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      PHOTOGRAPH  TRACEE (TRACY) SUZANNE PICKETT 2018 SELF PORTRAIT              still under construction in the studio vosse web site 

STUDIO VOSSE is UPSIDE DOWN in December 2020. Living in SOHO in a swank apartment, near louis Vuitton's Shoppe in late 2011 and 2012 where I created numerous  art exhibition was much different than Studio Vosse upside down, in 2020. I was not with the museums  as my centrifuge then. And in a way, it was very much with the major museums as a centrifuge. The museums have always been a place to look up to the world of arts, within humanities that is, intriguing, enlightening, and brilliant, at least. When I first exhibited with the Guggenheim in the public project online, I was thrilled to get the invitation. 

It was in 2001 that I became a board member by invite, to the CLEAN AIR ACTION TEAM, within the Smoky Mountains National Park, as in the Largest of Rain Forest Forests in the USA. I was invited to be a board member for the Tennessee Independent Living Center as well. And I accepted. Retiring from both of those posts in 2006, while my company became busy, was a necessity. With no complaints on my earnings within my company then, that was a very special kind of company in the specialization of THEE ARTS, and with consulting fees at $125.00 per hour, that simply grew into more over a four and five year period. I had been a GREEN advocate since 1986. Leaving the board position was with great reasoning of my company Successes of plentiful work that took 20 years for me to develop appropriately. And my reputation in the ARTS. The experience of being a board member was very good getting to know people in the position to make changes in societal structure. Such as the organization that asked me to be a board member, in 2005, for organizing the local arts fair in the village square of a city with 500,000 people in it. It was a prestigious  festival, as I became one of the annual organizing board members until 2009. A nice group from the local museum joined us while I was a organizer with plenty of friends.

Of course I resigned in 2009, with a bit of pain in my hands from carrying supplies. Making Transitions in my company as well was with a new TELEVISION platform I was building online. And took Filming, in the Lecture Interactives in the Arts that would finally solve the over use of my hands, if a success. It was in 2008, that the morning news asked me to speak about the arts in society, that brought me callers from 37 counties with a phone that was ringing off the hook, and my TELEVISION platform that was not yet ready, and needed the early morning news. It was a long way from my work in catering and Ristorantes as a directing manager bringing in 2 million in sales to corporate and private companies I worked for before deciding to find just the right university. Shifting down, into Table Side Chef for nearly two years, gave me time to work on paintings more, as I did when I was just starting out in the world of wages.  As a Table Side Chef, I made plenty of flaming deserts. And made over $200. per night, five days a week. It was a great job, and then of course there were painful flair ups with nerves in my hand, that risked my future terribly, in even the arts.  

Today, I would like it if more museum exhibitions are possible through invites to me of course. While it can be a bit more complex than just an invite. As, you contact the museum in most cases for major exhibitions.  In 2009, I was one person out of many in the world, whom would take center stage on the Guggenheim Museum Design Forum online for the day.  Annually it was an invite that I looked forward to in 2009, into 2010, and 2011. As I prepared for the fun online with the museum, The Guggenheim,  with less than 6 people globally writing in the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM online forum, in four countries, I thought about one day being the major exhibitor in the inside galleries that are with international works of well known artist. While the online venues I was involved with and exhibited in, were with not just one but seven, events that I was an exhibiting artist online. In the world, and seen by more people internationally as a reality, of serious exhibitions online only. The Guggenheim is one of the top five most famous museums in the world, with four major museums in four countries. Which means, the exhibits that I was in, were in the country of Spain, Italy, Iran, and the USA. As seen, everywhere in the world as well, in over 260 countries. That is how important the Guggenheim Museum is. They are worth the time to have a little serious fun in the arts. 

In October, 2011, in Manhattan, many things happened, and I was not sure I wanted to return to my home that I shared with my fiancée then, whom is a lawyer. In our nearing 9 year relationship, I was as adoring as he was, though the opportunities for me were much smaller in a smaller city than I was used to. Of course, I spent 5 years in Chicago Il, in one of the most exclusive University Colleges in the world. There were also, plenty of professional opportunities.  Of course, creating international contacts and project from my southern home office for over ten years nearly 15, was a need for me in the dreams I had planned to create as an artist, was not always an easy task.

Seeking asylum in Manhattan  in 2011 where dreams are made, was a serious decision that my future depended upon. Lets face it, October of 2011, my company web site was attacked by cyber hackers in crashing a project I had worth $15 million and took me three years to put together., The project was nearly 15 years in the concept and making. Then, Cyber hacked, while I was in NYC with lost reservations in a hotel room, and I lost my phone and wallet. A woman, that saw me selling art in the area of Spring Street, and Green Street, where Francis Ford Cupola gets pizza, found my wallet, and knew whom I was. I was thrilled she returned it. Having to have the phone replaced, it was not all that easy. It was a terrible time, in the midst of phoning my fiancée then, to tell him, I wanted to tell him I was fine. He was seething that maybe I had extra curricular activities and as was two months late getting home, and never arriving home again. 

I returned to MANHATTAN to live in 2015 in west village, and enjoyed the days of my numerous exhibitions. Moving from Manhattan in 2018 February, due to wanting to live in a less populated city was a ease for me, then.  2018, in a city in UPPER WESTERN NEW YORK turned out to be one of the best in small cities. And really is.     

Soho, life was a bit expensive and I was a practical dilettante' that wanted to stop wrongful rumors about me and go on to live out the merits of my life as there are many. I feel the merits should be as they are, and not with a LOOPY few times that things didn't go so well, due to extreme stress, I think, over losing full use of my left hand to the point of not being able to use my only working hand at times now. The problem is not one that everyone has. While, I have written a book about my life, that I am about to publicize, does not highlight the LOOPY area. The book is about me, flamboyant, and bold, smartly, with special hands like no other. I found to be extraordinary in my life with a meaningful extraordinary life I went after and gained. Providing myself with a very different life than anyone else on earth and a reality. While, falling in love, was pretty calming it was not the only true lives dream I would live out. 

Well, I am almost finished writing the book, YELLOW MANGO. about a life dream I worked hard towards and found.  Many reachable dreams, that I worked all my life for to come true did. At age 7, I knew what I wanted to do as a human in the arts to a point. 

The fortunate  love of a rare very special man, came true as well. Even if a high speed locomotive ran into the rare love. Though, once it is love, it is never something else with all that time. I hope to be finished with the book writing in February 2021. Then, it is all publicity work that takes time is next. With the greatest contacts in the world, the work is still difficult and will take a miracle to sell. While sales are very possible, as is a possible movie with people I know from my circles in the arts that I traveled far and wide for, and a movie from my book could become true with some luck. Imagine a movie sponsored by Microsoft. I can.   

In 1998, I lost the longevity of use to my hands that wilted like tulips out of water, while I was in art school as my life long dream shattered. I shattered too, at the thought of never using a spoon again, and losing the whole dream that I worked all my life for. Shattered in my mind, right in front of my eyes. All the sudden in one swift minute, the water glass was unreachable and nothing existed for me all the sudden. After the nerves rested what could go wrong with my hands again. They can get that way even now with sore upset and sometime the whole nerve collapse as did during 1998 once as I tried to gain different work, And left my university studies. While a total collapse happened in late 1999 for a few weeks . It frightened me. 

With slow eased activity I do okay now and had to learn to slow down, and refocus on a new dream. I reached for it, and received an honors award from the governor of Tennessee. The  company I created was very successful, that brought in over $120,000 a year after a few years of broadening my projects within my company. While, of course, I had a collapse of my hands after that. Working to hard. 

The national endowment for the arts, also recognized the worth in my work in the Arts, later after the serious tumble down the cement stairs. Not knowing left from right at times in 1998, into 1999, years before my company was possible, I was sure then in 1999, that there was nothing in life that would be as I worked for and dreamed of. In 1998 I had a few weeks of a loopy feeling, and in 1999 too,  related to the serious tumble I took, where I hit my frontal left lobe of my brain. Terror of loss in what was normal to me, was more than upsetting.     

Getting dizzy at the top of a train rail cement stair four flights up was real. Falling from the top after loosing nerves in my hand,  knocking me very loopy for a while was very scary. The injury I had effected me like,  at times, into 1999 while I was working at lecturing in the arts to put it all back together in 2000. All those years with an incredible career record,  years I had no way to have a job without further injury to my hand was real,  and no words, and no government wage insurance to help, until after 1999 was a reason to be loopy and dizzy was mortifying. 

I was hired in Posh Boutique Investment Banking Firm, in 1998, that was wonderful and I was very qualitied. With an exemplary business career resume, real offers came in at $86,000.00 starting pay, in 1998 when I left another  job for something less stressful on my hand. It was all going well for a long while until, the filing of my folders for clients became to much on my hands, yet devastating to my mind, not being able to stay in my lush office. It was embarrassing. I mean, it was all so easy and lovely for me. My tiny heals came in handy then, and I had a fresh cut flower on my desk each day. My 400 Brokerage Clients loved me as they phoned in for an update on stocks daily. And I said nothing about my strange nerve damage on my only hand. I mean, we never say: "The right hand has a cleft BIRTH DEFECT, in a issue at birth." Leaving investment banking was very difficult. I liked it in my office in the city, an office that overlooked the Chicago Lake front with many sailing beautiful sail boats. Sail Boats, I sailed on, every Thursday in the warmer months with a group of about ten friends. What an amazing life to pick up the pieces to have to resign from. It was 1999. And a lovely life, I liked very well.  

In 2000, I was relearning some of my University Lessons and Volunteer teaching at a High School Middle School, a few days a week, that allowed me to develop one of my major learning projects I wrote a paper on in my University Projects, just three years before in the arts. Within a year, turning the project into a consulting project for specialized programs in the arts, that started as $35. per hour in 2001 -2002, was my new life. And not that easy. 

In 2003 and 2004, the fees increased, and in 2005 six days a week, With nearly no work with my hands, $125. was an ease to teach my own special art programs to arts centers, state wide programs for people and universities such as Vanderbilt University which I was a lecturer in at times. Later, I worked in international lectures through my Chicago Alumni Groups, with one of my old Universities at Columbia College Chicago. An important BROADCASTING AND FILM SCHOOL. 

 In 2009, Filming the Project for an online Venue was the big plan to alleviate and stress from my hands all together.  And finally use my business skills to make real wages I put off in really using a nitch way of earning a larger wage. When deciding to go to a very special University first as I dreamed of, and finally achieved. My other University  is a museum University in the arts that is with the top five museums in the world, and only 250 students in the school. Pretty difficult to even get in. I mean, I was a caterer and skilled very well at selling a recipe for real wages. I was a director once for a Ristorante, Making more than entry level wages, with a very sore left arm, and a cleft right hand from birth. Wilting hands like tulips out of water, was very scary. Later in life returning to a Dream I had to attend an exclusive University in the ARTS at age 30, was a thrilling delight for me. Having to leave school in my third year was a disaster with my hands that all the sudden didn't work. And the fall from the stairs I took, going into School one day was terrifying waking up at the bottom of the stairs and begin walking left when you wanted to go right. Those things were mortifying and worth trying to overcome if possible. The loopy feeling was not all the time, and later recovered fully. With the exception of the wrongful rumors.   

Rumors of being LOOPY forever can be upsetting when the truth is that the merits are very prestigious, with a honor for excellence in the arts program, from the governor of Tennessee in 2005. I lived in Knoxville Tennessee for over 12 years. I made a lovely life there, with my sun hat and tiny healed sandals on everyday.   

While, in 2011,  the Louis Vuitton Shoppe in SOHO was busy, and with after hours gatherings, I was with a need to be involved with the events and was invited as it was good to broaden my reputation as a practical artist. It was three years of invites from Rob Forbes to events of designers in the arts which was also very good for me. The broadening of my chances to exhibit in Italy and Spain, And England, were real. As I began gaining opportunities.  Of course if you know my work, you know that I have only exhibited in Spain, online. Where as, my exhibitions in Italy and England were in the museum itself. I was on Rob Forbes list and glad. 

I missed my former Fiancée  whom, I chose not to go back with in 2014, when he asked me to take a travel trip with him to London England. It was a lovely sentiment. 

He was not going to get past me leaving him for SOHO and then to SEATTLE WASHINGTON, where apartments were more reasonable and the company Nordstrom's was with all their buyers offices for the national high end merchandise store there. Some of my project on my desk were in hopes that Nordstrom might buy, as I worked on presentations from my Ocean side home office on Cameno Island just out side of Seattle Washington. Even with a train in and out of the city. And was just perfect. 


In getting back to my three year project, that was cyber hacked, there was nothing that could replace the filmed footage that took a year of filming an art activities program that even NBC was interested in. The project was with my own television format and ready to sell. The plan for the publicity was in action. And things with my fiancée were going well. While, I was not sure he knew what kind of time goes into the arts. And perhaps didn't appreciate travel trips and such I needed to make in order to broaden my world in the arts. 

Learning about publicity mapping was not easy and was helpful with new friends in the arts, even from my conferences in Chicago and L.A. With conferences the meetings in Pasadena and North Western university were needed in a way of major film professionals to meet. Getting to learn more about press packets was on the top of my list.

Then in 2011, my world, ended with no way to record the newer project in exactly the same way. It was a series of films of lectures and activities in the arts. With four students each month and with a following in 37 counties that were waiting to buy. 

Of course, I was a guest speaker on the Early Morning News Show about the arts. With a online television pre filmed show that linked to my web site there were people whom were endless in numbers that wanted to pay the $29.99 for the show. Which was a lot less expensive then my in-person lecture interactives. With three years in perfecting web sites and gaining the platform. I was about the install the membership fee button, and then get started on publicity with WBIR television whom was easily with interest. 

In 2011, when the project just disappeared from any online area, I began plans for a series of exhibitions to prevent this from ever happening again. While the plan took a while, I was ready by 2014.   Primarily working on it in Manhattan in 2015 to 2016. The peace exhibitions were exciting while they were not a replacement for my outstanding business plans and merits.

1993 is when I began selling my own paintings while I had been selling tiny sculptures as early as 16 years old, in 1981. Then, years ago, selling in the city of Syracuse New York, in the STUDIO GALLERY.  

In 1993, I worked as a full time designer in a garden center high end plant nursery for indoor and outdoor plant architectural design. My sketching abilities was helpful in designing easily in landscape architectural design.  I was working on selling paintings out side of my full time work at times, Yet the bills were paid, with my landscape architectural design position. 

The Pink Design in the photograph of me above, is from my collections of design work at STUDIO VOSSE and not in production yet. It may never be. While I must make time for careful decisions in what is possible. Small production in a design like this is unthinkable. The photograph remains at a statement in the world, that perhaps the design comes before the reality. Profoundly the photograph is a statement about the fragility of life and form of life forever. While I have other projects of course, and taking time to develop new designs such as the IN THE PINK rain cape, was one of the things that the future of my company thrives on.. Being an artist means there are designs to look backwards and into the future with. Worthy in the year 2020 even at a turtles pace. 

I exhibit internationally and nationally while I created a company with many designs on the work desk over many years, such as greeting cards and shipments of some prints that were selling well at the local shops in 2001- 2005. Of course, I created a very special program in the arts that earned me a governors honors award for my "smART' lecture-interactive project that began in 2001. The topic of my university paper in 1995. Later to be realized with belief and hard earned work from 2001 to 2009. Then in 2009, I slated the creative cultural lecture interactive project for TELEVISION online within my own company. It was a hope that my then, in 2001 professional fees would increase of the meek $35. per hour that I earned in my four hour a week classes with much more on my design desk. They did increase to $140. per hour and many more lectures by late 2004 and into 2005. By 2008 my professional fees were at $200. per hour in my specialization in cultural arts lectures. The  lecture classes had also expanded into international lectures were far beyond hope, and worthy of the Governors Honor in the cultural arts that I was honored for in 2005. The later, lecture TELEVISION ONLINE project that failed in 2011 from cyber hackers issues after a great deal of computer programing work went into the project through 2009 and into 2010. Filming the project was also included into 2010 and 2011. The cyber horror of hackers was a huge disappointment and then struggles to save my estate were real. It is fair to say that the TELEVISION ONLINE format was planned as early as 2003 and took great planning and shape in these unique classes in 2009-2011. While at this time the lectures are not available.

The company today is at a stop, and upside down still in ways while I take time to simmer some project ideas  After a FOUR YEAR exhibition  in MODERN OPERA that was exhilarating and exhaustive broadening my perspective of the world around me within the larger arts scene, I hope that the impression I made on those in the largest art market in the USA were at least formidable within my optimism. Let's face it, optimism does not come easy. 

In 2014 to 2017, I am not sure I should have had an international four year exhibition in MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. But I did it anyway. The time was frenetic and soothing if that is possible. While my company was on hold and my personal projects became the center of my life for the first time. The crash of the company was never reopened and I was not able to go back to re-establishing a class lecture schedule that takes two years with a steady filled lecture schedule each 8 weeks for nearly 6 years. 

While the MODERN OPERA exhibitions in NYC piazza sidewalks were enormously exhilarating. Whom would imagine songs in OPERA about Peanut Butter and Jelly, Spegetti -Spegetto, about  budgeting money, would be loved from an audience as it was.  As the song  BLACK SHEEP WHITE SHEEP,  and a country song titled OH BEAUTIFUL, with a song called JUMBALIA STEW, became a realize minute in the world. Something that is quite important to me as a human being to realize my self  in ways that move to a different drum than others in some ways and in others of course there is a blend in the qualitative measures that are important. The next project is going to be a wonderful project with an international magazine. And very different than most. Yellow Curry Magazine international is interactive and will be launched in January of 2022. 

YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international is a new project at VOSSE, scheduled to LAUNCH a benefit opening in January of 2022. While several other new projects exist at STUDIO VOSSE as well. The book, YELLOW MANGO, that is coming out sometime next year is an important project at STUDIO VOSSE. While STUDIO VOSSE is enduring of time creatively in the remaking of a company worth the efforts of the next 30 years of love of work and worth. Articles about the art, Permanent Exhibitions, New Galleries, a Music Recording Gallery, a current featured area for Current Art, and a film Gallery of permanent and New Works, are all part of the Magazine with Art Lectures in the Art Lecture interactive gallery. Print Sales that is interactive as well can be a feature to list online in a magazine and be a part of the art. Again, the Launch date for Yellow Curry Magazine International is January 2022. While the benefit price of the magazine cover the cost of an overage in listing fees.  

The arts are a sacred part of the world of self expression and for everyone to enjoy in one way or another. The Magazine YELLOW CURRY is an exceptional venue to participate   in for any one at any age and gain a lecture or two to be even more excited about the arts. Using the online platform as a tool for creative diversity was what I was working on in Television forums and the magazine is a much better tool to reach an international and national larger population to bring creative diversity to the world in a way that has never been seen before. While utilizing a personification of the creativity to enrich the communities of the whole world. It is a globalization that is good essentially. Creatively it will always be good to see diverse people in a growth process as a standard of equality in it's best form.  While the stabilization of economies my rely on the growth process in villages of the cities everywhere. 


I set out to be an international artist in the world. It is a small, obscure, circle, with the arts internationally as a painter and sculptor.  I was selling in Germany and Thailand as Early as 1996.  I have sold in Chicago, and NYC, and Los Angeles, and in other countries now. Today I have been in 6 major museum events and served as a honored volunteer at my local museum in special events in fundraising, and other events within the museum such as getting in 4 hours at the book shop with 350 hours there per year during 2001 to 2005. I was in a TATE MODERN exhibition within the Spanish artist's exhibition, Rolf Lorenzo Hemmer's works in TRILLFARY SQUARE and very prestigiously so in 2009. 

My creative projects keep me happy.

 Complexly simple, yet riche with possibility has a timeless effect. 

 [                                                BEING MODEST         ]  




At the age of 32 in 1997, lunching with the Dean of the Painting and Sculpture Department at the conservatory of the MUSEUM of the CHICAGO ART INSTITUTE  in Chicago's very prestigious Michigan Avenue daily was wonderful. While it was not expensive as making time then the years are savored years. With memories of the lunch ristorante  at the TAVEREN on the  GREEN. I was working for a Real Estate Mogul then, and as a women she was, it was a wonderful chance to be an important part of her home office every day with busy days nearly three years while I was at my university conservatory studies at the Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago. 

It wasn't the great tale about my catering night in a snow storm that I took a horse and sled in to a gully in the rolling hills of upper NEW YORK STATE to deliver the food hot. I was a director of a fine deli and catering company with 30 employees, when I was 21 into my later years in the 1980's. Working 7 years for one company was a pleasure to me, I didn't want to step away from. Later spending years with corporate work in upper management in a large grand scale resort hotel was also a pleasure that was lucrative. Starting in a Art Conservatory in the later of the 1990's was a risk of time for me worth every minute with my skills to get greater employment in many other areas in a city like Chicago later.   

The wonderful years at outings to breakfast with my very astute beautiful and creatively talented mother in later years are never forgotten and apart of my love for the riche inherency  that my family life has always been to me, even in being out there in the world alone and making a substantial living for my self. Whom would have guessed that my hands would fail as I turned away a one million dollar sculpture commission in 1997. The subject of the book YELLOW MANGO. Due in mid summer 2021. The book includes introspection about a triumphant reality that is truth and a bit surreal in the many turns that take place. In the tiny little arts circle, I was dreamy about every minute of life yet, conservatively vigorous and hard working with a smart sensibility. As such, with great friends new and old that I keep up with in emails over the many years. I did not know that my hands would just stop working and collapse like wilted flowers on a stem. Within the failure the reality was, that I became internationally known. Even with ROB REDFORD. Of course ROBERT lectured at times right down the road from where I lived as his lectures were at North Western University and in the city at my conservatory at the GOODMAN THEATER. The tiny circle of international friends, that are important to me, found out about my failing hands, without the larger story as will be many years later in the pages of the book, YELLOW MANGO. About failing hands and all sorts of love for life to cultivate more than a survival route. 

The tiny little circle that I was in for 5 years in person and later in emails over 20 years was more a sacred reality for me. With many travels to see friends and exhibit works for years before I began teaching my cultural lecture -interactives, over time in my little city life. While in Chicago, YOYO MA and GEORGE SOLTI were wonderful to know of, at SYMPHONY CENTER just a stones throw from my conservatory studies for three years as we were all on Michigan Avenue and Adams Street lunching of course among everyone I would know later in life with hopes. With my love for classical music and my own work in my earlier modern recording dabbling with my parrot singing with me, as we created secret compositions in the 1980s was fun. Later I was very serious about merging music with visual arts and even took to Sketching in the Practices of George Solti and Yoyo Ma as well as Sketching some famous Jazz people in Sunday afternoon events at the tiny little cafe' NO EXIT that is a secret hideaway for Brass and String Performers.  Yes, talking about my PARROT and our modern minimalist abstract music recorded in my NEW YORK home, it was fun conversation.

October 19th 2020 just a few hours from this edit there was an email from SPAIN with PARROTS. How Sweet.

In 2010 I was invited by the Casatoria Museum of Art in ROME ITALY, to Exhibit works based on international peace. The work of art, filmed work  was my first ballet and an obscure sweet kind work of art. Unusual, the  ballet of painting and time was choreographed to Pertushka by the Paris France Symphony. My American work of art forever is within a permanent collection at the CASATORIA MUSEUM about time that goes very fast while we tend the life we have carefully tend with the care of others delivered, the viseral enlightening work, may not be important to everyone. Seen now, throughout the years ongoing in ITALY, as a permanent work of art in the Museum, the museum cherishes the work of art.

In 2009, I was asked to be within a panel of people in the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM international design forum. I was published in four countries then at the MUSEUM online, three years in a row. Then, also receiving invites from my university at Columbia College Chicago as an international lecturer to deliver a lecture on wealth and education. I said yes.  For 5 years that lecture was online and reached the SOCIETY of EUROPEAN FINE ARTS COLLEGES and well received in the USA and EUROPE, 2009 - 2013. 

In 2009 I won the chair honor for a cork bottle chair at Design Within Reach actually 2009 and 2010. My cork bottle chair tour the USA, MANHATTAN to HONALULU in Design Within Reach Stores. and was seen on line by all Design Within Reach, shoppers in the USA and internationally. With Buyers in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Austria, Into China and the middle eastern Europe regions. 2009 -2010 with an online exhibition as well instantly international.    It was a time to Arrive in NYC to the many 379 events with design that I was invited to and write a book, as I did in 2010 called the CHAIR BOOK.  

In 1997, years before the CHAIR BOOK, the university events I became privy to, including openings in ristorantes on occasion,  television shows, offers to work in television even, were a time to remember my salad fork and enjoy the very good people that I would meet with a vibrato of success in my mindful busy days to that of myself and everyone working to serve the arts. Assuring my rent was paid was top priority, as it was long past since I sold my NEW YORK house with the  three rentals I purchased at age 21 with fervent work to one day rent them and buy a second rental home with several rentals and attend art school that was a bit promising. With my mind for great business, I had to sell the NEW YORK HOUSE while living in TENNESSEE before moving to CHICAGO for my plan in attending an art school in the city. There are good schools there, and I had an opportunity to attend NORTH WESTERN UNIVESITY. While a internationally noted historian recommended me to the SCHOOL of the MUSEUM of ART INSITUTE of CHICAGO and applied. It was after attending COLUMBIA COLLEGE earning a full scholarship. 

The sale of my house was a large bit of work in 1993, after which I met a wonderful man whom we had a brief engagement, broken due to locations we would eventually chose to live in, his works of art were to be one of the greatest in obscure classical music earning his doctorial and moving to become a university music professor from NORTH WESTERN UNIVERSITY, and a fine classical composer he was. Moving made that possible. Wildly he started in Los Angeles within the  obscure pop music scene  -with a door opened to him at Sony Music. Classical performance in particular, his baby grand piano, was his favored love.  

In speaking with a friend once about getting things done in your creative studio, he said: that it was a push at time, to see what was around the corner and not a totally silent music concert as was JOHN CAGE's in the 1990's when he was made to give back a few ticket prices and he refused. While in fact he sold tickets which is a pearl of what is evident a reality to keep in mind, when alone at a creative desk of your own to believe in your self and sell the work the pearl exists, yet no one knew it would be two hours of silence in a music concert. Creative worthy work does not yet exists at times and quite difficult. It is not always easy. Since the loss of the use of my hands in a central way I have to not over work my hand and I am fine.  I have moved forward to accept that I had to turn down a one million dollar sculpture commission in 1997 that tore me apart for a long while. My mother did not know what was wrong with me for a while when I arrived to visit in a catatonic state. I was a bit shattered then and it had nothing to do with what kind of human beings we are and how hard we work. 


Later gaining international success in exhibitions of painting and drawing, my international career took on extra work that was in an international gallery in Chicago, and with other museums and gallery work that was with emails over many years and worth my time. With a connectedness through my arts circles in my conservatory studies through alumni groups, the broadened possibilities became.


Email has been invaluable while it is not a replacement for in person dinner or lunch.

I have sold work into Thailand and Germany as early at 1995. Already internationally worth my weight in work efforts as an artist and no one can ever take that away from me. I have been a success internationally as early as 1995. While I could not just put together art for others in galleries as a small limited production studio, due to failing and fragile hands that could never keep up.  As I said, no one can take my successes that have been away from me. While spinning into a new way to work, has been my larger effort of a place to ease my future of successes and I have 30 years or more that I am glad I chose the arts with my diversity of creative range.


In some cases that I have sold some originals and prints while in 2019 my entire estate was lost. As well as the artist proofed numbered prints that do not come as easy to my hands today.  

1997 -1999 Investment Banking in a lush, Boutique firm, was not difficult to gain a job, and keep painting and sculpture in my home office studio, still with concerns of failing hands as my right hand is with a birth defect. After the 13 year of work excellence in an exemplary skill and applied knowledge I had in upper management in risterante and catering in mostly larger corporate clients with great success, I excelled and was offered work starting at $80,000.00 in the lovely boutique office, 1997, -1999 when I decided to leave Chicago due to my hands and preservation of using a salad fork well. Moving to lecturing in 2001 in a  10 years cultural arts lecture programs honored by Governor BREDESON'S office, the former governor of TENNESEE where I returned to live and build a success beyond failing hands, in 2001. In 2004 the cultural arts lecture project I created started in 1996 as a paper in theory in a college class, became lucrative and worth staying in the area. I brought it to life in 2001 and began to earn some money on it. Intending it for primary class room sales in films, later internationally was a great project that is still tucked away for my emeritus years. 

It was my hope to bring that project to the GUGGENHEIM one day as a summer program one day. 

It is one of the  finest cultural programs in the world and took on a ten year practice with hopes to one day move to online venues which later I did just that in three years of invested time through out 2009 2010 and 2011. With web site building and the Television online Venue built and then filming in the home office up to 12 shows in lecture form a year. The work was great. Building the revenue with a special grant from Social Security and starting with only earning $35. Per hour of my professional fees, while selling the program to a more lucrative group at a loss at first, I built a larger student base and began making $160. per hour as early as 2004 into 2008, when I ended the program due to failing hands and a chance to build a television pre-recorded online platform that would eventually not need my hands in ways that were harsh on them. While the work would have of course taken time to sell to a national market even if it took me three times as much time as other people. The web site was attacked in late 2011 by cyber hackers. The time is worth not turning your back on your own dreams ever to even remake what is possible.  While the work was exhaustively fun. 


The TATE MODERN approached me as a lecturer of art culture outside the museum in a TATE extension program. The year was 2009. How wonderful the TATE noticed me through a little dvd I sent an artist there showing and the head of the curatorial department sent me an offer to work for the TATE MODERN MUSEUM of Art in London England. As such, it should be known that the TATE MODERN is one of the top ten museums of art in the world. I was graciously excited by the opportunity.  Living in London England -had always been a dream. Yet I was devoted to a wonderful man and I had failing hands. The work for the television format took on three years of work and much longer than most people would have taken. Three years later after 2008, I had created a TELEVISION platform online at my company with meticulous work I involved myself in slowly building the platform myself for my company online. Filming 12 shows in 2010, in the cultural project,  with art lectures  in a very modern series of lectures with students was exhaustingly fun, again, I will say that. With the television platform I was set to gain a national market over time in still years of work, while WBIR in KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE interviewed me for the earlier morning news show about arts in the community that gained me 37 counties of people calling me about art programs in 2008. With approximately at least a possible Million in sales projected and lost to crashed web issues with HACKERS in the 2011. 


While the television online platform was scheduled to publicize in the national market for lecture interactives online within the cultural enrichment programs that were more like a class as my company then before the crash hackers were ready and into nearly four years of invested time to be ready for the National Market. Of course the failure to my hands made it extremely slow going for me to create such a wonderful project that projected income into at least a regional area with over one million in sales possible. 

 All the work was again lost.

In 2011 hackers destroyed my entire online company and the cultural programs with all archives were gone in a blink.  In 2014 I began a four year exhibition in ethics lectures and modern Opera  in the piazza of NYC MANHATTAN that ended in the summer of 2017, in hopes that my online work will be a success without any concerns of hackers that crash sites into the future or ruin future work plans and then I end with waste of time. 

The Modern Opera Ethics Exhibition was a new way to work in the arts and wonderful at about $600.00 a day in a four Year Exhibition Piazza style in New York City Manhattan before 2017. The worthy work set out to be a exhibition that could have some broadening in the cares of ethics in cyber and atm attackers. To run smooth business and have a greater country. The surprising effort was an exuberating experience that was difficult creatively. While the work in my online television format will always be lost. There was something I could do about preserving the sanctitude of a worthy project such as YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international in the four year reach for creative solutions in many directions for me. Beyond being noted by the GUGGENHEIM and the METROPOLITAIN museum of art, I was noticed by the opera house at Carnegie Hall as well. With a few more broadened opened doors for my aging eyes with wrinkles. 



More about YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international  exhibitions. The project is scheduled to open in May of 2021 and run indefinitely. The publicity will be ongoing. The press releases on YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international are of a  larger importance and will have Modern Opera RECORDINGS and a TINY BOOK series called YELLOW BOOK tiny book series. In other words, I will be calling in a whole lot of favors for press release contacts with my world renowned universities in hopes for help  with the MAGAZINE that is a benefit publication.


Reiterating. Again, mentioning that YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international will be with it's first opening on MAY 1st, 2021, the excitement of the opening is something to look forward to in my Upper Western New York State, in Saranac Lake just 15 minutes from Lake placid of the Winter Olympics in the 1970's, about two hours from my sweet mother within our aging years and quite wonderful. 

In part, the magazine is of broadening in the reality of readers of what MODERN OPERA and the arts means to one person. Within a personification of human existence  where arts is in the soul. Of course not just MODERN OPERA, as I have said. But with a look at the care of the past of an artist of what is more important in the lengthy processes of the arts which became and become fruitful with real work. Worth preserving into a place of introspection. It was after the cyber hacking on my company took the whole company down in a blink in 2011. Some of my life has been devoted to preserve the work I have now for the future and with hopes never again deal with cyber hackers. The rest of the magazine is exciting. An online venture, worth the time, is the reality.  Curated in permanent exhibition space online, within the pages of YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international are the recording that are rare and beautiful showing a full reach to the importance of love that is more than romantic of course and Wildly Romantic too. Having the ability to flee my home, in the south, and seek asylum with Art Giants of MANHATTAN, all the way to MOSCOW, as a TOPIC of  of YELLOW MANGO in the first YELLOW BOOK in YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international as very important to the publication as well.  Why I fled to move to NYC   in 2011, after my 7 year  marital engagement to a wonderfully vibrant attorney, that I loved wistfully, more than he knew as I left, after misunderstanding left me without banking of my own and rumors that were also misunderstood and broadened to crush anything. Ending my once dreamy life in the romance of what could not be finer. While my nerve damage was shutting down my hands.   

With the birth defect missing all fingers on my right hand, not bothering me until I was 32, the torment of the vanity of issues changes in the book quickly, to why I created a MODERN OPERA and a way to eat with a fork forever and not over work my hands ever again. The MODERN OPERA EXHIBITION of four years preserved me in my career.  With broadened possibilities. The newer kind of permanent exhibition in  a new kind of magazine is hoped by me at my tiny desk to be an artistic success with great insight of the work involved in reaching an international market over a project plan of 5 years or longer in broadening to international markets. 


2015 -2017 MODERN OPERA EXHIBITIONS in Manhattan: Why STEVE MARTIN delivered my coffee in the summer of 2016 when my peace exhibition was at it's pique? Why I was sun drenched, in the beautiful west village MANHATTAN in exhibitions of MODERN OPERA with  beautiful days and days, as a second home then until late 2017 when I left the city forever. I had never met him before and he was just being nice.  I was in my home office 20 years, when  I fled in 2011, flocking to MANHATTAN to assure I had a freedom in my life and people that would care never to tamper with my company. 2010 I was creating a presentation to present to sell to the company VOSS and  not VOSSE, as mine is. I was trying to create a presentation that was about selling to the company VOSS  one of my soda recipe's. It is a fabulous lime soda recipe. I was ripped out of my home with lies about me then and very upsetting to see the blind of close friends be so mortifying to stop my company then TRACEE AND COMPANY that was later hacked and crashed with all lost.  A  new company name VOSSE pronounced very differently than the water company VOSS, was a reality I liked and licensed the company in earlier 2014. I was with a new life fleeing my office for MANHATTAN in belief that the awfulness would stop and I could sell lime soda to VOSS again without anyone stopping me if the company accepted my project agreement proposal. It might have been a waste of time, and people may never know. Though my exhibition in Modern Opera in MANHATTAN were outstanding and did not go unnoticed. 


MANHATTAN to MOSCOW is a set of recording that are a very important part of  YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international. I hope to gain sales from everyone in RUSSIA that wants to pays $9.99 for YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international in the benefit opening.  Imagine an AMERICAN ARTIST asking for help from RUSSIANS in the MOSCOW TIMES. I would love to write a song about it. SOS  MOSCOW is a perfect title. 




" I believe  in the song"  

"BACK TO THE USSR . "as in russia when it was changing with the times.     


MANHATTAN to MOSCOW  rare recordings are very important and I hope they sell in MOSCOW at the MOSCOW TIMES. I HOPE they SELL EVERYWHERE in YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE with an INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION in the MAGAZINE and online only.  THE NEW YORK TIMES  coverage ? Please ? 


THE NEW YORKER  ?    VOGUE ?    in two years of real publicity ?       never say never ?   



MORE ABOUT YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international .and  yellow woolies. 


Gifts from INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS in NEW YORK CITY MANHATTAN four year lecture series and Modern Opera  Exhibition piques the curiosity of my lovely time in NYC that ended in 2017. Why did they bring me such greetings? It was at the heart of my thoughts in 2018, about many people that often most do not get that opportunity to note. Of course being a caterer for nearing 13 years of my life was with that kind of greeting from people happy to see me. From people whom love me. And I am sure of it. Why fleeing my beautiful 7 year home office was smart to continue  in life even if I couldn't take a man I loved with me, as I had to something of  my worth international in work to save in the arts that took 35 or more years. I love the world and have a hope that the four year lecture circuit in MANHATTAN is more like pearls to embellish and enshrine with a magnificent new way of looking at life that I am optimistic about. Without the lovely experiences I have had, the optimism of worth may not have arrived without MANHATTAN.   


What are the memories worth in such a full life of the arts verse none at all? Self experience in personification is everything. As my friend RICHARD BENENTE ' said: " then there are that of people to experience the love of life with." 

Are YELLOW WOOLIES about that subject. One of the top topics of a book titled YELLOW MANGO which will be featured in YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international in May's Launch of 2021. With MORTON'S Steak side walk Piazza Delivery and European Boots. The Moseroti Driver that delivered me $100. for my opera when it was worth $250. in the lower center seats inside. Mikhail Baryshnikov was good to say that most people do not have the time to live in a good practice space for a daily opera while I brought it to the street daily four years and could not go unnoticed. I was wildly happy about the exhibition time that broadened my perspectives of the world around me. The upset to my hands faded away at the reality of making $600.00 per day at the many days with people that YELLOW WOOLIES were important to see me accept. Thrilled easily pay a few dollars in a piazza MORDERN OPERA . In the right place before 2018. 

Let me stand over there. Hold on. 


The 50 heart shaped cakes chocolate delivered to my feet in the exhibition on my 50th birthday that year was astonishing.

 FILM   is from my presentation to VANDERBILT UNIVESTITY with my own music composition at the end of the film called riggaletto. While I created many lectures some were team building and some were the power of positive though, others were universities and arts centers. Most of the work in the film is from my ten year series of lecture classes for 6-12 year olds and that of beginners in drawing and painting as well as my portraiture classes for seasoned hobbyist with a passion for arts. I held gallery openings for the works competed complete with a catering of smorgy to gather around with success in the field of my profession for nearing 8 years then.  While the VANDERBILT LECTURES were a different kind of lecture,  and at a UNIVERSITY LEVEL that I was invited to present. 


In 2005 MARCH I had an important birthday with over 1000 guests in a museum that I spent over time cultivating a life of friends in. Most of them, I knew since 2001 and were a regular staple at the museum very nicely. My 40th birthday was with front row tables and friends personal that brought a cake with candles. I was astounded as all my work in family days and special events didn't go unnoticed and was one of the most important birthdays I will ever have had. 

 And I thought I would throw that in there with great friends that I often miss since I began international exhibitions and took to living in a tiny city in upper western New York state. 

2002- 2005 While I was traveling then to my international exhibitions at times and not a four year international exhibition in NEW YORK CITY MANHATTAN, the small national travel was important to my life and career. As were shopping days at TARGET in 2005 to 2009.     


I am LAUNCHING an international MAGAZINE. I CAN'T BELIEVE it! 

Imagine launching an opening of FINE ART LECTURE BASICS MAGAZINE in the same year   with YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international is with an area of expertise that was very difficult to cultivate and is not lost. For $15.00 per the entire MAGAZINE the STUDENTS whom seek to know more about getting there work seen and diversifying into other areas of design and drawing knowledge, could be a success into society in cities that were once not a area that could reach for the delights of such quality class room ART BASICS. 



The area of development for ART BASICS is unannounced at this time. 



Seeking asylum in MANHATTAN to MOSCOW is now on my mind as one of the YELLOW BOOK  tiny book series and a topic of the first book in the YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international exhibition that will be a priority forever and simply delightful. Like a RUSSIAN  egg from Fabergé  for me to adorn daily and monthly with more recording in opera fusion and tiny books like seeking asylum in MANHATTAN to MOSCOW. The  YELLOW BOOK tiny book series will be worth the year of lite work within the international publication. From, gallery exhibitions that are new and permanent both, with readers that gain time to re-read and look at what was in YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international is, I am hoping for a successful 20 years or more. 


 I was on my way to MOSCOW for a exhibition song of honor to all of EUROPE, as was the exhibition song in the USA to the AMERICA'S. IN YELLOW CURRY MAGAZINE international I will be able to exhibit the song recording to all of RUSSIA and ALL of EUROPE while everyone will need an ear translator to understand what I am saying. I think it is important and not the film of me in the central cathedral in MOSCOW RUSSIA or ROME at all. While a travel trip to Paris France to record the song might be in my future.




there are wonderful people 

yet none that buy much outside of there own designers that are awarded artists dignitaries of design.  


In 2013, I was sitting at my home office with piles of work hoping for a call from HERMAN MILLER FURNITURE with a dream that HERMAN MILLER would decide to create one of my CHAIR DESIGNS from the writings and sketches of my CHAIR BOOK by TRACEE PICKETT, as the book is titled.  Of course I phoned them after sending them a presentation. It was complex and wonderful. Yet the presentation was not working properly. I may have missed out on something spectacular in an agreement with HERMAN MILLER, and then I was trying to find out about how my ATM issues kept happening and in need of legal advise. HERMAN MILLER recently in 2020 has contacted me and wants to see the presentation again a second time. I agreed to have something to them later into 2021. I am very excited all over again to even have a chance with a look through from HERMAN MILLER. 


It was all a big dream to me that DESIGN WITHIN REACH might  sell the chair. With my designs of 60 chairs it would be possible to wallpaper my kitchen, while the book was worth that. 


What a dream for me.  


The CHAIR BOOK by TRACEE PICKETT, is much more than a book of chairs.  The concept of the CHAIR BOOK was more with an abstract expressionist approach inspired by Der Blau Rieter in Munich. The reflective light into history, placed upon the period of time of DER BLAU REITCHER group of post modernist painters changed the world by evoking a interruption of change into the minds in the people during a period of time that war was prevolent. The CHAIRS are not paintings yet personify a change ( an interruption in what is normal in chairs) and introduced to the world for the first time in 2011 May from my studio desk of pure design.  The fine dvd style little book held 60 chairs with hopes to sell the book or one of the chairs. The second edition of the book was in 2012 with a bit of writing on how successful cities are with the importance of design and that of CHAIRS. The DVD book is with  MUSIC I composed called MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE. A lovely minimal work of art on steel harp that is worth listening to every night if you have time and soothes every savage beast.  Revealed is a segmented area of the book about the importance to FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT, with the reality of the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM of ART and the importance of FRANK GEHRY in the design of architecture in gains to economically improved wealth of larger cities, with a reality of importance to how design creates wealth in more cities. The book was featured at DWELL MAGAZINE and in AIA MAGAZINE. 


Of course the CRACKED EGG SERIES EXHIBITION was sitting on my desk in 2013 with the book the MAJIC OF THE OSTRAKITTCHI BIRD, waiting to be printed into hand made books with of course a listing and sales on AMAZON. PEACE 21 couture works of art,  were with a call in to NEIMAN MARCUS as a suggestion from ANDY SPADE. The PEACE 21 couture works of art are very special and the work involved was painstaking and with a message to buy works of art from the artist in a way that is represented in a reality of the artists meaning. It wasn't an easy task for NEIMAN MARCUS. Yet the jeweled works of couture art were desperately beautiful with a financial crunch in the USA that was prevalent then though with great response. 


The EXHIBITION PEACE 21 is about buying globally for a peaceful prosperity and diversity to take place. The sales at the NEIMEN MARCUS would have been wonderful with some Italian Manufacturers while the reality is that it was a terrible time for VOSSE my company with too many projects on my work desk. Still the success of the noted work is with international lectures about international wealth in the USA and internationally which were not a success until 2016. 


 My presentations to norstrom were a success in a way. They loved the designs yet wanted my to be able to have larger manufacturing guarantees. The sales of the work, can not be purchased until the delivery can be official. That makes manufacturing agreements in outsourcing very difficult and impossible for a smaller design and art firm to be successful at first with Norstroms while we met on my travel out to Seattle Washington to set up a home office in design for my self and meet with the company buyers there in Seattle where their offices are. So the four year look at design with them for my tiny firm was not a best outcome. Yet promising in the future if I can gain manufacturing outsourcing agreements in China to meet the demands of the large retail high end shoppe.  



Having an Ocean Side Home Office in 2012,  in Seattle Washington, was a thrilling quiet that was nice. There are affordable rentals there in Seattle Washington, and worth knowing the difference of living there rather than SOHO. It was a look at choices to possibly find a greater half century club. Rather than the Half Century Club at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's astute and famous alumni. All artists from one Museum School that is.  

2021 : Living in an UPPER WESTERN TINY CITY in New York, is with one of the top fine tiny cities in the USA. It has been a difficult year of changes while the city village is the very best. Much like Yale West Haven Village. I am pleased with the city, that is simply three hours drive to Montreal Canada. Looking into the Future to find the right place for me, may take a while, now that I took time off to see more of the world. West Village New York was very exciting. 



















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