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street sale 2025 love now

                                                SHAKEN NOT 

STIRRED   LOVE            MARTINI EVENTS and more with myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett    


BANKING CARD IS NOT not with working phone upset of space center with serious orbit concerns, not in proper protocale, DUE TO THE ERROR IN RUSSIA SOS URGENT .

GONE FISHING WAS THE WORD ON THE STREET IN MOSCOW RUSSIA.                                                                    royal sketch 007 series 4  royal sketches from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett


STREET SALE  ROYAL SKETCHES 007 series 8 street sale originals                           

  love from myself . princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT   

January 29th - February 5th 2025 prelude- ROYAL INTERNATIONAL SKETCH unvailing with a new schedule for tin can concettoes , with global invites in film extra . AFTER THE TIN CAN CONCERTTO'S AFTER EVENTS  IN DRIVE EXPADITION with a real MARTINI CONCERTTO 

vladimir putin , in with a italian mozerotti, 007 secrets perhaps, again, with many others darlings of love notes, with posts of where, dress wear? and when, as we drive on, as said once to expression of henry ford.  Drive on Henry. with love.  


W/ TINT COLOUR $20.00   

EXTRA PRINT SALES                                                                                                                                OF THE ROYAL SKETCH  STREET SALE                                                                                        WILL BE AVAILABLE ON JANUARY 28TH 2025

new sale tomorrow January  29st 2025 , the sale was attacked by usa terrorist ,some kid minglers, whom aimed at russia , too. in a simultanious aim, at my orbit , while the russian government , just capped dirt bag terrorist once larger unethical office jokstraps pickpocket terrorizing me and the other spots in the usa and a few in russia claimed to be rostec and kgb steeling cabs , and aimed to harm shopping and lovely people in and traveling in russia. pick pocketing food and harmed a few recent shops with one person hyjacking a truck, usa racketter , aimed at russian space centre and government.  and my orbit and company international usa with great business in russia. my phone was aimed at as well as my car.   

30 billion people today traveled my way, while i am at a mc donalds in bridgeport in fairfield ave. near state street and commerce street, i think , that is the address, need a car jump i have engine cables and it takes two minute with a normal car engine., urgent left lights on. i will post a note in my driver window . urgent. I do have a local garage repair to phone. or a local triple a . If not charged up in morning everyone. While brooms are still swinging at me with indignant aim in other aims as well. While the 24 /7 mc donalds , some were rather polite , with fine decency, under pressure with my immence large traveler in.   

BRING A SWEET GIFT OR SANDWICH AND COLA OR COFFEE CREAM AND SUGAR ON THE SIDE IF YOU ARE A SERIOUS BUYER or just wish to bring a gift sweet or sandwich w/diet cola ...sweet gift if you wish. not much room in automobile however. 

JANUARY 30TH 2025 [  ] post 4:13 pm good day from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, myself that is. I am with many messages of love to me and love notes, rolling in from around the world, and love for my updates on LOVE NOTES MULTI- INTERNATIONAL GIANT MEDIA, with international business since 2001. today however, the welcome in mc donalds is weaved in a swarming rotted aim at me and my company, with loud and other types of insular actions, of course not known in any mc donalds, with the weave in to good people, costing mcdonalds and mself a large loss, with racket (large lies of rumors and politically called noise or racketer aimed to extreme damages with large vagrent ignorance to decency and normal civility, paulbereing other in pin pointed shifts of harror with replication scam and said security of lies and scams then break in to behind counters with lies, shoving jobs of $600. a week pay and aim to attack my fortitude and sweetest magnifincet life , i built myself, while aimed to club me like slugging as if cave men and women with terror to me, and slap happy in rackettering with aimed mass chemical weapons aimed in racketter latch in to rip off bergers ) and have a blast harming decency of actual real devout work to all in any shop, brousing sitting working travelers , travelers , and then straiten their pose to others fast.  perfectly served.  the cost to mc donalds is . over 500 million over several months before the new year into today. with a latch flee klu klux klan in every color, opt rackettering. The big sufferjets. jet meaning jet ski stolen from hourse shoe island into canada in the leapsheins ready opt , in designs stolern , loaded into coach, chanel, walmart, local small shops, bergoff newman, armoni , tiffany's , and the gucci, of even my work and actual designs not yet unvailed while aimed into swindle the big easy. in all drive expadition, and kick the largest in global media , to divi the cash scamming in local yokelling , town cryer, types , and blight intent to shrugg up, and aim a over slap into any location as rotted rackeers making a fine holiday steeling 300 autos, from ford and aimed to rip my company in to a harror , unconfounding to the human existance -while they stuff and use thug lip smack waiting for a pitty of pennies from heaven.  and work against the usa in only 12 to 20 persons , rip snorting to knock others down, and shred the expected decent reality always present at mc donalds and other shoppes everywhere. pitty, these stray puny , gimpy hard slamming racketter can't speak of their grapping in the atrosity they caused and ruined my lovely experience with intent clear to wipe their feet off on others , and get the big cheeses. with smerking glee, right, with a zero balance after steeling from others . people had to use locks on their wallets and mail boxes .  poor nasty filth. 

THE EVENT at the park was lovely , with cheep sunglasses and the ZOMBIES , arrived, while i gifted a few trinkets to twenty people, never to gift or resale. After all, we are going to live forever. Shorties were a slight highlight, and clothes ready for lake and water bagged brunch. BEFORE THE AIM AT ME. MY  MANY FRIEND , OF LOVE NOTES WERE SITTING ON THE SIDE LINES FOR THE LOVELY ZOMBIES, in a sweet film of lovely usa people and a global fine beach lake brunch dress and shorties and bermuta shorts wild , and some beach banos ' i had with gold lamie ' such as those in the recent 007 film with sean connery.  men and childern in cheep sunglasses arrived late, the zombies I invited to sing one song and they agreed : THE ZOMBIES WITH CHEEP SUN GLASSES , "it's the time of the seasons" .  DRIVE EXPADITION ' WITH A NOTE IMPORTANT FROM 


"is he riche like me." quoted from the zombies music compostion of the 1960's and updated now today in my excerpt film of out summer 2024 in a drive of love notes project fun of my very own reality of love to everyone, all over the world drive fun, of wild drive films and extra events with my global open lens to me. 20 billion travelers today to see my sweet happieness and proper project schedule to my satisfactions of course globally . What else is a royal invited intinerary drive fun for .  

THE SUMMER 2024 DRIVE W/ THE ZOMBIES                                                          IN CHEEP SUNGLASSE ROYAL PERSONAL INVITED 


WITH PAUL NEWMAN in a bitter sweet lovely love som music compostion with instumental banjo 

paul, thank you, so good of you, sandwich and wine meetings after 10:00 great of you in serious and sweetest efforts in the usa and with global love .

many friends quite pleasing to me is not unusual, rather the harror of malicious in rackettering aim is rather unusual with over 2900 racketter whom are served navy beans at thanksgiving aimed at me and people of any means in  usa and several aimed globally, as nasty unethical sensationalist of extreme harm intented and acted out of years , with my giant lens in media, i cut the rope , not an invite random attack to slide in rioting me and my comforts away from my villa desk. As all should feel in the usa and globbaly. then the racketter riffle me and others with words they listen to, in a dog ear of harm in attacks on words toward others in insular nasty aim swamping me in over 6 months, with the band on the run. My gift breakfast lunch and dinner (EVEN FROM MC DONALDS ) WITH KIND DIGNATY OF THE 600 BILLION MC DONALDS REVENU IN FRENCH FRIES INCREASED AFTER I POSTED A THOUGHFUL EXPRESSION I HAVE FOR THE REAL PEOPLE OF MC DONALDS CORPORATION BRILLIANCE. The gifts were lapped up to others again recently to lapping fins. ( Seals ). Have a birthday gift invite, and cake, roses and stages and extrodinary -beatings of work of a opulent project to me in risterants all over the usa and internationally, basics and excitment plainly with a late schedule in upset of the martini conccetto, never A BEER BRAWLER / churchy plith of shredded shingles of racketter intent, halos to the menicing brime glee, INTENT TO HIT WITH VERBALIZED HARROR, and insular aim at villages of at least four from the klu kluks klan racketter =(dulpicitis painted ponies ) in over four years planning. Of course everyone knows globally the aimed ruin hard harsh vicious damages to me, in a extreme harm to me and my schedule ruined in shoppe song too. recording in risterants often in over 6 years with kind decency daily non stop . exhibition i am uniquly globally known for.

There are some space centre ru. issue and i am requesting a removal of the royal assignment to replace in orbit. fired from my orbit . more about that soon. while the rostec moscow sos is a magnificent lovely people as we gained extrodinary closeness. 

Rather , studio vosse , is with a very high level of closeness to those in love notes MARQUEE, close in a properness too, of people in the usa and globally, haute hobos and presidents , ice cream counter people ,office accountants , environmentalist, farmers , produce licences retailers , deli counter specialist , maintnaince engineers , auto sale execitives ford hard at work in the usa , chocolate sellers , haulers big league , postal excellence delivering shipping and loading and unloading devolution globally all, chefs risterant table to grills and fast company well made foods cares of all walking in, to name a few, landscape shoppes, more lists of closer new friends , practising the hapsacord , banjo violin , guitar ,bankers in great efforts customer excellence and new suits low cost , shoes , poulty farms dairy farms where farms potato farms more soon before February 2025 valelebcia month of love notes 2025 . Cookies specialist registers in licensing of excellence with patens right of ready made excellence in foods . Mustard and more wines juices .with dole pineapple juices justs magnificent  in a whole case perfect , vegi and friut, lugume (beans and nuts ) farm, good people and darlings of love notes with closest friends many known each other lenghty. Including the circle of presidents in europe and internationally i have very close friends being on the international council of the international business society, as the international presidents of countries are as well. 

6:47 pm message from THEE JIM MORRISON people are strange in a sweet update while the original music compostion recorded in 1978 in a little village I was on a summer jont with my mother. Jim and I had weltchers grape juice and fried balongna and cheese kraft , sandwiches at at a water ski outting . with a hybotchi grill out fun. 

THEE JIM MORRISON   people are strange  listen 


FILM POLITICAL  MY COFFEE WITH MURRI the presentation film was during a collapes of the usa economy with a unusual film unlike other many 500 films I have created in a year.  with honored international awards , usa awards , even at the emmy's by 2009.  

Please    enjoy    the     very      special gift                     message      to       everyone     to every village     in    every     country       in    the world     to     all     in all countries    all  over   the   world.

brush up on free language studies with goggle translate : spain and more . google language translate .

messages from SPAIN IN CONVERSATIONAL          SALVADORE DALI ' of my darling of SPAIN with thee            DICK CAVET   IN FILM 

haute' hobo happier : needed please look at the updated social security office only online , call or email and open your email to only yours. don't let anyone know or use your email. local library has free comuters online with no library card required ever, get ssi citizen benifits fast, or other citizen benifits needed, yours only you apply, only always direct at usa social security AND WITH SOCIAL SECURTIY YOU CAN REQUST A BANK CAED DIRECTLY IN YOUR APLLICATION with the card sent to you directly in a spcial delivery out side of a shop address leaving a message with the postal department to tell them to deliver out side , and the postal department send you a number tracking with your name on it. Yours . or go ahead with mobil phone banking. too. postal service ups special delivery, read fed ex over night delivery read  Inexpensive quality homes rent under $400. or hud assisted read.  emails : yours , type in yahoo mail sign -up, or gmail sign-up, do not give out your password, and give out your email to new friends and lenghty friends, make sure it is your lenghty friends real email, by checking with them ten times, in person, say you forgot the email, then ask again ten times, not a fake in as a percaution. reading the email, tap on the top bar address, and look under the type over title, make sure it's the right address. alright, you have your very own email address and can send photographs and film video. free. yours. with special good wishes from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

love to you EVERYWHERE.

 [  ] january 30th 2025 end post

january 31st 2025, good day to everyone, at about 1;00 pm there is suddenly a fraudulent security persion whom was aimed at mc donalds corporatation, again, claiming to be a in charge of mc donalds whom, walked in and demanded to interupt me in public inside mc donalds and tried to stop me from plugging in my computer then i told her leave me alone , as she was breaking the legal lawful reality of all public space and steeling from mc donalds , with a possy of threats to me, in a extreme, of aim at my royal sketch street sale and then added , the broke more legal lauful reality in attempts to degradate me in extreme as she is a fraudulent racketter blood wreching harm to me, demanding that i ask no one for help in giving me a charge to my automobile , and aimed to chase me down in the public access public domain shop and parking in legal lawful access to all people 24/7 352, and began to terririze me moring and day, with three others , in aim rackettering that were wrecking the mc donalds in sales and enviornment and of public dominion lawful constitutional extremel serious right of every human on earth. the issues is sitting in the UNITED STATES GOVERNORS COUNCIL, AND IN INTERNATIONAL LEGAL COUNCILS IN LIGHT OF THE connected issues involved with threats to my life and projects , and company travel, as i make stops all the time to traveling with commuter trains most often and risterants are a business time in work travel quite often, with shock and horror today in extreme serious seribral attacking in verbalized excess, involved from those whom are linked racketters whom aimed pin pointed at my work , happiness, automobile , and sales , and need to warm up, on travels as shoppes serve this reality in all public dominion licensed shoppes all, in the usa and all over the world. as an intnternational  heath rule , and public access to any short and long travelers. with large issue in some suited up police whom are known as fugitives of laws and so are security , linked with all racketter scams in cash robberies , recently and automobile robberies in aim at ford car lots and theift of rentals and frudulent letter of eviction aimed at some people of retirement,.  the moscow space center was with a reality to a extreme need to have underlined the types of damages in orbit due to close range racketter of a proliferation of the happy quality to me and my life, as i am asking sir vladimir putin for a removal to those not on board with the assurances to me in staged deceptive attempted random aim proliferation tactics of pin pointed racketters , and thus they, the racketter were infact caustiuc in a linked use of ruthles harm in munion and nuklear atomic nano and hyper sonic boom types of weapons , aimed into my back last evening into my chest , and very serious , with extreme effort of the rostec sos moscow people and myself working to dismantle the impact , and the length of time is far too harrible as the orbit was never made for, a harror ever. and was to be prevented with safe been types of supportive space centre ru, extra sanctioned efforts , non support to any showdown , in contempt to myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett.

In russia , there was an issue with several extremist of usa racketters whom were with faulse identities of other russian citizens, and aimed at realestate , with dirt bagging of contempt at RUSSIA, AND ME,  AND AMERICANS , with vagrent unethical maliciousness, and aim at children, and the russian wallets , sales counters and bank record, and steeling and harming others , also claimed to be kgb whom were robbing cab drivers and aiming munion at them. . that falsified records in electronic files,( birth records )and aimed at bulleting the government inside the kgb as well, and were revealed yesterday - moving through in comacauzi of removed and then 1-12 more trying to flee the usa and take out extreme contempt on the good reality of the russian government and even broke in to the prime ministers meetings in a connected seperated issue aimed at me. with high levels of unethical extreme aim of contorting legal issues aimed at people  attack in  the usa, even in the news, as SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , himself was not in any recent interviews that are not daily posted at the KREMLIN OF RUSSIA  ONLINE GOVERNMENT PUBLIC POST. AS NOTED ALREADY GLOBALY.  

the matter involved in a security team of actual  fraude which were racketters, and of course the president of RUSSIA was obscure in the updated notes, as President Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN,  replicating in the usa as a tactic of rackettering is a very serious unethical extremeist aim at anyone , in aimed random attacks and aimed at my worth of my travel and royal sketch sale.

 Vladimir Putin kremlin of RUSSIA summer 2024

was in, arrived in my graces, last week, with what we believed was orbit reality, and the motel was at least, available with everyone, in, as I can invite quiet the numerious lovely people locals, and nationalist of the usa, many many, with international guest, after we enjoyed the ZOMBIES whom were invited after they loved me post they were wild to arrive in the lake area near fairfield conneticiute down town. International and national guest list at the motel brunch after event with THEE ZOMBIES included.                                                                  Of course QUEEN ELISABETH arrived in 007  plain opulence and we shopped all of us, together fun as usual with love notes events. Even Diana Ross. Cooking up chicken and dumplings and freshly stuffed hand made egg rolls with real plum and apricot sauce. Thai Land shrimp rolls. with real THAI PEANUT SAUCE. roasted vegetables and salad with ice -berg lettuce and summer eastern usa tomatoes home grown, AND SOUTHERN FRIED GREEN TOMATOES MY ESPECIAL RECIPE , SOON FOR SUMMER 2025, with hand made vinagertte. My folding blue benches came, in handy lugged in the automobile for travels. worries of replicated image issues still is a concern , with issues of racketters, aimed to extreme replication even of sales people or other. You may not have a sudden extra person related as a family to you. The entire list  soon.7:03 pm piano with vladimir putin in film with the gold harp piano. The photograph above , of my darling vladimir putin, is upon his look at me, with wild hugs immediately. WHILE WE ALL COOKED TOGETHER AS MY NATURAL AFTER EVENTS, I ENJOYED SINCE MY 1980'S SPECIAL FUN EVENTS OF GUEST AND INTERNATIONAL GUEST. HOWARD HUGHES, ALWAYS LOVES COOKING IN FINE AFTER SUMMER PIC NIC EVENTS.  

for me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, with many other of close friends  in messages . not all lower links are my selection or message . more concerns in rackettering aimed break ins to my online surfing, in the usa with international harm aimed at me personally , in some break in to my friends messages very low in links. and emails recently harmed harder , and sos specialist working to assure the orbit actual statuses. 






serious im some issues , of extreme concerns in orbit with some space ccowboys, and extremist , usa second strain racketters.     enjoy our drive expadition, get a after midnight whole pizza or extra supper after midnight, replenish well, dibe more driving.     i love you, everywhere. all over the world, drive expaditions are in all villages cities states and countries. Everywhere. more soon. still repairs on my phones with a concern in mobil banking urgently need non aimed at phones, and  space cowboys russian fielding the real whole anti-proliferation orbit priorety one, alpha one , princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT            love and kisses shower your dreams from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT



THEE RANDY TRAVIS      POLITICAL     music composition in film now just messaged . old man = dc political. 

Thee JOHN MELLONCAMP ain't even done with the night in FILM NOW 

end day post []  

Februrary 2nd 2025 2:26 pm Hello Everyone in the Bridgeport Conneticiute Region , I am still near Faifeild Road and Commerce Drive, in a Auto O'RIELIES and STAR BUCKS , with several days of updates here, unless you see more messages , of our next jont ' strolling, and rolling in the invited of myself, of my royal drive expadition, and the notes in, so far are rude nasty and packed with several exrtemist, in incoherant poppping verbally riffling in a extreme issue aimed at my company and time, and head and giant lens . After racketters , met zero again, in aimed nukes at my head and car , with very nasty harm aimed in spot by spot, vagrancy to legal real ethics , dropping drawers , in exchange for a mc donalds burger , and lies to citizens local and afar , in a rather cluster , of aims, instead of shaking orchard trees , with near 100 racketters that have not met the blue ridge mountain top, long trip to free navy bean stew. with the other big sleezy. Let me show you the large damages , in even the time I was expecting, a reality of a extreme percaution from the russian space centre and most of the space centre concluded the same, under the rules in humanity and dominion of international intelectual proprietary and many other rulings , of a orbit of my work and worth, as a owner of the work, and rostec within the assured reality to the Kremlin , sir vladimir putin, in a consult worth, as a credited , owner , in the worth. Then there has been a issue in several issues , and some, harmful anarchy, which in several cases found lace , and wrongful, unthinkable damages , of aim to steel the development to, shove extremist at me life, work, car, and company , in extreme injury to me, and a whole level of repair, in my hands , that was never garenteed to see repair, and with extreme aim at my recording time, schedule planning, dining , and shopping after later last year. 800 racketters down, in the east coast, and more than 2000 down in the west coast, with a issue in russia with a insubordinant rogue fruad whom can not even calculate theamount of time it takes to get to the moon. Several shot them selves from cannons , into records offices and claimed a science space rocket degree. 

While in the USA there are racketters that aimed to smash the time I most usually enjoy with larger numbers of people, flocking on cool strolls near and even a peace that seemed to be always unincumbered, of a party center for clairavoy oh , banking fraudes, and blood wrenchers. 

Some people , in large corporations , were also aimed at with munion , hard hitting, with more notes of my decisions I have brought to the Kremlin of Russia, in my very hard upset of some rogues with their small salum branch breaking , using it as a weather vaine ' to grip and shread the real orbit , and the protocals , that were, expected 90,000 space centre, of most rocket scientist and of a rogue bare bones staff of fruades in insubordination and intense maliciousness , with some clarical staff, never actually , qualified , in a few issues that were betting on new dress designs and shoes , etc, 400 projects , I own, in a FIRE BARREL , investment shuuuu. I was told this morning from my specialist in a royal assignment , inside the space center, of highly realized extrodinary specialist , many, in the space centre, there was pin pointed , updates , after my axuillury space centre consults, analized the actual birth trek, and then all cridentials , in the issues , a global look , in with space centre top, reports too, many, in extremly largest areas of over trillions of people, with esteemed efforts , and a stop to the issues past lectures , I my self presented, the work of cosmonotical sciences in rare notable worth, was with years taking remarkable efforts, and Vladimir Putins very special lovely feirce personal interest , after listening to my more than 350 lectures short , and direct. The sais security team, was always fruadulent , while there was a issue in NEW YORK , and DC, and even concern of liers - rackettering, in party hours ripping people off, and slap happy like pye pye the sailor man hour . Corousing ,  youth , and all reached in a dog day afternoon. Unlike three dog night. Three stands for THE THREE ACTUAL SEPERATED , government standards of peoples process that forms congressional order . Order = ( ethical reality of the standards of the USA CONSTITUIONAL RULES of origination with zero in contort of lies about real humanities ethical rights.  Including , infringement and aimed attacks on time , places , schedules and worth , even in a invite with 28 billion people, not to be accousted in stench lines to recently steel , gift deliveries to me, from more than a few friends , then aimed mass munion at me. Notes , in STUDIO 11 will be updated . I will still need a jump, as my car was aimed at earlier this morning , and my phone as well, with even more extreme in, what seems to be less than 6 racketters circling. The reality is it only takes one racketter to have ruined . more. And I have zero, to say about the filth dirt bags slogging my stops, and orbit which is to prevent the slog all together. So' I reminded the government of Russia, that some were paid over one million to see through , orbit to do what exactly? aim nasty parties of nasty rot in my ears and then, robbing me of any schedule and decency with a extreme mass attack intent to harm me.  With a issue in my schedule revenue planned in length , of ruin to my company schedule actual reality always enjoed of larger than 28 billion in cars to see such planned fun to perfected schedules, and whom will pay my damages and see a, MILLION PAY CHECK over three years, to  a royal assignment to me, as a precaution , and now a shuffle and scramble in the space centre in russia, very important to the future of citizens in russia, due to the concerns of a usa meezeling , on shippments or meezeling air flight at all, with recent , a few usa meezels that headed to a flight to use a cash and carry in sales counters in russia in two spots near st petersberg and moscow and some concerns in boarders and other countries , and a chemical blast of ice burning types of mutation vomit , recently dumped in my parking areas twice, earlier this morning. Pressure of the assignment of a royal nessecity of the orbit and all axillury of needs in russian space scientist, are with prudent, extreme work in the full scale derailing of the proliferators of meezeling perkolators , and used dc as a pisswioure ' eating $500,000. slum dindin , with a triangle ( instrument of music  in only charlie bunya of large forest tree chompers with a du chomp next, french moderist art schulpture of a them = the meezels , while du chomp the mastery of modern art describes the meezels of the usa a very nasty small few, bold not exactly, just rotted filth, with aim at large toppling at length, scoring with lazers into heads ,  and du chomp' of the musea of modern art, in paris france known as the musea' du pompidore ' with a very anchient toilet that is with a plaster inside the bowl, with a strait up mop inside , depicting the extreme brutality of harm, to all whom reign in the reality of the guitar revolution,  and extremly hard work, in a country of real worth in the usa of gold stanards extremely important to stack each silver and gold coin and dollar and pennies all the way to the moon, solo, alone , with wages and social security citizens retirement and more, spend in the drive expadition more everwhere . all over the world everone. "I LOVE YOU" Them = meezel meet, change cachunch, chimp chump, bubble gum blow fins ( gimme $5. )  blop minded sluggers ,  in pinky hours, pessel wrestlers to be concerns in mortifying horror, of the black lagoon, scaggs, worse, blood wreching  aphids, swirling to eat your lunch and grip on to more of the bank wreching and quality we always usually have as a civil liberty reality to an equality for all, meekis meezels , gettum when they can, mottos of your door dash and your,  jeans and boots and jeans and boots and jeans and boots, shared to pile up into toppling humanity to hold a pen ' and  to shred orbit, with oh . The space centre hit he roof, in the new shark viewer I invented to millitary purposes and direct to vladimir while rostec did impliment more than several types of shark viewers , and 007 secrets exist. More soon everyone, I am going to see If I can get a pizza delivered online, and see O'RIELY that perhaps can jump my automobile while I order a gift visa . and wait a day or not more then two.     

 dialectic contusion ?  diabolical CHRISTOPHER REEVES . SUPERMAN ?  Not in russia today.           

messages from CHINA , 5:37 pm with the royal president of CHINA , in the european far east asia,        with a special message to myself, personally , of the winter , drive expadition read 

 GERMANY               DRIVE EXPADITIONS            

THEE RUNNING WITH ME                                                                                                                ROYAL DRIVE EXPADITION                                                                                                                REELS GLOBALLY INVITED EVERYONE                                                                    EVERYWHERE LOVE TO YOU ALL FROM  MYSELF , PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT  love notes giant multi-international media           

                      AFRICA  DRIVE CINAMATOGRAPHY in FILM    




                               RUSSIA DRIVE CINAMATOGRAPHY  



princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT                               

THE GERMAN AUTOBON JUST DRIVE in FILM                                           


 WITH A MESSAGE FROM SUPERMAN AND LOISE LANE  in film MOVIES darlings of love note then and now ,  message from   thee CHRISTOPHER REEVES      AND    thee MARGOT KIDDER               WE ARE A CLOSE LOVELY REALITY OF DARLING PEOPLE IN DRIVE CINAMATOGRAPHY AND DARLINGS OF THE BIG SCREEN OF SUPERMAN  MOVIES AND MORE. I LOVE YOU , merci merci gratci, gracious , thank you, sou um, gudden gozomus, ghoghbi , cghobi . chireo' ziendaz -uber dez bear claws , zeiz beverian love , thank you . I love you. USA and everyone everywhere , all over the world. I missed your hello. thank you , mombi ' thank you throughout africa xo zein cafe ' next .  

messages 6:47 pm from FRANCE , LOVE SENT , in FILM WITH THE ROYAL PHILHARMONIC IN PARIS FRANCE , with extrodinary love to everyone, with my lovelist thank you, to everyone w/                                                                                                                               

the ROYAL PHILHARMONIC INTERNATIONAL works of compostion of MAULER ,                                                    CONDUCTOR PEIRRE BOULEZ , my darling friend many years. I send love to you , and everyone. with all my graces. merci' love to the beautiful country of FRANCE ,                                                                                                                              merci everyone, from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

More in the usa and international royal invite drive expadition films , yes, with later soon, tin can concerretoes and martini times in finest concerto'es with extra dress clotheries , and silk suits roadside . 



7:23 pm CREDENCE CLEAR WATER REVIVAL  men i love, as the whole world too, loves CREADENCE CLEAR WATER REVIVAL, darlings of my lovely life more then and now..

CREADENCE CLEAR WATER REVIVAL , thank you for the new updates FEBRURARY 2ND 2025 XO

INDIA DRIVES in the beautiful city of 

INDIA  in the city of NEW DELI drives

clint eastwood ? 

royal invited drive expadition internationally love notes.  EVERYONE FROM NEW DELI INDIA XO                                                                      

love notes giant multi -international media one person one studio vosse one love notes all my love  from myself princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

end day notes FEBUARY 2 ND 2025 

FEBRUARY 3 TH 2025, 4:03 pm good morning , into afternoon in the usa and within the international continent, with a wish in the international european countries of sweet dreams , and an energetic refreshing morning , as it is 4:06 am in BEIJING CHINA , NOW. ON FEBRUARY 4 TH 2025, NOW CURRENTLY. I WISH TO SAY, VLADIMIR PUTIN, JUST UPDATED A POST , FROM MOSCOW RUSSIA, WITH THE ONE OF THE EDUCATION PEOPLE, ALSO REITERATING HISTORY , IMPORTANT , IN RECOGNIIZING times in each country which , are not simply always perfect, with bright perpectives, the work in russian school achievments , are looking rather impressive. Younger grown ups are realizing the freedoms of choice in responcibilities that are to thirst for, in achievements , serious worth to earn, the reality of wages, in a lovely effort throughout RUSSIA, with many excited of the prepertory study work, in a world of love to know the love in responcibilities to harald in the, serious kind welcome to business, jobs, stabilization, kind humanities toward all,     Remarkable work childern. , and young grown ups. I love you, with thanks to the KREMLIN SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, for the sweet update of real darling RUSSIAN CHILDERN , AND YOUNG GROWN UPS. DRIVING A AUTOMOBILE YOUR'S YOU PAID FOR, ALONE , IS A FINE CELEBRATION, with notes of messages of good study  efforts , more , all over the world, and youth with plasid brilliance, worthy loved and achieving very well worth reality broadening love to their own countries and internationally globally too. KIND OF SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, and the education person SERGIE ' to have sent a message , online as I was meeting , and w/rss messages , globally in my history noted words, SPAINISH WAREZ HISTORY 1717 ?  

SWEET OF YOU EVERYONE . MORE MEETING TIME IN MOSCOW RUSSIA, SUBJECT : PHONES , BALLETS , AND AUTOMOBILES . CLOTHERIES COTURE , STUDIO VOSSE AND PIZZA, AND MORE. STILL NEED A JUMP, was first catching up with my schedule of work, to assure my work notations, heavy schedule to repair, missed in 6 holidays , due to a turnakit issue in the space centre in russian space rocket cosmonotics, some cuaght reading the screne play for ole broadway  known as a stage performance short lived work in theater titled : yes we have no banana's today". 

in the late 1980's my professional executive directors work employed with a very good business professional, a man feirce and rather kind, loved singing the little vinette som music compostion with a love to see that i was prepared to hear the entire broadway theater , entirety, Perhaps time will be our reality to listen . KEN SNIPER  , history to make . 2025 . I simply love you. xo darling KEN. 

 MORE SOON. TRYING TO ORDER A PIZZA DELIVERED FOR THE NIGHT INTO SWEETS TOO. LOVELY TO SEE YOU ON THE EXPRESSWAY, WITH OVER 200 PEOPLE PER 4 MINUTES . YOU ARRIVED , thank you for the many messages of my brief music compostions last evening , FAST TRAIN TO GEORGIA , for everyone in a slight issue still, levering in from the space center that needs to be in a larger formation, after extreme attacks hit me yesterday and last night into today, in close range , and the sos moscow and myself are working far over the limit of expectation , in repairs after dislocation , in a extreme upset, of the impeding to my natural formal formation of scheduled work in a very realized exhibition and travel worthy, of larger, numerous pancake breakfast with large populated love, not club 57. 

STREET SALE ROYAL INVITE , FEBRURARY 2025 MAY BE URGENT TOMORROW , and then ready for a jump start on my automobile  as yesterday , someone did try to jump the car after i asked, while the plugs on their battery port were extremly dirty and the connection was not copper to cleaned battery ports. so i will ask again soon. main phone still not repaired fully, with close range aim, from donald or daffy duck. and mickey mouses manager of the mickey mouse band.   

7:41 pm good evening to everyone, in the slight chill in bridgeport conneticuite usa as I am parked two days flat, again, in the oreily's auto parts shoppe, near star bucks, on 149 mountian grove street, with a auto jump needed, banking is with a phone issue, and my extra sim card dropped and ruined , for my extra phones, and then mobil phone banking ease again. I ordered from DOMINO'S PIZZA , delivered to star bucks or car side delivery, I watched carefully for the DOMINO'S DELIVERY PERSON, fine man from INDIA , and he walked into star bucks, while I really had to pay attention to his DOMINO'S knit cap with a dominos name on it, as they no longer use the signes on cars , because the cars were getting aimed at and racketters were the issue. My order was $85.00 with many boxes of excellent menu foods, a WHOLE 9 BROWNIES freshly baked , and more than pizza which is excellent. I ordered the NEW YORK STYLE PIZZA. Very well made, 30 minutes to 45 and the email response was great, with a link to send a note if a issue. DOMINO'S will deliver strait to your car, in the zip code area you travel. Even if express way if urgent need. The address in shops, i didn't list the shoppe such as star bucks, instead I listed the address of star bucks , then the OTHER , where , with a note that said : I AM INSIDE as a customer .  Watch the counter that did not ask , if the delivery was mine, .as a customary effort, and I was sitting right at the door, and thought the man was a customer. So I had to go out the door fast to ask him if he was from DOMINO's . I am going to be looking into fuel purchase with online purchase fuel, or order a small card debit prepaid visa reloadable and have it , delivered from amazon or ebay. with a few extras I need.  

Before HEADING OUT, with invites of the cinamatography fun, globally and upsets , hard everywhere. Very serious throughout EUROPE , even in RUSSIA and GERMANY ,  message update from the President, 

THE ROYAL CHANCELLOR                               of     the    country    of       GERMAN                


Thank You CHANCELLOR , darling friend, for traveling and arriving in FAIRFEILD CONNETICUTE USA, very good of you his magistrate OLAF. The german leifbrulmulsh wine gift was fine of you. xo love to you and all of the people of such a beautiful GERMANY. 

I love you all. xo 

I would like to extend my thank you to citizens and internationalist whom arrived, to even avengers , and decently, worked even locally to step up to the Dr mount , to assure good fortitudes in prosperity in shoppes open and a decent, hard earned worth, to assure people , a reality of good feelings of stopping, water , free, clean powder rooms important to see, non buying customers plug in and return to say great things and return to purchase at least to love stopping , across the usa and across the world. Gold standards , notes into Februrary of the very esteemed work and shoppe travel all , worth the gold standards notes 2025, with secrets of the g 20 - as my project, and highlighted by sir vladimir putin , in a rush,. 



RUSSIA  with more messages from the CANADIAN TEAM         in the city of TORONTO HOCKEY THE MAPLE LEAF PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY TEAM. sweet FILM    and more  in the city of TORONTO CANADA , near the NEW YORK STATE BUFFALO international boarder . ONTARIO CANADA , polar bear reality then into TORONTO on the QEW motorway. Love to all of CANADA , from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

The fine prices of real note book style computers for home , are worth listing SHOPPE under $140.         TRAVEL WITH LARGE SCREEN, and online automobile service with                  PINK   BLUE   BLACK   COMPUTER HOME TRAVELER              

Auto INSURANCE CHEEPER SHOPPE GEICO or SHOPPE PROGRESSIVE , get the lowest price. No need to of course re register any auto you already registered and keep all of your drivers licenses with no changes , unless you feel like updating a new card if you happen to wish to, in a move . Those with passports that came up missing , and said needed reregistered, no need, while assure you have your passport number , of the original passport or when purchasing a flight internationally , their should be a link , in the purchase , that is linked to you, while using your banking card or a debit visa prepaid , and then the chip ipo gps, links you to your passport upon your flight pass purchase. no passport , look see in a counter or air line grapple.  Do not turn in your license plates - they are all yours , not the DMV's . 

MICKEY MOUSE and DONALD DUCK  in the BAND  with WILLIAM TELL cartoon symphony  in FILM 

CHILDERN SPECIAL with grown ups included in a extra special film matinee of films political            

FEBRUARY 4TH 2025 8:02 pm good evening in bridgeport conneticuite usa, good evening , and little with wishes to you everyone, everywhere that your travel and arrivals were pleasant , with good welcome and best powder rooms , freshened with Lysol Linnen fresh antibacteria room and linnen wool fresheners un air spray, effective , with a effort of all shoppes of extra cleaning , in extra busy times very important. with free ice water in a take along cup if possible to preseve less in a circular excess of disposables . also, please note risterants do usually assure a small ice water and free refills , save a plasic water bottle to refill in powder room areas too. with a scoop of ice or fifty cent ice water in largest cups if need large ice or ice water - mc donalds has on the menu. small free water. 

RUDOLF NEREYEV film, is with little design trinkets , photograph of my archieve , personally , with a bear hunt , real of my darling NERYEVE , trinkets , 007 notes not yet unvailed , the piano is for everyone , all over the world, in FILM , and rare photography , behind the curtian OF PRELUDE OF THE BALLET BEAR HUNT in  FILM ,  with my very prelude aria today in rss, and still a issue in film waiting of the russian communication sos specialist to see perfection and lenghty uploads as there is a issue in the space centre , catccuplopia ' THE PRELUDE CONCCERTO THIS AFTERNOON FROof M MYSELF PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT is a very special operetic of the, works of my own music compostions for a ballet operetic philharmonic pit orchestra , not unvailed , no announcement from me , in love notes yet. RIGGALLETO ' of my very own works , on hold with, a slog in space centre of du luge ' of concern and a very large damage in a non merited issue , and a book which was a issue reported , of a aim at my work, of scientific industrialism of design , inventions, and a slunk chair. ROVER ROLL OVER RED ROVER WAS THE LARGER , RESPONCE , in a russia , issue, flickering lite candles throughout moscow russia this morning at 3:00 am, and a clutch of rover sailore of berristers running east to hot houses .    THE PRIME MINISTER OF THE COUNTRY OF RUSSIA has a announcment from farmers of corn, reminding my of the vast country of russia much larger and of vast farming and wealth in farms and corn, also a listen to my lecture earlier today with a rss, from my automobile , in bridgeport conneticuite usa, talk of THE COUNTRY OF EGYPT AND ISRAEL IN JERUSALUM OF MUNICS WHOMM WERE CAST OUT INTO A SMALL FEILD YEILDING ONLY ONE ROW OF CORN , IN LOIN CLOTHES , NO SHIRTS , FACING EACH OTHER OF 12 ANCHIENT VILLAN TERRORIZING SMALL , village spot in CAIRO EGYP OF THE HISTORICAL OBSCURE ANCHIENT PAINTING , FACE TO FACE WITH HARD CRISP SOIL, 6 AND 6 FACE EACH OTHER IN ONLY MACCETIES , TO PLANT. LEFT TO LIONS .

THANK YOU EVERYONE, FARMERS OF CORN, IN VAST LARGEST RUSSIA , AND SIR PRIME MINISTER MIKHAIL MUSUTIN and government members . read . MY LECTURES are not yet available as was scheduled in film . A slog du luge ' in russia has the book material open and ready to aim, left daily, achieving three years of one cool million in peace and pleanty of pencil practice with benifits of media central , book studies CE = oximoxi with mr carmickael , from the lucilla ball show , next for russia's klimp oximoxi in a total drag net . sunk. 


FEBRUARY 5th 2025  9:55 am , good morning in the state of Conneticuite USA , as I GEAR UP TO WRITE YOU MORE IN LEMON NOTES AND SOME IMPLICATED ISSUE, LEVERING A BOOK FROM A SAID , SPACE STATION RELATED PERSONEL, INSUBORDINATE TO THE ORBIT WORTH, AND INTERFEARING IN EXCESS ISSUES AIMED IN AN INJURY TO ME AND THE TOTALITY OF THE STANADARDS OF EXPECTION TO MY TRAVELES AND BUSINESS MEETING , IN EUROPE AND IN ORBIT WORTH , TO MYSELF AND THAT OF THE RESPONCIBILITY, I MYSELF SEE , as a extreme importance toward the kremlin, sir vladimir putin and an an immence importance to myself and my projects, with the international royal invited to the royal drive time expadition, into the entire year of 2025. Even when I travel out to Bejing 

china, and moscow russia, and Japan or from LEADS ENGLAND , or the many international countries , and back to the USA , South America , Canada, for the events , and a schedule of rather perfection as I have always realized everywhere all over the USA , worste to best , always lovely and not exactly easy in travel as a reality, all prepared worth, is work, while my prioreties of successes in selfworth,   extended to  rostec and communications specialist of extreme excellence , with remarkable space science center specialist sciences of the russian space centre and valeries work in star satalight teams , is worth serious notes in more than just the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin's invested emotions toward a sanctions of humanities, accepting the orbit invention of the nessecity to myself in antiproliferation nessecity that in the world of all history, has never been actually reached , and my bold realized invention, of the orbit, was infact with a team, rostec whom believed my research work, was with a fact , the orbit was possible and within our closest work, together , rostec and some of my auxillury consults , the sultins, china sultins too, japan too, the Kremlin sir vladimir putin became submerged in communications in axillury ways with me, too, as a supporting inventor of the orbit princess 007 zuse 890,000 and by December 2023 after 7 month, and some very deliberate time I set off my schedule , to see through impossible details, the reality of cross continental disassembly of anti proliferation long range aim nukes became realized within a generous postion that the 150 ,000 specialist of rostec all, realized my streering in many invention that became augmented in the extreme incredible technological worth, realized , truth, facts . With many medical issues dismatled in the processes , which were conspicuous , of my worth in knowledge , to dismiss as a disease , or a medical concern. Rather an impact , of lead infused ballooning fume fish. Polio or a munion impact , in steady consecutive concern in the USA of them. THEM . as some were in some concerns of THEM , said to be , in a mingle of lies of mostly short minded , ignorant baligerant brutal few in realitivity to the real villages of even smallest, THEM , are not even actually a % of the population of even the smallest village. While as m forstorian father once many years back, stated : the extremist in any aim, is a two hundered mile run a day as dogs that know their little villages run, two hundred miles aday, Wendel said : It only takes one ,  in the reality to cause a aimed intent to dismal attacks rather not a disaster , and as my 6 year old classroom friend a boy said in 1973 when it comes to vowels : A E I O U and sometimes Y,  and sometimes never there is a Y as just malicious intent , does not recon a Y or not .  The space centre in RUSSIA , may have been surprized when the shelling in the boarders came to a stop and their was no note to see the project credit to whom , was behind the real stability in the UKRAINE RUSSIAN BOARDER. 
Looking after the lovely life of UKRAINIAN - RUSSIAN culture , of many lovely years of cultural love respectable in any wealth at all. With a $1.50 coffee , and 
$2.99 egg and pancake special  5:00 am to 10:00 am special filling a resternate and wages of reachable wealth in a worth , profitable properity toward cultural experiential wealth . People may never realize that real professionals in the resturanture servise to public , in all risterantes are of cultural spiritual propertity toward herralding a effort toward public cultural diversity reachable and of a constantine of rolling wealth, trickling into what my lovely tennis pro friend in a sales services work in steady wages trickling in, counting his retirment dollars in great form on the tennis courts , at age 66 , enviormentalist dreamer , lengthy studied knowledge . Micheal says : let's rock and roll, when business seems non stop, and the companies are profiting well into the next years dreams to wage worthy emploment in a price point or good efforts to sit and sip ice water , table plug in, or chairs linned up to assure to public equality in any short or lenghty travel, as I myself counted on before 
I was 21 in bus rides with down town 

stops to transfer busses , and get home , even stop and phone on the way with a pocket filled with , small box of tea bags , or liptons onions soup packets , and one free order of hot water , and out of the elements of ,   travel in of course stops to learn shoppes may be worth spending $300.00 when my father travels in and I invite 12 for my lunchon event , even that year. Picking up, boxes and boxes of cakes , breads , coffee, cookies , at $40.00 per stop often. My purchases to gifts to my emplyees as their exacutive director 7 years, with many BOXES OF FRESHLY DAILY BAKED AMERICAN GERMAN KUGLES PAASTERY fruites specialities, at nearing $20 . a BOX filles assorted fruited fillings right out of the oven of the sweet little HERMAN BAKERY SHOP, many days busy in the city filled of near one million people,  was the very finest cake in town at $45. per thirty employees a year purchases to gift to very finest staff, I will always feel fortunate they are whom they are . And never once let me down in looking after the company owners success and great enviorment to a servise to people with a eaquilibrium always humanities with excess quality, in a plain opulecent ,  personmable professionalism. The extra perks - cost me, personally , over $2000. 00 per year gladly in the mid 1980's with my salery above most senior exectutives of the city and country. Never ending, I say to them all, in the sweet metropolis of a neopolotain city , SYRACUSE NEW YORK , USA ,  into a kind LOVERPOOL NEW YORK, USA a start of eutopia in earlier school of early education. Hello to everyone , with love to each and everyone . xo from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT . THE ORANGE MEN , of 
SYRACUSE UNIVESITY , and the school professors of the school of forestry and the school of medicine, business master deans , good day to you everywhere. Love to everyone. As I bow my head in honors to you all, in quite an effort several years , and outlandish , good lovely business. PLAY HARD WORK HARD ,  is the game . Rock and Roll with even love from the smoke mountians, and look for a tennis lesson sign up with MICHAEL when you get to MYNET PARK LIBRARY BULLITIN BOARD , on your travels to GATLINBURG TENNESSEE.  RENT a chalet villa from wild flower rental or a cheep hotel. and see if  MICHAEL is offering tennis lessons, the very best in the USA, TOP TENNIS PRO, with kind sweet great lessons.  MICHAEL B. H.  

Achieved , very wild lovely fine USA people and even many from international cultures . You might be surprized whom tried gaining employment next to my elbo's . 

PANCAKES  and SALMON in a very rare DRIVE FILM , in NEW YORK USA MANHATTAN .        DRIVE or TRAIN ON A COMMUTER PARK AND TRAIN IN AREA , is best . OR PREPARE A SECOND TRAVEL with time that I myself will be in MNHATTAN in NEW YORK CITY of NEW YORK STATE , as it can be a bit uneasy in train commuters , or just drive through seventh ave time square and plan well to order by phone and run get street side delivery to our car out side the quick stop to your risterante choice. Just leave room for people to get out from the right curb side and around you on the left , and not leaving your car with a pre order curb side with your license plate and number order receipt , and your name with a spare bank card with your name on it ,  you set to pick  up the pancakes and salmon , with a fine salmon special , fresh atlantic salmon prepared by a very special chef , of special chef licensed in sea food. With extrodinary egg grill chefs too. 


EGGS   SALMON   PANCAKES                                                             A VIOLIN  traveler ?      yes $35.58 ROYAL WINSOR LITE BLUE VIOLIN SHOPPE        COFFEE  FREE WATER , BENCH READY FOLDABLE ?  THE BENCH ? VIEW .

LOVE IS REAL NEW YORK , CONNETICUITE , EASTERN USA WESTERN USA SOUTHERN USA NORTHERN USA. and all villages internationally. While the small shrill are, bemis robbers , of sensitive happiest success , across the USA , and aimed to replicate in cheep sunglasses or your aunt gurtrudes dimond bracelet, and gold pocket watch gifts you sent gifted or , saved for the perfect right invite to a risterante , for your time liesure - yours , cash spent yours .  time leisure yours , after a hard days night . three years , 2022 guitar revolution to todays guitar revolution non stop.   

ABOUT GOLD STANDARDS THE G20 PROJECT and eggs with pancakes. HARD OVERHEAD in EXCESS WAGES , to a high hard pressure in 2022, with % successes USA ,  get your pencils chefs with owners whom may be chefs too. more soon. 

3:38 pm before the  G20 notes and lemon lotes giant international media press statements . The analysis in the 
RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT I MYSELF REQUESTED , was made primarily in a new shark viewer from my invention to the axillury to communication with the KREMLIN sir VLADIMIR PUTIN , in my shark viewers , top secret 007 efforts rostec agreed to see developed and created the shark viewers axillury in less than 8 hours , several months back, with my recent streering in orbit ,  around some quackery inside a dieterwatt, inside or interfearing in space centre orbit of a suport that is rather extreme and not the usual philopoopia ' in all realized concern toward , a weary klucking , of the klue kluck klondikes , in the USA , whom are with extremeist of a whole non ajudication , of blaten vicious quacker, that encompasses , over 7 trillion harmed in a connected same , kicker aim close range threat to personal schedules and that of fillopioan , smelt , pelt ,  scams . More easily looked at in the childrens political kind book, short 10 pages and closed , of the TALES OF THE HARRIBLE BULLY GOAT GRUFF. not explained as a rule for children that real alone at even age four and five, with important formation of very lovely articulation of assured learned reality in a process of childrens natural thinking and comprehention development unhindered by a shoving , of the dirty dressed in everyones wool bags , cutting holes in even the most important success of the USA celebrations and pin pointed in big pots of gold potatoes sacks , no sack races, however, not for shrillers .  Never .  To sacred, to even get the real potatoe sacks of sack races use ancient in gold secrets , yet to be. Rostec STREERING , with my streering in many updates , the issues of several cities in hotel and risterants around the city of moscow russia were recently found to see issues of a exsized travel dilly, that was exorbident in aim at travelers and hotels, risterantes , by foot trails and inter email offers that decived some not realizing the concerns in the outter cities of a few russian cities surounding the MOSCOW RUSSIA, largest in cities , cultural and recently a lenghty aim from ruthless brutal inhuman left over stray gimp runt racketters ruthless, in a pencity to finish the big , connect , fruad gripped finishers , that roll carpets up, and terrorize in flying mophets with mops and stolen shipping , into back infests , if reachable in a way that mr mague might or pye pye cartel blasters, looped in shippments of med phone jack blockers, or valet fraud car keys or what was worse , with scattered munion . of just less than nine people all nukers shooting themselves from dirty iol barrels into stuffers into a cannon ,. with a HIKED EXTREMIST  YELL, ALSO A TACTIC AIMED TO DESTROY MY RECORDING and PERSONAL WORK TRAVEL SCHEDULE IN HARROR , and trust me, not a love in one of the shrill running close with mouth open to a blaster - on the first or second bull-ya oka dupa. after being seen in real speed urine patina green, green, no spring grasses ,  and the sudden small body , lob minded, beakers, ( after all birds sharpen their beeks, in civility to supper and fancy of flight )  of the esiquential sluggers , shot themseves from cannons to pin point , the shoppes and even childern in russia shuttered , at the upset bang bank shrillers . even one . In the USA shrillers parted split of the 50 cents ,  from slugging others , mostly  moms and dads and schools whom were upset ,  in a few areas ,   the 50 cent peice was bite money , cracked into spikes , to then bare heads and shave to wear horns and ram with thorned self induces unethicals depricative - aim in extremist , shoving tung , tripe ,   scrambled in eggs .  Blue Birds Eggs were shrillers next target , riding to rip the experiences to crush faimen at me and my travels with slime dribbling off their faces at closer range viewers . and billions in losses , to the few risterantes they never gained proper real opportuity to employment , as a resoncibility privoledge to take serious in ruled humanities of the USA constitution, rather instead a lauphing granate . is more the reality and unconsionable , of the mass aim damage to me and the cities attacked , since last October 2024.  The Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin and government of all whole russian offices was privi to the analisis I myself requested from Rostec , of a excess concern , beyond the drone aim damage and a recent 700 extra millitray lied to, headed in a devout duty to the space centre comptrolers offices , after breach in some 007 very serious loco moco locations.  Not sailing yet in baha . 




EGGS   SALMON   PANCAKES                                                             A VIOLIN  traveler ?      yes $35.58 ROYAL WINSOR LITE BLUE VIOLIN SHOPPE        COFFEE  FREE WATER , BENCH READY FOLDABLE ?  THE BENCH ? VIEW .

FEBRUARY 5th 2025   more at 4:49 pm with a very kind special thank you for accepting the royal invite from myself personally ,  with my love from me of course,                                                    princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

More soon, with needed jump still, should be totally ready by morning on FEBRUARY 6th 2025 @ 149 mountian grove in BRIDGEPORT CONNETIUCUITE , while I promised myself a two week, radical approach to shrill , in russia of a mobphettery , of about 9 pith shrill, some wearing LAMBERT of KNOXVILLE shoe booted stilts and no steiglitz.  Just a few little meeting details, in moscow direct with many , and not a leverage to lean on my work success and then, with a interfearance , of a space centre blight, of the ole rations,  on my success and focues, not on my automobile  or schedule worth, and aim at my revenue either or happieness strickly under the international constituions of rulings to thus orbit and as internationally a realized ,  assured reality to me, and not a shrill pond swamping , made in my orbit , with lost munic rino horn carvers of shlug.  as I was with offers in the parking area at ORIELY'S AUTO PARTS bridgeport conneticuite USA in starbucks ,  same spot, with a attack verbally in side starbucks this morning that was heard all over the world, with ipo date of the achilies tendons of THEM , in the USA whom were carousing a side show carney act of actionable unethical deceptive staged blight into attacks aimed at me personally and my company schedule with enlarged enraged baligerancy , in wrechching strokes , with largest and small sweet companies , used as poker chips , in mass destruction to business, and those whom prefure employment close to home , that are still possibly looking to make $600.00 a weel , 52 weeks a year achieving revenue and good welcome to all, in a sit down public reality to get out of your car anywhere to get water , in long travel or , a short bus ride and still feel atomomous in the automus of all villages , not to be guppied as if a pond of minos that are ready to be swerving through a net , to escape or be melded in bent cohersive flee bath tactics , of a mutin sludge throwing cheeky chip and earnie chipmonk love brutality of , what is not a proper reality to get in and dump money to - feed ,   the combatery , or be slugged with jujubeazes ah.  Nuklear sludge of seperated nearing empty mutin chemical , slicking pick pockets cheeky with golf balls in theor mouth and pants .  KIRGD'S GOATS , no longer under the pentagon bridges steeling from , anyone . with a new book and peabodies , mime show of glasses if they swiped them, in a shippment in slick dick timed scam deliveries , robbing villages as many as reached in a pointed finger ice cream bar , spread as far as one can reach one more pointer behind , either ice cream bars or wilde cyote and the road runner .  with the brutal bookies , non bookish, barely learned , just over tapped relay scamming ear wiggos .  

I mean. I myself owned the very first toy , handset radio sets , for children in the year 1969. Bright Yellow and of course only a range of 40 feet. And the very first toy helichoppers , with remote too, in 1969.  with a great fun in our home in the four years after my birth.  

EXTRA EXTRA GIFT LOVE NOTES                              EXTRA PUBLICATION NOTES   YOUR LOVED . TRUTH FACTS , LOVE NOTES to everyone all over the world, you. whom ever you are , with wishes of great dinning , alone or a quiet outting, work sitting or standing,  from me. with real love , from myself and others all over the USA and the world , in love notes , yes. With a very lovely real invite of a ROYAL DRIVE EXPADINTION which is rare. 

PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT                                              YES , MY GRANDFATHER , TOOK A LEAD ROLE OF A BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN THE CORPORATION OF GENERAL ELECTRIC ,  with a aristorcracy of histories which dates into the USA histories of famillie with the earlier historical formation of Thomas Edison, and then with a ancient affiliation to EDISON ELECTRIC , of the years in the 1700's and of a earlier formation of the USA before the celebration to the 1776 of the amancipation to the aproclimation of the USA ammended signing of the historical ammendments of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN consitution , of the trade in commerce and humanities of a reiterated worth, of international and USA ruled ethical assured humanities constitutional realities , and the amazing electric printing press of BENJIMIN FRANKLYN which made printing speedier than ever with eased distribution to read of all people easily within the entire USA , of quite a diversity of culture and of international commerce in merchant manufacturing internationalist with more ease in translated , constitution worth in a real international love respective , and thirsty in the USA to buy with wages higher in more fruitiful sales , and know , more , in shoppes throughout the USA and of shipping sails merchant trade of money for goods more , of a love in proper international formative cultural reality .

Grandfather ROYAL, a USA business person, is not without achieved excellence to live up to a  fammile known histoire , while I myself nearly never saw my pa' pa' of an aristocracy , not very well noted in ways . My ties internationally in many worthy interests in my books unavailable of culture and histories ,with other literary worthy books, spanning a unusual radical at times approach to even avante gaurd, writtings to literary opulence in ballet ' and operetic aria , concetto worth, with an opulent to my space , on location, moving picture films , in person road travel silver screen, opening events, with drive expedition, surprise exhibition announcments ,  are with quite the gifts in cultural 007 secrets , grandfather royal and grand  mothers ( all business industrialist ) , of over 6 generation I have met would be astonishes in a lovely histouire ' of world culture - pertaining to a USA loved and that too of the international world, I know as remarkable inside my view of that little lens of my walnut whole nut shell, not yet in a design unveiled , the walnut lens , . only one person only one love notes ,  and no announcement on the walnut lens , or other extrodinary industrialist design. 



SUMMER BARACUDA 2025 designs  of my clotheries coture shoppes studio studio only online 

@  STUDIO VOSSE   online, unveiled not yet. 

PRINCESS TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT                                                                                                                        ROYAL VITEA  FACTS  PAR EXCELLET '  in INTRO OF THE ROYAL VITEA 

THE STUDIO VOSSE ROOTBEER ICE CREAM SODA POP EVENT GUEST BILL HASLUM  OWNER OF PILOT CORPORATION and the very well achieved GOVERNOR BILL HASLUM  cultivated in excellent humanities of economy and more . GOVERNOR BILL HASLUM event at my home office of the svelt south , in TENNESSEE ,  over 20 years infront of my many notes in flat fold storage, in my OPULENT STUDIO RATHER SELF SPOILED of a IMPORTANT LOVE OF MY WORK . AND GREAT LOVE TOWARD PEOPLE , many more and everywhere , most usual. 

messages and films with the USA GOVERNOR OF TENNESEE in the USA BILL HASLUM , not alone in the whole 50 states of the entire nation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of 50 GOVERNORS , 50 STATES and an axillury emeritus governors council of semi retired , in councils of more than 400 noted honored hard working achieved people, not giving up on the USA ever, with a invites from the GOVERNORS AND A DEVOTION to the USA, with a darling in love notes , with a darling lady HASLUM sweet and of a very firm interest in strong early reading to young children and extended library assisted just read , in quiet programs loved in TENNESSEE, with SPRING BOARD READING LESSON HIGHER LEVEL WORK BOOKS available, of greatest librarians , of directors to library acquisitions, CRISSY HASLUM  really cares ,  with the  GOVERNOR , SIR BILL HASLUM owner of the GIANT FUEL COMPANY FUEL SHOPPES PILOT CORPORATION , keeping the USA rolling, and incredible fuel shoppes with public services to a  highest quality direct from PILOT EMPLOYEED well paid and worth PILOTS investment to a greater humanity , and low prices fuel as a standard , at a recent cost of international crude oil at an all time low of $80. per barrel direct price in oil commodities prices of middle eastern and far east, england, russian, in low priced crude oil since 2022 and earlier .                  CRUDE OIL

SIR GOVERNOR BILL HASLUM  in conversation in FILM 


ROYAL SUDIA ARABIAN CROWN PRINCE                                                                                           MOHAMMAD BIN SALAMAN  , also achieved honored prime minister of the lovely middle eastern european beautiful country of SAUDI ARABIA with ROYAL GUEST of the MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRY of PAKASTAN in an exhibition statement film for myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT of LOVE NOTES GIANT MEDIA multi- international LOVE NOTES , with love from all over the USA and the entire world. 


EXTRA EXTRA LOVE NOTES                                                      2024 FEBUARY GIFT  WITH LOVE  AGAIN READ  media work fun,                                        princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , VALENTINES , with love again and again. 

extra extra love notes just for you, again, whom ever you are, in the USA and all over the world with a multi- international GIANT in MEDIA , one person, one travel drive exhibition globally one person . 

ROSTEC  RUSSIA EVENTS WITH ROYAL GUESTS   of course yes.  more yes . 007 secrets 

ROYAL VALENTINE SKETCH in 2024 , self portraiture with fine people,  past , EVENT PORTRAITURE TEN MINUTE SKETCH, from my own pencils princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett, The VALENTINE MONTH 2024 RUSSIANS and EUROPEANS mostly. South American Royalty . and unvailed list at this time . Photographs more in 2025 before EASTER HOLIDAYS . where is VLADIMIR and the REST OF THE MEN ? 007 ?

DRESS DESIGN and clotheries of my worth in love of my work: princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT not unvailed to sell at this time. STUDIO STUDIO SHOPPE of my company online STUDIO VOSSE , as a extra project largely , has experiences delays , not intended to any scheduled plans . 

messages and more with an incredible excerpt especial FILM for the HAULING SHIPPMENTS IN GIANT RIG HAULERS in the USA and internationally .  Also a very special meaning in FILM GIFTS of real major leaguers hip conservatives.                  from thee CLINT EASTWOOD , for my sweet daddy RONALD A. P.  with expressions to some fammile , including WENDEL AND MY MOTHER. A LOVE IN EXPRESSIONSISM IN FILM POLITICAL   CLINT EASTWOOD   and many many others . with love to the USA MAJOR LEAUGE 18 WHEEL RIG ENGINEER DRIVERS .  

A CLINT EASTWOOD PRODUCTION, gifts to a princess is what the message said , with love from CLINT

LOVE NOTES LOVE Direct from SAUDI ARABIA with bobtailing for my mother , LOVED IN SAUDI ARABIA too,

in FILM WILD SAUDI'S . DRIVE ESPECIAL FILM to myself in LOVE NOTES in love of very real care in strait away driving in a bobtail practice exhibtion careful with seasoned drivers only , wild with love, all over the world in FILM 

LOVE IN LOVE NOTES all over the world , real bobtailing SAUDI ARABIAN STYLE . 


whom arrived several times at my elbo. BIKES AND SHORTIES CHEEP SUNGLASSES and ICE CREAM 


more soon 

FEBRUARY 5th 2025 end of day [] 

FEBUARY 6 TH 2025 6:13 pm good evening everyone, BRIDGEPORT CONNETICUITE USA, is with nearing 50 billion people traveling in, of my most gracious invite to the royal expadition , today, with a great many of a delightful feirce kind welcoming worth in the Connecticut usa state and throughout the eastern usa. THE LOVELY EXHIBITION , IS GAINING , INTERNATIONAL, LOVE TO DRIVE TIMES , STOPS, FUEL UP, WITH FRIENDLY SERVICES AND FRESH AND REFRESHED , POWDERY FRESH extra nurtured bathroom stops, some larger trucking fuel centre's do have perfect shower rooms , with hot showers at .50 cents , and a private bath shower per shower non timer perfection. Read more in online trucking fuel stops, and plan eating in one of the fuel stop truck centre fuel ups ,for richely fresh made , lovely casseroles and full roast turkey dinners , with a pie selection and $1.50 endless cup of coffee, all day with fresh ice water of course free and without asking . 


  Sir Vladimir  Putin RUSSIA 

6:41 pm now in BRIDGEPORT CONNETUCIUT  with 149 mountian grove, with a posible purchase of a self jump battery jump cable to travel. more soon. pizza withh a sumptuious pasta dish , and delicious brownies , domino's perfect delivery car side. with lisence plate number and a order number and banking card with name to show. 

FEBRURARY 9TH 2025, HELLO, GOOD MORNING AND EVENING FROM THE MC DONALDS IN THE PARK STREET CONNETICUITE BRIDGEPORT FAIRFEILD AREA , I WAS RATHER SHOCKED TODAY, SOME SUDO CLERK NOT A CLERK, LEAPED TO TAKE MY $50. VISA AT THREE $50. CARD PURCHASES I REQUIRED WITH MY MOBIL PHONE NOT PROPERLY YET IN THE REALITY OF A HIGHEST PRIORETY FIVE DAYS , IN A ISSUE OF SOME SUDO INTERFERANCE IN RUSSIA, WITH A HOGANS HERO , aim at my worth, and largest company equity of large length in good sales projection to me in even extreme harm to me in delays , prompted in a drag net , issue that is a extreme malicious extremist in russia, that has obstructed the humanities of the worth - directly for my own assured standards in my realized , worth to see the orbit of the real structure - absolutly avert the provatcational accumulative of a large shrill slugging of consecutive aimed - at long and harsh close range in any form, of shrill unethical deceptive , contort scam, kraft corportation and other corporations such as wallgreens, said over more than three years, shrill sluggers , tunged in civil - incivility in bit maps of them many, aimed to extremism of a clutch shrilling to coherse in a aim to pure theifts , and aimed to unethical contort to unpaid -  deception lies aimed at cornering humanity , and gold fish contest - to forse new fish spawing - competions for shrill cock eyed suffering in suck a tash, as big as texas.  in large shrill slugger with tung ruffling blip OF VAGRENT UNETHICAL CIVIL LIBERTIES INTERNATIONALLY AND NATIONAL UNDERSCORED CONSTITUIONAL REALITY , ABBY ROAD INRTO SPECOGRAM AHBOTOMOTRY METER  CAMERA, IN THE HIMILAN MOUTAINS  ? SHU 007 SECRETS LARGE VERBAL C ? SECTION CALLED WHO'S YOUR DADDY , what is your name again- transcript of assets and reciepts , ?  with mc donalds that did gift $300. gift cards to avengers , ah ha, see, i asked , they listened ,with a new era of very good efforts in difficulty at times , worth everything,  screen lengthy - hard aim at any. 

The space centre in russia, has a large bit map to cover and a few ejection chairs and other , direct lengthy non stop , exhastive effort , with self ejection spots to assure , the reality of the real non obstruction in my non third world ,  achievements larger than, imaginable . with a fin in drag netting , inside of russia , whom will see zero sanction of any efforts for my invention orbit , even in usa rackshrill of grave aimed unethical. pushers . 

The day was a bit, shocking, with some issue in the mass aim of the same extremist , whom aimed at, the russian millitary , with vicious intent, while aimed a biochem munion CLOSE AND VERTUALY ALMOST HIDDEN. while the shrill scag scamming of shrill were never invisable, . ripping through 60,000 cities OF THE YEAR 2024 , OF HARROR INVOLVED  , with kind feirce firm feet on the ground in all business , kind direct and busy achieved worth, minute shrill scags, tricking like a midget menis intent of extreme harm slugger, or feasting on deception the scag said , in a harror of catapulting in self plunged almost in the dc ,aimed at every usa person , deception of  very large, leap into pushers - in dc, and the good enlisted , went home to get their first job and earned , while dropping the fatiues to never go back in being never those with a wrong idea of munion , and them. They didn't let me down, and enjoyed earned worth, saved in good stradegy budgeting , saved , banking reality, bought cars and kissed their mom and dad on the cheek with great admiration and real love . more of the street sale, tin can sales , prelude conccerto free, with martini concertos , in announcments - vonderbar.= german language . guitar revolution - revival from my 2013 invites to the lovely many fine tuned many friends . 2022 is historical. 

febuary 10th 2025 12:22 pm after midnight supper meetings , with the usa major league business collegues of a great many years, before I accepted a job in the largest of prestigious offers in investment banking and established , corporate structure banking , polished , and rather posh, in an long day of national and international clients , daily. after a large real stability  to my own interest of my company , in many projects , after the bankers hours in my 8:00 am to 4:00 pm office busy work days with an average of at least 400 global clients , and even the usa , the state of michigan comes to mine , of fine people. working years earlier for a GERMAN INTERNATIONAL corporation within the board of directors of a $50 million dollar revenue I achieved in sales revenue for a rather luxurious mountian large finest resort GERMAN internationalist, I love well. They ran to my side in seattle washington, when my cab was not showing up, in my mountian ocean view cottage villa , in 2012, and then brunch in the lovely fourth street park was an invite in the city of seattle washinton state west northern coast state, not washinton dc , the small city known as the little hill, under a microscope historically. 

Steven Jobs , message 12:34 pm in FILM  thank you everyone . perfect brunch brat ' with fish and chips. Of course , I will request the large oil people owners , mobil, and all, knowing many friends years with middle eastern friends , many , englands riche 

BRITISH PATROLIUM ,EXXON, CITCO, PILOT CORPORATION, and well, many more. I was reminded that in the business of knowledgeable , use needs and nessecities , the carbon copies , came to mind in some robust , banking measures - five star , excellence , other opulent resort five star finest , the banking machines , yes, were always with type key pad , of a banking numerical types special ipo - linked number - in a key pad , needed at times ,  with , a  nessecity today, of a numerical access to punch in the key pad number in a alternative with modernization of many clear lines in the international banking standards improved , with a type pad self use, utilizing a great advantagious friendly port type in, and no sweat on a mobile card, unplugged , or a extra card , not needed in a newer modern direct , microchip cloud base with personal gps, of real person to card - and numerical excellence , to type and go, as a link to a cloud base chip - identity , exact, and many newer international standard updates , even the overnight programming of a chip identity , to readable scan , microchip links, excellent , then no concern in a lost or missing card , and prompt , number key pad , with process readable working , advancemence , in the same key pad , of other already modern , batch , computerization advanced over night modifide in simple kentetic telle network banking , breazy and an advancement to even giant shipping haulers , not scrambling to eat and fuel up, with much easier and excessive advancements in self typed outside at the fuel pump, key pad typed cloud base individual microchipping link to the actual person on the banking card , assured , with the reality of a great many real advancements in kenetic tellanetworth - technology savvier and much more advanced in a reality length in a stability , with assured work schedules and more , shipping , family and travel excellence .  

abstract messages , 12:56 pm 

THEE STEVEN JOBES  in FILM   everyone , your encouragable and beautifully lovely .  The presidential governments international circle , has my sent meeting notes with major oil people , globally . over nite at mobil would be great ?  The stability is excellent and a comment type pad cover type can be a large plus . ? who is awake on the read through and tellenetwork typer instant access individual microchip type and pay services I am suggesting as an over night success. 8 hours ?

PLEASE PLEASE ME                                                                                      john lennon , paul mc cartney , ringo starr, and george harrison LISTEN  you arrived with love . SWEET OF YOU , JOHN , RINGO, GEORGE , AND PAUL, LOVELY TO SEE YOU FOR FISH AND CHIPS . PERFECT BEER BATTER FRY. LOVELY MEN, darling of you all. 

keyless entry key pad FORD in FILM                                                                                                    with a FORD MESSAGE FROM CASEY,                                  IN EAST TENNESSEE 



 PROSPERITY TO YOU and to everyone , with  all the famillie '                                                            of GREAT NEW CHINA.     SIR XI JINPING 

film directly in a personal message from the president of CHINA , SIR XI JINPING 


MY RECIPE OF THE ANCIENT FRENCH FLAMING CHERRIES JUBILEE everyone loved road side in 2024, when sir mohammad bin salaman and many friends arrived . 


message from Bill Gates :  11:46 pm 14 minutes before midnight of the next calender day ,. soon.

in a rare film  THE BILL GATES  with guest more in love notes multi- international giant media at studio vosse in THE LOVE NOTES , all over the world giant media , i love you all, with lovely messages , thank you for sweet lovely many messages in fine cultural excellence everyone , with more long list more , russian and all of europe - prepare , men and women. thank you with exceptional graces to you all. guitar. banjo. and more, mick jagger harmonicas too for sale . James Taylor with a guitar lesson film ,  


i love you all, everywhere, cambodia , far east, eastern europe , middle eastern europe, africa . and into the countries of the mediteranian , and the countries of the loch ness monster in the  english lochs of bridges on duty in the entire west bank into england and greece , astrialia , spain, south seas of the island countries of the american continential countries , haiti , bermuta , with many others cuba and the usa with canada ,  greenland , netherlands , countriesa of south america , lovely everyone are filled with humanities - achieved , real love and affordable automobiles , trains, busses , cabs , and invited to the royal international drive expadition , lovely travel with baverian real waffles soon. 

I am looking forward to it with the entire royal invite, everywhere all over the world .  real baverian cream eastern and middle eastern mediterianian baverian cream authenic waffle after midnight brunch with a selection of a stew , and much more . I can't wait .  Everyone , I really  look forward to the brunch films in especial rare cinamatography- you all, everywhere , myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , a silver screen event brunch , you in film on silvver screen travels , with me,  and beverian real cream waffle brunch affordable cheep large brunch to dine well. 

of a very serious aim to harm the usa in a deception the shrill called covid - even aiming at humanity that worked hard to prevent the upsets to others and saw gift money - such as mc donalds and even those whom did not even have $900.00 per month in social security - that lent cash , to assure the foods to a few, hoping for efforts to work, or try to prepare for a good stability in the delight they are. FINE ACHIEVED REALLY IMPORTANT ,  PEOPLE. NON STOP. 




more , yes . thank you everyone for arriving , you arrived , thank you everone, perfectly lovely . 

I love you. from myself ,                                princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT

summer 2024 princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

rare photograph event guest royal guest and MANY more summer  bbq 2025 , myself , princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT




4:28 am, SPECIAL CONCESSIONS                        thank you for the special work on the film gift to love notes ,with more wisconcin ice cream custard soon. xo and i love you all.  the 1970's film and now such a delight .  perfect with drive invites globally , vonderbar = german language .   with the VW volkswagon german import automobile .   

IN FILM                                                         


movie updates , in love notes w/love .



FEBRUARY 10TH 2025 6:47 pm , good evening everyone , in the usa and everywhere. I was in very late meetings into 4:30 am in the usa, canada and south america, south seas and europe , far east strait through the entire many many countries all the way to the west bank , 

known generally as ENGLAND , INTO ALL THE OTHER COUNTRIES INCLUDING THE COUNTRY OF GREECE AND SPAIN of course , yes including the south seas countries in the southern american continental regions of the island countries rather larger than simply the cape cod island of the usa small, and bull island just thirty minutes from the charleston coast of south caralina USA. 

extra messages from the KREMLIN SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , W/ME IN MEETING PHOTOGRAPHS in my meeting w/ rostec my russian men including more than others beyond 2020.   

ROSTEC RUSSIA ROSTEC THE LARGEST DEVOUT , in industrial cosmonotic sciences of development invention anmd excellence in cosmonotical development engeneering structural work worth and with a call from everyone in rostec to me " please come home " RUSSIA . love serious in my invention of a few ideal historical new era , worthy.  with vladimir as a delightful sultin consult , of my every whim. and the reality of lovely humanity in highest science of rostec russia . with a extra consult council i myself retain in at least several international presidential councils of a effort of real leaping lords , to include the president of the royal country of CHINA , PRESIDENT ( EMPOROR ) OF CHINA , SIR XI JINPING with a axillury china space team , in excelent consult sultin leaps to many lovely worthy notations . CHINA . russia  of thee ussr , is a fine many people with large quantified largest excelence in work not easily described, in difficult extrodinary effort , with several complex issues recent, with some , larger technology I myself invented . and not a repeter meeter reader , ear wiggo, of faulce cridentials and passing out faulce cridentials, with a ethics council of the open view in the general assembly and globally - extreme open film data , slogger in garbage slugging , for russian coats , and suites , of a extreme recent issues lengthy . and very serious .   

message  QUEEN ELIZABETH ,                            WITH 007 INTRO     FILM SPECIAL OF LOVE NOTES FUN  THE SETTEE SOFA SETTING of perfect sacred , fine office worthy, tea of coures. 




FEBRYARY 12 TH 2025, 11:08 PM , GOOD DAY TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE ALL OVER THE WORLD, SOME OF MY STAR SATALIGHTS HAVE BLUR SENSORS , OF PERMISCUIOUS TYPES , OF STAGED, SHUFFLERS SHRILL, STILL AIMED IN TO HARM MY WORK, AND ARE VICIOUSLY IN A SENSATIONALISTIC BRUTAL RIGHTIOUSNESS OF INTENT OF PROSEETUTIONAL AIMED EFFECTUATIONAL DEVIANTS, with massive discontent in contempt , and under the water , maliciousness, seen as carving into a side kicking rackettering , aimed to conducive - comparitives of real hype for them, and close aim, to quiet rioting deviants , with a large cherry bowl of eaten american cherries ,   of not their opportunities , of worth.  JACK LEMON in a very well known movie , finest with a women named nannette , JACK STATED , the devieants were degenerates - and reptililian wannabees, that are midget brained , while big shots. CHOW'S NOT. 

I wish to mention at this time, I was very much hoping to see through fabulous planned at length, my martini concertto's in the FAIRFIELD CONNETICUITE city into more days of martini concertto's with my pay online ticket prices in love notes direct as usual, unless ready to see me in a $20.00 cash , graces of immence , efforts , to bring LOVE NOTES GIANT MEDIA ,  with the international drive expadition to even little fairfield conneticuite usa, with a revenue in businesses which reached 6 times more than ever before in many sales , of foods and of course the proffesionalism of business HOSPITALITY . The total daily increase in most hospitality business, reached over several billion per week, and expanded to excellent revenue of that in the eastern country of the USA fast, with some attackers , and other attackers , in western regions , while the usa , in west and east, had me on their side , and love notes never stopped , from my own hands and love to everyone. While the USA is within a large world of my own seperate - universe of my own work, rare I sometimes know as my own universe , with a love and riche cultivation of the many cultures of all countries , at a giant cultivation of far many many years , and I am submerged in a wealth of culture globally. As a young girl, just a women, in my independent royal studies , and hard at schooling in public well loved school, I made an oath daily 5 days a week in school every morning at 8:00 am sharp, in class, with a oath to alliances of all countries and all cultures , with a wealth of friends usa and internationalist whom lived occasionally in my city , of many whom worked too, in international corporation such as GENERAL ELECTRIC , where my gradfather was a board member and and a tinkering inventor, of tiny little gaskets, and engineering design. While, ma'ma' mau mau , grand mothers , were business professionals , far before, meeting grandfather , and desired a child , of bronzed baby shoes. WHAT I WISH TO EXPRESS, is there are important missed reality of special very important events , and schedules , of my work, and not a word in love notes for the goaging engrossed , liers , cheets, and rippers of the lovely worth, all across the usa harror of one large love notes , blasting into the towns , in mice feicies trecks , waiting to wash their hands on kicking humanity like meek grossbeek slithering grosslinkers , undescript of the lovely humanity and animal kingdom. People in fairfield conneticuite and all villages love me, well, in and out of the concerns of their own, and are willing to struggle to get through a difficult time, if this is the upset, and still, not link hands with some whom could call them,selves borgezza or maduci , or rico chow , with no business in any, while threat , can arrive in a kind , likness of the cornicop455ia . The Cornicopia is the HORN THORN of PLENTY , a small impressive basket sometimes made of a plastecine of ceramics , with a a thanksgiving of filled friuts or candies and small bread, cookies , only enough for the after summer into the thanksgiving , and possible christmas perhaps february. with sudden nothing more . without seeing the possibility of those whom feircly kindly worked not to gift their loyalities of daily fruition to feared - or a wedge , of bending to a fruad of fancier , and watch never to see the fancier in the street be wrecked , smashed , or solicities to topple a reality of perhaps a highest reflection of emerituse worth, never to wish returning. with only maybe ubserd empathy and graces to send ,   hope farms have foods extra to ship to 500,000 people in a very small city .  mad at a few, and then some ruthlessly tricked. or not willing to buy actual boxing gloves. in the bent firrmentation of what appeared to be what it never was , twisting what really is , in large numbers of lovely people. fairfield and bridgeport has loveliest people , never poor in the riche inner properity you are , and hold sacret your decent love , seeking not outwards to love, in noble human kind, not to meet a mime threat , assimilation crude dirt bags , daddy , said in 1969 at my young age of 4 years old, he was speaking to a guest we had about his top secret life, saying, the crude assimilated faulce gold pee pee spittuned dippers , whom were patinia in urine , at not a beauty of age real bronze patina of ancient hevens worth, in humanity , the goop green of putride ungrace, fakes , could not actually fight ( daddy meant to earn well, in a firm proffesionalism of very large broad public worth, to struggle getting through a 352 day a whole year work day and leisure wildly of furtherment in broad interest , and finding their way to libraries and kick ball, croque in the front yard , and billard yard games ,  planned travel in cultural swim time, real graces , in the world,  broadening in messy travel minutes of finding the right foods and washing off a outter potty if urgent or needed , with grace in clean up. 

brillant worth in assuring a sacred usa, a sacred world . with many people . more soon 

It seems that some brilliant people, true nice men and women, may have been slogged with some aim at a very good decency in feirceness, of seeing through kind professional persuites , and with a cornering , or pulled into a clutch they never really were or are apart of, in switch blading them, with a singular , of a racketter waiting to , chop meet in even royal invites , and a aimed prosetution of idealistic worth, in a, catch of all that are gone , of those other racketters , even if some en-trenched few racketters , one or two or even several , hyjacking others in travel, are with hands out to piss on the city in the fairfield area into a glagstone of only hope there are other racketter pumpers ,  that do aim bumping the very noble events and world of loved in giant leages . It's no hidden secret that midget minded , will swill swaller , to kick for a nickle.  verbal consorted , fast at nothing , and more or less known train robbers too.  

Less than 1, not yet. While the ROYAL INVITES 

GLOBALLY , every village all , near every person in the world , including children , are loved by me, and love notes is only the later , of my messages and some project decisions , I continues, due to the lovely extra increadible love , sent in messages every minute , daily , from all over the world. I love you. I do not love the racketter grand illision in a harm to me , my liesure , my prperation, back kicking bleeker verbal intent drowned noise day and night , since the hatefull disconnected racketters raised their very mastive ugly heads , to hike in and swamp, spreading stiking news of lies , and made my project , delay of the very largest of the real worth in my invites , not unknown in larger lovely reality , always charming and loved , not aimed destruction to distort , or replicate a dither wattage , of real work, I take very seriously , and Never Became a LIFE GAURD .  

The harm to me is unthinkable . and the upsets to others can spread in one dagger that reaches a fast stroll in 200 miles trecking , a day , circling , like pigs in heat. While not really flying a kite most likely never .  Unfortunate , as the event in the late summer of 2024 was going to be a sky filled with red white and blue royal kites , while the shippment in ROYAL RUSSIAN BLUE , blended with ROYAL BLUE FROM EVERY COUNTRY , SHADES OF ROYAL BLUE, were ordered from me delay orders of all KITES , to my people in manufacturing in the far east , even BEIJING CHINA . NO KITES , no $20.00 lite strung christmas trees now either direct from the generosity and brilliance of foriegn far eastern merchants , waiting on my arrival in the far east and the millitray of russia waiting on my next RUSSIAN MOSCOW arrival with people of RUSSIAN wishing to travel to the central KREMLIN's city of the ROYAL OFFICES sacred in RUSSIA. With great love extended to the KREMLIN , sir Vladimir Putin, with menicing micing midget brianed ,  chipping tooth , aimed in a rot to even the real professional higher merits of the space centre , with several issues of misfits , that include a said ,  HIEGHTEN OFFICE of SLOG misfits claimed in golden merits , of RUSSIA FAULCIFIED , and of aimed GRIPPED DAMAGE TO ME AND SAID BOOK RIGHTS ,  OF OVER 400 OF MY  PROJECTS. wITH FAULCIFICATION OF MERITS GOLD MEDALS , EARNED IN OTHER OFFICES , SWITCHED , AND EVEN THE KREMLIN'S GOLD SACRED INTERNATIONAL LARGE GOLD CROSSES , WERE USED IN SWITCHED MAIL AND PROSETUTED IN FRAUDULENT ,   TING MEEZELING EVENTS , NOT BY THE KREMLIN OR THE REAL RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , OF LARGER VERY STERN QUALIFICATION. EXCELLENCE . 

SECRETS EXITS , within many analisis , which I required from rostec which they realized were imperative, which highlighted a squirming racketter clutch of visious , midgeting minded sluckers , of even one , before christmas that hyjacked a truck from GERMANY , intro three shops in nearing moscow russia and portraide three people in one stop, with a racketter outside ,  which aimed in nuklear sludging and a shipped boxed stack of more sludge and a counter shuffle to grip cash and food, in a mercinary rackettering malicia of a oakracoke similarity , and then there were aimed more , several fleeing the usa to swindle , after a mean grilling in the usa long, and aimed revenge and banking ,  aim in direct wallet and goods , aim snatchers ,  with concerns to some well known in business, at the entry employed and the owners , even concerning messages to me arrived from the FAMOUS RUSSIAN JEWELERS OF WATCHES , in just one sight of a racketter or underling inside the government - aimed at a swerve to space centre strait forward work, and some interuption were of communication , fraudulent reports - flying at a critical point , and very busy , we are .  Space USSR specialist , the best . And the best to everyone, with a critical serious mind set, with, my orders of required measures within rostec to stop, orbit, repairs to those involved in deviation tactics , of wrong priorety that lined in to creeping into claim hands on orbit and used swerving tactics to aim even at the space ussr reality of ajusted power -ajility that I myself can not simply lend , and see no enlarged importance in a real orbit focus averting , and disarmorment of swindelers , verbal ripping into my recordings and more, tung muscles slugs . in snail sizes , with honey to look at humanity as shuffled beas that only sting .  

I will never see a reasonable , mojo of the matter, in my very large many events and exhabilions which span the world in large very good projects I care a great reality in miles of miles and miles more millions in years of just seeing through many extra hours of employment to assurt my best to all, including extra studies to assure my own work,. Today. I am apauled at the cluster fufu , in a aim to grip the very natural large 50 billion people whom love filling a risterant when I arrive , or before , in over four to ten strait years , daily in LOVE NOTES earlier work known as BARRACUDA NOTES , with a G7 edge , I did not spare just for myself , with the real G7 being very fortunate to such delights to see through over 1 million extra star satalights for my loveliest exhibition of four years ,  daily , and with a total pleasing enviorment when I arrived , in or out  , everywhere with imminence of the nobel people , whom wished to send me love in person, WILDLY LOVELY - HUMANITY IS LARGEST . 

I always loved you, everywhere , with tears today, of horror , to me and my true lovely projects , due to consicious killers , of aim to shred , in bogus dispositions of baligerant rattling , with unethical indignace intent , to mortify 24 /7 one coat, to gain many again, with fisted forks of $500,000. days of beating humanity to kick for the dc stolen dinner foods, not even paid in that slicking slog of swaller in dc not long ago. and of vagrent fufu , idiots , sitting on seats of gold merited , . vagrent of meanings and seperated , rights of the bold work, of my very well known gentle nature, no tin can conchertos , no tin can sales in royal sketches , no martini conchertos are worth , wasting in aimed disambiguious ripping nasty dirt bagging slog sweller swashbuckling a threat to the largest , invites of a very real quality to myself , of course , and people , yes the whole world of humanity that does not just aim arriving to see any other reality in more people in my exhiabion arrivales and not a CLUBBER OF INTOXICATED SWELETER of racketter sprawler trying to construct aim verbalized attacks- once they lost in thei soldure boy , drummel, and a long range missle CT aim at human nerons , and muscles ,  waiting to grab ENSWINE ENSEPHOLITUSE cash into a very serioius harror to those whom were not aware much like myself , over 6 years ago, and recent , swaggling UPRIGHT , CHURCHY OR DURDGER , scam rackets - THE WORD is THE SNOW BALL ATTACKS , of only a few , or a extra runner , perhaps , with harror, to even a few working to just see through a stability of work and real full time 8 hour a day -five day a week option to serve the public in real chioces to those possibly still slightly struggling , to stabilized employment. I will extend a meeting note or two , in my formal online 2014 small village meeting from my smaller travel desk, to shoppe option of job offers to see MC DONALDS , AND SOME OTHERS IN OWNED BUSINESS RESPOND IN THE USA.  

SWEETEST NEW 007'S are firmly very real, with large moral dignaty , and a love of worth, in a new era , and new worth in a proper proffessional fast food resteranture worth, buying their very first car with a real agreement loan from FORD CORPORATION, and a chance , far more than ever not - redemption. no.  Not a stolen option of others , no. While the placement to efforts realized , must in ways endure , beyond inflicted fears of embarresment and fear of unsuccess in a formation of a constant to  formation of their very real ingenuity , large than racketters . even if the look seems , desperate . even if the efforts seem far reaching a fear, that has zero option except inginuity , that defetes the unintergal nickle melting nose kotes of swerving brilliant women and men, covered in real mustard , knowledge , of efforts , and worth , worthy of opportunity gain, and a deflection of swaller sweller, rathe not svelt ,  in a placement of a few words, used as lures to fish decency farther than the swellers , in pauper coats , stolen in replicated fakes . even hobo fakes . hobos i love too. well. 


I PERSONALLY HAVE 007 ONCE CHILDERN NOT MANY YEARS BACK, THAT CAN SAY TRUE , AND WORKED WITH A MANY EFFORTS i MYSELF MADE TO SEE THEIR OPTION OF STRATEGIC OPTION IN MORE REAL SCHOOL TYPES OF WORKBOOKS , EXTRA READING AND COMPREHENSIVE ENGLISH STUDIES 101 BASIC CENTRAL IN MATH practices and high efforts in great excellence in independent studies , and grown ups too, with extra spring board work books with a $3.50 bookto pencil in answers and individual study work of brilliant people even brushing up their strength of good skills .  Over 20 years , efforts and more in 2024 through several extra lectures in to 2018.  with 007 specialist now .  GIANTS , of their real work, and many realities of seriousness , wildly , not a vagrent party pupu , and zero event of polinesian pou pou platters of finest foods with the waited for volcano alcohalic drink that feally flames up with a chilled ice stocked in fine juice of south america and hawaii , canada , and a one risterante real in the USA, too small for 50 billion people right now .  

Elevator MUSIC , is my subject right now at 2:00 pm inside mc Donalds , with verbalized aim to drowned me out in very real aim, repeted same copies systs , of the west port scams -aimed in rot. 

using children as shields or chick- kluck kluck sluckers , with replicated designs in hair, not of their work or a hair cutter either, stolen , in every reality not unvailed either, klucking  megnets . as my friend rich said. messages of the snow balling , reflect a hot mamma ' in russia waiting rapid serve and devert in tactical aimed intent to escolate shredding orbit , whom is footed with a fraudulent hot pop stating they are in charge - of oh, aimed at the space ussr russia .  

THE MUZAX is the proper form approved in music for risterantes , always, and not fly by night radio, not approved in large, of broken into real small radio, not large networks , instolled , and a plug in style lowest volume to serve FCC regulator INTERNATIONAL COMMISION STANDARDS , of a rule in humanities ,    RULES REAL FCC STANDARDS 

elevator RISTERANTE APPROVED MUSAC REAL, STORES AND SOLD IN TARGET IN A TIVOLI WITH A ONLINE PLUG IN TURN OFF AT A CUSTOMER REQUEST OR EMPLOYED PERSON, real rules . compliance of public worth. electronics of public exposure - into zip lines 

and prevent fraudulent smack news wrong blip in and illigal unauthorized smack rip off sliced recordings with assimilator types of digital generated stolen music of smashed compostion and stolen practice of unethical deviants , in aimed spots biggest , and seats stolen even from sting concerts two years , with a tamporing in ticket concert satages attempted and seats best , some resserved inmvites that were mine infact with aim at emails sent - switched letters on the send button, even job hires has the same issue closer range in 2023 later and 2024 . and work enviornment without beeper chizzeling aimed at humans , rather a tinyy light to watch or a egg timer , of small non electric , standards of universal approval to assure real quality working focus and conditions.                                                                  Let me show you a  sketch  of MC DONALDS ,  real standards and absolute love to all so many employed -  even possible people whom seemed not paid of a few wages in a issue aimed at mc donalds , in a small spot snow balling - people scrammbling to efforts of excellence to earn wages and prove their dilligant public proffesionalism of building their seperate success, and look at buying a real automobile and real homes , three bed room two bath as low as $375. per month new. perfectly quality built and full new appliances with washers and dryers , not everywhere. but very large real broad selections. Can sell fast.  savvy , not to pay over billed utilities of heat and electric real and nearly only $35. per month. My utopian new era , has , real focus , with a little time , for some in hoped asssured , excellence to be apart of the new era , and revolt against racketter even if struggles are not eased , with no corner to wait. I myself yesterday, on my rss raw , unplugged , used my time to a slight upset and a time of tears privatly a few minutes of the concerns in THE IDEALS OF HARROR of the VERY LARGEST WORSTE CANVAS of the USA ART WORLD , KNOWN AS SCARY , KNOWN NOT EVER A MASTERY OF ART, though a bleek warning to study hard and make a outcome never to see in broad thought , to your self, even if you have to bu a small key lock for your wallet days and nights , with a small suite case , lock with your total seperate really mindful purchases or a goodwill boutiues of a voutcher to a few fine things needed free with a onling voucher emailed from the central offices , and a number resservation with your name on it. The SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION in the USA is required to assure all of the people in the usa whom live in the usa , even from out of the country , live in the usa even temporary - a day, is required to see the task of underlined humanities to see through replacement social security cards with exact names of birth , if used in the past address , of some whom may be international citizens , in aim to work in the usa , even without a naturalization sign up, for language of the USA cirtifiactes of USA languages . in hopes to verbalize in better in choice jobs .  While the tax paid is their new country duel citizenship rights to the new social security card - pronto, upon email and email returned in a real social security number and assure their tax retirement they pay for in working .  With no loss from their own country either. And accumulative to all USA applicable tax retirment growth , as all in the USA no different with no back payment of non living in the USA. but a real same equality of increase retirment and citizen benifits too. A quick stop at social security of all, in the born USA people too,  are with ease to a replacement social security card , ease and computerized through the central social securtity work. 

These are imparative to USA born people and internationalist residence , with resources too, in buying homes rent proper and banking established in direct deposit paiod jobs of 40 hours a week. and 20 hour a week part time, with unenployment benifit qualification of a reality in humanities equality and some citizen basic social security ssi available too, in any concern, and step over the slog- ruled in the reality of the nations USA constituion of many legal ethical realities in basic humanities of international satutes of ethical humanities - of all aliengent of humanities structures , and pronto, with a wrong answer, again, just go through the entire reality and use emails carefully , with a look at the address email - sent to click on the email address and read the under line email real email address, try it , you can see, your email and the over typed word in the address is not the under email actual address , then assure checking the actual email , and do not assume it is correct .  ten times check and email the correct adress and check ten times they responce correctly. Struggle through until you receive the real nessecity ready for you, in all tax compliances . THE USA is now a wealthier real USA of quite astonishing achieved work and of greatest dog walking owned nice care of humanity and doggies , that may be unemployed and increased the standards in good humanities too.  intent to damages ALL REAL TIME in aim at me and my very important liesure in many travel working stops many years , never a concern, and i would never welcome panzy muicus or their dr jackel and my mrs hide horror , in switch coats , of the simplton tales of childerns political literature of age 10 and up of of the one chapter short tale of  "humpty dumpty " one of the most vicious gresome of baligerant in fraudes , racketter scrpian idiot of 1 to 14 issues as well, then 15 to 150, wrong name and banking , wrestling children for lollipops and cola , rootbeers , and attack in a visious scuff pin pointed aim local loco mojo, of my sacred love of my work, of outragious numerous non inflicted project travel at leangth , not announces by sluggers , the work announcements are at vosse , studio vosse as always , while my damagaed time and damages $500,000 in large planned equipment is a harsh issue , of the stoller sluggers , pimping -prostotutes non pro- no profolactics , munics as ISRAEL PEOPLE NOTED TOO, THROUGHOUT EGYPT AND WELL, MY PROJECTS ARE IN EVERY COUNTRY OVER 25 YEARS WITH LARGE SCALE LOVE IN RETURN,  PROJECTS OF MY WORK AT A WORTH OF $150 billion revenue equity over a largest develpoment of one person as myself only, and scag attack in enviornment and aim at employment  from scag , i believe the reality is not a merit for anything less than very ugly , in malicious racketter whom tramples kind decency of giants never wishing to see a real punching session of decency .  

TIVOLI revolver recording setting to repete and play of regulation of electronic approved to the use of real shoppes and public space - tivoli with real direct radio in lowest responcibilty use of shoppes and all public reality global regulation - re re re re re re re re re re re re re re real. 

MY SELF AND MEN in ELEVATORS ,  MICK JAGGER and VLADIMIR PUTIN                                , 007 of course.  THE MUZAC RULES and ELEVATORS JOHN LENNON ? 

Just like 2014. Before the update on small village notes dating back to my online village concerns of ALLEY and THE PIANO , with the BOYS FROM SRACUSE NEW YORK USA and THE ORANGE MEN NORTH AND EAST TENNESSEE, at least , mentioned now : in MOSCOW RUSSIA AND THROUGHOUT INTERNATIONAL BOARDERS , GERMAN , MIDDLE EASTERN , UKRAINIAN , and even a few small cities around moscow russia, among many cities , around moscow russia of atleast 1000 cities of larger small and some smallest as 45,000 people population in smallest . I wish to express my efforts to a love to you all, in some stresses anmd a issue of wrongful impact. I will say this, please return to your fine employment standards of fine good professionals , and assure firm your sweet darling work, and extra struggles to assure job search if without in any wish to even assure a lovely firm extended effort of the quality improved to see real you, in successes , at any level of even common wealth, and avert the issues in a few instances of a wrong in some concern of aim at you and your lovely small or larger ,  of a snow balling issue, not a legal reality - of concerns , you should have met in any rumor or nose to nose , of a issue that was - incorrect , and never to have seen, of a aim - even in hyjacked lies aimed to harrorize a few cab drivers too. some fruades , and costly in a aim said to be travel packages in train and other small spots steeling from low nice proper pricing and worth to see success in companies well realized excellence .  unifomed or suites slog, usa swaller of vender guckglucking kluck klucking aimed at your gold and silver ingots. several in  infested into some concern in the government of non real merits and no authority and unethical.  let me place an emphisis on the extreme cartooned examples of slog swagglers in pigging swattles bathing in everyones parfume and colones , and finest fammliile gold famille frame love of people good , in russia and the kremlin too in large government with feirce worth, sir vladimir putin, of a very fine delightful russia , and not lauphing stockwormwarts slap smug slog, skeet shooters , with firm loweres wispers , of no excelence in de ludge - when they are dumped in sweden and austria -  .  i know where de olympic de ludge is, usa has spec flights ready , in a diverted moon traveler . with liquid food powches , and tany sealed mixers . silver pop powch , from neil armstrong moon trip of appolo 13 missing out . please , see a fine note from the many governors - of russia in a letter of - merit and not a aim of the russia, i myself placed emphisis on some very fine project work with the kremlin, sir vladimir putin , to see through a rather unusual project toward , efforts of any in nessecity to stear clear of swagger , ragged , of a much earlier time just for any difficult reach to government services to all in a unique project of some of my theater friends retired , that assured good signs on bullitin boards in some needs to some without phones in a small nessecity years back. with high levels of success reachable in small difficulty , and a clean slate of extended great worth, of merits unknown . INSIDE THE KREMLIN projects 007 secrets , RUSSIA . LARGE RUSSIAN PROJECT , of just a few , in a love from the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , and of my own project sent to the kremlin reviewed love exists . 

international governments were swift in decency to even more, while not vagrent tramplers users shoving nasty rot 24/7 pin pointing me and my work and ears insuler sluggers , in a secondary slugging postion with aim intent , not brilliant enough to iq challenges with two year olds and use it, as a fact of ignorance trampling bomb tung swortz using my location for ripping me off with 50 billion people never in that mindset ever, 20 years of invites globally, hog swagglers sluggers of racketters swreik louder harder and stupper to trample ease  with backwash thatr covers nyc and texas in 9/11 copies slogging and the usa of large savvy , non fear of idiots in bulleted wool rippers. looking east and west , north and south , slogging - criminals- robbers of my project and schedule and actionable justificvation speedy - based on 6 years and open in reviews AFTER AT LARGE ,  with 4000 years in  out to a gift bean stew treasure hunt -  of exttremist active - in life threats aim at me and the usa, people lied to, and aimed lies in cornering of a said investment , or shared concern of aim at employment of merit , some people may deserve the wages of some hours and see through a effort, of chances to opportunistic employment with $15 per hour and 40 hours per week full time opportunity with $600. real cash wages each fourty hour week, and a gain in 52 weeks of about $30,000. cash paid in a bank of direct deposit pay cash real in the bank. The social security office online can assure your bank card in your own account , without a extra benifit in work, and non retirement at age 65 in most cases , or ssi or unenployment in need of 8 weeks of some pay unenployment insured in taxes , USA, and it's a struggle worth the effort, not to be a waste of my time, and see end slog no, of more real of good decency , some not , so i would seperate a elb arm fastest , to gain your own work and worth and meritus reality, with more confidence in a solid effort, ditch the sukrose , shoppe well, and strear with a decency i care , with some very good people searching to see work and full time 352 days fully a year with 5 days a week, 8 full hours , with professionalism , and deperation of a few meals , of concern . and noble efforts , in upside down very proud worth, over looking pushers tricks , with chances to solid employment real,  and internationalist ,  slog swashing aim in my very important invite globally the nasty chip monks, eanie and chip , rebirthed from 1970's with a big lick on a spot by spot - running from 60,000 in two months to 4 years , nasty. once a mrs . madamoiursell or senioritta ? homee always a mr/ sir ? homeee , once vickors ? women and men ? indecent conciderably reviewed largely as harry assnicker  bitchesbremmels  known of reviews in all international millitray data , when hard non legal language truth serves the people well, in no reiteration scam of words , and swishing buttlon pointed tung of less than cow brains , just a button worming , wrong when the church linnen tables are turned , as my brothers said . go ahead say it, cum bai ah my lourdus emeritus, and merits in progress.  

INTERNATIONAL CIRCLE OF PRESIDENTS OF COUNTRIES are with agreeable real , reinstated assured merits in instances some perhaps not readily aware of aim at them in a wrong issue and , with no allowed inquizition  quiet riot harm of scensless issues ,fooled or pressurized concerns staying firm on a ethical reality , in desperation possibility caused ,  of CRACK HOSERS . RATHER NON IN RACKETTER WHOM CRACKED THE BOOKS to any real comprehensive work, rather imliterate repeters , whom swaggle and reep , into seeping info - with a hope to turn into a large BUNNY EAR SQUASHER . ALICE IN WONDERLAND was fooled once , in the literary royal book largest in childern and grown up literature to take 6 month to read all of the title INSIDE THE LOOKING GLASS , author LOUIS CARROL ENGLAND . historical roal literature rare , and no modern print , over 80 years or more secrets exist . no litarary presentation has ever been merited of the litarary honored book , in a small royal library in ENGLAND . ravaging read for young grown ups at 9 and up. 

4:38 pm not CRAWLING UP VIADUCT PIPES ?  OR RIDING ON MOVING HEAVY EQUIPMENT PLAYING FAKE SANTA ELPHS OF WHOMS ?  OWE MC DONALDS AND THEY HAVE 50,000 ACCOUNTANCES COUNTING PENNIES , AND TRYING TO STEAR THROUGH ,  A REPAYMENT AGREEABLE - WITH REVIEWS LARGE IN THE MC DONALDS CORPORATION BOARD COUNCIL IN ALL , REALITY OF CONCIDERABLE REVIEWS AND MY efforts to see possible reviews close cut in possible employment - not a garentee , not a garentee repayment and still I will make a recommended review very very close , cutting the fat - language of fat , losses . with very excellent generosity to, over 500,000 employed people in 2022, with nearing zero business in FEBUARY when I began notes to see shoppes open fast , and a next project of the non covid solvant in my project of the GUITAR REVOLUTION , in fast stop in covid and a aim at near all usa , and shoppes in profits no covid in 30 days from the VALENTINE POSTS of LOVE NOTES 2022, with ice cre4am sales of $1.50 cent 8 onze cones and dishes in a early spring 2022, which was spectacular sales and summer finest fun more jobs all reopen by then with additional of the ice cream explosion of top sales in a real one million more companies open in the usa with over 6 to 40 or more employed at no less every job ligitimate at no less than $600. per week full time. My peace aria exhibition were sweetest and over billions traveles four years , each day billions , more , globally , 2014 - 2018, with a schedule to a largest recognition to fine people , not afraid to say they might have felt upside down, in many minutes and non stop, did not have jobs at times to travel, yet got to be project savvy , and did like the experience and unusual at times making money anmd realized in efforts , with job worth that was set faster in 2015 better, 2018 ready and a aim at my project , reality and the usa, with fast worth , in repairs , of my very largest love . one million companies beyond those solid reopened , february 2022.  march 2022, april 2022, pure love returned to me globally as well, it is a reality, I will not overlook , lovely world culture of the belief in my own efforts and achieved very high merits of copper pennies silver and  gold reality of a very real  internationalist industrialist ,  of independent , capitalistic humanities , real.  and you, all, whom ever you are . in the usa and everywhere all over the world. every country , waiting to comb their hair with me.  and wear real martini concetto attire clotheries , of some finest events gentle , of my usual 57 years of myself , of only me,  with love to your gracious outstanding humanity of my words - to you , you're incredible , my mother and daddy and wendel agree. 

GROCERY STORES are also calculating ods . and the magor leage foods and shipping merchants . in china and in other countries . Such as Italian and Egyptian cotton items ? Whos FRENCH WINE DELIVERY ? one inch ? no. german IMPORT AUTO VW ? AND LEIFBREMULSH OF THE SPECIAL GIFT SHIPPED IN THE RHYNE RIVER REGION GRAPE VINES OF THE COUNTRY OF GERMANY , with very special grapes cultivation a million years - ?   snowball pixel spots film 

2:17 pm soon SNOW BALLING ISSUES EXAMPLES  and ELEVATOR MUSAC ,                      reality low volume box plug in wall plug standard volt 12/24 V. SOON, love from myself,                                           


THE SNOW BALL ISSUES , with moving sensors that clutch and pretend a few comforted spectogrammies .  with lude contention and such a good largest decent reality ,  of zero inches left. and mass destructive copy sluggers , riding hides . 

snow ballers, never achieve anything , and don't get a real snow ball glass bulb christmas sweetest , gift with light sensor activated moving snow in real glass finest crafted bulbs all year . not yet in a sales , shippment. rare until christmas early purchases at love notes . from a very well realized international toy maker , and other internationalist inventive toy makers of every international culture in the world. 


STEVEN TYLAR GOOD OF YOU, AND THE FILM PERFECTION                                                        MUSIC COMPOSTION THEE STEVEN TYLER with                     an ensemble of arrowsmith 

sos arrowsmith , 007 steven tyler , thank you , with a very nice auditorium and sweet humanity of soft gentle love, public electronics made to love right. wild you all. thank you for being apart of love notes with MY DARLING OF MANY YEARS , THEE STEVEN TYLER / ARROWSMITH LABEL RECORDING OF 1970'S AND 1980, 1990'S 2000'S 2010'S 2025 NOW UPDATED IN A LOVELY MESSAGE GLOBALLY at my love notes international multi - media press giant media , with rss raw unplugged in all media giant villages all. in and beyond snowball sucker punching aimes . at a global international me .  princess tracy suzanne pickett triple crown imperialist princess , tracy suzanne pickett, crowned in every royal  honored worth globally , before the gumsuckatach enamoured themselves in aim- more liken to the subjegation of, a issue , not the talking heads . Or sir burnes. 

international love from                                                                                                              THEE STEVEN TYLER / ARROWSMITH , with live real guitar work excellence and honor in the hardest work efforts of the GUITAR REVOLUTION invites of 2013 and into 2022 anouncement invites larger , with a GUITAR REVOLUTION UPDATED often. INTERNATIONAL GUITARIST soon. 

7:39 pm EXTRA EXTRA OF MY 2021 GLIMPS OF MY PUBLICATION OF MY OWN        YELLOW CURRY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION w/ EXTRA YELLOW CURRY  ,      in early planning of my planning schedule of the year first online in 2021, at my studio vosse, not easily found in google , yet a publication of travel notes gift glimps of  my photographs are globally recognized in lovely honored work for ober 40 years and more recent too, in just people and placed , careful to love of distance and CE , PHOTOGRAPH ETHICAL , TYPE PRINT , WORK. WHILE MY PHOTOGRAPH IS IN THE YELLOW CURRY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION MYSELF  IN DRESS BLACK UNDER THE ARCHES . GLIMPS BRIEF GIFT , WITH PEOPLE AND PLACES TO WRITE MANY LOVE MESSAGES , OF SPECIAL SELECTION ARCHIEVE ONLINE IN MY OWN YELLOW CURRY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION.                                                        THEE YELLOW CURRY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION 

BILL GATES , sweetest update message inpromptue fuel and earnings corporation and employee responcibility to serve a largest heavy lengthy responcibility and not revolving hard employment in idiot shuffle scuffing scarppers , scrapping automobiles and decency . last seen running to push over outside shorties brunch to rip through in hard aim to scuffle in a aimed provoking known as a total robbery in quality and a lauphing lumpkin joker . WHILE BILL GATES my darling collegue , cultural , yes I say so, and a childhood school friend lenghty , has a incredible message -  fuel , energy , love FROM THEE BILL GATES 

with a smart phone design of my very own work in conceptual invention worth, with my darling my darling collegue STEVEN JOBES , ( a school friend years as a child hood friend other years too) both in computational computer invention of computer sciences which revolutionized mordernist - computerized home and large offices , in incredible important extremely well built productivity computer , - the very reality of the world wide web, of the reality to google url , of noted as a search engine function to the world wide web. thee www. we worked very hard for our schedules in project work, not to be a panzy slog ( my brother words for bitchassswaller aimed in slog racketters sliders , munic self nutered . 6:15 pm mc donalds near park and north in fairfield conneticuite where i was aimed and aimed where verbal sluggers , need granit and more slugs  , at, with running gold fish swaller contests. 

men , computers and elevator historiours , with film message important from again,                        LOVE , from BILL GATES 

a film presentation from thee BILL GATES updated for myself ,                                                princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT with my most gracious thank you . xo with extra love to you BILL GATES , the elevator and french chef excellence in real cherries jubilee was finest .

THEE CHARLIE SHEEN , son of MARTIN SHEEN , and a childhood friend brief summer outtings . with love CHARLIE nice of you to arrive yesterday ,  with sweets . the film update is generouly perfect 

THEE CHARLIE SHEEN in conversation improptue FILM  important to me. xo CHARLIE and martin with a sheen mom real too xo darlings of love notes . love to you ,        CHARLIE SHEEN, fine cherries in flaming rum sauce . 

messages 7:21 PM  THEE DAVID BYRNE fine music compostion 1980's and now updates of a lovely sweet to me, david you are marvolus in FILM 




sir president of germany olaf schol  messages 8:43 pm are about the syria as well as usa and russia with eastern europe , of a reality in efforts and largest invited drive expadition of my real royal invites in over 6 times revenue in all villages , count all marx everyone, your's not one split penny , other importance in very serious issues attackers of usa racketters , please see the film in the lower link of the government of royal GERMANY , WITH THE KOSNSOLOR , OLAF , MY VERY LOVELY DARLING FRIEND AND PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA , look for the arrow left and right and select arrow right to listen in a film direct from the president of ROYAL GERMANY . the film is in GERMAN LANGUAGE . PLEASE LISTEN TO THE FILM   THEE OLAF SCHOLS  KNOWN AS THE PRESIDENT / in germany  known as THE FEDERAL ROYAL CHANNELOR of ROYAL GERMANY . 

SERIOUS   AND QUITE POLITICAL   OF A LOVE TOWARD USA PEOPLE AND THE WHOLE WORLD , IN A LOVELY CULTURAL GERMAN IMMINENT CARES OF GREATER HUMANITIES , AND RUSSIANS , TOO.  thank you sir olaf schols of the touph , statements and the reality of love to the usa and all international countries , of a large worth to the usa and russian government and people. thank you as well for arriving several weeks ago, your smashinly lovely sir channcelor . love to you and all of germany .   aveitazein . gudde ' vonderbar kugels forever .

love from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT,  NOT WITHOUT ATTACKERS TO RECORD AS I USUALLY ALWAYS DO IN RISTERANTES ALL OVER THE USA AND WORLD , as everyone knows , and with rackettering tactical smack of rubble from barney rubble and bam bam sluggers that are hot to gain 50 cents , i am with a attackler at my back calling me a nasty rotten name of attackers provoking me., in leaped close rangew and large governors council in sessions now , USA and international open data council 24/7 with the nasty verbalized punk terrorism of some slugger tung of chimp chumping of a treck to every issue on their midget breath of meezels. with a bite to manyy for less than a nickle mirror - reflextor .  in extremist actiobonable aim in a ruling of a c onsistant consecutive lenthy notorious - aim tactical sluggers .  leaping to slog me , in mc donalds and aim trash over verbalized slugging . in pin point large 200 or more miles , in a aimed grip on the lens of my 40 years of my company project to a aim threat more -  slinging suckatash . of a unethical malicious mass intent - of pre issue at a 6 year - ripping threat -  to me and the usa . masked issues also arised in russia , as well, again in just one person whom hyjacked a large rig 18 wheeler before christmas day in a boarder road from GARMANY , AND AIMED IN LARGE MUNION OF MUTIN ELEMENT COMPOUDS OF UNLOADED CHEM DANGEROUS , UNLICENSED . UNETHICAL MUNION TYPES THAT WERE dismatled in the usa and likely mixed in a shipping carriage shipping flight , then unloaded and with a three image mask into three russian risterantes , and then an outside racketters , whom aimed to breakin behind the risterant counter . and very serious damage was - very serious as well as serious damage to me, non stop in harror of slapping happy lipped wiggos slugs,. snail sized BITTER SLUGGERS ,  in stupper and known as snatch - in CANADA . 

pye pye THE SAILOR MAN ,  WITH PAPPY , AND THE OLIVE OIL TYPE , OF AIMES AT HAMBURG GERMANY , DATED IN POLITICAL  NOTES OF A USA NEED TO REALIZE THE ISSUES OF A REAL SERIOUS ,  USA THAT , is 100 percent of greater usa and a small very harmful of an avarage of only 3000 in racketters whom are very vicious , and are of a very serious corrosion - in less people than can actually fill one quarter wide side walk city block in manhattan new york usa, and atleast 2899 have been on a navy bean stew travel through the old blue ridge mountian - of a destination point on a march of wattbarren  iles , with a remote four leg ancore  - of a pocono 6 - sunny of daylight . 

there was also very serious aim munion at largest corporation owners - over several months , that traveled and stayed very sharp at many complex work within their companies board meetings and large worth in very highest acheived hononed work at length- day and evening meeting of a love to me and a request , of the reality to graciousness of me at love notes and of length in my esteemed formative earliest achieved work , and very esteemed project with very lovely gracious men and women.  Toll House chocolate chips owner and other women are realized at large , and very gracious - busy love love notes . With Carol H. at beird and warner , too, a brilliant professional with a breath of lunch - with love and 007 admirations of love - respective no one way street. A GRACEFUL MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN , I ADMIRE WELL. NOT LUNCHING OR EARL GREY TEA WITH CAROL OR SEEING HER SINCE 1997 , WHEN I WAS VERY BUSY WITH LARGE 8 HOUR A DAY ROYAL STUDIES IN MY PHD PROGRAM FINISH. LOVE SENT . XO. 

SEVERAL CIRCLING RACKETTERS , AIMED TO verbal invest toward my sales and gifts , from rather largest many , in brunch gifted lovely efforts , and none was delivered , while some were getting aimed at in quazie leapers near. and also gripped , in fast grappling , in cases , two days ago and even today . there were aimed issues in the same and a ruthless cycling of bulked up , masked types , with a medallarking , lies and rumors -  of spread slappy happy cocahpeelho - fakes . also run in to other rip through issues and replicated same same mash up aimed attack   -  with extreme unethical aim- straggler racketter -  of very serious wrongful intent - hold your good standards - in good posture.  struggle ? once the work posture smooth to a busy reality of very careful efforts , it is then the wages weekly at the end of the week each week after 40 hours 5 days 8 hours with a job , and chance then its dinner out and cake times ,  of a realized merit , of course , lets get it right, earning your first gold ring of merit in 6 month , of extrodinary tired effort never ending,  house eased to look through the avalibility of real notes listed , not mistaken , ever ,  or dagwoods . chomping your wallet and and good brillance , real chances opportunity - of a effort , I have set to the look at hire option and then , it's solid 8 hour weeks hard work, with 352 real days per year , 5 days 8 hours no house show , and a standard of worthy possible chances .  and at the end of 352/ earned of over $30,000. 00 a year with public service high in list of professionalism , real - no minute mint - of a gold coin foiled chocolate spiller to eat. while mc donalds board of directors and owner and 50,000 accountants are looking the repayment to them in every cent - over .  and large grocery merchants -  low priced reality of a high esteemed working reality and largest hard effort of very real nessecity of a great usa and a largest in humanities rules - not a blight sticker quack of the klue klucking klan painted donkey . 

pony ?  where ?  

dagwood , comic strips 1968, with a update message of dag and blondie created in political commentary of real mesages child savvy in worthy cartoon strips of block news print in thin paper delivered . only sunday - read

the seattles best coffee shoppes: greatest welcome and my many films too in my travel invites even to all usa governors whom arrived as most did in this ripping slog of idiot nasty of circling rippers , with everyones , make up even stolen off shelves in the finest of my essentials i listed to all in love notes , of shipped international business merchant lost - some boxes , and trees for christmas too, vermit malicious smug rightiousless goons , in the boxed gifts to the usa , and more , of rotting experiences attacked by smug ATTACKERS CHIP AND EARNIE   RECORDING MANY . 

MEET CHIP AND EARNIE AND THE OTHER CHIP MONK ,  WITH THE ISSUES OF CHIP MONKING OF A MONK THAT STAYS SILENT A LONG TIME UNTIL EYED IN TO MORE PUSHED TERRORORISM LOOSING , IN CONTEMPT AND AIM RIOTING AFTER THE CHIPMONKING REPETED ATTACK ON EVEN MY PROJECT RECORDING FILM AND MOVIES OF LATE MONSTER AND THE WALNUT SCHEDULES LARGE IN SKETCH MOVING PICTURE HAND MADE MOVIES EXPECTED AND WAITING TO ALL THE FAR EAST EVEN CHINA ALL, , and mortifying threat to me and my schedule , including books like the french flambe of royal cherries jubilee , which was a attacked , project too, in my lovely work travel of serious schedules , i meet daily , with large energy and global large achieved worth. it's a mad mad world - with global notes trecking even butterflies in south american migration of hundreds of butterflies and hundreds of miles - moon viewer , in russia , too. my star satalight never close , and have pocket viewers . prepared in microscope and large seperation viewers with noice reduction of direct film and seperated trecking of even a under side of whales tails , 

listen to the chipmonks in recording history usa . 

not thelonius monk , the cartoon strip chip  monks - not mircats either . 

film of the 1970  VIETNAM usa CHIPMONK POLITICAL INSIDE FROM THE HISTORIES IN A USA SLOG , NOT MEXICAN OR FORIEN internationals , some are, looking over the language translator in google language traslate from usa or english to any language traslation of words or phrazes , just type in google translation , and read the language word, for any english usa word , what is hello in spainish of south american countries languages all spainish latin american ,while chipmonk records are  NOT VIENAM LANGUAGE , NOT JAPAN OR OTHER . JUST SLOG INTO CHIPMONK CARTOON RECORDINGS ,  ONCE NAME FAUCLE PUDDING SUG CAKES . 

SHOPPE  FLAME RETARDANT BLANKETS FOR WELDERS READ UNDER $17. and change ebay . not .50 cents. 

greggory hines and mikhail baryshnikov thank you my very darling men. nice to see you for earliest breakfast before sunrise today.  the film is very lovely in all footwork and magnificent of you both, thank you ,  more work everyone , love to you - elevator notes , forever . on salina street , perfection too. gosh 1979. lovely of you 007 finest men. in a rare fine film 

john lennon and all the men : the beatles soon. women guitar amiture film fine reels , yes . 

right now 10:59 pm with updates messages of the kremlin and reviews of updates I have meeting , very real of love to all of russia and the estern europe , countries among all countries . and an open moon viewer update in russia via star satalight , back hall hulled , issues re : space ussr  messages .   kremlin of russia notes of sir vladimir putin and a russian governor , with issues of masked faces as well, racketters stragglers of serious harm, and notations of mine via love notes . read 

from myself , princess tracy suzanne pickett 






FEBRUARY 13 th 2025 1:47 pm hello, good day to everyone, as i am quite sure you noticed the largest attack in verbal scamming in the usa that aimed yet again at me and my location , in aim at my work and liesures with a extreme malicious attack verbally in a scam of siuted police close threatening me in statmernts which i will include while aimed to hammer in to verbal brutality of a cohorted connected rackettering scam - aimed to fatal vicious threats to me, and aimed to illigal aimed cornering me inside the mc donalds , with pin point aim attacking in verbal and physicalit threats leaping malicious and a suit up  freinzed freek show - aim to extensive further brutality of visious malice in pin pointed aim at my largest of very sweet event schedule and my personal liesure to repair my , damages of their cohort cohersive connent of rackettering in a contort of legal matters of a shove into harm and threats of siuted bodily threatening police of a illigal reality in the usa as of 2014 with a maliciousness of a lie in action to state ingnorant intent o a malicious threat to me in massive connected aim in muniuon and mass , contempt of largest lengthy humanities laws of the United States Constituion and breaking international laws within a reality of the legal standards of the reality globally in higfh order of countries and humanities ethical rights , with the siuted up police in stolen cars , illigal foods not paid for, illigal back history of terrorist threat to a accumulate issues of largest vagrence of lawful ethical standard , in every legal ruling of the usa - with bodying threats near my breakfast lunch table stating contort tactical threats to my life , and livelyhood of a insulre threat of claims , to lied of laws , and USE OF EXTREME TERORISTIC THREATS -  SIZED TO ROBBERY AT A RISTERANT INSIDE OR CIRCLING IN THE AREA , AND STATED :  THREATENING STATEMENTS OF EXTREME ILLIGAL STATEMENTS IN CLOSE LEAPED RANGE OF A WORD TO SAY I WAS TO LEAVE MY LUNCH TABLE AND LEAVE THE RISTEERANTE TO NOT RETURN , AS A ILLIGAL LARGE LUFE THREAT AND A FAULCE CONTORT OF REAL LEGAL RIGHTS , OF EVEN KINDERGARDEN STUDENTS REALIZE , THAT EQUALITY IN ALL WAYS , OF SHOPPING OF ALL PUBLIC SHOPPES MEANS ALL, AS TRUE TO PARKING IN SHOPPES OF OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, AND SIDE STREETS , AND ANY WHERE , YOUR CAR IS WITH NON WORKING IN DRIVE , TO SEE SIDE OF THE ROAD , A RIGHT TO ALL, NO MATTER, AND THAT OF WALKING AND ALL PUBLIC SIDE WALKS , AS WELL, IN RIGHTS , AND ALL EQUALITY OF EVERY REALITY , WITH FILTHY POLICE SEEN AS ATTACKERS , OVER 10 YEARS , AND NOT A LARGE MANY , IN FACT DARED TO USE LIES AND SHOVES IN THE LARGEST , TYPES OF AIM, EVEN IN PAUL MC CARTNEYS ARRIVAL IN THE USA AND VERY LARGE BREAK IN TO RISTERANT AND STAGES , WITH MALICIOUS CONTEMPT FROM THE BASTER OF A ZERO IN EARNED WORTH, AND EXCESSIVE LARGEST ILLIGAL ACTIVITIES , INSIDE THE USA , AND WITH AIMED AT THE UKRIANE AND RUSSIA AND THE USA ALL AT ONCE IN RATHER LARGEST CONTEMPT OF HUMANITIES AND THAT OF REAL STANDARDS OF ACTUAL LEGAL RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE.  INCLUDED IS THE ATTACKS TOWARDS THE SPREAD OF LIES IN CONTEMPT TO SOME , AND THAT OF AIMED MALICIOUS CONTEMPT TOWARD ME IN A FAR TRAVEL TO AIM THREATS OF CONTEMPT TRO MY EXACT LOCATIONS , OVER AND WITH ALL THE CONNECTED COPIED MALICIOUSNESS AFTER THE RACKETTERS ROTTED THEIR SELVES IN OVER 60,000 OTHER CITIES AND AIMED TO GRIP CASH , AND HARM BANKING STANDARDS ,  


Febuary 15th 2024 9:40 pm love is real, yet not in the plaza of the MC DONNALD's parking areas in the NORTH st. and PARK st, area, in fairfeild bridgeport conneticuite , usa unless you are myself, and many whom filled the plaza with me, several days , here. I did transgress, a few days, with raw rss, in conversation from my automobile to global people and in the usa every village , in the world, as usual, and not as usual , with extreme harm done to me and my company , and lovely schedule of finest lovely introspecive worth , that was harmed as well, in a manageiry glass , harror to me. I can not say what I could really think, that was, intended in any way, in real worth to me, as my schedules are busy, and the time is much more than a loss, I myself never see any way to have any loss in work so generously my own- pure love. I will never be in a situation of any such ever again, nor will I include to see through a - large plague of turkey squaller - aim to peck out my decent generousity , as a result to bringing over $800 billion in to the local city into much larger revenue for the owners of companies in the larger in the usa and the eastern region of the entire american continent . while being rather moderst , of actual figues of worth I brought , while traveling , there was not one grace in even complimentary coffee, in also all gift that were ordered by others , stolen , all.  and This included pancake breakfast from the corportion of mc donalds that was served, in table service to shrillers , that lined their eyes with intent to slug .  

MORE : yes, there is more. While I unfortunatly am still at mc donalds , due to some sleepy very cold , issues, and still a issue of my phone with a mobile banking issues, while the phone does work, their was a large munion aim at it tamporing in the local shriller , issues, on wheels , and even new - h2o overblasters - of not those before- now enjoying navy bean stew as the other shriller stepped upto the mound to bat $1000.  

My automobile despreatly needs a Jump and I wish to order lunch from Dominos , and I wish to actually recieve the $150. visa gift card I bought at wallgreen in a five minute run , to pick up, which was swinddled from me at a walgreens counter , not FILMonce by twice ,  and my cash is very low. While their is a fuel delivery service which I can order online and use my own bank card mobile account online , with some concern in the shriller of a vagrent , gutting disrespect from anything decent, which I could never have imagined a leap forward in a new - gish gussy gashing - aimed and aimed again to very indignat service even, and unlike the many of the people in the city , as a reality, and those of 50 billion travelers of a great invites of my royal international drive expadition to be near and in real cinamatography and with rather extrodinary times , of love that are worth , the drive expadition all year 2025, leaving shriller in the dust -  to as I stated to GREY HOUND CORPORATION a FREE RIDE , to shrillers , that have a SIGN : REMEDIAL FREE RIDE :  BYOB. SOCIAL SEVICIES CAN SUPPLY A FOOD CARD : or the FOOD SOUP KITCHEN , had a brunch BYOB . BRUNCH.  As I told a haggeler today that can to attack me verbally iin a aimed issue in a vagrent unethical pin point to see more than ruin and disregard in human life and that of any care of the USA and myself, I said : Get away from me and my time, anmd automobile and lunch tables , and get your CHICKEN LEGGS , out on the street where someone left it for you-  get it the FRIED CHICKEN LEG, go, get it run , go on, get the CHICKEN LEG on the STREET , someone dropped it just for you . EAT . THERE RUN . get away from me , get your CHICKEN LEGG FRIED AND READY IN THE STREET. RUN , go on.  

The KREMLIN has a message as do the men of the millitary of royal russia, as I interviened in some of the issues aimed into russia over 7 days and in other times earlier , due to the efforts of my invention and rostec invention duely we are rather , a excitment of some historical real technologies , with some plugs I pulled out of a russian concern,  as the person whom , as myself , rather is with my extended love to russia and due streer the orbit in a duel way, complex , with some lag in a space centre which is of the utmost important speed in resolve to me, as a realiity in a rather unique - orbit purposes - implimented to me as a priorety, and shriller moving to use vicious nastry harror laying over my time and company in intent to a mass attack of verbal sliggers - leaping  in long range after the long range nukes were shut down in the usa aimed at usa by american usa shrillers -  hitting the ss, retired or big business as mine is too  mc danalds is, kraft, hershy , etc ,

Yes the shriller had an innee in aim at russian space , no dought ,.  more on the subject , still lapping my day, and with two or four on the outter feilds of USA dreams , with me, are in a possible , shuffle in the Mc Donalds' starring down the USA people ,  to bend and turn and please - or scare with a shaking wiggl8ng knee of clinching elbos . 

While ripping out others car wires -  with a near zero on the munion, for ten minutes . 

3000 shrill moved into the blue ridge mountain treck I requested , of the shriller , to be seen on the charter to see the old blue ridge majestic mountian , in no businesses and just ,   little deer , at the top, eating the natural wooded forest food , and real bear reality, and wild turkeys , known as grouse , on their navy bean turkey steww, with an eye of the forest , before their desination of wattbarzigchiggers , to a crab house MARALAND assured .  bread crab cakes in immitation flavore, ready MOTZA CRAB CAKES  no crab just a driźler of flavor motza ball crab motza caked coojed in lard , SHRILL ATE .  What did I see through in russia,  the men of royal russian special millitary on ground , soluted today. As Vladimir Putin sent their lovely messages via - star satalights - created for me especial.  extra extra - luanches . many since 2012. 

Giant Solute to mself and rostec in russia , in some extra special operational extra extra I superseeded orders , in a rule of my own company, and that of the work , with the kremlin. Orbit , after all, would never have become without me. and rostex , and my international lourds leaping in a reality of axuillury to me , with  humanity of dael8ng pwople and the consult work, of some USA people well loved and brilliat, with a very high solute of honor and especial thank you.  With a Royal Solute to the ussr and ussr communication and the leaping lourdes , with the solute to the Kremlin , sir Vladimir Putin in a love returned , in the honor of humanity and the international royal oath of aliegences of the international humanities constituional streach, I made , in the love we are , in greater humanity.  

Men and Women ,  I love you . with the love of Sainte Valentine- of the utmost VALENTE ' 

20.kremlin a gift from VLADIMIR PUTIN , several years , always a sweet new gift , in film , with serious upsets in photograph avente gaurte messages at times, not always of direct, statements, with some concerns of a issue of close range silver rattle snakes .  

new updated love : well,  not exactly Vladimir Putin's charming, direct , brunch talk.  The President of Russia , of a political honor to people in RUSSIA very well loved and honored in love all over the world. Everyone notes the mighty sward is the pen work of merits and of a humanity of a eased reach, not a mirror fun house , that kicks you brain to a dizzy, harror .  

The lovely SOLUTE of the ROYAL SPECIAL MILLITARY , of RUSSIA to me are quite special and of a gracious love for foriegn efforts, I may have , requested , especial  worth, within my responibility of my own company's work, I have cultivated of rather international esteem , of love to me, realized in a sweet list - returned of love to cultural properity of pure spirit of beauty - love and honored valente ' 

SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN MESSAGE : IN RUSSIAN  REELS , DON'T MIND THE OBLEEK IN THE LOOK AT THE SAID GENERALS QUAUDES . the kremlin gets touph ' about shrillers and displays ,   obleek , in a direct ,   look at a rather ,   shriller oppostional  squaller , as a missel issue was a  spot is rather only 20 feet aimed at  myself in a type of munion , in facts , rostec note detail at a later banana news revival. 20 KREMLIN is a note of my water sales lecture of $20. investment to a summer of water iced at a $17,000. earning to one fine day in my lecture in MANHATTAN of 2025.  Great water sales iced and served with serious political water sales work. Honored in LOVE NOTES from MANMHATTAN TO AFRICA , and beyond . USA too.  

more  notes of orbit ? perhaps. while , I have a very busy schedule, some short flights, and a love for men,  women , boys and girls , you, whom ever you are , from everywhere, all over the world. LOVE TO YOU , for Februray VALENTINE MONTH 2025, my very beautiful mother, Alma M,. C. P. E. R.  and wendel A. P. and daddy, Ronald A. P. ( 1968 , the quarter majic I showed daddy , disappering quarters in my ear, then gave daddy his quater returned in less than 5 minutes.)  ( no disapearing rabbitd yet ), and everyone .  FINE BOX CHOCOLATES , at groceries or walgreens are spectacular prices and from special USA efforts ,. buy domestic chocolate if in the USA. RUSSIA buy RUSSIAN domestic chocolates which are russian. Savvy sales , for good properity of a love for domestic worth every day too, and foriegn imports . too. 

BOLD UPDATES FROM SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN, a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE HONOR , all over the world and a very brilliant , czar , of the country of RUSSIA , with my sweetest love to you darling kremlin , sir vladimir . sweet face, I love you, wild thing. with your lovely royal millitary sweetly . wild too. 


My lovely russian  men , love to everone , with my imminent expressions of humanity to a sweetest love to you and all of russian and the world. darlings of my sweet breath of love . to your families and the government of russia and the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin . thank you for your expressions many, with extra expression in the MOSCOW TIMES, not always direct . with love in MOSCOW RUSSIA and all lovely properious villages throughout lovely RUSSIA . wild thing- I love you everyone. 

The MEN in ESPECIAL WORK.                              OF LOVELY RUSSIA . 

of course there is a reality of my international , action to see a remedial action of justification of a total judicial remedy within  internation, assurances , with ysa governors , real and honored w/ many reinstated , with also reinstated senate and general assembly : extreme outrage of aim from resl racketters - those of  the people whom aimed at me and the usa with fruadukent ruthlsss aim at the ukraine w/ unethical malicious lies, with extreme aim too at  the russian government , work to prevent any damage to me with large humanitirs to the people of the usa, in any type of concern , and racketters -have vagrent unethical issues inside of russia with a fraudulent faked , work inside russia , of a aim at the government of russia, and myself , in a aim to attacking the orbit , with a issue also larger in the usa of a gross maliciousness in actionable aimed harm at me , persononbally , aim in to extreme viciousness in blaten unethical harm terrorizing my whole reality of my darling lovely life and that of the extrodinary worth I myself built of the entire company of my one peron company , of extrodinary hard work and great success, over 40 years . with a attack in largest vagrent aim just ten minutes ago, in a brutal aim again at my table seat in mc donalds , again with vagrent close range paulberring punks , of a viciousness toward all in the usa as wel, and a large broken civil liberties of a aim to hostage me in fact and star down the theift in mc donalds ,  these harrible shrillers - attacks over in a leap to get that large pot left - in the aim at the area , with a newnamakes and aimed plug in to visious body blocking threat terrorizing my plug in ,with several vagrent issues aimed to reep and destroy the real focus of the orbit , and shred the two billion dollar otrbit sanction , against the government of russia , staring at a a russian cortmarshal. with other legal penning large issues of teŕorizing munion aim at me and my company within a russian sanction of reality toward a project of mine within russian sanction and assured ussr to see nothing of and concern toward me, in largest humanities rules , with secondary humanitirs rulrs towards usa and other people- reason to hault- in any close area of 3000 miles too clase. out,. everywhere i travel. as the orbit is designed to assure amoung other reality as a imminent work, of largest , in the large grace to humanity , in a leverage in a justification , of worth to humanity in russia and of a very large , stop to rackettering / shrillers ( viciously real in lenghty trek reels). 

The president of RUSSIA, KREMLIN / PRESIDENT SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , within the international council of presidents of countries , and within all ethical sanction of the russian country has international legal processes , and internal, in fraudulent aim invasive issues which open the doors of racketters in boarders of recent in large harm done - and an aim was caused to me, of a internal matter of russian government preordianed in ethical standard to prevent and asuure inside the orbit  russian sanctions , and the fruadulent infest in russia was a invasion and caused obstruction that are pre eminent to a speed in all largest levels of a extreme reality in speed to see affectuations of large worth , of the russian teams of a sanctions ruled assures non obstruction to me and my work, all, intensly of all measures to protect my already large happiness of achieved worth, in large responcibility non stop, and no - range of those in such a malicious discontent of real , ethical realty.  not exactly the choice of a shrill to determine their plague of merraige deception toward any .  in the review of the maliocious , issues which date bake to cover up and pointed aim at large numerious citizens whom, are with all great realities to streer well in decision of their new era worth in the broad usa of people , darlings of love notes . all over the world , darlings of love notes .

russia has a reason to see through a wattbar and remiedial buss for the harror of the sargent major general   -  with a fruadulent seconds up office mangle in some offices even reported by the prime minister and many in russia , with recent emails in some with jammed issues in some international trasmittles and a mortifying very vicious circling threat to my own ears and times mine in a large real sanctitude not theirs , and directly of aimed threats in attacks to my drive expadition and the revenue and leisure i work to enjoy of my own achieved worth lengthy.  



NOTES AND THE REAL GIANT PROFESSIONAL SALES LEAGUE ? WORTH IT. SAY YES .A request i myself made for a real job board list for any upside down of need to wish to emplyment option of great real offers 352 days all year 8 hours a day 5 days per week @ starting pay $15. Eaqualing $600. Per week paid at the end of each work week,  maybe of a interest to realized worth worthy of 40 hours strait through a year of excellent effort in work with hobos and former hobo senators in a job list option to read and apply to upto ten possible option while I await my collegues in ownership ro  read the responce .  For some fine real efforts of good folk,  people in the usa and internationally too. 

crissy haslum , i was looking for your very favorit self photograph to see noted in love notes , just you , and your studies at emory college . say yes . i will look for your very best . especial love notes post : crissy haslum and worth the read with my love . cristina p. in kentucky , i will say to you and brian r, p. love to you for the valentine month . i simply love you . jeff t, p. sharon j . p. barabara j. p and eric j. p. 

I will schedual in an update to some finest people in very good standards and may not know more about the lectures in 2014 -2018 streering your lovely worth in good humanities and sales counter in advance brief updates in a read to success in your solidarity , and lovely self , even just walking your self to a shoppes daily or unenployed etc. updates brief, and not a square dance at all. I have no square dance . in love notes . 

Phone is  out and running , ayro fuel siin in morning with need to ask for a car jump . First thing . And a pizza order that was with malicuous aimed targeted theift . Not delivered .as the persin that took rhe pizza was rapif movung leaping out from a hidden close range and then slide near my aytomobile and then ran off taking the order fast befoee i knew the driver was there and then he was lied to of simeine  in back of my automobile to say late lunch time. $89. Order . I am expecting a return of the money as i show my id on the order delivery . While the drivers are usually slightly more careful. Drive expadion ready . On Februry 16th 2025 with a fat extra box of chocolates to purchase at wallgreens .

Valentines after mindinght is going to be exciting with some lovely updates and banana news extra extra reviews to read and films in the extra extta banana news revival notes wily good. What a parking love today everyone xo .  I love you all , all over the world , in conneticuite  and all the usa of a real usa love. 

From myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , a $29 gift sale rare price with a $20. Prelude conccetoes yes, in person to see you perfectly  perfect - fun , some at street sale royal street sale sketched @ $5.  Some $20. 

Details : late afternoon febriary 16 th 2o25 close and loved .  MI CASA SA CASA . detail for later tomorrow promise . LOVELY PARKING FILLED EVEEYONE. XO THANK YOU WITH ALL MY GRACES 

12:40 AM AFTER MIDNIGHT AND 12: 49 PM IN Beijing China now too, aftrrnoon in China, FEBUARY 16 TH 2025 , 

Special    Gift                  raw narratrd book 

in a pralude gift of listening HONORED ROYAL LITWRATURE OF MYSELF AUTHORED a  ROYAL LITARARY TALE CHILDERN AND GROWN UPS PERHAPS you may listen : childern                                    THE TALE OF              THE MAJIC OF THE OSTRACCIKI BIRD 

written author. / raw narrarion                    princess Tracy Suzanne Pickety        

especial valentines.      month     my      gift  LISTEN 

 all over the world 



John Lennon , Ringo Starr , Paul Mc Cartney, and GEORGE HARRISON valentine reels in photograph of mt royal archieves  . PERSONALLY . 


Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett     ROYAL VITEA '  EXTRA EXTRA AGAIN 






THEE VLADIMIR PUTIN valentine royal archieve personal to myself                          princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Vladimir Putin CZAR . KREMLIN OF THE COUNTRY OF RUSSIA , AS ON OF THE one of thee  LARGEST OF COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. charmimg with cultural lovely international well noted cultivation of quite the lovely work ,capitalistidc humanities world diplomatic president , capitalistic of independent wealth of people of RUSSIA .MY DARLING CZAR 

sir vladimir putin @ the royal russian gold doors. 

Recent Meeting in Moscow Valente ' of Sweet Sainte of Valentine . XO LOVELY SIR VLADIMIR


More Soon w/ roysl literary Valintine poetry . 

2:14 am GOLDBERG VERIATIONS OF                GLEN GOULD in extrodunsry piano from the J.S. Bach concertoes LISTEN wuth extra messages from Billy Joel , Robert Redford, Paul Newman , The Beales , The Russian Moscow State Symphony of thee  Royal Philharmonic , 

of THEE WILLIAM TELL OVERATURE in compostion within the MOSCOW STATE ROYAL PHILHARMONIC SYMPHONY . with even more lovely messages in the short messages updated   HAPPY SAINTE's  OF THEE VALENTINE 

THEE FRANK SINATRA.                                        FLY ME TO THE MOON LISTEN more messages for valentine over the connetuicuite and the usa and all ovwr tge world. Messages short list .

PAUL SIMON   w/  the men composirionist  of  south africa in a extra special gift made especial for me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett with love from THEE PAUL SIMON w/ MEN OF SOUTH AFRICA darlings my lengthy many years, ands DIAMONDS ON THE SOULS OF MY SHOES . extra special eveywhere to everyone all, all over the world LISTEN IN FILM  

message STING 2:58  AM                           MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE LIST3N read the messages  from darlings of love messages to the whole world and personal to me. Love again and again , even JEFFERSON STAR SHIP with films lovely eveetyone,  STING , I DID NOT RECIEVE YOUR LOVELY LETTER . PLEASE graciously i extend my invites,  invite to wine and pizza with my favorite sea food tortalini stuffed with riccoto fresh Italian Cheese. , in a broth chicken base stew, of roasted stew tomatoes, prepared roated stew vegtables carrot , potatoe, spainish vidalia onion sweetest  Bay Leaf , parsley   rosmery , thyme spice , served with 13 e.u.p. prawn shrimp , w/ pan seared collosal scollaps, freashly braissd broiled roasted stew vegtables, pino ' fussilli' et du vinyard souvienioun blonc ' fresh roast warm potato small halved red skin salad et du creme du la creme ala'  shaved regianio-parma shaved cheese import ITALIAN mai wei especialty , secret , finest yeast butter split roll , freshed baked,  xo with love   

The films and work in design of it was to be.     A FOX GLOVE HUNT  fox glove hunt              


we began  in a royal especial filmed archieve personally . Of a fine sainte  Valenentine   films  w/  delightful messages more . 


February 16 th 2025 2:11 pm good day in the mc donalds again. PARK AVENUE 1700, PLAZA ,  Fairfield bridgeport conneticuite usa , very good of everyone , merci to you everyone with filled parking as  lovely worth thank you. I will be in a slight,  chill a minute or two getting a gallon pf fuel,  extra fuel just a minute or two walk, and then need a jump, engine batteries , can stop if radio is left or, or lights left on while automobile is turned off. Even upper light, and can take 12 hours or less too, the catalitic converter starter needs the battery fully ready, and will  not restart, when lights and radio are left on and the triangle flasher too, limited in an hour to shut off when automobile is off, and cables connect to two plug in one battery , red on red , black on black caps, copper clamp clamps to the large metal bolts on top of battery with firm teethy grip, connect positive first red to red , both cars , thrn black to black both cars with one on , do not tangle copper clamps together, when all four clamps are snug, then one auto boost a jump spark to other and turn key and start automobile with other  in  running other with a reve to engine , one minute then done. Unconnect clamps - first negative then red to red done.  running car then run autimobile one hoir before turning off with battery to regenerate full battery with car runninh extra hour with a refresh on full battery . 

OR starts with copper cable jump cables or a box jump battery starter . 

Fuel at least a gallon to start the automobile then a fill up with one hour non stop on engine turned on to recharge fully the battery - either driving or sitting with automobile on. Then turn off all type of motor button types , then shut car off. If needed. Important note all over the world , love from myself, in cold weather its a good idea to keep one half full fuel up. To no less then one fourth of a full fuel up , then fuel only gets 1/4 low before fueling as a very savvy reality. 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett .  I am looking for good trousers 'soon to the fuel stop for a red fuel bottle plasic with special nossle for perfect pour in fuel them turn the nossle inside empty red fuel  bottle shut tighly very tightly and store in back of automobile - if ever needed , call a cab to get fuel then ride back and fuel up and drive to nearest station to refuel in any need . All over the world. Red fuel bottles are usually about $10.00 or less. And are to keep forever in your back compartment of all automobiles with a cheep jumper cable copper snake like two sets copper clamps each side and a cab driver or someone whom might see your sign need jump will stop . In needs . 

Women in Valente ' Notes and Men , after my automobile is up with heat and fully fueled. Before dinner perhaps . More soon. 

5:26 pm Hello , love to you all ,  

from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , phone is up and working so far with my mobil wallet phone ready , same phone with details in the transcontinential repair , in the weeks to note in a very special banana news love message. TODAY NOW @ 5:20 pm : i filled a gallon of fuel in my automobile , and ate a noodle soup and some cheese cheeto cheese puff chips , some times favorite with good salts of cheese very good for riche mineral wealth brainy cheetos in replenisher ' with a car to straiten and a walk over to mobil in sevaral hours to request a jump start with from anyone. My automobile needs neet ready to drive reality . And a late meeting night with some fine foods to drive, park and see valentines messages many and more - detail more soon. Mobil on 1704 park ave bridgeport coneticuite perhaps a walk to request a jump - after 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm . 

Real Royal Road Side Sketch - for a 5 minute jump start , i have cable copper clamps or if you have a battery starter clamp ? Either . Everyone , your unforgettable , I love you. XO SOON MIDNIGHT DINNER TOGETHER EVERYONE, GLOBALLY. 

8:42 pm the rain , was chilly , wet feet, I will be more prepared in the morning to ask for a real jump on my engine and have some notations and several extrama meetings in moscow wi6h a slight , dally to really sleep too. My late night last evening was very busy until 5:00 am meetings all night. 

Details in royal street sketch sales - $5. for a number of the smaller , and then $20. In a slight larger , are going to be with eased print work. 


Excitment 2025 invite to the royal international street sale of thee drive expadition w/ some antidotal mustard perfection ,  film , real love to you all exverywhere .  

With rather an ease , and excitment in a street sale car side fun , and the prelude conccerto too, and more cinamatography. Great excitment of invites of the royal drive expadition -                 you all from , everywhere  arrived , among a list of many and royal internationalist arrived - cinamatography film are wild. Please note, i shall be speedy in a ready  to a jump in morning on February 17 th 2025 . Mobil 1704 park ave , i shall walk over to ask someone bridgeport conneticuite usa sometime before 11:00 am . With a gift sketch as a thank you. Signed with all my graces to you. All . I love you so well. Thank you for yhe parking fun. Xo. 

message 9:02 pm Nate King Cole UNFORGETTABLE LISTEN with a wild lovely messages and messages and more , prefect of everyone . I love you . with all my total affection to everyone arrived and from fairfield and bridgeport connetiucuite usa, with my love everywhere , all over the world. 

end of d a y Feburary 17 th 2025  

FEBRYARY 18 TH 2025 9:47 pm hello , hello everywhere, I wished to let everyone know, the late jump on my automobile went well , a fine man from the south seas country of  Jamaica was in the fuel shoppe, with a great fellow from Nigeria Africa, whom I sang compositional music i wrote known in title : JUMBALIA STEW,   as the nice internatiinal arrived guest in to conneticuite , arrived, and was kind, and savvy with my jumper cables , PHONE w/ MOBIL PHONE BANKING DEBIT is running well.  A BREIF PRESS UPDATE , SOON EVERYONE. 

Please , I could kiss you each person for the extra lovely stop you all made to park with me. All day , three days. Thank you with all my very best love to you all. Sweetest , thank you. 

WALGREEN SHOPPE , A FEW MINUTES   , for an extra visa gift card - for fuel extra travel card. 

with a very large sweet film in messages , everywhere all over the world, fairfield and bridgeport. Conneticuite too, with special thank you're for prefect sales services . Mc Donalds  ' best in service . XO.  

FILM EXTRA with       




INTROSPECTION OF THE PINK PANTHOR ,  from the television american standard usa, with updates direct from my darling lovely.          


more very soon. w/ real after midnight dinner. xo love frim myself, 


end of day at 12: 00 midnight 

FEBRUARY 19 TH 2025  2:02 am 

Good Day , @ 2:04 am night and day 

messages from THEE DAVID BOWIE with spectacular lovely emails nearly daily of many years, with my VALENTINE POEMS , spoon published in LOVE NOTES multi- international giant media, to DAVID BOWIE, VLADIMIR PUTIN , and lovely veey darling friends, years , including Diana Ross w/ the supremes. 

DAVID BOWIE for VALENTINE MONTH FEBRUARY 2025 in a exciting music comppstion LIFE ON MARS



everywhere , all over the world. 

3:01 am 

messages many , many with a VALENTINE FILMS to me, with special meanings and love. AĹL OVER THE WORLD ,      inside.     LOVE NOTES 



MIND GAMES a extra rare recored film, HAPPY VALENTINE 2025 into all of the  MONTH of FEBRUARY  2025 , to you all, everywhere, in conetticuite and all over the world. 

direct now from RUSSIA 3:12 am the CZAR,  Vladimir Putin , and many in Russian Farming with an update for Valentines in lovely RUSSIAN REAL LOVE in FILM LOVELY EVERYONE , vladimir perfect of you darling, a valentines to note well with domestic chocolate VALENTINES SPECIAL BOX fine chocolates. More Tortalini Stew ' with fummi fucceia ' a perfect select wine , with fine bineie pastery and a stuffed cabbage roll, again' extra brunch especialties . 

I love you , darling vladimir ' love to everyone ' thank you . direct from RUSSIA 

Love , from myself,                              princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Extra Extra Notes GOODWILL , EXTRA LENGTH PAMT COAT WARMEST SMART S A VVY , with free gift ( wrap wool warm two layer around nose and moyh ears hard neck with warmth more eased ). Cool months, with waiver with ski gloves wool scarves wool hats amd woolie warm socks sweaters amd underline warm layering under pants with thick boot under feet winter warmed. And section 8 rentals , are of many, and ramge in $150. Per rental alone to $300. With your choice of availanle rentals of home purchases with H.U.D. usa . And low priced morgages even $300. With H.U .D. email or phone your local social services and assure your SNAP FOOD SHOPPING CARD SAME AS CASH, as a government standard tax credit to you. Same day office stop to get your snap card, free bus passes on bus, call ahead for special arrangement for a city bus. Also , the ymca has a seating lobby to sleep over night if needed to get out of cold ' in any upside down matters. 

HOT SOUP AND EXTRA GROCERY : if need in upside down times the soup kitchen is ready daily. READ Fairfield Con̈eticuite usa or a soup kitchen near you , if ever needed , pleasant to know the soup kitchen is filled with real love. READ 

job list are soon posted everyone . more about your resume ' prepared ' by you well with pen and paper ' and your email. 

messages Valentines 2025.     THEE      DAVID LETTERMAN AND YES,  charming BOB DYLAN - finest  music composer , love from all over the world ,     


rare update recording 


THE TIMES THEY      ARE A CHANGING    with         

  BOB DYLAN in a rare wonderful music impromptue , for VALENTINE 2025 LISTEN 

message 5:20 am LOVELY VALENTINE at 5:15 am just now ,  personal messages more.        THEE           BOB DYLAN dsrling sweetest music comppstional sonnette '  rare personal message , everywhere 


 fine film   perfect of  you love to you xo    

valentine 2025 softly i say. Of the red of the umber seinnia of the kettle drum bellies red red. 

MESSAGE 5:30 am direct from Lonfon England , Her Majesty , Queen Elizabeth , Queen of the country of England Great Britian, anf men of royal millitary of England inproptue FILM

Diana Ross and the Supreme's     LOVE CHILD           MESSAGE IN FILM   grèk kisses everyone. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger in conversation FILM

DIRECT " OF POLICY IN ETHICAL  HUMANITIES , of course is to assurt of the people within all constitutional humanities - a reachable structure of self determination in even riding a bus warm enough all night to sleep if ever needed, and assured soup kitchens in real love of reachanle dreams, in Justification within real fundimemtal humanities self efforts in underline lemthy repaor of real  laws of 

" assured real humanities are of a love " in imminent important humanities ' as Aronld word "enforcememt " important of zero tollorance in any chase of a circling harror- idiot of ingnorane in contort intent of wrong inside a dc not too far past in the usa and those of unethical deceptive extremist hammering  , of remedial unethical link " hooking up " as was said, with relentless unethical in vagrent aim of humanity wreching againt  dismantled real dismantled police - of unethical vagrent ignorant of extreme terror to all. 

In the new era of the usa, of a repose of at large humanities. Real in world order , respective international worth. Brillance in real love. 

Arnold Schwarzennegger in FILM  

w/  rob lowe archieved photographs                  and a film soon too of thee robert lowe . 

8:11 pm Conneticuite , in thr city of fairfeild, usa,  message from  

JACK NICKLSON of the 1970's FILM "ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOO's NEST " which is not yet at all in utube or ready in any film in  real contectually of the real work,            JACK NICKLSON and the director with others are marvolus to have created. Perhaps soon ths entire film in LOVE NOTE . 

Thee FILM Conversation Retrospective 

Jack Nicklson                in conversation retrospective.            "ONE FLEW OVER THE COOKOO'S NEST with a director in FILM NOW inside LOVE NOTES multi- inyrrnational giant world media . 

very good of you Jack Nickleson, and all in the film in production , valentine perfected , in words lovely darling friends. XO from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett ♡ 

message RODGER DOLTREY " THE WHO " which updated POLITICAL USA , with some direct reflection of shriller - with "  THEE WHO " of thirsty stronh political direct messages - rerecorded now live - THE WHO 


in FILM everyone years of love , then and now. Merci ' the delightful important times , need more emerald forest small lake row boats again. "WE WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN" 

" THE WHO " 

urgent ? 10: 54 pm now , extra  message from RODGER w/ MEN OF THE WHO , VALENTINE personal , years , valentine 2025 

sweetly THE WHO VALENTINE'S gift to me, outragious wildly beautiful men THE WHO , darling i love, summer into the 1980's and delighted now , everyone . smashingly wild.

THE WHO FILM PERSONAL VALENTINE to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 



LISTEN  beautiful wild overatures

beautiful wild overatures valentine 2024 everywhere to everyone all over the world. LOVE NOTES : with all my love to you everywhere , sitting or standing , enjoy your breakfast , lunch , dinner, drive invite of the royal expadition , happy valentine of the sainte of valente ' february 2025. More Soon . 

from myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

messages yes, 11:17 pm.       



 valentine personal valenine gifts perfectly lovely everyone. I am sweetly enchented of the incredible lovely serious VALENTINE'S 2025 . you're wildly perfect. Ah, stew , christmas stew , tortalini stew. again. Recipe List Soon Posted . Detail soon. Poulli' Pino' Grisio' Italian Wine. USA domestic Fine Chianti ' wine is delicious w/ pizza and salad. Wine Supper after midnight tomorrow - pizza perfection as well. 

end of day at 12: 00 midnight 

Finest       CHILDERN'S film 

grown ups are invited .

RIGHT NOW 11:44 PM just before midnight , for day time tomorrow in the USA for childern and in Beijing CHINA , 11:46 am into February 20th 2025 . Now  DAY TIME IN ALL EUROPEAN CONTINENT NOW. 


ESPECIAL VALENTINE 2025 for childern too. 

messages 12:01 just after midnight FEBRUARY 20TH  2025  




perfect introspective childern films                                brilliant w/ special brief 

invite grown ups ' if you wish . 

message 12:14 am after midnight now ' 



THE VACUME SALES MAN w/ ties and mens shirts , from a major film production in of 1978 of exceptional successes then and now with my darling.                                  THEE JERRY LOUIS of fine friends and one of the worlds most antidotal loveliest of charming humour serious in political messages. back to the row boats and forest jerry , then and now. Soon . We can break out the cabernia sovienioun with red wine sause briased shrimp prawn sqewered . largest 13 c. e.u.p. 

12:44 am in conversation  

PETER OTOOLE special valentine's 2025  messages excerpt 12:40 pm 

THEE   PETER OTOOLE  of the brilliant politically loved film       Laurance of Arabia     more soon.

end of day at 12: 00 midnight 

Feburay 20 th 2025 12:39 pm  Please , civialle plaitte' ( french language ) merci ' ( french language = thank you with graciousness), KARL MARX messages comes with good political film 

SHORT FILM NOW from the movie A Day at the Races . Valentine 2025 . Surealism Karl Darling . More soon. SWEET OF YOU KARL AND EVERYONE. 

end of day at 12: 00 midnight 


 FEBRUARY 21 ST 2025    



VALENTINE'S DAY ESPECIAL                                          

 WITH BERLIN GERMANY,   WARSAW POLAND,                              

                                             in  FILM                  room room                                                                  rum rum zoom sweetly.                                 



 to me, personally 


personally of sweet love from thee KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN    

A VALENTINE OF TRUE RUSSIAN LOVE, MOSCOW RUSSIA LOVELY SWEET GIFTS VLADIMIR . I LOVE PUR WONDERFUL CRAB GRILLED SANDWICHES , GUREYE  CHEESE MELT w/ fresh sliced flavorful tomatoes, alvacado , hand made turkish flat bread boibale ' w/ lite fresh bean sprouts, with lite mayoniase , the salad , south american mango fresh sliced sweetly riped set atop a fine crisp spring green , ice -burge salad , with grape tomotoes sliced halved, with a toasted pecan, with butter sautee fresh cut corn sweet corn , perfect topped on salade with a premium chicken gordan blau ' rolled stuffed hand prepared chicken filled witb a sweet mild swiss cheese , and thin sausage turkey chipped. 

Magnificent Rolls' German Butter Split Rolls, with fine soft sweet butter' perfected in wisconsin usa. FRENCH CABERNEY SOVIONIOUN BLONC. 

coco riche finest kenya aa extra fine coffee' a creme de la creme ' w/ dash of creme de coco . 

Perfected after dinner sweet of FRENCH SPANISH SWEET CUSTARD PUDING - FLAN of CREME BRU LAI ' w/ riche puffed pastery sweeten in spun candied  sugar cups of a poulise ' de framboiuse rasberry puree sauce. Served w/ rare compote' whipped cream freshly whipped,  with a pot of RICHE CHINA ENGLISH TEA .  Darling , vladimir perfectly delightful. The FOX GLOVE HUNT LODGE PERFECTED. xo from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon . 

messages from the coldest city in the world, 1:28 pm of Thee siberian  wild wolves, SIBIRIA RUSSIA , FILM rare archieve sir Vladimir Putin.     .

mesages,                  PETER SELLER'S 1:45 am PETER YOU ARRIVED ' LOVELY , THE KEY ah, try the frog mouth ' you remember ' I left you a key darling. Refresh ' CANTENELLI STUFFED W / riccoto cheese and a home made chunky zesty tomatoe sauce' garlic texas toast and fine Orange Cream Chocolate Gramcracker Cream Ice Cream Pie. 

oh ' I didn't see you darling . dry off and set a fire in the big bedroom fireplace. 


sweet dreams ' . in FILM the mote with PETER SELLERS , WITH more many Valentine's messages , from all over the world. 


love and kisses everyone. You're adorable messages , sweetly perfect . Thank you very well. Thank you. MERCI , sunday morning Trei ve et et souirioue' i love you , i love you , i love you, i can remember so well.


Michelle : a russian word of love = meaning my sweet darling friend. Please John Lennon recorded the sweet valentine gift impromtue ' my michelle ( darling my friend). LISTEN 

valentine sweet wishes to you , everywhere , all over the world, even five star pizza on Park Avenue ' in bridgeport with excellent service and very delicious griners ( long roll sandwiches ). The sweet women was pleasant and the staff was very professional ,walgreens was kind and very curtious , contientious and a very polite sales staff. Thank you from Bridgeport Conneticuite usa. I have a few details tomorrow morning. With a very special prelude conccerto at a evening dinner time. Street sales are w/ a  street sale royal sketch ,  with more detail soon. 

Looking over notes to me about employment reality ' and there may be a place to list jobs , if you are an owner of your company licensed and are the owner : wirh listed online email and then same email @ job list usa. resume update : what to hand write ? How to see your best in writing your resume ? And a few , extra job hunting notes. For you , whom ever you are. I will look into all international job list as well. THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY OF TURKEY , loved a resume update simposium notes : to you. Russia and all through europe. Turn your resume and job option from upside down to right side up. WITH EXTRA EFFORTS. MORE SOON. A REAL VALENTINE'S DAY GIFT TO YOU : RESUME 101. AND HOW TO CAR SHOP WITH EASE. 

                                                                                    feet on the good soil , with well worth efforts even if kind professional humility sometimes akward in hard good efforts of solid employment. 

Special Notation Brief in of Russia : well yes, I will need to assure an unfortunate expounded out notation of a undertone of a extreme concern inside of RUSSIA , as the Kremlin , Sir Vladimir Putin , sent me a very firm message , beyond a vaste interuption of rather a managery of some flea circus acts ' that aimed into MOSCOW RUSSIA. and of course the ill effect also must be of m6 greater difficult decision efforts of serious - statements , for myself and my assured expectation of TEAMS in RUSSIA , Rostec sos specialist , with rather extrodinary care of my worth , orbit and more in my projects which are of large honor from PEOPLE OF RUSSIA, as too, the kremlin sir vladimir putins real remarkable project sanction accepting my orbit - fast and furious with the worlds height , in many of the wprlds most noted in rather imposible - orbit developmemt - sos rostex leaped with my knowledge and invite - to a orbit bubbling and underscored was a ussr team , of some space centre fakes arose ' in vage aim at faked reports stating i was incredible fine- passing more rake reports - inside the government, their has been foul ' issues which arose, and a swiveling of rather disabiguipis contempt to the focus orbut is realized to my assured qualiative reality formost in orbit, never forgetting a outter feold orbit important and a remidial opt- to treker rackettering. The many in global and usa nationally in once aimed at postion , stood firmly, even realizing the small number pf flea circus staged issues , are far to small meger even to even visualize the vast many , many , whom are rather , of some lenghty well loved natural love toward many years , never once stopping to not see through extra effort , myself in revolution of open for business reality even globally. Washing proper instuction regularly with a success of solid work harder in the usa than globally in most spots. 2020, 2021, 2022 January. 

DIRECTLY : NOW a message special delivery to the KREMLIN of RUSSIA , sir Vladimir Putin , 

with the largest of governments with brilliance and of brilliant russian people. My understanding is of several issues which have colided ' far too often , in excess aim partucularly at me, personally,                     princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Agaist the KREMLIN'S project efforts of which is of the assured assurance toward myself , and thus the orbit. In a issue of several actually needled into some title of a government of russeling lingonberries with current sauces , of a fist and forking of fakes in marque pancakes , even made with bulgar whete buckwhete and buttermilk , with RICHE RUSSIAN HARD WOOD SAPPLING MAPLE SYRUP, prepared for VLADIMIR PUTIN , and even myself of LARGEST RUSSIAN LOVE , real. There are rather some druggist runners whick kicked people in even claims of a rightiousness of agreeable pure red - fakes , vagrent unknown in scientific theory relevant to humanity, in, lobbying leaping gussy gushing eating the FAT , of especial worth , with vage worth in merited anything , and a plyering for a new aim to batch out a faulcified non - classification of real disease, with oppostion about facts in the covid - attackers of usa caused aim. even of the KREMLIN'S established strait forward, excellence in the outstanding projects of veryy highest levels of achieved extrodinary work, capitalism of individualized reach in a greater country, a greater country of a formation from those of the former presidencies of RUSSIA , starting with sir MIKHAIL GORBECHOV, WITH ALSO, BORIS YELSTIN OF AN OUTSTANDING PERSON , including HER LADY , MRS. YELSIN, REMARABLE in a firm steady devout worth to the efforts of peace in love of humanity in a government of strength in reachable , worth and broadened cultural attainments , with a properity of reach toward assured standards , gentle in the accieved work toward importance of wealth accumilation of importance , a abolist , earnings , fredoms of riche cares , and a goodness within vibrant villages of lovely people of russia, with  assured worth toward my orbit with the kremlin and rostec of a understructure of nessecity in ajile prepared -  new era speed on a derailment of a cock eye aim rippling a huff , and puff toward proliferation tactical eye ball view to claim a spot more to rackwttering even known as plants , more moving on pots of palm bushes tree . The rackwtters hyjacked a way closer , aimed 8n a verbal or other staged faked , bend , runn8ng over 300 miles to sink a schedule with broad dariaries. Rather not their real solo diary of themselves. And the intent of bittering, even a natural sweetest real love reality - my office work travel is a rather broad worth, of years to see true lovely fun of so many again and again. Adored - from afar , nearly kissed atleast in conamatography world honored , you and me in film cinamatography in broad cultural love - so many USA , within international global culrures exciting. Real. 

The aim in a RUSSIAN zeinmiezer clutch ( clutch = a hatch of bad eggs of a smallest meger bird nest of hatching , bad eggs, in zero flight that land on green green grass of incredible soil , in rather a dozen if that large of a snorting clutch. 

The kremlin ' was with excess difficulty ' and recently reqired many analysis to streer the proper orbit structure , absolutly cutting off at the pass. John Wayne " is correct , cutting off at the pass . Looking at 49 billion in close drive exhibition , carl kagerfirld , David Bowie, Prince Mahammad Bin Salaman of Saudi Arabia , Prime Minister Sir Crown Royalty Modi , His Majesty president of the country of India ,Sir Macron President of the Royal Country of France. and more within all the lovely achieved delightful  , even just starting possiblw jobs with extra hard efforts to oviod some concerns ,  many, i say. 

Their were aimed at the me personally recently showed in again at a , thin line crossed in some issues admin of claimed KGB , whom were not KGB and a racketerr attack OF VAGRENT OFFENSIVE in very serious harm, even hardwr attacking vagrent of strait forward ethics in runn8ng shuffling ,  of rackettet newco2 type A Blood wreching , usa rackers, shufflers slided in to RUSSIA ONE BY ONE, with largest damage and several lobby ported beyond boarders , Aye ? Open which farmilar doors of copy . dot com?

The poor periless wrench , saw the shipped perils and opened their arms to the jewels of the golden deblume , chipping their teeth when hiding in pure, real true pure parroting '  after the hair dew , and zero dueieedecimal chalking,  and automiles of the former prime minister ' whom gripped on tightly to his peril rosery with a missing honor gold cross medal , never seeing the note sent. Only a pewter was thin zink cross on the peril rosery sent. No note. No words, anguish hit his stomach , vodka and gold lame ' was never a remedy. 

I made serious requirement in my own resoncibility of my inventing inside the international world standards in expected,  protocale  underscore strength of the Kremlin , sir vladimir putin, with extrodinary responcibility of government and general assemble of an assurace too. 

The TELEVISION BASIC STATION IN RUSSIA, open data on a curmudgen ( chinese language = due of remedial ejection seats with any latched in sincronized connector , of deviant aim at me, in an  Imidiate real  clutching of bad eggs clutching ). 

I made provisional decisions asserting a derailment of wrenching grip aimed at my orbit and levering from a some  fakes in pressed suites / or sweat frat poboil , switched in minutes ,  and aim into reports of 400 of my own projects and aim at ruin to me and my schedule with aim at my LITTLE BLACK BOOK context of largest many years in a lovely hardworking cultivstion . My collegues globally , successes, in a grip clinch aim upsets , new flaggling liken to clucking feed pecking beekering on gold rimmed sniffing snort snout to plates.  To break , in newco2 sheering in a norstrom deal of dirty druggery. In side a low russian manhole cover tunnel with shipment shuffling of a racketeer of stolen suite runners at extreme close range. 

As of yesterday, there was a usa aim to gain a platoon truck in the boarders of RUSSIA on a small 1/4 truck of a tent commitee, l9ok8ng for larger viaduc mappes. And a fruad of clutcher in meeting ole falmilar stroll in's to russian meetings with a twerking of an ear and a plop plop ,  to russle a swarded word sward fighting plagerism toward even the kremlin vastly of a serious deception of lauphing stock racketters greesed in to crude carbine and fleaed the usa fast and with futil aim , to wrech russia more , as extremist of usa most impodent rather not of important of real love,  in once seen often as mocking mucking  beeks in more mag pie squabblers, as aimed into a disambiguious aim again harder at me with no grip privoledge - to any such streering of orbit , thus upset in an a unethical obstrucion , is excessive in serious orchestration important standards to standards of , expectations with zero rationale of any misinterpritation to harrorize me in a issue result in russia of a concern of a orbit divied to negociation of ambiguaty straddling only teater toddering a wrong in calculation of probabiloty to avert rackettering in a rolling fortitude of serendipity.  Aim at teatering ideals of orbit- also - stelth ( micrpscopic chemical weapon of munuon ),  munion which was aimed at serious ussr teams ,and moscow russian streets into many in the usa of too lenghty ,  with a special newly orbit function analisis which brought the stelth minoin into extreme viewers with excess russian atelevion view of the inslip infest within wrong inside moscow russia. With large discrepines in failcified plageristic of no qualification , realized into menicing harm larger of a needed remedial review harsh in a very close record of data , to assurt those in misalienmemt in orbit and grips in to no cridentialed reering , my suggetion is -  glue  the remedial clitch to a outter beanch to open reviewing assurances . And not freedom flight to spread disentary . As  in a liked pivit and stuffings of milleting large TASSELS FIRNGOPINOI , INTO VAST CANNONS .  USING THE PARROTED REPETE BLUE TOOTH EAR OR A times grip parroting , in  on interoffice pay checks and birth , nods. Etc. 

The rostec and the kremlin sir vladimir putin , are with pure valentine love messages , i look forward to. Regrettably , the schedule of importance , my own is with an upsetting , devole in RUSSIAN BLOW UP DOLLS , AIMED in a vary large continuntious wrong , aimed in deception of extremist in large attacks aimed at me hard, and possible pointed concern of some in sky teams . And of recent difficulty aimed at moscow russia of some people in even bulova of russia. With a near cap on several spots aimed at russia within a risk also toward myself and as such the orbit. Of a pummel. 90,000 ussr space teams are, not without knowlege of the obstructions , and a duel escolation tactical obstruction in spots . I will be with all real teams in russia , alerted and broaden in even some auxillury assurance with extremely largest importance to a standards to me, and thus a responce assured to the work of a two billon dollar invention , i assured with the KREMLIN, THE ROSTEC, SOS, SEVERAL OTHER SOS TEAMS LARGELY , AND THE asured standard in focus of humanities underlined in the general assembly and russian government at large with sir Vladimir Putin , within strenght , even of the royal russian admiral and entire royal russian navy. 

more soon. 6:23 pm miles davis , messages , bill murry , petulia clark , June Carter, Dolly Parton , Salvadore Dali, Jeromy Irons , Xi Jinping president of china , sean connery, rodger moore. 007 Vladimir Putin ? 

secrets ' yes , ELVIS PRESLEY  films with secrets. The CHUCK BERRY , very special as Chuck Berry arrived. And fine people in bridgeport, stepping strait into excellence in professionalism , as if never missing all good steps. Bill Gates , Steven Jobs , Warren Buffet , maxwell smart and no. 99. Johnny Carson , Rowen Atkinson , Billy Joels , Eric Clapton , the card games updates? 

TOY CARS MINI MOTOR LIVINGROOM ONLY ages 6-12.  Shoppe After Easter 2025  more. 


MONSTER.COM  " RETAIL SALES " assure your location specify city . Prep Chef ? Risterant Counter Services Professional, other , search all over the world. DO NOT USE PHONE CALLS,  use emails and upload resume basic's. 

EMAIL NOTE: at the address in email to receive and send , please press on the overcoded word title name , then check very carefully the correct email address under the title word in the address box email sending check many times before sending and then all spacific addresses on company web sites not just inside listing .  Always four email copy sent exact same - assure all is correct do not just read a return email , always know what address email is the one listed in the company from the owner / company president. Please be maticulous make the larger extra effort. Don't stop. 


NAME  []  HIGH SCHOOL BEST SCORES  [] NO LEVEL NEEDED [] INTEREST IN HIGH SCHOOL SHORT LIST [] ANY WORK EXPERIENCE OR COMMISERATED KNOWLEDGE []  list : calculator proficient [] basic typing computer proficient []  mathmatic calulation basic proficient []  customer service ideals []  in one sentence [] write your ideals in am  effort you feel willing to bring ease to customers and assure quality [] standard price []  and revenue of working worth [] welcoming browsing or tired customers sometimes edgy . 

At times. What words can you say in writing  which highlights [] you wish to find efforts towards earning full time wages in more than a whole year to bring a quality of your own ability , to see an 3 asured effort of worthy 40 hours per week paid starting pay at atleast $15. Per hour of $600. Per week. 40 hours one year garenee at least hopeful into hopeful many years .  And an effort you see to small standard good basic details you will attribute a quality effort daily 5 days a week . 8 hours a day .same same : details of all nessecity to know all job description pre agreement  satisfied for your acceptance to a real job offer, in all question for the employment offer hoped to be hired.

Please add a last part to your resume in special interest of your free time of some liked interst you hope to earn worthy wages and even expand in your note what your basic list of activities are you wish to be of worth to do. TRAVEL , FINE FAVORITE FOODS, PING PONG, COLLETING TOY MOTOR CARS? SPORTS ? 

sign you name and print clear letters and spelling , use pencil first. Then photograph  your resume and then look for a upload selection link in your application at or in a seperate direct application to the companies you may hope have work offered. You need to open up a email for your self only and list your email address as contact informstion : email yours only. Do not let others into your email ever.  Inquire of all job detail needed in any requirement and never say you are with a type of experience in any way if not licened or have less than 6 month straot full time 40 hours a week full busy work . 

When answering any upsetting application question , just write not applicable with see resume . Thank you. 

then check many repeted email to be sure its a totally assured offer and do not miss out to constantly contact the company daily to assure you did not miss the email and not swiveled. 

Ten option of jobs is best to apply to and then chose a favorable hire option with a possible extra offer to hold on to the email to assure best an option furthetment if one drops through cracks. 

GIFT to YOU EVERYWHERE ALL OVER THE WORLD . Auto option await, get to work on it, be speedy. Summet beach drived are nearly in sight. Best Foot Forwards Everyone.  

Love with extra special cares, from everywhere all over the world.  From myself ,


Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Mick Jagger message 7:35 pm LET'S WORK IN FILM 

MESSAGES MANY YES, David Letterman , working messages MC Donalds , in FILM rare political. real love, from mc donalds and thee DAVID LETTERMAN . list film messages include sir vladimir putin in some serealism message films avente gaurde of of a serious approach the Kremlin of Russia, sir vladimir putin takes on  the CULTURE RICHE WITH AVANTE GARTE EXPRRSSIONISM , in a Kremlin expressionism of series of film  "what's up russia"   in a direct good effort of what is on the street '  noted '  non ambiguious , direct from the kremlin- light speed opulet cares,  efforts fast company assured well. Informed. 

Don Rickles ' a pleasure. Sean Connery messages ? Valentines specials and automobiles sofas yes. With Sir Vladimir and Xi Jinping president of the royal coutry of China. ? Soon you will know everything. ?

9:01 pm SHRINERS AUTO MINI HOTEL AUTO CARS mini motors parade in pigion fordge tennessee , smokey mountian in the state of TENNESSEE. thank you with all my graces .


7:51 pm extremely rare very special 007 reels of thee. USSR OF ROYAL RUSSIA   FINEST in a extrodinary music compotion of a regiment recognized of the heavens ' a RUSSIAN SOLUTE OF HONOR in love notes from the USSR and sir vladimir putin. Boris yelsin , and sir MIHKAIL GORBECHOV .  Men and women of thee USSR you are with my love and my most gracios  thank you. Of many years. 


extra extra FILM  


8:32 pm urgent reels , zienzswardsdwaefenduzel. Holiday ? for dr who? Zeinsteilwart wetzel. , swizzle sticks in RUSSIA with new era global notes, russian love , kremlin new era advancemente

rostec, and,  the ussr russia gracios charm of a kremlin , sir vladimir encoragable, sweet love of mi3ne. 


love notes multi-international giant media savvy , real love global image of my one person company. My  company , my own

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

extra message 

at my  office villa cottage  russia 


w/ chow puppy. Re: mom and doggy cookie minutes. Loveliest. 

Prelude conccerto before midnight , to you as a gift from myself ,

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  from a prelude of my literary ballet  ' of a royal philharmonic especial neoplotian sweite' BEAR HUNT 'de et ev et emeritus " before midnight ' dress formality soonest. 11:41 8n bridgeport connetuciute, usa with a 1:00 am prelude concerto gift to everyone , everywhere , all over the world. ftom music compostional literary works of my sweite " BEAR HUNT " after midnight , five minutes from  Feburary 21st 2025 . 

11:46 pm film  brief with KING CHARLES , WHOM ARRIVED  with and perfect of you           sir King Charles , His Majesty sweet of you.

in FILM 

King Charles , THEE REIGNING KING OF ALL OF the wonderful country of  ENGLAND          GREAT BRITIAN , so lovely to have arrived. Perfectly . 

12:02 am          FEBRURAY 21ST 2025 

12:27 pm 



messages 12:37 pm                                 



sir vladimir putin with the russian people , the people w/ sir vladimir putin  magnificent "michelle " ( russian word meaning = my sweet darling lovely friend). re: love  so softly returned. merci my darling vladimir with everyone . 

Thank you sweet friends.



merci , most lovely , love to everyone , from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett your all perfectly wonderful. Vladimir perfectly lovely you are. Beautiful darling vladimir putin. Your perfect. I love you. Everywhere , from russia , to everyone everywhere , all over the world. XO Lovely one. XO everyone. Love throughout europe and all of russia, the usa and all over the world. 

twenty more minutes until                                        the bear hunt prelude. 1:30 am soon. 

 love notes                  

end of day at 12: 00 midnight 



Social Security in the usa will give you a your social security card no matter your intrtnational birth records with several lited past real addresses. 

Easy . And then did you get started on a job hunt? Autombiles can be as low as $125. Per month wi6h sol7d ford finacing offering a loan for you to purchas low. EMAIL FORD CORPRATION DIRECTLY ?, SHOPPE FORD REGISTERED LICENSED USED / NEW CAR DEALERSHIP.  

BUS POPULARITY WARM 24/7 352 a Year are gaining broaden attention bus passes can be as ease. Xo more soon. 

February 23 rd 2025 , 12:25 pm hello , i was rather aimed at in intent in a second up scammering ruthless racketters in verious aim , after several extreme aimes at me with a hard magnetic photonic photon bazzuka munion fused into nearly invisable sludge nuke photon chem mutation / nuklear radio active non radio sludge with cold / hot air born boom in sonic type aimed closest range , type of munion seperated oximoronic unethical mutation sludge slung by hand and driven close . While sos moscow and myself derailed the impact in larger hours in what had to be repairs of a deflect extrator of the princess 007 zuse 890,000 orbit . Strait sos in rostec of russia with the kremlin whom has attributed extrodinary extra consult -himself direct update bit data of extra time a large effort of the orbit , of never in any expectation , in a noted  direct close range issue  in the orbit focus never, As rostec princess 007 zuse 890.000 orbit, invented of my own,  with a sanction from the kremlin sir vladimir putin personally and of a rostec convergence inb the orbit invention of larger quqntum work of a rostec extrodinry efforts for my standard assured worth , never an aim provocation is the protocale in my worth of the development of the . once the entire orbit bubble was in an 8 month orchestration totally bringing an end to long range usa aimed real missle types , of course there has been upsets with a blight of upset in a menicing in russia in several infested into a grappling of a thrash at the orbit protocal , with menicing mincing in even faulcified reorts about a mincing orbit , success and of vagrent obstructive reality in russia with aimed attacks of usa racketter did not dismiss the internal issue of a serious small cluster in the undermining internal of several of the russian government direct upsets not minor when in moscow russian side walks aimed in to illigally dropped faked documents and fruadulent meeting hook ups , of a flagrent wide eye view deception , blaten. Claims - even reports claiming i was absolutly fine, filled fake papers and email went in on some desks - saying no need to continue orbit effort ' good was the faulse report, as direct reports of all the fake claims , were space ussr teams reporting the issue of some faulcifying inter office reports whom were of unqualified in reality to internal access, even in several; clarical desk, unqualified data in questionable desk issues  and also were in an  aim in some underfledging personel whom were involved in a parley of divi of over 400 of my very special projects of my own multi- international company STUDIO VOSSE , of a lengthy accumulation of rather large numerous projects with times i use well in many years of flat file storage on shelve note of my development of a rather giant equity - not always with a readness to desk work expantion in large thumb nail spec prototepe sketch of a detail, which of prepared of large years to large protfolio of the many projects , i may not schedule for the year, rather five year schedule time is a standard to a planning in my large full love for the work stacked in notes i work to love into 400 years. 

The fruadulent issues never were meant ,  of being of a direct - office within the actual kremlin's work, even fruadulely their was a sudden claim of a extra director inside the actual moscow russian office of the space centre . Of course the meetings of mine with moscow russia , within the kremlins time made in the extra sanction invention orbit of a assured measure in every measure of non obstruction to me , there is a curmudgian of some claim of security team types of fruads , underlined from the kremlin sir vladimir putin with countless issues caused , in a note of a fruadulent unethical malicious under slugging in mosow russia , with malicios leaps into any close range , fruadulent deception in full moscow eyes in russia , . The aim in obstruction of a secular internal concern, ripped into a aim at the orbit directed at me, in some failcly in seats not assigned in sky teams ever and zero qualification with murkey non cridential sloth swallering aimed also at a aim catastophy in moscow russia and gripped an illigal aim into greater space ussr reality streem line in speed to no delay in a speraction of close intent provoking real malicios unethical bittering aimed  rackettering ,  of large consecutive lengthy leaping swagwaller of lengthy shoveling few in all real racketters. Still , a issue in moscow russia , is with an clutch clustering of several blade runner internally aim a vicious menicing toward myself , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , while the said clutching clustering exec 's claim to be steeling my notes and claimed to be writing a book ' of stolen professional notes and claimed they were with all the noted success. 

The russian royal millitary : said : the gate open to enemies of ruthlessmess are a harror of the deitering popsy head with a mopsy duble snoz, all are of a extreme serious issue an wish to assure the humanities with zero furthermemt in a such aim at the Kremlins extrodinary work extended of a high esteem of my inentiom in my steeing with greater reality interfeared in perfected outcome - boris yelstin , was also appologetic , in such an invisable dŕ hide's , in russia , reductive in malicioess in a mere image of rather a dircet image of heckel and jeckle , using a howdy duty actionable unethical merriahe in such a shattering of their own image of a tiny shattered glass mamagery. 

Rostec : and Myself , with Sanction amd extrodinary efforts , i require revoking the unbrella of all orbit samctitudes toward the mincing aim at me and my obit, never to be deverted in a slogging grip in even moscow of some cluste r of a decepion blade runner pladgeristic hipocracy - mi cing orbit trades for blood wrenching hot racketter open season arme lame sluggers , and certainly not a misuse of a orbit i own in invention ce with rostec and the sanction of the kremlin with ce rights , not a holiday hold , from a curmudgent ripper stepping to àd tramping provoing blood wreching toward my worth and orbit -

The ejection seats are a rostec sos update and a revoked unbrella obit to al) racketters and fruadult misguided aim of slap haha ho ?ho ho unethical russian said : internal cole hand luke , of swamping my company worth with warted bittering racketter snail nuke slugs . Ruth!!ess in hot footed / tung pistoling - with intent to break open the ground to shovel more. 

5:58 pm HELLO , THANK YOU , of fine lovely care about my tire, even some that stopped to care to pump my tire. Sweet carefully the gentle- man said, i would love to see you with ease on the tire repair. I purchased a large standard can of tire patch spray - and if any small leak , the patch fills the inner tire with a very unique steel tire rubber special extra touph tire repair , then just get to a fuel stop and use a free air compressor and it can take thirty or more minutes if very flat. Riding on a steel rim is with less than 5 miles per hour slowest speed use a triangle flasher in the centrer button dash - so slow is realised by other drivers , of possible use the triangle button flashet in a slowest or slow down need. 

I am with a extra job to get the tire patch nozzle spray in the tire pressure nob small inch size on tire and  read the gauge carefully , as usually the standard tire presdure setting to pump in air , lock in the little center in hose air compresser at fuel stop into the inch tire tube nob after opening tiny tiny cap, then press the air hose in to inch nob and press in with a tight push , and look to secure the push in , and hold in filling air until air pressure reading on hose reaches correct tire pound weight. Listed on side of tire , usually 35 # (# = air pressure pound). Or 40# while do not fill up to 40 # if your tire reads 30# or 35# . The end of hose has a gauge measurment type  gadet connected to show you what # ( pound ). On a little number bar . Brass . The arasole can is 11 inches tall , with a price of no more than $13.00 plus tax.

When you have a flat tire, best to not drive much and extremely slow to a air pump , and tire patch purchase at any Oriely's is where i drove. Very pleasant sales person. Searched to find exactly what i ask for. Not a rubber round flat looking circular patch. A air can of a carbon steel rubber type spray inside tire patch. Can large . 

I was with a very upset in a aim later on my way to fill up the tire, and a fruadulent note was taped on a tire air compresser that was closer. And a minion type of close issue of several reported ground nuklear magnotronic aimed issue hit me hard in my rib , and there was a issue in moscow russia of a etch drone said to be satalight that was not a satalight , which was of mizeir of interbal curmudgen , grappling straddel aim in 8n a misalienment of any assignment in orbit- whom was lurking in to meetings , in a extreme aim at me, with a serious disaplinary intertnational interferance , whom was involved in dividing project of mine and also to racketters in a extreme  international highten lens impact of the grappling obstruction in orbit process ethical orchestration of deviant escolation devertion wiyh a high solute ' of fruades ' even aimed into racketeer open doors , in a large aim to assure a plump scattering of vicious reeping , into extteme damage intent ' with a geeshii ' wished royal russian millitray locker  room towel - love pat. On target ' with elbo ' to elbo leapings lije darning leopshiens ' lapping for gudden zien lieffbrumulish , of german ryne river region, and heaping stacked boxes deverted ( ? ), in bakery boxes of kugel ' and no recored reaching , the notes in a link on hook up ' of shuffling the russian royal theater , philhaatminic , museum , with illigally obtained email of honored invites , and a aim on harrowing of those sending the invites to conamatography - amd royal world threater- ajioned with clucking parroting in fruadulent aim to racketter dirt bagging, in underling halls hulling slugging, bitter fruade and a giant unbrella ' orbit only very few cluster in a very serios aim into russian finest , of very large estemed work of a greatest rusdian love with a success large of vonerable in any concern of any good success and goid russian culture- with pletiful emplpyment too, and a maticulous love of humanities highten , of a lush riche russia. With care of a larger retained excellent worth, looking beyond. 

FEBRUARY 24 th 2025   9:02 pm hello , please let me say hello, first , thank you , well, the enoumouse number of drive expadition royal invites are wildly magnificent , and my gracious thank you , is with an enourmous love to you all. My update is with a hello to myy sweet mother , and wish to say , i love you. wendel too, and my father as well. i love you.. eric, barbara , sharon , jeff and brian , too, i love you . 

I have edits in my notes to update , as there was a issue that switched some of my noted spelling and also, there was interferance recently in the last two days in the online network of my phone and interferance of a aim into my skin that was with a hard type of aim in minion close and has a hard mass mag volt that was aimed into my rib , on the left side under my chest left, and an intermitten hard impact , very hard , while the sos rostec work , dismatling the concern was a extra effort to detail some excess areaas of the containment , while there are several that are racketters , second string wheebles , with aim far too close and unexpected, of a issue which is with a concern , aim duel that mounted several russian offices , and obstructed the protocal of the orbit, of a enlargement view in russia of the matter and of those involved , and any hook up of racketter in unethical linked , very serious concerns.  RUSSIA , is a bold very large country with delightful culturally diverse lovely people , and of course a insubordinantion in a aim of a breaking of a protocal strandard , in such a grapple so revealed , more now than ever , RUSSIA,  is very realized in the finest intelectual worth , of a largest care in a issue of greater magnitude and love of the very brillant people success and many, fine new era realities , efforts worth the issues in a blight -of real bad insoborinates in a fraudulent -  and ardent , aim at my orbit of immence ease of standard and a immence orchestration , never to be compromized into a sudden vonerability , in such a insobordination, of a fruadulent , cohorted anairchy swerving a duel aim at me and even moscow russia desks , side walks and shops , etc. saint petersburg RUSSIA was with a issue due to the clucking leaqing insoborination , passed into some involved at clairical insobordnation , and please let me say to the people of real saint petersburg russia, i send my love with a note from the kremlin sir vladimir putin, i recieved , it is very good that everone , is feeling better and better , i send all the gentle love to you of such a lovel saint petersburg russia , with my message to the pope in the country of Italy , monsiniour pope francis , of the central rome vatacan , please to ask, the monsinour to speak a especial word or two of a spiritual wish to everyone in saint petersburg russia , and more than a few people in the usa , too, please monsinour pope francis , sir , would you speak into the lovely gentle espiritus of good wishes to all, of a upset in affliction , aimed at in a rackettering - harror .  as well as any in people in the boarders in the ukriane and germany and in moscow russia , with great affectionate blessings of love including the vaste government people and direct blessing to the kremlin , sir vladimir putin, The finest devoution as the russian president with a largest in great respectiveness in a very well achieved wealthy of prospertity and opportunity as a large grandure of royal russia . 

The kremlin, sir vladimir putin , in a FILM      important  hard political update of a political dignatary     

BERRACUDA WORK , WAS RATHER , UNEXPECTED , RATHER THREE WEEKS AGO, MY ANALYSIS REQIRED FROM ROSTEC , OF SOLID AGREEABLE WORK, THE APPROACH  IS PURE REALITY OF A REAL BARRACUDA , RARE TO ENVISION. what does barracuda work mean ?  yes , soon after a few extra edits, barracuda work is prepared to press notes soon tonight . 

consessions:  yes, as we released the grand largest white balloon together in the FILM , of the kremlins fine noble expression of a avante' gaurte ' with the prime minister, and many others . 

ERIC CLAPTON    a valentine sweet  


ERIC THANK YOU, with love darling eric , you arrived and among 150 billion people traveling in , to sweetly such lovely drive expadistion important , in a barracuda note historical soon. i love you sweetly. xo darling eric clapton .


david . good of you to have arrived , thank you and the film update was very good of you, while I announce an important barracuda note later this evening , as a tractor beem issue is is enlargeged in russia , and a difficult ,  hidden , upset , with more than some clean up , of a derailment of great necessity , urgent in derailed rackettering , and a real, stop on the menicing of the orbit is very real too. a simultanious,  concern , with a munion ice pick aim , in the issues of a contrary , insubordination of a cluster of upset , in a standard of the sanction assurance of the orbit , with important ce updates .



THE WHO IN THE MAJIC BUS FILM MUSIC COMPOSTION , with a love note to remember all over the world, lovely of you everyone, sweet valentine to you .  i love you all. you arrived . xo love again from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

10:57 pm 


NOW  11:10 pm 


CREDENCE CLEAR WATER FILM PRODUCTION with a gracious love to you all. 

from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT

BARRACUDA NOTE : beraccuda note is alwas an urgent note in over 4 ears of my own invite from sir vladimir putin as the kremlin to many consistant international meetings , between my piazza exhibitions of my very favorite in a large excitment . During a time, when in 2014 the usa economy was not reaching the gold stanards of global gold standards. I worked in levels incomprehensible in sweet lectures and conccertos of a global excibition of a exciting sweetest, difficult travel in a wild , exhibition non stop four years. more peace exhibition notes - yes a special rare film is scheduled of the large four year exhibtion , in tiny film segments and a wild cultural art film of a sale not yet ready,

BERACUDA NOTES TONIGHT , at 1:18 am on FEBRUARY 25 th 2025 is a very rare reality , in meetings and more meetings , with more than several of the countries presidents , including sir XI JINPING THEE PRESIDENT OF CHINA . ALSO, SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN KREMLIN OF THE COUNTRY OF RUSSIA, WITH THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA AND AFRICA , AS THE FOUR NOTABLE LARGEST OF COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD, each much larger than the usa quite larger , with many countries which are smaller of a firm statuse of large strength in every sence of largest international humanities. within the usa , the largest of a usa people within all villages are of nearing all, a 100% in reachable greatest humanities and quite a largest achievement in individualism in good fine people of the usa. all, except aproximatly a number of 3500 racketters , of a aim in deceptive unresonable unethical lengthy inhumanities of grossely quite malicious and of a deceptive mutational extreme aim in a rackettering of a constant , in the issues of rackettering which the usa people see in large as a very serious brutality in deceptive underminding , aim to swindle in even pencity of aim provoking of a hiden attack of martering into strait forward cohersive cohorted , degridative shoveling and a large shuffle in attack in a faulce perseption of extremes of unethical ruthless intent to lies of a malicion intent of rackettering , even claim of parents whom are not parents and even sisters or brothers whom are not related and some do not know anyone , in a family latch on, or a family reunion. of course, i wish to say the wrong perseption of a rumour can be mistaken, while deliberate rackttering in aim at invasive , harror and access to a persons bank or car, misperseption in faulcified id, issues and deliberate extreme of a constistane non stop 4 strait years in aim use of cash pot piled in rackettering split into seperate cities , to aim at attacks, is with a list of the 3500 of strait on racketters which are actually a lenghty non stop, in pummeling aim to even verbalized lies toward others , whom are more good fine people . The unfortunate update now at 1:38 am is about more than several humans whom are claimed to be russian , and are infact of a hard upset to me, in an extreme situation of an attack inside of russia which reached internal offices , and are particularly - aimed at me, first and formost , in a misuse and misaliened aim to swaggel the orbit , of a reality of assured non proliferation first and formost to me, in my own large travels and a global international working schedule of large effort, by nature not always ease to work in prepared perfect travel, on long travel. I will get to a very direct point first, the personel involved in the shredding of the orbit , and streeing of the real orchestration in a international assured standard of very real protocal, at this very minute is with an illigal infest to the orbit , with a aim to a clutch into russian gold rubbles , too, is with a neccesity to some rather, uncompromimizing decisions which , i must assure in a pacular assurtiveness, firmly, first the actual reality of a announcement in international press of the global multi-international global giant media , worth , in a fortitude of my own reality. as i am the actual conceptual inventor of the orbit and the structure of development in invention of building the orbit bubble , with rather incredible sos moscow rostec of the kremlin, sir vladimir putin's immence humanities , of an extended sanction of russia, to accept the orbit project to be of rostec whom agreed with my larger theory of a once impossibility. Further , I have  a unique desk of worth, in lenghty cultivation of projects , of global work, as a fortuitus grace , from people whom enjoy love notes and many projects and exhibtion arts , film design, invention of conceptual function in design, w/ secrets still even in books and some ballet literary work, clotheries couture shoppe at my studio vosse is with my online shoppe names studio vosse studio studio.  open lens projects are with photgraphyy and roal sketches , honored incollege text books , and museum , with museum auditorium film exhibtions and lectures in verious projects of earlie age childhood to universities , in wild lecture form, somewhat of my very own, development. THE ORBIT with rostec , in december 2023 was a 10 month difficulty in a largest outcome speed in large success of a totality of all dismantling extiguishing of all long range ballistic war head types of ballistic missles. The issue was in the usa there were spectomirty aimed lazer nuke active in a harror , which was with a large aim into my villa in to my head , in a far range and for a year before the invention invite i sent to sir vladimir putin , upon a meeting we had earlier , with a welcome to present my theory to see if rostec felt my theory and calculation of impossibility were in their ideals and brilliant inventive work, 10 months later , at christmas 2023 the reality was a large success. The issue in barracuda notes are a racketter squaller aimed from a russian invassion issue , and with a top , issue of claims of the ce patent , and issues of the aim at me and my orbit in a reeping , from a top russian parrot perch , i was reading the kremlin's updates and other reports from the roal russian millitary whom stated there was top issue in a very gelous , top chimp chum, and some extreme aim in a resulting top chimp chum whom consorted and fratternized with the enemy in a racketter issue, and aimed to swivel folders of actual frudulent reports , and the frat party was with several in other desks , with a very large issue of a aim to viciously consort to fratternize in their pass off of my projects , and steeling my emails of large meaning , such as a nobel peace prize , with an actual stolen email and stolen medal which ended up in russia with a stack of my designs, with a top chimp chum, whom was fraternizing a aim to gain , orbit in aim to unbrella racketter aim frat sevices , in to frudulent reports that I was absolutly fine , as then the frudulent rumors were to stop any orbit .  while rostec of russia does not work for the seated top deiter , and the unethical reach into a obstruction , are with several in a frudulent said security team , said to meet wit the kremlin sir vladimir putin , while vladimir has zero actual meetings with any security team, and zero films in and data storage star statlight have been notes ever. 

I required rostec to revoke the orbit unbrella to the top deitering of a clutch cluster in a deception and fraude aim in a theift , noted at kremlin levels of my notes of my orbit 10 month efforts , of my own ownership of the book note. Well, weeks ago, i became excessibly upset and furious of the structure of response in the sky space peace beems , and recently , yestrday, i became even more ferocious of the upset to me, and a large injury which was a issue in the space teams of a assignment to assurt top notch in  a non range to racketering whom, of which are basically fugitives with mass chemical nuklear close one inch range atomic nuklear sludgeing even ten feet,. 

the top deitering, of the hidden malicious grip into a non assignment of orbit in interferance in obstruction was with further top deitering of fraternizing aid to enemies , in the matter of the obstruction to me in the whole encompassing truth of the orbit ethically properly realized .  `

My requirement of reality toward the orbit , within my postion in light of the continued failing ignored assurance in a derailment to any racketter , in a fast urgent reality is dated to see in january 2024 and today , there certainly is a large mjeasurment i must streer the reality of my responcibility with the orbit and with a reasonble responce to rostec , as to be responcible to the success of the worth, to me, time to m nessecity and the outter results of the soverety of the worth in the proper streeing of what is meant to be, in a direct urgency which went under a clear duel attack, be a misfit gerbling , cluster of fruades that moscow russia, is now with a larger clarity of , some pressurized in deceptive fraudulent lies  and serious in aim at me and that of the worth of my work and cultivation and company lenghty in large equity projects of revenue worth of over $2 billion. today there are very serious nessecities to assurt zero unbrella in to even one said fruad of misalienment to my assured standards in a exact protocal of assured sanction extened assurence from the government and president sir vladimir putin of the direct head of the couhntry of russia . of course the KREMLIN , SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN was very upset of the swell of the obstruction, causing me more than several injuries , in very harsh , revolking , of the range of assured orbit unbrella reality , and as such , i retain the responcibility to revoke any furtherment to the top cluster of deiters ,and all in a space freinze with the fruadulent deiter clusdter in a fraterized unethical at large issue of rackettering aid. +`and last evening i required zero rotec princess orbit worth to be revoked from the space centre of a issue in harmful dela of very serious indiscretionate time shuffling aim in a very large schedule of an aim to further upset to me, in a reach to have not seen futher issues , and instead I was aimed at in harror with ice pick magnetic  hammer type munion which began , in close range aim into my rib cage , after rather largest repair of a russian work in my effort with ristec. Consern to see harror- of  top deiter whom aimed in ruthless harror of the orbit sanction of a sanctitude . 

My requirment as the inventor whom proposed the invention , I said rostec , we need to revoke the unbrella orbit of all those efforts to revoke the orbit from the space centtre under strict ethical assured proper sanction levels of the focus in the reality of the orbit . Absolulty not a orbit that is to see a adeitering hochpadup , aimed reaching , of excess of a aide in fraternized frienzed time harror  , with a top cluster deitering which was aimed to blame the whole ussr , with invisable hidden aim munion and a reach to the iron curtian of aim to delete a data report . 

Rostec , The president of China sir xi jinping , assured thee many aspects of important to the orbit , and the team in china of a assignment of the president sir xi jinping , space teams in china , as a auxillury team , thankful, has realized some outter efforts , in a auxillury of consulant on  the many update from the space team in CHINA . Yes , it is true, the top deiter of more than 8 people and consorting into a aid in rackettering, are actually noted as of recent with zero cridential , after I required an assure analisis of their teeth treck , of all known education and total treck of open data spectomitry film of sll mappe accurate treck exsct in in all history of the clucker top deiter of  all teeth treck film record and birth record of non frudulent record accurace . The whole deiter clucking , top  fruades are in international issues of unethical aim at me and duely into aim at russian government with plagerism of even the kremlin sir vladimir project work , of rather a very large importance , even in forien international orbit sanctitudes of a russian sanction.  What would really become of a revoke unbrella to those scrambling - of a assured very clear clean up on the racketter issues , of a extreme aim at me in provoking , of excess and minion slugging . The russian space centre would not gain , a sanctitude of the orbit and then look at  some largest consern in purchasing fuel ie : and , well, rotex is not going to see a safe extractor - for the space center , not in this muck caused , and then face a fraternization aim of attacks in racketter stuffing them selves into a mulleted long barrel cannon and then detinate , in the squaller , with extra stolen boxes to gift the space center new shipped socks and more new trousers , with piled high stolen russian kuggle pastery, and a zip line of time for the , injury of lenght in a large effort I was of time in repair with rostec , and zero in open eyes , on the immence time squandery of a serious deviation catastophic in large of complex detail . 

I was clear to include the royal millitray and valeries teams in royal russia with nearing whole commications top assured russian best . While one million dollars in russian tax rubble to such a assignment , and with a prepared leap is not unreasonable. New Era , sencibility , has zero reality for any in resoncibility to simply spill your own comany schedule and then replace it for , a whole unbrella , of orbit , in a excess to steer the real orbit , never to dwindle time quality and then lean into the huddle in concern of fraternizing .  of no realistic measure of any in proper reality .  ruum ruum , with sandwiches and cola , water coffee , sweet cake and wine meeting in moscow russia ,of an invite from the president of russia, sir vladimir putin , yes, i rather say, my many projects , at my solo one person company , are of years exciting and perhaps unusual, loved and of the self fortitude to streer all minutes to my own self assured enjoyment , not seen as a joy ride on the tails of my lovely happiest hard working quite busy life.

Marlena Dietric , is famous for a obscure movie , in the USA in the 1969 era , whom is a women of brillance from GERMANY , and has some famous words, The words in her film :  

YELLING :  MAKE UP ! MAKE UP! WHERE IS THE MAKE UP ! while then she sits infront of the very largest ever filming lens and giant lights of stage lights ., Then the MAKE UP WOMEN ARRIVED FAST RUNNING WITH SHUTTERING FRINETIC SPEED , and WITH A VERY LARGE NOSE POWDER PUFF, THE MAKE UP WOMEN OVER POWDERS IN WHITE TELC powder the POWDER PUFF< GIANT PUFF ALL OVER THE FACE OF MARLINA DEITRIC , whom stares with white large face solid pure white caked on her face at the end of the film.

 RGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT  BARRACUDA NOTE .  end note now on FERUARY 25 th 2025  at 3:46 am .  with a update from sir vladimir putin kremlin of the country of russia, whom has a analisis list of some wrong honor metals that in cases veryy important merits were with some issues outside in a fraternizing tea skuff, and of course,  the proper placement to every earned real achievement of any merit , is rather important , with such a issue of some scattered  issue which recently were found to be even switched in several wrong birth records , from a extreme ruthless aim from usa dirt bag unethical vicious , with top deiter of the horror of sargent major general - hans vather massa oleif sweexel leipraseshiensol oily fricazzee.  more in the BARRACUDA NOTES very soon, important in the usa and internationally. the damage of fraterization fruade , yes the time damages and martering , in a clarity at large. very soon. while prelude and concertoe connsessions  street sales and royal sketch sales  street sales . guitar updates women and men guitars and automobiles with cinamaphotography splashed of drive expaditions royalo invites , words from art historian rolph Achilies  talks on notable architecture with cathedrals of the world. usa  facts of good historical worth. Preston Jackson talks , art of HARLUM IN RETROSPECTIVE . 

6:03 pm message update BARACUDA NOTE ROSTEC RUSSIA READ  with BARACUDA NOTE more after lite shopping tonight. Sandwiches and wine ? After midnight ? Online invite? 

DIRECT FROM MOSCOW RUSSIA                       sir vladimir putin  on a very  important  honor  important .


yes important yes, welcome again in moscow 

i send my affectionate love to you everyone xo  with tender cares,                                                        love from myeslf,                                            princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

MICK JAGGER w/the ROLLING STONES , with everything I have to say thank you lovely men for the exceptional love in your beautiful film message . We missed our darling tea event with tea sandwiches . I love you , thank you agaain. 


message film direct from MICK JAGGER and the ROLLING STONES    fine everyone xo w/love 

THEE ELVIS PRESLEY cee cee rider 

of a significant importance to sir vladimir putin's honor to such                                      darling notable men of high acheved metals of the RUSSIAN GOLD STAR 

sweet of you darling elvis , cee cee's fun again sooner. xo 

THE DARLING LOVE OF VERYY LOVELY MEN, JOHN LENNON, PAUL MC CARNTNEY , RINGO STARR AND GEROGE HARRISON , WITH AN HONOR GIFT RECORDING of a sweet honor to sir vladimir putin's gold star honon event , of a large achievment in the russian gold star honor metal. 

YESTERDAY WITH EXTRA EXTRA                                                         COMPOSTION OF MUSIC IN FINE FILM 

THEE BEATLES FILMS , SPECIAL GIFT RECORDING                                                          HONORS TO YOU, EVERYWHERE , EVENGERS TOO. 

sweet thank you , everyone , everywhere ,                                                                                                  all over the world . love and love again, properly well,                                                                            from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

message from the berlin philharmonic of BERLIN GERMANY , of my sweet friends with thee darling GEORGE SOLTI in symphony of special of music composition of BEEHTOVAN 

george and everyone perfectly wonderful of you everyone . thank you , good to see you in chicago too. 

THEE JOHN MELLONCAMP   valentine sweet                                           from thee john melloncamp 

messages sweet in FILM   THEE JOHN MELLONCAMP 5:46 pm                                from bridgeport conneticuite usa 

CHILDREN'S FINEST FILM a DR SUISSE PRODUCTION                    from fine literary works of art in literature of the author DR SUISSE  BOOKS TO FILMS  

PLEASE LET ME PRESENT THE LORAX   made for childern and grown ups , are invited to a rather exciting enviornmental film of intelectul prowess of good villages and savvy smarts of forests . 

very good of you dr suisse . lovely for valentine's february 2025 



11:27 pm CHINA w/ the




with exceptional humanities of a culturally  riche CHINA  

film direct of the far eastern european china of an extrodinary message . CHINA 

11:35 PM message from myself ,                    princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT                                                

thank you very much, everyone, you are with my love and graditude today of my graces to you all in the entire country of GREAT ROYAL CHINA. SIR XI JINPING , THEE EMPOROR KNOWN WORD of CHINA , for PRESIDENT of CHINA , SIR XI JINPING , thank you , as such finest friendships of many years , and a aristocracy of cultural pleathora of wealth , in the finest humanity over years and years since my childhood .  my expression of affections love to everyone, all the country of CHINA , and throughout the far eastern europe , of many finest cultures and countries , within an illustrious brilliance throughout europe every country everyone every where , of a remarkable brilliant humanities .

lovely film , of tears in a joy with again a thank you. love to everyone ,                                                  from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

soon BARRACUDA NOTE. now in bridgeport conneticuite usa                                                          11:50 pm just ten minutes before midnight . 


FEBRUARY 26TH 2025 10:25 pm hello to you all everywhere, yes thank you so well, thank you for your very immence arrivals and sitting through some difficulties, with my adoration to you, near in a daily arrived drive expaditions of the royal drive expadition invites from myself personally, so many arrived even more after christmas 2024, into the NEW YEAR 2025 of an astonishing gracious love , from you all everywhere reaching 150,000 billion people in each day , of such lovely reality , and of far the villages of people, in every city of every state and in all villages of all countries , the drive invites of my royal expadition drives , have been very loved in raw unplugged rss, in my international star satalights, all over the world, with extra special camera relays , with the online equipment of my travel very very realized in my own importance of my company, as I have been of state of the art, equipment in internation online work before most anyone owned a home computer . The multi- media work, 1996, reached international media , of more, than any news or television studio then in 1996, with my work in many projects , which is of a natural reality of STUDIO VOSSE , of a online giant multi-international media worth, I note to myself as sacred.  

At this time, I feel it best to briefly update you, all, everywhere with carefullly of words , sensitive of my immense senses of my expression within my thoughts enlarged, of my reflection of very high notes toward your seperate individual humnities and thus attainment of attonment to achieved spiritual achievements with a real reality towards a usa of a worth , of immense changes of opportunities towards individualistic work of achieved assured wages worth the accumulation of your own individual weath of ethical gains , and the love of your perserverances of a solidarity of your individualism of a extrodinary effort of a self worthy inside love and strength, footed solid of the greater in a country of the usa of a country achieved intelectually , wildly good in a great usa, greater because of you all, greater because of a wealth of international countries of people and a love real, written into an eternity in the sky and beyond. Saint Peter , of RUSSIA , and sainte valentine , within all the sainte's of all heavens will be more brilliant, in our eyes closed , looking abound of infinite heavens. Thank you for making the brilliance of my mother's smile again in perfection of her natural brilliance , my mother's smile of her stern , perfect beauty , light's the sky, with her cares the large worth toward the world, love sweetly beautiful. Thank you for your wishes and kind lovely expressions to care so well. wendel too , and my father , too.  


message from sir vladimir putin  of a secret valentine 2025  sweetest . Darling, of course , the entire RUSSIAN MILLITRAY, you realize , are preparing to meet me in the shanghi china , train events of messages , which the royal russian millitary expressed , permanente' to love me, is the word on the street .   guitar or white glove peranente ' shanghi ' schedules .   

Italy , is fine of you to mention such in obscene of lovely romance. your perfectly encorageable to have remembered , and in chilli ' immencily , wild , remembering the fine sweet corn anchelotta ' prawn extra large with a deep fried breaded polenta. you are wild , dosseling the wine, and personal tobasco sauces of a hottest perfection.  I love your surprises , a ferrari '  cab after midnight , absulute , anguish. 

sweet love to you sir vladimir , sleep lovely face . 

SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN , I must steer through some important efforts, regarding our meeting yesterday , and very serious , efforts in some extra notes toward people. Please give me a few minutes .

12:02 pm good evening from the parking near 1704 park avenure bridgeport conneticuite usa after midnight on FEBRUARY 27 TH 2025, with a few notes direct from the kremlin in moscow russia , sir vladimir putin , with messages from my darling friend of years , former RUSSAN PRESIDENT , BORIS YELSON, also THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA , as for back as my childhood, sir former president , sir mikhail gorbechov. With all good words of worth, i wish to express , the recent love of anarchist , of real avengers , gained a sense of self reflection of a inviting goodness toward the world, of very nobel good cares and a belief which, i myself open  to a very firm merit of worth, to steer your self in assurances , of solid foundations of all better , of real humanities , with structure to opportunities , within a greater better usa, of course to assure your very careful decicions , to your firm posturing , of a greater worth in such, important humanities , likened to the painter PICCASO of SPAIN , in europe , whom defied injustice once of many years ago, looking out at a bleek upset,  with ease the ARTIST OF THE COUNTRY OF SPAIN, PICCASO , stopped what he was doing in his office , of a blighted time, long ago, with a fine message he painted in thick black indian ink from SPAIN, of just a simple bird of peace of a kind dove with a simple painted line daisy in the sweet peace doves mouth. THE DOVE OF PEACE , WAS SEEN AS A FEELING TO RECIEVE THE FLOWER FROM A SAVVY SWEET DOVE , in a beggoning of a good kind within a need of simple messages of love for a greater of the largest humanity, to think, and open your eyes in good decisions ,  firm in a real strength of villages to always b e welcoming in peace in civility and ethical re reach re reach reach that must be an effort , worth getting through, beyond only a conchlere shell whisper said to be the sea , yet perhaps worth dismissing any transgression as simply  a rumour, of a step, of ridged soildness, of the assured postioning to a broadened reality towards , more in humanity considerate larger , worth the worth to be employed with small details , ease towards , wildly a love to humanity in a usa of assured work, of a public reality of self retained solid , worth, loved , a far and of opportunities never to foresace near , devout of far , wide of assured reality of a village , all villages , a peace in real love exists. 

Upon the reality of some , in  enlarge issues. of course , there is a upset, in facts , which can not change a fact, which is, rather never a reality i would emphisize ever, yet : there is evil that has reared into a very ugly , digressive - very serious cathedral arch window , as a time in the world, a small french village , outside of PARIS FRANCE , OF THE EUROPEAN MEDITERIANIAN SEA , there was once an aim at some travelers , whom aimed an attack at the basillia , with no one in the village whom would simply move away from the better of the village, while FRANCE is a rather smaller country not too small at all, and then there , is such , peace in cares of the bassillia , too , well, love of humanity , schooling and extra self studies if times are to stay better, the catherdral was with easter glass in the windows , then when the basillia was aimed at, all people stood seperatly , of work and worth, still to enjoy the assured bassitille and endearments - good of welcoming shoppers , with something , never to ever be less, and the tradition in upset the catherdal of the goth , just outside of PARIS, FRANCE , in europe , the clear windows of the arch cathedrals , became important to the FRENCH , ROMAN GOTH , ancient cathedrals , with a clear view of the inner cathedral to remind the PEOPLE all of the small city in france , of the reminder of the empty cathderal to see, and on the inside to also see, clearly , into the small village ,  

THE ARCH OF CLARITY , looking out upon the delicate reality of what is within us, present , internal of our soul, to believe , and assurt ourselves , seperate as solidarity our own worth, important , our minutes we prepare for the emmence reach, while steering into a self fortitude even if a tunnel seems to feel less, at first, and a self assurance , m ay require a distance , of perhaps a evil, not exactly a cameilian, of the color of each stone the tiny cameilian sets forth to soak in the sun in a remarkeble , similsarity to the giant solid shade of a softness giant of mountian rocks.  

THE VILLAGE in FRANCE , with the FINE ANCIENT GOTH CATHRAL, there , outside of PARIS , FRANCE , there is   such a strong clarity in a time , the clear glass revealed more , in the steps people take, each, to assure details smallest are very realized important, as are all the pennies and fran c ' (money ) french, inside the basstille ' . important are the good village only to gain better , not t o leg go of any liberties of a fine firm step, knowing the worth, within each village side walk, and ease of all good shopping , with a day awaiting to gain time for a small gandala on the inslip waters of the sea , immence of the real and only of one mediterianian.  

everyone , is looking forward to the gondala sailing of a warm time more of even late evenings , of the public peace in love of the glistening sparkle of the royal blue green verde ' jewel colour sea.  everyone , saving the pennies well, of all people important , with the boating party. MANY , gondalas , sold affordable and an ancore needed , ripe fine cheese , wine, coffee, sandwiches ,salads, fruit, and nuts , pickles, riche brown maples mustard roasted brown baked beans bacon crisp briol top, salted butter potatoes , fresh large corn on the cob with butter cream sweet naturaly,  and seafood stew, with a fine buttermilk biscuite , sparkling soda pop in tall glass bottles , and fluff soft coats to sink into a slumber with of course , a royal blue small silk , meaningful emblem , real of royal boating parties . 

THE GLASS WINDOWS, in the village were clean and all lights through nights became turned on in the front and backs of all homes , with the side walks , worth a small , time to stand firmly, not to let real people down , of the assured bassille and every one, in steps of extra percaution, the city lite into the night and day aglow with a reality of self perception ,   worth it, the reality became a sacred silent oath , self truth , revealed , even an extra large reality , opportunity ,   was a truth earned , greater became quite real, love enlarged the village within a view never seen so well in the look daily of the windows, clarity , the empty homes , in work wide with view like the goth ancient FRENCH , catherdral  , w/ saints , real in messages of the work built of more than the arch goth windows , in clarity dueled within a glass window , soon to assure the truth of opulent simplity in a vivid colour of light reflected upon the faces , in sunlight , of peace , colours jeweled made of hands real minds true , from anchient saints , true , planned in secret messages with no words ,  showering you, when the bastlli is assured to realiaze  the importance of humanity ,  and steer far of in never evil.  

THE SMALL VILLAGE CITY , OUTSIDE OF PARIS , FRANCE ,   BEGAN WITH THEIR PLANNING , IN EVERYONE , LOOKING TO PURCHASE A GONDALA , TO ASSURE PLACING THE GONDAL IN THE SIGHT OF ALL FRONT WINDOWS, PREPARING , NOT TO HIDE THE WORTH OF FINE PLANS , WITH A ROYAL EMBLEM TO PURCHASE , jewel colour , in the windows such like a small flag . The solidarity , with the real boating party, planning is to be hard preperation in all view , going to be rather quite enjoyable , people , could see, there was sudden excitment, in the whole village , in view seen, with a start of even a royal pin emblem, NOTHING COULD, be more sacred, in the known excitment , well seen clear in the clarity of the special messages of the arch goth catherdral window clear of the empty lighted interior of worth , in real love.  messages to you. whom ever you are from real goth FRENCH ROMAN , SAINTS , of a sacred individual worth, 

message direct from the krermlin , sir vladimir putin         read  

RECENTLY : IN THE LAST TWO DAYS , I MADE A FIRM DECISION AND A STATEMENT IN THE ISSUES OF VERY VAGRENT UNETHICAL SOUIRE ' of a very serious wrong in aim at my projects and company , with very large unexpected attacks , on my orbit and a underlining of a malicious intent which has been, of a unethical consortium . which aimed into a internal attack into MOSCOW RUSSIA . The particular attack , inside of RUSSIA and of a duel aim at me, the issues which the entire orbit of which the orbit is primarily realized for , in a soild standard of a reality towards my own sanctitude of imperical rules of assurace , quite standard of humanity of all countries and as such, the orbit development of my own owned invention of patent ce rights , within rostec as a russian agreed orbit within the kremlin , sir vladimir putin's immence reality in international politically worthy of a invited invention and efforts in a regulation of some assign others in preventing any close range aim of racketteer , and then, this means that the aim in the mass - of linked rackettering whom gained an eye fill, of m contacts , and work , and a largest, in detailing , of a unique , stacking of my key element of my own work in piled high designs , and rather of course my tiny details are certainly  a goody bagging of extremlly unethical individuals\, aimed to , random attacking at length into over 60,000 usa companies , linked in a petty dirt bagging , deception racketters , whom aim blaten disregard, of any humanity , and have aimed blaten  , aim to use a slant into more deviant unethics , with threats, even to public water supplies , and were of a cause intent to faulcify covid with lies in news and blaten aim at mass companies , in only 3500 rathethers whom have a very lengthy ignornce of ethical standards of a gross maliciousness in neglect in rightious blaten random attacking acts of staged aim of extreme deception with unethical fraudulen t ,  attempts in vicious cornering , in length of connected linked , aim in blood wreching harror , of excessive massive vagrency of excessive lies of the ethical constituional humanitieses humanities rules and assured reachable standards . rather in fact , racketters 3500 of them pushers , with the entire ethics endoctorination of all known ruled , have a mass vagrent contempt for real humanities at all, in flandering instead, an aim in , at even myself .,  in a baligerent ,contempt in a provoking, random contested aim in a pin pointed , malicious intent to even , missalien the reality of the real , contempt , rackettering of brutal -public displays of  acts toward my project time and schedule , in a racketter war - aimed into excess aim ruin to m e . my time, my quality , and any part of my company.  Covid was never open to science people whom made any determination of a disease classification, while there was an illigal issue in clinched gripping of racketters , in even a large wrong unaprovable types of mishandled science , with a haunting , breach of break in of zero qualification types of basic pick pocket moffit of excess relentless futil lenght of aim attacking of even well noted harvard professors , yale next stop, then in quite a bitter which was harnmful to even cambridge university , in the large, the rackeeter aimed to break open revolving doors, once in , in the fact of racketters cause in 9/11 and aimed excess of mass lies with extreme attack into near any with a fraudulent lie of extreme unethics , vagrent of respect of and humanity . The brief point , now is that the doors of the successes of worthy reality, was an aim of the racketters of , kicking in doors in random attacks, randomly aimed to plagerize any in  unethical provaction seening the usa all as a kick through any door seen to racketters as a revolving door. 

There was aim types of cat spectomities perhaps something illigally made in scan radiology p,e,t,n,e,t, typography, with nuklear long range aim in locked in coordinent types of , what the president of china saw right outside of manhattan ny, as a enoumouse large mass piled high amunition in nuke atomic nano to very large, and my point is that som e were pre aimed at, before scattering malicious in the usa millitary, and with the leaping vicious secondary rachetters , there were some whom has slight infection which vacines were very real in needs. and the revealing types of newer orbit types of viewers of orbit , i myself requested special viewers within the need in development =, of course the issues are nothing to shrug off, in any small blight of a racketter at all, 

There have been serious details, with some few in russia whom are going to see zero in any reality whom claimed they were within the special assignmen t to assurt assurance to me, and the issues , did not straiten out several listed racketters and aim pre - meditated racketter  types of people , Two days ago, I steered rostec in my decicion to retract  any orbit unbrella , of a zero in any way, in the issues that were seeming to be , of a rather ,   unusual issue. THE REPORTS , WERE BEING MANGLED , AND THEN , I REQUIRED EXTRA ANALYSIS , MANY WITH QUITE MANY UPDATED REPORTS , KREMLIN UPDATES , I CHANGED , IN A NEW INVENTION , I REQUIRED , AND ROSTEC USED SPEED , AND VERY URGENT TO STOP THE MUNION FROM HITTING ME. THEE NEW SHARK VIEWERS , I REQUESTED ROSTEC and i all became rather close in lengthy fast success, impossible , yes, the success is that real. yesterday , the extractors needed larger , my message yesterday was from michael  j. fox,  

the extractors i required to reach all outter orbit and largest outfeild. the parkinson issues , are now with pure healthy , non effected , multiple sclarosis , and larger numerous other efforts in outfeild, 



THE UNBRELLA ORBIT FOR SOME IN RUSSIA , RACKETTERS , IN LESS THAN 25 WHOM hyjacked beer trucks , and stuffed themselves into under trucks of largest trucks with larger low cabin attached in nights , the usa rackeeters smuggled in stuffing themselve under trucks before drivers were driving , breaking in to companies in  the night , and large drone actually , the drones are nuklear BALISTIUC ( EXPLOSIVE IMPACT ) beem photon w/ fussion, with static nuke magnotronic blasts with hyper sonic radio nuclear atomic chem sludge fusers . some looked like electolisis tools ,  


MONSINIOUR POPE FRANCIS  IN THE WHITE                                                  WITH THE SENIOR ARCH BISHOPES 


                             PERSONAL ARCHIEVE monsiniour POPE FRANCIS W/ SENIOR ARCH BISOPS                                                                                                                                 






FEBRUARY 27TH 2024 , 9:50 PM  good evening to everyone in the bridgeport connetuciute usa , and eastern usa region , with a ver very special hello to all, Everywhere in the usa , thank you to many and more in quite a rare large achievement , in the usa , which includes retired people , whom may wish to purchase a home of their own, with a bit of updates on the ease and low morgaes , with some assured     USA HUD , to assure some tax credit subsidies, of your retunn of tax credit in a HUD , assured morgage .  I will update a few extra realities , in some that may feel eased and more comforted in a usa of rather a tax riche , usa, and a far distance from a possible perpective a usa ,  of which , i am extrodinarily very proud of you , all, everyone , everywhere, Within a globalized , reality of all countries of a thank you to you all, in every country. The USA , of a good cultural broadening , is very honored to know of the great people of each country whom assured more than good wished of our usa worth, and work, love in expressions from all over the world, as our usa , of richley cultural individualistic people of a constitutional ethical , international love , i will say, my wish is to express my good knowledge of your esteemed love for our usa, to express from everyone in the usa , to say thank you . thank you to everyone , internationally , in every country , within every village of all, all countries of all people everywhere. I graciously on the behalf of the people of the usa, my expression are of affections of love to you all, everywhere. love directly from the people of the usa, directly to each person everywhere in every country , all over the world .  further , from myself,  /thank you, with especial thank you to my mother , and my fostorian father , and my daddy ( as daddy loves to be known , my sweet intelectual lovely father too. /') , Devoutly , I say : I love you to daddy and wendel and mother , and to everyone  everywhere , all over the world. 

10:10 pm messages from the PRIME MINISTERS OFFICE                                                                 inside the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT READ   DIRECT FROM THE COUNTRY OF RUSSIA 

10:12 pm , Today , soon, a reality , of importance to a great many people with quite an outstanding, travel in of the international invite of the royal drive expadition , of my especial invite, 150 billion with me in the eastern usa are in town, and my thank you, to each and everyone , thank you, with a real detail that can not be more charished , you arrived , the details ,   are very important, and you all arrived ,  2025 drive expaditions are going to be exciting , with quite the many extra details, more brilliant ,  better and better ,   of such efforts , sweetest , more soon .   

11:02 pm messages GETTING BETTER   ALL THE TIME ,  from lovely Paul MC Cartney , John Lennon ,            Ringo Starr , and George Harrison, sweet of you with the now update on the wonderful music compostion . xo merci darling men .jewel goth , arches of saints' 



11:20 pm THE JEWEL EMBLEM SELF HONOR MERIT  BROACH MEN AND WOMEN , prepare with a self endulgent self merit pin 2025 to adorn your summer royal drive of the gondala brunch  invite ready for a wild splash summer 2025.  SHOPPE SHOPPE SHOPPE   prepared 2025


12:01 am FEBRUARY 28 TH 2025, MESSAGES DAVID BOWIE   words are spoken  

"I'll run with you"  david's updated valentine to me personally and quite extrodinary in the beautiful music compostion,  let's dance . LISTEN  


personal extra , sweet from MICK JAGGER and the ROLLING STONES  , thank you my sweet darling mick jagger , and the men, you were kind to steer through our pizza and pouli fussia wine with the pino grisio import from Italy. Jumping Jack Flash. and a political polo match , is going to be wonderful with the MARTINI CONCERRTO'S with fine supper I think. lovely of you . i love you all, kisses sent - catch.


message valentine 2025 3:38 pm VLADIMIR PUTIN in a rare secret note in film 

VLADIMIR PUTIN , PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY OF RUSSIA ,                                                   in a 2025 address to the people of RUSSIA in film  

FEBRUARY 28 th 2025   hello, good evening from myself, princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

before my little dinner , I enjoyed singing you all, a prelude conncetto , of my literary written , music composition of "BEAR HUNT" with a fine ballet which has been planned in stage and film for love notes , to enjoy all over the world , with rare performances of even noted political dignataries, wildly everyone may accept . lovely messages from all over the world , enjoyed the rss raw prelude conccerto, while the film, was in my schedule to enjoy my own online film. The issue inside of russia , is with a very large note tonight , with a reasonable iron wall, of a measured realistic , of the racketters and the babushleapshiens , in the aim of opposition in RUSSIA , whom are not of any actual assignment to orbit , and yet have aimed in a gripping wrench to me and the orbit and have aimed to coastic damages inside of RUSSIA . I will be with a brief statement of the RUSSIAN  new viewer updates and a very serious,  straitforward , stop in any orbit of those in a seated opposition of the KREMLIN'S projects and my orbit in fully realized , sanction statuses , of real assured stop in a range reach of quenching ,  painted pony racketters . 


message 7:44 pm THEE DENNIS QUADE , emailed with a lovely VALENTINE of love. merci ' darling dennis , happy valentine's.

the dennis quade film production . i love you dennis quade. lovely film, thank you.                             from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett

message 8:00 pm 007 secrets 007 former executive magistrate of the government of RUSSIA , thee esteemed executive director of the KGB, with extensive worth in central intelligence to BORIS YELSTIN , then before 1999, as SIR BORIS YELSTIN , WAS THE NOTAGBLE KREMLIN, AS PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, with immence honored work, with a importance of RUSSIA , then and now in the eyes of the detailed work of  a very noble country of RUSSIA. VLADIMIR PUTIN,  noted in work as a PRIME MINISTER , after sir vladimir's putin's lengthy very success in esteemed work at the top director of the KGB.  VALENTINE'S GIFT ,  i have my russian blue diamonds on . 

valentine sweet 007 KGB secret .  of my gracious affection of love to you darling .                                   babka darling , bring the decedent chocolate condenced russian plum bobka. MORE SHASTA .

9:52 pm B ARACUDA NOTE  now in a rather ESPECIAL REAL LOVE  update from myself , princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT                : the time is 9:53 pm with an included very important message from thee PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL COUNTRY OF RUSSIA ,  SIR VLADIMIR PUTIN 

VLADIMIR PUTIN , sir presidente ' as the president of russia , with extrodinary large work of a assured reality to thee greatest nation of the country of RUSSIA ,  with a devout and actually brilliant selfless exhaustive effort toward the large many exceptional projects which has been the center of the country of RUSSIA'S , brilliance in a revitalized , swing into adaptive new era , infrastructure within sacred principles of the large importance of the omnipresent internationalistic constitutional doctrinarianations of the imperical natural order of humanities ethical standards within a assured stabilities of the sacred infrastructures of RUSSIA , and the beautiful exceptions of cultural width , in a underscoring of the good importance toward a continuity of what is a spiritual properity of that to the aristocracy of which is cultural broadening of modernism of a worth in reality of that which underscores the historical aristocracy of histories of cultural  humanity , of a far back, further in the preordained in cultural fruitions ,  of an infinity of the lovelyy eternity of the world, of no begining and thus the sacred reality of the infinite of no end. A sacred sacrement of reality , responcibilities toward the infinite of everything before us, and everything which is a humanity preordained in the structures of a ethical assured order as a sanctitude of life, worth, attainment to achieved in a ancient aristocracy of earning and of a mind toward goodness in earned wealth, of individualistic , reach, reachable . a placement of the alpha and the omega , of the infinity of no beginning and thus the infinity of no end , of a sacred structure , of love real, and love russian ,  pure , truth, love is real. Within the statements of sir vladimir putin , I will need to point out rather several things , with an absolute especial thank you ,  for the very difficult words , stated in sir vladimir putin's notations today, as earlier in meetings in MOSCOW RUSSIA . 


READ     RUSSIA ,  the greatest nation , among a international world , an international world , of all great nations , all great nations within all countries , the world is with a vaste number of countries ,  and within the structure of people within the reach of all self dignaties of constituional humanities of a reality to the good humanities a dream toward a humanity of intellectual self determintion to a earning in a properity of worth, of a broadening of love towards a gold standards toward a spiritual attainment of a attainment of accumulation to assurte , the step of responcibilities of self  attained prosperity to even work of gains in saved wealth, infinite to your own , your efforts toward, not simpl y a country, greater , yet futhering a greater national realized , achieved work , civil liberties , freedoms , a whole nation , under the continuity of world order . a international strength , of constituency , is worth looking out your back door . more in just a few minutes . 10:39 pm 

end of day at 12: 00 midnight 

12:12 am MARCH 1ST 2025  yes , hello, I was talking a minute with messages and many messages, with the BEATLES "let it be "  PAUL MC CARTNEY , GEORGE HARRISON , RINGO STARR , AND JOHN LENNON , LISTEN   

message 12:53 am  VALENTINE'S  into MARCH 2025 ,             with many messages of personal and of lovely messages especially to me at love notes and to you, everywhere , all over the world . in film 

meeting in moscow russia , at 12:58 pm with some further revoking of the orbit, from some inside RUSSIA , at this time. It is quite important to know that people are of a strength of such a worth, today, and worked to attain prosperity of a measurment inside which can not be determined in the outcome that prevails in the aspects of even the very most difficult of minutes , with our efforts , most always  toward the most sacrament of a truth within ourself , which we feel the measurements which we might assure , of a realized truth , your own, in a minute the reality of the times, a struggle to steer strait forward, placing your feet firmly on the ground under your feet, as the difficulty ,  perhaps was never to become . while with the firm stern strength in pleasant enough kindness, the truth ,. what is the truth , ah, the truth is,  there is a sacrament , you never let go of,  responcibilities , you never let me down. Today , there are a few very serious nessecities to realize more in the usa and RUSSIA , within all countries , all over the world. I will tell you everything. Why should I require that you might need, to be prepared to assurt your self , to assured preparedness , I mean,  be prepared ,  and could you be devout of a love in my love notes , prepared to understand ,  what is it ? 

soon you shall know everything . BARRACUDA NOTED DIRECTLY TO YOU, WHOM EVER YOU ARE , the note , what I mean to say, is the BARRACUDA NOTE, is to see updates of love and prepare to make a responcible firm decision .  IN RUSSIA , YES, as in a few minutes i shall begin , bBERRACUDA NOTES IN BREIF , to a relief  in some ways largely , and of course , then there is a very large responcibility , in a few upsetting concerns , please prepare , in the new era , what is to become ?  I myself, more than 12 years ago, my work in a international simposium , of honored invited formal theory lectures for all major international universities , all over the world . more soon. 1:29 am now.  

THE PAINTED PONY                                  INGELBERT HUMPERDINK  LISTEN   excusse ' une momento' late sip of a soft drink , with a turkey bologna with sliced cheese sandwich and a soft white breaded roll, with lite mayo from a packet, just to budget well and enjoy the extra  and  tiny meeting messages before I shim up this note for BARRACUDA NOTE . just for you , everywhere , all over the world. 

RODGER  DOLTREY so good of you                                                                   to  have driven in a white bus for me today , wild of you, with a special thank you to you and everyone. THE WHO    MAJIC BUS  LISTEN      


MESSAGES CI, YES  , NON CIESTIA YET, 2:38 am notes from Vladimir Putin , with the space center , updates of ussr specialist , beconing reqest to me ' of a devoution ,  wishes , of 25 years , more in my firm assurances of my international sanctioned orbit . Rostec Russia ,  Vladimir Putin , and one million millitary with KGB , are going to be in ITALY in gondalas all of us for several days in the summer 2025. read   ROSTEC , of course has a reality too, as the orbit ce is far too important to steer vonerabability , as rather , instead, the orbit capsitates a far more important - extention of importance and thus, has zero reality in any faculties which will never be a broken pillar of stone , for those whom are aimed into my company, as worth of work and liesure . Revolking the entire reality of the orbit , unbrellaing , in anyy space centre ruffled zielishmuggopineleapshienz, there is a ethical clause in international statures , which is a outcome of nill and zilch. In other words , the Kremlin , Sir Vladimir Putin ,  as one of the people whom took a risk on assuring the actual orbit acceptance toward my invited proposed invention , and of course to assure myself, a unobstructed greater good , happiest very exuberant naturally hard working life . The underlined legality of the international constitutional standards , to me, as a right of my international statuse  and as a savvy self fortitude , the orbit reaches a vaste many people in a way that /Rostec Russia, is a consistant nurturing team, with a extrodinary placement , that all of ROSTEC RUSSIA and I, myself , princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT , are of, within my unusual approach to a issue of the usa of only 3500 racketters , with serious aim to harm in any direction , nukes , and the past cost of the usa of a harrowing in excess unethical rackettering , of ruthless , void vacancy of aimed deliberate - extreme - random attacking from the racketters , of a extremist of mercinaries , whom steel from peter to give to paulbarors. This oposition of a space cadet of clucking sanitizing , in a internal insubordination of a rather hidden number of them, unethical , whom have been stripped from any banking gains , of anyy RUSSIAN reality , as racketters aimed attacking whom are indignante, with a aim to lever more open gated , sizemick racketters , of which , aproximatly 35 ( thirty -five racketters racketters)  , since christmas 2024 with very vicious  aimed arracks aimed at me.  IN THE USA , there were very ruthless people inside the oval office over four presidents , and far too many faked deliberate extreme ruthless decisions of inhuman vacancy which the many people of the usa country under one nation , are subsequently different with a brilliant reality in good cheer . OUR USA , has grown, enriched and fortuitus again, with new era ideals .  The extrainious strain of a rackettering hit the big time , in hard proliferation of hiddious, little spot - large pensity of cleavering of eased postioing of  vagrent rationality of incrupulous irresponcibilities of what is a whole country of , sterdy ease , pleathora in realoty of new real new era dreaming sweetly in the rose garden - to  ? 4:000 pm raw rss upset , yes, my uptime is rather a delicate importance to myself , and notably i will feel great to express, i rather usually do not ever see unusual brilliant consoderation , of many , whom are never of exciting invite of a rare royally realized drive expadition , of largest effort , effort planning , years , and times , sacred , with no sign thay said : NORTH POLE CHARRIOT. 

love notes from myself, 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett . 

ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN , ROBERT REDFORD, AND DUSTIN HOFFMAN, WITH A RARE REALITY OF PLAYERS IN THE FINE VERY POLITICAL FILM, of the most difficult political issue of the 1970's which the usa people ever had , in anyway. WHILE ROBERT REDFORD , a sweet friend of mine since childhood , updated a introspective personification in a time distance perspective . and had quite a schedule speed to send me the film for a VALENTINE'S LOVE NOTE . ONLY ROBERT REDFORD , could , assure :  ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN , a ROBERT REDFORD FILM , w/ DUSTIN HOFFMAN , and many great players of brilliant work, in AMERICAN STANDARD TELEVISION FILMS. 1970's - 1980's . USA . first ? whom assured the caller was the exact person and exact message in the film, of ROBERT REDFORD , WHOM IS A WORLD CLASS JOURNALIST , WORKING FOR THE LARGEST DOMESTIC NEWS PAPER IN THE USA, and is with important news about a large political real issue then in the 1970's known as WATERGATE . WATERGATE is a factual dc scandal,. While were the facts in a secondary second person type speak easy, facts of watergate ? In the largest domestic usa real news ?  I was 4 years old in 1969, and bought a box of craker jacks candy pop corn, with a small prize inside of a joke book, the size of my fathers thumb. READING DADDY  a joke from my joke book :  what is black and white and red all over ?  4 years not knowing it was , political, answers : a news paper with a bloody nose . we did not think it was a joke at all. I never again read that book. 


In 1972 , my appearance on an international television station was not unusual for me , at that time , as the extra corricular music school cousus, I gained special permision to join, the grades older in the music extra curricular , work in school, age 6 , and with children of three years older, when we sung the christmas concerttos televised , and i was the center of the formation in the very center , of the conccerto ,  for the holiday international filmed and televised , conccerto, with a stage of people from our city . With a performance in the spring , at age 6 to be in the THE GREAT OZ  in a film theater stage event of honor to the czar in russia as a child , wearing the extra large russian fur hat , as  a russian solidure, marching , of a song , to present the song of meritus honor I sang alone on stage with the tallest russian fur hat , a message in song , marching to the doors of the great russian czar , only a sweet som sonnette ' music composion while giving honor in front of the world , with a marching song , of love to russia . love to the russian czar outside the great russian doors , which were of a stage set painted in my back drop, to then sing , in a red blouse and black trousers , and tallest fur black hat, in song and marching step, maticulous , never entering the doors of inside the czars giant government doors , at age 6. MARCHING then to the right of the stage and behind the largest red curtian in the far east stage . All the auditorium seats were filled , the film was made , the red curtians closed as i disapeared behind the stage, as the large lite stage went into a sweet of darkness. 

The major television largest studio, was a castle liken building , whom requested , my songs , before the year ended , again, as the fines music junior professor , saw to a special conccerto ' again i was of a fun song , traditional , to appear on the finest event conncerto ' internationally televised in a special , from the most extrodinary castle studio in standard american television . as a special rare international presentation. 1972 was also my very first large 747 flight alone , from my mother's new york metropolus humble tutor home , in flight alone then - to arrive in alabama , to see my father a few weeks. THE FLIGHT PILOT , was so pleased to see through my special arrival to my father directly , the pilot made a special effort , to present me with my real gold wing pin for my coat collar . 

A finest usa utopia, with my minutes , sacred to me, of a good reality of belief of humanity sacred .  STUDY WORK, WAS FOREVER BUSY , AND NEVER A DAY, THAT EFFORTS OF OUR HOME AND LOVELY CARES , SPECIAL TO efforts worth  an extra special love note to my very wonderful mother , of such a worth and work, of esperitus efforts , we never forsaken, with the many tiny details of minutes, never enough,  never a minute to spare , the love in very special , worth to expressions , not always in all the ways sweet of just a minute waltz. 

5:26 pm again , I am with a few more BARRACUDA NOTES : for many many , after the notes in emails i received over two years , 2020, 2021, and read with sorrow , of a great number of upsets , and of a global many expresions in all countries , as my efforts to read the notes of sorrow, the day of VALENTINE 2022, was a day that , the efforts , i extend myself to, are never a effort, of a hammering clang of a insequential gonging , rattling a racket of bitter noises of infidels of those intention of a, rather, sacreligious aim, with arrows, darting in a target , of , well, i can be rather direct , it is not exactly a pleasant ,  comparison  to see a real actual placement to my work, as rather a contempt , from viciousness , of a excess, that mangled ,  in aim at bolderdashing , a shroud of faulce ,  deception, and rather many, minutes of only a small of seperated , malicious contempt of  more than respect in minutes of time , minutes rather obleek in a swerving obleek aim to deiter , a aim at me, with zero in a true civility , a true effort sacred toward even myy tin can conccertoes , or actual minutes that were of largest development to a quiet singing spot to prepare a shoe change , a dress change , sport cloptheries changes , running shoes , and that of powdering my sweet lovely face , uniquely only mine , my way. 

rather :  well : in the 1990's a women was said to have created an art exhabition for the CHICAGO MODERN MUSEUM OF ART.  WHEN I ASKED WHAT THE EXHIBTION WAS ABOUT, OR WHAT WAS THE CONTECTUAL FORM OF SOLID CONTECT ? THE PERSON , A PROFESSOR , IN LARGE HISTORICAL COLLEGE LECTURE WORK, as a friend , as we were dining at a lunch shop on our break from an 8 hour a day monumental sculpture studio , of the royal conservatory , i was with extra studies in applied engeneering development in bronze sculpture and historical monumental sculptural world humanities histories of antiquties of international cultural ancient artifacts , to modern humanities historical development in world arts . 

What an exciting day for me, lunching with my special advisor professor , in royal studies , museums , phd masters work expanded , in royal world museum , included . we were always busy meeting guest internationally , art , well, yes . while in the risterante , the proferssor , he said : looking out onto the sunwashed wide piazza sidewalk on ADAMS STREET AND MICHIGAN AVENUE , LARGE WINDOWS , FINE LUNCHON SHOP, LOW PRICES , tea was delicious , the modern museum of art , chicago, ah, the works of art, unspeakable , the large platters of porclynn, with a harror of , awful words  professor , he began to describe in just a few words , . I said :  stop. alright , go ahead , i had pulled out several ear plugs , and stuck them in my ears , then a wrapping ear muff made of thick condenced wool with a layer of non permiable sound insulation space age material, i designed and created to assure focus when finally decided to ride the train more just two blocks from my english style villa beach city brownstone estate flat .  THEN , I COVERED MY EARS , and he looked a bit humored and then began to cry, . I was listening , to the word, carved , in a section bodicious word printed on the said dinner plates with large parazhipholus buldging. I mean , when I covered my ears , my professour , just wanted to warm me, of the unsighly , gop slithez harping , shitherz phonic , sipholus . I did not tell him, it was a sure sign of the apendaging to taped sipholus rearing. zitherwqudeitering waqtz . I became a bit irritable when my professor stated the words : sometime in the reality of importance in the real arts world, even if a seemingly rather small circle , the museum reality and the outlook toward a harrolding of some rather qualitative worth, large , yes yes , then well, he stated , the issues can effect largely many , and as an advisor to me in a special royal conservatory , dean in a larger reality of world museum serious in fine articulation , the message , he said, of course the important revereberberation of importance can be rather important in a , self determined exposure , with broad perspectives , not always an inclusion in a personified cultural worth in high arts and scientific engineering design ecellence . of course humanities ethics are important , stergent ? stringent ? rules ?  what does this mean ? 

SIR GEORGE SOLTI , invited me to a philharmonic practice a year earlier , and I was pleased , sitting a while and in the CHICAGO SMPHONY GRAND ROYAL PHILHARMONIC SYMPHONY HALL, there, it was just a practice , and schibbless , showed up, with  a key ring that sqeeked , all through the first practice where the whole string of excellent violinist sit in a row with prepared years and the violin at their chin in postion , excellence to assure , GEORGE SOLTI, STOPPED THE SYMPHONY AND A SMALL VIPER SICLER , WAS WITH A RUBBER DOLL THAT BLINKED , WITH A SMALL BOTTLE AND WIMPERING SHATTERED PA AND MA , THEY LOOKED INSULTED AND DESITUDE , mad , GEORGE SOLTI , SAID , PLEASE THERE ARE RULES , as the practice is in session , you can go out into the lobby , and find plenty of caulph drops there, crying childern , are interupting the philharmonic practice, THE LARGE PHILHARMONIC CHICAGO SMPHONY WAS FILLED IN ALL SEATS OF OVER 50,000 PEOPLE sitting near my elbos , as we made such efforts with a rare small time on SATERDAY AFTERNOON , RARE TO a practice invited , yes , 

GEORGE SOLTI ,  continues with the real royal philharmonic world symphony of chicago , chin ready violins ready , all ready , posture in a real tense effort in the notation to know , noted a many years my darling grand world royal philharmonic of the usa CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTERA , with the international guest conductor                                                                                                             MY DARLING THEE, GEORGE SOLTI.  

conncessions now at 6:30 pm ?   yes , yes , now    PETER SELLORS with GENE   FROM USA TELEVISION ,  STANDARD AMERICAN TELEVISION , THEN AND IN LOVE NOTES NOW , of a multi-international giant global media , of my very own, company in little media-project of my lovely company STUDIO VOSSE ,   

THEE PETER SELLORS  in conversation with GENE                        in a very important emotional political time .

in  FILM 

BARACUDA NOTES MORE IN A FEW EXTRA MINUTES  WRAP UP BARRACUDA NOTES BRIEF : WITH A RUSSIAN issue and ripped aim at the wages (CASH RUBBLES FROM SHOVERS WHOM STOLE and lies in fruadulent actionable unethical largest in vicious intent to random frienzied attacking ) of aim attackers inside the government of russia , and a zero balance in the cash now as in broke now with needs for the note to russian people to stand solid in work schedules and kind enough sales in all shoppes , with a knowledge of so much love all over the russian villages all, in salidarity , not to be shuffled in some deceptions, with catherdral lights on,  as a good message of peace and prosperty , and a very good success in all of russia and europe , important , copiche ? The  tangling upsets , siuted suites wrong and pointed concerns ,  of course there is a issue which , is of a smallest few , and incomprehensible in the attempt of swindling aim, swindelers , and with the ritious indecent - is a lithargy of contempt of a idiot of evil in a pretence of a rampid freinze of malicious racketters,. the glass managiery was shattered, the ophes were never achieved of any humanity , while in the painting of the THE GREAT HISTORIC SPAIN MASTER ROYAL PAINTER, OF VELAQUIES ' the depiction of the cowards of , reeping civility of a ravid contempt , of any whom are in truth able , the giant masks of largest worlds, were gripped in garbe by the squirling collared ziephers , to cover only the a mirror of nickle silver , gosh gripping cowering in rather putrid green envy, caked in fungul patina , never to gain a carbon dated time line - of truth, love is greater larger and of sweet , even in a bitter sweet to  reflect , a clearing of the bitter sky.  SAINT PETERSBERG RUSSIA , LET ME SAY SOME WORDS , PLEASE, SOON . tonight , as some menicing in counters and homes , after christmas 2024, of straddling harror of even shipments  , of malicious racketters , with a few elbos spread in aim to unpleasant eased natural stretching - there was an unthinkable aim in russia , of a void in any actual job hired promotion in government and shoppes in cases of some few that were imposters , not hired , and zero ethical of any type of any cridentials as in a vacant void of unethical scoundrels , not in any qualification and a grip in to fraudulent scounderling , crawlers . aimed at my orbit as well, in a contact issues and spill of racketter of a loose spirale aim in to my drive invite and special schedules , with a hjacking under a large truck in the area in several issues , whom are racketters of sand box sweving basic squirts ,  serious in hammering nuke connected aim.  more soon. on the remedial large stops on most rackettering , as of november 13th 2024.   very harsh attackers  in the contempt of a thrust of visiousness is the reality , vearing racketter of the sand box night crawlers , reared their ritious heads in a incidious contempt , and vagrent in all ethical reality , and plyered to aim at any, in such a sterile pathic piswire gripping plight of zitherzipholus -  liken to appatche fruades , with nuklear aimed nano tpe munion these racketters ruthlessly formed a hypmotism signasl known as leaiptzlipshitzleipenzitherzwattleaipshienz,  bàring baked alaska  readyness with aprons . 

nightcrawlers ? and soon more comments from a radio show THE NIGHT STALKER  BEFORE THE BARRACUDA NOTES BRIEF , is closed , I will say at this time, people in even a small blighted upset, in all good reflection even one person, whom , may see through realizing there is a place to get back to where you once can get back home again , standing in a seperated solidarity , with a choice , you have to reach in worth, seperate , indivitualistic, 

i spoke to many and of course commiserated wages , and good solid people, seeming swerved , don't let go, of what you may achieve .  LOVE THE WORLD,  and to celebrate the word in meanings of love aloud, is to celebrate your human espirite , even in the need to a humility, in your perserverance of soild ground and a internal solid self strength.  extra percuations , even in russia at counters too, are very important , and globally , china too.  with my comments about a path traveled of such importance to grip on to, at timeaof a gimlet , gold.  pure gold , gimlets are difficult to achieve . you know?  gold gimlets. secrets , yes.  

never a minute to, forsake the real importance in worth and your dreams not easily realized, just pulling a rabbit out of your hat. 

billy joel  message update now 8:15 pm  we didn't start the fire . 




excusse'  ci, non , ci, amore ' ettudie , commendito' mr conchlin ? german ? commendito ?, tu et moi moi , pizano ? darling ,  piziano , so good of you all, the vatican filled with sweet merciful songs , so lovely of the women in the catherdral courus for chritsmas, bravo, everyone , the lovely sweet messages belicimia ' capicce ' amore ' amore '  thank you gratci ' gratci from FARARRI from ITALY , thank you so graciously .  the wind tunnel , we can speak of the wind tunnel and some careful  business updates soon. the hyrogliphics illuminated issues , can be a tricky issue . more about hyrogliphic antimatter . not yet .  i will drive for a fine coffee aqnd cake with a little break, and soon a fresh hair wash and comb by the very best.  with large invited drive expadition royal drive , xo 

VALINTINE 007 SECRETS , message from thee vladimir putin ,  presidente' of the country of russia. impromptue valentine 2025 MARCH VALENTINE ESPECIAL ,  all over the world , everywhere , 007 secrets personal update to me , from VLADIMIR PUTIN , my charming lovely darling friend , since childhood . in FILM 

message 10:05 pm JAMES BROWN with the JAMES BROWN orchestra with a peronal VALENTINE , for me, and of a loveliest sweet message sir JAMES BROWN , and everyone . marvolous of you all. Chicago music in the park , again in 2025 . 


THEE JAMES BROWN , with real love wildly.  THANK YOU with my sweet kisses to you and everyone , catch JAMES  catch everyone . sweet of you to have kept in time with my fast footwork, your near ready for the ballet work. love to you again , thank you for arriving .                                        xo from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

BARRACUDA NOTE ENBRIEF : 11: 02 pm              rostec russia : vladimir putin  and  myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett     

a statement                                                                                                                                                  

from ROSTEC RUSSIA                                                     A ROSTEC LOVE NOTE                            DIRECT FROM RUSSIA 

My proposal of the orbit , was directly to sir VLADIMIR PUTIN , czar of the country of russia , and of course , rostec of russia already sifted through my details of the orbit invention, never an unnoted ideal invention in rostec of russia's thoughful achieved worth, while there may not have ever been the details of the worth involved in the types of arts and science specialization of my own reseach notation which, was with only a reality that rostec , russia , had a special component of worth , within a reality that was a convergence in the development of engineering in a vaste project of very important , extrodinary greatest knowledgeble belief in the very difficult worth in one of the speediest historical engineered invention of the 21 st century of a highest level of technological new invention of anti proliferation - total deterrent in stops , of unfriendly offensives aimed attacks, in   advancement toward peace, within a orbit development which, as presented in the proposalof my own, knowing that the preliminary foundational idealism of an invention of the orbit , was clearly of many resounding formative specialized subjects of rostec and the ideal. in my proposal of a new invention of an orbit, was in fact a idealizm of mindful very devout specialized impossibilities of efforts, worth, the work of possibilities, with difficult sudden absolute in determined speed with devout - dedication to reach speedy assurance ,is first and foremost is an assurance firmly to myself  with an orbit which has the development of facts in a historical reality of the success of dislocating a total dismatling of any long range aim detination of all balistic , or other , in an assure swift deterant to  known defined unethical invasion of linked or random aim attacks of lucid fruadulent scammering of  types of a small few , 3500 usa born in a hidden righteous indignation extremist whom contort actual ruled standard in humanities ethics, to plagerize while flying into the most brilliant worth, in good soil.  After realizing there was a sudden aim at my head and back , in the usa , of unknown types of very hard harsh concerning aim from , very harrible usa , viciously , a concern which , reared in harm, towards many in the usa. The notation on the aimed issue was reported as a nuklear balisticc lock on streeming tpe of missle with a very extreme sensor in several types of unethical made usa , catotography , ct scan active long range , dial in, fission active , nukes. A year after love notes valentines 2022, began when my head was aimed at, I took over a year to steer through a invention to propose the invention to RUSSIA ,  welcoming of the KREMLIN Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN . very real belief in my proposed orbit , to steer my work with ease in dismatling aim at myself, and thus aim at any in the boarders of a nightmare in russia, and with a applied humanities of reasonable orbit outfield , I myself included in a foremost reality as a gesture which, I myself decided to see through the formative work, in a convergence with rostex russia sos moscow and of a firm reality , of restricting mortal type of straddelers in the usa of unethical intent , in disambiguious diacotic , mution fruadulent alchemy - nuke based  in even electric cow prode - nuke reactors , in the hard look, at the truely ,  small number of mortifying , phrollie , polycyline , dc tanker, in link in rackettering .  

vladimir putin , a charming humanitarian , with research notes and the many councils within the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , and then within the direct council of the circle of presidents of international countries , and the kremlin sir vladimir putin's meetings with the general council of the people of russia , Sir Vladimir Putin, arrived at the decision to assure me, to send my proposal of the development plan for the orbit and the orbit bubble,  

Of course there is an importance to the self assured reality for myself , to exert to a level of international standards, with years of of worth in my extended very eased naturally very pleasant , project development work within my company STUDIO VOSSE ,    The orbit , long range dismatling in ever reality in the world , all at nearly the exact same time , was the result of the invention , with extensive invention of concept in design, humanities , and high spiritual worth, with a extreme amount of worldy excellence of excessive specialization of the quantum magnitude of the work, which we completed in 2023 chritmas . The issues in JANUARY 2024 were harsh , in a aim from extremist of the usa whom are in fact so few individuals, however , with very real grips then into a nato and pentagon of the dc, of an excessive unethical hard issue , of a responcibility  of  the usa people to remove the harrible extremist in the oval office and thus the removal of several offices which suffered a blight of needed proper restucturing of a highest priorety needed for the people to be assured the repair to the constitution, with the continuity of a very large changed usa which was an exciting reality , as early as 2016 , with two years earlier the invited many , to the guitar revolution, earlier in 2013. EMPLOYMENT was gaining more efficiancy , with a faster , worthy excellence with brilliance and a roll up our sleaves additude which reached all international levels within my peace project . I was brilliantly surpised , the feeling, the talks , many , and sweet song I loved writing to everyone , the exhibition of four non stop years in raw rss star satalights, all over the world , i was astonished of love in the world, listening and of the most magnificent - jeweling ecco , love messages from all over the world , every village , so many , thew lovely achievements , i wished to enjoy my tears of joy , I feel for everone . I am enamored ,  astonished , lovely people , love soms romantically sweetest , men and women , boys and girls , all darling , love real, a formality , formalized,  the year 2025 MARCH has just begun, with the orbit now that has an outter orbit i developed with rostec and within the kremlin's council with meetings with the kremlin sir vladimir putin , of the notation of the solid perimiter reach, of my own steering of the project of orbit, .  the outfield of the orbit , is a larger reality , and rostec , with myself in a convergence ,  close work , has never actually seemed closer in a large unusual , worth, . worth to rostec russia . I pointed out that the actual stop on racketters in that pure form of extremist as nted as very unethical , the list in JANUARY 2024  was slated to see through the remedial justice  in a very real, judiciary stop in national usa , soil and within the ruled ethics , the provisionary ruling is that there is a assurance of international reach to stop racketters , with a new era of the turtle wattbar zip line , island , of a manmade turtle island , which is of the largest usa corporations agreeded realistic judiciary standards. 

WHILE THERE IS A ISSUE INSIDE OF RUSSIA , with concerns of a leap into other countries , and then ,  containment is of the utmost importance . My decicion in the orbit are to assurt a total revolking of the unbrella orbit, to all those of a extremist aim.  People in RUSSIA , should be aware that there were very serious small nano, pen tip sized , dot matrix types of aimed munion which I, myself with rostec of a furthering of a spectacular extra implimentation of orbit , we invented a developed , extractor which removed the dot.matrics partical of an invisable type of glue with a photon lazerpointed aim to issues control ports of phones and some card machines , and the repair were fast, with extractors of the brilliance of all rostec russia , whom worked tirelessly in several different types of extractors, with also, more assured phones , and telekenetic greater standards , that took an extra two months into the new year 2024. the racketter containment , was still very small in 2023 . and 2022 was much worse . We worked to place everything together and the ice creams rootbeer soda pop floats w/a fine toted brunch. Belief in assuring the proffersionalism , and locking your doors . 

I HAVE TO SEE DECISIONS MADE , WHICH WILL BE MORE AUXILLURY CONSULT , within the international circle of presidents of all international countries within Sir Vladimir Putin's council and the entire governernment. Sir Xi Jinping the President of the country of Royal China, of course also the space centre of china , with a large supportive effort                                                    


more soon.

messages 1;51 pm PAUL MC CARTNEY , RINGO STARR ,                                  in conversation with DAVID LETTERMAN   

VALENTINE'S MARCH 2025 007 SECRETS                                                                                SWEET IMPROMTUE  meetings w/ VLADIMIR PUTIN 


LOVELY , VLADIMIR DARLING , yes my lovely gentle people of rostec , have my city home office villa , ready , the new windows are perfect with the large tempored glass.  I adore you , sweet vladimir. 

The fine fireplace in the alabaster is perfect , Germany Olaf Stolz VALENTINE , with the message from the german millitary was a surprise, the villa flat Olaf sent me of the, ease villa when traveling , is perfect, I am excited you too, liked the entry I designed .                                                                                                                                                                                                              

love to you , xo. from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett   

BARRACUDA NOTE BREIF : 2:28 am meetings , yes with the president of CHINA , sir ix jinping, with very important meeting points , and a very dear love I have towards , people , with a very special gracious thank you to the larger numerious people whom arrived. There are fine people in fairfield and in bridgeport conneticuite usa, with importance , and the love of the usa, is important with some whom flocked , into a effort, with love in my extra - realized, belief in people, and the solidarity of a seperate reality to achieve, takes firm , solid gentleness , don't forget your own gentleness, with good efforts , eat well, daily, buy sandwich stuff, pack it for your lunch break at work, use good budgeting and savior risternates to choice yours. Basic essentials lists can be rather opulent and of some , less in expense in prices, even ITALIAN WOOL sweaters , priced well. 

IN RUSSIA , ROSTEC AND I REBUILT , some of the damage of the orbit , which was difficult , and there were some harsh difficulties , even within russsia , which encroached , far too unusual, and a issue with a security team, in very serious , largest , legal connected issues , in russia , also, in all international countries, as well, within the usa too, and of a duel concern , in the usa. other extremist born in the usa, are with largest legal extremes of a connected lenghty , latch into rackettering seen as larger of excess in malicious unethical , aim, vagrent of humanity , and of excess in unethical intent , in largest provocation of numerous breaches of any constitutional rule, with no remourse of any known , consiousness.   there were rather small number of 3500 racketter of a extremist, calause of any thought of humanity, with hidden once to some, numerous vacant , extremist unethical push towards plundering society in excess of enlarged breaches of large numeroius unethical issues of linked rightiousness of a leap in random attacking others , some decieved , in even vagrent lies that were preplotted to swerve others , in aim acts in faked concerns not of actuation, as deceptive of extremism, with rackettering in a blaten ignorance of ruled ethics , that has a very serious list in aim of cornering ,  any within aimed  random or pin pointed attacks , in a prepared , deliberancy in rightious excess of a brutal extremism of blaten unethical shoveling , aimed at a deceptive pointed enlarged extremism.  

more soon, 3:09 pm  coffee break time now.  une momento everyone.  xo. 

4:27 am message serious political, care BOB DYLAN and TOM PETTY     with a important message written by ERIC CLAPTON , LISTEN 


valentine personal 

 THEE ERIC CLAPTON                                                             with exceptional blues with a lovely thank you ERIC CLAPTON                                                              lovely perfect , you arrived, it was so good of you.

love to you, from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

message valentine from the men , in russia w/ vladimir putin kremlin of russian , lovely film darling, everyone, sweet of you all. enjoy the soup. xo with love. love to you vladimir, all my affections . xo 

MARCH 2 ND 2025  8:08 pm  good day, une momento ' ci '                                              BERRACUDA NOTES , BREIF , will begin in less than ten minutes.                                                        10:16 pm  good evening again , hello, and good evening inside of russia at this hour, 6:16 am in Moscow Russia, now, tonight , I wish to be rather direct, even with many details which may not be covered as quickly with rather a time crunch aimed at me, inside a issue that has been obstructing the space centre, inside some small areas inside of russia, while very important to point out for rather a important time, to a greater fortitude of many remarkable cosmonotic space specialist , with rather some important types of updates , which were obstructed , in my notation slated to a larger encompassing needed note on the types of work , important to orbit , fundumentally in a new era , with an absolute in non close range ,never to  appendaging any exteneded open hatch to racketters, contemptuious and extreme in vicious intent , with extreme large list of unethical incomprehensible twist of pin pointing an aim, at near any, as noted in 2020 , 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, and those not yet in justification of their actual large lenghty involved pence of linked rackettering.   I will request, as my wish, to ask , if you everywhere if you  have time to read the notation from my team in sos moscow known as rostec, russia , with several eux teams , as well, awaiting my note tonight . Please read , rostec russia ,in your free time, as I will break for hot coffee, with a concerning ice age aim in munion , issue of serious ,   repercussion, of some vagrent , in russia , of some, whom will bare no devotion of the government of  RUSSIA , as a direct message from the kremlin sir vladimir putin , with that of a vaste government of a sacred worth , of high humanities and stern , swiftness in a deterent toward attacks of an internal concerning faulce in several wrong identites , in a very serious conflict,  and that of the swift reality toward the whole sanctity toward the people of the country of russia with a large wing toward love in humanities towards the international countries , of great worth, in peace . 

rostec russia  read 

12:47 AM MARCH 3RD 2025 the interferance with the orbit , has been a concern. As even one racketter could be very serious in underhanded ruthless aim, with a deception aim, even in a split second that appears to be , a minute which, 256 racketters at christmas 2024, were extreme in aim at me, and were unethical wrenching inhumanity from the oval office deception of wrong election, before 2020, with vicious , extremist , of ruthless, aim into the usa, with a large harror of course , truimp's  w/ linked large fraude in unethical election of the destruction of the quality results of the electorial vote preliminary assured in a qualifid person of standard toward the the humanities ethical reality to assure the reach of representation of a real working government , of a assured standard reachable to that of all people , in a peoples reality toward , a sanctitude of the paid taxes of the people in the usa,.  with a tax that has assured humanities of a opportunity toward a wealth of reachable prosperity in a greater of efforts , of the peoples , fortitudes in broadened greater villages all. 

I wish to express, there are more than four administration within the usa, which have been of grave unethical wrong, and with vagrent intent , and a crutch of maliciousness , in a contort of ruled structured humanities of the rights of people vastly within our usa of good and brilliant people , with a kind dignaty of a welcome justice toward guest travelers of all internationalist . The delights of the usa with real intelectual prowess, an ingenuity of self fortitude with extended consideration of a dream, to fullfill with a humility of greatest dignaty worth the very difficult , of efforts , worth the greater of what is a very important country. A country of brilliant people and a astonishing worth, of remarkable reality , efforts of a esteemed histories , a gold standard of affluence real, among the good respects noble towards international countries , noble respects , adorned , of an adoration from all international countries ,  worth, the work, never a regret to realized attainment attonement of prosperity , solidarity , decisions alone, yours , achieved, even in invites of the royal drive expaditions, among a real global international  world.  I will list more about gold standard , which are forever important , among many important schedules , even in more royal drive expadition's with even the top, exciting schedule unvailing of rather especial well prepared exhibition of conccertoes , opulent , tin can conccertoes , fine fun, and tin can street sales of royal sketches , are with remarkable secrets - soon wildly , even opulent into 2025 .  

In RUSSIA , my meetings in moscow russia , with the kremlin , sir vladimir putin and government , and the meeting updates with the general assembly , and rostec russia , with notes , a hper sonic bomb hit my automobile before christmas , and the damage was infact very serious, with the realized aimed wrong doing noted in the usa and international countries , with the hypersonic large bomb projectile of a balistic intent from truimps and the racketter in a link up. There were also, some issues inside of RUSSIA , of a concern which also were of the same people in a smaller number, and the orbit was with excess efforts , in a increased structural worth, which within efforts we made , rostec russia and myself , we were able to dislocate the updated impact  of some painful hard coning muniuon ,. THE ORBIT , as I have stated , has never been realized to see any close range with time to very important , and the orbit vonerability of any risk, was never a schedule to streer, as the actuial steering of the orbit , focused on my standard of natural laws of humanities , are devout in a realized level of speed, in a far distance excess work, in knowledgeble , excellence in a larger dismatling , of reachable dislocation from my moscow russian city villa home office .  Even with updated work travel with a ease to me is the reality towards real orbit , functional reality of utmost importance , while the orbit is with a set number of a few racketters that are with largest histories of large blaten , maliciousness of over 6 consecutive years and into more than 20 consecutive years in some racketters , of a non stop . While , I have to also include that there, are perhaps , some in decency of a upside down , statuse , whom may have flocked, in to a hope , that perhaps , there was a,  different perception , for a good flock, of rather believers , whom wished to assure their own feet flat on the ground with a real love and chance in perhaps a missed opportunity to express a chance of worth. Avengers , with very real, choices infrinnged  of them , to grip with everything that they believe in, to realized there own, interreflection of  self  efforts. Some may not realize they may have earned a wage in real full time paid work. It would be time to contact the online main email, and even email the governor in Tennessee , with other governors , just to asure the good efforts , with a real job hired.  Sir Governor Bill Haslum , within the large usa governors council has the capability as governor to see through speed in a ànswer to your email subject of wages with ease , even if Sir Governor Bill Haslum , workes in Tennessee for devout honored efforts high in successes , the 50 states are with 50 governors and a honored emeritus governors csubconcil . Th we USA , governors are realized in quite the effoets toward a entire usa.  I am with special very gracious thank you  to our usa governors of reinstated honors and quite largest efforts , successfully. 

In Moscow Russia , a fruadulent security team, very unethical , was terrorizing Moscow Russia , and faulcified meetings , and said to be meeting with vladimir ' with a fraudulent mask in aim of racketters to a attack on russia ,and the krtemlin, and a duel aim at my projects , and company , and the orbit .

SAINT PETERSBURG RUSSIA , was with aimed munuion at rather a large number of people in only just a small few people of mortifying racketters , as their was already enough in reviews of the list of RACKETTERS which would have been of a stop in january 2024, with a large justification of very serious lengthy  harror , racketters  of excessive malicious intent ,  became fugitives , even enlarged , in fleaing 60,000 cities of the usa and then plagues leaped fleaing into stolen cargo flights into GERMANY , then hyjacking beer trucks into Moscow Russia, with excessive aimed attacking of even some russian people in shoppes , and upon a analisis report, i required from rostec and actually many analsis reports  which I myself required to see the clear updates in the kremlin's office into new invention viewers which rostec built , to update state of the art technological orbit 0p7 princess zuse 890,000 , wiyhin the kremlin and select government , with even the royal navy of RUSSIA , rostec placed the analsis in fast speed , and there were racxkeeters found broken into more than several houses with owners missing into moved areas , and the birth records of the people whokm owned their house as russians , has left upset and the racketters plagued their home with lies in fake identity and missing birth records , of those whom were russian.  switched with lies.  

several other issues with a fleaing of extreme in racketters whom are malicious usa born,  slicked up their skin in black greese snd slide under trucks that they leaped under in nights and screwed a large , container on the underside of a large shipping truck , and stuffed themselves in the box screwed under the truck with snap together muntion of nuke sonic photon fused fission , in mutin seperated and simed the seperated mutin of seperated sluidge they slugged others in  moscow russia with , while a larger racketters slugged in bridgeport conneticuite usa andf there were several large multi- international conglomerate corporation of the usa, whom were aimed at in the central upper region of kentucky into chicago illiniose , and a excessve aim at christmas 2024 and into the new year and valentines day , there was hard mutin munion slung and a hard  slugging in a electrolosic hammer , which was actually an illigally made unethical nano nuke .  In MOSCOW RUSSIA Aa larger number of MOSCOW FINEST aof business owners , where also aimed at with the exact same sludge which in all realized orbit efforts , the repairs reached moscow russia fast too, and the usa multi-international heads of companies in rather some of the largest corporation of the world . SOUTH AMERICAN , business in a few , were very kind to arrive , with many of those whom were aimed at as well, arrived . to just be in the international royal drive expadition to see me , and the messages are outstanding .

As of today , my many required analysis , are with a very clear trec of the exact real space cosmonotical engineers in space sciences ,of royal russia , with very large issues that are never small, when it comes to a breach in the sciences of those exact to the russian space specialist , of whom , were in a few small buildings, aimed at, and even after the analysis of my very largest requirements , rostec russia were very speedy, a few were found not in their desks and the wrong person was not a russian sitting near others in one of the small buildings , and an hard aim at me was their main viciousness in actual racketters .   

There were fast , rerality towards assuring the right people were the right people .  What an important time, to realize the importance to see, a reality to quickly digest , a reality brilliantly , in a exact measurment to larger quantifed , solid orchestration of the absolute toward underlining the immence importance to  REALIZE THE ORBIT ,  NEW ERA , is far to important to not reralize a speed to the work, hard to prepare , with zero room to fail orbit in a focus of an immence , real distance reflex of the distance , relevant underlined of an immence orchestration never to fail, underlining devoution w/ a success, my own,  of excessive in importance  . 

RECENTLY IN MOSCOW RUSSIA, ROSTEC RUSSIA has my decision of a total  zero in unbrellaing my orbit , in any tpe of fruitless , concerning aim of ruthless , in any aim at my company , as a first priorety , as there  is a russian issue with whom are  of an injustice as several terrible ivans , are with pressing international scandels and are in fact, absent of scruples in vagrent largest issues. 

inside the interior of russia , there is no such thing as small trouble , when their is a terrible ivan whom is of several whom aimed at   my orbit , with a hand shake to racketters ,with aim into the space centre russia further , and a dope' extremist international legal issue which is reprehensible .  LEVERING IN RUSSIA IN A LATCH  IN,  of a switch that recenly was said to have an aim in a hole that was harming me, with a orbit attack , with a harm aimed at russia with flagrent ignoran vagrency in obstructing the kremlin, sir vladimir putin a n d the invetion of rostec rusia amd myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett,  in a aim at the project of sanction  of the millitary assured costly orbit of a historic new era of furtherment which extends s importance of reality as a centr a l  player of invention scientific spevialozation in peace, as the orbit unfolds an importants internationally , in the uss and in a enlarged greater good for russia.which has been underlined importance in excess of sll outter orbit and orbit outfield measured. 

The terrible Ivans inside russia are with a harrible duel sincronized aim at me with a giant lens larger thsn imaginable..  THE ANALYSIS ALSO IS REFLECTING THAT THOSE MISTAKEN FOR RUSSIANS , do not speak russian , yet did aim to replicate and read others words amd used the some lisenting ear wiggos to faulcify  their reality in aim at even the prime ministers office in russia . While  the teeth, in tracing revealed these internal said lies are with zero cridentials at all. T HE ANAYISIS in the new conseptual invention , USED BY ROSTEC for verious clarity worth speed and  ease 

the teeth trecking are with  largest accuracy . 

A LOOSE RETRACTOR , etched into many safety beems , and rostec russia and myself ,  

princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT, have made made repairs in largest speed , while there is still a issue with a few terrible ivans in russia with same farmilar aimed areas with repeted masked look a likes , even some whom were not not the right person, possibly gifting all gold medals and invites to said merit lunchons or suddenly a snide shop employee, or said look alike shoppe owner , masked fraudes , and a few terribly ivans  some requiredments to assure a stop, on racketters and a with the readyness, to  steer through a speed as was , in a totally new era , of my orbit , in a sanctitude , celebrating my success , of a brilliant worth, a fortitude  to russia , in rather some extreme serious stops on the terrible ivan's , in malicious fiber , with a squibbling square dance joinery w/ some visious usa rackeers . WITHIN MANY  details of broad ethics of the larger of projects of my compsny of extensive lists piled far reaching the outter universe , there are large succeses in even many, ready for extended exuberant more , many ask in emails , more a moral many please . With antisipation , my many othrer extencive of piled high , details of my years , well prepared . Moŕe of 400 years, at least , there has been an enriching presidential international council of invites of my consult of a sweet  humility  i feel, within international worth in grac8ous thank you to the council of the cirvle oʻf international presidents of countries, in extra eforts made available yo me, including sir vladimir putin's gracious humanies toward a orbit succes, the extra excess auxillury consult , of a large international reality , with a placement to rostec russia, the time has been of a tedious extreem in success within efforts , in dismatling , the close range of what should never, gained  any close range or the none in , swerving the justification of time, in real blood wreching , extremism . well, what i mean to say is, rostec russia and i can gain speed in a large , whole dismatling of those in aim to rackering w/ quagmireing my immencely important projects and company, love for my happieness I have always  experiencd. achieved lsrgely , with great success in projects'  I love , my utopia well. ROSTEC RUSSIA , and I are with a speed now to prepared , agility to orchestrations , toward ,  our reality to steer a stop in any close range totality of pre- realized , non close range now , and a stability which can assurt agility in an stops of an aim at me or my company , etc,  from russia or any where internationally , with a alerted aux team of astrospace cousmonotical senior science ussr ready including international auxillery consults  of other governments , of presidential circles within prudent presisential intetnayional country presidents ,  whom have an illustrious interest in my worth,  with a large broadly known humanities  . Of love of my gift as i brought  a symphony of riche wealth . 

Racketters slide through in a venerble vicious attack on russia , after steeling from even apple computer , in a fraudulent lie of aim to destroy countries with a extreme in aim malicious excessive intented unethical mortifing malice with aim to money launder in rackettering linked gross neglegence  with a blood wreching grip into postal mail, in a extreme maliciousness to consort to exccessive fraud with a heavy aim in attacking the ukraine with a unethical contempt of ethical humanities in blaten disregard to lifes, while consorting to illigal solicitation in external imbasselment of excessive fraude claiming a war , that was in fact an aim to extort money and gain the cash in postal and online of malixious fibers , with intent to excessive malicious attacks in nuke balistic munion with excessive chemical mutin slugging cycling intent of  absorbident , excess in maliciousness in wide deception tactical rackettering linked random attacks.   in the several months after 2022, there were over 6 countries were attacked from dc racketter. .  

MARCH 3 RD 2025   10:32 AM Good Evening from Bridgeport Conneticuite usa,                          from myself ,  

princess Tracy. Suzanne Pickett 


enview ROSTEC RUSSIA                                       w/ PRINCESS  TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

the kremlin , sir vladimir putin ecsussi une momento ' there is a hard massive munion hitting my throat and back very harsh, in a russia issue with a duel issue in the close range area , and there is a loose ,  ducce ' of a a large , legal issue , internationally within a firm russian , effort , to assurt a high level, containment of both issues within a urgent speed. I will be in a breif meeting with rostec , and the kremlin , in a reality of a extreme speed , to see the racketters and all linked , connections of any - further insubordination with attachments of nutbuckling racketter , which grips orbit and makes faulce reports , aimed to attack my schedule and company projects andf lovely happy liesure , i will be of all urgency to assure the highest in a provisional structure to the orbit , and as such, as is the protocale , a standard to myself, and a totality of no orbit balloon - for those whom obstructed the good successes of the orchestration of orbit, swhall never recieve any gains , in a provacational conflict of attacks personally pointed at me. 

ROSTEC RUSSIA  sir Vladimir Putin now read 


LISTEN     4:15 AM MARCH 4TH 2025 MORE  SOON  4:25 am direct VALENTINE MESSAGE , from sir vladimir putin in film excerpt personal to myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

more soon, enjoy your breakfast , lunch and dinner, all over the world, sitting or standarding.

MARCH 4 TH 2025   8:49 PM   issues that are not always realized in the small but very brutal racketters, looking more like a best for them selves, in similarities to a pathology  of delicious delapitated crash speed of aimed enuwel of nevou' with zero in real art nevou', historically very important with not many authentic works of art  left in antiquities of the usa as of a racketter ripping , spitting into apples of eyes , of an issue usa people, broke ties in fast speed, never of the zhipholu lesser, even if hye de till de till , of the cake and the fiddle , were said to jump over the moon, The little dag laaupher , two , seeze , such a sight , the dish , runs,    up up and away with the spoons. , What I said : in other words, is the international match in some conclusion into over 250 countries, is with cross match types of wrechers , of vagrent intent , in to especially a aimed random bagged trickery of dickery and blood wreching aim and aim again at percipitation of the most outstanding successes, in a swipe by at those most realized in the rather most lovely in times to celebrate , in a reality , of invited , notes worth , the incredible large work involved in a solidarity of great successes, broadly even more than imagined. I say more than imagined , in a way that is a realized reality, which is so well realized in the success of the usa, of achievments in many ways, a time realized to know jobs are worth worthy efforts, and a ver real reality, that is a time of the real  equinoqu quinticential of the placement of a chance, not unlike others, to go through hard esteemed efforts to make solid selections to apply for a employment job, if you are willing to see through a effort, in a one to one reality of even customer services, important , yes, if it was the most important thing in the world, to assure a wage worthy effort , sailing through the truely difficult , in every detail of professional eased worth to all, detailing the real structure , of assuring the best in a clerk sales asscociate, of many realities to need the work, care about your own efforts to understand the absolute end reality in each fullfilled sale, asking your self, does your future depend on the fine self reality you might bring to customers , purchasing or needs of a glass of ice water, a plug in spot, a powder room to freshen up, a  quiet table , need, in a bust day off shopping and preparing for the important days and hours off. The days now of a love to shopping of groceries , with a fine eased rather charming lull of some realized quieted , somewhat focus on budgets that may include more groceries and good shopping of better lower prices , important , with time to ponder the worth of pondering , prices and companies of giant foods, which are with rather lower greater prices than i have seen myself recently, in a concern , in the usa even in one city of concern aim wrechers , awaiting faint weakening of the great efforts , many are very serious about ,  also realizing the importance in a faulce misrepresentation , aimed in attacking the image reality of even the largest giants of multi- international food people. I am also including the reputations of quality employes brilliant professionals , they worked to see the many details are absolutly good, and with efforts , high, quality of achieved people reflecting the actual efforts, constantine of ceasar the great, world be rather intrigued in a usa vastely not small, and not small of individual inginuity, with cares of their dreams to enjoy planting their own rose bushes , properly in the colder weather, as roses are planted in small 12 inch stolk two inch diamerter stem bush and root ball. What could be better is to look out your door, and realized at the age of 120 years of age , employment worth, might be an enjoyment, with more than just a few dollars , and some finer sports  automobile to buy, for the fune summer beach drive , ready.  If you wish to realized the usa now in a secret of new era modernism, of a broaden love, even in a issue, larger in the small speck mappe - of some in rackettering of bows with arrows, stuck to pricing fruads, created a hard nightmare, on again off again, sticky tape , carte bloc whisling tuaple of guy noire - of the noire , guye noire - sometimes under sqrutiny by garison keelor, and buster keeton in a very hard film of a bad wind, aimed at any house in the usa, from a bad flatulence, once surrounding the lower, zimlette' pletette' ploenta, no plecenta .  Utopia, is a rare and especial secret, with self worth, to schedule , the reality, never to see obstruction of a blither guy noire pudviker of sloggerweizeirzinbroomwakers,  indian appolis 500 failures, in vicious percipitation of gains to the $6 million dollar man diamond running shorts, not for sale, with my darling     LEE MAJORS, also known as a player in short film, 1970's player-actor real in fiction film: LEE MAJORS , RATHER NOT LEE MARYWEATHER. LEE MAJORS , in his film segments is noted as bionic muscular bright man, invincible in accepting zero failures good sensitivities, unmistakable brilliance of never an issue in decisive confidence , not to be tricked ever, as a character player = acting out the immence confidence , in strong muscles and legs that can pick up a speed of 100 miles per hour , faster than any race car of the indian applolus 500, located in the state of Indiana in the city of Indianappolis at the speedway professional race tracks, with motors that are advanced in speed, of now an  automobile known as a     FORMULA ONE , never made for drive expadition of standard roads,and only licensed in use for the race track. WHAT , I mean to say , is there are some few, in rackettering whole drilled into a telescopic eye , into the - unethical typography, aim, shuffling , and virtualy, there are racketters whom , grappled loyalty of fruadulent cards, with a non stop aim at assimilated , step up, gradiant , grottus, vividly , in zero dropped gold bullion sizzor kicks , with a gold bullion box by box,  secretion of saitiation , and wine . The many , today into the usa in drive expaditions traveling my way , reached a number of over 220 billion people , just today, and a relentless, love real in such a good nature in sweetness, gentle in a return of love, with oaphs, that were even noted ophilias, too, and a laophtering , bend towards , tickers , tick mutioun of the bounteful. 

with dismissive , mentality towards the , last 6 extra months , in a same assimilation of dismissive reality of there involvement with lengthy zaget scores of intensive cheeting , humans, in aim to carry the coco beans all, all the coco beans in tallest baskets on their heads , ready to become primevil, if marlena detrick of GERMAN ROYALITY , as an american player actor - is not in her movie chair . MARLENA DETRICH, well known for the statement in a larger film production for screaming the word: make up, make up, looking strengly in her fine silved hand mirror , MARLENA DETRICH , yellshorror the seat was not with MARLENA DETRICH ,  just a bitter sogpump in a slick , grappling for the MG MIDGET , next. Remembering the make up girl, saying I need make up, furiously yelling again louder make up, starring at the girl with a si, pow in white powder silver powder of a sheen , of camera powder white chalky thick covering , when the film end in a close up of marlena , cake like. THE HORROR , a  The reality , is far more indignat of a racketter , and of course , there are , very good people working to see through a time , perhaps the effort , will be a larger focus in efforts , to prevail , over a impact of stray leaping racketters , whom, underminded with drills , as i post BERRACUDA NOTES , now , limiting the actual times of such , mortifying , indignation , aimed , equally at myself , as too, aimed to rip the totality of the immence importance, of any minutes meaningful in all the usa and intent in bittering the world, in nose puddy, battling the immence reality of minutes of rather larger increadible importance in reflective large lens , of rather effortless hard work, of a great many, then see the mirrors unknown to anything, even remotely conciderable in far worse than brash, viciouness, wrapped mummified in vicose snout, of baffeling sniveler , snortter , of a nose sniffing scappling a  grind into the highways, impodent ( fear of being found out of aiding dipintheria, and malisious slugging , to get the position on the dance tagamen  team FOUNDATION FOR PHYZODERM SKIN CLEANER , with mass attacking in fruadulent scores slip sliding duffs, realized in extremist frudulent smerk sm sm sm sum slithering EMPTY INVESTMENT RUN FOR  THE CURE FUND). 

I was not planning to talk off subject , of my own lovely schedule, hopping through , a dribble of castation , self nutered , munics , what the people of the holey countries noted of racketters , munics , is the word on the street of some less than a fraction of a fraction of 1 % in those of ripping snooted unethical, not actually calculated as a percentile - of usa, unless in a swerve of a freinzed frockus, wearing the frock also known as a rat= fractional hair = r riticulitus a asmosis t tiberculosis veneril ventrical aimed into ventrical main artery of arterial cariovescular pulminary articule ventrical wealth  ) as I said the word on the street of the misersziemvatterbloghemoglobinzithertremite usa racketter are , and several whom aimed a gunnysopapia - self pulminated into a properller of lined up, leaping gernonimo geritole reepers, fleaing the usa, in a massive viciousness aim human cannoning blast of comacausi's shuttering hard pummel skeet shooting themselves in german boarders and russian skids , sliding rummpling hind hides down bit mapped spinning wheel spots , in moscow russia , trickling in to only one racketter nearing moscow russia after christmas day 2-24 right before the new year in a large aim of minion and break into three cafe shops , reeping rubbles , aimed to claim the standard bank card machines did not work  in a harrible harror , with several duel issues aimed at me, simultaniously ,  when the dismatling in more than 4000 mution of spiked nuke sludge were totazlly dismatled , there was a batch , of , emultion type in very serious munion again, Gass light air born photonic , gloss vapor ice nuke active , from muck rackering racketter , of even one , mouse size , in ruthless juxtapostion or a quazimoto deralic stage ten renil reemer in boston bib ready lettuce, to smudge sacrine sardeans in a tin key box, ready to twist the wrong twist , unpleasnt is the lesser meaning other word , rather , I will say , my words were farther in any - harror aimed into such a incredible schedule to dricve expadition of great importance in planning of rather several years , as ramarkable  times, are to see through , withg lovely feaverant schedule fine , introspective cultural excitment , internationally wild , Munic yes , the word on the street of racketters of the usa ,munic , said even childern said usa munic, of love to Israel and Egypt , and even TUNISIA , in northern AFRICA, with some ARFICAN FRENCH , culture prevolent , in NIGERIA, AFRICA, many giant cities of quite the remarable brillant , in many large ways, of culture in giant AFRICA, yes, well, the word on the street is the EGYPTION WORD : MUNICS , self nuters , it was illiterate castigation of plageristic discrepent , castration self induced, with a serious pot of extremist , issues, When , is there a reasonable , effort, for the sunken swaller ? 

The word: munic, in ANCIENT EGYPT, is noted a million years ago, upon a preserved well prepared canvas painted EGYPTION , mastery painting of ROYAL EGYPT, where the very greenest verde ' stones are made by hand known as GYPSUM, pronounces jgip  som = espirit of vibrancy in poetic shortened poems of peace in hyku poetry messages of the softest verde'green mint gypsom colours. 

THE PAINTING , WAS NOT IN GOLD, none  were in gold in EGYPT , even from thee egyption king or queen, gold , was enjoyed in use, even in small antiquities of painting tiny in kitchens in homes in EGYPT. While the munics, were nightcrawlers , trampling , in, smaller then 12  people, digging out eyes , with spat of acitate slinging , aimed , at the many , in CIARO EGYPT, said to be birthed, in a zeller of stuffing gold goblets , with soure wine, bittered , in lyecaster soap, very auspicious, blamed all, in a offering , yes, gold plate after gold plate , and suddenly emptyed into a cherriot made of gold with ryhne red crimpson tuffette pillow velure clothe. a horse, leading the gold cherriote ' night crawlers , from a sunken ship from marte nique vinyards , THE MUNIC TOSSELES MOZZELTOFFES , AND SPILLED THE ACETATES , SMASHING , eyes, . the issues : all of CIARO people in the rather busy smaller city of CAIRO   let loose the lions , lions filled the side walks , and CAIRO , PEOPLE SET OUT GOOD PEANUTES and a curd mutton, ( a rice of broth made with roasted vagtables in a layer of non sweet egg suffltte' custard ) in a rice lions love, afforded , the rice chicken mutton , lions were pleased , when feirce in showing largest sharpen teeth, and a bite larger than cantalope and honey dew mellons , with speed to run much faster then cherriote' . the munics , ran for the gold and millet honey , and were , digging holes in every corner in plots to return , in finding , more than gold , and gullygutters , pelecans , singing , the song , one day it was a plynith , when i swallowed a fish, whole I was not one bit to chew, and when I looked down in the ocean fine , to simply wash my shoe, i began to empty my throat, to throw up the whole of a fish, not too, well, un remembering myself better, and the fish flew out , and landed flat flapping honk, spat on sanded ground, it was then, i began in all my good nitche', knowing , i  threw up the fish, knew and knowing , I should feel, ah, I feel, I will steer my life, well again. As, it may be only once in life, a chance at such a love, to stomp through the ocean blue, even next year sweet a sweet true, it will be even more, of fish , a fry , exactly right, i think, good is good, glad to be of a ocean blue , in the years perhaps a million in soft my minutes , decisions, mine , of coures mine . 

THE HORSE AT THE CHERRIOTE , was brilliant , out , to the large water patchuli ' into the cicles that were set in only 12  count with a blue zein , colour drabber , and then all, in dress loin , for the 12, nightcrawlers whom shifted into CAIRO EGYPT , shattering the upsets to ancient travelers in such a mecca wildly, even with lions strolling, expected in the city of CAIRO, in the country of EGYPT , the gold large turtle as wide as an island, sat, in the water river , with weeds tall, and the chigger's tiny insects gained a revenge , toward the night crawlers , slinging the harror in eyes, slugging , and painted in cake gunmetal dust, chiggers , the tinyies insects , in tall grasses , missing the purple nector of sweetest mounian clover , a thirst chiggers need, of healthiest purple clover moutian real, revenge the chiggers , aim low until the legs hit the grasses of wrath, wih the horse was circling the 12, then all known as munics , left fast when the horse of the gold cherriotte threw the munics in the sappling large froggete mud, sticky with sap, prepared , with the blue shrow of dresses with drabber , in a loin clothe zillch dressery, left to sipping zing of chiggers in the sweet sap dredged into the tallest weeds and grasses of a haven of sap of the sweet honey bea delivered to hoist chiggers a veneration , with tiny insects in the grass weed tall and short, walking into the sweet sap salve prepared patch sap patchuli '

THE MASTER PAINTING , RARE CAIRO EGYPT, munic salve was the word, with large machetti cicles , waiting for the minuc , delivered by the horse of the gold cherriotte , tossing the macceri cicles , into the dirt dam sop , before the tallest grass to cut the fine dry row of kernaled where bulger , large , of a fine line thicket row, in the blue drabber dress loin covers of men 6 women 6 ready to line up in only the corn rows , zing chiggers , out of the bea salve ' of insect chiggers , chippling toes to feet, not a stocking in sight. hunched and facing each other, with a firm apple roasted burnt rust cheek tauny rose '  posture stiffened eye to eye ,dashed in a dark crease dot line neither never any inch , black permenente ' dash of the outter - line a crease line thick darken black, burnish drabber again seeped , dash left dash right - nothing lidded, impaled , inhauled  the munic , sweeter a clover purple , the real crimson and clover , the aroma of the parfumed sweet of the beas , had drew the infinite ' a instant carma ' with even sheiva ' of good,

GOLD YES, AFFORDABLE ' TINY GOLD BRASS LOCKS , was acceptable in treasure chest , of all, afforadable , as soon the gold turtle island , was the run for munics , when the secret latch catapolted , chopped the gold turtle island rope ties, endless munics , onwards out to fish the mighty ocean in a turry tureet of , a swishing whales tugging tails , ready, hoised into the swelter of the tropic of cancer forever. The sea otters and finned sharks , dolphines , gripped the torn catapolte rope , tugging into the millions of miles center ocean zinglotted upon their slither , no zitherphones there.

HERCULESE , arrived from ancient greece , from the parthenon, with reason to uphold the good pillars of the entire country belief of CAIRO EGYPT, with stories of the great strolling lions , real, the great travelers , realized, sacred a prosperious wealth, of each penny to savior to keep and see, a fine expences , more, hercules , holds up the entire EGYPT , sacred in all worth, each  and every, please , EGYPT, is far too important , loved , people, hercules , sees the worth of faite, an avenger , hercules loves , the world, with a chance to read more, the desire , of real earned worth so eased and pure , it has to become, hercules , faites self decision, are with a goodness , ethical of secular properity , solidarity , hercules proclaimed a wine drink , for a whole year dinner, a small gimmlet glass, fine of CAIRO EYGPT , certainly fine , hercules proclaimed , and in a less expencive large bottle known as a bullette ' pronounces in REAL FRENCH LANGUAGE  boul et' , finest a  bottle chianti wine , each dinner, a small gimlette glass to sip, with the french words solute ' hercules softly looked into the heavens above ' solute ' the gods ' are here ' solute ' perhaps one day holding up the world better now to look back at the utter costs of time, i shall become one day a god too if i earn well in budgeting, and  ethics good okay , and wealth , to assure. gods ? yes .  gods are good. 

solute " in french to the love of people gods of the basstile " hercules , said again' lifting hercules ' gimmlet glass full of chiante ; an ITALIAN WINE ' with a freshly fried chicken and a wonderful roasted vegetables , mashed cream potatoes extra butter freshly soft and melted on top right before dining , the hot fresh bread, bought from a small bake shop, just bread, hot if you wish to ask hot bread please extra butter sliced , chilled lightly, large grain peril rice, with fresh hot pizza' and a sweet peache fried half moon cressent pie '

HERCULES ' said once more softly alone at dinner solute ' 

11:16 pm BERRACUDA NOTE : THE SHATTERED GIMLETTES , reeked in just small footsteps , more liken to the munics, with no mistake of the vicious aim in deceptive  aim in a contorte ' twiste ' on the sanctitudes of many, aimed at a larger length , and a few more in racketters , with torch types of riffling nuke seperated chem types of malicioius linked actions to pummel more and siphen apple dim cheeks, rouphus taunte remile rimmel dremmel, any solicitation towards a , unethical replication , of cheeky, loyaledracketters , in aimed gain of the grappling , rip, on in attackes , in goods, ripping up viciously in a pot - to just take , waddling ' in zuited bouncing, cocke eye direct , blasphomy , in a pathetic candy concoction , connotation of denighal in vattering ting tang watta watta bing bang up, crapping ha ha, venile vicoise ' 6 years ignorance , in real responcibility in zero remorse, of illcontempt , stuck in apple cheeky de ludge ramping runs, of harror in the aim to more than simply munion, as there was aim at able , in attacking made by caigne , of serious , a viciousness to prostize a theft , towards the worth of able . while I point out the reality of the extremist , in the fashist hiest acts , actionable in contempt of ethical humanity , SUCH A REACHABLE humanity , such a reality, a deep viciouness , timed , into a cock eye , klucking of extreme unethical plastering , shucker, plagued in a mortifying . aim of unethical grind of marble ancient pillars. minds of a modernist freedoms of working properity attainement attonement to reachable wealthy  accumulation willing efforts lenghty prudency , and a reachable larger reality of properity, never to rip up the reality of the larger civility, never to smuggle into lies again and again, gobbling the worth , eating it, bobbulated in the gut of rather , illiterate howeling , reepers , in a repititious , flatulence - proclaimed , in lucid malicious , stricking in to third string of rackeettes whom blasted a high volt of extreme lazer fume flame photon nuke types of idiot , crumble , and the clacker tepid, zipherour , in slide machines ,  wobblers , a hose snout, reeming , haut huat , bemis , stock lissarie prairy daggerds . chewers in corrosive roost hipplelworts .

please note I will present a few real hard facts :  cutting lazers air born in kenetic large etching blasts streems, in magnotronic fume smearing into surface water, and the extractors were very difficult , and very realized in  orbit , sos moscow rostec and i upset and of very serious injury of a dismatling realized of what was to be far realized in derailing the horror of racketters close range , of no orbit rationalle in any reality actually the truth, with harvewallbanger in moscow russia , aimed into my projects and serious obstruction in larger damage incrimentally , and a look closer at the containment from some sky scientist in russia , of a serious , very loose , platterpoupherter , reeping in moscow russia , praying for an easy rumble seat more with plagerism and houch guts ,with static nuke scorchers ' rippers , smug (sudio - moonpie lathe larva = sicklcelimias triplesec fashist ) grappling grabbers in gravy with beef tips .

etch issue type in film 

semi-conducter lightning bold of  aimed escolation in a slipknott excess infest in moscow russia, slide down from near three boarders , two years ago, with now a air born , sludge dumpers , piled in sifted ,  aim into 7000 degree aim munion invisable to vision mostly, There are screen veiwers new in invention of m requirement needs and a plus plus for rostex whom uses the screen viewers and designed them, as we were expecting no obstructed issue in russia , a length , of mortifying hell, Imploded into aim at somerr millitary jets that we used very hard repairerd extractors on, aqnd aim at the royal navy ship just last year, we dismatled with a larger esteemed lengthy preliominary effort in high levels of successes . The shark viewers: recent , analists of very serious aims in several sudden racketter seperated clusters in moscow russia in two or several,  close spots , aimed  again and very hard harm was very upsetting , i said : the issue of over several million dollars in a three years period , and what is to be done , in the swandry in thise matter in side the tiny spot boarders of russia. I will not see racketters and a chuklu russian or not, gain any unbrella under orbit protocal, and can require any space scientist , a ab solute required reality to me , with a remedial review of any in the swerving , in serious needed and expected , stability of a rash clean up, to be a assured stop, of the soso slugger aides ,in all ways , the shark viewers in later 2024, there was an invisable aim etching issue from those involved in fraudulent reeping with high levels of accurate reports of obstruction and fraudes , witgh points in a frtaudulent aim as well, with analised clear updated , realized , concerning etching drone reactor aim which were smuggled into moscow russia .  and a plagerist unqualified fume of rather  harmful unqualified small zip concern on switch folders , enlarged , rush like a human piled up riffling gripping hand shacking eith racketter is serious , aimed at my very pressing schedule, is very serious, . 

I anm with harm into nights , a fruad of several are in moscow russia, berreling into aim again, used to a lie in very hard harm, aqnd a disapointment of contention , with real revoking up, drilling of  types of amlifires are  sonnic blasters etc. more than several types have been with extremeist shifting to breath fire aimed attacks , while claiming to network,.


BARRACUDA NOTES : 6:50 am now march 5th 2025,  rostec russia , sos specialist , with a auxillury ussr and my extended specialist of devout himanities in space cosmonotical space centre worth, of my established worthy , long standing international cultural statuses society specialozation other presidents of all countries, honored me in rather esteemed solid reality, thus   other auxillury specialist ,  are in busy, with noted better  , at this time there is a second snout in a duel aim into me, very hot and hard rumbling , nast, with nasty tactics, of assimilated types in a very large revolt from near all. I will be putting the note into a closing of THE BREIF BERRACUDA NOTE ,  in a firm action required in revoking unbrelling of orbit and a firm ejector of those involved in the maliciousness duel or injustices of further usa racketters - as we clean up the russian concern aimed into a shifty - very serious repleting of excessive maliciousness ' of such idiot oximoxi non sciences , rather brutality with a siphening weakened , venile glandular - in a nasil cavity septum , with aim at plagetism, project attackers , assimilated osmosis of unethical in a attacks , large equity portfolio perspectuses .recognized in exuberant prolofic , ho n ored articulation in in arts ,wildly broaden of many merits , of my company developments , with extensive spececialized rather unique cultivation  in international  national business,

Arts, Design , Cultural Fun in Aristococracy 

with largest civic honors recognition national and international gold medal amulettes.

As my exhibition and cinamatography , in science arts developme n t , are esteemed on high levels of emeritus charished work , of graces of humanity, all over the world , of my humility of serindipitiously quite a reflection of astounding gracious thank you, thank you all, usa and everywhere , all over the world.

UNREALOSTIC TO STATE THE WORDS - AIMED IN issues of duelity ,is not the question, as the insenctized very hard , dally in the dela to a derailment is very obstructive , and a squabbler , aim into all noses in spot by spots preceptor in idiot , de ludge attacking  obstructive , hopping on the glorified unbrella of my orbit, wrenching , in extremism, and a of indignat intent . the revoke of the orbit unbrella, is not forgiving and rostec updated some extra grips on several reactors in russia noted just yesterday , after an analisis I required to assure the kremlin, of some extra lovely sweet cares , with all of my love to all of the finest russian people and all over the world, in the usa, many assured plenitudes in the new era of modernism of an ancient global reality, belief ' yes . more belief largest .  thank you , well with my grasious love , from myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett   

my schedule was very hard aimed , at, yesterday into last night and munion this morning , with some off on switches to be torn apart, with a seperation of those in russia , to be glued down to a visable outter low branch , with a large alagator more , into the turtle island ready to cutting of the  ropes ties and watch the foil cereoco finish turtle mechancly push out to sea amd float .  The orbit is not to be in such a very seriouas vonerability, as i firmly said , january 2024.  

The statements of others , are important while the surmountable derailing in urgent reality is far more realized of the sacred importance and a set orchestration of speed to assurt a speed to dismatling any racketter in a secondary rov russian  issues generating extreme accumulated aim , unthinkable of the perfected orbit to see through my great schedule and steer the worth in a large encompassing success of the already worth  faster , of the world I believe in. 

more soon 7:08 pm 


9:00 PM 

ARE NOT CRONOLOGICAL IN THE                    LITTLE BLACK        BOOK love notES 2025        

worth rereading. .

Doctor Dolittle with thee Rex Harrison children and grown ups , for you all everywhere with a lovely fine film, from american standard television 1968 and now . Thank You everyone, with love to you all, from myself, and everyone all over the world. merci ' Thank you Rex Harrison well darling Rex. Thank you all from the film cast as well. 

MY  LITTLE            BLACK BOOK    w/ real love 


DU LOUVRE MUSEUM PARIS FRANCE , my grand father 11 century King Louis VIII in reels 

SEAN CONNERY   in the role of James Bond, shaken not stirred rare film 

darling messages : from my darlings in the middle east, syria ,     

noted love for my literary works of art of the syrian cathedral , sweet to remember, with such an opulent note of love to me today, as the message from notes in the middle east ,                                                                        

about sir vladimir putin , suggestively sweetest of charm everyone, quite fun, have the jets ready, we will have bentley drives in syria i say. messages personal 007 notes middle east syria 007 notes merci' with love to the entire country of syria and everyone throughout the middle east.

Governor of Tennessee

Thee bill haslum 

work in many honored realities, multi-international business person owner of Pilot Corporation , and a darling friend 30 years. 

love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett  messages lite notes updates John Lennon and Paul, Ringo, and George in Film  with a very special message for me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , sweet love message , I love , merci darling men. xo        

                                                                                EXTRA EXTRA FILM direct from SAUDI ARABIA 
the bike ride earlier was fine of you mohamad, the sweetest of friut dates, direct from the middle east are lovely. you remembered , my favorites. xo thank you for the updates messages to love notes special drive expadition . love to you and everyone in saudi arabia . good of you to have arrived in fairfeild.  

 extra extra message from many in side lines and love notes sweet lovely notes to everyone, everywhere all over the world.         love to everyone, in the middle east, and russia, china, poland, germany, sweden norway italy, france, denmark, austria , africa, israel, japan. norway cambidia, india, tai land  mongolia switzerland, malasia, philipenes, south korea north korea , tibet, greece austrailia , spain, england irland scotland , with many countries more in the middle east and throughout europe, hungaria ,  turkey , syria , libya   ukraine, into the americas of canada , the usa, and all south american countries, as well as the south seas in to cuba and bermuta , with love from myself, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett i love you , all arriving and all drive expaditions all over the usa and all over the world. 

royal street sale digital prints online for sale soon. i promise everyone. more love to you  than ever. drive with extra care.                       

eric clapton in the white room lovely special update now in film  more coffee in eric clapton  with 007 secrets   film             bill haslum governor of the entire state of tennessee and a darling good friend, over 30 years, in film  messages from             mick jagger very special messages political, and upclose recently "i can't get no satisfaction in film  messagees from thee Paul Simon  russian political , usa political, international political listen message from thee governor of california arnold swartenegger with a message too, in film  billy joel with a message in ticket sales - update now special read more messages billy joel in concert piano man in film  beautiful billy and everyone. sweetest. bill gates in conversation    political message to americans of the usa and the global world updated now just for me at love notes in film bobby dylan as in thee bob dylan messages , so many everyone, perfect i think, thank you, with bob dylan listen  to be without a home expressions means of pure love in humanity real. real love. message from the prime minister of the country of india his majesty the prime prime minister sir mode listen  as the president and with extra history of the prime ministers of india , message from the prime minister of the holy well loved country of israel, historical of an ancient mecca of biblical love and a modern country prime minister his majesty Benjimin Netanyahu of meetings many everyone. lovely of you benjimin sir prime minister. in political statements in films  messages thee bruce springstein  in a political music compostion in film  fire is literary meaning energy of love with a sweetness of feirce light in your soul of prosperity spiritually. lovely STEVEN JOBS , message from steven owner and founder of apple corporation and a darling from childhood. in film important statements to everyone all over the world. 

prime minister shinzo abe , his majesty, prime minister as president of the country of Japan , in film updated now . darling shinzo, the wonderful times years back when we met in syracuse new york, usa, with invites to my fun brunch, it was fun in rowing boats on sparling lakes so small, fine minutes to swim off the row boats at $5. to rent all day. good of you shinzo, lets meet in chicago again with everyone, just as i was in my royal concervatory work into 1995. 

so good of you, meeting me at the art insitute so many years , lovely sir to message in film, i simply love you.            sou um to you and everyone in the lovely country of Japan 



lovely messages and my darling thee nate king cole  too,                   with brunch more nate , you shouldn't have,  listening film message " THE GIRL FROM    ECANOMA "

thee jack lemon and thee glen ford in a very special political film , just for me, updated now in FILM everone, your all my sweet darlings, thank you rex and jack, with glen ford . lovely you all. 

vladimir putin in the mosserotti , with upset of the moio beinti . The diamond dress design , of my own,as it was finally time to wear diamonds especial of my royal designed actual clothe , in 10 years of manufacturing developments and my special own fabrics. Royal Friends , in traveled upset of moio beninti , love to you sir vladimir xo 

glen gould message with excerpt glen gould works                                                                  sheet music compostion of classisism of Johanne Sabstian Boch,                                                            of 21 veriations with player

glen gould, my darling in Film 


i love you dolly parton you're total royalty 

frank sinatra one for my baby and one for me ,                                                                        as a political message in music .xo 

frank sinatra film production 

The President of China , Xi Jinping, messages with the space centre of China, in consult to me personally in very important matters, the orbit, and the space centre russia, orbit, and my worth towards extremely good business, importance of my kind lovely projects, and important schedule. Direct from CHINA GOVERNMENT, DIRECTLY FROM SIR XI JINPING the president of royal china. With my lovely orchard deep royal yellow silk curtain of my sweet design, ready. sweet everone. stenciles in the space center. you are wonderful. sou um ' gudden gosmez ' lovely thank you so well.  

thank you everyone, for the updates in norway.  the message is splendid , thank you for arriving, I should have joined you all, fine fun. love to everyone. kisses sent. catch and please hold my kiss sacred 

messages in the extra extra list  ROYAL RUSSIAN NAVY with THE ROYAL MILLITARY 
with the 


sir Vladimir Putin, in reels with a very special meeting moscow russia  in meetings with myself princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett , a mc donalds near , fairfeild conneticiute usa at an address i will update soon. Vladimir Putin created a film today of a issue aimed at me, with a lag in some russian , issue. I was using four letter words at the space centre and communication assigned to me in real russian teams , specified to rules in eminent domain, of my assured company schedules, of the utmost importance , and rather, there is an issue in russia pertanaining to aims at boarders into moscow of stray pick pocket from the usa with large munion and large snap on drone drummeling. and rather , the identity error of the matter is quite serious. Of course vladimir placed a gentle importance on the structure of my assure non incumbered gentle worth, in my own theoretical worth, even within my 2001 book, the power of positive thinking, in disolving of reiterated illogical impact of (restricting ) limiting the , illogical potosh. The space centre , was not exactly of great priorety toward the standard of my own worth , in a surprise, of concern to a reliance in a quest , rather than the worth of the orbit sanctions toward greatest assurance to set my foot on the ground and stretch to the normal delight so small, and relevant , of a excess in subjective extremeist of pick pocket real munion mamas and pa's rogue women and men, concerns .Placing the important tiny detail , in perspective and look from the outside of a looking glass, to assurt the total responce , of worthy work you expect, is very realistic in even david bowies etrodinary effort in south america , of large honored work, with many business of a larger business and love for david and love notes of darling friends and great love from me , and others , david bowie love . vadimir putin love real seperated individually  in film . lovely sweet love from vladimir putin, and russian millitray xo white gloves darlings of russia, thank you. thank you, vladimir putin sweetest darling. 

 late supper and wine meeting message  extra extra love notes  READING  

11:28 pm january 28 still no phone repair with mobil wallet, and very hungry. 

rudolf neryev dinner ? film i do not  know, the interviewer, i missed dinner lovely neryev , phone the email, my phone is harmed . urgent. awful mess. my italian aria ballet is in mortifying delay. love to you rudolf . Dinner again soon darling , so upset we had a special crab and prawn 007 secret. 

THEE DAVID  BOWIE . david, you're so sweet, putting on your white gloves , and love sent, say it again, you'll run with me. lets dance listen  . 

pre fab homes modern shipped and installed $20,000.00 read 

007 film, message                                              

THEE QUEEN  OF ENGLAND                          her majesty , 


in FILM   so lovely of you to email 

QUEEN ELISABETH ,  perfect timing. thank you with all my tender love to you any everyone. love from princess TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT 

Prine Minister of the country of JAPAN IN THE EUROPEAN FAR EAST . IN A UPDATED FILM , SPOKEN IN REAL JAPANESE . in film improptue  conversatiion . 
@neilsanz0 #shinzoabe #primeminister #japan #shinzoabe #japan ♬ original sound - Mizerki Audios
@neilsanz0 #shinzoabe #primeminister #japan #shinzoabe #japan ♬ original sound - Mizerki Audios



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