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Memo 2022-2023 update

Self Photographic 

International Political Photograph 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

self photograph : 

from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett

 ( sir vladimir’s antidote: 

“the Barracuda” princess TRACEE as thee Barracuda  : photographed during international  travel exhibitions in my very special peace and economics - cultural extended exhibitions of my project known as 

“ studio’s international peace project exhibitions “

The international exhibition work I myself created in 2011- 2019 in designing some well known project exhibitions, slightly complex and wildly radical,  often wearing my own hand made self sewn -clotheries,  many, many, my very own works of finest threads, in clotheries with extensive other project work in arts, business nationally as well as internationally, with extensive other cultural projects of love. 

Extensively true. The top photograph is myself, Kissing the real USA ground side walk, in New York City ( NYC ) in the section of Manhattan on 34 th Street and 7 th Avenue , NYC Manhattan, NY USA 

at the postal code address zip code is 10119 pen station area. New York , New York (known as New York City ) which has several large sections of large villages within large New York City, In NEW YORK STATE USA, 10119 (including the postal address code known as the zip code). 

The USA - Internationally known photograph, during the on-travillie’ attache’ international piazza exhibition then with global events well loved, with my many very gracious  thank you, to everyone, whom enjoyed the earlier exhibitions everywhere in the whole world, everywhere. Wildly especial you all are, in all countries. With some extra gracious thank you to some outstanding extra efforts from friends near and far, with such real love from all over the world. 

The messages are exciting and quite lovely everyone.

Merry Christmas New Year 2023 posted on January 24th 2023 with all my love and kisses •  sent. 

more archieved notes: 

princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Self Photographed, working in my very own 

obscure unusual attaché’ piazza international exhibitions 2011-2018

Self photographed above, in both photographs, wearing lens in a duplicity of opulence four lens design, and basic specs with wool head to toe, 

in     my         travillie’ finest 

grey goose wool of my 

hand stitched clotherie “ couture ‘ royal’ grey goosen woolies as well as raw burnt umber brown goosen woolie- designs with my Barracuda Faux Fur Neck Tie  collar of a RUSSIAN exuberance saviorfaire rare events garmet, within furthering earlier  exhibitions in 

2011 - 2018 exhibition

now the real revolution is - real love 2023 

wildly true. 

Especiale Traveille’ Indian Summer Winter 


“le travielle’ et de woolie grey goosen” 

of princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett

Photograph Credit: princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

photographic title: 
a real barracuda 
working breakfast 

Breakfast was just a few extra minutes of preperatory work in home office chef minutes.  The pumpkin madalion cheese cake sufflette’ with a cookie crust, was prepared several days early for breakfast plentiful all week.  In a tin can - bake and remove after cooled. Easily such a delicious way to enjoy a rather easy good extra crudite’ of a breakfast medallion sweet enough, with a flur’ de le’ yogart plate adorned with jewel like blue berries in the center. A tall glass of orange juice pure 100% juice of pure oranges, and coffee with a extra elegant pot of 

freshly brewed black tea, English Style, in a 16 oz tea pot of tempore’ strong real heat resistant glass - shatter proof, heatable made special, and about three or four standard cup sized inexpensive tea bags of either Lipton USA or other black tea brands inexpensive in price. some special fine tins with a beautiful tin cap - are a bit more in price. While fun to collect a variety of tea tins especially made. 

As a choice. ENGLISH STYLE tea is often with a tea pot and tray with a cream pouring cup- piture and a sugar bowl with lid, that match and some are silver and fine glass or a porcilin bone white color dish set are all very lovely to be able to purchase a fine set for tea. (English Style before spainish polo - is with riche farm fresh cream and sugar served - on a tray with no lemon) 
, with a fine plate of biscuit cookies are always great with hot  tea, service, remembering that tea has to be with a boiling hot water to brew properly -Tea from
The Far East in Europe are also of course a finest high quality in Black Tea, and other tea’s as well. The country of China is with extrodinary tea selections and other countries as well, grow tea leaves as an agricultural farm product. The country of India  is very known for fine tea as well. With fine brewing tea is just to a boiling point of water and then set the tea bags in the pot of water to steep. Steeping the brew of tea takes only ten minutes for crisp tea flavor in hot tea service of a tray for your self. Saving the tea bag after one brew of tea - can be used as - what is known as a stave. Staves are good to put on your eyes moist - and sooth the eye a few minutes at times.  staves are made with disernment of a crushed spice flower or leaf, at times. Lavender flower staves are with flower heads cut off, and placed in a mesh bag, to toss in a fine bath luxury steemer- to enjoy lavender soaking in a extra special bath day. Years ago long ago - ships sailed into ocean ports - across the ocean into harbors in the USA and many parts of the deeper ocean ports- and some ports sold staves in the tiny wood tented stands to enjoy a few shipped spices - and make a stave-steeped tea - freshly from an ocean ship boat very very very large from what was known as the staints, ‘ with 6 months to cross the ocean by ship -  long before air flight existed. 
Staves were tiny little Wood tent markets such as a tiny grocery. With especial products from other countries of business people known as merchants. of trade- to earn money for sales of their traitor merchant sales of their products they had enough to ship in exciting international fine products. I let you in on my history note from
my own cultural notes for my own lecture and perhaps a book- filled with more.

I also enjoy Fig Newton cookies with real fruit date fig fruit filled and an ancient Nabisco Brand  cookie always perfect that my great great great grandmother Pearl loved too. At my childhood age of, 3 around her, was filled with delicious fig cookies- even of the rare time she had for me, as in a business love of life - was exciting to see her. 

Fig Newton Cookies - a bit high priced at Walmart. 

February 5th 2023 $3. 58. Walmart price as a national USA price is reflected in all Walmarts of course in regulatory price regulations of equality pricing, as in the USA concerns to any purchase a customer would decide in international equality sales any where is important.  Same - same price to all Walmart shoppers on or off line, and even employees of Walmart that shop too in Walmart of course. Some do. As a customer with kind caring real polite purchase too. Of course. 
Sir and Miss - may you shop with love.  

In a forever time that saved pennies count - and assured good  pricing is a way of good great grocery excellent and responsibility  to the greater needs of public grocery sales and that of responsibility of price points of the manufacturing of great wonderful plentiful variety price well to purchase foods - and job stability importance of reasonable grocery pricing standard. 2O23 with  larger purchase in all carts -  a variety with good over all % sales -  
plentiful shopping well. 
yes. Absolutely.  
Whom are the grocery 
price checkers today ? and whom are the owners of details to cost effective standards in 2023. Not in just grocery stores - in grocery types of basic foods to purchase at pricing standards. Important I dare say. 

Merchant product people wish to know. 

The world on time is very important in 
2023 and sales matter to people in the USA too, 
with exceptional love ethically, as a 
reiteration of my love notes. 

I took a few extra days to assure the memo during 
the year of 2022 into a bit more in 2023 to  remain online at my company spacifically within this memo in a section called memo 2022 updates.

The memo is not a usual area of my careful details in work of many lenghty years of cultivations of certainty important. 

Read as you wish as the memo is rather important to so many people. Even if a bit discursive in a rather large lenghty year in 2022 into 2023, with  many emails daily which are serious and concerning at times.  


Some of the memo 2022-2023 updates 
is reiterated again: The updated area of further areas of my conciderable time for a 2022-2023  updates. 

With  baha in mind and a fine polo game awaiting in the country of SPAIN in Europe, West Bank regions in North Europe, as SPAIN is a great country to trot well to begin real fine polo at a slow gallop, as  I found my polo hat. 

The post titled : FURTHERMORE has some subject matter which I admit that I held on to a reiterateration, as it is my wish that I hope you enjoy my FURTHERMORE update 2023 as well as the entire many messages I sent in published love to the whole entire world, in the USA and everywhere internationally. 

MEMO 2022-2023 updates : 

Some edits to typos are still enlue’ while updates will be posted directly in the paragraph  below the 
USA MONOCLE which I know is an enjoyed unusual way cared of many - even to jot down a secret and write - please do not post it -  needing to - solidly write even to me, and with over 500,000 real satalites reeling 24/7 with care of ethics and not - 
upset to such achieved nice peoples. As of course myself included as a priority 
I too enjoy my lovely life. Who would dare love without a kind disposition to assure well. 

The ability to just write if you need to, is also a solid way that you may realize of a way to express some thing and know it is actually recored in 500,000 international global satalights with your actuating some expression in writing as you wish.  

People must be able to an expression of their own - 
in writing even, is  some thing perhaps a secret to just write. The recordings of the satalights are constant and uninterrupted - while also noting that the very nature of such dignaty in ethics is quite special in knowing that your working in a reality of a repose in the USA - as there were troubling harsh times - in some things perhaps never meant to have happened in such a graceful real esteemed peoples very efforts ethically and such an astounding care toward each and every village of USA peoples whom made their own decisions within ethical details too, whom  also to join my revolution in June 2022 to get vaccinated. 

The extra efforts of my bubble up reality was a remarkable and astounding result in 
the most success of even risterants in the history of time. Efforts in such importance toward a care so quickly and ethical - reflected toward an honor in all countries of the greater of the USA people in an individual decision each. -  as a solidarity ( of each person in ethical concerns ) , which was also an area that other presidents of countries too, internationally in ways of many details - clearly noting the concerns and even difficulties in part. 

Sir Vladimir Putin was of the first of European presidents of his country as Russia is, to Sir Vladimir Putin to have made a clear strategy as a presidential response in Russia in a  solid plan in the concerns of covid 19, issues, and also was the first in a presidential ethical standard in a first approval, he himself made in a vaccine review he spend many weeks to review that reality of need in a vaccine approved and in all measures of a very broadly care of a vaccine approvable in scientific review panel of very assute regulatory assurance. The strategic work in a great many months of Sir Vladimir Putin’s concerns were not unlike my own concerns in larger ways in some reality of my international cultivations of my own work. 

While the President of Russia assured a country of so many people some ethical fortitude of many certainties in a very different reality than what was a harsh reality in a USA country of peoples with a vicious DC Oval Office aim attempts of large damage to me, and others and internationally. When I began a revolution now June 2022 - in such an unusual conceptual care  of my own-  I was only with hope of a result 
that could be a stop on covid issues- 
the resounding effects of the love for me, 
and a look at the tiny details of ease 
to the international love note of my wild ideas 
and stern approach in absolute good - bubble up issues., 
was a remarkable great economic and professional effect everywhere in the whole world. 

The decision I made to note my project about stopping covid was with a upset of peoples and economics that was brutally upset for so many peoples.  One month after the project announcement I noted was an end to covid 19 all over the world. Don’t for get to  care more with bubbly soapy clean hands and bubble up notations 
that I assured online-  well and good good. Please please say yes. 

The employment in all countries including the USA was steady of business and with outstanding efforts and wages and success of belief and decisions of each human in a world of excitment and even summer delight.  

More and caring of ethics - are of peoples all over the world and love for love notes  of culture riche contextual meaningful messages and some fun as well,  and even a care about a repose in the USA with extra cares too with extra cares of Russia and Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia of a very ethical outstanding worth in his lovely existence of broadly successful work and devolution of a RUSSIAN LOVE- largely. 

The new revolution of kind love -even of many outstanding very exciting messages to me. 
The amazing healthy effects of my conceptual knowledge in my revolution now internationally in June 2022 of larger than Russia of course -internationally in my lenghty other -worthy projects  as international exhibitions beginning in the 1980’s as well, the  whole world were with people in all, all over the world of a fast end to the 2022 June matter - into a fast responsibility in every village all in all countries all over the world in a July revolution 2022 of a different humanities love in a  success to even enjoy more about bear run. 

A very humanitarian reality of peoples all over the world was remarkable and of ethics highly noble and love real.  With ice cream at $1.50 high on the top list and a success so large in efforts that it is almost unbelievable the detailed efforts- with fun and summer savvy with wage stability getting better in even the USA. The enjoyment of my ICE CREAM sketch was pure love with some great fun.  

The sales of $1.50 ice cream in 2022 summer into November were with an outstanding success of a certain type of travel - for ice cream outings that improved sales and economic stabilized standards - all over the world. Sketch love in  Ice Cream cones was marvolously exciting as well. 

Milk savvy of brainy food in ice cream sweets were amazingly loved well. With very special thanks to dairy farmers everywhere in the world in special efforts to real fine ice cream as I even still have a new carton of ice cream in my refrigerator again and again. While I love milk by the glass daily as important for each human on earth to have at least 8 oz milk daily or in cereal daily as brainy goodness. Children too need milk whole and delicious daily. Yes again. please. 

sir Vladimir Putin of my delight in lengthy cares 
is with a especial thank you to me  - as well. Secret soon. 

While on February 11 th 2023 the details : 

? of sending 2 million kgb to hand out ice cream -
was a July 2022 day to look back on. Paid from where ?  And count the sales globally too. in over 300 countries of fine ice cream sales with lovely messages ongoing in 2023. It was said that 1 million KGB were spotted in hot air balloons delivering Ice Cream and landed in a farmers field of dairy cows -  to milk the cow and make more ICE Cream with a bucket and a hand crank - with a very upset farmer whom pointed a pitch fork at all the KGB - 1 million KGB left the farm field imidiatly after I recieved an email from everyone and saved the KGB from a farmers losses - and expected payment ? 

details ? 

sales figures in ice cream in Russia dropped in 2022 in OCTOBER, as I read the Kremin’s upset note as Vladimir Putin wrote online in this devotion to the country of Russia and with devout work -  and upset. How did this happen ? 

Details on the loss in Russian sales to merchants of dairy creamy riche real delicious lovely especially packed cartons of ice cream.  Yes. Details are en lue, of a care I myself have. While in December 2022 mint ice cream and a few other basic flavors of ice cream such as vanilla for rootbeer float soda pops were with a success in actually really Russia too. Every village in my notes of love are with all peoples as delightful and important to me and sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia is with some types of extra efforts of low cost electric assured in Russia,  and more profits for owners to sales even in dairy at lower costs of manufacturing. Standards of ethics is important in regulatory of even electric for making ice cream sales a easier better success. 

Love to everyone today on Febuary 5th 2023 
with extremely good wishes . 

Good lovely wishes to sir Vladimir Putin as well as seperate of the kremlin’s office in Russian government. As a childhood love of mine never forgotten in darling reflections of a little baha motor boats I took him on once in the USA of my gracious invite proper, to his  first baha of my own special planning of my utopian travel  then - invited him to- as a Russian guest old enough to drive at least we were. 

The Marque  Self- Photographic Political Work in International Photographic Merit is a rare publication published,  photograph from my online archieve. 

Again and again, I say: I really wish for everyone to enjoy the minutes I - extended my time to publish a note to everyone everywhere, and find the importance of a greatest humanity in the USA and all over the world with all included. 

xoxo above post is January 24th 2023.
from my saranac lake New York USA 
tiny village estate rental flat xoxo xo xo 
get ready for an 
outstanding promanode’ easter dance - luxuriously for ages 
At age 1 to 500, it’s true. 
And even just infant too,  
to at least have a bassinet swing
of such an event for infant children newly born, birth 
if you are parents to your birthed children in 2023. 

Bassinets read infant sleepers for the very most tiny children just born -  and for inside parent bed rooms and even automobile for lite travel - and any room for good care to childern so tiny. to assure childern sleep closely at such earliest ages usually in a mom or dads room, of being a new born child - and parents that are with some large responsibility. With many details to care exceptionally well and with soft gentle real kindness and tiny sensitive ears to care well and heads and tiny gentle is very important. Always holding the head and back of childern that small very carefully and an extra care to assure the back and neck and head are with a careful gental care. infants can not yet hold up there heads when newly born - for three or four months and need caring support of gentleness under their back and neck and heads. and careful with hands and feet too. Not even able to see well until infant new born childern are three months old. With playful fun of soft toys and soft sweet words spoken - and nine whole months before childern can even begin actually walking on their own. Crawling on clean carpet is at about four or five months old for infant ages childern.  No small toys then yet. And very good good beginnings. yes. 

Indian Summer Winter 2023 is  with an extra 
Christmas New Year 2023 extended and my birthday celebrations until the end of March 2023, especial events, and some other exciting surprises 
as baha is just a tiny village / big city fun,  for everyone too hold sacred the minutes many and count pennies more and more. With my totality of love and a wish of greater prosperity forever. 

From myself of course, 
princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

excuse me, it’s Joques Tati’ le monocle after event film from the country of FRANCE in Europe. Escusi’ Misure, et vous, duos’ cafe’ moi’ amie’. Merci 
et le’ dues’ sevionion ‘ bloc’ manific’ yes yes 
the film short is wonderful as the vineyard is with fine rasins too, this year, very special for rum sauce. Bombay Rum misure’ merci ‘ 2 cases of sovienione’ 
blonc’ simply marvolous ‘ gifts ‘ delivered by taxi I suppose again this year- apropoe. While I have room for 60 guests ‘ 

yes yes the film too: on the home big screen - perfectly perfect yes.  The film, yes a delightful film, thank you again.

Le Monocle   from Jocque Tati ‘ in France. 

note in the next paragraph  the USA MONOCLE 
of importance in a care towards all villages everywhere to flourish of such a greatest good- within ethical  -a pure austere  kind dignity truest. 

Reiterations of FURTHERMORE in 2022 : as the notes for FURTHERMORE 2023 are on the FURTHERMORE notes now as of January 25th 2023, within the 2023 revolution now - updates., 
as well as the USA MONOCLE BELOW:  

  a new mean “KEEN” 
 kind in - pure love, yes. 

say yes, please. 

december 17 th 2022  

at the age of 4 my 
father said one day that I was meaner than hell. I didn’t flinch - and then took off in a slow stroll to the lower area of our home to spend hours roller skating - when my father said mean -  he meant keen.

I showed him a little coin magic one day then - with a quarter I asked him for - to show him a magic trick and he agreed to look and see if he had a quarter. He did have a quarter. I made it disappear in front of his wide open eyes - in my ear - the quarter actually disappeared in my ear - and within ten seconds - I made the quarter reappear - wha la -I said: 
and made a quarter disappear that he gave me and then within less then a minute -I made it 
reappear - his face didn’t flinch either .  Then off I went down to the lower 
area of the home then 
where we owned a little 
horse ranch in NY USA. 

I went to roller skate a figure 
eight  around two poles in our 
home once I made that quarter reappear and gave it back to him.


It is the esiquential era of the 2023 with much to look forwards toLooking back twenty years ago I think about a day even farther backwards of a honored speach from a international business person, listening to the speach several hours in a large amphitheater auditorium with burlwood paneling in fine gold geill chairs,  of so many, the words were of the new aquarius ( a enlightenment of simplistic being of achieved humanity in abundance enough reachable) the aquarious::: “tthe beginning  and the end, the alpha and the omega” within a new cultivation of daily triumph to strive in a greater humanity

Thinking about my wild ways sternly set in aristocracy of ethical structure within my utopia, I love the world of people greatly within even peering through a tiny nut shell looking glass which I hand made of a walnut shell. It’s quite exciting, in a large lush forest to brilliantly begin a periotical table game. More on the walnut shell eye glass in 2023. You may wish to enjoy a looking glass too into 

WINTER with me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett .   

Humour can be a perplexity in only a “just” antidote while prehaps just good fun instead at times is even a more luxurious antidote to devour with proper belief  if you dare: such as wearing goggles as I did when I was a mere 4 year old in 1969. coil-metal spring action popping eye coverings with love and antidotal quantitative - idiocratic creme pie in mind, 

Eye Ball Goggles,

Dueling Goggles as an Antidote, a real risk. extra memo note “excerpt”
Excerpt= ( nut shell size version and not long form fully detailed) 
Included eye glasses with movable pupils in the center of the eye glass that are a sweet antidotal humour in any mirror of your own. 
goggles and goggles while waiting on the walnut shell Indian summer spec- enjoy more of my serious  antidote with serious ethical reality - political reflection in a perplexing eye spectical. 

The Age Of Aquarious “ in song of remarkable men and women music composers known as “the fifth dimension “ from my 4 year old 1969 utopian lovely life with so many lovely people and kind love towards a small and large world. Richely filled in Nut Shell Spector Equations. The Update Recording of the Fifth Dimention song is rare and spectacular they believe in ethics with great affections to the world and actually updated the recording for me. 

If you have a minute: 

of lovely men and women
in a poetic music song 


xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo. love from me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo 
with more memo comment soon in a unusual antidotal reality xo xo please read and reread the whole memo with a few changes this week in January 24th 2023 week And I Christmas New Year 2023. With serious love. 



Political Films in conversation and expression 2023  

Excerpts  Beginnings  February 7th 2023 

Ringo Starr in conversation with thee Michael Douglas of the very lovely tv 20 minute show in USA then 1970’s and now.  in a Political  Conversation Film Short 

it’s an honor that both darling Ringo Starr and the lovely Michael Douglas I loved viewing in USA television in the 1970’s took time to create an evocative  political reflective film short with lovely cares .   Sharp Everyone - thank you from me 
and everyone all of the world. I love you both-  Merci xo xo 

Beach Ready Political film short is with the lovely 
Herve ‘ Villenchauze’., as both men are marvolously darling - as Ricardo Montalban and Herve ‘ messaged in film - Flight  Schedules are very important in ethical international standards and enough flight seats to purchased flight ticket and purely enjoy the world on time -real ethics required in flight’s  in many important way to purchase and prepare well and enjoy luxury travel with maps and many details to know even stores near and cabs if needed, rental car locations and low rental car prices and prices at hotels - absolute in no changed real reality with your assured hotel eased to pay cash if a room is available you can - pre pay online with you bank card to purchase and reserved the exact dates you plan ahead of time for, and assure your rooms are a good price and that you have planned your time to get from place to place with the correct times zones and correct dates as in assured real dates - of changed dates in Europe too plan and write a note well and save all travel details on paper to carry, and then if you pre- paid you will get a emailed recipts and reservation number with the dates and times you paid for as your number is what you need to arrive with and the absolute correct address city state and country. With the phone number too, of the company you purchased from - fully paid - and no reason to show a bank card after your recipt is fully emails to note you actually paid — for the exact flight- and - possible other things - automobile rental and such , need at times- 

with real flight public standards unfailing and assured luggage with sitting in a cabana beach ready sea side scurry. as a special film 2023 - both Ricardo and Herve ‘ have been in television for over 40 years with good efforts in lenghty other  business as well-  while the over print has wrong names listed in part.  The luxury of a Hotel Beach Side is exciting in. a snowy village - summer bear run lakes too with your own tray and cabana beach dress cabana ready. 
With love everyone.   Listen    Herve ‘ you rang 
the real brass bell and listening - xo baha soon . quasi moto would be excited. 

Try the Cuban Country Island Iced Sugared Coco Powder Chocolates.xoxoxoxoxoxo 

Thee Aretha Franklyn with a political music composition of intensity of love nationally in the 
1960’s- re-recorded as a special political film short 
update - Aretha Franklin is one of my darling lovely in humanity -  even arrived to hold my train gate in my international exhibition in Chicago Iliniose at 2:00 am 2014 thanksgiving traville my lenghty exhibitions - to say something so sweet to me- of sheer lovely words.  In the 1970’s my love to madamoiseelle’ lady Aretha Franklyn is then and now always expansively pure love and high love of math and exceptional as an achieved humanitarian. with very lovely women and men in a ensemble symphony orchestra of Aretha Franklin’s lovely especially re- recored updated sweet political 
music composition- a for the whole world now. 
thank you very graciously in my slight delay everyone 
in many messages more as well awaiting 2023. 

what exciting minutes - marvelous Aretha Franklin. 
my gosh -  thank you Merci ‘ with love xo  

note of USA historical love - of a fine history of Benjamin Franklin -  as a former USA president of great history in the USA. and lovely historical real - worth - over four hundered years - historical love prevails (success in a espiritus of ethical good ) 
again and again -  of greater peoples. 

* mademoiselle = ( is a word from the French language as of the country of FRANCE meaning - kindly women or lady ) ( miss or mrs. instead of saying madamwioselle is sometimes said in the USA) ( men are Misure) or Sir for a shorter way to properly say thank you Madamoisele ‘ Have a fine day, thank you Merci ‘ Misure’ thank you as well, have a fine day. 

merci ‘ trei ve et ‘ airie’ soiure’ (French ) I Love You 
( English / proper USA ) . xoxo 
years -  within honored respects to a lovely - 
future in the finest Franklyn History. 
A Riche tiny segment in USA cultural history. 

end of segment in Febuary 7th 2923 xoxoxo xoxoxo 
Febuary 9th 2023, 12:25 am just 25 minutes after midnight, eastern standard time saranac lake New York USA in my tiny village within my rental estate now at this later hour - with the night sky very crisply coolish and my windows in my fouire’ stone walled terraced home - cracked open windows 1/3 with brisk air to a lovely warmth inside now. 

STING is with a brilliantly soft spoken film political message and a brief excerpt of a politically important music composition - sweet
“The Last Ship”

Victor Borge a sent an update in political message- and a glimps of some fine piano composition perfectly wonderful music. of a evergreen of bdieght ‘ of the magnificent rose you are darling Victor Borge. 
Merry Christmas New Year from me. xo. 

Paul McCartney : message to me tonight of a grandure in a message noble of sweet honor and a fine birthday gift of political comments 
 - while earlier delivering a case of Bombay Rum from Bombay India. 

A Paul McCartney political film 

xo.      xo.    xo     xo.    xo.     xo.   xo.    xo.  xo 
end of political films, conversations and expressions in excerpt for the day of February 9th 2023 



January 11th 2023
The Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin emailed me with some measurement of great effection to me, not only in a jest, of sir Vladimir Putin’s admiration towards me, also in light of my own esteemed career and a effort , within the USA which I made a bit of time for with a very concerning memo. The memo was a area of dislike to me, and I made a decision in some cares to see a hope for very serious USA concerns, and with a realized constitutional USA actual repose on a somewhat difficult impeachment of several USA people at top offices of the USA in presidency and that of other types of people too that were a extreme concern to the USA in many ways. 

I will take several more weeks to expand some further cares - I myself have about some very large lingering issues in more than just the repose of the structure within government constitional needs within a constitutional process of the people. 

As of today on January 11th 2023 many of the concerns of the USA have a new reality in a much better USA within the larger whole of the peoples of the USA,. The country in the USA took the efforts of so many peoples in ways of small details and some in even difficult ways. I have many good details of real basis of stability for the USA at this time, as there are even more jobs now, and the standards in near all companies now in the USA are ethically very good. Sales speciality at sales areas in employment are all in very good ethical reality into Canada and all South American countries - even with love for details in my economic lectures begining as early as 2005. while non are online for sale yet, and some I have reiterated before my book is ready for sale and slightly delayed. While I spoke and wrote often of importance to small good details and kind stern goid sales with a welcoming feeling for many reasons. Effecting a international reality - of caring people whom make their decisions and create their lovely good life - sometimes slowly and with very good caring reality and hope to enjoy also a good liesure with a memory of looking back at times in humility and greater sense of humanity. 

There are some furthering memo notes which I would like to expand upon a bit more. Directly of the absolute concern and with a dignaty toward humanity as people whom are of the United State of America, as a greater real country because of you - so many in many villages with love and lovely humanity of being even brilliant and with a lush existence of a good country of a hope. With concerns and care, dignaty and strength and a stretch towards a fortitude to a even better United State of America with much to be very proud of. 

international countries of all people have a great love too, for others and lovely of efforts in achievements goid too, better more and more. 

Russia is very special too, spacifically I say Russia is special and brilliant too of a great love RUSSIAN STYLE, while not a theology of mere Hercules ‘ to hold a whole world upon only a shoulder of a baker, or a agricultural whete farmer, or a automobile manufacturer. 
Nor a writer that is from the MOSCOW TIMES. 

Moscow Times has writers which have to face only themselves in the mirror and it was not always easy in January of 2022 and many cares to the USA from people at the MOSCO W TIMES. 

The issues that were in USA news and threats toward a president if the very good country of Russia from a very unethical Oval Office 
we’re quite difficult even more for people of the USA that Absolutly love Sir Vladimir Putin, as maybe I - posted many details to know more and love even well, sir Vladimir Putin, the kgb and government peoples that work well too, under complexing concerns towards a love towards other peoples in all the world. With a structure within the country of Russia of efforts in so many small lovely ways within a good Russian country. 

There are some concerns in -  some issues that are a unusual spill on Russia that are somewhat contained in a unusual - sqwandry. 

Directly outlining the greater of concerns is important now. while I will take two weeks more in a summery of my international comments and as such,  the concerns are for all the world in a greater realized placement of my word to ponder. As international presidents also ponder within a larger number of many peoples within each country that are with a larger perspective of even fortitude and beyond hope to a greater longer good country for the seperate countries of course within a much much larger world. 

Reflecting upon many things in 2022 of a fortitude of such great wistful humanity of efforts - even to shop fine at needs - was achievement of a much greater humanity. In the USA and amazingly throughout the world everywhere. 

Nit bad - with a many of maps to even begin to read to get from city to city. Into even a small or large village. 

Sur Vladimur Putin is a remarkable person - with my cares and love and my decision to post his daily government Kremlin online notes into the memo daily for several weeks - As I  jot down my further concerns in the USA and some extra cares in  international love I have and some delays in my schedule with some expanded comments which I will elaborate upon .

Febuary 5th 2023, Update: today is with some concerns in incomprehensible concerning ways. Some types of international concerns I have are exponentially a seperate concerning international issue of a -  certainty of malice of some larger degree toward me and my company -  literally somewhat confounding in a direct malicious intent to my very being and the delightful reality of my cultivations of my own within my daily good exciting happy life and that of my company in great lengthy international success and of needs in my normal espiritus of standards and efforts of even love notes of a great importance too. My tiny village home office is of great importance of course as well as my Moscow rental that I was schedule in my engagement calander to be all summer 2022. 
reasonably-  further event summer plans were discursively with some serious irrelevant of any - in a way to even consider a person or any in ways to a incomprehensible reality of people involved in reality of any president internationally either. Sir Vladimir Putin as the president of Russia has emailed- yes true. It is clear to me that the Kremlin was with quite an upset in the concerns of the G7 in ways that are - with my very special concerns as well, knowing quite a bit about the G7 meetings in Europe as early as 2013 in a planning schedule of many important meetings of European and international 
Presidents of countries with many cultivations of success of some extra structural amendments in ways -  of sir Vladimir Putin’s goid of well worthy efforts for the country of Russia a
Within a whole world -  of a diplomatic political ethic of a very esteemed effort, humanitarian economic capitalistic of ethical amendments I. international effort of real great presidents are very important. Looking at past online issues stemming from USA, in unethical ways - is a dismal truth. Furthering a issue aimed at my schedule of work and liesure and especial events are - incomprehensible that such a issue exists.  The concerns in Russia should be somewhat in review I believe -  a with so many millitary b such esteemed lengthy worthy reality ethically and the many government of Russia as also such a lovely esteemed effort of the Kremlin of Russia toward a honor towards my lengthy intetnational achievements too.  Questionably a review of concerning international amendments in international ethics is of very important 
conciderable review of the Kremlin -  of the country of Russia now 
Seperate from an existing concern in a USA larger very serious concern of USA peoples in every village of a magnitude of success in efforts small details ethics and love. more than ice cream goodness of summer 2022. I might add. 

Sir Vladimir Putin sent me the most wonderful birthday messages and more love notes too.  While some one posed malicious 
intended harm -  aimed at my lovely work daily. 
And my messages -  with concerns -
  in review internationally in Russia about the 
Poingo -  malicious intent. I think about my lengthy 
cultivations internationally as well as I think about 
concerns of even a sand pit in Russia that was within 
some concerns even in Russia of many minutes I took time in reading the Kremlins emails directly sent to me 
over 12 years daily. As the Kremlin - of his own 
real efforts - did email me then and now. 

top secret of a film archived of my cares and 
the Kremlin of Russia are in my special film archieve with the permission of the Kremlin as well of the country of Russia , 
sir Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin of Russia and myself, 
Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 3:00 am after midnight in my tiny estate village rental and late afternoon in Moscow Russia. film dated February 1st 2022. 

Updates from 
sir Vladimir Putin 
in Moscow Russia 

Febuary 4th 2023 a short film memo very good in the Russia and that of the boardering country of Germany of an invited to the very esteemed sir Vladimir Putin as president of Russia with notable esteemed respective reality of Russia and the country of Germany. 
What a very exciting day for efforts in such gracious good reality. 

With a  update Film 

I wish to include a few very lovely messages in film from the Country of German of very loved peoples all, that is quite lovely of darling very brilliant peoples of Germany. With some amazing history of many delightful kind history of notable reality.  Reading German is not very easy-  and speaking the German is not easy if your not from Germany. Speaking German Language is even different from Russian language too. 
while I myself was invited in lecture work in Germany even years ago. Listen to the lovely German Love message I received from Lisbon German on Febuary 4th 2023 just yesterday so vibrant with the ancient symbol of infinity too ( forever love).. exciting of very lovely friends in Germany as a country in Eastern Europe -  listen. 

It’s extrodinary. the lovely peoples of the Berlin Philharmonic Symphony gift of my birthday and with a polo music compositional -excerpt  within a large very beautiful work of cultural musical love in delightful expression.  Of the city of Berlin in the country of Germany to adore in the country of Germany and of love to the whole world. Vladimir darling it is a birthday gift from the country of Germany. it’s so exciting. Lovely everyone , with gracious thank you , Merci ‘ Dane ‘  ki Shei ‘ 
With love and kisses -  from me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, so excited.  Merci again. 

January 11th 2o23. Read 
January 12 th 2o23 Read 
January 13th 2o23 Read 
January 14th 2o23  Read 
January 15th 2023 Read 
January 16th 2023 
noted in paragraph below.
January 17th 2023 Read 
January 18th 2023 Read 
January 19th 2023 Read 
January 20th 2023 Read 

January 21st 2023 posting a 
direct email from the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin  President of the country of Russia Read 

Further updated postings directly from 
the Kremlin of Russia, 
sir Vladimir Putin 

January 23rd 2023 read 
January 24th 2023 read 
January 25th 2023 read 
January 26th 2023 read 
January 27th 2023 read 

January 31th 2023 read 
Febuary 1st 2023 read 
February 2nd 2023 read 
February 3rd 2023 read 

on February 3rd today, I have many many details to tend for my lenghty broadly well known projects and have little minutes that I wish to - extend subject of contention that are not at all minutes to simply allow a circling attempt at any part of spinning my minutes in to a - type of dither which absolutly is in unethical standards - seen to be remotely even an aime for a few to cause me - a pile of the furthering of more that I should see a new solution-  in attempts to consort a unethical attack on my minute. There are no intentions in other countries of any sort of plague to me, in a extremely lovely reality of ethical - cares beyond many risky expectations which are very important toward presidents of international countries,  not only believe in but even within ethics issues I myself made minutes of time to  request some, rather leaniant types of cares possible through a very hope for the USA in a time of reflection and reviews for individuals to envision even why I might make outrageous - length of my international cultivations broadly respected with lovely care too of honored international presidents of countries. The decisions of other international presidents of countries take a reality of ethical structured protocols within large broadened international areas of ethics of course and a with some ways of the countries of peoples in each country seperatly of each country to be of a knowledge in ways ethically of any country where many efforts within each country separately are always of a ethical care in ethical humanities. no one wishes to see a new concern in Tibet as a country to - concern the people of the country of Tibet with gifting out Farm Cheese to the USA for a means of what a farm in Tibet should be selling in success and even with wages good with a nice economic stability of employment which is of a strern kind ethical reality of even the environment of a quality of prosperous working standards. Of course farm cheese from the country of Tibet is quite delicious in many farms of dairy cows that dairy agraculture specialist are wonderful and enjoy work too.  

The lovely and brilliantly ethical, sir vladimir putin as the president of the large country of Russia. Indubitably in highest honored RUSSIAN LOVE from sir vladimir putin, whom is a Kremlin of Russia and a whole delightful person too, as a remarkable polo player in sea side Spain too. 

The last update of the Kremlin of Russia notes as sir vladimir putin has graciously of course updated some of the serious types of global areas as a president of Russia is, and in many ways of the international work sir vladimir putin cultivated some of his schedule in an economic and humanitarian care to the G7 meetings which began in 2014. With international presidents of countries making time in their schedule agreements to also take interest in the G 7 meetings.  With extremely high ethics and large ethical humanity involved in International countries all. 

Today is Febuary 3rd 2023 still in the USA at this time, I have to conclude the post memo now for Sir Vladimir Putin of the lovely work in the office of the Kremlin in Russia - within the memo. The Kremlin makes some political poignant statements - online at the kremlins office and within his busy schedule of his outrageously auspicious approach at times in ways. On Febuary 3rd 2023 their is someone in standard Computer screen that sir Vladimir Putin has underlined for some reason - online screen within the Kremlins Comments of a Mr. Barnical , unusual as to be the assimilation of actual tree fungus which grows in a thick forest on the bottom of a large tree,  as sir Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin of the lovely country of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin, kindly pointed out. In a poignant lovely political statement for the whole world to see. The flags in the seen screen are with the wrong color flag - in the screen in the political noted update which Sir Vladimir Putin was very decent to take time in pointing out.  Also pointing out that of course - it is a computer screen and not a internal ussr russian screen of millitary which is slightly different. 

While of course there are serious concerns for Russia, with a very serious message from the Kremlin of Russia today,  and no federation that Russia has.
Of course sir Vladimir Putin’s political avante’ garte, updates are of a importance of Russia as the country of Russia is the country of Russia. Of course not the federation -  it is the country of Russia of course I appreciate sir Vladimir Putin’s minutes of time, within his political poiniant statement as a not humorous joke. 

Looking back in memory of 2020 and even a bit back further in USA News Upsets, I have to concern myself with some extra minutes of my own to assure some lite edits and pondering  the - attempts of contentions that relinquish many so darling and with ethics well - and some achieved reality outstanding in excellent success even if seemingly simply detailed efforts not as easily   Achieved at times. While some few Bile are contemptuous and sometimes hidden of the types of upsets that Bile perpetuate with intent of unethical corralling.  With an earlier note that was emailed to me from sir Vladimir Putin in May 2022 of some Russian poiniant statements of certainty in some matters of ethics amendments of a specification of an email from  the Kremlin, and some upset in Russia then and even now in ways. I recieved an email from many Russian people with -  great hello’s and fine cares in Russian Notes they held for me.  In lovely expressions and large love for Russian Ballet and more than ever since seeing the Russian ballet in my live notes all throughout Large Russia, as with many villages, and viewed more about Cultural Russia with world events in my posted notes from the USA culture and fine little cultural minutte film shorts too from everywhere in the world in the most lovely messages to me personally as I am excited and honored of the thoughtful delightful peoples so kindly a lovely gesture. My emails from many people are lovely and no less lovely from sir Vladimir Putin, with enormous amount of inviting engagement of even SPAIN polo - well practiced at such things many years in serious polo.  I invite sir Vladimir Putin too polo occasionally. What fun.

In further memo about sir Vladimir Putin’s update of February 2nd 2023 with an invite to a citizen event in Stalingrad, in the country of Germany. Read further of the lovely event, and note the co2 tanks of carbonated bubbly water fizzy for Rootbeer out of a soda machine -  that is loved of Root Beer in every village of Germany - with other countries too- in a great like to Rootbeer. Honoring my Christmas New Year 2023 as well, with lovely GERMAN LOVE. Very exciting to me, with my love sent to all of you in the event and in a lovely many cities and villages of Beautiful Germany with finest darling peoples. merci ‘
with my lovely wished of a 
Merry Christmas New Year 2023.
Love from Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Kisses sent as well • catch. Aviefazien ! 
good night with love and cares well.  
Merci ‘ Merci ‘ 

Joseph Stalin of a German Royal President and is  a very notable honored president, with many great real efforts of success for the country of Germany in highest ethical honors- within a lovely Royal  Country of Germany and loved by people of even the city of Warsaw, in the Royal country of Poland, is a city known as ( sometimes pronounces Varsaw ) wares of fine dishes made in Warsaw Poland were known as wears ‘ war’se, in Poland and a fine golden rim on dishes are still made in Poland. China has anouther word from dishes like too, countries have words in languages much different sometimes. Gold rim dishes too differ in countries that have dish manufacturers as does the USA. Warsaw Poland and all of Poland too
are very proud of their types of ancient unique types of missel top glassen Christmas New Year Balls for Tree tops even outside years ago.  1969 in the USA trees all filled with balks and lights were amazing. . Much more to note of the lovely history of Germany as well. Joseph Stalin esteemed ethical nature was well known and extremely honored throughout the entire world. 
xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxo xoxoxo xoxoxo xoxoxo xoxoxo 

Feburary 1st 2023 memo update from China directly from the president of the country of China sir President Xi Jinping in the web post area within the government of China “white papers “ to read. 

The full web site of the government of the country of China is also a post update in my memo today as I include the updated posts from China for several weeks 
in the memo. Please feel free to read the many areas in the main government site with “white papers “ area listed in the right upper far side of the site which has many types of areas to read if you wish of the public site of the government of China : read 

Also I have included in the memo an area of a presidential update from Sir President Xi Jinping, Thee very well esteemed president of the country of China for the entire “ white papers  “ updated post in the government of China from the president of China on Febuary 1st 2023, as a kind honor to me, in “white papers”  of also an exhibition film presentation I myself created for China in 2013 named “ white papers” as an international film segment from my lectures presented in China and internationally as well. 

from the government of the  country of China 
with the president of China sir Xi Jinping 

Of course I do not recommend using a mask at all for any reason, as it may inflict the actual personal reality in incumbering the lovely faces of such good people and not needed in any way, with many good efforts to a absolute stabilization of standards and ethics with good low enough priced foods of groceries and quality low priced menus with employment better and many bubble up soapy efforts in proper use of all quality low cost cleaning products for areas of antibacterial matters.  The government of China, created many political photographs of importance. Meaningful. And very important to me and the world. of course I myself kindly took time to hope that governments in Europe and outside the USA could consider some of my concerns for USA peoples at a pivotal time now in Febuary 2023. After June 2022 it was a time of great concern in the USA and in some ways a very large upset in Russia that was perpetuated wrongly in the USA even in unsubstantiated ways. That can feel a bit too much for humanity in villages of tiny shops working happily fine enough and loved of the quality of great efforts in delightful menus. Great efforts and good wages with very brilliant kindest stern peoples enjoying looking forward to summer swimming.  

China is one of the countries I myself clirmed out on a limb for extending myself in some contention -  with a late delay in my usual travel to the country of China for other project exhibition now in a slight delay - and such easily a way to assure working love notes in a working travel,  well planned. with some exciting exhibition in a few more countries as well. Slightly a bit unusual of me to delay even a returned phone call.  I so enjoy the pleasure of even packing for travel - as quite exciting before a bit of working traville’ and feeling prepared so joyfully.  Awaiting a fine planning and then getting to a hotel reservation on time too. with many details to pay attention well with reservation numbers and maps and cabs at times. Or a shuttle or bus and knowing which road and reading Chinese. Needed. 

Thee Jerry Louis update too, 
in a real five star hotel : film short 
above memo posted on Febuary 1st 2023 xoxo 

Feburary 1st 2023, not an actual note in memo about the Revolution Now at all, while the Christmas New Year wishes are plentiful in Russia and in all parts of Europe as well as of the greater in the USA now, and South American Countries too, with also the very lovely Countries in the South Seas and north in Canada. In fact - reiteration of my notes in lectures I spoke of in Math and Reading and strolling even after dark with reasonable care - in a lenghty week long lecture of my canvas shoe strolling month to hope to buy even just a one dollar cola and hope everyone could cultivate there own worthy work achievement and afford more flat canvas shoe strolls near and far - with map cares and studies well, and saved money too, 2014 the reality of something kindly wonderful began - amazing people whom even arrived in over 700 million people then in a larger city where I was there to enjoy my lectures and arias and - other love for my company 700 million people really arrived for my birthday in March 2014 in my Chicago Il exhibition traville” then. It was an interesting day and longer month - while today - the beginning of a new fortitude of many peoples lives is a beginning and a worthy beginning in fact. More about my lectures later - while today, I realize more that some few in the USA into a possible Canadian huts mere peanut size - may not be - ethical , and even wrong in very serious targeting they face now in a historical reality that is much there reflective  - speed propelling attempts at assimilation of deception unethically by only about 2000 that are from USA and possible slight mingle. Are there a few that leaped into England and then bounced assimilations unethically in an attempt to scrunch Escolation Tactics towards the lovely people in Shops in a small village in boarders of Russia riding inside a actual lice globulum - gashing with cash from USA peoples breath of life in some way before and with an actual lice molecule ball of gobumuim? In a veiw I saw - it was a sand hole lice leaps for small crab legs - 

Low balling in a parody of deception in millitary suite and boot- scam with a milk duds- to sink more-  barrels in to a berrel of tale of tung shelled parroting - a generals dapple gobumum ? Oh . 

Looking strait down at a political photograph that Sir Vladimir Putin sent me, in the reality of lice USA lice on the back of a scorpion actually trying to shake the lice off, the lice swallowed a guppie - that ballooned large as a blow fish near coral reef - ate all the algae and was trying to seek shorelines in all of Europe - reading not one full page in Russian Language - while equipped in lice unethics so small - with only several little tallons removed from large birds weathered pointed thin nails ( tallons ) worn pointing on its back,  chest,  head,  and tale with a few at the feet and fingers -  lice gobuluims -  points of clipped tallons everywhere. In looking at the photograph everyone saw clearly in Russia and all boardering countries - as far as West Bank and Far East European China - many many hop recalled in memories -  the political photograph from sir Vladimir Putin and the Russian entire government standing well with yellow and blue flags honored to me in a tote brunch - long ago, the photograph was a sink pin hole in sand with lice cannons pointing out of the sand upward to cruise russia shooting lice gobuliuns riding a icy swerve on a scorpion swishing tale back and forth. Trying to shed the lice gripping on relentlessly - once a Fake UN tale teller of faked Shakespearean’s caught on Olympus  Pen Tex cameras as were  USA lice actually riding on a scorpion trying hard to shake off USA lice someday  -  with a cannon ready - in a capsule of drops of water -  not there before.  The Scorpion dashed - and a carral - to a new home sunk. In gains of sand and dust. The whole world can see the political photograph of a scorpion running with lice Gobumums. Finely combed.  updates again on a lice looking at fir forests. Once out of a sanded drifted sink holing they made self induced. 
Lice Gobulins are with a serious concern looking up in the country of Russia with some reality of certainty in Unethical - issues that are of international laws- In Russia today, a scorpion tale - can boil it self in sand pin hole size - and the contention in the USA are quite a concern too still for many reasons - in an extremely successful and very important repose for the greater in the USA - with a lovely life to very keen brilliant cares ethically as well in mere all, avoiding scorpions. 

Europe- with a large country as Russia is with astute brilliant people kindly too, including millitary very kind savvy brilliant people and with government and that of the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, there is more interest in the lovely success of such a 2023 and the many years of worthy lovely cares concerns and so vibrant a world - of REAL RUSSIAN  love -Always as well in a lovely honor and love to me of many ongoing messages from Sir Vladimir Putin, whom is extensively 
quite a brilliant lovely person - and with a kindness of dignaty as well, towards me directly and a worthy work ethically broad in humanities of a lovely Russian Country of wonderful peoples whom are - a bit Reflective in even Moscow Times news - that was a very upset concern as a measured look at the Awful USA news and the 2020 to 2022 threat of a DC Bile. 

Of course the Moscow Times cares of People in Russia and Moscow as well as such concerning upset to the peoples in the USA in USA in some unethical swaggling of unmerited unethical intent perpulsions- within a larger of peoples concerns and some contentions that peoples of the USA do reflect in thoughtful ways,  in a plea of upset too in some reality for some people. DC Bile have been a misery of attempts in mortifying unethics. With others in the USA as well. 

With love from me, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Perpetuating lice gobuims swelling on scorpions is an awful look at that sand pin hole photograph that sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia risk sending me. 

The small concerning scorpion - on the prowl slithering like a stuck tung in through Eastern Europe - unfathumable, just shell covered - fork tung lip disaster. 

Ripping wool even. Lice sac under feet. 
Awful to even think of. 

Catapolting a maneuvering of mere tale, and shell 
and ruin more g7 and my schedule with aiming at me-  
and a deception Bile do have - cornering and twisting others to point at and dived to extort time, money and liesure of all USA people,  one single parody  by  another consicious parody   deviant of mere unethical swerving in more a  deviant of even many enjoying RUSSIA Swirling cherry cake
and  Swiss Missle tops to hop - 

With concerns of missing bell hops - that are always finest people employed at some 5 star hotel with enough hotel revenue profits - hoped to pay an actual bell hop employment wages full time -as an enjoyable job quite often , Would have 
been an excellent finer summer 2023. 

Even more cozy quaint fine inexpensive lodges - with better wages - would be good to note in love notes. low prices 5 star hotel with revenue wealth - is a very interesting hope - experience for all in an earlier plan unposted now, suggestive in brilliant choices to many lodge hotels too, really spruced up an exciting 2023 of good travel for all, in affording at least a two day short trot, for making solid plans and reservations for your travel days exactly. While 2022 was improved travel too. 

If a scorpion in Eastern Europe - and No Real Birth Records , what should be the solution - employed as a - fridgidere. And expecting a stork in a refigidare to delve more Frigidaire’s fast - and even against what will be very strict consequences and more photographs of sink hole in pin hole sized sand grit - rear end broken tallons on the head and nape,  and toes, chest,  and gut hunched in shoulders pointed tallons now on the behind shoulder and a nearly exoskeleton spine. fraggled real teeth under a shell . Beady eyes with only fractorial for lens caps in a frenzied multi dimension calidascope, 

Facing only a chin cheeky  dribble. 
No sweet high ball or sweet low ball 
in sight. Sand grit - 

More directly some -  attempts in ruining my lovely days recently more unethically so, are unethical in a contention that is sheerly more an upset in Russia within the Kremlin’s Work and with honored government and millitary -  with a concern of some unethical upset to my days and company worth a financial schedule of some  large project work - that should not have seen any such -  concerns in any type of struggle of my daily reality of my good breath of love in life as my extensive work and leisure always has been. Why should I even consider any ruin to any of my day. with some still in the  USA leaping 2-3 lice globulins, in unethics real festering of mere clondike  trolling too. Clydike Pipes are large water types of pipes and some of hydroelectric power for low cost energy electric of ancient reality. And great clean water abundant. Electric inexpensive well engineered standard basics in what is known as “clondike “ pipes. 

The unethical in attempt toward me is with some international area of ethical issues from such idiot intent - in a strait forward and to some perplexing as not a arena of invited boxing competing, the world order of humanities ethics doesn’t work like that,  and of course the dismal contempt  was aimed at Russia and sir Vladimir Putin  at length wrongly in upsetting  intent from bile in Faked UN, that was not the UN of a USA fraud in a very serious issue of such lunicy in very vicious harm intended and was active on a UN attacked -furthering and attempt attack from bile in 6 other countries too, again with attack intent for bile USA, other countries in late 2022 again with concerning pointed threats from Bile in the USA of attempts of bait and tackling types of harror to balloon an escalated tale and attack. While In vicious contempt that -  is mortifying. Maintaining  a set ethical priority of course is important and a - intent to - obstruct the work and reality of presidents- in a way of unethical disodence - aimed at whom ? Of whom was the culprits of such issues ? 

Is of great a level of international ethics as sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin emailed me and made public statements in Russia and globally as well, in respect of my cares and love in large quantified respects in seeing out a small detail or two of poiniant solid details - of some one undermining international government people from the presidents of countries very ethical and with extremely lengthy difficult work-  of their kind caring darling extended efforts. whom dare , attempt a unethical contempt in an 
Idiot scam to escalate - aimed at my projects, too.

I shall update my further memo on a world order ethical consideration I must see through - as a reality of mine and also a care toward sir Vladimir Putin and many many others as well as the concerns in the impeachment in the USA which was due to a extremely unethical dismal DC issue. the USA has a placement of outstanding ethics as a repose of the USA has more than just - peoples whom enjoy a large success which became village all now. The structure of international world order of ethics does concern the USA even if just within some brevity of knowledge in 2023 as financial care of many peoples, looks at ways of pennnies of ethics is important in many different types of ways.  Never just as simple as a low price standard- or a unreasonable increase of arbitrary types of inflation spread -

international world order of international types of ethical concerns are somewhat complex in some ways and involve large numbers of people in countries that are all secular ( sovereign of seperate countries) with international types of process in each different government - and unlike the DC issues. 

a closer look at the pin hole sand sink hole in international attempts of contentions damage is important - to note and has aimed at me - as bile also have attempted to cause types of -  idiocy. 

Looking back at 2020 many concerns 
are revealed in a clear sky.- Lice in boarders ? Tented ? 
the USA  experiences news for three years that the boarder in Canada were with unethical dismal mess.  Some unethical media people in the USA too are with some unethical dismal issues now still. Within about 2000 clammering to no repose in bile activities from the USA in  more concerning matters towards the USA and attempts still toward hidden unethical deception. 

it is a sad day for bile and the leaping lice with a scorpion tale in its mouth -  to harm any part of the G7 and my days -  very sad really.  While the international reality of -  bile attempts in perpetuated yet  unresolved issues is with legal ethical International concerns  -  as attempts in reality have blasted riffling at me and attempting to - attempts at my lenghty company, aimed at me-  and with formality I will be assuring my response ethically directly to sir Vladimir Putin and other international presidents as well, in a respect to even the very ethical notable international presidents all,  - to that of my love, from myself and that of cares to Sir Vladimir Putin and All of Europe and Russia.  

There  is some thing wrong when summer July 2022  was with my efforts of success and a -  relentless issues arised in mere blurring the reality of even attempts at the G7 and frequent flyer miles - in the USA that were with senator issues in the USA dipping into South America during a very serious mess they made in the USA and had no cares toward the USA large issues at all in while collecting cash to unethical dashing - in 2020 -  and consorted to news ballooning lies more and more.  

Sunday Movie Short in Russia 
was a delight on January 28th 2023, 
in Russia the date was the 29th of January 2023 
as it is today in saranac lake NY USA 
as the time in NY USA is 11:34 pm 
eastern standard time NY USA 
saranac lake. In Moscow Russia 
the time is 7:36 am on 
January 30th 2023 now currently. read 

More Russian Films Read 

January 28th 2023 email reminder from the Kremlin 
of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin, was a reiteration of kind effort of a reminder emailed of some importance. Read 

I left my lights on in my automobile a few days ago - and when I made the error not to turn off my lights after parking my automobile- the battery of course runs down to a zero charge partial of a need to use a jumper cable and then connect the clamps to the battery nob - two Nobs - and red on red and black to black nob -to connect the copper clamp jumper cables to a red and a black nob metal part to copper clamp on,  with a optimized power storage battery port jumper cables, connected to start the tiny ignition that bypasses the battery and starts the engine -as little electric needed not much more than a light bulb - to start the ignition electric engine with a fuel injector that begins working instantly - to then activate the fuel injectors in a engine that then powers up the whole battery after running the automobile non stop for up to an hour and a half. Then the engine and fuel injectors repower the whole battery and the extra little start jumper cables just need a lite power connector to then - just start the ignition key starter directly connected to the actual engine modulae through two nobs  on top of the battery. As not actually a power wire to the actual automobile battery at all in automobile as the nobs are built into the battery and with a bypass wire Strait to the electric engine at a ease to start and then fuel injectors turn on- even from earlier mordern Japanese engines now modernized all over the world.  1985 fuel injected more modern engines.  I ordered an extra power generator small power port too- as well in a three day delivery in postal mail and have some extra power storage for ease in a jumper cables with some extra electric power that is like a small case that travels and stays with electric mini optimized generator axillury power port battery to connect phones and extra heaters and coolers with electric and lights with usb connection and even a small grill safe ease for car travel, coffee cups that are electric too usb plugs, and ease to tote in an automobile for any little nice drive and hot brunch outting. 

In the 27th of January 2023 the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin makes no - humour of the kinds of upsets that have concerning issue in even a contention caused in malicious USA bile in DC  on other levels in the USA whom attempted even threats to the sanctitude of Russian Culture with great dignaty and a fine lovely caring president that Sir Vladimir Putin is with ethical levels of fine work. Today a perplexity in Obsure Political ways January 27th 2023 the president of Russia sir Vladimir Putin has posted a perplexity
in the reality of his 
Kremlin Site of a od security - meet. 

Unusually Unlike the Large Prestigious Actual Security Councel extremely very large in Russia of the esteemed respects to the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin and of course of a Russian government protocal that is of greatest importance within the many reality of stability of a greatest humanity within ethics and standards in individual reality. The Executive government are with excellence in lenghty areas of government extremely complex as sir Vladimir Putin my darling makes it look rather simple in his esteemed methodical work in many hopes of strong standard of the government and great wishes often towards the remarkable country of lovely people of Russia . 

I myself have had some blasts to my head very harsh and under the skin blasts more recent for three months ,  from bile under the skin mostly recently and a sound blast in my refrigerator area that has caused extreme offensive harsh disruptive malice in my lovely plans personally and the dismal awful concerning damage toward my engagement of schedule work- beyond my notes too online, causing a upset of such happy quality of my  time and messages and leisure. Totally outlandish - that is with - some internal concerns of some aspects actually within a concern in Russian Government with many international business of my work - broadly noted, that - are not an area of radification of reasoning in any form- to a reasonable inquiry in Russia as Broadened of absolute knowledge - largely wide- as more than just an international care - more in some issues that were USA Bile  with a extreme issue caused to the UN meetings too and a list of other meetings , back dates pointed out to me in a poniant message emailed from Sir Vladimir Putin , and other international presidents as well, into several May 2022 email from Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin with with many later emails as well, a reiteration in a public statement of Ethical Regulator issues of rules and regulations within an amendment in Russia that is very straitforward in words- poiniant to his cares and that of public statements that are also statements in Russia and of course this is a message real strait forward in Russian government, with a kind consideration towards a reiteration statement that the Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin took extra time to assurt    
amendment ethics of the government structure. Unbiding. Of which I might add are broadly legal terminology with no mistake in ethical statement firmly a reality and not an area of guess work of a speculation in leisure times of suspenders and fishing troth boots, My villa estate rental in Moscow Russia is clean quiet and with many ease to some extra European exhibitions easily traville in working travels, which I  have planned as have been somewhat - an excitment, while enjoying my tiny village with the absolute -  of a proper sanctitude is a basic to normal standards in life enjoyment of a feathery flutter of a many sweet birds in my giant fir trees and eminent to importance in my    peace -  in a good calm as always has been, is not a negociable -of lesser in concideration in some attempts at damages to my sweet savvy lenghty fortitude in some very personal schedule excitment too. YESTERDAY at times I am in lenghty exhibitions and with millions of people whom love to arrive- even to save me a seat at a risterante I chose. In a very kind decency of lovely brilliant cares to me.  Even to plug in my standard home office equipment I travel with. 

sir Vladimir Putin  sent me a birthday especial message 
with a brilliant lovely heartfilled luxurious gift - beautiful and of mindful special thoughts of dignaty in pondering alone - a great lovely time in pondering alone the fruited love of life and plans to love looking back in all minutes - with lovely belief in the USA and world. The dismal issue today much a concern to even Russia peoples is still riveting in no ethic in - a vicious plod of blasts - in incomprehensible and vicious - with no international ethical reality to any justification. 

Internationally or in the USA. Many hours of my schedule have been attacks - viciously and incoherently of even all of Russian Stern standards in many notes from sir Vladimir Putin as normal to email and then a very large number of some -  very direct -  upsets too- as well.  Incomprehensible in fact.  With an international query in a sift through the issue with a fine lens individually solo of the contentions  -  in a USA Bile dc and international reprehensible mg midget gripping to catapult - any in Europe to aim a punt - a hope not ever to convolute issues of some back dated issues lingering. As a reality towards the excessive mortifying situation - levering from whom ? and where ? In conjunction with Bile unethics is a matter internationally at this concerning issue. 

Moscow RUSSIA has been quite kind and all of Russia people too, with invites and even a lovely large theater for my aria work exhibition before vienna Austria -  

Russian Symphony people also sent a wonderful birthday film update. Especial and from a Kremlins’s  sweet lips. 

it is January 30th 2023  it is a Cartoon Rather than a 
Real Culturally Loved Political Film that is not exactly 
for Childern and somewhat out a missaliend idealism of the Nature of my Cares: it is in a film

Not recommended for childern in my opinion. 
while I wished everyone to see real Thumper 
the vicious rabbit harrrr ‘ England spared - a upset from 
Harrrr ‘ stew which is deemed not a specialty of the country of England - as untrue to the country of England fully to even consider Harrrr’ stew at all, 
real a certainty of the lovely reflective good people of England as to the Queen of England and Prince Charles as well with keen and quite honored esteemed work and great brilliance. Certianly not Goose Stew either. 

The governor of west Virgina of the state of West Virgina is with a serious message update today of January 30th 2023, kindly I will add my brilliant Jewel Green to my holiday 12 days of Christmas New Year garmet I have almost ready. Just for everyone in the whole state of west Virgina in the USA with a special non humorous serious political message from the governor and peoples all, in the state and all villages in west Virgina USA. West Virgina is not selling coal ever, and pancake sales are better than ever in the history of all USA sale ever in much more than 400 years.  Sir Vladimir Putin and I worked on the very especial banana pancake recipe - both agreeable and banana sales continued in excellent sales even in south seas countries nearest to the “ sea area of the tropicof cancer. 

The recipe for banana pancakes - of my own were original of my pancakes and Vladimir loved the influence I have with somewhat unusual poiniancy of lush creamy fillings that he exhualted in excitment to blinz as his notion of his lovely mind, in chef excellence he takes pride in as well, the actual pancake with lucious form of soft sweet cream de la cream blinz veriation banana pancake and wha la- vonderber! 

January 22nd 2023 relief  in the 
Moscow Times is still quite difficult after some upsetting attempts 
at concerning espionage that may have been more like 
a Bile Plague of dismal disedence  to, disrupt into a cash gripping from USA donuts rolls 
to shoot them selves ( Bile dc mucus and associated Bile USA grippers in dilling  doils) to sink in vortex sand piping in hopes to hunker down and berrel more like insect in tiny pin holing of one minor vortex -I will expand my full memo note on the subject more soon  - while I have a keen love for some in the Moscow Times in Moscow - deflecting some attempts in mere smelt sardene can rations fast mousing- Reflecting leap year perhaps in a good fortitude to concerning - a great upset of g7 Swagglers - aiming at a great country and wonderful President sir Vladimir Putin well loved and with fortitude of some large reality of humanities within ethical standards. Did swaggle in concerning USA news and Bile get air force one in self flight - convolution meeting a sorte’ of a mere coal minor unflagged unethics in - flogging contempt. The Moscow times was with love letters to me often and now of messages see in my memo now a bit more with some updates soon. 

Moscow Times Love in some upset. January 20th 2023 reading my French notations all over Russia about Ja. ilisevieerev of splender in a special message - read.

Some in Sand pin holed vortex sink hole size in
Russia concerns were not yet available for an interview with the Moscow Times as the tv stations in Russia from the Kremlin’s decisions several months ago to announce finally - they are active tv 
was an announcement from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, within the special service from the Kremlin of Russia, sir Vladimir Putin himself. Russian peoples are very pleased as also pleased to some new automobile selections too,  counting penny per penny, to enjoy the choices of automobiles and furthering some economic profits  in lite travel and low spending of mere $20. In an = equivolant of the Russian Rouble. Good day to everyone in the Moscow Times from 
the good country of Russia with baha fun ahead in 2023. 

With love from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
as well, Merci ‘for many emails in 2022 directly from the people of the Moscow Times, and even many much earlier. 
Much love to you darling friends .  

the New York Time - was concerning in some respects - more about the loose Willy tank cannon out - in site in the  USA photographs out side the USA millitary that was in a recent January 2023 NYT photograph online with no information on whom was in a tank with a cannon roving in an non protocal issue in the USA and with visious dismal intent in such malicious actionable issues in the soil of the USA. country. 

The concerning faulicified news in the USA Bile and tamporing in google and other internet online concerns in the USA also have some many USA also very concerned in similar attempts at online banking tamoring attempts and other faulifications in blyme Bile activities within the USA Bile shuffling dust - in mortifying concerns in side the USA. With flagrant  - disconcern towards ethical repose in full - and shuffling dust - in a eye on a breading only discontent in unethical thwarts of hopies’ in a pin  holing in even great good of larger Russia and even more Russian people- with efforts of fortitude  to enjoy a January review in budgetary means of budget ledgers and a sprite feeling of greater love for Vladimir Putin and the whole large Russian government. 

2000/    3/40 ?12  Mg Midgeting dwezel dwarf in RUSSIA is lunicy after my keen efforts - as unthinkable ? in pignolie ‘ Pine ? In a memo of abserd a mess to dwezeling dwarf Mg Midgeting - yes. Which sink hole pin sized vortex  burrows a scribe nest best ? Black Forest cake is expected to sell well soon.  German and Russian , Polish and Swedish even perhaps czeckolsolvakian too. Pure gold chef work too. I can hardly wait. 

Pure Black Forest Chocolate Four Tier layer cakes from classical European recipes of German even in a furthering of Bear Run in the Rhyne River of real Germany too - is exciting in spring cake to even bake at home. Looking forward to such delight is quite special I think. While the memo is still not yet as complete. 

more above soon- after some budgetary ledgers in review January 2023 on the 22nd day into the Christmas New Year 2023.  Calculation the earned worth in efforts is very important all over the world-  before more Indian Summer Winter notes. Even children are recounting their coins and dollars too, with vibrancy and kind wished too.  With an most enjoyable care and very noble look to even some sorrows of 2022. 

I have Included today, on the day of January 20th 2023 
a message in the government site of the President of the country of IRAN in Europe Middle Eastern European Continental Region of a lovely great President and government as well as extremely lovely peoples as well. May I also say Merry Christmas New Year to All countries of so many people in the Middle East, in IRAN as well with greatest love from 
me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett - and thank you for the sweet fruited dates and the extrodinary honored trinkets too. Merry Christmas New Year 2023 
once again. Preperations in baha soon are even city savvy of some surprises,  and more about bear run too. 

Good Day to Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the lovely country of Russia as well as a good day greeting to the fine President of the country of IRAN  too. 
January 20th 2023 Read 

the continued posted memo is of the extended notation of Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of very sweet to a lovely Russia. Of January 20th 2023 updated from the Kremlin of Russia himself. Obscurely Political Statement of an avante’ Garte’ Diplomatic - importance.  Unusual Cultural Prowess - comprehensible of even the spainish artist of fine oil paintings ancient in the esteemed work of risk of 
the great political unveiling of oil painted 
statements by   Vallequise’ of the country of 
Spain. Vladimir Putin, sir, you’re a lovely breath 
of exsuberance. What is this about darling ? 
Such a memo for the Monocle- I dare say, 
I am glad you emailed. et tooutale’lu’ darling. 

memo posted incert: from me this morning: 

Princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, regarding 
the Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin’s update on January 20th 2023 from Russia Moscow. It is quite well known 
that the Russian Government at the Imminent Respects of the President of Russia as Sir Vladimir Putin is. A government of millitary and professionals within the government in large vast numbers of people whom realize that Sir Vladimir Putin is somewhat of a political diplomatic cultured avante’ garte ‘ person - with high esteem of honored ethical excellence and a devout stern standard in work which pertains to Russia within the office of Kremlin, matters. It is easily said as well that perhaps my gentle personifications in my international worth-even unusual exhibition within peace and economic standards with cultural arts, and exhaultation of cultural love in a knowledge of cultivated cultural project of all countries -  is exceptionally loved of sir Vladimir Putin -  with unusual meathods at time to travel over one hundred miles just to bring ice cream through hot dessert sand - of the African Mohavie’ 7000 miles of sand - 

The update today from the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin is somewhat an obscure political unusual cultivation in the esteemed remarkable Kremlin of Russia in his usually - large very savvy millitary security council - normally in a fine office of his devout little Russia that is large with sweet lovely wonderful peoples in millions of city villages very tiny - villages too as some are tiny.  

My office in Chicago IL years back was a bit extrodinary I must say, with a large view of the city streets in a largest busy area of some of the tallest buildings in the world, set in veiw of the yachts sailing boats at the large Great Lake shore of Lake Michigan which I loved sailing every Thursday after a long work day. One day I began to speak a bit of the lovely times -  to some stranger -  and was boggwashed - in an upset towards me -not to enjoy a minute to say -  mundane long work days in days of lenghty  detail pencil work all day -  in a very posh prestigious  office looking forward to a one hour sailing night per week - was pos h too.  Traveling by foot a few blocks in city busy proper to even pick up some extrodinary dinner and a stem of fresh summer flowers to tote home to my slightly posh home office - to then fill my home office project of my sole owned company that I worked many evenings to see through as well in schedule time of tedious planning, another often in outings within a somewhat ridged schedule -  late alone alone alone alone -  was without some times a -  time of many phone calls to catch a cab taxi - with even John Lennon to go out and feel the aired sound of some lite jazz piano from little Richard or Glen Gould. 

Serving Jam and Crusted Biscuits and tea occasionally with a pungent ripe cheese, pickle and olive sticks, with some baked  stuffed cheese manacotti’ with tart richely delicious tomotoe sauce premavera ‘ and grilled garlic red bell peppers on a large crisp toasted French bread garlic wafer, Marque grilled water cracker with additional cucumber sandwiches on soft lucious bread with mayonnaise in Diamond Quarter Cut - set at top a tiered trivit plate tree -was also lovely. 

What the Kremlin of Russia is noting today is obscure in a Political Avente’ Garte’ 
Cultural Statement 
today on January 20th 2023 
in Russia Moscow 

Read Again   January 20th 2023 

now where are my KGB men 8800 these days usually in Moscow ?  
Did they Flock to  the country of IRAN already for baha ? 
as I suppose they all would decide to properly see the details online in a reality of my engagement schedule daily calander - and politely as they all are and wait. 

Heat Filliment Weave Wool Sock with a battery to flip your own heater sock on through the winter or summer. 
Selections worth reading if you wish heated socks to purchased - some with free shipping READ 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxox politically warm heated battery operated real warm socks for all year warmth. 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo more about Russian Government 
please read more as you wish xoxoxoxo  xoxo 
with even more governments in the memo internationally out side the USA country soon. 

January 15th 2023 emailed excerpt in a message from 
sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of Russia, on 
January 16th, 2023 read
( the message is somewhat concerning, about the O’Hara Air Port which is Chicago’s International Air Port, as an interest from the Kremlin within the very greater dignaty of my cares of some difficult residual issues within the USA, of my lovely care in decency of furthering concerns - not simply ingnored of the greater real humanities of ethical composure in the USA within stabilized ethical structuring and earnest of standards in the infrastructure for those caring and employed within a repose within the USA to the better and absolute assured constitutionally ethically standards within environment of working in great small details in an assurance. Many standards in air flight are a - not just an option for substandards ( substandard in this memo is a terminology word for an unethical pencity of  concern - substandard in ethical wording means unethical as not in a fully realized standard in full compliance of ethical worth) in any way - as such as the same applied knowledge of ethical small details is in sales of coffee and thus of assure lowest sales cost for coffee per cup is important as well. Coffee per a 12 oz. Cup at home is only 00.11 cents per cup to make coffee plentiful at home- the reality of a risterante that over prices a cup of coffee can be seen as even damaging to the region of a city or small village with a talk about never  returning -to even some people not choosing to even look at other shops to spend a few dollars more. 

The email from Sir Vladimir Putin to me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, is the brief excerpt (brevity)  of the email message. Of reality of great interest to me. While interpretations are perhaps not as clear to some peoples. Condolesent ( of wrong ideals have been an area I have spoken at length in ways that have becomes a success for assured structures towards independence for all people as not an interdependence ). Including that of not leaving Air Ports in the USA to dismal types of concerning issues to blame - in employment that were plagued with dismal unethical gleem. And difficult broadest standards - of certainty. 

What are the flight schedules of standard flight for public purchases tickets and gate schedule records with sales recipt reports in budgetary record and wages - standards -  from ten years in the USA air lines - 20 years? Whom was looking into those areas to see the reality of quality public travel and quality well paid employment standards appropriate of constitutional ethics and not Air Force one flights for holidays excursions to Hawaii and where else ? the Great Wall Where ? Where was that personal archieve of phone and photographs to Over Seas China with reciepts written in Chinese number and chines letters - ledger per ledger it is a good question today not just reflecting on 2022. 

memo updated above from
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, 
January 16th ,  2023, at 4:24 am eastern standard time. 
what are the USA tax reports in public ledgers to actual flight planes - and public service flights for all in reviews of individually owned flight services with purchased recipts for the planes with the actual percentile earned growth amounts in the ability of standards in monitary money in - earned money to rebuy a plane and another in flight - standards and monitary standards ethical of earned ratio for expense to afford more planes? Profits records of -  more ? Where are the back dates earned percentile monitary profits under USA ethical compliances. 

Extra questions matter. In the USA now for a large number of people wishing to enjoy quality flight with a quiet delight extrodinay polite and kind -  well worth a USA and intetnational world to travel in the USA with fine travel planning well.  Counting on technology to be assured too- purchases - emails- phones-  and reservations on time at hotels - of course many details in the USA to see a repose assured within a peoples 

love for highest humanities within real constitutional ethics and easily affordable too for all, of course. 
Cup after cup - reality and wonderful risterantes everywhere now even more than ever in history- Getting to walk to little stores as a child with a quarter in my pocket to buy a candy fireball was fun - utopia is my secret again and again. My first gold wing pin in a little flight I had at age 6 was half 

The Government of Russia standard public site - 
within the Kremlin of Russian President Sir Vladimir Putin.

The permanent                               Russian Government 
Site for World View 
update daily as the 
government daily is with 
daily work as a busy site in 
RUSSIA is constant
extremely well run 
infinite worth in 
government work 
not always a bowl 
Of Cherries. 

Le USA Monocle is within my notes above in a link and some extra minutes of notations below - USA MONOCLE is a good steady link in a time of leaping in ways to a exemplary care broadly real of the peoples of so many countries, to a great many peoples in the USA and peoples in all international countries too-  with lovely cultural dignaty and incredible efforts too, with a great many peoples that I enjoy graciously to say many thank your for messages and love and brilliant cares far and near.  

Very lovely everyone.  
Thank you very greatly. from myself, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
January 12th 2023, eastern standard time at 
3:48 pm from saranac lake New York USA

 now posted above. 
xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo

MEMO 2023 UPDATE after January 24th 2023 None Yet Are Posted after January 24th 2023 
there will be new introspective notations, ongoing 
Memos as well within properly chronological
dated cares in furthering paragraphical posts- 

[.       Continued _____________   ]  none yet. 
More updated memo notations into Feburary 
2023 as to look at some results in good efforts to
The USA in a new reality and ethical process
Of the USA people with some actual noted cares 
from European Presidents of Countries About 
some concerns, and more solved areas in repose 
and resoundingly good results from the USA 
within a step forward to a economic stabilized 
reality possible and going well in the USA with 
some concerns and some care in 
a reality of some existing contention which people greater greatly well care about well and love the villages all in the USA resoundingly more and more. 

None Yet ,while if you wish to also read  Furthermore, 
the new revolution in Furthermore is rather exciting.
I truely hope that everyone loves the new revolution. FURTHERMORE 

in the lower area of this memo - notations of the memo will remain available to read over and over and over. The list of some resounding areas of some cares are still on my mind to take my time to summerize a contention in the USA which is still concerning to the peoples of the USA and delays of minutes of some of the areas in need of a certainty of repose in the USA are still a contention that exists within the USA January 12 th 2023 while the airlines in the USA have a little more in of the USA as a country to assure there is a airline for public flight within ethical USA compliances of ethical standards within a broad international standard and the employment of air lines in the USA were not just thrown under a bus -  with some degree of efforts in ethical cares - hopes and dreams of wages worthy and not a blame to such good people - to conserning loss for travel to people and that of a reach of standards in compliance of sale professionals in excellence to hope will be of a prosperous travel experience more in the USA of public purchase flight to all whom wish to  that of a purchase their flight tickets in price points within regulated international standard of even - prices in ethical reality. Including a purchase flight to all whom world for air lines  upon their free time off to pay ticket prices and travel and earn good wages -  to assure improved standard top notch. My memo was delayed in the standards of flight in the USA, not expecting to delay my personal happiness or schedule in any way daily. 

I may have missed some emails that are very important to me. very gladly I have recieved very nice messages from -  ongoing and boldly can say a greatest thank you very well, for more than just a day of 4 th of July excellence with infinite lovely cares -  with love. 

Compliant are welcome around the world in 
the USA MONCLE to match notes if needed and 
phone to phone to invisable phones or was it also 
peoples ? back dated invisables now? 

Realizing that when you post it may need a review before public exposure - while posting on the USA monocle - it is automatically seen and recored on over 500,000 global international satalights instantly as you type the memo into the monolce- and is instantly noted with no ability to remove the types note at all in moon data storage in over 300 countries. Permanent and seen as important - even when the typing seems not to instantly be posted to the USA monocle at this time. 
Reiteration - your memo in the USA monocle matter very much, in over 500,000 actual satalights for online global reality of every country and exciting as extra to sos more than just a message in a bottle- as real data of your message and  real. Get detailed if you wish and even walk backwards in a non sense too- if you feel upside down,. Be fearless of typing your message in a kind fortuitous worth - firm of ethical prowess- 
steady in ethics and worth of work and liesure and even 
reorient - extra breathful care. Upside down memo in USA monocle    Might feel better. 

posted memo just yesterday in my messages from the Actual whole USA 50 whole stated of the USA postal department with excessive happier time this year in 2022 late but greater than early 2022 - 
December 20th 2022 with some extreme love for me in a very large USA of millions of cities and incredible peoples of the USA postal service smoothing - more qualitative reality in shipments and humanitarian reality in postal efforts that are exhaustive some days-  

Endless love -from the   USA postal service with
Care from all in return and good wages to stay in the USA of a greater love for more than just economics. 

United Postal Service of the United State of America 
with a great love to everyone in so many extrodinary individual daily effort endless and forever better. 

internationally all postal services in all countries as well, I myself give you all a tiny village solute of peace and prosperity - love and greatest wishes to you with all my love.  Merci to you all - may your wintet be extrodinary - with cares of you too, from all over the world.  xoxoxoxo and prepare for difficult baha deliveries -  I can say that you might gain a increadible faite of love for baha - fun. Sooner than you might think. outrageously rkind - and all postal deliveries outstanding.  Outstanding - again and again everywhere in the world.  With special thank you to the president of China and First Lady of China as well.  why I think it’s going to be a fine new year. Simply incredible. 
I should say something more while Nat King Cole has a update that is for the whole world with the Postal People everywhere of a exceedingly special note now in the Revolution Now 2022 

It’s a special message from  -  Nat King Cole  in birthday notes as well. 

Just updates on December 20th 2022 from his loved music compositions in as early as 1969 of extrodinary USA television. with a second song and thoughts of my fathers family - too - many years apart a birthday love song- she might remember too. 

as a extra update - before the holiday menu list in love notes. With hopes that Nat might create a special recording again before New Year January  1st 2022 for everyone all over the world. 

xcxcxcx continued in the cares towards a MONOCLE I have had many messages of like towards the monocle- even from countries in South America from citizens and presidents - 

Even from the Kremlin himself : Vladimir Putin as a president can feel free to assure his complaints 
in ethical structure of a public MONOCLE is for everyone and important. Looking at the unethical news within journalistic unethical - concerns of  ethical standards in even USA issues - the concern of human beings that were extremely pressured in the USA and unethically undercut in some economic harm too from DC bile and unethical USA news - even a report in the NYT in 2002 about George W. Bush as a Governor then of Texas USA was with wrong and implicated unethic issues about George W. Bush which were extremely unethical towards George W. Bush and absolutly outrageous lies. Directly from Unethical new jounolist in the USA of a great governor of the state of TEXAS. Of course offering a area such as the USA MONOCLE offers the reality for all peoples to write an issue if they wish. As it can feel better perhaps to even a - care. More of peoples concerning issues. Even children too can post in the USA MONOCLE if they chose to. 

Excerpt from the Kremlin of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin 
in Baulrous, news conferences- after the an economic meeting- and some extra blasts in my work schedule and bath -  beauty sleep interruptions and extensive tour lectures and cultural exhibition plans -  in my peace , cultural and economics exhibition with lenghty large success - and important summer planning time lost -  with no one able to afford my damages in minutes,  with absolute -  Mortification of even my thread order being late -  and tiny even bikes to all children for a choice in winter this year.  with some extensive damage to my schedule - of my projects. 

reply : from the president of Russia Sir vladimir putin in concerning areas of Russian Policies: 


December 25th 2022 update at 9:48 pm eastern standard time. It is Christmas Day in the USA, some extreme concerns in the USA exist, I have some issues in some banking in the USA of extreme concern to me. I wish to enjoy expounding ( writing intelligibly the details= expounding ) the details in part before the actual new year - as January 1st 2023 begins- I feel that it is extremely important that more than the USA is aware of some of the threats -  toward me - as more than just a time to see that further issues in the USA that may be -  with - even mingled issues in specs in Europe - that - are not ethical in standards towards me- tromping the dignaty of so many and even those of the Kremlin’s decency in many many great - respective realities.  Banking - is of course extremely important in some furthering details I have had on my list - while some dallied -  thwarts -  in even my tiny village were mortifying blastphome-  and - appeaser ruin - runs aimed at dare I say Russia.

My lovely dinner for Christmas was extremely good. 
It is Christmas night - in my tiny village in New York USA.  I just receive an email, from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin, The President of the country of Russia. 
Russia is a very special country in a unique reality. The countries of the world - all are incredibly unique of a certainty of individuality and wealthe of cultural fortitude. 

email from Moscow Russia directly from the Kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin, on December 25th 2022 
is with some extremely kind decency in a international ethical standard in ethical cares,  kind and quite real, care towards me. And a reality of - a email just an hour ago - today that pertains to structure ethical literature of complex words -  not to be minced into kindergarten -  literary comprehensions wrong of a UN infest imposters that could be unethical in even attempts at espionage -of a plague of imposters in the USA as USA bile, to unethically plague dismal disaster in multitudes of ways - even of stolen USA Air Force one flights -  non- in a bile DC in non ethics. No ethical protacol either. Of course attempts to coheres others -  in a cornering is - why ? 

Read the email if you wish -  it is very complex word of a broad comprehension that-  is not in the Moscow Times news.

What does it mean ? 

Please email George W . Bush if you need study books for Lenore fruitful comprehension of the USA constitution please. While in Russia email the Kremlin ‘s office directly and prehaps Sir Vladimir Putin might have enough staff to answer all of Russia. 

12.26.2022 email of the Russian Government from the Kremlin of Russia -  in a brief memo.

update at 11:11 pm eastern standard time Saranac Lake New York USA on December 26th 2022 directly below. 

Email from The President of Russia late this evening.

December 27th 2022 3/31 am eastern standard time Saranac Lake NY USA memo update : 
Email:  meeting notes from the Kremlin of the country of Russia,  sir Vladimir Putin. 

Thank you everyone with very large love and greatest of dignaties and respective cares to all in Russia and all throughout Europe - the emailed note is very good. 

Again, Merry Christmas 

Update December 27th 2022, eastern standard time at 3:35 am Saranac Lake NY USA posted from the President of China Sir Xi Jinping, with a 24/7 China News Station.  

included is the full government site within the whole extremely large country of China in the European Far East Asia: In English words and there is ease to see a Chinese Language as well.  Thank you all in the country of China and of all of the Far East Asia Europe. Merry Christmas - with love, prosperity and happieness everywhere in the world.  Kisses to all- catch ! 2023 is exciting and the lovely messages are very charished. 

from myself, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Soon more: 

12.27.2022 :The government of Russia : 

“ yes, we have bananas.  Today. Real Bananas too  “ 
Bayer analgesic Asprin usually $2.39 per 60 tablets 
Buffered to not upset stomach acid -relief of germfungus allergens   - relief  rarely a feaver to relieve .
instantly with good nutrition of fresh foods plentiful and good fortitude as also Pennie’s to assure and 
careful assured banking.  (((((((..)))). (..) < ; 

NEWS  - remidations  remidial soap box hero
tampe’ in tamping fine powder extra bitter brew world 
select coffee - powder brown - soil soli’ 

 option - to curve ball - reviews December 2022
ethical - remidial measurement unknown today.

However - there is a swirling Unscrupulous concern. 
with tamporing with even my mail - and enjoyable daily love of my worthy work and sweet svelt  
Normally extremely calm self soothing self personification of mine as me - purely work and liesure
with even phone message not showing up in calls in my 
Phone and Voice mail that has endless storage- and missing calls - some I saw deleted with USA tampored conserns to me. And interrupted schedule of mine - unreasonable - missing mail or delayed and then attempts to attack me and my banking too-  as a gift ready bile -  latch a wanna in holiday cheer. 

Low blast worming - ruin in the G 7 in a attempt yet again in Russian Kremlins good ethical real lengthy worth - and a loss in time unfathomable -  to even all in Russia starting with the Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin. 

Certainly not - at a fault to Moscow Times 
news either.  Blasting hot issues at me -  still
in personal scheduled comfort naturally not a
expectation to any more whisper blasts - replaced for 
a replacement toward my extensive work and success
- not a replacement for The Kremlin’s noted success in many lengthy ethical realities - with a Holiday a bit 
less than was to have been. Kindly - in summer 2022. 

With just a song to remember.  

Desi Arnes - reviews in such a way that is a perplexing 
sweep in corkscrew swell ballooning overspill even on Desi Arnez extremely wonderful message - and a swelling appendage  - concern in such a - while desi waited for me to arrive in Cuba with some aire of decency. with no flamingo dance at all, a corkscrew - reeping - ride on a pone’ crumpling. 

Dezi -  message in review. Read

Bath Fold up - Freshly soothing review from August 2022 updates today - all over the world. 

memo re: banking addendum more soon - not yet. 

Paul McCartney update Flutes ?   Is that what you meant Paul ? Ringo ? Where are you ? California ? 
Flight issues again. Merry  Christmas darling Ringo. 

I saved some dinner. Just text. We had a fine day. 

Billy Joel, films   Use the USA Monocle - 
and I save you some cake. Merry Christmas - Vienna 
Symphony Was in from Austria. Wonderful Birthday 
Events too. 

John Lennon surprised me. Listening all night
Lovely conversations. Sting -too. 
Bear Run with Frank Sinatra and the incredible brass. 
Lovely - purely lovely. 

Christmas Dinner December 25th 2022 

George Harrison Of the Beatles -  I love you. 
updated excerpt 12.26.2022 11:58 eastern standard time NY USA  message from my darling George. For the 
good of Festive Christmas even in a memo

The philharmonic was quite outrageous George. 
You missed dinner. 

For me at home in my tiny village, in Saranac Lake 
New York, USA I prepared a 5 course 
HOLIDAY DINNER with a French suiffellette begele’ 
with sautéed rasin butter sauce and maple syrup, cherries and crème. >< A lovely plated sliver of a cheese danish >< Sautee’ egg battered shrimp with a fresh sweet carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower grilled to a golden brown : ketchup heart too >< mint chocolate chip ice cream melloned and fried with a corn flake crunch coating hand prepared >< finished with a fine ice cream mint cafe coco riche with milk and cream. Five Wonderful Course Foods to an elaborate well deserved love of Christmas Holiday - devoutly with such a lovely world of messages -  and plans. Some messages I was astonished with well and what a time had by all. 

xcHoliday  Love  with my 5 star dinner 

mint chocolate chip ice cream 
with marachino cherries 

cvcvcvcv.  December 20 th excerpt below xcx 

I did receive the invite to the meeting in Baulrouse and made no time for the invite from the Kremlin of Russia for this particular meeting.    Sir Vladimir Putin darling, I feel badly about the concerns you mentioned in losses in international business to Russia-  with all the lectures we spoken of in my work in macroeconomic development from as early as 2009. My international lectures are mere a sing and dance of importance in my own cultivations exceptional -  and worth much more than golden sack of whete. of course - so glad to note my whete tiny lecture improved whete quality in Russia even. 

December 26th 2022 4:21 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village saranac lake in the state of New York USA - with a curious email from the Kremlin of Russia 
sir Vladimir Putin, of concerns in Russia. 
Read   with MOSCOW TIME as well. 

December 26th 2022 it’s only the Washington Post once in very noble journalism and only a contention in the news -  read 

While I have a message recently from Queen Elizabeth 
some where darling your Magesty the Queen of the entire country of England in Europe - with quite remarkable love and peace. with the finest sugared plums as - they made a wonderful plum Christmas pudding for January with your personal recipe - my darling your Magesty Queen Elizabeth, Thee Queen of England.  The sugar plums are perfect. Merci -  of a formal thank you graciously. 

Hello to all peoples of the incredibly beautiful country of England -  with love . I adore your email updates Queen Elizabeth -  merci again.  What fun the little songs were.  So lovely.  Very special.  Merry Christmas into 2023 Festivities Internationally. How exciting. 

xcxcxcx babe ha soon. xcxcxcxvc. tally hoi xcxc
Excerpt in memo above on December 26th 2022 

The lovely many messages from sir Vladimir Putin are with many more -within even , emails just yesterday with too. As well. While the incredible light in windows all over the world in messages are incredible. 

Sales in little standard electric  candle lite lamps just recently which I myself cared to think more about - the concerns in the USA in broaden - worth - are with extrodinary success - even in a Russian country with such riche historical love in Russian culture for some in the USA whom - enjoy culture - and architectural - devouring crumpets and confectioneries - while with lite travel excursions. Mahiaha to everyone in tiny Moscow Russia today. ! 

Kisses to all ! Catch ! 

xcxcxcxcxcxcxcChristmas dinner 5 delightful xc xc 
Arnold Schawzenagger, emailed as I post an  update from Arnold in California- after a a steam bath today. The vienna Austria Philharmonic Symphony peoples were in the village and what fun. Thankfully toting extra food in flight well. 


2014 lecture still not recorded- as my quality in recording standards are extremely high - with very good solid reiterations for - reiterated economics lectures within cultural humanities of noted worth-while delayed  in an exposure of some - in an inhumility towards ethical standards. 

Why are you sitting at a casket - in Balrouse and with a header speaking rubbish as my mother world say.
Was Roberta Campos’s that dreadful in the concert in Russia this summer with the campose -  requiumes and a campose new air line - too.  

I listened to your Russian speech in Russian and could barely hear over the header microphone in a dubbing over your sweet voice. While I had to read the notes you made -  and then -  look at the damage you mentioned. Thankfully in USA English alphelbiet.  

I do not read in Russian very well as you knew when I called you in my Moscow shopping to find out which was whete flour for the special bread I made as you remember. Whete flour in Russian is not easy to read Russian Whete Flour - bleached or whole whete -  not corn starch of course. Russian is a Russian. So kind of you to find time for whete matters. 

I decided to add the post you invited me too- 
Update from Russian Meeting in Baulrouse - email from Sir Vladimir Putin The lovely president of Russia the government of Russia. Noted, and posted in memos. 

December 19th 2022. Darling Sir, I do appologize about my schedule with a busy bit of work to see to repairing some damages in my company and with bliss in my projects as usual which I immensely enjoy the lenghty history of work days usually well -  the upset to your loss in economics and quality effective concerns -  is -without any merit to some perhaps in a landscape of such a pleathora of sea food stew for Winter Indian Summer fun to have even my recipe,. The love of oysters well prepared always bring more sales of course in fine quality with delicious stew - unusual to even know as a true bear run especially ‘ with finely made real mash potatoes freshly fluffy and good- even for the country of Ireland, of course in Western Europe in a lenghty flight from the country of England.  Potatoes mashed in England fresh are delicious also. One of my favorite recipes soon. 

Of course chigi ? What is this name in your notes of my child endearment word from my father himself.  
I have not heard this little endearment chigi since 1969 only from Daddy my one and only father.  

And a tonka truck of toys for children -  with Tazz? 
David and I were in Russia briefly -sal was waiting in Spain.   it was a two day travel. I only had a short few minutes before my Tokyo Japan appoint for some meeting. Long awaited. At the request of the Prime Minister of Japan - potatoes are a interest in Japan and well other projects in culture darling in the country of Japan. 

What an upset -  with all my concerns to see to the normal great details in love of my work.  

December 24th 2022 email from The Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin was so delightful in such lovely brilliance of lengthy expressions - snow pants and coats for children from RUSSIA were expected in warm cozy areas - even in Russian villages so fine. My summer aria is very delayed in Moscow Russia. David Bowie found time to extend some delightful cares about my heavy luggage - and others too. The DC bile have serious USA issues to face - and some large real vicious intent to more than 500,000 multinational USA corporations as conglomerations in some serious damages - while DC Oval Office was a contention to a door in toward bitter harror to USA people - and a cash shoving tail gating humans -  in some of the USA that are vicious and think leaping to be deciving in ways to vicious unethical bending - while in July 2022 the USA made their own decisions in some extreme DC threats from the Oval Office and some spotted leaping to contour harm - even in a dormancy of a few- perhaps 49er leaped in numbers to about 300 possibly and  maybe just seemed -  if they grew or did not into a thrush in a attempt in unethical concerns to so many.  

The astounding belief in even my notes of a bubbly approach to a kind fast greater reality in the USA was outstanding -  as the extreme belief grew all over the world. Greatest cherry cake recipe gift to special times are some increadible gift too - knowing it was so well enjoyed.  The seperate governments are - all busy in presidential fortitudes of some achievements toward their countries and of a love towards what is known as an hope for countries secularly with very large broadened hopes. I can say, I myself am extremely proud of a great many and almost all in the USA and all over the world. With all my good graces - very kindly so. I am not sure if - just a blue guitar could be the solvency alone to a large issue that was remarkably resolved in July 2022. Globally. The farms in their own excellent work - were able to assure even high quality fresh milk plentiful - not just in the USA but all over the world.  I invited all international presidents in person to my exhibitions in culture and economic wild outrageous -  perplexing types of of my lectures and invited them all to my exhibitions - internationally - silly abstract form - about whole unadulterated milk. 

2013- today the world is healthier and more energetic than ever before. Even macrodegeneration and muscular degeneration is non existent after a few years in some love everywhere all over the world. 

My brother said: “ you can lead a horse to water, while you can not convince a horse to drink “ 

Where he heard such things ?  The Kremlin of Russia is a remarkable person and -  for many reasons - many in the world know very well - the great country of Russia is even greater due to a large ethical standard and a belief in sir Vladimir Putin’s very keen exasperation in G7 area of international presidents that - are of the stability of efforts in Europe and in president of other countries to even be of a - hope in some of Sir Vladimir Putin’s hope that the world beyond Russia is very beautiful of humanity within ethics-  Blue Guitars, alone with no humanity ? What would it become. Weary sir Vladimir Putin - a lovely person - and stern - at times. There was a woman in the little fuel stop a while ago on Christmas Eve - she was stern and polite and professional and begining a 2023 soon, very interested in maps and more and with a mundane responsibility as we all have at times, and wages to her own to covet and see to her personal budget - even possibly buying a home alone someday perhaps - thinking about a strawberry garden maybe.  

A few men in the fuel stop were slightly excited of success and even to see me. Tung tied -  even grasping to find some way to simply say hello. Gosh hello ! To all. Hello everyone. Fine travels and automobiles and hello -  yes. Hello everyone of course -  gosh, I forgot my best a minute - me - hello - yes.  Hello.  Not just a song . Yes true - thank you for selling mint chocolate chip ice cream and a full box of black Louisiana tea as well. Hello -  amazing peoples -  really.  

At times only horse have blinders towards the green field - some believe this - while I have never seen a horse with blinders -  and thank you for such love even from a distance not too far at times.  The tree in the village brilliant with all color lights lite -  thank you for love too in ways you may have thought I missed - while quickly -          Hello .   xo as well. it’s going to be fine 
baha xoxoxo 

what a famous little village -  extra special with individuality in a  -  slight upset in January 2022 

it was always special as all villages have a very special reality in kindly a ethical process and some measure of existence to -  mundane -  times - more than hopes too in stanbility of even stabilization in some perplexity - 
damages -  of ?   Diana Ross wrote a song,” do you know “ that is quite wonderful about tiny travel and worthy ethics and good kind hello -  

Snow Pants and snow coats in Russia , delays in sales and warmest nice fine clothes - of high quality of Russian coats and pants - there was a issue - one or two MG midgets - were painted to look like cat fish -  and 
the USA has stolen planes in large air lines USA from a extreme DC wrong - true. I held them all back with a chair -  alone - then mg midget 1234567 groped under a brilliant Russian Government, and Russian Peoples so large in every village so much larger than the USA as well. Flutes were strait point up in centered corners 

No Bustllles ‘ as spainish coffee brands of bustelles is good -  Russian Snow gear sales dropped to a projected minus % in a hope for international sales -  in my projections of a possibly was delayed -  80 leagues under the sea -tin rations of sardines were a rage - swirl key roll back top was a - The country of keiv’s only hope - eye balling Germany -  for crème ‘ no kiev friccacie ‘ whete prices increased in Russia and kiev , couldn’t fry Friccassee ‘ for Kiev -  wool riche , crème 

Russia said clear the way -  1234567 went 80 Leagues under the sea -  why -  Russia 80 leagues ? 

Contention in the USA is not at a resolve - it is true. 

A nice person whom is one of the former Presidents of the USA as Gerorge W Bush may have not realized some errors in a catastrophe while he is noted in good budgeting. Dole owner was pressured as was the Johnson and Johnson owner and thus the employees too were pressurized and worked articulately in outstanding ways with high ethical quality in most all. 

While - or course Russia, is Russia. And if 1-7 are out of skip step - unknowing or unwilling - 1-7 , 

Was there, more joy in July 2022 in Russia ? 

Russia is extremely very large of course - with a population of brilliant peoples and a very large government too with a extremely - well noted President as Sir Vladimir Putin is incredibly brilliant with broaden humanitarian worth - devout. 

Picasso is a ancient painter - his concerning painting was simply a person with eight thumbs and a bouquet of posse” nose gaieties on the wrist - pose ‘ is a small stem of flowers - and a short string tied into a bow - 

Theoretically -  the loss in the country of Russia in villages all was some large cooling off, in Russia with expectation - and wildly delightful ski wear even luxurious in summer warmth to sink into slunk in a travel automobile and baha boat and a travel chair too plush fluff the right way for affordable -  to all
-in what might have been greater sales in Russia-  as the methodology if you may have calculated the affordable greater - in even a $2 trillion dollar tax -from normal sales toward Russian futures at a loss at December 25th 2022 - while not noted in the Moscow Times with some dismal -  Flouted - Cultural misting.  

Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin did not write the message. While I have to say that he did not write the news arrivals of the Moscow Times Either.. 

My sweet mother purchased a coat and snow trousers for snow outings Russian - 1975 wonderful and light weight warmth - unforgotten of ethical details very fine quality - and keen. $320,000,000,000.00 lost revenue 
December 24th 2022 in my cares of even Vladimir’s
Darling hope. What a life -  Russian international wild love - outrageously from a princess’s love of many cares towards Russia of course. 

Internationally and USA truth . xcxcxbaha t xcxc

low percentile  figure projected loss $320,000,000,000,000.00   in Russia coat sales. While no other coats will be of Russian  finest. 

Theoretical Capitalist Humanitarian Truth -  

December 25th 2022 emailed from sir Vladimir Putin 
Kremlin of the country of Russia with over 200 state governors to see a ethical standard in many Russian Government Devout Brilliant Worthy Details - with resounding ethics and brilliant success wield loved respectively .  

The hotel note hand written said you were out of the office looking at sniper fish -  in sardene nickle key opener. I brought you a special gift. I only had four days and I was darting- Cupee arrowruffus’s  all through my travels. A large tall fine looking women in green helped me with some of my travel cases. A hotel professional as she in too a very kind person. 

It was special - I shall send a thank you card properly. 

emailed December 21st 2022 from the Kremlin of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin - within a direct political statement today in the country of Russia. 

Tonka Brand Dr. Toy bull dozer - from notes of my historical perplexing unusual one time sung tonka of wee vil of vankers playing with a tonka - heard by all. 

in Russia ? No children - will see a tonka as my sweet brothers and sisters had - 1974, then while this winter holiday 2022 by Christmas there will be no tonka -and thank goodness for Indian Summer Winter and babalu. 

xcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxccxcweeeeweeblesxcxc addendum tonka  xcxcccxcccvcvcvcvcvcvcvvv

December 24th 2022 email
from the Kremlin of the country of Russia, 
posted December 24th 2022 at 5:47 am eastern standard time from my tiny village estate rental. The email directly from 

Sir Vladimir Putin.
the Kremlin of the country of Russia: 

Reply to the Kremlin of Russia: 
tonka comment ; 
as princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Tonka complaint  international sos worthy 
in the addendum of a international memo with USA bile DC plus the 49-99 in the USA in a pivotal hep -some -dormate rose garden boxers. 

Nose to nose - the Moscow Times is willing to make a earnest appointment with inquires of Bile winching - 
en I realize The Moscow Times is in love with me and chocolate Ciggerette cakes to make at home as all can afford to all over the world. Even imported chocolates. Isn’t that wonderful. 

Government of Japan Update see the film  Film excellence in Japan. 

Also Note that Shinzo Abe Prime Minister of Japan is quite well, in a very sophisticated avente’ garte ‘ film
in The incredibly lovely country of Japan of the European Far East in Japan - assin.  ? Is Japanese Nation Aisoi = farewell and have a nice day good bye. 
Asian Nation assin ? Asian ? is with lovely Shinzo Abe as prime minister - so lovely a stern culturally good person important to many cares within the country of Japan. Loved very well.  

Shinzo Abe as prime Minister is in many films updated and some actual header’s infringed upon the actual films of Shinzo Abe Prime Minister of Japan - with kind cares as to listen in Japanese to Sir Shinzo Abe’s updates in the film please. everyone loves Shinzo Abe and the country of Japan. 

Happy Christmas to everyone. Love to all in Japan. 
Shinzo Abe  updated many times in December 2022.

xcxcxcccxc the red fabric xcx 
and xcxcx the yellow too xcxcx gold brocade tassel rope xc with the right silk yellow buaioll curtain xcx
next cvcvc. The yellow curtains I sent for the garden are cvxvc just prefect you hung the curtains  perfectly xcxcx perfect  xcx xcx sweet darlin xcxcxcxvxcxcxcxcxcxcxcx cxcxcxcxcxcxcxvccxcc cxcxcc xcxcxcxcxcx xcx 

Furthering addendum international memo from December 21st 2022 ongoing international memo. 

While I can say that NATO ( with unethical rogue infantry ) in the USA is with no power in any way at this time.  While the peoples of the USA can look into their questions about rogue concerns  in a proper legal ethical process within the ethical standards of the constitutional ethical reality of the peoples process of reality within real USA ethical standards. Ask - are you a rogue and where are your films ? Where is the lunch you had and recipes for your travel as well as what was the whole city streets names ? Where are your dated recipes and recipts  for a cola with the printed on the receipt of the purchase with the  address of the city you were in and country when ? Are you a rogue now are you now ? We’re you cornering others with slickers. 

As of course some did not know and Meriting an actual peoples proceeds of all peoples in inquisition towards NATO. - which has some USA legal trouble in some type of mangle towards the respected greater USA peoples in a truth of merit in Army - concerns in the USA. With many very decent people within the real  Army. Of course there may have been concerns of Rogue Non millitary standards - that may have posed a danger to actual achieved millitary in the USA as I clearly wrote earlier in 2022. Well respected results - were achieved in the USA even if a  serious  mess was looking at the USA millitary to toss around- and not that of the review in ethical standards within a peoples process of constitutional USA standards in the rights ethically to the people of the USA including the USA real millitary within ethical -  profuncitory stability of the USA ethical structures. 

Reviewing mindful concerns in 2022 in a global level of reality within the USA of the role unethucally in cdc offices of the government in the USA -  for whom to absorb -  the concerns to whom ? The pop slam of wrong unethical cdc with new tools for garden tulips -  
in a pleathora of attempt to burrow into others fine worth. With direction bad wind from their bottom dollar minds in contempt of ethical standards and attempt in theift. 

With no ability as well in ethical standards within laws in the USA constitution of -  a fraudulent type of group of cluster such as frudulent actions upon the European Union which were USA unethical contortionists - unethical that were rippling some areas of Europe in even attempts at realest - unethically of this medally of European Union that caused damage in attempt to infiltrate other government - and cluster in a fraudulent corralling to gain members in the USA under faulce ,  pretenses -  even extenuating issues in such types of fraudulent cluster grouping to even attempt fraudulently opening a illigal bank as HSBC into England in a fraudulent issue with a brief history -  attempt to harm employed unknowing people and even attempt to blame them.  Stemming from All USA bile  dc free flying in stolen flight planes -  more ? Air Force one in cdc handles panning for west gold sifting for even potatoes - in Idaho state within the USA - take cover and hide under the desk of kindergarteners 2022. 

It’s bile chaios  -  in DC 2022 that caused children in the USA to abort school - and no mediation known.

Schools are for children to a regulation of the USA standards ethically to assure that schools are open as normal hours and not for school trips -  as a requirement in all countries in humanities ethics for children to be assured a education standard good. 

  While clearly the Russian Kremlin upheld ethics in freedom of the press in every move in all of Russia -  within ethical standards in a sovereign of real standards within complex large international standards upheld. 

While -recently I gained a satire of complexity directly from the REAL MOSCOW TIMES in extreme upset -  in mortifying selfish shock of love and enlightenment of a - reluctant stress - with some self reliance thank you to me as the Russian Kremlins efforts in bold moves towards economical capitalist decency of humanities within ethical standards within a real proper standard in hopes to Russian People with belief of a broaden fortuitous responsibility to peoples of Russia - love extended even to me- and pleasures in folding bath sales -  with at least a freedom of public expression wildly individual in well known Russian culture even if business polite is a emminent loved standard -some how. 

Moscow Times .  Loves Ciggerette Cakes  - I read their messages often as the journalist even gifted me a flight ticket to Moscow Russia as early 2018. And reserved flight to gift me in a exhaultation of RUSSIAN saivoure faire.  What a gift from individuals in Russia to enjoy.  While thankfully emailed - properly realistic - many emails directly to me from the Moscow Times  in 2022. About my book as well-  Manhattan to Moscow. 

Gosh darling Vladimir - it’s about time to check my messages with a delightful hot coco.  I have a pressingly busy week. I included your email -  see. 
ci ce or sea ? My company projects and travel on location - with calls to so many -  are with a projected finacial loss today much more than russia can afford to see- the brunt of conspicuous ruin -  mud flapped back in mesh mud flapping flogging. Dinner invite perhaps could be in your future. Or dance without me. Of course. The classic rendition of the USA mash potatoe. within my proper version was my special minute - but take it. 

 It’s going to be a rage I think another way
. Not my ways to a rage well and delightful. 

xcxcxcxc darling xcxcxcxc.invites cvxvc text messages xcxc and silk pajama what size are you - I will purchase you pajamas, among four hundred others even,  too, and coco dates xcxcx.xc in love notexcxcxcx darling sir vladimir putin, xc are you simply going to be baha ready. When I am ready to baha?xcxc email asapxcc 

Excuse me: I thought I 
might make a old 
anti - political song appear -
 in less than ten seconds 
Jeramiya was a bull frog - 
1970.   To be faire. 

Less then ten seconds: here it is: 

David Bowie -  updated online 

David Bowie Political Song  in a ugly anti- political concern and not as lovely as the steem bath summer not yet posted and not the world famous outstanding guitar 
- Revolution Now into Indian Summer 2022 

to be incredible with baha xcxcx tooxcxc details of a success to even some thought to be just left to hope. 

So many successes -and minutes upset to me-  awful, with so lovely messages and all those minutes with peoples love all over the world.  

David Bowie sent a message - less then ten seconds 
in like Flynn - in David Bowie’s very political messages and some extra guitar - somehow ? 
unknown . I think.. It’s quite nice to see everyone in the audience so wonderful-  it was like events in NYC. The events  in January not announced yet - everyone might enjoy well. I can hardly wait. 

mean - keenly David Bowie your extrodinary. 
 More than one day as forever your lovely too. 

While of course the Russian Country is formidable.  A dignaty that I am not a stranger to in even my many events in international cultural exhibitions reaching Russian love of the wonderful peoples in Russia of some great many events years - thankful achievements with notable welcome and some international honored work for over 30 years. Always quite dignified and extremely well loved. With love returned. My utopian tiny city is outrageously some lovely reality - as peoples are welcoming in so many ways - even going out of their way at times in a properness of fortitude - as once my travel to the invite at the Grande ole’ Opry in Nashville Tennessee, as a very ancient well known Nashville Music Hall Folk Style Symphony Theater, which is quite extrodinay as everyone loved having me as an invited guest hoping I might sing - and many people wished to meet me in person as it was a special honoring event -  as even a little catered food was served in the Green Room with a fine elegant welcome from many friends -as invited by some very fine music Composers that dated back to television excellence in the 1960’s and ole friends I love. 

It’s not a complaint from 
sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia 
to be with a political photographic artistic 
Genius of Fine Political Statement Within 
Historical Aristocracy 

Complaint  from 
Thee Sir Vladimir Putin 
Posted December 17th 2022 

December 16th 2022 

Three days before my most favorite holiday of Christmas , there is still a waf blaster and sound blast stink blasts - some blasts feather weights - many not, often in my . my face with a megatronic megnetic pulsar issue in the USA still with some concern in illigal manufactured - wrongful patent licenses - waf Bile - emotional feather weigh jerkers -zammoli- ow- oh - zamoli -zero to zero going for broke -and vicious Dc Bile - vicious - with some clustering in unethical pencity to corral others -and no reflection of their immoral activity -  in any remorse -  while the visious attempts of these implosive type of issues -  are in dismal stench -  to have even delayed flights before June 2022 more -

Delays on proficient USA public flight fun eased and  good -  experiences -  and not a way to flight a blyme idiocy in a growling groin crop in the USA or anywhere even -  in Europe -  yet not either a front door entry welcome -  even with masked gleekindling wood to burn more decency. Of mere mime -  of a lean on others -  plead -  of please gradituity  -  au ‘ juosse’ incongruent of ethics to beat even the clocks of time -  blasting a trusset ready aime - and stock loch and barrel - kindlings. Small dry tripe set to travel into England ready to fire up the mantles of finest fire iron urns -  yearning to breath others life -  in globulins of rushing wines juiced of grapes in 1 million year old vines -  eyeballed - barrage barrings fixed -  like mute worming winches-  seeking all a inch of new muse emot - no shintz intended - for zen bile spreads - in lip desks BB’’s pot shots to cow -  a insensitivity to refuges for birds in migration - in the USA as too peoples are again once in a fine lenghty use of a pen - ink well. 

Face a sign - blue and bold colours non remedial - 
how ? Gaining flight ? Are weee vill ? eeeks. Seeks genius -  scooped from big country green giant farms ? 
servaying new lands -  met - met - met - oo.

Caine - a - da ‘ ha cha cha ? 
of course BULL WINKLE  is as old as bile dc,  
in a few chairs -  of extreme contention towards USA ethical standards and humanitarian ethical stability in a repose. Whether bile 49ers think so and like it or not. 

Hammer Head Shark ? USA in an update of non previewed link for the first time in memo - the risk of viewing hammer head sharks is all yours. 

December 23rd 2022 Hammer Head Sharks 
Film of ecological studies in aquatic ocean fish studies and swift ocean wind effects of accumulation to memo of today with my early 8 year old ocean studies -  remembered and beach ocean swimming then plenty. 

Some peoples in the USA may know that some peoples also think Washington DC is with a Washington Monument park - sometimes referred to as a “ pool”
of early ancient English of a goodness of a pool to the eyes as a awl in constitutional ethics in humanities. Once Failed - twice again , next a wyndixie. 

Shark data - types of concerns  is also a USA Investment Banking word - is usually known as the NYSE and some how the information of the NYSE is not within a standard of ethical reality yet in the USA. As a detail to perhaps realize in a contention of predated -  concerns. 

what is the solution in straitening our fractional dollars and cents types of concerns today ? Emails to 
George W. Bush may be an area to consider in such backdated concerns of the USA and buy his art book. 

the Hunt Tomotoe Company is Absolutly wonderful and with record sale after late 2022 with a whole greater USA to be very thankful to tiny details and love for Hunts Brand, while not a name to - more than Hunts Brand -  absolutle as the owner of Hunt Tomatoes in a tin -  has an interesting memo note which I posted on December 23rd 2022

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo baha ready soon -everywhere under the sunxcxoxoxozoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo 

xcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxclint  eastwood xc
5:11 pm eastern standard time December 22nd 2022 

Clint Eastwood -  filmed a seven cannon honor to me, in the western half of the USA in the dry Sandy regions 
For miles and miles sand and no water -with some upset in his - little honor when my invites were missing -  and some in super Speedo’s -infested, the amazing Los Alamo Texas Ice Cream Event. Even using a tree step rope to climb up an apple tree -  with only contempt. It looked like a slick mg midget operative to flea more USA, in a flap- and no where seen of the delights yet to wear fringe - notably of my fine fringe worth of a Indian Summer Winter forever. xcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxccxcxccxcxcxxcxcxccx
Moving Forward in Bull Winkle memo: addendum

we’re they eating French ? Do they own money to anyone in lost vines in France chef work - or was it simply historical sss issues farther more - rather for a time of victory -  s sgtauve s sheitzling wing dings s shavis regal parity of  a pigeon roast ? sss ? My father said was a maneuver to never see a - minute to compromise. 

Bull Winkle has Christmas ready 
- in three days more. 

excerpt from my early morning emails from those sweet MOSCOW TIMES peoples and pure love of with a concern for Russia at the Honors to Military and the incredible Kremlin of Russia with esteemed exceedingly brilliant notable history at a lengthy broadly well worthy diplomacy in International Cultivations beyond - a few spark plug sciences. 
THEY ASKED ME - more ? Read 
high art in Russia from me, 
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. the Moscow Times even said pretty please arrive - we love you well - and please lovely Tracy we wish to properly welcomed you with a cherry on top.  I replied:  

is my rental with a folding bath and view of the moon and ease to peaceful - blissful  standards as mine are. 
and ten bags of fruit dates from the middles east at a reasonable cost close to walk to purchase ? 

12.22.2022 good morning to the whole world in over 300 countries, larger than imaginable and an amazing amount of international messages that I so enjoy in such astonishing ways so lovely and filled with a grandure of humanity - I am with increadible thank you to so many in - all countries including the United States of America. The USA has of course some people whom are perhaps visious in unethical ways - and consorted to unethically carral others - in a way to even cause such damage in USA mortification. In 2009 there was an unethical issue with mortgage in the USA and blared in news nationally - then some unethical letters caused some peoples extreme distress with feeling of terror - at unethical banking in a theift to harm - and even attempt to take homes paid in full. Retired people fully paid - ready to happily  go travel a bit enjoy even spending a bit in some - love of Mexico and purchase a tin of coffee or a stew pot style Dutch oven - Mexican treasure. Then bile gained in extreme harm to me, and the whole USA - not even slightly remorseful - at all. Infact - contemptuous unethically to tail humans and use online threats even-  then race to harm more - fast and furiously -  even trying to steel USA air lines or block humans from normal types of work , and flights of ethical fully complete standards. Traveling in deception to even crop upon the President of Italy- in July 2022. 
In the summer of 2022 after attempting to visiously report unethical news about the Dole Pineapple Company - while using the USA cdc offices for a new donuts start up of vile viciousness -  and threatened some with deals - of sealed lips to- carral those that are fine people that were plundered - in the USA.  

The larger greater- of achievements in the World in many ways - have gone unrecognized and with attempt in USA news mostly - in a slime - on humanity - with some that have been preparing for unethical contempt of humanity ethically -  and have no graces of true belief of dignaty of such a larger decency in the larger of many countries. 

While there are so many filling all villages and the world with kinds of unusual ways at times to express love - even to me. It is an unusual year 2022. The space station in the USA has a few unethical issues - in fact true.  The space station in Moscow Russia of the country of Russia is with a large prestigious reputation noted at lenghty years - on a peace in the world of suductive soothing that there is a lovely Russia to note in a large country loved by the world for more than being Russian, while being filled in richness of a kindly devotion from love somewhere. Women and men within scientific space station excellence know the star patterned in the outer universe and more. Excellent peoples they are. While of course there are excellence in space stations in more than just a few European countries and beyond Europe. Men and women whom are fine peoples and like Rootbeer ice cream soda pops too.  Belief - outrageous in a tiny office from a great human in a devotion as a Kremlin of Russia with brilliance, and even unusual at a risk to a message to a avante garte, possible upset to be misinterpreted - of a larger tiny Moscow Russian village - perhaps a risk - of a message in a bottle to see a tiny humanity toward a priority in, upset of me too as the minutes-  gone. The tiny village in Moscow Russia is with an unknown ancient painter - a person known as Chagall, and once worked in Moscow Russia in a very small desk in only an apprentice to a print shop of some menus for risterantes - and then worked as a baker of fine baulettes’ of bread only freshly made daily at 4:00 am baking. It was an extremely small little kitchen and a large front window - and one door in. The light went on each morning 5 days a week Monday through  Friday. 

4:00 am lights on- in a front window of a mere ancient garage- with a door in front and a window- this is all. 

A large table in the clean window was long and old. Basic and sterdy - Chagall had flour whete finest that the world would ever know - from a farm of whete peoples growing whete and grinding it freshly with the whete kernels of whete germ exactly perfect daily. 50 # of whete bags - or 5# whete bags . # = pounds of whete measured precisely to sell the whole field well and none left in that seasonal growing - into the rotation field to more whete -  forever a reputation to have whete to sell.  Dollars -  yes.  Never sold out ? 

Thank full Chagall was. In the early morning in a rather fancy garage in a tiny Moscow Russia was a light shown from Chagall window. Flour all over the table wide -  and a large bauble of gunk - white flourey and then a large type of spade hand held with a bone like handle to chop the whete flour bauble -  well, in perfectly eaqual size - four hundered small baubles - after the larger basin dry sink pot was dumped with a large bauble of bread gunk ( dough of whete bread of course), cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut - 10 and 390 more time to cut perfectly sized Chagall very special recipe exactly the same every day. 400 bread baullettes’ then on to pans and wracked - into the oven over and over and over -  people were traveling. To work at 4:30 am and 5:00 am and 6:00 am and 7:00 am and eight am even some at 9:30 am - bus drivers passing even seeing the light in Moscow Russia of Chagall working earlier 4:00 am -  with busy work. 
Monday threw Friday - the love of Chagall recipe was tempting -  from Chagall everyone though that was exciting - at 10:00 am 400 baulettes ‘ are ready and the front table floury with a large wood special spindle wrack Chagall made alone too-  special only in the tiny village of Moscow Russia - none other as Chagall, little garage -  400 baubles - I would like one please - $2.00 
Plus tax is $2.09

I will wrap in in wax paper and tape it for you. Why thank you very much. Good day - thank you so well, please arrive again any time. Chagal then was with 399 left -  very scared - and seated at a small comfortable wooden ornate chair - it was French raccoco - design from an artist in France - Chagal was able to travel by automobile all the way to France in two months one summer after working a few years in a first job, Two month - off, with savings and the owner of the company of a small business told Chagal -  we will try to keep you as an employee when you return - while I can not promise you a job after two month gone. We have bills to pay. Chagal returned and took a risk - Chagal was only given 20 hours a week and not 40. And could not afford to keep the Job and took anouth job having to move to a new area - then working nights at a fuel stop -  40 hours.  Renting a dismal garage. Cleaned it and painted it well with exteriors house paint water repellent - and then the door had to be replaced - window sache ‘ finer brass trim - and a Pained door of brilliant medium caddemy red. Resilient house paint for exterior water resistant stability. A fine door a bit expensive with brass detail hinges and handles with a village style window - and a small ever green all year pot tiny fir tree of indigenous -  regional trees grown several miles away in a small garden green house - 

Chagal sat in the chair French hand made from a friend whom sells his raccoco chairs spindly of some little strange pointed whirly gig finiale on the finely russet back posts. Chagall’s chair was a meritus purchase -  and felt of a encompassing feeling of minutes in Chagall mind -  spun in gold hopes.  Belonging in Chagall chair -  40 hours even fortunate a job- people in the fuel stop - began to buy bread - baullets ‘ yes. Please .Do you have one ? Of course. 

all sold - as people took a break from work daily to get bread from the finest bread in the tiny village of Moscow Russia.  The 400O people in busses and automobiles were very pleased and soon Chagal was with busy mornings at 10:00 until 1:00. When all bread daily sold. $800. Per day 5 days a week. = no other recipe as Chagall. Nope. It’s Chagall. Yes. I love it. 

I bought Chagall’ bread for my summer in travel and it was Chagall -  fine recipe took time to make- in Chagall French riccocco chair sitting after the baking continued -  Wonderful care of love is a bite of real Bread From Chagall. In Moscow Russia tiny village. I don’t know. Is it Really Chagall - oh yes. Sign on the door says -  be back, gone fishing in the preussian sea. Needed salt.

Chagall in the first year made - $200,000. 00 in Chagall tiny garage - with Chagall fine recipe only Chagall and only made by Chagall -  only Chagall-  then paying the rent and the supplied -Standing room only between 10:00 am and  1:00 pm afternoon five days a week. It was pleasant and the lovely Chagal saved Pennie’s more and more. Sleeping on a soft bed well and converted it every day at 3:30 am into a sofa with large square pillows across  it. With a real victrola - for music albums of A unknown German composer -reflective in love and minutes - a golden purchase in a automobile travel another summer after the bread was okay.  The rest of Chagall arts were a mystery in the USA when chagal arrived only to paint - selling only one painting to a fine owner of a moderate company for a hope to gain one of Chagall actual painting -  not two. Not three,  not four. One. A women arrived -  quickly and was my former employer -  she said any amount of money -  she bought the one chagal painting - from chagal -  she owned a cake shop -  and loved her travel to Moscow Russia fine of Chagall bread she was told that existed of the hands and mind of only Chagall.

Chagall of course rented a fine hotel room - and enjoyed many inexpensive foods from a tiny village of splender -  then long ago.

the tiny painting - exist.

The professional baker of only one kind of cake in the USA spoke of the love of the minutes and seeing Chagall in person ready to sell a tiny painting. Not much larger than a quarter of a writing paper. 

Years went by - and after ten years Chagall made over 
$2,000,000.00 in Chagall 4:00 am chindquies -even keeping a 20 hour a week professional postion of employment at a night employment fuel stop - that was with travelers in Moscow Russia sometime from international countries.   With fuel and trays of cooler refrigeration foods ready and wrapped well.  All delicious.  Cola juice milk coffee and table and chairs too.  Some what fine atleast.  

Chagall - risk everything in fear of sales to hope we’re going to be.   It was a wrenching fear in Chagall to even begin to think the tiny village might buy bread from Chagall in chagalls fine recipe unlike any other. 

Belief in only a missing message now to the Kremlin of Russia - in my email on December 22nd 2022 

To me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett and a letter from the Russian Whole Russian Millitary whom do not know Chagall at all. A history unknown by nearly all of Russian busses and automobiles and villagers in Moscow Russia with whirligig dreams -  real. Love infectious infinite -  with a savvy of known devout a respective sovereignty to the whole Russian Country of a Kremlin.

priorities ? Of the Moscow Times to email me now?

-  from Russia ? What is the meaning of this?  

Frank Sinatra emailed a update message December 22nd 2022  Frank is a well noted person in international composition in music of his special song -  mean keen 
mad man - today with an international bold comment. 

listen with discernment. 
 and Frank’s Italian Lovely Accentuations. 
Frank Sinatra song is his as early of the 1960. 
Frank and I sipped sodas side by side in 1980’s. 
Both with our our own pennies- saved. I said : 
Frank Sinatra -  you made it to my special clam fry 
favorite risterante. Ice cream soda is a delight -
 don’t blow bubbles in your milk Frank 
when my mom arrives please.
 We had some fun for a while. 

Moscow Times today ? December 22nd 2022 from my email this morning - posted at 12:44 pm afternoon 

with priority to email me?   About Chagall baullette of bread to purchase directly from Chagall? 

Moving on -of course Chagal in twenty years made over $4 million dollars alone. Then bought a suite case
and Indian Tea. While emailing me recently among the Moscow Times. Ready to purchase more Toby’s

USA manufactured troubles Toby’s .
 Collect dust ? Again? And  flea? 

Automobile update messages to me, soon in love notes from the entire world of mechanical excellence in automotive engineering - short list. New Year love notes to enjoy more into 2023. “How”is an Indian word that means hello. 

Email from Sir Vladimir Putin with a Monocle, note ? 

Gosh I have shopping to see to in a fine holiday event.. 

It is 3:29 pm December 22nd and the 23 rd already in Russia earliest morning night sleep - of the year of 2022 in the whole world - audience of a kind bold gentle world of love and a message from the extremely wonderful USA chef with five star achieved lenghty knowledge and a very note worthy success in television as early as 1974 - finest quality and details in such preperations and devotion in excellence to a unique finish of a delight to so many whom know of Julia Child’s likes of a standard - of fine basics in a selection of a narrow basic 

Julie Child’s Television special known as 

THE FRENCH CHEF - par excellent 
as a note of  merci as to say 
thank you for my first lessons in classic French Bread at age 8 years old of your exceptional cares in a love of you Julie Child’s and included your fine update 
today on December 22 nd 2022 three days before Christmas everywhere in the world. 

Julie Child’s  a keen film message now. 

the ice cream outing with sandwiches this summer 2022  was a tote to love. More in 2023. 

Karl Marx’ “ famous words en quote directly of Karl Marx “take two asprin  and call me in the morning “ “on second thought, don’t call me.” From Karl’s literature scripted movies - 1960’s. Karl is known in a small school of some excellence in political 
unsap- cherry pie satire of not very funny types of skematical genius - while Karl Marx knows a toaster from a tire wrench - is surely a benidiction of liberation that which heralds a greater circumference in never underestimating a truely brilliant humanity. 

Of course Karl later became a friend of mine -
pleasant human being - with a wild barking dog once. 

The dinner in Los Angeles- was a flight for two. 

see again Karl Marx brilliant comment in 
a film stage with again Doctor Hackenbush Skidtz. 

update December 22nd 2022 

Karl Marx and 
 VLASIC PICKLES now in in my international 
political contention memo 
Why now and 1977 ? 
at least VLASIC PICKLES are gaining good sales in the whole USA too in 2022 with love everywhere. 
Politically Vlasic has sold more pickles than in the history of Vlasic Pickles tiny company. with belief in a USA stabilize worth to continue with ethical economics and ethical constitutional reality in peoples process as USA repose - with already achieved worth. 

xcxcxcvcvlater alagator love from 
princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett December 22nd 2022 

December 19 th 2022 from my tiny village and some extremely lovely love message from Atlanta 
recorded for me - of love from Elton John 
The song is exceptional. xo xo xo to everyone. xo with love Elton my darling xo. 
And great to see so many people from 
the city of Atlanta  in the USA state of 
Georgia USA 

Excuse me :  it’s my birthday month celebration even if my birthday is in the month of March and a bit ruined 
in March 2022 with tampored invites not recieved and tampored text messages not received and tampored mail not recieved in gifts sent with and not recieved in some - piles of upsetting emails in some -  and missing emails too -With many also fine emails with extrodiany peoples in a fine really caring large message and many great messages - some I have knowledge were sent and missing some information - such as even Billy Joel’s phone number -  that looked to be there and wasn’t. Utube and some information in USA Nile tampored in actual messages fully - in techojerking unethical from USA bile and clusters of 49er USA very brutal in unethical tamporing -  that are a extreme concern in furthering types of issues such as USA bile techojerking in any way. With some extra care to the USA in even banking to keep a good count on each penny in your budgeting record notes -In fact a concern in that to some how see a type of error correct -  in place means -  that some in the Bile USA are still in actionable unethical attempts - in need of -  ipo 
locator -  types of issues revealing  the entire - attempt and not the -  damage -  after -  as back dating the string of -  contention in a -  concern toward - tailed flog still in contempt in a type of kite likened flog - flog - flog Flog - flog - flog -  tail with a attempted crushing - USA peoples in a varied -type in a larger tally of unethical pencity without any remourse. It is quite relevant to some bile that did fly to several countries earlier in 2020 -  and they were USA bile -  in contentions in a other countries of plague again of - 
Even some in England a large country that was with a concern  in some USA bile whom attempted to open a bile - fraudulent bank -  connected with a issue in some contention in USA unethical concerns in banking- and unethical news reports -  feeding a dismal - type of bile cluster that -  ENGLAND was with some further unethical news-  again. Just several weeks ago -  in an attempt at the governance of that whom rules the country of all of England - even an attack on English Parlment and that of a concerning matter of all people of England.  Very concerning in unethical news damages in attempts - which were DC bile and were mean as very unethical vicious. 

While - I am excited about the winter of Indian Summer Events that I feel are more important to a grandure to see a great beginning even with a polo travel in my schedule and real baha events all over the world and affordable to all in tiny villages too. 

I wish all to join baha events within some lovely other events including Tiara events of great importance in a achievement to remember in everyone’s life.  Savings are good. Very well done - all. 

Elton John has purchased his tiara worn men style - savioring the tiara on a table to gain excitment towards fine luxuries reasonable in extending some liesure time too all-  wishing for all the world to enjoy. 

greatest of real LOVE. 

The Birthday winter in a dally of fun 
and Indian Summer Winter Announcements are 
schedules to be in my posts soon in December 2022 

later alagator. 

2:06 am December 17th 2022 update of 

Real Professional League USA NFL = football 

From College in Alabama with excellent in Math and extra studies and full time employment to the great 
New York Jets Pro Ball Legue of a Rare Achievement.
message from Joe Namath with some large 
water main pipes known as duce or 
pronounces as duck. National USA honored 
quarter back long run excellence with nearly no tackles. 

post update at 2:22 am after midnight 

with an outstanding commercial dating back
to television in the 1970’s with 

MEAN JOE GREENE  real pro league quarter back
as well with some outstanding champion football. 

thank you Mean Joe Greene with a special film. 

xcxcxcxcccccccxcxcxccccworld news of USA xcxc Love xcxcxccc  to me xcxcxcc and a baha  ready event to continue with a finest Indian summer 
winter events globally 

I found out - the world is in love with me xcxc 
and love the whole world cvxvcvcv imagine xcx
wonderful news xcxcxcx it is a wonderful world. 

Indian Summer Winter of love 
December 7th 2022 Love is real - is - what a risk of love and knowledge in great international work of love
Sting with SOS  December 7th 2022 

World Report World Report World Report World 
sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos ussr sos ussr 
far east europe sos sos middle east europe sos 
west europe sos eastern europe sos europe africa sos

sos South America - and sos ussr love forever. 
sad sod sad sod sad sod sad sod skerm skermish achers
world - report sad 49er dc bile   - USA, hoof it in world new report world news report world news report sad sad sod sad hoofers seek straw sad world report 

Harmful threats today -  in my tiny flat - vicious USA bile again-  and harm to many months - 

world news -  world news - world news - memo only
I received a threatening call from a said spectrum two days ago -frauds and now a fraudulent truck in my entry now near my mail painted as Spectrum - attempting to gain entry to my home and postal mail and front road - whom did not just drive through -  they sat out side my front window of my home for over two hours - with no reason to -  ride after a fraudulent call from spectrum phone services- -fraudulent and threatening with stun that harmed me as a riffling to me in my home -  with remote blasts -  threats - harm to my work and liesure -  that riffled me in my home- in a low blast emittance -  invisable remote type of thing-  in attempts to threaten me - as bile with sound blasts on my throat which were aimed at large truck haulers in 2013 atleast -  December 7th 2022 - spectrum painted truck threatening me - 2:47 pm / the stun riffling blast to my body have been several weeks and after the - post of the lock covers - with extreme visious attempts to ruin my posts and company projects and calm leisure enjoyable to normal standards in all decency - and a large contention of concerns internationally and in the USA of just a few bile that consort to harm my work worth I happily love and take extra effort in minutes to enjoy a reciprocity too - within my simple happy liesure too. 

Was there a Miracle Worker ? warned in the earlier 1970 movie - not to become ever ? In eye care offices ?

It’s not a pleasing movie - and memo’s do exist.  
Data central.   December 19th 2022 update memo. 

Not good to see with any childern even seeing the full movie in 2022 and the film is not available - now. 

While : not yours / but did James get my birthday guitar ? I am waiting on the text messages from James Taylor and will actually list my phone number - for certain messages soon. The messages -just count 1,2,3. 
my text maessage were attacked -  with tamporing as well.  With hot blast at my head and face and neck in a distance remote type of a -  stun that I did not even realize existed. The attempt to me is -  a large contemptuous -  unethical issue and is with some in the USA that are extremely unethical deceptively in illigal righteous unethics in attempts to more undermining attempts in an ethical repose in the USA. Attempts are also a concern for the Greatest of all villages with so many successes so very lovely - as these bile are a few 49er of harrible contempt of repose set forth in ethical constitional legal structure of a people process in ethical repose of great efforts in the USA to solidly - realize the very real stability of most all. 

Snitzeling contentious USA  bile attempts to swerve the hopes of ethical repose in a real solid stabilization, are with some limited time, I would suppose. 

The cares to such a lovely USA in stride of a worth and liesure is such a great reality of much more in the USA of villages all to feel a good breath of vibrant love and life of grandure in worth -  ashame to a sad cluster -of dismal sad sods - for a reality of the greater in the USA to see a care greater in ethical structures solid worth lovely times - sad for bile sending even illigal letters and illigal calls trying to seperate kind dignaty and attack the standard in ethics of real USA to a 
un-noteable existence as sad -  bile reeped to wear the
Indignity they thrust at all USA and seeth to chomp in their meezels teath.  As Europe is free of the dismal reality in unethical contemt of bile few in. The USA and Russia prevails as common peoples - minus sad sod - in a great dignaty to their lovely little fine cultural -  exhalation. In love as all the world of countries are with lovely love too.  Affectionate of a very decent usa of greater peoples. 

David Bowie 
Created a interesting political film after we met again. Ice cream summer cooling. It was political everywhere in the world -  TIN CAN LOVE in a turnstile political rage -good and plenty of December 8th 2022 post at 11:47 am after some oil slick - 

 partake gold medal stardum -
 FLASH in a pan inquisition. 

with love to you David Bowie -  darling - 
and ice cream outings were extraordinary  -  
as Sir Vladimir Putin as president of Russia and other emailed of merit were very Nobel I love the emails of sweets in a secret -  unavailable. Sweet nothings daring dashing man - encoragable. updates all over the world are going to be the height of Indian Summer love notes. 

It was some - ice cream to note 
even in our trip to Russia. Thank you for traveling my way in the tiny village as well.  There were friends in a numerous number with love and a lights on- automobile day as a love symbol - racy USA of a FOGHAT -  wild intellectuals -and love drive in my tiny village and all over the world - and exciting.  Love 
notes of light on -  loveliest. 

Email on December 12.7.2022 invite: 
officially from Vladimir Putin Kremlin 
of the country of Russia.  It’s  a invite usually not disclosed of the Kremlin’s email to me.  
Recieved of December 6th in my USA tiny village in an email schedule request invite:

Darling Sir Vladimir Putin, in jest, very lovely event as 
a grace to the Russian Embassy - what a fine event. May all of RUSSIA be of cares politically and of good cultural love.  Respectfully to you darling Kremlin with love from me and greatest considerations of the early invitation requested from you at your truely esteemed lenghty work in a large honored love dignified of honor. Gold Medal Star.  

Excuse me- I was replacing some dishes that were broken that were important - of a shopping trip with my very sweet delightful mother- with a recording of lectures in my 10 year international peace exhibition waiting in my lovely voice preserved as a quest of self- graces - to my own expressions -  to see of happieness in my love of life.  

December 8th 2022 an honoring note from a 
Message from Mihkail Gobachov waiting - yes. What a wonderful person with Nobel world cultivations that sir Vladimir Putin Putin and I know so well. 

Wonderfully exciting.  

Zubin Meta - was so kind to be at my late birthday 
Celebration -luxurious and lovely. Zubin Meta was outrageously glorious listen   Ole ‘ very good friend from many years. As early as the 1970’s -  A rage of emotional fun. 

December 8th 2022 update on political love. 

email update on December 8th 2022 from a wonderful 
USA company as whete from the many years 
of GOLD MEDAL flour - with two message  noted 
by the Kremlin of Russia, Sir Vladimir Putin, and his RUSSIA  with in large respect of the Kremlin to me as very serious - and serious to  the immense RUSSIAN culture -  with love. 

Gold Medal   Message in December 8th 2022 and a further message of pony tailing news.

in a large respect to me, princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett and the great RUSSIA of sir Vladimir Putins esteemed work and exuberant lovely bold avente’ garte. love    to my greatest diganty-   USA  Gold Medal soil matters to see the pony express  .  Fully a reality. 

Culture Archieve Photograph 2015 from the
Kremlin’s noted avante Garde’ Expressions 
the serious nature of the Kremlin of Russia 
suddenly - known more than ever even of small 
children all over the world - somehow exasperating 
as a extremely kind person -  while not handing out 
pennies in Homberg Germany for all travelers in 
love with German Culture with Russian Bavarian
Crème De La Crème as quite delicious and so close 
to lovely cherished Russia so small of tiny villages 
many of natural struggles even to set forth fortitude of good employment to assure and daily math to enjoy.

Even the love of smallest gardens in side perhaps 
a lovely strawberry patch -  as my mother has always 
cultivated with her esteemed personifications of notable  
delectable cares.  She is extrodinary. Planting a real   Heirloom Rose Bush shipped from a fine variety of the country of England in Europe, with me at my early age of 8 years - long ago- with nearly not one word -  of any.  So gental and kind always. 

. It was the most wonderful day- before we set off to 
a fine well liked risterante with fine clothes and 
enjoyed a French - American sweet -  as I was Blowing bubbles in my milk -  with a fancy staw -untithered in our utopia of the USA of milk so delicious much like the Russian Bavarian crème de la crème ‘ even.  

Avante’ Garte’ worth in statements can be 
perplexing with some pondering in a world of 
so many peoples within so many countries 
in a little care of my own -  archieved photographs 
even from the Kremlin’s photographic notations 
of sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the country of Russia, are with measurements of discerning introspections of ponder much like the dignified
love of my mother sweetly a soft effort of extreme cares -  in my own fortitude of 
a time never to forsaken in  minutes loved.  

archieve photographs of the president of Russia 
sir Vladimir Putin with a back date and Russian 
letters to read - if you read Russian letters and 
with comprehension of real Russian Language
at all. Read  directly from the president.


With kind dignaty in a strawberry field notation. 

with a direct message from Sir Vladimir’s and my friends as and updated statement in the memo 
from my darlings lovely ole’ of kissing men -waiting.
John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, 
Ringo Starr, and George Harrison -  
updated just now. 

Delightfully complex. 

December 11.2022 remembering the story I 
told them years ago of such a lovely childhood 
making music compositions many songs I wrote and blowing bubbles in my milk as well as endlessly speaking of my mothers fine rose planting 
with me-  and her fine details in always growing a little 
strawberry patch inside and tiniest outside of our lovely tiny home.  Forever of increadible achievements as mom is. She may not have realized some keen - advantageous love - real. 

December 11.2022 at 10:46 am from my tiny village in 
the USA set in an abundance of lovely soil to look back 
on in love and distinctions of ethical repose in USA 
reality. And a possibility of growing a tiny real strawberry patch. 

December 12.11.2022  Memo update above. 

Bella Lagoci - productions 1960’s Berated toozel- 
 in blastphomy scizzle med moronic hoptoples origin USA - inventive - pinochle - postal scores - 
from 1960’s movies unfit for any. Revisited 
the full Frankenstein movie origination of fiction
is unavailable - and decisively inappropriate 
at this time -  catch a USA Frankenstein mig
while the full movie will not be available here.  

December 12th 2022

Today many people actually heard me-  in my upset of some of the existing contentions that -  have bile whom attempted to crush my small village in some and other bile swept the reality of harm under the dust they attempted to deceive the USA with -  in still just a few people in the USA -  with an attempt to push my face neck head and body with electronic pulsar megnetic types of USA muck -  in a disheveled - race towards 
swiveling the USA in some dispicable attempts to ruin 
my Indian Summer events to enjoy my full idealism 
in my own country before traveling in some extra 
love of my polo event and my extreme love for a new kind of baha event for the whole world invited and 
with my cares that each human on earth can afford 

as a measure of achievement and that of prudency much like the country of CHINA in the EUROPEAN 
FAR EAST whom has set forth the idealism of careful 
spending and continued short holiday types of day trips
Even many - in a more of ethical love abundantly -travel fun politely caring and even near and far -
  with some delights to my 

own excitment of an affect I had in CHINA and even KOREA too - in earlier 2015 lectures within my economic - cultural , peace exhibitions in the USA and internationally. 

The delay in the USA with a drag -  from a
MG MIDGETING oil slick is not exactly 
MIG. protocols internationally -  if you understand which is a mig - rather a mitagation that is actually 
aimed directly at some in the USA whom are 
involved with bile dc activities at bile pointing at them in many realities and few bile Of a reality as clarity in truth  -  sitting on ice slick - hot types of tamporing and attempts to dismantle - solvency and rip out sales in even DOLE pineapple company. If just 
to lust themselves over 1/10 of one cent -  
with harm to my minutes of my little 
lovely company as well. 

It is notable to peoples today to realize that 
Oil Slick MG MIGETING in a small determined 
aim  towards -  furthering contention
deceptive - is a notation toward - flagrant hoc muscling even with clam tunging positions is  possibly while mostly as an outrage-  rit soap box in perpetrated crossed eyed - presence of self repulsion towards - self inflicted reflective unethical gob - shoved at the larger real village to village of millions of villages of greater peoples in large populus better and better. 
As for a few-  with some in noted error and not intended in a large USA unethical distention -  making a good effort within ethical repose of acheived real decency.

What is what ? There are enough people in the USA now that are perhaps in new employment and with a mundane detail to fulfill -  that can be more dismal 
in not enough business. Making working basic details 
dreary and even scary -  in a personal note of my reflective nurturing of some lenghty cares of my own. 

The upset of even a new day of waiting for business 
to be steady in USA villages may not effect larger companies with an analysis of consideration in a larger 
broaden reality.  The delays on-proper mitigation of a people process in the USA of   some contentions in bile activities were not a thrust of other countries anywhere to stir of any that are a gaining lovely - a hope to an ethical sure decent stability and assure their selves to a devoutness of ethical repose with interest in the political people process more in ethical constitutional resoncibility within a structure of reality reachable of an immense caring lovely greater USA peoples. 

Respected dignaty as to even be a kind reality even to groceries to spend and frugal in some extra choices in a achievement towards self fortitude healthy liesure and a care to fresh foods and good standards in economy prices in some keen notations discerning and a stabilized care of self and even stability of fine kind shopping days -  enjoyable for any worthy in work of great efforts. Real penny expense budgeting makes a difference. World culture exasperation of perplexing -  surprises ? and - with areas of distress at times not 
to be slicked of MG midgets oil spins -  some times even with a sound of a Scotland -  player piano -  and not a Scotland of real great Scot’s such as my very darling friend Sean Connery - canner of tin can apples 
mostly while dabbling in some well read poetic justice
movies ? Soon again in minuette film short segments 
with dvd readiness perhaps as I should assure queste’ couse’ cie’ ( secret French preswasions overtly kind. ) 

The player piano ( is an electric piano that can swizzle the mind). Unlike a key board electric inexpensive piano that is not with automated non touch need or a used as a tricky slicking in press and active sound on -  with no real music -  actually read in music notes and on a real keyboard piano or a fine brass string piano that has brass hammers to strike the brass string so finely made and easy to see -  as not many player jute joke pianos are made -  or known- more as a types of rivet towards a Houdini -  issue - to use a sardeen can 
spindle to press a button on and on and on in a failed 
personification of learning even an electric computer
long mod piano verse a mohogany hand built string and hammer ivory black and white hand strewn key piano of the most ancient from trees in Africa -  in ancient million year old fine piano strung in love in  cares.  Ocean shipped as a fine purchase hundreds of years-  Russian brass import string -  middle eastern grimmets  with brass caster wheel cases fully eased in English Built to  Ship -   with French Apholstry -  Greek burnishing tools warn by hand with Spain and many other countries filled with extensive Bone China Plates and cups and trivets in ancient Royal  Ming Dynasty Blue  Willow Glaze Fired technique in what’s known as a oven Khiln - of a beautiful excellence in masterful painted design in added Japanese tea -  Far East persimmons of leaps towards gifted delights in merchant shipments - ahoy. yes. 

West to East and yet still no notes yet in that of 
Finest America’s not yet. Details delayed.  

Pollywoggimg  - delays on mathmatical love in the USA with exemplary keen interest in practice of fractions until the end of time. With breathtaking studies of distance calculations in even baha traveling short mini holiday more and more in effiaciant 
- ( loves cultivations ). A glance of  about fractional margins in pennies to save more and not be hoc -swirled of mg midgets with no compliance in any reality.  

Again- the approach I have in concerns of January 2020 
into June 2022 are unusual. True.  

The approach in attempts to implode my company and sweet lovely life are not to dismantle the success of 
decency ethically - with a dismal stench bile ? Again ? 
-  imploding the natural worth of my esteemed work.
wif waf or quake frizzle ?  

I would never take a risk on my own worthy efforts that 
are with a certain aspect of articulations in humility and 
an extra - effort that I noted in a memo -  not a measurement to set forth an implosion attempt to my lovely kind - broaden cares.  It is true-  I have to say-
there was a minute that even the Kremlin of the country of Russia noted me in jest ( sweet soft words of kind soften humor of only a dignified minute) “ a barracuda”
perplexingly humorous - in 2015 to see the email as 
a Silly soft kind  note  “ A Barracuda “ note details unavailable at this time.


Boning (cultivate some introspective interest ) 
update of a upset to my Indian Summer Winter events is only a few minutes more in any considerations of even one more day in a pure waste of my time -    

After all, I have a lovely approach in the love note that is a continued little extension of a letter that is devoutly respected in many years of my project known of love to a czar - as “ Barracuda “ Noted - sweetly from the daring Russian president Sir Vladimir Putin. 

As to note among many cares a large exhibition of my own work in lenghty peace and economic as a cultural fortitude -  notes well.

Baraccuda Notes was tampored with at google in the USA and was destroyed unethically online 2018 with USA tamporing in google from unsavvy types of very awful USA people.  

Is the memo an area of my better love of my own work 
cultivations ? Not really.  That is true.  While concidering the concern to the USA in some reality 
of a -  care. While a separation of some distinctions in a 
USA -  swarting - is a   separations-  to meritus achievements as is a lovely melonge’ of a dignaty of USA peoples. More existent fact more and many. 

Some may have -  aches in their fortitude of a solid 
placement  of even regrettable being. Of course 
looking back as my upsets in March 2022 in enjoying a holiday were with thoughts of an ache in humanity 
in a small reality and extremely larger beliefs of humanity - Legislation in the USA has a slight legal veriance of ethical structure more than a year ago- 
towards a peoples process of a real ethical carefully step by step repose that is vital of ethical responses of all USA peoples and a many of international peoples whom can send a responders too in a interest of lovely respects toward a USA repose of eminent ethical humanities as a process of reality. 

And not my decision at all as it is my opinion noted in cares of clarity - to be knowledgeable of - of course. While a success to that of a peoples process which assured a larger stability in far more interest than simply a just a hope to dignaty.  Even of assured warmth in snow pants and coats effectiveness  for all ages in a reasonable price to enjoy a real winter holiday. Of a extreme kind reality of a whole country villages many -  a whole world -  a solidarity of music in meanings of vibrant love -  expounded in brilliant expressions of echos in a universe of love to peoples 
brilliance in even notable deliberations and affections 
of even a exhaustion toward brilliant love - love towards me.  

Piled up on my tiny village stair entry was a fine tune of some a bit shaken in knees and a little gift to see even my calm of noted cares -  a bit chattery yes.  

With fine nice care in some days. Even the Dallas Cowboy Cheer Leaders arrived in a little kind baubling of love -  in polite dispositions and some earnings from a project I sent in honor of Dallas Proud Decency a few years back. 

Bringing some large business in to Dallas and throughout. desperado Texas in a dining travel project for the whole state of Texas in the USA as early as 2016 while the success of sportsmanship of the USA rules kindly were much apart of my love in some project work as early as 2013 more fiercely noted kindly. Of course I learned baseball alone and did play with sport ethical rules at age 8 years old. Rare secrets exits about me. 

Hello to the Dallas Cow Boys football Men of Rules in 
excellence in math - and fine earlier school grades studied and a fine reality for Texas with a bit of respect for bringing some extra traveles into the Whole State of Texas with many cities - of peoples and in 2016 opening many risterante and shops in business real- increased sales and polite great travel worthy into large USA state of Texas from all over the country - in a tiny project event extra I planned - the Cowboys know me and said please - yes great business and good sports - 

increasing Texan USA love -  my way - and a good solid success into 2022 in a leap year - fast back to business well and good.with  unforgettable men 
Thee Dallas Cowboys -  with great films 

I invited the entire NFL as in the entire USA football professional major league in all 50 states to enjoy my peace project - envogue- while I updated their work beginning in my 2013 peace and economics online exhibitions internationally  with daily post- updates 
and then my international  exhibition - 

Arriving to my events from all over the world as well.

I am delighted of REAL LOVE. 

my football friends from Dallas and the professional league called and I invited them to a real event of peace and economic - Texas Style -  with my love and people traveled in and loved the online presentation to dine into Texas and even view from everywhere in the whole world - My gosh -  exciting - with increadible Texas USA success even in 2016 -  with great Texans 
and USA love.  Marvolous update - Kisses to everyone including all in the huge State of Texas. Catch ! And extra thank you to some Dallas cowboy peookes that traveled my way in New York this year. kindly thoughtful - I love you all. 

updated Dallas Cowboys “envogue” .
 December 13th 2022    Now where are the 
Dallas Cowboy Cheering Professionals with very good 
specialized choreography- outstanding in USA efforts in Bunsiness Event Special Efforts with fine humanitarian sports culture excellence- and a lovely thank you from me for arriving at my NYC international exhibitions and extra efforts in peace and economics. Love from me, princess 
lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. - kisses too catch ! 

Dallas Cowboys Cheering 
Excellence in Chroreography Women of 
the Dallas Cowboys Professional USA Football Team 
in the city of wonderful lovely Dallas in the state of big state TEXAS in the USA of Texas of course of the United State of America - USA 

Enjoy the film 

A huge thank you to OJ Simpson in the USA Professiobal Football USA and an honored atholete and friend from long ago. Updates with OJ Simpson Style champion football now -  soon posted and a special thank you to you OJ for arriving at my NYC international events. 

A special thank you to Joe Namath as a quarter back marques professional Football professional in the USA major leagues as well. Starting out sports great reality at the University of the state of Alabama USA and more updates in even greater sport major leagues soon. 

Memo love -  reality.
xcxcx baha xcxcc baha ccxcx bahaxcxcx 

What a surprise everyone - xcxcxc baha xoxo 

A most special lovely kind of women you are with exceptional thank you and thank you from everywhere all over the world USA - as loved across the  USA. 

The legislation is in session ( structures a different way ethically ) . A similar reality in USA history of a mess was with a same process in a way -  not unknown of a ethical standard to a process of the peoples in a serious consideration which peoples ethical have a decision to respond -in a choice to respond and needed -   in a deliberation of some steps towards further steps in decisions again and again in standards of humanities provisionary ethical composure in a ethical constitutional repose ( plum Ethical ) .  

Of course -  I extended my efforts to hope that the Russian President and perhaps a selection of five other presidents in Europe might concider a risk -  of care in a ethical provisionary request burdening Europe as -  fine friends to me -  and an upset to owe them anything as a reality -  of such -  areas not of my mess -  and extending my friendly dignaty in such obstentions 

to burden such response to ask of Peoples and governments and to that if a properly assured note to thee  Presidents  of Countries in Europe a burden.  

Is an arrogant kind hope -  as not to ask the governments of wiggle.  Of course the nature of ethical abounding structures ( saying structures as not a USA ) meaning the issues involved with a legislation -  without an international consideration of exemplary ethical repose in the USA would would be with a -  concerning issue -  not to hope for a way to mediate in a polo or rather not either a  poling a -  reel to catch fish as a new need.  Mediation of what ? what I am implying is belief in ethics -  and stabilization -  with a peoples of greater reality as effectively interested in a better existence of stabilizing within ethical fortitude real.  

Yes of course I am mesmerized Arnold Shwarzenager in delight of even my notes - emailing me with lovely cookies he filmed with his chow puppy so cute - and was outstandingly loved in my minutette short films - with a dvd selection soon even prehaps of a new sorte of dragon -in cultural delight -  while Arnold is a noted governor Of the whole state of California USA and an Austrian Born Citizen of Austria among fine lovely people in Europe in Austria near the Swiss Elps mountians as the very highest place on earth.  

of course Arnold is a ole friend of mine -  and a world champion weight lifter and yes movie areas too.  
Arnold finely cultivated cookie film was a international global loved film. Very special intensity as love exists more due to Sir Arnold Swarzenagger. 

More in a fine love note to me with graceful actual humility -  in a internationally savvy fluff. 

As USA peoples everywhere know -  in August 2022 
I made an unusual effort that was confounding in belief and my own effort -  in a mg midget oil slick - of dismal - tiny motors not large enough to drive a chip monk -  

Muscling -  mg midget -  swarthy -  self slurping 
Chirping loonacy -  mg midget of all muscle mucus dribble - If I am with malicious issue in the USA and 
took such minutes -  hoping to gain some burden in a question to presidents in Europe,  of course -  

this leaves a plausible inquisition of some unethical in a issue not perplexing looking in news in national reality in the USA with no furthermore in a capsized -  attempts in a swart of unethical peoples causing tamporing concerning to 

a USA that are vital in my belief.  

What to do with toilet chain bile even causing inflation in -  and attempt to mangle ethics and personal - directional threats -  as the president of Italy pointed out that it was an idiocy of hainus unethical mortifying drizzle and a sheer attempt to shovel the intended harm to a new dismal perpetuation -  while attempting clusterin carraling and contempt of a truely impotent blistering inadiquite - the small mg midget engine of smelting smorking as blat - reflects a slime radar act of inclusive unethical actionable offense illegally in a hide um om - deliberate contempt at USA peoples ethical repose -  to a concern of a mere 99 Bile bile riding drones flights -  over the USA ethic s in stolen goods and unethical -  assets acquisitions - illigal attempts of fraudulent merking - Imagine the worry of ethical bankers that are with good standards and do not want a ash to ash idiocy.  

Brow beating blasters with neroprolectic stuns as Bile eat USA dignaty in large success of spotted bile dung. Name dung more.  With 90 % attempts to harm in a rate of  lost income -  that could have stabilized winter in economic standards for a much more success in a wage -  addendum in next years increase and more vibrant of eppervencent achieved reality. - Attempts at propelling a down sized as bile - attempted - swindling in Bile threats -  cause a deficit in many ways beyond just -  a economic steady reality. 

 As if I should struggle to sleep and sing and record and use my personal office equipment as should be- or struggle to invite 400 president as friends to my afternoon lunch over the summer -  etc.  

The sales of inexpensive snow suits at any city to enjoy a luxurious water proof fluff coat to sink into and tote to a warm beach to baha was -  with a intent of avibe Bile to delineate as a party they had in news sloothing nose on the USA - wiggle freedom - platform sandles ready and cocoa beaded mens sandles platform too.  

Sales in China and Russia were targeted by USA bile  bumphizers -  to deplete -  and some level of reality of sales in such little selections I made in snow wear months ago to post live notes earlier  - were a loss in eased revenue in a USA pressured in tamporing - which are measured in ethical ways under ethical reality of design ethical competency of broad structural design ethics.  Sear corporation sales increased in a few sales -  while the improved incline to sales at Sears is with hope that Sears sells fresh fried cracked egg sandwiches and chop chop potatoes fried at their little fine food bar -  ease for younger and all ages to space seats and gain a certainty to enjoy lunch at a long counter -  and not be infested as hopes to a table with ten chairs - of contention crawler of hoofing hoc. 

In a 90 % gain plum straiten as possible - and not loss -  in hopes of a revenue to not to denote-  the winter holiday could have been with some companies making a decision of an extra week wages towards a holiday -  To pay extra for a winter reality - to all employed as well worthy companies in owners decisions standardly decide -  in a stabilized USA.  Regrettably this year the efforts of so many people were excellent really with no way yet to summering the extra winter week extra payment as winter holidays still will be extraordinary . Periotical Tables in math are a reality and exciting as well globally in a set antisipation -very posh - complexing - radical secret not yet available -with my tour delayed in the USA before my aria in Beijing China. 

The legislation again:  what is what again.  well Bile in the USA sunk to a low again ditching themselves in a spotted pigeon hole more than these mg midgets - can actually imagine as to sit - as zamble weads arrogant escargots snibbezels -  misfits elph- zanbulevillets - with malicious active intent of malice thwarting - in motion like a strobe light slow caught -  hooked them selves dangling dingles - never an astrialian dingo boot better for binglewarts  of dismal disease midget of mg -
 with some reality of a consideration of peoples in the USA.  If I suggest to select a email of three mediators and six presidential mediation contacts agreeable of some mediation of agreeable - hopes of and in the USA to just see an email from every USA person in a care and ethical protocol of peoples in the USA in greater repose in ethical deliberations -  I have to say -  it is possible - while at this time -  the concerns I have are for a farther mediator in a reduction of concern to Bile carraling in a pullpit pea size spit with malicious intent -  in similarities to blow fish -  

There are some structural damages to news clarity that can not be a - degenerative process of bad wind ( wind = is a word unually reserved to a meaning of good sense political structure at a lenght of peoples cares in deliberations to think - ponder thought and note they have ethical considerations constitutionally within humanities structures of ethical provisionary realiry). 

Bad wind -  nicely polite to admonish - blither in unethical contempt hides or none.  

Of course EUROPE presidents can not - consider a reality towards -  being accountable for USA ethical stability and efforts of structured repose -  

That is not a option -  while I myself  can not swerve my projects as I would respectfully continue in a love of dilligence in my own projects -  with devout excitment - I do say. True.  

The - deliberations of ethical government standards is a reality of a caring good ethical peoples process - and of a greater good to a ethical stabilized strength of a reasonable reach in basic greater standards in the USA and also stabilized assured banking with some fortitude of standards broadened in repose -  baha infact too as an extra little excitment in my project extended - memo 
- upload a what ?  No no.  I could not see to a second screen -  instant relief -  screen in what ?  

About face -multinational Moby . 

Excuse me.  It is December 11th 2022 and a review of a few USA concerns in the reach as my gift to the USA and Europe South America, Cuba, Haiti, Bermuda, Jamaica, Canada. And the Dallas Cowboys -  

It’s a winter holiday to know eternal of a kindness in ethical schools too so soft a utopian winter into -every grassy spring to look at lovelies from June 2022 and beyond.  

What should be ? Where of golden sweet a remembrance to the lust of a love in fruited farms grandure a abundance in a vitality-  expressions in a aria listening a swirling like in Rootbeer soda pops and finest thick sandwich stops -  seated if a lake of twill of geese goslings wattling a slight -  whist of happieness in swifter flight.  Wished to stroll, stamp or a tramping trot so boldly kind in a fir of an ever green ever so kindly a wallop in a glance of a wallbea if only in moving pictures of a love to open a note of a wallbea at a near by mote - tote a swizzling stick many affordable in a fluff more and more of a village tiny a message to a devout love -  still none heard of a loon - swaggle- a turtle dove svelt -  maybe some time.  Minutes oh a minute denote -  firmly a world -  a ethic so-  

gotta go - see you later alagator -  

Update legislation soon. Subject to concerning reality 
selections of emails to A.  B. peoples process USA to 
Burden Presidents in Europe -  not a day at the races.  

Accountability of unethical matters update to ponder your decisive personifications of Soap Box Results  in a contention and results -  decisions of a ethical peoples process with matters of USA extended invites to ponder in all countries with a message now to all peoples  every where in the world. Sitting or standing .  

xcxcxcx tomotoes slice with salt and mayoniase xcx 
and xcxcx a telli turnstile information job resource 
xcxcx  extras xcxcx.needs xcxcx infalibale xc cares 
Furthermore xcxc. Evergreen xcxcxc. Hearts xcx 

Carl Marx in a movie :  A day at the races 

As a political joke ?

movie   No joke.  

The  full movie is not available. Not at this time. 
It’s an awful reality for a few that span the USA in dismal distress and attempted to attack over six countries in listed in USA news with some unethical allagations and even hundreds of other unethical USA news in late 2022 after June. Harmful to the USA peoples reaching to afford a rental flat and hope for ethical work opportunity to gain a calm - and afford baha into spring 2023.  

It is 11:38 pm eastern standard time 
December 11th 2022   Recap :  
The postal mail in the USA and internationally now have a reality of a ethical way to see accountable concerns in a assured effort to knowledgeably noted a way to assure jobs and quality to great postal peoples whom make large and sometimes difficult efforts to assure postal standards in delivery - not being unethical upset to quit and enjoy the good earned worthy work even more.  

Thus:  companies are have an improved standard to see their business last with their own qualitative measures and not a missing product or a requested return of money in a agreed purchase and a wish of peoples whom purchase to enjoy the product purchase.  

This assured a standard of the USA even a step further in a reality of no insurance paid out to items not delivered -  and even tamporing in computers in the USA postal areas were a BILE cartel deception within USA and few are involved in the issues that were a difficult issue of Bile contempt of humanity.  What else became in a postal improved care ?  The postal office gained more sales of postal package pay -  real - non deficit of any excess need to a tax extortion attempt and caused unethical rise in inflated costs -  no longer applicable to standard lower postal structures regulated prices shipping which includes any online sales to be accurate to the international limits in postal standardized prices for shipments -  the expectation in the USA are bold to a real adjustment in a people approved lowest shipping coast with excellence in a more postal dollar gain that gains a excess ( known as reserved money)  -  which goes into the tax revenue of the USA in a effect towards a better standard in complex tax -  which can increase retirement in a real review in the whole view of a peoples repose in real USA legislation of the peoples of the USA in summer 2023 with much to decide as USA citizens in a methodical ethical reality. 

Those are from some extra consideration in all peoples to have made a better year a reality and a large strident constant effort ethically real efforts in the postal reality in the USA with my graces of imminent thank you to Europe Presidents and Presidents beyond the USA.  

There may still be some boardering Canada concerns and into Mexico of some USA tethered provocation of malicious intent - as still a real Bile DC USA Bumpang cluster -  and the provisionary international cares are large as even a care in ethics and a concern of ethical standards -  as not a hiding area of befangled Bile
Coladium of Infested unethic back and fourth - to endanger the hopes and fortitudes of boardering area of BILE continuum  - as a reiteration of noted reality.  And very happy countries love to the USA with a welcome and open sign to businesses to see a fine dignaty and a wealthier year into 2023 too.  As no lauphing matter in assured concerns of some bumphaited Bile in the USA to smooth ride other countries again. 

While some difficulty may need some efforts to assure in ethics at a greater worth in Canada and Mexico well achieved with many massages to me too in love again and again and again of affections well and good with my special large thank you personally from me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. 

The maple syrup people of Canada large companies even drive a big rig 18 wheel truck in with a sign to me of love and thanks. Many others as welll and risterante in my tiny village made alright earrings too.  Not a loss in such great kind efforts and a achievents in so greater effort of good talk to many in a travel back -  to my tiny village to like well -  lovely word of peoples professional kindest approach to good bussiness ongoing through a snowy warm daylight winter in a first Indian Summer winter love and quite spectacular in the tiny village -  as well.  
The governors in 50 states are experiencing a happier healthy reality with schools free in ages 5 of Kindergarden half days and 6 in first grade all the way to 12 th grade as a actual requirement in school efforts for a brilliant standard in education of a excellence in great USA.  

There was a impeachment as everyone in the world and all within the USA were a large part of -  and some area to extended concerns -  and a time of pondering the accountable unethical outcome ? 

The social security peoples worked with cares and the smooth. Efforts went better -  tax treasure for retirement gain steady revenue to a country of standards to be very pleased in a large effort of worthy abundance in ease and enjoyed work sometimes mundane and liesure with lovely caring USA of new travel in all close and farther too.  Map reading is a fine cultivation -  forever. 

Some thought to be experts -  may have failed -  while a few are with unethical discontent in a clustering  of real genuine bile creating a cultivated mess -  towards themselves.  Seething seizels. 

December. 27 th 2022,  it is a bit of an upset to me today actually-  the nature of my work in my internationally very well known worth - has had unnessary spit and harm,  the bile in the USA are not exactly - mellowed to a non contention - with frankly some connective concerns - which of course is not a real area of reasonable assumption in any reasonable way. My decency and broadly noted work - has been very harshly disrupted -  as is my delightful daily reality -  with missing messages - in part- and the online tamporing from USA soil - is of course with some hand over fist - bile that -  have mangled some mess for themselves more in -  perhaps a boardering traveling lulliquie even into Russian Side walks -  

with some concerns for Russia in simply a email that was a bit perplexing on July 4 th 2022 from sir Vladimir Putin in person to some note - of care towards me- and stranger in Non Russian Military in high step boots - made for standard dress boots - while more than the USA was missing a chance to even purchase stylish boots - The president of Russia Sir Vladimir Putin is increadibly keen, culturally savvy and kindly a very ethical decent human respectively, while perhaps even with a greater humility in ethical hopes of even Russia to a excedung signification towards even hope to a country in the USA of more than just  a be seen as a land of -  chipping into the greatest luxury of lovely life as to chip away time of minutes in breath of minutes toward a self-    It is a upset in Russia today. It is a upset in the USA Today - the USA has no time to dally with those in a swizzling of -contentions which people are aware of. Is the concern with some blasting in the USA - a reasonable placement of - shoving an explanation into a new contention - to that of whom should explain - recent USA headlines -  and dithering leaps towards USA whom were holding up flights and information on even ethical 
real humanity -  travelers in whos cash how - to Zurich in Austria from the USA ? and then some barrister that - represented un Russia in no legal meeting that was in no way ethical -  and no ligitimate Russian President or other all in European presidencies were at a faked unethical UN meeting that was in the USA just earlier in 2022. Some wrong to me has not been a area to ethical standards in a issue of perplexing cornering towards just blistering my time - with a -  flight of infective mortifying dismal stench of breading a new hint of disease -  as to plaster a blight aimed from any where at me.  There are some fragile caring peoples in Europe - even pope Francis if the Vatican whom just recently sent me a message in holiday cares to me of discernment towards - a difference of a fragile Europe - in even the city of Rome in the country of Italy with no leveraging point to -  an injustice - a care of large and smallest cities and peoples everywhere and not a - belligerent type of lie to blister my delight in a solitude and extensive international worth. For  a delivery of an infest to Rome in Italy or any country to bargain - a dismal feast into the delights and ethical calm in a minutes -  even those minutes in Russia of solitude of ethical steadfast fast love to not leap into a -  unkind towards such a noble government with a exceptional president -  Of Some Selfless - Political Messages Of extreme expressions -  more than hope.  More than a swiveling field to herald in -  even more fragile to accept hiding in a slight tarnish - not yet with the fullest measurement of a finest pure exaltation in such a large country very lovely -  very delightful even savvy -  
and with a delightful success in villages not as fortunate some times as Italy in ways of small illustrious little areas easily traveled more. Perhaps warmed than Siberia Russia - while castles in Siberia Russia are with a finest wool worth great history as the city of Rome in Italy.  

Dare I say-  travel now to Siberia Russia and feel welcome hoping not to run out of Parogies and Sluced Chicken Sandwiches with many whom may enjoy Siberian Russian Travel -  even some day near or from a far city in Russia. Kind news of the government -  I hope yes. A travel trip delayed to the castle of Siberia in Russia - for a princess such as me, I mean myself - princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, now? 

My snow pants and coat of Russian Standards are delayed -  summer ? Is gone now of 2022 and the closest place to the moon is the city of Siberia Russia in fact, as I must sing a song there you see, waiting a lenghty time to see a message to my great great great grandmother to hear me.  At least, My great great great grand father was a person -  notable too, Royal as they were, I know from Siberia Russia they would hear me in the heaven above -  5000 years, more perhaps.  

Siberia Russia is the very closets place on earth to the lunar moon far and farther the distance of even more stars above - they might know someone loves them.  

A Royal history -  tarnished in Indian Head Nickles broken into English library notes missing why ? 

I should not have - seen such a ruin. Even a small village as Siberia Russia. Waiting even in tiny little warm delightful lovely homes and businesses and a glimps at a village - here in saranac lake -  excited everyone so well.  What a lovely Russia of so many tiny villages and savings too even more now-  achieved 
thinking about a Porche Automobile and a train to even Rome Italy one day after language studies difficult in Italian -  not easy.  Pennies in Jars and delightful messages about Cherry Cake too- I missed everyone this summer in 2022 on my train in Russia alone of course as noted in automobiles and trains and cabs. 

Du Luge ? Will anyone even try de luge - maybe bobsleds near the Royal tiny castle in Siberia Russia on a pile of snow in pure fun.  A stroll out among everyone with a selfish tote to enjoy the Christmas stew-  and gold shimmer of a fine risterante -  in golden fringe REAL RUSSIAN style -  

xcxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo. abc 124 xo

update USA cartoon not a Joke December 27th 2022 

Mag Pie       news - ready gogs and waited periotical tables delayed due to mag pie theory to uphold all mag pie travels. Repete.

in French language : repetette’ repete in English 
what is the word for repete in over three hundred 
countries ?     Is it commonitio’ comprhende’ aye 
Pizano ‘ ah solo Mia ‘ 

Repete in Russian ‘ comrade ‘ 

Repete in France ‘.  amie’ et de muse’ Wei ‘ 

Non - commendito’ comorhendi’ non amigo ‘ 

Memo dated December 28th 2922 at 1:26 am eastern standard time saranac lake ny small village USA. 

Spicka’ du Dutch ? 

moving on, with my schedule as planned in my days - is very important to me-the Indian Summer Winter Event Schedule I easily plan - well, was with dallied 
- Delacroix -  nitchi’ mg midgetting - with some perplexity to harm my days and a shotz of upsetting concerns in Europe too, Mag Pies pied pipering flouting - not in good intentions - surprising to Russians 
and all of Europe- I dare say yes. David Bowie has been kind to wait in Tokyo Japan actually. Flight missed for Christmas Dinner even. 
I may be able to see that David Bowie could even sell dvds globally. David Bowie was so sweet to care  too.

While The gratus Houdini was a mythic in simply pushing Houdini’s nose on to any desk or a nob to actually gain wisdom about things my father said when I was only 4 years old. Hodini Gratus was in movies - and theoretical faulce - full exposure -  and my father said (1969) was to take any tooth in front of your mouth lose - and tie a sting to it, and then tie the other string to a door nob - then close the door alone -  the front tooth lose will fall out.  Shut the door he said -  

Hodini was a contortionist of majic and with a nose to the lunch table nose pressed on the desk eyes on it closer than imaginable -  pressed nose Hodini then desided to defey world order of the reality in realistic greater -  challenging espirituse in a good fortituse larger -  needed a spot light -  so a lull - and took largest cameras to drag a phone booth classes walks on four sides to get to a side walk near a small salmon River area and then took chains all alone and secured a selfish Hodini oh and - in four clear glass walls of a small view of a small phone booth - purely visible to all in side walks and with hodinis large boom camera and boom drop lights on - roll um Hodini said softly- 

with talent Hodini then chained self arms and legs too and even put a little sash of red silk on hodinis mouth ties with gental care - tiny brass locks and a large ring for brass keys - many.  Every where was 16 keys all tiny brass - The gratus hodini then was skilled -  to say aloud -  hodini of one hodini could remove all the large and small brass lochs with an incredibly large brass key rink -  after asking two others to lift the glass box clear glass walls on four sides to then toss -  hodini said -  hodini said “ I will get into the clear glass phone booth all four walks clear glass and then please once I am in and then I lock the door inside - Please -  hodini said : I have the extremely large brass key in my chained hands with 16 large brass locks and 7 small brass locks -  my key is in my hand -  hodini asked - begged -  please, could you ? ,Repeting, four I am the gratus hodini and I will be able to unlock all the brass keys after I am under the river water in winter, so t lift the phone booth when I raise the brass large ring with all the brass keys -  then over the side of the bridge to go under the water of the salmon River -  as hodini was talented and resilient of coldest winter ice in the little side walk- roll um  as hodini screeched softly making sure the movie camera filmed hodini defeying water to just assure hodini would unlock all brass locks as hodini claimed only the gratis hodini could see three to lift hodini in salmon River over the bridge rail in a winter ice and break the ice into a deep river and unlock all keys before the water filled the glass phone booths and then be seen in camera under water feircely unlocking all 16 brass locks with tiny brass keys and setting hodini sown hands free to open all glass doors with a open glass door small to then swim and assure hodini freedom and prove the freedom and power of the gratis of majic of only hodini - with hodini orders to beg the others to toss hodini over the side of the bridge to be seen as theE Greatest magitiin whom ever live.  

Film memo of political bridges -  theory

four -  movie history USA of outstanding film footage. 

December 16th 2022 Good day to everyone in the whole world and notably also those in the USA whom are of the greatest - among the entire world. Including that of the country of Russian Peoples of a notable good country and of a President Sir Vladimir Putin the very decent towards a large governance in Russia. It is important at times to reiterate the dignaty of peoples - as not to fetter- that of a belief in such incredible people 
- with some greater deliberations in the USA to all peoples as ethical a constitution in the USA that was slightly a - 2022 misery even to the multi-national corportation of Johnson and Johnson - with no revenue earnings to be cornered in a attempt to forfeit their ethical profits - and gain a pack of toothy volunteers - merely a blur to some very good teeth too- in real wages and ethical jobs to chose - not Johnson and Johnson’s owners fault - or those in a history of great products from being importuned of employment small eased details - with fine dining at home- and learning to garden even pear trees if chosen -  in a tiny indoor pot even.  Johnson and Johnson powder and grocery store products were a very notable product non - food - products the USA peoples enjoyed well.  Worth a mention - and honor to the origination of excellence in even a fine profit to that tiny office of the owner in a great responsibility in looking over the budget and details to employment efforts and hoped wages to be a plump $5.00 more per hour in 352 more days of some small notable sales -  of real proud worth.  

It’s always great to feel the great USA in a better roar 
of some ongoing success. The look again at USA unethical issues swat - is very important even if I can seem unorthodox in my memo -  not exactly willing to see a minute - to compromise ethical standards and of course -  not exactly to be in favor of a ruin to my holidays days and minutes - in a swivel of political mange - that is with bile USA in a - spot light - mucus 
and some complexing large -  attempt to swattle 
A battle -  in those DC cot eaters - hoc warts.  
Was there a more free stolen invites and flights to Europe with harm to anyone from bile USA ? 
Yes - is the reality with direct messages from more than ten presidents of countries in the last four months and some more unethical issues in news - and google tamporing from technojerk USA bile in a cog of kicking the USA country into what was even an attempt in HSBC banking and morgage -  theift to even wealthy retired ready to travel USA orioles brilliant - kind and a beautiful breath to a lengthy love - in the USA of my w utopia - real. The utopian love - globally my book - unavailable secret reality in bear run - locations and my 
cultivation on more and more bear run personifications - no. This is a memo -  just a memo and only a memo. 

My Christmas is cancelled.  For me it is wonderful holiday of my birthday with sir Vladimir Putin and some extrodinary world culture of fine peoples in over 300 countries including many most and more USA people I love - Even the Dallas Cowboy Cheering Women professionals in a new bold reality of expressions of love and exhaultation - as real choragrophers in a formation within essence of being - of a greater in efforts of humanitarian wildness - with a dignaty of expressions in a success individually devout and - diversely savvy.  Wonderful individual bold placement of a certain standard set in a historical message of love - risky bold belief.  Loved well. 

While expecting periotical tables with a pencil to see 
fine worth. I love Texas too -  bigger than ever 
of the heart of Texas - too. Thank you everyone in Texas USA - your not alone in a love note. 

Today ? Yes. Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin may or may not have taken risks in ways - bold of belief in Moscow Times - of a dismal concern to such a large wealthy existence towards cultivations in a good Russia 
that was - with some unjust tarnish - 

The USA bile were more like the Boise weebles. 
with film at lenght in lies. And a prolongs harm to USA peoples - into June 2022. Yes yes let them get time to speak and spit more and more- in the eyes of dignaty with a flight  fleecing of more ? Of whom to what ?

My unusual efforts - automobiles with a power pack charger ? Of course it was loved to most all over the world and increased the absolute real engineering excellence of amazing automotive engineers in a global circomfrance - improved the percentile profits in even the whole country of Russia due to a choice many read in buying there first automobile instead of using a free train that Sir Vladimir Putin assured in exact budgeting standards to a lecture note - I wrote in 2009. Presented internationally to a circle of European Presidents of countries in one of my cultural exhibitions well loved. 

Today due to an amazing President sir Vladimir Putin and some large very quantifiable ethical work - the assured reality in love with me - Russia bought power up Kits and even automobiles with some saved money and began driving to cities more with chop chop potatoes too - and increased villages to enjoy more business - with keen polite standards business is business -  love -  and even began listening to FOGHAT and Chopin -  with a notable 40% increase in a R. N, B, I , A . P . G.  = 

sales wealthy in more savings and more reality of a better year too. Childern in Russia like school and math more than ever as well.  

With love to the sweet success of Russian Government and the extremely loved Sir Vladimir Putin - amoung presidents in all of Europe.  Peoples too. 

Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles had a little message about the NYT and it might dig the eye out of Moscow Times too -  potatoes eyes are toxic you realize when not scooped properly and then served. Considering the Moscow Times or the BBC ten ? Or some aspirin dunces to leap hurtles more in gasping for breath -  are not exactly a stability - while dancing with David Bowie if he offered could be a breath of good baha xcx 

expressions xcx while I have to warn David Bowie that he should be willing to face 500 million people at any given monument when it is just an outting for simple PIZZA in my normal life. noting kindly that my mom might not know.  
Furthering a contentious consideration is with a look into a recent message online among many - in sir Vladimir’s utube - post recently updates and somewhat capsized in swine unethucal provocations in -  

bile -  DC yet again -  USA mg midget -attempts to distroy even sir  Vladimir Putin’s fine - fine presentation lecture that is with a auspicious 
dismal snitzle of USA  bum in dc bile turned to 
shovel more unethics toward Russia and a extremely fine president as sir Vladimir Putin is. 

I say , what is the meaning of such international attempts at a firm clear - unethical attempt to even attempt international unethics and break laws towards 
the Russian President and again -  lie unethically in a 

extreme concern to USA peoples great dear ethics and a USA that has notable better reality now. with a love from so many all over the world. 

Unimaginable to even think of in any way. 

Attempting to even mangle a President in Europe. 

Festering - bile DC -  of a elph attempted to
damage The Russian President in a lecture 

Read   to interrupt a International utube post from 
a president and mangle Utube from USA Bile 
dc is with a issue internationally that is a concern to me and a contention to the USA for many reasons that do not include a gift of ruin in my minutes of a new
leverage to - attempt broge rogue intent to break 
ethical laws nationally in the USA and international 
standards to pretentious unethical ignorance. 

in Russia today since June 2022 the wages of tiny villages and sweet success grew with a economic increase in at least 25 % more than in history - 

with love from me. Automobile excellence in engineering I know and love and some pretty fine 
belief in Sir Vladimir Putin with a fine government of large real humanity.  

Moscow Times ? Boxing match with NYT ? 
I do not hope for that - I think news from the USA Bile was extremely ignorant and DC Bile were flagrantly unethical in every way more than two years consecutively. 

xcxcxcx xcxcxcx. xcxcxcxccc xcxcxcxcxc 

more Russian people purchased automobiles ! Shipped 
directly to their actual homes too - and that’s wonderful 
for spending a few dollars more a week in a tote to enjoy Rootbeer and maybe Royal Bear Claws too. 

December 15th 2022 abstract memo - 

It is a fact that some people in the USA were infesting a fraudulent United Nations -  and attempting to impoverish global Presidents in Europe with fraudulent meetings and in such falicification of the reality of the real United Natuons- with extreme harm to the real United Nations - in a extreme seriousness and delineation of the greater importance of  Historically Well Noted Ethical Legal United Nations as destroyed.

USA peoples were the culprits of such maliciousness in a extreme concern to a sanctity in a humanity of standards in such a grip - at the wrong doing in an ethical reality that was -  destroyed  in illigal meetings of fools -  in United Nations fraudulent USA fake meetings - not actually the United Nations - not actually the real peoples ethical standards in the USA and intent was to a viciousness in bile DC to a contempt in ethical real USA people. The harm could have - mortified the USA - further and longer. 

In such Unethical Swats - at contempt toward people in the USA from a small culdisack of bile cohorting to pound - humanities ethical real ethics -  there is never a Justification to a new step into damage a new vicious perceptions of  malicious intent -  in a shuffle of a cost in damage to abdicate only blurring the lines of existence to that of the natures in ethical latitudes and ethical longitudes -facts.  

Of course -incomplete memo now -  with my finished statements of 200 travelers in red square, from a fake UN and prancing English Channels ? Scare to peoples in Europe are no joking matter.  

Update :  December 15th 2022 to continue in a memo of a Russian matter -  to that of great achievements to the Kremlin of Russia as sir vladimir putin is and that of a man of humility -  graces and some good fortituse devoution ethically of a standard in the great structure of the country of Russia of sir Vladimir’s great ethics. 

Sir Vladimir Putin is a savvy diplomatic charismatic person -  mindfully lovely and not always with easy work even seeming just in pencils worn out. 

While sir Vladimir Putin has extremely notable excellence in his international standards and not alone. 

Among presidents accross EUROPE and some - large focus on Great Russia -  as should be. Unless of course it was to tither baha zcxcx you see xcxcx baha is of the utmost importance to Russia and all of Europe -  xcx 

not any baha will do.  I shall say further that baha is a keen love in IRAN as I plan some baha with the president there xcx spain is west of IRAN xcx 

and as Hassan Rouhani inquired : is poetry included again this year princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett as it was so much fun in 2011 frying in to my exhibition in soho nyc Manhattan - USA ? Please.  

Hassan ?  More later.  

memo -  December 15th 2022 excuse me, there is a large barrel in a coal burning in red square for Indian summer winter - and the glorious large glasson atrium is in need of concerns to Russian Peoples-  it’s about mince meat pie.  More soon. 

Above abstract memo is brief.

xoxoxo coxcxcxcxcxv.  xcxcx xcx 

Effors in better stability in small companies of all tiny villages and large companies began a steady profit in what’s known as the finger lake regions and all of the Great Lake regions in a small effort in travel day trips more through the week at least once in the $20.00 a week spending decisions that was a greater worth as totes and day travel was with larger better villages all -  accoss the USA with fine Florida and coastal regions including the gulf coast with a love  for Arnold Palmer in golf exellence whom met me in person earlier this summer -  with steady sales of west coast farms and business sales in a good  over flow as well.  Kentucky as a genuine lovely state had improved standards too and a stretch of exciting stability in even the smallest cities with no stop on love to me thankfully.  

love messages await -  goodness gracious.  

50 more state updates after a while crockodilly 

Risterants in all small villages in the USA made steadier profits than expected as of June 2022 and some cultural efforts of special cares even with lovely Michael Jackson - were with considerable antidotal genius of lovely peoples.  Extremely exciting of hope of cares to see more discerning reality into 2023 in love  notes of love. 

globally a project of mine beginning in 2013 and so many lovely messages of pure love -  to even compose an exciting  reply in a song of pure love - for everyone in the world within my Revolution Now recorded to replay as a gift recording forever. online at a touch of your travel phones everywhere in the whole world.  

it’s a new surprise.  A gift to everyone of love. 

emails in a legislative repose must be with a USA peoples approval of the greater of all of a reply choice of all peoples in a population of fully in a email of a reality in a peoples ethics in a real responsibility to active legislation of the USA peoples real and of ethical constitutional stabilize reality - now. 

  First in a actual email to see your decisions of an outline of my hopes in cares to gain peoples chosen email responded to mediations, and also gain a response of a very unusual ethical area of need in the USA at this time. Compliances of ethical standards are extremely important in a hope that I do not rush a excess of asking a burden to presidents in Europe or exert some that may be agreeable to such a responsibility in a position of only mediation in accepting emails in steps of decisions in a repose in main governmental ethical compliances in the USA now.  Selections of even a mediator have been slightly difficult  due to bile contentions that infested a tamporing pointed at peoples of the USA in even harmful medical areas -  as Johnson and Johnson took under great conciderations as did every large and small ethically discerning company. Large companies did rather well and still have conserns in a finacial stability into a lenght eased future to that large care of qualitative standards and a large effort of offering employment they had available more as July I’ve cream sales smoothed some tote brunches actually in global increased sales and wages became more solid.  Ice cream sketch was an exciting detail that sky rocked sales in even yeast for bread -  hand made fine brunches totes strolls and more savvy -  with a fun liesure and finer work day in most of the actual world -  

The tiny accutriments  such as your love and the president of the country of Italy of  genuine love for me - improving the low cost noted -  of chop chop potatoes  and ketchup from the USA shopped internationally too - with real -  heart shaped ketchup - in fine risterantes as a neet service  in risterants and increased love for Italian symphonies in. 

Perfomances of CHOPIN  and even Russian compositions in Italy of piano concerto ‘ of Rochmaninov in piano - many of the world is
Rereading many of the posts in live notes to air vladimir Putin as pure love and a missing schedule of totality in perfections of cream de Le crème chocolate Cherry burbon torte al la framboise. 

the smallest -  large concerns contentions of spotted mess - are not mine and have no reality in attempts to aim at my company to any ethical reality and a concern for the USA in a mingle unfortunately a reality of truth - 
I can not go on with a lenghty furthering memo -  as a hidious -  area I have nothing to do with and forever my devout responsibility to assure my own actual project and personal schedules is a reality of pure dignaty  -  the memo is at a near reality of a commencing stability - to a greater effort of the peoples of the USA and a whole world of cares.  I can. Not mingle the disperpotionate exhaustions in mangle of bile in malicious activity -  while exhaultation in a relief of desperate a closed sign -  is realized. 

The -  contenders - of these awful redundancies in the awful intentions to such nasty types of  Malicious intent and a Gizmo of riffling gutting attempts bumfiane in even caused famine intended - malicious as noted -
as seethers - attempts to assure nothing but a blyme -  issue to fend at USA to corner - more - to gain their automobile fenders again -  in attempts in late 2022. 

My company is worth much minutes of the qualitative well  developed minutes to enjoy my schedule fully.
 Of course.  1:21 am eastern standard time NY, USA December 12th 2022 

with lovely respective cares from me princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

The memo is near completed : with hopes to a EUROPE to care of my burdened request within a actual discerning decision that remains within the of that - as an ethical structure of each European government as a presidential decision to that of the direct request to each actual real president in each European country of course as not a formality of mere -  guess work - of course the structure ethical is a presidential ethical reality within my own measure of requests in a stretch of my own considerable concern of burden as risk of even a day more in international memo post -  too far the minutes now.  

December 13th 2022 “denatured” is an od word reserved mainly for cooking a fine dish with extremely fine “ rice”. A lovely women whom - was in need of excellent work she needed in a employable structure of executive work - invited me to dine at her home a long time ago-  we had little in common in ways, while never unagrweable and respective and quite good frequents after a long while. Nearly never exchanging words -  except at a few dining events - she asked for some tender care in a bit of kitchen rice - recipes to enjoy the experience of a welcoming ease as I was honored as a guest as a formal dining event. It was lovely and quite delicious as not every day foods - we sometimes ordered to enjoy at the end of the work week. Wonderful before my evening long nights of my extremely busy Royal University College - cultivations of exerting fortitude extra work then taking up even 40 extra hours a week beyond 40 hours of notable executive achievements in actual work week - detail after detail. I have to admit - my home office too was a extra love affair -  I was in love. Work and worth of accumulative extended saviorfaire -  Later gaining some honored of distinguished achievements.

“Rice” my very sweet friend said: first denature the rice is best in this recipe I created. I listened carefully.  Add butter into a thick coating on the surface of the pan - melted first before tossing in the long cook non instant rice. After which, simmer the rice and butter without any other ingredience for five minutes - to properly denature as my friend said.  I listened -  and had not ever heard a word professional of denaturing rice. Odd women -  I dare even thought much of the word structure. Infuse the “rice’ with butter - denature is very good in a fine prepared rice dish - I thought it was very delightful. Then a few other ingredience secret she spoke of as we enjoyed a fine lovely dining event at a formal table setting and many people to chatter about in whimsy so well a finest memory. Speaking memorable thank givings looking back in times saviored carefully. 

A Royal Kind Ballisimo’ Espirituse ‘ 

“ rice “    a fine minute in time important- even more.

My great great great grande -mother is from England and her name : Grande Mother Rice. Commonly 
a fine excellent women as a excellent business person of world travel and duel citizenship opening a smallest company in the USA from England. A specialization in fine confections of some standard finest quality pasteries unusual in the USA and extremely busy to assure freshly made fine fresh England specialties 
adored and of a extreme care -  and delivered in an agreement only to one extrodinary finest ROYAL standard five star hotel - with exquisite ‘ voloumous-
kind delightful risterantes of three of the world finest and comfortable eased worth. Everyone loved even to buy a inexpensive pencil or coffee Royal Cup Coffee even.  Great Great Great Grandmother Rice - deserve some knowledge to love messages into echos infinite into the entire infinite universe far beyond earth -  heavens -  encrusted of golden a love to her - of ENGLAND and her father from FRANCE. in the USA as a merchant business women long ago.  Stunningly beautiful and even purchased a home in the USA too. 

excuse me:  It is 2:52 am eastern standard time on December 13th 2022 and what time in Moscow Russia. 
It’s the other side of the world - 10:54 am. 

a message now : MOSCOW RUSSIA 
from sir Vladimir Putin. 

Darling sir Vladimir Putin Sir Kremlin, darling. As president of the country of Russia, with a puzzling 
notation I decided this time to disclose within a memo.

While I must include a notation further in my statement 
of further words, I beg your forgiveness as I said, I am late. Very late. Forgive me darling. Holiday Stew ? 
quiusse’ couse’ sieete’ Christmas Stew ? Secrets.   

xcxcxcxc. your lovely to send such sweet messages xcx I love you Vladimir Putin xcxcxc.   Wildly xcxc

I have a further memo to complete soon. 

December 14th  2022, there was a concerning issue that has taken over 8 weeks of my time - simply wasted in a malicious -  intent to a consequential delay -  and substantive area of attempts at my worth - in my kind polite real- expectation of standards -  calm - sleep quality - with not really a reasonable - area of reasoning 
as noted as well in Russia at the office of the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin and the government of all of RUSSIA, extending this broadened real love to the same in all other countries as well, beyond USA bile. 
perhaps in a concern to actually cutting the bomvouage ribbon - of mere one a muck. Duce - pronounced in the USA as duck is perhaps at fault ? Perhaps as a extreme consumption of improperly made Duce -  replaced in sparkling coolade swill - not Duce -  sparkling fine celebration wine - rare of a sipping fluted golden crusted glass of clarity to even my birthday. All secrets really. While I compose myself -  slightly with some excellent notes to  love in a large great world in so vaste a infinite care more than hope and farther that struggling-  in even the grandure and lenghty merits of fine milk dairy farms - at a large honor forever the increadible details of some times overlooked importance all over the world. 

My minutes yesterday were advantageously - caring and even memorable in beholding the golden gifts of a messages -  from The Kremlin in Russia and awaiting to enjoy within my love of being the resounding messages waiting -  so kind and even with a dearness to update and back dated too -  in futures of love - notes pure -  a farther belief dignified in ethical hearalding love. Ah the message from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia was soothing and quite brilliant a lovely gift -  as a jewel of pearled crowned fettering none - a minute to see coolade - as Duce’. Update to the actual gift note from the Kremlin of Russia soon. Increadible symphony messages from Russia -  extended into a real Indian Summer Winter Note.  

Minutes -  in brief - I made time to announce my opinions of  some considerations in the USA as I prepare for a short statement of some responsibility in choices which are a area of accordance in ethical structure in constitutional ethics of the peoples of the USA to note and see the strength of constitutional ethical repose in a step by step reality that is within the USA reality of ethics in provisionary legal structure of peoples in the USA in a care to reprose of a greater concern that damages stability of the USA and harbored an unethical fate toward USA peoples and of visious or tent aimed at other countries.  

My announcement of my opinions in suggested mediation in a reality of needs of the USA in a greatest of large ethics -  there comes a list of mediators in a burden in Europe -  hoped to be considered of Presidents of Europe - as Sir Vladimir Putin as a very large -  care of mine -  to his exhaustive worth in the g7 
work he took extra time in a large thoughtful way broadly and success in such worth -  as incredibly simply wild.  I have selected 13 international presidents of countries -  and several selections of individuals of a political merit if ethical appropriations within an ethical standard of the USA constitutional ethics in humanities as a noted actual limitation of the exact - selection of people whom ethically in a repose can actually be a mediator in such USA contention ( the constitutional real ethics has very strict rules of such type of selections as not to just spin a weathervane - to Plymouth Rock  concerns ) as a mediator in such better reality now - in the USA as - just a mediator in a step to very caring stabilization structure within all ethical standards within constitional USA ethics in humanities ethics to email a next step - of bile concerns lingering -
 - of a repose to the respects and that of decisions of the peoples in the USA.  

What is the first mediation email to be a comment from all peoples in the USA of a peoples legislation care ? 
First the opinion of my selection to announce is with the whole world waiting to read. Then a email to each mediator to gain a hello to all selected mediators and see a hope for a reply -email example : yes please - I agree and hope that you might concideration a care to repose in the USA as only a mediator to step by step repose to a care of a new legislation process needed at this very important time.  

Not yet however -  no announcement yet. 
Soon however. 

All people nationally in the USA and international peoples are invited to email a brief step by step A to B type of email -  as the mediation of some whom are hopefully agreeable as even Presidents so busy in other countries might concideration accepting my very egotistical idea of burdening them as a mediator in international levels of ethical hopes.  

I conclude my selections of a mere suggestion in a complete list I myself can -  see as a gift and risk 
with no further a du -  dally a fine care towards my like for a crocadilly better and even better and -  yes baha.

Tonight - it is not yet a plum pudding recipe from Ancient ENGLAND and is a little song from Franki Avelon first recored in the 1950’s in the USA and just now updated from Frankie Avalon 
again -  political poetic Earth Angel  

10:21 pm eastern standard time New York USA from my small village in Saranac Lake NY USA and it is December 14th 2022,  

what is what ? again ? The USA is with some incredible 
reality and a tiny glimps in sales of Shasta Rootbeer - sales online began in my post in July 2022 with extreme love - and nearly only a few bottles of REAL Shasta rootbeer -  that was from a repression - of depressed sales from Bile tamporing - in USA contentions over ran - and today Shasta has good sales - in some noted love even globally for ROOTBEER Ice cream soda pop floats with whipped cream and marachino cherry on top 
one cherry per every pillsner style fine ice cream drink glass -  to be a bit distinguishing in a conservative conservation of cherries all year in a jam jar - purchase.  

Cherries - are some kind of special magic for the whole world.  I belief. The outstanding ice cream and Rootbeer even Shasta Rootbeer and marachino cherries was a beginning in some real jobs that even became with new employment reality and sales that always have a hope to more yearly all year sales - ongoing standard improved to good job reality yearly all year and a possibility to even - two extra weeks -  extra pay week fully 40 x 40 full week pay in most steady full time full year assured hopes.  That is $1200.00 in extra pay each year in a look at -  stabilization possible only in the USA with dally elph delays.  Unusual - to realize the limited mg midget theory - and a snitzel ? Elp ? 

Or elph ? Delay ? 

In other words - in two years of a stabilized USA in ethics and some other cares -  is a hope that polite decency in ethical business - through and through - is possible and not always easy- with a two years as in January 2024 a possibility of USA to gain a hope in stabilized employment hope - with some concerning existing contention - where fore art thousest ? I think I should say - the increase at a $20. Per hour in 352 days = one years - forget the Kremlin in Russia quis’ couase’ sa’ French words to me - amie ‘ -  G20 announced questions to me.  No. 

Japan ? Questions ? No. 

$20. X 40 hours per week = 8 hours per day five days a week of liesure to prepare and ease to sleep 8 hours and 8 in work days as can be profitable in an employment hope in stabilized ethical cares -  xcxc 

what is 40 hours x two full extra days a week each week for 52 weeks -  a year total real worth and savings 

And hope.  Not Japan hope. No. 

The $20.00 x 40 hours is $800.00 per week - x 52  weeks = in a year perhaps. True yes. 

More ? Well the theoretical truth - a possible two weeks extra pay per year could be $1600. Extra two times a year in ethical standard care of many types of ratios in compliances even at government USA repose reality as a slow step to infailable hope not to stumble that of a greater USA in. Some achieved acomplished cares and love -quite lovely -  really in a large list of my many messages -  noted soonest.  Lovely.

lights -  heat and easy bake tiny ovens from GE USA ? For extremely tiny cakes ? Ready mix box cake included in tiny pans for the smallest childrens hands to open box pour in a mixing bowl and use mixing spoons and tin pans -  and bake a tiny cake in a oven for safe child worth - easy as a toaster -  and some grown up at a knitting position of not a word was spoken.  

Big bowl ? And little bowls - men -  and women 

Notable.  GE USA might prepare well ? 

Ready for Febuary sweets.  And more baha ? 

Lights first: the concern in the USA not Japan. 
is to think low heat bills father a further more and see if you might like to look into three lights in your window all year all the time -  forever ? Electric standard plug in wall ready 12 volt plug - and if one goes out ? Switch the lights to see which is working or is it the lamp in a new plug in at a wall area - or is it a lamp in a wall plug same changed lamp ? Is anything not working ? Suddenly the light ? Is it out or is it ? A concern of a contention isolated in reach ? Who can not reach what now ? 

Strange puzzle ? Or a consideration of assured extra hopes to see it is a light lamp seen in all windows always just one lamp - and note if others had the same one light concern in your area or one home ? 
Puzzle equation [ tax, banking standards, low price basic standards possible, good hotels, email reservation confirmation paid and emailed, gift shipped, snow ready strolling// wage increase- to whom, political savvy -  baha ? Retirement at 65 love - and eased study ole- in Brazil too ]. Listz symphonies for ever. 

Mom and dad would like that.  I dare say. All in their best wool and fine travel drives two automobile set and ready ? 

lights -might be a a new test -  automobiles are running. Yes. With more extrodinary notes on automobiles in even France in Europe I have love messages from. 

In the USA and around the world - many are calmly thinking a light on reality everywhere in the world - 
As if it was the extremely rare vision of the actual 
northern star in the USA from USA soul and farthest from earth in a strange fume’ non - air that increases the star light to seem amplified in a magnified way - yet extremely much fatther than tiny star pattern in the sky which are billions of years old and never infinitely the exact same pattern. Up up up extremely far in outter space - not air space of air breathable known as the 
basic noted word : oxegen. ox. In an abrivated word form. ox. My mom always write on lovely notes to me since I was 2 years old.  She is a Sweetly savvy and very softly keen. 

After lights on. -  could be a secret to a step for - even lower assurance in a step toward a peoples process to legislation step -  into hopes EUROPE is not without my tour in proper schedules i detail myself of course and try not to burden presidents with light concerns - 
Egotistical selfish llight on mattersoires.  I dare not say. 

Think Lights On all 
over the world - 1 2 3 4   

Lights on theory- could be helpful 
weeding out some concerns - while not all in the USA. 

Do not toss out your lights. 

Beyond beautiful braids and then check your old electronics and fine fun toys with batteries too. 

Or wait for a weather teemer ?

Easy Bake oven too. Perhaps Yes. Childern all over the world with a chance to create a tiny cake at the age of two and three and older -  Men And Women 

think - about it. 

I owned a tiny oven - at age 2 years old. With plastic tiny frosting cream chocolate as exciting best memories 
of my utopia - and Russian brass tin boxed candies sweetest every Christmas winter holiday. Russian Ribbon candy too as a delight of the winters holiday for enternity in a protocal of structures in a ribbon Candy of finest traditions of excellence in Russian confectionary delight. And crunch. 

12:31 pm eastern standard time in ny USA saranac lake 
yes true . December 15th before dawning of moring first sunny glimps in the rise of sunshine in the east always east direction and sunshine always travels a circle around earth going directly west. 

Excuse me: Message at this late hour in my tiny village in saranac lake from MOSCOW RUSSIA directly from 
sir Vladimir Putin, as Kremlin of Russia and a lovely darling good delightful friend of a lenghty reality. True. 

Should I ask , is it chocolates ? I enjoyed the chocolate covered Russian Plums sent so nicely poetic. Merci - as a word for thank you darling sir Vladimir Putin. Lovely music.

The wonderful Russian Symphony last evening was a delight from 
St. Petersburg RUssia and not in the USA at all.  Lovely gift 
sir darling Vladimir Putin. 

And a scheduled invite : MOSCOW RUSSIA 

Lovely to have even read my update so quickly to see the schedule invite on your desk of special considerations so lovely of you. 

I am so excited your flight was exciting. 

Russia is so beautiful. 

Thank you darling Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin.
It is kind darling. 
Love from princess Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Lovely exotic man. 

As the serious memo continued and perhaps some 
hope for a  low cost in even electric and some stability 
in the USA with a strong kind polite dignified ethical 
clarity and some decisions people in the USA will have to ponder in a hope for some mediation and a good consideration toward good governors in 50 states of the USA as well as a large number of peoples which have government ethical work within working USA government offices -  and some efforts in ways that are going better now. Millitary in the USA have some good messages too I shall post soon - in good graces. 

With special thank you from myself as well again.

Ending The evening in my tiny village at 1:20 am with 
a piano symphony composition of a lovely little 

zoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox xoozoxoxoxoxo   

Memo below is before December 14th 2023 

Not yet available reply. December 12th 2022 8:00 am eastern standard time NY USA.  

Below memo addendums are predated posts.. Please make a special notation to as such and reread as you wish to any time in your liesure. 

October 5th 2022 in Brief ///\\\ //
title of film:
“tabulary formula, ejection chairs self propelled” 
“wearing pie cap with windmill tree top”
created by lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

A 1950’s Film Short
The German Famously Adored Cookoo Clock  View 

A Special Message from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin Czar of the country of Russia, as a Presidential Message directly from Russia emailed on October 4th, 2022  view

With a message of Japan view 
in up to the second films within 
the government of JAPAN 

Email photograph archieve special from 
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the 
lovely country of Russia with 
Pope Francis
of a well known internationally loved Pope of the Vatican as the world most noted cathedrals at the Vatican In Rome within the 
lovely country of Italy 
Photographed in Rome Italy in Europe veiw

A Political Sketch 
Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Sketch One to Sketch Fourteen/ with film short for posterity 
/// title of sketch series: Self Ejection Chair 

the one to fourteen photographs with one film were created on October 5th 2022 with a little form of artistry that I began creating before I was age 5 with cut outs and paper dolls I made endlessly then. The moving picture film is not completed yet - while I wished to hurry and assure a simple political statement in works of art on paper in pencil. 

The time exactly of the photographs in the series of one to fourteen is precisely  2:03 am into 2:15 am at the end of the series photographed.  On October 5th 2022

At the end of the memo are the actual duplicates in my memo with very good cares and much love to everyone all over the world - in the country of the USA and everywhere. xoxcxcxcxcxvxxcxxcxcx. 
Works in one minute sketched from myself,
Lady  Tracy Suzanne Pickett love again and again. 

Memo on September 21st 2022 
Rowen Atkinson was kind enough to send a message in a sorted humor that’s not precipitous towards his good light hearted original work in stage and television -short films of a serious - humor that is often simply an expression towards perplexing humanities in kind cares. 

The short film produced in film from
 “Rowen Atkinson” himself, about beef tar tar - is quite unique,  and a puzzle of humorous sorted - in even a blended political statement about beef tar tar if you know exactly what beef tar tar is. Or what to order actually  in a chef special for your own liesure to dine - as a fine study in knowing what beef tar tar is as I say again - it is a quizzical perplexing puzzle in a humorous witty film short. I will note the film again in my other area of a love note more in the beef tar tar film short by that of works in film of course of Rowen Atkinson, whom is a fine person to have even thought of me. 
Of course beef tar tar might not be of availability in a proper preperation most often - as to perhaps know exactly what is what when dining out. 

Always a good idea. 

Rowen Atkinson is a delightful humanitarian in ways that can bring to film a brisk minute or two of kind - humorous prelude of comedy. Quizzical within a very deliberate style all his own with a series of short films known as Mr. Bean. With beginning in the early 1990’s. 
of some degree of measure -there may be time in the world to even purchase a dvd mini player and then order a mini DVD player and purchase a dvd film series from Rowen Atkins in person of the humorous perplexing Mr. Bean as a series. Possible it is. 
I can hardly wait.

Rowen Atkinson sent me a message today in a memo film short among the many other minuette film short segments too for the other area of love notes to continue. 

Memo in a Short Film   Was it a risterante awaiting a full busy ongoing hope of a simple stop at a 
risterante I think ? 
Saving some of Rowen’s other wonderful messages for a real love note continued. Soon for everyone in  the whole world to enjoy. 
It’s  not the love note - with more  short films that Rowen Atkinson is absolutly with comedic seriousness of political connentations. While I mention that utube is a free online upload film area for free use to all-with actual regulational compliances that are of a basic ethic of remaining free forever - from the standard agreement regulations ethically -in a free sign up to enjoy utube -  as meant - and required to remain free,  and not a type of film area that is a cost to anyone. 
Every person can use utube to upload there own film as utube was made for-uploading  a film of your own with a strident film to have online in saving your very own  films too. Writing down the url - account name you chose in -sign up - and sign in- is good to use your own name- as a name of your utube account- your name is best in utube - as your own name to
Sign - in,  and then you add a password of your choice - then sign in and upload your very own films from even a video camera on your mobile phone. 
It’s a wonderful reality to upload a little film short of your very own. People should know that the utube service is free. 
Enjoying a library - online filled with your film short segments of foods you might dare to create even before a fast run to your job, or a great short travel trip and a stroll in a village square is exciting.  

The online utube - is free for all, and has been tampored with in some strange types of attachment in some issues that concern everyone- when a whole library of Utube that is your own - online - 

then has been with unethical tamporing to attach a list - you did not intend could possibly be your utube or someone else’s  as even to attempt plastering with a tamporing overlaying of commercials not expected - nor with a regulated licensing to add on to your utube- and other types of tamporing - that has some other upsetting concerns.

Realizing that utube is a free upload personal -type of short film storage that I myself have used for over 20 years.  I can list many reasons that utube tamporing is very  important to note that the tamporing is from the USA and some unsavory contentions involved in those same 2022 dc Oval Office of nothing but harm to the USA - as utube tamporing are those same round up of contentious that even attempted to tampor in word typing over utube to make people think they had to pay for utube. Over typing wrong dated utube even. And very serious in attempts at harming others in even attempts to plagerize (even designs )
or connect content of extra video -that was not from that actual person - in a mangled - effort to that of a well prepared utube. Even uploaded it perfectly and then a date or a headline was tampored with.

The name listed first on utube - as the person whom created the message intends to see that utube is that of their uploaded film in utube. Under standard ethics, in ruled regulatory concerns, each person uploading on utube has an ethical reality to see they enjoy their utube free uploads as they are created. And not attached tamporing of content that even seems-  made to look okay- as to seem, appropriate - while with no permission to attaching to your utube or anyones utube as the next form of tamporing due to the same not so ethical people - at all, attempting again to appendage themselves to others in such greater people at the pivotal point to the tamporing concerns to resolve.  Those few and mighty tamporing USA bile are with contempt for ethical structure in business- looking back at 2022 in the Month of Febuary in the USA - difficulty of USA economy was larger than fathomable. 
These tamporing - consort to a unethical dismal tamporing in other ways too- looking at the success of the USA and the world now- bile see a larger pot - filled with humanity and success to - gift more gimlets of giblets. It’s a sad time for the bile 49 more or lessers, give or takers. 

Tamporing even with banking and email ( even switched in transmittle online - in some more said to be fancy bile tricks - like dog tricks - to shake and roll over., in the USA as well., still and looking back in time - with some very important worth in efforts of so many in a good steady success now in October 2022. 

This memo is a few minutes more of my time in the world, that was not exactly as I had intended as I have nothing to do with the issues that result from dc bile and the other bile of a very few- it’s almost unthinkable the disaster in unethical issues they hop in to continue. 

Even illigally attempting email scams to bill people for utube and online tv at over $400.00 per month.  And then the other contemptuous types of cornering from these few of dc hoc - attempted to pulverize the people in other billing issues -  and even a few others -that cohorted in attempts to stun the computer port at fine wire connections in gadgets to make people think the gadgets didn’t work- even microwaves and connector wires-  in mere contempt -  and some that attempted switching calls to take extra money from good companies and individuals too- all in dc oval hoc seats - with mere parroting others actual ideals to gain - a warm and fuzzy tummy full of silver traded services and over $4 million dollars in a low estimate to access the USA taxes -  and ignore the ethical constitutional USA legal details of the countries ethics of humanities ethics - only in a swart towards extortion of the USA and swizzling to a deversion tactic of mortifying harm in further -attempt to cut off the USA from international cultural great peoples in all countries and the dearest delights of the absolut stature of international presidents and that of the governments of international esteem as well. Not to mention the hainus attempt that these tamporing dc hoc attempted toward the - attempt to dismantle the esteemed worthy efforts of the USA millitary that reached with greater fortitude in assured alleviation toward a USA of peoples in desperation of needs to get vaccinations - fast.  Early in 2020.  

Working with mindful dignaty at every step. Then dc Oval Office attempts in undermining the people of the USA in a attempt to rip up the USA standards in ethics toward peoples all, and attempting to plague dismal disaster toward USA millitary. As if the millitary peoples were harpoons, and they are not harpoons and are fine humanitarian peoples with a greater standard in ethical structure with honored work in the USA. 
With greatest esteem within the USA of greater millitary and greater of peoples - briefly for now, I will say that the summer 2022 became a fast success due to USA ethical protocols in impeachment letters that spanned the whole world globally to the goodness of ethical repose too that of greater millitary efforts within the USA nation as a country and towards greater USA people too.

 It’s quite a step towards success in the summer of 2022 and going smoother into even some good winter times in 2022 in the USA and abroad ( internationally ) . Not bad, looking back from Febuary 2022. 

secret messages to sir vladimir putin Kremlin of the country of Russiaxcxcxcxcxlovexcxcxcxccxcxcxcxc

While continuing on: 

Utube tamporing is a serious matter - interfearing with many messages and much more - in online tamporing from a few actual USA humans who blamed anyone - and got silver trays of million dollar attempted at donuts plattered up to a dc bile party  and bile again. 

The enjoyment  from messages sent to me even from the country of Korea are extremely wonderful and very well loved. Many many other messages await my turtle pace - and usually not actual much like a real turtle pace at all. 

Tamporings from a few USA humans jerking the USA still, slowed my lovely notes some- this late summer 2022.  

DC bile and affiliate bile who are absolute unethical with mortifying attempts towards the peoples of the USA and even threatened international peoples and their international governments with international presidents of esteemed dignified respective honor in many great humanitarian realities- outstanding. 

Again and again into 2022  - bile tamporing in some horrible attempts to even cause more disaster intentionally and viciously- to one -then many, is now a very small number of humans - with a malicious intent - and sometimes seemingly with hidden wrongful agendas of seriously unethical real intent -in illigal types of  mayhem. Such as even getting into dc Oval Office to consort a disasterious plague of dismal disparage towards the USA employment, and ethical reality towards public schools and business, small or large - of all cities to be assured of their own - ability to stay in business and be able to - not be illigally bombarded with an attempt of bile to just extort their lovely vibrant company structure. Never again to ignore  the actual issues to that of the assured people to gain a ethical standard to assure proper ethical gained wages - and saving money in a penny by penny way- getting beyond a disastrous disease as fast as possible. 

While dc bile and cohorts of bile attempted to harm the USA in extortion of the small and large businesses as also attempted to ruin real estate - then gain dollars unethically to rebuild - who’s pair tree garden ? and even jeopardized the lives of the entire country in all villages and cities and states of the country of the USA. 

While attempting to unethically also attack international countries as well as USA airlines and hotels. June 2022 was a time of greater USA people and that of belief from all international countries. Including the country of Russia and respective dignaties of sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia. Important to the largest greater population of peoples in each village of the United State of America. 

(nation is a word=as in the USA country is one country of one nation of such greater the peoples of 50 states - with many cities in each state of many larger cities and many many many small cities too. Almost so many that it becomes difficult to imagine the numerous number of actual cities within the USA. And many villages- now better in 2022 as winter is even going to be quite exciting with details of Indian Summer in winter with cultural cares from all over the world. 
I have received many utube messages even from many many many peoples of the USA more than ever. Also more than imaginable in messages to me from every international country everywhere. 

Soon - even more utube messages to note in love notes to Moscow Russia from me, of course. 

Utube messages are - even personal to me, and expressions towards the whole world too, to see fully in a pure nature of expression - unhindered forever. 

Even the delightful utubes from elementary schools in the USA with kick ball, real. The Korean cooking utubes and Japan’s very good expressions in Kaboki Theater quite lovely. 

Many utubes from putt putt golfing too from the state of Kentucky in the USA and so many others too, undone. Unfinished- and enormously lovely. 
While some professionally might have mini music recording video albums for a mini DVD player as in DVD ( digital video disk albums / mini size) to offer purchases for a shelf at home filled of a beginning in being able to purchase a mini album for a real personal mini album library shelf at home- to build album by album with tiny albums to view of  some even lengthier films 30 minutes perhaps in sets of one dvd album or more to purchase and then see the shipped dvd album mini - arrive in postal mail. 

It is all exciting - to be able to purchase quality dvd albums for a small library in a little wood box case enjoy - self opulence - on a shelf at home, set among a favorite sweater and hat, to curl up to - in winter or an air conditioned summer sweet afternoon - even autumn or spring- and have some updates in utube too.

 Not  today however.

Utube  tamporing in the USA by only a very few - USA people - have caused even more issues harmful to peoples -with pot shot stuns in online wires and some mortifying technojerkies - attempting to viciously harm perfectly good technology web sites -and - gain a fist full of the tossed out - sweaters even - and plagerism and more in issues with a few meezeling types of humans that have caused news lies that blistered the USA in unethical reporting and dc biles feeds of du chomp. With no chammy cloth to shine your own automobiles to a fortitude possibly encroaching again
 - in the bile attempts even into this year in some cases - with some visious attempts at my work and liesure - 
The issues are piling up for bile 49 more or less, give or take a minute by minute upheaval in blithering unethical dismal - loss in the USA of quite a bit of time and worthy efforts - wages too,  in just a few USA people in a unethical contempt of pure ethical repose of a greater humanity is of 2022 a solid - step onto 2023. 

The  attempts to locate even one person to tampor with
in the last 300 days into September 28th 2022, with most all USA people doing good work even -now with good wages too - makes it unpalatable that dc bile and bile cohorts would continue a mortifying tamporing  in anyway -  intentionally too- with more than tamporing with headlines in utube-from just a few bile, and actually very few- they should have thought to be afraid of their shadow- in reality,  in the USA, now. 

Of course there are people that are with much better than just a hope to actually - in even buying a few cooking pots and pans - trying out a way towards better days - more. Sorrows too. 

While it’s more than utube - in attempts to appendage themselves  to others maliciously tamporing in even lied news headlines and google and bing news headlines and even New York Times and local news headlines and media news - and  appendages - dates wrong and some pharaphrazed zupvatrering, that were not the actual intended link - in some words in the link at all in partial view at times, unnoticed in a obscure attempt towards even one person sometimes, or many, WTH a questionable who’s name was attached?  and sometimes - the play back sound quality even on line were dislocated- in tamporing - even with attempts to drive out a good company of technology- types of gadgets with high intensity quality  sound-  phones that were lied about in dropping calls, lies about extra charges - of roaming that is not ethically in reality of legal billing in municipal services of phone regulations of ethical standards to restrictions in inflation for actual price equality- blaming manufacturing of great technology. While gripping at postal shipments unethically and tamporing with postal pricing and regulations in postal standards in assurances to many peoples too.   anun anun’t uh, no. 

Some using stun blowfizzers in wire tamporing to dismantle even type words in tamporing - print ready - and tampored printer print ?  Then what ? 

What I wish to say is that only a few USA bile are within a caldron of issues with a very large ethical repose of USA peoples and an international world of countries all, that which are lovely people and care about the USA with even exceptional love- and a hope of ethical reproach. Leaving a small squandery of a few USA peoples bile - types- in a divided pullpit ( table to talk terrific Turkey) those few- let’s face it- they are not in a trench - and are with a very large list complied of dismal disaster towards the USA of the great many states of the USA in 50 United States of America of one whole country - as the head of states is the president in dc, usually at the Oval Office, and now actually impeached through a peoples process within the USA constitutional provisional humanities legal stucture of the ethical USA in statutes of one through the thirteen laws of humanities in the actual structure of USA governmental regulatory compliances. Head of States, are that of presidents of countries of course. Not a governor of a state within a country. 

Governors are head of the one state within 50 in the USA of 50 governors with set resoncibility toward humanities ethics to that of regulational compliances towards governors responsibilities, indivisible ( non-revokable - in other words unchanged of the standards outlined in USA constitutional ethics legal statutes article number 1-13 constitutional amendments ( structure of ethics in USA legal reality) -
( omnipresent - in repose of reiterated amendments ) - towards that of humanities of structural ethics and that of a structure rule to the three large parts of government in the USA. Thus setting forth a reality in ethical retainment of complex international ethics - to uphold through ethical standards)  constitutional structure of the governors responsibilities toward humanities structure. 

Now in a repose of some what of a - good fortitude of a ongoing peoples process, even in a selection toward assuring good qualified ethical senators. At present -a careful peoples process yet again is needed. We have some dc offices that are virtually still concerning impeachment is a process of contentions that are a concern to so many in really all in all villages of so many greater peoples. Somewhat upsetting in a revolation to sadly see only a few -  nearly not as many as a Walmart grocery section in a day -  that can be unveiled-  Lickety split on such a small low platform - perhaps in a -  hope in chances at just the right job hope from online listings of with a fine tuned filter to their - hopes. Relocations might be some kind a wonderful - to teach basics finely.  If needed. might find a big job for Biden and Harris plus 49/50 more or less give or take. Tasstexmextechno junket’s  extrodinaresssss.? 

What will become of Biden and Harris and their silver platter tastes of donut platter news breach USA professional huggers -  in fishing pants next, with four million dollar platters to be very concerned about that tax expenditure in the hand of ethical decisions of peoples approvals Absolutly  on  a low platform in a village square in front of the Washington Monument -to 
yell out into the billions of people - with no tech tools to print signs and mic blast and beil- while those villages of villages and many many other villages of villages -people think - milk ! with more. 

And work and liesure with ethical banking - and rules of lower cost ratio in ( inflationary caps as constant ) in that of the reach to a basic good reality of stabilization in the USA with individual 
wealth even beginning - possible - in savings of all with their banking of their own personal banking accounts checking and savings, to be a fine focus. Billions of people watching a few -  beil - on low platform before they search for a cheep rental and buy their own car - and count side walk steps to  find adiquite work. In a review of tax dollars of donut expense that people all over the world in and out of the USA can - ethically see a letter and a review in person. 

Listen to Sir Martin Luther King in 1965 in a very peaceful speech invited by the 1960’s president of the United States of America - then -as an honored dignitary which Martin Luther King is - in the USA with noble ( ethically a reality ) words. While be careful about some - wrong types of unkind - personifications of the totality of respective honor to a nation of people in the USA and all over the world. The words -Spoken by Martin Luther King- in Washington DC USA, in front of the Washington Memorial on the facade steps of the oval office. Televised free and on tiny hand held transistor radios -with ear phones too. 
Transistor radio is free and is only a radio that is for listening to 200 different music channels- listening only. No phones or screen to see -  at all. Not like today with online types of travel phones. Transistor radio everyone had -  and is slightly different - while Martin Luther King was also televised and very well prescheduled to some at home with television in the USA. 

Martin Luther King 1960’s speech “ I have a dream. “ 

Sir Martin Luther King was honored by the President of the USA then in the 1960’s by Sir John F. Kennedy former president of the USA country. Well cared of- as people arrived from everywhere too. 

Not the best area to post such sweet USA history in this memo. I do say. From 1965. Restored in online film - from moon data internationally real. A real reel ( reel= film). Real ( true and accurate ). With special thanks to the country of RUSSIA and spacifically Sir Vladimir Putin and other presidents of other countries in Europe. 

It was very good of the international presidents of countries in All Of Europe. 

Clyde, too. 

When Clyde from the TV show with Clint Eastwood “every which way but loose,” Clyde was trying to stuff envelopes - it was print perfect -  as Clyde finally earned enough to purchase his flight ticket back to Europe very happily. 

The USA is with a whole lot of international care of international countries busy in many ways too. 

The awful tamporing from a few USA bike and  slowed down this summer 2022 . 

For me was - intermittently-unusual - in strange -  unusual -  interruptions -   as I continued to decide to post many things important to me, was a bit frustrate this late summer in some other types of tamporing too, as even attempts at my notes online - and - with attempts that are very concerning.  - very nasty bile. 

The attempts to plague the USA - in ways that are not understandable actually in anyway-  to accept unethical dismal types of dissidence ? No.

The peoples of the USA  all of a ethical repose to the USA as very important to all. 

dc bile have no “ ethical “ rationale’. 

update briefly:  
[Toronto Hockey Ready to Play
 Professional  Ice Hockey] 

[ It’s true,  the ice wrink skating arena is 
open for ticket purchase for great seats everywhere 
for all of course, while seats sell out - for a very enjoyable game on ice] 

Nothing like fine winter dressy day wools. 
Wear your wool and warm coats and thinsolate boots gloves and hats, recommended in the country of Canada within the great city of Toronto: 

More Canadian Hockey - no hoc.  
And no hoc- tuweeeee. (of  spittoon concerns).
While the professional work of the Toronto Canada Hockey League, is an exceptional event “woolies ready to sit a proper - chair in the ice wrink - and enjoy a thermos of hot coco and Torontos finest sandwiches - fish fry perhaps and good pasteries pouched up to tote,  at least to assure a fine event.  The hockey league are sticks savvy - swiftly not a tangle- and amazing in a love in the world to travel in to lovely Toronto. Business proper - as travel makes nice - in wage worthy in ways sometimes unseen in a great Hockey Game of professionals merited best.  Even travel roads are hopping with good business. While the hockey professionals are not the only greater - in peoples to assure good business to a fine and dandy travel expeience-  in a kind lovely travel jont of professional peoples- caring  of a kind enough stop to see parts of Toronto Canada. Even with a China Town Village area well liked- honoring the the country of China- which is  far across a large ocean in Europe. 

Toronto is with respects to all cultures broadly a nice city in Canada. With a very exciting real professional hockey game to even travel to with excellence in planning. With a real success into autumn 2022 in the Country of Canada in the city of Toronto. Not far from the USA on the country boarder of New York State not too far a drive from my tiny village city in USA into the big maple syrup country of Canada in the city of Toronto. Be it Canadian Maple Syrup or USA Maple Syrup in the USA state of Vermont USA , where Maple tree forests are spectacular.  Either is worth purchasing a bottle to bring home for something special with pancakes. With thank you to the giant maple syrup peoples who did stop in my tiny village in 2022. 

Canadian and from Vermont USA - 
with success in sales in 2022 well and hopes of 2023. 

Good Day everyone. 

Including a real Polar Bear film segment too- while many of the polar regions are up up up north into Canada the country, Polar Bear country. Within the North American continent - and not part of the country of the United State of America ( U.S.A.), as too, don’t forget a little good ration of fresh fish and fruits and vegetables with some proper kibble toast for those large fierce polar  bears out in wild forest regions - not to be left to ice fishing in their forest areas so vaste. Stay far back however and best to call the forestry department to look into - the polar bear food stops. And not be surprised by 15 foot tallest bear. Real. 

Film   Polar Bear - forest distance - grrrarrrwrar. Do not go near bears at all. As a good rule for your self, while far distance photographs with your zoom lens is very exciting in spotting real bears 

While returning again to the memo again, after a brief interlude of Toronto Hockey films and map studies to find the road in from the USA. 

No hoc in Toronto Canada is the message.

The dismal dc hoc attempted ruin and damaged lives actually - with their small cluster- divided of cohorts. 

I worked through some difficulty - apprehensible in such a success in July 2022, as people should know- that even the smallest tamporing is very serious. With perhaps more intent in harm to someone- and relentlessly bile then aim to muck any, in swizzling - 

Then spread lies unethically as then a gadget one by one - “ not working” as stores in the USA are what ? Looking again to see that the gadget is working fine even if I placed it on a shelf for a year - possibly tampored with and is now working is a good idea to even purchase a volt meter and see if the meter is with a working indicator. Volt meters are extremely small, and very inexpensive at under $12.00 easily. And can be used in less than ten seconds to actually read a gadget plugged in - to see if the gadget is actually working - and is with even more USA tamporing concerns with in bile issues that might -  perplex -and twist again,  with 49/ 50 bile not 49 but 50 - as someone last week put unethical signs in my very lively front garden grass -  unethical to do- unpleasant too.  Plug in a volt meter to a type of 24 v electric type adaptor with an individual seperate power up modul mini storage charge generator -  usb inverter ready and 24 v inverter adaptor both - power charger type-  special to- watch the volt meter needle work or not - energy working or not ? To look closer at  the active electric of a working gadget much like a close look at a incandescent light bulb that has a filliment wire unbroken and does work if unbroken filliments are clearly visible. Excellent design in light bulbs too. Volt meter ! Is your gadget working ?
Or a volt meter for a battery. Is it working ? Or not ?

Stores ? Return - again. And later the store  could not afford wage worthy viability - due to who ?
Tamporing with what ? Returns where ? 

Great store gone where ? 

Stores Spending their earnings profits on refunds in Asprin. All Asprin. Is not a good reality for stores in business. 

As today in September 2022 

Most cars are running rather well now - in most cars since my summer post about automobiles and the five point - star look at your car maintenance for your own automobile. Sales in automobiles was even good through the summer and people are now even able to afford a second car in some saved money of their own if they decided to purchase a little sporty week-ender automobile and drive both forever. 
WiFi connection are free- online services are included with the mobile- personal travel phones to connect free to a public WiFi. . Including WiFi and hot spot connections and blue tooth wireless ear phones in your blue tooth setting to (pair = connect ear phones to your phone with no wire connection after powering up your head phones adequately)- just go to your settings that looks like a grey cookie like thing -“ settings “ then look for blue tooth and switch it to your head phones Gizmo insignia label - inside the blue tooth setting - to connect after turning your head phones on. Not off. Then connect in the phone setting in the blue tooth to the insignia gizmo labeled headphones - connect and listen to your phone and talk or listen to music and movies etc. ear plugs too “small ear phones inside your ear can be easily connected the same way as you look to see your ear phones are ready in the settings of your phone and - on - connect. Gizmo insignia label in settings on your phone will be ready to connect. WiFi can be connected in many shops traveling with a computer or travel phone- if needed -just look for mc Donald’s WiFi if at mc Donald’s and look at the right bottom corner in your computer to see that triangle type insignia and then click on it- look for WiFi and click then look for mc Donald’s WiFi and connect. Travel phones have  little insignias at the top of the phone- wipe your finger from the top of your phone to the middle of your phone- look for a upside-down triangle with some bar like things - click and look for mc Donald’s WiFi if that’s where you are- connect. Free. Then Google as readily there already and free and free bing too- are readily available -and not to be blocked in any way or in any type of tamporing that says unsafe- or a tamporing that lists a site as - wrongly noted in popularity - both are known as an -www engine url -  of the World Wide Web - known as simply www. Usually followed be http// and then a web site url address to look up an auto supply store or pizza shop- bus station etc. or hotel nearest to you. Your travel phone is with an option to  pay a low monthly service you have a choice to pay for a online phone service with phone connections included and the hot spot located inside settings included -and can help you connect your computer at no extra charge and then ready set go for a drive with your computer too. If you desire.  Also canceling the monthly home service if you do not wish to pay for an extra online service at home- and just a travel phone fully online ready everywhere. 

Or  two online plus phone service - your choice with two monthly fees. 

Land line phones are a choice too. 
Within ethical standards in the USA a company is not allowed to chop your service fee into time slots and are required to assure full services at a low regulation cost and no - extra fee for any more as municilpe types of basic needed services.  
Monthly fee to connect- include  phone connections monthly. I should mention that tamporing has been an issue in the USA and very upsetting to so many.  Strict regulatory ethics are a reality and are not a compromise to anyone at all- and no one can ask for your credit history and must connect your services to all peoples wishing to have a phone connected- in a standard monthly payment - currently which are as low as $14.00 total monthly fee.  
WiFi areas in public places are free, and available in many public shopping areas - to get online with a phone even that might be older - not tossed out and with no phone monthly service - but charged up it connects to WiFi in places like Mc Donald’s and public travel areas - even fuel stops in most areas now. Most Walmarts have free WiFi to connect your phone to WiFi and sit a while-  if wishing to read or listen to something you might enjoy on a work break or a travel jont,  even long traveled too. Very important to have ability to connect a second phone to WiFi and feel like no tamporing is the absolute  hope of peoples everywhere to take it seriously in any little tamporing in the USA and begin more to see who has been consorting even more in these last 300 days in the USA in connection of even prolonging issues of ruin to business - and attempts at harm to employment for many and that of a horrible issue that prolonged covid 19- endangering lives and even schools and foods and self assurances reachable to many areas. 

Today is September 27th, 2022. 
Within a  real ethical repose in the USA with welcoming professionalism to all and anyone in every village and international travelers too -the reality in stability for a greater year ahead into 2023 might go well. The great kind professional ethical care in shops across the USA increased some sales in to autumn 2022 and are gaining in a more stabilized standard. A USA standard unforgotten and cared about of marvolously greater of people everywhere. 

To look forward to Indian Summer forever - and assure fully stopping -the concerns in even little tamporing - with large targeting unethically - and looking at things that do work perfectly in many - and many - types of gadgets too as I wish to keep my toy whirligig forever and my phone-  and more. Efforts in excellence are going so well.  Awful to see a - issue in vicious  attempts in real -  attempts of vicious reality. And very mighty meek too - and with awful unethical intentions intentionally.  

Who are - these few USA  cohorts of blistering to the USA and were consorting too ruin and set forth muck and fists in some cases, with dc Oval Office bile - threatening the lives of the peoples of the USA in more ways than imaginable and attempting threatening even more to international countries, in a large USA to be concerned of tamporing more, and very caring lovely people of greater USA people are. 

Some buttfspangling bile attempted to use a longer distance invisible wireless illigal  shut off on something’s that were never meant to happen - and malicious.  who ? Who ? Attempted to insight such hainus deceptions in things like a remote stun in  access to stop your car or phone.  Was there a real cure to -  those whom attempted to cause rubble to any -  who ended up with a perplexing infected muscle - hip - bone marrow issue ? Or other issue caused even now from bile attempts.   
I have a little love note surprise about the results globally of June Revolution Now 2022 get vaccinated- and all the amazing many billions of people whom made a difference. Guitar and no guitar - excellence. 
In my Indian Summer Event -  notes to know. You affected the whole world. How ? Is an Indian word - with my wish that you might read my  love notes again. 

Later alagator. 

Banking has had tamporing with even best bankers and some that are  types of tamporing are zaps from the same humans in the USA that are on the outside of banking - running for who and what door? Claiming lies to try to get into the actual banking - that is actually - working mostly much better than was., with no need to attempt to - cause clients of the banking accounts extra hurtles to leap more in passwords after passwords after passwords - that are much too complex and make no sense at one or three passwords - just one works well these days in 2022 September - while bank concerns are some extra concerns to all peoples and even children with their coins to count more and more, with postal service cares to - concern each person of shipping and resolve - a matter of shipping to gain the shipment that was sent to you - shipped as package was meant to be - purchased shipped too - or a refund for some product that didn’t arrive at all- and paid for.  With a possiblity to assure the purchase to be shipped and sales to companies and not a full time refund plague of dismal business. 

All the sudden an account was over paid in credit card payments double instead of just a simple amount of a minimum fee I paid last month - who tampored ? I only paid a $20.00 and not $40.00 in my credit card payment and it was wrongly paid at $40.00 suddenly. Who is responsible for this type of tamporing in the USA as I needed to save the extra $20.00 last month. 

dc bile again used their wrong muscle - again and again. With cohorted others gusseting - basks of a few still in a contempt of the USA greater peoples in all those cities in good soil worth throughout 50 somewhat large states in the USA large of so many people everywhere. 

Unimaginable  dc bile in wrongs and headed for pennies to get to- and some how the USA has to see to a serious look at these concerns that could even effect many if in the wrong hands to suddenly upset the banking standard - thus so far- and a reality in some assured measurement to get your full statements and no errors as assured at banking levels towards all USA people and that of others internationally whom might have business in the USA and also need assured banking standards too. 
Who tampored in a way to try and gain more and more in the USA -with big eyeballs on others in a summer of earnings that were better. Who ? Now vary important count on every penny to dollar of yours to know - and then take steps in repose of a people process to ethical assured standards in banking that is solidly stabilized. 

More in banking areas in my other notes 
and not within a memo. 

Was the tamporing inside the USA banking in remote access toilet tour - online or off - or was it from an outside USA human that is just going to continue tamporing to face the billions of people -  tallied up and ready. 
Tamporing in utube is - a concern to other tamporing from who ? And the USA is with more people everywhere that want to assure themselves of the absolute -in ethical standards in a USA banking assured ethically second by second and day by day forever. 

The USA peoples ethical repose is important. 
The dc bile  are merely gone soon with people that are very much in love these days with a USA that is looking much better and kind with serious cares in ethical processes.  Nearly all peoples in the USA are better and healthier  as well.  And drinking whole unadulterated ( pure ) wonderful milk daily. 
Their is a count on -  cohorted futile few other humans - made fuzzy warm of assets of taxes just spitting out in their fisted  pockets filling-  while they unethically attacked in vicious  inhuman discusting - dismal ways to clip earnings and savings of the USA people and attempt to try and mess with perfectly working banking - that is not the good bank in many instances in dismal error as I do hope the banking people are positioned well in a strive for services ethically toward all peoples that want good solid banking real in standards -  and not wire tamporing -  cohorts eating more silver platters in million donuts and romping in two hour film in as here and where ? Axzeeks  -  in assets of whom ? 
Some standards in banking need some sharpening - I was recently over charges in several banking issues - yet again. and the total due to me is over $400. In a very serious banking error.  Not yet resolved as of September 28th, 2022. 
I have to write in an online area in my banking online area and request the money back. Stating details to these errors and no purchases that I made and in moon data records as facts that I did not purchase the recorded area of error in billing.  Moon data is - in every country in many many many satalights the same data. Cross matched data in Europe is real from the secular country to country of the many international countries. While a fast filtering of data was once more like a needle in a hay stack to fish out the full data needed in quantified types of good ways -  efforts seemingly better than seems, and the source of true bile in a motion in the USA for - perpencity of absolute unethical real contention into summer 2022 and currently still in actionable ( legal wrong doing with large fishing boots needed. )- as I was saying actionable unethical discordance. Inside the USA extra exclusive - 
Viewers in Europe to be announced here and there.  

Moon satalight data collectors circling the moon everywhere in .00007 faster than light speed data of course. 
Restored 1965 film of Martin Luther King is amazing.

So of course the banking people all in that bank could be very careful about the reality in ethical standards towards their own ethical self structure in each bank of the USA.  And then of course there are some errors, needing banks to assure that their errors are cleared up - and banking statements in others were said to be reported not fully noting the full monitary reports required by USA bankers in ethical compliances.  That includes a transmittle number recording ( similar to a number in the record of a confirmed -  serial number to each purchase and each depository recording within standard basic banking). It also includes that of assured 
standard in - types of attempts from any - to simply deside to attempt to debit your account in wrongful charges and - see an actual reality of compliances that are rules ethically of banking employed people to assure standards of ethical banking compliances and be careful about that bile that might plunder from outside to gain access inside in a fraudulent issue. 

There was a great recording on television long ago that said “ don’t touch that dial”. 
More on that outside the contention of a memo and missing money in my bank- and some missing packages I purchased in over three years in my purchases. I can write international countries to raise my ethical concerns to my missing money from my bank - involving international ethics in international banking regulations that are to be assured in USA compliances within constitutional laws for the USA people too.  
In a hope that international countries could care about anyone attempting unethical issues in the USA - an error and non ethical issues of some missing money with two recorded debited types of - charges in over $400.00 In just a month. And an over charge in my real banking at a Walmart of a $100.00 in a issue with some similar tamporing to Walmart like utube tamporing bile USA. In a pile of a big USA in the know. 

Saved money within my assets of financial areas I care well about are very important.  USA peoples saved money too is important, as in every penny - and all counted pennies from every company too are important.  
Smallest  tamporing is not ever  small. 
Emails were tampored with more than 350 winter holiday messages very specially prepared just at 2021 Christmas winter holiday in my email accounts. Others too. 
And still it is very upsetting to not receive your holiday messages as was written - or any message.” Why” is not as important as “who” now -would attempt to unethically lie again about news and the lies from dc hoc bile  to such contentions towards the USA again or attempt to - push others into unethical structure, cutting off chance and perhaps, contemptuously circling others in an attempt of some sort of unseen wrong unethically in vicious ways. 
Only a few humans now in the USA have contempt of a huge USA of greater peoples  in ethical prowess and proudly achieved towards a great many USA in  larger than imaginable- far more of humanity than dc bile whom still attempt disease plagued at others and attempts of  crushing of USA of individualism choice  ethically and business ethical choice as these humans of such distain really are as also   involved in lengthy unethical dc jerking humanities in  activities they submerged into -in an contempt of the peoples of the USA. 
The USA leaped into a better way in summer 2022, greatly and within a  fast reality towards a repose to the USA in a peoples real ethical of a  constitutional process ethically in great affects to have stopped covid 19 and made good strides of a better economic that is improving through summer 2022 into even more toward what will be winter 2022. 

Within an ethical process of the impeachment in dc Oval Office - the USA people made a difference and the people all over the world were proud of USA peoples and wrote impeachment letters too for the USA greater peoples. Presidents of international countries are also with great cares towards the USA peoples too.  
Only a few humans are-  with with the bile dc who ? 
DC hoc I will call them to as I wish to be as polite at possible. The dc hoc are  in contempt in unethical dismal issues caused to the USA and the thwarts that were catapolted internationally, and   at many other peoples greater, of standards to set forth a  repaired in ethics - all in all ethical repose gearing up well into a good future for the USA as a very proud reality noted internationally everywhere. 
It is not alone that the USA peoples decisions in ethical repose -  are in a repose in concerns even about seemingly smaller tamporing -  that may not be that small to harm or harrow even one person somewhere- in the USA as a country, in illegally run hospitals as well, with mortifying unethical issues, as the USA is quite large and tamporing online or else where could be more concerning than realized as needing the serious concerns of the USA people of such great realities. 

In even Rootbeer Ice Cream Floats they saved to purchase too into a better summer 2022. 
xcxcxcxcxcxcxcc updating in the memo below reread if you wish.xcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxccccvccxcxxc
There are a few more areas in subject matter to include in the memo as I wish very much before convening  to begin Indian summer of winter events 2022 xcxcxcccxvcxcxcxxc. 

 A quiet solice rumbled of greater people within kind cares respectively into a much larger international whole world of many countries and confounding numerous peoples internationally too of good ethics and care in an incredible better reality more and more. Respective even at a far distance. 
Much larger than Texas. Yes Absolutly. 
Moving forward in this memo briefly - not just utube has been in the reach in a contempt of ethics of gripping hands of a few USA dc bile that tampored of many news details online and then attempted to mangle some - in details online that were pointed wrongly at others -in lies from some USA hands and feable and mortifying real malice even in mask sales ( over loaded and with harmful blasts of news ) ( merely boosting whos sales? Ignoring real life issues in all aspects of humanities in journalistic ethics) - to buy and stop and buy and stop and buy and stop - stemming from dc hoc that blasted lies and maliciousness unethically with news harms in lies in unethical reporting -  and covid 19 tests again and again -reeped taxes - to who collecting the pence, then who again - set way in lies and deversional threats to host more -disease prolonged if Biden Harris  dc hoc  had more- ways to damage assets to people and many minutes of real efforts in a great chance.  Not limited to - just Biden Harris adminizapwuzzing. 
Which corner of the ruin are they located now? Where are these humans now and who’s side of beefungling will they attempt into 2023 ?
Again - online tamporing is not just a utube message slightly miffed -by someone dc hoc. 

The  lovely many messages are outstanding and brightly delightful in all countries for my notes in a much  greater than simply a fine blue sky.  
eBay sales were with -  some one spot tamporing at times -  and missing or switched packages -  and wrong fake emails too-  attempts to take money in banking assets - even if the bile failed -  then attempted again - to ruin eBay so well run- and with packages sold from international merchant companies that ship and deliveries are going much much better in nearly all now. EBay of course is in absolute need to hope they can properly display the address of the merchant whom is listing and selling the products with absolute direct email contact info fully for sales business reality needed. EBay is a very with worth in standards. 
Dc bile attempts on  prices at Walmart listings to even $600.00 shipments of cola cola in a six 12 once can pack normally costing no more than $4.75 harmed profitable sales in Walmart -  and reduced their ability in assurances to a steady wage and best employment in some -  attempts in tamporing online at utube, Walmart, eBay -  and more. With mere water hoisted in even in a one pittle -  divided cloister at the metroploitain museum of art  ,… merely alone they stood with a mix up of other nice peoples - almost alone dc bile hoc and bile hoc  - unless it’s a scene. 

And not simply become a person neat - enjoying  joining a great invite exciting. 
Recently some tamporing has caused me some delayed slow downs to some -love notes to Russia, filled with surprises. 

My senses  to be there too within a formal sort of announcement posted online at times of my notes, even in Moscow Russia red square - announced soon again of more. 

The memo here is with time zapping that scrolled time minute by minute -tamporing in a minute by minute threat to my time to breeze through listening to messages and films sent-  have been tampored with in a slow -  stun type of wire hitting and attempts at stun bunning popped boron lazer blasting-  in even attempts to cut off electric and double bill in some real horror too-  attempting to - stop even USA phones and electric, and tiny toy helicopters and toasters., microwaves, power cords., No no, not gm fords and all that reported issue with holes in rubber tires-  Goodyear sales a few many years back with lies in news harmed sales and great quality tires. The attempt to slow down my instant speed of light online typing to look at messages sent fast as fast gets-  at only in reality one speed online constant likeness to  light speed actual reality- like the electric plug -  that I plugs in a light and a light works -  non stop -well made technology -  dc hoc  with cohorts wanted  to convince you to make a  wished in just hope so they could  jam  even your budget notes in banks on-line - in a harsh - hope to stay invisable while really they are in a harror toward possibly hugging most more in a like to entice what again ?  Taking  an election type hammer to hope a splice off your wages.  Ten minutes I heard enough wrong yet again in later 2022 -  then more light bills dc hoc tried in lies in sorted tamporing  -  or? 
Attempts too to shove any into  -  offer up unethical jobs - equipped in  spare coins from who ? As these people gifted what ? lights free -  with buzzards circling you  or someone you love alright. 

whom , again are going to be elected to do  what ? 

Where has the time gone ? 
Into November 2022 already.

Sketch : 
USA few - Political Misnomer 
No Indian Summer 
Event Schedule Yet. 
Where is the first quarter year of 
pie profitable and % ‘s  ? 

Was the USA drinking higher milk volumes, then less sales to who ? Due to spotted inequality of ethical standards in pricing for grocery store foods ?
Even  at some caused to further a weak step towards ill  health - caused - with intent - inch by inch perhaps again and perhaps famine in the USA from bile tamporing issues and extremely something to note. Barrel and barrel bile associated pressed what ? 

In 2022 into about February I think into leaps of degenerative news burping-  While so few saw the glorious larger USA and their few hoc of  little-  big step - watered of the eye on your success to - shrivel one by one in attempts not larger than a quarter - of a years. With more wrong in the second quarter year into third and fourth quarters - 2022 - attempting  at gripping pennies, out of everyone in fact. 

Even  in online tamporing and attempts in ATM and other types of tamporing of banking too. 
Staring up at the moon - in their meek huddle -  not one of the few - very few - reached the larger of so many in such a greater large USA and thought moon data could not reveal them in 2022- popping away at any in fitz of mortifying attempts unethically real. 
There are lies about slower speed online -untrue. Get out your debate team - and glove up to box the larger USA in this panel quest. If you dare. 
I recently checked my flashlight on my two spare working phones -  instantly the light went on when I pressed the light insignia button to on. It was constantly on in a constant streem of - on. Same speed of energy at light speed as online a speed does work at a constant speed of light. See the films again online. Listen to music more. 
My online computers have been plugged in since 1995.
Same online World Wide Web - that has google and bing are simply a program made to ease - online use and with many ethical compliances within regulatory standards that are international standards of needed compliances which are somewhat complex - within USA constitutional ethics areas -  and not just a USA platform of many important types of realities of international importance.  Looming into note that this of course is then of highest international reality of international peoples of a lovely nature of humanity in concern and affects to even more letters -  as a Washington Monument waits the smallest low platform to preserve the ethical humanitarian structures - and become a peoples of many countries - making a difference too. As intetnational ethics are of course of a www platform of absolute solvency to ethical assured flight tickets at least.  Too - at least,  see sites as authentic in origination of origins in those whom really own the web-site of the company. Are you responsible as a director to see web details as to the requirements needed of the owners exact requests and exact decisions ? as details to -created web site design are with complex ethics  requirement  - 
and tamporing from who ? 


xcxcxcxcxcxcx.  October    14th, 2022 

xcxcxcxcxcxcx.  memo nearing an end and then a hope to a real Indian Summer Event Winter Par Excellence  - expressly from my own cares and love to a whole world. 

Par Excellence  = French Definition Formitably  of the Word : a love to a breath in a small detail well done to enjoy the entirety. Of all the world to know. 

I mean to say- utube is free to upload your own films and Flickr is also free to sign up then sign in -to upload your personal selection of your own photographs to enjoy an online sort of personal shelf of your own memories and times. 
Important - yes. Tamporing of a  even a few USA humans  is important to clearly consider - repose with cares.  Think about the news again and seek toward dissemination if it may be wrong and seek not to spread the wrong in all hopes - while expression in solvency too is very important . 

The awful unethical lies  in news - not to spread dismal discontent of vicious intent - in blithering harm is a place to - see a reality in a repose of a USA care in assured ethical standards - Setting apart from vicious dc hoc who plagued attention to pitting peoples in massive harm to any. 

And caused dismal awful issues even in your life. 
Even  in phone calls too that were brutal and unethical within these bile issues were mortifying to some in unethical robotic calls and switched calls in some cases and actual calls with direct threats in lies in some cases. 

Reciting the abc politely - at four years old is good achievement in early learning.  Into practice of many more years and playing ball and more-  to even prepare to look forward to a very first job too.  A first car paid from your own wages or penny jar savings at 16 is wildly good. Yes. 
Never mind that now in this memo. 

Sending unethical letters to whom ?  To  get more cash in unethical pencity - who are these giblets ? Where are the earnings reports for Netflix ? 
Why is there a breach of ethics - in a popspangle from yet a new news of who, again in September 2022. 
On my desk top of my  phone-  news from who again-  and not a text that is ethical in a text to read or not read and ignore are not on my text and spoofed into my phone cover area on the face of my phone -  unethical tamporing with popspangle weezeling news popped to an very wrong attempt to break into phones- and not use text messages or an answering machine to ignore if anyone wishes with that of a phone number to know who sent what and who lied when news text just instead broken into your face of your phone and you don’t know even who sent a text -  or called  by phone calls. 
Apple who, where ? Publicly , where is the offices located and who sent lies in a attempt to crush ethics and hunch people -instead of text ? Apple apple who? 

Reminding me of jokes I used to tell at age four to my father-  who’s there ? Apple ? Apple who ?  My father was listening as I might have said apple Dumpling  cakes gone in to take the cakes  - where there is apple pie in the sky?  Silly ? Remarkably my father did not lauph at all. - 
While the serious issues in just a few bile could plant a few seeds near your garden soon, then sit to collect your great fruits- blaming the loss on a chipmonk. Or a fly with no teeth and definitely not strong enough to spin through your screen and infest all the sudden your fine real apple pie. 
Med miffed laser what cha mag gig a wattle what who again ? My recommendation is to purchase my own ace brand bandage and a bottle of Asprin - as I took some time to note with care in the larger love note.

Are you attempting to pay out money for supplemental types of health insurances - that is possibly not used for what was said - and the tax paid Medicare is free to all as paid by tax that everyone in the USA does already pay even in sales tax. What is what ? Unethical types of insurances for health can not be ethically added into a already good Medicare health insurance in the USA in any ethical reality. In a clarity - was there more wrong information from the real Tazmanian Devil cartooned for jokes. While looking back into 2022 Febuary, I see no humor in the vicious harm of dc bile and associated bile that even caused further damages in tamporing again over 400 days into current concerns in all those very many USA peoples village to village city to city coastline to coastline and with a very large number of peoples internationally. Such small few-  and with grips and fists and automobiles -  dismal - assimilations too. 

Paul Simon with world famous wonderful songs - made a statement film a while back- with the good humored personifications kindly noted with an accompaniment of the wonderful attributes in political comedy of Chevy Chase-  not so funny as in ha ha 
as more-  a closer look at an ethical care toward assure compositional worth in crediting the works in music compositional form with highest respects ethically-   repose to jog the memory in mindful cares again and again in highest ethical cares. 

Paul Simon is seated to the left, and Chevy Chase to the other side-  in a film, of an issue set forth in a political film short work of direct political care. 
It is with a very gracious thank you to both Paul Simon and Chevy Chase for taking time in creating a message in film that is an underlined issue -  concerning with Paul Simons great song he wrote and recored and became well known selling songs as a loved  music composers. Chevy Chase  was very kind too, with Chevy’s notable comedic worth lenghty in tv media, and some movies. Taking time in political not so haha- film short with Paul Simon was extremely nice of you. Thank you both. 

Bayer Asprin anyone? 
Asprin -  from a company -that was working fine-  in employing a few people too. While in sales reports of some years back some concerns in USA news about tax expenditures - in payments for one pill of Asprin at $100.00 dollars a pill in hospital piple- true,  to a secondary billing of substandard health insurances were wrong. Again and again.
 The company -  Asprin ? Asprin was a good company . 
At $2.60 per bottle of Asprin at 30 pills total were damaged badly in - who’s party news USA, and then an employment of staff employed to make Asprin so well priced at $2.60 per bottle 30 pills , then with an unethical issue of,.. subverted $100.00 per pill hospital sale sold. ! Then Asprin drastically could not pay wages to lost sales nationally in the USA in Asprin sales. Tylenol instead.   Move on - get out. No jobs. Out -  dear. 
Then of course Asprin sales  was years back stemming from a shifty news report of someone looking at piles of Asprin buy outs to sell to a hospital at big $100.00 pittings. 
Leaked in some vicious type of harror to the USA -
from shifty USA -then, in a toilet seat office too. With enough cash of Asprin sales unethically to hospitals at $100.00 per pill, then into signs - yard signs everywhere which is actually not ethical in yard signs to plant as people deem to muck up actual views for that of ethical environmental spatial rules in urban environment ethics - while these bile shifty then head next dc oval what ? Or worse -new signs to a governors WHO of WHO ? in a wrong election schedule in just lies in news and extra unethical aspirin secondary sales subverted cash for a sign -  
Select elect - more. Wrong again. 
A few in the USA are extreme  technojerks -tamporing hoc-  very vicious -as these few even attempted to stop utube totally and rip it out in my messages of so many.  

Even just pure enjoyment to listen to some of my favorite films and music and new messages daily. And then short - disruptions -  that I did gain my messages in time before polo begins and sailing in Spain. 
More about some issues-  that hiked themselves  into even my hall in my entry as the slow zap techno junketer  hit my lights and listening to my messages online suddenly became a slight bit difficult for a short while. As these bile leaped in at - the halo in even contempt of my cat and my chipmonk outside.

Are they in tamporing and mug rug art muse tipis selling what ?  Invisable?” 

 No.  I think not. 

Visible rushing cicles is more the reality ? 300 days of hall entry noise- meaning more than just- trying it again in Manhattan halls with - face to face lies to 60,000 people in one building -and instead -telling others lies to promote a good feeling about more vibe- Zappos and insured milk- while Manhattan peoples leaped hurtles and hoops in  Manhattan so to speak to assure professional standards and assure street pleasant - reality to all traveling in or residing in the city - in success of business and lite leisure well done. 

Most of Manhattan are - savvy with care about who is at the perpetuation of these utter contentions. 

Concerns are taken seriously while people are not shaken now into autumn 2022. 

Febuary  2022  perhaps in a small quandary of huddling clustering bile- divided ? Are vile weaving within a cluster in your area or events ? 

In moon data recorded faster than .00007 seconds of more moon data satalights in international countries . Yes. 
It’s not the fun of bear run -  to drive and swim in the bear run regions of the USA and enjoy wide open sky and good plenitude of fine achieved professionally cared in details to wages and savings  and good liesure travel to what is known as bear run - to reallly take a finest pleasure in swimming under lovely forest trees well.  Even  listening to MICK JAGGAR sing his lovely wildly composed song “ get off of my cloud “ or “wild horses “ as both fine songs or you might chose a compositional work in music of Chopin symphonies from Austria played by the Vianna philharmonic in Central Europe,  in the city of Vienna in comfort. 

Listening  to the  philharmonic with head phones on in the middle of 2:00 am in midnight blue - sky outside 2:00 am peering through your windows in a furious passion at the stars and moon light shown through to a beautiful glimmer beyond hope. 

Children all nestled in such a lulling sleep of a day gone by well enough. Full of wit and wonderment of math equations - abc writing in pencil and paper -fine foods in an ethical hopeful beginning still wobbling - and excited of honored towards good farms and good health -  villages all. Yes. 

And a chance to play kick ball forever. 
USA dc bile and their 49 hoc - 
 have attempted to rip up sites illigally and with very serious issues they have caused themselves in the last 300 days -  as too reep the USA in lies pointing at nearly  any USA peoples as they used dc like giant toilet -  and ate and blasted and bull dozed -  with spitting stun -types of gadgets too in a worming of whistling weezeling pops in stunning others and sound synthesized far blasting sonar  -ghosted lies - in soft shammbling sound blasting and whistling synthisized pitch piping sounds at ears sharping sound seeming invisable nearly unless Gumby can blimel a location on who ? Looking at my phone gps and then everyone in the USA with gps too exactly where they are -  hide more for a few invisable swizzles while days are racking up a list of unethical dismal contempt from a small few bile. Hoc tuuiee. 

USA peoples are ready to know more about who again and again were unethically in a roll on and on to  whom. 

The success of the USA in the summer of 2022 into now- is with more to express excitement - soon more even in details wildly to outstanding exciting - I can’t say now. 

Sailing in Spain. Ah.  

Sound of what ? Meezel bread disease next ?  
No. And no again. 
 Again - dc bile are now known as  hoc with their cohort hoc in a few unethically actionable harms they caused -even more in 300 days in September 2022., again. 
They did not actually make it -  in that of excellence professional 49er football major league - and  tried to even tampor with ticket sales too from online USA -. With  the dc hoc of merely only  49 more or less, give or take, they said, perpetuated disease to others as noted by the entire country of USA peoples and all people international  in a larger world than most people can even imagine the magnitude in size and that of immense lovely care in peoples of all international countries. 
Utube tamporing - damages attempted music and the ability to buy mini albums -  effected many, even if just your personal film joyful in a travel outside was to be great fun and waiting for the chances in filming and uploading film to see your own memories too,  in a short stroll filmed well  perhaps - needed in liesure after achieved 
wages not bad. 
The recent link of utube messaged with Rowen Atkinson’s  kind emails - is with a tamporing that says utube is Netflix’s and  it is not -  Netflix- 

and is Rowen Atkinson - in a carefully planned message perhaps a bit political - and in carefully 
 reading  name of the first listed name of Rowen Atkinson it is Rowen. And his film message. 

at Utube..  
Other names are also listed in tamporing appendages on to real nice peoples utube films -with intent that was not the utube  and not the person’s headline of utube that was intended as Rowen Atkinson is careing to create a message more with his other well made Mr Bean series of film short works in film. 

great I received the message in utube film with many many others all over the world and very exciting. 
I can’t wait to get back to love notes to Moscow Russia and the whole world. Sir Vladimir Putin too has been lovely. Filled with respective humor and serious cares. 
 A few  puffed ? What lies will be spread again ?  Bigger they puffed-  in large and sometimes seemingly prestigious crowds too and even police- that  harmed in -  zoot suites suddenly suited up in police types in your home bath perhaps - not expecting anything like that in their second to attempt to carral others even - and friends shrieked fast leaving the zoot in the dust - and again too in later 2022.  Again. 

dc hoc attempted to  threaten others with lies and attempts to extort from people of any gained earned wealth. 
Twisting the actual truth against some in lies of even legal issues totally  attempting to implicate anyone in a rotted attempt unethically in vicious lies-  to stop them and rip them off- even yelling lies towards others while they zoot suited up recently again-  then a bank or dc again in taxes where ? 
The entire police were disband in 2014 and some few kept swinging harshly -even smug- to gain friends and lie more - at such a large USA that might wish to locate those still miffing in attempts to stop and rip people off.
 Of course -  in a clarity -details are details in 2022 and   jobs have been available over 300 days even - and a few needed a job and jumped at a chance to good solid work and ethical stabilized wage. Fast and smartly doing well and saved money as well as traveled lite too on their free time and achieved peoples - good good. 
It’s a very puffed dc bile in a cluster divided - that satiated -  in a smothering type of fraudulent unethical harm to the USA peoples in each city and each village while dc bile swarmed in to those silver plates of donuts -  and golden cherry wood chairs, they have no respect in any ethical standard as  they kept thwarting the USA with loudly unethically dismal attempts - wrongly and viciously - with intent to cause harm-attempting to pocket peoples money and turn nasty in a contempt of humanity and the responsibility to ethical structured reality. 
The peoples got busy anyway and then  -  fully vaccinated with no further covid 19 anywhere now as of July 15th 2022 - 
The dc bile gained fisted rage among 49 others divided in most of them, which I can easily call bowels. Not to be mistaken for vowels in the proper English USA alphelbeit. 
Of course my father may have used some other word once or twice -not professionally or in public much.
Upset  to Rowen Atkinson  too.
Dates of people posting and with web sites so well prepared and special really as exciting -

Then  have been tampored with a few more times in a one seperate viewable tamporing in some wrong unethical actionable serious issues. Thinking everything looks right while sending it or uploading. After the upload and even a first look most of the time have been running fine with thanks to the ussr and Europe. While some are - revealing the attempts of a few - that were attempting much worse. 

 Still I am excited beyond some - attempt to harm even some greatest in film short messages so fun. 
The  tamporing of the date were harsh in lies about some that sent daily messages and instead the tamporing were vicious saying it was dated years ago. 
And not true. 

Many messages so lovely actually -daily even and many in September 2022 with updates often in tiny short films very loved. 
Who would dare to attempt to frazzle and even viciously tatter anyone? 
News in review ? What do you mean lies in unethical reports from USA news again why ? Who are they ? 
What in the hell is going on in these issues ?
Unsubstantiated and unethical ? Join dc hoc  in their divid in a cluster revealed in  data now.  
 Lies  of even deaths - untrue,  that popped out of fraudulent dc bile whom lied and attempted extortion then an attempt to dismantle the USA with a diversion tactic of lies - 

2022 people in the USA had some kind fragility - with no reason to be unkind ever. 
 Think  to be a what ? 
 In a boxing wrink ? Hoc ? 
Not a  calm to chose home - and more, ball, golf, travel lite, savings going alright enough and maybe a inflatable boat to a Febuary plan to drive to the beach in warm areas a few days-  as even an enjoyable calm  in your home-  and work in good wages and even better the leisure time too. Retirement, with much to set sail too at 65 and more the sky a bluest too.
Who ? Tampored with peoples messages and emails and  headlines on their posts in even utube.  Tamporing with utube to layer words that are unethically appendages -  and then bile caused an attempt to threaten in illigally billing in phones and more in October 2022 - in an extortion tactic towards people trying to fill their refrigerator -attempts to cause an unethical disruption on their flight tickets internationally too even  more - often when ? Once again when ? utube to view as normal ot - ah, under legal moon data reviews in international countries of excellent presidents and their governments. ? 
. Regulated price standards means all - within equality ethics within USA legal compliances of ethical standards -as retail and that of basic to assure proper basics reachable in low pricing and hopes to savings for peoples in a hope to save some money too - actually true -  in many types of sales etc. 
Not just utube tamporing - in peoples considerations of some USA bile causing even well known music people damages -  as well as Mc Donald’s too, with attempts to extort zabbernutbuttles - and the films -  in some tamporing issues and attempts to shuffle mc Donald’s in sorted concerns.   Who ? 
DC Bile and the mere 49 contenders are  mortifying, really just a few eyeballs on others they plagued a contention in unethics again, in the USA that also perpetuated a series of hellish unethical lies from the dc bile directly in the Oval Office again and again and again. 2022 Febuary was very serious in unethical dismay dispelled in a propeller towards a mortification to USA peoples everywhere and dc bile -  and their 49 contenders separated in some and  -  were tamporing viciously in September 2022, attempts at even hud and attempts in lies about  the Lies in Death in the country of England in Europe at top levels in an attack on the whole country - verbal threats towards Englands whole country. In lies that are not ethical and are vicious attacks coming from USA few who? 
Suddenly yet again, USA news media and repetitive revolving power pistoled USA news in some print media news threw unethical news at ENGLAND in threats toward the country of ENGLAND propelled at a very good country yet again and Europe again in attempts to disparage the USA with dismal intentions of  political threats  into  September 2022.
 Also threats verbally towards some people simply trying to work in good companies ethically with hopes to a stabilized good wage and even some that have assets earning to retire in a forever enjoyment to garden - bike stroll and take up some reading studies - travel a bit. With hopes to at least study some international languages perhaps - in a fine fluffy slipper. Atleast.  
Book of languages to read after all is usually under $10.00 pocket size. 
Home cook more or dine out some. Yes. Decently mindful of standard list  item prices and a sway to good standards in prices too. More milk and everything too. Gosh. Pealed eyes.
Well yes, as $600.00 for a small six 12 onze cans of cola cola are a serious danger to employment at cola cola too. Not to mention a threat to any postal shipment in attempts at tamporing with postal rosters  from a 23 23 layers suet drink sale - in or out of Toronto into USA dc contenders again. Unimaginable and real unethical thwarting.  
On - contentions in the USA.  Hoc in mere bile 49 - are where - where are they ?  Recently last week, the news in the USA set way again- in attempts  to vicious verbal attacks on three president dignitaries of international countries that were actually yet again -  attacked verbally of lies about them from USA unethical bile in news illigally reported from USA news -and tampor tanks - and magazines -  too, reports from some of the  same few humans now - in September 2022  in even a  few more legal issues these mighty bile - will wear as caused to sling at international dignitaries of presidential country stature of lenghty great worthy work in the world, as the relentless unethical sad pitiful dc bile -attempted to verbal lies that are a threat - to the fine reality of a great international presidents of countries and a threat to peoples internationally as also a threat towards greater fortitude of  USA dignaty into even respectiveness toward international countries - with respective cares of all countries too. 
dc bile and affiliates unethically are misnomers of subsequent efforts toward a propagation in the most vicious issues in 2022 and are looking to be lined up in a schedule to a boxing match -  in their contempt of ethics on and on into September 2022 as time is ticking- 

as peoples try to regain a minute of calm to -look at a home newer even as theirs -was ruined by the dc jerks. 
Even  small chinchilla are concerned of USA hill sides  to hope a sky blue enough forever - while such pogwash of even seemingly small tamporing is far outnumbered -  in Swartting from few meezely techno jerking USA humans are now-linked in vicious connected - connect of wrong in a divided cluster - with dc bile - that reported death internationally and with vicious intentions towards actual countries like ENGLAND and Japan and other countries yet again - in scams of all sorts including online tamporing and other techno jerk types of - tamporing even with attempts toward - price hiking - USA electric connections.  Causing ice / hot zap - blasting and light flickering -  stuns, far range connectors to Zoot zapping even hearts of others -  even claiming ghosts, and med issues in an attempt to take tax dollars again and septic tank doctors -  possibly not actually licensed in ethical regulations of international educational standards within the USA- reeling in tax dinaro - of septic tank doctors and ghastly to the USA.,  from taxes paid by the peoples all - whom are all people with a reality of expectations to repair the structure in dc and expect bile to vam-moose. Were their knee jerkers using stun popper pistoling - in knee jerkings in the USA? 

The cities are filled now with peoples village into many many villages earned worthy wages and are in love with the worthy efforts of the greater peoples in the USA success with love to sir vladimir putin and Russia and all international countries with such grace and welcome good wishes. 
While now  throughout each of the 5o USA states of many cities and villages,  peoples are doing quite a bit better now in September 2022 as congressional structure will take a bit longer in careful ethical structured steps of the Peoples of the USA - with assured standards and within compliances to regulations existing dc concerns - within the USA constitutional structures within humanitarian standards of practical ethics of USA law and that of hopes to see a type of measured - ambiguous -  yet a level of certainty of international cares in humanity’s ethics that - are of a somewhat - secular existence within the USA to see structured and good. 50 states as one country the USA is the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, that is, in a great reality at least as ethics across the USA nation are going well unincumbered of some upsets even in recent as a distancing of upsets in 2022 Febuary. 
There are some people in the USA that - may have been hospitalized and harmed - and did not arrive back to the homes that they own - while are with some rental or adequate living condition for now independently an assurance of social security., and a country benifit of food standards suplimented in a SNAP USA country benifit, for all food, non alcoholic, and their own extra retirement they may have-with ability in qualifications in need of HUD is needed. Budgetary USA tax standards within even social security is with reports due in public veiw- not seen ?USA government - budget expenditures are an  issues are still in a need of public transparency reports in ethical USA government standards  ( seen by all people in reports ). 

Mortifying dc bile - ignored and harmed USA peoples in unethical lies and unethical non compliances to ethical standards within the USA structure of ethical humanities rules of regulatory compliances  - in just a small few dc oval bike - inhuman dispicable dc bile and that of the 49 more or less misnomers of vicious types of people -  still in a very serious contempt towards any of the USA people. With even phone calls to families and told the person was no longer alive. And untrue. In many. I phoned a friend in a city I lived a while back, his wife answered and told me that he was no longer alive. Later finding out he was alive. I hope she knew later. 
Very mortifying to so many. Even lied to. 
It’s unthinkable really. 

Social security had been a bit of ease in ways so far with social security to assure. 
And the successes of the USA through summer 2022 is very good for everyone in a good USA again and kind professionally and very spirited of peoples that can only be very good. 
A better  uproar of success in the USA peoples everywhere are real in 2022 throughout summer into today and ongoing with  finer leisure all over the country in every village. With an honored care towards all international countries too. Summer 2022 was a resounding time of success in nearly all with small details achieved in many retired and wage worthy work and leisure with guitar composers everywhere in the whole world in a revolution to stop covid 19 with get vaccinated now events -in June 2022 that was a complete success all over the world -  of humanitarian great fun and success too and many notes still unwritten of a larger affects of some many- yet  to be savored  in love notes.  Love notes to guitar players too, soon. And the Russian Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin as a lovely person, in a giant devotion of many cares culturally too.
What is what ? Looking at some concerns in my brief memo is with care to hope that - each person in the USA considers the upset of Wench types of news I wrote a few minutes about, and consider wenched in some talk -face to face at times of even perhaps unethical in upset of lies - thwarts - Madge’s manicure news,… - as Purina emailed me a while back -  a with a message - sales in good earnest efforts and prices makes good wages even better next year in 2023,  to perhaps learn to water surf on a shallow low tide half board water surfing excursion ocean beach side and brunch to bring. 

Walmart is selling half surf sized boards. 

Not notes on that now, yet. 
Contention concerns and that of lost minutes and costs lies of tamporing contents of - light speed - reality as regulation standards  gain stridency.
 Say Absolutly.
Not instead -to pay out Pennie’s per- to block to circle your bank, risterante, outings, job, home, school, or city buildings etc., or anyone in horror ever again. 
While the airports are still an issue in the USA of standard regulations and compliances too. 
Last week in September week of the12 th 2022, tamporing yet again arose from USA bile misnomer was more than lies about royal countries or international peoples of countries. Lies in tamporing said by 
The Who in news 49er and dc bile - claimed they would lie - and just would - viciously -  Calling it macaroni ?
Viciously - without ethical reality of any reality of any ethic and  lied again toward other country presidents - with the 49 other bile with torking wrenches at the world especially as automobiles were rolling well again in the USA - with good sales too in new purchases which many afforded in buying their own automobile, dispite the rise of lies in misnomer contentions unethically and viciously -  while bile  still gain some - Nelson Eddy type  - strunings. At some.  And not that of the real Nelson Eddy. Simply a fine man and human being with Eva Gabore too. Both people as Eddy and Eva are simply wonderful. 
USA larger of greater peoples -care well,  more  at the standard ethical regulations in compliances for more even in inflationary cost effective measures in reports where ? - cares broadened and success is real. Summer 2022 went better all over the world and the USA peoples are a part of a success that is better and continues. 

xcxcxcxcxccccc more updates 
WHO ?.,, perpetuated with a dc bile and 49 misnomers more or less give or take —-a very small number of people that are still in contempt in ethics standards. 
Techno tamporing in techno  jerks-  even tampored with the USA postal service after attempting to break in and break rules - threatening people face to face with combative lies and extremely high costs that could be legally seen as an extortion tactic towards USA peoples and international merchant manufactures -as still issues have occurred caused by a small dc bile 49, in the USA as not seen in good ethical ways by all other international countries. 
The tamporing is much more concerning in the USA and text messages may have been tampored with too  from a wench of misnomers that verbally threatened some in the USA - a divided misnomer cluster caused again in a cluttered divid- of  humans that are unethical and have tried out again for throats of the USA - in any way. Same same - contentious few - smaller than an isle at Walgreens. 

Is there a way home for some in wrong reports about their life -to call and say hello -as  to just enjoy a daily caring  fulfilled achieved love in lifes sometimes mundane minutes - and a holiday dinner with people they do love even after a misnomer of caused - issues in a cold hard winter in 2022 of confounding concerns. 
Hello - yes. Hello. Called. I put your wrench set to the left on the floor of the garage. Left as I stood in the drive way facing the house from the front street and the drive way was on the left of that house . Remembering to put the wrench set exactly where we both knew it was.The wrench set was inside the garage on the right side near the door inside going into the house we lived in. The wrench set in the tool box is at the left side of the step entry just where you liked it. Building decks - I remember in fine carpentry work precision you were always fine at. While there is no neopolitain ice cream.
 Hello, It was so nice of you to have cared all those many years. When I phoned accasionally - in my busy days to just say hello, you were always there and even helped me repair my 1923 black phone as my favorite to talk on the phone, you knew - just as you always simply care to ask how I was. It has been many years since you drove the salmon pink Pontiac to sterling beach to tote a brunch with me and even toss around a ball beach side. The salmon pink Pontiac was an outstanding purchased automobile. 

You’re unforgettable and- always met me at my flight gate in my very short trip to just see you during my very short holidays at times. Our pancake breakfast and horse back ridding were the brightest days. I hope you remember the finest in Rootbeer I brought - from a far distance. I love you. The tiny train set in winter you set up for me especially was very nice of you. Thank you again. While I miss you and words can never be enough to say thank you. But thank you- I will say thank you with good graces that you should know to hear. I am glad that you phoned me any time. 
A call from Howard Hughes ? Absolutly soon. In love notes to Howard Hughes - you will know everything soon in the message. For now: hello. Yes hello again Howard Hughes. Thank you for the messages many. 
Indian Summer - not yet. 
There are a few more concerns to write in brief of this memo - while if you wish to, take a closer 
look at my dearest friend

 Clint Eastwood    with a message too. 
Posted memo on September 22, 2022 
at 6:18 am eastern standard time NY USA.  
Where is that update from 
George Bush senior ? 
Posted September 23rd 2022 at 12:28 pm eastern standard time NY USA 
Arnold Schwarzenegger emailed 
me late evening. Always fine to hear from 
Arnold Schwarzenegger. 
Read the Message    
-from Arnold Schwarzenegger 
I should say that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a international world honored athlete of most respectable 
worth in of course educational excellence too. And a wonderful person whom devoted his time in the USA as 
a governor of the entire state of California with many many cities and even more villages. Arnold Schwarzenegger is from the country in Europe of Austria. A very fine country too, of good peoples and very proud too of Arnold Schwarzenegger whom is a notable person in efforts of broadly noted humanities and with some major movies. I have savored other messages emailed from Arnold Schwarzenegger for further minutes of expressions in love notes to Russia.  Soon again. With a good summer into autumn in 2022 in the state of California - with great fruits and 
vegetables too. High yields of even pistachios and other fine foods such as California Rasins and wages well enough with employment better again.   
The up to the minute time now 
is 12:52 and accurate. 
Light Speed precision all over the world time INSTANTLY recorded in moon data as real and -from NY USA eastern standard time. Much much faster than light speed. Faster than .00007 seconds. Fast. 
With a few more updates in this brief memo.  
Soon. memo short film  email// 
From Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

Yet soon, Indian Summer in illustrious winter details of the event of Indian Summer to include the wonderful minutte film short messages many
 from all over the world. 
Memo film today from 
Arnold Schwarzenegger. 
With split  second time update -in  lightning speed accuracy. 
1:09 am eastern standard time NY USA 
on September 23rd 2022. 

September 29th 2022  at 9:25pm 
eastern standard time NY USA  

The time is worth understanding more about the types of real ethical repose of the USA greater of peoples everywhere across , what is a great nation of only one country of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 

In a small quandary perhaps, I think about a song from a lovely ancient caring person- wonderful meaning.
“I’ll be seeing you in all the old falmilar places. “

Whom composed the music ? Is very important. 

In the presidency of George Bush senior, in the USA, 
is very important. Realizing today on September 29th 
2022, that the recent perplexity of - tamporing with online areas - such as google- even in a dart board effect to some few humans -  attempting to gain the appropriate map to cross a bridge in the state of 
South Carolina  in the USA in a drive for the first time to an ocean beach that is for all public - traveling. Perhaps even in a very first drive, or in a drive again many years into the ages of plans - later, perhaps even time to trot in a drive further to actually be at the lovely little place known as bear run. Just to swim a half hour, and take in the lush existence of the peach pie freshly made daily- with an dish of good, American-Irish chicken casserole pie- made fresh daily as well, and a large serving of Idaho grown - freshly pealed and prepared  mashed after fully cooking the 
potatoes with a dollop of whole milk and real butter whipped into fluffy delicious potatoes - from the great USA state large of greater USA peoples in the state of Idaho - w/ steemed broccoli piled high, and a small chopped ordinary salad of summer-winter grown excellence in crisp fresh lettuce, and freshly grown sliced tomotoe and salad dressings to chose from in at least five great bottles dressings plentiful. Even a choice of Gorgonzola with a full flavored Italian dressing of plentiful consistent quality. Bear Run- perfection in even the tiniest road side risterante. 

Mertle Beach, even beckons a breath of ocean - for atleast a day. 

Savoring even a good drive west perhaps, or cooler in north west throughout the north east- USA with hot coco delightfully served up- with a fine even also extraordinary memo selection - piled high sweet potatoes with even walnut-fruit date freshly made daily  pudding compote with plum sauce/ crumb gram cracker chocolate bottom - piled high with whipped cream - topped with marachino cherries - sweet piñapple chopped and glazed in a maple syrup sauce and of course fresh fluffed -coconut from the state of Hawaii in the USA - greatly thought of the many 50 states of the USA forever. 

Tree lined forests abundant with fine fur trees ancient in miles and miles of glorious green - brown, grandure to even note the blaze of purple clover fields- russeling of honey beas and bubble beas- buzzing buzz buzz. 

Perhaps.  Winter snow laced lightly over the drive in such bliss of a warmth in winter experienced - of fine photographs of drives - traveling -  a near - a farther. 

Chatter of chocolate mud pie. Perhaps- in mud pie regions of the very most excellent mud pie. Yes. No other pie is pie - that is mud pie. Mississippi is again on my list to convene with mud pie. Again. 

The soft trickle of such a summer 2022 is good. The concerns in memo needed - in September 2022, of serious types of issues- are extremely contentious with sometimes a hop, over the mambo stick - 

- a drive to BEAR RIDGE  to see ? 
only signs that say -you are a troop- to feed more, 
looking around at nearly no business ? 

Even greater a concern of assured taxes in USA tax properly not fizzled- and a honored respective reality for millitary of a love to life and notations of the higher efforts in simply humanitarian cares in a assurance to get vaccinated fast. Off schedule drives too. And brunch of exciting - good in the USA of success in some efforts from the millitary of the USA unforgettable. Not just an open pie vault ? How wonderful pie is selling now. 

? ? ?  News blighted ( wenched -wrecked greater good fortitude in ethics reports of a type of blight) -which blight ? As news lies in the USA - reaching astronomical disaster - one pop thrusted into
 England ?). Or where ? 

I think of George Bush senior and a woman professor in her 90’s that is briskly kind- lied about face to face words of her demise. Waiting for my friendly phone call just a minute too- briskly hello again. I still have your gift from your travel to Paris  France in Europe. Thankfully then- you didn’t ship the gift- and it was pleasant that you remembered me to hand a sweet little trinket in person. My lectures - you attended in a sequence of some long winded voice of my dull drumming and of course - I did like serving tea ,coffee, nuts, chocolates, and boxed cookies fine enough to enjoy a mundane good. Hello. Again.whom would have been so mortifyingly Vicious in news lies and then inflation of what ? Who said ? Where are the missing reports and missing packages ? Where is Roy ? Why are there suddenly  penny increases in the USA that add up to confounding concerns for USA people even in that of rental apartments that should have seen a decrease and stabilization of lower pricing due to the increadible lower mortgages that resulted in absolute real bankers somewhere within the USA of experienced bankers with knowledge of ethical- concerns - to the troubling issues caused in the USA in 2021 in attempts to plummet the real estate - with dismal disaster in bile and bile Harris and Biden and news press bile- and attempts in totally diverting the whole mortifying attempt toward the USA and International countries- or a attempt online and in other break ins to technology working fine - excellent that a few bile tampored with again. Sifting through - decisions as people do, were the prices at Mc Donald’s French fries $4.00 or just once in my receipt  I actually saved.  

Bear Run ? Not yet. 

Perhaps a film short memo from 
sir George Bush senior today. 

Film Short Memo //// George Bush Senior 
former USA president in film notes too. 

11:32 pm eastern standard time September 29th 2022. 

Sketched and Photographed 
From Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
 //// \\\\\||||/////  // 

title of sketch “POLO” 

sketch completed on 
September 29th 2022 ///
/ photographed on September 29th 2022 at 
3:21 am eastern standard time NY USA .
The time now in Moscow Russia is 10:38 am 
September 29th 2022. The time in 
London England is 8:40 am.
The time in Senegal Africa is 7:41am . 
The time in Tokyo Japan is 4:43 pm after high noon sunshine. 
The time in Beijing China is 3:44 pm. 
The time in Afphganistan is approximately 12:15 pm afternoon. 
All on time, September 29th 2022. 

On September 28th 2022 I receive an email from
 sir Vladimir Putin, The Kremlin of the country of Russia. 

Read   Special delivery direct from 
Moscow Russia.

A short film segment from George Bush Senior, on utube as a former President of the USA, might be just the thing to take time for. It is worth posting twice. 

from George Bush Senior, former USA president of the country of the United States of America
 ( U. S. A. ). 

From the Governor Hawaii which is of the extremely lovely state of Hawaii  within the USA country as part of the United States of America in ocean islands and many cities within Hawaii -  view the lovely update from the wonderful governor of the state of Hawaii in the USA.  

I am with hopes to post updates from the governor and First Lady of the state of Hawaii more in love notes as well as to include the updates from George Bush senior Former head of states in the USA as a Former USA President as well as updated posts from Dudley Moore and Rowen Atkins and many many others including the lovely message emails from Sir Vladimir Putin. 
As well as more governors of the USA as all  50 governors of all 50 United States of America with messages to me. As I express my most gracious thank you to everyone. 

Utube - is not cbs nbc abc or any other type of tv at all as utube is with even more issues than tv in todays FCC licensing concerns - of news especially.,  {hello hello, good lunch, hello - ah yes same building, hi there, yup,  , no no, Clyde is not coming back, nope, } some utubes are dated wrongly and also with a miscalculation in viewing in some cases why ? The first printed name such as Michael  Jackson - in Utube is accurate -utube -   While there are tampored attached headline words that are after the names in quite a few - in a one to three second attempt at visious types of tamporing some now you see it now you don’t goon type bile jerkies long distance ? And short 22 / 49 , can’t ride a horse to become good jockies, yet. What ? Utube, while the tamporing could seem that it is hidden at times-  
I mean these are goon bile that are power pistol ready - 
 even if just allow torch wrench blasts of ice, paint, dust, at least, even blasts of poowiee. Some stink blasting even, in a unethical long range pointed zapplwitz -  as they could not break into those great shipment of the zinger extrodinary cakes ready to tote to school lunch everywhere in the world., and whirligig to look cooth gone in third quarter sales of the large circomfrance - international business and humanities of  a more meaningful reality.  Utube is forever with a need to emphizise the important s of even your utube for a greater love on your nice library online of experiences in your own history fun -filming.  You. And everyone. 
And myself too with many messages that I realize well cultivated in my international and National
 worth many years. 

 In just a minute today on 
October 2nd, 2022 I posted a link directly from Utube 
of George Bush Senior, as former USA President. 

George Bush  senior 

With respective honors for the many devoted years 
of esteemed cares of ethical constitutional worthy
work as a President of the United State of America. 

Today is October 3rd, 2022 at 4:45 am eastern standard time very early morning now in NY USA with still a look at my schedule- while I thought to mention a post from Steven Jobs. And more from Steven Jobs updates as Steven Jobs posts more in the future. 

Steven is the owner of Apple Corporation. 

Steven Jobs ( pronounced Jobe -s I believe with all respectiveness. ) I do hope I spelled Steven’s name correctly and was very thankful to have seen him for my birthday a few years ago. 

In an end notation in this memo, I thought to mention that the date today in the USA is October 4th 2022 at 7:21 pm eastern standard time New York USA.  

The serious matter in a few areas that I mentioned I the memo -  are not limited to simply what I took a few days to -  care of some greater reality that is somewhat sacred in the whole world. Not simply of the USA country of a large populations of greater real good decently delightful people within every village largest and tiny too.  

The impeachment is actually quite real. The details of a effort towards a repose in the Oval Office will take a new process in a person that can be Absolutly worthy of the actual area to begin the reality in a way ethically to see the reality of qualifications of who is really qualified in accuracy of standards and regulations in compliances in USA constitutional ethical lawful humanities structure and then meet that of requirements in international levels of absolute regulatory issues that are set standards within the USA of that which is within standards of constititional USA ethics of humanities. 
The letters of impeachment are successful enough and outstanding in the largest populous of USA peoples and globally peoples as well. The resounding reality of response from the USA peoples -  is yes to impeach -  meaning that international countries are with a care to a 
Response too in all hopes that ethical structure and stabilization is firmly solidly held in steady current positioning - enjoy hi Al repose must remain top list in the USA peoples in good ethical cares and -  the needs in repose to even more job stability in hopes wages increases and good economic steady financial cares ongoing.  

Of course the people of the USA are with ethical process in every step in an Oval Office -  next step by step repose and with great ethical step by step of peoples cares and what would mean choices to assure within absolute ethical process.  

The larger structure within the USA government offices is with a working standards of structure that is with stability-  and budgetary areas of government tax of peoples tax is not bailing taxes into loss for the people of the USA at this time.  

Governors in 50 states are with good care and tightening up the better year as of June into July 2022 in structure in ethical careful areas.  

There are hopeful transparency ( to be ledgable and available to public everywhere )  in budgetary areas of future non-complacent reality to the benifit of work governors do and of a peoples look to see that of ethical structure in good government worth - to be clearly readily seen soon in a list of actual governors too in each state as only one governor in each state is in need of a clarity to list the sites in the USA of each governor off each state. - ongoing area to peoples of the USA to consider as very very important to the USA and also an international interest in a list updated and clarity of transparency in budgetary areas that are transparent ( clearly noted for all people in the USA and everywhere to see. ). 

Seeing to a list of possible qualified -  areas that someone might be a choice to some limited details in clerical areas ethically very esteemed in notable cridentials worthy and with hopes agreeable - that would be the beginning again in the process of impeachment.  And a new - exemplary serious boot to Biden harris and their bile extras.  Basically now fired -  out - van moose.  Beat it.  As a reality of a whole country of all people in each city within 50 large states of the United States of America. This is within ethical standards to hope of a reality possible in the International cares of all the world.  Kindly caring and utmost decency.  

 Booted -  even with summer beach shorts -  booted 
in a spirit of a song by Nancy Sinatra titled 

“These Boots are Made for Walking”

listen well   Thank you Nancy Sinatra from the updated recording of a historical song.  Beach ready too. Thank you again Nancy Sinatra. Good day to you.  

While there is more about the issues bile face in the USA now beyond the Issues that are with a mortifying harm that bile cause and caused in a relentless mortification in even USA employment stability and too a wide list in unethical dismal threats toward any.  

In the reality of a kind firm reality of impeachment in dc bile and bile and bile - possibility is good in a firmly set repose in the USA and with a very lovely wonderful statement film Dudley Moore has a fine caring delicate 
Statement -  with love. It is about ethical reality and perhaps if everyone is with belief and some hope- 
some of the offices so important in dc might be empty for a - reality of ethical process of all USA people and a extra hope and care towards a very belief from international countries everywhere. With belief in Russian cultural personification and the dignaty that exists of the USA towards all international countries.  

See Dudley Moores wonderful film all the way to the end.  It was kind and even political.   

Of Dudley Moore. 

A few USA dc affiliate bile are still  attempting to plow under the USA and international countries of peoples everywhere.  

and that of a restrictive measure to any bile activity of such harm to the USA and even towards international countries of peoples -  delightful in all countries, is a time now for a greater USA peoples to be very proud in the efforts toward a real greater nation of the country of the USA in amazing success that may seem tiny in a tiny village and villages always not to large,  nestled in cities larger at times than many tiny village.  

The ethical repose of the USA has a remarkable existence within the peoples so well. It’s something to hold carefully in a steady step to even think more about winter holidays perhaps differently in an exciting time in the whole world.  

The end note of my memo -  is with hope that people might think to reread it and reread the memo again 
with further concerns in types of news flurry types of tamporing in -  misinformation that could be even an attempt in a unethical dismal issue - again.  Does Asprin cure all ?  Was it the large gulp of pure orange juice instead at a low price and a larger assured delivery to all in the USA?  Did the minor price fluctuation in a penny upward or resized package - cost a company sales profit -  jobs, lost and even less pantry foods and refrigerator foods -  in a day of liesure shopping for your groceries? Did you gain enough milk today and other great wonderful foods to prepare with love and care at home, even just for one person as your self? 

Did the news in the USA sate back to a earlier year that reported wrongly? Even serious reports in wrong and harmful even? Was there a issue with tamporing in inter office water fountain bleepers and a illigal memo distributed that could have made the very best people -  look as if it was them.  And they did or did not even know?  Google tamporing of just a few real USA bile is upsetting -  with some disruptions to my tiny company too.  My links over many years even - missing.  Illigal types of swizzling in google and even Bing that were not happening before,  and bile in the Oval Office and cdc causing a open door for a miserable dismal harror towards the people of the USA and international  countries of the most wonderful people.  

What is the estimated cost per heat in the USA at in the regulated low municipality for the standards of people in affordable price points with ease to people individually and that of smallest risterantes and large, company production costs in pizza even ?  

Out for a one dollar slice of fine good pizza ? Can be fun in any city and worthy in profitable reality at sales more in affordable prices.  200 pizza what ? You mean Friday ?  Pizza report , no Saturday.  200 from a city of 6000. Maybe so.  200. Atleast -  cola - no.  Forgot to check the delivery.  Drives to get cola ? When ? 

200. X 200. = Saturday ? , that is $400.00. Not including the tax that has to be figured into the price of course.  $400.00 three hours work ? There are 25,0000 people driving through each week. 

Sales at $400.00 estimate is not many people at all. X 352 days as in a whole year =. $140,800.00 per year.  

With loss in the USA in now only 40 pizza in clarity. 

Tamporing in news. Spattered.  I stood in front of a little shop one day not long ago and two  jerks told me the store was closed - it happened again in the local grocery store too. Just a minute away when I went to buy milk.  A giant very impressive looking stolen truck bounced out big beef jerkies that lied to me and said the store was closed and sold.  

That was contentious bile even nearly a year ago.  

End of memo is a with my considerations to jot a few more banana news in my notations in my most gracious - jestures,  and no further while I have decided to expand notes to sir Vladimir Putin in love notes to Moscow Russia and and the whole world. Even from Spain sailing travel and then polo as I did finally find my polo hat.  Glad it was not over yet.  Love notes in the finest of national and international peoples everywhere.  

While the memo now is with
a reality to discern the actual reality of counting pennies and the greatest decency in a diversity of culture and cultural divestitures individually - kind and even keenest of all countries -  humanity of a greatest fortitude in even more stabilization and ethical repose tip top - or -  maybe actual steel pennies -  only made one year only in USA history and no other year ever. Steel tin cans and steel pennies -  were not good for food in finest tin and not good for ideal savings of more pennies with more than efforts towards great savings in each individual account in banks that are within strident - in USA compliances one regulations within ethical standard banking regulations that are within the legal reality in USA constitutional laws and within the reality of absolute compliance regulations to international ethical humanities legal regulations standards.  

Ah -  before looking at the 1940’s real steel penny,  as just to ponder the minutes, I also wished to memo a bit about the drake hotel in Chicago that does serve high tea at about 1:00 pm every afternoon.  Mentioning that you can order tea all day there too,  to sit in or take out. 

I researched a disposable plastic tea cup very special design for a blurb to write and link where to purchase and the item was boggled by some tamporing-  minutes and days more in delays for me-  in a slight tamporing or loss in take out sales of tea special to many little fine street style ristorantes and the Drake Hotel too.

The list on line of the Drake Hotel also was duplicated wrongly (. Online there are suddenly several Drake Hotels listed - and not correct - with tamporing toward the real Drake Hotel in Chicago Il USA as a ethical licensed unique name of their Hotel with legal reality toward their worth - and name. The Drake Hotel in Chicago Il is thee Drake. Not to be warped into another hotel that is not the Drake and listed wrongly. And upset to even Russia employed in Russian Hotels fine and Motor lodges - going well. No one would wish to see those types of spreads -  with such a better summer into 2023. Tamporing in information instantly recently listed from USA Bile and no update on their actual names in birth records known.  Even tamporing lies about who history.  CDC compliances in regularity actual educational resume in actual cridentials even - are with tamporing in some -  extended ways.  Is a mare a mare? Are areas of reasonable contentions in the USA with a reality of the ethical  process for all USA people to take a part in a reality ethically.  Are the CDC headed for Europe ? We’re they ethically obtaining pay of tax dollars to ride in to Europe and spread names to harm the USA and Europe in wages not earned - ethically and seen as stolen for the USA ? 
 Shaken who ?

 I was mistaken once for the daughter of a man I was employed by as I was the director of his company hired directly by him.  Only one person out of 500,000 people in the near city area thought that our side by side daily schedule of business stance was -  a family hour and not that at all.  Imagine a rumour so abserd. Even broadly upserd. What more- even mortifying is some that were reported not alive at all recently in USA news.  I myself did get wrong news - in a few online tamporing areas - before 2022- that is clearly questionable - then even lies in phone calls too, and not aware of some online wrong news that is tamporing in life threatening concerns and the threat of stabilization of employment such as the $600.00 price online of Walmart cans of 12 oz. 6 pack soda. It could be seen as a threat in many ways to Walmart in attempts to drive out employment and that of coka cola in attempt to the same and of course a threat to anyone wishing to purchase cola. Or a a train ticket or a French fry order or flight ticket with set standards in prices that are with little flex and capped to reasonable care of discerning humanities regulations in many ways.  Thankfully no one listened to a hunch like that of more recent throughout summer 2022 into what will soon be 
Indian Summer.  

Was there wrong rumors in family matters too, even sort of restrictive of a wild lovelier care to such historical cultural areas towards all in a greater USA history to all much better than rumour of a wrong. 
Was there a letter of request in divorce that were only known by one ? With unethical bile attempts to mortify anyone? 

The 1942 USA one cent penny is a copper metal especially made very specifically created as special for USA penny standards in the USA and worth noting. 

Collectors of the 1942 penny are amazing people born years and years before 1942 in the line of being an avid collector of the USA 1942 perfectly perfect penny.  

Birth record updated - easily are exciting in all reality 
with great history in all - of the world.  And then of course your matching = ( of your full name ) drivers license at your age of 16 or older after assuring you do take your appropriate online drivers exam in the USA motor vehicles department and then assure your self a matching =
( accurate of your full name ) social security card matched to your full name - as too have your name on your real birth certificate records of your birth.  And of course your USA social security card as even children in the USA have a social security card.  While it is recommended to create a little name and address and phone number tag to pin to children’s  shirt even inside so they are with their own sense of their home and phone number and their sweet names as assured that is not seen by others.  It is a nice idea with small children school age ready.  

History in a broaden way is very exciting for everyone. 
All peoples have a lovely reality in ways historically looking back in time in lenghty historical ways - quite well and good in remarkable lovely ways. 
Even if unknowing - throughout hundreds and thousands of years. 

Here - take a look at the steel penny USA 

End of memo on October 4th 2022 
8:47 pm. Eastern standard time NY 

October 10th, 2022 at 9:46 am eastern standard time New York USA 

Good day to everyone in the country of the United State of America (U.S.A.) and a cheerful hello to everyone within all countries internationally - everywhere beyond the U.S.A. as well. Hello to all in all countries. With a extra hello specifically to the presidents of all international countries including the countries of South America with a great large populous of people within many countries. Good day to everyone. 

It was not my most pleasing memo - even as a memo and not that as my love note. Also not a summery within a different project and other numerous projects ongoing - that I have not noted yet online. My schedule delays - are with delays -in some great projects that I am a bit excited to reset on my schedule calendar. The area of subject matter in the remaining memo is as important as the entire memo as I took a bit of time to carefully write some further contention that are with only a few USA bile and were in dc plaguing some havoc  types of dismal issues - in attempts unethically wrong towards ethics which sanctify the humanities within legal structures of pro visionary standard within the USA constitution of standards of importance to the very good peoples of the USA and - bile 49.,dc affiliates  attempt to harm others in international countries -  updated reality of just a few USA humans at the pup pit of contention. 

There are some people that were even - thwarted in their - lives with wrong accusations that were very upsetting and lies and attempts to bounce people into a mortification in unethics of thwarted - lies in legal ways. Collecting even - unethical fees -from people that have ethics - and were illigally accused of what was a faulcification and a horrible - wrong towards them, attacked in fact. Then under some other shoves to what ? Some consorted to plyer money from others under lies in legal areas - with people everywhere that perhaps could have instead paid their way to saved money of theirs and get in with a little Hawaiian travel  in free time. Or plant a new flower garden with pear trees, lushly. The legal who ? Where ? In the cdc - pushing the USA into poverty ? Or club med ? 

Basically extortion attempts towards nice people were mortifying and with attempted to obtain money and extortion of time in lies to and towards the many large greater peoples of the USA. Masked up - in 2020 into a dismay into the earlier part of the year in 2022. 

While the 50 large states of Humanity in the minds drams and hopes of a vaste numerous number of peoples of the USA country which fill the villages with absolute care and ethical goodness in a repose that included the importance of the governors offices - in light of peoples and that dealing with dc contentions very upsetting, the peoples of the USA country set forth a structure of incredible dignaty everywhere. Remarkable peoples in a kind dignified care of the USA city to city and state to state into a greatest respective prowess of that in love to people all over the world. 

Maybe some did not realize that the chase of their tailgates were wrong- illigal and then gave way to be lied about - by squandery unethical bile puke -  poledicing others.  How horrible.  Really. 

The impeachment is very large in peoples agreements everywhere in the USA and thanks to a very large world too of intetnational people in every country of much larger countries accross Europe too.  So many people with letters to say yes to impeachment. The USA is very thankful as I am in many ways. While there are existing concerns in the reality of a stabilization of ethics and economics and more. 

In brief in the memo, I have only a few subjects left to mention within this memo -and then ponder a decision to create an update   Note - of some greater hopes to a good solid repose in that of some dc Oval Office. 

The dc Oval Office - as in Washington DC in USA state of Maryland is a very important place to restructure and of course assure stabilized - of a process that is within ethical constitutional USA ethics within all standards of humanities and within the real structures that are abiding of the strict need to adhear to what is of a lenghty stature within international legal ethics of certainty that the USA country has in a full repose in even banking regulations to assure savings and assets real and with solid cares. Of course legal ethical humanities ethics - that broaden in provisionally understanding are complex and not complex in realizing that of absolute monitary standards that are secular in each country and of a international ethical standard of course -  too, in assured business and of course the absolute nature of assured spendings in any wage to - finacial gains of each and every human on earth. Of course the ethical reality of the USA in a repose of structure within even stabilized economics is important as too to mention intetnational humanities in what is ethical -  areas international of USA countries responsibilities. Banking of the USA peoples is very important. Bending a regulatory ethic to squeeze even a penny from any in the USA - in banking is dismal and a 
concern to all of a attempt in a weakening upset yet again in the USA which is extremely concerning to all eyes of the peoples of the USA. While not simply in banking levels - is a greater sensibility towards penny issues as concerning more village by village and with many peoples more than ever - enjoying collection coins to see in even jars filling up at $25.00 extra dollars here and there more. Even to buy shoes saved for that are a bit fancy. With a reserved quality to spend a little for a mini holiday drive for a lite meal and coco. Cola, or something nice. Savings of the USA in a larger whole country of peoples everywhere are successfully more- now after even June 2022.  Wages can see in increase into 2023 perhaps - importance in contention in peoples process in an ethical repose is important again and again. Ongoing. Children in the USA are saving coins and have penny candy money too now. 

We are  a USA country of peoples with greater achievements ongoing and proud of our international cares everywhere. 

What is to be of bile ? Where ? 

A archive photograph of Clint Eastwood and thee Clyde of “every which way but loose “  in a 1970’s free tv show - as I should note that Clyde did not gift wrong types of “in kind gifts “ of schools - or hospmed clubs, 
to any business and incidentaly did not even think 
to garentee a business by handing out his earrings to purchase one peanut or one olive -that was inflated in a price - to then - inflate a balloon report on actual reflection on sales success and some very contentious diversifications - of possible unregistered options to - faulsified data - IBM  style. 

Clyde- sifted through each envelope he printed and reread the letters to assure the actual compliance of business ethics. Noting that some online printers may have been tampored with in a perplexity. One for who and  then ? Technojerking who today ? In a few USA bile still with attempts in bimmital, conclusions of attempts still in a unethical propulsion. Unimaginable of bile in todays larger greater country of peoples in a good rolling position in some steps - success and leisure better atleast. 

 Of course no-one handed Clyde an unethically tampored sheet of  typing paper ( computer printer note ?) with inflated or deflated business portfolio and a fraudulent license in media -  either. 

Nor did Clyde engage in a tamporing in medical concerns or large request to pay out in taxes paid by the USA peoples. Extra health insurances no. No no no. Ah -  looking at the ethical licensing again - ask Clyde when he thinks about a possible return.  
A Peanut No, ah. 

The reality of wrong information in more than news in the USA was to a point of devastation in the USA in 2020 and a bit upsetting into mid summer 2022. The greater of efforts in the USA and even throughout international countries is a remarkable reality in a achievement which is in truth, 
wonderfully outstanding. 

It’s an amazing lovely greater world of peoples in all countries as the peoples of the USA are with high belief of international countries if so many lovely peoples and messages are tremendous with autonishing belief ethically with love and good cares. Intelectual giants more than noted in news actually even in good schooling at Kindergarden through 12 th grade in a solid beginning in life. As the more difficult cultivations abound with great stride and a favor to like kick ball ongoing. 

The USA repose of stability is with peoples cares and concerns at times too - and a reach into standard of good ethics and even a success that is more than 
simply employment of good worth and good wages -  while educational standards in public schools in kindergarten throughout the 12 th grade are with excellent efforts of good achievement in good standards 

Hawaii beach travel is remarkably special as USA beaches everywhere are quite an exploration. 

The governor of Hawaii has a note on his Hawaii governor site to hope for a senate - to assure again 
and strict requirements in senate selections for each of the USA 50 states must be a very careful selection and in an approval of all USA peoples too with the concerns 
now - in greater country  that will never again be a risk to the whole country in the USA in a peoples process ethically of the constitutional standards of humanities within the structure of governmental process.  With of course business best. While signs - plummeting the soil to who - are not even ethical. 

Of course there are some web cams -  that could be noted in a reality of one place to stand- for actual moon data transcript in ethics and broadly - achieved -

Not a day at the races plundered 
or a manicure session with Madge. 

Noting too that the USA does have 50 offices in the USA of 50 governors now. And a large amount of people employed of the USA government of the peoples and earned well enough paid of a set wage from some tax of what peoples do consider in each penny paid. Good wages are not just a artific to assure that earnings and regulations of ethical humanities constitutional ethics is with possibility - to repose and has gone well and better. With thanks from a large USA of people and that of international countries of great populations of people whom are very caring. 

The Hawaii governor is with a good note of clarity in need of assured senate repose. The step forward to repair a senate will not be fast. People all over the USA need an eye on ethical structure in careful sentate repose as an update and a process of the peoples yet again. 

Read more of the governor of Hawaii now. 

Read   Note that police have been discontinued in all USA state - and would not want to be roming in an ease 
to many missing assets and harm to people that are very decent - and there are some that were involved in a rogue ( fake ) Millitary - even said NATO , and are hopefully at a regular job now with wages that are not 
bad now just starting employment at $15.00 an hour and not less per hour. In the USA that is the ethical reality now. 

Postal issues are going better too, while there are some concerns in the USA. The reality now in 2022 is that other countries can possibly see a need in hope for a request from a customer to the actual merchant they purchased from for “an  expedited  return “ if the item seems to not have actually arrived after it was shipped, after 14 days, of a sold item - if the seller (merchant whom is selling to a person purchasing ) wishes to then contact the country in Europe directly to the letter to International President of International government in a suggested hope to expedite the actual missing product purchased - in a REQUEST OF RETURN EXPEDITED ORDER -and Query ( look at where and whom was involved in the missing shipment or switched or tampored with shipment )  returned to the company whom sold the item at the request of the person whom purchased the item - intetnationally or in the USA too to cc ( email with a cc is to place ten or more international government president -email in your send area to email international government presidents offices ) cc - in addresses listed several large enough countries  - after the customer makes the request - then the authentic merchant company -seller can request from their own government president to have an expidited return in the item that is said by the real person whom purchased -  and not delivered from whom tamporing where and when ? And how ? 

Then a seller can email a request to the president of their country and gain an order to get that shipment item returned to the seller. With an option to the original buyer to reship the product again - or gain an refund and reasonable ethical refund upto the purchaser - to ovoid missing merchandise and that of any returned money - if not sold. That saves the company from stress of never having to just return money in a - consern with missing merchandise. If agreeable in all standards internationally - this sets a way to even reveal the details of whom actually tampoered with the shipment and also gains the item shipped back to the seller upon the request from the person whom purchased. 

The issue then is a task for the seller to email the person whom bought the item and reship it again- and hope to not refund the sale that can be costly for the company - and jeopardize employment jobs and wages that are now better. Also jeopardizing that of a real employment -  standard to assure employment available reality in not just one country as to all countries in a USA perplexity -  Also - missing merchandise can cause a harm to the USA too-  in insuring an item - to then harm the postal tax dollars to pay in increased wage and more steady shipping - with postal people paid well ! Or -  who ? And increase ? Wrong priced shipping ? Not ethical standard shipping ? Why, who ? Pockets of what ? And then not get the item back as where did it go to, is a concern of bile theft,  - the USA tax to postal service is not ethically going to pay out anything for such harm to any company or any whom make a purchase. 

The USA can also set forth an international expidite
 ( very quickly ) request at this time with the repair of repose in the USA to European countries whom 
may be willing to see through a visible unethical wrong and gain a order from several presidents of intetnational countries to hope an agreement in a 


and full disclosure to whom tampoered with the packages fully in a global rational. Ethically on absolute care to worthy wages and economics in a globalization standard in business ethically vibrant and stabilized. 

With a numerous email cc to more than one country in hopes that internationally countries presidents might consider a specialized expiditite order to a hope of a USA during this hope of certainty in fullest success possible and good fortitude towards international  peoples in international companies in good hopes. 

Of course that might even be a greater effect well and good to any international country that could see through such daunting details in such a repose now in 2022. 

I possibly could  list enough country sites to note exactly in international government sites -  accurately to cc the actual request to the presidents of international countries. 

With hope all shipments can have total 100% reality in shipping with any issue clearly noted too. And well paid postal people in greatest standards - assured and ethically assuring with a good job. 

Even if technology tamporing is the real reel in 
no revery   (Reiteration of Repeted wrong ) = none in a revery - to  reeping time - and causal what ? Looking back wards ? Revery = sweet music of humanity. 
Certainly not an aim at ethical or postal persons.
If that becomes the revealed truth. 

There are similar areas of hope in a banking issue 

if a bank is involved with - not returning money 
that  was not ethically refunded in an - issue that some money was illigally taken from someone. Infact - there are ethical standards in assured to not be just- suddenly wrongly debited and a plausible concern in large reality in the USA and globally sunkissed fish - poles ready ?

Flappling dappily ? Footed viola ? 

While with a retrieval - in a time sequence limit - and really ( just attempt in a spooling recording ) - spooling as to mean a large spinning of minutes wasted - in a type of race to a new unethical bend) to that of a fending of the USA into other villages of dismal - of mere corking - an not stability of a stabilized reality of days into years.  There is  a hopeful possibility in a recording -  film reel and readable issues caused - length wise  - in invisable traceable concerns in the USA of unethical -swiveling and even possibly swerve types of tattering -  unethical taunting towards -  even others in the USA and countries all of delightful peoples and care of ethical structure in their village companies too, and then any wrong doing can be seen in international lawful ethics through a international and global concern - after the exhaustive unethical news in the USA paired to very dismal issues in the USA in a hoc 49 dc contempt -  in all types of USA harror and harm not limited to the USA in contempt- 
an attempt to harm others that hope for a better solid reality in humanities areas in ethical good - and good for of  globally cares with loveliest peoples all over the world - as a few larger and smaller countries in all hopes - and small countries too - at least hopeful, to see that any international countries - capable could consider a type of retrieval ( recording to know ) - in illigal attempts of money taken from anyone. 

Then reaveling those who tampored - to cause unethical finacial loss at large in a small - of an extremely large number of peoples everywhere throughout the world in the know and with pennies that add up to dollars many people individually have now in the USA and everywhere. Of course there was a fine women I knew long ago and trained into my office in the largest city in the USA -  she was dressed well, hair combed and sharp -  while wages okay - and still she carried a beaded rosery daily -  on the train holding the beads with concern daily rubbing a bead of hope -  worry. As a seperate -  hope. Individually.  Men too I knew at times of scare to walk down a street and enjoy a fine afternoon.  Long ago -  perhaps - better now maybe.  

With hope of some reel possible in unethical discord -  of a few that pulsated unethics to a larger magnitude ballooning recently - looking into the kind professional simplicity and good wages and liesure - of course the USA can sharpen ethical standards more with hope of a goodness in some savvy real -  way-  and gain more savvy reality in monitary standard too as very important. As well as articulate liesure still polite and kind. It is kind to even wave a hello to - people strangers at times.  If a minute to wish too.  

Some may use that as - a strange perplexity -  perhaps it’s fine to - simply look at the sky awhile daily so beautiful knowing that the greater USA is better and with love all over the world-  still a bit distantly polite enough.

Banking ::: is something to be concerned with - And hope that their is a possibility in that of a retriever that can revolve back - in an issue to see that the money issues of any type of unethical type of issue - is seen in an attempt to a fractional limit of time - and not lost,  and then assure a retriever -not bad to any country actually in real economic -  cares. With the statements in individual banking of each person in the USA as it should be in lenghty detailed ethical compliances . 

While of course there is hope.  Updates on the subject are of course - in the hands of international government 
areas to consider that the USA might have further hope in a concern to USA peoples and any -rebound it may cause to any smallest or larger company internationally of course - an area to realize the importance of a USA repose -  and the large ethical real USA non accepting Bile - types - in a whole way and within banking regulatory ethics that are within international considerations in hopes to assure the absolute in constitutional structure of regulational real standards within international ethics if a great reality of compliances in - USA banking -  real and solid to a transparency of certainty to the large 50 states of cities and villages in many many USA peoples. and all their pennies. 

It’s a lot to - extend myself for in an area that is new. And not the person that has the decisions of all those presidents of all those seperate countries that are busy with their country and need to assure the international hope to their respective citizens and business that citizens own - in government assured shipping standards of course with lovely care. Slightly pressured in postal people globally. Nice very good people too.  With a stressful responsibility and good reputations and good wages - working trucks too. Looking forward to international or their national travel too. 
Travel leisure in such a 
lovely 2022 into 2023. 

The reviews of the answer is hopeful there is careful deliberation of international presidents of countries and citizens and the peoples of each government to feel a hope. And view  in reviews , concerned and not a prode like tire wrench - swiveled in USA concerns news in USA blithering a wrong directional issue too. 

Repose in some structured ethics focus is very important in the USA and in no way an area of - international areas of readable USA worthy compliances to assure and assert better - from other governments internationally too improve the USA in 
already a greater improvement as June 2022 with people whom decided many things within efforts outstanding - as the country continues to gain stabilization in many ways. 

Compliances in regulations of phones are still concerning in a stride of good outcome in efforts to note in the USA. important ! 

While also some concerns with phones and online issues are still concerning. Ethical regulations in pricing and sales of phones are not yet as they should be in budgetary regulations of standards and that of pricing caps. More about that in a separate update. 

Assure that your phone  company currently is not over charging you and that you do have unlimited services to online - phone - voice mail messages unlimited - and text - and low monthly pricing which are of regulations of ethical pricing standards at a cap price. 
Per monthly one price payment each month - 
 while -Updates ethical structure in a total standards within ethical regulations should lower the price and assure services. With unlimited voice mail messages in unlimited storage and records emailed of each call with a payment receipt. Online ability to assure you can instantly connect phone you own is very important - with a serial number and your first mounts low price payment online - is real.  Just the phone serial number and the actual model number of the phone is the real ways phones are connected -  not unlike the home online services - connect. I myself have had a travel phone and online services since 1996. 

Ethical repose in the USA is absolutly remarkable and further concern in some issues are needed ongoing. 

Airlines : USA airline in any public service of flights are for all people whom purchase their own travel flight 
tickets so traveling state to state by plane is a reality for all. Passport for public flight travels outside the USA from a USA airport - is with a special registration that is of an international approval of each country and making the purchase to just buy your travel tickets online is enough and then gain your actual travel pass in an email as standards require. So instantly you should receive your travel pass as was the ethical rules reinstated upon the purchase instantly emailed as ethically required with proper dates times gates and seating number selections too. Your travel passport - is with a special - approved passport / on moon data records and - that is if you have recieved your real passport. Some people had mix ups about said data or missing passports and even wrong data that said expired and not true. Passports do not expire as to - a drivers license does not expire either. International passport sites online can be effective if you need a new passport. Assuring you are able to get to your correct airport on time - two hours early is always smart - and see to gain free parking in long term - unlimited parking as a - airport requirement - and assure the right date and time is savvy.  And just purchasing your international flight ticket - if you have your own offical passport- buying an international flight ticket will be enough in the travel pass ticket emailed and your set - with an international level of a already registered passport - and just note the international registered passport is with a type of - computer chip - like a banking card -  and Travel well.  ( travel visa is a passport = same same ) not bank visa banking card , then you should be able to just purchase your flight ticket and have it emailed to you. Then your set -as any flight area can be easily a scan area to your travel ticket scanned and keep all ticket travel passes as they are your whole receipt - and you should be set to travel and can go to a airport and  self print ticket area if needed if you forgot your emailed ticket - and scan your confirmation number that is with a locator similar to a GPS on you and not just your phone-  on you as you for your ticket travel pass internationally is eased. Travel luxury in less employment stress too. Better travel more travelers perhaps and good wages with airline ethics real. 

After all - it is possible to accidentally drop your wallet while traveling and feel assured to be easily able to comfortably travel well -  even in a city to city type of travel within one country such as the USA. Feeling assured even about driving - if your wallet was misplaced. It is very important of course. 

Some people had some difficulty intetnationally traveling and should find it much easier. No one is allowed to look through your luggage as not ethical ,

And not ethical to even ask for your shoes, or coat, to any reason of any type of question - and good service garentee, and tooth paste and sundries or toiletries or computes and phones . - toting wine in non -open bottles to go home and trinkets large enough sometimes tuba sized, and would not want to be seen as unethical in any way in damages to anyones travels and have insulting unethical dismal questions and missing large parfume and sundries bottles. I carry a large bottle of 60 year old scotch in travel as a - expression of love to my self regularly - unopened mostly. A tiny cap is perfect  sleep sometimes.  Cab ready if two sips. Luxury of flight travel. Including -  traveling expectations of your little snack foods as yours. 
Not to be bullied. 

Flight services are required to serve a peanut snack in under four hour flights and over four hour flights a full hot meal is included in flight ticket prices in health ethics regulations. Juice and colas too are standard in flights with ticket purchase price. It is easy to purchase your own ticket with a visa gift card if ever needed - in an accidental lost card- and Walmart online can be easy to purchase a gift card with just your card info -  and then with a confirmation recipt number you can get your gift card from Walmart then your gift card will be ready to pick it up after paying online.easy. 

Of course online flight ticket purchases are easy if you write your personal banking  card copies into an email to your self and then create a travel folder too in your emails to easily find your personal Id and passport copies and copied banking card too. Number on back and front if needed. All children would require an actual passport too if born in any intetnational country and traveling internationally too with - parents as legally their parent with a matching birth certificate and of course then have the ability to then actual purchase the ticket for flights only parents would be able with all matching Id required for children. 

Parents must have their own Id too in any flight tickets for childern under 16. At 16 years old it is possible to apply for your passport and see if you actually meet all international requirements to travel internationally with flights. While at 16 years old you can buy a flight ticket to national travel inside your own country. More information about how to begin your prepared study in maps and travel very very well before you think more of local drives and beaches and even snowy travel fun too. 

Even short travel in a day - copies of your personal pertinent info can be savvy. 

Do make copies of your bank card drivers license and passport and email the copy to your self with just a photograph of each card and social security card and passport - as a need just in case you happen to drop your wallet -do not cancel your bank card. 

Two large suite cases are free with the price of your ticket in flights that are not just commuter flights -
 and a shoulder bag carry case tote too.
One full sized luggage and a large shoulder tote are free in commuter smallest jet - in shorter distance ) travel flights with very small jets - with no health regulations now that covid 19 is now gone and a non health urgency.  Everywhere in  the whole world. 

Standard flight pricing must be listed per airline and not unlike like milk prices.  Shop for your flight well.  And with good efforts standard low price flights can begin well within a high ethical stability low price  in a real USA country that cares and is making efforts ethically into a greater USA than imaginable. 

Insulting remarks about smell -towards anyone   is not ethical professionally in flight or risterantes or any public shop or public area. The ethics are a good careful caring reality. Airlines airports that are for actual public flights and calming ease in travel
 -even  if needed sleeping days for a personal
 reason unsaid. Requirements  for Long Term Parking free which is usually located some where in a parking lot for the airport that has no gate to go through as required  in travel flight aviation ethics - long term parking is not as close as short term parking which is not more than a $1.50 per day.  Usually not more than two to five days that people chose short term parking - while there are no limits in parking -and always free long term parking which is required to be free parking and no gate. Airports are also required to have free WiFi available and access to buy a phone if someone lost their phone - reasonably. Also a way to actually use a online computer in open areas - not behind a door - for free public use if needed in a list phone or wallet. Some phones are sold in vending machines - fully the whole ready to activate phone at a low price. 

Foods must be made available and sold at reasonable prices at airports - and bringing your own little snacks and even lunch are - notable and are not to be handled by airport employed peoples ever. No one can take things from you in an airport - including your food tote. 
And the toiletry needs - and foods - bottles of wine even-  not one look at your tail and luggage -  with gifts wrapped ready to meet a sweet person for a weekender flight and lunch - outting. Two day jont or other lenghty scheduled plans. 

I have a few more memo notes about hotels and cabs trains and busses too, rental cars even. Shuttles are free to get to a rental car company nearest and an ethical requirement. Shuttles to hotels are also free in some hotels closer to airports - while also cabs must be available as well as low standard pricing. City bus are ethically responsible to assure stopping at all airports that are public airports - not to confuse any airport or airport area with only shipping freight - flights. 

Of course some airports in cities with a metro train 
(  much cheeper local area -metro trains are trains within a city only and not extended travel trains longer distance outside the city or closer cities ) Amtrack is a USA train for public travel state to state and fast. It is best to get a train routing map free. With often a train area to get into city areas - and must be available non stop 24 hours a day 7 days a week as an ethical reality. Foods must be made available 24 hours a day 7 days a week as well in airports -  with an ability to purchase a soft drink- while full service ( menu ) risterantes may not be open after 12:00 midnight. Snack ready made sandwich and breakfast snacks , juices cola’s, coffee, tea, candies and baindaide sundries too.

Phones must be made available in airports if anyone lost a phone. With an ability to buy at the shop inside an airport with an online purchase and a confirmation reciept in an email. A computer for travelers must be online to any and all travelers  and free to use for any airline employee if needed- if they wish -  on a work break a employed airline person may have-in case a traveler lost a phone and or wallet . No employee at any airport is to be liable for searching anything -  and all travelers have the absolute reality in ethical constitutional USA legal - regulations of the airport employment of greater peoples - never to search any one or their bags- and never to ask them to get rid of their personal things - and no one can ask you to remove your clothes and shoes. No. No. 

While I wish to mention a - concern still with something called venture capital investments - that are not banking savings and not of checking accounts in banking, nor an area of registered investment banking - of a seperate type of measure towards certain strictly regulated areas of what is known as - registered stock values of certain types of very complex investment expense - often not even fractional in - a way to gain proper savings in actual real dollar earned saved money. Dollar per dollar in saved dollars in standard banking -wages are much a success to save what you decide you can afford to save in actual dollars -  as in banks in the USA to uphold- are dollars that are you saved money forever in your banking account -as you decide in your own purchases. It’s a better 2022 now with all USA citizens that do have a reality of saved dollars in their own individual seperate accounts of their saved dollars. Very well achieved in a summer into autumn that was with work and leisure well cared about in some great care in economic stabilizations too- on an individual larger look at the concerning investments of some type of pesky investment in a venture -seedy something which may not meet all the areas of actual ethics and proprietary legal ethical standards - as well as that of international standards of certainty in patenting approvals and the high regulatory reality of business legal compliances in the totality of the structured planning and projected sales realistic actual information. This can place great people that are savvy in awkward positions when - a possible unethical wrong has accrued in even standard patent approvals - 
which may have been - unofficially in a plunder in the USA dc bile -  in wrong actual standards of patenting ethics. After all, whom would want to be - with gift money to - doc holiday types of issues with wrong booms -  given and taught -  looking spiffy. In even looking at the data sales reports for Texas Instruments and that of loss in sales for wool sweaters over the last ten years in the USA and looking at the major loss in sales projections in a few years back in good year tires - as some of the worlds finest tires - it can be concerns to the whole USA and the actual International world - in revenue and job loss in even 2022 February USA -even  - hair conditioners - mass attempts to take over spaghetti  sauce companies too are concerning with a closer look at current - unethical issues of faulty news reports and even attempts to claim a removal to the eyes in the removal of an actual cornea  -and no can do. No no. 

In a weak cornia ( part of a human beings eye - and known as a lens cap that every human has that is part of the eye ball ) with even a scratch in the cornia eye - a saline salt water rinse ( one teaspoon of regular table salt mixed with Luke warm faucet water from your sink and mix well ) splash on the eye with a Dixie Cup - Dixie Brand USA  ( tiny cup )  is best and then 12 weeks of a eye patch - all day and into evening usually gives the eye cornia time to assure healthiest - vitality with absolute great nutritional planned breakfast and even lunch well and dinner too. Milk stays at a very important need daily - with many other foods that are delicious and even delightful. 

No to ear tubes as well, while ear drops made of peroxide and a few drops of glycerin (in a great ear drop sold on shelves at grocery and drug stores work well work)  to care well for all ears. Not to swab ear wax into the ear canal either. Just wash out ear with ear drops and an  blue bulb - baby - ear rinse syringe that looks like a giant tear drop made of a rubber ball likeness. Vicks menthol ointment too is good for noses in any stuffy feeling- baby aspirin is a good little analgesic for any little pains that could be from a minor stuffy nose. No more tears baby shampoo and a warm bubble bath as great - with wholesome good foods. 
While the prices in heating a home or companies is still a bit miffing. Large concerns in the USA with a reality of legislative history - in a lowest bill with an absolute capped price - and extremely important to all stabilizations thoroughly -  to each USA person to keep these types of issues in mind - as the time now is a reality for peoples everywhere in the USA to see a reality in furthering a peoples process ethically in all repose concerns in the country of the USA. 

Listen to a lecture about issues in online- shopping carts in 1999. Rob Forbes directly speaking:

Rob Forbes lecture in a wonderful detailed comprehensive business - is much detail of even expanding to improve employment and quality and not very easy to achieve. Enjoy the lecture from Robert Forbes whom is the founder ( owner whom began the business )  of DWR. 

Reliant on shipping and telecommunications -
 ( meaning telephones)  and online www in a regulational ethical reality. As very important too. 
 And shipping is very important too -
 all -mattering to everyone in the whole world. 

What is www mean ? Ah, it stands for of course 
the world wide web- as in www - of course web site is a of course. Also known as internet or online services of the World Wide Web. 

Was tamporing in ways from bile dc with a way to ruffle what works well, and then - personify that some were - with work excellence that was then disheveled in even online tamporing - then 

Low heating and electric pricing matters -  very much. 
The larger vitality of all USA companies and the real utopian USA of greater people - with the actuation to low price standards in heat and electric are worth cares and concerns now again. 

Looking again at the children’s book of the very famous stories of the wonderful author Dr. Suisse in the globally liked book HORTON HEAR’s a WHO, is something to think more about in the reality of the USA in a true repose in ethical repair- some of which is much different than repairs to what may not be repaired. Banking is a subject that takes a close eye in the reality actuated in ethical standards. Very important to everyone. While back to HORTON, for a minute to note that HORTON is a perplexity of intellectual puzzling of a quizical - story. Perhaps not limited to just the first time in reading the book- in an answer of all the ways of subject that the sweet little book can set the mind of individualism to think. Maybe just a lite fun. 

Personifications of a payment that could be seen as paying thugs that are police - more of humanity could be an area to that of a look again - hypocracy towards the USA harming and even illigally trying to damage humanity in the USA - as thug payments to police desk as sitting paid thugs - while the USA peoples all sets forth a reality of a people process to envoke a - reality of concern in thug payment to police that attacked the USA. News blasting too. Vicious towards many. 

With the reality of today - there are no tax towards any such perplusions that can leverage again more extortion tactics towards large corporations with employment to so many in wages worthy and efforts so well achieved or that of the lovely fine village life everywhere -just with thug police attempting to dissect humanity - slugging a finger sniffing at whom ? In contempt of ethical constitutional legal compliance. No. No. Again. 
While tax is not a payment center in an such police-  beifang mortification. Thinking about the structure of missing goods in postal shipped items is one area -  penny savvy to consider - banking issues too, the resilient nature of some kind humans is also to look closer at -  possible wrong paid -  culprits ?, in pole .icing ?, collecting pay from unethical non constitutional per wrong types of payment from a collection of whos plates / losses to the USA in dismal harm- including possible unlicensed in regulations of nurse night crawlers? Pointed into mayhem again - and then pointed at for missing antiquities in someone’s personal estate ? Get a job. Morton’s salt company is hiring. 

Nancy Sinatra sings
 “ these boots are made for walking” beach ready. And a lenghty Moroccan beach cover knee lenght, kaftan, exuberantly feeling, for dining in, and village walks with good stride. With of course Cairo.chi sandals in hopes for summer 2023. Men in knee lenght kaftans -  from beach walks -  are a choice - and mens cairo-chi sandles too. 

Beach Boys known as two composers of music as men named Jan and Dean might be with some new works then to tote your head phones to a day or two beach side USA into a vibrant winter even in chilled exciting village areas in Indian Summer Events for any weather into  - summer 2023? 
Listen “SURFING USA” first recored by Jan and Dean in the 1979’s. 

More in Surfing with Jan and Dean later in love notes. Perhaps more perfect. 

As this memo is nearly at an end- and important to read again and again in the USA and hopefully internationally too. 

Where are the public required records for the congressional archieves of budgetary expenditures and that of all ethical process to dc congressional reports  ? 
Where is the artifacts of the historical marquee to preserved historical artifacts in a country of the USA ? 

Where is the MONET WORLD FAMOUS PAINTING  that was on a month long exhibition loan from a greater museum in the country of FRANCE to an agreement to be seen on exhibition for a month in a USA  museum from the country of France once to see for just a month. 
In a major museum hope to travel to see. 

George W. Bush , as a former president of the USA and a former governor of the state of Texas with a very large number of people who live in TEXAS., with many cities in TEXAS in the USA country, George W. Bush made large efforts and notable - good budgeting in most ways with maybe more people process in types of agenda issues - actuate data needs, and the right resumes with that of real names of people not faulcifying their credential - as George W. Bush has excellent cridentials - his attention to some USA social security issues and education in public schools and standard -  areas in good stride- was with some perhaps unknown bile attempting -  some concerns.  
General Motors Corporation in 2022 is seeing through some really good sales now, and went the distance to assure that General Motors Ford - has financing available to buy a car fast and easily with an automobile that should last forever with a bit of - eased - devotions in automobile five point -  
knowledge eased.  

Good Year Tires with good peoples of the large tire corporation are selling tires low and doing well in 2022 into what will be Indian Sumner in Autumn / Winter - reliable and great in the blustery lovely Indian Summer Events 2022 / 2023. 

Is there an Abby Road Cam veiw everywhere ? 

Do you know about all those area and street cams and many more that went into effect as of 2014. 

October 26.2022 time 12:26 pm afternoon tiny village memo ///// from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett , I have some extremely exciting love notes to Sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the country of Russia and that of love notes more to each and every person greater and better of such a June 2022 -  with some fun in My Indian Summer Events invited to everyone all over the world in online invitation events to love globally.  

Today :  I have a planning day /// soaking in a lovely bubbly bath ///. Fine Dinner Plans In/// Sailing in Spain to plan luggage well and carefully prepare//// and then polo in Europe////. Fine messages to me as well to read and post in lovely ways of expression -  to me and RUSSIA  and the whole world.  Some in bile issues will be facing the music - so to speak at every issue. 
I have some extra groceries to get to the market for ///// and a fine time to film some little minuette  of the lovely beautiful drive in New York State smaller villages too. 

Monster Jobs is with jobs listed in the USA , and carefully reading the full information and looking at the actual city offering the job is with a look at the actual real address to the company. Morton Salt Company is also hiring too -  and a large good company they are. Expected surprising wages even. After a while of a starting wage at $15.00 per hour full time 40 hours a week and - with of course actual details to describe all of the required work details and not change the details of the slot schedule and location as ethical work to offer in all required job positions ( this -  position - employment -  detail -  fully disclosed= means described before deciding to take the employment job position and that of the detail of starting wages required with 40 garentee ) .  

When writing a small resume page for your experience in - good entry level starting wages positions of employment = resumes are easy to write basics and not get too lenghty in many very good work opportunities. 

Focusing on the details of the description of the hoped employment listing-  math -  good customer service - detail with care-  and basic school -  is always a great start- and with kind dignified disposition in efforts  -  willing to hope for a year or more in a good start in employment with a company of some hope in a good 2023 . You might ask as you to assure full time 40 hours to have a full year in real work too - and 40 hours a week full time all year into hopes to continue in a ethical real opportunity . 

Resume - might be looked at well. The hope is that and Morton’s Salt at least in the USA is hiring.  And employment in the USA is better with many not looking for jobs and looking to have a continued economic stabilized reality.  

Memo :  is not fully finished yet. Indian Summer is not yet announced and will be soon. From myself, lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett and with greatest USA and international companies that sent me massages from all over the USA and the whole world.  It’s exciting ! 

Excuse me - I have a message from Bill Gates,  David Bowie, Oprah Winfrey, David Letterman, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, Nancy Sinatra, Mick Jaggar, Elvis Prestley, and more. Memo finished soon, I have to hop through more attempts in my entry apartment hall again - more harrible hoc types of humans were attempting disturbances and thrusts toward my mail box  - just to enjoy my day and - hoc bum, dirtied my very clean out side entry hall in my flat - in my hall again -  And how embarrassing for them -  how embarrassing for airline jets next ?  flot ? in their riveting of the good nature of my lovely broadly real worth and minutes of my time. 

Upsetting me just to relax in my sweet flat in my tiny village and repair my little projects well as planning liesure too-  awful horrible people too. 

Just to - my own lovely walk down to quietly get my mail at my postal box with many purchases online shipped -  for my travel sailing in SPAIN exhibition and real polo game soon - with real love notes ongoing. 


October 29th 2022 
From lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
always - with my directly written worth in even USA contentions brief as brief can be in a memo.  

Many very good good notes - await. 

Good -day wished to all in the world. I have nearly only a few more days before I actually end this memo in light of existing concerns in the USA country that can effect the greater of the USA and that of the larger perimeters of the world which is extremely much larger than simply a tiny village and that of many villages in the USA and internationally.  Personally, I have extremely large numbers of messages awaiting even my love of my plans in Indian Summer Events of my very own love extended toward the whole world.  
The indifference of only a few in the USA was a plunder to me personally very upsetting in my - reality of even a revolution in June 2022 to care to risk the unknowing to my idea and many very caring friends in a hope to stop covid 19 in every village everywhere.  The strange absurdity- in some to have harmed the USA in desperation- was solved in nearly less than one month and enormous efforts in each human on earth.  I have some extended lovely messages - in a new Revolution barely begun.  

Effects of a few reside, in a plague of dismal - hall issues and some canceled lovelier minutes -  dallied - with none in my efforts and none a love of my purists expressions to expound upon ( express with my own post, un dithered and unhindered ), while I did gain some area of reply - in hopes to resolve any attempt furthering bile before they gain more in harm - in unethical reality intended -in only dismal delapitations in my loveliest plans and worth - and dismal unethical reeping to the USA from dc and their unethical -  types of a few clustered in lenthy pointed -  issues unethical points attempting to -  thwart  even Russia  with swarted - pile.  Flashes of flared up contempt in the lovely personifications of the Russian Culture in the reality of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s reality of care and lenghty work sir Vladimir Putin moved forward in G7 economical humanities -  furthering the President of Russia’s esteemed ethics and structure in a reality of  capitalism - as a measurement of greater humanitarian economics in the country of Russia. 

Within esteemed years and years of very astounding work in many ethical reality broadly - and a perpetuation of underlining the inherent ethics and focus to a great economic stabilization as on going -  

within  pure reality.  Of course. Of course there are large numbers of peoples in Russia and a very large ethically stabilized government with good respects north south east and west.  Everywhere in the world. 

While boggle is an American made USA wine. 
Bogged with boggle ? Ship  boggle ? Where ? 

It is a question. 

Indian Summer of my project plan invite to the whole world in an event and events throughout winter 2022 into 2023 of love to myself selfishly and an extended delight of the USA greater of humanity and that of an extremely lovely care and love from peoples of all countries everywhere all over the world. 

I could - never be a console TV in all reality. None of the consoles could even be shipped actually and then of course fit in my tiny flat at all. See console TV if you wish and I hope your console can ship direct with regulated international shipping standards and that of limited in that to see through the shipment days required in standard shipping on all postal mail - to a hard days work with winter holiday too a pressure on good sales and very nice winter holiday of even receiving a shipped gift.  Important to all of humanity. 

The console tv - from zenith company might be some shipment in a wooden style cabinet to have for ever.  

Shipped from Japan.  In time for December 25th 2022. 
Perhaps - with a few little deliberations I myself have to gain a lovelies minute - of my own breath of real Indian Summer global invitations in a real world order ethical hope within extended -winter events to that of my love and even my enjoyment of in the pure love - well and good good.  REVIEW console tv more - not exactly the message of mine that was a love of the USA and RUSSIA and love notes to Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of RUSSIA with years of his lovely worthy real work ethically and brilliantly too. 

I noticed quite well - lovely very large decency of all presidents in all international countries with imminent cares of my expressions lenghty in years, happily so. 

My few days before November 1st 2022 are with love and angst - and of care to notably complete this memo and set forth a love towards the whole world and the greater of the peoples greater as in all in every USA village loveliest kind and dignified -  with no room for a few -  trying to take everyone for a new plunder in a shilling ( quarters from even the country of England ) of turtles dove - of such a chocolate to winter holiday 2022-2023 so sweet.  

My memo -  is to be complete on November 1st 2022 -with no bitter remorse in my efforts in- large. Greater measured ethical considerations of lenghty love to the whole world. And even turtle chocolate pie recipes in Mid Winter Indian Summer events that are - beginning November 1st 2022 and last in many details into 
March 2023 -including Christmas too.  

Repose Reply Soon of a few people to post in my closing memo soon. 

With outrageous love and delightful cares everywhere in the whole world -  love and peace in a new revolution 2022 -2023 outrageous in love notes to the whole world. From Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

October 29th 2022 xcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcx
Soon :  with a memo film short and several emailed memo films among an extremely large global list of messages waiting with lovely and extremely gracious thank you.  
October 29th 2022 

4:19 pm more memo 

Sylvester Stallone wrote a little movie known as “ROCKY” in a film in the 1980 which was about the sport of BOXING in an arena where once in the 1960’s was a twenty minute only event known as Roller Derby in a upset to roller skating that was hammered from a few into a medimorphical -  mythology of the word sport. The good sir Sylvester Stallone was bold to have made a movie about a really rough boxing -  sport that is even difficult to -think about today or any day -even in a blyme - swivel of - desperation and destitution ever. Shoveled into - dismal unconstitutional harm toward a USA of awful - DC of the Nelson Eddy move to smile and shake - rolling to reel with a pole - north south east and west.  

When Sylvester Stallone made the movie “ROCKY” there was a scene ( film clip) in his very imaginative written and filmed care - some how just drinking raw uncooked eggs.  To climb the steps toward a real constititional USA in ethical hope at the steps of Washington DC -  near the pentagon.  

   -  pillowy gloves and a bag. brief memo here.   

More “ROCKY “. Please view the whole two hour film at your leisure. As you wish with a console tv ready to ship from Zenith in Japan in - or Quazar. 

Movie Clip -  no limit- two hours full.   no bag 
21 plus age level risk your schedule 
and pink glasses to hopefully not lose. 

4:43 pm October 29th 2022 memo near end 

ROCKY more of  your minute? 

I took extra time to see everyone with the children’s game starting at age 1 and 2 and older of the game of OPERATION , by the USA company Hasbro ( similar to the name of bromoseltzer or bromolade) =( later good for a tummy ache from spoiled food and no nutritional reel fish to pole up and gain fishing as a sport to be interdependent on if needs roll rides of more ocean ship shape -  as ship and not chitzlings to four oh there . Chitzlings services for golf ? No. Gulf ? And chitzlings , you mean a bowl of beans 9 days old ? No. 

Bromoselzer -  is in a brand ready two  tablet in silver foil - not coins - that you just drop into a 6 once glass of room temperature water. The dissolvable tablets then fizzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz and then ready to calm tummies and drink it fully- thick fizzz sip for bad food. 
Here are the tv commercials from the 1960’s 

Bromolaid/ Bromoselzer - after the hasbro game OPERATION for ages 1 and 2 years old and more ages to play OPERTION and win with no buzzzzzzzzz hopes in electric plugged into your wall buzzzzzz not. And no bummmmmmmelmmmun - rumbling seats or carriages of body and heads.  Win. And next turn to use tweezers to remove bones in the little hasbro elevated electric board operation game. 

Alka Seltzer Tablets Foil Ready in silver - gold press print foil - two chalky tablets required to drop in 6 onces of room temperature water dissolve -to fizzzzz and foam in a thick tummy remedy drink after bad foods. Drinking the thick foamy likeness to mint green tummy remedy and not minty at all. 

Hasbro OPERATION is with electric to plug in the electrical wall inverted plug outlet plate screwed into a wall - sit on the floor as children do and then use tweezers to remove bones from a cartoon shape person and not touch the silvery rim line  looking sides to set off a buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Buzzzzzzzzz and rumble - is a lost turn for the game - if you buzzzzzzzz and not buzzzzzstop - you lose your turn - while the human cartoon lithograph on the game board in print press has no sound. Press media printed on and stamped lithography image to a electric fizzle toff -  not a goodyear - automotive wheel at all.  And no yard of fabric or wool involved.  Easy in a game at age one or two - With cooked fluffy eggs and milk with grocery pantries full in mostly all USA homes and globally real too.  With electric great USA comfort at a regulated low price and holiday lights in every window sill perhaps, Christmas Plum Pudding made at home is a European English Fanciest of the country of England in Western Europe- of the European Continent far west and not Far East European Asia. 

While there is - No film - no photographs - in the game plugged in to the working electric at low price reality for great homes and business and more-  buzzzzznone - unlike a replay ( as in to look at the recording from moon data satalights ) to see well of ethical regulations in rules like football getting to the next yard line. With Dick Butkus of the 1970’s in a actual restored real film once in tv -  in an instant replay ( recording in moon data on tv or online ) and yardlines to get to poles -  cluster huttle hike 

Instantly  -  tv invisable wire tracking reviewing recording of tomografical film two hours and from way back - play ball fellas ! Reports on finacial statements in the four quarters of each year - from Thee Texas Instruments Business calculators soon- known as adding machine- calculator. 20 years ? Then give me 8 squat thrusts - and 10 push ups
after your twenty mile jog. 

Thank you Dick Butkus for the instantly resounding resonance - in film from moon data - restored from 1968 with all years available in pro league  - metamorphosis - in an instant  for online - instant recording review again - film - press the button flip that electric switch on - faster than light speed - and follow the invisable wire rainbow too. Get the rules and regulational standards in ethical football from Dick Butkus. 

Butt, what you say ? Was that an important football question? Butt - is that some ball? Butt, did your dog eat your math paper? Butt where is the extra time? 

Butt where is the ice skating this year ? 

Butt , you did what at banking to what ?

Butt -you can not explain the concern of a wrong debited amount at the banking levels in the USA ? 

Roller Derby is from that one - twenty minute console tv film in the 1960’s and less business that was not an affordable reality to even purchase wool sweaters and more. And in football men wore a skelloton shell like padding over their body in plastic shell types of under suite in their covered pant and shirt -  and in roller derby of women only they wore unfit clothes with shell like skull covering of hard shell plastic that were arm and elbo pads - knee pads shell like and plastic plate covering known as a skelloton shell -  and shoulder shell plastic pads too. Helmet - not anything so lovely. None.  See here.  Job ready - willing and asking which craft ( automobile or bike repairs - or scaling fish  ?) Car engines ? 

The contention in a USA with such catastrophic loss in ways and with good steady stride and even loved liesure in a kind reality firmly a care -  there is another brief clip -  in delays of the reality of global philharmonic excellence of world symphony peoples that have lovely messages in wonderful brilliance of music of  noted -  international world famous symphonies no matter how obscure - messages many await to you and me and sir Vladimir Putin and my lovely friends all over the world - fine and wonderful.

See instead this symphony 

Counting backwards from contentions - not to absolve - ( just not realize who and see a way they can gain work at a smoke stack shop shoveling ashes ) in the reality of any swizzling in the USA more - from even summer 2022 atleast counting backwards from the year 2020 at least in mortifying very vicious concerns to all USA and the whole world of USA hoc. 

Calculations of even a more losses ( broadly said ) loss in 2022 are of considerable USA concerns in every home in every company in the USA - with need of absolute astute constant measures to - ethical continued reality in a stability of ethical standards - even in broadened solid steadfast - care of small details and good structure of employment ethically and wages steady with reality of profitable - worth in ethical stretch toward a better pedistol solidly better - 
beyond hope. 

After all - guitars are much more than a method of simply a race to immidiate need with the efforts of my sweet lovely friends -  of efforts everywhere - solved in a 2022 June revolution in upset - of attempts to visiously mortify the USA in a hoc contention again and again - of no end in dc Bile and Bile pointing dismal dispare toward USA and internationally in more than one country. 

In a finish of my minutes in this memo is a hopeful love for more notes of love I myself enjoyed posting  and extending myself to even a banana news update possibility too - in some little extra cares in my minutes with pure love. To you - whom ever you are, all over the world. With gracious thank you for greatest of amazing amounts of messages innumerable of peoples all over in every country -even on utube individuals everywhere.  Mauhaha -  as a kiss kindly to all to hold up your sweetest kind hands and catch my kiss to you and hold it near your lovely delightful hearts of love too. 

Thank you so very well. 
Thank you all everywhere in the 
whole world for lovely efforts 
and cares everywhere .
North , South , East , and West all 
over the whole world.  

Thank you for the care 
of the USA country too.  

The  USA as the eutopian of metropolis in all fine villages - city with neopolitain ice cream hopefull in summer 2023 or perhaps by Easter Holiday -and simply lovely of the USA country which I am born in my birth of the love of my father and mother -  and love more than you may realize within the lovely international countries many and all. Graciously good with the country of Russia - delightfully decedent = (a real RUSSIAN word - decedent = finely fancy a  sweet and wonderful too). Sir Vladimir Putin’s lovely minute of many in very broadly brilliant cultivations - is noted throughout the world. Good of the President of Russia , sir Vladimir Putin, chose minutes more of stern cared so of the country in delightful ways and a great finest sailing -savvy man too. Not always - easily in a nut shell to realize the years in worthy success many. 

October 29th 2022 at 7:33 pm with two more days of memo and then - my invite online in love notes to 
sir Vladimir Putin and everyone in the USA and all over the world can chose to enjoy my new revolution 2022 into 2023 with math and extremely special  
Indian Summer events too - begins with details soon. 

It is still October 29th 2022 at 9:23 pm and it is a evening date of lovely cares of David Bowie so beautiful of David Bowie to have created artistically of a message for a memo -  filmed and with stern a message for my memo - I chose to include. With lovely care to David and very fine thank you. Mauhaha ! 

David and thank you very well. It is some broadly a message.  With cares to you very well. Kisses from me David - catch ! With special thank you. 
From lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

A brief political message globally. 
David Bowie : message   
all over the world. 
Darling David Bowie 
was this the right message recording, David Bowie, it was this message ah.  

Thank you again David Bowie for your feaverant delightful minutes too in memo briefs.

October 29th 2022 obscure 
photograph in from 

thee Kremlin  in the country of 

Sir Vladimir Putin 
as the president of RUSSIA with 
sir Vladimir’s love to me and an 
intellectually creative obscure 
photograph email to me from the 
president of RUSSIAN archieves. /// Sir Vladimir’s 
Message in October 29th, 2022 - 
sent with absolute love to me 
from all of RUSSIA. 

photograph in a message photograph . 
with very lovely loving sentiment from 
sir Vladimir Putin, in emails I receive daily. 
The archive is with special times and 
very spacific meaniful photographs 
directly from 

the president of 
the country 


sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin

With Sir Vladimir Putin in a film message emailed to me on October 27th 2022 with the very loveliest decency and delight of the good Wealth in ethical spirit of Russia and people of Russia whom like The USA cultural -  diversity in more than USA music too, and excellence in a covid free RUSSIA with many messages to me from the lovely RUSSIAN 
government people and the many peoples as citizens lovely of dignaty and kind love to me as wildly loved in of cultural and ethical work and worth long before the 2022 June Revolution and loved well in Russia and all throughout Europe and the international world - USA as well. Thankfully - to a guitar 2022 June Revolution globally with hopes of some success then and better even now. 

From Sir Vladimir Putin President 
of the country of RUSSIA 

Email on October 28th 2022 from sir Vladimir Putin President as Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA in a calender match - and I think again simply wonderful of you darling sir Vladimir Putin - so delightful Arminia the country in Europe. I will check my schedule as I have sailing in SPAIN  soon. Perhaps to break away in a lovely day. Directly from the Kremlin. 

What a lovely look at the minutes. Mauhaha ! 
Catch my kisses - well - darling sir Vladimir - lovely. 
A game of Polo soon perhaps. 

The government of Arminia in Europe and so lovely a message a while back - and I love you all in the loveliest country of Arminia- my wish is that you enjoy the cherries and I loved the birthday gift sent. And silk scarf - thank you to the president and 
families and all in the European 
country of Arminia. Love from 
lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett - 
enjoy the chocolate turtle 
pie in my recipe soon.  xo

Message from my lovely sweetest 
friends in IRAN the country in the 
Middle East so very nice- many messages from the President over many years.  And the lovely government and peoples all over the country of IRAN -  it is kind of you to have such minutes in many messages and very important to me- the little gift from the president and the government people was beautiful. Love to you all everywhere in IRAN and the nice Middle East. Kisses sent - catch. With love from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Thank you of so many whom arrived in my peace and economic and cultural exhibitions mahiaha ! xcxcxcx

Email from sir Vladimir Putin- October 27th 2022 
Darling - you received the white chairs I sent to you. Very good. The email was fine. 

Just lovely. 

Lovely Sir Vladimir darling - SPAIN  awaits. 

Two more days of memos left - reread as you wish. 

October 30th 2022, time now 7:29 pm 
With a few more emails I thought to post from 
sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the fine dignified delightful country of RUSSIA. Of course - messages in emails from Sir Vladimir Putin are of daily delight to me and many at length.  

Recent email : read  sent yesterday. 
More, in an email from 

sir Vladimir Putin 
the lovely President of the country of 

Posted as well is the government full site of 
the Russian Kremlin Government 
of thee country of 

Photograph Credit:
lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Self Photograph of Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
in a pre-design -mode which dates back to sketch notes at lenght. And  years of project development waiting -
and stroll to walk in my tiny village so quaintly beautiful the very quiet morning of  July 4th 2022 , 
at 7:24 pm eastern standard time
New York USA. 

Email the day I went walking on 4th of July 2022 arrived from RUSSIA  July 4th 2022 

A very delightful lovely email from 
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of 

Thee president of Russia that is to say,
is with lovely kind delightful respective worth 
in a very savvy many years of work as a political 
diplomatic dignitary as too increadible cultural humanitarian with outrageously delightful lenghty worth in impeccable standards in many ways with a fine country of very delightful RUSSIAN cultural peoples and an astute large government 
of fine peoples as well. 

The messages from CHINA 
are always wonderful 
and the reality of 

The Royal President of CHINA
sir Xi Jinping 

whom is always extremely nice as are the many messages from the peoples all - in one of the very largest countries of the world and incredibly 
very savvy and kind in many ways of 
loveliest cultural affect which are respective
 and loved throughout the whole world. 

The China Government has listed a 
Who’s Who in government 

on the site of the CHINA GOVERNMENT 

Film Credit : Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Filmed November 1st,  2022 , posted at 9:09 pm 

Eastern Standard Time, New York 
from my tiny village - with a near 
fully end in memo considerations. 
One more closing comment of my 
memo will be posted on 
November 3rd,  2022 before the first
Indian Summer Event Invite 
Everywhere in the world begins. 

With greatest excitement in the USA and in every 
country everywhere in the world and a very 
special thank you to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin 
as thee president of the country of RUSSIA as well as the whole government peoples so kind in messages 
with love for my 

Delicious Bombay Cake 

globally loved now in the USA and internationally too- with the city of Bombay in the country of India in the European Continent-  in mind of such delightful peoples very good.  Thank you to peoples in RUSSIA and all peoples everywhere. Even in my tiny village as well, and my grocery shopping market for fine groceries and wonderful nice people busy and lovely.  

11:39 pm October 31st 2022 good night to everyone all over the world.  

Love and Kisses sent - “catch” in a love in your heart - with memory of the minutes to everyone everywhere in the whole world, from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

November 1st, 2022 4:07 pm eastern standard time New York USA with a few messages today only - a bit later, as the memo comes to an end.  Then Indian Summer Events for winter begin with quite a few surprises - even for the lovely Kremlin of Russia
sir Vladimir Putin with one of the lovelies 
of spirit as a delightful person -
with sailing excellence.  

October 3rd 2022 Verona Beach is in New York State and very lovely lake style beach in the USA. It’s a drive and road maps are needed - road Atlas for New York State is best if wishing to travel to the very lovely Verona Beach for a fine afternoon into evening even in winter.  Quite nice really. Verona Beach is a small lake beach and not an ocean beach - and you must look on a map that is correctly road map to find which city it is in in New York State USA that is larger than most people realize as with many fine small and larger cities. 

Verona Beach   Photographs of real 

Google Map might be helpful while assuring you do type in the whole address of the city or place and state as well as which country you are in. Map Quest is also a good online map to look at even your own city and other cities closer too. Look at the roads and see -  how the map has different types of views.  Verona Beach NY USA is worth taking a look at the actual location and finding motor lodges and risterantes near. 

Verona Beach USA 

Assure you were not mistaken about a possible travel -  location and remember to use an inexpensive camera and film everywhere with USA menus in English USA words-  favorite foods on a fine menu photograph with a wall of photographed memories takes time.

The direction to drive are listed in the Verona Beach USA site and do only list the route number road to the entry of Verona Beach as a lake and not ocean or river or pond in a city in New York State USA as a noted Beach to enjoy a mini holiday in a possibly two day day travel.  Take time to study your road map before you travel and assure your travel stops on roads that are with enough 24/7 shops incase your drive through evening hours - with a mini holiday. 24 hours all day all night never closed - fuel stops with foods to purchase and bathrooms always open always hopes clean hopefully - a nice way to talk about great clean good 24/7 shops in travel stops are great and with good business too.  Summer June 2022 and lower fuel and foods in well prices - were successful nearly everywhere - and seven days a week - 24/7 to see travel excellence in a business reality - June 2022 revolution with even guitar excellence all over the world made a large difference - and retired people all ages shopping well in some new automobiles even-  wages were more stabilized in most companies. As even Verona Beach await among many other great USA mini holidays -  
to know. There are age requirements of 18 or older to work a later 11:00 night shift - at the standard 11:00 pm evening to 7:00 am morning and 18 and older are required in any sales of night time hours at 11:00 pm to 7 am - nights  of any 24/7 shop. 

USA America is more than excellent of greater humanity and the international countries are Absolutly outstanding with great love in messages that await my Indian Summer Invited Events to begin soon. 

Memo ::  about brief damages? We’re the damages to the USA brief ?  to the USA ? with concerns in all international countries of damages not brief either  ?  - extensive matters and other extended concerns ? Say iye ? 

Please reread the memo again and again as you decide to? Some ways in a resolve of concerns are a step towards a stabilization with kind ethical repose - as a greater USA in that of greater a country of fine outstanding peoples in every direction of the

USA 50 states and many cities within each state such as New York as a state and within the USA in many cities such as my tiny lovely village and New York City as a very lovely city with more villages everywhere. Many fine peoples in the USA and with exemplary brilliant achievents in the lovely USA. 

50 governors ! 50 states ! Extremely 
large population of peoples. Even within so very many tiny villages and with importance in the USA and in the world as a large reality and much larger than the USA. 

Overwhelming even at a long drive in finding the map to read and know the highway roads or small roads - with many details to drive in a great travel and return home on the planned schedule of your own needs. 

What is it like to drive into the state of Vermont and which city will you chose in Vermont or anouther state in the USA and study maps and which city you might stop for an over night stay with a hotel reservation in a good low price-  to buy a lite lunch or fine dinner and drive home again. Where will you make a hotel or Motor lodges reservation to stay a night and enjoy the blustery love of woolie warm layers of good fine duds to trot through a fine worthy village? Hot coco stops and even a non alcoholic - rum flavor Rootbeer tea hot. With a real ginger cookie - on a dish of ice cream with a butter rum sauce Carmel over a slice of cake ? Whipped cream and a Cherry of course ! 

The reality of certainty in perplexity - in knowing 
which egg dozen are Absolutly fresh in - ethical regulations for peoples whom are employed to shelve actual dozens of eggs on a grocery store. It is a very serious detail - and daily detail it is, then assuring - pricing standards -too. The numerous amounts of eggs sold this year in the country of the USA is a remarkable 
reality and -  very serious detail in daily real ethics -  which was a great reality in such assute responsibility from ethically -  delivered eggs - and low prices that can be a stabilized tiny detail that is with resounding greater - affects in even wages -  and company profits to see even risterants with lower prices and a better effect in the USA country -  in actually every village. 
Even within the absolute effect so kindly greater in every country in the world of villages everywhere. 

of course -  serious concerns - in unethical -  upset 
with possibly -  errors -  swizzled misperceptions even and some - larger echos of - some extremely mortifying 
swarting -  perplexing.  It can be a complex concerns - 
We’re there wrong invites and unethically as was in news - and lies from the Oval Office in even using a wrong name -with an attempt to lie even about a company with the name Harris Clothes - once years ago located in the very large building in the finacial district of one of the most reputable of certain kinds of important finacial worth -  and incidentally in the lower window front shops near a Visa- Banking Office important to large complex ethical complexities.  
The UN - is a dreary upset internationally with no one in the presidential offices of each country that agreed to a full meeting and set date and assured that their was a absolute standard in the formality of an area that is structured with types of important types of areas of ethical review -  by international presidents of countries themselves within their own agreeable decision of their schedule - with ethical complexities - thoughtfully of their decisions to schedules and such. 

Who sent emails in such United Nations in possible tamporing - to anyone.  read.  realizing that the concerns in USA - are not - as and end - in some perplexities. 

I have to consider noting fine people -  very nicely. 
In a better reality of today in 2022 into a hope of 2023 and beyond.  Simply worth the extended note of a love in the world -  everywhere on earth. And amazing care and finely of articulate as lovely. 

Eggs on the shelf endless in affects of revenue in a better stabilized wage worthy reality is of villages all.
Why are eggs important ? It’s a good question to think about eggs stacked on a shelf so neet with lovely cares of stacking eggs.  Freshly rotated properly handled with gental caring lovely fortitude in a reality that effected the global economy in good ways. Looking through a glasson -khlolightdhescop- of tiny fractorials realizing that wages in a fractional reality -  par - of a whole -  was an effort of excellence which improved a stabilized reality in even healthier steps - within affordable lowest possible pricing of eggs.  Constant to sell the same average number in eggs each week -  with a hope to see care about eggs readily sold -  and egg farmers with sales continued - and risterante plentiful in steadfast sales liked well and lower affordable reality - home to liesure a fine enough breakfast or lunch - even dinner to dine out a bit more.  

Eggs shelved ? Amazing people with fine real care -  made a larger difference than often thought about. 

Then ready , set, go, as everyone races to a kind of - real bear run nearer to their village or a - bear run in a extra day travel even -  to remember forever into Winter  Indian Summer Events. 

November 6th, 2022 memo - days and days - and days - 
Details -  loss reports could be reasonable noted in reality towards a bile issue still tamporing - loss - it is important to realize loss in pennies - even in a better year - how the pennies are lost are a very serious area of concern to the USA as a constant real -  care of love in a world that could be -  with influxuation -  and need to ponder a stabilized ethical structural care. 

Will the wages be increased in one year ? 
If the eggs are priced with unethical price arbitrary svelt inflations, as in arbitrary of no reasonable standard % in the increase price -  will the fine employee be able to chose to not have an increase in wages for such important work -  then hope to find a new better job and begin again in a hope to gain a wage increase at a -  job. What a deflated outcome -  within the larger efforts that would be.  

The movie that Rob Redford was a part of known as the sting in the 1970’s was very -  strange a perplexing empuzzled -  dismal distress -  in a sort of swerve in swizzling even the inner soft side of - plague - swiftly a political wrong in the two hour film -  and disgraceful. 

Egg sales with sales on to afford a fancy baha excursion 
and some winter fun as fine -  can be a reality. 

 In a sweet fine mini holiday -  exciting as it is to realize the employment is fine and even hopes in a finer lenghty stabilized job to keep. Retreating to a svelt inertia of an abundant lovely home. Filled with giant blue flowered table linens in fine linen ? 

Hope to purchase Royal Blue Linens sooner. 
Indian Summer Winter Events in blue linen to hold sacred the memories and savior the minutes more. 

Under a blue moon. ///. a special recording from my fine darling friends - updates recording in a political care originally of a song in the 1960’s popular recording of BLUE MOON  as a sweet favorite and respectfully honored of the update recording.

Political Svelt blue moon update. 

The stabilized reality is with many cares and certainly not plundering in rio -  or perhaps any tiny village - with serious harm caused  by intended bile unethical viciousness. Some of my messages were deleted by tamporing and with many fine messages - and other messages that were intensely in some - intentions to disrupt me in many ways- bile and some divided bile in fact harshly concerning. 

In reality - I could be looking at a nice outing for Indian Summer Winter Events with my Announcement Soon -with even Sir Vladimir Putin and others in a real run to bear run in a fine village to note - in your little book - and find that tiny shop that makes real bear claws - with daily freshly made sweet rolls with cinnimon and honey with chopped walnuts -  finely a delicious reality fresh - and shaped like a BEAR CLAW of course. 

Toting a thermos of home made stew - soon. With a great recipe to note in your little book if you wish. 

For today it is back to the memo :::: 
in November 2022 I wrote about some mud pie and beaches too- and surprisingly I realized that the entire gulf coastal area in the USA is doing better too with some very ancient bear run areas very notable too and many beach travelers too while some drove through Mississippi in small villages with mud pie on their drive to gulf coastal USA beaches.  

The South American Countries are vaste as extremely large and have had a better year too after June 2022 and far accross the gulf coast to the other side from the USA is farms that are earning some good wages too. 

The USA is as of this week - November 6th 2022 with people all that have saved money and are affording liesure with achieved efforts - children saved coins that add up to more than $25.00 and even over $100.00 In some penny savvy childern and  quite pleased with tiny boats and whirligigs and kick ball.  Extra school classes too over the summer in 2022 with some thank you to Mike Bloomberg for listening to my lecture and with his special interest in some worthy efforts and efforts of many within the professionals in public USA education as principles and primary level educational professors up to 12 th grade in structural education - public schools - that were then important in every village in the USA. Some cares even from Oprah Winfrey too as a caring person in mentioning 
education as important too. 

Others  agreeable and a fine class room public free school for summer was open and instructors wages fine too.  My village school bus even drove  by letting me know school was going alright with just a nice little drive past my tiny flat in time the school was scheduled in proper school bus rides. Very nice people care. School for children is with classes working and children very excited about school even at age 5 in Kindergarden into 1 through 12 the grade levels each year in free public school. With the famous guitar music peoples very pleased too. Ringo Starr of the Beatles is famous for some fine children’s film shows -  to post in love notes to Sir Vladimir Putin, possibly ready to baha in his excellence in real sailing-  much better than my sailing of tiny boats with a motor board powered up.  (- fire up = “start the engine “ known as the motor board engine in a second or less to start - is a fine minute when warm ocean shallow enough -of areas near shore lines and in view are exciting to drop your boat into Water proper with a motor board) Motoring out toward a bit of ocean is always to stay very close to beach public area shore line - nearest land and docking -  areas where the boat can be put into the public boat entry area of the water. More on motor boards later with a car sized inflatable boat to put in your car. 
Of course floater life vests - worn on your upper body are to assure you float if you fall in. And your head stays above water- as standard  requirement in boating of course. Small lake or ponds are also nice to baha boat with a small inflate boat and a little tiny motor board. Near the shore land in public areas always. While rivers are not suitable for fun baha in a great rage of delightful baha readiness. 

Baha updated - as contentions -  somehow mallow. 
Keeping in mind of -  contentions - be aware.

To baha -simply - complexities exist to realize in a larger reality to lovely care about some solid cares toward winter and Indian Summer Winter Events into 2023 summer in a even better reality - worth efforts -ethically inclined ( possible of worth ) in more in extended exciting baha regulations. 
 - from the country of SPAIN perhaps. 

There is serious concerns - and a good stride of an increadible many peoples of a large USA in fact. 
Better is very good. In banana notes I will even schedule in time to say - more about the USA in ways that are an area of - math - good economics - peace - love - and humanity that is with a loss in part in ledger concerns of some USA issues - not very good due to bile in contention toward me - and not a good reality toward any. With an issue in some loss and not simply a large realities of nearing all peoples adjusting to such a nicer summer and a USA to have worthy wages work and liesure - and a reflection of some sorrow in a vicious contention of DC bile and a twirling of divided others in a few that -  leap into lies in spots and tampor and have used blasting of sort in some very large concerns in the USA of merely only a few bile and unethical horrible intentional unethical activities -  while thankfully EUROPE  cares. 

All countries within the EUROPEAN CONTINENT 
care and love the peoples of the USA. 

What is the result ? Bile ? When I was an executive in investment banking long ago - and owned my little home office with my projects - a client asked me once : if the price of butter get too high - and then no one buys the butter , does the butter company make another sale that is as many one week and then mostly a steady sale of production yield of butter the next week and assure the profit projection to sell and then sell again in order to assure wages for a butter made with perfection in a good ethical butter company ? My client asked me: where does the butter go ? It’s a good question and then the love of butter as a quality good food for many things is with a very good volume ( number of butter sticks in standard four stick pounds = in volumes of how many boxes = is that a volume of ten boxes or a volume of twenty boxes total) , what is the loss and what is the profit margin standard ? Did the grocery store earn a tiny profit per butter box in one pound butter to sell or sold less at a high price percentile per yield ? 

While going on and not about butter, or the lovely recipes and the extremely good quality of nutrition of butter to good brainy goodness - excellent along with whole milk and other good foods too. 

The issues in the memo are at a conclusion of my memo - to read and reread - and a reality of the fact that the impeachment is with lose bile - and not as easily to see bile get a job soon -  while causing even some harsh issues still in bile -  in work and liesure mingling concerning to the USA. My ideals is to get an actual soap box platform and place it in a clear glass tiny green house cover - near the Washington Monument in Washington DC in Maryland USA a bit far from the Oval Office and see bile in a real soap box platform to explain their selves  - to a few million whom chose to walk by with a fine tote of tomatoes and cheese and spritzers with ice cubes and cola - with a fine sandwich! And question if close enough -  about missing money from the tax department of the USA and public reports to peoples in the whole world to see the expenditures of every day and wasted in harm to RUSSIA and other countries and the many USA peoples with news unethical harm. And tailgates lies - fraudulent inflation news -  just slice the tomotoe there and gaze - in a breath of cherry blossoms and the DC area to enjoy at least the large Walmart - and Washington Monument and the question of the wages lost -  of too much in malicious issues unethical and tax fraudulent - in what did you say ? Questions ? 

Remembering back - further than 2022 February. 
The review of USA news is of mortifying concerns. Into June 2022 and then still more in bile butt scuttles . 

Soap Box media platform - and in view in time square with a unreachable cam seen blipped - with millions of people to travel in and eat the tomato well enjoying Washington DC and toting brunch -  a dip (walk in a kind stroll )  by the Washington Monument where George Washington as the first president of the USA in the year 1776 - did infact tell the real truth - he did chop down the cherry tree and was not very happy with himself.  

In fact he was very upset - and not a president for many many many years- and wores or wars as said in southern regions of the USA of wooden teeth. Some in the north eastern regions of the USA also say wars that cherry bowl ? Are the wars delivered yet - in boxes of dish wars (dish wares ). Were’s the tea cup section of this store? 

Wooded Teeth ? 

60 years later George Washington became president with a small small office and a very small home and some very decent efforts in many decisions after the embarrassment of his youth and wooden teeth. 67 years old and work that was seen by a great many in a work in grocery stores earlier years just employed in groceries and then called a plantation style grocery 
and named after giant bananas known as plantains and shipped in from even African merchant international business people men and women that also sold even marble too and not all Italian marble with fine shipments of tea and other fruit - chocolate and some fine cherry trees from good business in countries all. Respectfull of international regulations to sell well. 

Even selling types of flower headed petals that made tea and leafs of spearmint types of tiny garden plants that are crushed to use as what was known as a stave. Stave dried -  spice ( stave - spiced from all over the world sold in that grocery ) and many spice and small fruit trees even from Russia and Africa and all over the world.  Stave spice was a delight in sailing ships with special motors - then steem ships - before airplanes flew in later years after the year 1776. 
The year of 1776 USA.
Steem ships used a type of coal, 
very chalky black nuggets and difficult. 
With ash -  that had to be shoveled out of an ash box.

Now a  soap box DC bile - for peoples all over the world as well as in the country of the USA to consider in pondering cheese lines to eat holiday dinner and a greater fortitude of devout good USA of good a USA is in a truest -  formative existence - a breath of kind ethical dilligence of -villages all. 

Unfortunately  a continued unethical continued harm in the USA -are real. As real as many much more a larger populous of peoples of the USA are of OPINION in the all villages of the concerns - within an actual  ethical peoples process -with some complexity of standard in seeing a ethical straitening in a USA step by step process as an ethical a possibility of stabilized certainty for peoples in the USA and from around the world to ponder with all seriousness. 

Soap Box ? And a little Job Sign for bile -to see a job for DC bile and bile for all travelers north, south,  east,  and west, to note where ? I mean where is the ash pile and offer to a wage for the desperate bile and bile in a rainbow of wire in air waves snitzel -  readable and in read recording ? Internationally in moon data from all other European countries -  can be a reality in an ethical standard in a process and that of the presidents of each country internationally to see an appropriate process toward a concideration that which presidents of European countries find time to ponder as to - think about their decisions in any possibly to concider the USA concerns. 

SOAP BOX   is a possibility in an ethical reality that can be an implementation within ethical repose.  Think about soap box - in real defined time to ponder while the greater efforts are with people in a home estate or rental estate even tiny rental flats as estate flats - and a great effort of very ethical repose good wages even more employment with achieved USA and liesure that was Absolutly wonderful enough loo this 2022 after June with enormous thank you all in the USA - greater peoples - to a enourmous huge USA and all international countries. 

It’s a real message from my dear friend

Howard Hughes whom was very caring to have sent a message and I was hoping that Howard Hughes would have something to respectively note. 

Howard Hughes is extremely well noted in very keen intellectual sorts of radically ethical television in very astute personified programs in the 

Howard Hughes Productions 

of lovely work 
in film many years on free television USA. 

It’s fine of you Howard Hughes, to have 
even thought of me. 

It’s a real message from Howard Hughes right away and my delays in posting is with anguish  and love  to Howard Hughes in all ways. See the short memo message from Howard Hughes : 

A message from Contadina Tomato with excellence in  tomatoes with recipes:

Frank Sinatra in a movie about 
missing rootbeer I think. More from Frank Sinatra of current new work and success in the notes of love sooner. Film Brief updated from the 1960’s 

Loretta Lynn is one of the most famous in Nashville USA of fine compositions of music, that which are sometimes of a perplexing political worth in her brilliantly lovely voice and the increadible song 


Nashville Tennessee USA 
with Loretta Lynn is wonderful. 

The Duke as in Thee John Wayne created some movies in a swarted art form of a kind of -  perplexing puzzle to think about - 1968-1969 what is what in John Wayne’s updated message today. Now.  
The Duke in DC ? thanks for arriving in my international exhibitions in peace and culture and economics for the afternoon with proper enjoyment too. 

John Wayne -  good to see you. 

Volks Wagon is a German made automobile in the country of Germany which is a country that respectively presented my with a cultural dignatary honor in 2007 with a wonderful cultural society within the city of Berlin, Germany and that of the city of Homberg, Germany too in Eastern Europe. 

In the city of Homberg in the country of German in Eastern Europe -it was exciting. I recently looked at budgeting and realized my lost minutes in projects and love notes too- important and realized that I may have lost more money -than Volks  Wagon of Germany in the last two quarters of the year 2022. 

See Volks Wagon site and message. Read and Reread 

Volks Wagon  With sales in the country of Germany. As Germany is located in a very close area near the country of RUSSIA in extremely large country and good business for Germany with great love for Russia and the kind good delightful humanity of Russia as Russian peoples do note good peoples of Germany and enjoy options to purchase Volks Wagon as well as enjoy a day in German Museums too and a fine lunch of authentic German food.  Very well, with notable German shops well loved. 

Read Volks Wagon again. 
Volks Wagon with a special thank you to the owner and peoples of Volks Wagon for the very good message - with a later update. 

Volks Wagon  Forever.

Volks Wagon  of Germany listed my color in the blue cultural event - to be soon again. Very sweet. Thank you to everyone love 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Mauaha ! Catch everyone ! 

November 8th 2022 
Martin Luther King excerpt from the 1960’s invite to Martin Luther King in Washington DC standing in front of millions of people and with the president of the USA then years ago, with hand held transistor radio and an ear phone listening to the lovely speech -  with fine lunches packed and a lovely day to enjoy Washington DC USA, and the monument of Washington DC in peoples park for all people all over the world. What a travel as well.  

60 minute honored lovely speech from a very noted person well loved then and now. Of course the speech was on the Oval Office lower mezzanine of the outside of the marble facade steps of an over 1000 years old. Imported from other countries with excellent history of all countries - by sailed boat ships from love in all countries. With love and cultural dignaty.  Once 
the facade steps were an increadible importance in the USA and also something to see as - all peoples in traveler likes to stop and feel free to photograph even themselves in front of the facade marble steps that were in front of the Oval Office lower mezzanine looking out into the tall slim pointed upward tower structure - known as the Washington Monument - known as an obolist -  of basic a design of a pencil type of monument - largely significant of assuring many things. 

Obolist -  ablist - and with a type of shortened writing the obolist is known also as an abhle = “ all “ al ‘ as shortening a word - said in many of the USA now- obolist - while many years ago - obolist - was the sound of an a. And not an o- as ancient in languages of studied notes - and the first school dest pencils for all children and into later ages - were square sided -  and slender - much like the primitive style pencil = to read .  And for mathmatics to constantly practice. The flat pencil never rolled off any desk - or table and is still made. Easily made to a fast manufacturing then in 1776 for all in the USA to easily have a pencil and not a chalk type of stone or a earlier nail - sharp to etch into what is know as a primitive lithograph hand honed. Often with a nail like tool called an awl. Usually with a fine handle made of wood. And soft types of a sort of wax to write words. 

Marbles  - was the children’s fun rage in tiny toy marbles in all brilliant rainbow style in the 1960’s and into earlier and later years.  

Marbles as a game for children have very special rules. Marbles
Anyone ?

Where are the historical marble facade step today ?

Conclusion in a reality to read at your liesure and also think more about stabilized USA with some concerns and noted worth in successes too- of a global international good success within countries and peoples too. 

The USA has a structure of ethical process in all reality in a time when thinking more about 

Soap Box and then a type of reality in a repose to think clearly about a future time to ponder a very careful process in some DC USA repose ongoing - to decide in a possibility of appropriate repose - to then - look at several people later whom may be suitable in small careful ethical process with a much better peoples humanity of ways to see humanities ethical standards with a peoples process be with peoples in the USA - absolute - an assured structural ethical standard in a repose  - USA as not the same - and with a very different solid ethical hope in DC -  later to a time I might find time to jot down my opinions for peoples in the USA and all over the world to be able to email several other presidents of countries to hope they could be able to tally the emails of peoples of the USA with perhaps George Bush, perhaps - hoped to mediate as a person whom might -  and then go from there in an update on a date I can select - to post an update on the matter, to ask people to look over my opinion of ethical repose further to a solid reality of stabilization and assured ethical peoples process within the constitutional reality within a structure of international standard as well.  Thinking more about the USA stabilization pure in ethical worth into 2023 and beyond. 

Meaning no senate selections yet 
senate selections and any court would need to go into a process of the USA peoples in a reality of ethical selection of people that are of an absolute assured - in required prerequisite to a qualified and ethical standard - within a review of the actual peoples all in the USA and that of an existing assured -  ethical process with perhaps some measurement of international ethical qualification of all standards and lenghty reputation -  of ethical broadened knowledgeable reality in notable consideration and a hope that those that well qualified might say yes to such a USA to even begin in step by step -  process within a peoples reality to be within -  standard opinion of a majority to even begin filling the - position in dc - and assured emails listed for accurate email lists to actual governors of 50 governors for all 50 states in the USA. Not any type of misguided unclear -  result to a USA of wonderful lovely peoples. 

Of course I took some extra minutes and even days in this memo - and thus made an ethical conclusion as the end of this memo - in the memo of very serious contentions that resulted in excessive USA malicious - real concerns in just a few people as DC non-remourseful bile hoc -with some others unethical as bile too - that remain a prevailing seriousness of  contention of the USA -  extending a concern to international countries disrupted in concern as well. 

Nearing  a closure on the memo. 

Message from BTS seven lovely men and my friends from Korea with a very special thank you. 

Do you read Korean and English ?

Do you read Russia or Arabic of middle eastern countries? Do you speak German or even Polish ?

Do you read USA English ?

It is kind of everyone as BTS and the whole world too.

Good night and good morning in Europe all over the world now.

It’s BTS peoples from the country of Korea are with a very serious message which I extend a very good care to BTS with a kiss to catch with your hands all the way across the entire world.xo catchxcxcx to xcxxcx BTSxcxcxcvx. 

November 12th 2022 , it’s been a few weeks of - upset for me, in a reality that I had nothing to do with in some upsetting - USA concerns.  The issues that a nation of thee  country of the United States of America as thee USA as greater peoples and with huge different kind and well achieved realities -  is quite wonderful and it was not simply - without a respective care and love for all the world. In the USA the efforts were - details of an immensity- of luxury in liesure and even a idealism of worth and ponder in love with even short day travel -  and new exciting exploration with a kind delicate devotion of ethical repose and lovely humanity in efforts outstandingly of remarkable peoples in the USA and in RUSSIA and in all the world of all countries. It is quite increadible -  and lovely of even people of the country of RUSSIA to look beyond a few in a upset to the peoples of RUSSIA so brilliant in seperate kind personifications -  and the very lovely wonderful human being as sir Vladimir Putin - the wonderful man boldly very lovely and quite brilliant - as to devote his time and brilliant humanity to RUSSIA and care in any spare minutes of the wonderful work he was a large part of in the G7 summits - in Europe within ethical reality of broad structure -  of complexity in international ethics. Among many presidents in Europe as well.  Astounding worthy humanitarian lenghty lovely work in presidents across the whole world even - and a lapse of mortifying issues in DC hoc of Biden and Harris ( with some others in the extended issues ) that can hope to find a soap box -  too stand on while not keeping the -  assets of any type of USA boxed gift center of a hoof sled ride  delivery for USA Christmas in the USA with such dismal distress - 
and even futile -never meant to have been- 
with some others that rusked - unethically - with disconcern - discordance in real solid ethical reality for a whole country of USA people - villages upon villages and employment of smoothed - other enjoyments - and some excitement even hoped in winter into exciting hopes of laxidazial leisure - to baha  plans - even weekender baha -  to speak of one finer - a time that is reachable for all in that of greater repose.  All, all over the world. It’s a reality true. Indian Summer winter events -2022  into 2023 might be surprising - baha possible ? Say yes. 

All over the world ? Say yes. 

While there are USA few still sqwallering (wasted  upsets in minutes of very good importance ) - and pistoling in even -  perplexities as a type under skin -  rumpling - which can fool people that trick others at times with vicious phycological threats intended - even sound swartings too, whiffling in a - arrowing dart -  aimed at someone’s discomfort -  ear level threats. From USA bile types -  of fisted and swiveling of muscling tungs - and the blasters and some other unethical -  areas can be perplexing - not an area to point at me to swivel a plyer in other countries of the USA again -discombobulating with no remourse- as to continue a preswasion of formative unethics is very wrong - avolanching the USA-  economy and humanity again,… - perhaps not. 

Hopefully in other countries including 
Europe in all countries -

The love of cares in greatest belief of a malange’ of better in even a respective good good - ethical continuum worth the efforts of details smallest and of the larger times - prevail ( are with love to thrive ) prevail greater - as a greater love within countries of peoples everywhere also prevail. 

The USA has a time to assure steps of ethical structure more than what was - in looking at 2022 just in Febuary of extremely dismal concerns. Some were in bile cash - flying out of the USA and concerning at the time - when the city of Los Angeles was with a email to me -  airport LAX in Los Angeles California USA, was with an online statement that said - no one could fly unless you owned a large corporation.   Today because of my requests in Europe and the risk of my time and some - extra notes in a sweet to the whole world and the Kremlin of Russia -  the California city in the USA at LAX is with people that assured greater good - and assured some-  good realities too in west coast USA with good business in farms much better now -too.
With California as a large enough state in the USA with many cities that are with greater -earnings of wages and it’s a bit better -  than was in February 2022.  Not just for a few that were perhaps -alright. 

Beach ready surfing in half boards of surf boarding - even drives to the state Texas in the USA and other USA states as in the state of Mississippi USA with more cities everywhere going much better. States in the USA are with 50 states and within each state many cities and even more villages. 

It was simply just last week in November 2022 that I actually took time to mention the dismal disaster of the Air Ports in the USA which jeopardize even those employed in USA air ports whom look at fault for unethical types of concerns in searching bags and unethically attempting to review peoples flight assignments (travel flight pass tickets ) and ID and passport for Tickets of Flight passes. 

USA and INTERNATIONAL requirement to email full flight passes to the actual person whom is purchasing their own flight ticket and the air lines are required to then assure the actual flight - and ticket directly from the airline -  that is with the actual flights -  as some airlines must  be in ethical reality to fly internationally - and of course nationally too within the USA for public flight companies -  with public airports -in full ethical reality. 

Routes of flights are usually the same route -  nyc to where ? Where is the flight listed online with a full display of all flights and all prices as required in standard pricing ethical reality. Is their any ground approval ( are you schedule in an approved route landing in other countries in public listed air flight airports ? Or the city in one country to the other city on a routine same same route of scheduled flight ) ? Whom gave you the ground approval for the actual route to assure landing in the exact right routed of a pre- approved schedule for that flight - as a USA in public flight in and out of the USA in any public service of any flights these are very important. 

Flight ticket emailed is in your email directly after purchase - with all gate information and air port information locating and seating too - with the standard ethical pricing - within international and national real ethical compliances -  and then a list of knowing not to bring any type of -artillery - of course.  As not to tote such anywhere either. 

Under all reality ethically -people can not be placed at risk of searching anyone and their luggage as an assured reality not to be with international criminal issues in attempt to search a bag - travel pass ticket - ID - passport - or luggage - in the USA or other countries -  in such issues of harm - that was not long ago - many lost travel plans and wallets and money and time -and even -  treated badly. -  no one wished to look like a unethical jerm as employed in any airport - nor do you wish to watch others bags for any reason. 

While flight schedule compliances in an ethical regulation which are important - and in the USA that repose is going better - with some worthy efforts ongoing. Thankfully people all over the country are relieved of some reality of caring ethical structure. And self -  ticket kiosks too if needed to print your self purchased ticket from your email as a way to scan your own ticket getting to your flight -with your seat number on your ticket - as in a perfect uninterrupted schedule.

Scan ready with a printed receipt like a city bus- gives a receipt when putting the payment in - as you scan a flight pass - ticket - just like a grocery in self checkout - your passport number is with your online purchase to other countries to fly too if flying to other countries and study maps real to assure your hotel location is actually where you wish to be. 

Many are traveling short distance more and some farther while - long travel can be exillerating  for a weekend in the USA or within other countries too. Something to look forward to - well. 

I have a few comment memos from messages sent to me in very good love to me. Large listed in many many peoples globally - and LOVE from even a message sort of unusual from Sir Vladimir Putin yesterday on 

November 11th 2022 -

From the Russian Czar 
as thee President of the 
country of Russia 
as the loveliest man as a delightful human being and wonderfully a delight in charming and stern ways 

sir Vladimir Putin’s firm quizical email with sir Vladimir’s public statement 
within the Russian Country of Russia Reads  well to  

Directly from sir Vladimir Putin, President, of the country of RUSSIA as to a message for the whole world from the site of the Russian Kremlins Office President of the whole lovely very 
beautiful country of Russia. 

It has taken me longer- to finish this memo - of the issues of some - large look - in the USA towards a real stability within the USA - within an absolute  process of ethical constitutional reality of more than just a consideration towards peoples of the USA - as with a certainty of absolute in a peoples process ethically in steps of a USA structure of ethical reality -  good a USA and better a dear kind delightful and vibrant USA of greater the peoples and stern of a fortitude of a continued ethical reality. There are some in the USA -  with a unethical pencity and they stand in the country amoung others -yet alone - far more than - they may realize- with no room for an -attempts that misguided more than many peoples - in a mangle with even wrongly reported serious contentions that were un- merited and caused a foolish reflection of loss in many ways-  seemingly not noticed or effecting some in immediacy-  at a way that was even loss too- in broader a perspective of a lush USA within every village plenty enough as good and better into a brilliant reality -  as not a righteousness of ill hope to -  mirror the desperations of even - as my great grand mother of a European Cultured Business Merchant Person was many years ago ::: said :::: it is of even 
one to think of in a loss of minutes 
that is perhaps to not waste minutes- 
worth of work and achievement true 
in ethical reality  and lovely time 
and devout a ethical 
kind -or worth and flighted butterflies 
within good as mindful swirling fine- 
of a good leisure  in thoughts - to instead - 
opening a can of peas to heat and plate
 in dinner to then turn and toss the 
whole can out - after buying the 
canned peas - to eat at dinner - in a 
world of even one child. 

She sat years and years ago and was 
served the canned peas -and asked 
me politely to please darling will 
you eat your peas. 

What a lovely women she was of 
a love to all the world too. 

Email message from Elvis Presley 
updated and my very introspective review in a 
large squandery of time -
 in the world. In the USA it was extremely 
damaging of time. Remembering 
a very harsh issue - became enlarged - 
and with news - in even 50 states 
of the USA and 
no resolve for too long. 
Postal serious concerns 
-are improved with postal 
people not missing - 
and wages improving- 
standards strenghten - and even 
a improved economy because of 
postal employees whom are 
people of achievement - and busy care. 
in the USA and some banking 
and rental concerns and 
school concerns with other issues
 too getting better.
More. Is more worth efforts 
in even strengthening cares 
of good ethical efforts. 
In Febuary 2022 in the USA ? 

Elvis Prestly is world famous 
internationally as a extremely 
well loved person of music 
composition and a politically 
astute - music composer and 
once was in the USA Military Army Division,  

and was fortunate to have traveled to country of 
Germany and very loved in 
RUSSIA too. 

Sometimes Political messages are unusual and not directly a political lenghty direct explanation to the whole world. The bold broadened aspirations to deliver a soap box explanation is - with possible inquisition. 

Where  to begin a time and schedule of inquisitions in soap box - ideals - and where to subside  in a mangle of thwarts - or a bile in contemptuous dismal unethical propulsion  ? when to decide ? where to place the soap box -  of 
inquisition (questions) ? Should there be one soap box or more than four 
soap boxes globally ? 

It’s all perplexing ? I might have to suggest with my international esteemed stature - within an ethical reality of a suggested idealism to presidents of countries within my own unique reality of - a real revolution now to continue everywhere in the world - now. Ask presidents to consider a soap box idealism ? 
As well as to find time to ponder soap box theories thoroughly. 

Updated message to me from
David Letterman, Oprah Winfrey 
with  a third very well known well 
known comedian as 
sir Jay Lenno 
comedian wonderfully charming -
 all sent me - a lovely 
message of a political 
statement to READ

Jay Lenno  further statement  from the USA - 
just  lovely updated in November 2022 
with a real Volkswagen automobile 
from the year 1955 
in the USA from the
country of Germany 
as a smaller country boardering 
the extremely large country 
so fine of RUSSIA. 

November 12th 2022. Memo Update Soon 

November 14th 2022,  It is actually 12:37 am just after midnight for myself. It is with some good news and some - further memo -  unfortunate of slight further delay which I myself decided -in a very good event of Indian Summer - international invites to everyone all over the world and incredibly exciting. In the USA as well.   Sir Vladimir Putin is invited. 

I have a few final areas to cover in the memo - in my own personification of - a concern to ponder in the USA in all respective ethical repose within cares of all villages large and smallest and better - a USA and Love towards a strident care towards all international countries with peoples everywhere of greatest respective dignaty. 

It was a late evening tonight ///. I thought about heaters 
for winter even in some regions that can be - warmer 
in the lowlands of more southern areas of countries. 
A nice extra warm - lovelier winter might be worth reading a bit about easy to plug in heaters -  even fancy at only $19.99 quite nice. More later on larger heaters - while my selection is very good for a bath area fast and quickly warm -  even a desk at work or a area in need of some extra warmth - faster. 

READ   and enjoy extra warm
 winter luxury everywhere in the whole world.  

meet Jack Clugman and Tony Randel whom 
were in free Television in the USA on a stage setting room-  and with diverse - in the 1970’s and made updates just for me as old friends from long ago. 
There delightful work in tv is well known 
and complexly riche of humour. Brilliant everyone. 
thank you well. xcxcxcxc dinner soonxvccx with 
a special song from me, in personxcccx dancing
ha xcx chaxcxc one xcxc two xcxc 123. 

Obscure Memo Film  unusual :: one minute sketch note. sketch and filmed on November 18th, 2022 sketch and film credit : 

princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Pondering of forest every more green a spring in a warm light of winter slumber in a thicket of holiday of strolls in calm. Of nearest or far, a wolf furry in a free of sleds, on a trot of a forage in morel ( wild mushrooms ) saviored in deep a fine forest kind. 

pondering far of a small child riding upon a blue stone swiftly skipping ripples of a pond well in a fine of times to tumble a while of bright a lovely world so - a learned of glossen minutes in sight of even ducklings, geeslings, a wattle into a tiny puddle, of pencil worth a minute much and many -  busy a village a city larger a train with toys and turtle pie.  

Title of Film Sketch :  Pondering 

addendum: November 18th, 2022 
Email Update from sir Vladimir Putin President of the country of Russia, READ  Sent in an email on November 18th, 2022 with a lovely message in a secret 
lovely way. What is this about Patrucka the Russian Opera ! Exciting  Sir  Vladimir.  
One of my very favorite Russian Opera’s 
What it be about ? 

It’s the wonderful friends of mine in Russia as even Rudolf Neyerev -  on the lovely 
theatre in RUSSIA extremely political humanities 
exciting Petruscka the theatre opera 
of Edgar Stravinsky as a Russian Theatre’ 
in nut shell short film recent update.

Thank you all for traveling to my exhibitions in NYC 
years back. Dinner was delightful.  Merci ‘
Russian Style. 

Simply wonderful everyone. xcxccc.with love. 

More Petruschka from Germany. xcxcxclovelyxc

with thank you for the very special messages. thank you xcxcxcxcxcxlove xcxc to xcxcc you all xcxc

Updated : film 

more about the tiny Gondala ? 

Yes of course :  with Indian Summer Winter Events

It’s wonderful Rudolf Nuryeve of the Great Russian 
Royal Ballet’ Theatre’  in fine literary sciences with years of many worthy ethical love- thought of my little sketch update today - from Russia with even 
the philharmonic symphony in the country of 
Germany as well.  What excitment before the 
Indian Summer Winter 2022 into 2023 begin.  

Marvolous xcxcx.  Thank you all cvx lovely. xcxvc

In a few days Indian Summer Winter invitation from me will begin. Thoughtful in a few more days of the memo too.  Good night to everyone and good morning in all of Europe with love. I wish everyone everywhere in the whole world - a fine lovely breakfast , lunch, dinner everywhere sitting or standing. 
From princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett -  
kisses sent to all. Catch ! 

cxcxvxcxcxvxcxcxcx. love xcxcxcx everywhere xcxcx

KGB and USSR too xcxc love is real kiss tosses to you xcxcx catch ! xcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxvxvthe USA love you tooxcxcxcxcxcxcxcxccccccccccxavediezienzcx
Mont’ pieliare’xcxbear run traveles cxcxcx2023xcxc
vladimir putin too xcxcxcx with special love sent your way darling sir vladimir putin as president of RUSSIA 

Mauahah darling vladimir with love from me and everyone in the whole world.axvxvxvxvxcx 
recipe for ratatouille’ or Patchuli stew, from me soon in honors of the country of RUSSIA everywhere. with my ancient secrets -  of pure love. 

Common Photograph: WHETE KERNAL STALKS in the great plaines of land of whete feilds of golden amber waves and waves of whete - and not waves and waves of ocean -  as the great plaines of soils in good agriculture of whete farming busy and with humanitarian respective love from everywhere in the whole world. Much love -  with more worth in good wages -  better and better. With an Indian Summer Winter to hope is perfectly perfect - with more than recipes to a fine time to even purchase a 
real ROYAL BLUE violin to 
fiddle around more. 
is WHETE of amber waves of grain of course. 
Golden Amber 

It’s already November 16th, 2022 
it is a breif message from the most remarkable person as Julia Child’s is from the USA and very well noted television personality since the 1970’s with chef skills - remarkable and with a very special message with chef Jacques from the country of France in eastern Mediterranean Sea inner tiny sea areas in a  region of the EUROPEAN continent.  Both Julia and Jacques are marvolous chefs of some of the most basic finest foods. 

Lovely love all over the worldxcxcxcxcxcxhiayaxcx. 

It’s the DOLE  BRAND USA pineapple people with in the state of HAWAII USA    Enjoy. 

almost in a Closing Sketch of 
International Political Famous
works in pencil and film 

“the self ejecting chair” 

of noted works 
internationally of sketches many usually not a squat thrust -as is a school PE =  physical educational sport exersize I learned at age 9 years old as part of my formal public schooling, Sqwat thrust- is difficult in stretching your arms and legs and torso -  whole body stretch. It’s not a periotical index table =PI as math basics. 

A sketch from princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, 
as myself of course,  well noted nationally and internationally of many years with numerous projects, extensive cultural and notable reputation within international business broadly. A reality. True. 

November 14th 2022, THEE ROYAL BEAR CLAW crudie’ recipe especial of my very love of worthy delicious pastery strudel of my efforts 
and newly made recipe for Indian Summer Excitment - 

from me, princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Photographic Credit : lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Photographic Date: November 14th 2022 

Title of Photograph:


Of course ROYAL BEAR CLAW crudie’ sweet bread  is named after a dignaty towards my aristocracy  in even a respectiveness to my Grande Father - as his name was ROYAL, and With interesting  lovely details of my American - European family history -  many years. Of course my grande father ROYAL was an engineer in the USA whom I rarely ever saw as he was busy like my grande mother a business person too was busy, while Grande Father ROYAL, did some work for the General Electric Corporation multinational conglomerate company many years 
ago- with excellent success in the USA. Even success in toasters for fast toast every morning in the USA.

Of course General Electric Company in the USA has been in business for over 400 years and began in a tiny desk.  With some notable history- and even quite an alliance of respective realities of an international respect.  More later to read - perhaps.

BEAR RUN is a bit important all over the world -to me-  in the love notes to RUSSIA to Sir VLADIMIR PUTIN Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA and important to my lovely friends in the USA and all over the world. It’s my very own recipe of THE ROYAL BEAR CLAW ( in some countries pronounced Galla) with sticky honey and chopped walnuts as well as cherries - both Marchino cherries and the larger ruby cherry -illustrious- both. 

The USA flour I selected is made with USA whete of the very most golden whete cone. Whete Feilds Golden  - ground into a fine bleachy light flour for baking within the inside- a little  kernal of the tiny whete  stalk which is feathery in shape-with first the kernel - is not part of the inside softness to whete flour- and grown golden whete in the USA richly of fine soil and excellence in agricultural farming- USA, and I selected sugar that is a USA sugar from caine sugar very large in farming in even the state of HAWAII and other USA regions. some other ingredience as well from USA companies. With some lovely farm production. Going well and employment that was with wages well enough. 

The riche soil farms - are with a high yield in the USA. 

With little to say about - soda ash this year 2022. And just assure peoples know - soda ash is not to eat or issue on the skin of any.  Soda ash is not for kitchens of bathrooms or home use. Not for grocery stores or even a drug store or risterante as - it is not that kind of product. 

And can not wait for more about 
BEAR RUN knowledge with a Fine Indian 
dance for one or more. Maybe even the RUSSIAN dance I myself learned as a child at age 4 years old. 

It’s going to be exciting I think. Film Short Minnuette 
even of a hot walk on coals -  in a pieta from India.
And riche real good soil agricultural in lovely cream du la crème pie everywhere in every country all over the world. 

Who would think to walk on hot coals -  in a piety. 

There are different varieties of BEAR CLAWS in recipes and long ago I began employment for a very savvy women whom made a crispy dry bear claw recipe that was rarely sold- while she enjoyed the ancient recipe from a smallest village in a tiny city 
in the country of Germany- her mother and father were born in. Served with a crème rum steemed - and was delightful then. Die BEAR CLAW strudel. Die ( thee of the as in the word definition die = the, in the German Language which is much different than English  ) in Language of German. The artistry of culinarily worth of BEAR  CLAW pastery sweet with walnuts and honey -became noted in a recipe book sold from that same man, whom created the original style bear claw strudel -then sold the book in some sales - and people began arriving to enjoy his bear claw version of pastery strudel and purchase a tiny book of one recipe -and was then -  with even people traveling from Sweden and Austria and Denmark, and Russia as well as China and Poland and England, Scotland, and even other countries such as India and of course Turkey as well as Greece and Hungaria -  with Ireland - Korea even.  And more. Many more. Aphganistan and Pakistan, Iran, Iraq too and even more. 

Beighie’ is a French word of the country of FRANCE 
Pronounced Ben-yahya. And non be -9. .. 
Beighnie’ is a lovely filled creamy egg cream with a FRENCH good type of bear claw pastery -  Beignie ‘ Bear Claw Cruditie ‘ with a French excitment might be far beyond finding the wrong - definition for beighie’ 

Addendum notation November 23rd 2022, 
HOBART CORPORATION : multi- international company with risterante - types of equipment sent me a very nice message as I have used HOBART and know their Quality for 40 years. Hobart has been in business for 125 years in the USA and wonderful people they really are. READ 
With risterante dish washers - perfectly perfect. 

Thank you to everyone at HOBART USA. 

Loveliest message eggs ! 

aristocracy within 
the USA ?  

Such a tiny village too. A version of the BEAR CLAW became noted in prewrapped pastry in the USA and fine enough -  while certainly not my recipe of the 
ROYAL BEAR CLAW even something I began creating as a young girl. 
With my own Hot Rum Crème appartife 
served of course in a hot coco pot and tiny fine cups- that are very different in ways all over the world. 

Soon Indian Summer will begin winter 2022 into 2023 of my very special lenghty event within my REVOLUTION NOW 2022 and unforgotten periotical mathmatics tables as excitement - begins. 

Even in Moscow Russia and all the Russian Country large of love in sea foam green blue -aristocratic I think in ways- risterantes everywhere perhaps,  soon a new ROYAL BEAR CLAW cruditie’ recipe I hope will be loved.  

Memo details in my end note: SOON. 

With an extremely lovely thank you 
to Sir Vladimir Putin directly -  
The Lovely Honor Ring was such a beautiful merituse espiritus decadent trinket - So delightful and with postal delivery as a real worthy delight as the achieved merits of the postal peoples gain a larger live too. Wonderfully Beautiful. Savioure’ faire’ is a lovely formality in such a quiet som ( poetic justice ) of brilliant expressions of vitality aloud in a mezmorizing care -  of respective love - Mauha! 

Merci ‘ darling sir Vladimir Putin. 

Film Credit : lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Filmed on November 14th 2022 for a glimps of
THEE ROYAL BEAR CLAW crudite’ for the very best 
BEAR RUN pastry to even tote on your very own bear 
run traveles in a special Indian Summer Winter everywhere in the world. Unimaginable success perhaps. Say yes. Where is where ? What is what? 

What is a           ROYAL 

BEAR CLAW crudite ‘? 

View the film short now. 

update end to the memo soon 
while veiw the incredible comedy 
of Abbot and Costello 
once on tv free and now with restored upload utube from as early as the 1960’s 
Instantly -online (ticker - taped ? ) 
Ticker -Tape is a serious banking word. 

tabullary formula = is an equational mathmatical 
problem - with a math care to use math to 
= use math -  and know what = what. 

10/ 16 multiplied out by 4/8 =        ? 

If you have 16 sliced of butter in one full stick 
of butter and 10 are used for toast, what was the cost of the 10 slices of butter? 

Tabulate the formulation of two math equations is not instantly realized and sometimes takes real comprehensive math practice and brush up practice too to assure a savvy brainy sweet mind of math that matters. Even for Easter Brunch and a giant chocolate gold encrusted egg hunt inside your cozy homes. 

I sometimes hunt for chocolate eggs at home. 

Of  USA famous stage performance 
in free USA tv of a unusual performed political 
connotations in the USA READY   

View the free television show from the 1960’s with an old friend of mine from many years ago as known for excellent stage performance -  in a suductively quizical perplexing political humor of brilliance - 
Jackie Gleeson to the right side - four delightful people within the entire full historical segments of 

THE HONEY MOONER’S update today from the historical tv show known as the honey mooner’s 

The whole segments fully of the fun little perplexing seductively simply show is quite charming.  With a truly charming lovely - politically good love only of the honey mooner’s. In person on film all very lovely peoples. 

xcxcxcxlovel everyone xcxcxcx thank you xcxcx. 

Indian Summer Winter is going to be filled with unusual excitment wildly Avante Garde ( brilliant of a modern love in culture - never before happening - neet, expressive, deliriously wild in modern reality sweet of an unknown of anything before - outrageously mundane in great love - of ethical peace all over the world - outrageous love ) = avante’ garde ‘ pronounced / aveon ‘ garah’ as expressions of the minutes as lovely importance - say yes.  

Noting that braids are simply a reality of Indian Summer if you wish to get slightly wild - about 2022 especially in the first event - men - women boys and girls -  might like braids -  in the very beginning of Indian Summer -  and more.  I braid often many many years with Willy Nelson - and others even in EUROPE and MOSCOW RUSSIA into all of RUSSIA too - 
braid wildly -  for Indian Summer Very First Invite weekend. I am with a sweet gift to sir Vladimir Putin as one of my darling friends too - as also the president of the country of Russia - 

special  braids and a violin -
 in ROYAL BLUE, with an apology 
for my delays in my travel to 
Moscow Russia in a fine little 
travel city village flat that is fully 
calm and very beautiful. 

Memo updated from Willy Nelson 

It’s late and with a special message from 
fine USA peoples in music composition known as 

THE WHO   with special recordings and a great effort 
for me in the June 2022 guitar events and quite a response in a further message from great and 
well noted peoples as the WHO 

known once as some drum hum as Tommies tom-toms  as tommy 
and the two tones. 

really only the fantastic men known as the music composers as they are known as simply the WHO. 

there once - gone - two tone tow - in  tommy-  over 
and out 10/4 good fellows for those peoples - men and women in the professional business of large trucking -  shipments and busy - now all over the world. 

with a very - very special thank you for the enormous humanitarian worth in a thriving economics in the USA and outstanding with great love to you - everywhere in the whole world. I have some interesting notes for everyone in updates so very important - in love notes soon to assure again to the whole world  xo 

November 19th, 2022 good day to everyone in the whole world as also in the USA. Within mentioning 
Peace and Economics and many cultural excitment in a smooth reality - within a USA country of peoples - snow is on my mind, for front walk areas in all snow regions and a need to some clear sidewalks - village proper -  areas to walk - and enjoy business -  travel and travelers -  the drive in snowy days is easy -  and needs extra attention and very slow drivers -  assuring slow driving well and plenty of space between cars -  as you drive - a bit far from each other -slow to plan extra minute to arrive at work and liesure travel to a hotel or flight - even meeting a cab -  from a shop area that you are waiting for a cab you called -  plan an extra hour or two - in slower driving -  while some cabs and even bus driving might be slightly slower or clearly normal schedule -on time well in mostly every day. Main roads get snow plowing first -  and ease to assure postal mail and shipping - and of course getting to work and liesure too.  After main roads get plowed earliest then small roads too -  and it takes slightly slower driving for all standard cars - if you are  not used to snow drives. A snow shovel in your car is helpful - ice scrapper for windows -  usually easy -  and wind shield fluid wash for clean windows on your car. Set your defrost -  on in your car as you brush snow and some tiny ice spots from all windows of car - before you drive and then there is a warm nice car to drive on -  like Henry Ford, did in his first car he made by hand in 1901 year. Over one hundred and twenty one years ago.  

Snow in your shop and store side walks might need a snow blower READ 

it is UNDER $250.00. shipped.  While purchase a nylon tow cord and a tiny brass lock with key is a good idea to use every day you need too - get out the snow blower. Snow blowers don’t make buzzy noise.  Not heard inside homes and business. It’s always a little extra effort in the villages in shops and stores and groceries and even the risterante to - assure owners realize that they might need to take responsibility for the side walk in their door entry area - clear and clean of snow. Thick rubber spiky looking welcome mats at door fronts to set out daily can be helpful too in each door -  jute door mats can also be good. It’s known as a jute boars hair - type of natural fiber mat -  looking at shaking it off -  if snow is snowing is a real nice care to good business.  Purchase four too and just switch them in the light soft snowy day or two each month through a few snow months is good business sensibility. 

Thaw - out the outter mat -  and place a dry mat clear of snow is very easy.  With a shoveling in the front entry too. Jute runners of even a boars hair - natural grassy weave fiber is not bad to have in side the door, and some extra cleaning at times in any moisture that may be from good fine customers hopefully -  able to purchase at least a oat meal crisp tart style and some inexpensive coffee.

My morning was with a little recipe of mine-
with freshly made Oatmeal Tart - as a unique 
favorite lite flavored tart cake- I might even post 
in the entirety of one delight the world could know. 

I served my little brunch tart tote cake with three delicious jarred jewel like jam. 

winter is going to be baulmy. 
Baulm -  is very good, while some baulm is cream 
baulm for lovely febuary cake-  and then baulm can be a baulm day ( slightly cool and slightly damp yet not rainy ) to shop and spend extra on baulmy cake 
Ingredience - or an expensive real ancient baulm parfume, 

A favorite baulm I enjoy for soft hands lips and face 
is travel stick sized too - Mentholatum Brand 
lip ice -  is one of my ancient favorites. 

Memtholatum Company is in the state of New Jersey 
within the country of the USA and their are some other intetnational finely made baulm for soft lips and I use some on my hands to softly care of my self. Baulmy cooler days are with coats even Gortex Coats warm. 
Russian Gortex is very well made.  Wools too. 

Get Baulm ready for more love notes about baulm and tenneninbaulm bouwes sprig clippings of bayberry leaf  baulm in side on table tops. Just a few tiny sprigs of tannienbaulm even with a fine clothe ribbon on a door as a holiday store entry door or a door at home -  can bring a variety of beautiful ribbon door bouws of sprig in any season. With love. 

Baulmy Indian Summer Winter Events ? 

Baulm Ready ?  It was a baulm of expense purchasing a great many items -  all in one month with cream baulm 
Cake to slice right way. 

Novermber 19th 2022 film and photograph credit 
from myself : princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
with my love you everyone in the whole world. 
oatmeal almond butter crisp tart cake recipe perhaps later -  especially from me. Breakfast Brunch egg
Grilled with a graded mozerella Italian style cheese. 
sautéed in butter in a smallest sautee pan, and topped 
with a heart from me to you whom ever you are. 
Tomoato Ketchup Heart - from the USA BRAND 
Hienz 57 ketchup grilled into the sauté eggs x2 = 
with warm heart love in tomotoe ketchup 
and a very good care of ethical lenghty 
great companies.
Heart Ketchup  grilled warm on eggs as a special heart detail everywhere ? Possible. 

The little review I thought about with a way to use a
little area on your fancy travel phone - to write your grocery list - and other jotted types of definitions to 
words - math equations that are perplexing - 
with software download in your phone 

are eased with EVERNOTE. some soft ware -  writing types of abc practice were missing from some phones and even wrongly charged for in even Microsoft - perhaps with some tom-tom -  upset - tamporing can be extremely upsetting in needing your computer to be equipped with the types of fun tools even to write. While I was with $400. in software extra wrong bills to even assure my already purchased software ( little basic types of fun in the already purchased phone or computer. EVERNOTE is free. 

Enjoy writing in your travel phone with Evernote - abc and 123 typing.  

Evernote is free. 

THEE BEATLES with a updated message and a great thank you from myself with love to you all. Simply wonderful to think of me.  I simply love you all. 

Paul Mc Cartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon. 
Lovely men -  my sweet friends you all really are. xcxcxvxcxcx

David Letterman has been a esteemed television person since the 1980’s and a delightful friend of many years. It was very nice that David arrived for my international exhibitions in exconomics, peace, love, cultural worth, and even my very notable areas-  even events to enjoy. 
In person -  and internationally 2014-2018.  

David’s message update is with kind lovely -  obscurity in a Rhode Island love for butter and cabs also known as Taxi Cab fully - cab home with a fine risterante to enjoy if fallen - anywhere. And no extra room for an ambulating fib - to fiber - pennies too much for butter - dwarfing - butter sales as a constant lovely exciting employment opportunity and the great sale in groceries and even risterantes. For a hopeay  ? Say butter better - with Rhode Island too as  is butter crazed and is a large state in the USA with many cities and villages fine with some notable public beaches of actual ocean- I used to travel often in the Eastern USA. Tuck in your phone and wallet -inside a sock pocket and with a strong string attached more often or with a triple jewelry chain very finely made in a gold vermillion coating over the metal alloy chain- I like gold vermillion well- and assure you have a cab phone number ready if you fall.  Then strait home for a steemy bath after a fine risterante -  with love of butter and the whole state of Rhode Island in polite lovely decent kind dear great work and liesure worth. 

xcxcxcxcxcxcxdavid xcxc you fell xcxcxcx . xcphone anytimexcxc

Kenny Rodgers - everyone, with a kind message to me with a song about gamblin -  in too much risk of earned worth.  Kenny sang this first in the era of  1980’s,when General Electric Corporation USA  was having some types of concerns with higher inflation and unusual  and perhaps wrongly reported news then in the 1980’s was wrong -  then later effected peoples in the USA not very nicely - with difficulty in improved wages - then years back - for a just a few-  hoped never again to happen - shoveling coal ash was not a solution then.  Name and letters wrongly ? Of fine people? Perhaps.  I met a man named Don Rickles as a very well noted commentator - nice fellow -  we flew in a large jet together to Manhattan NY C ny in 2011 febuary, and we were the only people on the whole flight-  just Don’t Rickles and myself- and a flight of a few employed for the airlines.  Strangely a empty commuter flight -  and Don Rickles was polite and nice -  at the end saying good bye -  Don said - nothing.  Stood up very strait and squared his shoulders  - took a deep breath -  and didn’t tear once. 

Then hung his head low - and tucked in his sweet chin. 
Lovely seeing him again.  

Many men and women employed  then as well with 
General Electric and fine peoples too. Enjoy Kenny Rodgers.

Sir Vladimir Putin - with a special little archieved 
message. Read 

xcxcxcxcxcx.  lovelyxcxcxcxcxlovexcxxcxcxcx 

Recipe soon. 

The  soap box update in veiw USA green room DC under national USA and considerations globally.

Rit Green House 
Hot House 
green room plenty of space for a visible soap box. 

Impossible ? Read  

take your time. 

the village in my little tiny city was with some very vicious types of people this summer into later even just a minute ago with some threat of sirens in a rediculous barrage of redundancy to destabilize the ethical structure of the USA at a leaping leoporacy vicious with a pivot in a wrong -  totally in a attempt to pressurize in fabrication lies and vicious contempt of ethics ( deliberate unethical threat made to bleed - the reality in good village life  ), vicious contempt -  aimed to perpetuate bending ethics -  ruining risterantes and winter and summer -  sales wages worth -  liesure too.  Other areas as well. With a park that was very nice and illegally mucked -  with a bull dozer -  and pummeled into a nasty mess just shoveled to the ground belligerently -  unethically -  as a tiny memo -  not the huge list in enethical issues caused larger  in the USA of a few contentions roaming wheeled victories.  

Waiting for the questions from the whole USA in full. 

Here ? There  and where ? 

Are you an obolist ? I hope you will be joining the 
Real Indian Summer Winter 2022-2023 international events into Easter of 2023. 

Consider a BRAID 
to purchase for the first events and later some extra special wintery and into January Febuary March And April events -  achievents of meritus espiritus excellemce with tiara events for all ages of men and women -  unusually a delightful reality in events into 2023, as new traditions begin. Perhaps a selection of mens and women tiara’s early so peoples everywhere have time to purchase with free shipping too. Everywhere in the whole world for Indian Summer 
Winter events - beginning November 2022. 

Head Dress in Gold Leaf and a Tiara Head Dress 
 ( men and women boys and girls ) some from the country of SPAIN even.  Read 

Indian Summer - will be with an announcement of my yearly TIARA event. I hope everyone selects a head dress by then. Royal International Fun -  USA and everywhere. with a fine sack race planned again in the 
renewal of lovely spring 2023. 

Are Russia people traveling to Spain or Brazil - millitary even in their finest plain clothes in civilian time off - with a few at a time -  buying a Porche in Brazil - South American Travel -  for a week of delight - and affording to ship a Porche -  details in Love Notes of women and men -  woolie in pink at my late not yet announced pink exhibition -  pink woolie wildly a surprise excitment with  travel savvy with extra studies. For Russian Millitary on vacation plans perhaps Spain - plainly clothes of course Pink in Spain ? South America in the country of Brazil ? Purchasing a Porche perhaps.  Love in the world? An Italian Porche ? 

Perhapse -  shipped Porche choices will be eased in driving a Porche in the USA now.  What fun to think about a special Sunday car -  the day tripper reality for just a day travel outting - saving pennies everywhere. 

Spanish Language ? Study Books before Brazil and Spain is a very good idea and takes a year at times or more of reading and study from a book.  Russian to Spanish ?  Or English to Spanish ?  Or French to Spanish ?  Chinese to Spanish ?  Language studies are fun-  lenghty quiet reading time is opulent -  

Read  English to Spanish -  Spanish  to English 
in South America is is Spanish as a language mostly with several sounds of a’ or o’ ah oah ? That people can expound out in word formality -  tomotoe - ? tomoto ? 

In Spain is Spanish too.  

Enjoy your polite study of languages in fun. Enjoy. 

November 16th, 2022 the memo is an upset in totality and not part of my love - and lenghty work- I don’t imagine that it is the - reality that should have been-  not in Russia or any country with notable international successes - as a whole country in individual countries all of a seperate government - as governments are of each country.  The USA has had some upsets -  in government -  and effects on the USA were extremely harsh - inflicting other countries as noted recently in news yet again.  Even some were offered news with Englands BBC and the noted very fine professional names Michael Palin was suddenly not with the BBC any longer. He is a smashing fellow ( smashing is a word in the country of England for wonderful). 

BBC ? What will happen to the BBC? What will happen to the NBC building in Chicago Il, USA. 

Did they gain their mail in their post box alright ? Which box ? Which office ? 

It’s a bit sticky -  in ways it is. There are wonderfully exceptional people- free television is real. And free as always just like radio in the USA is.  USA radio has 20 channels or more. With very serious ethical regulations.  

of course there are further serious areas in the USA That take what’s known as presidence ( priority ethically in a structure of repose in a failed issue in the presidency of the USA government under real truth of the constitutional ethical humanitarian stucture of the - USA legal structures of provisional types of amendments= ethical structure inalienable // inalienable means to have humanities ethics always prevail = assure /// .  It’s very important to note that a priority of peoples was a prevailing reality of greatest people and with a large amount of success in the USA.  

Setting way for honor of respective dignaty in ways that is also a placement of meaningful - a USA of 
choice that became even abundant -  in the June 2022 summer more broadly of a large USA country with many villages more than imaginable and cities within states in the USA as all 50 very large states all United States of American country.  

General Electric Corporation within the USA after 
June 2022 - in the country of the USA had more sales of some ice makers -  for risterantes - manufactured in the USA and sold - internationally and nationally -  old technology engineering design and more sales - than in years.  There will be perhaps even more tiny companies that still wish to buy an ice machine -  if in their company owners budget expenses profit to purchase into the future - not all at once - like bear claws for a international event with a sweet little finest recipe from me in my event notes of love. 

Of course there has been a reality of a real process to see the DC offices properly ethically a reality -  as now on November 16th 2022 the USA is more than with a
Skeleton Crew ( smallest - in the larger areas to larger damages to the greater of humanity ) - and with that actual reality - there were larger humanities of caring and ethical retentions and a USA cultural greater -  adventagious love. With amazing efforts - and remarkable people - as the lush existence of kind greater metropolis of a eutopia is a beginning unlike something -special. Large efforts in a large country within the USA country is with some awkwardness- in achievements good.  Russia -  upset ? Perhaps it was a slight upset to all Russian People in such like of the RUSSIAN government too.  All Russian government and millitary upset. With love from a far and even everywhere.  Quite real in Russian culture -  to know the achievements of efforts large and care of all the world.  

What a wonderful world it is.  And yet, there are some concerns -  in the USA particularly of government areas for the USA people to be within an ethical reproach
- not as easy as cooking a poached egg with hollandaise sauce for a great toasted muffin.  

The country in the USA -was swarted - and then some damaged further time -  was mortifying in the USA and internationally the - upset of many concerns.  

June 2022 - does not equal the measurement of a greater success that peoples of the USA or internationally have within their great lovely mindful humanity -  not at all. While there was a-  unethical -  pandering under towing what was many achieved - and not a day trip - in the USA for all the villages in real worth and real work and real liesure -  as dismal. 

see Julia Childs whom is a fine chef that has exceptional charm and love with basic FRENCH 
- Americanized cooking that is wonderful in her free television series from the USA tv in 1979’s 

Julia Childs put together an update for me and I simply think Julia is lovely and marvolous. I love Julia well.

xcxcxccvcvcvv. thee. Julia Childs xcxcxcxcxcxc

extra kisses   Julia.  catch darling Julia Childs xoxoxo 

while - being a bit savvy everywhere kindly ethically is a solid stern reality. 

What is what ?    

You might like this design : not ready in a full metal version yet, while sized to fit on any standard inside bolt lock - inside your home, or in hotel motel travels to take with you while you sleep over night if they have a bolt lock. It’s lite weight and easy to pack in your travel luggage easily. 

No one is allowed to just unlock your door or try to get in-  in a rental or in a home you own or one that was perhaps with even a fraudulent letter - nor are they allowed to open or disrupt you at a hotel rental over night stay - nope. Check out time is a standard 1:00 pm right afternoon- as the date paid up for a day or what ever you paid for with your emailed receipt with the actual dates on it. Online reservations for hotels or motor lodges can be made online or walking in to the sales counter - with a receipt as you pay for the dates of your stay. 

 After home mortgages that were lied about-  and then someone just tried to take your home -  wrongly- assuring your home a bit more with some area of your own cares -  might be similar to locking your automobile door - putting a lock on your luggage or tote at work in liesure. Even your instrument of a guitar or a bike too-  all good ideas with tiny brass locks and a necklace key - finely made. I use a wrist loop on my luggage when I travel and sometimes an extra waist belt with a tiny brass lock - incase I nap at a bench or a airport - if I get sleepy. Best to be chipper as napped and ready to get brunch . 

With a simply coffee in heavy plastic  can - large -  use a sharp small knife to cut a few holes and with a thick towel under - CUT your own inside lock bolt cover-  if you wish-  while don’t let others just lie-  in trying to get in -  and said they are from the owners or something. 

Don’t unlock and turn up your ear phones to listen to a song -  write the complaint in your 

- phone writing tool. Fact. Or paper - or say it softly 
as you say -  it to your toy bear.  Unbelievable as some hoc is trying to break in? Then put on your ear phones to music - if you wish. Moon data ?  yes. 
Are you - my university professor ask? Are you ? 
He said. The women broke into our meeting at the ROYAL UNIVERITY MUSEUM COLLEGE . She said something -  with the arts embassy ? A horticulturist from Brizbaine ? He spoke: are you ? 

We - him and I were about to go to a hot spot - risterante for inexpensive peaking duck - finest 
Chinese food in the busy city. Egg Rolls and even 
Ginduuoi - sweet rolls authentic to the country of CHINA - ah.  The rain came down and thankfully my car was easy to walk to in a fine travel home to my home office Beautiful Brown Stone Modest Flat near the little beach and tennis courts -  6 foot sun flowers everywhere. Italian coffee and tiny little freshly made butter buiscuts with cream and a fruit bowl-  finely a day to arrive home -  alone atlas - to real language books more. 



Filmed November 16th, 2022 

Film Credit and design credit owned and created by Princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett : design of the 
bolt Lock Plate Cover : crafted in plastic made from a standard plastic coffee container large from the grocery market. To prevent even the friendliest types of a few from just making a key and unlocking to lie to you. 

Also USE THE BRASS in your home-  with a tight chain and key extra -  and you can use this on your outside door of a home or a rental apartment that you - are the renter of and with your name on the mail box and you are the person with thee rental agreement and your name is on that agreement - and on the door brass. Even add a small door address in brass if you wish with your name on it.  Its always good if your the only renter -  or live alone. Use two chains to attach your address and name is not a bad decision in my statements in this memo. Usually I have a name and address on my door and my mail box.  With extra locking door gadgets - and a small type of knitting needle that you lay flat in a window that stops the window from any one trying to open it if not home or sleeping. Basically a window lock or jam. Knitting needles can be purchased at Walmart and other stores too at not much more than $2.00 for two knitting needles. 

Changing the standard lock with your own new key is up to you if you are Thee actual renter on the rental agreement. And being extra cautious is a very good savvy reality even in a kind polite world.  People can mistakenly -  be phoned to bring you a delivery of milk and bring it inside ?  Not today hopefully. Precautions of some lock and key concerns are good. As well as knowing whether someone in your city does make milk deliveries -ever. Canned milk is very good. Walmart does ship all canned foods- and with standard two day shipping.  In the USA is good if you absolutly need to get a delivery. Boxed and at your door step. 

My orange juice tin cap - address chain tag - made from the concentrated orange juice can of frozen ready to make orange juice by Minute Maid - as in maiden sunlight love - is with a heart- bead- and perfect 
to hang on my door. Simply. Covering the tin with a plastic after assuring my address and name on the door plate.With a wide clear plastic tape over your name and address fully covering back and front.
Perfectly  perfect. 

What on your desk ? Name plate tin can office jugger ? 
Is easily real and very fast.  As office doors go and office desks too even in kitchen risterante for owners, etc -  position formality ? Schedules are what and on a clip board where ? 

 WHO   HORTON hears a who in review ? 

Damages ? The payment to restore the park damage is not an allocation from taxes in the USA -  or a collection plate either -  and who ?  Destroyed it ?  With fuel to dig it up and self funded that ?  With intent to unethically bull doze the park and destroyed it ?  Damage intended. 

obstruction in ethical constitutional USA empeachment 
in an ethical peoples process - then a who bull dosed massive damage with intent to unethical ruin business here and where? 

Using an extra key ready slide lock outside your real own rental flat apartment or your house you own - as you are the actual renter alone and or owner alone - it is thoughtful to think about -  assuring your door nob key and your second slide lock chain brass lock - with a actual door address -  much like your mail box is best to assure your name and full address on your mail box. 

Two little tin address plates can be one on your door handle with a chain that is brass and then one on your key chain extra lock if you need to.  

It’s an extra choice when you travel - two locks and fully with your address as should be. Is an extra - care if someone even is seen in exray moon data -  doing what ? Friend - or foe? Who ? The moma museum
In nyc and  who again ? No.  Moma  Museum ? It’s an ancient verse by Shakespeare :  
where fore art thousest ? Perplexity? Fun.

Two locations I have enjoyed of 

Churches Chicken. 

Churches Chicken is a fine USA company with good side dishes and inexpensive fine fried chicken - with good professional nice peoples employed. Churches Chicken has been in business for over 40 years-  and only a few locations that are not in the same city.  One in New York - within a small city and anouther location in a city that is nearly 2000 miles away and in a middle region of the USA in the city of Knoxville in the state of Tennessee - not far from the Knoxville Collusium for some fine events.  Churches has there own recipe -  and a great little stop for real fried chicken is always professionally a friendly stop to go out of your way to enjoy - Churches for fried chicken -  or another nice risterante. USA -  map studies are always good. 

Taxes in the  USA will not pay to repair the park damage that was unethically bull  dozed in my tiny village this summer, among other rediculous types of bull dozing which damaged .with visious intent -wrong   Intent to damage . Not paid in a find to collect from others -  who will pay the damages ?    Attempts in minutes to disrupt what ? How ? whom ? 

Assure you think about carrying two wallets -  and keep one empty. With a few spare cards like gift cards-  with no money value on the spare card.  Then - always place your real wallet in the same place -  and assure it’s not on the same area others might see. Prepare to assure you know a good place for your wallet- always.  I use a brass lock and small key attached to my belt sleeping while traveling and lock my wallet -  tucked under my midwaist -  as a precaution -  when as a guest with others -  not alone in a hotel with a flop lock inside usually at sleep time. Lock travel bags with tiny brass locks as a guest -  good savvy decision. label your lugague inside and out with a fine tin label -  important savvy reality. 

With your automobile keys too. Even a bike key with a bike chain.  Where ever you go.  The same with tiny boats. 

More in Love Notes. 

The date :: November 17th, 2022

The time is 2:09 pm eastern standard time in my tiny village in city of saranac lake, New York, near the city of  lake placid, both tiny cities in NEW YORK state in the USA. I made some extra time for a memo - 

See The Toy Train that 
everyone in the WORLD were able to save money for and buy - with mere pennies- in every home and 
even one for each person in the whole world -
 as early as 1940 and actually much earlier. 

Exciting and wonderful technology used well and on a little remote hand held button -  to enjoy as I did too in 1969. My very own tiny train - with a tiny village and out door ice skating with just a little water pool the size of a tiny office -  near in a real village public park for all to enjoy. 

Tiny Toy Village Toy Train.   READ   

with invisable hand held short distance transmitter buttons only a ten feet - button controls 
a toy for all childern of all ages and any grown up too - perhaps by the great winter holiday 2022 around the world or perhaps EASTER everywhere in time to fill the caboose -  ( the caboose is the end train car ) as k own also as a type of train car carriage with chocolate eggs and not a green  grassy spring foxglove hunt at all. Foxglove is a fine garden flower to enjoy in the spring every years. 

Visible - invisable - short distance -  wire connection 
for toy trains since the year 1712  ? With remarkable good peaceful history -  very real. 

En How ?  

 A song from  Alphalfa. Is a sweet little film from long ago with a home film camera like on phones. Enjoy from the peaceful times brilliantly looking back. 
What a memory to keep all those years. 

With a long history of proper ethical approvals 
for real fine toy trains. 


from Sir Vladimir Putin 

Message from the Kremlin of Russia’s  desk in the
Country of Russia in Eastern Europe was sent in my email on November 17th 2022 from Eastern Europe from the Kremlin Sir Vladimir Putin 
with lovely  sentiments to me. 

Posted in my memo: on November 18th 2022 
from my USA tiny village flat at 4:33 pm. 

It is with sheer dignaty and a very good respectiveness 
to sir Vladimir Putin, with especial love and with greatest dignity of peace - espirituse expressione’ 
of vitale’ .  Mauwahaxcxcxcxcatchxcxcx my lovely spirit of cares to you sir Vladimir Putin. 
as thee President of Russia. 

November 19th 2022 it’s my very lovely darling friend STING with a wonderful updated recording of his political composition song 

Don’t Stand So 
Close To Me   LISTEN from his much earlier recordings from 1980’s and as fine in the update Sting recored today just for me.  Marvolously lovely. xcxcxcxcc baha cvcvcvcvspain cvxvcvcv soon.  


November 20th, 2022 

It’s a fast message today from the very well engineered automobile company of Mercede Benz with a location of sales officially in the state of Alabama, with a strange message to me about my memo end note called the footer in literary words - footer is the end notation  of a written memo. Fine of everyone in the lovely state of Alabama in the USA that I enjoy travels in.

Mercedes is a fine automobile - READ 

Automobiles to enjoy forever are with a choice to purchase a little carport ( garage with doors )  that is with designs that have a variety of texture and finishes and easily - assembled to store an well engineered first car and second car all your own decision in saved worthy wages. Carports are inexpensive and- Shipped free with the purchase price in most selections. 

The larger winter holiday for some peoples might be in December on the 25th each year.  Christolus of Christmas christolus - in abundance of A garden winter yield of foods grown - with a christolus of beautiful lights too-  and very good to realize low cost energy electric reality.  Trains for winter or even saviored for EASTER with fine little holiday golden encrusted eggs across the world might be with amazing love and good economic worthy in wages worthy and liesure good more and more.  With Toy Trains and real chocolate eggs usa and intetnational too- with Halla Made Briaded Bread Wreaths - from an ancient 
lovely basic Bread From the Middle East in Europe 

Aphganistan - Iran - Iraq - Saudi Arabia and throughout 
other lovely wonderful middle Eastern Countries 

Messaged Email on November 19th 2022 
From Sir Vladimir Putin, as the Kremlin of the country of Russia with astounding success within 
the very large country of Russia and assute dignafied 
prowess of a great RUSSIA with many years of ethical 
work in humanities. that uphold the idealisms of 
economic standards in the office of Sir Vladimir Putin in the country of Russia of course. 

It was extremely lovely that Sir Vladimir Putin 
even made any time in a country of people of 
the Russian country of large populous of peoples whom are lovely and caring to a love to me too. With great respective reality I posted -  this particular email 
of just yesterday READ 

xcxcxcx baha cvxvcvcv. ready soonxcxcx lovely  xoxc

did you mean winnabego ?  
a message for me in my memo. merci darling ! 

 Ah winnabego  with a message. 

More about Halla  as a middle Eastern European bread. 
I myself worked years ago at age 16 a fine risterante with a large bakery - with fine middle eastern style braided Halla ( word for special bread in the Arabic languages ) Halla -  Easter Special and very middle eastern style among other cultural lovely details of thank you honoring the whole world.  

One little table of Braided Bread Especially Jeweled in sweet delight -  is saviored in home made Easter 2023. 

Adorned in Jewel International Fruited - love. 

With toy trains to save pennies around the world for a 
caring lovely USA and everywhere internationally of 
antisipation to EASTER 2023.  

See the FILM 

memo :  USA   sheer green apple clackers -  
yield reports back dated desk ornament ? 

Smith Greenier ‘. Apple - not an american pie.  

geenier ‘ smiten’ puzzle of mine at age 4. years old without the profession desk clacker to ponder time
at 4 years old in 1969.  
 It’s the professional desk clacker. 

Mr Smith is a very stern movie from some political brilliant types of concerns in the 1960’.
ROCK HUDSON was in the movie - and decided to send me a messages today on November 20th 2022 with great lovely love -  complexly sporting of you darling. And everyone. . 
xcxcxccc love xcxc.  too cvxvcv.  thank you xcx 

See the Film Message   With a full two hour movie of the hoped 1960’s wonderful enchanting film later that is great for a good evening at home or in online film traveling. perhaps a dvd to purchase with a little film short too. Hopefully soon. 

Sheering Sheep Film might be of interest. Loom wool in the Indian Summer Winter Invite with what is known as worsted wool. Hand spun -  from raw fluffy wool from a real sheep. 100% wool is slightly more expensive - while blended wools with nylon fibers can be extremely wonderful too. Sheep Sheering everyone 
in the world can enjoy known no more about 
100% wool of not 10% nylon and blends of non wool but all wool 100% wool - pure wool - from sheep sheering. Film  Take extra fine care of your sweaters in wools and wool blends and coats -  with other wool thing too-  Even wash by hand in only cold water in a sink with a WOOLITE BRAND 
for soft supple wool perfection.  dry wool on a towel and not with heaters or dryers. Like your wool estate things forever. 

It’s a message from the Beatles to me.  
Film   November 20th 2022 

While the memo is longer than I, myself desired to spend time on at all. there are some concerns in the USA that concern all USA peoples and internationally it is considerate of countries too - of so many countries and so many peoples whom love even me - and the many greater USA peoples too It is exciting to love the world and within the USA too, with great ethical love and very lovely peoples -  USA is much to know that summer 2023 is not without a care towards now - today  not much greater a kind good repose in the USA within a process again of ethical choices of a beginning in 
dc - and a discerning interest of all in - way that may take extra cares in a more certainty of even banking -  to assure pennies every one. 
One hundred pennies = $1.  dollar in USA currency 
currency is a word for money. While other areas of 
repose -  is with some area ethically to assurt the standards of self assured - ethical standards. 

In the USA repose there will have to be a reality of peoples consideration of all peoples -  and  not a fast -  decision of all peoples to - A and then B and then C

structuring of DC within an Oval Office -  decision of all peoples due to the mortifying awful harrible concerns of some serious vicious unethical issues that were caused by the Oval Office and some others within the USA - even some rogue millitary fakes -as the details -  can swivel again -  in a few of some - still swarting -  in unethical dismal -  real -  hoc and can practice wrong unethics -  again. 

The USA continued into a wage worthy - efforts and it’s going better. Better for a largest number of the USA now with greatest thanks in a certainty that the peoples of the greater in stretch to ethical repose are within every village filling the USA in a care of peoples and all villages to -  a greater fortitude in economic standards beyond hope. With some fine 
global events even a bit fun with so many lovely peoples many most and nearly all. 

Getting to point A to a point B and not fast on the next steps in some extremely -  concerning details that are ethically complex in a process of -  ethical structure within the USA constitutional previsionary ethical humanities legal structured reality. 

in a DC Oval Office -  repose- not with bile -no. . Keeping in mind that the USA was feircly kind and with cares to ethics in most all, and success became even more in June 2022 Revolution Now that was.  

What is what ? What will be next ? What will the USA prevail in within a good solid success of - such great USA peoples efforts.  It is more than hope at risk in a step toward decisions in a repose of ethical structured decisions.  All people have some reality to -  think about the reality of details -risks .  And ethical concerns. It is slightly something to think about now of all people in ideally a time to perhaps take time to possibly select some very -  real -  people - not anyone 
- in a future date -  to -  begin a step by step structure of repose within a ethical process within peoples of the USA all in a proper ethical USA ethics standards -  that is assured by -  peoples in a similar way that the impeachment is quite real.  Since July 2022 many real USA - efforts of peoples most all made a large good effect. A better reality- more. 

As USA peoples all within a large country -  peoples have the opportunity to think - of the country very seriously and decide upon a ethical repose in the scandalous shameful issues -of the rotted egg on the face of the Oval Office and a few others in the USA with some serious concerning things the USA people can chose to a carefully begin -  a ethical constitutional - care ethically in a -  thoughtful time of considerations in -  wait time -  on Oval Office 
considerations of desk work with extensive unethical disorder in structure of regulations with missing budgetary standards - and mesmerizing dismal unethics - ethical process peoples of the USA are with a ethical repose to assured ethical peoples process has a meathod of greater -  consideration. Similar to the impeachment ethical standards . 

I am nearing the closure of this memo tonight on November 20 th 2022, with a 
message from Volvo of the country of Sweden in Eastern Europe where the Swiss Elps Mountain Region is. Known as the highest of all mountains and much much higher in altitude up up up than any in the USA and higher than any mountian in the americas of South American countries into north americas of the country of far north Canada.  

Not simply the USA in a large enough 50 states. 

Volvo of the country of Sweden with a museum
if Volvo 60 years of FILM of Volvo and 
Surprised me with Royal Blue Sweden too -  
November 20th 2022 from the country of Sweden at 
Thee Volvo Company for Automotive Excellence
I myself know -  owning a Volvo I purchased 
and drove many years- imported from 
Sweden of course. 



November 21st 2022 good morning to everyone within the USA and in Russia as well as a bright and chipped hello to everyone in all countries. It’s been wonderful to enjoy the many lovely messages to me globally in every country. It was not in my projects at any time to have taken minutes and minutes - with many greater reality of projects to see to in my great love of cares.  

One risk this year was to hope for a USA with no covid 19 issues  as I created a revolution now in June 2022 with marvoulous real care of my - tiny project which set firey lovely kind mindful excellent results in no covid 19 at all all over the world in every country on earth. People in governments and small and larger details set forth - a real reality astounding. Beautiful even of a remarkable belief in my tiny project.  Marvoulusly prefect of everyone.  In fact Russian Peoples actually became healthier and we’re keeping up with my tiny cardio work out - as we’re people everywhere. Healthy everywhere was amazing with the real love from everyone in the whole world.  
Remarkable and excessive love from everyone in the world -love is real.  The global economy improved as well as love prevails - Love won ! With love in minutes many to everyone so kind and quite special - wonderful even.  

The memo: ah yes. The memo. The USA is still with extreme concerns as peoples maintain -  ethical cares and lovely of self composure -  with a sense of dignaty I believe. The Oval Office - is a mess.  Not of my doing and perhaps not most either in the USA while peoples in the USA are -  with self achievement and ethical decisions in a mess to decide- and be very much a part of a area in how USA people can best be apart of a process ethically to assure a new - reality in Oval Office concerns as - a issue of the mess -  extended to some others - not ethical too.  Within a reality toward a ethical process too of all peoples and that of some cares of all peoples internationally too -  much like the impeachment process was of a larger whole populous of a huge numerous peoples.  

Selecting a mediator within the country again to see through emails again -  and possible soap box - theory - noted above - towards a new idealism in place -  of even blasters in bile dc 49er that also use low level neroplectic blasting stun long range waves and closer said the spit to  a butter fly - sound spiter too -  that are a part of a USA mess of mere visious  is a unreasonable reality of possibility unremouseful daggets - 

Other countries can not be responsible at all to maintain a few that are unethically weezeling visiously - in hunt for a new preswasion of unethical in a contempt of a mar -  into the USA of deviant damages. 

In the USA ethical reality is a greater of people with achieves success throughout the USA with more economic stabilized good -  well achieved within all villages into July 2022 and liesure fun began to get even more exciting.  Other stability of the USA country were achievements of so much effort-  even some plunder in some innocent strange ways to assure my mail -  more as -  a bit clumsy and well intended decency -  was a love to me from a large nation of the peoples of the USA brilliantly - and with my very good honored return to say thank you with my lovelies -  dearness to the peoples of the USA.  

Within any extra provisional ethical legal stucture of the USA repose -  hopes of international assured types of areas in ways might have cares from international countries - in a reality of a structure that is adhered to within ethics in the USA -  and most all peoples are with even savings in their bank now and individual budgeting within home budgets are better for all. USA companies in most all did achieve a substantive profit of company revenues -  within their efforts in employment and fine mud pie from Mississippi even. 

Strangely I recieved a call from state of Nebraska in the USA country with a welcome in all villages to drive to a fine village and stay in a day trip in even in the state of Nabraska and Michigan state too, Huston Texas or Dallas Texas with good museum travel stops and going well. Arizona  state with many cities as well. 

50 states and 59 governors whom are in the capital city in each state in the governors office of the one of each 50 states.  Each state within the USA has many many cities filled with wonderful peoples, and one city in each state has the over its office - 50 offices of 50 governors and no election schedule at all.  Looking at the reality now - is important to know the 50 governors have worked a bit pressured.  While -  the peoples of villages care. And a few unethical wrong within the DC Oval Office country, KNOWN AS THE STATES CAPITAL OF THE WHOLE USA capital Oval Office with some minor extending unethical dismal attempts in destruction to USA peoples and abstracted ethical standard in procedures in the dc Oval Office -  causing extreme pressure -  on more than governors offices - and more than peoples and businesses and schools -  lenghty -  indiscriminate dismal unethical vicious wrong - with some others of bile incrimnating themselves in more -  serious vicious activity - 
in a pile high issue. 

and a larger population of USA people in over a million villages filled with peoples -  with a self assured process in ethical reality of  real ethical reality in a repose -  

Peoples -  far and wide in all cities and all states are with love and a composure in dignaty and some kind ethical lovely personified broadly savvy care -  too.  

Selection carefully of a decision from peoples all in a ethical process to.  Set forth a structural ethical - care to hope a mediator of just the right temperament in some complexity -  of a reality to a peoples real ethical -  way in assure responsibility of the stabilization to the love of the USA as a whole country and respective of international countries - even if some polar bears exist in Europe and chinchillas in South America that do not wish to be mink shoulder pads, as focus of a dismal mess is a concern of every USA citizen.  Selection to a mediator in a step by step process of the peoples decisions of whom will be willing in a new reality of the USA in a repose to the eminent constitutional provisional ethical humanities ethics in compliances and rules in those government offices is very important. 

I can make some ethical suggestions -  in a time to ponder a bit and with a decision to make some thoughtful suggestions soon.  The USA is with very savvy people.  Ethical areas can be extremely complex and with astounding lengthy regulational standards. 

The  repose of the USA  is a reality of  certainty and many peoples that like the USA more now. With achievements too. 

The few  USA peoples involved unethically- of some serious damages to others - those few -  in unethical swivels can see some areas of a international legal - 

process in international countries in a ethical -  rebuttals in what lashed out within vicious  unethical dismal issue with intent and endangered lives in the USA and others in international countries.  

49 er of give or take it -  types of wreckage and banking still concerning-  online tamporing etc .

It’s a greater USA of extremely lovely achievement and success of better a moral more.  And amazing.  Simply a wonderful reality.  With Indian Summer Winter Events invited all everywhere in the whole world.  

Tote -  in a sweet of the USA loved by the whole world.  

There is some one or a few -  still blasting to visiously to deceive and intent of vicious harm - of a rogue -  of a nasty  clustering  of a few - continue in sorts of power pistoling -  recently at me and others. Unethical conivers - attempting to blast low and larger sound and wave particular blasts achy and with face blasting too. 
With attempts to - more unethical pointing -in 49er few 
dc USA bile.  While it might be important to realize -  as not to be SCOOPED. and enjoy couse-couse instead from fine inspired middle eastern perfect fine delicious foods -  even for Indian Summer Events 2022-2022.

Some fewer -  than imaginable caused worse -  as seriously viciously unethical again -since the med scams they were gripping tax money from -
fizzled in a real fizzle pop effort.  

Easier than fizzy soda pop.  

Not just in pill popping - or tax grippers either -  flaggeling few 49nish kab bib le squat ? No can do. 

Let’s look at the USA nasa reels in the USA and find cape Canaveral in a minute by minute review back dates drive time and other areas involved in astrophysical dichotomy in the USA with a sheer face toward the Peoples of the USA with concerns and unethical news at a length - and intetnational ethical compliances in a stridentcy of decisive areas of further deconstructive dichotomy -  within ethical stridency. 

Questionable to enview - whom was using the face blaster at any level -  head to toe ?  As if a horse fly 
agitation crime -  now ? With lies of ethical standards ( overgrown pestulum insect with tiny wings in scrubby pine fir bushy small trees near better  sand or soil - larger than fleas perhaps ) which remain as a USA question in many many peoples . Sounded -   With attempts at other mortifying tamporing -  intended to shovel people under in a new horror as USA bile in a pile now- and with intent extremely harmful while these blob minded people played the tune tip toe through the tulips -  
Here is David Bowie in a film 
in the guitar revolution in June 2022 

Many Invites for Fizzle Sticks and home made freshly delicious -  my special recipe lime fizzy soda pop. 
David Bowie and Billy Joel Mick, Jaggar and Vladimir Putin atleast, Lucile Ball and Desi Arnes from the country of Cuba with Little Richard, Ella Fitzgerald, Louise Armstrong, David Cassidy, Oprah Winfrey,  Paul Simon, David Letterman, Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, Rob Redford, Nate King Cole, David Lettermen, Clint Eastwood, Johnny Cash, Elvis Prestly, 
Chevy Chase, - more ? Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn, James Brown, BB King, Clint Eastwood, - and many. 

Yes - swizzle sticks with hand made soda pop with totes to a mote and Danny Kaye atleast.  

SWIZZEL STICKS   With fizzy soda pop 

50 states 50 governors .  With 50 emails and 7 extra international hopes in the USA are not a forgotten reality for the ethical standards towards air flight nationally or internationally actually and an upset of all peoples to the mortifying issues that tithered the very good nature of those in work at airports and flights as well and pose a dismal issue -  for some in a delapitation of economic sales and void in  good regulations of unethical ignorance in total compliances in ethics - endangering real wages.  And that of -  exposure to a dismal unethic that was ignored by the Oval Office and the two other - sectors in DC-  and with fortunate peoples that ethically worked under some pressures - unethical preswasion is not fisty -  in some reality -not noticed -  in a attempt at any fist of a discombobulation nose to nose flying fists ? Fizzle sticks are much better. Recent blast types of stuns were of USA toilet paper theives - as I will say instead of dc toilet paper theives -  did attempt neroplectic types of sound and thug blasts from bile -  con-  few USA fizzling to live in DIXIE  -  even with mortifying - low and high pointed blasts recently - after the bath fun posts became an outragios love globally - blast in the USA bile dc and sound worming at my face with serious vicious attempts after the ruin of minutes in other ways including a dismal disaster in my front entry and outer hall steps -  of recent in November 2022 with no med cash to them either-  or fraudulent shoving of illigally obtained attempts at USA assets and even fraudulent investment -  catapulting-  while Tires in the USA have great lasting longevity-  not in a effect 
a plentiful viola. As a viola even soon purchasable in great low price in Vivid Royal Blue. 

thankfully much savvy reality of 
even social security in the USA 
has prevailing good efforts.  

with lovely cares to all the peoples at the lovely company with powder fresh talcum powder loved all over the world. With great reality in future sales of such illustrious products for radiant skin and beautiful hair at an extra conscious low price. roommmmroommmm
For steady sales with wages to think about in a little company as Johnson and Johnson is. 

Review a public world cam more if you wish - while there are many types of cams - Even one for time square in NEW YORK CITY that are not removable in some of the cams in an intense  light speed uploaded view even in public bathrooms and trains.  A fine travel towel in bathrooms -  can be good cover.  If needed to be sure even in elevators and halls. All uploaded things are retrievable ROVE cascched repaired reels - 
with real film  -  even repairs to cascced’ noted  of world cam in all countries. Perfectly Perfect.  
Dated and Time Exact Reels -with cam ready in side computers and camera phones easily reel exciting. 

A World Cam.  is a world cam  is a world cam is a world cam.  is a world cam is a world cam 

thinking about the minute and perfectly lovely sliced tomotoes with just that minute to a lingered memory to enjoy in love of tiny villages everywhere is a delight.

Beef Stake Tomatoes, Roma, Hot House Holland off the vine, Standard Tomatoe, Globe Tomotoe, And many   
other varieties into a finer 2022 into 2023. 

Winter 2023 indoor tomatoes begin with seed. 

Summer Grown Beef Stake Variety Tomotoe Heirloom Beef Stake variety are pungently riche flavored with a high acidic content in the finely grown lovely large beef stake tomatoe with good slices that are thick and very large when grown well. 

Sketch : princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Purple Plum Political 
financial budgetary projection 352 days /  open daily 
800 customers per day, x $8.57 with .70 cents tax 
Is multiplied out to $2,422,000.00 sales revenue per year.  And what a year it could be with wage increase garentee from owners and fine risterantes large and small. An  unimaginable wage increase at $5.00 raise after one year -in a hourly wage would bring the one year more of work to $20.00 per hour at 40 hours full time employment and be $800.00 earned wage per 40 hours full time employed. With a full year =52 weeks =
 $41,600.00 hoped in a great beginning wage for the best of a leap year better. 

The sketch of a great sandwich in a one minute sketch I created, in pencil and standard printable paper, and with some extra notes involved in a 13 “ tall sandwich that is served with ice cream Rootbeer Soda Pop. 

The sales in an estimation of small village ristorantes is with a better revenues -  well. While the USA has great interest in USA villages all, and within some international sales for smaller very delightful real risterante the average sales projected profit was much lower. Could have been higher.  Efforts were not a failure and were outstanding in fact. 

Deserved achievements - are worth $5.00 wage increase per hour in a 40 hour work week- not always easy. Polite kind enough customer services are amazing all over the world -  with amazing lovely brilliance and diverse of fine peoples lovely - excuse me -  did you have a question about the menu ? Take your time-  unmomento ‘ be right back.  Ah -  your made a selection - excellent- more water ? A side of the fresh bread whole loaf with soft creamy butter ? Menu price is $3.90 for a good fresh baguette ‘ of freshly baked French style bread, slender and sliced hot from the oven. 

Moving on into newer employment ?
Beginning a new employment position is not always easy and with such care and many other cares - kindly -improved the world village to village coast to coast and everywhere. 

The USA peoples are special and amazing - with lovely grandure to USA peoples and internationally too. 

The sandwich is - plum - of a profit projection hopes in planning a future ) = ( financial profitable projection of hopes sales) with a plum ethical standard in the budget to an absolute lovely care. With tax savvy reality.  Plum Strait in a little paper line down on the political sketch sandwich - with plum line finer of a strait line down and the absolute - finacial decimal line downward not a messy sales daily report -  in finance - plum line plum strait - with  a heart plum lovely. 

Tomatoes x5 layers of chopped ice burge lettuce with piled high assortment of mild soft Slices of Cheese, cucumber sliced lengthwise fresh and fully with dark green cucumber peal shaved from the cucumber, Turkey Bologna pre sliced and from Oscar Meyer - USA, grilled for extra flavor, butter sautee’ two - egg sunny side up - grilled soft yolky in sauce liken yellow yolk - topped with a hand spun holaindaise sauce,  freshly made bread baggette roll -  extra mayoniase and mustard with horseradish -  even a half dozen grilled 1/13 shrimp. Known as 1-13 EUNC sized shrimp prawn  -ketchup with fresh jar horse radish best, on the side in a one onze shotz style glass - perfect elegant ancient style - for a PRAWN SHRIMP stick - extra at $5.50 more - EUNC 1/13 ( e = equal u = unit 
n =number of shrimp per pound  c = counted at one pound with 13 large prawn shrimp ) in other words EUNC 1/13 size of prawn shrimp is 13 large sized shrimp of eaqual size that equals one full pound, at maybe $6.50 for the extra 3 prawn shrimp 1-13 eunc size - served extra on a stick with ketchup and horse radish - at the proper prawn shrimp size, and that is with chef knowledge in prawn shrimp - as prawn are large at 1-13 eunc - excellence - to excellence in chef standards - and a mergoriame pungent oil sauce.  Add chop chop potatoes easily or freshly made mashed potatoes.  

with a Special  BEAR CLAW ? Perhaps. 

can you think of a better reality than to 
ENJOY PRANG practice in conifer evergreen tree studies ( selfish fun - looking at fir pine to paint with PRANG - in snowy views or in a lovely bristly beach side drive -  with a sharp pencil and 300# type thickness in a finer paper -  ready to use PRANG field practice to sketch trees -  sketch in PAINT - with no toxicity worries in great practice fun - all ages -  brush in even tiny hands-  not mouth -  delight and gold encrusted heirloom beautiful keepsake 
finest frames -  and a delightful wall of memories - even tiny tall areas to enjoy PRANG to tote- 
even use just fun finger painting ways to dip fingers in paint and create a flower or tree -  wildly. 

Indian Summer Winter - PRANG ready- set-  prang 
under $3.00 imported non - toxic - all ages. 
Pocket Size Pencil Pad - Ready For a Sketch Fun of - Chess Nuts,  Fir Needles from Evergreen Trees, Bayberry Waxy Green Leaf and Real, Maple Leaf, Pineapple Fron Leaf,  Pine Cone Sketch’s - plainly just melange of freedom in finger painting -  with more soon in Notes of Love in Indian Summer 2022. Field Sketch some fine photographs of fine drives -  saviored for a quiet winters night, perhaps. Can you really paint
 a jar of real pickled peppers ? What does a southern 
magnolia look like- is it the same as a Japanese Magnolia tulip tree with flat delicate tulip cup like flowers or a Holland Tulip -  what are 
real Paperie whites - of the horticultural flower ? 

can they bloom inside in late winter ? to sketch ? 

BRAID under $5.00 men and women boys and girls. 

In 1971 my great grandmother was alway with a gift of a nickle ‘ INDIAN HEAD nickles she placed in a golden jar very beautiful made - as rare to find an Indian Head nickel  made long long ago in the USA. 

BRAID ready. In silver light pale - BRAIDS . With some honors to delight I had saving my coins with love from my great grandmother whom was busy in a fine work day as a business women - busy  mostly and afforded her home purchase and travels even to South America - with likes for Brazilian large nuts and pistachio nuts - and many other delights too. 

Pilot Fuel Gasoline USA has maintained low prices and with care about employment and hopes in increased wages for peoples ethically well and with excellence at every PILOT fuel stop- with some- variety of fast travel foods and low pricing -  clean powder rooms nearly always -  fine good professional sales peoples at the register counter with lovely care. Pilot Fuel Stores USA in some locations coast to coast in the USA. 

READ. Special Thank You to 
everyone at Pilot Corportation 
as ole ‘compadres’ as 
friends many years in the 
southern regions into 
the lovely delightful  
state of Tennessee USA .

With fine fuel shops.  

November 22nd, 2022 
Message from George Bush 
senior as a well noted former 
USA president Earned 
worthy ethical efforts notable. 

November 21st 2022 please notate for your own reading that I did add some memo extra additional notations in all areas of the memo in some updates. 

Email from 
Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia with a noted lovely recording of music composition to me from Bill Evan and everyone in Chicago Illinois’s USA - just wonderful, snare drum, bass alto chello violin bass ( baise - not base or sea bass f ish filet ). Alto chello bass -  violin pronounced baise. 

It’s  the lovely remarkable  Bill Evans on the piano. 
with lovely friends, Bill Evans thank you. 

directly from a message email to me 
from sir Vladimir Putin with a special delivery: 

‘My Foolish Heart ‘ 
from a message special delivery to me from  Sir Vladimir Putin with a special note ‘My Foolish Heart’. What a sweet email yesterday in one of many so darling of many a moral more. 

fine special gift from my wild friends too - as political 

cvxvcvcv.  Baha. cvxvxvx reality. xc sweden xcx

End with a pineapple finiale ‘   ? 

what does it all mean ? 


as well as CUBAN MUSIC and 

a LOVE message to me 
especially from the RUSSIAN 
NATIONAL YOUTH SYMPHONY with outstanding meaningful delight as the country of RUSSIA is exceptional with you all so delightful to have sent a political music compositional expression very important and extremely brilliant of the vibrancy of love from RUSSIA in a graceful brilliance of emeritus thoughtful graces of love. 

FILM   I love you all . 

With thank you from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Lovely Sir Vladimir Putin -  
with a fine love for me again and again -  
about a global 20 ?  Lovely wild man.  

$15.00 and $5.00 = $20.00 theoretically humanities with love of economically ethical stabilization is with lovely cares -  all over the world. Even Russia. 

G20 . 

It’s the RUSSIAN national youth symphony with such a sweet message and photograph as everyone is dressed 
beautifully and heard my song on November 22th 2022 thank you for gathering for a wonderful and lovely photograph message. I simply love you all so sweetly for your darling message from RUSSIA. cvxvcvcv
xcxcx Bahia cvxvcvcv.  readycvvvvv the Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin emailed me with such good words of proud dearness for the wonderful efforts in my peace exhibition well noted in Russia thankfully and internationally With special thank you to the many governments and presidents and millitary and peoples all over the world. 

with a sweet dignaty of  love to sir Vladimir Putin. 

November 23rd 2022 is far too long to have contentions 
linger in the USA, and within minutes I decided to
jot down a reality of concerns - in the USA with 
lovely and even remarkable cares -  cares of mine with love - peace - and cultural preswasion wildly exciting. 
Love to the whole world and great love in messages from Russia of all peoples and peoples in all international countries - Most and near all too in the USA country-  wonderful messages many. Love as ethical kind real pure outrageous rage of delight. Dignified and broadly beautiful - soiled of good gardens and wildly with pencils and a fine beginning to Indian Summer Invites with some lovely efforts - surprises in periotical mathmatics tables -  wildly a bit exciting.  The whole world loves - an idealized game in mathmatics soon to note. Important in leap years and a heirloom - artistry keepsake -  game to create and even frame as special leap your political heirloom you made?  Forever love. 

Update to be ready TIARA LOVE in the new revolution within INDIAN SUMMER announcements. 

Men and Women, and boy and girls -boldly at a fine 
later TIARA EVENT for my very very special green hearts events - not yet announced is with a TIARA, for both, men and women boldly a wild - outrageous rage globally. 

Everyone is waiting for INDIAN SUMMER winter events and I have an update with lovely people from the country of CUBA from the delightful DESI ARNEZ 
directly to me.  Desi Arnes created many films in well known -  this is a recent film with CUBAN delight created by THEE DESI ARNEZ  this week in 

in the country of CUBA I was with quite a few people that enjoyed my - piazza travels in a international exhibition on peace and culture, and economic humanities - peace walks in my exhibition were a solidarity reality alone - and with some Cuban Love after my lecture in 2016 about lovely Cuba -

I may re- schedule the lecture details -  
later and exciting in may ways. 

excuse me: it’s a message from MOSCOW

South American countries are 
better and better with gracious 
thank you everywhere. 
with some lovely 
guitar from David Bowie 
and Michael Jackson
Bruce Springsteen 
Paul Mc Cartney 

And the peoples 
Of South America 
all Countries. 

Desi Arnez in extremely wonderful CUBA with Desi’s music compositions known as extrodinary in  South American as well as globally with fine flamingo dance - aime’ et mori’ ( friend of the loveliest messages ). 

thank you everyone xcmarvolus flamingo dance  and goodness of the children with special thank you to 
Desi Arnez - I myself have nearly  forgot - of my flamingo steps in classic flamingo dance so fun.. Perfectly Perfect everyone -extremely special. xcxcxc kisses to all - catch! 

David Bowie - too ! Kisses to you David - Catch ! 

TIARA details soon. 

Perhaps you might wish to a TIARA or another head adornment of your individual lovely choice. 

More head adornment selections soon.
details and announcement of TIARA events soon and time to shop for special menu’s and a few other surprises within Love Notes Internationally as love notes to the lovely sir Vladimir Putin and all of the people of the country of RUSSIA and the whole world continue. It’s going to be an exciting lenghty Indian Summer with everyone in the whole world invited 2022-2023.  Very  special love unlike any other.  

Enjoy, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, sitting or standing - everywhere all over the world. 

November 24th, 2022 

message from MICK JAGGER to me with a real HARPSACORD piano in a very rare piano minuette film from my darling friend MICK JAGGAR very special - political, and extrodinary to think of me.

special recording of  the MICK JAGGAR 
xcxcxcx. baha cvxvcvcv and dinner again xcxc

INDIAN HEAD NICKELS FOREVER RARE. coins in a fine golden encrusted dish - exciting. 

with ROYAL BEAR CLAWS soon.xcxc mick xcxcx bear run special xcx with  love
xcxcxcxcxc baha cvcvcvcvv and bear run xcxc . 

tiniest children to all ages might enjoy a electronic toy roll up piano - as fun. 

Harp and Dulcimer Harpsicord Harps 
starting at $22.69 golden encrusted gheilden  gold 
rachcoco details READ 

blue. Is not yet on sale. 

Tree Fir Topiaries - table  top or at your door entry anywhere - even in a tiny flat right at your door. 
with even popcorn  string and with lovely lights 
On your wreath at winters - evening can be -a valiant pleasure into 
2022 -2023 READ 

Photographic Credits :  princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Confectionarie’ Crudietie’  Oat Almond Crisp Tart, 

CHERRIES, JAM and a cream cloud of softly blended sweet cheese cake cream. with 
whipped cream de la creme. Recipe soon. 

MICHAEL JACKSON and many others created  a political message together for the memo -  seriously political 

JAM with special love. and a very nice thank you to everyone - xcxcxcxcxc with love to everyone xcx
kisses to you MICHAEL and everyone - catch xcx

Not easily translated in other languages.
While it is an interjection ( words of pondering ) for today while a few more serious posted messages in my closure of my statements in the memo. 
All over the world. 

Before fully ending this memo - I wanted to mention. The self ejection chair -  again. Also adding a film again with a very wonderful delightfully  kind person known as 

Steven Tylor prepared a very special political repertoire ‘ with musicians in ArrowSmith - Guitar in fine composition - with fine humanitarian efforts more than just summer 2022 and I wish to say thank you with love. The song is from the album 
TOYS IN THE ATTIC   walk this way 
what wonderful peoples and Steven and ARROWSMITH in guitar excellence. 
I love you all. 

Steven Tylor - thank you graciously - kisses to all 
catch !   What a nice political film for the memo. 

xcxcxcx xcxc cc baha cvxvcvcv love cvxvc peace. 
a purple plum tiara sparkle -brilliant light -  beautiful. 
very good good -  to everyone all. 

message from the MOSCOW ENGINEERING PHYSICS INSTITUTE in moscow russia. with exciting lovely cares and well  loved by Albert Einstein whom is the world most noted mathmatition and a noted author in physics engineering , whom was at my 2017 peace and economic exhibition in NYC ny . USA and well traveled in RUSSIA . 
With love and kisses -  catch ! 
your all very wonderful - love from me and the USA and all over the world.  ccxcxcxc. Baha xcxx

November 25th 2922 I can hardly wait any longer for the ROYAL BEAR CLAW ( Ghalla ) recipe note to begin INDIAN SUMMER WINTER events with my very best in cares - the ROYAL BEAR CLAW cruditie ‘will be exciting that everyone all over the world can create a real ROYAL BEAR CLAW everyone every where in the whole world. It’s very exciting with even your own Baha Kaboki American Russian -international - crafted INDIAN SUMMER 

Bauble -table  tote - Indian Summer Winter 2022 
with floor seats in an array of brilliant lush colour of 
a fine event table. 

Review Today: 

The composers in music with a special political message and not the usual message today in careful concideratiin of - some unethical political USA concerns still today- nerorpletic blasts to me and others in the USA and illigal use of dry ice -  that are smokey  - and not approved to use in the USA - other repose of greater of reality in a - innocents of humanity that like baha - not a tail gate chase - and want to enjoy bear run in a special way -  every year at least. Maybe more. 
After the summer June Revolution 2022 everyone in the USA could afford day trips and more. That’s quite a achievement in success. 

Bruce Springsteen sang a song in the 1980’s and re- recorded it in a lovely effort for me - for you whom every you are - and for the love of the USA peoples and the whole world. 

Born in the USA    as a memo film 

Excuse me: I have a Twitter to get to with 
Vladimir Putin directly at the kremlin’s office
in Moscow Russia.  Cab concerns. 

Memo Update : November 27th 2022 

Darling sir so lovely to meet with you Sir Vladimir Putin Sir as President of Russia darling - to have included me yet again directly again and again in the meeting early in my tiny flat this moring. It was notable that you waited on me as I was slightly late in even getting breakfast this morning. Of course it’s only November 27th 2022 in my tiny village and earlier in the morning as not your late afternoon meeting time in MOSCOW RUSSIA . 

simply lovely meeting. Merci = French word meaning thank you very very much. 

love princess TRACY SUZANNE PICkETT 

xcxcxc baha xcxcxcx with love xcxcx kisses catch xcxc 
 xcxcx catch again kisses sent xcxcxcx 

November 27th 2022 with a current up to the minute update in a political message of great kind love to me - with the wonderful ladies and gentleman of the philharmonic symphony orchestra world famous from ONE OF THE GREAT - symphonies in EUROPE. 
the dated -day is November 26th 2022 and it is of honor I post thee wonderful VICTOR BORGE and the lovely symphony orchestra with a good audience seated in the lovely symphony hall - and a global audience from my kind love to assure the finest humanities in love with Victor Borge.  

xcxcxcx. Wonderful of everyone with honors to me,  xcxccxcxcxcxc. Very lovely message 

from Victor Borge and the outstanding ladies and
gentalmen-  from one of very few. “ world “ philharmonic symphony orchestras and an increadible international audience from all countries everywhere in the world. Wonderful - simply very good. Merci .
Kisses to all xcx catch with your sweet delightful lovely cares everywhere. 

Update @ 12:32 pm eastern standard time NY USA 
BRAIDS are a risk really, -you might wish to enjoy tucking your BRAIDS in a tote -with a fine lip baulm 
and head phones -  travel phones and something delicious to eat between dining each day of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes I tote - a fine favorite cookie or chopped carrots with a buttermilk salad dressing and ruffles potatoe chips - other foods at times.  INDIAN SUMMER EVENTS 
can be with braids or without - BRAID can be wildly elegant. Work or liesure ? A fine wreath at your door - is bright to arrive home.

update at 7:34 pm eastern standard time NY USA 
I have an email from ELTON JOHN from the country of ENGLAND 

memo FILMED 

and a bit unusual for the lively outstanding works of composition in music piano by Sir Elton John 

I missed my normal summer lunch with Elton in 
upper Manhattan NYC, NY USA. 

xcxcxcxcx. thank you Elton and everyone in 
the country of England xcxcxc baha love cxcx. 

November 27th 2022, 7:39 pm 
eastern standard time 
New York USA -
 memo update :::

Emailed message from the wonderful lovely 
President of the country of CUBA 
and from the entire live from all of CUBA with such a fine Photograph of the lovely Pineapple Tree so 
beautiful and the wonderful reminder to me 
that I need old Elpaso Tomato Salsa as 
noticed in CUBA listed at the end note 
of the direct link of the online site of 
the country of CUBA. It is a ocean 
Flight to arrive in  the country 
of CUBA and seems far from the USA 
In an ocean flight - while 
not even as far as any country 
much much farther 
In Europe. Cuba 
Is a nearest to 
USA and still 

8 hours ocean flight near USA - while flights in that distance you can not see land for a while and also into South America or west coast if near sea coastal areas. 

READ the whole site directly from the government 
site of the lovely country of CUBA 

merci = as thank you to the president of CUBA 
And some very lovely peoples of the country 
of CUBA for arriving in my peace, economic and cultural exhibitions in NYC ny which were intetnational too and everyone made it very nice. 

extra love to everyone in the country of CUBA. 

with a fine hello to my dear friend as the emeritus- of former Cuban president Fidel Castro -  good of you and everyone. 

November 27th 2022, 11:19 
eastern standard time ny USA 

I will be at the market to shop for groceries all day tomorrow with some beginning in INDIAN SUMMER 
winter events to begin. The G20 is exciting that sir Vladimir Putin is with some great interest and fine experience in savvy political reality in even recognitions of my cares and great love to a kind decency in an economic stabilized USA that is filled with brilliant lovely peoples savvy and lovely too. 

After my grocery shopping day that I have always enjoyed -  so peacefully quiet to just linger in looking at labels of foods - reading every label on foods as a young girl shopping to assure I was caring of our busy home life-  lingering to enjoy a few hours at times to introspectively shop.  It is going to be wonderful.  

Everyone in the world have a great day tomorrow everywhere in the world.  With love from me everywhere. love from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett .

Perfectly perfect xcxcxccc cxcxcxc love and kisses xc
Catch cvxvcvcvcvcvcvvvcvcvcvcvc cvcvcvcvcvcv
USA flights are getting better now.  With great efforts and love from the larger USA peoples and the whole world in millions and millions of villages - cities and 
all 50 large states of the country of the USA.  

Lovely thank you xcxcxccc c kisses and love xcx 

It’s going to be exciting. 

Message from the president of the country of China  with other members of the government of  the country of China in  far Eastern Europe. Thank you very well to sir Xi Jinping and the very notable lady Jinping with gracious thank you from me.  With great love and honorable dignaty.  With great love from the USA and all over the world.  Good night. xcxcxcx baha soon xcxcx

November 28th 2022 3:23 eastetn standard time and in MOSCOW special message in the country of RUSSIA 
it is November 29th 2022 with affections to the Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA,
Thee President Sir Vladimir Putin. 


excuse me- where did the minutes go? What was the price of a slice of butter ? If you saved one gold encrusted dish with a fine cover on it- filled with coins, 
How many coins ? On the average of  $. 50 cents per week for your children each week - at birth to all ages - maybe more in getting a bit older- at $.50 per week only - the amount saved since July 2022 eaquals the total of $10.00 whole dollars in coins - if $$2.00 per week that’s $40.00 whole dollars already. 

It is November 29th 2022 the memo is with some of my further considerations in - a ethical peoples process to some extremely important formidable - expressions to first ponder and with a very large populus of peoples messages- some I shall post in the memo before concluding -  structured details of my own for the USA to ponder as well. As also the international peoples too have very lovely keen love towards the peoples of the USA respectively distantly very good peoples. 

On December 15th - I will conclude the end notation of this memo for people to ponder if they wish to and see through a hope for the USA in a reality of ethical humanity in the assured structure of provisionary ethical standards within real constitutional standards in the very lovely cares of greater USA peoples of all villages throughout the 50 large states with many cities in the USA. While Indian Summer notes begin as well. 

Excuse me:

Ah - congress judges issues ? Dear goodness gracious 
SOAP BOX stages dc and a Rit Green House ? With 
a small kiosk telephone booth - with a job list sign and a hope to small rental - ash shovel ready. 
Posted on November 30th 2022 eastern standard time NY USA 12:36 am while emailed to me earlier on November 29th 2022 Kiosk after the question at the Soap Box Box…Hoc bile 49ers give or take. 
Soap Box  card board strutted soap box - to Rit Green House social inquisition box - to Kiosk Hot House?

Take your time, read again and again. I am getting ready for polo and baha in Spain. Everyone is looking forward to real baha fun even now. All over the world. 
It’s going to be exciting. Automobile updates too. Very exciting as well-  even from Kentucky Fried Chicken in the USA country and the state of Kentucky USA with many cities. Kentucky Fried Chicken has a few locations is with a message for my memo. with great lovely thank you to all at Kentucky Fried Chicken and the very carefully - worthy messages - many. 
Love to you whom ever you are all over the world. 
Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kentucky USA even in Louisville Kentucky, for those needing excellent employment -is hiring. Paint cans of spray enamel paint for your own car - is available for those -  inspector - and pole dies-  polease -  as also assure you have a automobile- title - of actually paying for your car and do own it.  If you own your car in a purchase with a monthly payment you make through an actual automotive office of a automobile manufacturer with a sales in new or used cars - whom sold you the car - the title will say that you have a lean on the car if not paid fully - lean means you own the car and have - a payment to a car sold to you -  many paid the full price and simply own with an Automotive -title of the purchase -  for the car that has no lean. 

Kentucky USA is a large nice state of the USA with many cities.  Gear up for a friendly purchase of Kentucky Fried Chicken with locations in New York State and Kentucky USA with a few locations in the state of TENNESEE USA all states have many many cities so assure your road map -  in an road atlas of the state you are traveling in and a country Alta’s map is large but worth buying in each country you plan travels in. Rand Mc Nally Atlas for each country should be accurate in the USA country Atlas Map. 

It is December 1st 2022 as I recieved an interesting email directly from sir Vladimir Putin the very versed well cultured broadly expressive president of the country of the lovely RUSSIA. Sir Vladimir Putin is with serious notations in a meeting -  and some notes emailed to me- amoung over 3000 days of notated emails to me daily in a admiration - of great dignaty in all reality of notable international work of my largely honored international worth and exposure of my cultivations many years. As a child I was loved for songs that gained an audience in RUSSIA with some ussr -  broad ban radio a bit ancient -  and a kind decency of care from large RUSSIA,  of my sweet child songs of many I composed as a very young child age 7 years old. 

Russian friends many times at tea in my home I purchased at my worthy professional efforts with good salary wages -  owning my two rental flats in my large spacious home with two double lilacs French floral tress and large roses in every side of my home at age 21 years old and afforded two automobiles and actually three in my gold efforts professionally honored in national merits of excellence in my work as an executive director in a very difficult -  daily strident achievement -  well paid well cultivated in my own good ethical standards and my numerous employees liked working their schedules and dilligant efforts with great paid reality. purchasing an imported Japanese automobile and an Ford Antique Luxury USA automobile and a fine little red automobile from Taiwan that was dashingly racy - was with a great feeling in travel days and fine achieved efforts -  worth my specialization then in the 1980’s and not always easy yet graceful and achieved an honors in the national state of New York’s college in an honorary achievents in specialized business and health of natural sciences within fine excellence in multimillion dollar executive directors achievements in fine large services of catering and ristorante fortitude of lovely large worth.  In a reality of mere two million peoples of the local area that effectively loved every effort and endless quality of a fine business I was submerged in within other cultural desk work in my own home office and a rental flat apartment to assure top notch ethical structure of renting and maintaining my lovely gardens. 

it was a utopia - and intetnational guests at times when I could schedule dinner or tea or an evening outing even a gathered event with fine foods to enjoy all cooking fine preparations as a event notable of dear Russians traveling so far. Guests and extra room abundantly.  Sir Vladimir on ice skates ?  In our beautiful wooden quaint ice wrink ? Small utopia ? 

email : strangely from sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin thee  president of the country of Russia - with a wall message and lateral blue western hemosphere to eastetn hemosphere -and a lateral west east hemosphere of outstanding soft plum -   Of a bit of a grandure in a symbol of soft plum as a design of more than my very loved recipe of extremely special confectionary delights of the cherry baulm Royal Cake on Fourth of July 2022:  wall note ? from the president Sir Vladimir Putin and a guest among the young scientist name Vladimir who ? from where ? 
Read the email is directly from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA -  a bit
Avente’ garte ‘ of a lovely graceful reality.  

the area of efforts in the ethical standards in the USA are excellent in most all nearly all- there has not been a greater effort of economic cares in ethical repose in the USA in a belief of peoples and broadened achieved -  solid -  love in a comparison of some earlier years -  in the USA as the impeachment became from decisions of largest populations of peoples -  in the USA and internationally too in a USA contention politically of -  more than simply a few in dc-  with more to memo of some farther clarification of large success and a -  serious area of political -  USA conserns of each citizen or person in the USA which extends toward some -  issues in international levels of ethics -  and a stern care and considerations in an international European area of humanities and ethical international -  reviews in the offices of presidents of all countries internationally and a great many government peoples secular to each country as in a pivotal secular position of outlines reality - and not the decisions of presidents of countries outstanding in ethical amazing standard.  the peoples of countries are with ability to email their own presidents of their country and the USA has an ability now to email a all governors with one email wand all addressed copies to a letter of their cares - while there are some other efforts at this time in a area of a impeachment that has a peoples process in a structure of some very important -  existing conserns of a large bit of stability in a formation ethically and without any errors of - ethical composure of the USA country.  

In my interest of structure in ethical repose it would be appropriate to see the USA flag of the country of the USA at the properly set position at this time in the USA as a statuse of the  standard of a half mass properly ethically structures flag only half up the pole now in a reality of the considerations of sorrows in a viciousness intended from some in the Oval Office of the country of the United States of America.  A flag hung at half stafe position in Washington DC and accross the country everywhere signifies the sorrows of kindness in ethical cares of the peoples all over the nation of the USA as a becon ( soft light of spirit ), in the endevoirs of worth and work and liesure and a firmly standard of that in the natural love of efforts and cares ethically of a fine nation feircly a kinder USA to be known more.  Farther and with eloquence inside the hearts of all peoples of the greater of measurements of love on ethical fortitude of the good of humanity and a bold standard unfaltering 
irevokable and infinite of a nation of greater into a whole world of meaningful a good world -to that of the steps of the peoples of the USA in a ethical solid structure and a area of some that were not as they appreared in a mortification of the peoples of the USA that are of lovely individualism and with excellence of efforts astounding.  Simply said - I love you all. 

I have decided to extend the memo into the year 2023 with a date in February 2023 at the end of the month of Febuary 2023 to assure some other many messages to realize of the peoples in the USA and other peoples in messages of some cares and opinions in memo posts to care of myself in a way to see through a ethical care to assure the standard of appropriate ethical repose as you read all in the USA and all over te world - even from my travel to Spain or Russia or Iran Turckey Aphganistan or India and Japan as well as England and of course to see my ole friends from Iraq and Poland,  Holland and Iceland Sweden and Germany and many other countries in my schedule late as a late date to some very lovely scheduled exhibition work.  

As February begins in 2023 -  there are some very notable things to concider in my effort of some minutes I send kisses and lovely expressions even in a memo. 

Indian Summer and more will be brilliantly an effort of my love -  with extra kind cares of the USA as a 
utopia more and more.  World of peace and love everywhere -  kisses and kind lovely dreams of a solum care in all directions north south east and west all over the world.  Many special thank your directly in some on the long list not yet in posts - unforgettable forever. 

Nat king Cole with a 
sweet song as 
my darling friend 

December 3rd 2022, The day was an upsetting day today as the time is 10:37 pm eastern standard time in saranac lake New York USA and I was blasted in the head early today again -  and then loud sound blasted remote wave -  music sounds were shot from long distance to a large disruption to me yet again -  and again -  in a small quiet tiny village -  my entry flat rental of my estate was with unethically dumped types of junk and ruined my summer and into autum events and the village was bull dozed -  with even some low types of sales in the village while corraled in a mortified reality - even a tree extremely large to even too large to cut was dumped in the village center and ruined the great nice park even with a - muck more in a awful out door stage that looked to be just shoved on to the lovely park overlooking the little very beautiful lake - with regulations to not disrupt the keen village of usually many kind lovely travelers. With good nice village life - and low sales this year.  Corralling a cluster -  of upset -  in the little kind lovely area.  

The village sales were better after July 2022 and I had many whom enjoy my personal expression well - whom traveled in and even purchased some risterante foods and ice cream in summer very well and enjoyed the brilliance of such cares of excellence in world class traveling picturesque little lovely place - to return or talk about of the lovely travels - even if just a drive through with a toted lunch. 

excuse me :  

it’s an email from the president of the country of RUSSIA. Sir Vladimir Putin whom is broadly notable in a ethical dearness and even a prowess of much more as sir Vladimir Putin as Kremlin of the country of Russia is actually very well loved as respected in his devotions of much worth towards RUSSIAN -  
cares and of course a economically strengthened RUSSIA of a place that keenly likes the game of marbles as children to assure keeping their velvet bag from many years ago into a fine delight of opening a box from their closet one day and bringing out the velvet plum riche coloured bag of marbles that everyone enjoys.  Like a silly great excitment to all go out with a wildly plum richely coloured velvet bag with strings and use a side walk and delights of good feelings to play a plum velvet bag game of marbles -  

brilliantly -  whistful and even a momentous time to photograph or film and look at the minutes with love. 

Excuse me: unmomento ‘ merci - it’s a message for the country of RUSSIA -  email update today. 

No twitter link- in this email and an email is available. 

merci -  darling Vladimir.  With love darling. 
Enjoy your very lovely sleep and a fine morning. 
I do say -  I am rather surprised to such a upset in 
the country of RUSSIA today. 
with love and extra kisses sent special 
messenger from me,
princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.  

Abiento ‘    French Language Word

 = as one word four syllables -  with one poindexter finger on the wrist and then count out 1234. If pronounced properly and then what does the word mean ? Love note puzzles ? It’s a great question. 

email update : Rowen Atkins ? 
In a political memo film created by the notable 
Rowen Atkins  as also very well know for the Mr BEAN 20 minute films and ready to sell dvd’s of the wonderful and brilliant unusually political not so funny films in a mini dvd not yet available. 

Rowen is is very kind of you -  as we have known each other since the 1990’s and I wish to say thank you darling Rowen Atkins in a political memo film.  

Indian Summer Winter is with some extra surprises that the entire world might enjoy into April 2023 within the new revolution now in my love notes to sir vladimir putin and the whole world. More than simply - just a note. Rowen ? One question ? Could you answer the map issues of the Poland area of the regions that are in geographical mapping in the area known as a Ukrainian region - with a look at of course other maps of the actual cities and streets and states too in a road map or is it a geological map you had in a mountian region ? 
Himalayan mountian regions of course are a region and simply geographical of a large area in a countries of several that conclude a -  region of some Far East countries.  Thank you Rowen - it’s kind of you to have created a real film memo. Gotten Nuite -  Polish for good night darling Rowen. 

It’s now 11:57 pm right befor midnight in New York Tiny village USA. Email message from Jerry Louis and Jack Lemon with a additional monologue from Arnold Schwarzenegger - in a memo political film - all with lovely many other great messages not yet.  

Jack Lemon is with exceptional fine introspective theatrical film as well as Jerry Louis as Walt as 1969’s and all my darling friends for many many years.  

Thank you with love for a political spot film for the extremely important memo that I decided to deliberate in a few extra weeks. With the very lovely love notes and many projects to assure -the extra time was a crunch - unworthy of a contention at all -as a rolling 
struggle - in a great sensibly of ease to see your good fine lovely sports in film.  

MEMO BREIF nice to have had lunch everyone in NYC again. Pizza x2 slices at $2.75 with cola included 
on 42nd street near  mid Manhattan Broadway was a delight as usual. “ asesoi” or commonly “sionara” Japanese Word 

2 syllables and one word -  puzzling inquisition 
reasonable a perplexity in world travel.” Sionara “is with 4 syllables as one word - as to tap the wrist four times and count out syllables.  As a literature game alone to excellence in word structure and language pronounciation eased. 

It is 11:32 pm eastern  standard time in New York USA 
on December 3rd 2022.  in a upset very unusual in all my years of numerous international worth. 

Perfectly said by an update now from the internationally famous Nat King Cole loved internationally as early as 1969’s from the USA 

December 4th 2022 

No longer the okay corral  as a corral means to cluch people-  in hazey- reality in corralling people lumped.

John Wayne made some awkward non true - movies politically - discerning of - careful planning.  

It’s a movie update from conceptual form of art expressive of political -  poniant non humours 

as early as the 1960’s and John Wayne was very kind to even update a current full movie. In the 1960’s John Wayne movies were perplexingly too harsh a reality of the good political sketch in movie form earning the great John Wayne noted as the DUKE -  for a sketchy - unrealistic brass nuckles -“ No No Idealism “ concern without - in unreasonable perplexity of gaining only an exit. 

12.7.2022 email update from the President of the country of RUSSIA Sir Vladimir Putin with a extremely gracious love to me with high respectful honors towards me every day in a email letter.  

2008 update from news in the USA with a dismal fast distention on more than have of the population of the USA in a - perplexing new offical 2008 report which cause a extreme number in lost home in the USA to that of some of the more advantageous of wealth accumulation and excellence in merits of professional levels of worth - as the instant plummet in the NEWYORK TIMES reported in 2008 caused further damage to the exconomic stability of a inflated increase in housing to repurachse that became inflated to a level of unaffordable repurchases and a attempt of some at losses of further retirement assets which left a large population of USA people in a questionable - unreasonable extreme concern in -  economic structured ethical regulatory matters -  and weight heavily in a deficit towards a greater fortitude in a retired life style and liesure quality as well as a opportunity of furthering work in a late retirement to earn more in a measure of worthy cares- 2008. 

Failed concerns in some levels of banking in the USA continued and became somewhat pressurized and even dismal in regulatory structure in ethical USA constitutional humanities standard of a USA compliance in serious international banking standard that can be extremely complex in a reality of ethical real regulations and not simply a medaling of futility and a chance for a lunge at possible unethical hands in the -  guess work toward real USA banking standards and compliances in regulations which every human in the world is carefully realizing of a great care in more people interested carefully than ever in over 60 years. 

Of course this historical reality places a extreme amount of pressure on any banking at all in the USA and has increased the careful look at banking of internationally  standards all over the world- as an extra assurance in good assured regulations compliances in all banks of all countries with humanity that is discerning of even counting each penny.  

The small countries that are asset off the coastal sea ocean in the subtropical regions nearest to the continents of the americas - in all the continent of south and North American into Canada -  subtropics are a sub ( meaning lower land nearest a low ocean level -  lower than lakes -  is a sub - tropical ocean level ) and the countries including Cuba and Haiti, and Jamaka, and Bermuda, have experienced a finer economic improvement and are with much greater enjoyment of fine work and liesure of the countries nearest to the Tropic of Cancer.  Blissful a breeze  softly sweet on the ocean so lovely all year of many more. 

The ring - you might like as a Tropic of Cancer ring that is an interesting symbol of a crab - known as a ocean crustation seas creature.  The Tropic of Cancer also is a name for a real star pattern in the great blue sky - and in the planets far far from earth are stars that are known as the Milky Way -  universe of stars that can never be reached by humans as millions of light years away - with no air in high areas ( altitudes out side of earths gravitational existence.  And stars are set like diamonds looking up in the exact same place always and while in the Tropic of Cancer area of the ocean - the star patterns of stars stay exactly the same - and one area of stars are known as also “ the Tropic of Cancer “ star pattern and not seen in Europe actually the same - form- in a location veiw that is from a different area of land and soil -views of star patterns always the same are in Europe as well - more and many others.   And on other exact areas looking up is always infinitely the exact same star pattern of those diamon likeness up up up in the highest existence of the universe above and around earth -circomfrance- as  sanctimonious oxegen air space.  Above the oxegen air breathable - is infinite space of other types of - non oxygen outter atmosphere. 

While there is a concern in the USA in a set period of recent history in space sciences of the USA with some film from nasa without any star patterns actual -  and a unusual segment of perplexity in film - and space science of the concerns of a few important real types of inquisitions of where the film footage is for all the space sciences and missle launches and flight of any space science concerns with star patterns that -  have been in outter space evermore and historically never changed even and in possible  to change a accurate star in the sky up up up so beautiful to study a bit more forever.  

The Fifth Dimentions put together a very honoring kind film update of a lovely song from the 1971 known as 

in a recent new recording just for me. It’s with great grace of care and I wish to include that in love letters too the wonderful Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin 
soon with a small upsetting delay due to a misfit MG midget automobile that was manufactured once in history and actually not fully compliant in a standard of that little size that is not really a high recommendation of automobile excelllence -  with some -  drag in the actual speed of good well made automobiles-  that are build with excellence in fine real work and leisure for roads and great travel everywhere under the sun. 

Simply the disappointment of a slight delay in an MG midget automobile engine mechanical design -is a awful elph -  so small that is perfectly obsolete in the finished comparison to a much more quality automobile in all reality.  The MG midget was slick in oil in my drive way exit and totally spun in circles and nearly flopped off into such good soil.  Slick in a oil puddle and filthy mess all over the road way.  

Upsetting all over the world about the misfit elph MG MIDGET and made an atrocious mess in the whole road way -  oil everywhere and it was spun in circles a long while -  with an engine speed in the minors and not able to ketchup to any of my purchased choice automobiles -  Hand operated build minor engine elph of an obsolete deterioration in a needy -  concern of a tow rod -  on any road to happienss.  The MG MIDGET 
is even a contention to hop into with anyone as a dismal 
distress in elph obsolete machining devices and a mortification in a mess made of oil slicking and then 
minor engine size so small -  it’s a discredit of honored automobile excellence in true engeering project design to a smooth -  fine lovely breath of excellence-  

The MG MIDGET was slucking in a reeming of an oil slicking and moritifying to look at the peunie existence of an midget mg engine spinning in oil -  puddles everywhere and a hindrance to even think more about a midget engine not made properly for any mapping of a reality today or within history even-  while the mg midget is even obsolete in standard for a dirt trail in a blinz of a marvolous slow ride.  Blinz recipe is from Austria in the country near enough to the mountians known as the Swiss Elps- known as the larger mountians in the highest level up in what’s known as land mass - soil of mountians. The area of the automobile known as a VOLVO in esteemed excellence in engendering genius and any road -  in a thought about the highest regions of the whole world and an automobile made in a -  fine knowledge of large engine excellence and noted in the country of RUSSIA well as an outstanding automotive excellence well loved even by sir vladimir putin. And a enjoyment of the Russian governments stern standard in compliances and automotive genius -  with some knowledge of good living and great road ways all over the world as very important to love work and feel finely a lovelier leisure 

even from the highest Swiss Elps Mountians Region. 

MG MIDGET slicked through a muck made in such a minor smallest obsolete elph.  It delayed- everything 
in Indian Summer Winter Events and was a very nasty upsetting mess all over the motorway as peweny and such an oil slucked large wreck. The oil slick is still a mess and the driver could not even ketch up to the rate of distance to what spun the upsetting driver owner of the midget  mg of a retarded of  manufacturing hand control built -  pisten -  lit spark and not much power to keep a pace of proper speed to catch up as needed to avert a spin discombobulated minor -  infraction of qualitative real roaring delight in pure great handling in steering equity.  

The Lion Sleeps Tonight is a sweet song from the 1960’s re-recorded with love to me from the great peoples whom wrote and composed the song - update now on December 6th 2022 with love from great friends.  

It’s a very kind special song - for the achievements of the whole world in a greatest of kind and a hope from
me that you will be apart of real Indian Summer Winter fun events and bring spiritual prosperity and even a lovely better dignaty to a great December 2022. 

Please Listen   Sir vladimir putin and everyone all in the country of Russia and government of Russia and honored millitary in true excellence  of Russia as well as countries of all all over the world -  it was one of my very special favorit songs at age 4 years old.  Perfectly re- recorded for my today’s memo. And some special notes of history of the composers important song in love notes. Enjoy the day and evening well 
everyone all over the world. 

sir darling Vladimir Putin -
 it’s a smashing little lovely song. 

I wish for you to enjoy your evening and day tomorrow. My baha travel is with some upset in planning as I am quite used to such a lovely alone quite calm of delight even with Howard Hughes at a little lunch - and a fine little day - film of Howard’s Wonderful  Creative Dally of a very serious USA political importance update. 
Film emailed -  in a minute. My daily very prudent time schedule of my  project work desk has been slightly upset - and the - holiday for me begins now - in my love for assuring my company with a lovely home office to Absolutly  enjoy calm of blissful worthy work - and the MG Midget has been a quaking obsolete elph -  of  impotence -  unworthy swarth- and not of road worthy excellence - and the mess of oil all
over the road ways -  is a casteroil of mirroring slick -  Moronic hand held harrolding spin in a midget failing design of obsolete unruly engineering of embarrassing failure. Ruff filaments. 

The oil slick is everywhere.  National Aeronotical Space 
Of America USA within government is with no outterspace films of any with stars in the veiw of the moon as well.  I took an extra few minutes for a real look at NASA utube films - to actually review exactly what has been going on in the USA NASA space programs in a thought more about actual compliances extremely very strict in excessive ridged rules within many regulations that are national USA standard in compliance within the regulational extremely strict compliances which are within international standard of ethics of what is known as a doctrine of peace in a ethical international standard within all countries which have to assure a certainty of a certain protocal of ridged important standard of regulation as it applies
 ( complies) to the humanities of ethical requirements of ethics within the international peace doctorines
( ethical papers written in a lenghty historical regulation ethically including some level of other compliance regulation important to the USA in a repose.   
While the stars seem to be -  not in the formation 
of a star pattern as is real and a curious issue of why ? 
Star patterns in outter space do not change in many more than over 896, billion years. Impossible actually to any change.  While where are the actual star patterns in the USA documentation films in the U SA national space station - in film ? 

and the concerns are very relevant in a care to stabilization with a defined assured reality. Where are the stars in the accurate patterns ? Beat the clock with your race to your conclusion in star space patterns from USA soil?  I will list my email soon.  email me soon.
Send your phone number soon.  

Where is Neil Armstrong ? 1960’s ? Or was it Mohammad’s Ali ? Historically a USA need 
to bone up (Comprehend in self worth of study interest to read ) history .  Mohammad Ali ? soon you will know everything. 

Excuse me : It’s Howard Hughes texted the finished work of art of a great sweet concern in a little political film - and lunch was lusciously a delight Howard -  simply a lovely day.

Film Post of thee Howard Hughes Film 

posted on December 6th 2022 from The very noted famous Howard Hughes of televisions finest in
lenghty great film productions of 
thee Howard Hughes outstanding film productions. 

Prehaps the mini dvd films to enjoy the fine introspective interjections of brilliance 
in sir Howard Hughes politically noteworthy films. 
soon dvd mini notes to everyone.

Gosh Howard -  I just love you and what a wonderful post for the memo.  

Splendid wishes of love to you Howard - 
Lunch was lavish -
 Love princess lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Merci -  from princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 
Good night and good morning -
from my small village in NY USA. 

Looking at some contention further -  soap box -  ? 

Abbot and Costello’s political comment. Pasts of wrong idiom - yes. While thank you fellas of your actual stage performance in the line of fire. Made only for the awful mess in a memo. Instant update. Back reels soon. 

Thank you -  unusual of your -  other fine sweet film work Absolutly famous -Abbot and Castello - nice pizza lunch as well- with a Abbot and Costello Political brief : 

Firthermore : Bile  clutching of  corraling peoples - of dc 49er contentions that caused a dismal - unethical USA Catastrophic Disaster in an intention toward a malicious harm to men women boys and girls - with bile 49er nesting whim  aimed to ignore the USA ethics in a reposed -  and attempted threats in scams - gains in malicious contempt towards ruin minutes of time in -  harm to ethical companies and ethical people - stated clearly in many notes I have kindly set forth - in kind ways. BLITHERING BILE in affects of harm to -toward extortion toward other countries - and individuals of a chizholt of threats in honored well achieved minutes - and - with unethical wenching a attempt to leverage -  a threat -  of cornering the USA in small - and larger aimes- of vicious Oval Office bile -  clearly extorting from the USA department of treasury and banking attempts -  as well as viciously attempting to threaten the real USA honored millitary to fend - unethical provocation of disorderly unethical attempt to bully the millitary and disrespect their ethical moral existence -  with use illegally of the Oval Office and the senate and the judicial collapse of dismal unethical protocal within the USA ethical structure of constituent provisional humanity structure of the legal reality in USA governmental jobs. 

with an illigal unethical issue of the attacks on the state department from USA bile in a contorted action in intent to unethical vicious harm - using - unethical contortion of cartels in the USA - extremely upsetting a USA of fortitude savvy brilliance and a belief in a love of a ethical standard toward stability economics and more, of the USA and bile bophaite - set forth a major unethical situation indangering lives and stability ethical in the USA -  Bile dismal stench. 

Update December 6th 2022 I don’t recommend TAZZ 
news - as an optional - no film no phone no electric no price caps no airport - area to see a hire and not the incredulous extensive high order in a ethical repose that’s was with savvy -  nurturing. Perhaps you’re  more loved than you realized everywhere in the whole world. Of course TAZZ has no series of photographic segments of large areas of cities and no films at all. 
while slick -questionable issues news snork - morphing 
questionable smit. With liability in accountable dismal trouble -pavilions. 

Forget fractions and standard in a dividend percentile penny per penny regulation in the USA - no where else - of Gold Standards of monitary ( money real ) in dollars and cents. Forget the reality of compliances in international regulatory standard of USA banking requirement of free absolute free checking -with a hope that the banks begin an ethical people process in effect toward a plausible 6% dividend - at a maturity of 6% on each penny - achieves after a year in some - banking that still is with unachieved areas to how that can be - of a assured standard within ethical reeming absolute -  broadened government structure repose -  later alagator - 

Just a blooper  trailing Tazmanian Devil -  reverberatory zize shnitzle - and frozen cut snap beans all green and ready - set able. And the matterdoires.

MG Midget slicked in oil, are 
a bit of a concerns. Everywhere. While major auto manufactures are with quality and some sales in 2022 enough to manufacture more each year - and maintain a reputation for excellence in regulatory areas of safe quality automobiles. Forever. Perhaps - yes. 

Tazzmanian Cartoon Dwarfing ?  And no beautiful dwarf Jonquilles in a lovely violet purple in bloom or the magnificent dwarf Japanese magnolia shrub and Italian dwarf cypress - dwarf RUSSIAN primrose in mid winter shipped and brilliantly loved in a vivid blossom flowering plant -  notable which I purchase for winter holiday every years. With Englands dwarf brilliant red- orange tipped hot polekias sticks flower which is amazing in the little bench shaped elongated indoor -  svelt hand made container. 

Memo more after a few days to large holiday market groceries to -  a delight of calm in my little home office in saranac lake ny - still looking for my polo hat and baha details to sketch out in my project notes on my desk. 

NEWS MEMO update  :  bumper  cars is a nice fun as earlie as 1970 with a penny to drive- at all ages and a bold reality of some pleasant fun in the world. Locations Soon ENJOY 
I drove a bumper car at age 6 years old. What fun. 

Earlier in the month of November 2022 the good message post of a further political nature is 
in the lower memo. 

Film Bile Dung - with a roving mobility scribe - mislabeled in the natural sciences of a classification distinction - as a scribe clustering and not at all a sweet little insect of natural sciences in study books from basic emeritus public schools for childrens - self taught reading work - classroom studies - to self taught reading -  as a sweet little scarab beatle of a delight in a rose garden. Easy to a fine progressing in interesting study in youngest ages of basic natural scientific classifications of insects in regions of the world. 
Dung Bile -  scribe - is a USA development of bowel -  
concerns in the USA as not to be confused with ABC basics in reading self studies of abc all the way through to z in the USA English alphelbiet and that of studies of VOWEL of ease self learning  in English literature study.  Self achieved -  in a turtle pace with turtle pie recipes to love quiet pleasures of leisure study.  Important Yes. 

Parka’s are a great purchase to be able to afford for any person on earth -  now.  With a choice to purchase- remarkably warm with an under layer of nylon  under layers with some warmth and a trouser and blousen for men women boys and girls -  the traditional long style parka baulmer ‘ coat’ is enjoyed in all areas of the world - even great for warmer beach coastal regions with fluff soft and well to sink into a table outting out doors with great calm comfort and feel a bit luxurious -  fir or a hood and fine wool mohair hat -  covering the ears with a warm muff -  in colder regions -  postal employed too can stay warm and even feel a nice luxury in work days and extra warm exhaultation - in some busy success. 

Working in some areas inside may need a parka -  sweater ready too is always a way to enjoy the cooler out doors with a pleasant affordable parka - and more. 
Perfect Parka  short list -  begins for the postal reality of love. With all in mind of a love in warm outdoors experience -  more exciting than ever before. - yes. fully lenght of a extra wonderful winter into even the month of May 2023 and forever a seasonal coat perfectly luxurious to keep forever.

The best heaters all day all night for any home -  with good heat capability -  not- more in energy use -  in any way-  energy electric is one constant level of energy and not a surge of more -  same - same - same and does not increase any use of more.  Fact-  and inquisition of some ? In error ? 

Heat with your own selection to extra warm small radian heat - if you wish to feel extra comfortable in 
the winter of lovely worthy work and home liesure. 

a minute to spare in Heaters   Even in a all day truck for postal delivery -  warm heat with a extra great winter - with a plug in adaptor module -  in your truck with a three prong electrical plug in 24 volt plug - adaptor - made for cars and trucks when the engine is on. Extra warm is always more comfortable in anyones day and evening. 

Extra warm - for nice pleasant winter events very special and for every day love - indulgence - with a proper thoughtful real care to all with childern in warmth too- review a usb handy pocket sized heat fob 
pointing out the silver warm disk for coco in school and warm hands to and from school or grown ups at work and extra outting of liesure time- usb pocket sized tote heat disks and heat fobs safe extra mini style. 

select a fine choice if you wish 

Warm - Tech Nylon Wool- Hat and Mittens under $10.00   Not one layer of warmth but actually two and affordable to all in good basics. As a choice. 

Not the selections I will post soon in love notes for a extra fine Indian Summer Winter events. 

Boot Better - warm and fine to stroll well wear all day
$17.99 men need a size -  correctly fit for men while this boot can be a good choice for all - it’s in a standard women size-  for the post ease. Scale up to request a men’s size can be an email to request the size perfectly  exact. 

Plug in warm car and truck with an extra heater radiant plug in - style safe for all day trucking work.

Don’t forget a usb car cup with heater to keep hot drinks such as coffee warm
in a slow ride. 

Even with FOGHAT 


de Ludge = bobsleighs in 
the famous De Ludge only in Sweden Historical in World Olympics 1969
new update : 
warm ups real winter Olympics : emailed updates 
my darling friends from 
Eastern Europe SWEDEN 
Special Film 

December 7th 2022 Now. 

with a song from the 1970’s historically kind and re-recorded for my by the men of the sound known as FOGHAT with special thank you everyone. Wintet driving is a smart reality in slower driving. 

With FOGHAT here. 
Rino Pro - phone reality at $49.00 shipped free and ready to connect a phone service of appropriate choice 
to low cost ease with a serial number in the phone and with your payment online - the phone company of your choice connect with the model #  and serial number that is listed in side your phone in the section of settings - in your phone desk top -then look for “about the phone “ read your serial number and set to eased online connect on ethical serves for phones with online fully equipt - one monthly fee price as under strict regulational compliances and a low price under $35. Per month

go cashmere savvy for extra luxury warmth 


Power Travel Stick - first plug into a wall plug and then it’s ready to travel and is with a usb plug in - for extra power - Should last for several days before a need to replug into wall- buy two and power up both with a plug into the normal wall plug and then your phone and a mini heater - is ready to usb plug in and use the power stick to power up ( repower) and tote your mini pocket heater and phone with extra power stick if needed on long days to tote.. 
even for small childrens warm hands. 

Childern snow pants and snow jackets from some European Manufacturers- can be smart in winter 2022-2023 and classically savvy for all ages -  with smallest a care of extra warm winter months out and in sunshine of love in snow fun - Usually high quality sets - pant and coat jacket as one set of ski snow suites - top to bottom warm under $25.00 in some good selections - with a thought to purchase children’s clothes a size larger for a year to grow well. warm under layers of long undergarments and proper trouser with a blousen shirt and knee socks wool blend are the warmest and an extra wool hat and double layer mittens. Careful loose scarf is always ease in assuring to cover the nose and mouth properly without a struggle of an attached -  incumberment of wool too snug and not adjustable to remove as a classic good standard in basics. Boots with a wooly fleece thick lined boot for childern are excellent -  with extra efforts toward children’s warmth - daily a wonderful lovely reality of concerns to update the affordable - fine goods. Savvy and bright. 

Toy Cars for children inside modest  home - even a basements as extra fun for leg work just a car  and agility of eyes and fun arm agility at early ages and later too. Excitement - in Non motor toy cars.

It is 4:42 am on December 7th 2022 eastern standard time and date in my tiny village in NY USA 

MOSCOW TIME IS  12:44 pm 
afternoon December 7th 2022 

Excuse me it’s MOSCOW 

Une momento ‘ Esscuzzi,  ci - aimeo’ amori ‘ et du 
ci -Eh- ah -ci- commorihendi amori’ 

darling - sir vladimir - I will email my thought to your 
as a formal reply - in a brevity of my thoughts. 

December 7th 2022 re: 
No email yet-  later alagator - market day. Busy. 

Kisses -  catch xcxcxccc lovely face.xcxcxcx 
xcxcxcxccvccvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvvcvcvcvcvvcv cvcvcoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

November 15th 2022 approximation of post 
in the lower quarter of this memo for pondering. 

Dudley Moore with a serious political minute 
while see the message unicycle  again one more time before listening carefully to thee Dudley Moore. 

Exiting ?   the bench chair 

are their news slooths or other USA chairs 
in with a self ejection 
leverage ? Who’s ? 

Why should you ask ? 


Memo on September 21st 2022 

reply : sir vladimir putin President of Russia from his response in concerns that I have made complaints about

and that which concerns RUSSiA, in clarity of some lingering concerns - that which arose in a clear view 

after June 2023 - then we’re escalated in - and lengthy to a process in the government structure of RUSSIA 

with esteemed International honors to me. 

The escalation was caused in a squandery in a small controlled - extreme concern to me and to the Kremlin as also a concern of Russia within a large very noble government of peoples as well as a effect in large millitary whom have decency and noteable honors toward me. the people of Russia as well have extreme love awaiting my little travel to Russia again. 

January 10 th 2023 post at 8:35 pm eastern standard time from my tiny village Saranac Lake USA 

Memo from Moscow Russia at President sir vladimir Putin’s reply to me and a memo to Russia and Russian citizens.

January 9 th 2023 the complaint on tamporing - today Walmart was with a USA tamporing : saying they do not deliver to my address. These types of tamporing are in USA bile whom were using online tamporing to visiously harm - Walmart and persons shopping with illigal activities in even plain visions - unethical threats 

or a unethical dally of inconvience in minutes to upset a standard schedule and - threaten to be balligetant towards ethics -  in tamporing with even more - including blasts to me - in my work day recently after the USA put the plate lock covers on their doors and with name fobs for their mail box and door too - even office desks with a key lock to shut the desk and keep their paper work and even garden patch sketch notes.  

It is a bit redundant in a rediculous issue of bile so sad and upsetting to real humanity and even the success of fullest achievements -  and with such a better 2022 into 2023 as well.  The efforts of Walmart do deliver and the tamporing online again is an outrage.  I will not have my little cola purchase eased for my schedule week which improves the sales at a good store that employed a good number of people.  ISA bile have caused some damages more than actually seen- with a reality to assure those whom did gain free flight travel to close areas into Russia -  and convoluted a reality of several organizations -  is with United Nations - that was destroyed to a large extent and with fraudulent activities that may have unethical wrong people that consorted to even Blame others that may not have realized - tithe invite was fraudulent and is with some concerns now for a fragile USA in fact in ways to a sturdy wage stabilization of lenghty real great employment that is within maintaining ethics in details small at times while more important in ways that are much greater a USA within really - every village of the USA. Other and all international countries also are with peoples many with extremely great professionalism and achievements looking forward to a good worth in work and leisure as well.  

Rowen Atkinson was kind enough to send a message in a sorted humor that’s not precipitous towards his good light hearted original work in stage and television -short films of a serious - humor that is often simply an expression towards perplexing humanities in kind cares. 

The short film produced in film from

 “Rowen Atkinson” himself, about beef tar tar - is quite unique,  and a puzzle of humorous sorted - in even a blended political statement about beef tar tar if you know exactly what beef tar tar is. Or what to order actually  in a chef special for your own liesure to dine - as a fine study in knowing what beef tar tar is as I say again - it is a quizzical perplexing puzzle in a humorous witty film short. I will note the film again in my other area of a love note more in the beef tar tar film short by that of works in film of course of Rowen Atkinson, whom is a fine person to have even thought of me. 

Of course beef tar tar might not be of availability in a proper preperation most often - as to perhaps know exactly what is what when dining out. Always a good idea. 

Rowen Atkinson is a delightful humanitarian in ways that can bring to film a brisk minute or two of kind - humorous prelude of comedy. Quizzical within a very deliberate style all his own with a series of short films known as Mr. Bean. With beginning in the early 1990’s. 

of some degree of measure -there may be time in the world to even purchase a dvd mini player and then order a mini DVD player and purchase a dvd film series from Rowen Atkins in person of the humorous perplexing Mr. Bean as a series. Possible it is. 

I can hardly wait.

Rowen Atkinson sent me a message today in a memo film short among the many other minuette film short segments too for the other area of love notes to continue. 


Memo in a Short Film   Was it a risterante awaiting a full busy ongoing hope of a simple stop at a 

risterante I think ? 

Saving some of Rowen’s other wonderful messages for a real love note continued. Soon for everyone in  the whole world to enjoy. 

It’s  not the love note - with more  short films that Rowen Atkinson is absolutly with comedic seriousness of political connentations. While I mention that utube is a free online upload film area for free use to all-with actual regulational compliances that are of a basic ethic of remaining free forever - from the standard agreement regulations ethically -in a free sign up to enjoy utube -  as meant - and required to remain free,  and not a type of film area that is a cost to anyone. Every person can use utube to upload there own film as utube was made for-uploading  a film of your own with a strident film to have online in saving your very own  films too. Writing down the url - account name you chose in -sign up - and sign in- is good to use your own name- as a name of your utube account- your name is best in utube - and add a password to write down to remember - that is free to select and not change- and then type in your account name- as “your name “ to reach your own films from online to preserve  your films free. All yours.  Utube has a setting that you can keep your uploads to only you or make them public to see from even a library online computer. Many people have been kind enough to send me messages through utube with their name clearly on the Utube post - with lovely compositions in music and much more. Even cooking from Korea and other countries that were with international love to send me a message. Cooking and more.  There has been tamporing with dates of posts that are concerning. There are some words that some humans involved in dc bile - “misnomer” types of humans - not really caring of the differences between the meaning of bowels in the USA-verse the word vowels actually. As these few  humans tampored in many ways- including catapolting themselves under my windows to blow horn noise over 300 days consecutively at each minute exactly that I opened my lovely tree lined window on the side of a large apartment house - and then these people popped into my hall entry in my little flat to be known as giblets as they are, in my very quiet flat in a very quiet two years of a tiny tree lined street- as these giblets made- a dash to scare any or roll over and shake hands with near any after their misaligned attempts to waf others. Any. Of course some of my postal mail was missing throughout the last three years. Even this year in 2022. There is still a undelivered package from four months ago not yet delivered -it was shipped from the company that I purchased it from, with the postal information saying that it was shipped and was not yet delivered from USA postal services. 

Tamporing in online issues in words layered over some utubes in cases are - serious, in area in someone’s post headline - is mortifying enough., after posting tamporing was with some added types of wrong wording in after posting types of tamporing -and very upsetting -as people post to see their own worthy posts, with reality of feeling assured to archive your own posted utubes for yourself - some meant for pretty special messages. I received a one line message from every country in the world. Even from the President of China. It is very nice to be able to use Utube for anyone and feel good about stopping Bile from USA tamporing in a assurance to many types of standard to assure as well. Such as purchasing a David Bowie Mini album if you chose from actually David Bowie.  Or many others. 

In finding even one issue with these USA bile dc upsets further is mostly dispicable. Mortifying even. And these 49 bile dc misnomer types of people attempt to cause damage to others in very good decency. Too many issues to actually see a in a memo I took some extra time for, interrupting my projects and schedule a bit. While it’s a small bile of - not many in a thicket of large harm from those few dc bile and associated cohorts.  Connected -consorted mayhem these people caused to point at others and then flip a coin to even grab peoples automobiles in the USA. 

The memo is not any reflection of any worth I created and is a reflection of some contention in the USA of humans that are not that in any type of optimism that I myself have expressed nearly all my life. 

While outlining a few tampored types of USA bile issues is not all of the issues that bile have attempts to in the year 2022.

Singing up for free - Utube is quite fun, whole online tamporing is a issue caused from dc bile. And the associate bile and bile. Genuine posted messages - not meant to appendages in mere attacks from dc bile that tampoered and are still attempting as of today and into - days when they perhaps - again attempt wrenching people in any possible way- in the USA with not one care about their attempts to thrash and disease - while flying on other peoples taxes and earnings -  stolen. 

dc bile just happily stole three years of a greater effort of good people and then dc bile threw massive contempt at others internationally. 

The tamporing even smallest is a leap into huge unethical harm to one perhaps then more and many as was in 2009 into other years in even 2020 , 2021, into 2022 Febuary.

The same unethical in sort of online vandalism that harmed my project schedules and delayed many in making steadfast greater wages even,. With much more in a live for greater fruitions. 

I am really not pleased to even begin more in a memo after memo after memo in these mortifying very serious contentions that - are from USA dc bile, and some extended frauds that, should be in a radio flyer wagon together at this point,  instead of trying to - steel- and even block others- while bile 49s attempted techno jerking, that even attacked social security and banking - and individuals too - and serious in intent to harm-  the actual real utube attached and in a brutal way in some instances. I mean when someone that posts to utube for a message and write a particular - individual message unique -then it is their message to someone. Maybe just themselves or even to me, and a serious matter if tampored with. While phones too were also tampored with in the USA and still are in ways.  I am not sure I have time to even wish to outline the bile activities in attempts to harm others in the USA and internationally. They pointed at others more. People have good decency and moved on to assure themselves much better, with care, love, decency in an ethical fortitude and managed to save money in the USA all over the country. With a better summer in 2022. 

And still it is very upsetting to not receive your holiday messages as was written - or any message.” Why” is not as important as “who” now -would attempt to unethically lie to the USA again or attempt to - push others into unethical structure, and perhaps, circle others in an attempt of some sort of unseen wrong unethically in vicious ways. 

Only a few humans now in the USA have contempt in ethical prowess achieved towards a great many USA larger than imaginable- bile still attempt disease plagued at others and attempts of  crushing of USA of individualism choice  ethically and business ethical choice as bile are  involved lengthy unethical dc bile activities they submerged into -in an contempt of the peoples of the USA with a great fast reality towards a repose to the USA in a peoples real ethical constititional process ethically in great affects to have stopped covid 19 and made good strides of a better economic that is improving through summer 2022 into even more toward what will be winter 2022. 

Within an ethical process of the impeachment in dc Oval Office - the USA people made a difference and the people all over the world were proud of USA peoples and wrote impeachment letters too for the USA greater peoples. Presidents of international countries are also with great cares towards the USA peoples too.  

 Few bile with with the bile dc who ? In  contempt in unethical dismal issues caused to the USA and the thwarts that were catapolted internationally,  many other peoples greater, of standards repaired in ethics - all in all ethical repose gearing up well into a good future for the USA as a very proud reality noted internationally everywhere. 

It is not alone that the USA peoples decisions in ethical repose -  are in a repose in concerns even about seemingly smaller tamporing -  that may not be that small - in the USA as a country, as the USA is quite large and tamporing online or else where could be more concerning than realized. 

 A quiet solice rumbled of greater people within kind cares respectively into a much larger international whole world of many countries and confounding numerous peoples internationally too of good ethics and care in a incredible better reality more and more. Respective even at a far distance. 

Much larger than Texas. Yes Absolutly. 

Moving forward in this memo briefly - not just utube has been in the reach in a contempt of ethics of a few USA dc bile that tampored many details online - from USA hands and feable ( butt, butt, mask sales and covid 19 tests reeped taxes - to who collecting the pence, then who again - set way in lies and deversional threats to host more -disease prolonged if bile had more- ways to damage assets to people and many minutes of real efforts in a great chance.  

Which corner of the ruin are they located now? 

Again - online tamporing is not just a utube message that is good to gain a message perhaps un tampored with -  or a message -  to look at the greater of effort as to consider even that eBay sales were with -  some one spot tamporing at times -  and missing or switched packages -  and wrong fake emails too-  attempts to take money in banking assets - even if the bile failed -  then attempted again - to ruin eBay so well run- and with packages sold from international merchant companies that ship and deliveries are going much much better in nearly all now. 

Dc bile attempts on  prices at Walmart listings to even $600.00 shipments of cola cola in a six 12 once can pack normally costing no more than $4.75harmed profitable sales in Walmart -  and reduced their ability in assurances to a steady wage and best employment in some -  attempts in tamporing online at utube, Walmart, eBay -  and more. With mere water hoist -even in a one pittle -  divided cloister at the met ,… merely alone - almost unless it’s a scene ., 

Recently some tamporing has caused me to some - slow down on my web site and love notes to Russia. Time scrolling tamporing in a minute by minute threat to my time to breeze through listening to messages and films sent-  have been tampored with in a slow -  stun butt -  attempting to - stop even USA phones and electric, and tiny toy helicopters and toasters., microwaves, power cords., No no, not gm fords and all that reported issue with holes in -  Goodyear sales a few many years back, just to attempt to slow down my instant speed of light online typing to look at messages sent fast as fast gets-  at only in reality one speed online constant light speed actual reality- like the electric plug -  that I plugs in and a light works -  non stop -well made technology -  bile wanted to convince you they make wished to jam even your budget notes in banks on line - in a harsh - hope to stay invisable while in a harror toward taking a election type hammer to hope a splice off your wages.  Ten minutes I heard -  then more light Billings and bile said -  or? 

Attempts too to -  offer unethical jobs - equipt spare coins and lights free -  with buzzards circling whom , again ? In disease and even attempts at caused to famine in the USA. In 2022 into about February I think. 

There are lies about slower speed online -untrue. Get out your debate team - and glove up to box the larger USA in this panel quest. If you dare. 

I recently checked my flashlight on my two spare working phones -  instantly the light went on when I pressed the light insignia button to on. It was constantly on in a constant streem of - on. Same speed of energy at light speed as online intent does work. 

My online computers have been plugged in since 1995.  

Same online World Wide Web - that has google and bing are simply a program made to ease - online use and with many ethical compliances within regulatory standards that are international standards of needed compliances somewhat complex - within USA constitutional ethics areas -  to at least see sites as authentic in origination of origins -  I mean to say- utube is free to upload your own films and Flickr is also free to sign up then sign in -to upload your personal selection of your own photographs to enjoy a online sort of personal shelf. 

Important - yes. Tamporing of a few USA people is also important to - think about the news - in lies from bile dc and the misnomer 49 as  these same people reeled to lie about anyone and damaged intentionally and brutally - even in phone calls too that were brutal and unethical within these bile issues. 

Reciting the abc politely - at four years old is good achievement in early learning.  Into practice of many more years and playing ball and more-  to even prepare to look forward to a very first job too.  A first car paid from your own wages or penny jar savings at 16 is wildly good. Yes. 

Never mind that now in this memo. 

Sending unethical letters to whom ?  to get more cash in unethical pencity - who are these giblets ? Where are the earnings reports for Netflix ? 

Why is there a breach of ethics - in a popspangle from yet a new news  - in my desk top on my phone news from who again-  and not a text -  unethical poopspangle - new and nuceie loose unethical news again? 

Apple who, where ? Publicly , where is the offices located and who sent lies in a attempt to crush ethics and popspanle instead of text ? Apple apple who? 

Reminding me of jokes I used to tell at age four to my father-  who’s there ? Apple ? Apple who ?  My father was listening as I might have said apple Dumpling  cakes gone in - where there is apple pie in the sky?  Silly ? Remarkably my father did not lauph at all. - 

While the serious issues in just a few bile could plant a few seeds near your garden soon, then sit to collect your great fruits- blaming the loss on a chipmonk. Or a fly with no teeth and definitely not strong enough to spin through your screen and infest all the sudden your fine real apple pie. 

Med miffed laser what cha mag gig a wattle what who again ? My recommendation is to purchase my own ace brand bandage and a bottle of Asprin - as I took some time to note with care in the larger love note.

Asprin -  from a company -that was working fine-  in employing a few people too. While in sales reports of some years back some concerns in USA news about tax expenditures - in payments for one pill of Asprin at $100.00 dollars a pill hospital piple- to a secondary billing of substandard health insurances were wrong. The company -  Asprin ? 

At $2.60 per bottle of Asprin at 30 pills total were damages badly in - who’s party news USA, and then a employment of staff employed drastically could not pay wages to lost sales nationally in the USA in Asprin sales. Tylenol instead.   Move on - get out. No jobs. Out -  dear.  Then of course was years back stemming from a shifty news report of someone looking at piles of Asprin buy outs to sell to a hospital at big $100.00 pits. 

Leaked in some vicious type of harror to the USA -then in a toilet seat office too. 

A few in the USA as techno tamporing -  as these few even attempted to stop utube totally and rip it out in my messages of so many.  Even just pure enjoyment to listen to some of my favorite films and music and new messages daily. And then short - disruptions -  that I did gain my messages in time before polo match. 

More about some issues-  that hiked into even my hall in my entry as the slow zap hit my lights and listening to my messages online.   Invisable ? No.  I think not. 

Visible rushing cicles is more the reality ? 300 days of hall entry noise- meaning more than just- trying it again in Manhattan halls with - face to face lies to 60,000 people in one building -and instead - Manhattan is hopping happily with good business sense again and again - 

Febuary  2022  perhaps in a small quandary of huddling clustering bile- divided ? clustering of bile? 

In moon data.  It’s not the fun of bear run -  to drive and swim in the bear run regions and enjoy wide open sky and good plenitude of fine achieved professionally cared in details to wages and savings  and good liesure travel,  even listening to mick Jaggar of choice or Chopin symphonies from Austria in the city of Vienna in comfort of listening to the  philharmonic with head phones on in the middle of 2:00 am in midnight blue - sky outside 2:00 am windows in a furious passion. Children all nestled in such a lulling sleep of a day gone by well enough. Full of wit and fine foods in an ethical hopeful beginning still wobbling - and excited of honored towards good farms and good health -  villages all. Yes. 

USA dc bile and their 49 lone misnomers have attempted to rip up sites illigally and with very serious issues they have caused themselves in the last 300 days -  as too reep the USA in lies pointing at nearly  any USA peoples as they used dc like giant toilet -  and ate and blasted and bull dozed -  with spitting stun -types of gadgets too in a worming of whistling weezeling -ghosted lies - in soft shammy sound blasting are even more contention as most all people realize the attempts of these issues. 

Sound of what ? Meezel bread ? No. And no again. 

 Again - dc bile and the 49 misnomers - did not actually make it -  in that of excellence professional 49er football major league - and  tried to even tampor with ticket sales too from online USA Nile tamporing. With the Misnomers 49 perpetuated disease to others as noted by the entire country of USA peoples.  

utube damages attempted - effected many, even if just your personal film joyful in a travel outside in a short stroll well needed in liesure after achieved wages not bad. 

 The recent link of utube messaged with Rowen Atkins kind emails - is with a tamporing that says it is Netflix- and is not. 

Other names are also listed in tamporing appendages on to real nice peoples utube films -  beyond the name of the actual person that posted as Rowen Atkins is and totally good I received the message in a utube film even with - blime misnomer tamporing and posted it anyway. 

The tamporing is only part of the serious unethical  pit of dismal issues-  of a few puffed - that have been perpetuated by dc bile and 49 misnomers only - that -  are not as big as they puffed in large and sometimes seemingly prestigious crowds too and even police- that  harmed in -  zoot-  that attempted to threaten others with lies and attempts to extort from people of any gained earned wealth. 

While the police were disband in 2014 and some few kept swinging harshly -even smug- to gain friends and lie more - at such a large USA that might wish to locate those still miffing in attempts to stop and rip people off.  Of course -  in a clarity -  jobs have been available over 300 days even and a few needed a job and jumped at a chance to good solid work and ethical stabilized wage. Fast and smartly. 

It’s a very puffed dc bile that satiated -  in a smothering type of fraudulent unethical harm to the USA peoples in each city and each village while dc bile swarmed in to those silver plates of donuts -  and golden cherry wood chairs, they have no respect in any ethical standard they kept thwarted the USA with loudly and unethically with intent to cause harm-attempting to pocket peoples money and turn nasty in a contempt of humanity in ethical reach - and fully vaccinated with no further covid 19 anywhere now as of July 15th 2022 - 

Misnomers gained fisted rage among 49 misnomers I can easily call bowels. Not to be mistaken for vowels in the proper English USA alphelbeit. Of course my father may have used some other word once or twice -not professionally or in public much.

Upset  to Rowen Atkins too. Dates of people posting and with web sites - have been tampored with and new updates in some that are good and well -  with tamporing of the date from bile that tampored relentlessly in summer 2022 too again even today in a USA - within a large greater USA peoples of a care and dignified concern of the contentious jerks.

Smaller than imaginable and yet here and there in a meezeling huddle.  

News in review ? of the USA news reports of unethical unsubstantiated -  lies of even deaths - untrue,  that popped out of fraudulent dc bile whom lied and attempted extortion then an attempt to dismantle the USA with a deversion tactic of lies - 2022 people in the USA had some kind fragility - with no reason to be unkind or think to be a contender in a boxing wrink - 

with calm to chose home - and more as even an enjoyable calm  in your home-  and work in good wages and even better the leisure time too. Retirement, with much to set sail too at 65 and more the sky a bluest too. 

Who ? Tampored with peoples messages and emails and  headlines on their posts in even utube.  Tamporing with utube to layer words that say pay-up -  and then bile caused an attempt to threaten in illigally billing - in an extortion tactic towards people trying to fill their refrigerator -attempts to cause an unethical disruption on their flight tickets internationally too more - often when ? Once again when ? utube to view as normal ot - ah, under legal moon data reviews. Regulated price standards means all - within equality ethics within USA legal compliances of ethical standards -as retail and that of basic to assure proper basics reachable and hopes to savings for peoples in a hope to save some money too - actually true -  in many types of sales etc. 

Not just utube tamporing - in peoples considerations of some USA bile causing even well known music people damages -  as well as Mc Donald’s too, with attempts to extort zabbernutbuttles - and the films -  in some tamporing issues and attempts to shuffle mc Donald’s in sorted concerns.  Who ? 

Bile and the mere 49 misnomers are mortifying, really just a few in the USA that also perpetuated a hellish lie from the dc bile directly in the Oval Office again and again and again.  2022 Febuary was very serious in unethical dismay dispelled towards a mortification to USA peoples everywhere and dc bile -  and their 49 misnomers -  were tamporing viciously that was suddenly propelled at international countries yet again into September 2022.  And towards some people simply trying to work in good companies ethically with hopes to a stabilized good wage and even some that have assets earning to retire in a forever enjoyment to garden - bike stroll and take up some reading studies - travel a bit. With hopes to at least study some international languages perhaps - in a fine fluffy slipper. Atleast.  Book of languages to read after all is usually under $10.00 pocket size. 

Home cook more or dine out some. Yes. Decently mindful of standard list  item prices and a sway to good standards in prices too. More milk and everything too. Gosh. Pealed eyes.

Well yes, as $600.00 for a small six 12 onze cans of cola cola are a serious danger to employment at cola cola too. Not to mention a threat to any postal shipment in attempts at tamporing with postal roasters from a 23 23 layers suet drink sale - in or out of Toronto.   

On - contentions in the USA.  Misnomers 49 - are where - where are they ?  Recently last week, the news in the USA set way again- in attempts  to vicious verbal attacks on three president dignitaries of international countries that were actually yet again -  attacked verbally of lies about them from USA bile in news illigally reported from USA news / and magazines -  too, reports from some of the  same few bile and 49 misnomers in even a  few more legal issues bile and 49 misnomers caused to sling at international dignitaries of presidential country stature of lenghty great worthy work in the world, as the bile again attempted to verbal lies that are a threat - to the fine reality of a great international presidents of countries and a threat to peoples internationally as also a threat towards greater fortitude of  USA dignaty into even respectiveness toward international countries - with respective cares of all countries too. 

Bile misnomers with 49 -  on their - active attempts to harm any- as even a small chinchilla are concerned of hill sides  - in such pogwash that  - these outnumbered few techno jerking USA humans are now-linked in vicious connected - connect of wrong in a divided cluster - with dc bile - that reported death internationally and with vicious intentions towards actual countries like ENGLAND and Japan and other countries yet again - in scams of all sorts including online tamporing and other techno jerk types of - tamporing even with attempts toward - price hiking - USA electric connections.  Causing ice / hot zap - blasting and light flickering -  stuns, far range connectors to Zoot zapping even hearts of others -  even claiming ghosts, and med issues in an attempt to take tax dollars again and septic tank doctors -  possibly not actually licensed in ethical regulations of international educational standards within the USA- reeling in tax dinaro - ghastly to the USA.,  from taxes paid by the peoples all - whom are all people with a reality of expectations to repair the structure in dc and throughout each of the 5o USA states of many cities and villages doing quite a bit better now in September 2022 as congressional structure will take a bit longer in careful ethical structured steps of the Peoples of the USA - with assured standards and within compliances to regulations existing dc concerns - within the USA constitutional structures within humanitarian standards of practical ethics of USA law and that of hopes to see a type of measured - ambiguous -  yet a level of certainty of international cares in humanity’s ethics that - are of a somewhat - secular existence within the USA to see structured and good. 50 states as one country the USA is the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, that is in a great reality at least as ethics accross the USA nation are going well unincumbered of some upsets even in recent 2022 Febuary. 

There are some people in the USA that - may have been hospitalized and harmed - and did not arrive back to the homes that they own - while are with some rental or adiquite living condition for now independently an assurance of social security., and a country benifit of food standards suplimented in a SNAP country benifit, for all food, non alcoholic, and their own extra retirement they may have-  and was mortifying and due to unethical lies in just a small few inhuman dispicable dc bile and that of the 49 more or less misnomers of vicious types of people -  still in a very serious contempt towards any of the USA people. 

A better  uproar of success in the USA peoples everywhere are real in 2022 throughout summer into today and ongoing with  finer liesure all over the country in every village. With an honored care towards all international countries too. Summer 2022 was a resounding time of success in nearly all with small details achieved in many retired and wage worthy work and liesure with guitar composers everywhere in the whole world in a revolution to stop covid 19 with get vacinated now events -in June 2022 that was a complete success all over the world -  of humanitarian great fun and success too and many notes still unwritten of a larger affects of some many yet to be savored  in love notes.  Love notes to guitar players too, soon. And the Russian Kremlin sir Vladimir Putin as a lovely person, in a giant devotion of many cares culturally too.

What is what ? Looking at some concerns in my brief memo is with care to hope that - each person in the USA considers the upset of Wench types of news or talk -face to face at times of even - Madge’s manicure news,… - as Purina emailed me a while back -  a with a message - sales in good earnest efforts and prices makes good wages even better next year to perhaps learn to water surf on a shallow low tide half board water surfing excursion ocean beach side and brunch to bring. Not notes on that now, yet. Contention concerns and that of lost minutes and costs lies of tamporing contents of - light speed - reality as regulation standards  gain stridency. Say Absolutly.  Not to pay out Pennie’s per block to circle your bank, risterante, outings, job, home, school, or city buildings etc., or anyone in horror ever again. While the airports are still an issue in the USA of standard regulations and compliances too. 

Last week in September week of the12 th 2022, tamporing yet again arose from USA bile misnomer was more than lies about royal countries or international peoples of countries. Lies in tamporing said by The Who in news 49er and dc bile - claimed they would lie - and just would - viciously - 

 Calling it macaroni ? Viciously - without ethical reality of any way, lied again toward other country presidents - with the 49 misnomers torking wrenches at the world especially as aultomobiles were rolling well again in the USA - with good sales too in new purchases which many afforded in buying their own automobile, dispite the rise of lies in misnomer contentions unethically and viciously -  while bile  still gain some - eddy Nelson - strunings. At some.  

USA larger of greater peoples care well,  more  at the standard ethical regulations in compliances for more even in inflationary cost effective measures in reports where ? - cares broadened and success is real. Summer 2022 went better all over the world and the USA peoples are a part of a success that is better and continues. 

 WHO ?.,, perpetuated with a dc bile and 49 misnomers more or less give or take —-a very small number of people that are still in contempt in ethics standards. 

Techno tamporing in techno  jerks-  even tampored with the USA postal service after attempting to break in and break rules - threatening people face to face with combative lies and extremely high costs that could be legally seen as an extortion tactic towards USA peoples and international merchant manufactures -as still issues have occurred caused by a small dc bile 49, in the USA as not seen in good ethical ways by all other international countries. 

The tamporing is much more concerning in the USA and text messages may have been tampored with too  from a wench of misnomers that verbally threatened some in the USA - a divided misnomer cluster caused again in a cluttered divid- of  humans that are unethical and have tried out again for throats of the USA - in any way. Same same - contentious few - smaller than an isle at Walgreens. 

Is there a way home for some in wrong reports about their life -to call and say hello -as  to just enjoy a daily caring  fulfilled achieved love in lifes sometimes mundane minutes - and a holiday dinner with people they do love even after a misnomer of caused - issues in a cold hard winter in 2022 of confounding concerns. 

Hello - yes. Hello. Called. I put your wrench set to the left on the floor of the garage. Left as I stood in the drive way facing the house from the front street and the drive way was on the left of that house . Remembering to put the wrench set exactly where we both knew it was. While there is no neopolitain ice cream.

 Hello, It was so nice of you to have cared all those many years. When I phoned accasionally - in my busy days to just say hello, you were always there and even helped me - just as you always simply care to ask how I was. It has been many years since you drove the salmon pink Pontiac to sterling beach to tote a brunch with me and even toss around a ball beach side. The salmon pink Pontiac was an outstanding purchased automobile. 

Your unforgettable and- always met me at my flight gate in my very short trip to just see you. Our pancake breakfast and horse back ridding were the brightest days. I hope you remember the finest in Rootbeer I brought - from a far distance. I love you. The tiny train set in winter you set up for me especially was very nice of you. Thank you again. While I miss you and words can never be enough to say thank you. But thank you- I will say thank you with good graces that you should know to hear. I am glad that you phoned me any time. 

A call from Howard Hughes ? Absolutly soon. In love notes to Howard Hughes - you will know everything soon in the message. For now: hello. Yes hello again Howard Hughes. Thank you for the messages many. 

Indian Summer - not yet. 

There are a few more concerns to write in brief of this memo - while if you wish to, take a closer 

look at my dearest friend Clint Eastwood with a message too. 

Posted memo on September 22, 2022 at 6:18 am eastern standard time NY USA.  

Where is that update from George Bush senior ? 

Posted September 23rd 2022 at 12:28 pm eastern standard time NY USA 

Arnold Schwarzenegger emailed me late evening. 

Read the Message    - from Arnold Schwarzenegger 

I should say that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a international world honored athlete of most respectable 

worth in of course educational excellence too. And a wonderful person whom devoted his time in the USA as 

a governor of the entire state of California with many many cities and even more villages. Arnold Schwarzenegger is from the country in Europe of Austria. A very fine country too, of good peoples and very proud too of Arnold Schwarzenegger whom is a notable person in efforts of broadly noted humanities and with some major movies. I have savored other messages emailed from Arnold Schwarzenegger for further minutes of expressions in love notes to Russia.  Soon again. With a good summer into autumn in 2022 in the state of California - with great friuts and vegetables too. High yields of even pistachios and other fine foods such as California Rasins and wages well enough with employment better again.   

The up to the minute time now is 12:52 and accurate. 

Light Speed precision all over the world time Instantly recorded in moon data as real and -from NY USA eastern standard time. With a few more updates in this brief memo.  Soon. 

memo short film  email// Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Yet soon, Indian Summer in illustrious winter details of the event of Indian Summer to include the wonderful minutte film short messages many from all over the world. 

Memo film today from Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

With split  second time update -in  lightning 

speed accuracy. 

1:09 am eastern standard time NY USA 

on September 23rd 2022. 


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