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Bubbly Soap More


101 bubble up cleanest

HUMANITY : WE WORK HARD , PLAY HARD, healthy usa and whole world is too important to risk one minute not to think cleanest . Forever Eased Resppncibilities, best . 


Karl Marx brilliant characterization

within his formality of film - as known as Groucho Marx, introduced into a lengthy - bit of film,  is worth more in 2022 as too - in a noted worthy film work in the 1960’s. Extrodinarily said words to live by were sometime remarkable little sweets, perhaps in a importance more today than in the 1960’s.   Yesterday and forever, Karl Marx efforts are unusually important. Devoutly quizzical and even complex in persuasion of artistic form of film to ponder for years perhaps.  

Thee GROUCHO MARX’s extremely famous little film of mere smart words to live by, has a reality of a great breath of care and a humorous minimalist kind way to a connotation of ethical standards to a

greater exaltations of lovely care. Listen

from Groucho Marx’s         as stated (spoken) 


AND CALL ME                IN THE MORNING.”


It was something said, memorable in a larger humanity of structured ethical exhaultation. 

More of Karl Marx forever.  Brilliant. Kindly great of Karl Marx to have me for dinner a few years back. Always very nice to receive an email from Karl Marx. 

. xo Karl Marx with love 

from myself, Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

JANUARY 18 TH 2025 4:01 pm WalgrĆØens updates are impprtant with 24/7 pharmacy 1-800 numbers and instant shipping 24/7 online in the usa and other pharmacies globally are prepared to ship too from all online orders and you can actually ha v e a wheel chair that is light weight and folds , to take anywhere, in your oen automobile and be fitted with a hand gear to drive if needed , total hand gear FORD can augment custom steering if  needed. Drive , shop and feel best, getting to lunch with a fold out entry ramp in risterantes too can be with a extra ramp fold up purchse to bring anfmd call ahead if needed for a fine risterante to assist in a fold out ramp to use a fold and drive whĆØel chair if you desire in need of a tennis sprian anchle ie:  love healthy fun more and prosper even to work . Not missed . 

Tall Chairs , at registeres can be easily realied with a large golf  unbrella to stand up from a wheel chair at aproximatly $80. And when traveling , a wheel chair purchase can be a cab drive away by phone and then a drive through , or a register clerk curb side purchace by phone can be easily real , any time just Ƨalling the pharmacy to help you with a purchse by phone and they will bring your wheel chair fold up ready easy out to your cozy cab . Eased.  Never worry of a tiny fall, just limp up and call a cab , as uber is ready in all cities. Usa and other cab serices internationally are eased in all cities. LOCAL TYPES OF CITY BUSSES , CAN MAKE A EXTRA STOP , IN WHEEL CHAIR NEEDS , if close to a bus stop, and a upset urgent need, callung ahead to the local city buss terminal central city bus   . a shuttle extra takes a two day pre schedule notice for any extra out of the bus types of pre schedule travel to and from your actual real home with a extra $4.00 fee round trip and can be a lenghty wait while others take longer too to shuttle in pre - arranged schedule. Plan ahead for a longer wait to get a extra type swing type pre schedule bus, if available or take a cab to the big bus stops nearest and ride well great city busses at extra low faire. $ .50 is not unusual to get accross town wuth a free transfer recipt . Then $.50 again and ask for a transfer reciept if yoyr need two actual buses to get across town and not just doen town .

some busses are equipt with wheel chair lifts amd reserved wheel chair sections. Some busses can be free, or if needs of urgent issies arise , dropped wallet etc,. Ask for a free  waiver , as a temporary nessecity and assure you request a free transfer to get a secon d cc onnector bus if needed to shop farther in one city or work accross town with ease og a bus ride and transfer tp a second bus to get furthet across town by bus ready and wonderful to be welcome ny all drivers to ride with lovely care. 

The bus : great fun. 

JANUARY 15 TH 2025 4:48 pm bubble up updates are very significant in keeping up with professional worth and a very ease to a aphid germ - to clean up well. Slight swelling can occure from winter dust of alergens and then warm salt rince 8n nostril from warm tap water and 1/2 teaspoon salt disolved in warm water to rince nose nostril is a ease and smcan wash out the dust from a nasil vessel into under eye area. Two warm cups of watet daily twice if needed two weeks if needed , can feel better. A blue baby syringe rubber nasil ball , in drug stores are ease to use with warm salted watet for cleaning softly gentle in nose and any snall nose too , just slightly in tiny nose with zero to incert in the nose ever. Just squeeze ball to gentle rince interior of nostril . 

Use of aleve pain anti - inflamatory is excelent if a bit puffy or discomforted , with a tylenol 4 tablets each every two hours , for 24 to 48 hours is a fever breaker. And only for grown up ages over 12 if a fever. Or half dose 6 ages and to 12 ages. fevers need juice , ice water , soup, clear broth only, and of course eat well , with extra calming foods. Pizza order out if need luxury nurtured night. Hot tea with sugar and lemon. .

Milk daily is a veey real self assurance or a cream dairy with ice cream or cheese, very important briany food. Choldern drink more milk needed than grown ups. Plenty of milk and fortified vitamin riche breskfast cereal are always great . Importsnt . 


Zpac is excelent if need an antiboitic for a low energy of a sligh6 flu feeling. With a call to a drug store 1-800 nimber no need for a doctor , just the pharmasist to order a zpac antibiptic to take one pill per 30 whole days , with ease to feel better fast, or order a s3cobd zpac again aftet 30 days at only $6.00 Per zpak from wallgreen in the usa or cvs in the usa. 

Childern need to be immunized and a pharmasist can give you the packet to do all the work a6 home for yourvown childetn to be immunized before choldten begin any schooling. All school registration rewuires a recipt copy of all imunization sta6ement before kindergarden registration and pre school registration too. 


In RUSSIA , CALL YOUR PHARMACY , while in your  country ( or ship ) to order a similar product as zpac is a extra well made antibiotic - if virus or flu or cold. 

Face cleaner : warm water and light tooth paste is always srubby clean , while do not share a wash clothe or towels, with fresh clean sheets and pillow cases , new pillows are good. Use small 1/4 cup bleach when washing sheet and towels and blankets with pillow cases, . Do not share make up ever, and do not le6 anyone apply your skin cream or make up. Steem face now and then with a vasilinr lit cocering on skin then cover wiyh watm clothe ' warmest , then wash with a watm clean clothe and dry well. REPLACE TOOTH BRUSH every now and then , and do not lend out your hair brush or combs. Cats sometimes need a watm wash clpthe cc with soapy water, dogs like a low washbin bath watm and soapy , dry with clean towel , before big treats with a 2 onze salmon or fried fish chunk and a rice cooked tiny serving of rice cooked in chickrn broth ( pre canned ).

CANNED DOG FOOD LIKE ALPO dogs enjoy well and come in a variety , wiyh canned cat food special in tiny tins cats love. Milk bobe dog biscuite are love well by most all dogs. Mom calks them dog cookies. Don't forget a dog or cat tennis ball or a rubber donut . To play word games with cats and dogs , you can have fun. Cussion pillow fancy dogs and cats need. Wiyh a fancy chain , and theit name tag too. Finest or a dog jacket and cat jacket. Fibest. Posh puppy cats.  

green vegtable and carrots frlm can pre coojked in rice on a lit vegtable dish, are a favorite dogs like and cats may too. With a small dish of milk. 


URGENT UPDATE FOR EXTRA CLEANING , parking  lots are best with a small bucket or a actual wet vac with soapy bleach water and then a long scrub brush , not leaving chem ice or any non cleaned walk way for cars and for entry to shops. Do purchasexsever as l pair of rubber gloved cleaning rubber yellow or pink bright on mop section of grocery .

pyrchase clean wupes for face and hands in small pouch , pre wrapped and a under garmet lliner easy to refresh daily. Totally fresh. Undergatmets best seven fresh cleabed cotton ubdergarmets each day freshly ready , best.  

Seversl pair of yellow clean up glovers csn ve dry and stored in a zip lock after a soapy rince and paper towel dry

 Please do not lend out. And clean and recleanvyour oen work space , even computers desks and registers and walls ceilings and floors . Be extra caring anf bleach wipes are excelent when tossed into a snall kitchen garbagr bag or a small zip lock , in so serious cleaning. Read below yhe earliet notes for bibble up of extreme success notes to know. xo with my love , princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

DECEMBER 8 TH 2024 CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN , is a reality in shoppes and even iutside: one 1/8 cup clorox bleach and 1/2 cup of a dish soap mild can clean surfaces well, and smell freshly perfect, always very important, with a spray bottle and toss away paper towels , perfection all day at a register even at wallgreen counters. Bleach and Spic and Span Floor Cleaner is very important in shopping and floors several times eatly fast before busy, not near feet of customers and then after a busy lunch into a later afternoon, with ease to stay far from customers feet. Where good boots when mop time and after the husier dinner hour, often even after 11:00 pm . 

spray wash on powder room counters ' yes often check the cleaners of shoppe bathrooms. between busy times,. Important PROFESSIONAL REALITY. Outside with a garden hose and mild soapy water with very little 1/8 cup bleach, color safe, and fresh . Even just a clean mop bucket of water splashed on entry outter steps with mild soap bleach ready water, perfect. 

freshly scented cleanest entry, for great feeling in professional working all day every day "take 5 " best in business and fresh finest feeling. 

door handles ? doors ? and not near customer tables or food being prepared , do not store the cleaners need any foods ever. All buckets and rubber gloves to clean are stored in seperate cupboards, remember well. excellence you deserve. Window Cleaning daily 'BRANDS WINDEX WINDOW CLEANER with paper towel or a squeegee and then use rubber edge squeegee to dry, and with paper towel wipe off any drippy wibdex and wear bath utility rubber kitchen gloves . $1.90 per pair and bright yellow, pack your very own . Not others on hands. store your kitchen gloved dry in zip lock and toss in your junior executive satchel attache , use brass lock with key on satchel at work. ZIP And LOCK TO A COAT CLOSET POST IF NEEDED,  never leave your phone and wallet in satchel  tuck under your under garnet in a sock pocket. And use a string and tie in. 


READY SET DRIVE EXHIBITION . enjoy your lovely work days well. Each day, is inportant. 

love the world,. more . 

Love from myself princess  Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

It was not that simple in, 2022 and even perhaps years earlier. The children and ages of people in public school of ages beyond, 12 into 16, were with summer 

school in the USA this year with great thanks 

to many including Mike Bloomberg, who made some 

remarkable efforts to a hope in assuring schools 

of USA public kindergarten through 12 th grade 

we’re with supplemented study in math, reading, and more, including kick ball. Fine instructors, worked extra well in summer of 2022. too. 

 Some difficulty ? When ? 

My expressions of upset- are with my own good fortitude to continue to love life within my own worthy projects - and people with a very good intention and lovely life to look back on with a fine tinted eye-preferably rose lenses  of a good essence of care of even tiny details. 

of - self repose ( reiteration of ethical self dignaty over and over with forthright achievement into a fine humanity to be ) good good at least -as  with good cares toward fiercely delightful  peoples everywhere in the whole world. 

It’s already September 2022 with dreamy pleasure of whistful worthy work and wonders of stars in the sky so beautiful.  Indian Summer is in Autumn every year. 

a memo is not about the grandure of 

anything much of INDIAN SUMMER 2022 

details - soon where ? 

Instead just a memo 

And in Italy it would be September 5th 2022 now today I just received an email from friends in Italy with the date written in the email September 4th written yesterday. It is September 4th in the USA Today and sent yesterday as earlier in Italy a day of course on the world calendar.  A message from the owner of the Italian Automobile. At the end of “this memo” Lamborghini is notable.

More memo on September 4th 2022 in the USA. 

In the USA, I have to say is with my best of expressions in mostly a feeling of reluctance to write of bile after bile after bile, as I do not - contend in any way to understand at all- the viciousness that resounded echos of harm and mortification only to slow inch in to disease even - one- or many again and again, in schools, and government offices, and village shops, farms, stores, business accounting offices, drug stores, homes, online, tv, radio, car shops, parks, pools, trains, taxis, pizza shops, coffee stops, egg hops,  fun stops even like Dollywood, or ice skate wrinks, for all, tram lifts in visions of forests in trees miles high and wider than the sky in layers of lush greens beyond imagination, ocean sands of beach fine a walk to drive to the USA, forest drives, city hops with a online phone of fine meat music lulls, candy shops, brunch totes, work savvy villages all to never rattle again any village. 

Unethical plague of which and who ? Again? Which of

the who in the USA are you? 

As cities now September 2022 are of villages fine and better in stroll at midnight or daylight - getting here and there as planned or needed, in the sometimes bleek vastness of the enormous ocean plumed with countries many of vaste land, some sand too with sea ocean smells of ocean unlike the lakes vastly large too, some lakes rather smaller -kind enough, a travel short

 [ Huff more - touted to read a map at times well ] 

[ what is the mileage - and fuel consumption to get to the next fuel stop 24/7 ] - see here - where is the next stop for a cola and sandwich ?

Have an oatmeal cookie and a travel tuna sandwich ? 

Drive a bit longer yes, I suppose, with reservations well planned to be on time of the correct day to be the right calander date, and not tomorrow in reservations. 

 No reservations- and late, plan to be sleepy and nap perhaps on lengthy travel with sleepy eyes in minutes or more - stop carefully with plenty of room for your car to sit awhile, lock your doors,  and sleep well - best to sleep a while if extremely sleepy rather then drive to assure with a good simply feeling - sweeter than 2021.

Get back home to tend the garden - dust off a book 

of Yates, or Dr. Suisse perhaps. 

A quiet pleasure of such a home in nice too, schedules 

to fill the pantry and assure an evening tea - filled. 

What a beautiful Spector so tiny and yet important.

It might look plain a stop - a fuel stop a bit dusty , the messy man worked to change a tire, was kind to carry my bag to such a nice minute I had my hands filled with foods purchase I did purchase -to drive more a long while. I thought so long about that man, a bit fragile and time to offer to carry my extra bag to my car with my hands filled if a large purchase - and say thanks for stopping - enjoy your drive. Bye I said.

 Have a nice day. Thank you: I said, happily with some likes to returning in the dusty little fuel stop far off in a travel by automobile. 

Unforgettable, as is the woman who arrived in my very large exhibition in NYC NY USA as a stranger from the country of Cuba and listened to my lecture about a man named Fidel Castro who is a former President of the country of Cuba. The country of Cuba is a bit far from the USA into an ocean island of a great country of Cuba and not as far as crossing the entire ocean to reach Europe from Cuba or the USA, south amarica or Canada. The women from Cuba, a fine women as from Cuba, was so excited to bring me Cuban Chocolate  Cake in a beautiful box hand delivered with a beautiful ribbon tie on the box so carefully prepared. She wore her fine trousers and clean blouse and hair combed.  I combed my hair early that morning thankfully.

Dusty fuel stop shopping 2002 and a nice Cuban Cake specially -hand delivered to my piazza exhibition while I was on-location ( traveling in my exhibition ) as in on-location in my exhibitions in NYC NY then in 2016 with a sprite gift so we’ll of Cuban Cake and delightful. 

Delightful too was a shop open and selling coffee and freshly made -fry cakes free with coffee. It was coffee from Brazil and made freshly and well roasted. $1.09 per medium cup in a shop on 34 street and 6 th ave ny ny USA. Fine and delicious a purchase with other foods too. Pasta dishes and chicken drums and pizza. 

Spectacular people that assured excellence in customer services and earned great wages too -very difficult too. 

SIT AND SPIN  is not available in the toy I liked at age 4 years old in the summer of 1968. With three wheels and two opposite directional hand cranks -only, steering in two wobbly directions, only actually designed to roll with difficulty in a wobbly small circle like sway, or backward as the same, with sit and spin - a real toy that is very low to the ground and a big round like platform seat with hand cranks at each side and three wheels only, wobbly round and round and difficult to maneuver in spinning mostly repete patterns - whole good exersize for muscles in arm strength for childern if - liked as a toy for only flat drive way space - not roads ever. Unlike bikes I was also enjoying well then at age 4. No banana seat was available then for a few more years. My bike had two wheels and two extra tiny wheels to train ( attached on the large wheels that braced the bike not to ever fall) -I, myself  to ride faster and well before I removed the extra small back wheels myself - after learning to fly a bit on my bike carefully. 

 I taped a plastic straws to the prong of the wheel well to tap against the spokes as I road my  bike with two wheels - liking the quiet rhythum to listen to my ride - plastic straw tapping on the spokes : sound rhythum to enjoy, bbbbbbb bbbb bbb tttt tttt tttt tt t. While you must walk the bike across any street and again in areas with many people walking on sidewalks, And ride on the far side out of traffic anywhere carefully. Mirror like reflectors are orange and red - on the lower part of the seas in the back are important to know about. If you are bike riding at night or in the eve - a head lamp made for bikes is large and attaches to handle bars. Batteries work much like a flash light. Not for tiny bikes of day rides close to home on side walks. My street then was fairly quiet in afternoon week days.  With a longer straw cut and taped I had - dual rhythum that was fine. Hum rattle and ride with a tatter tap tap tap: BBBBBBBB BB B B B BB. 

Then I removed the straws for soothing songs to sing

bbbb bb bb ha ha ha ha ha ha ttt t ttt t e. 

Unicycles are for smooth driveways - or a public park but I warn you, it is difficult to learn how to actually stay on  unicycle and ride.

Unicyles   Are fun, I did learn to ride a unicycle at age 4 in my drive way at home, years ago. While it was nice to enjoy a tiny bike ride very well too. Months of learning to ride a bike was nice, alone and then a wratchet I barrowed from my fathers tool box was nice to remove the training wheels alone. Don’t tell my father please. I placed the wrench wratchet back quickly. I lugged his tool box down to the end of the drive way and then put the wrench back, then lugged the took box back to the garage and placed it back exactly where he kept it. At 4 years old - the wrench wretchet was a bit fun like a puzzle - tool. Please don’t tell my father that I took the wheels off myself. 

Unicyles are an extra purchase. While contention of people that set to feed in reeping on the sweetness of success of minutes to cherish -  in mere deversional tactics large and small, lengthy into 2022 are vicious in bile and bile and bile = 49 people more or less , while they might face the 49ers in football excellence learning more about rules of football. 

While in football, pro - league excellence in education in great ethical standards is a pro league of par excellence. 

Math and reading highly notable in lengthy years before even beginning any football, then pro football player toss a ball far and wide. 

Football, all polite and with lunch out before the seated arena and wearing a fine wool, and so quiet with eyes on a spin of the ball swiftly.  Wool scarves warm with such a - sporting day of online game day or in person if seats are affordable and available. Great fun.

In earlier month of the year 2022 however : 

A woman this year told me some thing rotted as I visited a lovely man in a hospital, as in a hospital that she was said to be an employed administrator something gurgling she  said she did not care if the person inside the hospital bed was able to eat at all. 

Or get clean clothes or anything needed.  She and her cohort were threatening only to me and others verbally -and said to be in administration and could care less about people in hospitals. I was threatened too.  Then left to call others at the hospital to assure him proper food and clothes- hearing aides too and glasses to read and tv to watch a ball game. I was dismantled in mortification. Rotted people caused mayhem of harm in  hospital with no ethical right to seek to take human from even a park bench or side walk or home, store, job, etc. nasty infested diseased horrible bile are. Fewer than 49 people more or less. With how many - unethical mailed letters saying what? Emails too?  

Earlier in the year - 2022 was mortifying sleeping at night remembering the nasty rotted humans that spit vicious words meant to threaten me. And threaten others in their vicious mortifying buligerant dismal existence propelled at me and pointed at the USA people more in threats of sorted - excessive concern to the peoples of the USA and internationally. 

Ah, objectively I think about the good fortitude of my own worth of love of the USA in many ways and my lengthy cultivations in - international projects too of exceeding importance to me too. I was in Chicago Il USA in 2014 in exhibition lectures and songs - many days and good efforts with many areas of care - people from Russia  sent me a little flag in the mail of 

Yellow and Blue that was special to an astonishing kindness. It’s a secret as to my love for 

ancient blue and yellow baskets exceedingly different and quite special. From a song I made up composed as a child singing it alone outside at 4 years old. What a remarkable day to have that silk little flag so meaningful in 2014 years later. 

Then I went to lunch after an aria I sang years beyond the age of 4, on my way to a fine risterante meeting the president of Iran. Iran is a European country in the Middle East of Europe, and I was so happy the president had a nice flight in -and time for me. 

Later I strolled back to the fine risterante and there was a stranger running at me hands first extremely fast  - I was in a very high are with 600 feet down over a rail of a little bridge into get something to eat. The person running at me was - scary. Two inches away was too close with their hands at my whole body - near the rail low-  that dropped far downward on to marble. Two inches- too close. 

Then I saw the person spinning like a top - stumbling and ravid running like a hopping bunny rabbit ravid and then the  a spin fast in circles low to the ground in a disjunctive way, like a ejected -discus -wobbling fast -and extremely low to the ground through the large number of many people that were dining at the same risterante too. 

The excitement of a fine lunch was an important time - daily minutes are important to find best in care about tiny plans. Full risterante and perfectly perfect was calming. 

Attempt was a shocking upset  of one scoundrel with perhaps 49 more in 2022 - here and there ? I could not see if it was a man or a woman. Spinning. And swerving and then rumpling like a ravid rabbit and gripping hand with a fast leap at me. 

2014 in Chicago Il, 

I had just tried phoning Larry Ellison at Oracle Corporation to meet with about a little Conceptual Design - I own as one of my designs, and the person who answers the phone said , Larry’s answering machine was not working and they were the security and cleaning Oracle Corporation  while, they could take a message and give it to Larry Ellison. I was in direct contact with Larry in 2013 and he called me. It was a sketch he liked that I worked at sketching and not exactly perfectly noting Oracle while not blaming Oracle either, in a sketch I created - noting some Oracle issues then possibly. 

Did they fly out of Oracle Corporation on a pole yet in said security ?

In Chicago Il, time is scheduled with care in my tiny desk I plan well. After all, I am alone at my project plans over 30 years solely working. Employing zero. Unlike Larry Ellison as I hope Larry’s answering machine is working properly now. Large corporations with the same small phone are with same types of space for answering phones in storage of answering machines home or large corporations.  A phone has a answering massage area real for each travel phone with online smart technology. 

My first cellular travel phone I purchased was in 1997. 

I strolled calmly into the risterante as looking carefully at the pure marble entry of steps that went far down to 600 feet ,..dropping down to a very hard solid marble floor,  and in one of the finest USA buildings known.  I sat and ate a fine lunch and couldn’t image, in full risterante I enjoyed returning too and everything was delightful, a quiet ambiance of soft chatter was calming in such a busy city of 35 million traveling in and thriving of work and worthy a lull. 

I couldn’t imagine : 

The city of Chicago Il with no employment and I sang even more and lectured some in exhibition there a few months. 

Spinning in ravid circles ? Where ? Of who? 

2014 -was also with the events I worked on for my international YELLOW FLOCK exhibition - and more in compositions in music too. Among a few other projects top secret. I still have the beautiful 

YELLOW art insignia I designs in 2014 for 

YELLOW FLOCK which was only a week long - minuette of pure unadulterated  music- properly for any age - with extensive exhibitions ongoing in a overlapping project which I developed.

 Busy as unusual.

SPIN TOP TOY  for top desks smallest and large at home desks too. It’s a wonder toy. 

shipped  under $6.00 spinning  and spinning with skill too in every effort of a spin top - to purchase. 

SPIN - moves in a wide swaggle like a ravid swerve wobbling even spinning more trailing far slower as the spin- stops farther off the desk or table top every time. 

A desk work worthy and tediously at times. Fun ? 

Spinning tops - no string. 

and no string launch unlike a toy yo-yo that was designs before 1970 and quite difficult to learn a classic childrens yo-yo maneuver in a suspension  low to the ground - of the yo-yo small toy - at the low spring of the hand thrust down off a string to the side walk strolling pace of age 4 or more to a “ Walk The Dog “ yo-yo special sport of only 

yo-yo champions - explaining a yo-yo sport maneuver of age 4 in many practice days is not easy. A yo-yo toy needs real focus to get it just right. 

yo-yo film soon. With a selection of real yo-yo toys designed before 1970. 

it is a yo-yo toy silly and not a dog actually as to suspend the yo-yo is difficult to learn over months.

more: on my Cylindrical  Ciggerette Cake 

with Rootbeer Ice Cream Soda Pop, Love  to sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia, or Stylvester Stallone sleeping 

with blue skys north, south, east, and west.

Intention, to purchase a spin top designed earlier than 1960 and hope for postal delivery properly to my mail box with a bit of joy. At least. 

Spin toys are not light speed, while highly visible in the spin - and no spite, spritely like spit grills with no spit - spin toys are highly visible in every imaginable way. 

spin ? 

It is August  27th 2022 at 9:08 pm eastern standard time in the NY within the country of the USA. 

A day to enjoy the leisure of efforts ? Is with only seven days in a week= 4 weeks into a month and 12 whole months into a whole year. 352 days = one year.  

352 day = one year.  

Employment full time = 40 hours per week. Standards of employment details are with employers that assure employed people a same schedule each week.What a luxury of care in FULL TIME employment, to know the greater of a true existence with liesure of better a 2022. Full time work-  same time same place is most usual of an ease to enjoy. One hour over 8 hours per day in employment laws of  ethics in the USA is with time and a half pay for the extra hour at $22.50 per that extra hour over the normal time of 8 hours per day is if you are paid $15.00 per hour of course - 8 hours x $15.00 ( as some are at a minimum wage per hour of $15.00 ) is $600.00 per week- then if the owner of a company inquired to ask an employee to concider working an extra hour due to maybe someone that called to say they are going to be late - not many are late and wish to lose wages - employers are trying their best to not over spend on over time hours of pay while extremely good to be able to pay a wage well enough. Over 8  hours - to the person who decided to work one hour extra if -asked please,…  perhaps in an email to assure the right schedule of the actual person who was asked to work and extra hour -to work perhaps the extra hour maybe, or -No. Is an option to reply to the request to concider working an extra hour at the same actual working details for an hour more. 

I have guests arriving for dinner -  is a possible reply. 

Or - no can do, I am washing my hair.  Or simply -that’s impossible for me today-I am  busy catching up with the Yates. Gotta go. See you tomorrow. 

Owners schedule well in good business and with hopes to great employment professionalism too. 

Of course the Magic 8 Ball  can answer any question. 

Magic 8 Ball questions and answers are quizzical for a toy game called Magic 8 Ball  -as a toy made for 6 year olds into fun at all ages. MAGIC 8 BALL

Magic 8 Ball is a toy that I enjoyed as an 8 year old child from  the great toy company Mattel ( battel is the

pronounciation in Europe, for some words spelled with M are prounounces in some countries can be with a soft B sound like bpattel,  And not maatel b’aatel , can be perplexing in languages studied in so many countries. But a softly spoken b as in battel that is spelled Mattel. 

While Magic 8 Ball is m’ as in Magic mmmmm 

Not B’ . 

The Magic 8 Ball is with a tiny portal window much like a very small octogone key hole window within a hard plastic ball -and only a small amount of water inside that doesn’t  spill if you gently shake the ball - and look into the key hole octagons shaped window with near no light inside  -to veer into the small octagon shaped portal window and look for a chip shaped like a small stone octagon with a few answers on each of the 8 sides that answer your infinit questions. That set way for perplexity ? To each child at 6 or more of humour in tea time too.  Nearly  in only a shadow that is contained inside a toy fit for a child’s hand to place upon a shelf to keep forever. Toy can be a memory of fun delight in quizzical equations - beginnings simply good.  Carefully asking the ball a question - one of 8 answers appears to answer your silly child like question. 

As a philosophical intellectual toy for one person of any age - to find humor in Magic 8 Ball for Children or Grown Ups. Perplexing and quizzical.   

Quizical they are ?  Are what exactly? What do you mean? Purchasing a Magic 8 Ball at any age is with a bit of fun for all age. What you might learn from a Magic 8 Ball  is perplexing forever. 

While childern gain preparedness, the Magic 8 Ball is a wonderful desk ornament too. Lengthy theory can be written about such a toy. Small, smaller, smallest a quizzical puzzle for age 6 to all ages too. 

Perplexing ? No. Quarterly reports are not perplexing at all, and tediously a detail in just cracking eggs and seeing that pancakes are pancakes ? 

The menu:  PANCAKES 

Is it with real maple syrup from country of Canada, or was it from the USA state of Vermont. Perhaps at least sold by the bottle at least in Vermont and some cities in Canada - while maple flavored syrup is with good prices point to each and every person to afford a pancake breakfast with eggs just right and a few other good food accutiments, on the menu !

French fries at how much ? 

$4.00 for a large French Fry? $4.00 No thank you. 

Next order of business ? Try the pie ? At what price ?

Perhaps too again another day. 

No thank you.   

French fries are $4.00 ?

Wages to what ? Where ? Down the street there are 

$1.50 French Fries set atop a large plate with a fork and ketchup ready - plenty with ice water on the table.  Even a few items from the menu are worth talking about even if just ordering French Fries and free ice water. They have rice pudding, and amazing looking pancake breakfast too.  Rootbeer with Ice Cream ? 

What is the details of an employment job that is suitable enough and with hopes to many years of worthy work with good pay ? 

The windows are in need of cleaning perhaps ?

Just one minute -  ah, 

6 tables of four people in each table with pancake breakfasts coming up. 6 x 4= 24 pancake plates. With ice water of course - and coffee, juice, milk, and a side order of fried peach cobbler. That is a fine hour of work at $11.50 x 24 = $276.00 for the company revenue profits at 5:00 am beginning. After a very lethargic - early 2022, rolling into a busy happy reality is with -  a gulp, with many many people - purchasing hopefully to see through an excellent pancake breakfast every time, served with the utmost professionalism of quality pancakes consistently fresh every time. 

6:00 am ? 24 more pancake plates and 48 orders of pancakes to go? Possible ! Yes.   9:00 am ? Where are they ? Really? The pancakes? The company earned $1104.00 in two hours of great business. Where are they ? They who? 

In two hours the company profits were alright - and consistently in a few days at least could be more. 7 days at that many that liked the pancakes could be a few extra dollars to pay the wages and hope for a long profitable welcoming year.  7 days x ( multiply out 7 x $1104.00 = $7798.00 at two hours of great sales. ) open sign ?  Yes it’s in the door window -  hours of operation for stringent business - 5:00 am - 9:00 pm. 

let me clean the table and chairs before you sit down. Here is a menu -and ice water. I will give you a few minutes to look over the menu. 

Busy at 5:00 am again ? Hopefully.  9:00 am ? 


open seven days a week 52 weeks a year. Hopefully. 

7 x 52 weeks = $404, 496.00  that is four hundered thousand and four dollars - and four hundred ninety six dollars total sales revenue for 2 hours in one day. In direct sales revenue for the company if opened each week and with ship shape pancakes. 52 weeks ? Well, yes. One year  = 52 weeks / three months at 4 about weeks is a Quartet of the year. Four quarters of a year is three month x 4 quarters = 12 whole months which equals one year. Looking at a the whole 12 months of one year is very important. 

Two employees ? Day shift ?  Pick up your plate at the counter perhaps ? 400 panacakes ? 45 minutes? 

Menu and hours in a clean window seen outside from a sidewalk -are helpful to hope for more business in customers that return quietly to look over choices to purchase and dine. 

Will business rely on those people just looking and arrive to return while telling others? Telling others how clean the powder  room was and how nice people were when I was mussed a bit from a long drive- spilled coffee on my new trousers and messy hair - with some car tire dirt on my hands looking over tire pressure. Wearing a blouse for a whole month in Spain was to save water and the blouse was clean. 

Are you liesure ready for 

Indian Summer in Winter 2022? 

Are you going to Indian Summer Events ? 

Forever? With a dirt bike ? En how ! Even if I only own one blouse to wear daily. 

With ethical standards that are for good properly real employment standards of regulation compliances that which  are important in many ways = improving professional quality of worthy employment are something of employers to know and care? 

Clearly a sign in the window of hours open or motor lodges that have prices listed to read outside and availability of a room or rooms ?  Menu on window visible outside to read - at least. Window menu- ah, good little place even to talk about if not time to stop at - is exciting to return more. Yes - welcome hello. 

Seven days are the week in full= five days a week work of 8 hours each day = is 5 x 8 = 40 hours work days per week into a 52 week year of real standards in employment work. 

What are the prices listed on the menu ? Is their a menu with prices listed on the outside to read for some that might return to the area again. In drive through areas items must be readable before ordering. 

52 weeks = one year. = 352 days that is. With ? Leisure a must in two days a week off for each person employed as a ethical standard. 8 hours a day work standards ethically is with one whole hour of the 8 hours to have a break. That could be 1/2 hour plus 2 fifteen minute breaks -  for liesure and lunch or dinner if working later.  

The one hour of break time is a requirement ethic to be paid in the hourly wages that is the same as the other seven hours. 

8 8 8 8 8 ‘ - 1 1 1 1 1 break each day, working 7 hours and then a hour for lunch paid as an hour of work in wages is the ethical rule.  With your hourly wage paid at the end of each work week as ethical standards require within employment lawful structure. 

Paid lunch ?  Not exactly ! Wages per hour ! And then standard prices for any purchases is the ethical standards. With enjoyment to stand on the other side of the counter and be with the cares that each customer receives too in ordering and paying for your items - pie maybe.  Even owners pay for their lunch and can afford it.  Hopefully so. 

While bringing your brunch tote or going to get a fast meal at another store or grocery is a choice - hurry. Return with fast enough.  Business needs dependable cares to assure customers too. Maybe you. While owners schedule breaks for employees and good for everyone to assure. Breaks are important. 

Customers excellence in customer service too. 

$15.00 per hour x 40 hours per week at 8 hours per day at 5 days per week = $600.00  per week in earned wages to that of your employment detail to uphold in a ethical reality. How = is an Indian word for hello. 

I can hardly wait to tell you the surprises I have to devulge about real - ancient holiday plans for 

Indian Summer. Soon Indian Summer will arrive. 

prepared math equations are good in the events of 

Indian Summer - late this year in 2022. 

What is Indian Summer ? en how ?

 It’s in the details. Soon. 

$600.00 a week in wages in ethical standards and stabilization of business in ice cream sales are much to be excited about in Indian Summer en how events.  

What is the tax retirement amount that is tax of a retirement for each employee in the USA in any company that is set into a social security retirement  tax amount -  from employee tax that employers pay out from a -wage employers pay that goes to the employee? For retirement at age 65, with a substantial other retirement of dollars- derived from some other taxes in a good retirement to stabilize assured reality. $600.00 minus how much ? 

The percentage is not very large but important to review your wages paid to you at the end of each work week. In your wage information from each owner of a company to  assure the full information of wages -  including hours and rate of pay and the percent of dollars into retirement - USA federal withholding of retirement tax of wage earnings.

 Important wage receipt to assure people employed in jobs are important. 

Your personal finance is important. 

$600.00 x 4 weeks work at 40 hours per week =

 $2400. 00  8 hours work x 5 with an extra 8 hours per day to life and leisure, daily 8. That’s 8 8 8 per day in hours = sleep 8, of course. more to needed sleep in all the best most comfortable ways. 8 hours sleep is very important actually true.  Banana pancake ? Thank you. 

Yes. Coco or coffee ? Coco with coffee. Yes. Milk please. Good good. 

24 hours are the hours in each day. 24. Of course. 8 8 8.

12 months of wages at 40 hours per week, x $15.00 per hour each day and each week = 52 weeks in each year is $28, 000.00 per year achieved in efforts of worthy ethical working standards. 

Savings are extremely important in each and every person to count pennies. Save well. 

Watch out for that pond - it was a real alagator, and then you might need a wheel chair from Walgreens Drug Store - with good feelings to get to work too. 

Wheel chair ready and shipped in less than 24 hours or hop to your car like I did when I fell, and buy a wheel chair. Maybe leaning in a silly looking way on a snow shovel in your automobile. Or a pole, while not a tad pole. Temporarily hopping to your car on a pole from a mop perhaps with the sponge that twists off. Not bad, with wheel chair to get to work. Drive. 

Asprin Ready and a fine hop to a 

Wheel Chairs that fold well. 

Ice down any swelling and then purchase an ace bandage in Walgreens and wrap snuggly. 

A foot brace can be purchased at Walgreens too. 

Walgreens USA ships everywhere in the world. 

Food delivery is possible. Walmart and some other groceries are shipping foods. If needed. 

Alagators ? In a pond near oceans can be perplexing- stand back. Off alligator goes into a swampy pond where alagators thrive.  If you should need a wheel chair- cabs are great to phone and get to a store such as Walgreens to buy a wheel chair if needed for a few weeks to assure your little wound gets better.  12 weeks is a standard for any torn ligaments in any muscle area. 

Sitting if needed. 

12 weeks with a bit of tedious wheel chair - lugging and still with your employment is a great reality in assuring your structure of employment or quality retirement forever.  The wheel chair folds in any car to stow and go. 

WALGREEN drug store is with peoples that are employed well enough  that made enourmous efforts in humanitarian reality in the USA. 

with a great selection of other quality goods and low prices on some foods too.  Even causmetic totes. Lite shoes, and a few t- shirts. 


Indian Summer in Winter 2022.  En how ? 

I love INDIAN SUMMER. Soon sooner. Soonest. 

It’s not here nor there yet. No, it is not yet. 

Before Details about Indian Summer 2022, I have a few little concerns in some unnecessary more mortifying dc contentions within the USA of attempts again of bile within the USA in very few bile that were the root of a cause of dismal harror of areas to propel a  plagued in upset far more of harsh than words to mince into placement of fortitude of peoples while few of bile wormed in frolicking - in unethical concern of coining others worth - to reflect no ethical reality with known intention of boldly - being invisibly vicious.

Of course the greater peoples of the USA realize the dc bile seemed too slow and fluffy - to viciously harm  a USA or international countries and yet did. 

Causing no relief of many USA needs in ethical choices of business and more in a plague of desperation - and a giggle in the work day all day every day every minute ignoring the extremely large responsibility to the USA countries Oval Office while - paid in large sums at a cost accumulation of over $6 million in two years of mortifying disaster they caused -upsetting achieved worthy efforts and threats towards the USA peoples and all peoples. 

Briefly- USA news is a extreme concern to the peoples of the USA and even harmed others internationally in lies of cultural reality and lies much more harsh too. No film either. Wrong language translations of other countries too. Mattel is not a Battle 

It is Mattel toy company that has been in business for over 60 years. Pronounced in Europe Battel. The harm in small lies and large lies is eaqually a threat to the global economies in many ways that are very harsh of a fragile USA of greater peoples.  And Greater of international peoples too. 

News wrong with intent unethically to viciously continue unethically news -beyond the Oval Office 2022 mortification to the USA and internationally that date back a ways before in dc.2022, turned a hellish nightmare on to the USA peoples, from. a few in the USA including dc bike - still causing frazzling -in in even air flight concerns that are not looking to be in a compliance of the international regulations in part. 

Astronomical damages in the USA to more than revenue to air lines in the USA are very upsetting to me while getting better. 

cohort dc bile associated - affiliated- of influenza and what elce ? fluzelwieabialiantws?Again ?

While automobiles in the USA are in good working condition now in 2022 for nearly all. With some very special thank many in international levels including the international country of Russia in belief of the peoples of the USA - too. Thank you is real to all of other countries of many many peoples that care and like the USA of all kinds of peoples too, and peoples excellence in humanitarian efforts quite large effects in tiny details of even bubbly soapy cleaning with discerning efforts which made a large difference.  When is the next issues of lies in news that harmed the USA drastically directed at everyone including international people honored well. Is it personal news? Is there a woman named conda ? That took a name that was then tarnished by her in her lies. Does she have birth record or tad pole records in her mishap of distruction she caused too. Using a fake last name that tarnished very good peoples briefly as in my Great Great grandmothers good reputation that is with the actual last name RICE. 

Where are the actual photographs of people in hospitals in the USA during 2020 into 2022 earlier this year- in a mortifying issue that-  were caused by bad people to the extreme concern in a spread of disease - and harmed the USA in minutes of mortification lengthy of minutes days and years lost, in ways upsetting and very viciously perpetuated - and lied about some USA peoples to deversional mayhem. 

Then  a further, what ?

Some recently - then a few dc bile reeped villages in damages of another consorted mortification  in the USA pointing at nice people that had difficulty.  Some people were approached by harmful bile that scoured the USA in a pack of police that are not ethical at all in any and were dismantled in 2014 throughout most of the USA that left flying bandits with ambulance cash ripping bandits too.  Attempts to threaten people with lies about them - to distort and extort - even a delay of pleasant life to enjoy to some individuals - shoes bank cards cars and more - were the focus of  taking from people in lies to extort from even young people in new jobs and any age - police attempted to shovel people under. Even for a day - with contempt for humanity and ethical real greater USA people. State troop  who ? Attempting to verbally riffle anyone or gash faces to prove they are mean green eating maggots. Now with a real long list of wrong they have mustard of their unethical efforts in 2022. Currently still pointing fingers at others - whom were perhaps - savvier now and with a whole greater USA, with success too. 

Nice people that rushed to make efforts of real cares in so many ways and employment in 2022 going better now too is a greater reality of efforts to be proud of and enjoy more within a sometimes somber - care - of humanity of greater peoples ethically swaying to a good 2022 Indian Summer in Winter to remember well 2022. 

In all greater - expressions - this memo was never actually meant to be existent in my notes or expressions of a much greater of - plethora. 

The relentless, mortifying in the few bile of dc,.. might end up on hassrebuttlesewi - island to invite you, 

It would be somewhat odd  to simply think something such as a sit and spin - visible to realize with certainty of people  perpetual unethical types in over lengthy wrong still in 2022 - that intend mortifying- unethical destruction even in spaghetti sauce companies that are excellent and possibly were missing some of their bank reports in par none and then employees with par none. 

Look a bit at sit and spin the toy for children created before 1968. Imagining a grown up with a spring coiling loop like spin is visible - low cranium extreme tapering off into trail, trailing off like a large leaping bunny. Hurtling two foot hop a while- perhaps circling their car visibly and a loop more spin sit and spin style. 

Yelling- not how or hello dolly- but wo- nellerre. 

Maliciously there are a few in the USA that lied in ways confounding in unfathomable harm a few with vicious intent they intentionally -intended. Some are ( tea toddlers looking at times one or two or three ) -too in dc bile / men / women ?  coxcombs sand experts too. Spreading fleas. With teath ? Was there a tail on the kite of your house key or automobile key or work key maybe phone filament, that relayed wrong news - ? Phone relay robotics? Issues in the USA ? 

Call center- calling whom ?  of one bile conhorting -or perhaps a few which squatted in the Oval Office 

desk- to damage the USA,  tampored in relay (fraudulent call )  calling

 ( fraudulent switched calls ) adding more wrong with letters of illigally printing your name ? 

Many have good jobs now that may have not known about some bad people hiring them- 

Efforts of astonishing greater worth are good achieved ethical standards in great efforts not always easy, with cares to peoples everywhere in assured worthy employment. 

The USA employment success is at a better reality more than before and going pretty well. 

Fluctuations in strengthening stabilized USA is good as a reality to keep in mind. I know peoples in all countries think about each village of people to even enjoy drives everywhere if there is time. 

Indian Summet might be an event all over the world in a lovely care of a vaste good whole world within all countries of many various cultural prevalence - of proudly good peoples of all countries everywhere. 

$4.00 for French Fries ?  Muntnoma. The travelers drove a thousand miles and ice melted in a tote so well packed of foods gone - to face what ? 

In 2018 I myself placed an online order to Walmart and needed to have diet cola I enjoy well, and could not drive that day to buy - the canned soup ready to ship at Walmart in 2018 at a high price actually too much and I prefer making my own soup mostly if time- while the cola cola price at Walmart was $699.00 for 6 cans of 12 oz. cola and not shipped was the sign on-line then. 

Tampoered inside Walmart or was it a techno jerk - in the USA teamed to perpetuate unregulated teaching in what ?  to unethical harm towards any. Girrilipadisheshex? Fist of foe ?

no no, I say - Not  to contend. Forever. 

I received an empty box from apple phone purchase from Walmart several months ago in 2022, and will expel ( more minute of time= expel) to take extra minutes to get my money refunded -yet the minutes of time are gone now -  and not replaceable in any way. 

Jerry  Garcia is a music composer with a lovely song I shall enjoy well to note later. It’s perfectly perfect - really. From South America. It would not be quite the place within this memo to see Jerry Garcia’s song sweetly a delight. It’s not a delightful reflection of a memo in USA of bile and news bile facing a swift spin perhaps. 

My memo is more reflective of a love toward villages all. In the country of the USA too. 

I was so pleased one day talking to this very kind fellow from far travels he made to meet me as he traveled from  South  America. We had such a nice lite conversation. I was enjoying coffee and breakfast out nearly twice a week, and inexpensive too, when my friend from South America arrived for a few weeks renting a motor lodge room.   Some lite stroll to breakfast early at 5:00 am  some times, and a polite hello to my friend was nice.  

Taking about the distance of the stars in the sky and great refreshing water with ice from tap in a full drinking glass of pure unadulterated ice water - delicious in a quench. The pancakes were extrodinary too. I was with a South American gift too. A fine pinYata filled with South American candy.  I had not seen a real pinyata since my birthday at age 5 which was increadibly so speical to me - from my mother who planned my hour of cake and ice cream rainbow punch  made with Hawaiian Punch and orange sherbet ice cream.  She made such a special effort in fine drinking glasses with little handles of brightly fine ribbon bows on each glass. With a giant punch bowl filled with foamy orange sherbet drink and a drink scoop ladle spoon. A memory I cherish forever. She is lovely. 

My friend from a country in 

South America is special too. 

400 years later and a real punyata again- was nice. Strait  from South America - directly carried from his flight.  My friend so nicely gave me the lovely vibrant pinyata filled with sweets so lovely due to my mother too so bright   of a vibrancy in cares of a - piƱatas of South America  and in Europe too, again even today and forever. 

Trains can be busy with commuter trains hoisting through to get to work, with millions of peoples in larger cities. Traveling by train I have met many peoples. As my office in a large city once was  close to the Cuban Cigar shop in a extremely tall rather brilliantly designed and erected tallest of building -  mundane beauty in design of a sturdy regulation standard of compliance in erecting a fine  building. 

My office on the 25th floor was busy.  Train commuter - right under my feet then- 26 floors down into a sub-  level  floor just one floor lower than the street level floor where the side walk entry doors are at floor level one - then trains enter that very specially designed building at the sub- level floor - not on the 25th floor of course, not 25 floor down -26 floors down actually and strain to the train home then, in the lowest floor of the busy building. Sub- level one. 

Meeting people from South America, such as 

Jerry Garcia from South America who keeps busy 

working in Chicago Il, keeping busy at a full time job then, Jerry is also with some fine music recording well known, and Karl Marx from the USA too, and other people from other countries too, was also with over nine million on my 6:00 am commuter train daily. 

Politely. Spacious . Next train in 15 minute was always good. Very good. 

It was very good to see my old friend from South America for breakfast outings and Dutch Treat= as ordering seperate and both toting our own wallet in hand before getting in our seperate order = Dutch Treat  is seperate to order and pay for your own seperate fine lunch DUTCH TREAT is exciting. 

What is the problem ? 

2013 of my friend from South America visiting with a fine gift pinyata , with cares, 

as later  I walked to a coffee shop and purchased a coffee and breakfast as usual for the week. A new woman, and a man cooking up breakfast new too - behind the counter that prepared my order said-  that man, you were talking to, so well from South America Died. 

I went home in tears.  Later finding out that she actually lied. And didn’t even work in the building. Unknowing to  who she was or why.  Why a whole little breakfast shop lied ? Where did they go ? Employees of the shop? Where are they ? With employment I hope. 

My friend from South America -  waited for me to arrive on a fine sailing trip that I arrived to even in one upsetting  flight. 

A man in 2022 - was reporting news in the USA and claimed to be a director in the state department in Washington DC and was verbally riffling the employees there too and a whole country of people in the USA in very vicious lies. He was seen trying. Bulldoze trains too with lies of derailed trains and no connector train - no cab no rental car -  Him  and a few others attempting to extort money and minutes from USA people. Bile dc  are in a suspended reality in the Oval Office of bile liers and vicious activities that did harm all USA people, even in lies about some of the finances of retired peoples and that of pensions of the USA millitary and established assets ( homes and types of owned goods,  saved money, and some extended finacial types of things, including automobiles, boats, cameras etc,… ( more). 

Even some bile that attempted to lie about some types of investments - pushing some from job comfort and then - attempts to give out plastic cards worthless.

Did you have a banking error ? USA bile attempted again in 2022 in tamporing with banking regulations in a very serious issue in the USA from

Bile in - contenders - with upset to many peoples and companies that in 2009 -into when ?  Large upsetting harror in the villages of so many people is unconscionable. 

Postal issues too in attempts in tamporing in electronics in bile dc USA of only a few people that have attempted to a relentless maliciousness in cohorted unethical real issues.  

 Some  cuddle with a huddle to carry that bile of hey a long while. A few. 

There may have been some- that were held back  long enough - in slow motion ? To review  the instant recordings like foot ball while the greater concern might have had a few on a tester totter - with upset, of even automobile issues- made to walk too far, or holding hands with a astro AI investment jerky - plaguing news disease to pile cash into a wrong billiard pocket and lost assets ? Or lost pennies that fell into wrong hands. 

Recap in football ? Yes. 

“ Who” of just a football instant replay film in 2022 ? 

Magic 8 Ball- which replay is it? Current 2022 ? 

Excuse me I have to take a break - it’s a close dance date with Danny Kaye who’s been waiting a long time to lunch and fine tune our feet. 

The Joffrey Ballet in Chicago had their hand extended all the way out in both directions recently.

Sylvester Stallone thanked me after arriving in my exhibition in NE W YORK city.  I clocked ( found importance in so many people ) people that arrived by millions very quickly.  

Clocked = ( Counted a greater humanity of people ) over 7 hundred billion that are wonderful and timely to have enjoyed my NYC international exhibition of peace solidarity with economical ethics and cultural care. That’s a hole lot of pancake orders. 

Sylvester Stallone, is with serious 

emails I will post soon in a fine note. 

See a clip of a very upsetting movie that Sylvester Stallone created in 1985 -unusually it is for me to look towards a fighting of injustices with any type of teeth gaurd made of rubber and fellas trying to make cash - with no shirt in sight. As harsh as Roller Derby in the 1960s at Madison Square Garden. Televised and not very nice show as only one time tv show never again seen on television. 

Sylvester arrived in Newark New Jersey at one of my exhibitions in songs and lectures of good fortitude and greater business  of wages and worth.  Sylvester stood behind me - with a kind minute to even buy me lunch - so sweetly. While I had to see to assuring our lunch- arrived somehow. 

Then assure trains were rolling. At least. 

Rocky in his movie in 1985 - was a movie 

then and now in recording online too. 

What kind of love came from my exhibitions in peace and economics lectures with even my written arias I did sing, of care - personal unusual exhibition worthy, was enough for Sylvester Stallone to have arrived back to his home town in Newark New Jersey in 2016 In 2015  I arrived alone and nearly no one was readily arriving  in 2015 with elevators empty and the lovely Newark Train Station nearly empty for a while and some bad idiots verbally riffling people even more. I stayed a while more - while Newark people served up a fine sandwich and fine coffee I purchased -and soon business was not bad as I liked it so much I returned to the lovely city where Stylvester Stallone grew up and likes too as I remember Sylvester taking well about Newark New Jersey USA every minute. Stylvester and I might practice some ballet one day. While it was wild  how lovely people like Stylvester Stallone retuning to his lovely home town in  Newark Nee Jersey.  

Many others too  are so extraordinary. The outrageous - love of great customer service - busy. Wages worthy too -Ice Cream Rootbeer Floats  couldn’t get better -

 as next year too Rootbeer all around, with the best ice cream scooped into an imported shipped soda glass ? With a gold rim soda glass from the 

The country of Germany of the 

German Pilsner soda glass- gold rim, perfection.

What nice people to think of such care in just 

Rootbeer soda and inexpensive - for a sweet more. 

It was a pleasure to be in the city of Newark New Jersey USA alone in solidarity as a part of my lengthy exhibition and friends arrived from all over the world - even purchasing some fine lunch, even the president of country of Japan.  

And what a surprise to me. Japan! 

Clip   Of Stylvester Stallone’s movie 1985. As a contender - for boxing. 

Not created for television or my valentines note. 

While the Joffrey Ballet : 

As too say  - in the recent August 30th 2022 message from the  Joffrey Ballet from Chicago Il, USA, too is with emails of some lovely kind decency too. And an effort in humanity too in ways unseen within a quick glance.

* Too ( not the meaning of two as in 2 the number 2) 

The blue sky too, are  a delightful part of a brilliantly fine day of liesure. Too ? Or 2 or to the grocery market I shall travel today unlike yesterday. 

Japanese translation ? Not yet a translation in the elegant Japanese language of USA words to speak of. 

It was a long time ago that the Joffrey Ballet theater invited me to dance in the center of ballet in Chicago Il, 1998 - and with messages and invites often and even today. Remarkable lovely they are. With a further note more soon on the sweet note, unhindered of contention as too with Stylvester Stallone., and  of the  ballet theater perhaps in Moscow Russia known for the very finest in ballet. World renowned excellence in ballet and of pencil worthy ethical work notable and well at length far before toe shoes fit perfectly perfect. 

Mentioning today that,  I can’t find my very good friend of the Joffrey Ballet who is a fine person and good friend years back in 1997. 

Where are you? Email soon. Please, please. 

Some mail I received in 2022 was with concern to anyone in the USA that might - be upset in a home need with a HUD subsidy, or another letter with some wrong  Hud letter - harassing people with subsidized home, assurances and type of credit card offer and attempted to even print your name -  in no ethic to print your name on a card that you did not apply for.  Online google types of wrongs in ethical areas has been serious- bing too? Did bile get in to dc after online tamporing ? Or just tv and radio in the USA and news papers - letter frauds and pamphlets or credit card -  illigally offering what ? Some even in online tamporing and fished into computer notes offline? Pounding blame towards anyone - and attempting to - point to international peoples -  as they were USA few bile blasting unethical news- even many in personal news towards USA peoples of the good bad and the uclaylee.

Bile Involved with attempts in no regualitional ethical compliances in credit cards as a ho ho card -  empty ? With concerns of bad job offers to many unsuspecting to - troubles,  and people upset at card issues that are not regulational ethical standards in banking are very concerning in the USA ? Zip to whos banks then ? Who was 

zipping what ? 

In the last few months of 2022 I was with pesky issues

a bit harrowing- . Slowing down my listening to minuette film shorts emailed from exceedingly many peoples,  and a delay on other important projects and my very special importance in my note online  - with my home entry  hall way of tramplers and some tramplers in pesky concerns at Walmart self check out unlike any other time -of years I have enjoyed shopping at Walmart and other stores too.  

Information lies about- phone charges with conserns in standard ethical real billing ethically has been a cancour of contentions in wrong billing and no customer serious that repaired the issues about my phone and home online services a few months back - and some very vicious in DC bile - with investments biles associates and affiliated aphids - in piles of issues they caused ongoing. 

- to the USA peoples and with extreme concern in wrong billing and a redundancy in 2022 of a malicious merrage of wrong. Extended issues of the basic types of service known as municipality basics of phones and other municipalities of the USA which have been ignored if the ethical standards in ethical billing and qualitative services of standards in regulational ethics to that within the USA constitutional Laws to basically viciously set forth harm to all people and repeatedly -  in a ignored compliances of ethical standards towards basic monthly service charges regulations and standards  to that to - a repair in expectations of all peoples of the USA of  reviewing the extremely harmful unethical over charging peoples -  and non compliance intent of harm to peoples - reviews of the harror caused in small and large villages - areas of regulational ethical concerns as adversely harrowing people of the USA and anyone internationally that travel to the USA is a large horrible issue.  When a light bulb is switched on it is on in light speed. Like the sun - look up into the sun and use a hat to cover your eyes - or blink.  Sun shine is of far away, much farther than most people can actually fully note.  How far? Light speed is with constant online services and phones too. Heating too. Like a stove turned on. With no extra cost to any types of bit price chopped into any - extra prices  ever. Constantly light speed. Just like the sun.  One service price is a reality of ethics and has a price that has a requirement to that of ethical standards that are incredibly important as is accurate information to fully qualified people that can reasonable understand and repair compliances in ethical standards toward all USA people and of course any international people traveling in. 

The USA peoples can request a required review of the unethical matter in these contentious issues as who is actually tamporing in 2022 now? 

And of current concerns - news reports too.

When dialing the country of France in Europe from the USA is with more numbers to dial - two more numbers beyond the 123-456-1234 ( ten numbers, for your phone number )  country code is 2 more numbers and then sometimes ( one ) other digit number is required. 

Phone statements are with all calls listed to that of the person called as their records of the phone service they pay for are required. Billing ?  Ethics ? 

As other countries outside the USA have two more numbers and same standard price with inclusion of online services that are included with the traveling phone that has an online connection. 

And no such thing as dropped calls in online anything with a speed of light to get a web area to read. It’s not a stop light -and is with some bile interfering illigally in the USA wrong within a few USA people pushing wrong and lying about anyone. brutal issues caused to the USA peoples are from bile and bile dc with a consortium of very bad humans.

Recent issues remain with texting messages that have been wrong text word bleekers and some deleted text messages and some not- sent and switched to who? 

Was there a marriage of figero with a few extra children ? or ?  Kankakehe = callers? Kanka as in cancour sore of disease in lies about some pretty nice greater USA possibly not even knowing what was said and from who ?  Was your name conda again and again or what? In the cdc ? With cdc sites listing unethical news about dole pinapple company is very seriously wrong too. 

The pinapple company just sold the most pinapple than ever in the history of time in 2022  and served up excellent quality pinapple in each tin.

Dole company made extra humanitarian efforts to see people with ease of foods in the earlier part of 2022 and then with a bit of fun recipes pinapple sales were enormously wonderful and steadily selling well 

as a favorite to keep a tin in the pantry everywhere in the world. 2020 - 2022 of February into March - Dole was  simply with hope to preserve the revenue of their hood company and assure good wages to good employees. 

Radio is free, standard regular tv is free.  

It’s not perplexing.  Is it  Risky ? I have no idea. 

A few phone calls this year were with - very serious lies  

of invisable peoples ( thought to be invisabe ) calling others and me in  meaning to do harm unethically.

I was told that people I know and love died. 

Someone said to me at a lunch outing in 2022 that it is important to feel the news is relevant.  I said: sometimes it is important to think that the news could be lies and with people unknowing - to how damaging some intended with malicious intend. 

On September 1st 2022 today the 

villages all in the USA are better. Remarkable even.

A  USA mortified in wrong of only one village is a not good. Or was it the woman behind in the shop telling lies. Or callers that called and told me lies about death and that of mortifying concerns. Even about a car I paid for from insurance people that did wrong in auto insurance issues and have no right to keep my fully paid for damaged car. 

In a village small, forest greenly brilliant all year - ten pancake shops full. And roads of plenty in sales into 352 days a year - Breakfast served hot off the grill.  

Where is a table for a good breakfast? I don’t know. 

Maple syrup from the state of Vermont. Yes. Canadian syrup pure maple syrup ? Yes. Wonderful breakfast. Good yes. 

Repair the grill ? No. Just use the trip switch ( a trip switch is in a box on a wall for most homes to flip the switch on if needed in any electrical outlet plug in area that seems to be not working all the sudden) looking in the door of the little box - a switch circuit - lever is usually at on - not off, and flipping the switch on and off and on - in the electric box can solve issues usually in any electrical matter, and then switch the egg and pancake grill to heat the grill properly

Or use coal. 

Did you realize that some moon data can detect fragments of hairline  cracks in tiny Diamond under ground at lest. Assuring not to have an avalanche of dust is important. 

Microscopic moon data by moon light or sun light is regularly with instant reels. Somewhere.

While looking at metal detectors in sand areas of people walking sand areas with metal detectors 

looking for gold bullion 

Or coins such as a penny under sand - or rock - or a germination point of Giminy Cricket - moon information can see far. Butter flies flying  over the USA can be spotted even. Canada too, South America too. Infrared - exrays are from the 1860’s or Earlier ? 

Where are the exrays to the broken ligaments to match the actual USA medical what ? Billing in Taxes paid by peoples all over the USA? In moon data ? 

Reels reels and reels - bad bullion in head lock ? 

 I should ask 

Sylvester Stallone maybe. Head locks ? Or a full Nelson ?  Which is more appropriate on the foe platforms and ready to Box? With a full Nelson? 

I would rather purchase butter scotch. 

The greater of USA peoples are extremely brilliant and even through sorrow that may have been wrongly lengthy and horrific. .  Somber the fields of green softly a meadow to be is a tender love lovelier too, with much better summer 2022 at a good steady step -  afforded of nothing less an years of good natured of humanity and a reach to a fortitude of greater the USA Evermore. 

Excuse me - phones ringing - it’s Mick Jagger.  Unmoments = one monument please. 

xo. To Mick Jagger With love.

 Indian Summer soon? 

Back to the extremely serious memo - to include the extremely serious efforts in the USA and of everyone in the whole world, as too, Mick Jagger and others too, in somewhat great bold  efforts that I wish to note further my dearest love with graces of lovely expressions further in humanitarian efforts of achieved excellence. 

While the greater of the details deserves - far beyond any mince from dc bile with a few outward bound - of humans intent to discordance of unethical dismal  of an enourmous contention within the USA. Efforts and achievement and fine liesure in the USA are going much better. Even motor lodges too as of August 3, 2022 after a minute I enjoyed noting some motor lodge notes I care about very well. 

What is to become of mince meat apples filler

Made from the very finest of peoples today 

  with only apples minced in spice - Turkey thrust upon your bellowing hallow of a hope,  if your whipperwillow learns to loom closer or flies far to a meadow swamp to flutter towards an alagator. 

 Hopefully all can see a film of a real whipperwillow. 

With a full purchase of your holiday foods by Indian Summer Holidays events. With perhaps chicken filet and mushroom sauce with piles of sliced fresh mushrooms and roasted potatoes in seasoning special - delightful - delicious - with salad - ambrosia of ancient recipe traditions somewhere, hot buttered bread slices thick baked fresh, green been crisply fried over a rice in local seasoning and sauce, and not a looming hungery a sweet whipperwillow. 

 News , I see, it’s a Devonshire - verse 

or verses of dismal discordance more in the USA? Did the perpetuation in news - of lies take on time consuming repetitive discord? 

Audits if people so desire to see their own earrings and banking of some assets of that which peoples earned and saved to their savings - as not in a pillow case stuffed with each dollar they earned to that which bank employed USA people must see through each little detail of international regulation ethical banking standards for the peoples of the USA - is serious for each and every USA person every village every where - to review penny by penny - banking accuracy - and other banking ethics of responsibility of bank employed people and USA regulatory compliances which people of the USA have concerns in. Even today. 

Possible - that seemed in loss and perhaps not a loss -  that may have had banking concerns that might have been lied to from a possible wrong budget report of needed budgetary accuracy of anyones personal assets as requested to see the bank records of your own banking -  actuate and ethically in compliances in each milisecond of money earned, spent, or saved- deposited. I was a board member to an organization in independent living - the director gave me a budget ledger and it was said to be cut off of the total - not penciled in either - 2005-  and I had to quit- as not to try and mutter through wrong monitary standards of others resoncibility. 

 Is your home paid and car paid too ?  Get the right information -  2022.  The USA has more to note well and even some areas to think more about. 

Math is great in a few calculations of payments made.

USA peoples are sharpening basic pencil details more as in interest and a care too. More and more. 

Unscrupulus  morgage title  company’s do what? Within which ethical regulatory standard in the USA of which ethical regulatory source of ethics where title companies directing their what   ?

Standard good banking within regulatory ethics offer mortgages ! USA . FDIC (is basically USA banking standards of regulatory assured to ethical standards within all international standard regulations of banking - to the responsibility of USA bank compliances) within USA constitutional ethics laws of regulatory ethical standards that are very important to the stability of the USA in of course economic care - beyond hope I hope.

Social security in the USA as in USA, has ease in gaining a way to get your social security card mailed to you with a request to the social security office online

 ( try extra well in taking time online to get your information needed ) as all children need a social security card in the USA and birth records with also 

Any real-  death records-  from the USA department of statistics in birth and death records of error have  updates are with restored records to update yourself - with a online email to the USA department of statistics, as to note that there were unethical mortifying harm in news and other ways of reported death of people in error - that are well enough - I myself am not the USA department of statistics or the USA social security department that employed a large number of people. Social security payments for individuals is working thankfully and that of gained retirement payments as well to those retired with even their earned money -effective. Now even a bit better. that today are still a national USA travesty of some faulxified reports - that dc bile and their few attempted to distort and divert others - with mortifying harror of unthinkable harm to the USA while USA bile - also attempting extort and  to distort cultural international countries and with mortification to the USA in covid 19 issues that were very real and a danger of disease to anyone in the USA and the world

With extreme losses of economic and more in even leisure to that of calm sensibility of holidays and strolling after midnight fun - at times forever a choice in a star lite night reality in the USA. 

While  birth records are important too -even if you did get the wrong birth record strangely - perhaps. 

The very notion of self plentitude - with new traditions maybe and a travel to a city you were born to enjoy photographs and good memories are important. 

Exactly where you were born and with your birth day of actual birth - are important, and can be requested at the USA department of statistics for USA citizens.  If you were born outside the USA in another country then you will be able to also  gain a copy of your passport that is required to all that live in the USA before you fly into other countries as born in. The birth passport for children are always required. Copies from the online passport service internationally may be with clarity of any concerning question and gain your passport if you do not already have it from a birth record as born in- living in the USA .  Photographs of births are exciting internationally or in the USA. Birth records are  not at a doctors office anywhere in the USA for the official birth record. 

Knowing  the address of the place you were born is exciting at any age. Childern must have a social security card as their ID of birth in the USA as they are peoples too of USA birth. All countries have birth records too. 

Usually a birth certificate from the department of statistics in the USA are needed. Mom and dads name goes on that record for childern as exactly too - where they were born with updated in real birth records-  no moomoo who ?  Moon data might be effective this year in 2022 info. Who wrote the book of love.  Was there an error in some way as to prior marriages and thus children of who ? it’s possible as a friend of mine arrived at an invited family reunion with no family in site. Were they family or was it the garden society in an invited respect and - perplexed too too - with 6 circling the flighty friends you might really have. Careful considerations of invites are important. 

While do note that bromo- cetlzer is for puffy tummy upset that can happen. Bromo- celtzer is a relief instantly from a huff,  of a puff of flesuesenxzer-eek. 

 Mono- nucleosis too, is a kissing disease. Be careful. Swollen lymph nodes, can be uncomfortable in the neck puffy with care the relief can be eased- relieved with Asprin, or  Tylenol pain reliever extra strength for grown ups and children over 12 years old.  Ginger ale or rootbeer  ice cream floats and a small ice pack wrapped in a clean wash clothe . Soup is also good - clear broth soup and not creamy if lymph nodes ( known as a small gland under the ear in the neck ) in the neck region gain an ache or swelling. Creamy soup is fine enough. Eat well of course.  Also - a  steemy  warm water clothe - gargle ( sip salted water - gugugugugugrwele and spit in sink powder room = gargle) with salt water is needed at times. 8 hours sleep and lemonade too - hot black tea with honey is helpful too, and a slice of lemon or lemon juice from a bottled brand- is good too- while eat well daily. Do not forget to wash out your sink at home too. With plenty of milk and good foods,  juice too.  Heart remedy is mostly Asprin and good nutrition - back to beautiful peaches picked fresh daily and ready to purchase each summer  in a travel to the state of Georgia might be great for the heart. 

Unknowing about uncomfortable scalpels 

wrong used - and meant for potatoes mostly have been contentions too, while instead try out the ancient  game of operation I liked as  4 year old. I will look to see if is is available just for some fun. 

Lazer scalpels - oh no. That’s for glass etching to cut glass - as layers cut glass. Laxer scalpels are dangerous to even automobiles. As noted in upsetting news reports in the USA in - great concern looking back into even the year 2002 about good year tires that were perfect and then who.  Spitfire was an automobile. 

Spit fire is also a known terminology ( word ) for a little electric grill for cooking pancakes and other fine food. 

Was your lawyer - dismissed ? yanking a charmed  chain to gain money or information to rip out your copper pipes, you may have expended too much time for? Try the twist instead by leading toy makers with vigorous cardio workouts in a fun game of twist. 

Pay for a scooter instead of a spit fired - worm of electric unsuitable make of piccolo in your ear ? Real raspberry zingers are much better- and sold in grocery stores as snack cake. In the USA bile dc tax extort issues broadened baffle - electronic oximoronic flute synthiszers throwing sound unregulated unethical sound from USA whiz ho ho no no’s. Throwing zipwazztazz for many miles more at times than known. Some times closer too. Or directly ? Few dc bile - and. The bile associates affiliates Yates not, are in a thicker mess than they may realize as relentless in wrong - unethically towards USA peoples in many ways ongoing. 

While  standard flute piccolo’s are marvelously beautiful in softly a sweet sound of compositional music with a piccolo to practice like math - in musical flutes. 

 ( acoustical sound  is the actual real piccolo flute of course as birds too are a soft chirp nearly unheard most of the time ).

Think about it while you gain time to meet

Clyde to ponder Clyde’s brilliance -who got some muck on a wrong flight to the USA and had to pay for a ticket to get back home in fast fancy footwork. Thankfully with my old friend Clint Eastwood.  Clyde film 1970s was answering calls a while. Legal mostly. Clyde  is an arangtang who sometimes wears a suite -  and is home in Europe now again with fast moves to purchase a flight ticket home.  Passport was dc expedited fast 1972. Hello Clyde. Glad you made it home well.  Clint Eastwood is amazing. 

Clint Eastwood , thank you for arriving in nyc and Seattle for lunch outings. Tax in allocations from the USA government of the peoples of the USA taxes - to who ? Are concerning in 2009 stimuli - ho ho’s ? And even conserning yet again in dc bile that are actually in. types of suspension as the letters from peoples in the USA in an ethical impeachment reality and peoples emailed all over the world to the love of peoples in the USA if impeachment to say YES, are with enourmous many peoples results in enough letters already,  to assure suspended into a final full removal to dc bile in September 26th 2022.

Covid 19 is fully at an end all over the world. With full vaccinations completed very kindly of people that made decisions themselves to get their vaccine kindly -and with excessive love and humanitarian - urgent efforts, ending covid 19 in July 2022. People everywhere - real USA responsibility to see the expenditure spending information and wages of the top in USA that were in USA government are a  lingering concern to the USA peoples that which concern all the world.  

En How !

In the news in beginning in 1986 -there were some concerns with Asprin billing in Hospitals costing $100.00 each Asprin that were wrong - and concerns for the people of the USA now in 2022. What is a larger concern is complex and not complex in realizing that - the lies in news were then a way to illigally send letters to a office to bill wrong perhaps and were unethical in even news. 

The result of upset in news within the USA lingered into even shattering some lives in the USA-

crane operators that attempts to drop a Crain on others ? 

with mortifying - pests that attempted to threaten people whom are very nice with great respectable lives. 

Lying verbal riffles from dc exits and entrance in bile are very serious and extremely vicious in USA toward the peoples everywhere in all villages large and small. 

Just beginning in life to enjoy achieved success in a busy work day - math fun waiting in your note book desk -  a day to take a inflatable boat to a lake outing or stop at any shopping area everywhere to buy bubble gum or look around sort of mesmerized of a greater USA in a quiet lull -  news ? Who’s ? 

There are many important things to note more about worthy USA - while careful concerns take an effort to fortitudes of a decency too toward humanity. 

Was the news - a meathod to harm others in ways unseen ? Offering swamp land sales to dial a crockodail who just wanted to disappear in to crockodialliy swamps not usually a place to stroll for people in swampy areas - some reserved in some ways to alagator and crockodilly frolicking -  while they move swiftly and swim to bring chocolates from postal mail swapping at times. Don’t get close to alligators and crockadillies - swamp giants they are. Lands preserved for such fierce giants are with plentiful orange orchards at least. Ocean fish and sea cucumbers too. Sea ocean  Kelp ( sea grass ) even. 

USA peoples have a reality to assure- with fierce kindness to grip on to a step forward to success in 2022 and with esteemed effort - outstanding and better in each USA village. Grip on to better fortitude and not grapple with an alagator or crockodillies,  or mag pies in the attempts to a dismal mess. 

See bankards - into tankards and then cancours in mere cartooned  Mag Pies  known as a cartoon maggots - also known as larva disease muckers  in others golden worthy efforts - even if it took a bottle of scotch to sleep a while before a busy day - and ruined by a heyday cartooning - as to note the cartoon is also called a funny paper from news -not funny at all,  that was originally in only news print in funny papers in bad ink.  Not a lauphing matter. The larger question is : when is a mag pie not a mag pie and will the mag pie pie appear to gain your golden lovely minutes and leaving nothing good as they attempt - unseen mayhem. 

Provoking a what ? 

Somewhere again and again ? 

It would be easier if the dc contention was that simple.  or is it more simple now in a better 2022 still in a fluctuation of stabilization too. 

In all reality- the reality is that the greater of peoples in the USA country are very interested in ethical repose- larger as peoples in villages everywhere throughout the USA have brilliant dispositions and worthy work steadily going better - with efforts in stopping covid 19 

astounding - where as now - I think that Horton who heard a who, in a animation film from the 1970’s of the writing of Dr Suisse, as the writer author, of 


yes, that’s right.  A Who had Horton perplexed as Horton looked downward toward what appears to be dust, smaller infact than the sands of time infinite an ethical humanity of love-  with fierce cares of a better. 

Horton is a mere elephant- staring at fuzz from torn sweaters and fine purchases of wool. Dust tho see so small a who - where? Horton perhaps could not hear himself at all in - peering into fuzz  or was it a shrunken 

spot smiling of their next tallon, toss of the discus. 

Horton makes a point for a minute more - to actual vision of a who ? Mighty who in full view. 

Spin ? With a  capital - Y. Inches Horton leans forward toward the fuzz dust  not yet making  rubble -calling out atop a pipe,  Horton asks are you a who ? 

If you wish, you can even review the online book written by Dr SUISSE of the literature of 


I took a minute in my online notes somewhere to list the book to read again and again and again. 

Imagine such a smallest -  speck of a flute - news 

who - shoveling dust in faces of decency everywhere in a frocking guck. 

Whipper willows are very sweet little birds with a love for a tiny chirp in far swamp thickets of leafy swamp near some trees - a bliss to even get a chance to see a real whipperwillow - whom briskly flutters above the alagator and crickolilly in the swamp thicket, possibly concerned with rice crops - for peoples lunch in the USA low prices too, still the swamp is where the crocodile and alagator perch upon a log that looks rather similar to a birch counter - gazing at sunshine and blue skys mostly now. Most often in the state of Louisiana in the USA mostly.

See the whipperwillow so sweet - 

What was the news over the past 30 years about the sweet bird? Excuse me, I have some extremely small flies in my window and I have to look at them closer to see if they have teeth ? The crumbs in the garbage are rather large, while cute little flies are not good indoors -they enjoy nectar of mostly sweet flowers that have a slight honey like nectar to flies delight. Small flowers are - perfect for small cute flies.  Outside far in the meadows usually. 

Whipperwillow known as a bird to note at lest a film. 

What was the news ?

Clint Eastwood  is an internationally known movie person that - is glad that cylindrical Ciggerette Cakes a sweet delicious, as liked well and kind to have emailed note. Fine cake made at homes all over the world were a surprise to me, and delightful to enjoy notes from many that enjoyed my recipe made for special home chefs, in events to remember. 

Clint Eastwood is known internationally - in movies from the 1970’s is good as Clint Eastwood - gets daring. looking to make  a hole in the fuel can to start his automobile- in a - not real life movie - and then strangers from where are doing what ? 


Where are the delights of Indian Summer ? 

When does Indian Summer for winter 2022  begin? 

Clint Eastwood movie  with Clyde in 1970’s

made quite a roar to see Clyde ride and get back home.

Outstanding political meaning, I must say. 

Much like Sylvester Stallone created in movies in the 1980’s with boxing madness at Madison Square Garden 

helping sales in the Garden at least. 

Clint Eastwood - kind of you to find that film for me. Thank you - while it’s about time for Indian Summer soon. xo with love from Lady Tracy Suzanne  Pickett. 

Indian Summer is going to be exciting in 2022 and forever I think. Wait until I note the details. 

More good life with ethical real ways through more types of careful ethical ways that have an ethical process that is within the reality of the peoples of the USA within a very dignified ethical existence.  

Movie cameras, and banking and microfilm ? 

in 1960’s moon data?   Only in the year 1973 ? 

Laurence Welk 1960s nearly 62 years ago filmed then noted exact films again now- with sir Laurence Welk and others from the Laurence Welk show from the 1960’s free on USA TV  are very good today to have uploaded the many films from 1968-1969 wonderfully sporting of everyone within thee original Laurence Welk Show with Laurence Welk - great as ever - drinking more milk too and enjoyed 

my cake recipe and brunch recipes.  Glorious. 

Films Ready to Reel 1960’s

It’s really Laurence Welk then and now. 

September 1st 2022 -email from sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of the country of Russia of a stern matter of a 

trip to the city of Kiliangrad in RUSSIA. 

European pronounciation Caulongrade  ! 

die Gudden, Gudden ( the = die, prounounce Das? In which international language ? Meaning the, is of course the in USA English language. Gudden = good in which language internationally? ) poli vous Francis 

or englaise ? Is better to know if you are in the country of France in Europe and do not speak many words in the French language. 

poli vous Francaie ? = do you speak French language ? 

In the USA - poli vous ? Did you wish to order pancakes ? A plate of pancakes - $ 6.67 ! 

Troubling concern not realizing that someone was looking for a map that was misplaced or a phone lost or cab late. Or a language book missing. 

Die Gudden liefbremuahe ! The bottle of German wine was good? Yes. Thank you, the order of German wine in the USA is with only a few bottles - shipped as an international speciality wine that is a favorite of the owner who likes Germany and international culture. 

Thank you. Good bye- stop back any time. 

Aveidezen = good bye, have a wonderful day. 

You as well.

German Language is German of course. 

Eastern Europe is extremely large as there are many countries, included is the country

 of RUSSIA of the largest country in Eastetn Europe in so many countries too of people of such lovely cares and worthy honor of a great government and president as Kremlin of Russia sir Vladimir Putin. 

sir Vladimir Putin is a remarkable person. 

The email is one of many 

Direct from Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of 

the country Of Russia of a serious message : 

It is with my pleasure to say thank you as said in the language of the country of France-  merci,

as “ thank you “  in USA English language,  for the most tiny little message so large in a political deliberate expression. 

With love from me, lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett xo 

xo again, Darling sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin of Russia and everyone in Kilaingrad too. xo again and again. 

September 3rd 2022

Unusual to think more about the little tiny company known as HASSELBLAD ( haus- el- blot) as is a tiny company as I thought to mention in the country of Sweden. In Upper Eastern Europe, and quite nice really. Looking at facts and figures today in my math events into Indian Summer details later, HASSELBLAD ( haus- el- blot, as prounounced of proper Swedish).  

HASSELBLAD  Of Sweden in camera lens of the finest in professional lens for the proper camera - in specialized only cameras that are suitable for the extremely well made extrodinary lens made only by HASSENBLAD of the tiny company in the country of Sweden, in the upper northern regions 

of EASTERN EUROPE within the very highest of mountian ranges known as the Swiss Elps Mountains much higher than any in all of the world. 

Lens development - specialization lens, with noted cameras that have an aperature speed with a camera that has an automatic shutter speed aperature - is a one button push and the shutter opens to a set speed instantly and then a photograph - can be with an instant light speed reality. One button appreature technology from opening the whole lens of a HASSENBLAD LENS, is with excellence in lens engineering with all regulations standards of excellence. 

Shutter speeds in aperature setting for a home made milk carton camera I made myself at age 8, was a bit archaic - holding open the shutter myself in a small 1/2 pint milk carton home made camera was fine fun while hand opening the shutter at a low archaic speed - sometimes resulted in over exposure to a photograph and also a need to hand crack the actual film in a roll of film -for photography in a milk box camera of yet another archaic detail of hand made milk carton cameras as an adventurous curiosity of age 8 to make 

and archaic silly camera from a milk carton 1/2 pint carton -  earlier as years before in non- digital instant cameras - and phone type camera. Shutter speed - automatic engineering excellence of Hassenblad is with an ability to spin the film at light speed, faster than any - in an ability to react to nearly several hundred - photographs before before you can blink your eye, with perfection before light speed is seen.  - camera ready with HASSELBLAD LENS, milk carton hand made at 8 years old in archaic slow shutter moved only by hand - ? Questionable Technology. 

A milk carton camera - is archaic as to actually cut a window in the carton of milk empty of milk- with results of photographs that are at risk of photographic quality- in better results of engineering of excellence in compliances of technology standards with atleast Hassenblad of Sweden. 

Peoples - today are with ease, inexpensively to purchase well a small travel camera or phone cameras both with video capability for  travel photographs plentiful and no actual film ( film = thin plastic clear looking film similar to plastic food wrap - yet thicker- with a photograph on it ) like magic,  like cameras in 1990 and much earlier as 300 years earlier perhaps. Moon data is much faster than a mere lens even in a clear blue sky fluttered of clouds even. 

Thank goodness for USSR, and engineering from even Sweden of HASSELBLAD, who noted I have math events with fractions at the top of my list. xo to everyone in Europe and the country of Sweden. 

xo to people employed with the wonderful tiny company of HASSENBLAD in the excellence of engineering lenses for over 60 years. Thank you so well. 

One button - and automatic shutter speed faster than light speed is extrodinary. While learning more about factory made seals of gaskets ( rubber seals for leak proof pipes mostly ) your automobile is a very good think to note to study and not break the seals to a leaky engine. Important to note with automobiles working so well in the USA - better than ever. 

Did someone use techno jerking in bile dc even setting lose of flies and stink- ploom, in lake front like a smell of said fish emulsion that damages. And burst open gaskets that were manufactured to perfection- hunched a bit? More ? 

3:33 am eastern standard time is concerning 

in the USA  - within my minutes of a memo 

is also with a recent caring email message

 from Clint Eastwood is kind of Clint to 

even think of me. 

Clint Eastwood  film message THE MULE 

With a pinyata waiting feaverantly again in 

the country of Spain furthering of details of a real 

Indian Summer 2022

It is the day of September 3rd 2022 and 6:43 am eastern standard time. It’s a complex unusual approach to some 

extraneous USA concerns and that of course which do consern other countries too. 

brief summery: soon. I have to look again at the wrong dates banking statement again in the USA- with some great concerns of dates ethically in play - just as eggs and foods are with date regulations too. The dates in some concerns were tampored with from a few USA aphid- bile dc -mights fisted at times. 

Looking online at some messages recently - into September 2022 ,  I can note that some film shorts sent to me in utube are playing -yet some bile in the USA, whom have tampored online have attempted to- harm even my light speed play - back,  of film and music as messages to me. The extra slow concern is costly to me and even costly- in the larger. Resulting in possible coal at a winter holiday - fending rather than thriving. 

The recent tiny village in the USA was with unethical road - issues that did more than attempt to slow traffic into a village that has good risterante that experienced some damage in sales -from bile dc and the bile associates, as  extra minutes in pondering what would happen if simply to be hired by bile and bile unknowing enough at all, about effects of - lies in a upset of an ethical standard. 2020 - 2022 in to April - were awful in the USA, and my travel plans delayed. 

While the minutes of leisure time are important as too a work worthy in an outcome of saved money and assured banking stability in the USA. 

View film shorts, full movies, message films and music messages too, and delayed by who, in the USA? 

Causing my notes and messages emails  sent - to me - a slower than planned scheduled post of messages larger and important to me.  Yet -success in working films that people all over the world are very much interested in. With thanks to everyone, everywhere in the world. 

Of too, thank you to everyone in the USSR = RUSSIA thanks that film uploads are working. And  thank you EUROPE. And thank you sir Vladimir Putin whom effortlessly emails me and sent plum chocolates for after 8:00 pm  with coco to sleep of care. The moon shown through my little tiny flat window one evening late and was remarkable in a glimps of the moon. 

Other type of tamporing with dated -wrong calendar dates online more recently - I noticed. Film shorts and attempts to sub-title - words wrong- unintended by the person who created some messages linked  - are a mangle of contentions that are not ethical in what people post as they upload themselves, too are very serious attempts to destruction of others worthy articulation, and time that was not meant to incurre any such issues from USA bile of even techno- jerks of oximoronic - nasty USA  jerks  again, in the USA to  attempt to reep - honored articulate caring people in a techno jerking maliciously inaccurate of honored good people with kind efforts too and very exciting messages to me. 

Moon data - at faster than light speed, is savvy. 

All countries have their own moon data - which is not actually on thee surface of the actual moon. 

recordings - on the moon ? Yes. 

Updated 2022 September. Where are the quarterly reports for - apple corportation revenue in costs and expenses product to cash revenue. Is with pencil and computer data on the moon to hope to view such a success. And listed locations with budgets of cost figures over what revenue is covering their budgetary needs. Counting chairs of board room - meetings accuracy, with reports of the stock-option sales - for public knowledge.  Verse soup stock (broth = soup stock - creamy or clear broth like chicken noodle soup) in food markets. Not stock of foods in pantry homes of foods stocked and enjoyable, or the many efforts in stocking food in grocery shelves and ristorantes well planning and prepared for food worthy exciting days of work and going out to dine as well. 

 Clint Eastwood Film Message  

with a cigar bon bon update. 

September 4th 2022  with messages and chocolates from Clint Eastwood and Lamberghini 2022 today the  luxuriously  Prestigious Sports Automobile Company known as  Lambergini in the country of Italy emailed me yesterday with a date at the top of the written email as September 4th 2022 as it was yesterday in the country of all of Italy with Lamborghini magnitude of course in respectable “Yellow Automobile”  - a automobile of sport -resounding in Lamboghini espititus ( a Latin word for brilliant breath ) in tedious concern. Lamboghini sent me a caring message with love - with feaverant care in too in Febuary 2022 of passionate Lamboghini near my brisk moring stroll. 

All the way from Italy an automobile slowly kindly blazed into a slow minute with a quiet Sorte’ a mere soft whistle. Only from Lamborghini.  

Pleasantly the Italian automobile company is with a serious message. Thank you everyone in Italy. 

While my automobile drive was fun. Current message today from the peoples of Lamberginin now:   

xo with love to everyone in the country of Italy and that of love to everyone at modest company of Lamborghini  in the country of Italy. 

September 4th message from the 49ers in play. Film short full game later. 

Recap ( in football means a review of rules ) instantly replayed in moon data ? Now the 49er pro - football and Texas Dallas Cow Boys - recap instantly seen. 

xo everyone in the 49ers in the state of California USA and in Dallas in the state of Texas USA. With love from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett - forever.  Too- the Dallas Cow Boy Women as well - with delightful cheer -who honored my exhibition in NYC xo and thank you.

Message emailed sent to me  September 3rd 2022 - I posted in this  memo  on September 4th, 2022

From Sir Bill Gates whom is the owner of 

Microsoft Corportation. Bill Gates is with many important messages emailed in 2022 and thankfully I received the emails. sir Bill Gates is a noted business person and of a computer science in software design, as well as of humanitarian efforts in 2022 with good concerns of cost of expenditures toward a covid 19 relief as read  from Sir Bill Gates at GATES NOTES is online written by Bill Gates in person. 

Reiterating the cost of loss in profit towards a USA with efforts to have esteemed efforts in stabilization of the USA is with a realize solid concern - in a horrible attempt of unethical news and dc bile that in fact attempted to grip at the USA in dollars and cents and in a spot light to mangle ethical standard - covering their viciousness with galloping giblets. and no gimlet. 

xo to Bill Gates. Always glad to read an email directly from Bill Gates, well and good. 

Robert Forbes owner of DWR emailed and with updates messages of a few extra risterante outings

now - from studio forbes  and interesting notes 

from Robert Forbes

xo and thank you for the lovely many emails. 

More about DWR and a pure effort to good fortitude in small business respectively trickling into some sales - hopefully yes. Rob Forbes is kind to note his dine out experience in a recent update and I am thankful 

Rob Forbes emailed throughout many years. 

Ongoing hopefully.  Rob Forbes has a very notable lecture in small business I hope to post in a notable note soon. Difficult in starting a business - and complex. 

Message now today from 

the President of Italy Sir Mario Draghi from the government site of the country Italy 

in Europe on September 1st 2022 in the whole country of Italy, while the date in the USA then was August 31st 2022 

Read sir President Mario Draghi’s message with film direct from the Italian President Sir Mario Draghi. 

Posted in my memo from the USA September 4th 2022 while in Italy it is September 5th 2022. 

XO again to the President of Italy respectively with that to family and government and all in the very good country of Italy. Grotci= Is the word for Thank You in the country of Italy. 

Grotci =     grrrr- ot- see    2 syllables - one word meaning Thank You as an Italian word of Grotci. 

- sound out the word of  Grotci ! If you wish. 

Sir David Bowie made some very kind minutes many to an increadible effort within my June 2022 Revolution Now - international cares with love. 

The dated online message is with some calandar dates with error - as the email messages from David Bowie are very now -of September 2022 current of September 2022 and not from an earlier year or month in some. As David Bowie became excited and excited even submersive in songs and guitar - in ways to broaden the success of my Revolution to simply stop covid 19 in June 2022 and forever. My amazing astonishment of a very large success from efforts of David Bowie and a large USA of peoples into international efforts - is with a very serious notation - in more later I wish to at say thank you with special surprises. 

June 2022 Revolution Now, is now a success in get vaccinated now. 

While the cultural diversity of broad areas is important 

with cares of ethics that ongoing. 

Listen again to the expressively wonderful delightful effort Sir David Bowie - had minutes to care greatly. 

Film Short  with a possible purchase too of David Bowie’s full albums - brilliantly  bold and sweetly expressive songs. 

Thank you Sir David for arriving in New Jersey for my exhibitions as it was quite nice getting a coffee at last with Newark New Jersey good coffee shops - with some time to bellow out a few soft songs, I made time for and glad you arrived. It’s been many years since you and I danced in practice for ballet 

at the Joffrey Ballet.

 I greatly enjoyed your emails and efforts.

 xo  with love from me. 

Listen  a minute if you have time of too, 

Former USA President George Bush Senior, within a current now talk -

speaking in lecture at Nortadame University in the USA as Sir George Bush former USA president of the country of the USA is a fine humanitarian and devoted well as a president of the United States of America (U.S.A.) xo sir George Bush, former USA president and thee actual-  father of George W. Bush whom was a governor of the state of Texas USA, as much aged in lenghty efforts of work to be worthy of a governor to Texas, as George W. Bush was, and elected into the Presidency of the Oval Office in the USA some years ago. After George Bush Senior devoted great honored efforts to ethically good. Both former presidents of the USA incidentally unusual of father and then son, of hard earned efforts - worthy. 

Noted work, then an with earnest -elected USA presidential office, unusual. Earnest math, excellent work ethical cares with extensive merits. 

Dated back in time within the USA some news in the USA was unethically - a wrong even about licenses for driving - and attempts to actually take peoples assets and banking cards and automobiles with police frolicking frauds in the USA whom were disban ( fully deemed unethical and that includes state patrols too, trouper biles that is. Caused harm to as many as they could - even greatest business people, and those just beginning again - going out for a sip of soda, a glass of wine 1/2 glass reservedly not even a chance to phone a cab or stroll and sip more coffee with a heaping slice of pie- hours before driving slowly with care to home or a hotel travel. Please note your drivers license is yours - don’t be fooled. Automobile to some larger vehicles are with a standard drivers license that can be applied for as early as age 16 years old in the USA and you have to study road driving rules in a manual booklet at the DMV free. And get your drivers license online in the USA and get your drivers license mailed to you. 

Easily- no requirement to update your drivers license of passport are required actually. Buy a automobile and keep it. Assure you do have automobile insurance that is usually lower than $100.00 monthly.  While cost caps in insurance for automobiles should be much lower in the USA than $100.00 per month. 

If you need a drivers license reissued - $5.00 paid online at  Department of Motor Vehicles USA  which is also the same place anyone ages 16 years old or older can get a drivers license as a one time test to study for in a booklet manual at the link above free. Those with their license to drive -drive slow and care. 

People everywhere should hopefully care about the lower standardized prices and hope to a ethical USA process assure the matter - speedier ? Tamporing online and in other ways within the USA few dc bile have pensively contorted in a cohering to upset even my hall and tiny village from farther within the USA and nearer. 

Assure not to give up your drivers license of passport if your passport and keep your wallet in a keen place that perhaps under your bed mattress - if needed. 

Sleep on it- excuse me, there is a message on my phone about rug cleaners insisting on letting themselves ? What ?  Appointment ? No. I clean my own rug - you are who ? Oh, friends of who ? 

In home - care towards what ? People are not ethically licensed to enter any home. Leave a delivery of foods perhaps yes if hired by the actual person that hired you to pick up something they needed - while are some people trying to just show up at a home - somewhere hired through a unethical office of who ? And scheduling wrong homes - placing some hired at risk of looking like bandits unknowingly. Where did the furniture go after they left ? And the roast Turkey ? The car ? Do care - and then look for a job that pays ethically in all hope. It’s savvy. 

Walgreens delivers medications and many other things and can be phoned by the person in need of something from Walgreens - even some grocery stores deliver fresh milk and some refrigerator items too. Prepare your home with some noted stores and get out the golf putter again and again even if a tiny stroll only daily. Inside or out. Be savvy about - your budgetary notes and personal budget ledgers weekly in pencil worthy reality. 

More memo : 

And then more unethical news again and again - w

George W. Bush. in the New York Times, news, I myself read upset -  bit serious even today. 

A memo more. Yes. A few more minutes perhaps.

A message from Mikhail Gorbachov just yesterday September 3rd 2022 was a bit exciting really.

Sir Gorbachov is the former Kremlin ( President ) of the country of Russia and a very dear humanitarian. With a calm of decency and to the same of 

Sir Vladimir Putin Kremlin ( President ) too as president whom worked - of noted honors in a lovely respectful international NOBLE PEACE in honor for Sir Vladimir Putin’s lenghty increadible efforts - broadly with good ethical pencil work and much in G7 summit’s in selfless brilliance. The country of Russia is slightly a dilligent country of brilliance as Sir Mikhail Gorbachov whom is also a good president whom 

made decisions to retired from being a Russian President, after many many years as the 

President of Russia ( in a structure of a royal government in Russia with a parlement slightly different of the USA with still the international humanitarian ethics within government ). 

sir Mikhail Gorbachov former President of Russia, is well loved very respectively, throughout the country of Russia with care from peoples all over the world in a resilient ethical diverse expressive kind good country of delightful people. 

Sir Mikhail Gorbachov former President of Russia, sent me a Russian gift many years ago. It was very nice to see my gift arrive in my Chicago Il USA at my home mail box in my English Brown Stone Apartment flat with a garden ablaze of flowers all year -and beach area of lake view in steps to a red eye train, in 1996 for me in extreme busy schedules then too. It was a gift of honor for some international achievements sent from the Russian President Mikhail Gorbachov - kindly respectful.  I was very surprised and happy - to receive a message from the esteemed former President of the country of Russia so well.

xo to sir Mikhail Gorbachov former President of Russia, today and forever. Russia is with lenghty historical reality of peace -well more than 80  year. Economic pencils worn out. As too, as well of Sir Vladimir Putin’s devotion to Russia as a prime minister in many earlier years -within KGB in Russian Government, was liked as well in Russia from peoples, as respected internationally then and now. 

Posted in my memo today on September 4th 2022, are many short films from the former president of the country of RUSSIA 

sir Mikhail Gorbachov listen while some may be spoken in the soft delightful kindly stern - at times 

Russian Language. 

Today September 6th 2022 with a recent email from 

the Prime Minister of the country of

 Japan, sir Shinzo Abe 

Read  real news directly from  the government of the country of JAPAN

September 16th 2022 eastern standard time 

NY USA from my tiny village. 

From Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

Banana News 


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