announcement from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
JULY 3rd 2023, is in a very important three week delay, as July 21 st 2023 is going to be perfect, as the unveiling of the full collection of works in rare painting and film, are gaining International Interests, with great USA interest and need extra special further prepared time for the exciting rare planned events. The Catalogue Event Sales will be ongoing for two months into September.
Monster and the Walnut Moving Pictures Film, are with a further delay with interests in all countries. The Sale Date on Monster and the Walnut Moving Pictures Film, is in a one month delay, while the movie will be magnificent for Summer 2023 and a jewel of fine film to own and watch over and over.
Paramount Pictures, and many others of many messages, even Elon Musk and the Kremlin of Russia, as too, the people at Sony and others are very kind to take interest - it’s going to be perfectly exciting. Thank you everyone, everywhere.
Hollywood has excitement for the events with lovely gracious messages - I thank everyone with all my love for the messages ongoing. You made such excitment and love in the world. My most graciously thank you again and again.
from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
The abstract MODERN OPERA recordings are minimalist modernist music compositional form, also obscure, fine works of hand made paintings and sketched in the breath of royal aristocracy in a modern royal commons collection of the paintings and sketches are with details of fine faces of people - the royal commons blue, of all peoples from all countries of all villages, large and small, all over the world. The grand architecture of a representation of people all and every is somewhat sumptuous in a stark vibrancy of austere village proper of pencil work and freshly used paint baubles. With Rare Print Digital Books, and a first chance at the Royal Flambé’ Cook Book with three traditional European Royal Flambé recipes and photographs which date back to the 14th century AD for a real royal ancient recipe for modern day opulence in the extraordinarily process and presentation within the rare digital book print. The two month event is a time to enjoy special sale digital art and digital downloadable short rare films, digital book print of the complete collection of royal aristocratic paintings and royal aristocratic sketches too- with—— rare daily event film shorts of rather rare lively, tea talk, short art films - premiering throughout the two month event schedule.
The opera minimalist modern rare music recordings in film titled TO YOU, I LOVE YOU
is a rare recording. It’s getting exciting in my tiny village estate, see you soon at the events,
love and good wishes, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
I can hardly wait for entire event.
It’s exciting. A special cartoon film short - Monster and the Walnut.
Monster travels from the Russian Black Forest to gift of a walnut for a princess.
A Moving Pictures Cartoon Reel to Reel Movie Production - Extrodinary Fun.
Internationally All Over the World.
a rare cinema film event with digital film downloadable sales offered to collectors
You’re invited everywhere, whom ever you are.
Sir Vladimir Putin, Yes -
Formally yes his reply said he can make it. and
King Charles of the Country of England, and the royal family of the country of England - yes.
Xi Jinping the president of the country of China too. Yes - the long list later posted yes soon. My mother as well. And some others in my family too. Yes.
George Harrison about the arts and life any road will take you there.
Piassa Pizza Event
on August 25 th 2023 midnight
pizza and soda pop event with live on the air tv cams from Manhattan to Moscow live cams and countries such as China with a live on the air cam at the same time - all live cams aired on the online tv studio vosse site - set for the great summer 2023 piassa event.
country list of on-the-air live - list soon
You’re invited to wonderful, lovely summer events - online international and in person if your traveling and love large crowds for pizza - with the midnight piazza events with over ten national and international live cams - not yet announced in actual cam locations - to stop and say hello to the whole world - Manhattan to Moscow and even Beijing China at least.
All over the world LIVE ON-THE-AIR events
from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
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