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THE MADNESS of LADY TRACY @ AMAZON for $9.99 Author TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT   Unlike  any other. From a tiny utopian city in the northeast of America in the 1960's and 70's into the 80's -into a life that only dreams are made of in the famously cultured, politically longwinded city of Chicago, Illinois USA.  The sultry exposure to the southern region of American life too, brings an abundance of real southern charm. and Real New York Exuberance.  Tracy is accepted into one of the most well-known most prestigious arts college conservatories of the world. With remarkable opportunity striving to become a noted artist and sculptor.  A women unstoppable.  The  world's most prestigious companies hire in  a posh boutique investment banking hires Tracy and then offers, from FOX TV, MSNBC, and LEO BURNET. Chicago becomes the city of dreams with a one million dollar bronze sculpture opportunity.  At stake.  The Museum society members of a few bohemi...
MHAPPY WINTER BEYOND the HOLIDAYS  from me, Lady  Tracy Suzanne Pickett @ STUDIO VOSSE   Winter Holidays happen only one time a year, each and every year, and then the year is gone. It always holds great important to me personally to send out a holiday greeting that rings out throughout the year ahead as to what will be the future. Who we hold ourselves up to be -towards others, and even ourselves, is often an expression within words. Cherished words of expression are humanities way to memories that which can build a world of peace and even love. As my university professor from Columbia College Chicago exclaimed: words expressed could be a whole page of words, or just one word -to convey an expression of a greater meaning. He is a very wise man who studied in Belgium and is a world-renowned art historian -well respected that I learned a world of knowledge from -within his spoken words as a lecturer. I myself celebrate the memories of words spoken to me from him and many o...
FROM EAST  VILLAGE NYC MANHATTAN Tracy Suzanne Pickett on an exhibition hiatus and making $600. per day in pocket change from  songs and lectures in arts and economy with a big emphasis on a greater nobility of the USA people from all walks of life.     
VESUVIO BAKERY is where I went totally mad with the delight of great bread. The little SOHO bakery makes a good living on a very large crowd. So get there early. Baldasari's Bakery is also extremely good at chocolate pastries. Baldasari's delivers each morning to little shops like Cafe' Cafe' on Spring Street. The quality of freshly baked goods is so much better than anywhere else on earth it seems as it's worth traveling to SOHO NYC just for a stop at Cafe' Cafe' or VESUVIO'S.  I snapped this photograph one very early morning while I was living in SOHO NYC for some art exhibitions I was working on. I would return to enjoy the vibrancy and great food. Enjoy as you put SOHO on your travel list. Don't forget the great museums too. They are the very finest in the world, just like VESUVIO'S BAKERY.      
DEVELOPED DESIGN : in meaning of opulence of prosperity. In AN EXCERPT  earlier large project with a  glimps   2014-2018 HAIATUS  ROYAL PEACE 21  brief glimps from myself,  princess Tracy Suzanne Pickett   The exhibition meanings, what’s it all about?  soon you will know everything.  African Bauble Pendants    ROYAL SILK PURSE      hand made RUSSIAN AMERICAN     EUROPEAN AMERICAN  continental metropolis designs breif glimps   from the expansive ROYAL PEACE 21 designs,  $190.00 each.  Pure gold unique chain and jewel adornment , as my wish is that you enjoy the tiny breif now.  Unreasonable delays on very well planned sales, are of course an upset, unthinkable.   
TRACY SUZANNE PICKETT  author of    The Madness of Lady Tracy  a true life story in triumph with awful tragedy The Madness of Lady Tracy eBook: Pickett , Tracy : Kindle Store

reviews, outcome and BULLWINKLE , details international press

The BEATLES “ TICKET TO RIDE " * ( astrice). = the credited foot note in the arrival at the end of the written publication updated. End Notition or Foot Note in other words., is the included notation, of credit in larger quantified notation. DECEMBER 6 TH 2024 ,  EASED : ANTIDOTE REALITY:  suggesting that there was a reason to realized the issues of rackettering and look back in your own reach toward a strength of your self, of your solidarity realized of any small achievement are yours , do not forget your smallest kind ethical repose in a achievement never too small.  antidote : yes ASK YOUR SELF, WHAT ARE WEEBLES ? Antidote with a 60 year old bottle of royal crown chevis , yes yes, just one bottle please and a finest lead Austrian cyrstle cut drinking glass , with a SHRIPM BURGER , fresh slices tomatoes pungent fine aroma,  lettuce crisp, mayonnaise and French dejion mustard, sliced alvacado , grilled sliced button mushrooms sauteed in cream dairy butter browned w...