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Showing posts from October, 2020


GALLERY 11  NOTE   NOVEMBER  2020 1st post . GALLERY 11 NOTE  , MARCH 6 th 2024 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOTHER.  the world is infinite, as my mother, Alma Coffin, long ago, created something which expanded the whole universe, and perhaps she has never realized, it is true,  Special Photograph: my sweet darling mother. It was a very good day, I enjoyed very well, taking my mother out for her birthday in 2014, and more since then. Location: it was a rare break away from my little working villa office. Louisville Kentucky USA, it was very special to enjoy my mothers, very lovely brilliant sweetness. The lovely vision I have that is sacred , is a secret, of my earlier age of four years old, 1969. My mother walked my to my bus stop on my first day of school. She smiled as to light up the entire sky, with an earnest dignity , always, as she pinned my tiny little name tag with my phone number and address on it , pinning it into my pink little full button up swea...


         PHOTOGRAPH  TRACEE (TRACY) SUZANNE PICKETT 2018 SELF PORTRAIT              still under construction in the studio vosse web site  STUDIO VOSSE is UPSIDE DOWN in December 2020. L iving in SOHO in a swank apartment, near louis Vuitton's Shoppe in late 2011 and 2012 where I created numerous  art exhibition was much different than Studio Vosse upside down, in 2020. I was not with the museums  as my centrifuge then. And in a way, it was very much with the major museums as a centrifuge. The museums have always been a place to look up to the w orld of arts, within humanities that is, intriguing, enlightening, and brilliant, at least. When I first exhibited with the Guggenheim in the public project online, I was thrilled to get the invitation.  It was in 2001 that I became a board member by invite, to the CLEAN AIR ACTION TEAM, within the Smoky Mountains National Park, as in the Largest of Rain Fo...