STUDIO 11 FOR LOVE NOTES SHIENZWI REPORTS A SHIENZWI REPORT recently, I calculated the issues in the orbit, with harror to me, and harrible attackers aimed at my thought and riffling me verbally in risterants and shoppes, with excessive unethical extremism, and brutal offences toward me with intence vagrency of actual ethical standards . It is a shame for them, them and them, if there are any near again. I am with a very peaceful life, and of the highest in a larger and quite spectacular life, not to be attacked verbally with linked seperated racketters, as a obliteration of my travels , as if I should face provoking , in a corner, of basic dirt bag, kkk racketters . Proliferation tactics, sitting to harm pin pointed in my work and kind normal lovely soft nature. also linked are them , them and well, the idiots of malicious in rackettering . I was speaking to Vladimir Putin as the kremlin and a darling o...