August 9th 2022 It has come to my attention that there were few people in the USA of recent - involved with illigal phone calls that reported - some very mortifying things. The unethical callers - have even reported deaths- and even with memorial services of wrongs- with no understanding of how this could have happened or whom would do such things. And attempting to block people from seeing their family at all, and others, with mortifying damages caused of mortifying humans with nothing but vicious discraceful attempts to corner and viciously harm others. It’s a small few that are resoncibility and some were in DC. The unethical concerns - are extremely serious. With cohorted contingent of a consortium in of, attempts to disassemble the USA structure of ethical humanity - in disconnects of a few as well- too -that of google tamporing stating deaths- and some news reports - unethically reported deaths, such as similarities in a report I myself read online and was a report tha...