THE MADNESS of LADY TRACY @ AMAZON for $9.99 Author TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT Unlike any other. From a tiny utopian city in the northeast of America in the 1960's and 70's into the 80's -into a life that only dreams are made of in the famously cultured, politically longwinded city of Chicago, Illinois USA. The sultry exposure to the southern region of American life too, brings an abundance of real southern charm. and Real New York Exuberance. Tracy is accepted into one of the most well-known most prestigious arts college conservatories of the world. With remarkable opportunity striving to become a noted artist and sculptor. A women unstoppable. The world's most prestigious companies hire in a posh boutique investment banking hires Tracy and then offers, from FOX TV, MSNBC, and LEO BURNET. Chicago becomes the city of dreams with a one million dollar bronze sculpture opportunity. At stake. The Museum society members of a few bohemi...