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The stupidity in dc - wrath of wrong

August 9th 2022 

It has come to my attention that there were few people in the USA of recent - involved with illigal phone calls that reported - some very mortifying things. 

The unethical callers - have even reported deaths- and even with memorial services of wrongs- with no understanding of how this could have happened or whom would do such things. And attempting to block people from seeing their family at all, and others, with mortifying damages caused of mortifying humans with nothing but vicious discraceful attempts to corner and viciously harm others. It’s a small few that are resoncibility and some were in DC. The unethical concerns - are extremely serious. With cohorted contingent of a consortium in of, attempts to disassemble the USA structure of ethical humanity - in disconnects of a few as well- too -that of google tamporing stating deaths- and some news reports - unethically reported deaths, such as similarities in a report I myself read online and was a report that my train derailed in 2015, I was then with extreme upset in some that unethically stood at Amtrak stations to attempt to lie to me about my train into NYC NY., It then took me two weeks to get from DC to NYC while I should never have been asked to leave my train in a direct route on one train strait to NYC from Cincinnati. I was extremely upset. Then mortified with some nasty types of bile harassing me as I went to nap on a train station bench to wait for a repair of my train ride in to NYC, NY USA.  There are further reports that even more were called with lies of deaths that date back more years. 

There was an online issue with some google concerns in tamporing as well, with a train wreck derailed of the actual train I was scheduled to be on in 2014, I did not know there were lies about deaths at all. While there were very seriously large issues of covid 19 and serious infected noses -and some that had other infections that were in need of the vaccine and were with a contagious issue that were of extreme heath concerns.  Some were with contagious issues in very mortifying ways. The vaccines finally became an area I hoped to reach a 100% in vaccines that people did get through with greater good results and decency in kinder ways. 

Assuring all precautions in ethical standards for the peoples of the USA were ignored by Biden and Harris and the CDC and the White House staff. The negligible mortification of the disaster caused in the USA by Biden and Harris and their staff - and news basting in a extremely serious and mortified the country of peoples of the USA as well as other countries in vicious immoral unethical concerns that are unthinkable in the humanities laws towards humanity. 

The Bidens and the Harris Issue with their staff -acted to harm the people of the USA and instigated an attempt to extort from people of the USA in many ways. And harmed the international great countries too, in unethical words. jeopardizing the millitary and their exceptional honored humanitarian work, and attempted attempted media scandals - shoved inflation lies, 

Mortified peoples achieved respective decency. Insighted dispicable concerns in - harror to cities , homes, children, and all people. With a pistoling- consorted broken ethical standards and with a plague of attempts to ruffle anyone. Of mortifying people, with harm to getting a flight, and assure their budgets and the retirement as well as a stabilization at least in employment and that of many other responsibilities that were ignored and jeopardized people in worthy good ethical structure, even retired people. as should with no jab- and jumble of flights, tickets, and schedules , spot by spot-  with an attempt in extorting actual air lines too- with unethical flight details posted.  

More soon. 

August 9th 2022, it is with a brief note to the concerns of the peoples all peoples in the USA country of 50 states with more than millions of people,  some concerns - I took time to mention on July 26th 2022, as noted below. Furthering my memo in an interest  of the peoples of a greater USA of many peoples in many - many cities of the USA within the 50 states of the USA large country- the reality of the memo I wrote to see that all of the USA people could ethical see the removal of the Biden and Harris and staff with some others in a questionable dismal -  issue that they caused themselves and harmed others- the letters of people everywhere are a -yes to impeachment of the Biden Harris and cohorts including that of the cdc as well as straggling misfits that were at a brunt of immoral disaster. Today as of August 9th 2022 there are a very large many people in every city in the USA that have began emails to George W. Bush as a mediator and those emails have a moncle of a watch internationally of all countries throughout Europe.  

It is great reality in the USA of peoples that care so much about other countries as the love of presidents in each country in the whole world care of the USA peoples in a moncle - of concerns.

While of course - the devout ethical reality of the USA is a foremost greater in the assured country of the USA to place their - fortitude in cares- of good details in alive of a broadly good life and proudly of worthy work and leisure as well as a kindness of sorrows in decency of respective dignaties of self plentitudes - reachable budgeting at homes and with that of many areas - like buying a sail boat that floats lake worthy to assure keeping forever. The contentions in DC few - and not phew - are with disasterous unethical mortifying harm of attempts in extortion in unthinkable wrong-  are a time to realize today, the yes in an impeachment of the request of the USA peoples is in effect. 

Of course - this deems - a revoked ability of the white  house of Biden and Harris and that of staff and cdc and even with a shadow of concerns of a connected administration of the obamas as well.  While not opened to any discussions of any type.  Importantly there are no abilities of these people in government employment. 

George W. Bush is not with an administration of others in any way in being a mediator with greatest cares and honor of the people of the USA as a very devoted person and with ethical structure of regulations in the USA and the country is very fortunate in that of George W. Bush to assure the mediation of the 

request of the whole country of people to, that of the 

reality in a world too - writing letters of emails to request the request of required resignations. With no choice of a job in government for these White House people. Still there are some concerns in the state department and with Supreme Court - appointments and also the structure of legal standards in the congressional senatorial structure at this time. 

The USA Peoples everywhere are in ship shape - structure and the economic and even educational levels of peoples achievements are better and better. The structure in government beyond the White House DC contentions are in very good structural reality with a very good tax structure that is plentiful in assurance of a greater 2022 and beyond, with esteemed greater of all the peoples in every village in the USA ethically good, and with some monitary savings improved. 

Structure of the government are in a good stability. 

The covid 19 issue is gone forever.  The structure of business in economic stabilization is better and better due to some brilliant fine greater USA peoples. And also from international peoples who did ship a few toy sail boats- actually gaining a few extra sales in the world too. Postal deliveries are mostly excellent in the USA now. Still a few concerns. 

The impressive people so very professional employed in groceries and hauling are remarkable with wages looking good. 

The moncle of the international many countries with many governments and good presidents with esteemed worthy efforts- is a with responsibilities to their own countries - with some area that can be of cares towards the USA greatest peoples everywhere. 

While of course - standards in the USA are a priority of the USA peoples and quite truly remarkable people in all villages too. More about the Moncle soon. 

It is with my most dearest of cares to see that the USA peoples realize the yes to impeachment by request letters of the people in the USA and that of the peoples all over the world in caring letters too.  

The last day to get your letter to sir George W. Bush is September 26th, 2022 as an ethical legal process within the USA constitutional laws of structure of the United States of America.  

Have a pleasant day. 

Sincerely , Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

July 26th 2022 posted dated memo - 

the USA federal government of the country - located in the city of Washington DC in Maryland, USA and near many cities of Delaware into that of many cities into Virgina in the center of the governors concerns in the states of the Federal Government - are with a following concern. - 

 What is an impeachment order from all the people of the USA ? 

Well, even that in door to door unethical attempts to - solicit people in efforts to scam -some swqandry -  in a unethical dismal issue is a concern in the USA even to one person - or more than one person-  and attempt to dismantle peoples good fortitudes in a broadened concern. 

The upset of my tiny village has not stopped some of the great people of the USA from traveling in to get ice cream and some ristorante stops- or groceries  at stores - with also very nice people in the tiny village trying to enjoy life and gain some chance at a busy business day too and very nice professionally too, -even in an upset to muck - the tiny village life- have attempted to cost me damage time in nasty hall way noise as if having a part in more destruction of time much like the Bidens and Harris and staff that too were plaguing destruction of time.  


Nasty upright- down trodden  types of punking- as was at the post office earlier this year in the sweet tiny village. I have experienced great upset.  

With more nasty humans in my entry running scams - to insult the intelligence of people and harm minutes of my time in vicious efforts they made. The details are confounding as is the issues of illigal bill dozers and attempts at large companies and small in the USA.  With nasty people even dropping junkets of refrigerators in my entry porch. While they squander the time of all USA people and are very nasty people.  With the Biden and Harris and staff-  in some faking other government roles and donuts scams.  


On the current  date today of July 28th,  2022 the Washington dc- Presidential Office of the United States of America government,  is a place of unethical dismay that was brought on by Biden and Harris and their staff. 


I receive hundred and hundreds of messages over the last several months about the effort in my Revolution to get vaccinated now - that included the worthy efforts of many in every village of the USA, that was successful in the USA and internationally made a difference too. In my efforts to simply see that the USA was with an opportunity to see themselves through in assuring a better reality within standards of real constitutional ethics in efforts, for the country in business and leisure with great sensibility and cares in even sorrows too - including people that are retired and hoping to enjoy golf or tennis and travel leisure or gardening, as to getting beyond the distortions of squandery of the unethical distruction in the actions of Biden and Harris and their staff- are not the total solution to the USA in improved standards that are within the structure of  the USA constitutional laws of provisions of humanitarian ethics to the people of the USA who live, work, and reside in the USA.


It seems more likely that the Biden Harris and their staff were actually with police goons that caused even more damages across the USA and even a few -  green men and green women that were rogues of horrible unethical concern that may not have been actual- military of the USA within that of the structure of ethical standards that the military of the USA take very seriously. 


Biden Harris and their staff caused a prolonged harm to the USA people in an attempt in extorting goods and services from the USA multitudes of business - in a harm from unethical activities from Biden and Harris and their staff-  towards the USA peoples in even being able to feel a assurance in employment standards, education standards of primary education -real estate concerns that became at risk unethically, as business and homes and rentals too were in a swing of upset in broken standards- that which Biden and Harris and their staff ignore in a unethical action towards the Oval Office structure in a lawful reality towards the peoples of the USA as to placing a risk to any international travelers. 


More concern of any further unethical dismal disregard in any claim that Biden and Harris and their staff of humans, could further harm the ethical structures needed to ease the USA in a better reality of the great country off so many peoples. 


Further more the Biden Harris and staff. Attempted to conspire a extortion towards the USA yet again in an attempt to breaking legal rules in allegations towards other countries in an attempt to corner the people of the USA while attempting cornering the countries that boarder the country of the USA. Of course the reports from California were mortifying and a area that of course is near the country of Mexico. 


And too, the concerns of the unethical protocol that Biden and Harris and staff attempt in the northern boarder in Canada - too, that has always been very lovely in all ways of a good country. While then a prolonged issue unethically at the boarders became a concern of threats towards more than the people of the USA. The unethical dismay of Biden and Harris and their staff- threatened the USA military in their position of humanitarian excellence in the structure of ethical responsibility towards the USA.  Thus also threatening the live worth of each person within military and that of the people of the USA and others internationally too. 


Biden and Harris and their staff have had time to begin to learn how to pull a rabbit out of their hats, and chomp sugary fireballs for their next fireside talk in tv hour to the USA as they spit and their unethical media grips - into a concern of their next possible way they might attempt to gain employment which they need for themselves. While of course forcing others to hug them in a dismal time they sought no attempt in a resolve to ethical standards for the peoples of the USA in issues that were a disregard of human life. 


Today the Johnson and Johnson conglomerate company is with an actual 2022 profit - while I do not know the exact facts of budgetary reports for the Johnson and Johnson conglomerate corporation company-  


I do know that Johnson and Johnson is counting their company earning in profitable USA pennies second by second every day while assuring a wages that is very good. With no thanks to Biden and Harris and their staff. Infact Biden and Harris attempted to extort the efforts of the Johnson and Johnson conglomerate in a unethical process that made it very upsetting towards the assured vaccination to actually end the issues of covid 19 in a immediate ethical way. 


Biden and Harris and their staff, destroyed the property of the in throwing out ink pens and attempting to unethical distort the actual legal process of the USA government structure in every way. While too - Biden and Harris made no attempt to see a ethical process of an urgency in a legal solvency to the assurance of companies and schools and the foundational standard of the country - while offering up the goods and services of companies in need of profits and with structured good employment.   


Many companies much smaller than the large Johnson and Johnson have been unethically subject to Biden Harris and their staff persons that -extortions even time of course. Time in earning good wages and a beginning of something to feel assured of, in a more broadly caring USA. 


More in the USA  like ease in traveling to buy a cola to sit in a ristorante with a clean table and eat out too, not just handling the tomotoes in groceries - with a great brunch that was public space to sit out in sun and drive as should always be, even in to bordering countries in a standard of ethical respectiveness ,and return home,  with a ease to cook at home with low electric utility costs. Like the ease of pricing in a regulation cost and quality services for phones that include online service to name a few areas of humanities in ethical standards that were unethically ignored in the Oval Office of Biden and Harris and their staff. And the unethical distruction in the office cohorting too with Biden Harris of the cdc. With unethical dismal issues in news and media as well in the USA including google and Bing  that has tamporing coming from the USA as well in pivotal spots which I have spoken about in lectures since 2011. 


An ease to assure WiFi free in travel stops that companies buy at a low price for that in assurances in travel and connectivity in extra WiFi. Waiting and waiting - while then a lie about inflation. And unethical lies about the inflation with many postal issues too in the USA . Biden and Harris attempted to threaten other international countries outside the country of the USA as even broke international laws to threaten people internationally and that of governments in excellence of their countries.  The  USA peoples deserve much greater a country in a structure ethically of broaden humanities of good basic constitutional reality. Mortifying issues  in the google and air lines to name a few - has caused a lot of damage. And low numbers of public flight at good standards and good prices are very large USA concerns in such disgrace of the Oval Office of Biden and Harris and their staff with mortifying obstruction and concerns I. USA postal areas of such - a pressure towards the people of the USA in simply getting their purchases shipped among other business shipments and financials. 


The Biden and Harris and staff ? Attempted to unethically dislocate the mortgages and reep the monetary standards of USA individuals and business -  in some that fully paid affordable homes - issue to stop business structure and attempt a plague of disease to a no end battle towards the USA people and harmed humans in their homes with unethical  ambulances all and police all unethical  that were disband - and  unethical hospital people with others in lies and contempt to extort money and harm people. Even attempts at dismantling public free education was a concern for ages 5-17 in public primary schools in the USA with absolute rights and assurances in requirement to a fine structure of ethical education standards and a school bus or easy walk to get to school in appropriate ages to walk alone without a crossing guard.  And with proper cross walks and street lights that are with plenty of time to cross the roads near public primary school. 


What should the letter you write include ?


The letter which you chose on your own decisions to write should be a statement in words that say: 


Yes, I wish to agree to an impeachment order to Biden and Harris and their White House staff in full and requests the required resignation of the Biden Harris and their staff fully. 


Then sign your name.


If you chose to write a letter that is a request to the requirement to resignations of the staff in the White House and Biden and Harris at this time. Please do write your letter before September 27th 2022. 


Within the ethical structure of lawful standards within the structures of the constitution of the USA, the letter must be sent to Former USA   President George W. Bush of the country of the United States of America at the email of George W. Bush at the George W. Bush presidential library where George W. Bush does open his own email always. 

You may also write to sir George W. Bush at the address that is his link at the George W. Bush library in the state of Texas in the country of the USA. 


I selected George  W. Bush the former president of the USA because ethically it is a reality that George W. Bush was also excellent as a governor of the state of Texas and a president of the USA, as in the country of the United States of America. 


Of course this letter does exclude those whom were in the administration of the presidency of the former USA president George W. Bush whom may have some legal concerns in the USA. And perhaps internationally as well. 



Of course this is just a step forward in the USA concerns of a few others whom caused very serious, harm to even me, and my family. 


Even today. The reality is that people in the USA have a chance to impeach = see to an absolute removal of the Biden and Harris and staff, and then with George W. Bush as a mediator to the issue as a responsibility of a former president of the USA, it would be nice to see that people think to write the letter of an impeachment order. 


What is needed: 


You can say : yes, I wish to request a required impeachment to the Biden and Harris and staff at the USA Oval Office to be affective by September 28 th 2022. During this process there will be no area that the White House can have any further areas of decisions in any way.  As the letters begin in a two month process to the people in getting a impeachment letter to the former president of the USA as in George W. Bush. 


Of course there may be other further concerns for the people of theUSaA  to ethically see a further standard in a ethical process that might be needed into the future. 


Such as ethical sessions in a congressional ethical process. To name a few.  


While the basic structures of stabilized concerns in the USA are better at this time in July 28th , 2022, while could have been much better in all villages without the contentions of such unethical discrace  to the people of the USA from the White House and a few others that were mortifying to the USA in very large ways. 


The beach areas in the ocean coasts of the USA are experiencing some good business in travelers, and good basic business with jobs that are alright.  The USA experiences a greater bit of travel in short brunch outings and a bit of drive time too with some farther travels too and liking ice cream out and a bit of extra spending money too.  Summer 2022 is with greater USA people everywhere in every village  of the USA with great care from all in the international countries everywhere. 


People from other countries are Absolutely welcome to write a letter too to the request in the USA to an impeachment order  of Biden and Harris and staff - too, with such concerns for the USA people have an international choice too in choosing to write a letter. 


The ease of emails to Former United States of America,  President George W. Bush are with REAL TIME DATA , speed of counting the emails as they are sent and as they arrive in George W. Bush’s email box or postal mail too. Sent in the postal mail with a flag up- on your mail box for the postal person to carry the letter and see it delivered - into the mail box of Sir George W. Bush, is also with what is known as a financial word as REAL TIME DATA.  And exactly noted in exact second by second REAL TIME DATA minute by minute data recordings of course.  


I am pleased to conclude this disclosure of ethical areas to know in the USA constitutional legal reality that the USA people and those living in the USA too including all children that have a choice to write a letter too, have in choices of the concerns and that of a responsibility in September 2022,  to look forward to a time in some concern to the structure in the White House Oval Office in an ethical repose. 

Chose to write your letter to say yes to an impeachment order of Biden and Harris and staff as soon as possible. There will be a chance to assure that the wages and any assets that might have been an attempt to extort money and service and goods and assets from the employment of the government office - that will not be an option in an impeachment and then of course a liability concern of wrong doing in the Biden and Harris and staff issues. 


Their will be a provisional need for them to seek - and find, USA social security assistance for hardship in set rules and then gain possible rental apartment at low cost.  


The restrictions of all  government offices would be in effect for Biden and Harris and their staff at soon as the now- with the proceedings of this letter notation set forth for the USA public and the whole world. The Biden and Harris and their staff have neglected the USA ethical structure of the USA government and continued in a harm towards peoples of the USA and towards an endangerment to the USA military. As they will be- in a very serious restriction in the process of the first letter to former President George W. Bush in the process.  


The mediation of former President George W. Bush is very kind of George. Bush and does not include anyone else in the responsibility that would be set forth in a former presidential responsibility of George W. Bush whom is extremely capable and quite ethically respective in a broadened day in July 28th 2022. 


Of course there were some other areas that are still concerning of wrong reports that were of some people that passed away.  And I hold the Biden Harris and staff fully in ethical issues in these matters that are still with some USA unclear as to the actual reality of reports of live and threats toward the USA in mortifying damage and that of lies - is and great concern in unethical media news that is still very concerning.  


It is a small effort to mediate a impeachment order of letters counted of people in the USA and people from all other countries too.  


Thank you. 


From lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett 

The impeachment order letter of the process of the people in a reality of ethical USA constitutional lawful structure are with a former president of George W. Bush who can mediate the letter count easily of the letters emailed directly to George W. Bush in person. None other than George W. Bush can see to the mediation and with a good fortitude within all other countries too for the USA. 

This is not a reinstatement to see George W. Bush as acting president - while further considerations of all USA people would have some time for a further ethical fortitude in the important USA matter within all ethical standards therein of the USA constitutional structure of standards in government structure. 

George W. Bush would be kind to see through the mediation 

while he may not be agreeable to further limited presidential areas at this day of July 28th 2022 and 

people  have a chance to write in the first order of structure to the Oval Office concerns at this time. 

Write to former president if the United States of American,

Sir George W. Bush as soon as today.  

Directly to thee George W. Bush, Former President of the United State of America

At his site directly to Sir George w. Bush:

As the impeachment from the peoples of the USA begins today.  

Of course - the impeachment letter you may chose to write is with no area of responsibility of what was the George W. Bush administration at all.  As an end note in my memo. 



















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