ANDY WARHOL would have been proud.
BILLY JOEL and GARTH BROOKS / about shameless
AUTHOR Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Authored in April 2019 with continued edits
In the world exists in creating our life long dreams. So in 1994 I took off to find an art school in the world that would be worth my effort. As I was already a professional artist and an accomplished business person, the dreams I worked at in part became a reality. In 2011 I would leave a gapping wound of pure true love, to assure my freedom of expression and my continuity of self respect that would forever change the definition of true love for me. Assuring a reality that a continued healthy lovely life was possible in whole, with the need to continue to develop my worthy work in the arts,.. emerged even more. Surprisingly after plans to begin public exhibitions in, Manhattan, New York. in November 2011.
I began to gain a sensibility for exhibitions in the arts in Manhattan, within my move to, Manhattan, New York, with success of completing some of the ideas of public exhibitions in, Manhattan, for the first time. Not unlike Tom Otterness, whom, sold work for five dollars in tiny sculptures in front of Rockefeller Center to make a living. Several years later he began getting offers for sculptural commissions worth over a million really. And he is now a self proclaimed "Wealthy New Yorker" with numerous sculptural commissions and a Manhattan Sculpture Studio.
Rob Forbes is another person that attained a good life in, New York City, after ending a career as a retail executive for Williams and Sonoma. Starting his own online business later with a "word of mouth" kind of advertising in, Manhattan, New York, that which gained him sales in his 18 months of business that equaled over $100 million in sales of just a few production selections of museum quality furniture items then. Gaining those tremendous sales in the year 2000. My travels to exhibiting in, New York City, were not much different in ideology. Yet were also a bit like Bill Joel's experience, in the 1970's in a way for what may be normal for, Manhattan, New York, while he shuffled his few songs then, in, NYC, on the street daily, making money, and then a new song music record recording agreement with a New York City record company. Billy Joel's recent album sold $800 million in his first month. My on-line exhibition: "LETTERS TO RUSSIA" were not as successful as Billy Joel's last album. Attaining a grant for the exhibition, much like RED BALL PROJECT, yet online. "LETTERS TO RUSSIA" exhibition was spoofy like James Bond, in a way that set the pace for the ideology that art can effect globalization in world media venues. And new ideas from unknown artists can change rapidly effecting even global politics. Which, by the way is what most museum art is about really. To think that PICASSO was instantly famous for his bird of peace, is possible, with scores of worthy work within his life known to some people that would invited him to present the bird of peace, as a means of expression and not fame.
Since the year 1996, I had begun to develop cultivations of friends in the arts through many organizations within university standards. People which I had hope maybe to meet one day.
Most of them live in Manhattan, New York. And few Art Guild Members in, Knoxville, Tennessee. Some non-Art Guild Members like Former Governor Sunquist, of Tennessee. Then, there are the people of the Chicago Artist Coalition too. Friends of the Getty, and Friends of the Dallas Museum of Art all, that may not live in Manhattan. And a retired blue print artist to Angelo's Risterante, whom is moving to, Los Crusis New Mexico, to buy a home that is better than an apartment in, Manhattan, New York.
The tiny, Manhattan New York, apartment rental was quaint. From 2011, October, to 2018, it was rentable and re-rentable during plans I had to get to know the city better and begin to plan exhibitions and a life in, New York City, New York, while there from 2014-Febuary 2019.
"LETTERS TO RUSSIA" exhibit, was online, and is a place that the failure to understand art, does not come with liability. The legal sanctity of art is of equality in higher forms. That which is not always well loved. The measure by which we like or dislike higher art is very individual a perspective. Higher forms of art can be a place that evokes feelings in our mind of the formation of humanity somehow, that can be regressive. My exhibition, LETTERS TO RUSSIA, are of a time that the U.S.A. was at an extreme financial collapse. Calling on unusual forms of art to express something of the world in a meaning that evokes feelings of damages to the U.S.A. . With nothing that has anything to do with the ideas of artists that are wild and even absurd at times. Such as the exhibition titled PISSED CRIST that was at the modern museum of art in Chicago. The exhibition for PISSED CRIST was with a coke bottle filled with URINE and a crucifix in it. It was discusting, yet was validated by the museum curators and their board of directors. With an American culture that understood the exhibition even if it may have been disliked by some,... possibly misunderstood by some, and by some, heralded as genius brave. Much like the Mapplethorpe Exhibition that shocked the world in the 1990's. Paid for by the national endowment for the arts with good old U.S.A. taxes.
MORAVINA CHOCOLATE music composition was not extremist in my art exhibitions, and it was. Though not meant to be. As my first of exhibitions near the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM of art in November 2011, it is a minimalistic music composition that I wrote for steel Greek harp. Unlike John Cage, the music I created for the works titled MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, had a resonance of the harp it self in simplistic strumming of perplexing timing that is soothing while the tonic of the notes was with even rhythm. The recording of the composition is within a design dvd book that I created and was bought by a person at the GUGGENHEIM. The memories of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE performance are forever in my mind while sitting to compose alone in my home in, Knoxville, Tennessee, and then outside nearly one year later at the GUGGENHEIM. It was all a sacred time, with a love in my life that is also sacred, even if he never knew how many words I did not say before I left. With the war of contagious
SERBIAN PHONE disease, it was difficult.
Without any writing of the steel Greek harp composition, I may have never traveled to, Manhattan, New York, outside the Guggenheim for anyone else to hear the sounds of the Greek steel harp that sent symbiotic sound into the universe that was needed after slanderous misrepresented SERBIAN PHONE DISEASE was real and distant, that can disrupt any life. Even the SERBIAN PHONE COMPANY, that may have had self inflicted sabotage of SERBIAN PHONES ONLY.
What ever it was, it was important to cure the disease I am sure. The importance of the SERBIAN PHONE COMPANY was more important and possibly more than known.
Something Important Like MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE,
could be noticed to someone?
My friends in the arts were suffering economically and the PEACE EXHIBITIONS were a breath of fresh air with vibrant sales for artists in, Manhattan, New York, that were not the high priced gallery sales. The backdrop of Manhattan's cultural museums was amazing and helpful in endless foot traffic for people in the arts to sell their work. The more beautiful paintings and drawing I have worked on throughout my life were with a sales or two. Even from a print shop and specialty paper, I was able to go online and get to my site at wooloo and print my own art while traveling. Selling in Manhattan on the sidewalk. Not like the $50.00 works of art for the New York City Aides Fundraiser that I sell in every year with Yoko Ono since 2003. I did not go over to the Chelsa Gallery district either to sell. More the MOMA or the MET, or the WHITNEY, and the GUGGENHEIM sidewalks at my cost of about $.25 cents to assure a print that might sell for $30.00 to $100.00. Manhattan was fruitful in culture that expands beyond prints of paintings and drawings at $.09 cent copies selling at easily $10.00 while the Steel Greek Harp composition in music of MORIAVIAN CHOCOLATE works played were bringing about $600.00 in an afternoon. All my former executive colleagues in Chicago, in investment banking (me -in investment banking 1997-1999), would be thinking now to buy a mandalin and move to the North East. At $600.00 per day, that is $18,000.00 per month for 30 days with ten months work. Those afternoons full time and week-ends equals $180,000.00. In other words: In five years of the steel harp, of the artistry of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE music composition written from pure love, there is a financial projected yield of more than a half a million dollars. Wait, let me watch the man I love pay the extra cost at his expense to never retire, while I take my mother out for a fine coffee. That is it. If I can afford to see her again. I say that for no reason except to compare Italian Sheets and rented Porches, really.
It was not because in 2010 while sitting in a fast food ristorante, I was asked by my former Fiancee about what to do with this horrible economic crunch in my dear city. I think, I did think that maybe selling hot dogs for a living could save us. Just us, and forget the artistry of exhibition in higher arts for economic peace. Forget economic peace. Never! Then, I did get a message from a person next door, that there was a well dressed man in a suite that was trying to live in our side garage. Reports of the man up the street as well, that tyrannically began yelling at his gardener after 30 years too was unusual. Best not to say that the garden may be too expensive, in an economic disaster, and let go the gardener that had no options for work. Tyrannical ruin for the gardener of everything. Even their reputation.
As you may have guessed, my move to, Manhattan, New York City, New York, was important. With years of unspoken words to some people that I find very important while the days off the calender flew by. They are sure that I may have left instead to find myself a traveling sales man. When the truth is, I submerged myself secretly of them, into arts that takes on a higher meaning and needed a respite to assure it. Not reachable by war of only the Serbian Phone. The above right is the $600.00, Manhattan, Temporary Apartment. Upper Manhattan. Renting it on and off since 2011, into 2018.
In 2014 I managed to re-rent and into 2015, 2016, and through 2017, and 2018 as only a temporary rental. Still looking into the possibility of never having a rented Porche. In 2012, I rented a home on the ocean in Seattle Washington with an enormous Daisy Garden in the front. And a raven that visited daily off the ocean deck. That rental was $450.00 to assure it, increasing it to $500.00 was a beautiful 8 months that I worked at my desk with a mountainous ocean view. In 2009, there were reasonable rentals I think. Mostly yes. Tennessee even, yet I was not in urgent need to stop Serbian Phones that I thought would repair their self inflicted contagious issue in rare phone disease, as whom knew? If you do not use one, you do not use one. In Chicago good rentals can be as low as $400.00 and mostly about $500.00 with beautiful maintained garden court yards. The serenity of saving money of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, exists. With the promise that reasonable and enjoyable home life can be a reality even in a tiny place like the one above alone.
Planning exhibitions that took place in 2011 with invites to many artists to join me in, Manhattan, New York, later were enjoyable. Some were even New York Marathon runners that I met, and not artists at all. Most were from the College Arts Association, The New York Foundation for the Arts, and of course the Young Investers Group from the GUGGENHIEM. As a member to many societies in Manhattan for over 25 year, it was not difficult meeting some like minded friends. Other people from "the friends of the Guggenheim" were also invited with email blasts. In 2011, exhibits were limited to mostly Soho in New York City. The exhibitions that took place in Soho, and in Lower Manhattan West Villages where Apple Computer Corporation people lunch, were a reasonable success. Nearly one million people come out for lunch with at least 300 to 600 walking by. People that wish to pay for drawings and printed paintings of art in endless foot traffic there. The cultural reality was in Manhattan and Soho and West Village where a wealth of people, promote a wealth of others with great enthusiasm for side walk cultural events. The ease of assurance with performance art and drawing made $300.00 to $600.00 a day easily during lunch just a lunch hour, with so many that travel New York City for the Cultural Arts. Of course I was having difficulty with some odd blocks at my bank then. So writing songs like my song Jumbalia Stew and Fast Train to Georgia that became a favorite in New York City, was a source of assurance for me that if my banking was blocked again, I could still try and afford my basic needs. Much like that of the Great Sonny Terry whom traveled from Tennessee to Manhattan with just a Harmonica, going on to write songs for Broadway and of course making records that made him extremely famous later in life. The difficulties that I had with some strange banking blocks that was coming from a bank nearly 2000 miles away in Tennessee was terrifying and is the cause to making anyone fuzzy for a minute. When ever freedom of your life and banking are involved, it can be a time to sit in a ristorante and have a hot pot of tea. Before you fainte. When true love is effected, the terror of fainting gets worse. It was good to know that my college art conservatory studies at the Art Institute of Chicago in performance and theater were useful. Not expecting to use my studies in performance art, I was glad that I was in and near Manhattan New York for the Cultural Mecca that it truly is to be somewhat successful to buy a pot of tea and not beg anyone for it.
With the immence practice that I had in performance and public lectures with nearly 20 years of lecturing in cultural arts, my own skills aided me to assure my work in performance art with a bit of bravery and unimaginable hope, I managed not to go fuzzy and faint. It was odd using performance art for the first time in any place. Especially Manhattan, New York. Yet in MANHATTAN the works of art in original compositional music form and paint with sketched paper canvases are taken very seriously, as not considered outsider art, as not pishposhed.
I was getting some strange banking blocks that near caused me to not have lunch or a rental and were making me look irresponsible, yet it was not my fault. It had happened before a few times. Yet between 2011, and 2016, the issue was unbelievable. I still do not know what happened with my banking yet and it has been cleared up since late 2016. It was fortunate that at least I was in, MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, where people not only believe in the arts, they buy it. Bringing me to express my love for the ristorantes in MANHATTAN that filled my daily life with dearness of the care in the food and service that were not so pricey. The people behind such careful perfections with vitality and inexpensive delights are as diverse as imaginable. The ease of a walk when NOT making an egg, or stew, or manicotti, at my home rental was always enjoyable. While going over notes in my plans for exhibitions for my future, kept me very busy not to think about SERBIAN PHONES and flip of stress it could cause to anyone in SERBIA. Instead, New York City has the very best food worth the company of friends in Manhattan. And not much more than than $200.00 per month alone to cook in. Or Lower Manhattan on Broadway in Soho for the worlds very finest extra large slices of pizza for a dollar. Lower Manhattan has an inexpensive Italian Coffee Shop with Italian pastries under $2.60 for a special day. On 42nd street and 6th, two slices and a soda for $2.75 with tax included is outrageously delicious. In the East Village there is a fine stromboli ristorante that has a salad included for less than $7.00 with warm Italian garlic rolls. The French pasteries on 5th and 47th street are scrumptious, worth it, after you assure you stop for a sandwich at Bryant's deli at $6.00 total with a huge sandwich, a chip and, the drink included, not including tax. That is not to mention the Chinese Food, the Tai Food, the Japanese food, Soule, and English Fine foods, Vietnamese food too, that I myself have not gotten to yet. Within Manhattan and throughout New York City it is hard to find take out that is not extremely good and much less expensive than the finer ristorantes on 48th street and along 9th avenue, which are not bad prices either. After arriving on a cool evening in October 2011, after leaving true love behind for freedom of continuity in life as a place to afford a self proclaimed assurance of chicken soup, my world was with hope of that continuum of happiness as it was with true love, memorized and held close. And maybe the hope to affordability of Two Chicken Soups- with some extra care for people that have allergies, bad night vision, and stys. At least I found life breathable again. Even if it was with a song and no dance. The rental was small, clean, and more than adequate. When I re-rented in 2014, and began to plan 2016 -2018 exhibitions in freedom of peace economics with international exhibitions as New York City is the largest international city of the U.S.A. per capita, and one of the most populated per capita of the world. With citizens that speak over 180 languages that live in the city, it was with pleasure of knowing that my life is worth it to never forsaken myself or the world of greater dignities, in exchange for clean ties. It is worth it to know that people care about me and others as well as the arts, as a higher form of expression. People whom do not use Serbian Substandard Phones. Evoking humanity within the exhibits was for people to assure themselves something beautifully ineffable as an experience, that someone cared about them too. Hopefully they would hold that sacred too.
Staying in NEW YORK CITY from October 2011 to January 2012, then moving to a beautiful sea side Seattle Washington home rented at $500.00 was an eight month sea side delight. My development in environmental design and other industrial designs such as chair design, was well on it's way until a two foot wheeled train from SERBIA derailed and hit my home. Destroying everything again. With banking blocks and rumored slander and more, that left me without many things, it made it difficult to assure my reputation in the arts as well. For some that had breached some questionable real legal boundaries, my career was for them only from a looking glass that was not getting a whole picture of my importance to my own life. The doting friends were chased away forever. The importance to my desk and professional career, was lagging of time lost as I rationally worked as fast as I could without compromising immence standards in the small world of arts that are -I will say it. Internationally inclined at least. Looking for another home in seattle was difficult with again strange blocks again at the bank again, were going on.
While a bank block, brought me back to Knoxville Tennessee temporarily to see to banking issues at the local bank in person was an outrage. It was very mesmerizing traveling back to Knoxville while the bank was literally blocking my lunch and rent money to stay in Seattle Washington. With no possibility to gift true love chicken soup ever again. Or my mother. Seaside or river side from, Manhattan, New York, was a possibility that could have happened sooner, without banking blocks that caused me great greif, would have been a great deal less of lost time. With bank blocks, I imagine I looked a bit disheveled upon my arrival to Tennessee. While with no Manhattan Arts Culture to fall back on to whistle for my milk at least. While in 2014, after meeting with attorneys and some government people to assure I could safely buy food and rent a home with good normal banking, I then moved back to New York City in 2014. By 2015, I was submerged in my cultural work again. In life, I had to see to normal banking to assure my future of course. The strange interference within my bank and other parts of my life, had to be at a solvency. At least an assurance of good banking was a reality while with a New York Lawyer it took to assure freedom of banking with other assurances of freedom as well. Such as even an exhibition like, "LETTERS TO RUSSIA", as the ultimate freedom of speech. As well as freedom to assure I can enjoy the very best one dollar pizza in Manhattan, if I live in Manhattan. Or Chinese food, if I ever move back to Tennessee for the nice weather and sweet people I know and love so well.
Of recent, (year 2019) a rental Subsidy Grant, became available to me in MANHATTAN and will be a nice place with a larger home that is less expensive for me than other cities. Leaving me with extra money for a best quality of life in Manhattan possible.
The price of the temporary rental was $600.00
The American dream to own a home becomes difficult with higher rental or home cost, to have the quality of a warm nice home with your own experiences of gourmet cooking. Loving to cook. I would throw that in there. In Manhattan with a temporary rental, cooking cost were included in the rent as was the heat. With two people in a small rental such as mine- the quality of life goes up with freedom to spend more for the rest of your life. If true love exists, the chicken soup would be a close range added reality if needed. With a two bedroom, assuring aging parents Chicken Soup too, is the AMERICAN DREAM of reciprocity for the soule, and not always perfect. At least to be able to offer. True. And really possible, before 65.
Gaining a rental for two that is larger and more expensive can leave a human stuck with a large bill even if not a house, and it was not an equality with devoted love that is true and compatible with similarities or opposite with great care interests. With no Serbian war start up phone issues, the cost to one person is worth the efforts in assuring a better quality of life -while renting at lower cost. Smaller if not with many financial options with a subsidy grant, could be the case. Once the price is at a reasonable cost, the rental apartment gives little concern with affordability to better quality in choices to restructure life again with more wealth to use as a basic luxury. Again, increasing the revenue in your city and ultimately being actively very vital a citizen -increases the economy strength with even good wages too that keep cities working well. With lower bad news issues, with expanded employment and other businesses that receive a wealth of shoppers in a stronger economy. If in Manhattan, and with the love of reading, the NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY is more like the Libraries of the Royal Society of Literature that could be an endless time consuming exploration of literary excellence for the love of experience. Something that I think of as a joy to be able to do one day. As not to just have selections such as Your Okay I'm Okay, James Beards Bread Book, and the Joy of Cooking. Of course there are always online libraries with downloadable loaned books like CPL. Quality of life has complexities that sheer independence and a great deal of need for self compassion and compassion to those around us must have for a happy life, that include a diversity of realities with respect for life. What a world it is to be in with plans of loving aging. Looking up to the ideas of real true love and the pursuit to happiness forever, with reasonable costs affordable for basic luxury. With a respect for life's freedoms and others in there unique plans forever in real equality.
Plans of living out life with PUCCI ties everywhere can be stressful in not knowing the affordability to PUCCI at all, and of course wanting to pay for the PUCCI and the chicken soup if your SERBIAN CAT needs it. Do not go beyond this point in reading if you are not a SERBIAN CAT. Just remember the flip phones over and over, while I think about how to afford at least one PUCCI tie. Forget the GREEN KASPER SIUTE with nori' green shoes. When life gives you vibrancy -the MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE are only a memory now that I have as life's memories forever alone. Without the area to want to compose MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, there is always a movie with HANNA DARREL. PUCCI, and the beer.
Plans that are with ease as we get older are helpful with a reality of being happier that is a focus of redirecting our selves as a life that has a good MONTRA we care about alone. Tibetan monks live in a world that drives a continuum of focus to happy memories or sometime just a focus of a happy feeling as a practice of MONTRA that bring our lives into chi, (Balance). Without others, that may not share the need for happiness in the same way as not the same life. Chi can still be very difficult. The ultimate passage in equality of qualitative independence is of the whole in life sometimes difficult. Without it, part of us withers. The respect for our selves in aging needs to be with respectful qualities of total equality to assure chi, (total spiritual balance).
Very important yes. Chi.
It takes plans that are affordable with time that is enjoyable, even in the planning. Rearranging your own life is sometimes a need not to ignore. If the SERBANS PHONE DISEASE is a risk to your freedom, New York Lawyers can be obtained without a trip to Manhattan, with a clause to whom would be liable to spread SERBAN PHONE DISEASE too! Be careful !
With mundane silence of EASTER DINNER in 2019 with a fine ham and my parents whom are very dear and brilliant, there was an immence joy for me, with too much time lost. Yearly homage of holidays is not easy. The lovely day, perfect ! There is nothing that could replace EASTER DAY 2019. Attained, not alone. And part of our happy family life. Sometimes not easy. The earth seasons brought a bitter snow that blindsided the country for a long while, while the warmer air and mending the clarity of the beauty of the rain, the strength of spring was important this year -even if the importance seemed diminutive. In later life, we can retain what was happy as we perceived it to be happy. Even lost love extracted alone to be apart of what is good in life. And fade that which is perhaps extraneous. The pains of life remind us at times of the immensity of a more complex universe that we may not know well, and never forsaken our own beautiful lives of dignity where it can be whole at least. Retched an inequality to care of. To a change, can be unfortunate self virtue of work of self alone.
Planning at any age, is life. With need at retirement to restructure life. Sometimes before retirement too. Letting go of happienes in true love, is unfair. And unexplainable maybe. The map of life is too large with North, South, East, and West, and is not always as the rose bush we nurtured to prune back -our selves hopefully in all decency. Making a decision that reaches higher levels of equality for our selves is necessary. Not to forget ourselves. Even if it is just a fancy breakfast to cook alone sitting with good posture. My joy of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, and EASTER 2019 and EASTER at Angelo's Ristorante, are life and very vibrant to me.
self realized distancing and time only heals.
Not koby beef steak tomatoe sandwiches with mayonnaise (home grown) with bouswi lom. Proposterious ?
Could never be a realistic plan alone.
Sacred a Memory -gifted from gentle truth of a gentle friend is wonderful of all a truth of love.
The looking glass that shattered looming over my life and my desk was the foremost important memory I guess. Not the PUCCI TIES and the KASPER SUITE that were never worn into retirement days forever. Exuberance brilliantly lit PUCCI'S face at times for yogart and fruit. Hidden away is PUCCI and KASPER forever calling out with no reply and no means to mend the tremendous beauty that was PUCCI and KASPER themselves, imperfectly perfect. Wallowed up throats of words to important to assure preservation of sacred sanctitude could never fail -with no words. But did fail of what was everything. While Clovis California was a memory that lasts of everything into the dim light that returns once did. Yet unforeseen bleek darkness now for only failure itself. Truly not a choice, and for that- it is true. Life is unfair in love and war. While the SERBIAN PHONE STEPS IN INSTEAD erasing what would be everything with no continuum. With no PUCCI or KASPER selections yet one to hang out with. Plucked like a flower to conveniently let whither in which, just stuffed in a vose ? The PUCCI or the KAPER, or maybe a monopoly with SOPAPIAS Mexican Ice Cream Dessert, and PORCHES to rent for the gardeners birthday later in life ? Keeping the reputation of PUCCI is for PUCCI, of course. And KASPER could save PUCCI, if KASPER was at risk!
By upholding freedom to see PUCCI more than has an open mind for freedom. Like the freedom to hate works or art, and love them too. The love of PUCCI and KASPER, maybe even SIBEL, and MARLEY exists in the reality of separate existence. Yet of the open minds of equality that was seen as such from time and distance- upholding the reputation of the whole. Having an artist remove the liability over and over again with time and distance of something not correct, losses, of time and more, with misinformation incomplete, non-contextual, .irrelevant! An act of love to KASPER and PUCCI and SIBEL with even old MARLY that may have paid too much for SERBIAN PHONES when they needed chicken soup -and never again MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE to misunderstand, is more relevant to them. MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE in fact has a whole life, yet unknown to all of course.
Known once in a blink of truthfully only rumors about SERBIAN PHONES. The Extreem of worth of the exhibition "LETTERS TO RUSSIA" , made them all look good. I mean to be formidable to an arched angel like the President of Russia in an exhibition of cultural arts of LITERARY ARTS? HOSHPOSH only. Art,...? Higher Forms of Expressionism ? Unhindered? To have power to unleash quantitative equality instead of having KASPER and SIBEL, and PUCCI and MARLY getting an elixir drunken on immoral conditioning of the necessity to use conservatorshipmates with only talk of more use of SERBIAN PHONES with liability. How can Literary Art be a savior at all? With Freedom to unleash the Blink into a,
They became savored in morality of the artist perhaps -that was a gift from distance itself. While not to late, of admonishment of liability by the artist crushing the looking glass with hot irons wrongly made of a spinning wheel wrongly made- yet not the liability of the whole, losses of Pucci, KASPER , SIBEl and MARLEY, with KASPER unraveling the suite from a distance with a grande audience of equality, the artist worked fervently in exhibits with sometimes only pennies in her pocket waiting to ship the whole KASPER Suit collection. And maybe one day again wear the PUCCI's luxurious tie again with only bravado that one tie in the whole world has. Given that art consists of some degree of HISTORIES, all the way to Casatoria Museum in Florence Italy for some artist, such as myself at least, Kasper would one day drink from the golden chalis and uphold them as love itself. Just the art of the Chalis would maintain KASPERS reputation. ?
The works of Edvard Munch become relevant in the present time, within introspection of exhibitions like "LETTERS TO RUSSIA". Shocking of what exactly is never known in art and life.
Even the hair dressers MAGDILIN and MABLE. Perfect with perfectly perfect imperfections as we all have. Edvard would paint them well enough as his heart could, as it was a difficult time with Edvard to be illustriously clear to feel vibrancy in his portraits. With grief too I imagine.
Society of people as a whole, become validated with Edvard's works in painting with a whole in the placement of all humanity that wished to see themselves as decent and credible in the face of what Edvard MUNCH uncovers in paintings of a war that depresses a country long ago with slander and worse. Sometimes with orders and training to do so or? Risk losing more than everything I think. Yet in doing so, they lost everything. With out their unfortunate chance they would not take in life to a abstract impressionism I think of a new way to navigate to think- with the horrors of slander and later much worse. The lives of people gaping with no self realization at times. Distance kept calling out on the subject of Edvard's work. It is just the future now and good enough! The Chin of swartkovsee ? Where is it ? John Lennon called out to Kasper ripping the suit apart. Kasper began to sing- It's been a hard days night over and over. Next, was give peace a chance. Yet to be mistaken for a mere ruined T-shirt. was unconscionable.
Clearly looking at compassion and global economic crashes? What became of the brave fragile people that Edvard Munck loved? The German Expressionist Artist named EDVARD MUNCH was loved by the whole world. Higher values of love to people that were disheveled, with fragility everywhere looking stronger than others, were loved too. The meek were held well in kind thought too. What does Vladimir Putin have to do with EDVARD ? Does the President of FRANCE have anything to do with EDVARD now? Did they know they were a part of my exhibition in 2015-2019 in literary arts letters to Russia as an Exhibition? Not that of Edvard Munch's exhibitions in the earlier part of the 20th century. It is unimportant ! All irrelevant really!
The stigma of society members to hurl eaten ears of corn cobs at my exhibition is preposterous.
Society members did that? To whom? Self ordered and self ordained ? Was it the man that was yelling or the gardener? Standing in there way of freedom they threw the ears of corn cobs at others and then each other too. While with the wrong recipe for Creamed Corn Christmas Pudding, and no directions to the restructuring to their own life as they were wrong! With a clause effected just like the Gardener ! Ruined ! And the man that employed him 30 years ruined ! Hit with an ear of corn cob. All good people perhaps better than they all knew with an economic crash of 1999, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and further. Will there be anouther in the U.S.A.?
That EDVARD MUNCH painted with a state of what could never happen again thankfully? The pains of people have love held safe inside with only pain to remind them to plan economically for better after that crushing time for even the lucky to see the demise of society is inhuman for all. Unknown of reasons at times. Not that the clean faces of any could be a sign that they are ready for abstract expressionism and could understand it well actually. The look at the work they did with Christmas Pears in Crust made a home, is not relevant! ? Only that of the potatoe eaters that Van Gogh painted are relevant once known perhaps wrongly. In truth to everyone I think! They do not need Edvard to prove differently of them with art. Just the looking glass in there hands only! Edward thought larger than the simplicity of humans that are gracious to love quiet well actually. Well I think? Upsetting to upset in a catastrophe of a nation, I think. Upheld in dignity, by themselves at times. And by Edvard too. The largest question is: Will the people that made the wrong Christmas Pudding be respectable enough to buy MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE one day that they secretly admire while society blamed them for the man and the gardener, and throwing the ears of corn cob, while surviving to be able to buy corn for them selves and their families. After all, really knowing KASPER, and PUCCI and SIBEL and MARLEY and even MARBOURO and TETLEY too, was a pleasure in all purity of times much better of forever whole decency purely viewed. Whole. Vitality of dignity unhindered. Delightful people. Not that Edvard would tell them.
After all, putting that baby MARLEY in the SHOP WINDOW, is enough. Looking at MARLEY with a new looking glass with more than a once over, it is more valuable than compassion. The QUESTIONS of liability fall hard on PUCCI as the KASPER SUIT gets SHREDDED, and KASPER then begins again cleaning the shreds of fabric to spin wool and make a blanket coat this time. Pointedly the reputation of the whole are saved by KASPER's new coat. While the ear corn cob throwers begin to think about self compassion and they save money to buy a copy of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, one day. As they believe in the arts and PUCCI that loves arts well. Purely True. While the exhibition PISSED CRIST, was the big art news for the year in 1995, in the NEW YORK TIMES. With freedoms of expressions that became instantly successful. And not successful, in a much different way. "LETTERS to RUSSIA" exhibition were much more serious and extraordinarily complex in the higher arts. Easy to ignore many details. Involving four years of work that uphold the greatest dignities of very important people, -PUCCI -KASPER -SIBEL -and MARLEY that is, including myself. Proving their dignity towards freedom of life and expression. Even if true love was never there enough for PUCCI and KASPER? Their love for not just paintings and drawing, but yet their understanding of the higher arts were assured? That is all that is important ? The understanding of arts to people is perplexing and soothing in the arts and is not to be simply mistaken for a holiday to over 50 years of work involved with Edvard's life. There is nothing to be afraid of higher meaning of expression of humanities and equality with art as an exhibition. Is there. To love or hate with no provocation. Evoking compassion for world politics to change something with a few works of art?
Where does true love exist? When in the making of art in part, it is confusing I think. It could be in creating an area that changes everything, yet misses what was everything. Or building for the first time more than something that has possibilities to a whole continuum of learned sacredness along the way. Does every thing reemerged ? Never having a time that is too late. Bravery to assure that a continuum exists forever maybe.
Practice, Practice, Practice.
PUCCI never sees KASPER again is the reality? And the practice ended abruptly with true love unfair forever and stagnant in memory as impure a time blamed on shreds of wool. Unimportant with the life of people whom rent porches. Much better to have an average T-SHIRT only, and bike shoes only, that will someday be a natural match for KASPER or PUCCI in the bike lane near central park.
The NEW YORK experts took a look at SHREDDED KASPER. Respun and woven into a new coat. Ready for a hot pot of tea. Liability of the experts? Misinforming people that they were not top specialist from Harvard, as they find that they can't sleep after opening the SERBIAN PHONE COMPANY with very damaging country codes to dial and spread nothing but SERBIAN PHONE DISEASE. They were caught by
GOLD GUILD MEMBERS for trying to open up more lines to the SERBIAN PHONE DISEASE to keep their payroll in the top percentile with some areas of concern with the HARVARD top legal and medical advisers as the advisers saw the real KASPER without the looking glass. Yet with laws that are real. The Quality of KAPER was real, whole, and purely wide eyed intellectually.
The cultural arts has been a savior to me in a way that is extensive, and could very well be an invisible catalyst as a savior. In Edvard Munch's area of art, a savior to the world. After all EDVARD painted the throwers of ears of corn cobs for human recognition. Truth that they are with need for compassion and strength of even MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE -the music recording to assure their own worth. It is not unlike that of the creations to PUCCI to hold up worth of PUCCI, as I am sure PUCCI would proclaim every right to as real. And a fact of life to assure that right. With the brilliance of plans at Angelo's Ristorante being some of the most valuable memories even if I never had to ask what was behind the eyes of PUCCI and KASPER delicacies of their subdued love for each other. Knowing the ROAD to the Quan Dynasty, and knowing to be careful when deviouring the novel: the garden of good and evil, the eyes are filled with much more than PUCCI and KASPER's subdued love. As a thought to an after life to a sanctitude of unknown in the sacred concepts of rebirth, of a universe, of that which is unknown, to that -of which we foster for our humanity to stay in tact of what is empirical laws of all humanity, the multitude of roads is confounding. To maintain of thee, thy truest self, when? Will there be a more whole time -when? Of equality of all a lightened ease? How? With work to assure some how of our vitality in new beginings is not always of an ease, yet more a practice of ?
If not PUCCI it could be a Cotton Jersey. The room filled with bad paint, and two broken down cars, soon to be more, -with a home grown flower in a vose cut fresh daily for 7 years with fresh linens that fill much more than a house. A home made breakfast, with the memories of angelo's and the thought to the economic catastrophe of the U.S.A.. A home was made with MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE. Memories to everything. Recharged batteries were sitting on my table. And I have no idea why I would say that, except that I need to buy a photograph of LINDA TOBERS AMERICAN FLAG made of photographed hot dogs. I do not know why I would say that either.
The modern ancient sound and room may never stop in the cycle of what PUCCI and KASPER could never. Were of course. With no room to grow of course. In the sitting room somewhere, listening to classical music until dinner with -two cooks became smoother sometime, and the idea that the minds of PUCCI AND KASPER were. Absorbing each other's nuances -for later words? To fill the ages forever in all politeness forever. Yes. Not in a small rented apartment with four walls outside at least. Never of course, no. Of course not. It would be saved for the Problem Solvers. PUCCI and KASPER would be saved for pure time of new people with nine more years to love. And I will be at Sevens Ristorante in Brooklyn, needing anyone at all to recharge my batteries. The ambient tonal quality of human kind with true love will be forgotten people taking voice lessons instead. Self induced for the love of PUCCI or KASPER. My submergence in my worthy life endeavors insulates me in a reality of extensive cultural explorations that is not always online. The works in the arts for me is a part of my plans in efforts to create, and exhibit, in some way that become my memory in most of my life to sometimes offer as a gift in the world that is very important to me as an experience of something greater. But also the enjoyed memory of people in the arts, and in life, that have a similarity in at least cultural vibrancy validating my belief in the world of humanity. Recently going out for fish, with my mother, was forever an expression of time to savior with her beautiful way in the world that I have devoutly secretly honored. With much time lost to express my amazement to her.
My extensive exhibitions and work life have been my life, as they are not really about fame, or money. Yet more about experiential cultural living as a practice alone. If I could play MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE at the GUGGENHEIM for my mother and my true love one day. Life would mend of the loss of time a little, but not enough. The years not filled with words to one day express, may never be enough. And the need to bravely carry the vivid memory of what love holds with me as a montra alone now are alone. Encapsulated for only me to know. Will always be of care with my own memory and self compassion of a compassion to others in a much greater world than I will ever see. Missing the parts of everything that would have been, is grief, with PUCCI and KASPER again and others, even MARLBURROW. Never really saying much about MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE while the work of art in minimalistic compositional music of original worth, expanded my life in the arts while in, Tennessee, and, New York City, Manhattan. The exhibitions that I planned were not frivolous. They were part of plans for me that opened up newer possibilities in the arts incidentally even if those possibilities are not immediate.
Most people do not see art as a life style, yet more as a painting or drawing. A song, or music with a steel harp that could be seen as exuberantly lovely is not a manifestation of experiential worth to create as a memory. Yet mostly as a place that the experience can have an audience to hopefully enjoy it, if made for an audience at all.
He said to me: "you decided to leave all this". Not knowing that I just went out to somehow attain chicken soup and a hot pot of tea, that we could rely on forever. It was important. Yet lengthy with complications. Do I hear a SERBIAN PHONE RINGING ? I was fuzzy for a week when I found out that I had to turn down that typing job in London England, and that the surbian appliances would never really make chicken soup or an endless hot pot of tea, as a respite. On my way to London England in 2011, I was concerned that Chicken Soup would be gone forever there too. I would not answer the SERBIAN PHONE that someone kept leaving a message to remember
my oversized shoes.
While sitting in a living room with a modern comfortable chair, with my once modern love with days that I miss him terribly, I played the harp. It was a steel harp and very beautiful. The sound filled the house, and my modern love could hear me. The expressions that I composed were for him as we were alone. That day filled my heart, as I composed the music "MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE. " My work in the arts had a place to assure that my modern love was with a continuum that was of lovely days. It was a beginning of our worthy life again, a beginning with the arts and of my modern love's world too. It was a new beginning like tai-chi with each day of our world a new beginning that in it self was exuberant with two people that are two special people with new beginnings which were never mundane and some times beautifully mundane at times. In the world, I have always been an artist with new works of art each year. They are quiet, and subtle, alone each time with new beginnings and an endless borage of answers to questions not always right. Some not always clear once maybe. Yet with the subtlety of true love that listened with more than just a stark existence that was distant and without the full nature of worth known in the arts and life. In fact much more in both people to love Kandinsky so. Or Franz Marc. The similarities of a small village with a small apartment with ancient modern love of the violin player depicted in European paintings of villagers by Kandinsky and Franz Marc were worth a memory of Modern Love. I think exuberant. Arts in the real world of the arts is a practice of skills with a sameness that adds a truth of creative beginning which solidifies people that yell at printers to be sometime self absorbed as a right of freedom, people that say they are not organized, they never claim to be organized as they are soothing, with dignity and more. While encompassing a world of sometimes new beginnings wonderfully. Some new beginning take a long time and are of the arts of life. Some are an area of rebirth to spring after a long hard winter. Some are of a modern chair in an ancient modern home with modern love that could have been with giant ambers from a ancient flame. Accidently doused with rain from no spring at all. Until my exhibition of Peace in Manhattan began in 2016-2018. There may never have been a spring again without the exhibition. Even if the winter rose had to be cut to back just above the ground to begin again in the spring. Maybe.
Possibly just bitter winters cold would have existed, and is not the arts or myself at fault. Arts that reached out to everyone, and changed something. To see the green green grasses again. And again, a new beginning like the one of the steel harp composition with a modern man that loves well as love is real. Sure of it, even with water that trickled into the reality of cooling fine ambers that are natural of real ancient modern love. The exhibition in Peace in Manhattan is a place where the Steel Harp can reside in the tiny nice villages of New York City. East Village, West Village. The village that has such pleasantries in the area of Fifth Avenue. The village of Soho, and Greenwich Village. The room was quiet with a Modern Chair when I saw the Steel Harp in my bag that I carried all the way from Tennessee. I sat in the modern chair. It was perfect. I played the works of art in music composition that I titled MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE in STEEL GREEK HARP. Yet the resonance of the work was without modern love. Yet not without love itself contained inside the works of art of music compositions. Somehow love existed, exists, will exist.
The major exhibition in the arts was well planned after 2011. In 2014 it was far better in NY than the Seattle Washington Sea Side home that is now at a re-rental price of $500.00 that I could still very much afford. Modern Love was not going to be with chicken soup, as the cost of PUCCI ties everywhere are too easy to afford with lower costs of real basic quality in life. Self love and worthy work was much more than a memory, each and every day -it is life! And it is atleast sacred. It could be modern love again in a new beginning one day perhaps. With a flame so brilliant it might be worth buying only the modern lamp or a Credenza and Filling it. With nothing more of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE. If I fill the living room to cover the modern chair, I could forget about modern love. A person that loves talking about design and could write a book, it would be a modern love in the book I think. Much more than the worth of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE and never explaining the novel OF WAR AND PEACE. That of course everyone knows, of course -yes. Now anyway. The works of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE in the small village of upper manhattan were just exactly of Modern Love. They were. So much so, that my arias of operatic rhythm and blues was needed outside in the sidewalls to fill the sky.
With a little more time, leaving the modern house was good I think. Very Good. Yes. The experience like Sonny Terry would be more than possible as it goes with knowledge of the New Village and the New Modern Chair in the New Modern Apartment Rental Flat. The sound of the out door harp was not unlike Sonny Terry playing the harmonica in reality. The possibilities all the sudden became endless with a Small Village in New York with only a few streets and endless people that love the arts and my steel greek harp. Sonny with a Harmonica, me with arias and a reluctance to bare the harp with minimalist love that is modern. The village of humanity became vibrant quickly, within any minute. People remember my Harp with ideas to see me. Still, the harp was set a side with respect for much more even today in 2019.
My Swedish friend is a doctor that used a harp too soon, with a child fast and no modern love ever in his life, to never return home to Sweden until his Child is older -if complacency does not get him. The delight of his life now for nearly 1 2 years is when his wife goes to order him to cut that lawn so she can bring him a beer. The harp can be deceiving. He is a lovely man, my friend.
The careful planning the next thirty years is a serious endeavor for me as life plans I take very seriously. Once set, I have no complications with remainder of what was the war inside the SERBIAN phone company usa. I can remind my self of the arts that I remember and long for fish sandwiches and Angelo's Risterante filled with strangers for Easter. With never ending ideas to not even have four hours of a hot dog BBQ at the Johnson's, is unspeakable.
Andy Warhol would have been proud of me at the POST CARDS FROM THE EDGE exhibition for the first time in person in 2011, and again in 2015. As in 2003 when I began sending post card sized paintings for the fund raiser with 12,000 other Manhattan artists, I never dreamed I would actually get to plan attending the event. The one night event with dinner is expensive at $50.00 that I did go to alone. The lively event each year draws all of the artist to the event that live in Manhattan, with others that live in Manhattan. Yoko Ono and myself are two of the 12,000 exhibiting artists.
The arts in MANHATTAN with rentals from friends, made Manhattan very special for me. With the rental subsidy I will make a home there where I can further my happiness of life plans in the arts and have room for my mother, her husband if they wish.
Photograph Posted by Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett on 7.12.2019
PHOTOGRAPH PUZZLE with photograph news on august 1st, 2019 I will post more about this peculiar photograph from these lovely people taken where?
no news no news no news no news
No News is a word phrase that is of course usually only for inside investment banking employees ! Usually !
PHOTOGRAPH NEWS in part: Douglas DRUICK is seen to the left, with a hockey shirt on. The other people within the photograph I do not know of their names. Before the end of this year, I will phone Sir Douglas Druick whom is the chief executive director to The Museum of the Art institute of Chicago. I will have to get a statement about his unusual clothes within a museum stroll, and the other details that were intended into the photograph by Sir Druick and others. In this publication, it will be New Years News 2020 that unfolds.
_______________________________ VOGUE with news?
vogue emailed shortly after the new post on 7.12.2019
see SONY for more details on sony pictures worldwide acquisitions ?
Disclaimer regarding lawyers: fine lawyers can be obtained from every major u.s.a. law school fact , Harvard Law School has a free legal clinic that works nationally and not just in Boston / fact Referance Dicello Levitt
As of July 1st, 2019: edits in part will sometimes be in effect. Many people have emailed and like rereading the edits as add-ons and some changes at times in the pucci and kasper writings. As a further note to those interested: I will afford a small printer (7.11.2019 PRINTER DELIVERED) for only lite office work is as a manageable purchase in july 2019. Thankfully. This means that my letter requests and proposal letters should be manageable and on time in 2019 - July -August and -September. I have not revived a proper office yet within a permenent home space as of yet and am working on this issue. I hope to accomplish -affording a permenent home space, and not just an apartment rental that I can afford now) in the states soon enough. The Dallas Museum of Art, in Dallas Texas, sent me a note on, July 1st, 2019, with words that they expressed about the size of the canvases that I work with. My last canvas that I painted filled the entire wall of my dinning room. I was trying out some newer developed paints that are easy on the hands, made in Pennsylvania. Using traditional brands is fine too if I take my time and am persistent to complete work over time that I hold myself up to, instead of quickly which used to be possible. Pressure such as letter writing as a constant can hurt my sweet hands. I had to learn to be of care in that way as in my earlier life I worked hard into each day happily with diligent fast paced work in catering and much more. Today I tend to over pamper my hands that took learning and remembering to do so at times. Yet not something I usually reveal even in writings. That makes this writing news at least here. Of course art is not limited to paintings, and takes many years to accumulate needed things and self assured conceptual ideology, that all have proper placement within a home office- as does a time to dream of projects not yet of the world. Sometimes planning with great care that takes years at times. With a time to self reflect and enjoy pondering, yet not off wasted materials of any kind. I would love to assure my very best in anything that I gain in agreements nationally and internationally -or simply to express my very feelings through arts in any case in an important light as minutes of my life are very important to me. Each and every, even if they seem extremely mundane to others. Bach was often seen looking off into the sky- while writing the worlds most famous symphonies. Not much different than those in thought of creating bologna. The thought of the business that would go along with it takes a great deal of work experience at other things and of course at least very good basic education that you have to take seriously. The movie: My Coffee with Murri, that I created for Sundance International Film Festival upon Rob Redford's invitation to me -to create a movie short- does not reflect any standard paintings that I normally draft with even precision, yet is a flirtation of love of an age to women: as the main character is a women in my little move short, to enjoy some whimsy of fun while searching to assure self reliant placement into the world with practice and self preservation to more a, sweet life in self assurances as a practiced plan. I hope that each reader today, enjoys the edits as much as I have enjoyed your many messages this year that I assure, I have great seriousness in your dearness and your very serious possibilities extended to me as plausible within years of possible projects in the arts and business. I also enjoyed the extension of friends of ancient times and new beginnings as a welcomed dearness of you and life I extend too, new and of the ancient times. With very dear care to you all. Thanks again,
from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
July 5th, 2019 Special Note: I have sorrow for those in fear of the recent earthquake in California. I hope that everyone is fine and can maintain rebuilding after any damages. Remain calm, and with assurances that I myself care -as does the entire world. I also would like to assure others that people care about the recent reports of the detainment of citizens and their children, whom all should have -protection from detainment issues with a gain in good life in the U.S.A., with assured assistance that is not traumatic to children or grown ups. Such as applications to bus passes and train passes, and housing vouchers, with some area for basic food stipends, with some clothes stipends and some goods to get going in life well. We are all human beings and people must seek better lives without the horror of these nasty detainment issues that are unconstitutional in a closer perspective. The two governments should be able to apply a social security relief program between countries for transitional needs in moves that are caused by economic catastrophe not the fault of the people that are being further harmed in what has happened on boarders between America and South America, breeding distain of fundamental imperial laws which all constitutional laws are of formation within.
My love and care in thoughts of solvency go out to all people, little and grown. Please overcome what has happened here, and gain access to phones to assure your social security and travel passes. With work that you must do, to assure a hopeful job and an ease in a place that is affordable to live. Relief may come with housing resolve and access to bus travel and job searches. The world is a good place. I know that we all must be thoughtful to viable solutions for any knowledge we have that the world is truly a good place. You are important to our many societies of people globally. I hope solutions can be presented to you to assure total resolution of the issues today on july 5th 2019, with a life for you to grow wealth of spirit and much more and of course a place for you in the world to manage and afford you dear life.
Love from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
6.15.2019 If you have tried to reach me by phone, I have had great difficulty with phones. I experienced banking blocks through the years of 2011-2016. wrongly. Intermittently at times, it was very difficult then. While in NYC, 6 of my phones also came up missing. My business incurred some destruction which unfortunately is a fact. Lost time is much more than lost money in business. Since 2018, my phone seems to Ibe fine now, and I have changed banks and other things. The issue was terrifying to me as very scary to my future. Please feel free to phone me again if you would like to just say hello even. If I did not return your call, then, please excuse the reality that there were, at the time, issues made for me beyond my control then. Thank you. / ps. my phone today is working yet I am in a remote area that has some connection difficulties / yet I can check my messages and do call people back. I hope to have my business phone up and running by at least January 1st 2020. This will give me time to assure all my business visas and business licensing is properly updated. Please do leave a message if you call. Next year with hope -I will get back to you much faster.
Sincerely TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT / tracee
MICROSOFT ?/ Carlsberg Better Beer / messaged me 6.10.2019 / Fact
THE MET / with oliver beer
emailed 6.27.2019
Is Sir Richard Armstrong reading my work?
Sir Richard Campbell is ?
(check dwr on that manufacturer reference.) MENU MOOOI MUUTO SOFTLINE STELLER WORKS
DESIGN WITHIN REACH emailed 7.11.2019 ?
DESIGN WITHIN REACH emailed 7.11.2019
Further Posts on 7.12.2019
GOLDMAN SACKS messaged me / 7.12.2019 about a briefing?
Louis Vuitton connection
More about the peace 21 collection began -in the conceptual designing processes in 2009 when I purchased these beautiful jems from a local u.s.a. bead shop. I have no time today to get you the lush details on the design in of course conception, in the making of idealisms first. I can not wait to bring you all the details. I will say this: I received my printer. 7.9.2019. It is a compact printer photo copier by EBSON. $27.00 u.s.a. I did take a break that was very mundane- as my hands were a bit numb for a few days trying to get just the right words for my letters. In response to Robert Forbes -I am working on a sales catalogue for some work that I can access from my incredibly extensive portfolios, missing. Yet some minor works can be saved to flash drives which is going into a small proposal catalogue to hopeful interested museums. Those are going to take a bit more time. The vocal recordings have been facing stress / I will try my special steem towel, and my home made lime soda recipe that I was making a commercial presentation for to sell to VOSS, not vosse. 2010 with my cat murri. I was under pressure to cancel the commercial from my estate home office due to bad help that loves my great recipes. The lime soda has been slated for development within three years of today, as July 15th 2019. I may be seeking Bolivian Lime Shipments or at least costing out these limes from perhaps Bolivia ? Then it is off to Sweden to meet with those Voss People in person. Or, SKYPE ? I may be able to afford that project in three years. Is it art? Purely it is business with the art of great soda. Remembering back when coka cola was only served with a cola syrup made from a secret recipe, art of foods made coca cola bottling in the u.s.a. and globally a house hold name. Meeting those areas of popularity in art? That is absurd!
stills from 01 03 ? Did MAINES CALL YOU? VOSS NORWAY WATER
Amsterdam Egypt India
BILLY JOEL and GARTH BROOKS / about shameless
AUTHOR Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
Authored in April 2019 with continued edits
In the world exists in creating our life long dreams. So in 1994 I took off to find an art school in the world that would be worth my effort. As I was already a professional artist and an accomplished business person, the dreams I worked at in part became a reality. In 2011 I would leave a gapping wound of pure true love, to assure my freedom of expression and my continuity of self respect that would forever change the definition of true love for me. Assuring a reality that a continued healthy lovely life was possible in whole, with the need to continue to develop my worthy work in the arts,.. emerged even more. Surprisingly after plans to begin public exhibitions in, Manhattan, New York. in November 2011.
I began to gain a sensibility for exhibitions in the arts in Manhattan, within my move to, Manhattan, New York, with success of completing some of the ideas of public exhibitions in, Manhattan, for the first time. Not unlike Tom Otterness, whom, sold work for five dollars in tiny sculptures in front of Rockefeller Center to make a living. Several years later he began getting offers for sculptural commissions worth over a million really. And he is now a self proclaimed "Wealthy New Yorker" with numerous sculptural commissions and a Manhattan Sculpture Studio.
Rob Forbes is another person that attained a good life in, New York City, after ending a career as a retail executive for Williams and Sonoma. Starting his own online business later with a "word of mouth" kind of advertising in, Manhattan, New York, that which gained him sales in his 18 months of business that equaled over $100 million in sales of just a few production selections of museum quality furniture items then. Gaining those tremendous sales in the year 2000. My travels to exhibiting in, New York City, were not much different in ideology. Yet were also a bit like Bill Joel's experience, in the 1970's in a way for what may be normal for, Manhattan, New York, while he shuffled his few songs then, in, NYC, on the street daily, making money, and then a new song music record recording agreement with a New York City record company. Billy Joel's recent album sold $800 million in his first month. My on-line exhibition: "LETTERS TO RUSSIA" were not as successful as Billy Joel's last album. Attaining a grant for the exhibition, much like RED BALL PROJECT, yet online. "LETTERS TO RUSSIA" exhibition was spoofy like James Bond, in a way that set the pace for the ideology that art can effect globalization in world media venues. And new ideas from unknown artists can change rapidly effecting even global politics. Which, by the way is what most museum art is about really. To think that PICASSO was instantly famous for his bird of peace, is possible, with scores of worthy work within his life known to some people that would invited him to present the bird of peace, as a means of expression and not fame.
Since the year 1996, I had begun to develop cultivations of friends in the arts through many organizations within university standards. People which I had hope maybe to meet one day.
Most of them live in Manhattan, New York. And few Art Guild Members in, Knoxville, Tennessee. Some non-Art Guild Members like Former Governor Sunquist, of Tennessee. Then, there are the people of the Chicago Artist Coalition too. Friends of the Getty, and Friends of the Dallas Museum of Art all, that may not live in Manhattan. And a retired blue print artist to Angelo's Risterante, whom is moving to, Los Crusis New Mexico, to buy a home that is better than an apartment in, Manhattan, New York.
The tiny, Manhattan New York, apartment rental was quaint. From 2011, October, to 2018, it was rentable and re-rentable during plans I had to get to know the city better and begin to plan exhibitions and a life in, New York City, New York, while there from 2014-Febuary 2019.
"LETTERS TO RUSSIA" exhibit, was online, and is a place that the failure to understand art, does not come with liability. The legal sanctity of art is of equality in higher forms. That which is not always well loved. The measure by which we like or dislike higher art is very individual a perspective. Higher forms of art can be a place that evokes feelings in our mind of the formation of humanity somehow, that can be regressive. My exhibition, LETTERS TO RUSSIA, are of a time that the U.S.A. was at an extreme financial collapse. Calling on unusual forms of art to express something of the world in a meaning that evokes feelings of damages to the U.S.A. . With nothing that has anything to do with the ideas of artists that are wild and even absurd at times. Such as the exhibition titled PISSED CRIST that was at the modern museum of art in Chicago. The exhibition for PISSED CRIST was with a coke bottle filled with URINE and a crucifix in it. It was discusting, yet was validated by the museum curators and their board of directors. With an American culture that understood the exhibition even if it may have been disliked by some,... possibly misunderstood by some, and by some, heralded as genius brave. Much like the Mapplethorpe Exhibition that shocked the world in the 1990's. Paid for by the national endowment for the arts with good old U.S.A. taxes.
MORAVINA CHOCOLATE music composition was not extremist in my art exhibitions, and it was. Though not meant to be. As my first of exhibitions near the GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM of art in November 2011, it is a minimalistic music composition that I wrote for steel Greek harp. Unlike John Cage, the music I created for the works titled MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, had a resonance of the harp it self in simplistic strumming of perplexing timing that is soothing while the tonic of the notes was with even rhythm. The recording of the composition is within a design dvd book that I created and was bought by a person at the GUGGENHEIM. The memories of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE performance are forever in my mind while sitting to compose alone in my home in, Knoxville, Tennessee, and then outside nearly one year later at the GUGGENHEIM. It was all a sacred time, with a love in my life that is also sacred, even if he never knew how many words I did not say before I left. With the war of contagious
SERBIAN PHONE disease, it was difficult.
Without any writing of the steel Greek harp composition, I may have never traveled to, Manhattan, New York, outside the Guggenheim for anyone else to hear the sounds of the Greek steel harp that sent symbiotic sound into the universe that was needed after slanderous misrepresented SERBIAN PHONE DISEASE was real and distant, that can disrupt any life. Even the SERBIAN PHONE COMPANY, that may have had self inflicted sabotage of SERBIAN PHONES ONLY.
What ever it was, it was important to cure the disease I am sure. The importance of the SERBIAN PHONE COMPANY was more important and possibly more than known.
Something Important Like MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE,
could be noticed to someone?
My friends in the arts were suffering economically and the PEACE EXHIBITIONS were a breath of fresh air with vibrant sales for artists in, Manhattan, New York, that were not the high priced gallery sales. The backdrop of Manhattan's cultural museums was amazing and helpful in endless foot traffic for people in the arts to sell their work. The more beautiful paintings and drawing I have worked on throughout my life were with a sales or two. Even from a print shop and specialty paper, I was able to go online and get to my site at wooloo and print my own art while traveling. Selling in Manhattan on the sidewalk. Not like the $50.00 works of art for the New York City Aides Fundraiser that I sell in every year with Yoko Ono since 2003. I did not go over to the Chelsa Gallery district either to sell. More the MOMA or the MET, or the WHITNEY, and the GUGGENHEIM sidewalks at my cost of about $.25 cents to assure a print that might sell for $30.00 to $100.00. Manhattan was fruitful in culture that expands beyond prints of paintings and drawings at $.09 cent copies selling at easily $10.00 while the Steel Greek Harp composition in music of MORIAVIAN CHOCOLATE works played were bringing about $600.00 in an afternoon. All my former executive colleagues in Chicago, in investment banking (me -in investment banking 1997-1999), would be thinking now to buy a mandalin and move to the North East. At $600.00 per day, that is $18,000.00 per month for 30 days with ten months work. Those afternoons full time and week-ends equals $180,000.00. In other words: In five years of the steel harp, of the artistry of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE music composition written from pure love, there is a financial projected yield of more than a half a million dollars. Wait, let me watch the man I love pay the extra cost at his expense to never retire, while I take my mother out for a fine coffee. That is it. If I can afford to see her again. I say that for no reason except to compare Italian Sheets and rented Porches, really.
It was not because in 2010 while sitting in a fast food ristorante, I was asked by my former Fiancee about what to do with this horrible economic crunch in my dear city. I think, I did think that maybe selling hot dogs for a living could save us. Just us, and forget the artistry of exhibition in higher arts for economic peace. Forget economic peace. Never! Then, I did get a message from a person next door, that there was a well dressed man in a suite that was trying to live in our side garage. Reports of the man up the street as well, that tyrannically began yelling at his gardener after 30 years too was unusual. Best not to say that the garden may be too expensive, in an economic disaster, and let go the gardener that had no options for work. Tyrannical ruin for the gardener of everything. Even their reputation.
As you may have guessed, my move to, Manhattan, New York City, New York, was important. With years of unspoken words to some people that I find very important while the days off the calender flew by. They are sure that I may have left instead to find myself a traveling sales man. When the truth is, I submerged myself secretly of them, into arts that takes on a higher meaning and needed a respite to assure it. Not reachable by war of only the Serbian Phone. The above right is the $600.00, Manhattan, Temporary Apartment. Upper Manhattan. Renting it on and off since 2011, into 2018.
In 2014 I managed to re-rent and into 2015, 2016, and through 2017, and 2018 as only a temporary rental. Still looking into the possibility of never having a rented Porche. In 2012, I rented a home on the ocean in Seattle Washington with an enormous Daisy Garden in the front. And a raven that visited daily off the ocean deck. That rental was $450.00 to assure it, increasing it to $500.00 was a beautiful 8 months that I worked at my desk with a mountainous ocean view. In 2009, there were reasonable rentals I think. Mostly yes. Tennessee even, yet I was not in urgent need to stop Serbian Phones that I thought would repair their self inflicted contagious issue in rare phone disease, as whom knew? If you do not use one, you do not use one. In Chicago good rentals can be as low as $400.00 and mostly about $500.00 with beautiful maintained garden court yards. The serenity of saving money of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, exists. With the promise that reasonable and enjoyable home life can be a reality even in a tiny place like the one above alone.
Planning exhibitions that took place in 2011 with invites to many artists to join me in, Manhattan, New York, later were enjoyable. Some were even New York Marathon runners that I met, and not artists at all. Most were from the College Arts Association, The New York Foundation for the Arts, and of course the Young Investers Group from the GUGGENHIEM. As a member to many societies in Manhattan for over 25 year, it was not difficult meeting some like minded friends. Other people from "the friends of the Guggenheim" were also invited with email blasts. In 2011, exhibits were limited to mostly Soho in New York City. The exhibitions that took place in Soho, and in Lower Manhattan West Villages where Apple Computer Corporation people lunch, were a reasonable success. Nearly one million people come out for lunch with at least 300 to 600 walking by. People that wish to pay for drawings and printed paintings of art in endless foot traffic there. The cultural reality was in Manhattan and Soho and West Village where a wealth of people, promote a wealth of others with great enthusiasm for side walk cultural events. The ease of assurance with performance art and drawing made $300.00 to $600.00 a day easily during lunch just a lunch hour, with so many that travel New York City for the Cultural Arts. Of course I was having difficulty with some odd blocks at my bank then. So writing songs like my song Jumbalia Stew and Fast Train to Georgia that became a favorite in New York City, was a source of assurance for me that if my banking was blocked again, I could still try and afford my basic needs. Much like that of the Great Sonny Terry whom traveled from Tennessee to Manhattan with just a Harmonica, going on to write songs for Broadway and of course making records that made him extremely famous later in life. The difficulties that I had with some strange banking blocks that was coming from a bank nearly 2000 miles away in Tennessee was terrifying and is the cause to making anyone fuzzy for a minute. When ever freedom of your life and banking are involved, it can be a time to sit in a ristorante and have a hot pot of tea. Before you fainte. When true love is effected, the terror of fainting gets worse. It was good to know that my college art conservatory studies at the Art Institute of Chicago in performance and theater were useful. Not expecting to use my studies in performance art, I was glad that I was in and near Manhattan New York for the Cultural Mecca that it truly is to be somewhat successful to buy a pot of tea and not beg anyone for it.
With the immence practice that I had in performance and public lectures with nearly 20 years of lecturing in cultural arts, my own skills aided me to assure my work in performance art with a bit of bravery and unimaginable hope, I managed not to go fuzzy and faint. It was odd using performance art for the first time in any place. Especially Manhattan, New York. Yet in MANHATTAN the works of art in original compositional music form and paint with sketched paper canvases are taken very seriously, as not considered outsider art, as not pishposhed.
I was getting some strange banking blocks that near caused me to not have lunch or a rental and were making me look irresponsible, yet it was not my fault. It had happened before a few times. Yet between 2011, and 2016, the issue was unbelievable. I still do not know what happened with my banking yet and it has been cleared up since late 2016. It was fortunate that at least I was in, MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, where people not only believe in the arts, they buy it. Bringing me to express my love for the ristorantes in MANHATTAN that filled my daily life with dearness of the care in the food and service that were not so pricey. The people behind such careful perfections with vitality and inexpensive delights are as diverse as imaginable. The ease of a walk when NOT making an egg, or stew, or manicotti, at my home rental was always enjoyable. While going over notes in my plans for exhibitions for my future, kept me very busy not to think about SERBIAN PHONES and flip of stress it could cause to anyone in SERBIA. Instead, New York City has the very best food worth the company of friends in Manhattan. And not much more than than $200.00 per month alone to cook in. Or Lower Manhattan on Broadway in Soho for the worlds very finest extra large slices of pizza for a dollar. Lower Manhattan has an inexpensive Italian Coffee Shop with Italian pastries under $2.60 for a special day. On 42nd street and 6th, two slices and a soda for $2.75 with tax included is outrageously delicious. In the East Village there is a fine stromboli ristorante that has a salad included for less than $7.00 with warm Italian garlic rolls. The French pasteries on 5th and 47th street are scrumptious, worth it, after you assure you stop for a sandwich at Bryant's deli at $6.00 total with a huge sandwich, a chip and, the drink included, not including tax. That is not to mention the Chinese Food, the Tai Food, the Japanese food, Soule, and English Fine foods, Vietnamese food too, that I myself have not gotten to yet. Within Manhattan and throughout New York City it is hard to find take out that is not extremely good and much less expensive than the finer ristorantes on 48th street and along 9th avenue, which are not bad prices either. After arriving on a cool evening in October 2011, after leaving true love behind for freedom of continuity in life as a place to afford a self proclaimed assurance of chicken soup, my world was with hope of that continuum of happiness as it was with true love, memorized and held close. And maybe the hope to affordability of Two Chicken Soups- with some extra care for people that have allergies, bad night vision, and stys. At least I found life breathable again. Even if it was with a song and no dance. The rental was small, clean, and more than adequate. When I re-rented in 2014, and began to plan 2016 -2018 exhibitions in freedom of peace economics with international exhibitions as New York City is the largest international city of the U.S.A. per capita, and one of the most populated per capita of the world. With citizens that speak over 180 languages that live in the city, it was with pleasure of knowing that my life is worth it to never forsaken myself or the world of greater dignities, in exchange for clean ties. It is worth it to know that people care about me and others as well as the arts, as a higher form of expression. People whom do not use Serbian Substandard Phones. Evoking humanity within the exhibits was for people to assure themselves something beautifully ineffable as an experience, that someone cared about them too. Hopefully they would hold that sacred too.
Staying in NEW YORK CITY from October 2011 to January 2012, then moving to a beautiful sea side Seattle Washington home rented at $500.00 was an eight month sea side delight. My development in environmental design and other industrial designs such as chair design, was well on it's way until a two foot wheeled train from SERBIA derailed and hit my home. Destroying everything again. With banking blocks and rumored slander and more, that left me without many things, it made it difficult to assure my reputation in the arts as well. For some that had breached some questionable real legal boundaries, my career was for them only from a looking glass that was not getting a whole picture of my importance to my own life. The doting friends were chased away forever. The importance to my desk and professional career, was lagging of time lost as I rationally worked as fast as I could without compromising immence standards in the small world of arts that are -I will say it. Internationally inclined at least. Looking for another home in seattle was difficult with again strange blocks again at the bank again, were going on.
While a bank block, brought me back to Knoxville Tennessee temporarily to see to banking issues at the local bank in person was an outrage. It was very mesmerizing traveling back to Knoxville while the bank was literally blocking my lunch and rent money to stay in Seattle Washington. With no possibility to gift true love chicken soup ever again. Or my mother. Seaside or river side from, Manhattan, New York, was a possibility that could have happened sooner, without banking blocks that caused me great greif, would have been a great deal less of lost time. With bank blocks, I imagine I looked a bit disheveled upon my arrival to Tennessee. While with no Manhattan Arts Culture to fall back on to whistle for my milk at least. While in 2014, after meeting with attorneys and some government people to assure I could safely buy food and rent a home with good normal banking, I then moved back to New York City in 2014. By 2015, I was submerged in my cultural work again. In life, I had to see to normal banking to assure my future of course. The strange interference within my bank and other parts of my life, had to be at a solvency. At least an assurance of good banking was a reality while with a New York Lawyer it took to assure freedom of banking with other assurances of freedom as well. Such as even an exhibition like, "LETTERS TO RUSSIA", as the ultimate freedom of speech. As well as freedom to assure I can enjoy the very best one dollar pizza in Manhattan, if I live in Manhattan. Or Chinese food, if I ever move back to Tennessee for the nice weather and sweet people I know and love so well.
Of recent, (year 2019) a rental Subsidy Grant, became available to me in MANHATTAN and will be a nice place with a larger home that is less expensive for me than other cities. Leaving me with extra money for a best quality of life in Manhattan possible.
The price of the temporary rental was $600.00
The price of the new apartment that is a full large one bedroom is $200.00 to $600.00 with the subsidy grant. Yet many apartments can be obtained around the country for a fair price. Even two bedrooms that are very spacious. If you are one of those people to buy a house somewhere in the country with higher taxes, at retirement age, you can sell the house and save your money paid in taxes over 10 years at about a $40,000.00 saved gains. Saving if you find a rental you like at $600.00 / that's less the $10,000 a year on taxes over ten years. In selling a home that's fully paid you also gain, clearly the sale price of your home that could be say, $150,000. That is clearly, $190,000.00 that is saved. While it goes back in what you could use for basic luxury in life a little more. As you have more in your pocket either way at selling a higher taxed home to option in retirement for a lower cost rental or a very low cost repurchase of a home with very low taxes. Money left over, in the month can be a means to save for a travel trip to France or Germany or China. Maybe New York, or JAPAN, with no risk involved in cash flow, with the future you have to a wealthier spending each and every day moderately through each year for the rest of your life. In a placement of life that you should own in a low taxed home in upper new New York region that is a fine New York Home in one of the best areas of the U.S.A., or in Tennessee in the best areas with a lower tax, then you can enjoy the wealth of lower cost to housing and more for a quality of life in a way that still takes moderation if you love travel in Italy. Yet not risk the quality time you devise, and experience it that way. Sometimes planning well socially, if you are a social sort is a must. With quality time you can make along the way with great no stress quality shopping which adds much more than a more vibrant day just going to buy your hand picked tomatoes and daily groceries, for luxury and an authentic Italian, or Russian dinner. The time spent increasing vitality of any NY area, or any area, with increased revenue and good paying jobs that are a sorte of a social quiet activity that make nice life for any person. Low taxes, at say $2000.00 a year leaves you with only paying out about $350.00 per month including heat! Then you are set to look for tomatoes and other fresh foods daily if you wish, while increasing the areas revenue and wages by being a vital citizen that is vibrant and of some obtained skills at Set Income Wealth Forever. Exciting ! At that breakfast counter vitality is possible! Adding some ancient technigues in gardening to maintain an ease of topiaries could add more vibrancy in your out side time in your cultivations of a quaint city. Keeping your life qualitatively much more vibrant in gardening if you like gardening -builds a beautiful city area. With vivid respect of your community, for keeping the respect too, in many ways can be diverse. Living up to the expectations of rose gardening could be a city trend because of you, and an idea of vitality of wealth of the mind, that has a slow pace too! Is a good American Dream.
Of a house purchased in Tennessee or anywhere, can have a $10,000.00 tax, with $4000.00 in maintenance and utility costs per year. The mortgage can be at least $1000.00 With two people at retirement age, that is $240,000. 00 over ten years without the breakfast, lunch, and dinner bill included. Or with a house paid in full, the cost over 10 years is $140.000.00 A bit of culture in a travel takes about $3000.00 for seven days once a year. With not much more than the Johnsons picnic 4 more hours out of the year of roasted Hot Dogs. Unless you have saved for traveling more, twenty years of retirement are at a cost of nearly $400,000.00 for one person. As such in the case of fully owning a home with no further payments. Making up a quality of life- could be as easy as volunteering for a cultural venue, or the love for reading books perhaps. Cultivating an old social standard? Like an annual Christmas event, or social tea every month or every other month, with some old or new acquaintances. Joining the Garden Society, or an art guild. Maybe the Historical Society? With normal trips to the library. Free museum events are also good. Writing lectures for a book or working on your own novel maybe. Maybe write a cook book? Still costly with home owners that have paid fully for their home and have unfortunate higher taxes on a set income which most are after 65. Making it more feasible to eat out and cultivate food knowledge through dinning out, is fun and improves cities, increasing jobs too. Enriching cities and lives individually at times is a necessity and a basic luxury we should be able to plan to afford. Like a museum outing to the National Museum in Winnipeg at least once.
The American dream to own a home becomes difficult with higher rental or home cost, to have the quality of a warm nice home with your own experiences of gourmet cooking. Loving to cook. I would throw that in there. In Manhattan with a temporary rental, cooking cost were included in the rent as was the heat. With two people in a small rental such as mine- the quality of life goes up with freedom to spend more for the rest of your life. If true love exists, the chicken soup would be a close range added reality if needed. With a two bedroom, assuring aging parents Chicken Soup too, is the AMERICAN DREAM of reciprocity for the soule, and not always perfect. At least to be able to offer. True. And really possible, before 65.
Gaining a rental for two that is larger and more expensive can leave a human stuck with a large bill even if not a house, and it was not an equality with devoted love that is true and compatible with similarities or opposite with great care interests. With no Serbian war start up phone issues, the cost to one person is worth the efforts in assuring a better quality of life -while renting at lower cost. Smaller if not with many financial options with a subsidy grant, could be the case. Once the price is at a reasonable cost, the rental apartment gives little concern with affordability to better quality in choices to restructure life again with more wealth to use as a basic luxury. Again, increasing the revenue in your city and ultimately being actively very vital a citizen -increases the economy strength with even good wages too that keep cities working well. With lower bad news issues, with expanded employment and other businesses that receive a wealth of shoppers in a stronger economy. If in Manhattan, and with the love of reading, the NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY is more like the Libraries of the Royal Society of Literature that could be an endless time consuming exploration of literary excellence for the love of experience. Something that I think of as a joy to be able to do one day. As not to just have selections such as Your Okay I'm Okay, James Beards Bread Book, and the Joy of Cooking. Of course there are always online libraries with downloadable loaned books like CPL. Quality of life has complexities that sheer independence and a great deal of need for self compassion and compassion to those around us must have for a happy life, that include a diversity of realities with respect for life. What a world it is to be in with plans of loving aging. Looking up to the ideas of real true love and the pursuit to happiness forever, with reasonable costs affordable for basic luxury. With a respect for life's freedoms and others in there unique plans forever in real equality.
Plans of living out life with PUCCI ties everywhere can be stressful in not knowing the affordability to PUCCI at all, and of course wanting to pay for the PUCCI and the chicken soup if your SERBIAN CAT needs it. Do not go beyond this point in reading if you are not a SERBIAN CAT. Just remember the flip phones over and over, while I think about how to afford at least one PUCCI tie. Forget the GREEN KASPER SIUTE with nori' green shoes. When life gives you vibrancy -the MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE are only a memory now that I have as life's memories forever alone. Without the area to want to compose MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, there is always a movie with HANNA DARREL. PUCCI, and the beer.
Plans that are with ease as we get older are helpful with a reality of being happier that is a focus of redirecting our selves as a life that has a good MONTRA we care about alone. Tibetan monks live in a world that drives a continuum of focus to happy memories or sometime just a focus of a happy feeling as a practice of MONTRA that bring our lives into chi, (Balance). Without others, that may not share the need for happiness in the same way as not the same life. Chi can still be very difficult. The ultimate passage in equality of qualitative independence is of the whole in life sometimes difficult. Without it, part of us withers. The respect for our selves in aging needs to be with respectful qualities of total equality to assure chi, (total spiritual balance).
Very important yes. Chi.
It takes plans that are affordable with time that is enjoyable, even in the planning. Rearranging your own life is sometimes a need not to ignore. If the SERBANS PHONE DISEASE is a risk to your freedom, New York Lawyers can be obtained without a trip to Manhattan, with a clause to whom would be liable to spread SERBAN PHONE DISEASE too! Be careful !
With mundane silence of EASTER DINNER in 2019 with a fine ham and my parents whom are very dear and brilliant, there was an immence joy for me, with too much time lost. Yearly homage of holidays is not easy. The lovely day, perfect ! There is nothing that could replace EASTER DAY 2019. Attained, not alone. And part of our happy family life. Sometimes not easy. The earth seasons brought a bitter snow that blindsided the country for a long while, while the warmer air and mending the clarity of the beauty of the rain, the strength of spring was important this year -even if the importance seemed diminutive. In later life, we can retain what was happy as we perceived it to be happy. Even lost love extracted alone to be apart of what is good in life. And fade that which is perhaps extraneous. The pains of life remind us at times of the immensity of a more complex universe that we may not know well, and never forsaken our own beautiful lives of dignity where it can be whole at least. Retched an inequality to care of. To a change, can be unfortunate self virtue of work of self alone.
Planning at any age, is life. With need at retirement to restructure life. Sometimes before retirement too. Letting go of happienes in true love, is unfair. And unexplainable maybe. The map of life is too large with North, South, East, and West, and is not always as the rose bush we nurtured to prune back -our selves hopefully in all decency. Making a decision that reaches higher levels of equality for our selves is necessary. Not to forget ourselves. Even if it is just a fancy breakfast to cook alone sitting with good posture. My joy of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, and EASTER 2019 and EASTER at Angelo's Ristorante, are life and very vibrant to me.
self realized distancing and time only heals.
Not koby beef steak tomatoe sandwiches with mayonnaise (home grown) with bouswi lom. Proposterious ?
Could never be a realistic plan alone.
Sacred a Memory -gifted from gentle truth of a gentle friend is wonderful of all a truth of love.
The looking glass that shattered looming over my life and my desk was the foremost important memory I guess. Not the PUCCI TIES and the KASPER SUITE that were never worn into retirement days forever. Exuberance brilliantly lit PUCCI'S face at times for yogart and fruit. Hidden away is PUCCI and KASPER forever calling out with no reply and no means to mend the tremendous beauty that was PUCCI and KASPER themselves, imperfectly perfect. Wallowed up throats of words to important to assure preservation of sacred sanctitude could never fail -with no words. But did fail of what was everything. While Clovis California was a memory that lasts of everything into the dim light that returns once did. Yet unforeseen bleek darkness now for only failure itself. Truly not a choice, and for that- it is true. Life is unfair in love and war. While the SERBIAN PHONE STEPS IN INSTEAD erasing what would be everything with no continuum. With no PUCCI or KASPER selections yet one to hang out with. Plucked like a flower to conveniently let whither in which, just stuffed in a vose ? The PUCCI or the KAPER, or maybe a monopoly with SOPAPIAS Mexican Ice Cream Dessert, and PORCHES to rent for the gardeners birthday later in life ? Keeping the reputation of PUCCI is for PUCCI, of course. And KASPER could save PUCCI, if KASPER was at risk!
By upholding freedom to see PUCCI more than has an open mind for freedom. Like the freedom to hate works or art, and love them too. The love of PUCCI and KASPER, maybe even SIBEL, and MARLEY exists in the reality of separate existence. Yet of the open minds of equality that was seen as such from time and distance- upholding the reputation of the whole. Having an artist remove the liability over and over again with time and distance of something not correct, losses, of time and more, with misinformation incomplete, non-contextual, .irrelevant! An act of love to KASPER and PUCCI and SIBEL with even old MARLY that may have paid too much for SERBIAN PHONES when they needed chicken soup -and never again MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE to misunderstand, is more relevant to them. MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE in fact has a whole life, yet unknown to all of course.
Known once in a blink of truthfully only rumors about SERBIAN PHONES. The Extreem of worth of the exhibition "LETTERS TO RUSSIA" , made them all look good. I mean to be formidable to an arched angel like the President of Russia in an exhibition of cultural arts of LITERARY ARTS? HOSHPOSH only. Art,...? Higher Forms of Expressionism ? Unhindered? To have power to unleash quantitative equality instead of having KASPER and SIBEL, and PUCCI and MARLY getting an elixir drunken on immoral conditioning of the necessity to use conservatorshipmates with only talk of more use of SERBIAN PHONES with liability. How can Literary Art be a savior at all? With Freedom to unleash the Blink into a,
They became savored in morality of the artist perhaps -that was a gift from distance itself. While not to late, of admonishment of liability by the artist crushing the looking glass with hot irons wrongly made of a spinning wheel wrongly made- yet not the liability of the whole, losses of Pucci, KASPER , SIBEl and MARLEY, with KASPER unraveling the suite from a distance with a grande audience of equality, the artist worked fervently in exhibits with sometimes only pennies in her pocket waiting to ship the whole KASPER Suit collection. And maybe one day again wear the PUCCI's luxurious tie again with only bravado that one tie in the whole world has. Given that art consists of some degree of HISTORIES, all the way to Casatoria Museum in Florence Italy for some artist, such as myself at least, Kasper would one day drink from the golden chalis and uphold them as love itself. Just the art of the Chalis would maintain KASPERS reputation. ?
The works of Edvard Munch become relevant in the present time, within introspection of exhibitions like "LETTERS TO RUSSIA". Shocking of what exactly is never known in art and life.
Even the hair dressers MAGDILIN and MABLE. Perfect with perfectly perfect imperfections as we all have. Edvard would paint them well enough as his heart could, as it was a difficult time with Edvard to be illustriously clear to feel vibrancy in his portraits. With grief too I imagine.
Society of people as a whole, become validated with Edvard's works in painting with a whole in the placement of all humanity that wished to see themselves as decent and credible in the face of what Edvard MUNCH uncovers in paintings of a war that depresses a country long ago with slander and worse. Sometimes with orders and training to do so or? Risk losing more than everything I think. Yet in doing so, they lost everything. With out their unfortunate chance they would not take in life to a abstract impressionism I think of a new way to navigate to think- with the horrors of slander and later much worse. The lives of people gaping with no self realization at times. Distance kept calling out on the subject of Edvard's work. It is just the future now and good enough! The Chin of swartkovsee ? Where is it ? John Lennon called out to Kasper ripping the suit apart. Kasper began to sing- It's been a hard days night over and over. Next, was give peace a chance. Yet to be mistaken for a mere ruined T-shirt. was unconscionable.
Clearly looking at compassion and global economic crashes? What became of the brave fragile people that Edvard Munck loved? The German Expressionist Artist named EDVARD MUNCH was loved by the whole world. Higher values of love to people that were disheveled, with fragility everywhere looking stronger than others, were loved too. The meek were held well in kind thought too. What does Vladimir Putin have to do with EDVARD ? Does the President of FRANCE have anything to do with EDVARD now? Did they know they were a part of my exhibition in 2015-2019 in literary arts letters to Russia as an Exhibition? Not that of Edvard Munch's exhibitions in the earlier part of the 20th century. It is unimportant ! All irrelevant really!
The stigma of society members to hurl eaten ears of corn cobs at my exhibition is preposterous.
Society members did that? To whom? Self ordered and self ordained ? Was it the man that was yelling or the gardener? Standing in there way of freedom they threw the ears of corn cobs at others and then each other too. While with the wrong recipe for Creamed Corn Christmas Pudding, and no directions to the restructuring to their own life as they were wrong! With a clause effected just like the Gardener ! Ruined ! And the man that employed him 30 years ruined ! Hit with an ear of corn cob. All good people perhaps better than they all knew with an economic crash of 1999, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and further. Will there be anouther in the U.S.A.?
That EDVARD MUNCH painted with a state of what could never happen again thankfully? The pains of people have love held safe inside with only pain to remind them to plan economically for better after that crushing time for even the lucky to see the demise of society is inhuman for all. Unknown of reasons at times. Not that the clean faces of any could be a sign that they are ready for abstract expressionism and could understand it well actually. The look at the work they did with Christmas Pears in Crust made a home, is not relevant! ? Only that of the potatoe eaters that Van Gogh painted are relevant once known perhaps wrongly. In truth to everyone I think! They do not need Edvard to prove differently of them with art. Just the looking glass in there hands only! Edward thought larger than the simplicity of humans that are gracious to love quiet well actually. Well I think? Upsetting to upset in a catastrophe of a nation, I think. Upheld in dignity, by themselves at times. And by Edvard too. The largest question is: Will the people that made the wrong Christmas Pudding be respectable enough to buy MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE one day that they secretly admire while society blamed them for the man and the gardener, and throwing the ears of corn cob, while surviving to be able to buy corn for them selves and their families. After all, really knowing KASPER, and PUCCI and SIBEL and MARLEY and even MARBOURO and TETLEY too, was a pleasure in all purity of times much better of forever whole decency purely viewed. Whole. Vitality of dignity unhindered. Delightful people. Not that Edvard would tell them.
After all, putting that baby MARLEY in the SHOP WINDOW, is enough. Looking at MARLEY with a new looking glass with more than a once over, it is more valuable than compassion. The QUESTIONS of liability fall hard on PUCCI as the KASPER SUIT gets SHREDDED, and KASPER then begins again cleaning the shreds of fabric to spin wool and make a blanket coat this time. Pointedly the reputation of the whole are saved by KASPER's new coat. While the ear corn cob throwers begin to think about self compassion and they save money to buy a copy of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE, one day. As they believe in the arts and PUCCI that loves arts well. Purely True. While the exhibition PISSED CRIST, was the big art news for the year in 1995, in the NEW YORK TIMES. With freedoms of expressions that became instantly successful. And not successful, in a much different way. "LETTERS to RUSSIA" exhibition were much more serious and extraordinarily complex in the higher arts. Easy to ignore many details. Involving four years of work that uphold the greatest dignities of very important people, -PUCCI -KASPER -SIBEL -and MARLEY that is, including myself. Proving their dignity towards freedom of life and expression. Even if true love was never there enough for PUCCI and KASPER? Their love for not just paintings and drawing, but yet their understanding of the higher arts were assured? That is all that is important ? The understanding of arts to people is perplexing and soothing in the arts and is not to be simply mistaken for a holiday to over 50 years of work involved with Edvard's life. There is nothing to be afraid of higher meaning of expression of humanities and equality with art as an exhibition. Is there. To love or hate with no provocation. Evoking compassion for world politics to change something with a few works of art?
Where does true love exist? When in the making of art in part, it is confusing I think. It could be in creating an area that changes everything, yet misses what was everything. Or building for the first time more than something that has possibilities to a whole continuum of learned sacredness along the way. Does every thing reemerged ? Never having a time that is too late. Bravery to assure that a continuum exists forever maybe.
Practice, Practice, Practice.
PUCCI never sees KASPER again is the reality? And the practice ended abruptly with true love unfair forever and stagnant in memory as impure a time blamed on shreds of wool. Unimportant with the life of people whom rent porches. Much better to have an average T-SHIRT only, and bike shoes only, that will someday be a natural match for KASPER or PUCCI in the bike lane near central park.
The NEW YORK experts took a look at SHREDDED KASPER. Respun and woven into a new coat. Ready for a hot pot of tea. Liability of the experts? Misinforming people that they were not top specialist from Harvard, as they find that they can't sleep after opening the SERBIAN PHONE COMPANY with very damaging country codes to dial and spread nothing but SERBIAN PHONE DISEASE. They were caught by
GOLD GUILD MEMBERS for trying to open up more lines to the SERBIAN PHONE DISEASE to keep their payroll in the top percentile with some areas of concern with the HARVARD top legal and medical advisers as the advisers saw the real KASPER without the looking glass. Yet with laws that are real. The Quality of KAPER was real, whole, and purely wide eyed intellectually.
The cultural arts has been a savior to me in a way that is extensive, and could very well be an invisible catalyst as a savior. In Edvard Munch's area of art, a savior to the world. After all EDVARD painted the throwers of ears of corn cobs for human recognition. Truth that they are with need for compassion and strength of even MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE -the music recording to assure their own worth. It is not unlike that of the creations to PUCCI to hold up worth of PUCCI, as I am sure PUCCI would proclaim every right to as real. And a fact of life to assure that right. With the brilliance of plans at Angelo's Ristorante being some of the most valuable memories even if I never had to ask what was behind the eyes of PUCCI and KASPER delicacies of their subdued love for each other. Knowing the ROAD to the Quan Dynasty, and knowing to be careful when deviouring the novel: the garden of good and evil, the eyes are filled with much more than PUCCI and KASPER's subdued love. As a thought to an after life to a sanctitude of unknown in the sacred concepts of rebirth, of a universe, of that which is unknown, to that -of which we foster for our humanity to stay in tact of what is empirical laws of all humanity, the multitude of roads is confounding. To maintain of thee, thy truest self, when? Will there be a more whole time -when? Of equality of all a lightened ease? How? With work to assure some how of our vitality in new beginings is not always of an ease, yet more a practice of ?
If not PUCCI it could be a Cotton Jersey. The room filled with bad paint, and two broken down cars, soon to be more, -with a home grown flower in a vose cut fresh daily for 7 years with fresh linens that fill much more than a house. A home made breakfast, with the memories of angelo's and the thought to the economic catastrophe of the U.S.A.. A home was made with MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE. Memories to everything. Recharged batteries were sitting on my table. And I have no idea why I would say that, except that I need to buy a photograph of LINDA TOBERS AMERICAN FLAG made of photographed hot dogs. I do not know why I would say that either.
The modern ancient sound and room may never stop in the cycle of what PUCCI and KASPER could never. Were of course. With no room to grow of course. In the sitting room somewhere, listening to classical music until dinner with -two cooks became smoother sometime, and the idea that the minds of PUCCI AND KASPER were. Absorbing each other's nuances -for later words? To fill the ages forever in all politeness forever. Yes. Not in a small rented apartment with four walls outside at least. Never of course, no. Of course not. It would be saved for the Problem Solvers. PUCCI and KASPER would be saved for pure time of new people with nine more years to love. And I will be at Sevens Ristorante in Brooklyn, needing anyone at all to recharge my batteries. The ambient tonal quality of human kind with true love will be forgotten people taking voice lessons instead. Self induced for the love of PUCCI or KASPER. My submergence in my worthy life endeavors insulates me in a reality of extensive cultural explorations that is not always online. The works in the arts for me is a part of my plans in efforts to create, and exhibit, in some way that become my memory in most of my life to sometimes offer as a gift in the world that is very important to me as an experience of something greater. But also the enjoyed memory of people in the arts, and in life, that have a similarity in at least cultural vibrancy validating my belief in the world of humanity. Recently going out for fish, with my mother, was forever an expression of time to savior with her beautiful way in the world that I have devoutly secretly honored. With much time lost to express my amazement to her.
My extensive exhibitions and work life have been my life, as they are not really about fame, or money. Yet more about experiential cultural living as a practice alone. If I could play MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE at the GUGGENHEIM for my mother and my true love one day. Life would mend of the loss of time a little, but not enough. The years not filled with words to one day express, may never be enough. And the need to bravely carry the vivid memory of what love holds with me as a montra alone now are alone. Encapsulated for only me to know. Will always be of care with my own memory and self compassion of a compassion to others in a much greater world than I will ever see. Missing the parts of everything that would have been, is grief, with PUCCI and KASPER again and others, even MARLBURROW. Never really saying much about MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE while the work of art in minimalistic compositional music of original worth, expanded my life in the arts while in, Tennessee, and, New York City, Manhattan. The exhibitions that I planned were not frivolous. They were part of plans for me that opened up newer possibilities in the arts incidentally even if those possibilities are not immediate.
Most people do not see art as a life style, yet more as a painting or drawing. A song, or music with a steel harp that could be seen as exuberantly lovely is not a manifestation of experiential worth to create as a memory. Yet mostly as a place that the experience can have an audience to hopefully enjoy it, if made for an audience at all.
He said to me: "you decided to leave all this". Not knowing that I just went out to somehow attain chicken soup and a hot pot of tea, that we could rely on forever. It was important. Yet lengthy with complications. Do I hear a SERBIAN PHONE RINGING ? I was fuzzy for a week when I found out that I had to turn down that typing job in London England, and that the surbian appliances would never really make chicken soup or an endless hot pot of tea, as a respite. On my way to London England in 2011, I was concerned that Chicken Soup would be gone forever there too. I would not answer the SERBIAN PHONE that someone kept leaving a message to remember
my oversized shoes.
While sitting in a living room with a modern comfortable chair, with my once modern love with days that I miss him terribly, I played the harp. It was a steel harp and very beautiful. The sound filled the house, and my modern love could hear me. The expressions that I composed were for him as we were alone. That day filled my heart, as I composed the music "MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE. " My work in the arts had a place to assure that my modern love was with a continuum that was of lovely days. It was a beginning of our worthy life again, a beginning with the arts and of my modern love's world too. It was a new beginning like tai-chi with each day of our world a new beginning that in it self was exuberant with two people that are two special people with new beginnings which were never mundane and some times beautifully mundane at times. In the world, I have always been an artist with new works of art each year. They are quiet, and subtle, alone each time with new beginnings and an endless borage of answers to questions not always right. Some not always clear once maybe. Yet with the subtlety of true love that listened with more than just a stark existence that was distant and without the full nature of worth known in the arts and life. In fact much more in both people to love Kandinsky so. Or Franz Marc. The similarities of a small village with a small apartment with ancient modern love of the violin player depicted in European paintings of villagers by Kandinsky and Franz Marc were worth a memory of Modern Love. I think exuberant. Arts in the real world of the arts is a practice of skills with a sameness that adds a truth of creative beginning which solidifies people that yell at printers to be sometime self absorbed as a right of freedom, people that say they are not organized, they never claim to be organized as they are soothing, with dignity and more. While encompassing a world of sometimes new beginnings wonderfully. Some new beginning take a long time and are of the arts of life. Some are an area of rebirth to spring after a long hard winter. Some are of a modern chair in an ancient modern home with modern love that could have been with giant ambers from a ancient flame. Accidently doused with rain from no spring at all. Until my exhibition of Peace in Manhattan began in 2016-2018. There may never have been a spring again without the exhibition. Even if the winter rose had to be cut to back just above the ground to begin again in the spring. Maybe.
Possibly just bitter winters cold would have existed, and is not the arts or myself at fault. Arts that reached out to everyone, and changed something. To see the green green grasses again. And again, a new beginning like the one of the steel harp composition with a modern man that loves well as love is real. Sure of it, even with water that trickled into the reality of cooling fine ambers that are natural of real ancient modern love. The exhibition in Peace in Manhattan is a place where the Steel Harp can reside in the tiny nice villages of New York City. East Village, West Village. The village that has such pleasantries in the area of Fifth Avenue. The village of Soho, and Greenwich Village. The room was quiet with a Modern Chair when I saw the Steel Harp in my bag that I carried all the way from Tennessee. I sat in the modern chair. It was perfect. I played the works of art in music composition that I titled MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE in STEEL GREEK HARP. Yet the resonance of the work was without modern love. Yet not without love itself contained inside the works of art of music compositions. Somehow love existed, exists, will exist.
The major exhibition in the arts was well planned after 2011. In 2014 it was far better in NY than the Seattle Washington Sea Side home that is now at a re-rental price of $500.00 that I could still very much afford. Modern Love was not going to be with chicken soup, as the cost of PUCCI ties everywhere are too easy to afford with lower costs of real basic quality in life. Self love and worthy work was much more than a memory, each and every day -it is life! And it is atleast sacred. It could be modern love again in a new beginning one day perhaps. With a flame so brilliant it might be worth buying only the modern lamp or a Credenza and Filling it. With nothing more of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE. If I fill the living room to cover the modern chair, I could forget about modern love. A person that loves talking about design and could write a book, it would be a modern love in the book I think. Much more than the worth of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE and never explaining the novel OF WAR AND PEACE. That of course everyone knows, of course -yes. Now anyway. The works of MORAVIAN CHOCOLATE in the small village of upper manhattan were just exactly of Modern Love. They were. So much so, that my arias of operatic rhythm and blues was needed outside in the sidewalls to fill the sky.
With a little more time, leaving the modern house was good I think. Very Good. Yes. The experience like Sonny Terry would be more than possible as it goes with knowledge of the New Village and the New Modern Chair in the New Modern Apartment Rental Flat. The sound of the out door harp was not unlike Sonny Terry playing the harmonica in reality. The possibilities all the sudden became endless with a Small Village in New York with only a few streets and endless people that love the arts and my steel greek harp. Sonny with a Harmonica, me with arias and a reluctance to bare the harp with minimalist love that is modern. The village of humanity became vibrant quickly, within any minute. People remember my Harp with ideas to see me. Still, the harp was set a side with respect for much more even today in 2019.
My Swedish friend is a doctor that used a harp too soon, with a child fast and no modern love ever in his life, to never return home to Sweden until his Child is older -if complacency does not get him. The delight of his life now for nearly 1 2 years is when his wife goes to order him to cut that lawn so she can bring him a beer. The harp can be deceiving. He is a lovely man, my friend.
The careful planning the next thirty years is a serious endeavor for me as life plans I take very seriously. Once set, I have no complications with remainder of what was the war inside the SERBIAN phone company usa. I can remind my self of the arts that I remember and long for fish sandwiches and Angelo's Risterante filled with strangers for Easter. With never ending ideas to not even have four hours of a hot dog BBQ at the Johnson's, is unspeakable.
Andy Warhol would have been proud of me at the POST CARDS FROM THE EDGE exhibition for the first time in person in 2011, and again in 2015. As in 2003 when I began sending post card sized paintings for the fund raiser with 12,000 other Manhattan artists, I never dreamed I would actually get to plan attending the event. The one night event with dinner is expensive at $50.00 that I did go to alone. The lively event each year draws all of the artist to the event that live in Manhattan, with others that live in Manhattan. Yoko Ono and myself are two of the 12,000 exhibiting artists.
The arts in MANHATTAN with rentals from friends, made Manhattan very special for me. With the rental subsidy I will make a home there where I can further my happiness of life plans in the arts and have room for my mother, her husband if they wish.
Photograph Posted by Lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett on 7.12.2019
PHOTOGRAPH PUZZLE with photograph news on august 1st, 2019 I will post more about this peculiar photograph from these lovely people taken where?
no news no news no news no news
No News is a word phrase that is of course usually only for inside investment banking employees ! Usually !
PHOTOGRAPH NEWS in part: Douglas DRUICK is seen to the left, with a hockey shirt on. The other people within the photograph I do not know of their names. Before the end of this year, I will phone Sir Douglas Druick whom is the chief executive director to The Museum of the Art institute of Chicago. I will have to get a statement about his unusual clothes within a museum stroll, and the other details that were intended into the photograph by Sir Druick and others. In this publication, it will be New Years News 2020 that unfolds.
_______________________________ VOGUE with news?
vogue emailed shortly after the new post on 7.12.2019
see SONY for more details on sony pictures worldwide acquisitions ?
Disclaimer regarding lawyers: fine lawyers can be obtained from every major u.s.a. law school fact , Harvard Law School has a free legal clinic that works nationally and not just in Boston / fact Referance Dicello Levitt
As of July 1st, 2019: edits in part will sometimes be in effect. Many people have emailed and like rereading the edits as add-ons and some changes at times in the pucci and kasper writings. As a further note to those interested: I will afford a small printer (7.11.2019 PRINTER DELIVERED) for only lite office work is as a manageable purchase in july 2019. Thankfully. This means that my letter requests and proposal letters should be manageable and on time in 2019 - July -August and -September. I have not revived a proper office yet within a permenent home space as of yet and am working on this issue. I hope to accomplish -affording a permenent home space, and not just an apartment rental that I can afford now) in the states soon enough. The Dallas Museum of Art, in Dallas Texas, sent me a note on, July 1st, 2019, with words that they expressed about the size of the canvases that I work with. My last canvas that I painted filled the entire wall of my dinning room. I was trying out some newer developed paints that are easy on the hands, made in Pennsylvania. Using traditional brands is fine too if I take my time and am persistent to complete work over time that I hold myself up to, instead of quickly which used to be possible. Pressure such as letter writing as a constant can hurt my sweet hands. I had to learn to be of care in that way as in my earlier life I worked hard into each day happily with diligent fast paced work in catering and much more. Today I tend to over pamper my hands that took learning and remembering to do so at times. Yet not something I usually reveal even in writings. That makes this writing news at least here. Of course art is not limited to paintings, and takes many years to accumulate needed things and self assured conceptual ideology, that all have proper placement within a home office- as does a time to dream of projects not yet of the world. Sometimes planning with great care that takes years at times. With a time to self reflect and enjoy pondering, yet not off wasted materials of any kind. I would love to assure my very best in anything that I gain in agreements nationally and internationally -or simply to express my very feelings through arts in any case in an important light as minutes of my life are very important to me. Each and every, even if they seem extremely mundane to others. Bach was often seen looking off into the sky- while writing the worlds most famous symphonies. Not much different than those in thought of creating bologna. The thought of the business that would go along with it takes a great deal of work experience at other things and of course at least very good basic education that you have to take seriously. The movie: My Coffee with Murri, that I created for Sundance International Film Festival upon Rob Redford's invitation to me -to create a movie short- does not reflect any standard paintings that I normally draft with even precision, yet is a flirtation of love of an age to women: as the main character is a women in my little move short, to enjoy some whimsy of fun while searching to assure self reliant placement into the world with practice and self preservation to more a, sweet life in self assurances as a practiced plan. I hope that each reader today, enjoys the edits as much as I have enjoyed your many messages this year that I assure, I have great seriousness in your dearness and your very serious possibilities extended to me as plausible within years of possible projects in the arts and business. I also enjoyed the extension of friends of ancient times and new beginnings as a welcomed dearness of you and life I extend too, new and of the ancient times. With very dear care to you all. Thanks again,
from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
July 5th, 2019 Special Note: I have sorrow for those in fear of the recent earthquake in California. I hope that everyone is fine and can maintain rebuilding after any damages. Remain calm, and with assurances that I myself care -as does the entire world. I also would like to assure others that people care about the recent reports of the detainment of citizens and their children, whom all should have -protection from detainment issues with a gain in good life in the U.S.A., with assured assistance that is not traumatic to children or grown ups. Such as applications to bus passes and train passes, and housing vouchers, with some area for basic food stipends, with some clothes stipends and some goods to get going in life well. We are all human beings and people must seek better lives without the horror of these nasty detainment issues that are unconstitutional in a closer perspective. The two governments should be able to apply a social security relief program between countries for transitional needs in moves that are caused by economic catastrophe not the fault of the people that are being further harmed in what has happened on boarders between America and South America, breeding distain of fundamental imperial laws which all constitutional laws are of formation within.
My love and care in thoughts of solvency go out to all people, little and grown. Please overcome what has happened here, and gain access to phones to assure your social security and travel passes. With work that you must do, to assure a hopeful job and an ease in a place that is affordable to live. Relief may come with housing resolve and access to bus travel and job searches. The world is a good place. I know that we all must be thoughtful to viable solutions for any knowledge we have that the world is truly a good place. You are important to our many societies of people globally. I hope solutions can be presented to you to assure total resolution of the issues today on july 5th 2019, with a life for you to grow wealth of spirit and much more and of course a place for you in the world to manage and afford you dear life.
Love from lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
6.15.2019 If you have tried to reach me by phone, I have had great difficulty with phones. I experienced banking blocks through the years of 2011-2016. wrongly. Intermittently at times, it was very difficult then. While in NYC, 6 of my phones also came up missing. My business incurred some destruction which unfortunately is a fact. Lost time is much more than lost money in business. Since 2018, my phone seems to Ibe fine now, and I have changed banks and other things. The issue was terrifying to me as very scary to my future. Please feel free to phone me again if you would like to just say hello even. If I did not return your call, then, please excuse the reality that there were, at the time, issues made for me beyond my control then. Thank you. / ps. my phone today is working yet I am in a remote area that has some connection difficulties / yet I can check my messages and do call people back. I hope to have my business phone up and running by at least January 1st 2020. This will give me time to assure all my business visas and business licensing is properly updated. Please do leave a message if you call. Next year with hope -I will get back to you much faster.
Sincerely TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT / tracee
MICROSOFT ?/ Carlsberg Better Beer / messaged me 6.10.2019 / Fact
THE MET / with oliver beer
emailed 6.27.2019
Is Sir Richard Armstrong reading my work?
Sir Richard Campbell is ?
(check dwr on that manufacturer reference.) MENU MOOOI MUUTO SOFTLINE STELLER WORKS
DESIGN WITHIN REACH emailed 7.11.2019 ?
DESIGN WITHIN REACH emailed 7.11.2019
Further Posts on 7.12.2019
GOLDMAN SACKS messaged me / 7.12.2019 about a briefing?
Louis Vuitton connection
More about the peace 21 collection began -in the conceptual designing processes in 2009 when I purchased these beautiful jems from a local u.s.a. bead shop. I have no time today to get you the lush details on the design in of course conception, in the making of idealisms first. I can not wait to bring you all the details. I will say this: I received my printer. 7.9.2019. It is a compact printer photo copier by EBSON. $27.00 u.s.a. I did take a break that was very mundane- as my hands were a bit numb for a few days trying to get just the right words for my letters. In response to Robert Forbes -I am working on a sales catalogue for some work that I can access from my incredibly extensive portfolios, missing. Yet some minor works can be saved to flash drives which is going into a small proposal catalogue to hopeful interested museums. Those are going to take a bit more time. The vocal recordings have been facing stress / I will try my special steem towel, and my home made lime soda recipe that I was making a commercial presentation for to sell to VOSS, not vosse. 2010 with my cat murri. I was under pressure to cancel the commercial from my estate home office due to bad help that loves my great recipes. The lime soda has been slated for development within three years of today, as July 15th 2019. I may be seeking Bolivian Lime Shipments or at least costing out these limes from perhaps Bolivia ? Then it is off to Sweden to meet with those Voss People in person. Or, SKYPE ? I may be able to afford that project in three years. Is it art? Purely it is business with the art of great soda. Remembering back when coka cola was only served with a cola syrup made from a secret recipe, art of foods made coca cola bottling in the u.s.a. and globally a house hold name. Meeting those areas of popularity in art? That is absurd!
stills from 01 03 ? Did MAINES CALL YOU? VOSS NORWAY WATER
Amsterdam Egypt India
Madrid Spain Serbia Singapore / New York, New York USA
Elton John 6.7.2019
After the 1990's into the 21st century, I was invited to be a coordinator of public events, and board of director of the CLEAN AIR ACTION TEAM, and EARTH DAY EVENTS , in the southern regional National Park / THE SMOKEY MOUNTIANS. That is the U.S.A.'s largest biosphere natural forest reserve and mountainous park natural forest. The GATEWAY FOUNDATION was the larger committee that invited me to be one of the board of directors in the interest of clean air and clean water. With major work in congress, with the southern alliance for clean energy, curbing coal burning, and aiding the furthering development of Hydro-electric Power Energy, as well as a great deal of reviews and promotion to solar energy were part of the accomplishments of our little team of environmentalists. The boards job covered the entire southern regional project for environmental work in the U.S.A. 2001-2005 One of the main board members also traveled to Florida's coastal region advocating the health of oceans. Our environmentalists worked within city business members -to assure low impact packaging for a non -polluted non toxic environment within business structure through five major states. My beginnings were as early as the 1990's, within talks to children and businesses about best work within the environment possible. in 1991, I was a active member within the UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE'S Center for Environmental Sustainability, whom held monthly meetings to talk about the issues of a sustainable environment where I was a business person- with strong and effective ideas about how to bring about environmental changes to businesses throughout the southern region. Later leaving the committee to move to Chicago.
In 2005, I became a board member for the board of directors of the planning committee to an art festivals annually for the HEART SONGS festival. A fundraiser and public event in the major down town area of Knoxville Tennessee. Monies raised from the festival -aided arts educations and extra curricular general studies and services for children with major developmental disabilities. I served as a board member for three years. Also serving as a board member for the independent living center for the State of Tennessee's Regional Office , in the office known as the DRC in Knoxville Tennessee, located in Knoxville Tennessee, and Nashville Tennessee.
Elton John 6.7.2019
THE PRESIDENT of RUSSIA press meeting 6.9.2019
))) BH GOLD NOTE (((
George Pompidou Vladimir Putin Direct Line 6.10.2019 emailed from the kremlin, 6.12.2019
VOGUE ? email 6.12.2019 The Kremlin 6.18.2019 The Kremlin 6.17.2019
Priscilla Presley emailed me 7.11.2019
note 6.12.2019 / MISSING BORGESE NOTES ?
VOGUE ? email 6.12.2019 The Kremlin 6.18.2019 The Kremlin 6.17.2019
Priscilla Presley emailed me 7.11.2019
note 6.12.2019 / MISSING BORGESE NOTES ?
About the Writer / Artist: TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT / TRACEE
BAIRD & WARNER, is a great company that I worked for one of the top agents during my art conservatory studies while living in Chicago five years. My work for the very special women whom is a top realestate agent in upper north Chicago suburbs was two and a half years of solid non-stop work full time. And full time university studies. 1995-1998
BLOOMBERG 6.5.2019 / Did Sir Michael Bloomberg know I spilled duck soup on the mayor in 1990 whom was sitting at my table in a five star country bistro? I offered to pay to clean his suit. He was very nice. My face was brimming red. 11 years then in fine risteranture' work / and proprietor of two rental homes, with a small art business, and one spill. The owner of the bistro, Sir Philip Crawford, loved my work quality there, and was assured I handled the mayors spill with delicate verbal calming. Philip and I became friends and remained friends after I left to work in an executive position for Davidson Hotel Corporation. After I began work as an executive director for the DAVIDSON HOTEL CORPORATION with excellent salary I was busy with many things. Meetings once a week with our executive council was tough, with my forcasted reports orally to assess the number of guest clients we might sell to each week about expected business projections was not always easy. Will we have everything freshly made? Will we lose money on wasted products that will cost me my job? -Are tough questions. As I sailed through the work gladly and with ease. Our team of 12 executive staff whom expected me to be correct were great to work among. Each of us had to lead our own separate staff. The environment of the resort was very different than work in the New York region that I used projections based on basic average weekly sales -rather than basic annual returning clients in yearly sales accounted for each day and week of the year. My adjustment from bistro work and new York work, was an ease for me in transitioning to my first corporate employed professional position. Yet my office was still without a view. Meeting the needs to excessive numbers of travel conferences within our very large resort hotel then, was with very long hours for me. 7am to 10 pm,, with a long afternoon break. There I met and saw to the needs of people traveling from all over the world -speaking at least 100 languages. Some whom bought my works of art then, (water colour paintings and small sculptures). Out side the ristorante office -In my small business -I was selling in two of the major galleries in East Tennessee. Later in 1995, I traveled to Chicago to formally study thee arts more broadly. I was accepted in the second largest museum in the world, within their conservatory school of thee arts. Affiliated and associated with all major art museums globally with only 250 students accepted to my university every four years. ///In the later half of the 1990's, I took work with a Chicago Staffing Team that held offices in London England, Toronto Canada , And San Francisco U.S.A., as well. That which I was about to sublet my apartment for a six month term, to work in other countries with the same staffing company for a few seasons. It was right before my left hand's nerves totally temporarily shut down from over working the nerves in my left hand. It was devastating then to me, and left me speechless in truth. The investment banking work I was in, began at $86,000.00 in 1998. /// My early work: 1980's -seven years employed working my way in promotions as the managing director of the Brooklyn Pickle, with a home moonlighting office too in the arts / buying my own home at age 21, with a small rental property I owned and managed myself, kept me busy. Selling art at the Studio Gallery in Down Town, Syracuse, New York, then was my start in the sales of art at age 16 and into the future. With exhibitions in the arts in 1979, at the Everson Museum in, Syracuse, New York, quaint memories of my home city are never forgotten. With two national awards in the arts then, I was always very proud of where I grew up and schooled. My primary place of employment when I began work at age 16 was for a very busy down town fine lunchon ristorante' in busy down town, Syracuse New York. It was a secret among bankers inside a very fine banking building where the baked goods were made by a local baker whom was also the owners to seven ristorantes and several bakeries, including the ristorante that I was employed in as a front dining room manager / stabilizing quality and service for each client. The owners quickly offered me work in their main office as extra work in late afternoons after my 5 am -to 1:30 pm day was over Monday - Friday. Even then, I had a tiny desk at my home apartment where I created art. And,.. infact created hand scripted menus for some of the fine ristorantes in town then. My hand drawn fonts were very fancy for unique menues. 1980, and 1981. Included, were tiny sculptures sold in a main city gallery. One of the finest. I was 16 years old then. And very serious about business and the arts, as business, even then.
After the 1990's into the 21st century, I was invited to be a coordinator of public events, and board of director of the CLEAN AIR ACTION TEAM, and EARTH DAY EVENTS , in the southern regional National Park / THE SMOKEY MOUNTIANS. That is the U.S.A.'s largest biosphere natural forest reserve and mountainous park natural forest. The GATEWAY FOUNDATION was the larger committee that invited me to be one of the board of directors in the interest of clean air and clean water. With major work in congress, with the southern alliance for clean energy, curbing coal burning, and aiding the furthering development of Hydro-electric Power Energy, as well as a great deal of reviews and promotion to solar energy were part of the accomplishments of our little team of environmentalists. The boards job covered the entire southern regional project for environmental work in the U.S.A. 2001-2005 One of the main board members also traveled to Florida's coastal region advocating the health of oceans. Our environmentalists worked within city business members -to assure low impact packaging for a non -polluted non toxic environment within business structure through five major states. My beginnings were as early as the 1990's, within talks to children and businesses about best work within the environment possible. in 1991, I was a active member within the UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE'S Center for Environmental Sustainability, whom held monthly meetings to talk about the issues of a sustainable environment where I was a business person- with strong and effective ideas about how to bring about environmental changes to businesses throughout the southern region. Later leaving the committee to move to Chicago.
In 2005, I became a board member for the board of directors of the planning committee to an art festivals annually for the HEART SONGS festival. A fundraiser and public event in the major down town area of Knoxville Tennessee. Monies raised from the festival -aided arts educations and extra curricular general studies and services for children with major developmental disabilities. I served as a board member for three years. Also serving as a board member for the independent living center for the State of Tennessee's Regional Office , in the office known as the DRC in Knoxville Tennessee, located in Knoxville Tennessee, and Nashville Tennessee.
2003 -2006 , while serving as a board member, I was photographed in the Tennessean Magazine's front page. While on a board travel to Nashville for meetings in the senate sub-committee's regional offices to present presentations about health care coverage from the government for all, the photograph in the Tennessean, was me fully protesting with signs in my hand and many others with me too, to not cut health care government insurance. Improve and assure it. For all. My experience with the calm ease to protest was joined by the lawyers of a Nashville legal firm, which was very large, and a very prestigious lecture by others whom wished to lecture of the importance to their health care coverage presented. Former Governor Bredeson of Tennessee was invited with us in are very formal protest to listen to the lecturers. Our group of protesters were with a great lunch that day in the government building of the State Building in Nashville as we were able to get an auditorium to invite the senate to be our audience of listeners -and they agreed. Organized by Lillian Birch, former executive director of the DRC. The day was a fine day in Tennessee then, and not unlike other more formal presentations that I made over the years to the senate of the southern regional offices near Atlanta Georgia, in Nashville Tennessees -of 'what's known as the state building. My lectures to the committee were specialized in the arts and that of spatial literacy in public architectural planning for better communities and best experiences in arts in education and areas of aging and vitality. 2003-2010 were the dates that I traveled to the senatorial meetings in the southern region on aging and arts primarily, with my lectures about twice a year /pre-scheduled to meet with senate and sub-senate members then about progressive ideology of arts and aging. Other specialized areas that I did talk about were educational expanded arts for all students no matter their ability or age.
lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett: IN BREIF / EXPANDED
lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett: IN BREIF / EXPANDED
Dear Sir Robert Redford, Have you been to our favorite pancake house? One day perhaps we will meet there on a cold January morning. Thank you for the notes over the many years. I enjoyed your invitation to present work in film in 2010, and was glad that I could be apart of Sundance International Film Festival in that way. The tiny Films I created in my movie short was a great pleasure producing and designing, and working in. Of course I mean the movie film:"My Coffee with Murri." I am working on a letter to you, and several other letters about a development and production stipend grant (fundraiser) for a project. I hope you like it, and can afford it after such a catastrophe which the U.S.A. went through. I also hope my that my work is worthy of the qualitative standards that you may be interested in -or not, at SUNDANCE. Arts and artists were hit hard since 2009. Thank you and your staff for the emails from Sundance Sir Redford.
in closing from: lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett, Thank you very much. ///To the Art Societies Members and Others: Please let me say thank you for all the emails. I appreciate your friendships and messages even from afar. I will be working on proposal project prospectuses for hopeful projects internationally including national projects in the arts, that which rely on possible grants, beyond the relief grant that I currently am seeking. Of course grants will never replace the losses to my complete collections of my works of arts and personal items. Yet, a relief grant is a start to a fast restructuring. My printer is not here, I work at a snails pace due to the nerve sensitivities in my left hand of course, and I will be busy hand writing project work for reviews for small and large grants or direct project interest at museum or collector levels. And I am hopeful and enthusiastic with thanks to many people. 5/23/2019 CAC emailed 6.6.2019
Furthermore: Within February 2019, and June 2019, I have received many very special emails that I have read ! And am now quickly responding to the very dear messages. Some from museum directors. I should have the response LETTERS of what is possible in hopeful projects out by some time in August 2019 if not sooner. I have personal notes to return as well. Please forgive my slow response. I could be ready with a special exhibition project as early as January 2020, yet most museums schedule planning is two years after they begin working with an artist. I can only hope for a major museum to see my work thoroughly. With my budget today, it is not possible to meet and present projects to them, that is always favorable and best communicated in person.. I will take well established development time to assure finer expressions within my own works of art. With ease in at least the conceptual aspect. The work for my next exhibition idea could be ready for complete review as fast as SEPTEMBER 2019. Equipment needs are still a problem as well as studio space. My interest in a multitude of museums has with it -my own clear conceptual ideology, that which I hope is well received this year that expands to Russia and beyond. I wish to say a great thank you for the many messages to me as an artist and as a human being. I would also like to say that I have a usual October afternoon home event that I send out invites to, that are under a delay this year. And hopefully will resume in 2020. My list is expanding and may have to be changed to an on location summer BBQs.
Please let me say a very warm and dear thank you.
Sincerely, lady Tracy Suzanne Pickett
PS: I have received a very nice message from Robert Redford.
Pancakes! re: July 2019 / We may have Jane Fonda at pancakes too?
THE KNOXVILLE MUSEUM OF ART / that is a big shoe outside the museum in Knoxville
PS: I have received a very nice message from Robert Redford.
Pancakes! re: July 2019 / We may have Jane Fonda at pancakes too?
Miscellaneous Personal Archive
SOCIAL SECURITY VIEW with a gold tip fountain pen ? 7.15.2019
MT / MOSCOW TIMES 6.17.2019 7.8.2019 personal message from the department of environmental sustainability UT
THE MOMA ? research ? The British Museum / contacts with bird ringing? Getty Foundation Museums in Africa TASCHEN GRACE LAND / live cam 24/7 GRACE LAND / elvis
The Pushkin Museum of Art Moscow Russia Smithsonian Museum of Art MASS MOCA
$44.00 translation language devices / ease to the bejing design center travel, or Rome.
Billy Joel and Paul McCarney JFK DALLAS MUSEUM OF ART emailed / why? why not? THE ART INSTITUTE of CHICAGO emailed WHITENY MUSEUM OF ART emailed 5.22.2019 MICHEAL J.FOX FOUNDATION emailed 5.22.2019 More from the WHITENY 5.22.2019 The Chicago Artist Coalition 5.22.2019 The President of France Dutchland https://www.deutschland.de/en Du Louvre Paris France Legal Forum Russia ?
Microsoft about the garage and my hand? Strait from MICROSOFT? TRADE AGREEMENTS within laws Russia Preston Jackson / is a internationally recognized sculptor as also an educator and the head of the sculpture department at my art conservatory at the School of the Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago. Professor Sir Preston Jackson was also my advisor in advanced sculpture as he was my dear friend as well. My Friends the HASLAMS / owners of pilot corporation / former Governor and Governor First Lady of TENNESEE / Art Guild Members and Humanitarians
MOSCOW NEWS May 21st 2019 Russia Kremlin 5.20.2019 Jon Snow From the TATE / London England Centre Pompidor Muse' Du Art / paris Farnce Cafe' oto 5.22.2019 friends from England emailed Billy Joel at the Boston Garden with Sir Paul Mc Carntey Tiffany's with a T THE GETTY email HECKY's VOGUE make up artists ? DRC / an organization that I was a board member to for three years beginning in 2004. HAUS DER KUNST BOB DYLAN has a strange way of sending me a message emailed 5/25/2019 COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO DETANDETSTED.NET
Michael J. Fox emailed from the Michael J. Fox Foundation three times in may 2019? Foodyas Café Mozart NORDSTOM achieved and more emailed with Stella McCartney waiting for the works of Tober. NORDSTOM donate NORSTROM disclosure message from Paul Page /
Robert Maplethorpe Foundation, Berkshire Hathaway RBC : employer in investment banking in the 90's Architizer 6.2.2019 MICROSOFT . STONE WALL COKA COLA $22.00 language translator / also look for language reader scan translator sold under $50.00 Nureyev how he began ? In my article I do not mention that you can find good lawyers from Duke University too ! Carolina. Berkley Maybe. University of Chicago Perhaps. Harvard has a legal clinic that is part of their university and is free. Du Musee Du Louvre VATICAN SUNDANCE SCHEDULE SFMOMA Dillards
Bill Gates with Warren Buffet / business update sent by email 6.1.2019 Michael Bloomberg
MUSEO Del Prado Madrid Spain
THE WHITNEY MUSEUM of ART outside and in / art at the biannual SFMOMA emailed Warhol 5.16.2019 Du Louvre no email / yet I met with them in the GUGGENHIEM 2014 The MUSEUM OF FINE ART HOUSTON / easter table and a credenza / no email no meeting THE MUSEUM OF THE ART INSTITUTE of CHICAGO I went to school at SAIC THE TATE MODERN no meeting yet / no email / but I should hurry because I want to meet the queen someday with my mother with me. MAYOR of CHICAGO email 5.18.2019 special events
THE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA The Guggenheim in an email to me on 5.16.2019 unusual -performance art ? at the museum.
salvadore' berdimuhamedov song unavailable at this time/much anticipation is felt towards the recordings of salvadore's song.
salvadore' berdimuhamedov song unavailable at this time/much anticipation is felt towards the recordings of salvadore's song.
The GUGGENHEIM with Mapplethorpe Surprisingly in an email to me today
with a photograph of Andy Warhol Surprisingly 5.16.2019
THE GUGGENHEIM ! AMERICAN SAUSAGE / The Best / with paintings ?
the PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA 5.30.2019 no email, no invitation
THE KNOXVILLE MUSEUM OF ART / that is a big shoe outside the museum in Knoxville
2 minutes from ROBERT REDFORD and email from GATES NOTES W/ BILL GATES & WARREN BUFFET ,Bill Gates with a BOOK EXCERPT more from the CHICAGO ARTIST COALITION emailed to me. VILLA MEDICI caa / emailed 5/27/2019 https://www.ralphpucci.net/home
Ralph Pucci 6.1.2019 Design Within Reach It is the SFMOMA ? emailed with Warhol Messages? It is an outrageous coincidence ?SAVANA GORGIA ? The National Museum of Korea THE DALLAS MUSEUM of ART a message from friends at NYFA.org a message from friends in SAVANA a message from THE BRITISH MUSEUM a message from THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE a message from THE WHITNEY MUSEUM of ART a message from THE CAA Malinda Gates Sundance Film Institute emailed 6/ 2019 GERMAN RUSSIAN TALKS
GENE SISKEL FILM CENTER invite / fact: it's the film center for my arts conservatory in an attached building space that I enjoyed very much when I was attending school at age 32. emailed 5.29.2019 Sent by SAIC of the Gene Siskel Film Center second email from the Gene Siskel Film Center 5.31.2019
THE MET emailed 6.4.2019 / Sir Campbell and Michael Bloomberg ?MAINES / more about maines later. From Maines to the THE MOMA ? THE MOMA ? ! ?Upper Manhattan @ $845. Mid Manhatten West Village all with subsidy rental affordable to me THE KREMLIN 6.12.2019 /// YOSSIMILO GALLERY HULBERT Directly From the IRAN GOVERNMENTS WEB PAGES / IKAC GALLERY TERMINAL 6.18.2019
Free Stuff Free Stuff Free Stuff Knoxville Tennessee $500.00 3 bedroom home Syracuse ny
THE MET emailed 6.4.2019 / Sir Campbell and Michael Bloomberg ?MAINES / more about maines later. From Maines to the THE MOMA ? THE MOMA ? ! ?Upper Manhattan @ $845. Mid Manhatten West Village all with subsidy rental affordable to me THE KREMLIN 6.12.2019 /// YOSSIMILO GALLERY HULBERT Directly From the IRAN GOVERNMENTS WEB PAGES / IKAC GALLERY TERMINAL 6.18.2019
Free Stuff Free Stuff Free Stuff Knoxville Tennessee $500.00 3 bedroom home Syracuse ny
ARCHIETECTURAL DIGEST / for larger and smaller home ideas / more ARCHITIZER / an international forum of artistry in modern architecture THE CHICAGO ARTIST COALITION / You guys are so special. You were reading ! And you have created a literary arts art exhibition! I love you all! Thank you for emailing! I hope I can live up to all the emails, all faster and with reality of something good in the outcome! Exhibits ? and a bbq in the lake side park with everyone ! I miss the socials ! CAA too ! recent nice people with a demonstration of Russian help in Brazil
la galleria nazionale Italy emailed last week. July 2019
Repete' Repete' Repete'
la galleria nazionale Italy emailed last week. July 2019
Repete' Repete' Repete'
Lecture From QUEEN ELIZABETH Sky News
reposted here 2019
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