[ ] FILM ?
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from EUROPE Cab drivers too ? schedule with an
email from me ? George, it is my mom and wendel ?
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is ?
TOM JONES liesure walks 1970's TELEVISED USA 2020
Soon for the whole world to see ? Proposterious !
It was a lovely travel that year, to "the states" (USA), with my itinerary plan of my flight into san fransico 2010, early summer, as I was traveling, and, yes, we met for breakfast during a bright morning. What a nice four days in the city of 150 year electric trollies actually, and then I flew into Los Angelese, to a flight into Wakiki Beach in Hawaii, USA. of course. It is the only Hawaii of the entire world. With an exhausting 8 hour flight and a full hot dinner included as ethics are real in flight over 4 hours for a full meal included while bring snacks too cola coffee and pizza yogart as you wish. 8 hours west from the California Coast, just west in the ocean, to travel from the California Coast Line directly west to USA state of Hawaii full ocean . It was my second trip to Hawaii that year. Meeting a couple of friends.
march 4 TH 2025 issues insubordinstion of the orbit in direct sanction of the kremlin, sir Vladimir Putin president of the royal country of RUSSIA
MARCH 8 TH 2025 5:42 PM WELL YES ; of course today : THERE IS A SLIGHT FURLE , at the space centre in russia. Valeries team inside the star space ships, is not the house boy in teams for the russian space centre . And the red flares on a percautionary assured efforts, are extremely large and as of yet, proved to be rather uneffective.. In teams , stated to me: no mojo . Instead the seversl that infiltrated the moscow russia streets , aimed into shredding the space centre and rostec and aimed larger and at lenght at my company in a squaller at ussr. Exscussi une monment: i will be addressing the royal russian space centte ' due to the fact that I lead the orbit as my welcome nessecity in RUSSIA which awaits again and again a time for the stop in proliferation issues. Boris Yeltin is going to be rather correct : deliberate, aim internally inside russia, are vicious malocious moluscs with large vagrent idiocy, wit a giant gulp of large success which these horride linked racketters cause a reeping , aimed as extremist , using the largest brass revolving door , not one human on earth. arth invited th et m to. The diliberate aimed attack intetnally - and in the faster and more serebrial , are the less thsm 150 individulas whom aimed into reep aim into my work and lovely existance in the world, with hard harm on a pulpitor of excess in a mortifying , duel axcess , in close range - thrird strand dma , dismal stench , reepong the time and orchestration of the most significant historical succes in science of cosmonotic invention, with a lame leg team crusher in the space centre , in a utter excess of hatmful aim in çrawling discusting , saitiated swell of tung sqwabble - in aim intended unethic as acts - reeping my schedule and of idiotic , senciless vagrent munion riffling hard viciousess. We hile zero was to be assured over a year ago.
I can not use a excuse for some large blow wart of rationale , in any way to any degree, to risk my work or the work of those at rostec , and that of the kremlins office in assuranes to me, first and formost, as a direct reality in all sanction levels of my orbit, rostec russia orbit and as such the orbit is not a reality to a hand off, of a squash' of toe headed , vicious , with a large coordinace mappe of a small venile gland used at the adams apple, grunting , which malicuouly of hard brutality - in the uss are malucious fiber of fugitives waiting to leap on the dear backs of usa into largely attackers of any, including russia, aimed into the true mecca centre , in a flight of fancy - waining to graple more of my prestigios time invited in many meetings . In even china . A serios, menecing inside the space centre - of a sudden leaping aim in unethical protocal of none - in assignment to any orbit flagerantly laggering their feet and tung with coordination - in commacausi - gorilla abliteration , is very serious in breach of inyetnational sanction of a very rsalized orbit, i myself streached my international esteemed work ' for the saftey of my lovely worthy extensive beautiful lovely reality, and the usa to discombobulate - the hainus , with my work days as the utmost important, in light of tbe year work on the hight of succsss to orbit , preventing the space centre to be aimed at, in large, and expecting a year ago the factual protocal, zero in aim close range any in any type of permethius of harrow involved, zero conways . Espaditionsly , there was, swazi moto mojo ' in a speedy aim to get to meeting in totality of infiltration fraudes - wiyh aim directly aim into a wreckage of my time at a harrible vary vicious idiocy. space cenyre Chimp Chumps. Realizing zero of thd new advancements of 8 largest balistic missles a type, and i myself am not going to tell the space centre , my work gave them far to many minutes , my efforts stopped aim in , even to the royal russian navy outboard ships .
OF COURSE : yes , well , the types of aim that flead into russia , was with location spptted i. Coordinace ' and fenile vengens of mibds of pisswioure brutsl, hamhock brained , extreme lard. Piled UNETHICAL GRIPING AT MY REAL CARDS ' MY WORK' THE DELICACIES OF SUCH LENGHTY ' delight ' thr space centre : i said: what do these people gripoing into harm at me think they are doing , with a giant .
on display the russian fleas are in screene seen aimed into mass abliteration, snouting , working as opostion , when breaking / i mean there is a idiot in hands on aim at the kremlons many efforts , aimed into me , my work is with rostec russia of a a 8 month finished in December 2023. I can say, no more in a gripping slog. My required analisys are large , and uncovered more and prevented , yes , the deliberate idiot time of largest munation of a feast to racketters usa . And aborhes harror, unthinkable. I hav
see look at what yhe space center dithrzilienthe worked on ruining my thanksgiving and christmas 2024 perfectly orchestrated , intetnational royal drive invites, assured a menicing mess, out of such orchestration and assured reality to never see such rediculous excuses of such a - direct grappling in dueling shreek , rather 300,000 space station men, are going into fistfighting - piglikd hamhawking wonen and men , in a elbo range that can get to their 24 /7 325 as should have,
See the hands of wrecher risk to my work.
Harror Idiots and Ratiobalizing reeping - yhe one human whom assured you had ease in a ajiloty , ripping at the dignsty to gleem into a slide inon the grapling of sandwiches and wine meeting on my schedule in moscow russia.
More : yes mastive venile saitiation
: rebar ♤ ♤ rebar rebar. My requirement in the orbit are to assurt the measurment of protocal in all levels of assured success to my orbit and those involved in such sppedy expadition reality. Thus with a serindipitus espedious furtherment to my projects , of large worth , with a ease work in a extra effort, from my office in moscow russia with rostec russia , whom offered me $700 million to steer via my ease . Ease in my global intetnational project fun sweetly of the wild many projects , years of development.
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