RARE 2016 FILM 2014 to 2018 peace exhibition , of opera fusion rhythm and blue, originals mingled with economic lectures, wild, robust, exuberant, ineffable in every way. while living in my upper Manhattan Apartment, it was difficult getting to mid-town for piazza exhibitions and sleeping out under the moonlight was a dream. I recorded a short film at 2016 winter break and had a few equipment issues while in NYC that prevented me from recording under the princess label. Ah, yes, the BLACK BOWED AFRICAN SILK DRESS, and a ballet of song about London's Queen, to of course collect a tax to love the city and all bridges, is not apparent in the film. You as an audience should know of course the aria is about paying taxes. An Extra large Attache' under the romantic moon in a piazza cabana design perfectly was Trendy and Hip at is gets. With love. Lady TRACEE SUZANNE PICKETT ...