GLOBAL MEDIA of the entire internatiobal whole world. directly from myeslf princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, Sole Owner Sole person @STUDIO VOSSE , with love notes media international , global internatiobal press. 

Seated in a MACY 'S cafe'  with a the finished desihn in a peace exhabition of my many projects within MANHATTAN to MOSCOW 2014- 2018 peace exhibitions , was a remarkable project with opulent aria of my music compostions , many daily which filled the streets globally, of a plain affair within an opulent worth of reality. 

what should be said : FRANCE. ITALY NORWAY SWEDEN LONDON ENGLAND  to BEJING CHINA, Yes yes, SCOTLAND, IRELAND GREECE  SPAIN , DENMARK , HOLLAND , PALISTINE , EGYPT, ISRAEL , AFRICA, MANY MANY COUNTRIES IN EASTETN EUROPE , INCLUDING GERMANY ,POLAND, HUNGARIA ,TURKEY , AND MORE , OF COURSE THE UKRAIN , AND RUSSUA, MIDDKE EADTERN COUNTRIES OF COURSE, MSNY INCLUDING IRAN , IROQ , SUADUA ARABIA, MADAGASCAR, AFPHGANASTAN, LIBYA , CZECH REPUBLIC,  KIEV , INTO MANY MORE MIDDKE EASTERN COUNTRIES , India and well, MONGOLIA ,TIBET, THAILAND, VIETNAM , JAP A N , MALASIA , PHILIPENES , more and of course more yes, yes, including of course the very noted large country of CHINA , of course, all 50 states of the USA. and countries of south ameruca, as well as all of the country of CANADA,  and the south seas , including Bermuda,  Haiti , Jamaica,  Cuba , and more. 

NOVEMBER 28 TH 2024 NOW 2:13 AM two hours and thirteen minutes after midnight  in fairfeild conneticuite. USA,  just several exits off the expressway as of late tonight of several exits away from Honda of Westport village. 

yes, of course, excussi , let me update you on the address tonight , with a extra look at my map.  In less than a few hours I will detail my map , nearest to a wallmart soon tomorrow for a lite shopping day  , and a brisk automobile cleaning with some finest food purchases to enjoy a midnight supper meeting in Europe and the Americas of the entire continent,. 

with a certainty to fine pancakes too, with some ease to updates now, with a My automobile in a fine roaring motor simply quietly splendid.  

650 main street Norwalk Conetticuit Village Walmart is 1.7 miles now from the mc donalds , now at 2:39 am which I just purchased coffee and a iced diet cola. Walmart is my absolute first stop after a fine pancake breakfast,  slightly in the late mid morning . With a very lovely energetic natural reality again, as John Lennon sang to me, free as a bird,  in a lovely energetic very natural fine busy day again and quite usual to me, in even a lite shopping day. And a extremely well needed car wash. 

vladimir putin just messaged. 007 secrets exits. 
even with the royal russian kremlin , president of the royal russian country of one of the very largest countries within the entire world. 

within the breakfast hours, I shall be underlining some breif details of a rudimentary note in the statements which I will devoldge to the entire world, as the underline subjects of my statements are exponentially very serious and very important to the entire usa of a very large many states of 50 entire states and rather many many many many cities and many more villages within each city and of many rather large states of the 50 states of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, ( U.S.A.). 

of my birth 1965, born a USA citizen . 

1980' achievement in honored excellence in museum honored intetnational arts and cultural awards , from the Everson Museum were of an intetnstiobal high merit . Developments for my small company began with tiny sculptures I sold to a finest off Broadway,  International Gallery , with establishing a business agreement with the fine art intetnatiobal gallery, 1980. My early studies in the usa included extensive extra interest studies often out side of school with larger reading and extra curricular interest. Merits included literary written honors literature I write for extra effort gaining extra noted merits and with industrial design sculpture in my very first hand cast aluminum sculpture,  I designed and created entirely , with a sand cased amuninum perfection. 1975. Included was my industrialist work of art in a new most modern clear plexi shelf design I created from spec sketch prototype drawing , I sketched to all the hand crafting of work in a wood shop , within my school in 1975. with interior architectural honor in my industrialist work as early as 1975. 
among television events in musical compostion and songs, as early in intetnstional television 1971. Honored natural science presentation . And honored film movies,  I created in sketch and moving pictures before I was age 9 years old,  in 1974. 

Baseball , practice summer,  more later related in my baseball practice notations. True. 

Of course , I earned many merits in my early professional work employed with more than two companies , in the 1980' and earned wealth well, even in my small desk office of a tiny art business, ibtetnstiinal gallery works of art, and music compostion i wrote with my actual parrot  , A BLUE FROBTED AMAZON PARROT as a large sweeg bird from AFRICA. whom loved to sing without words , with me. 

Famous,  fun. My royal studies were an interest of the 1990's even in large achieved masters achievements,  and a merited worth already in intetnstiobal business achievements. Selling the realeste I purchased at age 21 years old, with a rental villa space, I sold before moving to the largest city in the usa, in Chicago illinios,  with a acceptance invite to rare opportunities in MUSEM STUDIES of sciences in mastery of arts sciences and design within cultural expanded intetnstiobal work , extended in my own specialization of my already prolific small independent company. Columbia College Chicago and The School of the Art Institute of Chicago , in Illinois,  within royal international affiliated Univestiy Royal Studies, included many associated royal institutes and museums , 
as a subversive and extensive worth to me.
Of an extremely very large work extended which I may have made look rather eased in a larger prepared worth. Serious studies, was with rather zero in times to travel more and a larger reality of full time employment wi6h 5 days a week night college university royal studies was merciless in not having time to much in liesure. Turning down John Lennon whombinvited me to a cab ride to dinner and finest jazz , with close dancing , was difficult,  to say,  I was preparing for a serious exam,  while we reschedule,  the entire cab outting, John Lennon made extra efforts to fly in from London England more. Invites to thanksgivibg dinner formally at my employers home then was very charming,  in a city so large , the charm of my employer, lovely women , 1996. 
Rose Gorden the Dean of Columbia College Chicago always made extra time for anything I wished to express, and is remarkable. 1995, without Rose Gorden , as ccc dean,  would never have seemed as lovely in a welcome to me, personally. 

Of course, I was far to busy to fly to see my mother and wendel that year. Missing not seeing mom and wendel was difficult. 

more detailing of honored in extridinary achievement in the usa and in fairfield usa within the state of conneticuite . 
With a devilgency of secrets 007 secrets.  

Of course .  Fairfeild Connetucuite USA invited from myeslf , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , in my royal drive expaditions wad with a reality to the eastern usa in many cities which grew sales and economic revenue in cities at an increase daily of more than 6 times the highest revenue of shops daily and increased even more, larger even today, with extended invites and 28 billion people traveled to the my invites from all over the world. Drive expadition increase in all villages with more drive expadition all over the world, and with love to me, with travel short and more than two day drive expadition with real road side travel of my royal invites and increased russian and other intetnatiobal countries in a larger stabilized revenue of more than 3 times all highest economic sales in all countries,  very serious of love to me, with love for love notes and my schedule of many broad love notes wild fun. The shocking upset , with messages of cheer and love, thank you. Everywhere. 

My very direct statements of anguish.  In the usa too, with other anguish too, internationally in an underlined direct statement of  those born in the usa of a vageret void in extremely garish,  unethical in the usa of only a very small few,  as less than 3000 of unethical extremist in largest in a connect of excessive lenth in consecutive breaches of humanities of the usa constitution ethics as well as breach of all international ethical rules within the 
usa internatiobal Consituational ethical rules,  as known to be : ethical rules of world order of the standards to humanities in intetnational ethics. 

Wishing to see, extra notes , I will make extra time to post, may relieve more people in a sweet reality is very important if you wish to read the press statement, when speedy notations are urge n t and can not wait.  Mindfully the entire usa within all villages are with a totality of all, in high ethical standards,  in larger notes to read more if you wish  as I rapidly wish to post my speedy note internationally,   as to realize that the small number of those in unethical issues are, of so little in a large country of age usa in fact,  not actually even in a real o n ecpercent of any village population of all people of the USA.,  very small number in fact of very garnish unethical extremist in a sensetiobalism of excessive , breaches of ethics in mass intent of very very serious consecutive non stop of more than 6 strait years or more non stop in vert serious vagret in mass contempt of humanity . 

what does this mean exactly = the usa has very few that are of conteptuous blaten unethical vagrency in with intent to break lawful ethical humanities constitutional laws. And the extremist tactics of attacks are of a aimed to decieve and aim to cause attack in larger many link copy cat deliberate attacks , and reflect a extremely larger many strait non stop years.  Listed by many in well over 60,000 cities and are with a reality of of ratiole I very serious action of decisions of their disaplinary  future of their chosen faith. More about the listed unethical of approximately 3000 massively of contempt toward ethical repose and a blaten massive vagrency toward humanity . 

  And are of a usa which is of a all  people whom are in achieved reality of all villages  . With nearing zero whom are less than 1/ 100,000 percent of even one small village .

Excerpt update insert: november 30 th 2024 at 7:53 pm with some excess upsets as my bank mobil card was aimed at in a close range attack on my phone screens and screens in some shops minutes before I walked in. Strays of several racketters , slide by the peace tooling of orbit , is realistic to say right at this time. wi6h a hyper sonic munion issue of several aimed at me earlier today and aimed to leap into any p8n pointed spot , which was pleasing to me, with needs to purches supper and fuel, of course . 

Statements of the russian space centre are of a devoution to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , with many unusual reasons,  as quite special to me, while in 2013 and 2014, I asked zero from the russian space centre rocket scientist as I derailed some very serious aim at some RUSSIAN , very honored rocket scientist and that of serious usa concerning aim at cmvery serious allegations, of racketters aim at russian government , while I caught the racketters lies in news and faked photographs which were in the usa and not in Europe, at all. 

internationally,  I noted the direct lied intent of a scam in the born USA racketters some in dc and of extreme rackettering , with a direct exposure of the mortifying lie of harror which were mass distortion of blaten lies of europe and russian space centre work of extreme honored reality in highest humanities as realized largely. My little village literature of a soft nature politically point , in the faulcified photograph of extreme mortifying fraudulent issues, was not a plane that was hit in the sky in Europe, and it was a photograph of a cat scan machine , and a line up of several whom stood to say they were cleaning up the issue, and reported , it was a air plane , crash in europe,  as the photo exposed the fraudulent malicious lie in the usa of rackettering. The statments I have written in softer gentle ways, rmwere read in largest of usa many people whom are savvy , 

europeans,  and all international people read my literature and were even more savvy in direct self composure globally , underlining a very lovely europe and intetnatiobal world , with a breath toward a largest usa too, whom are very serious of the many assured love and efforts toward a self reality and a country in the USA of giants , and a very real concern, wiyh a edge of real love from me, in belief toward the usa larger . Belief , yes. A awful contention . Yes.  realized " knowing " 
achieved to be someone is a lovely reality of my utopia peace exhibition , as Frank Sinatra sang " he said I became a taller man inside of more looking at the love of people and achieved in very lovely savvy intelectural reality. 

opportunities.  everyone worked to assure is magnificent in a usa, of a wonderful responcibility, you never let me down. All over the world. 

2014 - 2018 free intetnstiobal real peace exhibtiobs daily , of GIANT LOVE, daily music compostions , my gosh, lovely you listened. The  exhibition of peace and economic prosperity , lovely everyone, truth unfolded and became of you all , everywhere.

opportunity well done , in humanities of love  to toward all the many people,  to love the world and as John Melloncamp wrote in a song, wonderful , to feel I can be someone , as people realized the peace exhibition was for everyone,  whom  arrived in a large lovely usa of such politically savvy sweet people.  Y he usa is with a very new era in a large internationalism of REAL PERLING COUNTED WELL , AMONG ALL INTERNATIOBAL COUNTRIES , of an alliance of earned internatiobal achieved reality, worth your love.

I believe, your efforts wild worthy lov e is large a reality of a country in the USA culturally riche , respectively a giant love returned to all the world, important. 

People of the United States of America, charming love, within a love internationally within all countries.  

Believe yes. with a savvy broadening love to reach well.  2014, I thought : I believe in you , everywhere, and my project date for the peace exhibtion was a decision important to me. 

The awful news lies of the photograph lied about and dc lied with those other pee wee linkrd racketters , then , i reveaked the entire lie globally , and inbthe usa , peopke realized the very larger issues in the usa and a very serious lie of a crashed hit flight in europe which was never a flight plane and never in europe, and a massive attack in a fraudulent usa dc scandle , . The space centre of russia, are extrodinay,  of highest humanities and I , felt the exposed lie so very harrable of a few dc and linked usa  few of harrible unethical wrong doing , urgent  to reveal. Others thought it was very important too. Þerance: with extremely largest humanities which i should say I myself recognize, well. And several issues of rackeete issues from the usa were wi6h some , malicious,  that caused some in shipping that were aimed at, and with chemical types of munion, not a stomach flu, when some break ins , into usa shipping flights and then moved larger balistic  missle drones that snap together into Germany and the few harrible racketters were in a nato usa , issue in the usa with a link in amseveral clusters of rackerres ,  deperatos , and vicious in a venge , trying to escape the usa and aimed again at Russia from a break in flight and several from the usa shipping into Germany,  stow aways under beer trucks slimed up in vagret , vicious dustain aimed into slick their butt's into moscow russia, and nastiest of vagret in aim after the extreme 2020 issues caused in dc. Aimed at usa citizens and the ukrian and russia, as well as 6 other countries, . Blaten Nasty , of just a few, and pee wee racketteing of 2880 in the usa . 

Rather a invisible number of racketters in really looking at the whole usa of all villages,  in perfectly lovely worth in a live of a reachable worth with lovely broad humanities and success largely , . The number of racketters can not even fill a isle in a wall greens fully, as the look at a whole usa of very larger in a lovely reality in the usa with a very larger celebration of many glorious realities. [][][][] excert note on November 30 th 2024 subject :
upset in royal russian space centre : re:  princess orbit

special note : more updated :
reread everthing : I included extra press notes

post detail in a breif statment further very soon in the intetnstional global press international media statement of my media global international press . , very soon.
Love from   princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

November 28 th 2024 3:40 pm from Norwalk,  near fairfeild , which I am headed to drive into soon tonight to see through extra lite shopping made pleasant of fine fairfeild people in connetuicut usa. Yes, I do have a very very very important update in international press of by far the very largest press statment of my giant in real media projects , of the international global world. Everywhere. With a lenghty reality of the giant media project I decided to build of many years begining in 1995. My state of the art equipment then was more advanced than  television anywhere. I am most graciously with a extra special very lovely largest thank you to everyone , with my most sincere love expression to you, whom ever you are everywhere all over the world. 

I have serious statments today and not exactly pleased with the weight of the responcibility to the update which I will be working into a supper time today into a later evening , with space centre specialist real in in russia of advanced specialized rocket sciences honored of my very special gracious expressions.  As well as some rather direct statement to all space centre russian rocket scientist and sos specialist, russian communication computer scientist specialist and government of russia, with all love to all of russia in a very direct underlining of importance to the space centre and very important , important to the kremlin , sir Vladimir Putin , as well.  As the kremlin of Russia, important wished statement from myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett,  directly, as a wish the kremlin his majesty,  as  president of of RUSSIA, expressed a wish of my rather exuberant reply to sir Vladimir Putin and government people of Russia , as rather important too me, important .

INTERNATIONAL PRESS globally everywhere all over the world, in my statement will be breif and with all efforts ,  the post of the global onternatiobal press statement , I am extending short time for should be of a completed note to everyone , everywhere , all over the world . 

By no later than November 29 th 2024 from Fairfield Connecticut USA. From myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

With love explicitly from myself to you,  everywhere, whom ever you are. I love you everywhere. xo love from myeslf ,princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Mom , and wendel and daddy ,
 i love you , dont forget please. 

November 28th 2024 : update : of the alpha into each omaga , Where does the sweet weight of time exist .

CATALOGE SALES HAVE REACHED VERY EXORBIDENT DELAYS , and rather costly in a reality of very important minutes with none to spare in any way, with lovely time too much worth , realizing real love is sacred. 

 piazza event : new schedule soon 

 At 5:00 pm it was a short drive to a lite shopping and a awful issue was too difficult to digest in any sence of reality I could bare any more. A HYPER SONIC MISSLE AIMED , INTO MY WHEEL was very difficult for twenty minutes while I had driven on to the express way, and the automobile began to rumble and I gripped the wheel very firm and quickly put on my Hazzard lights and slowed down to drive on a close side road expressway slowest with hands gripped hard streering on the rumbling hupersonic blasing my automobile,  until my exit was nearly in sight, my wheel was attacked and the hyper sonic streaming hard blasting boom , never stopped and suddenly my wheel actually flew off the automobile kicked out off the wheel well, in a vagret aim at me, in the issues caused by those dc linked by linked in a aimed deceptive extremist of usa born in ignorance of ethics and of disdain blatenly with a gross and negligent disregard for humanity with a lenghty consecutive actionable intent which racketters are facing , and rather  have aimed  a dismal attempt to hardid deception after the racketters flead other cities, wiyh vicious aimed revenge , of, the distain of their own reflected mirror in large vagrent intent to decive with a vicioysness of consecutive unethical attacks in lenghty l8nked in racketter scamming , of brutal malicious extreme linked in to contorting ( blaten lies of ethical laws , with aimed harm toward others, of intended lies to decieve, gross vagrent intent in breach of constitutional laws and intetnatiobal ethical reality,  lies in a intent actionable unethical and of the most in malicious , mortifying . Peewee rackettering in a unspeakable distain of cohesive pressuring of any, with aim to distort in intent toward very brutal issues caused by racketters intent in all ignorance to ethical humanities civil liberties. 

The attack on my wheel was very serious. And my firm grip on the wheel and stop on the side road expressway was not pleasant , as I was fine enough with gracious  reality and thankful. 

I phoned AAA services to imidiatly tow my automobile as fast as possible and reaching AAA , a kind and very lovely helpful women was polite and fast wi6h many lovely words to express a greater cares and the AAA women made a difference  and then the AAA hired man towing my automobile was very good to have just taken care of everything, while we drove to a tire shop of Tires , to see through tire replacement into November 29 th 2024. 

12:07 ,am now on NOVEMBER 29 TH 2024, and sleepy. With extra efforts in tire repair and still quite upset of the extremist with hyper sonic missle attacks , . After lunch the hypesonic attack was mortifying . After a  good night sleep tonight , I will , focus on self nurturing even extra , and devulge a larger breif statement which will be , I believe very important to the royal space centre. And many, with notation secrets of the sos specialist  , and secrets from the Kremlin of Russia as well, directly from Sir Vladimir Putin. Messages more , yes there are many many many many many  messages important to me, with remarkable love from the whole world. I love largely in return. 

Yes I am rather still upset, a harrible frighting upset. Yes , remarkably I am also rather fine, enough too. xo thank you well.  

xo from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

NOVEMBER 30TH 2024 9:39 PM. Rostec Leaped at the opportunity to realize a special assignment to an unusual invite of a invention of my absolute assurance that was in my mind as I made efforts to see a project rather unusual , in my efforts,  with the russian president , SIR Vladimir Putin , very realized at complex worth of my proposed invention concept , and an urgent necessity if the specialist of the advabde quantum astrophysics engineering specialized in cosmonotical  high achievement,  if sos specialist not yet assigned felt that my concept quantified logic of the invention was possible and is everyone of a real solid exhaustive effort to see that, any long range and if needed short range of aim in even atomic nukes, was, we'll I suggested to sir Vladimir Putin , that I wad sure there was more to realized in a new invention of the anti proliferation, which had been a dc aim at my head . Rostec , and my specialization,  took large efforts and I asked everyone to give me everything of the speed reality  and asked to see that everyone was on their toes on the urgent reality. Not one second did sos specialist stop working,  nearly did I as the work was day and night , and i was very unlikely to reveal my specialised knowledge,  as I finally thought, I will need to set aside three months to truely nurture the sos specialist minds of extra worth , I realized a few large details, not easily known. 

April 2023 Sir Vladimir Putin , organized meeting with the sos specialist and recieved their full opinion of a larger reality of the project orbit to assure me, and gain a instant outter orbit and as i said to sos specialist that we would need a reality toward outfield orbit , and thus , the time. Summer 2023, the specialist within vladimir putibs special assignment for me, speed priotety,  aos moscow as rostec of russia , were with rather large suprize when i was in a constant detail after detail and kept rostec very busy , with everyone eased in my knowledge .Rostec and myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , became rather a more likely convergence toward a level of natural sciences I reiterated over and over , into a larger worth invited by rostec whom never stopped. A sudden summer issue of racketters aimed at both legs harshly until rostec dismatled , thr minion aimed hard, and within three months rostec russia had totally dismantl ed the attack on my legs fully. Yet the work took a larger exta dislocation a on face neck and back head which was months away  . MORE YES. SOON. .

 rostec special royal assignment from the czar , sir Vladimir Putin , president of the country of Russia sanctioned the special assignment of sos moscow and assigned a specialized assignment to build the princess orbit.

[ above : Orbit note  not yet :  soon more  ] 

working with rostec : my unusual expertise of more than several specialization of master levels of honored realized work, in natural quantified sciences, I lent my expertise in effort which rostec sos specialist, had large belief in my expertise, as our unusual convergence was an unusual necessity, rare reality, of even the noted efforts of sir Vladimir Putin, as a brilliant unusual rare reality, the convergence of a very rare reality became a underlined importance.  Rostec  men of a generosity of efforts brilliant , saw to a reality of messages in a request to me, to hurry to russia , and offered within the kremins notes , my rare broaden specialization was required in russia with a offer of $ 200 million to steer the entire work of the orbit with rostex whom , rather were comforted in my direct bold , quantified streering of the orbit, in large worthy conceptual radical inventive significant science base facts . The orbit bubbling was realized on Christmas Day 2023 . 

rostec russia  royal assignment 
to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

piazza pizza and sale in 2023 was with serious delay which are on my schedule to enjoy the entire project of schedule events and sales with no date schedule of yet. please , however , enjoy the fine notation of the announcement to read. 

a pizza piassa event  

unlikely reality. 
what should you know? 

what I meant to say exactly is what was the question ? without the question, where would be an answer ? 

Inside of Washington DC, the usa , of my country had racketters inside the oval office, and there were mortifying aimed attacks at people in the USA,  and aimed attacks at other countries,  and linked in to the issues were other racketters , in a less, people, and very brutal , vicious, attacks. Cornering others, with harrible aims at people, companies , and banking, and numerous other harsh aim at even school childern. Infested rackettering of extreme malicsiousness aimed , from the pentagon in the usa and other millitray of nato , with fraudulent type of total breaches of rules of government hired people with real qualifications, and well, the malicious aim of racketters was with balistic missles , aimed, even , used, which were dismantles, from far , aliegences internationally,  even, with russian orbit of a russian humanitarian sanction very important. The circle of presidents too, in European countries , too, of efforts . Stabilization of economics in capitalism of individuals of a reach to all, in earned accumulative wealth,  are extremely a very large importance. All over the world,. 

the people of usa, are savvy,  and kind intelectuals , with no room for a racketter of such disgrace,  in aim at anyone. Our usa had to assurt our selves to react to a firm reality that the racketters, are usa born and very malicious in deception in attcking anyone, with extreme baligerant vagrency to ethical reality, and civilized stabilization of a largest importance.  

Our usa is much more than a waste land , and not a tollorance of rackettering. Malicious link copy cat attacking of racketters is all the same, as all racketters are linked in, in scam terroristic threats to civil liberties of a highest lovely reality of all USA people and internatiobal travelers in the usa.   Chemical weapons were slug at me, outside my charming forest villa, in 2023, winter. into a racketter of cartel , malicious,  with chem slugging, in 300 racketters in the eastern region of the usa, whom randomly attack anyone.  Instantly,  these few are vagrent with extreme malicious intent of extreme unethical lenthy past, consecutive in gross negligence of aim even at the largest usa corporation . And all pooled cash which was linked to all rackettes whom were attempting to use money illegally obtained and used in scams of attacking in, two small villages wi6h drone munion aimed at others and unethical attacks , risterantes , grocery, upset and ruthless racketter made their own rotted reality , while the millions of usa cities were with excellence in achieved reality and a large worth, real.  Senators and governors in the usa were of real honored reinstated reality, and larger work in repairs , with very large honored success, and general assembly of all people, whom starred in t o a maliciousness of 3000 ruthless racketters all standing in a tiny hard corrugated empty fuel barrel,  liken to a keg of beer , looking inside racketters out of all cash in scam to harm others even randomly,. And seething in spitting riffling tungs , of idiocy and muinon the racketters aimed at the USA, as covid was not a disease. Cartel racketter links in side dc, dated back to 2009 and even before as early as 1995. While 9/11 2002 extremist racketter scamming inside dc racketter attacks in the usa are gastley and most appalling in vagrent usa racketers, raking over the decency of the usa, with extreme harror. The idiot types of the malicious , are of no level to ignorance of ethical humanities constitutional rules. 

in the usa news, numerous peoole in the usa were lied about, attacked in rackettering , and very serious harm was the intent of racketters of gross unethical intent. Born usa terrorists giving out lolli pops , with a intent to extreme blaten disregard for all , in the usa, and internstionally,. TINY BEER BARREL OF THE IDIOT ROT, REALLY when the usa looks in to all the villages of achieved and good people all. 

Aimed racketters pushed over 16 a bombs aimed at others and detonated with idiot minds of random freinzied aim attacking. 

The massive vagrency of racketter in the small smugg idiot few peering unto the successes of all USA and internationslist, is a largest in knowledge of the extremeist and I will point out that the oval office is empty. And the rotted small rscketters are all rotted, and malicious , with a dangerous lunge at humanity, and peering into a rotted mirror of their own, with no one in all usa whom are among racketters slithering in a tiny empty oil barrel which racketts aimed to attack at lenth, even in russia. And due to the intetnstiobal aim attacks.  The russian government and intetnstiobal circle of country presidents , could extradition racketters and feed them to lions ,. While lions need not be exposed to the balistic malicious rot, sludging hand bombs at tires and breaks and clothes and faces backs. With nano hyper sonic boron blasting nuke magnetuc aims. In everyone styles of clothes slugging humanity in vengence of their bitter idiot minded slugging attacks even on young boys and girls . 

I would not exactly call racketters men and women, fashist ripping sluggers. With aim theiftvin designs , wi6h excessive malicious idiot types of rotted lives, imploding aim attack in random fashist rotted brutality. 

Macy's in Manhattan , with one racketter turning away others by kicking humans heapoy events , was with no shoppers of near ten years and zero revenue was realized in 2015 when I arrived in my Manhattan exhibition.  

RECENTLY THE AIM AT ME WITH HYPER SONIC was from racketter rot fashist , of a breach in dc with scam elected unqualified peopke whom switched the honored qualified Canada test and ripped apart the election to list themselves in the since 2009. With a issue of enlarged racketter reach into pot of usa worth, and immence success. Trium , slugers in fashist ( unethical malicious in the gold threads of others work snorting to nose to nose riffling racketter cartel sluggers. ). And seen in stockpiling mass nuklear atomic weapon in a building near Manhattan,  just earlier last year in NYC in aim , random attacking when racketters went broke, zero cash, and aimed to pick pocketing scam in pen station bathrooms , while then fleed the city, with in gripped rotted intent and a smer of joker malicious smirks blatenly lauphing mocking attacks toward anyone. So small o real barrel of punks , enlarge in idiot swibdeling ,  north south east and west ,  filthy rotted , mutation of idiot vagrent empty of ethical fortitude. The governors and large corportation , and sales exec with all usa are very realized ,  to a opt for the fashist of shedding up humanity of meaty grit of fist. Slugging humans with microscopic fumes and minuon , meaty eyes popped at the very lovel6 success  of even the drive expadition wish viciousness of mortifying desperatos in idiot scamming up to their ears, in fraudulent intent and all in copy cat scam slinger of minion struts, in even attack on Ford automobiles with missing automobile in a few sakes lots in the just recent, and rustling over $160,000. Depressed sales on several successful shops such as mc donalds ,  aimed at in fashist catering racket2ter link and link and linked in actionable aim of a recent 60,000 cities in one small oil barrel ,  skidding down roads to kick humanity,  slicked in chemical munion seriously very real smashed into their ugly putrid idiocy ,  .  
The pity of putrid fashist rot muttlies ' in the eye barreling out of the empty oil barrel are peering into the decency of humanity largely, with connected scam link in all racketters of a very large usa whom are aborant in ethical judgemeng of the bitter fashist, smearing their  nasty faces,  in idiot theift of others time and work. Liesure and happy lives. Are already in a watsbar option of the legal ethical repose all the usa is of course ready to see, far before the tiny few cause grappling,  attack - butt's in ait smothering humanity with a plot to assimilate a new party for themselves ,  slugging people and pick pocketing through any large crowd, with intent of  smearing themselves with honor celebration of important , or entering birthday events, after a extreme malicious deceptive attack random in the usa of 6 strait non stop years of rackettering attacks in the usa from the meaty stench eyes, aimed at abliterat7on idiot tactical war against ethical humanity.  

with aimed warheads, aimed recently into a nuke submarine off the coast of California pointed at China. Mortifying , aim of small tiny idiots with nails soon  on their back , with large list of all racketters at lenth , seeking a néw coat , and a sweet village again to mangle , in ruthless viciousnes . Nose to nose with anyone is a nasty uncivilized tactic of the racketter tiny empty oil barrel rot, of their real mirror , in vagrent aim random linked attacking others. With a blaten plowing strut,  unkno3n in all of real humanity all together, the kind savvy reality of fortitude is a real success beyond the realizing that the hay day of the feasty meaty eyes of the meezel8ng malicious freinzed vicious attackers , are beyond time, of the disaplinary reality of the usa all people of all villages well and quite good achieved high largest all. In all villages, internation countries are ready too, in such a pity ,  for the fashist of idiots. The reality of racketters are the same in all scam linked and a with a disciplinary largest of ethical process, watzbar vacation party landing in a home for racketters is already being realized.  While my meeting in Europe just 6 days ago. Is to assurt a largest measuring of every racketters to speed up the reality of a very serious relentless attacking on the usa and any whom latched into a attack internationally in breaking into shipping flights and some flight reservation,  of others tickets , stolen.  

What I suggested is a realized level of firm,  wattbar , opt to all racketters and very strident imidiate reality to assurt all detractor of europe in a film whole ethical disaplinary action of realized levels of powers in a large USA all ready to the difficult pity - with extremist usa born malicious racketters. 

Recent aim into the streets of Moscow in Russia were also aimed at in automotive sludging and even aimed at in a sludge that was spread on bank card use on screens and phone mobil banking and cards, in a few of the rotted usa racketters. rotted malonia  trump ( was this the name in dc unethical vicious ) of vacant void to zero in humanity and nothing except ruthless cash gripping aim at events . With recent hyper sonic blast to my wheels and head . 

Imodent Harror ( void of all ethical humanities) . 

I must get cleaned up, today and assure my backing card is without a fume hitting it to purchase some breakfast. I am rather shocked that there was a not a immidiste firm desperation of the racketters attacking me, as orbit detractor in russia are a reality of expected work. Not difficult to realized, with some further notes on the subject today after coffee and some issue of a harsh aim again in my head and back this morning . High levels of press STATEMENT from myeslf  in russia are very important,. My automobile was ained at again , and again , and I have zero time, not for such non stance in any way. 

The space centre in RUSSIA , is preparing, of a high prioterty to me in the orbit work as a larger team is in special assignment appointed to more , in prioreties of a royal appointment from the Kremlin and government of russia, 
in a ethical  unusual orbit, never before realized.  My meeting with the space centre in russia within the kremlins efforts in orbit,  including rostec meeting , sos moscow specialist,  include fir my broad work , alliegence internationally with natural worth of my many extrodibary invite cultural, of fine fun. I will be in meeting with Xi jinping and consult in China and of rss to the presidential country circles as well. 

Studio Vosse , built only of my own work worth prepared in cultural worth , important  tiny details wildly wonderful and of honored intetnatiobal work. , emas early as 1980. With larger honored continuity of projects notes all over the world. I say, of course I enjoy intetnstional lovely worth,  and work hard to tiny details of a ease to my own utopian nurtured worth, regimented busy love,  real love . And I must assure my happy lovely project work in my very opulent , fine in basic fun, is with proper assured reality,. Every space centre specialist , of special assignment is with a serious  very urgent update, update of serious urgency,  urgent,  today, with an unusual update special messanger of serious love. Thank you everywhere. 

From the travel desk of 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

VLADIMIR ? a likely reality, as childern old enough, working ages , simply vladimir, a cab driver working to fly to see me, in svelt summers, I invited my darling russian men, to a boat rowing event of a small very opulent verde green emerald jewel lake , where we rented a row boat at $5.00 per day , with BYO brunch , we sunk down into the floating slow boat and disappeared to watch the sky above a long whole before real brunch  and a brave dive off the small row boat , for just a few minutes to swim, before dry towels were softly wrapped to adorn me. The charm of vladimir ' wildly anxious as a cab driver, with excelent love to know more in my secret maps in the usa finest. Soon all russian men traveled , return to russia. Vladimir,  is charming. 


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