Ice Cream Rootbeer Float
Summer 2022 Event Invites Internationally
August 21st 2022 Beginning at 10: 00 am
eastern standard time NY USA from my tiny village.
It is with my very love - that I send this tiny invite especially to
sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia as wistful lovely wishes of care to sir Vladimir with a summer 2022 of much greater a better kind of love.
To peoples in each country as well, and of that to love respectively
of Presidents - with too - many First Lady’s and of course
Queen Elizabeth her majesty as well as Women Presidents of countries, as Queen Elizabeth, her majesty is (over 60 years in Large lovely vibrant country of England in Europe) of my good wishes to all countries is within their very noble government peoples too, seperate of each country.
Within a USA that reached to assure such a forever more too with exceptional lovely personifications of better a summer 2022.
It is early - before 10:00 am now.
Soon at 10:00 am NY USA, Moscow Russia
time will be 5:00 pm August 21st 2022
within the region of Eastern Europe.
In the European Far East of the city of Beijing in the country of China 10:00 pm later evening. In the city of Bombay in the country of India in Europe, 7:30 pm
In Iran as the country of Iran in the city of Terhon 6:00 pm after high noon tea time. In the city of Kenya in the country of Africa 5:00 pm
in Europe very large as a country nearly as large as China and Russia. London as in the city of London in the country of
England in Europe 3:00 pm three hours after high tea in London England. with more soon of times and exciting places all over the world of exceptional people of villages all.
Minutette short film again. Film Credit/ and sketch from
myself, lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett filmed on August 17th 2022
at 8:13 am eastern standard time NY USA from my tiny village.
It is my pleasure to begin the Sunday Event 2022 into the month
of September 2022 as summer fades and autumn begins anew again
with love from me, Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett. Love too - to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia with Valentine’s Day kisses from afar. Love to Russian government and peoples and peoples all over the world as too - peoples of a greater of the USA too.
Many messages of so many people so lovely - I love and am very happy that peoples awaited my turtle paces slow and with love.
Humanitarian cares - from the four men THE BEATLES, as in
John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Paul Mc Cartney,
are lovely in the world as I invite everyone to listen again and again.
With more. It’s an Ice Cream Rootbeer Soda Pop and Cylindrical
Ciggerette Cake Event with Chocolate Cherry Rasin Pepper Curry
Cigar Bon Bons into September 2022.
Emails from my friends The Beatles - are special. XO everyone.
David Bowie is an exceptional humanitarian and a delightful person and an old friend I charish as David Bowie arrived for my on location New Jersey peace and economics exhibitions. It was a delight David Bowie arrived.
David Bowie made some extrodinary efforts in very lovely efforts in a summer 2022 to remember in peace and economic humanities that’s exciting.
David Bowie recent emailed to me is a bit exciting. Everyone in Europe loves David Bowie of international work in music composition
world renowned and well known throughout the entire world. Very exciting to be so kind to have emailed.
With love to you David Bowie, graciously xo.
Love to The Beatles as well. xo xo xo xo
Werner Herzog is a wonderful humanitarian and a friend, with outstanding work in film and emailed me a little messages of love towards the whole world too - The people of Russia and everywhere
with cares to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia.
Outstanding - gladly I received the email. Werner Herzog
xo Werner Herzog. it is funny that my school at my age of 12 years old was named AV ZOG in Liverpool NY USA and not Liverpool England.
Thee very kind Vincent Price emailed me some of his internationally well known movies- I warn you though everywhere, Sir Vincent Price is a bit creative and somewhat intellectually obscure in films.
At age 5 -I was sure I had seen many of Vincent Prices notably famous film work.
It was very nice Sir Vincent Price that you took the time for me at all. In my international Ice Cream Rootbeer Soda Pop Ciggerette Cake Summer Event 2022 Thank you for arriving in my New York City Events too. xo with love.
Williams and Sonoma has been very good to email me with very special messages for my valentines note to
sir Vladimir Putin, Kremlin of Russia and to me as
well with some improved sales in the USA as well for GE and wages worthy towards employment cares. General Electric is a conglomerate company from the USA with good worthy long standing business - Last week - Williams and Sonoma emailed me- I was so happy General Electric as in GE corporation is selling at Williams and Sonoma - ice makers -the ristorante style ICE MAKER can be a bit pricy yet -at under
$700.00 delivered anywhere in the world -for ice cubes for soda pop -to serve more than 4000 people per day.
Great great - good good. READ
Sting is a composer of music world renowned and loved everywhere. I was happy Sting arrived at my NYC events on location in 2014-2018 and just recently sent me an email messages
with great care and did not mind of my turtle pace in notes to post of an EMAIL for Sting. from the country of Australia in EUROPE
as not to be confused with the EUROPEAN country of Austria.
Australia is with Wallabeas- Kangaroo that means. film later of Kangeroo in natural land reserved for Kangaroo.
email from Thee STING
Sting Zucchero ? Zuccini ? Thank you for giving monster diner while I was traveling.
xo love from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
It is the delightful
with emailed messages to include in my note to sir Vladimir Putin and the whole world within my international event. Internationally well known before the 1960s with television free, then and now a lovely wonderful surprise from
It is exciting. xo lady ELLA FITZGERALD.
With Love.
Ella Fitzgerald - it’s so special I had to listen to more.
Merci- Thank you.
It’s a very special surprise from the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in the European continent of the country of Australia in a marvoulous
Lengthy Minuette Film for sir Vladimir Putin and all of Russia and the USA and a special symphony to everyone all over the world everywhere. With great love to everyone all over the world in every country.
THE RITE of SPRING of a music composition by
Edgar Stravinsky for classical works of
of such lovely peoples.
Listen With a fine ice cream Rootbeer soda pop
and Ciggerette cake with a menu too - to remember.
xo to the peoples of the Melbourne Sympnony Orchestra
Love from myself, Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett.
It is just a tiny note about the wonderful movie “Mohogany “
with thee Diana Ross with musical compositions as early as 1970 with an international broadly loved worth of Diana Ross’s
wonderful music.
film short soon.
Email from David Bowie update Rebel Rebel International Tour.
Meet Mr Magool as an animation cartoon film from the 1970s with a careful look at - humanity kindly with some extra precautions in todays reality to greater travel, work, worthy and leisure too- like slow drives and well planned brunches with some exciting MATH workbooks too for ongoing MATH brunch 2022.
Greater a care of many the minutes -many, to assure with saved pennies - more the sweet sweeter.
sometimes somber too a serious matter.
Unlike the kind cartoon animation film of even adorable loved MR MAGOO.
Photograph Credit: lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett “MENU EVENT BRUNCH with a TULIP HEART”
from August 19th 2022 at 6:42 pm eastern standard time NY USA, with a prepared week.
Enjoy Sautee’ Minuette Short Film
It was unimaginable.
Ice Cream Rootbeer Float Soda Pop all week into September 2022
Fine Summer 2022
Cylindrical Ciggerette Cake
Again and Again with
Chocolate Cherry Rasin Pepper Curry Cigar Bon Bon
from my extremely special recipe to the whole world.
8:31 pm eastern standard time NY USA
Emailed from sir Vladimir Putin -an event photograph archived of Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of RUSSIA and many peoples of the country of RUSSIA. Splendid.
Read it is exciting that everyone received the tiny lite summer blue / red coat- designs. None yet available
in stores yet. Pleased I am- shipped from - special order to my dear friend in manufacturing in China-
sir Joghzen in China, xo with love and thank you. Smashing really.
International Cake everywhere in the whole world with THE CYLINDRICAL CIGGERETTE CAKE, from myself to enjoy, Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
A Book of Cakes - to purchase in 2023 perhaps.
with love to everyone in the whole world.
From Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
More Soon. It’s 3:37pm eastern standard time
NY USA, on Monday August 22nd 2022.
It was a late breakfast - today. Autumn, in the September slumber is slightly cooler weather.
Hand wash WOOL might be important in cool water only. Finer wools need special care.
Great price on Comforters around $20.00
are nice to have a Autumn comforter and tuck the summer comforter away after laundering well.
Fine good prices for Motor Lodges too .
Motor Lodges would be fortunate to have low
$35.00 - $40.00 prices per night with a sign of prices and available rooms in their window. All year filled.
a motor lodge with only 10 nightly rooms, each with an enterance and each with a full bath- with soap and shampoo and some hot pots for coffee- or a fine roast coffee sold in the motor lodge check in area - is great.
at a very good coffee and low under $1.00 price- is relaxing to note and talk more about. A fine selection of packaged cookies to purchase too ? Perhaps?
$35.00 multiplied out of 352,
at ten rooms = $123,200. 00 Perfect to talk about a nice stay in any motor lodge village stop with an extra blanket, fine bed linens and a good breakfast risterante and grocery even if tiny. Snowy winter travel is looking
better and better in 2022.
More Soon. Where did that polo hat go ?
The time is 5:48 pm eastern standard NY USA
as I wished to note again
Thee Sandy Dunkan’s
wonderful little theatrical works of
it is very special as I myself was age 7 when our tiny school theater class were very good to be in
a tiny school theater of PETER PAN.
Sandy Dunkan is kind to email me the
lovely tiny film segment -
which is a theater sweet to the whole world.
xo Sandy Dunkan, with love and gracious thank you.
More Soon.
6:26 pm eastern standard time NY USA
Moscow Russia in now 1:26 am on August 23rd 2022
while in NY USA of the Western Hemisphere the date is August 22nd 2022.
Diana Ross is a marvolous person who is astonishing
in some humanitarian efforts in 2022.
Diana’s increadible sprite sensibility in life made a lovely - effect in music composition loved all over the world since the 1960’s into today.
It’s really THEE DIANA ROSS and her lovely wonderful people in back-up song of Diana’s vibrant
music all her own.
“ Diana Ross and the Supremes” now
Thank you so well xo Diana and everyone.
sir Vladimir Putin darling - it’s Diana Ross
and the Supreme’s in a sweet song for
everyone in the whole world.
Diana Ross in amazing film work
“Mahogany” the film 1975 with works in
soft vibrant lovely music composition today now
in a new REVOLUTION.
6:46 pm eastern standard time NYUSA.
More soon.
August 24th 2022 3:20 pm eastern standard time NY USA now. With a new REVOLUTION 2022
Ice Cream Rootbeer Soda Pop with Cake is with some delightful messages more into September 2022 and simply marvolous. Even silly with serious intensity.
Good Day to everyone in the USA and the whole world.
Good day to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia
with special notes and a tote to a mote - dally soon
invite. Perhaps Sails in sight. I have very fine little
piano composition for you darling. A person, practicing
at their home was kind to have the work composition of complexity in piano of a famous composer as CHOPIN
is wonderful. The piano - music is a fine amature in CHOPIN well done.
CHOPIN NOCHOTURNE is a soft tender sweetly writing of music composition to enjoy careful listening of music so a lovely minute of many more to enjoy.
CHOPIN ( pronounced as Sho’ pane’ ) sat with a pencil under a brilliant tree jeweled green of a leaf canopy to write well in spare minutes, in Europe of great love.
piano - fun for ages w/ pennies saved and a coco night with a lamp lit brightly. Forever.
It is a bit silly to think about refreshing reasonably priced bed pillows - washable fluff- and enjoy sleep.
motor lodge quality too. Shipping is free and pillows for two under $26.00 4 days shipped. Sautee’ pans as low as $11.00 with a good selection I took a minute to note - w/ free shipping ? Some. READ
Tub time might need a closure - or a room that needs a quiet area is always good for many reasons as to even study a few math equations. READ
Folding bed - for any bed room can be enjoyable in a smaller bed to bench for day activities like playing music recordings - with a fine furniture cabinet to store fine little purchases. READ
Inexpensive yet sturdy selection when you need extra tables with chairs shipped. READ
Enjoy partitioning your room with something a bit brighter READ
Spring Coil - is a great invention when it comes to curtain rods inside the window and no need to nail into a wall really. Double the rod just the right size inside the window - can be with curtain ease to cover windows nicely. Contemporary to even simple luxury or lace effect. Coil Spring Rods are inexpensive under $3.00 - $4.00 ? Purchase a curtain that is opaque in a sheer sort of effect brightens a room well. Many color choices - fold over a rod or slip into the rod for a long effect in a romantic style with a over drape - satin heaver curtain known as a drape curtain.
With summer near over in 2022 READ
Extra fine in tub steems - curtain ready are good good.
Food Pantry or Plates and Drinking Glasses, even a motor lodge storage for store bought packaged cookies or snack cakes - ready packaged, possible, to sell with coffee and even a book nook for a nice bed room - shelf for properly folded wool sweaters, blankets and your head phones and ball. READ Priced well and affordable for two or three for a whole wall of storage - shipped to your door. Nothing better than refreshing wool sweater ready or a pantry to enjoy more. Enjoy with saved pennies, which are important. Sail boats toy to savior on a sweet little shelf is briskly good as a tiny art trinket. Designed with extra care.
Sleep well in Moscow Russia and all of Russia as too sleep well everywhere in the whole world.
with a nochturne - of piano of a composition in piano
classically known throughout Europe and the world.
nochturne - of kindly solemnly a sweet.
3:56 pm eastern standards time NYUSA
10:56 pm in Moscow Russia.
Tub extras - in edits above were important today on August 25th 2022 note at 8:22 pm eastern standard time NY USA from my tiny village. Tubs made a big splash as did ice cream rootbeer float soda pop with Cylindrical Ciggerette Cakes with fine brunch menus - into September 2022.
More Soon.
August 26th 2022 1:48 pm eastern standard time
NY USA silly of me to think about tubs- and more. The summer is going better and better. Rootbeer Ice Cream Floats are the greatest fun rage in the whole world now with Cylindrical Ciggerette Cake - brunch outings all summer in leisure and busy work days too. People traveling with motor lodges rethinking business too everywhere in the USA and internationally everywhere.
Good day : update about tubs - I took a extra minute today to include a water fountain pump - submergable in water - in a tub or a outdoor fountain water fountain - with a fine bubbly up affect. The water pump plugs in and sets at the bottom of the tub with then - connect an extra (separately purchased ) hose at the little circular area that pumps water up up up like a feature of water ponds, as - too- with a extra hose - as a washer hose in tub water for foldable tubs selling well, internationally, ease in emptying the water from the tub is important. A pump can ease the water into the sink - sink or bucket, to flush water if needed, to assure ease in using a foldable tub in a fine faster way to enjoy an illustrious steemy soak. With ship shape skin that does gain a glow of calm renuewal in skin happy winter ready best. A hot pot of tea- table side to sip, with ear phones blue tooth connected music listening leisure minutes is exillerating, wrapped in a luxury towel. With bubbles.
Sail boat toys afloat too.
I enjoy using a steemy rather warm hand towel as well over my face with a light layer of vassiline petroleum jelly ointment on my face everywhere - in my hair even very lightly with a smooth layer of vassiline petroleum jelly ointment on my neck and dry skin areas like legs and even feet. The vassiline petroleum jelly ointment is excellent to absorb into skin ( dermis ) into the lower layer of skin and give a better flexibility to under skin ( dermis ) and drinking plenty of milk daily with good menus too for plentiful nutritious meals , is remarkable for skin and the entire whole goodness of refreshed care inside and out. Top of the morning to toes everywhere. Fine for all areas of perfectly nurtured skin ship shape. Steem towel over the face a few minutes can be just perfect after a long week or month. Wash hair well with mild shampoo such as “no more tears” by Johnson and Johnson, and a Bubble Bath liquid is a - product bottled that makes a large bubbly soapy soaking bath somewhat fun. Include mild antibacterial bar soap to scrub everywhere including behind your ears, with a clean nubby cotton wash clothe. I purchase a less expensive economical pack - and a few finer wash clothes too.
Careful meticulous soaking in a tub can be calming.
Full towel wraps for children old enough- with care are a great thing before a busy day for any child. Bubbly fresh and baby powder clean after - is easy for childern to use a causmetic fuzzy puff to sprinkle baby powder into a puff - and be ready for a greater sleep in fresh linens on children's beds too. Powder your face with a puff of baby powder from Johnson and Johnson baby powder is pretty ease after tub bubbly clean - even teeth. Two years old ? Please hang your towel to dry? Perhaps so. Low warm water levels for young children are important and a warm tub area. Mini Heaters ?
Puff in SILVER more with fine baby powder.
Towel ready and maybe some careful moms and dads are eyeful on tub time with towels wrapped and ready to soak. Children like sail boat toys in tub fun. Soapy too. Home heaters for warm rooms and tub areas, yes PLEASE PLEASE. Yes. When using a folding tub - it is a must to wash out the tub surface in the tub and any sink area that you might pour the tub water in. Clorox bleach with some dish soap is fine from a spray bottle - Clorox spray from stew grocery store is a antibacterial that is effective, while scrub often too with comet powder cleaner is very assuring to really clean sink and tub. A dry standard wash clothe just tub is a great way to assure a good standard to - extra clean surfaces that do matter. Forever.
I might have a minute I am still looking for my polo hat, before a flight to Spain soon enough with Polo plans later in 2022. Updated soon.
How refreshed can you be in ten to twenty minutes tub time ? Freshly fresh, and ready for winter wool sweaters to carry in your tote, of September 2022 is smart, cooler nights and mornings CHILDREN too pack a sweater in totes -is a wonderful feeling. Milk daily in even hot coco for bath time, is important a choice.
Great 100% juices too, with a spritzer, or extra juice 100% juice at breakfast is a energetic reality with nutritional great effects.
Ear phones or ear plugs in steemy soak tubs ?
Ear plugs with no cords and easy to listen to music ?
Ear plugs ? Update soon.
Tooth - teeth ready with a lower tooth care of payment if needed is always a great reality when it comes to tooth concerns READ
Do purchase a product called EFFORTDENT if purchasing a tooth dentchure for a need of all teeth - if needed. Effordent assures teeth are solid in mouth to actually eat well. Crest tooth paste company does make a product for bright whiter teeth - easy and quality as well as a dab on enamel type coating to cap a decay area of a tooth- brush well, rinse with cool water. Well.
Firm tooth brushes work well, crest and Colgate tooth paste company in the USA makes good tooth paste to clean teeth - children begin brushing with small bristles early ages of even 2 and are not bad at combing their hair and washing their hand bubbly well. Ears too.
The full glass to drink of whole dairy cow milk every day is essential for a good caring nurturing love of life
as important for mindful ease in math and great for health in good fortitude forever. BRAINY MILK.
With a breakfast cereal too. and many kinds of loveliest foods and menus. September 2022 is going to be exceptional in many ways. Better at least.
Eyes are the most lovely to care for well. Eye glasses at
under $8.00 for 4 pair is a bit of relief to anyone.
Read well, with a pair of specs to enjoy toting if needed. Select - a the strength of the eye glass specs carefully to assure you see well. 2.75 ( plus= +is good for magnified reading usually. Some with more trouble reading might need 3.25 to 3.5 ( plus= +) to read extra fine print anywhere.
Furniture selections are with many choices and saved money individually everywhere in the whole world is important - while some furniture can be with a need to purchase as soon as possible - with a choice to purchase something more later. Basics are great.
Savings individually everywhere at all ages with even coin jars is going rather well. The USA economy was a bit better in in summer of 2022 with each and everyone looking at $20.00 to spend here and there with little travels more and ice cream cones too - low prices, with minutette venues and enjoyable tea at the DRAKE HOTEL in CHICAGO Illinois’s USA, with all cities in the USA in a better reality and great efforts in all cities everywhere in the world.
I will note it again Better!
more to note, yes.
Soon perhaps.
A note about desks to take a minute for as in the very good classic SECRETARY DESK, is worth looking at and saving some money to think about. It folds down from the center to create a desk at home in any room and a bit special in design. READ Close the center of the desk upward and it is clean and with messy math work in a great place to open your desk and work on fun math - grocery lists, map studies, or perhaps in a small risterante, with some that have a key ready lock in the desk area to fold up and securely lock budgeting notes and such. I will find time perhaps for one Secretary Desk that ships with a larger variety to ponder lovely accoutrements of furnishing trinkets to keep forever.
READ Enjoying whole dairy milk daily is excellent for great nutritional care - eyes too. Fruits and vegetables with rice and whete and cheeses- sweets and more are great for refreshing good fortitude to care well daily.
Curtians for every room - shipped READ
Sheer Curtains Under
$6.00 shipped READ
Fine Window Valance - for any window might be nice over a sheer curtain, attached with a large twist tie at each end to a spring rod within the inside measurement inches of your window are fast and cozy
[ ……..” 24 inches or 40 “ inches inside the window ? How many “ inches ] is your window?
Purchase carefully with size savvy results.
It is a fine day in my tiny village in NY USA and I am still looking for my polo hat.
2:02 pm eastern standard time NY USA
9:03 pm in MOSCOW RUSSIA
More Soon.
It’s the very kind email from Glen Gould
in a piano concerto’of an ancient classical music composition of “Johann Sebastian Bach”
of a written composition of a very fine famous European piano composition for grandure of large piano form -exceptional of Glen Gould to have made minutes for, with many kind lovely thank you to
Sir Glen Gould in the USA and
throughout the whole world.
What a sweet to say Good Night
darling Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia
and good night to everyone all over the world
it’s a lovely minutte on stage in the finest of piano work of the international renowned Glen Gould my ancient friend I adore well. Xo to you Glen Gould and with love.
Love to sir Vladimir Putin again, too,
xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo
sir Vladimir it’s really Glen Gould. And a special lovely song more a minute of many with
The Beatles, NOW -as thee John Lennon and
thee Paul McCartney, thee Ringo Starr and thee George Harrison - emailed again NOW for the
“eight days a week” 2022
Simply lovely, Glen Gould as well. xo.
3:46 pm eastern standard time NY USA
MOSCOW RUSSIA is now 10:47 pm
on August 26th 2022
Are you tea pot ship shape for Autumn 2022 ?
Under $40.00 shipped.
More Soon. It is 4:59 pm
eastern standard time NY USA from my tiny village.
September 6th 2022. At 2:55 pm
eastern standard time NY USA
I took some extra minutes to note some excessively important concerns and more in a memo, before continuing on with a sweet love note further to
sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia with my exciting details of the most amazing Indian Summer events of
Autumn 2022 with extra special
ancient splender. Into winter 2022 please take a few extra minutes to read the memo. Please.
It is an email from Shinzo’ Abe
the Prime Minister of the country of Japan today
Emails from the Prime Minister of the country of Japan are a bit powerful. READ again and again.
It’s September 16th 2022 at 11:23 pm eastern standard time NY USA in my tiny village. Take a few extra minutes if you have time to read and even reread if you wish. With also a spare memo too written by me, Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett in a memo known as
Banana News. My decision in continued love letters to Russia to Sir Vladimir Putin, are with some delightful events - soon about
Indian Summer 2022 in unforgettable lovely pure love.
With invites soon to everyone in the whole world.
Not yet though as a bit of Banana News first.
Today is September 19th, 2022 at 11:05 pm eastern standard time NEW YORK USA from my tiny village.
Indian Summer Events in winter ? What could be more fun with math periodical tables too.
NEW REVOLUTION 2022 begin soon again and again.
Think about it- as you’re invited to an international event to everyone in the whole world everywhere.
With outrageous love to Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin in a special message to the kremlins office MOSCOW RUSSIA now again.
INDIAN SUMMER its a lovely rage forever.
While serious matters need some reiterations in the memos noted with a few more memos in
September 2022 - in brevity.
READ THE MEMO BUBBLY SOAP MORE posted on September 6th, 2022 at 2:55 pm eastern standard time NY USA as posted above and reiterated. Again.
as thee well noted greatly loved and honored
as the presidential Prime Minister of JAPAN
in the European Far East in Europe. Please take a minute to reread the message from the President of the country of Japan as Prime Minister of Japan, Sir Shinzo Abe in a message to me with greatest thank you and good wishes to Sir Shinzo Abe’s family and that of good wishes to the peoples of the country of Japan. Reiterated from my above posts from
September 6th, 2022
Banana News//// IS IT BANANA NEWS
review at your leisure if you wish as reiterated in the link above as posted memo which I began on September 7th 2022 and with some brevity.
With a few more updated memos to include in
Banana News again details of Banana News before
the most wonderful
Indian Summer
in winter 2022 invite
to everyone in all countries of the whole world.
With “Furthermore “ updated //// September 22nd 2022 at 6:25 pm eastern standard time NY USA.
Furthermore Edited //// posted September 27th 2022 at 4:49 pm eastern standard time NY USA from my tiny village flat rental apartment in Saranac Lake of course.
It is 5:39 pm today in New York USA at eastern standard time on September 27th 2022
with more soon.
September 29th 2022
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