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Showing posts from December, 2022


STUDIO 11 FOR   LOVE NOTES   SHIENZWI REPORTS                A SHIENZWI REPORT  RUSSIA  Boris Yelstin  REELS   in FILM   meetngs with ROSTEC URGENT , rostec russia 007 princess orbit zuse 890,000   aŕ  sanctions gratiaz " "error" reports "  words have been spoken, ussr and futures of the S&P 500 ?  bill gates brief talk in film IN. RUSSIA OPHANE AND OPHELE ' the conchlear midgit of grewel , suader riffling, swellers on the space centre russia gunnysacks , hocku russia, painted luster matheing cock eggs , of learned struts of peacocks. LARGEST ROMPING ON GLOSSY - THICK APPLICATIONS OF CULTIVATION OF MUCUS. Aided by the russian space centre , with no determinded seperation of tbe REAL ROYAL RUSSIAN BATTALION SPACE real senior scientist of a needed firm strategic assignment, of rather a largest realized efforts toward my worth, x and reasonably a detriment of the grea...

international PRESS STATEMENTS

  International PRESS STATEMENT  from the desk of   princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett sole owner, and president of my company,  as, executive director of  a one person company @ studio vosse  Chocolate Cylindrical Cigar Cherry Curry Dark Chocolate  CIGARETTE CAKE    love notes   read  , if you wish  Gift August 17 th , 2022  As the President of STUDIO VOSSE ,  my work,  in one of the most difficult specialization,  quite complex with a jeweled faceted international business within cultural arts, historical arts and museum monumental sculpture, industrial design, within a broaden higher movement in the arts of a cultural worth, and international business,   a glimpse in  ie:brief view,  of projects which are internationally recognized in villages  everywhere all over the world.          Ingenuity of a Dream lecture   my 2008 international speech   ...